#i lava you
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toast-tales · 2 years ago
I Lava You, Chapter 2: Addiction Enabled
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Read Chapter 1 here!
Cover art by @luckyshotwrites!
This short story takes place after P39 of ITWOM and as such, contains minor spoilers for ITWOM - read at your own risk! You do NOT need to have read WIDFALI to enjoy this story!
This story is cowritten with the amazing, fantastic @luckyshotwrites and uses the minor character June from their ongoing vore story What I'd Do For A Livable Income. It's chock full of monsters, magic, goofs, and absolutely fantastic worldbuilding and characters. Give it a shot if you haven't yet!
Contains: references to g/t soft, safe vore and language. About 1300 words.
Chapter 2: Addiction Enabled
Even if this had secretly been their plan all along, June hadn’t intended it to go like this. They’d been planning on pacing themselves—maybe a few sips, and then wait a bit more before having more later.
He had no choice but to absorb it all into his body and quickly climb back out. He was about fifteen feet tall now, maybe taller. In a hurry now, he screwed the cap back on. 
He could feel the soft vibrations across the surface of the shelf, telling him that Sam was getting closer. He forced his body to assimilate the lava lamp liquid and convert it to energy, without being able to enjoy its glow. 
Suddenly, Sam came back into the room, and he had to stop the energy transfer. He still looked human, of course, just…taller by about two feet now. 
He hoped Sam wouldn’t notice.
“A-ah—you’re back, Sam! My friend!" His lip quivered. He felt bad for emptying the pretty glowing lamp so fast. “That sure looks tasty, wh-what did you make?”
Sam had their mouth open to take a bite of their ramen when they stopped and blinked, their eyes drawn first to the human, then to the lava-less lava lamp behind them. Then they blinked again. 
I’m not even high yet. Right? Maybe I was supposed to cook that egg after all. 
“H-hey little buddy.” They walked over to the shelf like they were in a daze, staring at the empty lamp with a mesmerized, empty sort of look as they contemplated the stability of their mental faculties. “You didn’t. Um. See what happened here, did you?” 
It didn’t leak out, it would be everywhere. It’s completely empty. Am I going crazy?
June couldn’t make eye contact with Sam. “Uh-um—” I didn’t expect Sam to ask me! He tried to come up with a plausible excuse. 
“Well—I—” June looked at the empty, incriminating container next to him. What should I say? Humans don’t normally eat that. 
June lowered his head and tugged at the shirt of his uniform. “I’m sorry, I-I thought it was really pretty and drank some…all of it. I—” June looked up sincerely, “I didn’t mean to, I only meant to drink a little bit!” He walked up to the edge of the shelf and pitched his offer, “I will buy you a new one!” He knew he shouldn't have admitted to drinking it and risk exposing himself as anything but human—but he couldn’t lie to Sam. He didn’t want to be mean.
Sam’s eyes widened in shock. They weren’t exactly versed in taking care of humans—that was the kind of thing they left up to dealers. Christopher, mostly. But they were at least fairly sure that humans weren’t supposed to be able to eat whatever the hell was in lava lamps. Probably.
Then again, they’d never seen what humans eat.
They stared at June with a look that was as dumbstruck as it was in awe of this human’s abilities, a grin creeping up onto their face despite their initial confusion. “Holy shit. I didn’t know humans could do that. You drank the whole thing? THAT’S BONKERS.” They laughed, poking at the human a little as if they expected it to burst. “How’d you do it? You’re like. So tiny still.”
Wait, wait. Um. Is this human safe to eat now? Should I call Chris and ask? …nah, he’d probably yell at me or something. Or tell me to give him the human. 
June prepared himself for some well deserved yelling. He should not have eaten a glowy thing in front of a human, giant or not. He should have asked Sam first. 
Lucky for him, Sam didn’t look mad. 
June released a soft sigh of relief and smiled back at Sam, especially after they poked him. It seemed the giant hadn’t recognized June was a little puffier and taller than before. Nice! I still look human. 
“Yeah! Humans can do that! Mhm!” June said, nodding fervently. “And I have a fast…metabolism, that’s why!” Yes, some humans have that. That’s believable. 
