#i love the vibes but i want tiny robots........
starheirxero · 3 months
i see so much about giant robots and tiny human in the g/t scene but what about a tiny robot huh?? what about a little robot who was just meant to be a little gachapon toy and ending up in the hands of a human?? what about a little wind-up robot lovingly crafted by their creator?? what about a little robot meant to be a prototype for their much bigger, more complex self?? do you get me. tiny robots. please.....
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maburp · 2 years
minimalism actually drives me insane it’s so ugly idk how anyone looks at the white and greys and thinks this is what interior design is like pls bring colour pls why are u using a boring ass colour everywhere it’s absolutely fucking terrible
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donascozylivingroom · 7 months
I was scrolling through tiktok and i found a post by someone who told me if i am comfortable in my life i shouldn't be, because i am not working on my next level. i got annoyed and skipped, two videos later: "if u want to be more comfortable..." ... skip!
i'm tired of society convincing us where we are is not ok. i either must want to be more or less comfortable, never accept my life and improve upon the life i have right now with as tiny steps as i feel i can right now.
guess what - I AM COMFORTABLE! And I love it.
I used to be a master at hustling, doing everything i can to get my million dollars and NYC Penthouse. Manifesting didn t work for me until i learned to robotically affirm and persist, and since then i am getting everything i want. And yeah I still have resistance to 2 of my only big desires, everything else i'm getting affirming 1-3 times because i assume i only need to affirm once and i get it, i repeated that for a while and ever since manifestation has been so easy.
And yeah just because i didn t get my 2 main desires yet, I AM COMFORTABLE. I understand that those things I want so much are part of my soul lessons and why my soul came here. God/Source/myself before this life decided to make some things harder than others, and that's okay.
My whole life i was either uncomfortable because i didn t get something external, or worried - why am I so comfortable?
I learned to never do anything that is not easy because my plan for this life is to FLOW, but still i was fed by the media that i am not perfect as i am, or where i am. It's not true.
Wherever you are, it's your starting place, your zero point. And if you are experiencing it, you are probably meant to be there. I mean look around u in the present moment, not to your mind. Are you okay? You're meant to be here, boo.
How can you make your life more beautiful where you are? How can you be more grateful for what is around you? What you already have.
There s no rush, you don't have to get there tomorrow. I know when you are young it seems like you have to do everything very fast, and the speed of manifestation on this planet has improved since i was a kid, everything seems to be more light and fast, BUT...
There will probably be a few more years until the speed of manifestation will be instant, especially for every single thing.
You are part of a collective, a collective consciousness, and everyone must be on board until they push the START button from above 🤭😁
We are literally on this mission together, it's not just about you, it is about the ascension of Earth and its citizens.
Don't stress! Make it your job to relax whatever happens and you will see small improvement after small improvement which will lead to an easy, chilled life that is financially supported by the Universe enough that u have time to do your affirmations, your journaling, your shadow work, etc. Make it a habit to not stress, because stress is always misaligned since it doesn t feel good.
My life currently: affirming, journaling and pinteresting most of the day while in bed...earlier i did groceries and got a lot of things i love to eat and would be considered expensive where i live. Spent 120 euro today and i am in europe. I don't work. I only manifest haha. I'm yet to be at the financial level i want (one of my two desires i'm working on) but i still live a comfortable life, a life that energetically i wish i will have once i have lots and lots of money, because the vibes are amazing. I'd rather have this warm house and bed, friendships and good vibes than a view from the last floor in NYC from my bed, while ridden with anxiety and loneliness.
Ya know.. Everything will be ok, if you struggle to affirm meditate and try your affirmations just once to check how it feels with eyes closed within your inner being..and then check more affirmations one at a time... and ask yourself, your inner being: what do i really need? what do i really want? and when you are clear, then start repeating and manifesting.
good luck!
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plumadot · 2 months
Can I see more of your builds on your server? Especially exteriors it’s so inspiring for me
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa of course gkjfkdgj i hope this won't be too long but i'd love to show off my little area
i built real close to spawn because i made farms that i wanted to be accessible to everyone... and i wanted to be there in case new people enter the server :D
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my house/storage. it's too small. i need to make a bigger storage system asap. at one point some folks built a big blender on top of the tower gfjdgkjfg also yes that is a tiny jimmy behind the house we'll get back to him soon
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bamboo farm!!! it's terribly inefficient but it looks pretty!!!!!!!!!! all the barrels around the farm are filled with bamboo and anyone can take however much they want :D we do a little communism
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honey farm!!! the redstone breaks constantly but it's ok it works too well anyway. i love watching the bees. i wish people would take more honeycomb i have too much of it
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juice bar!!! yeah that's the blender that was originally on my house i repurposed it!!! also made this whole build simply because i managed to put a custom model into the game gkfjkg
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spawn nether portal!!! not much to say about it i'm just happy i was allowed to decorate it because i had a VISION(tm)
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couple of bots and my tiny lava farm :D first bot just walks around. the second guards my house. the third spreads ehhh pollen or something. the fourth makes music :D i care them very much
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moss farm!!!!!!!!! i tried to make it sorta look like a lab? it's hard to make round shapes in the block game but i keep trying every time hehe
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my magnum opus?????? i love this windmill. it has no function other than bubble elevator into the mines. i just think it's pretty
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robot factory!!! also no function!!! just lore(?)!!!!! i like the colours so very much...
