#i like got possessed or something cause theres no way i did that
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jalo-parker · 4 months ago
I don't know what's got its teeth in me but I'm about to bite back in anger
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Inspired by a part in the song Take Me Back to Eden by Sleep Token (the part of the song is the caption btw)
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emberunderscore · 3 months ago
guys im going crazy with the edits over here (im sure this has been done with this song before but idc i wanted to)
also guys im going to include the rambling in the actual edit post this time because i actually cannot contain myself . (i went on and on for this one i had a lot of thoughts )
OK BIG ONE COOL ONE WHEN IT SAYS "I'm a worthless human being" there is an overlay during the word "worthless" of the prison scene and the word worthless is layed over sherbert's forehead, think of it like the word worthless and failure going hand in hand because icarus doesn't belive they are worth anything if they are not useful and they cannot be useful if theyre a failure which they wholeheartedly believe they are THATS IT THATS MY FAVORITE PART OF THIS EDIT (not really but shshshshs)
ok back to being in order
"I had left you" and "I forgave you" being right next to each other is SO PERFECT because that part is referencing the cave obviously and immediately after centross dies icarus is like 'get the fuck away from me why did you do that, holy shit you were gonna kill me' and then he tells them he can bring centross back and they immediately forgive him (and its not rlly great editing wise cause obviously theres not much contrast between the clips but the sacrifices we make are very small)
"I forgot you" this line is kinda hard to understand how ive coded it cause centross is on the screen so it kinda makes it seems like im saying they forgot centross but NO! they forgot about fable, they were so focused on bringing centross back that they completely lost sight of fable and his actions and how that hurt everyone around them
then the "said you loved me" I LOVE PUTTING VOICELINES IN EDITS CHAT. I LOVE IT SO MUCH AHHHH. i love when the words and they go together and theyre similar and i go crazy . im knawing at the bars of my enclosure
(i was going to put a voicline of fable's 'you will not survive' from cathedral of war in this part, but only chose not too cause it made the audio too chaotic but its still the clip from when he said that so just KNOW) i really love the "said you'd kill me" part. it just looks really cool to me, please appreciate my work thank you goodnight <3
the text is all shaky, the way ive always imagined this part of the song in my brain is like full mental breakdown, hands pulling at hair hitting at your head . theres something inside of you and you want it OUT and you will hurt yourself to makes that happen . so thats kind of the vibe i wanted to portray, however . im not that skilled and capcut only has so many free text effects so . we make do. i also couldn't put that effect on all the text because for it to look right i couldn't use an 'in' animation for the text so having all of it just appear looked kind of weird so i had to comprimise a little
also the font is called "honest" which . if you know me i love putting subliminal messaging in my font usage when i can which i managed to do a couple times in this edit actually. the font is very jagged which fits for the idea of someone who's reaching their breaking point and all the rotation and bold and italics are all just thrown around there. making em all look interesting . for *flavour*
the other font that's got a cool title and this one i actually only picked because of the title and that's "innocent" its used in a lot of frames like "you possessed me", "you controlled me" and "or he'll hurt me" all times, the word 'me' uses the innocent font, because with the song it sounds like icarus is trying to remove any of the blame from themself, it was fable's fault because he manipulated me i didn't do anything wrong. so they see themself as 'innocent' which is also why that text is yellow cause its about icarus. i wouldn't have used that font if not for the title icl. but it also makes the times when that font isn't used all the more interesting, this can be seen most notably in "said you'd kill me", and both of the times in the "he's still speaking, speaking for me" parts , and i will let you cook on that cause not everything needs to be explained in great detail as much as id like to do that
most of the fonts at this one were just me throwing shit at a wall and seeing what fit the vibe ill be so fr, i knew i wanted a lot of variation cause its a chaotic sounding song and the colours also have very little thought when it comes to the difference between white/yellow/red for the most part . green is for fable and purple is just whatever the fuck i felt like .
final thing i'm going to say when it goes "i'm a [worthless human being" there is no text on that part and i just want it to be known on the record that it wasn't an accident and it was an aethetic choice and i can't come up with a bullshit important reason for why there's no text on the screen for that SINGLE PART and honestly it just looked so shit with text there but it also looks so out of place with it being the only part but im sure many of you didn't even notice there wasnt text there before i pointed it out so . i can also point out all the slightly off timings for you if you wanna see my creation through my critical self-loathing eyes /silly
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morgana-ren · 2 years ago
He seems to indulge them a little more than he would anyone else
He definitely sees them as something more than he should, whether he admits that to himself or not. He saves them on several occasions, tries to interfere if you get sent to hospital or prison. He gives more attention and care to PC than any other of his charges. So What do you think Bailey sees the PC as? What he views their relationship as?
(Bailey is definitely someone with a lot of power in this town, even the Mayor seems scared of him, theres absolutely something more going on with him than just main antagonist, hopefully they expand more on his character soon!)
At first, I was thinking because the PC is obviously the best money maker for them. A little cash cow under their control. It's in his best interest not to let people have their way with you for free, or know that they can get to you in any way that doesn't involve going through him first.
But in truth?
He protects you before that's really the case.
(Realistically, from the game dev's point of view, it's meant as a soft block to keep you from fucking up too badly and ending up somewhere you aren't prepared for and ruining your game before you're ready. I know that.)
When you're an S tier beauty with massive mommy milkers and a can that could make pringles jealous, it's understandable. You're his best little orphan. His prized product. He's got buyers coming through left and right vying for a piece of your ass, and he tells you as much constantly.
(Though... Avery will pay you a lot of money-- almost all of what you pay Bailey, and he does it willingly, so it's not out of the question to think that someone has offered Bailey more than he charges you, but he has turned it down for... one reason or another.)
But what about when you're just a cute little thing, barely big enough for your boots and getting your bearings? Not really sexy or even appealing yet-- just kind of benign and adorable. Sure, he extorts you, and he's a cruel, ruthless motherfucker, but by God, does he bear teeth trying to defend you.
And he gives you four chances. With Robin, it's one payment out, and he sells them off. With you? He's easy by comparison. You don't get off scott free by any means, but he doesn't just sell you to the dock workers.
He openly admits attraction to you when you fuck him, and not just recently either. Straight up admits it.
"You were always the best looking little bitch."
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He's not saying you're the best looking little bitch now that you're impaled on his cock, or even recently, but that he's always noticed your allure. On some level, he's always been aware of his attraction.
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Implies possession. Like this is something he's thought about and contemplated. Like he's always claimed it, and known that it was always his to begin with. Like it was only a matter of time.
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Not something a typical caretaker usually does, me thinks.
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Did I, Bailey? Or did you? Was this inevitable to some degree? Cause it seems like it's been weighing on your mind for a while. Seems like you're trying to convince me— or yourself— that this wasn't your choice. That it was mine.
