#i love the original meme so I had to make my own version lol
strobotic · 1 year
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I was laid off a few days ago and now I spend my days drawing rats
Her name is Moushley
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gen-is-gone · 1 year
Doctor Who and 2 for the fandom meme?
2. My three favorite characters and why I love them so much.
Hello hi would you like to hear about the best TARDIS team you've never heard of, right as I've fallen back hard into special interest fixation on them :D :D :D
So there's this book series.
After The Enemy Within, aka Doctor Who the TV Movie, premiered to an astounding lack of enthusiasm in 1996, BBC books decided to steal Virgin Publishing's idea to write novels about dr who, and promptly yoinked the license so they could cut out the middleman and do just that, this time starring Paul McGann's Eighth Doctor instead of Sylvester McCoy's Seventh. This novel series was called, aptly enough, The Eighth Doctor Adventures. So entirely skipping over almost three decades' worth of entertaining intrafandom drama and also how nu!who shamelessly stole basically every good idea the EDAs ever had (the biggest being of course the Time War, tho tragically nowhere near as well done), my favorite TARDIS crew:
The Eighth Doctor (as you may have guessed), Fitz Kreiner, and Anji Kapoor.
I love them, I adore them, they're my best friends. All three of them are amazing in their own right, but they're absolutely phenomenal as a team.
Eight, and the EDA version of them specifically, is my favorite doctor bar none. They're flighty and giddy and tactile and deeply affectionate, they're extremely weird and have a number hyperfixations and special interests and other very relatable neurodivergent tendencies. They are very prone to amnesia in a way which starts off as kind of a running gag and ends up being a huge plot point for the entire second half of the series. They're easily the most genderfluid the Doctor ever gets before textually being played by a woman and going by she/her, which is a big part of why I like using they/them pronouns for the Doctor generally. They kiss people often and canonically date people of multiple genders. Being played by (or at least written in reference to) Paul McGann, they are extremely pretty. They also go through the absolute fucking wringer, both in the sense that their arc plots are really dramatic and complicated and dark, and also in the sense that some of the folks writing for the series are pretty unapologetic whump fans lol. Best Doctor. No notes.
Next up is My BoyTM. The ur-blorbo himself, Fitzgerald Michael Kreiner. He's the best and I hate him. He's the worst and I love him. He's a musician from 1963 with appalling fashion sense and truly awful luck. He's canonically bi and in love with the Doctor (and their kiss in the novel Dominion in 1998 was the first kiss between the Doctor and a man in the history of Dr Who). He's a clone of himself because Eight lost the original Fitz 600 years in the future and then he joined cult of shitty time traveling mall goths. The original Fitz lived 2000 years and was filled with hate and wanted to kill the Doctor for abandoning him but never actually stopped loving them. He's a massive idiot. He's genuinely embarrassing so often but also despite thinking of himself as a coward and an asshole he's very brave despite his constant terror and very kind despite his pretending that he's only out for himself. He is such astoundingly perfect tumblr bait it's not even funny. He's one of the longest running companions in the franchise by number of consecutive stories.
Last of my darlings is the myth, the legend herself, Anji Kapoor. The first Asian companion in the history of Doctor Who, she's a stock futures trader from 2001 and to this day the only example I can think of off the top of my head of a woman of color having her white boyfriend get fridged for the sake of her emotional pain and character development. On the surface, she's the one with braincell, but she's so much more than just the white boy babysitter stereotype. She's a massive closet nerd who loves Star Trek but won't admit it, she's got a very weird thought process that makes her jump to the most absolutely batshit decisions while justifying them to herself as being perfectly reasonable and logical and not at all insane, she thinks of Fitz as a brother and the Doctor as a sister, she once called the Doctor a useless otterfucker, literally what can't she do (other than get back to her own time and planet rip).
The three of them have such a wonderful dynamic together. They're best friends and close family despite them being thrown together entirely by chance. They banter and joke and snark together, they riff off each other and enjoy each other's company, all three of them would catch a bullet for each other and all three of them more or less have. They're in a run of I think 25 books, which is a pretty significant time to spend together, and while there are some clunkers in their run ngl, they've also got some truly amazing books together, including one of my favorite books not just in the EDAs or Dr Who, but as a whole, The Year of Intelligent Tigers. I love them so so much I can't even.
I'm... not sure how accessible anything to do with the EDAs is give I fell off the DW deep end solidly a decade ago and at this point I just have to admit I'm in for life, but I have observed that most people who do read the EDAs tend to put 8&fitz&anji in at least their top five TARDIS teams, if not their first pick. Anyway, I love them, thank you so much for letting me gush about the best TARDIS team in all of Dr Who :D
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wicked-jade · 2 months
I, K ,M
Thanks for the asks! 💗
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
I always have trouble with questions about guilty pleasures, because there's not much I actually feel guilty about reading, lol. I like what I like *cough*bottom!johnny*cough*, no shame.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
The absolute angstiest was probably this dark!Daniel fic I never had the nerve to write. It was set after they lose the All Valley in S4.
Johnny and Daniel have both lost their dojos, and their relationships are all in shambles. Carmen and Amanda have both left them, and the kids are done with them and the karate war bullshit. Daniel is on the verge of losing everything, even the dealerships. And he blames Johnny for it, because Johnny's the one who started this by bringing CK back in the first place.
They end up in a extremely toxic relationship, fueled by booze and hate sex, with Daniel taking everything out on Johnny, and Johnny letting him do it, trying to punish himself for his own guilt. It was all very dark and hopeless, with no happy ending for either of them. Just them trapped in this hell of their own making, with Johnny loving Daniel, but taking all of his hate, because he feels like he deserves it, and because it's the closest thing he'll ever get to his love.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Oh, dozens. 😂 There is one very, very old one. Like, I got the idea from the kink meme, old...
The original prompt was Johnny going blind. So my idea was that Daniel and Terry end up fighting, and Johnny ends up getting between them, and shoving Daniel aside to protect him. He takes a terrible, violent kick to the head, and ends up losing his vision - permanently.
The rest of the story would be him struggling to adjust to his new reality, and Daniel feeling guilty and desperately trying to help him out of the depression he sinks into. He eventually ends up calling in Julie Pierce to help - he's heard the stories of how Mr. Miyagi taught her how to fight blind - and recruits her to help teach Johnny that he can still fight and be badass.
And of course Daniel and Johnny end up falling in love along the way.
I've always wanted to write it, but I know from the jump that this would be a long fic, and I already have too many of those. Also, I've toyed with the idea of spinning the idea into a super hero AU. In that version, instead of head trauma causing his vision loss, Silver tosses some chemical in Johnny's eyes, and he basically becomes Daredevil.
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laufire · 2 months
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july reading meme!
Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces by Angela Carter. TBC is more ~My Thing~, but I nonetheless enjoyed this other anthology. It felt more experimental, in terms of language and structure. The stories I found most memorable were "The Executioner's Beautiful Daughter" and, especially, "The Loves of Lady Purple."
The Bloody Chamber and other adult tales by Angela Carter. I skipped the ones I'd already read ("The Bloody Chamber," "The Courtship of Mr Lyon" and "The Tiger's Bride"). The titular story will always be my favourite, but I found "The Lady of the House of Love" particularly inspiring. "The Snow Child" and "The Erl-King" caught my eye to, for the way the played around with tenses and pov.
