#i love reading ppls takes on these. also if you have any questions i'd love to hear them: )
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kociamieta · 1 year ago
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some angel lore because they make me happy : )
i've considered having their form be based on some sort of angel hierarchy - it's been a lot of fun reading how they've been classified in different religions - but i'm not sure if i want to use that after all! for now, they're all equal.
the angels quickly realized that most creatures would fear them less if they looked similar to them. while the results weren't perfect - the "reshaped" angel would still be made of the same substance and glow - it was enough for them to approach most animals. humans were an interesting case. while many required the same treatment as other creatures, some didn't seem to mind their real form - and some were even interested in seeing it.
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jellykyunnie · 2 months ago
Hello!!! I've been reading ur jinwoo fanfics everyday bc I'm addicted hehe. But though I do have 1 question, and I'd respect any opinions. Do you think Cha Hae-in and our boy jinwoo is fated for e/o? Honestly speaking, she came out of nowhere.. I honestly thought him and his healer friend was gonna be together!(I forgot her name:() it would be cute and good dynamic to see them be together. Hey, Cha Hae-in is gorgeous she's a girlboss like slay. But he literally like ignored(?) or did not respect jinwoo until she found out he was strong. So in my opinion I think Jinwoo would look more good with his old healer friend☹️❤️‍🩹🫂 she looks like she was inlove with jinwoo too.. so I kinda feel bad for her. But I guess whatever makes jinwoo happy‼️ but what do you think?
...I'm gonna get flamed and blocked but here's what i ithink
They could've worked honestly. I get the allure of Power couple but on my personal preferrence i never rlly cared abt that kind of dynamic xD. Jinwoo and Hae-in's dynamic feel so sudden and uh forced? It's rllly jst random. But i never read the novel because im lazy and i read other novels. i heard they have more(?) chemistry there? Ik ppl will flame me for this but I rlly think its complete bullshit that such a wonderful and powerful woman like Cha Hae-in is reduced to just a trophy(by trophy I mean for the mc to get as a reward for his efforts. Hae-in feels like that even tho ik she's more than that, that's rlly how she was used in the plot im srry but i still love her to some degree) for Jinwoo. I heard in the anime they will make her have more personality? But so far all I've seen are jst plain fanservice (The fanservice also applies to Jinwoo //hello miner jinwoo but atleast we have more emotional development with him) Hae-in x Jinwoo for me is a mess. Could've worked but not developed right. As u said, yeah, she appeared out of nowhere. The healer named Juhee is where the real chemistry started really, I like their relationship because Juhee saw Jinwoo at his worst and I'm a sucker for dynamics where the love interest has seen the mc at his lowest point. Jinwoo had a chemistry with her that Hae-in didn't have qq. I wish Hae-in and Jinwoo had a proper development, but for me Juhee still wins in these aspects. But Juhee developed well imo since she chose herself and her happiness. A good-ish way for her to leave the plot but her departure is very sad for me.
Imagine a plot where Juhee discovered Jinwoo in danger and she rushes headfirst in despite her ptsd, wouldn't that be a wonderful plot?
Hae-in shouldn't have been used as a reward for Jinwoo. I really think she should be given a spotlight just for her. It's sour on my mouth that generally if you think of Hae-in it's "Jinwoo's wife" and "Suho's mother" coming to mind instead of this brilliant and awe-inspiring swordswoman who dominates the hunter industry. It's so infuriating that she's rlly jst for waifu uses;;. So yeah, that's my take. Jinwoo x Hae-in doesn't really work for me and it randomly appeared. Juhee x Jinwoo will forever be a plot I will never stop mourning.(ALSO TY FOR LIKING MY WORKS HAHAH QWQ!!!)
so all in all, nope, not fated, the reader have more dynamics with jinwoo atp
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newttxt · 20 days ago
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @strawhattery for @ing me, even though i do feel like it's a not-so-subtle urge to finish my current wips... (i need the kick)
for reference/those who only see my art, i used to be a fic writer who occasionally drew. that's obviously changed, but i am trying to write more, so you can find me at pseudoanalytics on ao3.
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
44, but only 35 are linked to me (9 are anonymous...)
2) what's your total ao3 word count?
347,773 😰
3) what are your top five fics by kudos?
while i nodded, nearly napping (suddenly there came a tapping) [haikyuu, ushiten]
redacted :/
the inherent romance of classical conditioning (or, the fine art of emotional recognition) [haikyuu, sakuatsu]
you're really pushing it (but you're going much too slowly) [haikyuu, ushiten]
redacted :/ (sequel to the first redacted...)
4) what fandoms do you write for?
most of my fics are so old i can't bear to look at them, but i'm trying to write more for one piece. then i've written a decent amount of haikyuu, pacific rim, and star wars.
5) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
initially? i absolutely do! but as any of my friends will tell you, i struggle to even reply to dms or texts. so alas. i drop off pretty quickly
i LOVE comments though, and i eagerly read and reread them frequently ;__;
6) what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh sheesh. you may only ask once (so be prepared for the reply) which is a bad end for pacific rim 2. or i guess... a worse end. it's also a bit of a role swap au, if i remember correctly.
7) what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i... honestly don't know. i typically write happy endings. i like to write "missing scenes" and post-canon, so things tend to be rather open-ended or to just lead into the next part of canon. my memory is also not my prize-winning quality, so i can't really remember how my fics ended pre-2018ish.
8) do you get hate on fics?
i know i've gotten some ruder bookmarks, but not typically, no. i get more hate on art or in my ask box, but i honestly just delete it all, so it never sticks.
9) do you write smut?
yes, though its debatable if it's "smut" so much as "sex in such an irreverent context that it becomes humor." i cannot take sex seriously, so alas, i rarely write it seriously. i use it more as comedy and a tool for character studies. i do enjoy a stoic character's facade getting cracked open.
10) do you write crossovers?
i don't write legitimate crossovers, with characters from different medias intermingling, and frankly, i rarely do au's either.
but if i have one weakness, it's that i am ALWAYS a sucker for a pacific rim au. yes, i am rotating a one piece version in my head.
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
i had a sakuatsu one reuploaded to wattpad under someone else's username. they deleted my author's notes and added their own, as if they'd written the fic, too. hilariously they even used my art for the cover.
it got taken down, but idk why. i never reached out about it.
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! i've had 5 translated, and i've had 2 turned into podfics, which is cool.
13) have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope. i'd be terrible to work with, tbh. my writing process is a holdover from my journalism days, and the steps are a mystery even to me. i think i'll stick to drawing art for other ppl and their fics.
14) what's your all time favorite ship?
i will hold to the fact that it's asanoya from ao3. they were the first ship i got really invested in, and i see their impact on everything i ship to this day. they were my "blueprint," if you will. i still get smiley when i see art for them!
on the flip side... terezi/vriska was also a formative ship for me. but i won't discuss that.
15) what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
rip go ahead and start talking (i'll pick up the slack). it's my 1-of-2-chapters ushiten fic that i should just mark as complete, since the first chapter can stand alone.
16) what are your writing strengths?
hard to determine your own strengths, but i think my dialogue/characterization are pretty strong, especially since i still regularly flex those muscles when writing comics. i also think i'm funny.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
but seriously, i am so bad at sitting down and just hammering out a fic. don't get me started on outlines or longform works. i'd rather grab my pencil and start drawing, i'm afraid.
18) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think there are ways to interweave words or terms in other languages, but overall, i'm a fan of just standardizing everything into one language. if your character understands it, i think all readers should be able to understand it. and i'm not a fan of when you're expected to scroll to the end for a translation; i think it interrupts the reading flow.
this is a generalized opinion though. i think there are ALWAYS storytelling exceptions, so if the other language usage is really important to your theme/intent, i can see why you would do this!
19) first fandom you wrote for?
please don't do this to me. it was maximum ride. yes, the james patterson books about the kids with bird wings. i wrote 4-5 fics, i was in middle school, and — as far as i know — they are still up on ff dot net. no, i won't elaborate.
