#i love shoulder designs so much please give me sleeveless designs
artyfartyperson · 1 year
I burnt Kai’s arm I hope y’all are happy ❤️ Don’t mind his other bazillion scars I like to imagine he would run into 90% of fights without a weapon
Please ninjago give me sleeveless designs I promise I’ll be normal about it
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kckt88 · 10 months
Wedding & Consummation.
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The day of Aemond and Vaera's wedding has arrived.
Warning(s): Nerves, Threats of Violence, Witnessed Bedding Ceremony, Kissing, Swearing, Fingering, First Time, P in V sex.
Word Count: 2830.
Author Note: A companion piece to Arrival(s)/A Time for Grief/The Gullet & Harrenhal and the Rivers, but can be read as a one-shot.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Kings Landing was a buzz with activity. The guests were arriving, the preparations had been made and it was finally here. The day Vaera and Aemond would stand together in the great sept and get married.
Vaera was so nervous that she decided to skip breakfast, as she wasn’t sure that she could actually stomach food.
After bathing, Vaera’s maids began to help her get ready. Her hair was brushed and twisted into elegant braids and the necklace that Aemond had gifted her just the day before was fastened around her neck. The silver chain was decorated with a single sapphire, much like the one that Aemond wore.
It had been his last courtship gift to her. Aemond had designed the necklace as a symbol of their love and devotion to one another.
In turn Vaera had two identical silver wedding rings designed.
It was not customary for a man to wear a wedding ring, but Aemond had accepted her request with a smile and vowed that once she placed it on his finger, he was never taking it off.
Now it was time for the dress. The gown had been designed by Vaera, Helaena and Alicent.
It had a fitted sleeveless bodice with a modest neckline. At Vaera’s request some of the stitching around the waist had been made to look like small butterflies, which of course was in honour of her soon to be good sister Helaena.
There was even a small emblem of the seven stitched into the dress to symbolise Queen Alicent. Never did Vaera think she would become close to Aemond’s mother. But since her arrival in the Red Keep, Alicent had been a great source of comfort and support, which pleased Aemond greatly.
As soon as the gown had been buttoned and her maiden cloak tied, there was a soft knock at the door.
It was her mother.
“You look beautiful” gasped Rhaenyra as she looked her daughter up and down.
“Thank you” muttered Vaera avoiding her mothers gaze.
“I’ve come to escort you to the sept and Daemon will walk you down the aisle”.
“What happened to Lord Corlys?” asked Vaera.
“Daemon is your father sweet girl. It’s only fair that he’s the one who gives you away”.
“So, why then do I wear a Velaryon cloak. Should it not be Targaryen?” retorted Vaera.
“Your husband will give you his” snarked Rhaenyra.
The subject of Vaera’s father was a source of contention between mother and daughter as despite her many attempts Vaera would not acknowledge Daemon as her true father or even grant him the title. Which is why she had originally asked for Corlys to walk her down the aisle, he wasn’t Laenor, but he was the closest thing to him.
“I want Corlys to give me away” said Vaera sternly.
“Vaera please-“ begged Rhaenyra.
“Fine. Daemon can walk me halfway and then Corlys will walk me the rest of the way”.
Rhaenyra nodded; she knew this was the only compromise that her daughter would offer.
“Right, shall we get going. It’s almost time” said Rhaenyra brightly.
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The sept was decorated beautifully, but it all paled in comparison to Aemond who was stood beside the High Septon.
He was elegantly dressed, his black tunic decorated with silver dragons and his Targaryen cloak tied loosely around his shoulders. His long hair tied back in it’s usual half up, half down style.
The horns signalled the beginning of the ceremony and begrudgingly Vaera took Daemon’s arm.
“You look beautiful my daughter” muttered Daemon.
Vaera ignored Daemon’s half-hearted compliment and shifted her focus to Lord Corlys who was waiting patiently. The sea snake smiled as she approached.
Vaera snatched her arm away from Daemon and took her grandsire’s outstretched hand.
Ignoring Daemon’s pointed glare, Corlys led Vaera towards Aemond who smiled widely as he waited for her.
“Thank you for escorting the bride my Lord. If you would be so kind as to wait for the Princess to remove her maiden cloak” said the Septon.
Vaera undid the ties of her Velaryon cloak and handed it to Lord Corlys who bowed respectfully to the Septon and resumed his seat next to Rhaenys.
“You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection” said the Septon loudly.
Aemond removed the cloak bearing the colours of house Targaryen and draped it around Vaera’s shoulders.
Aemond then took Vaera’s hand and smiled as the Septon tied their hands together by a ribbon.
“In the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one, for eternity. Now you may look upon one another and say these vows together” exclaimed the Septon.
“Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days” said Vaera smiling, her eyes never leaving Aemond.
“Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days” declared Aemond loudly.
“Now you may exchange your rings” said the Septon as he removed the ribbon from their entwined hands.
“Thank you for agreeing to this” whispered Vaera as she slid the silver band onto Aemond’s finger.
“Anything for you Issa dōna ābrazȳrys” muttered Aemond as he slid a matching silver band onto Vaera’s finger (My sweet wife).
“The vows have been spoken and the rings exchanged. You may kiss your bride”.
Aemond leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to Vaera’s lips. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and deepen the kiss, but he had to restrain himself.
At least for now.
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The celebration after their wedding was in full swing.
King Viserys was sat at the head of the table, with a smiling Alicent and Otto by his side. Rhaenyra and Daemon were sat slightly off to the side, their heads together, the pair were deep in conversation as they kept casting furtive glances at Vaera and Aemond.
Jace and Luke, were huddled together next to Baela and Rhaena. Aegon was enjoying the great selection of wine and Helaena was sat smiling as she spoke to Daeron.
Vaera sat next to Aemond near the head of the table, smiling as many Lords and ladies came up to offer their congratulations and bestow gifts upon them, while also enjoying the food of their feast. Borros Baratheon, Jeyne Arryn, and one that seemed to linger, Dalton Greyjoy.
The young lord was similar in age to both Vaera and Aemond.
"Many good wishes too you, Princess Vaera. I must admit Princess, the tales of your other worldly beauty have not been exaggerated. Your skin is as beautiful and pale as the snows of The North and your eyes are more pretty than any purple flower that I have ever laid eyes on".
Vaera shifted uncomfortably in her seat and Aemond scowled.
"Thank you," nodded Vaera politely. 
A sudden loud roar spooked everyone as Cannibal flew over the Red Keep.
“Ahh yes, your Cannibal. I’ve heard he’s an impressive beast”.
“My Cannibal is not a beast” huffed Vaera.
“His ferocious nature is well known. How is it that you managed to claim such a creature?”
“I wouldn’t expect a Greyjoy to understand even the basic fundamentals of how a Targaryen claims a dragon” retorted Aemond.
“If you ever find yourself bored of Kings Landing, you can always visit the Iron Islands. I’m sure I can find something else for you to ride” replied Dalton smirking.
Aemond slammed his fist into the table as he rose sharply from his seat.
“You dare speak like that to my wife” snarled Aemond.
“Valzȳrys” whispered Vaera (Husband).
“Remove this foul-mouthed cur from my sight” ordered Aemond.
“I would have thought the one eyed Prince could-“
Suddenly Dalton Greyjoy crumpled to the ground, clutching his bleeding nose.
“Never disrespect my husband again” snarled Vaera.
“Y-You broke my nose” exclaimed Dalton.
“Insult my husband like that again and a broken nose will be the least of your worries”.
“Vaera” gasped Aemond, his single amethyst eye wide in surprise.
“A kraken is no match for a dragon” exclaimed Vaera suddenly becoming aware of everyone staring at her.
“Quite right good sister. More wine I think” declared Aegon loudly as he handed Vaera a full goblet of wine and staggered away to get more.
“That was impressive” muttered Aemond as he took the goblet of wine from Vaera’s hand and then led her towards the dancefloor.
“I thought you hated dancing?” asked Vaera.
“I loathe it, but for you sweet wife I will partake just this once” replied Aemond.
Vaera let out a soft giggle as Aemond placed his hand on her waist and led her in a dance, pausing every so often at the sounds of applause that followed the newly married couple.
Soon the music died down as the King slowly rose to his feet.
“I wish to toast my son Prince Aemond and my granddaughter Princess Vaera on their marriage. May it be long and fruitful” said Viserys loudly as he shakily raised his cup.
“Thank you, Your Grace” said Vaera as she bowed respectfully.
“I think it’s time that we retired our chambers” muttered Aemond.
“-Yes brother. Time for the bedding” exclaimed Aegon eagerly.
“Touch my wife and I’ll chop off your hands” snarled Aemond.
This was the part of the wedding that made Vaera the most nervous, it wasn’t the act of consummation that bothered her, it was the fact that they had to perform their duty in front of a witness.
As Aemond had refused a traditional bedding ceremony, this was considered a fair compromise. Proof of their consummation and Vaera’s purity was needed.
So, it was decided that maester Orwyle would act as a witness, and there would also be witnesses outside of the bed chamber in the form of Alicent, Rhaenyra, Otto, and Daemon.
Aegon had dropped various hints at wanting to be a witness to the consummation, but he was promptly told to ‘fuck off’ by Aemond. Who was in no mood to entertain his drunken brother’s jokes and depraved leering.
As there was no traditional bedding ceremony. Vaera and Aemond were able to walk to their shared chambers without a fuss. Their witnesses followed silently, obviously not wanting to talk to one another.
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“Right, we shall remain outside but maester Orwyle will be in the room with you to ensure that the marriage has been properly consummated” said Alicent firmly.
Aemond took Vaera by the hand and led her into their chambers. He figured it was for the best that he ignored Orwyle and try to pretend that he wasn’t even there.
Even as the maester took a seat in the corner of the room, Aemond had a sudden flare of anger at his lack of instance that the consummation should have been entirely private with the sheets being presented as proof.
But of course, he has his half sister to thank for that, her past behaviours were unbecoming for a Princess of the realm and the heir to the Iron Throne.
Birthing bastards had cast a cloud of suspicion over Vaera and Aemond hated Rhaenyra for that.
“Would you help me with the gown, husband?” asked Vaera as she turned from him and swept her hair away from her back to reveal a great number of fiddly buttons and laces.
“Of course,” replied Aemond as he reached forward and began undoing his wife’s wedding gown.
Soon she was stood in nothing but a thin shift and Aemond felt his heart quicken in his chest at the sight of her nipples through the sheer fabric.
This was the moment he’d been waiting for, and he moved with all the grace of a green boy getting his wick wet for the first time.
He was no maid, Aegon had seen to that when he’d dragged him to the street of silk on his thirteenth name day. But Vaera was no paid whore, that would whisper sweet lies into his ear and make him feel dirty.
She was his wife, and he was determined to love and cherish her until the end of his days.
Aemond began pulling off his own clothes as Vaera climbed into the bed. Her cheeks tinged pink as she glanced nervously at Orwyle who had remained silent.
“Focus on me. Not him” said Aemond as he finished undressing himself and climbed into the bed.
“I-I’m ready husband. Make me yours” whispered Vaera as she pulled off her shift and discarded it on the floor.
Vaera laid down and smiled shyly as Aemond gazed at her naked body.
“Issa gevie ābrazȳrys” whispered Aemond as he slowly reached out and ran his fingers over Vaera’s breasts (My beautiful wife).
Goosebumps erupted over Vaera’s skin as Aemonds hand began to move lower.
“I-I need to prepare you” whispered Aemond.
“P-prepare me?” whispered Vaera.
“I don’t want to hurt you” replied Aemond as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Vaera’s lips.
Vaera gasped when she felt Aemond’s fingers rubbing her folds.
“O-Oh Aemond” exclaimed Vaera as her husband slipped a finger inside her.
Aemond buried his face in Vaera’s neck and began peppering kisses along her smooth skin as he added another finger to prepare her as best he could.
But in the back of his mind, he was still aware of the maester sitting in the corner of the room and the other witnesses waiting outside the door.
Aemond removed his fingers and then laid between his wife’s open legs, supporting his weight on his left arm as he reached down and took his hard cock in his hand and placed the tip of it against his wife’s slick entrance.
Vaera shut her eyes tight and took a deep breath as Aemond sheathed himself within her.
"A-Aemond" exclaimed Vaera wincing in pain.
Vaera’s cunny choked his cock so tight that he needed a few seconds to adjust, making him terribly aware that he was not going to last for too long.
Aemond’s cock twitched and throbbed with need, and he released a shuddered breath while Vaera sighed in relief. 
“The pain will ease,” rasped Aemond, waiting for his wife to adjust.
After a few moments, Vaera nodded slowly.
Aemond began to move with a slow, deep grinding that soon enough turned the stinging pain into pleasure.
“Gods be good,” panted Vaera, gripping Aemond’s shoulders.
“Fuck. You were made for me, my wife. You were made to fit my cock in this sweet cunt of yours.” breathed Aemond as he increased the pace of this thrusts.
“A-Aemond. Please.” exclaimed Vaera her nails digging into his shoulders.
“I-I’m going to spill my seed in you” moaned Aemond his hips slapping against hers.
“P-Please I want it. I want you” gasped Vaera.
“I can’t wait to see you swell with my babe” exclaimed Aemond as his thrusts staggered. He was close. So close.
“Yes. Give it to me” moaned Vaera.
Aemond pushed into the hilt for one last time and groaned loudly as his cock throbbed and he spilled his seed.
“Y-You didn’t peak” muttered Aemond.
“There’s always next time” replied Vaera as she ran her fingers through Aemond’s knotted silver hair.
“Hm” said Aemond as he gently pulled his softened cock from his wife.
Aemond pulled the sheet over Vaera and then moved to sit on the edge of the bed, his eye drawn to the red ring of Vaera’s maidens blood that now stained his cock.
“Are you well Princess. Do you need me to examine you?” asked maester Orwyle.
“No I’m-“ muttered Vaera.
“-The marriage has been consummated. Get out” snapped Aemond.
“My prince” exclaimed maester Orwyle.
“Are you deaf? I said out” retorted Aemond as he sprang from the bed and snatched up his robe.
Maester Orwyle bowed respectfully before he hastily left the room.
“The marriage has been consummated. Prince Aemond has done his duty. The sheets will be presented-” said maester Orwyle as the door swiftly opened and Aemond appeared wearing a loosely tied robe.
“-If you don’t mind, I would like to have some privacy with my wife” said Aemond firmly.
“Of course,” said Alicent quietly.
“Does Vaera need-“ muttered Rhaenyra.
“-My wife is fine. As I said we would like some privacy” retorted Aemond as he firmly shut the door.
After taking a deep breath, Aemond walked over to his desk and poured himself a generous cup of wine.
After downing the wine in one gulp, Aemond poured another cup and offered it too Vaera who shook her head.
“I-Is everything ok?” asked Vaera.
“I should be asking you that” muttered Aemond as he yanked off his eyepatch and threw it on the desk.
It was their duty, but Aemond couldn’t help but feel a tinge of embarrassment that he’d selfishly sought to his own needs and spilled his seed, yet his sweet wife hadn’t reached her peak during their coupling.
Having a maester watching you as you consummated your marriage wasn’t exactly ideal but there was no one watching now.
Aemond quickly discarded his robe and climbed back onto the bed.
“-A-Aemond. What?” asked Vaera.
“That was for duty. Now this is for us. I wish to have you again my sweet wife” replied Aemond as he surged forward and pressed a kiss to his wife’s lips.
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.12
Queen of New Asgard
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 9,737
Warnings: fluff, cute babies, talks of pregnancy, angst, Avengers shenanigans, talks of sex
A/N: So this one is a bit longer than the rest, I really wanted to make sure that this one was a lengthy treat. I didn’t want to split the chapter into two between getting to the Avengers and then actually meeting them and spending tie with them. I wanted to keep it together. I hope you all like it! I had a lot of fun with it, and mostly, I just really love Thor. I want him for myself. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my stories on other sites or blogs!
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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To say you’re a mess would be an understatement.
At least having Thor by your side gives you a small sense of stability, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re about to meet the Avengers.
Earth’s mightiest heroes.
People so famous that everyone knows their name. Even people in remote parts of the world know they exist.
The sensation of being pulled and gliding through the air in Thor’s arms as the Bifrost glow surrounds you both in your transport is nothing compared to the rolling of your stomach at the thought of saying or doing something stupid in front of Thor’s friends and comrades.
You hold him tighter, loving the way he feels in full armor. Only because it really drives home the fact that he could protect you from anything as opposed to being comfortable.
You’re dressed more simply though not at all casual. The outfit you’re wearing was shoved into your bag with two others in case of official events that might crop up during your honeymoon.
Because dinner with Thor’s teammates is supposed to be a relaxed event, you chose the most unimpressive of the three.
The bodice consists of a one-piece made of leather. Armor would be more accurate in describing it. Though bits of it have been dyed a dark yet also soft gray-purple, others, like the right breast piece and the strip that wraps down around your left side are a natural brown. Textured with a ridged design to compliment the thinner more boned design of the gray-purple section.
Around your waist and laced at the back is another a-symmetrical piece of that natural brown leather, but along the base of it is sewn a long flowing skirt made of a cotton voile base in navy and a sheer silk light blue making the effect of it together like shifting water.
The skirt is left open slightly on the right. If anyone pays really close attention, they’ll see the top of your thigh in the sway. Generally, the dress is appropriate and since this will technically be your first public outing with Thor, it was important you look the part.
Neither of you is wearing a crown. Not necessary really, if it isn’t an official ceremony or event, but you are wearing the large golden pin that Thor had made for you to put on the left breast of your sleeveless gown.
It’s the same interlaced arches that are on your swords with a crown that looks just like your wedding crown at the center where the arches connect.
It shines bright, brand new as it is, and is a symbol of your new status in the world.
A human Queen of Asgard.
It’s safe to say that your name is known from one corner of the Earth to the other which you only just realized when you were doing some research on the time it takes for a body to decompose in a demi-damp environment occasionally exposed to heat. You’d stumbled across a tabloid page with the headline How the New Queen of Asgard Bewitched the God of Thunder.
You hadn’t bothered to read the article because it was clear exactly what kind of reporting they were doing from the picture of you, which someone had pulled from the website of your old school, sitting on Thor’s chest with a photoshopped smirk and glowing red eyes.
There were a few others you read, most of them nice and from official news sources. All of them detailing your tragic childhood and your ascension to wealth. Then your birth ancestry was exposed making you a top candidate for Queen of the Asgardians and in one article for the New York Times, you recognized the pictures of your wedding as you and Thor stared at each other in all of your enamored glory.
Anyone with eyes can see that you love him and in those pictures, you can admit that it helps you feel a bit more secure in Thor’s love to see that he’s looking at you the exact same way. How can he look at you like that and not love you? Or at least be really fond of you?
As the air gets colder, mushy gray snow lining the streets below you, Thor’s body pulls up, preparing to stand as his speed slows.
You feel him step onto the pavement before you do, then slowly he lowers you, large hands so careful with you that you can’t help but look for his eye to see what he might be feeling.
His eyes are not on you though. They’re on the crowd that’s slowly begun to gather.
They’re giving you a wide berth, but they’re stopping to look, and some have pulled out their cell phones to take photos or record video.
You can hear whispers shift through the cold New York winter air, people leaning over to each other in excitement and curiosity. Much like the crowd back in New Asgard had when you’d driven by them to get to your dress fitting and the wedding parade.
You can’t really make out what they’re saying but Thor can, and he wraps his arm around your waist, turns you to face those that are nearest, and waves.
You follow his example and give them as kind a smile as you can, despite the sudden nerves eating at you.
Shit, do you have to say something? Are you expected to?
“Hello everyone. I know most of you have seen her in the papers and on the interwebs already, but this is my beautiful and lovely Queen. My wife, Y/N.” Thor declares, but even your name he caresses with the soft shift in his tone.
“Hello?” You don’t mean it to come out as a question, but it does.
Still, there are a few people that giggle at your reaction.
A sense of calm overcomes those watching, as if finally hearing you speak seems to have burst a bubble.
“Aw yew a pwincess?” A small hand tugs at your skirts and you turn to look down at an adorable little girl with smooth deep brown skin. Her hair is gathered in two small buns, tight braids keep it neat.
All you can really see are her big brown eyes, so wide and full of wonder.
You pull from Thor’s grasp and squat down to be on the toddler’s level. She can’t be more than three.
“She’s my Queen, little one.” Thor explains, squatting down beside you. “Queen of New Asgard. Isn’t she pretty?”
The little girl giggles and nods, then reaches up to touch your own hair which has also been braided, one long in the middle giving it a mohawk look, and several other small braids along the sides to keep it neat while flying.
At least that’s the bit that you remember from this morning.
Thor had pulled you out of bed at four o’clock, led you to a chair in the bathroom and then started messing with your hair. Of course, that sent you right back off to sleep but you remember asking him sleepily at some point why he was braiding your hair and he’d explained that it was to keep it from getting all messy while flying.
That’s the last thing you remember before he was suddenly kissing you awake and then your mind was busy with the delicious way he carried you back to bed and then heartbroken when he said you had only ten minutes more to sleep while he showered.
You’re so tired.
Smiling at the little girl, watching her own joy grow in her eyes gives you new energy and you take her hand and hold it in your two.
“It’s so lovely to meet you…?”
A woman hurries over from the crowd, voice frantic as she seems to have finally spotted her little escapee.
“RUBY!” The poor mother cries, hurrying to her daughter’s side.
“Ruby,” You repeat.
The little girl turns to look at her mother while you keep hold of her hand.
“Wook mama! A Ka-ween!” She giggles and her mother slows, hesitating now that she notices you and Thor.
“Holy shi-” Her mother says, “I’m so sorry.”
Hurrying forward, she takes hold of Ruby’s shoulders and pulls her close, not because she’s threatened by you two or anything. She must be shocked.
You let her hand go as it’s pulled gently, and Thor helps you stand back up. Once you’re standing, he reaches down to take hold of your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“It’s okay.” You shake your head, smiling at the woman as Ruby turns to hug her leg excitedly. “She’s very sweet.”
“She’s a troublemaker. That’s what she is.” The woman counters. “D-Do I have to curtsy or somethin’?”
“Not this time.” Thor tells her, “For having such an adorable child, we’ll give you the curtsy pass.”
He’s joking. Teasing the woman.
“Thor…” You nudge him and he chuckles, amused by you more than his joke. “What he means to say is, yes. Normally you would have to, but he knows I’m already nervous out of my mind so it’s okay.”
The woman looks around behind her, aware of the flashing camera phones and the videos they must be taking. So, she turns back to you and clumsily makes a curtsy.
Little Ruby sees her do it and then turns to you and does an even clumsier version of the same bow.
“Thank you.” You manage to say, voice almost completely deprived of volume from how nervous her attention makes you.
“Yes,” Thor agrees, suddenly serious. “Thank you. Both of you, for the warm New York welcome.”
“It was nothing.” The woman says, dipping down to pick up Ruby. “Say buh-bye, Ruby.”
As they walk away, Ruby twists in her mother’s arms to look over her shoulder at you and Thor and waves.
“Bye, Ruby.” You wave at her, smiling at her cuteness before you look up to meet Thor’s gaze.
“See, that wasn’t so terrible.” Thor gives you a squeeze. “Just our luck that it was an adorable child to greet you first.”
“She was so cute!” You gush, wishing you could take her home.
Maybe Thor sees the deep want in your own face because he leans in and presses his lips to your temple before resting them softly against your ear.
“Don’t worry, cherub. Soon we’ll have our own little one running around the palace.” He promises.
Even though he means it in an innocent way, the deep tone and intent in his voice is also very clear and if there weren’t a lot of people watching, you’d pull him down for a kiss.
He smirks down at you, almost like he knows that you picked up on that lusty vibe despite his words being sweet.
“You’re not playing fair.” You complain.
Thor chuckles then gives the crowd, which has grown quite a bit, another wave.
“Something to look forward to when we go home.” He reasons.
“Will we get to do everything you want with this crowd around us?” You give them a look and tuck yourself into Thor’s side a little more but wave all the same.
All these eyes on you. Watching you. Listening to every little thing you say?
“I’ll make it possible, cherub.” Thor assures you.
He twirls his hammer, a near replica of the one his sister destroyed before they arrived on Earth and takes a step towards the crowd with the look of someone about to make a speech.
When you look at yourself, you still look like you. Still wearing the dress you’d pulled on in the morning. Braids still in place.
Thor is still in full uniform. Still holding his hammer. But as the two of you walk through the city, no one stops to look.
After you and Thor had ducked into that first shop—a bakery that had lured him in by the nose because apparently the breakfast you’d cooked him hadn’t been enough—and emerged freshly fed, none of the people who had stopped to watch you when you'd landed were looking at you as you passed them.