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my smelter setup :D it's meant to be used by everyone but it's a little bit tucked away gfkjdgk i hope people can find it
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and last but not least: some guys. just some little dudes. vibing (jimmy was initially made for me as a little gift so i gave him his rancher...)
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that's my area :D this was fun actually i think maybe i can do a server tour eventually to show off everyone else's cool builds too :O !!!!!!!
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
I know you made jamie as a boy dad hcs but can you please please make jamie as a girl dad hcs too? (Cuz, unpopular opinion, i think he'd make a killer girl dad)
of course! i've always head canoned he has a daughter and a son bc i don't get boy dad vibes or girl dad vibes like for nash (girl dad vibes obvously). hope you like them <3.
they are both obsessed with food and love trying new things out. they would go visit all of these exotic food places just to try new things out together. they also aren't afraid to try new things at restaurants, etc.
they'd go to the pet shelter together to see animals bc avery doesn't want them to get a pet (she knows they're too irresponsible)
she wouldn't want to spend a second away from her father. she would hang onto his leg really tight whenever he was planning on going out so that he'd bring her with him. he'd always be walking around with his daughter hanging onto him.
he'd try to get along (and he'd succeed) with all of her friends and partners (i hc his daughter is bi).
when she was like five and would get mad at her father, she would ask him to crouch so that she could smack him in the back of his head with her tiny hands and then she'd walk away harrumphing.
we know jameson absolutely loves rock climbing, and i hc that she would learn how to so that rock climbing could become their father-daughter bonding activity.
she would love getting her nails painted and would get jamie to do it bc he was better than avery.
speaking of getting your nails painted, she'd never ask him to, but he'd always paint his nails the same color as his daughter so that they'd match.
she hates it when people read her bedtime stories because she prefers having her dad tell her about his crazy adventures. according to her, bedtime stories are boring.
they are suckers for movies and tv shows, especially shows like game of thrones and the witcher. they make a huge thing out of it. every week on fridays and/or saturdays, they binge watch things on tv with the biggest assortment of candy and popcorn you've ever seen.
his daughter would end up having avery's hair and facial structure (brown and wavy with natural highlights), but would have jameson's eyes.
she'd be really interested in photography (her interest in it came from grayson) and would ask jameson to ask grayson to teach her bc she was too scared (gray was surprised to hear she was scared to ask him, and made sure she knew that he would do anything for his nieces and nephews) (oh and he'd say yes)
i can also imagine her being really into robotics. she'd constantly be asking jameson to hold things still for her or hold two pieces together. she'd be ordering him around like a puppy.
her first word was game or puzzle bc jameson is always saying it
they'd constantly be making pillow forts. they'd go all out. take whatever you're imagining in your head (if you're imagining anything) and make it 1491030 bigger because they would 100% try to beat the guinness world record for biggest pillow fort.
whenever she had a presentation or project on her idol, she'd most of the time pick her dad. he has always been and will always be her hero.
jameson would have an obsession with running his hands through her hair. she'd have to softest hair you could ever imagine. he'd have so much fun buying tons of little bows for her.
jameson would have a pinterest board for all of the outfit ideas he has for her.
jameson wouldn't play games like peek a boo with his daughter, he'd invent his own, more interesting games (idk what they would be) because he doesn't want to be an ordinary dad. also, i hc she wouldn't even like peek a boo
she'd hate going to school as a kid bc she'd be really shy. jameson would kiss her hand everyday before school and tell her that all of his courage was in that kiss, and that she was now even more invincible than before.
he'd be the type of dad who doesn't give a fuck if his daughter were to ask him to buy pads for her or smth. he wouldn't be embarrassed, he'd just head to the store and get her some.
i mentioned that she'd be really into robotics. when she was younger, she'd ask xander to help her make little gifts for her dad (not just for his birthday but also on random occasions simply bc she wanted him to know he was appreciated).
whenever she'd cry as a baby, no one would be able to comfort her and get her stop other than jameson. people thought he had magical baby hands or smth bc no matter what anyone else did, she never stopped.
she'd would refuse going to the doctors unless her father was there. she said it was because he was her source of courage and comfort, and that without him she wouldn't be able to do it. jameson would assure her that she'd be able to do it alone, and at some point (when she was like 10), she demanded to be alone in the doctors office cause she realized she was a girl boss and didn't need a man.
whenever she'd have trouble falling asleep, she'd get jamie to sing her a lullaby. she found his voice reassuring.
speaking of having trouble going to sleep, if jamie's singing didn't work, sleeping cuddled up in his arms always did. she used to say that his arms protected her for all of the bad things in the world, and, that, as long as she had him by his side, she'd be fine.
they'd buy matching sunglasses bc they were convinced it made them look cool.
he'd be the type of dad who hates keeping secrets. he would tell her everything (even if she didn't understand) bc he also hates it when people keep secrets from him and he isn't a hypocrite.
he'd most definitely be the type of dad to sit down for hours with his daughter helping her with her hmk. she hates being alone, and he knows this so he makes sure she has company as often as possible
he'd also be the type of dad to know the name of each and everyone of her friends, teachers, enemies. he'd gossip with her and talk shit about the people she hates.
that's it! hope you enjoyed these <3.
