#i literally love him but somehow he didnt make the cut???
leoserblog · 2 years
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My turn to do the rottmnt drawing meme *twirls hair and kicks feet*
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This is my modern/roommate au for them 💁‍♀️ I had a lot of fun coming up with the paragraph part :)
East Blue Crew Modern Au
Grand Line Crew Modern Au
Friends We Made Along The Way
Friends We Made Along The Way Part 2
Please excuse any typo’s my drawing program’s spelling check isn't the best 🙃
Some additional head-canons:
Even though they have an apartment they live and pay rent in, none of them are ever home, much. Luffy’s sleeping over his friends’ houses after hanging out with them, Ace is pretending he’s homeless, and Sabo sleeps at the hospital most of the time. sometimes two of them will be home at the same time, but its almost never all at once on any given day.
Even though they are never home, one day of the week is sacred. The day that no matter what they come home and spend the day together. Thursday. Laundry day
Luffy odd odd jobs done in the past include: possum wrangling, “get my friend out of that tree please, he’s drunk and i don’t want to call the cops”, PC setup (he didnt know anything about it, but somehow he got it all right. Somehow.), performing at a party, assisting in a lab, impromptu chore-boy, and many more.
Nami takes care of Luffy’s Odd job finances and makes sure he gets paid the proper amount. He lets her take a cut, and even though she does indeed want that money, she unfortunately knows Luffy needs that money more than she, so she doesn’t take it. The amount of self restraint she exhibits astounds even she. She is truly a saint (according to her).
The only laws that Luffy knows are 1) his friend (self proclaimed) Law and 2) the Miranda rights, as he heard them while Sabo was getting arrested that one time.
Luffy thought the Law lecture he went to was supposed to be talking about his friend (self proclaimed) Law. He wanted to support his buddy (self proclaimed), not learn about federal law!
No one has kept track of how many times Sabo has went to jail. whenever he’s asked, he changes the number every time.
Sabo had the absolute worst time getting that big ol’ tattoo across his arm. He cried a couple times through it, although he would never admit it. It was an investment that he was willing to make, however, and he thinks it turned out sick as hell. So does everyone else. Because the tattoo is sick as hell.
Ace watch shenanigans:
“hey ace, what time is it” “One sec,” he checks his watch “uhhhh 10 at night” (Its clearly the middle of the day) “Thanks, man”
Dadan calls to check in on them every Thursday night. She pretends she doesn't care about them, but the reality is not looking good for her.
Sabo has been a childhood friend to Luffy and Ace and has slept over the house they lived in with Dadan many times, but he didnt actually come to officially live with them until he was finally kicked out of his parent’s house when he was 16. Dadan has always been more of a mother to him than his biological one ever was and he treasures her even though he says he doesn’t. Actions often speak louder than words, as the two are literal besties despite both verbally expressing their disdain for the other more than praise. Sabo is clearly her favorite of the three brothers and she's the most lenient with him (which is something they all exploit).
Luffy and Ace come to live with Dadan in the au the same way they live there in canon, their fathers are not present in their lives and Garp dropped them both off at her doorstep and expected to take them in.
That’s all I got for now. These guys are fun and I love them very much :)
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vintagetvstars · 3 days
Alan Alda Vs. Robin Williams
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Alan Alda - (M*A*S*H) - He is both the saddest wettest little meow meow and your kindly grandfather and your favourite eccentric uncle (mom's side). Somehow it works. Passionate Democrat, feminist, great writer, he and his books are hilarious. Did a cartwheel when he won an Emmy! How he met his wife is the best meet cute of the last two centuries, and they've now been married over 60 years!!!
Robin Williams - (Mork & Mindy) - Mork & Mindy will forever be iconic. Robin Williams is such a gem on this show! Nanu Nanu <3
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Additional propaganda below the cut
Alan Alda:
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he’s just so good in MASH
he put so much bisexuality into hawkeye i think it fundamentally changed me when i was little and watching mash for the first time. anyway do we all know the story about how he met his wife when they were at a party together and they were the only two people eating the cake that fell on the floor and he fell in love with her over her laugh. i just think hes neat :) i love when theres a strange looking man. also feel it necessary to say that the guy that wrote the book mash was based on wrote himself as hawkeye and HATED alda's hawkeye bc he displayed his morals too much (alda had it in his contract for the show that every episode had to have an operating room scene bc otherwise you arent backdropping the fact that war is Not fun. actually. he almost didnt take the role bc he thought a war comedy would make too much light of the horrors)
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please please please use this picture of him, he's so hot in it
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His comedic delivery in MASH...
The story of how he met his wife is charming and sweet, and they've now been married 65 years
Just look at him. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen but also he's completely average. He's got a weak jawlines and a round face and these big soft eyes and he's just so beautiful. He's capable of playing a silly charismatic sitcom protagonist in one scene, and a jaded army surgeon haunted by the deaths he's witnessed in the next. He's so hot that my dad once told me he decided to apply to medical school because of how much he was attracted to Hawkeye Pierce. That's literally how I learned that my father was bisexual.
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He's also just a really great dude? He's been outspoken about his political beliefs for a long time, and has always been strongly and vocally anti-war, pro-feminist, and pro lgbt. He served a tour in the Korean war, and his experiences there informed his performance in the show. He (and honestly the entire cast, but especially him) really just soared above and beyond the standard for comedies of the day.
He's so funny and his eyes are pretty
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He loves and is a champion of science (Source).
Robin Williams:
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vvxdoesurmom · 2 months
My take on Till and some things about him which i observed because i don't think i can emotionally recover after R6 (Ivan is alive guys i swear)
(mind you, this is MY personal interpretation, perhaps also a bit of me being delusional (also Till is my baby))
From what i have observed, Till was treated really badly by the aliens compared to the others, even in the flashback to when Till saw Ivan for the first time in the R6 mv, you can see in the backround that on Till's glass cage thing there are signs that say that he is being sold for 50% off, to stay away, not to touch etc. He also has the muzzle thing ,which i assume prevents him from speaking, which none of the other Alien Stage members (of those that we have seen) had.