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Want me to remember you fondly? Or with pleasure? Or knowing that the first time was yours and there was never any question or choice, and that I will always belong to you, no matter where I end up?
I think it's a lot more complicated than he lets on— and he hates it.
Obviously they can't have you seducing the main antagonist or else you'd lose the drive of the game. Bailey is the thing that keeps you working and grinding and playing. Having him soften and open his heart would fuck that unless it was replaced with something else.
But in my mind? Bailey is watching and waiting. Repressed and about to burst. A few careful, tactful actions like you've done before and it might unlock something you're not entirely ready for.
His love wouldn't be soft, or even pretend to be sophisticated like Avery. It's fierce and hateful, with hands that bruise and teeth that bite and chains that constrict. You ruined him, and he'll ruin you in return. If he can't bear to let you go, he'll extract value from you himself.
(let me dream, Vrel, let me dream.)
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pumpkinsy0 · 5 months ago
can you please write hcs of pony when he found out about curly have rebounds after their (messy?) break up when he went to college? like how did he find out? how did he feel?
•tbh i wouldnt say their breakup was messy??? like it wasnt GREAT but coulda gone way worse tbh
•the problem was pony wanted to leave tulsa, but curly didnt wanna just up and leave, he loves his family and cant just let go of being a hood and they would argue about that quite a bit
•so when pony left for where ever the hell he left to, curly didnt see him off, so they aint end on the best of terms
•NOW LET ME EXPLAIN, curly doesnt particularly feel bad over it, but he does feel weak, hes doing it and asking himself “why cant i move on already” and its annoying him so bad cause he just wants to get over the nerd, he wants to feel those feelings he did while w pony and he hates that bc it makes him vunerable
•w pony, he didnt have a specific reason, he just couldnt get over curly and tried getting into relationships, but they never worked out lmao
•they did other things that basically told other ppl “HEY I MISS MY OLD LOVER🗣️🗣️” for example wether curly knew it or not, he would go for ppl w green eyes and for pony, during his calls w darry and soda, he would ask about the shepards but they both knew he was mainly talking about curly
•BUT A GOOD WHILE LATER, ponys on break for a good long while and bumps into curly, he wanted to avoid him but also couldnt help to try and look for him to just SEE him, and that would b enough
•after that, they try avoiding each other however something about these two pull towards the other like magnets and they get back into it again
•they hang out and they get to taking, and after pony talks about his college life, curly talks about his own life and THATS how he found out about the rebounds
now let it b known, ponys not a saint either, hes got some too, maybe not as much as curly, but it is still there
•as for how pony reacted, theres not really, much he can react about, its not like curly CHEATED, they were both not together and away from each other and he just wanted to fix his own feelings, not much pony can b mad at here
•same thing for curly and ponys own rebounds but curlys a bit of a possessive guy so he was a lil more salty over it, but theres not much he can do about it so whateverrr
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scummrevisited · 6 months ago
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tumblr wouldn't let me answer this directly so screencap it is hey anon this answer got way too long so i'll put everything under the cut. how could you tell i have an autism diagnosis, contains major spoilers for tales of monkey island. i already talked abt the events often on my blog but jic DHFG
monkey island? well the first 4 games are just. decent stuff happening, funny protagonist guybrush threepwood just does his silly adventures, not much angst happening there really, some dialogue and events can be interesting to analyze in serious contexts but theyre not really meant to be taken serious, for those 4 games i'll group em together as a 4. not that much going on but theres a few tense moments, but again, not meant to be taken super seriously, i will note in the third game elaine gets turned into a golden statue which logically worries him a lot but once again. not meant to be taken as super tragic angst, another note is at the ending of monkey island 2 where guybrush gets repeatedly stabbed and otherwise hurt via a voodoo doll, the animations accompanied with it look quite painful so i'll give MI2 a 4 for overall and 8 for the ending puzzle
tales of monkey island however? ysee. the first chapter already starts out strong with the fact that. guybrush's left hand is infected by a weird possessive pox he caused. so theres some guilt in there even though hes very stubborn abt the fact he didn't truly cause it, even though he did. but this doesn't go in very deep so i wouldn't take it as real angst yet. his hand is now possessed and sometimes acts on its own and its more geared towards humor, but occasionally has more distressing moments. and it seems like this was gonna be a bit of a bigger plot point? but his hand gets cut off at the start of chapter 2 and its not rlly touched on again HDCFVG
chapters 2 and 3 are decent. there's some moments that touch more on guybrush's character compared to the previous 4 games but i wouldn't say a heavily lot happens, i will say though theres moments where guybrush's worry for elaine being infected by the pox is touched on.
chapter 4.. lord, its basically a whole court room thing a la ace attorney. and its touched on all what guybrush caused. but its more cartoonish and illogical which is kind of what the whole thing is about. those charges are in fact stupid. however in the later parts of the chapter it gets more touched on the actual nasty things he did especially once elaine gets in the courtroom. like yep guybrush youre stupid as hell and causing a lot of problems for everyone. this does get into the realm of angst at times which is true, but not the juice of the series yet, as the chapter goes on however, one of the main cast characters thats been with you since the second third and fourth chapters, morgan leflay, straight up dies. and you find her corpse within one of the rooms and its eeringly silent, only ambience no music, it is in fact a rather touching moment and guybrush himself is rather very distressed about it. this is where the real angst begins and a tonal shift has happened. and really lets you set in that yes, characters do in fact die in a non humor way here. and yes, guybrush gets to realize that no one lives forever
ysee the tonal shift is already felt well throughout, you get to the last puzzle of chapter 4 and all goes well its ending with a classic catch up story cutscene, lechuck whos been turned into a human shows up, fun talks until… lechuck just stabs guybrush straight through the heart. where guybrush says his last words to elaine and he dies. like not even a gotcha fake death hes just actually dead. the chapter ends there.
chapter 5 revolves around guybrush being in the afterlife, he awakens as a ghost in the afterlife, with holding something in his pocket known as the last shred of life. ysee you carry something with you in the afterlife you were truly clutching onto when dying, which differs from every character in the afterlife. you make your way through the afterlife where you meet morgan! which really sets in the fact they both truly Died. and also dabbles more in their relationship! talks of death and how guybrush can still enter the mortal realm bc of his last shred of life, which morgan can't. it does get dabbled with there.
ysee you finally meet elaine again! but youre a ghost! and lechuck is there! and lechuck manages to persuade elaine into becoming his demon bride basically turning her evil. and she straight uses the rootbeer concoction to straight up "kill" ghost guybrush sending him back to the afterlife, which is actually a reference to the first game! where guybrush manages to do the exact same thing to a different ghost. so thats a role reversal for sure. the animation of guybrush being zapped with it looks rather painful too. then you manage to find your own corpse again. which you have to repossess. and you manage that and thus walk around as an undead zombie of some kind. you're finally able to confront lechuck again and he uhh. straight up grabs guybrush by the neck and lifts him up and gets real threatening and uh. punches him. aggressively. straight up beats him up like i'm legit not exaggerating he fucking beats him up.