Batman Annual #14 "The Eye of the Beholder." One of those tragic Harvey Dent tales, and probably the most emblematic one about them (I'm pretty sure this one inspired The Long Halloween). As I've recently watched the new animated show, Caped Crusader, it offers an interesting point of comparison with that new Harvey. The original version, who wanted to do his job and do it well, and fixated on it as a copying mechanism, and who wasn't interesting in climbing the ladder beyond his chosen profession, is a more interesting character, though there are parts of the new one's narrative I enjoyed.
The Invincible Iron Man (2022). A GOOD RUN??? IN MY IRON MAN COMICS??? I'm going to miss it :))). Fail marriage of convenience with Emma Frost! Tony writing a book and its launch going terribly wrong! Lots of Tony fighting to keep his head above water! And maaaaaybe a new West Coast Avengers team with him and Rhodey in the future? We'll see.
Birth of the Demon trilogy. Calling it a trilogy is a stretch; the first and second one are easily connected (Bride of the Demon obliquely references Talia's "miscarriage), but the third one is on its own. For example, in Son of the Demon, Talia witnesses her mother's murder, like Bruce did, but in Birth of the Demon, we're told she died of an overdose (and that Ra's didn't choose to use the pit on her). Sidenote, as a Jason-centric person, I side-eyed when Bruce, faced with a grieving father who wanted Ra's help to resurrect his son, thinks of his parents instead of thinking of Jason, so shortly after his death xD (Tim was around but not yet Robin, officially). It is quite an interesting saga for the al Ghuls, Talia above all (though, Ra's origin story is fucking horrifying!! Love it). Son of the Demon remains my favourite, but each of them are going to be good sources of inspiration in future stories.
Titans: Titans Forever. Four wacky adventures of a Titans team that includes Jason for some reason LOL. Mixed characterisation on him, but it was fun. Nothing much to say, other than that. Other than Donna having some pseudo-twincest kink xDD (said Jason and Dick looked identical and wanted them to kiss and make up xD).
Batman: Family. I love it when Martha Wayne gets even a little bit of focus, and other than The Ultimate Evil, this run (only 8 issues long) remains the one story I've read that's actually interested in saying anything about her. It was really good; I liked the narration style, with each issue told from the POV of one of the bad guys, and it really showed off a lot of the bat characters at the time (Helena my beloved), and the villain, as well as her connection with Bruce, was quite interesting. It's a pity this story is basically Athena's only appearance, but I'm definitely keeping her character in my back pocket.
Wonder Woman (various comics from John Byrne). I wanted to read Cassie's appearances as I go through YJ98. A+ choice, I really enjoyed a lot of what this quite chaotic run had to offer LOL. Everything regarding Hyppolita, Diana, Cassie, Artemis... but most of all, Donna. Her origin here is the one I already knew from reading Titans99, which starts shortly after this, and it's absolutely mind-blowing. I also liked Hyppolita's time travelling shenanigans being used to explain away continuity issues lol.
Suicide Squad: Get Joker! Eh. I definitely know how I interpret the ending. Sns, but I just don't buy such a lame form of manipulation working on Jason. All that aside, the only part of this comic worth noting is Harley and Jason's dynamic. It caught my eye.
Batman: Three Jokers. There's a scene early on where Barbara runs sooooo hard on a treadmill, she breaks it. It's not the first time she's done it, as proven by this one very impressed guy in the gym. The moment I read that, I knew this comic was going to be absolutely worthless. And I was right! Jason looks quite good in it, though. I'm going to start mentally replacing his modern suits with this one (no bat!!).
Red Hood: The Hill. Things happened. I didn't care for them. The art wasn't even cute. And somehow, not only is this a Red Hood story with next to no Red Hood; not only did it end up being more about Batman than about Jason; but it's, quite literally, not going to amount to anything, story-wise, continuity-wise, you name it. I agree with people that say it's not so bad, that it's not hateful or meanspirited the way other modern Jason stories have been... but that's just not enough for me. And whatever else those other stories do with Jason, at least there's something about them worth discussing.
Batman Chronicles #8 "The Prison". There were other two stories with this one (one about the origin of the cave's dinosaur, another about Gordon and Two-Face), but they're unimportant lol. A story about Ra's ordering Talia to kill Bruce!!! About the struggle between duty and a yearning for freedom (the source of her love for Bruce) in Talia!! If you like it, and you like Brutalia, do yourself a favour and pick it up.
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Hey, friend! Oh boy, buckle up! I'm a writer so prepare for a long ass answer lol. Here we go...
For most controversial character, if we're referencing all of Star Wars, I would say Kylo Ren (this blog focuses on pretty much everything other than the sequel trilogy- in my mind, they don't exist lol). My personal opinion is he's kind of a little bitch lol, but I appreciate the idea that he's sort of a reverse Luke and Vader situation. In L&V's case, it's the son turning the father back from the dark side, and in Ben Solo's case, it's the father (I wished) turning the son from the dark. *Ask me about my Kylo Ren potential rant lol.
My most unpopular opinion I would say is I actually really love Jar Jar Binks lol😅 I see why people dislike him, but I think he's sweet (and quite possibly a Sith Lord🤪)
Tumblr is my fav fandom pocket for sure!
Endor! It's funny, I actually live in a very wooded area irl, so when I would watch ROTJ on summer nights with the windows open and listen to the crickets chirping, it felt like I was really there🥰
I love me some good Luke and Vader father & son hurt/comfort, and anything Skysolo! If anyone reading this writes these kinds of fics, feel free to message me links to your work!
Favorite story element is hands down Luke's character arc and him saving Vader through compassion and forgiveness. I could go on, but then this would be a REALLY long post lol😆
Sure do! I won't link just for sake of it being kind of confusing- some of the songs take some explaining and some are just from my own fics lol, but some tops songs include "Spectrum" by Muzzy, "Isle of Flightless Birds" by Twenty One Pilots, and "illicit affairs" by Taylor Swift (bonus: see my fanvids for some of these here!)
Favorite Star Wars meme is the "and your pal friendpatine"- that one still makes me giggle snort after all these years🤣
Favorite piece of content is and probably always will be Return of the Jedi!
I get a lot of merch from a local comic book store and some from Comic-Con! I have a few Pops, some figurines, and an Ewok backpack, among many other things😁
I relate to Luke the most- I consider myself a compassionate person who leads with my heart, and I tend to be quick to forgive (sometimes to a fault). But hey, maybe I'll save someone from the Dark Side someday😆
My comfort character is 100% Luke. His compassion and willingness to see the good in others inspires me to do the same irl. He's seen me through the good, bad, and ugly in my life, and I don't know where I'd be had I not clung to him. In other words, he's my son😆
Sequel trilogy? Garbage. Absolutely not canon and never will be to me. Basically it boils down to mischaracterization and trying to undo essential parts of the Originals. I've shed actual tears of disappointment and anger over those movies. I'm happy for the people who can enjoy them, but I will never be able to.
I love the Luke & Vader community! I love being a part of something so inclusive, wacky, and fun! I know I can always reach out if I need something fandom-related or just want to pal around with like-minded people. Shoutout to all my L&V fans! A part of the fandom I don't enjoy is the incest between Luke and Vader that somehow seems to creep up in my AO3 from time to time.
