#aeron is a little shit
icanbeyourgenie · 7 months
“ My sister got lost for seven hours in your fucking maze of a castle and no one looked for her?! You're her husband, that you like it or not, your duty is to protect her. Next time I won't be this merciful. ” – a mad Malachai to Aeron after learning Calypso got lost in the castle which prompt him to come
Aeron raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect the son of Triton to be there. Didn't he leave not long after the wedding? Aeron did not push the reasoning further. He didn't care much about a man he talked to maybe twice in his entire life. But he could see that the other prince was angry. Angry enough to confront him in an empty corridor with unsaid threats, when they all knew how fragile the peace between their two people were. Maybe Malachai didn't care, but war was a fate Aeron did want to avoid. However, if the fae had one passion in life, it was to push the buttons of angry people. And seeing the look on Malachai's face, he was about to have some fun.
“What are you talking about?” He was truly clueless there.
“Don't play me for a fool. I'm talking about your cousin 'accidentally' losing my little sister in this fucking maze of a palace for hours! If her maid didn't find her, she'd be dead by now.”
Aeron sneered. “If it's Euphemia you're talking about, it definitely wasn't an accident.”
“I know that. Which brings me back to my original point: You have a duty of care over her. It should not have happened.”
“What shouldn't have happened? Her needing the help of a maid not to die, or calling her big brother to the rescue like a little girl? Because I'd argue that both shouldn't have happened. But hey, who am I to judge the raising customs of merfolk, huh?”
Malachai's eyes got even redder if that was possible. He got closer to Aeron, clearly ready to strike. “Be very careful what you say next.” He warned.
“Besides, what do you want me to do about it? Put her on a leash? Oh wait-” He showed his wrist, where still lied Calypso's bracelet. “I already did.”
Malachai's fist ended up on Aeron's jaw faster than expected. Aeron laughed, and Malachai stroke again, and again, to wipe that smile off of the fae's face. It only intensified it but soon enough, Aeron started to fight back, and it got messy real quick.
They were already covered in blood when Malachai started to shake the ground to unsettle Aeron, who immediately fell on his back, giving Malachai the opportunity to get on top of him to keep hitting him. Aeron knew each one of Triton's kids were granted a power, but apart from Calypso's, he had no clue what the others were. Until today.
He used the fairy dust to animate a statue that was resting next to the wall, making it drag Malachai back just enough so Aeron could get back on his feet again. He stroke again, and noticed that for now, as heavily armed as they both were, none of them drew an actual weapon. Good, maybe Malachai did care about not starting a war after all.
“What is the meaning of this?”
This question came from the only person who could actually scare Aeron into giving up a fight. Fortunately, it stopped Malachai too. Of course it did, Aeron thought. Malachai probably had the same experience with Triton. After all, when your parent was the most powerful person alive, you learned to obey real quick.
So they were both on their feet, facing Morgana with their back straight, like they were just having a conversation and weren't covered in blood at all.
“Nothing, your Majesty.” Malachai spoke first. “We were just...”
“Settling a minor disagreement. It's over now.” Aeron finished.
“Good. Because my corridor is no place for a fight. If you boys have some extra energy to spend, we have actual training fields for it. Am I making myself clear?”
The Sceptre glowed a little - a bad sign - and they both nodded. It seemed to appease Morgana, but Aeron knew she hid her true feelings like no one.
“Now, Malachai, I believe you have just returned to us from the Sea. You must be tired from the journey. I had the servants prepare your room.”
“This is very kind of you, your Majesty.” He answered like a proper prince.
“Aeron, you're coming with me. We have things to discuss.”
When she walked ahead, Aeron had to follow her. He only turned around to see Malachai still fuming. He almost laughed. He didn't pay much attention to the heir of Triton before, outside of when he tried to gather informations, but maybe he should have. If the prince Malachai often displayed this temper, Aeron would definitely enjoy his company.
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alicent-archive · 2 months
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rvllybllply2014 · 2 months
I just saw a video of partners pretending to cut a guys dick off prank. All the guys were asleep and their partners had put hot dogs in the zipped part of their jeans, their partners wake them up and chop the hot dog tip off.
I could totally see Aeron doing that to Davos at some point. Maybe Davos pranked Aeron with something at some point, Aeron pretended it didn’t bother him, but he did tell Davos to sleep with one eye open. Aeron complained to his friends about how he doesn’t have the perfect prank to get back at Davos, and that’s when they tell Aeron about the hot dog prank.
The next day Aeron waits for Davos to fall asleep on the couch, and then very carefully unzips Davos’s jeans and places the hot dog into the zipper. Aeron tried to wait for Davos to wake up, he really did, but Aerons more chaotic side said to wake him up right now. So Aeron wakes Davos up while pointing at the hot dog without saying anything, he just cuts the hot dog at the base.
And Davos being an idiot when he first wakes up sees the hot dog being cut and thinks that it’s his actual dick. So of course he does the only thing his brain says to do, which is scream in terror and then chase after Aeron who is laughing hysterically. Davos is confused as to why Aeron is laughing for a minute until he realizes he still has dick, but he still has to chase Davos for his pride. Once he catches him Aeron has tears streaming down his face and apologizes for the mean prank. Davos accepts the apology but also tells Aeron that the prank war is now over, and kisses him.
When Aerons friends ask how the prank went and Aeron tells them that it went so well that he won the prank war, so it’s over now.
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callooopie · 3 months
Modern!Davos Blackwood headcannons (pt. 1?)
— SFW —
I’ll hit it from the back, just so you don’t get attached — i like the way you kiss me // artemas
I can definitely see myself making more of these. Adding to the modern! Davos lore. Not proofread. LMK if y’all have other ideas or headcannons too!
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Benjicot Davos Blackwood. People call him Davos. Only close friends call him Ben. Only you can call him Benji. Although, he goes by his middle name usually. Now, bloody Ben? That’s a story to be told later on how he got... (There is no story. It’s just people saying “Shit.. there’s bloody Ben..” or something like that. There’s no violence to the name, only pure exasperation when people see him)
This is the boy you need to hide away in your closet or under your bed when your parents come checking in on you randomly. You could’ve been working on homework, or just hanging around. And somehow this “annoying” guy appeared outside your bedroom window—and you just had to let him in. “C’mooon, let me in sweetheart.. you think I can’t climb up there? Stand back, I’ll show you.”
He is the type of person to rant about how the education system is rigged, set up to fail students, or rant about it in general and as a whole. Anyway he’s got a 4.0, and makes it onto the dean’s list every semester in college. However he is always late to class—complete with either a Monster or Red Bull drink in tow.
He invites you over to his place like a gentleman. Ignore his “annoying fuckass” roommate.. (it’s Aeron.) He does the whole (“it’s a little messy :3”) as he leads you down the hall of their apartment. “Hello MTV, welcome to my crib.”
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He cooks at that desk, game-wise. Faceit level is between 5-6. CSGO rank is Master Guardian II (He does tell you he once hit Global Elite. But he stopped the grind to focus on school, not because he’s washed or anything—maybe you could be his Valorant duo? Or be his support in League; he’ll have you know he makes a mean ADC.. do you do overnight discord calls?—)
If you play more casual games (Minecraft, stardew, etc) he will play with you, HOWEVER, he will either ruin the aesthetic of the minecraft world via automated farms OR speedrun the mines in stardew (he passes out so much it starts to affect the money you’re trying to save for farm upgrades). Every time he goes fishing in either game he puts on a country accent and makes “gone fishing, getting away from my bitch wife” jokes. “I’ve uh- carved out an area for the iron farm. Nothin’ too big—just something to get started.” (Shows you an utterly decimated and leveled biome)
Davos Blackwood fun fact no. 43; he does rallying (rally racing). He went to a rally school for fun over the summer. Ignore the price tag; yes he saved up for that! no it’s not dangerous! Regular driving wise he does donuts in empty parking lots, and takes corners way too fast. He is the type to street race a random ass pickup truck or some other car that pulls up beside him. It is thrilling, and he knows you enjoy it too despite your protests and how you grip the handle above the seat. “No it’s fine.. pfft—don’t worry don’t— I’ll smoke him. Just watch.”
Speaking of cars. Do not complain about his car. This is his baby. His one and only. It’s an old car; it’s so old it’s bordering not being considered street safe anymore. Ignore the anime girl stickers with their tits and ass out, that was there already he didn’t do that. “It’s safe don’t worry—I’m getting the bumper and everything fixed like Monday I swear.. no I did not hit anything why would you say that-“
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He’s oddly in-tune with his emotions and emotions of others despite appearances. He’ll KNOW if something’s bothering you. Maybe you’re just a little too quiet, you laugh at a joke a little too late or even if it sounds unenthusiastic. Whatever it is, Davos is on the case. A hug, some pep talk, he’ll let you punch his palms to get any anger out. He’s your ride or die, of course he’d do anything for you. And maybe if it’s a person who upset you he might pay them a visit.. “Who was it this time? Oh—that bitch? Ugh. I’m sorry about that… I have a gun just saying—“
Needs your hand in his. Or some part of you touching him. Whatever works. If he does not get a modicum of affection in 5 minute intervals he shrivels up like a plant—no he’s not being dramatic. Is the type to whine loudly about it regardless of where you’re at. On occasion he lets out bloodcurdling screams as a joke, lamenting about being denied tender love from you. You think it’s funny in private, you do not think it’s funny in public. Which is why he always does it in public. “Gimme your hand. Wha? What do you mean ‘it’s too hot out’? I wanna.. I wanna hold your hand… I don’t care if you’re sweaty—LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND”
I do believe his brain would be.. a little rotted. He sends you tiktoks, niche memes, shitposts. He will watch twitch streams or league/csgo content creators on YouTube. His vocab is normal, but does consist of slang from the gaming community. This can be good and funny, or sometimes bad if he uses it during serious moments. However he’s at least a normal human being and knows when to talk ‘normally’. He says joever unironically
Shadow boxes you. No matter what’s happening or where. You could be looking at something in a store and you just see slow, dramatic punches going toward you. He makes the whooshing sound too. This is how you know he’s bored. He’s also the type to tackle you to the bed. Not in a sensual or cutesy way but in like a WWE way that initiates a caged fighting match between you two.
Regardless of your mastery level of skateboarding he will hold your hands and pull you around on his board. Late at night when the parks or lots are empty, you both will be there. And he’ll be a smiling goof as he gently steers you around on the board. He usually says fuck helmets (his one big flaw), but carries one around just for you. His safety be damned. Yours? No question about it, you’re wearing all the gear required.
Smoker. Red flag. Marlboros, sometimes he uses zyns. It’s bad. Yes he knows he’s going to get lung cancer and succumb to nicotine. But he just can’t help it—it helps him relax. It’s why there’s a plethora of gum and also a cologne bottle in his car. Does it help? That’s to be determined. Does not smoke near you however if you don’t like that, he’s not that bad of an asshole.
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spider-stark · 2 months
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Aeron Bracken x Blackwood!Reader
Summary - You sneak into Aeron's room at Stone Hedge.