Some of them even looked right at you then away as if they didn’t recognize you.
“It’s magic.” Thor whispers in your ear.
He straightens up, watching you with an amused grin as understanding overcomes your face.
“A trick my mother taught me that Loki has helped me perfect. Would you like us to see what they do? Our clothes, I mean? We’ll still see each other.”
“Sure.” You nod, excited by the proximity of magic to yourself.
Thor gives you a nod. He twirls his hammer, held loose in his right hand and it turns into an umbrella.
His clothes are neat and somewhat formal. More of a business casual with dark pressed trousers, a thick black t-shirt made of a heavy and soft cotton blend. His jacket is coal gray, with just the slightest hint of brown.
You gasp lightly, stunned by the sight of him with two electric blue eyes. No sleek black and gold eyepatch. Just two pretty orbs that blink at the shock on your face.
“What, love?” He worries, reaching down to place his hand on your lower back as the two of you continue down the sidewalk.
“Your eyes.” You shake your head, speechless.
“Oh, yes. Well, it helps me blend in.”
His blonde hair is styled too, a smooth wave of the longer hair along the top of his head. Why is he so pretty?
Thor chuckles.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” He teases, still looking forward.
“I’m staring,” You huff a laugh. “I’m sorry.”
But you give yourself a look and find yourself wearing a chic black pantsuit. More heavy cotton blend fabric from head to toe. It has that waterproof sheen though. Like if you spill something it’ll just roll off. Black long sleeve shirt with a higher than normal collar. It’s just a few inches short of being a turtleneck.
Over that you’re wearing a sleeveless wool trench coat with big black buttons and large pockets. The cut is feminine and left open since it’s cold but not too cold during the day with the sun streaming down.
It’ll be different tonight.
“We have these actual clothes waiting for us at the compound. I had them sent over when Stark told me that I’d be able to bring you for introductions. We can change in my room once we’re there, so we won’t be as constricted.” Thor takes your hand to his lips and gives it a kiss.
“You have a room at the compound? Isn’t it like a military base or something?” You wonder.
“Parts of it. There is a shooting range and a hangar with plenty of planes and jets. A pretty large garage with quite the selection of cars. Maybe we can go for a drive after dinner for some alone time?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you, but you’re still trying to wrap your mind around bedrooms at the compound.
“Do some of the Avengers live on the compound?”
“Yes.” Thor nods, his attention pulled away from his suggestive expression. “Several of them do. Wanda lives there. Captain Rogers, Natasha, Vision, Samuel and Barnes live there now too. Stark has moved out to be with Pepper on some cabin they purchased together a year ago.
“Barton lives with his family, so he doesn’t stay at the compound. And of course, for me it has been a home away from home. The only other person that stays there but doesn’t live there permanently is Banner.
“After we arrived from our journey in space, he took to his lab and slept at the compound for nearly six months before he finally went home. He hasn’t come back to the compound since. Says he’s working on something, but he’s promised to be here for our dinner.” Thor assure you.
Sad to say that you can’t exactly be as excited as he is as the list of names, he just went through looms over you like a test you didn’t study for.
Suddenly he stops, and he waves over at another tall blonde man with storm blue eyes and what looks to be a full beard. His slightly outgrown blonde hair is pushed back, the tresses smooth and silky as he hurries towards you both, brown leather bomber jacket zipped shut over a pair of jeans.
“Oh, you’re dressed up.” He says, but you recognize him and as Thor stops, you find yourself gaping at Captain America. “Maybe I should have picked something nicer.”
“Not necessary. You and the rest of the team are friends.” He takes Captain America’s hand and shakes it before they both meet in a quick hug.
“It’s been too long.” Thor admits.
“Well, you’re a busy man now. King and all that.”
“H-How did you recognize us?” You stutter, focusing on the mystery before you instead of the fact that Captain America is standing right fucking there!
“I let him see us.” Thor explains. “The veil holds only for those I want to shield us from.”
“Oh.” You whisper, not intending to but you have no air in your lungs again.
Thor seems to read your frayed nerves because he reaches around to wrap his arm around your waist and offer you some support.
“Captain Rogers, this is my lovely and very nervous wife, Y/N Y/L/N. Queen of Asgard and if I’m honest, the love of my life.” Thor’s honest gushing, the way he sounds honest and so freaking sincere brings you back to yourself a little and with a squeeze from him, you relax.
“Steve, Thor. Please. I’m not Captain America anymore.” He says, almost as if it’s a reminder.
This confuses you because as far as you know, Steve Rogers is still Captain America.
“I read the e-mail.” Thor says, shaking his head. “I thought perhaps it was a joke.”
“Since when have I ever joked about something this serious?”
“I don’t know, I thought perhaps you might have-”
Steve Rogers turns to you, ignoring Thor for the moment as he holds his hand out and slowly you take it.
“I know I should probably bow, but we don’t want everyone knowing who I’m talking to so, is a handshake okay?”
“Of course!” You say breathlessly as he shakes your hand softly. His grip is firm, but you can tell he’s very aware of not hurting you.
“It’s an honor to meet you,” He begins, then leans in towards you and whispers, “Your Majesty.”
Both of you are left smiling while Thor’s eyes are narrowed at the two of you.
“How do you find married life? Has Thor gotten on your nerves yet?”
You can tell he’s joking because while he’s talking to you, he steals a quick side-eye at Thor to gauge his reaction.
“Not yet. But he does like to eat all of the bacon.” You whisper.
Steve makes a pained look, directing it at Thor, still holding your hand in that gentle handshake.
“That’s a big no-no.” Steve agrees.
“Right?” You press, enjoying the pout on Thor’s lips.
“Alright, Rogers, release my wife’s hand.” He reaches and takes your hand out of Steve’s forcefully, but you and Steve only chuckle.
Thor pulls your hand up against his chest and with his other arm still around your waist, he’s basically got you wrapped up in his arms.
“Come on, everyone’s waiting.” Steve laughs, moving towards a black luxury sedan.
Thor makes to move forward but you pull back, resisting because meeting Steve Rogers was already stressful enough.
Now you have to go meet the rest of them? Can’t you just call it quits now?
“Cherub?” Thor looks at you, the concern pouring from him so overwhelmingly sweet that you give in.
He wants this so badly. It’s so important to him. You’ll also have to do many things from here on out that will make you anxious and stressed.
Suck it up.
“I’m just nervous.” You tell him, as if he can’t already see it himself.
“Thor?” Steve calls from the driver’s side of the car. He’s got the door open, both arms resting against the top of the vehicle.
“A moment, Steve.” Thor says, and for some reason it gives Steve a curious look on his face.
It’s almost as if he’s not used to Thor calling him by his first name.
“You have nothing to be nervous about, my love. You’ve already met Rogers and he’s like one of those dogs with the long ears and the funny long howl when it comes to sensing when anything’s amiss. Clearly, he likes you. You’re perfection, Y/N. You have nothing to worry about.”
Thor’s gushing should make you feel better, and it does a little. But you’re about to meet so many people. All of them important to Thor. What if you say something that makes one of them angry? What if you and one of them—or all of them—just don’t mesh well?
“I just-I-I don’t want to, I don’t know, disappoint you?”
Thor’s face falls into complete adoration. His smile is soft but wide and so pleased. He takes a step towards you, reaching up with both hands to place them on the back of your head, just behind your ears.
“You’ve already made me so proud, cherub. You’re here, standing with your head held high, greeting the people of a foreign country with grace and kindness. You’ve made jokes with one of my closest comrades already. I have every faith that you will continue to outshine me.” He chuckles as you relax a little more. “Do you need a few minutes?”
You shake your head, reaching up to take hold of his wrists. “No.”
“Yes,” you nod.
Thor slips his hands down, flicking them gently so that he can take hold of both your hands.
He pulls them to his lips and kisses them, never breaking eye contact.
He must lose concentration for his magic because as he kisses your knuckles, his two eyes turn into one as the eyepatch takes its place again.
His regular clothes turn back into his armor and your own dress shifts back into the more Asgardian appropriate attire.
“Uh, Thor?” Steve Rogers insists.
Thor looks at him and with a nod towards his body, Steve Rogers communicates the problem.
You look around and people are stopping their shopping and walking and going about their days to turn and look at the two Asgardian monarchs suddenly standing on the sidewalk in a sweet and affectionate embrace.
“Oops.” Thor smiles at them and gives them a wave while simultaneously taking hold of your hand.
You follow his lead and give them a regal wave and polite smile as he pulls you towards the car. Steve Rogers is already there, holding the back door open for you.
You get in and he shuts the door as Thor moves around to the other side and gets in too.
“You distracted me.” He accuses you, reaching around you to pinch your side.
You give a small scream of laughter then look at the watching crowd with a startled and embarrassed smile, but they’re pleased by the exchange. Some of them taking video and photos. Others just giggling and laughing along with you.
There are a few young women and men who even look envious. And honestly? Who wouldn’t?
You look and Thor and as he chuckles at your reaction to his teasing and the reaction of those watching as Steve Rogers pulls the car away from curb, you can understand their envy because Thor is beautiful and anyone, even if in the end they decide they don’t want to be with him, would be lucky to share in his love.
You made Thor promise to keep his hands to himself and you’re already regretting it.
You feel like you’re going to pass out. It’s all wobbly on your legs.
Knees are buckling and you might go down any second.
Thor takes an inch in your direction, but you give him a frown and he clears his throat before going right back to the spot he’d been in.
Both of you stand in a long common room. There are two modern armchairs in a gray almost beige cotton fabric. Two long sofas in an orange sandstone color sit completely occupied.
On the sofa to the right sit two beautiful red heads. One has short shoulder-length hair with pale blonde tips. The other’s long locks in a deeper less vibrant red fall to the base of her shoulder blades.
The brighter red headed woman has a sharp face, with large bright green eyes and eyebrows that start somewhat full on the inner corners and slowly fade into much thinner lines.
They’re perfectly shaped for her face though it does give her a sterner look.
She’s wearing a plain black dress with capped sleeves and a plunging V neckline. Her shoes are simple black flats though, which she taps against the floor as she waits for you to speak. Black Widow is just as fearsome as she looks in the news.
The other woman is much younger, her youthful face round. Her eyes are a pretty soft brown, more inviting though still a little distrustful. This must be Wanda, the Scarlet Witch.
It’s like she’s analyzing every move you make.
Beside her sits a man with peachy skin, short blondish-reddish hair. He looks older than her, but still handsome.
Despite the appearance of his older age, he has hold of one of Wanda’s hands. Fingers intertwined.
They’re together.
Vision, your mind provides.
On the other sofa sits Steve, his eyes kind as he waits patiently for you to be ready. Beside him sits a handsome black man with an exhausted expression.
You can tell that it isn’t directed at you, but he looks tired. Just home from doing some Avengers work, maybe?
Beside him sits a middle-aged man with small streaks of gray at his temples. His face is kind, but he seems like he’s preoccupied. Like he’s got places to be or things to do.
He keeps wringing his hands slowly, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees as he watches you.
On the far armchair is the man himself, Tony Stark. He looks every bit a king in his domain, just like Thor back home in New Asgard.
He owns the place—literally—and everyone knows it just by watching him sit there. He’s inquisitive about you, his mind clearly racing from the look in his eyes.
He’s the most analytical out of everyone. He keeps looking at you from head to toe, every shift in your stance, the way you hold your hands, or the fact that you’re looking each of them over and making your own conclusions catches his attention.
The last person in the room, and the only other one standing aside from you and Thor, is a tall beefy man with shortly cropped dark brown hair. He also looks tired, and he reaches up to rub his exhausted face with his shining black arm etched with golden veins that run through the sleek indestructible metal.
Bucky Barnes, the former Winter Soldier. Though most people still call him that, from what Thor said in your prep when coming is that he’s been fixed?
No, that’s not the right way to phrase that. He’s not a dog. He’s been deprogrammed.
You don’t quite understand what that means, but you realized as Thor spoke that Hydra had done something to Bucky to make him do the things that he’d done. Like brainwashing, though you know nothing about how one gets brainwashed.
It made you sad, that someone would be that cruel and take from someone their identity and all the things that make them who they are. You heart aches for the former Winter Soldier and he gives you the tinies of smiles. Just a soft and subtle gesture of encouragement.
All eyes in the room are on you, and you’re freezing up so you appreciate the figurative extended hand.
When you speak, your voice trembles at first.
“I-It’s so…I’m s-so…”
They stir, sitting up straighter at the sound of your voice.
Get it together! You’re Queen of an entire fucking kingdom!
You clear your throat, and with a quick shallow breath you try again.
“I’m sorry, I’m a l-little nervous. I know how important you all are to Thor and I-I know this was sudden. We were both really sorry that you couldn’t come to the wedding but I’m so glad to meet you now. My name is Y/N, and I…I think that’s it?”
Turning to Thor, you find him smiling wide, singular eye bright. He’s proud and you can see it in the way he pulls his shoulders back and moves back towards you, slipping his arm around your waist.
Both of you are wearing the real versions of his illusion now minus the coats, formal King and Queen garb abandoned in his room.
Thor’s arm is a welcome warmth.
“That was wonderful, cherub.”
“Cherub?” A snarky voice teases, and both of you turn to look at Tony Stark.
“Leave them alone, Tony. I’ve heard some of the things you call Pepper when you think we aren’t listening.” The Black Widow, Natasha, cuts in.
“Like what?”
“That’s a good one.” Thor observes. “Can I borrow it?”
“All y’all being really gross.” The new Captain America, Sam, points out.
“You’re just jealous you don’t have your own pudding-pop.” Bucky sighs, moving to the back of the sofa to lean both hands on the seat and look down at his friend.
“When’s the last time you had someone call you pudding-pop, Barnes?” Sam wonders, a clear attempt at a jab.
“Uh…1943? Just after I enlisted.” He answers, no sarcasm or embarrassment about that fact.
“You both need to get a life.” Natasha points out.
“You first.” Sam retorts.
Natasha fixes him with a look of confusion before getting up and moving towards Bucky. For a moment it looks as if she’s just going to pass right by him and into the kitchen behind him, but instead she slips her arm through his metal one and leans against him gently.
“I’ve got one. Don’t I, pudding-pop?”
The silence that follows is heavy but with building energy.
Then the room explodes with exclamations of, “What?!”
“When did this happen?!”
“How long have you two been a thing?”
With their attention diverted, you relax, leaning into Thor’s embrace as Natasha catches your eye and gives you a quick subtle wink.
“I thought we were gonna wait?” You hear Bucky ask Natasha over the cacophony of voices demanding information, all of them on their feet again too except for Steve who is smiling and hiding it behind his hand.
Obviously he already knew, and it’s also obvious that Natasha revealed her relationship with Bucky for your benefit and to make meeting you the secondary event of this get together and while some women would be pissed that she’s gone and stolen your spotlight, you could not be more grateful.
A metallic shoulder rubs against the side of your head and you lean away, gasping because you hadn’t expected the sensation.
You’re greeted with a metallic mask, similar to those of Tony Stark’s Iron Man helmet with slight variations around the mouth. The color is also brushed silver, the body white and red. It shifts to the side a little, away from you but it tips its head down in apology like an old 18th century gentleman.
“I’m sorry. Please, excuse me while I collect your empty plates.” The robot says.
“Sorry about the A.I., Cherub.” Tony says, then gives a quiet whistle. “Hey Bud, why don’t you take the night off?”
 Beside you, Thor chuckles at Tony’s new nickname for you. He’s done nothing but call you cherub since Thor did earlier in the night. It’s going to stick, or so Steve had promised.
The A.I. straightens up and puts the plates back down before moving off down the hall and out of sight.
“Bud?” Bruce Banner asks, who insisted you call him Bruce and drop the Doctor and the last name.
You have to keep reminding yourself to do so every time you talk to him. Because you can’t seem to remember, you’ve just chosen not to talk to him until you can.
Tony gets to his feet, moving around the table to lean over you, hand placed on his jacket to keep it from swinging against you.
“B.U.D.” He repeats, each letter on its own. “Buggy and Underdeveloped. I’m working on it. I’ve got their manners down. Jarvis quality though not as reliable. Vision is helping me work out the kinks.”
“I do what I can.” Vision says, Wanda reaching around to massage the back of his shoulders.
“You’ve made all the improvements. Tony had them calling us dickheads that one week before he asked for your help.”
“It was a typo!” Tony moves around to Natasha’s plate and piles it on top of yours, then Bucky’s who mutters a nervous thanks which Tony also mutters back a somewhat stiff approval.
You’re not given much time to notice their exchange before Thor’s hand finds your thigh under the table and he gives it a gentle squeeze.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes.” You smile at him, reaching down to take his hand. “Just surprised. I’ve never been around artificial intelligence of that caliber.”
“Don’t worry, Cherub. You’ll be used to it soon. You’ll be getting an upgrade at that pretty space cottage of yours pretty soon.” Tony says, grabbing a few glasses one at a time as he moves around the table.
“I’ll help you, Stark.” Thor suddenly says and releases your hand to move around the table and grab the other plates and glasses.
Why does he call him by his last name? Habit maybe?
“Thanks,” Tony nods.
“Space cottage?” You’re not sure what he means.
“Yeah, that big wooden house you all call a palace?” Tony clarifies.
“Oh,” Silly way to look at it. “There’s steel too.”
Tony smirks, “Well, I’ll be sending some people over to get a security system installed and an advanced satellite scanner to catch any movements that might come in from—up there. With this new threat that-”
Thor coughs loudly, dropping a glass that makes a terrible shattering glass sound against the black tabletop. Bucky catches the glass and holds it still then offers it up to him again.
Tony meets Thor’s singular eyed gaze who shakes his head minutely.
“-which I guess you’re not supposed to know? Whoops.” And with that he turns and leaves the room.
You look at Thor and find him watching you, then he quickly turns and follows Tony out of the room.
Whenever you’ve read in the past that someone sees red, you’d always suspected that it was metaphorical. However, you see red as your brain short circuits and all you can feel is a level rage.
The one thing you’d asked of Thor was that he won’t keep secrets from you and here is one, not even a week after your wedding!
“Don’t worry.” Natasha interjects, getting up from her seat. “When it’s worth knowing about, Thor will tell you. He just doesn’t want you to worry.”
Your frown only grows. You can’t seem to get your sudden temper flare under control.
“You’re upset.” Steve notices, getting up when everyone also starts to rise. “Why?”
You follow their example and get to your feet, pushing your chair under the table before following them into a smaller living room space just off the main common room while trying to quell your anger.
The living room is mostly white and gray with a long sectional that is full of red pillows.
“Because I’m Queen of New Asgard.” You point out, speaking a little more firmly than you mean to.
Steve gestures to the seat at the edge of the sectional and you take it, swallowing hard as you shove some of that upset down into your tummy so that you won’t lash out at the very nice people that Thor sees as family.
“You are.” Steve agrees. “No one would argue that you aren’t.”
Does he not get it?
“He might not want me to worry, but I have a responsibility to the people of New Asgard. If something is happening that might affect them, I need to know.” You cross your arms across your chest, huffing lightly and letting that be the peak of your temper.
You don’t want to fight with Thor here in front of everyone.
The reaction isn’t what you expect.
Sam, who is sitting on the floor at the bend in the sofa leaning against it as the weight of his sleepiness begins to take over, whistles.
Long and slow.
Bucky chuckles as Natasha settles beside him, her arms crossed across her chest as she leans back into his arm.
They don’t look together even if they are, just comfortable. Bucky’s arm curves a little more for her and is the only giveaway that there’s more between them than friendship.
She smirks. On the sofa beside you, Wanda leans forward to try and get a look at your pouting face, her red curtain of hair falling over her shoulder. Vision is standing by the TV looking at a collection of records to put on a turntable that sits ready and empty.
Dr. Ban-Bruce isn’t anywhere in sight.
Steve settles in beside Wanda but closer to Sam, leaving enough room for Vision to sit when he’s finished with the music.
“Thor said you had some bite.” Natasha shares, “Said something about you standing up for Loki? What’s that about?”
You feel your cheeks burn, neck too. With a shrug, you drop your arms and clutch at the fabric of your pants by your knees.
“Yeah, dude’s pretty psycho,” Sam adds.
“Sure, yeah, because a bunch of people dressing up in costumes and going around fighting crime and otherworldly forces are completely sane.”
Shit, did you seriously just say that?
There’s a beat of silence, then, “She sounds very sensible. Now that I’ve had some time with it, I think the cape might have been a touch too far.”
Everyone chuckles, and you turn to look at Vision who finally picks an album and slips it in place.
“Sorry,” You offer, hesitating a moment before you decide to explain yourself. “Loki has been nothing but kind to me. And calling him a psycho offends me. I know you all and the rest of the planet, have issues with him and what he did…so did I, but he’s trying. And he’s family now…like you all…so…”
Your words trail off as you turn to look for Thor, but you can still see him across the common room in the kitchen, exchanging hushed words with Tony and it’s starting to rile you up again. What’s coming? What’s so important that Thor has brought in the Avengers too?
“What did Thor call it?” Bucky asks Nat.
“Bite.” Steve tells him, “She’s got bite.”
“I’d say it’s more like a sting. But she’s right. I don’t think any of us here can judge someone by their past. At least I can’t.” Bucky nods.
“Or me,” Nat agrees.
“Or me,” Wanda smiles.
And then the music starts. Vision turns, hands behind his back as he also smiles at the general pleasantries.
“Taylor Swift?” Sam demands, “Really?”
Vision’s smile vanishes and he gives him nice wide eyes of surprise, “I’ve never heard this one before.”
“Excuse me.” You get up and move towards the kitchen, determined to get an explanation while the room behind you continues to argue the merits of Vision exploring different musical avenues.
“Whose album even is that?” Sam demands.
Steve clears his throat, “I think you should both get some sleep. I want a debrief first thing in the morning. I might not be Captain America anymore, but I’m still running this show.”
“Don’t try to change the subject, you’ve never accepted the boss mantle until now. Which other albums do you have in your room that you’re too afraid to share?” Nat adds.
“Hey, I have no shame in my musical taste.” Steve defends.
As you near the kitchen, the open spaces separated only by two large circular pillars and a sleek concrete counter island, you slow as their quiet conversation begins to reach your ears. It wasn’t necessarily that you’re trying to eavesdrop…but they’re not talking about what you expected them to be talking about. So, you freeze.
Too nervous to move, forward because what the hell? Or back, because they’ll no doubt hear your retreat.
Where’s the talk about threats to the kingdom and planet? No, you get a nice dose of fear and jealousy instead.
“You only knew her for a week before you married her?”
“It was arranged. All of you knew this. I explained it the last time we met.”
“I get that, but what-” You can hear the hesitation in Tony’s voice.
Despite the fact that he knows he probably shouldn’t bring it up, he throws his dishtowel on the counter and turns around to lean against it as Thor’s hands continue to sift through the dishes, washing them slowly. “What happened to Foster? Weren’t you two pretty hot and heavy? Last time you brought her here-”
“Jane has other priorities.” Thor cuts him off, clearly still hurt from his breakup with Jane.
You hate the sound in his voice. Why does he have to be so clearly heartbroken?
“That’s all I get?” Tony asks, waiting and leaning in a little closer to Thor.
“What else would you have me say? It was hard to leave her. And if I’m honest, I still find myself thinking about what life might have become if she’d been ready to settle down.”
You take a step back, wanting to get away from this horrible conversation you wish you hadn’t accidentally run into. Retreat being heard be damned!
But then, “Cherub?”
It’s Tony, a smirk in his voice as he turns to help Thor dry the dishes he sets aside.
“She is my angel.” Thor smiles, just a teeny upturn at the corners of his lips as he steals a glance at Tony.
Your heart gives a painful clench at the love that you’ve been seeing in his eye pour through in his voice.
“A celestial creature sent to me by fate. I had no knowledge of the capacities of love. I’ve only ever found love as I found Jane’s. We were met by chance, and the attraction was clear and instant. Intention as well. With my cherub, things though they grew quickly, were harder to find. I had to look past my own melancholia to see that she was there waiting for me.”
“She does look like she’s completely lost it.” Tony nudges Thor aside because he’s taking so long and takes over the washing.
“I hope you mean lost her heart to me?”
“What else? Her mind? Though why anyone would agree to rule an entire country is beyond me.”
“She’s brave.” Thor boasts, body completely relaxed. “I’ve never known anyone with her courage. The first night of our engagement she demanded that I be honest with her, even if I decided to keep Jane as a mistress.”
Tony looks at him, eyebrow quirked as he asks a voiceless question.
“Which of course, is out of the question. I entertained the thought for a bit, I can’t deny it. At the very beginning as I was making my plans to go leave Jane, to end things permanently so that I could do right by Y/N and really try to make our marriage something lasting—I wanted to keep Jane at my side by any means necessary.