A Star Wars blog I hope will follow me is @kaelinaloveslomaris if she ever followed me back or read my work, I would actually shit my pants.
The short version of why I fell in love with Star Wars is Luke's character arc and him saving Vader, and in turn, Vader saving Luke. The long version? Well, I'll post that another time when I'm feeling sappy🤪
Yes! I went to opening night for TLJ (unfortunately lol) and TROS (also unfortunate lol). I was thoroughly disappointed by both, but I also got to see Solo on opening night and that was a blast! I will say, the energy at all three was unmatched, and it was fun to be around other Star Wars super fans irl😁
I sure do write fanfic! My AO3 is here 😁 You will find a lot of L&V hurt/comfort, angst, etc, and a little Skysolo!
I absolutely loved the Obi-Wan series- seeing Obi-Wan duel Vader ("Anakin is gone. I am what remains."😭), everything about little Leia, Reva, Hayden Christensen's return, just EVERYTHING! I especially loved when Obi-Wan told Leia in what ways she was like her parents. I've seen this series at least four times and that part gets me every time😭
Thank you SO much if you read through all this chaos- I hope you learned more about me and got a better look into my perspective of everything!
Want to answer these questions yourself? Find the original post here!
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chalkrevelations · 1 year
Tagged by @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas, and this was a fantastically fun, low-pressure thing to spend a little bit of time doing, so thank you for the enrichment activity! I probably talked too much, but here we go. Song links are to YT.
Put my On Repeat playlist from Spotify on shuffle, and here are the first 10 songs that came up - and ... oh, lol. This is maybe not as cool and edgy as I’ve managed to look in similar memes in the past? otoh, I'm finding it kind of interesting how many of these have actual dance associations, this time around.
1. Rabbit Hole, Natalia Kills - I had to laugh when this one popped up first - this one's on my Only Friends playlist, although I had kind of forgotten quite what a banger it was, until I dug it out again. If only I knew how to vid, y'all would absolutely get a full-length OFTS vid to this.
2. Before He Cheats, Carrie Underwood - Ha! This one is ALSO off my Only Friends playlist. This was the first one that went on the playlist, in anticipation. I figured the unhinged energy would be appropriate before we were through.
3. Girls In Their Summer Clothes, Bruce Springsteen - I have loved Bruce Springsteen with my whole and entire heart ever since a friend’s older sister introduced us to his music when I was in middle school, and I knowingly and deliberately imported my own experience of discovering Springsteen into “In Ordinary Time” and imprinted it onto Ray Mukada with very few changes and without the least bit of shame. There are a handful of Springsteen albums that hold a particularly special place in my heart, and Magic is one of those. This song’s actually really light, comparatively, but it’s gorgeous and breezy while still being full and rich in that way the E Street Band can’t really miss, and it feels like summer. I’ve been enjoying it so much in the waning days of heat with that cooler air edging underneath the night breeze. It … makes me want to shag, even though it’s not beach music. It's clearly a creation of the boardwalk, even if its accent is Jersey, instead of Carolina.
4. Work Song, Hozier - The MV for this one - choreographed by Jillian Meyers - is fantastic, and my obsession with the song was really cemented after seeing Lex Ishimoto and Gaby Diaz dance to it for SYTYCD - a piece choreographed by Mandy Moore and clearly influenced by the MV. I must have watched that particular performance 100 times by now. The show used a cover by Luke Wade, but I do prefer Hozier’s original version. It will sometimes drop off the On Repeat playlist, but as soon as it turns up again in the shuffle, it ends up back on repeat.
5. lovely, Billie Eilish with Khalid - I have not been the same about this song since I somehow stumbled across Ten and Winwin's choreography to it on YT. I have no idea how I found it - I know literally nothing about WayV, NCT, Ten or Winwin except this choreographed piece (which you also have to see the live performance of, because while it's not as clean, it gives a better view of how Ten appears to be almost, kind of, puppetting Winwin in one section). I would poke someone’s grandma in the eye (ok, not really) for a chance to get my hands on the “ring and portrait” remix they use, but meanwhile, the original version will do.
6. Lyfjaberg, Wardruna - Healing Mountain. So, my morning routine, on the days I work, is to get to the hospital about 20 minutes ahead of when I actually need to be there, so I can sit in my car and breathe and meditate and do some self-reiki right before everything starts. I usually don't listen to anything on my way into work, but on the days I do, the days when things are going hard, like the past few weeks, with heavy patient loads and high acuity - this is the song I listen to on that drive in, on repeat. (The weeks I'm working with end of life patients, I tend to use Helvegen for this, instead, or alternate them.)
7. My Silver Lining, First Aid Kit - Thanks, The Umbrella Academy. I downloaded this one on Spotify about 12.6 seconds after hearing it on a S3 ep of the show, and I don't know that it's ever left the On Repeat playlist since then.
8. Letters From The Sky, Civil Twilight - Huh. A couple of weeks ago, about three bars from this song wisped through my mind, and I was haunted by them until I could finally manage to get my fingers in them and hold them down long enough to trace them to some lyrics in my memory, and then I had to google those couple of lines to finally pin down the actual song. And then I went and dl’d it and have listened to it A LOT, apparently. It was used for a fanvid that I watched obsessively a bajillion years ago – so long that I’m not entirely certain who it even featured, although I’m … pretty sure? … that it was Agron x Nasir from Starz’s Spartacus. I might have even first seen the vid back when I’d only watched a Nagron supercut, before I saw the full show. I can't for the life of me find it anymore - there's a Spartacus vid on YT now that uses it but it's a more general S1 vid, and that's absolutely not the one I remember, which included footage of the operation on Nasir in the abandoned temple.
9. Threat, WEARETHEGOOD/Frank Bentley/Skrxlla - Loooooool, THANK YOU, LITA. I picked this particular song up off of one of the eps of Love In The Air, one of the ones in the middle – this gets played over Payu and Pai having a practice race at the track. I was like, “waitaminit,” paused, went to google some lyrics so I could find the artist, and came back with this on dl’d on Spotify. It's another one that probably has not been off the On Repeat playlist since.
10. Sacrifice, The Weeknd - So, Vinh Nguyen choreographed a piece to this at Offstage Dance Studio that is totally and completely responsible for the way this song keeps popping up on my On Repeat playlist. I think I first ran across the choreo in a set with Baily Sok, Kinjaz's Jason Lin and Lex Ishimoto, but there's more than one version out there.
OK, if you've already been tagged or don't want to do this, don't worry, but tagging (hm, looks at recent notifications) @yagirlyacchan, @henpeckedho, @elementaldrop, @jill-question-mark, @liathebookwyrm. Go!
