#i love that stupid picture of Erik standing
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wishchip106 · 27 days ago
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honestly this is just Charles every ten years or so after each divorce
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irisinluv · 6 months ago
Mirror Yandere Brainrot
I’ve been thinking about a Yandere who can watch you through mirrors. And I don’t mean Erik from Phantom of the Opera. I mean paranormal level watching you through any surface that can hold a reflection. The shop window you catch a glimpse of your hair in, the sunglasses you use as a mirror to reapply your lipstick, the shower head that makes you giggle cuz it gives your face a fisheye effect. Whatever.
I picture the obvious- how they watch you frown and turn to look at your cellulite, practice how to stand to make your stomach appear the way you want, do a fake laugh to see if that chip in your tooth is noticeable…. All those stupid little things that we hyper focus on, that makes us upset, makes us hate our reflection, they of course, love. They wish they could take away all those insecurities. And they know exactly how they’d do it too.
But it’s not just the obvious self love arc for this mirror Yan. Oh no. Cuz, we don’t just have mirrors to reflect on how much we hate our bodies. You bet your ass your Yandere sees you recreating doctor pimple popper on your own face. Sees your shower karaoke, watches you burn your toast, stub your toe, roll down your windows and get into character as you scream sing Jesus take the wheel (bonus points if you’re not Christian btws- we’re allowed to jam to that too). They just love getting to watch all these mundane moments!
They do of course get frustrated that they can only watch you through the mirrors. But- haven’t you heard that you’re not supposed to sleep facing a mirror? That things from the other side can come out to get you? Mmmm….. yea so those 1980’s mirrored closet doors you have might be a biiiiiiit of a problem.
I think they’d just be able to access you in your dreams, at least as a start, but if they ever found a way to you for real….. whew. Whewwwww. Hello sailor! I mean mirror Yan surely can mirror your exact type. That’s. That’s kinda their whole thing isn’t it? Magic mirror shit.
Slight NSFW below cut
Once they’re out…. They would not fuck you against mirrors.
I know that’s where your brain may go at first. The typical “look at how I see you- you’re perfect!” Shit. But I’m sorry. If someone fucked me and I had to look at myself covered in sweat, hair sticking to my face, triple chins for days, stomach rolls rolling, cellulite dimpling….. IM NOT IN THE MOOD ANYMORE!
So nah. Mirror Yan won’t fuck you against a mirror. They WILL however, use their voice. They had gone unheard so long…. You had gone YEARS being unable to hear them, see them, feel them. So now that they have you in their arms, they’re going to make sure you hear, see, and feel them until there’s nothing else for you to focus on.
If we want to stick with the self love trope, an alternative to the mirror fucking thing, is them narrating what they see. Their voice is pure sin as they drive into you, sink down on you, or look up from between your thighs to describe the way your pupils look right now, all blown out. How you look like you’re praying when you cum, even though they’re the ones on their knees. They describe those things you hate about yourself too. But when they describe it, they sound reverential. They also sound horny as all hell. But most of all, they sound like the only thing keeping them alive is so they can keep seeing and feeling these parts of you.
And they make you watch them as they give you the most intense pleasure of your life. They may not make you stare into a mirror as they rail you…. But you WILL keep your eyes open so you can see exactly what you do to them. They CRAVE being seen by you. They have you play with yourself the way they’ve watched you do so many times…. Except now, your eyes are locked onto theirs as your eyebrows screw up, and it’s THEIR name you gasp out as your fingers fly. And they don’t have to just watch anymore either.
They also almost always want you facing them. They want you to look them in the eyes and know EXACTLY who is claiming you, body mind and soul. The only exception to the mirror fucking thing is if you/they want to hit it from the back. If you’re not looking in each others faces, you’re looking at each others reflection. If your eyes glass over, they’re smacking your ass to bring your attention back to them. You’re not missing a second of the absolute pleasure dripping from their face. They’re not shy about it either. Their eyebrows screwing up in ecstasy, mouth hanging loose in a perpetual moan, it’s lewd. It’s sloppy. And it’s all for you.
You see, they’re insecure over being glossed over- it was fantastic getting to watch you basically every minute of the day, but you have no idea how frustrating it is to scream out to your lover, cry and kick and wail, as you watch them breeze past a flat puddle on a sidewalk, none the wiser. So, they make sure you’re VERY present with them.
I also think they’d be a huge fan of cockwarming. Just being connected to each other as much as possible. Really needy behavior after being denied physical contact for so long. For my lovelies who cock warming doesn’t work for- you’re not off the hook. Mirror Yan will be wrapped around you just as much. Their fingers absentmindedly trailing your body, their fingers dipping into your mouth, inside you, over your hips….
OH and they love marking you. Hickeys, some sort of collar or necklace, hell, even a collarbone tattoo. They want you to look at your reflection, and see THEM. They may not be stuck on the other side of that reflection anymore, but they still get a thrill from knowing every time you look in a mirror…. It’s them you think of.
So uh. Yea. Even the mirrors are horny for y’all! Stay tuned, maybe I’ll come up with a Yandere spork or dildo next.
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sailforvalinor · 3 months ago
(Warning, this review is not spoiler-free)
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- I am OBSESSED with Alexei and Zizi. Oh my word, that subplot was so delightful. Alexei getting ticked over the soldiers flirting with Zizi and Clara telling him that maybe he should do something about that??? That KISS???? HELLO???
- ALL the brownie points for writing fun, witty banter between love interests without making it unnecessarily sarcastic or mean.
- Clara “I stand with my cancelled emperor” Stahlbaum, we love you.
- Wallwork really understands how to write an 18 year old boy. Does he have the maturity to lead an army and save his kingdom? Yes! Does he get jealous of a guy in a picture because his crush that he met six hours ago is wearing a locket with said picture inside? Also yes.
- Wallwork really understands how to give characters idiosyncrasies without drawing too much attention to them—for example, Nikolai repeats himself a lot when he gets nervous, but Wallwork never feels the need to put in a line like “Clara noticed he repeated himself when he got nervous.” It’s a small thing, but I really appreciated it.
- Clara and Nikolai’s interpersonal conflict was wonderful—when they argued, it felt completely warranted and true to their characters, it was never unnecessarily drawn-out for drama, and it was always very relevant to the plot. 10/10.
- On the topic of conflict, in any other book, the male love interest’s reaction to Clara telling them about her “love” for Johann would’ve probably been something along the lines of quiet acquiescence while internally dying on the inside—but no, Nikolai actually has the guts and integrity to tell her “uh, that’s stupid.” A little tactless, maybe, but he’s absolutely right, and it was what she needed to hear in that moment, even if she didn’t like it at the time. It’s giving Mr. Knightley in the best way possible.
- Erik makes for a fantastic villain, especially when you realize at the end that he has Nikolai in what appears to be a perfect catch-22–if Nikolai fails in stopping him, he’s not fit to be emperor, but if Nikolai murders him, he’s also not fit to be emperor. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t account for the fairies deciding to kill two birds with one stone by getting the one who can reverse Erik’s magic and Nikolai’s future wife. Eucatastrophe!
- Nikolai and Clara are just so cute, okay. And the way she falls for him because of his goodness! *chef’s kiss* Also, Nikolai’s reaction to Clara telling him she adores him is “Really? Well! Well! Well, good.” HA
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senditcolton · 2 years ago
You Always Have Been
summary: Brittany Hill imagined a different life for herself when she was younger. but now, celebrating her boyfriend Erik’s incredible achievement, she wonders why she ever wanted something else.
songs: X X  word count: 974 (plus insta edit!) warnings: none! pure fluff!
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The warm summer breeze danced across Brittany’s skin as she took a deep breath, inhaling the clear crisp Colorado air. Behind her, she can still hear the party going strong, hoots and hollers finding their way into her ears.
She was celebrating – there was no way that she was going to sit out a celebration of her boyfriend’s biggest accomplishment in his long career. Erik won the Stanley Cup. There was no better reason to throw a party.
And Britt was proud of him. Insanely proud of him. Even though they only met a little over a year ago, she knew how much this meant to him and she was just grateful she got to spend this time with him.
She loved Erik, loved recognizing his victory. But this moment, out here away from the commotion, was her way of commemorating the moment in her own way.
Now, on the bench on the edge of Erik’s property, Britt takes another deep breath, grabbing the old Nikon film camera hung around her neck, lifting it up and adjusting the settings before snapping a picture of the landscape in front of her. Looking down, she pulls the lever to advance the film, absorbed in her work that she doesn’t notice the presence walking up behind her until a pair of warm hands land on her shoulders.
A reactionary jump and a turn of her head reveals Erik, standing behind her, his thumbs caressing her warm skin.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, walking around the wooden bench before taking a seat next to her. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
Britt easily relaxes, leaning into his side as his strong arm wraps around her body, hand coming to rest on the top of her hip and she can feel the heat of his skin soaking through the soft linen of her sundress.
“It’s okay,” she replies with a sigh.
“What are you doing out here all alone?”
“Just thinking.”
“About what?” he questions, looking down at her with those gentle grey eyes.
“My high school crush, oddly enough.” Britt can’t stop the slight giggle that escapes her as she watches Erik’s brows pull together in confusion.
“Should I be jealous?” he asks, the teasing evident in his voice in response to her reaction.
“Not at all.”
“So, why were you thinking about your high school crush?”
“It’s stupid,” Britt shrugs, content to snuggle deeper into Erik’s side.
“Nothing you say is stupid,” Erik replies quickly. “Besides, out of the two of us, I’m the dumb one in this relationship.” Britt laughs again, pulling a similar chuckle from Erik’s chest, his thumb once again stroking over her skin. “Come on. You know you can tell me anything.”
Another sigh falls from Britt’s lips as she adjusts her position, coming to lay her head in his lap, looking up at him as the setting sun makes his blonde hair glow golden.
“Just sitting out here reminded me about the first high school party I went to. Filled with all the popular kids, my crush being one of them. I thought ‘wow, this is going to be the night everything changes for me. He’s going to notice me and we’ll fall in love.’ Instead, I spent the night sitting on a bench away from the party, being completely ignored.”
Erik adjusts his position above her, leaning closer and listening to her intently.
“And then I thought, ‘that’s okay, I can change. I can be better.’ And I spent so much of my life trying to be accepted, to be wanted. I hosted parties to buy people’s love. I starved myself to feel desired. And I got to feel that for miniscule moments but I tricked myself into believing that was enough.”
Britt exhales, shaking her head slightly as she goes back through her memories.
“I don’t know what eventually led me to snap out of it. I guess I just looked around and realized that it wasn’t fulfilling me the way I needed it to. And I wondered ‘why did I think this is what I wanted?’ So, I left. Left New Hampshire and came out here. Made myself a career doing what I love, found a place where I didn’t need the approval of others. I changed – for the better. And then I met you.”
With those words, she glanced back up at Erik with a soft smile on her face which he mirrors.
“I guess, it’s funny looking back and realizing that all of that led me here,” Britt concludes. Erik doesn’t say anything for a moment, just continues to stare down at her with that soft look in his eyes before he finally speaks.
“I kind of feel the same way.”
“Yeah. Not in exactly the same way but, you know, after all the injuries and thinking I might be forced to retire… to being here, celebrating winning the Cup with my friends and family,” he pauses, shooting Britt the dorky wink that never fails to make her laugh. “With the most beautiful women in the world. Who I knew I couldn’t have done this without.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“I mean it. Think about it. The only difference between the previous seasons and this one is that I had you cheering me on from the stands every game.”
“I’m not that magical,” Britt laughs.
“Yes you are,” Erik quips back, his hand moving from it’s spot around her waist to cup her face, thumb brushing against her cheekbones. “The most remarkable person I’ve ever had the privilege to meet.”
There were no other words to say. Instead, Britt lifts her head up towards him, a silent request. Erik reads it easily, leaning down to capture his lips in hers. The two of them stay there, wrapped up in each other until the sun finally sets; a picture-perfect moment.
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tiredandsleepyx · 2 years ago
milo september 20th spoilers and thoughts
What a man of his word mr GREER is
His mom wouldn't even let him play with an ouija board growing up asfdsghj
"I'm tryna put it back— oh there we go— you stupid little—"
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck all of you what the fuck is that"
"What why are you already given me shit? This is my desk, am I not allowed to look at my own fuckin desk?"
"I believe it said I CAN use that here 🤨💅"
"Why do I have to walk backwards?? Nothing good comes from walking backwards"
"Please stop looking at me like thatttttt"
"Can I sprint with the body? That's a little morbid"
"I don't even like that a little bit. WHO MAKES A GAME ABOUT DEAD BODIES"
"Wire the jaw shut. what. WHAT."
"Oh I dont like anything about that sentence— hammering setting needles in the b—"
"Moisturize the skin of the deceased… is that before or after I go in with the needle?"
He doesn't like teeth shit LMAOOOO
"Stop making me do this shit I don't wanna do this shit"
"Oh yeah all better now" 😑
"What? What? Oh look the gangs all here"
"I dont wanna continue I dont"
"Checmical haha"
"Make an incision in the carotid artery and jugular vein with scalpel— do I have to 😭"
"That is a very ominous picture of your grandmother"
"Is this your apartment? Where do you sleep? On the couch? This is a very sad sad apartment"
"I think that means pick up. Dont you dare fall— dont you dare fucking fall"
"You know what rebecca I dont think that's the case— rebecca no"
"Alright the game really said you wanna play bitch let's fucking play"
"You need to fucking go rebecca"
"Stop calling me you stupid bitch, you didnt even pick up that thing you said you would"
"Rebecca 😐" count: 16537272
"Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh… yeah real fuckin simple "
"No not whatever. Dont you tell me whatever rebecca. I'm the one in charge here right now." My little sigma male 🤗😍
"I'll sprint through this nasty ass hallway"
Dont make me do this count: 9546367
"Dont you fuckin look at me cordell:
"I dont wanna check him out you seem like a nice guy it's a damn shame you died so young but I dont wanna fuckin do this"
"I never thought the fuckin day would come when I would be missin prey. I miss prey so much right about now"
"Dont fuckin cheerfully beep at meeee"
"Goddamnit I wish I could right about now:
"Okay—okay— that shit just told me to s— okay"
"Please dont— please dont do that maybe we could not do that"
Not his voice wavering stop hes gonna cry
"Cool great now were getting possessed love to see it love to fucking see it"
"I dont understand what the hell is wrong with people who like this shit. what is this. And if you dont stop fucking laughing at me this is NOT funny. You are a literal fuckin BEAST from hell. No— no you do NOT get kisses. You're never getting kisses again I cant stand you. I cant fuckin stand you right now" the way he laughs when he says all that 💞
Him ignoring the phone until it gets annoying lmao
"Oh look we've already got an incision how delightful"
"Yup nice and moisturized buddy (ireallydontlikethishesgonnawakeuphesgonnagrabme)"
it's the way Milo scared me more than the fucking demon in the background asdfhsgaff
"Is this how I can end this early though? Can I just go down there and fuckin die? Is that a choice? Is that an option?"
Rebecca- that's not it
Milo- are you sure its not
Rebecca- I cant use that here
Milo- but maybe you can try
Not him bringing up desolation of smaug lmaooo 
The way Erik's scream made me jump while I was doin my art hw
"Gimme the sigil gimme the sigil gimme the sigil"
Guys I'm sensing Milo doesn't like tooth stuff
"Yeah there we go you heard the lady"
Hallucination/vision time YAYYYY
"If you think I'm gonna answer that phone you've got another thing comin. You're outta your damn mind"
I swear that scary water demon lady gets me every time I watch a playthrough like ong I fucking jump
The sigh and the pop followed by the "I dont like thisss" was cute
"Yep thunder and lightning, boo"
Not him begging not to have to moisturize helpppp
"Oh my god dont talk to me through the dead body"
The game made him go mad hes raving like damnnnn
"I'm gonna stop you right there raymond" lmaooo the sass
"Prey would be a fuckin gift" and his rant about not liking sweetheart was hilarious AND THE KISS AT THE END HES SUCH A CUTIE I LOVE MILO SM AND I CANT HES LITERALLY SUCH A DELIGHT 
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embracedthevoid · 3 years ago
An Unfortunate Romance
Prince Wilhelm has gained a reputation more suitable for a teen heartthrob than the Prince of Sweden. Constantly pictured with what the press has coined his 'flavour of the week,' he's gained an unfavourable reputation with the tabloids. Being front-page news isn't exactly the type of attention the crown is looking for. The obvious plan to get Prince Wilhelm's image back on track is to find him a stable and respectable boyfriend. And who better than Simon Eriksson? Hillerska's golden boy with the voice of an angel. Too bad Wilhelm and Simon can't stand each other.
Okay, so this fic is the baby of an entire group chat and 100% would not be happening if it weren't for them. I love and appreciate you guys, so I can't not credit you. Without further ado, @edvinroyals @royalhive @allexarrow @thisisour-lastdance @toffeelemon @vquaileggs @violapinkbaby @emmalupin-blog @perfectlyunbiasedobservation @tooindecisivetopickaurl , (otherwise known as the YR Fanfic Association) this one is for you and your beautiful minds 🧡
Note: This wip is going to be kept pretty casual. I'm not going to stick to a regular posting schedule because I want to be able to have some fun with it. So just a fair warning, the updates will be sporadic.
Chapter One
Rating: Teen and up
Words: 5559
Read on ao3
"You're joking," Wilhelm has to physically lift his jaw from the floor, trying his best to hold back the sarcastic comment rolling in the back of his mouth.
His mother straightens in her chair, smoothing out her already pristine skirt, "I'm not joking," his mother says with finality, "all involved parties have agreed to the arrangement, and contracts have been signed."
"There's no way Simon Eriksson would agree to this," Wilhelm shouts, gesturing broadly in hopes that his point might actually get across. "First off because it's stupid, and second because he hates me," Wilhelm tries, his mind spinning at the idea of Simon agreeing to help Wilhelm, let alone the crown.
"There will be no further discussion on the matter," his mother speaks diplomatically, with that look in her eyes that she usually saves for difficult conversations with reporters or the public. She barely uses it on Wilhelm, which is how he knows that she is, in fact, being serious.
"Alice will cover the details on your way back to Hillerska this morning." She begins to ready herself by sitting up a little straighter and sticking her nose higher in the air, so she can actually look down on him. "And Wilhelm," she pauses, waiting for his eyes to meet hers, which they reluctantly do. "I don't want any more trouble." She glares pointedly, clearly referring to his most recent escapades.
"Yes," Wilhelm mumbles with defeat as she stands from her chair and waltzes out of the room, her entourage following close behind as the massive doors are drawn shut behind her.
Wilhelm looks hopelessly across the room at Erik, who rises from the century-old chair he'd been watching the whole thing unfold from. Wilhelm feels a slight hint of betrayal when he sees his brother chuckling to himself, and maybe a little at Wilhelm.
"I tried to warn you," Erik says with a hint of sympathy but mostly amusement. Wilhelms frowns as his brother makes his way closer from across the overly sized room.
"There's no way in hell Simon actually agreed to this." Wilhelm groans, slumping back in his chair as irritation begins to brew in his mind, "They're already forcing me to go to Hillerska, and now they want to determine who I date? Will it ever end?" There's a little more desperation in Wilhelm's voice than he'd like, but he can't help it.
Since he was little, there hasn't been a single aspect of Wilhelm's life that he actually felt he had control of. Then, he got old enough to date, and well, his mother couldn't really say much about that, could she? Especially when he came out to the country through a tasteful Instagram post that Erik secretly helped him put together, without clearing it with their Public Relations team. He'd had his phone taken away for a month after that. Someone else posted photos from his account like everything was normal. Like he wasn’t being held captive in his room for trying to be himself. Sure, his 'room' included a home theatre and more books than he could read in a lifetime, but the point still stands.
Queen Katherine had to learn to roll with the punches when it came to her youngest son. Because hey, it's the 21st century and being the queen who is 'one with the times' makes approval ratings go up, and of course, that's the important part. Wilhelm should have known his mother could manage to spin even his sexuality into some sort of PR stunt. Maybe he hoped she'd have a few more motherly morals than that. But no, protecting the crown comes first.
"Hey," Erik grabs Wilhelm's attention, suddenly kneeling down in front of him. When did that happen? "It's only for a couple months. And how bad could this Simon guy be?" Erik teases, "I've seen pictures. He's cute."
"Yea, if you consider a condescending self-righteous prick to be 'cute,'" Wilhelm sarcastically glares, then sinks further into his seat, bringing his palms to cover his face and groaning theatrically.
He hears Erik chuckle, "that bad," he asks like he's trying desperately to help Wilhelm out.
Wilhelm uncovers his face, hands falling to his lap, looking his brother dead in the eyes. "The first day I met him, he practically accused our family of stealing money from the people who actually deserve it. In front of the entire class." Wilhelm emphasizes the last bit, hoping Erik will grasp how dire his situation is.
Sure, Wilhelm knew full well what Simon had said that day was more than accurate, but that didn't mean he needed to be a dick about it.
"Think of it this way," Erik stands, clapping a supportive hand on Wilhelm's shoulder, "you'll never run out of things to talk about,” he smiles encouragingly, “or argue about."
Wilhelm groans into his hands once more, "this is going to be a nightmare."
~ ~ ~ ~
Rain plasters itself across the vehicle's window as Wilhelm and Alice make their way to Hillerska that same morning. The beginning of the ride is quiet. Neither of them says much, but the closer they get to the school, the more Wilhelm can feel nerves adding to the anxiety holding in his chest. It isn't until Alice speaks that he realizes how serious this whole plan is, despite how absolutely ridiculous it is.
"Right, so we've planned yours and Simon's schedules in a way that can benefit you both," Alice begins to explain, handing Wilhelm a thin stack of papers. The first line reads Important Dates, with a list that runs through to the backside of the paper. Taking a closer look, Wilhelm can see it’s full of planned outings, Simon's birthday is along with Wilhelms, and the times for which the paparazzi will be 'anonymously' notified of their whereabouts. He assumes Simon got a copy of this as well.