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pinyeti · 4 months
Episode 4: A New Hope
I love tiny robot guy r2d2
Is this a cult abducting him- theres no way baby robot is a protagonist right 
I just know they landed on a planet thats soooooo significant to the story line
I already love r2d2 and goldenfaces dynamic 
I love the music thats always playing its pretty refreshing 
OH landing here wasn’t a mistake it was on purpose okay got it
The force = haki
Ofc Luke loves Leia
She’s cute 
Hes cute
This is basically Harry Potter if Dumbledore was hot
I dont get it why is Darth vader hunting jedis is he working with the govt? Why do they want jedis gone did I miss something (yea the first 3 movies)
Darth Vader has??? Mind control 
Head cannon Luke wanted them dead cuz he did not want to look at another harvest IM GIVING UP ON YOUR DREAM UNCLE NOT MINE
Lovely elephant looking snakes
Damn Luke is cute blonde guy growing on me
They just destroyed a whole planet for …vibes???
Ofc luke is on a ship with the pope kanobi and 8th grade atheist solo
Noway Darth Vader said I smell him I smell my “buddy” obiwankanobi GAY GAY GAY
Theyre gonna dress up as storm troopers 
Sorry Luke storm trooper is not a good look on you guess its genetic
Solo tho is rocking it
Theres no way obi wan DIED
Oh solo’s name is Han okay
Man tell me this isnt gonna be a love triangle please
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generic-sonic-fan · 5 months
I am so glad people are enjoying Complex Inquiries, but there's just one teeny tiny minor problem that I'm seeing.
(I want to clarify that I'm not offended or ungrateful for my lovely readers! Absolutely not! I love you all so much and I mean that, no matter what your take away was from the story.)
But having a small portion of people gender Neo as he/him in their comments after I wrote a very clear scene where Neo explicitly states it wants to be referred to as it/its or at the very least, anything other than he/him is. . .
. . . a little disappointing?
I worked SO hard to ensure that any time the word "it" was used in my manuscript only ever referred to Unit MS-1/Neo. This was something I kept constantly in mind when I was writing my prose to make sure things were never unclear in the narration of events. Not changing Neo's pronouns from it/its was a very deliberate narrative choice and not one I took lightly.
Neo is explicitly nonbinary, not because "it's a robot", but because it is art. And it is not Sonic.
I also want to acknowledge that "it" can be a very difficult pronoun for some people to use because of past trauma. I absolutely want to respect that. Neo gets a little pedantic about they/them pronouns but that doesn't mean you can't use those pronouns for it. Please feel free to use they/them pronouns instead if it/its doesn't vibe with you.
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melishade · 6 months
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As promised I've returned to deliver Arcee and Wheeljack :) especially in love with how Wheeljacks holoform turned out as I was going in a different direction originally but I like this way better :D
Here's all of them together :p
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For Megs I wanted to give him this apathetic, blank stare and expression with a strong facial structure and a paleish olive complexion from his time in the mines.
OP got the Daniel Craig treatment with the blue piercing eyes. I wanted to make his eyes round and kind aswell, matching his light smile. I originally wanted to make him a ginger lol. The earings and split ear I added bc I just felt like it and the scar above his eyebrow is inspired by a friend of mine.
Even though her smile looks a bit cocky I wanted to give Arcee a very sharp, observant look. I chose pink with tiny blue specs for her eyes to resemble her Prime appearance and the scar is an acid wound from Airachnid.
For Wheeljack I wanted to go for a kind of Frankenstein vibe (okay now I'm thinking about Dinobots in AOP potential 👀) and wanted to emmulate his finials with the greying hair. I actually wanted to give him a lighter complexion and looser curls but while looking at different faces for inspiration I saw an older black guy with salt n pepper hair and ran with it lmao. Also what's your Interpretation age wise? I was feeling like Megs is 53, OP is 51, Arcee is 36 and Wheeljack is 54 in human years :v
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I am so sorry this took so long to respond to but this! Looks! SO AMAZING!
I genuinely love the thought and care you put into each and every one of the holoform designs and how you took inspiration from their characteristics, voice actors, and character experiences.
I like that these human designs have battle scars and signs of aging because these are four million year old robots fighting in a ridiculously long war.
There are a few things that are hilarious. One is that Wheeljack doesn’t have a holoform in AOP and the reason I gave was that Wheeljack wouldn’t have had enough time to get it installed. But I absolutely adore Wheeljack’s design.
Second is that I made Optimus’ holoform age in an Attack on Prime one shot I wrote back in 2014 be 30 years of age. Being a teen does that to you, but if you go into the lore of the Aligned continuity for Transformers Prime, Optimus is technically older than Megatron, which is something that I found baffling for a while.
But I would definitely agree that Arcee would at the very least appear the youngest out of the four holoform designs you presented.
There’s so much more that I want to say, but I do know what else! All I know is that I love the absolute thought and care you put into this! This is a show of passion and I would definitely like to see more of your artwork!
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locusfandomtime · 1 year
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Fake logo designs of various districts/companies in Hermitcraft S8! Something about Hermitcraft brings out the graphic designer in me (*cough* it’s because I love worldbuilding and making tiny details in a world) anyway!
Design notes under cut! (Alongside some headcanons - it is quite long)
Horse Head Farms: this is the logo that started this idea basically. I got such a cool image of an eclipse with a repeated b+w horse head pattern and I really wanted to make it happen. M.C. Esher has done designs like these but as tiles, which I used as inspiration. I think I could have made it look a bit clearer but for my first time drawing something like this I’m pretty happy. The text is from one of the default Procreate fonts and kinda makes HHF look like a law firm (which is the vibe I was going for, soul-stealers and lawyers are often sorta linked in fiction, and supposedly xB and Hypno are their own legal team). xB and Hypno are the only employees other than the people they blackmail into doing stuff for them.
