#i like the style but it becomes instantly more appealing to me when it gets more triggery
matoitech · 7 months
the undine part of the new dunmeshi ep has a RLY cool style its much more studio triggery and i love how its animated
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Late Night Ramble About Long Ass Songs
I think it's fair to say songs have to earn their length. At the very least, that's how I feel. If a song is 15+ minutes long, it'll likely live and/or die by its intrigue alone. If a song is 45 seconds, it better make each and every one of those seconds count.
I think a phenomenal example of a short song is Vildhjarta's "Måsstadens Nationalsång", coming in at an incredibly brief 47 seconds. This track is punchy as hell, and it only gets more satisfying the longer you listen. It presents itself in its entirety; completely identifiable and unique from the rest of the album, then it effortlessly transitions into the next song like it's nothing. It's genuinely great.
But on the other end of the spectrum, you have songs that will likely absolutely dwarf the others in your playlist with their sheer size. It can be a bit intimidating when you go to check out a new album you've never heard and all of the tracks are upwards of 10 minutes. That is a lot of time to dedicate to the same artist—especially if you have other things you want to do with your time. But, man, the musicians that pull it off really hit it out of the park for me.
I fuckin' love long songs. For me, they're some of the most replayable tracks in any given artist's discography. Obviously, that's just personal taste. It doesn't necessarily mean that I inherently prefer one style over the other, but I do find myself gravitating towards a lot of bands who, indeed, do this.
If I had to summarize what was so appealing about it to me personally, I would say listening to a long track is akin to reading an engaging story. They share a lot more in common than you might think: consistent theming, a lot of them actively tell a story of some kind (especially if it's a concept album LOL), the contrasting usage of high points juxtaposed against dulcet lows, they typically feature a climax somewhere ... it all kind of fits into a similar shape. Told through a completely different medium, sure, but the appeal is identical to me at least.
Take Opeth's titular "Blackwater Park". This track comes in at 12 minutes, 8 seconds.
The entire song is a perfect blend of everything that makes the album so phenomenal. The first two minutes are spent building expectation. Those deep, tridgy guitar riffs completely immerse you inside this garden-esque soundscape of pure atmosphere and progressive death metal beauty. When the growls are finally added to the mix the sound becomes full and complete; but it's shortlived as we're soon thrown backwards into another heavenly verse, devoid now of both vocals and distortion. It's different, but you know it's still Opeth. After this abrupt switch-up, you're constantly left on edge, wondering what could be next. Every little decision has a payoff. I genuinely think this song is one of the finest masterpieces in death metal history. And I think without all of this room to breathe, it likely wouldn't have been.
Another one I instantly think of when it comes to long songs is Periphery's "Reptile". It's quite the monster of a track, boasting an impressive 16 minutes and 43 seconds.
Honestly, I've listened to this song hundreds of times and it still flies by like an instant. I don't even feel time pass when I'm listening to it. This is one of those songs where, if someone asks where to start with Periphery, I recommend it immediately. It showcases virtually everything that makes their music appealing to me. When it wants to hit hard, it hits hard. When it wants to build atmosphere, you better believe it's going to have the best payoff it physically could have had. Spencer's screams and powerful cleans are showcased in crystalline clarity, as are Misha's incredible compositional abilities and absolutely absurd technicality. Matt's drumming is the icing on the cake; matching the mood and tone of any musical scene it needs to. I could go on and on. It's a nearly 17-minute-long flex of a song where every moment is just as exciting as the last.
But that's my ramble over. I've recently been listening to this band called "Haken", and wouldn't you know, the song that got me initially interested in their stuff was long as fuck. And it was awesome. You should check it out.
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siriannatan · 1 year
How to get fWhip to dress up - fWhipScott
I have no excuse. An idea along the lines of 'what if fWhip dresses up like stereotypical handsome vampire' came to my brain and this came out of it.
fWhip was fed up with everyone telling him to dress better ever since the stupid crown picked him as the new Lord Emperor. And it was only two months, meaning two dumb monthly meetings he hosted just so he doesn't look bad following Katherine in wearing the damn thing. Meaning Gem and Pearl invading his mansion and trying to force him I to the depths of his close he didn't visit since becoming the Count of Grimlands.
"If I dress up once will you two leave me alone?" He sighed the evening before the third meeting. 
"Fine, but only so you can see that it actually makes a difference with how others talk to you," Gem sighed as Peal almost dragged her out. fWhip just sighed. He loved his dear twin a lot but she could be a bit much. Especially when it came to how rulers from outside WRA saw fWhip.
With another sigh and almost full glass of wine he went deeper into his walk in closet than he did in years. Luckily his staff made sure, against his wishes, that everything in there actually fit him and wasn't from when he was twelve. Meaning he had no trouble finding a sufficiently elegant shirt, pants and fitting vest. Coat seemed like a bit too much. He also dug out shoes more elegant than his usual heavy work boots.
Sitting through having his hair styled properly was instantly worth it as he walked into the meeting room. Putting on his most annoyed expression.
All the jaws hit the floor and Gem beamed with joy at seeing her brother in something that actually fit him properly and looked nice at the same time. And his hair was properly brushed and tied together. And there was a dark purple ribbon in his hair, nicely matching his vest that together with his rather open dark gray shirt showed just enough to remain decet. And he had his nails painted and...
But Gem's unbridled glee wasn't the best reaction. 
The best was Scott freezing in panic as his face got more and more red. Quickly hiding it behind his fan and wafting himself faster as frost formed on his and Jimmy's glasses of water, and the windows behind them. Though that was barely visible wth the shutters closed tightly so fWhip doesn't burn in his own house.
"Don't get too used to this, it's damn uncomfortable," he grumbled while making his way to his seat. His shoes clicking on the floor being the only sound aside from Scott's fan.
Scott had no idea how he managed to get through the meeting. How any of them did quite honestly. Without it devolving into a discussion on where the hell was fWhip hiding this nice clothes and all this sex appeal he was radiating. He was maybe starting to understand all.the trashy vampire romance novels he read when he first realised he maybe liked fWhip a bit more than as just a strong ally.
And... Did his pants have to be so tight? Scott wondered, as Sausage' rattled on about some bandit's. The other members of WRA didn't seem as shocked by fWhip's appearance. But they knew him longer than Scott. He only jointed the alliance when Joey - and by extension Scott's traitorous older brother Xornoth - joined the Cod Alliance. Scott himself could not care less about some fish.
But he did care about the sexy vampire and his darkened, usually sky blue eyes. He had to be hungry. Likely having to sit through hi staff doing his hair and helping him get dressed properly. Fancy really looked good on him.
It looked so good on fWhip, Scott made up some stupid excuse to do with something his council was bothering him about to stay longer. It wasn't really an important or interesting to him matter but it worked. And he was now following a likely at least slightly hungry vampire to his private office where he usually dealt with matters do to with his allies.
"So, that tunnel you mentioned," fWhip started, leaning against his desk instead of sitting in his chair. It meant that there was no desk separating him from Scott.
Scott needed a second to remember what damn tunnel fWhip meant. "Ah. Yes. My council have been bothering me to ask if it'd be possible," he rambled, feeling more and more embarrassed. Avoiding looking directly at fWhip, especially since he decided to ditch his damn vest and indecent amount of his chest were on full view for Scott.
"Your council, you say. So you wanting to talk to me alone has nothing to do with how you were practically drooling over me that whole meeting?" fWhip hummed and suddenly, with far too much fluidity and grace was suddenly very much in Scott's personal space. Knee between the elf's legs. One hand gently guiding Scott to lok at him. Other helping him support himself but Scott was quite sure it was there just to cage him in. "So?" The vampire grinned, barely flashing his fangs.
"I... I tho... You look nice today..." Scott rambled, his gaze shifting to the crossbow mounted behind fWhip's desk. Anywhere that wasn't fWhip's face actually. "Not that you don't usually, you always do but especially today..." Scott mumbled and finally managed to make himself shut up.
"Nice you say?" fWhip hummed, his hand on Scott's chin gently moving to his shoulder but not for a second stopped touching him. "Push me away if it's too much," he said and started leaning in.
Scott was sure he was about to be bitten. And strangely since he's been sheltered his whole life, was excited by the thought. But that wasn't what fWhip had planned. 
He instead kissed Scott. Effectively stealing his first kiss. But the elven prince didn't mind. It felt nice even if he wasn't sure how it was supposed to feel. It certainly didn't feel like he imagined based on his books. No one in the books grabbed other by the shirt and pulled them closer as Scott did with fWhip. There was no sudden explosion of heat or feeling in his stomach. Just light tingling where fangs nicked his lips, not enough to draw blood. And the fWhip's neither cold nor warm lips, and...
And fWhip pulled back far too soon. Pushing Scott into the chair as he tried chasing his lips purely on instinct. "Careful darling, unlike me you need to breathe," fWhip chuckled as Scott realised he did indeed forget about that need of his. As the elf caught his breath he studied the vampire's face. He was as calm and collected as always, and the way he picked his lips had Scott blushing. 
"Can..." Scott started but stopped himself. How does one ask a vampire to bite them? 
"If you want more kisses we'll have to move somewhere else, somewhere where you won't be at risk of neck cramps," fWhip chuckled and to Scott's dismay left his personal space. He did not do anything to fix his shirt though.
"Oh... That was kind of my first kiss... But it's not what I meant to ask... Would you be willing to bite me?" He rambled out on almost single breath. He had no idea what had fWhip looking as shocked as he did and had no idea which would be better for him.
"I almost forgot how sheltered you were your whole life," fWhip groaned, once more leaning against his desk. "Ar you sure you want me to bite you?" Luckily he took a small mercy on Scott and did not mention the first fact...
"Yes," Scott nodded. He was quite curious how it'd feel.
fWhip nodded and led Scott to what turned out to be his bedroom. Or simply a room he rested in since vampires apparently need some rest from time to time...
Waking up in some amount of pain here and there in his body next to fWhip's almost motionless self was almost worth the talking to he got from his council. Or how Sausage and Pearl looked at him at the next WRA meeting. So what if he had to cover his neck from time to time? At least Gem was too happy with her brother dressing up nicer more often to notice...
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8bitsupervillain · 2 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 5 Meakashi pt. 4
Ah, young love. Sickening, disgusting, vile.
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The biker boys from chapter 2 made it back in the narrative! Good for them.
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Shion is surprisingly adept at social manipulation isn't she. Rather than being able to compel people to do her bidding with her physical presence like Mion, Shion seems to tackle it from the angle of emotional appeal or by manipulating what people should do in the larger context of society. She hasn't really done anything yet, but I get the feeling that Shion is the more dangerous of the two. Mion is a more physical presence, but that seems to be it. Shion meanwhile is able to read a crowd and formulate plots to whip them to her side.
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The fact there wasn't a heavenly choir to accompany Satoshi's arrival was slightly disappointing.
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Rather conveniently changing art styles just straight up says which version is which. It's not an especially noticeable change, but I like that Satoshi's eye color in the Remake art style has a more pink coloration to it than the red of the console and original style. It's an odder eye color than you usually see, and I think it ties in rather well with his voice. I expected Satoshi to sound pretty close to Keiichi in terms of voice, so I was somewhat surprised to hear his more effeminate tone. It's not bad, I don't think there's been a bad performance yet, I was just surprised that he has a lighter tone than the other men in the cast. Part of me wants to theorize that the reason he has this lighter voice, and this innocent design is to emphasize the horrific abuse he endures until he inevitably snaps and beats his aunt to death with the baseball bat. That such a pure figure would be capable of such violence is an interesting contrast, and part of me very much wants to believe this is what they were going for here. But enough of me pontificating about character design.
Satoshi gets duffed up by the biker delinquents until they eventually run away.
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Oh that Shion starting to fall head over heels for a boy she just met. There must be something in the water of the area that makes everyone become instantly completely in love slash utterly protective of. Maybe it's the volcanic gas.
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And so, Shion who is living a life of hiding in peril calls her sister to get the skinny on the boy she just met. She learns almost everything their is to learn of the boy. Including the traumatic abuse Satoko gets to endure.
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The next day she happens upon Satoshi out and about and the two go shopping together. Satoshi is a sensitive boy who catches on pretty quickly that Shion is teasing him about his lack of ability in the kitchen.
It was somewhere around the middle of this dialogue between the two that I came to a realization that this chapter isn't a prequel to the second chapter. Unless there's something I'm missing this seems a bit at odds with the way Shion is in Watanagashi. She's a lot more cavalier then, brazenly going out and about with Keiichi despite in theory being wanted by the Sonozaki family. I know that there's a year between where we are now in the narrative than where we were in Watanagashi, but each chapter seems to feature a different version of June 1983, so why not say this one takes place in a different version of reality in 1982? After all, in Tatarigoroshi Irie mentions that Shion is a manager to the Hinamizawa Fighters, and it doesn't seem like Shion as herself would be able to be a manager to the baseball team if she were having to sneak around and hide her presence in Okinomiya. Like I said, unless I'm missing something, this makes the most sense to me from a narrative standpoint. Who knows, maybe in two or three sections it'll be right around the time of Watanagashi 1982, and Oryou will call up Shion and let bygones be bygones.
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Seems like there's unrest in the Houjou household. Going by previous chapters I estimate it'll probably be another three sections before things really go pear-shaped and become more generally horrific.
I don't really have much to say when it comes to the romantic subplots and so on with this series.
