#i love fugo so dearly
dgaftilwedie · 2 months
pannacotta fugo, we are one in the same. come here let me bake you cookies or something
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cowchickenbeefpork · 2 months
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List of cluster b characters I like
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teethw0lf · 2 years
AYYYYYY AYYY AY. I’m back y’all. My (now Bronze Age but maybe sort of close to Iron Age) Scandinavian jojo fic is now up and being periodically updated if anyone wants to check this bad boy out
Graphic depictions of violence, weapons and fighting.
Character death (not main characters don’t you worry, I wouldn’t do that to my boys, their journey can’t be for nothing.)
This fic is not finished! This is an ongoing fan fiction that I’ve been working on for some time. I am very very excited to show this off and to start uploading finished chapters.
Im seriously so excited guys. I would really love if you checked this out. I’ve been holding back on sharing this til I’ve refined at least the first handful of chapters to my liking.
Ladies and gentlemen,
sad depressed gay guys fight for their damn lives in the snow in the late Bronze Age for some reason because I have niche interests.
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thornsofdeath · 7 months
bucci gang dynamics
my dear friend asked me how i see their relationships so here is my word dump
bruno and abbacchio def have something going on. whether or not the gang or even if they themselves know it, being the "mom and dad of the bucci gang" have made them feel things for one another. bruno is very caring and patient with everyone and loves them all dearly. abbacchio is the crabby guy like the muppet hecklers but he is also very caring- he just doesnt know how to show it. ig he only lets those colors show with bruno. he and fugo also get along nice and calmly. as weve seen abba and giorno have a rocky relationship, but probably because abba sees his younger self in him? idk. narancia is immature in an endearing younger brother way, for fugo and gio who are younger than him he is more older brother but ykwim. him and mista are bromanicng it up i cant even lie. mista is one funky guy. mista has some of the most questionable yet campy fashion of the group but still respectable, fugo giorno and nara all look up to him in diff ways. abba thinks he is a silly rascal and bruno sees them as kind of equals (not in a condescending way more of like. hes one of the first ones on the team and bruno respects him greatly) fugo…. omg fugo my fav… he has so much going on. so bruno is obv his most trusted person bc he saved him from jail and gave him a new life and allat and he is incredibly grateful and HUGELY respects him and doesnt tolerate bruno slander at all. mista is like fugo's weird gay older brother, nara is very dear to him from the day he picked him off the streets but he does get frustrated with his stubborn nature and simple math skills. him and giorno… fugo respects giorno greatly also from when he helps with the illuso battle to also when gio becomes don and they have that scene in purple haze feedback (mefinks they are gay but thats aside the point). next is giorno who admires everyone in the group silently, as a new gangman he wants to show them he is worthy but also take time to highlight all of their strengths, similar to fugo, he sees mista as like a cheeky weird gay brother. they go to each other with occasional gossip and secrets and all sorts of weird stories. finally trish (not technically part of the gang but yk. she is in my heart) she and mista are great friends and also narancia and her are close. she sees bruno as sort of a father figure because he was the closest thing she had before she "met" diavolo and also helped save her when diavolo tried to kill her.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 8 months
Fugo kneeled down on Bucciarati's grave, sobbing violently as passersby looked at him with a concerned expression. He clutched his hair tightly, quieting down his cries to draw less attention towards him.
He was ashamed of himself. Ashamed that he was crying so loudly in public. What would Bucciarati think?
No, Bucciarati would comfort him. He could never know what Bucciarati was thinking, the man was simply too hard to read. Fugo hated that about him. But then again, he could never hate him.
Fugo took a shaky breath, letting go of his hair and slowly lowering his trembling hands to rest on the plain grass. Bruno Bucciarati was the closest thing he had to a father. He wished he could've spent more time with him. He wished he had appreciated him more.
He wished he was still here.
But it was far too late for him to come back.
Fugo let out another sob, as he clutched the grass with his hands. He knew he was getting dirt under his fingernails. Usually this would bother him, but he couldn't bring himself to care anymore.
"Padre," Fugo choked out, swallowing his tears. He said the word as if it'd bring him back, knowing full well he couldn't bring back the dead.
He wanted to rip out his heart and bury it with his adoptive father's corpse. He knew he couldn't, but he yearned to.
Fugo lied on the grass, staring up at the sky with a solemn expression. He didn't want to go home. This was his home. He knew that the only time he was truly at home was when he was with the man he couldn't help but consider his father.
He wanted to die here, he wanted to lay on the grass forever and stare up at the sky until the world ended.And as he lay on his deathbed, he closed his eyes and waited for everything to come to a stop. The flowers on the grass lying 6 feet atop of the coffin tickled Fugo's face, and he enjoyed the feeling.
There weren't flowers when he got there. Fugo opened his eyes, hearing footsteps approaching.
The pale teen sat up, staring at Giorno as he approached.
"I thought you might be here," he said calmly, sitting beside Fugo.
Fugo looked away, hugging his knees to his chest. "I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Giorno reassured, placing his hand on Fugo's shoulder. "You're mourning the death of your friend."
"Father," Fugo took a shaky breath as he corrected the Don. "He was my father."
"You're mourning the death of your father," The green eyed boy corrected himself. "And I can see how deeply this is affecting you. You have every right to cry, Pannacotta. You don't have to hold back you're tears anymore. I'm here to be your shoulder to cry on."
Fugo turned to look at the boy sitting next to him, as his eyes welled up with tears. He swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure. "No... I can't. Not in front of you."
"Crying is healthy, Pannacotta," Giorno wrapped one of his arms around Fugo, gently pulling him closer. "You don't have to fight it. Just let yourself cry."
This was enough to drive Fugo over the edge, and he immediately burst into tears. He buried his face into Giorno's shoulder as he wept, feeling thankful that the man he loved cared so deeply about him.
He loved Giorno so fucking much.
He did feel guilty for getting his tears and snot Giorno's suit, but that didn't matter right now. All that matters is that he was in the arms of a boy that loved him dearly.
As Fugo finally calmed down and removed his face from Giorno's shoulder, he felt a kiss be placed on his forehead, which startled him.
"Did you kiss my forehead just then..?" Fugo asked, as he looked up at Giorno with his red, tired eyes.
The latter just looked at Fugo with confusion, combing his fingers through his snowy white hair. "No?"
Out of the corner of his eye, Fugo could've sworn he saw a silhouette fade into a golden mist.
this is what happens when i listen to Mitski
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shrimpychipz · 9 months
doodle I did for the one art that has been making me crazy all day because somethings wrong with me and I need to provide context and a plot to every art I make
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(I love drawing my hcs it’s kinda cringe but screw it be free from cringe and do whatever because yes) fugo and Narancia getting ice cream! Fugo will pay dearly for this sorry the lighting is so ass Don’t mind the green tint it’s thanks to my lovely cabbage squishy lamp thing because if I turn in any of the lights I will burst into flames and combust
might ink this one later along with the rest of the drawing
@freds-omuthoughts @lilacs-omuthoughts how I feel tagging y’all in a post ik you guys will think is super random because I have no other online friends and im scared of some rando finding this and bashing me for it
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dragkbluire · 5 months
It is I! the Wizard!
Oh how it hurts to be in love. . .
She sits in the restaurant at the table with her friends, her fellow gang members. She had joined Passione because of one man, a man who saved her from a horrible fate on the street. Bruno Bucciarati was a good man, one who had honor and dignity, was kind to the innocent, and fought with a fierce righteousness. And he had brought her in. . .and made her apart of this family.
Narancia and Fugo were doing Narancia's math work, Mista was reading a magazine, and Abbacchio was lost in the music from his head phones. She held her tea cup, looking into the liquid with sad eyes. She had fallen for Bruno after six months, and every day for a year and a half, her heart ached more and more. She loved him dearly. . .
Yet he didn't love her. He only saw her as family.
And she tryed to be content with it. She wanted to be content with it. . .yet it hurt, let a viper wrapped around her heart and squeezing hard. He didn't like her like that. . .
She kept quiet still. . .she dreamed of having coffee dates or going boating with the man. . .Yet she knew it was all a dream inhailed through a pipe. . .
So she decided she'd keep silent. . .and let the pain go on. . .
She heard Bruno enter the area of the restaurant they were in, yelling at the group for causing a scene, and introducing a boy named Giorno. Her heart skipped seeing Bruno. . .yet she kept quiet. ..
Shed never let him know. . .even in death. . .
I can't imagine how much it hurts to be close with the one you love but being unable to become a couple.
