#i love nyatoran
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dogmers · 5 months ago
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5 episodes into healin good precure
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precureshowdown · 2 years ago
@r4bbitdragon replied to your post “Prince Kanata vs Pegitan Prince Kanata Pegitan”:
(rabirin survived)
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do-you-know-this-cat · 6 months ago
Do You Know This Cat?
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blackdigitalrose · 23 days ago
Fri - Healin' Good Pretty Cure - EP 16 - 18
(I was half tempted to leave it and pick up again Mon, after all these two are much shorter than the other four...however, these two are probably the ones I'm enjoying most at the moment ^^;)
EP 16
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Egads, they have mini ones for the fairies, I thought they could just naturally understand them (˶˃ ᔕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ super adorable though.
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Come again now, what's that doing there? Are they free advertising themselves again?
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It lives! I was expecting a new Element to potentially pop up to keep the cycle going or for it to look a little different to before, keeping that same but new vibe going.
Not much to report, it was quite the bittersweet episode but we never did learn the story of that older trio but I'd say a safe assumption would be that a love triangle formed between the three and and she made her choice but no resolution either, it just sorta happened. Kind of made you wonder why they even put it in there if they weren't going to pay it off. However, for the normal target age group, this isn't such a farfetched concept, an alternative to friendship bracelets/necklaces etc.
EP 17
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A whole family unit! It's a nice sight, it seems to be common to write them out in Precure for some reason.
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I get it, yet it still seems odd, guess it just needs explaining to Pegitan better.
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You would think they were doing something so bad? Yet, this isn't the first time they've seen her working around the Inn, even if this is probably the first official time.
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Cultural differences but familiarities! It's a blink and miss it nod but a nice touch to add. (Still Emily sounds familiar, it's a very distinctive voice, like she's had a role in something else and I can't put my finger on who...)
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It is starting to make sense why Fontaine usually ranks so low. It isn't so much she's a bad character but between this and the high jump, I think Chiyu is simply difficult for many to relate to, which is good and bad, good because that makes her very niche as character, helps her stand out in a crowd, bad because your audience can't really see themselves in her.
Still, from an outsiders viewpoint, this was a good ep, showcasing how a traditional inn works over there (it may be different over there but kids tend to not value traditions as much till they are much older), on the other hand, it was a Rain Element this ep and you'd think it would go into the puddle instead of the rogue wellie.
EP 18
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I mean, it makes sense considering the subtheme of the show but this would have to be towards the older audience, never known young kids care about the intricacies of such a thing.
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Maybe I'm just being sceptical and yes they did volunteer to help but somehow, it just doesn't seem like realistic response, there would be lots of delicate items in that store.
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It's another one!? Just what are they? Smile has one as well.
The ep angle on a whole, was just awkward but this ended up being quite a bonding ep between Sparkle and Nyatoran, which even nodded back to their first encounter as well as being a good indicator how far they've come, which technically means Chiyu and Pegitan are due one?
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I'm quite liking Batetemoda, he's such a fun villain, sly, crafty and not afraid of getting his hands dirty by actually taking the fight to the Precure. I hope is final showdown battle for him is worthwhile or it'd be a waste. (The created additional member is the best part of the villain team ^^")
Now Toei, fire these people, you're so bad at previews and previews just spoiling the next ep entirely. You should have just left it as a back shot of her or something, keep that air of mystery going. However, why add a fourth member here? It isn't like the team have been struggling?
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offbrand-deltatraveler · 10 months ago
Finished Healin' Good
It was nice
I love literally every aspect of the Cures’ personalities and how they contribute to their group dynamic (As well as those of the Fairies) and the same goes to the villains (And their lack of a group dynamic), especially Dairuzen. Though I do wish they did more with Batetemoda and the general concept of making more Evolved Byo-Gens
Nodoka’s childlike wonder at being given a chance to revisit the world after spending so long in a hospital bed, Chiyu’s apparent seriousness that quickly gives way to silliness and passion after she’s properly introduced as a character, Hinata’s Autismâ„ąïž, the way Asumi just stumbles around randomly and how that visibly lessens as she learns more and more about the world, Rabirin being too perfect to describe in words, Pegitan being all shy and scared at first and his relationships with other people helping him break out of his shell and get more comfortable being bold and snarky, Nyatoran and his determination but also the way that one human woman brought out his softer side,
Lady Rate arc was actually really fucking stupid but I’ll get to that in a bit
Dairuzen and his calm and uncaring mask and the way it immediately crumbles into a million pieces as he realizes he’s not as in control as he thought, the way he teamed up with Guwaiwaru to try to overthrow King Byo-Gen,
I honestly didn’t care for Shindoi-ne that much but she was funny
And the story and all its messages was goated too. Everyone’s arcs were all really cool, especially Nodoka’s and Hinata’s. And the way the Byo-gens represent how some things in this world just can’t exist without destroying others and that you shouldn’t try to preserve those things was so spot-on
Honestly I only have one greivence with this season story-wise and that’s the way Rate wished to get stronger to be able to heal the Earth with everyone else but she never gets stronger by any of her own efforts. All her power was handed to her by other people
And that’s so stupid too because her arc had this theme of needing to grow up and be strong to protect those you love but the whole time she can still clearly be seen hanging back for all of the battles even after Cure Earth’s arrival. She just helps with Asumi’s transformation and that’s it
And the music was good but nowhere near as good as Star Twinkle’s
Overall 10/10
Normally I would be going to Tropical Rogue next since that’s the season that came after Healin' Good but I’ve seen a lotta funny Suite clips on Twitter and it kinda reminds me of Onegai My Melody so I’m actually gonna be watching that next
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whisper-ofthe-heart · 4 years ago
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Healin’ Good Precure Partner Forms!
