#i like killer!elliots
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ratzhatz14 · 29 days ago
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Hey gang did y'all know I'm an Elliot & Two Time main
Did you guys know I'm starting to like forsaken
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f-arelos · 10 months ago
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please, know i'm better than all of this
jake bugg - trouble town / lou reed - smalltown / jeff buckley - lover, you should've come over / peach pit - black licorice / american football - uncomfortably numb / the driver era - preacher man / henry thoreau - i am a parcel of vain strivings tied / alex dimitrov - the years / albert huffstickler - trial by fire / bruce springsteen - adam raised a cain / the killers - this river is wild / elliot smith - between the bars / hozier - arsonist's lullabye / american football - uncomfortably numb / john mayer - gravity
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starbright-sunset · 24 days ago
BROTHERRRRRR AS AN ELLIOT MAIN IT PISSES ME OFF SO FUCKING MUCH WHEN ELLIOTS DON'T DO THEIR JOB... LIKE PLEASE. HEAL PEOPLE. THAT IS YOUR JOB AS ELLIOT. I'm playing Forsaken rn and this fucking Elliot is useless. Like he's not on cooldown, he's never used his rush hour and just. Oh. My. Fucking. God. I have to be Elliot for this fucking session bc this other one can't do it right.
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val-aura-q · 1 month ago
what i think r the best skins to play with in forsaken to get the point across of "i am annoying"
noob - deafult. actually think I'll go with VIP nope. again. spiders. STOP CRYING
007n7 - not much clue because 007n7 mains are so rare tbh. youre safe for now
two time - same for 007n7 only i pick phoenix
shedletsky - 5 more shedletskys. believe it or not I've seen people who actually played with this skin like twice or thrice
guest 1337 - ..classic. when i see a guest 1337 with the classic skin they dont do much ima be honest so this is what i pick
chance - much like the chill guy meme, whenever I see a chance I feel a visceral hatred. i have no real idea as to why besides the coin noise is annoying. anyhow milestone 1 ig..?
Elliot - milkman. i didnt hesitate with this choice at all. elliot mains r overall pretty cool though usually so no offense
builderman - fixer upper
jason - pixel. whatever its called
john doe - gasharpoon.
1x1x1x1 - ...not sure either actually they all look too cool... infernum?
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el-pada · 2 months ago
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finished my survivor designs lineup, will do the killers when i feel like it
(forgor to paint elliots lips in the long lineup, sorry i dont feel like going back to change it rn)
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puckingeccedentesiast · 5 months ago
Cradle Me
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Father!Quinn x Son & Wife!Reader. Word Count: 1,1k Authorial Note: My next voted WIP! I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I did while writing it! Don’t know if it’s my best piece then. Warnings: Swearing, mentions of birth.
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Elliot Samuel Hughes came screaming into the world at 4:12 p.m., Quinn only knew his son for a matter of awed, breathless moments before the world sharpened—and chaos erupted.
Nurses swarmed you, dabbing and cleaning with sodden warm towels. A warm, slimy bundle of swaddle-blanket and baby reached your chest as the obstetrician stepped back from your glistening body. Quinn's reddened hand slipped from your grip, instinctively cradling the baby to your chest. His other hand, shaking slightly, gripped the bed's plastic rail. Leaning forward, he rested his right arm limply across your shoulder, his forehead gently touching yours as the two of you gazed down at your son.
"How’re you doing, Dad?" the obstetrician asked from the sink as he scrubbed his hands clean.
Quinn blinked, a goofy grin spreading across his face. "I feel sick... but in a good way." He laughed softly, joy plastered permanently on his face. "We created a human... that's fucking scary but awesome at the same time."
Even in your post-birth haze, a smile graced your lips. It was an awesome thing indeed. This was your person now, a culmination of Quinn and your love. Despite this baby being considered a gift, he clearly was sent to test you and Quinn’s love for each other. No parenting class could have prepared you for the unfolding chaos that was leaving the hospital and heading home. The first day at the hospital was incredible, the nurses gently guided you and Quinn in the ways of parenting. But once you left and arrived home, the learning curve turned into an aggressive crash course.
Emotions ran high for every family member. Every nap missed, messy feed, spit-up, or nappy mess that needed cleaning up frayed the string further. Quinn and you had been remarkably naïve to think that this journey would be easy, even though you’d been dreaming collectively of this moment for years.
Quinn, along with self-proclaimed uncles Elias, Brock, and JT, spent hours working on the perfect nursery for baby boy Hughes. From wall decorations to the crib and changing table—which you insisted had to be powder blue with clouds and a grassy field with cows in it—the boys poured their hearts into it. Once they had finished assembling the room and you'd let it air out due to your hatred of the smell of fresh paint, you added the final details: books, blankets, nappies, and wipes, along with baby clothes hanging neatly on tiny coat hangers.
The first night home from the hospital was powered purely by adrenaline. You and Quinn took shifts with baby boy—changing, feeding, and sometimes just comforting him to sleep. By the second and third nights, the exhaustion set in. Leaving the warmth of the bed became a Herculean effort, especially for you. The physical toll of birth weighed heavily on your body, and sustaining new life felt overwhelming.
Quinn tried his hardest to take the load off, seeing how hard you were working to make the transition smooth, though it felt futile. His patience held up remarkably well for the first four days, but by the fourth night, tension crept in. Snappish words replaced your usual playful banter, and the distance between you felt like a growing chasm. Quinn’s touch, once so comforting, now felt foreign. Exhaustion tangled both your nerves, and intimacy between the two of you became a distant memory.
That night, an abrupt “goodnight” was shared, accompanied by a peck on the cheek. You both lay there in the dark, separated by a wall of fatigue, each praying for sleep that never came, as baby boy woke again at distasteful hours of the night.
Night five was the killer. Some ungodly hour like 1:03 a.m. glared back at you from the microwave as you ambled around the kitchen for the second time that night. You’d fed him twice now, but much of the milk had come back up in spit-up. Quinn had changed baby once and had checked on him again 45 minutes earlier.
There was one distinct problem: the baby only slept when he was held. You could do as many laps around the kitchen as you wanted, Quinn could rock him for hours, but as soon as baby landed on the bassinet’s mattress, it was like laying him on lava.
"Still no luck, darlin’?" Quinn’s voice came quietly from the doorway, his tired form silhouetted by the dim light of the stairs. He met you halfway, his brow furrowed with concern.
You let out a soft, frustrated sigh. "Every time I put him down, he cries," you whispered, blinking back tears. "I’m so tired, Quinn."
He stepped closer, reaching for your hand and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "C’mon, let’s go back to bed," he murmured, leading you gently up the stairs. Exhaustion had blurred the edges of your world, and you forced a tired smile as he kissed your hand again.
"He’s just going to cry when I put him down, Quinn," you stated tiredly as he threw back the covers for you. The softness of the bed felt like heaven against your aching body, and you settled in without a second thought.
Quinn, now shirtless, pulled baby from your arms and nestled him gently on his chest, holding him snugly as he propped himself up with pillows. He tucked you in under his arm, pulling the blankets over both of you.
"Sleep now, darlin’," he whispered, kissing the top of your head. Baby wriggled slightly in his swaddle but quickly relaxed against Quinn's warmth. "If this is how we have to do it from now on, fine."
Quinn sighed, his grip tightening around both of you. "At least we have good chiros at the rink."
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dailydoseoffanfics · 21 days ago
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⭐️ warnings: possible ooc
reader is gender-neutral so they/them pronouns are used !
(1) (2) <- you're here!
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You're a really normal fan about a Roblox game called "Forsaken".......yeah.....totally a really normal and sane fan about that game. But lately, you've noticed something weird about the characters you're playing.
The characters have varying reactions into finding out they're being controlled by something....or someone (you).
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Elliot was going on his way to confront Noob about their sudden increased weariness when he noticed Two Time walking down the hallway as Elliot was approaching Noob's room.
Elliot noticed Two Time looked....deep in thought. They aren't smiling, and their eyes are narrowed, looking down in the ground. It feels like they didn't even noticed Elliot bumping into them.
....Elliot just decides it's best to not disrupt them, and shakes his head. C'mon, focus Elliot!
Back to his original mission, Elliot goes to Noob's room, and asks them what's going on, and cracks some jokes here and there to calm Noob down a little.
Something's controlling Noob, and they know by feeling a type of warmth?
Elliot's concern grew when he noticed Two Time being....more unusual. Elliot would catch a glimpse of Two Time looking at nothing in particular, their face looking like they're deep in thought. Two Time isn't the only one deep in thought though, Chance seems to look like he's in the clouds as well.
Elliot frowns about his observations of his acquaintances. What is going on? Why are Noob, Two Time and Chance suddenly acting...off? Did it had something to do with this warm, controlling thing going on????
........Speaking of this controlling thing.
When a new round started after observing his acquaintances' weird behavior, which is just, y'know, the usual trying to restrain himself when any of his teammates ignored the pizza he threw at them, he immediately felt something.
The warmth. His arms losing control and a muffled voice.....are those white strings around his arms???