20) favourite fic you've ever written?
hands down, it's the sakuatsu domesticity simulator. it's not necessarily my best work in terms of writing skill, but i also drew over 50 images for it and html coded it into an interactive story. i'm just proud that i started a big project by myself and i actually finished it!
it's my dream to someday make a whole visual fan novel. i feel like the domesticity sim was the first step.
oh boy i'm bad at tagging but if @syrupfog, @lawsbbygirl, @macabrekawaii , @bmouse, or @cooknumber3 want to go for it... :))
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emsylcatac · 1 month ago
is ML awakening good/worth a watch? I never watched it because ppl kept putting down the show to prop it up as being better at the time so I didnt want any weird biases to cloud my judgment. On the other hand, I remember ppl criticized s5's finale for not having adrien being relevant but then praise the movie's finale despite it not having marinette be relevant (correct me if im wrong, but sounds like things wouldve solved faster if she gave up and didnt believe in herself )
Hey! 😊
I think it depends on your tastes: if you really love the show and the characters, you probably won't like the movie. But if you're salty about the show (especially if you've been salty about it for a long time) then from what I've seen, people tend to like the movie more. Though you might also end up liking both the movie and the show, recognize each their flaws and qualities and have a fun time without feeling like you have to compare them!
So my advice would be :
If you love the show and the characters (and especially Adrien's characterization in the show), I don't think watching the movie is really worth it. But if you have friends who love the show to watch the movie with, it can be a fun experience to watch it together and laugh at it.
If you like the show but aren't necessarily too invested in it or even if you're invested in the show but are a casual watcher who doesn't analyze everything, I'd say you can give the movie a try and you'll probably have a good time at best, or quickly forget about it at worst.
If you are salty about the show and were especially disappointed in the S5 finale (or more about Adrien's non-involvement in the finale fight) and are looking for more Chat Noir / Hawkmoth confrontation than what we got in the show's finale, and if you aren't too attached to Adrien's characterization in the show, I would say you'll probably love the movie and should watch it!
I'll share more of my personal opinions / experience undercut that also answer some of your questions about the finale regarding Marinette and Adrien's involvement without spoiling the plot too much, but beware because I'm not a fan of the movie so it's up to you to read my biased opinion 😆
So even though I was disappointed in a few things in S5 (namely Adrinette dating pre-reveal), I would take that over the movie any day 😅 The characters were ooc to me (especially Adrien, I really didn't like their take on him), the writing is pretty basic imo, the musics aren't "bad" per say but they're cheesy and not at all memorable (and they sing wayyy too much imo - take a Disney and make it worse in terms of musical interruptions). And you're right, the movie finale has more Adrien in it - in fact, it feels a lot like fanservice in terms of Hawkmoth & Chat Noir type of content, but to the expanse of their main character: Marinette. Which is kinda disappointing for a story with a female lead imo. So to me, the movie finale wasn't satisfying to watch - more frustrating than anything because of the conclusion of it (I don't wanna spoil it in case you decide to watch it). We also don't really get to see the characters develop their relationship a lot (which makes sense because you can't have the same development in 1h45 than in 5 seasons), so it also doesn't help in making the finale satisfying to me. And I will say those who were satisfied probably were because they have seen the characters interact in the show and are watching the movie as if Adrien & Marinette had the same development, which they don't have.
I've watched the movie 2 times, one with the ML French culture gang at the theatre and we honestly had a great time laughing at how bad we thought the movie was, but our opinions were the same. And another time with @yeet-noir & @amimons because they hadn't watched it and wanted to see what I meant when I said it was bad. Again, we had fun making fun of it but they also didn't like the movie and I think we were overall frustrated with the fact that we think that it's not depicting a good image of the show, especially for people who only watched the movie (and we were frustrated at people saying it's tooooons better than the show hahahaha). But that's our personal opinion, and someone who loved the movie would tell you a different story for sure!
I hope it helped, sorry I'm def not the best person to be neutral because of my opinion on the movie hahaha 😅 but no matter what you decide to do and how you personally end up feeling about the movie, the most important is that it brings you enjoyment 😄
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chinomiko · 1 year ago
hi! i know it must be kinga boring for you recive questions about castiel bc ppl are obsessed ober him for years but like the other person who asked you a few days ago, i follow you (and ply mcl) for like 10 years and ever since day one my fav boy has been tiel. till this day at the age of 22 he's my favorite and my comfort boy so i joke that he's not a fictional character anymore for me and that i know him personally at this point lol
with that being said, i bet you can imagine that over the years i've been elaborating his personality beyond what the game gives us but he's your boy, you created him therefore you know him and your word is canon, so i'd like to ask a few stuff!! nothing too big, dont worry but here we go.
tiel is an amazing songwriter and since he's very emotional not very good at express it (he does it a lot better now that he's an adult 🥹) i bet his lyricism is very deep and poetic so i have this headcanon that he at first wouldn't like taylor swift because obviously lol but then he payed attention to her lyrics and ends up basically being a swiftie since he likes her writing a lot. what you think about that?
and what kind of music crowstorm sings? like there are any bands that you listen and think "hey this would be in a crowstorm album!" (i have a playlist with this name btw lol). im probably wrong on this one but since this is my fav band i like to think that catfish and the bottlemen are the irl crowstorm, musically speaking
and the last one: another thing that gives me so much comfort is the lystiel friendship. not having present parents, being so closed off i know that lysander is such an important presence on tiel's life because he was basically the only close person he had (specially after the debrah fiasco); if lys didnt had taken the farm and went to college and bla bla bla do you think he would still be part of the band with castiel? im not sure if im mixing the canon with a fanfic i read a while ago (lol) but the band was more of a fun thing to lys, right? he liked writing most (i always imagined him getting into a literature degree or something like this). i also like to think that he helps tiel with lyrics at times, even if he's out of the band (in my head the canon is that they are best friends and pretty close till this day, i pretend lys never left our lives just like armin)
anyways sorry for this big ask 😭 i dont even know if you will read it all but if you do, thank you! and dont feel like you have to answer, i know its too much its just that mcl is my hyperfixation till this day like for real, i have a fanfic that i write still and i even plan on making it into a book sometime. except from the main characters (who is my oc) all the characters will be based on the game's ones :)
ilysm take care and stay hydrated!!
Hellow !
Aww thank you so much and for all your love for Castiel ^^
What a long ask, I'll try to answer in order.
Castiel being a swiftie. No sorry, I don't think he would be. If candy likes her, I'm pretty sure he would try to listen. Also he is an open minded person for sure, so I'm sure he would be curious to listen and study what all the hype is about, it could also help as some sort of far away inspiration, but I don't see him being a fan.
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What kind of songs Crowstorm sings This is hard to answer because my musical knowledge is pretty limited and I'm sure I would miss on lot of potential groups or singers that would fit well. And it would require too much research time to have a real detailed and clear answer, but I still did check a bit and here is a little list of songs/groups that I think would have a fitting vibe for Crowstorm
City of the dead - Hollywood Undead The worst in me - bad omens Paranoid - I prevail Trauma Just pretend - Bad omens Ice Nine Kills - A grave mistake Catfish and the bottlemen sounds nice but I think its a bit too soft for what I imagine for Crowstorm.
What is his voice like I think something similar to this (not necessarily the song itself, just the voice. )
bonus, I think this song is so so fitting for Castiel's breakup song, I love it. Dial Tone - Catch your breath
Castiel and Lys friendship. It was'nt mentionned much in UL/LL because I didnt wish to bring too much drama by mentioning Lys when he was not there for the players, but of course Lys and Cast always kept in touch. It is very clearly mentionned in Lys' AL that they keep in touch, that Lys helps Castiel write songs and Cast also like to come to his farm to have a break and spend time together. You should play it if you havent, you'll have a good chunk of Cast and Lys friendship :) However yeah I can confirm that Lys would not like to do it serisouly and professionally, but he'll be all the way around to support and help Cast.
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saisiprincessa · 5 months ago
Hi sai ! I just wanna say I am in complete love and admiration of u and ur whole vibe and as a fellow it girl I'd love to know more about u ! So :
How's ur day to day life like ? Do you have any special skincare and workout routines u do ?
Do you have any special relationships and persons you'd like to talk about ? They can be ur family, significant others, friends , etc
How r u like ? Personality and physical appearance wise
Ur closet !!!!! U seem like ud have a good sense of style so kindly share some of ur fav fits ! I love reading about ppl's dream closets.