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aonomiki · 4 years ago
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keep-on-trying · 4 years ago
The feeling is even stronger and at crying level now that I rewatched ep 37 with subtitles and realised next ep is pretty much the end of Chiyu's character progression and I'm ;____;
I love Healin' Good Precure so much.
I'm gonna be so sad when Healin' Good Precure finale airs.... gosh I love this show and its cast so much.
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anime-re-views · 3 years ago
Healin’ Good♡ Precure - Fuck Daruizen (Review)
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General Info (from MAL): 
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Shoujo
Episodes: 45
Runtime per episode: ~24 min
Studio: Toei Animation
Rating: G
Streaming Service: Crunchyroll
Summary I guess: Nodoka Hanadera is chronically ill, and has just moved to Sukoyaka City, a place famous for it’s healthy atmosphere. She quickly becomes friends with Chiyu Sawaizumi and Hinata Hiramitsu. Soon, Nodoka finds an ill puppy in a forest who is surrounded by three talking, colorful animals, Rabirin, Pegitan and Nyatoran. They call her Princess Latte, and tell Nodoka she can only be healed if a creature known as a “Megabyogen” is defeated. Despite not being able to help, Nodoka vows to save Latte. Rabirin decides to form a pact with her, and transforms Nodoka into Cure Grace. She fights the Byogen and heals the earth and saves Latte. Now it’s up to Ndoka and her friends to heal the world.
Story: 10/10 - I want to be a surgeon when I’m older, so the medical theme of this season is awesome. It’s not too heavy, but it’s there. The nature theme is beautiful, too. One thing I absolutely love is around the end, Daruizen begs Nodoka to let him hide in her body (how tf do I explain it), but Nodoka refuses. Turns out, Daruizen is the one who made her ill in the first place. It’s such a good representation of a toxic relationship, and the fact that Nodoka basically let Daruizen die was such a power move. It’s such a good lesson to people, and I’m glad Precure handled it so well. 
Characters: 10/10 - I really enjoyed everyone. It felt like they all had equal amounts of development. I know a lot of people said Hinata’s development around the end was rushed, but to me it didn’t feel that way. Everyone meshed together really well. I wasn’t too into the villains or side characters, but to me they don’t matter too much compared to the Cures. Fuck Daruizen, though.
Art: 10/10 - It’s absolutely beautiful. It’s probably my favorite art style in Precure. Not much else to say aside from what’s been said about recent Precure seasons.
Sound: 10/10 - I like the music and voice acting.
Overall: 10/10 - It was really good imo, go watch it
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merryfortune · 3 years ago
You give me flowers of love
Written for 100ships Challenge on Dreamwidth
Prompt #39 - Pink
Ship: Nodoka/Hinata
Fandom: Healin’ Good PreCure
Word Count: 3,757
Rating: M
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
AN: title comes from Bloodflowers by The Cure and is recommended listening for this fic.
Tags:  Alternate Universe - Hanahaki, Horror, Gore, Emetophobia/Emetophilia, Angst and Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Past/Referenced Eriko/Hinata, Minor Blood
   Hinata was not the type of girl who could handle horror stories, urban legends, or anything spookier than a rom-com set against the background of a popular coffee shop. However, there was something about this creepypasta that caught her attention. Maybe she read it to prove that she wasn’t a scaredy-cat or maybe she read it because something about it was almost too real.
   It came across her Curestagram feed, screenshots reposted from another site with long form text functions rather than the optimized for photos aesthetic of Curestagram. It wasn’t late at night, quite the opposite, Hinata had just been scrolling as she was half nibbling on a banana muffin for morning tea. So she was kind of bored and not already unsettled by a vague anxiety sort of mindset so she stopped her scroll to read this totally true story from a friend of a friend that had happened upon her timeline.
   The story involved a sickness. A lovesickness, hooking Hinata immediately since she was a hopeless romantic and leaving her vulnerable to what was hiding down below a few paragraphs after and Hinata realised she was reading a surreal medical horror story.
   Supposedly, some girl from a high school in the next town over had been hospitalized due to damage to her stomach and esophagus but ultimately culminated in her passing away from brain damage due to suffocation. The suffocation that was the outcome of the damage she had taken to her stomach and esophagus had, supposedly, been caused by the growing of flowers inside of her. Doctors couldn’t explain it. They were baffled by the impossibility of it. Yet where they failed to posit theories at all, their patient had her own she desperately desired to reveal. 
   The nameless girl, as weak as she was in her final moments of speech and cognition, was certain with the most crystal clear clarity that she could muster said that reason for the flowers growing inside of her was due to a crush that she had been fostering for quite some time. A crush that was so powerful and deep that it had manifested as literal and impossible distress in the form of tiger lily flowers. Though her claims were dismissed as nonsense, despite the very given evidence that she had been vomiting exotic flowers, except by the narrator who was sharing her story online on her behalf.
   Hinata got to the bottom line of the final screenshot and she dropped her phone on the table. She shivered and flinched as her phone clattered. Nyatoran looked up, alarmed, from the milk that he had been sipping.
   “Heh? Are you okay Hinata?” he asked.
   “Y-Yeah, I just lost my grip.” Hinata replied. It wasn’t a lie.
   “Really? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Nyatoran pointed out.
   Hinata made an expression that was both guilty and embarrassed, “Er, sort of
 I read a ghost story online and I haven’t the stomach for them.”
   “Oh, well, no worries then. I’ll keep ya safe from all the ghoulies then.” Nyatoran boasted.
   Hinata laughed, “Thanks, Nyatoran.” she replied.
   And that was more or less enough to keep her mind off what she had read for the rest of the day as she did her Sunday homework and such. At least until well after lights out. 
   Hinata cursed herself. She knew endless walls of text in screenshots never bore good news but it was under her skin now. It wasn’t even that scary, she tried to convince herself. It just so happened to play off something she had been thinking about in ways that cut deep and yes, even scary. 
