#i love noct okay. remember i said that
leonmckennedy · 7 years
My Kingdom for a Prince
A fill for [this prompt] on the kinkmeme:
Noct is captured by a person or people of your choosing and fed exclusively Really Nasty Things for the duration of the kidnapping. Could be foods he flat-out hates, or could be things that people generally don’t consider food. Preferably some combo of both! Like, every other day they switch off or something. (No bodily fluids, though, please!) Anyway, he eats what they give him, or he doesn’t get fed.
[AO3 Mirror here]
Canon Divergence: AU where there was no arranged wedding, so Noctis and the bros were present for Insomnia’s fall. And also Ardyn does some fuck shit. Really, fuck that guy
Warnings: Gross food (obvi), bugs, vomit, force-feeding?
it’s around 6k words… Sorry y’all… I went overboard. After a while the AU started fleshing itself out a bit @__@ 
When Noctis wakes up, his first thought is the passing “god my fucking head hurts. ” He doesn’t move for a good few moments, only groaning when he realizes the pounding against his skull probably won’t let up anytime soon. Eventually he blinks his eyes open, waits for his vision to settle, and attempts to sit up. But it’s impossible, because his hands are trapped behind his back and his legs feel like jelly, and after a few more moments of that specific brand of hell he has his second thought. “fuck .”
Next he takes stock of what he sees around him; he knows he’s lying on concrete, as it’s cold and smooth and nothing like his bed back at the citadel. He wiggles to turn on his side, to get a clearer view of the room around him. It’s small and dark. The walls are a dirty gray, barren, no windows. The light he’s seeing with is but a little sliver filtering in underneath the door on the opposite wall. There’s a small latched window on the door, closed. Underneath it is a wider but narrower slit, also closed.
In the corner there’s a small bed, with no blankets or pillows, essentially looking no more comfortable than the floor. In the opposite corner, a small bucket.
The purpose of this room becomes abundantly clear the more he stares at it, and he takes in a deep breath in an attempt to curb the panic beginning to settle in. It’s a cell. He’s locked in a cell. The prince of Lucis, a prisoner.
Noctis flexes his fingers, testing the strength of his binds. There’s barely any give. He’s not sure he’d be able to break through even if there was, however. Because just turning to his side and moving his hands feels absolutely draining, equally so with the pain throbbing in the back of his head. Frankly, he just feels plain bad.
He makes a few more attempts to sit up and manages eventually, groaning when a bout of vertigo hits him. With his stomach churning and the dark walls spinning before him he almost doesn’t hear the approaching footsteps outside.
Noctis does notice when the door’s window slides open and light begins to pour in.
“Well, hello there.”
The voice is smooth and vaguely accented and Noctis recognizes it almost immediately.
His memories come in bits and pieces.
Insomnia… fell. The signing ceremony went well until it didn’t. The imperials moved in and everything went to hell. Noctis fought as hard as he could but there was only so much he could do when they were so vastly outnumbered. The explosions, the fires, the mass panic as the citizens fled for their lives. And—
“You, ” Noct spits, and his voice is quieter than he wants, too torn and broken.
“Oh my.” The voice comes with a face. The man, red hair all sorts of askew and damning smile adorning his lips, peers through the tiny window. “You aren’t still mad at me, are you?”
“You bastard!” The words seem to burn Noctis’ throat, and he knows now why his voice sounds like that. He’d been screaming, before. “You scum— you bastards betrayed us, and you … when I get out of here you’re dead.”
The man chuckles then, sounding for the world like he’s in the middle of a friendly conversation. It boils the blood in Noctis’ veins— he’s not just mad, he’s seething. He’s shaking, down to his core, tastes metal where he’s biting the inside of his cheek to stop from snarling.
Murderer. This fucking murderer stands in front of him and has the gall to laugh? Oh, he’ll rip this guy’s throat out first chance he gets.
“I take it you’re still sad about daddy dearest? Come now, an entire day has passed by now. It’s not healthy to hold grudges, you know.”
Noctis does snarl, then. He doesn’t have energy for anything, and he knows now that his skull is pounding from the beating he took to the back of the head. Neither of these stop him from dragging himself to his feet and launching himself at the door. It succeeds in doing nothing but making the man laugh, the window being too small for Noct to do much of anything.
“By the gods, my dear boy, we need to teach you some better manners.” The man turns away now, addresses someone Noctis cannot see. “here, give our guest a nice little surprise.”
The man’s face leaves. Noctis is too focused on following him with his eyes to notice the other window sliding open, and by the time he looks down there’s a metal instrument poking his stomach and it’s too late.
The shock has him convulsing and it hurts, it hurts so much but he can’t breathe, let alone scream. It only lasts a few seconds before he simply drops, hitting the ground hard and gasping, finally, when his lungs start to work again. His body shakes, and he takes in breaths that don’t stick, gives heavy coughs.
The man’s laugh starts up again, sounding so far away, and Noct can’t respond. All he can do is roll over and try to breath, focus on the frantic pounding of his heart.
The first night, no one comes back. Noctis slips in and out of a fitful sleep. His dreams are just disconnected memories; the citadel becoming overrun with magitek infantry, the monster like machines dropping in from the skies. People screaming. His father’s face the moment he died, pierced through the back by a man, smiling with a mouth full of tar.
What happened to his friends, he wonders. His Crownsguard who fought so hard to help him escape the palace at his father’s last wish, who stood by his side even when surrounded. Did they go down too, like him? Are they captives too? Or are they like his father, rotting in the center of a burning city, a kingdom lost?
Noctis doesn’t cry that first night. He stares blankly at the barren walls of his cell and imagines death. He feels numb.
The second day, someone approaches his cell. Or some thing , he should say. When the door opens it is what seems like an entire squadron of MTs that swarm in, surrounding him.
It happens at an inopportune time. Noctis had been attempting to conquer the armiger, to pull out a sword or a dagger, something, anything. He’d been trying for hours, unsuccessfully. Noctis isn’t sure if he’s too weak or too inexperienced.
“What the hell do you want?” Noctis asks. He’s not sure how threatening he sounds, with the dry, worn throat, but he tries anyway.
He’s standing, having pulled himself to his feet in the hopes it’d help his efforts. It was an ordeal, as it became more and more apparent how injured he is. He definitely has a few broken ribs, sprained shoulder, still nursing the concussion he knows he got from his head injury. If his hands were free he’d have checked on the rest of his body, as he’s sure there are other bruises and cuts all around.
All in all, he eyes all the MTs warily. Because while he definitely won’t go down without a fight, he knows it would be a very one sided fight.
Two of the MTs grab his arms, holding him in place. Another one approaches him from behind and removes the binding from Noct’s hands. Immediately Noctis lunges for one of them, and receives a swift kick to the side for his efforts.
He falls over, hitting the ground, and watches shakily as the machines start to empty the room, red eyes watching him the entire time. One of them leaves something in front of the door before it closes behind them, throwing the room into darkness again.
Noctis takes a few moments to recuperate before crawling over to the door, eyeing the left object with a cautious eye.
It’s a tray of what Noctis assumes is supposed to be food. Assumes, because it smells absolutely disgusting.
“Ugh….” Noct covers his nose with one hand, trying not to gag. It looks like some kind of soup except it seems more gelatinous than it should be, and smells like rotten meat. He’s not touching that.
The second little window on the door, upon closer inspection, has an indentation meant to carry food trays. The MTs left it open, probably to collect the empty tray when he finished. Noctis holds his breath as he picks up the tray and deposits it in the  window, only exhaling after walking away.
Gods, he’s already a prisoner. Beaten and trapped and hopeless. Disgusting slop would be the cherry atop the sundae, wouldn’t it? hell if he would fall to that level.
All he has to do is bide his time. Recuperate his powers slowly, heal up a bit, then he can find an opportunity to break it. Noctis isn’t sure how long that’ll take, but he is going to do it, that much is certain.
The third day, they come and take away the tray of gross slop, and return with another. Noctis takes one look at it and feels his stomach drop.
It’s a vegetable puree, mostly carrots if the orange color is any indication. It’s not a perfect blend, either, as there are whole chunks floating in it; a few peas, lettuce, something red that might be beets. The dish also smells repugnant, admittedly because of the vegetables.
“Are you fucking serious?” Noct asks absolutely no one, because besides of that murderer from a few days ago no one with the capacity for conversation has come by. The MT who left the tray is probably already gone, not that he’s sure the thing would listen to his complaint.
At least, next to this dish is a glass of water and what looks like stale bread. He downs the water too quickly, the warm liquid sliding down his throat feeling like heaven. After that he tries the bread, but it’s so stale it barely tears apart, and is like a thick gum when he tries to chew it. He eats half of it before he can’t anymore, which is a shame because he’s really hungry.
Noctis eyes the soup, dares to pick up the spoon even. I’m desperate, he tells himself. It looks better than the brown slop they tried giving him yesterday, and he needs to keep his strength up if he wants to stand a chance at escaping. So he scoops the orange goop into his mouth and promptly spits it back out, gagging and turns away.
It didn’t smell too bad but it tasted very not like carrots. It’s all sour and musty tasting. It sticks to his tongue even after spitting it out, and Noctis regrets downing his water too fast because he desperately wants the aftertaste out of his mouth.
Well, that’s all. He places the tray into the window and walks back to the bed, sitting down gingerly.
He’s checked himself over for injuries after being freed, and is fine outside of the numerous bruises he has. There’s an exhaustion that sticks to his bones now that he isn’t in an adrenaline pumping, battle situation. His head hurts constantly. He doesn’t know when he lays down and falls asleep, but he is glad for it.
He sees Ignis in his sleep, first. The man looks worried in his dreams just as he does in real life, giving Noct an exasperated yet caring look. The dream seems to cycle through different memories; stargazing as children, music lessons that Noctis could never get to stick, a time when Ignis had been sick and Noctis insisted on visiting him to make sure he was already. It wasn’t a thing for royalty to do, he was told, to check on a retainer. He had attendants to do things like that. But ignis was too important. He’d go over the young man’s place and made lukewarm soup from a can and wiped his face with a towel to cool him down.
When his first fit wakes up him, Noctis is trembling. He wants to see Ignis so badly. Wants to go to him like he did when they were still so young, to hear sweet assurances in his voice.
His empty stomach cramps and Noctis curls up into a fetal position, trying to listen to his own heartbeat to lull himself to sleep. It doesn’t work.
The fourth day is about the same. They come silently, besides of the vague whirring sounds that seem to follow MTs around, and leave a new tray of food. Just like the previous days, it’s something straight revolting.
Noctis isn’t sure where to start with this dish. It’s green and brown and those are colors that don’t agree with him when they’re on his plate. The brown seems to be chunks of meat, most of which are so overcooked that they’re actually charred black. Beside it is a green goop, of which the sight of makes Noctis groan. What was with these fucks and vegetable puree?
Nevertheless, Noctis ignores it. He downs the new glass of water, sipping it slowly this time, and then places the tray back in the window. He paces back to the bed and sits down. There he begins to stretch his shoulder. There’s not much he can do about most of his injuries, because without access to his armiger he had no potions. And no potions meant dealing with the pain.
He’s also dizzy; the water has been a life-send, but it only does so much for his empty stomach. The hunger makes him feel so weak, yet looking at those dishes makes nothing but bile rise to his throat.
Just a little longer, he thinks. He hasn’t had luck with the armiger, but he’s bound to get it eventually, right? He could escape. He could.
He relives a precious memory of his; Prompto staying over his place for the weekend, an increasingly frequent occurrence. They lay on Noctis’ bed, side by side, playing king’s knight until they’re too tired to stare at their phones so they talk instead.
It’s around the time Prompto began to join the Crownsguard, at Noct’s suggestion. He’s nervous about the training, he lets slip. He’s not sure if he’s ready. Because Noctis is too cool and stronger than he is already, and Noctis trips over his own tongue trying to deny those words.
Of all of them, prompto deserved it the least. Being attacked, having their nice life stripped away under their feet; it wasn’t good for any of them but Prompto is normal. A civilian. He didn’t deserve it.
There’s what feels to be a pit in the bottom of Noctis’ stomach, untouched by the gnawing hunger. It grows from his stomach to his chest and it becomes harder to breath for a few minutes before it evens out. Noctis gasps.
He hates this cell.
“A little birdy told me you haven’t been eating.”
On the fifth day, the man comes back.
“What does it matter to you?” Noctis doesn’t move from his perch on the bed. His stomach doesn’t hurt as much as it did before, but in place of the pain is an all encompassing exhaustion. just keeping his upright position feels draining. Speaking even more so.
“It matters a lot to me, my dear Noctis. I didn’t bring you all the way here just for you to perish.” at that the man backs away from the window and pulls it closed. Seconds later Noctis hears the click of the door being unlocked. “Here, I brought you something—prepared special for our lovely little prince. Made with love.”
When the door opens the man is standing there, look absolutely insufferable with his lips curled up into a satisfied smirk. Everything about him looked terrible, from the scruffy quality of his facial hair to his outfit, layers upon layers with colors that had no business being together.
The man doesn’t come into the room, however. Instead a small crowd of MTs begin to filter in on either side of him, marching right up to Noctis’ bed. One in particular approaches Noctis head on, carrying a tray in its hands.
The last few meals had been absolutely awful but this one is in a league all on its own. There’s a big bowl, filled to the brim with what looked like tar. Inside of the soup are floating chunks of what could possibly be meat or vegetables but are essentially indistinguishable. And then the smell is an entirely different story; it smells rotten all around. like rotting meat or dairy that had been left out in the sun. The scent makes Noctis’ stomach roll and he starts to pull away and finds that he can’t.
The MTs grab his arms, holding him in place.
“Now, now, Noctis,” he says, and Noctis throws his head up in time to catch another one of his god awful smiles. “Be a good boy and finish your food.”
A metal hand grips him by the hair, pulling his head back, and Noctis begins to thrash, the disgust rolling around his stomach turning to dread. gods, no, no. A s much as he fights it he doesn’t have the energy to push the machines off of him. He watches, shaking desperately, as the MT in front of him fills a spoon with that revolting slop and leans in closer.
Noctis tries locking his jaw, but another MT grabs his face and pulls it open. It hurts. It hurts and he can’t stop the fucker from pushing that spoon into his mouth.
It tastes like it looks. like spoiled milk, thick and sour and invasive. He wants to spit it out but they cover his mouth and he’s stuck tasting it, the gross consistency rolling around his tongue and sticking to the sides of his mouth. Noctis shakes his head, a last ditch effort to try to get free, anything, anything other than what’s happening. After a few seconds another hand covers his nose and Noctis nearly starts choking right there.
He’s going to die. He’s going to suffocate if he doesn’t swallow this mess and the taste is starting to burn and he feels the tears pricking at his eyes.
“My, aren’t you a fighter? Sure this is what you want?”
Noctis starts to chew. He bites into a chunk of rancid meat, the juices exploding over his tongue and starts gagging and the tears are flowing freely now. He keeps chewing and then swallows, shivering at the feel of the thick liquid crawling down his throat. He swallows it all down and the MTs, apparently pleased, remove the hands from his face and air graciously floods in.
He gags immediately. The tears are still running down his cheeks and he takes in a gasping breath and he feels his stomach lurch forward. It’s disgusting. It hurts. He wants to go home.
“Good boy.” the man sounds more smug than he should have the right to. Smug and victorious. And maybe it’s true. Noctis takes in heaving breaths and he shudders and it does, truly, feel like he lost. “I have some important business to attend to, but I’m sure you’ll finish your dinner while I’m gone, yes?”
The monster in front of him fills the spoon up again and Noctis shakes his head, a sob breaking out of his throat. “No. No, no, no, no—”
“Ta-ta, my dear.”
Noctis sees the man leave from the corner of his eye before the MTs move in closer, the hands returning to restrict his face again. Another disgusting spoonful is deposited onto his tongue and Noctis flails, trying and failing to spit it out before his mouth is covered again.
Each spoonful feels worse than the last. He hoped that he’d get used to the flavor after a while, but he doesn’t. The taste is revolting every single time, and he’s not free after swallowing because the aftertaste sticks to his tongue and the roof of his mouth. The soup started out warm but by the time he finishes the bowl it’s cold, and he’s not sure if that made it easier or harder to take.
Eventually they leave him. They take the remnants of their awful meal and leave Noctis to sprawl across the ground, spitting and heaving. The MTs close the heavy door, and the room is dark once again.
There always seemed to be this duality to Gladio. He could be harsh, yes, but strangely kind. later, when all the strength Noctis tried to keep fails him and he voids the contents of his stomach into the corner bucket, he thinks Gladio wouldn’t call him weak for it.
Gladio was strict. He would get angry at Noctis constantly back home, for skipping out on sparring lessons or for refusing to get back up after being knocked down. “My arm hurts,” young Noctis had said once, and Gladio had sneered at him.
“It doesn’t stop working just because it hurts,” had been the answer, but Gladio still sat down next to him, sighing heavily and announcing that they might as well take a break.
What he wouldn’t give to have those days back, to be the whiny brat complaining about his lessons. When he finishes puking he lies against the wall, stares up at the ceiling. There are small cracks in the concrete, and he busies himself with counting them until his eyelids are heavy and he falls into a restless sleep.
He also wishes he could go home, but in a desperate fit he remembers there is no home for him to return to.
A prince without a kingdom.
On the sixth day, Noctis regards the door with dread. Strangely enough, though Noctis has no sense of time in this cell he feels as though the troopers arrive earlier than usual. And like the previous day they march inside, surrounding him.
Noctis flinches when they come near, their metal hands landing on his shoulders and holding him in place. He’s seen more of these machines now than he has in his entire life, and it is no less unsettling to see them now than the first time he’d ever laid eyes on them. He wishes he’d been dealing with humans. At least they would talk to him, taunt him, yell at him, anything. Without that Niff man from before to laugh at him, it was just the MTs, and the most they could do is glare with their shining red eyes.
They move so oddly, like puppets being yanked by their strings, and they’re built much larger than he is. Noctis doesn’t like it.
“What,” Noctis starts, and his voice sounds much worse than he was expecting. He hasn’t spoken since yesterday, after all. He’s extremely parched and it hurts, just pushing out any words. “W… what you got for me now?”
Sure enough, one of the troopers brings him a tray.
Only the food on the plate is moving .
“No,” Noctis shakes his head, sucking in a shaky breath when a large hand holds it still. “No, not that. Oh gods…”
Noctis is pretty sure they just reached into the dirt outside and threw it onto a plate. It’s the only way to explain why there are fat, pink worms wiggling before his eyes, directly contrasting what looks like actual mud on the bottom of the plate.
His “meal” is glistening in the dim light. It’s slime, actual honest to god slime mixed in with his dirt and worms.
“I can’t— I can’t do this. Please, please.”
But there are no response from an MT. The one holding the tray lifts up an empty fork and holds it out in front of him.
He has to pick it up. They want him to pick it up and eat it himself. He’d be shaking his head if he could. The hands holding his shoulders down push harder, and Noctis just barely holds back a whimper. He takes in a shuddering breath and just. Thinks.
If he doesn’t do this, it’ll be a repeat of the previous day. They’ll hold him down and spoon feed him and he won’t be able to breath and he’ll choke and—
Noctis takes the fork. The MT holds the tray within arms reach, and Noctis cautiously pokes around the plate. He has a vague hope that maybe if he pushes it around he’ll find something actually edible. Instead, under a clump of dirt and an especially big worm he finds that… it’s not a worm at all. It’s red and big and has little bulbs sticking out of its head and is definitely a real fucking slug.
That explains the slime at least.
“C-can I get a raincheck on this, guys?” right about now he wishes he’d have that gross, vegetable puree from days ago. Even that seems more appealing.
The machines seem to hover in closer, and Noctis knows he’s pushing a limit now. He’s gotta get it over with, he’s just got to do it. With the fork he spears a small piece of dirt, gags when it crunches and he realizes it’s not simply dirt. But he’s done it now, so he lifts it to his lips and pushes it in his mouth.
He takes a bite and it’s disgusting. Whatever the crunchy thing was he knows it doesn’t taste good. It’s a bug, probably. He has to try really, really hard not to just spit it back onto the plate, because he doesn’t know how the MTs will react to that. Eventually he chews it enough to swallow.
Okay, not that bad. If the rest of it goes like that, then he can get through this. He can get through. He takes a chance, spears one of the smaller worms and brings it to his face. Eating it is nothing like a gummy worm at all, but at the very least, thankfully tastes like slimy dirt. Makes him gag, yes, but not the worse he’s ever had.
Noctis is strangely proud of himself for doing it. The troopers around him stare, but they aren’t holding his nose closed so he considers it a good thing. Only… the slug, sitting now in the middle of the plate and thankfully unmoving, bless the gods, is haunting him.
He’s not eating that.
“Alright, I think I’m full.”
No response.
“I’m done. Thanks guys but—”
The MTs on either side of him clamp down suddenly and Noctis feels the panic bubbling inside of him.
“No! no, I ate a lot of it already, aren’t we good yet?”
A hand on his head yanks at his hair, pulling his head back and making him yell out. Another grips his jaw, holding his mouth open and in one smooth movement that slippery monster is on his tongue and he’s thrashing, cries muffled by a metal hand.
The slug nearly hits the back of his throat. The taste is disgustingly bitter, so much so that it has him shaking with his desire to spit it out. He takes in a thick, panicked breath, the last he gets before fingers close his nostrils and he’s left to suffer with the taste.
He starts to chew. It’s possibly the worse sensation; it’s so slippery that it feels like he’s chasing it around his mouth while trying to chew. The consistency reminds him of a gelatin dessert, if gelatin was chewy like an overcooked piece of meat, or leaked copper-like blood.
He can’t stand chewing it, it’s that bad. Instead he pushes with his tongue and just swallows. It goes down so slowly that he starts to choke—but with the hand over his mouth he can’t spit it out, so he forces it down some more.
Once it’s down, and the MTs are satisfied with that they let him go. Not just his mouth or his head but fully, and Noctis stumbles from his seat to his knees, coughing. Two coughs in and the bile pushes up from his stomach and he’s voiding everything. The slug, the dirt, everything. His mouth, his nose, it all burns. He takes heaving breaths. It hurts so much.
The MTs leave then, going as abruptly as they arrived. Noctis watches the marching of their feet from the floor, sees their mismatched gait out the door and into the thing light coming from the wall beyond. Once the last one leaves, however, there’s another pair of feet standing in the doorway.
“My, my, what a right mess you’ve made there. Meal wasn’t to your liking, I presume?”
Noctis looks up, slowly, reluctantly, right into the face of his captor. And he’s never felt such unbridled hatred in his life.
“I’ll let it slide just this once but… and don’t get mad about this, dear Noctis…. you’ll have to start pulling your weight around here eventually. Cleaning up your own messes at the very least. And, here’s a little secret,” The man walks up to Noctis, bends down to level with him and whispers, “By cleaning, I mean… constructing your next meal, if you will. Just because you couldn’t stomach it the first time doesn’t mean you should let it waste.”
Noctis heaves again at the thought.
“Goodbye and good night, my boy. Sweet dreams.”
Noctis sleeps on the ground again that night. He’d only managed to crawl away from the site of his mess , not having the energy or motivation to pull himself to the bed.
