bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
When posting a long Fanfic please add the 'continue reading' option so that other don't have to scroll down for long in the tag if we want to skip. Just a gentel reminder. Thank you :)
Im so sorry for the inconvenience but i added that ‘keep reading’ when i first published the story. i still can see that it has ‘keep reading’ where i added it. i checked from my other acc. it is there. i dont know where is the problem if it isnt showing for you. and right now i dont know how can i fix that if there is something wrong because i cant see it myself :(
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
my weakness T^T
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6K notes · View notes
bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
Felix Culpa  [pt.i]
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Felix Culpa. Latin. ‘’Happy Fault’’
Pairing: Jimin x Jungkook. Also appearance of other members. Warning: Mental illness, Mental disorder, Depression, Suicide, killing, Death and many more. Please read at your own risk. If you are uncomfortable with any of the things mentioned above then refrain yourself from reading. You have been warned! Genre: mental hospital jikook au maybe? T^T angst and little bit fluff too! Words: 10.5K  Summary: Read Here  Author’s note: ah i tried my best. There might be some mistakes. please forgive me as i dont have anyone to proof read it for me except for myself. i tried my best. i will keep trying my best T^T pt.ii (coming soon)
It was 10 in the morning. The room was already filled with day light, making the white color of the room more vibrant than any other time of the day. Everything was white with a little touch of silver here and there. The lack of furniture makes it hard to accept the feeling of being at home, even though he was reminded few times to make it his new home. He can’t get himself to do it even after spending last 6 months trapped in here.
Park Jimin, 22, not so tall, skinny, black haired who is currently sitting on his bed, legs sprawled out ungracefully, hands between his thighs, relaxing. He isn’t thinking of anything; his mind was blank which is his way of relaxing. Several people have told him for time being that he can’t never be free from thoughts and he should never. They say it will have a negative impact on his mental health. He doesn’t care; he needs to do selfcare once or twice.
The door suddenly opens revealing a very familiar face of the nurse who does frequent checking on Jimin. Her name was Syunghi, she was lovely and pretty. She looks around the room. The white, vibrant room which only has three furniture; a bed, a bedside table with 3 drawers and an easy chair. The room itself has 2 doors; one to exit the room and one for a bathroom which is unfortunately always locked unless Jimin calls a nurse or assistance informing them of his natural occurrence and needs. It has a medium sized window with grills, strong metal grills. No balcony. The room was quite unpleasant and too bright. Jimin never liked it here. He wishes he was in one of those rooms which had two or more people. But they say he was privileged to get this one.
‘’Everything’s okay? Do you need something?’’ Syunghi asks Jimin, the boy who was sitting on the white bed, legs sprawled and hands between his thighs.
‘’Another pillow will make it tolerable.’’ For the unlimited times Jimin has successfully mention to her the same thing. He needed a pillow. its not like he didn’t have any. He has one which is stitched to the bed; only there to support his head for sleeping. He needed another one, to hug when he sleeps.
‘’I wish I could provide you with one.’’ Syunghi replies.’’ Anything else do you need or want to tell me before I leave?’’
There was a long pause.
‘’Maybe a kiss on my lips to make me feel better.’’ Jimin says cheekily with a onesided smirk.
‘’that’s for your future wife to do.’’ With that Syunghi starts to leave the room.
‘’Who’s doing my consultation today?’’ a useless question to ask.
‘’As always, Professor Kim Seokjin.’’ She closes the door behind her.
Jimin finally shifts his position. He is already feeling tired, tired of meeting that same person, Doc Jin. That’s what he calls him. He was a tall, handsome guy; very famous doctor around the town. Jimin was lucky enough to be consulted under him or that’s what they say. ‘Be always thankful to your parents.’
Jimin finally gets down from the bed; feet hitting the cold white tiles. He slowly walks to the window and looks outside. He could see quite a few people on the lawn behind the building, known as M1. There are other patients; talking to their nurses, walking or sitting by themselves and some other just doing weird things like trying to find something on the ground or looking straight up to the sky. Jimin takes a deep sigh. How did he get himself in here!
Jimin proceeds to open the window; as soon as he does a chilly breeze hits his face making a shiver run down from his spine. He is reminded that it is the very last week of November, the end of Autumn. Winter is on its way. A small smile forms on his face as he closes his eyes taking a deep breath. He swears he was inhaling the environment.
A flashback from last winter hits him. It was Christmas time; he was happy, his family was happy or he likes to think they were. They were unwrapping they gifts on their living room. When suddenly there was a knock on their door. Jimin still could feel the excitement he felt hearing the bell. He thought it was his friend, his best friend. But to his dismay it was one of his younger brother’s classmate; was there to give him his Christmas gift. Jimin looked at his presents; counted it was 5. Then his eyes went to Jihyun’s presents; they were counted 11. He was too old for this stuff but his age couldn’t stop him from feeling the tangible jealousy which immediately turns into sadness as he was reminded of his supposed best friend who forgot to send him any present.
There’s that nuisance again; he felt like vomiting out his guts as tears starts to form. He couldn’t believe this, this couldn’t be happen-
A touch on his shoulder brings Jimin back to reality; he is taken a back and scared of the sudden disturbance. It is another nurse, this time a male who is having a very concerned look on this face.
‘’Are you okay?’’ The same question. Jimin nods his head as a yes.
‘’You’re crying.’’
Taehyuk, the male nurse points at Jimin’s cheeks which are indeed soaked with tears. Jimin hurriedly wipes them off.
‘’Your meds are ready. You need to take them quickly. Professor Kim is already here. Your visit will start in 15 mins.’’ He says as he starts to close the window.
Jimin reluctantly walks towards his bedside table. Taking the pills on his tiny hands he gulps them down one by one. No objection.
As Jimin looks at Taehyuk to indicate that he is done with the meds, Taehyuk was already leaving the room with the smalls medicine container.
‘’Wear your shoes quickly. We are leaving in a minute.’’
‘’I’m not a baby you know.’’ Jimin tells the male nurse.
‘’Yeah I know.’’
15 minutes later Jimin found himself sitting on one of those concrete stools that were on the lawn of M1 area behind the building. He is looking at a woman who is on her wheelchair talking to a bird which was up on his maple tree.
He is waiting for Doc Jin, he is supposed to be here any minutes now.
The weather is too nice, Jimin wishes he could fall asleep under the sky. He knows his feeling won’t remain the same once winter is here. He rubs his palms on his face; soaking his eyes in the warmth of his hands. He bends his head down to look at his feet. From the stool, his feet made it to the ground, he was grateful.
As he looks up, something caught his eyes. He is looking at the same direction as woman sitting on the wheelchair. But what has caught his eyes is far behind her.
There is a figure; a figure of a boy. Jimin is sure the figure is new here. He doesn’t remember someone like him of his 6 months here. The boy is tall he has to say, slim body, wearing the same cloths as Jimin, which means he is also a patient.  The boy is walking around, he is kicking something on the ground and looking around once in a while. He is probably new here, Jimin thinks.