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
First, I bring the sneak peek
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this master post is being made by a person who has a monster energy drink cans hung above their bed as a pride flag (the 8 colors version), I get to make it an eyesore (would make anything rainbow if given the opportunity to do so)
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I am going for chronological events over chronological posting, definitely not done adding subcategories there, I know The Horrors will include Live Parents Reaction section and the alt ch 3 section. Speaking of which. I have an oumatsu question, I mentioned in the tags while reblogging the fic you wrote for Shuichi and Kokichi. Or more like multiple, is the alt ch 3 canon to the AU timeline or is it a what if? In the fic that I will be writing, would you rather I be evil and made their confession during a very emotional (crying & more crying & hugging) ch3 moment or be nice and do it after Kokichi wakes up in a soft kind of tender moment with a proper conversation (the Shuichi plan) they're going to have either way happening as part of the confession? Unrelated question, but did you reblog the outfit kitties just bc they're cute or are you doing the drawing meme? I just think Raspberry has Kaede vibes all over it, Kokichi would look good in Lilly Pilly Berry and Shuichi could match them in being pink as Strawberry or Pine berry, but like, I already visualized them in my head so no pressure if you weren't going to be taking requests on that. If I could get one request of them, I'd rather get this one I've had since last night, it's something I am going to put in the fic so it'd be an illustration basically.
post-game cuddle pile, Kokichi's old cat (10 years old at this point) sleeps above their heads, Kokichi himself is sprawled on top of the two of them, basically on Shuichi, would be listening to his heartbeat if they weren't asleep, but with an arm and a leg thrown over Kaede, who's snuggled up to Shuichi's side, it's Summer and they're in a sunbeam, so the blanket is nearly fully kicked of, tangled between their legs. They weren't supposed to have that sleepover, but Shuichi had a nightmare and when they checked on the groupchatTM after he calmed down it turned out Kaede was awake too, so they texted her to come over, knowing that none of them would be able to go back to sleep on their own.
It doesn't have to be today or under this ask, if you don't have time for drawing when you see it, I need answers for questions more.
Last bit: them playing house as kids and having all those weird ideas about what a normal family is like because as little kids they have no idea their parents are... pretty unique. Only in funny ways, tho. Like, I just imagined that as opposed to Kokichi's mind blown Kaede's reaction to polyamory was just like "that's how things are, I am going to have that in my future" and she makes a drawing of that future, explaining it to Mikan "this is my husband A, cooking dinner, and this is my husband B cleaning, and I am on tour playing piano like a girlboss", M: Hmm... A girlboss? Did Monaca teach you that word? K: Yes, when I learned playing that pop song to make an original TikTok soundtrack for her last week, it's not a bad word right? M: It's not, but... what song? K: Uhhh, the Boss... girl song. Or like "So which one of you is the one that gets a lobotomy?" type beat
Phwoof this is a biggun get ready for WORMS
YOOOOOO THATS SUPER COOL DUDE!! I like how organized it is that’s so fucking dope my dude <- (is going to be thinking about this for the next few hours)
✨ The alt ch3 is canon it scratches my brain too much
✨ honestly it was a mix of both lol, cute fruity kittties and if anyone wants I can draw fruity blorbos lol
✨ALSO IVE GOT YOUR REQUESTS SCREENSHOTTED AND ILL GET TO THEM ASAP (which means I’ll probably thumbnail it during work and get started after work lol)
ALSO ALSO I LOVE THEM HAVING DIFFERENT TAKES ON WHAT A “NORMAL” FAMILY IS LMAO. I kinda like the thought of Kokichi’s polyamory realization being that you can just have more than one parent lol
They’re silly funky
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thegeminisage · 1 year
76 for broken road please!!
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [Fanfic Name]? 
actually, most of what i wanted got into broken road! i'm really happy about that. there were only a few things i didn't quite have room for:
john & mary resolution. i left it pretty ambiguous so everyone could imagine their own ending, because i just couldn't decide what felt right. but it feels like a little bit of a cop-out, you know? ultimately though it was just out of the scope of this fic
and speaking of things out of the scope of this fic...since it's a fix-it fic, i was sad that i couldn't bring back eileen. they fridged her for absolutely NO reason whatsoever and i'm mad about it. like, yes, samwena is great and fun, but i like them equally as friends, and i LOVED sam and eileen...but it would have required SO much more work (and words!) to make it feel earned and this fic is already over the 100k limit
similarly, i would have liked to include pov from mary and sam, and go deeper into their issues with each other. it's a four-person family! john got time with sam, mary, and dean, and dean got time with sam, mary, and john, but by virtue of excluding these two povs they didn't get much meaningful stuff hashed out between themselves. again, this was due to size and scope. it would have been another 50k at least, maybe even another 100k. additionally, the bad guy of this story - michael - doesn't tie into their stories as well as he does with dean & john, so whatever work i did with them would not have had the climax that dean and john had. if anything, there needs to be some kind of roleswap broken road fic where we do the same thing with mary and sam but they're playing whack-a-mole with lucifer instead and eileen is the love interest that survives despite all odds. i'm never going to write it, so this is an open invitation, lol.
believe it or not, there was originally a scene where dean taught jack to play pool. in the original version of this fic, which was gen and not dean/cas (i thought i didn't have room, but after nov 5...), they left the bunker a lot more. (actually, by the end of writing it, i was a little frustrated with how little they seemed to need to leave it for all the melodrama to happen! i wish i could have varied my scenery more.) so, prior to the sex scene in ch3, when dean confides in cas about his complex feelings about john - this originally happened at a bar, or some other place with pool tables - maybe there was a pool table in the bunker, lol. dean would teach jack a few things about pool and talk to him about john. (this ultimately became the conversation they had during the hatchet man movies.) sam, mary, cas, and john would come in, and cas would jerk his head at dean so they could talk semi-privately at the bar or in the corner to tell dean how the mission went. john would move to teach jack how to hold a pool stick, cas would become alarmed, and dean would stop him from interfering. john would play Good Dad and teach jack a couple of tricks without doing anything horrible (i think at this point he either didn't know what jack was or was less bothered by it), and dean and cas would both relax. and then dean would go on to say the same things he said in ch3 about john being good to him, just...without the sex. that all got moved around - due to the urgency of dean's situation, which was necessary to build tension, we didn't have time for as many quiet moments like this. i replaced pool with hatchet man because it was necessary for dean to be restrained, and i love the hatchet man episode, and also because john going "we all do bad things sometimes" was in my opinion unequivocally hilarious. after i decided to do dean/cas after all, i instantly pictured this conversation moving to the car - you absolutely cannot have their first time be anywhere else - and that was that. history and memes were made.
thank you for asking actually!! that was so much more than i realized i still had in my brain, lol. i'm really happy that people still think about broken road so often after the fact, it makes me warm and fuzzy.
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labyrinthofcrystals · 2 years
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 for Cheshire
🖕 for Hatter
And 😶 for Hare
(Whichever versions you want)
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I saw this ask RIGHT BEFORE I had to go clock in at work so I was suffering for 4hrs thinking about this ask lmao. Oh and I'm doing this for my own versions bc I have 0 confidence writing for any other versions lksdjf [ HEADCANON ASK MEME ]
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🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
mmmm he's a he/it bitch. and a cat, so gender has no meaning to him, but if it had to choose, then a mix of male && nonbinary. nonbinyanary, if you will.
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
My Cheshire, like nearly all my ocs, is bisexual! I can't see him having much of a preference -- he'll date whatever catches his fancy. He did have a wife, though.
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
SO funny story, I wrote out an answer (...at work lol) and then remembered I already wrote out an answer previously for a similar ask on a different blog! But then I checked and turns out I remembered wrong. So now you're getting what I originally wrote instead.