He lies at such an angle that his vision aligns perfectly with the corner, so he stares at the junction between the wall and the floor. The more the darkness lingers, the more he stares, blinking into the nothingness ahead, the stronger the feeling in his chest becomes. Like a rubber band wrapped around his upper body, he feels constricted. A few more moments and he takes in a long, shuddering breath, blinking rapidly.
And then the calm breaks.
And then he breaks.
“F….father…” Noctis pulls himself into a tight ball, arms tight around his torso. His next breath leaves as a sob, and he can’t stop it.
His father was a busy man. He had to rule over an entire kingdom, and for all of Noctis’ complaining, he knew as well as anyone how much of a burden that was. Years, of seeing his father attend meetings for hours, being pulled away from family time to take care of urgent business. Years, even, of watching his father gray at the hairline, watching his gait get just that much slower, his body moving just that more heavier.
Regis Lucis Caelum may not have been the best father, by any stretch, but he was Noct’s father, and he misses him so, so much. Right now he feels the smallest he’s ever been in years, like he’s eight again and all I wants is to be in his father’s arms, where he could be safe. Where he could take away the pain.
But he can’t. Not because he’s locked up in a dark cell in some hellhole, but because he’s dead. His father is a corpse rotting on the floor in the place they’d called home, and Noctis screams because he’s dead and he’s never coming back.
The worse thing is that he’ll never forget that moment for as long as he lives; his father, ushering him away from the citadel with his Crownsguard, calling on his magic to shield Noctis in his final moments. The view he had, then, of a red-haired man, who he thought was just another stuffy imperial politician, breaking through Regis’ defenses —and what kind of man is he, to break a Caelum’s magic, to overpower his father’s will— and stabbing him.
And laughing about it, too. laughing that same insufferable laugh he’s given Noctis all week, and that smile that sends prickles of rage down Noctis’ spine.
Noctis screams out his grief until his already parched throat is sore, until there’s nothing but weak sobs crushing his chest. He doesn’t know how long he cries. Until his tears dry up, maybe.
When sleep finds him he dreams about his father’s smile.
On the seventh day, the man doesn’t come. None of the magitek troopers come either. Time passes and Noctis stares up at the ceiling, having dragged himself to a sitting position at some point. He waits. He flexes his fingers, vaguely searching for his armiger even knowing it probably won’t work, as it hasn’t the entire time he’s been trapped in this god awful place. He’s partially convinced he’ll never be able to conjure it again.
So he waits, and waits, and waits.
Eventually he starts to wonder what’s happening. The dim light that comes through the crack under the door shifts, as if people are walking by. Or running, even. Noctis hears the telltale signs of MTs, the rattling of their armor as they run, but none of the shadows under the door stop there.
Curious, Noctis gets to his feet and walks over to the door, putting his face against the cold metal and trying his best to make out the commotion outside.
Minutes pass and it gets louder out there; more moments and it sounds awfully like there’s a battle commencing just outside his cell, the precise clanging of metal that could only belong to the clash of a weapons ringing loudly in the air, along with the subtle explosions MTs are known for when they’re destroyed.
All at once, hope begins to bubble in Noctis’ chest. It’s probably foolish to think someone is coming to his rescue, that anyone even knows he’s here, but he figures whoever’s out there fighting off the imperials have to be an ally. They could help him.
“Hey—” Noctis starts, clears his throat because he’s not loud enough. “hey! hello!” he starts to bang on the little window, wishing they’d left it open so he could see what’s happening. “Anyone! hello!”
There’s some more explosions, more clashing. Then suddenly he can feel the presence of another outside of the door. He worries for a moment when they don’t immediately speak, but his fears are calmed when a voice, another human that isn’t that goddamn murderer speaks to him.
Oh gods. They knew him. They knew him.
“Yeah— yeah, it’s me. Oh gods,” Noctis leans heavily against the door, lets out a laugh that’s a borderline sob. “Please, help me. Please, please .”
The door unlocks. It creaks when it opens, and Noctis barely has enough time to register what just happened before he’s grabbed, pulled into arms that aren’t familiar but are warm and human .
It’s less a hug and more that the man is checking Noctis for injuries. Noctis knows he must look awful— beaten, bruised, smelling like an actual dumpster. But he can’t bring himself to be embarrassed about it.
The man— who’s wearing a Kingsglaive uniform, Noct notices belatedly— pulls back, hands firmly on his shoulders, and looks him in the eyes. “Can you walk?”
Noctis nods.
“Good. Okay.” The man reaches a hand to touch the communicator in his ear. “Guys—I found him. He’s safe.”
I’m safe.
“We gotta move. Stick close to me, okay?” The man faces the door, pulling a dagger from its sheath on his side. “Can’t have you dying after we just found you.”
The man leads him out of his cell and through an MT infested corridor, fighting them off left and right. His heart is pounding in his chest the entire time, but it’s excitement rather than panic, and Noctis can’t complain about that.
He’s free.
Insomnia was destroyed. This isn’t something that has to be explained to Noctis, because he’d seen it first hand. The riots in the streets, the magitek weaponry firing from the skies, the troopers cutting down civilian after innocent civilian.
He doesn’t have to be told it’s destroyed, but just existing outside of it’s walls knowing that its no longer there… it’s a lot to take in.
Turns out he’d only been taken to an imperial base stationed in Lucis. He’s not sure why, when Niff technology allows them to travel far and they could have certainly taken him back to Niflheim, but he is still incredibly thankful he wasn’t that far from his homeland. and also thankful he isn’t dead. He’s battered and broken but alive and he can allow himself to be the least bit happy about that.
Right now he’s sitting in the backseat of a truck, speeding towards a safe-house, and he can definitely allow himself to be happy about that.
“We’ll be there in less than half an hour, highness.”
Noctis had been more than relieved to have a more familiar voice with him. He never interacted much with members of the Kingsglaive, as many of them still lived outside of the wall. So as gracious as he feels for the man who saved him– Nyx, as he’d introduced himself later – he didn’t know him personally.
But driving the car now, the man they’d met up with escaping the base is an influential member of the Crownsguard. It’s Cor the immortal, in the flesh, and just hearing his voice is enough to make Noctis relax a little.
In response to the man’s statement, he nods, head barely moving from where it lies against the back of the seat. Cor doesn’t say anything else, so Noctis assumes he saw that.
“They were worried sick about you, y'know.” Nyx speaks now, turning around in his seat to face him. “We were all looking for you, trashing niff bases left and right. I can just imagine the look on their faces.”
Noctis feels himself chuckle. It’s a little low in his throat and sleepy because gods he’s exhausted, but it’s genuine.
Yeah, he can imagine.
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Noctis Lucis Caelum- SFW alphabet
First piece of writing on here let's gooo- Feel free to request anything! I don't have a list of things that I write for yet, but just pop it in my ask box and I'll see what I can do- please don't let this flop 💚
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Noctis isn't really one for very open affection, around others the best he will do is holding hands or exchanging a few smiles here and there- but alone, he will happily sit with you and play games on your phones together, maybe even a few snuggles.
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
Noctis would be an amazing best friend, as long as you don't mind sarcastic remarks and sometimes having to deal with his slight temper tantrums. He will do anything to save your life, though. He'd take a bullet for you if needs be.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He isn't big on cuddles. Snuggles, and hugs, he's mostly okay with, but cuddles... he just doesn't know what fo do with himself if he finds himself in the situation.
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?)
He doesn't mind settling down for a while, but listen, there's a reason Ignis is the one one cooks. Noctis cannot cook at all. Last time he tried, he burned the food. And it was a soup.
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He'd try to let you down slowly, he doesn't want to hurt your feelings, but he'd end up digging himself into a deeper hole. It'd probably sound something like this: "Listen, I... I think we should go our separate ways... It's not that I don't like you, or anything... it's just-"
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?)
He has no real opinion on it- but he'd happily get married to you if you asked. If it meant you could spend the rest of your lives together, how could he say no?
G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?)
Usually, he's not the most gentle person, but he will try to be if he sees that you're upset or in pain. He will often use a softer tone of voice with you, and may touch your shoulder to comfort you.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?)
Like I said- he doesn't mind hugs, so long as they are short, and not in front of everyone. He doesn't like hugging for too long bec as se he finds it awkward, but in a heartfelt moment, it doesn't kill him to embrace you from time to time.
I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?)
It takes a long time. It's not that he doesn't want to say it, it's just that he finds it awkward. He'll only say the L word in a heartfelt moment, or when if it's a very special occasion.
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
Now, Noctis isn't really one to get jealous, heck, he might even find himself catching feelings for a few others while he's with you, but he always remains loyal to you and expects you to do the same.
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are usually short, and simple. He likes to kiss you in the most romantic places, you lips, your cheeks, and forehead are his favorite. He likes to be kissed on the back of his hands, and loves to get lost in your eyes as you. He will happily accept whatever affection you have for him.
L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
This man is amazing around children, but only the older ones. Probably about eight plus- he isn't the best with babies and todlers. To be honest, he couldn't know what to do with them.
M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?)
It will take him a while to actually get out of bed, but in the meantime he will put his arm around you and stare into your eyes for a bit, getting lost in them.
N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Nothing special. Usually he will stay up late and play board games or games on his phone while eating a delicious Ignis cooked meal.
O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?
Really not a lot. Sometimes, when he's really upset, he'll vent to you, and only you. He doesn't like other people listening, and he knows he can trust you with his secrets.
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Though he's usually chilled out, Noct can be angered very easily. He will start yelling, and maybe even draw a weapon on what's making him angry. His movements will also become snappy, and he will be more prone to breaking things.
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?)
He remembers a lot about you. Your name, your age, your favourite things to do and eat, but he can't for the life of him remember anything truly personal about you. He does tend to remember a few things you vent to him about, though.
R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?)
When you two went to Altissa, and had a ride on the gondolas all around the city. You even had some of the world-famous ice cream with you, along with a moogle plushie. He will never forget your hair blowing in the breeze. That to him is his idea of a date.
S - Security (How protective are they?)
This man is very protective. He will not let anything harm you. He will try his very very best to do anything he can to protect you, and if harm ever came to you, he'd blame no-one but himself.
T - Try (How much effort do they put in?)
He does try, for the most part. If someone gives him a mission, he isn't one to back down. He will try his best to make you happy, and will spend all the gil in the world if you were happy because of it.
U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?)
His posture. He stands with his back arched and his hips forward, which can be very bad for him in the long run. His father told him countless times to fix his posture, but he never got around to it.
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He really doesn't care much how he looks. He might be a king, but his looks aren't a factor in how he rules, right?
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Very much so. Nothing would feel the same if you dissapeared, and he wouldn't know what to do with himself, and he'd have to have some sense knocked into him by Gladio.
X - Xtra (Random HC)
He loves to impress you- be it with his unique fighting style, or with his amazing fishing skills. He also makes sure to catch the best fish he can, and he loves it when you cook his fish for him. He'll happily sit with you and enjoy the meal.
Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?)
He hates people who try to hurt him, or his friends/partner. He also doesn't like vegetables, and if you try to make him eat his greens, likelihood is, he'll just warp away from you. Far away.
Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
It usually takes him ages to get to sleep. Sometimes he'll be up all night fighting daemons, and getting gil. When he does sleep, it may only be for a few hours. He goes to sleep late, and wakes up early, and the others have to practically drag them out of the tent or bed.
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goodlucktai · 3 years
(I feel like I should finish your prompt first but. These ones are so good....feel free to ignore if you have too many asks but 29 or 33 with chocobros...?
33. “Are you SURE I can’t punch him in the face?” “Yes.” “What if I just break his nose a little?”
ik i just did this one for natsuyuu but...........chocobros
They're somewhere in Duscae, near enough to the coast that each breeze carries a hint of the sea, on another errand for another stranger to scrape together enough gil to eat tonight.
They've stopped at the last little roadside cluster of shops before the countryside stretches far and wide and wild, stocking up on what meager supplies they can afford.
Noctis has never lived this way before. He's never gone to bed hungry before. Neither has Gladio or Ignis, for all their world-weariness and the general practical knowledge and common sense they walk around with that far surpasses Noctis' own.
Ignis can budget with the best of them, and Gladio is willing to eat literally anything at any time, but Prompto is the one who gets it.
He chats at length about all the times he's had to get creative with pasta or rice because it was all that was left in his pantry. Back in high school, when he could only work part-time. When someone should have been taking care of him, and instead he was left to figure out how to stretch a tiny budget much farther than made sense.
"Come on, Iggy," he said once when they were out shopping, half-laughing. Like he thought Ignis was joking. "Fresh produce? We've got like a hundred gil between the four of us and we're totally out of restoratives."
And Ignis paused, and glanced sidelong at him. He put back the crisp, flowery vegetables and pulled out his little notebook and asked for suggestions instead. It took Prompto a few minutes to convince himsef that Ignis was taking him seriously, but now they like, bond over canned fruit.
"I'm gonna kill this catoblepas with my bare hands," Gladio says with feeling, leaning against the car. "I'm so godsdamned sick of pasta. Don't tell Iggy I said that."
Noctis rolls an energy drink between his hands absently, brow furrowed. It's tricky business, and he's not very good at it just yet, but home-made elixirs save them a ton of gil. He feels guilty when they have to spend their money on something he should be able to do himself.
"I'm telling him," he says without missing a beat. "He'll never forget, and he'll give you shit every single time you make cup noodles from now on, forever."
"I can't stand you," Gladio tells him seriously.
The bell above the door of the convenience store rings brightly, and Noctis glances up to see Ignis and Prompto walking out looking a lot more cheerful than they did going in.
Gladio's face does something very subtle and specific when he sees them, there and gone in a second, before Noctis can pin it down and figure it out.
"What are you two chucklefucks up to?" he calls over. Ignis immediately narrows a disapproving stare at him, but Prompto beams.
"I got a commission, sort of!" he says.
"A commission?" Noctis parrots, sending the energy drink back to the Armiger.
"Sort of?" Gladio adds.
"While we were checking out, the store-owner saw my camera, and seemed really into it," Prompto says. "Since, you know. It's unique."
Noctis does know. The digital camera hanging at Prompto's side has been with him since Noctis first bought it for him three years ago. He would rebuild it every so often, bowed over a collection of impossibly tiny parts spread out carefully across a dish towel at the kitchen table in Noctis' apartment. To call it unique is a bit of an understatement.
Gladio frowns, sensing where this is going a split-second before Noctis does. "And?"
"And he offered me money for it! Like, more than it's worth probably. A lot more."
"I don't see how that could be possible," Ignis says smoothly, leaning through the open window of the Regalia to put the shopping bag in the backseat. "Since your camera is clearly priceless. Which is what I explained to the man."
Noctis relaxes, glad that Ignis and Prompto have bonded over shopping to the point that neither of them want to do it unless they can go together-- because if Prompto had been in there by himself, he 100% would have sold his camera. He would have hated to do it, but he would have done it. It's like he thinks he owes his friends something just for letting him exist.
"Good looking out, Specs," Gladio says gruffly. Prompto waffles a bit, looking torn between pleased and embarrassed. Noctis decides to rescue him.
"What commission, though?" he asks.
"Oh, right. Well, he was kind of bummed about the camera, but he asked if he could see some of my photos, and Ignis said we had time-- "
If it were literally anyone else, Noctis thinks, up to and including and especially the Actual Crown Prince, Ignis would have said they were in a hurry and not to show off.
"--and he seemed really impressed! With the photos! I told him we were going to take down a catoblepas, and he asked why, and I said for some cash, I mean, clearly," Prompto adds, gesturing at the four of them and their general road grime. "So he, ah-- well he's never seen a catoblepas up close before, and he said if I could get some good pictures of it, he'd pay me for them. He gave me a figure, and it's, like, better than some of the jobs I've done for Vyv."
He's delighted, clearly. He likes feeling like he's pulling his own weight. Noctis is always so relieved when Vyv calls, not because of the inherent payday, but more because it puts this light in Prompto's eyes that Noctis would easily climb a hundred volcanic mountains for.
"Damn, Prompto, at this rate you'll have funded our whole trip," Gladio says. He doesn't ruffle his hair anymore, because Prompto actually hates that, just sort of scrunches his fingers through it instead. Prompto doesn't hate that at all. It's adorable.
Sometimes in the early morning, when he and Noctis are the last to drag themselves out of the tiny camper, they'll do their affirmations together:
"Gotta be our best today," Noctis will say, and Prompto will put on this absurdly determined expression, bed hair hanging into his eyes and cheek still creased pink from the pillow.
"Gotta get those hair scrunches," he'll reply gravely.
"What else did he say, Prompto?" Ignis says in a pleasant tone of voice that Noctis hasn't trusted since he was seven years old.
"Um! Nothing. Nothing worth repeating, anyway, you know." He is looking completely away from them now, an avoidance tactic if Noctis has ever seen one. "Woah, is that really the time? We better get going if we wanna catch that cow before it gets dark!"
He turns toward the car and runs into Gladio's arm instead.
"He suggested that Prompto's talents would be put to better use in different company," Ignis says, his voice carrying clearly over Prompto's whine of 'nooo, Iggy, let it go.' "He said that if Prompto ever got tired of our lifestyle, his door would be open."
Ah, Noctis thinks, followed by, ouch?
"Oh, fuck that guy," Gladio blurts. "Let me go talk to him."
"No!" Prompto clings to his arm, throwing all his weight into keeping Gladio in place. The Shield, who could bench Prom's entire body weight in one hand, lets himself be detained anyway and pretends to be annoyed about it. "Ignis, why are you causing trouble right now?" Prompto says frantically.
"Transparency is important in a relationship," Ignis replies.
"There's transparency and then there's causing trouble. Noct, tell them."
"I think Gladio should go talk to him," Noctis says immediately. But then Prompto looks betrayed, and it makes Noctis feel awful. "Ugh, okay. Okay. We're leaving. Ignis, Gladio, that's an executive order."
"Are you sure I can't punch him in the face?" Gladio grumbles.
"Am I-- yes, dude!" Prompto half-laughs nervously. "Very sure!"
"What if I just broke his nose a little?"
"Then that would be treason, I guess, cause Noct just said no."
It's with the standard amount of bickering and noise that they climb into the car, the top rolling up over their heads as it starts to drizzle. Ignis pulls smoothly back onto the cracked asphalt road and reaches over to turn the radio on; a peace offering. From the backseat, Noctis can see the corner of Prompto's smile, framed by a flyaway piece of yellow hair.
They live this way now, but they didn't always. Noctis used to have the run of the whole Citadel, had his own penthouse apartment, grew up dodging banquets and lavish dinners. It's not like he likes sleeping on the ground and having nothing to eat. It's not like he chose to lose his home.
But it could be worse. It's not a bad way to live, just Noctis and the people he loves best and these countless hours together. There's a lot of hard work and sometimes he goes to bed hungry but he knows he'll remember these days forever. He knows he'll miss them.
"Hey," he says, over the quiet sound of rain on the windows and the catchy synth-pop crooning out of the speakers. "Don't ever sell your camera, okay?"
Prompto says, "I mean, I wouldn't ever want to."
"Seriously," Noctis presses. He doesn't want to let it go. It feels important. "Your pictures are-- they mean the world to me, Prom. I can't even tell you."
His friend looks bewildered. He's half-turned in his seat, and his eyes stray to Gladio, then jump to Ignis, then settle back on Noctis. Whatever he's looking for, he seems to find it, because he smiles.
"Okay, weirdo," he says, "one fully-documented roadtrip, coming up. I won't leave anything out."
Noctis is counting on it.
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ivorydice · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
I got tagged by @amiyade, thank you!! ✨💖 I’ve seen the rules going around somewhere and it's something like post a list of your current writing projects. Followers are free to ask for more info on any of them, like which characters feature, snippets, extra details, etc. Remember how I said I'm trying to take it easy on myself and not drown myself in WIPs since I'm getting back into actually being productive ahahahahaha yeaaaah *drowns self in WIPs* SO, not a complete list of WIPs, but some things I'm currently focusing on the most. I think I’ve mentioned like most of them anyway lol, BUT HERE WE ARE: 1. The Memory of You (FFXV) -- honestly, this is probably my favouritest fic of mine, which is dumb I know since you'd think I'd have finished it then lol. For those who don't know, Noct and Ardyn are physically de-aged into children (around 7 and 10 years old) by a daemon and are trapped on their own in Cleigne. They have to work together to travel across the country to Hammerhead, where Noct's friends are, but, of course, there are a few hiccups along the way. Enemies-to-friends, Ardyn!redemption, an adventure fic with some cute things, some angsty things and some scary things. MUCH FRIENDSHIP. It now has a playlist on spotify which just makes me feel things instead of write things lmao. I love this fic okay shhhhhhhhh. 2. [title redacted] (FFXV) -- a hurt!Noct body horror fic. After a daemon hunt goes wrong, and after having a strange sudden fever, Noctis begins to descend into “madness”. Nightmares, paranoia, hallucinations, the lot. His friends are majorly concerned about his mental state, but Noctis is convinced there's something more to it. If this fic had a soundtrack it’d be like all synthwave and shit, and yes of course that’s an important detail lmaooo 3. nemo (FFXV) -- daemonised-imperial-weapon!Noct. Pre-game, canon divergence and all that. Noctis has been transformed and brainwashed into killing for the empire, he's seen as a feral beast and a mindless killing machine, Ardyn is a little too obsessed with him, and there's a secret plot to rescue and bring Noctis back home. 4. Conceal (working title) (FFXV) -- a simple one-shot of bros taking care of Noctis, who has been poisoned and has a fever, basically because I wanted more warm and concerned Gladio lmao. Basically just a caretaking fic. 5. What the Shadows Hide (working title) (Merlin) -- an assassin is loose in Camelot and Arthur has been cursed to lose each of his senses one by one. Featuring a lot of angst on Arthur's part as he struggles to cope with becoming far too physically vulnerable for his liking, and awesome-servant!Merlin who tries his best to help. 6. untitled Merlin/Mordred (Merlin) -- listen Merthur is my otp, and this fic is just in the planning/daydreaming stages, but I am SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED in this fic idea for some reason and I just need to acknowledge that it exists okay, basically S5 AU where Merlin decides to give Mordred a chance, tells Mordred about his fated role in Arthur's death, and then it's a long journey of becoming friends and then more, which Merlin struggles with because it feels like a betrayal to Arthur and Mordred is like STFU you’re dumb and we're both loyal to him. Anyway basically: good!Mordred, enemies-to friends-to lovers, secret relationship, two sneaky adorable sorcerers trying their best to protect their king and each other ANYWAY I think I'll stop there lol because we'll be here forever. I have a ton of Merlin ideas written down but I’m not actively working on them yet, there are a couple of new FFXV ideas that I've kept off this list because the subjects are heavy, and my Supernatural ideas are currently all variations of Sam recovering from Hell trauma (except the big Silent Hill inspired fic which consists of powerful psychic Sam AND hell trauma). ANYWAAAAAAAAAAAAY. I’m gonna gently tag @breakfastteatime @deducitetemporacarmen @kaelinaloveslomaris @every-lemon @glaivenoct @marmolita but no pressure. Anyone else wants to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
It's completely okay. I was asking for poly with the bros. Thank you for taking the time to read my ask. I will try to do an ask that fits for what you said in the future. Thanks again and you're doing really good so far pls don't stop anytime soon.