It is also shown that he was quite abused by his Alien guardian, who possibly just saw Till as a sort of lab rat (Till's rebelion probably didnt help the abuse/torture). So how i see it is that Till is simply very traumatized, and his thought process and the way he acts is probably reflecting that in some way.
Compared to him, the others were treated significantly better (from what was shown atleast) . While Ivan and Sua weren't treated particularly well, they wer simply seen as a sort of pet, perhaps like a house cat for the aliens, unlike the lab rat treatment Till got. Sua was like a little dress up doll to her alien guardia, and Ivan was just a peaceful thing for his.
Mizi on the other hand was innocent, she was relativley cared for by her alien guardian, and therefore remained pure and angelic is a sense.
I belive that Till's crush on Mizi came from a sort of need to cling onto something that was as far away from his trauma. He saw Mizi as a sort of pure angel who wasn't touched by the cruelty of the world (which was a true observation), someone who could perhaps be his savior. We can see this because any time Till remembers her, he thinks of the sweet child version of her. And that is also why he was so utterly crushed and perhaps in denial, looking at her after R1, and escpecially after R5.
And in the flashback of R6 when he imagined her, he didn't see her as she is now, insted he saw the bright child version of her, the version that was furthest away from his abuse and trauma, extending his hand to him as a sort of savior angel. He is very deeply attached to this image that he created of her to perhaps cope in some way with the abuse, and the fact that she changed, escpecially after seeing her in R5.
In R6, i suspect that he thought that he was going to lose, and probably accepted it. He was going against Ivan after all, and Ivan is perfect, and he is more liked by the audience. So i belive that Till simply accepted death by the time R6 begun. In R6 he is alot more... Depressed? His vocals are raw and full of emotion, and his eyes look like those that have given up, escpecially once they finished, he was just looking downward as if accepting defeat, and as if he saw that coming.
That didn't happen though, and Ivan FUCKING KISSED HIM (sorry i will just never get of tht kiss). Now. When Ivan kissed him, Till is not in any way disgusted or angry(which is what Ivan perhaps thought Till was) , instead he looks confused, because he is, and that is his general reaction to things, his eyes look like he is searching for answers. Because i belive that Till probabky literally had no idea or thought that Ivan possibly loved him like that:
From what i have gathered from the mvs themselves and from official posts, is that Ivan is a quirky littley guy. He has weired quirks, and he can act and talk quite funny, so if Ivan tried to tell Till, or somehow allude to him that he likes him, Till would probably assume that it's just Ivan being Ivan, and think nothing of it.
This can be kinds seen in the scene in R6 when they were in the cafeteria place. When Ivan touched Till's cut, he was probably looking to make Till annoyed or mad, which would be Till's typical reaction. He was clearly annoyed at first, but then he saw that it was Ivan and kinda brushed it off, since its just Ivan, he is just a quirky little fella.
Therefore i belive that Till would shrug off any attempt as confession or flirting from Ivan.(Didnt seem like Ivan was doing that anyway)
Any show that Ivan loved him and not just being friends happened when Till was ither unconscious, or not paying attention/not looking.
Till is a silly little guy, but how is he supposed to know or assume when there is no proper communication happening?
( he could also have been to focused on Mizi to notice)
I belive Till loved Ivan. Perhaps not in the way Ivan loved him, but he probabky loved him as a friend would, because they did spend like alot of time together.
I also belive that Ivantill can work out if they had proper COMMUNICATION, and if Till realized that his crush of Mizi was a way to try to escape his trauma and abuse and get something pure and innocent. ( I could also be very delusional )
Anyway, this is my interpretation of Till as a charecter. I do have alot more thoughts on him like his natural talent for music and composition, but my fingers are tired typing this out:)
( also i did not reread it so forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes:))) i just needed to vent a bit)
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loving-family-poll · 9 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 2
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Propaganda under the cut:
notable for actually leaning into the incest thing because twincest was their entire schtick while working at the host club
the twincest ship that defined a generation. taking the bait seems obvious when their performance gimmick for club guests is to fawn over each other and play up the affection tenfold, but it just gets better when you learn that for most of their lives they didnt have other friends and really only had each other until joining becoming members of the host club. so on top of being willing to flirt in public for attention, they're also codependent as hell <333
They're twins. They sleep in the same bed. They pretend to be in forbidden love to bait fujoshis but are maybe also in forbidden love for real. They were in high school before they met a single person who could tell them apart. They were devastating to my middle school psyche
INCEST ICONS!! They've somehow got a MAJORITY of their fans on one of the most popular shows on TV to root for a guy who is CLEARLY sexually abusing his grandson ~subtextually~, but also sometimes ON SCREEN, and it's hilarious and fucked up, and Morty would kill anyone who tried to take his grandpa away <3
they're codependent in so many universes, they've gotta be fucking in a few
They get married!!!!! It's right there!! I wish I had more coherent thoughts about them but just. They. It's awful. It's abusive. It's twisted and cruel. It's a comedy duo. It's the best thing either have going for them. Rick will never fully respect Morty. Morty will never fully respect Rick. I want them to run away together. They're Something
the power dynamic is crazy! Morty's deeply lonely at the start and his grandfather takes advantage of that, rick pulls the kid out of bed, out of school, whenever he wants and gets him to do whatever he wants, covers up their activities, threatens and endangers and inflicts pain upon morty with intent and cruelty. he shapes morty according to his needs, the entire show is about the space adventures of an old man and his 14 year old grandson and you just gotta wonder, isn't it fucked up that this guy's sidekick and best friend and life partner is a kid? and it is!
