#i love anything that lets me talk about music ^-^
nezuscribe · 2 days
it’s those infamous slytherin parties, the ones they throw after they win yet another quidditch game, but all slytherin!gojo can think about is you.
how you said you would come to the game but didn’t, how he kept looking into the crowd to see you there but you weren’t. sure, it was a long shot, after all, the two of had only just gotten closer and had it all ripped away ever since he kissed you that night.
he can feel the beat of the music in his bones, feeling the body of another girl pressed up against his and he feels nauseated.
you didn’t want to see him, that much he could piece together. you’ve avoided him wherever and whenever you could, and despite the fact that gojo prided himself in his inability to feel things, he felt his entire world slipping away from his feet the more you pretended that he didn’t exist.
you weren’t in your dorm (he knew because he asked your roommates) and he knew you weren’t in the library (he passed it by one his way here, not seeing you at your usual table), and gojo felt like he’d rather search the entire castle to find you than be here.
so that’s what he ends up doing.
he tells geto he’s leaving, don’t ask him where, and somehow manages to slither his way out into the hallways.
gojo walks around for a while, checking the library, your favorite broom closet, even the dining hall, but to no avail.
a part of him wonders if he should just go back, if he’s actually out of his mind, but he stops in his tracks when he hears something familiar.
your laugh.
he’s heard it a couple times this last week, a sound that makes his cheeks blush and his eyes to shine. he loves it. and he can tell it’s you from miles away.
so he rounds the corner, knowing that he looks unruly from his hair all tousled, his white button up wrinkled, but he doesn’t care.
and slytherin!gojo feels a part of his stomach just sink when he sees you sitting on if of those large windows, looking up as ravenclaw!nanami tells you something.
you look so angelic, so happy, and his jaw ticks, nose flaring. he should leave, he knows that, but he’s never been one to shy away, especially when it comes to something he cares so much about.
“nanami!” he calls out, watching as the two of you jump up a bit in surprise.
gojo watches as your eyes widen slightly, swallowing thickly as you glance up to nanami. he had come back from the game defeated to slytherin, but if he was stumped by that he didn’t show it on his face.
“gojo,” he says politely, nodding his head to him slightly. there’s a small smile on his face but it didn’t reach his eyes.
for a moment, nobody says anything.
“good game,” gojo then says, his eyes never leaving yours, “sorry it ended so early,” he’s just twisting the knife in deeper, but nanami chuckles.
you shift in your place, eyes trained on the ground as you smile awkwardly. you’ve been trying to not talk to gojo ever since that night, but he’s made it increasingly more difficult to do so.
“it’s alright,” nanami waves it off, glancing at you as he shrugs, “but truth be told, i do wish it went on for a bit longer,” you’re looking up at him now and gojo feels his teeth grating, wanting you to not look at this pompous creature, “we were just talking about how ironic it was that the first game she went to was cut so short.”
gojo feels his brows furrow in confusion, his air of confidence slipping slightly as he never breaks eye contact with nanami. he then looks at you briefly, catching your stare as he lets out a mirthless laugh.
“i wasn’t aware we had such a new audience today,” gojo bites out, his head tilting slightly to look at you, addressing you as you wet your lips, “i don’t think i saw you there.”
you nod slowly, fidgeting with your fingers as you laugh uncomfortably.
“yeah, um,” you start, and it’s the first time you’ve addressed him since that night. gojo cant stop looking at your lips, your face, everything, and he almost doesn’t catch it when you say, “nanami offered me a spot on the ravenclaw stands…so i went…”
gojo feels his smile drop completely, his eyes squinting as you look away, suddenly finding the wall interesting.
“well,” nanami says with another smile, triumphant as you looked at you momentarily, “i also offered to take you for a spin after the game but eh, like you said gojo,” his smooth words and demeanor make gojo clench his fists, his body rigid as his stomach churns, “it ended so early we could barely do anything.”
“hm,” gojo hums in the back of his throat, his mouth dry as he swallows once, his debonair smile coming back on his face as if nothing was wrong, “that’s all just part of the game, right?”
nanami nods, saying nothing.
gojo turns to leave, but stops for a second.
“oh, and i hope taylor preformed well enough by your standards nanami,” his eyes are watching the ways yours dart up to his, his finger motioning to you as he says your name with a lowered voice, “remember how spooked he was when we saw him last time? hope he learned his lesson not to go snooping ‘round the stands so late at night.”
gojo feels a sense of accomplishment when he sees nanami look down at you curiously, but it all washes away when you stand up abruptly, turning your back to him as you leave.
and his eyes drop when he watches nanami go after you.
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superblysubpar · 2 days
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modern!husband!steve harrington x wife!you
2,603 words
warnings: so like, technically, you don't have to read "We'll Call It Love" , my modern steve series, BUT you're missing soooooo much that got these two idiots here, so I really encourage you to do so. This scene is so so so much more fun if you know all that led up to it, I promise. anyways: | alcohol mentions, slight descriptions of use by reader | smut (public - you get caught *kind of* / fingering / piv unprotected intercourse - creampie / wife,mom,breeding, all the kinks from one Mr. Harrington) - 18+ as always
a blurb for the "Trick or Treat, Freak?" event - don't forget to vote for tomorrow at the bottom of the fic!
A/N: I just wanted to say again, thanks for loving We'll Call It Love so much. I actually got to go see the band COIN last night, the music that inspired the fic, the screenplay, and just...wow. I don't have other words for it. Idk, feeling very sappy for all of you today and this story that means so much to me. Thanks for being here, it was fun to revisit these two 💛 and *now* I'm done with them.
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The day hadn’t been without its issues, but he’d expect nothing less, when it comes to the two of you.
First, there was Eddie’s girlfriend showing up in fake blood, late, covered in swatches of dark and gory fake gashes and goo all down her arms as she frantically rushed past him and shouted something about busy season and don’t worry, his bride was gonna look beautiful and not in a tragically haunting poetic way but in a romantic sunset kissed glowing kind of way.
Which, you did.
But then, there was an issue with the cake, which, wasn’t supposed to be a cake, but a bunch of peach pies. Robin and Nancy were whispering loud enough to bring him into the kitchen, both of their mouths snapped shut as Steve blinked at the largest solitary pie he’d ever seen. It was massive, comically so, and Robin was waving her hands at him, it’s going be fine spilling out of her lips that had just been freshly glossed for photos. Nancy was on the phone with a bakery and then Eddie was stumbling through the door shouting about canceling the order. He smiled at Steve and told him that you started crying which made him frown and start towards the direction Eddie had just come from, but his groomsman and your best man stopped him, assured him that then you started laughing, that you said your parents would have loved it.
Which, ultimately led to issue number three.
Robin had approached him slowly, fixing his tie, before she whispered that they couldn’t find you, but that there was a note, with his name on it. He had grabbed it with trembling fingers, only to find it didn’t say anything like sorry or I can’t do this, but a quote:
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
He rushed past Robin, shouted about being right back.
Steve found you on a balcony, which took a little bit of work, asking the front desk if anyone booked a room under Buttercup, or Allie, Kate, and ultimately Sally Albright. Then they wouldn’t give him the room number till he confirmed his name was Harry Albright, not Harry Burns. His breath caught in his chest when you turned to look at him, chin quivering and a quiet greeting for him before you started crying. It all ended alright, after you talked about your parents and him and all of it and he kissed you and made a joke about wedding curses. If seeing you in your dress before the ceremony already happened, where was the harm in a sunset balcony quickie?
You didn’t go for it that time, only grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room with you, asking if he was ready to get married.
Which he really fucking was.
The floor to ceiling windows overlooking the skyline had been good in theory, letting in the beautiful, breathtaking sunset as you said your vows. But they also let in the warmth, the room an oven, leading you to laughing during the ceremony and swiping at his temple with your handkerchief and Eddie fanning Robin while she officiated. And cried.
There was so much crying.
But it was perfect.
You were perfect.
Steve blinked away from where he was watching you take pictures in the vintage photobooth, you, Robin, Nancy, and Eddie’s girlfriend were all crammed in, sitting on each other’s laps, to the attendant in front of him.
Perfect, but distracting.
“So sorry, what did you ask?”
The venue employee smiled, like he knew the look on Steve’s face well, and then he shook his head. “Nothing to apologize for, sir. I was just letting you know that all the gifts are put away and locked in the car downstairs as instructed by your wife. Anything else I can do for you?”
His wife.
Steve looked over at you again, sighing as you tilted your head back in a laugh at the images in Robin’s hand.
He smiled at the man in front of him and shook his hand, “No, thank you.”
You felt him before you saw him, or rather, smelt him.
Your body spun to find the source of the salty and fried scent to see Steve holding a container of fresh french fries and a smile and eyes that seemed to be perfectly made, and only for you.
“Hey Mrs. Harrington,” he kissed your cheek, lips lingered against your skin as he asked, “Hungry?”
“Starving,” you groaned, your body crumpled against his as you exchanged your glass of champagne for the fries you knew would end up being a great late night snack offered. Warmth filled your stomach at the sound of your new last name, like a lovesick idiot you swore you’d never be.
Steve lifted a fry to your mouth, eyes a deep burnt amber in the low reception lighting as he watched your lips part and steal the fry from between his fingers, his tongue with a mind of it’s own, swiping out over his bottom lip as yours brushed the pad of his thumb.
You snorted.
“You’re so easy, Harrington.”
Steve lifted the fries away from you, eyes glinting as you pouted and reached for them half-heartedly, content to just lean against his body instead as he joked, “Hey. We’re married. You have to be nice to me now.”
Warm breath hit his jaw as you huffed, “Well, if I knew that was the rule, I never would have said I do a few hours ago.”
A kiss was pressed to his neck despite your words, right against his two freckles, then a smile ghosted against his skin when you heard the low rumble in his chest.
Steve’s lips brushed your ear as he bent down, speaking softly, lowly, and sending the warmth between your stomach directly between your legs.
“Don’t start something you can’t handle, honey.”
Your head lifted, stares at one another challenging and hopelessly and sickeningly in love to anyone who was watching.
“Oh,” you laughed, quietly, leaned in to whisper against his lips, “I think I can handle you just fine, Mr. Harrington.”
He had you in the bathroom not even a minute later, one hand locking the door behind him and the other pressing over your mouth as you giggled.
Steve’s mouth was all over your neck as his hands found your hips, guiding you to the counter.
“You’re so beautiful,” words warm and sticky and sweet against your skin as your head fell back against his shoulder in a gasp when his lips found a new spot behind your ear. “Can’t believe I’m married to you. Can’t believe you said yes. Can’t believe you’re all-“
His hand smacked at your ass as he grabbed a fistful of it, scrunching up the fabric of your dress you could care less about now as he growled in your ear the word, “Mine.”
“Steve,” you hated how breathless you sounded, hated how he’d barely touched or kissed you and you were wrecked already, “Hurry.”
He whined into the crook of your neck, spun you and let his nose trace along the straps of your dress, across the lace covering your chest as his mouth followed, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
Steve knelt, regretfully removing his lips from your skin so he could carefully lift your dress, handing it to you with a quiet, “Hold this, honey.”
He pressed a kiss to your check as you did what you were told, but then he got a proper look at you and your lip was captured between your teeth at his groan, from the way his hands ran through his hair.
“Fuck,” he sighed, as his finger trailed up your thigh and found custom, cream colored straps and shiny buckles and pretty lace you’d ordered just for him. “Look at you.”
“You like it?” The question answered by Steve’s own lip bitten raw, his fingers still roaming higher, up the sides of your cunt, already soaked.
“Baby,” Steve laughed, eyes cast down between your bodies, watching carefully as his fingers slipped beneath the wet lace. “Do I like it? I love it.”
“That’s,” your head fell back, exposing your neck his mouth was grateful for. Distracted by the way he dragged his fingers through you, swirled around your clit, the same way his tongue was against your throat. “Go-good.”
Steve pressed against your clit harder, humming against your skin where his mouth was still latched to when your body shook underneath him. Your thighs clamped around his hand, yours clutched at his shoulders with fistfuls of your dress still between your fingers.
He removed his fingers from you, quick to make work of his buckle and pants, aligning himself with you but hesitating just as his tip brushed against your entrance.
Steve looked up at you, under his lashes that cast shadows against pink cheeks dotted with freckles. He gazed at you with the kind of look that you imagined you gave a sunset. Admiring, awed, like you were taking in its beauty the first time every time. Like you knew your time with it might be fleeting, so you had to watch it every second so you didn't miss a single second of it.