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fallseidol · 5 months
*The guards were loyal, perhaps to a fault.* *They thanked their lord and obeyed without question, leaving Koschei practically alone in Cronus's presence. Those chains were meant to be for the protection of the rest of the palace's residences, and the threats were purely meant to keep the intruder in his place to show respect. Koschei was but one creature standing in the same room as a god...what actual danger and harm could he possibly be to the mighty all-powerful Cronus?* *As it happened, not much except shoot him multiple expressions of skepticism and...confusion? It was hard to tell what was actually going on inside that horned head of his.* Koschei: "Well, then you certainly have an eye for creativity." *His face instantly beamed into a polite smile, his tone friendly and talkative.*
Koschei: "The styles are very varied, no question. I guess it's thanks to you, aspiring artists who would never have the spotlight they deserve for their hard work won't have to live knowing their passions were in total vain and doomed to fade into obscurity. Well done, you!~" *He beamed at Cronus congratulatory, his eyes closed and head cocked to one side.* Koschei: "Except..." *His yellow-ish orange eyes snapped back open.* Koschei: "Now, please forgive me for saying so, but I could've sworn I saw a piece belonging to none other than the infamous Daphne Georgiou. A common citizen from any other point of view. I believe the work in question was...the Ruby Tree. Did you know- I mean, of course you already know, but still, that she spent whole fifteen years working on it?" *His eyes narrowed a little* Koschei: "Not necessarily on the painting itself, no, but rather, trying to come up with it. Trying to find a style that appealed to everyone, trying to become a truly great artist- her whole life she'd wanted that, to be a great artist I mean...to prove her personal ambitions meant something, to be given glory for following her dreams and told she was right to follow her heart, and...I suppose that's exactly what you've done, my lord! An actual god has given her the praise her work deserves! :D " *It was true, someone like that couldn't hope to be more grateful! Koschei's tone was bubbly and grateful, he seemed to be almost giggling to himself.* *And then it stopped abruptly.* Koschei: "Except..." *That word again...* Koschei: "Her desires nearly tore her apart. She spent fifteen long years trying so hard to get it right, she started taking care of herself less and less." *His tone hardened, just a little,* Koschei: "It started to create wedges in her relationships, it started affecting her every-day life at work, at home, until eventually she cried out in agonized realization her 'dreams' were tearing her apart. The only thing that stopped her from destroying the painting when she finished it was the fact it served as a useful reminder...a memento to the life lesson you don't need the praise of others to live your life, that you don't need others to respect your dreams...only you." *Koschei turned his head thoughtfully.* Koschei: "And so, she gave up professional painting and had no intention whatsoever to publicly display the Ruby Tree." *He looked directly at Cronus now...his gaze was piercing.* Koschei: "And yet, there it is, hanging on the gallery wall of the grand palace of great and generous lord Cronus..." *Was that finally anger in his eyes...or smug disdain?* Koschei: "By the way, the name's Valeyar Koschei...would you like a root-beer drop? :) "
Cronus eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. The smile on his face froze into place, a mask of genteel patience.
"What an absurd rumour." He chuckled, "I bought that painting from an auction for magical items. The title appealed to me more so than the actual work of art. I had no idea it had such a colorful background! Really, you must tell me more. And I would LOVE a root beer drop, thank you."
Cronus had solidified this creature in his mind. A Trickster. Possibly even a trickster God. Ugly as Pan and with the mind of a madman. He'd need to tread carefully. Rules. Social norms. So long as he didn't react to the tricks, as long as he was polite and a good host, he'd be fine.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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GloRilla Is Tommy Jeans' Newest Face At the forefront of counter-culture, you could always find Tommy Hilfiger’s recognizable red, white and blue draped over the bodies of everyone from Britney Spears to Aaliyah. It has become a calling card in American style, positioning itself as a quintessential brand without the garishness of its more patriotic counterparts. Throughout the ’80s and ’90s, every major cultural figure could be seen sporting the brand’s windbreakers and jeans, but it was the hip-hop co-signs that catapulted the design into the stratosphere. With a seed planted by New York’s own Grand Puba when he famously rapped “Girbauds hanging baggy/ Tommy Hilfiger top gear” on Mary J. Blige’s hit “What’s The 411?” Tommy Hilfiger found themselves in the middle of a bustling hip-hop scene, dressing everyone from Raekwon to Snoop Dogg.It’s only right that in 2023, another generation is ready to love and appreciate Tommy Hilfiger’s legacy, fueled by the inescapable draw of nostalgia that has seeped into fashion trends, music sampling and more. As we once again look to the young tastemakers for the pulse of fashion and culture, it’s fitting that Memphis rapper GloRilla steps forward as the face of Tommy Jeans’ newest collaboration with luxury streetwear brand Aries. Founded by Sofia Prantera, Aries has become a London fashion mainstay, edging its way into global consciousness through a variety of collaborations. Known for their eye-catching graphics that go against the modern conventions of repetition found in much of modern streetwear, the genderless brand transcends textiles, inspired by ‘90s skate culture, Prantera’s Saint Martin’s background and her natural instincts to create bold, timeless and recognizable pieces, much like Tommy Hilfiger throughout their rich history. “I’m a big Aaliyah fan, and I love what she did with them,” GloRilla explains as she steps into this new role as the face of Tommy x Aries. “I’m part of keeping a legacy going.”That rich legacy is threaded throughout the collection, reappropriating the iconic Tommy Hilfiger logo in the now-classic Aries fashion. Oversized t-shirts, baggy two-tone jeans, mesh and printed elastic test the boundaries of the Tommy Hilfiger logo alongside Aries’ simple, commanding and thought-provoking design. Welcome pops of neon green are scattered throughout the collection, providing a youthful disruption to the status quo.GloRilla found herself at the center of a revitalized interest in Memphis crunk music with her viral 2022 hit "F.N.F. (Let’s Go)." Since then, she’s worked with everyone from Cardi B to fellow Memphis torchbearer Duke Deuce. Her instantly recognizable deep voice and biting lyricism echoes the rich hip-hop history of her hometown which, much like the genderless appeal of Tommy Hilfiger and Aries, was the launching pad of legendary names such as Gangsta Boo, La Chat, Princess Loko and more, all of whom existed within a male-dominated industry with their own unique styles, refusing to compromise for mainstream appeal.“I feel highly favored, because it could have been anyone else but me,” GloRilla admits as she reflects back on the process. “I gotta make sure I keep it going. Memphis is getting the notoriety it deserves.”The campaign is accompanied by an instrumental version of GloRilla’s “Unh Unh,” featuring verses by U.K. grime artist Novelist as well as Aries family Kirbs and 5EB. The exciting, high energy remix speaks to the collection’s sustainable counterpart, Tommy x Aries: Remade. Derived from post-consumer waste and surplus materials, these one-of-a-kind pieces breathe another life within the collection, which is already inspired by the individual components of each garment, and old meets new. As GloRilla succinctly explains, “It’s refreshing to me, because I love the old-school and being able to bring it to my generation.”The collection will be available starting on March 31, 2023, at select Tommy Jeans stores and on tommy.com. Photography: Myles Loftin Styling: Mel Renée Hair: Kadiatou Tall (at Harp Media & Creatives) Makeup: Anscherley Noel (at Harp Media & Creatives) Photo assistant: Andrew Espinal Digitech: Nik Antonio Styling assistant: Zakkai Jones Tailor: Lindsay Amir Creative services: Eric Vidmar Creative production: Will Foster Project manager: Elise Sullivan Production coordinator: Chelsea WootenEditor in chief: Justin Moran VP production: Katie Karole Executive editor: Anna Zanes https://www.papermag.com/glorilla-tommy-jeans-2659661512.html
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PJM1 will be huge. There's so much anticipation for Jimin's album already. I wonder if this is what people mean when they talk about YG's strategy to starve Blinks of content to generate hype. Jimin is the least active member right now, with the least number of solo or self-written songs, yet he's the most anticipated, partly because we don't know what his personal style is yet and we can't even begin to guess what his album will sound like. I can't say that I know what to expect of JK's album, for example, but the other vocal line members have specific styles we associate with them. JK -> EDM pop (Stay, Euphoria, Magic Shop), RnB (Begin, My Time, and Stay Alive in terms of vocals), romantic songs/non-traditional ballads (Love is Not Over, Film Out, Your Eyes Tell), fan songs (Still With You, Stay, Magic Shop, My You); V -> ballads, acoustic sentimental songs (his Soundcloud songs and OSTs), Jin -> power ballads, sentimental tracks. I guess Jimin's style so far is easy pop (Christmas Love and Promise) and songs with powerful performances? But Lie, Filter and Serendipity have nothing in common with each other or with Christmas Love, With You, and Promise.
The thing with Jimin is that he's an IT boy. That is literally the best way to describe him. He's an excellent model (the best in BTS imo), has great fashion sense, is loved by celebrities and people in the fashion world, is sexy, bold, shy and cute in equal measure and that is a very charming and powerful cocktail (he drives people insane by being cute and sexy, often at the same time), is a major stan attractor - 'locals' probably bias him the most and he's usually the first member first time listeners notice (for his unique voice, cuteness, dancing, looks). He has that it factor. He seems impossibly cool and sexy, yet also ridiculously cute, lovable, comforting. Mostly, there is something aloof about him, especially now that he's become so private, and that makes people even more curious about him.
To me, Jungkook is the boy next door. He's sweet and cute in a very innocent, boyish way, though he's sexy and powerful on stage. He's a bit awkward in photoshoots and interviews but very approachable and earnest - he often talks about wanting to show fans the real him and has the most fan songs of all the members. He doesn't have that it factor that makes people instantly go insane over him the way we do over Jimin, but he's super popular anyway (more so, in fact), just in a different way. I kinda see V has an it boy/boy next door combo - an it boy to locals and more boy next door to fans. He comes across as aloof, cool, eccentric, stylish, handsome, and cute to nonfans, but fans know he's also sweet, caring, approachable, genuine. He loves Army too (like Jimin, of course, but he releases more content for us). To be clear, I'm not saying Jimin isn't sweet, genuine, approachable - he is, and even locals know he's an angel - but in a godly, not-for-us-mere-mortals kind of way, unlike JK who's more puppy-like...?
Jimin will likely get the most explosive reaction of all the members, with V coming up a close second. I feel like we've seen enough of JK that we're less curious for his album and he'll be a silent killer. In my experience, JK's fans are a bit more lowkey, but he can absolutely steal the conversation from all other members. Half the comments about BTS's 2020 Idol performance on Jimmy Fallon, the LA PTD On Stage concerts (especially after the wardrobe malfunction), the GDA performance where Suga made an appearance post-surgery but JK showed up with blond hair, Muster Sowozoo (tattoos!), etc. were just about him. I remember so many BTS events and concerts where I think Jungkook dominated the conversation. He's a silent killer in the sense that, imo, he doesn't have that Harry Styles-esque appeal, but will break records and perform really well without seemingly getting as much hype from the gp or even fans.
I don't know how else to explain it, but I just find it so interesting that the maknae line have really different types of fame and appeal, with V being a sort of crossover between JK's boy next door, yet powerful and cool on stage, persona, and Jimin's it everything. I'm JK biased but Jimin drives me insane the most with his personality, outfits, shoots, etc. He's crazy attractive.
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How to Explain replica handbags to Your Boss
My ally advised me one other day that she received herself a fake bag.​ She mentioned that it had been just an inexpensive a single too! Once i read that, I was like, "What?! You just obtained a phony bag?" She appeared to be all enthusiastic about it, though.​
I keep in mind strolling with the marketplaces of Hong Kong a single time and staying intrigued by all the astounding replica baggage on sale.​ Being an avid lover of designer items, I used to be right away drawn to them.​ I recognized how intricate they looked and the eye to element was absolutely nothing in need of impressive.​ I wanted to check with about to see a lot more but I was not sure if it absolutely was legit or not so I just stored it to myself.​
Little did I realize that Individuals reproduction baggage had been really extremely popular and commonly approved.​ Everyone desired a piece of luxurious without having to shell out the hefty cost tags.​ I could see why men and women were starting to be so directed to it.​ It had been as When the bags had been an extension of their individuality, allowing them to express their flavor and course instantly.​
The widest choice of replica baggage looked as if it would come throughout the spring.​ Every corner of the marketplace experienced a variation of dimensions, styles, and costs.​ The shopkeepers have been pleased to reply all my thoughts and I even managed to pick up several exceptional items.​ The intricate ending and high quality good quality truly shocked me.​ I couldn't believe the extent of craftsmanship that was set into your bags however the positives certainly outweighed the negatives.​
I took my duplicate baggage residence and utilised them on multiple occasions.​ I can confidently say that I received my dollars's value in terms of use and high quality.​ I felt like 1,000,000 pounds every time I placed on a new accent.​ It created me a good deal extra self-confident and complemented louis vuitton outlet my apparel in a way that only designer merchandise can.​ I have now turn into fairly of a collector and under no circumstances skip an opportunity to speculate in a whole new duplicate bag.​
The secondhand current market of reproduction baggage is increasing massively over the past couple of years and this can be a terrific spot to get them in a lower price.​ There are many devoted Web sites and applications for purchasing and advertising substantial-conclude reproduction baggage so It really is becoming simpler to uncover lovely pre-loved parts.​ I've managed to pick up some fantastic deals from thrift retailers too.​
Because of their flexibility, my replica luggage can also changeover from day to night appears to be like with ease.​ There is certainly one thing very luxurious about having a bit of good Italian craftsmanship that will elevate any outfit.​ Regardless if I am inside a rush and only have time to pick a few extras, I'm specified that my duplicate bags will constantly make the cut.​
The most effective items about duplicate bags is that they don't have to suit into a specific model or pattern.​ It is possible to design them any way you like and express by yourself in ways in which serious designer baggage are not able to.​ In addition to that they occur in many different colours and supplies so I'm generally spoilt for option.​ I'm also stunned to search out that they're a lot more tough than true designer luggage in specified cases.​
I now understand why so many people are so keen on reproduction luggage.​ They are really economical and fashionable and pretty well suited for daily use.​ Whether or not you are a maximalist or simply a minimalist, There's a duplicate bag out there for everybody.​ You cannot go wrong after you invest in a piece of higher-conclude craftsmanship that oozes with appeal and sophistication.​
To start with, I failed to realize why she was so delighted about this.​ I necessarily mean, isn't going to she recognize that pretend products don't have the same quality given that the authentic kinds? I was amazed that she failed to think 2 times over it.​ I certainly instructed her to reconsider her determination.​
But then, she started to make clear to me why she needed to buy the faux bag.​ She explained that the original bag she wished was also high priced and he or she was searching for a more affordable a single.​ Now, I kinda recognized her.​ I signify, we've all been there appropriate? We would like a little something very nice but the worth tag will not in good shape our spending budget.​ This is exactly why Increasingly more persons are turning to bogus luggage.​
But which is not all.​ My Close friend also pointed out that a lot of the faux luggage she found on the net glimpse better yet than the first types.​ I used to be like, "Which is undoubtedly not legitimate!" But she insisted that it had been real and showed me a couple of pics.​ I gotta say, the faux ones did appear very good.​ I was beginning to improve my intellect about fake bags.​
And afterwards, one of my other good friends chipped in.​ He said that purchasing a faux bag might not be this type of bad plan because it's less costly, Which the quality of the bogus may be pretty much as good as the initial ones.​ That's After i began to truly see why people today buy bogus bags.​
Obviously, I'm continue to not convinced that It is really all right to purchase fake items.​ I signify, It can be even now a counterfeit item and i am versus the thought of supporting the those who steal other manufacturers' designs.​ But I can now realize why individuals would go for fake baggage, particularly when their spending plan is restricted.​ I guess everything boils all the way down to your individual preference.​
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papirouge · 1 year
Hey papi, i'm the anon who sent you the message about becoming a youtuber. I've been thinking a lot about your answer, and honestly I don't know if I'm up to the the many facets of what that entails.
Like you said, gaming is well known to be full of scrotes and weirdos, and unfortunately most female youtubers and streamers have to use their sex appeal to get attention and views, and that's not something i'm willing to do (i wouldn't even want to show my face in the first place). You did mention that I should find a niche, and for me that would have been either retro gaming or games geared towards girls. In fact, I grew up with a lot of those barbie computer games, so I could actually mix both retro gaming and games for girls.
