#i love scott patterson so much
moonyflesh · 3 months
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Scott Patterson behind the scenes of Saw lV - (2007) as “(Special Agent) Peter Strahm”.
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#Staring At The Love Of Your life At Town Meetings Like
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bornforastorm · 11 months
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peter strahm in saw iv: top ten king bitch moments
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trypoed · 2 months
OH MY GOD, finally, FINALLY I did this!!! 😭
uh-oh. nevermind. here's Peter Strahm Tribute for y'all
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the way Luke and Jess either have the most heart breaking scenes or the ones that make you snort and giggle out loud there's no in between
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enchante-em · 2 years
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screaming, crying, throwing up
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youandmedead · 4 months
I wanna rant on about the production/behind the scenes of the saw movies so bad! It's so cool watching how they made the traps and came up with the ideas, created the prosthetics and how they actually function! I just watched the stuff for Saw V and it's mad seeing how they filmed Scott Patterson in the cube trap and all of the outtakes they did and it's so cool seeing how they did the glass coffin trap and what the original concept was (Hoffman would've still been in the glass coffin but the room was supposed to fill with water instead of the walls moving). In other words it just makes me want to work in the film industry even more and just makes me more passionate about movies! A lot of people who don't watch it only see it as a gore film (which they're not wrong in a sense) but there's so much more to it and that's what I love about the franchise. The way the team talks about the behind the scenes, building processes and test runs etc is so intriguing and you can see their passion and pride when it comes to their product!
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butchjess · 1 year
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Well. hrm. the way they all connect to each other. like it’s all starting to look like a circle of some sort. jess as rory’s mirror/reflection/narrative foil but also jess as he pertains to luke and jess as he pertains to lorelai. luke breaking the church bells luke who says he was troubled but they gave him a chance and just bc a kid has issues doesnt mean they don’t deserve that. luke who is a figure placed against the rest of the town, just in the sense that he is not like them, he does not hold their values, he doesn’t even sound like them. which is of course a result of scott patterson’s new york accent, but adds to this theme anyway. and they use jess to build this picture, because they walk the same and talk the same and they’re stubborn—independent to a near self-endangering degree—and emotionally repressed in the same way and luke himself admits that he spent more time working at his dad’s shop than he did at school, which jess also does. but jess and luke are also. very very different when you get past these similar values that are maybe ingrained into them through different circumstances and same genetic makeup. and in their differences you get a lot of jess and lorelai’s similarities. when it comes to their family dynamics and how it’s affected them in particular. it’s made them independent yes, but it’s also made them hypervigilant, almost paranoid in the way they are allergic to accepting help and especially accepting help from the people who hurt them. jess only goes to his mother’s wedding because luke asks him to, lorelai only asks her parents for money because rory needs it for school. and they, and this is where they differ from luke, don’t know how to trust people and so they don’t know how to talk to people. where luke’s particular brand of emotional constipation comes from a general cluelessness as to how to do it—which is why the tapes helped him so much—lorelai and jess’ come from emotional responses to the situations they grew up in. while it was different—lorelai growing up rich, jess growing up poor—the effect it had on them still resulted in something similar. lorelai with her overbearing manipulative mother and (emotionally) absent father, and jess with his neglecting manipulative mother and (in all senses of the word) absent father. the ways that, despite their effort to distance themselves, they still end up with similar mannerisms to the parent they have the most conflict with (lorelai and her controlling nature + that scene where they have the same nighttime routine, jess and his love for books + tendency to run away). and of course, their romanticism. their big confessions and period drama-esque speeches and, yeah, i do think in a way jess was asking rory to marry him in 4x21. come with me. let’s get married. luke and rory both being the most important people in their lives. literati+javajunkie where they are all melding into each other, and luke is rory and lorelai is jess but on the surface level dynamic luke is jess and lorelai is rory and they are all each other. on accident. by sheer nature of making jess as a character for the sole purpose of interfering with luke and lorelai’s relationship (which means he is important narratively to them both) and by making him rory’s love interest/foil (because ASP casted him before she even had the idea for the character) you have now made an accidental blending of them all together. he is like a skeleton key of a character. Okay. okay.
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westofessos · 2 years
So I just finished Gilmore Girls for the first time and boy, do I have some thoughts:
First of all, I love this show so much. More than I ever thought I would. It’s just so comforting. I totally get it now.
Now, for specifics.
I love Lorelai. She does make some dumb choices, but in the end, she’s just so loveable and fun, I can’t help but adore her.
I do not get the hate I’ve seen for Rory! Yes, like her mom, she makes stupid decisions, but she’s so wonderful. Maybe it’s just because I relate to her so closely, but I love Rory so much.
