#i learnt from my dads mistakes and he learnt from his dads and he learnt from his dads
plantwriting · 2 days
You ever get hit by the realization that all we really can do in life is try our best and learn from the mistakes of others and hope one day someone will learn from ours?
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honeybelleee · 21 hours
We fell in love in October
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Y/n and Jake now step-siblings after their parents remarry, realizes they're soulmates who feel each other's physical and emotional pain. Despite their rivalry, they slowly accept their unique connection.
Soulmates au, enemies to lovers (sorta), fluff
Swearing, mention of divorce, Jake and Y/n being jerks to each other
Belle’s notes
100 followers special oneshot!! Thank youu guys ilysm🫶🏻 all likes, reblogs, and comments r appreciated <3
In our world, soulmates are bound in a way that’s both beautiful and terrifying. From the moment we’re born, we’re connected, not just by fate but by feeling. Every physical pain or emotional ache your soulmate experiences, you feel it too. It’s like carrying someone else’s life within you, feeling their bruises, heartbreaks, and even joy. Most people find it comforting, like reassurance that they’re never truly alone. But for me, it’s been nothing but confusing and frustrating.
I spent most of my life feeling strange aches and pains that didn’t make sense. One day it was a throbbing headache; the next, a sharp pain in my ankle. I figured it was stress or clumsiness. It wasn’t until I learnt about the soulmate connection that I understood that whenever your soulmate gets hurt, physically or emotionally, you feel it too.
But there was one problem. My soulmate, whoever they were, seemed to be just as stubborn and reckless as me.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, I had Jake to deal with.
Jake and I had always been at each other’s throats. From the moment we started high school, it was war. Whether it was sports, academics, or even getting the last word in class debates, we were constantly competing. He was smart, infuriatingly so, but he never missed an opportunity to make me look bad.
Once, during a math competition, Jake pointed out a minor mistake I made in front of the whole class, loudly enough for everyone to laugh. “Check your numbers, Y/N. Looks like someone forgot basic algebra,” he said with that smug smirk of his.
I retaliated by correcting his English paper in front of the teacher, nitpicking every small mistake with a smile. “Looks like someone needs to brush up on grammar,” I’d said sweetly, earning a few laughs of my own.
It became a regular thing, us getting on each other’s nerves. He’d mess with my projects, like the time he ‘accidentally’ spilt water on my biology notes right before a big test, and I’d get back at him by turning in his homework late to the teacher, claiming it had been ‘misplaced.’
So when my dad married Jake’s mom after their respective divorces, it felt like some kind of cosmic joke. Not only did I have to see him at school, but now he was living in my house. I could practically feel the tension vibrating between us every time we passed each other in the halls.
Living under the same roof didn’t make things better. We’d exchange snarky remarks over dinner, glances that said more than words, and silent wars over who could ignore the other more effectively. I couldn’t stand him. And the idea of Jake being my soulmate? It was laughable.
But the strange thing was, ever since we started living together, those unexplained pains I’d been feeling started making sense.
Whenever I felt a sharp pain, I’d see Jake flinching across the room. Like that time I dropped a weight on my foot during gym class and saw him wince in the hallway, even though he wasn’t anywhere near me. Or when I woke up with a sore wrist, only to see Jake favouring the same wrist later that day in class. It was like the universe was trying to connect the dots for us, but I refused to see it. Denial was easier.
Then came the day Sunghoon, Jake’s best friend, came over to hang out. They were talking in the living room, but their conversation drifted into the kitchen, where I was. I tried to ignore them, but then I heard Sunghoon say, “You know she’s your soulmate, right? You’re just in denial.”
I nearly dropped the plate I was holding.
I didn’t hear Jake’s response, but that night, he cornered me at the kitchen table. I was trying to study, and he just stood there, watching me like he was deciding whether or not to say something. It was annoying.
“What?” I snapped, not even bothering to look up.
“We need to talk,” Jake said, his voice serious.
“About what?” I asked, flipping a page in my book, trying to ignore the knot forming in my stomach.
“About us. This... thing between us.”
I froze, my fingers tightening around the edge of my notebook. “What thing?” I said, even though I knew exactly what he meant.
“We’re soulmates,” he said bluntly, like he was ripping off a band-aid.
I looked up at him, disbelief clouding my thoughts. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“I’m serious. You feel it too, don’t you? The pain, the emotions, it’s not just random.”
The truth was, I had felt it. All those unexplained bruises, the sharp stabs of pain that seemed to come out of nowhere, it wasn’t just me. But how could he be my soulmate? The same guy who spent years making my life difficult? The guy who once spread a rumour that I had a crush on the teacher, just to humiliate me?
“I don’t believe in this soulmate bullshit,” I muttered, turning back to my notes, even though my hands were shaking.
Jake didn’t push it any further, but after that conversation, everything shifted. We didn’t talk about it again, but the air between us was heavy, filled with things neither of us wanted to say. Avoiding him became harder, and the tension was impossible to ignore.
It all came to a head at a house party hosted by one of my friends. The music was loud, and I’d spent most of the night trying to have fun, but things took a turn when some random guy grabbed me in the crowd. He was pulling me toward him, his grip tight and rough. Panic surged through me, and before I could react, I heard Jake’s voice behind me.
“Let her go,” he growled, his voice low and dangerous.
The guy didn’t back off. In an instant, Jake stepped in front of me and punched the guy square in the jaw. He didn’t even hesitate. The guy stumbled back, letting me go, and Jake grabbed my hand, pulling me outside without a word.
We didn’t speak as he drove me home. My heart was still racing, and my thoughts were all over the place. But there was one thing I couldn’t ignore. Jake was there for me. He didn’t hesitate to step in, and for the first time, I saw him as something other than my rival.
When we got home, I collapsed onto the couch, still shaken. Jake stood in front of me, looking at me with an expression I’d never seen before, concern.
“Thank you,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “For stepping in.”
“You’re my soulmate,” Jake said quietly. “I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing.”
The word hung in the air between us, soulmate, and for the first time, I didn’t flinch at the idea. I nodded slowly, accepting what I’d been denying for so long.
From that night on, everything changed. It didn’t happen all at once, but the animosity between us began to fade. Jake stopped being a jerk, and I found myself softening toward him. Little by little, we became something else. He started checking on me when I got home, asking how my day was, and I found myself laughing at his jokes, even the stupid ones.
Then one night, while we were watching a movie, Jake casually draped his arm over my shoulder. For a second, I tensed, but then I leaned into him, the warmth of his body comforting. It felt natural, like we’d finally stopped fighting the inevitable.
Over the next few weeks, things between us got spicy. It started with soft glances and lingering touches but soon turned into messy make-out sesssions when no one else was around. The connection between us grew, deepening in ways I hadn’t expected.
Eventually, we told our parents about being soulmates. I was nervous about how they’d react, but to my surprise, they were thrilled. My dad smiled and pulled me into a hug. “You’re lucky, Y/N. Finding your soulmate early is rare.”
For the first time, I realised how true that was. Fate had brought us together in the most unexpected way, and even though it had been a rocky road, I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else but Jake.
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princessbrunette · 6 months
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when kitty!reader gets arrested for stupidly overstepping with a cop, it’s a no brainer that jj is coming to pick her up from the station. you’re expecting cockiness, maybe some middle fingers, and then some shared banter with you to cheer you up. what you don’t consider, is how hard it might be for jj to step foot back in that place.
your demeanour immediately softens when he steps up to the office to collect you, after being unnecessarily searched by a cop. his eyes are raking over you cautiously as he’s talking to shoupe, a hand rubbing at his chest anxiously which really — should have been the first sign that he just didn’t like it here.
from the way he was lacking mirth — clearly displeased, you assume the night would head in another direction instead. hard core dominance, a punishment — perhaps being forced over his lap or overstimulated until you cry. to think like this, he’d clearly spoiled you in the past.
you start rambling as he walks you out the station gripping your arm, barely getting a breath in.
“since when is it a crime to give ‘attitude’ anyway? they really think i’m a threat to anyone? what a bunch of pussies — seriously jayj, these are the people meant to be protecting us. all i did was state the truth, being that —”
“hey, hey alright—” he’s sudden with the way he addresses you, your words cut off as he pulls you to stand directly infront of him, both of his hands on your shoulders. you brace for the telling off that you probably deserve. instead, his voice is soft and he looks tired. “are you okay? did they touch you? ‘cus if they did i’m heading back inside so you gotta tell me now baby.” his gaze is intense and the little relieved smile you had was completely wiped from your face, blinking up at him like the seriousness had just settled in.
“i… no. they didn’t hurt me they just cuffed me but it was fine.” you’re taken aback and he sighs, tonguing at his bottom lip in thought before stepping back and pulling his cap off to run a hand through his hair.
“you know, like — i had hoped that you’d atleast paid attention and learnt from my mistakes. these cops they’re not — they’re not good people. you get that, right? like — if you piss ‘em off once, they don’t stop picking on you. look what they did to me.” his voice is still uncharacteristically soft with you, totally exasperated. you hug yourself, suddenly a lot more ashamed.
“yeah. really.” you feel the irritation he’s holding back. “look i love you babe, and i’m glad you’re okay — but i’m not happy. at all. pretty pissed right now, honestly.”
the ride back to his is silent, and you hope that once you’re home things will simmer down. you just want to forget the day you’ve both had and go to sleep. apparently, so does he — but not with you. he avoids your eyes as he drags a pillow to the couch in the living room, followed by a blanket.
“jayj?” you sound so broken that he wants to give in, but you have to learn. he physically flinches at your voice, resisting.
“no, okay. i’m — i’m not mad. i just… being back in that place, after my dad…” he finally looks at you, and the memory of seeing you in there visits him all over again, springing that bothersome irritation in his chest. “i thought you’d get it. gimme a little time here.”
he sees how shattered you look and presses his lips together, dragging his feet towards you. he softly grips your face and kisses your forehead. “go to bed. it’s fine.”
you cry when you shut the bedroom door. you cry as you change into your pyjamas. you cry as you brush your teeth. you do eventually drift off, but you’re back up at 3:30AM, sniffling once more. you get it, you messed up — but neither of you needed this.
you pad into the living room to find jj staring at the ceiling, eyes floating to you where you paw at your eye, unable to stop the quiet mewls as you cry. he doesn’t say much, just opens his blanket to welcome you in beside him.
the anger at you returns, but you don’t mind when you’re on your back with your legs around his waist — your teary eyed boyfriend pummelling his dick into you repeatedly. he grits his jaw, pulling himself together.
“you think you’re a bad girl now, ain’t that right kitty? wanna do bad girl things n’get arrested jus’ like your boyfriend? you can’t handle that shit, your spoiled ass can’t even handle being scolded a little.” he rants breathlessly before sitting up to get a better angle, the blanket sliding off his back. he pushes your legs up and you whine.
“i’m s— i’m sorry papa won’t do it again!” you cry and he scoffs. it’s mean.
“you’re damn right, mama. clearly i got some bad behaviour to correct. what’s gonna teach you a lesson? me fuckin’ that little ass?”
your eyes glimmer with hope at the premise of this punishment and he gives your cheek a swift little tap before you get any ideas. “yeah, don’t gimme that look kitty. ain’t gonna feel like a reward when i do it, can tell you that for free.”