Elliot felt his soul left his body for a second before immediately snapping back. My man is trying SO hard to stay focused and calm, but right now, his mind is having a mantra of "WHAT THE FUCK".
Annnnd when the round ends, Elliot is still having his mantra of questioning what the hell just happened and who was that person as he lays on his bed. Holy shit, he just wants to reunite with his family and make customers happy again. WHAT MORE CAN HE ASK FOR?????
The more Elliot thinks about who was controlling him, the more sleep he loses.....well not like Elliot has a sleeping schedule, he usually just stays up at night, so I think you just made his insomnia worse 💀(Random head canon I have for Elliot is that he's insomniac. He just wants to see his father and his sister again. He's fr trying his best 💔💔💔)
Elliot is SPOOKED about that incident. And then he quickly realizes that "oh shit am i going to be controlled by some kind of person EVERY. SINGLE. FREAKING. ROUND?????"
Yeahhhh, Elliot's kinda scared of you, but that's only because he doesn't know if you're good or not. And if your behavior seems alright so far, Elliot still got some doubt inside of his mind, but his heart is telling him to trust you.
He could even throw a smile at you for your helpfulness! He noticed that he's getting less hits and stabs from the killers so far, and he shows his appreciation by looking at the screen, and giving you a warm smile. He even thanks you for your help.
.......The response was Elliot immediately losing the warmth. Elliot is caught off guard by this, but is immediately sad about it. Awh man, did he scare you? He hopes you'll come back soon.
Overall, the most STRESSED about this situation (for a while). When he first felt some type of force controlling him, Elliot is sweating BULLETS. But later, he appreciates your hard work and also wants to know you more. Even if he's still a little scared of you....
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Being a former admin, he noticed that something is off about his teammates.
Noob was usually scared, so Shedletsky didn't mind. But now? Noob is acting like the boogeyman actually got them or something!
Two Time? Creepier than usual. One time, when Shedletsky went into Two Time's room to ask them if they want to eat dinner tonight, he saw piles, and I mean, PILES of papers being everywhere. It looked like a tornado struck Two Time's room, and one of them has .....a person in it? With the other half of papers being filled with.... undecipherable handwriting. (But that's only because Shedletsky immediately shut the door the moment Two Time's eyes locked with his. So uh, he didn't had enough time to read about what Two Time's writing about.)
Elliot? Normally, Elliot was happy-go-lucky and always smiling. And now? Elliot seems to always have his mind somewhere, with a blank face on his face. For Robloxia's sake, he even forgot to make dinner one time!! (..Ehhhh, it's not like he was actually starving, he totally didn't eat some fried chickens earlier.)
Chance also seems to have their mind occupied with something. Yea, he's still smiling and having a big ego, but Shedletsky also noticed Chance looking at a window, thinking about....something.
Shedletsky's confused, and frustrated about the sudden weirdness of his teammates' behaviors. Seriously, what's going on with these people?
Shedletsky talks to Builderman about what's going on lately. Turns out, Builderman also noticed as well, but he also doesn't seem to know WHY his four teammates are acting like this.
Shedletsky's stumped about this. But depsite this, whatever's going on, Shedletsky WILL find out about it sooner or later, and Shedletsky WILL find a solution to whatever this problem is.
.....That's what he thinks at first. Because during a new round, while Shedletsky is brainstorming a plan about stunning the killer, he feels....warm. And his arms go limp before being picked up by....white strings?? And Shedletsky thought that somebody laced his fried chickens with some kind of drug, because he heard a voice, despite the voice being....far away.
At first, Shedletsky tried to ignore it by saying some few jokes. Something like, "oh hahaha can't be that bad...." until his legs jerk forward, a movement that was NOT something he was in control of. Shedletsky got GOOSEBUMPS after that. Bro went "OH HELL NAH I'M NOT DEALING WITH THIS 😭😭"
Would try to cut off the strings with his sword LMAO. Meanwhile in your POV, you're just wondering why Shedletsky is trying to cut air.
When the round ends, Shedletsky wastes no time into checking his admin logs, yes he still has the commands. He's searching the logs PRECISELY, wondering who was controlling him, thinking you're some kind of hacker or exploiter.
Despite his bestest efforts, Shedletsky found nothing. Shedletsky lets out a groan of frustration, and immediately reports this encounter to Builderman.
Yeah, no. Whoever you are, Shedletsky is gonna FIGHT BACK. He thinks you're up to no good, and doesn't trust you AT ALL....at first.
For some reason, Shedletsky decided to do some kind of test of just letting you do whatever you want with him, and yea, he knows this idea has high risks, and pretty dumb, but he's going to only do this ONCE.
And YOU'RE actually......somewhat nice? Your voice is still muffled, but he could've sworn he heard a "sorry" when he got hit. You found a medkit, and even healed him.
.....Yeah he still doesn't trust you. What if you're just doing to make him trust you? So that you can betray him and torture him forever?
But eventually, if you still continue to be nice to him, his doubts will slowly melt, and he'll trust you eventually. He'll say some dialogue about thanking you for your hard work if you stun a killer (which you question if that dialogue was official or there is something wrong with your device) and when he's feeling goofy, he'll look at the screen with his epic face, while having finger guns pointing at you (or so what it looks like since he technically doesn't have fingers).
BRUH, WHY ARE YOU STILL PLAYING THIS GAME DESPITE THESE CHARACTERS SAYING THOSE THINGS THAT YOU SURE AREN'T IMPLEMENTED??? You thought to yourself as you saw what Shedletsky did, instantly leaving the game.
....Well damn. But Shedletsky knows you'll come back eventually, so he waits for you. And when you come back and play as him, he's going to ask some questions here and there.
........You meekly replied to some of his questions. Honestly, you're already mentally unstable in a way, so I guess there's no harm into answering these questions???
Even if your voice is muffled, Shedletsky turns his head away from your view, as he quietly cheers. "Score!" He says in his mind.
Overall, I think Shedletsky's mind will be between "Hahahha what will this person do i ain't scared (he is..kinda) 🤣🤣🤣🤣" and "oh shit what if this person is actually bad....", so erm, yea, he will be ON EDGE with you at first. But over time, he wants to know more about you, so he starts making jokes and casually talking to you like you've been his best friend for 10 years. He's definitely gonna yap about you to Builderman, and tells Builderman to trust you since he's CERTAIN you're a good person!!! (Builderman ain't buying it 💀)
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Shedletsky's been talking about you for a while. Builderman wouldn't really mind if he knew you actually had, y'know, GOOD INTENTIONS.
Builderman reminds Shedletsky to not trust too easily, you never know. Shedletsky would agree....and then the next day talk about you again. Builderman would sigh at that.
Yeah, Builderman had been noticing something was going on with his teammates. It seems that Shedletsky seems to be under your influence as well.
Even if Shedletsky reassures him that you're a good person, Builderman is the boss of ROBLOX after all, so he'll be stubborn and won't trust you. He ain't budging.
....That's what Builderman thought at first. He knows the drill by now. He knows that the player is controlling someone by the strings (I'll make a separate post about the white strings cuz y not) and feeling a strong warmth, so he prepares for you to control him.
No matter how mentally and physically prepared he is, he still feels his skin crawling when his limps are wrapped around the white strings and hearing your voice that sounds mumbled. All of it just feels.....alien to him. So foreign. So.....unusual. So he doesn't try to resist you.
He wants to trust you, and I guess he is, kinda? I mean, he still would be on edge around you, but over time, he'll be more.... neutral about your presence. He guesses that Shedletsky was right after all. You don't seem too bad.
As long as you're nice and you showed that you have no harmful intentions, Builderman will be chill about you, and throws you a quick smile at your screen if he survives a round.
....You don't close your game this time. You've just....kinda accepted it at this point. (Builderman is secretly giddy about that, but he won't let you show his joyful face.)
Overall? Builderman WILL be more skeptical of you than Shedletsky, but don't worry, he'll be comfortable in your presence eventually. (Man, I think Builderman has like the least amount of headcanons... 😭)
GUEST 1337 (i'll just call him by Guest in this post) (also fun fact: i actually had to watch the movie for the first time to try to make him more in character.....yeah i know, i missed out 😭)
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Guest will eventually found out about this "controlling force" going on. He gets along with all of the survivors, so he's bound to know about it.
Initially? Guest is immediately on guard. What do you mean there's someone out there that is controlling them? How are we even certain that they're even good?
NGL, I feel like he would disapprove of Shedletsky and Builderman seemingly being positive towards you. C'mon, both of them are like, the higher beings of ROBLOX. But he keeps it to himself and doesn't say anything.
But what do you expect from a man who witnessed his parents get killed by one of the members of the Bacon Terrorist Organization, was in military, and had to sacrifice himself to defeat the Bacons? He doesn't even know if he'll ever see his family and his friend again. He's canonically stated to be the "no-nonsense type of person". He WILL not trust you in the beginning.
That's just because that's how he is. Adding on from what I said earlier, he learned that naivety will get him nowhere, so he'll always be on guard whenever he meets someone new.
He also already knows the drill by now. He overheard Shedletsky talking about feeling a strong type of warmth when you're being controlled, so he's READY.