(Ah yes, angst my favorite)
Did she knew about Rolling Stone? That would be so sad yet so epic. I LOVE this kind of love stories, the ones they can't be together but they show their love with the action that shows more love than anything (dying for the other).
At the end, did she cried for Bucciaratti? Did HE cried for her?
Is he secretly in love too but he just says as "family" because he doesn't want to scare her?
Emotions ladies and gentlemen. You won't ever understand them.
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charmre · 5 years
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(you can also see them separately with colored stripes I’m not sure if I like or not:
Bruno | Giorno | Abbacchio | Mista | Trish | Fugo | Narancia)
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
The way id eat my own thumbs to know what the bucci gang would do if sr reader mentioned off hand that she wanted a boyfriend. Just hanging out with them on a balcony and she just offhandedly sighs “I wish that could be me!” when she sees a girlfriend giggling with her boyfriend outside I just think itd be silly
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Note: better get the salt and pepper out because i loved this idea so much i had to write it . it'd be criminal not to. godspeed to your thumbs.
[Scarlet Ribbons Index]
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“I hadn’t realized you were interested in romantic relations, [First].” 
Smooth and practical — Giorno Giovanna never wastes an opportunity. That's what he considers this to be, a rare opening into your psyche. He'll even take notice of what the boyfriend was doing the instant you decided to voice your thoughts. Gotta tuck that knowledge away for later. Most importantly, however, is your response to this inquiry. He won't follow up much at the time should you respond in the affirmative, but it'll make a solid foundation for his future plans. He's always a fan of asking open-ended questions to learn more about you. Observation can only prepare him for so much. Sometimes he has to roll up his sleeves and put himself out there more, if it means he could possibly win over your most sought-after heart.
“... I’m sure there are many who’d be grateful to experience that with you.” 
Bruno tries to remain blasé so as not to betray his inner feelings. Emphasis on the word tries. Really, if you were any less oblivious, you could've picked up on the borderline yearning timbre in his voice. He finds it equally reassuring and troubling that you're actively hoping to be in a relationship, to the point of voicing the desire out loud. It feels like a chance that, if he doesn't act swiftly enough, will pass him by. Bruno loves the others on his team dearly, but he knows how feral they'd start getting should they have been the ones you told this. You stress him out so much without even realizing it. At the end of the day, how can he be upset by this, when the mere thought of having you be his and him yours gets him through the most strenuous circumstances? You are his guiding light.
“You want that? Don’t you see how he’s slobbering over her? Gross. A little self-respect goes a long way.” 
No, he isn’t bitter, what are you talking about, psssh. Fugo always expresses his disgust over public displays of affection, finding it to be in poor taste. Some serious self-reflection would reveal he's beyond envious. It just... looks nice... so fun and carefree... then there's him. A guy who has been chasing after you for years by this point without ever having the courage to make a serious move, lest he risks ruining everything. He keeps trying to confess through telepathy, meanwhile, you think he must be annoyed since, from your perspective, it looks like he's glaring at you. Poor guy. The extremely subtle hints he drops and telepathy haven't gotten him far. Still, staring at your wistful expression when you confess this fills him with hope. This could be the push he needs to say what he's been wanting to say for so long.
“Well, have I got some good news for you.” 
Mista is his own worst enemy. He wants to come across as casual enough to not pressure you into anything and make the atmosphere awkward, but by doing so, you have a difficult time taking him seriously. This genuine statement from Mista ends up coming across as another one of his jokes. You just kinda give him a light punch on the shoulder and laugh. Meanwhile, he's crying on the inside from yet another instance of you not picking up on his flirtations. What does a man have to do? Get down on one knee and propose while reciting a monologue? Now that he thinks about it, you'd still likely view it as a jest if he were the one to do it... alas. Being the funny person in the friend group has its pros and cons. Regardless of his mixed success in the moment, he'd still find comfort knowing you're interested in a relationship too.
“What? You want to be a pigeon? Wait, that’s not what you're pointing at. Ohhhhh.” 
A heart-pounding moment! Okay, okay, he needs to get himself to calm down. These hand-delivered moments by the universe are best approached with a steady mind, using logic and reason to deduce the next optimal step— who is he kidding! You want a boyfriend! He can be a boyfriend! So, by following this train of thought, you could potentially want him as a boyfriend. He'd later go on to reveal this revelation to Fugo who appears nowhere near as enthusiastic about the prospect as Narancia is. It doesn't matter. A fire has been lit beneath Narancia's feet and he's ready to get moving. He intends to boost his appeal and lure you in using the art of subtly. When he's talking to another and you enter the room, he'll switch the subject and then loudly discuss how single he is. Super single. Not in a romantic relationship whatsoever. Nope, nada. His eyes keep flicking to you to see if you've gotten the message. He tells himself in his heart that you did.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” 
Abbacchio is ready to shame you for envying such an obnoxious, unnecessary display being flaunted in public. Unlike Fugo, Abbacchio holds a genuine resentment toward this sort of stuff and wishes people would get a room. He'd ask why you'd be interested in anything like that. From what he's seen over the years, it's relationships that people loudly flaunt that fizzle out the fastest. You're more amazed that Abbacchio of all people is entertaining an in-depth conversation about relationships to feel like he rained on your parade. He isn't nearly as selfish as he thinks himself to be. He tells you all this not just for his own benefit, but so that in the event you end up with someone else, you'll give these matters some serious thought. He won't ever admit that to himself, however. Deep down in his soul, he wishes for your happiness above all else. He writes this off by telling himself he just wanted to complain about something he's always had a pet peeve about.
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
100 Followers 🎉 Special: JJBA Boyfriend Fluff Headcanons
Author Note: I’m past 100 followers but Thank you so much for the support! I did headcanons for all my personal husbandos in jojo. I decided to only do characters from parts 1-6 since it was so long already. Who are your Husbandos? I have mine listed here.
Johnathan Joestar, Jousuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura, Koichi Hirose, Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Panacotta Fugo, Narancia Ghirga, Guido Mista, Weather Report
Johnathan Joestar 💙
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Ever the gentlemen he’ll want to take you on various dates. He’s the hopeless romantic type. Very sweet man.
Picnic dates, ballroom dancing, shopping sprees, plays, and trips to go swimming in a river are Johnathan’s to go dates
You’ll never be caught opening a door nor pushing in your chair yourself with Johnathan around
Prepare to have your arms linked with him
Forehead and hand kisses are an absolute must
He’s a simp so you’ll be given the upmost care from Johnathan. He’ll be super wipped for you.
Nicknames include: Love, darling, and dear or dearest
When you cheer him on during his football, boxing, and other sports matches, or Harmon fights it’s such a boost to his confidence. He wants to impress you and when you’re being a cheerleader he can’t help but enjoy it. He’ll do his best for you.
If you want him to blush wear the most elegant ballgowns or cutest dresses on dates. Wearing flower crowns or calling him cute pet names also give him the honey glow.
His heart will skip beats if you give him flower bouquets, write him poetry or gift him homemade presents.
Making him any sort of foods will make him the happiest man on earth. He’ll praise your food and scarf it down. It’s also an easy way of getting to his heart.
If you make him a Good luck charm he’ll totally lose it in the best way possible. He’ll gasp and cherish it as though it’s the most expensive diamonds. Cheek kisses will also cause this reaction.
“You my darling are the most precious gift on this earth. I love you very dearly.”
Jousuke Higashikata 💜☮️💛
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Jousuke is such a sweetheart. He’s actually quite bashful around you. Even if you’re dating him he’ll be this way. He’ll always be supportive and cute towards you. He’s also a ton of fun to be around.
Arcade dates, beach trips, café/restaurants, carnivals, amusement parks, movies, and park dates are Jousuke’s go to dates.
You’ll never be seen having a bad hair day. Jousuke takes care of your hair as much as he cares for his own.
You’ll be the one making the moves but he’d be the first one to confess. He will happily hold your hand but he’ll totally try hiding his blush.
He’ll throw you some cute compliments on new hair styles, makeup or clothes he notices
Expect to hold hands and his embarrassed head scratches while doing so
If you fix his pompadour or compliment it he’s totally flattered and flustered
If you defend his pompadour his anger will immediately be replaced with a look of love instead. He’s super grateful
Though bashful he has his moments where he’ll gloat to himself about how awesome he thinks you are or how lucky he is
He’ll love dates where you two look at stars or share a milkshake together
As a sweet boyfriend he’ll tell you the sweetest compliments or embarrass himself in front of you. He can’t help it if he becomes clumsy or stutters in front of you. You’re definitely his first girlfriend! He wants to be cool in front of you but fails in these moments
During stand battles or moments where he’s protecting you he’ll have a boost to his confidence if you tell him you think he’s cool or a badass. He wants nothing more than to impress you so he’ll pose more or try showing off crazy diamond
Nicknames include: baby, sweetheart, angel, gorgeous, and babe
If you thought Jousuke shows off make way for Crazy Diamond. He isn’t losing to his user! Crazy Diamond will flex and wink at you subtly so only you notice. If you cheer on Crazy Diamond you’ll notice it’s full potential exposed. It’s like you gave him a power boost.