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bluetooththereptile · 10 months
The heir
(yandere Thomas Wayne x male reader x potential yandere Bruce Wayne)
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Summary: You never belonged to the world of what would be called by the dimension travelers, the earth 2. You never wanted to end up in the hands of a violent grumpy old man that seemed oh so lonely,but you did and you have build yourself a life by his side, but everything is about to change, and your old man Thomas, wouldn't like it at all.
Tw: mentions of abuse,violence,injuries and unhealthy yandere tendencies.
"For God's sake old man, just take tonight off!" You groaned as you tried to stop Thomas from putting his suit on, the argument had been going on for the past 15 minutes and he had been trying to ignore you, the old bat gave you a side eye glare, the usual response, but you knew it wasn't harsh, he could never be harsh with you, not anymore. He still regretted the day he had slapped you all those years ago, the image of your teary eyes was etched in his memory and nearly as haunting as the memory of Bruce's death. Thomas finally grunted in your response "Leave me be kid".
But you were determined to make him take tonight off, he deserved to rest and take his mind off of the worries of the bleak world out there, you didn't like to see him in that state, nearly drunk and wrecked, it was the night of Bruce's death, and you hated the fact that no matter how much you tried to make him feel better, every year this night He'd be in shambles. You had one solution left, something risky that you knew would cos some problems with you and Thomas, you dragged in a breath "Dad..." Thomas visibly stiffened, you knew how much you calling him by that meant to him and whenever you did so he'd become overbearingly protective of you for the following days days. You did it all the time when you were in your preteens unknowingly feeding into the melting pot of his emotions, but when you started to grow up it turned into something reserved for the most vulnerable situations between you two, a strategy that you'd use for rare occasions "Please, dad...take tonight off..." you said as you put your hand on his shoulder.
"You know I can't..." his tone was now softer, it had worked! You sighed "I know, I know but going out won't help either, take a pill and sleep, I promise nothing will go wrong, I and the boys can handle it" with mentioning the boys Thomas sighed, rubbing his temple, he was considering your words, it progressed!...who would have imagined that you had managed to convince Thomas to take in more sidekicks, something that had started with you befriending a lost boy in one of your patrols had ended up with Thomas surrounding himself with lost but talented boys that would help him in both his duty as batman, and his situation as a father who still tried to heal. It was you who had proved to him that he could take in more, you had given him a new drive.
Thomas turned towards you, his blue eyes softening slightly, you had grown so much in the past decade, from the whimpering child that had ended up on the steps of the Wayne Manor, talking about another world and crying for his dead son, Bruce, who had adopted you in your world, to a capable man, someone that had whipped both the Wayne Manor and Wayne industries into shape and became a solace to his mind. He knew he wasn't a good father figure to you, always smelling of alcohol and busy with work, but you stuck to him like an annoying little sticky patch, but he'd be damned if he'd let this little patch be removed from his side.
"You don't take no for an answer do you?" A remnant of a smirk was on his lips "I've learnt from you" you teased with a chuckle. Thomas surprisingly, after half an hour of persuasion, gave in, putting his cowl back into the wardrobe. It already showed the amount of trust he had in you. "If anything goes wrong you know the consequences" he softly scolded and you only smirked at him, making him roll his eyes slightly, you were always like this.
Watching him walk out of the cave you turned back to put your suit on but then froze at the sight of the five boys standing there with large grins "Shhh..." you hushed them before they could rejoice, you finally had convinced Thomas! The boys let out silent shouts of victory as they strangled each other in the heat of excitement, you couldn't help but laugh. You had grown to see them as your brothers, life in Manor with them wasn't easy, but it was much better than the darkness that had surrounded you and Thomas's life in your first years with him. You had taken the role of the eldest sibling seriously, helping the boys with their training, studies, and lives and here you were, looking at them in their respective suits. Brothers, true brothers.
"You already know where your areas of patrols are don't you?" You spoke as you put your suit on, it was identical to Thomas's, but without a cape, the news had given you the name Shadow Hunter after you had started your role as a more aggressive vigilante, turning from bat boy to your own hero. The boys nodded, arguing with you wasn't worth it, when Y/N would say something it was absolute. Not that the boys didn't understand that you knew what you were doing, it was just that they had their preferences, but you didn't budge.
Two of the boys were now old enough to find their paths but they had chosen to stay, you were a family, a very tight-knit one at that, even if it didn't show. You cared for them greatly "Don't get into trouble" you warned them, reaching to fix their masks and examine their belts and gadgets, they groaned and nagged, calling you their nanny, but you were responsible for them and you didn't want to see them get hurt.
"Patrolling alone again?" Cyborg's voice made you roll your eyes mentally. You Had hoped your patrol would be silent and peaceful so you'd go back soon, but apparently, it wouldn't happen. You turned to meet him as he walked towards you, he was always the closest thing you had as the cool uncle figure for you and the boys, but sometimes he went on your nerves, why? you didn't know, it seemed Thomas's grumpiness had influenced you as well. "Old man's taken a day off" you spoke flatly as you paced on top of the roof of the building you were standing on. "How are you Batboy?" He teased, making you give him a soft glare, chuckling in response. It was an old joke now, you were batboy for so long that the veterans in the field still called you by that. After the chuckle defused you sighed and crossed your arms on your chest, looking at a commercial board as you drifted into your thoughts, something inside you made you feel this rather peaceful night was just a calm before the storm, you kept the comms open so if anything was going to happen, you'd hear the boys.
You looked at your shadow cast on the rooftop, tall and board-shouldered, 20 years had passed, a lifetime in a world you didn't belong to. You didn't know but in your original world you were technically the very first Robin of Batman, Bruce hadn't spoken of you since you were pushed into another dimension by the mad scientist that you and Bruce had tried to stop, thinking you were lost in time and space, technically dead. You were only with Bruce for six months, two years before he took Dick in. You were nine and lost in a much darker world. You didn't blame Bruce, actually, you hardly thought of him or your original world, there you were an orphan, unwanted, here, even if it wasn't easy, you had your own family and friends.
Why Thomas took you in though? Suddenly the question popped into your head, making you narrow your eyes at the thought. You didn't know why, Thomas was a very hard man to deal with from the start, his mental space wasn't right at all, and it still was not in a good shape either, perhaps because he had lost a son and now another boy close to Bruce's age at the time of his death had appeared out of nowhere he kept you. Abusive for the first few years, angry and drunk for nearly all the time, you were afraid of Thomas when you were younger, but still you stuck by his side, taking it his tough love, you didn't have any options.
But before you both could figure everything out, things changed after that incident, you had gotten into a fight and it had nearly caused your death, Thomas had slapped you so hard that you fell on the ground, looking up at him with teary eyes. After that Thomas changed, he became more patient with you, took in more boys, and soon the name Wayne was plastered on your ID card, and you had ended up following the path of the semi-CEO of the Wayne industries, the heir of legacies of Batman and Thomas Wayne.
The hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts. "As usual lost in your thoughts eh?" You shrugged at cyborg, making him smile "I give the right to do so" he squeezed your shoulder reassuringly "Being bat's boy isn't easy..." he said, pointing at the scar on your jaw, Thomas once had beat you so hard that it's scar's place didn't heal completely.  You smiled slightly at that "I'm not complaining" you responded, You had forgiven Thomas a long time ago, he had tried his best to take care of you and the boys, and well, even if it wasn't the best parenting you still appreciated. Cyborg opened his mouth to speak but then paused as he got a signal, giving you an apologetic smile he left you alone, before you could say something the comms in your cowl started talking, it was one of the boys "There is a mess, we need backup!"
Spent you and the boys sat on a long bench, groaning in unison. The amount of thugs you all had beaten was too much to even count. "That's a new record," one of the boys said as he stretched "I don't know about you but I think I've dislocated a finger" another joked "Should we get something from Five Guys?" "Yep," you all said in unison. You looked at your brothers with a smile, even if you all were covered in bruises and some specks of blood, but still, it was the most precious moment that you could have, your life wasn't easy, but they made it more tolerating.
You chuckled as you watched them interact, but you couldn't help the tugging in your heart, something wasn't right, but what? What?! You stood up and walked to your motorcycle but before you could reach it you felt like everything around you distorted, even the voices of your brothers, but before you could turn around and call for them a force pulled you into oblivion, it was a familiar feeling, something that you had felt years ago. And when you ended up in front of a man wearing that Batman suit and a few others, you knew you were in a different world.
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vioartemis · 1 year
(Tara Carpenter x fem! Riley! reader)
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Summary: After you witnessed your dad's death, you weren't yourself anymore. But maybe all hopes weren't lost... Request are here and here (I have no idea if that's what both of you wanted ._.) Warnings: angst, blood, death (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
When your friend Tara got attacked by someone in a Ghostface costume, you immediately went to your dad for advice; he had dealt with Ghostface 4 times already, he was in the best position to help.
He told you the rules, the must do... everything you need to know. Of course, he tried to convince you not to stay here, to go with your mom in New York until it was over. But you were stubborn, almost as much as your mother - who, by the way, you were sure was not going to stay where she was with a new Ghostface in Woodsboro.
It was his advice that led you to stay in the hospital with Tara while everyone else was gathered at Mindy and Chad's.
"Don't let her alone, she's going to need support. The police are here to protect her, but she has no one to support her mentally." your dad had told you.
So you were here, sitting in an uncomfortable chair beside her, trying to distract and comfort her. You were not the best at it, but you tried. And she appreciated it. She was glad you were with her.
She was even more glad when the weird noises started. When no one answered her "hello?". When after that, exiting the room to reassure yourselves and find the police officer had become necessary. When you got back in her room, livid, after finding said officer's dead body.
You too were glad you were here to push her wheelchair towards the elevator and make sure she was okay.
Then, Ghostface attacked. You tried to throw things at him, buying Tara more time so she could reach the elevator. But soon, you got overpowered. Fortunately, at that moment, Sam and your dad arrived.
Dewey tried to shoot the killer, and knocked him out, before the 4 of you went to the elevator. Just as the doors were about to close, your dad stopped them, and stepped out, saying that Ghostface must be shot in the head.
As soon as he got out of the elevator, you knew it wasn't going to end well. And yet you thought you could change that and followed him.
Of course, you were wrong.
Your presence didn't prevent Ghostface to kill your dad. If anything, you were sure he took more pleasure doing it knowing you were here, helpless.
You felt as if everything was in slow motion. You knew you need to move, do something, anything, to save him. But it didn't matter how much you wanted to move; you were paralyzed by fear, by shock. Your body wasn't responding anymore.
You weren't even sure you were conscious, until you felt warm tears rolling down your face.
It was a nightmare. It had to be.
You were going to wake up soon, and everything would be okay.
You were trying to convince yourself, but deep down, you knew. You knew it was real.
The knife sinking in his chest, the blood staining his shirt and splattering on the floor, his body lying in a pool of blood... it was all real.
You couldn't take your eyes away from his bloody form, still hoping to see him sit up and shoot the killer. You were so desperate you hadn't noticed Ghostface coming toward you until you tasted blood in your mouth.
And even then, with a knife in the stomach, you were still not reacting.
The arrival of police officers didn't change anything; you were staring at your dad's corpse, dried tears on your face, a puddle of blood forming around you.