Since morty is traumatized on the daily rick sometimes takes his memories, he controls what morty can remember (and therefore who he gets to be), the memory gun is just sci-fi gaslighting i say. and there's transdimensional travel and at one point it's revealed that ricks from different dimensions work together to "breed" mortys, ensure they're born (clone a bunch of them too) because a morty by nature is loyal and forgiving and makes the perfect partner that's easy to manipulate, easy to use. i will forever think of the "bred for forgiveness" line as perverted horrifying incest bait<3
Also one time they were hosts for alien parasites and they fell in love and made out and in the Very First episode rick gets morty to stick giant seeds (that rick needs for an experiment or smth) up his ass to smuggle them through security. they had some kind of dragon soul bond orgasm together. my point is it's borderline incestuous abuse and it's crazy that they imply these characters are tied together cosmically.. if they are it's rick holding their red string of fate like a leash
they are together (sometimes romantically/sexually, sometimes not explicitly so) in EVERY universe there is canonically a club on the citadel called The Creepy Morty. Miami Morty has an R tattooed on his asscheek they love each other they hate each other they cant stand being together they cannot be separated Rick loves grooming Morty. like. he has literally pushed Morty into comitting genocides and conditioned him into becoming desensitized to all kinds of sexual and violent things. Rick keeps a memory vial of Morty's entitled "virginity" Rick C137 (the main one in the show) has sacrificed his life to save Morty
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pcheyes · 8 months
since you are looking for requests, how about something valentines related with eunseok or seunghan? they're so valentine coded to me
ahh they are !!!
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pairing: eunseok x fem reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers,
warnings: eunseok is hopelessly in love
synopsis: your science partner just couldn’t get you out of his head, so he finally decides to do something about it
word count: 552 words
song suggestions: weak for your love-thee sacred souls
eunseok couldnt believe it.
how could you, of all people turn him into a stuttering mess? he hasnt had a crush since 7th grade, and Emily Pritchett sure had a lot to say about him. he was one of the tallest boys in the school but somehow whenever he was around you he shrunk his figure and his voice. 
you had only been paired up for a science project a few months ago, so how could everything change so fast?
maybe it was how caring you are.
immediately when you sat down next to him you introduced yourself, as if the whole school didnt know who you are. you were on the dance team, and their most flexible dancer, which won you guys multiple awards. you split up the work evenly and got to work. you pulled out your airpods and saw eunseok was just working on his own, a crimson hue already gracing his cheeks. you offer to him your other airpod and from then on every day you would listen to music. together.
after that project, he became infatuated with you. your looks, your kindness, your humor, everything.
so he decided to confess to you, on valentines day. (or  his friends would tell you for him)
he found out through some friends that you absolutely adore baked goods, so he baked you some macarons.
he planned to give you the macarons and a love letter along with it, during your lunch period. he walked over to your table and he tapped your shoulder.
 “can we talk?” 
you smile up at him “sure eunseok!”
you both walk out the cafeteria and eunseok leads you to a hallway. the hallway that happens to house the science class where you two were partnered up. 
“so uh, i baked you some macaroons, but its ok if you dont eat them, i kept having to make new batches. macaroons are really hard to make but i pulled through for you- i mean because-“ 
“actually i’m allergic to macaroons eunseok”
his face drops as he struggles to stuff the tin container filled with macaroons in his bag. “oh god sorry, i didnt know, but they’re crappy anyways, you deserve much better, I MEAN-“ 
suddenly he hears you laugh.
“eunseok i was kidding silly, i love macaroons, what flavour are they?”
“uh its a mix of strawberry velvet- shit i mean red velvet and strawberry’s” he hands you the tin with the love note in it. “i hope you enjoy them, i had my little brother taste them and he kept fake gagging, why am i telling you this.”
you take the tin and shuffle your feet. “anything else you wanna tell me?”
“actually yes” 
he takes a deep breath
“i’ve liked you for a long time now. you’re always so sweet to everyone and your humor is top tier, and you’re really pretty, and your voice is so soothing wait thats kinda weird. what i’m trying to say is i like you. a lot and i know its asking a lot for you to like me back but-“
he’s cut off by the tender kiss you leave him on his cheek. you wrap your arms around his neck.
“i’ve liked you for a long time silly, so, so much”
“i’m glad, i really like you too.”
authors note: literally i was cooking and then towards the end my brain gave out lmao, but hope you like it anon !!
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nicolloyd · 6 months
just finished the season WOW that was intense!!! 😭 i collected my thoughts as i was watching it too heres all of it: (spoilers ahead ofc!!! btw this is really long you were warned)
episode 1 (the blood moon):
• lloyd saying uncle is sooo crazy
• can these ninja get pyjamas. please.... they had those in ns1 now they just sleep in armour 😭
• bro cinder sounds like.. macaque??? is that weird.
• lloyd gets to have funny quips 🔥🔥
episode 2 (shattered dreams):
• YOOOO its the uh i forgot what place its called but yes 🔥🔥
• drs2 spouting out words like panic attack and nental health gee wowzers
• also this is the second time lloyd has been forced to eat strange food first it was dareths pocket gyoza
• deffff arin and sora getting in a fight
• rule number 1 never trust a snake hehahehaha
• really encouraging the lloyd nya sibling dynamic i love it
• callback to torunament of elements im not ok.
• ommggg i actually hate the way ras' beard thing jiggles around its unsettling
episode 3 (beyond the phantasm cave):
• so the dragon released was the lightning
• life symbol???? thats mad lloyd is fr life and not energy
• i feel sooo bad for arin bro if i had like 10 friends with powers and i didnt i wld be pissed too
• this is literally that swamp episode from avatar
• HELPPP is this the memory loss thing pr is it actually like. real
• it would be the funniest troll tho
• oh nya you beautiful genius
• jay the loml 😭😭 toooo cute omgee
• def foreshadowing
• my other family thats sooo funny
• is this the magic man.