He leaned in and let his lips brush over yours tenderly, deciding to take his time and forget the frantic pace you both had started with.
He murmured into your lips as they parted in a sigh beneath his kiss.
“I love you. So much. I think I’ve loved you since I saw you in that bar, I texted Robin about soul mates before I talked to you, I-“
You caught his top lip between yours, an over too quick kiss, but then you were speaking into the corner of his mouth, against his jaw.
“I love you too.”
Steve’s forehead knocked yours, your hips wiggled, making his dick twitch as you stared into each other’s eyes.
“Ready, Mrs. Harrington?”
The tip of your nose brushed his as your laugh bubbled out of you, voice all sarcastic and fond, “Ready? I’ve been ready, Steve. You’re the one taking his tim-ohmygod.”
Steve’s smug smirk twitched in front of you as he thrust into you while fake grumbling, “Me? How about you miss I’m gonna wait over a year to say I love-fuckyoufeelsogood…”
He rolled his hips, only getting deeper, and your thighs tightened on the outside of his, head thrown back against the mirror from the feeling of him inside you, which he followed. His lips skated over your cheek, your jaw, as he slowly pulled out of you and thrust back in.
Your mouth fell open with each drag against your walls that cling to him, that want him to stay there. A noise catches in the back of your throat every time he pushes into you, each time only harder and deeper as he babbled.
“Sorry, I wanted,” he grunted, mouth finding yours only to kiss you once and keep talking, “The first time I have sex with my wife to last, to linger, to-“
Your mouth captured his in a kiss this time, tugging on his bottom lip and gasping into his open mouth when he thrust faster, shallower, your name a begged breath between the two of you.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to wait anymore,” you whimpered, your dress left your fingers so you could grip the back of his head, card your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and tug, “To finally have sex with my husband.”
Steve moaned at the word husband, twitching inside of you, which made you grin at the way his hips stuttered, at the way his bottom lip pulled between his teeth.
“Yeah?” You gripped at the back of his head a little harder, knowing what each other liked now. He frantically pushed under the fallen dress to find your clit again with ease, trying to get the upper hand once more as you asked, “You like me calling you my husband, Steve?”
Your mouth brushed the apple of his cheek, it kissed his temple as he fell forward, thrusting faster and making quick figure eights against your nerves, gasping at your teasing.
“Wanna tell everyone I’m your wife? Tell ‘em I’m a Harrington?” Your stomach clenched at the thought too, at the pace which Steve slammed into you even harder, hips meeting in a filthy grind as your head knocked against the mirror. The thumps mingling with the sound of how you were coating him, all a little louder in the bathroom and only making you both a little more turned on.
His forehead pressed to yours as he nodded, lips of parted mouths catching every time he thrust. He moaned, he begged, “Yeah, yeah. Wanna tell them. Wanna…want…pregnant. Mine.”
Your back arched, hand searching until it found his, lacing your fingers together. His others grew sloppy against your clit, slipping over it as you nodded. Chest aching from his admission, from the way you sort of wanted it too, how it didn’t scare you as much anymore, not when it was him.
“Ye-yeah, fuck, honey, I can’t-“ Steve kissed you. Passionate and breath stealing as he held your lips to his like he’d wanted to all day. Your clasped hands hit the counter, the click of your rings together made you whine into his lips when they parted. You let him go, his name loud in the bathroom, echoing against tile and sure to be heard even on the moon as his hips stuttered when you clenched around him. Your stomach burned and your eyes blinked rapidly, sure you weren’t on the planet anymore from the amount of stars you could see as his warmth spilled into you.
It takes a second for you both to come back down to earth, for Steve to laugh, for you to press your hands to your cheeks as you looked down at the mess you’d made of yourselves.
Steve kissed at sweat kissed skin, tenderly cleaning you up as you joked with each other, sleepy eyelids and content smiles. Slow kisses that left you both sighing in between lingering touches that weren’t out of necessity, but just because you wanted to be touching.
Completely in love.
He helped you off of the counter and winced at the way your dress fell down all crinkled and obviously mussed. You shrugged before running a hand though his hair, messing it up even more than you already had, then you untied his tie and let it hang from around his neck saying something about it only being fair.
He grabbed your hand, fingers curled into yours as he kissed your knuckles and led you out of the bathroom.
Robin was the first to slow clap.
Your nose pressed to his shoulder, a groaned god dammit on your lips against his suit jacket.
Then Rocketman was blasted on the speakers, a loud “Annnnnnnd Buckley owes me one hundred dollars!” comes from Eddie at the bar, earning a smack to his chest from his girlfriend, which was nice, until she said “I get fifty of that and you know it.”
And it’s all fine, Steve doesn’t really care, because most of the guests are gone and you’re laughing and heading over to grab pie, flicking Eddie’s ear as you went.
Robin slid up next to Steve, shaking her head. “Wow. I really had faith in you Harrington. A bathroom? On your wedding night? I know you two are animals, but you couldn’t wait to have your wife in, oh, I don’t know, a private bedroom?”
Steve only smiled at the way Nancy handed you a water as you caught peach filling from your lip, while you played with the little ‘S’ dangling between your collarbones with your left hand, the large blue sapphire stone sparkling next to glittering diamonds in the light.
His wife.
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For those of you who don't know, Leather and Lace was an Eddie series I started when I first started writing for the fandom. I only posted two chapters, and I just fell out of writing it. It was something I was holding close to me, and I wanted to really tell it right. I've been poking at it a lot lately, and the story has changed so much, and I'd love to share it again soon. But for now, have a little blurb from it tomorrow, and I'd really love to hear what you think. This Eddie is a childhood best friend, an enemy, a stranger, and hopefully, one day, a lover. Okay, anyways, happy voting!
*voting will close at 10am CST tomorrow, 10/3
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𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗔𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗨𝗽 𝗮𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 | 𝗛𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗣𝘁𝟐
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Warnings: None
Hyung Line x Reader. Angst.
Days had passed, and the tension between you and Chan grew unbearable.
You had tried contacting him, but he’d buried himself in his work, refusing to answer your calls or texts, and every attempt to approach him in person was met with cold indifference.
It was as if he had sealed himself off from you completely, and the guilt gnawed at your insides like a festering wound.
It wasn’t until one late evening, when you found yourself standing outside the studio again, that you realized something had to give. You couldn’t let things end like this - not over a misunderstanding, not when you cared about him so much.
When you loved him so much.
Pushing open the door, you saw him sitting at the same desk, headphones on, eyes glued to his laptop screen. The music played softly in the background, but the atmosphere was anything but peaceful.
You cleared your throat, and when he didn’t react, you took a deep breath and spoke.
"Chan, please. We need to talk."
For a moment, you thought he was going to ignore you again, but then he pulled off his headphones and glanced over his shoulder. His eyes were tired, and there were dark circles beneath them, evidence of sleepless nights.
"There’s nothing to talk about," he muttered, turning back to his screen.
“Please,” you said, your voice pleading. "Please."
He tensed, when he heard the hurt in your voice, and then sighed, pushing the chair back but not looking at you, his shoulders tense. He turned to you, his brown eyes tired and sad.
"I’m sorry," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. Afraid if you spoke any louder it might shatter.
“I didn’t realize how much you were carrying, and my words...I didn’t mean to make you feel like I don’t see everything you do. Because I do, baby. I see and appreciate everything."
He flinched at your words, but remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor. You sniffed and wiped the tears you had so miserably failed to keep in. You missed him. Even if only for a few days it felt like eons.
“I know you’re the leader, and I know you have the weight of so much responsibility on your shoulders,” you continued, wiping your eyes, as more tears fell. “But you don’t have to do it all alone. You don’t always have to be strong. I can be strong for you too if you just ask.”
You hiccup, trying to control your shaky voice. "I want you to ask I don't want you to hurt anymore. Please...you can ask for help too. You don't always have to take everything on yourself. I only said what I said because I wanted to convey how upset I was seeing you tire yourself out, Chan-I...I don't want you to be tired anymore."
You were furiously wiping at your face, feeling like a child not able to properly convey their emotions.
“You don’t have to carry that burden by yourself. You’re not alone in this. The members, your fans, me...we’re all here for you. Please just ask us. We'll do anything for you.”
Chan's hands fidgeted in his lap. You felt the urge to run into his arms- you selfishly wanted to have him comfort you. When he was the one who needed comfort in this moment.
"I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry-" You weep. "I miss you, Channie...so much...I don't want you to be mad at me anymore. I'm sorry. I really am..."
For the first time in days, his eyes met yours, and the raw emotion swirling within them took your breath away.
“I’m scared,” he admitted, his voice cracking, muffled by the sleeve of his sweater, which his face was buried in. “I’m scared that if I stop, everything will fall apart. That if I’m not there, something will go wrong, and it’ll be my fault. And that if I ask for help and things go wrong; you'll be to blame when you've done nothing wrong.” His voice was low and sad, and you could tell by the tightness of it he was trying to hold back tears as well.
Your heart ached as you listened to his confession, realizing just how much he had been hiding behind his calm exterior. How he took on stress to make sure any possible stressors wouldn't arise for those he loved and cared for.
"Oh, baby..."
He closed his eyes, his body trembling as the weight of his fears and insecurities finally crashed down around him.
He then looked up at your eyes that mirrored his own.
It seemed like the sadness in yours took his breath away too. Seemed like it shattered all the resolve he had left as he stood up and you launched himself into your arms, pulling him so close that your bodies would have melded together if possible.
You hiccupped out more sobs as you clung to him.
For a moment- a split second he wanted to remain angry, and he resisted -but then he collapsed against you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he buried his face in your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he choked out, his voice muffled against your shirt. His tears wetting it. “I didn’t mean to push you away. I never mean to do that baby, I'm sorry.”
You held him tighter, tears slipping down your cheeks as you whispered, “It’s okay. I promise.”
You stayed like that for what felt like hours, holding each other in the dimly lit studio as the walls between you slowly crumbled. And in that moment, you knew that no matter how heavy the weight on his shoulders was, you would always be there to help him carry it.
The next morning, the air between you and Minho was still thick with tension. You had barely slept, and when you shuffled into the kitchen, you found him already there, making coffee in silence. He didn’t even look up when you entered the room.
You stood there for a moment, unsure of what to say. The weight of last night’s conversation hung between you like an invisible barrier, and every second that passed without him acknowledging you made the distance feel even greater.
He slid over a cup of coffee to you without as much as looking at you, and as you held the warm drink in your hands they began to tremble.
"Minho..." you began, your voice hesitant, unsure how to approach him. “Can we talk?” Your fingers tapped against the cup nervously.
He didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he took a slow sip of his coffee, his throat working, and eyes fixed on the countertop. For a moment, you wondered if he would ignore you altogether, but then, without turning, he spoke.
“What exactly do you want to talk about?” His voice was flat, and that cold edge you feared had settled firmly in place.
You bit your lip, nervousness and guilt warring inside you. “What I said last night...it came out wrong. I didn’t mean-”
“You think I’m cold,” he interrupted, finally turning to face you. His expression was unreadable, but the hurt in the brown eyes you loved so much was impossible to miss. “It’s fine. I get it. I’ve heard it before. Its nothing to take to heart.”
You shook your head, stepping closer to him. “No, you don’t get it. I don’t think you’re cold. I know you’re not.” Your fingers gripped the cup to the point your hands were hot, and you set the cup down so you wouldn't drop it.
Minho bit his lip now. “Really? Because that’s not what it sounded like last night.”
You took another step toward him, your heart aching at how distant he felt, even when you were standing right in front of him. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I shouldn’t have said that. I didn't mean it al all.”
He looked away, his jaw tightening as he leaned back against the counter. “It’s not about what you said,” he muttered, his voice low as he looked at his coffee. “It’s about the fact that...maybe you’re right. Maybe that’s all people see when they look at me. Thats all they ever say so when you said it- the person I love most in this world...it made it feel...true.”
His words hit you like a punch to the gut. You could hear the vulnerability in his voice - the fear of being misunderstood, of being seen as something he wasn’t. Because he truly wasn't.
And suddenly, you understood how deeply your careless words had cut him.
You reached out, gently placing your hand on his arm. This time, he didn’t pull away, but his gaze remained fixed on the floor. He set his coffee down as you searched for words to say.
“Love, look at me,” you said softly, your voice trembling. Slowly, his eyes lifted to meet yours, and you could see the storm of emotions swirling beneath the surface. Something sparking when he saw the shine in yours.