ysee this is the last puzzle of tales chapter 5. it plays off of the last puzzle formula in the previous games, where your always taken around locations in a timed manner out of ur control. ysee what tales did with this formula is that the way guybrush gets sent to a different location is that he gets fucking punched or kicked there and guybrush sounds like hes in PAIN. theres even a voiceline literally saying hes bleeding. he's absolutely miserable and can barely make his usual funny comments anymore, and still tries to make funny quips but is interrupted by pain or by getting punched. at some point he's literally keelhauled. eventually when you finish the puzzle you sacrifice the last shred of life and youre.. at first suggested to be stuck forever in the afterlife. you sacrificed your last shred of life thus have no way to be in the mortal realm again. and its fucking eerie, much like when you find morgans corpse, the last section of the game finds you at the crossroads unable to go to any other room, no music playing, and pure ambience. it was fucking jarring. eventually you just use the ring on the crossroads and guybrush gets a happy end by being fully back to life as a living humen being but uhh. yeah he went through it. he fucking did dude.
so tales of monkey island? the first 4 chapters i'd say about a 6 bc yeah its silly but the stakes are a bit higher, chapter 4's ending + most of chapter 5 is definitely an 8. and the final puzzle a fucking 10 bc jesus christ man
i haven't played return to monkey island yet so i cannot judge that one just yet, and i'd prefer no spoilers, i'm planning to play return after i finish escape.
i was gonna write about nelson tethers too but i ran out of energy a bit so, anon expect a reblog of this post abt nelson too soon bc man he's fucking going through it as well
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clockworkcheetah · 6 months ago
*shaking your shoulders* hiiiii tell me everything about your thought process behind writing your incredible bangfic the bad dog nerves, inspiration characters writing EVERYTHING it's so good tell us more
hiii getting to talk about my creations!!! ahhh
ok so cause its been a couple of months and my memory is nothingness aka im a little hazy on some stuff. buuuuuut i distinctly remember several things that heavily inspired TBDN im just gonna run my thoughts as they come so i apologise if its incoherent. i am also putting this under a readmore for the sake of everyone. and because spoilers for the fic
first inspo was deathmark2 cause it got its english translation earlier this year (i love deathmark but ill say everytime i talk of it its very difficult to recommend cause it needs so many content warnings). im very much the kinda person who can and will mash fandoms together- ill make those parallels. god cant stop me. basically dm is what got the ball rolling for me- spirits and possession and influenced moods. its only inspired pretty loosely by dm- very much the general concept/brainrot for both fandoms kinda deal. also more horror elements in dghda yes pls
another thing that inspired it was the doctor who ep 'midnight'. that ep was chilling- i think about how you can tell ten is fully awake and aware during his possession and it stuck with me- a+ acting from david. its a fear of mine being fully awake/aware whilst having no control of your body/immobilised and you cant do anything but wait for the inevitable. granted todd leaned more towards anger, or like the five stages of grief, than fear. but that felt more him also cause it went on longer than a few hours (or rather he expresses his fear through anger/lashing out) but i wanted that ugly rawness of it- hes nervous like a bad dog ay ayyyyyyy
(i sorta wish i went harder with it at the end with his scene with dirk, but alas he was burnt out and healing)
also tbh i just love scenes like that in media too. the character is right there! its so close and nobody is helping them so they gotta save their own ass and be a bitch about it
also i just kinda wanted more fics where dirk just fucks up?? like theres no hoops being jumped through to make what he said right (im not exactly a fan of this fanon!dirk where hes this saint who does no wrong/is always right/everyone else is to blame) so that was a goal in mind when writing this- dirk mostly, but also amanda to an extent of being wrong (not like in some horrible malicious way just. you made a bad call. u gotta live with it). also why todd was quicker to forgive farah (or at least be on better terms with her than the others- i really wish i included a convo between them aw well) granted these arent really specific to this fic- i like to have it in other fics, i need those two to fuck up. as well as todd getting to be angry/upset without this notion that he cant cause he did bad things therefore can only be bad, undeserving person forever cause thats how it works obviously (look if i wanted content of todd fucking up id watch the show lemme have something else with fics- ok ill stop being salty now asdfghjkl;)
i also really wanted the aftermath of what happened to be explored (i love the concept of possession/mindcontrol but shows kinda brush it off after the character is freed. like??? youre telling theyre all sunshine and fine now??? no way, theres gonna be a recovery period. aka todds body being weak from literally having zero nutrients, miru not taking care of the body, also learning to have control of his own body again
with the characters or i guess specifically project miru, she wasnt inspired by anything specific. i really like tragic but unsympathetic characters in media so wanted to have a try at it, and to explore the whole riggins' favouritism towards dirk and how the other projects may have felt. idk how well i pulled it off but i had fun writing her interactions with todd even if it was mostly them being dicks to eachother and being a dick to everyone
ok my brain is starting to run on empty so ill close up this haha.
im sure this is universal but when i got the idea of this fic i had the immediate The Scenes™️ for it. they were: amandas confrontation and realising that oh shit it isnt todd the whole time that scene was vivid in my head (also fave scene to write!!) and the other is the final scene with dirk and todd and todd breaking down. todds kinda the 'strong' one of the two (to dirk) and the caretaker- so someone takes care of him and lets him be upset with everyone
but yeah!!! some of my thoughts behind the creation of TBDN 💖🥰🧡 theres stuff i wish i included in the fic and ideas i had after i had already posted but im happy with it regardless. at its core i just wanted some sweet sweet todd whump i wanna traumatise that little man
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
What would happen if eyeless jacks s/o was being targeted by the cult that killed him? (Or remaining members from the cult) like somehow the stars aligned and they somehow found him and his s/o, and chose to target them since yk...going after a human would be a lot easier then going after him
Hunted (Eyeless Jack x reader being tracked by the cult hcs)
you. anon. points. shakes you (/pos) im loving the ej requests and honestly this one!! already love it and im hoping i can do the idea justice!! dont get me wrong i love the basic romance prompts but the drama and action that can come from prompts like this??? WOOOOOOO
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no because imagine some of the remaining members track him down as you proposed. regardless of if they find him through sightings or tracking down his "feeding grounds", they find where he lives. and in turn also find his.. partner
ive got multiple ideas for this so bare with me
idea one: imagine they find you and him together and manage to overpower you both... i think at this point they would view jack as a lost cause and... try to put him down for lack of better wording. they already failed with him with the sacrifice and trying to get that demon they worship to take over his body... though did the ritual even fail? i mean something definitely happened, but... shrugs. too many things to dive into for this prompt but!! but imagine if they decide to use you as a new sacrifice
even worse what if they cant actually kill jack, be it because he cant be killed in any normal means or they dont have the means to do him in.. and hes made to watch. imagine what would be going through his mind. regardless of if you are a successful sacrifice, or youre botched like jack, or you simply die...
