#i love cute small animals
remysgamingsideblog · 7 months
me: the smart way to play an otome gacha game is to just obsess and collect one character and not pay attention to the others, thats why i refuse to pull on any non-luke non-event/rerun banner
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loveisinthebat · 9 months
The Nugget Stare
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arborescreens · 11 months
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you've got some big pawprints to fill, mailbox ♥ (separate mailbox ref here!)
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teddybeartoji · 30 days
anyway i want to introduce you all to my Big Cat Husband Household. this is an official thing i love them all. said household includes - black jaguar!toji, snow leopard!satoru, tiger!sukuna, black panther!suguru and mountain lion!tengen.
we all sleep on one bed and that bed is the size of a whole room btw they are massive. tengen and sukuna sleep on their backs while showing off their tummies to the world, satoru is always one move away from falling of the bed, suguru manages to be majestic even when he's asleep he looks like a statue with his paws crossed like that smh (i am jealous of his beauty) and i always end up sleeping under toji's side which means that i am at risk of him just turning over and suffocating me (i love it)
i also can never leave btw. like no bathroom breaks for me whatsoever bc i move an inch and suddenly i'm being yanked back to bed by any one of them and it's so??????????? weren't you just asleep?????????????????? they're all incredibly clingy (i also really love that ngl) oh and i die every summer. bc i am horrible with heat and they're all like HEATERS it's actually so bad and it's not like they really want to let me sleep anywhere else either smhhhhhhhhhh but since they love me<3 they take turns of sleeping with me in the living room instead of the bedroom
satoru also uhh kind of gets bullied by the others but he's genuinely so unbothered by it it's crazy. he also gets special treatment from me bc the others are mean and i am not, i like to baby him sm he gets the most ear scratches while the others glare at him from the other side of the room. satoru thinks it's very funny bc he loves the attention (the others love him too though dw i would actually kick them out if that wasn't the case)
sukuna and tengen tussle the most but it's all for fun they both like playing around a lot,, satoru often joins them too and it's a very entertaining thing to look at lmao toji and suguru typically just stare at them from the couch bc toji is lazy he just wants to lounge around all day and suguru thinks that he's better than the others in a way (?????)
(i also think it's really funny to add housecats dazai and chuuya to this household sometimes bc the idea of dazai and tengen sleeping in a patch of sunlight is so fucking funny,, dazai looks like a fucking twig next to tengen i think if the latter would place a hand over him he might actually break lmao chuuya and toji get along really well though they don't talk a lot but they just feel very comfortable around each other they also take naps together and it's the cutest sight ever)
the tongue baths go insane with them all btw but i won't get into that rn bc i might uhh have a heart attack..
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emomomortal · 6 months
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they're having a girl's night! which means painting nails so she's painting the tips of his fingers with a paintbrush
I'm their biggest fans I wish them nothing but a life of whimsy and joy
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yurokiku · 2 months
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Izuku in the movie trailer 🥺
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nikikeya · 29 days
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Life when you're the Designated Pillow.
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artcher-artwork · 2 months
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It's my BIRTHDAY in 10 days! So I'm holding a Birthday party sale on all of my shops for up to 50% off of my art packs, and 15% off of my coloring sheets!
INPRNT also has a 40% off sale for Summer, so please come get all the little critters you want!
Links will be below!
Prints (40% off!)
Gumroad (up to 50% off art packs!)
Ko-fi shop (15% off all products, and members get everything FREE!)
Ko-fi memberships
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yoshikunes · 9 months
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Kihada me beloved Fishwife 🥹🤍🤍🤍
Art trade with @ochacolle ✨✨✨
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xinyuehui · 21 days
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NPC: Guan Xuan ◊ Greyson
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mucseszter22-blog · 7 days
Cute kitty
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skialdi · 2 years
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Getting ready 🍓
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snakeeyesdraws · 1 year
Overly Analyzing the Super Mario 3D World story intro
So I've been playing Super Mario 3D World a lot, and since I haven't seen many people talk about the opening cutscene, I wanted to do that since it contains a lot of very cute animations!
This will kinda be a scene by scene analysis with me just pointing out things I like, but if you'd like to see the full cutscene in better quality than my screenshots, you can watch it here!