“You’re not cold,” you said firmly, holding his gaze. “You're - not cold at all." You swallowed the knot trying to form. "You’re kind. You’re thoughtful. You care about the people around you more than anyone realizes. And maybe you don’t always show it in the way people expect, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. I see it. All the time.” The knot was relentless and made a home there, your voice breaking slightly.
He stared at you, his expression unreadable, and for a moment, you weren’t sure if your words were getting through. But then, slowly, his shoulders slumped, and the tension seemed to drain out of him. He allowed you to hold his hands.
“It’s just...hard sometimes,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know how to be any other way. I'm not cold I just...aren't feelings a precious thing? I don't know how to not be the way I am. It feels normal to be 'serious' and 'cold' like people say. I don't feel that way. I feel loved and loving. I just don't show it off in...big ways...” He swallowed. "Maybe that makes me mean and cold."
Your heart broke at his confession. You had always known Minho to be one who kept his emotions in check, one who always seemed to have everything under control. But now, standing in front of you, he seemed so vulnerable, so...human. Which you had always seen him as.
“You’re not mean or cold,” you said, your voice thick with emotion. You pursed your lips to keep yourself from crying, but it didn't work. “You’re human. It's okay to have different ways of showing emotions and letting people in. I'm sorry I made you feel that way.”
He looked at you, his eyes softening as the walls he’d built around himself began to crumble. “I forgive you, lovely. I was just being petty...I’m sorry I shut you out,” he murmured, his hand reaching up to gently touch your cheek. “I just...didn’t know how to deal with it. I don't want you to ever see me that way.”
You pouted, you bottom lip jutting out as you cried silently, your brows furrowed to try to stop yourself mid cry.
For the first time since last night, a small, genuine smile tugged at the corner of his lips and Minho chuckled quietly. He moved his thumb to your lip and looked at you.
"It's going to get stuck that way, Darling." He kissed them and then pulled you into a hug, his arms wrapping tightly around you as he rested his chin on top of your head, rubbing circles on your back gently as you sniffled into his chest.
“It's okay my love,” he promised softly. “I’m sorry I scared you by ignoring you.” He said guessing the exact reason why you were crying. "Shh, it's okay. It's all going to be okay..." He cooed softly as he rocked you back in forth. "I love you. So much. I love you." He placed a soft kiss on your head, and you buried into him further earning a laugh.
In that moment, everything felt right again. The weight of the misunderstanding lifted, leaving only the warmth of his embrace and the quiet understanding that, no matter how sharp his edges, you would always find a way to soften them.
The next morning, the apartment was eerily quiet. Changbin hadn’t come out of the bedroom since last night, and you had spent the night tossing and turning on the couch, unable to shake the guilt that weighed heavily on your chest.
You knew you had hurt him, but what made it worse was that you hadn’t even realized how deep his insecurities ran. Changbin was always so strong, so confident - but now, you saw the cracks in the armor he wore every day. And it hurt you that you had hurt him.
You took a deep breath, gathering your courage before walking to the bedroom door. You knocked softly, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Changbin?” you called out quietly. “Can I come in?”
There was a long pause before you heard him say, “Come in.”
When you opened the door, you found him sitting on the edge of the bed, his shoulders hunched, his head bowed. He didn’t look up when you entered, and the sight of him like that broke your heart all over again.
You sat down beside him the bed dipping, close but not touching, waiting for him to speak first since it seemed all the words left your mind.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally broke the silence. “I’m sorry for last night,” he said quietly, his voice filled with exhaustion. “I overreacted.” His voice was sad and quiet and you felt the power of the initial guilt amplify tenfold.
You shook your head, the tears threatening to spill making it hard to speak. “No, I’m the one who should apologize. I didn’t mean to make you feel like you weren’t enough. That’s the last thing I would ever want to do, Binnie, please believe me.”
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, still not looking at you. “It’s not your fault. I just...I’ve always felt like I have to prove myself, and becoming an idol made that even harder, you know? Like I have to be the best since everyone is watching now. And when you said that...it just hit me in the worst way. Because it's you.”
You nodded, understanding dawning on you. “You’ve always been hard on yourself.”
Changbin let out a bitter laugh. “Yeah, maybe too hard. But I don’t know how to be any other way. I feel like if I stop, if I’m not constantly pushing myself, then...I’ll lose everything. I tried so hard to get.” His eyes met yours.
Your chest tightened at his words. You knew how much he put into his work, how much he cared about being successful, not just for himself, but for everyone around him. But hearing him say it out loud, hearing the fear and vulnerability in his voice - it was almost too much to bear.
“You won’t lose anything, let alone me.” you said softly, reaching out to take his hand. You had noticed the look in his eyes and wanted him to be assured that you would never leave him. “You’re already so much more than enough, baby. You’re talented, hardworking, and you care so much about everyone around you. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Especially not me. Or the guys. Or your family. We all see how much you put in everything.”
He finally looked up at you, his eyes filled with emotion. “Sometimes, it feels like no matter how hard I try, it’s never enough. And when you said what you did...it felt like you were confirming it. And you're the...last person I would want to hear the from.” His adam's apple bobbed up and down as he put his forearm to his eyes. "Damn, I didn't want to cry." He mumbled. "Give me a second."
You squeezed his hand and waited for him to collect himself. Once he did you spoke, your voice trembling with emotion. “I’m so sorry I made you feel like that. I never wanted to hurt you. You mean so much to me, and I think you’re incredible just the way you are. More than I deserve, BinBin. Truly.”
Changbin’s expression softened, the tension in his shoulders slowly easing. “I know you didn’t mean it. I was just...in my head. It’s something I’ve been struggling with for a while.”
He let out a long breath, the weight of his insecurities finally surfacing. “I just don’t want to disappoint anyone. Especially you.”
Your heart ached at his words, and you gently cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to meet your gaze. “You could never disappoint me, Changbin. I love you for who you are, not for how hard you work or how much you achieve. You’re enough, just as you are.” You look into his eyes. "You may not be perfect, but everything about you is perfect to me."
His eyes shined, and for a moment, he looked like he was about to break. But instead, he pulled you into a tight embrace, burying his face in your shoulder. You held him close, feeling his body relax against yours as the tension finally melted away.
“I’m sorry I shut you out,” he whispered against your neck. “I just didn’t know how to handle it.” His lips brushed against it softly and you felt a warmth wash over you.
You pressed a kiss to his temple just as gently, your heart swelling with love for him. “It’s okay. I'm sorry as well.”
Changbin pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against yours. “I'm going to talk to you more about this stuff. I don’t want to keep shutting you out.” He kissed you again, but this time on your lips, and you felt a wetness.
You smiled softly, brushing away stray tears from his cheeks and lips. “I’m always here for you, no matter what. And I mean always baby.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss, as if sealing the promise between you. Then moving into a slow and lazy kisses as he pulled you down onto the bed with him.
You stayed there, cuddled together and kissing until the early afternoon, everything just as perfect as the man beside you.
The hours dragged on painfully after Hyunjin had left you standing in the kitchen. The apartment felt too big, too empty without him, and your mind kept replaying the argument over and over again, picking apart every word you had said, every hurtful implication that had slipped out.
You hadn’t meant to wound him. Whenever you had wounded him, you never did it intentionally. You loved him too much to do that.
You had only wanted to comfort him; to let him know he didn’t have to bear the weight of perfection like he thought he had to. You didn't want him to continue working himself to the bone; making himself tired trying to fit a mold that others wanted to fit him into. But instead, you had used your words to unintentionally cut deeper into the very insecurities he worked so hard to keep hidden.
It was nearing midnight when you finally heard the soft sound of the bedroom door opening. Hyunjin stepped out, his face pale and his eyes red-rimmed from crying. He looked fragile, vulnerable in a way that broke your heart all over again.
“Can we talk?” he asked quietly, his voice so small it made your chest tighten with guilt.
You nodded quickly, standing up from the couch. “Of course. Of course.”
He walked over to you, sitting down on the couch beside you, though there was still a noticeable space between you. Hyunjin seemed hesitant, his fingers nervously playing with the hem of his oversized sweater. He then laid his head into your lap. You hesitantly threaded your fingers through his hair, until he leaned into your touch, letting you do it freely. The silence was thick, heavy with unspoken words and raw emotions.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” he began, his voice shaky. “I didn’t mean to lash out at you. I was...I was scared.”
You blinked, surprised by his confession, your hand pausing. “Scared? Of what?”
Hyunjin swallowed hard, his eyes half lidded as he spoke. “Scared that you see me the same way I see myself. Flawed. Not good enough. I’ve always had this fear...this feeling like I’ll never be able to live up to the version of me that people expect. And when you said what you did, I thought...I thought it was proof that even you felt that way. And I don't want you to feel like that about me. At all.” He whined quietly.
Tears welled up in your eyes again as you listened to him. You had known Hyunjin struggled with self-doubt- struggled with the fact that people only saw him as a pretty face- a perfect face, but hearing him lay it all out like this, so raw and vulnerable, made your heart ache for him.
“I would never think that,” you said softly, reaching out to take his hand with your free one. “You’re everything to me, Hyunjin. And I’m sorry if I made you feel like you weren’t enough, or your weren't fitting the mold others want you to fit. I only said what I did because I hate seeing you push yourself so hard. I want you to be happy. I don't want you to see yourself as flawed. We all are- but how is that any different. I love you. I don't want you to be perfect- I want you to be you.”
He looked up at you then, his eyes filled with so much pain that it made your breath catch in your throat. “But what if I’m not good enough as me?”
Your heart broke at the vulnerability in his voice, and you squeezed his hand tighter, shaking your head, swallowing. “You are more than good enough, Hyunjin. You are so talented, so kind, and you work harder than anyone I’ve ever known. You don’t have to be perfect. Again, I love you for who you are, not who you think you should be.”
Hyunjin’s lower lip trembled, and for a moment, it looked like he might start crying again. But instead, he sat up, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in the crook of your neck. His grip was tight, almost desperate, as if he was holding onto you for dear life.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered against your skin. “I’m so sorry for pushing you away.”
You held him just as tightly, your own tears falling freely now. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’ll always be here. You don't have to apologize Jinnie...”
For a long time, the two of you sat there in each other’s arms, the weight of the argument finally starting to lift. Hyunjin’s breathing eventually steadied, and you could feel the tension slowly draining from his body as he relaxed into your embrace.
When he finally pulled back, his eyes were still red, but there was a softness in them now, a peace that you hadn’t seen in a long time.
“I’ll try to be better,” he said quietly, his voice thick with emotion. “I’ll try not to let my insecurities get the best of me.”
You smiled at him, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. “I'll try to be better with my words as well. We’ll work through our issues together. You don’t have to do this alone.” You touched his cheek and smiled.
Hyunjin nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He kissed you gently. When he pulled back, his forehead rested against yours.
“I love you,” he whispered, his voice filled with so much sincerity that it made your heart swell.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, your hands gently cupping his face. “More than anything.”
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
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@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
@whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun
@ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael
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@jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
@kkkeopi @neverendingstay @moony-9
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@leezanetheofficial @tr-mha-fan @bubbly-moon
@redstayrosie @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor @courtnort455
@modesttiger @night-storm7 @ka0ila
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rosenclaws · 10 hours
I got the mental image of Leopold as a dad in my mind and now I can't stop thinking about it. He would be such a good dad!!! Like, supportive, doting, playful, protective. Imagine him with a toddler who's just baby babbling away and he's listening with full attention and eye contact. Gahhh! I want to have his baby, he needs to be a dad.
a/n: hello you have now infected my brain with the Leopold as a dad worm and it will never leave me thank you and as my payment u now get a drabble. Also I’ve made the executive decision for him to be a girl dad and his daughter is named after his mother. Okay thank you
wc: ~650
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The best moment of Leopold’s life was the day he married you. Love deep in his heart as he said his vows. Promising to love you and no one else for the rest of his life. That you would be the one and only to capture his heart.
He meant every world and when he kissed you it was like everything fell into place. This is where he was meant to be.
The second best moment of his life was every single day with his daughter.
They’re all tied for second. Being a father was always something he wanted but to truly become a father. It was amazing.
“Dada!” He looks up from the morning paper to see his little girl waddling towards him.
“Oh my don’t you look gorgeous.” He smiles from ear to ear as he holds out his arms and picks her up.