ANYWAY, bottom line is, Phineas has trouble dealing with any emotion other than "happy" (yay toxic positivity), so he'll adamantly deny that he's upset over anything. Unfortunately for him, he gets heated quickly, and over the most random things, too. This usually results in passive aggressive rants, typically while he's doing another task (which will result in said ask being poorly done, adding to his annoyance). Uhm his rants often go like "blah blah blah ok im done" *2 second later* "anD ANOTHER THING---"
😶 A random headcanon!
Ooo Henry loves plants! Especially the super dangerous ones. He has his own garden with a mix of different "normal" and "dangerous" plants, which he often crossbreeds for fun. Sometimes he'll sell them but mostly he just keeps them && tries to make more crimes against nature. He would absolutely LOVE little shop of horrors if he ever saw it && def fawn over DC's Poison Ivy like a fanboy lol.
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dbzebra · 2 years
4, 8. 13, 16, 23
4. What’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
So me and my friends from my private discord server has this little joke that has spiraled totally out of control, went from harmless little thing to literal shitpost universe.
TLDR, I originally made my discord icon of the little duck from the Duck Song on YouTube cause I thought it was funny.
Then we started making memes about our own Tournament of Power when that was airing, and we made one of the universes the DB/Z timeline, and how there was Goku and Guk (Dbs Goku). Anyway we threw the little duck in there just as this cute little guy for a meme.
Context this was around the time Gohan Blanco and Ultra Instinct Shaggy memes were big
Then we said what if he powered up, and my friend drew a version of him where he’s huge and has UI and fought Guk lolol
THEN it went crazy. We did one of those Hunger Games simulators with all the characters, and one of the things said “Duck takes a shower with (one of my friends OCs. She’s an adult dw). So the meme became he fell in love with he and then it slowly spiraled from Duck being this cute little mascot to a literal demonic force with multiple forms who sends people to the Shadow Realm (like Krillin and Vegeta) and has a 800 episode final battle.
Also there’s a bunch of power scaling/lore videos using a text to speech voice who we call Shiek, a parody of clickbait Youtubers who just say dumb shit.
It goes a lot deeper than that but it’s one of those things where you just gotta be there, plus this already got too long lmao
8. Any reoccurring dreams?
Not anymore but I used to have dreams where I’d be back in school but the campus is 10x bigger than where I went, and I’d get lost going to class. Idk I haven’t had that dream in years and don’t remember majority of my dreams anymore so who knows tbh lol
13. What are you doing right now?
Working lol
16. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My confidence. In general. I think low of myself a lot
23. Say 3 things about someone you hate
I don’t think I truly hate anyone, but the only person that comes close, all I can say is that they’re dead to me. That’s just pretty much it. Let’s just say there’s a reason I say I’m an only child
It’s a super personal thing that I’m not comfy sharing publicly but my friends know what went down
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starberry-cupcake · 2 years
I was tagged by @lady-harrowhark ♥ in a tag meme game, answers below the cut 👀
Three ships: I don’t even know how to tackle this lol I know kids these days use the word ship in ways I don’t get, but I’ll go with my understanding. I’ll do a historic ship, a hall of fame ship from last year and the one most read in my ao3 history currently. 
So, for historic ship I’d say Royai, but I have come to accept that I do ship them as a qp relationship, not romantically. I think they are probably in the top 5 of the most well developed qp relationships I’ve ever read (unintentionally probably idk), but I only noticed the importance of that once I lifted the fandom veil of “every ship that isn’t canonically romantic and sexual is lacking it and fandom has to fill that void”. 
For a hall of fame from last year, I’d give props to Lilly Fortenberry and Candace Powell from Astrid and Lilly Save the World. The nerdy fat girl and the popular girl with a strict upbringing who used to be friends as kids and something happened that made them drift apart but turns out they’re in love with each other, love to see it. Hope they get another season. 
And my most read currently in ao3 is probably superbat but that also counts as a historic one too. I also don’t care about what kind of relationship they’re in, I’ve always liked their dynamic, so it’s a delight whatever the case. 
First ever ship: It’s probably a toss up from shows I watched as a little kid, Rogue and Gambit from Saban’s X-Men was probably one of the firsts when I was in primary school. 
Last song: I am learning how to play One Summer’s Day by Joe Hisaishi (the Chihiro song) in kalimba, so that’s the last I heard. Normally I look for several versions on the instrument and listen to the original and make my own tabs from all of that (I’m using 4 different versions for this one, but one is in a different kalimba with a different amount of keys than mine). I had stopped playing after my cat passed away because she used to be with me when I did and I miss her terribly, but I picked it back up finally this week. 
Last movie: So, in the last 4 days I watched Strange World, Glass Onion, the latest Prince of Tennis movie (Ryoma! The Prince of Tennis I think it’s called, we watched both versions) and the Cherry Magic movie. I’m catching up with the fun ones before awards season is upon us.
Currently reading: I finished the 2nd AriDante book and I’m going to pick back up friend recommendations, so I’ll continue with Wayward Children (recommended by @bewareofitalics first and then Locked Tomb recommended by the lovely Emily who tagged me on this). I’m also reading a bunch of non fiction books, depends on my mood what I pick that day. 
Currently watching: Blue Lock, Yowamushi Pedal (the latest season) and we just finished His Dark Materials season 3. A lot of eclectic youtube stuff. 
Currently consuming: as in food? nothing atm. I have to start preparing the rosca de reyes tomorrow, to finish it on the 6th, though. Tomorrow I’m in pastry cream and sugar confections duty. 
Currently craving: the Eliza McFee doll is the first thing that comes to mind, she looks very adorable and I collect fairies. 
Tagging: whoever wants to do this, consider yourselves tagged by me and post it! because most time the people I tag aren’t in the mood and the people I forget to tag would like to do it, I have terrible aim in tags. 
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shinygoku · 20 days
Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
Rare American Beatle Album W ! The original English release was only the newest songs that was used in their TV Special, and while they were good, it was shockingly short, so this version was beefed up by kidnapping Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields Forever, as well and sticking a couple other singles and the song written for a special BBC Show to promote unity – All You Need Is Love. The way I phrased it makes it seem a bit haphazard, but are the results surprisingly harmonious, if less themed that Sgt Pepper?
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Frankly, this is my least favourite cover so far. Both the UK version, which is just the inner picture, and this border'd and song listing US take, it's so busy yet visually uninteresting. They're in their hideous animal masks (you guys are wealthy enough to have bespoke fursuits made!!) and the stars spelling out BEATLES [where's the The?] just look offputting, and I like the US Border clouds more as a design cue to follow but it doesn't gel with anything else, including the inconsistently formatted names of the tracks. But let's not judge the book by it's cover...
Magical Mystery Tour: Roll Uuuuuup! For those who ain't sure, a Mystery Tour is something that was once quite common on British Holidays, or Staycations. When in your place away from home, one of the forms of "entertainment" would be crowding onto a bus to be driven to an unknown destination, a place of local interest or tourist hotspot. It sounds rubbish to me, but in the pre-internet days they had some popularity. Anyway, the song itself does not sound rubbish at all, though it's basic structure with minimal variation isn't particularly enchanting, or magical, either. The spoken words adds a little bit of interest, like of the ticket seller trying to snag attention and customers. A middle-of-the-road song for the big yellow bus!