Crazy Diamond also snatches you from Jousuke- literally. He’ll princess carry you away
Cute Dora’s~ all around. He likes cuddles and your attention as much as Jousuke. Oh and don’t forget he enjoys laying his head on your lap! (Jousuke doesn’t do it because he doesn’t want to mess up his precious pompadour)
If you want him to blush flirt, kiss his cheek, and do cute girlfriend things like making him a bento or hugging him affectionately. If you wear cute casual outfits on dates he’s all over you.
If you want to make his heart skip beats for you I suggest you whisper in his ear, go for cute bicep grabs, and since he’s a romantic an act of romance will also cause him to fall further for you. Let’s say romantic poetry or words of reassuring love.
If you remember something about him or give him a thoughtful gift he’s been wanting for the longest it’s a sure way of earning his heart
If you make him a Good luck charm or ask to wear matching clothes or jewelry he’s totally a sucker for it. He adores it. He will be such a loving fanboy towards you.
“Hey gorgeous, I love your new look today. You always look beautiful but I must compliment the new outfit. I’m so lucky to have you for a girlfriend, angel.”
Okuyasu Nijimura 💲💙
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The sweetest boyfriend ever! He’s sensitive with a big heart
If you confessed he’ll be the happiest guy on the planet. If he was the one to confess then he’s crying tears of joy when you say yes
Dates to restaurants, arcades, beaches, and parks are his go to! He’s not opposed to shopping dates since he loves treating his girl.
He’s so excited having you for a girlfriend! You’re obviously his first relationship so he does everything he can to make you happy
He’ll spoil you rotten and enjoy any sort of attention given to him
Since he isn’t used to touching a girl he’s always asking you for permission to touch you. Poor guy is used to scaring off girls.
If you compliment the scars or tell him you think he’s cool he’ll be filled with glee
He’s always wrapping an arm around you or placing a hand on the small of your back
If you’re affectionate he’ll become such a flustered sweetheart
During stand battles when you cheer him on he’ll totally show off. He’ll look over at you with an eager smile hoping to see stars in your eyes
His stand wants attention too! The hand also shows off. Both him and Okuyasu are wanting praise and kisses!
The hand will often hold you from behind and randomly hug you
Nicknames include: cutie, my girl, babe, babygirl, and sweetie
Getting Okuyasu to blush is an easy feat. Complimenting him, girlfriend gestures like wanting hugs or piggyback rides, and feeding him. Sitting on his lap also does the trick.
If you want his heart skipping beats I suggest leaning against his back for affection or placing your face against his chest. Telling him you feel safe or enjoy being in his arms does the trick as well.
His dream of receiving a Good luck charm and food from a pretty girl will finally be fulfilled and he’s overjoyed. Cue the waterworks.
Whenever you gift or give Okuyasu anything he’ll start crying tears of joy. In these moments when you comfort him he’ll be super grateful. Kissing his tears away or wiping them off with a handkerchief makes him feel incredibly loved.
“I can’t tell you how much I love calling you my girl. I feel so lucky!”
Koichi Hirose 🔊💚🗯
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The biggest sweetheart yet. Koichi is such a soft boy towards you. He’s already kind hearted but to his girlfriend? He’s smitten. You’ll be given so much love and care
A bashful boyfriend so you’ll be the one making the moves. When he does he’s super awkward or shy about it
Expect all sorts of dates! He’ll want to be creative with dates that have you in mind. He wants to be a good boyfriend so he’s going all out.
He’ll feel like the luckiest guy on the planet if you were the one to confess
It will take quite a lot for Koichi to finally confess but when he does it’s the sweetest thing ever. He’ll avoid all eye contact and shyly ask
Nicknames include: honey, sweetheart and cutie pie
You’ll never hear the end of it from his sister and mother. They’ll embarrass him and ask so much about you. They’re incredibly happy for their Koichi.
He isn’t the most confident so complimenting him is the best way to help him. He appreciates all compliments.
If you compliment his eyes and smile you’ll make him flustered
Rohan and Jousuke are protective af so beware but once they see how well you treat Koichi they lay off. (Rohan is over protective)
He’s loving so he’s also affectionate but he is a gentleman and asks permission if he wants to lay his head on your lap or cuddle
If you put effort in your looks be it small he’ll act as though a super model is in his presence
Stand battles are dangerous so he’ll ask you to leave/save yourself. If there is a situation where you have to watch and you cheer him on he’s actually feeling pretty proud of himself especially if you’re impressed
Echoes will treat you like a goddess and obey your every command. He’ll be calling you mistress or “B-e-a-u-t-y, beauty”
Echoes won’t show off but he will make himself the presentable gentlemen in hopes of impressing you. (He won’t cuss around you unless you’re the type to find it hilarious)
Echoes enjoys hugs, forehead kisses, and attention
If you want Koichi to blush give him surprise kisses, poems, or lay your head on his shoulder
To make his heart skip beats would mean he is in heaven. If you sing to him, hold one of his hands with both your hands while saying loving words or gift him something meaningful he’s absolutely enamored with you.
“I hope you enjoyed our date today, sweetheart. I look forward to the next. Maybe we could go get ice cream?”
Giorno Giovanna 💜🐞
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Giorno is also quite romantic. He’s an understanding and sweet boyfriend. He’s also a gentlemen.
You’ll be given compliments on the daily and taken on dates frequently
Being a mafioso makes him a busy man but he’ll make time for you! He’ll try to see you often and when he can’t he’ll be sure to return with a flower in his hand to offer you
Be prepared for him to kiss your hand often. He enjoys your arms being hooked around another too.
Many dates are to be expected since he likes spoiling you. Gelato, cafés, fancy restaurants, gardens, shopping sprees, museums, plays, and coffee dates.
He’ll give you flowers all the time
Braid his hair for him and he’s especially happy
He adores your affection. He’s affectionate but doesn’t always initiate it
Nicknames include: amore, cara, carina, mi amore, and love bug (when he’s feeling very loving)
He’ll braid your hair in various hairstyles and kiss your forehead after each time he does so
Giorno is very protective during stand battles. He’ll do whatever it takes to defeat his opponent. If he has golden experience requiem he isn’t holding back if they pose a threat to you. No mercy.
He’ll only want to impress you when it comes to his stand. He’ll create whatever you want.
His stand only shows off when it grants life around it. Cute bugs, animals, and plant life you’d like.
Golden wind/golden experience requiem want hugs and attention from you always
You’re given all kinds of gifts from him. Anything you mention is yours. No matter how cheap or expensive
If you tell him you think he’s badass or has the makings of a mafia boss he’ll totally be flustered
If you’re dating him when he’s Don he will be bashful in moments where you’re romantic with him
When you really want to get his heart racing I suggest fixing his hair or his clothing (a loose hair, crooked tie or brooch) then kiss him after. Kissing his stand does this also since he can feel it. The main reason he reacts this way is because the feeling lingers and sometimes when he’s alone he’ll remember what it felt like.
“Would you like to get gelato, amore? I missed you.”
Guido Mista 💙❤️
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Simp overload x7!
Mista is such a simp for you. He’s adoring and funny. He’s also the best friend type of bf, communication is so well since he’s honest and expresses himself so often.
He’ll try so hard to be cool in front of you
His stands treat you like you’re a celebrity or some type of super model
They like pampering you and having your attention. They’ll brush your hair, put products in it, do your nails, makeup, and grab (steal) you food. When it comes to your attention they’ll want cuddles and kisses. It’s like Snow White and the seven dwarfs, they’re lined up awaiting for your forehead kisses. If you kiss their cheeks they’ll start cheering.
Mista loves wrapping his arm around you and having you seated on his lap
He’ll always ask for your permission to touch you but if you’re making out with him or initiate anything he’ll become grabby
He’s super flirty and good at it too. Expect a lot of it from him.
If you’re affectionate he’s super loving it
Any gifts will flatter him greatly and he’ll be extremely happy. It will be cherished (he’ll brag about it to his stands too) 
Good luck charms or any romantic gifts has him simping for you. He’ll be so bashful and flattered.