Lifting her up in the air just to hear her giggles. She had a costume dress on and a little tiara. She was his princess so it was only fit she dressed like one.
“This princess refused to put on anything else.” You huff as walk down the hall. Leopold walks over to you and kisses your cheek. Then he kisses his daughter’s cheek.
“Is that true miss Adeline?” Leopold asks in mock surprise.
“I’m a princess!” She giggles and Leopold can’t help but agree.
“Are you going to be okay today?” You had gotten called into work for an emergency leaving your family plans for another day. You felt horrible but Leo assured you everything was alright.
“Of course my love, don’t fret I’ll handle everything.” You kiss him once more before heading out for the day.
“Now, what does the princess demand for breakfast?”
He can’t remember the last time he got this much quality time with Adeline. He swears up and down that just yesterday she was still a baby. The memories flash in his mind as she munches on her apple slices.
Holding her in his arms. Feeling his heart break at the sound of her cries. Wanting nothing more than to wrap her in his arms and protect her from everything he can.
Now she’s three years old and he savors every minute he can. Being sat on the couch as he listens intently to his daughters babbling. Smiling as she talks like she understands the whole world. He nods along and indulges whatever her imagination can create.
Soon she’s tired and the sounds of Cinderella play from the television. She stands on his feet as he dances around the living room. He hums the music as she laughs.
Leopold spins her around and picks her up. He remembers his first ball, learning to dance with his mother. Now he returns the favor. It may not be the 18th century but his daughter will be treated like royalty.
“M’tired daddy.” She yawns and rests her head against his chest.
So he takes her to her room. Letting her fall asleep in his arms, just like she used to. Sitting in the big chair by her bed, the same one he used to rock her in and read her bedtime stories. The one he’d sit in after she had woken up in the night and cried out for him.
He’d hold her tight and whisper that everything was okay. That he would never let anything hurt her. No monsters and nobody would hurt her.
“Well looks like you had a busy day.” He looks up to see you standing by the door.
A warm smile on your face as you take in the sight of your husband and baby girl. Leopold is everything you could have asked for as a husband and a father.
“Do you want to put her down and eat?” He shakes his head as Adeline stirs in his arms. Clutching his finger in her little hand.
“I think I wish to stay here a little longer.” You walk over sit on the arm of the chair.
Leaning your head onto Leopold’s head and slowly rake your fingers through Adelines hair. Leopold takes it all in.
So much time has passed in the blink of an eye that he wishes he could slow everything down and just live right here. He doesn’t know what the future may bring but he does know one thing.
He’s a lucky, lucky man.
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Left Breathless
All of my writing is completely Gender Neutral Reader. There is no reference to gendered body parts (Imaging a Ken Doll if you will). Due to this I use more vague language, and nothing is as specific or specified. Please be advised this writing style isn't for everyone and it is okay to skip.
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Ft ~ Toji Fushigiro x GN!Reader
Kink ~ Choking/Erotic Asphixiation
Synopsis ~ Toji thinks you talk too much. In reality you just love how you look with his hand as a collar.
Content Warning ~ 18+, Smut, choking, air restriction, fingering, penetration, raw sex, cumming on back. Idk Adult Content.
2.8K Words, I don't proof read
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“We should sneak out of here” Toji whispered into your ear.
“You’re the one that agreed to this.” You chuckled but truthfully you were seething.  There you were, on a double date, sat across from Shiu and his latest fling.  It wouldn’t have been bad if it was a normal double date but Shiu and his date were basically making out across from you.
“I’ll never do it again, promise.” Toji kissed your cheek, trying to drag your attention away from the PDA.  That was a lie though because he said this every time but somehow you’d always end up on a double date again.
“Shiu uses a lot of tongue.” You commented, both disgusted and fascinated.  “Alright, let me go pay and we can head out.” You whisper back to him.
“Wait, Shiu said he’d pay.  Wouldn’t be here otherwise.” Tojis brows furrowed.
“I know.” You smirk, holding up a black card.  “Swiped his card earlier.  I think our handler owes us a nice bottle for the night after subjecting us to this.” Your smile was devilish.
“God I love you.” Toji’s scarred lips turned up before you winked and skipped off.  You went to the bar side of the restaurant.  It wasn’t your usual scene, after all there were no fights happening.  Soft music played, the bar had backlight shelves and bottles to the roof.  Boujee.  Not as nice as the places Shiu takes clients but he was definitely trying to show off.  Hesitantly you took a seat and waited for the bartender to notice you.
“What can I get for you?” He walked over, cleaning a glass.  This whole thing felt foreign.
“Bottle of scotch, anything $300-$500, aged at least 10 years.” You ramble off.  Truthfully you just wanted to run Shiu’s card up a little.  Cheap wine and spirits were fine by you.
“Any notes you prefer?” The bartenders seemed more cheery at your expensive order.
“Musical.” You chuckle to yourself.  “I don’t care, dealer's choice.” You shrug.  The bartender nodded and started examining the shelves.
“Buy you a drink?” A man sat down beside you.  He had on a full suit with a loosened tie, unremarkable at best.
“Not if you know what's good for you.” You remark, turning your attention anywhere but him.
“Come on, one drink can’t hurt.” The man urged.  Not taking no for an answer, another red flag.
“Oh but I promise it will.” You sigh.  This was no longer amusing and the bartender was taking too long.
“One drink, nothing more, nothing less.” The man began to lean in more.  
“How about much less.” Your eyes flicked to the man, dark and warning.  He didn’t take the hint as he flagged down the other bartender and began to order.  This is why you hated places like this.  How long does it take to grab a bottle?  But there he was examining each one like it mattered.
“Drink up.” The man slid a glass towards you.  Why was there orange peel in it?  Why would you pay for a drink to have scraps in it?  Why didn’t it come with the orange at least.
“Didn’t agree to the drink.” You went to slide it back when an arm snaked over your shoulders.  Bad move.  The glass in your hand collided with his face, breaking his nose and most likely causing lacerations.  Glass shattered everywhere as people began to scream and panic.
“You need to learn to keep your hands to yourself.” Your foot collided with the man's ribs, cracking underneath the impact.  “If someone doesn’t say yes, that means no.” You reached over the bar to pour literal salt into his wounds.  “And another-” You were suddenly over familiar, broad and muscular shoulders.
“Shouldn’t touch what isn't yours.” Toji barked at the screaming man before he started dragging you away.  As you were being dragged off your eyes met your handlers.  Disappointed but not shocked.  You threw his card back at him, hitting him in the forehead.  At least you had some fun and entertainment tonight.
“I ever tell you how hot you are when you’re crazy?” Toji asked, placing you in the passenger seat of the car.
“Sometimes, but you aren’t much for words.” You bit your lip, thinking for a moment.  “Why don't you show me instead?” You could see his eyes darken as he started the car.  The ride was quiet.  Toji’s hand on your thigh, squeezing every now and then as he tries to focus on getting home.  He wanted to speed, to rip through the backroads but he knew if he got pulled over things would only take longer.  Shiu was spamming you with messages about having to pay people off, and not being able to take you anywhere but you could only focus on the man beside you.  The only man you had eyes for.
The instant Toji put the car in park and you were unbuckled, you were being dragged over the middle control, through the driver's door.  He has to save precious seconds to savor you oh so sooner.  You couldn't help but giggle as he threw you over his shoulder, slapping your ass.  He moved at an inhuman pace to unlock the door and rush you to the bedroom.  He threw you on the bed, making you bounce slightly as he looked you over, hungry and needy.
“So tell me why you assaulted him.” Toji purred, crawling on top of you.  Toji was a possessive man, not a jealous one but a possessive one.  He didn’t need to be jealous, he knew you only had eyes from him, but he loved to claim you as his.
“He tried to buy me a drink and didn’t take no for an answer.” You bit your lip.  His eyes looked over your every feature like it was the first time again.
“And why did you say no?” Toji gently kissed your jawline, eyes never leaving yours as he patiently waited for the words he craved.
“Because I’m yours.” With those simple words Toji could have sworn he almost came.  Such a simple phrase but filled with so much love.  His weight pinned you down as he began to bite and suck at your neck.  Leaving marks, HIS mark.  You couldn’t help but moan as he sucked on the spot just below your ear.
“Just one more time babe, whose are you?” His voice came out almost desperate, holding your face to look at him with both hands.
“I am yours Toji.” You could see the hearts in his eyes as he looked at you.
“And I’m all yours.” Toji purred, his scared lips connecting with yours.  For as rough as he seemed, Toji was actually very soft and gentle, especially when it came to you.  He pressed himself into your leg, grinding and begging for friction as you kissed.  His lips became needier.  Moving faster, choosing this kiss over breathing.  Parting his lips his tongue flicked at your lips, begging to be let in.  You eagerly opened up, inviting him in.  Your tongues swirled together, fighting for dominance, a fight you always let Toji win.  He tasted peppery, but with a slight sweet note like strawberry.  It was your favorite flavor in this world.  It was only when both your lungs were burning you pulled away from the searing kiss.  A spit strand still connects you both as you panted, needy and desperate.
Toji grabbed the hem of your shirt and began to pull it off.  You happily sat up, allowing him to remove your shirt before doing the same to his.  It was a sight you’d never tire of.  Like he was crafted from marble, a Greek god made for you.  Toji was no better, licking his lips as his eyes examined your bare chest.  
“Gunna do something or just stare?” You breathed out, feeling a little too observed under his sharp gaze.
“You talk too much.” Tojis lips found yours again.  His teeth bit down on your bottom lip, sucking and pulling at it as he continued to rut into your thigh.  His cock was so hard it was bruising.  You couldn't help but to reach down and grab it through his pants.  The grunt that Toji let out was like music to your ears.  He was panting into your mouth and humping your hand all the while.  It was only when you gave him a squeeze he pulled back and moved your hand away.
“Toji.” Your brows furrowed with a pout.
“Not yet babe.” Toji groaned as he adjusted his member.  He began to leave sloppy kisses down your neck, shoulder, collar bone, until he was level with your chest.  Lolling out his tongue he began to lick all over until he hit your nipple.  With a soft gasp from you, he latched on.  Sucking, flicking his tongue and gently nibbling.  His hand moved to knead the flesh around your other one.  He loved the soft whimpers and gasps you let out, squirming under his touch but his heavy body kept you pinned.  
“Toji, please.” You whined, hands lacing through his raven locks.  A sharp bite came down before he released all together.
“I told you, you talk too much.” Tojis hand moved to your throat, squeezing it lightly.  You bit your lip in excitement.  This wasn't the first time Toji had choked you, in fact you often begged him to.  The almost high feeling you got from being choked was euphoric.  Your eyes immediately started to roll back as Toji applied pressure, but as soon as it came it went.
“Toji.” You pouted, desperately trying to push his hand back into you.
“Eyes on me.  If you can’t keep your eyes open and on me, you're not getting choked.” Toji’s voice was demanding.  This had two purposes, to ensure you were still coherent and conscious as well as the fact Toji loved eye contact.  You desperately nod, begging for the restrictive sensation to return.  A deep chuckle escaped Toji before he obliged, squeezing down on your throat.  You fought to keep your eyes open, on him.  The feeling was just too good.  Your head felt light, like you were floating, it was hard to swallow and only shallow breaths could escape you.  Even so, you desperately keeped your eye focused on your boyfriend.
Toji lifted his body off of yours, making sure not to remove his hand from your neck.  His other hand began to undo your pants.  You helped him, lifting your hips, as he slid both your pants and underwear off in one swift motion.  Once your pesky clothes were out of the way he returned to his place, hovering over your chest, body between your thighs.  Placing two of his digits in his mouth he coated them in a thick layer of spit.  His lips went to your untouched nipple, giving it the same treatment as your other one.  It was his other hand you were focused on through.  The way it slid between your thighs, straight to your entrance.  His fingers circled it, coating it in his spit to lube it.  Such small, teasing circles, barely hovering over it.
“P-pl.” Was all you could choke out.  A pitiful begging attempt under the grip Toji had on you.  He knew what you wanted though, and he was more than happy to oblige.  One thick finger slipped in, setting an agonizingly slow pace.  His mouth was still sucking and nipping at your chest, sure to leave his mark there too.  His finger curled up into you, causing you to gasp, barely any oxygen reaching your lungs.  Then his second finger slid in.  Toji’s fingers were thick, only two was enough to cause a stretching sensation.  It was the way he spread and curled them inside of you that had you moaning under bated breaths though.  Your eyes never left his, as breathy mewls spilled from your lips.  His tongue flicking on your nipple as he stared into you had you fighting to keep your eyes open.