- oph
OMG OPH ILY, i love hearing about your thoughts and seeing your reblogs on my feed,
day in my life is pretty much school at the moment, however ive scripted that victoria secret fashion show is way bigger and way more famous, the same way people are so obsessed with football to the point of billions of fans, people are the same with victoria secret so as angels we train a lot and take our careers seriously. I’m scripting multiple halloween themed VS fashion shows (because i love halloween honestly) one of the themes will be like monsters high, but a little slutty (i’ll probably be draculaura, cleo or clawdeen) and another of the themes are icons in halloween movies, (im going to walk the runway was emily from corpse bride and have my wings made up of little fake skeletons). So i’m pretty much just training and i also need to put together some Halloween costumes for halloweekend because my fans know im gonna eat.
special people: even tho i do have my s/o (who at this stage is my man who isn’t my man lmao) my friends are so amazing
personality wise i have a lot riding on how i present myself as my family is quite prestigious, but i try my best to be down to earth although coming from wealth, id say outgoing and funny. And being one of the most beautiful women in the world people are so ready to hate so i love being kind to others, which is were i got the name “people’s princess” 💞💞
and IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED ABOUT MY CLOSET, it’s eats downnnn. It’s massive and i have space for anything really, my favourite things are the pieces i get from my mums archive, she’s still very famous but she and my sisters gives me things that were gifted to her from designers for specific events
loved these questions
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kingkat12 · 3 months ago
i’m so obsessed with your work and how you write roman is amazing 🩷
do you have any tips for someone that also wants to start writing and sharing things on here ?
aww thank you anon!!🥹
I have a few tips, yeah!! (I've been waiting for this one tihi)
WRITE!! that's the only thing that'll really help u lol. I also re-read my writing all the time, and that's why I mostly started-- I wanted to read something perfectly suited for my tastes! but tbh I've been writing on and off since about 2015 and that has helped a LOT. I also had a writing spurt where I'd write about 1k every day for about a year from 2021-2022, so pls remember that this shit takes time! and you need to give yourself the grace to give yourself time, if that makes sense?
I used to follow many accounts on instagram that talked about grammar, how to paragraph, how to add tension, how to fill the space between tight dialogues, and so forth. that really helped to immerse me in getting better, as I'd be served information when I wasn't actively looking for it, and therefore I quickly absorbed it!
I didn't read a lot of fanfiction, and I still never really do, but when I found a gem, I really looked into what made me like that particular piece; was it the use of words? the way they built the chapter? how did they open the chapter? how did it catch my attention? WHAT is catching my attention here? I hate ppl that suggest you read more, so I'm just gonna say pick one book/fanfiction that you like and analyze it!<3
and as for posting here, all I gotta say is be consistent! update often enough, make your page clear, make your masterlist clear, and find a thing that makes your account yours! it's cool to have a denominator that sets you off from other people, or just have a schtick that is yours!
OH, and lastly, please, for the love of god, be confident about what you put out!! this is your heart and your soul, and no matter what, your work matters. your work really really matters.
I loved this question, so pls, if you have any more, feel free to send anything in!🥹🌸
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winged-cries · 1 year ago
Sorry if you've already talked about this before, but what do you think about the notion that horror is generally bad because it has a misogyny problem, and that exploitation / r&r films are problematic and the ppl who watch them are suspicious? i don't really know how to explain what i mean too well but i know you usually have very nuanced takes about this kind of thing 🤍
i think i understand what you mean, no worries 🖤
honestly i don't think horror has a greater misogyny problem than any other film genre, though how the problem presents itself may be different. it's maybe more blatant within horror but not necessarily worse. movies have a misogyny problem across all genres, i don't think horror is special in that. horror films do inspire some strong reactions though, so i can understand why it prompts more discussion in that vein.
rape & revenge is a particular case, and it's difficult to discuss. i have a lot of thoughts about it, but i find it hard to put it down in writing because they're not very cohesive. i actually did a little research and asked around for material about r&r because i wanted to give an informed opinion but i didn't find much. it'd be easier for me to discuss particular movies anyway, because i don't think i've explored the genre deeply enough.
there are some &r movies i really really love and i know some people watch them because they find the degradation of women titillating -- that upsets me but it doesn't stop me from enjoying or admiring the movie itself. some r&r movies are, in my opinion, really interesting and engaging and i'd go so far as to call them beautiful and thoughtful. of course for each of those you'll probably find a greater number of misogynistic drivel -- but i can't affirm that for sure because so much of my experience has been guided by what other women have watched, enjoyed and recommended, so i've probably avoided whatever didn't have much to offer. but then that's always really subjective -- for example, i don't care for i spit on your grave but my mom sort of loves it. i don't think her opinion is any less valid than mine, and i find opinions differ a lot when it comes to r&r.
i do have a question that i'd like to pose to you but also anyone else reading this, which is -- what you think of when you think of rape & revenge? do you consider only exploitation movies or do you also consider titles like the virgin spring or kuroneko? because of course there's a lot to be discussed about exploitation films, and how some directors managed to make genuinely interesting works while trying to remain commercial and please a certain audience. like, there are things in r&r exploitation films that i could do without but i can still admire the final result. but then sometimes i think of like, thriller: a cruel picture and how the pornographic scenes impact the movie in a way that i personally find interesting because it makes it all the more brutal, and the director really managed to make it all very non-erotic and even cold and distant... sort of going through the motions in a way that imo fits perfectly with what's going on.
but there's just so much to discuss about exploitation and about r&r specifically, a lot of my thoughts are not very cohesive or well informed. i'm curious to know how others feel about it, especially other women, and i'd love to discuss it more. but it's hard to give a solid opinion because i can see the matter through many different angles. like, of course the fact that r&r often targets a male audience while exploiting the suffering and degradation of women is a problem and reflective of a bigger one. but many r&r movies have genuine value and, more importantly, have real value to a lot women.
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harukasangel · 4 months ago
I really need to get this off my chest, idgaf if this puts me on a hitlist. Any harassment I'm expecting will be deleted, so please, don't even try. It says a lot more abt you than it does abt me, who just wants to love fictional characters in blissful silence/peace. Yes, believe it or not, you can be an anti without feeding into a proshipper's delusions that all we do is harass others
Yes I age up my f/o's. No, it's not proshipping. Proshipping is an excuse for ppl that get off on p*do/r4pe ships. Aging up is used for many reasons, them not equating to wanting to disguise being attracted to children. We're not selfshipping with teenagers, we're selfshipping with adults that use to be those teenagers, but now has grown and developed. Fictional characters are there for us to have fun with. They aren't real. In fact, isn't this what fiction is for? We found a character that we found interesting, want to play around with a 'what if' situation, write an AU that is suited to our liking, and have fun with it? Frankly, unless someone is producing literal CP content + grooming irl minors, aging up a fictional teenager is not wrong
Perhaps someone was also a teenager when they selfshipped with a canon teenager, and they're f/o couldn't age up with them. "Oh, just move on, it's literally so easy--" Do you even hear yourself? Feelings aren't something you can just turn on and off like a light switch. By this logic, my husband irl (who is my irl childhood friend too) must've gotten over me So EaSiLy and vise versa!!! Seriously, my sister in law was worried on her 18th birthday, fearing she'd have to stop selfshipping with a character she absolutely adored. A character that was, yes canonically 16, but has helped her through panic attacks, relapses, and comforted her during dark times. And purity police expected her to just drop him on her 18th birthday! Just move on? Sorry we ain't moving on hard enough! Imagine telling someone their loyal and unwavering love towards their f/o's is not valid anymore! Imo, aging up with someone you loved since when you were small is one of the most romantic things and a huge part of my favorite trope (childhood friends to lovers)
Have you never read a college AU of a character before? Aging up is essentially that. Changing a character so that you can explore what would've been if they grew up. Aging characters up is a sign of your own maturity. You’re looking at younger characters and asking yourself what kind of adults they might be, and what experiences they could have in the future. In other words, aging up is not equal to an adult taking advantage of a minor. In fact, IT'S THE EXACT OPPOSITE! AGING UP TELLS ME YOU HAVE MORALS
You're telling me if I were to look back at my old highschool yearbook and see my ex crush's face, I'd say "Damn, I'd still wanna hit that!"? No, I go "Awww, I remember when I had a crush on him. Good times, good times..." Wow, it's almost as if the relationships we have irl and the ones we have in fiction can be differentiated by your brain
I was a CSA victim, have kids irl, was groomed by five different men (two of them being family members), and have younger brothers that were also CSA victims. I will never stop believing it is wrong of an adult to take advantage of a minor. If I can choose to get over my own feelings, then I never had them to begin with. Ik some ppl selfship cause it's a 'funny little thing' to do, or a fetish, but acting as if your feelings towards your f/o can be switched off whenever you feel like it lowkey invalidates ppl that genuinely have attraction towards these characters. Newflash! Fictosexual is a real thing! Feeling legitimate attraction towards fictional characters only! Not all selfshippers are ficto, but I've seen some identify as it. These ppl (me included, though I am still questioning if I truly am ficto) treat their f/o as their irl partner
Ofc if you're just slapping on the label and not changing anything else (that character is still in high school, still lives with their parents, etc.) or if you're aging up someone like a south park kid, then I'm raising a brow. But a character that already looks and acts like an adult, but is 1-2 years away from adulthood being aged up suddenly equals pedophilia? Especially a character that you grew up with, but they don't have a canon timeskip?