‘’uhm, Sorry to bother you.’’ A sudden voice pushes jimin off from his trance. He immediately takes his eyes off from the newly boy and looks at a very familiar face of Doc Jin. Jimin doesn’t reply him though.
‘’How are you doing?’’ Same question again as Doctor Kim Seokjin sits beside Jimin with his coffee cup.
‘’Fine.’’ Jimin replies.
Seokjin was pretty sure he won’t get a how are you back from jimin but-
‘’How are you?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’I’m quite fine. Thank you Jimin!’’ Jimin nods.
Jimin again looks behind the woman on wheelchair. He can’t see the boy anymore.
‘’The good news is, our session is going to end early today.’’ Seokjin says as he tries his best to make it sound a happy announcement.
‘’Is that so?’’ Jimin replies as he let out a feigned chuckle.
‘’Yup.’’ Seokjin replied with a sigh.
‘’Why so?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Why are you ending today so soon, Doc Jin? Don’t you want to delve inside my brain? Or are you finally tired of denying the true traits of Park Jimin?’’ Jimin questions him in a low tone.
Seokjin lets out a chuckle, a very normal one. ‘’No Jimin! I have a function to attend today. That’s why I need to leave early.’’
‘’oh!’’ That’s all Jimin said.
‘’And you need to understand and remember that I’m here to help you. To understand you. To make you live a normal life. To help you. You don’t need to feel-‘’
‘’I know. You have told me this many time already now.’’
There was a long pause. Jimin looks on his right side, feeling the look over his left where Doc Jin was pleasantly sipping on his coffee. Jimin knows he needs to talk now.
‘’The weather is too beautiful to be called an only a weather, don’t you think Doc?’’ Jimin says.
‘’Yes, of course.’’ Seokjin replies.
‘’I wish this could remain forever.’’
‘’ We all do but things don’t always go the way we want.’’ Seokjin was successful taking the turn of his conversation.
‘’I know. It never does in my case.’’ The turn is he there, Jimin thinks.
Taking a deep breath and placing the coffee mug on the stool Seokjin starts-
‘’Its okay to think like that Jimin. But what is not okay is to take is negatively. If I were you I would have try not to succumb into the dullness of the whole thing, rather challenge myself to change the outcome.’’
‘’that’s why you’re not me.’’
‘’Jimin, all of this are temporary. The weather is temporary. And You thinks its sad because this Autumn will not stay for too long. And you hate winter. But you’re missing out a bright point here.’’ Jimin finally looks at Seokjin. ‘’You dislike the fact that winter is coming which results in you ignoring the mere fact of longevity. If Autumn goes away too soon then Winter will do the same.’’
‘’Rather than worrying about Autumn being short why can’t we just count on the short days of winter and look forward to the next Autumn!’’ Seokjin looks at Jimin with a smile. The other one was quietly looking at him.
‘’We always ignore the bright side of everything and let us get ingest into the dark and sad feelings. There is so much positivity surrounding.’’
‘’But its not that easy-‘’ Jimin starts.
‘’I know its not. Trust me I do. We all are here to fight our way through our life. We are all fighting for our own destiny. But some of us are giving up on the mere negativity that are coming on our way.’’
Jimin proceeds to lock his eyes on his entangled hands and fingers.
‘’Look Jimin! I know its hard for you. But you’re doing so good. You’re better than when you first came here. You’re more vibrant and livelier than before. And it makes me so happy and proud to see you like this.’’
Jimin could feel a pressure on his chest. He tried hard to gulp down the choking sob that is threatening to escape.
‘’You’re talking very different than other days.’’ Jimin says.
‘’Am I?’’ Seokjin interrogates.
‘’Not really. But this is supposed to be your last words of the session. Do I expect for a backward session today?’’ Jimin replies.
Seokjin laughs. ‘’No! jeez don’t talk like that. I told you we are ending today’s session early. I could have easily begun with your mental health and how are you dealing with your depression lately but I won’t.’’ Jimin again looks up at Seokjin.
‘’Today, like always, Im here to remind you of the positive side of our life. Because Jimin, you deserve to know the beauty of life. Other than anything, if I have to choose, I will always talk to you about the positivity. Its because I like to have this conversation with you. And I want you to accept the zeal of life. Because a person like you deserve to be happy.’’
Jimin suddenly feels something warm floods in his inside. Was it hope?
‘’Thank you Doc Jin.’’ Jimin finally replies.
‘’You’re always welcome.’’
With that both of them falls silent. Seokjin doesn’t say anything as he hopes what he just said gets into Jimin’s head. Jimin is again looking back at the Woman on the wheelchair. As he sees the smile of the woman after seeing there is now two birds, makes a smile appears on Jimin’s face. Seeing Jimin smile, Seokjin’s eyes follow where he was looking.
‘’Before we end this, I want to ask about your friend. How is she doing? What you call her… Granny Min? Are you guys still having fun together?’’ Seokjin asked Jimin about his only friend in the hospital, a 45 years old lady, who stays in the congested room beside Jimin.
‘’Oh her! She went home yesterday. Im happy for her. She will be back soon.’’
‘’Ah! Good to know.’’ Replied Seokjin.
Suddenly Jimin could see that figure again. The boy. He is now sitting on a stool at the end of the lawn across him.
‘’Aren’t you going to end this?’’ Jimin asked.
‘’Already bored of me.’’ Seokjin laughs.
‘’When I was not.’’
‘’Right! And the time is ending for today here. I will see you in 2 days, Jimin.’’
‘’Good to know. ’Jimin replies.
‘’Remember what I said. Eat your meal well and take the medicines timely. Never forget there are people who loves you,’’ With that Seokjin takes his coffee mug and starts to walk away from Jimin after waving a goodbye.
Jimin keeps on looking at Seokjin until his figure disappears inside the building. He then diverts his eyes to the other boy, the mysterious new figure. He is still sitting on the same position.
After giving it few thoughts, Jimin gets up from his sit and starts walking to the direction of the new boy. He just wants to know if he was new or maybe his name too.
The boy is now looking something over to his left side. He is now turning to the direction where Jimin is. Jimin stops and try to change his walking direction a little because he thinks he is walking to fast towards the boy. He doesn’t have any intention of scaring him or make him feel uncomfortable with his presence.
But as soon as Jimin changed his position the boy also did. He is now looking down at his feet. Still.
‘Did he sense my presence already?’ Jimin questioned himself. ‘You’re thinking too much Park Jimin. Why are you so nervous!’’
Finally, Jimin reached infront of the boy who was still looking down. Jimin doesn’t know what to do or what to say to get his attention so he keeps on standing.
After what feels like a decade, the boy finally looks up and straight into Jimin’s eyes. Which definitely throws Jimin back.
He has beautiful eyes. Dagger sharp. Not only his eyes, he is handsome too.
