#i know what i need to do to lose weight and fix my cholesterol and im doing those things
merulanoir · 2 years
One thing I'm learning about is trusting the process. Sometimes I have a plan and I know I'm adhering to it well enough, yet progress doesn't happen.
That's not the time to change the plan. That's the time to trust the process. Keep doing the thing. It'll work out eventually.
It's as comforting as it is infuriating.
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dionysianchub · 1 year
Fatty liver anon here. Did they say why you have it specifically? Its very rarely caused by just being fat, it's usually health issues that can also make you gain weight. If it's alcohol related that's an obvious fix (harder in practice of course), if not there are a few different routes to go down
I'm 5'6 and 240lbs (gained 70lbs so far intentionally after gaining 35lbs from pcos, learning you can't just lose pcos weight with diet and exercise, and realising just being a feeder wasnt what I needed) and while they did say it can sometimes help to lose weight it's more about the pcos which caused insulin resistance and high cholesterol (for other people it can also be from diabetes, underactive thyroid, high blood pressure etc).
As I said I take inositol for the IR but I did also make a lot of lifestyle changes. I've had improvements whilst also lowering how many simple carbs I have and eating more complex carbs and fats instead (dairy isn't great for insulin resistance so I eat so many avocados, nuts and other plant oils as well as oily fish), taking those little cholesterol drinks containing plant sterols, and upping my fibre a lot with both oat bran and psyllium husk. I swim, go on walks, lift weights, and do some of Dr la thoma's YouTube functional bodyweight workout videos+stretches (being specific cause I do rate them for fat people, shes tiny but most are about functionality and ability over athleticism— We aren't in her mind but it's adaptable and useful) for general health/wellbeing and to hopefully keep the visceral fat % and liver fat lower as I gain. I also take milk thistle tablets because some studies show it's good for repairing and protecting the liver. I can't say what specifically has helped the most but I'm keeping it all up because it's working, you'll probably end up doing some experimenting. It sounds overwhelming written out like this but it really wasn't
They said I should try weight loss as well of course but I explained "it would be bad for my mental health so tell me what you'd tell a skinny person" and they dropped it. They tell me I'm obese every time I see them of course because I'm fatter every visit but accept it's not the sole or best treatment option. If you have an ED history they can be more understanding about avoiding WL. I'm personally willing to do anything except lose weight unless I get big enough that I can then lose the 5% recommended (visceral fat goes first, or so they say, and that's around what people can reliably keep off) and still feel good about my body.
One nurse tried to say something about me being on testosterone and only stopped when she realised the gel doesn't metabolise the same way, I'm sure you know what they can be like just don't be surprised if someone decides to blame T. Trans broken arm syndrome strikes again.
Sorry this is long and very ()()()(), I hope it's helpful enough to compensate.
This is wildly helpful! My doctor hasn't even called me since testing, this is just what I've seen from the results of the ultrasound and MRI, but I do know that at the time my liver values were evaluated they did discover I had an underactive thyroid. I've been placed on a synthetic thyroid hormone for the last month or so. Hopefully that helps? I also know that prior to my diagnosis I was eating a ton of sugary foods and carbs, so I've been trying to cut those and eat a more mindful diet. I'll look into the supplements and videos you mentioned as well! Thank you so so much for all your advice!! 💜💜💜
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bunnyseahorse-blog · 7 months
I don’t feel like my therapist is listening, so I fired him, and I don't even feel bad.
I have half a dozen serious mental illness diagnosis and medical issues. When I applied for disability I was approved in three months (usually takes longer from what I'm told) and almost immediately moved from their metaphorical “she might get better” to “she’s going to be receiving benefits for life” pile.
The doctor I saw from age 7 to 30 advised me not to drive because of my condition that causes me frequent fainting.
She suggested I not live alone because I have delusions, mood swings and sometimes need to be hospitalized. I saw this doctor for 23 years, and also went to other specialists that agreed with her. I saw her until she was retired.
My general doctor says that even though I am overweight she is pleased with my glucose and cholesterol levels. My old, and also my new psychiatrists agreed with her.
My parents say I can live with them and have support. They are actually creating an expansion on the house so I can live on my own sort of and still have them nearby. My eldest sibling is inheriting the house when my parents die and they will rent to me until I die. We don't always get along, but I am trying, and we are navigating our unique dynamic so we can make it work.
This new therapist I’ve been seeing keeps insisting I go off disability, get a job, move out of my family’s house, live alone, and lose weight. Because I’m too old to “mooch off my parents.” He made comments from the get go about my weight. I am overweight yes, but he's not a doctor or nurtritionist. I am not experiencing any health issues because of my weight, which is partly due to my medical conditions and my meds. He made a comment once that i should show some pride in myself and not wear a beanie to sessions "do something nice with my hair." He told me once my shoulders looked smaller and I must be doing better. I was thinking.... do I have fat shoulders too??
I am going to a session today to explain to him nicely that he needs to let me set my own goals, and also educate him on how my life really is. I don’t think therapists should require educating. If he doesn’t get it, I’m leaving the session but I’m giving it a shot anyways.
I’m scared and I’m angry. Wish me luck? I don't want to be a project for him. I want to talk about things in sessions that i need to, not what he considers on his own agenda.
EDIT: I went to the session and voiced my concerns about he got a little defensive, but eventually seemed to see what i was saying and switched his focus to what I told him my goals were. However... I wanted a therapist to help me work through my abandonment issues and trauma, not a life coach to push me. I think i might find someone with a different focus is good. (plus him getting defensive isn't a great sign to me) he also insinuated that my little sister, who he has heard off, never met and never examined, is mentally handicapped because of one of her birth parents. We've had her tested, and everyone seems to be saying she's very sharp and doesn't have what her birth mom has. He also asked what my doctor of 23 years even did for me. I was like... diagnosed me with everything I have? Oh but according to him, diagnoses aren't relevant. I have a condition similar to schizophrenia, and yes you should know if you have that....
