#i love alice in wonderland sm
panicatthecourtx · 4 months
Ok ok ok ok you guys hear me out!
Alice in Wonderland Creek.
Tweek is Alice and Craig is the Mad Hatter.
No I can't draw but just imagine with me and cry 😩💖
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granma-sweetie · 1 year
OH BTW idk if you've already found it & it's not the same production as the one that post talks about but i found a recording of the alice in wonderland ballet!!! obviously it's not super legal so go forth at your own risk etc etc :))
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anradalikesfish · 2 years
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lavendergalactic · 3 months
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☆  sigewinne tumblr layout !
PSD by @ryflections | self indulgent! f2u w/ credit, reblog appreciated!
extra stamps! for fun why not:
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vxlkt · 1 year
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Damn. I suck at color theory 🤩
Anyway here's Alice's Jojo stand his name is Carousel and he's just a little silly fox (he won't hesitate to take all your sanity away and destroy it if Alice is mad 🫶)
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I prefer the traditional version honestly it's better without the colors 💀
Rant about Carousel in the tags sorry not sorry
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labyrinthofcrystals · 2 years
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ouppyboy · 4 months
i love TADC AUs
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in order
Horror by @hootbon
Cartoon by @the-amazing-animated-circus
Fun Park by @pipthegreat
It was a hard choice outside of Horror and Carnival (following carnival for a little it's one of my favorites) but I also LOVE the boxing au, mafia au, Alice in wonderland au, etc etc 🫡
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cherriisodapop · 1 month
Meet the royal court jester of Wonderland!! 🃏♥️
Oh boy I spent longer than I should have on this.. but it’s finished!!! My Digital Wonderland self insert lol. I love this AU sm, Alice in Wonderland was one of my favs growing up!
AU by @endomentendo !! Transparent vers. and doodles under cut!
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bindeds · 8 months
⋆。 °⛧ Willy Wonka headcanons ! 🖇️✩ ₊˚
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gif is by @thisgameissonintendo <3
do lmk if you’d like more posts like this!! I’m planning to write a wonka fic soon so stay tuned ;)
requests are open ! mlist. wonka nsfw hcs.
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he’s good at lockpicking & pickpocketing, so he’d make a very good thief but he doesn’t do it because he knows he was taught better by his mother and he doesn’t want to disappoint her
he is only a workaholic when it comes to his chocolate. This man would find the easiest and fastest possible way to do most other tasks
one of the only tasks that are an exemption of the above are clothing. He’s particular in what he wears, not that he has high standards but he wants to dress unapologetically like himself, and that includes deep shades of purple, red and pink for his overcoats, and more mute colors for anything below that
LOVES to read now that he can. He often visits the library and even started a mini book club with Noodle and the rest of the gang (Piper, Larry, Abacus and Lottie) but they assign themselves more than one book per month sometimes because the rest are not as fast to read books as the two of them
He is IN LOVE with Alice in Wonderland, especially the Mad Hatter.
He loves poetry too, and learned how to write his own pretty quickly and always reads it out to Noodle when he writes new poems
his guilty pleasure for books is definitely romance. He likes the thought of devoting yourself to one person, because he knows how it feels like to devote himself to chocolate, and imagining a whole other person to share everything with just fills him with so much hope and light.
this man smells just like vanilla and chocolate, and he wants to keep it that way so he learned to make his own perfume that has the unique smell of his own chocolate (this headcanon partially inspired by this fic! I love the writer sm)
definitely looks up and says ‘sorry mama,’ if he does something questionable, even if he has good intentions
unaware of ‘gender norms’ because he lived by a river with his mother as a child then stayed on sea for seven years with roughly the same group of people, so those things weren’t imposed on him especially since he was mostly raised by only his mother.
following the headcanon above, he knows both the female and male parts of the waltz and other ballroom dances and has no problem wearing skirts or dresses (though prefers pants because he’s used to wearing them and it’s easier to move around in)
and because he was raised with only a small group of people around him almost his whole life, he lives life ‘unfiltered’ which is why he is seen as eccentric and wild, because his mother found it endearing and the boat crew saw how brilliant he was and never told him to ‘tone it down.’