• yoo arent those the water villagers
• yesss cole was never the performer
episode 4 (force from the east):
• geooo omg their actually in love shut up
• i thimk this is ice dragon??
• also bonzle is important somehow
• aww theyre at the monastery
episode 5 (the spell at the waterfall):
• hehe i love these siblings
• how are they literally husbands bro what the flip this is so noooottt censorship
• old days :,,)))) soooooi sad bro onfdhsbs
episode 6 (to mysterium)
• lowkey wtf is egalt yapping about
• omg this is literally beyblade.
• cole in a hood is cray cray
• also zane will not give up thag detective outfit.
episode 7 (fugitive from madness):
• blood moon more like sozins comet aha aha aha aha i miss atla
• bro the music is so good do they get an orchestra for these or what
• lircherally wjats going on
• crazy how theyre training again tho. good ol days
• nya and kai :'((( not having to worry about saving the world oh my poor sweet kai
• as mean as it sounds im so glad it was kai first and not lloyd it makes sense
• ohh thats why they turn to stone??
• ZANE IS A PERSON 🤬🤬🤬🤬 stopp hes always so willing to sacrifice himself
• i need a good 1 minute break to process everytime jay appears like actually
• ohh myyyyy goooodddd its jay pls stop stop stop stop STOP
episode 8 (secrets of the wyldness):
• forbidden five is lwk scary
• hehe i love their stupid quips and someone else saying "really???"
• oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay oh jay he actually lost his memory im soooooo oooooohhhhhh nooooooo
• hes sooooo jay.
• so he knows he can lightning????
• zane. buddy. you cant keep doing this like actually would it kill you to stop dying
• now we're safe 😃 x4 (they were not safe)
• werent tbey in this situation before???? the tipping ship or am i just tripping
• ohhh my god the bounty died again
episode 9 (the forest of the spirits):
• resting my leg actually healed it is maadddnnnessss
episode 10 (rising ninja):
• yo. this fight is cool asl
• omg they are both dragons rising rn
• what is going awn rn
• jordana is going freaky!!!
• ras master giving bird box icl
• im assuming kai got out!
• HELLO ARE WE NOT GONNA GRIEVE KAI FOR A MINUTE???? im sure theyre all numb to death by now
• wowww 10 episodes gone just like that
• kai did not get out ❌️
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waterbottle2006 · 8 months
can we get some headcanons on team bleck characters pls?
whoever you are anon? i love you
i got a whole bunch of headcanons but i'll cut these things down to three.
starting off with the count of counts, man of men. count blumiere bleck.
he and dim actually knew each other in the past , having been somewhat of acquaintances. the reason he didnt want dimentio joining at the time was because he didnt want to get a friend involved on these antics and potentially hurt this plan. however, afterwards he would eventually allow him on board because of careful consideration as well as "well honestly, tbh, i dont think he'd get THAT hurt."
next up, he was the absolute worst at trying to accommodate things for the minions to get them comfortable. he didnt know what half the things they requested were and eventually passed the requests job to nastasia who took care of it with ease.
he plays favorites. as much as count bleck doesn't say "i dont have favorites" he definitely does and it's mimi.
speaking of mimi, boom, mimi headcanons.
mimi is a robot, very much so of a robot. shes very much based off a wind up toy and ends up having a lot of spare energy with the wind up. that thing has been spinning for ages.
she and Mr. L have the like second closest relationship in the castle. Mr. L upgrades her and mimi just shittalks all the time while also slipping a few of the shinest screws in her pockets. if she ever gets damaged she ends up going to L to fix the damages
she is the fastest of all the members when on foot. she is VERY fast and even FASTER in her true form. you do not want a 10ft spider robot chasing after you at 30mph. although, when chasing the heroes in merlees mansion, her ass crashed into literally everything while chasing because she doesn't know exactly how to come to a smooth stop when in a packed house.
now for o'chunky boy, one of my silly favs
hes the kindest out of all of them but that is really SAYING something when your competition is the rest of team bleck. he's willing to protect the team and even those that are literally just innocent bystanders to everything. if you aren't the heroes, hes not gonna be doing anything to hurt you, trust.
everyone usually calls him to swat dimentio out of the air since he has the furtherest reach. he always succeeds too. the rivalry between them only persists.
hes usually the dedicated "bring everyone here to this exact room" person because hes always first to arrive and always the first to hear the announcement. so he has to drag everyone else out of their rooms in order for them to listen.
nastasia? nastasia.
nastasia is the person you can always find, no matter where you are. for some reason, you can just find her there conveniently when you need her. how does she do this? shut up, you don't need to know.
amongst the stealthiest of characters, nastasia has to be the first in stealth. her footsteps are completely silent somehow and you can never hear her breathing. this makes it easy for her to sneak up on literally anyone, no matter who they are. she even gives our dear count a scare from time to time.
considering that she is the most responsible they usually call nastasia for the littlest of things. like bugs or broken doors or dimentio being a little shithead. in return, she calls the correct person for the job as her skill range is very limited.
ik yall were waiting for dimentio so here you go
he wanders. like he wanders a lot. you dont see him in the castle that often because hes in the wilderness just nature walking (flying?) and when he is in the castle, hes just wandering the halls, waiting for the next moment to be a bitch.
he teases everyone in the castle, especially count. it never dawned on him until later that the count was blumiere so he took this chance to bully him for literally no reason at all other than spite.
out of all of the members, his worst relationship is with nastasia. they somehow know more about each other than they'd like to. he doesnt talk to her much and when he does, its out of obligation or because he was spoken to first.
here, a few additional mr. l headcanons
for some reason, he always has chocolate on him. (this carries over to luigi too) he just has an infinite supply of chocolate and no one knows where he gets them and everyone is convinced hes more of a magician than dimentio.
he ends up being more active with the group rather than closed off. when he is closing himself off from the group, his door is always open. its an invitation for anyone to come in a chat, even if he says "an open door is not an invitation." it is an invitation, hes lonely.
he and dimentio tend to have small skill show offs. dim shows off his EPIC magic and Mr. L beats the shit out of him with his robots. dimentio still somehow always wins.