He loves holding hands or having his arms on you
He totally asked you out and was hyped when you said yes
Dates with Mista include bars, restaurants of every kind, mall trips, amusement parks, beaches, and shooting ranges
He’ll be so happy if you cook him anything. He will be surprised but then immediately be filled with joy. He’ll hug you in celebration.
Nicknames include: beautiful, baby, angelo, tesoro, babe
You’ll make Mista blush in times where you remind him how meaningful he is to you, he also blushes when you do any romantic actions or wear tight fitting clothes
If you have a new look such as new clothing it will be complimented
If you want his heart skipping beats he’ll be so thankful and enamored when you avoid the number four purposely. If you’re out together or on dates and point out you don’t want any servings with the numbers associated with four, he’s touched. He’ll also be enamored when you comfort him affectionately in your arms.
Stand battles include Mista and his stand showing off in hopes of impressing you
When you’re their cheerleader during stand battles it’s like they’re given a boost in power
Mista is very protective of you. He’ll make sure you’re safe while getting the job done during stand battles. Sex pistols won’t allow any harm to come to you either
If you like wrestling then Mista is all over it. He likes to playfully wrestle
“Hey beautiful, you up for eating out today? I was thinking this one restaurant I haven’t taken you to.”
Narancia Ghirga 💜🧡
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He is a ball of sunshine around you. He’ll want to always have fun and make you laugh. Narancia is the funny and cute boyfriend. He’ll always manage to make you laugh. 
He is also a simp for you. Very much so, you have him wrapped around your finger without knowing it
He’ll always want comfort from you. He wants cuddles and your affection
Narancia loves all your affection to the point where he’s constantly asking or administering it. He’ll do everything in his power for all forms of affection
He loves getting food with you since he likes being fed or feeding you 
He’ll carve wooden presents for you! Wooden hearts and small statues of various animals or flowers.
His trusty knife will be used to carve both of your initials onto a tree surrounded by a heart
He enjoys carrying all of your belongings for you even while you two shop!
Be prepared for surprise hugs and kisses
Dates include: picnics, kite flying, shopping, going out for sweets, restaurants, walking in forests, swimming in lakes, movies, and parks or theme parks
He’ll have an assortment of nicknames for you! They include: tesorina, tesora, cutie, principessa, carina, amore mio, and beautiful
If you cook for Narancia he will eat everything you make him on the spot but he does like it when you feed it to him. He’ll be so happy about it and thank you for it countless times. He’s a prime example of getting a man through his stomach.
He’ll love making himself comfortable and lay his head on your lap. He’ll totally ask you to feed him when he lays like this
He likes how his headband looks on you! He’ll beg for pictures of you in it!
If you give him surprise hugs or kisses he’ll giggle and return the affection ten fold
He loves it when you tickle him or do any sort of playful actions
Giving Narancia goodluck charms or homemade gifts get him real hyped! He’ll thank you a plethora of times! Narancia will demand a kiss since he thinks you’re so cute
His stand Aerosmith does show its love for you but in different ways! It will spin and twirl in the air excitedly! It shows off and does plenty of tricks for you! Aerosmith also enjoys creating smoke in the shape of hearts for you (Narancia gets really embarrassed about it)
During stand battles Narancia most definitely shows off for you. Him and Aerosmith. They want to impress you!
If you cheer on Narancia during stand battles he will be ecstatic and do his best. He’s hyper focused so he can win. Motivation is at it’s highest. Even the rest of the gang will be floored by how motivated you made him.
Making Narancia blush is an easy feat. You can compliment him, play with his hair, kiss him, tell him something loving, or call him a petname.
If you want him flustered I suggest whispering in his ear, kissing his neck, sitting on his lap, telling him you think he’s cool, or even express your feelings. He’ll feel his heart rate go up and give you a flustered look
“Tesora! Tesora! Tesora! I’m so happy to see you! Would you like to go on a pizza date?”
Bruno Bucciarati 🤐🖤
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Bruno is an charming gentleman. He’s a mix of flirty and a understanding type of boyfriend.
You’ll always be under Bruno’s watchful eye. He’ll always pay attention to your emotional status. He can’t help it. He’s caring and can pick up on how you’re feeling.
Bucciarati will always do his best to make you feel comfortable talking to him about any sort of problems or how you’re feeling
This capo will treat you to fancy romantic dates. All include boat rides, dinners, cafés, walks on the beach, and so much more.
You’re sure to have your arms linked with him at all times
He will be pushing in your chair for you, opening doors, and will always open the car doors for you.
He loves gifting you bouquets
You’ll often catch him staring at you. When you do he’ll give you a sly smile or a teasing smirk
Bruno loves affection. He loves wrapping an arm around you and holding you in his arms. He will ask for permission if he is allowed to touch your legs or pull you on his lap. Bruno loves gently rubbing circles in your upper legs or placing a hand on your knee. He loves cuddles and your touch.
Kisses will be treated as though you’re both in a romance movie
He likes embarrassing you but he wouldn’t do it too much
Nicknames include: bambina, mi amore, dolcezza, mia bella and gattina
You’re treated like royalty by him. He’ll gift you jewelry and greet you with a kiss to your hand.
Giving Bruno a goodluck charm will earn you a tender smile and kiss to your cheek. He will treasure it and unzip his abdomen to keep it there for safe keeping.
Your gifts you give him will be treasured. He will express his gratitude and tell you how thoughtful you are for thinking of him.
Cooking for Bruno will make him so incredibly happy. Your motherly touch with your apron and slippers in your home cause him to give you loving looks. He’ll tell you how much he enjoys your food.
His stand really exposes him! Sticky fingers likes hugging you from behind or kissing your hand and arms.
Bruno gets a bit embarrassed about his stand showing you his undying adoration for you
During stand battles he’ll be extra protective of you. He won’t want you cheering him since he’ll want you to run away to safety
Sticky fingers only shows off if you reciprocate it’s affections. You’ll be lifted and carried everywhere while it unzips various objects.
He’ll compliment your makeup and hair every so often when he notices the effort you put in
You want to make Bruno blush? Have him lay his head on your lap and caress his face while you tell him how much you admire him. Whispering in his ear or kissing his neck causes him to blush as well.
Flustering Bruno isn’t hard either. Touch his chest or whispering about how much you love him in Italian will do it.
“Bella mia you look so wonderful today. Would you care to join me for a date at the beach?”
Panacotta Fugo 🍓💚
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Fugo is the shy and gentle boyfriend. Overall he’ll be bashful.
The relationship will be taken slow but he’ll be smitten with you in no time
His shyness surprised you at first but you’ll find it to be one of his best traits
He can’t help it since you’re his first relationship! It’s a bit new to him but it’s okay because he’s honored anyone would be in a relationship with him
He most likely confessed through a letter or stuttered while asking you out
You’ll make quite the impact on his anger. He’ll be more relaxed and stress free thanks to you.
He’ll never take out his anger on you. He’ll take it out on inanimate objects like furniture or his office supplies.
If he snaps at you he’ll feel horrible and immensely apologize. You’ll need to comfort him in these moments and be reassuring.
He will make wonderful boyfriend material. He will take you on dates, bring you coffees, chocolates, and strawberry pastries
Fugo likes spending time with you so he often has you meet him at libraries, coffee shops, or other locations
Dates include: libraries, book stores, cafés, picnics, parks, forest walks, bakeries, restaurants, and plenty of home dates
When he gives you affection it’s forehead kisses or small pecks to your cheek or hand
He’s too shy to initiate affection so he’ll do subtle displays of it
Fugo will hold your hand and press it against his cheek hoping you administer affection. When you don’t understand what he wants he’ll quietly ask for your affections.
When you’re affectionate he’ll secretly love it and you’ll see he’ll melt at your touch everytime
He’ll bury his face in your neck or shoulder shyly
Nicknames includes: Il mio cuore, preziosa, bellezza, cara
He adores holding your hand and has loving smiles when it happens
He’ll love reading together or reading to you
He’ll want to do science experiments with you for fun. He thinks your reactions are cute. If he impresses you then his goal is met.
If you write him poetry or love notes he absolutely adores them and secretly tapes them inside his journal for safe keeping
Gifting him goodluck charms will be meaningful to him. He’ll keep it on his person always and his face will light up in a smile upon you giving it to him
Any gifts you give him will be very much appreciated he’ll express how grateful he is and how you didn’t have to go through the trouble. He’ll give you a hug and kiss in thanks then take extra care of the gift
Cooking for Fugo has him thinking he’s lucky to have you for a partner. He’ll feel incredibly loved and cared for. He’ll want cuddles after so he can show his gratitude
His stand LOVES you. Purple haze likes licking your face and hugging you. Fugo will have to pry his stand off of you. Purple haze can’t help it. It wants your affection.