Another thing I thought about was making more "complex" videos. Like I have an interest in lost media, and there's not that many good content about it in my mother language, so I think I could definitely make myself a name in that genre. And that brings me to another point - I've watched a lot of lost media videos, amd also read the wiki of some pages that interest me many times, and I've noticed that many videos are basically just wikipedia reads with no attempt of the creator to actually explain things in his own style. And some of them are quite popular and capitalize of other people words and work via sponsors or ad revenue!! It kinda makes me mad in a way to see some youtubers put a lot of effort in their videos and get very few views while lazier ones that i dont think even care about the subject matter (if they did i doubt they'll just be copy pasting their scripts) being praised and get money off of their wikipedia reads.
Another thing that I realized it's that if I choose to make videos about lost media or other things similar to that, I'd probably get so annoyed at the ignorant comments that people might make when it comes to real life cases that i'd have to hold myself back to avoid responding. Like I remember once listening to this video about the Natasha Kampusch case, and the narrator mentioned how the guy who kidnapped her actually didn't force her (right away) to have sex with him, and to come to him when she was ready. I decided to go to the comments (big mistake) and there were a few comments highlighting this and talking about how sweet and thoughtful it was of the guy to not pressure Natasha, and how she might have wanted to have sex with him when that happened. Like do these idiots realize that she was KIDNAPPED, aka being held hostage for years since she was only ten years old with no probability of this guy ever letting her go? I really hope these commenters were very young and misguided and learnt later to think more critically.
In a similar way, I also once watched a video about Elliot Rodger (back when I've nver heard of his case before) and the comments were full with men being like "Not saying what he did was bad but I can understand him feeling frustrated and mad at being rejected by women because I feel the same". Wow, isn't that sad? How about you empathise with all the people he killed and their relatives, have you thought abouot that? Prety much any video talking about the bjork stalker has the same kind of men in the comments. Not papi, I don't think I could stand getting stupid comments like that on my videos, but then perhaps true crime rots your brain or something...
Hi anon! Nice to see you back 🩶
"And some of them are quite popular and capitalize of other people words and work via sponsors or ad revenue!! It kinda makes me mad in a way to see some youtubers put a lot of effort in their videos and get very few views while lazier ones that i dont think even care about the subject matter (if they did i doubt they'll just be copy pasting their scripts) being praised and get money off of their wikipedia reads."
Welcome to the commentary YouTube community 😅 that's why I told you in my first reply to do something you truly enjoyed and not start off to get instantly get popular or get ad revenue because you'll be quickly discouraged by the lack of engagement of your video. If you like what you do, you'll still be happy despite get only a dozen of views. Your dedication has to go beyond external validation or gratification.
YouTube is just too big now. I remember the scandal when tea channel have been exposed as being content farm (basically content creator 'industry plants' - Spill, Anna Oop, etc.) and other tea/commentary channel called them out being like "they're lying to you!!!" when these channels never pretended being only one independent creator 💀. I personally wasn't really surprised because it's been a while that YouTube has become an entire industry so yeah, content creation agencies jumping on the bandwagon was bound to happen¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
That's why you really shouldn't compare yourself with bigger yet lazier channels because who knows if they don't have a whole marketing machine backing them up (for example posting a lot, it asks a whole editing team etc.). That's why I also told to have a delivery that can't be imitated. Even if they copy what you say (let's get real, YouTuber copy each other all the time and that's ok, that's the whole concept of trends) they will never do it like you. That's why despite commentary channels being so popular, some channels are more unique than others.
For example I tried looking for other channels like Chrissie but not a single one manages to make it like she does : Chrissie is just so articulated, CLEVER and resourceful in her takes, that no other Black feminity/dating channel never really did it for me... (either they only talk about Black men, talk like they were drunk à la Cynthia G 💀 aren't smart, or are intellectually inconsistent (wig wearer talking about embracing our Black feminity ANNOY ME like sis embrace your own hair before giving advice about self love IDC)
Let's get real anon: there's already a woman doing what your doing - but the good news is : nobody will be you. I love vlogs but tbh those female influencer pretty much do the same thing, but the way they do it is what makes me stick. Unfortunately it's hard to explain but I think that's the x factor that makes even very small channel have a very loyal audience. I told you about the FNAF commentary french guy who had a 30k followers channel with a dedicated watchbase (his chat are always very active and his discord channel is booming). I also follow a Dark Deception playthrough japanese channel with "only" 35k followers, and guess what? He's been invited by the Dark Deception developpement team at the Tokyo game show in September to test their new chapter of the game. Size or popularity doesn't matter - how you do it does (the japanese guy doesn't even update that much...)
Now for the toxic audience/commenters, it's actually very easy to moderate comments on YouTube. You can also block certain words so comments having them to not appear. You can also pin a PSA on the comment section to warn off rape apoloigists, and stuff like that. The only reason those guys you're talking about talk like that is because they feel comfortable enough to do that in *this* space. I'm a firm believer that you are what you attract. I'm on TikTok and I don't see the awful shit people are constantly seething about. Bc I swap up whenever I see suspicious/weird/kinky shit so the algorithm stops making these messy stunts. I also don't follow influencers or gimmicky accounts.. True Crime channels are bound to attract psychopaths anyway. There's something so pornographic in women doing their make up while explaining gruesome murder....
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jangmi-latte · 3 years
Can I request alpha azul? I can't get this idea out of my head.
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☾︎ 2:16 𝐀𝐌 ☽︎ 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎..
𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙰𝚣𝚞𝚕 𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘
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he's attractive alright.
the way he chooses his style of clothing dwells not far from how he wears his dorm uniform. my, you would say the whole casually formal fit screams his whole persona. it was a part of him. though he is part of the sea, where no merfolk wears clothes, he still holds an eye for fashion.
maybe it's the way his figure looks quite toned, slim in a way, in a fitted turtleneck — or any long sleeve for that matter. or maybe it's the silver watch on his wrist? a hand in his pocket while he looks over some materials?
all you know you is that you want that damn coat that always hung from his broad shoulders that always — ALWAYS — has his scent attached. it's probably one of the clothings you would never let go if he's not near you, mixed with that soft perfume that he always wear. haah...
"little shrimp is staring at azul again."
you blinked, once, twice, and felt your cheeks turn red. instantly looking away, you hide yourself using your jacket before punching floyd's arm. oh, you forgot jade and floyd were with you.
"i don't see what's wrong," jade chuckled, holding up a suit, "azul looks appealing."
"i don't know if that's supposed to be a compliment knowing the meaning behind your words," azul glared, though he took the suit from jade and looked at it. "gray?"
that's right. you were all shopping for formal clothes. why? well, the twins were invited by some rich family (was it a family acquaintance? business purposes? you forgot) for their kid's coming of age party and they were allowed to bring one person.
well they were twins.
so that's one person each.
so jade invited azul, and floyed invited you.
ah. octavinelle students and being so sly never separates.
"it's not like there's any difference with the dorm uniform," floyd yawned and placed an elbow on your head. to be honest, the twins' scents are nearly similar (though alphas don't have the same scent no matter the relation) that you wanted to crave azul's scent more.
groaning, you pushed away floyd's arm and walked over to your alpha. there it is. the strong scent of sea and shore that azul holds. you know that fresh early morning air you smell around beaches? that's the calming scent you grew addicted with when it comes to azul.
"we have so many options," you spoke, looking at the four suits that are laid out on the table. "honestly, i think this would suit you." you held up a navy blue suit that azul picked out himself. he was open for suggestions, after all.
"isn't your dress navy blue too, little shrimp? aren't you trying to be flirty and become matchy with azul?" floyd teased.
"he's mine anyways so," you huffed, hiding your face behind the suit.
"oya? a possessive omega," grinned jade, his eyes eyeing azul's reaction with delight.
ignoring the extra comments, azul sighed and took the suit from you. "i'll try this on. you can look for other options if this doesn't go as i want it to look."
"oh, it will. trust me," you instantly rebutted with a grin and pushed your alpha to the dressing room.
"the beige one is a second option!" you called, already holding the beige one. you heard him shuffling inside the dressing room. you faced the twin alphas and tilted your head, "aren't you going to pick yours?" you asked.
"we already have one," floyd shrugged, sitting on a chair with a bored expression on his face.
facing jade, you hummed in question. you watched him nudged his head over somewhere. following the movement of his actions, you gazed over at the dressing room. oh, there's your most desired item.
ashengrotto's coat.
grinning, you laid the suit on the table and quietly snatched the coat. it was thick, soft, and fuuuuuck..
it smells so damn good.
you pressed your face on his coat, taking a big whiff of his scent and sighing in relief. were you stressed? wait, why are you in dire desperation to take in his scent? are you feeling clingy? like you care. the twins' scents aren't disturbing you anyways.
the twins watched you in amusement. their friend's omega looking so vulnerable. my, even their alpha senses are kicking but it's off limits for you. you're azul's.
"if any of you even think about touching my omega, i'm already warning you."
azul why are you emitting irritated pheromones?
"sheesh. now azul's mad," floyd pouted and yawned, "we're not even doing anything."
"oh, we're just looking at them. no worries. but it looks like your omega wants you." jade inquired and poked your shoulder. "and they were right. the blue suit looks better on you."
you spun around, staring at your alpha who wore your suggested suit. shit, blue suits him alright. he wasn't even wearing his glasses. ah, what a sight. you bet that suit smells like him now too.
"handsome..." you mumbled audibly enough. "mine. my eyes only." you walked closer to azul, his coat now drapped on your shoulders as you adjusted his suit.
oh, it was an excuse to touch him.
"you're buying this." you said.
"looks like you have to obey your omega this time, azul," snickered the twins in amusement while they watch azul's cheeks turn light pink.
"ahhh, this is getting boring!" floyd complained as he stood up. "let's go to the shoe section already and pick the shoes. little shrimp can you just cling onto azul instead. your scent is getting concerningly strong, it's annoying me." he pushed the extra suits into jade's arms who diligently placed them back in the racks.
"are you okay?" he looked at you, eyes concerned with an eyebrow perked up. he can smell you alright. your sweet scent was starting to scatter throughout the dressing room. "is it pre-heat week?"
"dunno..." you mumbled. "but i'm feeling okay. just...let me be near you..."
"i see other omegas staring at you and it's annoying me. why are you so handsome?"
possessive alpha? not in this relationship.
it will be the omega.
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© 𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢-𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞 2021.
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sinswithpleasure · 3 years
The Playgirl (ft. LOONA's Yves) [Part 2] [Female Reader]
Hello! I'm back with part 2!
Futa!Yves x Fem Reader, just in case ya forgot.
If you prefer, this is also on AO3 and AFF!
Yves shows up on time for tutoring, to your surprise.
"Hey baby."
"Don't 'baby' me."
"Sure. Let's start."
"Alright. Open up the textbook. We're starting from the basics. I've printed out some of the prerequisites for this topic, since what you did last time wasn't up to standard due to lack of practice of the basics. Now…"
Yves listens attentively. In fact, things go a bit too smoothly for the both of you. Yves doesn't make any cheeky quip, pull out any pet names, or flirt with anyone that passes by. The womanizing playgirl you knew disappears, and in its place is a focused, dedicated young woman. Sometimes, you even find yourself staring at her work on the problems in front of her. The change is… welcome, to say the least.
Your eyes roam Yves's styled hair, swiped back to expose her forehead, down to her beautiful large eyes, button nose, and full lips.
God, you're gay. Sure, you're literally admiring the beauty of the most insufferable bane of the universe, but you're just so fucking gay and hot people are hot, no matter how irritating they are, so...
When your eyes shift back up, you're met with Yves's smirk.
"See something you like, babe?"
"Fuck off." You rush to change the subject. "How're you doing?"
"I've been done for a while. You would know if you weren't spending the time looking at me."
You refuse to dignify her with a response, checking through the solved problems. With your coaching, Yves manages to get two more questions correct as compared to last time, but she still makes some simple mistakes.
"Okay, here's the issue. In question two…"
Yves continues to show up for every tutoring session. Somehow, a week passes by, and it is now Friday.
"Good afternoon, babygirl."
"Don't 'babygirl' me. How many times do I have to say it?"
"Mm, whatever. How're you doing?"
"Why do you care?"
Yves pulls out the chair next to you, leaning back on it, resting her legs on the table. She turns to you, grinning.
"Of course I'd care! You're my tutor, and if you don't feel good, you won't be able to teach me properly. If I don't get taught, I won't learn, then I'll fail, and I don't get to win. You know that I always win."
"I'm not sleeping with you."
"That's what you say, but not what you mean."
"Fuck you."
"That's what you'll be doing in five months' time."
"No I won't. Bring out the Calc textbook. We're going through Chapter 4 today."
"Alright, babygirl."
The change in Yves becomes apparent when she somehow is present earlier than you on Monday morning.
"Oh, hey babe."
You sigh at the pet name, but having heard her call you that for quite some time now, it doesn't grind your gears as much anymore.
"Don't 'babe' me."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
Yves returns her attention to the papers she is working on, and the familiar math problems catch your eye.
"Yeah. I promised I'll be the best student. Here I am."
"We'll see about that."
"You're looking at it right now." Yves rises from her chair, and in a flash, she has her arm around your waist, her face inches from yours. "I'm going to win, babygirl."
"G-Get off me!" Your face reddens instantly at the close proximity of your lips to hers. Memories of the chaste kiss Yves planted take front and center stage, and you can't help but look away from Yves.
"You're so pretty."
Yves has her gaze locked on your lips, then to your eyes. She is so close, too close, even. Heat flashes all over your body—every touch Yves leaves on you seems to burn.
"I mean it. You're gorgeous."
"T-Thank you."
The smug smirk never leaves Yves's face. She releases you from her smoldering gaze and grip, but she leaves you with a rapidly beating heart and a large distraction for the day to come.
When class begins, Yves tries to take the time to listen to the professor. However, she is soon back to her old ways, flicking paper balls at classmates and being on her phone more than she listens.
"Yeah, baby?" She meets your gaze, her tongue darting out to moisten her dry lips. Her hands carry on working on moulding another tiny paper ball.
"You're not listening."
"I am!"
"What was the last thing the prof said?"
You roll your eyes.
"Best student, my ass."
"I made that promise to you, not to him."
"You won't learn if you don't listen to him either. How're you going to be the best if you can't even do that?"
"Oh, so that's how it is?"
"That's right." You think hard about the words you want to say next, but maybe… maybe it is worth the risk. After all, Yves is still the bane of your existence, but she could be less of that if she keeps up her effort in trying to learn.
"You don't get to fuck me if you're not the best."
You watch as Yves freezes. She stares at you, her jaw hanging, before she steels her gaze to your eyes, staring deep into your soul.
"So this is how you wanna play, babygirl?"