The rest of the day was a complete blur for you. You were unable to say what happened after your dad died, nor how you survived that night.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
A year after that day, you were still not doing so much better.
Your mom being always moving for her work, you moved out with Tara and the others to New York.
They had learnt pretty quickly not to let you alone; you almost got run over by a car at least 3 times when crossing the road and seemed to have no will to live whatsoever.
Truth was, you didn't care whether you lived or died. You were already dead inside. You didn't take any pleasure in doing anything. Nothing seemed to be able to make you feel better.
Except for Tara.
She was the only one you opened to since you dad died. The only one to make you feel safe. To make you feel anything at all.
And then, Ghostface appeared again, just when you started to think it things would get better, and your mom was between life and death.
All the progresses you had made with Tara were reduced to ashes.
You looked up, hearing Tara's soft voice, as she placed a hand on yours.
"Don't worry, she's going to be okay. She's strong, she'll survive this. Now you must focus on yourself. I don't want to lose you..." she paused, seemingly thinking of how to phrase what she wanted to say "I know it's hard for you since last year but... Y/n, I- you're very important to me... much more than you could imagine..."
When she looked at you, her dark eyes were filled with something you never saw in them before. You were not quite sure what it was, but it was here.
As always when you were with her, your heart started beating faster. At this moment, it was like a bubble had formed around you. Nothing else existed anymore. It was just the two of you.
"I really want to kiss you right now... Is it okay...?"
You nodded slightly, almost instinctively.
One of Tara's hands snaked to the back of your neck while the other went to your cheek. She pulled you down a bit as she tilted her head up.
When your lips finally met, you felt a pleasant warmth flow through you. Her lips were soft against yours. The kiss was gentle, yet full of love. It felt right, so right.
"Tara, Y/n, we-"
You pulled away as you heard Sam's voice, a slight blush spreading across your face.
"Jesus, Sam...!" Tara hissed at her sister
"I'm sorry I ruined your moment, but we have other problems right now.. It was a trap, we're locked here, Kirby-"
She got cut off by Ghostface barging in the room, stabbing Tara in her back before any of you could react.
You felt something snap in you.
The barrier your father's death had built in you collapsed the moment Tara grunted in pain.
You couldn't protect your parents from Ghostface; this time, you would do anything to protect Tara. She lit up your world when you were alone in the dark. She gave you a reason to live, something to fight for.
And you would put all your strength in this fight.
As Tara fell in your arms, Ghostface tried to stab her again. You kicked him in the stomach, making him stumble a few meters away.
You took this opportunity to drag Tara towards the door, following Sam who already opened it. The three of you made your way to the main part of the shrine, when Ghostface jumped right in front of you.
He tried to stab you, but luckily you dodged the knife.
A chase started in the shrine; Ghostface was behind you, he didn't seem to give up, and was soon going to catch up to you.
With both Carpenter sisters' help, you managed to make him fall to the ground after throwing the popcorn machine to him. Tara even kicked him in the face -which you found kinda hot.
You grabbed a heavy object on the counter and were about to slam it on Ghostface's head, when you felt a blade sink in your side; another Ghostface had come from the shadows, and now both of them were stabbing you.
Tara tried to help you, but Sam held her back.
"Go." you managed to say, blood dripping down your chin, right before the two killers pulled their blades out of your abdomen
You fell forward, face first, and everything turned black.
When you regained consciousness, you were laying in a puddle of blood, alone. Your wounds hurt so bad. Every inch of your body hurt; you just wanted to lay here and sleep.
But a scream in the other room made your heart stop. Tara. She was in danger. You needed to get up and help her.
As much as you wanted to, your body didn't seem to want to move.
"Come on...! Just fucking get up Y/n...!" you told yourself, with gritted teeth
With a strangled scream, you managed to stand up. But you were weak, you could barely stand without something to support you.
Despite that, you started walking to the main room; the thought of Tara being in danger was enough to give you strength.
And when you saw Quinn attacking the brunette, you didn't feel the pain anymore. Or you didn't pay attention to it. The only thing that mattered was to save her.
You made your way towards them, grabbing a brick on a pile, and once you were close enough, smacked Quinn's head with it. The shock sent her to the floor, and she dropped her knife.
You were quick to take the weapon and grabbed the redhead by her hair. Even in this position, she had a wide, crazy grin on her face.
"Oh, Y/n. You're tougher than I thought. But are you strong enough to kill me before I end your girlfriend's life? Not so sure" she said, as she shoved two fingers in one of your wounds
You clenched your teeth not to give her the satisfaction of hearing you scream in pain.
"It hurts, doesn't it? I wonder if it will hurt that much when I'll sink my blade in her-"
"Don't you fucking dare." you growled, glaring at her
"Or what? You'll kill me? I don't think you will. You're too good for that. Your father wouldn't want that, would he? He's gonna be pissed from where he is if you-"
You didn't let her finish her sentence. In one swift motion, you slit her throat. Blood splattered on your face, before she fell to the ground.
You looked at her for a second, making sure she was really dead, before turning to Tara.
"You okay?" you asked
"Y-yeah, thanks to you..."
You nodded at her words.
Immediately after saying that, your legs couldn't hold you anymore, and you collapsed on the floor, passing out again.
An undefined period of time later, voices around you made you open your eyes. You were on a stretcher, oxygen mask on your face. Surprisingly, you still were alive.
The paramedics made you exit the shrine, and Tara rushed to you as soon as she saw you. She took off your mask and kissed you, but quickly stopped when she realized you might need that oxygen.
"I was so worried about you..." she whispered
"I don't know why... I'm perfectly fine" you said jokingly
She rolled her eyes, but you could see she was smiling.
"I'm happy you've regained your will to live"
"It's all thanks to you..." you replied with a smile "Really, if I hadn't fell for you... I don't think I'd still be here"
"So I'm kinda like your savior, hm?" she asked with a slight smirk
"Yeah, you can say that" you chuckled
Tara's grin only got wider at your words. She placed a soft kiss on your forehead, before whispering
"I love you"
"I love you too, Tara"
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atlasscrumpit · 6 months
I've been reading your fics for a while, (both on Wattpad and Tumblr) and I've had this rattling around in my head for a bit but I finally worked up the courage to ask. What if Yandere Miguel or Yandere MK (you can pick if you decide to do anything with this!) had an SO with osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease)? How far would they go to keep her safe? Would they threaten to break her bones for misbehaving? Would they use the fact that she's literally fragile to manipulate her?
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(I know you said SO but I wanna make it into a yandere dad Miguel. I feel like he has more manipulation then)
You sat on the couch as your father wrapped your arm in gauze.
"How could you be so foolish, huh?" He scolded as you pouted and looked away from him.
"Do you see why you can't go out without me? You get into silly accidents." He grumbled before putting a sling around your arm.
"I just wanted to go get some pizza." You muttered in response as he paused and stared at you.
"Y/N, you aren't like everyone else. When are you going to get that through your head?" He asked as you looked at him.
"It's not fair." You muttered making him sigh softly.
"I know it's not fair. But, it is what it is and you need to accept it and be more careful." He said as you nodded.
A few weeks passed and Miguel thought you'd finally learnt your lesson.
But, you were bored inside the apartment while Miguel was out to work.
You dressed up in warm clothing before leaving the apartment and walking out into the cold air.
You giggled softly and slowly walked down the street.
You had stolen some of your father's money to go to the pizza shop down the road.
You dodged people on the street  before you made it to the shop.. You ordered two pizzas and some soda.
You took them home and entered the apartment to see your father waiting for you.
Your blood ran cold.
"H-Hey, dad." You muttered as he glared at you.
"I forgot my wallet this morning, then I realised there was some money taken out of it. Do you know anything about that?" He asked as you slowly shook your head.
"No... Someone dropped these pizza off at the door, must've been a mistake." You muttered in response not looking at him.
"You're going with that? Sit down, now." He growled as you put the pizzas down and sat across from him.
"You are so fucking stupid, do you know that? Do you realise how fucking stupid you are!" He shouted as you flinched and looked away from him.
"I just wanted pizza... I hate staying inside." You whispered as he knelt in front of you and gripped your knee.
"Do you know how easily I could break your leg right now, darling?" He said as you looked down at him in fear, tears forming in your eyes.
"You aren't like everyone else, you're fragile and I need to keep you safe." He said as his grip on your knee got tighter, starting to hurt.
"You've upset me, you've lied to me and you snuck out. So, I'm going to give you two choices, sweetheart. Two weeks with no TV or phone, or I take you into the office right now and break every fucking bone in your body." He growled as you began to cry.
"T-The first option." You whispered as he smiled.
"Good choice, darling."
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dimdiamond · 6 months
I have so many mixed feelings on Toshiro (aka Shuro).
Like he has the DADDY issues ever. Laios has too but Laios is in the opposite direction of "I'll never make my father proud, I can as well do my thing" while Toshiro is still trying to follow his father's wish and demands.
Like he couldn't care LESS about his servants. He doesn't treat them badly but he barely treats them. Does he even know their names? (Yes, it's because of daddy issues but at some point we have to stop accusing the parent and start to see our own faults)
Like he was just a boy who liked bugs and getting dirty. And then saw Falin who liked bugs and didn't mind getting dirty and thought "if I take her as my wife and my dad meets her and finds her interesting then maybe he will finally find me interesting too".
Like he showed more than necessary interest for another human being and he made it his whole character (oh, yeah, I'm the one who loves Falin, look how long I can go on sacrificing my needs for her SHUT UP YOU'RE DOING IT BECAUSE YOU FEEL GUILTY AND HOPELESS NOT FOR FALIN'S SAKE).
Like he had ONE person to find him interesting and he couldn't be sincerely thoughtful towards him. Yes, I know how it is to spend time with someone you find boring and have no connection but it is unfair to let the other be in the dark and I am the one who is in wrong here, not the other person, no matter how much they irritate me. Do I think Toshiro finally snapping and fighting with Laios is a good thing for both of them and their future friendship? Absolutely. Do I also find it cruel towards Laios? Absolutely, the boy becomes even more insecure after that, Toshiro could handle it better.
Yes, it is a cultural thing as well and I am aware Asians and, specifically for this character, Japanese have different approach in socialising and what is proper and acceptable, and I see how Laios and Toshiro show the clash between ignorant white man and Asian man that suffers from it, but we can't ignore that there are other Asian characters who don't act like him. Izutsumi? Rin? Heck, even Kabru could be considered! Others too! Even Toshiro's brothers and family! They're all different characters thar deal with their identity and their own trauma and experiences in their own way (and let's not forget they're not the focus of the story so we can't know everything about them or how they would react to everything or even their thoughts).
Could Toshiro be neurodivergent as well and had learnt to mask? It's very possible and it would make sense in many aspects of his character!
Is he a bad guy? No, of course not! Has he made mistakes? Many, of course! Has he shown good qualities? I doubt Laios party would consider him a friend if he hadn't and after his fight with Laios he gives the bell to Laios and still wants to help in whatever way he can.
As most of dunmeshi characters, he falls too close to reality and he gives me mixed feelings- even relating to him some times! But I can't deny the fact that, although an interesting character and rightfully liked by many fans, if I met someone like him irl I would dislike him.