ANYWAYS ANON THANK YOU FOR ASKING ME THIS IVE BEEN WANTING TO GIVE HEADCANONS FOR AGES BUT DIDNT KNOW HOW TO FORMAT IT. YOU BROKE THE CURSE. and also being the first person to give me an ask ever. anon if ur reading this? ur literally the best
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abombihoney · 17 days
my thoughts as I read the new (6 months old) chapter of ethnoentomology bc i said would live blog it and this is least annoying way i can do so.
Hornet really just fucking pulled a gun out im like 1 minute fucking in jesus girl.
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ooooooooh my fucking god he's literally a sopping wet little meow meow. i WILL be coming back 2 this.
what this fucking pronoun fuckery i need to reread this shit im onto something. i need to add all my annotations together. i need a conspiracy board. i need to make a chart with color coded lines
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I wish Hallownest’s official language was anything other than “cryptic riddles.”
me too dude the fuck.
CHANCE BEING EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT???? telling lurien he isn't at fault for the radiance's actions
however... how could he think anything else really. he is all for blaming the radiance for everything.
i'm feeling a delicious mix of "can i even trust my own thoughts" mixed with Chance trying to separate what was him versus what was other.
What happens when (if) he manages to separate what actions were wholly him with no outside influence? What will he regret? What will he desperately try to justify?
How would he even determine what is him and what is the influence of the radiance? He has no memory of past actions to compare against. He can't necessarily even trust the memories he does have, they're full of hallucinations, gaps in memory where he doesn't know what he did. If it was "him" that did it. AAAAAAAAAAAUGH
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is chance checking out of reality a lot rn or am i looking too deep. there seems to be a lot of "jump cuts"
back 2 valleri. info dump for me lurien i only read a handful of chapters of midnight rider.
 "I couldn’t tell you how many times she would’ve been jailed or worse"
wait wasnt she jailed tho. didnt she like. immediately punch pk in the face or am i misremembering. does lurien not know this. i feel like he should be told this information somehow bc like. i feel like it would give him a heart attack.
why is chance so gay he is SO focused on lurien all the time jesus christ man. i feel like i keep getting trapped in one of them slow burn fics where they keep almost kissing.
Having grabbed something from a small drawer in the table behind Chance, Lurien settled back, (disappointingly) further away from him.
chance ur down bad. this is going to blow up in his face spectacularly somehow. good 2 know i wasnt imagining the horny descriptions of lurien from last chapt.
new theory: valleri is a time-traveling post-transition chance. source: my other theory that valleri and chance are closely related. similar temperament and appearance. both from california or w/e.
wait i think i remember valleri have future seeing powers. i refuse to finish reading midnight rider until ethno is done tho so i'm keeping my theory
Chance reflexively rejected this information before he could begin processing its implications.
side effects of having magic powered by belief: may decide to just ignore things bc if u believe it you make it true. denial is a powerful drug
wait. hmmmmm.
did the radiance take chance's memories? or did chance want to forget? like could also totes be the cool magical barrier that wipes ur memories to prevent the radiance from escaping the corpse of hallownest. but now i am thinking of all the fucked up implications of something so horrible (by a teenagers standards) that chance wanted to forget everything.
oh no the baby is injured.
They needed to find Chance. He would heal them, like always—
ur honor they love each so much!!!!!!!!! might be becoming a lil codependent but ITS FINE
checks out that hornet was a vicious little child lmao
“For Hallownest, there is no cost too great. That is what I told Him.”
oh fuck yeah i fucking love use of game mechanics in stories for problem solving. go little guy go!
Like life’s just a script and she’s waiting for her cue.
OH? paralleling what lurien said about PK. INTRIGUING.
(fucked up evil theory: The parallels between PK and Valleri that are being drawn here... from what I understand Valleri became INCREDIBLY close and attached to hallownest. What if Chance is Valleri's hollow knight?)
The White Palace was destroyed. But so was the Watcher’s Spire, and Chance could put that back.
my sweet child, you are going to fucking kill chance
Too cowardly to confront her own cowardice.
ruh roh raggy. hornet's going to have to contend with the fact that she has killed her own siblings in cold blood eventually. possibly soon
fuck yeah i love worldbuilding. tell me more about how the fictional bug city built in a wet cave functioned and how the class divide determined transportation methods.
*slaps chance* this baby can fit so much PTSD in it
this is spelling euphoria isn't it.
hey wait doesn't chance have boat trauma??? didn't he see a corpse under a boat in the last chapter of act 1???
something bad is going to happen. we're building so much suspense.
 draped half overboard like a dirty wet rag
chance's natural state really.
something in their Void was churning
This happens directly after Chance has his little episode with the boat. Are Chance and Tusk connected by the void? Didn't something similar happen in the last chapter??
Hornet i love u. She's so spiderman coded.
—Tusk whacked the switch to the elevator and went up and away. “Wh—Vessel! Hold on!”
see u idiot
Ah Lemm, the confidence of a man who is very very wrong. he'd shit his pants if he saw all the human shit in the junkyard lmao.
Several photos were attached to the line and dangled from ceiling to floor. Dozens of lines around the room like party streamers, a hundred little memories swaying gently in the dust.
megamind ass organization system
burned painting frame.... coating the room in ash.. im sure this holds no significance whatsoever and won't come up again.