on the chance its successful, would it even be fair to say that its still you in there? i mean your body is literally being used as a skin puppet for... something else... gone and disgraced. but if you end up like jack, i think it would be worse. at least with the other option he can say you passed away or that there is hope to get you back.. but you being like him just makes his skin crawl. it feels more final, more personal. he would never wish what had happened to him onto you.. and yet, here you are. i think death, as much as it would hurt and destroy him, would at least give him some finality that you wont have to suffer. many feelings here you know. and again, this is assuming hes forced to watch everything to go down
Idea two: hes captured and you go looking for him... i think, since the cult doesnt know youre around they try to do the ritual right on jack... if it can even be redone.. probably leads to you trying to rush in and get jack out of there; ultimately ending in you either being used as the sacrifice or being offed before the option can even be considered
Idea three: you're taken while waiting for jack at his home. youre ambushed while your partner is away and taken. there will definitely be signs of a struggle and break in, but jack probably wouldnt have many leads of where you went. cursing him to live the rest of his life trying to search for you and figure out what happened to you. on the chance that you survived and returned to him, theres going to be so many questions... and so many more if the ritual was botched..
theres just so many ways to go about this but none of the outcomes and routes sound desirable as they all end in death and tragedy. either someones getting possessed, cursed, or killed... not very good...
but as i reread your request, i come up with another idea. what if they scope you out, by yourself. like how they originally would have done to jack to get him to drop your guard... imagine youre none the wiser, in fact you even talk about your new 'friends' to jack; and he, stupidly, decides to let you have your privacy. can you imagine the guilt that would hit him when the cycle repeats itself and you become a victim? i think he wouldnt know at first, just that youve stop coming to him for a while... i mean he doesnt exactly have many ties to the world outside of his little bubble at home, how could he ever find out?
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voldheart · 11 months ago
How comes Ghost gains a likeness towards Godseeker? (I wanna know mooore about the AU sorrynotsorry)
In Game Godseeker at first was very arrogant towards them and just started to show interest in Ghost, when they reached higher Pantheons. She doesn't strike me as the Kind of Person that would be interested in Rebuilding Hallownest because the Bugs there are no Gods. But feel free to change my mind!
Yeah, theyre not gods to a "Higher being" degree, but she considers them "holy" in some way....? you can actually see statues of vengeflies and husks in the hall of gods Which is kind of funny knowing how lowly she thinks of the knight at first lol
my interpretation is that the "holiness" these bugs possess comes from being under the influence of a higher being, be it Radiance or pk in Hallownest's case (mantis lords being the exception for being cool as fuck), which would explain why she doesn't want to have anything to do with the Knight, as it probably has its own thing going on that she did not understand at the time.
In this case she probably wouldn't care much for the bugs at Dirtmouth since most are new to the kingdom. But now that tk ascended into "godhood", maybe she wouldn't mind them much for being it's friends…? idk
As to why Ghost ends up liking Godseeker, i think that her call for powerful beings might have unintentionally pulled it into godhome, getting it to complete pantheons and, subconsciously, getting interested in her. even through all the insults and everything. i mean who doesnt like a big mean woman am i right  haha *SWEATING*
THOUGH, as to why i believe it feels affection towards her i'll be talking about that below the cut (post got a bit too long sorryy)
ok just to be clear, the knight barely gets any sort of indication of personality in game, this is all just me overanalyzing Every single little crumb of possible person(bug?)hood I could find. which is kind of nothing honestly since all of this could be intentional or not, but i'm feasting on that shit like crazy
1: One thing (and its kind of the main thing that funnily made me descend into this rabbit hole) is that canonically, you can only gift her a delicate flower AFTER completing p2, which by this point it very much knows what she is like. Now i am aware that this could mean literally anything, but i highly doubt it would gift her a flower out of hate or indiference. That shit is hard as hell to deliver.
2: So a while ago i made this gifset about its walking animations. Something that, as I've noted in the post, it normally does when confronted with something important to it... For some reason TC felt compelled to program that for whenever it encountered Godseeker in between pantheons, despite the slight inconvenience it might cause for gameplay, so it was probably not added for that. at the very least i assume that theres a sort of respect it has for her
3: this post team cherry made promoting Godmaster which i find very funny
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4: ok i know this sounds like reaching too hard but im just so obsessed with how despite falling down so violently, it still holds her so very gently here . it's almost as if it puts in the effort to not hurt her in a way. i mean shes standing there on her goddamn bug tippy toes and she barely even budges ? like 🏳️‍🌈?
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5: shes hot asfuckkkkkk i rest my case
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fictionfixations · 1 month ago
link click bridon arc ep 5 reaction
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more lore about how tf ppl get powers or how it works genetics wise or something? idk man my brain is buffering slowly
lu guang said he discovered it when he was 7 right?
also i wonder how they got through this the first time around. lu guang says he knows a lot about this because he knew someone who knew a lot about abilities or something but... first timeline or? or was it that they learned it all first timeline and then thats just him regurgitating what he learned from then?
also theres always some sort of violence that i just cant stomach or like make me queasy or something?? and like one of that includes hitting your head against a sink its just agh fuck man
also tbh black-haired guys who arent xiaoshi i immediately worry is like liu xiao. i feel kinda dumb for not realizing that it was his dad in like the preview LMFAO but also i was stressing
(also him knowing english immediately makes me worry about liu xiao. i cant remember if liu xiao can speak english but i know vein can and theyre connected. somehow. also both antagonists or something)
also fuck we have one more episode what
but like the way lu guang was like careful about the teacher or something had me on high alert and when xiaoshi started cheating i just knew he was prob gonna get caught
also what was with that interference?? lu guang said it was d but xiaoshi didnt hear it??? but it mightve been intentional and that she was meant to get caught cheating?
also watching that made me wonder if what if they used that ability to cheat in school or something LMFAO. like like either lu guang is very smart and can figure out the answers or its that he knows the answer because he saw the future. so like
if xiaoshi somehow managed to convince lu guang to help him pass like an exam... LMFAO lu guang would probably never but still. then i forgot this line of thought because STRESS
also AAHH again more stress of xiaoshi please dont say something that the person youre possessing wouldnt normally say or tick someone off of oh youre acting strange or what are you talking about or how do you know this and oh poor baby is venting
to his dad. who might be dead.
the rather helping strangers then like going to your own son or something something i forget the line just screams very personal. like okay from an outsider pov what he says can be excused as the girl saying it but okay that line.. it wont really stand out just knowing what we know and that its xiaoshi. oh my heart.