And when he DOES feel the strong warmth and his limbs being wrapped around by the white strings, he.....surprisingly doesn't try any attempts to resist. He's just staring at the ground, and later looks at your screen.
...Well, Shedletsky did mention you didn't seem to be a bad person, so he'll let his guard down...for now.
So Guest just lets out a sigh and tells you to do whatever you want with him. And you obliged.
And...oh wow. Not even one teammate died. Even if one of them got injured, he could sense that you're genuinely trying your best, with the evidence being your voice letting out quiet squeaks of "sorry" and bodyblocking Elliot.
Guest feels......relieved in a way, and also feels a bit of happiness....but those emotions immediately dissolve when his paranoia logical side reminds him that you could be tricking the survivors, including him.
....And he's immediately on guard again. When the round ends, he's standing near a wall, with his arms crossed and his eyes gazing at the floor. You were truly an enigma. How would he exactly sure that you're a good person? And what even exactly are you?
Ehhhh, he's just generally protective. He'll learn to not hold grudges against you and will warm up to you. That's what you expected after all. But you were kinda expecting Guest to continue not trusting you, so this was a pleasant surprise for you.
Overall? Yeah he would definitely be the LEAST trustful about you in the beginning, so also give him some time to trust you. But like the other survivors, he'll warm up to you eventually. Might even defend you if anybody's talking shit about you.
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He already knew everything. He watched everything from the sidelines. He saw how his teammates were talking about this "person". About how they're controlling them.
However, 007n7 seems to be a special case. His first thought of you wasn't fear or distrust, it was....interest.
As in like, he was at first curious about you. I feel like he would be the person to ask the most questions. He's definitely going to yap to you A LOT.
However, he noticed that you didn't even try him once. So naturally, 007n7 just feels.....insecure. He thinks that his skills are "useless", which is why you don't play him. Or you might even hate him. Yeah, it's probably.
He's trying to think positively, reassuring himself that you don't seem to be the type of person to say like that. He's heard of the survivors talking positively about you!
But considering that he's an outcast of the group.....yeah, I don't he'll hold up these positive thoughts for long. The negativity will get to him 💔
BUT ONE FAITHFUL DAY, where a new round started, and during that round, he expected you to not play as him, so he just walks around, searching for a generator.
But his walking suddenly halts. And he feels....warm. And---oH SHIT, HE'S GOT STRINGS ON HIM.
007n7 was alarmed at first, but it quickly turns into disbelief.
But not in a way "OMG PLZ DON'T HURT ME 😰😰😰😰" it's more in a "....you actually wanna play as me??? fr"
His mind is running around circles about you actually playing as him, while you wanted to try something new, so you decided to play as 007n7 for a bit.
When the round ends, he runs off to the ocean where the fisherman resides, as his brain keeps replaying that interaction he had with you.
He knows that he's being too hopeful, too..... delusional. But despite these thoughts, you actually made him happy in a way, so yey :D
Overall? 007n7 the second chillest about this situation. He also wants to interact with you more, but sometimes, his insecurity will get the best of him 💔
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brain4stew · 27 days ago
I know I still have requests left, but I really want this idea of mine out of my head.
The characters involved are; Mafioso, 1x1x1x1, John Doe, Chance, Guest 1337, Two Time and Elliot.
(Again, I do not know the characters exact personalities and so on, so they might, if not most likely will be OOC!!)
• We all know that this guy has the job of debt collecting right? And killing those that don’t pay their debts.
• Of course, he gets quite exhausted after his job. So, he goes to your apartment, to relax.
• When, he didn’t know that you were in a quite… Playful mood. 😇
• So imagine his surprise, when he’s suddenly in your bathroom, in your bathtub, with you with him.
• He isn’t complaining of course, but he is confused, and a bit on edge about what you’ll do.
• However, you were having the time of your life, teasing him, praising him, and a little bit of degrading.
• …What a shock it will be for you, to suddenly hear THE Mafioso, who is ruthless towards anyone and everyone (except for you), be moaning, whimpering even, under you.
• Of course, after you’ve finished with him, you immediately tend to the both of you. Cleaning him and yourself up, whilst you praise him more.
• …Mafioso is genuinely surprised by you. But… He wouldn’t mind this one bit…
• Ah yes, the embodiment of hatred… Who, you somehow managed to date…
• You know that he is a ruthless killer, and basically hates ANYONE and EVERYONE. (He has a soft spot for you).
• So, after him being ruthless and killing survivors, he goes to you, who, is one of the survivors he had to kill.
• He wants to apologize to you, but, you were a bit mad at that time… So… What better way than to put your frustration out on him? 😇
• He’s writhing, moaning, whimpering and trying not to cry under you… You won’t even give him a break!
• Again, after you’re done with him, you clean him and yourself up, as you let him lay on your bed. Still shaking from the ordeal.
• You praise him for being so good, and letting you put your frustration out on him. To which he can only whimper in response. (Oh my…)
• Next time, he definitely does NOT kill you, in any rounds. He’s not risking it, for another round like THAT…
(John Doe)
• Now, this guy… He’s corrupted, of course… But oh my, does he look good…
• He accidentally flung you with his spikes, which made you shocked, confused and angry at.
• So when the round ends, you are reasonably annoyed and angry about it.
• Since John Doe doesn’t go to see you, you go and see him.
• He’s confused and surprised at you going to see him. He questions you, but, you cut him off by pushing him to his room.
• Pouncing on him when he’s sat on his bed, before you start your little… Game. 😇
• John Doe is trying so hard not to whimper, moan, cry and writhe under you. But, he ultimately fails, occasionally letting out a moan, whimper and cry.
• After your little game, he’s completely exhausted. (He feels like his legs just got destroyed.) Whilst you’re cleaning him and yourself up. You kiss his forehead, before leaving.
• …He’s so confused, it’s hilarious. THE John Doe, exhausted and confused, by what you did…
• This guy is a gambler, and we all know that.
• When you both were at a casino together, he put a bet, on that if he loses, he has to listen to whatever you say, for the next 5 hours. But if he wins, you have to listen to whatever he says for the next 5 hours.
• You agreed, knowing that he’ll win at least, and you know what he’ll tell you to do.
• …He failed. Somehow. You and him were both shocked. Before, you laugh at him, causing him to be red in the face.
• He says that he’ll win the next time, but, you remind him of the bet he made. Causing him to pause, and slowly turn towards you with a small grin.
• Let’s say you brought him with you to a nearby hotel, and got yourself a room for you both, and started your little adventure.
• This man, he’s so audible, whining, whimpering, crying, writhing under you… Hell, even gripping the sheets.
• Afterwards, when you’re done, you look down at him, with a smirk. He’s completely flushed, and exhausted…
• You clean him up of course, and yourself. Before you tuck him in the bed, telling him to get some rest.
• …You might have fried his mind a bit too much, [name]…
(Guest 1337)
• This man needs a break, he practically deserves it. Sacrificing himself to protect himself, and the survivors…
• You, just so happened to be frustrated in a round, that you practically dragged him somewhere hidden. (Out of the map)
• And started your little show.
• He’s surprisingly not that audible as Chance. Letting out a whine here and there, and a few grunts also.
• But after the little show of yours, he’s quite exhausted. (Damn, what are you, a beast??) You clean him and yourself up though. Kissing his forehead, before you go back to the round.
• He stays still for a long while, blinking in exhaustion and surprise. Maybe he should let you take the reigns, so he doesn’t have to do much…
(Two Time)
• This little prick. Unfortunately, you had to be a killer, and have the misfortune of going against them.
• You killed quite a few survivors, before they got on your nerves. You didn’t kill them, oh no…
• You simply… Taught them a few things! 😇 (In secret of course…)
• They are audible and vocal, praying for mercy, begging you to be slow and gentle. Even moaning, writhing, whimpering and crying under you.
• You don’t clean them up, as you need to kill the damned survivors again. But you clean yourself up, before throwing a wet cloth to them.
• Just before you rush out and start to kill survivors again.
• Two Time is stunned, shaking, crying and trying to recover from what you taught them, which, proved to be a problem for them.
• …God, they’re hopeless.
• This poor guy, having the misfortune of having to heal the survivors, whilst going against you.
• He tries, and he tries to keep the survivors alive, but, he gets so annoyed and frustrated at them, as they ignore his pizzas!!
• They aren’t atomic bombs! Just, PICK UP THE DAMNED PIZZAS!! 🙏
• You notice it, of course, annoyed by him healing his teammates. But, you also notice how he gets annoyed and frustrated by his teammates…
• So what do you do? You momentarily change targets and chased him into a corner. Before you do something to him. 😇
• He’s pleading, begging even, for you to be slow, gentle and kind… As he cries, writhes, moans and whimpers under you.
• When you’re done, however. You clean yourself up, and throw a wet cloth to him, kissing his forehead, and praising him, before you immediately go back to killing his teammates.