“Imagining a life without her was painful and I hate to admit that I had every intention in those last moments before I saw her to ask her to be with me even after I was married.” Thor confesses, sounding torn between guilt and desperation.
You remember seeing that desperation in him before he’d gone to see Jane.
Even after his proposal to you, even after those earth-moving kisses, he’d wanted to keep Jane at his side.
Of course, he did. You shouldn’t be surprised by that. He and Jane had shared so much before you came into the picture. Before you were forced in if you’re honest.
Still, it hurts, and you hate hearing it.
For a second time, you take a step back, wanting to leave.
But then, “What changed your mind?”
Thor sighs heavily, exasperated, exhausted by something.
He crosses his large arms across his chest, black shirt straining against his biceps and pecs. He’s so massive. Standing next to Tony only accentuates that fact.
“It took her two hours to make time to speak with me, and another three before she stopped explaining her work on energy spikes in some far East quadrant of space to let me even bring up the fact I was officially engaged to someone else.
“The only reason I was able to hold off for so long is that she would come and kiss me every twenty minutes to promise that she’d be done soon.”
You hate that.
“It was the waiting around after three months of having seen her last and six months since we’d been together. I just couldn’t stand the thought of that always being my life. As much as I loved her, I didn’t want to spend my marriage waiting for a woman when another had already assured me of her commitment to rule at my side as wife and Queen.”
“Is that the only reason you’re so into your Cherub? Because she obviously likes you?”
“No.” Thor shakes his head, “No, there are many things about Y/N that draw me to her. Most of them I’ve discovered since I made the choice to really let Jane go. When I came home that night, she was there to lure me back from the pit I’d crawled myself into by telling Jane goodbye.”
Tony stops washing to fix Thor with a knowing gaze. He scoffs then turns back to his washing.
“So, the sex is good, is what you’re saying?”
“The sex is very good. Incredibly good. I have no complaints about our physical chemistry. In fact, it’s better than with Jane or anyone else I’ve ever been with. I’m not sure what it is, but we are very well suited in the bedroom. She has such vigor, such desire. I am never in no doubt of her want of me. It’s so good that I almost didn’t want to bring her here because then I’d have to give up an entire day of having her to myself wrapped up in nothing but her bedsheets.”
“Alright, I think I get the picture.” Tony holds up one soapy hand to stop Thor’s bragging. “So, she sleeps with you and makes you feel better. Jane makes you wait, so you end it for good. Did you at least give her a proper goodbye?”
Thor is silent, and this time, you don’t want to know. You’ve already guessed and have been suspecting that this is very much the case, but you don’t want the confirmation.
If that’s what happened when he went to see Jane, you don’t want to know. Even if it happened before you two were married and really together, it happened when you were already in the picture and your heart was already being swayed.
Stepping out from behind the large round pillar, one hand resting against the smooth black curve, you watch Thor think about Tony’s question, tilting his head up to look across the room towards the living room space where the Avengers are now laughing about who the hell knows what.
He sees you and his face loses color.
“What’s the matter?” He asks, a small bit of panic in his voice.
He moves towards you and you move towards him, meeting halfway.
“Did you hear?” He knows, probably because of whatever is on your face that’s making him panic.
His large hands are already pushing your numerous braids back, throwing them over your shoulders gently so that he can place his hands on your neck.
“Thor,” You repeat, this time getting a hold of yourself and reaching up to grab his wrists and pull his hands down away from your face. “What’s coming?”
This is why you’d come in here, and this is what you’ll insist on knowing. Fuck everything else they were talking about. You don’t want to know, and you don’t care what happened or what Thor felt before both of you exchanged vows.
He seems stunned by the shift of topic, despite the agony that you’d momentarily been in. His voice even cracks a little, too shocked by the change.
“The new threat,” You clarify. “This new thing that we need satellites back home for? What is it? What’s happening? I know that you probably don’t want me to worry or want to protect me or maybe you’re still thinking of me as a civilian? But I’m Queen of our kingdom, Thor. If something is coming for us, I deserve to know. I need to know what’s coming if I’m going to help you protect our people. It’s my job and I can’t do it if you don’t let me.”
“Cherub’s got a point.” Tony adds, and claps Thor on the shoulder before gathering up a tray and makes his way out of the kitchen and towards the others with a bottle of beer for each of them.
“You’re right.” Thor nods, reaching to take your hands and he pulls them up to his lips kiss away the pain that he must have seen you feeling.
He seems to know though that you don’t want to focus on that and so he doesn’t bring it up.
You can tell he wants to though. He really wants to talk about what was just said in this kitchen.
“Yes, you’re right, you should know and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I didn’t want you frightened or worried when you didn’t have to be, but you’re right. As Queen, you have every right to know what might be coming. But can’t we wait to talk about it until later? Tonight perhaps? When we’re alone?”
You don’t want to agree. You want to make demands of him and make him tell you everything right now. However, you also know that you’re a little angry about what you overheard and that’s probably why your pulse is pounding in your throat, heart ramming itself against your ribcage.
“Fine.” You huff then turn to move back into the living room.
“Hey,” He coaxes you back, voice low and deep so that the others won’t hear him.
He catches your wrist and pulls you back gently.
“Did you hear us? Because if you did, when I went to leave Jane I-”
“I don’t wanna know, Thor. If you slept with her, I don’t want to know.” You sigh, stomach clenching painfully. “You did what you have to do. It’s not like you and I fell in love in any kind of traditional way. We were forced together and now we’re married. I’m not stupid.”
“Of course you aren’t, and as true as all of that is, I don’t like the way you’re talking about it.” Thor agonizes, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you closer and further into the kitchen out of view of the others. “You’re acting as if I don’t love you, or as if it’s a farce. I love you, cherub. It happened quickly, but it is real.”
“I know that, Thor,” It’s nice to hear though, because you’re seriously feeling weak in the confidence you’d spent every night since your wedding building.
For a bit there, you’d believed wholeheartedly that Thor loves you. You still do…but the realities of Jane and how quickly he’d had to end that relationship with her because he had to marry you to give his people a Queen have been brought to light and ruptured the bubble of your new marital bliss.
It’s also suddenly very clear to you that he must still love Jane very much. Even if he loves you too. There’s no way he can move on this quickly.
“You don’t look like you do. You look sad and it’s putting knots in my stomach, love. Please don’t doubt me now.”
You lean forward, shoving your forehead against his wide chest. You wrap your arms around his waist and fist the back of his shirt as he brings his hands up to the sides of your head. You can feel his lips against your scalp, kissing against the large middle braid that goes down along the back of your head.
“This is so hard.” You admit, hating your jealousy.
“I wish I could take all of your strife.” He kisses your head again, an audible smack. “I’m sorry I’m the one making it for you.”
Both of you knew that this would be tricky.
“I swear to you, cherub, it’s only you. You are the only woman I want and the only being in the universe that I want to bear my children.” His words are full of truth and you look up at him to find that same honesty in his gaze.
It’s pained and sorrowful and you hate it.
“I shouldn’t have listened.” You pull yourself up against his body and push yourself up with puckered lips.
Eagerly he leans down to meet your lips with his own but he shifts his head to the side to deepen the peck you’d wanted to leave you in no doubt as to his devotion, or at the very least, his passion.
He leans down to wrap his arms around you and press you up against the side of the pillar.
“Thor…” You whisper when he pulls back to tilt his head the other way. “We’re guests here.”
The reminder cools him down and he places his hands on your hips instead while you tickle the hairs on the back of his neck.
“We should get back to your friends.”
Thor sighs heavily, hating this idea, but he knows you’re right.
He reaches up to take hold of the back of your neck, squeezing it possessively before he leans down to give you one more quick kiss.
“Tonight, I will leave you in no doubt as to my devotion and love. I promise.”
His declaration takes your breath away, and apparently Bruce’s too as he sputters a cough around his own beer as he freezes on the other side of the kitchen by the fridge where another large round pillar lines a different entrance opposite the side you’re both standing on.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Bruce says, reaching up to wipe at the beer dribble around his mouth.
Thor takes his hands back and you slip out from between him and the pillar then make your way back towards the living room feeling flushed.
As you walk back in, observing the room, Steve and Vision are currently playing an apparently rousing game of Connect Four on the floor while Nat and Bucky sit cuddled up on the far corner of the sectional, talking quietly but also giving the two battling on the floor the occasional glance.
Wanda is on her phone, typing away quickly with a beer held between her thighs. Sam is standing by the records, despite his previous griping, nodding his head as Taylor Swift’s 22 fills the space.
Tony is on his own phone, standing in the far corner of the room with a sappy smile on his own face which tells you he’s probably talking to his own wife, Pepper Potts, who couldn’t make it tonight due to a work engagement.
All of them have a beer around them or in hand, and as you make your way towards the bend in the sectional feeling a little like you’re intruding, just as your back hits the sofa a cold bottle meets your cheek.
You jump a little but turn to look and Tony holds out a sealed bottle for you.
“You okay with import? Or do you want domestic?” He asks, holding his phone to his shoulder, brows drawn together as he waits for your answer.
“This is fine, thanks.” You take the bottle and then give him a quick smile.
“Good, because then I’d have sent you down to get your own.” He assures you, but a voice from his phone calls his name and he hurries away again, phone pressed to his ear.
You look at the bottle of beer in your hands, wondering if the top is a twist but when you go to turn it the ridges hurt your hand and you stop instantly.
Just as you’re about to lean over and ask Bucky to open the bottle for you, the sectional dips beside you and heat envelops your shoulder and side as Thor sits right beside you.
“It sounds like excuses to me.” He says, looking at Bruce who sits down beside him with a bit more space allowed between them.
“It’s not an excuse,” Bruce insists. “I’m working on something that needs all of my concentration. I’ll come visit soon, I promise. I’m going to be coming with Tony for the security system installation so, I’ll get to see the palace then.”
“Thor?” You hold the bottle up for him and he takes it from you, kissing the side of your head before he simply flicks the top with his thumb and it flies off and falls right on Steve’s head.
“Hey,” He complains, but then gets distracted as Vision connects his four red chips.
“I win.” Vision declares.
“Damn,” Steve concedes. “You got me. Go again?”
Vision dumps the chips, and they start splitting them up.
“Here you are, cherub.” Thor hands you back your beer, and you take a quick drink before settling in against Thor’s side a bit more comfortably as he gives you a squeeze but continues to chat with Bruce.
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May we have a little tattoo artist!s/o please? As a treat?
Been thinking about this for the past few days so here you go :)
Poly!Lost Boys x Tattoo Artist!S/O
Warnings: tattoo and blood mention
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You met the boys by having them come into the tattoo parlor you worked at. Well, one of them did. A tall, handsome brunette had entered the shop one night, his bike parked outside. He'd barely talked through the entire consultation, and it seemed like he'd thought about the design for a long time. He even had it sketched out for you, and he was laying on his side. You were surprised he wanted a waist/rib tattoo as his first tattoo, but you already guessed there was no convincing him otherwise. He hadn't worn a shirt, and you guessed it was because of his choice of placement. He was even quieter during the tattooing process, and you noticed that he kept shutting his eyes at certain points. Almost as if he was falling asleep.
He only asked you a couple of questions, and that was towards the end. He asked you how long you'd been doing this for, and you chuckled when you told him a few years. He'd hummed, and, after a few beats, he pressed for your age. You told him, and then said, "Don't worry, I may be younger than some of the people here, but I'm not gonna mess up your tattoo. If I do, feel free to kill me." And he laughed. It was a surprising sound coming from the brunette, and you paused to look over at him. He caught your eye, and you caught the smile on his face. Before you could turn red, you looked back down at the nearly finished tattoo in front of you. When you finished, he didn't bother heading for the mirror and instead pulled his jacket on. He headed straight for the cash register, paid, said a quick thank you, and was gone with a flash of some finger guns.
You didn't expect to see him again so soon. They were all talking fairly quietly, with the tallest of the three blondes seeming to be the one that was getting the tattoo. Trailing behind them, you saw a familiar brunette. The one with the bleached mullet kept reminding him that "tattoos are permanent, Paul" and the smallest of the four even said, "they last forever, dude". But, despite the other boys warnings, Paul, the one obviously here to get the tattoo, still persisted. And Dwayne pointed him in your direction. He just wanted something on his arm, near his shoulder. He had a piece of paper with what he wanted drawn on it as well, in a familiar art style. He only had to take off his coat, and was able to keep his sleeveless mesh shirt on.
The others sat outside the room while he got it done, and you were surprised by how chatty he was during the whole thing. Definitely unlike his friend. Whether he was normally like that or was doing it to distract himself from the pain, you didn't know. Still, you chatted with him as much as you could, and, to your surprise, he grinned at you and asked for your number afterwards. You flushed as you gave it to him, and, just like his friend, he passed by the mirror and made a bee-line to show the others instead. Paul was more focused on planning a date with you then paying, and the two of you had the entire ordeal planned by the time the four of them were heading out the door. Well, you thought it was just going to be the two of you. You were surprised to see all four of them at your agreed meeting place, and even more surprised when they didn't beat it the second you showed up. By the end of the night though, you didn't really mind.
After dating them for awhile you found out that it was Marko who was the artist, and that he was the one that designed all the tattoos. You gave Marko his first tattoo at the cave, and he quietly watched every stroke of the tattoo gun as you did it. It was an arm piece, just like Paul's. His eyes never left your hand, and you were almost scared it wasn't going to be up to his expectation until he let a large smile cross his features. He was quick to compliment you, and even quicker to kiss you.
David was a solid pass on the tattoos for now, claiming that he already had an addiction and that he didn't need another one. You chuckled as you teased him, telling him that the whole reason you got into the profession was because you liked them. David gave you a warning glare, and Paul jeered at him from the side. It was that night that David decided to tell you what they were, explaining that that's the big reason why he didn't want a tattoo yet. They were literally going to last forever.
You found out that Dwayne had been thinking about his tattoo for about the past fifty years, but he was the first one to even try to get one. They'd been half sure that it would heal the next day, and the whole painful ordeal would've been pointless. When it didn't, Paul had decided he'd needed to get one immediately. He'd only been slowed down to waiting a few weeks by the others. Still, a couple weeks later and Dwayne's tattoo had healed completely (vampire perk) and it was still on his skin.
After dating you for a few months, Paul wanted more. You, like the others, told him to sit on it for a bit before you'd mark it into his skin. And, usually, after about two weeks he had a whole new idea for a different tattoo he wanted in the exact same place.
Marko is the only one of the boys that you ever let tattoo you. You'd done it in the early hours of the morning one night, and his hands had been still and steady, with the buzzing sound of the tattoo gun nearly lulling you to sleep. It was a small one, barely an inch, but Marko was beyond proud of his work. He beamed and leaned down to kiss the area, before licking away any stray droplets of blood. You pushed his head away, mumbling something about how that was unsanitary as he laughed.
David becomes interested in the idea of giving you a tattoo as well, but you knew he'd probably end up tattooing his name onto you or something, so, just like him, you gave it a pass
The boys love to visit you at the shop, asking about what you did today and if you were making any big tips. Depending on who came, they'd bring you coffee or some takeout (Dwayne usually brings coffee, Marko brings takeout). Paul usually stops in a few times a night just to give you a kiss, and David comes in to talk for a bit during your breaks. They'd also occasionally ask about any problem customers, and god forbid they come in when any surf-nazis are getting something done at the shop. You made them swear there'd be no fighting in, or around, the shop or else it'd be your ass one the curb. Of course, David just took that as an opportunity to remind you that you wouldn't need to eat if you decided to turn, but that was only when you were at the cave or out of earshot of other humans.
They become well known around the shop from how much they visit, and your co-workers have an ongoing joke of asking, "wait, which one are you dating again?" The boys end up on their good sides regardless, simply because Dwayne and Marko remember to bring extras for some of your co-workers.
Marko considered becoming a tattoo artist for a little bit, but, after hearing about how long he'd have to be an apprentice, the idea became a little bit less appealing. Though, it was Paul that pointed out that you could always be his mentor, and let's just say that lead to some interesting comments in the bedroom for a couple of weeks
Overall, the boys love and support your profession, especially since it sometimes means free tattoos
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mollymauk-teafleak · 3 years
Same Smile
Huge thanks to my wonderful girlfriend @spiky-lesbian and my amazing friend @minky-for-short for the inspiration and listening to me reigniting my widomauk obsession.
Please reblog and leave a comment over on Ao3!
Caleb Widogast did not know his husband, Mollymauk Tealeaf, had an identical brother.
He didn't know his husband had two identical brothers.
He didn't know one of those identical brothers is on shore leave and was sitting on his couch. Not until he kissed him, anyway.
Basically a Modern AU where all of the tenants of the Tealeaf body are identical triplets!
Caleb dropped his satchel on the floor with a dull, heavy thunk. He tried to find it in him to care when one of the overtaxed buckles popped open and a pen, some student’s papers and a handful of crystals spilled across the hall rug. That could be a problem for tomorrow morning.
But for tonight he’d had a very, very long day. He’d had two seminars where none of his students had done the reading, a lab demonstration that had gone horribly wrong and made him smell like ammonia all day, he’d had to eat lunch on the train to make it to the bookshop on time only to find the day’s delivery was wrong and he’d ended up with hundreds of copies of a medical textbook that was very informative but probably weren’t going to sell very well. All in all it had been a pretty shit day and a burst buckle was not going to muscle its way in on top of all that.
Caleb had a very narrow, very selective list of what was going to be allowed in the rest of his day. And top of that list was finding his husband, slumping down next to him and pressing his face to the curve of his neck where the scent of his perfume was the strongest. Next on that list was letting his son sit on his lap and do that adorable thing he’d been doing lately where he rubbed his head all over his papa while babbling contentedly, almost like he was just telling Caleb about his day. Next was his daughter curling around his shoulders and purring loudly right next to his ear.
And that was about it, honestly. Maybe a cup of tea.
Caleb hung up his coat and scarf, both of them still dusted with drizzle from outside, kicking his shoes into the corner. He half considered going and putting his pyjamas on but that wasn’t on the list, he just needed to have Molly run his fingers through his hair to work the knots out of it and tell him everything was okay, that he was home now.
Molly was curled up on the sofa, the slightly tatty one with it back to the door. He had his hair loose, just pushed back from his face with a thin leather headband. It looked nice, Caleb made a vague mental note to tell him so.
“Hey,” Caleb leaned over the edge of the sofa, already smiling just from the closeness, “You would not believe the day I’ve had…”
He didn’t give his husband a chance to answer, just kissing him softly, catching his lips halfway through forming a word. Caleb melted into it, putting his hand to his face, stoking his thumb across a cheek that was slightly rougher than he remembered it being that morning.
Caleb froze, eyes snapping open.
He yanked himself backwards, face completely expressionless as he stared at this person he’d just kissed. This person who absolutely, definitely was not his Mollymauk.
That person grinned crookedly, “I think you’re still having it, Red.”
Whenever Caleb was confronted by sudden panic, his brain chose to cope with it by shutting down entirely, by going into some kind of distant stand-by mode like a computer overwhelmed by a virus and choosing to simply crash in response.
Which was probably why he responded to this stranger that looked exactly but not exactly enough like his husband, sitting on his sofa and who he’d just passionately, mistakenly kissed, by opening his mouth and saying, “You’re not on the list.”
The stranger’s lopsided grin didn’t fade, the same sharp teeth that lived in Mollymauk’s mouth flashing but a few of these were cracked, one entirely made out of dentist’s acrylic, like this person had been punched in the face a few times. They were also wearing black leathers mostly, a sleeveless tunic that billowed out into a coat, a tight white shirt underneath and close fitting pants. And the tattoos weren’t right, he had them for certain but the designs and placement were wrong, these were heavily done in stark black and showed mostly waves and coordinates and compasses. They looked like homemade stick and poke jobs. The jewellery wasn’t as heavy either, seaglass threaded onto leather and thin gold chains.
Not Mollymauk. Definitely not Mollymauk.
“You must be Caleb,” they chuckled knowingly, “Nice to finally meet you.”
Caleb was saved from having to think of where to go from there by footfalls on the creaky floorboards in the hallway and Mollymauk appearing in the doorway. His actual Mollymauk, he glanced up and down him and confirmed it- the heavy gems hanging from his horns, the bright flowing coat and high boots, the scars that littered his neck and collarbone, the stretch marks that peeked between the waist of his leggings and his crop top.
What threw Caleb for a moment was the slightly harried, slightly exasperated expression on his face. He could count on both hands the amount of times he’d actually seen Mollymauk look stressed like that. Also the fact that he was holding a tray on which he’d actually gone to the effort of arranging two mugs that almost matched, sugar in a little bowl, a milk bottle, a handful of spoons.
Molly’s red eyes flickered between them for a moment before his face slumped into an expression of equal parts guilt and defeat. Like the face of someone who’d forgotten to water someone’s beloved houseplant and had been caught in the middle of replacing it.
“Oh,” he said in an attempt at cheeriness that was edged with too much tiredness to be convincing, “So you’ve met already…”
“A little more than that,” the Not Mollymauk laughed, leaning back casually and kicking their boots up onto the scuffed coffee table, “Your husband’s a good kisser, Moll.”
Caleb gave a strangled squeak of alarm, all that he could come up with in his own defence while his brain was still in static mode, feeling his face flush a hot, prickly red.
Molly just shook his head, an exhausted kind of realisation tightening his already tight smile, “Um...Caleb, this is Kingsley. Kingsley is, uh...he’s my brother.”
Caleb stared at him blankly, metally tearing through his files for any hint that his husband had mentioned a brother before and coming up empty, “Your...he’s not on my list, Mollymauk.”
Molly tilted his head slightly and gently skipped over that, shooting Caleb a brief, pleading look that promised an explanation later. He moved past Caleb to set the tray down on the coffee table, his tail giving an irritated flick to move his apparent brother’s feet out of the way first.
Kingsley moved, apparently completely unfazed by anything that had happened so far, “He’s cute, Moll, where did you find him? When you told me you’d shacked up with a professor of all things, I was expecting someone a little more-”
“We met at one of my shows,” Molly cut across him, not wanting to hear the end of that sentence, “We were friends for years and then we got together. And he isn’t just a professor, he’s got the bookshop too.”
“Gods, your band!” Kingsley laughed, folding his legs up underneath him instead, “I remember that, you and Yash and that busted old guitar you had...I mean, fuck man, if he still married you after hearing you play, you know it’s true love.”
Molly gave a noncommittal grunt, pushing one of the mugs at him perhaps a little harder than he needed to.
Caleb hesitantly moved to sit in a chair off to the side, still quite unsure what to do. He was so distracted he almost sat on Frumpkin, who huffed and slithered into his master’s lap, glaring through slitted eyes at this doppelganger of someone he already wasn’t fond of.
“But yeah, like I was saying,” Kingsley, cradled the tea between cupped hands as scarred as his brother’s, “The Revelry’s got me running this cargo to Nicodranas and I thought hey, if I’m going to be in the area, why not drop in on my favourite brother?”
“Why not,” Molly repeated, a little thinly, “Without calling or sending a letter or anything to let me know you’d be stopping by…”
Caleb winced a little at the undercurrent of annoyance underneath his love’s voice but Kingsley only laughed, like it was a joke.
“C’mon, you know that’s not how I work, Moll. I never know where I’m going to be heading or when. I’m just glad I got to see you! Especially seeing as apparently you got married since I last saw you? And popped out two kids, what the hell?”
“Una is adopted,” Molly mumbled, like that was the important point.
“I didn’t know you had it in you,” Kingsley continued brightly, now smiling wide enough that Caleb caught the wink of a gold tooth, “I mean, you’re easily the most responsible out of all of us but still, married with kids, that's actually insane…”
Caleb’s eyebrows rose. He adored his husband but one thing he’d never be able to call him was responsible. Molly caught the movement from where he was sitting next to Kingsely and his cheekbones coloured.
Feeling a sudden stab of guilt, a sudden need to rush to Molly’s defence after he’d done it for him, Caleb blurted out, “Mollymauk is a great dad.”
Kingsley looked over to him, smiling crookedly, “I bet. He was always running around after me and Luce, making sure we didn’t get into trouble...well, as much trouble, I guess. Hey! Have you heard from Lucy lately, Moll? I haven’t spoken to him even longer than I hadn’t spoken to you.”
Molly tensed instantly at the question, jaw growing taut like a bowstring, his quietly simmering frustration igniting into full blown, barely concealed fury.
“I don’t speak to Lucien,” was all he said, voice tight and tense and, above all, final.
Even Kingsley seemed to pick up on that, backpedalling quickly, “Sure, sure...so where are these sprogs of yours, then? I’m so excited to meet them...”