Thank you so much for the clarification. This is my first poly HC so sorry if it’s a bit rusty.
Also thank you so much 😊 I will never stop!
Polyship Chocobros HC!
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• Adorable relationship uwu
• Everyone is so close with one another.
• Like really close. Almost to the hip.
• Ignis was obviously the most mature but romantic one.
• Gladio was the most flirty with everyone.
• Prompto was the comedic but cheering one.
• But Noctis, Noctis was the heart of them.
• They have great banter with each other.
• Constantly joking and flirting with each other.
• Gladiolus is king of flirting though.
• Everyone is weak to him.
• Even Ignis.
• Don’t worry.
• Them admitting leaving there weak two his flirting, they get hot kisses from him.
• Noctis definitely keeps everyone calm. Even though, he isn’t really trying.
• He’s able to get everyone together and play video games with him.
• Prompto does really well but Ignis and Gladio, who aren’t most familiar with video games, have a hard time with getting through a level.
• He guides them and give them some tips.
• Once they get through the level, there awarded with a kiss on the peck.
• Prompto gets everyone to do sexy poses and amazing styles.
• Everyone loves the pics and awards Prompto will a bunch of affection.
• He also good at cheering everyone up with his banter.
• He’s so funny!
• He always gets a chuckle from everyone even with the simplest jokes.
• Gladio may say he does some bad jokes (which is sometimes true) but Gladio still giggles.
• Ignis is the best cook and makes sure everyone gets the better meals now, not just Noct.
• Gladio really appreciates this cause he isn’t the best cook in the world, and he wants to keep his hard work (his muscles if you don’t get the joke) intact.
• Not just cup noodles.
• Prompto loves anything he cooks.
• He eats it all up!
• Noct just wants no vegetables in his food but Ignis insists he keeps a healthy diet.
• Ignis hates junk food but will usually let it slide for a kiss.
• Overall, they have a very close relationship and are for the better for it.
• They don’t know where were they be without each other.
• To solidify that, they all hug each other close when they’re sleeping soundly in the night.
• With many blankets and pillows intact.
A/n: Ah! My first Polyamorous Chocobros! Hopefully this turned out good!
This is my first polyamorous Headcanon so it maybe flawed.
Remember, any constructive feedback is welcome!
Thank you for requesting!
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
For You to Be Happy (Chocobros + Luna)
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia
Summary: Dearest Noct, I have had a crush on you for as long as I can remember, and recently it has grown into what I can only call love, even if it might not be as strong as that quite yet. Still, I just want you to be happy, Noct. I dare not get in the way of your relationship with the guys. I can tell how important they are to you. I only wish that you will allow me to continue to feel the way I do for you and that, maybe, you might at least consider sharing another piece of your heart with me. Yours,Luna
Read on ao3
Dearest Noct,
It is such a pleasure to hear from you again. I thank you for trusting me enough to be honest with me. I know it must have been difficult to do, given that it could badly affect our relationship and that I could easily divulge your secret and ruin everything. Please trust that I will not do so, or let this come between us. I value your friendship too much for that, and besides, it would not benefit either of us to ruin our marriage before it has even begun.
This obviously changes things, however. I must confess that I did have bright hopes, pipe dreams in hindsight, of what this marriage might become. I have had a crush on you for as long as I can remember, Noct, and recently it has grown into what I can only call love, even if it might not be as strong as that quite yet. Still, I just want you to be happy, Noct. I dare not get in the way of your relationship with the guys. I can tell how important they are to you. I only wish two things. These are honestly wishes and in no means obligations. I only wish that you will allow me to continue to feel the way I do for you and that, maybe, you might at least consider sharing another piece of your heart with me. It would just be too sad for me to give up entirely. At least right now. I have looked forward to this wedding for longer than you can know.
There’s no need for you to answer. If you know with certainty that I can never share in your happiness, I would rather continue living in naivety, at least for the time being. So, let us talk about lighter topics now, shall we? Pyrrna and Umbra are both looking forward to seeing you again. Even now, Umbra is wagging his tag just because I said your name. It’s adorable. I remember Prompto loves animals, doesn’t he? I’m sure he will be excited to have the dogs come live with us. Honestly, I am looking forward to meeting him after all this time. The same for Gladiolous and Ignis as well, although, I do have a soft spot for Prompto specifically. You can’t blame me, can you? He did take care of Prynna. He seemed like such a sweet child. It doesn’t surprise me that you and he became such good friends.
“Guys!” Noct calls.
Ignis turns away from the dishes, drying his hands off on a dishrag. “Yes, Noct?”
“She...she’s okay with it. Luna’s fine with us staying together.”
“Really?” Prompto flings himself down on the couch and nuzzles his head into Noct’s chest. “Oh thank gods, I was so worried.”
Noct pats his head. “Honestly, I was a bit too. I wanted to trust her not to say anything, but this is more than I could have imagined.”
Ignis lets out a long, slow sigh, shoulders releasing built-up tension. “What’d she say exactly?”
“Just that she wants us to be happy and that she doesn’t want this to cause tension in the marriage. All she wants is that I let her keep loving me and that” he pauses to glance at each of them, “I consider trying to like her back.”
Prompto bolts upright. “Seriously? Dude, not to speak for everyone, but I totally wouldn’t be opposed to her joining us. I mean,” he looked from Gladio to Ignis, “if you guys wouldn’t be against it.”
Gladio smirks. “Someone have a crush, does he?”
Prompto’s face flushes. “What? No, I just mean that I wouldn’t mind...”
Gladio shrugs. “Hey, I’m not judging you. Luna’s really pretty.”
“She’s also really nice and dignified and trustworthy,” Prompto says, sounding defensive.
“Woah, there, blondie, calm down. Got it, you aren’t just into her looks. Not that I’d care if you were.”
Ignis sets the dishrag down on the kitchen table. “Please relax, Prompto. None of us view you as shallow. What Gladio means, I think, is that he doesn’t mind if you were being shallow because he knows that your feelings for us are not shallow. Isn’t that right, Gladio?”
“Yeah, what Specs said.”
Noctis can feel Prompto relax. Trust Ignis to be the one to cool off the situation. “Anyway,” Noctis says, “I’m assuming that means you aren’t opposed, Gladio?”
“Naw, you guys know that besides you three I’m more attracted to women. Would be nice having her in the mix. That is if she’s open to that. Prompto’s the one jumping to her joining us. What she said is for you to consider her.”
“Yes,” Ignis says, coming to stand beside Gladio’s chair.  “Gladio has a point. That would be up to her. This is more a question of if we would be fine sharing you with yet another person, which I must say would be selfish on our part when you will be wed to her regardless. There is no way to prevent you two from sleeping together, as the whole point is to produce an heir, so wouldn’t it be cruel toward Lunafreya to outright dictate that the relationship be physical only? I for one know how hard it can be to separate one’s heart from their penis.”
“Oh, Iggy,” Gladio whistles, “you know I love it when you talk dirty.”
Ignis shakes his head with a small smirk. “That said, it would seem the three of us are, for the most part, in agreement. That means this is now up to you, Noct. What is it that you want?”
“I…” Noctis stares at the letter on pretty purple paper with the faint scent of sylleblossoms. He obviously loves her as a friend, but he doesn't know how he feels about crossing that line. It will be different with Luna. Where he's used to hard she'll be soft. Where he's used to smelling sweat she'll smell sweet. But where there is trust and affection there will still be trust and affection. “I don’t know.”
Ignis goes over to the couch and puts a hand on his shoulder. “That’s alright. All she asked is that you consider it. Take your time.”
“Just let us know what you decide, yeah?” Gladio says.
“Yeah, okay.”
It isn’t long after that the day of the wedding comes. Noctis can’t help feeling bad that his vows don’t come from the heart. Her eyes are full of sincerity as she agrees to love him above all others and to stick by him through all challenges. The least he can do is try.
Their first kiss is chaste, her hand soft and warm in his as they descend from the altar. “Thank you,” she whispers as they make their way over to the lobby where Prompto will be taking photos.
“I haven’t done anything.”
She smiles and rests her head against his shoulder. “Accepting me is enough.”
There is a twinge in his heart. He knows that Luna has even fewer people close in her life. “Um, if you want,” he speaks low so hopefully no one else will overhear, “we and Prompto could have another photoshoot in the park. It could be like a date.”
He expects her to ask who will be on a date with whom, but she just nods. “I would like that.”
Prompto waves them over with a giant grin. “Stand right there. Yeah, like that. Put your arm on her waist, and biiig smile.” The camera flashes. “Looking great!”
The walk back to his chambers is awkward. Given how many guests are at the Citadel, his father mandated that Gladio guard them on the way there. Noctis wants to hold his hand but feels bad doing that literally right after marrying Luna, so he holds himself back. But he also feels awkward holding her hand in front of him, so he fiddles with his own fingers instead.
Gladio gives him a look. “Noct, we talked about this.”
“I know.”
“Relax. We aren’t jealous. Exactly.”
“I know. It’s complicated. I just…”
“Go in there and have fun , alright.” Gladio smiles and shoves him toward the door.
Luna giggles and opens the door for him. “Shall we?”
Gladio gives a toothy grin. “I’ll see ya tomorrow, after you’ve become a real man.”
“Oh, shut up!” Noct slams the door in his face.
Luna is still laughing as she daintily sits on the edge of the bed. She is still in her gorgeous wedding dress, the white contrasting against the deep black sheets.
“Uh, so, I guess we better…”
“Noct,” she says, all mirth gone. He has a hard time reading her eyes. “If it’s too much too soon…”
He immediately shakes his head. He told himself he would try, after all. “No.” He sits down beside her. “I can do this.”
“Do you know how?” Great, now she is teasing him too.
“I do, in theory. Gladio taught me.”
“Did he?”
“Kinda. It’s not like he had a girl to demonstrate with, so he used Prompto as a stand-in.”
“Ah. I’m sure that was educational.” There is interest in her eyes which he finds oddly relieving.
She leans in close. “You look like you’re thinking really hard about something.”
“Just nervous, I guess. I’m worried I might not be able to enjoy it. I’ve only been with the guys so.”
Luna touches his cheek. “If it’s easier, we can do it from behind so you can pretend I’m one of them.” Still, he can see the disappointment buried in her eyes.
“No, I’m not gonna do that to you unless I have to. But, you’re right, it will probably be easier doing it from behind, the first time at least.”
She traces her hand down to his neck and holds it there, eyes soft. “Is it okay if I kiss you?”
The question seems so ridiculous that he cracks a laugh. “Yeah, you don’t have to ask.”
She smiles at his reply and gives him an endearing kiss that nearly breaks his heart. She wants this so badly. He pulls her closer and reaches to undo her dress but finds that the clasp is too difficult to undo without looking.
“Sorry,” he whispers sheepishly and gets up so that he can move behind her. Even looking, it is a little tricky to undo. Why are women’s clothing so complicated? Is it supposed to be like unwrapping a present or something? He files that thought away to share with Gladio later. The dress falls down her arms smoothly revealing a milky pink corset beneath. His mouth goes dry at the sight. It’s satin smooth, with boysenberry accents on the stitching and ribbons. It supports her breasts, which are half open on top, and accentuates the height of her thighs with fluffy ruffles.
Luna’s the one sheepish now. “I wasn’t sure if this would help or not, but my lady-in-waiting insisted.”
Noctis brushes over the smooth satin material. “It’s beautiful.”
She swallows, then leans in to kiss him again, fuller this time. “It’s open in the back, so it’s up to you.” It’s more forward than he’s expecting, but he appreciates the invitation because he honestly doesn’t want to remove it. He watches in a daze as she moves onto the bed on her hands and knees, and although she’s more pliant than buzzing eagerness, the pose reminds him of Prompto and his stomach clenches with guilt. He pushes it away to feel over the plushness of her behind that peeks out from under the enticing ruffles.
He pulls his trousers and briefs down, then summons a bottle of lube from the armigear. He has some in the side table, but he’s unsure if she knows it’s needed for the back and he doesn’t want to put her on edge anymore than she already is by making her think he might be leaving her like this. “This will be cold,” he warns, remembering how strange the sensation was the first time for him.
He pushes a finger in slowly, letting her get used to both the stretch and substance. Her breathing is clipped but not ragged, so he tests a second finger. “Let me know if I go too fast or anything, kay?”
She nods, face pushing into the pillow and hands clenching at the sheets. He twists his fingers and she lets out a high pitched moan. He’s never heard anything like this in-person before and he’s thrilled at the way his cock jumps in response. He can do this. Still, he adds a third finger, to be absolutely sure she’ll be fine first. She whines when he pulls the fingers out, and his cock pulses. He places a wet kiss behind her ear. “I’m gonna enter now, okay?”
Her shoulders are shaking slightly, but she nods.
He pushes in slowly, slower than he has since he remembers. He’s glad she suggested this because he’s able to ride the familiarity of the feeling enough to hold back, knowing what he has to look forward to. If he was in a softer, wetter heat, he’s not sure if he could have held back like this. She cries out when he bottoms out, and he finds one of her clenched hands and holds it. “Shh, breathe. Let me know when you’re ready.”
She makes some little moaning noises that he can tell are held back words. He wonders what she wants to say but knows better than to ask right now. Finally, she says to move in a tone that sounds more like an order than release, and he chuckles.
“As my queen commands.” Just when he’s thinking that might have been too much, she clenches down on him and he slides home with more force than he meant to. Shit. Okay, maybe this will be easier than he thought.
She’s beautiful and receptive and her voice is such a thrilling contrast to the deep husky tones he’s so used to. His dick, at least, is currently having the time of his life. He kisses over her shoulder, hoping the mood is being conveyed.
“Noct,” she whines.
He slams back in, hitting the same spot, and she throws her head back, mouth falling open. He kisses her mouth. She’s either lost it to the pleasure or just too caught up to care about restraint anymore, because the way she kisses back is filthy, and Noctis loves it. Before he even realizes what he’s doing, he’s squeezing over her covered breasts and she’s mewling out at the sensation.
“Noct-is,” she cries out his name, broken by each thrust.
He’s determined to hear her say his name again, repeating the same pattern of thrusts and flexes of hand. Some drool is dripping down her chin and he licks over it. She’s an absolute mess, shaking full-bodied now, skin flushed to better match the color of her lingerie. She’s gorgeous. Like a work of art, and he wishes he had his phone so that he could snap a photo to show off to Prompto.
He wants to see the last straw break, to see the look on her face when her orgasm hits, and finally remembers Gladio’s lesson. He needs to stimulate her clit. Keeping one hand on her breast, he rubs that special nub between three fingers. She nearly screams in response and he can’t help a smug grin. “That’s it, Luna. Just give in to the pleasure.”
She wails and ruts back and forth, into his cock then into his hand, like her body can’t decide which it needs more, but he’s happy to give her both, and soon the straw does break. Her back arches, eyes blown, mouth dripping more drool. He groans at the sight, so enticingly debauched. Then she clenches down on him impossibly tight, and he ruts in hard, short thrusts to his own pleasure. It hits him like a wave, and he bites down on the flesh of her shoulder making her release a soft sigh.
They both stay like that, boneless, for a while. Then he remembers himself and pulls out, grimacing a bit at the squelch. “Sorry, I know that probably feels gross. Here, I’ll get you cleaned up.” He jumps up, running to the bathroom to grab a ball of toilet paper.
Luna settles down into the covers, an amused expression on her face. “No, I heard holding it in a while helps with your chances.” His confusion must show, because she giggles. “With getting pregnant.”
Oh right. That was the whole point, wasn't it?
Still, it is intimate peeling off her corset at last and cleaning her off with a wet cloth. When he is finished, she hesitantly pats the bed and he settles down beside her. Her skin has gone back to it’s normal glossy paleness, but her hair is a mess and her eyes are distinctly pleased.
“Come here,” he says and pulls her to snuggle against his chest.
She gives a contented sigh. “Thank you.”
There are things he could say if he had the words, but instead, he kisses the top of her head and closes his eyes.
Prompto’s bright and chipper as expected when he arrives at their bedchamber the next morning. “Noct~” he twills, “Lady Lunafreya! Knock, knock, hope you’re both decent cause I’m coming in.”
Luna stifles a laugh behind a hand. She’s thrown on a blue cotton nightgown, but Noct is only in a pair of boxers since he was in the middle of figuring out what to wear for the day.
“Sorry, dude,” Prompto wails with pretend remorse.
Playing along, Noct throws his hands down in front of his junk. “No! I’m scandalized! I’m unfit for marriage now.”
Luna bursts into full-bodied laughter. Both men are caught by the sight, smiles on their faces. “Morning, Prompto,” she greets once she’s gotten herself under control.
“Hiya.” There’s a bounce in his step as he approaches the edge of the bed. He sits down in front of her, then gasps. “Is it okay I sit here? Is that weird? I mean these aren’t exactly clean sheets…”
She laughs again. “It’s fine. I’m sure you’ve touched worse.”
The tops of his cheeks flush a rosy pink. Noct has to force himself to look away so that he can continue dressing. “What’d’ya both think? The blue or green top?”
“Hmm.” Prompto bites his thumb as if this is a serious question. “What are you planning to wear, Lady Lunafreya?”
“Just Luna, please. And, I had not thought on that yet. What do you think? A sundress or a blouse and skirt?”
“Weell, there’s a nice little breeze, but it isn’t too hot, so I guess a skirt seems more appropriate. What are the options?”
Noctis picks a pair of jeans and settles into the desk chair to watch the two of them chatter pleasantly about Luna’s selection of clothing.
“How about this, Noct?” Prompto holds up a sky blue blouse and white ruffled skirt.
“It’s lovely.”
“Right? And then you can wear these sandals. They’d be more comfortable anyway.”
Noct went back over to the closet. “So, I’m wearing the blue then?”
“Huh?” Prompto blinks, then nods. “Oh, yeah. Then you’d match. At least more than the green.”
“Alright. Now that it’s settled, you better step out Prom, unless you want to watch me dress.” The way she says it almost sounds like an invitation and Prompto’s cheeks flare red. “I’ll be waiting outside,” he squeaks.
Luna giggles as she pulls off her nightgown. “He is definitely a keeper.”
“Isn’t he? You know, he’s always wanted to meet you as well.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
Noctis tugs his shirt on and sits back in the chair, not too subtly watching her dress. “You know, when I said this could be a date, I meant all of us, right?”
“Did you?” Her tone implies she did know but still appreciates the clarification. “Does he know that?”
“Probably not.”
“Hmm,” she straightens her skirt, “shall we tell him, or have a bit of fun?”
“Oh, oh! There, stand by the tree. That will give us a perfect view of the river in the background.” Umbra and Pryna, who happily tagged along, eagerly heed his pointing and start racing laps around the tree and nearby picnic table. Noctis and Luna watch them a moment before settling into a soft standing embrace that Prompto captures with overeager excitement. He tells them to move into various poses until, driving on the pleasant atmosphere so far, he tells them to kiss.
Noctis gazes into her eyes for a prolonged moment first, seeing the flash go off as a result. Luna looks happy but he still sees uncertainty buried in her irises. He kisses her open-mouthed making her gasp and Prompto laughs at her shock. She turns to glare at him.
Prompto yelps and flees. Good thing she chose the comfortable sandals since she takes off after him. The dogs follow, yipping in glee. When Luna catches up, she throws her arms around him like a vice and tackles him to the ground. Dirt is sticking to her skirt, but she holds on keeping them planted on the ground. Housekeeping's going to have a field day removing the grass stains.
Pryna licks his forehead and Umbra sits in front of them wagging his tail. Noctis leisurely walks over to them and bends down. He pats Umbra’s head, then steals a kiss from the wiggling blonde.
“Not fair,” he whines.
Luna laughs and nuzzles her head against his shoulder. “We’re royalty, we don’t have to play fair.”
Prompto gulps at her motion, probably feeling cornered now. Noctis lies down at his front giving him another reassuring kiss. “Chill out, Prom.”
“Uh, Luna…”
“Yes, Prom ?” she asks in an overly sweet voice.
“Are you happy to see me, or…”
“Are you?”
He hides his face in his hands. “Are you gonna make me say it?”
Noctis pats his head encouragingly.
“Oookay, yeah, I’ve kinda had a crush on you since you wrote that letter. But that’s all it is, a crush. I’m sure soo many people have a crush on you too, with you being famous and all.”
“It’s fine, Prom, relax.”
“Uh, I don’t really know what happened last night--I mean, I know , but!”
Luna laughs so hard she snorts. “I know what you mean, dear Prompto. You want to know how things stand between Noctis and I?” She turns her eyes up to Noct’s. “Honestly, I am not entirely sure myself.”
Noct licks his lips. “I...I’m gonna try. And, well, I can’t say I wasn’t into the sex.”
She heaves in a breath, face morphing into something so beautiful Noctis has to heave one in himself.
“Soo…” Prompto drops his hands and wiggles to turn toward her, “do you want to try with me too?”
Luna smiles. “I’d like that.”
Prompto doesn’t waste a moment before kissing her.
There is a skip in Prompto’s step when they meet up with Gladio later in the training hall. “Guess who kissed the princess today?”
Gladio crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. “Noctis?”
Prompto frowns. “Well, yeah , but me.”
Gladio’s lip twists up. “Good for you, chocobo.”
Prompto beams and raises up on his tiptoes. “Wanna kiss you too.”
Gladio shakes his head but obliges. “Could’ve kissed me yourself, ya know?”
“Not the same,” he pouts.
Gladio pulls him against his chest by the waist. “Yeah, yeah, alright.”
Prompto melts happily against him.
“Something good happen?” Ignis asks when he joins them.
Prompto bounces over to him and throws his arms around his neck. “I kissed Luna.”
Ignis doesn’t actually smile, but his eyes do. “Good for you, love. And you, Noct?”
“Well,” he plops down on a bench, “I’m still not fully sure how I feel, but last night was something else. I was honestly worried if I could stay hard, but that was definitely not a problem. It was so different from being with you guys, and it was good. I felt something but I don’t really know what it was. It wasn’t love, at least not the same as what I feel for you guys, but it was something anyway. Guess you could call it a crush at least. I just know that I do want to try this out. I want her to be happy too.”
“Proud of you,” Gladio says. “Glad you aren’t just gonna piss on her feelings.”
“I’d never do that, even if I hated the sex. She’s still my friend.”
“We know,” Ignis says sitting down beside him. “What are our next steps then? If Lunafreya has accepted Prompto’s crush, what is it she wants to do about Gladio and myself?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t asked her. I just figured she probably liked Prompto back since she kept saying how excited she was to meet him too.”
Gladio slumps back against the back wall, muscles obviously put on display. “Find out will you.”
Noctis shakes his head. Good thing he didn’t bring up the corset or else Gladio probably would have told him to rush off to ask her.
Later that night, he lounges on the bed playing against Prompto in King’s Knight and trying his best to play it cool. Luna is engrossed in searching through his music library on etunes. “Hey, Luna,” he starts.
“Yes, Noct?” She pauses the song playing but doesn’t look away from the laptop screen. “The guys were wondering what you wanted.”
Now she does look at him. “What do you mean?”
