#i locked in too hard i forgot it was supposed to be a 5 min doodle
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kha0skato · 7 months ago
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awsugar · 8 months ago
you guys will never guess what happened to me...i was supposed to have my first real day back at work today 10-8, im dedicating myself to being on time and really putting myself back into my work to start off on a good foot after disappearing for 2 months without advance notice anyway so at 10pm last night i went to take out the trash so i could get ready for bed. early! responsible! and well the front door locked behind me. i had no phone, no wallet, no keys nothing. i panicked, i banged on the door bc ppl live in the two floors below me as well, rang their doorbells multiple times, tried to slide down the windows of my car from the outside somehow 😭 nothing worked. i walked around for a little while to see if there was anything open that might have a phone. there wasn't anything, i know the bar is around the corner where they know me but i didn't want to go there bc i was in my PAJAMAS. BRALESS. but eventually i had to go. a girl let me use her phone my mom didn't answer but the bartender gave me two cut credit cards to try and break into my own apartment 😭 and so i walked back and i tried i tried so hard that i scraped a layer of skin off my knuckle but i didn't get in, so i went back to the bar and the girl let me use her phone again, called my dad and he called and got me a triple a membership (a LOT cheaper than the fee to call the leasing agent after hours for a key) called triple A at midnight cause they said it had to be "next day" to use it 🙄 explained that i had no phone! im abandoned. they said around 2am so i said ok, i went back and sat and waited. by myself btw in the dark with nothing on me and no one and btw it was cold last night!!! i became so delirious and tired and it hurt so bad sitting on my steps for that long i stood for a while too but my feet hurted. FINALLY it was light out i walked to wawa 5 blocks called triple a again they said the person came at 335am i said lmao they didn't bc at 327 i was standing in the road watching every car go by just in case cause i was hopeful! a guy had walked by at that time and i just asked him what the time was so i know it was 327 they did NOT come at any point i watched every car no one stopped or slowed down and there was no triple a logo. anyway they said ok you're back on the list they'll be there about 45 min. i called my dad to let him know he said he hadn't slept cause he hadn't heard from me btw it's 7am now. been outside for 9 hours. and i told him im gonna have to call and let my boss know that it's not possible for me to come in today and he starts yelling at me! i said im not arguing with you on the wawa phone rn. walked back and sat and waited some more. and then before triple a got there the girl who lives on the 1st floor came out! magically! to go to work! and i was like oh my god. i went inside but. I KNCKED SO MUCH I BANGED I RANG THE DOORBELL she was in there the whole time. i ignored my parents telling me i had to go to work bc i was like. what part of me being awake outside in the cold by myself and awake for 24 hours makes you think im gonna go to work and make that 36 hours..btw didn't get to take my meds last night either! so i felt awful. my feet's were absolutely killing me, i was dead exhausted, still cold from being outside, i have BRUISES ON MY BUTT from sitting on the concrete steps. i texted my boss like hoping she would have a shred of humanity i said im willing to work 10 days straight idec im about to die and i would be a zombie if i tried to come rn. anyway im sure she wasn't pleased but she didn't fire me and i know my hours for tomorrow and sunday. and yes. anyway. i've been through so much. god forgot about me.
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semi-imaginary-place · 1 year ago
more 13 sentinels 60%-?? spoilers
Kisaragi: oh yeah kidaragibot got put into sentinel 16.
Ogata: so natsuno has the d-code key and is calling the kaiju and 426 izumi is protecting her. Moral dilemma time ogata. Wonder how yakushiji got involved.
Amiguchi. Wow he had to deal with kurabe being so weird didnt he. Yeah ida has control issues, took away kisaragibot's free will because she wasnt happy to see him and is now torturing robot izumi for answers. This dude is like a case study for bad ethics technology. 13 sentinels goes hard. Was not expecting to spent my afternoon torturing someone for information. Like as the player i actually have to go and in gameplay inflict pain on this incapacitated person. You didnt lock the door before your torture session? Izumi's right ida's like incredibly self centered its all about him. Oh so 426 as been running around in kisaragibot for a loong time. ... Then the kisaragibot sekigahara met was also probably 426.
Takamiya: nurse morimura calls tamao(bot) tamao but by this point they should be taken over by 426, does morimura know or not? Probably goven she gave yuki the note. Yuki... You are confronting the very dangerous mass murderer conspiracy plotter bomber alone? Without a gun? At least get ei or something to back you up. Ah good it was a trap, because some of the characters here would be stupid enough to do this alone. Another hard to parse conversation. Izumi accuses morimura of derailing the interstellar project to save her own ass, sacrificing 15 lives. Morimura claims the 15 will live happier lives thus way, that "we" can make it out alive. Izumi: denied their future without every knowing why. Oh yeah if the city just ends where the hell in grandma tamao who is suppose to be out of town visiting family?
Kurabe: hold up are you saying the entirety of kurabe's story happens after yuki confronts 426/erika aiba/tamaobot/izumi juro. That really recontextualizes the story becuase that pushes natsuno's story way back and amiguchi's forward. So nurse morimura + yuki + siu trap 426 and shoot him a bunch, he jumps into the river but crawls to the shrine, ei shoots him some more and leaves him for dead when kurabe finds tamaobot with 5 min left and 426 infects kurabs's nanomachines creating shiba.
Shinonone: i dont like ryoko on a personal level as a person but i do think she's a more interesting character than yakushiji who is also primarily romantically motivated (fuyusaka and hijiyama avoid this by being interesting in their own rights). Wow its been years since I've seen a yandere character. Ryoko while pointing a loaded gun: i don't mind you using me but i draw the line at you liking another girl. There are so many things wrong with you the lesbians on tumblr would love you ryoko. Oh the 15... its tamao and okino. I forgot to count tamao last time. Ai hijiyama was in the 2064 fight too? Miura and kisaragi i wonder who else i should make a list some time. Read her mystery file and hey is this the first confirmed kill wow she really did shoot ida dead good for her.
Area 2-5 finally died on intense because i didnt know they had armor so half my team couldn't damage and the ones that did were like single target so i got swamped. I did it... Everyone's half dead but im through
Natsuno: bbbbbjjjjjjjjjjjjj shinonome's whole thing is loss of identity and memory but bj miura lost his human body then his sentinel body then got a hardware downgrade to a cheap drone, had 72% of his memories deleted, and the rest fragmented and and inconsistent, also got repeatedly tampered with. Baby professor chihiro: d-code attaches to the part of the brain where memories are stored and must be physically severed to be removed. Hey isnt that what the dd-426 virus thing does so 426 izumi was trying to remove d-code. I wonder if the magic gun was giving d code back... i need to recheck the mystery files... Ok yeah 426 gave natsuno the d code but also infected the sentinels withe the thing that severs d-cods(and usually kills the pilot) was that all just to control who the pilot was?
Miura: oh 72% stuck in sentinel 17. Natsuno ends up piloting 17 in the final battle though. I'm still not clear what the sectors are physically like are they different parts of a giant spaceship, on different planets, etc. 2188 miura says they have orbital positions but what are they orbiting and are the 3km diameter disks attached to anything?? Nanomachines somehow ended the world? Welp mystery files confirms that the sectors are virtual and i am malding. And there's also space colonies thats the confusing part. There are 5 physical space colonies called sectors and also the virtual reality the game takes places with 5 eras called sectors. If sectors are "virtual residential districts" why would there even be the matrix that amiguchi and takemiya sneaked into. I guess because its recreating the space colony satellite. It's just a weirdly physical constraint to put on something that doesn't have the constraint. Like the virtual spaces/3d models of the sectors are connected but they dont have to be. But then also why are the kaiju there well i guess since project ark is carrying just dna they do have deimos on board or the capacity to build them so the data in there...
Hijiyama: bro... 2188 hijiyama in thicc, but not as thicc as nurse moriyama. 2188 okino literally put humanity in a kaiju survival videogame. Wow that was the most overtly romantic scene yet good for you vanillaware. Hmm i remember from the 2188 miura prof takemiya log earth is lost but the final 2188 hijiyama log something happened to the space colony, a fight broke out? Whether energy should be allocated to project arc or to life support (of the orbital space colony?). He's so stupid, did not have any plan about how to distract nurse morimura (though tbf not sure i could have done better). Scratch that i could have done better. Actually now that i think about it why did the 1940 deimos stop attacking the mainframe (or any of the other destroyed sector's kaiju). There should be a ufo in each sector underneath the school (unless I'm misunderstanding something). Or maybe they stopped because they captured the ufo? Okino says once the deimos contact the mainframe it triggers the shifter which teleports civilians... Somewhere. ...he just eats like 5 yakisoba pan and downs 3 sugary drinks ah youth... I was misunderstanding, deimos successfully reaching the mainframe causes all the people to disappear in the sector. The d-code key being in 1985 means its the last sector to be attacked. The deimos are being manufactured in sector 1 (2105?), So it is a closed system i wondered if the deimos were coming from outside the pentagon but instead they're being shifted around. Whats up with the satellite tomi saw. Mystery file time: yeah kts sooo confusing that the space colony sectors are 1-5 too like 2188 hijiyama died in sector 4 but he didnt die in the 1984 sector 4 of the game. Okino is also a brain surgeon because of course they are , implanted a linking component into hijiyama and miura, wonder what that is.
Finishing off quite a few more stories. With Miura's so they're breaking into a government facility to steal the sentinel wonder how they pull it off. Ogata and takamiya clear.
Natsuno. Wait wait a new pilot will reset a sentinel's stored memory. They need sentinel 17 to retrieve the data logs. But to retrieve the data logs and sentinel 17, it needs a pilot. I can think of 2 solutions that dont involve deleting bj. First find another scout unit or like a usb or a laptop or whatever okino was using or capture one of the droids. Second transfer sentinel 17 to 1944 miura thus keeping the id the same. ... ... And that's how the writers killed my boy.
Sekigahara: siu wanted to show him which log? I dont remember. Oh at the very begining? Didn't that have a recording of himself? Oooohhhh ei was the assassin 2188 gouto hired. 2188 morimura chihiro was a leader in nanotechnology and former executive of the company shikishima absorbed. Morimura's interstellar project was used as part of the justification for buying newman. And this was a cover to move money somewhere else (where?). Morimura continued to work on the interstellar project and this threatens to draw attention to 2188 gouto's illegal finances so he called a hit on her. So morimura alone led the battle of 2024, ida was busy pretending to be dead. Now tht i think of it i havent seen the ida of 2188 yet. Ooooh thats how morimura and ida "went back" 16 years when all shifts are 40 year intervals, the worlds were destroyed in year 16 and recreated setting back to year 1 (or 0 depending on how we are counting). Good use of dramatic irony since the audience knows from the start that ei does eventually agree to operation aegis and gives up on resetting. So ida was probably the one of the other end of sekigahara's communication device. One thing that isn't adding up is ida's role in 1984. He's playing dead for morimura but head of siu and in contact with shinonome and takamiya. If he's ordering sekigahara around why is he sending the black suits after him, like could have eased off a little or sent them on false trails. Wow im so happy ryoko kills ida.
More mystery files. There it is! Nanomachone infection! Thats what caused the end of the world! Somehow... wait not just an infection there was a whole ass nanomachine war. The loops/eras/sectors are specifically the years when the compatible are born, they are created the year they are born and are destroyed when they are 16. When did the izumi murder spree happen then? Oh i see several loops ago morimura and izumi skipped being reset izumi killed the compatible, morimura killed izumi but he escaped death somehow, morimura died getting ida to safety. Ida went to sector 0 and and waiting out the reset and found the younger morimura who had also skipped a reset and now i think these are the ida and morimura that show up in the game... I think
Was just about to say of idas dead i wouldnt put it past him to make an ai of himself he is the android engineer. So before losing his memories ei switched sides and decided to back operation aegis. Aaaahhhh sealing the terminals cuts the city off from universal control, there's the key info. And universal control controls everyone except the compatible so sealing the terminals leaves only the 14 (idk whats up with tamao she got dropped out of the plot) and everyone else disappears. What is up with that satellite! If it's orbiting the real world how have... Kisaragi .... Amiguchi(?) Interacted with it! Damn all the info bombs are dropping in ei's route. 2188's prof morimura sold nanomachines on the black market to fund project arc that is what kickstarted the nanomachine infections that doomed humanity and Earth. 2188 sekigahara bombed the power generators and took out life support for orbital sector 4, is this what led to the fight with ogata, izumi, hijiyama, and okino? Yeah it was the nanomachine infection that wiped out humans. And baby chihiro was the one that killed nurse morimura! Wait if sectors restart the year the compatibles are born why is baby chihiro a different age or is she a newly made clone she probably is i dont remember. My question is how did ei remember morimura in the alley? He should only remember up to the backup not anything after it or am i thinking about this wrong. What is up with that satellite!! Anyways the whole system has become so unstable that there wouldn't be another loop after the current one anyways because sector 0 would be gone or something.
Back to the mystery files. the real world satellite is orbiting around a planet which means the "facility" (sus) that "houses the entire world" (sus) must be nearby to be able to receive data from it. If sector 4 gets taken over all data will be wiped including sector 0. "The lives that everyone has experiences through time would cease to exist for good" what is with that phrasing?? What does that mean?? Oh right sentinel 17 was on a satellite was it the real world satellite morimura is sekigahara's story was talking about?
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spiderlilyserendipity · 4 years ago
made of gold (reader x myg) (*SFW*)
can be read as gender neutral!
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tags: fluff, dating, insecurity , slight angst, happy ending, can be read as gender neutral, reader wears a bit of makeup
warnings: none
word count: 2.3k
the liquor had gotten to your head.
your boss had insisted on a round of drinks tonight to celebrate the project that had just wrapped up, but no one in the team was in the mood. but knowing his head-strong approach, all your co-workers merely glanced at each other unhappily when the clock struck 5 and got up to follow him.
fast forward three hours and here you were, drunk off your ass in a neighbourhood far from your own. it was friday and you didn’t have anywhere to be tomorrow but you weren’t in the mood to sit in a taxi for the half hour it would take to get back home. you were feeling nauseous as it was, stomach uneasy from too many cups of coffee and the all-nighter you’d pulled in preparation for today’s presentation. it had all gone well, it always did knowing your team. but you were a worrier, and the last few weeks of working on this project had done bad things to you. forget the possible promotion your boss had hinted at, you just wanted to get by without liver damage for the rest of the weekend.
“hurry, hurry.” you told the first cab driver that pulls over. you glanced nervously over your shoulder, hoping your boss doesn’t spot your face standing on the sidewalk. you had made up such an elaborate lie to get away before they left the bar for a second round.
drunk and tired, you didn’t realize the address you told the driver isn’t your own.
you just got out at the corner and pay, bowing goodbye absently. then you turned around, fumbling when the passcode for the front door doesn’t work.
“what the fuck.” you muttered under your breath. you sighed and pressed a hand to your forehead. don’t say i forgot the passcode.
you turned around, wondering why your female roommate’s voice was so deep today, or why she was just getting home now, too. but then you felt it. two warm, sturdy hands that clasped your upper arms. and then you saw them. dark, gentle eyes, hidden under a baseball cap and a mask, but you would recognize those eyes anywhere. you smiled. “when did you get here, baby?”
yoongi cleared his throat, cheeks turning a bit pink. in your drunkenness, you forgot yoongi isn’t baby, not yet. it had only been about three months of flirting between you two, more phone calls and top-secret dinner dates than anything serious. you understood that. yoongi’s a big man, and you were just lucky enough to have met him through a mutual friend.
you were simple and he was charming, but for whatever reason, he looked at you like you’re made of gold.
“this is where i live, y/n-ssi. remember?” yoongi reminded you lightly. your mouth fell open dramatically. ah. you fucked up. no wonder you’d felt a little funny telling the driver your address.
“oh. oh!” you blurted, looking around quickly. your eyes searched for any lingering people, cameras in bushes, that type of thing. suddenly, you felt a lot more sober. “shit. i’m sorry yoongi-ssi. let me just—”
you pulled up an app on your phone, ready to call your roommate to come get you instead of risking lingering around and being caught. but before you could do that, yoongi’s hand gently tapped your shoulder. you turned and he was standing with the door half-open. “just come in.” he said, hand trailing down your arm to take your hand in his.
blushing like a teenager on their very first walk of shame, you follow him past the lobby to the elevators. you can’t help but be a little shocked at all the marble and sleek steel around you. of course you knew of bts before you met yoongi, but you worked a very busy corporate job that made it hard to have hobbies. but even with all the small promotions you had gotten in the last ten years, you knew you would never afford luxury like this. min yoongi was rich rich. you realize.
when you glance at him, you suddenly feel nervous. you had been upright with him since day one about keeping the flirting polite and secret. you had a good job of your own and were very independent. yoongi liked that, he’d told you multiple times. you both liked to take relationships slow, mature and sensible adults as you were. but now you’d done it. you’d showed up and invaded his space, without the two of you ever discussing “dating”. as far as you knew, you were just another fling of this big superstar. perhaps you were making him uncomfortable? you two hadn’t even held hands until now.
you looked down at your clasped hands. yoongi was looking at something on his phone to bide the ride up to his floor. he was dressed in simple black sweats and a t-shirt but there was a rolex on his wrist. if you moved your wrist just a little, the cold sweat on your body would smudge the glass. are those diamonds? like real fucking diamonds? you wondered, staring at the shining jewels around the glass.
“something wrong, y/n-ssi?” yoongi asked. you jolted, pulling your hand back.
“n-no! nothing at all!” you replied a beat too late, mind still fuzzy. man, you really needed a nap.
yoongi looked down, where his rolex-clad hand dangled by his side. then he pulled his mask down, chewing his upper lip. “do you want me to drop you home?”
just the mention of getting in a car had you feeling nauseous. his home was even further from your place than the bar had been. and now that you know that min yoongi is rich rich, you can’t risk it. god, what if i threw up on his, like, hand-crafted leather seats or something?
the elevator dinged and slid open to reveal yoongi’s floor.
you followed him quietly down the long, marble hallway to the very last door. yoongi’s apartment. he glanced at you as he tapped the numbers into the electronic lock. you looked away sharply at the plant outside his neighbour’s house instead. you hadn’t seen the code, so why did you feel so guilty?
“sorry to intrude.” you said as you enter his home. yoongi didn’t reply, just nudged the pair of guest slippers towards you with his foot. you took off your shoes, watching yoongi with a bit of awe as he strode into the house and turned on the lights. was his back always that broad?
“what did you do today?” you asked, cringing at how it sounds like a question a partner would ask.
the sound of the fridge opening and closing answered you. a second later, yoongi appeared behind you. he lightly tapped your elbow as he came around you to sit on the large sofa. you followed, sitting down at the edge of your seat.
“i worked in the studio today. we’re preparing for our new album.” yoongi answered in short but polite sentences. he opened a can of beer in his hand. “how was yours? you mentioned you had a presentation today.”
you flushed. you couldn’t believe he remembered that, you had told the deadline for your project that weeks ago. “it was good. we went for drinks afterwards.” you explained, your leg bouncing at your side. “what do you usually do when you get home?”
yoongi set the can on the coffee table. he leaned into the sofa, facing you. “depends on the schedule we had that day. if i’m tired i’ll just eat, wash up, and go to bed. if i’m feeling good, i do all of that plus a drink or two.”
“you feel good today?” you asked, your heart jumping to your throat when he smiled against the cushion.
“yes.” yoongi answered, eyes not leaving yours. “i do.”
you cleared your throat. a notification popped up and you glanced down at your phone, happy for a split second away from yoongi’s eyes that make you feel hot inside. your roommate was asking where you were. “my roommate can come get me soon.”
“i’ll order us something to eat. text her once we’re done eating.”
you nodded numbly, looking at the can of beer on the table rather than at yoongi. alcohol really was the bane of your existence. you were so embarrassed to look this way in front of yoongi.
you and yoongi engaged in some more small talk once he ordered food. he asked you what you would like to watch on netflix and handed you the remote to put it on. in the meantime, he said he would go get your food. you felt embarrassed when he said your food. it was a reminder that you showed up uninvited and that he was probably just too nice to kick you out.
your sadness seemed to amplify the tiredness. without knowing, you drifted off in the few minutes between when you put the show on and yoongi’s return.
when you woke, there was something soft but firm in your face like a pillow. it smelled like laundry detergent and feels warm and cozy. you buried your face into it, sighing in comfort. a moment later, you felt fingertips gently card through your hair. was that your roommate pulling you in for one of her random cuddle sessions?
you adjusted again, pushing yourself up against your pillow. you were about to drift back asleep when a deep voice filled your ears. “do you want to eat yet?” yoongi asked.
you startled, sitting up as fast as you could. you looked down, horrified. you were laying on top of yoongi’s chest, your head having been tucked in the space between his neck and shoulder. yoongi, who had been scrolling on his phone until now, turned his phone off at your worried expression. “what is it, y/n-ssi?”
you grabbed your own phone off the coffee table to check the time. it’s 10:30 now. your roommate was probably asleep by now. and here you were, still drunk and laying on top of a man who wasn’t even your boyfriend yet. shit, shit, shit.
“i’m sorry. i really need to leave.” you said, climbing off yoongi. your eyes catch on an unopened pizza box on the armchair next to the sofa, feeling extremely guilty. this was terrible. you ruined everything.
yoongi was kind, too kind for you. he took you in despite the risk of cameras catching you outside his apartment. he bought you dinner just for you to fall asleep and not let him eat it. your own place was too far from here, a taxi would cost a ton. and on top of it all, you weren’t even dating. what the hell were you supposed to do now?