During stand battles he doesn’t want you near. He’ll keep you away since his stand is dangerous and he only brings it out if he’s endangered. Your safety is his priority.
Purple haze doesn’t know how to show off so instead it will pamper you or guard you. Purple haze brushes your hair, fluffs your pillow, or whatever you ask of it
Purple Haze also likes being in your arms and having his head on your lap
Making Fugo blush is way too easy. You being so loving and kind gets him blushing. Everything else makes him blush slightly deeper.
If you want Fugo’s heartbeat racing I suggest fixing his tie then kissing him. If you use the tie to pull him in for a kiss this gets the same desired result. You can also sit on his lap while lovingly caressing his face.
“You made me dinner, bellezza? It smells great, thank you so much. Maybe we can read a book after?”
Weather Report ☁️💙
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Weather is the charming and cool type. His one liners make you swoon.
He asked you out and was smooth with it. You were taken aback but immediately gave your response. He smiled and kissed your forehead.
He constantly stares at you and whispers in your ears. It makes you blush since he’ll smile your direction.
He’ll make time for you and take you somewhere private where you two often hang out together
He enjoys cuddles in the grand piano
He loves hold hands (he secretly likes sweaty hands since it reminds him of rain)
His breath is always minty when he talks to you.
Since he’s so close to you when he’s talking you can’t help but get lost in his eyes. When he notices he might make a teasing comment about it.
He’s a quiet boyfriend but you get him talking. You enjoy hearing that soothing voice. During cuddles it puts you to sleep. Very relaxing.
Since you’re inmates you can’t cook for him but your form of cooking is prison cooking! Bribing the cooks and making simple dishes like heart shaped sandwiches or his favorite food is the best you’re able to do. Weather will think it’s super thoughtful and kiss your cheek then eat it in front of you (if you have enough for extra you give some to Emporio as well)
Goodluck charms will be treated like valuables. He’ll keep it under his hat at all times. When you present it to him he’s a smiling mess. He’ll think it’s very sweet and give you a thanks along with a forehead kiss.
Love notes or poems will genuinely impress him. He thinks it’s romanic. He’ll keep it under his pillow to read at night before bed.
Dates include: picnics, dinners, stargazing, and boardgames or card games
Nicknames include: snow princess, cutie, princess (when he’s feeling really soft), beloved, goddess, empress
Any gift given to him is now his prized possession
He’ll place his chin on your shoulder or head because it’s both easier to talk and to be closer to you
His form of affection is forehead kisses, hugs, and cuddles
If given affection from you he’ll enjoy it with open arms. It’s lonely at prison so he craves your touch.
If you’re sad he will kiss away tears and hold you close
During stand battles he’ll be very protective of you. It’s the only time you see he is angry. Anyone that poses a threat to you is getting a beating.
He wants you safe so he’ll tell you to hide or runaway to safety
When he isn’t in stand battles he likes showing off his abilities to you since he thinks your reactions are cute
Jolyne and Ermès think you two make a cute couple. Anasui is really happy for you both.
Making him blush is impressive because it’s hard to do so but fear not. There’s a couple ways to make him blush. Kiss his neck, tell him you love him, or whisper in his ear.
To fluster Weather you’ll need to say his name in your sleep or tell him how amazing you think he is.
“You’re staring again, princess. Do you want a kiss?”
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dgaftilwedie · 26 days
playing fortnite like a cringe loser and i had an idea *throws this at you*
bucci's gang playing fortnite woo!!!!!!
giorno - he doesn't play very often. he only plays when the others ask (beg) him to. he spends most of the game hiding inside of gas stations or other buildings, clipping people with shotguns when they enter his territory. somehow makes it to the last 10 very often.
narancia - he's kinda cracked actually. he plays fast. like, he drops at medallion locations and collects all of them as quickly as he can. he uses smgs most of the time. LOVESSSSS the cars. bro will put on the vengabus and chase people around while cackling like a maniac.
mista - he plays to KILL. he's a gunman, so he's like, inherently really good at fortnite. he NEVER carries heals and it usually bites him in the ass 💀💀 mista pretty much only uses snipers and pistols because "it feels more real". he also strictly uses the peter griffin skin and ALWAYS makes it to the final 5.
fugo - he gets pissed off so easily (when doesn't he). he forces narancia to duo with him because again, narancia's cracked!!!! except he definitely prefers to take his time. he likes to hide in trees and snipe people. he's also really good at pickaxing people to death. immediately hits the default dance afterwards because it makes him feel eviller.
trish - she doesn't play often, but when she does, she kinda carries. she likes to run trios with mista and giorno. loves her pistols dearly. have you ever seen those clips of moist critikal hitting absolutely insane clips with pistols?? THAT'S TRISH. she goes fucking BATSHIT. it makes her proud :')
bruno - he prefers to watch, but he will play every now and then to humor his team. his play style is like a mixture of giorno and fugo's. he doesn't push when he sees gunfire, he hangs back and waits in the wings for the perfect opportunity to snipe people to death. he usually makes it pretty far but he doesn't get butthurt about losing. unless he has a crown.
abbacchio - he thinks fortnite is childish. that being said, he likes watching. especially when giorno gets his ass kicked. he's very much a backseat gamer. mista's snapped at him so many times to just play the game and everynow and then, he caves. little does anyone know, abbacchio practices in his free time and he kinda clears!! all that matters is that he's better than giorno.
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matcha-narancia · 3 years
Headcanons for Buccigang with an ADHD S/O? Like they're really smart and kinda nerdy (Fugo's levels) but generally unable to focus on things or stay still, and with very intense hyperfixations.
Please 🥺
Bucci Gang with an S/O who has ADHD HCs
𝐀/𝐍: Hello anon! Apologies this took so long to write, though I hope you like these hcs!
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): Some spoilers for Part 5!
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Bruno Bucciarati
- Bucciarati loves you much!!! Your smarts and nerdy side are actually very adorable to him, and he could listen to you talk of your hyperfixations for hours if it meant you were happy!
- He’s actually quite used to helping and handling ADHD, since Narancia also can’t focus on one thing or sit still more often than not. He’s gotten quite good with helping him out, and so he promises to help you in whatever ways he can, too!
- Overall, very happy to have you at his side, and is as supportive as supportive can get. And of course, with his background knowledge on it, he also makes for a great helper.
Leone Abbacchio
- You two contrast each other greatly, which Abbacchio being very melancholy with a tendency to snap, and you being energetic and alert with your interests. However, even with this, Abbacchio loves you so dearly!
- Though he acts unfazed by it most times, he secretly loves when you speak to him so fondly of whatever you’re into. Whether it be things your brain’s wrapped around to study, or just a TV show you really like, hearing you talk so passionately about something makes his heart swell.
- Abbacchio is probably one of the more responsible partners when you need any help. He remembers stuff pretty well, and is very good with getting you to relax if you need to focus on something. He’ll brew you some tea, give you some blankets, and sit next to you holding one of your hands as you work!
Guido Mista
- Mista... admittedly is also a bit scattered in his ways. Though he tries really hard to be a good partner for you! Your smarts, nerdy side, and passion for your interests drew him to you, and he’d be damned if he didn’t let you know how much he appreciates you!
- Very, very into letting you lay on him after a long day of work and talk! He’s not one to speak of his day much, as he much prefers to hear your voice after going without it for several hours, it just gives him energy to love you when he comes home to you!
- He and the pistols will help if you ever need anything! Although they themselves all flying around can be a bit distracting lol. Nevertheless, they’re pretty good with getting stuff you request, and you appreciate all their help!
Panacotta Fugo
- Like Abbacchio, you two are also complete opposite in how you act, but you’re somebody who Fugo loves so much! You positively have impacted and affect his life everyday, and he couldn’t be anymore grateful. 
- I’d argue that this man probably loves your rambling the most, though he’ll never admit that to anybody but you lol. He could sit for hours just hearing you out, your voice helps him calm himself, and he’s happy hearing you get excited about the things you love!
- Also very responsible when it comes to helping, since he’s mostly responsible for keeping track of and watching Narancia. That being said though, he realizes you’re two different people, so he memorizes what things he can do and what he can get that you like to help you specifically focus!
Narancia Ghirga
- You both are a very, very energetic couple! As mentioned with Bucciarati, I personally believe Narancia has ADHD as well, so you’re both very much unable to pay attention to most things together lol.
- You sometimes try to help him study when Fugo is away, but you both find it hard to concentrate, so you end up just snuggling on the couch, rambling to each other about your interests and whatever that’s on your mind. 