“To-ji.” You choked out.  He knew what you wanted, what you were begging for.
“Cum for me then.” Toji growled, biting down on your chest as he hooked his fingers into you.  You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling back as your orgasm washed over you.  Gasping for air as your body pulsated around Toji’s fingers.  His grip on your throat loosened, oxygen returning to your lungs as a headrush appeared.  Your body felt like it was floating on nothing.  
“Look at me.” Toji urged you softly, wanting to make sure you were still coherent.  As you gasped, your half lidded eyes went back to him.
“More.” Was all you could pant out.  His deep laughter filled the room.
“So needy.  Roll over.” Toji instructed you.  It was like instinct, his command making your body move.  You flipped to your stomach, face in the mattress and ass in the air.  You could feel movement and the sound of his pants hitting the floor.  His dripping tip tapping on your ass.
“Ready?” Toji asked, moving to tap his tip on your entrance.  Spit and precum mix together as he waits for your response.
“Please Toji, please fuck me.” You mumble, face half in the mattress.  Toji didn’t move though.  You moved your head more to look at him and when your eyes met his you realized what he wanted.  Eyes on him.  No words were needed as he began to push his tip in.  It was no surprise that Toji was huge, but even after all this time it was still astonishing.  Even with prep he’d stretch you out on him.  Slow, small thrusts.  Slowly inching his way into you until his hips were flush with your ass.  
“First things first.” Toji hisses through gritted teeth.  You were just too tight, too warm and too wet.  His small piece of paradise inside of you.  Toji leaned over top of you, his weight deepening the arch in your back before his arm hooked around your neck.  Your neck sat in the crook of his elbow, being squeezed between his bicep and forearm.  Everytime he flexed it limited your airflow more.  A dumb, fucked out smile sat on your lips as he angled your head to look at him.
“Blink twice if you're not ready, three times if you are.” Toji kissed your cheek.  Glossy, dazed, eyes that he couldn’t help but want looking at him.  Through wet lashes, you blinked three times.  A low rumble escaped him before he pulled out almost completely, hips snapping back into you all at once.  Rough, fast, and desperate.  Toji was setting a relentless pace, your ass rippling every time his hips reconnected with you.  His bicep flexed with every thrust, giving you small waves of oxygen.  Drool fell from your lips, swallowing was too hard.  Toji’s thick tip pounded into your sweet spot with every thrust, sure to bruise your insides.  Toji’s tongue licked at your falling spit as he continued at his animalistic pace.  High pitched whines squeaked out, tears began to well in your eyes.  It was too much, too good, so intoxicating and euphoric.  The thick knot forming deep in your core was almost painful.  You needed to release, you needed to cum.  All you could do was give Toji pleading, glossy eyes and begging whines.  Toji knew that look and could feel how you were consticting his cock.
“Fuck, C-cum for me babe, cum on my cock.” Toji grunted between thrusts, chasing his own release.  Your tongue fell out of your mouth as your eyes rolled back.  For only a moment you saw white and your ears rang as you came, and hard.  Toji’s hold on your neck was quickly dropped, hands moving to your ass to fuck you impossibly faster through your high.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Toji chanted with every thrust, fighting the urge to cum, wanting to feel you milk his cock for just a moment more.  He couldn’t hold out though.  Toji pulled out, fisting his cock until hot cum coated your back.  Thick and so much, he painted your back white with his mark.  Somehow Toji seemed more breathless than you were.
“Shit, you okay, can you look at me?” Toji asked, nothing but care in his voice.  His hand came down to move the hair out of your face and gently stroke your cheek.  Your body didn’t want to move, your eyes seemed to be the only thing that could.  You looked up to him, face half in the mattress still.  Fluttering blinks were all you could manage, fighting to keep your eyes open for him.
“Come on, I’ll clean you up.” Toji chuckled, hearts in his eyes as he looked down at you.  Gently, he scooped you up, kissing the top of your head.
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About the Kink: Choking/Erotic Asphyxiation is the intentional restriction of oxygen for the sake of sexual arousal. This can be done through strangulation (chocking, ligature, or other), volatile substances and/or chest compressions
How to Practice the Kink Safely:
With any kink it's important to have a safe word, action and sound. The action is in case it's not possible to be verbal. The sound is incase it's not possible to make words or move. Pick something easy to remember and wouldn't come up naturally. Eg. Red, 3 fast taps, 3 repeating grunts
This is a dangerous kink and should not be practiced alone. 250-1,000 people pass per year in the USA alone from this kink. It is vital safety signals are put into place and the one doing the choking is constantly checking in to ensure the one being choked is conscious and coherent. If at any point the one being choked seems unresponsive or incoherent, the restriction of oxygen should immediately stop. When choking pressure should be applied to the side of the neck, the veins and arteries, rather than the trachea itself. Pressure can be added to the trachea to enhance this kink but it should be noted that damage such as bruising can occur. If using ligature (like a belt, collar, rope, etc.) make sure there is a knife or scissors nearby in care of emergency. It is also recommended that the one choking knows what to so incase consciousness is lost. CPR can be beneficial for this kink as well.
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Kinktober day three. Choking - Kyle Garrick // (fem! reader)
CW: headlock (idk if that is something to tag, but I gotta cover all the bases), oral (f! recieving), unprotected pinv
THIS IS LATE! currently almost 2am on October 4th but i did it!! (i am going to pass out right after pressing post)
had major problems writing this because I kept going back and forth on making it sub Gaz!! (i love sub gaz sm need that man whiny in my lap)
Maury's masterlist
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  You and Kyle were having an inside date night. Ordered some food, made some popcorn, put on a good horror movie, and cuddled up next to each other on the couch. His arm was wrapped around you, holding you close, while you stared intensely at the movie, your hands curling into his shirt when the music hit a crescendo. 
  It was a good movie, no one could deny that, but Kyle’s mind was elsewhere. 
  Something’s been plaguing his mind all week. After Johnny wouldn’t shut up about this little bird he chatted up, telling all of them how pretty she sang when he wrapped his hand around her throat while he was “balls deep” as he put it.  
  He looked down at you, how you hid your face in one of your hands. You were too perfect for your own good, Kyle didn’t want to hurt you, didn’t know if you would be into it so he refrained from even asking. 
  The thought just wouldn’t leave him alone though! Having you all splayed out for him, wearing nothing but his hand as a fucking necklace. It was driving him mad. 
  He tugged you closer, leaning his head atop of yours. “You scared, dove?” He asked with a chuckle, which you responded to by hitting his chest, glaring up at him. 
  “You weren’t even paying attention! The demon hopped off of the closet!” You huffed. He could only laugh at your response before you both fell into a comfortable silence again. 
  He tried to pay attention, he really did! His mind just kept wandering off. He hesitated before taking a deep breath and looking down at you again. “I have a question.”
  You pried your eyes away from the movie to stare at him. “What’s up?” You inquired with a slight tilt of your head. You could almost sense the worry, Kyle’s pretty brown eyes closing for a moment before he finally got his courage. 
  “Johnny was talking about something, and I wanted to try it.” He cleared his throat before sitting up against the arm of the couch, dragging you with him. He saw your eyebrow raise and could practically see all the things that he could possibly be talking about pile into your head. 
  “Oh yeah? What is that?” Your hands cupped his cheeks, rubbing your thumbs over his smooth skin. That sentence could mean a hundred and one things.. Soap was a fella to say the least. 
  “Wanted to try choking.” Your mouth opened and closed, cheeks heating up at his words. You both had dabbled in non-vanilla things prior, and this wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg with things people were into. 
  “Like me.. Choking you.. Or-” You trailed off, and Kyle only shook his head. “Me choking you. Johnny said that it feels like heaven when you cum without bein’ able to breathe properly.” You thought about it for a moment, biting the inside of your lip. You trusted this man with everything. You knew Kyle wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you, especially by his own hand. 
  “Okay.. I’ll bite, just your hand though.” You explained as he nodded, a smile growing on his face. 
  Within an instant you were flipped to your back on the couch. Kyle leaned over you with a big smile on his face as he leaned down to kiss you almost feverishly, one of his hands cupping your face while the other moved under your shirt, gripping at your tits a little rougher than he originally intended. 
  Your hands instantly moved to his shirt, running your hand into the bottom to run your soft fingers over his toned abs. A moan left your lips as he tweaked your nipple and Kyle ate it up like a man starved. He pulled away only when you tapped at his chest. 
  You sat up slightly to tug at your shirt, haphazardly tossing it somewhere in the room, leaving your top half completely exposed before you grabbed his, helping him remove it before you could even blink. 
  He leaned back over you, pressing kisses to your jaw and your chest. He stopped at the waistband of your shorts before tugging them down, bringing your underwear with them. 
  This is what he craved, at all times. His pretty girl spread out for him. “Gotta have a taste, dove.” He whispered into the plush fat of your thighs, running his teeth over them before he looked up at you. 
  You watched him with bated breath as he dived between your legs like a dog, instantly throwing your head back and letting out a breathy moan. One of your hands grabbed at his hair, tugging him towards you. 
  His eyes closed as he groaned into your cunt. Kyle’s soft hand slid up your stomach and up to your throat, wrapping his hand around it. Softly at first, almost as if he was testing the waters. 
  When you clenched around his tongue he took it as a sign to squeeze harder, making you throw your head back against the side of the chair. His nose brushed up against your clit, your legs already shaking. 
He pulled his tongue out of your weeping hole and sucked the nub into his mouth, subconsciously tightening his grip on your throat as your thighs squeezed his head like a vice. 
  The stimulation, mixed with the way your breathing was laboured from his unyielding grip on your neck was making you go dumb. Panting and scratching at his scalp for any sense of reality as your first orgasm hit you in a wave, white flashing in your vision. 
  Kyle didn’t let up, too lost in the way your legs shook around his head and the way you tasted so fucking sweet. He only pulled off when you started to whine, wiggling your hips to try and run from the overstimulation. 
  He sat back on his knees, pulling his hand back to pull his pants down revealing his painfully hard cock. Kyle nudged you, flipping your pliant body onto your stomach. 
  “Lift up for me, dove, come on.. Please.” He almost whined. Needing to feel you around his dick desperately. He could’ve finished right there, watching you arch your back, presenting your slick cunt for him. 
  He was on you in an instant, rubbing himself between your folds to get himself somewhat lubed up before pushing into you. Fuck. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he plunged himself into you, already hitting that spot inside you that makes you moan like a bitch in heat. 
 His thrusts were rough as he planted one foot on the floor for a better angle. He grabbed your arms and pulled your back up to his chest to whisper in your ear. “Feel so fucking good around me. God, dove.” 
  You repeated his name like a mantra as you screwed your eyes shut, completely missing when he wrapped his entire arm around your neck. You could hear his groans right next to your ear as he put you in a headlock. Your body acted in response, clenching down on him as the air was sucked out of your lungs. 
  Your hands tightened around his forearm and bicep, nails digging so deep into his skin they were bound to leave crescent shaped marks in their wake. 
  His free hand snaked in front of you, rubbing circles into your sensitive, swollen clit. The sensation made you twitch, but his grip kept you right where he wanted you. You couldn’t breathe right, but it was electrifying. It made you focus on the way his cock was hitting so deep inside you, you swore you could feel it in your tummy and the way his fingers expertly moved across your bud. 
  “I’m not going to last, dove-” He hissed through gritted teeth, his pace quickening. You could barely hear him, the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears intensifying as you struggled to inhale. 
  “One more- shit! Give me one more and I'll fill you up, c’mon- I know you can.” He bit his lip to supress what would be a pathetic whimper. 
  You felt the coil inside you snap at his final words. Your entire body quivering as your orgasm washed over you, a silent scream ripping through your chest. Kyle’s hips stuttered as he followed quickly after you, not being able to last with the way your cunt was gripping him. He shot his load deep inside of you with a moan, putting his head onto your shoulder. 
  Spots dotted your vision when you were finally released from his grip. Your body goes lax as you tumble forwards onto the couch, attempting to catch your breath. 
  Kyle doesn’t pull out, just turns you on your side and slides in behind you, pressing soft kisses to your shoulder while he checked in. When you  finally got yourself back together you gave him a verbal okay, curling into him, he finally allowed himself to relax fully, wrapping his arms around your body, keeping you warm. 
  He made a mental note to thank Johnny for telling him all about it.