“Yasha offered to take them for a few hours after I realised we had our unexpected guest,” Molly bit off the end of the sentence sharply, clearly struggling to maintain his control. He shook his head tightly, standing up and sighing, “Excuse me…”
Kingsley opened his mouth to speak but closed it again, finally falling silent as he watched his brother disappear in a swirl of his coat. Caleb didn’t hesitate, getting to his feet and moving after him, throwing Kingsley an apologetic glance.
“I’ll just, uh...see what he needs.”
Kingsley just nodded, flashing him a quick smile that didn’t quite shine as bright as his other ones, then just staring into his drink. Frumpkin jumped up next to him, eyeing him suspiciously.
In the kitchen, Caleb found Molly with his head in his hands, in the middle of a long, deep breath. Caleb tried to remember everything his husband did for him when he got overwhelmed, coming up behind him and gently wrapping his arms around his middle. Instantly he felt Molly lean into his touch, aching into it.
“I’m an asshole,” he heard him groan, muffled by his palms.
“You’re not,” Caleb murmured into his purple curls.
“I am,” Molly dropped his hands, “Gods, I haven’t seen my brother in years and he comes here and I didn’t even tell my husband or my kids about him, what does that make me look like to him? To you?”
Caleb shrugged, “It was a bit of a surprise...um, why didn’t you tell us? Just out of curiosity…”
Molly turned in his arms, pressing his face to the curve of his neck, having to bend as Caleb was just a little shorter than him. It was long enough that Caleb had accepted he wasn’t ready to talk about it, content just to hold him and let it pass, but then he felt him murmur.
“I hardly ever see him. He’s a pirate with the Revelry, he’s always off sailing somewhere and...and I try, I used to try but he never replies and I’d spend ninety percent of the time having no clue where he was before he’d just pop up suddenly and I’d have to bend my life around him for however long he’d stay and then have him just run off again…”
“And...Lucien?” Caleb asked hesitantly, “He’s your brother too?”
Molly moved back, eyes suddenly solid and serious, “Caleb, I need you to promise me, if you ever hear anything from Lucien, if you ever see him or he contacts you, you ignore him completely and you come straight to tell me. Don’t let him get anywhere near the kids, don’t listen to a word he says, just ignore him and find me. Understand?”
Caleb swallowed hard, more than a little taken aback, he’d never seen Molly like this, “I promise.”
At that, Molly relaxed a little, “He just...he’s not a good man, Caleb. He’s in deep with this cult shit, just...we’re having nothing to do with him anymore.”
Caleb nodded but a question was pressing irritatingly at the base of his tongue, wanting to push forward, as much as he worried it would upset Molly. His husband noticed, reading his face as easily as he ever had, a tired but fond smile chasing the last of the severity off his face.
“Go on then,” he prompted gently, “Ask me.”
Caleb almost groaned in relief as he nearly blurted, “How do you know they’re your brothers?”
Molly gave a rough laugh, “You mean aside from the obvious, that they look enough like me that you sucked Kingsely’s face thinking it was mine?”
Caleb’s face went up like flashpaper as he started to splutter, “It was an accident!”
Molly grinned, looking a little more like himself, putting a gentle hand on his cheek, “I get it, babe, don’t worry, I’ll take an IOU...but I get what you mean. You’re right, I don’t actually remember growing up with them, I don’t remember actually being their brother. And that’s kind of why it kind of hurts having him around, honestly.”
Caleb nodded sympathetically, “So they just sort of showed up after you woke up again?”
“Yeah,” Molly huffed out a laugh that didn’t have much humour in it, “Imagine you’re just walking down the street one day and some guy with your own face runs up to you and hugs you so hard it knocks you off your feet.”
“I can see how that would be...disconcerting?”
“Somewhat,” Molly sighed, moving to look at his reflection in the microwave door, trying to sort out the mess he’d made of his makeup, “Kingsley just...he’s a sweet enough guy even if he is a flit but...when he looks at me he sees this big brother he thought he’d lost, someone who apparently looked after him and ran around after him and held things together for him. Someone I absolutely am not. And he can’t seem to get it through his skull that I can’t be that person.”
Caleb gently but firmly stepped in front of Molly, taking his hands in his own. He didn’t seem to realise how badly they were shaking.
Molly gripped his fingers tightly, like he was holding on for dear life, like he hadn’t even realised how deep the water around him was until Caleb reached out.
“Honestly,” his voice was a shaky exhale, “I’m kind of glad he doesn’t stick around. He’d realise his brother’s gone for good.”
Caleb took a moment to consider his words, wanting desperately to say the right thing, willing his brain to kick into gear and let him help.
“Maybe if he met you now he’d realise he liked the brother he has?” he murmured gently, running his thumbs soothingly across Molly’s knuckles, “I am biased but I think you’re pretty fantastic.”
Molly smiled softly, leaning forward until he was resting his forehead on Caleb’s, “Thanks…”
“I don’t think you need to pretend to be anyone else,” Caleb promised, shifting slightly so he could press his lips to his forehead. It wasn’t quite the kiss he was imagining but he could tell it made Molly feel better and that was all that mattered.
Maybe so he couldn’t lose his nerve, Molly quickly returned the favour with a gentle kiss to the cheek and moved back into the living room. Caleb decided it was best to give them a moment, making a cup of tea of his own. He lingered over it, holding the warmth between his hands, watching the light outside of their small window turn from the full, deep orange of sunset to a cool blue.
Only then did he pad into the living room, not entirely sure what he was going to find. Of course he trusted Mollymauk but still, it wouldn’t hurt to be a little prepared to break up a fight. He mentally catalogued the components in his pockets, just in case.
But when he stuck his head around the corner, there were no flying feathers or drawn swords. The two Tealeafs were sat on the sofa together, Kingsley in the middle of another ramble, hands moving through the air as he gestured widley. Molly had an expression of bemusement and vague surprise.
“-and I was thinking I could show them how to tie knots, I swear man, you don’t even know how many godsdamned knots there are,” Kingsley was saying, eyes alight with excitement, “And maybe, if it was okay with you and Red obviously, I could take em out on the ship sometime! Just a little day trip and you guys could come too, there’s a place where you can always see dolphins and there’s seals and I even saw a whale once! Kids would be into that, right? Kids like animals, don’t they?”
For the first time, Kingsley looked something other than blithely amused. For the first time, a kind of hopeless uncertainty edged into his eyes.
Molly clearly caught it, something in him softening, “You...you really want to spend time with my kids?”
“Of course I do!” Kingsley blinked, “I mean, okay, I’ve not been the best brother on the planet but I’m an uncle now. Like, I’m someone’s actual uncle! That’s the most incredible thing and I just really want to do a good job at it. I want them to like me.”
For a moment, Molly looked startled, like he hadn’t expected him to say that. But once it had sunken in, his face cracked into a smile.
“I’ll be honest, Kingsley, I don’t think you’re going to have to work that hard to get them to like you. You’ll see.”
Kingsley looked like that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to him, his face lighting up like the dawn.
“And look,” Molly shrugged, “You’re not a shitty brother or anything just...just call more, damn it.”
“Okay, I promise,” Kingsley was back to laughing, looking like he was a second away from pouncing on Molly and hugging him, “I mean, I'm gonna be checking in with my little niece and nephew all the time, right?”
“Yeah,” Molly grinned back at him, “I guess you will.”
For all the broken teeth, they really did have the exact same smile.
Caleb leaned against the doorway, eyes warm as he watched them, as he watched Kingsely loudly announce that he’d even brought a present for his new family members before pulling an entire cutlass out of a holster neither of them had noticed under his coat, as he watched Molly choke down a laugh and start to explain why, as cool as they’d find it, a pirate sword really wasn’t an appropriate gift for two toddlers.
None of this had been on his list. But there was something to be said for surprises.
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mintaka14 · 3 years
See the Light
A Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction
By Mintaka14
Chapter Two – Chasing Down a Daydream
 “Luka’s not seeing anyone,” Rose said conspiratorially as Marinette pinned a swathe of calico dress pattern into place on the tiny blonde girl, and Marinette couldn’t help the involuntary glance in Luka’s direction. “Not that he hasn’t had his share of girlfriends, and a couple of boyfriends too, for that matter,” Rose went on.
“I’m sure he has,” Marinette said coolly.
“They’ve never lasted more than a few months, though,” Rose told her, and said with studied innocence, “I think he’s still waiting for the right one to come along. Or to come back.”
Marinette ignored that, and focused her attention on how the rough bodice was sitting. The neckline was still not quite right.
“Deny it all you want, but I know there’s something in the air with you and Luka. I can feel it. My Sparkly Sense is tingling.”
“Your Sparkly Sense?” Marinette said, a little louder in disbelief than she’d meant to be, and Luka looked up. Her eyes met Luka’s over Rose’s shoulder, and he gave her a quick grin. Marinette rolled her eyes back at him.
“Like Spidey Sense,” Rose was saying, “only more sparkly. It’s never wrong.”
Luka went back to playing, and Marinette found herself watching his hands as they moved over his guitar. There was something indecently hot about the leather cuff and bracelets around his slim, strong wrist, and she got dizzy just thinking about those callused musician’s hands of his. It turned out that Rose wasn’t the only one getting ideas, and Marinette clamped down hard on that particular little daydream before it could get out of hand.
Rose saw romance everywhere she looked, but that bridge had been well and truly burned. Luka had moved on long ago from whatever damage Marinette had done to him, and there was no way that he could ever feel like that about her after the way she’d broken his heart all those years ago, even if she was willing or able to try and start anything again. She considered herself fortunate that he was willing to let her back into his life as a friend.
“We’re just good friends,” she muttered, and the piece of calico she’d been pinning shifted as Rose folded her arms. Marinette glanced up into Rose’s wide blue stare and one raised eyebrow. Rose flicked a glance back over her shoulder at Luka, and turned back to Marinette.
“Just friends, huh?” the blonde girl said, and Marinette put her hands on her hips.
“Don’t start,” she warned her friend, keeping her voice low. “We tried the whole relationship thing, remember? Do you really want to put Luka through all that again?”
Rose rolled her eyes. “That was ten years ago! You were fourteen.”
“And nothing’s changed,” Marinette said firmly. Rose didn’t look convinced, but Marinette started unpinning the back of the rough gown so that she could step out of it. “I think I’ve got enough to work on with this dress for now.”
Rose reached for her tunic and leggings, tugging them on over the slip she’d been wearing for the fitting, and Marinette folded the calico gown, careful not to dislodge any of the pins or markings. When Juleka came over for her fitting, Marinette said, “Your girlfriend is a compulsive romantic,” and Juleka grinned at her.
“Yeah,” the taller girl said, and held out her arms with professional ease while Marinette set up the pattern around her. “My life is full of unicorns, and I have glitter in places I didn’t know existed.”
Marinette pulled a face. “I did not need to know that.”
After Rose’s constant fidgeting, it was so much easier to work with Juleka, who was used to holding a position while seamstresses buzzed around her. The mock-up started to take shape much more quickly this time.
“And somehow my wedding is turning into a fairytale extravaganza,” Juleka complained, but she didn’t sound too distressed about it. At least Juleka got to be a little bit Maleficent, Marinette thought, eyeing the gown and picturing it in the shimmering black metallic fabric she planned on using.
“Luka said that Jagged’s going to be at the wedding,” Marinette said, taking another pin from the band on her wrist and frowning critically at the calico pattern piece she’d just adjusted on Juleka. On the other side of the room, Rose had started making something that involved a lot of glitter and offering the occasional critique on whatever Luka was playing.
“He’s the one who got us the venue,” Juleka said with a shrug. “Or rather, Penny did. It’s amazing how easy it is to make things happen when you’ve got Jagged Stone’s wife and personal manager organising it.”
“And you don’t…?” Marinette broke off, not quite sure how to finish the question.
“It never bothered me like it did Luka.” Juleka shot her brother a look, and Marinette followed the direction of her gaze. “And if a lingering sense of guilt means Jagged wants to spring for a château on a vineyard estate and a weekend in Bordeaux for all of us, I’m not going to stop him.”
“A vineyard in Bordeaux? That sounds lovely.”
“Yeah,” Juleka said softly, and her eyes went to Rose, surrounded by glitter and black craft paper. “Yeah, it does.”
Marinette knelt and busied herself with the fall of the calico pattern while Juleka stood there patiently in her slip. The strains of Luka’s acoustic guitar made a pleasant background as he drifted from one song to another, breaking off occasionally to call out something to Juleka or ask Rose’s opinion, and then sliding into something else. Somewhere along the way, he started singing scraps of the songs, and Marinette found herself caught by the soft, husky burr of his voice.
Luka was still the same sweet boy he’d always been, but older. Sharper. Hotter, she had to admit. The kindness that had always been in his eyes was still there, and that indefinable sense of grounded calm had only grown stronger. Luka wore maturity well, and gave the impression that he had nothing he needed to prove to anyone.
She’d been relieved to see that he still dyed his hair. That shade of ocean teal was one she always associated in her memory with Luka, although he wore it in a longer undercut now that shadowed his face when he wanted it to and left her itching to run her hands through his hair and tangle her fingers in it until she could see those eyes go as dark as the open sea.
She found herself following the angular outline of his jaw, which had lost the softer edge of his teenage years, and she wanted to reach out and run her fingers along the shadow of stubble there now, down to oh god those shoulders and the swell of his biceps with the ink that coiled around his arm and along the sinews of his forearms.
The fashion designer in her that always paid attention to people and what they wore couldn’t help but notice that Luka still wore his clothes with an easy air. He wore a shirt and tie with the same casual indfference that he wore his favourite band shirt, and, if Marinette was any judge, a complete lack of interest in how he looked in either. It really wasn’t fair how attractive that indifference was, or that he looked so stupidly hot no matter what he put on.
Right now, he was wearing an old tshirt and a sleeveless hoodie that had seen better days, the heel of his heavy black boot hooked over the crossbar of his chair and idly tapping along with whatever it was he was playing on his acoustic guitar.
Marinette found herself imagining the staff and school parents, and probably more than a few of the students themselves, who probably swooned over him, and wondered if he noticed them. She drew a swift, sharp breath and suppressed the pang at the thought. Nice as it was to be back in his life, and as easy as it was to fall back into that closeness that they’d had before things had fallen apart in their teenage years, nothing had fundamentally changed. She still couldn’t ask him for more, and she certainly couldn’t give him more. No matter how much, a tiny fragment of her whispered slyly, you might really, really want to.
He laughed at something Rose said, and suggested, “Fine, Miss Disney Princess, what about this one?”
The guitar shifted and rippled into something else, and Luka sang, “All those days, watching from the windows,” with a laugh in his voice. He broke off to tell Rose, “But you might have to grow your hair out for that. Or is Juleka going to be Rapunzel at your fairytale wedding?” and then he picked up the melody again.
Marinette didn’t realise that she’d been singing along, or that Luka had dropped back to a soft hum, until she felt Juleka tap on her shoulder. Juleka pointed behind her, and she looked around to find Rose staring at her with huge, excited eyes and her hands clasped under her chin. Luka’s hands stilled on his guitar, and he gave her a warm smile.
“That. Was beautiful!” Rose squeaked. “You two sound so good together. You have to sing that for us at the wedding!”
Marinette shrank back a little, her eyes going to Luka.
“I can’t sing.”
“You sound just like Mandy Moore!” Rose insisted, but Marinette was pretty sure that that was just Rose’s enthusiasm speaking.
“You’ve got a nice voice,” Luka said more moderately from the chair where he was bent over his guitar. “Sweet, with a little rough around the edges. It’s nice.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile as he strummed a random chord. “And you can sing on key.”
Luka couldn’t lie to save himself when it came to matters of music, no matter how much he might want to spare a friend’s feelings, and Marinette felt a little reassured.
“I’m already making your wedding dresses,” she told Rose. “Isn’t that enough?”
“It’s just one little song,” Rose pleaded. Those big, Bambi eyes were dangerous, and Marinette could only hope that Rose used them for good and not evil. “One little song. Hardly anything. Please??”
Marinette shot Luka a surreptitious glance, but he was focused on the soft music he was playing again and all she could see was the fall of his blue dyed hair and the sharp line of his jaw. She sighed in surrender.
Rose beamed triumphantly. “Oh, this is going to be so good!” She clapped her hands together, and got a look of cunning that left Marinette feeling uneasy. “You two are going to need to practise together. We’ll leave you to work it out.”
And she hauled Juleka out of the room, towing the taller girl with surprising strength. The door closed firmly on Juleka’s protests, and Luka and Marinette exchanged glances. Marinette couldn’t help laughing, a little helplessly.
“Rose is not subtle.”
“Ro’s the eternal romantic. I think she’s decided that if she throws us at each other hard enough, the magic will happen. She’ll get over it.”
The guitar strings sang At last I see the light, and he raised an eyebrow at her in a question.
“You really want to do this?” she asked him. “I’m not a singer.”
“You can hold a tune, and you know most of the words already.” Luka’s smile grew wider. “I’m a pretty poor music teacher if I can’t get us through one song.”
She let out a small huff, and Luka’s eyes grew soft with concern. “If you don’t want to, I’ll talk Rose out of it.”
“Is that even possible?” Marinette muttered, and Luka chuckled.
“I have my ways.”
Marinette considered it for a long moment, then, against her better judgement, she shook her head. “I might as well give in now as later,” she told him. “The things I do for my friends.”
“Tell me if you don’t want this,” he insisted. His ocean blue eyes were still on her, giving her that look that saw more than they should, and Marinette remembered sixteen year old Luka telling her You can tell me everything, or nothing if you prefer as he held her while she fell apart. And she’d wanted to tell him everything. She’d come within a breath of spilling all her secrets and risking the safety of everyone she cared about to keep him.
Looking into his eyes now, Marinette had a bad feeling that the man Luka had become would be even harder to walk away from than the sweet sixteen year old boy he’d been. So it was just as well that Rose and her Sparkly Sense was way off base.
“What have I gotten myself into?” she sighed.
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iturbide · 3 years
Ah, Bylass facts in this tumblr today,,, I agree with everything you said in regards to F!Byleth’s armor! (And also Corrin/Robin, but even then neither of them are as bad as F!Byleth! It’s… actually kinda ridiculously how big the difference is between Male and Female Byleth??)
Hopefully the next FE game with an avatar character won’t do the whole sexualizing the female avatar thing.
At least for me, it isn’t even that the character is sexualized! That can be part of a character’s Thing! Certain characters - like Dorothea, I personally thought altho ik not everyone agrees, which is fine! - even do it tastefully. It’s when you have a counterpart of the opposite gender and there’s a… Very clear discrepancy lol, that annoys me to not no end.
Oh, absolutely: Robin was fine up until the Grandmaster, Corrin was bad but not egregious since it was just one alteration (though it was a very sexualizing one), but Bylass is just a whole other issue because they changed practically everything about her attire compared to her Bylad.
And because I'm feeling pedantic I'm going to list them.
They have roughly seven aspects in common, and they're all fairly minor:
The boots
The one knee guard*
The dagger
The shoulder armor
The coat
The vambraces*
The medallion*
While the list of differences is somewhat shorter, when the execution is taken into account it gets insane:
Bylad has pants; Bylass has patterned fishnet leggings (in concert with the aforementioned knee guard, that amounts to having metal in direct contact with bare skin, which is bad)
Related to the above, Bylad also has a medieval tunic long enough to cover his upper legs; Bylass has the shortest of short shorts and no cover at all, giving her limited to absent protection since it's very clear where her clothing ends and she begins.
Bylad has armor around his waist and stomach where his medallion attaches; Bylass has her midriff exposed by her armor that only protects her sides and upper abdomen (also, the fact that her midriff is exposed skin makes it seem like her top isn't long enough, either -- again, metal in contact with bare skin is bad)
Bylad has basically a medieval tunic that ends above knee length; Bylass has a tight-fitted sleeveless top with a low neckline and a train below knee length (that is a tripping hazard and generally a terrible idea for combat attire)
Related to the above, Bylad's tunic has long sleeves extending to at least mid-forearm (it's impossible to gauge the exact length because of the armor) and gloves; Bylass has no sleeves at all and no gloves meaning her vambraces are on bare skin (which I've covered a few times already -- it's bad)
Bylad has an armored collar that protects his shoulders, throat, and the upper portions of his back and chest; Bylass has what appears to be a cloth collar where her medallion attaches that does not extend far enough down to protect her upper chest (and while for once I don't have to bring up the armor on bare skin, I have to bring up that you can still see skin below her collar and above the neckline of her shirt, so she has no protection whatsoever aside from the medallion that would rest around her sternum -- but it's unfixed, meaning it can swing around and therefore provides no reliable defense)
That's. That's a bad list there, especially since we know from the intro of the story that regardless of gender Byleth is a mercenary. Bylass' outfit would provide minimal to no protection in combat, meaning she's either the absolute best of the best who never gets hurt ever (and we know that's not true since she almost died in the Prologue trying to protect Edelgard from Kostas) or she doesn't fight much at all. Which means she's not really a mercenary. And that does a disservice to her character.
Because I think you're right: characters can be sexualized in such a way that doesn't feel gross, especially when it's specifically addressed. I agree with you that Dorothea is much more sexualized than any of the other female characters in the game, and it even starts in the Academy Phase: her uniform is stylistically in line with the Garreg Mach standard (the black, white, and gold colors, skirt, boots, etc), but she is the only named female student with such a low-cut blouse on display: all the other girls have either shirts with high necklines/collars or wear a closed jacket with a high collar -- but Dorothea specifically keeps her jacket open to show off her chest.
And the thing is that it makes sense for her character, since her own stated goal is that she's looking to find a rich husband so that she doesn't have to worry about going back to the streets. She knows that her body is an asset in this regard, since she's looking for security more than love, so she uses it to the absolute best of her ability. She's a singer in the Academy Phase, a mage in the War Phase, so she's not going to want or need lots of heavy armor, and her designs overall make sense (though I do call foul on the way her post-timeskip dress is cut in the back, that is nonsensically insane and also please stop making women wear metal in contact with skin, that armor bodice just looks so uncomfortable). So all of that in context is reasonable for her as a character.
The difference between Bylad and Bylass is not reasonable. Not when they have the same canonical history and profession. Not when they're both supposed to be adept fighters who have earned the moniker of Ashen Demon for themselves. What they did to Bylass is just gross to me and I will never stop being bitter about it.
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Business Vs. Pleasure
Fandom: Obey me 
Type: Angst -  Does have a section of 18+ 
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader - ft. Beel and Belphie 
When you entered Devildom you never meant to form relationships with the angels or brothers. It was a simple deal made with Lord Diavolo, to survive 1 year in Devildom and then go back to the human world. There wasn’t a reason to open your heart to your “coworkers” as you like to call them, cause after the year is up you will never see them again. The angels and Solomon started to work on your walls quickly and you let them in, after all they promised they would always visit you in the human world after the year is up and angels never lie. Right? 
Slowly even though I told myself I wouldn't, I started to let the brothers close. They slowly made their way into my heart, even the proud, cold Lucifer. He started to take interest in you and even though your heart was fighting it, you ended up dating. Over time a majority of heart settled down and being with Lucifer was absolute heaven, and him marking you made the bullying at school stop. Though Lucifer was a perfect gentleman and a dream, you kept a part of your heart guarded because it always confused you as to why one of the most powerful demons in the realm fell in love with you, a human.
Y/n’s POV
Exchange Program 
Dia: Remember that we have a party tonight everyone 
to celebrate 6 months of the exchange program 
Y/n: Yes I get to wear my new dress finally 
Luci: The one Jack made for you? 
Y/n: Yeah that one, he gave it to me last weekend
Asmo: Yeeeeees it's going to look so good on you 
Levi: Do I have to go?
Dia: Yes Levi, and all demons and angels must be in their natural forms 
Simeon: Sounds good
Solomon: 😑
Lucifer: Everyone be ready at 5pm
DO NOT BE LATE (Asmo and Belphie) 
Y/n: 😊
Levi: 👍
Beel: 👍
Checking the clock shows you have a few hours, so you decide to relax with a nice long bubble bath using some soaps that Asmo got you for your birthday last month. You let your body soak in the tub taking extra time on your hair and adding a facemask to make your face gorgeous. After a while of feeling pampered you get out and get in a robe, starting to dry your (h/l) (hc) and styling it. You add a few silver and ruby hair clips, before moving onto makeup. You do a natural smoky eye with light mascara and a deep red lip. Lucifer always says how good you look without makeup so you keep the rest of your face bare, not wanting to over do it. 