Jimin doesn’t know what to say. He remains with the same posture, being at a lost of action. On the other hand, the boy didn’t even flinch a bit, he is still looking straight into Jimin eyes. As if he is trying to read his soul.
Finally, the boy cocks his right eyebrow, which makes Jimin come down from his haze. He clears his throat.
‘’Hello!’’ Jimin manages to say at last.
To make it more awkward and unbearably irritating for Jimin, the boy didn’t reply rather he is still looking straight.
‘’Umm… do you mind if I sit here?’’ Jimin asks.
He doesn’t say anything but after few seconds he takes his gaze away and moves his right hand, indicating the place is free for Jimin to sit. Jimin doesn’t hesitate to sit beside the boy but he is afraid he might get up and leave.
Jimin doesn’t say anything. Neither does the boy. Jimin looks ahead and sees that the woman on wheelchair is now leaving the bird and the maple tree behind. I think her time is up, now she has to go back to her room again. Jimin feels a rush of sadness. He wishes he could help her.
Jimin again gets his focus back on the boy beside him as he feels that the boy just shifted on his position. He carefully looks at the boy. His side profile is gorgeous he has to say. He has sharp jaw line, pointy nose. Even his forehead is pretty-
Jimin felt like his soul left his body as the boy suddenly turn his head towards him, catching Jimin red handed staring at him. He cocks his head slightly as if questioning why Jimin was looking at him.
Jimin immediately looks away. Clearing his throat for the second time, he prepares himself for a conversation.
‘’I’m Park Jimin.’’
No reply.
Jimin could feel his entire existence set one fire. Did he get ignored? Was he interrupting someone else’s privacy? How does he escape now? To make it worse, the boy was still looking with his burning gaze; head still slightly cocked.
‘’Jeon Jungkook.’’
‘’heh?’’ first of all Jimin wasn’t expecting an answer. Second, he has a nice soft voice. Third, it was barely audible.
‘’I said my name is Jeon Jungkook.’’ He made himself clear now.
‘’Nice to meet you Jungkook. Are you new here?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Oh! Good.’’ Jimin try to smile at Jungkook but he was looking somewhere else. Clearly not interested or that’s what Jimin felt.
Jimin stays quiet. There’s still chilly breeze blowing. He wonders if deciding to talk to Jungkook was a good idea or not. He could have just enjoyed his time before going back to his room.
Jungkook takes an audible sigh as if he was bored; making Jimin more uncomfortable than he was already. Still Jungkook doesn’t bother to say anything. Jimin decides to wait a bit more.
After what feels like decade which was in reality only 5 minutes, Jimin started to feel impatient. Jungkook still hasn’t said anything nor even moved.
Jimin decided to ask him something more but Jungkook suddenly gets up from his sit and started to walk directly to the building leaving a confused and hurt Jimin. Just in a second Jimin hears a bell; their times are over for the morning, now they have to go back to their room, take a shower and eat.
As Jimin makes his way towards the building, he cannot help but feel sad at the cold behavior he got from the new boy Jungkook.
Maybe its him. Maybe its his face and his luck that everyone he meets doesn’t want to be around him and builds a dislikeness towards him. Jimin keeps on thinking this wanted thought as he enters the building.
It was already 10 pm. Jimin is done with his dinner and every other nighttime schedule. Now he is just waiting for sleep to endeavor him.
Today’s weather had a good impact on him. Even it helped him to cope up with sadness that he felt.  He wishes if he could have this weather everything. As he tries to linger the weather for as long as he can, he decides to open the window and stare at the night sky.
The hospital he is admitted to was the biggest one in the city of Busan. It has its own reputation of being one of the best mental hospital of the country. It was built in a spacious area. It’s a 4-storage building with huge amount of empty space surrounding it. Rumor says the whole building is consisted of more than a thousand of room for patient. Apart from the frontal area, the whole empty space surrounding the building is used for making roaming place for the patients and the doctors; the backside and the rightside area is for the patient and the left side is for the doctors. The backside is called merriment 1 or m1 and the right side is m2. There is difference between this two. M1 is used for patient who are less dangerous and more mentally stable whereas m2 is used for the opposite ones. After the checkups, patients are decided by the authority to which area they can use. This also applies for dinning hall. Not all the patient can dine in there. Only the permitted one can. Jimin got his permission 2 weeks ago.
Through the window from Jimin’s room, he can see the whole m1 area easily. As it is nighttime, no patients are allowed to go there. He heard that if someone breaks the rule they have to face some sorts of punishment for that.
Jimin’s eyes found the stool he and the new boy Jungkook was siting in the morning. Remembering Jungkook, abruptly some feelings of dejection hits him. Jungkook didn’t seem like someone who was too ill. Jimin thought he might be like him. Just depressed and suicidal. He regrets expecting such things. He doesn’t even know why he is making a big deal out of it. But he cannot seem to get that event of rejection out of his head. And it’s killing him inside.
Jimin knows its not good for him. He still remembers what Doc Jin said this morning. He has to think positively. So he decided to leave Jungkook off of his thoughts and think about something better.
Jimin’s mind drifts off to memories of his family; his mom, dad and his younger brother. He misses them. He wishes he could be with them now and see them. His parents came to visit him last week. He was so happy to see them. So were they. They spent good hours until the very last moment. Jimin almost forgot about Jihyun. When he asked about him his parents replied he was busy with homeworks so he couldn’t come.
‘’Oh!’’ Jimin replied.
‘’Sweatheart, Jihyun misses you a lot.’’ His mother replied. ‘’ He wanted to come. But if he didn’t do his works it would be bad for his result.’’
‘’I see. But isn’t he always done with his homework  during the weekend?’’ Jimin’s question made his parents exchange looks.
‘’Listen son. Don’t think like that. His finals are-‘’ his dad started.
‘’I know. I know. Trust me I do.’’ He abruptly stopped his father in midway. ‘’ I know everything. How he feels and how I make him feel. Just tell him that I love him a lot. And I wish to end his misery of having an older brother like me a long time ago. But I failed. That’s what I can do-‘’
‘’ No please, baby. Don’t think like that-‘’ his mother said.
‘’No don’t cry. Not now.’’ Jimin’s father tried to calm his wife down.
‘’IM SO SORRY!’’ Jimin was now started to cry and scream. ‘’ IM SO SORRY FOR EVERYTHING. I SHOULD LIVE NOW.’’ With that Jimin gets up from his sit and started to walk back to the building. He could already see some nurse approaching him-
That’s how the last meeting went. Jihyun still hasn’t come to visit him. He knows its only been a week since he met his parents but he actually believed Jihyun would have come right after. But he didn’t.
Tears started to roll down his cheeks. Jimin’s mind was screaming ‘stop being pathetic’. But he didn’t have any control over his sadness. That is what his life was. Full of sadness. He is nothing but a mistake-
Jimin was pulled back from his thoughts as he felt like he saw some movement down in m1. His heart was beating fast. His immediate thought was that it’s a ghost and he isn’t ashamed of saying that he is afraid of ghosts.