"It doesn't matter if you age them up, it still doesn't change that fact that you, an adult, is attracted to a canon minor" You're telling me if you saw Barou from Blue Lock or Jack from Twst without knowing anything but how they look, you'd automatically think they're 16?! Newflash #2! There are high schoolers in anime that look and act like ppl in their mid-twenties! AZUL FROM TWST HAS HIS OWN BUSINESS FFS! In fact, this just makes aging up characters easier! These characters aren't fucking child coded! By this logic, Caelus from Honkai Star Rail is off limits! "But he's 22-25 yrs old--" Actually honey, he's a year old, cause Kafka activated the stellaron in his body, bringing him to life a year ago :P It's not as black and white as you think it is!
"They're still canonically minors--" Honey, you know what's also canon? Your self insert not being in the media! Doesn't this community preach abt how you can rewrite canon for your own liking?! I've literally seen blogs thinking they have the right to judge others just by one look off their f/o list. Clearly are the same ppl that don't read a byf + dni. Sweet pea, I still expect you to be considerate and open-minded
The problem is not me not 'moving on hard enough'. Sorry my loyal feelings of genuine attraction towards a character extremely near and dear to me can't magically change. Guess I'm bottom of the barrel scum now. There is no problem, so as long as you are actually putting in the work to make them into a developed and fully grown adult. Aging up is not some 'loophole' out of the nonsensical logic purity police came up with just to weed out more ppl that fit their definition of a proshitters. It's not bending over backwards to yell at the camera "I'M NOT A PROSHIPPER!!". If you're out here trying to 'weed out' anyone that doesn't fit your justice code, then guess what? You're just proving proshippers' point. You're no better than the accusations they use of antis harassing them
I adored and cherished this community sm, and it's such a shame that a once safe pocket of space dedicated to loving fictional characters turned into such a gatekeepy, stressful hellsite (I've deleted my old selfship blogs twice outta pure stress + paranoia). I'm tired of being shunned and shamed in a community that I looked up to, when I know I'm not doing anything wrong. Like many others, I tried being nice and quiet, but the sheer ignorance and just blatant lies is too much. I personally stopped giving a damn abt pleasing a community that seems impossible to satisfy, but I'd rather be honest abt my feelings
"Ummm, why are you being so defensive abt this???"...........because ik that harassers are going to be the same when they inevitably send me hate and try to start a witch hunt. Yeah....I'M the defensive one for getting riled up over being harassed over loving characters I worked hard into making adults, so they can safely consent to adult activities that may happen in relationships
Believe what you want, filter out your content, block me if you please, it'll be much easier that way, tbh. At least have the audacity to block me without saying anything rather than sending me an ask that you won't even read after you hit that block button </3 I'll be deleting any discourse, hate anons, actual proshippers using this as a trump card, etc.
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ahundredtimesover · 11 months ago
WOOWEEE i’m still processing the new chapter 🥹 i just wanna stress that there’s multiple realities, guys. jk wanting to respect oc by upholding her wishes to grow, but also feeling abandoned by her choices despite him baring his emotions and desire to have her close by. then you have oc feeling the burden of her family ties/debt with the jeon family and wanting to find out who she is away from her current role, but she’s emotionally attached to jk and it’s blurring with her own goals. not only that, we see jk’s codependency on oc and how that could make her feel more chained down. ultimately she’s always needed by someone, but when has she put her needs first?
as mentioned, this is all so deeply rooted. they need to spend time away from each other to grow. jk is probably going to retreat/relapse to his past behaviors or maybe he’ll also be working on himself so that he can be a better partner for oc … my guts say former because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’m an angst enthusiast.
ALSO i see lots of ppl saying UGH JUST STAY AND DATE, and while yes … this is a fic, this is a slice of life too. yall realize it is super inappropriate to have a secret relationship with your boss? granted all of my bosses have been old balding dudes and not jk, still … it’s the principle 😭 oc and jk having this “separation” period is good (i’m sleeping on the highway) and needed for their character development. i’m sure theyre gunna meet again and the tension is gunna be so high and they will do the boom boom pow💥🤯😏 without feeling that guilt/weird power dynamic!! 🫶🏼
mimi, you’re so awesome and i love this fic so much. YOUR BRAIN IS SO BEAUTIFUL, MUAH!!!!!!! 💋 you did not disappoint with the make out scene … cuz man if they can get like that on their first kiss … WE ARE NOT READY (i am🤲🏼)!! pls take care of yourself as always and hope you have a lovely day
Hi, anon. I took a break from doing my readings bc this just... this just made me smile and it appeased me (as did a lot of other readers' asks and comments) 🥹🥹 especially considering the other asks claiming how the characters are so dumb and stupid, or that they can just date while OC's in the company or date after she resigns. I would like to copy-paste your first paragraph to everything now hahaha (bc oh god the immense joy of a writer when someone accurately says what I was trying to show is insane and that's what I'm feeling!) 😭😭
Like, you couldn't have said it any better. All those things you mentioned can co-exist, and part of the characters' respective stories is learning that those realities can indeed co-exist. Which is why they're as burdened by their choices as they are (and we'll see more of this in ch12). I'd like for you to park that second paragraph bc... I wrote this entire series with the plan for season 2 so whatever happens at the end of this season, know that more will happen and you kind of raised some points already. 👀👀
And with the boss/asst. thing - YES. The power dynamic goes beyond their roles bc their pasts are intertwined as well. Mr. Ri pointed it out to JK - did he want OC to feel indebted to him, too? There are just so many complications. It's always been about needing to feel free for OC. What that freedom means is something she has yet to explore. Even the question of happiness is something she's figuring out.
BUT THANK YOU, like, really. 🥹🥹 It's always tricky and draining to write super long stories like this bc I need to make sure that the characters and storylines are consistent, and knowing that what I intended comes across (most of the time) is truly worth all the stress of writing this one hahaha I hope you're well and I hope to hear from you and your wonderful mind again! 💕💕💕
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thegamingcatmom · 7 months ago
Hello <3 Listen I've started playing re8 and i've had my first encounter with the Dimitrescu family and I am here wondering why the hell didn't I play this sooner so I could obsess over this even sooner, but oh well. So I know you're cooking up a story where they meet the Denalis and I was like walking through the castle and my mind started asking questions. So ofc I imagine you don't wanna give away details of your story because then you wouldn't be able to tease us with lil spoilers and where's the fun in that, right? ;P So instead lemme write down what came to my mind and ask your opinion on that, let's dive into my delulu-land vision XD Tbh is nothing like super elaborated bc you know just rnadom throughts that came to mind so bear with me bc it probably makes 0 sense ok? SO it made me think like in a more kind of "modern" set up, where the Denalis are already vegetarians, they've lived a veeery long life, yk kind of like things are in the Twilight movies/books. In my mind it was like for X reason they were moving from Denali to another place to live, be because the Volturi, bc they had been exposed and therefore they need to gtfo before shit hits the fan (I blame the drones if that's the reason tho) IDK it could be literally any reason, it is unimportant. They somehow end up finding the castle, they meet this vampires who are like super different from them (In my mind I think is cool they can eat human food and sleep and shit eve n though perhaps they don't need it so I'd probs keep that for all vamps in any possible story but that's out of the question XD) and they ofc live very differently from them, the castle ofc doesn't mantain itself, so they have ppl working there for them and they probs dispose of them as soon as they stop being useful, they drink human blood, they make a game out of their hunts and seem to enjoy the pain they inflict before actually drinking the blood. Meanwhile the Denalis started drinking animal blood to stop killing the humans they slept with (With other reasons in the mix too but in the end it was to rpeserve human life) and they've lived away from humans, living in secret and all that shit, like is two complete different worlds they live in. Now all that to make this questions: Say Lady D offered them a place to stay in the castle for reasons unknown bc I hadn't actually thought about it tbh, I don't think she'd mind if they kept their boring vegetarian lifestyle, but they have a choice now to keep it or instead go back to human blood, which honestly seems more tasty and the better option, do you think they'd take it? Would they agree and stay in the castle? Would they leave? Idk f there would be any consequences if they decide to leave though, and in case of staying what about the coven itself? I mean Tanya's the leader, but it matters little I think her title in the castle bc I am not sure if Lady D gives a duck about it honestly, it's her castle after all(?) And final question I promise: How do you think they would adapt to this "new life" in the case they accept Lady D's offer of staying? You think someone might have more of a hard time with it? Will they talk/argue about it among themselves? Consider their options? I have a feeling that Tanya would not take any offer without speaking first to her coven, they are family after all and whatever they do will affect all of them, so yeah. Also this probably makes no sense as I stated before, it was a bunch of random thoughts that I poorly put together so yk don't feel like you gotta answer to all that nonsense XD And I still have not finished the game, just barely started it so idk, perhaps I'm missing some important lore, or something is inadequate, anyway thanks for reading my delulu-bible and for recommending me to go play the game <3 <3 Have a nice day :D
We´re simping for both camps now?