"This is never going to work. Everyone in school knows we hate each other," Wilhelm interrupts Alice as she begins explaining point seven, like Wilhelm had even been listening in the first place.
"Yes," she pauses calmly. "This is why you aren't making a statement on your relationship immediately. It will be up to the both of you to naturally create the connection for peers." Alice explains smoothly, and it makes Wilhelm feel sick.
"Now your first outing is tomorrow. We want to get things going right away. You will be sent to Stockholm, dine at Etoile, and return to Hillerska before ten pm." She tells it like it's the sanest situation in the world. Like the idea of Simon and Wilhelm going on a date isn't the last thing anyone would expect from the two.
Alice continues going through Wilhelm's next six months, and he does everything he can to bite his tongue. The poor woman is just doing her job, but Wilhelm really wishes she wouldn't. The itinerary in his hands bends in his fist the closer they get to the school. When the car pulls onto the gravel drive, Wilhelm is out before she can finish going over the last few points. He hears her call after him but ignores the woman, heading straight to his room and slamming the door closed behind him.
He rips off his jacket and sucks in a quick breath like it's impossible to fill his lungs with air. He sits on the bed, leaning back against the wall and tucking his head between his knees, willing the pain in his chest to leave him the hell alone. But it doesn't. It persists into his throat, making it impossible for him to swallow, adding complicated layers to his already panicked state.
How did this happen? How did Wilhelm end up trapped in a life he never wanted. How did he go from bounds of freedom to a school he never wanted to go to? When did finally being free to love, even if only for one night, who he wants, turn into fake dating a boy who doesn't even like him?
Wilhelm thinks back to Erik's words, I tried to warn you, and he did. He warned Wilhelm every time another picture surfaced of him sucking face with a random boy, or leaving a bar –he definitely shouldn't have been at– with someone 3 years his senior. Or every time he was photographed face down on the pavement, already knowing what the next day's headlines would be. 'Problem Prince hits the streets in drunken chaos' or his personal favourite, 'Prince not so charming: An inside look on Prince Wilhelm's flavour of the week.'
Wilhelm likes to have fun. It's the only part of his life where he can let himself relax without his mother determining every factor of who he is as a person. It's not his fault that every time he goes out with a specific group of friends, he ends up with shots being poured down his throat. And he's fairly certain his mother wouldn't want to be around for that.
This is how Wilhelm ended up at Hillerska and with a fake soon-to-be boyfriend. Wilhelm agreed to go to the school but never promised his mom he would give up his friends. He didn't think she'd actually be able to do anything about that, but apparently, he'd been wrong. She's surprised him again on just how desperate she is for the people of Sweden's approval.
Wilhelm flops down on his bed, landing sideways and staring across the room. How has this become his life? And how the hell is he supposed to convince the school that he and Simon are a couple.
Somehow Wilhelm manages to shut his eyes and let sleep overcome him, trying desperately not to overthink the situation.
~ ~ ~ ~
Wilhelm has always been good at waiting. He had to be growing up the way he did. Waiting for his mother to get ready for an event, waiting for his father to finish an interview, or wasting time waiting for any other royal family member to complete whatever task was deemed more important than tucking Wilhelm in at night.
So waiting for Simon to join him in the headmistresses office, which Alice seems to have commandeered for the morning, to arrive should be a simple task. Yet, Wilhelm can't stop tapping his thumb against his armrest, and alternating this other hand between running through his hair and chewing on his nail.
Wilhelm almost jumps from his seat when the door finally does open, and the curly-haired boy comes into view. Their eyes immediately lock, and Wilhelm knows his cheeks have turned an embarrassing shade of pink, trying not to shrink away at how humiliating this is for him. Of all the people to choose, they had to pick Simon Eriksson. But of course they did. Simon Eriksson is the school's golden boy. Straight A's, lead member of the choir, and honour student. Basically, he's everything Wilhelm isn't.
"Wonderful, now that we're all here," Alice says with more enthusiasm than necessary, probably trying to lighten the mood. "Simon, why don't you take a seat," she gestures to the chair beside Wilhelm and leans back against the desk it faces. She crosses her legs in front of her, straining the fabric of her pencil skirt that hits just past her knees. It's very sensible, but then again, that seems to be a prominent trait of Alice's. Sensible.
Simon sits down without looking at Wilhelm. He shifts in his chair, backpack tucked on the floor near his feet, staring blankly up at Alice, like class has just begun and he's waiting for the lecture to start. He looks completely calm and uncaring, which for some reason, strikes an annoyed cord in Wilhelm. But he chooses to ignore it for now and tries to focus on Alice, despite her insufferable tone. Wilhelm swears the woman really is just trying to do her job.
"Now I've gone over the plan with both of you individually, but I thought it best we touch base before the ball gets rolling." She starts, "as both of you are aware, this–" she seems to struggle for the right word, "relationship," she settles on, "has been constructed with the hopes that it will correct Prince Wilhelm's public image." She explains carefully.
Simon snorts, and Wilhelm sinks into his chair.
"Now, ground rules." She gets more serious, "No touching is required. Both of you are minors, so we do not expect either of you to follow through with any physical touch," Wilhelm's face goes hot, and he's sure he sees Simon tense in his chair. "However, I am to encourage you both that selling your feelings for each other is very important in ensuring success," she emphasizes, which basically translates to, 'I won't pressure you because it's illegal. So I'm going to do it inadvertently with vague sentences.'
"You both need to start building this relationship the moment you step out of these doors. This isn't just a show for when the cameras are around. This is your life now, so act like it." She says in a polite yet stern way that Wilhelm is starting to recognize as a particular brand of Alice's. It's unnerving. "Your first date is tonight. This is the perfect opportunity for you two to get to know each other a bit better, so I suggest you take it. Now, any questions."
Wilhelm remains silent, his only question being whether they can make the next six months go by any faster. And he has a sneaking suspicion that Alice won't be too keen to actually answer that question.
Unsurprisingly Simon has something to comment on. He always does.
"My friend's football game is next Friday, and we're supposed to have a date that day," Simon explains, already sounding unimpressed. Wilhelm tries not to find it annoying how easy everything is for Simon to talk about it already. "I can't miss the game. I told her I'd be there."
"Perfect," Alice smirks and flips to a page in her day planner, writing something down, "you can take Wilhelm. It will show how close the two of you are becoming." She answers with a smile.
Wilhelm can already feel his anxiety tightening in his throat at the thought of spending a whole evening with Simon and his friends. There's no way they'll get along. Why the hell would Simon mention that? They could have worked something out between the two of them. Wilhelm makes a mental note to bring that up with Simon later.
"That's not what I–"
"Good, I'm glad that's all answered," Alice cuts Simon off before he can properly protest, "I'll be in touch throughout the week to ensure everything is going according to schedule." She stands up straight and exits the room, leaving both Simon and Wilhelm alone, sitting in silence for a second longer than Wilhelm finds comfortable.
"Well, I guess we–" Wilhelm tries to break the tension.
"–I'll see you tonight." Simon interrupts, standing from his seat, throwing his backpack over his shoulder, and storming out the room without so much as glancing in Wilhelm's direction.
Well, that could have gone better.
~ ~ ~ ~
Wilhelm shouldn't be nervous. It's a ridiculous fake date for the love of God. So why is he sweating through his gray button-down tucked into his nicest pair of dress pants? He and Simon didn't speak for the rest of the day. They didn't say a single word, even when they stood in line directly next to each other to load food onto their plates at lunch. It was like nothing had changed. Simon completely ignored that they were going on a date tonight where they most definitely will be pictured together. It was like the boy was pretending that there would be no turning back on this idiotic rouse.
Wilhelm jumps when the door of the car opens, too trapped in his head to realize he's arrived at his destination. Wilhelm steps out of the car, kicking a pebble that bounces across the cracked pavement. He takes in the scene around him. Simon lives in a typical housing complex in Bjärstad. Similar houses lining each other mirroring the same colour schemes and old paths that lead to their front doors.
Wilhelm follows the one he's told is Simon's house and stops in front of the door. Taking a deep breath and running his hand through his hair, he knocks and regrets it immediately. Now there really is no turning back.
For a second, Wilhelm genuinely considers slipping out of view and letting Simon think the knock was some kids' feeble attempt at Nicky-Nicky-Nine-Doors. But he thinks better of it, mainly because someone is opening the door before he can give it a real go.
"You're early." Simon cuts before Wilhelm can say a proper hello. Not that he'd be able to, considering the way Simon looks. They must have provided him with a suit because there's no way in hell Simon would be caught wearing something Wilhelm can recognize by brand. Not because he can't afford it, but because Simon would probably make some ethical argument on exploitative labour that goes into making the clothes. Which would make Wilhelm feel like shit, because well, he happens to like those types of clothes.
However, Wilhelm's mind doesn't dwell on the fact for long because Simon is pushing past him, their shoulders bumping harshly. The brief contact carries a shock down Wilhelm's arm to his fingertips. He shakes the feeling away and turns around, following Simon's lead to the car.
Wilhelm tries his best to keep his eyes forward, but he can't help dropping his gaze from the spread of Simon's shoulders, fitted perfectly under his navy blazer, to the curve of his ass. Because holy hell, he's never seen Simon in a suit, especially not one that fits so well.
Wilhelm clears his throat, mind finally catching up with his body, and jogs slightly to meet Simon at the car. Before Simon can reach out to pull the door, and before Malin can try, Wilhelm grabs the handle and tugs it open for him. Simon looks at Wilhelm in a way that says he's already fed up with the whole situation.
"I can open my own doors," Simon grumbles, stepping into the car, but not before rolling his eyes.
"I'm aware," Wilhelm says under his breath, moving to the other side of the vehicle, where Malin holds the door open. He thanks her and slides in to sit next to Simon, who is looking anywhere but in Wilhelm's direction.
They ride in silence, Wilhelm very aware of Simon's presence and the two-hour car ride ahead of them. This is going to be torture, and not for the reasons Wilhelm initially thought.
Of course, he knew holding a conversation wouldn't be the strongest point of their 'relationship.' But what he didn't expect was for Simon to look so good. Head resting against his hand, leaning against the door, eyes glaring out the window. Wilhelm watches his profile become more apparent as the sun begins to set, casting a pinkish hue within the car, emphasizing the structure of Simon's jaw. Sharp enough that Wilhelm considers reaching out to trace it, certain that the definition might cut him. Not that he wants to, of course, only out of pure curiosity.
It's strange. The Simon sitting beside Wilhelm in the car looks nothing like Simon from school. His hair is neater, and his expression more stoic. Like there's a wall built higher than the day this whole arrangement was made. It's an unusual contrast to the curly-haired boy Wilhelm laid eyes on that first day of school when he heard Simon sing.
Wilhelm's not sure he likes it.
"Are you planning on staring at me all evening?" Simon turns his head, irritation evident in how he's glaring at Wilhelm, like he's the sole reason for the class divide.
"Uh–" Wilhelm stutters, embarrassment flushing over him. He hopes the glow of the setting sun is enough to mask the pink in cheeks. "I was just uh– I've never seen you..." Wilhelm pathetically gestures to the entirety of Simon, clearing nothing up and turning a deeper shade of red.
"What, in something other than second-hand clothes?" Simon snaps, and Wilhelm knows he's already fucked up, "not all of us can afford to go on a shopping spree every time we get bored with a single article of clothing."
Wilhelm tries not to flinch at Simon's defensiveness, but it's hard not to. "I was just going to say you look nice," Wilhelm mumbles, "but I guess I'll keep it to myself." He thinks he can see a flicker of something that looks like embarrassment waver over Simon's features.
"Probably best you keep a lot of things to yourself,"
They don't talk again after that, and Wilhelms collar grows increasingly tight, so he undoes the top two buttons, not missing the way Simon's eyes cast down at the newly exposed skin. He shifts in his seat and turns back to face the window.
When they arrive at the restaurant, no reporters are waiting, not yet anyway. They both exit the car, Simon apprehensive as they make their way to the vast entrance. Wilhelm wonders if Simon has been anywhere this fancy before. He wants to tell Simon it's not all that exciting and food is usually terrible, but he doesn't, unsure if Simon would take it as patronizing.
When they enter the restaurant, Wilhelm follows Simon's expressions. He hears a small gasp escape from the boy as he takes in the room. A high ceiling towers over them, with a huge chandelier threatening from above. Wilhelm wonders if people avoid this place after seeing Phantom of the Opera.
They're quickly greeted and guided through a slew of patrons enjoying their meals and up a rather theatrical set of grand stairs. They're led to a private table nearest to a large window with a view of the city. One that's surprisingly stunning, considering they're only on the second floor.
"Will this be suitable, Prince Wilhelm," the host asks, gesturing to the white-clothed table.
"It's perfect, thank you." Wilhelm smiles politely, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the formality. Usually, it doesn't bother him so much, but with Simon staring at him, it's hard not to be very aware of the special treatment he receives.
They both have their chairs pulled out for them by waiters who seem to emerge out of nowhere. Simon jumps back in his seat, glancing uncomfortably at his waiter when the man unfolds his napkin and begins to place it on Simon's lap. Wilhelm has to hold back a laugh at how Simon tears it from the poor man's hands and crumples the offending material into a ball.
"My apologies, sir,' the waiter says with a curt nod that Wilhelm can place as an attempt to cover his annoyance.
"Can I start you off with anything to drink?" The waiter asks, only looking at Wilhelm rather than Simon. Which annoys him a bit, and he's not sure why.
Wilhelm orders water and asks Simon what he would like, who unenthusiastically asks for the same.
When the waiter steps away, Simon seems to relax a bit, adjusting in his seat and lightly tossing his napkin on the place setting in front of him. Wilhelm watches as he pulls on the front of his blazer, attempting to straighten it despite it fitting perfectly already.
The server comes back with their waters and hands them their menus. There's a whole list of choices that Wilhelm knows he won't like. That's the thing with places like this, everything is extravagant and much too decadent for his liking.
Wilhelm studies Simon over his menu who's eyes roam the page as if lost in a foreign language. "Try the Soupe à l’Oignon Gratinée. It's usually quite good," Wilhelm offers, hoping he doesn't come off as pushy. But from the way Simon is looking at him, he might as well be speaking another language, which technically he is since the soup is French. "Or I could order for you if you'd like?" Wilhelm tries, attempting some form of courtesy.
"My prince charming," Simon mumbles, placing the menu down on the table above his poor distorted napkin.
Wilhelm runs a hand through his hair, the comment rubbing him the wrong way. He hates when people refer to him like that. And for some reason, hearing it come from Simon, laced with disgust, it's even worse.
Wilhelm crosses his legs under the table, and his foot accidentally collides with Simon's shin and he’s quick to apologize, but Simon completely ignores him. It takes a fair combination of circumstances to make Wilhelm frustrated, and Simon is coming dangerously close to it. The least he could do was try. Wilhelm is, so can't he?
"Why are you even doing this?" Wilhelm blurts before he can really consider what he's asking.
Simon's eyes snap up to his, looking somewhat shocked by Wilhelm's outburst. In truth, Wilhelm is surprised himself, but he's already come this far, so why not just lay everything out clearly.
"I don't get it," Wilhelm confesses, "what could you possibly gain from this?" he asks, gesturing between them.
Of course, Wilhelm knows that Simon is getting something in return for this ridiculous arrangement. Alice had been quick to ensure that Wilhelm knew Simon would be appropriately 'compensated' for his troubles. Whatever the hell that means. He thinks she might have said it to make him feel better, but in truth, it didn't. It actually made him feel a bit sick.
"Well?" Wilhelm pushes, trying to make sense of why someone so against the mere idea of Wilhelms existence would agree to spend the majority of his time with him for the next six months.
"I have my reasons," Simon crosses his arms over his chest.
"And those reasons would be?" Wilhelm gestures for Simon to continue.
Simon lets out an annoyed huff, eyes darting around the restaurant like he's making sure no one will see them, which is exactly the opposite of what they're supposed to be doing.
"Look, let's just focus on getting through the next six months, alright?" The boy snaps. "We don't need to actually get to know each other," there's a level of disdain in Simon's voice that makes Wilhelm's stomach turn to something ugly. He didn't have any farfetched illusions that he and Simon would become friends, but he thought maybe they'd at least try to be civil. Apparently, Wilhelm was wrong.
Simon adjusts his blazer again, something Wilhelm wishes he'd stop doing because it only makes Wilhelm focus on how insanely attractive Simon is. If this were normal circumstances, and Wilhelm didn't already know Simon hated him, he would definitely try to take Simon home tonight. Which would probably go terribly wrong, considering that no matter the hypothetical universe, Simon wouldn't give Wilhelm the time of day, and he's pretty sure he disapproves of Wilhelms' serial dating lifestyle,' as it is.
Wilhelm startles when their waiter comes to the table prepared to take their order. He gracefully orders the dish he’d suggested earlier for both of them. Taking a shot in the dark on if Simon will be annoyed by it, but he doesn't say anything, so Wilhelm thinks it's the right choice.
The waiter dismisses himself, leaving them to their uncomfortable silence. Wilhelm doesn't know what to say, and he's relatively sure that Simon wouldn't be very receptive if he tried. But that doesn't stop him, because well, he's curious about Simon. And if he's going to spend the next six months with a person who hates him, Wilhelm might as well know why.
"What's your problem with me anyway," Wilhelm challenges, trying to keep his voice even.
"What?" Simon looks genuinely confused.
Wilhelm takes a deep breath urging himself on, "why do you hate me? I know you're not super into the whole monarchy thing, but you don't even know me." Wilhelm says, keeping his eyes locked on Simons, hoping that the steady stare is enough to get an answer from the boy.
"Um–" Simon begins, opening his mouth then closing it like he's not even sure of his own answer. "It's not that I don't like–"
The waiter appears out of nowhere, placing both their dishes before them, saving Simon from a response. The waiter asks if they need anything else, and Wilhelm dismisses him. Eyes landing back on Simon, who's already diving into his meal.
Simon gracelessly shovels a spoonful into his mouth, closing his eyes and letting out a satisfied moan that echoes in Wilhelm's ears and carries a shiver down his spine. When Simon opens his eyes, they land on Wilhelm, paused mid-bite with parted lips, rendered speechless.
"What," Simon shrugs, oblivious to the inappropriate places he's just sent Wilhelm’s mind.
"Nothing," Wilhelm squeaks, then carefully swallows his own bite, afraid he might choke if the boy makes that noise again. Simon gives him a strange look that Wilhelm pointedly ignores for the next five minutes.
Eventually, the waiter comes to check on how they're getting on with their food. "It's delicious, thank you," Wilhelm grins at the man, who looks satisfied by the praise.
"And you, sir?" This time his attention is directed at Simon, "Ah, I see you've mistaken the Desert Spoon for your Bouillon Spoon, an easy mistake to make," the waiter supplies somewhat condescending.
Wilhelm can swear he sees Simon's confidence waver.
"Oh– uh…" Simon trails off.
Without thinking, Wilhelm places his Bouillon Spoon down and grabs the same style as Simon's. He discreetly dips it into his bowl as if it's been there the whole time. "Oh," Wilhelm grabs both their attention, "it appears I've made the same mistake as well. Thank you for bringing it to my attention." Wilhelm says with a little more courtesy than necessary, stringing his words with his own note of patronizing, but not enough to be considered rude.
"Excuse me, Prince Wilhelm," The waiter begins to apologize, clearly embarrassed by what could be perceived as correcting the Prince of Sweden. Something Wilhelm really cares little about, but for the sake of their situation, he can at least pretend to. "I didn't mean to correct you," the waiter emphasizes, digging himself a deeper grave.
"I'm sure," Wilhelm smiles dismissively, and their waiter stalks off with his tail between his legs.
Simon is quiet for a moment looking down at his bowl. Wilhelm can see him contemplating something, and he realizes what when Simon makes a point to keep using his Dessert spoon. Wilhelm smiles to himself and continues to do the same.
"You didn't have to do that," Simon mumbles, looking out the large window beside them.
"Do what," Wilhelm pretends innocence as he takes a sip of his water, looking at Simon over the glass.
"I can stand up for myself," Simon quietly says.
"I know," Wilhelm assures in a way that tells Simon he doesn't doubt it whatsoever, "but you don't have to all the time. I think it falls under fake boyfriend duties." Wilhelm thinks he sees the boy smile a bit, but he's not sure.
The rest of their dinner goes smoothly after that, and their waiter is suddenly changed to a blonde woman, which Wilhelm isn't upset by. They talk a little about the food and share a dessert, too stuffed by their entree to handle one on their own.
Simon scrapes the last of the fudge off their plate making a horrible sound. A woman two tables over glares in Simon's direction, so he makes a point to do it again. Wilhelm watches the ordeal unfold with amusement, and decides to interrupt before the woman walks over and rips the utensil from Simon's hand.
"Shall we," Wilhelm asks, peering out the window and down to the restaurants entrance, where he can already see a slew of reporters gathered, waiting for the perfect photo. Most probably hoping to catch Wilhelm in a sorted state with another stranger on his arm.
"It's not too late to back out," Wilhelm jokes, sending Simon a look that he hopes says I promise I won't be offended if you sneak out the back and leave me to the dogs.
"I don't back out of a deal," Simon gives him a tight smile, and Wilhelm's stomach twists.
"Right," Wilhelm returns with a half-smile. The deal.
They stand from their chairs and begin walking toward the grand stairs. "Don't you have to pay," Simon asks. Stopping midway down, tugging at the collar of his button-down shirt.
Wilhelms moves down a step, so he looks up at Simon, "It's already dealt with," he explains, noticing the way Simon pulls at his blazer again. Wilhelm is starting to think it might be a nervous gesture. His worries are confirmed when he follows Simon's gaze behind him at the doors where he can already see the reporters getting in position.
"You really don't have to do this," Wilhelm tells him, his voice serious.
Simon's eyes drag away from the already flashing lights that glare through the muddled glass, "I'm fine," Simon says almost robotically.
Wilhelm doesn't believe him, but when Simon steps down and tucks his arm through Wilhelms, letting him lead the way, Wilhelm plays along.
If Simon can pretend to be okay, then so can Wilhelm.