Warnings - fem!reader, not edited, suggestive language, hints towards smut but there is none, secret relationship trope ig, blackwood!reader being a little shit
Word Count - 1k
// masterlist // send me your thoughts // comments & reblogs appreciated! //
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When Aeron Bracken opens the door to his bedchambers, the overly loud groan of Lord Samwell Blackwoods daughter is the very first thing he hears.
“Finally!” His heart in his throat, Aeron's scrambles to close the door. behind him. Over on the bed, you're completely unbothered by the idea of a guard overhearing you, saying, “I was beginning to think I’d be waiting for you all night, Bracken.” 
Frustration is the first emotion to take hold of his mind. 
Aeron knows that Blackwoods lack common sense, but he hadn’t thought you reckless enough to do something so asinine as sneak into Stone Hedge! He doesn’t wish to imagine the things that might’ve happened to you if the guards had caught you. Or, even worse, if Amos Bracken himself had caught the daughter of his sworn-enemy roaming through his castle halls. 
It’s this—the fear of what might have happened to you if Amos had gotten his hands on you—that drives Aeron straight into a lecture. “You would’ve been waiting longer than a night,” he says, his voice stern as he secures the door, “if my uncle had found you and thrown you in the dungeon.” 
“Well,” you drawl, watching with an amused grin as Aeron double—and then triple—checks the locks, “it’s a good thing he didn’t find me then, isn’t it?” 
Aeron’s certain your insolence will be the death of him one day. 
“The Gods were on your side tonight,” he says, sending a silent prayer of thanks to the Father for keeping you safe. “But you can’t make a habit of this. You might not always be so lucky and–” 
His voice falters, words dying on his tongue as he turns around. For the first time since entering his chambers, the Bracken knight takes a good look at the reckless—and utterly breathtaking—woman that had snuck in to greet him. 
You wait in the center of his bed, knees sinking into the plush mattress. Shadows dance across your form, chased by the soft, flickering flames of candles precariously placed about his room. Dressed in a thin, silken gown that clings to every peak and curve, Aeron can hardly decide where to look first. 
A roguish grin tugs at your lips—and, at last, the boy decides it’s safest to settle his focus there. “Weren’t you saying something?” Your dark eyes narrow into a playful stare. “Let me guess—” you feign thought, tapping a finger against your chin once twice before turning it on him—“you were going to tell me that, should my luck run dry, you’ll be incapable of saving me should Amos Bracken wish to string me up from the gates of this very Keep. Right?” 
Aeron hadn’t planned on using those exact words, but the sentiment was more or less the same. After all, while this was the first time he’d had to lecture you on breaking-and-entering an enemy Keep, this wasn’t the first time he’d discussed the dangers of you impinging upon Bracken land. 
“And now,” you add, boredom permeating your tone, “you wish to lecture me on how much safer it is for us to meet in Pennytree, instead.” 
“Because it is safer,” Aeron counters. It takes all the Bracken knight's willpower to keep his gaze locked on yours, knowing that if it veered south he would surely lose this argument. “I know it’s not to your liking, but meeting at the Tankard ensures that both of our heads will remain firmly attached to our body.” 
The Gold Tankard is an inn lying just beyond the boundaries of both Bracken and Blackwood land, nestled in the heart of Pennytree. Ridiculously overpriced and riddled with rogues and swindlers, the place is no better than a gods-damned cesspit. 
Pouting, you lean forward, pressing your palms against his mattress.“The Tankard’s beds are gross and lumpy,” you whine, rubbing your hands against the soft quilt covering his bed, “and yours is so clean and comfortable.” 
Aeron swallows on a too-dry throat. “I believe you’ll find death to be far more uncomfortable than a lumpy mattress.” 
You lift a shoulder in a careless shrug, one of your straps gliding down your arm. You don’t fix it, letting it pull the neckline lower, your cleavage spilling from it. Aeron’s resolve wavers, eyes dipping low. 
You smirk. “But it seems my luck hasn’t given way just yet.” 
Aeron wishes he was a stronger man. Wishes he was capable of resisting such blatant seduction—such manipulation! 
But alas, strength has never been a virtue of his. 
His boots scuff against the floor, abandoning his better judgment in favor of you you you—his most coveted possession and his most forbidden desire, the center of his universe and the bane of his existence. 
When he’s close enough, you reach out a hand. A hand grazes his chest, clutching the fabric of his tunic and pulling him down. His knees are pressed to the edge of the mattress, your lips hovering before his. “So, what will it be, Ser Bracken?” 
There’s a taunt there, a special brand of Blackwood impertinence that makes his very bones itch. 
“Will you make me wait even longer,” you ask him, “with your wasted lectures?” 
Your other hand lifts from the mattress. Thin fingertips graze up his thigh, inching closer and closer to where he most wants to be touched by you. His lips parts, his breaths coming shallow and fast as your touch drifts to his waistband, fumbling with the laces there. 
Indeed—strength was a virtue lost upon him. 
For you, Aeron Bracken would beg. 
For you, Aeron Bracken would do more than beg. 
He would put his titles and station on the line, let the realm question his honor as both a knight and a lord. He would disgrace and debase himself in the eyes of his House, let his uncle declare him a traitor to their line. 
With you, there was no line he wouldn’t cross. 
No threat he wouldn’t face. 
“Or,” your lips brush against his and he forgets what it means to breath, “will the little Bracken knight grow a pair and fuck me in his uncles castle?” 
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a/n - wrote this in an hour because I was frustrated with my other work. can't write smut, so it ends where it ends 🫡 idk what this is honestly-but I'm posting it so I can delete it from my google docs lmao.
also my computer kept trying to autocorrect Samwell to Sawmill and I just thought you should know that
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ryuno-suvke · 22 days
I’m on a davron grind and I need to speak my truth about something-
I feel like some of y’all feminize Aeron TOO much🧍🏻 like Ryan is a beautiful beautiful man but to me he doesn’t even seem that feminine-looking
Aeron is not some uwu little coquette boy, and some of y’all are treating him like a damsel in distress who needs the big strong man to come and save her when he’s literally a knight and pulled the Westeros equivalent to a gun on Davos the moment he got a bit angry. When I’m reading some fanfics/posts/idk anything, it feels like I’m basically just reading about a straight ship.
And sometimes with the omegaverse fics, it’s seems like just an excuse to feminize him even more (p.s. this is NOT hate at all, I dabble in omegaverse myself sometimes i just have diff preferences)
Ofc everyone is entitled to their own preferences of the ship and what not it just sometimes feels like y’all are assigning all these feminine roles onto Aeron simply because he has long hair and a pretty face 🧍🏻 Like put my man Davos in a dress I feel he could rock that shit. That little brat could make the perfect wife (jk)
Edit: btw this isn’t meant to be hate at all!! I genuinely do not give a fuck how anybody portrays Aeron in their fics (if I don’t like it; I scroll people!!) this is just me ranting about a pet peeve(?) I see a lot in fandoms with mlm ships where one is feminized more than the other. I’m not gonna go leave hate comments bc Aeron’s in a dress or smthn in a fic, I could not care less 😭
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witchybitchycrybaby · 2 months
I hate myself for loving you
Davos Blackwood x Aeron Bracken
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SFW, enemies to lovers, some usual bickering between these two, fluff at the end(?)
I'm so obsessed with them and I haven even watched hotd yet
It was a warm evening in Westeros, right on the border of the Blackwood and Bracken lands. The air was filled with the scent of the forest and earth and the crickets were chirping their everyday song. Somewhere in the distance a river's quiet murmuring could be heard.
And in the midst of it all was Davos Blackwood. He was leaning against a tree, eyeing a meadow that had became a place in which Blackwoods and Brackens most often met to argue. About boundary stones, about the cows not eating their grass and about many other things. It also became a place in which Davos could most often see Aeron Bracken.
Ah, yes, Aeron Bracken - the boy who was his enemy, who was everything his family despised and whom Davos hated. But he also somehow didn't.
Because there was also this other side of him that was drawn to the other boy in ways he couldn't fathom. Every time he saw the golden haired boy, he felt this pull towards him, the one that filled him with both hatred and desire. And so Davos Blackwood hated Aeron Bracken. He hated that his heart raced every time he saw him, hated the way Aeron's smile froze all his senses. He wanted to push the boy away, because maybe, just maybe, these feelings might disappear, turn into nothing but a dream.
But he couldn't. He was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. How could he feel so strongly for someone who represented everything he was supposed to hate?
He hated Aeron Bracken for making him feel this way, confused and divided between his family and his heart. But most of all, he hated himself for... loving Aeron, for needing him.
Davos tightened his jaw when he saw a familiar figure in the distance. Now came the moment to play his part. Because if he couldn't have his feelings reciprocated, he would make the Bracken boy hate him too. Hatred was still better than indifference after all.
"Lost your way, Bracken?" Davos asked, coming closer to the other boy. "Or am I so irresistible you just missed me?"
Aeron lifted his chin up a bit. "Dream on, Blackwood. If I had any say in it, I'd be anywhere but here, breathing the same air as a Blackwood."
"Funny thing," Davos retorted with a smirk on his face. "because your presence here feels like a punishment for some past life sin. What did I do to deserve this?"
Yes, Davos thought, what did I do to be so close and yet so far? To be right here, with Aeron within the arm's reach, and still feel like there was a canyon between them?
"Do you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk, Blackwood?" He asked through gritted teeth, anger flashing in his beautiful eyes.
"Not at all." Davos laughed but it held no trace of joy or fun. "I'm quite an entertaining person you see."
"Did the whores in brothels tell you that? Because you're very far from being entertaining, trust me. You're just a pain in my ass, nothing more, nothing less."
Davos looked at Aeron for a while. Oh, this little shit and his bloody, sharp tongue will get him killed some day. The black haired boy quietly promised himself to show this Bracken what a real pain in the ass feels like.
"It's almost impressive how you manage to be so consistently infuriating. You must practice in front of a mirror." Said Davos, clenching and unclenching his fists. Gods only knew how much he wanted to just push the blond boy against a tree and have his way with him.
Aeron was already opening his mouth to say something when suddenly, they heard a rumble of thunder somewhere nearby and a lightning flashed across the sky. The heavens opened up and in seconds the boys were soaked, wet clothes sticking to their bodies.
Davos swore under his breath and before he could even think about what he was doing, he reached out and gripped Aeron's hand tightly. The contact making his own body jolt with how right it felt.
"Come on," he said, trying to be louder than the rain. "There's an old shed not far from here. We can hide there."
Aeron stood completely still for a moment, looking at their clasped hands. He could feel the shiver run up his back, but he decided that it must have been the rain. It must have... right?
He then tried to pull out of the Blackwood's hold, but the other boy only tightened his grip even more, if it was even possible. "Don't touch me! I'm not going anywhere with you, Blackwood!"
"Oh come on, we don't have time for this. We have to get going. You can yell at me all you want later when there's a roof over our heads."
Aeron gave it a thought; it was stupid being alone with this specific Blackwood, in some shed in the middle of the forest. But then again, he was too far from home and it was an even stupider idea to go back in this weather.
He glanced at Davos' dark eyes and nodded.