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I love how, after having only just reached their section (apparently), this is the result. As in: The Dimis got their sickles hooked in you alright, LMAO.
Can´t say I´m surprised. *cough cough*
(Simping starts in 3...2...1...)
This was ALL of us when the game was only just coming out and Lady D was revealed in the Maiden Demo. It was madness, lemme tell you. The memes, the art, the fics my god-
The fics were smt else. And they just kept coming. They still do. Lady D destroyed the internet like no other video game character before. People kept dying in game just so they could stick around Castle Dimitrescu for a bit longer (preferably forever).
Like, this was the majority of ppl playing the game:
Lady D: *begins stalking you*
Ethan (you): *heart-eyes*
Lady D: *stalks closer*
Ethan (you): *heart-eyes*
Lady D: *unsheathes her claws*
Ethan (you): *dreamy smile*
Lady D: *takes one giant swipe at you that nearly beheads you*
Ethan (you), barely alive: "...F-Fancy stepping on me too?"
It was truly a time to be alive.
(You should check out some reactions to Lady D on Youtube, especially Markiplier. 💀)
I mean, LISTEN-
I dunno what Capcom was trying to accomplish with The Dimitrescus (they knew exactly what they were doing), but being stalked and hunted down by feral goth ladies and their equally as feral Momma because they thirst for your blood (and hopefully mayhaps other things) is pretty much a dream come true for most ppl. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Capcom, were you even trying? Honestly.
Okay anyhow-
I love your thoughts on this. Especially because it´s a lot more serious than what I originally came up with, lmao. Like, this thing I got cooking rn is pretty much a total crack fic (for now). Yknow, stuff like portals and time travel and whatnot seems entirely possible there, but I haven´t reached that part yet (the explaining part), so it´s still rather unclear how they got to the castle.
Like, it never occured to me that the Denalis might just find the "real" village in Romania (which is where the game is set). But now that I´m reading your thoughts on it, this seems pretty plausible to me. Defo something I can see happening. With that said:
Lemme start by giving some canon info (which hopefully won´t spoil anything for you):
the Dimis aren´t actual vampires
they are what they are because of a parasite aka The Cadou
they need to sustain themselves on human flesh and blood because of it (for survival & to maintain their powers)
Lady D will grow to the point she mutates out of control if she doesn´t (I´ve read that somewhere)
the Daughters are made entirely of flies
those flies will die if exposed to the cold (yet another thing that´s entirely different from Twilight vampires, who can only be fully destroyed through fire)
Lady D has no such "weakness"
the pain they inflict upon their victims is not necessary for feeding
they just enjoy being cruel
they turn their staff into wine at some point
or use them for experiments ("Moroaicǎ")
With all of that said: I totally agree that it´s a clash of two entirely different worlds. But that´s what makes it so interesting.
I also kinda HC that The Dimis see vampires as some kind of role models? In a way? Like, they clearly enjoy this lifestyle (a bit too much), so I feel like meeting some actual vampires - the real deal - would be like meeting a popstar or smt. At least to the daughters. (Dani would swoon.)
Lady D would be a lot more skeptical about it ofc, but there´s no way she would be able to hide her curiosity. I mean, how many beings pose an actual threat to them? Not that many. Which means Lady D would be quite hostile at first. She got her daughters to think of as well, after all. There would be the usual threats of "slice you to ribbons" and such, until she realizes-
There are no ribbons. And there won´t be. Because her claws are actually kinda useless against them.
As are the flies the daughters are made of. There´s no piercing that skin.
That´s never happened before.
That´s when it dawns on them that whatever they´re up against isn´t entirely human. The fact they (the Denalis) lack a heartbeat or the usual warmth is kinda telling as well.
In fact, the Daughters don´t enjoy being near them at all. They´re so cold!
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But, you see-
The Daughters might keep their distance (for now).
But Lady D is more than intrigued at this point.
Listen, that woman is a sucker for power. That´s why she´s got the hots for Mother Miranda (MM), after all.
Well that, and because MM is fine af, obv.
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(I don´t blame you, Alci.)
If she saw the Denalis wielding their vampiric powers and, yknow, posing an actual challenge for her in terms of brute strength because it´s not every day she meets someone who´s actually able to lift her- (can you imagine?)
Ofc she´s gonna want to get to the bottom of it all. Because she´s also a bit of a nerd, you see. Just like Momma. (They both fine af.) She´s gonna want to study them, write down every little detail in that notebook of hers.
Kate´s power is gonna fill page upon page as Lady D goes completely mad scribbling it all down like-
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With that said:
Yes, I defo think Lady D would demand invite them to stay. She´s nothing if not a gracious hostess to those she deems worthy.
As for the Denalis-
Tanya would never make decisions without discussing it with her coven first. Not those that could be life-altering, at least. They'd only stay if everyone agreed to it. And, even then, I'm not sure it would be a permanent stay. I mean-
It's difficult.
I'd say it depends "which" Denalis we're talking. If we take the more deranged ones from my story (The Sisters) then I can defo see them agreeing to a permanent stay in the castle. Human life means next to nothing to them, aside from being their food source ofc. And while they might not agree with everything that's happening in the castle (some of the things going down in the cellar are...tough, even for them), they'd never judge the Dimis for their lifestyle, seeing how they're far from being saints themselves. One as corrupted as the other, I´d say.
If we take the veggie/modern Denalis, on the other hand-
I mean, the sisters killed ppl before. Loads of them probs. Therefore, the Dimis sustaining themselves on human blood and flesh isn't as appalling to them as it would be to your usual human. But it's how they do it (torturing their victims and basically getting the most out of it before they deliver the final blow) that makes them feel...conflicted. Most of their kind (as in: actual vampires) usually don´t draw it out longer than necessary. Mainly because they´ll succumb to their bloodlust almost immediately, sucking their victim dry in a matter of seconds. That (thankfully) doesn´t leave much room for any kind of torture.
With that said-
It´s still difficult, lmao.
I feel like our modern Denalis would defo be intrigued by the Dimitrescus. Then they´d be appalled. Then Lady D comes in with all that charm of hers, laying it on real thick yknow, basically downplaying the things that are happening in that castle full of blood and death. Then the daughters come in with their buzzing personalities. Then the Denalis would be intrigued again. And so on-
And before you know it, years have passed.
That´s the only way I can see our modern Denalis stay in that castle over an extended time period. Cause time works just differently for vampires, yknow. Years are like seconds to them. All one and the same. Doesn´t really matter. Not when you got eternity anyway.
Now, that was pretty much me rambling and fangirling without any kind of order, lol. So lemme try and give some more direct answers:
Would the Denalis switch to human blood during that time?
I think that´s entirely possible. That castle is pretty much filled with human blood - it´s everywhere: In the cellar, in the kitchen, in the storage rooms, in the wine glasses, etc. It lurks around every corner, constantly putting our sisters to the test. It´s like waving a piece (more like a bar) of chocolate in front of someone who´s been living on dry toast. Resisting becomes almost impossible under such conditions.
And the Dimis know that.
Am I suggesting that Lady D and her unruly daughters might try and seduce the Denalis back to human blood by deliberately leaving it out in the open, ripe for the taking?
Why yes, yes I am. That´s totally something the Dimis would do in order to gain numbers (and other things).
Would there be any consequences if the Denalis decided to leave?
As I said before, the Denalis pose an actual threat/challenge to Lady D. Neither her nor her daughters could do much to stop them from leaving, if they decided to do so. Doesn´t mean they wouldn´t try though. Lady D is a narcissist and rejection isn´t something she handles well. Her daughters share that sentiment.
"So you don´t love me?!"
Yup. That´s totally smt Dani would say in that situation. The poor baby.
The Dimis would probs try to stop them because rolling over just isn´t in their nature. But I´d like to think one of the following things would happen then:
A) The Denalis use their vampiric charm to convince the Dimis to let them go without a fight.