• …He’s never been this exhausted before, and strangely likes how you made him feel… Maybe he likes going against you, if this keeps happening. 😇
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ohburgee · 15 days ago
betrayed!1x1x1x1 x gn-survivor!reader
tw: violence, massacre, blood, capturing an: another 1x1x1x1 I swear I loved this man, like he put you in a poisoned to make you want him more. Imagine playing Forsaken, then got captured by this beautiful specimen,n bloodthirsty killer :3 summary: being a helper and protector for your friends is very risky, but you're willing to save them and defend them, Elliot was your top priority, such an innocent teenager being on this game. when you're both running from this bloodthirsty killer but something was not right when the killer looked at you not in wanting to kill you but something wanted you for another reason.
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After surviving a brutal game, you and the other players finally got a chance to rest inside a large cabin. You sat near the fireplace, trying to warm up from the cold that lingered outside. The flickering flames cast a soft glow on the room, offering a rare sense of comfort.
One of the players, Elliot, approached you with a wide smile, holding out a plate of pizza.
"For my savior," he said cheerfully, handing you a slice. You accepted it with a grateful smile.
"I'm so glad you were there... You saved me," Elliot added, sinking into the seat beside you with a relieved sigh.
"It's my mission to help others," you replied, your voice calm but laced with exhaustion.
The two of you enjoyed the warmth of the fire as you talked about the game how close you all came to losing, and the terrifying moments you barely escaped. But just as the tension started to fade, the speakers crackled to life.
"Another round of the game has begun. Prepare for survival."
The announcement echoed through the cabin, cutting the peaceful atmosphere short. Everyone began to gear up, mentally preparing themselves for another brutal match.
Once the game started, players scattered across the map, working to fix the generators. You and Elliot stuck together, cautiously repairing one on the far side of the area.
"I swear some generators take forever to fix," Elliot grumbled, anxiously glancing around.
You scanned the area for any sign of the killer, your heart pounding in your chest. The announcer hadn’t revealed who the killer was this round they just threw you all into the chaos.
Then you heard it. A loud, echoing *thud* growing closer. You and Elliot barely finished fixing the generator when the sound became deafening. Without thinking, you grabbed Elliot and pulled him behind a tree.
He followed your gaze, eyes widening in horror. A green smoke seeped through the cracks in a nearby wall, and out of the mist stepped a figure with long white hair and a cold, menacing aura.
It was 1x1x1x1. Death himself.
Players feared him more than any other killer. He was ruthless, brutal, and relentless. Facing him felt like facing the death.
"It’s him... Why does it have to be him?" Elliot whispered, trembling.
You stayed alert, barely breathing, watching as another player accidentally revealed themselves. 1x immediately locked onto them, sprinting after them with terrifying speed.
"Now’s our chance. Run!" you hissed, grabbing Elliot again. You both bolted toward a nearby structure where a few survivors were fixing another generator. Without a word, you jumped in to help.
The sound of a gunshot echoed through the map someone must have stunned the killer. But you knew it wouldn’t last long. The round dragged on, the tension unbearable.
When the generator was finally fixed, you all decided to stay in the structure, hoping to outlast the killer. Elliot stuck to your side like a lost puppy, as he look around like scared for anything.
"Don’t worry, El. I’m here. I’ll protect you," you whispered, rubbing his back to comfort him.
But the brief peace shattered when a chilling scream pierced the air, followed by the wet, sickening sound of a blade slicing through flesh. You all looked down from the structure to see 1x standing over a lifeless survivor, their body limp in his grasp.
Then he looked up.
His crimson eyes locked onto yours only yours. A slow, wicked smile spread across his face before he bolted toward the structure.
You immediately grabbed Elliot as the other survivors scattered in panic. 1x climbed up the structure with unnatural speed, cutting players down mercilessly. It was a massacre.
You and Elliot ran as fast as you could, desperately searching for a hiding spot. Eventually, you found a secluded area with crumbling walls and a small hole to crawl through.
"Go inside, now," you urged, helping Elliot through the gap before slipping in yourself.
You both crouched in silence, hearts pounding, waiting for the chaos to pass. Then an announcement blared through the speakers:
"One generator remaining."
Peeking through a crack, you spotted the final generator untouched. You bit your lip, heart racing.
"I need to fix that generator," you whispered, turning to Elliot.
"What? No! What if he catches you?" Elliot's voice shook with panic.
"It’s okay. As long as you’re safe, I’ll come back for you. I promise," you reassured him, pulling him into a tight hug before slipping out of the hiding spot.
Carefully, you crept toward the generator and began fixing it, your fingers trembling with urgency. But before you could finish, heavy footsteps echoed nearby.
It was him.
You quickly ducked behind the generator, frantically searching for a distraction. Spotting a small stone you knew it's stupid but it's only thing you can make a distraction, you threw it across the area.
To your shock, it worked. 1x turned and followed the noise. Wasting no time, you went back to fixing the generator, adrenaline surging through you. But just as you were about to finish.
A cold hand wrapped around your arm. You gasped, looking up to see those same blood-red eyes.
It was over.
You closed your eyes, bracing for the inevitable facing your fate. At least Elliot could escape now...
But nothing happened.
Cautiously, you opened your eyes to see 1x studying you, his head tilted in amusement. Then, to your horror, he smiled and that made you feel scared.
"You look adorable when you’re scared... It makes me like you even more," he whispered, voice laced with sinister affection.
Before you could react, he effortlessly lifted you onto his shoulder, black smoke curling around your vision.
"You belong to me now... little survivor," he chuckled, his voice echoing in your head as the darkness consumed you.
From a distance, Elliot peeked out from the hiding spot, eyes wide with terror. He watched helplessly as 1x carried you away, when 1x saw Elliot, 1x finger pressed to his lips in a chilling *shh* gesture.
Elliot wanted to run after you. He wanted to fight. But he was paralyzed by fear.
And so, he stayed hidden watching as 1x disappeared into the shadows, taking you with him.
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n: so some of you wondering about mafioso, don't worry I'm still writing for him just want to finish 1x and after this I'll be going to write for mafioso so a fanfic of him coming soon :>
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pizza-party-support · 11 days ago
"I kinda hope I'll be able to see everyone if we're ever able to escape this place... I-I don't think I'd be okay with seeing Chance or Noob or any of them..." "They're like- Family. A strange family, yeah, but family nevertheless! Family's family, even if not by blood."
> [ 🐇 , @m4fios0 ;; ]
[ he shifted the small container of hydrogen peroxide to his free hand, knocking on the door of the pizzeria with his other. taking a small step back, he let his free hand fall back to his side. ]
-> Elliot, once again, was idly moving around the pizzeria. Seems like he had already swept up and everything, going through the process of starting to clean off the tables. -> His focus was disturbed when he heard the knock at the door, his head snapping towards it and a smile spreading across his face. "Come on in, Mr. Mafioso!"
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caffeinatedvigilantewriter · 8 months ago
This is a mashup of various tropes. Don’t like don’t read. May include
- deaged danny
- Damian x Dani (serious chaos)
- dead Jazz
- dead Sam
- dead Tucker
- not-shit parent Vlad (kinda)
- the Waynes have a strength kink
So when Danny is 18 and have safely moved out, has financial security and can go no contact with his parents he decides to tell him that he’s Phantom.
It doesn’t go well.
By the time Jazz Sam and Tucker find him he is deaged to around 6. The fentonworks lab explodes.
Dani, who is 16 and was on her way to visit, came just in time to sift through the rubble and find Danny, who has only had enough memory to recognize her as his sister. She also finds three dead bodies. Jack and Maddie survived.
Scared and mourning, she takes Danny and runs to Vlad, who realizes how terrible and obsessed Jack and Maddie were and gives Dani lots of money to hide somewhere where the Jack and Maddie wouldn’t dare to look- at least not for a little while.
So she takes Danny and changes their names.
Elliot ‘Elle’ Jasmine Nightingale and Daniel James Nightingale, brothers and sister duo.
Dani- now Elle- still holds a grudge on Vlad, coupled with the Fenton stubbornness, she insists that she can pay rent/bills/groceries/etc. she gets an apartment in crime alley.
Because Elle doesn’t want to leave a paper trail, she does a less-than-legal job.
She joins a fight rink under the name of Phantasm.
And she’s great at it.
Shes spend the money on education for Danny, ignoring her education for the moment until Danny is old enough to join school.
Damian and Bruce were having major arguments, mostly about his violence and Damian quits being Robin and becomes Nocturne. (Bc I love that name)
He undercover a fight rink and thinks if he busts the rink Bruce will trust him enough.
He does recon and quickly realizes that one of the fighters was incredible, winning fight after fight without causing major injures to her opponents. Her name was Phantasm.
He decides that in order to find out more about her, he has to join undercover. It was only to take down the fight rink and learn more about the beautiful fighter that could bend him in half and nothing more.
Damian joins under the name of Ghoul and swipes some DNA from Elle, learns her (fake) name her (fake) backstory (family died in an heated lab explosion) but doesn’t understand why a chunk of her DNA was unreadable (ghost part of her DNA)
After a bit of digging, realized she didn’t attend school and the next morning Elle waked up to a letter starting that her full-ride scholarship to Gotham Academy has be approved (GA offers a afterschool care for students with younger siblings)
Elle never applied and is confused but accepts after Vlad, Ember, and Kitty convinced her.