Davos didn't let go of Aeron's warm and soft hand as he led them through the bushes and muddy ground. Another lightning lit up the sky right before them and they quickened their pace as the thunder rumbled.
Where in the seven hells is this damned shed?, he thought, it should be right here. Blackwood stopped abruptly, causing the blond boy to bump into him.
"Gods, you don't even know where that shed is, do you? I knew I shouldn't trust you, Blackwood. You're so fucking lost right now, aren't you?"
"Shut up, Bracken!" Davos yelled, turning his head and trying to find his way through the rain and trees. "I'm not lost."
Finally, he decided to turn left. It couldn't get any worse than it already was anyway. Wet as they were, they could wander through the forest some more.
As they ran, slipping on the mud, the wooden shed loomed into view, and Davos wanted to laugh with joy. It was and old structure, abandoned for years and dilapidated, but still it provided shelter.
Davos pulled Aeron inside and closed the creaking door behind them. The air inside was musty, the scent of punk wood mixed with the smell of rain-soaked soil.
Aeron pulled his hand from the other boy's strong grip, his breath coming in short bursts as he looked at him. "Great. Just great. Stuck here with you."
The boy muttered something more under his nose but began shaking water from his golden locks; Davos had a feeling that he was just cursing him.
"You're welcome to leave, Bracken. The door's right there if you want to try your luck." Davos retorted, taking off his wet tunic. He could feel Aeron's intense gaze flickering to his bare chest when he thought he wasn't looking.
Aeron then began removing his own tunic, avoiding Davos' eyes like the plague. And Davos on the contrary, looked at him without a trace of shame. His heart pounded as hid eyes traced the lines of Aeron's lean and yet muscular body.
"What are you looking at, Blackwood?" He snapped, though his voice wavered.
Davos stepped closer, his pulse quickening. He didn't want to play this game anymore. "You," he said, his voice low and a bit strangled. "You stand here looking so wet and pretty like that and I..."
I can't help it.
Before Aeron could do or say anything to respond, Davos closed the distance between them, and crushed his lips onto Aeron's soft ones with hunger and desperation. It lasted only a second before the blond boy pushed him away with eyes wide with shock.
Oh, but how sweet this second was. Davos licked his lips wanting to taste him for another second longer.
"What the Seven hells is wrong with you?" Aeron snapped, his chest heaving.
And yet his eyes contradicted his words. Davos could see it clearly: the flick of desire and want. He smirked knowing that he had just won.
"What is wrong with me?" He repeated, his voice hoarse and husky. "What's wrong with you, Bracken? You liked it."
"No, I didn't." Aeron protested quickly, but his faltering voice gave him away.
Davos leaned over the other boy's face, their noses almost touching. He could feel Aeron's warm breath on his lips.
"You want me to do it again. Admit it. You want this as much as I do."
Aeron's breath hitched in his throat. Davos could see the storm of emotions in his eyes, similar to the one awaiting them outside. He could see how strife-ridden he was; all the hate, ander and underneath them the hunger.
Davos raised his hand and touched the boy's cheek, caressing the soft skin. Aeron whined quietly, and in a voice barely above a whisper he said, "Yes."
That one word was all the invitation Davos needed. He surged forward, capturing Aeron's lips in another kiss, this one slower and more deliberate. Aeron didn't push him away this time. Instead he gripped his hands on Davos' shoulders, pulling him even closer.
Their tongues danced together while Davos' hands roamed over Aeron's body, savoring the feel of his warm, soft skin beneath his fingertips.
Davos broke the kiss and trailed his lips down the blond boy's jaw, planting soft kisses along the way. Aeron's head tilted back, a quiet moan escaping his lips as Davos' mouth moved to his neck, sucking gently at his sensitive skin.
"This is wrong," aeron whispered, but his grip on Davos only tightened.
"I know," Davos replied and rested his forehead against Aeron's. "But I don't care."
"You know," started Aeron again when they sat on the wooden floor, leaning his head on the black-haired boy's shoulder. "for a Blackwood you are not the worst company."
Davos laughed at the comment and pressed a gentle kiss to his temple. "And for a Bracken you're not as hopeless as the rest of your kin."
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tyranasauruslex · 19 days
Modern era Davos being uni roommates with Jace and Aeron with Aemond.
Aemond is a good roommate - he's clean, tidy and grew up in a religious family. However Aeron also has to put up with drunken Aegon banging on the door at all hours of the night until someone lets him and then passing out on the sofa, usually after throwing up. He stays for days at a time to get over his hangover (and because Alicent kicked him out), eats all their food and is generally a nuisance. When Davos stays over he announces loudly that he could hear them fucking all night which dampens the mood a lot.
Aemond and Aegon also fight a lot and Aeron is never sure if he should intervene when they're rolling around on the floor thumping each other. He usually ends up sitting in the library until Aegon gets bored and goes home. Helaena is a nice enough and very interested in the horses Aeron keeps back home, but there's been more than one occasion when Aemond has to let him know that his sister left one of her creepy crawlies behind and Aeron had been unable to sleep for weeks until he finds it.
Davos hasn't fared much better and despite Jace being a rather dull person to live with, he has to endure the stream of brothers, step sisters and a half siblings barging in and out of the flat without warning. Nobody wants a horde of kids bursting in on you when you've got your hands down your boyfriends pants. The worst is Luc who Davos finds to be spoilt little shit of a kid who seems to think he has equally say in what goes on in the flat despite not even living there. He's interrupted multiple date nights by turning up unannounced or ruined them before they've even begun by eating all the food Davos brought in specially. There's also the fact that he cut someones eye out, which Jace doesn't even seem concerned about, but Davos would rather he didn't come anywhere near Aeron.
He and Aeron also had front row seats to The Worst Break Up in Westeros aka when Baela found out that Jace was cheating on her with some girl called Sara. There was lots of screaming and Davos and Aeron had to sit in the hallway whilst Baela smashed up the flat and Jace yelled at her to stop.
They are 100% getting a place of their own next year.
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lady-dragon-rider · 3 days
Scales and Feathers Pt.3
Davos/Benjicot Blackwood, Oscar Tully x Targ! Reader
Reader continues to get to know her future lord husbands when tragedy strikes in the form of several letters.
Davos/Benjicot gets mildly cockblocked by a murder, a few letters, and a rouge prince.
Containing: Character death, a death is also averted, era-cannon violence, blood, mild pre-wedding 'getting to know each other' phase hiccups, willem and Samwell have a proud dad/uncle moment
Featuring: Daemon's Trip pt1., reader pulls a rogue princess moment pt1., willem x rhaenyra mention, Brackens pull some shit bc Aeron is salty resulting in a punch-on, brief Oscar and Benji POV
This will be a long one so buckle in ladies and gents!
Bold is text spoken as High Valyrian
Your final days at Riverrun were a blur. Occasionally following around Oscar as he went about his day, practising his duties as heir apparant, spending time in the library or riding Silverwing. When the day came to leave you felt a sense of sadness, having gotten use to the views when in flight and having finally gotten familiar with the castle.
Elmo Tully meets you at the gates with Oscar at his side, both readying to see you off as the servants scurry around them preparing your things for departure. They both smile and bow politely as they greet you.
"Good morrow Princess" Oscar's father greets, "i do hope you have enjoyed your stay here. I wish you safe travels and hope that in the coming weeks honor us again with your presence if you do choose to wed my son"
Oscar seems to flush a little at the notion of you coming back for his hand and looks away when your gazes meet.
"Yes Lord Tully, my stay here was indeed wonderful. Im very thankful for your hospitality. I pray that your father recovers swiftly and hope for the riverlands continued loyalty to my mother." You cursty and make your way across the bridge. There is a tense silence as you leave, the Tully men looking at each other quickly; an understanding shared between them. Unspoken.
As you cross the small field to where Silverwing has made an impromptu sleeping area close to the castle you heave a huge sigh. She stirs at your melancholy and moves to nudge you affectionately to cheer you up. "Thank you dear friend, unfortunately out work is not yet done. And who knows, we may yet return here for a permanent place if this other boy turns out to be dull"
The dragon chirps in an understanding way, seemingly happy your mood appears better. Sword at side - a gift from your step-father - and riding leathers on, you mount the blue-grey beast and set to the skies as you follow your entourage to your next location.
--- Oscar POV, after the princess leaves ---
When Oscar and Elmo see the princess safely take the skies the young Tully faces his father, his expression stormy. "At the risk of sounding petulant father, i have a question" he starts.
"Of course dear boy, what is it?" Elmo murmurs, bemused.
"What are you playing at?"
"Excuse me?"
"With the princess. What are you playing at? I know for a fact that it was part of your doing that she attended some of the meetings, along with shadowing me as i did my duties. Why ever would you subject the princess of all people to such a thing." He spoke sharply, tone pointed as he looked at his lord father. "Do you have any idea how awkward it felt to have her there? She had nothing to do but to stand there and i practically ignored her as i rushed around no doubt looking like a chicken with its head cut off!" He sighed. His father however looked a more than amused at his exasperated expression.
"I merely wished for her to see your potential as the next lord, after me that is. She also needs to see what it takes to run this house, if she does wed you she will be a lady of this house and her jobs and responsibilities will change in accordance with this. Something im sure that as a princess, she already knows." Elmo reasons, placing a steadying hand on Oscar's shoulder.
"My potential? What do you mean? All she saw me do was bark orders and shuffle about paperwork about ." He grumbles childishly. It was at times like this he wished he father didnt speak so vaugely.
"To make a good partner and lord. That marrying you will be the more beneficial choice" Elmo replied simply "Simply put, that you are a competent, fair and with good wits. And that these traits will make you a good husband. That and making sure you spent time even in each other company, to make the heart fonder"
"There is no way that works." Oscar grumbled
"Well it worked for your mother and I" his father shrugged, sauntering back into the castle walls.
After your days in Riverrun, you had gotten comfortable with flying over the terrain of the riverlands. The marshy greenness and the sounds of rushing water bringing you a sense of home; reminding you of the waters of Dragonstone.
Your arrival at Raventree is similar to your arrival of the Tully house. A group of Blackwood men, accompanied by some household servants greet you upon landing in a clearing near the residence. Benjcot, Willem and Samwell - Benjicots father youve been told - are among them.
"Princess" Samwell bows deeply "I hope your journey was pleasant."
Curstying back you smile politely. "Is was indeed my lord. Lord Willem, Lord Benjicot." The two men bow and greet you as you call their names, giving you greetings in response as well.
"Your carriages with your things should be arriving within the next couple of hours. Until then, my son can give you a tour." Samwell suggests, lightly pushing his son forward. Benjicot stumbles a little at the force of the older mans shove, nearly slipping in the mud and meeting the ground, but he recovers and clears his throat.
"Should you wish it princess, that is. Im sure youd be more than happy to roam the skies around our home." He mumbles, hands clasped behind his back to hide his nerves as Silverwing moves her head to hang over your form, curious as looks down at the boy. "Though... if and when you tire of that princess... we have uhhh... a place dedicated for your.. um... companion... if she prefers to sleep somewhere enclosed than under the stars..." he pushes forward, voice tight with tension as he forces himself to keep your gaze and ignore the way his back dampens with sweat. Benji gestures behind you and across the way you see a structure seemingly built into the walls of the cliff face. "Its a large cave that we expanded the entrance to, to make exiting and entering less cramped."