- However, despite the hard time he had being able to focus, Narancia is very much into helping you! If you need literally anything he will go and get it although he may need to call you and ask what you need again, since he’ll probably forget but, and you’ll be very appreciative of his efforts!
Giorno Giovanna
- Very much in tune with emotions and responses to situations, so he actually caught on before you sat down and told him. Nevertheless, Giorno’s here for you and always will be!
- Giorno isn’t the greatest talker, so he actually prefers you to talk about whatever it is you like! Though he may not know exactly it is you like, watching you get all excited and energetic is just something he loves to come home to. As a capo, he doesn’t see many smiling faces, so he’s grateful to you for that!
- Also up there as moderately responsible. Giorno learns fast what things you like and need fast, and he always is stocked up on whatever items they may be. He also lets you know where everything is, and he has a list of whatever it is you like with him at all times in case he ever needs to leave work to go to you.
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↳ 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬/𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝! ♡
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
since you said no one has asked for fugo yet, fugo!
Let's fucking goooo
favorite thing about them: He's just so fascinating on like every level. His whole backstory (whether you go with the anime or PHF, I personally headcanon a mixture of both), the constant conflict he's in with himself that's symbolized by his hatred of his own stand, Purple Haze having so much symbolic meaning (the anger obviously, the fact that he can hurt himself just as easily as others, his inability to undo the virus once it's infected someone at first, PHF MAKING HIM ABLE TO COUNTERACT THE VIRUS/HELP FIX HIS OWN MISTAKES EVEN IF IT'S NOT A PERFECT CURE, the persistent cleaning of both his body and soul/conscience, I could go on), and all of the internal stuff that we get to see in PHF... even the meta stuff with Araki designing him as a traitor who would eventually have to face off against Giorno... ughhhh... he's my main blorbo for a reason
least favorite thing about them: I know my bio says "Fugo apologist" and all, but. Lowkey. I won't justify him leaving the gang. It was rational and smart and it made sense with his character, sure, but I still fully believe it was a dick move. I rewatched VA with a friend recently and was like "ughhh fuck you Fugo you fucking suck" at the screen during the boat scene, and my friend just looked at me like "??? Isn't he your favorite boy???" Yes, he is my favorite boy, but he is deeply flawed and kind of an asshole <3
favorite line:
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Actually though, I know everyone says this, but his whole speech to Giorno in the Soldier in Love scene makes me lose my marbles every time. Also, his "Sheila E's anger is my anger!" etc etc before the final fight is. Hell yeah
brOTP: Torture Dance Trio <33333 Their friendship is so bittersweet and tragic but also a goldmine for comedic potential. They love each other so dearly and will stay up all night together if someone is having nightmares, but they also dare each other to drink Monster mixed with chocolate milk and get into fistfights over Tony Hawk Pro Skater
OTP: Hi I love Fugio so very very much. Narrative foils are like. My favorite thing ever. And there's something really cool and poetic about two people who are so fundamentally opposite, but ultimately come to understand and balance each other in a way that no one else quite can, if that makes sense. They allow for each other to heal, but also gently push towards growth, and like. At the end of the day. They're just two incredibly awkward teenagers who have gotten in over their heads in tragic situations, and the concept of them getting to experience some semblance of youth in their clumsy little young love is really sweet. I guarantee none of that makes sense, but uh. tldr I have a lot of Fugio thoughts floating around in my head constantly. (Also, not to be obvious, but literally every aspect of PHF? Yeah. The lyrics to A Solider in Love are literally about a man leaving for war and longing to return to his lover once his mission's complete. It's not subtle.)
nOTP: I mean like. Aside from the obvious gross shit like him x Bucciarati/Abbacchio, I don't really have issues with most ships involving him? I guess Fugo x Sheila, for reasons I mentioned in the Sheila post, and also because I headcanon them both as gay lol
random headcanon: Since Araki won't give him a canon music taste, I will. 100% dead serious he loves Weezer. He also really likes REM, The Smiths, The Cure, and a lot of classic rock. He wasn't allowed to listen to pop music growing up, so once he joined the gang, his music taste sort of became an amalgamation of the other gang members'; Bucciarati got him into classic rock, and Abbacchio introduced him to the alternative stuff. Secretly, he really likes Narancia's rap/hip-hop and Mista's folk and soft rock, too, but he's too pretentious to admit it. Also, he's a good singer.
unpopular opinion: I mean. I think liking him in the first place is still sort of an unpopular opinion. But he's genuinely my favorite JJBA character, which is maybe a hot take. Oh also I like his anime color palette sorry
song i associate with them: Nineteenth Nervous Breakdown by The Rolling Stones is the Fugo Song Ever and I am Adamant about this (also I have a little playlist for him on Spotify, it's kinda bad but. eh)
favorite picture of them: Give him back his stupid emo bangs,,, please they are important
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knifefather · 3 years
Looking Up at Us [Submission]
'Looking Up at Us
|*| DISCLAIMERS:  Hello! It me! This is my first fic ever. Uhhh, Giorno’s a giant dick and Narancia’s an angel (literally and figuratively :] ) So yandere-ish themes, manipulation, and other mean things. This is a three-year span after the events of VA. |*|'
I APPLAUD YOU ON YOUR FIRST FIC ANON!!! This one really hit me right in the feels :'') Honestly you wrote Giorno so well because I literally wanted to strangle him!! He reminds me so much of Dio here and I fucking love it. I can't believe he stole their song ;a; OP outlined the yandere and manipulation content warnings, but there is also some major character death! Please be warned!
  “Hey, when we get married let’s use that Aerosmith song.”
Narancia laughed as the smaller of the two let out an embarrassed squeal and tried burying her head deeper into his neck. They laid together on his bed in his rather untidy room talking about anything and everything that crossed their minds. But he was always so brash, and making her red was a favorite pastime of his. “Duuude, don’t even joke about that!’” she giggled, “We’re, still, ya know teens,” she emphasized that by flicking her hand around. He continued laughing, tightened his grip on her, and kissed the top of her head. Even if he was teasing the poor girl, he always meant what he said.
“You’d look really pretty in this dress I saw the other day. It wasn’t long as shit like those rich people…” Narancia slowly trailed off realizing she wasn’t responding. When he looked down at her, he saw she wasn’t smiling anymore and looked lost in her own thoughts. He wiggled away from her a little to look at her properly and softly called her name. “Hey, you good?”
“Promise me you’ll stay,” she looked at him earnestly and caught the poor boy off guard. What was going through that busy head of hers? He was speechless and for a moment he gawked at her. The frenzied teen then added with intensity, “You better stay with me forever and ever and and- I don’t- just… please..” And it finally clicked what she meant, and he gave her his biggest smile.
            “Don’t worry, miele! You’re gonna have to deal with me for a while,” he chimed as he pulled her closer and gave her another peck to her forehead. She looked up at him with watery eyes and smile, “I’d love nothing more. Just promise me, please?
            He leaned lower to kiss her softly on the lips. They both knew that was an impossible promise but still, “I’ll try my best.” He snuggled back up to her and they both slowly sunk back into the previous loving tranquility. They’ll both try, but mafia life was so unpredictable, but it’ll be worth the try if they could stay together.
“So, what are we gonna name our first kid?”
“Narancia Ghirga!!”
“Yeah, Mrs. Ghirga?” Narancia couldn’t stop laughing even as he was shoved off the bed.
              Three months. It’s been three months, but his voice still rings in her head. His goofy smile, bubbly laughter, his smothering hugs were all nothing but distant memories that no longer warmed her, but instead chilled her core. Their places where they caused mischief and held impromptu dates only held ghosts of what was and what could have been. These thoughts haunted her every waking moment. Even when she slept, they caused nothing but sweet dreams that left her bitter and empty in the morning. But Narancia wasn’t the only one she missed dearly. Finding Abbacchio in the state he was and running back full of hope to the colosseum only to find out Bruno was the final victim. But thanks to him, they find out he was actually the first. Giorno had admitted after their discovery that they had been travelling with a reanimated corpse. At the time her, Mista, Trish, were too busy crying to even care.
            For the new Don’s first year, she was present. When Fugo returned, she welcomed him with open arms. She stayed for as long as could but looking at Giorno mad her sick. Violence and anger grew inside by just being around him and his voice made her gag. Staying there brought her closer to the edge as she struggled between collapsing into tears or killing her Don in a fiery fit. That’s when she distanced herself from everyone. Of course, it worried Fugo and Mista to death when the last surviving member of their gang suddenly went off the radar. Even if it was for the wellbeing of everyone there, it didn’t sit right with anyone. Especially Giorno Giovanna.