Next you go over to the garment bag that held your dress your best friend Jack made. He was a world renowned fashion designer and promised you for your birthday he would make you a gorgeous dress. He had just sent it with Solomon the weekend beforehand you are excited to see it. Unzipping the bag you pull out the floor length dress and cape. The dress is sleeveless with the top part being a black beaded mesh and  the skirt faded from black to a red Ombre. The cape was black and was attachable to the dress with a silver peacock feather encrusted with rubies. You put on the gorgeous dress, it fit perfectly and fell right to the floor. You attach the cape and go over to your jewelry box, there you get the silver and ruby necklace and earring set that Lucifer got you for your birthday last month. You add simple silver bangles to your wrist and grab some black heels before checking the time. It was almost 5 and you hear a knock at the door. 
“Almost ready Y/n” Lucifer’s voice floated through the door. You walk over and unlock it to see Lucifer in a suit. 
“ Yeah I just need my purse” you walk over to grab your black purse and make sure your DDD is inside. You turn around to find Lucifer waiting near the door on his phone. You get his attention when you walk over.  
“Like my dress?” You ask spinning to show it off. He nods not even looking up, you roll your eyes before walking down to the front foyer. The other brothers were already there and you hear Asmo catcall you. 
“Y/n that dress is so pretty” Asmo gushes as he spins you around to admire the dress. “Jack is so talented” 
“Asmo stop spinning Y/n around, it's time to go.” Lucifer sounds annoyed as he opens the front door and offers me his arm . I take it and we all chat on the way up to the Demon Lord's castle. The angels and Solomon are already waiting in the dining room, we arrive a few minutes before 5. 
“Sorry for keeping you waiting, Y/n had to take her time” Lucifer apologies as we walk in.  We weren’t even late, what got him in such a bad mood? I see Simeon and Solomon staring at me as I walk in. 
“Y/n you are so pretty” Luke jumps out of his chair and runs over to me to hug me. I blush and laugh before ruffling his hair. I see him pout a little before returning to his seat.
“Nonsense Lucifer, it's not 5pm yet, please come have a seat.” Lord Diavolo smiles standing up. “Y/n you look stunning, where did you get that dress?” He gives me a quick side hug as I pass. 
“ My best friend made it for my birthday.” I smile, slightly blushing at the compliments.  I sit between Solomon and Lucifer as dinner begins.  Dinner passes quickly with all the laughing and chaos. After dinner we get led to the ballroom when Lord Diavolo claps his hands. 
“Time to party everyone”  He turns into his demon form and the brothers follow. Simeon and Luke both go into their angel forms and let their gorgeous white wings on display. You Feel a little insecure looking at the demons around you. Solomon notices your discomfort and places a hand on your shoulder.
“You look gorgeous Y/n, Jack would love it” He squeezes my arm just as Lucifer walks over. 
“Dance with me Y/n?” He asks in a commanding manner. I nod and take his arm as he leads me to the dance floor. We dance for a couple songs before Lord Diavolo steps in. 
“Lucifer, can I steal Y/n for a dance?” He asks, giving a grin to me. Lucifer sighs and nods letting me swing into Lord Diavolo’s arms.  Lucifer leaves the dance floor and you dance with Lord Diavolo, smiling at his antics.
 Solomon appears at the start of the next song taking over for Lord Diavolo. I laugh at his antics and look around not seeing Lucifer anywhere. The brothers all take turns dancing with me, until I land in Simeon’s arms. I dance with him before finally excusing myself to get a drink. I walk over to the table to grab a drink and look for Lucifer but don’t see him anywhere.
“Y/n” I hear Beel call my name and see him and Lord Diavolo walking over to me. I smile at them and wave.
“Hey guys, have you seen Lucifer anywhere? I haven’t seen him since we danced.” I ask as they approach me. They both shake their heads, I sigh.
“Want me to help you look? I want to let him know Belphie and I want to go home.”  Beel asks me sweetly. I nod and give him a hug. 
“That would help me so much, thanks Beel” Lord Diavolo laughs before walking off while Beel and I leave the dance to hunt for Lucifer. It took a little while but suddenly while we were in the West wing of the Castle we heard a loud moan and a banging sound. Exchanging glances Beel and I walk toward the sound. There is a door cracked open and when I looked in I died. 
Lucifer’s POV 
I had a complicated relationship with Y/n, I didn’t really find myself attracted to her at all, but I hated the thought of her with anyone else. She was a human that I was obligated to protect for a year and nothing more.  I chose to go the easiest way of protecting her by marking her and being in a relationship with her. No one would bother her with my mark on her neck, I knew she had the wrong idea, but she should know better than to trust a demon. 
She looked amazing tonight but when a set of twin Succubi came up to me while she was dancing I couldn’t help myself. Seeing her dance with my brothers was a perfect distraction for me to have some fun. I follow the succubi to a room in the west wing before having some fun. 
Y/n POV  - 18+ content here 
I wince as I look in  the room and see Lucifer in a compromising position while a second was kissing him. He was clearly enjoying himself and I just pull out my phone and take a small video of him groaning and kissing the succubi.
“You are so much better then Y/n, you're such a good girl” He groans and I stop the video and close the door, Beel just had his jaw dropped. I walked by him tapping him on the shoulder. 
End of 18 + Content 
“Come on Beel” I whisper, pulling him back to the ballroom. Tears were threatening to rundown my face and  I tried to push the feelings away. He stops at the entrance to the hallway and turns to me.  
“Y/n, are you sure you are okay?” Beel looks at me concerned. I shake my head and try to stop the tears starting to run down my face.
“Y/n what's wrong, Demon get away from her!” Luke calls as he comes running up and pushes Beel away from me. 
“Luke it's okay, it's not his fault” I say, wrapping my arms around the demon. Simeon walks up to me. 
“ What happened Y/n” He asked, looking from me to Beel, but while trying to voice what happened the emotions caught up to me and I collapsed against the wall. Simeon and Bell escort me into a living room and sit me on the couch. Luke crawls into my lap as I continue to cry.
“We found Lucifer cheating on Y/n with a couple of Succubi. He is down the hall” Beel explains as my neck starts burning really bad. I whimper and clutch my mark as we hear Lucifer yell loudly. Simeon stares down the hall wide eyed and looks back at me as I clutch my neck.
"Beel is my neck burning because Lucifer is cheating?" I asked, recognizing the burn as one that happens a couple times a week. Beel hangs his head in shame and nods not wanting to look at me. I feel my heart break with this realization. 
"This isn't the first time you felt it is it?" Simeon asks softly sitting next to me and pulling me in for a hug, I shake my head, tears still falling. Luke looks furious and wraps his arms around me. 
“ I am going to get Belphie and let Lord Diavolo know we are going home.” Beel says leaving the room. Simeon wraps his wings around me and softly hums as he holds me. I just held Luke and let everything out, knowing once again I had failed. I knew that I shouldn’t have fallen in love with a demon. Mixing business and pleasure never ends well. Now you have an image of Lucifer you never wanted to see and 6 months left of the exchange program before you can go home and forget. 
“It’s okay Y/n, you're better off without him. I told you never to trust a demon.” Luke softly scolded me, but I could hear the sorrow in his voice as he cuddled up in my arms. Simeon kept his wings out, shielding me from the world so we were in our own little cocoon. 
“Y/n wanna go home and cuddle?” Belphie’s voice cut through the air as he and Beel returned to the room. Simeon wipes my eyes and gives me a kiss on the forehead before lowering his wings. Belphie looked at me curiously and Beel looked worried.
“I didn’t tell him yet what happened, Lord Diavolo and the others know we are leaving and we are taking you home. No one knows why, I just said you got really sick.” Beel explained. I nod and Luke climbs off my lap so I can stand up. I get woozy and almost fall over until Simeon stabilizes me. My neck starts to burn again and I wince at the pain cupping the mark again. Simeon walks me over to Beel and Beel scoops me up and carries me all the way to the House of Lamentation.
 Thankfully we didn’t meet anyone and once we made it back, Beel went into my room and got out some sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt for me to wear. I change while the boys wait outside in the hall. I take off my makeup and put away my accessories. I make sure to hang up the beautiful dress and open my door. Meanwhile Beel fills Belphie in and Belphie gets really mad, hugging me tight and trying not to shift back to his demon form. I crawl into my bed and Beel starts to brush out and play with my hair.  Beel and Belphie whispers to me about how much Lucifer screwed up and that I deserve better. I let my emotions out and cry, feeling safe between the twins. I feel my neck pulsing, but thankfully the burning stops. Tomorrow, I will be strong and move on, but tonight I just needed to heal. 
  After a while I start to feel myself get drowsy and I feel Belphie wrap me up in a blanket. I feel him rub my back and hum softly continuing to lull me deeper into sleep. I let out a few more whimpers before falling into a fitful sleep.    
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cakejots · 3 years
this is us trying, Chapter 7 - The Aid
In this AU, they don’t know each other outside of the suit. And in this AU, Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other. But in this AU, Chat doesn’t want their identities revealed.
Written for @ladynoirjuly 2021
notes: this is a coherent story based on all the prompts; each chapter contains at least 3 prompts
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10
Read on AO3
21. Roommates
The journey to Marinette’s house was a short one, it was no wonder she appeared so quickly earlier on. They went past the Dupain-Cheng Bakery and within a minute, they landed on her balcony.
Lady Rouge? Rena Bug? Rena bug sounded more consistent with her other unifications but he still didn’t know. Marinette slid open her balcony door and stepped in, but Chat didn’t follow. When she realised he had yet to come in, she went to the balcony door.
“What’s wrong?”
“Are you sure?” He glimpsed at her. “I don’t want to impose.”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I’m not okay with it,” she rolled her eyes. “And don’t worry, you’re not imposing at all!”
Chat still stood rooted at the balcony.
“You… We can treat it as though we’re roommates?” She tried. “You can sleep on the bed while I sleep on the mattress.”
“Actually, I should sleep on the mattress and you on the bed. I don’t want to intrude on the place where you need your beauty sleep.”
She sighed. “If I agree to that, will you come in?”
He nodded.
“Alright, I’ll sleep in my bed.”
Once he entered, they de-transformed, and Marinette’s stomach growled.
Her arms flew to her abdomen and her cheeks turned pink. “Aha, I haven’t had breakfast…”
“Let me make it for you!” Adrien jumped on the chance.
“Adrien, all I have to do is to spread the butter and jam on the bread,” she chuckled.
“I know. But please,” he activated his kitten eyes, “that’s the least I can do for you.”
Her eyebrow twitched. “Alright, alright.”
He beamed. “And for your drink?”
“Tea, please.”
“Coming right up!” He started to move, but stopped soon after. “Uhh, I might need you to show me the way to everything.”
Marinette laughed. Such a dork.
After they had fun making their breakfast together and feeding each other, Marinette went into her room to get something while Adrien stayed in the living room to browse his public social account. He understood that he couldn’t run from the scandal for long. He needed to know what the public was saying so that he could come up with a suitable statement to address it.
“Chaton, you need some time off from that.” He jumped when her voice appeared so suddenly beside his ear as she planted herself next to him. “So put that away and join me!”
“What are you doing?”
“Designing!” She held up her sketchbook. “What do you think?”
Adrien took the sketchbook from her and focused on the sketch she had drawn. It was a long and elegant A-Line dress with lace-patterned sleek long sleeves.
He smiled teasingly. “Is my lady aspiring to be a fashion designer?”
She nodded, anticipation for his opinion clear in her eyes.
“It’s really classy!” He raised an eyebrow, then wiggled both. “Are you making this for a future date with me?”
She flushed. “I-I know you have something to comment about the dress, tell me!”
He laughed. “Well, it’s perfect the way it is. But since you asked, you can always go sleeveless as well.”
Her eyes sparkled at his comment, a smirk growing on her lips. She flipped a page on the sketchbook still in his hands to show the same dress. But this time, the sleeves are gone, exactly what he had suggested just moments ago.
Adrien’s smile faltered for a second before coming back wider and prouder. “You sure you’re not a fashion designer yet?”
She scratched the back of her head. “I really wanted to intern at Gabriel…”
“But no worries!” She clapped her hands to disperse the gloomy atmosphere. “Having the model of a fashion powerhouse compliment my designs? It’s more than I could ever ask for.”
“With skills like these, it won’t be long until someone picks you.” He held her hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of it. “Do you have a portfolio? Can you show them to me?”
Marinette’s eyes gleamed. “Can my day get any better?”
They spent the rest of the day admiring her impressive collection of designs.
The yawn that came from Marinette halted whatever they were doing.
“S-Sorry,” she covered her mouth, cheeks reddened. “I woke up earlier than usual today, so I think I’m turning in right now. D-Do you want to join me?”
“I would love to,” he smiled.
She stood to get the mattress but Adrien held her arm. “Actually, is… is it okay if w-we sleep together on your bed?”
Her eyes shone and she squatted down to his level to booped his nose. “Of course, mon Chaton.” She grabbed his hands and led him to the toilet before going to her room.
She jumped into her bed and moved in to give him space. Marinette looked at him expectantly as he stopped at her door. She raised her arms to entice him into her embrace, and it worked. Adrien walked towards her bed and snaked his arms around her waist as he got on, pulling her body flush against his.
“Ahhh,” she melted into him. “Your heat is very welcome right now”
“Did you invite me just to be your personal heater?”
“Maaaybe,” she smirked.
He pulled away and gaped at her, mock-offended. “How dare you.”
She cackled and chased after his heat. “Adrieeen! Don’t do this to meee, come back here!”
Marinette managed to pull him back, her arms caged his neck and legs wrapped around his waist, effectively trapping him.
“Alright, alright,” he chuckled, arms encircling her once again and he kissed her nose. “Goodnight, Marinette.”
Her cheeks burn at the sweet gesture. “Goodnight, Adrien.”
22. Heal
Adrien awoke from his slumber, alarmed that he’s in an unfamiliar room, until he recalled that he was staying over at Marinette’s. He checked his side, and there she was still sleeping as soundly as he remembered just a few days prior.
Marinette wasn’t clinging onto him as tightly as she was last night, but she’s still snuggled up in his personal space. He doesn’t mind that all at, he had his arm wrapped around her shoulders pulling her towards him. Her hand and leg were draped lazily across his waist and leg, and her head was on his chest, rising and falling in accordance to his breathing.
It wasn’t a dream.
She’s by his side.
And he still has the scandal to deal with.
Adrien ran his hand down his face to wipe away any sleepiness before he grabbed his phone from the shelves above him, and concluded Marinette is a pretty heavy sleeper. He shifted quite a bit searching for his phone but she didn’t stir at all. After finding a comfortable position, he went online and browsed through.
There’s the side that’s all rainbowy, sparkles, and flowers. The side that supports his decisions, saying how adorable they are as a couple and calls for the media and harassers to stop their digging and let him be happy.
And then there’s the mob and haters, holding their pitchforks and axes and spreading false rumours, negativity, and hate about their relationship. Demanding them to break up, else they’d boycott him.
He has been in the eyes of the media all his life, he has learnt how to filter out the noises pretty well. He can’t please everyone. They’re all unique with their own taste and preferences. He understood that much. Which was why he really didn’t care if people boycotted him. If they really supported him, they would’ve wished him happiness.
What he really couldn’t stand were the nasty remarks they'd made of Marinette. He knew it was going to come, but to read about them with his own eyes made his blood boil.
How dare they call her these abhorrent names. They are just vomiting words that didn’t describe Marinette at all. Golddigger? Slut? Whore? He was so disgusted that people could scope to that level. She’s the sweetest person he’s ever met and was pretty sure no one could come close to her level. She’s Ladybug! Protector of Paris and people love her. And as soon as she shows up in a different form, she gets hated on? He was never one to be bothered by haters’ opinions, but they are directed at Marinette, the love of his life. He can’t let this slide! This shouldn’t even be happening. Why are humans so ugly? What—
Her groggy voice snapped him out of his onslaught of the haters, and he directed his attention to her on his chest.
Those blue eyes were staring at him so intently, and it made him self-conscious. But it also made him finally realise that his heart rate was accelerating and he was inhaling quick and shallow breaths. He was also gripping her shoulder stiffly.
He released his hold immediately.
Shit. Were those what disturbed her beauty sleep?
“Good morning, my lady!” He tried his best to sound as cheery as possible, to hide the fact that he was doing something she had disapproved of earlier on.
“What are you checking on your phone?” Fuck.
He wasn’t able to explain because Marinette had pushed herself from his chest to stop beside his head to have a better look.
Adrien could hear his own pulse in his head, and it was amplified by the silence that nestled itself within the room. She must be furious.
“Adrien,” her voice sounded deafening. “I would prefer it if you step back from social media and heal from what you experienced just yesterday.” She frowned and turned towards him. “Is there a reason why you refuse to stop browsing it?”
He let go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Adrien didn’t know why he was so afraid of Marinette finding out, maybe he was scared of disappointing her, but her reactions showed that he has nothing to worry about. He supposed he did owe her an explanation for it.
“I… I hoped to get a general understanding of the public’s view on the matter,” his hand reached for hers and his thumb shyly caressed the back of her hand. “So that the statement that I eventually have to release can address them accordingly.”
“Okay, fair enough,” she still didn’t like the idea though. “But could you take more time off first? Or at least, we view them together?”
As much as Adrien admires Marinette’s commitment to solving issues, he truly didn’t want her to be reading those revolting comments about herself. “You really don’t want to see how distasteful they can be.”
“Haters gonna hate,” she shrugged. “I’ve dealt with that in school before. Besides, I don’t believe in liars. ”
Adrien’s eyes widened like saucers. “There were people who hated you?”
“Of course. I’m pretty sure they still do. I know I can’t please everyone,” she petted his head. “So don’t worry your pretty head about how I’ll take them. It’s us against the world, remember?”
“As always.” He smiled teasingly and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her cheek. “And you think I’m pretty.”
23. Guilt
It’s been a few days since Adrien arrived at her home.
A few days since he had a taste of the potential life he might have with Marinette in the future.
A few days since pictures of them were invasively taken on the night of their reveal and sold to the biggest gossip magazine in Paris.
Adrien still has yet to do anything to address the issue. He had taken Marinette’s wishes to heart and took time off of social media to properly rejuvenate from the traumatic experience he went through in the Agreste mansion. She was right, he himself went through the intense rage he didn’t know he was capable of after reading about the offensive things some members of the public had said about her.
Marinette’s presence was very warm and welcoming. She had made the healing process much faster than if he had been dealing with it all alone.
But it still didn’t ease the guilt that has been eating at him ever since. Adrien knew he had to deal with the media when Shadowmoth’s identity became public knowledge. It was one of the reasons why he didn’t want the reveal to happen right after the final battle. He didn’t want his lady to be caught up in the mess. And to think that all her waiting had been for naught just because he slipped up on the night of their reveal.
He felt like utter shit.
“Marinette, I’m so sorry for dragging you into this mess.”
She was taken aback by the sudden apology. They were currently snuggling on her sofa, Marinette toying with his hair and Adrien lying on top of her chest, arms around her waist, listening to her heartbeat and enjoying the sensation her fingers brought. Nothing about the current situation they were in warranted a need for an apology from his end.
“Adrien, what do you mean?”
He looked at her. “I know how much you value your privacy. I practically put your face out for the world to see.”
Marinette frowned at this. “No, no you didn’t. Why would you say that? You took extra precautions for us to meet up, remember? Who walks in empty parks at 3 am in the morning? Literally no one! So—“
“But think about it, Marinette,” he cut her. “If I didn’t insist on walking you home in our civilian forms, if I had just chosen another date for the reve—”
“Are you saying you regret the way the reveal went?”
“No!” Adrien was flabbergasted that she even came to that conclusion. “Of course not! I would never! It has brought me so much joy to finally know who you are.”
He squeezed her waist. “But I can’t help but think all this mess could’ve been avoided if only I was more careful.”
When Marinette didn’t reply, he took it as she was waiting for him to elaborate further.
“I was so blinded by what I wanted at that moment that I created this mess. I caused you to be in harm's way.” He averted his gaze as tears started to form in his eyes. “The media was one of the reasons why I held off the reveal. I didn’t want the media’s eyes on you. And now, all the time you’ve spent patiently waiting for the reveal has been for nothing, all because of what I did. I was so selfish in my approach. I’m so sorry.”
Marinette held his face in her hands and wiped away the tears. “But you made it right straight away, didn’t you?”
Adrien snapped back to her. “H-Huh?”
“You asked me to transform and leave the area as soon as you realised something was wrong, didn’t you?” She smiled gently and caressed his cheeks.
He said nothing to reject her deduction. She shouldn’t be giving him those looks when he had ruined her life.
His eyes widened as she planted a kiss on his forehead. “You’re selfish, Adrien. But not in the way you think you are. The fact that you're guilty of your actions makes you aware and sensitive to the ones around you.”
She moved to stroke his hair. “You’re empathetic towards others, that’s far from being selfish.”
Her actions were so simple. Yet, her eyes, voice, and touch all soothed him to no end.
Marinette held his cheeks again and pressed her lips to his nose. “Have you actually forgotten that you’re Chat Noir, Protector of Paris? You're the reason why Paris is safe now.”
She pecked his left cheek. “It's not selfish to want something you desire, when giving is all you’ve been doing all this while.”
And then the other. “So Adrien, you don’t need to apologise for exposing me to the media. I don’t blame you for that. At all. Because you’ve done nothing wrong. But I do hope you forgive yourself for being selfish.”
He leaned towards her hand and rubbed his face against them. Her assurance means everything to him.
Marinette regarded him, and added one last sentence to solidify her speech. “I would say I’m selfish too, I refused to let you go when you clearly needed some time and space to yourself.”
“You're not selfish, my lady” he immediately jumped to deny any allegations she made against herself. “Your presence really helped me.”
“Then apply these to yourself too, Chaton. You being selfish made me really happy,” she flashed a pleasant and tender smile to him. Her hand travelled into his hair again and played with them. “I finally got to know who the love of my life is. It's what I’ve wanted for 6 years. So your selfishness has made me really blissful. I think I would’ve been more offended if you weren’t selfish,” she giggled.
Adrien was about to melt into a puddle of goo if she continued throwing those looks at him. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, hoping to convey his gratitude through his eyes and gesture. “I was heading towards a negative headspace, and I apologise for that. Thanks for pulling me back.”
She smiled, and he knew that it had. “I forgive you, and you're welcome. Treat yourself nicer, Adrien. It's okay to be selfish sometimes.”
Adrien lifted himself off of her and moved to rub his nose on hers admiringly before his lips landed on hers, pouring all of his love and adoration for her into that kiss.
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MC reacts to The Brothers (+Undateables)
In a crop top ~ Yum
Due to the *NSFW undertones, I will NOT be writing any for Luke, obviously.
Sorry this took me ages haha i ran out of creativity for these. On that note, let’s jump straight in 😉
The Undateables
Simeon 😇
Similarly to Beel, will not see your request as anything unsavoury you cheeky thing, you
“What is a ... ‘cropped top’?”
Basically wears them anyway
Is used to showing a little skin, so would think nothing of it
After all, God intended Human Beings to be naked, so this is not weird
The only thing odd about it, is that you specifically requested it
He still wouldnt see it in that way tho lol
The one he’d wear wouldn’t surprise you, because it’s not too dissimilar to what he normally wears around RAD
Black, sleek and skin tight - sleeveless to reveal his perfectly sculpted shoulders and with a high neck - cerulean blue accents to match his eyes
Your jaw fell slack at how attractive it looked on him
His piercing blue eyes crinkled as he smiled, “I guess this one suits me, then?”
Oop - ah well, who cares if he knows your staring?
He’s an angel ffs - of course he looks amazing
“You...” you couldn’t seem to find the words to encompass what the mere sight of him did to you
His face would fall a moment, “is something wrong, MC?”
You’d flush, shaking your head with a nervous laugh, “No... well, God probably wouldn’t forgive me for thinking it but -“
You can’t bring yourself to finish that sentence
Fairly certain he was aware of where your thoughts were headed, his cheeks would tinge rouge
He’d play Innocent TM as not to blur the line or complicate things...
You’d make it ducking difficult though
Yes i said ducking, Simeon is an Angel he legally cannot say fuck
It’s just... the way you were ogling him, undressing him with your beautiful and captivating eyes... fjdlficjsn
His chest would tighten, breath caught and heart in his throat
He was well aware what that feeling was, his brows downturned at the thought
“Is something wrong, Simeon?”
He’d hold a hand up, gently but firm, “No, i’m alright, thank you.”
You can’t help but feel a little guilty... after all you did just have certain thoughts about an Angel
Seeing your crestfallen face, he’d immediately snap to - gently reaching for your hand with that crinkly eyes smile,
“Don’t look so glum, MC. Everything’s alright.”
He was simply radiant, you couldnt help but return that smile
Depending on what floats your boat, i’ll let you imagine what the outcome was
Solomon 🧙‍♂️
Hahah oh boy...