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babyspacekwid · 29 days
Some of my Astro placements and how they manifest
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Chiron 4th house:
This placement talks of a wound surrounding the family and home, and well, I would often search for a home because no where to me felt like home. I still feel misunderstood and out of place, BUT, I have made deep and valuable connections that have helped guide me and make me feel the love I should have had. Not to say this placement is completely hopless, it’s beautiful and it’s real and it’s tough, but you come out stronger. I use to hate that fucking perspective too. Like okay??? Who gaf if I come out stronger I’m fucking suffering, like why didn’t I get the parents everyone else has? Why’d I have to walk on eggshells? I felt like my anger and sadness was invalidated because I didn’t feel strong. I felt worthless and disorganized. I was a mess and I still am. Idk if that’s ever gonna change tbh, but despite all, it’s true. You DO come out stronger. In every aspect I have. Home is your people it was never a place, home is your mother cradling you for the first time in a while, it’s your friends taking care of you when you’re sobbing. Home is your dad realizing his mistakes and apologizing. Home is a feeling, it’s refreshing and comforting. Home was never suppose to be stressful, or feel like a war zone. To whoever has this same placement I feel you and I love you.
Mars in Aquarius in the 5th house
I do things unconventionally and I only realize this when I’m with other ppl. It can be as simple as the way I eat my burger, to my taste in music. Which is everything. I like literally everything. I don’t care the genre. If it’s good and catchy I love it. I did a lot of different hobbies as a kid too? Like taekwondo, dance, soccer, painting, singing, writing. But I never stayed long in any of those hobbies. Loved anime which ik everyone likes these days but where I live and during my childhood it was still a bit taboo or considered weird to watch. I was the kid that got along with everyone at school too. I didn’t see the point in highschool having a social hierarchy of popularity. It’s fucking stupid. I remember this one kid in my class who everyone thought was weird, which from their perspective I understand because he liked to talk about taboo topics that everyone thought was outrageous, but I was enjoying conversing with him because his perspectives were fresh and built my own views and opinions. I also have a 5th house stellium and I just fucking hate anything that isn’t fun like. I can’t do the 9-5 I have to enjoy my life like this society was not meant for the way my brain works istg.
Lilith 8th house
Constant comments were made about my body when I was young. From good to bad to what the actual fuck are you saying to a 12 year old. No cause it still happens and I’ve learnt to deal with it, but it has greatly affected how I view myself, my sexuality, and my comfortability with it.
Sun and moon in Gemini
I got the worst of both worlds wtf is this?! Considering my chart is 60% air signs you’d think I’d be use to it but I’m notttttt. I try to stray away from the stereotypical “Geminis intellectualize their emotions” but it’s true we do, but I think it’s cause feeling our emotions are overwhelming. Geminis ARE emotional. There’s just so much going on that my brain decides “I need a solution to this now cause feeling is pain” also hate that I’m not consistent. Consistency is my worst enemy, it doesn’t agree with me and my behaviours and we have an ongoing tense relationship, so I don’t finish anything. Not the books I wanna write or the paintings I wanna finish. Working on it tho 😭
Jupiter in Leo in the 11th house
I know so many people, and the friends I’ve made feel like my soul family. We’re siblings at this point. (Also rlly love the spotlight. What can I say I’m an attention whore)
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canirove · 3 months
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 6
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“Tu café.”
“Muchas gracias, Liv.”
“De nada” I smile.
“Look at you practicing your Spanish with Pedro” Madders says, putting an arm around his teammate’s shoulders. “Have you tried to flirt with her again or have you already learnt from that mistake?”
“Que te jodan, James” Pedro says, elbowing Madders on the ribs and walking away.
“I don't speak Spanish, but I'm pretty sure he didn't say anything nice” he says, rubbing his hand where he was hit.
“He didn't, no” I chuckle. “Anyway, same as always?”
“Please. But why aren't you insulting me and rolling your eyes like you always do?”
“When I tease you like this you usually tell me to fuck off, and today you've smiled at me. And now… Oh my God, Olivia!” Madders gasps.
“Can you please lower down your voice?” I say while getting his coffee ready. “People come here to relax, not to hear you scream.”
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But Olivia… You've  been with Declan, haven't you?”
“Maybe” I shrug.
“No, no maybe. You have. You are humming while making my coffee, and you even danced!”
“What?” I laugh.
“Yes! You were humming and shaking your ass, which can only mean one thing… You and Declan had sex.”
“Fuck!” I say after spilling some coffee and burning my hand, the other players who are at the cafeteria look in my direction. 
“Yes, that's what you did” Maddes chuckles. “Was the rice good?” 
“Liv, are you ok? Did you burn your hand?” Son says, walking towards us.
“I'm fine, Sonny. Thank you for asking” I smile, giving Madders his coffee. 
“You must be careful, we can't lose our best barista.”
“You are too kind.”
“It's the truth. No one makes our coffees the way you do, Liv. You are very talented” he smiles. “But tell me, what rice were you guys talking about? Is there a new restaurant or something? You know I love my food.”
“You tell him, Liv” Madders says, sipping from his cup. If only he could burn his tongue and stop talking shit…
“It's… I…” Think, Olivia. Think! “It's just this Spanish restaurant James is always telling me to go to. They apparently make really good paella, but he calls it rice because he knows he sounds stupid when he tries to pronounce it properly.”
“Oh, I see. Did you try it? Was it good?” Son asks me.
“I didn't try it, no” I say, looking at Madders so he can get the message.
“Really?” he replies. “What a pity, Liv… Everyone says it is really good rice. But maybe next time. Because I'm sure there will be a next time.”
“Do you want a refill, Sonny?” I ask him, ignoring Madders’ comment and the stupid grin on his face. 
“Oh, yes. Let me go grab my cup” he smiles, walking away completely oblivious of the conversation he's just been part of.
“Olivia! Olivia, darling!” my dad says, storming into the cafeteria and making everyone look at him and then at me. More attention, yay. 
“What are you doing here, dad?”
“I've brought you a present” he says, giving me the Tottenham bag he was carrying. “Open it, darling.”
“Here?” I say.
“Of course! I want the boys to see it too. It isn't anything bad, don't give me that look” he laughs.
“C'mon, Liv. Open it” Madders says, the smile on his face telling me that he is loving the moment.
“Ok, fine” I sigh, slowly opening the bag. “A shirt?” 
“Yes, a shirt. But not any shirt” my dad says, taking it out from the bag before I can do it. “It's the new shirt with your name on it, darling!” he grins. “You didn't have this one yet. And stop smiling like that, Maddison. She's been getting number 10 on her shirts since she was a baby because that's when she was born, not because of you.”
“It still is a nice coincidence” he shrugs. 
“Oh, number 10! It's your birthday next week!” Son says, joining us again.
“Wait, what? Why hadn't you told me, Liv? I've been here for two years already and we are like brother and sister. I should know when your birthday is!” Madders says.
“You never asked” I shrug.
“And if she hasn't told you anything it's because Olivia isn't the biggest fan of celebrating her birthday” my dad chuckles. “But this year we are doing something very special that I think she will like.”
“Are we?” I ask.
“We are going to the Emirates to watch the Arsenal-Tottenham!”
“I got us the best tickets, darling. We are gonna be super close to the pitch to see the boys kick those gooners in the ass. And while we do it, you can wear this” my dad smiles, showing me the shirt again. “What do you think?”
“I… I mean… I…” I mumble.
“You've left her speechless” Madders laughs. “But I know she's looking forward to that game. Aren't you, Liv?” he smirks.
“I… yeah” I reply. I'm looking forward to that game and to ripping off your head, James Maddison. 
“That was a really nice first half, wasn't it, girls? I know we haven't managed to score, but neither have they and they've had their chances” my dad says, getting up from his seat and stretching. “I'm gonna go to the bathroom and get myself another drink. Do you want anything?”
“I'm fine” my mum says.
“I'm good too. Thank you, dad” I smile.
“Ok, then I'll see you in a bit. Don't flirt with any player while I'm away. Or manager. I know you fancy Arteta’s lower back” he says, looking at my mum.
“Oh, stop it” she laughs. “But he does have a good backside” she tells me once my dad is gone.
“Sorry” she shrugs. “Are you enjoying the game?”
“It's ok.”
When my dad said he had gotten us really good seats, he wasn't lying. We are sitting behind Arsenal's bench, so close to the players who aren't playing that I could tickle the back of their heads if I wanted. Which may have been something I've been tempted to do to Havertz a few times. 
“Just ok? Are you alright, Olivia?”
“Yeah” I shrug. Though not really. Because being so close to Arsenal's bench means having Declan close too. 
He came our way a couple of times to talk with Arteta and drink water, and both times I found myself holding my breath, hoping he would not look my way and see me standing there on my Tottenham's shirt. Because for whatever the reason, I didn't tell him I was coming to the Emirates today. 
“Hopefully the boys will score and make it better. Maybe James is inspired. Or that Spanish boy…” she says, lifting her eyebrows up and down.
“Mum, I already told you. I'm not interested in Pedro. I don't even find him attractive.”
“You are blind, Olivia.”
“Yeah, whatever” I say, focusing on the players who are warming up. 
“Looks like they are going to do a substitution” my mum says after a few minutes in silence.
“Look” she says, nodding towards the pitch. Jorginho is getting rid of his sweatshirt, one of Arteta's staff members talking to him. “Maybe someone is injured?”
“Maybe” I reply, looking at the players that are coming through the tunnel. I see Ramsdale, White, Saliba, Martinelli, Ødegaard… And I could keep checking the rest of the team if it wasn't because someone wearing red has stopped in front of me, not allowing me to see a single thing.
“Liv?” a male voice says.
“What… Declan?” I gasp when I look up at the person who was blocking my view.
“What are you doing here?” we say at the same time.
“Olivia, do you know him?” 
“I… I…” I mumble, unable to stop looking at those blue eyes of his. 
“Olivia, are you alright?” my mum asks again.
“Rice?” my dad says behind us. Oh… my God. “What are you doing on the bench? You should be playing!”
“My back isn't in the mood for it” he chuckles.
“Wait, are you injured?” I ask him, finally remembering that I can talk and function like a normal human being. “Is it serious?”
“Nah, don't worry. They just don't want to risk it getting worse.”
“That's the right call” my dad says, sitting next to me. “You are their best player, they can't lose you.”
“Thank you, sir” Declan says with a shy smile. Declan… shy? What? “It means a lot coming from a Tottenham fan like yourself.”
“Wait, do you also know each other?” my mum says with a confused look.
“What do you mean with also?”
“He knows Liv.”
“Does he?” my dad says, looking at me.
“It's from the national team, from when we've stayed at Tottenham training centre” Declan explains. 
“Oh, of course!” my dad laughs. “Did she tell you that I'm a big Tottenham fan?”
“That was Madders. When he introduced us he told me about it and about your job at the club.”
“You know James” I say with a nervous laugh. “He talks a lot.”
“Anyway, I better sit down, the game is about to start” Declan says.
“Of course, of course. It was lovely chatting with you boy. Though I hope you lose” my dad smirks.
“We'll see” Declan replies with a similar smile. “Nice to see you again, Liv.”