Jimin thinks of closing the window and go back to bed but something was stopping him from doing so. with the name of God, Jimin decided to inspect the area.
He could swear his heart left his body as soon as he spotted something on m2. No, it was someone. And from the outfit, Jimin thinks it’s a patient. But how could it be! No patient was allowed to be there at this ungodly hour.
Jimin runs to the other part of the room and turns the light off and goes back to the window. He has no idea what he is doing, all he knows that he doesn’t want to cause any trouble but he knows not of what trouble it could be.
Jimin’s eyes goes back to the corner he saw that figure. If he is not wrong, it’s the same place Jungkook and he was sitting this morning. He tries to squint his eyes to see who he could be. He was sure it must be one of those m2 patient, who probably tried to sneak into m1.
Jimin kept on following the figure. He is sure he has never seen this person in m1, not the 6 months he was in. The person looks quite tall; at least taller than Jimin, slim body, black hair-
Jimin felt like his eyes will bawled out of the socket. He suddenly recognized who it was. Its Jeon Jungkook, the new boy.
Jimin is now practically jumping up and down in his position. He has to do something, he cannot believe this new boy could make this sort of mistake. What if he gets caught? He is new here so he probably doesn’t know anything about the restriction. Will they slack him off for this time? He doubts they will. Jimin has been warned about all the restriction the day he was admitted and he was told to follow them strictly. So he is sure this boy has also been told. Then what is he doing now? He must have been seeing wrong.
Jimin again looks at that person to clarify what he saw is wrong or right. But nope, he didn’t make any mistake. It was indeed Jeon Jungkook.
Should he do something? Is there any way to warn that boy? Should he go out and tell the guards? No he cant. So should he go and tell him? Nope! He can get caught too.  Besides Jimin’s room is locked now.
Wait! If his room is locked that means every other patient’s room should be locked. Which means Jungkook’s room should have been locked too. Then how was he there.
Jimin checks for the 2nd time if he made any mistake or not. He didn’t. Jungkook is still in there.
What is happening? Jimin is definitely worried about the boy. He seemed like a nice guy even though he didn’t talk to him in the morning. He doesn’t want anything happen to Jungkook.
Out of no where Jungkook’s head, Right then, turned up and to the direction of where Jimin’s room located in the building. From Jimin’s spot it seemed like Jungkook was looking straight at him. Jimin was frozen. He tried to bend down as soon as he can. After few minutes of siting on the floor, Jimin tried sneak a look at the other boy down there. Jungkook was looking somewhere else now. Which caused Jimin to go back to his previous tension.
As Jimin was being frantic, lost in his thought, Jungkook was already walking back to the building. Just before he disappears Jimin’s eyes caught his figure. He sees Jungkook leaving m1 and going back to the building. There is no guard. No sign of them.
That was odd. Is he some sort of highly privileged person to get permission to do such thing without getting caught? Jimin doesn’t know. He is now sweating for being so worried for past 5 minutes. He checks the area through his window one last time before going back to his bed. It was enough for him for the day. He decided it’s better to sleep.
Jimin couldn’t shake off the image of Jungkook sitting on the stool of m1 from his mind as he laid down on his bed. He tried hard to fall asleep but was in vain. It took him few hours before his mind was at ease and he was succumb to deep slumber.
The next morning Jimin was back to doing his usual stuffs; getting up, washing up, having breakfast and meds, going for daily checkups (minus consulting with Doc Jin which is scheduled tomorrow). Now he is ready to have his time off in m1. The incident of last night is long forgotten. He somehow forgot about Jungkook.. until he sees him in the same stool in m1.
Jungkook was sitting there in the same position from last night. Seeing him Jimin gulps down as he remembers the event. It felt like it was a dream. Jimin ponders if he should go to Jungkook or just ignore him. As he was thinking Jungkook suddenly looks straight at him and scares the hell out of Jimin. Just like before, Jungkook again cocks his head, as if asking Jimin of something.
Jimin doesn’t know what should he do. After giving it a few thoughts, he decided to approach Jungkook again.
Jimin sits beside the boy. Jungkook was now back to looking up at the sky.
‘’Good Morning……Jungkook?’’ Jimin purposely made the ending sound like a question while delaying before saying his name which got him no reaction from the other.
‘’Its not morning anymore.’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’Huh?’’ Jimin was caught off guard.
‘’I said its not morning. I have been awake for past 5 hours so nope its not morning.’’
Suddenly Jungkook laughs making Jimin confused. Even his laugh is attractive.
‘’What?’’ Jimin questions.
‘’This is the second time we are talking and the conversation went the same way. I say something and you don’t hear then I repeat and you say ‘’oh’’.’’ Jungkook says smiling while looking at Jimin. Jimin feels hit rise up on his cheeks. He was surely embarrassed.
‘’uh… I’m sorry.’’ Jimin replies.
‘’Why are you sorry?’’
‘’For being a disappointment.’’
‘’heh?’’ its time for Jungkook to be confused. Jimin doesn’t reply instead he kept on looking at his hand.
After a solid 30 second of awkward silence, Jungkook finally decides to talk.
‘’Are you always like this?’’
‘’Like what?’’
‘’umm… being so over dramatic.’’ Jimin felt like his entire world turn into ice.
‘’Im not being dramatic.’’ Jimin tries to argue back.
‘’oh sure! ‘sorry for being a disappointment’ I don’t even hear this sort of dialogue in movies.’’ Jungkook laughs as he says the line mocking Jimin’s voice. Jimin is sure his ears are now red. This is humiliating.
‘’Guess you’re right!’’ with that Jimin gets up from the stool and starts to walk.
‘’hey hey hey! Wait.’’ Jungkook was quick to get up and grab Jimin’s hand.
‘’What!’’ Jimin tries his best to remain cool.
‘’I was just joking.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’Sure you were. Have fun.’’ As Jimin says the last word his voice made a chocking sound indicating he was on a verge of crying.
This has probably hit Jungkook more than it should have been. His face looks like he was concerned.
‘’Hey! I really am sorry. I was just messing with you. I didn’t know it will affect you this way.’’ Jimin doesn’t say anything. ‘’Come here and sit with me again. Maybe we could have a proper introduction now.’’ Jungkook proposes.
Jimin couldn’t say no to this. He won’t. So he accept the proposal and goes back to sit on the stool.
‘’So you said your name is Park Jimin.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’You remember.’’
‘’I bet you remember my name too.’’ Jungkook replies.
With that they started to have conversation. Jungkook tells him about his morning and the day before. Yesterday was his first day. Jimin tells him about his day and briefly about past 6 months. Jungkook is a good listener and he talks so less unless he is asked a question.
They are now talking about their family. Jimin tells Jungkook about his family, how they are and what they used to do during vacation. He tried his best not to mention any sad moments.
‘’How about you? How is your family.’’ Jimin asks Jungkook.