“Oh? And why would you want me to wear that?” ;) TEASE
Would give That Smirk TM
This could literally go one of two ways:
One, he wears a cute cropped T and says “Well, what were you expecting from me?” ;) TEEAASSEE
He knows God damn well what you were expecting lmao
Quite literally wears some leather skin tight crop that shows off all his tatts, all his packs and muscles... like dayum haha
Either way you’re speechless
He is one cocky lil shit, he’d love it
“Finally i’ve drawn your attention from those brothers, have i?” “Wh-what?!” “;)”
“I’d like to request you wear one too, it’s only fair after all.”
Whilst having you gently ensnared against a wall between his palms, with those eyes entrancing you to keep you there
You’d never seen him in that light so deeply than after your request
Your eyes trail his form once again, surprisingly more muscular than you’d anticipated from under the RAD uniform
You’d flush from under his gaze, not quite sure where to look, what to say -
“Cat got your tongue?” Ajsksknxdn
He’d need want to hear you say it.
“I - i didn’t realise you’d tease me about it.” You look away with rosy cheeks
His teasing smile would falter a moment, asking more seriously, “why would you ask me to wear a crop top?”
You’d find his gaze, tongue tied for an answer
You’d swallow from under his penetrating gaze that seemed more serious than before
“I...” why did you ask him again?
“I just... wanted to see it.” “‘It’? That’s not very specific.” Ahsksknsk LOL such a tease
You’d hate that he made you admit it, you forced through gritted teeth, “I wanted to see what you looked like in a crop, what more do you want me to say?”
His smirk tugging on his handsome lips again before warm breath carasses the shell of your ear, “I want to see what you look like too.”
Lmao #Exposed
Nosebleed 2.0
Barbatos 🕰
Yo, you would have some mad guts to request it when he’s working hahah
He would instantly flush and comment calmly how inappropriate your request is
Diavolo would laugh if he heard your request and his reponse from beside you both
But if you were alone with him, perhaps a little closer to him...
I stand by the fact i think ‘Barbietos’ is a Dark Horse TM
This man has a dark side lowkey yandere vibes maybe? Idk yet need to see more of him tbh
if you’re close and you ask, similarly to Solomon he’d smirk and tease
Barbatos is sarcastic but he wouldn’t snark you for this, especially with your blushing features
He’d utter your name, before finally mustering the strength to ask, “what kind of cropped top do you want me to wear?”
You’d have to be immensely private about it, ofc he can have a private life but he is literally at the service of the Prince of that realm
Not just the crop top request etc, the entire relationship would be kept under radar for a long time
I can see his crop being loose, the satin like material draped tastefully from his shoulders and revealing his midriff
The emerald green colour so dark you thought it was black until you saw it’s sheen under the light
You might have already seen his body at this point but you can’t help absorbing his features like a sponge
His abdominal muscles, his strong shoulders... he was also much stronger than he looked under a uniform
He’d stand before you, as you rise to your knees upon his sheets, eye level with his chest
“Tonight, I could serve you for a change.”
He’s probably not as quiet as we think
Diavolo 👑
If Lucifer ever heard about your request, you’ll be out of the Devildom faster than you can say Demonus
You’d have to be incredibly brave and or stupid to even ask in the first place...
However, Diavolo wouldn’t actually mind, “come now Lucifer! It’s a fashion trend in their realm! It sounds fun!” With That Laugh TM
Diavolo is actually pretty lonely, loads of people feel they can’t approach him so he’d acc happy that you felt you could ask that of him
If you were closer than that, you’d be visiting the palace upon his request
If and when you’re alone, you’d ask him to wear one
He still wouldn’t initially see it in that way, his own demon form is shirtless
“I’d like to try one! Have you any ideas in mind?”
After understanding the nature of your request, something will flash passed in those golden irises
“I see... so this garment will grant you a certain gratification?” BLUSH
It’s not secret that Diavolo is the biggest demon, he is one big muscle machine
You’d struggle to find a crop that fit him ngl
he’d have one custom made from your design idea
You’d want him in a maroon or black one, specked with elements of gold to match his eyes
It would be snug due to his size, seeing every inch of muscle from underneath like a marble sculputre
There was something so.. awe inspiringly beautiful about it your breath stopped short
Any prior thought was lost as you silently trace the edges of him with your eyes
“Do you like it?” :) - well... duh haha
“What are you doing still standing over there?”
All would fall silent save for faint breaths and the steady beating of your hearts as you trace the crop’s fabric with your fingertips
He’s surprisingly soften as he’d watch you doing so
He’d wrap his strong arms around you, gentle fingertips stroking your hair
he’d murmur “I’m pleased you like it.”
Soft kisses planted on your forehead and you’re a goner - putty in his arms
“Might I ask... would you wear one?”
You bloody well would lmao
Might edit these later and need to link to the brothers one but hey ho, enjoy! ✨
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srose-foxfire · 4 years
Can you do write something of Dami and Rae being separated and then meeting again after x amount of years? Make it fluffy please. thnx!!
A/N: I hope this is fluffy? Enjoy! (P.S I’m sorry this is long)
“I want you to keep this safe for me. This will be my promise to you that I will return.”
“I will guard it with my life Raven.”
“Thank you, Damian.”She said softly with a smile and slowly turned her back to him and walked toward the blinding light before her. Damian’s heart quicken making it hard to breathe. She was leaving him again; he had been down this road one-too many times and he couldn’t let her leave him.
Damian reached out to grab her, but it seemed he couldn’t get to her. He looked down and saw both his feet were glued to the ground. He then tried calling out her name, but no words came. He strained to make just a single sound, he reached out again to just touchher. To make her look back to him and see how much he neededher in his life. Damian called out again, this time tears started streaming down his face. He continued calling out her name to no avail, she couldn’t hear him as she disappeared into the white blinding light.
-- -- -- --
Damian jerked awake as he gasped for breath, he clutched his aching chest as his heart continue to compress deep within him. His face was soaked by both sweat and tears. Once Damian could collect himself, he settle back into bed and pulled the blanket to cover his naked chest. He rubbed his forehead clean from all the sweat and just stared at the ceiling. His bedroom was illuminated from a small streak of moonlight coming from through the thick dark grey curtains. The light hit a small object on his nightstand making it shine which caused Damian to turn his attention to it.
It was a small black open ring, with a black crescent moon ending on one side and a small black star on the other end. Damian reached and grabbed it, making the small black gems on the crescent and star glimmer under the moonlight. This ring is his sole reminder that Raven will one day return to him. She gave him the ring, the last reminder she had from her mother before she was destroyed as the rest of Azarath by Trigon.
Raven had been gone for nearly seven years now, and not once has Damian been able to get a hold of her. After she had imprisoned her demon father into the sacred crystal on her forehead. Raven started using more of her magic to keep him locked and to suppress his ill-demeanors about her. Raven was fighting him constantly for three years before it started taking a toll on her health. In order to help her, Raven had to leave the Titans and go with Zatanna and John Constantine who were going to help her find a very powerful sacred ground to relocate Trigon’s prison. The two magicians believed they could help continue training Raven in understanding her magic and channeling it from a longer distance so she could have a normal life just like the one she was living around the time Damian had joined the Titans. As much as he wished it, he couldn’t understand why none of her teammates had been allowed to contact her or even help her locate this sacred place.
Damian checked the digital clock on his nightstand, it was 3:00am, he should really go back to sleep and rest up for the long night that waited for him. His father was throwing a masquerade gala to help raise funds for an orphanage. Being a Wayne sometimes came with disadvantages, having to praise and entertain the daughters of partners and businessmen that worked with Wayne Industries. Most girls Damian met weren’t very bright, most of them worried who was wearing the best design dress or who had the best hair and nails done for the night. Damian always pulled through most events but there had been some occasions that some girls would cling onto him like a leech hoping they would end up in his bed. Being Robin, helped him escape those certain leeches.
Putting all these thoughts to the side, Damian couldn’t bring himself to fall asleep fearing he would dream where Raven goes through the light and never returns to him. After Raven’s first year of being gone from the Titans, Damian realized just how much he wanted her to be in his life. It was then he finally understood he actually loved her and would ask Raven to allow him to court her when she finally returned.  
-- -- -- --
Could someone just please shoot him down or better yet some emergency rise for Robin to be needed and take Damian Wayne away for this gala. Since everyone was wearing a mask, no one could identify him. He had stood at a distance when his father announced the start of the gala and giving a very moving speech to get everyone to donate. None one and no leechhad seemed to figure out where Bruce Wayne’s youngest son was in the gala. Though he didn’t have to entertain anyone he was terribly alone and bored to his mind.
His so-called brothers ditched him at the last minute, none of them picked up his calls or answer his texts. Tim and Jason were no surprise, they hardly came to any galas or events hosted by Wayne Industries. Dick Grayson however always strides to be the best oldest supportive brother, and when he was supposed to be a goodbrother, he’s a no-show. Next time Damian sees either one of them, they are dead meat.
Looking down again at his phone it was a little pass 9pm, in a few minutes an announcer will announce a small dance will begin. Good thing this time his toes will be sparred. Not wanting to pay attention, Damian accidently caught small talk from two young men talking about which of the two were going to score to take to bed a young lady dressed in white. Damian looked up and examined the two guests, they were both well-dressed though it seems they fed off of their family’s money. Damian narrowed his eyes at them and being very discreet he followed their line of sight to see who they were preying at.
His eyes widen when he saw her. She was dressed in a sleeveless pearl white mermaid dress, following the ‘v’ shape her bosom, it was decorated with white feathers. From her waistline to the bottom of her dress; there were silver embroidery scattered, making her sparkle like starlight. Her skin was pale, but it glowed beautifully under the lighted golden chandeliers. Her hair black as a raven’s feathers was long and curled to her waist. To complement her attire and her beauty she was wearing a white mask, with white feathers fanning out from one corner of her mask.
She was a goddess, among mortals. Damian couldn’t understand why he was so entranced by her, she wasn’t her. And yet he was making his way towards this mysterious woman as someone announced the start of the dance.
“Excuse me, may I have this dance?” Damian asked with the upmost of sincerity he ever gave to an unknown stranger.  
“You may.”
Damian had to keep himself from frowning. Even though he was wearing a simple black domino mask someone could notice with how unpleased he was that the mysterious woman had her eyes hidden. He hadn’t noticed before, but the eye area was covered by a thin white lace mesh, making it impossible to see her looking back at him or to even distinguish her eye color.
Damian place his hand on her small back and guided her to the middle of the dancefloor with more people pairing themselves as a pianist started playing some keys on a grand piano to get the waltz started. Soon an accordion and flute joined in.
Being a gentleman, Damian carefully guided her left hand onto his shoulder. His left hand stayed carefully on her back, as his right took her hand in his and started turning them both. Swaying to the music, the two stared into each other, or that was what Damian dreamt was going on as they both got lost to the music. He continues leading her into the waltz, but part of him believed his soul had been lifted from his body and there was no other person in the room. It was just them, dancing.
Not being able to contain his own curiosity Damian cleared his throat, “I must ask, do I know you by any chance? You seem awfully familiar.” His partner looked away for a moment but continue to sway with him to the music. She looked back at him and gave him a faint smile before nodding her head lightly to the sides. “Perhaps I might have seen you at a different gala?” Damian continued.
“Very unlikely, this is actually my first time coming to an event like this.” She answered softly to him.
“Then can I ask for your name?”
“I believe the idea of a masquerade is that you don’t ask for one’s identity. It keeps everyone in a “blissful mystery”, or so I’m told.” She chuckled lightly like she had some inside joke
“You are actually correct, my apologies.” Damian told her as he continued to lead her in circles in the ballroom. They dance for almost half an hour, not speaking to each other but being content in one another’s presence. As the dance continue, Damian had whispered into her ear if she like to go out to the balcony and be away from the crowd, she nodded with a faint smile.
As they exited the dancefloor a cool soft summer breeze blew around them, making the mysterious woman’s long hair sway in rhythm. She reaches out and grabs onto the rail looking down to the busy streets of Gotham, while Damian discreetly admired her from behind. He didn’t know what had gotten to him, he thought he would never find interest in any other woman besides Raven. Part of him feared that he may be forgetting about her or the feelings he believed he had been because of his teenage hormones when Raven had left.  Damian took his hand out from his pants pocket and looked at the ring he promised to care for.
“It’s beautiful.”
Damian looked up to find his mysterious woman looking up to the night sky, smiling as she seems to count the countless stars scattered across.
“It is.” Damian answered as he put the ring back into his pocket. “If I may be so bold to ask, why did you come to this event? Are you here for business or-”
The woman in front of him chuckled lightly, before turning to face him. Leaning against the rail, she answered him. “You ask allot of questions… Mr. Wayne.”
“How did-”
“It’s not hard to distinguish you in a masked crowd, given to the fact I’ve seen you wear a similar mask countless nights before.” She turned her head to the side; her left hand reaches the edges of her mask as she slowly pulled it off her head. She kept her eyes looking down, but already Damian’s heart was beating rapidly inside his chest. He continues to look awestruck as she slowly brought her eyes up, looking right into his very soul. Her eyes were amethyst. “Hello Damian.”
A fly could just fly straight into his gaping mouth as Damian continue to stare. He tried counting the countless time he wished for her return. Hoping and praying to whatever god there was to allow him and see her again. The one girl in this world to ever hold his heart in her hand. Finally, his mind was able to wrap around the news and he couldn’t contain himself anymore. “Raven!”
Damian practically sprinted the last two steps to engulf Raven into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her body tightly, making sure this was all real. She gave out a surprised squeaked as her own hands hugged him back. “It’s really is you? Raven Roth you are really here? I am not dreaming?”
“Yes. It’s me. Damian there’s so much I need to tell you and I don’t know where to start-” Damian didn’t let her finish for his lips captured hers. He knew this wasn’t the way to reunite with his friend but the part of him that yearned for her for many years took over his control. He was madly in love with her. Raven was an empath after all, surely, she would be able to read all his thoughts as he continues expressing his feelings for her through this kiss. Never in his life Damian had felt like this; helpless and vulnerable. Yet at the same time that didn’t feel as a bad thing for Raven completed him in a way that made him stronger.
Damian could hear Raven gasping for breath in between kiss. He slowly pulled away and allowed to fill her lungs with air. He felt guilt start to consume him as he realized she may not feel the same towards him. Still having his arms around her said with a low voice, “I couldn’t wait. I am sorry, but I needed you to know how I feel about you. Raven, I love you.”
“Damian.” Raven answered softly as her hands slid up his chest and she looked up into his eyes, “One of the reasons I had to leave was because my father had figured out one of my weaknesses. He found out that I fallen in love with someone I would give my life to protect. It’s you Damian Wayne. I love you too.”
Her warm small hands came up to cradle his face and she slowly pulled him closer to lightly kiss him. They pulled away slowly, Damian could only smile warmly down at her and he reached into his pockets for her ring. “I believe I can finally return this to you.” He looked up to find Raven, had her brow raised at him. Giving him a questioning look. “What?”
“I can’t believe you have it with you, I would assume it would stay in some drawer or a box in your home.” Raven snorted.
“I did promise I guard it with my life, I can’t guard the ring if it’s not near me at all times.” Damian said proudly as he slipped the black ring onto Raven’s finger. “Perfect fit.” He whispered, something about placing the ring onto her finger made it seem like he was branding her. Raven looked up at him, she still had those beautiful amethyst eyes that held galaxies in them, she may look a little different now with fair skin and black hair as night; but she was still his Raven. His Raven.
Damian wanted to show her how much he aged into a man; show her he wasn’t the young teenager she had said goodbye seven years ago. Damian reached up slowly to remove his black domino mask. Just when he was about to grab onto the edge and pull it off, he was stopped by Raven’s hand holding his.  
“No. Keep it on. I don’t want anyone finding out I’m with Damian Wayne.” Raven let go of his hand, she trailed the tip of her finger down his chest, before poking where his heart was. “I want to be a little selfish tonight and keep you all to myself.” She reached up and give him a gentle peck on his cheek.
“I am all yours, my love.”
-- -- -- --
A/N: Wowzers can’t believe how long this took me to write. You wouldn’t believe how much I rewrote and rewrote this prompt countless times till I was able to pick one idea that best fitted with what I wanted to portray. I have another requested prompt asking about their first date, so that will be the next one you will read by me. After finishing the requests I will get back to finishing “First Impressions” and updating “Under an Autumn Moonlight”. After that I am gonna try my hand and share with you the first chapters for one of my Damirae longer fics I have planned. Hope you are excited as I am to share this story with you all.
Thank you so much for readying, till next time!
~ S.Rose
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gongju-juice · 4 years
9. Once Upon a Southern Night
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Not So Far-Fetched
Warnings: SMUT, language, fluff, and a little angst
The wedding was absolutely perfect. Of course, Alice designed the entire affair, everybody else but you and Jasper a slave to her incessant ordering.
You got married on a sunny day back in the country, just a few miles Jasper’s old home town which was nestled far out into secluded woods with a grand, wooden barn and southern mansion nearby a quiet stream
Your dress was sleeveless and made of immaculate white silk that trailed behind you in the rose petal walkway to your groom, standing under a flower arch of candles and flowers. Alice, Rosalie, and Amelia were your bridesmaids—and Ivy, though she whined and cried from home—was not invited.
And when the wedding was over, Jasper flew you out to Havana where a pastel yellow house waited on the shoes of the beach. Little antique cars zoomed past on the streets, people danced in skimpy swimsuits, lovers toured the old buildings, hands entwined.
But you weren’t even interested in all of that. That was second priority. All you wanted was to be underneath the man you’d been lusting for over two years now. And he seemed to sense your urgency, for he immediately rushed the both of you to your villa without any side trips or excursions.
He got busy taking care of the luggage and dealing with the house attendants as they stocked the kitchen with food. Meanwhile, you made a nest of the bathroom. 
Dropping your suitcase on the tiled floor, you laid out all your supplies and filled the tub with bubbles and hot water. Alice and Rosalie had packed an “essential” bag of lingerie, but you thought it would be best to save it for later. Tonight, there would be no lace or fancy ribbons. You would be yourself, and you would reveal yourself to your husband just like you shamefully imagined yourself doing before. 
You opened the french style bathroom doors and stepped into the humid room. The ceiling fan whirred uselessly overhead, creating more noise than comfort, adding only to your anxiety and nervousness. You tightened your arms around your waist and moved forward.
Jasper was on the other side of the room staring out over the balcony. The moon shone down on his wavy hair, creating a silvery effect that slowly faded into the warm candlelight of the bedroom. 
When he turned around, you were already tugging at the ties of your robe. The candles flickered and in a heartbeat, he was standing in front of you, his icy breath on your lips. He lowered your hands and began undoing the fabric himself.
To his delight, there was nothing underneath. It was silent as he took in your bare form, his piercing gaze sweeping over the hills of your breast, the curvature of your hips and thighs. Never before had you felt so exposed, so completely and utterly vulnerable and especially nervous.
What if you did something wrong? What if he didn’t like what he saw? What if you accidentally humiliated yourself?
“Y/N,” he hummed, putting his hands on the top of your shoulders. “I can feel everything you feel. And, you’re worried. I won’t go any further until you tell me you’re ready. We can stop now, and I won’t touch you like that at all, if that’s what you want. I just want you to be okay.”
You bit your lip but vehemently shook your head. Of course you were nervous. It was your wedding night. To not feel anything at all was a sign of trouble. 
But you wanted him. Your feeling of desire overwhelmed any sense of anxiousness, and it made you breathless with how tangible it all seemed. It was often you could lay awake at night and think of being with him. With seven other vampires around, your every move was heard and monitored even if they didn’t intend to invade your privacy. And Jasper sat on the edge of your bed as you slept, too traditional to venture under the covers most of the time. The want had been building and boiling inside of you, waiting to be unleashed.
“I want you,” you whimpered. “Please, I can’t wait any longer.”
Gracefully, he scooped you into his arms and carried you to the canopied bed where he had already rearranged the pillows at least twice. 
Perhaps, you thought, he was nervous too.
But before you could contemplate this theory any longer, his eyes dropped dangerously to the apex of your thighs where your arousal had obscenely gathered. He licked his lips and cradled your hips with his strong arms. 
“Fuck, this is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen since you walked down that aisle,” he declared, admiring your writhing regions in his deepest drawl yet. It was funny, the more excited Jasper became, the thicker his accent became. 
Before he continued, however, he began by kissing every inch of your skin. He started from the vein just behind your left ear before making his way down the crevice of your collarbones, down the valley of your breasts, slowly and teasingly trailing down to the place you really wanted him to be.
But once he made it to your pelvic bone, he placed your legs over his shoulders, a smirk on his face. You’re sure you were wide-eyed, your features twisted into a blissful grimace of unfulfilled need and throbbing ache.
He delved his tongue into your folds, sucking and kissing hungrily like a predator bearing down on its prey. His eyes darkened into a shade of burnt umber. It must’ve been so tempting to be that close to all those vital vessels and not give in to the burning instinct to drink you dry. Instead, he channeled all of that desire and yearning into eating your pussy like a starved man.
“Jasper,” you screamed, “Oh god, I—you’re so—it’s so—”
“You’re feeling everything I’m feeling,” he admitted, ripping through the buttons of his shirt. “And everything I’m feeling is you.”
You understood. It was a continual, never-ending loop of love and pleasure that he had shared with you. This was exaltation, better than any human drug or stimulant. It was just you and your husband making love for the first time, consummating your marriage as countless other lovers had done before but infinitely different and unique.
“I can’t take it anymore! Please, just do it! I want you inside me so badly, Jas,” you hyperventilated as you assisted him as he undid his belt and zipper, the rest of his offensive attire falling to the floor. Now there was nothing standing in between you and your man.
“Patience, darlin’,” he hummed, pushing you up against the headboard in a way that did not seem so patient in itself. By this point, your vision was beginning to go white from the sheer excitement, and in that moment, you hated him for deriving you from the immediate pleasure. He was taking his time, savoring the image of your desperate expressions in his photographic mind.
He pressed his cock unto your clit, rubbing tiny little circles with the tip of his dick—only contributing to your frustration and utter annoyance. 
“Just do it, please! I want you to fucking ruin me.”
His eyes widened. “My baby girl has a dirty mouth, doesn’t she? I’ll have to deal with that later, but since you asked so nicely—”
He thrust into you suddenly, knocking the air sensuously from your lungs. Your fingers crept up to his hair, grabbing a palmful to yank and hold on to. The pain was noticeable, but somehow you suspected he had lessened the intensity by using his ability. He stilled inside you, brushing his lips against yours as he waited.
“Are you ready?” he asked after a while.
He began moving, his thrusts deep but firm as he pinned you down in the warm candlelight. The lewd sounds of your bodies meeting brought heat to your cheeks. It was so delicious and utterly filthy that tears accumulated in your eyes. He uttered a string of curses in your ear, quiet and intended only for you. 
“This sopping pussy, so wet. So sweet. You want me to fix for ya, darlin’? Does it feel good when I’m stroking you like this?”
It was so startling and unlike what you imagined. Jasper had always been the quiet Cullen, the one who never spoke unless spoken to. Even in your relationship, he opted to listen to your voice rather than lead the conversation. It was something you thought would carry over into his bedroom tendencies. But here he was, spitting naughty, dangerous words to you, unabashedly and so god damn sexy. 
His pace changed. Now it was fast and shallow. You looked down to where your bodies connected, your arousal dripping down onto the cotton sheets and shining against his lower half. You cried into his throat, trying to hide your face.
“No, Y/N,” he commanded, “Look at me. Look at what I’m doing to you. I want to watch you cum for me. Look into my eyes.”
You did as he said, and it was utterly too much. He growled as you came undone underneath the sheets. His seed, slightly warm, gushed inside you, filling your womb with his love. Your tongues clashed together as he bared his hands on the mattress and hunched over you.
You laid together in the romantic darkness, your head relaxed against his chest. You could hear cars honking in the streets, music floating up from the partying crowds below. It was so tranquil and perfect that if a hurricane blew over the island in that instant, you truly believed you wouldn’t care. All the while, his breathing slowed in your ear—not out of necessity—but from pure leisure.
“I can’t believe,” you started before taking a deep breath and starting over, “I can’t believe you waited over a century and a half to be with me. With someone you never met. I feel like I’ve robbed you years of laughter and joy when you should have been out living your life. If I had been there, then Maria wouldn’t have. . .she wouldn’t have—”
He sat up suddenly, bringing you with him against the headboard. 
“All of it, all of the years of waiting and suffering—every painful moment of it was worth it. It groomed me to become the man I am now. I used to be cold, unsympathetic, and callous. I had a backward ideology and knew not how to love another person for I could not even love myself.” he placed his large hand over yours, brushing the iridescent diamond band glimmering colorfully in the candlelight.