   Hinata had a crush of her own. One she didn’t think she ought to act on. Or didn’t know how to act on. 
   Hinata had a crush on Nodoka. She was sweet and gentle yet so motivated. Hinata felt like she learned something new about either herself or Nodoka after every time they hung out. Things never felt old between them despite how natural their companionship was between them.
   Catching feelings for Nodoka was inevitable, Hinata felt regarding their dynamic as close friends and their friendship was relatively intense due to their bond as comrades being Pretty Cures but that made Hinata sick to her stomach with fear. This wasn’t her first crush that she had on another girl. 
   In the not so recent past, Hinata had been wrong reading other girls’ opinions and feelings regarding her before. She and Eriko had been so close, childhood friends with a pact that seemed fit to stand the test of time when they had made it, and Hinata didn’t think it was a coincidence that already scarce contact between them after Eriko moved was when Hinata had confessed her feelings to Eriko. 
   The rejection had been crushing and Hinata had never told a soul about it. The wound was older now but it still hurt so, as lovely as Nodoka was, Hinata didn’t want to gamble their friendship due to that prior rejection. Yet her feelings crackled like electricity near a lightning rod whenever she was around Nodoka anyway. She could only hope that Nodoka was oblivious since she was so inexperienced socially due to her childhood spent mostly in the hospital.
    (And that Chiyu never brought up the blatantly obvious which she would hopefully never do since she knew there was a place and a time and it wasn’t her place).
   Thus, for all these different and entangling reasons, that horror story Hinata had read this morning really resonated. The thought of her unrequited feelings becoming literal, even in the form of pretty and seemingly harmless flowers, and suffocating. It was a very real fear to Hinata despite that fantastical execution that it was captured inside.
   All because she was a magical girl infused with the power of light and thunder. She fought villains who caused infections in nature and created monsters. To her, it didn’t seem too far outside of her sphere of tried and true reality that such a floral disease of the body could exist. Heck, maybe it did exist and was tied to the war that she and her friends were fighting in secret on behalf of the Healing Animals. It was entirely possible this flower vomit disease was another agent or power of the Byougens. 
   Hinata groaned and the more she scolded herself for thinking about these horrible possibilities, the more she thought about them. She tossed and turned all night, in the dark and under the covers of her doona. She knew Nyatoran would live up to his boasting over morning tea if she asked but he was totally conked out in his little room. Hinata couldn’t bring herself to wake him, to unnecessarily burden him, so she just hid from her fears as best as she could in her blankets.
   The following morning, Hinata was a wreck. She had bags under her eyes and was generally a drag. She hasn’t slept a wink last night but just like she was hiding from the horror story in her head, she decided to hide from the aftermath too. She touched up her eyes with concealer and finished off her make-up with a nice little kiss of lip balm, too. She chose a nice tropical flavour: pineapple with vanilla undertones and wore nude in practice. With that, she was ready for what was no doubt going to be a long, long day of school.
   A prediction that she was very right in having. Just making it to lunch felt like an eternity and a half on low energy. Worst still, despite the precautions that Hinata had taken, both Chiyu and Nodoka had noticed that she wasn’t exactly her bouncy self today. Even with her favourite lunch box in her lap with fried chicken and a fruit drink, too.
   “Are you okay, Hinata?” Nodoka asked and she batted her long eyelashes in concern.
   Hinata knew she couldn’t lie or deflect around Nodoka, at least for the most part, and deflated, “No
” she moaned. “I slept awfully last night.”
   “I expect that it wasn’t due to over studying?” Chiyu asked, sniping. 
   “No, I just. Couldn’t sleep.” Hinata shrugged.
   “Well, be sure to put yourself early to bed tonight then. There’s nothing worse than being tired.” Nodoka said.
   “Will do.” Hinata sighed.
   “Also?” Nodoka prompted her.
   “Yeah?” Hinata glanced at Nodoka was she tried a spoonful of rice from her side dishes.
   “Your lip balm has a very strong smell today, I can smell it from here.” Nodoka laughed.
   “Oh, joy
” Hinata hung her head in misery. She didn’t think it was so pungent in the tube.
   “I didn’t mean that in a mean way.” Nodoka panicked whilst Chiyu had a discrete giggle at Hinata’s misfortune. “I really like it. I think it smells nice. Like cherries. I love the smell of cherries best.”
   “Huh?” Hinata mumbled and she stared straight at Nodoka in confusion.
   Nodoka stared back. Also in confusion. “Is something the matter?”
   “Er, no,” Hinata awkwardly began and she forced herself to laugh and she flapped a hand about too to disguise her weirdness, “I must have been so tired this morning that I though I used one lip balm and instead used another.”
   “That is a little odd
” Chiyu murmured.
   But Nodoka seemed to buy it, she gasped, “Fwow, you must have been really tired this morning to make such a mistake. Promise me to get a good night’s rest tonight then.” Nodoka fussed for her.
   “I promise, I promise.” Hinata replied.
   Just as Hinata spoke, the end of lunch bell rang. She moaned with the utmost misery as she hadn’t finished her lunch even slightly and roused much sympathy from both Nodoka and Chiyu. So, Hinata crammed what she could into her mouth and swallowed before returning with her friends indoors to their classroom.
   She plopped down in her chair and desk, her stomach growling almost immediately. Were it not for the teacher at the front of the classroom, Hinata would have flopped down and keeled over right there and then. She would have killed for a nap. Not even a luxurious nanna nap at this point, she would take a horrid power nap. Anything would have been better than nothing. Instead, the best she could muster was some daydreaming whilst scribbling in her work book so she could at least pretend to be paying attention.
   Her mind strayed to Nodoka. She couldn’t help it. A silly little pining schoolgirl was exactly what she was after all. She doodled Nodoka’s name in her margins, surrounded with love-hearts, paw prints, and even flowers. It was a little bit childish but Hinata was a lot childish so she didn’t mind, she was more or less on cloud nine since Nodoka had shown her care for her over lunch, fussing for her like that.