Ughhhh I love love love Luke. He’s so unexpectedly hilarious sometimes?? I did not foresee that when I started. Scott Patterson is also strangely one of the best actors on the show, which I also did not expect. Luke is a gem, we love him.
Luke & Lorelai:
How could you not love these two together? They’re absolutely perfect for each other and the pining, especially on Luke’s part, makes for incredible television. I do think their dynamic kind of lost the really special ‘will they, won’t they’ tension after season 1/2, but I still ship them. So glad they ended up together. When she was still with Christopher near the end of season 7, I got a little worried.
PARIS IS GAY. I will accept nothing less. She is queer in some way, whether she’s a lesbian or bi. She had absolutely no chemistry with any of her love interests but so much with Rory. Also she’s just amazing all around. I fucking love Paris. Make her queer, cowards.
How could you not love Lane? She’s the absolute shit. Cool, supportive, loyal, and a fucking rockstar. I didn’t mind her with Zach to begin with (even though I thought it was a bit strange how they all of a sudden liked each other), but when they got married and had kids, that was a big nope for me. Lane Kim deserved to be a famous rockstar.
Emily & Richard:
I went back and forth on these two. On one hand, they’re very entertaining characters and I do believe they’re trying to do what they think is best, but on the other, I think in the end they do more harm than good. The way they dismiss Lorelai’s trauma, and completely disregard everyone else’s opinion because they assume they automatically know what’s best, just rubs me the wrong way. Not to mention the manipulation and the going behind people’s backs. I think there should’ve been an arc at the end where they finally listened to Lorelai and acknowledged what they’d done and tried to change for the better.
Melissa McCarthy is great in everything, and this is no exception. She’s so sweet and lovable, and such a good friend to Lorelai. I love her. Plus her relationship with Jackson is just lovely.
He’s such a sarcastic bitch and I love him. I think that’s all there is to say.
The Townies and Side Characters:
Kirk - Kirk is maybe the funniest part of the show and such a little sweetheart, I love him so much.
Babette - aka the best neighbour ever. We deserved even more of her and Morey than we got.
Miss Patty - same goes for Patty! We need more Patty!
Taylor - annoying and obnoxious but the show wouldn’t be the same without him. Irreplaceable.
Gypsy - again, we needed more!! Gypsy was so funny and I just wanted more!
April - I love April! She’s so sweet. I don’t, however, like what her arrival did to Luke and Lorelai’s relationship, and I fucking hate Anna.
Christopher - I don’t hate him, but he’s definitely not one of my favourites. I think it would’ve been a lot better if he and Lorelai had just been really close friends, or if he had just been fully out of the picture.
And finally, the boys:
FUCK. DEAN. Do I need to say more? He’s a toxic, possessive, asshole and I hate him. He was okay in the beginning, but the ‘50s episode really clinched my hatred for him. Huge nope from me. What a dick.
Man, do I hate Logan. Obviously not as bad as Dean, but he’s such a douchebag!! I genuinely cannot stand him or put up with any of his bullshit. I thought he would grow on me as the show went on but no, I only hated him more.
Best for last. My love for this man knows no bounds. Obviously the best fit for Rory, I love them together, but also his relationship with Luke is so great. Also, justice for his and Rory’s relationship while they were dating!! Why did we only get to see it when shit hit the fan? They kept mentioning how they were going to hang out, that they were meeting up later on, so why didn’t we get to see any of it? Why did we only get to see them when Jess fucked up? I hate that. I also hate that they didn’t end up together, even when Jess grew and changed and bettered himself. Anyway, I just love him. I could talk about him forever.
A Year in the Life:
They tried to fit 22 episodes worth of Gilmore Girls into 4 episodes, and it didn’t work. The first episode did an okay job, and I did kind of love the last episode (the wedding!), but the middle two were. . . yikes. No theme song/opening titles? No transitions? NO SOOKIE EXCEPT FOR ONE SCENE AT THE END? Michel thinking about leaving the inn and Lorelai being abandoned by both of her friends? No Jackson? Rory being with an engaged Logan? Basically no Jess except for a few scenes, one of which broke my heart? I could go on forever.
That being said, they should make more after the cliffhanger they left us on. I’ll take whatever I can get, even if it’s subpar.
Anyway those are just a few of my many thoughts about this show. I can’t believe I waited until now to watch it. I need someone to talk about this show with so if you see this and want to talk, DM me.
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noirtek · 5 months
tonight i’m thinking about how when they put scott patterson in the cube trap it was 100% fully functional. like yeah no don’t worry i mean we couldn’t think up a way to like. FAKE drown you so we’re gonna drown you for real. just flail around whenever you think you’re about to pass out and we’ll figure out how to drain it mkay :]. you can tell so much love goes into the franchise because if it didn’t half the actors would be dead
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fanhackers · 1 year
The End of Reading (?)