“i’ll drop you.” yoongi’s voice was back to normal, no longer sleepy. as expected, he didn’t try to make you stay. whether that was out of courtesy or just because you were annoying to him, it burned. “but aren’t you hungry?” he asked.
on cue, your stomach grumbled.
yoongi laughed. “sit down, i’ll warm some up for us.”
the two of you ate quietly, awkwardly.
when you were done, you stood up. fuck it, you would have to pay the big taxi fare and endure the nausea. you couldn’t bother yoongi anymore. so you said a quick thanks for dinner without looking him in the eye, ready to run for it.
“y/n.” yoongi’s voice stopped you. “are you sure you want to go home?”
yoongi’s cheeks were pink when he looked at you. he scratched the back of his neck. “you can spend the night here, if you like.” when your eyes widened, his did, too. “i have a guest room. a guest room with a bathroom and everything.”
still drunk and crushing too hard on min yoongi, you smiled. “okay.”
but as you took a step towards him, you nearly slipped on the polished surface of the hallway. you groaned as he caught you, embarrassed. you were going to kill your boss for making you drink this much.
steadily, yoongi guided you to the guest bedroom and sat you on the bed. you wait for him to return and when he does, it’s with a packet of makeup wipes and a brand-new toothbrush still in its pack. purple. you noticed as he set the latter on the duvet. interesting.
you startled when his hand cupped your face, guiding you back to look at him. “close your eyes.” he whispered, face only a few inches from yours. you let him wipe off the light makeup you wore every day to work. when you opened your eyes, yoongi was giving you that same look from earlier. like you were something special, something whose true value only he knows. like you were made of gold.
your eyes fell to his lips. you inhaled, ready to take your chances.
yoongi closed the space, kissing you sweetly. his hands cupped your face, and yours wound around his broad back. it felt perfect.
when you separated, the two of you were breathless. seeing each other’s flushed faces, you laughed together.
when you come back from borrowing yoongi’s shower, the lights in the house were off except for yoongi’s room. he smiled as you slid into bed beside him. he reached over you to turn the lights off, then pulled you in against his side. your heart fluttered when you felt him tuck the duvet in around you.
“yoongi?” you asked. under your ear, his heartrate got a little faster. he must’ve thought you were asleep. “we’re—we’re a thing right?” you ventured, hoping all of this was real. that min yoongi wasn’t the kind of guy who could do this for every fling.
yoongi laughed under his breath. “obviously, baby.” he replied, kissing the top of your head. you smiled as you fall asleep beside him.
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years ago
Sutures - Chapter Seven: Knotted
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): eavesdropping, angst, Yoongi kinda being a dick but not too bad lol
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
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The warm water ran down your skin and onto the tiled floor of the shower. It was odd having a shower where you could stretch your arms out wide in, you were used to small showers that barely allowed you to shave your legs without hitting your head. But, the shower at the dorm was huge and you couldn't help, but stay in for much longer than was needed, allowing the water to massage your shoulders. 
After finding out that all of South Korea (and probably beyond) knew your name and thought you cheated on Minki, you'd curled up on the seat of the car. If you hadn't let Eunji drag you to the bar that night, none of this ever would've happened. You never would've met Yoongi. 
Your heart pained when the thought crossed your mind. Never meeting Yoongi. Despite the fact, he seemed to be more trouble than he was worth, there was part of your heart that didn't want to let go of him. And, it was the part you knew you needed to suppress. 
You heard a soft knock on the door, barely audible over the sound of the water. You knew it was him before he even spoke, you weren't sure if it was due to the soulmates thing or if your heart truly was betraying you because as soon as you heard his voice, all the stress you held in your chest released. 
"Sumi? Is it all right if I come in?"
"Yeah," you said. You weren't overly worried about Yoongi catching sight of your naked body. There was enough steam on the shower doors to disguise you, and it wasn't like he hadn't seen it before. 
"We can do my--uh--date once you get out," he said. "It's nothing much, but I hope it's okay. I brought you some clothes."
"Do you prefer coffee or tea?"
"Okay, when you're done just come to my studio. I've left you a note with the code." 
You finished a few minutes later wrapping your hair up in a towel. You glanced down at the clothes he'd left for you, smiling when recognized them as pajamas with Shooky, his BT21 character on them. You smiled. 
You changed and braided your hair so that it would stay out of the way and would be easy to tend to the next morning before the flight to Japan. After washing your face, you reached into the pocket of the pajamas and pulled out the sticky note with the code to Yoongi's studio. 
Despite having been in his studio before, it felt odd entering the code yourself. You held your finger gingerly above the keypad and entered each number slowly, scared that if you messed up the code an alarm would go off. 
The lock released and you heaved open the door surprised that it was so heavy. When you walked in, you found blankets on the couch and a laptop perched on the desk a couple feet from the desk. You smiled and sat down on the couch, crossing your legs, and pulling a blanket over yourself. 
Despite having been in the studio before, it seemed dirtier than before. Papers were scattered across his desk and a few coffee cups that escaped the trash. Ever since you had come together, it was obvious he wasn't getting as much work done, and that that was frustrating him. 
You also noticed the three framed photos near his main computer. One of him and the other members all wearing leis and posing in what you assumed as a Hawaiian airport. The other was of you presumed his family; his parents and what looked like an older brother. Yoongi was still a teenager in the picture and you couldn't help, but smile at how awkwardly adorable he looked with hair that stuck up and a face that wasn't quite adult yet. The third photo was that of a brown poodle puppy. 
You glanced down at the desk and noticed a photo peeking out from underneath a handful of papers. You pushed it aside and gasped when you saw that it was actually a print off of an email with a photo attachment. A photo of you and Yoongi from the alleyway. His arms around you and his mask down beneath his chin. From the angle, it looked as if he were kissing your forehead and you sighed, knowing Yoongi would probably not do such a thing in public, even if your relationship was completely real and straightforward. 
You noticed the email address came from the presumed photographer and your chest tied in knots as you hoped that meant Yoongi was trying to prevent the photo from being released. You heard the code being punched in and quickly shuffled the email back under papers and picked up the picture of Yoongi and his family and pretended to study it intensely. 
"Hey," he said, holding two mugs, making you curious as to how he opened the door in the first place. His eyes widened slightly when he saw you holding the framed photo. 
"Sorry," you said, placing the photo back on his desk. "Your family looks nice." 
Yoongi smiled. "They really want to meet you," he said. He handed you the hot mug of tea. "I didn't want to pressure you, especially since we're trying to sever this." 
"My parents have been the same," you said. "They're so happy about this whole soulmate thing. They didn't even care that you were an idol." 
"My parents were happy you were normal." 
You laughed. "Are we watching a movie?"
"Yeah," Yoongi said. "I have a couple things to finish up first if you don't mind. You can pick something while you wait, it should only be a few minutes." 
You nodded and started scrolling through Netflix on his laptop. You scrolled through the various offerings, unsure of Yoongi's preferences. Would it be inappropriate to watch something romance heavy? Would it make him uncomfortable? 
Yoongi seemed like the type of guy to like a classic gangster movie, but that wasn't something you were into. Although, you were fairly certain neither of you were huge fans of horror.
You eventually settled on a movie somewhere in the middle with a smattering of everything. A little action and a little romance, but not so unbearably cheesy that you wouldn't enjoy it. 
When you glanced up at Yoongi, he was seated at his desktop with headphones perched atop his gray hair. His head bounced slowly to a beat you couldn't hear and you could see bits of sounds and recordings that he was arranging on his screen. 
You took a sip of your tea and waited.
"Thanks for meeting up with me on such short notice," you said, adjusting the laptop screen so that there wasn't a glare on your face. "My schedule changed and I'm going to be out of the city for the next week." 
"It's not a problem," Jinwoo said, smiling, a pen in his hand and just the corner of his notebook visible. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you going?" 
"Japan," you said, not thinking much of your answer.
"Oh wait," Jinwoo said. "Jang Sumi? I think I saw you on a magazine cover? With Min Yoongi?" 
"Oh, uh, yeah," you said. "That's me." 
"So, you're his soulmate? How does that work?" 
"I don't really want to talk about this right now," you said. "Unless you can do it in English." You tried to lighten the mood, tried to make it sound like the fact your client knew what was happening in your personal life didn't make a rock sink low in your stomach.
Jinwoo laughed. "It's okay, I understand. I imagine it's hard having to uproot your life just because of your biological soulmate or whatever." 
You smiled, his flippant tone catching you off guard. "It would really help if he wasn't so busy. I can't blame the guy, he has a fantastic career, but it's hard on me." 
"You're still wearing his pajamas though."
"Shooky," he said. "Suga created that character." 
"Oh," you said. "He just gave them to me. Maybe he had an extra pair or something." 
"Or, he likes you more than he lets on."
"He really doesn't. We were supposed to have a date tonight, but he just kept working and forgot about it." Your lips tightened when you finished the sentence. You'd only talked to Jinwoo once before and your heart pounded as you realized what you'd just said. "Uh, sorry, you're just easy to talk to." 
"It's all right," he said. "I like to think we're friends, so it's okay."
Yoongi realized you were gone after almost two hours. He took off his headphones and glanced down at his watch and cursed. 
If it weren't for the crumpled blankets on the couch, he'd never know you'd ever been there. He knew he'd let you down, it was a simple movie, two hours at the most. He couldn't even spare two hours for you?
He exited his studio and headed down the hallway towards your room. He could hear your laugh, which made him smile. Thankful the hallway was abandoned, lest his smile due to your presence be discovered, he pressed his shoulder against your door frame. Your door was cracked and he could see you seated at your desk. He raised his hand to knock lightly on your door when he caught a look at your computer screen. 
It was another boy. He was young and Yoongi didn't like the way his eyes seemed to devour you, even through the screen. 
"He just gave them to me. Maybe he had an extra pair or something." You looked down at the pajamas you had on and ran your thumb over the collar.
He couldn't hear the boy's response, but your eyes widened and your shoulders tensed. 
"He really doesn't. We were supposed to have a date tonight, but he just kept working and forgot about it." Yoongi balled his fists. You were being reckless. It was obvious that you were uncomfortable with all the media attention, but you were doing nothing to help yourself. "Uh, sorry, you're just easy to talk to."  
Yoongi left your doorway and rambled back down the hallway.
"Hey Jiminie, can you pass me the other end?" 
Jimin sat on the opposite of the couch in the living room. He was in the middle of slurping up noodles, but quickly put down his bowl and chopsticks to hand you the end of the scarf. 
"Jiminie? I'm older than you, right?"
"Oh, I guess you are," you said. "But, you're so cute, it's easy to forget. You don't mind, do you?" A smirk broke out on your lips. 
"No, I like it actually." 
Jimin had just picked up his bowl of ramen when Yoongi came into the room. You could practically feel the anger rolling off him in waves. 
"Sumi," he said. "We need to talk?"
You looked up at him, your eyes large and confused. "About what?" 
Jimin had taken an interest, obviously noticing the older boy's anger. He sat down his ramen and scooted closer to you. "Yoongi, what's wrong?"
Jimin's question only annoyed him more. His body stiffened and his eyes looked nearly black. 
"What's wrong? She's so worried about her image and all the publicity, but yet is telling one of her clients all about us."
"Were you spying on me?"
"I came looking for you after--"
You looked up at him, your arms crossed. "I never would've left if--"
"That's not the point!" Yoongi's voice raised slightly. Although, he wasn't yelling. He didn't seem like to yell when he got angry, rather he sizzled in the heat until he popped like a popcorn kernel. "You can't just tell someone like him! You have no idea who this guy is! What if he goes to the press? We'd have another Minki on our hands! Are you stupid?"
Tears pricked at your vision and you felt Jimin's hand on your wrist, but it left as soon as you moved to rub your eyes. 
"Yoongi, calm down. She's not used to all this. She just made a mistake." 
"I didn't go on that date to watch you work, Yoongi. I'm sorry if I got frustrated and vented to someone who listened. But, this never would've happened if you would've just watched the movie. We were supposed to get to know each other." 
"I guess you know who I am now." 
"I'm sorry, Sumi," Jimin said, following you into your room and plopping beside you on your bed. "Yoongi sometimes gets like this. I promise he'll get over it in a couple days." 
"I really don't want to go to Japan, Jimin. I don't want to be around him." Your face fell into your hands. "But, I have to." 
"Shh, Sumi. It'll be okay. Just try to get some sleep. I'll stay with you if you want." 
You shook your head. "No," you said. "Thank you though. It just doesn't feel right." 
He nodded, seeming to understand and left you alone. 
You laid down and pulled the covers to your chin. You hated to turn Jimin away. The last thing you wanted was to be alone, but ever since that night with Yoongi, only his arms made you feel safe. 
You silently cursed and pulled Kitty to your chest.
Jimin shut your door quietly and shook his head. He hated to see you and Yoongi fight. From the day he met you, he could tell there something odd about your dynamic. The quiet understanding of each other, but yet the fierce opposition.
He passed by Yoongi's studio, the light on. Jimin knew Yoongi would probably spend the rest of the night there, not wanting to step foot in the hallway due to the fear of facing you again. 
Jimin smiled as he remembered your ragged stuffed cat. He'd done just as you had asked and placed Kitty in the donation pile. It was only later when making another trek into the living room to place more into boxes that he noticed Yoongi slipping the stuffed cat into his bag. 
He hadn't said anything then, but the morning you asked him if he was the one who'd saved the hapless creature, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at the true savior who hid his smile behind sips of morning coffee.
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massivelycreepypineapple · 5 years ago
We’re All We Got
Request: I would like a Dean x Reader where the reader is their little sister, and Dean has been with her since she was a little girl, and so he is always very protective, and one day she almost dies and he despairs a lot, but everything is fine.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Sister!Reader
A/N: Hope you enjoy this! :)
Word Count: 1820
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-flashback to 13yr old Dean-
“Shh, Y/N. It’s going to be ok. You’re fine, kiddo.” Dean whispered as he laid beside her on the motel bed, carding his fingers through her hair.
Y/N, was was running a high fever and it worried Dean and Sam to no end.
“De, my head hurts.” She whimpered, curling up into him.
“I know, kid. I’ll go to the store and get you some medicines ok?”
“No!” Cried Y/N clinging to him tighter. “Don’t go, please”
“Y/N we don’t have anything to make it better. I need to go get some stuff for you. Or it could get worse.” Said Dean trying to pry her hands off him, an action that immediately made her cry.
“D-don’t go!”
“No no please calm down! I’m right her ok? I’ll stay. I won’t go.” He soother her, panicking at her reaction. He had always had a special bond with the 7yr old, and he was extremely protective of her. Sam too, but Y/N was the youngest and was more prone to getting hurt than his brother.
Sam climbed in on the other side of the bed next to Y/N, “Y/N I’ll be right here with you. Dean won’t be long.” He tried convincing her.
“No! I only want De!”
“I’m right here, kid. Ain’t going anywhere.” Said Dean cuddling her more, making sure she was comfortable. He stayed with her till she feel asleep before he could go buy the stuff.
-Flashback end-
Dean was clutching onto Y/N’s hand in the hospital. She was severely hurt by a werewolf and had been quite close to death.
“I’m right here, kid.” He whispered to her unconscious form.
It pained him to see his baby sister like that. Especially when it was his fault. Y/N was no hunter. Her expertise lied in research. However, she did know how to fight almost as well as her brother but chose not to. This one particular hunt, he and Sam were outnumbered and needed an extra hand. So they had no choice but to take Y/N with them. Everything was going according to plan and the three of them fought like a well oiled machine. Unfortunately, right at the end when only one werewolf was remaining, the bastard got Y/N and hurt her badly before getting shot by Sam.
The car ride to the hospital was one of the worst moments of his life. He even made Sam drive them, opting to sit at the back making sure their little sister didn’t bleed to death. Once everything was taken care of, he had refused to leave her side and insisted on Sam getting the rest he needed.
And hour later Sam had arrived with two cups of coffee, startling Dean when he placed an hand on his shoulder.
“Dean, she’s alive. She’s going to wake up. The doctor said so himself.” Sam was very worried about both his siblings. One nearly died and the other is slowly running himself to an early grave.
“I’m fine, Sammy.” Dean mumbled.
“At least have some coffee.” Sam offered him the cup.
Dean took it absentmindedly and placed the thing on the table next to him, making Sam sigh. He barely noticed Sam take a seat beside him rubbing Y/N’s leg.
-flashback to 18 yr old Dean-
Y/N had been hanging out with a couple of her school friends when suddenly she barged into the motel room angry as hell and making a beeline to the bathroom. She slammed the door and locked it, startling her brothers. Dean shared a worried look with Sam and walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asked.
“Nothing is wrong! Go away!” She yelled, her voiced muffled by the door.
“I know something’s wrong, N/N! Don’t lie to me.”
“I said, GO. AWAY!”
“Did someone hurt you? You know I’ll beat the shit out of them!”
“Y/N, we just want to help.” Said Sam joining Dean.
“I just need 5 minutes ok?” Her voice broke at the end.
“You got 5 minutes, and then I’m coming in.” Said Dean, walking to the bed and sitting on the corner. He was still on alert, waiting for her to come out.
It had become little over 5 mins and just when Dean was about to pick the lock, the door opened a crack and Y/N’s tear stricken face came into view.
“De…” Her small voice came through.
“Y/N, what’s going on. Why are you crying?”
“I… I’m bleeding.” She whispered.
Both Dean and Sam were freaking out.
“What?!” They chorused.
“Y/N! Where? What was it? Why didn’t you say anything sooner?!” Dean was getting angry and trying to open the door more to get a look at her.
“Guys! Not like that! Nothing hurt me!” Her face was red with embarrassment.
They stopped for a second, “What do you mean, N/N?” Asked Sam.
That’s when it hit Dean. She got her first period. He looked at her with wide eyes.
“What’s happening, guys?” A confused Sam asked.
“Sammy, just stay here ok? Keep an eye on her. Both of you just stay here. I’ll be back in 20mins.” With that he rushed out to get her what was needed.
An hour later Y/N was curled up on the bed under the blankets with embarrassment and a hot pack. While Dean was sitting beside her trying to tell her there was nothing to be embarrassed about.
“It’s a normal thing, N/N. It’s happens to every girl.”
“Not in public.” She mumbled.
“Not true, when I was your age, a classmate of mine started to.. you know.. in class. She was very embarrassed too and had her mom come get her. But eventually she forgot about it and so did everyone else.”
He was doing his best to assure her that she was fine, but what came out of her mouth next broke his heart.
“She had a mom to tell her about it. I don’t.”
She was sniffling under the blankets, trying not to cry. He didn’t know what to say to comfort her.
“If mom were here, she’d be so proud of the way you’re handling it, kid. You’re a champ. I know I ain’t mom, but I’m here for you ok? I’ll always be here for you and Sammy.” He looked at Sam who was trying his best to help as much as he could.
“Thank you, De.” Y/N whispered. “You’re not mom, but you’re kinda cool.”
He ruffled her hair, making her laugh. “I’m more than cool, shortie!”
-flashback end-
Dean chuckled at that memory, kissing the back of her hand. He remembered how he had to explain to the shopkeeper what he was looking for. And he had to help Y/N figure out how to use it too because no one had taught her. They were both an embarrassed mess, but it all worked out in the end. It was hard for the three of them to not have any parental guidance. With a dead mother and an absent father, it fell on Dean’s shoulders to make sure Sam and Y/N were taken care of.
“I swear to god when you wake up I’m gonna kick you ass, kid.” He said softly. “You’re not making it easy on me. It’s my job to keep you safe and I failed. You’ve always been a trouble maker, you know? Sammy was easy compared to you and that’s saying a lot.” He chuckled.
“Hey! You’re one to talk.” Quipped Sam, smiling a little.
“Shush, Sam. It’s rude to interrupt.” He smirked at him. “Anyway, I’m just warning you. You enjoy the peace now. Caz when you open those eyes, I’m going to give you shit, Y/N.”
“Me too. Don’t think I’ll go easy on you, squirt.” Said Sam.
A few seconds later, Dean felt his hand get squeezed. A small groan came from Y/N.
“Y/N!” They called at the same time and sprung into action in a frenzy and called the nurse.
The doctor looked her up and gave her the clear to leave after 48 hours. He also gave them instructions on her diet and gave strict orders on bed rest until the wound healed a little more. When he left a silence set in the room until Y/N broke it.
“So you two think you could give me shit and get away with it?” She smirked tiredly at them.
“You don’t have a say in that, N/N. You nearly died! What were you thinking?!” Said Sam slightly angry.
“I’m sorry, Sammy. But I did what had to be done. It was unavoidable.” She smiled apologetically
“It was not unavoidable, Y/N! We could’ve handled it without you getting in its way!”
“Sam… it would’ve mauled you if I hadn’t. I couldn’t let my favourite Sasquatch get hurt now, can I?”
“Y/N I could’ve-“
“Sam, stop. I’m fine! I’m alive and kicking. So please let it go?” She gave him her puppy dog eyes which she learnt from him.
“Should not have taught you that.” He mumbled grumpily, making her giggle and wince.
Dean through it all was quiet. He was still trying to process everything.
“De…” Called Y/N.
He looked at her with tears in his eyes. He didn’t let them fall however.