She coincidentally is put in the most of the same classes as Damian, who she eventually crushes on befriends because he’s hot she’s suspicious of his faint and funky ecto signature.
So shenanigans include (not in this order and are optional)
- GALA where Vald announces her as Vlad Co heiress and the are invited to the gala and get a bit sus of Elle bc Vlad is sus
- JASON AS ELLE’S NEIGHBOR is actively trying to set up/prevent Damian and Elle getting together (either one works, as long as the plans fail comically)
- TALIA ATTEMPTING TO KIDNAP DANNY because he looked like Bruce/she wants another son and Elle absolutely beating her 7 different ways to Sunday and Talia telling Damian that she approves of her
- ELLE DESTABILIZING/GETTING REALLY SICK and Danny calls Damian in a panic because he knows Elle trusts him even if she won’t admit it
- ELLE GETS SAVED BY NOCTURNE and Elle instantly clocks him as Damian bc of his ecto signature and rips him a new one because look how vigilantism turned out for Danny
- THE BATFAM THINKING DANNY IS THE CLONE OF ELLE and investigating Cadmus, who could have ties to the GIW somehow
- ELLE BECOMING A SORT OF SERIAL KILLER to protect Danny (check the comments @emerald-fox-93 linked it :)))
- DASH BECOMING A GCPD COP AND HAVING TO ARREST ELLE because she killed someone who tried to kidnap Danny. Damian picks her up from the station after she calls him.
- PAULINA BECAME A LAYWER FOR WE bc I saw a post like that and it was fire. She eventually fights for the removal of the AEA (anti ecto acts)
- THE OTHER BATS GENUINELY BECOMING CONCERNED and began to think that Elle is mind-controlling Damian because he keeps brushing them off to hang out with her
- DAN JOINING THE JLA and calling up Elle when he needs her help and Damian being there and being like ‘wtf??’
Jack and Maddie eventually find Danny and Elle and Elle vanishes. Danny- who Elle hid when the Fentons stormed the apartment- calls Damian sobbing and pleading for him to find Elle because the bad people are going to hurt her.
Damian, knowing little to nothing about her situation, basically goes ballistic trying to find her. The family, titans, and the League gets involved because one 15 year old doesn’t realize he has a massive crush on his classmate. He calls up that every favors he is owed (and some that is not) so now basically almost the entire LOA is after a 15 year old girl who was kidnapped by the two mad scientists who are committing around 16 wars crimes.
They find her after the ghosts she’s Still in contact with realize she hasn’t texted in a while and they’ll help Damian on his manhunt
And because Elle is the high princess, the entire ghost zone is ready to help Damian get their princess/queen/regent back
Jack and Maddie never stood a chance.
Any more ideas?? Please tag me and comment 🙏 :))
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forsaken-headcanons · 1 month ago
every survivor in forsaken is crazy.
Noob is constantly terrified, never being able to relax due to there constantly being killers around. Even if they did get time to themself, they’d definitely still be scared and have nightmares about being chased. Insanity scale: 5/10. Halfway there, but they react to things in normal ways.
Elliot is hanging by a thread. He has the sole responsibility to make sure everyone stays alive, which is already a hard job, but he also likely serves as the team therapist. And nobody else can really help him with his problems (007n7 would if he didn’t have a son to run from). Insanity scale: 6/10. Can and will snap.
Two Time has been mentioned to be “messed up in the membrane”. There’s no defending them. They are a cultist who killed someone who was important to them. They believe in reincarnation to a fatal extent. Insanity scale: 9/10. I don’t think they’re ok, but they at least have somewhat of a soul.
Guest 1337 is a mixed bag. He’s likely the most sane of the bunch. He has a family and lived a happy life… until military training. I doubt he’s been able to see his family ever since he started, and that can leave a mark on you. Insanity scale: 3/10. He’s probably aware of the fact the group is trapped in an endless hell where they get chased by ruthless killers for the rest of eternity.
Builderman is both ok and not ok simultaneously. I think he has the most self-discipline next to Guest 1337, so he won’t be gone easily. However, his affiliations with Shedletsky (who is definitely crazy) might cause him to lose a bit of his sanity. And the whole killer thing. Insanity scale: 4/10. Haunted by Shedletsky.
Chance is already gone. He’s a gambler. His gimmick… is gambling. Need I say less? Insanity scale: gamble/10. (Ok, I will actually say something though: he’s probably covering up inner feelings with his natural cheer)
Shedletsky. I’m pretty sure we all saw this coming, but this guy is unwell. First, one of the killers is the embodiment of his own hatred and malice. Neat. Second, the whole Telamon thing. He’s also the weird hooded guy who’s most likely a cultist. I think he’s the second most far gone character in the group. Insanity scale: fried chicken/10. We’re blaming John for this.
007n7 isn’t doing so well. Imagine raising a child who you think is innocent and adorable, then suddenly you’re running for your life from him. Do you think you’d be ok? No. Insanity scale: child loss/10. He also has to face the fact that he wasn’t a very good father, either.
TL;DR: pray for Two Time, Shedletsky, and 007n7.
This is the most beautiful ask I have ever received. Gamble/10, child loss/10 and fried chicken/10 are my favorite ratings. I read this a day ago when it first got in my inbox and dear anon, I have to tell you that "we're blaming john for this" has now become a phrase I use in every appropriate and inappropriate situation.
Thank you for the Chance food. I've been saying that he's not as mentally well as he likes to appear to be.
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dearestzaychik · 16 hours ago
Our Forsakened Destiny.
[ Forsaken x Isekai'd Reader! ]
[ Gender Neutral Reader! ]
TW : Some Cursing then and there..
WORD COUNT : 6,092K words!
NOT PROOFREAD. Please do tell me if there was any mistakes whatsoever!!.. Because I'm not proofreading a 6,092k worded chapter..
Chapter 2
Knocking can be heard at the door, as you opened your eyes to the sounds. You didn't have to reply, As the figure that was knocking at the door started talking either way.
"..Hey, Elliot here. I just wanted to let you know that soon, the rounds start again. You slept for a hefty while, but we decided to wake you up early so that you'll be able to talk to the others. As well as to talk about your Abilities and Role. We'll be waiting downstairs!- No rush for you of course, but Builderman said he hoped you get ready as soon as possible."
Elliot mentioned, before footsteps were moving away until it was no longer there. It was still dark outside, as the realm never seemed to have the concept of day. It would be hard to know what to tell what time it was, but this was probably considered morning for them. You had no time to loose, so you got up and started to get ready. Even if you felt a bit anxious at your own situation, running away from it was not the wisest answer.
Before you headed out, you looked at your Stats and Abilities once more.. and they finally have something written down on them that's for sure.
ROLE : Support.
Short-term Relief
- Bottoms Up and Cheers!
• This active ability allows the user to give out Pain Pills, making way for a new mechanic, TEMPORARY HEALTH.
If you need a quicker way to provide health, this is the quickest way you'll be able to get it for! This Survivor can share Pain Pills through out the round, and can even save a life in need if used right! It gives 65 health points that diminishes over time. Although.. One wouldn't recommend using it more than 1 time for each survivor.
If a Survivor manages to get their hands on another batch of Pain Pills after the first one.. They'll be inflicted with Nausea 2, and if they were to drink 3, Not only do they get inflicted with Nausea 4, The Health Points diminish faster as well as chipping off 5% of their actual health. This is not able to kill the Survivor, leaving them in 1% health if they were to drink a third time. At last, if the Survivor were to drink 4 or more, they will be lead to an Instant Death depending how lucky they are to live after each drink. The Cooldown is 35 seconds.
The Thrill of our Misfortune
- I don't like this chase, I'm out!
• This active ability allows the Survivor to gain access to three Adrenaline Shots, and is able to give them out or use it on themselves.
More on said, This Survivor not only carries Pain Pills, as well as 3 sets of Adrenaline Shots in which they can drop to share with other survivors or use it for themselves. The survivors are locked into an Adrenaline Rush, no longer fearing the Killer as they get a boost to get away. It can give Speed 2 for 5 seconds, as well as 45 health points that diminishes over time. Once all shots have been used, theres no other way to get these back so make sure you use it wisely. The Cooldown is 40 seconds when used, 35 seconds if dropped for another survivor.
- I don't belong here.
• This passive ability grants the Survivor Nausea 1 every 30 seconds and lasts 15 seconds when they aren't near at least 3 meters to a survivor, but gives Speed 1 for as long as they haven't encountered a Survivor nor a Killer, as well as 30 health points that diminishes over time when their alone and already injured.
This Survivor feels very uncomfortable even when not in a round, its best to provide them with Company to them to make sure they don't feel so.. out of place.
During Last Man Standing, due to the pressure this survivor is experiencing, Nausea 1 will stay for the remainder of the round, and Speed 1 will be given for only 15 seconds before the effect fades away, then 50 health points that diminishes over time will be administered to the said survivor after the effects are no longer present. Because of this, it leaves the Survivor very vulnerable when it comes to Last Man Standing.
Seems like Nausea will be your friend in the long run with the amount of Nausea status effects you can get in your kit. Your kit looked really complicated, hell you couldn't even seem to comprehend it right now to say the least. Whoever planned these abilities definitely wanted you to suffer.