“You said you wanted to try something with Prompto, so I just wondered if you want me to keep my relationship with them separate, you know, or if maybe you want to try making a bundle? I guess.”
“Oh.” She looks thoughtful. “I really don’t mind spending time with them or you being affectionate in front of me. I’m more than willing to try with Prompto. I’d have to get to know Gladio and Ignis better to know about them, though. Are they wanting a relationship with me?”
“Gladio does. I don’t know about Specs. I’m honestly not sure if he’s gay or not.”
“Okay. That’s good enough for me. I’m sure it would make things easier for all of us if we all spent more time together. Then we won’t have to stretch our schedules out. You were living in an apartment before, right?”
“I still have it, but Dad didn’t think it was appropriate to make you live there when we have the Citadel.”
She laughs. “Aw, Regis cares, but I’ve spent enough time cooped up in a castle. I assume your apartment would be a bit cramped for all of us, wouldn’t it?”
“Yeah, I mean, I only have the one bedroom.”
“Why don’t we find a new one? One with two or three bedrooms? Do you think we could make an excuse for them to officially move in?”
“Gladio and Ignis, sure, although both will be a bit of a stretch. Prompto is another story.”
Luna gives a sly smile. “Can’t we just proclaim him a royal mistress or something?”
That’s way too embarrassing. Besides, he doubts the council would approve of it, especially this soon after the wedding. “Why don’t we just move first, and worry about them officially moving in later.”
Luna sighs and sinks further into the bed. “Fine, whatever.”
She reminds Noctis of himself right then and he kisses her just for the sake of it.
“Duude!” Prompto exclaims when he enters their new apartment. “This place is swank.”
Noctis snorts. “That was on the top of our requirements: swank.”
“And three bedrooms,” Luna adds.
“You’re serious?” Prompto asks.
“Sure. Why not?”
“Maybe I’m easier than Noct, but I may be in love with you already.”
Luna giggles. “Fine by me.” She opens her arms and Prompto readily hugs her.
Noctis huffs. “Sorry for being emotionally constipated then. Blame it on my parental issues.”
“Dude, you know I have those too.”
Luna pats Prompto’s back. “There, there. I would say you have become obsessed with companionship due to having limited relationships, while Noct has walls up since he’s scared of getting too close to someone and losing them.”
Noct’s mouth drops open. “Why the hell are you psychoanalyzing me?”
Luna lets Prompto go to hug Noctis instead. “Sorry. You know I’ve always wanted to be here, right?”
He doesn’t answer, thoughts of his mom in his head now. Is that really the issue? Does he have a hang-up with Luna because she reminds him of losing his mom? He isn’t ready to deal with that right now. Luckily he’s saved from having to because Gladio decides to burst into the room that moment.
“Hey!” Gladio greets, setting his overnight bag down. “Aren’t you two cute. Nice place.”
Prompto sighs, probably also relieved the tension broke. “Hey, Gladdy.” He hurries over and kisses him.
“Hey, there, Sunshine.” He sets his eyes on Luna. “Heard you want to get to know me and Iggy better.”
“Yes.” She steps back from Noctis to look more dignified. “I think that would be best, regardless of how this” she gestures between them all “develops.”
“Same. I also think it was smart you got three bedrooms. That’d make officially moving us all in here, or even just staying over, more believable, and besides, I don’t know how Iggy feels about you either. When we first discussed this he didn’t say anything either way. All he said was that it was up to you if you wanted to just be with Noct or not, which, duh.”
Luna nods. “Now that I think about it, we should have looked for a four-bedroom. That way we would have at least had a guise of you each having a separate room. Or even the excuse of having an extra one for the future baby.”
Noct plops down on the sofa. “Naw, I think it’s fine. All the four-bedrooms were in bad parts of the city. We can always start with Iggy and Gladdy each having a room and then say they’re in a relationship so that Prom can have the other, once we can figure out a way for that not to be weird.”
“Not gonna lie, princess, it’s gonna be weird from the start. His Majesty’ll at the least find it suspicious. You’ve always fought to keep away from traditions, but now you want to shack up with your shield for protection and your advisor to be kept on top of your responsibilities just when you should be shagging like rabbits?”
Noctis smirks. “It is so we can shag like rabbits.”
Gladio grins.
Ignis chooses then to enter the apartment. He gives Noctis a judging look. “And who will have to handle the press in regards to this story, highness?”
Ignis sighs and dumps a bag onto the counter. “This better be some worthy shagging for the hassle.”
Prompto laughs. “I’ll make sure it is, Iggy.”
Ignis gives him an endearing smile, then pulls a container from the bag. “I brought pastries from that shop I fancy on the corner by the old apartment. I would have made my own but things are still hectic with the press as it is.”
Luna pulls a stack of plates from a box. “Thank you, Ignis.”
“It is my pleasure.”
They fall into peaceful chatter. After the pastries and then dinner, Luna, Prompto, and Gladio start up a game of poker while Noctis helps Ignis with the dishes.
“Is something the matter?” Ignis asks, passing him a plate to dry.
“Luna said something earlier about parental issues. Could I have a wall up from her because subconsciously I’m scared I’ll lose her cause of how I lost my mom?”
“Oh, Noct.” Ignis sets down a second plate and pulls Noctis to his chest and rests his chin over his head.
“I’m not sad,” he says even though they both know that isn’t entirely true.
“You don’t just get over the loss of a parent, but I do think we can work past the problem with Luna if that is in fact the issue.”
“Okay, but how?”
“I would think the key is in separating her from your image of your mother. Normally, I would suggest sex since you wouldn’t have sex with your mother, but seeing as you already have done that, we may need something more delicate.”
Noctis resumes washing the dishes. “I have issues with Dad, too, so why didn’t I have any issue with you guys?”
“I would assume that’s because you’ve been with Gladio and I for such a long time. Your subconscious knows we’ve always been here for you. However, you’ve had a significant void of women in your life. It has really only been Luna and Iris, and you have known Luna mostly from a distance so perhaps your subconscious does not trust that she will stay here with you.”
“That,” he looks over at her as she laughs with Prompto and Gladio at some stupid joke, “ makes a lot of sense. So I just have to prove it to my subconscious that she isn’t going to up and leave?”
“That is my assumption. I am not sure how best to do that, however.”
“I think us all living together will be a good start.”
“Alright.” He picks up a third plate. “How about I rent out the adjacent apartment for Gladio and myself? That should raise less questions. As long as his parents do not object--which I highly doubt--Prompto can move in here. We’ll make the announcement tomorrow. Leave the press to me.”
Noctis leans against his back. “Thanks, Specs. Love you.”
“Love you too, Noct.”
The next day is exhausting moving everyone’s things into the apartments, and Ignis and Gladio leave Noctis, Prompto, and Luna alone early to begin the long haul of damage control. "So, we're alone," Prompto says with a gleam in his eye.
Luna laughs. "It's cool. I can just head to bed."
"Uh, not what I meant."
"Do you want to try?" Noct asks. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
“No, really it’s okay. I do like Prompto, after all. Though, I do feel less prepared for this than I did last time.”
“You suggested we all move in together.  Figured you were looking forward to this, or something.” Noctis smirks.  “I can help you put that corset on, if that will make you feel more confident.”
“Corset?” Prompto squeaks. “You saw her in a corset? Duude.”
Luna visibly relaxes at that. “Oh, you are adorable. Why am I feeling shy like this? It’s silly.”
Prompto shuffles over to her and takes her hands. “Hey, it’s not silly. I was insecure my first time too. Yeah, you already did it with Noct, but you had time to prepare and it was with someone you’ve known forever. It’s cool you’re shy, but you have to know you are freaking beautiful and one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and really fun to be around. You have nothing to feel insecure about. If one of us should be, it should be me. Surprised I’m not, to be honest. I've never been with a girl either. I guess I’m just too used to sex at this point.”
Luna gives him a kiss and they easily melt together. Noctis goes over to them and alternates between placing kisses on each of their necks. Prompto barely seems to notice, but Luna leans into the touches, not used to being caught between two people. It excites Noct thinking of how she’d react to having them spitroasting her. There’s something special about witnessing someone experiencing something entirely new. It’s something the guys haven’t had in a long time. He’s already getting hard just at the thought, so he’s thinking he probably won’t last going in the front this time either.
He’s the one to start removing clothes, Prompto apparently too interested in kissing Luna senseless to move along. He removes his own shirt, then drags Luna’s skirt to the floor without warning, and she shrieks in surprise before giggling.
“Would it hurt to give a girl some warning?”
Noct just smirks at her. “Hey, I was nothing but a gentleman the first time.”
“Oh?” She huffs and crosses her arms in mock anger. “No more gentleman now that you’ve got some, huh?”
“Hey,” Prompto wraps her in a friendly hug, “I will be double the gentleman to make up for this jerk, then.”
“That would be wonderful. As long as you can still satisfy me, that is.”
“Astrals. Noct, how did you find this girl? You sure I’m not dreaming?”
“I can pinch you if you want.”
Prompto quickly shakes his head. “No way, dude! If it is a dream, I don’t want to wake up.”
Luna giggles again and places a kiss on his nose. “Have I told you you are adorable?”
A faint blush begins to bloom on his cheeks.They are a good match. Noct just hopes she can hit it off as well with Gladio and Ignis. He’s mostly worried Gladio will come off too strong.
“Okay,” Prompto starts, “like, you better be prepared for this, cause I can’t just stop now.”
“Good, cause I’m not about to stop either. But maybe we can actually use my vagina this time?”
"Oh my gods!” Prompto whirls toward Noct.  “You went at her doggy style? That's it. Spill. I want all the details."
Noct laughs. “Thought you weren’t ready to stop?”
“No way, this is like fourplay.”
Noct shakes his head, but gives in. Not like he needs to hide anything. “Yeah, we did it doggystyle. I didn’t know if I could otherwise. Not much else to tell aside from the corset. You should have seen her. Beautiful in pink.”
“Duude,” he whines. “Can I see?” This is directed at Luna.
“Sure, but how about later? I don’t exactly know where it has gotten to with the move, and I don’t know about you, but I am not in the mood to be searching through a pile of clothes at the moment.”
“Should have taken a photo.”
“Almost did.”
Prompto nips at her ear, then whispers something. Noct can’t make it out, but he’s sure he’s making some promise about a photoshoot. He’s built quite the collection at this point. Maybe they’ll show her one of these days.
“Okay,” she says with conviction. “Are we actually going to have sex now? Feels like I’m in the middle of a teasing game.”
Noct takes pity on her and sticks his hand into her panties to finger at her clit. “Get these out of the way, will ya, Prom?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah.” He drops her panties more delicately than Noct did her skirt. He pauses for a moment, just admiring her sex. “Shit. Can I eat you out?”
Luna moans in very obvious permission. Together, they move her back toward the sofa and sit her down. Immediately, Prom’s on his knees between her legs and licking at her. In response, Luna’s eyes bulge and her whole body undulates up into his mouth. Knowing that Prom’s an eager learner, Noctis leaves her lower half to his capable abilities, deciding it’s time to give her breasts the attention they deserve.
“Lift your arms.”
He pulls her shirt over her head, then lowers her bra since he doesn’t want to bother with a complicated clasp this time. As soon as her nipples are exposed, he brings one into his mouth and sucks. It isn’t so different from sucking Prom (who’s been known to actually beg for it), but her nipple is larger and there’s the soft, squish of her breast beyond it. He soon realizes it’s more fun to suck more of her breast into his mouth, and when he bites down on it she is more than receptive.
It’s apparent the double stimulation is catching up to her quickly. He switches to her other breast, squeezing over the other with his hand. He’s too revved up to touch himself, so he pushes Prom’s face further into her with his free hand. Always a whore for manhandling, Prom moans and eats her out with even more vigor. Noct tries to match his timing to really work her up, and from her sounds, it’s working. Her legs squeeze at Prom and her arms pull Noct in tight to her chest.
“I--” she breaks off, back arching up in what must be her orgasm.
Prompto rises to join them on the sofa a long moment later, lips glistening with her juices. Wondering what she must taste like, Noct leans over her to lick it up.
“Holy Shiva,” Luna gasps.
Noct smirks at her. “You’re sweet.” She’s already flushed from her orgasm but her cheeks just might redden a bit more.
“Wanna taste?” Without waiting for a reply, he kisses her and she gasps in response.
Prompto whistles. “I thought you were joking about the gentleman thing.”
“Not like I’m being mean.”
“Do I want to know what mean Noct in bed is?”
“I don’t know,” Prom says, “ do you ?”
She laughs. “Oh, my gods. Maybe I’m easy too.”
Prompto beams at that, and Noct’s chest squeezes. He loves him. He loves this.
“Need a bit?” the blond asks.
“Oh! It slipped my mind that neither of you came.”
Prompto pecks her lips. “Don’t worry babe, we got this.” He winks for good measure.
“But you wanted to penetrate me.” She says it shyly, like she’s done something wrong.
Noct kisses her cheek. “That was Prom’s choice. You know, he didn’t have to let you cum if he didn’t want you to.”
Prom winks again. "Yeah. I can be mean too, if I want to be. What do you want? We can wait a bit for you, or Noct and I can give you a show."
"You were so excited--"
Prom puts a finger to her lips. "Just eating you out's made my night. I'm not even kidding. Do you know how long I've dreamed about doing that?"
Noct smacks his shoulder. "You are such a dork."
"Well sorry that I like pussy as much as Gladio."
"No one likes pussy as much as Gladio."
"True though."
"Oh, Luna says with interest, "now I see why you guys are really welcoming me in. You're just out for my body."
Even though he knows it's said in good fun, he feels the need to justify them. "I mean, for Gladio probably, but we like you. Prom and I especially."
She cups his cheek. “I know.” Her eyes tell him that she is hoping for that extra nudge, but he still can’t say it with conviction. Why, though? He doesn’t have the same crazy urge to ravage her, but that’s just cause he’s always been more into guys. He wants to protect her and see her smile. If it’s what Ignis said, then why is he still worried even though they are married?
“You’re thinking.”
Noct glares at Prom. “Don’t sound so surprised.” He catches him in a nuggie for good measure. Then he realizes this is probably it. He lacks the same familiarity with her. There is this delicateness between them as if he is worried to push anything too far out of fear she might change her mind. That’s it. She could change her mind about him and either demand a divorce or just let them live within the minimums of a political marriage.
Releasing Prompto, he says far too seriously, “I want to spitroast you.”
This earns him a gasp from both blondes. “Fuck, I’m down. Please tell me you want her mouth, though.”
“Sure. Just remember to wear a condom.” Her mouth has been his idea from the beginning, but now he knows he needs to see her face. He needs to see with his eyes that she really wants this--wants him--that she won’t take off at one push too far.
This is proved when she starts fiddling with his jeans after a moment. She hasn’t said anything, but there is a look of determination in her eyes, as if she somehow gets that this is important. He brushes through her hair as she takes him into her hand. He can hear Prompto prepping on his end, but he only has eyes for her right now. She studies his cock, looking mesmerized.
“Don’t worry, it won’t bite you.”
She takes the bait. “I might, though.”
“Don’t you dare.” He pulls her hair, just enough to show that he does have that in him. She shivers, not as much as Prom would have, but it’s promising. Enough that he doesn’t rush her, not because he’s scared to, but because he wants to give her this exploration. Her fingertips graze over him slowly, taking in the shape and feel of him.
Prompto is less patient and gets to work. Luna’s mouth falls open, and after pausing long enough to take the sight in, Noct uses the opportunity to push inside. He’s careful to go slow, remembering how hard the first time is. Once she’s started to actually suck on him, he lets her take over to set her own pace, which is tentative.
“You’re doing fine,” he says reassuringly.
Prompto must have just been fingering her, because she’s suddenly knocked forward and she nearly gags. Noct pulls out to let her catch her breath. She already looks as debauched as their wedding night. “How is it, Prom?” He still doesn’t look away from her, though.
“Oh, my gods. She’s so wet and soft. It’s unbelievable. I could easily get addicted to this.”
Her eyes go a bit glassy at the praise and Noct leans down to kiss her. “You’re being such a good girl.” He pets her a couple times before nudging his cock back into her mouth. She isn’t as focused as before, but that’s fine. Prompto rocks her back and forth, and her body instinctively chases his movements, so he is able to slide over her tongue without having to thrust in to do so. There are tears swelling at her eyes, and they are squeezed shut either from the sensitivity or from embarrassment. She’s so lewd he couldn’t look away even if he wanted to. The only downside is that he can’t hear her reactions with her mouth full. He plays them back in his head and emphasizes his own for her benefit. She perks up at that, slurping at him with more intent now. The three of them are in a rhythm until Prom makes a particularly well-aimed thrust and she pulls all the way off his dick to cry out.
Shit. The sound she makes jolts through his system like lightning. He’s overcome with the need to cum on her face. “Keep your eyes closed,” he orders in the most authoritative voice he can muster. Another thrust, another cry, and he’s jerking himself off like a madman. In no time, he’s squirting over her unexpectant face. She shrieks at the first hit.
Even from his angle behind her, Prompto is just as stimulated, thrusting more forcefully to chase his own orgasm. Luna’s cries are hitching, almost morphing into hiccups, like this really is too much for her, but it’s almost over, so Noctis just pets her hair and whispers that she’s doing great. Prompto cums with a heavy sigh and they all take a moment to catch themselves.
“Did you--” Noct starts to ask, but she shakes her head in answer before he can finish.
Rearranging themselves, he pushes down between her legs this time, takes her clit between his lips and strokes over her outer labia. It only takes two, maybe three passes before she’s shuddering through her second orgasm. She looks beyond spent.
“We should probably head to bed.”
“Haha.” Prompto strokes his arm looking embarrassed. “Guess I jumped the gun a bit. Totally should have taken this to the bedroom.”
Luna shakes her head. “Isn’t it a newlywed tradition to have sex everywhere around your new house to christen it or something like that?”
“I love you,” Noct says casually, although it is anything but. He’s rewarded with two sets of wide eyes, then huge grins. Energy floods back into Luna, who flings herself into his lap. She’s inches from his face, expression pure hopefulness.
“Do you mean it?”
Something indescribable happens in his chest, almost like something bursting open and flooding out into his veins to fill the rest of his body. “Yes. I do love you.”
She kisses him much like he remembers Prompto kissing him years ago when they first got together. He knows the language of this kiss and kisses back in a way that hopefully conveys what has finally sunk in for him. Neither of them is going anywhere.
When they finally break apart, they find Prompto scrubbing at the sofa cushions. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. Iggy isn’t here to clean up our messes, and you know he’ll kill us if it stains.”
Noctis laughs and reaches out to him. Prompto sets the cleaner down and takes his hand. “Let's get cleaned up, then it’s time for bed for real.”
The next morning, Noct wakes to an empty bed and the sound of chatting from the next room. He throws some sweatpants on just in case and heads out to find the group sprawled in a circle on the floor around the coffee table. The dogs were quite happy to take up the couch in their absence.
“Morning, princess.” Gladio waves a coffee mug in greeting.
“Morning,” Noct mumbles, first to Gladio then to Ignis. The latter smiles and returns the sentiment.
“Glad to have you join us. Prompto and Lunafreya here were telling us about the advancements of last night.”
“Yeah,” Prom said, “I was just about to tell them how smooth you were, cumming on her face before saying the words.”
Mortified, Noct’s mouth drops open and he almost flees back into the bedroom rather than sit down. Gladio guffaws loudly, either not noticing Noct’s reaction or taking even greater enjoyment in it. Knowing Gladio, he thinks it’s the latter. Ignis is also noticeably amused but thankfully is more tasteful about it. Or so he thinks until he says, “I see you came to your solution then.”
“I hate all of you.”
“There, there,” Prom placates, not looking the least bit remorseful for spilling his secrets.
“Yes, Noct,” Luna says, “come over here.” He makes a sound similar to a squealing pig. This only earns him more heckling.
He does go over, though, sitting between Ignis and Luna. It only takes Luna a moment before she leans against him and his heart swells knowing this ease is because of his confession. He kisses the top of her head.  “I’m glad I can finally make you happy,” he whispers. She doesn’t respond but nuzzles their heads together.
“Ain’t that cute?” Prompto leans back against Glado’s chest. “Soo, gang’s all here.”
“Are you serious?” Gladio asks. “Didn’t you literally do it right before bed?”
“Yeah, but not with you two.” he bats his lashes.
“Charmed,” Ignis says, brushing over his arm, "but don't you go making her dear uncomfortable, alright?"
He makes a pouting face and tips his head back. "Gladdy?" he whines.
Gladio holds onto his waist. "Sorry, blondie, but I'm with Igs on this. For now at least. We’re here to charm the lady, not scare her off, right?”
“Well, yeah,” he says dramatically.
“Besides,” Gladio adds, “you did it with Iggy, what? The day before yesterday? Noct hasn’t done it with either of us in like a week. I don’t see him whining.”
“Yeah, well he isn’t as much of a--” he cuts himself off... They all know he was going to say cockslut, probably even Luna. “What do you want to do, Luna? Oh, I know! Show us the corset. That's okay, right?"
She laughs and hops up to go look for the piece of clothing. “Well, I did promise, so I suppose I must.”
Ignis begins to open his mouth, obviously to tell her she doesn’t need to do anything, but Noctis catches his eyes and shakes his head. She knows her own limits.
“What the heck, Gladdy?” Prompto asks. “I thought you’d be foaming at the mouth.”
“Oh, I am. But I know that patience is a virtue, especially with a maiden. They aren’t all as receptive to advances as you.”
Prompto pouts again. “She was pretty receptive to me last night.”
“That’s cause she’s been crushing on you just as long dude,” Noct says. “She’s just gotten to know these two.”
Prompto sighs. “Yeah, well I wasn’t asking her to suck them off. I was wanting to be the one doing it.”
“There, there,” Ignis says, patting his head, “you’ll get your chance.”
“Of course. And if Luna is obliged, how about I reward you with shibari?”
Prompto shudders. Submissive mode activated. Hook, line, and sinker. "All you have to do is be patient, okay? You can take photos of her but no touching. No touching Luna, Gladio, Noctis, nor myself. And definitely no touching yourself."
Prompto whimpers but nods.
Gladio, who is still holding on to him, let's go and grabs Prompto’s camera for him.
When Luna returns, she is just as ravishing as before. She has fixed her hair up in a ponytail with two short curly bangs to either side. Less elegant than the braid from before but more fitting with the corset’s flowery feel. He’s too caught up to look away to see how the others are reacting, but Prompto’s camera has flashed several times already. There is a flush of embarrassment over her cheeks and collarbone, but Noct can tell that she is enjoying the attention. When she turns around to reveal her bare ass, Gladio whistles, and Prompto whines. Noct can’t blame them. He’s already getting hard and remembering how that ass felt in his hands.
"Such a lovely sight,” Ignis says, and even he sounds on edge. “Luna, dear, Prom seems to be beside himself at the moment. Seeing as you already shared intimacies with him last night, would you be alright with me doing shibari on him?"
"Shibari?" she asks.
"You have heard of bondage, I presume."
"Shibari is an artistic form of this. One that will leave him to our mercy." The cool edge to the word mercy is for Prompto, but Noct can tell it is affecting Luna as much as it does the rest of them.