"Yeah." You can feel your bravado slowly disappearing.
"Fine. I'll listen. I'll play by your rules."
Yves leans to your ear, her breath sending shivers down your spine. Her deep whisper makes you shudder.
"You will be mine at the end of the year, baby. I promise you: I'll ace my exams, and you'll love me for it."
Perhaps provoking your seatmate wasn't the best idea. Now you have to deal with the deep flush on your face and neck, as well as the heat between your legs.
A month passes.
Every week, the same things go by—tutoring, classes, more tutoring, more classes. However, what changes is how close you and Yves get with each other. By no means were the both of you friends, but she isn't as much of a thorn in your side anymore.
[yves💘 sent a message:]
I need a bit more help with the math from the last chapter.
Can I see you this weekend?
Saturday, 10am, Seoul U entrance?
[You sent a message:]
I'll see you.
[yves💘 sent a message:]
Dress nicely, baby. It's a date.
[You sent a message:]
Fuck off.
You groan when Yves manages to charm you through text. Outfit ideas are already flowing through your head, and you sink your face into the comfort of your palms. Why do you even care about looking pretty for Yves?⁶
Well… that genuine grin she flashed after a muffled gasp of surprise when you wore a dress once in the past month was gorgeous on her. That was why.
You remember Yves actually having the slightest hint of a blush when looking at you, and she seemed to be a little less flirty that day, opting to take short glances at you when she thought you weren't watching. This newfound attention was… welcome. You couldn't deny feeling shy having Yves check you out. After all, you were just the nerd girl in class, and having this attention from a hot girl you could consider a crush not as much of a pain in your ass felt so good.
Saturday arrives, and here you are, waiting outside Seoul University.
You choose to keep things simple: just a simple button-down dress with daisies printed on the fabric. Your hair is tied up in a cute bun. The pink backpack you carry completes the look, with a nice pair of flats.
The sun isn't too bright, and a cool breeze keeps you comfortable while waiting. You can't help but get nervous, though you know it is irrational to feel so. After all, this is just another study session. However, Yves's text to you earlier in the week keeps flashing across your eyes.
'Dress nicely, baby. It's a date.'
You know this is just a study session. However, a part of you dimly wishes that it isn't, before you hurriedly bash those thoughts with a hammer and then set them on fire.
The revving of a motorbike catches your attention before it zooms down the road. You can see the bike move across the lanes, then slowing to a stop in front of you. The rider, clad in all black leather, complete with jacket and boots, seems to freeze in front of you, before slowly drawing the helmet off their head.
"Hey, babygirl."
Yves grins at you, her eyes sweeping over your body. Her gaze lands on your legs, moving up to your torso, your chest, and then to your eyes and hair.
The next words she mutters are meant to be kept to herself, but you hear her anyway.
"Fuck, you're gorgeous."
Your heart takes off, pounding against your chest. You try to hide the flush on your face by staring at the ground, but you field a gaze to Yves, who looks a bit like a deer caught in headlights. She looks so handsome, so cool, and downright fucking hot at the same time.
Hmm… What would it feel like being pinned under her again?
The intrusive thought you have gets stamped out instantly, but the effect lingers—you can't help but check Yves out, feeling a rush of heat deep within your loins.
Her agreement with you was starting to look more and more appealing. Maybe you do have to teach her well.
"Get on."
"Let's go. I gotta park the bike, and the cafe isn't close by. Get on."
Yves hands you a spare black helmet, and you hesitantly take it.
"Don't kill me."
"I won't." She grins. "I like you too much to think about doing that."
Your breath catches in your throat. It's not uncharacteristic of her to say things like that so easily, but maybe… just maybe… you want her to mean it.
You get onto the bike as Yves holds it steady. You don't know where to put your hands, but Yves grabs your arms, pulling them to wrap around her waist.
"Hold on tight, babygirl."
"Okay." You can't believe what's happening right now.
"I'm gonna go."
The engine revs.
Yves trails behind you as both of you make your way to the cafe. Yves is quiet along the way, unlike her usual flirting if she caught you staring at her. When you glance back to her, you see her eyes dart away from you, staring at the floor as she swipes her hair back.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah. Never been better, baby." Her reply is unconvincing, especially with a forced grin, but you don't want to really push her for a reply.
"Er… Okay. Sure."
Both of you make your way into the cafe, stopping by the counter to grab the menu. When you sit down at a table, Yves sits across you, her eyes locked onto you as you peruse your options.
"You're staring a lot today, Yves."
"Oh, um, er…" She looks away, her voice soft. This is very unlike her.
"Are you really okay?"
"Yeah, baby. I'm feelin' great, ready to learn, and get good." She leans back, resting her hands on the armrests of her chair.
She has a crop top on.
Oh my fucking God, she has abs.
You short circuit.
Two columns of defined muscle greet your eyes, as if to mock you. It wasn't like she was someone you didn't find hot. Now, you have to find out that she also has abs?!
Your mouth dries instantly, and you grab your bottle, taking a swig. The cool liquid quenches your physical thirst, but your mental thirst…
"Don't look too much, babygirl. You might get hypnotized."
Yves tilts your chin up with a finger, moving to lean close to your face.
"My eyes are up here."
Holy fucking shit, she's so fucking hot.
You wonder how you didn't notice them when she had that fishnet and crop top combo. Maybe her pants covered them, maybe you were blinded in your dislike for her. Whatever, you've seen them now. No reason to stop… respectfully staring, especially when you can.
"Look at me."
You meet Yves's smoldering gaze.
"Keep your eyes up here, babygirl." Her warm breath against your lips makes you yearn to lean in and close the gap. "I don't want them anywhere else when they're so beautiful."
You whimper involuntarily, and Yves chuckles.
"You're so fucking pretty, you know that?"
The shame that burns when you squeak and break your gaze to hide in the pretense of reading the menu is something you don't want to admit that you feel coursing through your veins, but it's there. When you lower the menu, Yves has her chin in her palm, her head tilted to the left, a satisfied grin on her features.
"I mean it, baby. You look really pretty today."
"T-Thank you."
"You're welcome. Let's order, I'm starving."
"Oh." Yves leans towards you, lowering the menu to stare into your eyes once more. "You'll get to see what you want to see when I ace the exams. Be patient, babe."
You groan.
That night, you toss and turn on the bed incessantly. Every time you close your eyes, you can feel hot breath across your lips, smell the scent emanating off Yves, and sense her burning gaze on you. Yves's handsome features are burnt deep into your head, and just the thought of her sends your heart pounding and temperature rising.
You think of her abs under her clothes, the defined muscle jumping out to your eyes. She already looks so good, so delicious, and yet, things only go up from here.
The rush of heat between your legs doesn't help things.
You turn again, ignoring your basest desires. Bedtime it is.
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look-ma-im-on-tv · 3 years
Cry for Help
This is my gift for Sanders Sides Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2021!!! And GUESS WHAT? @lokiamorstuffs ??? IT'S FOR YOU!!! I'm so happy I got assigned my bestie/zucchini for this, and I really hope you like it! Also, @sanderssidesgiftxchange
Description: Hurt/Comfort Witch AU where Remus uses his hallucination magic to mess with the other sides. But lately, it's been worse, with his 'pranks' becoming harsher and more frequent. Everyone's frustrated at first, but his brother Roman figures out what's going on and calls on a special someone to help.
Ships: Intrulogical, a bit of heavily hinted Moxiety on the side but can be interpreted as really good friends or a QPR.
Warnings: Cursing, suggestive wording but nothing too explicit, maybe derealization a bit, fake gore description, fire, fainting, if I forgot any let me know!
Word Count: 3,524
AO3 Link
“Remus, would you please refrain from animating my breakfast? I have no doubt that it’s you, and it is not particularly amusing,” Logan said after his eggs and bacon had seemingly come to life, gained faces, and started screaming obscenities at him. It was very much Remus’ style, which explained why he was to the side of Logan, fallen backward over the side of the couch cackling.
Remus very frequently played pranks, putting his hallucination-style magic to good use apparently. It was pretty frequent, at least once a week, that he would have one of the other five members of the household envision an octopus on the dinner table, or, as in this case, inanimate objects coming to life and cursing at people.
It was a very full house, with witches Remus, his brother Roman, Logan, Patton, Virgil, and Janus all under the same roof. Of course, both of the twins shared ‘hallucination magic,’ which was a fairly common magic type to be given. However, Roman used their magic less for pranks, and more for putting on movies and shows they had written. Logan had potions magic, which he enjoyed thoroughly, especially since it wasn’t much magic as it was science.
Patton and Virgil had been gifted complete opposite magics, almost as an insult from the council it would seem. Patton had light magic, which meant he could instantly summon magical light anywhere, anytime. Virgil, however, had darkness magic which, if you could guess, meant he could put out any light, though only in a certain radius. That was a trick to prevent Darkness Witches from blocking out the whole entire sun.
Janus had telepathic abilities, which she was quite the master of. They could read nearly anyone’s, or anything’s, mind if given enough time. Logan despised this; he really preferred to keep his thoughts to himself.
They’d all been living together for a while now, Logan would guess that it was about 5 years ago that late-comers Remus and Roman moved in, and they had very much fallen into routine. So Remus’ pranks hardly bothered Logan anymore, and he’d even get a little smile out of it when Remus would give a huge, goofy, knowing grin before he put one of his plans into work.
Remus would always start bouncing in place or tapping his foot with anticipation before scrunching up his nose with the effort and subsequently falling back with a crazy smile and huge booming laughter when his ‘victims’ shouted with surprise. Every single time this happened; Logan had noticed the pattern a while ago. It was… charming.
“Yo, you there, Professor Sexy?” said a voice, only about an inch from Logan’s face, catching him off guard and nearly making him topple off of his stool. It was Remus.
Logan felt his face flush with embarrassment. “What?” He felt a bit like a fool.
“Didn’t mean for that little joke to throw you so off guard.” Remus shrugged. “Whatever,” he ended, walking away and back upstairs to his room.
Logan shook his head, grateful that no one else saw him, and got up himself. His food didn’t exactly look appealing after it had just had eyes and a mouth, so Logan scraped it into the garbage before putting on his jacket, grabbing his suitcase by the door, and leaving for work.
Virgil rolled his eyes, “You’re gonna have to try harder than that!” he shouted through the door. “Spiders don’t scare me, asshole!” He was very aware that the spiders crawling all over his chair and body weren’t actually there, though it helped that he could only see them, not feel them. But he still darkened the room so that he wouldn’t have to see them.
The little eight-legged creatures popped out of existence with a puff of smoke, and Virgil chuckled. Remus always forgot that he’d (mostly) grown out of his fear of spiders at about nine years old.
Virgil’s phone dinged! and he checked for the notification. [Patton’s Birthday Tomorrow!] a light blue notification showed. “What?” he questioned aloud. It shouldn’t be! He thought he had like, a month left. But he did pretty frequently forget and procrastinate. “Oh no… Shit!”
Virgil jumped out of his chair and ripped the door handle open to find Remus waiting. Perfect. “Hey!” he whispered, “I need your help! I forgot about Patton’s birthday tomorrow, and I don’t have a…” Virgil furrowed his brow, seeing a dorky grin on Remus’ face. The realization dawned on him. “You asshole! What is wrong with you!” A dark cloud surrounded them.
Remus laughed, “You should’ve seen your face! You were so worried!” Virgil just frowned. “Hey, didn’t mean to spook you that bad. You really love that guy, huh? It was just supposed to be funny. How ‘bout we hang out as an apology from my end?” Virgil turned back into his room and slammed the door in Remus’ face. He huffed. That didn’t work.
Patton then heard a knock on his door. “Who’s there?”
Without permission, the door burst open, and Remus came running through it. Patton screamed. His head was halfway disconnected at the neck, blood running everywhere and tendons trying desperately to hold it in place. “Hey dad-friend, got a little a-head of myself and I think it’s a bit of a proble-”
Patton was horrified, he fell backward to the ground, tears covering his face, sobbing. Remus instantly reversed the hallucination.
“Oh, fuck, I’m sorry!” Remus ran up next to Patton, resting his hand on his arm and offering comforting words. He concentrated to bring up the image of an enormous stuffed bear, right next to Patton, and he managed to make it feel real too. “That was way too far, I didn’t think it’d freak you out that bad.”
Patton brought a bit more glow to the room, as if he was fending off the dark imagery in his head. “You’re… you’re okay? You’re not hurt?”
“No! It was just one of my tricks. See?” Remus tilted his head to the side and rubbed his neck. “All connected.”
Patton’s tears subsided and he furrowed his brows at Remus. “That was a very mean thing you just did. That really scared me, and I don’t appreciate that.”
“I know, I know. I won’t do that again, okay daddy dearest?”
“Thanks for the bear. But I’m gonna continue my knitting. Alone.”
Remus stepped back and blinked. “Uhm, yeah. Yeah, okay.” He stepped outside and the door closed behind him. It felt like he had been stabbed in the chest with an axe. He wished Logan was still here. He was easier to be around.
Dejectedly, he tapped on Janus’ door, ready to smile and throw a handful of snakes in his face. But there was no answer. Duh, Janus worked the night shift. He hadn’t even come home yet. So Remus ran downstairs and started plotting how to get Roman when suddenly, he had an idea.
Everyone upstairs perked up their heads when they heard an ear-piercing scream echoing from downstairs. Roman jumped so high, they nearly hit their head on the ceiling. They thought they could smell smoke and ran out of their room. Sure enough, they saw dark grey plumes billowing up from the kitchen through the stairwell. Roman ran down the long hallway, knocking loudly on all of the doors and shouting, “Fire! Everyone, there’s a fire! Get out!” Once they got to the end, they turned around and counted heads. Logan left for work, Janus wasn’t back yet. Patton, Virgil, and themself were there. Remus.
“Get outside! I have to find Remus!”
“I think he’s downstairs!” Patton shouted. Roman ran downstairs, taking them two at a time and jumping past the last four or five.
“Remus! Where are you?”
“Over here!” He was stuck in a corner, his dark eyes lit up by the fire and frozen in fear.
“You have to get over here, we have to leave!”
Remus felt his eyes weighing down, closing despite his efforts. The sheer exhaustion was hitting him. “I… I can’t.” His limbs went numb and he slipped out of consciousness as he fell to the floor.
The smoke, the noise, the fire, the heat, it all disappeared. Roman looked around, confused. Everyone entered the main room, closing the front door with Janus now joining them.
Roman’s face scrunched up in anger. “Goddamnit! Another joke?” They crouched down next to their brother. “Get up you asshole! You think that’s funny?”
Patton leaned down next to them. “I think he’s really asleep…”
“So? He needs to wake up and learn that he can’t just do that shit!”
Virgil groaned. “So he’s really on one today?”
“What do you mean?”
“He was bugging me earlier. Made me think that it was Patton’s birthday tomorrow and I hadn’t gotten him a present. Scared the shit out of me.”
