#i left it up to you whether it was for gavin or nines
pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
If you feel like it , can I request an angsty fluff request. (Connor and Nines or Nines ) X female reader . Where Gavin berates Reader like he did with Connor in the game .. and it bothers them (LED flicks yellow red ) ...
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A/N: This turned out to be a bit more of Connor x reader though I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Summary: The request
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Gavin being a dick, Connor and Nines post deviancy, fem!reader
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Blending in with her new coworkers at the DPD proved to be more difficult than (Y/N) had originally anticipated.
For the few months she had worked as a detective at the Detroit police department, she had come to learn the hard way that some of her colleagues abruptly refused to have any relation with her whatsoever. Despite befriending quite a few colleagues, it still pained her she couldn’t freely chat with all of her coworkers. Yet she accepted the fact she couldn’t be friends with everyone, but what she couldn’t wrap her mind around was the rudeness detective Gavin Reed had towards her. His unreasonable discourtesy often got out of hand to the point where (Y/N) actively avoided him.
Whether it was irony or some twisted test the universe forced her to endure, she got paired with no other than detective Reed himself to investigate murders that seemed to be connected. To say (Y/N) was excited for this assignment would’ve been a lie. Well at first, she was glad to work on such intriguing and complex case up until Fowler announced Reed as her partner. Even though she tried her best to negotiate with her supervisor it was no use- she had no other option, but to withdraw and accept her fate.
Despite getting upset with the news, she tried her best to not let Gavin’s immature antics get in the way of her work. Even though (Y/N) tried to keep her composure -and even succeed for the most part- there was a drastic change in her otherwise warm demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by her android friends, who immediately picked up something different about her no one else could. Throughout the time the two androids knew (Y/N), they have learned a lot -if not everything- about her; her facial expressions and body language gave away everything about her both Connor and Nines needed to know.
Simultaneously checking her vitals and using her body language as an indicator for her mood had become a habit the two androids had developed; it was form of an indirect checkup to make sure (Y/N) was well and healthy, so they instantly noticed the worry in her features and in the way she behaved. At first, wanting to avoid further upsetting her, the two detectives didn’t question her. Yet they discussed their observations silently via data transmission even in times when she was present.
“It appears she is still troubled. Her dopamine levels are lower than usual.” Connor’s LED flashed in a glowing amber.
“I am positive she is indeed upset, but the cause still remains unidentified.” Nines’ head tilted slightly.
“For the most advanced prototype ever created, you do seem to not live up to the assets you should possess.”  The tiniest of smiles curled the corners of his lips.
“Enough.” Nines’ harsh voice took (Y/N) by surprise; she stopped talking as quick as she had begun and took a closer look at the boys. Were they communicating via telepathy?
“Am I interrupting something?” She raised her brow at them; the two looked back at her.
“No, no.” Nines began explaining “Connor was simply overloading my system with unnecessary data.” He went on, striking his predecessor with a stern look, who now looked at his feet in embarrassment.
“Okay, sure.” She rolled her eyes, buying none of it though she didn’t question them further. “Now if you don’t mind I gotta go. Duty calls.” She winked as she headed towards Gavin’s desk. She let out a deep sigh as if to collect any willpower she had left to put up with him for yet another day.
“Your ass finally decided to show up!” Gavin snickered through his shit-eating grin.
“Yeah, I’m glad to see you too, Reed!” She rolled her eyes as she sat across him, immediately busying herself with reports.
“You know it would’ve been nice if you smile for once. Hate to see your pretty face so grumpy.” He commented in his typical mocking tone.
“I don’t know about that, but maybe I will look happier if you shut up for once.” She gave him the fakest of smiles, fighting the growing urge to punch him in the face.
“Now let’s stop bitching and get back to work. These reports won’t write themselves.”
“What the hell is your problem?”  (Y/N) raised her voice, catching the attention of the two androids that happened to have witnessed the whole situation.
“Unlike you, I just want to get my job done.” Gavin stated as he typed away at his keyboard, not even glancing her way. She scoffed in response.
“You’re un- fucking -believable!” She stormed into the breakroom; tears formed in the corners of her eyes- she couldn’t bear it.
“Go after (Y/N)“ Nines’ LED flooded with multiple colors as he transferred the message to his predecessor, who already thought the same thing. "I’ll take care of detective Reed.” Connor shot him a brief look of puzzlement only to notice the bright red of his LED, but decided against stopping him- whatever was coming Gavin’s way was most definitely deserved.
Entering the break room, Connor was met with the sight of (Y/N) silently sitting on a table, the soft sounds of sobs being the only noise that echoed in the empty space.
“Detective” His hand gently landed on her shoulder; carefully, he rubbed her skin through the fabric of her clothes in a soothing manner, in hopes of calming her down. “May I help?”
“How?” Her head rose from the palms of her hands that have guarded her vulnerability, being her pained look, only to reveal the hopelessness woven in the (E/C) of her eyes. “There’s nothing we could do. No matter how many times I tried to be nice and understanding nothing seems to do it. He just hates my guts.” Another set of tears rolled down her cheeks, followed by a hiccup.
Connor had never seen her like this and he soon grew to resent it; the feelings of anger and disappointment grew within him. How could he have not noticed the root of the problem earlier? He quickly pushed these thoughts aside, for he had a far more urgent task- to take care of his friend.
“Humans tend to do many unreasonable and irrational things, one of them being their communication with others.” He began explaining all the while he filled a glass of water to give to (Y/N). “I came to learn that from my very first interaction with a human. Believe it or not, I had difficulties with detective Reed myself.”
“Really?” Curiosity flashed in her puffy eyes. “But you two hardly ever communicate. What’s your secret?” She sipped at the water; her gaze fixed on him in anticipation.
“That’s a long story.” He gave her a reassuring smile.
“Aw don’t leave me hanging.” She playfully hit his arm.
“Okay I’ll tell you… one day. Are you feeling better?” His soft brown eyes searched hers.
“Yeah. Thank you, Connor.” She pulled him in for a hug; speechless, leaving him speechless. Cautiously, he wrapped his arms around her form. He sighed in delight- the mission was a success. Right then sudden yells caught their attention. Looking at the direction the commotion came from, the two noticed Nines, holding Gavin by his collar.
“I have a feeling Gavin might want to avoid the three of us all together.”
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peskellence · 4 months
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Pairing: RK900/Gavin Reed
Tags: Post Pacifist Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Read on AO3 here:
Summary: A lot has changed since the revolution. Crimes against androids are now being treated with greater severity, with many being subject to the same penalties as crimes against humans. While anti-android attitudes are on the decline, transforming the mindset of an entire city is no simple task.
A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner RK900 have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Will his developing feelings for 'Nines' prompt a shift in perspective?
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depression/Self Destructive Behaviour, Smut
Word Count: 3.3K
Gavin wondered if maybe he was seeing things. That the haunting familiarity of the face, along with the dark hair and powerful physique, was simply coincidental. The shared manifestation of his weary mind and blighted focus. 
A bloodied pipe was clutched in the hand of the man above him as the other continued to grip his jaw. The object drew closer, and he flinched back instinctively, only to feel its blunt edge run across his cheek. Trailed with deliberate slowness. He strained to pull away, but a firm hold anchored him in place.
Then he met the eyes of his assailant, alight with cruel intent.
A smirk played on the man's lips as his eyes rolled disdainfully. “Don’t look so surprised. Did you honestly think someone like me would be interested in someone like you?”
In retrospect, he should have known the moment he had heard the Reaper’s voice. It had all the same distinct inflexions, with little effort made to disguise them. An accent he had never been able to shift—
His mind was charged with more questions than he could process, exacerbating the raw ache in the back of his head. Through hesitant lips, a prevailing thought managed to escape. 
"What the fuck." 
Alex paused, his brow arching at the expletive. With a sigh, he abandoned the pipe, the hollow metal clanking against the concrete. 
"I don't know why I expected anything more articulate from you." He looked down his nose with palpable disgust. "Charging headfirst into an unfamiliar setting, seeking out a known threat. You've made this too easy."
Gavin's eyes swept the floor, noting the fine streak of blood that had been left from his initial violent impact. He could feel the liquid beneath his head beginning to spread, fanning towards it. "What happened to your M.O. of just hurting androids? Did blue get old, you sick bastard?"
Alex brought down his knee in a sharp, jerking movement. It was propelled into the other man's body, lodging uncomfortably into his gut. "I have never hurt a human who didn't deserve it. You only have yourself to blame for this."
Wheezing as the air was knocked from his lungs, Gavin grappled with a sudden wave of nausea. Reaching out to hold his stomach, the movement was promptly halted. Alex grabbed his wrist, wrenching it to the side at an unnatural angle.
"After you told that idiot Scott your name, he wouldn't shut up about you. Brought it up at meetings for weeks. You and your little plastic pet."
"So you fuckers really do meet up for coffee", Gavin teased, echoing the theory Fowler had presented several weeks prior. "Guess even parasites need something to keep ‘em going." 
"Don't act so high and mighty. From what I'd understood, I was hoping we might see eye to eye."
"Why the fuck would you think that?"
"‘It gets a little zesty when it needs an oil change.’" A sadistic grin spread across the killer's face, stretching ear to ear. He grasped Gavin's second wrist and pinned them both above his head. "Does that sound familiar, Detective? It should. Or do you express such sentiments with enough frequency that you'd simply forgotten?"
Gavin could feel his bravado beginning to dissipate. “...Things change”, he seethed, withering at the unpleasant memory as nausea continued to churn his stomach.
"I highly doubt that," Alex dismissed, his mocking smile curling down into a disapproving grimace. "You fell into the same trap as so many other degenerates in this godless city. Why invest the time and effort into winning the affections of a human when you can simply bed a machine?" 
"Nines said Scott and Finch didn't know who you were. That none of them knew who you were. How did they trick him?"
"They didn't." The disgust on the other man's face only grew more pronounced. "They weren't the only mentally challenged members of their organisation. I wasn't about to reveal myself with such transparency, and no one ever asked questions. If there is one thing the group values, it is anonymity."
"Well, isn't that lovely?" Gavin replied dryly. "Got to look out for your own, right?" 
"They served their purposes." His knee, which was still positioned against the detective’s stomach, pushed itself in a second time with targeted strength. "It really is horrifying just how much you can find out about a person with a little digging. Joined the force at 23, and a Detective by 26. Very impressive, I'm sure your father must be proud."
The words hurt more than any of the physical anguish that Alex was subjecting him to—and the knowing twinkle in the other man's eyes told Gavin he was aware of this. Unable to contain his fury, he lunged towards him, snarling like an untamed animal. 
"You piece of shit, I'll fucking kill you."
His defiance was rewarded with a harsh strike across the face. Alex seemed to revel in how he reeled from the impact, his head lulling back before flopping to its original position. 
"I am speaking. Be quiet and listen". The words carried with them a disquieting nonchalance. "Of course, you hardly have a squeaky clean reputation. Quite a contentious figure, even within your local community—and that was before I bypassed the laughable encryption on your DPD database."
"Oh wow, so clever." Gavin’s voice dripped with sarcasm, intermingling with the blood that poured from his lips. "I'm really impressed."
"Lengthy disciplinary record, including repeated ‘property damage’," Alex continued, the twisted smile returning. "Very much opposed to the ‘robot helpers' your department employed when doing the job yourselves proved too tasking."
"I'm sure this all gets you super rock hard, but what does it have to do with anything?"
"I don't like having to repeat myself. Be quiet, you won't get another warning."
Gavin’s jaw hardened defiantly as he levelled his attacker with a narrowed glare. He was growing tired of just how much the killer seemed to be enjoying himself, dragging out every twisted revelation.
"I was unable to access the files on my own work, which was frustrating—but I had learnt enough about you to know that I could secure them through other means." 
The grip on his wrists seemed to tighten, the flesh being squeezed with bruising ferocity.  
"Interesting result on the most recent police census, wasn't it? Turns out that your love for machines isn't the only deviancy you're partial to." 
Through a wince, the detective laughed before rolling his eyes in flagrant dismissal. "It's 2039, and we're still hating on the gays? Go fuck yourself." 
Alex let go of his wrists, seeming to take some time to deliberate on his next move. His fingers curled into tightened fists, and before Gavin could react, one of them descended—striking his nose with a sickening crunch.
"It was no surprise to see you were single. I assumed you'd be the sort of person who would use something like USwipe. From there, it was just a matter of finding and seducing you."
"Didn't work though, did it?" Gavin hissed back, wheezing through the pain as flecks of red propelled from his lips. "I threw your ass out."
"Forgive me if I don't think much of your taste." He gripped the other man's jaw, his eyes narrowing with predatory focus. "It's a pity. You could've been useful… in exchange for your compliance, I could've given you what you wanted."
A thumb trailed languidly across his lips, and Gavin felt his stomach twist. It made him sick, just how willing Alex was to abandon his own demented convictions for the sake of furthering his goals.
"Pleasure, fulfilment—"
His snarling mouth lunged for the thumb, threatening to capture it between his teeth. "Don't touch me."
"You're hardly in a position to be making demands." 
The hold on his jaw trailed up, capturing his face in a stifling vice. Excruciating pressure was applied to either side of his nose. Gavin attempted to pull the hand away, but his limbs felt heavy and weak.
"Tell me where the machine is, or better yet, lead it to me, and I might be willing to give you another chance."
"I'd rather die."
The pressure increased, and the detective howled, writhing in agony. Warm trails of blood poured from his nose, passing through gaping lips. 
"I tried to warn you, Gavin, that nothing good would come from your sordid affair. You didn't listen, and now it's too late."
"You—don't scare—me." The words were spat in bitter fragments, mingling with the warm swell of copper filling the back of his throat.
"I should." Alex shifted his weight to intensify the pressure on his already aching ribs. Their bodies were close—too close—as powerful hands found his neck and began to squeeze. "I gave you a choice. Perhaps I wouldn't have had to kill that RK900 and his blood traitor whore if you'd simply made the right one." 
"There was—never any—choice", Gavin challenged, wheezing as the pressure increased. You would have carried on killing—regardless of what I did—Miles and the rest."
"Oh no, Detective, that was personal." Alex shot back, chuckling darkly. "I needed to send you and your partner a message so you'd understand the fates that awaited you. Their blood is on your hands."
"Don't try to—guilt me—” The wheezing escalated to chokes as his throat began to close. "This was all part of your game—they were just toys. Ones you decided to—tease us with—after you'd broken them."
Then Alex slackened his grip just enough to allow Gavin to breathe. Cracks were beginning to form in his unnervingly calm demeanour, betraying hints of frustration.
"So narrow-minded. To equate my puzzle to a child playing with toys”. He spat the words as though they lingered with an unpleasant taste on his tongue. "Don't try to convince me that you would have been able to solve it alone. Some vulgar, braindead alcoholic, all washed up before the age of 40."
"There was never any grand puzzle; you just wanted to pretend like there was. Scattered jumbles and fucking brainteasers sprinkled around to make you feel clever."
Gavin’s head was pulled forward, wrenched up by his throat before being harshly thrust back, slamming against the concrete.
"Perhaps you're right. There was never a test for you because there was never any hope that you could understand my message."
His vision filled with stars as he reeled from the impact. Despite this, he stayed resolute, chin jutted in defiance. He refused to lie back, quietly allowing the Reaper his moment of triumph. 
Scoffing through his split lips, he flashed a mocking sneer. "You can't accept that your big fucking 'message' has all the depth of a kid playing make-believe. You have no morals, no grand code of ethics. You're just a fucking lunatic."
It was evident that Alex was tired of playing games. His hand dove into his pocket, and a glint of light caught against something metal. The barrel of a gun emerged before being pressed to Gavin's temple. 
"You may not have been my intended prize, but your android-loving blood will make a fine anointment." 
As the cold steel brushed his skin, he shuddered in morbid anticipation. His tortured subconscious appeared to seek comfort as his mind became awash with memories. The sound of laughter, the smell of popcorn, and the shared warmth found underneath a throw blanket. As he cowered away from a flickering television, his father laughed, holding him close and shielding his eyes. 
At least I get to see him again.  
A finger traced along the trigger of the gun, ready to pull, as Gavin glared back at him. Unyielding and unafraid. He could only hope that Hank and Connor would find them soon—to complete his objective where he had failed. 
Give this fucker hell, guys. 
Then, there was a rogue shuffle coming from the other end of the warehouse—followed by a voice. While muffled by the thick walls and reinforced steel of the door, it was still audible. Calling out to him—low and growled with frustration: 
"Reed…? Oh fucking Christ, where has he gone?"
"He must be close. I am beginning to pick up on some vital signs."
Alex’s finger, which had been poised in place, promptly stalled. A flicker of confusion passed his face before it gave way to stony realisation. "So you didn't come alone."
A weighty pause hung in the air as the figures beyond the door fell silent. Then, one of them spoke again, with audible trepidation:
"...Hank, there's two sets of vitals. He isn't alone."
"Ho’ shit, that ain't good."
The killer appeared to have lost interest in his awaiting prey as Gavin felt the pressure on his forehead begin to slacken. A malicious glint shone in his eyes as he looked across the room, suggesting that his target had shifted. "I know that voice...an RK800. Not the one I wanted, but a prize I will happily claim."
A spark of hope rekindled as Gavin, seeing his opportunity, was quick to grasp it. With shaky hands, he reached up and pressed a palm to the side of the barrel, angling it away from his head. In the same movement, he enclosed himself around Alex, yanking harshly to one side. The unexpected force caught the other man off balance, and he was sent hurtling onto the concrete with a harsh thud. 
The momentum left the detective reeling as his fraught mind sought to catch up—but he pressed forward, knowing he needed to act fast. Spotting his weapon by a nearby shelving unit, he struggled to his feet, legs quivering. He hobbled towards the gun and, with a triumphant hiss, reached down to claim it.
Having recovered from the shock of the strike, Alex had composed himself and was raising his weapon once again. Gavin was able to act first—and with a desperate, thunderous cry, he fired off a shot. It was done so blindly, eyes unfocused, as his weakened body reeled from the force—but it still succeeded in hitting its mark. 
The bullet lodged into the other man's leg, and he hissed in agony, doubling over as he used his free hand to cup the wound. "You bastard." His darkened gaze stared at him, brimming with hatred. With focused intent, he pulled the trigger. 
There was pain. Like white hot shrapnel, piercing the numbing rush of adrenaline. Gavin’s trembling hand reached over and lightly touched the front of his chest. Pulling away, he was greeted by a thick sheen of red that had coated his palm and fingers. 
Oh, shit.
Despite his best efforts, buckling knees began to give way, and he collapsed to the ground in a slumped heap.
A loud crash emanated from the other end of the room as the steely door of the warehouse was promptly slammed open. Hurried footsteps came charging through, and Gavin saw Connor appear from around the corner—gun in hand, raised offensively. "Detroit Police, stand down!" 