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The scene starts off with all of the main playable characters going for a walk under a starry sky filled with fireworks. I know blue/yellow Toads have been staples of Mario games now, since they colour code the main characters and Mario is obviously red, but its does delight me that Blue Toad is just invited on this little walk with them.
(Also if you listen closely, you can hear Mario say "Ah Princess, what a beautiful evening!" and I thought that was cute)
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Their walk is interrupted by Toad noticing something offscreen, and they run ahead to see a broken pipe in the middle of the path! Mario and Luigi closely examine it, and then we get...
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Real talk, the more the series goes on the less relevant their status as plumbers often becomes, so anything that references it or shows them actually using their plumbing skills makes me so happy. And their tools are colour coordinated!
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A bunch of power ups and the green Sprixie Princess pop out, and we get some classic 2d artwork, which I absolutely adore. More of this in every 3d game, please.
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The ground and pipe start rumbling, and this is where I really wanna focus on the character animation of the main four here. All four of them start looking around for the source of the tremors, and we see both Peach and Luigi lifting their hands up, Luigi looking more anxious.
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Bowser suddenly pops out of the pipe and roars, startling all four main characters. We can see very different reactions from all of them.
Toad and Peach jump before covering their ears, very clearly intimidated by Bowser's roar.
Luigi is the only one to fall over completely from Bowser's appearance. He stays on the ground and holds one hand up in front of his face, flinching when Bowser roars. Dude is clearly terrified by Bowser.
Mario does jump in surprise when Bowser pops up, but he's the only one who doesn't cower when Bowser roars. Instead, he immediately gets into a confrontational pose, with one hand held out protectively towards Peach. This isn't his first time dealing with Bowser, obviously, and his instincts are to prepare for a fight and to protect Peach.
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However, Bowser's target this time isn't Peach, but instead the green Sprixie Princess. A lot of people poke fun at the set up for this game - "if Princess Peach isn't in danger, why do any of them care?" - but I always like when Mario & Luigi and the others try to rescue others simply because it's the right thing to do.
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Bowser turns to glare at Peach and Mario, taunting them to react. Peach and Mario are both upset by the capture of the Sprixie Princess, but neither react too strongly to Bowser. Both of them have interacted with him enough to know what he's like.
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Conversely, both Luigi and Blue Toad react much more when Bowser turns to them. Blue Toad stumbles onto one foot, while Luigi cowers back further, keeping his hand raised defensively, which seems to be a common mannerism of his when he's frightened. Bowser seems to be grinning a bit more in this pose, as if he knows he can get a bigger reaction out of these two.
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When Bowser disappears down the pipe, all four of them regain their bearings and jump back up, reaching out for the green Sprixie Princess.
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Peach is the first one to rush forward to the pipe. She sort of flounders on the edge of the pipe before she slips down it - yeah, I don't think she had a game plan there outside of trying to rescue the green Sprixie Princess. But proactive Peach being included on the adventure is always a win!
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Before Luigi even lands his startled jump, Mario is already rushing forward to follow Peach down the pipe, and Toad is right behind him. I'd say it's out of mostly courage on Mario's end, and mostly out of loyalty to the princess on Toad's.
Then we get to my favourite animation of this scene (can you tell I'm biased?)
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While Mario and Toad follow Peach down the pipe, Luigi pulls himself together and slaps his cheeks twice to hype himself up. It's one of my favourite quirks for characters to do, and it's doubly endearing on characters who are timid in nature. Luigi was arguably the most started and scared by Bowser's appearance, but he knows he has to do something! Totally adopting this as a common mannerism of his
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Luigi then follows the others down the pipe, and they travel to the first world of the game, bringing the opening cutscene to a close.
Fun fact; since I've only ever played this game solo, and since I main Luigi, I assumed that his animation of landing on his stomach outside of the pipe was unique to him, since he's established as quite clumsy.
But in 4 player mode, you can see all of them coming out of the pipe together, and Mario lands on his stomach too. Just thought that was a cute detail.
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So that's the opening cutscene of Super Mario 3D World! It's not terribly complex, but I've always adored it for showcasing a lot of personality with the main characters, and since I didn't really see any discussions on it, I wanted to highlight it!