             The two-year absence was hell, for her anyways. At first jobs would take her resumes and interviews, but soon they would turn her away at sight of her face or sound of her voice. Her temporary apartment kicked her out and hotels refused service to the point she was forced to either stay in motels or rent somewhere for a while until they too kicked her out. When people started to whisper and gossip as she passed by, that was the final straw. It was lonely. It was frustrating! Was it because of the mafia association? No, that should guarantee a decent job and place to stay. And then it clicked. The root of her problems lies at the head of Passione.
              So, here the young woman stood in front of him, arms wrapped securely around herself, as Mista stood watching them at the closed entrance. Giorno’s grown, nearly six feet and obviously physically stronger than before. She squeezed tighter hoping to mimic Narancia’s hugs as she tried to gather her courage and find the words. For a while it was suffocating silence as no one dared to speak first. They were both strategizing, planning how to attack and counter the other’s words. But finally, the devil’s replacement spoke, “Hello, tersoro. I’m glad to see you’re-“
“Cut the crap. I know what’re you doing. Stop it.” And with that she turned to leave. Mista stepped out the way to let her go until a soft laugh stopped her, “Are you still torn up about them? Really?” She stopped and slowly turned to face him. She finally snapped.
            “Are you serious?” She spat at him. “Why wouldn’t I be upset that you killed my friends? My family?!”
            “The love of your life?” She glared at the blonde as he had the audacity the smile at the thought of their deaths. In that moment, she wanted to kill him. Her stand was at the ready. Mista didn’t even attempt to reach for his gun as he knew she wouldn’t do something stupid like that, but he, too, thought of shooting Giorno as well. Giorno tsked and slowly walked around his desk to lean against the front of it, showing just how little her threat meant to him. “My dear, you don’t understand. They were steppingstones to help change Passione for the greater good.”
“Steppingstones?! Don’t act like their bodies were your path to “greatness”! What exactly have you fixed, huh? There are SEVEN more assassin squads. You haven’t stopped drugs like you promised Bruno. Instead, you’ve barely stopped selling it kids ten and under! Don’t act like they were your sacrifices!”  The rage burned inside her, and she could no longer control her words. “Why did they have to go to heaven, huh?! They deserve to be here, not you! Bruno should be where you are! Leone should’ve left you die! Narancia should be back in school! It’s all your FAULT!” They both lunged at Giorno only for GER to grab the opposing stand and for Giorno to effortlessly grabbed her fist. One arm wrapped firmly around her waist and the other then swooped in and tilted her head up to kiss her ever so softly.
            “My, my such a temper,” he murmured, “I’ve always loved that about you.” In that moment all the fire that was built up for years turned ice cold, as fear gripped her insides. She wasn’t expecting this strength. Wide eyes stared up into the unnatural turquoise of his. He slowly turned her head from side to side, as if examining her. “You poor thing. You look so tired and overworked,” and she was. “I bet those horrible businesses could see it on you. Turned you away like street trash. Poor, poor thing.” The young woman’s voice had left her as she tried to process everything. Just what was he planning?
            “D-Don’t act like you didn’t do all that crap to me” She hated the sudden stutter in her voice but was thankful words even came out. The young woman started fighting in his grip which caused him to tighten. “Let me go! What was that kiss?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” But she was only met with a chuckle. As he spun her around and pressed her back against his chest. “My dear, I was only trying to bring back what was mine. Tesoro, mia. So independent. We’ll have to break that.” She fought harder and let out a cry of pain as Giorno dug his fingernails in the meat of her cheeks, getting annoyed at her fighting spirit.
            “Now, I want you to listen to listen to me. I really don’t want to repeat myself,” he nipped her neck, “nor do I want to hurt more than I should.” Giorno leaned closer and whispered, “You’re mine. I’ve loved you for too long to let you get away and whore around like you did with him.”  He shoved her to the ground and held her there with his foot, pressing harder with every squirm. “Go against me, and your little angelo will be dug up, burned, and flushed down a portable. Or maybe I’ll finish off the rest of your gang.” She struggled to look up at him as he glared down at her. His mouth quirked into a smirk as he spoke again, “Whose to say mafioso even go to heaven, hm? My sweet, delusional darling.” Giorno dropped to the floor and scooped her up in his arms again hugging her tightly. She was too scared to fight back. Not knowing what would set him off. He quietly laughs at how broken the poor woman was. So easy to break in already.
            “Let me take care you. Love you. Cherish you like you deserve. You’ll learn to love me.” He gripped her arms in a bruising grasp and whispered dangerously smooth, “Or you’ll die trying.”
Her wedding gown shimmered and swayed gently as she and her new husband made their way to the center of the dance floor. Each step weighted heavy on her heart as the gravity of it all grew. Their movements were calculated and coordinated, just like everything else because it was all artificial for her. There was no true love, no true feelings in this forced arrangement. No more fight in her dull eyes that refused to make eye contact with anyone because then they would see just how much he’s broken her in just a year. One wrong move will surely be the one she’ll ever make.
No one in the ballroom could see the despair ripping away whatever dignity was left as she wrapped her arms around his neck or the bile she choked back as he greedily slipped his arms around her waist. If only she could keep tightening her arms like a noose until he was no more but a horrid memory. The room was filled with ‘awws’ and loving gazes as the couple settled gracefully into the position they had practiced many a times before. She finally turned her emotionless gaze to him. Giorno Giovanna chuckled at her. His new wife was so dramatic.
“And now the newly weds will share their first dance together!” someone, who she didn’t care enough to learn their name, announced as if he was getting paid on his excitement and not on the fact if he squealed, he gets killed. She closed her eyes as the crowd cheered, swallowed her sickness, and sighed. She made it this long without throwing up or crying, she can get through this dance.
 “The groom has picked this song out specifically for his new, beautiful wife. Isn’t that romantic?” The crowd cheered and clapped in blissful ignorance at the display of affection. The bride’s eyes snapped open at this new revelation and stared in shock at Giorno who only smiled. But when the music began, her heart finally burst. Tears welled and spilled freely down her cheeks as that Aerosmith song, their song, played and she was forced to move to its now bittersweet beat. Giorno’s wife shakily looked up at him and chocked on her tears.  Once again, chuckled and lean in to whisper with honeyed venom his final victory,
“Oh miele, I bet he’s looking up at us right now, amore mio.”
(OK Tumblr formatting is weird but I wanna add: Yes it Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing that Narancia and darling picked as their first dance which Girono stole. And Narancia was the only one allowed to call darling Miele as an inside joke for “Honey! I’m Home”. Also WHY WAS THIS 2K+???)
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abbabycchio · 3 years
I don't think any of my followers know this but I love flowers! So here is  flowers that the Bucci gang would give to you based on how they feel about you/ think of you.
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Bruno Bucciarati: Since the fall of the former boss, and his reposition as the second hand to Don Giovanna, although he loves you dearly he knows it will have to be a very “long distance” secret lovers situation to ensure your safety. However he makes sure you know how much he loves and longs for you every day he lives.
Pink Camellias: Longing for you
Gardenia: Secret love
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He’ll send you these flowers in a bouquet anytime he thinks of you with a note attached to remind you of his love and longing.
I long to see you again, mio fiore, there isn't a day that goes by that you aren't on my mind, your smile, your body, the way you sway to your favorite songs, the way your face contorts in pleasure when I touch you. I wish our love had blossomed sooner so I could hold you in my arms more often, hear you whisper your love into my ears, and bask in your heavenly laughter. My love, until I see you again.
Leone Abbacchio(happy birthday baby): It’s been awhile since he’s ever felt the way he does for you, he doesn’t particularly understand what he feels for you but he knows it’s more than how he feels for anyone else, as a result he pushes his insecurities aside and tries to become the type of man who’s worthy of your love and attention.
Red Camellia: You’re a Flame in My Heart
Savory(yes it’s also the name of a spice): interest
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Rather than send you flowers he’ll hand deliver them when he can. When he can’t he’ll send you a note attached to the flower to reassure you of his feelings. In person he’ll just man up and tell you aloud. (Most the time he’ll tell you these things when he’s literally busting inside you)
I fell for you not just from your appearance. I fell for you because we are best friends and I can't stop looking at you or thinking about you. I fell for you because of the way you smile, how your lips move when you speak, and how you always try to make me smile even when I don't feel like it. I fell hard for every aspect good or bad. Not just one thing.
-Leone Abbacchio.
Narancia Ghirga: He adores you, you are the most precious, important person in his life. He 100% devotes his love and affection to you and loves to remind you of that every day.