Alex made a strange huffing noise—caught somewhere between frustration and satisfaction. Despite his injury, he was quick, lunging towards the android—his own weapon primed, aimed at the crucial components in his chest. The attempt was quickly evaded as Connor darted to one side, and the bullet fired through a box on one of the shelves. 
Gavin watched on from his curled position on the floor, at a loss to do anything but grapple for oxygen through increasingly laboured breaths. Connor, catching sight of him, stilled temporarily, his brown eyes blown in horror. Quivering lips opened to speak, but the detective stopped him, reaching out to point in a weakened gesture. "Behind you."
The man sprang forward, closing the distance between them, and shoved the barrel of the weapon firmly into Connor’s back. The android anticipated this, reaching back and grabbing his wrist—angling the shot towards the ceiling and causing it to fire harmlessly into the air. 
As the officer tightened his grip, Alex cried out. He grappled to maintain his hold through increasingly crushing pressure until another hand reached around and yanked the gun from his grasp—tossing it to one side.
In an attempt to knock Connor off balance, the killer threw himself back, pulling the android with him. Once both figures had fallen to the floor, he sought to establish a distance between them. Frenzied eyes canvassed the room in search of a weapon before settling on the weighty pipe that he had previously discarded. 
Having armed himself once again, he reached up, aiming to strike through his target's head. Then Hank, who had been standing in wait, emerged from behind one of the shelving units and pointed his weapon towards his hand. "I don't think so, scumbag."
With another shot, the flesh of his wrist was pierced, and the pipe slipped from his weakened grasp. In a final act of desperation—and seemingly spurred by nothing but hatred—Alex promptly abandoned strategy. He charged at Connor full force as grappling hands sought out the junction between his head and throat. 
Synthetic skin peeled back to a wave of exposed white before the android moved again. He switched their positions in a deft twist of bodies, settling behind Alex—arm enclosed around his neck. 
As the human struggled, he held him tight before aiming a sharp chop at the point between his shoulder and neck. His writhing body stilled before slumping down weakly. 
The android let go and allowed the unconscious man to slip silently onto the floor. Hank reached down to restrain him, retrieving a set of handcuffs from his jacket pocket. 
"Guess the machines win this time, eh, buddy?" 
Connor seemed to take a moment to revel in their victory, smiling pridefully. However, the triumphant expression quickly dropped upon hearing a strained gurgle that leaked from Gavin's lips.
The room around him started to spin, exacerbated by a sudden blur of movement, as the android rushed for him. Delicate pressure was applied to his head before it was gently hoisted up. 
"Detective Reed…?" When the response was not immediate, Connor spoke louder, shaking his body. "Gavin, can you hear me?"
"You’re two inches from my ear, dipshit. So yeah, I can hear you." 
The strain of the words spurred on a wave of violent, rattling coughs as Gavin struggled to breathe. With the exertion came several speckles of red, which dotted the front of Connor's suit. 
"I'm going to scan you to assess your injuries; try not to move." Upon completion, the android's lips pulled inwards in a disconcerting look of unease before he turned to his partner. "We need to get him to a hospital immediately."
The older man cursed under his breath, clearly put out by the urgency with which the android said this. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone, before frantically swiping across the screen. "Okay, okay, I got it."
"Immediately, huh? That’s not soundin’ like a great prognosis…" Gavin laughed weakly, punctuated by laboured gasps. His vision was growing increasingly blurred as he bared his teeth in a bloodied smile. "Hey, Connor. Can you do something for me?"
Through the haze, he saw the android lean in closer, brow furrowed in concentration. "What?" 
"Look after Nines”, he rasped as a powerful surge of pain shot its way through his ribs. "I know you will just…make sure he’s safe."
His head flopped against Connor’s grasp. He felt tired, desperate to sleep, as his eyelids started to droop. 
"...Gavin?" He felt someone tapping against his cheek. Lightly at first before building in intensity. "We're going to get you help, but you need to hang on."
As he faded further into his subconscious, the sounds around him grew muffled and distant, mingling into waves of static. Through the buzz, one noise broke through—a loud thump which resonated throughout the room. 
When a distant chatter of voices broke out, he wondered if he might be hallucinating. His head was slowly dropped and pressed against the concrete. It felt cold and bracing against his skin, but this no longer bothered him.  
"Sooner—I tried to get—" 
Shit. Hank only just made the call, right? That’s got to be the quickest dispatch in history. 
But something didn’t seem right. There was not enough movement, no rush of people spurred to action. Instead, he was being lifted again, cradled in somebody's arms.  
Through cracked eyes, everything appeared pale and distant—but he made out flashes of red as the figure held him close. The intimacy of the exchange had been unexpected. Of all the people to embrace him as he began to fade, Connor seemed unlikely. 
Then he saw another figure walk into sight. Through an indistinct blur of features, he made out a prominent stroke of grey—distinctive of the clothes that Connor had been wearing.
Well fuck, guess I’m seeing double. 
"I’ve got you, it’s okay, I’m here." The tones were rich and smooth. Whispered softly into his ear, seeking to comfort him. Despite this, there was palpable rawness. A despaired vulnerability that could not be disguised.
He focused on the figure's eyes and noted that the rich brown was absent, replaced instead by steely grey. "Nines?" 
The android spoke again, and it took a moment for Gavin to realise he was addressing him. With what remained of his dwindling strength, he focused solely on Nines. Drowning out everything else. He could feel a hand run down his cheek, nursing it with featherlight strokes. 
"Don't try to speak. Save your strength."
His fingers twitched as he attempted to lift his arm, to clasp their hands together, but the limb lay still and unresponsive—despite how fervently he compelled it. Heavy lids stooped further, shadowing what remained of the dimming light around him. 
Nines' typically level tones trembled with desperation. His instructions came with greater urgency until they had escalated to anguished pleas. "Keep looking at me. Don't close your eyes. Please, you have to stay awake."
Gavin struggled to maintain focus—to keep his eyes open—but his lingering tethers to the world around him were beginning to slip. His breathing grew increasingly shallow, the exertion becoming too much for his beaten body to handle. 
Nines lost what remained of his composure as his voice broke away to a harsh, choked sob. "I'm sorry, Gavin. I'm so sorry." He held him close, pressing their foreheads together, as tears began to run down his face. "I love you. Please don't go."
Then everything went black.
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
i think of reed900 as a ship that grows over time. and i mean it like this
gavin at first doesn't like nines. hates him. and nines feels the same way. both see each other as annoying. eventually, they start to hate eachother less to the point of being frenemies. later on, nines gets his first hit of software instability when he chooses to save gavin from being shot by a deviant, which allows for the deviant to escape.
from there, their relationship continues to grow and they get closer and closer, until nines deviates fully (with connors help), and from there, its up to you to decide whether reed900 is platonic or romantic :)
Absolutely! I 100% agree. Reed900 is a ship full of possibilities in all sorts of creative ways.
It's always funny to me when people quote a lack of canon content as a means of dismissing this ship (or dismissing anything really), as if fans haven't been building off of canon since the first fandom. I'm always here for the creativity that comes from exploring parts of the story left untouched, especially when it comes to a game that's so narratively bad but takes itself too seriously. It's more fun, then, to delve outside of canon, to build off of it, to create from it.
Reed900 started as a joke for me personally, but it's not anymore, because of how I and other fans have imagined their story could be. It's a remarkable phenomenon.
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foxymuses · 4 years
@oldhaunts liked for a starter with connor!
“i do not take orders from you.” he feels the need to restate this, though in reality, connor does not take orders from anyone. arguably, one could consider the lieutenant as the primary person in charge, but there are many instances in which the rk800 makes his own decisions against what the man would prefer. that being said, as he is talking to neither hank nor cyberlife, connor is disinclined to adhere to anything the other says. “if this is truly an issue, i would suggest you take it up with the captain.”
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aerinsfables · 3 years
Never Have I Ever
The Fablehaven gang plays Never Have I Ever. Not really shippy, but will tag for relevant ships.
“Never have I ever become an albino courtesy of a revenant,” Seth announced. His face expressed glee as Warren and Tanu each lowered one finger in response. He was down to three fingers left, himself, and Kendra thought he seemed determined to remain in the game.
“Well, never have I ever held Vasilis,” Tanu retorted. The smile dropped off of Seth’s face as he lowered one of his remaining fingers with a quiet ‘nooo’, and Kendra laughed a little as she also lowered one of hers.
“Never have I ever broken my leg by jumping off a roof,” Dale said, which prompted Warren to roll his eyes and lower another finger. 
“It’s hard to play this game with people you actually know,” Warren protested. “I was nine at the time, yes it was a stupid choice, thank you for reminding me, now let me think for a minute.” He tapped his chin with the side of his hand and seemed to think for a moment. “Never have I ever… had a body double,” he said as he winked at Kendra, who stuck her tongue out at him and lowered one of her fingers. She had the most points left in the group thus far, so she’d been expecting some targeted statements, but still.
“That’s a cheap shot,” she said as she clicked her tongue in disapproval.
He shrugged. “Hey. There’ve been three of you. It’s not my fault that you’re the only one here who’s experienced that.”
“It’s not as fun as you’d think it is,” she replied.
“My turn,” Vanessa said. “Never have I ever spoken with the Fairy Queen.”
Seth let out a loud, “HA!” and gave Vanessa a high five. Warren applauded. Kendra sighed as she placed another finger down. Bracken followed suit as well. “Clever,” he said, sarcasm laced in his tone.
“Always,” Vanessa responded. “It’s your turn, Kendra.”
Well. Two can play at this game, Kendra thought. And, really, she’d meant for her next statement to be a jibe at Warren and Vanessa anyway.
“Never have I ever been engaged to marry anyone,” she said with confidence.
She’d expected the narrowed eyes from Warren and Vanessa as they each lowered a finger. She’d expected Seth’s guffaws and Tanu and Dale’s smiling eyes.
She had not expected for Bracken to lower one of his fingers, too.
Kendra turned her attention to the young man to her immediate left, who cleared his throat in an obvious - and vain - attempt to move the conversation forward, his face a lovely shade of pink. “Excuse me?” she asked, probably sounding about as shocked as she actually was. She wasn’t the only surprised one, though. Seth shouted, “What?!” at the same time that Warren announced it was story time while positively everyone’s eyes turned to Bracken, whose face flushed a darker shade of pink.
Bracken opened and closed his mouth a few times, unsuccessful at producing any words. “I… it was a long time ago, and an accident,” he said. “I didn’t mean for it to happen.”
“How do you accidentally get engaged to someone?” Dale asked. One eyebrow was pointed upward, and he appeared to be rethinking his entire opinion of the young man in question.
Kendra, for her part, was speechless. She didn’t know what to think. It was most definitely story time indeed.
“I… there was… it was…” Bracken cleared his throat again and scratched the back of his head, his gaze firmly fixed upon the table in front of him. “I was younger then. Still getting used to human socialization, still wandering between the wilderness and civilization. I’d decided to spend some time closer to towns, was low on human currency, and desired to reside inside an inn for a time. There were people in the street who advertised a sword-fighting competition, which offered a cash reward, so I decided I’d participate.”
Still unsure of what to think, Kendra furrowed her eyebrows. Where was this going? 
“I’ve… I’m good with swords. The competition wasn’t particularly difficult to win, although the last human I faced that specific day was quite skilled. I digress. I won the contest, was given a large sum of money in a very nice bag, and was also told at that moment that I’d won the hand of the local princess.” 
His face burned red. Kendra didn’t know whether to laugh or smack him upside the head. Maybe both? She refrained from reacting for the moment.
Seth, however, was not so well-controlled. He laughed heartily.
“‘The local princess’? When was this?” Warren asked.
“Shhh, he’s still telling the story,” Tanu said. “I want to hear this. Wish we had some popcorn.”
Bracken looked like he was marching toward his death. “A long, long time ago,” he said, “Somewhere in Ireland. Her name was Aoife MacMurrough.”
“So… did you marry her?” Dale asked.
His eyes grew large. “No!” he nearly shouted. He made eye contact with Kendra, who found it awkward to look at him right at that moment, so she diverted her attention to her hands, which still displayed the five points she’d managed to maintain.
“I tried to tell them that I thought this was a competition solely for money, and that I wasn’t interested in marriage, but the king and his vassals wouldn’t take no for an answer. The rules were apparently clear, although they’d somehow flown over my head. I snuck out of town that night and stayed far away from humans for quite a long time after that. I never found out what happened. Of course, I’d also fled to Greece and other countries and did not return to Ireland for a couple hundred years, but that’s a different story.” He reached toward Kendra and lightly touched her shoulder. “I don’t even know what Princess Aoife looked like.”
“How did you not know that you would wind up promised in marriage to a princess?” Vanessa asked, disbelief and disapproval very much evident in her statement. “Did you not listen to the rules? Did the people announcing the competition not make that clear? How is it possible to enter into a contest like that and not know what you’re fighting for?” 
Kendra didn’t entirely appreciate the tone of voice Vanessa used, but she was incredibly grateful that her friend had been able to voice even just some of the questions she had on her own mind.
Bracken narrowed his eyes. “I was new to Gaelic, and it was mostly still a spoken language at that point in time,” he replied. “I still don’t know how I missed that bit of information. I blame my empty stomach and longing for a soft bed to sleep in for the night.”
“He was - he was hangry,” Seth said, then rolled off into laughter again. Warren and Tanu joined in a bit as well, the earlier looking up something on his phone.
“It was a poor decision. I know. Go ahead and laugh,” Bracken stated. He once again reached for Kendra. “I’m sorry,” he said in a quiet voice.
Sorry for what? Why should he be sorry? Should she be upset? Did she have a right to be upset? Was she upset? All of those questions and more buzzed about in Kendra’s brain, but she refrained from voicing any of them. 
“Wait. Aoife MacMurrough?” Warren asked, his eyes practically bulging out of his head.
“Yes…?” Bracken responded.
Warren chuckled as he read from his phone. “Red Aoife. Married off by Saint Patrick himself. Warrior princess. That Aoife?”
“I don’t know!” Bracken insisted at the same time that Tanu said, “Saint Patrick, huh?” 
“Bracken almost married a leprechaun?!” Seth cried out before yet more raucous laughter escaped from his body.
Dale spoke next, after a brief pause to allow for excess joviality from the company who sat around the table.
“Well. That is an odd circumstance,” he said. “I’ve bailed Warren out of quite a few odd circumstances over the years, but never anything like that. Right, Warren?”
Warren laughed. “Nope.”
“Alright then. I think my next move is to say, never have I ever been accidentally engaged to marry someone,” Dale continued. He innocently blinked at Bracken a few times, who looked dumbfounded and then lowered another finger.
“I’m never going to live this down, am I?” he asked.
Everyone shook their heads while Kendra finally reacted in laughter. The rest of the table followed after her example.
“Are you upset with me?” he asked her.
Kendra let laughter take over her body for a minute, then wiped a tear from one of her eyes. “Upset?” she asked as more giggles escaped from her lips. “Bracken. You are the only person I know who could have done that.” Giggles. Somehow, this didn’t seem out of character for him. The poor, oblivious unicorn. 
“What other secrets are you hiding?!” Seth demanded.
Bracken folded his arms across his chest and refused to entertain that particular train of thought. “Nope. One story is enough for tonight,” he said. “Come on. Surely all of you have made poor decisions in your young lives as well.”
“Sure, but I never wound up promising myself to someone else by accident,” Vanessa shot back.
Bracken only rolled his eyes at that comment. “I believe it was my turn, next, before Dale stole it from me,” he said as he leveled Vanessa with a cool glare. “Never have I ever controlled someone in their sleep.”
Vanessa ran out of fingers at that one. “Very funny.”
“Always,” he retorted, copying her tone of voice from earlier on in the evening.
Kendra opened her mouth to interrupt them before they could launch into one of their infamous arguments, but Tanu beat her to the punch.
“Never have I ever been near Zzyzx,” he said.
Everyone else at the table groaned and lowered a finger, except Dale, who simply smiled. Warren ran out of points, Seth only had one left, Bracken had two, Tanu and Dale were each down to three, and Kendra still held onto four.
“Your turn again, Seth,” Tanu said once the damage had been assessed.
“Never have I ever… um…” he looked at his sister. “Never have I ever written letters to a dragon prince.”
Kendra could feel her face grow warm as she lowered a finger. “Warren and Vanessa are out, so it’s my turn,” she announced.
“A dragon prince?” Bracken asked. This time, his eyebrows were raised in surprise.
“I knew him as Gavin in his human form,” she said with a sigh. “He was actually Navarog.”
If Bracken’s eyes could have grown larger, Kendra was sure that they would have at that statement. “Excuse me?” he asked, in much the same tone as she’d asked him earlier. “I feel that another story time is in order.”
“Nah, we all know that story already,” Warren announced. “You two talk about that one between yourselves later. It’s Kendra’s turn now.”
“Never have I ever drank an enlargement potion,” Kendra interrupted.
Bracken narrowed his gaze at her, but dropped the subject. For the moment.
Tanu lowered one finger. “Ouch, Kendra. I feel like I’ve been singled out.”
“Sorry, Tanu,” she replied with a smile.
Bracken huffed. “Never have I ever been duped by a demon dragon,” he stated.
He was astonished to find that everyone except Dale put their fingers down. Seth ran out of points, Tanu had one left, Kendra was down to three, and Dale and Bracken were still at two.
“All of you?!” he asked.
Dale shrugged his shoulders. “I never met the guy,” he said. “They all went adventuring with him.”
“Except me,” Vanessa elaborated. “I probably would’ve caught on if I had been there, though.”
“Let’s not start this up,” Warren said at the same time that Dale announced, “Never have I ever been in prison.”
Just like that, Tanu was out of points, Kendra had two, and Bracken had only one left.
“Never have I ever been trapped in a barn,” Kendra said. Dale laughed and lowered a finger. One left.
“Never have I ever had coffee,” Bracken said. 
“Really?” Dale asked as he ran out of points. “Never?”
“Not once,” Bracken replied. 
“You were in prison when coffee as a drink was invented, weren’t you?” Kendra laughed.
Bracken’s ears turned pink. “Maybe,” he admitted.
“You’re getting a cup in the morning,” Dale vowed. “I’ll make it for you.”
“Thanks…?” Bracken asked, sounding unsure whether or not he even cared. He turned toward Kendra, who still had two points left. “No coffee for you?”
She shook her head. “I don’t like the smell.”
“Who doesn’t like the smell of coffee?” Dale asked, sounding utterly flabbergasted.
“Kendra,” Seth, Warren, Tanu and Vanessa all replied in unison.
Dale stared straight at Kendra, who laughed when he whispered with so much melodrama that he could only be Warren’s brother, “But. You were my favorite.”
“Hey!” Warren protested. “I’m your favorite!”
“Well, you might be now,” Dale said. His gaze turned back toward Kendra. “How can you not like coffee? Coffee is life.”
“I… I didn’t realize you liked it so much,” Kendra replied.
“The way into Dale’s heart is a healthy serving of coffee every morning,” Vanessa said.
“She makes the best coffee ever,” Dale confirmed. “No other woman will ever take her place.”