“Yeah, you too” I say while praying for my cheeks to not start turning bright red. I know my mum would definitely notice and start asking questions. 
“What a nice lad” my dad says once the game starts again.
“That Declan Rice. An amazing player on the pitch and a good egg outside. Never heard a bad thing about him.”
“He is really nice, yes” I reply.
“If he didn't play for Arsenal I wouldn't mind having him as my son-in-law.”
“What?” I say, raising my voice so much that I see Declan turning around to look at me. Though thankfully he doesn't manage to completely do it, Arsenal almost scoring and distracting him. 
“He is very handsome too” my mum says. “Did you see his eyes? They are beautiful.”
“But he plays for Arsenal, so he is off limits. Understood, Olivia?” my dad says, giving me his most serious look. He isn't joking about this. At all. 
“Understood” I nod. 
“Good” he smiles, patting my leg before focusing on the game again, something I'm unable to do. 
I can only look at the back of Declan's head, my dad's words repeating over and over in my head. 
He is off limits.
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f0point5 · 5 months
controversial: Antonelli is overrated and nowhere near as good as Max is. everyone keeps sayin "yo, he's Verstappen re-born"... guys. this boy was held by hand by Toto Wolff since karting and his way to Formulas was cleaned from any stick or stone so he wouldn't God forbid stumble. Max had to fight it hard way, plus his dad obviously didn't make it any easier (not saying I hate Jos for that, I just don't agree with his parenting style). if Antonelli comes the next year to Merc because TW is so desperate to show everyone that he no longer cares he lost Max cause he made his own, the performance expectations from Antonelli will be so high that him being freshly eighteen, growing up in the pressure of social media... it will destroy him. this is the example of not rushing things otherwise you can damage them before they could show their full potential.
Well. WELL.
He is obviously nowhere near the level Max is now, but when Max entered F1? Idk, probably not, but also, you don’t have to drive like Max to be a phenom. Max was 1 in a million and maybe this kid isn’t as immediately polished, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the stuff to be an incredible driver.
I don’t know about Kimi’s karting record but by all accounts is extraordinary. No, he’s not setting the world alight in f2 but having watched some f2 this year I’m not about to base all my opinions on that.
It depends what you mean by Max didn’t have it easy. He didn’t have barriers to entry to the sport, he didn’t have parents who wanted anything different for him, he didn’t have parents who weren’t committed enough to drive him around Europe. He had a team of people around him from day 1 who grafted like hell for him and made sure he was not a victim of snake oil salesmen and people who wanted to make money off him or would have pushed him around. So no I’m not saying he had it easy from a personal development side but he did get to make racing his whole life from a very young age, and he had people around him who only had his best interests at heart. Not everyone has that. I can only hope Kimi has the same strong unit around him.
From what I understand, Max advanced as quickly as he did because however much he needed to do to win, Jos was pushing him ten steps further. Max learnt to ignore the noise because Jos was making most of it. It seems that Kimi has grown up differently. But let’s not forget that Kimi’s dad is also a racer, it’s not like he’s just been catapulted into the sport straight from Toto’s laboratory.
I don’t think having had Toto’s support and not having been forged in hellfire means his success or talent isn’t valid.
That being said, I do hope he has a good support network and they insulate him from the media chatter as much as possible. Because yes that will ruin him very quickly.
I think more than anything what will ruin him is not going to F1 too early, but going to the wrong team. I think those with talent will swim, because at the end of the day with enough testing you can learn how to drive the car and if you’re talented and you’re fast you’ll be fine. But what you don’t want is an 18 year old kid being pushed and pulled from pillar to post by a TP who expects a well rounded driver from day 1, and who will allow the kid to be brow beat by overzealous stewards and bullied by other drivers in track. Imo Toto will not stand up for a young driver in the way he will need to and that is what will damage a kid’s confidence and career prospects. So yeah, there’s an argument for leaving him in F2 until he’s had long enough to not make the mistakes that come with being an inexperienced driver. But I’m not sure if any amount of F2 can really prepare you, look at Logan (I could go on because my beef with f2 is REAL).
All this to say, I don’t know if he’s overrated. I think the comparison to Max is not helping him but it also doesn’t invalidate his potential. Max has really fucked the curve for young drivers I think. But I do think that the worry about ruining him is a bit uncharitable the way it’s often presented, especially in a climate where the fear around young drivers is really causing a bottleneck getting into F1. I think the right team wouldn’t ruin a real talent. I don’t think Merc is the right team but that’s just me.
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emeraldtart · 6 months
TWST X No Straight Roads (ft. 1010!Yuu)
After the whole Rock Revolution fiasco, Neon J decided it's time to introduce a new member to 1010. Also because his twins (Eloni and Haym) wanted a baby sibling.
So he made Kaw*. The crew's newest member, rapper, and the mysterious one. Since they're recently made, they're as sentient as MK-I androids, but it doesn't stop their fellow troops and captain from trying to indulge them.
Unfortunately, an incident involving Kliff messing with Neon J and DJSS's newest equipment caused them to be pulled to Twisted Wonderland to everyone's horror.
Facts about 1010!Yuu
Their name is a pun on two things 'kau' which is one of the ways to say 'you', which is in a more casual way as opposed to 'awak'. And also 'kaw' which means strong tasting beverages.
They're not sentient (yet)
They are made as a foil to Rin, from their colors (white vs purple), roles (leader and loner) and 'age' (oldest and youngest).
Their weapon is a gun, and they have a sniper gun installed in their arms. Think of Lady Nagan from MHA.
They haven't met Bunk Bed Junction. Their siblings were planning to meet with them until the incident.
Throughout the prologue they're just standing there like ._. while the chaos is happening around them. Nothing in their programming make them equipped with this situation.
Flirt with the first years + dorm leaders because they mistake them as a crowd of fans.
Their base programming/personality can be summed up as: quiet.
Shroud brothers are equal part excited and confused. Excited because holy crap, an idol robot!? That's cool! Confused because who installs weapons inside a idol robot!?
They're waterproof, as they are a navy robot.
Idia realizes he's a hypocrite because he did the same thing to Ortho.
Kaw is mostly expressionless until they see a large enough crowd and they suddenly flirts with them.
They can sing and dance, and sometimes sings the last word of a sentence.
Neon J made Kaw more durable, as he had learnt from his encounter with B2J during the Rock Revolution. They won't explode from people screaming, and they also have a sort of mini-Qwasa in their body that they can charge by listening to Funky House and Dance-pop/Europop music, which they can do simply be performing a song in that genre.
They're also charged by cheers like their brothers.
Since they came from a world that revolves around music, their body occasionally moves to an invisible tempo, even when they are standing still.
Started to show signs of sentience during Heartslabyul when Riddle insulted Neon J. They began to insult him back in a way only robots can, and everyone who heard their words were scared of what they said.
In Savanaclaw they started to 'have fun' playing a magicless form of Magishift with the first years and Savanaclaw.
Octavinelle was when they became fully sentient. They suddenly cried when the Savanaclaw students tried to pick a fight with them, as the stress finally catch up with them.
Everyone freaks out because 1) They can cry!? and 2) Oh shit, they're crying.
It also happens that at that moment Neon J managed to connect with Kaw's hologram projector + communicator, sees his metal child crying with an awkward Savanaclaw gang and Grim trying to console them, and began to threat the ever-loving daylights out of the students.
After all is said and done, Kaw explains everything and Neon J starts making plans on how to take out Azul.
Kaw: Dad. You can't do that, that's illegal.
Neon J: I know. But just so you know, your older brothers are not going to- wait. Did you just call me dad!?
Kaw: Wha- I- I mean SIR! *salutes*
Kaw: DAD, NO!!!
Savanaclaw looking at Neon J and thought: Oh Sevens, they weren't kidding when they said their captain(dad?) has a sonar for a head.
Jack may or may have not taken a picture of Neon J's hologram and send it to ADeuce (the picture got photobombed by the rest of 1010)
Let just say that Crowley's on NJ + 1010's hit list when they found out what he made their youngest member do.
The list of people increased when Neon J brought it up to NSR meetings.
B2J found out through 1010 who were hanging out with them.
Crowley is on sight in Vinyl City, beaten only by Kliff.
When VDC rolls in, they join in the training as emotional support.
Kaw managed to find a loophole in Vil's Unique Magic so they sneak in some sweets for the VDC team.
Trein noticed Kaw's disappointment at not being allowed to join in on VDC, being a 10-feet 10-inches tall robot and all. He pulled some strings with Crewel and allow Kaw to join in on the closing ceremony with their brothers.
Let just say that Kaw aced both history and potionology as a thank you gift.
As for Malleus, he was interested in this tall robot. A being made of metal, that sings and dance and powered by music? Very interesting indeed.
Their talk at first is very brief because of Kaw's lack of sentience, but then they started to become more human and eventually Malleus pointed out how they have become much more than what they were born for; a living being.
Kaw calls him Abang (Big brother/older brother).
Rin felt that his status as the eldest brother is being challenged.
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
helluva boss s2e3-5 reaction
wow the episodes are actually maintaining the 20ish minute length unlike season 1
episode 3
oh my god WHAT
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ah I see he's moxxie's dad
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LMAOOO him being both their exes is hilarious
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OH MY GOD and that's what led him to meeting blitzo LMAO
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oh geez
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also verbal "I'm bisexual" that's neat!!!
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OH MY GOD was that his mum???? oh man....
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oh my god
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millie's very cool
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"now we aaaall fucked the same guy" oh my fucking god blitzo
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episode 4
okay cool! I get to hear her have some semblance of calmness LMAO
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"what does he look like your highness?" "sexy?" "that's STRIKER sir" I'M CRYING????
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and got to a scene I've seen a clip of already, can't say I'm a fan of the ableism here but I'm sure it's been criticised to death by others already, I'll move on
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well. I'm glad I get to see stella with another character that she's not shouting at
yeah I'm glad we're getting something more than a pompous laugh and anger from her
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"harder" oh my god
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oh yeah um the "he can get hurt?" scene is something I've already seen
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saw it on a clip on twitter before, figured it had to do with injury via angelic weapons, cool to see the context now though (even though I was somewhat able to guess the more I learnt about the show)
it's cool that you can see stolas is giving blitzo some space and suggesting not doing sex stuff
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really nice to see blitzo showing concern for him
episode 5
this one is seeming a lot more lighthearted but I wanna put 6 and 7 together so I'm just gonna put this here
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woah what's that
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something that's not the grimoire opening a portal???
is "the voice of an angel" really a compliment when you live in hell?
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okay I thought the "barbie" person might've been blitzo's sister
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well then! I've been fighting with the 30 image limit probably was a mistake to put 5 together with 3 and 4 after all but whatever!! anyways
first two in the set, pretty good character moments, last one although was more lighthearted but definitely had its serious moments with moxxie and millie
I see fizzarolli in the thumbnail for the next 2 episodes, I have been WAITING for this, gonna be very very promising
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pyxaperson · 6 months
I am procrastinating on my uni assignments so here’s the 2012!TMNT main cast ranked on who would be homophobic/transphobic
1 being the most and 6 being the least
this is my opinion and my interpretation. i will fight people for one of these rankings if they disagree with me
6 - April
You cannot convince me she isn’t a 2012 Tumblr girl like… look at her. She spent most of her teenage years debating with homophobes on the internet. She would 100% watch supernatural and 100% ship Castiel.