You smile widely as he explains turning to Silverwing and petting her snout lovingly. "You hear that? They heard we would be coming and went so far as you make you a precious gift. Be sure to give it a thorough inspection and get back to me, we cant have you being uncomfortableif we are to live here forever." She chirps and groans nuzzling into your warmth, causing a fit of giggles to burst forth. The Blackwoods look at the interaction with inspired reverance, as you interact with such a beast with the ease of breathing. "Though i suppose i will let you rest for now. Go look at your cave and i will bring you a treat later."
She acknowledges your command and despite her large size, deftly glides her way over with a few strong flaps of her wings. You turn to the young lord and take his arm, causing his face the heat with impressive speed. "I think i will take you up on that tour."
You hadnt realised how long the tour had taken until the sun had just began to turn the sky the golden orange of early afternoon. You had managed to convince Benji to join you on a stop to the "Dragon Roost" as he called it, in order to feed your beloved she-dragon.
"Have you been here since construction was completed?" You ask
"Only once, with uncle. He wanted to make sure that the cave itself wouldnt need further moulding to make it comfortable for a dragon, so that they may still be able to grow and not be too restricted." He says, offering a steadying arm to you. As the heir leads the way, torch in hand he continues. "He said he wished to offer this place to the Princess Rheanyra as a bridal gift should they be wed after her late lord husband. But he just missed his chance and she ended up marrying the Rouge Prince Daemon. Even now i still think he holds a torch for her, ots a bit weird if im honest." He rambles, voice echoing of the walls.
"I think its endearing... in a way, he accepted her dragon - Syrax - as apart of her and wished to accommodate her as a way to show her he wanted her to be apart of his family." You muse wistfully. "Though there isnt much use of it currently, im sure one day it will fulfil its house's needs."
The boy next to you hums thoughtfully. "I suppose that is a kind way to look at it Princess. I hadnt thought of it like that."
You reach the bottom of the carved staircase and met with a large cavernous room, sconces are hammers haphazardly in various parts of the walls. Most are unlit due to its uninhabitance but the few at the entrance are. Taking a torch carefully you venture to one side and place the light in your hand into its new home presence makes itself known as it shuffles just beyond the lights view.
"Come forward Silverwing." The power in your voice bounces off the stone, giving it a hum of something ethereal. Untouchable.
The form of the she-dragon comes into the light, dripping her scales in the angry colour of fire, making her appearance more frightening. Ben has to pull himself together and not react with fear as the torch in his hand threatens to fall. You on the otherhand have no such fear. Calm and graceful you turn you back and wander over to where he is rooted in place. The bull at his side makes a stress noise at the lack of visibility is ushered by you with soothing coos as you affectionately lead it too its death.
Flames erupt from silverwings mouth, dousing the bovine creature and turning it swiftly into a mildly charred lump. Benjis mouth falls open as she all but devours the thing in two to three swift chomps. As if the thing had merely been a small potato on her plate. It was then that ben truly marvelled at the sheer danger of these creatures. Raw power coupled with a mysterious intrigue that would leave anyone who had no sense dead and consumed. This was something not meant to be trifled with by mere mortals. "Ok, now that that is done, shall we go to this feast? Silverwing shall be fine on her own now. She is capable of hunting for herself when needed." You say, taking his hand and following the path out the cave.
Dinner was a vibrant affair, loud chatter and cheers from all corners of the room and music played and people danced. You sit at the head table with Willem, Samwell, Benjicot and Alysanne. Benji sits to you right and Aly on your left.
As you gaze out into the hall, your food mostly finished when Benjicot's voice whispers into your ear. "I think we should show these old men how to dance, dont you agree princess?"
You giggle quietly as you nod "i think that is the best idea youve had all day" you tease. You stand and he leads you to the open floor to dance with some others. The song changes to a light-hearted folk tune, the crowd cheers and forms two lines one for men and one for women.
"You ever done a riverlands dance before?" He asks quietly. You shake your head in response. He smiles "then dont worry, follow my lead."
The dance, fast paced and energetic throws you into the deep end immediately. You try and mimic the moves around you but you struggle to keep up, stumbling and stepping on Benjis toes. He laughs at your flushed face and wraps his arm around your back to guide you. "Just feel the music princess, you dont have to think too hard about it. I promise no one is watching. Just have fun!"
His words resonate and as the song progresses you find yourself following his advice. Laughing and enjoying the peaceful free moment and forgetting all about why you were here in the first place. The Blackwood brothers Samwell and Willem look on at the pair, glancing at each other with pleased grins, patting each other shoulders as they both exchanged a moment of silent pride in Benjicot.
The song ends and you both grin ear to ear, beet red and sweaty from excursion and excitement. Benji escorts you off the dance floor as a new melody fills the halls and you smile at the older Blackwood gentlemen. "My lords, thank you very much for your hospitality, this evening has been all that i couldve hoped for and more. Though i believe i may excuse myself and retire for the night."
"Of course princess, im thrilled that you have enjoyed yourself. My son will take you to your rooms, sleep well" Benjicots father replies formally. You curtsy and follow Benji out of the hall. Once at your rooms, the cooler air of the hallways seep into your body making you yawn.
"Sleep well my princess. I hoped you enjoyed your taste of Riverland dance." He smirks bringing your hand to his lips. He takes his leave as you walk into the room and flop onto the bed. You change and slip under the covers, the smile on your face failing to leave.
This is a great start to my stay here. It will surely never be boring with Benji.
You awake the next morning, and head down to the dining hall to breakfast. You find a place in between Benji and Aly, smiling and giving a quiet greeting as a plate of food is brought out before you.
"How did you sleep my princess? I was wondering if you had no plans for the day if you wish to-" Benjicot starts, but before he can finish the proposal the hall doors burst open. A man of stout stature, red faced and panting runs as fast as his legs can carry him.
"I have a message for the Princess (Name)!" He wheezes stumbling up the steps to the head table to pass the note to you. The seal is that of your mother, which in any other circumstance would bring you joy, but a sense of foreboding leaves your breakfast curdling in your stomach. As you open and read the letter tears well in your eyes and your breathing hitches.
"Princess? Whats wrong?" Aly mumbles, hand touching your shoulder. The tears come faster as you shake your head passing the letter to your new friend and burying your head into Benjicot's chest. Sobbing in full force. Benji looks at his Aunt and mouthes a silent 'what's going on?' She shakes her head and mouths something that makes Benjicots heart stop.
Her brother Luke is dead.
"Im sorry... i need to go, i have to be with my family" you say, body shaking with sobs, getting up after gently peeling yourself from his protective embrace.
You fling the doors of your rooms open, startling Adela, who takes one look at your face and rushes over.
"(Name)! Whats happened?! You were so excited this morning.... has that young lord said something to upset you? Ill have Ser Lorant have words to him" she says sternly affection and protectiveness bubbling under her form.
"No Adela... I received a letter from mother..." you cry "Luke has been killed by my Uncle Aemond!" Adela's hold on you tightens.
"What are we to do? Did you mother say what she wants?" She asks delicately. Her hands stroke your back and hair in comfort, as she tries to peer into your eyes. You nod and straighten yourself clearing your throat before speaking.
"Yes... she wants me to ride back to dragonstone for a funeral... while she also wishes me to stay here to be safe... she wants the family to be together in times of grief and doesnt want me to grieve such a loss away from them..." you sniffle. Adela, quick in her understanding, begins to pack a small bag.
"You wont need much if you are to head back home. I have packed a change of clothes in here, the rest shall stay here as you have left it for your return. Im sure once the funeral is over.... you mother will wish to send you back here to continue your search for an alliance and husband...." she trails off knowing that the thought of your orginal plans are the furthest thing from your mind. "Princess... please send a raven when you get there safely... otherwise me and the other ladies will worry..." she frets tears threatening to spill from her eyes at your distress. You embrace her again and you hold each other in the intimate silence of loss.
"Of course." You whisper. "It will be the first thing i do when i land."
--- Benjicot POV ---
Benjicot paces the meeting hall where the lords and bannermen of his house have gathered for an emergency meeting after the news of Luke's death circulates.
"This means war! Those damn greens have drawn first blood, we must respond for the sake of the Queen and Princess!" A Lord shouts
"To attack kin in such a way... under the sanctity of a messenger no less! Such a crime can only be paid for in blood!" Another agrees
"QUIET" Samwell silences the whole room falling still. Benji stops his pacing to stare at his father. He had only seen his father angry - truly angry - on only a handful of occasions. Once, when he had accidently broken a vase his late mother had been gifted the day she had married his father, the second was when his Uncle had proposed his father get remarried to gain and alliance and more heirs. He could now count this and the third. The stormy look in his fathers eyes scared away all warmth. His shoulders tense. Fists clenched. "We will do nothing of the sort without the Queens order. We will act as her sword ONLY on her command. Not before." He barks.
"But father-" Benji speaks. He voice grinds to a halt as Samwell whips his head into his direction. He gulps, and continues carefully "Should we not at least respond in some way? Send a raven with our condolences and to reassure the Queen that our allegiance is with her and the Princess. Even if no marriage bears fruit?"
Samwell huffs. Shaking his head and looking at him with a much softer gaze. "And when did you become so wise without my knowledge boy? It is not a bad thought though. Be sure that it is you who sends it." He acknowledges turning to now adress the room "The princess has taken leave to be with her family, she has assured me that this will not hinder her efforts to pick a husband and when her time at dragonstone has concluded she will return here and continue her stay under the condition she will have our houses protection."
"Like the princess would need to make such a request from us." A bannerman murmurs confidently "Her mother is the been the rightful heir for as long as anyone needs to remember. Should the queen send her here for protection, marriage alliance or not, we will glady give it till our last man" the room roars in agreement, clanking their goblets on the table.
The meeting finishes soon after, each man having their orders to carry out with haste. Benjicot heads to his room, anger having him wound tight. He hadnt known the princess long, how was he this upset and angry on her behalf? He couldnt quite place the feeling. All he knew was the moment he saw her tears, heard her cries was that those who had brought about such a thing would bleed. And that he would make it so. His only thought was that someone a smile as sweet as hers - a smile he loves to look at - should only know happiness. His door slams open as his Aly storms in. She too as wound with as much tension as she.
"What are you doing at the minute?" She asks
"Finishing a letter to send to the Queen. Why?" He says
"Because.... there have been Brackens sighted at the border near the old mill" she winces "i know this is the last thing we need but we need to go and see what they are up to and if we can deter them without causing ourselves any bother."
"Your right that its the last thing i want to be dealing with. But its Brackens... and they wont back down easy, so we will need to be very careful." He agrees. He seals the letter and ties it to the foot of his raven, commanding it as his window opens. "Lets go deal with this before father finds out."
The moment he and Aly arrive tensions seem to be at a boiling point, a small group of blackwood scouts is currently nose to nose with a Bracken hunting party. Jabs and insults can be heard from across the field as the pair approach.