Tusk has so much youngest sibling energy lmao
uh oh hornet. ur getting attached.
this is to hornet also, isnt it?
oh okay they are connected. poor tusk and chance. they r gonna become a feedback loop up fucked up huh
wait does chance not know shes the princess. lmao
aww hug fest JEREMY REAL??? or is hornet infected too hello????
oh my god i feel like ive been punched seventeen times in a row. i have so much hype i need to run a marathon. im fucking spinning in circles im filled with unrestrained summer fun oh my god im supposed to sleep soon i dont know if i can manage stop thinking long enough to do that holy shit
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antiradqueerguy · 6 months
coming to your inbox because i like your vibe and have literally no other safe place to rant abt this. sorry if this bugs you delete this if you want but im debating leaving the radqueer community because of ciel/hbki. ive already been wanting to leave for a while, but the thought of leaving has been triggering my ocd and ive not been sure what to do. but after i saw that guy running around and seeing how obviously horrible he is, and how people still somehow like him, i think im going to go through and just delete my blog or ditch it ive seen him talk about abusing his girlfriend on so many different blogs of his and then i go to look at hers and she is so obviously trauma bonded to him, and its so triggering. it makes me sick how shes admitted to not enjoying how he treats her, but says his treatment is okay because its "consensual" but i really dont believe its consensual. and i know its not my business but i literally cant avoid them in this community. ive blocked them so many times but every time they both get termed, i see them again, and get triggered. ive thought about reaching out to opphie, but every time someone does, ciel is alerted and he starts harassing the person reaching out. maybe i just have a savior complex but seeing the way they are together makes me feel sick. i see myself in her and i feel guilty for not being able to help. one of my friends even watched her change her name on a dime in her discord server just because ciel suggested it. its scary that the community just lets ciel get away with everything. i mean didnt he even admit to *graping* her? and people are okay with it because the victim swears up and down that its consensual? it doesnt make it any better that antis treat him like hes just some edgy kid. yeah its true that he is one, but there are also very very VERY clear signs that he is actually a harmful person and that he is actually hurting someone. opphie even posted a list of a bunch of horrible things hes done, and it looked like a cry for help to me, but radqueers were reblogging saying things like "couple goals" and "this is so romantic" i dont know anymore what to do. i know i have to leave that community but i wish there was a way to make other radqueers realize that ciel is not a good person to have in the community. if they want to beat the pro-abuse allegations, they NEED to point out actual abusers like ciel.
TW: using images from ciels past and current accounts and mentions of r4pe
with ciel he avoids everything to do with him and taking accountability for his action, (EH HEM, his past use of ableist slurs towards people)
me personally i believe that ciel is a abuser. he has had a history of abuse and I've documented AS MUCH as i possibly can. i will not let him escape this and his HISTORY of abuse.
to the people who don't know what nonnie is talking about with ciel admitting to r4ping opphie heres a pic
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Now ciel has a cult following, his boot licker fans love him, like hmm idk this
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he is invincible, unless his connection to tumblr and discord is cut off his fans will continue to protect him and glorify his abusive behavior
#ciel is a abuser get his ass canned
edit: also HIII CIELLL i know you will eventually read this since you have commented on posts made by antis talking about you before, so howdy doo!!!
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the-uraniumverse · 21 days
After some time I am happy to present my second(!!) OC...
Luka Moth, the clumsiest boy in town!!
Luka is literally ALWAYS getting hurt somehow, be it by climbing (and falling out of) trees, being reckless while skateboarding or literally just walking down the street, this boy is getting his ass hurt.
Despite how he may insist he is alright, his mother worries endlessly for him and is always texting/calling to make sure hes okay.
His always getting hurtness isnt helped by the fact he cut the sleeves off his school shirts due to sensory issues, which leaves his arms more exposed to his clumsiness.
Luka absolutely LOVES bugs and knows endless facts about them. He will ramble to anyone (willing or not to listen) about bugs for hours.
He once tried to start a bug appreciation club in his first year at St. Cassian, but no one came. This gave him the rep of being "the bug kid with no sleeves" around school. (this rep isnt helped by the fact he rarely speaks)
His bio father left him and his mum when he was only a baby, so he was raised believing his step dad was his real dad. Even after being told, however, Luka didnt see him any differently, and they have a strong bond to this day.
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(ignore the french notes under him)
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kaijuree · 2 months
THE LONG AWAITED SUBSPACE LORE POST.... yes im insane i have all this lore to explain subspace's surname. i am batshit
anyways @luckyfailuregirl COME GET YO JUICE.... lore under the cut prepare yourselves
what if i told you guys that subspace was originally part of a 'family'? a cult? imagine a huge 'family' full of a bunch of demons with tripmine gears, & they all had the surname 't. mine'
so who's behind this cult? who leads it? allow me to introduce you to-
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DUAL (short for dual subspace tripmine). yes the same dual that's the elder god of reality & destruction, the same dual that's glaive/iron lotus & mystic tide's biological parent. the same dual.
dual, upon their defeat by iron lotus, was imprisoned deep within the inpherno, in the deepest & most secure cell banland had. they were imprisoned for several thousand years, before they broke out, blasting through the ground & being the very reason there are layers to the inpherno
dual, enraged & upset from being imprisoned & defeated, essentially forgotten by the inphinity, & still pissy as hell from being defeated by their own child- came up with an absolutely terrible idea. if their children didnt love them, they'd start a new family. they'd create an army to reclaim their former glory
so they literally ripped a hole in reality, creating their 'own layer', their own little pocket dimension. this place is known as the place of no stars
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the place of no stars is a gallery, a empty place where pieces & fragments of civilizations, worlds, & peoples that they've destroyed all float throughout the atmosphere like artifacts on display at a museum. trophies. a thick fog surrounds the endless tall grassy fields, barely concealing the horrors of this twisted world.