‘’Uh, my family!’’ Jungkook takes a deep sigh before continuing. ‘’I have my parents and older brother. They are cool.’’
‘’oh! So you’re the youngest of the family?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Yes! 97liner.’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’really? That makes you younger than me.’’
‘’it does?’’ Jungkook says with raising his right eyebrow.
‘’yup.’’ Jimin replies with a smile.
There was a long pause again until Jimin decides to break it.
‘’if you don’t mind. May I ask why you are here?’’
Jungkook doesn’t reply immediately. He doesn’t look at Jimin, he was looking up at the sky. Jimin suddenly have a feeling that Jungkook’s reply is going to be something sad.
‘’Various reasons. Mostly because my parents think I need treatment.’’ Jungkook replies still looking up at the sky. ‘’Why are you here?’’
‘’I don’t think you’re ready to hear it.’’ Jimin replies.
‘’Try me.’’ Jungkook looks at Jimin and smiles.
‘’I tried to kill myself.’’
Jungkook doesn’t budge hearing the statement, rather he kept looking at Jimin. Jimin is now feeling awkward.
‘’Oh!’’ Finally, Jungkook says with a sigh. Jimin doesn’t say anything.
‘’What…was the reasons for your parents to think that way?’’ Jimin asks again.
‘’I don’t think so this time you’re ready to hear.’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’Try me?’’
‘’Well… I was accused of trying to murder people.’’ Jungkook finally replies.
Jimin couldn’t say anything. Before he could even react, the bell rings indicating they need to go back to the building.
Jungkook immediately gets up and starts to walk away. He stops for a while and waves goodbye to Jimin. Jimin was still sitting on the same position.
 Jimin is currently waiting for Doc Jin to show up with his coffee mug. It’s the next day, the consultation day.
Jimin was back to basic. After Jungkook left him there yesterday, he went back to his room and did what he usually does. He didn’t see Jungkook after that. He wasn’t on m1 during the evening off hours. Jimin checked m1 through his window at night too. But no one was there this time. Jimin was still in doubt if his mind is still playing tricks on him. Maybe he got a new sickness! That would be sad.
As Jimin was busy in his thought, Seokjin was already there. He was waiting sitting beside Jimin to finally notice him.
‘’You’re already here! Why didn’t you knock me?’’ Jimin asks as soon as he notices the presence of Doc Jin beside him.
‘’didn’t want to disturb your serene mood!’’ replied Seokjin. Which makes Jimin let out a nonchalant chuckle.
‘’So how is Park Jimin doing?’’ Seokjin starts off the day.
‘’Good! I guess. ‘’ Jimin replies.
‘’only good? Not great good?’’ Seokjin attempts for a light-hearted fun.
‘’If I say that im feeling really better and im better than before, will you let me leave this place?’’
‘’Tough challenge. Don’t you like this place? Wont you miss your granny Min or your favorite nurse if you leave? Or me?’’
Jimin laughs and shakes his head. ‘’Jokes don’t suit you when you’re talking to your patient who is nothing but a wretched.’’
Seokjin makes a snorting noise. ‘’You young lad! Is very hard to handle.’’
‘’Already giving up, huh?’’
‘’Try me.’’
With that a long pause comes. Until Seokjin decides to break it.
“Today we are back to our regular consultant.’’
‘’Are we going back to your office for that?’’ Jimin inquires.
‘’No. We are staying here.’’
‘’Because” Seokjin takes a pause. ‘’I want to talk to you not as a doctor anymore. I want to talk to you as a friend. I don’t want it to be a consultation but a normal conversation. It would be easier for me.’’
‘’I see.’’ Replies Jimin.
“Lets starts with you telling me about the past two days? How did you do? Did something exciting happen? I know its quite impossible but let me pretend something could happen.’’
Jimin’s heart skips a bit. He was reminded of the night when he saw Jungkook on m1. He ponders if he should mention it to Doc Jin or not. At the end decides against it.
‘’Nothing much actually. Same old thing. Except for there is still no granny Min and I may or may not have made a new friend or met a new person you could say.’’ Jimin says.
‘’Is that so? who is that person?’’ Seokjin asks.
‘’There is this new boy-‘’
‘’The one who you have been looking?’’
‘’huh?’’ Confused Jimin.
‘’I saw the previous day you have been staring at someone. You were just doing the same a while ago. ’’ Seokjin replies.
Jimin is lost of words. Of course, Doc Jin is going to notice every single detail of him. Jimin found Jungkook walking around m1 right after Doc Jin appeared.
‘’Yeah.’’ Jimin confessed.
‘’So, tell me about him. How is he? What’s his name?’’
‘’I don’t know much about him. We only talked once. He told me his name and I told him mine. His name is Jeon Jungkook. He is new here.’’ Jimin tells Seokjin. Both of them were staring at Jungkook now. He is walking around his back facing them.
‘’hm I see!  Its good for you. I hope he is a good kid and you guys can be friend.’’
‘’Are you going to gather information about him?’’ Jimin says all too quickly.
‘’umm? Do you want me too?’’
‘’No! I mean…’’ Jimin again got tongue tied. ‘’ I was just thinking. That’s what you do being my doctor.’’
‘’Is there something you want to know about him?’’ Seokjin asks.
‘’Not really. I would love to find out from him rather than from his medical reports.’’ Jimin replies.
‘’Alright!’’ Says Seokjin. ‘’Let’s get back to you now, shall we?’’ Seokjin asks, Jimin nods.
They are again back to ‘about Jimin’ and his current condition. Seokjin asks him about various things. Trying to find out any sorts of negative improvement. From what Jimin tells him, Seokjin can understand clearly that the boy is doing better than before. Seokjin remembers when he first saw Jimin, his condition was bad, not only bad but worse. He met him right after 2 days he was admitted here. He was assigned with him immediately. There were various scars on Jimin’s body indicating self-harm, he looked as if he was in coma. He barely talked or moved. Understandable as he was just brought back from almost death.
After Jimin’s failed attempt of suicide, his parents were left with no option but to admit him on Busan Mental Hospital. Jimin was found in his bathroom, wrist wide open with a cut, water running down from the bathtub, the whole bathroom was flooded with red blood. Thankfully he was found in time and he was saved.
Jimin was diagnosed with MDD (major depressive disorder) when he was 17 years old. After the suicide attempt he was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Seokjin has been treating him for past 6 months and finally he is seeing some positive result within the boy.
‘’what about the flashbacks? Are you still getting them?’’ Seokjin asks.
‘’Yes.” Jimin replies.
‘’Are you taking the medicine in time.’’
There is currently no sad event happening in Jimin’s life but he gets flashbacks of past events which causes an upraise to his depression. Seokjin knew what was wrong with Jimin. Those events which he thinks off as negative or unpleasant weren’t exactly like that. Little things make Jimin sad. He was vulnerable and prone to depression. Its all in his head. His own head is his biggest trap and its hard for him to get out of it.
‘’Did you try all the ways I taught you.’’
