#i look so good but my top is a little off should i learn yo hem my own clothing
butchlifeguard · 1 year
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krahk · 6 months
Blood for Ruin
Part One
Thank you all so much for the love and support for Part One, it is always so scary sharing brain children. You are all amazing.
Part Two
(Or, Alastor Proves he Makes a Shit Hotel Host by Bullying a Murder Victim)
By the time you opened your eyes, you had been moved to a bed, a comfy bed, in a warm lit room that was modestly decorated. And you were alone, thank god. Sitting up on the edge of the bed and kicking the sheets off as you straightened up. You stretched in a vain attempt to bring yourself some comfort, at least in body if not the mind. Doing this however, resulted in an immediate eye opening panic, because the sides of your arms brushing against either side of your head caught onto nothing.
Y’no, nothing. Nothing where ears should be. Looking around frantically, there was a cracked door heading into what was possibly a bathroom- please god, please be a bathroom. You body checked the frame as you ran in, muttering a whiny ‘ow’ before flicking a switch that turned on the overhead lights by the sink. Door open, lights on aaaand yep. Yep, yep yep. Ears missing. Hyperventilating now, you stumbled to the vanity and braced yourself on the ledge, staring into your own reflection as the panic began to set in.
Hell took your ears!? This was fucking ridiculous. Could one bitch to the devil? But also…how…how were you hearing? Because you definitely could hear. In fact you could hear better than before, like the wind outside rattling against something and a creak from the walls possibly 2 rooms over. Your brain might have been empty of explanation but your ears more than made up for it in what you heard. You leaned towards the mirror, turning your head back and forth trying to figure out what had happened to you. Then you felt it, a twitch, a little itch, at the very top of your head. Eyes drifted upwards to the pair of soft brown ears (?) That didn't quite point straight up, instead pointing more in a 45 degree angle. The left one was flicking of its own accord. The scream that left your mouth was instinctual, and loud.
Almost immediately you heard a knocking at the door and Charlie waltzed in, breathing hard, indicating the speed in which she came to your need. You spun around to meet her eyes, hands whipping to the very soft - so soft - ears utop your crown, breath shaking as you tried to get control over yourself.
“Ooohhh, yes, yes you’ve discovered your adorable new features! Thank goodness, I was so worried!” Charlie said, hands waving in front of her before clasping them together on her chest. “Everyone who comes to hell as a sinner takes on a delightful new appearance that reflects the way they lived and died! It’s a great way for you to meet new people and uh…learn to live a better life in spite of them! Many people take on animal appearances, my dad thinks it’s because every soul transcends the image of a human body.”
Still taking large breaths to keep yourself from screaming, your stuttering proof of your inability to form basic words, Charlie continued.
“Angel Dust is a spider, we think because he was involved in a ‘web of crime’ with his exciting mafia family - Husk…well okay Husk is interesting because I’m pretty sure cats in the overworld don’t have wings but he was a gambler before death so maybe he was just lucky to get wings too! You know, cards fell in his favour ha-haaa…” She trailed off awkwardly, face scrunching in a manner that you understood as her realising maybe she wasn’t explaining any part of this new discovery very well. She rubbed the back of her head with one hand, the other one placing itself on her hip. “Alastor is a deer demon, and it looks like you could be one too! I mean, you’ve got similar ears, although yours are much cuter because they are kind of floppy. And your nose is so cute! Like a baby doe! You’re pretty adorable honestly.”
You glanced at the mirror again, hands finally falling to your face to rest on your chin with your fingers covering your mouth lightly, spaced apart to allow your haggard breathing to come in and out. She was right, you did have a cute nose, it was similar to Charlie’s in appearance, and your ears did closely resemble the ears of a hooved forest animal. They reminded you of a mule deer's ears, the only deers you ever saw in Oregon (where your home was). Looking closer at yourself without the same level of panic your eyes moved back and forth rapidly taking in the new details of your person. Your skin all around was a sort of fawn colour, if fawn the colour could look dead. It was as if Bambi had died and his fur turned an ashier colour devoid of the warmth of active blood. That was you! Your ears were a dark blonde peppered with black, complimenting the soft blondish brown of your hair. Fingertips and nails were black, the black creeping up your arms before ending below the sleeve of your short sleeved pyjama top. You looked down and poked your foot out a bit to see if your lower limbs matched and hooray…they did.
In another world, maybe one where this was a costume, you would admit that you were cute out loud. However denial was still the leading emotion so you just slightly nodded at yourself before slowly turning around to face your gracious host once more.
“So. I’m a deer, so that’s a fun new fact…will I stay this way while I’m…here?” You winced at your admission of hell being your new place of residency.
“Yup!” Charlie replied in a chipper voice.
”And if I manage to get to heaven…will I change into something new?”
Charlie paused, the hand that was on her head had shifted to her chin, finger now tapping in pensive thought. “Hmm, I’m not sure? But from what my dad has said, humans who go up to heaven also take on forms that reflect their earthly life. Soooo you would probably stay a deer.”
”How would your dad know? Can we talk to the people in heaven?” This casual conversation was helping hasten the subsiding panic.
“Uh no. Heaven and Hell are pretty much separated all the time, except for the extermination BUT we’re working on that…My dad is Lucifer. Like the archangel!”
Your face was in obvious shock. Jaw dropped lightly and your hands came to your sternum, and you gaped at Charlie with wide eyes. “Lucifer? Like…the Devil? Satan himself?” What the actual fuck, why was your luck so cursed?
Charlie rocked back and forth on her heels, slightly grimacing from your comments before answering. “Yes, my dad is the Devil - but Satan is his own person, lots of people get them confused, much to dad’s chagrin. Lucifer Morningstar is my dad, the Devil, the King of Hell, fallen angel, and Satan is just the Lord of Wrath. It’s all very simple once you’ve been here a while.” Charlie had come to your side and wrapped her arm around your shoulders to walk you out of the bathroom. ”You should really join us downstairs for a proper tour, breakfast was over a while ago but we might be able to find some lunch in case you’re hungry.”
Your stomach rumbled at the thought of food. Was Hell just like Earth, but scarier? And redder? Would you need to get a job? Pay taxes? Oh good god, was Hell was just the worst part of living on monotonous repeat? Brutal. And certainly great punishment.
“We can work on getting you some more personal clothing later, but you are Vaggie look to be around the same size so she’s dropped off a few pieces just to get you in gear for redemption! I should probably go tell the others that you’re fine. I can’t wait for you to join us!” Charlie was so sickly sweet it was crazy to think she was the daughter of the Devil. She was too cheerful for a normal person, never mind a demon. She waved to you and said bye before closing the door as she exited.
Picking up the first couple of pieces in the donated pile, you dressed yourself in a shorter dress with a billowing skirt oh my god you have a tail ignore it ignore it ignore it and thicker grey socks that went all the way up to the middle of your thighs, covering up your black skin meeting up with the length of the dress. The dress was a softer white colour, not as bright as a crisp, new piece, this was a well loved item. No complaints, it was broken in and you were grateful for the gift. The only questionable features were the X’s that were placed directly over the nipples of the top. That was…quite the fashion statement. No time to be picky, something would be better than the pyjamas you died in. No shoes were provided so you simply walked out of the room into the hallway without.
The hallway appeared neverending from both sides, the detailed wallpaper and carpet going for visual miles. Which way was the right way? Good thing you were unconscious when you were brought up here, makes it much easier to retrace your steps. You were grateful for your giant new ears because it seemed like you could follow the sound of chatter down a hall.
Frowning, you let instinct take over and you went to the right. You were passing a door on your left and you felt the hair on your body begin to rise, a staticky sensation passing over your skin. It was a similar feeling to when you would take a giant fleece blanket out of the dryer when it was still warm. You shuddered and made an audible noise of discomfort. Thankfully it appeared that you chose the right path however, since you found yourself at a set of stairs that appeared to curve to the lower floor. You could hear the chatter clearer- “She screamed at the mirror? She’s adorable! She coulda been a worm or a giant slug or-” You shook your head, attempting to ignore the conversation you were accidentally eavesdropping on. A click was heard behind you and you whipped around to face the creature that resulted in your uncomfortable welcome to the hotel in the first place.
Now that he wasn’t talking and simply staring at you, analysing your being, you could really take in his face. Large, red eyes with a frightening depth to them were framed by darker red skin on his lids, his nose somehow sharp but similar to your own, his was more nose-like however. His smile was the worst part though. You were unsure of what could possibly make him smile so wide. His teeth were very large, and clean despite their colour. Strange for a person framed after a prey animal to have such sharp teeth, and you instinctively ran your tongue over your own behind your lips to discover sharper canines only, nothing comparable to the man in front of you.
In the silence his eyes narrowed and focused on you, making his face far more intimidating. Again, an unintentional shiver ran down your back and you shuddered under his gaze. You were a startled deer, caught in his frightening gaze. You were so unsure and uncomfortable with the situation that you had completely missed that he said something to you. You closed your eyes and shook your head to get out of your thoughts.
”Pardon? I’m sorry, I missed what you said there.” You admitted with crossed fingers that he would accept the apology.
”Yes, clearly. I merely asked you if you slept well! You took quite a nasty fall to the floor! Generally people know my history before I can make them faint from fear so I will accept the compliment. It appears as if my sabbatical has had very little effect on my presence.” He bowed slightly in a polite manner, arm crossing over his stomach as he did so, the other arm holding a microphone that was promptly used as a cane once he came up from his polite gesture. You had done a small curtsy in return, awkwardly grabbing the side of the small skirt to fulfil the action. He appeared to nod in acknowledgment, hopefully appreciating the polite return.
Your arms dropped back to your side as you processed what the man had said. Things were only going to continue to confuse you. This was all a nightmare, honestly.
“Now, on to a more serious matter,” He snapped his fingers, and the both of you were in a different room. Two chairs to your left were angled around a small table, the little radio featured on top of it. God damn it that fucking thing again. Farther behind one of the chairs however, the room opened into a bayou swamp environment - dark, marshy and foggy, the eerie sounds coming from it promised danger of an unknown kind. What kind of place was this? You could feel your ears flick from the ambient sounds coming from the strange forest as Alastor continued his interrogation. Walking to the antique, he asked “What were you doing with my radio, my dear?” Gesturing with his free hand to the little machine.
You essentially vomited out the story behind it, where you found it, why you were there, the reason you took it home with you. He listened intently, glancing at it once you finished your very brief history with the item. It truly wasn't a scandalous thing that you pilfered from some ritzy location, you salvaged it from a hoarder's house after it was put there by a woman with an obsession with Antiques Roadshow.
“If it is yours, why did it come here with me? Charlie said that possessions don’t follow souls into hell, but this did?” You inquired, hoping perhaps he held the answer.
Alastor became pensive “Hmmm. It is quite peculiar that it came with you. What were you doing with it? Please do not miss a single detail my dear, I am curious about our situation.
You frowned. What else other than grabbing the cord as you fell back? You listed out your actions on your fingers, reciting out loud the steps you took before your death. When you landed on the finger you paired with ‘took the back panel off-‘ he shouted a sharp ha-Hah! Confused and with a frown you continued, ending with cutting your hand on it before putting everything back together and heading to bed. Well, then dying. The actual ending.
“Are you sure that was all you did? Do not leave a single detail out, or you might regret it.” A sound attune with a record scratch sound from nowhere as you stared at the demon. Took radio home, took radio apart, bled on the radio, cleaned blood off the radio - your eyes went wide. And you silently checked off a step you missed in your story. You had cleaned blood off the symbols in the radio, the ones that looked like they themselves had been written in blood. Alastors gaze sharpened at your realisation.
“On the panel, inside the radio…” You started, “There were these symbols inside of it, I didn’t really get a good look at them before cutting my hand open,” You absentmindedly looked at your palm only to see a bright white scar where the long cut once was. Already? A Scar in hell? Alastor had stalked towards you and grabbed your hand to look at it. The air around the two of you was suffocating. It was difficult to think straight with him in front of you. And you were suddenly hyper aware of yourself, and him. Holding your hand was almost too much to handle and you tried to pull it back only for him to grip harder, nails pressing into your hand painfully. He raised his other hand palm up and held it beside yours. A matching scar was present. He frowned, though his smile was still prominent.
Dropping your hand he returned to the radio and black shadow tendrils rose from the floor and grabbed it, taking pieces off and placing the back panel of it in his hands. In silence he looked at the mess before entering into a low laugh, one that increased with each breath before he was near hysteria. His figure increased in size, antlers growing in size from his head, limbs lengthening - he swung his head to face yours as his figure started to loom over yours.
“Well my dear, we seem to have a problem” he said in a strange, distorted voice, his figure still looming. “You have compromised some old runes within my radio…it could possibly explain how you ended up here, with us, looking as you do.” Halfway through his terrifying statement he had returned to his ‘normal’ form and fluffed out the lapel of his coat as he did so. Eyes returning to yours the room became darker, and green symbols similar to the ones in the radio appeared on the floor, some appearing to raise up and float around the two of you.
“You will not mention any part of this radio or what you know of it, including where it was found or how you came into possession with it. You will not let others know of how your scar came on your person, and you certainly will not mention any of the runes you saw.” He wasn’t making a request, he was clearly demanding it. It felt as if wind was billowing his hair and coat as his eyes took on a much brighter look. ”If you do, I promise you will regret having ever come here and I will devour your soul only after a long and painful torture, am I clear?” You nodded in acknowledgement, knowing that the only reason you had not thrown up yet was the complete lack of food in your system, though the bile was resting at the back of your throat from fear.
He raised his hand to yours in a handshake motion, beckoning you with the outreached hand to join yours with his. You grabbed his hand with your own, both scars meeting in the middle, and they began to glow before he said only one word - “Deal?”
Well really, was there any other option? You nodded before he tsk-tsked your action, “I need vocal consent my dear, it is required.” The last word turning dark with static.
“Deal.” You barked out, and as soon as you responded, the room reverted back to its original state immediately. Alastor took his hand back and wiped it on the opposite sleeve. ”Excellent. You may leave now, the stairs will direct you right into the lobby. Please tell Ms. Morningstar that my afternoon has changed and I am unable to join her.” The door swung open on its own accord and black tangible tendrils of shadow had all but shoved you across the room and out the door before slamming the door shut so hard you swore the wood splintered slightly.
You paused to catch your breath, staring at the door, which you now knew led to Alastors Room. On the other side you could tell he must have been pacing back and forth, his heels clacking on the hard floors as he did so. Soon after however, it sounded as if a wild animal was throwing furniture and ripping fabric, loud screaming as it did so. Not about to stick around, you sprinted to the stairs and nearly slipped from the lack of shoes trying to place distance between you and the Demon upstairs. You kept up the pace on the main floor until you ran past an open door and caught sight of Charlie sitting on a sofa. You entered the room, out of breath and slightly sweaty from the encounter upstairs. She waved excitedly before patting the open seat beside her for you to sit as she held up an apple in her other hand. You sat, accepted the apple and took a bite before looking at the Television and promptly choking as you watched a news anchor discuss something called an ‘Extermination’, didn’t Charlie mention that upstairs?
Thankfully, once things had settled down in your head, you found yourself swept up in trust exercises, oh goody. Thankfully this spiralled into chaos and you were glad everyone had simply accepted your presence without hesitation, there were far more exciting things happening. It was especially comforting that Alastor would be keeping his promise and leaving on an outing for the day.
I will add here, this will be a semi-slow burn. Alastor is aroace pre-reader, but with time things change. Time, magic, and forced proximity.
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wooahaes · 4 months
up in smoke
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pairing: non-idol!vernon x fem!reader
genre: fluff. established relationship au.
warnings: food. burnt food. vernon is trying his best.
word count: ~1.1k
daisy's notes: ive said this before but he is simply sooo <3
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Vernon remembered when he went bungee-jumping with his friends years ago, before he ever met you. They had done rounds of rock, paper, scissors on the bus ride there, and he had ended up losing, which meant he had to go first. He remembered how it felt to get on the edge, the worker walking him through it while his stomach was twisting itself into knots. Bend his knees, hold his arms out as he falls, and enjoy the thrill. If he wanted to be poetic, he could say that falling in love felt a lot like that: a blind jump toward a joy he could see in you. Both had been worth it. He’d gained a sick video of him bungee jumping, courtesy of his friends, and the leap into love had given him a relationship he felt so entirely safe in.
Baking cupcakes should not be harder than bungee jumping. Why the fuck was this harder than bungee jumping?
He coughed as he opened up the oven for the second time today, smoking plumbing out of it and setting off the alarm. Shit. Fuck. This shouldn’t be this hard. He ripped the cupcake tray out of the oven, tossing it onto the smooth stovetop before cracking a window and then going for the alarm. With the apartment silent, he let out a heavy sigh before leaning against the counter again. Vanilla cupcakes had no right being this hard to bake. Why was baking harder than normal cooking? He’d learned normal cooking! But every time he swore the batter tasted okay when he did a tiny taste test, something went wrong with the actual baking half of things. The picture on his laptop was taunting him now, all perfectly baked with perfectly placed buttercream on top of it… 
He let out a sigh, shutting his eyes. Okay. He could work with this. As much as he hated to admit it, maybe it was a good thing that you were stuck at work today. Originally, it was a good way for him to surprise you with cupcakes. He pulled at the loose bow tying his apron around him, throwing it onto the counter before heading straight to the bedroom to strip off his shirt and change into something that he didn’t accidentally get flour on. 
Fine. He couldn’t bake you cupcakes. That didn’t mean shit when he had a car and money and the ability to just go buy the damn things. Easy solution.
He picked out yours and his favorite flavors for the larger box… Only to check his phone and see where you had texted him three times in a row. Oh shit.
what did you burn????? 
omg wait are you okay??? did you burn yourself??? i tried calling seungkwan and he didn’t know where you were 😭
Shit. Not what he meant to happen on your birthday. He dropped a tip into the tip jar, thanking the worker as he took off back to his car. When did you get off early? Shit, he thought he’d know—but you never mentioned anything today. He fought the urge to drive a little over the speed limit to get home to you, just shooting off one quick text to say ‘omw’ as he hoped that would calm your fears. The moment he parked, he took off running as fast he could without damaging the cupcakes to get back into the building. It was a weird half-jog that would definitely earn him some strange looks, but it was far from the first time he’d done something foolish while thinking of you. The elevator swiftly brought him up to his floor, and he rushed to get back into the apartment. 
And there you were, dumping out the burnt cupcakes as you tried to deal with the still-lingering burnt smell in the apartment. When you looked up, relief flooded your eyes as you saw him.
“Oh my god, Vernon, I was terrified you’d burnt yourself—” You rushed over to him, only to stop short as he held up a pastel pink box of cupcakes. “... What did you—”
“I wanted to bake you those funfetti cupcakes you were talking about,” he said. “But, uh… You can probably figure out what happened.” 
You took the box from him, only to immediately set it aside in favor of kissing him. He’d stiffened up in surprise, but relaxed a moment later as his hands fell to your hips. When you drew away, you just gave him a shy smile.
“I was worried,” you said. “I thought you’d hurt yourself.” You brushed his hair back from his eyes, frowning at him a little. “But… You were gonna bake me cupcakes?”