Kendra wasn’t sure what was happening. This game was getting ridiculous. Whose turn was it, anyway? She recounted the latest movies and realized that this game was down to just her and Bracken, he only had one point, and it was her turn. 
She smirked. “Bracken,” she began.
“Yes?” he asked.
“Never have I ever won a sword-fighting competition,” she announced.
Bracken lowered his pinky, while Kendra waved her two remaining fingers in his face. “I win!” she taunted.
“That’s not fair,” he playfully complained.
“Totally fair,” Warren insisted.
“I lost three points from one story!” he exclaimed.
Seth shrugged. “It be like that sometimes.”
“Kendra survives the night,” Tanu stated. “Now we all know who to target in the next round.”
Vanessa raised her eyebrows in a somewhat threatening manner which made Kendra wonder what other embarrassing material was going to be paraded about that evening. She looked around to find similar expressions on most everyone else’s faces, too, and laughed when she realized that she would be running out of points very quickly. “No repeats from this round,” she said.
“That’s fine with me,” Tanu said. Everyone else nodded and voiced their agreement.
“Great! I’ll go first!” Seth announced. “Never have I ever run away from a fiancée!”
Bracken planted his face into the palm of his hand while everyone at the table enjoyed a solid laugh.
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Part 2/2 of Nice Things
“Come on, we’re going to be late.”
“Five minutes, sweetheart. Please.”
Gavin rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed with a thump. The day had finally come when the human was more punctual than the android. He sniggered at the thought but refrained from saying it out loud. Nines looked far more serious than he ought to for a Friday night.
“Babe, it’s just the guys. And Tina.” 
Nines ignored him in favor of twirling a mascara wand through his lashes. 
“We’re literally going to Abick’s. That’s like the oldest, grungiest cop bar you can-”
“It’s not the place or the company, sweetheart.”
Gavin watched Nines finish off with eyeliner. Somehow even androids’ mouths hung open in concentration while doing that. 
He stood up from the little pouffe and shook his long hair out with a flourish. Taking that as his cue, Gavin got up and pressed himself up against his lover’s back. He curled his arms around Nines’ trim waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. 
Their eyes met in the mirror of the wooden dresser that Gavin had built for Nines.
“Whatchu so gorgeous for?”
Nines tried, but couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face.
“Shut up and zip me up.”
It wasn’t like he couldn’t reach behind himself and do it on his own. The RK900 model was supremely dexterous, flexible to the point of double-jointedness. 
It was more of an implicit request for the human’s approval of the outfit. Nines didn’t need it, but he asked anyway… just like later that night, Gavin would ask him if it was okay to splurge on a bacon cheeseburger or order an extra shot in his whiskey coke… 
They were codependent like that.
Gavin left one hand on the android’s stomach and placed the other on the small of his back, just at the opening of the dress. His thumb grazed the zipper, but he didn’t demonstrate any further intent to pull it up. 
“You said we were going to be late.”
Gavin swept the dark curtain of hair aside and pressed his lips to the exposed skin at the nape of Nines’ neck. When he spoke it was a whisper.
“Why’s my babydoll looking like something out of a movie for my dumb little promotion party?” 
His hand slipped into the open flap of the dress. It was a simple knee-length a-line. Fairly modest, but something about it set Gavin’s heart racing. Perhaps the colour. A vibrant, lusty, sexy, show-stopping red in sharp contrast to the milky white synthskin.
Nines couldn’t help the gasp that escaped him at the touch. Sighing, he tipped his head back and let Gavin nuzzle his neck. 
“Now we’re really going to be late, sweetheart. Zip… hhhhh… zip… me up…”
“Come on, doll. I don’t want someone accidentally spilling beer or mustard on this pretty little thing you got on. It’s just gonna be a chill night out with our friends. They demanded a treat for my promotion, and Hank said he’d come too, so I picked a place he’d be more comfortable at, and I realise that’s not exactly your scene, but I’m glad you’re coming with me, but I really gotta say this dress-”
Nines turned around in Gavin’s grasp and silenced him with a kiss.
“It’s not the place or the company,” he repeated, putting his arms around the human’s neck. 
“It’s your promotion party. It’s about your achievements, your hard work, YOU. And in case you haven’t noticed, you’re the most important person in my life. My partner in more ways than one. My everything.
Your rise in stature means as much if not more to me than my own accomplishments. I’m not the RK900 with the impeccable solve rate. I’m Sergeant Reed’s better half. 
If I had it my way we’d be doing something much grander, but this is how you want to celebrate and that’s fine, but please don’t stop me from dressing for the occasion.”
They looked at each other for a long moment. Steel blue and storm green locked in stalemate. 
Then Gavin pulled Nines into a tight embrace. He released him abruptly and spun him around, zipping up the dress in a flash. Avoiding eye contact lest the tears pricking his eyes betray him, Gavin caught the android’s hand in his and marched out of the apartment.
Connor greeted them at the entrance of the bar and waved them over to where the motley crew sat, already well into their first round of drinks.
Hank raised his beer glass in greeting, wearing an orange striped shirt he apparently deemed worthy of festivities. Tina enveloped Gavin in a giant hug. For a good thirty seconds he could see nothing but flannel. Then Miller, Person and countless other officers took turns congratulating him and bringing up past cases or incidents they couldn’t believe hadn’t held Gavin’s career back. 
Nines extricated himself with an artful wave of long fingers and settled onto a bar stool beside his older brother Sixty and his husband Allen. Serious, snarky and clad in their usual black leather, these two were more Nines’ speed.
Ignoring Sixty’s irritated grumble, Nines took a sip of his thirium drink to see if he liked the taste and ordered one for himself. He was prepared to spend the rest of the night sitting still and not touching the many sticky, greasy surfaces in the bar. It wasn’t his idea of fun, but he was happy to let Gavin and his friends do their thing.
Gavin, however, didn’t seem to be in the mood. He humoured his friends (many of whom were now his direct reports) and played along with whatever they insisted on doing, but Nines felt his partner’s eyes on him the entire evening.
“You punishing him?”
Sixty was squinting at him shrewdly.
“For coming to this shithole to celebrate. That’s why you wore this? Poor bastard can’t keep his eyes off you.” 
Nines swatted his brother on the chest. 
“I don’t play games like you.”
“Who says I play games?”
Allen shook his head but didn’t look up from his phone.
“I have a fashion sense, Six, not an agenda. I’m not punishing him for anything.”
“Well, you’re certainly distracting him. Reminds me of the time Allen said something stupid while we were getting ready for a shift so I put on lingerie underneath my gear. He nearly fell off a roof that day.”
Allen buried his face in his hands while Nines laughed out loud. 
“Shiiit. Your guy looks fucking lovesick. In front of all his staff too. They’re gonna think he’s a total sap. A new authority figure like him has got to show some grit.”
“Six, your husband follows you around like a lost puppy but that hasn’t interfered with his ability to lead your unit. Gavin will be fine.”
Allen didn’t know whether to consider that an insult or a compliment and settled for sipping his drink in silence.
“So what are you gonna do?”
“Make the torture worth his while.”
At that exact moment, Gavin gave Nines a look from across the bar that could have only one interpretation. Sixty noticed and barked a laugh. 
Nines self-consciously tucked his hair behind his ear and smoothed down his dress. If he were human he’d have blushed bright red. 
Back to idly scrolling through his phone, Allen spoke without looking up.
“Let him do whatever he wants.”
Nines’ eyes widened. Sixty nodded wisely.
“His imagination is probably running all over the place right now. All you have to do is let him act on it and you’ll make him the happiest man on earth. It’s his promotion. You should be the prize.”
Allen put down his phone and scooted closer to Sixty, wrapping his arms around the android. They both looked at Nines with identical expressions that were anything but innocent. 
“Yeah, Nines. Dress like a present, expect to be unwrapped.”
Raucous cheers erupted as Gavin lost yet another game of beer pong. The new sergeant barely noticed and took the shot glass thrust into hand by a very jubilant Connor. Nines raised his glass in a silent toast and the two downed their drinks together.
The rest of the evening was an exercise in painful self-restraint. Gavin entertained various playful requests and posed for photos and thanked each and every one of his colleagues for their strong support. Hank clapped him on the shoulder proudly, and Tina even teared up at one point, emotionally overcome with happiness for her oldest and closest friend. Nines watched it all quietly from his perch beside Sixty and Allen.
As soon as they slid into an autonomous taxi, Gavin’s lips were on his, smothering him in heated, demanding kisses. Intoxicated and utterly uninhibited, the human put his hands in Nines’ hair… all over his body… and up the pretty red dress. No words were exchanged the entire ride home. 
The fact that android skin could not be marked or bruised was the only thing that let them walk through their busy lobby and ride the elevator up with dignity intact.
As soon as the front door slammed shut, Gavin was all over Nines. He touched and groped and claimed and conquered. 
The dress zipper was pulled down as quickly as it had been pulled up before they left for the bar. Nines stepped out of the puddle of red fabric as delicately as he could and pulled Gavin’s shirt off too. It was only the high quality gyroscope of the RK900 model that kept them from crashing to the floor before making it to the bed. 
Nines allowed himself to be pushed onto the bed and parted his legs for Gavin to easily settle between them. From there, he expected things to go at lightning speed… for Gavin to plough into him and come with a loud roar after a couple minutes, finally sated after a night of frustration.
The exact opposite occurred. 
Even after all the tequila shots Connor and Tina made him do, Gavin was somehow still lucid enough to put his lover’s feelings over immediate physical needs. 
“Babe, I… am soooo… sorry…”
One hand wound up in his hair and the other gripped his hip. 
“Like.. you dressed the phck up… like you looked soooooo damn beautiful, baby… I’m gonna cry.”
For a moment, it honestly looked like that was a possibility until Nines reached up and stroked the human’s stubbled cheek.
“I know Abick’s is kinda crusty but you came anyway… looking like a million bucks but I didn’t spend a second with you… T and Con and the crew… they kinda took over…”
“It’s fine, sweetheart. It was our whole team’s night as much as yours. I’m glad they all had their fun.”
“I didn't. Have any fun.”
“Really? Not even when Chris did that Fowler impersonation?”
“Couldn’t stop… thinking of you… you’re so damn good to me… and I…”
“I was fine. You invited Six and Allen to keep me company and it was fiiiineee.”
“You sure?”
“Positive. Now come on, sarge. Show me who’s boss.”
Nines rolled his hips against Gavin’s and that was all the conversation there was to be had for the night. They were both still getting used to having nice things… but they were doing well.
Inspired by @marndraws
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Hey Panda, thanks for indulging me. You’re too kind. Here’s one more request I thought of:
The morning after.
Reed900. AHM or canonverse, you pick.
Basically Nines is a super shy little spoon. Gavin wakes up blissed out but gets anxious when Nines refuses to turn around in his arms. He wonders if he did anything wrong last night, but finds that it’s actually the opposite case ;)
//I will always indulge you Maya, event or not //Def gonna be canonverse bc Nines is Ace in AHM
Consciousness was slow to come to Gavin, as it always was in the morning. He was sore in all the best places, which meant he’d managed to distract himself from Nines. That thought lasted he was awake enough to have sensation in his limbs. Whoever was in his arms was warm and not breathing. He only knew one person who met both of those marks, Nines. He had somehow managed to get Nines not only to come back to his place, but to sleep with him.  He had one Old Fashioned too many to remember how he managed such a miracle, and his hangover certainly wasn’t providing him with the details. He knew two things for certain; things between he and Nines had changed, and whatever changed was enough that Nines had decided to stay. Gavin slept like the dead so he could have slipped out anytime unnoticed and Gavin could have been left content with his haze of half formed memories. Instead he was left partially aware and anxious. Nines had to know he was awake, but he hadn’t rolled over or said anything. Was he regretting this? Was the night some kind of a mistake? What had Gavin even said last night to get this far? He took a slow breath and let it out, he was too hungover for a depressive thought cycle. Nines wasn’t in stasis, Gavin could see his LED. If he found the courage to ask the questions building in his chest he would get an explanation. The real question was whether or not he was ready for whatever might be.
It was now or never he supposed. “Nines?” He started, “Are you awake?” He felt Nines stiffen. Had he been hoping to fool Gavin into thinking he was still in stasis? Did he not want to talk? Was this a mistake? “Yeah, Gav, I’m awake.” It was still a long moment before he relaxed again, “How are you feeling?” “Like someone is taking a highspeed drill to my skull, and pleasantly sore.” He replied, “What about you?” “I’m still waiting for some of my systems to com back online. Apparently eight hours of stasis wasn’t enough after that much activity.” His voice was rough still and he almost sounded tired. Or the android equivalent anyway. “Did, uh, did you enjoy it?” It was a dumb thing to ask, but it wasn’t exactly like his hickeys had stayed, and Nines wasn’t facing him. “I wouldn’t have stayed if I didn’t.” Blunt as usual, “Did you?” Gavin laughed, which probably wasn’t the best response in hindsight because Nines went rigid again, “God yes. I - you - this is something I wanted since the moment I saw you standing by my desk in that damned turtle neck.”
This earned him a laugh from Nines, well more of a hum, “Would you be opposed to doing it again.” Gavin tightened his hold on Nines, “Yes.” Finally Nines rolled over. His synthskin still wasn’t back all the way. His face was flickering in and out of clarity, but the thing that truck Gavin was the relief he found there. “I was afraid you would say no.” “Never, not to you.” He replied.
(Prompt from this list) @asset35-maya
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youngbounty · 4 years
The Problem with Apollo’s Backstories
It’s very rare I see this. So far, I’ve only seen two posts on Tumblr about this, but I’ve noticed a few posts that make mention about Phoenix Wright having no backstory. Now, whether they were made as a joke to not be taken seriously or not is something I cannot confirm. That being said, it did bring up something that does come up often: the problem with Apollo Justice having too many backstories. The thing is, Phoenix Wright has just as many backstories as Apollo, yet no one seems to make mention of it or perhaps are not aware. It made me question how this is possible. Certainly, if Apollo’s three backstories stick out like a sore thumb, wouldn’t Phoenix Wright’s three backstories stick out too? Shouldn’t Phoenix also have the same amount of complainers about having too many backstories?
I am a true believer that there is no such thing as a bad idea, but bad execution. I think Phoenix’s backstories are an example of Apollo’s backstories done correctly. To understand this, I’m going to go over each of Apollo’s and Phoenix’s three backstories, and explain where Phoenix got it right where Apollo did not.
With Apollo’s first backstory in the game Apollo Justice, where Apollo is introduced as the main protagonist of this game, we find out that he used to work for Kristoph Gavin at the Gavin Law Offices before finding out he murdered Shadi Smith. Later on, we find out his bracelet matches Thalassa Gramarye’s in her picture, proving that they are mother and son. Through Zak, we find out that Thalassa was once married to a different man before he passed away, believing that her first born had died with him. This draws the connection between Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright as being half brother and sister. And… that’s it. This information does not effect Apollo, since we don’t know his life outside of this during the time of the game’s release, and he does not know that Trucy is his half sister. This backstory does draw a connection between the two long lost siblings, but without any knowledge to create a reaction, it feels empty and shallow. It wasn’t until the two follow-up games that we get more of Apollo’s character and development that fans of the game began to care enough to demand the two half siblings discover their long lost relationship they are not aware of.
For Phoenix Wright, his backstory is the all-knowing class trial back in his elementary school. On one school day, Phoenix Wright was accused of stealing lunch money from a student, due to being sick and being dismissed from school that day, leaving him without an alibi. This lead to a class trial where everyone, including the teachers, shamed him, even though Phoenix claimed it wasn’t him, then crying over the humiliation and shaming. Just when Phoenix was about to forcibly apologize to this student, the student stands up and makes the claim that, since no proof was given that Phoenix had taken the money, he is innocent until proven guilty. A second student also defends him, leading to the teacher deciding to pay for the lunch money that was stolen. From that moment on, Phoenix became friends with the two students that stood up for him: Miles Edgeworth whose money was stolen and Larry Butz who was the second student to stand up for him.
The first thing that makes Phoenix’s backstory different is it creates a motivation and relatability. This backstory tells the story of what motivated Phoenix Wright to become a Defense Attorney. He had befriended the two boys that stood up for him when he was accused of theft at school. One of those friends grew up to become the Demon Prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth, who is known for falsifying and withholding evidence. When Phoenix tried to contact him, he would not answer. So, Phoenix Wright became a Defense Attorney both to meet with him and save him. With this, comes with relatability. Phoenix is someone longing for the friend he once lost, something most of us can relate to – if you’ve ever had a childhood friend, whose friendship broke apart over time. This creates motivation for Phoenix and the players to wish for Miles Edgeworth to return back to being Phoenix’s friend again. With Apollo, on the other hand, his first backstory doesn’t give us anything to relate or motivate us to want him and Trucy to discover their real mother or relation. The mention about Apollo’s biological father does come up, but not until Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, which I will get into later. Because of how shallow and empty this backstory feels, it’s no longer Apollo was called a Gary-Sue when the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney first came out.
The second backstory for Apollo finally gives us something concrete. In this second backstory, Apollo had grown up with Clay Terran in a boarding school. We get a flashback of Clay crying because someone in his family died (I can’t remember who. Comment if you know). Apollo cheers him up with his “I’M FINE!” speech. This became a motto for him and Clay. From this backstory, we finally find out that Apollo had grown in a boarding school during his youth with Clay. We finally get a motivation and relatability from Apollo Justice to make us care and cheer for him. There’s just one problem… what does this have anything to do with Apollo’s connection to the Gramarye and his relation to Trucy? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. That’s where Phoenix’s second backstory differs.
For Phoenix Wright, his second backstory tells that he began studying at Ivy University to study on law and art. From there, he met a beautiful lady named Dahlia Hawthorn at the library inside the courthouse. She gave him a heart-shaped bottle as a token of their love and they hit it off. Having dated Dahlia for nine months, he began showing off his little gift to all his friends at the university, even when Dahlia asked him to give it back. Just then, Phoenix came across Dahlia’s ex boyfriend named Doug Swallow, who met with him to warn him that Dahlia was not who he thinks she is. Angry, Phoenix pushes him, then finds him dead not long afterwards. He is arrested for murder, defended by Mia Fey – who is an already established character, in the tutorial first case of the third game of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Through Mia’s defense, Phoenix realized that not only did Dahlia’s gift turn out to be evidence used to poison Mia’s boyfriend, but Dahlia had also tried to poison him with his cold medication and was the one responsible for Doug’s murder.