The Fool On The Hill: The first time I heard this, when the Recorder piped in I was like "oh nooooo" but such is Paul's Power that not only does it work, but this song is one'a my favourites! Kind of a spiritual sequel to Nowhere Man, but this time instead of an obliviously lost individual aimlessly wandering, the "Fool" is actually very wise and it's everyone else shunning him from their own small mindedness. Even with this melancholy text, the music is jaunty and melodic and one I go back to often~ (and check out the '23 mix to hear how many different instruments are used in it!!)
Flying: One of the most odd-one-out of their whole discography! No lyrics, only instruments! And credited to the whole group, at that?! It makes very groovy background music, though as I'm not watching the visuals that were in the TV Special, I have to imagine the colours swirling myself lol - It seems to take a moody turn towards the end which makes me like it less, but it does flow better into the next song that way...
Blue Jay Way: What sounds lovely based on the title is actually named after some treacherous roads! Where people are lost at night and George is waiting for them to arrive and constantly reasserting "Please don't be long" This one makes me feel anxious :( I wanted to put the "Mom pick me up I'm scared" meme here but it messed up the formatting. Obviously to be dread-inducing is the intent, but it means I also avoid it like the plague. Well done? It's great at making something sound unpleasant, so objectively it's a success but for me I have to reject it. And even if ya like it, it doesn't half keep not ending! It goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on........... and on and on!
Your Mother Should Know: Ooooh I love this one!! Another very repetitive song, but upkey and good at coaxing me into movement! It sounds much more sincere and sweet than many, encouraging the audience to connect with the older generation as they may be privy to knowledge ya wouldn't have had otherwise. Also kinda funny for the "Your Momma So Old" style, but again, a genuine Nice Song without hidden cynicism for once XD;;
I Am The Walrus: Possibly John's most iconic song if not for the competition... If Lucy in the Sky was evocative of Lewis Carroll, this one is full blast, and only in part to the Walrus being from the Walrus and the Carpenter story within a story from Through The Looking Glass. The nonsense words strung together form something akin to being spoken to in a language you barely understand, and yet the flow of the music keeps the interest and oddly catchy nature running. Woven throughout all that is some dope instrumentals, like the Strings and Drums, and the odd turn it takes towards the end as a radio broadcast appears (again, the '23 picks this out nice and clearly~). It's another song I prefer to listen to in the daytime as the repetition at the end, orchestra fade in and radio static is a bit spooky XD;; – Apparently the BBC banned this song for a while from the line about knickers lmao. And this song inspired Dr Eggman in the Sonic the Hedgehog series!! Goo Goo G'joob!
Hello Goodbye: Paul is back with another upbeat seemingly simple ditty that I'm quite partial to! Of note is the drums and guitar flourishes and the counter vocals and the clever use of Aloha in the coda, but other than this being fun I don't have a lot to talk about. A good candyfloss type song, not much substance but a nice treat~ Oh, and watch the video! It's heavily Paul Energy but that makes is a funny lark with the boys wearing their fetching Sgt Peppers gear and even a nostalgic if odd Collarless Suits moment XD
Strawberry Fields Forever: One of John's very strongest songs, based on his childhood days messing around in the grounds of a children's home in Liverpool (seemingly these were unattended or he never got kicked out for trespassing lol). This song notably uses a Mellotron, an organ like contraption that inconsistently plays sound samples, as well as making interesting use of more conventional instruments, like the hard percussion found throughout and the odd little twangs of something at various points. This also famously is made up of two different takes played at different speeds, overlapping, which all enhances the eerie, dreamlike feel.
It's not entirely coherent, but this song feels like it has something to say about nostalgia and being able to connect with others. It also has a lovely music video of the lads larking about in a field (no strawberries, though!) and painting a piano that seems to be connected to a tree as another curious instrument. But there's a dark side to this hazy song that kicks in towards the end and with the coda; the drums get heavier, brass sounds like sirens, and John's distorted CRANBERRY SAUCE leave this with a slightly unsettling, but extremely memorable vibe. Peak John, everyone~
Penny Lane: One of Paul's very strongest songs, made in response to Strawberry Fields and thus also incorporating a big dose of Childhood in Liverpool nostalgia. This one stays brighter throughout, and seemingly much simpler, though a closer listen will shed more light on surreal moments and even innuendo. The chord progression is pleasing and little extra sound effects and the piccolo trumpet add further interest to the expected high quality.
This one also has a slightly off ending, this time the sounds trailing off with the cymbal seemingly left to resonate. The music video is another feature of interest, cutting between the real locale and the Boys riding on horseback to reach a fancy tea party, which is later upturned. The two songs feel like two sides of a coin and I'm so fond of both, oddities and all!
Baby You're A Rich Man: Apparently the manager of the band, Brian Epstein, really didn't like this one and thought it was directed at him? And I know that John in particular was mean sometimes, though all I have is hearsay, and no way of knowing if that was his intent or an unfortunate miscommunication. This is made a hotter topic by the allegations that the last spoken title in this is using an altered line to be more insulting ...I don't know if I hear it or the power of suggestion is in play, so I'm not writing it out. But if true then yeah, it's very tacky and uncool. Other than all that, I'm not that wowed by this one. It's whatever, falls way short of the other nonsense lines like Walrus and their musical instrument skill is always a high standard. I only slightly prefer to listen to it than Blue Jay Way as it doesn't fill me with dread, just Nothing.
All You Need Is Love: I find it a little odd how it starts of with the French national anthem, but for a very basic song on the surface I really dig it. They're right! Love for fellow man, for interests, for the world we live in, and more! That's what it's all about, baybee! Not just one kind but all sorts of Love!! The messages of encouragement for being oneself and trying things out, and the extremely raw, passionate reprise of She Loves You (YEAAHHH YEAH YEAH) helps carry this simple ditty into one I always look forward to – and its use in Yellow Submarine has even more gravitas! Believe Me!!
Best 3: The Fool On The Hill, Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane
Blurst 3: Flying, Blue Jay Way, Baby You're A Rich Man
Overall Quality?: We have a slightly awkward moment here, as the two easily best numbers weren't meant to go with the songs under the Magical Mystery Tour banner, and rather outshine them. Such things do occur when going against the authors' intent, which technically this album is...! But, like the yt upload of TFOTH with Paul prancing around on French hills, it was rather too short for the liking of consumers... XD;; (For what it's worth, my Best 3 picks from the UK ver of MMT would be TFOTH, IAMTW and YMSK)
So yeah, SFF and PL really are stolen valour that should have gone into Sgt Pepper.... though that may've made an album too packed for its own good! But ouughhh, the themes really do tie into that album more, while the MMT originals having a more ....mysterious and magical, I s'pose, energy to 'em was the point. And then there's the other singles stapled on, some I really like and then BYARM which I think sucks. Still though, the album is very much more Hits than Misses, and I only have Flying on the Blurst list as it lacking vocals means it's hard for it to compete with the clever and/or fun of the songs that do have more words. To sum it all up I'd say it's Eclectic.
So, back to the Band's intended canon next and it's ...The Beatles. Much better known as The White Album, but given how very long it is, for my own sanity I may hafta keep each mini-review for the songs short, or else it wouldn't be done in time! ^^;;;
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hungnitan · 9 months
Genshin anon back again, faster than Ayato's normal attacks to thank you for the advice! (≧◡≦) ♡ It's settled then, mistsplitter here I go! (hopefully lmao)
And honestly I'm the same as you, playing genshin because I love the handsome faces and love the lore xD So believe me when I tell you that Raiden has come a long way for me, and I've skipped her so many times (a few times I skipped her bc I was poor tbh and the other times out of pure spite lmao xD) I'm of the opinion that Inazuma's storyline was kinda messy and it didn't let the region's characters shine like they should, specially their leader, as you said.