Patton rubbed his face. “Yeah, he paid me a little visit too. Looked like he had a… serious injury. I also heard Logan getting after him for something too earlier. He’s been much worse than usual.”
“From the sound of that, I might actually be lucky that I had overtime at work,” Janus chimed in.
Roman sighed, rubbing their temples. “He always forgets that he can really just ask.”
“Ask what?”
Roman stood. “For help. And attention. He gets this way when he feels sad and lonely. It’s a very…” they rolled their eyes, “unique way of expressing it. Usually I notice sooner, he’s never pretended to set the house on fire.”
“He’s been lonely?” Janus asked, setting down her things by the door. “I thought I would have noticed that.” They shook their head. “He’s just being his usual ‘funny’ self. It’s not like I don’t check what in the world is going on inside that mad head of his when he decides to act like this.”
“I don’t know about that.” Roman shook their head. “I’ve just… seen this pattern before. It couldn’t hurt to try and help, could it?” Everyone shrugged.
“A movie day tends to help.” They looked at Remus. “Uhm… do any of you think Logan might be able to get today off? I could go pick him up so he doesn’t have to wait for a bus.”
“Why Logan?” Virgil asked.
Roman laughed a little. “Remus messes with Logan the most, but only in tiny little, not-very-scary ways.” They paused. “Look, if I know my brother, and I do, believe me, Logan will be able to help a lot.”
“I’ll text him!” Patton offered. Roman suggested that everyone should set up some movies and blankets while they were gone, and once they got an ‘affirmative’ answer from Logan, Roman got into their truck to go pick him up.
“So, am I finally going to get any sort of definitive answer as to what is going on, or are you going to leave me in the dark as well?”
“Patton didn’t tell you?”
“Not at all. He was very vague as to the situation, just insisted that it was ‘important’ that I come back home.”
Roman sighed. “Remus is… well he’s not doing great right now. And I’m sorry if he pulled any especially rude tricks on you this morning.”
“What? Is he okay? What’s wrong?” Logan felt his heart rate shoot up.
“Yeah, he’ll be fine. He’s just sad and needs some attention right now.”
“Just sad? Are you sure he’s okay? He seemed fine this morning, nothing out of the usual.”
“He made Patton think that he had been decapitated, and made all of us at once see the house burning down before he passed out from the effort. He tends to do some pretty harsh things when he’s feeling lonely. He’ll be fine, but we need your help to give him some comfort is all.”
“Lonely…? If I-” Logan coughed. “Wait, why do you need me? There are plenty of people at the house right now, aren’t there?” While Logan would lo-be very willing to comfort Remus in his time of need, he figured he’d just be sitting there awkwardly and taking up space.
“You don’t realize either?” Roman laughed. “Dude, he is absolutely in love with you.”
Logan’s breath caught in his chest. “What?” He tried to laugh, blow it off like he didn’t care, but it wasn’t very effective and came off more as panicked breathing. “Really?”
“Uh, yeah. Have you seen the way he looks at you?” Roman looked over at him and their eyes widened. “Oh, god, I hope you’re not mad. You don’t have to or anything, I can take you back to work if you want-”
“No!” Logan couldn’t believe his ears. Remus… loved him? Was it another trick? “I… I want to help.”
Remus, the fun-loving, crazy, impulsive, hot-as-hell Remus loved Logan? What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t possibly… could he? I mean, sure he had fantasized about combing his wild hair with his fingers as they watched a horror movie, or being hoisted up onto Remus’ wide shoulders and carried around as a distraction from his work, or of strong, gentle kisses in bed, but it wasn’t like that! He couldn’t be with Remus, he didn’t love him!
Unless… oh. Logan realized.
He really did love Remus. Every bit of him. His sparkling deep brown eyes, the dark freckles that, if you looked closely, covered every part of him with no pattern, the way he laughed.
Logan groaned and buried his head in his knees, scaring Roman. “You okay? What’s going on?”
“I… I think I feel the same way about Remus.” He lifted his head. “Are you sure he feels that way about me? Romantically?”
Roman gave a small smile. “Absolutely.”
They pulled into the driveway and Logan rushed out of the car, his every thought consumed by Remus right now. I have to help him.
He ran inside and to the couch, Roman following. “Is he okay?”
Virgil laughed. “Yeah, he’s still asleep. You sure look worried.”
Logan felt his cheeks tint red. “Yes… can I sit next to him?”
Virgil stood up, gesturing to the now-empty spot on the couch. “Go ahead. But beware: he drools.”
Logan sat down, there was so little room between the arm of the couch and Remus’ head that he ended up with his head on his lap. Logan oh-so-wanted to run his fingers through his dark curly hair, but instead, he had his arms awkwardly stuck out to the sides to avoid touching him too much.
“He’s not sick and contagious you know,” Virgil mocked.
Logan rested his arms slightly. “When’s he gonna wake up?”
Patton shrugged. “Dunno. He was using his magic on all of us at the same time. And it was pretty realistic too. He’s pretty tired out after all that.”
Logan looked down. He’d hardly ever seen Remus so… calm.
“We’ve planned out some movies while you were gone, so I suggest you get into some comfier clothes,” Janus said, referring to the suit that Logan had on, “and then you can settle down.”
Logan frowned slightly at the idea of leaving Remus still asleep and un-comforted. However, he did have to admit that a change of clothes would make this a lot more comfortable. So he slid his way out from under his head and quickly walked up to his room to change.
He came back down in a (hopefully attractive) tank top and sweatpants and reclaimed his spot just as they started a movie. Logan wasn’t really paying attention though. He just had too much to think about.
A couple of movies later, Logan glanced down to see Remus’ dark eyelashes flutter as he blinked. How long had he been awake? “Remus!” he said in a whisper. He spoke up. “Are you quite alright?”
“Yeah, just tired, Dr. Hottie,” he said, causing Logan to turn bright red. Roman paused the movie and everyone turned to check on Remus.
Logan spoke softly, “Yeah? I heard. You really pushed yourself there, I am not at all surprised that you fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.” He paused. “There’s a… rumour going around that you might be a little lonely.”
Remus laughed. “Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about that?”
“Well, we’re here to comfort you.”
“We-” Remus sat up and looked around. “Wow, you really brought the whole party, huh?”
“More like the whole party brought me, but yes. We’re all here for you.”
Remus looked like he was about to say something, but all that came out was a lightly broken sigh.
Roman gave him a gentle smile, “It’s okay. We’ve got you now. You don’t have to pretend to set the whole house on fire to get us here.”
“I… Oh, I did do that. Sorry, I guess.” Remus remembered the look of fear in his brother’s eyes before he passed out. “That was too much. I shouldn’ta done that. Doesn’t matter what I’m trying to do.” He felt the pressure of the blanket on his legs and the warmth of everyone around him, of Logan at his back. He touched his finger to his cheek to find a tear. His eyes stung. “Shit, sorry I didn’t mean to-”
Virgil cut him off. “You can cry. That’s fine. None of us are gonna judge you here.”
“It’s healthy to let it out,” Logan said behind him. “Trust me.”
“I don’t…” Remus muttered. “I’m gonna just lay back down.” With reluctant tears falling from his eyes, he rested his head down on what he now fully recognized as Logan’s lap, and smiled a little before quickly falling back asleep.
As time went on, people started leaving the couch. Janus went to bed, Virgil went to his room thoroughly over-socialized, Patton went to his tutoring job, and Roman returned to his room ‘because.’
Leaving just Logan on the couch with a sleeping Remus on his lap. He let out a deep sigh. His muscles were getting tired, and he really couldn’t find it practical to keep his arms hovering a ways away from Remus. He settled into it, resting one arm over Remus’ shoulder and the other resting on the arm of the couch.
Logan was watching the movie with vaguely more focus than before when he noticed his fingers running through Remus’ soft hair. He smiled down at him lovingly, pretending that this was something that happened all the time to prevent his heart from beating right out of his chest.
Remus groaned and turned over onto his back, startling Logan into pulling his hand away. “Nonono,” he mumbled. “That was so nice and cozy, please don’t stop." He was hardly awake at all, so Logan weighed his odds of embarrassment and continued.
Remus had a soft little smile on his face, barely showing the edges of his slightly crooked teeth. Logan promised himself that he wasn’t staring at Remus’ lips right now.
“Mmn,” Remus hummed warmly. “Can…” he laughed sleepily. “I can’t believe I’m asking this right now, but it’s just- damn you’re really so pretty, Logan.” He rubbed his face a little to try and wake himself up more. “Can-can I have a kiss?”
Logan froze up like a broken computer. He could hardly breathe let alone give an answer. After what felt like an eternity, Logan managed out a whispered, “Yes.”
Remus smiled, wrapping his arms around Logan’s neck and pulling himself closer, pressing their lips together. Logan felt like he was going to faint, or maybe wake up. He couldn’t tell.
Logan also felt a tear that wasn’t his own and pulled away gently. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s a good tear. I’m happy to have everyone, especially you. It means love. And also that you’re super fucking sexy and kissing you is totally a dream come true.”
Logan felt like such a warm, safe space. He settled Remus’ mind when it was running at a hundred miles per hour but without shutting him down. He loved seeing the little smirk on his face whenever he would notice one of Remus’ illusions. And now he could finally admit it to him.
The two cuddled on the couch for at least another three hours before Patton got home and Roman left his room to check up on them. Roman conjured an image to the two of them of what looked like themselves being tv-style sappy and Logan buried his face in his hands. Remus just laughed and playfully punched his brother’s arm.
When the two got up so Patton could check Remus’ temperature and give him food and water, he gently reached for Logan’s hand and held him close. After Patton determined that Remus was safe, they all sat back down on the couch to continue watching some tv. Remus held his arms open, inviting Logan to curl up and cuddle, which he happily accepted, trying to ignore Patton’s “Awwww!” and Virgil handing Janus $20 behind the couch as if they couldn’t see. It was a nice calm moment to begin their crazy-in-love (emphasis on the crazy) relationship. And Remus didn’t have to set the kitchen on fire ever again.
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l-a-l-o-u · 3 years
I'm so glad you liked Luca! I've been watching some reviews and they all called Luca "something not on Pixar's style" and "not deep" and whatever and I'm like??? Did we watch the same movie? Luca is something fresh and different, and you really feel in an Italian town (or at least I did >>) and aaaaa. Sorry for rambling, Luca is just *chef kiss*
i have SO many things to say about this film!!! to me, it felt like one of pixar's best recent films. i say this because of three things: the stylization/designs, the setting, and the main characters' relationships. and it can all be described in one word: SIMPLE.
i love the style of Luca SO MUCH, because to me they finally found that balance between cartoon proportions and hyper-realistic lighting and textures. Soul looked very good, but the characters didnt seem to belong in their environment at all - the architecture around them was perfectly realistic, but the characters were cartoonish. They were tied together by having super realistic textures, but it still felt a little off. In Luca however, they added a softness and some fun shapes to the environment, and although the lighting is very realistic, all the textures are fairly simplified. Like, one of my biggest pet peeves with 3D animation is how they make these big cartoony eyes and then give them a 30k resolution iris where you can see all the little strand things - but for once, FINALLY, they didnt do that in Luca!! and it makes for a world where you can fully suspend your disbelief and get immersed in the story. even me, who watches movies while constantly looking for things to criticize and dissect (i just think its fun), had barely anything to say about the visuals of this movie. it was just STRONG!! also!! they used that technique where you use a different head rig for the head seen from the side so you can really alter the geometry and make a really appealing mouth shape!! kinda like how it was in the cgi Peanuts movie. when Alberto torns his head sideways and his mouth just goes full pacman to chomp on some pasta i lost it!! i loved it so much!!!
then, the setting. like you said, perfectly recreated a small town in italy, ive never been in one but i immediately recognized and loved it. this entire movie takes place in such a limited number of sets! and i think its GREAT!!! a lot of recent animation movies will take their characters on a journey across so many environments, and while that can be interesting, you never stay in one place long enough to truly appreciate it imo. in Luca, there's less than 10 places that you constantly see: Luca's home, the field with the fish, Alberto's tower, the village square, Giulia's backyard, her kitchen, the little area of ocean by the town, and the hill they bike on. That's it! So you have a chance to be extremely familiar with those places, and how they relate to each other. It's a story that is very well contained and because of this, the environment becomes its own character! I think its a genius move and more animation movies should do it - if only for the fact that making less sets means you can spend more time polishing them. Every environment in this movie just has so much personality!!!
and lastly: the relationships. the main 3 characters are instantly friends, and although it happens quickly, it feels very genuine - and i think thats 100% due to their age. children characters are just the best, man. especially when they feel like real kids, with very defined quirks and personality traits. Alberto is confident, Luca is a dreamer (dont get me started on those daydream sequences ive never seen anything prettier in my whole life), and Giulia is competitive. thats their core and they just elaborate on that without making them too complex, so theres plenty of time to explore what we do know about them and how they relate to each other based on that. and theyre just full of love!!! we love to see it!!!!
i could keep going on for hours but anyway - youre right, Luca is amazing!!! ok maybe the movie isnt #deep like some others Pixar made but it is extremely fun and well made. everyone go watch it!! it has immaculate vibes its so wholesome!!
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little-lemon-lattes · 4 years
The Scheme
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🌛Zelda Spellman x fem! reader
—Word count: 1.9k
— Triggers: Mention of murder and burning in a non-violent context
— Summary: We have part 2 to The Set Up! You and Zelda spend a blissful day together since kissing the night before, and make the most of being together before the mortuary fills with life- and typical Spellman scheming- again!
You were on Cloud-fucking-9.
The previous evening, you and Zelda had kissed. It had been truly extraordinary, even better than the few times you had allowed your mind to indulge in that kind of imagery concerning her. You had never felt that good with anyone before; well, minding that you had neither felt for anyone like that of which you had been trying to cover for the astonishing woman.
She currently lay in the grass next to you, cheek resting tentatively on your belly, as you both just watched each other in comfortable silence. Gosh, kissing Zelda had felt SO good that it had been hard to stop at just one. Like now. Her stunningly bright and beautiful green eyes were boring into yours, but you really couldn’t tell if she was trying to send you a signal or was just unwittingly that gorgeous on the daily. Probably the latter. You also had to remind yourself that, EVEN though you two already lived under the same roof, you would take things one step at a time together. The last 24 hours with Zelda had been like a dream, and the Spellman mortuary had a new air to it now that you knew where you stood.
That morning, you had woken just before dawn (which was much earlier than you preferred), likely still on a high from the feel of Zelda’s lips. Rather than lay there attempting to force yourself back to sleep, you rose from your pillow. Perhaps it was your always-lingering insecurity pulling some strings, but it suddenly seemed desperately important to you- then and there at 4:56am- that you find a way of proving to Zelda that she hadn’t made the wrong choice opening up to you the night before. Just one more bonus of Hilda’s disappearance that weekend being that the kitchen was inevitably free, within a few minutes you had decided to make a spot of breakfast to share. You would never admit it out loud, but you were also buzzing to showcase your culinary ability; of which had been somewhat hindered by the unspoken acknowledgement that Hilda was the kitchen witch of the house.