"Well look who has arrived to put a leash on his dogs, the wannabe 'dragon rider' Bloody Ben!" Their leader Aeron jeers "i see the Princess isnt with you, scare her off with your stench and barbarity already?"
"At least she chose me. She didnt give you a second glance. In fact, i seem to recall her almost falling asleep as your droned on and on about her prim and proper your house is" he counters. "Take you kills and get off our lands. We have more important things to do than to hold your hands because you dont know how to hunt anything that isnt bought"
Me smirks inwardly as he see Aeron bristle at the mention of not getting picked. His insults clearly not having the affect that he wanted.
Be cool, stay calm. If a fight breaks out now there is a chance the princess wont be able to come back and then youll lose your shot with her forever.
A tense moment passes between the two heirs. Aeron looks like he is about to turn around, before swinging back and decking himself in the face. Benji recoils at the blow before responding quickly with a hook of his own. Which renders the Bracken boy unconscious and bleeding from the nose. "Take him and pursue this no further." He hisses, sniffing and wiping the blood from his nose and lip. He turns on his heel and stalks off. "Lets go! We are done here" as he makes to the trek back home he makes a silent prayer to himself.
Please gods, let the princess return safely.
--- (Name) POV ---
The funeral for Luke was depressingly short. Having no body, you were forced to burn a handful of item that were previously owned by him. It was a intimate family affair. You cuddle at the sides of your sister-cousins, Rhaena clutching onto your arm as Baela nestles into your shoulder, her other hand holding Jace's. Words of love, grief and fond memories are shared as you all console one another. When it is finished, you find your mother staring out into the horizon. The sun setting painting the sky beautiful pinks and purples.
"So... i thought youd want to know how things were progressing with my marital options" you say carefully, trying to ease the topic onto something light to distract your dear mum.
She laughs wistfully, aware of your attempt and accepting it greatfully. "Yes dear one, how have these boys been? Your letters seem to be getting vauger and more sparce"
"Well Oscar seems like he has a good head on his shoulders and like someone i could most certainly grow to love. He has a sharp wit and has no problem putting men much older than he into their place when they forget themselves" you explain, holding Rheanyra's hand as you gaze out to sea.
"And the other?"
"Well we shared a dance together... my first ever Riverlands style dance" you state, the happiness of the memoru beginning to resurface.
"Oh? And what was that like" your mother prompts
"Wild. Full of life and energy, not like those court dances they make us do for lessons." You laugh "its the sort of dance that make you feel invigorated afterwards even though you legs burn and heart feels like its in your throat... but in a good way?" You say thoughtfully, trying to think of the best way to describe it. "I havent been able to spend as much time with Benjicot as I have with Oscar, but he seems like a lively young man who will bring me a sense of fulfillment." You finish.
Your mother sqeezes your hand lovingly. She takes a deep breath in and shakily exhales. "It pains me to have to send you away again my darling daughter... but i must. For you safety, for our cause and most important... to try and give you a future to look forward to... to fight for."
You hug her. Tightly. She reciprocates with fierce hold of her own.
"I believe i finally understand what you mean... im sorry for being spoiled before i left..." you whine. She laughs, this time lore hearty and loving.
"That is forgotten child. To see you stand before me now, more mature and grown than last we say each other. It fills me with more love and lride than you could know." Rheanyra cups your cheeks and stares deep into your eyes. "I love you so much. Thank you for being my brave girl, you make me so proud."
New tears spring forth at her confession. You stay in the moment, before making your way back to the castle hand in hand.
Despite the hard exhausting flight and the high emotions of the day, you find no sleep, leaving you to wander the halls of your familiar family home.
As you pass by an open balcony a shape down near the courtyard catches your eye. The contrast of sliver hair within the darkness. You squint to get a better look and realise that its your step-father. The time of night makes alarm bells sound in your head.
This cant be good.
You do your best to up, having rushed back to you rooms to grab your sword. Fortunately you know the keep better than anyone; using the passages and hidden tunnels to hide from your septas and their endless lessons. You reach the dragon mount just as you see the end of Ceraxes's tail slip out of the caves entrance and into the night. As quietly as you can you call for Silverwing, who eagerly awaits your arrival.
"We will need to be quiet. Step-father doesnt know we are following him. Fly low and safe as mother tells us."
She snorts in response and deftly follows the Daemon and the Bloodwyrm. The darkness, along with your companions colour, make for great stealth as you follow a safe distance away to avoid detection.
You land on the shores of kings landing on a secluded beach. You instruct Sliverwing to hide near the big rocks to make sure no one will alert the kings guard, and find the quickest way you know to get into the city. You hide you hair and sword as best as you can as you navigate the streets in search of Daemon. I really wish i took up Luke and Jace's offer to explore the city when we were last here... it would make this bit so much easier. As if the gods themselves take pity on you, as you round the corner you see Daemon. You see him talking to two men, before sliding a fat sack of coins across the table. You cant quite hear what they are saying and unable to get closer without getting caught your head can only draw one conclusion. An eye for and eye.
The two men leave the table with the gold and turn and head in the direction your hiding. You panic, but thinking on your feet you decide you hide your face and curl up on the ground like your homeless. They walk passed without sparing you a glance. You glance up and see they are far enough away to begin following them.
You weave your way through the back alleys as the pair talk in hushed whispers and harsh tones. Only hearing bits and pieces you can surmise that they are going to attempt to kill Aemond, lukes murderer. But if they cant... then stopping Aegon's line will do as well. The thought makes you want to hurl. You picture Helaena's twins, Jaehaera and Jaehaerys, complete sweeties and entirely innocent. Mother would not want this. Luke wouldnt either. He had always been worried that if he took Driftmark, your grandsire Corlys's seat, that it would mean everyone else had been killed. The irony that he had been killed first made you want to cry again. I will stop them. I promise Luke.
You watch as they enter the a passageway where you wait for but a moment before following. Upon entering the passway you can finally hear the echos of their conversation.
"We will follow this passage to get to the heart of the red keep, we will then wait for the queen to bring her children to the dowager queens chamers." One voice
"How do you know she'll bring them?" The other asks
"Because it is common knowledge among the castle staff that she brings them to see their grandmother every night." The first voice hisses "Then after, we take this here tunnel back outside and go to harrenhal for the biggest paycheck of our lives courtesy of the Rogue Prince himself"
The chatter stops and you stop in your tracks. Holding you breath and reaching for your sword, a Valyrian steel Gladius. Fearing you may have been caught you retreat a little into the darker parts of the passage waiting for any signs of movement.
"We must move now. It shouldnt be long"
You hear a rustle and a soft click, marking that the two men have left the the hidden entrance. You step out after them and glance around to get your bearings. You move swift and quiet as you put your skills and knowledge of your years experience to the test. You reach the queens chamber and see the guard dead and the door ajar. Crap! Please dont say that im too late!
"You have to pick your majesty" a voice beyond the door taunts. "You must pick a who dies."
You fling the door open and as the light shines behind you the two men look in shock.
"How about i choose" you glare coldly. Quick as a flash your sword slices the air, meeting the flesh of the shorter mans arm. It cleaves the arm off cleanly, causing the man the scream and stumble back into the furniture behind him. Spinning around the deadly grace you swing your weapon toward the taller mans neck, aiming for the jugular. Just a nick will do, just to bring him down to your level to finish the job. A few more swift strikes and it is over. The bodies of the two would be assassins lay at your feet with you, covered in their blood. You clean the blood off SeaScale - your blade - before looking at Helaena, who is currently untying her mother and holding her children. "Helaena" you fret "Are you alright? Are you or the children hurt?"
She shakes her head and after giving her boys a once over, rushes over to you and glomps you in a ferocious hug. You sheath your sword and hug her back. Alicent, the ruiner of moments, chimes in. "What are you doing here? At this hour of night of all things?"
You roll your eyes. "Am i no longer allowed to visit my favourite Aunt and cousins in my own castle now? I was simply feeling homesick and wished to visit. Losing my brother after my uncle killed him made me wish for the comfort of my dear sweet aunt." While your tone is sarcastic at times the gaze you give Helaena makes her smile. You smile back as she cups your cheeks and kisses your forehead. "I am glad your here, my precious niece. Thank you for saving us"
"You are very welcome. I glad i arrived when i did."
"What in the seven hells is going on here?!?!" A voice behind you booms. You whip around and see you Uncle Aegon, face pale and for once seemingly sober. His face goes between you and Helaena, the bodies and blood on the floor, and the children behind you in the arms of their grandmother, almost like he isnt sure where to draw his focus. "Well?!? Im waiting for someone to answer me!" He shouts frantic.
"Be calm Uncle. All is well now i promise. The short version is, i followed Uncle Daemon here, fearing he would do something we would all regret. Turns out i was right and i stopped these two from bringing harm on your children." You explain. As Aegon moves to respond you silence him quickly before continuing. "No. My mother did not order this. No she does not know that i nor Daemon have left. This is all Daemon, and he most likely targeted the children because he knew he wouldnt be able to get to Aemond. If you wish you place blame? It is Aemond who has brought about this wrath."
The king is silent for a long moment. He looks between his mother and sister-wife. "Is what (Name) saying true? Are you arnd the children unharmed." The tenderness in his voice shocks you. Never having seen this side of him before. You also realise this is the first he has ever said you name, much less with that tone of voice. What shocks you more is the response the Alicent gives in turn.
"Yes, Aegon. It is, i dont know what wouldve happened had the Princess not followed her gut... had she not been here to help us..." Aegon acknowledges her words and looks at your directly in the eyes.
"Thank you Niece... you have served our house faithfully with your valour and bravery." You give a curt nod and bow.
"Of course. Though i believe that is time for bed, that is more an enough excitement for one night. Should you wish it i shall stand guard in front of the queens chambers, i think it best they all spend the night together." You respond cooly, a formal air now surrounding you. The king nod and looks to his queen to gauge her reaction. She nods and give your hand a squeeze as she ushers the kids out, avoiding the bloodied areas of the room. You follow after her but Aegon stops you. Gripping your forearm tight.
"(Name)... Thank you. I mean it." He whispers.
Placing you hand on his you whisper back "As much as i may hate you for everything you have done. As much as you may hate me and my brothers... you are still part of my family. I do not wish to see it burn. I know my mother doesnt want that either. I want you to know that too. We use to be close once... im sure their is still a way to fix it. But we shall talk about it in the morning when things have settled. You should be with Helaena and the children, i will protect you. I swear this on the love i hold for our family."
You think you catch a glimmer of tears in his eyes at the end of your little speech. But it is quickly brushed passed as he and you make your way to Helaena's quarters. You stand guard for the remainder of the night, the events of earlier replaying in your head. You close your eyes and breathe a prayer to anyone listening.
Please, let my family make it through this in one piece.
Taglist: @tssf-imagines @accidentpronedork
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writingsofwesteros · 2 months
Aeron Bracken in the cells, daydreaming about Lady Blackwood sitting on his face again. lol.
WHO CAN BLAME HIM!! He's just a little shit but lovable ;)
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rvllybllply2014 · 2 months
Disclaimer it’s late at night, so sorry for typos but I need to write this down before I forget it. Modern au, also some background info faith of the seven=catholic and old gods=paganism. Oh yeah that one character (the one holding his dagger the whole time)that’s ready to fight Aeron is Aerons ex. Aeron is in school to become a septon, it’s night classes.