Edelweiss: Courage, devotion
Dwarf Sunflower: Adoration
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 He comes to you in person, wherever you are, or whoever you’re with. With bundle of flowers and proclaims his admiration for you. 
“I do and always will adore the parts of you that you’ve forgotten to love, I devote myself to seeing you happy, to loving you. I will do anything for you, more flowers, notes, praise, bow at your feet! I don’t care, I love you and all I want is for you to love me for me back.” 
Pannacotta Fugo: He is constantly anxious he loves you but worries it won’t last, he wants to be his true self with you, wants to make you happy, he wants to set his anger aside and replace it with your love.
Red Carnation: my heart aches(these flowers are also used in funerals)
Violet: Loyalty, devotion, faithfulness, modesty
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He will send these flowers to you with a note, of course you’ll call him after you read the note, thanking him for the flowers and let him really explain what exactly he’s trying to tell you. 
I may not be your first, or your last, or your only. You’ve loved before and you may love again. But I love you now, so what else matters? You’re not perfect - I’m not either, and the two of us may never be perfect together but you make me laugh, cause me to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, I’m going to hold onto you and give you the most I can. You may not be thinking about me every second of the day, but you’ve given me a part of you that I know I can break - your heart. So I won’t hurt you, won’t change you, I won’t analyze and don’t expect more than you can give. I’m gonna smile when you make me happy, I’ll let you know when you make me mad, and I’ll miss you when you’re not there.
-Pannacotta Fugo.
Giorno Giovanna: Being the Don of Passione is a hard job, he doesn’t let you out of his sight though, you’ll always be under his protection. Of course he doesn’t keep you around him 24/7 you are your own person with your own life. But the moment he knew he was in love with you he swore to protect you.
Red Salvia: Forever mine
Yarrow: Everlasting love
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Using GER he’s able to make these flowers blossom around your home, practically encasing you in his love. But he also uses this flower wall as defence against any of his enemies that would dare use you against him.
What is it that draws me to you? My cheek against yours, so smooth and warm. Breathing your heavy scent. Your lips so soft and firm, the kiss seemingly lasting forever. So strong and overpowering. I find it hard to resist. The desire, the craving. To be near you, to touch your face, to kiss those lips, to hold you in my arms. I wonder if you feel the same, is the desire a strong? Each time you speak to me my heart melts. I wonder if, for you I have withered and died. Like the last weeks rose. Petals falling around the vase, like the memories of stolen moments. Fragments of a dream. My dream. Of your kiss that lasts forever.
- Giorno Giovanna.
Guido Mista: He’s surprisingly deep, he loves you, and you know it. You have since day one, and he’ll keep telling you until the day he dies. You are on his mind constantly. Every special, passionate moment, every laugh, cry, moan. Every single one of his thoughts are on you, and your future together.
Red Chrysanthemum: I love you
Blue Salvia: I think of you
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He’ll show up at your door and give you the flowers, he’ll then sit you down inside and tell you everything that’s on his mind. He’s the type that thinks this is too intimate of an exchange and would rather it be a private moment for the two of you.
“I never thought I’d like you this much. And I never planed to have you on my mind this often. I want to wake up with you beside me in the mornings. I want to spend my evenings looking at you across the dinner table. I want to share every mundane detail of my day with you and hear every detail of yours. I want to laugh with you and fall asleep with you in my arms. I feel like we’ve known each other our whole lives. I don’t think I’ve ever connected with another human the way I have with you. When I look into your eyes, that’s when I feel it. That’s sudden sense of hope. You give me hope. You make things okay. No one else can do that for me but you. You are special. Believe me when I say I always think of you no matter how busy I am no matter what I’m doing, my brain is constantly thinking of you. I don’t know where my life is going, but I hope I get there with you.”
Trish Una: It took awhile for her to truly fall in love with you, she doesn't say I love you a lot, mostly because she wants to say it a the perfect times, when the love is so strong that she physically can't hold it back. 
Red Tulip: Passion, declaration of love
Heliotrope: Eternal love, devotion. 
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She’ll leave it at your door step and text you the note along with it. You’ll probably catch her peeking around the corner watching you read the text.
The more I see you my love, the more I fall for you. With each passing night and day, my love has only grown. Since the time I met you, I knew it was you. Why do I feel so passionate when I am with you? I love you so much. You are the reason why I breathe, you are my only solitude. Thank you for coming in my life, thank you for taking all of my troubles and showing me the light, thank you for giving me a reason to smile. I always glow when you are with me.
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
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Giorno Giovanna x Reader
A cute request from a sweet nonnie, it reads more like a crack fic😅, but I hope you enjoy this my sweet.
This takes place in an AU where everyone lives ❤️💕🐞🥺
It was one of the quieter weeks for La Squadra Gardie del Corpo. Missions were not coming in as fast as they usually did, and the ones that did come your way were easily completed. In short, you all had a lot of free time to talk about all the silly things that lived in your minds.
Today was no different, as you all lazed around the lounge of the base, junk food wrappers strewn about, you and Mista were almost comatose from a sugar crash while Narancia was still going strong, raiding with his online teammates he replaced you and Mista with after you both crashed. You don’t know how he managed to stay alert like that after gaming all night.
“Filthy casuals… if you’re just going to spas out, you might as well pick up some of this, Bucciarati is going to kill us…huh? No no, I’m just talking to my roommates,”
“Filthy casuals? Does that include me as well?”
“Ummm… Bucciarati… you see…”
You felt bad for abandoning Narancia like that, but couldn’t help but laugh at the lecture he was probably getting from Bucciarati. Your rambunctious laughter could be heard from the other side of the house, making a certain blond boy smile as he pulled on his signature magenta suit jacket.
“Shhhhhh (y/n), if you keep that up Bucciarati is going to come after us when he’s done with Narancia.
“Ahhh okay okay, sorry I’ll keep it down… well I’ll try, you know how I am,” you say through your laughter.
“Good morning… what’s going in here? I could hear you guys all the way from my room,” Giorno asked, smiling sweetly as he saw your face. You suddenly felt a bit shy and self conscious, looking down as you returned his greeting.
“You guys are the worst, I’m never letting you near my console again, die of boredom, see if I care!” shouted Narancia, leaving both you and Mista battling to contain your laughs again. You had to admit, you did feel a little guilty, so you made a mental note to make it up to him later. It may have sounded chaotic to an outsider, but it was all part of how you guys interacted with each other. Being so close in age, you all shared a special familial bond, which meant you would do anything for each other, but would also mess around with each other relentlessly, until Bucciarati would step in and put you all back in order.
You loved them all dearly, a band of idiot brothers to both trouble and take care of, but these warm familial feelings didn’t extend to Giorno… he was different, and your reactions to him affected you in a different way. At first, you couldn’t put a name to those feelings, but as you spent more time with him, you realized, it was a crush. Since then, you barely knew how to carry yourself around him anymore. With everyone else you were your usual jovial self, making silly jokes, being the life of the party, putting everyone in a better mood because of your infectious laughter. When it came to Giorno though, you were more reserved, the silly jokes being replaced with coy glances, rambunctious laughter with nervous giggles, as much as you tried to be yourself, you got too flustered around him. Little did you know, it was your lively, cheerful demeanor that had attracted Giorno to you…
He noticed that you were different around him, he wanted, for just one time, to make you crack up the way you did around the others. He found the way you expressed yourself, genuine joy painting your lively face, to be completely enchanting.
“Alright everyone, can we please meet before everyone starts with their day,” called Bucciarati as Abbacchio and Fugo made their way to the meeting area. Before even voicing your suggestion that you wanted to sit this one out, being completely exhausted from staying up all night, Bucciarati had preemptively spoke, “As for you three, it’s nobody else’s problem you decided to stay up, get in here and look alive,”
“Fine, fine, I’ll be there,”
Dragging yourselves to sit around the table, you see Giorno motion for you to check your phone.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I can create a diversion for you to run away,”
“Hahaha, thanks, I’m all good, it’s my fault anyway,”
“Not wrong there,”
“Wow, you’re supposed to disagree with me, and offer words of comfort,”
“Ahh, you see, I missed that lecture,”
“Were you always this sarcastic?”
“Pretty sure I’ve been serving up these remarks for the longest time,”
“Is missing the sarcasm a good thing or not? Perfect delivery, I guess,”
“It’s not delivery it’s DiGiorno”
There was something about his deadpan expression and the dumb joke that he made that made you burst out laughing uncontrollably. You didn’t even notice that everyone else was glaring at you, wondering what on earth had set you off this time. It didn’t matter though, all you were looking at was the faintest pink blush dusting Giorno’s face as he looked at you, knowing that he was the reason you were this happy.
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