loves shopping with Noodle, and they have an especially good time trying out clothes together
if the Barbie movie came out around the same area and time period, him and Noodle would have definitely dressed in all pink and only Wonka would have bawled his eyes out while Noodle begrudgingly consoles him
definitely goes back out to sea for a whole month once a year, and with the same crew he was first seen with in the beginning of the film. He misses them dearly, and always shares his chocolate with them free of charge
this man has chocolates for everything—chocolates to sleep better, chocolates to enhance focus and even chocolates to calm down (either from panic attacks or intense emotions like anger)
he probably even sells chocolates with vitamins inside, mostly also for children who don’t remember or don’t want to take their vitamins, but he was careful not to make it too good so they won’t take more than the necessary daily amount
he learned to cook after the events of the movie, finding that knowledge in that area would help enhance his skill in chocolate-making. He’s good, but of course he’s not a sous chef
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phantomhivestims · 23 days
Alice in wonderland stimboard please
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ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ
Alice In Wonderland Stimboard
I love this movie sm
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m00nkissedlover · 29 days
characters i desperately need more oneshots/ imagines/ headcannons for:
lee (bones and all) (I SWEAR I'VE READ ALMOST EVERYTHING-)
jinshi (apothecary diaries)
gokurakugai characters (especially tao and yoru <3)
yule (don't look up) (why is there literally nothing written for him? :( )
leona kingscholar (twisted wonderland)
chishiya (alice in borderline) (i love him sm, PLS-)
vanitas (vanitas no carte)
gregory violet (black butler) (HE'S JUST A LIL GUY-)
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sulykari · 4 months
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*Gets bored and draws them as the Mad Hatter and Alice lol*
ANYWHO, yes N x C but Alice in Wonderland themed. Heavily influenced by me listening to Rabbit Hole by Sub Urban. I based N's outfit more on the live action one, love Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter sm, while C's is more on the animated one.
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sapphicfloyrid · 4 months
When you think about it, if Floyd marries Riddle, wouldn't that make Floyd a king?
From the original Alice in Wonderland movie, we can deduce that the King of Heart's primary role seems to be calming down the Queen and serving as an assistant. At NRC this role is filled by the Vice-Housewarden, but wouldn't it be cool if Heartslabyul has an unofficial king of hearts position traditionally for the warden's boyfriend?
As couple weeks after being official, Floyd be ambushed by Heartslabyul members and gets a crown dumped on his head. He later finds out there's supposed to be a ceremony for the crowing of the king of hearts but they're too scared of him.
Imagine Riddle using "my king" as a pet name.
Also the thought of Floyd being a monarch is genuinely terrifying tho.
If in a fantasy/disney au, Floyd really does marry Riddle, who is a monarch, his position will likely be prince consort cause no way in hell is anybody leaving him in charge.
Ooh I never thought about that before
I just thought about it right now and to be honest, I think it’d be interesting
In my mind it would be Heartslabyul tradition to call the partner of the Housewarden “the king of hearts”
Riddle calling him “my king” would be so adorable while Floyd calls him “my queen/king”
And yeah no way in hell would anyone ever trust Floyd in leadership positions
This is such a great idea I love this sm/gen
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vxlkt · 11 months
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
We're All Mad Here
Request from @twwobsessed: Hi I love your writings sm🫶🏻 platonic love and care and comfort is amazing 🥰 Could I request something with Hotch as father figure to a bau reader where he provides a safe place for her to be vulnerable and realize it’s okay to lean on others around her when she’s struggling with her mental health?
Aaron Hotchner x platonic!BAU!reader
Summary: Everyone at the BAU has their days. Hotch lets you know it's okay not to be okay.
A/N: I am, once again, lacking in creative flow at the moment. Title and final line are Alice in Wonderland references because I'm hoping someone will catch onto all the weird little metaphors and things I put into my writing one day and appreciate them like I do
CW: nothing super heavy tbh other than pointing out that everyone who works for the BAU is truamatized, reader hasn't eaten dinner and opts for tea instead.