“Yes,” she breathes, and Noctis smiles.
Ignis touches Prompto’s cheek to redirect his attention to himself. “You hear that, love? Hold tight for me, alright?” Prompto nods, and Ignis leaves to get the rope from the other apartment.
Noctis tugs Luna down to sit in his lap on the couch. “You want to see this, don’t you?”
“Yes,” she admits, the tinge of flush flaring.
“Nothing wrong with that.” He kisses her cheek and runs his hands up her bare legs. Prompto has begun taking pictures again, and Noctis longs to spread her legs wide for him but he isn’t sure if she is okay with Gladio seeing her so exposed. “I’m sure Prom would love a better view, huh?” He curls his fingers around the inside of her thighs, implying only. It is enough. She bites her bottom lip for a second before shutting her eyes and complying willingly. He’s pretty sure Prompto would have fainted if he had not already seen her last night. He looks pretty faint as is. He has his own flush rises to his cheeks and the hands snapping picture after picture twitch as if they are itching to snap away at her instead. Gladio is giving a grin so wolfish, Noct’s surprised Luna doesn’t shy away or shut her legs.
Ignis returns and nearly drops the rope at the display. “Oh, my. We seem to be progressing nicely.” He crouches down to kiss Prompto who pushes back with enthusiasm. Ignis gives a light chuckle. “Strip.”
As he does, Gladio gets up and hands Luna the camera. Then he goes to the other side so that he can better see both Prompto and Luna.
“Good, now on your knees. Yes, now, I am going to begin tying the rope. Let me know if anything is too tight, okay?” He gives him a look straight in the eyes, emphasizing this is non-debatable. Last time he’d done this, Prompto had let him go too tight, claiming it felt great, though , and came out with dull purple lines for two days. It is always a sight to see when Ignis does rope work, especially on Prompto. The ropes look more artful on Gladio, but Prompto is so damn into it every time. He’s vibrating, and each time Ignis tugs the knot he whimpers increasingly loud. Rope holds his legs in their folded position, and knots run over his arms, across his chest, and at the base of his throat. Ignis has avoided his now full erection this time, but rope is held expertly in place over his nipples, so if he so much as twitches his arms it’ll rub.
Ignis smiles and brushes at his cheek. “Aren’t you lovely? What do you say, Luna?”
She startles, taking an unfocused photo by accident. “Ah, yes. He looks…”
“Utterly fuckable,” Noctis finishes for her. He shakes his head at the proud look Gladio’s giving him.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself. Although,” Gladio says, looking squarely at Luna now, “I would have to add that you do too.”
“Gladio,” Ignis says with a sharp edge.
Gladio raises his hands defensively. “Hey, Noct started it.” Ignis just glares at him and bows his head.
“Luna, dear, how shall we proceed? We can take this next door and leave the two of you alone, if you wish. I do say, Prompto may explode if he does not get what he wants soon, though.”
“Um, no. That is alright. You can go ahead.”
She likes this. She wants to see them shag like rabbits . Noctis kisses her shoulder. Prompto was right. She kind of is a dream come true.
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Gladio says, immediately stripping and throwing his clothes every which way. Luna gasps at the sight of his dick, which must look absolutely massive compared to him and Prompto.
Ignis tsks and strips much more deliberately. “As untamed as ever.”
“Aw, Iggy, you like struggling to tame me, I know you do. But right now it’s about this little tame boy, isn’t it?” He cups Prompto’s cheek and he nuzzles into his hold.
“Yes, you are correct. It is time for your reward, pet. Do you have a preference?”
Prompto shakes his head, but his eyes are stuck like glue to Gladio’s dick. Ignis of course sees this and smiles. “No need to be timid now. Go ahead and take that glorious cock, you earned it.”
Prompto opens his mouth, and Gladio guides him down onto his cock and holds him so that he won’t tumble forward with his movements.
“There, that’s a good boy.” He runs a hand down the lines of rope trailing down his back. “I think you’ve earned a second cock, wouldn’t you?”
Prompto’s mouth is full, but he attempts to nod and moan his agreement.
Ignis wastes no time coating his hand and dick with lube. Prompto arches as he inserts one finger after another. He’s pushing back, silently begging for the main dish. Ignis slides home easily, taking only a moment to let him adjust before beginning to drive into him. He tugs on the end of the dangling portion of rope so that Prompto has no choice but to meet each of his thrusts, and Noctis can tell he’s living for it.
Luna is enthralled by the show, moaning in time with Prompto’s own muffled ones. Noctis rubs at her lower lips feeling just how wet she’s gotten from this voyeuristic-exhibitionist play alone. “You’re loving this, aren’t you? Gods, I love you.” This is going to work!
In reply she tilts her head to kiss him. He kisses back passionately. He’s ready to get out of his boxers, but he isn’t ready to move her just yet when she’s spread out so deliciously. He starts fingering her open with one hand and skirts the edge of the corset with the other. When he breaks the kiss, she’s got that glassy look again, like she’s out for her pleasure fix. He’ll give her anything she wants.
“What do you want?” He whispers right into her ear.
“Fuck me,” she says. Her wording shouldn’t surprise him, but it sends a jolt right to his dick.
He doesn’t waste a second moving her off him so that he can tug his boxers off.
“You should ride him,” Gladio suggests. “Sure he’ll love it after working so hard the last two times.”
“Ha, ha.” Noctis gives him the finger for the hell of it, although, he’s honestly more than pleased with the suggestion.
He lies down and pats his hips. “I’m all yours, my lady.” She breaks into a laughing fit, but does straddle him. “You can take it at your own pace this way.” He can also get a prime view of the corset and doesn’t have to lift a finger, unless he wants to.
She sinks onto him immediately and he's glad he's lying down. His body jerks up involuntarily. She's so wet and his body aches for more. Luckily, she seems to share the sentiment, her pace becoming frantic, as if she too can't get enough. He holds her pale thighs, helping to pull her down harder. Her head falls back, showing off more of her throat and chest. He wants to pepper that skin with kisses but he's too lazy to move, so he traces a hand over the exposed skin instead. She's just as receptive, body shaking in response. The other three are all watching them, even Prompto who looks to be struggling to keep his eyes open through his own pleasure. Noctis locks eyes with Gladio and jerks his hips up hard.
Luna lets out the longest, prettiest moan he's heard.
“Fuck,” Gladio says redirecting Luna’s attention to them. He fucks into Prompto’s mouth in earnest and forces his cum all the way down his throat. Prompto’s eyes are wet and he wheezes a bit when he pulls out.
“Holy Shiva.”
Noct raises up on his forearms so that he can kiss her. “They are quite the show aren’t they?”
“A wet dream. No wonder you fell for them.”
“Hear that, Iggy? You’re a wet dream.”
“Is that so?” He redoubles his efforts, pulling Prompto further back toward him at a different angle.
Mouth-free, Prompto moans only, drool and bits of cum on his lips. Gladio licks it up and pets his hair. “That means you, too, baby. I could eat you up.” Prompto lets out something that turns incoherent when Gladio takes his cock into his meaty palm.
Taking his cue, Noct lies back down and circles over Luna’s clit.
“Astrals.” Her pace is jagged and he can tell she’s close.
“Come on now.” He strokes her cheek with his free hand. “You can come for me.”
She bites her lip and grinds down into him hard. He juts back up, letting himself go as well. Prompto is the first to cum, loud and shuddery. This is Luna’s breaking point, her velvety walls tightening wonderfully around Noct. It only takes him one more thrust before his orgasm crashes over him too. Ignis amazingly continues to pound into the now boneless Prompto for a minute longer. Once he’s finished, he immediately undoes the ropes and settles him into Gladio’s waiting arms. He begins checking him over for any potential issues and kissing over each spot the rope touched.
Prompto giggles at the attention. “I’m fine, Iggy, I swear.”
“Can never be too sure, darling.”
Luna’s still sitting in place catching her breath. “You good?” Noct asks.
“Yeah. Better than good. I...I’ve wanted that for so long. I know we did it before but it wasn’t the same.”
He props himself back up to kiss her again. “Sorry about that.”
She shakes her head. “No, I’m glad we waited.” Her smile melts his heart.
“Okay,” Gladio says, “not to, like, make this weird for you on purpose, but fuck, Luna, you are hot.”
She blinks at him for a moment before laughing. “I could say the same about all of you.”
“Wet dreams, was it?” Ignis asks.
She lowers her head, obviously embarrassed. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
Noct raises his hands in surrender. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to be ashamed about. I can’t speak for Iggy, but the rest of us sure have had wet dreams about you.”
“I suppose that is flattering.”
Gladio winks at her. “Why don’t you go out with me for a day and I’ll show you how flattering I can be.”
Ignis smacks his arm. “Come now. You can accompany her for the day, certainly, but think about how much worse press will be if you flatter in public?”
“What, Iggy? Jealous?”
He huffs. “No touching her in public, you hear me?”
“Yes, sir. So, how ‘bout it?”
“Oh,” she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear, “why not? We could go out today,” she looks back at Noct, “if that works?”
“Yeah, we’re still on our honeymoon, so no obligations for another week or so.”
“Sounds good, today’s my day off,” Gladio says. “Anywhere in particular you wanna go?”
She answers immediately, “The amusement park.”
Prompto perks up. “We could all go…”
Ignis sighs. “I unfortunately still have work, however, I do not have any meetings planned. If you let me spend the rest of tonight working, I should be able to make it work.”
“Okay, yeah,” Noct says “that sounds fun.”
As soon as they enter the park, Luna gasps, eying everything with equal excitement. Naturally, Ignis already has a map in hand which he presents to her.
"Here is the list of ridable attractions, here is the list of food stalls, and over here is the list of other various attractions. They are numbered so that you can find them on the map. Does anything strike your eye?"
"Oh, that is a lot to pick from."
Prompto tugs her arm. "Don't pressure her, Iggy. Here, Luna, let's start with the Ferris wheel. Everyone loves that."
The park has just opened and the line moves quickly, so they are able to get on immediately.
"Number in the party?" asks the attendant.
"Five," Ignis answers.
"Ride seats 4. How you gonna split up."
"I don't mind riding alone," he says.
Gladio opens his mouth, probably to argue that he'll ride with him, but Luna pouts first. "No way. You will let us all on together. As long as we can fit in the seats there's no issue, is there?"
"Ma'am, I am not--"
"That is no problem, is it?" Ignis says with a glint of menace in his eyes. "Are you aware of who you have in this party?"
"How would I-" Then to hits him, the realization draining the color from his face. "My apologies, your highnesses. Right this way."
Even though this was supposed to be Gladio's date, they end up cramming in with him and Ignis on one side and the other three on the other. While Luna could have sat beside him, it would have been a tighter squeeze for the rest of them.
Luna presses her face to the glass and gawkes at the landscape below. "This is amazing!"
"Right?" Prompto chirps, chin plopping on her shoulder to see out as well. Noct slumps back as well as he can, watching their cute display of interest more than the view. Ignis catches his gaze with a slight, fond smile.
"We're at the top," Gladio announces. "Do you know what you are supposed to do at the top, princess?"
When she doesn’t answer right away, Prompto chimes in, "Kiss." He follows this by leaning forward and planting a big one on Ignis who hums his appreciation.
"Exactly. So, what do you say?"
Her checks color but she leans forward. Gladio moves in on her with a level of suaveness that only comes from doing something a million times. He apparently doesn't feel it's necessary to go easy on her after yesterday. Their knees bump as he forces her mouth open, and it only takes a second before she's melting. Gladio is smug as can be when he pulls back.
"That's how you kiss a woman, Noct."
"Yeah, yeah," he answers dismissively, but really he's thrilled things are working out so well.
Ignis kisses him equally passionately. “Can’t have you feeling left out, now can we?”
Noct huffs a laugh.
Luna has a dreamy look on her face as the Ferris wheel descends. She plucks the map away from Ignis and looks it over. “How about we take photos?”
Prompto perks up at this idea. “Sounds great!”
They are allowed to take two photos, and they take full advantage. The first photo is cute. Noctis and Prompto sandwich Luna, each laying their heads on her shoulders. Gladio and Ignis bracket the ends, wrapping their one arm over the middle three while holding each other’s hand in front.  The second is silly. Gladio opens his mouth wide in an odd-looking grimace, Prompto tills his head, gives large googly eyes, and holds up double peace signs, Noctis pretends to be asleep across their laps, Ignis gives a possibly serious look of exasperation, and Luna buckles over laughing. The booth prints 5 copies, and Luna clutches hers tightly. “I’ll treasure it.”
She sounds too serious, and Noct squeezes her hand.
“I know, let’s try out the games. Gladio can win you something.”
“Putting high hopes on our lug, aren’t you?” Ignis says.
Gladio stretches his neck. “When have I ever failed?”
“Your luck will run out one of these days, darling.”
Prompto leans in and whispers to Luna, “Gladdy beat Iggy at ball toss and he hasn’t gotten over it.”
Luna smiles. She takes Gladio’s arm in hers. “Okay, but I want the big one.”
As expected, Gladio manages to win a top prize, with little difficulty. Luna holds the dog plush to her face. “Thank you.”
“No sweat.”
The rest of the day goes by quickly. Even though Ignis doesn’t show outright attraction to Luna, they chat pleasantly and Luna lets Gladio cuddle her on the ride home, so Noctis decides this is good enough for him. From the beginning, all he wanted was for the five of them to be happy. Perhaps one day, they can make the relationship public, but for now he will be content just being able to keep them all by his side. Given his lot in life, he knows when to count his blessings and figures Luna agrees. Looking at her now, he can tell she’s more peaceful than ever. Tenderly, he laces their fingers together and settles back into the seat, ready to nap. Prompto’s giddy singing and Ignis’ soft humming serve as a pleasant lullaby. His last conscious thought is that he could stay like this for the rest of his life.
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Book Two: Sapphire (Ignis x Reader) Chapter X
The royal retinue reach the courtyard outside the Leville just as the ground beneath their feet began to shake. At the same time, Noctis grabs his head and winces. Images flash through his mind, but he couldn't make sense of them. Shaking his head, the pain and vision subside. Gladio, who was the closest to the prince, noticed his painful expression. "What's wrong?"
"My head just started throbbing," Noctis replied, hiding the details of the vision he witnessed.
"You all right?" Prompto asked worriedly.
He nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"A headache at the exact moment of an earthquake," (Y/n) hummed. "I would say it isn't a coincidence."
"Indeed," Ignis agreed.
"Doesn't matter. It's gone," Noctis said.
They enter the Leville and stand in the lobby to wait for Iris. Gladio crosses his arms, tapping his foot impatiently against the tiled floor. He wasn't sure what was taking his sister so long, but she descended the stairwell a few minutes later.
"Gladdy!" Iris chanted, hurrying down the stairs.
Said boy looked up and smiled at his sister. He was relieved to see she was uninjured and safe from the hell raised by the empire in Insomnia. Although he lost his father, at least he still had his little sister. "Iris."
The young Amicitia glances around at the faces of the boys. She had yet to spot (Y/n) due to being hidden behind Ignis' tall, lithe body. "Look at you guys, holding your own out there."
Prompto smiled with slightly red cheeks. "What can I say? You look good."
"All things considered," Iris exhaled heavily. "You guys are staying here, right?"
"That's the plan," Ignis said, taking a step to the side and revealing the girl hidden behind him.
Iris noticed the fifth member of the group and blinked in surprise. She searched her memory and tried to remember seeing someone as beautiful as her before, but she couldn't recall anyone. She hastily took a few steps towards her, signaling the beginning of a throng of questions. "Who's this? Is she a crownsguard? But that outfit is way too nice." Iris circles (Y/n), examining her appearance closely. Reaching the front, she saw the slitted eyes and gemstone. "Wait, you're a guardian! But I don't remember any of the guys except Ignis having one. Now that I think about, I don't see her here."
Gladio stopped his sister after seeing how uncomfortable (Y/n) was becoming. "Take a breather, Iris. You're freakin' the girl out."
Realizing what she was doing, she gasped and promptly apologized. "I-I'm so sorry. It's just...I've never met someone so beautiful before. If I had, I would definitely remember."
"Oh, um...thank you, Iris," (Y/n) shyly replied.
"Pretty sure you've met (Y/n) before, Iris," Noctis stated. "But you've never seen her human form until now."
"That name..." Iris' voice trailed off before her eyes widened. "You're really (Y/n)? That little bundle of white fur is you?"
She nodded. "Y-Yes."
"Oh, wow. This is... You look amazing!" She praised. "I never imagined you were this pretty. I mean, I imagined you to be a little more than average, but I am blown away!"
The guardian did her best to analyze her appearance. Without a mirror, it was difficult to examine her entire body. She glanced down at her dress before lifting her head. "I really don't see what's so special about me."
"You're kidding, right?" Prompto spoke up. "You didn't notice all those people staring at you when we first got here?"
"And not just here. Wherever we go, people stare at you," Noctis added. "Can't believe you haven't noticed."
That's when (Y/n) started to worry. "Am I drawing too much attention to us? If that's the case, I can always change forms and-"
Gladio held up his and silenced her. "Slow your roll, munchkin. We drive a super fancy car that already sticks out like a sore thumb anywhere we go. With you taggin' along, no one even looks twice at Noct."
Noctis glanced at his shield with a scowl. "Am I supposed to be offended by that?"
"Take it as you will, Highness." Gladio focuses his gaze back on his sister. "Putting all that aside, when you have time we have catching up to do."
Iris nodded. "Sure. I've got time now if you guys do. We can talk in my room." She leads the group of five up the stairs and into one of the many hotel rooms. As they got comfortable, they were joined by an old man and a young boy. Gladio easily recognized the two. "Jared and Talcott! Is it good to see you."
Talcott smiled sweetly as he addressed the member of royalty among them. "Prince Noctis! Iris is safe with me!" You could tell the young boy admired Noctis just by the gleam in his eyes.
Jared patted Talcott on the shoulder, smiling apologetically to the prince. "Please excuse my grandson. He has yet to learn his manners."
Noctis smirked. "I like it."
The older man lowered his head in a slight bow. "Your Highness is very kind, but we shan't impose. A very good night to you, Your Highness." Taking his grandson with him, he left the room so the group could talk. Iris closes the door behind them as they leave before taking a seat alongside the others.
Noctis was a little hesitant to ask, but he wanted to know some details of the invasion. "So Iris, what was it like inside the Crown City?"
Iris winced slightly as she remembered the day of the signing clearly. "Not pretty. The Citadel took a beating. But a lot of outlying neighborhoods made it through in one piece."
Ignis' eyes narrowed as he gazed at the carpet. "The empire had tactical targets in mind."
"If they incapacitated the Citadel from the inside, it would make it difficult for the crownsguard and Kingsglaive to deploy," (Y/n) said.
"Think they had a man on the inside?" Gladio wondered.
"A possibility we cannot dismiss," Ignis stated.
Iris glanced around at the dejected faces of the group. She clasped her hands together in her lap and focused her gaze on Noctis. "You know if there's anything else, you can ask me."
Noctis lifted his head, slightly taken aback. "Yeah, uh, thanks."
"So...about Lady Lunafreya. I keep hearing she was in town. Apparently she left right away, but at least it means she's okay."
The prince wasn't sure how to feel about Lunafreya. He wasn't sure if she was alive or dead and he was worried about her. However, Iris' words did provide a small amount of relief. "Good to hear. Thanks."
Iris then stands, brushing off her skirt. "Yeah, well, get a good night's rest." She then leaves the room.
Ignis stood up as well. "I shall procure rooms for us."
(Y/n) glances at him. "That was plural."
"I shall ensure you get your own personal room, (Y/n). It would be ill-suited for a lady to remain in a room with four men."
She watched him leave the room, blinking in surprise. She uncrossed her legs with a huff. A grin tugged at the corners of Gladio's lips. "You seem disappointed."
"No, just surprised. We had no issues sharing a room in Longwythe or Galdin Quay. What's changed?" She pondered.
"You think it has to do with the fact you spend more time in your human form than your spiritual one now?" Prompto asked.
"Or maybe Iggy wants you to have your own room so he can make a surprise visit to you in the middle of the night," the brute said.
She glowered at him. "Why do you think Iggy would have an ulterior motive?"
Gladio looked away, trying to act innocent. "No reason."
Her eyes scrunched up in an accusing manner. "You know something that I don't."
He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But it's not my place to tell. Hopefully us guys can snap some sense into his uptight ass and get him to tell you."
(Y/n) wanted to question him further, but held herself back as Ignis returned. She accepted the key he offered her and read the number attached to it before heading to her room. It was only a few doors down from Iris' room. She entered the room and looked around. There was a small couch, a coffee table, and a double bed with a nightstand beside it. It was decent, but she felt lonely. Why had Ignis suddenly wanted her to have her own room? Was it really because she's been spending more time in her human form like Prompto said or was there another possibility?
Her shoulders sank while trudging towards the bed. She sat down on the edge with a huff of frustration at her busy thoughts. She pushed them aside by remembering the intimate moment she shared with Ignis earlier that day. It was nice to be in his arms, a sensation she's enjoyed ever since he first hugged her when he was only five years old. As the years passed, the hugs became scarce in number due to his duties to the crown. He became more prim and proper, meaning casual hugs were deemed inappropriate. She had watched the boy grow into a man, his personality changing from sweet and caring to reserved and stoic.
Of course, he had his moments where he would show her how much he cared about her. Those were few and far between. However, that somewhat changed after they left the city. Even with Noctis as his first priority, his time with her had grown as if they had reverted back to their younger years. It brought a smile to her face, but it quickly vanished. She wanted to be his first priority. Was it a selfish thought? Perhaps.
Hanging her head, she hid her face behind a curtain of (h/c) tresses. She mentally scolded herself for thinking in such a manner. All she wanted was Ignis to love her with all his heart just as she wanted to do the same for him. But there was another thing stopping her-their roles. She was his guardian and he was her master. Was it appropriate for a human and spirit to be together?
That's when her eyes gleamed with hope as she recalled Jasper and Luca. They were clearly in love with each other and are engaged. She lifted her head and glanced out the window, coming to a decision-she would meet Luca tomorrow and discuss how he and Jasper overcame such obstacles or if it was only her self-doubt that prevented her from confessing her feelings.
(Y/n) was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a knock on her door. She went to answer it and saw Prompto was visiting her. Noticing he was alone, she wondered what he wanted. "Is there something I can do for you, Prompto?"
"You're gonna join us for dinner, right?" He asked.
Checking the time on the clock located on the nightstand, she saw it was a few minutes past five. "I didn't realize it was that late already."
Prompto grabbed her hand with a smile. "C'mon, the guys already left to make sure we get a table."
(Y/n) was taken aback at the sudden sensation of his hand on hers. "Prompto, your hand."
He looked down at their connected hands and blushed. He had unconsciously grabbed hers. "S-Sorry..."
She couldn't help but admire how kind and gentle he was. In order to smooth over the situation, she offered him a gentle smile. "It's fine. Let's go."
They left the Leville and headed to Surgate's Beanmine near the main thoroughfare. Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis were sitting at one of the tables and had already ordered for everyone. The eatery was packed and only a couple tables were left vacant. Sitting in between Noctis and Ignis, (Y/n) glances across the table when Gladio kicked her lightly in the foot. "Took your time, munchkin."