B) Lady D puts a stop to things herself once she realizes the only ones to get hurt during this would be her daughters and herself. (She´d never admit that openly ofc.)
To sum it up:
Even if there were consequences, it´s highly unlikely the Denalis would be affected by them.
Would the Denalis adapt well to their new life? Would they struggle at all?
I think my fangirling pretty much answered that, lmao.
Unhinged Denalis: No problem with adapting. (More like they cba as long as they get their fill.)
Normal (modern) Denalis: Depends on the Dimis´ efforts I´d say. There´d defo be times of struggle and self-doubt. But then there´d also be times of "yknow what, why tf not". It´s a constant back and forth and it really depends on how well the Dimitrescus play their cards.
As for who might struggle the most:
Lemme start by saying Kate would struggle the least. I mean, the struggle would still be there, but she´s never been one to back down from a challenge. She´s also not one to shy away from the unknown - on the contrary: Out of the three of them, Kate is probs the one most likely to go "only one way to find out", YKNOW?? No risk, no fun, and all that. That´s why Cass and her get along so well. Whenever the two of them are together, the whole castle holds its breath.
Tanya would probs feel quite torn because, above all else, she has a duty to fulfill: ensuring the best possible outcome for her coven. So there´d be this constant nagging, telling her that all of this is kinda wrong and that, just mayhaps, it´d be better to haul ass. But then there´s time where she´s actually enjoying herself when she´s having "wine" with Bela, giving each other some advice on how to best handle their younger sibllings and such. That nagging fades for a while then. Until it´s back. But so is Bela. And that nagging fades again. And so on.
Irina would spend most of her time with Dani probs, gushing about finding true love and such. She sees a lot of herself in the youngest Dimitrescu daughter, albeit a lot more...unhinged, lol. They get each other, as crazy as it sounds. It also really helps taking her mind off things, makes her forget what´s going on in that castle. For a while, at least. Until the doubts start creeping back in. Dani notices though, she always does. And she´s always there to manipulate cheer her bestest friend up.
I hope I´ve managed to cover everything. Tbh, that was just me rambling most of the time, hoping it all would make sense along the way, lmao.
...Come to think of it, that´s pretty much my writing style. 💀
Thanks a lot for your ask! I really, really enjoyed that mashup. 🥰💋
Have a great day as well! ❤️
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pikapitou · 4 months ago
for the writing questions: 5, 8, 29, 37!
helloooooo cly. whoaaa this ended up long
5. Share one of your strengths. hmmmmmm I think I'm pretty good at capturing a character's emotional reality in a restrained but effective way. I always try to convey emotion without over-stating anything, either by grounding emotions in physical/physiological reactions or by stating an observation point-blank in the pov and leaving it up to the reader to fill in the blanks of what they're feeling. some of my favourite feedback is when ppl say that they felt exactly what the characters did/had the same physical reaction. once someone said I gave them an actual stomach ache I was soooo honoured lmao.
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“Yeah, um.” Buck’s eyes are stuck on Eddie’s, wide and searching like he might be able to figure out Eddie’s reaction before he says anything. “Chim was telling me that, uh, now that you have—me, you can work more because you trust me to be there for Chris.” Fucking Chim. Eddie opens his mouth but Buck barrels on, “And—and I want that. I want to do that for you. But, I—I also—” He ducks his head and takes a sharp breath, steeling himself. Then he looks up. “I want to help with money,” he says, expression lit with determination.
"I want to help with money" scene from baby birch you will alwaysss be famous. this warm early-morning moment so steeped in love, breakfast on the table and buck offering up everything eddie's ever wanted, and underneath it all is eddie's dread-guilt-anxiety. I also think I captured buck's voice and mannerisms so well that's my guyyyy!! I love writing his heart-on-his-sleeve and his long, stumbling sentences...... 29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? not exactly a sequel, but when I finished Live and (Don't) Let Die I was like I want to read about them being off-putting and freaky and crazy and sick to the stomach from five minutes apart foreverrrrr. I'd love to write something playing further into everyone around them being uncomfortable and honestly kind of concerned about them, because wow. they are soooo scary codependent. buck and eddie should start doing blood transfusions for fun 37. Talk about your current wips. I haven't been writing much lately but circling around in my mind currently are. 1. working title 'california poppies', this short glance-of-blinding-sunlight vignette of shannon's mother dying and shannon realising that from the very beginning she was never going to go back to eddie and christopher, so it doesn't matter what's left in california or what's left of her. 2. working title 'figures', this non-chronological series of moments eddie remembers where he Didn't/Wouldn't/Couldn't Say Something bc it felt too dangerous or destructive or weighty, while everyone's waiting for buck to wake up in the hospital. I want this one to be. very confusing and vague and floaty. my recent waiting room experiences have truly prepared me....... 3. presumed deaddie buck being basically catatonic with grief yayyyy 4. cattails......... this one will almost certainly never get done. mainly bc I only write it when I'm upset and since I truly believe eddie is getting out I don't think I will be able to tap into that well. but for all of these - we'll see!
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head-in-the-clouds-ahh · 1 year ago
so idk if ppl are ever gonna see this but are the kotlc books worth it? (If you don't want to read the long rant just stop here but if you don't mind you're welcome to give me feedback on my opinions)
I'm on lodestar rn and the writing honestly feels so repetitive and childish - just like sth I would've written when I was 11 (like Fitz tugging on Sophie's ponytail, Keefe's jokes that do not match with his age, etc.)
everything is also so dragged out like so much of the nearly-700-page book is about the characters arguing but I feel like it's just pointless arguing SM put to lengthen the book. also an unreasonable amount is about the love triangle and how Sophie's heart flutters every time she sees Fitz.
I also feel like SM added too many characters and is struggling to give them enough page time. like in the first book Dex literally was the person who went on the adventure with Sophie and now it feels like he's just the technopath whenever they need something and it's such a shame considering Dex is one of my favorite characters. (but also idk if Dex likes Sophie or not because we've already got a love triangle and so much of the book is already fluff and talking about romance that i honestly just want a male character to have a platonic relationship w/Sophie)
not to mention the characters just do not feel fleshed out to me. they say stuff that teenagers don't say, the elven species are literally all gorgeous but there really isn't much elaboration or development on that aspect, and let's just take Sophie and Fitz for example.
personally, I think Sophie is a terrible friend. the thing that stood out most to me was how she left Dex out multiple times and keeps saying stuff like "please don't hate me." combined with other factors it just seems like she's pretty self-centered. not to mention the fact that she literally does not know how to follow orders and I'm not saying the black swan or the councillors come up with good plans I'm just saying the formula of the book is literally just "various plot points get introduced and a problem surfaces -> everyone tells Sophie to stay put -> Sophie disobeys them -> whatever chaos ensues after that." this just makes her unlikable as a character.
Fitz is just... that absolutely gorgeous guy who the main character has a crush on. he barely gets any character development (like most of the other characters.) and yes there was some form of development when Alden was crippled by guilt and fell unconscious but there was literally no development or elaboration on how he handles his guilt from that point on. like even in lodestar Sophie mentions multiple times that anger was Fitz's way of concealing or dealing with problems but that's it.
I do think that kotlc has an incredible and compelling plot, which is why I am so reluctant to give up this series. i used to devour these books in less than a week. and the first books were good. everything felt more authentic (I'm saying that as someone who read the first book when I was fifteen and am now sixteen, and yes, I am aware that this is a middle grade book, but the age difference when I read the books is so little I feel it's unlikely that my opinion of the writing has changed so much)
I'd like to emphasize that this is not a hate post. I still love the series very much, but I'm just questioning whether I should keep on reading. these are just my opinions on this book after reading five books of the series. you're welcome to give me your opinions, and many thanks to anyone who gives a reply!
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moonshine-nightlight · 1 year ago
Potential Long Stories
hey, while looking to next year, i have a number of long story ideas i'm considering and i'd like to gauge y'alls interest in them and see if there are any top contenders since i'd likely only be able to work on one for the next year or two (similar to how Nothing's Wrong with Dale was posted)
these are all just the top ideas i'm considering at the moment and are subject to change when i get back to writing in Spring 2024, but i really want to know if any of these grabs ppls attention as often more interest in a story motivates me to write more!
see under the read more for summaries of each story in the poll
if ur interested in more than one, vote for your favorite and mention the others in the comments/tags!
See this post for a poll on short vs long stories!