Just like with Apollo’s second backstory and Phoenix’s first, this creates relatability and motivation. It creates a motivation for why Phoenix was angry at Miles Edgeworth during the second game, why he trusts Mia so strongly and why he would go to Hazakura Temple, once he sees someone that looks like Dahlia. This also reveals one of Phoenix’s major flaws as someone that considers betrayal and murder by poison inexcusable actions, much like how Apollo’s second backstory reveals how and why Clay’s death pushes him to distrust his colleagues. Unfortunately, what Apollo’s second backstory does not show is any connection to the first. With Phoenix’s second backstory, it connects back to the first and second game. It explains how Phoenix met an already established character, explains why Phoenix was cross with Edgeworth in the second game and follows where the first backstory left off with wanting to become a Defense Attorney to meet with Miles Edgeworth. Aside from Apollo growing up in a Boarding School, confirming that he is an orphan, and why he always shouts “I’M FINE!” we get no connection or follow-up from the first backstory. There’s no connection to his former boss, Trucy or the Gramarye’s. Thus, Apollo’s second backstory feels like a separate story from the first, whereas Phoenix’s second backstory feels like a follow-up to the first.
Apollo’s third backstory is that Apollo’s father, Jove Justice, came to the Kingdom of Khura’in to play music inside Durke’s home. One day, a fire arose and Jove Justice was assumingly murdered. Dhurke had miraculously saved Jove’s infant son in the nick of time before the rest of his residence was burned, hiding in the mountains with his eldest son, Nahyuta. From there, Dhurke had raised Nahyuta and Apollo in the mountain as their father, watching them grow up. Unfortunately, because of the laws in the kingdom where Defense Attorneys were prisoned with any client declared Guilty and Dhurke being an outlaw, he sent Apollo to the United States. From there, Apollo never saw or heard from Dhurke or Nahyuta again, believing all his life that Dhurke had abandoned him.
Again, like the second backstory, this gives us relatability and motivation. Leaving any family is something all of us feel saddened about. It also follows up with the relatability of Phoenix’s first backstory of being close with someone, only to grow apart from them with age. But, again, there is no connection between this backstory or the other two. What does this backstory have anything to do with Apollo’s connection with the Gramarye, relation to Trucy, friendship with Clay, growing up in a boarding school as a youth or his reasons for saying “I’M FINE!” all the time? NOTHING! There’s not a single callback to any of these, not even to reoccurring characters from the fourth or fifth game. Nothing on Kristoph Gavin, the Space Center, nothing. There is mention of Jove Justice being Apollo’s biological father, but do we get anything on Thalassa or the Gramarye’s? Even a tiny bit? Nope! Any connection with Jove Justice and the Gramarye’s to explain how he may’ve met the daughter of the famous Magnify Gramarye and they may’ve fallen in love? Nope! Again, I get nothing. It’s sad, because the story could’ve also added Thalassa into the mix as being Jove’s singing partner, a subtle picture of her and explaining why she might be so talented in singing. The fact that the second case does involve the Gramarye, I think, is a missed opportunity to draw a connection to Apollo’s third and first backstory.
For Phoenix Wright, his third backstory is in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, believe it or not. This backstory takes place during the seven years between the third and fourth game. Phoenix Wright was defending Zak Gramarye for the murder of Magnify Gramarye. During this trial, he presents forged evidence unknowingly, which Klavier Gavin reveals to be forged via the surprising Witness. From there, Phoenix is disbarred from law and his client Zak disappears from site. Trucy, who is Zak’s daughter, is left behind and Phoenix cannot find any living relatives, thus decides to adopt her as his own daughter. From here, he turns his law offices into a Talent Agency for his new daughter and takes the job as a piano/poker player. He befriends the only Bar Associate that voted him to be innocent, Kristoph Gavin, who had used his friendship to stalk and watch him.
Again, this creates relatability and motivation as someone losing their job for unfair reasons, entering fatherhood and being manipulated by fake friends. This also is a great follow-up to the trilogy itself and confirming everything that’s already established canon such as Phoenix considering poison and betrayal to be inexcusable, which is what Kristoph does. It establishes the relationship and connection with Trucy and even Apollo. Even as weak as Apollo’s backstory is, it is enough to give Phoenix a strong motivation to take him in as a student. With how strong this third backstory to Phoenix is and its connection to the trilogy as a whole, it makes me wonder why he wasn’t the protagonist of this story. Though, it does conclude what this third backstory does so well that all of Apollo’s backstories do not do: continue where the previous left off.
With every backstory Phoenix gets, it always continues where the previous left off. They connect well like a puzzle. Each piece matches well and never feels separate. With each new backstory, it continues where the previous left off. The second backstory continues where the first and second game left off and the third backstory continues where the trilogy left off. With Apollo’s three backstory, they feel so disconnected, it’s like trying to fit three unmatching pieces together, while ignoring the rest of the 197 puzzle pieces. Sure, the third backstory might’ve mentioned Jove Justice as Apollo’s biological father, but we don’t know anything about Jove or Thalassa, their relationship, how they met or anything. Was Thalassa the lead singer when Jove played, like she is as Lamoure? I don’t know. Even Apollo growing up at a Boarding School or how he went there is never explained in the third backstory. Did Dhurke send Apollo there and pay for his classes? I don’t know.
In conclusion, Apollo’s problem with his backstories are not that there are too many, but that they do not connect. Backstories must fit together in order to work. There has to be a cause and effect. Phoenix Wright has full backstories that have always connected perfectly like puzzle pieces. He has one of the strongest established backstories in Ace Attorney, alongside Miles Edgeworth, who technically has four backstories. That just goes to show you can’t have too many backstories. Although, you can have botched up backstories that do not match up that makes it feel like there are too many backstories.
What are your thoughts on this? Feel free to comment, whether you agree or disagree. I might make a follow-up to this to explain how Apollo’s three backstories could be fixed to where they feel complete. It really depends.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
I hate you means I love you in android
This was prompted by a lovely anon! I enjoyed writing this so much, I tried to change my writing style a bit, I hope you like a story heavier on the humour.
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900  [Part2]
‘Detective Reed? A package for you.’ Gavin looked up from his work, at the small box in the ST300’s hands and then up to her. ‘Oh. Thank you.’ He took the box and smiled when he couldn’t find the return address. Eagerly he opened it and grinned as he took out the small piece of blue cardboard. Because I know you always forget to eat chasing the bad guys. Gavin huffed and laid the card to the many others that he gathered in his drawer to read when he needed something to cheer him up. Then he dug deeper into the box and retrieved four blueberry muffins. Immediately, Gavin’s stomach began to act up, prompting him to eat one right now, but first he threw away the empty box. The muffins were amazing, and he wondered whether they were self-made or store-bought. Gavin knew that considering from who they came both would likely cost a fortune. But it didn’t matter to him, really. They were tasty and he was hungry.
He didn’t notice how Nines glared at every bite disappearing in his mouth as if it had personally offended him. This was his human. He didn’t know it yet and Nines wasn’t ready to tell the man his feelings, but at the very least they were friends. Very, very close friends. Gavin would tell him if he were dating someone, right? He shook his head. Gavin was a free individual. He didn’t have to tell him anything and if Nines didn’t have the guts to tell him, then that was his fault only. He had no business to feel envious of a stranger if he hadn’t done anything to deserve something else. At least that was what his logic told him. But logic and emotions were two entirely different things, if not even opposites to begin with.
The packages weren’t regularly. Nines suspected that whoever send them intended them to be a surprise. But that made it all the more different to find out who left the packages at the front desk. He had made note of the arriving times of the boxes and tried to find a system, anything. Maybe he was a bit too fanatic about this, but Nines was far too lost in his task already. When it was food, it came close to the break. If it was sweets, it arrived in the morning, around an hour after work began. Little trinkets, Gavin gathered on his table or took home with him usually came with these packages or near closing time. Unfortunately, he couldn’t make out any system at what day it would be either of these things as it seemed entirely random to him.
It chewed at him. Nines hated not knowing. And seeing Gavin smile and grin whenever he opened a package made it worse. Whoever send those packages made him happy. And while Nines wanted the Detective to be happy, there was a selfish part inside that wanted to be the reason for that himself. He tried to be near the lobby during the times he had figured out the next week. But the packages still arrived, and Nines couldn’t make out who left them at the precinct. Asking the ST300 didn’t help either. She had promised the person not to reveal their identity to anyone and she wouldn’t break that promise. Noble. But not helping.
Nines was at the end of his wits. Yes, he could take a free day and wait in front of the DPD for 24 hours. But was that worth it? Yes, it was, it was for Gavin after all, but others would ask him what he was doing and he was not explaining that to anyone. He sighed as Gavin threw the box away, a small cat keychain sitting on his desk now. What could he do to find out? What could he do to tell Gavin how he felt? He could do what humans did and just speak to him of course. But he was far too scared to do that. And even admitting hurt. Maybe… Yes, that could work. Or at least break the ice and make talking to Gavin unavoidable.
Gavin of course, was completely oblivious to Nines’ struggle. He struggled to get the chain on his keys, but the little ring slipped off all the time. ‘Hey, Nines?’ He looked up at the android with a lopsided grin. ‘Hey, this is kinda embarrassing, but could you help me? I can’t get the phcking ring on there! But it’s so cute!’ Without changing his facial expression one millimetre from “resting bitch face” – how Gavin described it – or “neutral” – how Nines saw it – he accepted both objects and hooked them together without even looking. ‘Phcking show-off’, Gavin laughed. ‘Thanks, toaster!’
When Gavin came to his desk the next day, a package was already sitting on his desk, next to a coffee. He frowned. Normally they weren’t here so early. But oh well, maybe someone had been crammed a few hours more and changed schedule a bit. He smiled and shook his head. ‘Hey, Nines, how long’s this been here?’ The android looked up. ‘Oh, it was already there when I started working.’ ‘Okay’, Gavin shrugged. He sat down and decided that work could wait for a moment. He tore through the tape and opened both flaps. On top of it sat a card he took, expecting some stupid, well-meant message. Instead he was surprised with neat, almost printer like handwriting in Cyberlife font Gavin had learned to know so well. He didn’t think to look up and read it again. I don’t know who sends you these packages, but I care about you too. I hope you two are happy together.
What. Yeah, no way he had read that right. But the words didn’t change the second, the third or the fourth time. Inside the box sat a tiny stuffed cat plush that looked far too fluffy not to touch. Still, Gavin resisted. ‘Err… Hey, Nines?’ He looked at the android with a deep red blush. ‘I think we really should have a talk.’ The android had the audacity to look guilty as he nodded and stood up to follow him. Gavin just couldn’t believe it. He led Nines out to the smoker corner and smiled at him. If he had been right… Oh that was far too funny. ‘Nines, I don’t know what you thought, but let me tell you, my brother sends me those packages.’ The android’s eyes suddenly widened in shock and Gavin couldn’t help but giggle. ‘Hey, no hard feelings, I get it! It is kinda weird if you think about it.’ ‘I thought… Because they come so often and look expensive…’ ‘I don’t have a secret admirer’, Gavin laughed. ‘Promise to keep a secret?’ Nines just nodded. ‘My brother is Elijah Kamski. We agreed to never tell anyone, because it would be awkward for us both. But well, he is stinking rich and loves spoiling his little brother. And what can I say, I love the attention. We don’t see us that often with him always at work.’ Nines by now was blushing a deep shade of blue. ‘I didn’t know…’
‘Hey, that’s fine’, Gavin said softly. But he couldn’t keep his mischievous grin from his face long enough. He slowly took the card from his pocket. ‘Now I have question’, he began, waving the card around. ‘What’s this?’ ‘I don’t know’, Nines stated, LED red and body rigid, face unreadable. Well, unreadable for everyone else, not for Gavin. ‘You care about me?’ ‘I do not’, Nines said neutrally and dismissive, already walking back to the precinct with large steps. ‘The kitty on my desk begs to differ!’, Gavin called after him trying to catch up. ‘I don’t know who send you this.’ ‘Aw, but I know only two people writing like this and one hates me to the bone!’ ‘I hate you, too’, Nines reported, opening the door and holding it open just long enough so it fell directly in Gavin’s face.
Grinning the man pushed it open and ran after Nines. He didn’t need to know more than that.
[>next part]
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years
When the Ball Drops - Gavin
Author’s note: Happy New Years everyone! I was working to try and publish this yesterday, but that didn’t end up happening, so please pretend like it’s not 2021 yet and read this fic anyways LOL. 
This is dedicated to my very lovely friend @saeyoungs-sunflower​. Welcome back to the MLQC fandom! Here I am, just trying to ignite your love for Gavin even more.
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I’m also using this fic to fill a request from a lovely anon who requested a Gavin fic with the prompt “Please get me away from him. He hasn’t left me alone all night and I am this close to committing a murder.” I hope you enjoy this, nonny!
Summary: As Gavin counts down to the new year, he wonders how things could take a turn for the better.
Word count: 1641
Warnings: jealous Gavin and lots of fluff!
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The party was in full swing; people were standing around talking, the bass was pumping, and Gavin was leaning against the wall observing the girl who was currently listening intently to something Shaw was saying. Their heads were bowed together and she was smiling. Her hair was plastered to her forehead and her cheeks were flushed from the heat. She looked absolutely gorgeous, the only thing that would make it better was if Gavin was the one who’s forehead was pressed against hers.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Minor bumped his shoulder against Gavin’s and he spoke without tearing his eyes away from his brother and the girl he loved.
“Trying to think of a way that Shaw’s broken the law so I can throw him in jail for the rest of the night.”
Minor snorted at that moment and his loud noise drew the girl's gaze to the pair pressed against the wall. When her eyes met Gavin’s, they lit up and she sent him a sweet smile - one of the ones that went straight to his heart and caused it to ache with longing.
Shaw’s eyes met with his next and with that smirk he sent Gavin, he knew Shaw was up to something and before he could think about it further, Gavin watched as Shaw grabbed the girls hand and pulled her towards the dance floor.
The rest of the night went by in the same way: every time Gavin and her tried to make contact, Shaw would pull her away. Gavin was sick of it; all he wanted to do was pull her away from the crowd, maybe go outside, and spend some quality time with the woman he loved, but his younger brother made it nearly impossible to do so. So instead, Gavin stayed against the wall with Minor by his side - who occasionally left to get something to eat or drink - and watched the girl protectively. If he couldn’t be the one holding her, he’d be the one to keep her safe, just like he always promised.
A few hours later, Gavin had watched Shaw twirl her around on the dance floor, Kiro touch her wrist as he handed her a glass of water, Victor’s hand linger on her back for a few seconds too long when he spoke to her, and Lucien kiss her hand as he bid her farewell for the night. Gavin wanted to throw in the towel and go home, ready to lay in his bed and wallow in self pity for a bit while he thought of everything that those guys had but he didn’t. Gavin wouldn’t leave though, not if she was still there. He wanted to wish her a happy new year, wanted to welcome all the new things to come with her. It was important to him - she was important to him.
“Hey, where’d she go?” Minor clapped Gavin on the back, and normally Gavin would respond with a glare thrown in the other guys direction, but Minor’s comment already had Gavin’s eyes sweeping the area.
He couldn’t find her.
WIth blood rushing through his ears, Gavin set out. Weaving around all the dancing couples and avoiding the ones making out in the middle of the room, he searched. She wasn’t on the dance floor in the living room with Shaw, she wasn’t in the kitchen with Kiro, and she wasn’t somewhere arguing with Victor about her newest report for Miracle Finder.
Gavin was panicking.
Picking up his pace, he continued upstairs, opening bedroom doors (and disturbing couples who were trying to find a space away from people), and calling out her name. As he was walking around looking for her, a closet door opened and a hand shot out, pulling him inside with the person.
His eyes adjusted to the darkness and Gavin’s cheeks flushed red as he realized his body was pressed against the girl’s. “Geez, you’re strong.”
“Sorry, I heard you looking for me and I’ve been hiding out from Shaw in here so I figured it’d be easier to pull you in here than to come out. Shaw’s still looking for me.” “He’s going to see I’m gone too and assume the worst.” Gavin’s heart fluttered at that thought, the thought that anyone could assume they were together.
“Would that really be such a bad thing?” She asked, pushing her sweaty bangs from her forehead. “It’d make Shaw back off… seriously, please get me away from him. He hasn’t left me alone all night and I am this close to committing a murder.”
Gavin laughed at that. “I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to tell a cop you’re about to commit a murder.”
“Yeah, well a real friend would help me hide a body if I committed one.” She teased, prodding Gavin’s side with a slender finger. Even just that simple touch from her sent butterflies in his stomach up into a whirlwind.
“You can stick by me and Minor the rest of the night if you want,” Gavin said, watching as she picked at the colored polish on her nails. “Shaw thinks Minor is annoying and won’t come near us .”
“Really? That’d be great!” She threw her arms around Gavin’s waist in excitement and he swore it felt like time had stopped all around them and Victor hadn’t even used his Evol. Whether it be because she was thankful for Gavin keeping her out of his younger brother's way or the fact that she could… possibly feel the same for him that he did her, Gavin wanted to continue to hold her like this forever. She pulled back though, too soon for his liking. “Err, sorry. I’m just so thankful you’re letting me crash boy time!”
Gavin scoffed. “Boy time? Don’t let Minor hear that or he’ll never stop talking about it.”
Despite wanting to keep her all to himself, Gavin nudged open the closet door and slipped out, waiting a few seconds to make sure the coast was clear before knocking to let the girl know it was safe to come out. She followed Gavin, her hand clutching his worn jean jacket.
“There you are!” Shaw exclaimed, making his way towards Gavin and the girl. Gavin felt her prod him in the back and he knew he’d have to figure out how to make his brother leave quickly. “I’m here to claim my New Year’s Eve kiss.”
Shaw puckered up obscenely and Gavin cringed. But sure enough, all around him, couples were gathering and counting down.
Gavin turned towards the girl, and she looked at him with a playful glint in her eye before mouthing the word ‘murder’ as she tilted her head in Shaw’s direction.
Gavin stepped closer to her, his heartbeat hammering in his chest as his hands rested on her hips lightly.
Her lips parted in shock, but she didn’t move away. Instead, she moved closer, one of her hands resting on the back of Gavin’s neck.
Shaw muttered something about finally being able to leave her alone, but Gavin didn’t have time to question it. All he could focus on was the girl holding onto him like he was something precious to her.
The rest of the world around Gavin disappeared and all he could think, see, and smell was her. She had a small smile playing on her lips and he leaned his head back slightly into her hand as she played with his hair.
“Can I kiss you when the countdown reaches one?”
“I’d consider it a crime if you didn’t, officer.”
Gavin pulled her closer, his fingers wrapped into her belt loops and held her tightly to him.
She raised herself on tiptoes, her face dangerously close to Gavin’s face. Gavin swallowed nervously. His hands were sweaty and his heart was beating out of his chest.
Gavin’s right hand left her hip to cup her cheek and pull her face close to his, their noses brushing.
“Happy New Year’s.” He whispered, voice gravelly. She responded in turn by pressing her lips to his.
Her lips were soft against his, gentle almost, and tasted slightly of cherry chapstick. It wasn’t one of those romantic movie kisses where he sweeps her off of her feet and carries her back to his motorcycle bridal style, but it left Gavin breathless nonetheless. It was perfectly her and better than anything he could have dreamed of, and believe him, he had dreamed of this moment many times before.