There have been a lot of academic books and high-journalism opinions about the end of English Literature as a discipline or, even more alarming, the end of Reading itself.  As both an English professor and a fan studies person, I take these claims with a grain of salt.  Regarding literature as a field - well, there might be fewer English literature majors, but most students still want to take literature courses as part of their undergraduate degree, and I think many people still want to be guided in their reading towards stuff that is good.  And capital R-Reading, from what I can see, isn’t in as much jeopardy as people think. 
In his recent article, The Reading Crisis, A.O. Scott agrees,explaining that people have always worried about the state of reading, particularly where the kids are concerned:
Nowadays parents and other concerned adults worry that young people don’t read or love reading enough. Their counterparts in the 18th and 19th centuries were apt to fret that the young loved reading too much. 
And as someone who’s spent much of my life in fanfiction reading and writing communities, I’ve never been worried that young people aren’t reading. They may be reading different things than people expect, but let’s face it: most people aren’t reading Paradise Lost (or at least not every day) and most stuff on the NY Times Best Sellers List isn’t anything particularly thought provoking or improving (the NYT Book Review of the same week as Scott’s essay is topped by the likes of James Patterson and John Grisham etc. I personally find fanfiction–or at least, the fanfiction stories I finish reading, which isn’t all of them–infinitely more thought provoking and improving!) 
Scott concludes his essay by wandering into fannish territory, using D&D to describe some different ideas of reading and readers:
If you’ll forgive a Dungeons and Dragons reference, it might help to think of these types of reading as lawful and chaotic. Lawful reading rests on the certainty that reading is good for us, and that it will make us better people. We read to see ourselves represented, to learn about others, to find comfort and enjoyment and instruction. Reading is fun! It’s good and good for you. Chaotic reading is something else. It isn’t bad so much as unjustified, useless, unreasonable, ungoverned. Defenses of this kind of reading, which are sometimes the memoirs of a certain kind of reader, favor words like promiscuous, voracious, indiscriminate and compulsive. Those terms, shadowed by connotations of pathology and vice, answer a vocabulary of belittlement — bookworm, bookish, book-smart — with assertions of danger. Bibliophilia is lawful. Bibliomania is chaotic.
I am both a lawful and chaotic reader–though chaotic reading is the most fun, isn’t it? :D
–Francesca Coppa, Fanhackers volunteer
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moonyflesh · 2 months
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made this and printed it out for my planner but i thought someone might want it so here 🥂
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I Am All In Rewatch - Episode 3x1
[Beginning Dream Scene]
As a fan. I was thrilled. I was jumping up and down. I look, like I said before, I really love them together. I think they I think that she is so um, how can I describe Lorelai. She's there's a side of her that I Luke balances off very well, and I think all sides. But she's a tough girl. She's tough, you know what I mean...It's just I don't know, they just look really good together. I thought we looked really we look really good together, and and we act well together, and it just works and it's easy and we you know, I think the fact that he's not going all noodly on her all the time, and you know what I mean, because everybody does. They're all flipping out over and I'm the guy that's like, listen, you know, you're a pain in my ass love you bye you know.  And I think that's refreshing. And so I really love that scene. It's my one of my favorite scenes. -Scott
[End Diner Scene]
I really love her. I really love her character. I really I really love Lorelai. I really do. I think that she is a a woman made out of iron and all heart and soul and um man, she just wants to keep it light, doesn't she. She just wants laughs because she didn't get them growing up...I think, And this this is one of my favorite lines and one of the bigger laughs. And the thing was when he was listing all her capabilities and her iron stomach, that meant he was forgiving her because he was joking around with her a little bit and he's so comfortable with her that he can say something off the cuff like that, and I think it gave her a great comfort....I loved the Luke and Lorelai stuff in this it was very tender. It was it really really was without it being overtly tender and sweet on her part....Yeah, I mean, listen, you know I enjoyed that scene very much. That it was a powerful scene for me, you know, really really was um and that's you know, I think, just in an acting sense, to get a little wonky. You know, the smaller you can work, the better. And uh, and that really called for it. -Scott 
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miguelschamp · 8 months
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hii !! i’m arii. i write for pretty much anyone, so if there’s someone you don’t see here that you’d want me to write for, just lmk <3
requests: open
rules for requests:
• please no smut. that’s literally it 😭
outer banks:
jj maybank:
tolerate it
new car
pope heyward:
none yet :(
john b routledge:
the exit
the exit pt. 2
teen wolf:
scott mccall:
none yet :(
stiles stilinski:
paper rings
isaac lahey:
liam dunbar:
how you get the girl
theo raeken:
none yet :(
cobra kai:
miguel diaz:
you are in love
robby keene:
say don’t go
eli moskowitz:
none yet :(
the summer i turned pretty:
conrad fisher:
let the light in
cam cameron:
none yet :(
jeremiah fisher:
none yet :(
steven conklin:
none yet :(
julie and the phantoms:
luke patterson:
bigger than the whole sky
blue beetle:
jaime reyes:
none yet :(
drew starkey:
sturniolo triplets:
chris sturniolo:
matt sturniolo:
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
Oh, this is such a hard one what the fuck Lemon. Also hi lemon. I love you lemon.