"I was thinking about a few things and didn't realize how late it was," she explained.
He took a brief glance at Ignis before looking back at her. "Like what?"
"Luca. I want to help him with his dream project. Spirits could use a good reputation. I also want to warn him about the empire."
"Y'know, all the people I've talked about guardians with adore them," Prompto said. "I can't believe people discriminate against your people, (Y/n)."
She crossed her legs, placing her hands gently in her lap. "I can't even imagine what it's like to be a masterless spirit in a society like this. It must be very difficult for them to live normal lives."
"Oh, yeah. Specs mentioned that rite of annulment," Noctis chimed in.
"I do hope I did not overstep my bounds," Ignis said, glancing toward the girl sitting beside him.
She shook her head. "Not at all. The rite of annulment has been used in both good and bad ways. Guardians have undergone the ritual to escape their abusive masters and humans have used it to get rid of their guardians. If the threat of corruption wasn't high, it's possible the rite wouldn't be so bad."
"What's this corruption you're talkin' about?" Gladio pried.
"Masters act as buffers for guardians when it comes to mana flow. If a guardian cannot control the flow, it builds up in their body and they soon lose themselves. Some spirits have massacred humans in such a state, but most of the time they commit suicide once it's too overbearing. A guardian's risk of corruption goes down if their master is still alive. But once that soul vanishes from Eos, the risk of corruption is extremely high. There are spirits who have learned to cope through the madness to keep their minds intact while others have never suffered from corruption."
"Okay, yeah, none of the books I've read mention any of this..." Prompto mumbled.
"Neither do the vast collections I've perused," Ignis said.
(Y/n) stared down at the table. "Not everything is written down in books or documents. If the rite was vastly known, I fear my people's reputation would be even more soiled."
"Let's just hope Luca doesn't know about it," Gladio stated. "And if he does, he'll leave it out of his book."
Their food arrived as their conversation ended. (Y/n) stared thoughtfully at her serving of bird-broth rice with curry before picking up her spoon to enjoy the meal. She listened to Noctis and Prompto as they exchanged playful banter while eating.
Once everyone was finished, they left the eatery and headed back to the Leville. As they passed through one of the alleyways, a disembodied voice reached (Y/n)'s ears. He body became stiff while listening to it.
Come...of Pneuma... Heed...call... Costlemark...altar...
A strange sensation overtook her body. Feeling a trance consume her mind, she no longer had control of her body. Listening to the voice, she wandered aimlessly down another alleyway and wound up separated from the boys. Unaware of her surroundings, she was heading straight for the road.
As she was about to step off the curb and into the street, the sound of a blaring horn bounced off the buildings, but it didn't snap her out of her trance. It was only when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her to safety before she was hit by a car that caused the trance to fade. The sensation of hands on her cheeks resulted in her to blink a few times. Her vision cleared and all she could see was a pair of familiar emerald eyes behind a pair of glasses. As the faint ringing in her ear ceased and she could hear the sounds of the bustling town, she realized Ignis was her savior and was trying to get her attention.
"(Y/n), can you hear me?" Ignis asked as her slitted pupils narrowed.
She looked around as best as she could and saw Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto standing behind him. "What happened?"
"I was hoping you'd clarify."
"Weren't we on our way back to the Leville?" She asked.
Prompto stepped forward. "You...don't remember what just happened?"
"You just suddenly walked off. We tried to get your attention, but you weren't listening. You wandered out into the middle of the street and was almost ran over by a car. Luckily Specs saved you before you were flattened," Noctis clarified. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." (Y/n) took a step back when Ignis removed his hands from her cheeks. All she could remember was hearing the voice and then they were standing by the side of the road. "Maybe I just need some more sleep."
"You looked like you were in some kinda trance," Prompto said.
Ignis examines her face and noticed she looked sickly. "You've become pale. Let us make haste back to the hotel."
"Need a piggyback ride, munchkin?" Gladio offered.
She shook her head. "No, I can walk."
Ignis placed an arm around her shoulders and escorted her back to the Leville. He took her to her room and asked her to sit down on the bed. When she did, he kneeled down in front of her and took her gloved hands in his own. "What truly happened tonight, (Y/n)?"
"I-I honestly don't know, Iggy," she answered sincerely. "I heard that voice again and then realized we were standing by the road. I did feel something come over my body, but I don't know what. I'm sorry..."
Ignis raised one of his hands and caressed the back of his fingers against her cheek. "You need not apologize, darling."
She was shocked at hearing the term of endearment, but welcomed it. "I just hope visiting Costlemark will resolve this and put an end to the voice."
He removed his hand from her face and gazed deeply into her sapphire eyes. He loved how they sparkled just like the gemstones in his necklace. It was like getting lost in the ocean. "Will you be all right by yourself tonight?"
"Yes. I'll probably turn in early after a shower."
"If you need me, you know where I'll be. Please, do not hesitate to call upon me."
She smiled gratefully. "Thank you. Good night, Iggy."
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misos-library · 3 years
Snippets P.1
Rated: PG-13 (References to nudity)
Word Count: 1,631
Summary: Noctis finds Aurelia (an OC) bathing in the Myrlwood pond in the middle of the night and joins her. Though, the situation might be more than either bargained for when both of their insecurities surface.
Purpose: What's a purpose?
Aurelia hissed as she lowered herself into the cool water from the pier, her muscles protesting the dramatic temperature fluctuation. Holding her breath, she reminded herself she needed to bathe— especially after the grueling trek here. Myrlwood may have been beautiful, but the terrain was not suited for amputees and had taken a heavy toll on her body. As she began to relax, she allowed herself to sink deeper into the water, the chill catching her breath more than once.
Part of her wished she’d asked someone to come along with her. Someone to help her keep her balance and make sure she didn’t drown. Normally she didn’t have to ask, Gladio offering her help as she needed it. The giant man’s patience and kindness when it came to helping her had made her time with the group easier. Now, however, he was gone— off on a trip to find himself while leaving Aurelia exhausted from trying to keep pace with the group. Sure, she could have asked Noctis to help her. Yet, there was always a voice at the back of her head who told her again and again that the prince would find someone better.
To her, it was better to suffer without the shield’s kind hand than to ruin her prince lover’s image with her disability.
“I feel like it’s a little late for a swim.”
Aurelia jumped, her attention snapping to the wood pier just above her. The prince leaned over the edge to look down at her with his signature unreadable expression. His hair was unkempt and his hands tucked tightly into his pockets. When she said nothing in return, Noctis lowered himself into a crouch before sitting. He tossed his feet over the edge of the pier and leaned back on his palms, his gaze turned towards the night sky. Aurelia chewed on her lip, noticing that his boots weren’t laced. He’d come to find her in a hurry. “You didn’t think to ask?”
“Ask what?”
“For my help.”
She swallowed nervously, finding it difficult for her to answer his question. Of course she’d thought to ask.
The two of them were quiet, Noctis keeping his attention on the stars above while Aurelia kept her balance. It was the first time they’d been alone together since Gladio’s departure, a thick air of discomfort lingering around them. Perhaps it was only Aurelia’s imagination, or maybe the voice in her head was right. That her leg’s burden was too much for the prince. “I’m okay, Noct,” she murmured, moving herself away from the wooden dock.
Noctis sighed and shifted his weight, his elbows balancing on his legs. Myrlwood Falls was well hidden, a pool of water filled with bioluminescent fish and protected from the monsters that roamed. It was quiet enough here he trusted that Aurelia would be safe without an escort— he swallowed as he turned his attention to her. Her balance in the water had grown better since the first time his group met with her.
Admiration and adoration filled his chest, though the feelings were quickly swallowed by grief. He pushed the feelings down and grabbed the heel of his boot, easily pulling it off. “Do… you miss Gladdy?” he asked quietly.
Aurelia glanced over her shoulder. “Yeah.”
The prince said nothing as he continued to remove his shoes, balancing them carefully on the edge of the pier. His socks joined them, then his shirt. Aurelia watched as he stood, Noctis’ cheeks growing warm as he slid his bottoms down. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed to be naked in front of her. Instead, it was his inadequacy compared to Gladio that made him nervous.
Ignoring his insecurities, Noctis carefully lowered himself into the water. His muscles tensed as the cold shocked his nervous system, but he forced himself to move towards Aurelia. “Let me help,” he murmured. Aurelia hesitated to take his hand when he offered it, her eyes searching his. Noctis felt his chest pang and moved closer to her. “Aure…”
Saying her name encouraged her enough to take his hand. Aurelia balanced easily against his palm, thankful for the support. Noctis was patient, his touch gentle as he assisted the best he could. The work of it was mindless, his thoughts wandering further and further away to Gladio. He knew how his friend felt about Aurelia— the shield frequently wearing his heart on his sleeve.
I’m gonna marry that girl, Gladio had said. Noctis hadn’t thought much about it then as he examined the stab wound Aurelia had inflicted, knowing all too well that Gladio’s heart couldn’t keep pace with his needs. He sighed thinking about the memory and found Aurelia’s hand caressing his cheek. “You okay, Noct?”
Her question caught him off guard, his head tilting back as he looked up to the sky. They couldn’t have been in the water longer than fifteen minutes, yet it felt like an eternity. His gaze falling back to Aurelia’s, he felt his heart skip a beat. Opening his mouth, Noctis found himself unable to lie to her, the words forming a lump in his throat as he tried desperately to tell her he was okay— that he was fine. And still, he couldn’t.
“Gladio really cares about you.”
The words poured from him after a few painful seconds, and Aurelia blinked absently. “I… care about him, too, Noct.”
Unable to put it back in the bottle, Noctis bit the inside of his cheek and let out a soft breath. “Not like that, Aure,” he whispered. Aurelia tilted her head, her brows knitting together. Noctis swallowed and carefully pulled her hand away from his face. “He really cares about you.”
“I…” Aurelia shook her head, unwilling to believe what Noctis was telling her. And yet, quipped the voice in her head. Hot and heavy, the images came crashing down on her: Gladio’s hands pulling her flush against him and his lips meeting hers. How he’d lifted her, feeling her succumb to his lust crazed touch. “I’m sure that’s not true,” she managed to choke out.
“Aurelia,” Noctis sighed. She shook her head once more and began to move herself towards the pier. He followed her, his hand catching hers. Aurelia used him as a crutch, only letting go when her hand met the wood of the dock. The prince examined his palm and took an unsteady breath.
“I love you, Aurelia.”
Time seemed to stop, Aurelia’s heart pounding loudly in her ears. He couldn’t love her. He was engaged and she was in a relationship. Noctis Lucis Caelum was, without a doubt, the king of this continent— and here he was confessing his love to her. Aurelia’s hand lashed out, her palm meeting the king’s chest.
“No, you don’t.”
Noctis gripped her wrist, his hand trembling. “You can’t tell me how I feel about you, Aurelia,” he whispered, pulling at her hand to silently ask her let him come closer. “I know what I’m feeling.”
“No,” she hissed, pushing against his chest. Her voice broke as she repeated herself. “No, you don’t. You can’t.”
“Is it because I’m not Gladio?” he asked, his heart sinking. Aurelia gave a frustrated cry, a hand coming to her mouth as she fought with herself to keep from crying.
“Noctis, no—”
“Or is it because I’m not Nyx?”
Regret filled Noctis as soon as the question left his mouth, his jaw clenching when he saw Aurelia’s bottom lip jut out. And still, he held his ground. He knew she was more than capable of telling someone she loved them. His mouth filled with bitterness, recalling hearing her voice echo down the hall of the Leville hotel in Lestallum. I love you, she’d cried. And I hope whatever happened to you, you knew that. I love you… and I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner. Noctis remembered the night well, having found her on her balcony.
“Noctis,” she gasped.
“It’s fine, really.” His voice was hushed and laced with venom, his expression hard. Noctis took a deep breath and wet his bottom lip, his face softening. “I just…” he started, his voice a hoarse whisper now. “I need to know why you want to pretend I don’t have these feelings for you— that I’ve had these feelings for you for months now.”
Aurelia pushed harder against Noctis, tears beginning to spill over. “Because, Noctis!” she shrieked, her body wracked with sobs. “You’re the prince— the king! And I’m me.”
Her tears stung Noctis more than her words, the echoed sound of her cries reverberating through his head. She repeated herself, and then again, her strength failing as her tears consumed her. He let her cry, his hands catching hers. It wasn’t until she’d calmed herself that Noctis spoke, his tone calming. “That’s why? Because I’m the prince of Lucis?”
“King,” she exasperatedly corrected him. “You’re the king and I’m only me.”
She sucked in a sharp breath, choked by her residual tears.
“We aren’t in a fairy tale, Noct. It doesn’t work—”
He didn’t let her finish her sentence, his lips crashing into hers. Aurelia whimpered weakly and pressed the heel of her palm against his chest. Noctis could only deepen the kiss, holding her close until she was no longer fighting him. With a soft sigh, he broke the kiss and leaned her back into the pier’s post. “It doesn’t have to be a fairy tale, Aure,” he murmured. “You just have to accept how I feel.”
Aurelia shook her head, giving a final shove against Noctis’ chest. His lips met hers again and he lifted her against himself, the water making it easy to support her weight against his body. “I love you,” he breathed, his hands hooking behind her thighs. “Let me love you, Aurelia.”
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tickleraptorss · 3 years
Rise and Shine, Princess
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Based on the “Rise and Shine” cutscene from the FFXV demo. Noctis is known to have trouble getting out of bed, so he gets a little help from his boyfriends.
a/n: hiiii what can i say i’m a sucker for wake-up tickles and noctis is a sleepy baby man so i couldn’t resist. anyways here is fic.
Noctis was many things, and his boyfriends knew he had many qualities. He was a picky-eater, a well-trained fighter, and a bit lazy at times. Noctis wasn’t perfect, and at the time being he didn’t have to be. The habit of picking vegetables off his plate? The boys found that somewhat endearing (except for Ignis, of course, who considered it quite a hassle). They were constantly impressed with Noctis’ fighting skills, and despite Noctis’ flaws, his boyfriends loved him dearly.
However, there was one thing that proved to be a bit more tedious than Noctis’ other traits.
His stubbornness when it came to sleep. 
They all knew this, Noctis had been like this since he was a kid. Ignis remembers having to drag him out of bed. Gladio remembers trying to convince a very sleepy prince to train with him. Prompto remembers seeing Noctis fall asleep in class when the lesson wasn’t very exciting. It’d always been a problem, and while they could all admit that Noctis was quite cute when he slept, getting him out of bed was another story.
Ignis, as per usual, was awake before the alarm had even gone off. He’d always woken up early to prepare breakfast for everyone. When the alarm went off, Prompto was the first one awake, groaning and sitting up to face Ignis.
“G’morning,” Prompto mumbled, shielding his eyes from the daylight peeking into the tent.
“Morning,” Gladio was up next. 
The three boys looked over at Noctis, who was still curled up in his sleeping bag. Ignis put the alarm closer to the sleeping prince, hoping that would motivate him.
It did not.
“C’mooon Noct! Wake up!” Prompto pestered. “We can’t get moving if you don’t get moving!” 
“Prompto’s right, Noct,” Ignis shook Noctis’ shoulder gently. “I know you can hear us.”
Noctis proceeded to groan in response, further curling up in his cocoon. He put his pillow over his head and mumbled something into it. 
“You’ll have to speak up, Your Highness,” Gladio chuckled. “We can’t hear you.”
“Five more minutes...” The prince repeated, this time removing his face from the pillow. 
“You say that every day!” Prompto complained, and he wasn’t wrong, either. Noctis always asked for extra time to sleep, especially when they had someplace to be. “Don’t you wanna get the car fixed?”
No response. 
“Noct, we’ve gotta get moving. Here, I’ll help you up,” Gladio pulled on Noctis’ sleeping bag.
Again, no response.
If anything, it only made Noctis bury himself deeper into his warm sleeping bag. Prompto and Gladio looked at each other, and then looked over at Ignis. They watched as Ignis shuffled towards the sleeping prince.
“Noct, if you don’t get up, I’ll have to make you,” said Ignis. Prompto and Gladio exchanged glances, before looking back at Ignis. 
Noctis simply grunted in response. 
Rolling his eyes, Ignis reached his hand underneath Noctis’ sleeping bag and located his neck. Upon contact, he felt the prince shudder.
Ah yes, another thing that the boys adored about Noctis. Something no one would’ve ever guessed from his outside demeanour.
Noctis was extremely ticklish.  
While each of the boys shared their own set of weak spots, none of them came close to Noctis’ sensitivity when it came to the lightest of touches. He would squeak, snort and squirm at the gentlest brush to the sides, or the softest kiss to the neck. While it remained a secret to the four of them, Noctis’ boyfriends couldn’t help themselves but take advantage of it at every opportunity. 
Ignis dragged a single finger down the length of Noctis’ neck, and then up again right up to underneath his ears. Noct’s shoulders came up to try and defend against the ticklish sensation, but Ignis’ fingers would somehow find a way to worm around his defences. 
“I-Ignis...” Noctis stuttered, trying to keep himself from giggling. 
Gladio and Prompto quickly caught onto Ignis’ plan, creeping over to each side of the raven-haired prince, ensuring he couldn’t escape. 
“Last chance, princess,” Gladio smirked. “You either wake up, or we tickle you half to death.” Prompto giggled at that, seeming way too excited. 
As expected, the prince didn’t say a word.
Ignis chuckled, hoisting Noctis by the arms and dragging him further out of his sleeping bag. Noctis grumbled, trying to fight off Ignis, and immediately started complaining.
“‘s just five minutes...” He mumbled, clearly still half-asleep. His head sat in Ignis’ lap, and in any other situation Noctis’ would’ve liked using Ignis’ thighs as a pillow. “Just lemme- h-hey... whaha?! Hehehey!” Ignis had began digging his fingers into Noctis’ underarms while he was complaining, allowing giggles to freely flow out of his mouth.
“We have you plenty of time to reconsider, Noct!” Prompto laughed, his fingers scritching the sides of Noctis’ ribs. His giggles rose in volume, and he arched his back to try and escape Prompto’s fingers.
“Ahaha!! P-Prom! S-Stop it!” He squeaked when Gladio’s hands joined in, squeezing his sides and massaging them in a way that tickled really badly. Noctis’ giggles turned into laughter as his boyfriends tormented him.
“Still as ticklish as ever,” Gladio commented. He noticed Noctis’ face flush at the statement, and Prompto must’ve as well.
“Aww, what’s the matter? Is our little prince too ticklish for his own good?~” Prompto teased, his fingers now targeting Nocti’s lower ribs, a spot he knew to be quite sensitive. 
“Dohohon’t sahAHAHAY THAT!!” Noctis squealed, squirming to get out of Ignis’ hold. Ignis now had him trapped with his hands under the adviser’s knees, allowing him easy access to his underarms and ribs. 
“What, you don’t like being told you’re ticklish? Is that it?” Ignis smirked. “You don’t want to be reminded of how sensitive you are?” 
Noctis didn’t know whether to shake his head and lie, or nod and admit the truth. He’d get tickled no matter what he did. Before he could make a decision however, he felt Gladio straddle his waist and Prompto sit on his ankles. They’d stopped their previous ministrations to settle into their positions, and Noctis realized he was in trouble.
Oh Gods.
“Okay! Okay, I’m awake!!” Noctis pleaded. “I’ll get up!”
“Oh, dear, Noct,” Ignis chuckled. “You were so adamant on staying asleep a minute ago... Whatever changed your mind?”
“You know what!”
“Hmm... I don’t seem to recall... Was it because I was doing... this?” A poke to his ribs. “Or this?” Another poke, this time to his neck. “Or... perhaps it was this?” He gave the spot underneath Noctis’ ear a small scratch, and the prince became undone. What was worse is that he could feel Gladio lifting up his shirt, and Prompto’s fingers holding his toes back. 
“N-No... nonono p-please, Specs, I’ll do anything,” Noctis found himself begging, something he wouldn’t do unless in a situation with tickling involved, of all things.
“Then perish.”
With that, all of Noctis’ worst spots were targeted, and he screamed bloody murder upon first contact. Between the shrieks and howls he could feel Ignis scratching at that one soft spot underneath his ears, a spot that would make him melt in seconds. He could feel Gladio’s calloused fingers scritching at his tummy, chuckling at the way Noctis arched his back as if he was asking for more. But most of all, he could feel Prompto’s fingers tickling underneath his toes, his worst spot. 
Noctis could say he was definitely awake now.
“So, how about it, princess? You gonna get up now?” Gladio asked, leaning down to blow a raspberry on Noctis’ tummy, which in turn made him shriek.
“YEHEHE-! YEHEHEHEHES!!! G-GODS, I’M AWAHAHAKE!!” The prince yelled, and the tickling stopped. His boyfriends didn’t move, however, still pinning him to the ground. Residual giggles bubbled out of Noctis uncontrollably, and Prompto couldn’t help but giggle with him.
“Dude, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as ticklish as you,” Prompto teased, giving Noctis’ foot a tiny poke, watching as his other foot came in front to protect it. The blonde giggled at this.
“I-I’m not... that bad...” Noctis panted, his face flushed completely red.
“You are,” Gladio said, running his hands over Noctis’ tummy, watching the boy underneath him squirm and squeak. “See? Can’t even give you a belly rub without you gettin’ all giggly.”
“Ohohokay!! I get it!!” Noctis giggled, and when Gladio stopped, he opened his eyes to see Ignis staring at him.
“Oh, don’t be worried about it, darling,” said Ignis. “It’s absolutely adorable.”
Noct whined, pouting and crossing his arms. That didn’t last long though, as Gladio gave him one last poke to the side before climbing off of him. Ignis and Prompto followed, and they watched as Noctis sat up and rubbed his eyes. 
As Ignis prepared breakfast, with Prompto and Gladio fooling around on the campsite, Noctis couldn’t help but think how grateful he was for his evil boyfriends. 
I guess I won’t be sleeping in anytime soon...
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winterstarqueen · 3 years
I'm not sure this idea could be relevant to the plot or be used as a side chapter to the riku x reader x yozora story but Im kinda in the need of angst. This is before yozora found the reader, where yozora is holding the heart shaped locket which brings up a painful memory of when the reader died but before she did, she wanted to see him one last time(in other words her death is similar to of Luna's) after the memory ends a single tear falls from his cheek as he promises himself that they will see each other again. You don't have to do this if you don't want to
Our never ending promise. (Yozora x female reader)
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(Warning: death, and sadness.)
Yozora was looking around the city. He did this when he wasn’t fighting the Gigs. Just hoping that you were around here. You had to show up eventually. Because that’s what that old man told him. That you became a nobody. He didn’t quite know what he meant by nobody. But, if you’re alive then he was going to find you. Even though you broke your promise. He stopped by a flower shop. Although he looked here multiple times he just had to stop. Because you loved flowers. He closed his eyes.