None the less, there was now a Difficulty and your HP stats and stamina changed. It seemed balanced enough, but you still didn't get why you would be Difficulty 4 out of 5. Back then you were just a normal human being working a minimum wage job, nothing can be deemed special to your old life to have an entirely complicated kit like this..
Getting ready, you opted for a quick shower before changing into clothes that was exactly the same as your last pair before slipping on shoes and opening up your door, only to see a figure with a Pumpkin head opening their door at the same time as well.. Dussekar stared at you as you stared at him, having a minute of silence as both of you didn't move, before of course he took the intiative to break the silence.
"You must be the new survivor of this morning. You're presence will hopefully, be lovely."
Dusekkar stated, his legs never seem to touch the floor as he levitated off the ground. Honestly, you almost forgot he spoke in rhymes and riddles. Mentioning your presence, you remember how some survivors have different opinions of one another, as back then your friends mentioned about tensions and relationships between characters during the time you played..
"..Hello, Goodmorning."
You replied, even if it wasn't day at all outside the window, it seemed to be considered Morning for them. Dusekkar nodded in acknowledgment, holding their staff as he went ahead to the Lobby. You followed close by, fiddling with your hands. Soon enough both of you made it through the hallways, reaching the Lobby where the rest of the survivors are. Shedletsky and Builderman spotted you first, seemingly looking at something as Shedletsky raised their hand.
"Yo, Dusekkar and New comer! Over here!"
Shedletsky yelled out, signaling for both of you to come near. As you did, they seemed to have been looking at your stat and abilities. Seemingly investigating and looking at what you can do.
"It seems like they're a support."
Builderman blankly stated, looking at the stats as he seemed to have already figured out your kit faster than you did. Looking up at the message, there was something stated there.
Two Time
Pharmacist.. That might be the title your called as. It seems like there were only 7 survivors playing this round, the others that weren't mentioned seem to get a break for one round at least. Its weird how you were called Pharmacist than your actual name, but its a decent title none the less. A Pharmacist, huh. Right, that was what you wanted to be when you grew up. But you never managed to suceed in actually following that career path, with that said.. There was indeed a reason why you wanted to be a Pharmacist back then, but you can't seem to remember why. Snapping you from your thoughts, Dusekkar, Shedletsky, and Builderman were looking at you, seemingly waiting for a Reply.
Shedletsky said, tapping the table as he waited for your response. Builderman shook his head, seemingly making up a decision for you.
"..They didn't seem to hear what you asked, but its fine. They can stick with me so that we can avoid that passive of theirs."
Builderman stated, glancing at you before he looked at your abilties and stats once more. He will most likely and definitely help you during this, considering he was a support as well.
"Also, This might be for you as well. It was in front of the front door earlier."
Builderman quickly added, seemingly remembering something as he picked up a Belt that had 3 adrenaline shots, as well as a container for Big Batches of Pain Pills.
"If that's one's case, then I shall take my leave. To prepare for the next round, is my current top priority."
Dusekkar said, patting you on the head as they seemed to have acknowledged your abilities.
"This shall be your first round, So one will wish you Great Fortune during this expedition."
Dusekkar wished you Good Luck, but in a somewhat fancy way.. None the less, he meant well that's for sure. Without waiting for your reply, they levitated away seemingly off to do their own thing as they weren't up for this round.
"Dusekkar is always so conservative, but I tell you he means well!"
Shedletsky said as he glanced at the Pumpkin figure gradually faded away from View. After Dusekkar left, he looked at you with a positive smile.
"There's still time until the round starts! Why don't you get along with the other members of the team? Off you go now!"
Shedletsky said, seemingly wanting you to interact more with the others as he gave you a little nudge that you needed to walk away. Giving you a thumbs up before talking to Builderman about the upcoming round.
In the actual Lobby, most of the Survivors were there. Even some of the survivors that you didn't manage to meet yesterday were there as well, all of them minding their own business or preparing for the next round. Elliot seemed to spot you as he waved, coming up to you with a bright smile.
"Hey, Have you met Builderman and Shedletsky yet? I heard they wanted to discuss your abilities. None the less, I won't be there to support you next round sadly.. But Im sure Builderman will find a way to teach you how to be a great support for the team!"
Elliot mentioned, patting you on your shoulder as they seemed to have hoped to teach you how things worked around here. A figure behind Elliot seemed to appear, looking behind him as they had a blue shirt and green pants.
"I-is this the new survivor..?"
They said, stumbling on their own words as they looked to be a bit afraid by your presence. Elliot looked behind him before smiling again, moving aside and showing the said figure. Noob jumped at the sudden movement Elliot did, but they still managed to stand still without freaking out at least.
"Meet Noob! Don't worry, They're nice."
Elliot stated, but the second sentence seemingly more so to Noob than for you. Noob looked at Elliot and then back at you as they didn't seem to know what to reply, after all they were described as Quiet and Withdrawn even after gaining more friends from this Realm..
"..Hello, It's nice to meet you Noob."
Deciding that you should take the first move this time, They seem to flinch as you offered your hand for a hand shake. After a moment or two, they took your hand and shook it lightly. Avoiding your gaze as they looked down.
"..It's nice to meet you too."
They replied, still a bit frightened but they managed to give a small smile. You took your hand away as you can feel someone staring at you, looking behind, you can see a pale-skinned robloxian with black scene-like hair. Just blankly staring at you as you stared back at them. It was a silent showdown as none of you seemed to speak up about the awkward staring contest between you both. Before of course, Elliot stepped in once again.
"..Ahh, that person over there is just Two Time. They might come off at the wrong glance at first but their decent."
Elliot stated, mentioning how Two Time is known for being a little bit insane in the membrane.. None the less, Two Time diverted their gaze in another direction as soon as Elliot is finished, seemingly off to their own little world once more. In another corner of the room, There seemed to be a person with a blue shirt, having a burger ontop of his head. But before you can even get any interactions with him, Noob patted your shoulder as they signalled you to look up, seeing that the timer's countdown was almost over.
"T-The round is almost starting.."
Noob said, stammering between their words once more as they seemed to be preparing themselves for this round even if they looked like they didn't want to participate any longer.
"..Good luck, You two."
Elliot stated, looking at you and Noob with a look of worry. You weren't even given time to say anything as your vision faded to black.
Opening your eyes, You seemed to be in the Glass Houses map. Nobody seemed to spawn near you, so for the time being you were alone for now. What did spawn near you was a Generator, you might as well complete it to for the team and to not be completely useless.. While doing the Generator, there was seemingly a Menu you can open during the round, floating beside you as you can see the remaining time of the round as well as both your stats and your other teammates stats. This was definitely gonna be useful later on deciding who can get prioritized for temporary healing and actual healing later on.. A sudden feeling of panic eased within you, as your heart was beating louder and louder. Was this the passive ability you had? But it hasn't been 30 seconds yet, and you were just halfway done with the machine when Sudden Spikes appeared from the ground and blocked most of your exits besides the exit that you had to walk up through stairs to get out. Looking up, You could finally see the Killer as realization sets upon you.. John Doe was the killer. Probably from last round's events, the other killers were probably notified of your coming. And looking at his face, he seemed to look like he found the right survivor to toy with.. along with that, A sense of Nausea slipped within you, what a great timing of events.
"..So, This... is the New Comer."
John Doe managed to say, even though he was mostly mute in the actual game, in this reality you find yourself in he actually is able to talk but seemingly not much, showing how the Corruption affects him. Enough about needing to talk to the killer, You can do that any time. Right now, you didn't want to die. Especially the fact that you have not ever experienced death in this realm once, getting Impaled by a spike and ripped apart into two was NOT a pleasant way to die. Immediately shotting up to your feet, you quickly made your way up the stairs to the somewhat second floor of the building even with the Nausea you had during this. Looking down, you were steered away for a bit due to the height. In game, you were just playing a silly little pixel game. So the drop didn't seem much at first, but now that you're actually here.. it was steeper than expected. But John Doe was following close behind you, so you had no other choice but to Jump. Jumping off, you survived the jump successfully, but you lost balance as you landed and fell to the floor while at it. You swore you could hear John Doe's laughter up there, seemingly seeing your pathetic attempt to get away from him.
"You need to work on that landing of yours."
John Doe stated, easily following behind you as he jumped off so effortlessly and landed successfully as well. He was about to hit you with his clawed arm before..
The sound of a explosion ran out through the air, pausing John Doe's movements as both of you looked at the side, seeing Chance who had a awkward grin, holding his now destroyed gun that exploded on him instead of stunning the killer.. Well, it did seem to stun John Doe at least from the sheer stupidity of the situation, so Mission Failed Successfully?..
Seeing the Opportunity at hand, You stumbled onto your feet, before running at Chance as you handed him Pain Pills before running off in another direction. John Doe seems to have scoffed at this action, before immediately changing targets as he chased Chance, who looked to be very grateful for your ability to say the least. After you deemed you've ran far enough, you stopped to catch your breath, noticing how your body trembled just based off of how much your hands shook. Right, all that you did was something you acted upon instinct. You didn't actually expect to be able to pull that off, especially knowing how Lazy and Carefree you were back then.. Clapping can be heard, as you looked up to the source to find Shedletsky, impressed by what just happened.