Sam was far too trusting for their own good, which was a dangerous combination with their stunning lack of human knowledge. Humans are fucking CRAZY. I HAVE to ask Chris about this later. 
“I have got to see you do that again. Shit, I’ll go to town tomorrow and get another one. What else do you eat?”
June blinked a few times. Wait. Okay! Hold on. They didn’t freak out? And THEY SAID THEY WANT TO SEE ME EAT MORE? 
June hopped around dangerously close to the edge of the shelf with glee. Thankfully, he kept his balance enough not to fall. 
“I eat…well, I’m not very picky. My taste buds don’t work the same as—” he cut himself off and hummed, nearly blowing his cover. “As most people’s do. They were like this since I was born so—I uh, can’t taste things super well like normal humans, humans like me,” he chuckled. Be careful June! Remember, Sam’s a giant human, I can’t say anything too incriminating. I’m a human! I’m a human!
He tried to quickly switch the topic. “When you go to get a new one, take me with you and I will pay for it!” June said. He imagined seeing another lovely-colored one. I can resist the temptation. June told himself. He couldn't buy Sam a new one just to eat it instantly.
He tipped toward the edge again, squinting to look at Sam's noodles. The thoughts of the radioactive glow of the lava lamp filled his mind. What if they're illuminated noodles?
Sam’s mind was on lava lamps, and they were still staring at the empty one. They did not notice June teetering inches away from a very long fall. 
“You’ve got money, little dude?” Their head cocked in confusion at June mentioning “paying” for it. They weren’t sure where a human would get money. Or where they’d carry it, even. But Sam was broke, and they’d take an offer of financial assistance where they could. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and all that. 
Since their hunger had ebbed, it was easier to talk to the human without getting the urge to stuff it in their mouth. And Sam was fascinated with this human now…perhaps even more so than they were wanting to eat them. For now.
June nodded. “Oh yeah, I have a lot of money with my current job.” He tapped at his uniform, though he realized he wasn’t wearing his hat anymore. 
“I have enough to buy you…two lava lamps!” He said two with seemingly unwarranted gusto. How much would a magnificent object like that cost? The next thought struck him like a Honda Civic—how many varieties of lava lamps are there?!? He puffed up his cheeks. No, June, don't distract yourself. Lava lamps are for Sam, not me. He punctuated that internal monologue with a firm nod.
“Humans have jobs?” Sam muttered out loud. I mean…huh. I guess Chris mentioned some sort of human city, didn’t he? 
Sam puzzled over this question of theirs. “Do you make human money, or…giant money?”
Of course June would say human money, but what was the difference between human and giant human money? He was still oblivious to the fact that Sam was in no way human. 
“Human…money?” June replied, tilting his head up. “Is there a difference? Or…oh! Did I somehow end up in a different country?" There was a pause. What country do I live in again? "Is this the…United States?”
Sam stared back at the human, unblinking and now thoroughly confused. “The united what?”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 3 ->
Uh-oh! Will things clear up from here? Or will there be another series of increasingly improbable misconceptions? Only time will tell.
Thank you for reading!
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chaotichyperfixations · 11 months ago
Doise-conis has got colors now!!!
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Look at her, shes all doised up!!! Shes literally me, guys! Im so excited to be part of DTV btw, TOTALLY part of it. TRUST ME.
I had a lot of fun drawing and coloring this .. 💙🩷💙🩷💙
Erm erm PLEASE REBLOG thanky!!
EDIT: forgort to tag the ask blog i teechnically joined.. @the-peddito-and-the-doise-show hi!! Hello!!!
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annaberunoyume · 2 years ago
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wiihtigo · 1 year ago
i like your oc so much a lot. thankyou for sharing 🫵 and posting
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YAYYY THANK YOU SO MUCH casey has been all ive been thinking about and drawing in a continuous fugue state its a sickness at this point. i have many images of her. ALWAYS feel free to ask me about him. or just say you like him. it makes me happy
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years ago
I made the new cover for the bomb fluffy story between @vore-toast and I! I Lava You! It's a fluff g/t vore story between Toast's side character, Sam from Itwom and my side character June from Widfali. If you have not read it, what are ya doing! xD Kidding, but it is proof that I can indeed write fluff. Lol.