“No. Don’t you dare say you’re fine caz you stopped breathing, Y/N!” He snapped at her.
She was taken aback.
“I never should’ve asked you to help us! This could’ve been avoided if I wasn’t such a dumbass.” He rubbed his face. “But at the same time, you saved Sammy. I can’t… I don’t know how to process this.”
“Dean. What was supposed to happen, happened. We’re Winchesters, we’re meant to get hurt, die and rise up again. It’s the way it has been.” Y/N said calmly.
“It doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“No it doesn’t” She chuckled lightly. “But it does mean that you of all people need to take a break once in a while and let the young people do the protecting.”
Dean chuckled at that, “You calling me old, kid?”
“Damn right.” She smirked at him making Sam snort.
“She’s right, Dean. So go take a shower and eat something before your old man body kills you dead.” Sam grinned at him.
“You’re not so young yourself, Sammy” He gave him a bitch face.
“Still younger.” He grinned.
Dean rolled his eyes at Sam and looked at Y/N with a soft smile. He kissed her forehead and whispered, “Don’t run off. I’ll be back in no time.”
“I’ll try not to.” She smiled at him, squeezing his hand before he reluctantly left to fix himself.
❅ ❅ ❅
@hobby27 @akshi8278 @svmwinchesterr
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S.Experiments (M)
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➾ pairing: min yoongi x oc
➾ genre: step sibling, smut
➾ word count: 3k
➾ summary: It started from innocent curiousity. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” 
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chapter one:
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
Soo Jin’s eyes were hopeful as she sat on Yoongi’s 75” x 36” inch single bed, fingers clasped on her cotton shorts. She gleamed with the curiosity of a sixteen years old girl and while she had a cheeky excited look on her face, Yoongi were exactly the opposite. 
He had boredom plastered all over his face as he lay sprawled on his bed, hair still damp from shower. It was a little over 5 pm, he just went back from basketball practice, showered and his sister, correction, step sister, is already bugging him in his room. 
If Soo Jin hadn’t known him well, she would have mistaken Yoongi’s cold look as a sign of annoyance but she knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t a tiny bit annoyed at her. They were the best of friends, always has been even before their parents decided to get married to each other 5 years ago.
“Come on we’re best friends.” Soo Jin cooed, shaking Yoongi’s sides softly to urge the sixteen years old boy to speak up. “Yeah but that’s just weird as fuck.” Yoongi finally spoke, rolling his eyes when he sees her giving him her puppy eyes. 
“Oh, come on it’s not like I’ve never seen it anyway. I see it all the time when I accidentally went inside the bathroom while you were showering. You always have the habit of not locking the door.” Soo Jin had her arms crossed by now, she wasn’t one to easily give up. She always gets what she wants and this time won’t be any different.
“Exactly? So why do you still want to see it. Just google it or something. Weirdo.” Yoongi replied coolly, although deep down his heart was beating 100 miles per hours. Can you blame him though? Soo Jin just said she wanted to see his dick. What the hell is he supposed to say. 
“I want to see how it looks close up. Look it’s normal okay? Kids do this all the time where they pretend to be doctors and inspect each other’s bodies or something. Everybody has played that once in their life with their siblings, I’m just the unlucky one who was born as a single child. So now you have to play this with me because you’re “technically” my brother.” Soo Jin said in a matter of fact tone and Yoongi wondered what makes her so interested of this today. Were her female friends talking about dicks or something today at school and now she’s so intrigued to see one?
Soo Jin could sense Yoongi’s curiosity so she decided to just tell him the truth. “Okay so today Eun Ji told me she and her boyfriend did it and his ‘thingy’ were really hard and long and I know guys and girls has different looking thing but I’ve never seen a real one clearly before and I want to see it.”
Yoongi finds the situation hilarious. 
This girl can’t even say dick out loud but is so yearning to see his? He almost let out a big laugh but decided to hold it in and it came out as a snicker instead. Soo Jin’s cheeks heats up and embarrassment filled her.
“Are you laughing at me?” Soo Jin mumbled, the tough act she builds were starting to tumble down and she push the laughing boy’s shoulder with her small palm. Yoongi won’t stop laughing, and Soo Jin grew even more humiliated than she was before.
“Look if you won’t show me I’ll ask somebody else. I know Namjoon wouldn’t mind.” That was all it takes for Yoongi to stop laughing and cut her off. “Don’t you dare.” Yoongi knew his friend had a soft spot for Soo Jin. Hell, she didn’t even need to tell Namjoon she was going to show hers and the boy would still whip out his dick in a second. 
Yoongi didn’t know why but the thought pisses him off. All he knows is that he’d rather show his dick to Soo Jin if that means she won’t ask some other hormonal boys to do that for her. God knows what they’ll do to her in the heat of the moment. 
At least Yoongi knows he won’t do anything dumb like the other boys would and it’ll be purely anatomy lesson at this point. Let’s say this is a way to protect his precious best friend/step sister from getting into dumb situations with other boys like Namjoon.
“Alright fin-.” Yoongi grumbled and he didn’t even get the chance to finish his sentence when Soo Jin suddenly squeal and scream “yayyyyy” out loud. She’s already pulling down her shorts down before Yoongi can even change his mind. Yoongi choked when he saw a flash of her white cotton panties and his head automatically look away. 
What the hell has he got himself to? 
He felt a nudge on the basketball shorts he usually wore at home because it’s comfy af and before he knew it they were down to his knees. “Geez slowdown, will you?” Yoongi felt his cheeks heats up as he sat against the headboard with nothing but his blue boxers. 
He was looking at the side, specifically on his LeBron James poster he pasted on his walls because he can feel himself growing hard and the last thing he want is looking like he was getting excited for this. 
So Yoongi close his eyes and thought of all the boner killing thought he can think off in his mind and somehow it works and his dick turn flaccid. “Come on don’t be a chicken.” Soo Jin whine, tugging on his boxers and that sorts of trigger Yoongi’s man ego and he finally tug his pants down, exposing everything he have hidden underneath.
Yoongi still can’t turn his head and he’s still looking at his wall now, but he’s staring at his Notorious B.I.G album poster instead of the LeBron James one. 
Even without looking he can feel Soo Jin’s stare on his dick and he heard her soft Oooooooo of awe. 
The heat crept back to his cheeks because first, this was the first time anyone or a girl has ever seen his dick and second, well anyone in his situation would feel at least slightly embarrassed.
“Are you done looking?” Yoongi mutter and before he can get a reply he felt a soft poke on his dick. 
A moan slipped out of his lips and he immediately whipped his head in shock. 
He didn’t expect that. 
“Yah! Who told you you can touch?” His eyes met her awestruck ones and Soo Jin let out a giggle. He wasn’t mad but he was definitely caught off guard. He wasn’t expecting her to touch it at all. 
“Why is it so flaccid? Oooo it grew hard.” Soo Jin gasp as she saw Yoongi’s soft dick turn bigger and harder after she gave it a little poke.
“It’s because you touch it, stupid. It’s a natural reaction.” Yoongi retorted sharply because hell no, he wasn’t going to show that he was affected by this whole absurd situation. Soo Jin was still staring at his now semi hard dick in astonishment.
 Even though she has seen it before when she accidentally walks in on him showering, it was only for a brief second and the glass door usually obstruct the clear view anyway. But now that she can get a super clear view of his dick, she can only gape in amazement. 
His shaft was long and pink, and his balls were pink too, a contrast to Yoongi’s pale skin and the tip was bulbous like a mushroom head. Yoongi obviously didn’t shave so he had a small amount of hair around the base of his dick and around his balls. Yoongi’s dick definitely isn’t small. It complimented his figure nicely.
Soo Jin lift her eyebrow as she notices that Yoongi were looking at the sides again. He still has his blue Nike t-shirt on but he’s naked from down below. Soo Jin thought it’s not fair that he was the only one naked. She had been too busy admiring his dick to the point she forgot to strip herself too. So, she stood up from the bed and began pulling down her white cotton panties. 
“What are you doing?” Yoongi could hear a rustling sound from the side before he felt a dip on his bed again. He felt Soo Jin tug his head to look at her and Yoongi literally screamed “what the fuck!” when he saw her sitting with her legs wide open in front of him in nothing but her T-shirt. 
“You didn’t have to strip too!” Yoongi was sure his face was as red as a ripe tomato because he can see her hairless slit and it was the first time he saw one other than from the porn he watches. He didn’t even remember the deal was “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours”
“Shut up don’t act like you’re not as curious about this as I do.” Soo Jin roll her eyes. Yoongi had been her best friend for the longest time and she know he never had any action with a girl so this was his first time seeing a pussy in real life too. 
Yoongi felt all the blood rushes down south below as he stares at Soo Jin sprawled out in front of him with her legs parted. It was like his eyes were magnetized and he can’t seem to look away. Yup, he’s definitely rock hard by now.
“Isn’t it funny how our privates are so different?” Soo Jin rambled as she looks downward to her own pussy before using both of her hands to part open her slit, giving Yoongi a clear view of her tiny hole and clit. Yoongi’s mouth gaped open, it was his turn to look at her in amazement.
“So, this is my clit, this is my labia, this is my pee hole and this is the hole where you have sex in and where babies come out from.” Soo Jin was pointing to different parts of her genitals as if giving Yoongi a biology lesson on female genitalia and Yoongi swore this situation is absurd as fuck and he have always known his best friend is a weirdo but not to this extent. 
But Hell, they’re already come this far and as a hormonal teenager Yoongi would be lying if he said he’s not as intrigued as her and honestly, he’s just as curious as she was.
“Okay so how the fuck can a baby come out of that tiny ass hole?” Yoongi commented, leaning in to inspect closer. Soo Jin’s eyes widen when Yoongi lean close enough to be point she could feel the air coming out of his nose when he breathes out on her slit. She felt the temperature on her body going up and she wonder if this was what it means to be turn on. Was she getting turn on at the sight of Yoongi so close to her pussy?
Soo Jin was oblivious that Yoongi was feeling the exact same way. Damn he could feel his tip leaking with precum when he caught a whiff of the scent radiating from Soo Jin’s pussy. It was a foreign smell and unlike any other scent Yoongi has ever smelled in his life before. Soo Jin was the one looking away now, her cheeks warm and pink. 
She had her legs parted and her back was almost touching the bed except her arms were propping her body up. It was a tiring position and Yoongi must have notice it too because he’s pulling her up and urging her to lay on his pillow instead. Once she lay back down, it was Yoongi who was spreading her legs back open so he can go back to seeing her pretty pussy. 
He was way too excited for someone who was so against this in the first place and Yoongi can only assure himself that this was purely anatomy lesson and there’s nothing weird about this at all. 
“Do you wax?” Yoongi suddenly ask when he notice how hairless she was below and Soo Jin gave him a brief nod. Yoongi swore Soo Jin has a really pretty pussy and he have seen enough pussy in porn to know how a good pussy looks like.
Dirty thoughts flash past Yoongi’s mind and Yoongi had to literally take a deep breath and remind himself that this was his step sister sprawled out below him. “This is just anatomy lesson Yoongi. Anatomy lesson.” Yoongi chant in his head while he closes his eyes.
“Dinner is ready!”
They both heard their mom shouting from downstairs and they look at each other with wide eyes before Soo Jin yeeted out of his bed to put on her panties and shorts back on. “You go down first I can’t go down like this.” Yoongi whisper as he points to his raging hard on. Soo Jin nod shyly before she dashes out of his room and running downstairs to greet her mom, acting as if nothing had happened at all. 
Upstairs, Yoongi were spraying his boner with cold water in an attempt to turn it soft. He doesn’t have time to jerk off so cold water is always the best choice. It wasn’t the best feeling to have your hard on sprayed with cold water but he had no other option.
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kitkat2cats · 5 years ago
2017 – 2018
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  On 12 October 2017 Dear Elgar, I think you are too young to realise that humans are not as well adapted as we felines. They do not seem to have our ability to just let go and curl up and sleep. They mainly seem to sleep when it is dark. Poor things, I think it’s because their eyes are not as good as ours.You must be aware that if you want her to go on serving you let her have a good night’s sleep. I speak from experience. Purrs from Quintus.
13 Oct 2017 ​Dea-purr Quintus she says I is to say thank you for your email even though I felt you were tellings mes offs. Iz gets excited when zshe turns overs in bedz – I think she mights swant zto tickle my belly so I goes ands nuzzles her, somesztimes she pulls my next sto herz which makes me purrrrrrrrrrrrr lotz, butz Iz sdnont understands whys shes cross wiv me & like today at lightening ups inz the zskys wiv birdies teaszings mees she putz me out of her room nd shutsz door on me. I is cryings & puts my paws (thayz be bigg paws I haz *purrrrrrrrrr*) ins gapz under doors but she ignores me. I waz veryz sad nd I cryyd. I is confoozd I just brought her a prezant of birdzy nd she pickd meez up nd putz me outz de door! I  brought zit backs again but now shez stopped me comings in. Meow, 😦 I donts understands) Mew mew meow, moarghomew Elgar xx
On 13 October 2017 Dear Elgar, I was not trying to tell you off, more just trying to make you understand that humans are rather unlike us. I’m sorry yours was so misunderstanding of you. It is hard I know. For  some reason mine get narky when I get on the table. They don’t seem to realise it seems natural to me. They will spray me with water. Can’t understand why. Purrrrs and a nose rub, from Quintus.
25th Nov 2017 Dear Elgar, I hope your human is feeling a bit better. My human has thought of her lots, she has told me about her. I understand you are bigger than me. How is that for you are still not much more than a kitten?Though you do seem quite adventurous, and an expert at hunting. They do not always seem to appreciate this. They do seem to have some funny ideas, mine seem to get cross when I get on the table. It is such a good place to see will is going on, and I can even see out of the window if I face that way. She sometimes sprays me with water which I think is unnecessary, unkind. Funny things humans. Purrrrrrs to you and my aunty Muffin, and Arya, Quintus 
Dearapurrr Quintus I iz understanding yous – this one had a shock last nights (purr purr purr miaowwwwwwwwwww!! So funny) I had posted a toad through the slightly blocked cat flap (I has got Muffin to type – much faster & I am licking her ears) but my hooman didn’t know until she came to lock up last night. She was squealing (I don’t think it was with delight though 😦  ) as she had to pick it up & put it out of the flap – I was watching & it kepts leaping all over the place she got it onto the cat flap door but as she tried to put it out it jumped at her – she said some words I don’t hear very often – Muffs sez it’s shwairing – it took hooman over 5 mins to get toady out the hole! I waz giggling inside so much I fellz over n my legs were in the air!
Poor you being shqirted wiv water – not nice ats all! My hooman makes a noise like a snake which I knows is bad so I always try to gets as flats as possibles as snakes are naszty thhngs . sometimes I has to run away, but so far no sprayz wiz water. I got my hooman up today at 8am (so she sez) its waz urlier az dem birdiez wer teasing me so muches.
I is off to getz more birdz I thinks – I don’ts knows waz the problemz iz about it coming ins the house to be eats – after all my others foods are INDOORS – silly hooman! Purrs n no fleas (I don’t like havings that stuff on my neck but the bittings has stopped so I gez its a goods things reeelys) Speaks soon Elgar xx *purrrrrr*
On 27 Nov 2017
Miaowy greetings Uncle Quintus 
I is finally able to get my paws on hooman’s computery thing. Thank you for your writings. My hooman has been very poorly mother says & I am supposed to be keeping her warm, buts this is difficults at times as she moves me off, or says “Feet” – I knows I is meant to sits on her feet as they get cold (I never has cold feets have you?) but they are bony & she wriggles so I need to pounce, then she gets cross with me.
I sometimes worry about this thing of my hooman getting cross. Yesterday she smacked my nose! I was not happy at all with this, and the only reason was I was trying to clean out her breakfast bowl before she had finished – I don’t think I was unreasonable as she had taken HOURS to eat it…
Last night Aunty Muffin boxed my ears – I was just supporting her in keeping our hooman warm, I can’t help it if I am a bit bigger than Aunty Muffin – she needs to let ME have some room so I can be comfy shouldn’t she?
Hooman have me a deep groom this morning – she has taken her time over it! I like them every other day – but at least I has had one now. I stretched out for her, but something happened & I forgots – I puts my teeth & claws into my hooman. She put the furminator away & left the bedroom where we was. I got lonely & I still wanted my belly tickled! Such unreasonable behaviour from her at the moment.
She is also very smelly now, & has a REALLY noisy thing that she uses which makes her look like a dragon smoking (I has heard of these mystical creatures – I would like to grow up & be a dragon I think, does you know how I grows up to be a dragon?) she also coughs really loudly at times – so much so I have fallen off her legs – how is I supposed to do my “job” as foot warmer if she kicks me off?
I is in a mess here I thinks. nothing is going the way it should be. I is not worshipped – although my hooman does get me excellent food I suppose. So far she hasn’t sprayed me with the wet stuff deliberately – how bad is your hooman!?! That’s such an insult (unless you wanted some water – we does not have a table as far as I knows.
Right I has better sends this to yous before she comes back from the little room. Aunty Muffin is now sitting where I WANT TO SIT. It is just NOT FAIR! I is the biggest, bestest & only boy cat – surely they should treats me the bests? I is still only a baby in age.
I found a small squeaky thing outside – but it had a pointed nose – my hooman says its a shrew – & that it wouldn’t make good eatings – she knows about stuff like that so I left it on the mat in the kitchen for her. She didn’t say thank you. it’s all too confoosing for me.
Am I at the worst home ever?
sadly love Elgar xXx
28th Nove 2017 Purrrs Elgar, That was a good piece you sent. I will try to answer your questions First I don’t think your home is bad. There are many worse I understand, where you are not fed well and can be shut out when you want to go in. Humans are funny strange animals. They do odd things like getting wet all over in a thing called a bath, but seem to be almost afraid of rain. I don’t like rain much myself but it is natural.
My human tortured me the other day and said it was for my own good. First I was wound up in a towel, and held by the other human in my house, but I got free, cos I’m strong, but it was no use for the door and window was shut so they got me again. So undignified, I think I deserve more respect. Some fur was cut on my neck and some horrible stinging stuff put on. I got out as soon as the window was opened after I had given her a killing look, and almost decided not to go back but I got hungry.
I am training her, I just look at the food in my dish  but I will only eat it if she adds some of my treats, this way I get a few extra, which is good. She says I will get too fat and already looking fatter. It’s only my winter fur is thick, I don’t have to put on funny clothes and she puts on on lots if it is cold then SHE is fat. I guess your human is in a funny mood because she is not well. I would not leave until she is better, if she is still odd then you could visit me, I hope things improve soon. Purrrs , Quintus 
On 29 November 2017 Dear Elgar,Your message was very kind, but really my humans are not really that bad, and I am still training them. I have always plenty of dry food available, and water to drink, though I prefer the water that is outside. I too get treats every evening, and have trained her to give me extra sometimes.
I don’t usually sleep on my humans bed, but do sometimes. I prefer to be where I can roam as she keeps her door shut at night. At the moment my favourite place is a chair half way up the stairs. I can keep an eye on what is happening, though this cold weather makes me sleepy. Today I only went out for short times.
I have not heard about this dreadful monster but maybe I will stay in, especially she says it will be freezing tonight. Even with my thick fur I can not like that much cold. I am glad your human is a bit better.  I think you are all looking after her very nicely. Just remember not to wake her up.  Many purrrrrs to you, Quintus.
2nd December 2017 Dear Elgar, You send very good letters. Thanks. Presents are things that you give or receive. The food you sent me was a present, sometimes to make things complicated it is called a gift. Humans seem to like having different words for the same thing. Very odd. I still have a little of your special food for it is given to r almost like a great, though more than a great. It sounds fun that you search for yours. Mine are put in a special little dish. The special ones for cleaning my teeth are put there too, but at a different time. Yes, it is too cold.  I usually go out lots, but I suppose staying on my chair much of the time. I think I will go out and do, but come in again very soon. I am intrigued , what is a furminator? I think you must be cleaver to hold it. I have you are kind to warm your humans bed, but I guess it is a comfortable place for you too. My human has a cold but she thinks it is almost better, so maybe she will see you on Monday. Purrrr from Quintus, and to Aunty. Muffin and your mother too.
6th December 2017 Purrs Elgar, I am sorry your human is unhappy. I hope she is feeling better today. I nudged my human and she weighed me. She says I am 12lbs, but our scales are not as good as yours. We will try again. My last letter was a bit funny. Maybe the cold does not suit me! I know I have been indoors much more than usual. Fresh air is good for my thinking. (But not too cold).I hope Aunty Muffin is more happy . I s she sick too or just worried about your human. My human says yours has got pneumonia. Perhaps it’s called that because it makes them feel moany. Is yours moany or just sad? Please give Aunty Muffin a nose rub from me, and of course to you. Lots of purrs, Quintus
Oooh Elgar, what do you think of this white stuff they call snow? When I was a kitten I liked to play in it, but this morning I only stayed out briefly, It is still snowing and the trees look as if they are dressed in white, though I am going to curl up on my chair soon. A time called Christmas will be here soon I think. Maybe you will get a present then. I was given a funny mouse like thing but it was not alive, but it had a wonderful scent, which made me play with it as if it was alive. The humans have more things but I liked the paper and ribbon best, and there can be a useful box. They do odd things like put a tree inside and then hang things on it. I thought these were for playing with, but my human says NO! She  was very cross when I tried to claim the . (But that was when I was a kitten). I still play with the hanging things when there is no-one there, though usually they shut the door. I don’t think you should try to climb the indoor tree if you have one as I think you would be too heavy for it. I look forward to hearing your you. Purrrrrrs to Aunty Muffin and your mother, and a nose rub to you. Quintus.