With that, you were out of bed and clothed in a black turtleneck and mom jeans, as you put the finishing touches on a French braid: all by 5:15. THe next two hours flew by as you whipped up black coffee, almond cake, black sausage, eggs, salmon, bagels, mushroom, and tomato. You were just laying out bloody-fleshed plums and yoghurt when you heard gentle footsteps on the landing above you. Smiling softly, you stopped to admire as the woman padded down the stairs, wrapped in a silky black robe and wiping bits of sleep from her eyes. She stopped dead as she spotted the food on the table, hand still raised to her eye.
“Surprise...?” you peeped.
Zelda’s hand flopped to her side as she tilted her head adorably, treating you to a giddy smile. And you were hopeless to try not to smile right back. That there was enough to have made the last two hours worth it. “
“What’s all this, y/n?”
“I, uh... breakfast?”
Zelda couldn’t help smiling a little more at the cute way you had made it seem like a question. “I see that,” she laughed, “but why?”
You forced an expression of mock pain onto your face.
“I am hurt, Spellman, hurt! Does there have to be a reason?”
All she did was raise her eyebrows in disbelief. You supposed it was probably best to build any chance you had together on honesty.
“Okay, FINE. I just... wanted to show you that last night wasn’t a mistake, in case you were having any doubts.”
Zelda trotted, cat-like, down from her post against the railing, and came to rest just half a metre in front of you.
“Why, there was absolutely nothing of the sort. I hardly slept a wink all night; your lips have something of a memorable feel to them, if I am honest.”
And this time, it was her that closed the space between you, snaking her arms around your waist to pull you closer. One long peck later, the bubblegum-pink shade of your cheeks matched hers in perfect unison, as if in competition.
Breakfast was sweet and long, spent thigh to thigh next to each other, chatting about all the things you had been too afraid to ask each other until that point.
The rest of the day was passed laying next to one another in the winter sunshine, beneath an age-old willow tree. After what felt like just minutes since you had arrived (but had really been hours), you pointed to the sky with the hand that wasn’t clasping Zelda’s.
“Look, the sun!”
You received a lazy “hmmm” in response. Twisting to face her on your left, you couldn’t fight your sigh of content. The High Priestess was laying with her eyes closed in utter bliss, the final rays of Sunday’s sunshine dancing across those glorious lashes.
“It’s setting, Zelda. Everyone will be back soon.” you murmured to her. It was as if you had thrown a bucket of ice over her. Cloud 9 disappeared with the snapping open of her eyes. The soft expression that had occupied her visage all day visibly hardened into her more familiar, stoic one. She leapt to her feet, snatching up the open novel beside her and swinging out her hand to you with force. Time and Space closed in around you the moment you took it, and, the next thing you knew, the two of you were outside the mortuary once more.
You turned to her sharply.
“What was that about?” you demanded. Standing silent for a moment, Zelda’s ears visibly pricked. After a few more moments, she seemed appeased, and swivelled to you. Her shoulders were tense, and you took note of her fingernails digging into her palm.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, “I didn’t mean to be so abrupt. I just... I am enthused about where you and I are headed, y/n, and I’m terrified that others may not share my enthusiasm. I want to enjoy things as they are at present for a while longer, before having to think about who needs to be involved in our business.”
It was understandable, you supposed, and admittedly: there was a certain appeal to keeping things 007-style, like that fantastic mortal film. You relaxed a bit, and instantly felt awful for raising your voice at her.
You reached for the woman’s shoulder.
“You’re right, Zelds. I understand.”
She looked unconvinced.
“Are you sure? You have every right to want to murder me right now, if you so wished. Although, only if you were to bury me in the Cain pit...” she added as an afterthought.
You had to giggle at that one.
“You’re safe for now, Zelda,” you teased, “now, come on! I need to find a good hiding spot for scaring the BANSHEES out of them when they get back!”
Hilda, Sabrina, and Ambrose literally stomped their feet in sheer disappointment when they arrived back at the house and hadn’t caught the pair of you locked in some form of intimate embrace.
“Aw man! What will I tell my friends?! I had Roz totally excited about y/n finally getting some action... Like, she seriously admitted that she had this big crush on her when she first met her; whiiiiich definitely earned a few looks from Harvey, to say the least. The take-away from it all is that we now know exactly how fragile that guy’s ego is, YIKES, is all I can say.”
All the while, Ambrose was muttering a consistent string of “fuck”s under his breath, and Hilda was deciding whether to scald Sabrina’s ass to Hades and back.
“Sabrina!” her aunt admonished in disbelief, “how could you be so careless?! If any of this gets back to your aunt Zelda, we should consider ourselves excommunicated from her presence for good!”  
All of them fought a cringe. Sabrina looked a bit sheepish.
Hilda turned to Ambrose.
“And what about you, mister? What’s with the constant profanities?”
Ambrose took a step back from his aunt, nobody was sure whether consciously or not. “Erm...hm. Yes. Well. I-” his sputtering was resembling a car trying to start up. Ambrose’s eyes suddenly seemed unable to reach past the witches’ knees.
  “-um. Damn. Hecate, yes, I have... just lost a particularly large sum of money to one Dorian Gray.”
Hilda’s eyes were ready to pop out of her head.   “I was so unequivocally certain that our plan would work! Now where I am supposed to come up with $1000?!”
He was a little manic. The only one of the three who seemed somewhat happy about Ambrose’s situation was Sabrina, sticking a finger at him. “HA! Now that makes what I did so much better!”
Her plum-coloured lips parted with glee, and without warning, her and her travel bag had disappeared. Ambrose made a furious mental note to pour formaldehyde in her evening tea for leaving him here alone. When he had finally built up the courage to look his otherwise cheery aunt in the eyes again, a flash of fear struck him at the murderous look in hers. A low growl exited her throat.
“Well,” she snapped, “I suppose there will be no more silly little attempts on our part to play Cupid.”
As quickly as it had started, her anger dissipated, and was replaced by a certain sadness. Her mouth raised just a fraction, into a tired little smile.
“ ’just thought that Zelds could do with something nice for once. We failed. It didn’t work.”
With that, she picked up her carpet bag and shuffled off up the stairs. Ambrose watched her go, now a lone silhouette in the entrance of their home.
Or so he thought. You waited until Ambrose had moodily trudged down to the embalming room before emerging from your spot in the broom closet. Sniffling a little from all the dust- those things hadn’t been flown for years, SO old fashioned- you felt a mix of emotion at what you had just heard. You hadn’t intended on becoming an audience to some type of scheme, and especially not one of which involved you.
At first, there was embarrassment. You hadn’t realised that your feelings were apparently so obvious! Paired with the fact that Zelda’s must have been too in order to warrant such a matchmaking scheme; along with that you had truly thought that you had done a superb job at keeping it all under wraps, you were left feeling a bit stupid. But then came the funny side of it all, imagining Hilda, Ambrose, and Sabrina sneaking about like the Pink Panther and holding secret meetings about your love life. And finally came the warmth, the realisation of exactly how much the Spellmans had grown to care for you- so much that they trusted you to love Zelda as much as they did.
The whole situation was entirely too much of an opportunity to just leave alone. Grinning with total delight and schemes cooking of your own, you rematerialised in Zelda’s study at the Academy. The loud CRACK that accompanied that particular piece of magic made the woman flinch. Her brow crinkled at the sight of you in front of her great oaken desk. She was a little taken aback, and (it delighted you even more) flustered to see you there.
“Zelda. I NEED to tell you what I just heard!”
A game was now afoot.
And your opponents weren’t finished yet either.
123 notes · View notes
sweetsubharry · 4 years
Can you rec some omega harry fics pls?
Yes I can!! ^-^ So because this is a particular favourite of mine I counted 68 fics in this list so as a warning it’s a long list!! 
In case no one makes it to the bottom I’ll say it here too! Please stay safe and read the tags!!💕💕
'Cause Your Embrace Keeps Me Warmer by scribblewrite
Mates and soulmates are two completely different things. Mates are two people, an alpha and omega, who bond together while knotted together when the alpha bites a bond point on the omega’s body. It ties the two of them together forever or until one of them breaks the bond. It's normally the step after marriage. One could only hope to meet their soulmate.
You Could Be My Ever After by scribblewrite
His heat was gone, finally gone, and he'd been able to sleep for longer than thirty minute intervals. Not only that, but he was in his alpha's arms. He felt warm, and safe, and protected, and he honest to god didn't want to move. Harry and Louis spend the next couple days together after they've bonded with Louis taking care of Harry and the two of them getting to know each other better. Louis and Harry meet for the first time and, being soulmates, Louis's rut and Harry's heat are triggered.
Fill My Heart With Sweetness by loopdelouis
Harry's a late bloomer, but since his luck is shit, it's no surprise that he'd be the last to get a heat, but the first to get pregnant. In high school.
Let's Embrace The Point Of No Return by sweaterpawstyles
Louis was a whole new scale of beautiful, he was richer than Harry could've ever imagined, and he was the most powerful, dominant alpha that Harry had ever come in contact with. The only problem now is that Louis is also Harry's boss.
Louis believed Harry was an alpha, and had no idea about how he had lied about his status just to get an interview with Louis. He was in too deep now and he couldn't look back.
Harry is an omega intern at an all alpha company. Louis is his boss. There's some complications.
Count The Wolves And We'll Sleep Tonight by scribblewrite
Louis's the Alpha of a powerful pack and Harry's his omega.
When Harry's taken by rogue alphas, Louis will do anything to bring him home safely.
turn the sky black into a sky blue by orphan_account
Harry forgets that noses exist. Louis is a badass motherfucker. They bang.
“I’ve been in love with you since I dropped my books in the hallway and you made fun of me when you picked up my John Green novel off the ground.”
Our Lips Are Made Of Candy by Waking_dreams
“Your knot, please, Louis,” he managed to whine. He needed it, that extra stretch and burn that made him Louis’.
“Fuck,” Louis moaned, and his thrusts became unsteady. “Can’t do it here, baby, Hazza, can’t—“
Or, Harry accidentally missed a few doses of his medicine that controls his heat and starts his heat in the middle of Biology. Oops
I Can't Hear You by kikikryslee
"I’m not supposed to be built this way!" Harry said. "I’m supposed to be shorter than you, and you’re supposed to be stronger than me and-“ “Harry!” Louis tried to interrupt. “And what if I’m not supposed to be an omega? What if my body screwed up somewhere or something? What if I’m not supposed to be your omega?” --- Or, the one where Harry is self-conscious about his body because it's not the 'typical omega body' and Louis shows him why he loves that.
You Know I'll Be by JustAnotherShadow503 
Louis Tomlinson, 27, is the personal photographer for well-known model Harry Styles, 21. Louis, an Alpha, has been in love with Harry for years, though the younger man has seemingly not presented yet.
Or, the one where Louis is in love with Harry, tries to be a martyr at his own expense, and is a hopeless romantic.
Or, the one where the author is shit at coming up with summaries and hopes you'll read the story anyways.
I'd Go Out of My Way To Make Sure That You're Okay by littlepinkbow 
This was for this prompt: "Harry's embarrassed about going into heat, but Louis decides it's up to him to teach Harry to be more open about what he wants."
As Small As Possible by Mickey_D
Harry is a rather shy omega who's quite convinced everyone (except his best friends) laughs at him behind his back and sometimes to his face.
Louis is a confident alpha who is taken with his best artist's friend.
Zero Means Nothing When I'm With You by StripedAndBowtied
Louis doesn't know what he's looking for until he finds it.
Harry just knows he may defy his gender norms, with his height and clumsiness, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want litters of pups running around while he does domestic things all day long.
In other words, boy meets boy and no one can stop pining.
Boys Fall Like Dominoes by orphan_account
Harry slips into an early heat while riding the tube. Naturally, that's when he meets Louis.
Looking In The Dark by orphan_account
Another self-indulgent a/b/o fic. This carries on from the same verse of Boys Fall Like Dominoes. As per always, you can find me on tumblr : domestic-harry
Enjoy! -Lis xx
Too Hot (Hot Damn) by louissass
“I’m what?”
“You’re in heat, baby,” He repeats, frowning when he catches the look on Harry’s face. “I thought you realised?”
Or, the one where Harry goes into heat in the middle of a concert but doesn't realise because of the heatwave.
i don't wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your neck by crybaby
Harry has been in love with Louis Tomlinson for four years, five months, and thirteen days.
Harry had fallen in love with Louis Tomlinson like how he’d seen in movies, and how he’d read in all the books he’d stolen from Gemma, headfirst and shameless.
The only problem was, that in films and books, love was always either returned instantly, or else it took time for unrequited love to lose the first two letters, and since the first option was obviously not true, Harry decided he would wait for the second to become reality. And so Harry waited, three years, eight months, and four days, before his heart had been broken by a gentle rejection and a misplaced blowjob, before Louis and Gemma had packed up and gone to Manchester for university.
(Harry is a hopelessly romantic omega and Louis is his sister's best friend)
Drape Me In Your Warmth by fookinglousers
TMH era fic where Harry is an omega whose heat comes a little earlier than expected and really, who is Louis to deny him his knot?
pick my petals off (make my heart explode) by orphan_account
It’s when he’s frantically looking into the medicine cabinet for something to take that it hits him. He stares at the bottles of pills in horror, realizing what’s going on with him.
He’s completely forgotten about his suppressants. And he’s been spending so much time with Louis, too—of course the alpha’s constant proximity is going to trigger it.
He breaks into a sweat, now recognizing the hot feeling twisting inside him.
He’s going into heat.
(harry unexpectedly goes into heat in the middle of finals, and louis, being the good boyfriend that he is, helps harry through it.)
harry, you little shit by juliusschmidt
Harry’s an omega and he’s learning to like it. A lot.
All These Lights by MediaWhore
“People vote for alphas because they’re strong and they’re not only beautiful but also mesmerizing. They make you want to give them all of your attention, make you want to beg for some of theirs back. They’re shiny, oozing sex appeal and a commanding presence, and people always want more and more. Omegas are enticing too for sure, but it’s not the same. It makes people uncomfortable. It doesn’t make them want to root for you.”
the canon fic where Harry is an omega and dreams come with a price.
Pretend It's Okay by TheIfInLife
Harry and Louis are busy with life. Busy watching Zayn and Niall's twin boys, busy hanging out with friends, busy with life. And they forget Harry's suppressants.
taste on my tongue (just can't get enough of you) by messyjessy08
“Babe?” Louis asks, running a hand through Harry’s hair, soothingly. “What is it?”