also am i tripping or does that little kid kinda look like xia fei. i think its just cause he was blonde. i almost typed blind LMFAO
ahahaha lu guang.. you good?? facing xiaoshi's once-in-a-timeline murderer?.. again?? i dont know man i dont know if i would be willing to work with someone who killed someone dear to me, or even just using them 😭
'you look tasty' XIAOSHI PLEASE. for a second i wasnt sure if it was like he just copied what vein said the first time but then i realized vein probably taught him to it for sure
'serve me' !!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
oh is the post credit like a anti-bullying thing? i dunno chinese but i heard they did the same for when the episodes in s2 with like the domestic abuse happened i think/
also actually i need to know. apparently vein is like a cannibal or something. w h e r e . ive barely seen like the pvs for bridon arc (if episode previews count ive seen them but not really much else) and i havent seen the songs either
like idk ive seen people talk about it and im just like WHERE do you get them from !?!?!?!?!?
also what are the chances episode 6 is an hour long? cause i feel like theres still a lot to uncover before the end..
i dont know how to feel about the ep 6 preview
like LISTEN the last few previews have had me absolutely stressing and now ive gone full circle to okay. okay. acceptance. okay.
im worried. but. but this is FINE ahahahahhaha
imagine the ending is they just fucking die 😭
what if xia fei dies?
wait a second
i keep forgetting this is in the past
like in regards to liu xiao that his stuff in like s2 of him doing SOMETHING hasnt come to fruition yet
im gonna be honest i forgot what like he intends to do (back in s2 i think he was at least planning or starting something of uh oh we're gonna have more struggles in s3?)
but. hm.
maybe the ending will be loose ends that will then get tied in s3 or something
also apparently theres a bridon arc bingo 💀💀💀???
also i liked it better when we didnt have to deal with villains with abilities like us /j
for obvious reasons thats a joke but also bruh there was significantly less struggling on gaining the upperhand when we were the ones with abilities and that was it 😭😭😭
..fuck im so worried
so we have a mind reader huh.
couldnt that have the potential to fuck with the timeline?
like so what if xiaoshi is possessing someone and the mind reader reads his mind and knows stuff that happen in the future then and then changes what they do or if they read lu guang's mind
or would that then become fate that that would happen and so in the end nothing would change because thats how its meant to be?
i need to stop thinking about this im just gonna be worrying to next week 💀
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teecupangel · 2 years ago
I need a dose Ezio Fix-It and Desmond Being Alive and Badass, so imagine: Desmond sends Ezio back in time to save his family and when Ezio comes to theres this head sized smooth stone next to him. It is as white as snow with red "veins" running thru it and it glows so golden in Eagle Vision it almost hurts to look at. Not sure what else to do with it he takes it with him to his family home. His father asks where he got such a precious stone and all Ezio can think to say to be able to keep it is: "I found it hidden in some abandoned building, my Sight led me to it". His father decides that as long as no one misses it, Ezio can keep it. Once that is over with, Ezio gathers proof of the conspiracy and foils Ulberto's immediate plans. But the Pazzi gets desperate and sets the palazzo on fire in an attempt to get rid of witnesses to keep the conspiracy hidden. Ezio grabs the stone from a shelf near the bed and helps his family escape, but the entrance gets blocked and he tries to find another way out. Except, the roof collapses on him. As the flames rise and the heat increases, all he can think of is that at least his family gets to live. Federico will make a great assassin and maybe he will become the mentor Ezio was in his previous life? That would make Ezio so proud. Claudia definetly became a great assassin once he let her. Hopefully Federico and Father will see more sense than he did.
All Ezio feels before he gives in to unconciousness is peace and gratitude towards Desmond, for this chance to save his family. Hopefully he'll see him on the other side, maybe even with his Leonardo? He misses the old Maestro. That would be nice.....
Ezio did not expect to wake up, but hes glad none the less. Hmm, his back hurts from the ceiling falling on him and hes laying on his stomach, but other than that nothing hurts. Looking at his arms hes apperantly naked and covered in sooth and ash, but theres not even a blister from the heat. The fire didnt hurt him? He then becomes aware of the feeling of something pressed next to his side. Looking he sees what he can only call a dragon. Its pure white with red accents on its spikes and talons. It actually looks alot like the stone? Wait, the stone was a dragon egg!? The dragon opens its eyes when he starts moving and it looks at him with such deep brown eyes that Ezio suddenly feels such unexplainable deep love and joy in his mind, along with a simple name whispered in his thoughts: "Ezio"
Basically: Assassin's Creed with Games of Thrones dragons and fire immunity, with the mind bond from the Inheritance cycle cause Desmond copes with cracking jokes and hes allowed to cope/make Ezio laugh whenever he feels sad.
Ezios family is so relieved to see him alive, but shocked when he just shows them a baby dragon. Like: "This is Desmond, he hatched from the pretty stone i found and now hes mine". They just kinda go with it, cause what are you supposed to do in this situation? Take the fiery murder reptile from your absolutely soot covered, barely (stolen)clothed child? Yeah, thats not gonna work.
When they go to Monteriggioni Desmond and Ezio end up sleeping in the Sanctuary once Desmond gets too big for the bedroom, cause thats the only place large enough for a dragon that is clearly going to get big. And Desmond kinda turns into his lair, cause a dragon gotta have a lair with treasure! It is a must! Too bad he cant kidnap maidens, but honestly Ezio gets around enough that Desmond guesses it evens out. Still gotta have a pile of gold to sleep on, definetly.
Here’s a Desmond gets turned into a dragon idea I’ve written before as well.
For this one, Desmond would definitely start the hoard in the Sanctuary and his most prized possession would be the Statue of Armor of Altaïr. He definitely melted the bars but he still won’t give them to Ezio until he gives Desmond the Assassin keys. Also, Maria would be handling the finances of Monteriggioni with Claudia’s help (while Claudia is slowly chipping away Giovanni’s resolve to not let Claudia be an Assassin using a combination of her own brand of Auditore stubbornness and strongarming her brothers to join her cause) and they decide to put their money and extremely valuable items in the Sanctuary after a few cases of Desmond finding ways to get them anyway even when he’s getting too big to do such thing. At the end, Desmond’s hoard is more like the Auditore’s private bank and he lets them take money from it since it’s more of a ‘family account’.
Leonardo also paints him in his hoard but Desmond looked half-majestic, half-lazy in his painting instead of fierce which Ezio comments are actually very accurate of the kind of dragon Desmond is.
Thankfully, Maria and Claudia are very good at what they do and Ezio and Federico are bringing in a lot of money because they do need a lot of livestock to feed to Desmond. Mario once joked that they could feed Desmond the body of their enemies and that scared Desmond so bad he tried eating only grass for a week.
Three days.
