#mr love dream date gavin
cuddletime-blog · 2 years
5 MLQC Male Leads’ Christmas Letters to MC
Dear MC,
Merry Christmas! Happy holidays. This year seems to have passed by quickly somehow too, but you’ve accomplished many things this year despite the challenges. You never cease to amaze me with your determination, creative ideas, and commitment to your work. I’m so proud of you, Miss Chips! Let’s continue to work better and make the upcoming year even more successful! Thank you for being my Muse and devoted fan/Soda. I want to write more uplifting songs to share with you and the rest of the world. Anyway, it’s Christmas so let’s enjoy the day together in our pajamas and test out all the new video games I bought for us to try. I can’t wait to just relax, eat snacks, open gifts, and spend the day talking and laughing together with you. I have planned out a night of board games as well with hot cocoa and plenty of marshmallows. Apple Box and Cello will get to see their new toys and want to play with you too.
                                               Yours Truly,
  Dear MC,
           You have been once again formally invited to Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas Day brunch, and Christmas dinner at Souvenir this year. The holidays and special occasions you have not-so-subtlely-hinted, looked forward to, and worked towards are finally here. Keep up the progress and improvements with your proposals/reports. You can always come to me for advice no matter which troubles and predicaments you may find yourself in from time to time. We will solve and face them together. I look forward to seeing your many ideas, “surprises”, and results of your efforts. Anyway, today is not a workday so let’s see how you like the new Christmas menu. I can already imagine your gluttonous smile and inability to decide between having crepes, cinnamon rolls, and waffles for Christmas brunch. I have already prepared a special Christmas treat for Pudding as well.
   Dear MC,
I know we’ve both been so busy with work this year. Let’s go for a walk together in the park and have a Christmas picnic lunch. It will be good to get some exercise outdoors and then just relax. What I look forward to the most for the holidays is spending it together with you. One of my other plans is that I already have tickets to the amusement park too so we can have fun and take photos there. We can try out all of the different rides, see parades at night with Christmas lights, eat corndogs, cotton candy, peppermint chocolate cookies, and more. If there is anything else you want to try doing, just let me know. Sparky and I look forward to having new adventures with you any time of the year.
  Hey MC,
           The weather outside is actually not so bad today. How about we go to the skate park and practice some tricks? I want to see the progress you’ve made and what you’ve learned so far. You’re so fortunate to have such an amazingly talented, great teacher like me. Afterwards, we can make a hotpot feast for dinner. I wonder what silly gifts you bought for me this time. In return, I’ll teach you some new card games this year. We can also watch historical documentaries and movies and quiz each other. I bought a Christmas cake since you’ve been talking so much about how good the new items at the bakery are recently. Happy Holidays.
    Dear MC,
           I never had much of a reason to celebrate the holidays before, but you’ve changed my mind about them. Now, I see that the holidays are meant to be spent with those we appreciate and care about. Today, we can spend Christmas doing arts and crafts and baking cookies together. You can make whichever crafts and cookies you like. I picked out some arts and crafts guidebooks and baking cookbooks for you to bookmark and use them. I am glad we went groceries shopping for baking ingredients recently. We can also visit the new cat café that you’ve been talking about. Whichever plans you decide on, I look forward to trying them all together. The holidays seem special because of who we spend them with and how we spend them. Let’s continue to make more of these holiday memories this year and the next.
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mlqcdrabbledabble · 2 years
MLQC - Medieval AU ideas drabble!
We have seen the guys in medieval roles, but what if we mash them together!
- takes place during the 17th to 19th century
- the MC can have various roles like:
Being a peasant, maid or servant, who is in a lot of trouble because of her parents, or the daughter of a noble family-- who wishes not to be married off to someone she barely knows and does not love. Some ideas there.
Let's give our main guys some roles!
More below
In order of Hiarchy:
"A kingdom is nothing without the strength and faith of it's people."
He is the King, Emperor, or a Duke (duh :P)
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A true king of the people-- Victor was appointed to become the King (or emperor) by the previous royal council he was apart of for many years. He had no direct claim to the throne, however, he worked hard and the concil of the people favored him. He now is at the top of the kingdom (or empire) and continues to do what is best for the kingdom and it's people.
Although he is extremely pragmatic and a bit disconnected from the problems of common folk. However, no one can deny he is extremely intelligent and given the right information-- he can solved just about any issue.
"Knowledge is the greatest weapon one can wheld."
Royal Phasician, Apothecary or Medicene man-- also a close advisor to the King.