   It was such a small act but it was more than enough to launch Hinata’s heart in a million miles an hour race. So much so, she began to taste something at the back of her throat. It was a sweet taste accompanied by a fizzy sensation. Hinata liked it and it seemed to get stronger the more she daydreamed about Nodoka. Even though it was the middle of class, Hinata was letting her mind completely run away from the contents of what the teacher was attempting to educate on them.
   Finally, after what felt like a day of self torment because of reading some stupid horror story about puking flowers, Hinata felt free of that gnawing anxiety. But just as she revelled in this, her stomach wretched. She dry gagged with the searing taste of bile at the back of her throat and her hand automatically clamped over her mouth, pen and all. The prior anxiety might have dissipated but a new one had spiked in its place.
   Hinata frowned. Was it because she hadn’t eaten all her lunch that she suddenly felt nauseous? Or was it something else? She begged that it wasn’t her period, she was still quite irregular so this felt off or early to her.
   Then she gagged again. She swallowed it back down. Hard. Whatever she swallowed was thick and sweet. It wasn’t vomit, Hinata had the startling realisation. She tried hard to keep it down but she failed. She vomited into her hand, or at least something similar. The motions were awful, worse than anything else she had ever had to eject from her body orally before.
   Hinata felt sick to the very bottom of her stomach. Her hands shook as she slowly removed the one over her mouth and
 and she couldn’t believe her eyes. They widened in shock as she saw the head of a flower in the palm of her hand. It was a cherry blossom, she realised. The pale pink petals were frayed at the edges, burnt by stomach acid and wet with her saliva; the anthers of its centre drooped and dragged, splayed across the petals. Her skin crawled as she marveled at the insane gravity of the situation. She quickly paled.
   And the teacher noticed, “Hiramitsu, are you okay?” he asked from in front of the chalkboard, looking up concerned from the book he was reciting from.
   “I-I, um, I need to go. To the nurse.” Hinata eked out her words with strained difficulty.
   Her stomach flipped and she could feel another one coming up. It slithered up her throat and she hated the slow, dreadful sensation of it, the way it made her mouth taste of bile and cherries in horrible combination. Hinata bolted to her feet, afraid, alarming the whole class. She hid her mouth behind her hand again, holding tight that first flower that she had vomited.
   “I need to go.” Hinata mumbled and she fled.
   The feeling of her classmates' eyes on her felt like broken glass digging. She knew, deep down, they didn’t mean harm but their gazes only served to amplify the terror she felt as she fled. She was fast at first, escaping from the classroom but her stomach lurched and she vomited another flower and then again but two at once this time.
   Hinata stopped in the hallway, she had to rest her shoulder against the wall just to stand as she looked down into the palm of her hand. The flowers were accumulating against her skin, wet and heavy, and accelerating in pace of production. Already she felt another lurch and this one was dire, Hinata didn’t think she would be so lucky to only vomit one or two this next time.
   She had to get to the sick bay. She wasn’t sure what she would do there but anything had to be better than nothing, so she hobbled on in immense pain. By nothing less than a miracle, Hinata managed to get to the nurse’s suite without collapsing. Or with leaving too many flowers in her meagre wake.
   The school nurse panicked almost immediately when she saw Hinata in this state. Hinata sputtered out a thank you whilst she was put to bed. Hinata curled up under the sheets, her stomach lurching and mangled petals dripped out of her mouth. She had to hide her ailment from the nurse. She just had to. She didn’t know how to explain it or anything else pertaining to it but fortunately, the nurse bought her some time by going to use administration’s phone to let her father know that Hinata was in immediate medical distress.
   Hinata held her scrawny belly with one hand and her mouth the other. No matter how hard she tried, these flowers kept dredging up from inside of her and it was worsening. There was distention building inside of her, it was as if she could feel the bushels of cherry blossom flowers forming inside of her and something else too. It was raw and firm and poking up through her like a stick. Hinata moaned in utter agony as she tasted not just sweetness and bile in her mouth, but the cutting, metallic taste of blood too.
   She whimpered as she tried to swallow it down. Attempting so, just made the nicks and cuts to her throat worsen and the petals to clog. Her lungs ached sharply as she struggled to breathe. Her eyes squeezed tight and she begged every deity she could think of for a saviour.
   The door to the sick bay opened again. Hinata murmured to herself and the curtain was pulled aside, “Hinata?” a sweet voice greeted her.
   “Huh?” Hinata slurred.
   She rolled over, still holding herself but even a simple and slow motion like that was enough to rouse her illness violently. Her grimace was deep on her face as she tried to look at Nodoka, even feebly.
   “A-Are you okay, Hinata?” she asked. “I couldn’t sit by and worry when I saw you ill you were, what’s wrong?”
   Hinata opened her mouth. Mostly to reply, but that’s not what happened. She threw up in front of Nodoka and Nodoka couldn’t believe her eyes. Hinata was throwing up bushels upon bushels of flowers. Cherry blossoms. Nodoka blinked. She couldn’t believe the sights - or the smell. The smell was disconcerting with how almost pleasantly fragrant it was, heightening Nodoka’s realisation that this wasn’t Hinata pulling pranks.
   “H-How on Earth did this happen
?” Nodoka asked.
   She was horrified yet found herself unable to resist the impulse. She picked a blossom out of the pile that Hinata had vomited up. It was soft in her hand, even if it was grotesquely wet.
   “I - I don’t-” Hinata tried to speak but she cut herself off when she felt something jut out of her mouth. An entire branch of cherry blossoms began to spike out of her mouth.
   Her eyes began to roll back on themselves as Nodoka watched, in abject and frozen horror, as Hinata contended with this stick inside of her. It emerged slowly from the depths of her throat and made her chest convulse. Her fingers spasmed as she choked around it, flowers blooming along the thin and coarse branch.