You were almost certain that it was Aaron Hotchner’s goal to put together the most unhinged, secretly mentally insane team in the bureau. So certain, in fact, that you would put money on it if someone asked.
At times thought it was the only reason why he hired you; your mandatory psychological evaluations showed someone extremely well-adjusted, or rather someone who knew what others wanted to hear. Your best guess was that he had seen straight through the bullshit on your file and smiled to himself… another misfit to add to his collection.
But that didn’t mean he was wrong about it. The team had the highest rate of solved cases in the country and was considered one of the most elite units in the FBI. “The best profilers, sometimes, are the unsubs themselves,” Rossi had said to you during your first month on the team. All you could do was nod in response and subtly look around at the people you were surrounded by.
If that statement was true, it sure as hell made a lot of sense why you were all so good at your jobs.
There were times when someone on the team’s demons grew a little stronger, or their ghosts got a little louder. You’d already seen it happen with Morgan and Prentiss. JJ did a bit better hiding hers, but sometimes she fiddled with her necklace a little too much. Reid would repeat the words “I’m fine” a few too many times. Garcia would smile with her mouth, but not her eyes. There were days when Hotch’s firm expression faltered. Even Rossi had his moments.
The first time you’d fallen, Morgan warned you it was coming; the initial adrenaline of working the job wearing off, causing exhaustion to take over. “It hits most people around month nine,” he’d said. It didn’t hit you until month sixteen.
You picked yourself back up and since then, you’d been okay- learned to take care of yourself, to breathe, to be still. But life didn’t always make time for stillness, and you could feel yourself falling into the hole again. The demons at the bottom of the pit got more and more demanding, multiplying without ever feeding them a meal.
Or maybe it was just your stomach grumbling. You hadn’t eaten since your lunch break and it was nearly ten at night. Besides yourself, the bullpen was empty. To your knowledge, everyone had gone home hours ago. You should have too, but the more paperwork you finished the more quiet your head would be; the less people would notice how hungry your demons were.
“(Y/L/N),” Hotch’s voice caught your attention. You didn’t know he was still here- his office light was off, the door closed for the night. Yet, he stood just inside the glass doors of the BAU, looking a bit too much like a film noir character in the dim lights.
“Hey Hotch,” you greeted him like this was a usual encounter.
“What are you still doing here?” he asked, walking softly towards your desk.
“I could ask you the same question,” you smirked, trying to evade further questioning.
“I had to be on call with the head of the LA field office,” he said as he moved to sit on the edge of your desk. “You should have gone home hours ago.”
You shrugged. “I wanted to get some paperwork done.” The casualness of your tone and the way you sat back in your chair would have been enough to fool anyone else into thinking you were okay. Too bad you worked with a bunch of profilers.
“You know,” Hotch started. “The call I just got off of in LA was because they were trying to start a unit there to lighten our caseload.”
“I- I didn’t know that.” You wondered if the team would ever take cases on the west coast again, or if life would slow down from here on out.
Hotch sighed. “They’ve been trying for the last three years, but they couldn’t keep a consistent unit. Too many agents were coming in and burning out. They’re terminating the project.”
You stayed silent, unsure of what to say.
“This job, it isn’t easy,” Hotch’s tone softened. “Every person on the team knows what it’s like to struggle. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and all of us are here to help.”
You looked down at your fidgeting hands in an effort to avoid Hotch’s gaze, but you could still feel him watching you. When you finally worked up the courage to look at him, your eyes were glassy with tears.
“I’ve been having a hard time recently,” you admitted, voice shuttering in an effort to contain tears. “Just feeling things a little more than usual.”
Hotch looked from you to his closed up office and back. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You mimicked his action, glancing to the room. “How much time do you have?”
Hotch was about to reply when your stomach let out a long growl. You looked down, smiling sheepishly. Your boss chuckled a bit. “Maybe we should get you some food first?”
You sighed, knowing you had to put something in your body but not knowing if you'd be able to keep anything down with your anxiety. “I think I'll just have some tea.”
Hotch handed you the key to his office, a sign to go make yourself comfortable in the space while he prepared your drink. “It's always tea time.”
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