What if Davos gets dumped by his girlfriend late at night, also literally gets dumped on the side of the road. She got tired of Davos flirting with any woman that had a heartbeat. Anyway she was driving that night and it’s pouring down rain when she tells Davos to get out right now or she’ll crash the car (he likes them a little psycho). Davos gets out because he does not want or need another scar from her.
Aeron is driving back from his night class cursing his luck, he’d just seen his ex with a woman and man did that hurt Aeron. The whole reason Aeron was forced to become a septon was because he had gotten caught by his very religious uncle with his ex in his bed. The only reason Aeron got to stay with his uncle was because he agreed to never date a man again and to take up the cloth of the faith. Can’t date ic everyone thinks you’re undateable.
Anyway Aeron sees poor Davos standing on the side walk looking like a half drowned puppy when he pulls up to him and rolls down the window. Before Aeron can even get a word out Davos says sorry beautiful lady but I can’t risk your virtue by being seen getting in to your car. Aeron just laughs and says that his virtue will be just fine, and does he need a ride?
Cue the bi panic with Davos, he’s only ever been attracted to women but here is this gorgeous man offering him a ride. Davos accepts mainly because he’s wet and tired, it’s not because he wants to know more about the gorgeous man. They get to talking when Davos mentions that he just got dumped and that’s the whole reason he was standing out in the rain. Aeron mentions that too recently broke up with his boyfriend and just saw his ex with a girl after a boring class. That he needed to clear his head so driving around aimlessly was the best option.
Davos feels bad but also excited that Aaron is single. That is until Aeron mentions that he’s in school to become a septon, Davos doesn’t follow that faith but even he knows septon are unfuckable. Aeron does end up telling Davos that he’s not going to stop seeing/fucking men even as a septon, he can forced into the clothes but he won’t be forced into being a righteous one. Hope is restored for Davos, he even asks Aeron if he’d date a follower of the old gods. Aeron laughs and says yes considering his ex was one too. That’s how Davos ended up asking Aeron out; it’s also how Aeron said yes.
The mood only slightly sours when Aeron pulls up to Davos’ place, he immediately recognized it as the Blackwood estate. Davos asks why Aeron looks heartbroken and Aeron explains that his ex is a Blackwood. It finally clicks in Davos’s mind as to why his cousin,Aerons apparent ex, had been so moody lately and why he recently announced he was going on dates again. Davos asks if he still wants to go on a date with him.
Aeron does he hopes that Davos will be better than his ex, Davos swears he will in his mind. Just as Davos is getting ready to leave they both hear Bracken being shouted, Davos is confused as to why his cousin is shouting Bracken at Aeron. Blackwood and Brackens are rivals in the corporate world. Aeron responds with a deep sigh followed by him asking his ex what did he want, hasn’t he done enough to ruin his life? His ex just wants to know why the fuck he’s with Davos.
Davos having had enough of his cousins shit tells him, that Aeron saw him on the side of the road and decided to be nice enough to give him a ride. That Aeron will also be going on a date with him tomorrow and he needs to leave Aeron the fuck alone; he’d had his chance and blew it.
Time passes Aeron graduates and becomes a septon will still dating Davos. Aerons uncle also dies leaving him some money, Davos’ uncle retires and Davos takes over. It’s Davos who tells Aeron to leave the cloth of the faith behind, to live with him and love him publicly, they have enough money between the both of them. Aeron eventually agrees, he’s still not a follower of the old gods but he respects that Davos is.
Davos dies first in his sleep and Aeron gives him the burial he knows that he deserved. Aeron is also surprised that Davos left everything to him in his will. When Aeron dies a few years later to the day of Davos’s death, Davos is there to greet him as they walk together towards the afterlife. Davos tells Aeron he waited for him which cause Aeron to tear up. Aerons family gives him the burial of both the faith of the seven and the old gods, because they knew it’s what he would’ve wanted.
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th3houseofleaves · 3 months
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well SHIT! my dad's gonna be PISSED!
but he'll bail me out anyways! anything to stay out of the headlines!
INTRODUCING milan bechtel an original character who is not based in any fandom. he is played by morgan davies.
sebastian vincent bechtel iii milan bechtel is a twenty-two year old college student, who is studying business. his real passion is art, specifically painting, but he's getting a business degree to appease his father who agreed to let him pursue art school if he at least got his initial education in something practical. he hates the thought of being in school for that long but if it means he can do what he wants in the future he'll put up with it.
he was originally born in milan, italy but he moved to go live with his father when he was a year old. he's the only child of sebastian bechtel ii and yana vasilyeva. he's cousins with the vasilyev brothers, but he doesn't meet them until they're all older. he's closest with aeron, since they're the closest in age, but all three of them are act how he wishes his actual older brothers would.
he did get his nickname because of where he was born. it was another way his biological mother made his connection to his father known, because his father – who's a well-known businessman, with an incredibly successful empire – named his other sons in a similar manner. his other sons, milan's older brothers, are all named after important places in their parents' relationship. so, when his mother decided to call him milan as a nickname, it was supposed to be a reminder to his father and his actual wife, of the affair he had that milan came from.
milan is the byproduct of a short lived affair between two of the worst people you've ever met. but he's one of the best people you could ever hope to meet.
because he was an unplanned and unwanted child – all three of his brothers were already grown and out of the house by the time he was born – his father wanted very little to do with him, even though he went through a whole mess of legal proceedings so he could have sole custody of milan and his biological mother would have nothing to do with him. (years later milan would spiral and wind up sleeping on his cousin's couch after finding out the only reason his mother even had him was so she could essentially blackmail his father into giving her whatever she wanted. or else she'd ruin the perfect image of a family he sold the tabloids.) he made sure milan had nannies to basically raise him and keep him out of the way, unless he was needed for a photo shoot that required the whole family to pretend to be as perfect as his father wished. there were times he was essentially a set piece in his father's world. this continues into his adult years and it's part of the reason he acts out so much. he wants to feel wanted.
the only person in his life, during his childhood at least, that really cared about him was father's wife, his real mom. when milan came into her life she didn't realise she wanted another child until she saw him for the first time. he made it easier to accept her husband's affair and the narrative he was spinning about them somehow having a miracle baby so late in their lives. she adored her baby and if it wasn't for her husband, who tried to encourage the rest of his family to ignore milan like he did, than she would've doted on him constantly. it was no real secret that he was her favourite (and he still is), her other sons were mostly indifferent to it, they were all fairly detached from their family.
despite how much his mom loves him, milan isn't entirely aware of it. because she wasn't allowed to constantly be open with her affection as she'd like and her opportunities to act like his mother were limited – and became even more infrequent as he got older – he assumes she doesn't care about him. he doesn't remember the days where she'd steal him away from his nanny and take him to work with her, showing him all of the things on her set and proudly showing him off to all of her staff. he doesn't remember when she'd sneak in to see him at night and read him a story before bed or how she'd run her fingers through his hair until he fell asleep, staying beside him long after he's fallen asleep just to be with him and make sure he's okay. she's the person he's most desperate to get attention from because he's scared she hates him since he's not her son, not really.
growing up how he did has lead milan to feel invisible. so he acts out. he graffitis buildings his father owns and goes on joyrides in cars he doesn't own and parties as often as possible. he's been arrested multiple times for various offenses but his criminal record is clean; it would ruin the wholesome family image that his father has spent years crafting if people found out how troubled his youngest son is. so he doesn't care what milan does, or who he's friends with, or what he takes, as long as the fallout isn't impossible to cover up. his father always cleaning up his messes has the exact opposite effect than milan wants — he wants to be seen, not swept under the rug. he wants to be more than just the youngest son, the pretty flirt that interviewers love to jokingly ask when he'll follow in his mother's footsteps and take up modeling. (he hates the way they look at him, like he's nothing more than a piece of meat.)
he's been getting better lately, especially since he's connected with his cousins. meeting them gave him a safety net and a reason to stay clean and safe. they convince him that he is a person, regardless of how invisible he feels.
and one day, a couple years in the future, they will be part of the reason he finally paints a self portrait in color; his art is so full of life and color unless he has to draw or paint himself, self portraits are always done in grays and blacks, they make him look half alive.
his mother will ask him for this first self portrait that shows the milan that she sees — she hangs it proudly on the walls of her new home, displaying it for everyone to see now that she doesn't have to hide how much she loves her youngest son.
additional link: pinterest.
template credit: @feelrush
psd credit: @jessource and garlogans on deviantart
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icanbeyourgenie · 9 months
[ Achilles singing a moving ballad about a forgotten love ]
From the moment Achilles walked into the room, Nathaniel had not been able to focus on anything else. But when he started singing the song... It was something else entirely.
Nate was vaguely aware that he was in the middle of a conversation with Calypso, and that his sister was still talking to him, but he was unable to shift back his focus on her. He had never been good at controlling where his attention was headed, but for once he didn't care.
His mind was racing - and going nowhere - with thoughts on how to proceed. This time, he knew what was happening. Achilles didn't remember him. Not yet. It was a good thing, because it meant they had time. But it was also a bad thing because it meant the love of his life had no idea who he was. And an even more terrible thing because Nate had to make a good first impression - and judging by the previous times, it was not his forte.
The siren was still debating his strategy when he noticed something that immediately put him in movement: the minute Achilles stopped singing, Aeron went to him. And even from across the room, Nathaniel could clearly see him flirting.
He should probably take some time to breathe and to think. He did not. Instead, he raced to them.
"Prince Aeron, I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation" (he was not) "but my sister is requesting your presence."
Nathaniel was fully aware that Calypso had no desire to talk to Aeron more than necessary, and that he brutally cut her mid-sentence to come deal with the situation, but he could deal with an angry Calypso. What he couldn't deal with, however, was Aeron flirting with his man.
The same Aeron who, at the present moment, looked at him like he grew another head.
"I doubt that very much."
"And yet it is the truth." Nathaniel turned his head to look at Achilles. He tried not to let his heart rhythm quickens too much, and he failed. "Good evening. Your song was mesmerizing. Did you write it yourself?"
"I did, actually. It came to me in a dream."
Nathaniel smiled at that. "What a beautiful dream it must have been-"
"Yes, actually..." Aeron cut, and just from the look on his face, Nate understood that he revealed too much of his game, and that Aeron would be more than happy to tease him a little bit. "I invited our new bard to sing more of his mesmerizing songs in the afterwards party I'll be organizing in my private chambers. I would invite you, but I know how you princes of the Sea feel about such parties. Such a shame you'll miss out."
"Oh, are you a prince too?" Achilles asked. "I'm sorry for not greeting you properly, your Highness."
Nate would have found it cute if he didn't see red. Aeron 'innocently' put his arm around Achilles' shoulders and Nathaniel felt a violent urge to detach this arm from Aeron's body.
"I don't find this appropriate considering your engagements towards my sister. You know, your wife."
"Well, what a curious thing for you to say. It's the first time I see you advocate that I should spend more time with her. What seem to be the problem?"