See this post for a similar poll on short stories!
see below for summaries and minor details (titles subject to change - but i'm also lazy and hate titling things so maybe not)
A Perfectly Ordinary Research Position: You'd nearly given up hope finding a research assistant position at your new university, but there is one. The professor has apparently gone through four research assistants in the past year and he’s in demonology, but you're desperate. One hasty proposal for a linguistics demonology minor and an application letter later, you find yourself accepting the post. Now you only have to get up to speed on demonology and juggle your own studies with your duties as his assistant. If only the professor wasn’t quite so old and eccentric, constantly changing his mind and personality by the hour. Why, it’s almost as if he’s more than one person. No matter, you'll figure out a way to handle it all. You have to.
Not a direct sequel to Dale, but takes place in the same universe around the same time; ReaderxMaleDemon
Shadow Diplomacy: You’ve been Shaodd’s assistant since he came to your town to Arbitrate a land dispute that was threatening to escalate to violence years ago. Still, you’re used to everyone paying him attention and disregarding you to some extent, no matter that Shaodd always treats you with respect. This kingdom has finally crossed the line, by barring you from the senate entirely. You’re not sure what you thought Shaodd would do in response—but to say you’re his spouse was not at all on the list. Now you’re stuck acting as a married couple while untangling the mess of a situation these people have found themselves in. You can’t help but think how much easier the charade would be if you weren’t in love with him.
Fantasy; ReaderxEldritchEntity
Patronage: You can’t believe it’s come to this. Your country had finally won the war only to fall on desperate times while trying to recover. Your king, a foreigner in all but on paper, is the one who decides a sacrifice to the country’s patron deity is called for and what more worthy sacrifice could there be than his queen? Unfortunately for him, while the sacrifice works, your patron appears before you can die and he says that since you were the sacrifice, you are the one he will defer to. From figure head to divinely backed, can you lead your country back to prosperity?
Fantasy; ReaderxMaleDeity
Tailor Made: You volunteered to accompany the five students who won the contest for free prom outfits, offered by a local high-end tailor shop. You’re braced for someone fussy and quite frankly a snob, but Calvin is not what you expected. He’s sophisticated, but kind—effortlessly setting your students at ease and making everything go smoothly. After everything, you find yourself striking up an odd friendship with the man. You don’t understand why you feel so comfortable around him, but you don’t want to question it. If only you couldn’t tell he was keeping secrets. Will they drive you apart or bring you closer together?
Modern w/secret demons&angels; ReaderxMaleDemon
Imposter Syndrome: It seemed like a tedious but straightforward job at first. Twelve technicians, with a crew of the long-haul vessel brought out in cyro to restore a large mining rig that had malfunctioned. Yeah, the fact that everyone who’d been manning it had died was spooky, but the medical team had already cleared most of that out. The most annoying part was that you were going to have to be in a full suit since the long-hauler didn’t have enough oxygen to restore it to the rig. Then Crewmember Redman found Crewman Chroma’s dead body and worse yet, there were still 12 technicians accounted for. The logs were no help, everyone was on the roster in the system except you all remember the right number. But you hadn’t met anyone before you were put to sleep for the trip. Problems only mount when not only do you fail to identify the impostor, but crewmembers keep dying. Will you be able to figure out who’s killing off crewmember’s before you’re the one in their crosshairs?
Science Fiction; ReaderxAlien
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marengogo · 6 months ago
So i have seen many jkkrs say that jkkrs and Tkkrs are the same yet at the same time they say that jkkrs needs to stop or they would become like tkkrs after some yrs so which one is it exactly? Are jkkrs nd Tkkrs same or not yet?
I have a question for you, so over the yrs i had shit experience with armys, i know someone who's got harassed by armys to the point of stalking them for month long. Although my own experience is not as bad but yeah it was hardly ever pleasant. So can i go ahead and and generalize armys and say armys are a shit Fandom? I mean there's too many ppl that has been harassed by armys even the celebraties because of which they even fear to mention BTS cause they don't wanna get dragged by armys and that's ig the most feared Fandom even by BTS's frnds. The fear comes from harassment. So do i get to say the whole Fandom is shit? Or can i say it's same as the hateful bp fans? Do i say there's no difference between armys and any other Fandoms who harass ppl online?
Another question is why are ppl expected to like all 7 members? I hardly vibe with celebrities so anyone expecting me to love 7 celebrities suddenly is something i can't do. I mean it's not because i don't want to it's simply because i don't vibe with each one of their personalities and even their artistry. Some members might have personality traits that i don't like and their music is also not my type so why am i expected to like them? What remains there for me to like about them? Am i not allowed to like ppl based on my choice, interest? If ppl are ot2, ot4 etc etc why do others immediately assume you're anti of other members? I mean as long as i ain't hating on any members online how am i an anti??
I saw some discussion about these things and of course I know you're aware of that too so i wanted to ask someone about these things cause i genuinely find it unfair to generalize ppl and expect everyone to like everyone when as a human many ppl literally dislike besties of their siblings etc so this expectation is something that doens't sit right with me. I know ppl say it's said by BTS but again i know for a fact that all members know they all have solos and as long as you're not shit talking about any members I'm sure they would be fine. In chapter 2 all members have gained their own solo fans and in future as well if they try something in diff fields like acting n all they'd again gain solo fans who won't always love all members and I'm pretty sure all members are aware of that.
I'd love to know ur opinion on this. English is like my 3rd language so my vocabulary is limited so sorry if things sound rude or something but it's a genuine question where I'm expecting a genuine answer and not a sarcasm. Hope u understand.
Hello there, my English-Is-Not-My-First-Language Anon,
As a person who speaks Japanese, another European language, and is learning Korean, your command of the English language is excellent, and in all honesty, I’d say that it no longer requires you to apologise in my opinion. I used to apologise a lot while speaking Japanese the first years, but now I feel like that makes me look disingenuous, so I’ve stopped.
Also, one last thing before I reply to your ask, I’m giving you a pass because I am hoping your tone was lost in translation, as you said, but, for future reference, do not tell me what and what not to do, okay? You are coming to my page with a grammatically correct, but tone-deaf essay, so if I give you sarcasm, sass and savageness, it is because I usually match the tone I am presented. But once again, I’ll take it easy on you. 
TIP💡: If you don’t want to sound confrontational words like please, should, would, could go a long way. Like the I’d love to know you used is 👌🏾, but expectations usually come off as rude when you are requesting something from someone.  
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Let’s begin with your J1kookers vs T4ekookers question. If you have some time please do read my Shipping & All It’s Shades posts, it will explain quite detailedly where I stand on this. I wrote this in 2022 and back then I didn’t realise that the answer to my ??? was quite simple, which is; I’m not a shipper. 
You see, with them, it is always a competition. One day a toxic T4ekooker will find out that JK smiled at Tae at a different 45 degree angle than he does to other members, so then toxic J1kookers will prove that in fact he does smile at 90 degree angle but only with JM … and so on and so forth. These competitions become really nasty at some point and they always leave me thinking: do they even really care? 
If they did care, they wouldn’t care about what JK does with Tae, or what JM does with Yoongi, etc … they’d just want to cherish JK & JM’s bond and hope that if needed one day, they could be of support. From where I stand, the majority of T4ekookers and an increasing minority of J1kookers, just use the Maknae line as pawns in an imaginary love-war they’ve created and are each desperately trying to win, so I don’t really care for either.
If I may also candidly add, I am giving you answers based on the same information you supposedly have, so I’d hope you are not waiting on me to tell you “J1kookers are not as bad as T4ekookers, follow them!”, cause nah, that ain’t me bro. Please reach your own conclusions, just like you did on the rest of the post.
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Moving on to said rest of the post; I don’t own you. If you want to generalise and say that AMI are pisses of shit, that they are just as bad as bl1nks, or whatever worse thing you can think of, you go on ahead and do that. If every experience you’ve had with 0T7 AMI was hazardous and you’ve made your conclusions, it is a bit nonsensical for you to come to me, an OT7 AMI, for permission to dislike, don’t you think? You don’t need permission to dislike and I am not going to beg you to like me. That being said, FYI, I have never once harassed anyone on the world wide web and don’t plan to either, but that is just me, one AMI in a sea of thousands of AMIs.
In fact, there are presently 48.5 million people following the BTS’ Blue Bird account. How many do you think are AMI? How many are just GP? How many are just antis and solos keeping tabs? Let’s say that only 1/10 are AMI, that would make it 4.9 million people; did you get to interact with all 4.9 million people to conclude that AMI are BAD? If so please let me know, cause technically you’d have to exclude me from that, as this is the first time we are interacting, and I don’t think I’m harassing you. 