He was looking all over for you. But,he couldn’t find you anywhere. “(Y/n)? Where are you?” He asked. You sat up and said. “I’m right here.” “Did you fall asleep in the flowers again?” Noct asked. You yawned before saying. “Y-Yeah.” “What am I going to do with you?” He asked sitting next to you. “Make sure that I’m all set up when you become king. I want a nice house with a garden that has beautiful flowers. Just like these.” You said smiling. “Don’t you want to live in the castle? Because there’s plenty of room.” He asked. “Well, I’m going to have to think about it.” You said. He turned his head before saying. “The castle gardens are much bigger. You can use the library whenever if you want.” “Are you trying to bribe me?! I can’t believe you!” You said turning your head. “No. That’s not...” He said frowning. Noctis didn’t want you to be mad at him. He just wanted to rule with you by his side. You’re his best friend and he didn’t want you to leave.“I’m just joking around with you.” You said laughing. “You were scaring me for a minute. I don’t like it when we argue.” “I don’t either.” You said laying back down and watching the clouds. You then picked up a flower. “We should probably head back.” You said after a while. You got up and that was when he grabbed your hand. “What is it?” You asked. He looked at you for a while. Now was his chance to tell you. “Have you ever felt like you wanted something but,couldn’t have it?” He asked you. “Well, there was a book I wanted...” “That’s not what I mean.” He said. “Oh? It’s getting late. Let’s talk about this later.” You said frowning. “Okay.” He said looking down. You never did.
“If only I told her. Then she probably wouldn’t have left.” He said frowning. Everything changed between the two of you and it wasn’t because of your disappearance. It was because you were confused. You simply didn’t understand what he was getting at. He tried to tell you in multiple ways. He remembered even falling more in love with you. Yozora went to the park to look for you there. He sighed upon remembering the last time the two of you were together.
You weren’t acting like yourself and Noctis was getting worried. At first he just thought it was because you were getting a cold. As soon as you got up you barely said a word. This was very unusual. Because you would always say good morning. “(Y/n) what’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?” He asked. Was this about being the wedding planner? Because that seemed stressful. “Huh? I’m okay.” You said picking up you fork. You were going to eat some of your waffles. However Noct stopped you. “Are you sure? You haven’t been acting like yourself.” He asked. “Yes...I’m just sleepy that’s all.” You said yawning. Today was your last day with him. A couple nights ago you had a nightmare. For some reason you found out Luna’s and Noct’s fate. You couldn’t let them die. They’re your good friends. It didn’t matter what happened to you. As long as they are safe. “C-Can we spend the whole day together? Just the two of us.” You asked trying not to cry. If you cried. He would definitely ask more questions. And try to stop you from doing this. “Let me go ask the others.” He said taking out his phone. As he sent a text. You looked out the window. What you were going to do was best for everyone. You just had to remember that. “They said that we could.” He said. “Okay. Let’s go to the arcade. We can play video games together.” You said. The two of you did all your favorite things. Soon it was sunset. “This sunset is so beautiful.” You said smiling. Noctis looked at you. You looked so beautiful it was almost like this sunset brought out your beauty. You were going to show him the wedding plans. But,as soon as you got it out he stopped you. “What are you doing?” “You have to see what I have planned. There is just a few things that you should see.” You said opening the the book. “Let’s just enjoy the sunset. We can talk about it tomorrow.” “O-Okay....” You said putting it back in the car. You then took out your favorite pen and crossed out your name from the guest list. There was no way that you could make it to the wedding. There wasn’t enough time. “(Y/n)...” “Yes.” You said. “Thank you.” “For what?” “Everything you do.” “I don’t think I do that much.” You said sitting next to him. “But, you do. You always put others first. If you want that little house with the garden then you got it.” “Thank you....but,I can’t accept it.” You said frowning. “Well, what do you want then? Just name it and I’ll get it for you.” He asked. “Don’t forget me.” You said frowning. “I won’t ever forget you.” He said putting his hand on top of yours.
Yozora sighed while looking at the sunset. If only he knew what you were planning. Then he could’ve stopped you and you would’ve been safe. He took out your locket and sighed.
You were sitting in the gardens looking down. “There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you. (Y/n) you have always been by my side and I want to tell you something. I....” “Noct...I’m....I’m dying....” You said with tears. “What?! I don’t understand....” He said frowning. You didn’t show any symptoms of illness. So how could you be dying? Were your symptoms not noticeable? Did your other friends know? Why didn’t tell him? Everything melted away and the two of you were in a dark place. “Promise that you won’t forget me.” You said crying. “I promise. But,(Y/n) why didn’t you tell me?” He asked. “You would’ve stopped me.” You said explaining everything. It was true if he knew. He would’ve stopped you. Because he loves you so much. He was hoping that this was some sort of nightmare. Because he couldn’t imagine his life without you. You held out your locket. “Please take care of this for me.” You said. “But, it’s only thing that you have left. Didn’t you say that your parents gave it to you?” “Yes.I really want you to have it. So,I’ll always be with you.” You said crying. He took it from you. “We’ll meet again I promise.” You said. He reached out to hug you. But, it was too late you disappeared. “(Y/n)....” He cried. He then woke up. It was just a bad dream. That scared him so much. After he got up he went to your room or at least the room you were staying in. He knocked a couple times. No answer...he knocked again no answer. He then went to the kitchen. Because you sometimes helped out there. “Has anyone seen (Y/n)?” He asked his friends. They all fell silent. He didn’t like this. “Where is she?!” He asked a bit upset. No one was telling him anything. He needed to know that you were okay. Was this some sort of prank? “Noctis...s-she’s dead...the guards found her...body this morning.” Luna cried. This couldn’t be real....it just couldn’t. There was no way that you could do this. All he knew was that he had to see you. He had to make sure that this wasn’t a nightmare. He ran around the castle looking for you or at least your body. He finally found you in one of the rooms. Noctis told the guards that if they didn’t let him in. Then they would lose their jobs. With that they let him in. “(Y/n)....” He said. This wasn’t a nightmare this was real. He held your hand. You felt so cold. “What happened to you?! D-Did you really change our destinies?” He asked crying. You still had wounds from what you did. “If you only knew. If you only knew how much I loved you. Then none of this would’ve happened. I’m so sorry....” He said kissing your head.
After that day his life wasn’t the same. Yozora looked at your locket and shed a single tear. At least he could find your nobody. Whatever that was. He was just hoping that the old man was right. He put your locket away and continued looking. You made him a promise. That you’ll see each other again. So he would continue to look for you.
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ffxvficrec · 3 years
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A couple of call outs -
- We have listed relationships [platonic and romantic], ratings, and Archive Warnings 
- With that in mind, please tread mindfully! Remember to look at the tags before reading.
You can also check out the AO3 collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/FathersWeekFFXV2021/works
Day 1: Missing you | I love you more than Eos itself | Baby’s first words 
Kids Say The Darndest Things by WhoStarLocked
No Archive Warnings Apply
Clarus Amicitia/Original Female Character(s)
Clarus Amicitia & Cor Leonis
Clarus Amicitia/Gladiolus & Iris Amicitia's Mother
Clarus Amicitia & Gladiolus Amicitia
General Rating
Or, how Gladio almost wrecked his parents' marriage and nearly got Cor killed in the process.
Grandad, Not Dada! by TheDarkestDandelion 
No Archive Warnings Apply
Regis Lucis Caelum & Somnus Lucis Caelum
Mors Lucis Caelum & Regis Lucis Caelum
Ardyn Izunia & Cor Leonis & Regis Lucis Caelum
Ardyn Izunia/Cor Leonis
Teen Rating
Ardyn, being the kind and affectionate uncle he is, decides to inform Regis about the time the king said his first word.
His first word being 'dada.'
However, Regis did not gift his own father with that title... instead, that honour went to Somnus. From that one word, it set off a whole chain of events that neither Ardyn or Somnus would ever forget.
Necktie Assistance by SimpleLoon
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis Lucis Caelum & Regis Lucis Caelum
General Rating
Noctis struggles with preparing for the evening's gala. Regis arrives with the proper assistance. 
Prompt: Father's advice (from Day 6)
Manila Isn’t Home Yet by seaofolives
No Archive Warnings Apply
Clarus Amicitia & Gladiolus Amicitia
Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia
General Rating
“Oh yeah, Ninong won’t be joining us?”
“He’s got his own date tonight,” Clarus chuckled, thinking about his friend’s second shot at romance. He supposed no one really was too old, too late for that. Gladiolus’ phone gave a cheerful beep, like a quick violin note, to herald the message sliding down from the top of the screen.
Ok, it read, from a sender named, Sungit 🥰.
“Sungit?” Clarus spoke the name out loud. Now, he may not be fluent in Tagalog but he still knew, from all the cumulative years he’s lived in the Philippines, that… “Doesn’t that mean ‘grouch’?” A negative word, not quite equitable to a smiling face with three hearts.
The way Gladiolus glanced at his phone, one would have thought that Clarus had just pointed him to a dog he’d been about to run over, assuming that that was still possible at all in Manila’s crawling traffic. He’s, “Uh,” tripped somewhere between his throat and his mouth before he nodded, rapid ups-and-downs of his head. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right, Dad. You’re right.” He took that turn to the right.
Where It Matters Less by fayth (zanarkand)
No Archive Warnings Apply
Cor Leonis & Noctis Lucis Caelum
Noctis Lucis Caelum & Regis Lucis Caelum
General Rating
After defending Insomnia from an attack, Regis falls into a coma, and is unable to have visitors. Noct does his best to cope, but it's getting harder and harder to pretend to everyone that he's okay. When it finally becomes too much for him, Cor is there to help him through it.
Lessons in Parenting by Lady_Kaie
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis Lucis Caelum & Regis Lucis Caelum
Father and Son - Relationship
Teen Rating
Regis needs to raise his baby son on his own without his Queen. He could put the task to one of his many servants, but he is determined to be a hands on father and be there for his son. Here are some of his escapades... and some of those lessons that every parent must figure out sooner or later.
Calling Home by thetealord
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ardyn Izunia/Cor Leonis
Clarus Amicitia/Regis Lucis Caelum
Prompto Argentum & Ardyn Izunia & Cor Leonis
General Rating
"Hey kid," Cor said quietly, "how are you doing? Having fun?"
children will listen by jonphaedrus
No Archive Warnings Apply
Prompto Argentum & Ardyn Izunia & Cor Leonis
Prompto Argentum & Ardyn Izunia
Ardyn Izunia/Cor Leonis
General Rating
The substitute teacher—whose name he didn’t remember except that he thought it was Mx. J—hauled him back and away from recess and then plonked Prompto in the No-Good Time Out Chair Of Bad Behavior. She scowled at him, shook her finger, and then said, “I don’t know who taught you that, but I’m calling your mother.”
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Finger Guns (Prompto Argentum x Reader)
Characters: Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Tags: Fluff, hurt/comfort
Warnings: Guns
Word Count: 1,7k words
Requested by @xwhenyouwakeupx​: Hello! You're writing is so lovely. I was wondering if you could write a ficlet for a fem!reader x Prompto from FFXV where Prompto finds out that reader is terrified of guns but pretends to be fine even though she tenses up whenever she sees them. He does everything he can to comfort her and teaches her that it’s okay and eventually is able to place a gun in her hands. 
A/N: I thought I was very inspired for this one, but in the end I’m a bit insecure about the result. Hope you like it, lovelies!
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Prompto Argentum x Female Reader
“Score!” Prompto exclaimed at the end of the battle, throwing his fist up in victory. You took a few steps away from his because of his broad movements. “We did it!”
“Could use a nap” Noctis mumbled, stifling a yawn as he began leading the way.
“You always want to nap” Gladio teased him, pushing the prince a little to annoy him.
“Nice job!” Prompto was suddenly next to you. He seemed to have moved while you were busy listening to your friend’s conversations. “Up top!”
You tensed up when you realized he was holding his hand up for a high five. Even if he was a sweet boy, in reality you wanted nothing to do with him. You hadn’t really connected with Prompto and there was something holding you back, you just didn’t know what.
Only to be polite, you threw your hand against his and dedicated him a forced smile. Instead of being satisfied with it, Prompto frowned at your reaction.
“Uh…” He muttered, awkwardly scratching his nape. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah” You lied, noticing your shoulders were tense and trying to relax your muscles.
“It’s just… Do you have a problem with me?” Prompto whispered, averting his gaze. Suddenly, you felt guilty when seeing his crestfallen expression. “Did I do something to upset you? I-If so, I’m sorry! I didn’t meant to, Y/N”
Inhibited by this, you just stood there trying to gather your thoughts. You couldn’t remember him doing anything specific that explained your aversion for him. Still, it was true that you had been avoiding him and felt strange when he was close to you. Despite it all, you didn’t really know what to reply to him.
“Prompto” Ignis calmly called him, politely intervening. “If I may, I believe I know what the problem is”
The two of you looked at him and then at each other, surprised. You knew Ignis was observant, but it shocked you that he had noticed your issue and that he was willing to step in to help you fix it.
“Y-You do?” You mumbled in astonishment, wondering what Ignis was thinking.
“I do” He assured, nodding his head in determination.
“R-Really?” The blond locked eyes with you. “What is it, Iggy?” 
Feeling helpless, you stared at Ignis. The smallest of smiles gathered at the corner of his lips, but he hid it by bowing his head down and adjusting his glasses to his face.
“I believe she is not upset at you” He calmly motioned over to the guns in his hands. “But she seems startled by your weapons and her distaste of them has spread over to your persona”
You gawked at him for a moment, understanding how right he was. After a while traveling together, the five of you had shared many battles. This meant that for some time you had been startled every time Prompto fired his weapons. If Ignis’ theory was correct, this had nearly conditioned you to have a bad reaction towards Prompto because of his guns.
“Yeah… It’s the... the guns...” You timidly muttered, admitting your dislike for them.
“Oh!” Prompto glanced down to them and quickly back to you, instantly summoning the guns off until they were gone. It brought you immediate relief, which also confirmed it: Prompto wasn’t the problem – you were only put off by his weapons.
You had no problems with swords. Even Gladio’s one, as big as it was, didn’t worry you. However, guns were something else entirely. As often as you had to go into battle, you always tried to distance yourself from Prompto, this became clear to you. His weapons intimidated you enough on their own to on top of all having to hear the loud and startling sound of him shooting close to your ear. Despite how much it bothered you, it felt like something a bit silly to be upset about taking in consideration it was your day to day. It didn’t seem to faze them at all, but they had noticed, as you probably grimaced every time he shot and were willing to help you overcome this issue.
“I-I can stop using them” Prompto offered, giving a carefree shrug. “I can also fight without them, if they scare you...” 
“Actually, we could use your long range support” Gladio patted his back, making him stumble with the force.
“Perhaps the best thing to do would be help Y/N get over her fear”
“Yeah! You have nothing to be afraid of, Y/N, I promise. I know how to safely use them”
“Why don’t you try using them? Wanna give it a… shot?”
“Too soon, Gladio”
“Alright” You laughed a little, relaxing because of their pun and Prompto’s scandalized reaction. “I’ll try”
“Great!” Prompto sweetly smiled at you. “I can teach you!”
“Can we camp first?” Noctis finally piped up after being silent the entire time. “I’m beat”
“Alright, Noct” Ignis agreed with a nod. “That way Prompto and Y/N have somewhere to practice”
You felt your hands shaking as Prompto took out his guns. The boys sat not too far from you, relaxing and taking amongst them as Noctis took his long awaited nap. There was nothing that indicated danger, and even if the goal was to teach you not to fear them and how to properly use them, you couldn’t help but to go over worst case scenarios in your head. All of them involved accidentally shooting and hurting someone. Swords didn’t have that problem.
Prompto expertly loaded his guns, making sure you saw every single step. He was convinced that once you understood how they worked you wouldn’t be so afraid of them anymore. You weren’t so sure about it.
“Now” He said once he was done preparing them. “Wanna hold it?”
“Not really…” You warily eyed the gun he offered you, but didn’t move.
“C’mon, it’s okay!” He reached closer to you until you begrudgingly took it from him. “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise”
Taking a shaky breath in, you nodded your head. You had to try, otherwise you would never get over this fear. And you wanted to, especially after you realized you had related your aversion to guns to Prompto. It wasn’t that you disliked him, but you had subconsciously started to distance yourself from him because of his choice of weapons.
Prompto moved slowly, trying to keep you calm, as he put the gun in your palm. You gasped a little at the contact, surprised by the weight of it as well as the cold temperature of the metal cover.
“It’s all about gun control” Prompto then said, showing you how he put the safety on. “I’m always very careful”
To demonstrate, he pulled the trigger. Nothing happened as the weapon was locked. It made you sigh in relief, teaching you that he did indeed take all the necessary precautions.
“Whaddya say?” He turned to you, still lowering his gun to avoid it pointing at you even with the safety on. “Wanna try to shoot it?”
You looked down to the weapon in your hand, keeping it as far away from you as possible. It started shaking in your hand at the thought of using it. Feeling helpless, you gulped and looked up at Prompto. He frowned when you vehemently shook your head.
“That’s okay, baby steps” Moving slowly again, he took the gun from you and summoned it off. “You still held it! That’s a lot, Y/N! I’m proud of you”
You smiled a little when he gave you a friendly nudge. At the very least, you weren’t feeling stupid about your fear anymore. It really helped that Prompto and the boys took it seriously.
“We can give it another try later if you want” He offered, fixing his warm blue eyes on you. “You were still very brave to hold it!”
“Yes, please” You heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Prompto”
“No problem!” He beamed at you, giving you such a bright grin that you wondered how you could have disliked such a lovable person before. “I can still stop using them if you want…”
“No, it’s okay. But can you…” You began, but timidly paused. Prompto hummed at you, encouraging you until you felt confident enough to speak up. “Can you try to stay away when you use them?”
“Sure thing!” Prompto chuckled in a cute way. “But I’ll have to make up for it by being closer when we’re not in the middle of a battle”
“Deal” You laughed too, finding that you actually really enjoyed being with him. “I’m sorry that we have to stop now”
“It’s fine! If you prefer, we can use finger guns for now” He held his hands up in that position, starting to run around and dodging as though you were in an actual battle.
You giggled, glad to play into his game: holding your hands up and bending your fingers like they were guns, you pretend to shoot at him. Prompto dramatically rolled to the side, successfully dodging the imaginary bullets. You two started to chase each other, taunting each other and taking cover behind anything you could find. Hidden behind a rusty barrel, you laughed and shoot him with your finger guns.
Several minutes of back and forth later, you had left your improvised covers behind at a certain point. Then, you pointed at Prompto and he was more than happy to play dead in response.
“Ah, you got me!!” He clutched his chest and threw himself to the floor, giving his performance a serious flare despite his smile. “Right in the heart!”
You laughed as you ran to him, kneeling beside him and shaking his shoulder when he fell. Your friend limply moved and held his tongue out. Still he was laughing and opened his eyes when you tried to revive him by tickling his sides.
“Ah! Okay, you got me!” He exclaimed, giggling along with you. “I’m alive, it’s a miracle”
You shoved him a little, feeling a connection with him even after spending such a short period of time together, of actually interacting with him.
“Children!” Gladio called you, bringing you back to reality. “Get a move on, we’re leaving”
“Same time tomorrow?” Prompto asked you, earning an affirmative nod from you.
You offered Prompto a hand, which he took to be pulled to his feet. Contrary to your previous feelings towards him, now you felt calm and safe with him. The two of you went to reunite with Noctis, Ignis and Gladio, smiling at each other.
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn / @wonderlandfandomkingdom​​ / @anxiouslyreckless​ / @xionroxas​ / @dancewaterdance02​ / @blossattic​ / @little-faerie-artist​ / @x-joie-x​ / @sylleblossomstar​ / @legallyblindgamer727​ / @lotsoffandomstoimagine​ / @goodmorningawfulbye​ / @trunks-kiwi​ / @kirahhhh​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, send me an ask!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Can you please make another part to Who are you that Noctis x female reader? When she slowly begins to remember. But,for some reason she can’t remember Noctis. He brings her to all those places that they made those memories. She gets small flashbacks but can’t quite make out who was with her. (Can you please add some of their flashbacks?)
Who Are You Part 2
Warnings: angst/fluff
Rating: SFW
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It’s been a couple of months since you had lost your memory and Noctis was doing everything he could to help you remember. The good news was that you were starting to remember. The bad news was, you still couldn’t remember who Noctis was. One day, Noctis had took you to one of your favorite spots and tried to see if you could remember anything. You remembered some, but not a lot. 
~Le Flashback~
You and Noctis were walking along the gardens, admiring the beautiful plants that decorated the place. You were wearing a beautiful flowy dress that made Noctis fall in love with you even more. You walked towards a fountain and stood in front of it, and looked at the stars. 
“Have I ever told you that you that you’re the most beautiful woman that I have ever met?” Noctis asked, looking at you. 
“You tell me that every day,” you said giggling. 
“Because it’s true. You’re so beautiful. I gotta be the luckiest guy to be your boyfriend.” You wrapped your arms around his neck while he placed his hands on your waist. 
“Well, If I’m the most beautiful woman then that must mean that you’re the most handsomest man that I have ever met,” you said. 
“Guess we’re even then,” he said. You smiled and kissed him. He kissed back and pulled you closer to him. You soon broke for air and rested your foreheads together. 
“I love you,” he said. 
“I love you too,” you said. 
~Flashback Over~
“Do you remember anything?” he asked. 
“A little. I remember being here on a date but I just don’t remember who,” you said. Noctis knew that you meant him. He knew that it was going to take time but it was torture seeing you not remember him. You and Noctis kept walking around, seeing if you could remember anything. You soon got tired and decided to call it quits for today. 
“I think you’re making great progress. We’ll continue tomorrow, okay?” he said.
“Okay. See you tomorrow,” you said. 
“Night.” You closed your bedroom door and went to sleep. But when you did, you had another flashback.
You and Noctis were cuddling in bed while watching the snowfall outside. It was night time and you really wanted to go outside to play in the snow, but Noctis wouldn’t let you. 
“Baby, I don’t want you to get sick,” he said. 
“I’ll be wearing snow gear. It’ll be fine,” you said. 
“Do you realize how cold it is outside even with snow gear?” 
“I don’t care. Please?” 
“No. I’m not letting you get sick.” 
“Fine. Meanie.” 
“I’m not a meanie. I’m just looking out for you.” 
“Fine. Meanie.” Noctis sighed and hugged you tighter. 
“I love you,” he said. 
“I love you too. Meanie.” 
You woke up in the middle of the night and finally remembered who that person was that kept appearing in your flashbacks. 
“Noct,” you whispered. 
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starsandauras · 3 years
Prompt #18: Devil’s Advocate
FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge Prompt 18: Devil’s Advocate
“Okay, now hear me out—” started Prompto, and he winced at the near instant response that came down the line over the video call, at high volume.
“Absolutely fucking not!”
“Oh come on guys…” he pouted, trying to look at both Araki and Goro with the Sad Eyes.
Araki huffed and Goro scowled. “I remember what happened the last time we heard you out,” Araki grumbled.
“Let’s go through the list, shall we?” Goro asked, and he was using that I Am Being Very Formal And Polite voice that they all hated. “The last time we heard you out, it ended in Yuna nearly losing her voice, a scorched patch of earth in Hero’s backyard, his *boyfriend* trying to curse you, somehow tricked Alphinaud into playing Higurashi, and Futaba nearly had to fucking rebuild Jester’s computer!”
“And Arthur still hasn’t forgiven you, by the way. He almost didn’t forgive me,” Araki muttered, almost under his breath.