They soon realized that grass, fruits and vegetables don’t have the necessary nutrients a dragon needs to survive and Desmond’s white scales started falling off (making Desmond shout at Ezio telepathically with a “Am I going bald?! Is this the dragon version of getting bald?!”)
On the other hand, the best place to stay in the villa when it’s called is in the Sanctuary because Desmond runs hot. Not hot enough to burn but a pleasant heat that makes people sleepy.
And then they get the Apple of Eden and placed it in the Sanctuary for safekeeping and…
Desmond turns it into a batting toy like a cat with a yarn ball.
(In his defense, he was just trying to use it but it seemed getting turned into a dragon meant he was now unable to use POEs which sucks ‘cause he’d really like to know why he was a freaking dragon of all things)
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ricecaqes · 2 months ago
actually about that last post i would like to share some of my favorite dreams ive ever had because its always some crazy shit. ill do quick summaries bc describing them would take a million years but id be more than happy to expand on them if someone sends an ask or something about one. ill list my favorites under the cut
scary bear: a hollow knight glitch turned urban legend where theres a blue bear out in the woods. if you see it you are doomed to go insane and probably die to it. and also hes invisible and fades in and out of vision sometimes.
hedgehog meal: ate a “hedgehog meal” with a group of people from the highschool theater club. the meal was a mix of dirt and milk. after that we got our student ids scanned and tough skin grew over our faces preventing us from seeing or breathing
stephen king dream: i genuinely think this dream was the result of me getting possessed or something in my sleep. i cannot summarize it. titled stephen king dream cause my dad said it sounded like something out of his books
shadow the hedgehog has mange: i leave to see the sonic musical on broadway with my mom but on the way we find shadow the hedgehog and he has mange and he attacks the car
hanging mario: a little boy has a birthday party in a room of my house that leads to the void. across the room is a closet. it opens and everyone cheers; “oh my god its hanging mario!!!!!” I then see a face so horrifying emerge from the door that i wake up and cant stop seeing it while im blinking awake
red wolf: this one was really just kind of beautiful. i was searching for this white wolf with a red tail and i found it on the verge of a beautiful forest and when i followed it in i got to meet this beautiful pack of weird dog wolf things and it was awesome. it was such a strange vibe its important to me
grandma arg: i remember the tail end of an arg told through vhs tapes that was also real . there was a flashback to a grandma being angry and then falling down the stairs and the camera cut to a room of her skeleton with her bones spread all over the place. and her family walks in and realizes what happened. What did happen? Idfk.
tf2 at my house: sniper, heavy, and miss pauling came to my house to kill me. sniper shot out my left eye. many other things happened
idk here are screenshots of other ones that are funny. I love my dreams
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I hate Dark sun he gives me a truama response but
This is an extension of something I've on him actually being a future version of sun what if he's only says he's planning to help the suns because he knows all suns are secretly egotistical he knows its useless to even try to get him to listen but the thing is In a way he isn't lying
He is doing it for sun because think of it like this a moon is a sun's most important possession but imagine by his time he only realised this when it way to late
Things spiraled at got worst just because sun never could do the basic and best for his brother an the fandom doesen't help he knows they were one of the problems due to their tendency to exaggerate some peoples truama and ignore others and the fact that sun actually deliberately encouraged that mentality in the Q&A session beforehand so being strait up truthful was out of the question
What I think happened in the future is that sun never even considered that moon could ever be a target even through He was since the very first arch
This target allways resulted I him getting the worst treatment yet sun didn't treat it like it was sun said he doesn't blame him for having a killcode Now but he certainly did in the past and he only cared about himself getting over it he didn't care about how moon felt about it that's something that's been consistent with sun
Now what if dark sun came back just before things truely started spiralling before some very bad people found out how easily moon can reproduce what if this was what he was actually designed for
Or the reason he was making weapons for the Mafia was cause it was actually as a form of protection by Sonia cause she can hide the fact he's a robot under the quise of a job if she didn't then theres a good chance they would damand him instead
entertainment comes to take him off sun because of sun's failure to take proper care of him
Point is theres alot of people that can take moon away and dark sun is warning because that's how his moon ended up the way he did I know I've only seen a partially animatic of his moon but what if his moon wasn't infected with a killcode he had a eclipse growing inside of him that he clearly did not want
So darksun would want sun to stop them from taking him when he couldn't
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evansbby · 9 months ago
wg 4. Was absolutely beautiful. So many things happened at once. My heart was filled with warmth and agony. I cried for steve and i felt readers guilt and pain. I see how both genuinely loved reader and its really difficult to pick who should reader end up with. But anyways i dont care what anyone will say bur team steve till the day i die (open for debate)
both ari and steve have both pros and cons.
I could see steve really atoned for what hes done. His psychological pain, struggles and especially his parents around was clearly evident to why hes become that way. Yes, it was no excuse for forcing himself on reader but Ari is not any better. To me, steve did not care if reader picked him but he did care if she picked ari because hes aware of what ari is capable of. Steve in that moment did not saw reader as a possession, all he wanted from reader was her forgiveness and he could finally be in peace. Comfortably numb. AJDHJS i know i sound biased cause im team steve but like its probably because of i got alota say for ari. If reader chooses Steve its either gonna go well or not. It will go well, if steve learns to cope properly and control his anger during pressure and argument (which happens alot if youre a couple) so if he starts punching walls when both of them are in a disagreement thats gonna be traumatic for reader. So if hes really sorry he should seek therapy, and solely rely on alcohol and pills to keep him calm. The thought of reader should be his inspiration and motivation to be calm (if ever the end up PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPELASDE I CANT HANDLE THIS AT ALL, IT SHOULD BE HIM OR NON OF THEM.) because the fact he warned reader about ari, it is like hes doing that for her own good not for her to run toward steve instead. Do i make sense? Both of them said sorry but the way they said sorry and the intentions behind that sorry is different. Im yapping alot but i hope this makes sense. Like i hope my yappin is not spiraling everywhereJDGJSH. Also later at the end, my heart broke for steve. The way he had the courage to attempt that as if he got no one in this world for him to stay here is so sad. Hes kicked out of the team, his sister is a mess and hes left to pick up the pieces while hes got a problem of his own too. His sisters pain doubles the weight he carries on his shoulders with his own pain, his parents are too busy which leaves the two of them neglected, and now reader who he scared away. The only warmth in his dark and cold world. I just pity him so much, and i could see that he really regrets it so much that its eating him alive. Its like he felt so shitty that he thinks he has no right to even stay in this world.