after miles & miles of endless plains, floating crumbled pieces of worlds, thick fog & cold winds, there is a manor that is home to this so called 'family'
there are many 't. mines', each one of them having a specific purpose that was picked carefully by dual themselves. their goal is to fulfill that purpose, to live up to expectations & nothing more. be nothing more then a mindless soldier
each t. mine is marked with a symbol, a magical & enchanted symbol on them-
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this is the mark of the iron lotus. you might be confused on why dual didnt use their own special mark or make a new one, & the answer is because they dont care. they believe whatever glory their children have, is also their glory. they did it out of spite
so, as we know- subspace is not like that. so how did he become who he was?
subspace was a warped child, curious & adventurous. his goal was to assist his 'siblings', stay to the side & never be on the frontline. he wanted more though.
curiosity got the best of him one day as he slipped out one day, walking for miles & miles in the middle of the night, somehow escaping through the hole of this 'world', seeing the inpherno for the first time since spawn. he was amazed, curious, adventurous. he saw those great mountains in the distance & made it his goal to learn more about them
so he walked, & walked. for days, coming very close to death. upon his arrival- he was nearly killed, but he lived from the pity & mercy of one guard at the border. he was 'adopted' & welcomed into blackrock
being brainwashed & clueless, not knowing any better, he idolized...questionable people. he was never properly raised, never taught how to really be a person, & always left unsupervised- so he was ruined. he became a horrible person
he continued to idolize those terrible government officials, & continued to indulge in horrible acts, making him the man he is today. that seems to have worked out well for him though, seeing as how he's literally been adopted by the leader of blackrock herself
pulse actually took such interest into him because of his strange & unknown upbringing & backstory, that alongside his 'bright mind'. shes always wanted kids ok lol
ANYWAYSSSSS.....yeah. thats it. PLEASEEEEEEEEE send me asks... /nf
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yuri-is-online · 7 months
I love reading source material for disney movies. I just read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and it's just like. "Holy shit was that a heartslabyul reference? Is that where twst got it from???"
Haven't watched the movies in years but I love the book. You know why I really love the book? There are charcters that didnt show up in the movie and I can make OCs!
In the book, the one who escorts Alice to the "who stole the tarts" trial (refrence) is a gryphon. Which is kind of like the queen of hearts pet? And I like him, so I made an oc.
His name is Geode, he's a (held back) third year in heartslabyul, and he's from the queendom of Roses. He got held back because he found lessons dreadfully boring and thought they took to long, so he never payed attention and got held back. He likes to sing, dance, and tell stories, as long as they don't get boring.
He's 19 years old.
He's a gryphon fae.
Tall. Tall as hell. About 6'4.
Literally eagle eyed. They're very pretty and would be a little scary his his personality wasn't. Like that.
His best friend is twisted from the mock turtle (I haven't really worked him out yet)
His hair is... he cuts it in the bathroom at night or he just pays Mock Turtle™ to cut it for him, but that doesn't really work out very well cause MT is always crying about something. It's layered but the layers are very choppy. His hair comes out in feather like tuffs though so it looks more artfully messy rather than a straight up abomination. It goes just beyond his shoulder blades.
Spend most of his day taking naps for chilling in the sun with MT, waiting for him to stop crying for 5 seconds so Geode can ask to copy his ancient curses homework.
He's basically a strange combination of leonas lazy habits and floyd attention span but it somehow all flies under Riddles radar. Mostly.
I've never actually read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, though I think I listened to an audio book of Through the Looking Glass when i was younger? It's on my list to read for this year though, I owe it to myself as both a Lolita and a twst fan. The idea of the queen having a Griffon pet is interesting σ( ̄、 ̄=) Poor Mock Turtle I hope he has access to tissues. I feel like Geo is getting collared on the daily, maybe he and Ace can have a little competition to see who gets away with the most shit.
I did a little doodle based off of your description, but i'm gonna put it under the cut since he's not mine yk?
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He looked too soft and pretty until I drew his eyes, then he actually got a bit scary. I made his ears look like that since I thought a bird like fae would be similar to FFXIV Suzaku in her human form
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I hope you do more with him! He sounds very fun!
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vintagetvstars · 23 days
Alan Alda Vs. Walter Koenig
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Alan Alda - (M*A*S*H) - He is both the saddest wettest little meow meow and your kindly grandfather and your favourite eccentric uncle (mom's side). Somehow it works. Passionate Democrat, feminist, great writer, he and his books are hilarious. Did a cartwheel when he won an Emmy! How he met his wife is the best meet cute of the last two centuries, and they've now been married over 60 years!!!
Walter Koenig - (Star Trek, Babylon 5) - If you haven't watched him in Babylon 5 as recurring villain Alfred Bester then you are missing out! It is one of his best performances! He's such a talented actor and Babylon 5 uses him so well!
- No Negative Propaganda Please -
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Additional propaganda below the cut
Alan Alda:
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he’s just so good in MASH
he put so much bisexuality into hawkeye i think it fundamentally changed me when i was little and watching mash for the first time. anyway do we all know the story about how he met his wife when they were at a party together and they were the only two people eating the cake that fell on the floor and he fell in love with her over her laugh. i just think hes neat :) i love when theres a strange looking man. also feel it necessary to say that the guy that wrote the book mash was based on wrote himself as hawkeye and HATED alda's hawkeye bc he displayed his morals too much (alda had it in his contract for the show that every episode had to have an operating room scene bc otherwise you arent backdropping the fact that war is Not fun. actually. he almost didnt take the role bc he thought a war comedy would make too much light of the horrors)
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please please please use this picture of him, he's so hot in it
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His comedic delivery in MASH...
The story of how he met his wife is charming and sweet, and they've now been married 65 years
Just look at him. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen but also he's completely average. He's got a weak jawlines and a round face and these big soft eyes and he's just so beautiful. He's capable of playing a silly charismatic sitcom protagonist in one scene, and a jaded army surgeon haunted by the deaths he's witnessed in the next. He's so hot that my dad once told me he decided to apply to medical school because of how much he was attracted to Hawkeye Pierce. That's literally how I learned that my father was bisexual.