‘’Yes, I did.’’
‘’Was it any better.’’
‘’Truthfully saying, sometimes they were.’’
‘’that’s progressive. I’m glad to hear that.’’ Seokjin encourages Jimin.            
Its already been an hour. It’s time for Seokjin to ‘serve his encourage words’ or that’s what Jimin calls them. Even though Jimin pretends like he hates these things, Seokjin knows he listens to him very attentively.
That’s what Seokjin likes about Jimin. Jimin knows that he cannot live like this and he needs to get better, better for his sake and the people around him. He is fighting his battle with all the wills he has. And from the perspective of Seokjin, Jimin is doing incredibly amazing. He is proud of the boy. Seokjin is sure within few months Jimin will be able to go back to his normal life.
Just a few months.
‘’So Jimin! That’s it for today.’’ Seokjin tells Jimin. Jimin smiles. ‘’I had a great time. I hope you did too. I know you did.’’ Seokjin winks at Jimin.
‘’Yes, I did.’’ Jimin replies. His eyes are currently searching for Jungkook who was on his right side across the lawn few seconds ago. He was hoping to catch the boy after Doc Jin leaves. But Jungkook might have already left.
‘’As you know this is the last day for this week. I won’t be seeing you until next Sunday.’’ Jimin nods. ‘’I pray that you do well within these days. I will be informed every detail of you and your checkups, so that we can discuss on your progress during the next consultation.’’
‘’See you next time. Bye Jimin!’’
‘’See ya Doc Jin.’’ Seokjin starts to walk back to the building to his office direction. Seokjin walks he looks back to see Jimin looking around as if to find something. ‘probably looking for that other boy’ Seokjin thinks, ‘I have to find information about him.’
Jimin walks around m1 but cannot see Jungkook anywhere. He really did leave. Sighing, Jimin decides to walk around a little bit and observe other people.
The weather was already getting cold. Which means winter is right at the corner. The sky is bright blue today but the sun isn’t anywhere. Jimin felt as if he can never be prepared for winter to come.
As Jimin was walking he found himself at the right corner of m1, where the boundary is, the boundary between m1 and m2. Jimin decides to walk close to the boundary. He can see the patients of m2, the leveled dangerous patient. But they looked so normal to him. As if they were also the one belongs to m1. They can easily mingle within the progressed patients. Minus the fact they are mostly known as socio and psychopaths.
Jimin spots one patient who he knows about. Kim Namjoon. He is a very famous figure here. He isn’t even from Busan. He was from Ilsan. He is famous for murdering his own girlfriend. He was sent to prison but due to his corrupted mental state they were forced to send him here. Since then he hasn’t done anything dreadful but nevertheless people are still scared of him because of his brutality. He was already here when Jimin was getting admitted so Jimin knows his story from all the news.
Jimin walks away from the boundaries. It’s useless to think about the unfairness of human life. His own life is messed up badly.
Jimin was ready to leave m1 but the woman on wheelchair again catches his attention. She is back to talking to the birds on the maple tree but this time there isn’t any bird. She is probably talking to herself. Sighing, Jimin starts walking again.
Suddenly a loud scream scares Jimin. He stops where he is. He is sure it was a male’s voice coming from the ground floor of the building. He could see all the patients’ eyes moved towards the building and nurses who were around m1 running toward the building. Jimin starts also running.
The whole area where the supposed incident happened were already full of people, both patients and staffs. Jimin tried his best to push through to see what is happening. After several tries, Jimin could finally manage to poke his head through the bodies to make out the actual scenario. What he saw wasn’t something he expected.
There is blood on the floor. Not too much, just a little but still it was blood. One of the staffs is holding us steel made meds containing, laying on the floor it’s a scissor and some medicine. Left to the staffs is a boy on the ground who’s hand is bleeding hence where the blood came from.
The boy is none other than Jeon Jungkook. He has tears in his eyes and he looked as if he is in pain. Jimin felt a rush and his blood was coming up on his face. He wants to help Jungkook, he looks he is in pain. Before Jimin could move, doctors push through the crowd.
‘’What’s going on here? Oh my god-‘’ one of the doctor says. Jimin can see Doc Jin behind two other doctors.
‘’What happened to him?’’ Says another female doctor named Chaeyoung.                                          
“I…i…’’ Jungkook tried to speak but he was crying now. Jimin felt something clutches his heart.
“What happened?’’ the first doctor, known as Professor Kwanghi, asks the staff who were beside Jungkook.
‘’i..i don’t know what just happened!’’ said the staff.
‘’What do you mean you don’t know.’’
‘’I was just walking and he attacked me.’’ The staff said. Jungkook immediately looks up at the staff in disbelieve and fear on his whole face. He looks from the staff to the doctors. Tears are now rolling down his cheeks.
‘’He attacked you?’’ asked professor Chaeyoung.
‘’Ma’am yes…’’
‘’I didn’t.’’ Jungkook interrupted with an almost inaudible voice but everyone could make out what he said. From behind came Doctor Mark, he was a foreign doctor here. He crouches beside Jungkook and checks the cut on his arm.
“We need to treat him first.’’ Says professor Mark.
“Sir, trust me I didn’t do anything.’’ Said the staff.
‘’Did I ask you to say anything!’’ everyone falls silent at that. Doctor Mark helps Jungkook get up. Two more staff hurriedly comes nd helps Jungkook to walk to the treatment room.
“Wipe the floor immediately.’’ Professor Kwanghi says. ‘’and you.’’ He points at the staff.’’ Come to the staff office right now.’’
‘’Everyone please go now. Go back to what you were doing. There’s nothing to see here. We will handle the rest.’’ Jimin hears Doc Jin says those words loudly as everyone started to leave the place.
Seokjin starts to follow the other doctor but Jimin stops him.
‘’Doc Jin wait!’’
‘’Jimin! Yes?’’
‘’What just happened?’’ Jimin asked.
‘’I think I have seen as much as you did or maybe less than you.’’ Replies Seokjin.
‘’But he is the boy. Jeon Jungkook. I told you about him.’’
‘’I have seen him. Yes, he is.’’ Seokjin says.
‘’Are you all going to punish him for that?’’ Jimin questions.
‘’We don’t know what happened, Jimin. If he hasn’t done anything why would we punish him.’’
‘’I don’t know.’’
‘’Go back, Jimin.’’
‘’Listen.’’ Jimin speaks up again.’’ I don’t trust you all. I have talked to Jungkook before. I can tell you…I can tell you that he hasn’t done anything.’’ Jimin stops and gets closer to Seokjin.’’ You don’t stay here all the time. You have no idea how some of the staffs treat us. I have seen that one, the staff, he was… he threw away someone’s gift. Ugh! You have to understand…’’
‘’Jimin! Come down.’’ Seokjin stops the stressed boy infront of him.’’ I will see what I can do.’’
‘’don’t hurt Jungkook!’’