for ari;
i think hes way too fast. I know you guys fell immediately after he took her to the woods. Admittedly, it is beautifully peaceful. Like theres no one other but them, that no one could ruin the bond they have. I could feel he genuinely loves reader, and he was really sorry, but that is not enough. He cant run away from the people hes hurt in the past and leave them behind while he lives the dream and future he created for reader. If he wants to live his happily ever after with reader, he has to make amends to those he have hurt. Kira, sharon, and the hundreds of girls hes played with before he met reader. This future he promised is too good to be true. Thats what he always does, promising things he cant keep. He promised that he’ll break up with sharon and how long did that take? It took for reader to lose it and break down for him to finally do. And there he goes again, he promises his success and the family they’ll make together but is it really that simple? Its so subtle, hes seeing reader as something to claim and control, like the part he said reader cant be a model. When he barged in to her room with sandwiches it was like nothing happened. When he said he did not care about sharon more than he does with reader, it just means he did not care the damaged hes cost others but he only cared about the damaged hes cost reader. Reader has been through alot and so does the people hes hurt like sharon. So before he promises the world to reader, start anew, he must address the broken glasses he left behind. Sharon and the other girl’s broken heart, and the mental damage he caused kira. The way ari said sorry, it seems like he expected for everything to fall right back into place after he did. “I told you i said sorry” just sorry? Yes he tried to win back reader with the picnic and his compliments but in order to do that he must ACTUALLY change for the better, not just for reader. He needs to explain himself to sharon, to kira. And reader must also explain herself properly to sharon without getting herself interrupted. Yes it is not an excuse but it is a REASON, for them to see a different perspective on to why it happened. Ari has built a perfect future for him and reader, without addressing the futures he ruined for others first
OKAY FIRST OF ALL, let me just say how much i appreciate this wonderful analysis you've just sent me. like seriously, it was a joy to read. to have someone be so passionate about the characters i've invented is such a surreal feeling. bc I AM ALSO this passionate about them! they are my babies fr! my fucked up babies bahahah
so with your steve analysis, firstly, this part of what you said really resonated with me: "To me, steve did not care if reader picked him but he did care if she picked ari" part of this is so true bestie, because steve REALLY REALLY did not want her to pick ari. like this man is ari's number one hater. if ari has no haters, that means steve is dead. LMFAOO. but anyways, i do disagree with the first part though bc steve definitely cared if reader picked him. because steve was RELYING on reader picking him, in his head, if she didn't pick him, if she didn't even forgive him... then he had nothing left to live for :(( one of my aims this chapter was to show a different side to steve, and show a little bit of why he is the way he is. and i think a lot of people feel sorry for him now and are rooting for him - which was my goal! bc i want the steve fanbase and ari fanbase to be equal, which i think it is now hahahah.
ALSO LMAOOO you do not like ari, do you?? Okay but when you said this part: "He cant run away from the people hes hurt in the past and leave them behind while he lives the dream and future he created for reader." YESSS YOU REALLY ATE WITH THAT! bc has ari truly changed into a better person... or is he a better person but ONLY WITH READER. bc there's a huge difference! BUT ALSOOO lemme defend Ari a little bit here... sure he barged into her room with the cheese sandwiches but steve also jumped in through reader's window and waited outside her dorm room... so like... they're BOTH giving stalker vibes i can't lie! And also, yeah Ari was acting kinda cocky but i believe his apologies were genuine. being cocky is just part of his personality hehe, he can't lose that even if he develops into a better person.
ALTHOUGH NGL GIRLIE YOU READ ARI TO FILTH ADALSGNSKL "he's always promising a future he can't keep" GIRLLLLL wg!Ari should be scared of you FR kalngalndkngf
BUT THANK YOU for this amazing incredible analysis ily ily ily
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isaacathom · 6 months ago
very normal about last nights session entirely because in the post-game my gm offhandedly went 'you're assuming theres a good outcome [to the impending confrontation with Mariela]' and thus my brain started running fucking rampant about what the fuck could possibly happen and i am Afraid
so, in brief. naielle kidnapped her sister mariela to prevent her from tearing a hole in reality, and when she brought her back with her to the main plot, Mariela got forcefully made a warlock of naielles patron. marielas been highkey plotting to kill naielle for a while, but the two had come to something of an understanding about their situation, the fact that naielle was sincerely genuinely sorry about it, and that they actually had a way to get them both out of the pact.
however, before this could happen, twin aboleths unleashed a Wish spell on a nigh-divine scale, intending to unwrite the expedition naielle is apart of which has been opposing their forces. this has fucked with a lot of shit, and notably causes problems for mariela.
the way the wish has worked is that it worked backwards to find the spot to rewrite from - the expedition's departure - and changed that event, and then has filled in the subsequent ~year up to the present day, which is the day they unleashed the wish. however, this rewrite is not perfect. while the majority of people dont remember the original timeline, some do, and many of them actually possess the powers they would have without realising it. for instance, while naielle started the campaign as a lvl1 warlock, and thus in this reality should still be a lvl1 warlock, she is actually lvl 13.
which means that mariela, having never been kidnapped, and thus should not be a warlock, DOES have that extant connection to their patron.
there are other things. since naielle was not in the expedition, and as a result several things did not occur, she never teleported home to marry her fiancee, and THUS never aided in the capture of her sister. meaning the holes in reality WERE created. mariela was not stopped in this task (which has some other implications due to how naielle stopped her originally, but naielle doesnt remember that yet)
so, there are holes in reality, which have been used in the loal war, and which have resulted in mariela's side clearly winning and naielle's clearly losing. like indisputedly.
A consequence, at some point in this chain, is that Mariela appears to have gotten Fucked Up. she wields the power of the unravelling of reality, she HAS the warlock powers with an unclear amount of knowledge as to where she acquired them, and has possibly been contacted or manipulated by the twin aboleths who started all this. the amount of meddling isn't clear. but she's supercharged, furious, and inbound.
the party is aware of the weird timeline shit, and is in the process of fixing it. this requires destroying a specific artifact - the scroll which declared the expedition cancelled. this is easier said than done, being of nigh-divinity requiring like power to destroy.
for which there are options :)
Naielle channels the full might of her warlock patron, briefly becoming a mortal demigod and destroying the artifact, at the cost of becoming an aspect of her patron. this is apotheosis, something naielle has been avoiding in the prime timeline
the party find some means of throwing the artifact into one of the holes in reality, ideally rending it asunder (?) and thus destroying it
3. "sever the bond of [naielle's] kin"
this obviously means mariela, though naielle does not know that.
so! thats great. delightful.
so obviously, with regards to a 'good outcome' for naielle and mariela, both need to survive this event. now, dying in this reality before it is 'corrected' is not in and of itself a death sentence, as evidenced by a few characters who were dead originally who are not currently (bc the events that lead to their death never occurred, or some external force got involved). HOWEVER. ascension to the astral sea, as in the case of naielle achieving apotheosis, would be a reality-withstanding "death" (she technically isnt dead but she doesnt get to continue being on the material plane, i tell you what).