Big Eyes: I wanted a red eyeball as a reference to Tango’s amazing prank on Boatem and I imagine it’s a goofy little mascot for the company. Some big goofy text felt fitting alongside this. I wanted to make a Pass n Gas specific logo too but I wanted to focus on the main “districts” rather than specific shops. I feel like this is kind of obvious but in-universe Big Eyes are VERY unsuccessful and actively losing money.
Hohenzollern Castle: not really a company but Joe and Cleo are cool so I wanted to include them and I had a tiny bit of blank space left on the page so here we are. I actually really love how the sign looks, the wood texture came out nice. They don’t have a logo as much as they do a sign outside their area, created by Joe, with the text written by Joe’s dyes. The “Hohenzollern” is kinda squished because he began to run out of room but was too stubborn to split the word in half. Cleo argues that it isn’t a logo and is just a sign with the castle’s name on it. Joe argues back with a deconstruction of “what is a logo, really?” and something about companies and capitalism and Cleo doesn’t care enough to respond.
Octagon: I am a fool who initially thought it was spelt “Octogon” and had to fix it well after I finished. Oh well. I wanted this to have a very evil look about it. You can instantly tell they’re the evil tech company running experiments on the quantum realm or whatever in a Hollywood movie. Between the unsafe work conditions and the tax fraud, it is a miracle they haven’t been shut down (reason: the government is scared of Doc)
The Evil Empire: the “the” wouldn’t fit so I had to make some sacrifices. Evil Xisuma is dramatic and edgy so he wanted the logo to be in fancy black calligraphic medieval looking text. It fits the evil castle aesthetic the whole area has pretty well too. The Evil Empire is kinda like a Hot Topic store and a Renaissance Fair combined, but it is also involved with Crypto. Despite being so weird it has a perfect niche of marketing to edgy teenagers so it is quite successful. The employees hate it there because their work mandated uniform is to “dress like an evil minion”. Jevin is a slime monster, Wels cosplays a knight and Beef turned into an alien so they thankfully didn’t have to change.
Boatem (BTM): heavily inspired by Grian’s simplified logo he made in Minecraft, where he shortened it to BTM. Despite already having a reference to work off, this was the hardest design. I knew I wanted it to be simple, all-white and leaning back dramatically but I spent ages fiddling with it. Boatem is the most successful company, being perfect for the general public and their shopping district a tourist destination in of itself. It nearly went into bankruptcy when Mumbo was CEO but has been very successful since his Robot took over.
Zedaph Laboratories: my favourite design. Hand writing the text was a nightmare but it came together nicely other than that. Sheep symbol because sheep are his brand. I used the same colour palette as his laboratory. “Laboratory” is misspelled for two reasons: 1) I realised my mistake too late to change it, 2) I think it is completely in character for Zedaph to not know how to spell laboratory and only realise after Tango points it out and be forever haunted by his mistake. Don’t let the sleek corporate design fool you, Zedaph is still wild and is the only person in the “Zedaph Labratories”.
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brooklynisher · 3 months
Here's a bunch of old sketchbook doodles I made y'all
Stick around bc this includes my first SPG drawings!! (Before I joined Tumblr)
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Riveting start
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I'll start off with little drawings I made of myself. And my god do you see what I'm doing with the anatomy? Do you see how tiny those joints are? That's horrific. Why did I build everyone like that? But Yugo is where I began to find my art style. Will love them forever for that. I've got to go back to simple-shaped heads one of these days and blush/eyelashes on everything
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We've got some lovely Smile For Me-related doodles. First is a Flower Kid design. Second was not smile for me specifically, but Face Love (by the same devs). And the last two were my earlier attempts at making comics and scenes. Ft. lancer for some reason.
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Here are a couple of abandoned OCs. Pretty boy (Basil) is supposed to be yellow. We've all had that OC whose only trait was being a hot person and that's what he was all about. Didn't develop him much in terms of character which is sad because I kinda like his design. He was created when I was doodling random designs in FireAlpaca. I'll have to show the other doodles in a different post (If you are interested).
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THIS GUY I WOULD LIKE TO BRING BACK! Might be kinda basic in terms of like "Weird Core" designs but I still love him. His plot keeps changing though because his design is so strange yet so simple to the point where I could put him in just about any world I wanted to had I gotten bored of the old one. Which is silly bc he's just a depressed news anchor man.
Anyway bc of that, Basil used to be his bf, but isn't anymore. He got replaced with fat peppermint man who fun fact: was inspired by the song Brass Goggles BEFORE I even got into SPG and learned what it was about! How silly is that! Peppermint boy is technically my first SPG OC!
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She was a fun one, but I abandoned her too. I think she was too influenced by Frye's character from Splatoon. She was a warrior of sorts. Sort of tribal I suppose. She spoke fast, and in her tribe's language, so many people struggled to understand her. She was very bouncy too. Jumping all over the place. If you know Frye, you'll probably notice that they're a bit too similar to each other. That's usually why I abandon my OCs. When they're too similar to another.
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Critter I doodled. Not really an OC, but I still think she's cute
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Don't ask me about the first guy. The girl was a mii that was born in Tomodachi Life! Her name is Lily. She is the child of Kris (Deltarune) and Hatsune Miku. She looks silly which is why I love her.