However my archon collection needs to increase as well, as I only own Venti and Zhongli (strongly devoted to those two lol 🙏) and in the future versions I'll try to pull for radish god Nahida, but farming her flowers is a pain similar to the handguards, RIP (╥_╥)
Also! Are you pulling for Xianyun aka Ganyu and Shenhe's momma aka Cloud Retainer? xD And have you seen Gaming? He is a must pull for me, but I will forever mourn his beta/original design that was leaked a while back, truly sad (-ω-、)
Ahahaha you really reply faster than Ayato NA this time Genshin anon-chan🤣, well glad can helped then. If I need the reason for pulling Raiden (which won't happens anytime lol) is just her e skill really useful and that's it which become one of reason I pull Yae before.
Let's be clear then, if you need to increase archon's collection, Nahida and Furina are enough for now, their lore really solid. Me too had archon collection except Venti Raiden, for Venti I need to wait for more lore reveal I guess (lol). And I know what I gonna said will make Mei series lovers hate me but Raiden shogun just famous because of Mei AU and archons title for godness sake, she even can't cook or doing something different like other archons (maybe can't cook consider special traits lol)
The things with handguard (and additionally dust mushroom for Nahida) are even you kill those kairagi samurai mushroom in all Inazuma Sumeru to getting its 3* rarity are more lower than chance like you getting Ayato in 10 pull. BUT handguard definitely had more thorny side since most Inazuma characters and weapons want that sh*tty items. I even hold Haran and Mistsplitter sword since I scare with Kairagi lol
If you want to prefarm Nahida flower, I suggest to weekly buy the flowers at Aranara shop from now (if you already finish Aranara world quest)
PS : in term of hard local items, the number one for now is Cyno scarab and side by side is subdetection unit Wriothesley. Cyno definitely not worth the hard work (he even had ER issue lol), even you can appreciate Wrio more since he's cryo catalyst
I definitely skip any pull since there's info saying about Siggewinne Arlecchino at 4.6. Did you know one meme about Madame Ping and Cloud Retainer mentor-student meme ? Like Ping more into kids and small while Cloud Retainer into sexy and big team so yeah I prefer small one (Guizhong more into my target lol) while I can't pull for Gaming especially Lantern Rite event definitely giving us one chooseable 4* for free include the newest one. Oh yeah Gaming prototype feels more wild but this one too isn't that bad I guess~ talking about prototype Skirk definitely hitting us in very hurt part (lol)
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kaatiba · 1 year
For the weird writer asks -- 1, 7, 17, and 22! ^_^
Thanks for asking! Another long answer lol
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I write in Times New Roman! I used to write in Georgia and Garamond and once wrote in Papyrus (insert meme here) a long time ago because 13 year old me thought it fit the fantasy-aesthetic. But I like Times best.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Oh man just...the euphoria of the words flowing without any struggle or uncertainty, when you stop being aware of the actual act of writing and you are just there, and it's happening and the world disappears! This...mostly happens when I'm rereading something actually. Usually after some time from it, so that I'm not in nitpicking-editor mode and am just in 'what did I write again? oh wow this is pretty good—where's the rest of it >:[" mode. I would say the ultimate joy is having my work read and loved, especially when people get excited about it or comment about favourite parts of it and express curiosity about the rest of it/choices made etc.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
I've talked about LofM here so let me talk about...Oracle wip! Oracle wip is my vent wip, in a way. I conceptualized the latest version of it in a time in my life where I was full of anger and bitterness and pain and feeling very trapped (i.e. during the last couple of years lol). My characters are all either wrathful and despairing or amoral or just plain awful. It's my self-indulgent 'what if everyone was a terrible person and/or deeply unhinged in their own unique ways' wip. But! It actually comes from a very old idea I had a long time ago! (It's nearly as old as LofM, so about a decade old!)
Back then I wanted to do a YA retelling of Alice in Wonderland, and Oracle still has a lot of roots in that original idea, just....executed very differently. Back then, my AiW retelling was very generic medieval-esque fantasy YA (nothing wrong with that, of course, just not what I want to write anymore). Alice was the MC, she was a secret heir to the throne, was in hiding due to the usurpation of the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter was a dark and broody love interest, and the White Rabbit was a rival love interest and mysterious and broody. I scrapped the idea when The Looking Glass Wars was published, because my plan for it was too similar.
I'm no longer quite so miserable as I was, but I still want to have gleeful unhinged fun with this wip and I'm excited for it, and some elements of the original idea are definitely still being incorporated, with a twist!
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
I don't think I'm that organized at all! Mostly I just make sure each wip has its own folder so I don't lose anything. But I write bits and bobs and scenes and plans in Google docs (or on tumblr, to eventually be transferred to Docs/my site if I'm sharing it) both on my computer and my phone, as well as in various journals or any bit of paper I have on hand, to eventually be transferred to the Docs.
I used to write on Evernote, but it's become quite glitchy.
My wip folders contain documents with every version of the story I'm writing (I write chronologically, which means I always have multiple 'chapter ones', for example). I have some documents titled 'plot' or something similar for various wips, and sometimes they also have character or worldbuilding things I want to keep in mind, or issues with the story I need to work out or grapple with, or names for countries or the families of characters or minor characters etc.
Sometimes all those thing will be in separate documents each titled in such a way that I remember what each doc contains. Some documents are just scenes that didn't work that I refuse to get rid of in case I end up re-purposing them somehow, somewhere. (Never kill your darlings. Just shift them to their own doc!) Mostly all this is written in bullet points (except the actual story proper).
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Zuuuuuuu!!! Hi!!!!!! How have you been?!?! Omg you did the meme!!! Love how Dream is the blanket hog lol.
I've never seen this version of the lay out before actually, did you make the template yourself?
Love how they are in contact with eachother, makes it so much better aw
How's your weekend been?
How's work going?