“But Carlisle and Esme, all of my adopted siblings—they taught me to cherish myself, even in spite of all my flaws. They never gave up on me when I struggled with my thirst, and they never judged me for the life I used to have. Little did I know, you had made your second arrival in the world not long after. I was learning to love, and well, you were learning to live.”
“The way your mother looks at you, Y/N, it’s a look of pure love and adoration. I decided then when I first sat at your dinner table that I would never let anything happen to that bond. I would protect you with my life. You were the final piece to my heart, darlin’. I had learned to love myself, but I didn’t trust myself. It wasn’t until you realized I was capable of loving others, that I could control myself enough around people.”
You didn’t realize you were crying but you were. Tears streamed down your face, some rolling down your cheeks and others falling unto his skin. 
“I don’t care what Edward believes.You are capable of loving in any way you choose; as a friend, as a brother, as a son—”
“As a husband?”
You smiled. “Yes. And, maybe, if you wanted—as a father.”
He froze, his golden eyes widened in surprise. “You mean. . .you want to adopt?”
“We could if we wanted,” you whispered quietly. “But Ava told me something about witches, something I thought you should know.”
He nodded, beckoning you to continue.
“Witches can have children with humans, vampires, werewolves, and shapeshifters. Because of our magic, it is immediately passed on to the offspring so that the children automatically retain human characteristics until they are old enough to learn what they are. And as for me, as long as I choose, I will never age. Of course, if we do have children, then I might need to create an illusion to change my appearance a little so people won’t be sus—”
He pulled you to his lips, and once again the two of you were reunited. It felt warm in his arms. Safe. 
“I would be honored,” he answered breathlessly. “Perhaps that dream of our farm life isn’t too far-fetched at all.”
“Oh no, it’s totally far-fetched,” you cried, laughing. “Yes, I grew up in Alabama. Yes, we’re southerners at heart. But I do not want to smell like cattle and chase chickens around for all of eternity. Maybe let’s just get a summer farm and we can have people to maintain while we’re gone.”
He shook his head, laughing, as you cradled his chin in your hand. 
“We’ll need a big house for the farm I plan to create with you, Mrs. Whitlock,” he drawled seductively, grabbing your hand by the wrist and bringing it slowly to his chest. 
You moved him so that you were on top, straddling him, the sheets pooling at your waist. 
“Well then, cowboy, we’d better get started.”
And this completes this series! Hope you enjoyed! I’m planning on doing some blurbs and drabble with our happy couple in the future. . .send me some ideas, will ya?
Twilight, despite all of its many problems and kinks, is one of my favorite nostalgic stories to this day. Jasper has always been my favorite character, (Seth Clearwater next) and since we’re all either quarantined or protesting, I thought I could bring light to our lives in such a dark time.
Part Six   Part Seven   Part Eight
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mortedeveles · 4 years
A Letter To My Love.
P1: Chaotic Interviews.  ALTML MASTERLIST. 
Copyright © 2020-2021 by Veles.
SUMMARY: Tamaki Amajiki, also known as the Pro Hero Suneater, has been your friends for years. You’ve known each other since U.A. During his entire life, Tamaki has fought against his internal demons, insecurities, and voices that rage in his mind. With the help of his friends Nejire and Mirio and you, he was able to overcome his fears and become one of the most successful Pro Heroes in Japan. 
In the last few years, writing has become an outlet for Tamaki when he feels troubled. And being a Pro Hero comes with great luggage- including hyper fans and their strange romantic theories. One of them being 'TamaY/N', a romantic ship created by his fans. As an anonymous writer, Amajiki can finally express the love and affection he's harbored for Y/N for several years through fanfiction when he has spare time. But when Y/N discovers the infamous fanfiction after an awkward interview, drama, heartbreak, and confusion are bound to break loose.
PAIRING: ProHero! Tamaki Amajiki x Fem!ProHero!reader
THEMES: pining, fluff, angst, etc. [SERIES]
TW: cursing, sexual innuendos, mature themes. 
a/n: my requests are open for business lovelies! i proofread this but if i made any mistakes, please let me know! as always, please leave a like, reblog, follow and/or comment if you enjoyed! i appreciate the support and feedback <3 
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''His heart sings in joy in her presence. Around her, he's blessed with a sudden warmth that soothes his bones and washes over all the tension and strain in his muscles.'' 
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''Good morning!'' you greet hurriedly to all the workers you leave behind as you race towards the third floor.
Shit, shit, shit! You had an interview with an important press with Tamaki today and it was about to start in three minutes! Luckily, you'd managed to make it to Tamaki's agency on time, but you were yet to arrive at the designated floor. Once you reached the elevator, you let out a sigh of relief. It was empty and while you waited for the elevator to open, you began to pat and smooth over your Pro Hero costume.
It consisted of a sleeveless loose black top with a pair of black shorts, with silver armor that started from your shoulders up to your elbows, paired with black combat boots and silver gloves with some metal and gadgets that allowed you to improve the use of your quirk Liquify.
Before you knew it, the elevator dinged open and you quickly stepped out, plastering a bright smile on your face. The third floor had been emptied- and the equipment from the press stood in the middle- two elegant chairs, cameras and lights, and a few dozen reporters mingling. At the back of the floor, you noticed Tamaki, wearing his Pro hero suit. He was facing the wall- he tended to do when he was nervous.
''Good morning!" you greeted the reporters, who smiled in response. ''I apologize for my tardiness.''
''It's okay. It's a pleasure to meet you, Pro Hero Unda,'' a busy looking woman approached you. She glanced towards Tamaki. ''Do you think you could get Suneater ready for the interview?''
You shoved down a stressed sigh and nodded. ''I'll get him right away!" with one last smile, you stepped away and approached the nervous blue-haired man.
''Tama,'' you spoke in a soft voice and pressed a hand on his shoulder. He was slightly trembling and was muttering something along the lines of 'I want to go home.'
''Y/N,'' his voice was trembling. ''You're late.''
''Ma'am?'' you called out to the lady that had approached you earlier. ''We're ready.''
You sighed and pinched your nose. ''I know, Tama,'' your heart felt heavy. ''I'm really sorry. I was busy doing paperwork and time flew by. Can you forgive me?''
He nodded and turned around and you nearly jumped with joy. The two of you approached the press and sat down on the chairs.
All of the workers quickly surrounded you and you clenched your fists on your lap. Now that they were all crowded around you, it felt like all of them were studying you, nitpicking and silently judging you in their eyes.
You glanced towards Tamaki. It wasn't a surprise that he looked like he felt the same as you. Offering him a small smile, you squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. He offered you a weak smile.
''Good morning, Japan! This is your favorite reporter, Hirano Chizue! I'm live with our two favorite Pro-Heroes, Suneater and Unda!" the smile on her face was so dazzling you were sure it was fake.
''Alright! Let's get started!'' the businesswoman clapped her hands and sat down on the seat in front of you. ''Camera crew, get in position! We're live in 1..2...3!''
You heard several workers move behind you-most likely the ones with cameras and the lady in front of you held a microphone as she smiled towards the camera.
''How are you two doing this morning?'' She pointed the microphone towards both of you.
''Fine, thank you,'' you smiled softly. Tamaki swallowed and raised his gaze towards the businesswoman.
''I'm feeling okay, thank you for asking,'' his voice was somewhat low but at least he replied.
''Good, good!'' Hirano said. She pulled out a clipboard with a neat stack of papers.
''We're honored that you accepted to the interview. Do you mind if we start? The questions are fan-submitted and others are from our crew! Since the two of you are new rising heroes, Japan is eager to know the two of you!'' 
You didn't notice how Tamaki froze at the word 'fan'. You were barely a few minutes into the interview and you already felt exhausted. Nevertheless, you smiled and nodded. 
''Not at all. Ask away.''
Hirano grinned- you didn't miss the hungry glint in her eyes- what type of questions had she chosen?
''This question is for Suneater!'' she shot him a brief smile before trailing her eyes on the paper. Hirano's smile grew.
''What's your relationship with Unda? Are the two of you dating?''
You coughed awkwardly, averting your gaze towards the floor.
''N-no,'' your friend sounded nervous. ''We're good friends, that's all.'' 
When Tamaki said the word 'friends', you couldn't stop the painful ache that throbbed in your chest. You knew that he meant well but you had hoped for years that one day, the two of you would be more than just friends. Clearly, today wasn't that day.
Hirano hummed in response, but she didn't seem convinced. 
''The two of you have a beautiful friendship,'' she complimented. The two of you muttered a 'thank you'.  Hirano's beady eyes focused on you. 
''This question is for Unda! Tell me, your fans are dying to know more about your quirk! Could you give us a brief explanation of your quirk, Liquify?''
A good question, you thought with a smile. Even though it was modern times, the oppression of women and misogyny hadn't been fully eradicated- and it showed during Pro Hero interviews, asking women nothing but shallow questions while the men received interesting ones. Her question was quite refreshing. 
''Of course!" this time, your smile was more genuine. ''So, my quirk Liquify focuses on the state of matter of an inanimate object. I can turn any inanimate object- it doesn't work on plants or animals- into liquid and bend it to my will! I can also return the material into its original state, but I can change its figure and volume,'' you waved your hands as you explained.
''That's a marvelous quirk! Would you mind giving us a demonstration?'' 
''That was an excellent demonstration, Unda!'' you shot Tamaki a glance. He was staring at the ground but when you glanced towards him, he met your eyes and smiled. You smiled back.
With a nod of agreement, you rose and grabbed the closest thing- an empty mug and wrapped your hand around it. When you opened your palm, the once red mug was now a red liquid hovering about your palm, sloshing side to side.
The press gasped in amazement and applauded. You smiled gratefully and returned to your seat.
''Thank you, miss.''
''Now,'' she flipped a page. ''Ooh. This is another question for you, Unda. It's quite a juicy question,'' Hirano bit her lip and grinned. 
''Have you ever read books about TamaY/N?''
Next to you, Tamaki flinched in his seat and coughed lowly. No one seemed to notice, the attention was on you.
You furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head. 
''I'm sorry, is it a book? What's TamaY/N? I haven't heard of it before...'' you trailed off and glanced at Tamaki, hoping for some kind of help, but he wouldn't meet your gaze. You noticed that the tip of his pointed ears was turning red. Was he feeling okay?
Hirano cackled and shook her head. ''No, TamaY/N is the ship name for Tamaki and you. The fans seem to like seeing the two of you together. It's called fanfiction.''
''Oh...'' you said, feeling clueless. Once the information sunk in, you felt your cheeks bloom with warmth. ''Oh.''
''Oh indeed,'' Hirano agreed. ''It's quite scandalous, you should read some on your own! You'd understand what I'm talking a-,''
''Oh, um, well...'' you nervously played with your fingers.
''Isn't this a professional interview?'' Tamaki snapped. His voice was loud and firm and Hirano flinched in her seat.
''I appreciate the support of fans but we are Pro Heroes and have a right to main-maintain our privacy. The status of our romantic experiences is private and will remain that way.'' 
You nodded in agreement, remaining silent as you had nothing else to add. Hirano looked surprised- she cleared her throat and quickly recollected herself with a smile.
''My sincerest apologies, Suneater, we didn't know you felt like this about your... relationship status. Here, let me find another question for Unda...''
The interview continued for half an hour- but the tension was much more tense and awkward than before. Tamaki gave short and clipped answers.
After the interview, Hirano quietly thanked you for your time and the press quickly left. After an hour, the only ones left were Tamaki and you. He was sitting in the corner of the room. He didn't look particularly nervous but the scowl on his face made you frown with worry. 
Slowly, you approached him and sat down next to him. You spent a few minutes in silence before speaking up.
''Are you okay, Tama?''
You shook your head. ''It's okay. If you want to keep those inquires private, that's perfectly fine. And to be fair, it's better that way. The press feeds on any source or evidence of romance in the Pro Hero industry.''
Tamaki was silent. You noticed how he clenched his fists and lowered his head.
''I'm sorry,'' he mumbled. His shoulders slumped. ''I was being very rude and distant...''
Tamaki smiled at you- but the look in his eyes was distant.
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After the exhausting interview, Tamaki and you had worked for hours in his agency- racing outside to save civilians, filing paperwork, until it was eight o'clock- his agency would be closing early today. The two of you walked towards Mirio's department- he said a celebration was necessary. 
''Helloo!'' Mirio yelled loudly. You laughed as he grabbed Tamaki and you into a tight bear hug, squeezing the air out of your lungs. Even though he wasn't a Pro Hero, he was immensely strong.
''I saw the interview!"' Nejire popped up behind the blonde. ''It's your first interview, I think we should celebrate!" 
''Congrats, Tama and Y/N!'' Eri said and joined the bear hug, along with Nejire.
''I-I can't breathe!" you complained and Tamaki groaned in agreement. Nejire and Eri giggled in amusement as the hug feel apart and everyone stepped back. Mirio jogged towards the dining table and brought a tray with four bowls with delicious takoyaki.
''I think we should celebrate with takoyaki. I've put on a movie that I think everyone will enjoy. Dig in!'' 
Immediately, Tamaki snatched the bowl and raced towards the sofa. You laughed in amusement and followed, holding your bowl of takoyaki.
You spent the rest of the night huddled next to Tamaki and Eri on the small sofa, eating takoyaki. Maybe it wasn't a fancy or expensive celebration, but you wouldn't trade anything in the world for moments like these- lively nights with your best friends. All previous thoughts of the awkward interview and whatever that lady had mentioned washed away, only to be brought back tomorrow. 
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a/n: well!! this is my first time writing for my baby tamaki!! what do you guys think? should i make a tag list for this series? dm me if you’re interested! xx 
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alj4890 · 4 years
Misfortune's Intentions
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(Liam x oc*Elisse Millan) (Drake x Riley) in a Choices The Royal Heir fan fiction
A/N We will have one more chapter after this one to conclude this series. Thanks so much for reading along with this idea of mine. I know I'm behind in responding to comments, just know that I have loved reading each one. In this chapter we begin life for Elisse and Liam while taking the next step forward into their future.
@gkittylove99​​​​ @krsnlove​​​​ @kingliam2019​​​​ @texaskitten30​​​​ @hopefulmoonobject​​​​ @yourmajesty09​​​​ @mom2000aggie​​​​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​​
Chapter 6 Taking the Next Step
Streets of the Capital, Cordonia...
There is something almost magical about being awake while the rest of the world sleeps. Sounds one normally doesn't notice during the day captures the imagination. Shadows beckon to be explored. Streetlights dot the different paths one can choose for an adventure through a terrain changed by darkness.
"I can't believe we managed to escape Felix and Bastien." Elisse whispered.
Liam chuckled, wrapping his arm around his bride of twelve hours. "I learned from the best how to slip away."
They walked along the freshly rain washed streets in search of the places that meant the most to Liam. He offered stories of himself and his friends, sneaking out during his social season and unity tour. Each memory was made sweeter by sharing his past with the lady by his side.
He still marveled at the fact that less than a month ago he managed to convince her to marry him. Elisse's doubts that she should remain with him left the moment he told her just how much she meant to him.
After all that Liam had experienced with love not being returned, Elisse's declaration of how much she loved him had made him grateful that he had not kept her at arms' length.
He doubted he would have been able to if he had tried. Everything about her drew him ever closer to her.
They walked on in contented silence. Each was lost in the whirlwind that had been the days leading up to their wedding. The entire country had been both surprised and pleased when he announced his intention to marry the viscountess from Monterisso.
Alamas had given her own press conference once back in her country. No one doubted that this was a love match after more interviews were conducted. It also just so happened to be a match made in diplomatic heaven. With Corodnia's riches combined with Monterisso's technological advances, the two would be a powerhouse that countries around the world wished to be an ally of.
Regina had thrown herself happily into planning a wedding for the couple. She was determined that theirs would outshine Riley and Drake's. A bit of motherly revenge guided her toward making everything bigger and more romantic. She was thrilled Liam had found someone who absolutely adored him. She also found a kindred spirit in Amalas joining to help with the preparations. The two were driven to give the couple all they deserved.
Liam and Elisse were usually caught smiling at each other or sharing a sweet kiss at events held in honor of their upcoming nuptials. Their happiness spread to all corners of Cordonia, making everyone forget about Liam's past with Riley and Madeleine. Everyone agreed that Elisse was perfect for him.
A few days before the wedding, Riley held a dinner for the couple at Valtoria. She and Drake were relieved that Liam was no longer alone. Though Elisse smiled and thanked them warmly for hosting them, she still held some bitterness toward the two.
She was both thankful that Riley's refusal of Liam's proposal led to him becoming hers and hurt that he had to suffer such heartache and betrayal in the first place. Seeing Liam no longer negatively affected by their presence went a long way for Elisse to manage to be polite.
Though their wedding day was plagued with cloudy skies that soon turned to a storm, nothing could take away from their happiness. Once inside Cordonia's oldest cathedral, hearts were touched by the sweet vows shared by the couple.
Elisse's wedding gown drew gasps of delight from the congregation. Cameras zoomed in to capture the petite lady in a sleeveless mermaid style dress. The lace that draped the white satin and then formed a slight train shimmered in the candlelight from the sparse crystals that were carefully placed as to not detract from the beauty of the design. A diamond tiara that Liam had given her the night before completed the veil less look.
For a noble from a country notorious for its secrets, her choice to not wear a veil was symbolic that she wanted to hide nothing from the man she had given her heart to.
Though the king and his soon to be queen were the envy of fashionistas around the globe, no one could ignore the fact that neither tried to disguise how completely happy they were.
Whispers of delight were shared among the guests the moment Liam took her hand and raised it to his lips. The little touches that neither could stop during the ceremony added even more to their sweetness. His wiping of her stray tears with the back of his hand. Her smoothing his lapels, only to have him press her hand to his heart.
It was a wedding that no one would ever forget.
In the midst of their reception, the couple thanked Regina and Amalas for everything before sneaking off to finally be alone.
Once inside the royal chambers the couple could finally be as close as they desired. Kisses were shared between whispers of love and attraction. Caresses became frantic as wedding clothes soon dropped to the floor.
All their moments falling in love led to this, being with the one who truly had lost their heart to them. Liam at one point paused in his movements to simply gaze down at his bride in the throes of passion that he had brought her. Her dark eyes met his fiery blue. Words were not needed. Breathless from his touch, she gently cupped his cheek as she pressed a tender kiss to his lips.
As they calmed their racing hearts in the aftermath, they shared the occasional kiss and smiles. Sleep eluded them as the excitement of the day still thrummed within their veins. Quickly getting dressed, the pair snuck down to the now quiet kitchen to raid the pantry.
Once enough sweets were between them, they sat on the counter, talking about their favorite moments of the day.
Then they discussed the honeymoon plans that had been kept from the press.
Their first stop planned was Boston for Elisse's appointment with Dr. Ramsey.
Once Liam saw her worry, he had insisted on their sneaking out of the palace and going for a walk.
His stories though, could only distract her for so long.
She stopped once they were near the shore. A smile briefly flashed when Liam folded his arms around her from behind.
His lips brushed a kiss to her ear. "What are you thinking about?"
"What Dr. Ramsey might say." Elisse relaxed back within her husband's arms. "I know after all that I have been told that I shouldn't get my hopes up." She let out a deep sigh. "But I can't help it."
He hugged her closer against his chest. He knew nothing could possibly top how happy he was with her, except having a child of their own. It was no secret to either one of them that they had each dreamed of one day having a family. Neither wanted to hear it was impossible.
Liam wanted to see a child with Elisse's dark hair and eyes, one he could spoil and proudly present to the world. Elisse wanted the same with his blue eyes and infectious smile. To see their own child sharing not only the physical characteristics but also those personality traits they adored in the other was something neither wanted to miss out on.
"We should probably return." Elisse turned in his embrace, smiling when he kissed her. "We still need to finish packing if we are to leave in a few hours."
The way his lips moved over her skin made all thoughts of packing seem less important.
Liam's smile held a hint of wicked mischief when he saw his wife's befuddled state.
"What am I to do with you?" She teased once he took her hand to lead her back to the palace.
"I will gladly go into detail once we are back in our bedroom." He winked at her, drawing another giggle from her lips.
Edenbrook Hosptial, Boston, two days later...
Olivia paced the confines of the examination room she had been placed in. Anxious to finally begin the decision she had made a month earlier, she was dreading to hear the news that she couldn't be the one.
After confirming that Elisse would be unable to carry a child full term, Olivia's offer to be the surrogate had shocked both the royal couple and the doctor sitting across from them.
It was the most logical decision in Olivia's mind. After all, wasn't she the one strong enough to do so? She was the one who put safety above all else. Who else would guard and protect their child just as well, if not better than them?
"Would you give us a moment, Dr Ramsey?" Liam had asked.
"Of course." He stepped out into the hallway, telling them to let him know when they were finished.
"Olivia," Elisse struggled to find the words. "We can't ask this of you."
"You're not asking.” She explained. “I’m offering”
"This is nearly a year of your life you're giving us." Liam countered. "Possibly longer if the first procedure does not take."
"It will work the first time." Olivia declared. "My body is trained in not accepting failure."
Elisse snorted softly, her heart starting to gain hope in Olivia's gruff determination. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
The duchess eyed them both before nodding. "I decided this a long time ago. Once I knew your medical history and saw Liam falling in love..." Her shoulders squared while her chin lifted, "I knew I should be not only a Guardian of Corodnia, but also a guardian of the future prince or princess."
"Olivia," Liam took her hand and kissed it. "I have no words to express how much your sacrifice means to me."
Her sharp gaze softened. "You owe me no words, Liam." She cleared her throat. "Now, call the doctor back in."
Olivia listened carefully to all that Ethan explained. She beat Liam and Elisse in her questions, then demanded more explanation from the renowned physician.
"Let's get on with the examination." Olivia demanded, as she stood up.
Ethan narrowed his eyes at her. "There is more to it than a simple physical exam. We need to--"
"I am ready to do whatever is needed." She spoke over him. "Are you not ready?"
Ethan bristled to the challenge he heard in her voice. Gathering Elisse's chart, he excused himself. With a jerk of his head toward the duchess, he walked out the door.
"Follow me, Ms. Nevarkis."
After blood was drawn and a physical given, Ethan asked her to get dressed then to wait until he returned.
She paced, wondering what was taking so long. She herself had one of the best doctors in Cordonia give her a physical a few weeks earlier. What if Dr. Ramsey noticed something that no one else had before?
Just as she was about to storm out and demand answers, Ethan returned.
He sat down and motioned for her to sit across from him in the only available chair.
"Well?" She bit out. "Am I healthy enough?"
"Physically, yes." He responded. "Now for the next part."
"When will the implantation be? Three weeks, isn't it, after I begin fertility medications?" She asked.
Ethan held his hand up to silence her. "The next part is a psychological examination."
"Excuse me?" Her eyes narrowed.
"Your mental health in this is almost if not more important in undergoing something like this." He explained. "You will be experiencing all the emotions an expectant mother goes through, yet you will be giving the baby to someone else."
She waived off his words with a flick of her hand. "I know exactly what I am doing."
A muscle spasmed in his jaw. "Ms. Nevarkis, why are you doing this?"
"Because I am able to." She folded her arms. "I'm the best one to do this for them. I have no intention to marry anyone in the near future. I do not have any sexual partners. I am free of any encumbrance."
He slowly shook his head. "Why do you want to do this?"
She blinked. "Why?"
"Yes. What is it about Liam and Elisse that you would be willing to do this?"
"They are my king and queen. Surely, you--"
"Personally." He insisted. "Why are you willing to give them a year of your life?"
Seeing he wouldn’t move forward with the plans, her carefully maintained shield dropped revealing a vulnerability she rarely allowed others to see. "I...there are two reasons."
Ethan leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. His piercing blue gaze warmed as he tried to be less abrupt. "What are they?"
"Liam was...is...someone I owe everything to. He is the one who helped me get over my parents' deaths. He has done nothing except stand by me through the years." She explained.
"I see." Ethan rubbed a hand down his stubbled jaw. "That is a strong, emotional reason to want to do this. But you said you had another one. What is it?"
Olivia swallowed. "Let's call it a chance to prove once and for all that I am worthy of Cordonia."
"Worthy? What do you mean?"
Briefly closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and explained her family's treacherous past and her surprise marriage to Anton.
One thing that helped her get through her past, was Ethan's lack of response. He didn't interrupt her nor did his face reveal what he was thinking.
"This is why I want to do this." She explained, her voice was full of emotion. Even she could hear the need, sadness, and desperation. "I need to do this for Liam and my country. My people."
She jumped when Ethan rested his hand over hers.
Giving a gentle squeeze, he nodded. "Then you are indeed the one who should be the surrogate."
"I will stay here for the injections." Olivia explained to Liam and Elisse. "Dr. Ramsey will keep a close eye on me. When you come back in three weeks, we will begin the implantation, and then in two weeks know we are expecting."