   “H-Help me.” Hinata sputtered out.
   Nodoka nodded. She was scared, her heart was pounding, but she was first and foremost a helper of most empathetic ends. She had been on the receiving end of a strange and bizarre illness that had rendered most her childhood for naught. She couldn’t just let Hinata struggle. Suffocate.
   So, she got onto the bed with Hinata. She straddled her so she could best approach the foreign object inside of Hinata. She focused her eyes and was as ready as she could ever be for an amateur operation quite like this one. Nodoka reached out and pinched the end of the branch delicately. It was entirely unsafe, Nodoka knew that, but she began to pull. She peered into Hinata’s pink mouth was clogged with twigs and petals, and tried her best to dislodge what she could.
   Hinata gagged. Tears in her eyes and she plead, silently and afraid, that Nodoka could handle this. Nodoka’s hands shook but she did, in fact, manage. She tried her hardest and she did succeed even if it felt pyrrhic as Hinata screamed out as the last, and thickest, part of the cherry blossom branch was removed. 
   Nodoka flinched hearing the scream, dropping the cherry blossom branch between them. Hinata spat out blood and petals but the cherry blossom branch had been removed. She caressed her neck and it was raw with what it had been through. Her touches did little to soothe or quell her pain, she looked up at Nodoka with pathetic, red rimmed eyes.
   “What was that?” Nodoka asked, her heart quaking. “How could any of this be possibly real?”
   “I - I don’t know.” Hinata mumbled but that was a lie. She choked on her words all the same as she had choked on those cherry blossoms. Her hands squeezed tight. “No. I’m sorry. I do know.”
   “Pardon?” Nodoka quietly exclaimed.
   “There’s a very rare disease,” Hinata began, hasty, “that causes flowers to grow inside of someone suffering with a crush that they just can’t handle.”
   “That’s horrible
” Nodoka murmured.
   It was now or never, Hinata realised. Or she was going to end up exactly like the girl from the story that she had read yesterday. She knew it. She just knew it.
   “Nodoka, it’s you.” Hinata confessed, half a sob in her voice. “I’m crushing on you.”
   Nodoka was stunned by Hinata’s admission. 
   Hinata panted, her face was going bright red whilst her heart pounded like a hammer at her rib cage. She couldn’t believe it. She had done it. But it felt like a weight off, she had to admit, she didn’t realise her crush had been such a burden until right now. She felt herself lighten with the confession, from the very pit of her stomach, upwards and outwards.
   Nodoka averted her gaze and Hinata was reminded once more why a crush was called a crush. That borderline feel good feeling from before popped. Burst. Nodoka played with her hair, fidgeting, and then managed to speak in a very calm and very quiet voice.
   “I have a crush on you, too, Hinata.” Nodoka replied. “I admire so much how you sparkle and shine. It’s very refreshing to be around. I like you too. A lot.”
   Nodoka reached out to Hinata’s hand and held it. She was so warm and she was still trembling but Nodoka’s caress of it did soothe her. Hinata hazarded a smile, like she couldn’t believe her ears, through her scarlet expression. Nodoka leaned in and kissed Hinata.
   Hinata was unable to kiss back, afraid of her own breath but Nodoka didn’t mind. It was pungent with cherry blossoms and wet but she found the kiss sufficiently sweet, kissing Hinata’s soft, balmy lips. They were tinged with pineapple and vanilla beneath that overwhelming sensation of cherry blossoms.
   “Thank you, Nodoka
” Hinata murmured and somehow, she didn’t know or understand how but she wasn’t going to complain, she was cured, prettily, of her affliction. 
   The cherry blossom flowers on the bed or in her gut, disappeared. All with seemingly little aplomb. Even the branch that had to have been removed from her throat, all with a soft, fizzling noise that Hinata could hardly hear over the sound of her pounding heart. She still had the cuts and scrapes, but she was no longer growing flowers inside of her stomach. Hinata was cured and Nodoka was her blessed, angelic cure.
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mahou-furbies · 4 years ago
It is time for
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Last year the Dazzling Pink Precure were supposed to host the event but were unavailable due to being redesigned, but this time they are ready for the job!
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Here is the magical girl (and related) media consumed on this blog this year:
(you can read my closing thoughts on them here)
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Anime: Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel & the 2 OVAs, Twin Angel Break, Pretear, Happy Seven, Ojamajo Doremi (started), Healin’ Good Precure (most of it that’s out now), Magia Record (also following the game news though I don’t play), Myriad Colors Phantom World, Re:Creators, Concrete Revolutio)
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Movies: Fresh, DokiDoki, Happiness Charge, Go! Princess, KiraKira & Star Twinkle Precure season movies, Spring Carnival & Miracle Universe crossover movies, Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene)
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Manga: Magical Girl Site (finished), Zodiac P.I. (reread), Sugar Sugar Rune (reread), Nogi Wakaba is a Hero, Puella Magi Suzune Magica (reread), Puella Magi Tart Magica (reread), Can You Become A Magical Girl, Colourful Macchiato)
(revisits to old familiar stuff don’t qualify for an award unless I had forgotten everything about it, Doremi is ineligible since I've only seen 1/5th so far)
Unexpectedly I managed to finish quite a lot of stuff on my last year's "plans for 2020 list".
As for blog stuff, this year the Precure Chibi Project was concluded for the designs that exists so far, but obviously it will continue when more are released and I'd also like to draw some more of the civilian clothes too. But this year over 400 chibis were drawn...
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Then we of course had the Precure Dress Tournament, with Cure Magical emerging as the winner. Hosting it was a lot of fun since I like graphs and numbers, as the fact that I keep a google sheet that documents the dates when I draw the chibis (it also calculates useful data such as how many percent I've finished).