Also how's your eye doing? Are you doing any better
Still can't get over my commission ah! Keep going back to look at it
Hii Gayfish!! <3 Awwwsome, thank you! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)☆ YES I just found this among my drafts and decided to take a break finishing it heh, their relationship is def worth it ;3
Ah nono— I credited the original post with the template under the "read more" line (ówò) I found this one really sweet and easy to use! *^*
Thank uuu (〃ω〃) No boundaries for them anymore <3
The weekend's been busy yet grrreat! \(//∇//)\ I finally took part in that epoxy painting workshop (which I got for my birthday), it was magical ˚✧₊⁎ In a few days I can pick up the dried works and show you ♪ (Well, you can guess the colors I chose ;)
Aaand I just got back from my friend's birthday ٩( ᐛ )و♪ We had so much fun in the quest room! Have you ever been in one? It was based on Among Us, there was one imposter, and instead of killing, they were supposed to secretly switch the button while we were solving tasks. I caught them doing this in the second room (it was the birthday guy themselves heh) but decided to let them win and just looked at them every time we're alone like: :)
Work's been good as well! The other day I went to sign documents on new salary, it was raining heavily on my way but worth it xp And my eye is almost like new, thank you! <3 Only after such major incidents you begin to appreciate the details╰(*´︶`*)╯
Awww I'm really glad to hear you enjoy it! (*´꒳`*)
What about you? ♡ How's your weekend been?? How's it going with the work & drawing? *^*
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Oh it's alright! (ówò) Please don't force yourself if you feel sleepy now (it is really late :')) Have a nice rest (úwù)☆
It's actually really easy! *^* The only thing is the hardener (which is mixed with the resin), it's toxic & flammable and it's better not work with it at home x)
The mixture is poured into cups and mixed with pigments (paints), then you just pour them onto wooden coasters and that's where the fun begins! ☆
You can 1) tilt it and mix the colors; 2) paint by hand with a stick; 3) blow it with a hair dryer XD Each option is beautiful & interesting in its own way (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
Purple is one of the four, bingo! (๑>◡<๑)★
WAIT you've been in an art club?? *0*
Ah right, escape rooms is the right name! It is worth trying *w* Ohhh I can tell you sometime about the horror escape room I've found myself in... x)
Hmm! Trapped? ☆ Sounds really similar, gotta look into this one *^*
No more indeed ;') A snow?! \(//∇//)\ YAY seems like that xp
Awww Gayfish! (ówò) That's amazing!! Did you like it there? Don't hesitate to trust your intuition ☆ I'm so happy for you, hopefully it'll turn out the best way for you ♡ Bonus for the free food xd
I feel you, I know how frightening and tiring it may be in such a large volume, but it can turn out to be even cooler, useful and interesting for you!╰(*´︶`*)╯Don't rush to choose and take your time, you know you can always change your mind (úwù)
Actually, I believe you can talk to @kotikaleo about this since she's a fulltime artist who's studying it professionally now! *^*
A dorm!! (*゚∀゚*) Roommates, parties, college life... ♪ Ohh I wish I was in your shoes to experience this ♡ The beginning of your adult life! ☆ Best of luck to you <3
And that's the main thing! (*´꒳`*) Nobody knows what will happen in a year or two, the only things that matter is what you do and love to do now ♡
Tbh I wasn't even ready going to work with news since my real specialization is a photojournalist (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) But the vacancies were quite different so I had to quickly adapt :D
Omg I shouldn't have written so long to delay you— I'm so glad you had such a productive day, please take your time with drawing and sleep well first!╰(*´︶`*)╯
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
Sun 31 Jan ‘21 
Happy Walls Dayyy!!!!!! Today was the first anniversary of our #1 fave debut album of 2020, and we all celebrated, Louis included! Last but best thing first: WE GOT A DEMO!! Louis ended the day by publishing a dreamy clip of a demo of the title song ‘Walls’. His clear voice croons over beautiful sliding electric guitars and background reverberance- if that’s his FIRST draft then he is, as we knew, a GENIUS! AND, the King Himself came on twitter to interact with his “loyal” (his words) subjects (that’s us!). He popped up at first to say that his tour, when it comes around, will be “fucking unbelievable...this is our day!”, and talked about his favorite part of the last year (“the two shows I played”), what he noticed most when performing solo the first times (“the space on stage” ughhhh all the tears), what he was looking forward to after COVID (“everything”) and getting through these times- “remember that everything is going to be better when normality sets back in.” He also explained that while he was gonna put out merch today, he “didn’t want to market the day”, but rather make it “a celebration just for us”. But, uh, the merch will be coming eventually! He then replied that there were “too many greedy fuckers out there” who try turn celebratory events into a “cash grab” (to quote the fan), and harries then got mad at that because THEY were like this must be about Harry (lol uhhhh) and assumed he was shading him and Jeff rather than, I don’t know, his OWN FORMER LABEL?? Cool cool cool, but it’s still Harry’s moth on Spotify, so cope. He told us that his proudest moment on the album was recording the strings for the Walls the Single, that he wouldn’t have approached the process differently because he’s still really proud of the album, that he was most looking forward to us hearing KMM or Walls, that Doncaster is his fav place (to no one’s surprise lmao), and, asked what song he likes to rock out to off HIS ALBUM was like oh hey have I got a rec for you: “Maybe Tomorrow” by the Stereophonics. It goes, “think I'll walk me outside and buy a rainbow smile, but be free” and “maybe tomorrow I’ll find my way home” (huh is there something happening tomorrow that could be linked to... OH. Right. Huh. Well all that is just a coincidence I’m sure, it’s not like Louis ever said he likes to rec songs because he wants us to read into the lyrics or anything... oh wait.)    
LTHQ did a insta quiz over on their stories (I only got two questions wrong!) and they did the promised virtual listening party and tweeted along to each song and retweeted fans’ reactions (and all the usernames, larries everywhere, we SEE YOU). Friends of Louis joined in the celebration- Only The Poets, Ashton Irwin of 5SoS fame, Helene Hornyck (“all the love,” she said!), Isaac Anderson and more, and All On The Board made one of their lovely Frankenstein poems which mashing up a bunch of LT1 songs, but in keeping with the theme of the day (and COVID I GUESS) did it as fanart rather than the usual in person board. And all of that was the BORING part of the day, can you BELIEVE?? The FUN part was the Walls Fanart that was chosen to be the new Spotify cards on the official Walls album. As in, they are up right now if you want to go check them out, but I’m gonna tell you straight up: they’re half Harry tats! The Defenseless card, especially, as it is just straight up fanart of Harry’s moth tattoo, especially fun when he had JUST got us talking about its Papillion origin with his finsta! The artist had been worried that Louis would be mad at them for submitting ‘Larry art’, and was overjoyed to learn that, uh... apparently, he was NOT. That was not all! The ‘Too Young’ art card is H’s rose tattoo, ‘Habit’ and ‘Fearless’ were both different variations of H’s anatomical heart tat (the ‘Habit’ one even included the word kind :{) ), and the We Made It rainbow wheel did, in fact, make it to Spotify, just like we thought! “Perfect Now” was Louis standing under a rainbow spotlight—they made that one black and white for spotify but the artist shared the original version. Harries were beside themselves, and tagged Jeff (Azoff), Ben Winston, and Gemma Styles (what?), demanding that they make Louis take the art down because it was clearly Harry art, which 1.) how much more blatant can you be if even ANTIS are noticing and 2.) what sort of control do they think Jeff, Ben, and Gemma have over Louis seeing as, uh, none of them currently work for him??? Weird, are they thinking there might be some kind of link... between Harry and his team and Louis... tell me more antis, truly, I’m fascinated!
One would think that’s more than enough for one day but WAIT THERE’S MORE Zayn is in EXCELLENT quirky Zayn form having fun with his own merch—he posted a gremlin (from the old RL Stine movie ‘Gremlins’) in a NIL beanie captioned “one size fits all humanoid shaped heads” late last night, haaaaa. Yes, I agree! The red stitching really makes the gremlin’s red eyes pop, and his fangs have never looked this good! And the question arose, is Harry’s finsta actually just his side account for following nothing but gay meme accounts? Evidence—the discovery of a second follow, of the openlygayanimals account-- would suggest yes! Well that’s valid, imagine having to not only navigate the internet AS HARRY but also without funny memes of your choice, that’s no life to lead. And Niall complained on twitter that people didn’t understand his sense of humor because SARCASM! He also tweeted about golf, which I’m sure was cool for people who understand it.
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