"Maybe I'm just not in a mood to let you disrespect her again tonight."
Nate's anger was fueled by Aeron's nonchalance. The bastard even had the audacity to smile, like he was enjoying himself - which he probably was.
"Now, now. No need to be this hostile. We're all allies here, remember?" He smirked as he got a bit closer to Achilles, making Nate's blood boil. "If you're feeling left out, I'm sure my brother will be more than happy to welcome you in his chamber again. You want me to get him for you?"
Nathaniel couldn't tell what it was exactly that made the urge to wipe Aeron's smile. from his face so strong, but the next thing he knew, he was pushing the fae prince in the extravagant cake the High Queen ordered for the night.
The brutal silence that followed is what brought him back to reality. Silence only broken by Aeron's laugh (that little shit). But a silence that reminded him that he was still in enemy territory, and that he just disrespected the favorite son of the High Queen.
He was in for a big serment from Malachai. His brother was already walking in his direction. Which is why he quickly turned to Achilles, who seemed to have no idea how to react.
"How rude of me, I didn't even properly introduce myself. Hi, I'm Nathaniel. Please stay in the castle. I promise I'm not crazy, and I'd love to discuss about your songs."
As he was dragged away by Malachai, watching the guards try to control the chaotic mess he created and looked at Calypso's shocked expression, he realized one thing: After all these times, after all his meetings with Achilles, he was still terrible at first impressions...
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istumpysk · 1 year
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[The High Sparrow is Howland Reed]
A Joke: These theories are an absolute joke; anyone who believes them is a fool.
[Tier list overview]
Our first stupid Howland Reed theory! Only 17 more to go.
Who is Howland Reed?
Howland Reed is a crannogman and the Lord of Greywater Watch.
He is the father of Meera and Jojen Reed.
He was a close friend and ally of Ned Stark and knows exactly what went down at the Tower of Joy.
He has been mysteriously absent from the series so far, to the point where it's ridiculous.
Who is the High Sparrow?
His name is unknown.
He leads the Sparrows, a faction of the Faith of the Seven.
He became the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven, bypassing any democratic process.
He leads a strict and devout life, showing extreme religious piety.
Similar to Aeron Dam-phair and Melisandre, he's somewhat of a merciless piece of shit who commits abhorrent acts in the name of religion.
Why would Howland Reed be disguising himself as the High Septon?
Are you ready?
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Good news, we're all dumber now.
Anyway, let's dive right in.
The High Sparrow is short, thin, with a trimmed grey-brown beard and knotted hair. He has a sharp, pointed face with deep-set brown eyes, and his bare feet are heavily callused.
The Reeds are short and thin with brown hair. When we're introduced to Meera, her hair is tied in a knot.
"He is cleaning the floor." The speaker was shorter than the queen by several inches and as thin as a broom handle. "Work is a form of prayer, most pleasing to the Smith." He stood, scrub brush in hand. "Your Grace. We have been expecting you." The man's beard was grey and brown and closely trimmed, his hair tied up in a hard knot behind his head. Though his robes were clean, they were frayed and patched as well. He had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows as he scrubbed, but below the knees the cloth was soaked and sodden. His face was sharply pointed, with deep-set eyes as brown as mud. His feet are bare, she saw with dismay. They were hideous as well, hard and horny things, thick with callus. "You are His High Holiness?" - Cersei VI, AFFC
The septon had a lean sharp face and a short beard, grizzled grey and brown. His thin hair was pulled back and knotted behind his head, and his feet were bare and black, gnarled and hard as tree roots. - Brienne I, AFFC
The little crannogman was walking across the field, enjoying the warm spring day and harming none, when he was set upon by three squires. - Bran II, ASOS
All his garb was green, even to the leather of his boots, and when he came closer Bran saw that his eyes were the color of moss, though his teeth looked as white as anyone else's. Both Reeds were slight of build, slender as swords and scarcely taller than Bran himself. They went to one knee before the dais. - Bran III, ACOK
Though near Robb's age, she was slim as a boy, with long brown hair knotted behind her head and only the barest suggestion of breasts. - Bran III, ACOK
Why this confirms the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Short, thin, with brown hair matches the Reeds. Eyes as brown as mud and feet resembling tree roots evoke the crannogmen.
Why this doesn't confirm the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: How many billions of people in this world are short, thin, and have brown hair? Also, it's a given that Howland Reed is going to have green eyes.
The High Sparrow looks unkempt, with soiled feet and dirty fingernails.
Crannogmen are frequently described as mudmen.
"My lord husband tells me this new one was born with filth beneath his fingernails." - Cersei VI, AFFC
"Mudmen," answered Little Walder disdainfully. "They're thieves and cravens, and they have green teeth from eating frogs." - Bran III, ACOK
Why this confirms the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Muddy, filthy, dirty — these words are closely related.
Why this doesn't confirm the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: You know who else is dirty? Septon Meribald.
Brienne encountered the High Sparrow on Rosby road between King's Landing and Duskendale. At the time, he was traveling south, suggesting he was coming from the north.
"Join us, friends," urged a spare small man in a threadbare septon's robe, who wore a crystal on a thong about his neck. "Westeros has need of every sword." "We were bound for Duskendale," declared Ser Creighton, "but mayhaps we could see you safely to King's Landing." [...] "These are the bones of holy men, murdered for their faith. They served the Seven even unto death. Some starved, some were tortured. Septs have been despoiled, maidens and mothers raped by godless men and demon worshipers. Even silent sisters have been molested. Our Mother Above cries out in her anguish. It is time for all anointed knights to forsake their worldly masters and defend our Holy Faith. Come with us to the city, if you love the Seven." - Brienne I, AFFC
Why this confirms the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: I can confirm he was definitely travelling south on Rosby road.
Why this doesn't confirm the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: That's not how you get to King's Landing from Greywater Watch.
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The High Sparrow is avoiding giving Tommen his blessing as King of the Seven Kingdoms.
"The High Septon should have come to you. And these wretched sparrows . . ." "He feeds them, coddles them, blesses them. Yet will not bless the king." The blessing was an empty ritual, she knew, but rituals and ceremonies had power in the eyes of the ignorant. Aegon the Conqueror himself had dated the start of his realm from the day the High Septon anointed him in Oldtown. "This wretched priest will obey, or learn how weak and human he still is." - Cersei VI, AFFC
Cersei had no idea what Jaehaerys the Conciliator might have sworn. "He did," she agreed, "and the High Septon blessed him and anointed him as king. It is traditional for every new High Septon to give the king his blessing . . . and yet you have refused to bless King Tommen." "Your Grace is mistaken. We have not refused." "You have not come." "The hour is not yet ripe." - Cersei VI, AFFC
Why this confirms the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Howland Reed knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK.
Why this doesn't confirm the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Because the High Sparrow knows that Tommen is a bastard, born from an incestuous relationship between brother and sister, and isn't the rightful king. Duh?
The High Sparrow and his flock seem outraged about Ned Stark's execution and the Red Wedding.
"Night soil can be washed away more easily than blood, Your Grace. If the plaza was befouled, it was befouled by the execution that was done here." He dares throw Ned Stark in my face? "We all regret that. Joffrey was young, and not as wise as he might have been. Lord Stark should have been beheaded elsewhere, out of respect for Blessed Baelor . . . but the man was a traitor, let us not forget." "King Baelor forgave those who conspired against him." - Cersei VI, AFFC
"These sparrows are especially outspoken," warned Qyburn. "The Red Wedding was an affront to all the laws of gods and men, they say, and those who had a hand in it are damned." - Cersei IV, AFFC
And yet Howland Reed had been one of Father's staunchest companions during the war for King Robert's crown, before Bran was born. - Bran III, ACOK
Why this confirms the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Ride or die friend, until the end and beyond.
Why this doesn't confirm the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Even indigenous people from Sothoryos condemn House Lannister for those things.
The High Sparrow appears intent on toppling House Lannister.
Howland Reed is the man.
Ser Kevan was unmoved. "If that is your wish, you may soon have it granted. His High Holiness is resolved that you be tried for regicide, deicide, incest, and high treason." - Cersei I, ADWD
Galbart Glover rubbed his mouth. "There are risks. If the crannogmen should fail you . . ." "We will be no worse than before. But they will not fail. My father knew the worth of Howland Reed." - Catelyn V, ASOS
Why this confirms the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Arya Stark and Lady Stoneheart aren't the only ones seeking justice around here.
Why this doesn't confirm the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Who doesn't want to bring down House Lannister? Moreover, his focus isn't solely on House Lannister. The man starts foaming at the mouth whenever he sees a brothel.
It's well-known that crannogmen favor trickery and stealthy tactics over open warfare.
He tried to recall all he had been taught of the crannogmen, who dwelt amongst the bogs of the Neck and seldom left their wetlands. They were a poor folk, fishers and frog-hunters who lived in houses of thatch and woven reeds on floating islands hidden in the deeps of the swamp. It was said that they were a cowardly people who fought with poisoned weapons and preferred to hide from foes rather than face them in open battle. - Bran III, ACOK
"We won't find them," the Frey boy said suddenly. "Not so long as the frogeaters are with them. Mudmen are sneaks, they won't fight like decent folks, they skulk and use poison arrows. You never see them, but they see you. Those who go into the bogs after them get lost and never come out. Their houses move, even the castles like Greywater Watch." He glanced nervously at greenery that encircled them on all sides. "They might be out there right now, listening to everything we say." - Theon IV, ACOK
"Once there was a curious lad who lived in the Neck. He was small like all crannogmen, but brave and smart and strong as well. He grew up hunting and fishing and climbing trees, and learned all the magics of my people." Bran was almost certain he had never heard this story. "Did he have green dreams like Jojen?" "No," said Meera, "but he could breathe mud and run on leaves, and change earth to water and water to earth with no more than a whispered word. He could talk to trees and weave words and make castles appear and disappear." - Bran II, ASOS
Why this confirms the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Adopting a new identity to disrupt from within might suit Howland Reed well.
Why this doesn't confirm the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Making yourself one of the most powerful players in Westeros using the violent Faith Militant is anything but subtle.
The High Septon and his sparrows aren't very popular amongst the nobility.
Many in the Seven Kingdoms look down on crannogmen.
"Like as not," Ser Balman agreed. "Rosby's ward was not the only one to vex us, Your Grace. We encountered ruffians on the road as well. Filthy, unkempt creatures, with leather shields and axes. Some had stars sewn on their jerkins, sacred stars of seven points, but they had an evil look about them all the same." "They were lice-ridden, I am certain," added Falyse. "They call themselves sparrows," said Cersei. "A plague upon the land. Our new High Septon will need to deal with them, once he is crowned. If not, I shall deal with them myself." - Cersei V, AFFC
"Do not presume to preach at me," she told him. "The brothel keepers have been complaining, and rightly so." "If sinners speak, why should the righteous listen?" - Cersei VIII, AFFC
"Frogeaters don't smell like men," Frey insisted. "They have a boggy stink, like frogs and trees and scummy water. Moss grows under their arms in place of hair, and they can live with nothing to eat but mud and breathe swamp water." - Theon IV, ACOK
Why this confirms the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Those are accurate statements.