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Eventhough they seem at odds, Lucien is one of King's closest and most trusted advisors. He is the right hand man and probably the second most (if not the most) power person in the kingdom.
Additionally he has a network of spies and knows everything there is to know about the kingdom and it's enemies. This is a man you want on your side because he knows everyone's weaknesses, and more than 101 ways to make people talk.
"I am on the side of order and justice in a world filled with chaos."
Cheif Knight, General, Commander and advisor of the kingdom's military forces.
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Extremely loyal to the crown and the complete opposite of his younger brother. He is dedicated to justice and apprehension of criminals. Though he pleaded for his younger brother to be spared when he was caught doimg criminal actitives. Which was very out of character for him to do.
Gavin lives with the fact he spoke up for his brother, and must be the one to put him down if he causes too many more issues with the kingdom.
"I live to bring the music and soul we all have a connection to-- let it all come forward and shine."
Bard, musician, jester and voice of the people-- and a spy master.
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Kiro is the most talented musician in the whole kingdom. His songs heal the broken hearted and uplift the downtrodden. Though he has a darker (hidden) side that no one suspects from such a bright and brilliant man.
He easily infultrates high class parties and other kingdom's realms with his famous performances. All the while gathering valuable information about them as well.
"I am a freeman. Because I chose to be."
The outlaw, criminal, pirate Captian, secret agent, hunted and treasure hunter.
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He had always been a trouble maker from a young age. He never out grew his criminal nature, unlike his older brother, he became a theif and a lowlife. He was captured and was going to be excuted, but his older brother pleaded for him to be spared.
Instead, he was exiled and resents his older brother for saving his life. Shaw was able to commendere a ship and crew to do piracy. He deliberately steals from the kingdom that spared him. Though he has heard there is a great treasure there... not made of gold nor silver. He will take this great treasure for his own.
Main Character (MC)
My idea is that depending on where the MC starts will affect how they interact and know our main male leads.
High-class: Knows Victor or Kiro
Princess from another Kingdom or Related to Nobility
Mid-class: Knows Victor, Gavin, Lucien or Kiro
Royal Maid
(could be bumped up to head maid or fruther, if they work hard enough ;))
Lower-class: Knows Gavin or Shaw
Criminal: Knows Shaw, Lucien, Gavin or Kiro
Theif, witch, or some other thing that's considered a severe criminal act...
Extra stuff!
Not sure if they should have evol or not...
Thinking not because they'd be hung for witch craft...
But Shaw probably be like, "yeah! give me cool lighting powers!" (That'll make him too op xP)
I want them to interact more!
Anywhoo you got any thoughts or feedback? Would love to heart it.
Cheers! (^3^)/
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banenaz · 2 years
Eyy MLQCtober time ehe
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This year the we put less prompts to have more time .
Rules same as last year, just use mlqctober2022 instead. You can ofc choose whatever prompt you want from last year's mlqctober2021 .
Big thx to @victor-otherboys for designing the post ehe (go check her art on instagram it's so freaking gorgeous)
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lunars-babeclub · 2 years
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shuubah · 1 year
Watch all the 4 Encounter Events of Gavin the Wolfie at W♡nder Cafe. 🐺
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5+1 headcanons 👀
tagged by the glorious @romirola for a dose of headcanon this evening - i'm very happy to oblige! as always you may consider this an open tag from me if you'd like to join in on the fun, and we'll do a few no-pressure tags too: @zozo-01 @halscafe @autisticempathydaemon @thicchaco @mr-laveau @penncilkid mind if i pick your brain for a bit?? 💕💕
rules: share 5 redactedverse headcanons you hold, plus 1 headcanon you're still working on!
hcs under the cut!
william and vincent may not actually be biologically related [EDITOR: insert ‘blood relatives’ joke here], but they look similar enough that people often think they are.
this is not so much a headcanon as just my refusal to accept canon, but gavin coalesced LONG before 1990 - it was actually somewhere around the mid-1700s, although he only chose the name ‘gavin’ for himself in approximately the mid-1900s, not long after the end of WW2.
gavin and vincent are very good friends - they get on extremely well, and the double dates with freelancer and lovely are legendary, for several reasons.
the prime and imperium universe are not entirely separate from each other - sometimes, they bleed into each other without anybody really realising. it’s nothing too serious - a strange feeling of deja vu, or a weird dream, or a turn of phrase that just feels… right.
as beings of emotion, demons don’t naturally express themselves physically, making facial expressions and body language very difficult for them to both interpret and perform accurately without a lot of practice. because they aren’t designed to have physical bodies, they lack an innate sense of outwardly expressing and responding to emotional stimuli.