"Not bad at all for someone who just got here Yesterday!"
Shedletsky stated, before he suddenly got hit by a wrench as he winced from the pain. Stumbling back to the side, he revealed Builderman who was seemingly behind him this whole time.
"Talk later, Chance needs someone to distract that thing."
Builderman stated, behind him a Dispenser that he has built for the round. Shedletsky realized this as he checked the status, with Chance only having 67 HP left, and 30 of it was his actual health. Seems like he got hit once already, and with that Shedletsky quickly left, waving a quick goodbye as you were now left alone with Builderman.
"..I didn't manage to find you before your Passive activated, so I do apologize for that."
Builderman suddenly stated, checking the status of his machines as he noticed that his Sentry was down. Before you can even say anything in reply.
"You think ya' can handle being Alone for a bit? I just need to place down a sentry for these sentinels."
Builderman stated, looking at you as he adjusted his tool belt. You could only nod in reply, he gave a small smile and started walking away.
"Your work is much appreciated."
And with that, Builderman faded out of your view. Your left alone with the dispenser.. Oh wait, someone was near the dispenser and you didn't even notice until now. Not even Builderman seemed to notice him before he left, As 007n7 was near the Dispenser getting healed. It seemed that he just got here, having serious wounds as he was probably hit pretty badly by John Doe probably when he started chasing Chance, probably Body Blockeing so that Chance wouldn't die right off the bat. You didn't need to say anything else, remembering how Meos used to yap to you about 007n7's backstory to say the least.. if you were right, this man was the Adoptive Father of c00lkidd. 007n7 seemed to notice you staring at him, before he averted his own gaze.
"I understand if you do not want to interact with me in any way, but I do hope my presence and background doesn't dissuade you from helping someone like me.. But I don't blame you if you do of course..-"
007n7 stated, still looking away as an awkward tension fell before you two. You almost forgot, Almost every survivor disliked 007n7, especially knowing his misdeeds in the past. But you yourself didn't know much about him, only knowing about him being an Exploiter back then. None the less, he seemed to be trying his best to help the team with body blocking despite the situation. You didn't really know how to reply back to 007n7, especially with this heavy tension in the air. You could only look at the man before you with sympathy, before you dropped one of your Adrenaline Shots. While at that, 007n7 looked surprised that you even gave something. He hasn't done anything good for you, has he?..
"..Thank you for your work."
You muttered out, slightly repeating what Builderman said to you. 007n7 looked surprised as he looked at you with such shock. You stood back up and left him with the Dispenser, not bothering to look back as he himself didn't reply to you. Only grabbing the Adrenaline Shot you gave him as he stayed a little longer near the dispenser to heal up.
As you roamed around, with the machines being completed and picking up a Bloxy Cola along the way.. You happened to spot Chance once more, He doesn't seemed to be getting chased anymore, meaning John Doe went after a different target as he was sitting down leaning onto the wall while flipping his coin. He seemed to have spotted you as well as you went up to him.
"..Thanks for the Pills back there, It definitely made me see another day that's for sure. You think you can spare me an Adrenaline Shot at the moment?"
Chance asked, fixing his hat as he had a new gun that was fixed as well. With that, he stood up despite his Injuries as started flipping his coin once more.
"Oh.. Sorry, I can't give one at the moment. I just gave one to 007n7, and I can't give another one for a few seconds. But I do have this.."
You replied, taking out the Bloxy Cola that was hanging off your belt as you gave it to Chance. He only nodded and took the Bloxy Cola you gave him, not bothered by the fact that your Adrenaline Shot was currently unavailable.
"Oh, That Awkward Fella? Its all good, he deserves it for sparing me a hit or two. But Two Time on the other hand... wasn't so lucky to get away."
Chance mentioned, frowning at the thought. You didn't even realize Two Time was dead, looking at the Survivor's list and Two Time was indeed in fact dead. Every other survivor took a hit besides you and Noob, who was probably hiding and doing the last machines for this round.
"..None the less, I appreciate the gesture. Don't worry that fella got transported back to the Lobby and didn't actually die but... It might take you a while to get used to it so that's just a heads up for you."
Chance said, looking at you as he grinned once more. You could only wonder something that happened earlier, and your curiosity got the better of you.
"..Why did your gun explode on you?"
You asked, before a short silence filled the air. Chance's expression went blank, probably remembering the pathetic attempt at trying to stun the killer earlier. until it was replaced with a toothy grin, as he tried forgetting that ever happened.
"That's because I load extra gunpowder in it, nothing more, nothing less.. Its all good though, so you don't have to worry."
Chance stated, trying to save himself some dignity as he continued to flip his coin infront of you, but it always seemed to land on tails. Which seemingly made him more frustrated to say the least. Who wouldn't be?
"Now why would you do that..-"
Chance paused once more from your question, thinking about it before he shrugged, flipping his coin once more as it finally started landing on heads.
"..'cause where's the fun in that?"
He said with a proud grin, before he stopped flipping his coin as he finally got 3 charges. While at that, he started walking away once more.
"I would ask for more Pain Pills, But Shed needs it more right now. I'll go ahead and find either a Medkit or Builderman's dispenser somewhere here, but its best you go to Shed's aid."
Chance said as he left, leaving you more dumbfounded than ever by his own answer. So this little shit just loads in extra gunpowder for shits and giggles.. you could only sigh at his answer, before taking the initiative and got moving once more. After all, Shedletsky and the others still need your help. but you can't help but feel a bit guilty about Two Time's case. Even if you were a support that had healing abilities, your abilities were only there to give relief momentarily. You weren't paying attention to the Survivor Status as well, so you wouldn't even know that Two Time was dead if Chance didn't point it out. You remember how the whole entire fandom hated Two Time specifically, the intense backlash they gets due to their "useless" kit made everybody dislike them. You can't help but reminiscence on the times where Peanut tried to defend Two Time's horrible kit with their own life.
As you walked further and further from the direction you were once from, you could slowly start hearing yells and chattering amongst the silent night. As you got closer and closer, you could spot spikes from the ground. Your definitely getting close. As you ran, you could see John Doe still chasing Shedletsky due to the fact he had half of his health left. With your CD finally over, you used your ability as Shedletsky gained extra health temporarily as the Pain Pills quickly kicked in. John Doe seemed to pause from this, before he slowly turned to you, seemingly fuming with rage.
"..You annoying, little BRAT."
John Doe stated, before he suddenly started chasing you. This was most definitely your queue to run as John Doe followed close by, his anger seemingly reaching its peak from you healing the survivor he was chasing after. Who wouldn't be? After all, you yourself raged when an Elliot healed a survivor you were about to kill back when you were the killer.. Okay, that really shouldn't be the focus right now. Especially considering how close John Doe really was to you and the fact your stamina was running out.
It wasn't long before you felt a sharp pain at your back, being slashed by John Doe. His slashes were absolutely painful, but you weren't dead just yet at least. You got back at your feet as you looped around John Doe, going back to where you left Shedletsky. As you went back, you can see Shedletsky and Builderman with a sentry deployed right in front of them. Before you can even seem to get to them though, Spikes appeared from the ground as not only did it hit you, but blocked the pathway to them as well. Landing onto the ground, you couldn't help but wince in pain. Before you can even try getting up, you were kicked so that you wouldn't be able to. The very person that stood before you was John Doe, who definitely had intentions of murdering you with how bad his glare burned onto you. He scoffed, his spiked arm going under your chin as he forced you to look up to his Malicious Smile.
"..You're out of Luck, you bothersome fool. I'll make sure your first death will be a painful one."
John Doe said, as he was about to strike you with his other clawed hand once more.. Hah, You really fucked up this time, didn't you? Nobody and Nothing can save you now as you closed your eyes and waited for the inevitable until...
[ The Round has Ended. ]
[ Survivors Won. ]
Seeing this New Survivor flailing around on the ground like a pathetic worm felt great. Especially after all the shit they pulled off as well. It was fun at first, but its starting to get irritating knowing this Survivor was another annoying support to say the least. But he couldn't help but Smile, seeing how frightened they really are. A taste of their own medicine, they said. This was just another victim for his own games, as he was about to strike them before..
Everything went black, he was back in the Lobby again. As he processed everything that was happening, he felt his anger rising once more. Grabbing something and throwing it across the room, that very item that was thrown being a Sword. And the person right across him was 1x1x1x1, almost getting hit by the said Sword but none the less remained Unphased as she stayed quiet. What a weirdo.
"..Seems like the new Survivor got under someone's nerves pretty quickly..."
A voice rung out from the room, with c00lkidd stating the obvious. Scoffing from his statement, glaring at the child as c00lkidd immediately put their hands up and shutted up, not wanting to make him angry even more. Jason didn't seem to be present in the main room, probably off to do their own thing. John Doe didn't have any more business done here as he went back to his room, his spiked arm dragging across the floorboards. He only managed to kill 1 survivor from the 7 survivors last round.. He'll make sure he'll wipe them all next time.