“I tried,” he admitted. “But, uh… I think baking was a little ambitious.” He drew you closer, body pressing against yours. “The first time, the oven was too hot, aaand the second time I took ‘em out too early… and then put them back in for too long.”
With a pout, you squished his cheeks. “You’re so sweet. You didn’t have to do any of that.” 
He drew your hands away from his face, letting them drop onto his shoulders. “You literally made me a cake this year, babe. I wanted to do something nice.” He nodded toward the box you set aside. “I just got us a half dozen. Didn’t get to pick up candles since you came home early.”
With a giggle, you pressed a clumsy kiss against the corner of his mouth. “Guilty,” you said before drawing away from him. You picked up the box of cupcakes and started to make your way over to the dinner table. “I was only working a half day today. I tried to get the full day, but I kinda had a major meeting this morning, so…”
Vernon followed you into the apartment soon enough, wrapping his arms around you and drawing you in. “It’s all good,” he said. “You wanna go out, or—”
“God, no.” You turned around to face him. “I’m going out with friends this weekend instead. I just thought,” you draped your arms around his neck, “we could have a nice night in. Movies, dinner…” You looked at the box behind you. “And dessert.”
He nuzzled his nose against your cheek, pressing a soft kiss against it a moment later. “Sounds like a plan,” he said, squeezing you once. “Happy birthday, baby.” 
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taglist: @twancingyunhao@synthetickitsune@wonuziex@porridgesblog@staranghae @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunny @bewoyewo
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years
your love is king II [könig x f!reader]
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▸pairing: könig x f!reader ▸words: 2,592 ▸warnings: domestic könig!!, könig helps you with your anxiety, he is turned on by thinking about you lying in the prone position with your sniper rifle, SMUT (unprotected p in v sex, shower sex, spooning sex, woman on top, reverse cowgirl) ▸summary: you are the most important thing in könig's life, and he has different ways of showing you that.
▸a/n: a little more plot this time? honestly i just want to think about making love to this man in all types of ways.
▸[part one] ▸[masterlist]
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König could no longer keep his mind off you. Every waking moment on this earth was now spent thinking about you. Of course, he did not let this distract him from what needed to be done to his enemies, but you had become his reason to survive. He had something to fight and live for now.
“What’s on your mind, König?” you asked as he stared down into his cup of tea. “You need something stronger?”
He chuckled. “No. I’m just…thinking of you.” He finally looked at you.
“Good or bad?” You tilted your head.
“It is never bad when I think of you, liebe.” He put his hand over yours. “I hate leaving you. I hate being separated from you and not knowing if you’re okay. I want to ask if they can put us on the same operation.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want you getting in trouble if someone finds out….” You gave him a nervous smile.
“If they find out, let them. The way I feel about you, and my need to protect you is much stronger than any fear I may have.” He pulled you to him.
“There’s my romantic,” you teased.
“Yes, we have established that I am a romantic,” he said, “But I see that you love to tease me.”
“Yes, my King.”
“You should not call me that,” he said in a low tone, “You know what it does to me.” He kissed you softly, and you pressed your body to his.
“Do I?”
“Unruhestifter…” he said quietly.
“I am not a troublemaker,” you giggled.
“Ah, learning more German, hm?” His fingers pressed into the small of your back.
“Yes. For you,” you told him.
“Oh,” he breathed before kissing you again. “I don’t care what anyone says, I’m taking you with me. I cannot leave you here.”
“What if I become a distraction?” you asked.
He pulled back from you with a pout, and you cupped his face. You will never forget the first time he showed you his face.
“You could never be a distraction. Never call yourself that.” He turned his head and kissed your hand.
“I just…”
“I’ll talk to the captain,” he said before you could finish.
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“Are you sleeping with him?” Price asked after calling you into his office.
“Sir…I…yes…” you said without looking at him. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Does anyone know?”
“No, sir. Well, just you.” You shook your head. “It wasn’t planned.”
“I know that. Look, if I send you two out on reconnaissance, will you promise to actually get some work done?” he asked, and your face grew hot.
“Y-Yes, sir.”
He pointed at you. “No one finds out about this.”
“Sir.” You nodded.
“Fucking lovebirds,” he complained, and you laughed quietly.
“Thank you, sir.” You left his office with a smile that made your cheeks hurt.
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König could not stop kissing you when he found out that Price agreed.
“I want to make love to you to celebrate,” he murmured against your lips.
“I think you’re addicted,” you teased.
“Who wouldn’t be? I am addicted to being inside you, the way you feel around me. I want to live inside you,” he admitted.
You never had someone want you so much and so badly. You also never had someone who had so much stamina.
“I love to hear you call out for me. It lets me know that you are real, I am real, and we are together.”
“Come on.” You took him by the hand and led him to the bathroom. You turned the shower on and undressed. He smirked and did the same.
You stepped in first, and he followed.
“Will you moan for me, my King?”
He pressed you to the shower wall. “Yes, meine Königin.” He had taken to calling you that. “Why do you like it so much when I moan?” He slipped a hand between your legs.
“It tells me that you’re enjoying it—that I make you feel good,” you moaned.
“The way I make you feel good?” He pressed his teeth to your jaw as you threw your head back.
“Yes. God, yes,” you cried.
“I need to be inside you. Are you ready for me?” he asked.
“You tell me.”
He took his fingers from inside you and brought them to his mouth to taste. “Mmm…sie sind bereit.” He lifted one of your legs to his waist and bent his knees enough to line himself up with you, kissing you deeply as he pushed himself inside you with one hard thrust.
“Ah!” you whimpered.
“Yes, let me hear you,” he groaned. “You take me so well after all our practice,” he joked.
“I love the way you take me. Harder, please,” you whined.
“I need both legs around me.” He quickly hoisted you up, and you wrapped both legs around him. You pressed your forehead to his as he pumped in and out of you faster.
“Fuck,” he moaned. “I want you so full of me that you feel it all day.”
You looked into his eyes. “Do it, please.”
“You beg so well for me.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep yourself steady against his thrusts. “Don’t stop, König.”
“I wish I never had to,” he said. “Touch yourself.”
Something you had discovered about König is that he loved to watch you touch yourself. He looked down as you slid your hand between your slick bodies. You were sure to make sure your fingers brushed along his cock as he pumped in and out of you.
“So good for me,” he breathed. “Cum for me, beautiful. Look into my eyes.”
His eyes were your favorite thing about him. “So handsome,” you moaned.
“I can feel you squeezing me. Go on.” He pressed himself deep within you to feel you pulsing around him as you came undone.
You dug your fingers into the muscles of his back and cried out. Now that you had finished, you knew to hang onto him for dear life because he needed to finish, and you always told him not to be gentle.
His fingers dug into your soft thighs, and he squeezed his eyes shut. There was nothing more euphoric than watching him lose himself inside of you.
He moaned with every thrust and said your name and a litany of curses. It sounded like his version of a prayer, and you were the goddess he worshipped.
Suddenly, he shouted and pressed you against the shower wall hard. You could feel him filling you as he sucked on the sensitive skin of your neck. He mumbled something in German against your skin before resting his head on your shoulder.
“Are you okay, my love?” you asked him.
“I am afraid to move. My legs do not feel strong enough right now.” You could feel him smile against your skin.
“How do you think I feel?” you joked.
“I can carry you,” he offered.
“We need to bathe first,” you reminded.
“Oh, yes, that’s what showers are usually for.” He chuckled. You loved his humor.
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After actually showering, König insisted on making breakfast. He loved hearing what you thought of his cooking.
“I tried something different with the pancakes this time,” he said proudly. He watched as you took the first bite. “Well?”
“Delicious,” you told him, and he smiled brightly.
“I love these moments,” he said, looking at you dreamily. “We don’t have many of them.”
“That makes them so much more special,” you told him.
“You always know what to say to make me smile.”
That’s what you try to remember the most—his smile. Out on the field, he is hidden from you, and the love between you is hidden from everyone else. The only thing shared is glances here and there and subtle brushes of arms and hands. A quick ‘beautiful shot, königin’ shouted over the sound of gunfire.
“Where did you go, my Königin?” He grasped your hand and rubbed a calloused thumb over your knuckles. It was a soothing action that had you on the verge of tears.
You shook your head. “I’m just being silly.”
“The stress is getting to you again. I can tell.”
“Come,” he said in a way that left no room for argument. He tapped his large thigh. You moved slowly to his thigh, then buried your face in his neck, his stubble tickling your cheek.
“Can we stay like this forever?” you asked.
“If it were in my power to make each of your wishes come true, I would,” he said, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“König…” You sniffled before kissing him deeply.
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König sat across from you on the helicopter, which was full of a flurry of excitement and preparation. He could see your leg bouncing, and he held a hand out, silently telling you to be calm. You breathed deeply and nodded once.
How badly you wished that he could hold your hand right now. You wanted to be beside him—breathing him in, getting doused in his scent of cedarwood and petrichor.
“Königin,” he called over the comms. “Ready?”
You nodded and forced out a curt “Yes.”
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Being on the cusp of life and death almost every day was frightening. All it takes is one thing to go wrong; that could be the end.
But that wasn’t what you were afraid of. You didn’t fear the darkness or death; you feared those around you dying. No matter how many times König would tell you that he would be fine, your heart ached with the fear of losing him right before your eyes.
“We might be here for a while, Königin.” His voice crackled to life in your headset, and you sighed in relief.
“Yeah,” you said quietly. He would know something was wrong by the way you responded.
“We are alone on this channel, Königin. Talk to me.” He talked in hushed tones, dulcet and soft even in this wasteland.
“I want to be with you,” you said. It sounded like whining, and you hoped he wouldn’t think you were a brat.
“I know, liebe. Me too.” He went quiet for a moment, then, “What are you doing?” he asked, which seemed a little silly.
You chuckled. “What do you think I’m doing?”
“I know, but…describe it to me,” he said eagerly.
“Prone, elbows dug in….”
“Ah, but…”
“But not too much,” you added.
“Continue.” His breathing was slow and steady, but there was a hint of desperation in his tone.
“Breathing is slow and calm.” You demonstrated for him.
“My Königin,” he said lowly. “You must look beautiful right now.”
“König…are you…”
“No! But my mind is occupied with thoughts of you lying there…so focused…that lovely bottom of yours….”
“König!” you scolded playfully.
“When we make love again, I will take you just like that. Would you like that?” he asked.
“Yes,” you breathed.
“That is all I need to hear. I will live through this just to feel you again,” he rasped.
It fell silent between you two then.
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There was a heavy but comforting weight on your back—one that kept you anchored to the bed and to the earth itself. A big hand enveloped yours, and you brought it to your lips to kiss. You could taste the salty tang of sweat from exertion and passion.
König pumped into slowly whispering things in German—some things you understood and others you didn’t. Just having his voice in your ear was enough. You two were together again, and, as he promised, he was making love to you the way he said he would.
Lying prone, there was no target for you this time. The only thing in front of you was the headboard, and one of König’s hands pressed flat against it while the other moved to hold both of your hands together by the wrists.
And instead of the dark and desolate feeling of dread, you were surrounded by warmth and the comforting scent of cedarwood, petrichor, and sex.
“Ah, Königin,” König moaned against the back of your neck. “So warm, so tight.” He pressed himself deep, and you pushed back against him.
“Harder,” you whined.
“Whatever you want,” he said before thrusting into you hard. You both cried out, and a thrust punctuated each moan.
The sound of his hips against your ass was deafening in the best way. You arched your back a little more, and he groaned at the feeling of being even deeper inside of you.
Suddenly, he rolled over with a grunt, and you gasped. You were on top now, reverse cowgirl style.
“Don’t stop now,” he said breathlessly. He grabbed your ass with two giant hands and squeezed, helping you move on him.
You held onto his thick thighs to keep yourself steady as you bounced on him. The feeling was overwhelming. You had never been this full before.
“Fuck!” he groaned before sitting up and pressing his chest to your back. “I need to be close to you.”
You continued swirling your hips on him, and he put a hand between your legs so he could touch you. He found your clit with ease. You nearly fell forward when he did, but he held you close and steady with one strong arm, refusing to let go.
All those little magazine articles and even your friends would tell you that what happened tonight wasn’t possible, but you’ve found that with König, everything was possible.
You came together in a whirlwind of pleasure, pain, lust, want, and need. Love.
He cried your name loudly, whimpering into the skin of your sweaty shoulder. You cried out to him, for him, with tears in your eyes.
His thighs trembled under you, and your body went limp. After a few moments, he laid down and took you with him—staying inside you as he turned you on your side. You wriggled a bit, and he hissed.
“Cheeky little Königin, hm?” He bit down on your shoulder gently, and you giggled.
“The English guys say it a lot,” he told you, and you laughed even harder. “Stop moving,” he grunted, holding you tightly.
“Why?” you asked, being bratty.
“Because…I am still inside you and want to stay inside you until I am ready again.”
You turned your head so you could look at him. You met his green gaze and realized that this was the first time you had looked into his eyes since the night began.
“König,” you whispered, tucking your fingers into his hair. “Kiss me.”
He touched your lips gently before kissing you, groaning as his cock grew hard again inside you.
“Who’s cheeky now?” you teased.
“Maybe I am.” He grabbed your leg from the back of your knee and put it over his before pulling out of you, then pushing back in slowly but deeply.
“Ah, yes,” you whimpered, still sensitive.
He made love to you languidly because there was no reason to rush. You two had each other for as long as forever. There was no one to hide your love from here. There was just you and him and a love that radiated from every nerve in his body for you; you felt it in every thrust, every whisper of your name, every kiss, and nibble on your neck and ear.
“Ich habe mich in dich verliebt,” he whispered, bringing tears to your eyes.
“I have fallen in love with you too.”
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alastorsbride · 3 months
In case anyone was wondering, I got Wattpad as well and now I'm planning on putting some chapters from my story called 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚏 𝙰 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 on here.
So... Here's a lil' bit of info about my story so it's more understanding.
Story name: 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚏 𝙰 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛
Info: the reader is aware of the fourth wall but she doesn't talk to the author, she gets one shots as dreams, which is why I need ideas for one shots.
I am also 17 but I read and will write s̷m̷u̷t̷ so... :) Oh and if anyone wondering, here's my wattpad: Alastorssexydoe
So here's the first part. And yes I changed some parts because I was bored. :)
Chappy one
TW: death, blood, Gore, eating souls.
Time: in hell
Y/N's high heels alerted everyone that Y/N was around, so they all scurried away in fear like little ants or rodents. Y/N wore her normal blank, emotionless face and listened to her music on her headphones.
Everyone learned the hard way to stay out of her way when she went on her usual walks listening to music.
Y/N is a very powerful demon. The second she came to Hell, she murdered everyone in sight, faster than you could say, (enter long word) so fast that by the time you finished saying it, the victim would already be a pile of you-don't-want-to-know. Which was faster than when every overload came to Hell.
Y/N looked up at the pentagram in the sky, thinking about her past.
~ᖴᒪᗩSᕼᗷᗩᑢᖽᐸ: August 23rd, 1918, New Orleans Y/N POV.
I was performing a bunch of songs with my band, I was the lead singer, Tory is the drummer, Derek and Ryan are the other guitarists, Vivisaria and her twin Jake are the other singers and guitarists and musicionists, and then we have more members but I'm not going to get into that.
"Thank you all for coming and have a good night!" I said into the microphone and went backstage where two kids ran up and hugged me.
"Mummy! That was awsome!" A little 5 year old boy with black hair said smiling.
"Yeah! When are you going to perform again?" A little six year old girl with browner hair than the boy said.
"I don't know, we haven't made the decision yet. When do you think we should perform again?" I asked the two kids.
"Hmmm..." The kids thought.
"You should wait a while. So we can watch movies!" The little boy said.
"Yeah and you can get rest." The little girl said.
"Hey, Vanellope, Vlad, how ya doin'?" Vivi said, Vivi was Thomson Okanagan Indian so she had a thick Indian accent and she talked nearly like a country girl from a movie with Howdy yall accented people.
ƮꙆᙏᙓ ᔑКꙆᕈ: January 20th, 1919, New Orleans
I felt the need to eat something so I put my hood on and turned down an empty street. Or at least, it was empty. Three drunks were wandering the street I was on.
"Yo! lets go to another bar!" One guy slurred.
"Be careful Rando, you're very drunk." The second, a female said, it was clear that she wasn't as drunk as the first.
"Oh, I'm not even drunk yet, Anna. I'm fine." Rando said. (pronounced An-ahh!)
Rando bumped into me, I didn't flinch and I didn't want to fight anyone, but my body was hurting very badly and I couldn't resist for much longer.
It was only a matter of time.
Before my instincts took control.
And I killed more people.
Oh well.
It's not like they really mattered.
They were going to die anyway.
The drunk male bumped into me and since I had my hood on, once again, I didn't flinch at his movement.
I was trying to ignore the feeling in my throat and ignored the drunken but the drunk was really ticking me off.
The drunk called me a few names that I will not repeat, but it was getting on my last nerve.
"Hey bitch I was talking to you!" The drunk said.
And in that instant, I saw red and his delicious soul.
I punched the drunk and his body hit the wall, his brother, I guess, tried to 'get revenge' or something.
"Hey, bitch what did you do to my little brother?" He tried to hit me but I punched him in the face and his body flew above the top of the buildings. The lady screamed.
℘ꭈׁׅᵉ𝒔𝓮nᴛ ᎴᎯᎽ: Y/N POV
I sighed silently. Vlad and Vanellope never left my mind. I could never stop thinking of them. They were only 9 and 10 years of age when I died.
I wish I didn't decide to move to Hell...
I wish I decided to live longer.
I wish I didn't get close to being caught back then.
But I did it for him.
Everything was for him.
I doubt he's here.
He was a good friend.
My best friend.
My only friend.
My only childhood best friend.
My first crush.
It should've been him... And not Ty.
But I don't control it.
Not yet.
But I will.
Yeah I edited a bit more than I thought. 😅
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icanbeyourgenie · 7 months
“ My sister got lost for seven hours in your fucking maze of a castle and no one looked for her?! You're her husband, that you like it or not, your duty is to protect her. Next time I won't be this merciful. ” – a mad Malachai to Aeron after learning Calypso got lost in the castle which prompt him to come
Aeron raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect the son of Triton to be there. Didn't he leave not long after the wedding? Aeron did not push the reasoning further. He didn't care much about a man he talked to maybe twice in his entire life. But he could see that the other prince was angry. Angry enough to confront him in an empty corridor with unsaid threats, when they all knew how fragile the peace between their two people were. Maybe Malachai didn't care, but war was a fate Aeron did want to avoid. However, if the fae had one passion in life, it was to push the buttons of angry people. And seeing the look on Malachai's face, he was about to have some fun.
“What are you talking about?” He was truly clueless there.
“Don't play me for a fool. I'm talking about your cousin 'accidentally' losing my little sister in this fucking maze of a palace for hours! If her maid didn't find her, she'd be dead by now.”
Aeron sneered. “If it's Euphemia you're talking about, it definitely wasn't an accident.”
“I know that. Which brings me back to my original point: You have a duty of care over her. It should not have happened.”