I don't have just one, but let me list my favorites.
The Dark Tower (Stephen King)
Earthsea (Ursula K Le Guin)
The Dark Is Rising (Susan Cooper)
The Chronicles of Prydain (Llyod Alexander)
The Time Quintet (Madeleine L'Engle)
The Hunger Games (Susan Collins)
Between Earth and Sky (Rebecca Roanhorse)
The Giver (Lois Lowrey)
Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
A Brave New World (Aldous Huxley)
1984 (George Orwell)
The Maze Runner (James Dashner)
Lord of the Flies (William Golding)
Divergent ( Veronica Roth)
Uglies (Scott Westerfield)
The Fifth Wave (Rick Yancey)
Witch and Wizard (James Patterson)
The Mortality Doctrine (James Dashner)
Bag of Bones (Stephen King)
Gone (Micheal Grant)
Hobbit + Lord of the Rings (J. R. R. Tolkien)
This is just a very short list of books I love so much, there's so many more that I can't remember off the top of my head, I've probably read nearly 1000 books in my lifetime already lol.
But these ones really do live in here rent-free, and I love yapping about them. They're so so so fucking good, and I suggest giving them a read if you haven't. As one can tell, I enjoy all sorts of different fiction, haha, and I love different types of stories.
Also, any underlined books have a link to a site where you can read/download them for free! I only included links to complete series, some of the books on the internet archive require you to have a (free) account to access the content. The empty ones are mostly series, you can find the books separately but I didn't want weird links so I left them alone.
Ask related to this ask game! Would love to get more asks related to said ask game sent my way!
📖 Fave book
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agentperezbian · 9 months
tell us your top 5 Saw traps and top 5 fictional characters for the ask game <3
Top 5 Saw traps, with 1 being my favorite:
5. Eyeball Vacuum. This one shot up pretty high in my personal ranking even though it's a dream sequence, purely because of the atmosphere of the scene. I love the way it's shot, I love John's tape speech full of jokes, I love the way this scene really makes the VIEWER feel trapped and suffocated. It's just so well done in my opinion and it's my favorite in Saw X for sure. Also the music is so good.
4. Water Cube. I just think the practical effects are neat. They really made Scott Patterson do all that. They pourt wader on him. The visual of Strahm's head in the box in the darkness is so cool to me and I just love that he "cheats" the trap depending on where you stand on Hoffman leaving the pen there on purpose. I think players should be allowed to cheat more in Saw it's enriching (for me.)
3. Shotgun Collar. There's yuri. There's tension. Lynn's trap is such a fun one even if it's totally not rigged in her favor. I really like the traps where they aren't just some 60 second one-and-done. And if Lynn had survived this one, her scars would be more mental than physical. Much like Amanda really! Cut a guy open to stop your head from exploding, sounds a lot like Mandy's trap but with a lot more work involved.
2. SHOTGUN CAROUSEL <3 It's the fun, it's the whimsy, it's making the guy who chooses who lives and dies... do that. It's the tension between William Easton and his employees. It's the realization of the last guy to die when the second woman is saved. Shotgun carousel I love you forever.
1. The bathroom. The original. Classic. Simple. Sexy. I like slow burn traps which is why the carousel is so high. I need everyone involved to truly absorb the situation they're in and eat each other alive trying to get out. Or maybe... they fall in love. Anything can happen in these kinds of traps. Beautiful. They got married on that disgusting tile.
Top 5 fictional characters:
5. Aerith. FFVII.
4. Roxas. Kingdom Hearts.
3. Amanda Young. Saw.
2. Lightning Farron. FFXIII.
1. Cloud Strife. FFVII.
I was going to write long explanations for why they're all my favorite but I've already written too much. My favorite characters can rotate and change sometimes, but Cloud gets the top spot considering he's the character that got me into FF as a series. Roxas has taken Axel's place as my favorite KH character, and Aerith and Tifa are always fighting for my favorite female FFVII character but right now I'm feeling Aerith. Lightning is of course a close second to Cloud. And Amanda my beloved.
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