10th December 2017 Dear Uncle Quintus Thank yous got your letter. It is very cold outside isn’t it? Mother, Aunty Muffin & I stayed with our hooman for a Very long time – she didn’t go to sleep very early – not su/purrre why, but she’s kept us all up until about birdie time – but I waz on her lap downstairs whilst she was awake so I go so many cuddles that I ignored the birds & we all slept in until this afternoon. Hooman is cross with herself for not sleeping at what she thinks are the right times to sleep – I don’t understand this as any time is a good time for 40winks! I has been better behaved & have been rewarded for it – so until it becomes boring I will carry on – last night I was chasing treats all around her bedroom! The girls were boring on the bed eating their pile so delicately! Pooh girls are silly! I think it is much more fun to chase my bits of treats – sometimes I miss a bit & find it later!
Hooman wants to know how much of my special food you have left? She said something about presents – which I am confused about a bit – but I think you will get some for your present. I tried to help her do some drawing yesterday – but it seems my paws are just a bit too wide to hold a pencil – I can hold the furminator and it remove some loose fur around my face – I is very clever to do this – neither of the girls can do it! I’m off upstairs to preheat the bed – hee hee what she doesn’t see she can’t worry about! miaory purrs  – Keep Warm Elgar XXX
Dear Elgar,
I think you are too young to realise that humans are not as well adapted as we felines. They do not seem to have our ability to just let go and curl up and sleep. They mainly seem to sleep when it is dark. Poor things, I think it’s because their eyes are not as good as ours.
You must be aware that if you want her to go on serving you let her have a good night’s sleep.
I speak from experience.
Purrs from Quintus
These are letters from Quintus son of Tinto, sister of Muffin. Q is the 5th kit in her litter. He chose to reply to a kitten called Elgar(son of Arya) who was very confused about Humans (hoomans). Their letters span several years 2017 - 2018 On 12 October 2017 Dear Elgar, I think you are too young to realise that humans are not as well adapted as we felines.
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fundiesarefunny · 5 years ago
On this episode of: I work with just plain awful people
So, I’m sure some of you remember my post about the affair that happened between a service manager and service writer in my workplace and resulted in someone’s significant other committing suicide once they found out - this pertains to the service manager again.
I’m taking a hit of weed before I type the rest. Seriously.
My schedule is supposed to be 8-5, and on New Year’s Eve we were going to close early at 5:30. It was assumed I’d work the extra 30 minutes rather than anyone considering me or if I needed to make any arrangements, so needless to say, I was pissed about that because I already feel like no one at this place gives a damn about respecting me. Granted, I’ll admit, I could’ve asked or brought it up and probably should’ve but I just try to pick and choose my battles.
Anyway, sometimes we can close the doors 5-10 mins early with a managers permission. About 5 minutes before closing we start locking doors & service manager asshole says they’re waiting on someone to come get their car (did not previously mention this to us). It was already a long day filled with exhausting other things that went on, I was working later than usual on a “holiday” and because of that my night wasn’t nearly over, plus I was starving. So this customer comes in and wants to pay cash. I had already counted the cash drawer and didn’t wanna have to recount (once again I shouldn’t have been lazy so I admit that too) so I ask if there’s anything else we can do and he tries to work with me. I won’t lie, I was pretty short with the customer. Once again, granted, I should’ve just shut up and I know I wasn’t 100% nice and perky but I wasn’t a straight up DICK. I said nevermind it’s fine and got his change and recounted. I was mad as fuck for sure after he left though.
FF to today when I was pulled into a meeting with the service manager and my manager and they confronted me about it. I apologized before he could start and told him I understand it was uncalled for and I’m so sorry and my anger was misplaced. Totally owned up and explained myself.
He then goes on to tell me he was so mad about this that all on New Year’s Day he was wishing he had my phone number so that he could call me to yell at me or be mad or something?? Then proceeded to say it wasn’t personal though. Then said his customers are how he makes his money and living. But it wasn’t personal. And that I probably wouldn’t be allowed to behave like that in Disney and made it seem like I wasn’t good enough to work for them OR Disney, but it wasn’t personal.
I wish I could convey how aggressive and condecending he is. Even in my first few weeks trying to learn everyone’s names and extensions and also trying to remember the names of people on the phones WHILE trying to remember the right person to transfer them to..... it was hard. He made a comment to me when I forgot the name of someone on the phone along the lines of: “not very good at this, are ya?” Even during this meeting he nearly yelled at me to let him talk even though I was agreeing with what he was saying.
I just need prayers. This place is toxic. They all have been since I left disney. Thanks if you read this all. These people are just whack.
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mmjjbbaannkkss · 5 years ago
2019 Dec 29 - 2020 Jan 4, Happy New Year
“The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.” Marie Kondo
Week 4 (all slow)
Food requirements have changed, by muscle recruitment have exhausted myself. Friday was an insulin related shock, either physically induced or recovery insufficiencies. Or both. Having low-fat mornings is my way of trying to remove bloodfat before workouts, to avoid overheating, regulate body temperature, and focus/executive mental function. The low-carb evenings are a game of mental balance, which under two weeks became body shock. It’s similar to losing a minute of sleep per day, then the insomnia triggering paranoia, whereas night owls hit that wall decades sooner. So, before workout has become things like vegan chili, yams and fruits, greens ect, but forces a waiting window one hour, carbs can make me sleepy at the gym. Feeling better getting out of bed, but getting motivated could stand for a bit more coffee, or (ikno i’ve been hocking vit-b a lot) some pre-workout, just for ‘peak mornings’, but that could be a (dopamine) high expectations issue. Can’t be peeled everyday, just doing deep tissue or fascia work, in prep, to Work for results. The mirror is a reflection, depression is a projection, so be in charge of what you can control. And easy on the cologne, cubs. 
#19 Heavy Push /lbs -
Treadmill 10 > Shldr Press *6/103050 > Rot incl press *6/(2)203040 > Facepulls htl *6/2025303550~ > BB Flat Bench *6/100*3~ > Incl DB Bench *6/404550 > Pec Deck *8/!*6/85100115? > Dips *8/888- > Pullover/down *8/303550- > Tric Pushdown *8/355065- > Abs *8/rev row 60708090- > Stairs 10 (last min knees) > Treadmill 10 
Should I watch the new Rambo; this new active resistance workout is hard, why they mentioned long carbs well. Do not skip brekkie. 
#20 Slow/Light Pull +pos
Treadmill 0/ stairs 5 > Lat Pulldown *6/LR25404040 > Palms-In Pulldown *6/100*3,120- > 1-Arm Row *6/35505050 > Pullover/down *6/203040- > Row *6/low 100*3 > Smith Shrug *8/50,100*3 > Delt Deck *8/facepulls 20253035 > Straight Bar Curl *8/2030*3 > Preacher Curl *8/3045*3-! > Alt DB Hammer *8/202530- instant? > Treadmill ? Stairs mainstay.  
Boots, good. Make sup. 
/notes/ A diagram of stairs, to indicate plateau effect. Normalizing cardio and acclimation, when your body is used to cardio, small changes in diet have major metabolic effect. Any point or level of cardio from gym-goers, using carbs to fuel cardio, eventually dumping carbs into high intensity long distance constant speed cardio. Not having sufficient time for the body to convert fat to carbs, your body might use protein and convert it to the carbs’ purpose of energy. Slow cardio/resistance allows the body to burn fat and raise metabolism, but if you’re hungry after a walk, just like in childhood you’ll gain muscle endurance rather than size. A 30k runner is smaller than Mr Olympia, you do the math. Savory oatmeal? Watch what you eat, but don’t skip meals, if you’re bored of the same old same old, have fun snacks, cheat meals so small only cats would feel full, pretend you’re a giant at a tea party ffs. 
If your hobby isn’t real, you’re a fake. #antisocialmedia; does high row = chin-ups? The other day mentioned Wednesday, today reminiscent of the bear movie one; friends we look into their general direction, family we look in the eyes.
#21 Heavy/Slow Legs - Jan 1st, Enero 1ro. 
Treadmill    one set, make resolutions in new year, not before, only when ready, grasshopper. 
Stairs = 22 + 22; done, HNY’s. 
Paid as much was stolen, due and granted savings going forward, considering, sick a policy would be unhealthy if the next were to replace anyone dining out again. Need = rope hoist center mass. Peck kettlebell or plate pinch? 
Forgot closes at seven is five, boots truly helping ankle to rehab, likely by not letting heel roll in, ankle buckle out, and boots need the knees like uphill ergonomics, out by six no bother; solo en caso, always apologize when warranted; as to be expected, refraction of scars within the wound #metalsongs \m/,
This new way to lift with the positives and negatives takes a lot of recovery time. Remember to do it with push ups. "You make your year".  Tomorrow is today. Keep going, now is before tomorrow, so don't think yesterday can help if you don't begin. Now am I going. It is time to begin anew. I will make the resolutions as King, you will make plans of your own. Do begin plans now. You are a genius, but we can be proud when steps succeed.
#22 Lite/Slow Push +
Treadmill 15 min > Shldr Press *6/10305050 > Incl BB Bench *8/60*4 > Chest press *8/30507090110- > Lat Raise *6/551010- > Pec deck *8/709011130150 > Arnldprs *6/ null? > Crossover *10/15202525 > Pullover/down *10/20253035 > Tric Pushdown *10/35,50*3 > Abs *12/tricep-lock press-curl > Medicine ball 20lb hoist *10/101010 > Rope hoist *10/2025303550;65- > Treadmill /null 
Take break intra set. 
IDK if you're supposed to stretch, but if you do, this article says to warm up a little firstly so 
Stretch your calves and not your back, don't fuzz your back use a chair or sit on the ground. Feel the stretch behind your knees, not your waist or back. We’ve all seen ballerinas lift their legs, flexibility without back strain. Strengthen gradually your back, then range of motion? 
#23 Heavy Pull - sick day?
Stomach soured from something, woke up nauseous. Sleep. Second nausea, reflux in lungs, shallow breaths until pass out. Sugar isn't food. Acid gasps burning, ache to left side the only sleeping position. 7am thoughts of a younger wake me primal, coffee made the writhe worse so just full body shock, freezings and wrenching. Winter clothes and turn on heat, took an energy drink and meat sammich; NOON better but taking day off, all support muscles sore, primaries in knots. 
Volume positive reps slow, mass moving negative reps slow, this isn't enuf food. My AM just 2x'd and my PM just keto'd, hands down. Good to feel hungry like the living, instead of mountains winter and mystery fire. Had considered lying still for 24hrs. Everything good if not a bit bearish. 👍 Could be nerves, new years crowd bug, cold sleep, wet hair leaving gym (tho 50F). Would like to think it's too much stress, but maybe it's an overdue heat. Summer by April. If you can't be productive, be creative? Picnics in the northern spring green grass away from the cities. 
https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-q-and-a-lactose-intolerance-can-develop-at-any-age/ "ANSWER: Lactose intolerance isn’t a true allergy, and it can develop at any age." … "When those people eat dairy products, the body has no way to break down the lactose. This leads to fermentation of the sugar in the intestines and triggers symptoms, such as diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, bloating and gas." 
Emphasis around nausea. 
#24 Lite/Slow+ Legs  
Treadmill 10 > Horiz 1-leg *6/101010 > Horiz Press *8/101030 > Side Bends *6/cable 355050 > Leg Ext *8/101030 > Leg Curl *8/305050 > Cable Bends *8/LR355065 > Heel Raise *10/305070 > Crunch *10/tricep press crunch, (+15)507090,110130150- > Rev Crunch *12/null > Body Squat *6/skipped > Treadmill 6
Open tabs hard to consider that insulin diabetic shock, had plenty to eat and am not one, didn't workout that much. 
Needing to have carbs for intensity days, cardio burns some muscle, good pumps are better than sore joints, slow cardio needs some intensity, video selfies can reveal more truth/training than stills. Might do doubles instead of cardio, been talking about morning exercise for over a year. 
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daydream-hobii · 7 years ago
Shelter of Hope | Chapter 8
Genre: Poly!AU; Hybrid!AU; Fluff; Angst
Pairing: Hybrid BTS x Female!Reader; Human!Reader, Human!Namjoon, White Persian Cat!Seokjin, Siamese Cat!Yoongi, Border Collie!Hoseok, Calico Cat!Jimin, Australian Shepherd!Taehyung, Siberian Husky!Jungkook
Summary: Y/N and her husband Namjoon are the proud owners of a hybrid shelter, protecting and saving as many hybrids as they can. They have a couple of their own, a cat and dog hybrid, whom they love with all their hearts. In the shelter, they gain some hybrids with trauma filled pasts, and one particular one who no one seems to want. What will happen when their little family of four turns to eight?
Warning: Mentions of Abuse, Sexual Assault, Depression, Anxiety; Suggestions of Smut; Read with caution <3 Profanity!! This is a pretty NSFW chapter, so read with caution~~ ^_^
Word Count: 1,393
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 10 // Chapter 11 // Chapter 12 // Chapter 13 // Chapter 13.5: BONUS // Chapter 14 // Chapter 15 // Chapter 16 // Chapter 17 // Chapter 18 // Chapter 19 // Chapter 20 // Chapter 21 // Chapter 22 // Chapter 23 // Chapter 24 // Chapter 25 [FINAL] //
Author’s Note: Welcome to Chapter 8! Please let me know what you think of this chapter, I love getting feedback! I hope you enjoyed it!!! ^_^
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           It’s been a few days since the incidence with Jungkook and Jimin’s owners. I was lying on bed, my head resting on Taehyung’s chest. He was shirtless and only in his pajama pants, his tail sticking through a hole made in the back of them.
           “Namjoon leave for work?” I asked, groggily.
           “Mhmm,” Taehyung hummed, rolling his eyes at the sound of the wall banging.
           “What on earth was that?” I asked, opening my eyes a little wider and looking up at him as he sighed, chuckling.
           “Yoongi started his rut,” Taehyung grumbled, smiling down at me. A soft moan came through the vents as if to confirm it, making me giggle.
           “And let me guess, he wanted Hoseok to help him out this time?” I questioned, making him nod.
           “Yup, it’s a fact that Alphas know how to make other Alphas ruts feel good,” Taehyung said, smirking.
           “You know it’s nothing compared to having an omega,” I replied back, listening to another bang on the wall. “Shit, they’re going at it, huh?”
           “Why do you think I’m in here?” Taehyung asked, making me lean up, supporting myself with one hand on his chest, my elbow in the mattress.
           “Because you wanted to be with me?” I questioned, making him laugh.
           “Sure, we’ll go with that,” He said, making me stand up and leave, him whining and following close behind. I was in a tank top and some panties from the night before, walking to the kitchen.
           “Well, you can just go back to them, then,” I replied, making him whine some more.
           “No, they’ll make me join,” He said, stringing out the word no in a whine.
           “Is that a bad thing?” I asked, pouring a glass of orange juice and raising my eyebrow.
           “They’ll make me bottom,” He grumbled out, sitting across from me at the island, crossing his arms and pouting, making me almost choke.
           “Really?” I asked, laughing.
           “It’s not funny!” He whined, kicking his feet.
           “Alright, not funny,” I replied, chuckling and reaching over, scratching behind his ear. I looked at the clock and noticed it was past lunch, making me raise my eyebrows in surprise.
           Yoongi and Hoseok came in with nothing but boxer shorts on. Yoongi still seemed to be hard through it, and both of them were very sweaty. Yoongi came over, hugging me from behind, licking my neck softly, tail flicking.
           “You didn’t have enough of banging up the walls,” I asked, a light blush forming on Hoseok’s face.
           “I want you,” He purred out, making me turn around. He pressed himself further to me, groaning slightly.
           “Sorry, baby, but no. Why not Tae?” I asked, listening to Taehyung grumble behind me.
           “Why not you?” He asked, going right back to my neck. I could feel him sucking a hickey into it, making me bite back a groan.
           “Yoongi, I’m just not up for it today. If it was just me, you, and Tae, I’d help you out, but it’s not,” I said, making him groan in annoyance and walk away, sitting down. He whimpered slightly, laying his head on the island. I filled up a glass of milk, setting it in front of him.
           “So, how was it?” I asked Hoseok, who was wide eyed in innocence.
           “What do you mean?” He questioned, not looking in my eyes.
           “You’re acting just like Taehyung did when he first did it with Yoongi,” I said, giggling, causing both the dog hybrids to blush.
           “Hey! Don’t rat me out,” Taehyung said, pouting.
           “She’s right,” Yoongi grumbled, looking up. “but you should’ve seen Y/N when she first helped me out.”
           “This was not supposed to switch on me,” I warned, shaking my finger at him, making him smirk before putting his head back down.
           “There’s a lot of love here,” Hoseok said, smiling softly. “This is so nice….”
           “Well, you’re apart of that love now, Hobi,” I said, leaning over and pecking his lips, making him smile bright. “Now, you two need to wash up.”
           A strong tension filled the room, Yoongi snapping his head up and gritting his teeth, the other two wide eyed. I looked between them, slightly confused. Taehyung physically gulped as I listened to the front door opening.
           I smiled big, Namjoon revealing himself as I ran and hugged him hello. My eyes widened as Jungkook and Jimin came from behind him, eyes also wide as they landed on Yoongi. I looked back at Yoongi, whose eyes were now dilated, eyeing the two.
           “Fuck,” I said, turning around and walking over, blocking Yoongi’s eyes from the omega. “Shower, now. A cold one too.”
           “But—” He started, whining a little before I put a hand on my hip, pointing.
           “Now, Min Yoongi,” I said, making him whimper and walk away. “You too, Hobi.”
           “Why me?!” He questioned, wide eyed.
           “You stink,” Taehyung said, chuckling as the other glared.
           “Fine,” He grumbled, walking away.
           “Bad timing,” Namjoon said, pursing his lips and nodding. I turned around, an amused smile on my face.
           “You think?” I asked, walking over. I hugged Jungkook and Jimin softly, making them smile bright at me.
           “We missed you, Y/N,” Jimin said.
           “Are you feeling better?” Jungkook asked, making me chuckle.
           “Yes, don’t you boys worry,” I said, looking at Namjoon with a furrowed brow and smiling. “What’s this, Joonie?”
           “Overcrowding. They decided they wanted to be the ones to come over,” He said, shrugging. He pecked my lips, walking over to the fridge and getting out a leftover sandwich. I looked back at the boys, who had slight blushes. They were looking me up and down, and I forgot I was only in panties.
           “Oh, this is fantastic,” I mumbled sarcastically, walking over and sitting next to Taehyung, hiding my body the best I can. “Well, you boys are welcome here.”
           “You’re staying here?” Taehyung asked, eyeing them as they came over, sitting down. Jungkook nodded, looking at him with soft eyes. “Alright, welcome.”
           “Thanks,” Jungkook said, smiling softly.
           “Yoongi’s in his rut right now, so you’ll have to lock the door at night until it’s over,” Namjoon said, chuckling at their wide eyes. “Don’t worry, he won’t do anything, just better safe than sorry. Especially with Jimin here.”
           “Why?” He asked, making me lean and look at him.
           “He’s never had an Omega. Just a bunch of Alphas or dominant personalities,” I said, smirking at Namjoon, who winked as he bit his sandwich.
           “Wait, you all have—” Jungkook started, a blush creeping up his neck as Taehyung look at him.
           “Yes, moving on,” Taehyung said, making me smack his chest as he looked at me, glaring softly. I chuckled, making him smile a little before looking away.
           “Y/N, can we talk in our office? Please?” Namjoon asked, turning all too serious. Taehyung whined a little, making me smile softly at him and nod.
           “Sure, I’ll be there in a minute,” I replied, making him walk away.
           “What’s that about?” Jimin asked, noticing the mood change. His tail flicked with curiosity while Jungkook’s was lying flat.
           “Namjoon and Y/N only talk about serious stuff when in their office,” Taehyung explained, looking at the French doors across the way. “It’s the only place we aren’t allowed inside of.”
           “Taehyung, I think I know what it’s about,” I said, standing up and kissing the top of his head. “Don’t worry too much. Keep these two company, maybe show them their room.”
           I stood up, walking to the doors and going inside. Namjoon looked sullen, which is something I wasn’t expecting. I shut the doors, looking at him lean against the front of his desk, sitting slightly on it, his hands helping hold him up as he gripped the desk on both sides, looking down. I walked over, wrapping my arms around his waist, staring at him in concern.
           “Hey, what’s up?” I questioned, furrowing my brow in concern.
           “So, you know how we talked about Jin?” He asked, voice deep with sadness.
           “Yeah, of course,” I said, heart racing a bit. “We’d each have two, I have Yoongi and Hoseok, and you’d have Taehyung and Jin. He’s a perfect match for us.”
           “Y/N,” He said, finally looking at me.
           “Namjoon, what? Is he okay?” I asked, concern filling my voice.
           “Yes, of course,” He said, frowning. “Yeobo, he’s been adopted….”
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landofotome · 6 years ago
All You Need - Victor x Reader (SMUT)
Character: Victor
Game: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Notes: This is my first SMUT of Victor, I hope its not too bad :P This is also the first Smut of Smutty Saturday!!