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(Also Megumi's heart dress should totally have won the tournament)
The Precure positivity posts were also a thing this year. Usually the franchise is bitched at here at Mahou-Furbies so I tried to say something nice about each Cure that I had seen. Which was a major struggle in some cases but hopefully they don't come across as too much damning with faint praise. I plan on writing similar posts for the Cures from the other seasons too as I watch them, but also because I managed to write an entire post about Mana without complaining I take that as justification that I get to write a huge bitchy "the flaws of the Precure franchise" post later.
And then now at the end of the year the Dazzling Pink Precure finally managed to emerge again with their new designs. I hope I'll be able to post more about them in 2021!
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And now, the Mahou-Furbies 2020 magical girl awards!
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Let's start with Best Henshin Design: Megumi Moka from Magia Record! I always love a good sweets theme and I can't get over how cute she is.
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(Kikko from Concrete Revolutio was also a strong contender)
Best Team Design goes to Nogi Wakaba Is a Hero, I've always loved the YuYuYu henshin outfit design.
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The Best Powerup Look award goes to Lala's Cancer form in the Star Twinkle Precure movie! I just really like the fresh colour palette...
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Runner-up is Nagisa's MagiReco Valentine's outfit which I like for being sweets themed but I guess it's more like an alternate form than a powerup?
There weren’t that many contenders for Best Civilian Design but let’s say that since I like the casual outfits in KiraKira Precure in general, The Movie was also good at this. So let’s reward Ciel’s look, it’s nice to see a more muted colour palette in Precure every now and then!
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Oh, right! Also everyone from the Star Twinkle Precure movie! Love all their outfits. 
Best School Uniform is the one from Sukoyaka Middle School, from Healin' Good Precure! I like the colour palette, and the cut of the dress.
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The uniforms from the Twin Angel franchise are also fun with their cherry ribbon.
Best Hair award goes to Kikko, from Concrete Revolutio! The "rectangular" cut ends are fun.
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Best Magical Item is Mamika's wand from Re:Creators! There's really nothing special about it, I just think it looked nice enough with the candy cane and the heart crystal (and also not so merchandise driven since this isn't a kid show).
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The Best Henshin Scene award goes to Sudachi from MagiReco! I don’t like how detailed all the body curves are drawn in the few seconds before her outfit appears, but otherwise there’s great backgrounds in this, starting from the space theme, twinkling stars, beautiful blue sky and then ending with cute hearts.
Best Fan Creation award goes to Marighoul’s comic “First Hunt”! (read it here) It was a fun little story and the colours were amazing!
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Best Relationship is Hikaru and Lala with the alien in the Star Twinkle movie! I would never have guessed that I’d enjoy Precures raising a “baby” mascot this much, but it is true! I love how much role their bond had in the story, and the conclusion was more epic than anything Precure has managed to offer elsewhere. 
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The Best Mascot of 2020 is... the aforementioned alien UMA! Unusual design for a girl show, doesn’t have an annoying voice or speech pattern (or in fact doesn’t talk at all), and has an interesting role in the story.
Second place is Nyatoran from Healin' Good Precure, he pairs well with Hinata and I love the scene where she records cat videos of him with her phone.
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As for Best Supporting Character, this is a joke character, but I have to say Mayune from Pretear. I'm sorry I just like this kind of dumb diva characters (with the o-ho-ho laugh!) and always had a good time when she was on screen.
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Discount Tuxedo Mask from the Twin Angel franchise was also fun, he had nice chaotic energy to him.
Best Visual goes to Kikko's magical effects from Concrete Revolutio! We always get the standard sparkles so I was so happy to see something different for once.
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Best Audio award goes to Pretear OP! The song feels a bit dated but in a good way, this is just the kind of music I like.
The Best Scene award goes to Healin' Good Precure attack!
Usually in Precure I really don't care for the stock attack animation and instead just focus on the henshins, but in this one I really like the bit where the giant hands rip the element spirit out of the enemy. The music is so good in that part, and the huge hands compared to the tiny spirit feel majestic.
I also liked Re:Creators scene where the (in-story) writers create a powerup for their character by getting their audience excited about it by tweeting. It was dumb how a tweet from some ranobe author goes viral in a matter of seconds, but I still thought the scene was fun and worked well.
The Innovation Award for doing something magical girl related I haven't seen dozens of times already goes to Happy Seven! I thought it was fun how the main character wasn't on the magical girl team at all and instead was practically the Muggle friend for most of the story!
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Re:creators is the runner up here with its "fictive characters show up in our world" story, but I think it could have done more with the idea, and I think Happy Seven is commendable for doing something that feels refreshing without having to be all smart and self-aware about it.
Then the Golden Mana Award for one thing that I really didn't like this year. 
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The questionable honour goes to Meguru's unbearable behaviour at the start of Twin Angel Break, when she keeps pushing her friendship on the blue girl who has made it very clear that she'd rather be left alone. And of course the blue girl is secretly lonely and ultimately caves in so Meguru faces no consequences for being selfish and entitled and having zero respect for other people's boundaries. Stuff like this fuels my rage at the Friendly-And-Energetic-Stock-Magical-Girl-Heroines.
For Best Character I want to pick Lala from the Star Twinkle movie but she won Best Character last year so let’s pick someone else. To be fair nobody (else) this year made me super excited, but leaving such a broad category as this completely empty would be really stupid, so the winner is Himeno, from Pretear!
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She had a lot more multifaceted personality than I initially predicted, had interesting and different relationships with many different characters, and of course had many unique henshin!
And finally, Best Work of the year... I know I picked Star Twinkle as the best series last year (award has been renamed now) so this feels somehow redundant, but I still can't get over how enjoyable their film was and as you may have noticed it has been mentioned in plenty of other awards already so it deserves the spot. On principle I liked that it wasn't centered around the pink Cure for once, and additionally it was about Lala who is my favourite Cure, and also since there wasn't really a villain the plot was more interesting than the same old "bad guy wants to take over the world". Also great visuals.