“Happy New Year’s,” she responded when she pulled back. Her cheeks were tinted pink just as Gavin could imagine his own were. “Thanks for doing that to help me get rid of Shaw.”
“I didn’t kiss you because it was a way to get Shaw to leave you alone.” Gavin said, causing her eyebrow to raise in a question. “I kissed you because I’ve wanted to for a long time.”
“Really?” Her neck flushed red and she bit her lip. “I didn’t know.” “I didn’t make it very obvious.” Gavin admitted, and instead of responding to him, she reached up and planted another kiss on his lips. “What was that for?”
“It’s for all the times I’ve wanted to kiss you in the past, but haven’t been able to!” She exclaimed and Gavin felt his heart thud in his chest.
“So… you’re saying…?” Gavin trailed off, not wanting to assume anything or put words in her mouth.
“I’m saying I can’t wait to spend 2021 with you.” She replied, a smile dancing across her lips.
This time, Gavin didn’t respond and opted for bending down to capture her lips with his own. He wasn’t sure what the next year would have in store, but he was looking forward to many more moments just like the one he was currently spending with her.
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 12 (Kiro) Part 4 [Confession of the Stars] Translation [CN]
For previous translations of Season 2 Chapter 12: Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3
[Confession of the Stars]
Even so, I still didn’t see Kiro’s face. The hospital still expressed his unwillingness to see anyone.
But nonetheless, it was fine for me to text him. I want him to know that he is not alone.
As long as he wants, I will appear in front of him immediately.
In the past two days, Kiro has asked Savin to bring his belongings to him from time to time and sometimes buy a few books.
After entrusting a lawyer to submit my alibi for me, I no longer need to go to the Task Force for regular reports.
However, the previous hospital hostage incident triggered more and more group skirmishes and discussions on the Internet continued on.
Everyone wants become the one who wins the right to speak. On the other hand, the hostile takeover incident of LFG, which had been raging before, was gradually suppressed.
There hasn’t been much movement on LFG’s side, so the problem probably isn’t that serious. I also successfully sent out the USB flash drive according to Gavin’s instructions.
Many departments of the company are asking whether or not to follow the hot topics to produce a show. I was so busy that I could only text Kiro at night.
Such days lasted for more than a week.
After nine o’clock in the evening, I had just entered the house, dragging my weary body when Kiro called.
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Kiro: ….Miss Chips?
His voice was a little cautious, wary, and even quivering.
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MC: What’s wrong?
Kiro let out a little laugh from the other end.
I’ve been so out of it lately. It’s been a very long time since I heard him laugh so enthusiastically.
Kiro: MC, say my name.
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MC: Kiro, are you okay? Why are you so happy?
He didn’t answer but just laughed happily.
Kiro: What are you up to?
MC: Of course, I just got home from a rough day at work. ***Changed some wording***
Kiro: Thanks for all the hard work, Miss Chips.
I was lying on the sofa and complaining to Kiro about recent events. He listened carefully, and from time to time he also grumbled about his troubles to me.
This moment gave me a certain illusion, as if nothing was wrong.
The next day I heard that Kiro asked Savin to bring his guitar.
At the same time, the Task Force came forward and started to take control of the chaotic situation reasonably and accurately.
I checked Weibo and found that more and more people are no longer emotionally angry, but deeper in discussion about the relationship between Evol and ordinary people.
Along with the nice weather, I think a lot of things are heading in a good direction little by little.
I had a rare chance to get off of work early today. After thinking about it, I went and bought Kiro’s favorite canelé and arrived at the door of his ward.
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MC: It would be wonderful if I could see him today…
While I muttered this, I stretched out my hand to knock on the door.
Before I could, an overly harsh and messy guitar chord came to my ears and left me frozen in place.
The crude, sharp sound felt as if it was forced out like a shout being torn from a person’s throat and the chords held some frustration within them.
It was so depressing. It was even hard to breathe.
After a profound silence, a few faint guitar notes came quietly as if crying. The voice was soft and desperate, as if it was not a note.
But a shattered dream.
I leaned on the door and listened to the broken chords, holding my breath without making a sound.
Finally, I left the snack in the nurse’s care. I told her to give it to Kiro after waiting for a bit and then left.
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On the way home, a new advertisement shot by Kiro some time ago is being displayed on the large screen on the side of the road.
Passerby A: Kiro clearly announced that he’s an Evolver. Why is he still so popular?
Passerby B: Kiro is Kiro. What does that have anything to do with being an Evolver?
Passerby A: Maybe he used some special Evol to control you and made you like him so much.
Passerby B: Do you actually know him or even understand him?! Of course, there’s a reason why Kiro is so well-liked. Do you think Evol can do everything?
Passerby B: I’ll show you this collection. You’ll understand after reading it. Why hasn’t he released a new song yet….?
The girl and her companions walked away slowly and I watched their backs disappear into the night.
In this turbulent moment, there are still many people talking about him, expecting him, and waiting for him. But at this time, I don’t want to tell him this.
Stars dotted the night sky, watching the whole city tenderly and peacefully.
I took a photo of this night sky with my phone and sent it to Kiro.
I don’t know what Kiro is struggling by himself, but I hope he won’t make all his expectations become his own burdens.
There was no reply from Kiro that night.
Until 7:25 the following evening, my phone rang.
***During this next scene, the 3rd anniversary song is being played. It made the entire scene so much more emotional and touching but also sad. The BGM in this whole chapter was meticulously chosen.***
Kiro: Good evening, Miss Chips.
Kiro: How did you know that I wanted to eat canelé? When I ate it yesterday, tears were about to come out.
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MC: Tears from the corners of your mouth? ***T/N: She means drooling***
Kiro: Hehe, hurry up and remove the camera you installed on me!
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MC: If there really was a webcam, that would be great….by the way, how are you today? ***Woah, woah, MC!!! So you want to upgrade from sneaky pictures to sneaky videos? MY GIRL!!!***
Kiro: Of course, I’m doing well!
MC: That’s good. It seems that the retreat is working effectively.
Hearing what I said, he laughed. His voice full of energy.
But we both know that these are all tacit masks.
Kiro is too clever. He must know how weak his excuses for shutting himself up are.
So weak that he doesn’t believe them himself.
When 7:30 came around, Kiro stopped talking. Then suddenly he spoke solemnly.
Kiro: Miss Chips, I want to play some songs for you.
MC: Okay! I haven’t heard you play a song in a long time.
Gentle guitar music came slowly from the other end of the phone. I imagined Kiro playing right now and closed my eyes, feeling a little nostalgic.
Soon, one song was finished.
Kiro: Sitting on the bed and closing my eyes just now, it felt like I was in a concert.
MC: That’s not right. The audience hasn’t arrived yet and you can’t have a concert with just you.
Kiro: Then come to the special concert. A concert dedicated by Kiro himself.
Kiro: Miss Chips is the only special guest.
MC: That’s not very monotonous.
Kiro: How could it be?
Kiro: Miss Chips, are you standing by the window right now? Can you see the stars outside?
Listening to what he said, I immediately got up and went to the balcony.
The stars outside the window twinkled and hung in the night sky like little lights.
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MC: I can!!!
Kiro: My favorite stage is like this starry sky.
Kiro: That was my first stage. It was not very big and crowded with people.
Kiro: That day was the same as today, a sky full of stars. There was a long passage leading to the main stage.
Kiro: Every time I stepped on a square, a star will light up under my feet.
Kiro: The audience turned on the flash from the back of their phones and the whole world seemed to be connected into a sea of stars.
Kiro: In that moment, I told myself to shine in this sea of stars and become the brightest one.
I slowly listened to him talking about his beloved stage and the brightest star in his heart.
I was on this end of the phone, looking at the starry night outside. I could feel him holding my hand and leading me towards the stage.
I saw him piously touching the places he knew and missed the most, holding the guitar and standing in the most radiant place.
His entire being seems to be shining.
Kiro: Miss Producer, would you say I’ve done it? 
MC: Of course.
MC: You did it long ago.
Kiro laughed lightly. This time the guitar music was accompanied by his singing.
His voice is so soft and sincere, like some kind of long-distance reunion. Like a farewell to something.
After a dozen songs were sung one after another, Kiro’s voice was already a little hoarse.
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MC: ….Since it’s a concert, can I still have an encore?
Kiro: (chuckles) Since it’s MC’s request, I would definitely not refuse it.
Kiro: This is the last song called “Confession of the Stars”.
***T/N: Decided to include both the EN and CN versions of the lyrics. I’m not a songwriter so the CN version is what Google Translate gave me. I really love Bian Jiang’s singing in this scene so do give it a listen 😉. Also, I love how there’s no BGM music playing while he sings because I feel like that would just take away some of the emotion.***
Kiro: (EN version) “I got a song that I wanna sing for you~ It may not be perfect, but it will have to do~”
“Dreaming your dreams and going your own way~ Sometimes you feel lonely, sometimes heartbreak…”
(CN version) “There is a song I want to sing for you~ For you who work hardest in the world~”
“On the road towards your dream~ Sometimes you feel a little lonely….”
***Now I can’t hear this song the same way ever again. WHY, KIRO!?! TELL ME WHY!?!? YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO BREAK MY HEART!!! TAT***
When I heard the familiar, leisurely melody, I was overwhelmed. The song seemed to pass through time, embracing me tenderly.
I always feel that something will end after this song. I want to try my best to hold onto it, but I can only grasp at nothingness. ***FORESHADOWING!!! Actually, this entire “concert” is.***
Eventually, I could only wait quietly for it to come to an end.
Kiro: (sighs) The concert is over. Thank you, Miss Chips.
Kiro: (In the sweetest, most tender voice): Good night.
-End of Part 4-
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peskellence · 3 months
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Pairing: RK900/Gavin Reed
Tags: Post Pacifist Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Read on AO3 here:
Summary: A lot has changed since the revolution. Crimes against androids are now being treated with greater severity, with many being subject to the same penalties as crimes against humans. While anti-android attitudes are on the decline, transforming the mindset of an entire city is no simple task.
A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner RK900 have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Will his developing feelings for 'Nines' prompt a shift in perspective?
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depression/Self Destructive Behaviour, Smut
Word Count: 7K
Gavin woke up to a wave of white filling his vision, exacerbated by a harsh glow of light. It blinded him temporarily and left his gaze to trail aimlessly through the vacuous surroundings. He couldn't remember everything that happened, but there were small, disordered snippets. Intense pain, the roar of a gunshot, Connor grappling with Alex. Then Nines, holding him in his arms, as he began to fade away.
A voice was calling out, soft and soothing, filled with warmth. Delicate hands held his shoulders, gently caressing them.
"Gavin, can you hear me?"
Any fears he might have had about the nature of his afterlife were quickly dispelled. The figure above him was blurred, but their features seemed willing to mould themselves to his desires. He let out a gentle hum of contentment as an enticing visage began to take shape.
"Guess the big man upstairs can't be too pissed, got me an angel."
The figure was silent momentarily, as though absorbing what the man had just said before they let out a short, disbelieving snort. The illusion was abruptly shattered as Gavin noted an unsteady mix of colours emanating from their temple. Seeming to sync with the sounds coming from a nearby monitor.
"As flattering as that comparison might be, I feel it forthcoming to inform you that you are alive."
Then he felt the cannula—tubes of plastic lodged uncomfortably in his nostrils—and the needle embedded in his hand attached to a nearby drip. He blinked up at the ‘angel’, whose features were beginning to sharpen. Familiar eyes peered down at him, accompanied by a gentle smile.
"Nines?" Realising his mistake, he concluded that the liquid in his drip must be some form of painkillers. Strong ones.
Mercifully, the android did not indulge in any further teasing, instead offering a small nod of acknowledgement. "It's good to hear your voice."
As Gavin tried to lean forward, a sudden rush of delirium halted him. His head felt light and airy, as though he were coasting in a dream.
"How the fuck did I get here? I remember getting hit in the head…and my nose being broken…and fuck, then I was shot." He touched a point on his chest, which he last recalled being soaked in blood. "Would have thought I was a goner for sure..."
"The bullet punctured one of your lungs, resulting in a traumatic hemopneumothorax. Connor and I were able to keep you stable until medical assistance arrived."
Gavin's attention flitted to a wall-mounted television at the far end of the room. As he noted a time stamp in the corner of the news channel that was playing, his head swelled with confusion. The time that had elapsed seemed suspiciously short, leaving him to wonder if he had misread it.
"How long was I out for?"
Nines' soft smile had disappeared, replaced with a perturbed scowl. "A few days...it was touch and go for a while. Your heart stopped beating several times."
The man stalled at the revelation.
Well. Shit.
Then, as the initial shock waned, he was struck by something else—an overwhelming sense of luck, as well as a newfound appreciation for his own tangibility. He held his hands in front of his face, chuckling unsteadily as he did. "Would you look at me? The undead asshole." 
Nines flinched at the crass words, his head bowed forlornly. "This should have never been permitted to happen, wouldn't have happened, had I gone with you. I was too preoccupied with my own self-interests, and because of that, you almost—" 
The sentence was aborted, undercut by a harsh, metallic sound. It took Gavin's drug-addled mind a minute to catch up with what was happening, and then he heard the sobs.
"I was the intended target, and you were the one caught in the crossfire." Despair was etched into the android's features, pale skin streaked with tears. "It should have been me." 
Gavin felt a twinge of sorrow at the implication, worsened by the anguished sounds that Nines was making. He tried to sit up again, but his weakened body refused to comply. "Come on, I don't think you getting shot would have been ideal either."
"After I attacked you, I felt lost—scared of losing control." He was babbling, clipped laments just barely coherent. Glimpses of red bled through his fingers as he clutched the sides of his head. "I thought in distancing myself I could seek to protect us both." 
"You don't have to explain."
"It was a cowardly thing to do. Had I lost you, it would have been my fault, a consequence of my own selfishness—"
"Will you shut up for a minute?" It had not been intended for the request to come across so harshly, and the regret he felt was instantaneous.
Nines flinched, his body jerking before he sunk into his chair with a resigned nod of compliance. It hurt to see him this way, so profoundly distraught and broken. A deep, sinking ache in his chest that could not be ignored.
While too weak to initiate the action fully, the detective extended his arms, beckoning him forward with a twitch of his fingers. "Come here."
After a fleeting hesitation, the offer was accepted. The android slumped against his body, and Gavin felt the tension stored in his synthetic muscles begin to dissipate. He reached a hand behind his head and gently pulled it towards his shoulder.
"You weren't being selfish; you were trying to do what was best", he assured, carding his fingers slowly through strands of soft brown hair.
Everything about his demeanour measured and calm, a conscious departure from his usual abrasive attitude. This newly-adopted resolve proved challenging to maintain, however, as the pressure of their embrace intensified. A twinge of pain broke through his numbness, triggering an involuntary hiss.
"Even if you fucked up a bit."
Nines emitted a small huff as he readjusted his weight, carefully nestling his head against his ribcage. "When Connor explained what was happening, when I saw you in the warehouse, I realised what a terrible mistake I had made—
There will always be dangers in the world. I am far from the only one. For as long as I am in control, I wish to protect you."
Gavin hoped, albeit vainly, that the android would fail to detect the embarrassing flutter in his chest as he said this. "I’m not some fairytale princess, jackass. I don't need a knight in plastic armour to come and save me." 
"I know you don't, but I would appreciate it if you would humour me for just a moment."
They stayed that way for quite some time, savouring the warmth of each other's bodies. After what felt like an eternity of prolonged physical and psychological torment, Gavin was profoundly appreciative of the simple moment of peace.
A part of him wished to stay there forever, refusing to allow anything to breach the walls of contentment. Then, he sealed his own undoing with a single, thoughtless musing:
"So, you're definitely real, right? This isn't some weird doped-up fantasy?"
The android's head tilted upwards. The stormy intensity of his eyes was absent, replaced with a look of serene tranquility. "It isn't." 
"Meaning you are the Nines that I spilt my guts to." 
"That would also be correct."
The floodgates were opened as the man was accosted by a wave of uncomfortable memories. He sunk further into his bed, wishing he could vanish entirely within the folds of the sheets.
"Well, shit. Now I kind of wish I was dead."
The peaceful expression dropped instantaneously as Nines shot up, his LED flaring like a warning beacon. "Why on Earth would you wish for that?" 
"Come on, I haven't exactly been great with how I've handled all this...I can't believe I said I’d wait for you. That’s fucking pathetic."
"Perhaps the message was delivered abrasively, but the sentiment was there. I thought it was sweet." Amidst the comforting sincerity, there appeared to be something Nines was holding back. His focus darted to the side as his lips pulled into a taut line. "You have no idea how hard it was. Walking away from you."
"Just don't do it again," Gavin grumbled back, halfway between a chide and a plea. He reached out across the bed, fingers brushing the side of his companion’s hand. "No more running. For either of us."
Nines stilled at the touch before his own fingers twitched to life. Moving along the sheets, he blanketed the man's calloused skin with his palm. 
"No more running", he agreed softly. "With any luck, that will mean future sentiment can be expressed more opportunely."
There was something about this statement that inspired a moment of introspection. Sorting through his fractured recollections of the distribution centre, there were certain memories Gavin wished to solidify more than others. Namely, the last exchange the two of them shared.
"Back in the warehouse, you said something to me, right before I passed out." 
It hadn't been a question, but the weighty pause that followed confirmed his desire for elaboration. The android appeared flustered at this, a fine dusting of blue powdering his cheeks.
"You know what I said."
"I’d been hit in the head with a steel pipe, and I was bleeding out. Didn't know if I was imagining it." The man stared at him intently, scrutinising his torn expression. "I wanna hear you say it again."
Nines made a quiet, shuddering sound, charged with electricity. There was a soulful vulnerability in his gaze as he leant forward, closing the gap between them.The kiss was slow and tender, culminating with a heartfelt proclamation whispered against his lips. "I love you." 
An apprehensive breath that had lodged in his throat finally released. It left Gavin temporarily speechless, wondering when those words had last incited such a reaction. Of course, he didn't express this, settling for a more 'restrained' response.
"Fucking knew it."
Rolling his eyes with a playful flourish, Nines steadily pulled away. "Yes, well, you are a detective. I would have hoped you could deduce something so transparent." 
"God, this is so cheesy," he said back, mingled with a deep groan. "Straight out of a rom-com, bet Connor would love it."
His companion failed to regard the sentiment with the same degree of enthusiasm. A faint furrow creased his brow as he fiddled with the trim of his jacket. "I’m not sure ‘love’ would be the most apt descriptor, but I imagine he'd make an effort to be supportive."
In retrospect, a less than stellar reception to his and Nines’ relationship could have been anticipated—given the extensive emotional and physical antagonism he had shown his brother. Gavin slipped his hand away, picking at one of his weathered knuckles. "How's he holding up, anyway? Him and the old bastard."
"The Reaper roused a few minutes after you lost consciousness. I believe Hank pulled a tendon whilst keeping him restrained. Aside from that, they are both fine."
