#i lof him guys you dont understand
violetmurmur · 1 month
im thinking about the x-mansion kids tricking logan into teaching
they study in front of him one time and say some glazed over history they teach you in elementary and he immediately is like '☝️ hold on. what the fuck are you talking about. this is what actually happened' and then they start traking him down and asking him to tell his stories from the wars and living through the early 1900s and somehow eventually they get him monologuing regularly. one of the younger kids accidentally calls him professor and he realizes he somehow has become the history teacher and is like damn this might as well happen
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
This will seem totally out of pocket and it may be-- BUT I SWEAR ITS IMPORTANT (For me at least lmao) How do you think Jason and Bucky would get along? Good, bad? Admiration for a good shot on Jason's part? Would they be good friends or not get along at all? I am so curious about your view about this since these two are my favorite characters and I dont know if they'll get to meet eachother at some point on LoF Yes, I have an obsession with grown men who have come back from the dead with murderous desires and brainwashed. So what? there's nothing to see here gentlemen, keep walking and dont look back /j
this makes me wish that i knew more about Bucky,,, from what I've seen of him, i think they'd both have respect for each other and get along while also being insufferable with each other. they both seem like the type of guy to not let you forget if you, like, ONE time, tripped in front of him and ate shit on the sidewalk. would cause some tension because they're so alike but they would have an understanding of the other that other people just wouldn't get cause it didn't happen to them
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yellowbluemoonshine · 5 years
Why Shigaraki Hates EVERYONE
looks like i need to explain this cause a lof of people did just blame shigaraki s father or all for one but you guys need to understand this:
the reason shigaraki is in so much pain is not cause of just “one person”, everybody have responsible for the person who shigaraki is now. and shigaraki also know that.
it doesnt matter that they meant it or not cause either way, they did hurt tenko.
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his father abused him. but he didnt meant to hurt him this much. he was protecting him with his own way and of course its completely wrong but remember that he is not that different from kota. (i actually feel sorry for him cause i know heis no different from kota, there wasnt a hero for him either and he didnt even get a redemption chance like endeavour even though he was better than endeavour and people just blamed his father for everything. its so sad and unfair.)
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his grandmother, grandfather and mother didnt stop koutaro. of course they love tenko and they wanted best for him maybe but still they were just standing there when tenko needed their help.
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his sister, the closest person to tenko.
(look at fandom, everyone started to defending her like she is the only person who didnt want to hurt tenko but she wasnt the only one. his mother was holding hana, and grandfather and grandmother were old too.
and i also know how abuse works. she could just be quiet instead of saying that lie,even she was scared. And its not like she had no choice but what she did was selfish and wrong. not every child acted like that, just saying. Yeah it is understandable but like i said, it wasnt only choice. And it doesnt excusing it. not blaming her but its not like every child acted like that. A lot of people are excusing it thats why i said it. i know that every child dont do thar. (and i definitely think that tenko wouldnt do what she did.) but i think shigaraki doesnt blame hana s herself. i think he started to think like every child is like her thats why he started to hate children. this is why he said that “little kids”. shigaraki isnt choosing to blame his sister, his father or his mother or someone else, he is choosing the blame everybody, everything make them like that. shigaraki is choosing the blame fate s itself.)
she loved his brother and she cheered his brother but still, she chose herself to not getting hurt. she didnt mean it. she didnt want his brother s getting hurt either but it doesnt matter cause her lie did hurt tenko.
and its not just his family. all people around tenko. i think, a lot of people did hurt tenko or just watched his getting hurt. they did nothing but hurt him. most of them didnt mean it but it doesnt matter.
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nana. all she wanted to protect her son and the world but she did hurt his son anyway. she didnt mean it but she did hurt him.
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allmight wanted to be people s hope and he tried to carry all burden by himself. this is why people became so ignorance. maybe if allmight worked with endeavour, todoroki family wouldnt be like that.
and do i even need to talk about people s ignorance in hero society? they did hurt tenko too.
and i dont even need to talk about all for one s manipulation, abuse and dehumanization project. 
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dont get me wrong. its not like i am blaming them but you guys need to understand that everyone have a role that making tenko like that, even most of them didnt mean it. but they all makes tenko feel like ABANDONED.