Ethan rolled his eyes. "Am I needed here at all to explain this?" He waved toward his desk. "Perhaps you should sit there."
Olivia ignored him. "Go and enjoy your honeymoon somewhere else. There is no need for you to remain here."
She grunted when Elisse enveloped her in a tight hug. Her tearful thanks were spoken in a whisper.
Liam in turn hugged her while Elisse surprised Ethan with a hug too.
"How will I ever be able to thank you enough for never giving up on me?" She asked him.
He patted her back and smiled down at her. "You don't need to." He shook Liam's hand while promising that he would do all he could to make this go as easy as possible.
Edenbrook Hospital, Boston, five weeks later...
Olivia absentmindedly rubbed at the spot where blood had been drawn. She glanced at the couple who had all their hopes placed within her ability to carry their child.
Please, she silently prayed. Please let me do this for them.
Ethan returned with a smile on his face. "Congratulations. You're pregnant."
Elisse covered her mouth as a sob broke through. Liam wrapped her in his arms, tears sparking his eyes.
Olivia nearly sagged in relief. "And my offer?"
Liam and Elisse looked up. "Offer?"
"I have asked Dr. Ramsey to come to Cordonia to monitor us throughout the entire pregancy." She explained. "In exchange for not only his help in establishing a research hospital in Lythikos but in Cordonia possibly offering a grant to Edenbrook."
Liam nodded. "Of course. I was planning on doing so in Elisse's name after all that you and your hospital did for her."
Ethan cleared his throat. "I have been encouraged by our board and a few others to accept. It is a very generous offer that I can't refuse."
"Thank you!" Elisse hugged Olivia and pulled Ethan in on it. "I can never thank you both enough."
The Royal Palace, two months later, Cordonia...
"Shouldn't we wait on Liam and Elisse?" Oliva asked.
Ethan continued to type in information. "Your blood work came back with some surprising results. I want to confirm my suspicions before we talk to them."
She reclined back on the padded exam table as he performed an ultrasound.
The east wing of the palace had gone through numerous changes. Given the equipment Ethan needed to monitor Olivia, rooms had been divided up for examinations and lab work. His own personal quarters were across the hallway from his work.
He had been shocked when Elisse showed him that they had knocked walls down to make him an apartment similar to the one he had in Boston.
"I want you to feel at home as much as you can while you're here." She explained. "You still will be welcome to join us whenever you wish for meals and events, but I know you need a space that is all your own."
Touched by her thoughtfulness, he had accepted the hug graciously that she still felt was needed to express her gratitude.
Liam also invited him to treat the entire palace as his own also. He personally gave him a tour, taking Ethan to the library at the end.
"One of Corodnia's previous rulers was fascinated with medicine." He led him over to a section of shelves on the second floor. "My mother shared his interest and she and I, in her honor, have made certain to keep up with the latest research."
Ethan saw not only many names he recognized through medicine's history but also some he had only been able to gather pieces of. Having a chance to read through all this at his leisure was an unexpected perk to living within the gilded palace.
The entire country was in baby fever. Riley was nearing her due date, causing added scrutiny whenever she and Drake were caught outside of Valtoria. The rest of her pregnancy had gone much easier now that the stress of having the royal heir was removed.
Cordonians were struck speechless when Elisse held an interview openly explaining her fertility problems. When she announced that Olivia would be the surrogate to hers and Liam's baby, the duchess was hailed once again as a hero to Cordonia.
The people in Lythikos were eager to share their opinions that they always knew she was a noble worthy of admiration, but they were also humbled by her willingness to do this for their monarchs.
Olivia and Ethan were soon the ones to dominate the public's interest. The American doctor was asked on numerous occasions how the pregnancy was progressing. Unused to such attention, his deadpan expression with quick, decisive words somehow helped to eliminate any anxiousness the citizens felt.
Olivia looked over at the screen. She failed to recognize what exactly Ethan was studying.
"Well?" She prodded, impatient over his continuing silence. "What is it that you have determined?"
A reluctant smile formed at her trying to disguise her worry with irritation. He took a few pictures and printed them out.
"That we were wrong." He told her.
All color drained from her face. "What do you mean?"
"We suspected twins." He reminded her. "Which was why I wanted to do more bloodwork. Your HCG pointed at that not necessarily being the case."
"Ethan." Olivia narrowed her eyes. "Tell me. I am at least carrying one child for them, aren't I?"
"No. You're carrying three."
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redthreadoffate · 4 years
fluttering [sonny carisi]
relationship: sonny carisi x reader
warnings: mistakes here and there, i have never been married
requested by: anon
notes: hello dear anon! okay, so last non-confident fic, i swear. i may have focused on y/n a bit too much but i swear the latter parts are really cute. i think. if you don’t like it, please tell me so i know what i can work on! thank you!
summary: you didn’t see y/n y/l/n. you saw y/n carisi.
It was a big day. The big day. As in, the wedding day. Your wedding day, to be exact. It was the start of a new life for you.
And hell were you never so nervous your whole life.
It wasn't a bad kind of nervousness. It was a good one. You were going to marry the love of your life! You've been waiting for this!
Sure, you were a little younger than him, and maybe some people would say that you don't deserve such a man, but that didn't matter. Okay, that’s a lie, maybe it did to you. But not to Sonny. He loved you, and you knew that.
You got out of bed and didn't bother looking at yourself in the mirror. You were going to get fixed later anyway. As you were about to turn the knob of your door, you realized your hand was shaking.
"It's going to be okay," you whispered. "It's going to be okay."
When you've calmed, you opened the door and headed down the stairs. For the wedding, you decided to stay at your parents' home. It would look nice in the photos. And really, you loved them.
You entered the kitchen and saw everyone hustling and bustling around. Your parents were walking around and your older brother was eating cereal, his back hunched as he dug his spoon inside the bowl to eat.
Your mom had her cellphone in hand, dialing some numbers and muttering words you couldn't hear, while your dad was trying his best to keep her calm.
Sitting in front of your brother and getting some cereals from the box he left on the table, you asked, "What's up?"
He swallowed. "Mom's been contacting everyone. Camera crew, caterer, gown maker, Church, the works," he answered with a shrug. "Don't ask me why."
You nodded and looked at her. She was fiddling with her phone while your dad looked at her, exasperated. "Mom," you called. "What's wrong?"
She looked at you, surprised. "Oh, honey!" She walked to you and gave you a kiss on your forehead. "I didn't realize you've come down already. Are you okay?"
"Of course," you said, half-lying. "Y/br/n said that you were calling the works."
"Yes, I was," she admitted.
You smiled. "Mom, thank you for your help but you know that's my job, right?"
She smiled softly. "I know, dear. And I know Sonny and his family are also doing their part. I just want to help."
You stood up and hugged her. "And you are, Mom. Let me help then."
Your dad kissed your Temple and said, "You'll need it, y/m/n.”
“But I want her to relax. She’s been overworked the past months,” your mother replied. “Let her have the day.”
“You've been overworking yourself the whole morning."
You blinked and looked at your brother's food. "What time is it?"
"It's ten," your brother replied.
You cursed. "I should be getting ready now, shouldn't I? I'll be using the bathtub." You excused yourself but your dad pulled you back. "Dad."
"Eat," he said. "You still have time."
Later, you really did have to clean yourself up. As you lay inside the tub, you began to ponder.
Sonny loved you. But what if he sees that you're not fit to be his wife? Or he gets bored with you and looks for someone else? Or maybe he…
You shook your head. "Stop thinking that, y/n," you muttered bitterly. "He won't do that. He's not doing that. He loves you for goodness sake."
Bringing your legs up to your chest, you rested your chin on your knees and sighed. "This is going to be a long life." But one that you wouldn't regret.
A knock on the door woke you from your thoughts. "Y/n?" you heard your mother call. "It's almost time to get ready. The cameras and make-up artist will be here soon."
"I'm almost done!" you told her, trying to reach your voice to the other side of the door. "Just need some rinsing!"
"I'll be waiting, dear." You could practically hear her smile. And that made you smile. You were so happy to have your family's full support. You were a very lucky lady.
After your relaxing bath, you quickly dried yourself and dressed into a simple sleeveless shirt and shorts, and you topped it off with a white robe. Your vanity was cleared for the bright lights that the make-up artist would be bringing, and the chair that came with the wood furniture was put aside for the coming director's chair.
You felt those butterflies in your stomach.
You sat on your bed and stared at the floor. Stop overthinking.
"Y/n, Ms. Harrison is here." The make-up artist. "You ready?"
You stood up and fixed the ribbon of your robe. You took a deep breath and exhaled through your lips slowly. "Ready!"
The door opened and in came your mother, Ms. Harrison, and two others, a man and a woman. "Ms. Y/l/n! Hello!" Ms. Harrison greeted. "The future Mrs….?"
"Carisi." And you felt yourself grinning from ear to ear.
"And it suits you perfectly!" she cooed. Her male companion unfolded a director's chair while the female readied the cases. "Sit, sit," she ushered.
You lifted yourself and tried to get comfortable on the chair. "Anything I have to do?" you asked, unsure.
Your mother brought in the photographer and videographer and another lady who introduced herself as the director.
"Just relax, honey," the male companion told her. "We'll do all the work."
And so, the magic began. Your hair was pulled up in a big bun with a variety of flowers, all in perfect sizes, inserted into it. A few strands of your hair on the right side of your forehead were curved to the side, making an effect similar to loose hair. Your make-up wasn't overdone, as you have requested.
The camera crew headed out as you fit into your wedding dress. It was an off-shoulder, white dress, with a snowflake design that covered your cleavage. There were tiny snowflakes embroidered after one-fourth of the skirt until the hem.
People would be wondering why the theme of the wedding was baby blue and white with a hint of light gray, especially on a day like March 15.
But they wouldn't know, not until later.
When everything was done, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn't see Y/n Y/l/n. You saw Y/n Carisi. And you knew then, nothing will stop you from marrying him. You weren't scared anymore, not nervous. 
You were ready.
Finally, it was your turn to walk down the aisle. A veil that reached up to your neck covered your face. You giggled at the thought that you were nervous about the fabric ruining your hair.
The infamous song played and you began the long, agonizing march to the front. You had your eyes set on Sonny as you walked in synchronization with your parents, both your arms hooked to either one.
You reached the front and Sonny kissed your mom's cheek and shook your dad's hand. He offered his arm to you and you both walked up the steps to the middle.
"Hi," he greeted with a smile.
"Hey," you returned.
You could tell he was nervous, and even if you said you wouldn't be any longer, the butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
"You can back out anytime," you murmured.
"And miss being your devoted husband?" he chuckled softly as you reached your seats. "I don't think so."
And an hour later, you both said the words you've been longing to say.
“I do.”
“I do.”
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Cheers erupted in the Church as Sonny lifted the veil aside and leaned down to give you a chaste kiss. You were now officially Mrs. Carisi. And God did you love it.
The reception was filled with dances and laughter. Carisi's cousin, Kris, had been the best man and your best friend, y/bf/n, was your maid of honor. They both said their speeches and then it was yours and Sonny's turn to greet the guests.
"Thank you so much," Sonny started, "for those who came to celebrate this beautiful day with us. Y/n and I are so happy and blessed to share this special day with you.
"Kris and Y/bf/n had already given a few details of Y/n's and my love story. Yes, we met during the winter season, and it was snowing a bit. We met because we were both following a snowflake that was falling. Y/n loved snowflakes and I was dazed as I was on my way home from a hard day's work. Our eyes met and she smiled at me.
"We talked a bit, had some coffee together, but we parted ways without further contact. I was really disappointed but I had a feeling inside me that I would be meeting her again.
"Two months have passed Kris invited me to this gathering, where it turns out he's friends with Y/bf/n and she brought Y/n. Of course, I immediately tried to get her attention and it worked after three agonizing hours."
"You were trying too hard," you joked. People laughed.
"At least I was trying. Unlike someone who was trying to play hard to get." People laughed some more. "And I started falling for her from then on." He shrugged. "Now I'm stuck with her." Then he looked at you with a smile. "Forever."
The crowd began to tink their wine glasses with their utensils. "Kiss!" they chanted. "Kiss! Kiss!"
Sonny raised his arms. "Let's not disappoint."
You rolled your eyes and leaned forward. The guests giggled and cooed. "You better not disappoint me," you whispered. "Because I promise to never disappoint you."
"I'll never disappoint you," he said. "Never."
When the night was done, you and Sonny were breathless from the loving activity you had just done.
"You're really good at this," you said.
He smirked. "Only because I'm with the one I want to do it with."
"You are so corny." You stuck out your tongue.
He leaned down and kissed you. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Stay with me."
"I will," you said. "I'm yours."
"And I'm yours." He kissed your forehead. "’Til forever and a day."
tagging: i have no idea
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youngdreamer3214 · 4 years
Too Late
Disclaimer- I don't own anything.
Jason is former thief, Red X (because I like the thought of Jason being the anti-hero).
The story is set in the future.
It was drizzling ever so lightly, raindrops rested like dew on blades of grass and new washed leaves. Light winds were blowing and the day gave a comforting vibe. The huge glass dome built by Cyborg kept the rain out but gave the view of the beautiful scenery around them.
A hero formerly known as Robin, now Nightwing was adjusting his bow tie and fidgeting in his seat. "Dude, stop fidgeting, it is becoming annoying." Beastboy groaned from sitting right next to him. Nightwing sighed and stilled.
His unmasked eyes held sadness; he looked ahead and saw a handsome man, with broad shoulders and lean body standing in a black tuxedo and an amethyst bow tie and a white boutonniere. His sea green eyes complemented his tanned features. His jet black hair with a lock of white was combed back and the white of his hair made him look a little dangerous, he was Nightwing's adoptive brother, Jason.
A former thief and newly minted hero or for a better term- an ally of the heroes, all thanks to the bride.
Jason looked happy, a smile never leaving his face but his eyes also held a little bit of nervousness. Nightwing looked around and saw his mentor, but right now their father, Bruce Wayne also sitting in the front row with a content smile on his face, clearly happy for his son.
A few other members of the Justice league were also in attendance with all the Titan community present. Beastboy noticed his sad gaze and sighed "I know how you feel…but you know what happened…"
Nightwing sighed and nodded. After a couple of minutes the wedding band started to play and the bridesmaids walked with their respective escorts. Jinx and Bee were the bridesmaids sporting a mid thigh violet dress and a beautiful flower piece in their hair.
Soon after the maid of honor, Starfire walked in wearing the same dress but with different colored flowers in her hair, she was beaming, clearly happy for her best friend. They all took their respective positions near the end of the alter.
Jason and Nightwing's eyes were glued to the entrance; Jason looked happy and ecstatic with a tinge on nervousness in his eyes while Nightwing's eyes held regret. After a couple of moments the bride entered and everyone got up.
Raven looked absolutely stunning; she was wearing a beautiful white mermaid gown, which trailed after her as she walked, the dress was sleeveless and was covering her neck. Above her chest and till the beginning of her neck there was white lace. There was an intricate design decorating the gown. She was wearing emerald ear rings and her hair was curled and pulled up in a voluminous bun. A lock of hair was stylishly pulled out, which was framing her fore head. And a veil was drawn over her mid night blue hair. Lastly her face had a light blush on her cheeks and some make up to enhance her beautiful amethyst eyes. She was smiling brightly and that just made her look more beautiful.
Everything about her anatomy was breath taking; she was holding a blue and green bouquet of flowers while her big brother, Cyborg escorted her down the aisle.
Nightwing saw her wide smile and remembered the time when that smile was directed towards him and him only. And now it was for another man and the worst part was that, that man was his brother.
He saw her giving Cyborg a kiss on his cheek and then accepting Jason's out stretched hand and stood parallel to him, in front of the priest.
Nightwing zoned out and remembered his times with the empath. Them forming the team together in Jump City, him becoming her best friend, watching the sunrise together before everyone else woke up, sharing their fears with each other, their bond, saving her from Slade, learning the truth about her past, giving her hope, working with his nemesis at the end of the world, braving hell to find her and her hugging him in happiness.
And over the years they had only grown closer and had shared many moments together. When one day-
Robin had woken up early as usual and had headed to the roof. Every day without fail he and Raven had spent time together on the roof, talking about themselves or something that was disturbing them or sometimes they sat in comfortable silence just relishing each other's comforting presence.
Today as he opened the door, he was met with absence of the empath. This was weird; she always was the first one up and on the roof. He waited for a while but she didn't turn up, he panicked and headed towards her room, he knocked but was met with silence, and no other sound could be heard from the room.
His worry was increasing by the second, everyone else was still asleep. He tracked her communicator and found her on the edge of the Titan Island, sitting on a rock. He walked towards her and said calmly "Morning Rae."
Without turning around she said in her old monotone "Morning." He sat on a boulder near her and asked with concern "What's wrong Rae?"
She sighed sadly and said "What am I to you Richard?" this question caught him off guard and he looked at her with confusion and asked her "What does that mean? You are my best friend Raven."
She finally turned to look at him and said "Is that all I am to you after all this time and after all we have been through."
"What are you saying?" Raven took a deep breath and said "I like you Richard…a lot and more than a friend."
They were silent for a while, her confession hanging in the air between them. He looked at her and said "I can't believe it…and no matter what we cannot be in a relationship. It won't work out…this thing which we have between us is the only good thing in my life right now and I couldn't bear to lose this."
"You know what the sad part is." She said after a long pause, "That you won't even give it a chance."
He snapped out of his thoughts when the priest turned to Jason and said "Your vows."
Jason took Raven's hands in his and said with love radiating his entire being "Raven, I look at you and think that how can someone as beautiful, smart and compassionate as you could ever love me. You make me want to be a better person. I lived my life thinking that nobody wanted me…and then a few years ago I met you, you found my heart and I let you in…and that's where you'll stay. I vow to honor and defend you and yours above all others. I promise to love you faithfully, forsaking all others, through the good times and the bad, regardless of where life takes us. I will share in your joys and sorrows and comfort you in times of need. All that I have is yours and from this moment on I give you my heart, my love as I give you myself for as long as we both shall live."
A tear fell down from her eyes, and her smile just grew wider. Nightwing grimaced and prepared himself to listen to the girl of his dreams vow to love his brother forever.
The priest turned towards the empath and said "Raven, your vows."
Raven smiled warmly at the man in front of her and said "Jason, you make me feel loved and wanted. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. Every day with you is an adventure and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you…I pledge to bring you solace in time of need, to be your comfort, your sanctuary and to be your family. I promise to cherish you and uphold your hopes and dreams, to honor and respect you, to laugh and cry with you. I vow to love you, unconditionally. I give you my heart, my love as I give you myself for as long as we both shall live."
Her vows brought a tear of happiness in Jason's eyes and sadness in Nightwing's.
The priest said to Jason "Do you Jason Todd take this woman, Raven Roth to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health till death do you apart?"
Jason smiled widely and said without hesitation "I do,"
The priest then turned to the empath and said "Do you Raven Roth take this man, Jason Todd to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health till death do you apart?"
This was it, the moment where Raven would be taken away from his forever. In a couple of second Nightwing flashbacked again, he thought back to the time after Raven's confession.
Robin had started to date random fan girls and had changed his alias to Nightwing, to erase the thought of Raven from his mind. Not knowing the pain that he was causing her, he did everything he could to get his mind off the empath.
After a half a year Raven brought Jason with her to the tower, so that the team could meet him. They had been dating for three months then and she looked happy and really in love.
The team except their fearless leader really liked him and he genuinely seemed in love with the dark beauty, Nightwing confronted Raven about it. She just shrugged and said simply "I moved on Richard…and maybe you were right we wouldn't have worked out anyway."
In that moment he realized what he had lost and said to her "I am sorry Rae, please give me a chance. We-"
Raven interrupted him and said "I tried to give it a chance, but you were too stubborn…and do you know how much you hurt me in these past few months when you started dating other girls…we are perhaps best at just remaining friends."
As he saw her walking away, he realized that in these past few months the time he spent getting her out of his mind; she had been doing the same. The only difference was that she had succeeded even with the pain he had caused her.
But he was now haunted by her confession and his feelings for her. In these past few months she had drawn away from him and towards another man.
"I do" Raven said lovingly and that snapped Nightwing out of his thoughts. Jason beamed at her. The priest smiled and said "Then by the power vested in me…I now pronounce you man and wife *he looked at Jason* you may kiss the bride."
Jason lifted her veil, showing her beautiful smiling face. He caressed her face lightly before giving her a loving kiss. Every one cheered and clapped, a few wiped the wedding tears away and hooted for the newlywed couple.
A tiny voice inside Nightwing's head said as he watched the couple embrace "Too late."
They pulled away with huge smiles on their faces and walked out of the hall hand in hand towards their reception party.
At the party, Raven was having her first dance with her new husband. They both were glowing and there was closeness about them, which wasn't there even when they were dating.
They stole kisses from each other in between, after their first dance. Raven was approached by her new father-in-law to dance with her while Jason danced with Selina, Bruce Wayne's long time partner.
Nightwing couldn't take this anymore, he chugged down the drink in his hand and went to the balcony silently, hoping to get some time away from the party.
He leaned by the railing, thinking that if he maybe would have realized his feelings sooner then he would have been the one getting married to her today. This would have been their party then and she would be his.
After a while the balcony doors opened, Richard's highly alert senses caught this and he turned around, hoping that it would be the dark beauty who sought him out.
He turned and saw the stoic expression of his adoptive father, Bruce. Richard sighed and turned around, looking at the city again. Bruce stepped beside him and said to the young hero "You made your choice Richard; you have to let her go."
Of course he would know about his feelings for the dark beauty, he was not called the world's greatest detective for nothing, realizing that there was no point in hiding he said "I can't help but think that if I had realized my feelings sooner then maybe-"
Bruce interrupted him and said "Don't plague your mind with ifs, what is done is done…you cannot change it. So be happy for the couple."
Nightwing turned around and looked at the party through the glass doors, Raven had just giggled over something Jason had said to her in her ear. She turned to look at her husband and gave him a kiss.
He surprised his mentor when she said "She is good for him…after everything that happened to him, he deserves someone as amazing as Raven." Bruce followed his gaze and smiled softly at the couple and said nodding "Yeah, she is. And she gets along with the family also. She did make him a better man."
With that they made their way back to the party, the couple was just about to cut their extravagant wedding cake. The cut the cake and fed each other a piece happily, later they all were seated for dinner.
Nightwing knew that he had to talk to Raven once at least in private. He found her near the bar talking happily to Jinx while Jason was talking to the boys. After a couple of minutes Jinx left and Nightwing took this chance to speak to the empath.
Raven looked at him and smiled politely, she offered him a glass of strawberry champagne and said "Hey Richard."
He took the glass from her and said "Rae, I need to ask you something."
Raven nodded and urged him to continue, he took a deep breath and said "Are you happy with him?" Raven was taken aback with this question; her empathetic abilities sensed his feelings. She sighed and said "I thought we were over this, it's been two years."
"Just answer it one last time." He pleaded.
"…I love him more than anything, he makes me happy. The happiest I have ever been." Richard tried to smile and said "Then that's all I want, you to be happy…even if it's not with me."
At that moment Jason came up to them and kissed Raven on the cheek lovingly, he slid his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. Richard was filled with sadness but he masked it well and smiled at the couple.
"Mon amour, it's time for us to leave." Jason said with a warm smile to Raven. She returned his smile and nodded.
Jason then noticed his adoptive brother standing in front him and said "Hey Grayson, having fun?"
Nightwing just forced a smile at his brother. Raven excused herself and went away, the two brothers watched her leave, both filled with love for the young lady. The difference being that one was happy while the other was regretful.
"She is an amazing lady Jason…keep her happy." Nightwing said seriously to the man in front of him.
Jason looked at Nightwing and studied him carefully; he knew everything that happened between him and Raven. He turned to the hero and said seriously "I promise that I will keep her happy."
Nightwing nodded, after a few more minutes Raven emerged she was wearing a white cocktail dress. Jason smiled and walked up to her, he kissed her temple and whispered to his wife "Let's get out of here…I am sick of sharing you with others." And he kissed her temple.
With that the couple headed outside, towards their black limousine. Raven's arm was interlaced with Jason's as they walked, his eyes watching her with love and happiness. Jason opened the car door for her, before getting in Raven tossed her bouquet backwards.
Much to everyone's amusement Wally caught the bouquet, he looked nervous while his girlfriend, Jinx looked happy. They all laughed a little, Raven just waved at her friends and got in the car with her husband.
They all cheered and wished them.
"Have the nice moon of the honey friends." Starfire shouted. "Safe travels." Bruce waved. "Have fun." Cyborg and Beastboy cheered.
Only Nightwing was silent, his mind chanting only one thing as he watched the girl of his dreams drive off with another man, the man she loves towards their future. You are too late.
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