I do recommend you watch the cutscene since a lot of the nuances and details can't be shown in screenshots - or better yet, play the game yourself! It's a ton of fun ^^
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hiya! May I ask for a fluff alphabet for Price, if you haven't done that already. Since I saw in a recent post you only do 8-9 letters at a time now (which is okay!), may I specifically ask for: A, B, C, F, G, H, N, & Q? Thank you! 💗
Hey there! Sure you can! I've been in the mood to write something for Price anyway, so this came at a good time ^^
Fluff Alphabet for Price
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
On the one hand, he really loves going out to do something with you. Something along the lines of the occasional short hike, taking care of your shared garden or even just taking a stroll through the city, taking in all the sights and finding new ones you weren’t previously aware of. Those are things he likes to do when he’s been home for a while now. However, if he’s gotten home not too long ago then he’d much rather just stay in and sleep a little bit. Will want to cuddle you or just have you be his background noise. Don’t be mad at him if he dozes off while you’re watching a movie together, he’s just extremely tired and needs that rest.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires how resilient you are. Price knows that life isn’t easy, that it always makes an effort to throw one impossible thing after another at you, but you never seem to give up. No matter how rough life gets, no matter how often it knocks you down, you always get up, dust yourself off and continue to smile. Even if it really took its toll on you, you strive to make your life better. Although it may get you down when you’ve had the worst day of your life, you still won’t stay down forever. You do what you can, and that’s what Price loves about you.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
When you’re sad he’ll give you a hug, provided you’re okay with it. He’s a very good hugger, his hugs are very comforting and warm. Afterwards he’ll put on your favorite movie or series and watch it with you. If enough time has passed and you still feel down, then he’ll cook something you really like. Although he knows he can’t make the sadness go away forever, he’ll try to temporarily cheer you up. If you need to talk, if you need some advice, he’s also your man. If you have a panic attack then he’ll try to calm you down by taking you to a location with few people. Price can talk for a while if he needs to, so he’ll ask you to focus on his voice. Might also give you a rather simple task to take your mind off of things, such as counting backwards from 100.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
If it’s you, then he would forgive pretty easily, as long as it’s not something too big. If you accidentally knock down a mug he likes, then he might sigh and be annoyed, but he’ll forgive you. If you cheat on him, then he won’t. He’s usually calm and collected, even while fighting. Sure, he could be aggressive towards you and snap at you, but he loves you, so he tries not to. It’s sort of obvious when he is annoyed, his sentences become much shorter and he’ll actively try to get away from you. Won’t yell at you, won’t do any erratic movements either, but if he’s too angry then he’ll simply walk away from you until he’s calmed down.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Yes, he is aware and he is very grateful. How could he not be? You have the patience of a saint when it comes to him. He knows it’s rough to be with someone who is part of the military, he’s away more often than not, but you still decided to stay with him. You cook for him when he’s tired, you draw him a bath when he’s sore, you reassure him when he feels like you deserve better than him. You’re so much more than what he deserves, he doesn’t feel like he could ever repay you for everything you’re doing for him. He tries, though, but it’s never enough. Price could give you the universe and it wouldn’t suffice.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Aside from the obvious, such as military intel, he doesn’t really hide anything from you. Price doesn’t see the point in keeping secrets from you. You’re together, aren’t you? You deserve to know just about anything about him. He might not tell you everything from the get go, but once you’re close enough you can ask him about anything. You wanna know about his time as a private? Sure. How he came to be a captain? Yeah, he can talk about it. Just ask and he’ll likely tell you. But in the same vein he hopes that you trust him enough to tell him just about anything as well.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He doesn’t really use very many nicknames. Just the classic ones, such as “love”, “sweetheart” and “dear”. Sometimes he feels the urge to call you “sunshine”, but he usually represses that since that’s what he’s called his soldiers before. As much as it would fit you, he tries not to bring work home. He likes to call you by your name too, though. But aside from that there’s nothing he really calls you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He can keep calm in just about any situation, so he won’t lash out on you. He has an air of authority to him, so it’s not too often that someone is being a dick to him. And that extends to you as well. Price is a well respected man, so not very many people will come up to you and demand something from you. You, too, will be respected by most people, he’ll make sure of that. Regardless of whether you’re shy and timid or loud and boisterous, no one will bad mouth you. Price can fight, he will protect you. He will also fight for your honor if he needs to. He may have self restraint most of the time, but no one should ever talk badly about his partner.
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loveisinthebat · 1 year
We Love the Smol
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snowfoxsakura · 12 days
art from todays stream :3
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