"..H0w B0th3rs0m3 1nd3ed."
1x1x1x1 stated, agreeing at John Doe's last statement as he looked up at a screen that was broadcasting the round as the screen only shown a Pain Pill left on the ground before the screen itself finally went away.
You waited for the inevitable to happen, expecting something painful yet.. nothing seemed to happen. Opening your eyes, your back to the Survivor's Lobby as you were sitting on a Table with the other remaining survivors. You actually survived that, and your injuries seemed to be gone. But where it was felt sore and a bit painful if touched to say the least, but what matters was that you survived. Your hands were shaking once more, but this time you couldn't tell if it was from fright because of the experience or if it was from the sheer happiness that you managed to actually survive. Some of the other survivors like 007n7 and Noob seemingly got up from their seats and went away, probably to have either some alone time or back to their room.. or both. Chance got up as well, walking up to Elliot and asking for a Pizza. Two Time was no where to be seen, and Shedletsky and Builderman stood up as well, but seemingly looking at you as they seemed to be relieved.
"..You did well, I'm honestly surprised how ya' managed to survive that
Builderman stated, his accent seemingly slipping in as he looked at you with a furrowed expression. Although his words were definitely sincere, his furrowed expression was practically screaming the fact that he seems to want to scold you for your reckless actions, but didn't as you were new after all, its common for this to happen..
"I wonder how Lucky this New Addition can get.. I swear, you might be even more lucky than Mr. Exploding Gun over here."
Shedletsky stated, mentioning the failed attempt of a stun from Chance as he probably was looking at each survivor status during it to find out what was happening.. Chance came back, with pizza in his hands as he scoffed, frowning as he didn't want to remember that once more.
"..That was only one time during the round...-"
The other survivors started chatting amongst themselves, With Shedletsky and Chance seemingly teasing and making fun of eachother's misses as Builderman just seemed to watch like a disappointed parent while Elliot watched as if he has seen this multiple times already. Everybody seemed to be so well connected already.. well, most of them at least. But something felt off, and you couldn't help but wonder yourself.. Will this Peace last forever? Who knew. But right now, enjoying this moment felt like the right thing to do.
Your enjoyment was definitely short-lived though, as you felt someone pull you away, unable to see who it is as they pulled you away from everybody and out the Cabin without anybody noticing. Looking behind you, you could see Two Time who stared blankly at you. You couldn't help but feel uneasy again as their stare was off-putting to say the least.
"..Oh, Hello... Do you need anything?--"
You asked, looking at them as you noticed they had a few bandages around certain parts of their body where John Doe probably slashed them at. before you can even finish your sentence though, Two Time cutted you off as they were quick with their words.
"007n7 never told you their name during the round, and I'm sure you didn't interact with him earlier.. How did you manage to know and mention his name when you spoke with Chance earlier?"
Two Time stated, mentioning the fact that you slipped up and said 007n7's name when talking to Chance earlier. They were really observant, and you felt like if you lied they wouldn't buy it. You were forced in a tough spot to say the least, this turned out far more worst than expected. Someone is already managing to figure you out and it hasn't been even a week yet. You couldn't help but feel frightened once more, a cold shiver went down your spine as your face to face with Two Time who wants answers. You know that whatever you will plan to answer, there will definitely be consequences for each one.
Major Decision Making up ahead.
Surprise! Interactive Choices appear! It seems like someone already got suspicious of you, and it was Two Time none the less. Whatever you choose WILL affect on how the story would go, so choose wisely!
@takingnap55 @vyn-nn @g4tyjust4tw0 @ilikedrinkingsoda @subspacekisser1 @m-just-call-me-that @yukinaabutlazy @ms-sh0rtcak3 @no-hearts-included @agenteighter @bombcake @jawzwix
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AAAAA... VERY SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!! I've been busy since I'm currently undergoing my last few weeks of the School Year and is heavily bombarded with school work.. Next chapter might take a while to upload considering I still have to finish up every single one of my works, but none the less I'm kind of glad I got this out of the way.
The reason why Reader doesn't maintain their Injuries because of the little headcanon I have where Survivors that DO survive the round will have the luxury to not experience any wounds, while Survivors that do perish in the round are forced to deal with the wounds until all the rounds that are prepared for the day are completed. Then they can actually rest then pray to spawn that it heals up quickly before the next round of 'games.' I thought of this headcanon because I wanted a Punishment for 'failing' to survive the rounds and also because I see Spectre doing this to the Survivors to make them suffer more.. this is further more shown when Reader is faced with Two Time which they had bandages around them, as well as in Chapter 1 with Guest 1337 themselves having bandages around their body when the Reader met them after the round was over.
For this series, theres a lot soon to come! But right now, things are definitely getting more serious. There will still be some silly moments then and there, but there will be more decision making sitiations in the future! I think thats all I have to say for now. Thank you for your patience!
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lynnie-s3all · 12 days ago
here's me trying to think about some scenario.
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Imagine chance just fucking dies right in front of you and you're just there crying because there's no one to save him. Elliot is dead. Everyone doesn't even have a single medkit on them. He's lying by your lap, and asked you to do the final dance with him while the killers already went away.
You grabbed by his waist and grabbed one of his hand and moves slowly step by step by the song. Even though there isn't any, but you can hear the melody in your head. He tried to wipe your tears away while slowly breathes in and out to not make himself lose conscious.
"Don't cry..."
He hates seeing you tear up like this. He doesn't want to lose you too, even when he's slowly reaching up to his final breath. You laid him down once again, and kissed him by the lips. He was getting exhausted already.
The moment he reached your face with his hand,
"I love you..."
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aliusfrater · 5 months ago
okay music i think sam winchester listens to based on what eric kripke and jared padalecki have said about sam (then extended with some stuff i know) and what's featured in the actual show
the cranberries
red hot chilli peppers
the strokes
the smashing pumpkins
the sundays
joni mitchell
david bowie
celine dion
vince vincente (ladyheart)
new order
the jesus and mary chains
red house painters
death cab for cutie
the cure
the killers
the pastels
a wilhelm scream
bon jovi
alice in chains (dean likes this but ONLY when sam puts it on)
the smiths
sonic youth
green day
third eye blind
elliot smith
kate bush
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miko0528 · 5 days ago
a/n: i made this on my period to comfort myself heh... all (almost) forsaken x reader (who has a period i guess..) - (reader goes by they them)
Elliot!: - he panics a bit, but once he calms down when you explain whats happening and how its actually not harmful. - expect a bit more cuddles cause he is worried about you and your health - would and would feed you pizza and keep a bucket near if you ever vomited (a/n: dude this happens to me so much dawg i keep on vomitin-) - makes sure your taking care of yourself (cause you feel most down when your on ur days) - would literally take a whole week off from his job just to be with you and help you around the house
overall, a sweet boi: 10/10 Chance!: - he a bit nervous, but tries to cover their nervousness with a serious face. - if your playing in rounds, they might just stay by your side more, since you are cramping and bleeding constantly (ouch..) - if it gets worse you are staying in his cabin in bed until the round is done - Chance would literally cover you in kisses as he lays with you in bed trust me now- welp, a hot 9/10 007n7: - a dad, who has a son that went insane. - would really like to help you out. - he would've done research if you ever told him about your period. - then suddenly, KABOOM! he comes out of the store with lots of pads and medicines. - ofc, he cuddles and snuggles you :3 - and cook you fooddddddd :3 AUGH UAUGH AUGAUHA GAUAGUH I LOVE 00)7n7 LET ME HAVE HIM 100000000/10 tuah time: - confused if i would say. - if you explain more to them they would get angry. "I'll blame the spawn for this!" they would (maybe) say. - they don't know what to really do, but just cuddle you (ofc) - but they might try to give you some kind of comfort and warmth to calm down your cramps. (or some ritual to take away the cramps.) noob -SCARED builderman: - completely calm with this one, as he heard some situations like that - would make you tea and make you eat light foods, no sweets, no hot foods. (a/n: cause those foods made my cramps worse trust me buddy.) - kissing all day for comfort, yeah... shedletsky: - dawg you told him while he was eating his chicken and he got grossed out so quickly oh gosh... - but, he still takes showers with you no matter what - if ur in a round with him, this cheeky asshole would treat you like you a weak ass princess and protect you.. + he shoves chicken in ur mouth when you ain't eating because of your nausea. (you vomited) guest 1337: - dude he literally lets his guard down just to take care of you - would do anything to find the best cramp medicine for you - so gentle with you while cuddling omggg - if ur in a round with him (aagainnn) and you can't do shit cause owwiweee crampy cramp cramps, expect him to accidentally fling the killer away into the sky if the killer is targetting you. killers john doe: - confused - tries his best to not harm you with his hand when holding you - makes small purrs when trying to comfort you - cuddly boi 1x1x1x1: - ah? the embodiment of hatred? caring for you?! - lets just say: HE BEEN THROUGH IT TOO. - would try her best to kiss you and cuddle you since you're in so much pain and agony - if you two are in a round, he would leave you for last and try not to harm you in any way - watches you from the shadows when you are with your teammates and thats all ;-; *walks away as im cramping like hell rn*
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