WARNING: Contains Over the Counter Sex, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Fingering
Work really tired me out this week, especially after 5 interviews for a special guest in the show. Luckily, one of them agreed to appear on the show which was a plus. The downside was that I have to stay longer in the office.
I was engrossed into my work when my phone started ringing, peeling my eyes of the monitor I check my phone to see Victor calling me.
“Aren’t you supposed to be done with work 3 hours ago? Where are you?”
“Oh! I forgot to tell you Victor that I’m staying later than usual for the next few days. Don’t worry about me”
“I wasn’t calling because I was worried...dummy”
“Hmm? Did you say something Victor?”
“No. Bring your work over at my penthouse. I’ll help you”
“Are you sure it’s not a bother?”
“Okay then, I’ll be heading to your place in 15 minutes”
I pack up my things and lock up for the night. I arrive at Victor’s penthouse to see him in a black rolled-up long sleeve sitting on one of the couches. “Hi Victor, sorry for coming here this late” the man look up from his files and let out a ‘hmm’ sound. I sat beside him and pull out all of my papers to work on. After 10 mins, I got up start heading to the kitchen. “Hey Victor? Do you want some water or-!” Two strong arms hugged me from behind, “V-Victor..?” I stutter, causing the man behind me to chuckle. “Already nervous ______ ?” Then one of his hand started to head south. “V-Victor..” I breathed out. His other hand traveled to one of my breast to squeeze it. “Ahh~” I moan softly, knees weakened. Victor slid my skirt up and rubbed my clothed pussy.
“I can’t believe you’re this wet ______, such a dirty girl you are” his voice resonated in my ear which made me shiver, out of nowhere, Victor spinned me around and lay me on the cold kitchen counter. “You asked me what did I want...it’s pretty obvious ____” He pull my skirt and panties, his long and slender fingers teasing my entrance. “Nnghhhh..! C-Come on Victo-or” I moan in frustration. Suddenly, Victor pushed two fingers inside me which took me by surprise. “I’ll let you figure out what I want..” he mumble and start to suck and lick my wet folds. I grab his hair and buck my hips to his mouth, noticing the familiar coil in my stomach. “Vic-Victor if you keep doing that-! I’ll! I’ll!” Then he stopped, making me look up at him in confusion. “What’s your guess ____? If you guess it correctly, I’ll let you cum” he stated, causing my face to be more red than it was. “I-I...can’t say it! It’s embarrassing V-Victor..” I say desperately, looking for friction. “Then say it, or else” he flicks my clit, “no cumming” I shuddered. Victor let out a sigh and stick his two fingers and starts pumping me. “I’m getting impatient _____, what do I want?” He pumps faster and faster, making my eyes shut and toes to curl. “M-Me! Y-You W-W-Want Me!” Then my orgasm hit, my legs shaking and hips bucking. He didn’t remove his fingers until my high was over, he pull them out and stared at his coated fingers. “Good job, now. It’s my turn” he unzips his dress pants and pulls it down along with his boxers, revealing his long and erected dick. “You’re on birth control right ____?” I nodded, making him smirk. “Good” then he pushes his cock in, stretching my walls. “O-Oh my god~!” I moan loudly as Victor pounces on me hard. After pushing me over the edge over and over again, he finally pulled out and my sensitive folds were over flowing of his cum. He exhaled and pull me close to him. “That should get your mind off of work for once..” he mumbled, causing me to jerk up. “Wait, you were trying to release the stress I had for work?” “I think the word ‘distracting’ is more appropriate for that” I blush at his comment. “Now let’s head to bedroom, to rest of course” I say as I start to pick up my clothes on the ground when all of a sudden lot Victor carried me bridal-style. “V-Victor! I can walk you know!” I said, embarrassed. “You think we would just rest? Oh no, the night is still young” he says as he slam the bedroom room door closed and followed by a faint click.
How was the very first smut? Pretty meh in my opinion but hey, I can improve in the future 😏 I hope you guys enjoyed this smut! If you want a smut that will be featured for one of the Smutt Saturdays, feel free to request to yours truly!
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http-peachjimin · 6 years ago
I'm not easy. [Min Yoongi {21+}]
You were walking through the halls in your college dorm. Well not your dorm, you're in the boy's dorm. Why, someone may ask? Jimin. Jimin is the reason why you're here. He's messed around and brought a boy home and somehow, he forgot the condoms. A boy who has sex pretty much weekly has forgotten condoms. How the fuck do you-.... Anyway no reason to get mad now since you're here. You've been texting Jimin for him to give you directions to his room and he's tried to guide you but you are completely lost. A few minutes ago his directions stopped and you have a feeling that your little GPS just said fuck it and went at it. But if he needed you you didn't just wanna ditch him. While your eyes were glued to the screen waiting for an answer, you bumped into someone you'd rather not see. Min Yoongi.
It's not that you didn't like Yoongi, it's that you did. And he himself was a no strings attached kinda guy well... As far as you heard. You've never asked of course. Recently he started to talk to you and even more recently he's started to flirt heavy, making your crush catalyze and solidify its spot in your heart. The reason why you didn't want to see Yoongi is not because you were trying to have self control, no you weren't that good. It's because you were nasty looking. Your hair was messily thrown into a bun, and you had on nothing but leggings and an oversized hoodie borrowed from Jimin.
"Oh, my bad Yoongi." You said trying to move past him.
"Too good to even speak now?" He questioned.
"What is it?" You questioned.
"I just wasn't expecting to see you here, in the male dorm. What were you doing?"
His eyes dart between the men's hoodie and the condoms in your hand and your face goes beet red.
"Fuck. I-it's not what you think." You say in a rush.
Yoongi arches a brow and leans on the wall, a teasing smirk grazing his lips.
"What is it then?"
"Well it's... Jimin. He needed some condoms and he asked me to come over to give him some but I couldn't find his dorm and now he's not picking up." You spoke.
Your stutter cleared up signifying you were telling the truth. And considering how tame you were compared to other girls in your school, Yoongi believed you.
"You sound pissed at him." He replied.
"And would you not be?"
"I... Can't say I blame you on this one." He chuckled.
"Hey! Maybe you could help me? Take me to his room."
He put on a playful frown and looked at you.
"Don't think that's a good way to ask, babygirl."
That pet name combined with his raspy voice made you shiver but you did your best to look unbothered.
"Sorry. Could you please show me to his room? I'd appreciate the help." You said a bit shyly.
"Yeah or I could show you to my room." He said suggestively.
Another shiver of excitement came bubbling up but you ignored.
"Or you can show me to Jimin's." You reply.
He complies and leads you to a hallway you've passed about 5 times not thinking that it was the right spot. Before you can even make it to Jimin's door, you hear grunts and moans of pleasure from your best friend and his partner, signifying that your assumption was correct.
You cringed before sliding about five under his door just in case he needed them later.
Yoongi studied your actions.
"You're not gonna give him the whole thing?" He asked.
"These are mine. I'm just lending him some." You answer shortly.
"You should just give him the whole thing. Not like you'll be needing them." He said half jokingly.
"Even I get lucky sometimes. I just keep some around so I never run out." You said rolling your eyes.
"We could put them to use. Although I'm not one to enjoy wrapping up." He said.
You gave him a dirty look.
"I'm only joking, halfway. Anyway. It seriously has been a while. Why don't we... Catch up a little?" He asked.
"Min Yoongi, that is the oldest trick in the book. I'm not that easy." You said.
"Well what makes you easier because it's been hell trying to get you in bed with me." He finally outright says his intentions.
"Why don't you go fuck someone else then? You've got plenty of girls begging to ride your dick." You muttered.
"Oh come on don't act like you don't want it too." He said.
"It's a lot more than that for me Yoongi." You said in a harsh tone making him snap back into reality.
You realized what you've just said and tried to move on, pushing what you said aside.
"Plus I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm tired, frustrated, and I wanna get home before the campus officer gets a hold of me. So... Just drop it please." You muttered.
"Oh my God.... Y/N you like me?" He asked.
"I didn't say that, Yoongi." You said quickly.
"You didn't have to. You didn't deny that you wanted me and on top of that you said it wasn't just sex for you. Am I wrong?" He asked.
"Okay no, you're not wrong, and yes, I do like you. There. You figured me out. Do you want a fucking gold sticker or something? I don't understand." You huffed in frustration.
"I just... What made you so adamant about..." He trailed off awkwardly. He knew you'd understand what he meant.
"People always said you were no strings attached when it came to sex. And I knew my feelings were going to get in the way somehow so I just tried to stay away for as long as possible." You looked up at him to try and see if he accepted you or not but all you got back was a blank stare.
"Like I said, I'll get going now." You turned to go but he grabbed your arm and spun you around.
"Stay. Please." He muttered.
"Yoongi I just told you that I-"
He cut you off with a hot and hasty kiss.
"Do you ever shut up?" He asked with a cocky smirk.
"I-I mean I don't-"
"I am literally in love with you and you haven't noticed." Yoongi stated.
"Really?" You asked breathlessly.
"Yes dumbass." He rolled his eyes.
"Fuck, kiss me."
He nodded and without hesitation pinned your body to the wall, his leg between yours. His hands grabbed your waist firmly and your arms were locked around his neck.
His hands slowly moved down to your thighs as he bit your neck softly.
"Jump baby."
You did as he said and carried you down the hall to his dorm somehow being able to see where he was going past sucking your face.
He fumbled his way in, still carrying you in his arms as he laid you on the bed roughly.
The man automatically reconnected your lips, begging to lift up your hoodie or should you say Jimin's hoodie.
"W-what about the door?" You asked, as you didn't want the whole boy's dorm to see you body on display.
"I don't care." He said trying to go in for another kiss.
"Yoongi, close the door." You rolled your eyes.
"God, fine." He expressed the same amount of annoyance as you as he did as you told him.
The crawled back on the bed and you grabbed his face caressing his cheeks.
"Now where were we?" You said playfully.
"I think I was trying to take your shirt off babygirl." He replied raising an eyebrow.
"Well, you gonna finish what you started?" You challenged him.
"Of course princess."
Once he did get your top off, his lips immediately went to attack your neck. He bit and sucked on the skin hard and when he hit a certain spot it had you whining out his name.
"Oh, I found your sweet spot, didn't I baby?" He smirked.
"Hey! J-Just don't make any marks. I don't want people to know we..."
Yoongi laughed as if your request was ridiculous.
"Too late for that. Besides, I want people to know. You're mine and no one else's now, got it?"
You didn't even respond to him, too stuck in your own thoughts. Did he just say what you think he did? Is he already that committed?
You felt a small slap on your thigh bringing you back to Earth.
"Got it?"
You nodded quickly.
"Good girl."
"But not too dark because-"
His hand was suddenly between your legs rubbing your clit softly.
"B-because... Oh fuck, Yoongi."
"You talk too much sweetheart. The only thing you need to say is my name, got me?"
You nodded vigorously never wanting this to end.
"Yes, yes I understand... God, Yoongi..." You panted hard holding onto his shoulders for support.
He smirked. "Oh babygirl likes my fingers, does she?"
"S-shut up, you're such an a-asshole." You moaned.
"So do you want me to stop?" He asked teasingly.
"N-No, no don't stop." You whimpered.
He stopped anyway, but only in favour of sliding your panties and leggings down.
"Hey, it's only fair if you're naked too." You pouted.
He shrugged.
"Fair is fair babygirl." Yoongi said before removing his shirt and jeans.
You tried not to stare but you couldn't help it. Yoongi wasn't overly muscular but toned enough that you could see definition. It impressed you since the boy didn't seem like he ever did anything but sleep.
"Didn't your mom ever teach you that it's not polite to stare?" He said playfully.
"No, but apparently your mom didn't teach you any manners so I don't feel so bad." You shot back.
"You little devil... I think I know how to keep you quiet." He smirked.
"Yeah over my dead- Shit! W-what are you doing?"
You moaned a bit as he slowly moved his fingers inside you.
"What do you mean what am I doing? I'm stretching you out. I'm not exactly small you know." He started.
"Well fuck, you could've- ooh shit... You could've said something." You panted.
"I'm full of surprises babygirl. Also, are you sure you're not a virgin?" He asked.
"Yes I'm sure! What kinda... q-question is that?" You asked.
"Cause you're tight as hell." He groaned.
"W-well I- Fuck! I said it's been a while..." You said through gritted teeth and occasional moans.
"How long is a while, thirty years?"
"I'm not even thirty Yoongi! God that feels good..." You whined a bit, moving your hips.
"Can you even decide between moaning and running your mouth?" The man rolled his eyes.
"Shit, stop it." You muttered.
"Why? Doesn't it feel good?" He asked.
"Yeah but if you... K-Keep going like that- Jesus! I-I'm gonna cum." You warned.
"Don't you dare cum." He said giving a small smack to your thigh again.
You jumped a little and moaned as the movement made his fingers slide in deeper.
"I can't- fuck... I-I can't help it."
He sighed and removed his fingers, taking his boxers off as well.
The size had you shocked and excited at the same time.
"W-will that fit in me?" You asked.
"Well I don't know, but we'll have to try. I'll do it all at once okay?" He said.
You scoffed as he opened a condom up with his teeth and slipped it on.
"Yoongi just do it, it can't be that bad- Fuck!" He immediately covered your mouth.
"Are you trying to get us caught? At least try to be a little quiet." He muttered.
"I-I'm sorry, it hurts!" You whined.
"Calm down, it'll go away." He whispered kissing your cheeks softly to make you feel a bit better.
After a few minutes you calmed down and Yoongi looked up at you.
"Can I move?" He asked.
You nodded.
"Just try it." You muttered.
He did, and it felt good.
"Shit..." You moaned softly.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yes, yes, keep going." You encouraged.
He started slowly but once he got going he picked up the pace and it had you struggling to keep quiet.
"Goddamn you're big..." You groaned quietly.
"Thanks sweetheart but I'm pretty sure it's just because you're so tight. I can't even move well." He panted.
"Just shut up and kiss me."
You nodded and smashed your lips on his, feeling his body pressing against yours as his thrusted in and out of you.
You broke the kiss to release a small moan.
"Harder!" You pleaded, holding onto him for support.
He obliged, and you moaned his name as a reward for his hard work.
"God I'm gonna cum!" You squealed biting onto his shoulder to muffle the sound.
"Fuck, wait a minute I'm not ready." He gritted his teeth going faster to get to his high.
"I can't hold it much longer!" You whimpered, the noises of pleasure getting more and more high-pitched.
"Shit, cum for me babygirl."
At his word, you finally let go, your orgasm washing over you.
"Yoongi!!! Fuc-" Again he had to cover your mouth all the while he was emptying himself out into the condom.
Once he was sure you were done screaming, he took his hand away and pulled out, throwing the used rubber away.
"T-that was amazing." You panted.
"It'll be even better if we don't get caught." He said.
"We won't, I was quiet." You said proudly.
"Quiet my ass, you screamed bloody murder." He rolled his eyes.
You slipped on Jimin's hoodie and took the leggings in your hands.
"I have to hurry and get going." You said.
"Just stay, you won't get caught." Yoongi assured.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. That old man gives not one fuck. Come here."
You nodded as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into bed.
"Yoongi, what are you-"
"Shhhh... It's cuddle time now. Go to sleep." He said softly.
You nodded and drifted off being all too happy he had accepted you.
Of course, the next morning you had to sneak out the men's dorm and get ready for class.
You missed Yoongi already, especially since world geography was boring. Finally the hour was up and Jimin came running toward you.
"I saw those hickeys in class. You got laid?! You?! Who was it? How was he?" He practically bounced off the walls in excitement.
"Yoongi, it was amazing, we are a thing, no one needs to know right now so keep your trap shut, Park." You warned.
"My lips are sealed."
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 7 years ago
Felix Culpa  [pt.i]
Tumblr media
Felix Culpa. Latin. ‘’Happy Fault’’
Pairing: Jimin x Jungkook. Also appearance of other members. Warning: Mental illness, Mental disorder, Depression, Suicide, killing, Death and many more. Please read at your own risk. If you are uncomfortable with any of the things mentioned above then refrain yourself from reading. You have been warned! Genre: mental hospital jikook au maybe? T^T angst and little bit fluff too! Words: 10.5K  Summary: Read Here  Author’s note: ah i tried my best. There might be some mistakes. please forgive me as i dont have anyone to proof read it for me except for myself. i tried my best. i will keep trying my best T^T pt.ii (coming soon)
It was 10 in the morning. The room was already filled with day light, making the white color of the room more vibrant than any other time of the day. Everything was white with a little touch of silver here and there. The lack of furniture makes it hard to accept the feeling of being at home, even though he was reminded few times to make it his new home. He can’t get himself to do it even after spending last 6 months trapped in here.
Park Jimin, 22, not so tall, skinny, black haired who is currently sitting on his bed, legs sprawled out ungracefully, hands between his thighs, relaxing. He isn’t thinking of anything; his mind was blank which is his way of relaxing. Several people have told him for time being that he can’t never be free from thoughts and he should never. They say it will have a negative impact on his mental health. He doesn’t care; he needs to do selfcare once or twice.
The door suddenly opens revealing a very familiar face of the nurse who does frequent checking on Jimin. Her name was Syunghi, she was lovely and pretty. She looks around the room. The white, vibrant room which only has three furniture; a bed, a bedside table with 3 drawers and an easy chair. The room itself has 2 doors; one to exit the room and one for a bathroom which is unfortunately always locked unless Jimin calls a nurse or assistance informing them of his natural occurrence and needs. It has a medium sized window with grills, strong metal grills. No balcony. The room was quite unpleasant and too bright. Jimin never liked it here. He wishes he was in one of those rooms which had two or more people. But they say he was privileged to get this one.
‘’Everything’s okay? Do you need something?’’ Syunghi asks Jimin, the boy who was sitting on the white bed, legs sprawled and hands between his thighs.
‘’Another pillow will make it tolerable.’’ For the unlimited times Jimin has successfully mention to her the same thing. He needed a pillow. its not like he didn’t have any. He has one which is stitched to the bed; only there to support his head for sleeping. He needed another one, to hug when he sleeps.
‘’I wish I could provide you with one.’’ Syunghi replies.’’ Anything else do you need or want to tell me before I leave?’’
There was a long pause.
‘’Maybe a kiss on my lips to make me feel better.’’ Jimin says cheekily with a onesided smirk.
‘’that’s for your future wife to do.’’ With that Syunghi starts to leave the room.
‘’Who’s doing my consultation today?’’ a useless question to ask.
‘’As always, Professor Kim Seokjin.’’ She closes the door behind her.
Jimin finally shifts his position. He is already feeling tired, tired of meeting that same person, Doc Jin. That’s what he calls him. He was a tall, handsome guy; very famous doctor around the town. Jimin was lucky enough to be consulted under him or that’s what they say. ‘Be always thankful to your parents.’
Jimin finally gets down from the bed; feet hitting the cold white tiles. He slowly walks to the window and looks outside. He could see quite a few people on the lawn behind the building, known as M1. There are other patients; talking to their nurses, walking or sitting by themselves and some other just doing weird things like trying to find something on the ground or looking straight up to the sky. Jimin takes a deep sigh. How did he get himself in here!
Jimin proceeds to open the window; as soon as he does a chilly breeze hits his face making a shiver run down from his spine. He is reminded that it is the very last week of November, the end of Autumn. Winter is on its way. A small smile forms on his face as he closes his eyes taking a deep breath. He swears he was inhaling the environment.
A flashback from last winter hits him. It was Christmas time; he was happy, his family was happy or he likes to think they were. They were unwrapping they gifts on their living room. When suddenly there was a knock on their door. Jimin still could feel the excitement he felt hearing the bell. He thought it was his friend, his best friend. But to his dismay it was one of his younger brother’s classmate; was there to give him his Christmas gift. Jimin looked at his presents; counted it was 5. Then his eyes went to Jihyun’s presents; they were counted 11. He was too old for this stuff but his age couldn’t stop him from feeling the tangible jealousy which immediately turns into sadness as he was reminded of his supposed best friend who forgot to send him any present.
There’s that nuisance again; he felt like vomiting out his guts as tears starts to form. He couldn’t believe this, this couldn’t be happen-
A touch on his shoulder brings Jimin back to reality; he is taken a back and scared of the sudden disturbance. It is another nurse, this time a male who is having a very concerned look on this face.
‘’Are you okay?’’ The same question. Jimin nods his head as a yes.
‘’You’re crying.’’
Taehyuk, the male nurse points at Jimin’s cheeks which are indeed soaked with tears. Jimin hurriedly wipes them off.
‘’Your meds are ready. You need to take them quickly. Professor Kim is already here. Your visit will start in 15 mins.’’ He says as he starts to close the window.
Jimin reluctantly walks towards his bedside table. Taking the pills on his tiny hands he gulps them down one by one. No objection.
As Jimin looks at Taehyuk to indicate that he is done with the meds, Taehyuk was already leaving the room with the smalls medicine container.
‘’Wear your shoes quickly. We are leaving in a minute.’’
‘’I’m not a baby you know.’’ Jimin tells the male nurse.
‘’Yeah I know.’’
15 minutes later Jimin found himself sitting on one of those concrete stools that were on the lawn of M1 area behind the building. He is looking at a woman who is on her wheelchair talking to a bird which was up on his maple tree.
He is waiting for Doc Jin, he is supposed to be here any minutes now.