Why this doesn't confirm the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: How is this at all similar?
Howland Reed may have once disguised himself as a mystery knight.
"It was the little crannogman, I bet." "No one knew," said Meera, "but the mystery knight was short of stature, and clad in ill-fitting armor made up of bits and pieces. The device upon his shield was a heart tree of the old gods, a white weirwood with a laughing red face." - Bran II, ASOS
Why this confirms the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: Uh—
Why this doesn't confirm the High Sparrow is Howland Reed: That wasn't Howland Reed.
Is this necessary? I know a lot can happen in 17 years, but these two men are clearly not portraying the same person.
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George R. R. Martin confirmed that Howland Reed would eventually make an appearance, implying that he hasn't already.
Question: It had been stated that Howland Reed would come out in The Winds of Winter, which is the 5th book. Will he still come in the 5th book (A Dance with Dragon)? Answer: He will appear eventually. - George R. R. Martin
The High Sparrow is an old man.
Howland Reed is not an old man.
The old man's eyes were chips of flint. - Cersei I, ADWD
He was still a scrawny grey-haired man with a lean, hard, half-starved look, his face sharp-featured, lined, his eyes suspicious. - Cersei I, ADWD
How old is Howland Reed? He'd be in his thirties. - George R. R. Martin
The High Septon and his flock of sparrows are clearly going to die in The Winds of Winter.
"They call themselves sparrows," said Cersei. "A plague upon the land. Our new High Septon will need to deal with them, once he is crowned. If not, I shall deal with them myself." - Cersei VI, AFFC
This is what comes of letting fools and cowards rule themselves. Next time, I will choose their master for them. And the next time might not be long in coming, if the new High Septon continued to annoy her. Baelor's Hand had little to teach Cersei Lannister where such matters were concerned. - Cersei VI, AFFC
No one was smiling now. The looks the sparrows gave her were dull, sullen, hostile. They made way but reluctantly. If they were truly sparrows, a shout would send them flying. A hundred gold cloaks with staves and swords and maces could clear this rabble quick enough. That was what Lord Tywin would have done. He would have ridden over them instead of walking through. - Cersei VI, AFFC
Are you a priest or a greengrocer? "And what might I do to make it . . . riper?" If he dares mention gold, I will deal with this one as I did the last and find a pious eight-year-old to wear the crystal crown. - Cersei VI, AFFC
The Kettleblacks, I need the Kettleblacks, I will send in Osfryd with the gold cloaks and Osmund with the Kingsguard, Osney will deny it all once they cut him free, and I'll rid myself of this High Septon just as I did the other. - Cersei X, AFFC
Cersei's gaze swept across the faces of the men behind him. And there he was: Lancel, her cousin, Ser Kevan's son, who had once professed to love her, before he decided that he loved the gods more. My blood and my betrayer. She would not forget him. - Cersei II, ADWD
Cersei would have him killed out of hand if she learned he was betraying her, and if by some grace of the gods she did not, Lancel would never survive the day Jaime Lannister returned to King's Landing. The only question would be whether Jaime cut him down in a jealous rage, or Cersei murdered him first to keep Jaime from finding out. Tyrion's silver was on Cersei. - Tyrion VII, ACOK
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In fact, the High Sparrow is likely already deceased towards the beginning of The Winds of Winter.
"Whatever Cersei may have done, she is still a daughter of the Rock, of mine own blood. I will not let her die a traitor's death, but I have made sure to draw her fangs. All her guards have been dismissed and replaced with my own men. In place of her former ladies-in-waiting, she will henceforth be attended by a septa and three novices selected by the High Septon. She is to have no further voice in the governance of the realm, nor in Tommen's education. I mean to return her to Casterly Rock after the trial and see that she remains there. Let that suffice." - Epilogue, ADWD
"How long do you think we'll be here?" "Longer than you'd like," the old man replied. "If he goes back without the gold the queen will have his head. Besides, I seen that wife of his. There's steps in Casterly Rock she can't go down for fear she'd get stuck, that's how fat she is. Who'd go back to that, when he has his sooty queen?" - Mercy, TWOW
Whoops! How'd that queen regain power?
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Now we'll never figure out who Jon's parents are.
On a serious note, Howland Reed is neither dead nor on the brink of death, and he has a significant role to play in the upcoming books, none of which are related to religious fanaticism.
Other things to consider:
The High Sparrow isn't a good person, and his actions aren't commendable.
Howland Reed follows the Old Gods. It's a bit of a stretch to believe he could convincingly pose as a High Septon.
Howland Reed might be somewhat reclusive, but many people could recognize him. He participated in the Rebellion, and was at Harrenhal with numerous other nobles.
How do you even begin to devise this plan? "I'm going to wander the riverlands in the hopes of leading a religious uprising and becoming the voice of God, so I may avenge Ned Stark." Sure, okay.
What in the world? Why? How so?
If you think that's the craziest Howland Reed theory we're going to explore, just you wait.
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I welcome discussions. Feel free to reblog, respond, or challenge my perspective—I won't be offended by any of it.
Please note, if "no" is the eventual winner, or if it's competitive, a second poll will be conducted to determine the proper location.
Tormund Giantsbane x Maege Mormont
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artwithoutblood · 10 months
THERE ARE MALICE MIZER PEOPLE IN HERE?! oh you bet im giving them their own song
Adonis - Au Revoir?
first off, i dont know. au revoir screams adonis to me. Adonis gives me the vibe of autumn for the most part. Au revoir itself seems like a farewell in fall so, yeah.
Aeron - Apres Midi / Color Me Blood Red
turns out i can't just give them one song each 🥺 color me blood red has the danger of Aeron. And the title suits him i think. it's like a melody of g0re p0rn. Apres midi on the other hand, has his sort of carefree persona. Sounds autumn as well. (yes your characters mostly give me autumn vibes)
Erebus - Fragments of Rememberence
it has a calm yet wild aspect to it as a sound. just like how eri wants control but maybe not at the same time. i'll let the lyrics explain themselves.
「Nobody knows the horrid miracles I've lived till now
Nor the morality they made, for it too begins to fade
As I exchange caresses with the rich black darkness
With my pledged fingers, and call myself human still」
Dorian - Itsuwari no Musette
I recall something about him dancing alone while murmuring to himself. Headcanon but this is the song he wants to dance to! The sweet, naïve melody of two lovers, yet so unpure and full of burns.
「I still feel nothing at being made to dance
But burn both hands that I had reached out
And repeated the words, the truth to display these lies
To whomever that seemed to be kind」
Silas - Illuminati
Again, i dont know much about him. but one of your recent posts talked about him being the librarian before Eri. the fact that we dont know much about him, libraries, archives and his overall look just MYSTERIOUS. THIS MAN IS THE MYSTERY AND DARK ITSELF!!! Kind of like the song itself. alsoiwouldntbesurprisedifthatguywasintofreakylabsex
Genesis - No Pains No Gains / Pageant
i may have cheated on this one a little. Genesis is a dad, he is mostly sweet. but he also kills you if he wants to. he has to be wild with his music. he IS the music.
if i really had to give him a Malice Mizer song, i think no pains no gains is good? but im not that satisfied with that.
so thats why i chose pageant from moi dix mois, one of malice mizer's members' current band. pageant has that sick guitar sound with somehow sweet tone; just like genesis' persona. he may be a cute ginger dad but he can also be the one to impale you with a fucking guitar. the song actually reminds me of christmas too.
that was a lot to write for someone who knows nothing about english whatsoever im sorry if i have mistakes 😔 surprisingly though, genesis was the hardest one to decide.
going back in my cave after i ask a couple questions!!
what are girlies' fav holidays?
what do they like doing on that day?
hope you have a wonderful day!! <33
you did a great job! i love malice mizer, and i've been into vkei since i was in middle school! i'll take this by character.
adonis is like autumn as a person! they're based on my hometown, which is the essence of autumn. their favorite holiday is halloween, because they love to scare people!
dorian's song fits him very well. he's very much a sad, melancholy man? dances with himself in a large ballroom in his cathedral. his favorite holiday is christmas, because sometimes, that's when the ash turns into snow.
i like both for aeron, but color me blood red is, like, the vampire strip club song, and it's one of my favorites on malice mizer's discography. they love to give gifts, so they love the holiday season in general, but especially valentine's.
silas having illuminati as his song is fucking hilarious to me because that's like. the sex song to me because of That One Video and silas is a freak. anyways. he likes st. patrick's day. any excuse to drink.
genesis and pageant is such a good combination...he likes easter! he loves hiding shit.
erebus's song hits too hard. you made him even more depressing than he already is. his favorite holiday is lunar new year.
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cityandking · 2 months
ahn'qiraj, desolace, moonglade, winterspring for minah, vesper + aeron!
thanks babe // wow asks - kalimdor edition
ahn'qiraj: what are your muse‘s beliefs about fate? can it be avoided?
MINAH — it doesn't need to be "avoided" because it's not real. nothing's foretold, nothing's intended, it's all pure dumb luck VESPER — vesper doesn't put much stock in fate or destiny or any of that predetermined stuff. sometimes you're at the right place at the right time (or the wrong place at the wrong time) but that's just how it goes AERON — aeron would be lying if he said he thought everything was a coincidence, but he's not sure where he stands on fate. he figures if it's real, it can't be avoided—that's the entire point of it being fate, isn't it?
desolace: does your muse hold grudges? how do they handle ongoing conflict?
MINAH — minah rarely holds grudges—most of the time they're not worth it, and she's not the kind of person looking to put a target on her back by engaging in any sort of petty ongoing conflict. on the occasion that she does hold a grudge, however, it runs deep. VESPER — vesper is built on a foundation of patience, mercy, and second chances. she's got a lot of skill points in her conflict management tree and she doesn't really do grudges or ongoing conflict; she'll forgive and move on AERON — definitely holds grudges, but mostly petty ones, and he's not too pressed about them. he's definitely still out there helping people, even if they're annoying little shits who have screwed him over in the past. he's just not built for long-term conflict
moonglade: what are your muse’s thoughts on nature?
MINAH — gorgeous, beautiful, great to visit, but she simply isn't built for the wilds. she enjoys a vacation or a public garden or park, but at the end of the day she's a city girl VESPER — likes it quite a lot! she grew up in a pretty rural spot and missed it a lot in Ostwick, then missed it doubly hidden away in the Circle. one of the nicer things about the Inquisition has been all the travel she gets to do (especially once she clears out the combatants and can actually enjoy it) AERON — he kind of misses it. he's always going to be a bit of a farm boy, and for all that he appreciates his status and holdings in Kirkwall, sometimes he misses Lothering.
winterspring: is your muse loyal? to what or whom is your muse loyal to?
MINAH — yeah, to people she feels have earned it and/or she owes it to. it's a pretty short list, but the party has worked its way onto it (not, to be clear, the wardens as a whole—just the party) VESPER — yes! she gives her loyalty to people first and foremost—her friends, her loved ones, the people who look up to her and need her help. AERON — he's loyal to his friends, to the people who have his back. he'll stick with them through thick and thin, regardless of his own feelings about their choices. he's the ultimate understanding bestie
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