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I'm Picasso. Kinda vibe with this ngl. Not sure if I could ever turn this into anything though
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Here are some low-effort doodles. Enjoyed the design of the big lady more than I thought. I was practicing drawing bigger bodies at the time. Joints are still KILLING ME but it's not bad considering I had the worst anatomy method imaginable
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Here are some higher-effort doodles. Aside from the abhorrent anatomy (WHY DOES THE PIG ZOMBIE HAVE TWO DIFFERENTLY SIZED SHOULDERSS????) I quite like these critters. That mermaid girl had lore too. She could control the dead of the sea. She was lowkey evil. Never turned her into anything though. Also, you can see by that guy at the bottom of the first one, that Bunny's art was starting to take an influence on me.
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I was inspired by Bunny to make these monster-ish-looking people
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More thingies! There's the goopy robot which I initially drew as a first attempt at drawing a robot, but then I made it black and goopy bc that's what it was giving. The star guy appears and disappears a few times. I think I wanted to keep them, but the design was very similar to LightLazer so I felt a bit weird about drawing them.
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More robot shenanigans. First time drawing Rabbit and The Spine! Cannot believe that my first Spine drawing was in a dress oh my god.
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More Bunny-inspired drawings and I'm REALLY kinda digging that weird tiny robot critter. Looking at it now, it's kinda like Spring in a few ways, but it's also completely different from Spring in so many other ways. The limbs are retractable. I kinda like this thing actually. I Oughtta do something with it.
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These ones are more SPG-specific. You'll have to forgive me, most of these are from memory. Don't ask me why Rabbit looks like David Bowie in the first one.
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And finally, some Rabbit and Spine doodles! Rabbit's doing the "Hey Andy Sweetie" meme. I could totally reattempt drawing that today actually.
Anyway, hope you had fun. I did. Ugh this is so sillyy
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zehecatl · 1 year
happy steam sale to all, here’s a 'little’ rec list for (primarily) indie games that, in my opinion, isn’t as popular as they deserve to be!
Ghostwire: Tokyo -60% the only triple a game you’ll see on this list, and my own all time personal favourite. if you like anime, japanese history and folklore, and bromance, you will very likely love this game. it also lets you explore Tokyo and pet the dogs! and cats! literally perfect game!!
Iconoclasts -70% i have been shilling this game, at every major steam sale, for pretty much four-five years. before Ghostwire, it was my all time favourite video game. it was in development, by one person, for around eight years. it is still, in my opinion, one of the most gorgeous pieces of pixel art in the whole damn medium. just. please check it out i beg
Angels of Death -40% rpgmaker game that absolutely excels at being a character driven story. it also got an anime adaptation? which i’ve actually never seen?? but if you grew up playing horror rpgmaker games, please do yourself a favour, and check this out. and if you didn’t- check it out anyway! it’s not super scary or anything, with a more psychological horror focus
Owlboy -65% tiny owl boy does his very best and will worm his way into your heart and then crush it because life is maybe a bit too cruel to him. also you can fly! did i mention you can fly??
Pony Island + The Hex -80% did you adore Inscryption? did you like the meta element? then oh boy, should you check out Daniel Mullins’ two former games! they’re good! probably has the same vibe as Inscryption! could not tell you i still have not played that thing! but these are both very good, and absolutely worth every cent
Underhero -70% it’s a bit rough around the edges, but man, this game has so much love put into it, and i think it deserves way more love than it got
My Friend Pedro -75% the action is definitely the high point here, but i have a personal soft spot for the lil’ bit of lore we do get. like, there is something there, and i want to dig my fingers in. also wacky banana is funny
Sayonara Wild Hearts -40% queer girls on motorcycles? in my rhythm game?? it’s more likely than you think!! (also, if you suck at rhythm games: me too, this is still worth picking up)
MO:Astray -50% the fact that seemingly no one on tumblr has played this... despite the fact that it feels like it’d be a right shoe in... criminal. there is a little CREACHUR! LOOK AT IT. IT IS A SLIME!!
The Messenger -75% i legit thought this game was way more popular than it, apparently, is, which i think just speaks volume of my opinion on it. it’s genuinely right up there with Shovel Knight as iconic retro throwbacks- plus! the devs are making THE most gorgeous indie rpgs, apparently set in the same universe. so that is another reason to check it out
This Strange Realm of Mine -90% an extremely weird little game that will likely not be for everyone, or even most people, but that i really liked. considering the price, i don’t really think there’s much to lose on buying this little gem
Darkside Detective -70% funny point & click game with very shipable protagonists! there’s also a ‘second season’ that i have not played (yet), but is very likely absolutely worth getting
Haiku, the Robot -33% it is, rather obviously, not as good as Hollow Knight, but if you’re suffering from ‘waiting for Silksong’, perhaps this little gem will tide you over
Transiruby -30% another small metroidvania! has really pretty pixel art, and is just a fun little time
Flynn, Son of Crimson -50% not what it was promised, but it’s a fun platformer with gorgeous pixel art, and a dog. it’s a good time, and isn’t that what we all want :]
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows -70% a cute horror game, with excellent enemy designs, and a whole town to explore. also the story is so good. i am still absolutely enamoured with this title. this is, technically, the 2nd in a series, but you can play the games standalone, and while i’m sure the 1st is just as good, i’ve only played this one. because priorities (also keep in mind!! that this is a horror game!!! i’d recommend looking up some trigger warnings, because, uh. horror game!)