"Would she fetishise mlm relationships?" NO. She would also watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ship Fuffy. She reads yaoi AND yuri in her spare time.
If she swoons over a mutant and an alien getting together, she will 100% do the same for a gay couple.
Probably taught the others not to be homophobic (mostly the top 3).
If you believe she hates the LGBT+ community, I am sorry but you are objectively wrong I will be hunting you for sport right now. I am outside your house with the episode "Karai's Vendetta" playing loudly on my laptop.
5 - Donnie
“Erm actually, homosexual behaviour has been heavily documented in animals such as penguins, bats and hyenas. It’s very much natural.“
While I cannot imagine him ever being homophobic, I can imagine him being transphobic when he was younger.
BUT I only think that because the primary school biology textbook was his bible when he was five.
As soon as he had access to a more “advanced” biology book, he learnt his mistakes.
Had a deep understanding of gender before his brother understood the differences between them as a result of this.
4 - Mikey
Thinks LGBT+ people are awesome, however his only exposure to gay people is rupaul drag race so his views on them are stereotypical.
He would probably be taken aback if you introduced him to a gay man who isn’t flamboyant, but he would adjust after a bit.
He would definitely say “You don’t look gay” though.
Aside from April, he would be the most angry when hearing homophobic/transphobic comments.
3 - Leo
The middle point between homophobic and not homophobic for the group (even though she's seconds lmao, the group is just not really homophobic).
I headcanon her as a trans lesbian so any homophobic/transphobic thoughts she would have are a mixture of her sheltered life and internalised issues.
Nothing extreme though, but her mind would get hung up on two girls holding hands on the street for multiple days.
She would also go through the 5 stages of grief for every unprompted homophobic thought she gets.
Everyone helps her overcome this, especially after she discovers herself and comes out.
2 - Raph
I am sorry, but he would probably use homophobic language before meeting April.
However, that’s due to him not understanding what he was saying. He probably thought gay was a synonym for stupid.
Once he understands who LGBT+ people are and what they face (AKA being scolded by April), he would probably feel really bad about it.
He wouldn’t really apologise for it verbally, but he would 100% kill a homophobe after that so everyone understands he’s changed.
Mikey would then make fun of him for being homophobic which would get him really mad. It's revenge for Raph calling him gay to insult him and brushing his genuine anger off.
“At least I’m not-“ “I’M NOT HOMOPHOBIC MIKEY!”
1 - Casey
I am not sorry, this dude was definitely homophobic before meeting the Turtles + April. Like, actually homophobic.
His dad is homophobic so it comes from that.
He called Donnie the f-slur behind his back to the rest of the group. To put it lightly, they were not impressed.
The first moment where he questions his behaviour is when April rips him to shreds over it, but it’s not until Raph pulls him aside to express disappointment that he realises how bad his behaviour is.
Probably goes MIA for a couple of days undergoing serious reflection on his life and beliefs. He then comes back to apologise for his behaviour.
He takes some time to truly overcome his bigotry, but he gets there eventually. Like Raph, he'll kill a homophobe after the ordeal.
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Summer Camp
Flufftober day five is here with the prompt Acorn, Chestnut, Pine Cone. I hope you enjoy and apologies for mistakes! You can read it here on Ao3.
Evan Buckley (because he wasn’t Buck yet. No, he would find that name later when he finally felt more settled in his own skin, in a place where he finally feels that he belongs in) learnt about pinecones when he was nine.
“Did you know that pinecones can stay on a tree for more than ten years before the drop to the ground?”
Buck had stared up at the pine tree that towered over him. Among the branches he could see them hanging up there. He wondered how long they had already been up there for. The trees around them had a strong scent that made Buck’s nose itch. “That’s a long time.”
The camp counsellor had laughed, though not unkindly. “It is! And did you know that pinecone’s main function is to keep the seeds safe which the female does.”
“There are boy and girl pinecones?” Buck had asked, wide eyed as he stared up at his camp counsellor. He hadn’t known that plants could be male or female too.
“Yep. The female protects the seeds while the male pinecone produces pollen.”
Buck crouched down, picking up the nearest pinecone he could reach. He stood back up and thrust it towards the camp counsellor. “What’s this one?”
“That’s a female. See how it’s woody? That so that it can protect the seeds.”
“That’s cool,” Buck said, grinning up at the counsellor. “What else do you know about pinecones?”
“The Coulter pine is the heaviest pinecone in the world. Loggers used to call them the widow maker.”
Buck scrunched up his nose at the unfamiliar term. “Why did they call them that?”
“Because they were so heavy, when they fell from the tress it would kill the loggers who were standing underneath.”
“Whoa!” Buck eyed the tree warily and took a step closer to the counsellor.
“Come on, let’s keep going along the trail.” The counsellor put their hand on Buck’s shoulder, guiding him forward. “There should be some chestnut trees around here too. Did you know they can grow up to 30 meters?”
The radio clipped to the counsellor’s belt crackles to life and a voice come through. “Ben, you there?”
Ben unclipped the radio and brought it up to his face. “I’m here.”
There was a pause on the other end and Buck tracked a butterfly as it fluttered across the trail ahead of them.
“You’re clear to keep hiking. We’ll have dinner for you and Evan when you return.”
Ben winked at Buck. “Roger that!” He clipped the radio back onto his belt. “Ready to keep going?”
“My mum or dad aren’t coming to get me, are they?” Buck asked quietly, kicking at rock. It went skidding across the path before disappearing into the bush.
Ben flinched, the smile falling from his face. “We, uh, haven’t been able to get a hold of them yet. But we called your sister. She said she could be here by tomorrow morning.”
Buck nodded, his shoulder’s slumping a little in relief. One by one, Buck had watched as his classmates had been picked up by their parents until only, he had remained. That had been hours ago and there had been no sign of the Buckley’s. They had phoned but there had been no answer. But now Maddie was coming to get him, even if it meant spending one more night at camp. Buck wasn’t to upset. It was better than being at home by himself. 
“Cool,” Buck said. “What are we having for dinner?”
“Any requests?” Ben asked, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“The mac n’ cheese was yummy,” Buck grinned. “And the sundaes!”
Ben grinned and unclipped his walkie again. “Homebase, we have a request for mac n’ cheese for dinner and sundaes for dessert.”
The walkie cracked once more. “Copy that. Request granted.”
Buck let out a whoop that echoed around the trail.
Ben laughed, clipping the walkie back to his belt once more before guiding Buck forwards once more.
“Okay, spill. What’s on your mind.”
Eddie Diaz glanced up at the firm tone of Maddie Buckley. A glance over his shoulder found Buck in the kitchen, filling up a paper cup with some water from the tap. Maddie is pressed up against his side, trying to catch his eyes.
“Uh – what are you talking about?” Buck frowned, looking, and sounding genuinely confused by his sister’s question.
Eddie felt the same confusion course through him because surely, he would have noticed that something was up with Buck. His best friend had seemed to be enjoying himself at May’s graduation party.
“You,” Maddie poked Buck’s bicep. “Have this look on your face every time Chris mentions going to summer camp.”
Eddie turned away slightly, not wanting the Buckley siblings to see him eaves dropping. Ever since he had mentioned the camp, Buck had been against it. It was a surprise. Eddie honestly thought that Buck would support the idea. He was fully prepared for Buck to come at him with a list of reasons as to why Chris should be going on the camp. Only, it had been the opposite. In fact, Buck had been the only one who hadn’t been supportive of the idea.
“He’s too young,” Buck huffed, shifting out of his sister touch. “What if he gets home sick? Or something happens? It’s a long time, Maddie! Two weeks!”
“Buck.” Maddie’s voice went soft and soothing, her hand now gripping his bicep and squeezing gently. “Nothing is going to happen to him.”
“You don’t know that,” Buck said so quietly that Eddie almost missed it.
“What happened to you won’t happen with Chris,” Maddie assured him.
Eddie frowned, itching to turn and face the Buckley siblings, to demand to know what happened to Buck. It surprised him, how little the 118 knew about Buck’s childhood considering how open Buck was about everything else. It worried Eddie, whenever he thought about it, but he didn’t want to push Buck. Eddie had no idea what wounds he would be poking at, and he hoped that if Buck ever wanted to share, he could. He couldn’t help but wonder though.
“And even if it did,” Maddie continued. “Can you honestly say you wouldn’t drive out there to go and collect him if Eddie couldn’t?”
Buck’s shoulders slumped. “You know I would.”
Maddie gave a small hum. “And if neither of you could, do you think that no one here would go and get him?”
Eddie glanced around the room, his heart thumping in his chest. Because Maddie was right. Not a single person in the Grant-Nash home right now would ever say no to helping Eddie out if he needed it. If something were to happen to him, he knew that everyone in this house would be there for Christopher. But nobody more than Buck. The thought knocked the breath right out of Eddie’s lungs.
“Can you stop being so reasonable,” Buck huffed.
“No,” Maddie chuckled. “And don’t say you didn’t have fun at your summer camp. I know you did. You told me everything you learnt about pinecones.”
Buck grinned. “It was good fun. Did I tell you that the sugar pine is the longest pinecone?”
“You did,” Maddie smiled. “We never did find the longest one, did we? Maybe you could get Chris to look for one for you while he’s at camp.”
Buck pouted at his sister and Eddie’s stomach twisted pleasantly at the sight. “You play dirty.”
Maddie gave an unapologetic shrug. “It’s what big sisters are for.”
Buck bumped his shoulder against Maddie’s, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “Just like it’s the little brother’s duty to eat too much cake.” He started walking away, Maddie’s eyes narrowing.
“Buck. No! You’ve eaten three pieces already! Hey!” and then the two siblings were racing away, Buck’s laughter ringing through the house as Maddie chased after him.
Eddie let out a small breath. He could piece together an idea of what had happened to Buck on the camp and if he was correct in his assumption, Eddie really hoped he never had to meet the Buckley’s.
Eddie forced away the anger that sparked in his veins and turned to look at his son, letting a smile take over his face. Buck’s behaviour stayed in the back of his mind as the party continued. And when the party started to wind down, everyone slowly leaving the Gran-Nash home one after another, it was still swirling around his brain.
“Hey,” Eddie said, hefting a dozing Christopher into his arms.
Buck looked up from where he had been collecting dishes from the table outside.
“You guys are leaving?” Buck asked, eyes turning fond as they traced over Chris’s form.
“Yeah,” Eddie said softly. “Want to come back to mine?”
Buck looked surprised at the offer, but pleasantly so and the nerves Eddie felt slowly sunk away.
“Sure. I’ll just finish helping clean up –“
“You’ve done enough,” Bobby said, coming up behind Buck and clapping him on the shoulder. “You should head out too. We can do the rest.”
“Are you sure?” Buck asked, looking up at Bobby.
“Absolutely. Enjoy the rest of your night,” Bobby said, giving the three of them a warm smile. “I’ll see you next shift.”
“Thanks for having us,” Eddie said.
With another couple of goodbyes, they left. Buck walked Eddie and Chris to their truck, opening the door for Eddie to place Chris in the back.