The weather is too nice, Jimin wishes he could fall asleep under the sky. He knows his feeling won’t remain the same once winter is here. He rubs his palms on his face; soaking his eyes in the warmth of his hands. He bends his head down to look at his feet. From the stool, his feet made it to the ground, he was grateful.
As he looks up, something caught his eyes. He is looking at the same direction as woman sitting on the wheelchair. But what has caught his eyes is far behind her.
There is a figure; a figure of a boy. Jimin is sure the figure is new here. He doesn’t remember someone like him of his 6 months here. The boy is tall he has to say, slim body, wearing the same cloths as Jimin, which means he is also a patient.  The boy is walking around, he is kicking something on the ground and looking around once in a while. He is probably new here, Jimin thinks.
‘’uhm, Sorry to bother you.’’ A sudden voice pushes jimin off from his trance. He immediately takes his eyes off from the newly boy and looks at a very familiar face of Doc Jin. Jimin doesn’t reply him though.
‘’How are you doing?’’ Same question again as Doctor Kim Seokjin sits beside Jimin with his coffee cup.
‘’Fine.’’ Jimin replies.
Seokjin was pretty sure he won’t get a how are you back from jimin but-
‘’How are you?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’I’m quite fine. Thank you Jimin!’’ Jimin nods.
Jimin again looks behind the woman on wheelchair. He can’t see the boy anymore.
‘’The good news is, our session is going to end early today.’’ Seokjin says as he tries his best to make it sound a happy announcement.
‘’Is that so?’’ Jimin replies as he let out a feigned chuckle.
‘’Yup.’’ Seokjin replied with a sigh.
‘’Why so?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Why are you ending today so soon, Doc Jin? Don’t you want to delve inside my brain? Or are you finally tired of denying the true traits of Park Jimin?’’ Jimin questions him in a low tone.
Seokjin lets out a chuckle, a very normal one. ‘’No Jimin! I have a function to attend today. That’s why I need to leave early.’’
‘’oh!’’ That’s all Jimin said.
‘’And you need to understand and remember that I’m here to help you. To understand you. To make you live a normal life. To help you. You don’t need to feel-‘’
‘’I know. You have told me this many time already now.’’
There was a long pause. Jimin looks on his right side, feeling the look over his left where Doc Jin was pleasantly sipping on his coffee. Jimin knows he needs to talk now.
‘’The weather is too beautiful to be called an only a weather, don’t you think Doc?’’ Jimin says.
‘’Yes, of course.’’ Seokjin replies.
‘’I wish this could remain forever.’’
‘’ We all do but things don’t always go the way we want.’’ Seokjin was successful taking the turn of his conversation.
‘’I know. It never does in my case.’’ The turn is he there, Jimin thinks.
Taking a deep breath and placing the coffee mug on the stool Seokjin starts-
‘’Its okay to think like that Jimin. But what is not okay is to take is negatively. If I were you I would have try not to succumb into the dullness of the whole thing, rather challenge myself to change the outcome.’’
‘’that’s why you’re not me.’’
‘’Jimin, all of this are temporary. The weather is temporary. And You thinks its sad because this Autumn will not stay for too long. And you hate winter. But you’re missing out a bright point here.’’ Jimin finally looks at Seokjin. ‘’You dislike the fact that winter is coming which results in you ignoring the mere fact of longevity. If Autumn goes away too soon then Winter will do the same.’’
‘’Rather than worrying about Autumn being short why can’t we just count on the short days of winter and look forward to the next Autumn!’’ Seokjin looks at Jimin with a smile. The other one was quietly looking at him.
‘’We always ignore the bright side of everything and let us get ingest into the dark and sad feelings. There is so much positivity surrounding.’’
‘’But its not that easy-‘’ Jimin starts.
‘’I know its not. Trust me I do. We all are here to fight our way through our life. We are all fighting for our own destiny. But some of us are giving up on the mere negativity that are coming on our way.’’
Jimin proceeds to lock his eyes on his entangled hands and fingers.
‘’Look Jimin! I know its hard for you. But you’re doing so good. You’re better than when you first came here. You’re more vibrant and livelier than before. And it makes me so happy and proud to see you like this.’’
Jimin could feel a pressure on his chest. He tried hard to gulp down the choking sob that is threatening to escape.
‘’You’re talking very different than other days.’’ Jimin says.
‘’Am I?’’ Seokjin interrogates.
‘’Not really. But this is supposed to be your last words of the session. Do I expect for a backward session today?’’ Jimin replies.
Seokjin laughs. ‘’No! jeez don’t talk like that. I told you we are ending today’s session early. I could have easily begun with your mental health and how are you dealing with your depression lately but I won’t.’’ Jimin again looks up at Seokjin.
‘’Today, like always, Im here to remind you of the positive side of our life. Because Jimin, you deserve to know the beauty of life. Other than anything, if I have to choose, I will always talk to you about the positivity. Its because I like to have this conversation with you. And I want you to accept the zeal of life. Because a person like you deserve to be happy.’’
Jimin suddenly feels something warm floods in his inside. Was it hope?
‘’Thank you Doc Jin.’’ Jimin finally replies.
‘’You’re always welcome.’’
With that both of them falls silent. Seokjin doesn’t say anything as he hopes what he just said gets into Jimin’s head. Jimin is again looking back at the Woman on the wheelchair. As he sees the smile of the woman after seeing there is now two birds, makes a smile appears on Jimin’s face. Seeing Jimin smile, Seokjin’s eyes follow where he was looking.
‘’Before we end this, I want to ask about your friend. How is she doing? What you call her… Granny Min? Are you guys still having fun together?’’ Seokjin asked Jimin about his only friend in the hospital, a 45 years old lady, who stays in the congested room beside Jimin.
‘’Oh her! She went home yesterday. Im happy for her. She will be back soon.’’
‘’Ah! Good to know.’’ Replied Seokjin.
Suddenly Jimin could see that figure again. The boy. He is now sitting on a stool at the end of the lawn across him.
‘’Aren’t you going to end this?’’ Jimin asked.
‘’Already bored of me.’’ Seokjin laughs.
‘’When I was not.’’
‘’Right! And the time is ending for today here. I will see you in 2 days, Jimin.’’
‘’Good to know. ’Jimin replies.
‘’Remember what I said. Eat your meal well and take the medicines timely. Never forget there are people who loves you,’’ With that Seokjin takes his coffee mug and starts to walk away from Jimin after waving a goodbye.
Jimin keeps on looking at Seokjin until his figure disappears inside the building. He then diverts his eyes to the other boy, the mysterious new figure. He is still sitting on the same position.
After giving it few thoughts, Jimin gets up from his sit and starts walking to the direction of the new boy. He just wants to know if he was new or maybe his name too.
The boy is now looking something over to his left side. He is now turning to the direction where Jimin is. Jimin stops and try to change his walking direction a little because he thinks he is walking to fast towards the boy. He doesn’t have any intention of scaring him or make him feel uncomfortable with his presence.
But as soon as Jimin changed his position the boy also did. He is now looking down at his feet. Still.
‘Did he sense my presence already?’ Jimin questioned himself. ‘You’re thinking too much Park Jimin. Why are you so nervous!’’
Finally, Jimin reached infront of the boy who was still looking down. Jimin doesn’t know what to do or what to say to get his attention so he keeps on standing.
After what feels like a decade, the boy finally looks up and straight into Jimin’s eyes. Which definitely throws Jimin back.
He has beautiful eyes. Dagger sharp. Not only his eyes, he is handsome too.
Jimin doesn’t know what to say. He remains with the same posture, being at a lost of action. On the other hand, the boy didn’t even flinch a bit, he is still looking straight into Jimin eyes. As if he is trying to read his soul.
Finally, the boy cocks his right eyebrow, which makes Jimin come down from his haze. He clears his throat.
‘’Hello!’’ Jimin manages to say at last.
To make it more awkward and unbearably irritating for Jimin, the boy didn’t reply rather he is still looking straight.
‘’Umm… do you mind if I sit here?’’ Jimin asks.
He doesn’t say anything but after few seconds he takes his gaze away and moves his right hand, indicating the place is free for Jimin to sit. Jimin doesn’t hesitate to sit beside the boy but he is afraid he might get up and leave.
Jimin doesn’t say anything. Neither does the boy. Jimin looks ahead and sees that the woman on wheelchair is now leaving the bird and the maple tree behind. I think her time is up, now she has to go back to her room again. Jimin feels a rush of sadness. He wishes he could help her.
Jimin again gets his focus back on the boy beside him as he feels that the boy just shifted on his position. He carefully looks at the boy. His side profile is gorgeous he has to say. He has sharp jaw line, pointy nose. Even his forehead is pretty-
Jimin felt like his soul left his body as the boy suddenly turn his head towards him, catching Jimin red handed staring at him. He cocks his head slightly as if questioning why Jimin was looking at him.
Jimin immediately looks away. Clearing his throat for the second time, he prepares himself for a conversation.
‘’I’m Park Jimin.’’
No reply.
Jimin could feel his entire existence set one fire. Did he get ignored? Was he interrupting someone else’s privacy? How does he escape now? To make it worse, the boy was still looking with his burning gaze; head still slightly cocked.
‘’Jeon Jungkook.’’
‘’heh?’’ first of all Jimin wasn’t expecting an answer. Second, he has a nice soft voice. Third, it was barely audible.
‘’I said my name is Jeon Jungkook.’’ He made himself clear now.
‘’Nice to meet you Jungkook. Are you new here?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Oh! Good.’’ Jimin try to smile at Jungkook but he was looking somewhere else. Clearly not interested or that’s what Jimin felt.
Jimin stays quiet. There’s still chilly breeze blowing. He wonders if deciding to talk to Jungkook was a good idea or not. He could have just enjoyed his time before going back to his room.
Jungkook takes an audible sigh as if he was bored; making Jimin more uncomfortable than he was already. Still Jungkook doesn’t bother to say anything. Jimin decides to wait a bit more.
After what feels like decade which was in reality only 5 minutes, Jimin started to feel impatient. Jungkook still hasn’t said anything nor even moved.
Jimin decided to ask him something more but Jungkook suddenly gets up from his sit and started to walk directly to the building leaving a confused and hurt Jimin. Just in a second Jimin hears a bell; their times are over for the morning, now they have to go back to their room, take a shower and eat.
As Jimin makes his way towards the building, he cannot help but feel sad at the cold behavior he got from the new boy Jungkook.
Maybe its him. Maybe its his face and his luck that everyone he meets doesn’t want to be around him and builds a dislikeness towards him. Jimin keeps on thinking this wanted thought as he enters the building.
It was already 10 pm. Jimin is done with his dinner and every other nighttime schedule. Now he is just waiting for sleep to endeavor him.
Today’s weather had a good impact on him. Even it helped him to cope up with sadness that he felt.  He wishes if he could have this weather everything. As he tries to linger the weather for as long as he can, he decides to open the window and stare at the night sky.
The hospital he is admitted to was the biggest one in the city of Busan. It has its own reputation of being one of the best mental hospital of the country. It was built in a spacious area. It’s a 4-storage building with huge amount of empty space surrounding it. Rumor says the whole building is consisted of more than a thousand of room for patient. Apart from the frontal area, the whole empty space surrounding the building is used for making roaming place for the patients and the doctors; the backside and the rightside area is for the patient and the left side is for the doctors. The backside is called merriment 1 or m1 and the right side is m2. There is difference between this two. M1 is used for patient who are less dangerous and more mentally stable whereas m2 is used for the opposite ones. After the checkups, patients are decided by the authority to which area they can use. This also applies for dinning hall. Not all the patient can dine in there. Only the permitted one can. Jimin got his permission 2 weeks ago.
Through the window from Jimin’s room, he can see the whole m1 area easily. As it is nighttime, no patients are allowed to go there. He heard that if someone breaks the rule they have to face some sorts of punishment for that.
Jimin’s eyes found the stool he and the new boy Jungkook was siting in the morning. Remembering Jungkook, abruptly some feelings of dejection hits him. Jungkook didn’t seem like someone who was too ill. Jimin thought he might be like him. Just depressed and suicidal. He regrets expecting such things. He doesn’t even know why he is making a big deal out of it. But he cannot seem to get that event of rejection out of his head. And it’s killing him inside.
Jimin knows its not good for him. He still remembers what Doc Jin said this morning. He has to think positively. So he decided to leave Jungkook off of his thoughts and think about something better.
Jimin’s mind drifts off to memories of his family; his mom, dad and his younger brother. He misses them. He wishes he could be with them now and see them. His parents came to visit him last week. He was so happy to see them. So were they. They spent good hours until the very last moment. Jimin almost forgot about Jihyun. When he asked about him his parents replied he was busy with homeworks so he couldn’t come.
‘’Oh!’’ Jimin replied.
‘’Sweatheart, Jihyun misses you a lot.’’ His mother replied. ‘’ He wanted to come. But if he didn’t do his works it would be bad for his result.’’
‘’I see. But isn’t he always done with his homework  during the weekend?’’ Jimin’s question made his parents exchange looks.
‘’Listen son. Don’t think like that. His finals are-‘’ his dad started.
‘’I know. I know. Trust me I do.’’ He abruptly stopped his father in midway. ‘’ I know everything. How he feels and how I make him feel. Just tell him that I love him a lot. And I wish to end his misery of having an older brother like me a long time ago. But I failed. That’s what I can do-‘’
‘’ No please, baby. Don’t think like that-‘’ his mother said.
‘’No don’t cry. Not now.’’ Jimin’s father tried to calm his wife down.
‘’IM SO SORRY!’’ Jimin was now started to cry and scream. ‘’ IM SO SORRY FOR EVERYTHING. I SHOULD LIVE NOW.’’ With that Jimin gets up from his sit and started to walk back to the building. He could already see some nurse approaching him-
That’s how the last meeting went. Jihyun still hasn’t come to visit him. He knows its only been a week since he met his parents but he actually believed Jihyun would have come right after. But he didn’t.
Tears started to roll down his cheeks. Jimin’s mind was screaming ‘stop being pathetic’. But he didn’t have any control over his sadness. That is what his life was. Full of sadness. He is nothing but a mistake-
Jimin was pulled back from his thoughts as he felt like he saw some movement down in m1. His heart was beating fast. His immediate thought was that it’s a ghost and he isn’t ashamed of saying that he is afraid of ghosts.
Jimin thinks of closing the window and go back to bed but something was stopping him from doing so. with the name of God, Jimin decided to inspect the area.
He could swear his heart left his body as soon as he spotted something on m2. No, it was someone. And from the outfit, Jimin thinks it’s a patient. But how could it be! No patient was allowed to be there at this ungodly hour.
Jimin runs to the other part of the room and turns the light off and goes back to the window. He has no idea what he is doing, all he knows that he doesn’t want to cause any trouble but he knows not of what trouble it could be.
Jimin’s eyes goes back to the corner he saw that figure. If he is not wrong, it’s the same place Jungkook and he was sitting this morning. He tries to squint his eyes to see who he could be. He was sure it must be one of those m2 patient, who probably tried to sneak into m1.
Jimin kept on following the figure. He is sure he has never seen this person in m1, not the 6 months he was in. The person looks quite tall; at least taller than Jimin, slim body, black hair-
Jimin felt like his eyes will bawled out of the socket. He suddenly recognized who it was. Its Jeon Jungkook, the new boy.
Jimin is now practically jumping up and down in his position. He has to do something, he cannot believe this new boy could make this sort of mistake. What if he gets caught? He is new here so he probably doesn’t know anything about the restriction. Will they slack him off for this time? He doubts they will. Jimin has been warned about all the restriction the day he was admitted and he was told to follow them strictly. So he is sure this boy has also been told. Then what is he doing now? He must have been seeing wrong.
Jimin again looks at that person to clarify what he saw is wrong or right. But nope, he didn’t make any mistake. It was indeed Jeon Jungkook.
Should he do something? Is there any way to warn that boy? Should he go out and tell the guards? No he cant. So should he go and tell him? Nope! He can get caught too.  Besides Jimin’s room is locked now.
Wait! If his room is locked that means every other patient’s room should be locked. Which means Jungkook’s room should have been locked too. Then how was he there.
Jimin checks for the 2nd time if he made any mistake or not. He didn’t. Jungkook is still in there.
What is happening? Jimin is definitely worried about the boy. He seemed like a nice guy even though he didn’t talk to him in the morning. He doesn’t want anything happen to Jungkook.
Out of no where Jungkook’s head, Right then, turned up and to the direction of where Jimin’s room located in the building. From Jimin’s spot it seemed like Jungkook was looking straight at him. Jimin was frozen. He tried to bend down as soon as he can. After few minutes of siting on the floor, Jimin tried sneak a look at the other boy down there. Jungkook was looking somewhere else now. Which caused Jimin to go back to his previous tension.
As Jimin was being frantic, lost in his thought, Jungkook was already walking back to the building. Just before he disappears Jimin’s eyes caught his figure. He sees Jungkook leaving m1 and going back to the building. There is no guard. No sign of them.
That was odd. Is he some sort of highly privileged person to get permission to do such thing without getting caught? Jimin doesn’t know. He is now sweating for being so worried for past 5 minutes. He checks the area through his window one last time before going back to his bed. It was enough for him for the day. He decided it’s better to sleep.
Jimin couldn’t shake off the image of Jungkook sitting on the stool of m1 from his mind as he laid down on his bed. He tried hard to fall asleep but was in vain. It took him few hours before his mind was at ease and he was succumb to deep slumber.
The next morning Jimin was back to doing his usual stuffs; getting up, washing up, having breakfast and meds, going for daily checkups (minus consulting with Doc Jin which is scheduled tomorrow). Now he is ready to have his time off in m1. The incident of last night is long forgotten. He somehow forgot about Jungkook.. until he sees him in the same stool in m1.
Jungkook was sitting there in the same position from last night. Seeing him Jimin gulps down as he remembers the event. It felt like it was a dream. Jimin ponders if he should go to Jungkook or just ignore him. As he was thinking Jungkook suddenly looks straight at him and scares the hell out of Jimin. Just like before, Jungkook again cocks his head, as if asking Jimin of something.
Jimin doesn’t know what should he do. After giving it a few thoughts, he decided to approach Jungkook again.
Jimin sits beside the boy. Jungkook was now back to looking up at the sky.
‘’Good Morning……Jungkook?’’ Jimin purposely made the ending sound like a question while delaying before saying his name which got him no reaction from the other.
‘’Its not morning anymore.’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’Huh?’’ Jimin was caught off guard.
‘’I said its not morning. I have been awake for past 5 hours so nope its not morning.’’
Suddenly Jungkook laughs making Jimin confused. Even his laugh is attractive.
‘’What?’’ Jimin questions.
‘’This is the second time we are talking and the conversation went the same way. I say something and you don’t hear then I repeat and you say ‘’oh’’.’’ Jungkook says smiling while looking at Jimin. Jimin feels hit rise up on his cheeks. He was surely embarrassed.
‘’uh… I’m sorry.’’ Jimin replies.
‘’Why are you sorry?’’
‘’For being a disappointment.’’
‘’heh?’’ its time for Jungkook to be confused. Jimin doesn’t reply instead he kept on looking at his hand.
After a solid 30 second of awkward silence, Jungkook finally decides to talk.
‘’Are you always like this?’’
‘’Like what?’’
‘’umm… being so over dramatic.’’ Jimin felt like his entire world turn into ice.
‘’Im not being dramatic.’’ Jimin tries to argue back.
‘’oh sure! ‘sorry for being a disappointment’ I don’t even hear this sort of dialogue in movies.’’ Jungkook laughs as he says the line mocking Jimin’s voice. Jimin is sure his ears are now red. This is humiliating.
‘’Guess you’re right!’’ with that Jimin gets up from the stool and starts to walk.
‘’hey hey hey! Wait.’’ Jungkook was quick to get up and grab Jimin’s hand.
‘’What!’’ Jimin tries his best to remain cool.
‘’I was just joking.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’Sure you were. Have fun.’’ As Jimin says the last word his voice made a chocking sound indicating he was on a verge of crying.
This has probably hit Jungkook more than it should have been. His face looks like he was concerned.
‘’Hey! I really am sorry. I was just messing with you. I didn’t know it will affect you this way.’’ Jimin doesn’t say anything. ‘’Come here and sit with me again. Maybe we could have a proper introduction now.’’ Jungkook proposes.
Jimin couldn’t say no to this. He won’t. So he accept the proposal and goes back to sit on the stool.
‘’So you said your name is Park Jimin.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’You remember.’’
‘’I bet you remember my name too.’’ Jungkook replies.
With that they started to have conversation. Jungkook tells him about his morning and the day before. Yesterday was his first day. Jimin tells him about his day and briefly about past 6 months. Jungkook is a good listener and he talks so less unless he is asked a question.
They are now talking about their family. Jimin tells Jungkook about his family, how they are and what they used to do during vacation. He tried his best not to mention any sad moments.
‘’How about you? How is your family.’’ Jimin asks Jungkook.
‘’Uh, my family!’’ Jungkook takes a deep sigh before continuing. ‘’I have my parents and older brother. They are cool.’’
‘’oh! So you’re the youngest of the family?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Yes! 97liner.’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’really? That makes you younger than me.’’
‘’it does?’’ Jungkook says with raising his right eyebrow.
‘’yup.’’ Jimin replies with a smile.
There was a long pause again until Jimin decides to break it.