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And that’s it for 2020! It has been a weird year, but that didn’t really show on this blog.
Plans for 2021:
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Also once I finish drawing the chibis for the Madoka girls, expect a Madoka themed character tournament in 2021!
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 years ago
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Man Healin’ Good episode 40 was really great! All of the fighting is really fun to watch and then seeing Hinata cry over this being her own fault or whatever and then Nyatoran going “hey you’ve succeeded a lot more than you’ve failed and also you’ve stood up after every failure so don’t worry about it, you’re poggers and I love you” was just so good, I cried twice. Don’t want this show to be over dude, but we’ve only got a tiny amount of episodes left. Fuck. Fuck! Oh well, Tropical Rouge soon after, so it’s not the end of the world.
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roughentumble · 4 years ago
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
tagged by: @rhymingteelookatme
gosh, my MC addiction is about to be put out there for everyone to see....... i just think MCs are neat!!! i cant help it!! anyway fandoms chosen at random, based off of whatever one popped into my head first(if they were supposed to be favorite fandoms...... i apologize)
Fullmetal Alchemist-- Edward Elric
The Witcher-- Geralt of Rivia
Healin' Good Precure-- Cure Grace(tho i love all of them, and Cure Sparkle is actually a close second despite some turbulent episodes...... her connection with nyatoran is so sweet T-T)
Bleach-- Kurosaki Ichigo
Spider-Man-- Peter Parker
X-Men-- Wolverine
Hannibal-- Will Graham
Ghost in the Shell-- Major Motoko Kusanagi (tho i must say in an incredibly close second, basically sharing 1st place with her, are all the Tachikoma, collectively. oh my god i was obsessed w/ the Tachikoma as a kid)
Naruto-- Uzumaki Naruto
Punch Line-- Iritatsu Yuuta
i dont have 10 people to tag, so i'll just tag who i usually tag: @straightedgehancock @hale-of-stiles-heart (no pressure tho). and anyone else who wants to
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ashitomarisu · 4 years ago
Final Thoughts: Healin' Good Precure
(This is late. Please forgive me. My work schedule has been hectic and I have to work this weekend so...gonna get this out here beforehand. Sorry for the inconvenience).
8/10. Needs more Furi. It's joke, baka.
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First things first: Due to the pandemic being a factor to how this season turned out, I'm going to keep that in mind when trying to judge it. With that out of the way...LET'S GET DOWN TO THE MAIN BULLET POINTS:
The season, for the most part, was paced well, but the ending felt a bit rushed.
Not a lot of side character interactions than I imagined...ALTHOUGH MIZUKI IS BEST SIDE CHARACTER.
The music was pretty damn refreshing (Miracle-tto Link Ring is still a BOP). I did enjoy a particular BGM track (cannot remember the name for the love of all things Ai Maeda).
The dynamic between Nyatoran and Hinata was worth praising.
I seriously thought I'd loathe Nodoka, but....she was actually a charming leader. Perhaps, she could be one of the strongest civilians; considering she overcame a hardship in her life (struggling to fight an unknown illness).
Toei, why did you miss out on making those element spirits plushies?! I WOULD HAVE BOUGHT THEM. ( I know...pandemic).
Can I say the villains were subpar this season, except for Batetemoda (the only BADASS henchman who had a fucking brain to outsmart the cures at times)?
Overall, Healin Good Precure was a solid, well-crafted season in the state this world went through. I do recommend you check this out on Crunchyroll (albeit you cannot screenshot due to their filter and smartass bots).
Now, what shall I do for the summer?
Yes, I'm going back to idol hell, but NOT just for obvious reasons. I want to finally give a new idol-ish franchise a chance. Actually, two fairly new franchises. Here is what Summer 2021 has in store for me:
June: Bang Dream! (because hearing Risa Tsumugi "AiAi" is not funny enough)
(Yes, I put it off long enough; wanted to see what was just so damn interesting about this franchise. Although, I heard the fandom is vicious.)
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*Superstar will be an ongoing thing afterwards depending on its streaming schedule.
August: D4DJ (Shut up I wanted to see Nana Mizuki and DJ Arisa Komiya finally create the ultimate underrated pair (SCARLET CANARY LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„))
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Now...I have a special rewatch on hold, if either of these seasons are shorter than my predictions. In case this happens, I will probably throw in a bonus:
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At this time, this concludes the update on this summer's anime watch schedules. Stay tuned June 1st for the start of my mental deterioration into a dangerous cocktail of insanity, hilarity, and possibly the abrupt end of my Instagram. Til then, here's hoping senpai notices you!
Thanks for being patient while I tried to finish this post. If you excuse me, I need to prepare my grave in case of emergency.
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years ago
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That’s great, Hina! You’re slowly but surely building confidence in yourself and I’m so proud! 😄
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I also think Pochi-to’s reluctance to befriend new people kinda mirrors past!Hinata’s issues in some ways.
Whenever she got discouraged, Hina would shrink back and constantly criticize herself about not being able to do things right. She always hesitated in taking the next step forward.
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But being around the right people and growing from her interactions with them changed that for her. Which is why she tries to teach that to Pochi-to as well.
There’s no need to be afraid because even if something goes wrong, there’ll be someone there to support you.
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And just as I thought, Hina’s best qualities shine through when she isn’t focusing on the perception of her own flaws.
It’s when she’s thinking for the sake of others (ex. dressing Asumi in cute clothes, arranging a fun experience for Nodoka, cheering Nyatoran on during his crush phase, spending a great amount of time on getting close to Pochi-to) that Hina can smile the most brightly and freely.
Because naturally, when she gives it her all for somebody else, her mind is not preoccupied with things that can deter her (i.e. her clumsiness or short attention-span)
“What should I do to make this person feel better? How can I help them be at ease?”