(well, +1) gavin might never admit it out loud, but he secretly daydreams a lot about being able to transform freelancer into a demon like him. even though he knows it’s never been done before, and may not even be possible, he doesn’t ever want to be apart from them and he wants so much more time with them than their human lifespan could allow.
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Magic is in the Air: Romantic Witchy Book Picks
Boss Witch by Ann Aguirre
Clementine Waterhouse is a perfectly logical witch. She doesn't tumble headlong into love. Rather she weighs the pros and cons and decides if a relationship is worth pursuing. At least that's always been her modus operandi before. Clem prefers being the one in charge, always the first to walk away when the time is right. Attraction has never struck her like lightning. Until the witch hunter comes to town. Gavin Rhys hates being a witch hunter, but his family honor is on the line, and he needs to prove he's nothing like his grandfather, a traitor who let everyone down. But things in St. Claire aren't what they seem, and Gavin is distracted from the job immediately by a bewitching brunette with a sexy smile and haunting secrets in her eyes. Can the bossiest witch in town find a happy ending with the last person she should ever love?
Not the Witch You Wed by April Asher
A fake relationship between a magic-less witch and a wolf shifter turns to more in the start of a bewitching new paranormal rom-com series. Magic-less witch Violet Maxwell wants nothing to do with alpha wolf shifter Lincoln Thorne—the man who broke her fragile, teenage heart. But when the two of them are forced by arcane Supernatural Laws to find mates, Violet and Lincoln agree to fake-date their way to a fake-mating in order to conjure themselves some time. The joke’s on them. When old feelings make a reappearance—along with Violet’s magic—they both realize there’s nothing fake about their feelings. But there are old secrets and looming threats that could snatch away their happily ever after, again. One thing’s for sure: magic doesn’t make dating and love any easier.
Witchful Thinking by Celestine Martin
Love is the trickiest spell of all. Lucinda Caraway loves living in Freya Grove, the mystic seaside town where charms, hexes, and magical beings of all kinds are the norm. She spends her days teaching high school history and her nights reading tea leaves and tending to her conjure garden. It’s a good life . . . but she can’t stop wishing for more. Until one night, that wish turns into a spell, and suddenly Lucy can’t say no. Not to a public karaoke performance. Not to running a 10K. And, most alarmingly, not to her high school crush, Alexander Dwyer, who needs her help unjinxing his new house—which just happens to be right across the street from hers. Alex has spent the last ten years traveling the world on adventures Lucy has only ever dreamed of, and he’s planning to leave again as soon as his house is safe to sell. But until Lucy can unhex herself, she and Alex are stuck together. And with so much magic in the air, maybe the next spell Lucy casts will be the one that convinces him to stay.
The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the teahouse... Miss Charlotte Pettifer belongs to a secret league of women skilled in the subtle arts. That is to say—although it must never be said—witchcraft. The League of Gentlewomen Witches strives to improve the world in small ways. Using magic, they tidy, correct, and manipulate according to their notions of what is proper, entirely unlike those reprobates in the Wisteria Society. When the long lost amulet of Black Beryl is discovered, it is up to Charlotte, as the future leader of the League, to make sure the powerful talisman does not fall into the wrong hands. Therefore, it is most unfortunate when she crosses paths with Alex O'Riley, a pirate who is no Mr. Darcy. With all the world scrambling after the amulet, Alex and Charlotte join forces to steal it together. If only they could keep their pickpocketing hands to themselves! If Alex's not careful, he might just steal something else—such as Charlotte's heart.
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years
When the Ball Drops - Gavin
Author’s note: Happy New Years everyone! I was working to try and publish this yesterday, but that didn’t end up happening, so please pretend like it’s not 2021 yet and read this fic anyways LOL. 
This is dedicated to my very lovely friend @saeyoungs-sunflower​. Welcome back to the MLQC fandom! Here I am, just trying to ignite your love for Gavin even more.
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I’m also using this fic to fill a request from a lovely anon who requested a Gavin fic with the prompt “Please get me away from him. He hasn’t left me alone all night and I am this close to committing a murder.” I hope you enjoy this, nonny!
Summary: As Gavin counts down to the new year, he wonders how things could take a turn for the better.
Word count: 1641
Warnings: jealous Gavin and lots of fluff!