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truglori · 4 years ago
Sneaky Link 🔗
Synopsis: Black Reader and Eric find each other online!
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Black Reader
Warning: Language, Smutt, Raw sex
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Flopping on the bed Y/N found herself bored for the fourth Friday night in a row. This was supposed to be the season of hook ups and living her best carefree lifestyle that she had planned out but yet is was the exact opposite. Being on summer break from college Y/N had to come back home with the schools being closed. It was something she dreaded.
Home for her wasn’t the best place to be. Between her judgmental and nagging parents and older brother, Chris, Y/N was ecstatic when she discovered that she would be going to a school that was over three hundred miles away. Being four hours away gave her enough freedom knowing that she didn’t have any one breathing down her neck or snitching to her parents about whatever she did. With it only being her sophomore year Y/N loved the college lifestyle.
Getting up she went to her window to open it and put in her square fan. Her air conditioner that she always kept in her room was now being used by her brother so she had to settle for this. Turning the knob she felt the warm cool breeze coming through and taking up the room. Walking back to her bed she logged into her laptop going onto the web browser. Clicking the history she found the website she was searching for and tapped it.
Quick Link popped up on her screen. It was a site that allowed people to meet and chat with other people. Even though Y/N has been going on it for weeks now back and forth, she never met one person that she has chatted with yet. She was okay with talking to them online and even over the phone but the thought of seeing them in person scared her. With all of the Lifetime movies and ID channel she would watch, doing something as small as meeting up with them could be dangerous.
Y/N scrolled through her recent messages. She had over ninety-nine notifications. She knew that she wasn’t going to reply to them all, only the once she found cute. It was like a broken record being played. They all inbox her with the same messages, hey sexy! Y/N rolled eyes at the un-originality. To her it seem like the guys didn’t even try to put in any effort.
Tapping on the keyboard she began to text back the handful that she found attractive when she got two notifications. Hurrying up her sentence she exited out of the chat and clicking on her new direct messages.
HandsomeAssNigga👅- Y/N, what in the hell is yo ass doing on this shit...10:35pm
HandsomeAssNigga👅- And I know you still online. I can see the green bubble by ya picture...10:36pm
Y/N squinted at the name. Who the hell was this texting her like they knew her? The question alone made her stomach flutter at the idea of getting caught on a dating site by someone she knew or knew her. Clearly this person recognized her enough to boldly message her. Clicking on their username she went to their page. Her heart stopped and thighs clenched at the same time.
It was Erik fucking Stevens aka her brother’s childhood best friend. Chris and Erik were the same age and only three years older than Y/N. Growing up Y/N stayed crushing on Erik. It was his braids that he rocked back in the day that had her drooling over him but also how nice he was to her. Y/N remembered the time when she was a freshman in high school and Chris and Erik were both Juniors she would always get a ride with them every morning in his 2005 Honda Accord. He would steal glances at her through his rear view mirror that only she would catch but to afraid to ask him about it.
There would be times that she would find underwear from a girl tucked under the backseat. Y/N heard about the rumored that went around the school that Erik was a player. An experienced one at that. He was grown before his time and with the way the lucky girls who had a chance to sleep with him describe it, he gave dick like he was a grown man as well.
Hearing that did nothing but spark the flame that she felt about him. She wanted to experience it herself. But being the quiet and timid person she was then, she never did. It wasn’t until Y/N went to college where she lost her virginity her freshman and started having sex on the regular with her ex who was also her first. From the first few times they did it, she could never cum from penetration. Y/N thought it was normal and that every girl dealt with it until she shared a few stories with her friends and they would tell her about the way their guys would make them squirt.
Squirting was something Y/N always wanted to do but could never achieve with her guy. She loved feeling him inside of her stretching her open but he was a quick pumper. He came too fast for her and couldn’t last long enough to get her to nut. So after every session she would take her bullet and tortured her clit until she felt her cream escaping her hole. Not having sex since the last time she was at school had Y/N body extremely horny and hot and ready like a little ceasars pizza.
Clicking through his pictures had her clenching her thighs. After he graduated high school, the graduation was the last place she seen Erik. She wasn’t even sure if Chris and him were still close friends. But what she could say is that he grew up very nice. He now had dreads that hung over his eyes with a clean shape up to top it off. His teeth pearly and white accompanied by gold canines he was wearing in every other picture and last but not least his body was everything. Standing at 6’3 and looking like a solid 215 from her view Erik was fine as fuck.
Giggling and embarrassed with herself she replied back.
BlackBeauty- Erik omg...this is so embarrassing. How did you find me?...10:40pm
Biting the nail on her thumb she waited for him to answer her. To her surprise he wrote back fairly faster than what she expected.
HandsomeAssNigga👅- Noticed yo little ass on the explore page. I know you not on here meeting with these wack ass niggas...10:42pm
She laughed re-reading his message. To her it sound like it was possessive but she didn’t want to over think it.
BlackBeauty- Never!! I am not stupid. I haven’t met one person yet...10:44pm
Hitting the send button she rolled her eyes noticing herself getting desperate from his attention.
HandsomeAssNigga👅-Okay bet! I don’t wanna have to fuck you up youngin 😈...10:47pm
Biting her lip, she stared down the emoji. She wondered what that meant. She wondered in what way did he meant when he said he would fuck her up. At this point Y/N was dripping between her thick thighs.
BlackBeauty- What about you? I know you out here fucking these bitches you meet on here. Don’t lie lol...10:49pm
Y/N didn’t want to seem nosy, she was just trying to make conversation.
HandsomeAssNigga👅- Damn you cuss now? And second of all don’t be worried about what I do with my dick. I’m grown and that’s different...10:51pm
Bringing a hand down to her covered pussy Y/N caressed it. The warmth coming through her panties and cotton shorts. She didn’t know what it was but the way he was responding had her feeling a type of way. She wasn’t the shy young girl anymore he used to know and she wanted to make that clear.
BlackBeauty- I’m grown too Erik 💦...10:53pm
Her heart beat sped up when she sent the text not knowing how he was going to respond.
HandsomeAssNigga👅- To who? I know ya young ass ain’t out here fuckin yet. You was too shy for that last time I saw you. Even if you was, I know you ain’t getting know real dick...10:55pm
HandsomeAssNigga👅- What’s that emoji supposed to represent? Ya pussy or sum shit? Let me find out Y/N 👿...10:56pm
There goes that little devil that had her questioning herself again.
BlackBeauty- I get dick on the regular. Good dick! And yes Erik that emoji reps my pussy. Same young pussy that’ll be too wet for you to handle! I’ll have you drownin in my shit...10:59pm
Y/N could always talk a good game online. It was where she could be get as nasty as she wanted without actually putting in work. The guys who would hit her up loved her foreplay that she had spit over the internet and she was fortunate enough where they never pressed her to meet in person.
HandsomeAssNigga👅- Bring that pussy here and I’ma show you if I’ll drown in it. Stop fucking playing with me Y/N if you not gonna pull up. I don’t do this back and forth teasing shit. You tryna do a Sneaky Link or what?...11:02pm
Checking the hall Y/N seen that the lights were off. Her parents were most likely sleeping and Chris always worked Friday nights. This was the perfect time and opportunity to leave. She would have to sneak the keys from the key holder and use her dad’s car to get to his place. Y/N didn’t do this on the regular but because it was Erik she was curious. She wanted to see for herself if all of the rumors were true. Y/N was going to fuck him tonight.
BlackBeauty- Send me the addy..I’m on my way...11:04pm
After showering and preparing for her dick appointment Y/N successfully snuck out of the house. She put his address in her GPS. It was a twenty minute drive to get to his apartment. Putting the car in park and turning it off, Y/N felt the butterflies in her stomach grow while walking into the building. Taking her phone out she went to his message and looking up the apartment number he gave her. Apartment 3B.
Knocking on the door. She held her hands together tightly. She was beyond nervous and rethinking her decision as her heart kept thumping. She couldn’t believe that she was really going to go through this. After so many years of fantasizing about him in her room she was finally going to see the real thing. Y/N only wondered if it was as good as she hoped.
The door swung open showing Erik sipping on a glass of dark liquor. In nothing but a tight wife beater that clung to his chest and his sweats that hung low Y/N could see the print poking through so visibly. It looked like he was free balling it.
“Damn ma. You wasn’t lying about getting grown. You look good as shit.” Erik sipped from his glass. He stepped aside inviting her in.
Y/N smiled softly going inside. She only took a few steps in and stood to the side waiting for him. She heard the door lock behind her as it caused her to gulp hard on her spit.
Erik eyed her with his low eyes. He chuckled seeing that she was clearly nervous.
“So that’s ya thing?” His voice was low and deeper than what she remembered.
“What’s my thing?” Her soft voice speaking up.
“Talking shit online but quiet it person.” He stated putting her on the spot.
Y/N smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She turned facing his livingroom.
“Nah ain’t no whatever. What’s good ma? Where that big girl energy go?” He walked up behind her pressing his body into hers. The hand that wasn’t holding his cup wrapped around her waist gripping the small pudge on her stomach.
Y/N shivered when she felt his dick on her ass. Her assumption was right. He wasn’t wearing any underwear beneath his sweats. She could feel the coldness of his chains on her shoulder when he leaned on her due to her only wearing a tank top. She grabbed his hand, not pushing him away but holding on to him.
“I’m here aren’t I?” She gazed at him over her shoulder.
He smirked at her smart remark. “You need anything before we start? A drink, blunt, something to help you calm ya scary ass down.” He teased.
She pushed his hand from around her waist and folded her arms. “I’m not scary Erik. If I was I wouldn’t be here.”
“Then why you barely saying shit?” He licked his lips.
Y/N shrugged. “It’s just been a while since I saw you. You look...different.” Playing with her diamond earning, she occupied her fingers.
“I may look different but I’m still the same Erik that used to jack ya brother up every time he fucked with you when no one was looking. Ain’t shit changed about me ma so you can relax. I’m tryna take care of you tonight.” He spoke stepping closer.
They were now face to face. Y/N’s frame staring up into his 6’3 one. When she would inhale she could smell his expensive cologne mix with the Hennessy he’s been sipping on since she got here.
“Okay.” She answered with a bite of her bottom lip.
Erik groaned at the action. Both of his hands behind his back now, he bent down to her level to meet her halfway. “C’mere.” He demanded a kiss with messy dreads hanging over his eyes.
Meeting him where he was, Y/N listened giving him one. The taste of the dark liquor transferring over to her taste buds from his tongue invading her mouth. The warmth of it made her melt under him and causing her head to lean back. She was already growing weak just from the kiss.
Erik reached behind her slapping her ass and gripping it with his free hand. “Fuck you doing all that for and I ain’t even do shit yet.” He spoke against her lips peaking through his eyelids.
“Hurry up then daddyy.” Y/N whined.
“That’s my name for the night? I like that shit.” He walked them backwards until they reached his room which wasn’t far away from the front.
Placing his glass down on his dresser he lifted her up by her thighs, picking her up. Y/N squealed from the unexpected action. She held onto his neck hoping he wouldn’t drop her. Erik chuckled playing with her ass cheeks before laying her down on the bed gently.
“You sucked dick before...miss grown?” Bringing his hand down, he massaged his print through his sweats.
Leaning up on the palm of her hands, Y/N nodded answering yes. She did it plenty of times with her ex, who she could make cum quickly off of head alone but the way Erik was grabbing his tool made her think differently.
“So what’s up then? Come show me what that mouth do?”
Kicking off her sandals Y/N got off the bed. His eyes stayed glued to her. Getting on her knees in front of him she tugged the sides of the grey sweats and pulled them down to his mid thigh. His dick sprung out almost hitting her in the face had she been centimeters closer.
Long and thick was what it was. A beautiful smooth brown texture covered his heavy package. Y/N felt her mouth watered thinking about how her cream and juices would look being all over it. This man was truly blessed and so far proving the rumors to be true.
Erik twisted his hips side to side wagging it in front of her. He lifted the wife beater up and tucked it under his chin so that he can get a good view.
Grabbing the base of his length Y/N eyed it. She was trying to figure out ways to be able to swallow this monster without choking. Sticking her tongue out she tapped his tip against it. A string from her saliva on her tongue being attached to his head every time they separated. With her prior experience and watching porn she grew to have her own technique.
Y/N allowed the spit to build up in her mouth when she sucked on his tip. No nigga likes dry head and she wasn’t going to start giving it today. She wanted it to be extra sloppy for Erik. Tightening her jaws she went up and down on his dick. Taking only about four inches of him and using her spit to stroke the rest of him. With just the little bit of his length she was able to take she could already feel him reaching her back.
“Fuck that throat feel good. Shitt!” Erik groaned gripping her tight kinky curls and putting them into a ponytail. He tilted his head watching her go stupid on his dick. He sucked in his lower lip when she began to swivel her head around.
Long drips of spit went falling down on her black tank top. Erik’s eyebrows scrunched up the moment he felt her take his balls in her mouth and suck on them lightly while stroking his tip. His stomach started to tighten and his toes dug into his carpet. This girl was trying to take his soul the way she sucking him up.
“Man whatchu doing Y/N?” Erik asked amazed, closing his eyes for a second. He couldn’t remember the last time he had head this good.
“I’m showing you that I’m grown daddy.” She answered coming up.
Now both of her hands were focused on playing with his balls while she sucked his tip and some of the few inches she was able to reach. Her eyes stared into his not stopping at all. She had him right where she wanted him. She could tell from the way his breathing sped up that he was getting weak and ready to bust a nut. Y/N tightened her suction to make it happen when she felt him pull her off by her hair.
Erik took one hand gripping her spit covered chin and tilted her head up to look at him. “Fuck is you doing sucking my dick like that ma? You tryna make me hold you hostage for the whole night?” He asked seriously.
Y/N giggled. “I just wanna make you cum Daddy.” She reached for his tip and gripped it making him jerk forward.
Erik smacked his lips annoyed that she had him feeling like sensitive. “Chill with that. Let me fuck you first before you suck this nut out.”
Helping her up and placing her back on the bed Erik slide off her biker shorts tossing them somewhere. Underneath them she had on some cotton hipster panties with little rainbows spreaded everywhere. Erik laughed when he seen it.
“Why you wearing shit like this ma?” He teased stepping out of his pants and getting on the bed.
“Because it’s cute. Why you worried about what I’m wearing instead of taking them off?” Y/N mocked his question.
Erik smirked bringing his hand up to the piece of cloth and ripping them straight down the middle and threw them on the ground. A gasp left Y/N lips as she was shocked from him doing that. Slapping his forearm, her lips went into a pout becoming upset.
“Erik, I just brought those two weeks ago.” She smacked the hand that was rubbing her thigh.
“You said to take them off. My bad. That’s the way I usually do it.” He lifted her legs by the back of her thighs while he consoled her as a distraction.
Y/N was frustrated at the fact that he ripped her new panties but also that she wasn’t going to have any to wear back home after this link.
“I don’t care how you do it, you shouldn’t have- ohh shiitt!” Her rant was cut off with the sound of moans leaving her mouth.
Holding her legs by the back of her knees Y/N glanced down to see Erik flicking her clit. The tip of his tongue felt wet and firm, in a good way. She really started to feel it when he took one hand and spread her phat pussy lips. Now her clit was out in the open and more accessible. Erik’s eyes met hers through his dreads when his lips wrapped around her bud and began to suck.
“Mm fuck...daddyy!” The sensation had Y/N’s hips thrusting to meet his vacuum like suction. So powerful and wet.
“I want you to cum on this fuckin tongue!” His words were muffled by the lips of her pussy surrounding his but it was enough to reach her ears. Taking a hand he smacked her outer thigh making his demand clear.
Her warm and slick juices ran out of her opening. It was something about the way he commanded her to nut that made her wetter and willing. Y/N liked to be dominated. Lifting up the tank top and pulling it up to her chest she tweaked and flipped her nipples adding to the stimulation. For her the feeling of having her nipples played with while getting her pussy ate made her orgasm a hundred times better.
“Eat this fucking pussy b-babyy-“ She whimpered feeling a tear slide down the corner of her eye.
Even though he noticed it, Erik didn’t stop. The juices that he caught in his mouth made it hard. He loved a good tasting ass pussy. Y/N definitely had one. Moving his assault from her clit he put his tongue in her tight opening. He began to fuck her with it. Erik put his hands under her ass cheeks and got a good cuff before bringing her back and forth on his stiff tongue. With the way her legs were still in the air he could see Y/N toes curl the second he started the action. She began leaking so quickly. Erik chuckled inwardly when he felt her walls squeezing on him.
“Mhm.” He moaned teasing her.
Y/N was cumming from the second time just off of his mouth alone. She reached down to rub her clit while he stuck his tongue deep inside her. She ain’t never got head this good before back at college. Her thighs began to shake as she felt another mini orgasm hit. Her pussy growing sensitive and overstimulated.
Grabbing his dreads she lifted his head up. “Daddy you was eating my pussy so good. Fuckk!” She moaned with a quiver in her voice.
“Now I’m bout to beat this pussy up real good too. Turn around. I want that ass from the back.” Erik barked getting on his knees.
Swiftly taking off her tank top, Y/N turned around like he said and got on all fours. She felt a firm smack to her right ass cheek. Moaning she rocked back and forth and twerked each cheek individually. Y/N looked over her shoulder behind her seeing Erik watching her move it so effortlessly. His hands went up to her waist and pulled her closer to him. Now she could feel her mound rubbing against his bare hard rock hard stick.
“Doing all this ass shaking, you better not try to run from the dick. I don’t want none of that.” He gripped a cheek spreading it watching her pussy lips follow.
“I’m not gon run daddy..I promise.” She reassured him softly.
Erik gripped the base of his length. Smacking it against her her clit he played with it for a while to warm her up. When he heard her moaning and seen her backing up against him he knew she was ready. Erik sent a drip of spit on the tip of his dick and rubbed it over it with a free hand. He teasingly dipped in and out of her tight hole. Y/N pussy was tight as fuck and he knew he had to work his way in. Getting deeper and deeper with each inch her warm wet walls clung on to him.
“Ooh fuck!” Y/N eyes closed not expecting him to feel like this. Erik was stretching her pussy out. Her arms sprawled out in front of her gripping his sheets.
“Tight ass pussy you got. What happened to getting dick on the regular? Hmm?” Holding her down by the small of her back Erik made her arch deeper as he stroked her slick walls.
Y/N’s mouth couldn’t close or make a sound. From the position he had her in she couldn’t move or run if she wanted to. Pinned down and made to take it. Erik was dicking her down. His heavy fat dick busting her pussy open and touching her stomach. Fuck that. He was putting it in her chest. Y/N reached behind her to hold on to his wrist while he pounded her pussy with precision. Her face smashed into the bed. His dick was too good for her.
“Ooh baby... Daddy don’t fuck me like this!” She shouted not knowing what she was saying. Y/N didn’t want him to stop but she couldn’t handle the pressure he was putting on her bladder.
Erik didn’t have just a big dick that could stretch a pussy out. He knew how to fuck with it. When he stroked he didn’t use his whole body he worked his hips and that’s what drove bitches crazy about him. Erik would fuck like he was trying to make a baby.
“I thought you came here to get fucked?” He asked lifting off her. He bended one knee and balanced his weight on his foot pressing it into the bed. His hand wrapped around her throat as he caught a rhythm making her throw it back on him.
The sound of skin clapping filled the room. Y/N’s arch was now the deepest it’s ever been with Erik choking her from behind and making her head tilt up towards the ceiling. Cramping in her stomach let her know that she was about to break. She was finally about to cum from penetration alone. His curved tip would press on a spot she didn’t know she had there causing her legs to convulse. Her whimpers and moans only encouraged him to keep doing what he was doing. Which was tearing her pussy up.
“Shiitt!!” She cursed grabbing onto her titty to have something to hold on.
Erik bit his lip seeing her ass tremble from her orgasm and feeling her squeezing his dick with a vice grip. He slapped her left cheek before pulling out to flip her over on her back. Looking down at his meat it was covered in her creamy juices. His dick jumped at the sight.
“Good ass pussy.” He mumbled in a trance.
Using the weight of his hips he thrusted finding his way back inside of her. The warm wet tunnel closing in on him. Erik lifted up the wife beater that was still on in the mist, and brought it up under his chin tucking it to move it out of his way. His hands found the back of her thighs and pinned them against her chest. He began stroking and getting deeper from the angle.
Being trapped from his hold that he had on her, the only thing Y/N could do was bring her hands to his hips trying to interrupt his movements. Y/N didn’t like this feeling. He was going too deep. Deeper than what she was used to. Shaking her head from side to side she pushed at his hips that only kept going due to her weak and trembling arms not being able to produce enough strength.
“Move ya fuckin hands.” He demanded while keeping his steady stroke. Erik cussed under his breath hearing the smacking sounds coming from her hole that could be mistaken for a pot of mac and cheese being stirred. That’s how good Y/N pussy was.
Her tight walls gripped his dick. Erik looked between their bodies watch the beautiful art being made. Her pussy following him whenever he pulled out to the tip just to be sucked back in. Pussy as good and wet as hers always got him to bust hard. He was close. Leaning down to her neck he kissed and sucked her skin while having her pinned down taking his length. Erik felt her walls slick up and knew she was about to nut again.
“Let that shit go mama.” He whispered in her neck.
Y/N’s nails scratched against his back. Her eyes wailed up with tears feeling the pressure in her stomach building up. She lost count of how many times he had made her cum tonight but she knew she was grateful and only prayed that this wasn’t the last time she got dick this bomb.
“Unhh.” She couldn’t produce any words. Her toes curled as she gazed at the ceiling feeling her body shake.
“There you go.” He pecked her neck.
Erik talked her through her nut while he continued to chase his. It wasn’t long before he felt his dick throb and grow inside of her. Pulling out he climbed on top of her holding his body up with one hand pressed into the bed as he stroked his dick with the other. Y/N opened her mouth and sucked his tip. She could feel his seed spilling on her tongue and traveling down her throat. She wasn’t usually a swallower but the way he had just fucked her he deserved to have his dick milked.