'severing the bond of kin', similarly, would. probably kill mariela 'permanently'. like this cant be Good. it cant just be as simply as killing her once. it would be sort of primal, given the transformation she appears to have undergone. the nature of her connection to our patron isn't Good and Normal (its actively killing the patron, which is Cool). its. its not good in here!
so now its like oooooh. this might not end well at all. i was prepared for naielle to have to help kill mariela, and then in the fixed reality have to grapple with that and apologising and so on. but there might be like. PERMANENT consequences. which. ooooooh. ooooooooh nooooooooooo
and the bit that hurts that little bit more. that makes it a little bit more painful, especially for naielle?
the last thing mariela said to her, before the encounter where the aboleths activated the dread wish?
"Don't die. Only I'm allowed to do that."
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What Gauntlet Red looks like, and how the glitches kicked him in the face
[February 2, 2023]
anyone know of any arts/ visual design things for gauntlet red?
oh yeah theres that white hat i uded on the pin
From what I know, he just wears lots of white stuff. The sprite on Run Status got changed to something else a bit ago but it used to be exactly what I said.
yeaah i found a whit sprite of his
i def referenced that for his pin bc i gave him a white hat.
was confused where the hat came from since his current runbar sprite has a red hat, lol
I think we were gaslit by that sprite change.
white hat red doesnt exist. white hat red is a figment of your imagination
reds always have red hats, you fool
'what about ceecee?'
ceecee doesnt exist
'waht about-'
no reds have green hats, you fool, green hats are luigis
Oh no.
or pepes
I mean, I drew one for him but I think most have him in a white vest instead
like so
Okay I'm spamming at this point, but I forgot about this piece and it's cool
Also this may be hard to see but due to Kelcyus deleting their account, the bottom row has the gauntlet kids
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ehes worn both black and white! stunning lad
@Haji is yours meant to look like hes wearing lipstick? cus i dig it
Knowing him? Very well could be :tppWowee:
tis but the nature of nature!
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..i dont really like my pin of him..
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hes got the hairbanana before pk got the hair banana
got metal tiped workgloves or gardening gloves. he has gardener vibes
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his flat cap was a mistake, my brain was farting so bad when drawing his hat, i wrangled with it so much (within the speedy time i was trying to get though these)
but its cute
g.red if he wasnt in a cult right here
garnening boy
would b good friends with dippy
So one of the things about Gauntlet Red is there's two main branches of lore. 1) that this is a reset timeline and Red has a chance to change things. 2) The kid isn't even named "Red", he's grown up in the Cult of Helix and was told he was going to be the next Red and bring the second coming of Lord Helix and whatnot and somewhere along the line, he said fuck dat shit. He was one of those kids who went off the deep end into full rebel nature after getting away from the church to a dangerous point
in my lore the latter angle led to straight up possession :Keepo:
At the end, we were given free time to do Glitchmancy (there had been a patch in place before HoF) and we're told the game would either end when the timer ran out or we crashed the game.
.... We crashed the game :tppWowee:
I think this was inevitable for us
Just like it was inevitable that AshGrey was going to be massively derailed by chat
they gave chat a challenge. what did they expect to happen
And yeah, as Sol said, that was one idea to what happened after the crash. Red was checking out the glitches off the coast of Cinnabar, we ran into a wild Tentacool and I think the crash was caused by our Ditto, but I'm not sure. Either way, lore said he either lost out to the glitch and got possessed / corrupted or he drowned. Possession seemed WAY more likely when we did the Mt. Silver battle in Crystal where we fought Red0 and then suddenly he got replaced by original Red so Dippy had to take on both of them
Cooltrainer is one of the most volatile things in Gen 1
it was inevitable :Kappa:
corruption ehh?- wow it just went white huh
just frikkin caput
Yup! Just like that, he was gone :tppSpinarak:
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just leavbing screancap here bc boy does this come and go like capow
gen 1 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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trippygalaxy · 1 month ago
Sir Raven is a character only found in the Oracle of Ages manga, as he is not seen in the original Game boy colour. The main reason he is likely not in the games is due to the role that he plays in the mangas, a knightly aid and mentor figure to Link. ((ALSO! For reference, just to connect it to LU to make it make a little more sense, the Link is oracle of ages/seasons is likely the same Link and thus is connected to Legend!))
When Link is transported back in time by the Harp of Ages, he finds himself not only in a new age but also not Hyrule! He finds himself in a land called Labrynna, but before he can get a full understanding, he sees what seems to be towns people being forced to construct this huge tower, some soldiers tell him to get to work but Link obviously does not and peace's out. But he isn't able to get very far before being cut off by Sir Raven, who is a knight under the Queen and remarkably the only Hyilan in this new land. Link and Raven have a bit of a scuffle before Link tries and runs but gets knocked out by Raven who was easily about to catch up to him. Bringing the boy back to the Queen -who has an advisor who is possessed by a evil and slowly corrupting the queen- who thanks Raven, but the advisor demands that the boy is executed for his defiance while Sir Raven gently bargains for a lesser punishment as Link was still just a boy, but his request is harshly denied and he is dismissed.
After Link finds himself awaken in a cell with a fishing hook not too far from the bars, using said hook he was able to picklock the lock and get out! But he notices the figure from before -Sir Raven- and decides to follow him.
After finding the knight, he sees the man is calmly fishing alongside his calm horse. Raven had known the boy was following him and quickly asks the boy for help with reeling in a fish, which Link quickly does but while helping the knight, he notices that the fishing hooks that Raven is using is the same one that had been dropped by his cell!
Its later revealed that Sir Raven had clearly noticed that something was wrong with the new advisor of the Queen and how it bothered him how the queen was so easily turned into a puppet. The knight, alongside a few towns folk, have been quietly planning a rebellion against the corrupt Queen, but they couldn't do much if all of the people in said rebellion got caught and forced to work, which is why the people are living in a hidden Village behind a graveyard. Link reveals a few things to the villagers and Raven, but through his time there, Link finds out that Raven was actually a knight of Hyrule and was on a journey to improve his swordsmanship before joining the Queen's army, he also finds out that Sir Raven is a very kind and social man who will talk to anyone no matter their way of life, that he has a strange amount of knowledge when it came to medicine, whats happening in town and how to grow odd crops.
Sir Raven, by the Queen knowledge, was a model knight and did not know of his growing rebellion he aided. And through these conversations is when Link remembers an old painting his grandparents had, of a model hyrulian knight that was a long past ancestor.
And theres obviously more after this, as the manga goes on but heres like, the main traits of the man.
He is very kind
Keeps to himself but is a charming man who's very humble
'Do anything for the cause, do anything to protect the people i fight for'
Very clever in wit
stern man with soft sides, makes a few jokes but stays calm and serious
Theres also a few theories about him but that can be for later if you're still interested! sorry for the long rant-- i could of made this shorterhdsjafhjafja
I will gladly info dump about sir raven to you if you wanna know more about him!
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