The temptation to poke fun at the older man’s physical durability, or lack thereof, was staggering. Despite this, he resisted.
"Got time to work on them, then. Wear ‘em down like I did with you."
"I would hardly call it wearing me down," the android contended, reaching forward and brushing a hand across his cheek. "Connor told me about what you did, piecing together the final riddle in my absence. Your intelligence and courage are more than deserving of my adoration. I am confident that the others will be just as appreciative, given time."
Gavin scoffed at the words of reassurance, his brow raised incredulously. "Whatever happened to you not having an advanced social protocol? Smooth-talking bastard."
"I've been practising," Nines admitted, planting affectionate kisses along the length of his jaw. "I also recall telling you that I learn from experience. Perhaps you are more adept with words than you think."
"Bullshit. Feel free to carry on, though. If the aim is to charm my pants off, it's working."
"Gavin." The name sounded low and needy as it rolled off his tongue, movements trailing intently towards his mouth. 
The kiss that followed was harsh and feverish, filled with shared desperation. Gavin panted eagerly as he felt a tongue slip past his lips, skillfully coaxing out a series of moans. With each movement, he pulled Nines closer—until he was draped across the bed, practically crawling inside.
"Whooaaa there. Sorry, fellas, are we interrupting something?"
They shot apart instantly, startled by the address. The detective initially assumed it had come from some ill-fated nurse—receiving an unexpected show on their afternoon drug round. His embarrassment escalated to mortification as he discovered the reality to be much worse.
Hank and Connor stood in the doorway, sharing mirrored looks of confusion. The latter sported a large plastic bag, as well as a length of ribbon attached to his wrist. At the end of the ribbon was a foil balloon reading ‘Get Well Soon’ in a blocky font. 
The cheerful sentiment was juxtaposed comically by an increasingly sour expression. His LED blinked in yellow pulses as he glanced wearily at his brother.
"I did say we were coming."
"Yes, I received your message", Nines clipped back as his cool-toned blush deepened significantly. "I was...distracted."
"Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" 
Gavin glowered at Hank, who was shamelessly tittering at his own joke. "You dipshits ever heard of knocking?" 
"This is a public hospital, and the door was open—" It was evident Connor wished to continue but was dissuaded by a pleading look from his brother. He inhaled deeply before starting again, addressing the man with a more composed neutrality. "Nines asked if we could stop at your home. I fed your cats and brought you some clothes."
"Is everyone just letting themselves into my fucking apartment now?" 
"I’ll be sure to foot the bill for your window."
The dry response had clearly been been intended as a joke, but the mystified silence that followed informed of its failure to land. Connor’s jaw hardened in tenuously repressed frustration. "I was advised on the location of your key. If you don't want your home to be easily accessed, I suggest you find somewhere more secure to keep it."
"Not the only reason we came down." Hank interrupted, despite the visible amusement he was garnering from the exchange. Striding towards the bed, he settled himself down on one of the hard plastic chairs. "We wanted to fill you in with what is happening at the station."
As the detective attempted to sit up, Nines sought to support him, placing a hand under his arm. "Has he talked yet? Alex, Gideon, or whatever the fuck his name is."
"Seems like the prick has changed it a few times." Hank reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small photograph and presenting it to him. "He was born Dimitar Petrov in Varna, Bulgaria. Worked as an engineer at CyberLife for three months until he was made redundant."
Gavin stared down at the picture, to which Dimitar glared back. His darkened eyes exuded a disquieting rage, hands clenched on the sides of an arrest board. The longer he looked, the more the visage churned his stomach, skin crawling with phantom touches. 
"He isn't even Russian. Lying motherfucker…"
His disgruntled murmuring elicited an immediate reaction from Nines, whose grip tightened, head tilted curiously. Before he had a chance to speak, Connor had interjected:
"We found several IDs in his possession. The Gideon pseudonym seems to coincide with his move to Detroit." He removed the balloon from his wrist, anchoring it to the bed's footboard. "At the time of his redundancy, he had received several warnings for what was believed espionage."
"He was trying to take them down from the inside." A sneer accompanied the deduction as Gavin set the photo on a nearby table. "Before the revolution fucked up his plans. Demented and deluded—a real fucking winner."
"On the bright side, the ego worked to our advantage," Hank chimed in. "As soon as Connor got him talking about his ‘holy mission’, he sang like a fucking canary."
"The case will have to go to trial", the RK800 clarified. "While he confessed to attacking and dismantling the androids, he maintains his only murder was that of the human woman."
"It won't make a difference," his partner added. "Even if the law agreed with him, which it doesn't, one count of First Degree murder is more than enough to send him down. Plus, we got the fuckers 'trophy collection'. No talking his way around that."
"He’ll need a damn good lawyer, that's for sure." Having exhausted the remainder of his energy, Gavin allowed his head to lull back, eyelids drooping. "Guy couldn't even talk me into bed; he doesn't stand a chance against a jury."
The silence that followed was legendary. Hank and Connor exchanged troubled glances before their attention slowly drifted to Nines. The android in question had seized in place, his stoic expression unreadable. 
"What are you talking about?"
Gavin's fluttering lids suddenly snapped open. While admitting culpability for his more egregious crimes, Dimitar had clearly maintained silence on his more 'ethically grey' practices.
They were all looking at him expectantly, as it occurred to the detective just how effectively he had sought to corner himself. Nines seemed particularly anticipative. While his face remained indecipherable, it was clear that they would not be moving on from the topic without some form of elaboration. 
He chewed the inside of his mouth, unsure how best to broach the subject. "...Do you remember that date I went on? With the guy I was texting in the Storage Locker?"
A spark of yellow ignited the RK900's forehead, spinning in disordered flashes for a number of seconds. "Yes."
"Well, turns out the Reaper really wanted some insider information—but don't worry, he was a shit kisser. Wasn't about to tempt me to the dark side with a tongue like a fucking spin cycle." 
There was silence for a disconcerting length of time, but the fractious tremble of the android's shoulders and steady careen of his jaw spoke volumes. It ignited a spark of concern in Gavin as he attempted to place a hand on his forearm.
"It's fine."
Nines had stood before he made contact, face contorted with disgust. "It is not fine. You were taken advantage of. In a hideous, unforgivable way."
"Where the Hell are you going?" 
"To the station. I would like to request five minutes alone in this man's holding cell."
As he charged towards the exit, Connor smoothly intercepted, the red flicker on his temple betraying his rising alarm. "Your energy output is extremely low. I’m not sure that's a good idea. How about we take a walk instead?" 
"I don't need a walk."
"Then we can find somewhere to sit. You've had a long couple of days. The fresh air may do you some good!" 
"If you don't allow me to go to the station, then I will not be leaving this hospital."
Connor's forced optimism was beginning to wane as his approach proved ill-effective. "What if we…get some coffee for Hank and Gavin?" he suggested, making a vague gesture out of the doorway. "There is a machine down the hall. It would only take a few minutes."
Shooting his predecessor a withering look, the RK900 finally relented. "Fine."
The two androids disappeared around the corner, leaving their human companions behind. After a stretch of awkward silence, Hank started to make a series of popping noises under his breath, accompanied by drumming on his lap.
"So, when's the wedding?"
"Fuck off, Anderson."
"l want you to make an honest android of him. Can lend you Sumo if you need a flower pooch."
"I hope that you die and your dog fucking eats you."
"You really are a charmer, aintcha? It’s easy to see how you won Nines over." Hank batted his eyelashes teasingly before the playful demeanour quickly dropped. "...Seriously, the kid's been a wreck, Reed. Refused to leave your side for even a second, had to be dragged out of the room during your operation."
Gavin's eyes widened at this, as a complex swell of emotions washed over him. "He's been here the entire time?"  
The other man nodded in confirmation. "I know it might go without saying, but you m
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beca-mitchell · 4 years
wish i could pretend i didn’t need you (3/?)
Summary: Two weeks later. Beca has to work with an old acquaintance while her relationship with Chloe has flourished all the while
Word Count: 4,081
A/N: Chapter title from Gavin Haley and Ella Vos’ “The Way I Am”. Unbeta’d, sorry (except for Chloe yelling at me this morning when she woke up and read the chapter)! Smut warning for this chapter!
* * * * *
She hates this game, however. Whenever her father’s associates pretend to not know who she is, or at least, feign politeness upon greeting her as if it is the first time they are meeting. The fact of the matter is, their business circles already aren’t necessarily the largest. It isn’t like she doesn’t know who wants to talk to her.
“Good morning,” she greets politely, though she does not put her spoon down. Instead, she idly stirs her oatmeal, finding it infinitely more interesting than the man next to her. “On your way out?” she asks quickly. Pointedly.
“Yes, but it’s always a pleasure to see you. We really should talk about grabbing a bite.”
She had spared him a brief glance and once-over a few seconds ago, but she does not linger. In her mind, she categorizes everything she knows about him at first glance. Son of a wealthy contract with a lot of influence in L.A. and the surrounding area. Young—probably around her age. Mid-twenties. She supposes he isn’t bad to look at. He just has the same hungry look in his eye, as do most young men whenever they’ve seemingly been promised an opportunity to talk to her.
She sighs, knowing that she’s going to have to annoy her father once more.
Read below (AO3 link under the cut)
AO3 - chapter 3: wish i could take your hand
“Are you sure you don’t want something else?”
Beca peers up at the staff waiting on her. It makes her feel simultaneously small and grandiose all at once. It was never something she got used to, even if she grew up in this very house, surrounded by many of the same people. She’s sure her family would like her to consider them her friends, but she often feels more like a stranger than anything else.
“Miss Mitchell?”
“I’m—uh, no. It’s okay. I’m good with this.” She gestures at the measly oatmeal she has placed in front of her.
She catches the brief panic that flashes across his face, looking very much like he wants to insist on feeding her something more substantial.
“Um, but where is my dad? I was told he wanted to have breakfast together,” she grumbles. “After dragging me out of bed too.” She glances at him to see if she has managed to elicit a smile. Half a smile. A quarter.
Nothing. “Mr. Mitchell is in a meeting right now, but he will be with you shortly.”
Beca resists the impulse to roll her eyes and turns back to her food, uncaring that she has her jacket draped sloppily over the dining chair armrest or that her shirt is mildly rumpled, having just been picked from her dresser carelessly. Another thing she hates—being treated like another one of her father’s business associates. It’s often hard to believe they’re from the same bloodline at all. It’s hard to believe that he considers her his daughter at all.
“Did you need something?”
Beca pinches the bridge of her nose, annoyed. “No. Thanks.”
“I’ll...be in the kitchen if you need anything.”
Beca watches him go with a sigh. Her brooding is interrupted by a short buzz from her phone, resting on the table.
Chloe Beale Dinner tonight? Missed you last night <3
That puts her in better spirits. She immediately picks up her phone, spoon hanging loosely from her mouth, dumb smile on her face.
Beca Mitchell Yesss please. Missed you too. Sick of me yet??
Chloe Beale Never
It is absolutely incredible how a simple text exchange manages to lift her spirits. She clicks her phone off, putting it on the table and returning to her breakfast.
“Beca Mitchell?”
She glances up. Beca flashes a tight smile at the young man now interrupting her breakfast. She chooses to spend as little time in her father’s house as possible, but he had arranged for a car to pick her up from her apartment that morning, which had been rather fortunate, considering that she had actually spent the night at her apartment for the first time in a few weeks.
She hates this game, however. Whenever her father’s associates pretend to not know who she is, or at least, feign politeness upon greeting her as if it is the first time they are meeting. The fact of the matter is, their business circles already aren’t necessarily the largest. It isn’t like she doesn’t know who wants to talk to her.
“Good morning,” she greets politely, though she does not put her spoon down. Instead, she idly stirs her oatmeal, finding it infinitely more interesting than the man next to her. “On your way out?” she asks quickly. Pointedly.
“Yes, but it’s always a pleasure to see you. We really should talk about grabbing a bite.”
She had spared him a brief glance and once-over a few seconds ago, but she does not linger. In her mind, she categorizes everything she knows about him at first glance. Son of a wealthy contract with a lot of influence in L.A. and the surrounding area. Young—probably around her age. Mid-twenties. She supposes he isn’t bad to look at. He just has the same hungry look in his eye, as do most young men whenever they’ve seemingly been promised an opportunity to talk to her.
She sighs, knowing that she’s going to have to annoy her father once more.
She hates this part the most. She hates being regarded as a piece of meat of some kind. People who didn’t know her, walking up to her and starting conversations. People like her who barely understood what it meant to live a life of struggle. A life outside of privilege. And on top of that, she already knows what he wants. He wants two things: first, probably to get into her pants, which. Gross. Second, he wants to talk up his company—his father’s company—until she wants to slice her own ears off. She knows the formula. She knows the formula too well at this point. In the same way that her father is set in his ways, she figures that some things never change.
“I’ll have my people call your people,” Beca replies, quickly putting a spoon of oatmeal into her mouth so she can resist the peal of laughter that threatens to burst from her at the sight of his despondent expression. “Nice seeing you, Darren.”
“It’s Derek.”
She smirks, tapping her spoon against the table. “Oops.” He leaves in a huff. Beca, pleased by this reaction, contentedly rises from her seat and twists, bowl in hand only to see—“Jesse?”
Jesse Swanson, in all his smug glory and leaning against the arch opening into the living room, is quite possibly the last person Beca wants to see at the moment, but she draws comfort from the fact that he is, at least somebody she can moderately trust. Which is a lot more than she can say for ninety-nine percent of the people her father brings into his home.
“Happy to see me, Beca?”
“Not particularly, no. You only roll into town whenever there’s a huge shipment coming in.”
“Look at us,” Jesse drawls, moving closer. “Back together again. And you haven’t changed. What’s it been? Two years? Three?”
“Three since I rejected you at university, I believe,” Beca says, tapping her chin slowly. “Time passes when you’re having fun.”
“He was into you,” Jesse comments. “Totally into you. It was like watching a trainwreck, watching him flirt with you.”
Beca scoffs. “Was that what that was? Was I supposed to be impressed with that?” She sighs, finally close enough to slug Jesse in the shoulder. “How have you been? How’s the girlfriend?”
“Beca,” he pouts. “You know my heart only beats for you.”
Beca grimaces, shoving him out of the way as she goes. That, she hates. She hates that Jesse, for whatever reason, still holds some kind of torch for her. It had started as an early attempt at an arranged...something...between their families. Jesse’s family, one of the biggest shareholders at Los Angeles Port had been highly interested (read: invested) in a potential romance between their only son and the only daughter and heir to the Mitchell fortune.
It was a match made in hypothetical heaven.
It was just that...Beca couldn’t bring herself to muster feelings for Jesse. He was too much, too forceful about their relationship, and too into her at the time. It was all more than she could handle when she had already been coerced into getting a degree.
On top of that, it left a bad taste in her mouth knowing that it would have been yet another thing tying her to this shitshow of a lifestyle.
And, though she would never really admit it to her family, it was the fact that Jesse was...Jesse. They had grown up together. They had trained in martial arts together. They had overseen incredibly illegal trades together.
She just couldn’t take him seriously as a romantic prospect, despite never having had experience dating many people to begin with.
So...yes. It bothers her that her father is still trying to force this upon her, even years later. She knows it’s his way of attempting to seal their relationship in the same way he always does—like a puppetmaster behind the scenes.
The thought enrages her enough that she shoves through her father’s study doors. “No,” she announces boldly, ignoring Jesse’s stammering behind her.
“Beca, good morning to you too. I’ll overlook your disregard for rules and inability to knock when requested.”
“Dude,” Jesse hisses to her. “Mr. Mitchell,” he announces. “You wanted to see me? Um.” He shifts closer to Beca, whether for protection or something else, she doesn’t want to find out and steps away. “Us,” he corrects.
“Yes, thank you, Jesse. And please, what’s with this Mr. Mitchell nonsense.” To Beca’s immense surprise, her father stands and moves from behind his incredibly unnecessary and large antique desk. He moves to pat Jesse jovially on the shoulder. “You’re practically family.”
Beca clenches her jaw, watching the exchange. She doesn’t realize she’s holding her breath until her father stops in front of her. He cups her cheek, smiling at her with something akin to tenderness. Or perhaps an impression of it, as if he had seen it once in a movie. “Always nice to see you, my dear,” he says. “You never really stop by much anymore unless it’s to get irritated about something entirely out of our control.”
I want to be out of your control.
The thought passes by so fleetingly that she almost doesn’t catch it, but she does. She catches it and holds on to it, letting herself drift along with it for a few short moments as her father returns to his perch behind the ornate desk.
Beca hates that desk.
“I need you two to supervise a shipment coming in tonight. Jesse, your parents will have the exact drop-off point at the port.”
Beca hates stake-outs more than that desk. She holds her tongue, merely nodding as her father gives directions. “It might take all night.”
At that, her head lifts. “All night?” she questions.
“Yes.” He places his hands on the table. “Is that a problem, Beca?”
She senses that Jesse shifts next to her. The air seems to grow still around them as her father awaits her response.
“No,” she murmurs, finally, thinking only of Chloe and the text she’ll have to send. “Not a problem.”
“Good. I know you won’t disappoint me.”
She hates that he looks directly at her.
 * * * * *
  “Rebecca! Get in here!”
Beca startles, nearly dropping her walkman on the ground as her father’s booming voice echoes from his study, down the ominous hallway she hates walking through.
He had full-named her. She can’t imagine what horror awaits her. Desperately, she tries to wrack her brain for something she might have done or not done.
She rushes, wincing as she bumps into a chair along the way. The pain burns through her and she pauses, momentarily stricken by how hard the chair had resisted against her movement.
“Coming!” she calls back, wincing at the tremor in her own voice.
She knocks quietly on the study door, noting that it stands slightly open.
Beca enters, still clutching her walkman as something comforting to hold on to at this point. “You wanted to see me?” she asks.
“You want to explain this?” He points at a paper on his desk, not even bothering to look up at her. For that, she’s grateful, unable to explain why she fears her father so much...especially whenever he looks her in the eyes.
She approaches the desk, unable to see what it is exactly. When she is close enough, she sees her school emblem atop the paper and her eyes widen, knowing it must be her report card for the semester.
“What is it?” she asks. “What do you want me to—”
“Don’t be smart with me now, Beca. Look at this. A B? Another B? A B-?”
“It—it…” She wants to explain that it had been hard, switching schools again in the middle of the semester. It had been hard to make friends, but she was trying. She was trying to fit in and she genuinely did like school. She liked the people she had managed to become friends with. She liked her teachers. She loved music class.
“Are you stupid?”
Beca’s face grows hot. She feels like she might cry. “No,” she murmurs.
“No, you are not. Because you are a Mitchell. And we don’t fail.”
His eyes zero in on her walkman, still pressed against her chest. “Give me that.”
She whimpers. “Please, daddy—”
He stands, chair pushing back roughly. She wills herself to stand still at the sound. His previous instructions echo around her mind erratically. Stand still. Back straight. Shoulders back.
Stand like you mean it.