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gaylorvader · 1 day
Agatha All Along Episode 4 Spoilers
Lorna Wu's Version of The Ballad Of The Witches Road
I know we're all distracted by the almost sapphic kiss in this week's episode but can we talk about the new version of the witches road ballad. Like the fact it was Alice's mom's way of protecting her and the lyrics "if I can't reach you, let my song teach you" like that shit makes me emotional dog. Makes me think of my parents and how they've only ever been supportive even if they don't understand, how they'd do anything for me. And "I'll see you at the end" like her mom's saying I'll see you in the afterlife, like she almost knew the curse would kill her. The whole thing is so god damn tragic man. And I almost forgot the line "my love can not be turned" her saying I'll always love you no matter what, like fuck dude. :'(
And Alice getting revenge on the curse, seemily killing it while singing and playing her mom's song that she made to protect her. The shot with Alice looking determined and angry at it with the fire in the background was SO cool. I wish I could find a picture of it. She's looking at it like "try me bitch" and I just know all that was going through her head was memories of her mom.
It hits so fucking hard for me. Like I'm deadass almost crying, like I'm being 100% literal with that no exaggeration. Maybe it's cause musics so important to me and such a big part of my life, and my parents mean the world to me. Idk. Maybe I can see myself in Alice's shoes, knowing how hurt and angry I'd be, and how badly I'd want revenge for what happened to them. Alice is now one of my favorite characters in the show, it's Teen and her either barely below him or tied for 1st.
I feel like I could keep talking but I'd probably end up repeating myself so imma end it here. God that episode was so good.
(Edit)Took a picture of the scene I was talking about. The quality ain't good cause it's a picture of a screen but still.
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ratsummer · 2 days
Lads I do not remember if I read about this from one of you on Tumblr or if I was talking to my bestie or if perhaps I was just daydreaming all along BUT I have not been able to stop thinking about the ghouls needing to have their claws trimmed on tour and their different reactions 😭 like fully I am imagining Copia sitting on the bus with fucking dog nail clippers because they've been touring long enough that their claws have grown back out and it's time to knock them back before they get to their next hotel. Please if someone has made a post about this send it to me I feel that I'm losing my mind!!! Anyway, here's how I think each of the ghouls behave!!!
Aurora: The goodest girl. Perfect princess. Only whines a little until Papa gives her a little piece of candy to suck on for her trim. She gets a little kiss on her head after each snip, so by the end she's purring and happy swishing her tail. She's a treasure.
Rain: A bit fussy, but overall just about as perfect a princess as Aurora. He'll try to yank out of Copia’s grip here and there if he thinks he has the clipper up too high on his claw. He doesn't mind trimming them a bit but Papa can you PLEASE leave them a LITTLE long??? Also gets lots of kisses, a nice pat on the butt when he's sent away to get the next in line.
Cirrus: She's very good and still, but SUPER tense because she hate hate hates the sound and the feeling of the nail trimmers snapping her claws off. It makes her skin absolutely crawl. She wears headphones and listens to music and it helps, but she does have a low growl going the whole time, tail lashing a bit. Copia goes very quickly for her, and then she gets a nice shoulder massage and kisses.
Mountain: A bit like Cirrus, the feeling bugs him a lot. His ears flick with each snip, and he will whine about it. He's gotten MUCH better at not flinching though, which Copia's once-bruised ribs are very grateful for. But Copia is very good at what he does and it's over quickly. He always makes a nice cup of tea before he trims Mounty's claws so he can send him off to relax right after.
Cumulus: This girlie does not appreciate a nail trim. She tries very hard to wheedle out of it. Oh, Papa, I have to go to the bathroom, my stomach is bugging me. Oh, Papa, I need a snack first. Oh, Papa... could we spend some alone time together first~ I need you~ Copia does have to get stern with her sometimes. It's just a few moments, my love. Come now, be a good ghoul for your Papa. And she will... but her tail is twitchy and she's pouting and whining the whole time.
Swiss: Truly a good boy! Doesn't mind a trim. It's a bit annoying, but he likes the attention from Copia. Copia also is a bit more fussy with Swiss' claws, as they tend to be a bit dryer and more brittle than the others (tour kinda dries him out), so he's grateful Swiss is good. He's always sure to rub in some good cream and file and shape them a bit so they don't snag and snap on anything. Swiss is purring the entire time, leaning in for an affectionate nuzzle or head bump here and there. Papa showers him with affection the whole time, praising his sweet ghoul, let's take care of you, my beloved.
Phantom: Pathetic. The saddest, wettest eyes. Acts like Papa is mad at him and this is his horrible, wretched punishment. He slinks in, tail wrapped tight around his leg. He kind of ragdolls too, making it hard to maneuver him for a good trim. Copia is patient with him though, believes he'll be fine with it someday as long as his experiences are always calm and gentle. Phantom gets to sit in Papa's lap for his nail trims, held close and cuddled the entire time. Like Rory, he gets a kiss between each snip, but also back rubs, soft reassurances, lots of praise. Eventually he discovers Phantom is perfectly happy and content to sit still and purr in Papa's lap during his trim if they get to listen to music together or if Copia turns on a video for Phantom to watch during his trim.
Dew: Oh, the problem ghoul. He has come a looooooong way. This poor ghoul used to not be able to get through a nail trim without a sedative and a muzzle and an extra set of hands to help hold him still. He would beg and plead to not have to do it, I'll be good Papa I promise I promise I will be so careful not to scratch up the hotel bedding or the towels or the floors! He hates the sound, he hates the feeling, but most of all he hates disappointing Papa. So now, Dew gets to wait until they make it to their hotel, and he can take a long, hot shower to relax and soften his claws a bit beforehand. Papa just holds him for a while and takes deep breaths with him. Waits for his tail to go still, or just a single thump here and there. Sometimes they have to wait a few minutes between each clip for Dew to calm back down. When he's all done Papa absolutely spoils him. They cuddle up and turn on a calm movie, Dew gets back rubs and praise and smooches.
(Aether, who trims Dew's claws at home, HAS accused him of faking it for attention. Dew vehemently denies it, of course.)
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l0stfoster · 2 days
I’ve been going through all the lore and I’ve noticed we don’t get alot about two-bit sister. If I may ask can we get some stuff on her like
Her relationship with her brother?
Anything interesting about her?
How’s she acted after her brother was jumped?
Just simple things like that!
MOLLY TALK!! I love it when people ask about the side characters, it makes me very giddy. You could argue that Paul got thrown into the main mix because I could not be sane about him. The basics
- Molly's around 8 during the book/musical's events. - She's growing into her features a bit slower, so although her wings can hold her weight, she can't fly too well right now. She's still got lots of down feathers too. - Their mother doesn't let her join Two-Bit and the gang too much, but she's around them a good lot too. They're her flock as well, but she hasn't adjusted to the cultural aspect yet. They'll get her feathers someday - Out of the gang Darry and Ace are her favorites. Steve's probably got a soft spot for her too, since he can float her around. - She also likes the 3 socs when they fall into an alliance with the gang. They cherish her, she's very silly to them. - She's very smart for her age. Absolutely loves school and learning in contrast to Two who couldn't give a fuck about actually learning. - I like to imagine her kinda similarly to Clementine from The Walking Dead lmao. She's soft-spoken and really damn smart, but she's also pretty observant of others. She's still a kid, though, and has that naive innocence that can sometimes do more harm than good. She didn't realize that the socs were foes until Two's jumping.
Her relationship with her brother?
- Molly is very close with Two, she looks at him like he hung the stars and he'd do just about anything for her. It's in their nature; she's little, and his instincts obligate him to protect her-- but she is his sister, too. He'll do anything to keep her safe as is. She's like his shadow, if she's allowed to come with him, she'll follow. He's the one who taught her to fly, how to preen, etc. She mirrors his actions a lot, he taught her to dive-bomb people for shiny stuff; it gets her in trouble at school, though. - He thinks he's good at keeping her away from a lot of the messy stuff, but she's smart. She knows things are rough all over, despite how hard he tries to keep it under wraps. - She doesn't remember it much, but she knows that their father wasn't a good man and that Two commonly put himself in between his wrath and her. That willingness to put himself in danger scares her sometimes, she doesn't want him getting hurt. - She doesn't like that he drinks.
Anything interesting about her?
- She's uncomfortably good at voice mimicking for her age. Her speech patterns can give her away pretty easily because she's just a kid, but there are multiple instances of her actually managing to pull it off. It's an unconscious thing as well, like a vocal stim.
How did she act after her brother was jumped?
- Molly was, unfortunately for her, one of the first people to see Two after his jumping; 'cause Dally bought Two-Bit home and she'd insisted to their mom that she stays up until he got back. - It was terrifying, her mom tried to shield her from it but she'd seen enough. Dally had to promptly pull her out to get her to stop looking. It gave her nightmares, she also insisted on sleeping in his room 'cause she wanted to make sure no one was there. - She couldn't understand why she and her mom couldn't just give Two their molted feathers to fix his wings. - It was probably the first time her flocking instincts kicked in as a harpy, she got REAL protective of Two-Bit. Absolute goblin to deal with for a few weeks because anyone even getting too close to him would have to calm down a very pissy baby bird.
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lady0ctavia · 3 days
What They'd Do for a First Date (Axis, Allies, & Nordics)
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Something very quick because I just really wanted to get this idea out there. Also, I'm spending more and more time on my 2p!Prussia x Reader fic, but I wanted to make sure the rest of y'all are being fed.
So here are my headcanons on where I think a large chunk of the Hetalia boys would do for a first date!
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Italy: While Feliciano's down for pretty much anything, he'd want to make sure the first date is something special. As such, he'd plan a nice, romantic dinner for the two of you where he cooks the food.
Germany: Ludwig would want to have the date at his house where you'd bake something together. He'd rather make either cake or bread. But he'd be open to hearing your ideas on what the two of you can bake.
Japan: I can see Kiku taking you to a painting class. Nothing super fancy or advanced, but something small, simple, and fun. Something where the two of you can delve into your creative side.
Prussia: Gilbert would 100% take you to the movies. He'd be down for seeing whatever you wanted to see, though he's more partial to action/adventure films. However, he wouldn't be opposed to horror, as he likes the idea of you getting scared and holding onto him.
Romano: Lovino will take you on a long walk around Rome sightseeing. He'd be pointing out every last bit of architecture you see and would recite a full history of everything. He's also the kind of guy to wanna take you on a boat ride.
America: Two words; amusement park. Alfred will absolutely take you to an amusement park or a state fair where you'd eat all kinds of fried foods, go on all of the rides, and, if it's a state fair, take you to the petting zoo. He'd also stress over planning the perfect kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel where the two of you'd watch the fireworks.
England: A first date with Arthur would be at a bookstore similar to that of Barnes and Noble. He'd want to look at different books with you and then chat about them over a cup of tea at an adjoining cafe.
France: I know it's kinda cliche at this point, but Francis would bring you to a fancy restaurant for a romantic, candle-lit dinner. Preferably in an area of the restaurant that is somewhat secluded. Hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it!
Russia: Ivan would simply want to go for a walk. Nothing big and fancy. He's perfectly content with something quiet and simple. He'd want to just stroll around town and chat about any of your shared likes or hobbies.
China: Maybe this is a little funny, seeing as he's so old, but Yao would take you to a museum. Mainly to constantly fact-check the workers there, as well as the displays. Especially if it's a Chinese museum. He's been around for 4000+ years, honey. He knows more than the people who work there.
Canada: Okay, this can go one of two ways. Matthieu would either take you on a nature walk through the beautiful Canadian woods, or he'd take you to a hockey game. Either way, the night will end with the two of you going in for a kiss, only to get interrupted by Mr. Kumajiro.
Denmark: I know this is gonna sound ridiculous, but Mathias would absolutely take you to the Lego Store. There is no way you can convince me that this man doesn't love Legos. He'd get cute little minifigures made of the two of you.
Sweden: I can see Berwald either being content with sitting at home and drinking hot cocoa, going to a musical performance of some kind, or, dare I say it, going to an IKEA and talking about what pieces of furniture would look the best in his or your living room.
Norway: Lukas would take you out into the woods late in the evening for the two of you to stargaze. He'd point out different constellations and tell you the stories behind them.
Finland: Alright, we all know Tino's a cutie, but don't let that adorable face deceive you. A first date with this man will either end up with him taking you to a heavy metal concert, or taking you out sharpshooting.