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The party was in full swing; people were standing around talking, the bass was pumping, and Gavin was leaning against the wall observing the girl who was currently listening intently to something Shaw was saying. Their heads were bowed together and she was smiling. Her hair was plastered to her forehead and her cheeks were flushed from the heat. She looked absolutely gorgeous, the only thing that would make it better was if Gavin was the one who’s forehead was pressed against hers.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Minor bumped his shoulder against Gavin’s and he spoke without tearing his eyes away from his brother and the girl he loved.
“Trying to think of a way that Shaw’s broken the law so I can throw him in jail for the rest of the night.”
Minor snorted at that moment and his loud noise drew the girl's gaze to the pair pressed against the wall. When her eyes met Gavin’s, they lit up and she sent him a sweet smile - one of the ones that went straight to his heart and caused it to ache with longing.
Shaw’s eyes met with his next and with that smirk he sent Gavin, he knew Shaw was up to something and before he could think about it further, Gavin watched as Shaw grabbed the girls hand and pulled her towards the dance floor.
The rest of the night went by in the same way: every time Gavin and her tried to make contact, Shaw would pull her away. Gavin was sick of it; all he wanted to do was pull her away from the crowd, maybe go outside, and spend some quality time with the woman he loved, but his younger brother made it nearly impossible to do so. So instead, Gavin stayed against the wall with Minor by his side - who occasionally left to get something to eat or drink - and watched the girl protectively. If he couldn’t be the one holding her, he’d be the one to keep her safe, just like he always promised.
A few hours later, Gavin had watched Shaw twirl her around on the dance floor, Kiro touch her wrist as he handed her a glass of water, Victor’s hand linger on her back for a few seconds too long when he spoke to her, and Lucien kiss her hand as he bid her farewell for the night. Gavin wanted to throw in the towel and go home, ready to lay in his bed and wallow in self pity for a bit while he thought of everything that those guys had but he didn’t. Gavin wouldn’t leave though, not if she was still there. He wanted to wish her a happy new year, wanted to welcome all the new things to come with her. It was important to him - she was important to him.
“Hey, where’d she go?” Minor clapped Gavin on the back, and normally Gavin would respond with a glare thrown in the other guys direction, but Minor’s comment already had Gavin’s eyes sweeping the area.
He couldn’t find her.
WIth blood rushing through his ears, Gavin set out. Weaving around all the dancing couples and avoiding the ones making out in the middle of the room, he searched. She wasn’t on the dance floor in the living room with Shaw, she wasn’t in the kitchen with Kiro, and she wasn’t somewhere arguing with Victor about her newest report for Miracle Finder.
Gavin was panicking.
Picking up his pace, he continued upstairs, opening bedroom doors (and disturbing couples who were trying to find a space away from people), and calling out her name. As he was walking around looking for her, a closet door opened and a hand shot out, pulling him inside with the person.
His eyes adjusted to the darkness and Gavin’s cheeks flushed red as he realized his body was pressed against the girl’s. “Geez, you’re strong.”
“Sorry, I heard you looking for me and I’ve been hiding out from Shaw in here so I figured it’d be easier to pull you in here than to come out. Shaw’s still looking for me.” “He’s going to see I’m gone too and assume the worst.” Gavin’s heart fluttered at that thought, the thought that anyone could assume they were together.
“Would that really be such a bad thing?” She asked, pushing her sweaty bangs from her forehead. “It’d make Shaw back off… seriously, please get me away from him. He hasn’t left me alone all night and I am this close to committing a murder.”
Gavin laughed at that. “I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to tell a cop you’re about to commit a murder.”
“Yeah, well a real friend would help me hide a body if I committed one.” She teased, prodding Gavin’s side with a slender finger. Even just that simple touch from her sent butterflies in his stomach up into a whirlwind.
“You can stick by me and Minor the rest of the night if you want,” Gavin said, watching as she picked at the colored polish on her nails. “Shaw thinks Minor is annoying and won’t come near us .”
“Really? That’d be great!” She threw her arms around Gavin’s waist in excitement and he swore it felt like time had stopped all around them and Victor hadn’t even used his Evol. Whether it be because she was thankful for Gavin keeping her out of his younger brother's way or the fact that she could… possibly feel the same for him that he did her, Gavin wanted to continue to hold her like this forever. She pulled back though, too soon for his liking. “Err, sorry. I’m just so thankful you’re letting me crash boy time!”
Gavin scoffed. “Boy time? Don’t let Minor hear that or he’ll never stop talking about it.”