He snatches the walkman from her. “This is a horrible distraction. You need real education.”
She barely has time to protest, words dying on her throat, when her father drops the walkman on the floor and crushes it under the heel of his foot.
“Do you see this?” he demands over her sudden, erratic sobs. “This is what happens to failure in this house. We don’t accept it. This is what we do to people who put our futures in jeopardy.”
“I’m—I’m sorry,” Beca cries, hands coming up to her face. She feels such shame for crying in front of her father, knowing that he must think so lowly of her.
“Apologies won’t bring that back,” he says, pointing at her walkman. “Apologies won’t fix your grades.”
“What—” her mother bursts into the room, taking in the scene before her: Beca, shoulders hunched as she cries, smashed walkman on the ground, CD and all. “What’s going on in here?”
“Some lessons need to be taught. Did you see the grades from that school you wanted to put her in?”
“She’s seven!” her mother cries, pulling Beca tight against her. Beca continues to cry, pressing her face against her mother’s shoulder. Her mother’s hand presses tight against the back of her head, a comforting grip. “She’s seven, she’s trying!”
“Public school was a mistake. This was your idea, Sofia. Don’t think I've forgotten.”
“And you agreed. She needs the socialization, Enzo. She needs to meet people her age and grow.”
“She can get that just fine here. With private tutors. She needs to be homeschooled so she can—”
“No. I don’t want to talk about this right now. Look at her. You made our baby cry.”
Beca doesn’t hear her father’s response, too distracted by the warmth of her mother’s hold and the beating of her heart beneath her ear.
 * * * * *
 Beca checks her phone for the millionth time. She sees nothing out of the ordinary in Chloe’s goodnight text. They had agreed to postpone their dinner date to brunch the next day, but God, the disappointment Beca feels is unparalleled. She had been looking forward to curling up in Chloe’s arms, drifting off to sleep in Chloe’s bed. She had been looking forward to Chloe’s attempt at cooking dinner. She had been looking forward to it all.
“You seem agitated tonight.” Jesse watches her carefully. “Hot date that you’re missing out on tonight?”
“Why would you automatically assume that the only reason I wouldn’t want to spend time with you is that I have other plans?”
“Oh you wound me as always, Beca.”
“Just. Focus, okay? Let’s just get this done.” She wraps her jacket around herself tighter, wondering why, of all nights, Los Angeles decided to be abnormally chilly. The chill seems to seep into her bones.
“You’re not that into this, huh?”
“What are you talking about?”
“This whole...thing. Being here.”
“Jesse, it’s not about you.”
“I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about this life. This charmed life we live. Waiting for a shipment of questionable materials and making sure nobody steals from us because God forbid that we become less rich. That whole life. But it’s just...this is pretty much it for us, you know? Mess up once and that’s the end of the line.”
Beca is silent, contemplating the breadth of Jesse’s words. She’s sure he isn’t necessarily baiting her into saying anything, but she is still wary of responding too affirmatively, lest he take that information and use it to his own advantage.
But it’s Jesse—he has been fairly mellow over the period of time that they have known each other. He has been somewhat kind, somewhat understanding. He seemed fairly hands-off in terms of his own parents’ business, similar to Beca’s own disdain for this lifestyle.
“So...that’s why…” Jesse sighs. “Who is it? Do I know him?”
Beca blinks, refocusing on the horizon. The water looks especially daunting at this time of day. Rippling calm. Moon glinting off the surface. Blackness. Darkness.
This is pretty much it for us, you know?
“It’s nobody,” she finally responds. “It’s nothing.”
 * * * * *
 She ends up leaving the stake-out early, under Jesse’s reassurance that he would handle it.
Beca doesn’t mean to arrive at Chloe’s apartment, but her feet moved her automatically. She checks the time, noting that it isn’t too ridiculously late for a Friday night. A small smile graces her lips at the memory of how she had met Chloe on a random Friday night. Now, three and a half weeks later, and she’s dating this woman, murky future in sight, but a future nonetheless.
She reaches up to knock, but hesitates.
It’s too soon for you to be showing up this late. Too soon—she doesn’t want to see you.
Her own thoughts knock the wind out of her; she knows that this level of self-doubt is unwarranted considering that she and Chloe have been moving fairly steadily along over the past month. A month and Beca’s feelings have only developed further, growing along the way.
She bites her lip, hesitating. She has no reason to believe that Chloe doesn’t feel the same way. Chloe, who is incredibly open and genuine. She wears her emotions for all to see.
Now, her father’s voice, chiming in: the lack of self-preservation. Remember that emotion is a weapon and a curse. Depends on how you use it.
But, Beca thinks. Is it so bad to be wanted?
Beca Mitchell Hey Are you awake?
The briefest moment of radio silence, but it’s enough to send Beca’s fingers back to the keyboard as she makes her way back down the apartment hallway. She is about to type out nevermind when Chloe texts her back.
Chloe Beale yeah, what’s up?
Beca Mitchell would you mind opening your door?
Chloe Beale :O :O :O beca mitchell! yes! coming!
Beca barely has time to suck in a relieved breath when Chloe’s apartment door flies open and Chloe herself is leaping onto Beca’s back with a delighted squeal.
“You made it!”
“You’re not mad I came so late?” Beca asks, lifting her hand and curling it around Chloe’s forearm. Chloe’s hug tightens momentarily before she loosens up enough to let Beca spin in her arms. Lazily, she drapes her arms over Beca’s shoulders, kissing her right in the middle of the hallway, without a care in the world.
“I’m just glad you came, Bec.”
The nickname, still as jarring as it was when Chloe first used it, somehow warms Beca’s heart. She finds comfort in it; she finds comfort in how out of left-field it feels. And beyond that, beyond the nickname, she finds comfort in Chloe’s sincerity.
“I’m late,” Beca repeats, wonder creeping into her tone.
“I don’t care.”
“Really?” Beca asks, unsure why she is fixating on this one little instance. This one moment between them in their new, budding relationship. Everything between them is passion and desire, but also an undercurrent of something incredibly deep. She pulls on Chloe’s hips, having only just a moment of clarity which she finds in Chloe’s blue eyes before Chloe’s lips collide into her own. Like the softest of blows, Chloe’s kiss knocks the wind out of her.
But, as Chloe has proven over and over in just a short period of time, Chloe catches her. She holds Beca close, deepening the kiss only slightly with the intent of inflicting passion and nothing more. Gently, her lips move against Beca’s—a greeting to surpass all greetings—as a hello.
Hello, you’re here. I’m happy to see you.
That and nothing more.
“Stay the night?” Chloe asks, breathless as she tilts her forehead to press against Beca’s.
“I would love to. But, um. I should definitely shower first.”
 * * * * *
 Beca had been tired, but she can’t think of anything else now with water dripping down her forehead and nose. The steam is almost overpowering, but her gasps have nothing to do with steam. She gasps, loudly and wantonly, because Chloe’s tongue is doing sinful things between her legs. She wants to grab something other than Chloe’s hair, but she knows that she can’t for fear of breaking something in Chloe’s shower.
Chloe’s tongue flicks out expertly against her clit, bullying it gently and stimulating it, pushing Beca’s sensitivity to its limits. Again and again, she flicks, occasionally sucking at whatever her mouth can reach. Chloe’s movements are almost lazy, with how sluggishly her hands scrape up and down Beca’s thighs, sending fresh waves of tingles across Beca’s skin.
With each pass of Chloe’s lips and tongue through and around her cunt, Beca trembles, shaking off every last moment from the day she just had. “Fuck...Chloe…” She tapers off into a broken-off moan when Chloe sucks on clit rather harshly. Her mouth falls open and her head tilts back, smacking against the hard tile behind her. The sensation is lost soon enough however, when Chloe draws away, sliding up Beca’s body. Chloe is panting herself when she comes face to face with Beca. Their lips collide, messy and sloppy in technique, but rife with desire and lust. Beca clutches onto Chloe’s shoulders with her remaining strength, attempting to keep up with how desperately Chloe’s tongue moves inside her mouth.
Shower all but forgotten, Chloe’s fingers navigate between her thighs. “I want to feel you like this,” Chloe murmurs. She nips a line down Beca’s jaw. “Feel you around my fingers.” She sucks at the spot she knows drives Beca crazy, unrelenting as two fingers slip inside her dripping pussy.
Beca moans, giving Chloe the sounds she enjoys most. She tenses, tight around Chloe’s fingers, attempting to draw in her girlfriend’s fingers further. They fit so well together, Chloe’s fingers pressed tightly inside her, Beca’s hands holding tightly to Chloe’s shoulders.
“Harder,” Beca breathes, clutching Chloe’s head to her chest. “Fuck, Chloe. Harder.”
Chloe whimpers at her words, lifting her head to press a kiss to Beca’s mouth as best as she can. “I’m—I just want—” She moans, moving her fingers in and out of Beca. “To take care of you, fuck—” She shudders, pressing herself more firmly against Beca’s thigh, wedged as best as she can against Chloe’s cunt. Her thrusts increase in intensity, both of them doing their best to maintain an upright position.
You are, Beca wants to say. She can do nothing more than cry out, pulling at Chloe’s hair as she finally comes, falling apart in Chloe’s arms.
 * * * * *
 The phone buzzes obnoxiously.
“Who is it?” Chloe asks sleepily. She moves as if to rise from the bed to retrieve their phones. Beca groans, pulling Chloe back into their comfortable cocoon-slash-duvet. “But—”
Beca could care less about who it is. All she knows is that she wants Chloe wrapped around her in more ways than one, but she’ll settle for at least cuddling at the bare minimum. Naked cuddling, on top of that.
“You’re so clingy tonight,” Chloe observes, but she does not sound upset about it. Instead, she sighs, wrapping her arms around Beca’s shoulders and nestling even closer. “And warm,” she adds happily. “Awesome.”
Beca hums, distracted by the soft curves of Chloe’s body. She presses her lips against Chloe’s collarbones—a kiss on each side—before she begins lazily kissing the column of her neck. Chloe shivers against her, though her arm tenses around her shoulders, tightening her hold.
“Again?” Chloe murmurs. She uses her free hand to trace the curve of Beca’s cheek and the line of her jaw. “You’re insatiable.”
Beca doesn’t bother arguing. She just tilts her head back so Chloe can see her face and she smirks for good measure, knowing that Chloe will cave soon enough.
On her phone—three missed calls: Jesse Swanson.
fin chapter 3
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Reed1700: Connor noticed Gavin and Nines spending time together a lot and he felt left out. Plz end with fluff
ahh the ending is so soft!!
Connor was busy. That was actually the understatement of the year, but it still fits.
Cases had been pouring in non-stop and Hank and he could barely keep up. He still had some free time, though, but it was incredibly small.
Even with being so busy he had time to notice things around him. Like how his two boyfriends would whisper to each other while looking at him.
Connor would have brought it up, at least ask if he had something on his face but the two avoided him like the plague.
It hurt far more than he'd care to admit, so he threw himself headfirst into the cases. Hank didn't miss this fact at all, but he didn't bring it up. If Connor wanted to talk he would.
Then they finally got a break. They had solved the case and Fowler said that if he saw either of them at the office for the next few days he'd fire them.
So they both went home to Hank's. Connor still lived there after all this time. He loved being there and he loved Hank so it wasn't a problem. Hank definitely enjoyed having him there even with all his grumbling.
Connor had sent a message to both Nines and Gavin letting them know he was free. He hadn't gotten to spend much time with either of them and he just wanted to hold them again.
They didn't reply. Which could just be them being busy but he knew they had a break too. So unless something had come up, they were avoiding him.
It stung so much that he almost just curled up in his room and never left. But Hank had been pacing around the living room and Connor knew he was worried.
So he dragged himself out of bed and into the living room, he had spent most of the day laying there. Hank watched him as he sat down on the right end of the couch, pulling himself into a tight ball.
Hank finally sat down beside him, turning on the TV. They didn't say anything for a long time but Connor slowly scooted over so he could lean his head against Hank's arm.
"Do you wanna talk about it, son?" Hank asks, no longer paying attention to the TV at all.
Connor shrugs and stares ahead for a few seconds. He wanted to talk about it, but saying it out loud made it real. "Nines and Gavin are avoiding me."
"Why do you think that?" Oh, Connor hated the way he said that. Like he agreed but wanted Connor to talk it out anyway.
Connor swallowed thickly, pushing back the tears. "They keep whispering and looking at me. They won't return my messages and when I try to make time for us to be together they always say they're busy." Yep, it definitely hurt to say that out loud.
What had he done wrong? He knew he was new at the whole boyfriend thing but he thought he was doing well. He thought they were incredibly close.
Maybe he had been kidding himself this whole time. Maybe they only asked him out because they pitied him. Or maybe it was a cruel joke. He didn't think they were the type to do that or be capable of it. Though, maybe he didn't even know them at all.
"From my experience, guys get super sweet before they break up with you. Maybe something is going on with one of them and they don't want to worry you." Hank suggested.
It was a good idea but it still hurt. He wanted to be worried about them. He wanted to be able to hold them and pepper them with kisses until they forgot whatever was wrong. He wanted to be there for them.
But they weren't letting him. They weren't even giving him a chance. Was he not trustworthy? Everyone had told him that he was forgiven for things he did before deviancy. Though, he had told them both about Amanda. Did they not trust him because of her?
"Then why won't they even talk to me?! I thought they…" he trails off, shaking his head. He thought a lot of things.
"Connor, what did you think?" Hank asks, turning so they can face each other.
Connor quickly shakes his head again, ducking it so Hank won't see the tears. "It doesn't matter. I was obviously wrong." His voice comes out staticky and he hates it.
Maybe this is why they didn't want him. He was too weak, or too emotional. He cared too much when he should have played it off as being cool.
"I need you to tell me, Connor." Hank sighs, reaching out to place a hand on his trembling shoulder.
"I thought they loved me, ok?! They've never said it but I thought they had shown it. I thought they wanted me around and that they loved me as much as I love them!" His voice cracks and he can no longer hold in the tears.
Then Hank is pulling him in and rubbing slow circles into his back.
Part of him wishes he never became deviant. If he hadn't then he wouldn't have to deal with all of these emotions. He wouldn't have to deal with love and heartbreak. He wouldn't have cared either way if they loved him or not.
But he was deviant and he did feel it. He felt so much and it was overwhelming. How did humans survive like this? With all of these emotions constantly distracting them?
"From what I've seen, they do. They look at you like you hung the fucking moon, Connor. They both get this stupid grin on their face when you do something adorable and you don't even realize you're doing it. That looks like love to me. But what do I know, I'm just an old man." Hank says, pulling away and reaching out to wipe away Connor's tears.
Connor quickly shakes his head. "You're only fifty-five, Hank." He points out.
"And you're only two, so let me call myself old." He smiles as Connor's eye roll. "Seriously, I do think they love you."
Connor shrugged, pulling his knees to his chest. "Then why are they ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?"
"Not from what I've seen. If you really want to, you can go to their place and barge in, demanding answers. Be dramatic as hell and make them feel like shit." Hank said.
That was another thing. Gavin and Nines already lived together. Connor was happy for them and before all of this he actually spent most nights there. He even had some clothes in the drawers alongside Gavin's and Nines's.
Connor giggles and shakes his head. "I don't want to make them feel bad, but I do want to talk to them."
"Do you want to talk to them now or do you wanna watch Cupcake Wars?" Hank already knows the answer but it still warms his heart to see Connor perk up a bit.
"Cupcake Wars!" Connor said, bouncing just slightly. Hank chuckled and quickly found it. It definitely wasn't one of Hank's favorites but the kid loved it so much that he'd watch every episode a hundred times if it made him happy.
They watched the TV until both of them are falling asleep. Connor surprisingly does actually fall asleep as he leans against Hank.
Hank turned the TV off, gently picking up Connor and taking him to his room. He couldn't help himself as he tucked him in, and then pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Damn, this kid was turning him soft again. He was so glad to have this chance but it still hurt to think about Connor like a second son. He wouldn't replace Cole, but that didn't mean he couldn't also be his son.
Connor snuggled into the blankets and Hank just stared for a second. "Sleep well, son." He mumbled before leaving, shutting the door as quietly as possible.
Connor wakes up warm and comfortable, snuggling in a bit deeper. His stress levels are a bit lower than it had been last night, which was nice. He didn't remember how he got to bed, so Hank must have carried him.
Then he remembers why he had been so upset. Right, Gavin and Nines avoiding him.
This was it. He was going to go talk to them whether they liked it not. One of the most important things in a relationship was communication, and they definitely were failing at that. At least with Connor.
So he pulled himself out of bed and ruffled through his clothes. He decided on a soft cream-colored, cabled knit sweater and jeans. Nothing fancy but it was definitely comfortable. He wanted to be as comfortable as possible if this didn't end well.
Hank gave him a thumbs up and a quick hug before Connor was out the door.
The walk to Gavin's and Nines's place didn't take too long, but normally he gets a taxi. For today he decided to walk to relieve some of his stress and energy.
When he got there he hesitated. He hadn't even messaged them that he was coming. He normally didn't, but now it seemed odd. It was almost like he didn't feel welcome anymore.
Before he can fully second-guess himself he knocks firmly on the door. He can hear some shuffling, so they were home.
Then the door is pulled open and Gavin is standing there. He didn't expect Connor to show up as his eyes go wide. "Connor, um, how are you?"
"I'm good, actually that's a lie. Can I come in?" He hated asking that like it was his first time here.
Gavin nods and quickly moves out of the way, closing the door behind them
"Who is at the doo- oh, Connor," Nines says, walking over, shirtless. He looks just as shocked as Gavin which punches another hole in his heart.
Connor shuffles slightly, completely forgetting everything he had planned to say. 
"Not that we aren't glad you're here, but did you need something?" Yeah, just saying that sounded like they didn't want him there. Like he needed something to come over to his boyfriend's house.
"I wanted to talk to you both if you have the time," Connor says, looking towards the couch.
They both get the drift and headed towards the couch. The two sat next to each other and Connor looked around before picking the loveseat. "Right, so this is important to me, and I need you both, to be honest, no matter what."
The two glance at each other before nodding. "We'll be as honest as possible," Nines says, taking Gavin's hand.
"I have noticed that you two have been… avoiding me. You may not have meant to, but you still did. It feels like you both don't want me here, and if that's true, please just tell me. I'd rather know for certain rather than having to keep guessing." That sounded good, right? Composed and to the point.
Gavin flinches at his words and Nines glares at the ground. So they did notice they had been doing that. He didn't know if that hurt him more or less.
They both sat there quiet but Connor wouldn't break. He wouldn't apologize when he hadn't done anything wrong. The two knew what they had been doing so the only ones that had to apologize are them.
"Connor, we didn't mean to upset you but we had to make a decision," Nines says, still not meeting his eyes.
Connor slowly nods, trying to urge them on. "It was really important and he couldn't decide how you would feel about it since it's about you." Gavin's eyes bounce around the room, never landing on one thing for too long.