“What shouldn't have happened? Her needing the help of a maid not to die, or calling her big brother to the rescue like a little girl? Because I'd argue that both shouldn't have happened. But hey, who am I to judge the raising customs of merfolk, huh?”
Malachai's eyes got even redder if that was possible. He got closer to Aeron, clearly ready to strike. “Be very careful what you say next.” He warned.
“Besides, what do you want me to do about it? Put her on a leash? Oh wait-” He showed his wrist, where still lied Calypso's bracelet. “I already did.”
Malachai's fist ended up on Aeron's jaw faster than expected. Aeron laughed, and Malachai stroke again, and again, to wipe that smile off of the fae's face. It only intensified it but soon enough, Aeron started to fight back, and it got messy real quick.
They were already covered in blood when Malachai started to shake the ground to unsettle Aeron, who immediately fell on his back, giving Malachai the opportunity to get on top of him to keep hitting him. Aeron knew each one of Triton's kids were granted a power, but apart from Calypso's, he had no clue what the others were. Until today.
He used the fairy dust to animate a statue that was resting next to the wall, making it drag Malachai back just enough so Aeron could get back on his feet again. He stroke again, and noticed that for now, as heavily armed as they both were, none of them drew an actual weapon. Good, maybe Malachai did care about not starting a war after all.
“What is the meaning of this?”
This question came from the only person who could actually scare Aeron into giving up a fight. Fortunately, it stopped Malachai too. Of course it did, Aeron thought. Malachai probably had the same experience with Triton. After all, when your parent was the most powerful person alive, you learned to obey real quick.
So they were both on their feet, facing Morgana with their back straight, like they were just having a conversation and weren't covered in blood at all.
“Nothing, your Majesty.” Malachai spoke first. “We were just...”
“Settling a minor disagreement. It's over now.” Aeron finished.
“Good. Because my corridor is no place for a fight. If you boys have some extra energy to spend, we have actual training fields for it. Am I making myself clear?”
The Sceptre glowed a little - a bad sign - and they both nodded. It seemed to appease Morgana, but Aeron knew she hid her true feelings like no one.
“Now, Malachai, I believe you have just returned to us from the Sea. You must be tired from the journey. I had the servants prepare your room.”
“This is very kind of you, your Majesty.” He answered like a proper prince.
“Aeron, you're coming with me. We have things to discuss.”
When she walked ahead, Aeron had to follow her. He only turned around to see Malachai still fuming. He almost laughed. He didn't pay much attention to the heir of Triton before, outside of when he tried to gather informations, but maybe he should have. If the prince Malachai often displayed this temper, Aeron would definitely enjoy his company.
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secondgenerationnerd · 4 months
I just don’t think they can be as badass as Lian and Mari. They come from two badass super families and Milagro is just one of the few thousand GL and irey can run super fast
Right, so I again am assuming you’re coming from a good place. So I’m going to explain from my perspective why I think they’re badasses.
In terms of Comic Milagro, you’re right, we don’t know much about her. Hell, she’s not even a lantern as far as I’m aware. However. In my cannon, she became a lantern at 10 years old. She was forced into this life, but that gives her a clarity to point out the bullshit Legacy heroes don’t notice.
Like someone calling her friend a slur in front of a group of adults that have done nothing to protect said friend. She’ll take the ‘disciplinary action’ for breaking the asshole’s nose.
She might be one of many GL, but her ring is not the only thing she does as a hero. She learned how to fix essentially all the iconic vehicles driven by various league members and assisted in the redesign of multiple hero uniforms. More than that, and yes this is very important, she is a latina girl. Yes, we have Jessica Cruz, but think of how little kids look up to teenagers. She comes from a normal family. But she’s a hero. She. Is. A. Hero. And she doesn’t look like me, I’m a white girl, I can find heroes that look me, but not everyone has that luxury. Think about the shot in the Blue Beetle Trailer of the little boy seeing Jaime. It. Matters.
I, personally, designed her character to break the stereotype of how “Badass Women” should look. Not sure what I mean? Look at any action movie, superhero show/movie, etc and tell me how the Heroines are dressed. How many are in a tank top/plain shirt, leather jacket, jeans, and some kind of boot (combat or low heeled)? How many have that Pretty Woman moment of “look how nice I clean up which everyone will comment on”? Her femininity, her love of fashion and knitting and telenovelas and all the other feminine things are things I never see “Badass women do.”
Femininity and Badassery are not part of a dichotomy.
Miss Iris Anne West II’s family is full of scientists and reporters. Frankly more badass than either the Bats or the Arrows because they don’t have a huge fortune to fall back on. Her Great Uncle was hit by lightning. Her father gave himself powers at 12 years old (give or take) by recreating the experiment of said Great Uncle. Her family has created and destroyed and changed so many timelines. Their rogues have one of the strictest codes of honor compared to every other Villian. In the old Justice League Cartoon, Wally didn’t even have to fight his bad guy! Just told him to go to jail after having a conversation about the guy being off his meds and why it’s important he take them.
And circling back—Her family being full of reporters and scientists gives her both highly inquisitive mind and the skills to answer her questions. Knowing the difference between The Truth and The Story was drilled into her from birth. The Story is what everyone says happened in order to make the facts fit nice and neat. The Truth is what actually happened, regardless of it being “neat”. Do you know how hard it can be to hold thag belief when the rest of the world demands conformity?
“Irey can run super fast” you’re right. That is the basis of her powers, but not the entirety of them. According to her Prime Earth and New Earth Wiki pages, the full breath of her powers include:
Speed Force Conduit
Accelerated Healing, including Toxic Immunities
Enhanced Senses
Speedforce Aura
Superhuman Duribility
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Agility
Vortex Creations
Dimension Travel
Molecular Acceleration
Telekekisis, which she often uses to pull her brother towards her.
In Prime Earth, the current run of the character, she is also noted to become the most power speedster in the world.
Again, I assume you ask this in good faith, so I will ask you a good faith question as well—Why did you only ask me about the Omega girls? By your own logic, Damian and Jon are more badass than Colin and Jai, but you only asked me about the girls.
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kamurocho-lullaby · 1 year
So I was planning to go through and pretty this up but I just haven't had the energy so I'm just gonna dump them here.
These are my notes from my first time watching the Yakuza movie!
I've added a cut because they're long. There's typos, they're not edited, it's literally just chaos bullet points but tadaaaah. There's also a lot of cussing, swearing, whatever u call it, so sorry.
Date is just so fuckin done with the Tokyo PD's shit I love him.
Throwing down in a Don Quixote, yes Kiryu.
Wait who's this little shit bleeding in Kazuki's floor?
Kiryu's fight in the DQ reminds me of that gif of him fucking up a Poppo it's so good.
HOLY SHIT ITS MILENNIUM TOWER! I sure hope that doesn't explode.
HERE HE IS! Mr Tumblr Sexyman himself.
I can't get over the fact Majima supposedly reads the financial times
"where's Kiryu?" "Somewhere" "not good enough" *murder*
I love the idea that Majima is at the batting cages so often it's his office. Like he absolutely painted that sign himself what a dork.
This chick is insane and wants to go robbing stores when a Yakuza war is breaking out, side story material
Date is so fuckin done literally said "not my Division"
Kiryu seems a lot colder in this movie than he is in the games idk maybe he'll warm up
Who is this cocktail making silent man I am so confused
Why is Kazuki so hot?!
Majima and crew are goofy as fuck and I really love them literally everyone is scared of them it's fucking hilarious
HE CALLS HIS CREW KIDDIES and then ditches them to get his rocks off in a video store and the guy he beaned with a fuckin baseball in his own crew is like "ILL FOLLOE U TO THE ENDS OF THE ESRTH"
This man is goofy as fuck one second and then breaking fingers and toes to find his boyfriend the next
Oh fuck he's got a gun, nobody should allow Majima a gun
Literally the Majima fam have a "oh fuck the boss has got a gun" emergency plan
I just noticed he's wearing a studded belt omg
Kiryu needs more frown lines
Haruka got some sass I love her
"don't be corrupting her mind" what the fuck Date he found her like that
Majima was fuckin up Pink Street why didn't he go karaoke
Lol the guy at Ebisu Pawn gives zero shits about being robbed
Kiryu, Haruka and the dog make a cute picture I love it
Fuckin Majima isn't even like looking for intel he's just wandering around shouting about Kiryu-chaaaaaaaan
Lol Kiryu gets a flip phone and it's got a charm on it omg
"over the top shit is his trademark" you don't fuckin say
LOL DATE he's just like Kiryu and Majima are up to shit it's your fuckin problem I'm out "the military won't even save your asses" omg
Don't tell me the fuckin Jingweon are here I don't wanna fuckin deal with thaaaaaaat
"Yokohama's Lau Kalong" WAIT WHAT (having learned more about 7, YES that Lau Kalong apparently the Snake Flower Triad are a bunch of assholes and they're also like everywhere)
Oh fuck this kid's been sent to kill Kyohei Jingu?! no shit of course he has
Oh fuck SERENA I didn't think we'd see that in this movie
Lol Kiryu knows the RGG way, they ain't dead until you see a body and even then cough cough Kashiwagi cough cough
Lol Haruka teaching him to use a cellphone
Majima taking a break from getting his ass kicked by Kiryu to beat up his boys is so fuckin funny
Haruka's just on the sidelines like "these fuckin dumbass boys smh"
I'm sad it's not his lacquered tanto
Yo Kiryu is fuckin merciless what?!
LOL HE JUST FUCKIN DROPPED Kiryu is so done with his dumbass boyfriend flopping on the groud
Lol all the Yakuza in Kamurocho mobilising like the fuckin Avengers
LOL the bank robbers feeding everyone in the bank is just wild I love it, still can't figure out who they are tho (they're side story material)
How is Majima MORE unhinged in this movie than he is in the games
Theatre square! Honestly the shots in this movie are actually pretty good, im surprised
The Jingweon's gun is a monstrosity why the fuck
Is that supposed to be Shimano?
Kazuki getting all intimidating with the weapons dealer do be kinda hot tho why he gotta grab him by his chin like thst
Also why does Kiryu know this guy and why does he know he's a massochist?!
LOL Kiryu protecting Haruka from the creep but like why is she there?!
Kiryu hearing all this shit about his kyoudai and he's just like... Stomping around like a mad man
Wait is Kazuki an imposter yet? (Spoiler alert, probably)
Lol these idiots cleaning up Pink Street like Majima isn't just gonna whirlwind through it again
"Don't fall for hosts, they'll get you in the end" solid advice Kiryu but are u talking from experience or? Like iirc hosts weren't a thing when u went to jail my man.
What the fuck is this dramatic military shit what who is this man?!
Kiryu actually trusts Majima to not go after Haruka! And he doesn't! He's actually genuinely not a bad man he's just mad as a bag of cats
Oh that whole Majima and Kiryu not killing people thing is out the window in this movie omg
"Kiryu-chan, you're so cool" Majima says through a mouthful of blood after he's been knocked fuckin cold onto his ass. This man has it so bad I love it
Fuckin Majima just pelting Kiryu in the gut with baseballs omg this movie is wild
Dude these guys literally kick the shit out of each other it's vicious I love it
The level of choreographed homoerotic whump in this movie
He just straight up put his foot on his ass
"Fuck you murder dad you shot my boyfriend"
Wait do I get to see Nishiki?!
The fuckin Staminan X and shit in the shop that's so rad, of course Kiryu is like I'll just chug some of this shit and go fuckin kill my bro I'm fine
Oh hey it's Zombie Majima
Who allowed a military helicopter into fuckin Kamurocho airspace that's gotta be so illegal what the fuck
OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THE BANK ROBBERS I love how they're just laying on the floor with the staff resigned to their shit
Nishiki put the fish away you dumb fuck
Lol Kiryu literally doesn't give a fuck about the Tojo and here's Nishiki making it all about the Tojo like bro wise up Kiryu is done with your shit
Kiryu just stone cold dead until he gets some of that Staminan that's a full triple heat gauge baby the dragon is back omg this movie is the dumbest shit I love it
The fuckin slow mo! 2007 did not deserve this movie
Top ten ways to kill your kyoudai, number 12 will jack your dad!
Wait we're not gonna get Mr "Beautiful Eyes" here are we?
Akiyama come get ur cash!!!!
Moooooom, Millennium Tower blew up again!
Y'know Date is kinda hot...
Suzuki also has no business being that hot
Fuckin Majima's dumbass batting cages sign someone better save his ass I swear to fuck
Fuckin dumbass got shot and he thinks he's got the flu lol
Oh shit there's Kiryu oops guess he's not to blame for the dog
Question, how the fuck they gonna get down from the tower?
Oh my god okay it's done I'll clean this up later (spoiler alert, he did not clean it up later)
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cidthesquid · 5 months
Final Fantasy XIV - Looking through the closet.
I first created this character long before I played style savvy, Since then I've learned a lot about making outfits, (I'm still not great!) I thought it could be fun to look back through some older outfits I made for this character long before I turned them into 'Cid'|my avatar
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This will probably be the last set of FF screenshots I post for her until the 7.0 Graphics update! So today, I'll be looking through a few of the outfits I made over the years for this character,Both good and bad! (this is my 5th alt character, and their current outfit)
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I don't know why, but it feels really weird for me to post a ton of screenshot without text. So'll just say I really like the FF:XVI crossover outfit. The FF8 looks great too, as well as Cloud's pants,but I think I've shown both off in the past:
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I just love making cool outfits for her! But I think the under-eye marks are a bit much.. maybe I should change the color a bit. -- Beyond this point I'll be sharing some 'older outfits' these are from before I decided to rework this into my 'Style Savvy' Character. I still think they're still interesting, but they don't really represent who my character is now. --- Here's their old fishing and gathering outfit:
I just love making cool outfits for her! But I think the under-eye marks are a bit much.. maybe I should change the color a bit. -- Beyond this point I'll be sharing some 'older outfits' these are from before I decided to rework this into my 'Style Savvy' Character. I still think they're still interesting, but they don't really represent who my character is now. --- Here's their old fishing and gathering outfit:
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I still like this one, I still think it's as a bit of a cool edge to it, I'll probably stick with it for a little while, But I think it may be a little 'too' simple. Also, I think the color choices could have been better. Here's a 'town' outfit, (not really for combat)
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It's super simple, and the shoes really don't fit, so I'm guessing I made this pretty early on. Not bad for simply mixing low cost+seasonal event gear, But not something I can see 'Cid' wearing without notable changes. I was super strict about my color choices back then, I eventually tried mixing some white into my attire, and by this point I could afford more clothes and dyes:
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I think Both are a little 'too busy', but it was really my first time branching out with styles. I think the one on the left may have too many colors and textures going on. The one on the right I think just melds too many styles, the colors match up, but you have the standard exotic veria 'shoes' that don't really fit with the more elegant and refined gauntlets. And I think the top looks really the cover is nice, and the bikini top as a nice decoration and the jewels are a nice touch, but the skit choice at the bottom is just too plain, it stands out. Here's an older use of that same coat:
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I think the Green flows way better, especially when paired with a green skirt. I think The darker color headband work much better here too! I have no idea why I thought those shoes fit... they stand out a little much... And the last one worth showing about:
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(Don't tell Yoshi-P, but I have the bunny hats mod!) I've tried more extensive modding in the past, but it was a ton of work to make sure everything was compatible, and I did not really find many 3rd party outfits that I liked. I actually really enjoy playing around with the vanilla outfits, just like this outfit, sometimes something basic can be fairly effective. And I feel I can actually be more creative when working within the games restrictions. --- But anyway thanks for reading! I had a lot of fun making this, so I hope you had fun reading it as well. I don't currently have any plans to show off my main character here, for privacy reasons, but I may share more alts if people request it. As always, all comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome! You literally can't bother me, unless you go out of your way to be a jerk, so post whatever you want to say!
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Miraculous AU - Chapter 31 - Copycat
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Chat leaned on the rail guard of the Eiffel Tower. He looked out at the city while he waited for Ladybug. He had managed to slip away earlier than expected. His father had retired earlier than usual. Said something about crunch time and hurried off. He didn’t question it. It meant he could meet Ladybug sooner. She was always fashionably early. Sure enough, he heard the whirl of her yo-yo. He turned as she landed on the platform.
            “Evening, meow lady.”
            Ladybug giggled. “Fashionably early, Kitty?”
            “Learned from the best.”
            “Careful. I can be a negative influence.”
            “You? How could you?”
            “Hey! I have my moments. I can be a bad little girl.”
            “Like Alix?”
            Ladybug snorted. “Oh dear, not like that. Alix is unhinged. She Sparta kicked that kid off Notre Dame today.”
            Chat laughed. “Wait, really?”
            Ladybug sat up on the guard rail. “Oh yes! I got a front row view. Alix honestly doesn’t give two fucks. As Souris got me away, Alix just charged right on in.”
            “Sounds like Alix was almost willing to kick you off too.”
            “I wouldn’t put it past her. She worries about the details afterwards.”
            “I saw some of that with her and that guy. Who exactly were those people?”
            “Oh, the guy that Alix was fighting was Kim. They’re both the athletic, sports types, just different. Kim is your more traditional athlete while Alix is the rebel skater girl. They’ve always had this friendly rivalry. Aside from Kim, there was Ondine, his girlfriend. She’s a swimmer and a runner. She’s really nice, just over-the-top at times. And the guy talking with us was Max. He’s the smart guy of the group and is good friends with Kim.”
            “You’ve got quite the friend group, wouldn’t you say so?”
            “I would. Keeps things interesting. Never a dull moment.”
            “Never? Are you sure?”
            “Of course. It’s never a dull moment with you, Princess Kitty.”
            Chat’s ears flicked. “I’m not going to live that down, am I?”
            “Don’t worry. We’ll wear the princess title together. You weren’t the only one kidnapped.”
            “No. Just the only one that needed to be woken up by love’s kiss.”
            Ladybug rested her chin on her hands. “Are you ready to talk about it?”
            Chat sighed and looked away. “Not really, but we need to talk about this, don’t we?”
            “We should, and I’ll go first. I really like you, Chat. I know you’re still discovering yourself and you’re unsure of a lot, but at the same time, there’s a certain charm to you. You’re fun, kind, and a pleasure to be around. You’ve done nothing but make me smile since we met, and it’s been wonderful. Despite it all, I’m still scared of these feelings. I’ve never actually been with someone romantically. But I would like to. Y’know, be with you.”
            Chat blushed. “I… I don’t know what to say. How do you… how are you-.”
            Ladybug smiled. “Would you believe I’ve been practicing that all day?”
            Chat laughed. “If you believe I’ve spent what time I could pestering Mayura about all of this. How I’ve been feeling. What I should say and so on.”
            “And what did she say?”
            Chat straightened. “To just be honest. I just don’t know where to start.”
            Ladybug lifted her head and leaned closer to Chat. “Take your time.”
            Chat sighed. “Everything is different. I don’t understand what’s happening to myself. I’m feeling things I never did before. Experiencing life in ways I didn’t think possible. And I don’t understand everything, but I know when I’m with you, it’s different than with all the others. I want to discover what these feelings are. To experience what love can be with you.”
            Ladybug smiled. “And we’ll do it one step at a time. For both of us.”