“See you at home,” Eddie said, mouth dry. He clapped Buck on the shoulder before quickly slipping into the driver’s seat and driving away. Buck was right there behind him the whole trip home and Eddie tried to get his heart under control.
When they reached the Diaz home, it didn’t take long to get Chris out of the truck and into the house. Eddie went through the familiar routine of getting his son to bed and by the time Chris was asleep and tucked up in bed, Buck was in the living room, two beers on the coffee table.
“He out?” Buck asked, smiling up at Eddie.
“Oh yeah,” Eddie chuckled. “Hopefully he’ll sleep until at least seven.”
Buck chuckled, reaching for one of the beers. He took a sip, throat bobbing as he swallowed, Eddie’s eyes tracking the movement.
“Why don’t you want Chris to go to summer camp?” Eddie asked, the words flowing out him in a blurted rush.
Buck blinked and lowered the beer bottle to his lap. He looked at Eddie, a look of unease spreading across his features and Eddie hated that he made Buck look nervous.
“I’m not mad,” Eddie rushed to continue. “I just – I would have thought you would have encouraged it. With all the travelling you have done…” Eddie trailed off with a shrug.
Buck was quiet for a moment, but Eddie could see the way he was trying to arrange his thoughts and stayed quiet.
“I’m not against it,” Buck finally spoke. “It’s just my own insecurities coming out. I think he’d love it. I know he would.” Buck gave a small smile.
“Something happened to you,” Eddie stated, the words tasting like acid on his tongue.
“My parents forgot to pick me up,” Buck said, giving a slight shrug. “They told me I was going to summer camp, and they dropped me off and then just, never showed up when it was over. The camp couldn’t get a hold of them. They finally called Maddie and she came to get me. I had to stay an extra night though.”
Eddie swallowed down the rage that slowly burned inside him. He really hoped that he never met the Buckley parents.
“I had the greatest time though,” Buck said quickly. “That’s why I know Chris will love it. I guess, I don’t know, I hadn’t really thought of that moment since and it all just, sort of came back to me. I know you’d never forget to pick up Chris.”
“And you would get him if I couldn’t,” Eddie said, mirroring Maddie’s words from earlier.
Buck let out a soft breath. “Yeah. I would.”
Eddie smiled, heart thumping in his chest. “Thank you.”
Buck gave him a confused look. “For what?”
“For looking out for Christopher,” Eddie said. “For seeing him and encouraging him. For being his best friend.”
“He’s mine too,” Buck said quietly.
Eddie shifted across the couch cushions. He plucked the bottle of beer from Buck’s loose grip and placed it on the coffee table beside him untouched one. Then he leaned back into Buck’s space, finding that blue eyes were already staring back at him. Telegraphing his next move, giving Buck enough time to pull away, he slowly leaned in.
Their lips met in a soft kiss and Eddie sighed into it, feeling Buck do the same. It was soft and sweet as they slowly mapped each other. Eddie pulled back first, resting his forehead against Buck’s, not letting the younger man get away too far.
“You’re our Buck,” Eddie said quietly. “And you have us, if you want us.”
“I want you both,” Buck said quickly, pressing another kiss to Eddie’s lips. “So much, Eddie. I –“
Eddie pressed another kiss to Buck’s lips. “I know. I know.” I love you. I love you.
And Buck drew him back into another kiss, drawing Eddie even closer.
When Chris returned home from summer camp, Buck waiting with Eddie their hands clasped together, he presented Buck with a pinecone he had found, a bright grin on his face.
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Our first Christmas together- Billy Hargrove x Female reader
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The Christmas holidays was always hard for Billy especially growing up with an abusive father. He usually busies himself in work to distract himself from the painful day but when his boss gives him the day off, you try to help to make this Christmas bearable for him. (A continuation of my high school sweethearts one shots)
Warnings: abuse mentioned in detail, Neil (he’s a warning in itself), ptsd attack mentioned in detail and anxiety.
A/N: did you really think that i wouldn’t post anything for Christmas? Just like Billy I don’t find Christmas a great holiday due to a problematic family member so it inspired this. I also have ptsd so what I wrote for Billy is accurate for me and this is important if someone is having a ptsd attack don’t hug them unless the person says it’s okay. Sorry it’s a little dark but I imagine as Billy had an abusive dad Christmas isn’t going to be a happy time for him. Sorry if some parts sound overly British as I’m from the U.K. Apologises for all spelling and grammatical mistakes as I’m super dyslexic, enjoy
Billy Hargrove hated Christmas and that was a fact. He hated the whole stupid holiday, all these commercials and stupid hallmark movies that depicted the perfect family life. Preaching that Christmas is a season for all coming together over a cozy fire with your family, forgiving those that have wronged you as it’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Everything about Christmas made Billy sick. what if you don’t have a loving family who loved and cared for you? What if home isn’t a safe place for you where there’s no presents only the threat of your drunken farther beating you till you could barely stand? What then!
Before his mom left Christmas was bearable, his mom tried her hardest to make a magical Christmas for the young boy. She would sneak into Billy’s room in the early hours of the morning to place a stocking at the bottom of his bed for him to open in the morning.
Billy grew up never believing in Santa Claus for his farther would never allow him to believe in such a childish thing, claiming that he shouldn’t believe in such childish bullshit and Neil should shake some sense into him if he wanted to believe in such a myth. The magic of Christmas was taken away from Billy as soon as he learnt to know what it was.
So when Billy received the stocking from his mom it was kept on low profile from his dad, Billy would wake up before his farther to open whatever his mother had brought him. As it was all done behind Neil’s back all he received was a candy bar and a small toy car, Billy was thankful for his mom to try to keep the magic of the holiday alive. But the tiniest spark of Christmas joy faded away when his mom left without even saying goodbye, she left him with the monster he had to call his dad.
Billy despised Christmas
Everything had gotten worse when Neil remarried Susan and moved to Hawkins. Susan was the sort of mother who loved Christmas and believed it to be a time for family, much to Billy’s dismay. Every year she would gather all of the family around the tree every Christmas morning while he had to watch them all play the picture perfect family which made him sick. Watching as his farther gave Max presents with a warm loving smile. Watching as he kissed Susan with such tenderness. Neil proved to Billy that he can be a loving farther which made Billy’s heart sink, Neil could be all the things that Billy wanted him to be but he didn’t want to be a loving father for him.
“Billy do you have any presents for Maxine and Susan?”
“No sir, I thought that we didn’t give presents” Billy’s heart sank to his stomach, he was sure that it stopped beating all together as he saw Neil’s smile turn into a scowl in a matter of seconds. All the love that his eyes once held turned cold and dark the moment his eyes laid upon his son. Billy tensed his body knowing what that look from his farther entitled.
“What!” Neil barked, Billy felt his blood run cold rapidly blinking back his tears as his farther walked over to him with his fist raised in the air.
“It’s fine honestly I don’t need any more presents” Max ran up to Neil, pleading with him to not hurt him. Her eyes clouded with tears blurring her vision, this wasn’t the way she wanted this day to go. She hated Neil with all her heart, she couldn’t understand why her mom would marry the monster known as Neil Hargrove. Max could see through the fake smiles Neil gave her, Neil wasn’t a nice man and the bruises that scattered upon Billy’s face proved that.
“Maxine go to your room” her mom ushered her up the stairs
“Mom he’s going to hurt him-“
“Maxine go to your room!” Her mom ordered, her face displayed little sympathy towards the abuse that was about to take place. Max desperately searched her mom’s face for the slightest glimpse that she could register that what her husband was doing was inhumane. But sadly Max saw barely any emotion on her face, like she was on autopilot as if this was normal to her.
Max scoffed and glared at her mom as she ran up the stairs, she couldn’t bare to look at her for a second longer as she felt sick.
“You ungrateful shit!” Neil bellowed, his voice shook the house, max flinched as she clasped her hands around her ears to block out the sickening thud of his fist colliding with Billy’s nose.
From that day forwards max hated Christmas and started to question her mother’s morality.
Ever since moving to California with the love of his life and his beautiful daughter, Christmas was still the most hardest holiday for him. He eventually opened up to you about his abusive upbringing but the subject of Christmas was still a sore spot to him, especially knowing how much you loved the festive period.
He begged his heart to try to feel something over the season for your sake, he wanted to share the same excitement you held whenever you saw it’s a wonderful life shown on tv or when you saw the local toy shop’s lavish Christmas display. But at last he felt nothing and when Kelly was born he felt like the world’s worst farther as he couldn’t bring the magic of Christmas that he knew that she deserved.
Every time the difficult holiday came around he busied himself with work, he conveniently forgot to give in his holiday notice to his boss till it was too late. So every Christmas Billy spent it at work, not that he didn’t love you and your family that you created together, in fact he loved you all to the point of insanity, his love for you knows no bounds. But he couldn’t spend a holiday with the people he loved the most with the occasion that held so much trauma for him. So he put up with sympathetic smiles from his coworkers as he showed up at work on the 25th, secretly glad that he didn’t have to spend a single moment reliving some of the worst days of his life.
But this year had different plans for Billy, his boss was adamant that Billy took Christmas Day off saying that it wasn’t fair as Billy had a wife and daughter that he shouldn’t work during the holidays. Billy awkwardly smiled at his boss, giving him his best attempt of being grateful even though his heart plummeted. Suddenly he was 16 years old at his father’s house bracing himself to receive a powerful blow from his dad, he tried his hardest to regulate his breathing from this panic attack he can feel bubbling towards the surface. Which led to his boss sending him home early as he believed Billy’s panic attack to be an illness from Billy’s sudden pale appearance.
Billy clung on to the kitchen counter as he felt his legs turn into jello before they gave way entirely. He fell to the floor, hugging himself tight into a ball rocking himself back and forth to try and feel some form of comfort in this hellish situation he was experiencing. His breathing was hitching rapidly to the point that he was feeling light headed from the lack of oxygen to his body, he couldn’t breathe as much as he tried to gasp for air he couldn’t breathe. Everything felt far away as if it was a dream and he couldn’t stop shaking as flashes of his father’s abuse flashed across his brain, forcing him to relive every moment.
You ran down the stairs when you heard the door flung open followed by the crash of Billy’s body on the floor. Your heart felt like it was in your throat limiting your breathing, your mind was racing jumping to all the worst case scenarios.
“Billy what’s wrong?” You tried to be calm but the panic made your voice erratic and loud. You saw him curled up in a ball, physically shaking with tears streaming down his cheeks, his eyes looked glazed as if he was in a different reality all together.
Billy flinch when he heard the loudness in your voice call his name, he buried his face in his knees trying to drown out everything around him. Trying to tell himself that what he was experiencing in his head isn’t real, but the flashbacks were vivid and violent that it was hard to believe that he is safe when his farther felt like he was in the room with him.
“Billy?” You called his name again this time with a softer calmer tone in your voice.
He slowly lifted his head to look at you, battling with his own mind to remain in the room with you without being sucked back in to his flashbacks. His eyes looked like that of a wounded puppy, he looked so small and fragile, it was heartbreaking to see.
You slowly approached where he was curled up on the floor, wary not to startle him further. You’ve seen Billy experience a ptsd attack before so you knew how to comfort him, but you were confused to what had triggered this attack. Usually he would wake up in a cold sweat from a nightmare about his farther or him being possessed again by the mind flayer.