When she has that goal in mind, then all other thoughts and doubts can become irrelevant because she knows what is more important.
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I guess we can say that’s not surprising because Hina does come from a family of vets so that caring aspect would’ve rub off on her since she works and lives so closely with animals in need of aid.
But I don’t think it’s any less amazing because having the desire to help someone? That’s not a feeling everyone has, much less one that can extend to those outside our closest inner circles.
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And sure, Hina is hardly a full-time vet and we don’t know if she even wants to go down the same career path as her family in the future.
But it’s so clear that she loves being able to help put a smile on someone’s face.
That’s the quality of a doctor, a healer. That’s why she’s the Precure of Light. 😊
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darkershining · 4 years ago
Just watched episode 38 of Healin Good Pretty Cure.
The episode begins with Chiyu’s family commenting on a newspaper article about Chiyu’s high jump and a recent interview. Touji tells the family that he’ll work hard to become the innkeeper, so that Chiyu can dedicate her time to reaching her goals with the high jump. The family is supportive, telling Chiyu that she’s free to focus on what she wants to do most. This leaves Chiyu questioning herself.
In the villains’ realm, Shindoine complains that King Byogen hasn’t shown himself in a while. Daruizen bluntly comments that King Byogen probably doesn’t care about her feelings. Guaiwaru comments that his main priority is looking out for himself. Annoyed, Shindoine leaves to go infect something.
As Chiyu wonders what she wants to do, Pegitan notes how much these questions seem to be bothering Chiyu. At school, Nodoka and Hinata also notice, and Chiyu explains things to them. While Chiyu is practicing the high jump, Asumi and the Healing Animals stop by, having heard from Pegitan and wanting to see if she was okay. Chiyu can’t seem to get into it, and agrees to end practice early.
Returning to the inn, Chiyu notices some leaves on the ground and starts sweeping them up, until Touji shows up and offers to take over, figuring Chiyu might be tired from practice. Chiyu asks Touji why he wants to be the innkeeper. Touji admits it is partially so he can support Chiyu in her ambitions of becoming a pro-athelete, but it is mostly because he enjoys working there. Heading to her room, Chiyu finds a letter from Tsubasa. Chiyu decides to go for a run to clear her head, and Pegitan goes over to get advice from the others on how he can help out Chiyu.
Nyatoran figures that Chiyu’s love for both the inn and the high jump is causing the problem, as with one removed, she can’t find the right balance for either. The others wonder how to solve the dilemma. Nodoka comments that Hinata’s older sister is able to work two different jobs, but Hinata comments that both of those jobs can be done at home, so it’s not quite the same thing. Latte draws the others’ attention to the banner Nodoka, Hinata and their Healing Animals made several episodes ago to support Chiyu during a competition. After considering it for a few moments, Pegitan has an epiphany and goes off to find Chiyu.
At the beach, Chiyu vents her frustration at the ocean. Pegitan finds her, and tells her he’s figured out the solution to her problem. However, before he can explain it, a nearby Shindoine infects a surfer headed to the beach, creating a Giga-Byogen. Chiyu transforms to fight the Giga-Byogen. Shindoine is surprised that Cure Fontaine is the only one there, but tells the Giga-Byogen to deal with her. Back at the house, Latte alerts the other three girls to where the Giga-Byogen is.
As Cure Fontaine is distracted hearing Shindoine talk about her total devotion to King Byogen, the Giga-Byogen manages to hit her. The other girls arrive and transform to join the fight. The three Cures fight the surfing Giga-Byogen, with Cure Grace managing to find the trapped surfer within the monster’s right leg.
Cure Fontaine reflects on Shindoine’s words, wondering if total devotion to a single thing is the best way to go about things, but she just can’t choose between the inn and high jump. Pegitan tells her she doesn’t have to, she can do both. Pegitan tells Chiyu that he’s seen how hard she works at everything, the inn, high jump, being a Pretty Cure. He’s certain that if Chiyu just sets her mind to it, she could pull it off. When Fontaine still seems uncertain, he tells her that if she needs courage, she can borrow some of his, echoing Chiyu’s words to him from when they first met. Cure Fontaine manages to regain her spirit, and easily blocks Shindoine’s attacks when she tries to attack her to show that her devotion to King Byogen is stronger.
Cure Fontaine notes that the other three Cures are starting to have trouble with the Giga-Byogen, and after realizing stopping the surf board it is on might allow them to defeat it, uses the Rain Element Bottle on Pegitan’s suggestion to slow its movements on the sand. The Cures then use their group attack to purify the Giga-Byogen. Shindoine retreats. The surfer regains consciousness, and wonders what just happened as he walks away. Chiyu thanks Pegitan for giving her courage, but he replies he was only giving back some of the courage she gave to him.
Back at the inn, Chiyu tells her family about her decision to keep working at the inn and also work on improving her high jump, and they support her.
Another good episode! I really like how Chiyu’s story has played out, and the character development for both her and Pegitan. I also liked all the nods to previous episodes focusing on Chiyu, with the banner and the letter from Tsubasa. Also, I didn’t really mention it in previous episodes, but I like the outfits we’ve seen the girls wearing in these past few episodes, which I guess is for the colder seasons.
Looks like we’re nearing the end, although there’s still some episodes left before the final battle and such, since the show doesn’t end until February. I get the feeling King Byogen might be luring the Cures into a trap in the next episode. I mean, since we haven’t seen him for a few episodes, he must be plotting something. I assume we’ll get the details on that in the next episode. Well, I’m thinking this also means we won’t get a Halloween episode after all, and maybe not a Christmas episode either. Guessing that’s the consequence of the hiatus the show briefly went on because of covid-19 and that stuff. Well, as long as they still managed to tell the story they wanted to tell, that’s fine.
I’ll be looking forward to seeing what happens next!
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