"Then shouldn't I have had a say in it?" It made no sense. Wouldn't they want his input if it pertained to him? "I don't understand."
The two glance at each other again and Nines gives a slight nod. Then Gavin finally looks at him and Connor can see the panic. "We didn't want to ask you this way, we were actually planning something romantic but…" Gavin paused.
Nines gives a slight squeeze to Gavin's hand, smiling hopefully at Connor. "And we know how close you and Hank are, so we understand if you aren't ready for this." Ok, now he was incredibly confused. What did this have to do with Hank?
"We wanted to ask you to move in with us." Gavin finished.
Connor sat there for a second in shock. He had to triple check that he had heard that right, and when he did his mouth hangs open.
Out of all the options he hadn't considered this at all. "Move in? Here?"
"Actually, we wanted to get a new place. Gavin's lived here since the academy and we thought he could get an actual home, not an apartment." Nines says.
Their own place? A home? "I thought you were breaking up with me." He mumbled.
"No! No, of course not. We were looking at places that we could afford before we asked to see if this was even possible yet." Gavin says, reaching out to him.
Connor gladly takes the hand, still shocked. "We understand if you want to stay with Hank," Nines says, also reaching out.
He would miss Hank but he worked with him and he could always visit. He was really thinking about this. It was a huge commitment, but he had already been thinking about it. Imagining just living with the two.
"You really want me to live with you? Actually, fully live with you?" He asks, looking between the two.
"Of course, Connor we love you," Gavin says, smiling.
Connor's eyes go wide once again and he's pretty sure his heart stops.
"We do, we love you." Nines nods.
"I love you too!" He blurts out, laughing giddily. "I love you both so much. I thought you didn't feel the same and that's why." The two instantly pull him into the couch between them.
They pepper him with kisses and he can't stop his giggling. They both hold him close and keep mumbling that they love him between kisses.
"Yes, yes I'll move in with you." He grins. Then he's pulled into a kiss by Gavin. He gladly sinks into it. He lets out a startled moan as Nines kisses down his neck.
Then Gavin is pulling back and he's quickly spun around so Nines can fully kiss him too.
"We have a few houses narrowed down, we just need your opinion," Nines says once he pulls back.
"I, I'm so happy. I'm so glad you aren't breaking up with me." He sighs out.
"No, we would have told you if that was the case. We were both just nervous." Gavin shrugs.
Connor pulls him into another kiss, not stopping the grin. "I love you; I love you both so much."
Before Connor got too distracted by the two he sent Hank a message letting him know he was fine and very happy. He'd tell him the news in person, though it would definitely have to wait until his two boyfriends were tired of him.
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kookoobeans · 4 years
Family Date // Gavin
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,688
Summary: You are suppose to be on a date with Gavin but unexpected visits occur. So you ended up having a 'family date' with twins.
You are staring at your reflection in the mirror looking satisfied. Gavin has been given a few days off so he decided to ask you on a date. You suggested to go to an amusement park that's why you wake up so early in the morning to get ready. Checking the time, 7:00am, you take a sit on the couch waiting for him. After a few minutes, you heard a knock on your door. Jogging up to open it, you were surprised to see your friend and he twins at your doorsteps.
“Auntie Mommy!” the four-year-old twins hug your waist. You smile and kneel down to hug them back.
“Hey kiddos, miss me?” they both nod kissing each of your cheeks and hug you tighter.
“A lot” Alex, the older one, said.
“Right twinnie?” he nudge his twin sister, Alizzah, to which she nods vigorously.
“We miss you this much.” She then made a big circle with her hands. You laugh and ruffle their hair and they giggle.
“Aww I miss you guys too. But what are you doing here?” you look up to your friend as she gives you an apologetic look.
“Hey, sorry this is so sudden but can you please take care of them for today? I just have an emergency at the office.” She gives you a pleading look. You nod your head in response.
“Sure, go ahead. Leave them to me.” You stand up as you let the kids roam in your apartment. Only noticing how you're dress, her eyes widen.
“Oh I'm so sorry. Are you going somewhere? I should just call someone to be a on day nanny.” She was about to dial a number when you stop her, shaking your head no.
“I’m suppose to have a date with Gavin but I know he wouldn't mind some change of plan. Besides, I won't be at peace if the kids are under someone else's care when I'm actually here.” With your words, she hugs you tight thanking you. She you and the twins goodbye and left. Just as you are about to close the door, your eyes found Gavin looking at you smiling. He has arrived long enough to witness your little talk with your friend. Smiling back at him, you watch as he walks up to you. He hugs you and kiss your forehead.
“Hey, I missed you.” He put his head on top of yours. You close your eyes and nizzle your head in his chest. You can clearly smell his perfume, giving you sense of familiarity.
“I missed you too.” You look up at him. You stayed like that for a while staring at each other. Slowly, he lowers his head, about to kiss your lips. Just as your lips are almost touching, you heard a loud 'eww' behind you. Remembering the twins in your apartment, you quickly pull away from Gavin. You look at the giggling kids, your cheeks heating up.
“Auntie Mommy is kissing a guy.” Alizzah said as she laugh while her brother is pouting and crossing his over his chest.
“What if he's a bad guy?” Alex ask his sister eyeing your man from head to toe. Alizzah pinch his isde making him cry out in pain.
“No he's not, he is obviously her boyfriend. Besides, he's handsome.” She said as she fangirl over Gavin. You steal a glance at the blushing cop beside you. You stifle a laugh, he looks at you and smile a little. Suddenly he speaks.
“I heard you and your friend's talk.” You look at him and reminding yourself that you have to cancel your date today.
“Yeah sorry about that, I just can't say no to her. She's a single mother so I want to help her any way I can. Do you mind if we cancel our date today?” you ask him apologetically. He smile at you and gently pat you head.
“I don't mind. We can still go to the amusement park you know. They'll like it there.” He said as he glance at the kids now arguing whether Gavin is trustworthy or not. You chuckle at them.
“Come on, I'll introduce you.” You hold his hand dragging him to where the kids are. They are both seated on the couch looking at you when you reach the living room.
“Kids this is Gavin my boyfriend and Gavin this is Alizzah and this is Alex.” Alizzah seems so excited to find out the man's name while her brother is still skeptical.
“Uncle Daddy!” Alizzah get off the couch jumping at Gavin who thankfully catch her. He laugh and carefully put her down.
“Hello there Miss.” He squat down and gently pat her head. His amber eyes shows nothing but tenderness. Your heart melts at the sight. You then saw Alex carefully approach Gavin.
“Do you love my Auntie Mommy?” he looks so serious asking, that you can't help but laugh so you cover you mouth with your hand to avoid ruining the atmosphere. Gavin looks like he's taking the kid's words seriously.
“Yes I do Sir.” He address the little guy formally. You cross your arms over your chest full interest in the scene before you.
“Do you have a job to support her?” you raise an eyebrow at the question. You saw Gavin straighten his posture.
“I’m a cop Sir and yes I can support her.” He answered making Alex nod in acknowledgement.
“Do you promise to take good care of her and make her happy?” upon hearing the question, Gavin looks at you then answered.
“I promise to take good care of her and make her happy everyday as long as she allows me to.” He said it so seriously while staring deep into your eyes. You heart is beating so fast. Hearing Gavin's answer and seeing the look in his eyes, the little guy smiles.
“I trust you Uncle Daddy.” He then hugs Gavin and Alizzah rush in to hug them both. You watch the three all cuddle up on the couch.
“Auntie Mommy do you want to join us?” Gavin asks you, eyes shining brightly. You nod and joins them in a hug.
“Sorry we ruined your date.” They both said in unison. You and Gavin share a look. You pinch the twin's cheeks.
“Actually you didn't ruin it. Who wants to go to the amusement park?” you said as you watch their eyes twinkle and raise their hands excitedly. Gavin picks up Alizzah and you hold Alex's hand.
“Let’s go then.” Gavin said as he takes you other hand intertwining it with his. As you arrive at the amusement park, you went to many rides and play different games on every booth. The twins look so happy and so is Gavin. They seem to get closer as they talk with your man nonstop. You start to feel a little jealous but nonetheless you are happy. Soo enough, its pretty late. The four of you are heading home with Gavin carrying a sleeping Alex. You were surprised that the two get along very well. After his interrogation with the cop, he never left Gavin's side. As you arrive at you apartment, Gavin carefully lay Alex in the bed. You and Alizzah are sitting on the couch. She suddenly lean in and whisper.
“Auntie Mommy, I like your boyfriend. When will you get married?” your eyes widen. You look at her and see a pair of innocent eyes. You smile and hug her.
“I don't know yet sweetie but when I do, you'll be the first to know. Now go to sleep its late.” You kiss her hair and lift her to sit on your lap. You receive a text from your friend saying she'll pick up the twins tomorrow. After sending her an okay, you look down to see the girl sleeping. You feel Gavin sit beside you.
“Sorry, you're supposed to be relaxing but instead you're taking care of the kids with me.” You said, eyes apologetic. He shook his head smiling.
“Silly, you don't need to be sorry. I actually enjoyed it.” He kissed your lips sweetly. You rest you head in his chest as he holds you and the little girl in your arms in his embrace.
“Thank you.” You look up at him
“Thank you for being my Gavin.” He caress your head, his amber eyes is full of love.
“I've always been your Gavin since day one.” He said without breaking the smile on his beautiful face.
“You know, you're gonna be a great father someday.” His face showed a mixture of happiness and worry.
“You think so? You know I never had a good example of a father figure.” He said worry is now evident in his voice. Your heart breaks a little for him. You reach a hand to touch his cheek.
“I know you will. you're a good man Gavin. Your heart is pure and full of love. Besides, I felt your love first hand. Don't you trust me? Our future kids will love you and you will be a good father to them.” His worried face is now changed to a happy one.
“O-our future kids? You want to have a family with me?” you chuckle at him.
“Of course, that is if you wanted to.” Now is your turn to be worried and nervous. His eyes lit up and hugs you tighter.
“Of course I do, you're the only person I can think of starting a family with.” With that being said you feel like you're in cloud nine.
“I love you.” You said your voice full of emotion.
“I love you too.” He said kissing your head. You stayed like that for a while talking about the future. Dreams were created that night. Dreams full of nothing but love and happiness. You can't believe how lucky you are to have someone like Gavin in your life. You are so happy with him by your side. You can't possibly love another man more than you love him. After all, he showed you what love really is. Pure and untainted. Unconditional and wonderful.
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Prompt no. 18 from this list
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
“Sorry, just give me a minute, babe. I need to recalibrate the interface I’m using…”
Gavin’s voice trailed off. The only sound in the room was from the clacking of his keyboard, his fingers flying across the keys.
Nines tried his best to take his mind off his situation. Immobile in bed… with the very real possibility that it could be permanent.
It was a just a software update… just another afternoon nap… but now he had no idea whether he’d ever move again.
Noticing his stress levels spiking, he focused on Gavin. The crease of his brows… the old scar across his nose… the determined set of his jaw as he scrubbed through lines and lines of code to find the root of the problem.
Lover. Friend. Saviour.
The man he depended on for everything, including his continued existence.
Nines silently thanked whichever force of nature had brought him into the safety and sanctity of Gavin’s embrace. RA9 or God or the laws of physics that dictated where atoms would end up from the beginning of time.
Not all androids were as lucky as he was.
After the Revolution, the digital giant known as Cyberlife had been dissolved under political pressure from New Jericho and its vehement supporters. Android production ceased, Cyberlife’s assets were stripped and its R&D departments were spun off into smaller, more benign companies.
People were elated in the beginning… and then they realised there was no one around to maintain and service the androids that now comprised 30% of American citizenry. Private technicians had booming business, but they were eventually overwhelmed.
The worst of it was the software.
The patches, the bug fixes, the security.
No single company was able to do it by themselves and individuals realised they were pretty much on their own. Human husbands and wives and girlfriends and brothers and pretty much everyone scrambled to learn how to take care of beloved androids on their own.
Gavin was one of the most capable ones. He knew how to do most of the mechanical work and quickly taught himself the software and systems elements. When Nines asked him how he was so proficient… whether he learnt any of it in college… he wouldn’t respond directly. The closest Nines had gotten to an answer was a grumbled “s what happens when you share a room for fifteen years with the nerdy prick that started all this trouble in the first place”
It was initially tough on the both of them… and expensive… as they figured out how to do things by trial… but Gavin was confident and adamant that he wouldn’t let Nines down. He quickly reached a steady state, even managing to get a maintenance routine in place.
But he couldn’t be perfect.
And there were things he couldn’t control.
Androids were the most complicated cyberphysical systems on the planet. Anything and everything could go wrong at any time…
And it had… during a major OS update.
“Babe, can you hear me?”
Nines’ LED cycled yellow once and went back to red.
Gavin held one of the limp hands in his own.
“Can you feel this?”
The LED spun again.
“Great. And I’m pretty sure you can see me, I know that look in your eyes, babydoll. Hmm… okay, that means all the sensors and IOT device connections are fineee…”
The musing continued as Gavin set aside the laptop and scooted closer to Nines. A gentle hand came up to tilt the android’s face from side to side.
“But you can’t talk…”
“Wow. Never make that noise in the bedroom again. Hmm… Okay, this means your vocal chords are fine but you can’t move your mouth. Huh.. well… you can’t seem to move anything… not that different from your usual participation levels in bed then. Not to worry.”
The only thing Nines could do was glare and Gavin seemed relieved that even that was possible. He patted the android’s cheek.
“I’ll check your motor actuation and control. Simple modules. I should be able to see anything strange right away.”
Gavin resumed scrolling through the chunks of code and running searches for common errors. But minutes passed… and turned into an hour… and the hour, doubled, tripled.
But Gavin was undeterred. He had to be. Giving up was not an option. Plus, years of being a dedicated police officer had wiped out any fears of hard work and failure… he would scroll all night if it came to that.
A notification popped up on the screen.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: Sweetheart, you’ve been trying for hours. Take a break.
Gavin turned to his side. Nines could detect the worry and agitation behind the facade of lighthearted calm.
“I know right. It’s not fair. You’ve been chilling this whole time I’ve been working. Tsk tsk.”
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: I’m serious, Gavin. Stop. Take a break for today. Call someone. You can try again tomorrow morning.
“Nines, you’re not a work assignment. I can’t take a break from you. You can get up and close this laptop for me.”
A few more hours passed. Frowning, Gavin climbed under the covers with Nines and began troubleshooting and testing all other modules too. It was a massive undertaking, but he’d be damned if he didn’t do it.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: Know when to give up on a lost cause.
It was nearly two in the morning when that message popped up. Gavin’s eyes were red from all the screen time, but his fighting spirit had not flagged. If anything, he felt close to the finish line. Having gone through nearly the entirety of his lover’s system architecture, there were only a few stones left unturned. He’d identify the problem, win half the battle and then the solution would flow from there. It always did. They’d be fine.
He turned to tell Nines precisely that and balked at the tears staining the android’s perfect face.
Gavin leaned over his partner and wiped the tears away.
“Hey… shhh… don’t… don’t worry, I’ll take care of you…”
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I’m putting you through all this. Things can’t go on like this. I’m such a liability. Emotionally, physically, financially! You can’t keep doing this for me, Gavin.
Gavin placed the laptop on the bedside table and slipped deeper under the covers, wrapping himself around Nines’ still form.
“It’s a good thing you can’t speak right now, cause you’re talking some major bullshit, baby. You are going to be FINE. I will take care of you, like always, like I promised.
You are not a liability. You are my man. I signed up for this. If you were human and sick and I dunno, needed a kidney or something, I’d simply give it to you. You and I are bound like that. For life.
So quit bitching, let me do my thing, and when you’re back… you know how to thank me.”
He smiled genuinely as he said that, stroking the android’s skin and trying to calm him down. When the speed of the LED cycles came down and the colour stabilised at a warm amber, Gavin kissed the frozen lips and gave Nines one last cuddle before returning to his computer.
Sunrise began to streak across the dark sky by the time the critical error was identified. Gavin sighed deeply as he pulled up the faulty synchronisation that had jammed the hundreds of motors and drives throughout Nines’ body.
There was actually nothing much to be said for the root cause of the failed execution loop. Just improper methods written for some of the new hardware they had installed the previous week.
That’s what they got for using uncertified biocomponents and unlicensed third party software bought off the seedier parts of the internet. Some incompatibility somewhere would inevitably trip them up. Gavin was usually able to see such trouble before it found them… but even he couldn’t be perfect.
He stretched and cracked his spine and wiggled his fingers before plunging into rewriting the problematic section. He would sleep like a log after this… but first, he had to sprint to the finish line.
And he did.
At 7AM, Gavin finally copied the clean code into the compiler and hit execute. After a brief reinitialisation, Nines blinked awake. He raised his hands tentatively. As soon as he realised full functionality had been restored, he sat up and threw himself at Gavin, smothering the exhausted human in a giant hug.
Gavin hugged back, fighting to keep his emotions at bay.
“All… all good?”
“You saved my life. Again.”
“I’ll do it a thousand times more if I need to.”
“I thought I was done for.”
“Don’t be dramatic. It was just some bad code.”
“I could have been stuck like that forever. Never moving, never talking. Just lying there till my charge drains out. That could have been the end for us, and frankly, I was prepared for that eventuality. You should be too.”
“I don’t doubt your abilities, sweetheart, but we are painfully limited by our resources. There’s things in this world that only Cyberlife can do and they’re never coming back. We have to make our peace with that. Pulling all-nighters just to keep me alive… it’s not sustainable.”
“Hey it’s not like this happens all the time, Nines. I get that this was really scary, but it’s not always like this… so please don’t tell me whether things are sustainable. I will always fight for you. End of discussion.”
Nines didn’t respond and just rested his head on Gavin’s shoulder. His steel blue eyes were fixed on the pair of birds fluttering outside their bedroom window. They sat intertwined like that on the bed for a while. Now that he could, Nines didn’t seem to want to stop holding his partner. The birds landed on the window sill, chirping away and enjoying the morning breeze.
“They’re really quite sweet, aren’t they? The two of them are always here in the morning. I should build them a little bath in our garden.”
“They’re mates.”
“Huh. Just like us.”
“You know… it’s just a myth, what they say… that birds die when their mates do.”
“Most species will go through a grieving period, but after that they will begin courtship again.”
“What the phck are you on about? No one’s dying and no one’s beginning courtship again. Nines, I’d move heaven and earth before anything like that happens.
Besides, if I really, really couldn’t get your body to work, worst case scenario, I’d just transfer you to a mobile device. Carry you around like a voice in my head… like my conscience… I promise you that nothing can keep us apart.”
It wasn’t all that easy to convince Nines, and Gavin wasn’t about to try. It had been an ordeal for the both of them. It wasn’t the first time, and it might not be the last. But for the time being, they had emerged, and they had each other, and that was all that mattered.
Yawning, Gavin lay back among the mussed sheets and pulled Nines with him. Birdsong and the muted whir of thirium pump compressions lulled him into a dreamless sleep.
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