At that Seokjin looks back at Jimin into his eyes. The boy way being serious. ‘’If he is not guilty at all. We won’t let a pin hurt him, Jimin!’’
Jimin doesn’t say anything.
‘’Go back to your room. You’re shower time has already started.’’ With that Seokjin leaves without glancing back at Jimin. Jimin remains in the same position as he was. His inside was creeped up with fear. He was worried about Jungkook. He knows that he doesn’t know the boy that well but he can’t help but feel sad and worried seeing Jungkook on the floor, bloodied and crying.
Eventually Jimin starts to walk towards the 3rd floor, his room. He cannot wait to find out what had happened to Jungkook.
Jimin didn’t see Jungkook that day during evening free hours. He was sure Jungkook wasn’t permitted for dinning yet but he still looked for him. He even tried to search him on m1 till midnight through his window. Even though he was constantly questioning himself what he was doing and why but he could not resist the urge.
The next day Jungkook wasn’t there in the morning nor in the evening. Jimin was practically anxious by the time. He tried to ask staffs and other patients about what had happened the other day but the patients didn’t know either and the staffs didn’t want to tell. After trying his best Jimin finally gave up. Now his only hope was Jungkook himself.
When Jimin didn’t see again in the morning the next day, he immediately took a decision and set up a plan. He was scared but he decided he would try his best and give it a shot.
The dinning starts around 8 pm. 15 minutes before that everyone starts to leave their room and gather around the hall. Jimin planned to go find Jungkook during the time everyone will start to leave for dinning. It was a dangerous plan as patients are forbidden to meet other patient or leave their own floor and roam around the building except for certain area. If they wanted to meet another patient they had to take permission and they would be sent with another staff. If someone gets caught disobeying the rule they have to face penalty for that. The worse Jimin could think of as a penalty is that he would be locked up or the dinning permission would be taken away. Jimin won’t let that happen.
With a shaking heartbeat Jimin starts his mission.
As much as Jimin knows the frontal side of the building is where the dangerous patients’ wards are situated and backside was for the progressed ones. Jungkook is not categorized as a dangerous one so he should be at the backside of the building. The newly admitted patient was one the 2nd and third floor of the left side of the building. But those who gets a privileged lift, they were sent to 4th floor and that’s where Jimin will look for because Jimin is sure Jungkook was one of those privileged ones.
Jimin starts to climbs up the stairs. There were patients coming down. He can’t see any staffs, he prays he won’t have to. As he reaches 3rd floor, he accidentally bumped into someone. He looks up to see it was a patient.
‘’Where are you going? I don’t think you are from here!’’ he questions Jimin immediately. Jimin gulps down. The patient laughs, probably because of the horrified look on Jimin’s face.
‘’Are you trying to trespass?’’ The patient whispers into Jimin’s ear making Jimin more panicked then he was already.
‘’N-no…i…’’ Jimin tries to speak.
‘’Hurry up buddy.’’ With that he leaves Jimin. He walks down the stairs without looking back at him. Jimin quickly snaps out of his stance and started to walk upstairs as quickly as possible.
Reaching the 4th floor, his destination, Jimin panicked more to see the empty hallway. During the dinning time all staffs leaves for the hall; as if it’s a trick to catch a patient trespassing. Jimin doesn’t waste any time he starts to look for Jungkook. He wishes that he won’t be inside his room or if he is then he manages to find him.
Jimin suddenly stops on his track.
He fucked up.
He fucked up big time.
He forgot about the CC cameras.
As he looks straight at the one above his head, he wants to laugh. He probably left his brain on the bathroom when he was making the plan during shower. There’s nothing he can do. He is bound to get caught now.
What has been done is done, Jimin thinks. He is going to get caught anyway so he needs to finish what he came for. He starts to walk again.
After what feels like decade Jimin finally reaches where he wanted to. He guesses a side of the hall where he could find Jungkook. Now he has to decide which room. Jimin knows very well his guessing can be wrong, it 100% will but he is going to give them a try. He already fucked up so why not fuck it up a little bit more.
With that Jimin opens the door to his right.
It was empty. Jimin wanted to scream, both in frustration and fear. He isn’t sure what he should do now.
Should he check another room? Yes, he will.
He checks 2 more rooms. He was shaking out of fear. He is ready to leave now. He was afraid and now after failing he is feeling sad. He can feel his eyes tearing up.
Suddenly there was a sound behind him on the corridor. Jimin freezes on his position. If he wasn’t enough scared before then now he is. He doesn’t know what to do. Should he look back or start running? Running seems like a good option. Maybe he could get rid of all of these. Or maybe while running he can trip and fall from the stairs and die-
‘’Are…you Jimin?’’ a voice speaks up.
Jimin immediately spins on his heel and looks back. He sees a figure standing few meters away from him. Tall, slim body and handsome.
Jungkook was standing there. He came from a room from left.
‘’ah.. ye-yes.’’ Jimin replies.
Jungkook starts to walk towards Jimin. He looks up and checks for any camera. There wasn’t any in this part of the hall.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ Jungkook questions Jimin. ‘’ Come with me.’’ Jungkook signs Jimin to follow him. Jungkook takes Jimin to his room or that’s what he believes. He closes the door behind. Jungkook stands his back facing the closed door, arms crossed over his chest and head his cocked to the side. As if asking Jimin question.
“I came to look for you.’’
‘’I was worried.’’
Jimin doesn’t answer. He doesn’t answer because he wasn’t sure what to answer. He doesn’t know why he was worried for Jungkook, neither he knows why was he so curious on finding out what had happened back there. So, he remains quiet.
Jungkook sighs. ‘’You can sit on the bed. There are some water on the stand if you want.’’
‘’No thanks! I have to leave soon.’’
‘’Aren’t you going to tell me why you are here?’’ Jungkook asks again.
‘’I told you I was worried.’’ Before Jungkook could say anything Jimin adds – ‘’ don’t ask why.’’
‘’Fine.’’ Jungkook replies after a while. There’s a long pause until Jimin speaks.
‘’Are you okay?’’
‘’Why do you care?’’
‘’Cant I just ask without you fucking-“
‘’Okay okay! Yes, I’m fine now.’’ Jungkook replies. Jimin doesn’t say anything back.
‘’What happened the other day?’’ Jimin asks. ‘’don’t tell me that its none of my business!’’ Jimin says, hurt visible in his voice.
Jungkook walks over to the bed and sits down. Jimin was still standing. ‘’ Im so tired of telling the same thing over and over to the authority and doctors.’’ Jungkook takes a deep breath. ‘’I guess I wont die by repeating once more.’’
‘’If you’re so reluctant on telling then don’t. I will go.’’ Jimin says.
‘’No! if you have risked to come this far then I have to tell you I guess.’’ Jimin doesn’t reply to this either. “but I’m pretty sure you will not believe. Why would you believe a new boy anyway!’’ Jungkook says as he lets out a chuckle.
‘’Try me maybe?’’ Jimin says.