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sungchanarcade · 10 hours
anton as your bff
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i’m probably going to make this a series and do one for each of the members, i’m just such a sucker for friends2lovers :( 
for you two, hanging out is never just that, it always turns into a whole quest. when the weather is nice you guys would decide go to a park for the afternoon before stopping for snacks on the way home to have a movie night but inevitably, one of you always goes “wait i have a really good idea!” and boom suddenly its 2 a.m and you’re on the other side of the city
your plans when you spend time together would be so spontaneous that you’ve stopped planning entirely. neither of you know what you’re going to end up doing with your day together, you just let things unfold and try to avert disaster when necessary (it’s always necessary)
holds your hand/has his arm around you every time you’re on any public transit and he never lets go of you in a crowd, no matter how many or few people are in it. 
also holds your hand when crossing the street, which you teased him about once (“i’m not 5 years old i’m not gonna run away”) and he was all sulky about it (“fine. get hit by a car then”) but every time you two get to a crosswalk (or are about to jaywalk oops) you both grab for each other’s hand naturally
sharing clothes but not realizing until the “oh so that’s where my scarf went” (anton probably has more of your jewelry than you do)
he would carry your bag whenever you’re tired but you wouldn’t have to ask him to, he can tell when you need the break and just wordlessly lift it off your shoulder and put it on his own
despite all your wild adventures, he would love the chill days you have together. staying in to play video games, cooking a meal together, movie marathons, you name it, he just likes having you around
he would always show you the music he’s working on, even stuff that isn’t finished. your feedback and praise means more to him than anything else
while i think he wouldn’t be the best at keeping secrets and he hates hiding things from you, you still wouldn’t realize he has feelings for you and he is doing everything he can to make sure it stays that way because you’ve been friends long enough that he can’t even imagine what his life would be like if you weren’t in it
everyone else definitely knows though
all his other friends have been trying to get him to confess to you for the longest time but no matter how much they nag him about it he isn’t any closer to actually doing it
you would have to confess first i fear
i feel the confession would be as spontaneous you two are, you wouldn’t plan to tell him ahead of time. it would be late after spending the day running around town together and you’d be sitting next to him on some random park bench looking out at the city and he’d offer you the last few bites of his ice cream—even though he’d bought it for himself and you already stole some—and you’d just say it without really meaning to.
“do you want any more?” he asks, tilting the pint container in your direction until you can see it’s almost empty. as if he’s reading your mind, he says “you can have the rest, it’s ok.” he’d bought the ice cream for himself when you’d stopped at a convenience store on the way up here and you’d already stolen more than a few bites, yet here he was, offering you the last of it. he lifts the spoon toward you. “do you want the rest?” he asks, voice soft, gaze softer, and you feel so warm and safe in it. instead of answering his question, you sigh and say, “this is the kind of shit that made me fall in love with you.”
and you’d be so casual about it that he wouldn’t fully register what you said at first and be snarky as ever with his reply (“oh i’m so sorry for being nice to you”) but as soon as he’s said it he realizes exactly what you said and then his brain kind of short circuits
the rest of the confession is mostly you talking and him stuttering and tripping over his words. you definitely have to finish half his sentences for him because he’ll just trail off in the middle. his face is SO red and he would not stop blushing for the entire conversation. when you two get back to his place at the end of the night his cheeks are still red
he’d start smiling (mostly to himself) about how lucky he got every. single. time. he looks at you for at least 3 weeks after
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pansy-picnics · 2 days
can ask that you spill everything about your Splatoon OCs? 😺
ABSOLUTELY i did not expect anyone to ask to be honest….goodness where do i even begin. Let’s see. I’ll start with my main little doomed love triangle thing i suppose
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Cecilia Paek, she/her, 24 yrs old, aka: cece, celia, eight, whore, freak, slut, etc. My agent 8. born in the domes under the name Seo-Mi Paek, but renamed herself to cece post-memory loss. A freak both in the not-safe-for-work sense and just. In general. She says the most unhinged shit in such a passive formal manner. Marina has to consistently tell her she’s not allowed to eat the jelletons. She bites. A lot.
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aside from being a freak cece is curious and observant, but incredibly blunt and fierce. In the past Seo-Mi was a much quieter and more repressed person, but hearing the Inkantation awakened a flame within her, so to speak. Cece is incredibly vocal about her thoughts and feelings, and she does not like to be pushed around. although shes always been a very nostalgic person, shes been trying to look forward more often than not. (she was on team future!)
cece has a very mature, almost sisterly presence, and is especially close with neo 3 (ikra) and her pseudo sister agent 4 (yottsu). she also has a daughter of her own, yumi! ikra and yottsu are my friends ocs so i cant say too much about them but ikra is like, basically her and kyle’s adopted kid
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Kyle Lastname, (Actual surname to be determined Eventually) he/him, 25 yrs, aka three, cap, kyle, ceces silly rabbit /j. he’s my captain 3. has a stupid ass name bc he’s a stupid ass guy. Basically started as a joke oc but i put him through the Horrors. he’s the malewife of all time.
Grew up the only hearing person in a deaf/hard of hearing household so he’s fluent in sign language. He joined squidbeak when he was like 16 mostly bc he was a MASSIVE FUCKING LOSER with a huge ego who wanted the attention. Now he has Trauma and hates his teen self more than anything. (The egotistical little white kid phase is like, a rite of passage in his family. His little sister is still in that phase.) Now that he’s mellowed out hes just a sopping wet cat. Dating cece and is obsessed with her + will do literally whatever she wants.
Hes a lot more talkative than canon 3, hes the kind of guy who copes with humor all the time. he tries to be cool and mysterious but hes really awkward and gets flustered or worked up super easily. He’s overall a pretty boring guy and thats his charm. She’s barbie and he’s just ken. etc etc.
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Hes SO dad coded btw. He and cece have a daughter together, Yumi. Since he was young he spent a lot of time looking after his little sister and he’s basically adopted his protege, neo3 (ikra). he makes me think of RTGame for reasons i could not describe to you, it’s just the energy somehow. He’s my babygirl. My little meow meow if you will (Cece voice)
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Victoria Mendoza, she/her, 25 yrs, aka Tori. SHE is the fucked up one. Literally doomed by the narrative. Eye love her.
She comes from a long line of elite soldiers and was a child prodigy, but also the Problem Child. Got expelled from multiple schools for beating up other kids. from a young age she’s been incredibly critical of the octarian society and she was basically your average teen rebel. into alt music/fashion, incredibly vocal about her distaste for the system, fairly closed off with a cold exterior. the only person she truly cared for was Seo-Mi (Cece).
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Seo-Mi was quiet and sweet and generally pretty average academically, so she didn’t have nearly as much pressure on her to succeed compared to Tori. the two were childhood friends and teenage lovers. The only ones who truly matched each others freak if you will. When they were little girls they used to dream of escaping to the surface together. this changed when they were about sixteen years old.
the most important thing to know about tori is that she is a pessimist and at her core a Coward. She’s all bark and no bite. She’ll scream her hatred of authority from the rooftops but immediately crumble at the sight of her leader. and as she got older and officially entered her career, she lost hope. she determined the surface wouldn’t have anything more for her than the domes did. she became complacent, while Seo-Mi, who had previously been more neutral, had heard the inkantation and only become more determined to leave the domes.
The two desperately tried to change each other’s minds but they were far too stubborn. both of them were crushed by the supposed “betrayal” of their beloved. Inevitably Seo-Mi left for the surface, eventually being taken in to Kamabo Co. while tori stayed behind to rot.
Since Seo-Mi left, tori became more bitter than ever before. she turns her focus to her career, and her family, but she never truly moves on from the loss. Unfortunately, Cece did. Cece met someone else, she’s started a family, she has a completely new name. she’s essentially a new person. and Tori is still the same.
Canonically i don’t think they would ever meet again and actually recognize each other, but i like to play with the idea sometimes bc if they did they would Hate each other. Tori is completely incapable of accepting that her Seo-Mi has moved on. She is clinging on to a version of someone that doesn’t exist anymore. tori is a deeply self destructive person and will never move on in any sense of the word. Sad!
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Also this is Yumi. Age varies but shes like. Very young toddler as of the current timeline. She’s cece and kyle’s favorite surprise (Accident). They’re both freaks and shes the consequences of their actions. She and smollusk have playdates together. She’s obsessed with off the hook but doesn’t realize that her weird lesbian aunts pearl and marina are the same people. She’s baby
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thisisntmyrightera · 3 days
She's Home -Nikki Sixx (Douglas Booth x fem reader) Part 2
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Plot: Story of an alternate universe where Nikki meets a young waitress at the cafe he goes to every day without knowing that she would become his everything until death do them part.
Pairing: Nikki Sixx (Douglas Booth) and Female Reader
Warning: Hard Language, drug mention, adult content, parental abuse.
The next thing I knew, Tommy would be the main piece to create what I had dreamed of for years, he and others who auditioned and never worked out, why was it so hard to find a guitarist? I had spent almost a week listening to different guys daily and none of them were good for shit, just like the one in front of me right now
-Wait wait, what the fuck dude? - It was disgusting, a total waste of time
-Sorry man, it's not like anything I've played before - the chubby blond seemed panicked
-That's the point dude - I looked at him annoyed, guiding my gaze behind him where y/n was leaning on the kitchen counter looking at us with a face of disappointment barely shaking her head - Let's take a break, Tommy…outside - I headed to the entrance pointing at her too so she could follow us
The three of us were standing on the stairs, Tommy was smoking while y/n was sitting on one of the steps hugging her legs listening to us talk about notes and how much the guy sucked
-He's a rhythm guitarist dude, it'll sound better when we have a vocalist
-What do you think love, do you think it'll work? - I looked at her taking a sip of my beer, receiving a denial from her
-I don't know anything about what you're talking about, but the guy stinks and is so… egocentric, it's annoying - she looked at me making a face of disgust and then went back to playing with her bracelets
-Then let's not say anything else - there was no other choice but to reject another guy and keep looking, had she said that this woman was my lucky charm? It was the first time she accompanied me to a rehearsal and right at that moment Mick Mars appeared in his old car just like Tommy had arrived.
-What the fuck? - I whispered barely looking at the rickety car stopping suddenly almost falling apart when it stopped
-Who is that? - Tommy laughed throwing his cigarette down euphorically to help him giving him his little biography of the bands he had played with - I'm the drummer, this is Nikki
-Hey old man - I greeted him barely taking a sip of my beer
-Hi… you are? - Mick stopped looking at y/n curiously - the vocalist or something like that?
-No i..no - she smiled nervously denying
-She's Nikki's girlfriend, she's just moral support - Tommy followed his step with Mick while I could feel my cheeks blushing holding back not to laugh
-I'm not his..i..- she looked at me nervously and embarrassed, it was difficult to know if the pink shadow on her cheeks was due to the sun hitting her face or how shy she had become but she just turned around following Mick entering as quickly as possible, it was so funny to watch her nervously whenever Tommy said that she was my girlfriend.
Let's skip the whole part you already know, Mick stayed in the band and soon after Vince joined thanks to Tommy and that's how Motley Crue was born, in an old and dirty apartment so let's focus on what's important, my girl.
-So, Motley Crue is the name of the band? Where did you get this? It's great - her presence lying on my bed made that old and worn piece of furniture look like fucking paradise
-That thing? Tommy brought it, he said it was his sister's, a kaleidoscope or something like that - I looked at her smiling while adjusting my leather pants - So? What do you say?
-Whose are those? - She laughed looking me up and down - I like it, it looks different than what you see these days in music
-You think? I want something new, something that shocks everyone with my look - I sighed deeply looking at myself in the mirror, it was almost perfect, almost like I had always dreamed but something was missing
-Can I help you? - I could see her smile in the reflection of the mirror as she stood up and searched for something in her bag
-You can always darling - I looked at her curiously sitting on the bed while she came back to me with a small pink bag, her hands searching carefully for something taking out a small device - is it your makeup?
-Yes, if you don't want me to do it..
-No, it's not that it's just that, I'm curious of what you'll do - her hands moved delicately as she opened the items, she sat next to me showing me what she would use but her voice seemed far away and confusing, she was so close to me that it seemed like a mirage, as if I had never seen her in front of me before
-Are you listening to me?