Despite wanting to keep her all to himself, Gavin nudged open the closet door and slipped out, waiting a few seconds to make sure the coast was clear before knocking to let the girl know it was safe to come out. She followed Gavin, her hand clutching his worn jean jacket.
“There you are!” Shaw exclaimed, making his way towards Gavin and the girl. Gavin felt her prod him in the back and he knew he’d have to figure out how to make his brother leave quickly. “I’m here to claim my New Year’s Eve kiss.”
Shaw puckered up obscenely and Gavin cringed. But sure enough, all around him, couples were gathering and counting down.
Gavin turned towards the girl, and she looked at him with a playful glint in her eye before mouthing the word ‘murder’ as she tilted her head in Shaw’s direction.
Gavin stepped closer to her, his heartbeat hammering in his chest as his hands rested on her hips lightly.
Her lips parted in shock, but she didn’t move away. Instead, she moved closer, one of her hands resting on the back of Gavin’s neck.
Shaw muttered something about finally being able to leave her alone, but Gavin didn’t have time to question it. All he could focus on was the girl holding onto him like he was something precious to her.
The rest of the world around Gavin disappeared and all he could think, see, and smell was her. She had a small smile playing on her lips and he leaned his head back slightly into her hand as she played with his hair.
“Can I kiss you when the countdown reaches one?”
“I’d consider it a crime if you didn’t, officer.”
Gavin pulled her closer, his fingers wrapped into her belt loops and held her tightly to him.
She raised herself on tiptoes, her face dangerously close to Gavin’s face. Gavin swallowed nervously. His hands were sweaty and his heart was beating out of his chest.
Gavin’s right hand left her hip to cup her cheek and pull her face close to his, their noses brushing.
“Happy New Year’s.” He whispered, voice gravelly. She responded in turn by pressing her lips to his.
Her lips were soft against his, gentle almost, and tasted slightly of cherry chapstick. It wasn’t one of those romantic movie kisses where he sweeps her off of her feet and carries her back to his motorcycle bridal style, but it left Gavin breathless nonetheless. It was perfectly her and better than anything he could have dreamed of, and believe him, he had dreamed of this moment many times before.
“Happy New Year’s,” she responded when she pulled back. Her cheeks were tinted pink just as Gavin could imagine his own were. “Thanks for doing that to help me get rid of Shaw.”
“I didn’t kiss you because it was a way to get Shaw to leave you alone.” Gavin said, causing her eyebrow to raise in a question. “I kissed you because I’ve wanted to for a long time.”
“Really?” Her neck flushed red and she bit her lip. “I didn’t know.” “I didn’t make it very obvious.” Gavin admitted, and instead of responding to him, she reached up and planted another kiss on his lips. “What was that for?”
“It’s for all the times I’ve wanted to kiss you in the past, but haven’t been able to!” She exclaimed and Gavin felt his heart thud in his chest.
“So… you’re saying…?” Gavin trailed off, not wanting to assume anything or put words in her mouth.
“I’m saying I can’t wait to spend 2021 with you.” She replied, a smile dancing across her lips.
This time, Gavin didn’t respond and opted for bending down to capture her lips with his own. He wasn’t sure what the next year would have in store, but he was looking forward to many more moments just like the one he was currently spending with her.
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thesassyscribbler · 3 years
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Mr. Love: Dream Date © Papergames/Elex
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amongtherose · 3 years
《爱的阿尔法》 Event
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Victor SSR [情愿至终]
Lucien SSR [慕恋相倾]
Gavin SSR [圈地侵夺]
Kiro SSR [朝朝怀拥]
Shaw SSR [挚意燎原]
Source: 恋与制作人壁纸杂货铺
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mlqcdrabbledabble · 2 years
My Love for you...
Some MLQC drabbles
Victor & Gavin!
Rating: sfw
(but you shouldn't be reading this at work.)
More below the cut ;P
(Warning! Story and Date/ Karma spoilers and umm hotest kisses ( /w\ ) )
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Evolved Karma and CV from - "Night Cherry Date"
He felt incermountable joy and disbelief when he was reunited with his childhood sweetheart; After 17 years of pining, and over 8 years of searching-- for the one he truly loved.
He tried to move on...
But no one could ever compare to how she made him feel.
Alive. Passionate. Determined. And genuinely Happy.
As he grew up: he obtained power, influence and resource to serve his own secret goal.
He'll never tell her why he truly was so determined and worked hard to the bone all these years.