A Short Hike -35% just an extremely cozy and fun little game. exploring every inch of this island was just such a good time, i still think extremely fondly of this title
Webbed -30% i am gently laying an hand on the shoulder of every bug enthusiastic on this website. you play as a spider. who is trying to get back her boyfriend from a bird. and there’s a really fun swinging mechanic. do you really need anything more?
Garden Story -60% i am once again shocked this game isn’t more popular. what do you mean a cozy adventure game with community restoration, foraging, and some fun combat with a grape protagonist isn’t one of the biggest sellers in cozy gaming spheres. there’s a frog. you can put on different hats. what else do you want!!
Donut County -70% funny little game about making holes and being a chaotic racoon. i have an extremely soft spot for the characters in this, i could not explain it <3
also Oxenfree is not on sale, but it’s cheap, and the sequel is dropping very soon! and you should absolutely check it out! because it’s really REALLY good!!
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1-ufo · 7 months
Okay so the delorean is a classic and my favorite of Matt’s guitars but I have to share a few runner ups because multiple of these have been my favorites over the years but now as I’m older I continuously settle on the original the classic delorean
The first time I set eyes on (the boringly named manson holes guitar) Swiss Manson I was obsessed. I’d hoped it would have a longer run but sadly I never even got to see it in person as it only ran the duration of the tiny uk leg of the psycho tour and did not even make it to the two psycho gigs over in the states. Not a favorite for the folks who struggle with trypophobia but it’s a whole vibe for me.
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The laser Manson. Such an incredible concept that sadly didn’t execute very well irl. I love the cracked mirror effect- especially given Matt’s history with broken mirrors. I love that it literally shoots lasers. In reality it should have been the epitome of a muse guitar but alas was both Too heavy for Matt and the lasers didn’t really actually show in concert unless there was ungodly amounts of fog. Lasers worked better as a lighting feature and less as a guitar feature.
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Manson mirror M1D1. Lived in my favorites list for a lonnnnnng time. Took the same cracked mirror aesthetic and made it more functional. Less bells and whistles as it lacks shooting lasers but it does feature a Kaoss pad (was this the first to feature the Kaoss pad? Idk). Sadly met an untimely demise as one of the smashed guitars that actually broke entirely. I did get to see its broken self at Manson guitar works on display but idk if it’s still on display now.
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The one. The endeared. The coveted. (The Santa) The glitterati. What’s there to say. It lived a long and storied life but also met an untimely demise falling off of a tower during the US resistance tour after the curtain dropped and got caught on Matt’s guitar robot. Rip. Santa 2.0 never really quite replaced it and I don’t think anyone ever really wanted it to.
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souldagger · 2 years
hi! id love to hear any lore you might have to share about ez and sage .) -@cybernetictears
WAH omg okay disclaimer keep in mind that i keep changing my mind abt the lore like every month. but the basics:
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Ez (any pronouns) is a runaway corporate AI/robot who's like 100% convinced they're a bugged and defective early prototype. (except all those "glitches" are, of course, just the normal consequence of being a person with emotions and empathy and stuff). outwardly they're cold, stoic and intimidating (think Scary Silent Bodyguard vibes) but inwardly they're a softie - think if a killing machine was a pacifist. like, they're just trying to figure out how to be a person and not be found out as a robot. he also don't rmbr anything from before his escape but don't worry about that i'm sure it's fine
(also if you're wondering why Ez doesn't have any visible robotic parts: in the setting of the story cybernetic enhancements, body mods and prosthetics are incredibly common, so her looks are highly unusual; i just like the irony of a robot character who sticks out in a crowd precisely bc of how abnormally human they look)
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and Sage! (he/they) He's Literally Just A Guy. he does unimportant menial work, has a tiny flat in a "bad" part of town, he's got like 2 friends. but he IS generally shockingly well-adjusted for someone living in a capitalist dystopia. they're smart and thoughtful but very oblivious to things like subtext/sarcasm/double meanings, and they often come off as blunt. they're also v kind (on purpose!!! it's a choice!!!) and they get underestimated a lot. he's also got a passion for gardening (botany is his special interest and he steals plant saplings from corporate greenhouses <3 and he sells homemade tea blends)
oh this is way too long already but. one last thing. i knoooow "alien/robot/non-human who doesn't understand humans/emotions/etc learning to do so by falling in love w a human" is a trope as old as time. but i love the hopefulness of a story about a non-human looking at humanity and deciding, despite everything, "i want to be a part of this." and i really like the idea of that story where the non-human's primary lens for that understanding is an autistic person - flawed, by all accounts unexceptional, a "nobody" - and them still going "the pains and horrors of the human condition are worth being part of it. they're worth being loved by you"
anyway their story (which currently only exists in my mind) is like 50% this^ and 45% "wouldn't it be funny if an autistic guy assumed a secret robot was also just an autistic person." and 5% ruminations on the nature of consciousness
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la-nom-nom · 1 year
Modern Amy does have the flanderizations unlike Classic and Boom, but THIS Amy had most of the best moments too. Here’s what Modern has canonically under her belt:
SA1 she saw the bigger picture involving Gamma, she pointed out that love isn’t part of robot’s’ programming and they’re missing something good.