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if it was just one or two people, tenko definitely would forgive them without thinking. but in tenko s life, there was nothing else to hold on. there is nothing good in his life, especially after that tragedy. there was only hatred, anger, he felt unfair which is completely normal. he cant just blame one person cause he also knows that it wasnt just one person. it was everyone around him. not just his family, not just his friends. its even random people he doesnt even know. people around him is the “everyone” that shigaraki talking about.
shigaraki never met someone like him, someone like izuku. there wasnt a hero who saved him or who ever tried to save him.
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shigaraki doesnt know who to blame. he cant just blame one person cause ‘everyone’ (people around him) did hurt him. this is why he says “everything rubs me the wrong way”. he is trying find a way that he can be a hero, he can be good. he wanted to forgive them too. but EVERYTHING is on his way. his quirk, his family, his friends, people he doesnt even know (even though most of them didnt mean it) so simply world, FATE is against to shigaraki. this is why he hates everything and cause of fate, he started to believe that his only existence is for destruction. shigaraki is fighting his world,fate that makes him feel like this in his mind, i think.
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shigaraki isnt a monster created by All For One or his father or his family. he is a monster created by EVERYONE (today s society). like i said, most of them didnt mean it but it doesnt matter cause they all DID HURT tenko and make him feel abandoned. and shigaraki didnt choose to blame just one person for example hana or his mother or his father cause he loved them. thats why he hate everything that makes them like that. he hate everything that makes him feel like this.
i really love this character and i can relate the way of his thinking so much cause i would do the same thing. he really tried his best but he couldnt, HE HAD NO CHOICE. its a really kind way to hate everyone, actually cause just blaming one person would be unfair. i explained this cause a lot of people just blaming afo
(you can keep blaming afo cause this one meant it but unfortunately, it wasnt just him)
or they are just blaming his father (he didnt mean it) and ignoring the other people who did hurt him (they meant it or not) and also some people said “it doesnt make sense that he hates everyone” but it actually completely does cause everyone have responsible for this. (even they meant or not). thats why i explained it. hopefully, you got me :’))). sorry for bad eng.
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searching404 · 7 years
Haikyuu!! Music headcannons
Daichi: you know dadchi's ass is listening to dad music. Classic rock and jimmy buffet. He tries to say he likes modern pop music to escape his tragic dad stereotype but the guy just cant get into it.
Suga: suga listens to soft indie shit. Any song you can imagine playing in the background of a wes anderson movie he has on his playlist. He can never be in charge of the aux cuz everyone would just get really lost in thought and wonder where their lives are headed.
Asahi: this soft soft boi loves a good disney instrumental playlist. A whole new world? What a bop. A whole new world played on piano? HOLY SHIT a big ol bop. He can also get down with sugas music. Calms him.
Nishanoya: noya is a big fan of modern rap. Kendrick lamar, drake, nicki minaj, anything with a good beat. He also likes smash mouth but not for the meme of it. He gets shit on big time for this. He tries to get asahi to jam with him and go to concerts but hes cool with seeing one of asahi's indie bands at a coffee shop. Makes the world seem softer.
Tanaka: you just KNOW this boy likes old school hip hop. Nas,NWA, Biggie,etc. He loves songs about a struggle or just about living life. He loves those old school vibes and his clothes reflect this a lot of the time. He also likes a lof of modern chart toppers. Home boy just loves to get down.
Narita: my boy is the type to find one real obscure or foreign song and just listen to that over and over again on repeat. Bedroom blue by wilder and pappaoutai by stromae have been big ones in the past.
Kinoshita: OLD BOPS! sam cooke and the temptations. He loves cooking and having sam cooke playing in the background. Hes a peaceful boy and loves tuning out the world for a bit and just listening to timeless music. His grandparents always played old tunes around the house and he's learned to love the nostalgic and warm feelings the music gives him.
Kagayama: even kagayama doesnt even know what tunez he likes. He doesnt really get music too much in the lyrical sense. He only needs a catchy beat to like a song. He does sometimes turn on some classical music to attempt studying. Usually if someone hands him the aux he just clicks a spotify playlist for the top 40 and hopes for the best. Or he fucks with them and blasts hilary duff.