You sat down next to him and wrapped your arms around him in a comforting embrace, allowing his head to rest on your chest to hear your heart beat and to feel the rise and fall of your chest to help to regulate his breathing in a calming rhythm. You rubbed small soothing circles on his arm as you softly spoke to him, reminding him that he’s safe. Helping him slowly come back into reality.
“I’m sorry” Billy croaked, his voice still strained and horse from those heart wrenching sobs, he clung on to you like a child would to their favourite toy reminding himself that he’s safe here with you.
“Billy you have nothing to apologise for” you soothed placing a gentle kiss against his sandy curls
Billy explained everything to you in one big outpour, he told you the extent of his father’s abuse during the holidays and how guilty he feels that he can’t make your favourite time of year special. You felt your heart breaking seeing the guilt appear through his ocean eyes, seeing the guilt and despair Neil installed in him making Billy apologise for things that isn’t his fault. If you could go back in time and take Billy away from his dad you would, but you’re far away from him now and that’s all that matters.
You listened to him allowing him to get everything off his chest while you held him, he just needed someone to listen to him and not to judge him.
“Billy baby, you don’t need to apologise none of this was your fault. What he did to you was never your fault. We don’t have to make Christmas a big deal this year-“
“But what about Kelly?”
“Billy it’s okay we’ll have a small family Christmas and we can do whatever you want to do. We can make our own traditions and create new happier memories”
He tilted his head to look at you, his eyes were soft as he felt the weight fall off his shoulders. He softly smiled at you and he reached up to lower your face to his as he gently kissed you.
“Thank you” he whispered when he broke away.
God he was lucky to have you. He loved everything about you, how you never judged him and made him feel safe even when his mind wasn’t. He loves you and couldn’t be happier to call you his wife.
When Christmas morning came around Kelly woke both of you up by jumping on your bed.
“Mommy daddy wake up, it’s Christmas” she giggled with glee “Santa came and he brought me presents”
“Wow honey you must of been a good girl this year, you go downstairs and wait for us we’ll be down in a few minutes” you smiled, your voice still heavy with sleep and your voice horse from just waking up.
You waited for the sound of little feet running down the stairs to turn into silence before turning over to Billy.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m okay” his voice was weak with nerves, he was trying to put on a brave face but you could see the uncertainty that laid underneath.
“If it gets too much let me know” you reassured him, placing a kiss on the top of his head before climbing out of bed.
The morning though tough for Billy ran a lot smoother than what he expected. He started to feel some joy as he watched the excited face of his daughter as her face lit up with each present that she unwrapped.
Around lunch Billy was starting to relax, he no longer felt tense in fact he was starting to warm up to the day. There was no arguments or punches that he used to associate with the holiday, instead he saw the love and comfort that he had wished for. You were gentle and patient with him, allowing him to take the day at his own pace. The day consisted of opening presents and a small Christmas lunch and that was it as you didn’t want to overwhelm Billy on one of the days that was the most hardest for him. It was nice to have your husband there for Christmas, even though it was a small Christmas it was the best one you have ever had.
To finish the day you all sat curled up on the couch, Billy on your right with his head nestled into the crook of your shoulder, while Kelly was to your left half asleep with her head in your lap while Miracle on 34th street played in the background.
“Thank you”
“For what?”
“For everything you’ve done today, I’m sorry that this wasn’t the best Christmas-“
“Billy this is the best Christmas I’ve ever had, I mean that. I got to spend the day with the man I love and my daughter who I adore, this is the perfect Christmas for me”
“I love you princess”
“I love you too”
A/N: I just want to give Billy a hug and take him far away from the duffer brothers as they clearly don’t know how to write for someone experiencing abuse. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. As always my requests are still open
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staryolight · 2 days
Everything eventually comes together - Endhawks Angst
Enji lied in his bed. He was in his own house, the one that he rarely left in those days. After all, he was stuck on a wheelchair.
The rain beat steadily on the window next to him. The water drops were dense and fast, just like that day. The day Endeavor died. The man that lied on the bed that day was nothing else that his empty broken shell. Enji thought he lost everything that day. Maybe he never had anything to begin with. His family, what he discovered too late to be what was most precious to him ended up despising him and turning away from him. Enji tried everything to make amends, but he soon learnt that nothing could take away his wrong doings and the impact they had on his family. Rei had been living in a mental hospital for the past ten years. Natsuo decided to leave his family behind. Fuyumi lost her job as a teacher and too much time trying to organize family reunion the others probably didn’t want to show up to. Shoto… his youngest son was trying to recover from the emotional damage he endured all his life. Touya… he died a few weeks prior. Enji was the only one there when it happened. While his eldest son’s heart rate slowed down, his father kept apologizing and repeating how much he loved him, till it stopped beating. Touya’s last words were hunting him at night, whenever he was alone or closed his eyes: “I wanted to go back home… to my family”.
Despite everything he did, everything he said, his son loved him. Behind Dabi’s hate there was a son that wanted to be seen and loved like he should have been. Enji knew that every of his attempts were never enough to pay off his debt. His physical conditions, his family turning away from him to live their own lives and his reputation being ruined were not hard enough punishments for the pain he caused. Maybe he would have paid in his next life too. What miserable existence his was: hurting others only to be hurt back.
Staring at his window, he thought about his past days as a hero: how glorious he was on the outside. His body was still holding strong and, despite how miserable he felt on the inside, his job of protecting the citizens, was what kept him going. It was just a few weeks ago, but still it felt so far away. Now, he couldn’t walk on his own, had a prosthetic arm and his face was even more scarred. He thought about the last time he showed up to the public, during the war. After that, he only released a discreet interview on his retirement. He thanked his fans, apologized for his mistakes and asked to be left alone until his image faded, knowing that people would eventually forget about him.
Two knocks on his door, before Fuyumi opened it. Enji quickly brushed off his tears.
“Dad, I cooked your favourite for lunch!”
He turned to face his only daughter. Her hair was now short, some of it got burnt off during the battle against Touya. She was always the one who took care of her father, cooking for him and helping him move.
“thank you, Fuyumi” he said in a low voice (what was the last time he spoke out loud?). Instead he wanted to tell her to stop taking care of him, her old father, and go live her life, but didn’t know how to. Fuyumi wouldn’t understand and his request for her to abandon him and it would have only made her cry. Now she was smiling, smiling through the pain. She was also mourning the death of Touya, maybe seeing his father’s depressed face made her remember about her loss. So Enji forced a smile, caressing her daughter’s face with his hand when she left his lunch on the bedside table.
“have you eaten, Fuyumi?” he asked her.
Fuyumi smiled like she always did, grabbing his father’s hand on her cheek.
“I had a quick lunch before cooking for you. It took me a lot to make, so eat it all!”
His daughter’s genuine ways made his heart feel a bit warmer. Fuyumi qualified for a smart working job, even though she still loved to be a teacher, only to assist her father.
“I will” he said to her, letting go of her face, “go back to work now, don’t you worry about me”
“ok, but call me if you need anything, dad! Don’t forget that tonight we have to watch that movie that just came out!”
He looked at her as she got out the room. Enji ate his lunch alone.
Enji thought about taking away his own life. Maybe in that way he could free his family from the weight of taking care of an ill father. Fuyumi helped him in everything simple he couldn’t do anymore, like getting up from the bed or cooking. Rei sometimes came to visit him and to take him outside for a stroll. Shoto came every weekend to tell him all about UA, asking him for advices. Natsuo never came.
Two knocks on the door before it opened again a few hours later.
“dad, you have visits!” Fuyumi’s sweet voice said.
Who could have been? He wasn’t waiting for anybody.
“It’s Hawks, can I let him in?”
Oh… it’s him.
Enji nodded.
“of course I can go in” Hawks said in his usual ironic tone, before entering the room. Fuyumi left them alone, closing the door of Enji’s bedroom. Keigo was wearing a suit, like he always did at work. Now that was an admirable man: Hawks overcame his pains and emerged as a winner. He lost his quirk, but now was the president of the HPSC, to make every hero’s life better. He was a light able to guide other, as bright as the sun.
“how are you doing, Endeavor?” he said as he sat on a chair next to Enji’s bed. He was right in front of the window. His bright smile was covering the darkness of the view outside.
“what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be working now?”
“I had some free time, so I thought about visiting you” he said, like it was the most normal thing in this world. Keigo and Enji found themselves texting each other every day after the war, talking about their daily lives. It was weird at first: Enji was used to texting Hawks, but only regarding work matters. Now, they even found themselves sharing their thoughts and how they felt. He soon noticed that Hawks was constantly checking on him. Even if he wasn’t a hero anymore, Keigo still had almost no free time, so he only visited whenever he could.
“you could have sent a message to inform me about it”
“it was a last minute decision” said Hawks shrugging, “You haven’t answered my question, though”
Enji paused for a second, avoiding the other’s inquisitor eyes: “I’m… ok”
“Fuyumi seems to be doing better” Keigo continued, crossing his legs, “her smiles look more genuine now”
“everyone needs their own time to mourn. Fuyumi has always had a positive attitude towards life, always trying to be grateful for what she has”
Hawks smiled: “what about the divorce?”
“the papers are ready, we just have to sign them. Rei agreed that even after the divorce, we’re still family. This makes things easier”
“that’s good to hear! Rei cares about this family as much as you do. And how’s Shoto holding up?”
“he’s also doing better, since he came back to UA. He’s constantly surrounded by his friends and away from this home” Enji sighed, “it’s good for him to focus on his studies for now”
The blonde nodded. “I’m going to UA tomorrow, I need to talk business with the principal. If you want me to ask Shoto anything…”
“it’s fine. He calls regularly”
“What about Natsuo? I haven’t seen him in a while”
At the mention of his name, Enji felt his heart ache again: “I don’t know. He never comes nor calls”
Hawks furrowed his brows: “how so?”
“I last saw him months ago, when we first went to visit Touya after the war. He said he would start a family on his own, away from us” pain filled Enji’s voice. He was feeling like he lost another son. He would have never told him to reconsider his decision, he had no say in that. Still, it hurt like hell.
“it’s a delusion, but a thought that maybe even after Touya’s death we could start again together. As the family we never were” Enji’s utopic dream was to be able to grab all the pieces left of their shattered family, trying to rebuild what he broke years ago. He soon realized that was impossible.
Hearing Enji’s words, Keigo’s heart shattered. It wasn’t usual for him to open up, but when he did, the most precious and fragile thoughts came out. His dream was so… admirable, yet it looked like it only made him suffer more.
“I’d do anything to know how Natsuo is doing, yet I would never ask. He doesn’t need a father like me in his life”
Hawks was left speechless. Even after one full hour of casual conversation with Enji, his words were still ringing in his mind.
He doesn’t need a father like me in his life…
That wasn’t true. If Keigo’s father ever apologized to him and did everything Enji did to remedy his mistakes, he would have run towards him to try and fix their relationship. That thought filled him with a weird boiling rage.
Just before leaving the Todoroki house, he stopped Fuyumi on the door threshold.
“do you perhaps know where Nastuo is living?”
Fuyumi looked around, uneasy: “I do, but… he told me not to tell anyone”
“Can you trust me on this one, Fuyumi?”
[Keep reading on ao3!]
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