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celestialulu · 1 year ago
i hope u like it <3
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magdalunatica · 7 months ago
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hanatsuki-esperanza · 1 year ago
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euesworld · 2 years ago
"Laying next to her is like swimming in a pool of lava, it gets so hot when the heat drips, hearts etched with soft kisses and lips.."
And I'd be a liar if I said that I didn't feel like a volcano at times.. cause at night her mind gets hot and when I hit that spot, I feel as if I will pop - eUë
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theprocraftinator · 2 years ago
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by caitscapes
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roesolo · 1 month ago
Books for Valentine's Day snuggles
Getting Ready for Valentine’s Day, by Vera Ahiyya/Illustrated by Debby Rahmalia, (Dec. 2024, Random House Books for Young Readers), $10.99, ISBN: 9780593810002 Ages 3-7 Kai and their family are busily preparing for Valentine’s Day! They make valentines and decorate; Mom makes cookies. The next morning, after a special Valentine’s Day breakfast and photos, Kai heads to school, where their teacher…
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toast-tales · 2 years ago
I Lava You, Chapter 5: Humans Bounce
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Read Chapter 1 here!
Cover art by @luckyshotwrites!
This short story takes place after P39 of ITWOM and as such, contains minor, minor spoilers for ITWOM - read at your own risk! You do NOT need to have read WIDFALI to enjoy this story!
This story is cowritten with the amazing, fantastic @luckyshotwrites and uses the minor character June from their ongoing vore story What I'd Do For A Livable Income. It's chock full of monsters, magic, goofs, and absolutely fantastic worldbuilding and characters. Give it a shot if you haven't yet!
Contains: references to g/t soft, safe vore. ~1100 words.
Chapter 5: Humans Bounce
Sam’s body, still working on digesting their dinner, wasn’t actually craving a human right now. They knew that would change in an hour or so, but they’d need to find something to do in the meantime.
Part of them wanted to go over to Chris’s and show off their new human. The other part of them still told them that was a bad idea, at least for now.
“You like video games, little buddy?” Sam picked the human up and put them on their shoulder, heading over to their PC. 
The slime in disguise awaited his ride on the giant’s shoulder. Taking advantage of Sam's comfort, he nuzzled into his neck. He cherished the comfort that came with cuddling his friends—it showed his love for them.
Even so, June was not hanging on very well, so if Sam jolted too hard, he would fall. Though, in June's case, falling didn't bother him.
Sam switched their computer on, and the fans and lights blazed to life in a bright, colorful fashion. “I think I’ll get a few rounds in. Uh…I guess you can watch, if you want.” 
Sam hadn’t exactly given them much of a choice, putting June on their shoulder like that. Sam just wanted the human close to them for now. They weren’t thinking much about asking the human what they wanted to do.
When the lights appeared again, June's eyes lit up behind his glasses. “OOHHH!” As Sam attempted to sit down, June lurched forward to observe the colors. 
And then June was falling.
Oh no!!! He squeaked in his head. He couldn’t grab onto anything—he was tumbling away from Sam, not even able to reach the desk in his descent. 
The lack of screaming meant that June falling off of their shoulder didn’t fully process in Sam’s head until June was halfway to the floor. They hadn’t thought about how precarious their shoulder was as a perch—they weren’t exactly used to handling humans, but Christopher’s human was on his shoulder all the time, so Sam figured it would be fine.
Their heart stopped as they realized what had happened. “Oh FUCK—” They made a desperate grab for their human, but didn’t get to them in time. 
They were about to go into panic mode before they saw something crazy—there was a squish as the human flattened slightly against the ground like a squish ball before bouncing back to their feet as if nothing had happened. 
June scrambled to get back up. Tristan said I can’t fall from high places in front of humans! HUMANS DON’T SURVIVE FALLS!
“I’m okay!” June exclaimed, without worry. He hoped Sam wouldn't notice what had happened. 
Sam blinked. Then stared at the ground where the human had landed. Then blinked again.