‘’if you don’t mind. May I ask why you are here?’’
Jungkook doesn’t reply immediately. He doesn’t look at Jimin, he was looking up at the sky. Jimin suddenly have a feeling that Jungkook’s reply is going to be something sad.
‘’Various reasons. Mostly because my parents think I need treatment.’’ Jungkook replies still looking up at the sky. ‘’Why are you here?’’
‘’I don’t think you’re ready to hear it.’’ Jimin replies.
‘’Try me.’’ Jungkook looks at Jimin and smiles.
‘’I tried to kill myself.’’
Jungkook doesn’t budge hearing the statement, rather he kept looking at Jimin. Jimin is now feeling awkward.
‘’Oh!’’ Finally, Jungkook says with a sigh. Jimin doesn’t say anything.
‘’What…was the reasons for your parents to think that way?’’ Jimin asks again.
‘’I don’t think so this time you’re ready to hear.’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’Try me?’’
‘’Well… I was accused of trying to murder people.’’ Jungkook finally replies.
Jimin couldn’t say anything. Before he could even react, the bell rings indicating they need to go back to the building.
Jungkook immediately gets up and starts to walk away. He stops for a while and waves goodbye to Jimin. Jimin was still sitting on the same position.
 Jimin is currently waiting for Doc Jin to show up with his coffee mug. It’s the next day, the consultation day.
Jimin was back to basic. After Jungkook left him there yesterday, he went back to his room and did what he usually does. He didn’t see Jungkook after that. He wasn’t on m1 during the evening off hours. Jimin checked m1 through his window at night too. But no one was there this time. Jimin was still in doubt if his mind is still playing tricks on him. Maybe he got a new sickness! That would be sad.
As Jimin was busy in his thought, Seokjin was already there. He was waiting sitting beside Jimin to finally notice him.
‘’You’re already here! Why didn’t you knock me?’’ Jimin asks as soon as he notices the presence of Doc Jin beside him.
‘’didn’t want to disturb your serene mood!’’ replied Seokjin. Which makes Jimin let out a nonchalant chuckle.
‘’So how is Park Jimin doing?’’ Seokjin starts off the day.
‘’Good! I guess. ‘’ Jimin replies.
‘’only good? Not great good?’’ Seokjin attempts for a light-hearted fun.
‘’If I say that im feeling really better and im better than before, will you let me leave this place?’’
‘’Tough challenge. Don’t you like this place? Wont you miss your granny Min or your favorite nurse if you leave? Or me?’’
Jimin laughs and shakes his head. ‘’Jokes don’t suit you when you’re talking to your patient who is nothing but a wretched.’’
Seokjin makes a snorting noise. ‘’You young lad! Is very hard to handle.’’
‘’Already giving up, huh?’’
‘’Try me.’’
With that a long pause comes. Until Seokjin decides to break it.
“Today we are back to our regular consultant.’’
‘’Are we going back to your office for that?’’ Jimin inquires.
‘’No. We are staying here.’’
‘’Because” Seokjin takes a pause. ‘’I want to talk to you not as a doctor anymore. I want to talk to you as a friend. I don’t want it to be a consultation but a normal conversation. It would be easier for me.’’
‘’I see.’’ Replies Jimin.
“Lets starts with you telling me about the past two days? How did you do? Did something exciting happen? I know its quite impossible but let me pretend something could happen.’’
Jimin’s heart skips a bit. He was reminded of the night when he saw Jungkook on m1. He ponders if he should mention it to Doc Jin or not. At the end decides against it.
‘’Nothing much actually. Same old thing. Except for there is still no granny Min and I may or may not have made a new friend or met a new person you could say.’’ Jimin says.
‘’Is that so? who is that person?’’ Seokjin asks.
‘’There is this new boy-‘’
‘’The one who you have been looking?’’
‘’huh?’’ Confused Jimin.
‘’I saw the previous day you have been staring at someone. You were just doing the same a while ago. ’’ Seokjin replies.
Jimin is lost of words. Of course, Doc Jin is going to notice every single detail of him. Jimin found Jungkook walking around m1 right after Doc Jin appeared.
‘’Yeah.’’ Jimin confessed.
‘’So, tell me about him. How is he? What’s his name?’’
‘’I don’t know much about him. We only talked once. He told me his name and I told him mine. His name is Jeon Jungkook. He is new here.’’ Jimin tells Seokjin. Both of them were staring at Jungkook now. He is walking around his back facing them.
‘’hm I see!  Its good for you. I hope he is a good kid and you guys can be friend.’’
‘’Are you going to gather information about him?’’ Jimin says all too quickly.
‘’umm? Do you want me too?’’
‘’No! I mean…’’ Jimin again got tongue tied. ‘’ I was just thinking. That’s what you do being my doctor.’’
‘’Is there something you want to know about him?’’ Seokjin asks.
‘’Not really. I would love to find out from him rather than from his medical reports.’’ Jimin replies.
‘’Alright!’’ Says Seokjin. ‘’Let’s get back to you now, shall we?’’ Seokjin asks, Jimin nods.
They are again back to ‘about Jimin’ and his current condition. Seokjin asks him about various things. Trying to find out any sorts of negative improvement. From what Jimin tells him, Seokjin can understand clearly that the boy is doing better than before. Seokjin remembers when he first saw Jimin, his condition was bad, not only bad but worse. He met him right after 2 days he was admitted here. He was assigned with him immediately. There were various scars on Jimin’s body indicating self-harm, he looked as if he was in coma. He barely talked or moved. Understandable as he was just brought back from almost death.
After Jimin’s failed attempt of suicide, his parents were left with no option but to admit him on Busan Mental Hospital. Jimin was found in his bathroom, wrist wide open with a cut, water running down from the bathtub, the whole bathroom was flooded with red blood. Thankfully he was found in time and he was saved.
Jimin was diagnosed with MDD (major depressive disorder) when he was 17 years old. After the suicide attempt he was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Seokjin has been treating him for past 6 months and finally he is seeing some positive result within the boy.
‘’what about the flashbacks? Are you still getting them?’’ Seokjin asks.
‘’Yes.” Jimin replies.
‘’Are you taking the medicine in time.’’
There is currently no sad event happening in Jimin’s life but he gets flashbacks of past events which causes an upraise to his depression. Seokjin knew what was wrong with Jimin. Those events which he thinks off as negative or unpleasant weren’t exactly like that. Little things make Jimin sad. He was vulnerable and prone to depression. Its all in his head. His own head is his biggest trap and its hard for him to get out of it.
‘’Did you try all the ways I taught you.’’
‘’Yes, I did.’’
‘’Was it any better.’’
‘’Truthfully saying, sometimes they were.’’
‘’that’s progressive. I’m glad to hear that.’’ Seokjin encourages Jimin.            
Its already been an hour. It’s time for Seokjin to ‘serve his encourage words’ or that’s what Jimin calls them. Even though Jimin pretends like he hates these things, Seokjin knows he listens to him very attentively.
That’s what Seokjin likes about Jimin. Jimin knows that he cannot live like this and he needs to get better, better for his sake and the people around him. He is fighting his battle with all the wills he has. And from the perspective of Seokjin, Jimin is doing incredibly amazing. He is proud of the boy. Seokjin is sure within few months Jimin will be able to go back to his normal life.
Just a few months.
‘’So Jimin! That’s it for today.’’ Seokjin tells Jimin. Jimin smiles. ‘’I had a great time. I hope you did too. I know you did.’’ Seokjin winks at Jimin.
‘’Yes, I did.’’ Jimin replies. His eyes are currently searching for Jungkook who was on his right side across the lawn few seconds ago. He was hoping to catch the boy after Doc Jin leaves. But Jungkook might have already left.
‘’As you know this is the last day for this week. I won’t be seeing you until next Sunday.’’ Jimin nods. ‘’I pray that you do well within these days. I will be informed every detail of you and your checkups, so that we can discuss on your progress during the next consultation.’’
‘’See you next time. Bye Jimin!’’
‘’See ya Doc Jin.’’ Seokjin starts to walk back to the building to his office direction. Seokjin walks he looks back to see Jimin looking around as if to find something. ‘probably looking for that other boy’ Seokjin thinks, ‘I have to find information about him.’
Jimin walks around m1 but cannot see Jungkook anywhere. He really did leave. Sighing, Jimin decides to walk around a little bit and observe other people.
The weather was already getting cold. Which means winter is right at the corner. The sky is bright blue today but the sun isn’t anywhere. Jimin felt as if he can never be prepared for winter to come.
As Jimin was walking he found himself at the right corner of m1, where the boundary is, the boundary between m1 and m2. Jimin decides to walk close to the boundary. He can see the patients of m2, the leveled dangerous patient. But they looked so normal to him. As if they were also the one belongs to m1. They can easily mingle within the progressed patients. Minus the fact they are mostly known as socio and psychopaths.
Jimin spots one patient who he knows about. Kim Namjoon. He is a very famous figure here. He isn’t even from Busan. He was from Ilsan. He is famous for murdering his own girlfriend. He was sent to prison but due to his corrupted mental state they were forced to send him here. Since then he hasn’t done anything dreadful but nevertheless people are still scared of him because of his brutality. He was already here when Jimin was getting admitted so Jimin knows his story from all the news.
Jimin walks away from the boundaries. It’s useless to think about the unfairness of human life. His own life is messed up badly.
Jimin was ready to leave m1 but the woman on wheelchair again catches his attention. She is back to talking to the birds on the maple tree but this time there isn’t any bird. She is probably talking to herself. Sighing, Jimin starts walking again.
Suddenly a loud scream scares Jimin. He stops where he is. He is sure it was a male’s voice coming from the ground floor of the building. He could see all the patients’ eyes moved towards the building and nurses who were around m1 running toward the building. Jimin starts also running.
The whole area where the supposed incident happened were already full of people, both patients and staffs. Jimin tried his best to push through to see what is happening. After several tries, Jimin could finally manage to poke his head through the bodies to make out the actual scenario. What he saw wasn’t something he expected.
There is blood on the floor. Not too much, just a little but still it was blood. One of the staffs is holding us steel made meds containing, laying on the floor it’s a scissor and some medicine. Left to the staffs is a boy on the ground who’s hand is bleeding hence where the blood came from.
The boy is none other than Jeon Jungkook. He has tears in his eyes and he looked as if he is in pain. Jimin felt a rush and his blood was coming up on his face. He wants to help Jungkook, he looks he is in pain. Before Jimin could move, doctors push through the crowd.
‘’What’s going on here? Oh my god-‘’ one of the doctor says. Jimin can see Doc Jin behind two other doctors.
‘’What happened to him?’’ Says another female doctor named Chaeyoung.                                          
“I…i…’’ Jungkook tried to speak but he was crying now. Jimin felt something clutches his heart.
“What happened?’’ the first doctor, known as Professor Kwanghi, asks the staff who were beside Jungkook.
‘’i..i don’t know what just happened!’’ said the staff.
‘’What do you mean you don’t know.’’
‘’I was just walking and he attacked me.’’ The staff said. Jungkook immediately looks up at the staff in disbelieve and fear on his whole face. He looks from the staff to the doctors. Tears are now rolling down his cheeks.
‘’He attacked you?’’ asked professor Chaeyoung.
‘’Ma’am yes…’’
‘’I didn’t.’’ Jungkook interrupted with an almost inaudible voice but everyone could make out what he said. From behind came Doctor Mark, he was a foreign doctor here. He crouches beside Jungkook and checks the cut on his arm.
“We need to treat him first.’’ Says professor Mark.
“Sir, trust me I didn’t do anything.’’ Said the staff.
‘’Did I ask you to say anything!’’ everyone falls silent at that. Doctor Mark helps Jungkook get up. Two more staff hurriedly comes nd helps Jungkook to walk to the treatment room.
“Wipe the floor immediately.’’ Professor Kwanghi says. ‘’and you.’’ He points at the staff.’’ Come to the staff office right now.’’
‘’Everyone please go now. Go back to what you were doing. There’s nothing to see here. We will handle the rest.’’ Jimin hears Doc Jin says those words loudly as everyone started to leave the place.
Seokjin starts to follow the other doctor but Jimin stops him.
‘’Doc Jin wait!’’
‘’Jimin! Yes?’’
‘’What just happened?’’ Jimin asked.
‘’I think I have seen as much as you did or maybe less than you.’’ Replies Seokjin.
‘’But he is the boy. Jeon Jungkook. I told you about him.’’
‘’I have seen him. Yes, he is.’’ Seokjin says.
‘’Are you all going to punish him for that?’’ Jimin questions.
‘’We don’t know what happened, Jimin. If he hasn’t done anything why would we punish him.’’
‘’I don’t know.’’
‘’Go back, Jimin.’’
‘’Listen.’’ Jimin speaks up again.’’ I don’t trust you all. I have talked to Jungkook before. I can tell you…I can tell you that he hasn’t done anything.’’ Jimin stops and gets closer to Seokjin.’’ You don’t stay here all the time. You have no idea how some of the staffs treat us. I have seen that one, the staff, he was… he threw away someone’s gift. Ugh! You have to understand…’’
‘’Jimin! Come down.’’ Seokjin stops the stressed boy infront of him.’’ I will see what I can do.’’
‘’don’t hurt Jungkook!’’
At that Seokjin looks back at Jimin into his eyes. The boy way being serious. ‘’If he is not guilty at all. We won’t let a pin hurt him, Jimin!’’
Jimin doesn’t say anything.
‘’Go back to your room. You’re shower time has already started.’’ With that Seokjin leaves without glancing back at Jimin. Jimin remains in the same position as he was. His inside was creeped up with fear. He was worried about Jungkook. He knows that he doesn’t know the boy that well but he can’t help but feel sad and worried seeing Jungkook on the floor, bloodied and crying.
Eventually Jimin starts to walk towards the 3rd floor, his room. He cannot wait to find out what had happened to Jungkook.
Jimin didn’t see Jungkook that day during evening free hours. He was sure Jungkook wasn’t permitted for dinning yet but he still looked for him. He even tried to search him on m1 till midnight through his window. Even though he was constantly questioning himself what he was doing and why but he could not resist the urge.
The next day Jungkook wasn’t there in the morning nor in the evening. Jimin was practically anxious by the time. He tried to ask staffs and other patients about what had happened the other day but the patients didn’t know either and the staffs didn’t want to tell. After trying his best Jimin finally gave up. Now his only hope was Jungkook himself.
When Jimin didn’t see again in the morning the next day, he immediately took a decision and set up a plan. He was scared but he decided he would try his best and give it a shot.
The dinning starts around 8 pm. 15 minutes before that everyone starts to leave their room and gather around the hall. Jimin planned to go find Jungkook during the time everyone will start to leave for dinning. It was a dangerous plan as patients are forbidden to meet other patient or leave their own floor and roam around the building except for certain area. If they wanted to meet another patient they had to take permission and they would be sent with another staff. If someone gets caught disobeying the rule they have to face penalty for that. The worse Jimin could think of as a penalty is that he would be locked up or the dinning permission would be taken away. Jimin won’t let that happen.
With a shaking heartbeat Jimin starts his mission.
As much as Jimin knows the frontal side of the building is where the dangerous patients’ wards are situated and backside was for the progressed ones. Jungkook is not categorized as a dangerous one so he should be at the backside of the building. The newly admitted patient was one the 2nd and third floor of the left side of the building. But those who gets a privileged lift, they were sent to 4th floor and that’s where Jimin will look for because Jimin is sure Jungkook was one of those privileged ones.
Jimin starts to climbs up the stairs. There were patients coming down. He can’t see any staffs, he prays he won’t have to. As he reaches 3rd floor, he accidentally bumped into someone. He looks up to see it was a patient.
‘’Where are you going? I don’t think you are from here!’’ he questions Jimin immediately. Jimin gulps down. The patient laughs, probably because of the horrified look on Jimin’s face.
‘’Are you trying to trespass?’’ The patient whispers into Jimin’s ear making Jimin more panicked then he was already.
‘’N-no…i…’’ Jimin tries to speak.
‘’Hurry up buddy.’’ With that he leaves Jimin. He walks down the stairs without looking back at him. Jimin quickly snaps out of his stance and started to walk upstairs as quickly as possible.
Reaching the 4th floor, his destination, Jimin panicked more to see the empty hallway. During the dinning time all staffs leaves for the hall; as if it’s a trick to catch a patient trespassing. Jimin doesn’t waste any time he starts to look for Jungkook. He wishes that he won’t be inside his room or if he is then he manages to find him.
Jimin suddenly stops on his track.
He fucked up.
He fucked up big time.
He forgot about the CC cameras.
As he looks straight at the one above his head, he wants to laugh. He probably left his brain on the bathroom when he was making the plan during shower. There’s nothing he can do. He is bound to get caught now.
What has been done is done, Jimin thinks. He is going to get caught anyway so he needs to finish what he came for. He starts to walk again.
After what feels like decade Jimin finally reaches where he wanted to. He guesses a side of the hall where he could find Jungkook. Now he has to decide which room. Jimin knows very well his guessing can be wrong, it 100% will but he is going to give them a try. He already fucked up so why not fuck it up a little bit more.
With that Jimin opens the door to his right.
It was empty. Jimin wanted to scream, both in frustration and fear. He isn’t sure what he should do now.
Should he check another room? Yes, he will.
He checks 2 more rooms. He was shaking out of fear. He is ready to leave now. He was afraid and now after failing he is feeling sad. He can feel his eyes tearing up.
Suddenly there was a sound behind him on the corridor. Jimin freezes on his position. If he wasn’t enough scared before then now he is. He doesn’t know what to do. Should he look back or start running? Running seems like a good option. Maybe he could get rid of all of these. Or maybe while running he can trip and fall from the stairs and die-
‘’Are…you Jimin?’’ a voice speaks up.
Jimin immediately spins on his heel and looks back. He sees a figure standing few meters away from him. Tall, slim body and handsome.
Jungkook was standing there. He came from a room from left.
‘’ah.. ye-yes.’’ Jimin replies.
Jungkook starts to walk towards Jimin. He looks up and checks for any camera. There wasn’t any in this part of the hall.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ Jungkook questions Jimin. ‘’ Come with me.’’ Jungkook signs Jimin to follow him. Jungkook takes Jimin to his room or that’s what he believes. He closes the door behind. Jungkook stands his back facing the closed door, arms crossed over his chest and head his cocked to the side. As if asking Jimin question.
“I came to look for you.’’
‘’I was worried.’’
Jimin doesn’t answer. He doesn’t answer because he wasn’t sure what to answer. He doesn’t know why he was worried for Jungkook, neither he knows why was he so curious on finding out what had happened back there. So, he remains quiet.
Jungkook sighs. ‘’You can sit on the bed. There are some water on the stand if you want.’’
‘’No thanks! I have to leave soon.’’
‘’Aren’t you going to tell me why you are here?’’ Jungkook asks again.
‘’I told you I was worried.’’ Before Jungkook could say anything Jimin adds – ‘’ don’t ask why.’’
‘’Fine.’’ Jungkook replies after a while. There’s a long pause until Jimin speaks.
‘’Are you okay?’’
‘’Why do you care?’’
‘’Cant I just ask without you fucking-“
‘’Okay okay! Yes, I’m fine now.’’ Jungkook replies. Jimin doesn’t say anything back.
‘’What happened the other day?’’ Jimin asks. ‘’don’t tell me that its none of my business!’’ Jimin says, hurt visible in his voice.
Jungkook walks over to the bed and sits down. Jimin was still standing. ‘’ Im so tired of telling the same thing over and over to the authority and doctors.’’ Jungkook takes a deep breath. ‘’I guess I wont die by repeating once more.’’
‘’If you’re so reluctant on telling then don’t. I will go.’’ Jimin says.
‘’No! if you have risked to come this far then I have to tell you I guess.’’ Jimin doesn’t reply to this either. “but I’m pretty sure you will not believe. Why would you believe a new boy anyway!’’ Jungkook says as he lets out a chuckle.
‘’Try me maybe?’’ Jimin says.
Jungkook doesn’t say anything for few seconds before he starts. ‘’I saw you with Doctor Seokjin that day siting on the stool on m1. I was waiting for your consultation to end. But it was getting late and I was bored. So, I decided I will see you in the evening and I started to leave for my room. But then when I was entering the building I was collided with the staff, his name is Minhyuk. I don’t know what’s his problem with me but he hasn’t been good to me since the day I first came. After I collided with him he dropped his container. As a basic instinct I got down to help him collect his stuffs but he refused and tried to take the container away from my hand as if I wont give it back to him.’’ Jungkook laughs as he takes a short break. ‘’As he tried to snatch it away it drops from my hand again but this time I noticed there was a scissor in there. It… it was supposed to be a meds container why there was a surgical scissor. Then I made the mistake of taking the scissor on my hand. And what he did next-‘’ Jungkook stops.
‘’What?’’ Jimin questions him.
‘’umm…’’ Jungkook pauses again. He wipes his nose with his sleeves. ‘’uh…he tries to take away the scissor but I was holding it, I guess, too tightly. So, he pushed the scissor and it scratched my hand pretty badly. You may have seen the bloods to understand how bad the injury was.’’
‘’You saw me there?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’I guessed that you were there. So, after they took to me to the treatment room they stopped the bleeding. After I was calmed, they asked me what happened. I told them what I just told you. At first, they seemed to believe me but they started to doubt once they heard what the staff said.’’
‘’what did he say?’’ Jimin asked furrowing his brows.