Also in SA1 she stepped up to Sonic from destroying Gamma; stepping up to your crush especially when you haven’t won their heart yet is harder than we think. When liking someone it’s normal to try being on the best terms with them. If they’re doing something that rubs you the wrong way that could taint those terms. (Ofc it’s the right thing to step up regardless)
Her moment with Shadow from SA2. It has been discussed many times why it’s so good but I’ll at least put down this: Amy KNOWS there’s shitty people and bad things but she also sympathizes for others and decides to see the good anyway. It’s waaaay easier to fall into negativity and despair when things get bad. This moment is somewhat similar to the story Pandora’s Box when all the bad stuff flew out but one thing within that seems so tiny but is powerful which was hope. Deciding to see the good is like that hope.
Heroes has been seen as this as one of Amy’s more infamous portrayals but really? Was her crush for Sonic executed the best? Depends on the person, but not the worst. Still, she stayed with her team until they reached their goal. Sure she knew doing that will lead her to Sonic but once again, it’s not bad. Why isn’t anyone complaining about the fact the Chaotix, Rouge, Sonic, Shadow were picking fights too? WTFH…
In Battle, another portrayal and one I actually think isn’t so good, or part of it. (Girl, starving yourself thinking Sonic will like you if you’re skinny? Really? If Sonic has issues then that’s his issue not yours!) However, she helped Emerl with his skills. She was pretty much like everyone else but yet none of them get pointed out for their portrayals.
Riders is sorta known for the bad portrayal between her and Sonic but really it wasn’t bad (the voice direction like tone of voice was different between the English and Japanese, the ladder being more accurate to the characters) until the very end of Heroes story which was when Sonic blew her away along with Eggman. Can’t we be in her shoes for a moment? If someone, one of your friends SonAmy or not they are friends didn’t consider your safety especially like THAT would you be happy? Don’t think so. It’s valid to be pissed. Ofc you should point it out.
06 might’ve been (technically) erased but it still shows Amy’s positive side. If it were to happen again and not be erased there’s little to no doubt that Amy would do the same thing. Like in SA1 she saw the bigger picture by putting aside her crush for Sonic and saving the world. One of things it highlighted was her loyalty. This did show in Heroes too, if she wasn’t loyal she would’ve ditched Cream and Big. People can say all they want about Amy choosing Sonic over the world; the other option is to BETRAY her friend who she’s known for a long time and be like, “Hey, Sonic, my friend who I just met Silver who says you’ll destroy the world so I’m siding with him.” THAT would be bad. (Though in Silver’s defense it was from a valid sense and didn’t know who Sonic was but that’s not the focus right now. Amy is brave for stepping up to Silver who clearly outclassed her in skills) Can we also point out that Rouge and Omega did the same thing yet nobody complained about that? Even if it was worded differently, there’s still a sense of hypocrisy.
Rush had Amy tell Blaze, who was very closed off, about the idea that having friends is truly uplifting. Heck Blaze was even intrigued and had a slight smile because of Amy’s upbeat vibe.
Unleashed highlighted Amy to be in no way shallow when it comes to her crush with Sonic: she states to Sonic that no matter what, he’s still her Sonic. How sweet and endearing is that? She even planned to throw a party for him. Clearly she was trying to uplift his spirit. Sonic wasn’t going through a good time, externally and internally. When all hope seemed lost she openly said that Sonic WILL succeed. Also highlighting her faith, another powerful thing. She had faith in previous games too, like having faith that Sonic will listen to her to not destroy Gamma, faith in the good of humanity in SA2, and as mentioned earlier her faith that in 06 Sonic would never destroy the world but save it.
All of the examples above are from the time era of her “obsessive” days that detractors like use to prove that she’s just a “stalker/yandere/etc”.
I will admit that things like Sonic X didn’t do her justice during that era. Though that is partly thanks to the shit English dub and SOA.
Post 2010 hasn’t really been too great but even in Lost World she told Sonic to save the world, believing there’s a chance even though she felt for sure she wasn’t going to be alive for it. She did say it was too late but it felt like she was referring to the latter, not her having a lack of faith. In Forces she was part of the Resistance. Like previous titles she did her part. Minus a few games, she was always an active participant, even in a game like the Black Knight while even it was not exactly the Amy Sonic knew, Nimue was still a counterpart. Like in the Secret Rings with Ali Babba!Tails and Sinbad!Knuckles there was a connection to Sonic’s POV. Frontiers has been pointed with its faults especially with storytelling (seriously previous games, even the most beloved ones, had this issue too) but even then the desire of Amy wanting to help, like she always has, was there.
Modern Amy has proven to be a brave, positive, uplifting, helpful, kind, and a non shallow girl who definitely cares about Sonic’s wellbeing. If having those qualities is STILL viewed as the worst portrayal of the character… 🤦🏻‍♀️
P.S.: This post sprouted from seeing comments upholding Classic Amy(from the latest news) and a few for Boom while downplaying Modern Amy. Heck someone literally commented “Classic Amy over Insamy any day.” Insamy means Insane Amy Seriously? It’s cool to see Amy getting love but some people forget that Classic Amy is a younger Modern Amy, soooooo they’re really shitting on the one they “really” like?
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cee-grice · 9 months
Hello! I'm getting caught up on all your amazing asks here... But here's my pre-emptive Ask for Storytelling Saturday for next week:
Describe your WIP in bullet points so my ADHD brain gets it quickly!