I swear I didn’t eat them yet. I just got a little taste. Also, humans don’t cause hallucinations. Probably. What kind of trippy—
Sam’s hands just hovered next to June, trembling slightly. Christopher would KILL me if I dropped a human. “L-little buddy?” they asked, tentatively. “Are you. Uh. Are you sure you’re good? You didn’t get hurt?” They picked June up and brought them closer to their face, as if to check for injuries. Or perhaps to make sure he was actually alive and breathing and it wasn’t some weird hallucination. “Can all humans, um. Uh…bounce like that?”
“I’m all good!” June's smile curled with nervousness. Sam lifted him up and brought him closer. June pursed his lips together, and teetered his head to face away from Sam. What do I say? I don’t want to lie to Sam! But I can’t tell them the truth. He turned back to his friend. He liked the warmth that followed Sam's touch.
“I’m not hurt, don’t worry, we humans can…bounce. Yes. We’re really resilient. You can drop us from any height or squish us and we won’t get hurt... except with sharp stuff.” June punctuated his lie with several affirmative nods. What if Sam catches my lies? I’ll get in big trouble for letting a human find out.
This is the point where another giant might have questioned how human June actually was. But there were a multitude of factors working in June’s favor now—one being that Sam’s experience with humans outside of their stomach was rather limited. The other, of course, was that there were no other species similar enough to humans in this world for June to be mistaken for. The scent and the taste were more than enough to have Sam convinced—for now.
“Whoa…are you serious?” Sam’s first instinct, naturally, was to squeeze June in their fist like a stress ball. Not too hard, but enough that a normal human may have had a complaint of a cracked rib. “How have I never figured this out?” 
June felt the pressure of Sam’s fist squeeze him. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling for June—actually, Sam’s grip felt refreshing to June—pleasantly so.
He giggled lightly. “Mhm.” He waited for Sam’s grip to relax before he rested his head on the side of Sam's finger. My cover’s still in the clear. Uncle Tristan would be so proud. June didn’t realize the ramifications his “cover” could have in the future if Sam did this to any other human. 
“You have very comforting hands,” June said. He’d never been squished in an innocent way like this. When he had cuddle puddles with his work friend Elliot, his friend had always treated him with care. 
June’s comment only encouraged Sam to continue to squish June in their palm, pushing against their cheek and pressing into their strangely malleable torso. They’d become thoroughly distracted from the game they’d intended to waste time with, instead staring at June intently with a curious fascination.
“So you said…you can be dropped from any height? Huh. Maybe that’s how humans get around. I dunno why Chris got so worked up about making sure I didn’t drop his human before.”
June, thoroughly squished in Sam’s grip now, was purring lightly and nodding along with what Sam said—the best he could, anyways. “Mhm. That’s right. I can be dropped from any height.”
Sam’s eyes gained a dangerously interested gleam. “And you said you liked going fast, huh?” They cast a glance at the far wall of their bedroom, and an urge as crazy as it was suddenly tempting came to the forefront of their mind. They wanted to test these new limits they hadn’t previously allowed themselves to consider. 
Still squishing the human in their grip, they grinned. “So like, if I threw you as fast as I could at that wall, it wouldn’t hurt you?”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 6 ->
It'll be fine! Probably! Thank you for reading, as always!
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oldsouloldlove · 11 months ago
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timecase · 3 months ago
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Best conversations I've had with my partner
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otiksimr · 6 months ago
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Reposting from the Main blog. Feel like there are definitely some followers who are into Kaiju's here.
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aramastus · 1 year ago
@luckyshotwrites @vore-toast Sam and June! XD
You know how some people just play r o u g h with their pet? Like;
Person A: oh my gosh- stop you're so rough, stop!
Person B: (giving their dog the ✨️doggy spanks✨️) THEY LIKE IT IT
Dog: (does, in fact, like it)
I want the g/t version, like;
Person A: oh my gosh- stop you're so rough, stop!
Person B: (straight up launching a tiny at a pile of pillows) WHAT?? THEY LIKE IT IT
Tiny: (does, in fact, like it)
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