“Ahh shit!” Erik cursed caressing her jaw as he watched her suck him dry. She was cleaning both her juices and his nut off of his dick.
A popping sound escaped her mouth when she released him. Y/N’s body couldn’t move as she laid back staring at him with disbelief. Erik caught her face expression.
“What?” He asked standing on the side of the bed.
“Nothing. It’s just the rumors that I heard about you were all true. You do give some good dick.” Turning to lay on her side Y/N smiled.
Erik laughed. “Yeah well I could say the same about you.”
Her brows knitted in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Little birdy that goes to your college told me about how good ya pussy was. Had to find out for myself.” He smirked at her.
“Erik what are you talking about?” Y/N sat up.
“I’m talking about your ex that you fuck from time to time is my second cousin. Nigga couldn’t stop running his mouth about you. Small world ain’t it?”
He paused watching the confusion clouding over her face. “Besides why else you think I had hit you up tonight? It damn sure wasn’t to reminisce over the past.”
Taking off the wife beater, Erik leaned down to kiss her lips before walking away.
Please excuse any mistakes!
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senacal · 4 years ago
hi hi hi i LOOOOOVE your erik stuff and i hope u don’t mind me requesting and requesting because i think you’re an amazing writer! i was hoping to see a erik x female reader fluff:) i’ve always wanted to read a jealous erik fic when he has a crush on the reader ya know! i’ve always pictured her to be a mutant professor at school and all:)
Request:  By malfoys-demigod
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr x Fem Reader
Prompt: hi hi hi I LOOOOOVE your Erik stuff and I hope u don’t mind me requesting and requesting because I think you’re an amazing writer! I was hoping to see an Erik x female reader fluff:) I’ve always wanted to read a jealous Erik fic when he has a crush on the reader ya know! I’ve always pictured her to be a mutant professor at school and all:)
Warnings: Is jealousy really a warning? IDK but jealousy
Author’s Note: I won’t mind you requesting lol, I love getting requests 😊  Thank you so much for enjoying my writing 💖 Again, I am so sorry for how long this took for me to write 😬 
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Erik always prided himself on how well he was able to control his feelings. Sure, he used to let them control him; however, he always hid them well. One look at him, and no one could tell how he was truly feeling. The only people able to read his feelings were empaths, or Charles (but Charles used his telepathy, so that was cheating). 
When Erik had met (Y/N), he wasn’t sure what to expect. At first, he thought of her as any other person, irrelevant. He didn’t know her, so why should he care for her? But then she was always there. He later found out that Charles had employed her at his school for the gifted. It was with a great obligation that made him get to know her. Charles liked to hold dinner parties for the staff and his friends to mingle outside of school hours. Erik would always try to get out of it, but, he always manages to get roped into those engagements no matter what he said or lied about. It was as though Charles would use his powers to get Erik to attend. It tempted him to use his helmet again to block him out, but maybe he’s just overthinking it. 
It was at one of these events that Erik first spoke to (Y/N). She was standing near the refreshments, so really, it wasn’t like it was completely out of his way to talk to her. She had smiled kindly at him, the first person to do so. It was no secret that he had a troubled past and many of the professors employed under Charles never seemed to let him forget. So it was refreshing to know that someone wasn’t holding his faults over him. He was immediately enthralled by her. They spoke nearly the whole night. He found himself enjoying the sound of her laugh and the way her eyes lit up when she spoke about the things she was passionate about. Erik never believed in love at first sight, and really he didn’t think this applied either, but he knew from that moment on, he would make it his duty to keep the smile in her eyes and that laugh in place. 
From then on, Erik didn’t argue with Charles over attending the dinner parties, and he didn’t bother making excuses when (Y/N) needed his help with her class. Whatever she wanted, he made sure she would get without any troubles. They soon became best friends within no time. He was fine with that too because then he knew he would always be in her life. He was the one she went to when she had a problem,  and the one she went to when she had good news. Life was suddenly going his way and he had no fucking clue what to do from there. He supposed he could continue like normal, talk to her, laugh with her, but there was a part of him that wanted more. She was an amazing girl. Who wouldn’t want to be with her?
Which was the problem. He knew there were people interested in her, he wasn’t completely oblivious. He would usually spot them from the distance whenever he wasn’t with her. There would be another professor talking to her, trying to get her to laugh at some stupid joke he made. Erik would clench his jaw, and he swore one of the metal benches was crushed near him. He couldn’t be too sure that was him though. He brushed it off at the time as a fluke. There was no way she’d fall for that cheap trick. So the next day when it happened again, Erik couldn’t help but insert himself between (Y/N) and the other guy. 
(Y/N) instantly lit up in his presence. Erik was a great guy and anyone who didn’t see that was an absolute idiot. Getting to know Erik was her favorite thing to do. Being a part of the school gave her insight into his past, sure, but that didn’t mean she knew who Erik actually was. If growing up in a half mutant, half-human family taught her anything, it was that people can change. She found out that her mother was taught to hate mutants but then she met her father. So no, (Y/N) wasn’t going to let Erik’s past block her judgment. Erik turned out to be the most genuine man she has had the pleasure to meet. Sometimes he would show off his powers to her, so she would talk him into demonstrating for her classes. She always looked forward to the days he would help her with the younger mutants. 
Sometimes she could swear that Erik might like her back, but who was she kidding? She wasn’t anything spectacular. Her powers weren’t anything extraordinary compared to her co-workers, her powers were rather boring. (Y/N) used to enjoy the fact that her powers were quite mundane, she could easily manipulate a person’s choice, but it would only last a moment. Now she wished she had a power that was worthy of Erik. She knew he had a hatred towards humans at one point, so she was nervous that maybe he would be appalled about her half-human family. 
(Y/N)’s thoughts were once again interrupted when she felt someone touching her arm. She looked up to see Professor Cassidy smiling at her. He had a boyish charm to him and she knew that he liked her, but she didn’t feel the same way. She was finding it harder to let him down gently. 
“So? What do you say?” He asked nervously.
“Uh, about?” (Y/N) furrowed her brows. 
“A date? With me?” Sean ran his hand through his hair nervously. This was not turning out how he imagined. For one, Erik wasn’t there glaring at him when he imagined asking (Y/N) on a date. 
“I…” (Y/N) glanced from Erik’s stone expression and back to Sean’s nervous smile, “I uh, I have plans, I’m sorry Sean.” (Y/N) lied, “Erik promised to help me with uh, a thing,” She winced internally at her crappy excuse.
Erik smirked, happy to hear her turn Sean down. Sure, Sean wasn’t a bad guy, but he’d be damned if he started dating (Y/N). She was too good for him, She was too good for anyone.
“Oh, uh, okay, no worries,” Sean looked back at Erik one last time before leaving the two mutants alone.
“So I’m helping you with a thing?” Erik asked smugly.
“Oh shut up, I panicked, okay?” (Y/N) bumped her shoulder against his side, “He’s a nice guy, but I only think of him as a friend.”
“Ouch, even that hurts me,” he laughed despite his words.
“Hmm, so what brings you by?” (Y/N) wondered.
“What do you mean?” Erik avoided her gaze. 
“I think you know,” She raised her brow, she was tempted to ‘persuade’ him to tell her the truth, but Charles made a rule not to use their powers against anyone’s will unless absolutely necessary. 
“Nothing, I just saw you over here and thought I’d say hello,” He shrugged. 
“Okay… now that you’ve said hello, what now?” (Y/N) leaned against the wall beside her.
“Maybe we could do a thing?” Erik smiled.
“Haha, very funny,” (Y/N) rolled her eyes. She may have liked Erik but she didn’t appreciate being teased.
“I’m serious,” Erik lifted her chin so their eyes could meet, “Let’s do something together.”
(Y/N) stared into his eyes, looking for any hints of insincerity, “Like what?”
Erik shrugged, “anything you’d like.”
“As friends?” 
“Well I- I was hoping maybe as more than friends?” Erik cleared his throat. He hasn’t felt this nervous in… ever. He has never felt nervous like this before.
“Okay,” (Y/N) grinned, “But don’t tell Sean just yet.”
Erik’s eyes narrowed, “Why not?”
“I just turned him down, I don’t think he’d be too pleased to hear that I’ve agreed to go out with you,” (Y/N) tucked a strand of her (H/C) behind her ear.
“So?” Erik couldn’t help but scoff.
(Y/N) tilted her head, looking at him quizically. “You were jealous,” She laughed.
“What? No, I wasn’t! I was the opposite of jealous. Why would I be-” Erik looked at the amusement clearly written in her eyes, “Don’t tell anyone.” He begged.
“Only if you don’t say anything to Sean, at least not yet.” (Y/N) bribed.
Erik sighed heavily, “Fine.”
“Awe, such a romantic,” (Y/N) laughed. She kissed Erik’s cheek softly, “Now about that thing we’ll be doing?” 
Erik’s heart fluttered in his chest. This was all new to him, but as long as (Y/N) was by his side, he would do whatever he could to keep her happy. It was also nice knowing no other guy would be able to take her out on a date now that she agreed to be with him.
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worstloki · 4 years ago
Top Forty Thor-Being-Thor Moments from Thor 1
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just absolute dumb*ssery that this 7yr old kid’s life goal is to “hunt down the monsters and slay them all”. I’ll go easy on him here and let the Thor/Loki expressions do the talking because of “...just like you did Father” but seriously can his hands even fit around a sword handle??? this kid isn’t even punching the air right??? if there was a sword in his hand he would’ve cut his head with the way he’s moving???? pure tiny-himbo energy here just look at that >:o face he’s making. contrasts very nicely with Loki’s ‘,:|. 10/10. such a baby idiot.
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“the jotuns must pay for what they have done! they broke into the weapons vault! if the frost giants had stolen even one of these relics!” thor. thor please. can you even name one of these relics. thor. hey thor. thor. shut up. “well, what would you do about this?” odin asks him. “march into jotunheim! like you once did! break their spirits! so they’ll never try anything like this again!” wow okay so we’ve fast-forwarded by like a thousand years and thor is still going on about genocide. huh. that’s funny, i thought loki was the genocidal one. hmm. i also just realized that the loki exclusive clip gives loki the same hairstyle thor has here so do what you will with that information.
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0/10. horrible. terrible. i dont care how angy thor is about not getting to kill some jotuns or become king today this very instant, that is a tremendous waste of food. an absolute fool. how can he just remorselessly throw the bread to the floor. if loki stabbed him when he was 7 he would deserve it for this table flip alone. what a privileged white *ssh*le.
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loki came skulking around a corner and suggested not to go to jotunheim and not only did thor not suspect anything but he also then went on to decide to go to jotunheim. 10/10 himbo material. 
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if tumblr didn’t have a picture limit i would put every instance of thor smiling in this list because look at that stupid smile. he’s such an idiot. 11/10. this is the thor content i’m here for.
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“I have no plans to die today” thor says with the stupidest open-mouthed smirking smile ever captured on film. right after he also told heimdall not to tell anyone they’re gone. he’s literally planned to strand them on jotunheim. thor’s grand plan was to strange themselves on jotunheim and also start a fight. i repeat: thor’s plan was to successfully slay all the frost giants and not need to return until they’re all gone. what an absolute d*mb*ss. this is getting ridiculous. this was originally a top-ten-thor moments list but i’m not even twenty minutes in so i’ll have to extend the list. thor. thor are you listening? thor, you’re such an idiot.
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“HOW DID YOUR PEOPLE GET INTO ASGARD?!” thor you sweet sweet summer idiot, please, i am beggin,g you,, learn to rea,d , a room,, literally everyone else who came with you is regretting it, there is complete silence and only the rumble of the opposing king is meeting your “I AM THOR, SON OF ODIN”s, please, please take some notes from Loki, or, you know, literally anyone else in the room, since everyone is asking you to get out of this realm while you still can,
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thor’s stupid smile makes an appearance after he gets called a princess and decides to fight a whole realm over it. you know what? thor is a princess. he’s the prettiest princess in all the lands. what’s thor gonna do about it? is he going to fight me too? I hope he does the stupid grin first. minus 15 points for the sexism. thor is a complete and utter sadistic fool who needs to get a hobby. seriously, he’s 1500 years old and still going on and on about slaying all the frost giants. boi, i hate to break it to you, but your dad is not the best or only example of greatness out there. i don’t think your dad even qualifies as an example of that. 
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“THEN. GO!” 🥰 ahh yes, just thor thingz 🥰🥰 like when one friend has had his arm burnt 🥰 and another friend has been impaled and needs medical attention, 🥰🥰 and all the rest of your friends are yelling for you, 🥰 and your brother is telling you they must go, 🥰 and you decide to buy everyone time by laughing maniacally and killing more frosties because you care for them and dont find joy in destruction like a loon 🥰🥰🥰 
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THIS is the iconic Thor moment that makes my day whenever I think about it. Just Thor, an absolute bumbering 6′6′’ giant boodlusting dummy sees Odin and just decides to yell “FATHAA!! WE’LL FINISH THEM TOGETHAAA!” as if the last thing Odin told him wasn’t “no, thor, we’re not going to do anything to the frost giants, do not go after them and try to kill them all.” 11/10 d*mb*assery right here folks, I couldn’t ask for Thor to be more of a fool. This is PEAK Thor energy. Look at that face. I feel like Thor spends half this movie with his nostrils flared. I love it.
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okay i gotta give thor credit for rightfully calling odin “an old man and a fool” but also there was not even 1 frame of the scene where Thor had a decent face so now all i see is >:O >:| >:o >:[ when i watch that scene. yelling at odin was great, not yelling at odin after he HUAERGHed at loki was less great, but to be fair it’s thor and he is the definition of Peak D*mb*ss. 
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thor literally GROWLS and starts yelling “HAMMAA?? HAMMER??” over and over. He was hit by a van, he fainted, he woke up and started growling. I don’t know what else there is to say about this.
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“you dare threaten me? puny human?”. so. uhh. basically. Thor knew she was threatening him? He KNEW she had a weapon? instead he made a face and started yelling as he tried to walk his way closer????? thor you complete and utter dum dum. you frickin hairball-for-brains. im not even surprised darcy tasered him. with that kind of face, i’d taser him too.
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when you wake up in an unknown place to a person smiling at you without a stupid smile, the first step is always to attack first and ask questions later 😌😌😌 (but seriously thor you imbecile why didn’t you ask where you were instead of throwing multiple people around the room and getting your butt needled. you clueless buffoon. you’ll remain a clueless buffoon if you don’t listen to anyone.)
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just a quick recap but thor was knocked unconscious by a van and these people kidnapped him aboard and the next scene we see him in he’s checking himself out in  mirror after presumably changing right there in the open?????? these are the things that make thor thor. any other character and i’d question it so much, but this is thor, and i truly believe this is in-character for him. just change in the open because why not? thor is a beefcake and that’s his only redeeming quality and he knows it. 10/10 thor moment. 
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I am now convinced that Thor saw Jane and “5k van-hitter to lover slow-burn height-difference himbo-scientist trope” flashed through his mind.
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“but no more smashing!” Jane says, and then Thor proceeds to check her out and smile unlike an idiot and like a douche. was this his version of flirting???? i’m not one to decide, but yes, yes it was. He threw a cup to the ground and broke it, and she’s getting mad at him and berating him about it, and he’s liking it. y’all i’m sorry to break it to you like this, but thor has a canon fetish. i am so, so sorry.
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im DYING. THAT ISN’T EVEN A KISS, HIS MOUTH IS OPEN. he SMUSHES his mouth around her knuckle???? WHY. I can’t keep noticing things like this. send help. please. Jane’s response makes so much more sense now; she’s laughs for a solid 3 seconds and shakes her head and is like “uhh, thank you? ahaha,” and then she keeps looking back longingly when walking away. they are doing this in PLAIN sight of EVERYONE. Darcy and Erik are standing RIGHT THERE, and Thor is doing weird things to her with his mouth. I’m out. I am done here. goodbye. 
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return of the stupid smile AND the douche smile in quick succession through the entire trip. their entire dialogue is peppered with innuendo. “I’ve never done anything like this before. have you ever done anything like this before?” “many times, but you are brave to do it.” “I have nothing else to lose.” “ah but you are clever, far more clever than anyone else on this realm.” “realm? rEaLm?” “you think me strange?” “yes” “good strange or bad strange?” “I haven’t decided yet.” I AM DYING OVER THIS. plus, we get Return Of The Himbo with Jane asking after Einstein Rosen bridges and Thor is like “uh, actually, more like a rainbow bridge 😜🤪” i feel so sorry for jane here, didn’t know how much of a d*mb*ss Thor was when signing up for this van-trip and knuckle-sucking 😭😭😭 i also no longer have questions about how the trip that SHOULD HAVE BEEN A HALF-HOUR ONE turned into one that LASTED TILL THE SUN WENT FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE SKY TO SETTING by the time they arrived. I have no questions. please. I don’t want to know what they were doing in that van. please no. don’t make me think about it.
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thor’s plan had 3 steps and they were 1. give jane his jacket 2. walk in and get his hammer 3. fly out. that was literally his plan. he had the first “I have a plan. attack.” moment in the MCU. pure concentrated 0-brain-cells energy right here. how can you not stan this king of d*mb*ssery. look at him, flaunting his big boy muscles. he’s about get his hammer and fly out, like he just told jane with a trademark stupid-smile.
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crop-top hair-mop thor is my favourite thor. the way the entire fight scene parallels a hamster in a maze only exemplifies the thor vibes for some inexplicable reason.
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“you’re big. fought bigger.” + Thor douche-smile + subtext from earlier + rolling around passionately in the mud = not a happy me. 
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I swear i’m not making up this romantic subtext but it’s barely even subtext. the entire scene leading up to Thor’s attempt at lifting the hammer is actually filmed erotically. I’m not kidding. First there’s a shot where Thor pulls aside a hamster-cage-wall blind which mirrors a shower-curtain, and THEN he walks around the hammer while smiling douche-ly at it, we get a few close-ups to his face which are shot from angles slightly lower than himself, giving him an aire of superiority, plus the music adds to this, he reaches out for the hammer’s handle with a mud-covered arm in the rain, in non-slow-motion slow-motion, and he wraps his arm around it, like, he fully twists his arm, unecessarily sexually, around it as he grabs the hammer. This is not okay. On the plus side, it makes the movie much more entertaining,, on the down side,,.
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im not going to call Thor dumb for not knowing he’s not worthy. im not going to. because odin literally whispered the enchantment to mjolnir after he’d thrown thor to midgard. it is very funny watching thor grunt in frustration though. he starts yelling because he couldn’t lift the hammer and just lets himself get caught. like, dude, get a life, go buy a new weapon from the store, seriously. he mourns for the hammer on-screen longer than he does for loki. he also looks like he’s in far more pain here. he becomes catatonic and unresponsive after this, but when loki dies he’s already feasting the same afternoon. 10/10 dum dum thor material. never change thor, never change. (that’s code for please change, thor, please,)
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thor trying to establish dominance wherever he goes is the funniest thing because at this point he’s being a complete asgardian *ss about it and it’s reaching points of pettiness never seen before. side note: he is possibly flirting with selvig too. maybe. i’m not saying anything happened, but Thor’s openning lines when bringing him home carried over his shoulder are “he’s fine, not injured at all,” followed with an apology to selvig, and an explanation to jane which consisted only of “we drank, we fought, he made his ancestors proud,” and then he puts the man to bed and before he falls asleep erik says “i still don’t believe you’re the g*d of th*nder, but you ought to be,” so... your choice, i guess...
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thor’s got his trademark stupid smile and stupidly takes jane’s life’s work notebook and starts doodling in it about trees. the last time his father told him this story about Yggdrasil was when he was 5 and he clearly hasn’t payed attention to any lesson about anything since and it shows so so much. thank you thor. very insightful knowledge you’re passing on hear. ‘i come from a world where [science and magic] are one and the same,’ ok great, now elaborate on that please. oh, right, you can’t because you’re thor, my bad, 20/10 thor behaviour. he couldn’t even doodle nicely. all his lines are wobbly. epic art fail. i wouldn’t trust him near my sketchbook with a 2B pencil.
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THIS is thor’s realization face. in case anyone was interested in what ‘dawning truth’ looked like on him. 😰😪 THIS is the face of a thinker, of a man betrayed by his own beloved brother for unprecedented reasons. look at the nuance in his expression. 😩😩😩 so many emotions, I can’t even count them all 😩💯😪
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stupid smile and “do not worry my friends, i have a plan,” he says, “i’ll just try and abuse the fact that Loki’s super selfless and kind and has no self worth to my benefit as i have countless times before which is exactly what he’s rightfully angry about this time,” he doesn’t think to himself because that is NOT the smile of someone who is thinking... like, at all. +10000 points to gryffinthor. the d*mb*ssery really jumps out.
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“im sorry bro for whatever i did and whatever you’re blaming me for as an excuse to do this, im sorry bro, but you’re disturbing innocents that i don’t really care about but you’re the one making a scene in front of them so why don’t you admit you won’t kill me and are just having a temper tantrum and we move on? hmm?” and then he proceeds to get slam dunked in the face with a metal arm like yEAAAA BOI that’s what you GET for going up against the SENTIENT LAVA-SPEWING metal-man ya absolute dunderhead clod. thunderhead clod? yeah, that. he’s just so dumb, your honour, please, you must understand, the victim pleads guilty on all charges of d*mb*ss and d*mb*ss alone.
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I can NOT describe the emotions I feel knowing that Thor is suck-kissing Jane’s knuckles. Like, his mouth is literally jelly-ing it up against her hand. There is suction there and it shows when he is placing and removing his mouth. I promise that’s what is happening. I’m not any happier than you about this. I regret everything. This is why Loki should be what is focused on and not Thor; Thor’s going around trying to frick frack everything in sight even if it’s just Jane’s hand. He’s maintaining eye contact with Jane while he licks her fingers. Why did I decide to rewatch this movie. 