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hey hey Belle!! oh man, I also have to clean out my inbox, it's getting a bit embarrassing haha... I know you said this is a pre-emptive STS ask, but!.. I saw it and got excited lol, so you're getting it answered Now
so! my current WIP, When White Crows Cry, described in bullet points:
(this is gonna be long)
it's a science fantasy?? only instead of robots and space we have chemistry and pathology lol
also dark academia vibes
set in a secondary world reminiscent of 19th century-esque europe, only with modern advancements in science
the magic system is science-based - essentially, if you wanna manipulate the fabric of reality, you gotta. understand said fabric of reality
so, to cast a believable illusion you need to perfectly understand color and light and depth and all that (so you gotta be a kickass realism artist lol)
or, to change a glass ball into a gold one, you gotta understand the molecular composition of each material and know how to manipulate it so it would change forms
there's one tiny teensy issue with magic, though - it is a limited resource ahaha
ANYWAY that's the gist of it
main character - Quil, an exceptional transmutation mage who got exiled some years ago for performing human transmutation (very bad very taboo)
(he, of course, continues doing human transmutation)
(despite the Trauma)
the second most important character - Endra, who has this nasty magical parasite slowly eating away at his body and mind, and his only hope at a cure is... human transmutation
you can see where this is going
anyway so that's the Past timeline - Quil trying to figure out what's going on with Endra's body and finding a way to fix it
(this is also the Romance timeline lol)
we also have the Present timeline
and that starts with Quil getting revived a year after his death in the country he'd gotten exiled from
(that's literally the first chapter so it's not a spoiler lol)
anyway he gets offered a Deal - help his ex-mentor with her project that could potentially save magic, and in exchange he'd get amnesty
the issue? he really, really hates his ex-mentor
and he would have really, really preferred to stay dead
this whole magic dying thing is Not his problem, either lol
counter issue? the project concerns the same magic parasite that Endra had (has?), so it could put him in danger, and Quil quite literally would die again before he let that happen, so.
he agrees
(so that he could sabotage it lol)
but also! Quil doesn't know what happened with Endra post his death, so that's something he works on figuring out as well
(he gets far more questions than answers. where IS this guy)
anywayyy that's the gist of the story
now for the lightning round
this would be for you if any of this intrigues you:
highly questionable academic and medical ethics
characters forsaking morality to get what they want and losing sight of what truly matters
So Much Interpersonal Drama
no physical fights - a Lot of verbal fights
dealing with the horrors of resurrection
dealing with the horrors of facing your loved ones after they'd mourned you for a year
a cast of eccentric scientists
an obsessive, codependent queer romance between people who don't know how the other looks like
a lot of fucked up queer characters in general
an incredibly spiteful trans protagonist who just wants to be left the fuck alone but everyone insists on dragging him into their shit, so instead he's gonna Make them leave him alone
everyone wanting you to live apart from You
magic biology! magic chemistry! magic science! nerd shit!
anyway oof idk if this helps but omggg is it hard to explain a fantasy story quickly ahaha....
(this is the general tag for this wip so u can check out more stuff about it that's explained in a more cohesive manner lol)
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emojireviewpage · 1 year
😶‍🌫️ Face in clouds emoji review 😶‍🌫️
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Apple: Subtle gradients and the smooth clouds make this emoji not as harsh. I mean, it looks confused because there are clouds that block the view. I can see the eyes are like a void, which adds to the overall theme of this emoji. 8/10 Very solid.
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Google: I think this could look much better if the clouds were colored entirely. This emoji is shown on a white background so I can see why it looks natural on that. It seems like there are weird lines that make this emoji unpleasant to look at. 4/10 Not bad face.
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Samsung: This is what Google could look like if the clouds were colored more. The subtle shading on the clouds make them look like cotton and honestly, that’s a cute idea. Definitely adds to the cuteness. 7/10 I like how the eyes are different from other Samsung emojis.
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Microsoft: I’m kinda digging this. The colours are different but they add to the cuteness of this emoji. I like the eyes because they look like they want to solve the problem. 6/10 Thank you for passing.
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WhatsApp: I love the clouds. They look so puffy! It seems like they aren’t really focused. The highlight on it’s head makes it look like it’s made out of glass. 9/10 Cute eyes.
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Twitter: Honestly I can’t say too much about this emoji. It’s a decent simple emoji. Nothing special. 5.5/10 unique placement of the clouds.
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Facebook: It’s like the last one. More robotic vibes. Anime style eyes make this look they are pleading. The clouds are shaded cutely, so It does not look bad. 7.5/10 Doing great Facebook.
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Twitter emoji stickers: Not as astounding as their last emojis (Well the Saturn emoji was good but not perfect). You can see they added a tiny glimmer to the eyes (We can say the same about Samsung emojis) which are a cute idea. Decent job on the clouds. 8/10 I wish it had more clouds though.
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Joypixels: Same as Google. Except there is no outline. 4/10 I’m disappointed. It had potential.
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Openmoji: Not that horrible. The outlines aren’t really bordering the entire emoji. I guess it is an artistic choice. Are the grey clouds going to throw lightnings? I’m scared. 4/10 I don’t want this cutie to be killed.
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Emojipedia: I’m going to create a story out of this emoji because why not.
Apple: Hey WhatsApp! WhatsApp: What’s up, Apple? Apple: Do you want to have a child with me? WhatsApp: Yeah, sure. Let’s go! Apple: Let the child have the same face as me and the same clouds as you.
Then they have this… 8.5/10 Nice details.
Thank you! 😶‍🌫️
😶‍🌫️I can’t see anything!😶‍🌫️
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