Silently at Goro’s side Akira nodded, black tail gently waving behind him. His ears drooped lightly in disappointment.
“So no, Prompto Argentum, we will not ‘hear you out’,” Goro finished, smiling that Perfect Good Boy smile that everyone hated just as much as that horrible voice.
Prompto’s phone chimed, and he looked down at it to find a message from Futaba. [And I DID have to buy Akira a new keyboard!]
He looked back up and held his hands up placatingly. “Okay, so I’ve made mistakes! Which one of us hasn’t, huh? We’re all human, right? So give me another shot!”
“No,” Araki said again, voice firm. “We still haven’t gotten the grass to grow back in that spot. So today, we’re going to hear me out, or maybe Jester if he feels up for talking today?”
Akira shook his head, ears dipping again. “Another sore throat, I’m afraid,” Goro sighed.
“You gotta get that looked at, man,” Prompto said, shifting in his seat and frowning. “You still got your tonsils?”
“Llewellyn knows a doctor in your neck of the woods,” Araki offered, tilting his head. “I can get their contact info from him if you want?” When Akira waved his hands in a ‘no, it’s fine’ gesture Araki shrugged. “Your throat then. So to the proper business we were all assembled for before Prompto decided to make a terrible suggestion—”
“You didn’t even let me say it!”
“—We four, the main representatives of the Phantoms, the Lucians, and the Champions, are here to settle on our next collaboration event. Because I am not letting the two of you sound alikes gang up on us again in Last Legends, no thank you!”
“But it was such fun,” Goro nearly singsonged, even though the words still had a bite to them.
“Only because you won!”
“Git gud, Hero~” Prompto teased, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms behind his head.
“How does Luna put up with you?”
He shrugged. “Mostly for Noct’s sake.”
“I put forth my veto for Minecraft,” Goro interrupted, clearly intent on getting the meeting over with, ignoring the sound of dismay coming from both Araki and Akira. “I enjoy not blowing up and having my time wasted. Jester is vetoing Genshin Impact.”
“If we’re issuing vetoes, mine’s down for Among Us,” Prompto added, finally getting into the swing of things. “It’s over-saturated.”
“And my perma veto for Fortnight continues to be in effect,” Araki finished, nodding. He looked at his second monitor, clearly thinking. “What about Stardew Valley? We’re due a chill night anyway. And it’s a night Arthur can play with us, which will go a long way to making up for Prompto’s nonsense.”
Akira coughed softly, then croaked out, “He can join when he stops trying to call me by your name.”
“Yeah, that’s… that’s an issue. I’ll forewarn him, should help. Other than that, does anyone have any objections?”
“Nah, Stardew’s great! Ignis loves it, we’ll just have to make sure Noct doesn’t live up to his username. Again. Took us hours to pull him away from fishing the night we did Last Legends.”
“We have no further objections,” Goro replied after a nod from Akira.
“Thank the Twelve they managed to expand the multiplayer aspect,” Araki murmured, still watching his second monitor as he typed. “I’m letting the others know, most of them have Stardew.”
“Is there anyone who doesn’t have Stardew at this point?” Prompto asked, composing his own messages.
“As far as my fans know, I don’t,” Goro replied casually, looking over Akira’s shoulder as he sent the message out to the Phantoms. “Clashes with my branding.”
“Of course it does,” Araki sighed. “And with that, meeting adjourned until we hear back from our respective teammates and before Prompto suggests something that ends with Paine reminding us why she’s named Paine.”
“That was one time!”
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bgn846 · 3 years
Together At Last a/b/o ffxv ot4 fic
Noct was so done with this bullshit, this had to stop. Knocking loudly on the door to Gladio and Ignis’ apartment Noct waited for an answer. They were home he knew this much, it was their date night. Pushing aside his slight wave of guilt at interrupting them he twisted his face into a scowl. This was serious, their stupid actions were making Prompto feel bad, he was sure of it.
Finally, he heard noise from inside and the small light from the peephole briefly faded. The door opened immediately afterward and Ignis was there looking an equal mix of worried and confused. “Highness, is everything alright? I thought you were staying at home this evening with Prompto?”
Seeing Ignis start to fret was doing things to his inner alpha, and they weren’t even together like that. Working to stay focused Noct tried to steer his teenage brain back on track. This was about his future beta, not Ignis. “No, everything is not alright!” he spit out while crossing his arms, Gladio did this all the time it looked intimidating enough.
“What’s happened, do we need to call Cor? Is Prompto alright? Where is he?” Ignis asked rapid-fire as he moved aside to allow him entry.
“Princess, what the hell are you doin’ here?” Gladio asked as he joined them in the hallway.
Forgetting his plan Noct barged in past Ignis and got right up in Gladio’s face. “I’m here because you two are making Prompto upset!”
“Whoa, hey, no need to be all crazy!” Gladio shouted back. “We didn’t do anything wrong, what’s this all about?”
“Is he alright?” Ignis tried once more, it was clear he was worried.
Ignoring the question, Noct continued to glare daggers at both of them. “He cried today because of whatever game you two are playing!” Unfurling his arms he pointed a finger directly in Gladio’s face and then to Ignis.
“We are not playing any games, I can assure you,” Ignis responded quickly. “Please, will you tell us what’s happened?”
“You two should know! Seriously this is stupid I can’t believe you’d pull this shit. You know I love him and this is what you do?” Noct couldn’t believe his friends would have treated Prompto so badly. His best friend had been acting strangely for nearly a month and today it was the worst. His beta had cried and when Noct questioned him about it Prompto refused to say. The only hint Noct had was when he mentioned possibly talking to Gladio and Ignis, Prompto had flipped out. They’d done something to him Noct was sure of it!
“We haven’t done anything to Prompto, I swear!” Gladio exclaimed. “You need to calm down and explain yourself.”
Hearing Gladio dismiss him so easily made Noct’s alpha tendencies flare, all rational thought was rapidly beginning to lose out to his anger. Before he realized what was happening Noct was yelling at Gladio and trying to hit him. His shield deflected his attempts which only made Noct madder. Vaguely aware of hands-on him Noct growled and tried to hit Gladio once more. His focus was solely on the other alpha in front of him. Then out of nowhere a sour scent filled the air and Noct snapped back to the moment with alarming clarity.
Ignis was standing between them holding his head with one hand. The other was blindly reaching out for something stable. Gladio had already moved to grab his arm. “Babe?! Fuck, did you get hit?” he asked with worry.
“No, its – you both – it’s too much,” Ignis managed before he listed to the side and Gladio caught him. “Your scents are too strong,” he added with a whine.
“Shit, sorry, how can I help?”
“Dunno,” Ignis hissed right before his legs buckled and Gladio carefully lowered him to the floor.  
“Are you in pain? What’s wrong? Talk to me please,” asked Gladio in a panic. It was obvious that he was very worried.
Without thinking, Noct kneeled down nearby and went to reach out to touch Ignis’ shoulder. Something in his brain was screaming at him to comfort Ignis. The urge to protect his friend was the strongest it had ever been. Unable to understand this new sensation he simply went along with what his inner alpha wanted.  That is until Gladio hugged Ignis close and growled at him.
Noct couldn’t stop himself from growling back and leaning into Gladio’s space. How dare he display such aggressive behavior, they were friends after all. Still unsure why he was feeling so off Noct continued to counter Gladio’s growls with his own.
“Not helping, not helping, not helping,” Ignis whimpered from where he was practically sandwiched between them.
Gladio stopped his alpha display the second Ignis fell quiet. “Sorry babe, I don’t know what to do to help, do we need to go to the doctor?” he asked leaning back to give them some space.
“Six no, you two need to bloody calm down.”
“I’m fine!” Noct replied in a huff.
“Hardly!” Ignis snapped right before he reached up and grabbed a fist full of Noct’s hair and pulled, hard.
The action caused Noct to lose his balance and he fell forward only catching himself just before the floor met his face. Surprisingly, this seemed to calm him down. The hand in his hair pulled slightly to get him to sit up.
“Listen carefully highness, where is Prompto?” Ignis asked with his hand still gripping Noct’s hair.
“My apartment,” he whispered, all the fight leaving his system.
“Does he know where you are?”
“No.” The hand in his hair tugged a little harder and Noct swore he heard Ignis growl under his breath. The sight was very surreal since he was still being cradled in Gladio’s arms like a baby.
“Have you been remembering to take your suppressants?”  
Noct nodded as best he could with Ignis iron grip holding his head in place. “The little blue bottle, yeah.”
Ignis let out a groan and finally released him. “Highness, the little blue bottle is your vitamin supplement. The orange bottle with the label that says monitrixan is your suppressant.”
“Since when?” Noct asked bewildered.
“Since I told you they changed it three months ago. I think you may be going into a rut.”
“No, no, no that can’t be right, I feel fine, I feel, I --.”
“Like a raging asshole?” Gladio finished.
“Oh gods, no I can’t be going into a rut, I won’t be able to hang out with Prompto. What if I try and take advantage?”
“I think we should discuss this with your boyfriend, in person!” Ignis huffed as he attempted to sit up. “He’s alone in your apartment and upset about something you’ve yet to tell us about.”
The severity of his actions came crashing down right at that moment and Noct couldn’t help but double over on the floor and cry out. He was such a jerk, oh gods, he’d left his best friend and future mate all by himself just because he wanted to yell for no good reason.
“Enough dawdling lets go there now, we can all talk together. I have a feeling I may know what’s going on.”
“You do?” Gladio and he asked in unison.
“Have you not considered how things have been changing between us all this year? How comfortable we all are together, the way Gladio tries to protect Prompto as much as me when we are out. It’s the same with you. Even just now you let me manhandle you. That’s not normal for a non-bonded pair.
“You’re my omega I’m gonna listen to you no matter what,” Noct blurted before he could think clearly. “Shit!” covering his mouth quickly Noct looked between Gladio and Ignis trying to see if they were upset or not.
Gladio barked out a laugh and relaxed slightly. “Damn kid, no wonder you were so protective of Iggy a minute ago.”
“How can I feel like this and not even realize it!” Noct wailed.
“Your emotions are a little out of it at the moment due to your unplanned rut coming. I suggest we go check on Prompto and talk more. Can you call him and see if he answers, he’s probably worried.”
“Yeah ah sure thing,” Noct tried to fish his phone out to call Prompto but he got instantly distracted when Gladio started to help Ignis stand up. Rushing over Noct grabbed Ignis to help.
“Highness, I don’t need help carrying Iggy,” Gladio chided as he fully stood with Ignis in his arms.
“I can walk,” Ignis added dryly.
“We’ll see about that,” said Gladio right before he put Ignis down on his own two feet. Noct again scrambled to keep Ignis upright as he swayed to the side.
“I won’t carry you but you cannot walk unaided,” Gladio admonished.
“Who’s driving?” Ignis asked ignoring Gladio’s comment.
“I had a car take me here, it’s still downstairs.”
“Even better, shall we?” Ignis offered as he tried to walk towards the door. Gladio was there to haul him upright when he stumbled.
“Do alpha scents really affect you that much?” Noct queried suddenly feeling very guilty for being the cause.
“I feel you both a little stronger than I would others since we are so close. Now, enough chit chat we need to go see Prompto.”
Prompto had long since abandoned his cocoon of blankets on the sofa, Noct had left nearly an hour ago and he’d still not returned. It was clear from his scent that he wasn’t mad at Prompto, but something was still off. Resigned to waiting for his friend to return Prompto tried not to worry. Things had taken an unexpected turn recently and he had no idea how to handle his feelings on the matter.
Then when Noct had asked him about it he’d flipped out and run to hide like a little kid. Noct had even offered to call Gladio and Ignis for help, oh, that had really freaked Prompto out. Those were the last two people he wanted to see. The feelings he’d been having were making him question his own relationship with Noct.
When he wouldn’t say what exactly was wrong Noct had thrown a tantrum and stormed off saying he’d fix things and that he’d be back. Unable to think of what Noct could have meant he paced the apartment and waited.
His ring tone broke the silence and Prompto snatched it off the coffee table to answer. “Hello? Noct?”
“Hey, um are you okay?”
“No, where are you? When are you coming back?” Before Noct could answer Prompto heard voices in the background. It was Ignis, shit, Noct had gone to get help despite what he’d said. “Are you bringing Ignis and Gladio over?”
“Yeah we are only a few minutes away, I’m so sorry for running out like that, we need to talk.” Again Prompto heard other voices, it seemed Ignis was saying they all needed to talk and that things would be alright. “I can go home and you guys can talk I don’t want to interrupt.”
“No!” Noct yelped, “Please don’t leave, dude we need to talk I’ve been a total asshole today and like I messed up my suppressants and shit, and I’m going into a rut, and I growled at Gladio earlier, and I tried to protect Ignis from him it’s nuts, I’m going insane. I really need you right now.”
“W-what? What do you mean you tried to protect him?”
“I think it's better if we talk in person, I’m feeling kinda flighty and Ignis helps.”
Prompto’s mind was reeling, Ignis helps? What the hell does that mean? Well, Prompto did actually know what that meant; he’d discovered this himself recently. Ignis being an omega had a really uncanny ability to calm him down with his scent. This combined with Gladio getting suddenly more clingy with him had begun to make Prompto feel things. Good things but things that he was still scared to explore.
“Prompto? Hey Prom, dude don’t bail on me now.”
“I’m here,” Prompto squeaked.
“Do I make you dizzy at all? I made Ignis get dizzy today cause I’m such a dick.” Ignis faint voice broke through telling Noct he was fine and to stop fretting.  “I mean Gladio did too but he and I – shit I dunno man—gah --  Prompto I’m a fucking mess right now. I hate going into a rut without warning.”
Suddenly worried about how Noct was going to handle his unwanted rut Prompto began overthinking everything. “I should go, for real if you’re going into a rut then that’s bad for me since I’m not bonded with you yet.”
“Prompto! Don’t leave! I’m serious we are pulling into the garage right now I’ll be up in a minute,” Noct babbled and then he hung up.
Standing frozen in the middle of the living room Prompto waited for Noct and the others to arrive. He’d missed his opportunity to run; now he had to face them all. However, when the sound of keys in the door signaled their arrival he was wholly unprepared for what came in. Noct burst in first looking crazed. The moment he spotted Prompto he ran over and hugged him fiercely.  Next Gladio came in with Ignis’ arm draped over his shoulder.
“I assure you I’m fine will you let me go!” The advisor requested trying to pull away.
“No, you’re gonna fall over like you almost did in the garage, and in the elevator, and in the damn hallway,” accused Gladio.
Ignis sighed loudly and steered Gladio closer, once he was within reach Prompto could only brace for the impact of Ignis grabbing his arm for support instead. “Are you alright? Noct refuses to tell us what has happened and I’m very worried.”
Looking at Ignis up close, the man seemed almost drunk. He was flushed in the face and holding him tightly. Forgetting his own issues for a second Prompto began questioning Ignis, he had a very strong desire to make sure Ignis was alright before they did anything else. “Are you hurt?”
“What? No, no, I’m – uh – I think, what did you say in the car dear?” Ignis asked over his shoulder as Gladio wandered away.
“You’re high on pheromones right now.”
“Yes! That!”
“But why? What happened?”
“Noct and Gladio began behaving like little miscreants and caused me to get dizzy.”
“Miscre—what? Please someone tell me what’s going on?!” Prompto cried.
“We were growling at each other and Specs got dizzy and then since we both felt really bad we tried to make him feel better with like a good scent, ya know? And now he’s sorta loopy because of it.”
“Loopy indeed!” Ignis huffed. “Prompto, we need to sit and talk, preferably on the couch so I don’t have to walk.”
Prompto stared idly at the little orange pill bottle on the coffee table, the label still fresh from where it had been ignored in the medicine cabinet for three months. Ignis had just finished explaining what he thought was happening and had gone quiet. If it weren’t for the fact that Noct was holding his right hand and Ignis his left, he may have tried to run away. Thank the six he was a beta, Prompto knew that if he was an omega he’d have had a heart attack long ago.  Already having anxiety about certain things would only get amplified being an omega.
Taking a big breath Prompto decided to voice his thoughts, it was what they were all waiting for after all. “Soooo, you’re telling me that little bottle right there triggered this whole thing, right?”
Ignis hummed in agreement but didn’t say anything more.
“Just to double-check, I’m not the only one who feels this way, like we’ve all been feeling it? I know you said Noct called you his omega and he’s already calling me his beta even though we aren’t bonded yet.” Prompto paused to gather courage for what he was about to say. “Um, so, like, you’re saying we could be a – a pack?”
Ignis nodded and squeezed his hand, Gladio smiled and nodded as well. That only left Noct, who wasn’t really in his right mind, but he had to get an answer from him too. Turning to his future alpha he smiled hoping Noct would admit his feelings.
“What? Why –why are you looking at me like that?” He sputtered. “I’m working really hard to not be a total jerk right now, what’d I do now?”
“You’re a lost cause buddy, I know you are acting oddly because of your rut coming but like do you want to be a pack?” Prompto asked hopefully.
“Yes! I mean yeah, sure, I think so,” correct Noct as he looked around at them and blushed.
“I still can’t believe we were all crushing on each other for the past few months and didn’t realize it!” lamented Prompto.
“Yes, well I didn’t exactly pick up on what was happening either; it seems we were all in the dark about our feelings. I do wish we’d noticed sooner though, I hate to think of you feeling upset just because you couldn’t categorize the new feelings you were experiencing.” Ignis sighed as he calmly rubbed his thumb across Prompto’s hand.
“And to think, we’d have still been in the dark if princess over there didn’t screw up his meds and turn into a total dickhead.”
“We’d have found out eventually,” Ignis added quickly. “We simply have a dramatic how we got together story now.”
“Dramatic? More like dimwitted,” joked Gladio.
“Hey! I didn’t mean to mess up stuff I just wanted Prompto to be happy and he was sad and I didn’t know it was because he liked you two and was afraid to tell me and like I didn’t know I felt the same way and I’m sorry!” Noct blabbered.
Prompto was starting to enjoy Noct’s loose-lipped nature but he knew other things came with a rut besides odd behavior patterns. “So ah, what are you going to do about your um, you know, needs?”
“Huh?” Noct asked with a blank look.
“What he always does, watch TV, whine at me for food, and go off to his bedroom to handle things, literally,” Ignis chimed in.
“Can’t Prompto come with me this time though?” Noct pleaded.
“Oh, no highness, you’re not bonded yet so that’s not happening.”  
“Yeah, I’m not exactly ready for that either yet, sorry buddy.” He and Noct hadn’t really gotten that intimate and Prompto definitely wanted to save it for when he wasn’t in a rut.
Noct started to whine but gave up and pouted instead.
“I can always help you out if you need,” Gladio teased from his spot in the armchair. “Iggy always says I’m the best, you can find out for yourself.”
“Gahhhhh no, not yet, not ready for that! I’ll be fine on my own.”
“Suit yourself.”
Prompto felt Ignis shift beside him and he turned to see the man watching him intently. “I suppose we will have a few new things to figure out now that we are to be together as a pack. Keeping Noct from going insane during a rut wasn’t what I hoped would be our first activity together but we must start somewhere.”
“I still can’t believe this is happening, we’re gonna be a pack!”
“I’m so happy we all feel the same way,” Ignis added.
“Well at least now we’ll all be mindful to not let Noct skip his suppressant medication,” Prompto replied.
“Yeah, he’s a right little asshole when he’s not in control of his alpha side,” Gladio cut in as he stood and came over to ruffle Prompto’s hair. “I’m gonna go make sure princess’ man cave is ready for later. I know what he’ll need. You two can handle him for now?”
Prompto nodded and looked over to Noct who’d remained silent and was leaning heavily into his shoulder. Maybe the day’s events had finally worn him out. “We’re all in this together now Noct, don’t worry we’ll all take care of you.” https://archiveofourown.org/works/32335489
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
Waiting, like Abscence, Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Gladnoct)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationship: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum
Summary: He pushed the boy away from him with more force than was necessary. If this was any other situation he would be kicking himself for causing such a hurt expression to pass Noct’s face. "You're underage."
Read on ao3
Gladio wrapped his arms around his prince, eating up the heat of him and the press of his body. He could keep kissing him all day for all he cared, but before he knew what was happening, there was a hand pressing against his junk and his eyes flew open. He pushed the boy away from him with more force than was necessary. If this was any other situation he would be kicking himself for causing such a hurt expression to pass Noct’s face.
“Noct,” he said harshly before the boy could say what he knew he was about to, “don’t you dare think that I don’t want to.”
That hurt expression quickly morphed into annoyance. “Then what’s the deal?” He tried to push forward but Gladio’s strength held him at arm’s bay.
“Huh, I wonder. Noct, you’re fifteen.”
“Yeah, so?”
“You’re underage.”
“Like I give a crap. I want you, Gladio.”
“You wanna know who gives a crap? Both our dads. I’m your shield, but you really think that’s gonna let ‘taking advantage’ fly?” He glared when Noct opened his mouth to object. “And, no, you telling them you wanted it ain’t gonna matter. Even if they decided not to strip my title, still wouldn’t make it right. You ain’t even sixteen yet, for fuck’s sake. Waiting ain’t gonna kill ya.”
“Yeah, but…”
“Noct,” his voice softened at the way his face fell. He pulled him back into an embrace. “Why is this so important to you?”
For some reason, this was the wrong thing to say, cause the prince tried breaking free from his grasp. “I don’t know. Maybe cause I freaking love you? Cause I don’t wanna sit by for three years while you...while you.”
“Hey!” Gladio cupped the back of his head, pressing it hard against his shoulder. “What the hell you going on about? While I what? Nothing’s gonna change. I’m still gonna be right here with you.”
“Damn it, Noct! I can’t clear whatever stupid thought you have going on in that head of yours if you don’t tell me what it is.”
“I know you. I know you like getting laid. I’m just supposed to sit here being a good little boy while you get off with someone else.”
Gladio pushed him back just enough to meet his gaze. He couldn’t help the soft smile at the adorable pout on Noct’s face. “You can be a real idiot sometimes, you know that?”
“You’re an asshole.”
“Really? An asshole head over heels for you.” Noct just continued to glare at him. “You act like I don’t have any self-control. Fine, maybe I’ve been with my fair share of lays, but that was only cause I was never in a serious relationship. You aren’t some lay, Noct. You’re my friend, my crown, my devotion. As if I’d push you away just to go fuck some stranger. I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait as long as it takes for you.”
Noct laughed. “You really are a romantic sap.”
Gladio smiled. “You know you love it.”
“Yeah, I do.”
Noct pushed up to kiss him again and thankfully kept his hands safely above the waist this time.
“Okay, fine. But if I so much as catch you eying someone else the wrong way, you’re gonna have to face punishment.”
Maybe Gladio did have less self-control than he thought because he was unable to stop his mind from imagining a completely lewd punishment. From the look on Noct’s face, he could tell too. “You aren’t about to make this easy on me, are you?”
“Hell no. I’m a brat, and you love it.”
“Against my better judgment.”
Noct smacked him and turned away with a smirk. “Just remember, if you ever break down, the offer’s always on the table.”
Gladio’s eyes were glued to the way Noct swayed his hips as he walked away. Damn, this brat. It was going to a long wait.
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