Harry shakes his head, teeth digging into his bottom lip, sharply. “My—it’s—”
Louis’ eyebrows furrow in confusion, “What, Harry?”
He pulls a hand up to his chest, pressing hard against one of his pecs, “My fucking—her crying’s making them—Lou.”
Louis gasps, understanding. He reaches a hand up, pushing Harry’s aside, and thumbs gently across Harry’s nipple, somehow already dark and swollen, without having touched them once. “Harry,” He says in a low voice, chest rumbling at the sharp gasp Harry makes.
“Lou, they’re fucking—’m leaking.”
(Harry and Louis just had a baby and it's been a while since they've had sex.)
you took your toll on me (you got a hold on me) by messyjessy08
“Well give us a twirl. Let’s look at you from every angle.”
Harry cocks an eyebrow, gaze heavy. “Alright.” Pulling back the tail of his shirt, he spins slowly, pausing when his back’s facing Louis.
“Harry.” Louis attempts to gather his wits, speechless. “Baby.”
“Thought you might like that part as well,” Harry says, a smirk in his voice.
Thick strips of lace drape delicately over his skin, just under the bottom of his spine, connecting with thin elastic straps that move across his arse, leaving little sections of bare skin showing. The straps connect to form a diamond pattern, creating an opening right over where his hole would be. The skin surrounding it is already shiny with slick. Louis’ breath gets trapped in his lungs.
(Harry and Louis have the weekend to themselves, they make the most of it.)
This Thing Upon Me (howls like a beast) by SadaVeniren
Harry and Louis weren’t meant to be together. They’d met when they were put together through their university’s AO MatchUp, a program that set up alphas and omegas based on the schedules of their ruts and heats so they had someone to help them through it. It was pure luck that they were put together.
Lunch Break by purpleeyestelllies
Harry decides to bring his alpha lunch at work and surprise him with a visit from him and their baby daughter. Louis gets more than one surprise.
drunk on rose water by brainwaves
It’s the first time in a few years that Harry has a strong desire to risk everything for something he loves.
The last time, it was being a fashion model. This time, it’s Louis.
with his educated eyes (and his head between my thighs) by orphan_account 
"We're...we're not the same," Harry says softly, looking at his hands. "I don't care," Louis replies back, fire and fury in his eyes.
or where Harry is just a little boy in a world full of arseholes, Louis is in way over his head, and destiny is a bunch of shit.
Everything I Do (I Do It For You) by LSFOREVER
"It's gonna be perfect," Harry whispers, taking Louis' face in both of his hands, nosing close but not yet kissing him. "Always is. You always make everything perfect."
"Good. Whenever your heat finally kicks in, I'll make sure to treat you perfectly too... I'm gonna bond you so hard."
or, Harry's heat is coming up and they've planned to finally bond, so Louis decides to plan a very eventful and loving week leading to said bonding.
resolutions and lovers in the kitchen by orphan_account
Their dinner’s probably going cold, but this feels monumental. So instead of sitting them down on the table and talking about it face to face over chicken and pasta, Harry just puts his hands over Louis’ where they’re settled on his lower stomach, not letting the moment slip past them. He takes a deep breath, carefully arranging his thoughts. “She looks really lovely, Louis. Positively glowing. Her bump’s so big, and…” he trails off, breath hitching slightly when Louis lifts his hand higher, settling it right over Harry’s stomach, and that’s—
“And what, baby?” Louis asks, voice now dropped to a whisper, and Harry has to take a moment to collect his thoughts.
“She, um. She knows about you, of course, and she asked me when we’re—when we’re having a baby of our own.”
(harry teaches little kids and louis writes sports articles. they're trying for a baby.)
Make It Work by fanshae
Prompt: Arranged marriage AU. Harry is an omega who has reached the age where he must be married due to his family's income status. Only the aristocratic omegas are exempt. His parents try to hide him but eventually the government gets word and in punishment, gives the omega to a spoiled aristocrat son of a lord, Louis. Louis is more than thrilled to have his own omega and once Harry goes into heat, he explores the boy with fascination and unintentionally impregnates him. This leads to a boy used to living carefree and drinking the day away with other nobles to having to face fatherhood.
This is only vaguely similar to the prompt so I'm sorry to OP in advance v.v
Stars Will Align For Us by 2tiedships2
"The serial monogamist is single," Niall said by way of introduction when he sat down across from Harry in the canteen.
Harry sipped his chocolate milk. "What are you going on about?"
"Your alpha dream boat," Niall said. "That tiny little footie player? I heard from Hannah that he's broken it off with his boyfriend so he’s single and ready to flamingle. Now's the time to make your move."
Harry sipped his chocolate milk harder to keep himself from replying.
Or the one where Harry is an omega at a loss of how to get past his pining and gain the attention of Louis...especially considering the alpha is always in a relationship.
Watch the Sun Coming Up by SadaVeniren
As Louis approaches his thirtieth birthday his pack is desperate for him to find a mate.
Harry has always expected one day he may settle down with a nice alpha and they would continue to live in his small hometown.
Together they somehow will make this work.
Dancing Shadows by SadaVeniren 
The house was quiet by the time Louis walked up to it. He’d been away for a week and while it wasn’t the longest he’d ever been away from the pack, it was the longest he’d been away from Harry and the kids.
i'll be hurt from the heat (running from the heat) by itiswhatitisbutterfly
It's engrained into him, nothing else matters, protecting Harry at all costs is what pumps his heart and floods his veins. It’s just, he didn't count on the one thing Harry would need protecting from would be himself.
(Harry and Louis are in love, and they are probably soul mates. They just can’t be bond mates because despite the undeniable pull, it's them against the world.)
A Howl in the Night by emeraldharry
They've been trained to become Alpha protectors of their city, tasked to battle gruesome beasts and put their lives at risk on a daily basis.
Louis is a skilled warrior and dedicates his life for the protection of others, along with his four adopted brothers and comrades; Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry.
Troubles emerge when Harry proves to be a little less like the older Alphas, finding it hard to become who he's supposed to be and failing to reach other people's expectations towards him as a soldier.
Somewhere along the way, Louis and Harry realize that there's more than brotherly love between them, and that the world they live in requires a whole lot of suffering and sacrifices.
The biggest challenge yet arrives when the choice finally comes down between two things: their love for each other, or their responsibilities to the world.
[alpha/beta/omega dynamics with a twist]
© 2019
Pretty Please (With Sugar On Top) by angelichl
Harry is a sugar baby omega who cons rich alphas for a living. Louis is a rich alpha with too much self-control.
Peppermint and Lavender (and Coffee) by 2tiedships2
“He was there again,” Louis announced by way of greeting. “Lottie was right and she can never know.”
"What the fuck are you talking about?” Niall asked as he snapped his laptop closed.
“The omega, Niall. He was there today. Just sitting in the corner looking pretty. Or at least his back is. He hasn’t turned around when I’m available to see. I know he’s beautiful though.”
"Okay?” Niall questioned. “What does that have to do with Lottie?”
Louis let out a huff. "She told me I shouldn’t work at a coffee shop. She was right.”
Or the one where Louis might have met the love of his life in a coffee shop. But that’s not how it’s supposed to happen.
Shadows Come With The Pain That You're Running From (Love Was Something You've Never Heard Enough) by hlftanna
“Thanks, Ni, I guess I needed to hear that,” Harry sighed and wrapped his own arms around Niall and squeezed him tightly not caring if Liam would be mad. He missed Niall so much.
“Does it really come as a surprise to you that I’m right? Shaking my head, Haz. You should know me better,” the brunette teased. Harry giggled again.
“You know Hazza, you really are so different to all the other alphas out there. You’re soft, caring, cuddly and sweet and those damn dimples. So freaking pretty, it’s almost annoying. I would hate you if you weren’t my best friend. You’d really be a brilliant omega. Nature really did a number here,” Niall mumbled. It was his turn to smash his nose into Harry’s neck and Harry was extremely thankful for that because he wasn’t sure he had his facial expression in check at all.
Or a Band AU in which Harry isn't allowed to be who he really is and the North American Tour might bring some unexpected truths into the web of lies and also a bit of heat that has very little to do with the summer in the US.
Home (It's You) by sunniskies
When Louis left his high-powered life in the city to settle down in the suburbs, he had hoped to one day fall in love and start a family. He certainly didn’t expect to meet the omega of his dreams within five minutes of moving in.
He also didn’t expect the love of his life to hate him so much.
Or, Louis and Harry are neighbors who can't seem to get along...until they fall in love.
sometimes green and sometimes blue by itsmiz
Harry's an omega, and Louis is an Alpha. They're best friends growing up together on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., but they've always been a bit more than friends.
little bitty rattle (and all our dreams are comin' true) by itsmiz
Louis and Harry are young mates in love. This is the story of them expanding their family, and all the love, hormones, and events that come with that.
cradles and crayons by itsmiz
Harry and Louis continue to expand their family.
Just Jump by jaerie
Finally, after years of suffering alone, the insurance plan at Harry's new job covered omega heat services. As a grown omega adult, it finally felt like the right time to try it out. And, since taking an entire week of heat leave would really put him behind at work, using a service to shorten it seemed like a responsible decision. At least that’s how he rationalized it. He was nervous about his decision but it was too late. The doorbell rang.
“Hi!” The alpha said again and Harry took the hand he offered and shook it firmly. “I’m Louis from Omega Services. It’s nice to meet you.”
Want It Flowing Through My Streams by screwstyles
Wimbledon ABO AU: Harry has just qualified for his first Grand Slam, and he’s prepared to make the most of it – that is, until his heat unexpectedly hits him only a few days before his first match. And it’s just his luck that Louis Tomlinson, the resident bad boy of British tennis, is the only person around to help him.
hard to confess by hereforlou
One, they only did it without a condom once (and a half) and not during his heat. Never during his heat. Two, he never once forgot to take his birth control (he’s almost sure). Three, his plan is to be married for a year before he even starts trying for a baby, and not only is he very, very single, him and Louis aren’t even sleeping together anymore. Which brings him to reason number four why this can’t be happening: Louis. Louis doesn’t want a baby with Harry.
(Or, the one where Harry knows he messed up and Louis knows nothing.)
Just a touch of your love by thegirlontheblackhoodie
“What if something happened to you? What would I say to Niall?”
“Nothing, he would have to wait to see my corpse on the news like everyone else.” Deadpanned Harry. Louis’ gasp was all the answer he got. Ok, so that might have been a bit too much. With a calmer voice, he said, “It’s really fine. I’ve walked to the tube countless times, I can handle myself. Just go home and tell Niall to stop mothering me.”
Louis was finally walking by his side and gave him a sideways glance before talking. “He doesn’t know, does he? Of your, uh, condition.” Harry tensed and his breath became erratic, but he didn’t say a word. Louis continued. “His nose probably hasn’t picked it up, and you’re lucky Liam’s also a beta, but it took me a minute to confirm it. Your scent is gettin’ so…” He seemed to struggle to find a word. He didn’t finish the sentence, but the emotion in his voice made Harry’s tummy churn.
Or, Harry is a touch starved omega trying to get through it on his own. Louis happens to be the only alpha around to realize it and offers to help.
Face Your Fears by SadaVeniren
Harry is a single father, pretending to be a beta after his alpha mated him and left him. He’s getting by just fine raising the twins when Louis walks into his bakery. Too bad him and Louis will never be a thing.
I Just Want You to Stay by SadaVeniren
“Remember the vet job up in Edinburgh I interviewed for right before your rut?” Louis nodded. “She just called me back. I got the job. I start next year.” Harry let out a shriek as he said the word year and he clapped his hands in delight. “Isn’t that great! Full time vet job! New animals to meet! A new environment!” He settled his eyes back on Louis, who was still standing there in front of him with wide eyes. “Isn’t it great, Lou?”
That seemed to jolt Louis out of his thoughts and he nodded immediately, opening his arms up for Harry to dive into. “Holy shit, yes. Congratulations. Come here,” he wrapped his arms around Harry and cuddled him close, pressing his nose into Harry’s neck. “Holy shit,” he whispered.
aka Louis and Harry have been roommates for four years, comfortable in their routine and their relationship. But all of that is about to change.
kiss with a fist (is better than none) by orphan_account
Harry and Louis don't get on at all.
BUT they do, in fact, do an awful lot of getting off~
Harry startled visibly, shaking off his deer in the headlights look and huffing quietly. Louis took a final, lingering glance along his scant frame, except the puppy chub at his hips, and then kept washing his hands with a faint sneer. He expected words, biting and sarcastic, as usual. Instead, he was met with silence. Confused, Louis turned back to him as he dried his hands, ready with a scathing remark. It died on his tongue. Harry's eyes were locked, very deliberately, on his crotch. His crotch, which was still unzipped, and therefore dick on display. Oh fuck.
“My eyes are up here, Styles,” Louis growled, cheeks flushing despite himself as he reached to do up his fly.
“Leave it.” It rasped from Harry's throat, thick and shaky. Louis froze, fingers cupping himself.
“Excuse me?”
Sigh Softly by aalexandravictoriaa
It was an unconventional nest, to say the least. Quite inconvenient too, not that Louis would ever dare admit that. The fact that his omega was nesting could only mean that he was pregnant and Louis’ chest rumbled at the mere thought. Harry stirred from his perch, blinking his eyes open at the sound of his growling alpha. Louis shushed him immediately and tucked him back into the safety of his nest. Louis just so happened to make up the majority of said nest.
Do Not Falter (There's a Star Ahead) by LadyLondonderry
It's Christmas Eve, and every single one of Louis' family members are crowded inside his little flat. Really, what more could he ask for on his birthday?
The present he never knew he wanted - in the form of an omega from his past - might just make this his most memorable Christmas.
a body wishes to be held & held by turnyourankle
Harry wants to return the favour after Louis helps him out with his heat.”
the beast you made of me by orphan_account
The bell tinkled, and Harry froze as an overpowering scent, musky and thick, crisp and slightly sweet, yet utterly masculine, delightfully tickled his senses. Harry's eyes slowly slid up to see the source of this wonderful scent, and his breath was taken away at the sex god before him, all muscled and compact and utterly screaming of Alpha. Icy blue eyes stared him down, set off by sharp cheekbones, a stubbled jaw that looked yummy enough to nibble on, and caramel hair, which was lazily gelled, a few pieces falling over his forehead. His skin was tan, his hands strong and steady, his biceps still clearly visible even through his jacket. Every fiber of Harry's being stood at full alert.
The one where Harry's a vanilla-sweet Omega and Louis walks into his bakery one day.
How Much My Heart Depends by lululawrence
Louis is an alpha working as a fraud analyst who keeps having Bad Days. Harry is an omega working in Quality Support who shares a cubicle wall with Louis and only wants to help. Maybe this is the perfect chance for them to finally meet face to face.