            Chat smiled and moved closer to Ladybug. “This is going to be one crazy ride, isn’t it?”
            Ladybug laughed. “Has it not been since day one?”
            “It certainly has. One-.”
            A high-pitched white noise cut Chat off. He gritted his teeth and placed a hand on his head. He stumbled back with both hands on his head. Ladybug’s voice drowned out as a different voice came in and out. After a few moments, Souris’ voice came in clear through the noise.
            “Watch out! He’s coming for you! Keep him busy until I get there, please!”
            Chat blinked as the noise and Souris’ voice faded.
            “Chat, are you okay? You just… and there was a bunch of howling… and-!”
            “Souris, a warning from her. Someone’s coming.”
            “What? How? Who?”
            “I don’t know. She said, ‘he’s coming. Keep him busy until I arrive.’”
            “He? Oh no.”
            “Oh no?”
            Chat’s ears twitched. He turned as Luka vaulted onto the platform. He grimaced when he saw Luka as if he was Plagg’s holder with Souris’ whip in hand. His instincts kicked in as he grabbed Ladybug and jumped. He extended his staff and slid down it. Once on the ground, he put Ladybug down and retracted his staff, ready for a fight.
            “Are you ready, Ladybug?”
            Ladybug took out her yo-yo and spun it. “Just keep him busy, right?”
            Chat nodded. He watched as Luka leapt from the tower. “Keep him busy.”
            Luka landed and stood. Chat gulped and faltered under Luka’s gaze.
            “What’s the matter, Noir? You’re not scared, are you? A pity. I expected more than just a sniveling kitten.”
            Chat hissed and charged at Luka. Ladybug shouted out, but her cry came too late. Luka used the whip to disarm Chat, sending his staff flying across the area. Chat swung wildly, but Luka dodged him with ease. Luka moved to strike Chat but was caught by Ladybug’s yo-yo.
            “Stay out of this, Ladybug.”
            “Luka, please. This isn’t you.”
            Luka sneered. He grabbed the yo-yo string and yanked Ladybug to him. “What do you know about me? You’re not Juleka.”
            “No, I’m not. But, I know enough, Luka. We’re friends. That doesn’t change because you became a monster. Please, let us help. We’re here for you.”
            Luka sneered. “I don’t need your help!”
            Luka released the yo-yo and reared back his arm to strike Ladybug. She held up her arms in front of her face. The punch hit her arms and bounced off her. She moved and grabbed his free arm.
            “What changed, Luka? Because the Luka I know would never do this.”
            “What changed? She did. She decided I needed help. She decided to leave me behind and play hero. She ignores the danger she puts herself in. She is leaving me behind.”
            “Open your eyes, Luka. She’ll always need you. That’s why she fights. Because she fears she’ll lose you. You, her brother, her twin. C’mon, Luka, look at yourself! You’ve become the very thing she feared would happen!”
            Ladybug watched the realization hit Luka. He looked at himself, then Ladybug. When he looked at Chat, the anger returned. He snarled and grabbed Ladybug. He hurled her into the air, but she used her yo-yo to catch herself. She looked down as the boys resumed their fight. She grimaced as she watched Chat being backed into a corner. Despite his training, there was something Luka possessed in this moment that Chat lacked: ferocity and bloodlust. Everything Luka would never be.
            Ladybug moved onto the lower portion of the Tower. She followed their fight as she considered what to do. Chat was getting backed into a corner, but he managed to hold his ground well enough. Neither could get the upper hand directly, but it was only a matter of time. She looked at her yo-yo and considered. She could put him in chains or in a box, contain him. It could work and keep him restrained until Juleka showed up. That, or he could break out. He appeared to be a copy of Chat, so that could mean his powers too. If he could destroy it, she’d be at a disadvantage until she got her yo-yo back.
            Ladybug clutched her yo-yo and threw it around Luka. “Creation!”
            Ladybug’s yo-yo transformed into chains that restrained Luka’s arms. He took a step back as Ladybug joined Chat.
            “Why do you keep getting in the way?” Luka demanded.
            “Because I won’t just stand aside and let you hurt Chat.”
            Luka growled. He activated his own Destruction powers and ran a hand along the chains. They rusted and fell apart into her yo-yo. It fell at his feet, and he grabbed it. He hurled the yo-yo into the direction of the Seine, into the river. Ladybug braced herself as Luka turned on a heel and cracked the whip at her. It wrapped around her, and Luka flung her into the base of the Tower.
            “Ladybug!” Chat abandoned the fight to check on Ladybug. Luka caught him with a slash to the face. Chat yelped and staggered back. Luka grabbed Chat by the throat and lifted him up.
            “Pathetic. How could someone as weak as you be worthy of being a defender of anything?”
            “Why are you doing this? What do you want?” Chat demanded.
            “I want your ring.”
            Chat gasped. “What?”
            “I want you to renounce your hero status and relinquish your ring to me.”
            “Never! I’d rather die than lose Plagg.”
            Luka grinned that sent chills down Chat’s spine. “That can easily be arranged.”
            Chat’s heart raced as Luka’s hand moved on his throat. His breathing came in short bursts as Luka brought his other hand up, claws at the ready. Chat grimaced as he remembered an ability Mayura had taught him. When they had claws or other sharp appendages, they could dull and sharpen them should they be needed as a weapon. He had seen her do that with the armor on her gloves and boots. The only downside was the strength of such weapons was dependent on the relationship between kwami and holder.
            “One last chance, Noir. Surrender your ring.”
            Chat gritted his teeth. He hoped his relationship with Plagg would be enough. He sharpened his claws. He shut his eyes and ran his claws from Luka’s hand to his elbow. Sharp copper hit his nostrils that made his stomach turn. A horrific tearing noise followed by a bloodcurdling shriek. He hit the ground and opened his eyes. He gasped when he saw the blood that covered him. He turned and saw what he had done.
            Luka’s right forearm was a bloody mess. Chat had sliced through the imitation suit into the skin and muscle. It hung limp at Luka’s side. Blood poured from the wounds and streamed down until it pooled at Luka’s feet. Luka fell to his knees as he gritted his teeth against the pain and lightheadedness.
            Chat looked away at his hands. His chest and throat felt tight as he stared at them. The predatory, savage claws that dripped with Luka’s blood. His stomach knotted, twisted, and flipped as he inhaled the copper scent of Luka’s blood. His heart pounded and breath was quick and shallow as everything sank in. He’d done this. He severely wounded Luka. He hadn’t meant to, not intentionally. He thought he’d just give Luka a cat scratch, not gouge Luka’s arm. He was a monster
            Chat jumped when arms fell around him. He looked and saw a familiar black-spotted red glove. He turned as Ladybug rested her head on his shoulder.
            “Take it easy, Chat. Just breathe. In and out.”
            “But, I-.”
            “I know. You’re not to blame though. You were defending yourself.”
            “I went too far. If I had known-.”
            “It was an accident, Chat. You’ll know for next time.”
            Chat looked away. “Right. Next time.”
            Ladybug hugged Chat tighter. She rocked him back and forth while she hummed. She glanced over at Souris, thankful for her arrival.
            Souris’ ears twitched and she looked back at the scene. She felt for Chat. She believed that he hadn’t meant to do this. Even though she wanted to hate him for this, she knew better. It was her fault. She pushed Luka into this monster, and he was injured because of her. However, she had no intention of wallowing in pity. She had to help him.
            Souris knelt and put her hands over Luka’s eyes. “Bend.”
            Souris worked a hallucination into Luka’s mind. She numbed him to the pain of his arm and worked in a memory they’d walk through together. When they were younger, playing their silly little games. She removed her hands, surprised by the change in his eyes. The vibrant green the same pink as her own. The change intrigued her as she wondered if this always happened.
            Luka blinked as tears welled in his eyes. His harsh expression softened. “Juleka? Is that you?”
            Souris smiled. “I found you.”
            “That’s not fair! I was looking for you.”
            Souris giggled. “You always give up too easy, Luka.”
            Luka pouted. “I don’t like these games, Juleka. I can never find you and you always win. I mean, what if something happens to you? I’d never be able to find you.”
            Souris sat beside Luka. “But, if they can’t find me, how would anything bad happen to me?”
            “I suppose. How do you do it? Hide so well?”
            Souris shrugged. “I guess people just don’t look for me. I’m invisible.”
            “But I do. And I still can’t find you. And I worry.”
            “About what?”
            “That I’ll never be able to find you again. That when you leave, I’ll lose you forever. That you’ll just… disappear.”
            Souris pressed her hand against Luka’s cheek. She swiped her thumb near his eyes as she deviated from the memory. “I’ll always be here, Luka. Even if you can’t see me, that doesn’t mean I’m gone. I’m always watching you, just as you watch me.”
            Souris nodded. “I actually have something for you.” She took off the snake bracelet and held it up.
            “What’s that?”
            “A promise, a reminder, and a good luck charm. A promise that we’re in this together, through thick and thin. And a reminder that I will always be there.” She slipped the bracelet around Luka’s left wrist and removed the one with the akuma.
            “And the good luck charm?”
            “If you ever feel scared or worried, you need only speak the phrase: ‘Sass, scales slither.’ Once you do, all your worries will vanish.”
            Luka smiled. “Thank you.”
            Souris smiled and pulled her hand away. She flicked her thumb again and ended the hallucination. She ran over to Chat and placed the bracelet in his hand.
            “Bring this nightmare to an end.”
            Luka blinked as the world blurred around him. The memory of childhood faded, and he saw a vision of the lights of the Eiffel Tower bright overhead. Three people sat far from him, dressed like animals. One a white mouse that he knew was Juleka. There was anger and pain that mixed with betrayal. He reached out and paused when he saw the black bracelet. Regret crept up as the suit dissipated along with the anger. Tears fell from his eyes as he remembered the promise. The promise he broke many times over, but not as severely as when he became that monster.
            Fear gripped Luka as he fell back. His body numb to the impact as everything faded in and out. He tried to move his right arm, but he couldn’t feel it. Panic mingled with the fear as he struggled for consciousness. He raised his left hand as his eyes fell on the bracelet once again. He remembered the phrase Juleka once told him. One he never needed, until now.
            “Sass, scales slither.”
            Souris watched with bated breath when Luka uttered the transformation phrase. The bracelet turned green with a snake head on it. Luka’s right arm was mended as he was transformed into a basic snake-themed hero. She rushed to him and examined him closer. She pressed her ear to his chest until she heard a heartbeat. His breathing was slow and even as if he was asleep. She looked up at his face and saw he was.
            “How is he?” Ladybug asked.
            Tears fell from Souris’ eyes. She smiled as she looked at Ladybug. “He’s alive and he’s sleeping. Thank you.”
            “We just kept him busy. You’re the one we should be thanking. You were the one that saved him.”
            Souris shrugged. “I had to do something, right? I accepted this hero gig to save him, and I did just that.”
            Ladybug smiled. “That you did. So, what now?”
            “I’ll continue to be Souris Blanche, with Luka, whatever he’ll call himself. We’ll join you both in taking down that butterfly mother fucker. He’ll pay for all of this.”
            Ladybug reached out her hand. Souris ran over and took it. The girls pressed their foreheads against one another. “Call if you need me. I’ll be here.”
            Souris nodded. She let go of Ladybug. She grabbed her whip, then scooped up Luka. With one more look at Ladybug, she headed back home. Ladybug smiled as she watched Souris vanish.
            Ladybug turned to Chat. “Hey. How you holding up?”
            Ladybug sighed. She held one of his hands. “Take your time, Chat. I’m here for as long as you need me. I won’t leave you alone.”
            Chat stirred slightly. He blinked when he saw Ladybug’s hand in his. Tears welled in his eyes. They fell one by one before they all fell. He turned and buried his face in Ladybug’s shoulder as he hugged her tight. She held onto him as he sobbed.
            “It’s ok. Let it all out. Don’t hold back.”
            Chat wailed. He dug his claws into Ladybug’s side as he clung to her. She turned, relieved to see the claws hadn’t cut her suit.
            Ladybug held onto Chat tighter. “I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere.”
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chaotic-super · 2 years
Supercorptober Day 26 - Acorn
Kara grabs at her forehead and sitting up from her previously reclined position on the picnic blanket.
Her brain frantically searches for a reason, a justification for the sudden attack she just endured, and the answer isn’t hard to find.  Just a foot away from her sits a single acorn, proudly leering at her in all its acorn-ness, happy that it managed to get such a good shot on her forehead.
In anger she picks it up and tosses it as far away as she can, grabbing her book right after so she can try and go back to her so called relaxing day out in one of National City’s most beautiful parks.
Her eyes skim the first paragraph, trying to put herself back in a zone where she can relax when all of a sudden she is being knocked backwards and her face is being attacked with what feels like a soggy piece of ham.
“Jasper! Jasper, no!”
Kara had barely registered the weight on top of her until it had been lifted off and now that her face is free of the attacker, she can open her eyes.
She never expected her attacker to be so cute though. The face of a panting collie stares right at her, fighting its equally as cute owner to try and get back to her to give her more kisses.
“I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” The cute owner is now leaning over her, gripping the excitable pooch by the collar to hold him back.
Kara is completely lost, unsure of what just happened, one second she was being assaulted by an acorn and then she was being devoured by a fluffy beast.
The pretty lady chuckles, trying to hold back her laughter as best as she can. “I’m sorry Jasper jumped on you like that, he really likes to play fetch so when you threw that acorn he got super excited. The boy has no loyalty so when he brought it back, he was pretty much professing his undying love to you.”
“What?” Kara stares blankly for a second at the pair. “It think I might be concussed. Am I imagining this? Are you real?”
She reaches out for the fluff ball, running her fingers through the soft fur and getting her hand covered in puppy kisses in the process.
“Did he hit you that hard? I’m so sorry, I’ll cover all of your medical expenses, I promise.”
Kara frowns, not liking the sad look on the pretty lady’s face. “No, no. The acorn fell and hit me on my forehead. I was angry at it, so I threw it. I suppose the best medicine for an injury like that is puppy love.”
“Well, in that case I suppose I should apologize for Jasper bringing your attacker back to you.” She points at the acorn that is now on Kara’s lap, something she had missed in the ruckus.
Kara’s eyes follow the finger pointing at the evil little object. She picks it up between a finger and thumb, disgust clouding her features when she notices that it is doused in dog slobber. “If I throw this will he chase it?”
“Absolutely yes.”
Kara tosses it as far away as she can, laughing at the shock written across the face of the owner as Jasper pulls free of her grip.
They both watch as the pooch scrambles to get his footing for a second before bounding across the grass after the acorn, sniffing hard to try and find the right one in the field of dropped acorns.
“You do realize that he is going to jump on you again when he gets back?”
“It’s ok, he’s cute.” Kara smiles up at her. “I’m Kara by the way.”
She offers her a hand to shake, which the woman then takes in a firm grip. “Lena.”
Unfortunately for Kara, she got so distracted in trading names with Lena that she totally missed the dog flying in her direction at full speed. Her hand is snatched out of Lena’s grasp as she finds herself once again flat on her back with a dog tongue lashing at her face.
She pushes him back a bit with a laugh. “Hi Jasper. I really should have learned from the first one, shouldn’t I?”
“You really should have.” Lena pitches in, laughing loudly at the scene before her. “Come on Jasper, let Kara sit up.”
She drags Jasper back once again, clipping his leash in place and glancing down at her watch.
“Do you have to get going?” Kara asks.
“Yes…well, no.” Lena looks down at the puppy by her side. “It’s getting close to the time I usually get Jasper here a puppuccino from the local coffee shop, it’s kind of his favourite time of day.”
Kara beams at the duo, utterly obsessed with the air of cutie pies that she has somehow met today. “Let me get you both a drink to say sorry for winding him up with the acorn.”
Lena shakes her head right away. “No, I can’t let you do that. If it’s anyone’s fault then it’s mine for letting him off the leash when he’s still in training. I’ll get you a drink instead.”
“I believe I asked first.”
“I believe that I’m buying you a drink and that’s final.” Lena crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow in challenge and staring her down, making her back off almost right away.
Kara huffs a bit. “I suppose so. You are really good at that.”
“I know.”
Lena waits for Kara to pack up her blanket and book into her backpack and then offers her a hand to get up, which Kara gladly takes, enjoying the tingles in her fingers where their skin meets. She may have a teeny tiny bit of attraction to the hot dog momma.
They walk side by side across the park to the nearest coffee shop, Jasper bouncing between them with a lot of pep in his steps, knowing exactly where they are heading to and happy that his new friend is joining them.
A comfortable silence fills the gaps between small talk, leaving them with the opportunity to bask in the serenity of the park on their way to Noonan’s, the best coffee shop this side of town, a well known fact.
“So you work in the city?” Lena asks, curious about the stranger that she’s somehow now going to get coffee with.
Kara nods. “I do, I work at CatCo magazine, I’m Cat Grant’s assistant but hopefully soon I’ll be able to transition and become a reporter. What about you?”
Lena pauses for a second, hesitant now that she knows where Kara works. “Do you already know?”
“What do you mean?”
Lena stops them in their tracks, holding Jasper to her side so there is no distractions. This is a question she needs a proper answer to. “Do you already know who I am?”
The baffled look on Kara’s face tells her everything she needs to know. “No, why would I know who you are? Oh god, you’re an escaped prisoner or something aren’t you? That would be just my luck.”
Kara looks ready to scarper and run for the hills making panic rise up in Lena’s chest because she may have just scared off the only person in National City that is actually willing to talk to her. “No, no. I just…I’m a CEO so I thought you might have known already since you work at a media company. I’m not a murderer or anything.”
A hand flies to Kara’s chest. “Oh thank fuck for that, you had me worried that I would have to run for a second there and I hate running.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I also hate running so there is no way in hell that I would have chased you if you did run.”
“Surprisingly, that does help.” Kara giggles, gesturing for her to keep walking. “So, if you’re not an escaped prisoner, where do you work?”
Lena hesitates again, not sure if she should lie or not but she doesn’t want to lie to Kara, even if she’s only known her for a few minutes, she seems like a nice person so it wouldn’t feel right. “L-Corp.”
“The science company?”
“That’s the one.” Lena is grateful that the initial reaction isn’t disgust but there’s time yet.
Kara’s eyes flit upwards like she is trying to remember something. “I know something about your company, I recognise the name, but I can’t place where I know it from.”
Lena is terrified, her body tense with dread. This is where Kara is going to realize that she knows the name from all the terrible things her brother has done.
Kara hums, face lighting up. “Your company doesn’t release statements or do interviews with us, you’re on our refusal list. I knew I would get it eventually.”
“L-Corp is on almost everyone’s refusal list, we only work with one magazine, and it is solely science related, no gossip.” Lena breathes out a deep sigh of relief. She swears she might have a heart attack any second. “No offence.”
“None taken.” Kara laughs. “If anything I’m surprised that you, a full fledged CEO, are willing to talk to a mere assistant.”
Lena reaches over to place a hand on Kara’s forearm, dropping it when she realizes what she’s doing. “You’re more than a mere assistant, you’re also a nice person. That’s something this city needs more of.”
It earns her a toothy smile. “Thanks.”