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i’m only adding this in as a thor moment because of how desperately and badly they kiss. seriously. 2/10 kiss. im not surprised jane broke up with him. they look like two actual seals fighting over an actual grape. while i’m here i’m going to criticize every fic ever that decided thor is an experienced gentle lover. what were y’all on when watching this movie. thor can and will f*ck literally everything in sight and he won’t even do it well because he is the peakest of peak d*m d*m. look at this man. look at his face. that is the face of an absolute himbo idiot, and it’s the face of an absolute himbo idiot who knows it. he’s been stranded on earth for 2 days, max, and his flirt-count is at 69 people because his name is one letter away from thot. i bet his terrible use of a pen from early means he writes his ‘r’s like ‘t’s and he doesn’t even care. 1000/10 thor moment. doesn’t get much more romance-thor than two individuals smooshing their faces together after some finger sucking. that finger sucking is gonna leave jane simping for years. and that’s true love babey. <3
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“I’ll handle my Brother!” Thor says, as if Loki didn’t send a metal-murder-bot that quite virtually killed him less than ten minutes ago asdfhkhsdgsdjf Thor, you horrific himbo you, Loki’s weapon of choice is literally throwing knives he will literally kill you before you enter the room if he’s on his game and wants you dead which he just proved he would do and you’re just gonna???????????? jog on over to him????? Thor??????????? bruH???????????? buddy??????? pal???????? you really wanna go 1v1 the brother you very clearly underestimate and know nothing about????????????????? im loving the confidence, but, no.
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Loki: “you literally can’t stop this from here.” Thor, immediately: “i’m going to hit it with the hammer and see if that works” and then it does in fact work later... technically speaking, even if it ends up causing chaos destruction and death and loki falling off the bifrost 😔😔😔 but Big Brain Thor is the Biggest Brained Thor!!! The plan worked!! in a messy-Thor-ish way, but it did!!!
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“you can’t kill an entire race!!!!” Thor yells, teeth gritted, as he faces his brother, his coward pacifist brother, who has suddenly decided he wants to join the age-old family tradition of realm-destroying, when this is supposed to be Thor’s dream, Thor’s, not Loki’s. How dare he, Thor thinks to himself, fist clenched around Mjolnir in anger, the pain of the handle pressing against his palm perhaps the only thing preventing him from lashing out at this thought, that’s my planet of monsters to slay, he should go get his own! Loki hits Thor across the face with the back-end of his spear. “Now fight me,” Loki says, but Thor, well, Thor cannot fight, as he remains stunned that of all things Loki would dare steal his life’s ambition, and he is sent sprawling backwards across the observatory, slowly but surely sliding to a stop despite his catatonic, very symbolic silence.
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the elegance, the poise, i see your time on earth has made you no less graceful, Thor. the simple magnitude of this sprawl. the spread of the arms. the turn of the feet. this is not a dude, this is a man.
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sometimes your brother starts vehemently talking about he’s gonna kill the race of monsters and about how he’s only ever wanted to be your equal and about how he’s not your brother and never was and sometimes you just have to say “this is madness” instead of addressing the issues or asking for any of the  deets 🔥 👊💯😩
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Loki is whipping Thor’s butt. Both literally, and metaphorically, Loki is whooping Thor’s d*mb*ss. Earlier he knicked Thor’s face, now he’s just pushing Thor around, he uses the spear as a pole and later kicks Thor’s face by kicking vertically up, and Thor, bless him in all his blond golden muscled glory, doesn’t think anything is up with this, gosh he’s such an absolute utter idiot
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sometimes your brother laughs way too much and also cries too much in a fight and there are also too many of him so you just need to blast lightning so you get a shot at all of them 😌😌😌 and then put your magical infinitely-heavy hammer on his chest 😌😌😌 but it’s okay because Thor left holes in Loki’s container 😌😌😌
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now THIS is the meat to Thor’s funny bone, just the pure unadulterated humour that is Thor saying that there will never be a “wiser king” or a “better father” than Odin, it cracks me up every single time without fail, just the way he says it with a straight face and— what do you mean he wasn’t joking
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look at Thor’s stupid smile as he asks Heimdall to spy on jane every single day while conveniently never asking after Loki ever. This is Thor’s face in mourning after he attended a feast after everyone was celebrating after Loki’s death. Look at his stupid smile. I love him your honour. He’s just,, he’s just so frickin stewpeed, just Thor being Thor, just the purest of d*mbest of *sses. 
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ivyglow · 4 years ago
I don’t want you like a best friend - Andre Burakovsky
A/n: Sooo, I wrote this as some kind of gift to my best friend because she loves Andre and she was trying to get me on his train (I guess she did?). She’s always hitting me with “no but you should definitely write about Tito/Andre”. Here’s your piece @skarsgardswiftie​ I hope you like it! <3 I love you sm Also, a huge shout out to @sebs-aston​ for proofreading this with such an attentive eye! You’re amazing, liv! 
Requested: yes / no
Word count: 1.9k 
Warnings: brief mention of alcohol 
Summary: you’re friends with Andre, but things are about to change after you create a TikTok account and start doing challenges that may lead to news between you and your favorite hockey player.
When it comes to capturing a moment you’re usually the person your friends think about, not simply because you’re always carrying a camera -mainly because of it-, but because you’re great with what you do -either photos or videos-. That’s also why your Instagram profile has more followers than an ordinary girl would and it’s the only place people can find you -besides e-mail-. However, that changed when your best friend -Callie- convinced you to create a TikTok account. You, of course, hated it, but she had the perfect opportunity -you were a bit tipsy, all your friends around, sunny weekend and so it goes. 
“Mikko, do you think I’m pretty?” You direct the camera to his face while looking expectantly. 
Saturday evening rolled around, the hot weather forcing your friends either to the inside of the pool or under the sunshade and their hands busy with cold drinks. It was a happy day, everyone was around, and you were enjoying the vacation. You had met half of the Hockey team as soon as you moved to Colorado and Erik, your and your brother’s hometown best friend decided you needed to know his crew and the city around. Six months later and you knew pretty much everyone and everything.
“Of course I think you’re pretty” he gives you a confused look before you turn to Tyson giggling.
“Josty, do you think I’m pretty?” you ask and he looks straight at the camera “I would give you 5 out of 10 cause you’re bro.”
You laugh and turn to Andre this time.
“Andre, do you think I’m pretty?” 
He seems taken aback by the question and unlike Tyson, he stares at you. “Of course you’re pretty.”
You keep to your task and last but not least is Nathan, he’s sitting at a table while working on some drinks and you take him by surprise by jumping in front of him. “Mac, do you think I’m pretty?”
He rolls his eyes playfully and turns his attention to you for some seconds before looking at his drink again, “I would one hundred percent date you if you were not my sisters’ best friend” 
And then your time is over. 
“So you’re a tiktoker now?” Erik sits beside you and Nathan just as you uploaded the video. He raises his eyebrows and you roll your eyes lightly, “you know I hate TikTok, but it’s fun, so…”
“She’s gonna end up famous there too”, Andre announces leaning his body on the table and motioning for Nathan to refill his drink. Your eyes roam on his big hands grasping the red cup, his cheeks red from the sun, and the way you could see his dimples when he smiled at you, his hair messy in a cute way. 
“Why do you think that?” now he has three pairs of curious eyes staring at him.
You almost chuckled when his point finger scratched his chin. His skin glowing, “I mean, you’re funny and cute…cute girls get famous on TikTok” he reasoned. 
“Is this your best, Burki?” Erik asks and for the way his lips were tight against each other you knew he wanted to laugh.
“C’mon, let them be,” Nathan said after giving the blond American a new cup, and before you could ask what was the matter Callie was calling you at the door. 
Your best friend started a rant about how she was going to get Chinese take-out for dinner and when you told her she should get Thai too -because it was Andre’s favorite- she started another rant about how you should tell him you’re in love and how it was cute the way you two functioned but also annoying. All you could do was savor your drink and mentally play a Taylor Swift song while she went on, “I mean it, y/n! Just tell him already…”
“Have you seen Andre?!” you whisper-scream to her and Callie sights rolling her eyes, “what about him?” 
Swallowing the last sip of your drink you start to draw doodles on the glass with your fingers, “I’m just y/n, he’s Andre Burakovsky”. You usually were not insecure about your looks, but it was Andre, and the fact that he was a famous and good-looking hockey player made you question how in heavens he would like you back. Hell, you were not even sure how you two ended up in such a close friendship, he always being so affectionate and listening to everything you had to say. Your friendship seemed like the most you could take from the interaction. You knew he was ‘just Andre’ too when all your friends were gathered, but being ‘just Andre’ was as amazing as being Andre Burakovsky the hockey player. 
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met, y/n, and I don’t mean considering only your looks, but everything. You’re funny, smart, and always so attentive with everyone, you listen to everything and always have nice things to say, don’t you ever doubt your value, you hear me?” Callie’s words make you sit up straight in the stall and your eyes water. 
“In my defense, this is not me crying, this is tipsy me having an emotional moment”, you joke and it’s seconds before the two of you are laughing the way you used to during a John Mulaney show. 
It was night when you unlocked your phone only to find a bunch of notifications from TikTok, some of the comments from fans about how happy the boys seemed, but most were about the way Andre looked at you when you asked the question. According to the most liked comment “this is clearly a friends to lovers, mutual pining, unaware love and slow-burn situation” which made you giggle but also replay the video a dozen times trying to figure out if there was really something there and you were the unaware one. 
Needless to say, you weren’t able to reach a conclusion, but it felt different when you excused yourself to take a shower after spilling wine in your shirt and you felt Andre’s eyes on you all the way to the stairs. His hands on your shoulders felt heavier and the way he was attentive whenever you needed a refill or wanted a bite of food seemed more intimate and caring than ever.
Hitting the shuffle button, you chose your Taylor Swift playlist before entering the shower. The cold water cooled you off a bit, it was almost like washing out part of the alcohol in your system, but your tipsy mind kept finding evidence that Andre liked you back. 
You went through your clothes finding a floral summer dress and sipping on your wine while brushing your hair. Your body was still feeling hot and at this point, you didn’t know if it was from the sun on your face or the alcohol in your system, but when you heard the first notes of “Dress” playing you knew you were going to do something stupid, especially because your cell phone was one arm away. If someone asked you where the idea came from you wouldn’t know what to answer, and usually thinking about how you didn’t have an answer was enough to make you give up on some stupid ideas...not this one though. 
Reaching for your phone you unlocked it and walked to the body-length mirror in the room you were sharing with Callie. It took less than 2 minutes to snap a picture and send it to him and it took him less than 1 minute to answer it.
‘You liked it?’ you sent back
‘Yeah, you’re looking good, cutie’ he answered just as fast, before sending a red heart emoji.
‘I don’t want you like a friend’
‘and I only bought this dress so you could take it off’
It was the exact line Taylor was singing when you reached the send button. You saw the dots appearing and disappearing and your body sobered up even more than before. 
“Fuck!” you almost voiced. How would he look at you after this? Could you pretend you confused him with someone else? Of course not, he was the only Andre you knew! And everyone knew better you were not the bold flirty type.
That was it, your secret was spilled just like your wine on your shirt earlier, but now you wouldn’t be able to clean off the stain. 
Would he believe it if you told him it was a prank to your new TikTok account?
You were lost in your thoughts before three knocks on your door startled you. And there he was when you pushed the door open. Standing with his hands inside his pockets and his hair still messy, he stared at you. It took maybe five minutes before he spoke, but it felt like an eternity considering his intense eyes studying you.
“You’re looking even better this close” for some reason his voice is low like he didn’t want anyone to hear and pop the bubble of the moment. 
You feel your body getting hotter, pretty sure your face is turning even redder, so you reach your hands to both of your cheeks. That gets a giggle out of Andre and you instantly move them to your back, your eyes now staring at his bare feet. 
All you wanted to do was bury yourself on a rabbit hole until Andre lost his memory, or you lost yours. You were thinking about the possibility of a secret society -Alice in Wonderland style- inside the rabbit hole that you could live in forever when Burki extended his hand, his palm facing you, silently asking you to put your hand in his. So you did. And it was only a blink of an eye before his body was closer, almost touching yours.
“You’re not that drunk, are you?” he questioned. 
You shook your head no and he moved his hand to your waist as a message that maybe -and only maybe- he wanted to be close too. So you moved your right one to his large shoulders. 
“I’m glad you’re not drunk…” 
“I’m just a bit hot and bothered” and dying out of shame! You screamed inside your head. 
“Oh sure you are”, he replied with a small smile playing at the corner of his pink lips. Your brows raised in confusion and before you could ask, he answered, “hot. You’re hot”.
“Does it mean you’re gonna take my dress off?” you have no idea when you got so bold, but Andre seemed amused with everything. 
“No, not tonight. You’re not drunk, but you’re a bit tipsy, I don’t want to start things like this” his fingers are in your cheekbone and you lean into him. “I’m gonna kiss you though, can I?” 
His lips, so different from his hands, were soft and hot. They found yours timidly, exploring the space while his body welcomed yours closer, he took his time before his fingers were in your hair and his tongue caught your lips. 
It felt good.
Like never before. 
For some seconds you wished to be able to capture the moment and save it forever. Repeat it in your head every day. 
Andre played with the strings of your dress, slipping it off your shoulders and you got into your tiptoes to peck his lips one last time. 
“So...I take you really liked the dress?” 
“I actually like you, the dress is a bonus” he shrugs and you giggle before finding yourself wrapped in another kiss. 
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exy-softie · 4 years ago
The foxes being a supportive family at the Olympics
(this is a complete disaster but i love this concept so much so here it goes, i tried my best) 
i love to imagine the foxes (the old ones but probably robin is there too, and Thea if you like her with kevin, and Erik and Katelyn) watching the Olympics from like the fifth row? wearing a mixure of the foxes old merch and the US court merch. Abby, Wymack and Bee would be there too of course, just next to them. the foxes screaming louder than anyone anytime kevin or neil score, and also when andrew blocks an impossible shot.
even aaron is screaming his head off
being a supportive brother
just picture when the game ends and the US wins, everyone jumping out of their seats, crying, hugging each other.
if you want to imagine wymack yelling THOSE ARE MY KIDS nobody is gonna stop you
i feel like matt and maybe nicky would try to jump past security to the court but dan, wymack and renee would stop them
just, imagine kevin and neil looking at each other and smiling, a we made it smile, a look that shows how proud they are of the other (the same one kevin used to give neil when their pro teams played against each other and neil’s won). they’d both look at andrew next, still standing in the goal, still with a blank face, but maybe a bit amused?? happy??? like andrew-happy, he seems fine. and andrew will roll his eyes at them because he can see in their faces the see? you did belong here or you made it too or even thank you and he hates his stupid talented boyfriend and the other stick ball-obssesed idiot and the fact that they are the main reasons why his life original course changed so drastically. but maybe when neil starts heading to the goal to hug him and kevin falls to his knees and just cries of surprise/delight/relief, his lips might curve a bit upwards, in the tiniest of sarcastic/entertained smiles.
and later, after the press conference, they meet with the rest of the foxes. its a beautiful mess of hugs, congratulations, abby kissing them in their foreheads (except andrew), some (aka nicky) still crying and trying to hug andrew because I’M SO PROUD OF YOU COME HERE , kevin and wymack sharing a not-so-akward endearing conversation where the words ‘son’ and ‘dad’ appear often, dan and matt treating neil like their little brother/child and telling him how proud they are while they hug him till he’s breathless. renee smiling at andrew, him bumping his fist with her as a thank you for always being there, bee giving andrew a t-shirt that says ‘i’m the coolest goalkeeper in the world’, the twins also sharing a not-so-akward conversation where aaron congartulates andrew for the victory, allison already arranging a celebration trip to some far-ass expensive place, and basically everyoone just being happy for their ex-teammates, and happy overall.
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smutsonian · 5 years ago
f*** being friends
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve is in love with his friend but he doesn't want to ruin their friendship
Warnings: mentions of copulation, making out (it gets heated), jealous steve, awkward steve, lil bit of angst, brief mentions of being bullied (verbally), mentions of game of thrones, i’m hoping for this to be really sweet and fluffy that y’all get diabetes in a healthy way, writing mistakes bby
Characters: Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov, Erik Lehnsher (xmen), Cisco Ramon (the flash)
Word Count: 6.5k yikes
an: i have no idea where those characters came from but they’re there. also, hi! im posting something lmao shocker :o ctto of this picture
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The supersoldier who woke up in the wrong century would’ve been going through a whole lot of hell alone if it wasn’t for the cute scientist who was considerate and patient with him in helping him adjust to his new surroundings after the time-hopping incident. Fury took him to the tower that was owned by the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist (as he likes to be called) after he tried to run through the streets of the modernized city of New York with his bare feet and that’s where he met her.
 The female scientist contrasted Tony Stark so much that it made Steve wonder how Tony even managed to get someone like her to be his assistant scientist. Steve didn’t have to wonder about how you were able to handle Tony because he was a hundred percent sure that you will be able to get along with anyone because you’re… you.
 While Tony was an obnoxious guy who likes mocking him, you were nothing but sweet to him. Going out of your way to make him feel comfortable and show him how time has changed the past. You taught him everything he should know and anything he wanted to know and in return, he bestowed you stories from his time before, during, and after the war and the supersoldier serum. 
 When you told him embarrassing stories about Tony and confessed that you sometimes get vexed by your boss that resulted in you ‘accidentally’ making one of his suits dance crazily while he’s in it, you and Steve shared a laugh and thus, started a genuine friendship.
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Tony groans dramatically when he sees Steve giggling at his assistant while they’re making something in the kitchen. He walks over to them and knocks on the counter to catch the pair’s attention before giving them a faux smile. “As much as I love seeing capsicle giggling like a halfwit, I’m gonna have to ask you to stop stealing my assistant. We’re in the middle of discovering what must be the most important information in the world and you’re out here stealing her for shits and giggles.” Tony looks at the captain with a stern look before noticing your dramatic eye roll. “Hey-” he was about to chastise you when you cut him off.
 “Tony, learning how to bake chocolate chip cookies isn’t the most important thing in the world but I admire you for asking me for help for the sake of Morgan. But please, stop being so dramatic.” you chuckle at the end of your complaint. Tony bites his lip as Steve looks at you with such fondness without you even noticing it and he doesn’t know if he should feel sorry for the love-struck captain or be annoyed at how stupid and juvenile he was being. Just ask the girl out, goddammit.
 You turn to look at Steve before sighing, “Well, duty calls.” you shrug and smile at Steve when he reaches a hand towards your face to fix a stray hair away from your face. You stood frozen, staring at his ocean eyes that were staring right back at you before he started blinking and looked away. “Alright. I’ll see you later?” he asks as he looks back at you and you nod at him with a smile before walking past Tony. Tony rolls his eyes at Steve before pointing at him. “You clearly have it bad for her, cap. Why don’t you do us all a favor and just ask her out?” 
 Steve gawks at Tony, his face tinting a tiny shade of red before shaking his head. “What are you talking about? We’re just really good friends, Stark. I don’t even want to have this conversation with you.” Steve’s jaw clenches before he too walks out of the kitchen.
 Good friends my ass. Tony shakes his head in disbelief, smirking to himself. This is going to be fun.
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  Some members of the team were in the kitchen, elbows on the counter, and tired out of their minds. Sam has his head on the counter, Natasha was taking a bite out of her sandwich every now and then, and Clint was slurping the milk from his cereal bowl. There was a mission the day before and everyone was showing how much it took a lot out of them.
 Y/N was putting whipped cream on top of the iced chocolate drink she made when Steve walked in. His face showed how tired he is but it quickly lightened up when he saw Y/N grinning at him with the iced chocolate. Steve made his way towards her and sat beside her, watching her put colorful sprinkles on the whipped cream before sliding the glass in front of him.
 “There ya go! Made with love and all.” she laughs at her own joke and Steve grins at her before taking a sip, earning a mustache made of whipped cream. “So good” Steve closes his eyes as he moans dramatically, making Y/N laugh even more. When Steve looks back at Y/N, she chuckles at him before making a motion towards the space between her nose and her upper lip.
 “What?” Steve smiles as he tilts his head to the side.
 “Here, let me…” Y/N gets a tissue before leaning towards Steve’s face and gently wiping the whipped cream off his face. God only knows how much I want to kiss his whipped cream covered lips. 
 Steve stared at her face, heart fluttering at the closeness of her face and gulps when he sees her looking back at his eyes. Those eyes will be the death of me. I wonder if she’ll look at me like that when I’m giving it to her good. 
 He watches as her eyes flutter towards his lips and then back to his eyes before he’s leaning closer to her face, his lips almost brushing against hers. Fuck.
 A bang interrupted them and they quickly pulled away from each other, awkwardly trying to compose themselves. Bucky seats beside Sam who was glaring at him. “You just have to stroll in here, you armless shithead.” 
 “Not cool, dude.” Clint chuckles before dumping his bowl at the sink. Natasha just sighs before taking another bite off her sandwich. 
 Y/N’s ears perked up when Sam’s words registered to her brain. Armless shithead. 
 She turns to look at Bucky before cursing under her breath. “Oh gosh, Bucky. I’m so sorry! Your arm reattachment scheduled this morning completely slipped out of my mind. Oh god. I’ll bring it up here now. Just give me a sec.” Y/N stumbles out of her chair, earning a concerned look from Steve who held his hand out just in case the fidgeting scientist falls. Y/N successfully runs out of the kitchen unharmed, leaving two supersoldiers confused.
 “What’d I do?” Bucky asks Sam who just shakes his head at him. Nat did the same thing as Sam did when Bucky turned to look at her. Steve still stared at the door that Y/N left in, thinking about how he almost kissed her and realizing how stupid he was. He could have ruined their friendship right then and there. She was so jumpy and awkward right after too. She probably got spooked by his actions. 
 “Why the constipated face, capsicle.” As if he wasn’t suffering enough, Tony enters the kitchen with a smug smile. “Barnes ruined his chances of kissing the little scientist.” Sam scoffed as Bucky gasped. “Oh shit. Sorry, punk. I didn’t know you were making moves already. Thought you would never do it. Sorry for ruining the moment. You’ll get—” Bucky’s teasing words were cut off by Steve’s booming voice. “Will you all just stop it?! We’re just friends. Stop pushing it. I don’t see her that way so please, just stop. We’re friends and that’s that.” Just as Steve’s speech was ending, a flustered Y/N walked in with a huge box. She walks over to Bucky and starts fumbling with his arm.