By the way, fun fact, I am also not too fond of many Blue Bird AMI myself, but if you go on B4NGTANTV they have 79 million subscribers, which is at least another 20 million people to keep into account, or if you want to only consider 1/10, it would be 2 million which … I don’t know about you but  … generalising over millions is tough, still doable, because you did have your bad experiences, which we are not going to discredit, but … it’s a lot of people to mass all together under the one label “BAD”, don’t you think? But once again, it is your right to think as you will, feel and/or need.
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Last but absolutely not least, why are ppl expected to like all 7 members? I can’t speak for every AMI, but me, I don’t need anyone to like all 7 members, that’s why biases exist, but I do expect for people to at the very least respect all 7, which is why solos shouldn’t exist. This is a band that was literally presented to you thank to the blood, sweat and tears of K1m N4mjoon, K1m Se0kjin, M1n Y0ongi, Jun9 H0seok, P4rk J1min , K1m T4ehyung and Je0n Jungk0ok. In more than one occasion they have expressed the importance they have to each other and how important it is for them to still be a team even while doing solos activities. 
So you don’t have to like member x but you should respect the fact that without him, and all the others, your fave would not be here in his present capacities. In the same way that without your fave, none of the other members would be here in their present capacities either. I am not asking anyone to go around waving a Y0ngi Marry Me flag, if you don[t like him, but when he is in need of help I would appreciate your help, for the simple fact that without him there is no 875 and without 875 our boys would probably not bounce back very well. They’d each be super successful, sure, some more than others, guaranteed, but would they be happy? Would they be mentally and emotionally okay?
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Solos, just like shippers, are a cancer waiting to spread, and some of them don’t even realise that. Many of them become solos because they resent AMI for something they might have said and done to the member they like, so such sentiments, in no way can be the result of anything healthy. AMI is not perfect, never was, and never will be, but we are the fandom they named, so we are the voices they will listen to mainly. So for the most part, we have to be strong and push through many a time, because I know that when they need to reach me, they are not going to look for me within their solo fans, but within AMI, even when nowadays hate tweets get up to a whopping 120k likes which is A LOT, but it is still not even close to 1 million. 
As you rightly said the members know that they have solos fans, on different occasions they have referred to AMI & fans during their chapter two. Yet when they introduce themselves, they are always and still Member x of 875, aren’t they? If you want to find information about your fave on WEVERSE, you are still going to click on the BTS community, don’t you? In contrast, J3nnie from bp has a page all for herself, even though bp are supposedly still together.
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Doesn’t this kinda makes you think that, if anything, being together as a group is important to each of them? So if it is important to each of them, shouldn’t this be important enough for us as well? At least important enough to have us respect their decision to be still considered a unit, while still pursuing solo global domination? Once again, you don’t have to like them, but you should respect them, all seven of them. 
And that's it from me. I hope I’ve answered all your questions satisfactorily. I have nothing else to add, but if I could make a wish for you, I wish you find the good side of AMI, it is easier to find them IRL to be honest, the world wide web is full of people wearing so many masks, you really can’t be sure of who you are talking to. When I first got into 875 I did it by myself. Watched RUN BTS by myself with reactors on YT, researched the albums by myself, watched lives by myself while checking live translation on the Blue Bird app, where to this day I don’t actually interact, just watch and get information and screenshot 😬🤡. 
Then I came here and I was blessed enough to find 3 people whom I adore, but I didn’t set off with the intention of befriending AMI, to this day they are actually the only AMI I talk to, I am not in GCs and don’t really care to be either. I am a bit of a lone wolf. So good luck Anon, I mean it, wherever you can, please be open minded and try to use critical thinking as much as possible, and even better, if you can, don’t let a few stains ruining the big picture.
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Always respectfully yours 💜🫰🏾,
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maulfucker · 9 months ago
I saw you had a post where you thought abt Dathomirian culture and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on how specifically Dathomirian queer culture manifests. I'd like to come up with things myself but I don't actually know a lot in general abt Dathomir yet, so I want other opinions. I've got two ideas tho
-Dathomirian queer ppl call each other "family" like some queer ppl did in our world
-Trans men might like earn their horns thru hunting and using animal bones and stuff as their horns? Idk like I said I don't know much
Good question! I haven't actually thought that much about queer culture in Dathomir despite having a gay nightbrother oc,,
I think the calling each other family thing probably wouldn't work very well since they already treat their clan as family and call each other brother and sister even without blood relation, but I love the idea of trans nightbrothers earning their horns! Dathomirians as a whole seem to be pretty open to body modifications, with tattoos being so natural in their culture, so hunting animals to use their bones or teeth or something to produce "prosthetic" horns sounds very fitting. It could be a whole thing for both trans and cis nightbrothers, using the extra horns as a way to show off their strength. plus it opens up the possibility of nightbrothers implanting horns in whimsical shapes such as smiley faces, stars or penises
I think as a people composed of multiple isolated communities, there's probably not a uniform queer culture across the planet. But also as people who tend to live in single-sex communities they are likely far more queer on average than what we see in the rest of the galaxy, like how cowboys were famously queer. They supposedly spend most of their lives around the same gender, so it wouldn't be unusual for that to be the gender they express attraction to more often. Though, much like how cowboys have been "reinterpreted" as a symbol of straight white masculinity, there's probably also a popular misconstruction of their culture as extremely straight, and/or extremely celibate. The "Nightsisters rule over Nightbrothers" reading of their culture is very obviously meant to show them as a reverse-sexist society, making the nightsisters a sort of "girl power" icon — they are strong independent women who can pick any man they want (implying that they do want men), which is like saying cowboys are strong fearless men who woo every damsel that crosses their path. which. sure, cowboys did have sex with women. sure, nightsisters do have sex with men. but more often than not they will be around other nightsisters, so they will more often than not have relationships with women (even if they're not really gay).
but I am not usamerican and my brain has the consistency of molten ice cream, so my knowledge of american cowboy culture is. basically just that. (the brazilian cowboy culture is quite different, especially considering there's like three distinct cowboy "sub"cultures, each with their different history, territory, and associations) So that's as far as I can take the cowboy comparison, but cowboys can be a pretty good source of inspiration I think. maybe look into that?
A quick look into medieval monasteries (another famously gender-segregated culture) says they were also pretty gay. And that the sexual persecution that is so commonplace in christianity today was not really a thing yet back then, which is also something to consider when trying to conceive the queer culture of a people who have nothing to do with our modern (overwhelmingly christian) society — do they have a reason to reject queer people and relationships, or are we just projecting our own worldviews and experiences onto a people who have none of the sociohistorical context that shaped our experiences?
I think homosexual/romantic and even polyamorous relationships would be pretty normalized, since there's not really any reason to only accept hetero relationships if they rarely ever live in mixed-sex communities. That said, there's probably still some expectation of heterosexual activity, in the form of the Selection and its implied procreation purposes. Dathomir is a very isolationist world, so to keep their population stable they need to procreate, even if it "goes against" an individual's sexuality. And this is where I think polyamorous relationships have reason to be encouraged: if a nightsister or nightbrother who already has a partner takes part in a Selection, why not bring their partner(s) into the relationship as well and increase the likelihood of producing offsprings?
As for the gender side of queerness.... well that's probably A Lot more complicated than I have time to discuss here. The gender binary seems pretty enforced in their culture from what little we see, and their sexual dimorphism probably makes trans and/or intersex people stand out A Lot more
I've mentioned this before, but I headcanon that the skin color difference is not a sex-chromosome-bound characteristic, but instead a sex-hormone-related expression of pigmentation, like in some birds such as peacocks. Both males and females are shown to have a range of skin tones, but in females it manifests as grayscale while in males it manifests as a color scale from red to yellow. So intersex people might have colors that are in-between, or that don't "match" their apparent sex, and trans people who undergo their equivalent of hrt might slowly change skin colors over time.
As for how nonbinary people work.... well as someone who is from a latin american country and speaks a romance language, I would like to imagine their "nonbinary" is a lot like ours — there is no "neutral" gender, they simply play with their presentation to be between one and the other, leaning towards whichever one might be considered more "transgressive" at the moment.
I don't think trans people would be forced out of their clans for being a different gender than everyone else, but it's possible their role in the clan might change to something more "befitting" of their new gender I also think there's probably a lot more contact between different clans than just the Selection, so it's possible for people who decide to start over as a new gender to take one of these moments of contact as an opportunity to "visit" another clan and never come back.
..... aaand it's almost 2 am so I gotta hit post
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