‘’Well his side of the story seemed fully opposite of mine.  He accused me of having the scissor.’’ Jungkook let out a chuckle. ’’He said after we collided. I pushed him on the ground. I pulled out a scissor and tried to attack him with it and I cut myself instead.’’
‘’oh my god.’’ Jimin was shocked. ‘’Tell me they didn’t believe him.’’
‘’what do you think?’’ Jungkook questions back. ‘’at first, they were believing him but then Doctor Seokjin suggest to check the surveillance camera. But it made them confused at first. They told us to return to our respective places. But from what I can guess is that they found I was telling the truth.’’
‘’that’s good.’’
‘’would you believe me Jimin?’’ Jungkook asks.
‘’Yes.’’ Jimin didn’t hesitate to answer.
‘’I have this feeling that you’re being honest. At least with me.’’ Jimin says in a low voice.
‘’Really? Its hard to believe that there is someone who can trust me.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’Why is that?’’
‘’Because no one trust someone like me.’’
‘’Why are you talking like this.’’
‘’I’m trying to be like you.’’ Jungkook says as he tries to hide his laughter. That earns him a glare from Jimin. ‘’I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I was just messing. I’m sorry.’’
“No but seriously. No one trusts me. No one trusts nor believes in Jeon Jungkook.’’
‘’But why?’’
‘’Because everyone believes I’m a bad person.’’ Jungkook replies. ‘’Everyone believes that I’m someone who should everyone stay away from and not put their trust into. That confirms why I don’t have any friends.’’ Hearing this Jimin could feel a pang on his heart.
‘’But I believe you.’’ Jungkook head shoot at Jimin’s direction. ‘’I want to trust you. Can I trust you, Jungkook?’’
‘’You don’t even know anything about me!’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’We have plenty of times to know each other. Beside you also don’t know about me. Let’s be friends, Jungkook.’’ Jungkook doesn’t reply. ‘’You cannot hurt me right now being here, can you?’’
‘’I don’t know.’’
‘’No, you can’t. I’m sure.’’
‘’How can we be so sure?’’
‘’I’m sure cause I cant even hurt myself or you either.’’ At this Jungkook looks at Jimin, a small smile appeared on his face.
‘’You are right.’’
‘’So, what you say?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Okay I guess.’’ They look at each other smiling.
Suddenly Jimin hears the bell ring, which mean the dinner time is up. Jimin panics again.
‘’You have to leave now.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’Yeah. I hope I don’t get caught. But I think they already saw me through the camera.’’
‘’No, they haven’t. you don’t have to worry about it.’’
‘’Let’s go!’’
Jimin and Jungkook leaves the room.  Jungkook tells Jimin to wait behind a pillar beside the room. To wait for some people to arrive so that he can easily mingle among them.
As people started to arrive Jimin starts walking towards the stairs. Jungkook is following him behind. Before he starts to climb down the stair, he says bye to Jungkook and Jungkook tells him he will meet him tomorrow morning.
As Jimin was going down he again meet that patient he met before.
‘’Oy! You’re done with your mischief?’’ he says with a big grin.
‘’Yup.’’ Jimin said smiling. The patient gives him a thumbs up and leaves.
Within 10 minutes Jimin was back at his room. He has 5 minutes before Taehyuk will be here with his medicine. He was practically shoving his left dinner down his throat. Jungkook was probably doing the same, he thinks.
Within an hour Jimin was laying on his bed. He couldn’t wait to fall asleep and wake up. He is eager to meet up with Jungkook tomorrow.
A flashback suddenly hits Jimin but this time it was of Doc Jin. He remembers the doctor asking him, ‘’ Did something exciting happen? I know it’s quite impossible but let me pretend something could happen.’’ For the first time a flashback put a smile on Jimin’s face. Yes, something was actually happening, something exciting and he doesn’t need to pretend for it.
As Jimin tries so hard to fall asleep he forgot to do one thing he have been doing since last week. It is to stand infront of the window, room’s light off and check if someone was on the m1. Lets hope there wasn’t anyone or we could pretend so.
Did you like it? (◕‿‿◕)
Question for you: i. what do you think of Jungkook? 
                            ii. what do you think of Jimin?
                            iii. who do you think Jimin collided with while going to meet                                        Jungkook?
If you have any question, let me know? 
Thank you for reading  ♡ ♡ ♡
[Look forward to the next chapter]
29 notes · View notes
liv324 · 7 years ago
Just My Type
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It was 7:05 in the morning and I was to busy fxcking my chemistry teacher Mr.Thornhill. To notice we had 15 mins to get to school . I tried to let go from our kiss when he grabbed me by the waist and said “what’s wrong “. “It’s time to go to school jay” I got off of him and put on my clothes. You could tell he wasn’t fully satisfied especially because he didn’t came into you .. “right right” he said while putting his clothes back on and drove you guys to the back of the school where no one can see u guys together.
You guys sat in the car quietly until u pulled him into a kiss. The kiss deepened and he told you tht he wasn’t finished with you and he got out of the car and went inside the building. I sat in the car checking my phone. I got a text from my best friend Steve Harrington. “Where tf are you Evelyn “ he texted. “Wdym?” I replied. “We were suppose to meet at the dot this morning i was waiting there looking like an idiot !” He texted. I totally forgot about tht I told myself. I felt so bad ! “Omg I totally forgot Steve I’m so sorry.. stuff at home is complicated can I make it up to you ?!” You texted back. “Hmmm yes you can tonight at your house I have to study for a test and need your help” he said. You smiled at your phone and got out of the car and heading to the building.
When you walked up the steps to the door of the school you got a text and you looked at your phone and for just a quick second you ran into someone and a black case dropped and you quickly looked up. “ omg I’m so sorry!” You said and grabbed the big case and gave it back to a rlly good looking guy. “it’s fine I should’ve paid attention” he said looking at you . You couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. “I think we both weren’t paying attention” you giggled looking at him. “My name is bradley” he reached out his hand. “My name is Evelyn ” you shook his hand. He wouldn’t let go of my hand and stared at me for like 5 secs long . “Uhh sorry” he said nervously letting go his grip. “It’s fine” you smiled. “Hey would like to go to a show tht my band and I are playing at tonight at the dot?” He said confidently. “Sure what time ?” I said interested. “7 o clock.. i’d love to see you there” he said smiling. After tht little interaction I finally got to class.
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My favorite class came.. Chemistry with my favorite teacher ;). I sat down in my regular seat. Mr.thornhill was looking at me seductively. We gave each other long eye contact while i was teasing him by biting my pencil until the bell rang. “Okay class so we are doing a lab so partner up and let’s get started” he said but then the door opened a familiar cute face popped out of the door. It was Bradley. “ Hi mr. Thornhill my name is Bradley I just transferred into this class cuz i had problems in my other class”. He said. “Hi Bradley welcome so just find a partner for our lab and I’ll explain what to do” jay replied . Bradley saw u and caught each other attention. “ Evelyn right ?! Wanna be partners?” He winked . “yah sure !” You replied. Jay saw u guys talking and getting along and he saw Bradley made u laugh when he made a funny face. Jay was getting mad. “Miss Thornhill Evelyn” he mumbled the thornhill part. You looked at jay confused. “I need to talk to u about ur grade” he said. You got up and walked over to his desk. “What do you want jay ?” You asked. “You call me Mr.thornhill in class miss Evelyn!” He said angrily. “Wtf since when?” You replied annoyed . “Excuse me but u need to stop flirting with tht new guy.. i thought i was the only guy ur fxcking” he said while putting is hand on ur bethigh. “Jay I mean mr thornhill he is just a friend! Stop being jealous” you said to him walking away. “Ohh I’m not done with you missy” he whispered and you heard.
When you got back to ur seat Bradley saw ur pissed off face expression. “You look pissed” He laughed. “Is there anything I can do?” He added. “sadly no” you said. “Hey so what is ur band name ?” You asked changing the subject. “The Vamps” He said. “It would be super cool if you could come.. also I rlly want to get to know you” he said putting his hand on your thigh. “Yah I am definitely gonna go i love watching bands and I really wanna get to know you too” you said smiling. You guys worked on your lab and when the bell rang you headed to eat Lunch with steve.
“Hey Harrington!” You said jumping on your best friends back. “Why are u so happy missy?” He asked curious. “What makes you think there is a reason for my happiness” you said rolling your eyes. “Well for starters ik when my best friend is happy about something” he said. You jokingly pushed him. You guys got your lunch and sat with your friends veronica,Betty and Zach. “Hey so I got so much nudes last night it’s crazy !” Zach spluttered out. “Zach no one wants to know how much hoes you get at night” veronica said. “I need more nudes and sex cuz I all I get is Evelyn’s booty or boob pic approvals” Steve said. “Ik we all get them” Zach said laughing. “Well I’m sorry a girl needs help sometimes” you said. “Oh don’t worry we aren’t complaining” the boys said. Everyone laughed at tht. “So Evelyn are u even talking to someone?” Betty asked. Steve got nervous at the question cuz he secretly likes you but only he knows it. “Uhh no all the guys I talk to Just want sex and it’s annoying” You said but u had 2 guys in your mind tht u actually like (jay and Bradley). “Girl that is so true” veronica said. Lunch ended and you guys carried on your day at school.
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When the bell rang I got a snap from jay. I opened it and it said *first gif. He was so demanding I loved it I craved it so I went to his room. I saw him on his desk on his laptop grading. I fixed my appearance a little to look more sexy. I opened the door and locked it and put a paper on the window so no one could see what I was about to do. “Hey babe ready to be sore for the next few days” jay said to you coming towards you. “I guess so” you said seductively. You tugged on his shirt and then unbuttoned his shirt revealing is toned body. He took off your shirt revealing your amazing body . He kissed your neck up to your lips and you moaned a little. He picked u up by the legs and placed you on his desk and unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants revealing is big package . You eyed his package with lust. “I want you now” you begged. “ not yet my dear you have to earn it he said pinching your chin he kissed you deeply. He took off your pants and went down fingering You. And then he ate you out. You really needed him inside. “Babyyyy please I need you” he pulled out and placed his tip playfully on ur folds and u tried to push urself into him but he backed out teasing you. He then grabbed your thighs and thrusted hard into you making u moan loud. “Babe shhh the principal is still here” he kept thrusting in and out of you making you roll ur head back screaming his name. “ babe I have cum” he said pounding ur pussy using all his sexual frustration out from earlier. “Please come pleaseee” you both finally released and you guys were breathing heavy and kissed each other. You two were happy that u both were satisfied.
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After tht hot session you got your self together and headed home. When you got home you were doing homework and FaceTimeing Steve. He was doing his hair and being all cute and stuff . “ okay sexy Steve why u trying to get all cute and stuff ?” You asked teasing. “Can’t I just look good for myself “ he replied. “I mean go for it but let me know who the girl is first” you said. Little did u know it was you. You guys talked for couple of hrs until it was 6. You had to go to the dot to watch Bradley and his hand play. You told Steve u had to go for dinner. After u hung up you got dressed for the concert. You threw on black jeans with a leather jacket and some booties. You headed out and drove to the dot. When u walked in Bradley saw u immediately he looked so happy to see you. “Evelyn !” He called Out you looked at him smiling.
He pulled me up to the stage *second gif
“I’m so happy you came! I hope you like our band.. you can sit in the front row tables” he said gesturing to a seat. “Thanks Bradley I’m excited!” You said hugging him and you sat down waiting for the performance. “Hey everyone thanks for coming out to watch us perform this first song is going out to a special girl tht i just met today she makes me feel a certain way and I like it “ Bradley said grabbing the mic and beginning to sing just my type. You smiled at what he said. “She lets me down
Then gets me high
Oh I don't know why
She just my type
She's my device
I don't think twice
Oh I don't know why she's just what I like
But I, I, I love it
I, I, I love it” he sang. You were having fun singing along and making eye contact with him. When u were having fun you got a text from Steve you opened it and it read “where are Evelyn I’ve been waiting In your house for 45 mins.. did you forget already”. You totally forgot again about your meet up. It was 7:45 and the band took a intermission. Bradley went up to you. “Hey eve how did you like it?” He said. “You guys are amazing! But I have to go i have studying to do” you replied. “Yeah ofc but wait Evelyn” he said pulling you close to him he looked at you down to ur lips you could tell he wanted to kiss you. He kissed you and you let him and the kiss deepened and then you let go and headed out the door and went home.
When u arrived home you went up to your room and saw Steve shirtless on your bed. “Hey Steve sor..” you said closing the door and turning around to a shirtless Steve. “It’s fine but u owe me now” he said. “W-what do you want?” You said nervously curious. He knew the next thing he was gonna say would change your guys relationship..”I want you to make out with me” he said demanding. You were shocked at what he said u had no idea he even liked you like tht. But you didn’t mind cuz you knew he lacked sexual moments. So you ran to him and wrapped your legs around him on the bed and starting to kiss him and he was such an amazing kisser you had no idea how good he was. “Oh my I didn’t know you were so good at this” you said deeply. “Oh baby I don’t kiss and tell” he replied. So you were wrong about his sexual life. “Get on your knees now” he demanded you did as u were told he pulled down his pant revealing his huge hard goods. You began to rub and suck the tip making him moan. You then preceded to suck all of his length making u deep throat and he then fxcked your mouth . You guys then ended up making out on the bed and cuddled for hours until you both fell asleep.
next chapter coming soon
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hear-the-dokidoki · 8 years ago
Everything Fades - Chapter V
A Jungkook story inspired by Kimi no Na wa
Summary: Once in a while when I wake up, I find myself crying. The dream I must’ve had, I can never quite remember. Yet, the sensation that I’ve lost something important always lingers for a long time…
Her: Just a normal day in my boring, calm li- HOLY SHIT I’M IN JEON JUNGKOOK’S BODY.
Him: Alright, let’s go to prac- WAIT WHY DO I HAVE BOOBS?
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Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Chapter V – Thank the Gods for Jeon Jungkook’s Muscles
My eyes are vehemently fixed on my hands as the car transports us towards... well, I’m not really sure.
To my left, there’s Kim Seokjin, and, behind me, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin.
“I’m surrounded by the enemy,” I think.
I feel a bit claustrophobic.
“Ahhh, what am I supposed to do..? Last time I possessed Jungkook, in some miraculous turn of event, it was a day for individual schedules… I just locked myself in the bedroom skipping my meeting with the producers by claiming I was too sick to even move… And the first time lasted only a few minutes because I lost conscience…”
My head slowly turns to the car door.
Which is made of solid metal.
I stare.
“What if…”
I consider the idea for a solid minute.
“I don’t want him to get a concussion either,” I think, frowning. “And the other members would think that I… that he…”
I sigh, highly frustrated.
“That we’d gone crazy or something.”
I rub my eyes.
“How many hours of sleep did this body even get? I feel like my eyelids are made of lead.”
I let out a short fake-cry sound.
“Jungkook-ah,” Jin says. “What’s up with you?”
“Shit. I forgot about him for a sec. Ahhh, fuck me.”
I lick my lips, trying to look natural (and I probably look as natural as a turquoise whale in the middle of Time Square).
“I… stayed up until late… studying. Yeah...”
Jin looks surprised. “What were you studying?”
“What does Jungkook even study? I think he has online courses or something, but that kid looks clueless 50% of the time.”
I clear my throat.
“You know… Some… Korean... stuff.”
“I thought you played Overwatch with Taetae until you both passed out,” Jimin says from the backseat.
Jin stares at me. I stare at my hands. My hands… don’t have eyes.
“Jungkook-ah, this-” Jin begins.
I feel something warm on my chin.
“Oh!” Jin blurts out. “You’re nose bleeding.”
He reaches for a tissue box by his feet and shoves a few pieces in my face.
“Aish, this hasn’t happened to you in a while,” Jin comments with a deep frown.
Yoongi and Jimin look up from their phone and ask if I’m okay. Mechanically, I nod.
“You must be very tired,” Jin continues.
I’m as stiff a brick, leaned as far as possible in my chair. Kim Seokjin is a foot away from me, and even though I can escape his gaze, I can’t avoid having him in my field of vision.
“Tired,” I let out. “That must be it. Haha. Ha. Yeah… I’m tired.”
Jin sighs. “We just have five hours of dance practice, today.”
“Just?” I think. “Just five hours?”
“Try to get through, okay?” Jin says gently. “Hyung will pay for your lunch latter.”
I try to force a smile, though I’m not sure if he sees it, under the thickness of reddened tissues piled on my lower face.
“Thanks,” I manage to mumble.
After a few minutes, the bleeding stops, and I’m told to try to sleep for the little time left in the car.
“Thank the gods for making me bleed,” I think. “That saved me, just now.”
My eyes flutter open for a second, and I shut them tight again.
“Well, that was a fucked-up thought… But… maybe blood is the solution? This whole thing is supernatural anyways, maybe getting some blood magic involved wouldn’t be so bad…”
“Yeah, I think my body being tired is affecting my psyche…”
I yawn, and I feel a hand patting my shoulder.
“I don’t even want to know,” I think, before another thought comes. “But… I guess I have to get used to this. Seeing them in real life and all. I can’t have them finding out that some random girl is inhabiting their baby maknae. I... I have to act like him.”
I open one eye, and glance over my shoulder. Jin is busy with some phone game and Yoongi seems asleep. Park Jimin sees me looking in his direction, and offers me a smile, taking one of his headphones off.
“Oh my god he’s the softest thing I’ve ever seen.”
He leans in closer to me.
“Are you feeling better?” he murmurs.
“Y-yeah,” I shot back, feeling my cheeks burning up.
He watches me with care.
“How is he so handsome what the hell.”
“You look a bit sick…” he adds softly. “Try to sleep, Jungkookie.”
I slowly nod and turn back, burying myself in my seat.
“Yeah, let's try that. It might get me outta here.”
I close my eyes and drift into that awful semi-consciousness state between sleep and awakeness. Stuck in a disordered hurricane of thoughts, I can’t say that I get any rest. Before I know it, the car is immobile and someone is shaking my arm.
“Get up, Jungkook-ah,” a voice says.
In a daze, I’m being ushered up and being dragged around.
“Am I… Am I in the Big Hit building?” I think.
I’m too tired to process my surroundings. Everything is a blur, and at some point music starts to blast from big speakers.
“Holy shit,” I let out, eyes widening.
I find Namjoon right in front of me.
“Jungkook-ah,” he begins gently. “I know you’re not feeling well right now, but practice is starting in a few minutes. If it’s too hard on you, we’ll take more breaks than usual, alright? Just tell me if you need it.”
He offers me a hand. Reluctantly, I take it.
“Oh gods.”
I gulp.
“I am Jeon Jungkook,” I tell myself. “This is a fucking mess, but for now, I am Jeon Jungkook. That’s me. Yup.”
I take Namjoon’s hand, and he pulls me on my feet.
I’m pulled into position, and from how we’re standing, I can guess that we’re doing the Blood, Sweat and Tears choreo.
“Never thought watching some Korean guys’ dance practice over fifty times would ever be of any actual use,” I think, and my lips curl up slightly.
“We’re starting in 5,” Jung Hoseok says.
“I can’t dance.”
The music begins.
Without my permission, my body starts to follow the beat.
“What the-”
Ten seconds go by, then twenty, thirty… I make no mistake. 
At least, Jungkook’s body doesn’t.
“Oh my god I can dance.”
His muscles just move on their own accord. I glance at my reflection in the mirror.
“Wah… I don’t look like a seagull having a seizure.”
I continue to freak out in my head, and I barely notice when the music is stopped in the middle of the song.
“Jin-hyung,” Hoseok begins, and they discuss the way the eldest was moving his legs.
I’m too busy thinking about the miracle of muscle memory, and when the music resumes, I’m wide awake and ready to be Jeon Jungkook.
We work on a lot of things, and I try to understand the technical words that are used. It’s difficult, and I tell myself that I’ll have to find time to study all that. Later, we spend an eternity on monitoring some previous perfomances, and I scarcely survive by making sounds when other members react and by saying a couple vague comments about how we perhaps should've done this or that differently.
The day of work, even though apparently shorter than usual, finally comes to an end. I’m sweaty and burned up, but this body has a stamina far greater than my own, so I’m still somewhat alive.
On the way home, we stop by a fast food, and Jin orders me the food he promised. On any other day, I would have an intense reaction about that Jinkook moment, but for now, I’m starving, and the only thing I can think about is eating. During the rest of the drive, the members chat amongst themselves, and I look out the window, observing the streets of Korea. It’s very odd and interesting, enough to keep me conscious. Food coma is kicking in, and I fell myself drifting a couple times, but I need to communicate with Jungkook, and I can’t do that if I leave now.
As soon as we reach the dorms, in spite of Jin’s insistence about seeing a doctor (“This sickness is strange, Jungkook-ah. It’s making you act in a very weird manner.”), I run to my bedroom and bury myself under my covers, pretending to be asleep. I hear the door opening one or two times, and the dancing shadows on my wall tell me that it’s some of the members checking on me.  After what seems like an eternity of trying hard not to fall into Morpheus’ arms, I decide to take a chance and hope that I’ll be left alone.
On tiptoes, I go to the desk and find a pen. I write a quick message on my arm, reread it a couple times, then allow myself a sigh of relief. I scavenge the closet and find a thin jacket. Putting it on, I crawl back into bed, and, at long last, let myself drift into the world of dreams.
> Next chapter 🌸
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