Hinata: hinata loves karaoke hits. He loves those songs that makes everyone eyes light up and cause the whole room to stop amd start singing along. Sweet caroline, piano man, call me maybe, anything everyone knows even if hes just listening to it by himself. Also makes for good shower singing songs. Lil sunshine boy loves that shit cuz hes such a fuckin good dude.
Tsukishima: my literal trash son probably really likes alternative music. Arctic monkeys, cage the elephant, alabama shakes. Hes a rude boi with soft boi music habits. Sound and color by alabama shakes and cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant are his go to 'i dont wanna talk to anyone so i gotta pop on some headphones' song choices. Chills his ruffness. He also has a study mu
Playlist full of norwegian songs cuz he cant do classical that much when studying but he can do pop beats in a language he just doesnt fucking understand. Et juleevangelium? Cool bud. Dont know what u said AT ALL but sounds dope. He probs is the most likely to make the party playlist too and makes it a perfect collection of everyones music tastes but only because yams suggests that if he doesnt make it, ya boi tanaka will.
Yamaguchi: so this good one loves musicals. Hamilton took over his life for a while and he will never pass up a good One Day More sing along. Good boys love good music. Its a fact. So he loves all bangers. Anything to dance to or act out a dramatic or fun scene to are autimatically on his playlist. Him and tsuki always blast musical sing along playlists in the car and its a lil bonding thing for them. You dont just sing la vie boheme with someone and not become closer buds. Just doesnt happen.
Kiyoko: this goddess loves a bunch of types of music. Beyonce, elton john, joan jet and a bunch of other artists. She loves songs that she can run too. She tends to just flip on the radio to get ready in the morning so she can find new songs everyday and sometimes hear an old track to dance too while she does her make up. Just a pure gal.
Yachi: yachi is the type of shy that will never let you know what type of music she likes. Shes into k-pop and will jam with yams to musical hits. Yachi really likes happy music. Sad music just make her worry more but if she is sad she has a little playlist for 'rainy days' thats full of sad tunes but she'll sprinkle in some sad but nice songs like holes by layla to give her a lil break. Her go to happy song is conqueror by aurora. She loves any song by her. The team will sometimes send her some happy songs they really like when they think she looks anxious. This lil ball of timidness and anxiety cant handle the absolute bangerz tanaka and nishanoya send her but she appreciates them none the less.
Sorry for saying boy/boi way too much
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foxstens · 6 years
whomst the fuck are you. TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is he the guy michael or whatever his name is mentioned once in passing. he seems nice. has a nice voice. but who is heeeeeee. and wheres the other new people we see in the op I NEED THEM
 also @ hiyori i dont trust you.
haru has changed so much i love him. why is hiyori butting in like this MAYBE IKUYA REALLY WANTS TO HEAR THAT APOLOGY HFNFHGNDHG
hiyori why this is mean
this is bad this is really bad THISI S DRAMA WHY IS THIS
makoto is an angel. and i lof him
i dont think natsuya would be happy about hiyori doing this tho lmao
i love kisumi so much so much so much HES SO GOOD
i lof sousuke so mcuh im dead.H NDHGNDGHFN NGOU HA D N SOSUSKEUEK K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I LOVEO JTJSHIS
‘i want to tell him myself’ thanks im sobbing
do ikuya and hiyori liek................ live to gethehr
captain mikoshiba............. how i’ve missed you :’)
‘maybe if i swim with him i’ll understand him better’ is this the start to a wonderful ship
hiyori has more of a mean streak than makoto heh. bUT WHENS ALL TE PEOPLE IN THE OP SHOWING UP.
yea he’s mean
‘everyone who swims with you ends up suffering somehow’ oh my god. IS THIS THE START FO IT. IS THIS WHY THE OUTBURST IN THE OP. IS THIS!!!!!!!!!! does this mean he knows about rin??????????/ how. but like. with rin it really wasnt harus fault?????????? i mean what. should he have lost back then. I MEAN YES I KNOW IT HURT RIN VERY MUCH BUT IT WASNT HARUS FAULT
and the not keeping his promise yes was his fault but????? how did that lead to ikuya’s second accident???????????????/
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