They turn the corner out of the park gates and head across the road to where Noonan’s is waiting. The closer they get, the quicker Jasper starts to move, knowing exactly where they are going.
Their drinks get ordered and they stand together waiting for them, Lena telling Kara off because when it came time to pay, she whipped her card out before Lena could so much as reach for her purse.
“I’m telling you, what you did was rude and unethical.”
“How was it unethical?”
“It just was!”
Kara rolls her eyes, a smile crossing her face at Jasper with his snout firmly in his cup, trying to get every last bit of his puppuccino. She can’t help but think that she wouldn’t mind doing this again and hopefully soon.
“How about I let you pay next time?”  
Lena stops her complaining, taken aback by the suggestion. “You want to do this again?”
Kara nods.
“I suppose I could be agreeable to that.”
“Great, it’s a date then.”
“It’s a date.” Lena nods firmly, unable to hold back her gleeful expression at having the chance to see this mysterious stranger again, but next time, she’s paying for the drinks.
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milarqui · 1 year
Scarlet Lady: Riposte
Directory | Vanisher
Ever since he learned that Tikki was riding the rich girl's bag, Plagg now would spend most of the time Adrien was in class with his oldest friend.
And today, they were checking a video on the new heroine.
“Her name is Marigold,” Tikki said, as Marigold showed off her spinning top to the journalists, while wearing a very forced smile.
“The Bee Miraculous, huh? Bold choice using Pollen,” Plagg replied. “She's not exactly discrete. And that's coming from me.”
Tikki crossed her arms and closed her eyes.
“I, for one, have total faith in Pollen to keep a low profile!”
“Greetings, noble kwami of Creation and Destruction!”
“AH!” both Plagg and Tikki exclaimed at the sudden appearance of the one they were speaking about. However, as soon as they recovered, Tikki flew to the newcomer, all worried.
“Pollen! Now that you're out permanently, you need to hid yourself to protect Marigold's identity!” she warned Pollen.
“Well, it's not like we can rat out our holders since we can't even say their names,” Plagg contested. “It's probably fine.”
Then Pollen turned to the open part of the bag and pointed at Marinette.
“So I shouldn't tell you that she's my Queen?”
Pollen blinked as Tikki hugged Plagg, crying so much the tears felt more like a waterfall coming from the kwami of Creation's eyes.
“What is wrong?” she innocently asked, confused about Tikki's reaction.
“I'll tell you later,” Plagg replied, giving Tikki a few pats in the back as she bawled.
As she recovered from her little stint with yet again losing on her fated partner, Tikki decided to sit with Pollen and explain the rules, so something like this wouldn't happen again.
She also decided to ignore how Pollen had managed to find a loophole around the prohibition of telling someone else about their partner.
“Rule 1: no outing other holders, even to other heroes. Hawkmoth is not above mind control.”
“Rule 2: no taking holders to meet the Guardian unless it's absolutely necessary. The less people who know where he lives, the better.”
“Rule 3: no going to the Guardian yourself unless your holder is unable to transform. It's dangerous to be away in case of emergencies.”
“You're so thorough.”
Back at school, people were still getting used to the surprise event of the year: Sabrina had finally ditched Chloé. Despite how badly the Mayor's daughter treated her 'friend', she had kept coming for more, so finding Sabrina actually had a limit was a bit of a shock.
However, for most of her classmates, it was simply a moment to help Sabrina enter in a healthier relationship – and the one person that had already connected with her and helped someone else do the same was ready to get on her case.
“Yo, Sabrina!” Alix greeted the bespectacled girl. “How's the 'single' life treating you?”
“Oh, Alix!” Sabrina replied. “I'm still getting used to it...”
“If you want to do someone's homework, I volunteer!” Lila said, half-joking, only to get a deep jab in the ribs from Alix.
“Lila, no,” she admonished the Italian, before turning back to Sabrina. “You ever been to roller derby? I'll introduce you to my team.”
“Um, maybe I should...” Sabrina replied. She had never been into sports, mostly because Chloé wasn't interested in anything that made her sweat, but perhaps this was a good way to show how thorough her splitting was.
“Ew, all that sweating?” was Lila's honest answer.
Not that Alix minded. She was certain she would get hooked once she tried it.
“Looks like Sabrina's doing okay,” Marinette happily noted, before she turned to the other side of the split, who was murderously glaring at the school bulletin board. “Chloé, however...”
The girl roughly slapped the board, right under a paper that said 'Chloé Bourgeois' BFF Tryouts!' with way too many hearts, and which had several lines for signups – all of them completely empty.
“HEY! Why hasn't anyone signed up for my BFF tryouts?!”
“You threw my watch into the street?” Alix fired.
“You locked me in the bathroom?” Juleka pointed out.
“You made Mylène cry,” Ivan reminded her.
“You suck,” Nathaniel sentenced.
“Oh, who asked you?!” Chloé yelled.
You did, everyone else thought, before someone else slapped another paper on top of Chloé's.
“Hey!” Chloé yelled once more. “Who do you think you–?”
“The school bulletin is for school news only, Mlle. Bourgeois,” M. D'Argencourt stated, glaring down at the girl, who realized that this was an adult she couldn't browbeat into submission – so she left, huffing all the way like a train, shortly before the fencing teacher did the same.
Curious, Marinette approached the new poster, which Adrien was looking at with interest.
“'Argencourt School of Fencing tryouts'?” she asked Adrien, who smiled at her.
“Yes, we have a spot open. Are you interested?”
“Yeah, actually! It could be useful!”
I could actually learn to wield Venom with that!
“Useful for what?” Adrien asked, a bit surprised, and she looked aside.
“N-Not for any... you know, particular reason,” she replied bashfully. Much to her surprise, Adrien actually accepted the answer, and began to tell her about what she should expect in the tryouts.
The day of the tryouts, Marinette felt ready. She had read on fencing rules since the poster came up, and she had also practiced some moves she had seen on YouTube, so she was as prepared as one could be. After putting on the fencing suit and picking up a fleuret, she came into the gym, where she found an unexpected visitor.
“Oh! Marc! What are you doing here?”
Marc Anciel was one of Aurore and Mireille's classmates, and he was a kind, gentle soul that liked to write both poetry and prose. He tended to keep to himself a bit, but she knew he was trying to come out of his shell and become more sociable.
“Oh, Marinette!” he said, standing up, his book in his hands. “I'm getting references for writing fight scenes. M. D'Argencourt says it's fine as long as I'm not disruptive.”
“Hello, everyone! The darling of Paris has arrived!”
Ugh, Marinette thought. It's like Marc summoned her, or something.
“Mlle. Bourgeois, if you are only here to serve as a distraction, then you may leave,” M. D'Argencourt warned her, while Adrien gave her a half-glare as she turned to the stands with a groan.
“Then why does he get to be here?!” Chloé shouted, pointing at Marc. She jumped in between them.
“Hey! He has permission!” she defended him.
“Marinette,” Marc whispered.
“I'm non-binary.”
“Oh.” That explained a lot. And it also made her feel bad, because she kept using the wrong pronouns to speak of Marc. She turned back to Chloé. “They have permission!”
With Chloé finally out of the way, the tryouts began, and M. D'Argencourt bid Marinette forward, as her name had been the first in the list.
“To earn the only spot on the team, the neophytes will execute a succession of assault against the elders,” the teacher explained. “Take place!”
“Well, Marinette, are you okay with me?” Adrien asked, smiling, as he prepared for their bout.
“Only if you promise not to go easy on me!” she replied, returning the smile in challenge before lowering her mask.
Quickly, Marinette lunged forward with her foil and aimed straight at Adrien's chest. As she did so, she was also aware of Adrien's weapon attacking her, but she deflected it.
And the tip of her weapon touched.
“HA!” she said.
“WHOA!” Adrien replied, shocked.
“WHOO! Get her, Adrichéri!” Chloé cheered.
Both of them rose their masks, and Adrien gave Chloé a disappointed look.
“Chloé, loud cheering is very disrespectful during bouts. And Marinette got the point.”
Clearly, Chloé hadn't wanted her to win. Was there a way to rub her victory into Chloé's face without looking like a jerk?
“Fencing Master D'Argencourt, I want to get into your school!”
Everyone turned to look at the sudden appearance. She was already wearing the fencing uniform, along with the mask, so it was impossible to see what she looked like, but Marinette thought she was probably Japanese, based on her accent. The way she held herself, though, it was clear that she was practiced in the sport of fencing.
“Looks like another disrespectful person has shown up,” M. D'Argencourt noted.
“Wow, what a noisy show off,” Chloé commented. Marinette didn't comment on how much of a hypocrite Chloé was, so she settled for giving her a withering look.
“Very well!” M. D'Argencourt said. “Defeat one of my students and I'll consider your admission.”
“Very well!” the mysterious girl replied. “Then I shall challenge your best combatant!”
The fencers looked at the girl as if she had grown a second head.
“Uh, you... you don't have to...” one of them said, but M. D'Argencourt silenced everyone.
“Adrien, please give a lesson of modesty to our visitor,” he ordered, and Adrien nodded.
“Yes, Master,” he replied, lowering his mask. Alright, Agreste, don't screw up. Marinette is watching!
The bout began, and quickly Adrien realized that this girl was very good at fencing. She had probably trained for years, like he had, to reach this level of skill. He couldn't afford to hold back!
The first time he was able to touch her, he felt the tip of her foil hit him on the chest.
Both machines blared at the same time.
“Simultaneous! No touch!” M. D'Argencourt stated.
Returning to their positions, the bout continued. When he lunged, the girl did so at the same time, and as he twisted to dodge the foil, he noticed she was doing the same.
“Abstain!” M. D'Argencourt ruled.
“Grr!” the girl growled. “I propose we do this the traditional way! No machines! We'll have more freedom!”
Marinette ignored Chloé yawning beside her, clenching her fists as she silently supported Adrien.
“She just gave up an impartial judge!” Marc pointed out, as Adrien accepted the additional challenge and unhooked his suit.
Immediately, the challenger tackled Adrien off the mat.
“HA!” she shouted.
“OOF!” Adrien complained, stepping back as he avoided the challenger's wild slashing.
“Whoa, where are they going?!” Marc wondered.
“She shoved Adrien off the mat!” Marinette called out. “That's a corps-a-corps, halt the bout!”
“This is real fencing!” M. D'Argencourt exclaimed. Marinette turned to look at the man.
Are you sure you are a fencing instructor?
“I can't see a thing!” Chloé complained.
“Me neither,” Marc agreed. Marinette quickly ran for the stairs.
“THIS WAY!” she said, following the dueling fencers towards the sound of clashing foils.
“Is that all you got?!” she heard Adrien exclaim, and she finally found them at the library.
“They're really going at it!” Marc exclaimed, and suddenly it ended.
“THERE!” both of the fencers shouted as their foils hit their rival's chest.
At the same time.
Or, at least, that was what it looked like.
“The librarian's gonna kill them,” Marc said, as M. D'Argencourt ran into them.
“Anciel! Who struck first?!” the instructor shouted, pointing at Marc with his finger. “I need to know!”
Marc covered himself with his book.
“Eek! Abstain!”
“Mlle. Dupain-Cheng!” He did the same with Marinette.
“Well, Adrien left the mat which is a penalty but she made physical contact so–”
“Not what I asked!” M. D'Argencourt interrupted before turning to the third witness. “Mlle. Bourgeois!”
“Adrihoney, obviously!”
“Excellent! A clear victory in honor of the D'Argencourt School!” the instructor said, proudly.
Marinette just gave him another look.
“Seriously?!” That's all that it takes for you to proclaim victory?
“Chloé, are you sure that's what happened?” Adrien asked in an exhausted voice.
“It's fine,” the challenger said, offering her hand to Adrien. “The referee made his decision.”
“See? Even she knows to listen to her superiors,” Chloé crowd, ignoring as the challenger approached her.
She sure paid more attention to her as the foil in her hand got stabbed into the concrete floor just a couple of centimeters away from her foot.
Marinette quickly got rid of her fencing uniform and ran after the mysterious girl, along with Adrien. Both of them had the same thing in mind, as she began to take off her mask.
“Let's have a rematch! I think you touched first!” Adrien said.
“And even if you didn't, you're the most skilled person who tried out!” Marinette reasoned.
“No need,” the girl said, finally taking off her mask and turning around – to reveal that she was a beautiful Japanese girl with dark bluish hair just a few shades away from Marinette's, brown eyes and even a smattering of freckles across her cheeks, which gave her a more juvenile appearance. Marinette and Adrien felt their cheeks blushing. “You won. In my family, there's no such thing as second chances. Sayonara.”
And she got into the car.
Shit, she's cute, both of them thought.
Until they realized that the girl was getting away. They had to act quickly!
Adrien dragged Marinette to his car and opened the door so she could enter first, before getting in as well.
“Follow that car!” he ordered his bodyguard, who silently nodded as he started the vehicle.
“HEY!” Chloé shouted as the car with her Adrikins and Dupain-Cheng sped away after that peasant's own. “Why are they so obsessed with this nobody?!”
“I don't think obsessed is the right word...” Tikki noted, already fearing what was likely to happen.
“An Akuma!” Chloé cheerfully shouted.
“Oh no...”
“Oh YES! It's Scarlet Lady time!”
Tikki moaned.
“I don't get enough cookies for this.”
She tried to call her mother. Even if she would only berate her for failing to join the fencing school, at least it would mean she worried.
But, just as expected...
“Of course, she doesn't answer...” she said, huffing as she hung up the phone. And then she noticed something else.
An ugly black butterfly somehow squeezing into the car through the door.
“... more importantly, what the hell is that?!” she wondered, as the butterfly flew towards her sword and somehow fused with it.
“Riposte, I am Hawkmoth.”
“She's the only child of a prestigious fencers' family...” Adrien noted as he checked his phone: while the girl hadn't mentioned her name, the markings on her car had allowed him to learn that she was Kagami Tsurugi, the daughter of Tomoe Tsurugi, whom he had heard something about.
“That explains why she took it so hard,” Marinette answered -
– as something suddenly split the car they were riding in half.
Both of them were thrown off their seats as the bottom of their half fell and began to skid off the blacktop. They quickly worked to cover their heads to avoid injury, but they were still sure they were going to get bruises from rolling about.
And then someone landed atop the car.
“You offered me a rematch! I've come to accept!” a familiar voice said. It belonged to someone who was entirely covered in silver, from the helmet to the shoes, in armor that resembled that of ancient samurais. The only splashes of different colors were the eyes and a circular crest in the center of the forehead and the guard of her sword, both of them red.
It was clear that Kagami had undergone the same thing as so many Parisians in the past months.
“Oh no, she's an Akuma!” both of them exclaimed.
“Not so fast, Chrome-Dome!”
Both of them sighed.
“Scarlet Lady!”
“Even worse!”
The Akuma attacked with her sword, slicing at Adrien even though he and Marinette were standing close.
“Look out!” he shouted, pushing Marinette away as he jumped as well.
When Adrien was able to look, he realized Marinette was gone.
“Marinette?! Where are you?!” he screamed, scared for her. He knew he had made her promise not to get involved in Akuma fights, but... he couldn't help it.
He couldn't see that Marinette had snuck into a nearby alley.
“I'm sorry, Adrien,” she whispered, “but this is Marigold's chance!”
“At your command!” Pollen cheered.
“Pollen, BUZZ ON!”
“This won't take long!” The Akuma announced as she sliced off the ad tower Scar was standing on, forcing her to jump off.
“Geez,” he said. Unfortunately, he had to agree with the Akuma in this instance.
“Um, Adrien Agreste?”
He turned to see it was the new heroine.
“Marigold! Have you seen–”
“Don't worry, I got your friend to safety,” Marigold quickly replied. “But now it's your turn sinc she's after you!”
Marigold was so distracted that she hadn't noticed the approaching danger.
But he did.
“Look out!” he said, hugging Marigold and tackling her out of the way of the Akuma's sword, attached to its owner as it slammed into the ground. He felt a sharp pain in his ankle as he moved so fast, but he thought it was worth it.
“Ah!” Marigold yelled in shock, before regaining her composure and throwing her spinning top to the top of the building, taking advantage of the Akuma being distracted by her sword being stuck to get away.
“Hey, wait for me!” he heard Scar yell as Marigold carefully let him on the ground, and he grabbed his ankle, feeling for the source of pain.
“Are you okay?” Marigold asked, clearly worried.
“I rolled my ankle...” he replied. Nothing that wouldn't go away without some repose.
“You got my Prince hurt?! I should fire you, you wanna-bee!” Scar shouted. He was about to turn to her and yell to stop calling him 'her Prince', but Marigold's utterly distraught face distracted him.
“I can't believe you got hurt protecting me when I should be protecting you!” she said, covering the sides of her face. “I am so sorry, Adrien! But I promise we'll keep you safe and save that girl!”
“Mhmm,” he said, noncommittally.
But on the inside, he realized something.
If Scar had been the one he saved and got injured for, she would have probably been making excuses about why she hadn't done anything – and that was if she just didn't go and become even more of an abhorrent admirer.
But Marigold... she had just admitted fault and strove to do better.
His respect of the new heroine rose.
As she hugged her Adrikins and put his hand on her head – he could be a bit less enthusiastic about how hard he was doing that – she heard an unwelcome sound.
“Apparently, I need to explain the rules,” the akumatized chrome-dome said, angry. “You're not allowed to run away.”
She couldn't allow this peasant to harm her Adrikins beyond what the wanna-bee had done!
“Come, my Prince, I'll take you far away from this dangerous girl!” she declared.
When there was no following comment from Adrien about him wanting her to get him away, she turned – and saw that the new-bee had not only bailed out on her, but she had also stolen Adrien from her.
“What did I just say about running?!” the Akuma shouted, but she didn't care.
She had to find her Prince!
Marigold, as it turned out, chose to bring him to the Louvre Museum – particularly, the Tutankhamun exposition that was still running (and he had yet to see an inkling of whether Plagg was right about the statue!).
And, unfortunately, she picked a rather distressing hiding place for him.
“Sorry, this might be uncomfortable for a while, but you'll be safe,” Marigold apologized as he held the empty sarcophagus open. “It'll be okay. Chat Noir will be here soon.”
“Chat Noir?” he asked. He had expected her to say she'd solve the problem soon, or something like that.
“Yeah, don't you know?” She winked at him. “He's the real hero of Paris.”
And she carefully closed the sarcophagus.
Alone and in darkness, he felt his fear grip him, but as Plagg silently came out of his hidey hole, he managed to control himself.
Okay, just for that, I'll forgive you for locking me up in here, he thought, his respect for Marigold growing.
“Claws Out!”
Armed with a foil she had finagled somewhere in an exposition on sixteenth century France, Marigold began to make her way to leave the museum and find Riposte –
“Hey, Bumbling Bee!”
“Scarlet Lady?!”
“Where'd you hide my beloved?!”
Ignoring the fact that Adrien seemed to dislike Scarlet Lady just as much as Chat Noir did, she realized something.
“But if you're here, that means–”
“WHERE IS HE?!” the Akuma shouted, landing into the corridor.
Yeah, Scarlet Lady was oblivious enough to forget the Akuma could follow her.