 Steve curses under his breath as he realized that she just heard his ‘confession’ and it’s not exactly what he wanted her to know. It’s exactly the contrary to what he’s feeling. He wants to be more than just her friend but he didn’t have the guts to do something about it. He also didn’t want to ruin the beautiful friendship that they already have. Relationships are too complicated and he couldn’t risk losing you just because of his stupid feelings. 
 “There! All done!” Y/N smiles at Bucky and Steve finds himself yearning for her to smile at him like that every-fucking-time. Bucky thanks her and winks at her that made Steve’s insides boil with something he didn’t have an idea about. Y/N picks the box up before walking over to Tony who was standing beside Steve. Right before she gets in front of Tony, she slips and before she knew it, her face was falling down the floor- only to be stopped mid-air as firm arms found their way to her waist and her shoulders.
 She was hoisted up and was met with Steve’s face just inches away from hers. “I got you.” Steve smiles.
 Y/N coughed and pulled herself away, making Steve’s smile flutter ever so slightly. “Umm, thanks. I gotta get back to work.” She smiles at him before turning towards Tony and starting a topic about their current topic about using vibranium as something he didn’t have an idea about. He sighed in disappointment as he realized how he managed to fuck up his friendship with her by trying to preserve it. How does that even happen to someone?
 “Is it just me or does the supersoldier serum affect the brain badly?” Sam pipes up after Y/N leaves the room to go back to the lab. Bucky elbows his ribs in response while Tony laughs at Sam’s words.
 “It’s just Steve who’s being an idiot. Don’t drag me into his lack of brain cells” Bucky muttered under his breath. Tony pats Steve on his shoulder before leaning up to his ear to whisper something.
 “Just friends, huh?”
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Steve was nervous that you would bail on your weekly movie nights with him in his room where the two of you will watch movies that he missed while he was frozen. His nerves were getting the best of him until you knocked on his door only to greet him with a huge smile and arms full of snacks that were almost covering your face. “Movie night?” Steve swore that your giddy voice sounded like angels singing.
 Steve felt his heart flutter at the sight before shaking his head back to reality and easily grabbing the snacks out of your arms and setting it down on the foot of his bed. You skipped over to the bed and plopped yourself on it before looking at Steve with a raised eyebrow. 
“So… What are we watching tonight?” The anticipation in your voice made Steve smile before scratching the back of his neck.
 “Can we continue the game of thrones?” He asks and Y/N thought that him blushing was the cutest thing in the world so she couldn’t do anything but to nod. I mean, how could anyone say no to that face?
 You opened up a bag of chips while Steve tinkered with the tv attached to the wall in front of the bed. As the opening song started playing, Steve hopped on the bed beside you, grabbing the bowl of popcorn before laying on his back beside you and scooched closer to you. You smiled at that and laid your head softly on his shoulder which he seemed to like because he chuckled before stealing a piece of chip in your bag. You playfully glared at him as he only booped your nose in return, laughing when some powder from the chips were left on the tip of your nose. He leaned closer to your face, pausing for a while before blowing the powder residues on your nose. You felt your heart skip for a moment before turning back to the tv as the show continued to play.
 The room was dark with only the tv being the source of light but it’s enough for you to watch Steve’s every reaction to the show that you’ve already watched yet willing to rewatch it as long as it was with Steve. He was in one of the earlier episodes where Danaerys was betrothed to Khal Drogo. The tv was playing the scene where Danaerys’ handmaid was teaching her how to make love to Drogo. Your body warmed up at the scene, remembering how graphic this series can be and turned slowly to see Steve’s reaction. You expected him to be fidgety and awkward but he seemed to be really focused at the tv screen so you turned your head back towards the screen and continued to watch.
 Steve was trying his best to not have a panic attack right then and there. The scene was making him flustered and the effects of it were going straight to his crotch. He saw you move your head to watch his reaction but he did his best to act nonchalant and he was so relieved when you looked away from him that he almost cried. He thanked all the gods when the scene ended but his eyes widened when the screen showed Khal Drogo entering the tent butt naked and heading straight to Danaerys. When the man started ramming into her, Steve knew that he was fucked.
 Y/N nostrils flared in embarrassment as she watched the screen as it showed a very erotic scene. She turned her head sneakily to see Steve’s reaction once again but was surprised to see that he was already looking at her, their faces just an inch apart. 
 She looked at Steve’s eyes and was shocked to see that they were darker than usual, pupils dilated and his breathing erratic. She stared at him for a brief second before asking if he’s okay, genuinely concerned for the supersoldier. 
 “Steve, are you ok—” Y/N thought that she could’ve died right then and there when Steve closed the space between their lips and kissed her hungrily. Steve’s lips were so soft against her and when he plunged his tongue into her mouth, she almost came right then and there. This was how she’s deeply, madly, and hopelessly in love with the man. 
 Steve couldn’t explain the feeling he felt when she kissed him back. He could almost hear the wedding bells ringing when she moved her hands to caress both sides of his face. He placed the bowl of popcorn beside her head before placing his hands on her waist, easily manipulating her body so he was on top of her as he continued to kiss her lips like a starved animal.
 Steve felt her hands traveling up to his hair as she arched her back. Steve’s eyes went to the back of his head when she felt her grinding against his hard-on and he was thankful that her mouth was on his so she was able to swallow his moans. He responded by grinding his hips down against hers, earning a tug on his hair and a whine from her lips that made his eyes snap open in shock. Shit. 
 Steve stumbled as he quickly pulled away from her, knocking the popcorn by her head off the bed and making popcorn scatter all over the floor. “Shit” Steve looks at the mess on the floor and back to you, lips plumper after his assault. “Shit” he says again. “I’m so sorry.” He whispers. “Shit, Y/N. I’m so sorry! I didn’t—” He cuts himself by cursing at himself again and again.
 Y/N pushes the hurt she’s feeling at the moment. What was he about to say? That he didn’t mean any of it to happen? 
 She places a hand on Steve’s left cheek and it seemed to immediately calm him down. “Breathe, Steve. It’s okay. Everything’s fine.” You smile at him which he returns sadly.
 “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean for that to happen, I was just… I don’t know what got into me.” Steve stuttered, almost crying. That’s not how he wanted it to come out.
 Y/N looks at Steve with a faux smile. Ouch. Saw that one coming but it still hurt like a motherfu—
 “I shouldn’t have done that.” Steve shakes his head. 
 Y/N gives Steve an understanding nod. And here I thought things couldn’t get uglier.
 “I mean… I don’t want to ruin what we have. Our friendship, I mean. I love being friends with you and I love what we have and I don’t want to ruin that because of me.” Steve tries to explain. Keyword: tries. “I mean you’re obviously the most gorgeous person in the world but I don't want to lose what we have just because of a kiss or a ruined relationship, do you get what I’m saying?” Steve looks at you hopefully. Clearly, he’s not very good at explaining things but you nod nonetheless.
 “I totally understand. I mean… I’ll be more than fine to try things out with you but I understand where you’re getting from. I wouldn’t want to lose what we have either. I guess being friends is the best idea for you.” Steve flinches at your words. Your tone was sweet but your words were hurting him and it’s his own fault too so that just frustrated him even more. 
 “How about we forget about what just happened and stay as good friends, deal?” Y/N gives him a friendly smile. How the hell is he supposed to just forget about what happened. That was easily the best thing that’s happened in his life and he drove the woman he loves the most to tell him to just forget about it.
 “Deal.” Steve smiles. I am a fucking idiot. I managed to put myself in the ‘friendzone’. 
 Y/N nods and starts to head for the door before looking over her shoulder towards Steve.
 “Goodnight, Steve.” And then she was gone.
 Steve’s smile fell and he turned around to study the mess left behind. Popcorn all over the floor, game of thrones playing on the screen, and a very hard cock under his pants.
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That was it for Steve. He knew he fucked everything up when he barely saw you and talked to you anymore. When you no longer made him the usual iced chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles that you always made him, it broke his heart. But what really broke his heart is when you started skipping out on your movie nights with him. He’s beginning to think that you’re spending extra hours in the lab with Tony just to avoid him and it did horrible things to his heart.  Y/N cursed at the turn of events. She hated how the movie night incident turned out but she was ready to make things go back to normal but of course, Tony decided to overload her with work. She didn’t blame him though. They were at the peak of their research and they’re almost done with it and Tony wouldn’t stop until they finished. Y/N stayed to help her mentor/boss until they got to finish the work. She couldn’t deny the fact that she too is excited about the outcome of the research so she kept herself busy.
  She saw how it affected Steve though. She saw how his face would light up every time he would catch her taking quick snacks in the kitchen but she would watch that handsome smile disappear from his face when she waved at him to say goodbye and run back to the lab just to continue on her work. She knew that Steve being Steve, he would blame himself for it so she made a little bit of time to explain how things are currently hectic in the lab.
  Steve felt a little bit of weight lifted from his shoulders when she approached him after training one afternoon. She handed him his shield as she talked about a few changes and improvements she did here and there. He was so happy that she was finally talking to him again that he couldn’t help but just admire the way her lips moved and her eyes looked at him with a glint of excitement as she talked about his shield.
  “Steve?” Her smooth voice brought him back to reality and he smiled at her adoringly, patting her shoulder awkwardly before thanking her for the improvements she did on his shield. “I just want to point out that I’m not avoiding you.” Y/N bit her upper lip as she looked at Steve shyly. Steve thought that she could never be more adorable than this.
  “Tony and I are working on this research and we’re both really working our asses off. We’re so hellbent on finishing the research so we’re always working on it over time. I just… I don’t want you to think that I’m avoiding you.” She finished with a breath. 
  Steve looked down at her, processing her words before breaking off into a grin. He leaned down to give her a hug which she gladly returned before pulling away. Steve cursed at himself for immediately missing the way she felt against him. 
  Steve lets out a loud sigh before smiling at her. “Thank, god. I thought I scared you away.”
  “Never” she grinned before looking down at her wristwatch. “Well, I gotta head back to the lab” she gives him a smile before offering him a handshake, saying “Friends?”
  Steve bit the insides of his cheeks as he remembered the position he put himself in. 
  He gripped her small hand with his big ones before nodding. “Friends.”
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  Y/N thought that the day she and Tony get to finish their research would never come but here’s Tony now, planning a party for the achievement. He’s also telling you something about introducing and showing you off to an old friend of his that he invited. Max Eisenhardt, you heard Tony say. He was a fellow scientist who specialized in magnets and Tony can’t wait to show him your research about vibranium.
Steve finds Y/N in the kitchen a few hours before the party starts, making her famous iced chocolate milk. “Do my eyes deceive me or is that my most favorite chocolate drink in the world?” Steve walks over to her, placing his elbows on top of her head before placing his chin on them. “Congratulations on finishing the research, Y/N. I’m really proud of you.” He sincerely says and he watches her duck under his arms and looks at him with a playful smile. “Thank you, Steve.” She makes a move to fix her hair before looking back at the glass. “And yes. This is your favorite drink” she winks at him.
“Well, not to be presumptuous or anything but… is it for me?” Steve bites his bottom lip as she pretends to think about it before nodding. “Of course, it is! It’s been so long since I made you one so I figured I’ll make you one before the party starts.” She grins at him before handing him the glass which he gleefully takes before drinking it, not minding the whipped cream that stained his nose and his lips. 
 Steve’s heart leaps in joy when he hears her laugh at him before handing him a towel. “Clean yourself up, captain. I’ll see you later at the party.” She waves at him before leaving the kitchen. Steve would’ve preferred it if she was the one wiping his face but he settled with cleaning his face on his own.
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You settled on wearing black slacks, a white button-down shirt, and a pair of black flats. Tony mentioned something about introducing you to his scientist friends so you figured that a formal attire would suffice. You were barely starting on fixing your hair when Tony barged in. He took a quick look at you before smirking and dragging you out of your room and into the elevator. 
 “What the hell, Mr. Stark. I wasn’t done—”
 “You already look amazing. Cap will definitely lose it.” Tony smirks at you and before you could even say something, the elevator door opens. He gently pushes you out of the elevator before pulling you towards a middle-aged man who smiled at you immediately when he saw Tony dragging you towards him.
 “That’s Max Eisenhardt” Tony whispers to your ear before pushing you towards the guy. You stopped yourself from falling onto Max and he was nice enough to steady you by placing both of his hands on your arms. “You okay?” He gently spoke with an accent you couldn’t quite name.
 Y/N cursed at Tony in her mind for putting her in this situation. She manages to give the man a smile before nodding flusteredly. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Max. I’m Y/N. Mr. Stark’s lab assistant.” Y/N offered a hand for him to shake but he quickly shook his head. 
 “No need for formalities. Call me Erik or Magneto.” He reached for your outstretched hand and pulled on it until you fell onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around you before chuckling and pulling away. You gave him an awkward smile before nodding and sneakily walking away when he and Tony started talking about magnets and whatnot.
 Steve’s blood boiled when he watched the interaction between one of Tony’s friends who calls himself Magneto and Y/N. The way he shamelessly grabbed you and flirted with you made Steve think of horrible things on how to dismantle a man’s arm. He hated this feeling. He was so sure that he’s jealous. He knows that he’s jealous.
 Tony somehow managed to push you towards Magnet—or was it Magneto? Max? Erik?— every time he would find you hiding from the guy and you managed to sneak away every time as well. He seemed like a really nice man but he could learn a thing or two about taking hints. She politely rejected him five times already and he still hasn’t given up yet. Y/N just have another guy in her mind and possibly her heart so she couldn’t be bothered by any other person. She’s got eyes on Steve and him alone.
 Steve felt so proud and giddy whenever you would politely dismiss this Magneto guy’s advances on you. He would watch as you would shake your head with a smile before leaving the guy. He enjoyed watching the guy get rejected over and over again but at the same time, he hated seeing you so uncomfortable. 
 Steve couldn’t do anything but watch as Tony introduced you to a bunch of other threats scientists. He was doing his best to remain calm but when he saw you smiling and getting cozy with one of the younger scientists, he couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t do anything and he didn’t have the right to be jealous so what the hell would he do? He also couldn’t just stay and watch as another guy wins her heart.
 Steve settled on ditching the party.
 “Y/N, is that you?” A familiar yet strange voice spoke up from behind her as she was ducking behind a wall, avoiding a certain scientist. 
 Y/N felt like the angels above blessed her when she saw a familiar face when she turned to look at where the voice came from. “Cisco?! Is that really you?” The smaller man with long hair nodded while grinning at her. He spread his arms to his sides before saying, “The one and only!” 
 Y/N couldn’t help but squeal and jump on her heels as she jumped into his arms, hugging him as tightly as she could. She knew Cisco from freshman year in college up until they got their own jobs in very well known industries. “Oh my god, it’s been so long!” 
 The two continued to talk and catch up with each other’s lives until a point where Cisco bid his friend farewell saying something about needing to be home for his family.
 Y/N tries to look for the one person she wants to be with but fails to see his face at the party so she decides to look for him at the compound before a certain Magnet named scientist comes for her again.
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“There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Y/N groans as she closes Steve’s door. She frowned at him before asking, “Why’d you leave the party?” 
 Steve closed his eyes before letting out an exasperated sigh. “The atmosphere was becoming a little too much for me” he gives her a cheeky smile, patting the spot beside him on the bed. Y/N happily plops herself down beside him before nodding. “Yeah. Tony’s really good at being too much with his parties. Also, I think his friend got mad at me” 
 Steve frowned at that. “Magneto?” his face reddens when he sees her watching him, probably wondering how he knew the scientist. She’s probably thinking how much of a creep I am and how I was watching her the whole time. 
 Much to Steve’s relief, she chuckles under her breath before shaking her head. “So that’s his name! I understand why he got so annoyed now!” Y/N laughs and Steve just watches her with a smile on his face. 
 “Why? What happened?” Steve asks, praying to god that no asshole tried to hurt you. “I kept calling him Magnet instead of Magneto...” Y/N watches Steve as he lets out a laugh, his eyes closing, and little wrinkles forming at the sides of his eyes. Why is he so beautiful?
 “Tony seemed determined to push that guy to me though…” Y/N stares off into the distance and Steve managed to get all the confidence he could get to ask. “Seems like he was trying to set you up with a lot of his scientist friends.” he chuckles but it was so dry, he was scared that she might see how annoyed he was with the idea.
 Y/N tilts her head and looks at him with furrowed eyebrows and at that moment, Steve felt his heartache for not having the guts to just ask the woman in front of her out. How can she manage to make his heart feel like this every single time?
 “What do you mean? Magneto’s the only guy he’s setting me up with” Y/N’s voice cuts Steve's internal battle with himself. 
 “What about that guy with the long hair… I think his name was Cisco?” Steve pretends to not know his name but in all honesty, he’d done every research on the guy as soon as he got to his room.
 “Oh! Cisco!” Y/N’s face lights up at the mention of her friend’s name and Steve felt his heart break a little at her excitement. “He’s an old friend from college. He’s a very nice guy.” Y/N starts and Steve prepares himself for the heartbreak that’s inevitable.
 “We were both freshmen and I used to get bullied by this group of guys. You would think that being in college would stop all the stereotypes and all that but no. These guys would always torment me just because they can but then Cisco, I didn’t know him yet, stood up for me. Even though he was much smaller than the guys and is completely outnumbered, he still fought them and instead of me being bullied, it was us two getting all the torment. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.” Y/N laughs at the end of her story, remembering the event in her mind. 
 Steve’s blood boiled at the thought of people bullying you. If there is anything that he hates the most, it was bullies. As much as he tried to hate this Cisco friend of yours, he genuinely sounds like a nice guy. Kind of reminds him of himself.
 “I can’t believe how we both turned out to be. We’re both scientists now but it looks like he’s doing much better than I am.” Y/N looks down and shakes her head with a smile.
 “What do you mean? If you ask me, I think you’re doing a hell of a job!” Steve’s voice cracks a little and he couldn’t help but blush as Y/N looks up at him with a smirk.
 “I know. I’m working for Tony Stark, for goodness sake. It’s just Cisco is living the complete package of adulthood. Being married, having kids, and all that.” Y/N sighs, standing up from the bed before moving towards the door.
 Oh… Oh!
 Steve stood up from the bed as fast as he could, walking towards her with determination. 
 “Woah, Steve. I’m just going to get some snacks—” Y/N stops talking as Steve pulls out a small velvet box from his slacks and hands it to her. 
 “I uhh… Congratulations on the research, Y/N. I’m really proud of you.” he guides her hands to open the box, revealing a vintage necklace with a scarlet gemstone.
 “Steve… You honestly didn’t have to.” Y/N admires the necklace before running her fingers against the red stone. Steve takes the necklace and moves to stand behind her. “May I?” He asks her to which she quickly nodded.
 Steve stared at Y/N and admired how she managed to look ethereal with or without the necklace. “You know… I bought that necklace for you a few months after I met you.” This was it. Steve couldn’t keep his feelings from her anymore. He might regret it later but at least he got to tell her how he really feels.
 “You did?” Y/N whispers under her breath as she looks up at Steve when he tilts her chin up with his fingers.
 “When you were tasked to babysit me, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. About how you were so understanding. The way you were so patient with me. The way your eyes lit up each time you would tell stories about something you’re passionate about.” Steve gulps before continuing, “I knew I was fucked when you laughed at one of my lame jokes. I remember how angelic your voice sounded and how everything seemed to disappear and all I could see was your face.”
 Y/N stared at Steve with hooded eyes. It felt like she was in a dream. She watched how his eyes glossed and watched him breathe through his lips before he leaned closer to her, lips barely touching.
 “What about being friends?” Y/N watches him as he bites his bottom lip.
 “Fuck being friends” he breaks the distance and kisses her with determination. One of his hands finds its way to her back while the other cradles her face, pulling her closer to him as if he didn’t want any space between them. 
 Y/N’s hands find their way towards the back of his neck, pulling him closer with the same determination. They didn’t pull away from each other until they needed to breathe. 
 Steve goes back in for another kiss, guiding her back to the bed and positioning himself on top of her.
 Their night was just getting started and wouldn’t end any time soon.
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  Steve stared at you while you peacefully slept beside him. You looked otherworldly wearing nothing but the necklace he gave to you, rays of sunshine hitting parts of your skin, and his blanket laying on top of your body. He decided then and there that he will always want to wake up to this view. He wants to wake up every day with you beside him. He smiled at the idea. 
 His cheeks tinted red when he remembered how you looked on top of him and how you looked under him. How you became breathless because of him and how your body squirmed under his touch. Just the thought of you makes his cock spring back to life. It doesn’t help that you’re currently staring at him with a small smile and tired eyes. 
 “You’re awake!” Steve breathes out, eyes widening a little.
 “Good morning to you too” Y/N chuckles at Steve's reaction before turning to look at the ceiling.
 “You’re beautiful, you know that?” Steve leans down to kiss your lips, then your nose,  and then your forehead. You smile up at him before kissing his lips.
 “So we’re not friends anymore?” Y/N raises an eyebrow at him before giving him a cheeky smile.
 “I want to do this the right way.” Steve watches Y/N tilt her head in confusion.
 “Let me take you out on a date,” Steve asks. 
 “I think you got your sequence a bit mixed up, Steve.” Y/N grins and Steve retorts with showering her face with kisses making her giggle under him.
 “Okay! Okay! I’ll go on a date with you on one condition.” Y/N straightens up before staring at him seriously.
 “Anything” Steve responds immediately.
 “I’ll go on a date with you if you agree to become my boyfriend” Y/N gives him a toothy smile.
 “I will gladly be your boyfriend… I guess I’m not the only one who got the sequence of dating all messed up, huh?” Steve teases her and she just laughs in return, taking Steve’s dress shirt from the floor and putting it on. It was big on her so it fell just above her knees and she rolled the huge sleeves up to her forearms.