-Yes, I… continue
-Maybe if we put some lines here… don't move - her hand held my chin making me stare at her - you can blink
-I know, I just don't want to blink and stop looking at you - damn I was turning into a fucking romantic like that idiot Tommy
-Then keep your eyes wide open Sixx - she smiled at me stopping a little staring at me like she had never done before, it seemed like she was reading my thoughts, I could feel that I could finally touch her lips and taste her lipstick but she just turned around taking another artifact from the bag - this is a lipstick, would you like to use it or do you think it's too much?
-It's never too much, put it on yourself- I smiled feeling her hand again on my face carefully applying the product on my lips, slowly as if she was painting a picture, she was always so delicate and feminine that she made me feel like a damn street animal comparing myself to her
-Ready, look at yourself in the mirror- she looked at me smiling, proud of her creation, I could notice her emotion once again when I looked in the mirror and noticed every detail on my face, the lines on my cheeks, the blush on my cheekbones and the reddish lipstick on my lips that when I tasted the cherry flavor I could feel it on my tongue, that's what her lips taste like- do you like it? ..
-Like it? I love it, you're a fucking genius - I smiled at her looking at myself in the mirror again fixing my hair - it's just like I dreamed and you helped me finish creating myself
-It's been a pleasure to be part of your story Nikki Sixx - she laughed offering me the makeup she had used and it barely fit in her delicate hand - it's all yours, you can keep using it for your shows
-I would like to keep something else - I looked at her approaching her nervously and doubtful of how to bring up the subject without creating a mess with my damn loose mouth
-Of course, what is that? - She looked at me curiously, with no idea that the drunken idiot she had met that night in the cafeteria had fallen in love with her as soon as I looked at her
-I need you to be my girlfriend - I looked at her taking a deep breath filling my chest with courage - It's funny when Tommy tells everyone that you are, because I can see your face blushing but I really wish it wasn't just a game anymore
-But… don't you think you're going a little fast? We barely know each other and… you're about to start your life as a rock star, I don't think it's the best to have a girlfriend in a place as small and boring as this
-Wait what? - I looked at her confused shaking my head - No, you're not understanding, hey I love you, I've been madly in love with you since the night I met you, do you think I don't have the opportunity to sleep with girls every night I go out with these idiots? Of course I have and I don't do it because I know I have you, a girl who is worth it and she's not by my side just because of how I look or what I want to achieve, you're with me because I matter to you and you matter to me just the same
-Yeah I…it's just that we won't have the same life Nikki, I'm studying and I want to graduate and work and you…well you will achieve your dreams and you're going to go far away
-Then we'll go far away, you and I but together - I took her hand strongly holding it feeling her strong and nervous breathing - you supported me from the first second you met me without expecting anything in return and you've done that ever since, if I become a fucking rock star it will be because of you
-But Nikki…
-But don't say anything, are we going to do it together or not? - I finally felt my true self in front of her, she was the only thing I was sure I was going to fight for along with the band and no one would take away my dreams now that I was reaching them - just say it and from today I will start to fight to never let you down
-Okay… but just promise me something, okay?..
-Whatever you want, tell me - I smiled at her kissing her hand
-If one day you get bored of me, just say it, I wouldn't want to find out that I wasn't enough on my own
-Hey of course not, look at me - my hands took her face making her look at me while her hands rested on mine - I will never let you down, everyone can go to hell but I would never want to lose you
She finally smiled again, this time looking at the floor nervous but adorable as always, I could feel her heart beating strongly between my arms while she tried not to look at me
-So I can kiss you now right? Right? - I laughed, tickling her, making her move frantically while her laughter enveloped the entire room until my lips could reach hers and silence was present, only an old radio in the background playing a stupid song that I possibly hated until that moment, I didn't know its name but every time I hear it I will remember how our first kiss happened.
Her lips were as delicate as her, they moved slowly against mine, my arms surrounded her waist perfectly sticking her to me and she could barely reach my neck with hers, she was tiny, as if she were my own display doll and she was only for me, she made time fly or stop according to her wish.
I had barely noticed how our clothes had flown all over the room, one by one until we were completely naked, her skin was soft just like porcelain, her delicate curves that I was afraid to touch with my hands and ruin them, I felt even more guilty when I tried to make love to her slowly and without hurrying but the excitement of the moment made me lose myself in my own desires and I lost control, fucking her and moving quickly without care.
As i said before, she made me lose track of time, at what moment had so many hours passed, the sun was not even there anymore and we were just looking at the ceiling of the room trying to catch our breaths
-That was…amazing - I looked at her smiling barely trying to understand if this had really happened, looking at her in my bed, naked with the sheets covering her body while her hands held them timidly even after I knew even the most remote part of her body
-I…Nikki you don't think I'm a…
-A what?…a slut? No, of course not love, you're my girlfriend I would never think that about you okay? - I smiled hugging her, laying her on my chest while my hands caressed her back slowly- now sleep, tomorrow is our first show and we must have energy
The next morning we were in trouble, y/n's mother was looking for her all night until that asshole Tommy told her where to find her, I don't even understand how she found Tommy but that damn kid and his loose mouth was going to pay for it
The knocks on the door were so loud that even the windows of the room were shattering, it was the first morning I woke up without a hangover and with my girl by my side and someone ruined our moment, whoever it was was going to kill them.
-I'm coming, damn it - I could barely put on my underwear and a dirty shirt to go to the door tripping over an empty beer bottle - i said I'm coming, fuck- I shouted angrily opening the door finding a woman in her 40s upset with her hands on her waist- hmm.. hello?
-Where's my daughter? I've been looking for her all night worried about her and I want to know where she is - the woman passed by without asking if she could, pushing me aside in the process looking everywhere - Where is she?
-What are you talking about ma'am, I don't even know you
-Mom? - the sleepy but worried voice of my girl made me turn to the hallway without understanding what was happening but damn she looked incredibly sexy wearing one of my shirts that covered her as if it were a dress made to measure- what are you doing here?
-What am I doing here? You're stuck in a homeless man's house and you ask me what am I doing here?
-Mom, don't call him that, I've told you many times not to call him that way
-Now are you going to defend him? He's a fucking drug addict, it's a shame that you inherited that from me, believing that any cretin who treats you badly loves you and then what? Will you end up like me alone and taking care of children made by the assholes I fell in love with?
-Lady, don't talk to her like that, she has nothing to blame for your damn mistakes - She seemed to have summoned the damn Satan, her eyes were spitting fire as she looked at me challenging me with her body as if she weren't afraid of me
-Don't talk about what mistakes are, clearly your life is a damn mistake in every step you take
-Ok, you know what? I'm tired, mom, I always do what you tell me and just how you ask without complaining at all, and the only time I do something on my own I'm a damn selfish person?
-What do you want? end up being an addict's bitch
I didn't know what was more tense, my fists or my chin, but something was going to explode and it wasn't going to be anything good, I hated this kind of authority, always pointing out the mistakes of the children, making them feel stupid and useless if they didn't do what they just wanted and it wasn't fair, it wasn't fair at all, much less for her
-Yes mother, that's what I want, I spent the whole night fucking with him and I had so much fun like you have no fucking idea, if that's what you want to hear then yes, I'll be an addict's girlfriend and I'll still accomplish everything I set out to do much more than you ever did by victimizing yourself for everything
That was it, I could barely react when I heard the slap against my girl's cheek, her body barely supported the blow and she swung against the wall making her slip falling while holding her cheek and looking at her mother in astonishment and fear, her eyes quickly moistened rolling a couple of tears as her chest rose and fell with her strong breathing
-Don't ever talk to me like that again, you hear me? Get your fucking ass to the car before I call the police and arrest this idiot - the old lady looked at me angrily walking towards the door kicking a couple of bottles on the floor
-No.. I won't go mother
-What? Get your ass now you stupid damn girl
-I won't go, I'm tired of your damn behavior making everyone believe that you are a perfect and exemplary mother making my life impossible inside that house, I won't go back with you to tolerate how you take out your resentment on me
-You think so? - she looked defiant crossing her arms- then stay in this damn place rotting without hope next to the useless guy who will abandon you for the first bitch he finds in the next bar - she smiled mockingly taking the door handle- and when that happens don't come back to my house you heard.
The slam of the door was hard, I was left not knowing what to do for a few seconds, just enough to react when I heard her crying still on the floor while she was still holding her red cheek
-Hey, hey don't listen to her love - I quickened my pace towards her kneeling down beside her hugging her tightly - you are stronger than she says, remember? We don't need anyone to fulfill our dreams, you are more than she is and you show it with your heart babe
-I'm tired, why does everything have to be this way, I never hurt her, never - her voice barely came out through the sobs that came out of her throat, her arms barely surrounding me as I sat her on my legs and rocked her to stop her crying
-I know, I ask myself the same thing darling, now it will be you and me against everyone okay? You will stay here with me and I promise that this damn good-for-nothing will give you everything you deserve okay? - I smiled at her, barely kissing her forehead without letting go- I promise I'll give you the world
Next episode will go faster on the story
Thanks for all the interactions,
@thatoneawesomechicka @frieddreamtoadhound @oskea93 @lustxforxlife @tkayla12 @dreams-n-warpedminds @thenamylove @iasmi69 @marvelobsessed134 @ilovesexydads @nikkis-cherry @error180900-blog @crescentbladed @eattothebeatt
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artsy-book · 1 year
using only song titles of one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people
Thank you for the tag @ellalily !! This was really fun ^-^
Artist: Derivakat
1) What is your gender?
2) How do you feel?
3) If you could go anywhere?
Lost In Space
4) Favourite mode of transportation?
5) Your best friend-
6) Favourite time of day?
Night Before Dawn
7) If your life was a TV show-
8) Relationship status?
In My Head
9) Your fear?
Last Goodbyes
no pressure tags: @sincerely-nines @stitchthesewords @snaxle @heroblender @enbyandyy and anyone who wants to as well ^-^
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sendmyresignation · 2 years
Heavy Metal MCR Manifesto
At long last it has arrived from the depths of hell...... the essential guide to all things metal, at least in the context of My Chemical Romance, its members and its musical history! Have you ever wondered exactly how My Chem has been influenced by metal? We all know Ray loves Iron Maiden and Gerard can do black metal vocals, but just how deeply is My Chemical Romance connected to metal music and culture?
The answer is probably longer and more elaborate than you thought!
In this primer you will discover why Frank and Ray work so well together, how Maiden jump-started Ray and Gerard's creative partnership, what sex and satan have to do with Gerard, and what it is about metal that has made it such a significant sonic and aesthetic influence on every album My Chem have ever released. Check all this and more out at the place posers go to die!!! The MCR METAL PRIMER!!!
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(Image by Mark Beemer)
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mysticalcats · 5 months
ooh okay I want to hear one thing you think about skimble!!! It can be a headcanon or a little stage detail or whatever! Tell me about your guy :D
i accidentally wrote so much it's kind of embarrassing so let me just say a little detail i like which is this lil thing skimble does in 1998 during theee "they all could reflect it was very nice" line i think??? not really a small detail but i always smile when i see it
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ough he's just so happy... (this gif is from @noriseyebrow btw!)
okay i didn't want this to be so long for people who like. do not care lol so i just put it under the cut because im not even sure how coherent this is but bear with me while i rant for a sec
something that's been on my mind lately is ross finnie as skimble singing the "it was very pleasant when they found their little den" part.. this goes for both the 2002 and the 2015 productions. because they're like. so different. and i love them both so very much!! i really like 2002's because he sounds so sweet and like. his voice is very happy in the calmest way possible yknow. and i really like how he talks. oh and i especially like after the cats say "weak or strong?" and he says "oh, alright!" i just think it's so cute and it's a very little detail but you know. i get hung up on tiny details about my fav guy. ALSO i really like how he says "and" in the "you could make it dark or bright, and! a button you can turn to make a breeze" like he just remembered it and he's excited to say it
AND THE 2015 PRODUCTION. HE'S SO LOUD AND EXCITED AND IT'S JUST. he's just so fucking excited and how loud he gets because he's just so hyped to talk about trains that he can't control his voice and he's yelling and it's just!!! it makes me crazy. especially in the "you could make it dark or bright!", "and a funny little basin you're supposed to wash your face in!", and "then the guard looked in politely and would ask you very brightly, 'WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR MORNING TEA?'" and then the other cats say "weak or strong" and it kind of sounds like he's just yelling incomprehensibly for a second after they say that, like he's so excited he's just gotta scream. could just be me imagining it though
and these two versions of the song are so so different but they both communicate his character so well i feel!! i love you ross finnie you understood skimble like no one else
here's the clip of the two songs btw!
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