She covered her face, because right now, she really, really didn't want to look at the idiot.
“Oh my gawd, you're so stupid,” she complained.
The Akuma wasn't up for any bantering, and chose to attack Scarlet Lady, who tripped and crawled back as fast as she could.
“Ah, help! Not the hair!” she shouted, covering her face to avoid seeing the sword coming closer.
“Scarlet Lady! Chat Noir!” Marigold said, and Scarlet Lady uncovered her face to see Chat Noir parrying the Akuma's weapon with his own.
“About time!”
Chat Noir ignored the heroine: he was used to her 'style' of thanking people for helping her (which meant not thanking people at all). So he turned to his other partner.
“There's a fencing tournament at the Louvre and I wasn't invited?”
“Well, don't take so long at the vet!”
“Pft!” he snorted. Finally, he had someone willing to trade banter with him!
“No matter how many you call, I'll vanquish you and become the best fencer!” the Akuma declared, clearly uncaring about those who faced her.
“I think we left fencing behind a long time ago...” Marigold noted, remembering the Akuma's attempts at making lethal attacks.
The two of them promptly moved away, not eager to test the lethality of being hit by such a sharp weapon.
“I think getting close to her might be impossible. And suicidal,” Marigold said as she walked down the stairs.
“I think so, too,” Chat Noir agreed. “Looks like a good time for a Lucky Charm, Scar!”
Scarlet Lady promptly landed on the ground, face up, between the two of them. At the top of the stairs stood the Akuma, who had clearly thrown the former down with a swing of her sword.
“I'm doing this because I want to and not because you told me to,” Scarlet Lady claimed, groggy from the pain of hitting the cold, hard marble floor. “Lucky Charm...”
This time, the Lucky Charm was larger than the norm, which they instantly recognized.
“A radiator?” Chat Noir asked, standing to defend Scar and Marigold from the approaching Akuma.
“I've got it!” Marigold exclaimed. “But I need your belt!”
“My belt?” he said, shocked. He was surprised by the request... but he had promised Marinette he'd give her a try. “Okay, I'm trusting you!”
Turning to hand her the belt that acted as his tail, she answered by giving him the radiator. It was sturdy, but light, with a large space running through the middle –
He understood what Marigold had planned.
“En garde!” he said, as the Akuma stabbed with her sword – only for him to catch the sword with the radiator as Marigold jumped over him, belt in hand.
Marigold ran the belt around the sword's guard, preventing the Akuma from trying to pull away, while Chat Noir began to twist the radiator around –
And with a mighty pull, the sword blade snapped, freeing the butterfly.
With Kagami now recovered from her Akumatization, Marigold took it upon herself to calm the girl down.
“Everything is okay, it's over,” she told her, smiling.
Kagami lightly blushed, although she wasn't sure of the reason.
Behind her, a more acrimonious encounter took place.
“Great, she's dealt with, now where's Adrien?!” Scar shouted, ignoring her earrings beeping as the countdown got closer to an end.
Chat Noir gave her the look he would give to someone he considered an idiot.
“Do you really want the cameras to catch you detransforming?”
The obvious didn't work. Appealing to her flaw would, though.
“So you don't care if they catch you with that messed up hair, then?”
“NOOOOO! Don't look!” Scar screamed, shouting all the way to an empty corridor, while he looked at her in satisfaction.
Although he was reminded that he also needed to show up, before Marigold tried to find him in the sarcophagus. He said his goodbyes to the girls and ran towards another corridor, going a way around as he detransformed and returned through the corridor for Egyptology, finding Kagami and Marigold.
“Marinette should arrive soon, please wait for her,” Marigold said, and he felt like cheering up.
“Ah, sure,” Kagami replied, clearly a bit insecure over the entire thing, and he took that moment to call her.
“Pst, Marigold,” he whispered. She had sharp ears, as she was able to hear him, and she approached him quickly.
“Oh, there you are! Thank goodness, are you okay?!”
“Yes, thank you,” he said, scratching the back of his head. The Cure had even healed his ankle. Not that he'd want to tell Scar that – who knew what else she'd try to pull over it.
“So, what'd I tell you? Chat Noir really saved the day, huh?”
Yeah, she was nothing like Scar. He smiled at her.
“Just Chat Noir? You should give yourself more credit. I saw how helpful you were.”
“Helpful?! Really?!” she said, blushing.
It reminded him of Marinette, in fact, which added to the cuteness factor.
Marigold had to leave, unfortunately, but promised to return whenever there was another Akuma, and he was left with his rival, who was holding her phone while her foil that had been the focus for her Akumatization laid on the ground, repaired by the Cure.
He grabbed it and offered it back to its owner.
“I'm sorry–” both of them said at the same time, but before they could do anything else, something interrupted.
“GUYS!” Marinette said, hugging both him and Kagami at the same time. “I was so worried! I'm so glad you're safe!”
Adrien just enjoyed the feeling of being hugged by Marinette.
Kagami... well, she wasn't sure of what to think of the cute pigtailed girl suddenly hugging her out of nowhere.
“Sorry, sorry! It's okay now!” Adrien said to calm his friend down, prompting her to realize she had acted too fast, so she let them go and presented herself to the other girl.
“Oh, right, I'm Marinette!” she said, offering her hand, which was awkwardly shaken.
“K-Kagami...” the Japanese girl returned.
The best things about Chloé's hair being a mess were two.
The first, that it made for a better, more comfortable hidey hole.
The second, that it kept Chloé from interrupting Marinette and her friends.
Chloé's vanity may have been an irritant, but times like these, it proved to be useful.
Seeing that she had managed to make a connection with Kagami, Adrien let her do the talking.
She was much better at this than him, at least.
“Please don't quit fencing! M. D'Argencourt would be crazy not to take you after how much he was drooling over that match!”
Kagami looked aside, sad.
“And yet, this isn't what your friend saw.”
Marinette felt disgusted and made a face.
“Ew, gross, she's not my friend.”
Kagami let out a little snort, which broke through the image of stoicness she was trying to express, which somehow made her shine.
“Alright, alright,” she said, turning to Adrien. “Prepare yourself for a rematch.”
“Yes!” he cheered.
“And I hope to see you there, Marinette,” she added.
As they returned to the school, Marinette decided to ask.
“So, are you going to go to Françoise Dupont?”
Kagami shook her head.
“Actually, I've started at Collège blah blah blah.”
“Oh!” She had heard of that place. “Our friend Ondine goes there! They have a sporty focus, right?”
Marinette could actually imagine Kagami wearing that school's uniform. It would look good on her.
As Plagg munched on his delicious cheese, he had something to ask of Adrien.
“Hey, you realize, by giving the spot to the sword lady, that you gave up a chance to be on a team with Pigtails, right?”
He silently laughed at his kit's face. Of course, he didn't know he was already on a team with Pigtails, but it was funnier this way! The reaction when he learned that Marigold was also Pigtails would be hilarious.
For the moment, he would settle for his expression when he realized he had lost the chance to spend more time with the girl.
And there you go.
Captain Hardrock
@zoe-oneesama Kagami debuts! Let's hope the next sword thrust goes for Hawkmoth!
Well, this was the other girl's beginning in the story, ready to make an impact as Adrien and Marinette's friend instead of the former's love interest and latter's rival!
Sorry for the lateness, I've had a long week, between my family visiting and me moving to a new home, which was a mess and a half that was fortunately solved soon.
Next time, Captain Hardrock and the debut of Marinette's other potential love interest, Luka!
16 notes · View notes
sankaku-translations · 4 months
トリック・オア・トリート 〜LIP×LIPの必要不可欠な戦い〜 第三話
Trick or Treat ~LIPxLIP’s Absolutely Essential Battle~ Chapter 3
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After learning the choreography from our dance teacher, Yuujirou and I practiced individually
愛蔵 Aizou:
(I’ve memorized the dance roughly, just need to make adjustments to small sections)
(Seems like I can perfect this part by today)
Curious about how Yuujirou was doing, I glanced over at him unintentionally and as expected, he seems to be struggling
愛蔵 Aizou:
(He keeps messing up on the same part)
(Well, that step is pretty high on difficulty, so it must be hard for Yuujirou)
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
愛蔵 Aizou:
(He looks annoyed…is he okay…?)
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愛蔵 Aizou:
(It’s already this late?... I better get home)
Yo, Yuujirou
You should finish up soon
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
I’m going to stay a little longer
You go home first, Aizou
愛蔵 Aizou:
A little longer?
How long do you plan on staying?
Our schedule is also packed tomorrow, so nothing good is going to come out of overworking yourself
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Leave me alone
I’ll be fine even if I don’t sleep for a while
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
(This guy… even though he always says he’s tired…)
What’s the big idea?
You wanna wear the vampire costume that badly?
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勇次郎 Yuujirou:
It’s not just about the costume
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After his short reply, Yuujirou went back to practicing
愛蔵 Aizou:
(What does that mean…?)
Yuujirou stopped paying attention to me and continued to practice that same step over and over again
愛蔵 Aizou:
(That’s the part he was stuck on before…)
(It’s not just about the costume…huh
I see now)
To Yuujirou, the costume isn’t that big of an issue anymore
愛蔵 Aizou:
(He just…hates that there are parts that he can’t overcome by himself)
(I hate to admit it but I understand that feeling)
I couldn’t bear to watch any longer, I stood next to Yuujirou
愛蔵 Aizou:
It’s not like that. When you bring your leg back, do it lower. Plan to bring it closer to the center fo your body
Also, you’re spreading your legs too much. That’s why you’re out of sync with the music
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Just leave me alone. It’s a competition.
愛蔵 Aizou:
Shut up
I get annoyed looking at you practice
Look, pay more attention to the center of your body!
Let’s try again!
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
Like this?
愛蔵 Aizou:
Open your legs at the same time you bend your elbow
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
What about this?
愛蔵 Aizou:
Your center is still off
One more time!
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
What about now?
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愛蔵 Aizou:
It’s better than before
Let’s try it once from the top
Eventually, Yuujirou and I staye din the lesson studio until it was light out
Day of the Choreography test
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
I’m sleepy…
愛蔵 Aizou:
That’s why I told you, don’t push yourself…
ひより Hiyori:
What’s wrong?
Why are you both yawning?
愛蔵 Aizou:
Let’s hurry up and start the test
ひより Hiyori:
I’ll go get the teacher!
愛蔵 Aizou:
I’m not gonna go easy on you
勇次郎 Yuujirou:
That’s my line
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Epilogue
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 2 years
As Hoped, Still Annoying
So I was vexed by the exercise of extending the mad-libs program in my programming course. Not because of the four or five steps - the existing word types gave a very clear template (If you have ArrayList<String> nameList, ArrayList<String> countryList, and ArrayList<String> fruitList, even someone who knew nothing about programming could make an educated guess about how to add a list of verbs into the mix) - but because I’m still not entirely clear how much I was intended to learn and get used to the process of extending functional but slightly brittle code and how much I was intended to identify that class structure as a problem.
We’ve now gotten into the refactoring portion, where we’re able to swap a big pile of variable declarations and a piled-up if statement out for a HashMap that associates a String with an ArrayList. This lets us loop through an iterable of all the names and check all the near-identical conditions of the if statements more cleanly. Pro Tip, if you’re using more than three if statements stacked on each other - not inside each other but just handling different variations of what might happen - you probably want to see whether there’s a way to shrink it down and make your code more elegant. Anyone who wants to extend your code later - including you - will probably have to come back to this pile of if statements, make sure their situation isn’t covered, and then add a new situation to the mix. It gets sloppy and error-prone fast.
It may be that the answer is “both,” and you’re going to have to make executive decisions when coding about how much time to spend refactoring older stuff. XKCD had a great chart about efficiency
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and I consider it valuable to this discussion. Unfortunately while the theory is worth a look and the chart is good to revisit for other things it doesn’t help much here because the time shaved off (the “time shavings”? That makes me sound like a Hypello) is far more difficult to judge - practically unknowable - and may even be distributed not just within your own team and the people extending your code but also out into the world, represented as seconds saved by people using your program. Which in theory could put it to the far top left of the grid, shaving off 0.4 seconds 14,000 times a day.
I’d consider that a moral good - saving millions of people a little bit of time is kind of what automation is all about - but that doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile to my own business to spend X hours on it right now. Doing things as a gift to the world kind of has to have its own calculus for worth.
I do appreciate the lesson - and they didn’t even focus on it like it was a big deal (maybe they should have) - that these complex data structures can contain other, equally complex data structures. You’re allowed to have a multidimensional ArrayList. You could have ArrayList<ArrayList<String> > - a list of lists of words. I already used a two-dimensional List like this to search through all my existing word lists and remove words when they got used, so that “He liked to <verb> and <verb>” never turned into “He liked to sing and sing” due to chance rolling the same thing twice in a row.
The more recent point about being able to have a HashMap that makes your ArrayLists more searchable by type, by having the type as the key and ArrayList as the value, is what makes the above replacement-of-pile-of-if-statements possible.
I’m sure there will be more, though I think the bigger lesson will be what I already learned in C# when I was doing Unity, where beyond the current complexity you just want to be making complex objects - for instance in Unity you could have a PlayerCharacter object and it could contain pointers to all the sound files for that character’s voice lines, a tie-in to the parts of the tech tree that character unlocks, all the player controls to let you maneuver the unit around the world, and all the rendering and animation to let the player view them, and then because that’s all “one object” as far as the system is concerned you could index all PlayerCharacter objects with an ArrayList or HashMap in order to quickly search a scene for them and do something to everyone in the scene (such as fixing everyone’s relative point ranking when anyone scores a point).
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shesjustanothergeek · 2 years
|Professor Jack Gladney x Fem!Reader|
One Shot
Summary: You are a History major at The-College-On-The-Hill and must take a Hitler studies class as part of the curriculum. You get distracted during the two-hour lecture and can't pay attention which Professor Jack Gladney takes notice of, forcing you to stay after class to have a word.
Warnings: age gap, blowjobs, literally face fucking, cum swallowing, hairy pussy (it's the 80s, what can I say), power imbalance, mentions of WW2 and Nazis, teacher-student relationship, dubcon, you are a super girly queen who likes to take pictures, Jack wears his glasses as he rails you from behind, cock the size of a soda can, degradation.
Author's Note: Welcome to the 80s! It's totally tubular, yo! Anyways, welcome to another Jack Gladney fic. This story has no plot, just some good ol' hanky panky. I wanted to create a raunchy, corny, 80s porno-esque, sheet gripping story with horny old man Jack. A song called Rapture by Blondie was playing over and over in my head while writing this and I was defiantly inspired by it. I want to say that since we're in the 80s, you have hair long enough to be in a ponytail and permed. If you have trouble picturing that, just look up "80s side pony," and you'll see what I mean. Well, I hope you guys like it and don't get turned off by some of the things I wrote.
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The autumn air was sharp as you walked the concrete pathway to your Hitler Studies Class, cutting your cheeks raw as you huddled in your bright windbreaker. Crispy orange oak leaves crunched under your white sneakers, accenting each step as you huffed up the hill, skinny jeans clinging tight to your body.
You paused for a moment, shrugging your backpack off and taking out a compact black case, unzipping it to reveal your Polaroid camera and snap a picture. You smiled as the beautiful autumn landscape was printed on the paper and the photo slowly appeared.
Fall was always your favorite time of year. The short space between summer and winter filled your bones with the excitement for new beginnings. You never understood why people used spring as the figurehead for growth and rebirth when autumn made more sense. People were starting school, returning from vacations, and thinking about the holidays. Things were dying, melting into the ground and decaying, creating room for new life to grow. Wouldn't that be the first step in the cycle?
You opened the heavy metal door to the historic building, grunting and using all your weight to fling it so you could run inside before it slammed behind you.
The halls were always quiet and bare, as it was mainly used for only the history majors. The smell of cigarettes lingered in the wooden floorboards and carpets of the lecture halls, even with the "no smoking" signs plastered everywhere. It was the 80s. For Christ's sake, people should know better by now. You were confident it was mainly just the teachers anyways. Old habits die hard.
You entered the lecture hall. Rows and rows of wooden desks and old, creaky chairs with small lamps lined the entire room. A few students had already taken their seats, dotting the space. Your Professor, Mr. Gladney, looked up from his podium in the front of the class, noticing the noise. You smiled and gave a little wave in greeting, but he didn't respond. Only staring at you blankly with his deep brown eyes and slightly aged face until you made it to your respective seat in the second row. His eyes snapped back to whatever he was doing, clearing his throat and scratching the top of his receding Chesnut hair once you did.
You shrugged the awkward exchange off, ignoring the butterflies that formed from his attention.
He was always like this, quirky, almost with his obsession for his job. You would never be able to understand why or how someone could devote their entire life to learning about a literal genocidal maniac, but in a way, it fits him. He was so focused on his studies and teaching he never really made time to develop the ability to have actual conversations with students. It was almost endearing. You supposed he didn't need to, anyways. He didn't need to befriend his students; he had his own family and problems to deal with. All he was required to do in that aspect was be able to answer any questions they had and, on occasion, discuss an assignment.
More students began to file in, taking up the empty spaces and filling the room with the smell of the outdoors. You rummaged through your backpack, pulled out the spiral notebook dedicated to your Hitler Studies Class, and settled in for the two-hour-long lecture.
You were an hour and a half into the class when you felt your stomach begin to ache, empty. You silently cursed the feeling, realizing you should have eaten before arriving. Taking gulps of your water was not enough to satiate your hunger, and you became irritable, bouncing your leg impatiently while glancing at the clock. You only had to endure another twenty minutes of gut-wrenching agony. You draped your arm over your abdomen, trying to comfort yourself inconspicuously.
Professor Gladney caught your hunched-over form as he descended the stairs leading to the chalkboard in long strides. His eyes traveled up and down your figure with a slight scowl, his pink lips pouting. You blush, embarrassed that he saw you looking weak like a child. You scrunched your face in disappointment. You began rummaging through your bag, looking for anything, a granola bar, an opened package of Fig Newtons, anything that could satiate your hunger, but finding nothing besides a pack of bubblegum. This would have to do.
You looked around as you pried the sealed bag, trying not to make a sound and draw attention. It mostly worked, except for the fact that the direction of the sound waves went straight to your Professor, sighing with his hand on his hips. He glared at you before going back to talking about the tactics the Nazis used to dehumanize the groups Hitler deemed the cause for Germany's hardships.
You should have been paying attention, especially since this was a required course for you to graduate, but the constant gnawing in your stomach wouldn't let you. Trying to distract yourself, you twisted your hair around your index finger, pulling on it, inflicting a different pain on your body as you popped the baby pink gum. You glanced at the black and white clock again, the constant ticking antagonizing you, knowing how much discomfort you were in. You couldn't help it when a groan of annoyance bubbled up, seeing there were still ten minutes left.
"Miss..." Professor Gladney said your last name sharply, face sour. "Is this not interesting enough for you?" Your face burned as you sunk into the creaky chair, anxiety growing from being the center of everyone's attention.
"Uh, no, Mr. Gladney. I-I mean yes, Mr. Gladney." You couldn't form a coherent sentence with his eyes staring intensely into you, your thighs squeezing shut. He paused on your squirming form, expression being overshadowed by something... different.