Jungkook doesn’t say anything for few seconds before he starts. ‘’I saw you with Doctor Seokjin that day siting on the stool on m1. I was waiting for your consultation to end. But it was getting late and I was bored. So, I decided I will see you in the evening and I started to leave for my room. But then when I was entering the building I was collided with the staff, his name is Minhyuk. I don’t know what’s his problem with me but he hasn’t been good to me since the day I first came. After I collided with him he dropped his container. As a basic instinct I got down to help him collect his stuffs but he refused and tried to take the container away from my hand as if I wont give it back to him.’’ Jungkook laughs as he takes a short break. ‘’As he tried to snatch it away it drops from my hand again but this time I noticed there was a scissor in there. It… it was supposed to be a meds container why there was a surgical scissor. Then I made the mistake of taking the scissor on my hand. And what he did next-‘’ Jungkook stops.
‘’What?’’ Jimin questions him.
‘’umm…’’ Jungkook pauses again. He wipes his nose with his sleeves. ‘’uh…he tries to take away the scissor but I was holding it, I guess, too tightly. So, he pushed the scissor and it scratched my hand pretty badly. You may have seen the bloods to understand how bad the injury was.’’
‘’You saw me there?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’I guessed that you were there. So, after they took to me to the treatment room they stopped the bleeding. After I was calmed, they asked me what happened. I told them what I just told you. At first, they seemed to believe me but they started to doubt once they heard what the staff said.’’
‘’what did he say?’’ Jimin asked furrowing his brows.
‘’Well his side of the story seemed fully opposite of mine.  He accused me of having the scissor.’’ Jungkook let out a chuckle. ’’He said after we collided. I pushed him on the ground. I pulled out a scissor and tried to attack him with it and I cut myself instead.’’
‘’oh my god.’’ Jimin was shocked. ‘’Tell me they didn’t believe him.’’
‘’what do you think?’’ Jungkook questions back. ‘’at first, they were believing him but then Doctor Seokjin suggest to check the surveillance camera. But it made them confused at first. They told us to return to our respective places. But from what I can guess is that they found I was telling the truth.’’
‘’that’s good.’’
‘’would you believe me Jimin?’’ Jungkook asks.
‘’Yes.’’ Jimin didn’t hesitate to answer.
‘’I have this feeling that you’re being honest. At least with me.’’ Jimin says in a low voice.
‘’Really? Its hard to believe that there is someone who can trust me.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’Why is that?’’
‘’Because no one trust someone like me.’’
‘’Why are you talking like this.’’
‘’I’m trying to be like you.’’ Jungkook says as he tries to hide his laughter. That earns him a glare from Jimin. ‘’I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I was just messing. I’m sorry.’’
“No but seriously. No one trusts me. No one trusts nor believes in Jeon Jungkook.’’
‘’But why?’’
‘’Because everyone believes I’m a bad person.’’ Jungkook replies. ‘’Everyone believes that I’m someone who should everyone stay away from and not put their trust into. That confirms why I don’t have any friends.’’ Hearing this Jimin could feel a pang on his heart.
‘’But I believe you.’’ Jungkook head shoot at Jimin’s direction. ‘’I want to trust you. Can I trust you, Jungkook?’’
‘’You don’t even know anything about me!’’ Jungkook replies.
‘’We have plenty of times to know each other. Beside you also don’t know about me. Let’s be friends, Jungkook.’’ Jungkook doesn’t reply. ‘’You cannot hurt me right now being here, can you?’’
‘’I don’t know.’’
‘’No, you can’t. I’m sure.’’
‘’How can we be so sure?’’
‘’I’m sure cause I cant even hurt myself or you either.’’ At this Jungkook looks at Jimin, a small smile appeared on his face.
‘’You are right.’’
‘’So, what you say?’’ Jimin asks.
‘’Okay I guess.’’ They look at each other smiling.
Suddenly Jimin hears the bell ring, which mean the dinner time is up. Jimin panics again.
‘’You have to leave now.’’ Jungkook says.
‘’Yeah. I hope I don’t get caught. But I think they already saw me through the camera.’’
‘’No, they haven’t. you don’t have to worry about it.’’
‘’Let’s go!’’
Jimin and Jungkook leaves the room.  Jungkook tells Jimin to wait behind a pillar beside the room. To wait for some people to arrive so that he can easily mingle among them.
As people started to arrive Jimin starts walking towards the stairs. Jungkook is following him behind. Before he starts to climb down the stair, he says bye to Jungkook and Jungkook tells him he will meet him tomorrow morning.
As Jimin was going down he again meet that patient he met before.
‘’Oy! You’re done with your mischief?’’ he says with a big grin.
‘’Yup.’’ Jimin said smiling. The patient gives him a thumbs up and leaves.
Within 10 minutes Jimin was back at his room. He has 5 minutes before Taehyuk will be here with his medicine. He was practically shoving his left dinner down his throat. Jungkook was probably doing the same, he thinks.
Within an hour Jimin was laying on his bed. He couldn’t wait to fall asleep and wake up. He is eager to meet up with Jungkook tomorrow.
A flashback suddenly hits Jimin but this time it was of Doc Jin. He remembers the doctor asking him, ‘’ Did something exciting happen? I know it’s quite impossible but let me pretend something could happen.’’ For the first time a flashback put a smile on Jimin’s face. Yes, something was actually happening, something exciting and he doesn’t need to pretend for it.
As Jimin tries so hard to fall asleep he forgot to do one thing he have been doing since last week. It is to stand infront of the window, room’s light off and check if someone was on the m1. Lets hope there wasn’t anyone or we could pretend so.
Did you like it? (◕‿‿◕)
Question for you: i. what do you think of Jungkook? 
                            ii. what do you think of Jimin?
                            iii. who do you think Jimin collided with while going to meet                                        Jungkook?
If you have any question, let me know? 
Thank you for reading  ♡ ♡ ♡
[Look forward to the next chapter]
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
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12K notes · View notes
bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
✢  Jikook AU ✢
where Park Jimin, a 6 months patient of Busan Mental Hospital diagnosed with MDD and Bipolar Disorder, encounters with a new patient name Jeon Jungkook, who becomes a mystery for him. As time passes by Jimin tries to understand if Jungkook is really his friend or more than that. Is he what he says he is or there’s more of him than that for Jimin to find out.
✢   [ pt. i]
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
AU where you are born in your next lifetime. you are a baby, in the arms of a handsome man, your father knOWN AS KIM TAEHYUNG!
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
we support taehyungs mullet and soft tummy over here ♡
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
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breathtakingly gorgeous
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
it hurts to even imagine being that girl  (⊙_⊙')
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
An FMV for Hoseok made by me  ♡
Like and leave a comment if you like it  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
my channel -> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6gORGCQOzqctVfC9Z7ifvA
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bangtansshi-blog1 · 6 years
Hello Armys!
this is a new blog. i try to make edits and write fanfics. i hope to make new mutuals <3
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