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He's also just a really great dude? He's been outspoken about his political beliefs for a long time, and has always been strongly and vocally anti-war, pro-feminist, and pro lgbt. He served a tour in the Korean war, and his experiences there informed his performance in the show. He (and honestly the entire cast, but especially him) really just soared above and beyond the standard for comedies of the day.
He's so funny and his eyes are pretty
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He loves and is a champion of science (Source).
Walter Koenig:
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CW: Torture, blood, death
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basketcase1982 · 1 year
what are some of your favorite pieces of henenlotter trivia 😳
being indulged is so exhilarating im literally shaking right now... EHEHEHE
probably my favorites to parrot to new watchers are the gross-out tidbits LMAO. i love the scenes in the public theater and the bradley's basement, which were a gay porno theater and an underground sex dungeon respectively. to shoot this scene:
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they used one of several identical baskets with the bottom cut out, and Frank laid on the floor with his head stuck through the gap and the camera angled up. laying on the floor of a bathroom. the public bathroom of a gay porno theater. in NYC. the presence of bodily fluids just didnt occur to him until he was already on the ground
more under cut cus i'm silly and it got long
another favorite from BC is the 2-second shot where Belial is being puppeted by an 8 year old girl (Ilze Balodis' daughter) because the foam had shrunk and decayed so much only her tiny hands could fit inside the prop. she was scared of the monster and they had to gently warm her up to it by letting her pet the puppet and stuff. this is during the scene in Casey's room when B just wiggles his fingers lol. it's really cute and to me exemplifies how much of a little family-made film this is
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i have so so so so many more but other than basket case (sorry), the entire absolute shit show that was the making of bad biology 2008. it's recounted in the rap song during the credits, but my personal favorites:
right before plans to start shooting, their budget was ripped out from under them because the main investor was found by police dogs in the middle of the woods. i dont remember how or why
one week before shooting the landlord of their location tripled rent, so they had to move
producer found a 22 room mansion to film in somehow, so problem solved
they go broke a week into shooting anyway
they are living on set in the mansion with no heat or water
sewer pipes in the mansion bust and flood piss and shit everywhere
then a fuse box explodes in the basement
which catches the fucking mansion on fire
Frank puts out the fire by himself with cans of diet pepsi?
other unfortunate highlights include: finding the lead actor from MySpace, scrambling for actors because of pull outs and no-shows, being mistaken for potential terrorists, and the film being unrated because they literally just didn't have the money to pay the MPAA. to top it all off, Frank was diagnosed with cancer a month before shooting, and was in radiation therapy every single morning while working on the film :(
the universe did not want that fucking movie to be made but by gods grace he did it & i respect it immensely
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cosmos-coma · 2 years
What do you think witchers will do when reader somehow ✨️falls✨️ into the Witcher universe? I'm just wondering 😂
Oooh, *knuckle crack* here we go. We’re gonna do some bullet points so it’s not too long of a post. Also I’m definitely taking “falling” into literal context. For shits and giggles of course.
Read below the cut!
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- knowing your luck you probably fall into Geralt while he’s out on a contract.
- He’s out in Skellige, on the outskirts of a coastal town, taking care of a siren nest that got built a little too close. When your dumb ass falls from the sky with a burst of purple energy He hadn’t seen before.
- you fell into the cold ocean water amidst all the fighting, floundering as you were NOT prepared for this. NO SIR, you were reading a book about the Witcher. “Ah, how nice it would be to live in a world like that you whispered.” And GODS BE DAMNED, ONE OF THEM MUST HAVE HEARD YOU.
- after all the threats are taken care of, Geralt helps you further into shore, and wraps you in a spare tunic. His medallion barely hums, left overs from whatever magic must have brought you here. But you seemed human, so no threat there.
- He sounds irritated (as always) but agrees to help you find your way home and help you establish yourself. He swears you’re from Toussiant, based on your... funny clothes for the time period, but no judgement there. You explain to him that you have no home and so he agrees to watch over you for the season, little did he know you would both get too attached to be separated come winter.
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- With Eskel, you had been feeling rather downtrodden that evening, the world was not going your way and it felt lonely the more you delt with things by yourself. “why couldn’t i have led a simpler life?” you said whistfully, eyes glancing to your Desktop game TW3. “ah, what I wouldn’t give-”
- You didnt have time to finish before you were literally dropped on a broad shouldered man setting up camp in the woods.
- “OOF, FUCK” you yelled, you were definitly gonna have a stiff back tomorrow. and oh... hello... you know this face.
- Eskel is Bewildered because some lady just fell on him in the middle of the woods? but also by your groan of pain he figured you didn’t do this of your own accord. after carefully rolling you off him he tended to any wounds you might have.
- Ever the gentleman, Eskel is, that when you explain that you have nowhere to go he happily offers to let you ride with him until you find a place that you think you’d like to settle down.
- Little did he realize that He was exactly where you’d like to stay. Always.
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- You appear in the witcher world in what you thought was a dream at first, but the way that the soft moss of the forest floor comes up and slams into your face as you fall into the middle of the woods says other wise. “Fuck that hurt...”
- Lambert, who had been out hunting for dinner around the keep, spied you fall from no where and land with a thud in the moss and pine needles.Quickly riding over on horseback he peers down at you for a bit, making sure you were no threat.
- “What you’re not gonna help a fucking lady up? Rude.” you shunned him and he instantly knew what love was. He led you back to the keep to make sure you were alright and had a place to stay for the coming winter.
- Lambert made sure to bother you all the time then, just so he could hear your snarky remarks back at him. Didn’t stop you from making your own quips and bothering him back though.
- from then on, despite you two relentlessly bothering each other every day, you were inseparable and spent the whole winter together, even heading out on the path together from then on.
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