But why tell when showing how he feels is far more effective?
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And he swears to himself that he will never let this precious love and person disappear, from his life, ever again.
Come hell or high water.
Victor: Falling into You - Evolved Karma
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Image source
He is a man with a lot of regrets. Mostly about the one he cared about all those years ago.
The time he was not able to spend with that person eats away at his core.
The one who gave him life and invigorated him.
He promised he'll become a man they will like. Strong, kind, and brave.
He was not brave enough back then.
But now. Now he hopes he is the man the source of his affections will like.
Maybe even love?
His foolish hope carries him forward and even rewarded him when he got another chance.
He will ensure with all that he is he will not waste this opportunity.
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Evolved Star Kiss Karma
Hehehe that's all for now!
Byeeee~ (=/w°=)/
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kinw147 · 2 years
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Redraw my fanart 2 years ago
Mr Love fanart, all 5 boys. I hope you guys like it and please vote for me ^^
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thejournalmylife · 3 years
🎉Happy 3rd Anniversary
💌 On this special day, he wrote down a love letter that was only for you!
💌The love hidden in the love letter will make this anniversary more beautiful.
#MrLoveMobile https://t.co/u5K1ER9x8h
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Getting Lost in Each Other's Eyes
🎐 " He has hemmed me into a world where he’s the only one in my eyes."
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Even before everything started, they were seeing eye to eye, as equals, as yin and yang, as Venus and Mars, as a man and a woman, just like lovers do (*♡▽♡*)
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Why can't we load more than 10 pics... Whhhhyyyyy?! 😭 (I didn't wanna collage them because each is too beautiful to cut🥺)
Also also, these two always make me feel like a third wheel intruder 'cuz they're waaay too lost in each other's eyes lol😂
From this series: A Gavin Trademark: Hugging from Behind
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justchillaine · 3 years
Uhh so yeah...
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Tears of themis
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Mr love
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Obey me
Mah boys made my day🥲🥺
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cuddletime-blog · 3 years
5 MLQC Guys’ Christmas Plans with MC
·         would spend the night at home with MC eating a festive meal and drinking hot cocoa. They would also indulge in roasted chestnuts, toasted marshmallows, and a Christmas cake.
·         Kiro would decorate the Christmas tree and dress up like Santa Claus to surprise MC.
·         He would start a charity concert to raise money for Loveland’s Children’s Hospital and orphanages.
·         Kiro and MC would get a gingerbread house to decorate together, but would end up eating several of the decorations.
·         They would go Christmas caroling at the Children’s Hospital and orphanages.
·         MC hints at wanting to go on a sleigh ride, so Kiro rents an entire sleigh complete with reindeer to go on a romantic ride in the snow.
·         The snowball fights together with Kiro would be the best and he and MC would have so much fun together.
·         MC would put toys in Apple Box and Cello’s Christmas stockings because our furry friends deserve great Christmas gifts.
·         would attend a Christmas ballet with MC to watch The Nutcracker.
·         He would cook a splendid Christmas dinner for MC to enjoy.
·         Victor and MC would attend various Christmas office parties and balls together.
·         He would donate to various charities for the holidays.
·         He and MC would attend church or mass together on Christmas Day and listen to the children’s choir singing.
·         Victor and Goldman would do pairs figure skating at the local ice skating rink. Just kidding.
·         MC gives Pudding the cat toys in a Christmas stocking because pets should be spoiled during the holidays.
·         would enjoy snowboarding and riding snowmobiles with MC.
·         He and MC would go watch a Christmas parade at the amusement park.
·         They would build snowmen and snuggle together while watching MC’s favorite holiday rom-com Christmas movies.
·         Gavin would occasionally enjoy eating MC’s homemade Christmas baked goods.
·         He would collect donated care packages to send to military service members who are serving abroad for the holidays.
·         would enjoy listening to old Christmas songs on a record player with MC.
·         would definitely drive or walk around town with MC to admire the different Christmas lights on display.
·         They would go see the huge Christmas trees at the malls or in the town square.
·         He and MC would go see an ice sculptures exhibition together.
·         Lucien would go read Christmas stories to children at the orphanage and give them various books as gifts.
·         would be practicing for his New Year’s Eve show at the Live House.
·         He and his bandmates would play Secret Santa and White Elephant gift exchange games with prank gifts.
·         Shaw would record some rock versions of Christmas songs for MC.
·         He would also dress up as Santa Claus and play tricks on children and MC.
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