Professor Gladney huffed, shaking his head and running a hand through his wavy light brown hair before continuing his lecture, flipping the projector on for the documentary he was ending the class with. You were thankful Professor Gladney turned the lights off. It made it easier to hide the shame heating your skin, the ache in your gut.
You felt like an idiot for being so careless with your thoughts and actions, finding the plastic-coated pack and shoving another piece to distract you.
Finally, the clock struck the hour, and Mr. Gladney flipped the lights on and switched the film off.
You bunched your things together, not caring to organize them as you shoved them in your bright pink backpack, practically sprinting down the stairs until you heard your name called. Dread filled your bones, weighing you down in your spot.
"Yes, Mr. Gladney," you responded with gritted teeth, plastering on a fake smile as you turned to face him. He pushed his blue-tinted glasses up as he scowled.
"I need you to stay after class." His request was simple enough and wouldn't have bothered you any other day, but you really needed to leave this time.
"Can I do that another time, please? I'm starving," you whined. You were becoming nauseous from the lack of food. You sighed, shrugging your bag closer.
"No, Miss," he said, your last name, annoyed with your antics and crossing his arms, "I need to speak with you in private."
You were starting to get angry now. All you wanted was a little snack. You smacked the gum in your mouth, purposefully trying to be loud as an act of defiance when the last few students filed out. You groaned and walked to an extra desk by his podium, dropping your book bag with more force than usual.
Professor Gladney sat at the complex plastic table next to you, puffing hair through his mouth as he bent his knees. His age was catching up to him. You rolled your eyes, irked with every second not spent shoving your face full of food. He placed his hands on the rectangular table, lacing his fingers together as his eyebrows scrunched in thought, lips pursing. You blew a bubble, crossing your legs.
"Do you know why I asked you to stay behind today?" He interrogated, finally initiating the conversation, making you one step closer to leaving.
You sucked the expanded gum back in, tilting your head. It cracked and popped as you went back to chewing it abhorrently.
"No. I don't think I do, sir. Could you please tell me?" Your voice was snippy as Mr. Gladney whipped his gaze up, as you blew another bubble, popping even louder.
"I asked you to stay because you didn't retain a single piece of information the entire lecture," he answered.
You scoffed, throwing your head back as you sneered. "Did not." You continued gnawing on the pink bubblegum. His sigh came out as a growl as he slammed his fists on the table.
"Will you stop chewing that god-damned gum!"
You jumped in your seat, the rubber candy nearly falling out of your mouth at his sudden outburst. The surprise wore off quickly as your belly made a grumble, anger finally coming to the surface.
"Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do about it, huh? Make me spit it out?" You hugged your abdomen tightly as another wave of hunger struck you.
Professor Gladney didn't reply, only giving you a heated stare. You stood up, pushing your seat back with a screech. "Yeah. That's what I thought."
You picked up your backpack, not bothering to put it on as you stormed out. You were halfway to the door as you felt a sharp yank nearly make you fall backward. You spun around, ready to fight your teacher that stopped your escape.
"What the fu-"
A kiss caught your words as Mr. Gladney's mouth crashed onto yours, forcing you to backpedal and slam into the classroom door, shutting it.
His tongue was skilled, the soft sensation of it eliciting a moan from you as his hand went to your throat.
"You're such a fucking nuisance. Distracting me with those juicy lips, stuffing that gum in your mouth. I'll give you something to stuff it," he rambled against your lips.
Your eyes were wide as he continued kissing you, shocked but not upset by the intrusion, gradually gaining the confidence to run your fingers through his short wavy brown hair. He wouldn't leave your mouth even when he locked the door and pulled the small curtain covering the small porthole. You struggled to breathe with his face smashed against yours, and you attempted to pull back, only getting enough as your foreheads pressed together.
"You said you were fucking hungry," he hummed through his nose. "I'll give you something to eat."
He brought his wide fingers into your hair, tangling them. You squinted in confusion, unsure of what he meant as he brought you to your knees, face level with his crotch, a prominent bulge poking through the tan fabric. Your eyes darted up to his as you realized what he meant but were still uncertain about moving.
"Go on. Suck my cock." He motioned with his head.
You wet your lips, unzipping his kakis with two fingers as you found purchase on his sturdy thighs. As you brought them down, you palmed the bulge, glancing at him for reassurance. His eyes were closed, brows pinched in pleasure, glasses sliding down his aquiline nose, lost in your touch. Taking that as a sign to continue, you hooked your fingers into the hem of his white underwear, spotting the tuft of black hair, a few greys strands hiding here and there. You brought them down, revealing his full, unobscured length. Your mouth hung open at the sight. You couldn't help the quiet gasp that slipped.
Mr. Gladney looked down at you, chuckling at your reaction, proud to have won it. He nudged you forward with his hand.
"Take it. Use those pretty lips you were so keen on annoying me with earlier." His voice was low and thick, directed down to you, laced with desire.
You went to feel the gum in your mouth, wanting to spit it out to make room for him but couldn't find it. Mr. Gladney noticed your bewildered expression and laughed again, jaw moving as he rolled the missing piece, showing it to you. You shook your head slightly as you opened your mouth, wrapping your hand around his thick cock, fingers barely touching.
You licked a stripe up the side, exploring the ridges and veins as he hissed from above, pulling your hair tighter and tasting the salty precum dripping out. You worked him with your wrist as you slowly wrapped your lips around the tip, having to open your jaw as far as possible to take even a little as you felt his knees buckle. You pulled your head back with a pop, gasping for air as your hand moved faster. You smiled inwardly, proud to have nearly crippled your stone-cold Professor.
You could hear Mr. Gladney cursing under his breath, losing control as he felt the tension in his gut tighten. He was in a constant state of arousal around you, it was a continuous hum underneath his skin, but his mind was more vigorous. He had held back for quite some time, and even though he knew he could handle this forever, as long as he got off at the end of the day, seeing you in that bright windbreaker, your hair permed and pulled up to the side made him furious. How could you sit there, twirling your ponytail and smacking your lips, oblivious to how he yearned for your soft flesh, and not be punished for it somehow?
He gripped the back of your hair tighter at the thought, pushing your head further down his fat cock until you were a gagging mess below him.
Your lips twitched as you struggled to adjust to his side; you couldn't take all of him. He was too broad. You tried pulling back for air, dry heaving and squirming against him as he ignored you, pushing you down until it bulged in your throat.
"Fuck, yes." He sighed, tipping his head back in ecstasy. "Choke on my fucking cock, you disgusting little slut. You're gonna take my fucking load down your throat. You're gonna eat it when I'm done."
Mr. Gladney finally pulled your head back, not wanting you to retch on him before slamming your face repeatedly, nose smooshing against his pelvis with each thrust.
"You're a fucking nymph. Waltzing in here every day with those stupid fucking clothes that make you look twelve and then ignoring my lecture like a brat. You're disgusting." He degraded you as if you repulsed him, but you knew better. He loved it.
Jack Gladney was a dirty, perverted old man, but only for you. He loved how you acted like a schoolgirl, bright-eyed and ignorant but still mature for someone your age. It drove him wild, the iniquity of it all—only his little nymphet of a student.
You could tell he was close to the edge. His legs shook beside you as his thrusts became sloppy. Bringing your free hand up, you began playing with his balls, the skin delicate and smooth underneath his curly hair as you felt him jolt, the pleasure too intense to hold back from as he shoved your face into him, grunting and spraying load after load down you throat, filling your empty stomach. Your breathing was ragged as you waited for Professor Gladney to pull out, your nails digging into his hairy thighs.
He couldn't support his weight and leaned into the classroom door as you looked up at him. You maintained eye contact as he slowly slid out of your mouth, jaw aching and gasping for air once free. You took a moment to collect yourself, wiping the drool and smeared mascara on your face, glancing at him nervously a few times. He pushed himself off the door and kicked his pants from his ankles, crouching down quickly to drag you to the nearest desk.
Confusion struck as he guided you. How could he be ready for round two? Most boys around your age would cum and need to fall asleep afterward, but here he was, dragging you across the room to fuck you. 
You were too stunned to speak as he bent you over it, breasts resting on the cool top, ass in the air. You heard Mr. Gladney mumble something behind you, and you turned your head to see as a crack echoed in the lecture hall. You squealed, back arching and shifting forward at the unexpected impact.
"Don't chew gum in my class again," he said, your last name, scolding you and smacking your ass again, "unless you want to experience something worse than a spanking."
Your mind was mush as he hit your other cheek, bringing his hand to soothe the hot skin.
"Mr. Gladney!" You cried out, clenching your fingers, nails biting crescents into your palms.
"Say that again," you heard him groan behind you. You yelped it again as he smacked you before reaching his hand around and unbuttoning your jeans.
He rolled them down your supple thighs along with your panties and revealed the sore skin from his punishments. He bent down, knees cracking as he mouthed at the sensitive area, licking and sucking comfort marks. You reached your arm behind you, moaning and pushing his face closer into you. You sighed his name again as he groped your other cheek.
He ran his meaty fingers along your cunt, moaning as he felt the unshaven area. Just the way he liked it.
His thumb brushed over your clit, making you gasp as he pulled away to look at you, eyes rolling back at the beautiful sight of your hairy pussy. He didn't think this day could get any better. He pressed his thumb further and drew circles, making your eyes roll back in rapture as he glided two digits through your wet folds.
"Look at that. Look at how wet you are for your Professor." Mr. Gladney's voice was thick, the warmth of it fanning on your skin, sending goosebumps throughout your body.
You craned your neck back, attempting to get a view of his fingers, and sure enough, they were soaked. His digits shined with your juices, coating the tips as he licked his lips, shoving them into his mouth with a moan. You dropped your head and closed your eyes, feeling another wave of heat swell your cunt as you rubbed your thighs together, wanting to have your neglected hole filled.
Threads of pleasure began to disperse from your clit as Professor Gladney continued to rub circles. You clenched around nothing and began to whine, wanting to be filled with anything. His fingers, his cock, hell, even the film roll from the projector would be fine so long as you were stuffed.
Mr. Gladney's fingers left his mouth with a pop, satisfied with your taste as he saw you becoming impatient.
"Please," you whimpered, "I need you inside me."
You didn't have to look to see his smirk, arrogance, and cockiness replacing his usual indifference.
"Aww, look at you, so needy. Begging for your Professor's cock to fill you up." He crooned, his face inches away from your cunt, his breath tickling the wire hair.
"Please. I-I can't take it anymore." Your eyes started to water, the desire too much to keep inside.
He ignored you again, shoving his face between your legs and slurping your flesh. The relief was mild as he lapped at your clit, nose buried deep inside your cunt. You were almost on edge, teetering over the cliff side just needing the final push he refused to give. You knew he was punishing you for being such a brat earlier, ignoring his lecture and popping the gum loudly in disrespect. Part of you felt it was deserved and that you needed to endure it, but the other one, the selfish part, wanted to cum so badly.
"Please, Mr. Gladney." He ignored you and continued to lap your clit. "Please, Jack."
He stopped his movements, exposing your cunt to the cold air of the classroom.
You knew that would get his attention and began apologizing for the informal title, but you needed him to listen or else you would die.
"I can't take it anymore," you said with tears. "I need your cock, Jack. I need you-"
Your words were cut short with the slam of your head onto the wooden table as Mr. Gladney positioned himself behind you. You gasped in pain as he leaned over your body, his hanging stomach brushing over your windbreaker, swishing.
"Don't call me that," his voice growled in your ear. "I'm your professor, and you will address me as such when you're in this classroom."
Your lip quivered as you nodded. He pulled away, only sliding his hand down to the base of your neck, not squeezing but reminding you who was in charge.
You could feel him moving behind you, shuffling closer as he guided his cock through your folds, wetting it. He slowly put the tip in, having to push harder than average from how tight you were. You cried out, fingers gripping the table as you felt him splitting you open. He hesitated for a moment, worried about hurting you. You weren't sure if you could take him inside after never having anyone as girthy before, but the relief of having your Professor an inch inside you was overwhelming.
"No, don't stop. I need you deeper," you begged. He obliged, the thin skin around your hole breaking as he went in further.
Mr. Gladney groaned as he felt the end of his cock brush your cervix, providing a pleasurable pain. You could feel him stretching your insides to their maximum as he seated inside wholly. You were a panting and blubbering mess under him, feeling so impossibly complete with only half of his cock inside you, sweat collecting on your forehead.
"I'm all the way in," he mumbled, releasing a breath he didn't realize he was holding.
Your walls strangled his cock, sending gratifying thumps with the blood flowing through the shaft. It was difficult for him to begin thrusting, your pussy creating a vacuum and sucking him back in like when you attempted to shove your foot into a shoe that was too small.
It felt amazing.
Professor Gladney hadn't had sex this great in a long time since his college years, actually, and he couldn't get enough. He squished your face further into the table, the flesh inside your mouth pinching between your teeth while he used his other hand to grip your hips for leverage. Your loud cries mixed with the erotic scent in the air had him acting berserk, fucking you from behind like an ape, grunting with every smack of his hips and speeding up.
You were sure students straggling from other classes could hear you from the halls as he landed an arduous thrust into your cervix. He slapped the hand that was pushing you down across your mouth to prevent arousing any more attention.
"Don't make a fucking sound," he seethed into your ear, "unless you want everyone to know what a disgusting whore you are. Fucking your forty-year-old Professor." Your eyes rolled back into your head, silently screaming as his fingers found your clit.
The pain mixing with the pleasure was immaculate as you drooled against his palm, breathing heavily through your nose. Mr. Gladney's grunts were strained through his lips as he pursed them tightly; you wished you could hear them in their entirety. Hear how he would suck air in when you clenched around his cock; listen to how he would growl dirty words into your ear as he fucked you from behind.
The pads of his fingers rubbing your overworked bud sent you tumbling down into ecstasy, spasming around him as you gripped the hand covering your mouth, thighs shaking. Your movements nearly caused the same for him, but he held back, stalling his thrusts to a slower rhythm, just as powerful. 
"Where do you want me?" He asked breathlessly, trying to hold back his impending orgasm as he removed his hand, gripping your shoulder. "Fuck." He smacked your ass when you didn't answer, still coming down from the high.
"I-I don't care. Anywhere."
He made no moves to stop his torture, stubbornly waiting for your answer as he began to overstimulate you.
"Mr. Gladney," you drew out, whining.
"Where the fuck do you want me to cum? You want my jizz inside of you then? You want your Professor's load dripping out of that hairy cunt? You wanna walk to your next class like that?" He antagonized you, shaming your state of being without saying so.
You shook your head. He refused to let up the force on your clit as you tried to move away, shoving you into the creaky wooden table and forcing your mind to focus on his question.
"My ass," you finally whimpered. "I want you to cum on my ass."
Mr. Gladney didn't hesitate to pull himself out, pumping his cock as he did, his spend shooting on your skin. You jumped slightly as the warm liquid splattered over and over, never seeming to stop as he drew out long moans of satisfaction. You couldn't believe he had so much left in him after cuming already. It was crazy how much he still had left.
You slumped down onto the desk, resting your tired body as he got the remnants of his orgasm out, exhausted. You felt him move, his body heat gone as he went get the box of tissues hidden on a shelf inside his podium, wiping his cum away. He let you rest there for a moment as he went to find his discarded pants and underwear by the door, putting them on.
You sighed as you slid into a sitting position, not caring how your bare skin was reclining on the dirty floor. You didn't have the energy to move, tired from the thorough fucking. Your stomach growled, reminding you of the other reason you were tired, and you pulled up the scrunched clothes at your ankles, struggling to steady yourself as you gripped the edge of the table next to you, knocking over a lamp. You turned around, hoping that Professor Gladney didn't see the embarrassing bag of bones you were as you put it back, but he seemed too preoccupied with looking through the uncovered window, checking for people outside.
You took a deep breath as you walked to where your bookbag was, ignoring the burn in between your legs. He turned, happy that no one was around, at least for the time being, and watched you.
It was comical how such a quiet, seemingly innocent student could be such a heathen when alone. Mr. Gladney never thought much of you other than a pretty face that sat in his class, but there was more to you. You had character, different sides to your personality as a student and a woman that he wanted to see and explore more in class or out. You were like a worksheet he passed out to his students, one where they only looked at the front, blissfully unaware that there was more on the back.
His eyes were concentrated as you walked towards him, stopping only a few feet away, silent. Professor Gladney looked at you curiously, wondering why you didn't use a snarky remark like before.
"You're blocking the door." You motioned behind him as he stepped out of the way, apologizing.
You turned the knob and went to pull away, but Mr. Gladney's hand placed itself upon yours, stopping you once again from leaving. You weren't upset this time as he asked you to wait.
"You're going to get something to eat after this, yeah?" You nodded, unsure of where he was going. "Let me take you out? It'll be my treat for keeping you so long." His words were just like anything else he had said, but you could see the anxiety behind his eyes.
Was he afraid you were going to tell someone?
You removed his hand from yours, placing it by your side as you looked up at him, noticing his glasses sliding down too far on his nose. You pushed them up.
"Professor, you don't have to worry about me telling anyone. Everything was consensual." You tried to reassure him. "Besides, I liked it," you joked, nudging him with your side.
Mr. Gladney hadn't even thought of the possibility that you could tell someone; that thought hadn't even crossed his mind. He felt foolish; typically, it was so sharp, priding himself on his strong intellect. Perhaps he wasn't as bright as he thought.
He continued to stare, rolling his lips in thought before he spoke.
"It's not that. I trust you."
Trust you? Did he trust you? He barely knew you. Honestly, you did keep to yourself during his lectures, and you didn't seem like the type of person to gossip, but he still wasn't sure. He regretted not taking the time to know his students now.
"I want to be polite for pulling you from your plans. It's the least I can do," he confessed, anxiously putting his hand into his pockets.
You mulled over the offer, wondering what it could mean to other people seeing the middle-aged Professor hanging out with a student on campus grounds. Your stomach decided for you as it let out a growl loud enough that even Mr. Gladney could hear.
You looked down, cursing the stupid thing that was the source of all your problems today as he laughed. You had never heard him actually laugh before. It was adorable. It was booming, filling the room and echoing in your chest.
"Yeah." You nodded. "Yeah, I think I would like to have a bite with you." You nodded more enthusiastically now as he opened the door, gesturing for you to leave first. "As long as you're paying," you jested, glancing back to him with a cheeky smile.
Of course, Mr. Gladney would pay. You didn't even have to specify that. He slightly shook his head, eyes crinkling at your humor. There were those snarky remarks. He was wondering where they went.
You skipped down the hall excitedly, him trailing behind as a thought came to you. Sliding your pink backpack down your shoulder, you unzipped it and found the familiar black camera case.
"Smile!" You shouted as the camera flashed before he could react. The picture printed as he questioned you.
"What was that for?"
You shrugged, brushing it off as you got a black sharpie, writing a little blurb for a title and putting the date.
"No reason. I just wanted to take a picture," you grinned. 
Mr. Gladney looked you up and down, confusion etched on his freckled features, trying to suppress a smile as you put everything away and continued walking to lunch. You exited the building as the sun blinded you, the photo flapping in the autumn wind as it formed. 