 Steve admires her in his clothes. Another view that he would always want to see. He stands from the bed only to pull her body on top of him as he lays back on the bed.
 “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go.” Steve’s voice was deep and sincere and he loved how her body responded to his voice.
 “I’ll only leave you when you no longer want me but I’ll still be there to watch over you. I’ll always be there when you need me.” Steve turned her body around so now they were chest to chest.
 “I don’t think that’s possible.” Y/N watches Steve as he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
 “I will never not want you. Besides, I got it bad for you just as you got it bad for me.” Y/N leans her face closer to his, pressing her forehead against his. 
 “How do you know that?” Steve smiles as he looks at her lips before looking back at her eyes.
 “Because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go as well.” Y/N grins before pressing a kiss on his lips and him immediately responding to the kiss by pulling her body closer to his. A kiss that sealed their relationship because they were no longer just friends.
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issamhysa · 4 years ago
Love’s Death
Pairing: Bjorn Ironside x Reader (mentioned Hvitserk x Reader)
Warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS, mentions of blood and injuries, angst (?)
Summary: After years of dealing with unrequited feelings, Bjorn comes to a realization.
A/N: @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​ para tí, bebecita <3
"You shouldn't be here."
Gunnhild's words cut through the thick tension in the grand hall, sharper than the blade of the axe you wielded against them during the battle against the Rus. Though her voice carried a tinge of sorrow, the sheer exhaustion, physical and mental, hid any other emotion the warrior felt.
Deep blue eyes met yours when you looked up from your blood-stained hands. You swore Gunnhild could see right through you, that she could pick apart the indifference you feigned.
Gunnhild was right. You shouldn't be here. You were a traitor. You alongside the Rus against your own. 
"And yet, despite everything… Bjorn still wants to see you."
Of course, you knew. You had always known how Bjorn felt about you, and, for some time, you felt the same.
You two met when you came to his aid with Harald and Halfdan, your battle axe strapped to your back. Between constant teasing, shared tankards of ale and hidden compliments, you and Bjorn grew close.
But Bjorn was too much like his father for his own good.
Where he had the shieldmaiden Lagertha's kindness, Ragnar's brashness overpowered it. Where he had her intelligence, his thoughtless curiosity got the best of him. He was impulsive, reckless, and shared his father's lust for fame and glory. 
And that made him dangerous.
Yet, despite every inch of your brain screaming at you, telling you not to go, your legs had a mind of their own. You brushed past Gunnhild and Ingrid, slipping into the bedroom and sighing when your eyes met Bjorn's.
"You're awake," you said, your fingers curled around the wood of the doorframe. Your fingernails dug into the wood, refusing to let go, no matter how badly your legs wanted to move forward.
Bjorn opened his mouth to speak, but as he took a breath, he burst into a coughing fit. You were on him in an instant, turning his head to the side so he could spit out the blood that had pooled in his mouth. 
It was through shallow breaths and trembling lips that Bjorn finally spoke. "Why did... you…" he paused to take a shaky breath before he was interrupted by the harsh coughs grating at his throat.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling through your mouth. You knew what he was trying to ask.
Why did you side with the Rus?
You couldn't bring yourself to answer, even though his eyes, disappearing under his fluttering eyelids every few moments, begged for some semblance of an answer; begged for you to enlighten him as to why the hell you had sided with the enemy, why you had so openly betrayed the Vikings.
"And… even though you…" he cut himself off to take a breath, chest heaving in pain. "I l…love you…"
After years of chasing other girls and ignoring the feelings you so openly displayed for him, ignoring your pleas to be rational and think things through, he comes out with this. After watching him disappear into the tent with the Sami girl, marrying Gunnhild, and later, Ingrid, he tells you he loves you.
Bjorn Ironside was never satisfied, was he? He took and he took and he took without a moment's hesitation until there was nothing left to take, like a child petulantly cradling his treasure to his chest, refusing to leave anything for the other children.
It was infuriating.
"You don't get to do this to me now, Bjorn Ironside," you said, stepping away from him with your fists slowly clenching at your sides. "You don't get to play this game with me, not when you ignored how I felt about you."
You had always loved Bjorn; of that, he was certain. You had been by his side, always, even when you clashed over a decision he had impulsively made; even when he disregarded your feelings for him and continued to sleep around with any willing woman he pleased.
And now, on his deathbed, you tell him you used to love him.
What made you stop?
"No, Bjorn," you shook your head firmly, blinking back the tears that threatened to slip from the corner of your glassy eyes. "If you have any… any semblance of love for your brother, you'll let this go. I came here because I wanted to make sure you were still alive, not because I wanted to have this conversation with you.”
Bjorn's paint-covered brows furrowed in confusion, and he pushed through the pain in his abdomen to sit up on trembling arms, gasping and clutching the bandaged wound on his side. 
"B… brother?"
A memory flashed in his eyes, and though it seemed distant, he was able to picture it completely; as clear and vivid as if it were happening right before his eyes, though, this time, he acknowledged it.
A memory of the battlefield on that afternoon, blood-stained axes and heavy swords meeting metal armor and reinforced shields. The light drizzle of rain coming down on you, diluting the dried blood on your face as you ran to Hvitserk's aid, slaying any enemy that dared to stand between you and him.
He realized Hvitserk had been doing the same thing, swinging his axe in an almost maniacal manner, war cries ripping from his throat, so loud Bjorn could hear them clearly from where he stood. The two of you met in the middle, taking a second to look over each other's injuries. Hvitserk's bloody, cut-up hand brushed against the skin of your cheek for nothing but a moment.
It was the look on Hvitserk's face that made Bjorn realize what he had seemed to dismiss in that moment. The way his hard eyes softened when you nodded gently against his hand to let him know you were alright. The way his lips parted to tell you he loved you before you both threw yourselves back into the fray.
"Yes, Bjorn. Hvitserk."
The two of you were silent for a few moments, allowing Bjorn to take in his sudden realization. You stood with your arms idly crossed over your chest, your eyes scanning the room for anything to calm the anger bubbling in your stomach.
"How… how long?"
Your mind drifts to a memory, too. A memory you've grown very fond of. A memory of spring, flowers growing on the fields and trees, heavy with green leaves and bearing delicious fruit, surrounding you and Hvitserk. You remember the grin on Hvitserk's face, and imagine it mirrored your own. 
All the love in the world shone in his eyes that day. The love Bjorn never felt inclined to give you.
"We married in the spring," you said, cold hands rubbing at your arms, creating friction in the hopes it would bring you some warmth, or at least shield you from Bjorn's cold gaze. "Not very long ago, but we love each other.”
Bjorn all but scoffed at the revelation, averting his eyes elsewhere and grimacing, a hand pressing down on his bandaged side. Suddenly, he pushed himself to his feet, staggering towards you. Bjorn wasn’t able to get very far, as Gunnhild, Ingrid and Erik rushed in, forcing him to settle back down. His blue eyes searched yours, hoping to find that mischievous and playful gleam in them, telling him that you’re lying. He searched your face for the telltale sign, for the slight twitch of the corner of your lips, but it never came.
Bjorn Ironside loved you. You had always been the one for him, no matter how many women came before you. And now that he had finally come to realize— no, acknowledge— his feelings for you, to accept them, you were out of his grasp. It felt as if Freyja herself was mocking him, mocking his own stupidity.
To some extent, he was happy. Happy you had finally found love, but at the same time, his heart ached at the revelation. You simply didn’t love him anymore. At least, not in the way he wanted you to; not in the way he needed you to.
Ingrid turned to you, an unreadable expression on her face. Looking between you and Bjorn, she sighed deeply, but before she could open her mouth to speak, you had put your hand up, halting the words before they left her throat. 
“I know,” you said. “I won’t tell them. As far as they’re aware, Ironside is dead.” Then, looking towards Bjorn, you stepped forward, took his calloused hands in his and bowed your head in reverence. “Goodbye, Bjorn Ironside,” you whispered, pressing your lips to the back of his hands. “May the gods watch over you.” 
You didn’t wait for his reaction, because you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle it. So, nodding in Gunnhild and Ingrid’s direction, you took a step back. Without casting the scene before you another look, you spun around on the heel of your muddy boots, ignoring Bjorn calling after you as your feet carried you out of the hall and into the snowy town of Kattegat.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years ago
Catching Rain
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Minseok x Reader
Summary: You were more than satisfied with your life. You attended a nice college, had nice friends, a nice boyfriend. That’s what your life was: nice. You weren’t looking for anything more, so what were you to do when this seemingly harmless boy walked into your life and turned your nice little world into one much more dangerous?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I Epilogue
You didn’t have any destination in mind, only “away”. Away from the dorms where Willa was sleeping, away from campus where someone else might see you. By your side was your trusted camera. Why you brought it, you weren’t sure. Its not like the two of you were going for a portrait session. You hated those types of shoots anyway. But you felt better with it. The bag was like an anchor, keeping you grounded. If things grew awkward or too silent, you could simply pull out the camera and start shooting. A handy distraction.
For the first few blocks, Minseok walked half a step behind you. Once the campus was merely an outline on the skyline behind, he stopped you with a warm hand on your wrist. It was a gentle tug, nothing forceful or demanding.
“Where are we going?”
You pursed your lips nervously. He hadn’t let go of your wrist and your skin was sparking from the contact. There was an urge to step forward and envelop yourself with him to feel that electricity all over. “You said you wanted to talk.”
“Yeah, I did. But all we’ve done is walk.”
“Just a little further.”
His jaw twitched with the want to argue, but he dropped your wrist and waved for you to continue. Yes, you were simply putting off the actual talking part. He didn’t need to know that. Or he’d already guessed that and was simply allowing it to happen. You were scared of what might come out of your mouth if your feet stopped. But you couldn’t walk the earth forever. When a line of trees came into view, you sighed silently in your head. There. That would be the place to talk. You beelined for the forest, Minseok hurrying to catch up. You went in just deep enough to be invisible to the city.
“Okay,” you said as you turned around. “Talk.”
Minseok looked taken aback by your sudden attack. “I… um, I just….” He finished off with a sigh that blew up his rounded cheeks. When he didn’t continue, you pulled out your camera and snapped a picture of him. He blinked at the sudden flash. “What was that for?”
You shrugged. “You weren’t doing anything else.”
You continue to take pictures of nothing. It felt wrong to not actually think about what you were capturing, but it was all an act. You needed to be doing something so you didn’t spiral into an interrogation. By it’s own will, your camera turned to Minseok and snapped another candid.
“Are you going to keep doing that?” You could tell he wasn’t used to being the subject of a photo. He’d shoved his hands in his pockets and looked off to side, only giving you profile.
“Yup,” you answered gleefully, snapping another picture. “At least until you tell me what you wanted to talk about.” Now you got a slight smile. He moved back to face you fully and reached out for the camera.
“Come on. That’s not fair.”
You easily evaded him. “No, what’s not fair is showing up randomly at my dorm and saying you need to talk and then not saying anything.”
“Okay, that’s fair.” You took another picture. He pounced again. You dodge again. So, he mixed up his strategy. Instead of going for the camera, he went for your waist. That, you couldn’t dodge and the two of you crashed down on the grass below. The camera flew from your fingers and a horror ran through you at the thought of it being damaged. Being the hero with incredible reflexes, Minseok caught it safely in his palm. The strap swung calmly in the breeze, unaware of what almost was.
“Oh, thank god.” You tried to take back from him, but he held it out of reach. The position the two of you were in gave him the advantage. So close was his face that you could feel his quick, shallow breath against your nose. Everything stopped. No longer could you hear the soft rustling of the leaves or the distance hums of car engines. Only Minseok was in focus as the two of you lied on the forest floor, mere feet from the city but so far away at the same time.
“(y/n), I….” His voice came out scared, unsure. He frowned and looked away like he was chasing after the words he wanted to say. Finally, he caught up with them. “What I wanted to say was... I… like you.”
Your breath halted in your throat. When the tension was unspoken, it was safe. But with his confession you were now forced to examine that fork in the road. It terrified you. Making the wrong decision terrified you. If only you could have avoided it forever. A luxury that never existed. “Minseok, I-”
“I know we haven’t known each other long,” he said, cutting you off. “And I know you have a boyfriend, but I just had to say… something.” It didn’t feel like the end of what he wanted to say, but nothing else came out.
You left his words hang in the tiny space between you and him. I like you, too. That’s what you wanted to say. He’d been brave enough to tell you and yet, you were a coward. In your silence, he lifted his hand and brushed away a blade of grass from your cheek. The electricity that you should have expected still stunned you. How could he transfer so much energy with the slightest of touches? It was only the tips of his fingers, but your whole cheek was aflame.
Minseok’s eyes flickered down to the bottom half of your face, to your lips. He snuck another peek at you as if asking for permission before looking down once again, leaning in closer. And you let him. You let him come closer at a snail’s pace. He was giving you time to pull away. But you didn’t want to. How many times had you accidentally found yourself fantasizing about a moment like this? Far too many. You’d asked yourself if his lips would be soft, if they would be warm and gentle. Now you could find out.
But it was spoiled by circumstances. You couldn’t do this. Not now.
At the last second, you pulled away, standing. “I have to go.”
You grabbed your camera and shoved back into its bag. “Good night, Minseok.”
“At least let me see you back to your dorm. It’s dark out and-”
“I’ll be fine.” You ran out back into the city, back to reality, not giving him the chance further a logical argument. You needed to get away before you turned around and found the answers, right or wrong.
The whole way home you beat yourself. Leaving with him in the first place was wrong. It seemed you were constantly making the wrong decision these days. Back at the dorm, you quietly slipped into your room, careful not to wake Willa. It didn’t work.
“Yeah, its just me,” you whispered. “Go back to sleep.”
“M-kay.” In the dark you could barely make out the lump on her bed flipping over.
As you headed for your own mattress, you stripped off your clothes and blindly felt for the t-shirt you typically slept in. Under the covers, you lied there, staring at the wall. A single tear fell down your cheek. You stopped it in its track. It stayed on the tip of your middle finger as you brought it out in front of you. Great. Now you were crying.
What the hell were you going to do?
Minseok was unable to move. He couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. It had all gone so quick. First he was silent, then he was speaking words and almost kissing you. His confession – if it could be called that – hadn’t done any good. It was stupid to go about it in this manner.
He’d wanted to tell you everything and all he gave you was a small sliver of the truth. The word “like” was an understatement. Mate or not, he was falling in love with you. He was fascinated with the way your mind worked, like an artist’s. It was so different than his more analytical nature. The way you smiled, the way you laughed. To him, those sights and sounds that belonged only to you made him feel like he’d been living in an isolated cave his whole life and was only now coming out to discover the surface.
Grabbing a fist full of grass, Minseok threw the blades into the air in front of him. The anger still didn’t dissipate. He fell back, his head hitting the dirt with a thunk. The pain was easy to ignore. His focus was completely on how stupid he was. How stupid this whole mate situation was. Maybe Jongdae had the right attitude all along.
No. Minseok wasn’t that bitter about life. Maybe he would have been if his parents had dropped him off at a relative’s house with absolutely no explanation of his heritage, but Minseok grew up in a fun, loving home. He was raised to be optimistic.
Sitting up, Minseok sighed. He wondered if he’d messed the whole thing up. For now, he’d give you space. Even though it felt impossible not to follow his instincts. He didn’t want to come across as desperate as he felt. He just hoped that the two of you could come together, before the consequence came to light.
It had been three days and you were still stewing over Minseok’s confession. Your heart went back and forth between being elated and being bogged down with worry and guilt. While Erik sat across from you at the table in the student cafeteria, you clicked through the pictures you’d taken of Minseok that night. A smile subconsciously pulled at the corners of your lips.
Your head snapped up. “Yeah?”
Erik pushed his glasses up his nose. His pen was bouncing off his textbook. Thunk-thunk-thunk-thunk. “Are you okay? You seem distracted lately.”
You feigned ignorance. “I’m always distracted.”
“This is different. I feel like you’re so far away lately. Something’s happened in the past few weeks.”
“Nothing’s happened!” Because acting defensive always worked. You slid back the chair, the legs scarping against the tile with a high pictured squeal. “I have to go to the bathroom.”
Erik didn’t try to stop you at all. You’d left your things behind so he knew you’d be back. Luck decided to throw you a bone and give you an empty bathroom to sulk in. Letting the water run, you waited until it was freezing before splashing your face. The burst of cold to your skin made you gasp. With a paper towel you dabbed at the water droplets left behind until you felt somewhat dry again. In the movies, a scene like that came with clarity, a decision and an answer sparkling in the mirror as realization hit. No such moment came for you. All you were left with were two wet eyebrows and smeared makeup. Wonderful. Tossing the paper towel into the trash, you left the restroom and headed back to the table.
When you arrived, you couldn’t sit back down.
Erik had your camera. His thumb hit the arrows back and forth. He flipped through the film furiously. It didn’t take a psychic to know which photos he was looking at. “You used to take pictures of me like this.”
Sighing, he put the camera back down, pushing it gently to your side of the table. “I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised, huh? Freshman relationships don’t usually last as long as ours. It was only a matter of time.”
“No! It’s not like that!”
“If you say it’s not, then I’ll believe you. Everyone’s allowed to have friends. But… you don’t even use the notebook I gave you anyone.”
You flinched back at that comment. “I… lost it. I’m sorry.”
Erik’s reply was a nod. He stood up, gathering his things and putting them into his bag. He started to walk away but paused just as he passed you. “I think we should take a break.”
“A break?”
“For now.”
You collapsed in the chair as soon as he was gone. What a mess you’d made. And you hadn’t even really done anything. Were changing feelings really such a crime? Being here wasn’t giving you any room to think. You needed solitude, space.
The woods.
You were in the car and down the street before you could blink. The road was so familiar by now that you didn’t even remember actually driving. Getting out of the car, you threw your unneeded school supplies in the trunk while keeping some essentials and personals. For good measure, you turned your phone off. You didn’t get great service out here anyway. It was a spin wheel if the call came through or not. So, the trek began.
You pushed your way through the trees in the direction of the clearing. More leaves had fallen since your last visit, leaving a fresh carpet of brown and green for you to walk on. It muffled your steps. The forest sounded quiet today. Hardly any birds chirped and no bunnies came running across your path. The lack of wildlife caused your heart to race. You worried if you’d made a mistake coming here. When the clearing came into view, you stopped.
Near the middle of the field lied the wolf. He was alone. His ears flicked every few seconds or so, possibly picking up on the noises of life around him. But why was he just lying there? It was odd behavior for a wolf. Or, so you figured. Zoology was not your major. Your fingers twitched towards your camera, but you thought better of it. You didn’t know why, but you wanted to simply… watch him. It was calming, being in this wild animal’s presence. He looked so peaceful. You didn’t want to disturb him so you decided to stay on the outskirts.  
Ten minutes went by and the wolf decided he was done. He stood up on all four legs and turned to walk in the direction opposite of you.
Follow him.
You blinked. That reaction came from nowhere. Following a wild animal deeper into the woods was something only a crazy person would do.
Apparently, someone needed to put a jacket on you and call you crazy.
You kept your distance, far back enough to not spook him but still be able to keep him in your line of vision. He walked for what felt like miles. You’d never been in this part of the forest before. Which made this even more of a ridiculous adventure. The only consolation prize was the fact that he didn’t zig zag around, so you had a straight shot back to the clearing. You should be able to make your way back to your car from there. Up head, the tree line broke. It gave way to another clearing, but this one was far larger with two buildings sitting near the center. You stayed back, clinging to one of the last trees for cover as you watched the wolf walk towards the front porch. A familiar looking man stepped out and waived to the wolf. Was he their pet?
The answer was a big, glaring No.
The wolf’s shoulders shivered and rolled. His body morphed like clay until he was no longer on four legs. You gasped.
Both men’s eyes snapped in your direction. You made eye contact with them both, then you turned and ran for your life.
You didn’t make it far. Minseok caught up with you easily.
“(y/n), wait!”
“Stay away from me!”
He did exactly the opposite, tackling you from the back. You both rolled in the leaves as you fought him off.
“Let me go! Don’t touch me!” Your last scream was enough to make him step back. You pushed yourself to your knees. Each breath was a huff as you tried to recover from the sprint. You could feel the fear emanated from your eyes.
Minseok held his hands up as if that would be enough to convince you he was harmless. “I can explain.”
“What are you?” you demanded.
“I’m….” He cringed as he sucked back the word you both knew he was going to say. “I’m a… werewolf.”
“Its you, isn’t?” You pushed yourself up onto shaking legs. All the stories you’d read as a child, all the movies you’d consumed, and all the folklore from around the world told you what kind of creatures werewolves were. “You are the one who killed those campers, aren’t you?”
“No! It was another wolf. A rogue!”
You shook your head. “How am I supposed to believe that? You’re not even supposed to exist! Was this all a game? Lure me into a false sense of security before you ripped me apart?”
“No, (y/n), listen to me!” He was in front of you, hands on your shoulders before you could react. “I. Did not. Kill. Them. And I would never hurt you. There’s a rogue omega around here and we haven’t caught him yet. Please, I’m begging you. Come back to the house with me and I will explain everything.”
“Why do we have to go back to the house?”
“So I can put on some clothes.”
You coughed and shifted your eyes high to the sky. “Oh, right.”
Minseok held his hand out for you to take, but you let it hang there in the air as you passed him. You heard him sigh behind you then his footsteps fell into rhythm with yours.
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nahimjustfeelingit-writes · 4 years ago
Life size mannequin.
Erik’s girl uses him as a mannequin but Erik takes it too far and it back fires.
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If you were to ask Y/N how she gets everything done she wouldn’t be able to give you a straight forward answer. Juggling school, a full time job, and a side hussle isn’t for the delicate and inadequate. Staying up until 2 AM with flash cards sprawled out on the living room table and a ratty mannequin head between her legs every night, Y/N fights much needed rest to recharge for the next days events. That’s not the only thing her teeming life has to offer. Y/N’s new boyfriend, Erik would be seen as a distraction to some but she can hold her own without slacking on her studies, missing a days work, or forgetting to do a clients hair. He’s handsome, fun, intriguing, smart, and that dick...it needs its own SSN and certificate. It’s own area code even. If she had to admit it, whenever her mind drifted to their bodies tangled in her sheets, moaning and groaning, she lost focus just a little bit.