A Tentative Peace by colourexplosion
“I dunno.” Harry’s not whining, he’s not. He pulls himself free, finally, turns away and busies himself again with the dishes. “I didn’t want it to be weird.”
“It’s not weird,” Louis says, appearing in Harry’s periphery when he leans against the sink. “Biology, innit? You know I’m always here for you.”
It stings. Louis won’t sit and have a conversation with Harry, but sure, he’ll fuck him through a heat like it’s nothing. “It’s a little more than biology,” he mumbles, but Louis either doesn’t hear him (not likely) or flat out ignores him (very likely).
(Or, A/B/O featuring omega!harry and alpha!louis.)
Seeing Blind by zedi
Louis finally turns his head in Liam’s direction, knows his face is showing the longing he’s been aching with ever since it took root in his chest. “What the fuck do I do, Liam? He wouldn’t want me like that, but I want-” his voice cracks, and he turns his face back downwards. “What do you do when you’re not perfect for the person who’s perfect for you?”
OR the one where Harry’s an independent omega who likes to have his fun and Louis is the blind alpha that changes Harry’s priorities.
wanna taste your heart, don't interfere by orphan_account
Harry still remembers how unsure he felt when he first told Louis, how self-conscious he was. Louis had been nothing but understanding and kind, though, reassuring him that nothing’s going to change between them, that they’re still best friends regardless of sex. Harry had been mostly relieved at that, because he really doesn’t want to lose Louis as a friend over this, but another part of him had been a bit sad because… well, because nothing changed between them. Or rather, there is change, but it’s completely one-sided as far as Harry can tell.
This change being him not getting enough of the way Louis smells. He just can’t help it, is the thing, unable to stop himself from trying to subtly press his nose against the fabric of Louis’ shirt by his shoulders. He still smells like faint cologne and sweat, which is enough to make Harry start feeling slightly dizzy.
(harry presents as an omega, louis is his alpha best friend, and there are hidden feelings that just get harder to control.)
A Distant Hazy Light by green_feelings
Life’s pretty ordinary for Harry. He lives with his best friend, got into university just like he’s planned, and manages to support himself just fine for an unbonded omega. If he sustains that lifestyle by getting paid to help alphas through their rut every now and then, that’s nothing to be hung up on. Until he’s hired by an alpha that turns everything upside down.
Or, Harry’s working on taking Louis’ walls down, until he builds his own up.
London Calls Me a Stranger by Thatscoolbutwhataboutlarry
"Hello, my beautiful, conceited coquette."
"Hi, daddy."
Or the one where Harry is a tease, and Louis is his new neighbour.
Between the Shadow and the Soul by orphan_account
“It’s just easier to stay in Donny and train, Haz,” Louis says quietly. “Two transatlantic flights in less than a week right before a big match is a terrible idea. We should have known that before, but...”
Harry nods. It’s reasonable. It’s totally, completely reasonable and Harry can support that. Another five or six days of not being able to hold Louis’ hand and kiss him sweetly is killing Harry, but he can handle it. “Okay, so that’s, what, the 20th that you’ll be coming over here?”
Louis hesitates, and Harry has to bite back a frustrated growl. “I’ve got writing sessions and time in the studio scheduled as of yesterday, plus I’m supposed to get papped clubbing in London again and just… it’s shit but there’s no time to make the trip until early May, at the least.”
Or, Harry and Louis spend a month apart.
Wonderland by jacaranda_bloom
Louis has always loved lazy mornings in bed with his mate, but now that his Omega is carrying their pup, they’ve reached a whole new level of wonderment.
OR the one where Louis loves to worship his Omega’s body and Harry loves to let him.
All I Needed by FallingLikeThis
Harry is the omega captain of the Slytherin quidditch team with a team that won't listen to him. Louis is the alpha captain of the Gryffindor team who doesn't know how to offer help without seeming like a knothead, pushing his opinions on Harry. When he comes up with a rather questionable plan to try and get Harry to ask him for help, they may just both get what they need.
Come In and Change My Life by lightswoodmagic (sarah_writes)
He’d had the same neighbours since he’d moved into the building, a lovely, wealthy couple in their late sixties who had always invited him around for tea on Sundays. Martha had dropped off homemade biscuits the day he’d moved in, so Harry figured he may as well repeat the sentiment. He could hear someone getting closer to the door just as a flush ran through his body; oh fuck. His heat was close, too close to be knocking on a potentially unknown alpha’s door, but it was too late. The door swung open, and Harry’s mouth dropped. He’d never been overly interested in football, couldn’t find the fascination in watching men run around after a ball for hours aside from their uniforms, but he knew who this was. Louis Tomlinson, alpha, captain of Manchester United, star in a number of Harry’s heat addled fantasies, was his new next-door neighbour.
Or, Harry and Louis become friends when Harry looks after Louis' cat during away games, until one night at a party changes everything between them. It's just a shame Louis' going to be away for the FIFA World Cup for three months.
Put It Into Words by orphan_account
“It’s a good storm though, our families,” Louis says, flopping down on to the bed and cuddling close to Harry. He tucks his arm around Harry’s waist, kissing his temple. “The Cheshire house is perfect to raise the baby; your mum’s close, and my mum can stay in the guest bedroom when she visits.”
“And until then we have the long weekend to ourselves.”
Or, Harry and Louis go on a babymoon.
No Love Like Your Love by Rearviewdreamer 
When it comes to saving the world from itself and convincing rich CEOs of environmentally harmful companies to go green, there's nobody better than Harry Styles. That is, until Louis Tomlinson, his ex and former Alpha, is involved.
We Are Inevitable by mmargarita
“What’s the second flaw?”
“The second inevitable flaw in your plan is:” Louis stood straight and walked towards Harry, grabbing his chin. Harry’s breath hitched. “Us.” Louis smiled. “We’re inevitable, baby. We’re soulmates, and we both know it. You just need to come back to me.” . . . 30/07/2020: This work has been edited and corrected, and now has 7k words more.
Take Me As I Am by lovelarry10
“Suppressant? But… why would I need a suppressant? Alphas don’t take suppressants.”
“You’re right, they don’t.”
Secrets. Lies. Deception. Betrayal. Self-discovery.
Alpha. Omega. How far will they go to hide the truth?
to wrap me in paper by juliusschmidt
Louis hasn't been keeping track of his ruts, but, it turns out, Harry has.
If you’ve made it to the end then congrats! and please stay safe and read the tags!!💕💕
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egelantier · 4 years
Tian Guan Ci Fu
where is it and what is it
it’s a chinese webnovel by mxtx, the same author who did untamed; it exists as a webnovel, finished and kindly translated here, the manhwa, the donghua (animated adaptation) happening right now, and there’s a live action adaptation in plans, directed by the same guy who did untamed. the donghua is gorgeous, the adaptation i’m unsure about but prepared to be hopeful, the manhwa seems to be very pretty. but all the adaptations only cover the very beginning of the novel for now, so i went ahead and read the novel, and i have no regrets. it helps that the translation is very good - not without awkward translatorese, but it has consistent and engaging flow and style, and it’s also pretty good at conveying mxtx’s humor without awkwardness. it reads pretty well.
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what’s it about?
the world is split into two parts: mortals and various ghosts and demons and entities share the land, while ‘heaven officials’, aka gods, live in the heavenly kingdom in the sky. pretty much anybody can become a god if they do something really heroic or memorable and/or cultivate (meditation, training, virtuous behavior) really hard. when above, the gods rule their domains and fulfill their believers’ wishes; they work sort of like pratchettian gods, dependent on their followers’ beliefs and getting influenced by them. heavens are strictly hierarchical, with their own economy and pecking order, and the gods aren’t particularly sinless or benevolent; mostly it’s a question of scale.
our hero, xie lian, is a prince of a prosperous kingdom who’s been on a fast track to ascension for most of his very short life; he’s talented, he’s virtuous, he’s kind, he’s strong, and his only peculiar flaw is (somehow naive, but well-meaning) obsession with equality and value of human lives and so on. he becomes a god, unexpectedly, at seventeen, after slaying one especially dangerous god, and rises in heaven at the peak of his faith, influence and happiness.
…and then he finds out about drought and incipient trouble in his own kingdom, and, being a young and righteous god too close to his mortality, eschews heavens and returns to save everybody. it, to put it lightly, does not go well. at all. in fact, it goes catastrophically wrong, and, having lost everything, xie lian ascends again, only to get into a fight with the heavenly emperor, and get banished again, this time for good. he roams the mortal lands for next eight hundred of very lonely, luckless and hard years, technically immortal but not invincible, with his powers and his luck stripped away, and leans to make do, eking out a living as a scrap collector. his temples are desecrated, his name is forgotten, his kingdom is long gone, and - well. so it goes.
so it goes! until one day, to everybody’s great surprise, he ascends once again: a humble, gentle, immune to embarrassment, unflappable man, an embarrassment to heavens, a 'laughingstock of three realms’ who just wants to be left well enough alone. he’s Tired.
instead of rest, he gets sent to investigate a dangerous ghost stealing brides who pass through its mountain, and there, during the course of the interrogation, has his first (he thinks) meeting with a terrifying, old-powerful and vengeful ghost king named hua cheng, who likes to terrorize heavens from time to time. but said ghost king seems to be very benevolent and very interested in helping xie lian, and xie lian is pretty instantly smitten… with knowing what’s the cause of such interest.
…and meanwhile, in the beginning, there'was an unlucky boy, born under the worst stars, whom xie lian saved from falling once, while still mortal, and promptly lost track of. a lot of things happened to this boy, who wanted to be the most devoted worshipper to xie lian the god of the sword and the flower. as one does, you know.
that’s the beginning! from there on: investigations, heavenly secrets, old friends and enemies and acquaintances, thematic parallels, old tragedies, more pining than you can shake a stick at, grand acts of love.
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is it good?
it’s very, very good. it’s the first fantasy cnovel i read (aside from the hilarious one about a guy traveling back in his own timeline and becoming a sugar baby to a mafia boss, which was in a very different league), so i don’t know which things are baseline and which things are unique, but it had a very solid foundation: ambitious multilevel, multi-timeline plot coming together in the end both events- and emotions-wise, beautifully iddy main relationship, maybe multifaceted characters who change and grow and clash together in fun ways, a clear and heartfelt understanding of its own core themes.
it’s also, unexpectedly, very funny, in this visual, slapsticky, begs-to-be-adapted way - i found myself laughing out loud over it a lot of times, and it possesses this gift of swerve between understated but earnest emotions and all-out jokes that i associate with… a bit of prattchett and a bit of gintama, honestly. take it as you will.
(oh my god the mecha. i will laugh over this one until i die.)
it also made me cry several times; granted, it’s not like it’s this time, but those were very heartfelt tears.
and the main duo?
first let me say that xie lian was lifted out, wholesale, out of my deepest character preferences. he fell really, really far, and did some bad things, and some very horrible things were done to him, and by the time we meet him he went through everything and achieved this effortless kind of traumatized, humble, accepting, wryly self-deprecating, utterly competent chill that makes a character incredibly appealing to me. he’s kind, and he’s sweet, and he’s gotten any possible embarrassment at least a couple of centuries ago, and he kinda made peace with himself and kinda didn’t. i love him.
and, thankfully for me, hua cheng, the ghost king, loves him a whole damn lot, a ridiculous amount, an epic, over-the-lifetimes, life-shattering amount, and he’s a terrifying presence to everybody else and a shy, protective, sweet dork to xie lian, and every time they’re together on page my entire heart is just. it’s AMAZING. he’s a great combination of playing the obsessive protective yandere stalker-lover trope straight and putting it on its head, by making hua cheng not just revere but respect xie lian, in all his good and bad decisions.
they are just so - good for each other, holy shit. they get each other so well. they’re the best ever power team. i love them.
(the rest of canon is various character reenacting “really? in front of my salad?” meme at them. it’s hysterical, and it’s the best. everybody teams up to tell xie lian that his boyfriend is Problematic way, way before xie lian clues into the fact that he does have a boyfriend, and he’s having none of it. i love it.)
and the themes?
okay, so. roughly half of this novel is ridiculous iddy pining, and a fourth of it is various tropes (off the top of my head: soulbond, sex pollen, body switch, de-age, various shades of identity porn… crossdressing…) played very shamelessly. but it also really benefits from having an overarching set of ethical questions, and while it deals with them a bit shounen-style, it still deals with them, and it makes the whole text fresh, and sweet, and bold.
is it possible to save everybody? should you try to save everybody? if you lack the powers to back your convictions, does it make you complicit? when is it possible to stop the cycle of suffering, what can you do if you want to but can’t? if you tried and people you failed turned on you, whose fault it is, where does the blame stop?
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Detailed spoilers begin from here, and i would REALLY advise to stay unspoiled, because the domino reveals are very fun
i loved the various ways the novel sets all those pieces up and then overturns them and then returns to them. xie lian wanted to save everybody and it was arrogant naivete of an untried, untested, privileged young man who never had a real challenge before; his presence made things escalate quicker, and yet everybody around him pretended it was his attempt to make things better that ruined everything, and not a combination of factors outside of his control. and yet he accepts the blame, because it dovetails with his shame at not having enough powers to back his intent up; and yet his triumph over bai wuxian is that he doesn’t, after all, renege on his initial drive to help people.
my most favorite part of this novel is that its turning point, the lynchpin of the whole novel, the moment that keeps xie lian’s soul and safety intact, is not his personal purity and drive; it’s not even hua cheng’s devotion and sacrificial love. it’s just a moment of little, grudging, human kindness from a little, petty, rude man whom the history will sweep away soon. the bamboo hat in the rain. the rest of the plot keeps twisting and turning and coming back to itself, but this? this was unquestionably, beautifully clear, and i loved it. it’s never about the gods, it’s all down to - fallen human is human, ascended human is human, and human is not some state, virtuous or sinful, you get stuck with - it’s a multitude of choices, and there’s never a final one.
and incoherent spoilery screaming for people who read it already
oh my god i had SO MUCH FUN. i’ve been flailing on meme for days, because somebody just finished reading there too, and i’m still bursting with ALL THE FEELS. ruoye origins oh my god! that hat! jin wu’s backstory and ultimate end! e-ming’s praise kink! pei ming’s little shippery 'hoho’! hua cheng’s horribly handwritten stick and poke tattoo of xie lian’s name! the lanteeeeeeeeeeeeerns. feng xin and mu qing on the bridge, making up with each other and with xie lian! hua cheng trying to explain to xie lian that his habit of using himself as bait and pincushion at any given moment is deeply emotionally upsetting to him, and succeeding! banyue’s learning from xie lian to be a truly horrible cook! the entire deal with shi qingxuan and he xuan and the wind fan in the end. THE CAVE. THE GIANT MECHA. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and aaaaaaaaaaaaa and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and i am beset, beset by feelings. come scream with me.
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