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
could u please do like a harry x youtuber/influencer!reader and like lots of fluff🥺
Hi bubbie! Here you go :)))
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Language
Harry was panicking. His mum and sister were going to be here in less than two hours and he’s burnt the eggplant parmigiana he had worked tediously on. 
He grabbed what he had left in his fridge - ground beef, shredded cheddar cheese, and a little bit of bacon. 
It was the type of foods he usually strayed away from so sometimes when his shopper would bring this stuff home - he’d avoid it and admittedly sometimes it would go bad sitting in the fridge.
The singer pulls up YouTube onto his phone - hoping something would come up when he typed in the ingredients on the search bar.
He clicks on the first video by cookingwithnofucks. A chuckle at the name as an advertisement plays.
A cute, bubbly girl appears on screen in a beautiful modern kitchen. She has a shirt on that says ‘fuck the patriarchy and eat pizza’. A high ponytail and minimal makeup.
“Okay - today we’re making a cheeseburger casserole,” the girl chirps, “It’s a heart attack in a dish but it’s so fucking good.”
Harry finds himself smiling as he crinkles his nose - it sounds absolutely disgusting but he’s intrigued more by the girl on the screen.
“Shit, I forgot to introduce myself. Hiii, if you’re new - I’m Y/N and I do cooking shit. Subscribe to my channel and all that jazz,” she titters while cutting open her beef package.
Harry follows along step-by-step, shaking his head as she doesn’t describe the instructions nearly well enough and is generally all over the place.
It’s a fucking cooking channel and at one point the meat starts burning. She just laughs and says, “s’just a little crispy!” 
The casserole turns out looking even better than Y/N’s to be honest. It’s done in just the right amount of time for him to shower before his family arrives.
He makes sure to subscribe to her channel - eyebrows raising when he sees that she has 16 million subscribers.
Harry wanted to spend longer, looking at her social media but there was a fixed time so he locked his phone and went to get ready.
Anne - always the sweetheart just tells Harry that the casserole is delicious even as a bit of grease runs down her fork from the fatty meats.
Gemma wasn’t as kind, grimacing at the casserole and remarking, “You truly are turning into an American, huh?”
Laying in bed that night, Harry swipes back onto YouTube. Going back to the page he just subscribed to - under a pseudonym. He clicks on another video.
“Uh, okay. So I’m cooking...fuck, it’s called unicorn bark. It looks like a magical animal puke but it looks delicious so we’re going to try it.”
Harry realizes he’s been watching this girl cook for nearly an hour. Different videos from desserts to dinners.
She curses like a sailor, fucks up almost every recipe, and makes a mess everywhere. But she’s smiling and talkative which makes him quite memorized by her.
“I hate editing,” Y/N groans, letting her head fall dramatically against the desktop. Her best friend and dog looked at her oddly.
“I keep saying you need to hire someone, you stubborn bitch,” Laney retorts, clicking through her Instagram feed.
“Fuck off,” she tells her friend with no real heat. The video was almost fully edited - how to make spicy as fuck jalapeño poppers.
There is a calm silence for a while until Laney gasps, “Holy shit.”
“What is it?” Y/N asks, not really caring as she clicks her mouse to trim a segment.
“Harry fucking Styles just followed you on Instagram and Twitter!” Laney shouts, her dog - Rufus popping his head up in confusion.
Y/N looks at her friend to see if she’s really serious and sees no signs of deception. “Oh my god,” Y/N replies. She loved Harry Styles in One Direction and as a solo artist - a fangirl if you will.
Y/N was a well-known influencer and has run in the circles of many celebrities. She’s even met Liam Payne but she’s never been able to bump into Harry.
Her alerts tell her it to be true, she swallows as she looks back up at Laney, “He dm’ed me.”
“Open it! What did he say?” She squeals, squeezing herself on the chair next to her, peering over her shoulder at the phone.
Y/N is a bit nervous, trying not to have a mini aneurysm as she opens the message thread.
HarryStyles: Hello. Just wanted to let you know that your cheeseburger casserole recipe saved my ass last night. Cheers x
“He’s totally coming onto you,” Her friend states instantly, bouncing excitedly - she also had a bit of a crush on the singer.
It takes the two of them a minute to cool their shit before Y/N manages a reply.
Y/N/LN: Well I guess it’s only fair. Your songs have made a few of my nights much better. I’m a bit of a slut for Fine Line.
Harry laughs behind his screen at the cheeky reply he gets back. He’s usually never this forward - especially on social media where he likes to fly under the radar.
HarryStyles: Well if you fancy my music that much, I totally love for you to come to a show. I’m performing in New York City in two weeks.
“This has to be a joke, right?” Y/N sputters to her friend, eyes wide at the invite to a concert she already had tickets to.
Y/N/LN: I’m not going to lie, I already have tickets to the show. However, I don’t have any backstage passes to meet the man of the hour. Do you know someone who can hook me up?
It does wonders for Harry’s narcissism to know that she already had tickets for his concert. Was he really going to do this? He hasn’t met up with some like this since his One Direction days.
He had to remind himself - she may just be friendly and take this as a totally casual interaction. Which would be normal, Harry really shouldn’t be so infatuated with someone he’s watched cook on social media.
HarryStyles: I think I can arrange that. Shoot me your number? I’ll have them sent digitally to you with instructions on how to get backstage.
Y/N is a bit dumbfounded at how fast they agreed to meet up. A harmless backstage tour - he could just be a fan of hers and totally not interested, right?
Over the next few weeks, they never really stop texting. Harry sends her pictures of the recipes he copies off her channel - that usually always look better than the original. He sends her clips of him goofing around during tour rehearsal. FaceTimes her when he’s finally home for the night.  
She sends him videos of her watching Harry Styles Best Moment Part Five. A few photos she snaps throughout the city of him on billboards and buildings, in Times Square. YN facetimes him when she’s frustrated with filming or watched a sad movie.
It didn’t make sense to either of them how seamlessly they’d clicked - especially without meeting. They were a perfect balance for each other. Harry - laidback, organized, level-headed. Y/N - eccentric, all over the place, adventurous. 
Jeff had told him that he’s been gaining media attention from his social media interactions with Y/N. They like each other’s photos, begin following each other’s friends, and comment goofy things on their posts.
“Listen, I have a great idea,” Y/N begins - which Harry learned is never good. “You should film a video with me sometime.”
Y/N knew she was going out on a limb and instantly regretted the questions she’d been building the courage to ask for days when it’s quiet on his end. There’s static for a moment and Y/N needs to fill the silence.
“It was - I was just, uh, I know you’re probably too busy. I was -“ She stutters, embarrassment flooding her.
Harry cuts her off, “I’d love to.”
“Yo-you would?” She asks timidly. Was she really going to have Harry Styles in her apartment? If so, should she take down her poster?
He laughs sweetly, “Why do you sound so surprised? I can’t wait to come to New York, love.”
Y/N giggles, “Not the fact that you’re performing in front of a sold out crowd at MSG? I don’t think seeing me will top that.”
“I’ve been looking forward to meetin’ you in person since I came across your channel. You so lovely,” Harry replies, his voice a little softer but more serious.
“I’m nervous,” Y/N admits, picking at a thread in her jeans.
“Me too,” Harry murmurs, despite not wanting to admit it - he wanted her to know this was new territory for both of them. He didn’t want her to think that this was something that he did often. But a little too prideful to admit it’s the first time he’s ever done something quite like this.
“What if you don’t like me?” Y/N whispers, she...well she didn’t compare to the models he’s been seen with before. She’s regretfully fell into the rabbit hole of looking up his past flings and relationships.
Harry barks out a disbelieving laugh, “You can’t be serious, darling. I’ve been gone for you since I saw you burn that ground beef.”
Harry was having a bad day - scratch that. An awful one. He tried to go get coffee at eight in the morning and got bombarded by fans, he left the shop without even ordering. They followed him back to his car and it took him fifteen minutes to pull out.
His favorite Mickey Mouse Gucci suitcase he was bringing along on tour had busted. The zipper unraveling and the trim falling off as a result. It was a one-of-a-kind.
Then he’d been stuck on a Skype meeting about tour merchandise with a group of business partners for the last three hours - all he wanted was a fucking nap.
When Y/N’s contact vibrated across his screen, he’s itching to answer but declines as he needs to give these people his attention.
When she calls again, Harry feels a prickle of annoyance. It’s not even at her - to be quite honest. It’s just the shitty day and everything’s piling up.
He always got like this before he kicked off a tour - stress level maxed out and his ability to handle minor incidents nearly shot.
I’m busy
Okay! Sorry, just have a super exciting surprise for you, bub! 
I really do not feeling like talking. I’d rather be left alone.
Oh, alright. Hope everything’s okay! Do you still want to facetime later?
Harry leaves her on read because he doesn’t want to slip up and take out his frustration on her. He’d been known to do that and he didn’t want her to think he was anything but besotted with her.
Y/N feels a little hesitant as she begins the uploading process to her channel. The red loading bar told her it’d be twenty-minutes before it’s going to be posted to her 16 million subscribers - one of them being Harry himself. 
Twenty-minutes for her to back out and cancel the upload. She starts having doubts about it when Harry never replies to her text which is unlike him. 
She takes Rufus out to avoid staring at the loading screen with unnecessary anxiety and uneasiness.
Harry is just getting home from a business dinner with the touring company’s management team. The tension and anxiety from today piling up on his shoulders and he just wants to call Y/N and crash in bed. 
He tosses his keys in the little bowl in the entry and kicks off his dingy white vans to the side. His phone dings with an alert from Gemma.
You two are the literal cutest ever. It’s quite gross.
Harry slides onto a stool in his kitchen, confused by the text message before she’s sending the link to him.
Fine Line Inspired Cupcakes!
Harry isn’t quite sure why his heart starts pounding furiously in his chest. A sinking feeling in his stomach when he realizes that this was probably the surprise she was excited about.
He clicks on the thumbnail.
“Hiiii, it’s Y/N. Okay, well today we are going to bake some Fine Line inspired cupcakes. And if you haven’t listened to the album - get your ass out from rock you’re living under and stream it on Spotify!”
She has her hair down in long, waves and a loose cropped shirt that says TPWK in rainbow embroidery.
Harrys mouth is dry and he can’t take his fucking eyes away from the screen. 
“Soo, I was thinking the first batch would be cherry flavored? ‘Cause he has a song titled ‘Cherry’. Let’s start there. First - I need to find my measuring cups.”
In true Y/N fashion, she scours her kitchen - cussing and yanking stuff out of her neatly organized cabinets before huffing and storming off to the side.
She comes back into view, a little frazzled but smiling when she holds up the ring of plastic measuring spoons, visible bite marks notched into the material.
“My asshole of a dog had a little snack,” Y/N shows the camera before shrugging, “Let’s get this shit started. Okay, you’re going to need one cup of sugar - no wait, two? I can’t read my fucking handwriting.”
Harry’s absolutely enamored by this scatter-brained, giggly girl who manages to produce cute blue and pink cupcakes that very vaguely resembled his album cover. His heart felt a million times too big for his chest.
He was enraptured for the entirety of the thirty minute video without taking his eyes away once.
To be honest, he hadn’t felt this way since his last relationship which was over a year ago at this point.
It’s not even a thought as he’s requesting a FaceTime with Y/N. 
She answers after a few rings. She has a green face mask painted on her nose, chin, and forehead with gold eye masks under each eye. She is so fucking ridiculous it’s not even funny. 
What is even more ridiculous is how gone Harry is realizing he is for her. She was quirky, unfiltered, carefree. If he was honest - he hadn’t met a girl like that in a very long time - especially a well-known influencer.
“Hi! How was your day, grumpy?” Y/N asks brightly, making a goofy face as the mask begins to tighten and crack on her skin. Not holding the earlier conversation against him and deciding to just move forward. She understood how stressful it can be.
“M’sorry. I was a bit grumpy,” He admits, “I loved your new video, darling. Did you make those just f’me?”
He can tell she’d be blushing if her face wasn’t covered, a bit bashful as she mutters, “You already know I did it for you.”
“You’re too sweet to me, only six days until we meet,” Harry replies, voice taking on a slow, lazy drawl. 
“Six days,” Y/N repeats, eyes crinkling as she smiles with excitement.
“Is this outfit too much?” Y/N panics. Even though there’s literally nothing she can do about it - they’re already walking towards the backstage entrance of the massive arena. It’s still about two hours until the show starts but Harry requested her to come earlier.
Laney sighs, “For the millionth time, you look fucking sexy and Harry’s going to want to rail you right when he sees you.”
Y/N shoves her lightly with a faux annoyance as they meet up with a burly man who’s blocking the entrance to the backstage hallway and rooms.
She gives him their names and pulls up the passes on her phone before he’s nodding with any expression and letting them pass.
They’re not quite sure where to go from here so they begin to wander down the long hallway toward what looks to be the main area that people are milling about.
Y/N is nearly on the ground when someone rounds the corner without looking and walks right into her. Both of them let out huffs of air as they collide and attempt to stabilize themselves.
But there are large hands grasping her arms and holding her steady. In typical Y/N fashion she’s already cursing, “fuckin like a brick wall, look out next time.”
Then she’s looking up to Harry staring back down at her with an amused expression. He doesn’t let go of her and instead tugs her against his bare chest. He’s warm and a bit sweaty - like he’d just worked out. He was only in a pair of thin, running shorts, nike tennis shoes, and a little clip holding his hair off of his face.
Y/N can’t help but wrap her arms around his waist, returning the embrace and amazed by how right it feels to be in his arms. Her face tucks right against his collarbone and it’s like they’d known each other for years.
Pictures and videos don’t do this man justice. He’s gorgeous - sharp edges and dark inked skin. Tall and muscular but dimples that are carved in his cheeks. 
“Nice to meet you, m’Harry,” Harry rumbles, removing one hand from Y/N’s shoulder to reach out his hand to her friend.
Laney shakes his hand before asking, “Laney. I’ll leave you two lovebirds be. Where’s the food?”
Harry chuckles against Y/N’s wavy hair, “Down the hall to the left.”
Laney’s trailing off without another glance, she was very food motivated despite her skinny frame. Also not wanting to intrude of the very personal first moments of their meeting.
The popstar pulls back to look down at the girl he’s fallen for in mere weeks. She’s as beautiful as he thought she'd be - if not more. He can’t help himself, “Would it be too forward to kiss you?”
Y/N smiles widely, running a hand along his jawline, “I’ve wanted you to kiss me since you stayed up on FaceTime with me until two in the morning as I cried after watching The Notebook - despite me seeing it a million times.”
Harry ducks forward to press his lips softly to her, large hands come to cup the side of her face as they connect. He’s so gentle as he moves his mouth against hers. In true Y/N fashion, she’s bold and has no hesitation slipping her tongue into his mouth.
He’s so fucking in love with her. It doesn’t make much sense - it’s definitely not logical but he’s realizing that’s okay.
“Oii, get a room!” Someone shouts from down the hallway teasingly.
Harry flips them the middle finger and pulls back, pink lips swollen and puffy, dimples on full display, “Let me take you out to dinner after the show, darling.”
“You going to wine and dine me, Styles?” Y/N giggles, unable to contain the pleasant warmness he’s spreading through her body. 
“Mmm, have t’make sure you’ll want to keep me,” Harry murmurs happily against her lips once again, pressing kiss after kiss to her to make sure she’s real, “Definitely want to keep you.”
Y/N bites teasingly at his bottom lip, hand planted on the soft but firm skin of his stomach, “You’re never getting rid of me, hope you know that.”
“Was hoping you’d say that, now let me introduce you to my band.”
                                  -- ---- ---- -- 1 year later - -- --- --- --
“Hi bitches! Today is a super special day. We have the one, the only Harry Styles filming with us. I know that’s not really that special since he’s on here all the time with me. But we’re celebrating our one year anniversary!” Y/N smiles, bumping hips with Harry who stands dutifully next to her. 
Anyone viewing can see the absolute heart-eyes and adoration he has for the girl standing next to him. He’s still as lovestruck and gone for her as he was the first time they met. Harry’s fans were thrilled - for the first time in years, he’d opened up again.
They weren’t very public on social media beside’s tagging each other in memes and posting the occasional picture. Y/N was constantly uploading cooking videos from wherever in the world she was with Harry on his tour, she’d also begin making vlogs about different foods she’s been experiencing.
“Okay, so here in Peru - they’re known to have this really fucking spicy beef with noddles. So obviously, I’m going to make Harry try it first,” Y/N laughs as she props the camera up on the side of the table on a napkin holder.
Harry - who has a concert in a few hours - frowns at the steaming dish in front of him, “Darling, I don’t want to try it first. It’s going to burn my mouth. Not gonna be able to sing.”
“You’re sucha baby sometimes,” Y/N rolls her eyes, slurping up the noodles with her fork while making a silly face at her boyfriend. She pulls back, straight-faced, “It’s not hot at all. Tastes amazing, though.”
Harry takes that as an initiative to shovel a spoonful into his mouth. It only takes half a moment until his taste buds erupt in fiery flames from the spices, “You bloody little brat, y’tricked me! It’s so fuckin’ hot!”
Y/N smiles widely, laughing much too loudly in the restaurant when Harry chugs the glass of water next to the plate while glaring at his love. “I’m sorry, s’just to easy with you, lovie,” She replies, leaning over the table to press a kiss to his lips. 
He’s a sucker for her and kisses her right back despite his mouth being an inferno. His heart was on fire for her and that burned much more intensely.
“No, love. The instructions say baking soda, not baking powder. They’re not the same thing,” Harry sighs, attempting to read her scribbled, sloppy handwriting. She’d already spilled milk on half of the paper.
“S’interchangeable, right?” Y/N hums, cracking an egg into the bowl and Harry automatically knows to look to fish out the eggshells that’d she’d let slip in because she sucks at cracking eggs but always wants to do it.
Harry reaches over her, grabbing the vanilla extract and a teaspoon, “It’s not, baby. Lemme do this real quick.”
“Will you make me a grilled cheese after this?” She asks, nuzzling into his side and wrapping her arms around his waist as he finishes adding the wet ingredients to their bowl. Harry stopped questioning her thought process a long time ago.
Harry swipes his finger into the mixture of icing off to the side and rubs it right onto her nose, cackling at her pout and squeaking when she pinches at the fleshy skin of his hips. She in turn dips her finger into the sugary cream and pops it right into her mouth.
Harry eyes darken, watching her lips purse as she sucks off the icing. It was a dirty move on Y/N’s part and she knows it. It has her boyfriend dragging an icing-covered thumb along her collarbone before leaning down to slowly lick up the sugary trail with his tongue.
When Y/N slides her fingers into his hair and lets out a pretty moan, Harry’s standing back up, trailing over to the tripod and saying into the camera, “We’ll be back after a little commercial break,” and is then turning off the record button.
It takes little to no time for Harry to have Y/N’s bum on the countertop, mouth on her neck, and hand in-between her thighs.
And when they finally posted a very edited final cut of the video - well there may be a couple of fans who notice the how flushed Y/N is halfway through and a lovely purple mark on Harry’s neck that wasn’t there in the beginning of the video.
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