Y/N is off on a Friday for once and instead of catching up on rest, Y/N decided to use her entire day making a closure wig for a friend and client. It’s a 24 inch body wave natural black lace frontal. No shedding, very soft, bouncy, with overall great quality. If only her lousy mannequin head would keep still!!! Y/N gave up after the mannequin head slipped from her grip. She usually has a wig stand with a mannequin head attached to the end but all of them are covered with other wigs that didn’t need to be ruined. The old fashioned way brought her back to how frustrating it was to practice. And to make things worse, Erik is strolling back and forth in front of her naked after his shower and completely ignoring her closet stocked with plenty of towels. When he stopped in front of her, his strapping thighs and that lethal weapon dangling she felt her face grow warm and her belly grow butterflies.
“You’re not helping, jerk,” Y/N said as she continued sewing. She was almost finished.
“I haven’t seen you in a few days and the one time I have a chance to spend time with you, this is what you do.”
“This wig is past due, Erik. I was supposed to get this to her two days ago. Thank God she had some shit going on herself otherwise I would be losing a client.”
Erik gave up trying to seduce Y/N and grabbed a pair of briefs from his travel bag.
“Whatever, you owe me some after this,” Erik sat down on the bed, leaning on one elbow, “You really into this.”
“And?” Y/N sassed.
“I’m just saying. Why not be a full time hair stylist?”
“Because I don’t want to do this for a living. Why else would I be in school for something that has nothing to do with hair? It’s just money to make on the side.”
The mannequin slipped again and Erik burst out laughing.
“I wanna see you try it since you find my struggle funny.”
“Oh, you don’t want me to do it I’ll fuck that whole wig up.”
Y/N ignored his smart remark.
“I’ll come over there and mess that shit right up and make you start over.”
“Erik, I’m not in the mood right now leave me alone,” Y/N cut her eyes at him, “Try me if you want I will take the end of this needle and dig it in one of them keloids. Make it pop like bubble wrap, think I’m playing.”
“You forget you’re talking to someone with a pain kink. Why you think my pain receptors fucked up?”
“So, you mean to tell me, if I boil some hot water right now and pour it on your leg...you wouldn’t feel pain?”
Erik frowned his face into a mug at Y/N as he cocked his head back. The widening of his eyes is what made her giggle.
“You don’t know how to love me all you wanna do is hurt a nigga. What is wrong with you?”
“I’m only messing with you—”
“No you’re not. If I say some shit you don’t like I get slapped upside my head. If I want to be in a playing mood you threaten me with that little fist of yours. Just admit it, you enjoy tormenting me.”
“You’re so Goddamn dramatic,” Y/N tilted her mannequin head forward, “Can you do me a huge favor?”
“If it involves getting up off this bed the answer is fuck no,” Erik said while lying on his back now with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed.
“I already know you’re about to say no but...I want you to let me use you as my mannequin.”
The way his voice rose an octave has Y/N laughing.
“Can you let me put this wig on you so I can finish this?”
Erik’s brows shot up as his eyes landed on her, “Why? So you can sneak and take a picture? I’m not falling for that.”
“Erik c’mon now. I just need your head for a second and that’s it.”
“I can think of other ways you can use my head but instead you wanna put some weave on me.”
Erik sat up and swung his legs around to face Y/N. Erik leans forward on his knees, staring at the wig with a steady blink.
“What size is that shit anyway? You know I have locs so...how the hell is that supposed to fit on my head?”
“I’ll just...fit it over that pineapple on top of your head.”
“Jokes,” Erik reached up and took out the elastic band that held his tapered locs. Shaking his head, his locs fell over his eyes, “I’m not putting that on my head.”
“Not even for me?” Y/N pouts, “Not your favorite girl?”
“I know you, Y/N. You’re gonna put that shit on my head, take a picture, and post it. I’m not falling for the shit. I told you that.”
“Whatever. You got a big ass dome anyway and this wig is average size.”
“Now you’re tryna clown me?” Erik said with a half smirk on his full lips flashing a bit of his gold canines.
“It’s like...mad wide from front to back...no wonder you keep your hair long—”
“I know you ain’t talking shit with that ginormous ass forehead, girl.”
“I thought you said all the fine girls got big foreheads?” Y/N bat her lashes at Erik.
“That’s what’s helping you out. First time I saw you I was thinking damn, this bitch got a big ass forehead. And don’t think I forgot about how you played me when you sent that cropped picture.”
“Boy, fuck you!!” Y/N shouted over Erik’s laughter.
“I was—I was looking at the picture like where the rest of her face go?!”
Y/N glared at Erik as he dissolved into laughter.
“It’s really not that funny. Now are you gonna help me or not?!”
“Aight, I’ll do it this one time.” Erik sat up with one hand resting against his abdomen while the other wiped away tears, “Where do you want me?”
“On the floor between my legs, DUH where the fuck else would you be?”
He began dying laughing again from Y/N’s obvious annoyance. Erik took his place on the floor while Y/N climbed behind him onto the bed with each leg dangling on either side of him. Y/N takes the wig from the mannequin and before she placed it on Erik she tilted his head back more for easier access. Grabbing the half-done wig, Y/N fluffed out the ends before arranging it over Erik’s locs. Even at their short length it was a challenge to fit the wig the way she needed it.
“Can you PLEASE keep still?” Y/N prompted.
“I’m not even moving. This wig just don’t fit.”
Y/N applied force and wiggled it over his locs causing Erik’s head to rock back and forth aggressively. He growled before reaching behind him to grab her hands. The wig looked much shorter on him in the back from how prominent his back and shoulders are. Erik turned to face her with his lips tight and face frowned, the wig making him look ridiculous and silly. Y/N folded her lips into her mouth but the urge to laugh caused her cheeks to puff out.
“If only you knew how tight my fucking head feels right now. I can’t even smile without this shit feeling like my scalp is being pulled. This better come off when we’re done or that’s your ass.”
“Erik, turn around. I only have one section to do and then you’re free. Next time, don’t ask me to help you with shit if you’re gonna act like this.”
Erik sucked his teeth and faced forward so Y/N could continue. He lowered his head so she could work on the back area.
“Can I ask you something, babe?” Y/N said.
“What?” Erik replied.
“Do you mind modeling this for me—”
“See, I knew this shit—”
Erik stood up before Y/N could wrap her arms around him. He walked over to the full body mirror in her room to look at himself and that’s when he couldn’t hold back his own laughter.
“Yo, what the fuck do you have on my head!” Erik played with the strands while turning his head from side to side, “I look like James Brown, AYE!!!!”
Y/N was in stitches when he mimicked James Brown in the mirror. She fell back against her bed hollering from the way he looked.
“Nah, I’m not drunk right now I need to be drunk to enjoy this,” Erik leaned into the mirror, “I look better than half the bitches that come in here to get their hair done. Let me find out.”
“You are so STUPID!!!!” Y/N yelled between giggles.
“I’ll be back,” Erik left the room with the wig swaying from side to side since it wasn’t fully secure.
“Where are you going?!” Y/N shouted from the bed.
Erik didn’t respond to her loud voice. When he returned two minutes later he had a cup in one hand and his bottle of Hennessy in the other. Erik sat both the cup and the bottle on Y/N’s cluttered dresser to make himself a drink.
“This was supposed to be a quick thing now you’re drinking.”
Y/N watched Erik from her relaxed spot on the bed. Erik took two sips of his drink before standing in front of her mirror again.
“What are you doing?!”
Y/N couldn’t even finish her words when Erik started shimmying his shoulders and snapping his fingers to a soundless beat. Hooting with laughter Y/N could feel wetness on her cheeks.
“IM DONE!!!”
“This shit give bad bitches super powers.” Erik said
“Let me find out you wanna wear a weave now.” Y/N jokes.
Erik brought his cup to his lips and drank more Hennessy while moving his hips. This was too good not to get a video. With Erik being his usual silly self, Y/N snatched up her phone from the floor before pulling up her Instagram to record him. On her story, Y/N focused the camera on her boyfriend when he started singing the lyrics to Lady Marmalade.
“Gitchi gitchi, ya ya, da da. Gitchi gitchi, ya ya, here!!”
“Oh my God!!” Y/N cried out with a chuckle before ending the video. She uploaded it to her story before quickly tossing her phone towards the end of the bed.
“Creole Lady Marmalade!!!!!!!!”
“You hardly had anything to drink and you’re acting like this? Lord.”
“Aight, I’m done for now,” Erik made his way back over to Y/N with his cup, “put on a movie or something.”
“Ohhhhhh!!! So you’re asking me to pick this time?! I get to make a decision, Erik?! Wowwwwwwwww!!!”
“Girl, shut up.”
Y/N chose a random movie for background noise while she finished. She was surprised at how content he was and it made her consider asking him to help more in the future. It was fun and it made her laugh. That’s one thing about Erik that she adores. He matches her sense of humor. Y/N heard a vibration and when she glanced over to look at her phone the screen is still black. Between her legs she could see Erik staring at a text message from his Lock Screen
“What the fuck is this nigga talking ‘bout.”
“Erik keep still—”
“Nigga who is Miss Man?!”
Y/N paused to peer over Erik’s shoulder.
“This nigga just called me Miss Man from Scary Movie.”
Erik tapped on the microphone on his keyboard to speak.
“Who the fuck randomly texts somebody that at 11 PM? Fucking weirdo ass nigga. Let me find out you want Miss Man for yourself.”
“Who is Miss Man— OH! The PE teacher that was sniffing the underwear?!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!”
“This nigga...he said all you need is the underwear, skirt, nails, and makeup—wait.”
“And some long ass balls!!” Y/N snickered.
Erik whipped his head around and when Y/N met his fiery eyes she swallowed her laugh and it left an uncomfortable lump in her throat.
“Did you post me online wearing this wig, Y/N?”
“I’m gonna ask you again. Did you post me online in this wig?
“Mm—mm. I did no such thing.”
“Then let me see your phone.”
Erik reached out for Y/N’s phone but she snatched it away. Erik moved his head to the side to flip some of the wig hair form his face but it fell forward again disobeying him.
“Did I? Uhhhh—OKAY OKAY!!”
It happened so fast. Erik has Y/N by the waist and up in the air.
“Yes, I did!! I’ll delete it.”
“You don’t listen to shit I tell you to do—”
“It was cute! You looked cute with it on—”
“You know what’s about to happen right?! I told you not to do that shit!”
“Erik, it’s all in fun. I’ll get rid of it—”
“That shit is embarrassing! What if I posted you online at your worse?”
“I don’t have a bad moment I always look good.” Y/N sasses.
“Says the girl that always complains about me taking off guard pics.”
“Erik, you’re not even at your worse. You act like I posted you looking bummy!”
Y/N kept her word and went to Instagram to delete. When she got there, she was met with at least ten DMs replying to her story.
Corythemua_: gurllll who is that? 👀 ooooh he is fione!!! Is he into guys?
Jermaine_87: Wtf is he doing?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 let me text this nigga
Katriceee: how did you convince him to do this?! LOL
Amethyst1993: when he find out about this you are in trouble girl!!!
“did you delete the video yet?! Don’t let me find out it’s still there!”
“It’s gone! Happy?! What happened to being in a playing mood?!!”
“Now all my friends texting me and clowning me! You play too many games. Hurry up and help me take this shit off!”
Erik brushed some strands from his lips with his fingertips and Y/N squealed. Nothing he could say or do would make her listen. He looked absolutely hilarious with the wavy tresses of the wig moving in tandem with his brawny physique.
“Erik, I can’t take you seriously with that wig on.”
“Then take this off!!”
Erik attempts to pull it off but suddenly stops when he realizes he needs help.
“I want this shit off now, Y/N.”
“FINE! Come here.”
Y/N tapped the floor with her foot for Erik to take a seat. When he does, Y/N does the opposite of what he asks and begins to place his hair into two buns. She silently laughed behind him, praying that he wouldn’t hear her falling apart. When she was finished, Erik assumed she was done because he didn’t feel the hair tickling his skin. When he stood up to look in the mirror, Erik groaned loudly at his appearance before flexing his jaw at her threateningly to make her listen. It didn’t work at all for him. She couldn’t stop laughing.
“You look so crazy!!!!!” Y/N hugged her sides and rolled on the bed with laughter, “And that evil look is making it even funnier!!”
“I’m about to beat your ass if you don’t take this shit off!!! It wouldn’t be funny if this shit stuck now would it?!!! I gotta go to work and all that nah take this off—
“Aight, are you finished?!” Erik said impatiently.
“Baby...you don’t understand...oh my God.”
“Y/N, for real, take this dumb ass wig off before I cut it off!”
“Okay okay!! Before I do...you gotta do one last thing for me...pretty please? With caramel sauce and a cherry on top? I’ll do whatever you want if you do this last thing for me.”
“Erik, look, it’ll be funny! I just want you to cat walk for me and then I’m done—”
“Ahhhhh HELL no—”
“For what?! So you can keep laughing?!”
“I’ll suck your dick, lick your balls—”
“Girl, that won’t work on me—”
“You sure about that?”
Y/N poked her tongue out and started doing tricks with it to show off her tongue ring. Erik’s eyes squinted at her but she could tell from his breathing that he wouldn’t be able to fight it much longer. He even said so himself that her head game makes him weak and no woman before her has ever made him weak.
“...from here to the bed and that’s it.”
Y/N smiled victoriously.
Erik placed his hands on his tapered waistline before lowering his head. Y/N could hear him silently laughing to himself before he lifted his head displaying an adorable dimpled smile. He started strutting towards Y/N with stiff hips and two left feet. All this from her flicking her tongue. Y/N stared at him with her mouth hanging open and eyes wide. He had a focused look on his face and the wig with its two buns flopped up and down messily like bunny ears. He struck a pose with his hip jutted out before he started to vogue. At that point, Y/N couldn’t take it any longer. She had to grab onto Erik so she could catch her breath. Soon, Erik’s deep laugh could be heard.
“You get on my nerves,” Erik sat beside Y/N, “now, can you take this off of me?!”
“Turn around,” Y/N took down the buns before carefully sliding the wig off from front to back, “You’re off the hook after that I’m gonna go back to using this mannequin head.”
“Yeah, finish up so I can spank that ass for posting me on social media.”
Y/N did a double take, “I’m still in trouble?!”
“Yeah, you’re not off the hook.”
The remaining time Y/N finished her clients wig, she thought up all possible ways he could punish her this time.
“Can I have a kiss?” Y/N asked with a sweet sounding voice.
“Yes,” Erik poked his thick, moist lips out and Y/N pressed her soft lips against them.
“Mmm...still in trouble, ma,” Erik whispered.
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years ago
Inside Out
Chapter 6
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.Flashbacks are in bold.
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Back on Earth, Darcy paces around her apartment as Ian is sat watching the news on TV. “Y/n not answering her phone. Jane isn't called me back. Erik isn't calling me back. Stupid SHIELD isn't calling me back!”
“What's SHIELD?” Ian asked.
“It's a secret.”
Darcy leaves a voice message for Erik. “Uh...hey, Erik. It's Darcy again. Uh...Thor came back, he took Jane to Asgard and um...I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.” As Ian is watching the news they start reporting about Erik being arrested at Stonehenge.
“Something else went missing this week when Astrophysicist, Dr. Erik Selvig, notable for his involvement in the Alien invasion in New York streaked nude across Stonehenge..
“Darcy, you really need to look at this. Your friend Erik, what was his last name again?” Ian wondered.
Darcy looks at the news report on TV.
“...disrobed and began shouting at visitors at the historic site. He was later taken into police custody for psychiatric evaluation. The police are still refusing to confirm...” Ian presses the pause button on Erik's face from footage taken at Stonehenge, Darcy sits in dismay as she looks at Erik's face on the TV.
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In Asgard,
Thor and Y/n is sitting at a table.
“You’re brooding.” Y/n announced. “What are you thinking about?”
“You’re the mind reader.” Thor teased.
Y/n looks at Thor with a cocked head then gasp. “ You want to take Jane to the Dark World to get the Aether out of her.”
“Shhh, it’s the only way.”
“You’re also thinking I can help with the Aether.....How?” Y/n asked.
“You have the ability to stop even slowly time down you can slow down the Aether’s control on Jane.”
“I can’t come with you, Thor.”
“What...why not?” Thor questioned.
“Thor, this is what Loki wants he wants, me to leave Asgard.” Y/n explained.
“Why would he want that?”
“He doesn’t want to.....watch me die.”
“That’s understandable.” Thor mumbled.
“Do you feel the same way Loki does? Should I not be here?” Y/n asked but before Thor could answer, Heimdall walks up to them.
Thor exhale deeply. “You’re not in Odin's war council?”
“The Bifrost is closed by your father's orders. No one is to come or to go.”Heimdall takes off his helmet and places it on the table. “We face an enemy that is invisible even to me. Of what use is a guardian such as that?” He sits down looking defeated.
“Heimdall, it was literally invisible go easy on yourself.” Y/n said as she lays a comforting hand on his shoulder. As doing so she stars to to see..different pictures of worlds. She takes her hand off of Heimdall’s shoulder and the picture stop. “Weird.”
“Malekith will return, you know this. I'll need your help.” Thor replied.
“I cannot overrule my King's wishes, not even for you.” Heimdall answered.
“I'm not asking you to. The Realms need their All-Father strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not. But he is blinded, Heimdall, by hatred and by grief.” Thor explained.
“As are we all.”
“Well I see clearly enough.”
“The risks are too great.” Heimdall disclosed.
“Everything that we do from here on out is a risk.” Y/n said looking at Thor.
“Your going to help me?” Thor asked.
“I’ll find my way back to him.” Y/n proclaimed with a smile.
Heimdall hesitates before replying. “What do you require of me?”
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“What I'm about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here, he can sense its power. If we do nothing he will come for it again, but this time lay waste to all of Asgard.”
Thor is holding a meeting with Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, Y/n, and Heimdall. “We must move Jane off world.”
“The Bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract locked away in a vault.” Sif shared.
“There are other paths off Asgard, ways known only to a few.” Heimdall revealed.
“One, actually.” Thor disclosed.
The others suddenly realize he means Loki.
“Oh this is gonna be fun!” Y/n said with a broad grin.
“Y/n....” Thor started.
“Oh no you got this Thor.”
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Thor walks up to Loki's cell where he is standing looking well kept and clean.
“Thor, after all this time and now you come to visit me. Why? Have you come to gloat? To mock?” Loki wondered.
“Loki, enough. No more illusions.” Thor stated.
Suddenly Loki's cell is transformed, the illusion is lifted and we see that Loki's cell is a mess, everything has been thrown around and he's sat on the floor, looking unkempt and messy, in the other corner of the cell. “Now you see me, brother. How is Y/n? She won’t see me because....we had a disagreement.”
“She’s fine.”
“No quakes? No abnormal weather?” Loki asked.
“Heavy rain.”
“Good.” Loki said with a note of relief. “Her powers are truly something else...I fear I can’t be the man she needs me to be......she told me I was her happy ending.” Loki said with an Inappropriate laughter. “What did I do to deserve that?.......go ahead I’m asking you.”
“Nothing.” Thor answered.
“Nothing.” Loki agreed. “I do not deserve Y/n or...mother.” Thor walks up to the other side of the cell to be closer to Loki. “Did she suffer?”
“I did not come here to share our grief or giving you advice. Instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament.” Thor made known.
“Go on.”
“I know you seek vengeance as much as I do. You help me escape Asgard and I will grant it to you, vengeance. And afterward, this cell.” Thor remarked.
Loki chuckles. “You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?”
“I don't. Mother did. Y/n do. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you.”
Loki smiles.”Hmm. When do we start?”
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Back to the meeting with Thor and his comrades
“He will betray you.” Fandral proclaimed.
“He will try. Loki will not try anything with Y/n there.” Thor noted.
If he does I’ll just kick his ass again. Y/n thought.
Loki and Thor walk out of the Asgardian prison. “This is so unlike you, brother. So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?”
“If you keep speaking I just might.”
“Fine. As you wish. I'm not even here.” Loki said using his diversion tactics, turning himself into an Asgardian guard. “Is this better?”
“It's better company at least.” Thor admitted.
“Still, we could be less conspicuous.” Loki turns back into himself but turns Thor into Sif. “Hm, brother. You look ravishing.”
Thor looks down at his body then replies in his own voice. “It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form. What would Y/n think?”
“Very well. Perhaps you prefer one of your new companions, given that you seem to like them so much.” Loki then turns himself into Captain America in his full Captain America costume. “Oh, this is much better. Woh. The costume's a bit much, so tight. But the confidence, I can feel the righteousness surging. Hey, you wanna have a rousing discussion about truth, honor, patriotism? God bless Amer–“
Suddenly Thor grabs hold of Loki puts his hand over his mouth and pushes him against the wall making Loki turn back into himself. “What?” Thor looks to the side and they see two Asgardian guards walking away. “You could at least furnish me with a weapon. My dagger, something!” Loki exclaimed
Thor looks at him and we hear a noise like a sword being drawn. “At last, a little common sense.”
Loki then looks down then holds up his hands which now have iron handcuffs on them.
“And I thought you liked tricks.” Thor laughs and turns to walk off.
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Back at the original meeting Thor was holding with his comrades.
“Well, what then? Your lovely mortal is being guarded by a legion of our Einherjar who will see you coming from miles away.” Fandral reckoned that.
“I won't be the one who comes for her.” Thor looks over to Sif.
Jane is sat in her guarded room when one of the guards enters. “I'm not hungry.”
Suddenly Sif comes up behind the guard and knocks him out, she looks over to Jane.“Good, let's go.”
Jane and Sif meet up with Thor with Loki standing beside him, Jane points to Loki. “You're...”
“I'm Loki. You may have heard of... “ suddenly Jane slaps Loki hard in the face.
“That was for New York.” Jane voiced.
Loki smiles and looks at Thor. “I like her.”
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