Also... I signed something saying he could have access to the last notes of my previous therapist, since I have extensive history but he apparently never got it, never told me he didn't get it, and wants me to go through the process again. I feel like the office dropped the ball, because I signed it already.
I think it might be time to move on... I canceled my next appointment. I feel like I should be able to find someone who listens better, and is there to help me, not fix me into things I am not capable of. Having him insist I am wrong and lazy for excepting my limitations, after the long grieving process that came with becoming permanently disabled at 26, has been upsetting, because I keep doubting myself, even though I know I have done the right things.
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historythysupplements · 7 months
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good day my friends what is up how are you guys doing welcome to this test review about pure Rive you see this exotic rice method is actually something that is 100% natural 100% safe and healthy I mean believe me I know the struggles of being overweight I know when people like judge you and point fingers and then you feel totally like upset with yourselves but sometimes being overweight is not even your fault it could be that an end enzyme in your body is kind of like broken you know not working well so I’m going to show you. How pive is here to help you and it’s going to fix an enzyme in your body known as your brown adapost tissue also known as your bat levels and it’s going to help you raise those levels up again so that you can start to lose weight and become so much more healthier and fitter as well and believe me today so many people use pive lots of people men and women from every age group they are using pive and becoming more fitter more Slimmer you know more happier with themselves so if you have already realized there is a link below this test that is pv’s official web page so if you want to start using this exotic rice method that is exactly where you have to be going to purchase it so make sure you pop by there um after you finished watching this video okay but guys you see I understand like as I was saying the struggle of being overweight um believe me I’ve been overweight before and people judge you they call you names they are mean and they say you know you have to stop eating but I mean guys maybe it’s because their bat levels are actually low right so here’s the deal pive has ingredients that are natural.
I mean its formula is 100% organic so we’re talking about white Korean genen um propolis berberine vitamins you know all these things are going to help you to raise your bat levels once your body understands that your brown adapost tissue is the level it should be it’s also going to increase your metabolism so your metabolism is going to work really really really fast to Target all the fat stores around your body you know fats they’re going to melt.
Off you’re going to become a huge fat burning machine that is working 24/7 to eliminate the fats all around your body and you’re going to become healthier it’s going to fix your cholesterol levels your blood sugar levels your immune system so with pure Vibe you can become a human being that is so much more healthier um fitter and you know happier as well and all it takes is for you to take one capsule in the morning and that is it that is it and the recommended treatment is only 6 months so if you take pure Vibes. Seriously believe me you’re going to be really happy that you did so you’re going to be really um excited with your results and you’re going to become this newer version of you that is so much more you know um healthier and believe me people are going to want to know your secrets all right people will be complimenting you and wanting to know what you did that you were so much Slimmer and so much more beautiful so before I forget you have a money back guarantee okay you can request your money by talking to customer service you, know if it didn’t meet up to your needs or your standards you have a 180 day money back guarantee thank you for watching guys have a fantastic day and I’ll see you next time bye.
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tazismad · 2 years
World Menopause Day - where the GP won’t admit you have it
In the last 2-3 years, I have been all over the place. Lots of people will say “Well Taz, we have been through a pandemic, and you did lose your parents within two years of each other, it’s probably just depression causing all of these symptoms”. 
Well, I have been in therapy for my grief and I know I have not fully dealt with the overall trauma of it, but it does not explain all the other symptoms so closely linked to Perimenopause. 
The day before World Menopause Day, I went to see the GP. For context, I also went in January of this year. Where one minute I was told I was not menopausal, and when I raised a complaint about this, was told that I was. If only my GP Surgery could actually do their job in the first place, I probably would not be in the state I currently find myself in. But, I am like a dog with that proverbial bone - I would not give up. So, in order to push my mental health really down the swanny, I decided to go and see them for a second chance... BAD DECISION. 
I went in and advised about my complaint and that things were not getting any better. Instead of being empathetic and understanding, the first thing they did was test my blood pressure. It was high, twice. Maybe because I have anxiety through the roof, maybe because I do not know what is going on with my body and I am worried. 
Note: I am a big petite girl. i.e. I am fat. I could do with losing weight. I eat fairly ok, I walk every day and I have reduced my caffeine intake dramatically. I don’;t drink, because I am muslim. 
I happened to mention about my ablutions. So what was her response? “I think we need to run some blood tests... test for cholesterol... I can’t give you HRT as you have high blood pressure... It’s all about your gut, if you fix that, you will feel so much better... I do pilates and feel great” 
There was no space for my symptoms to be discussed. There was no empathy provided. She was a middle class old woman, who clearly had no time for me. She could be doing other things than seeing me. I asked her if the HBP could be because of hormones. I was told it was very unlikely (I have researched on perimenopause and HBP is a factor so very ignored by GP’s to the point in the article that it is often misdiagnosed and there are cases that suggest HRT helps with this). 
I went home. I ugly cried that ugly cry you can’t breathe. I kicked the chair. I felt so desperate and alone. And this was just yesterday. I spent the rest of the day with palpitations. And felt incredibly low. This woman (and not the first female GP) made me feel like utter shit. 
Today I watched Cherry Healy on BBC Breakfast for World Menopause Day make me feel validated, that there was help out there, that I should continue to push on. All my hopes of the NHS GP’s supporting me in the journey have gone. And what is really sad about this, is that there will be other women like me suffering, continuing to be ignored, because a blood test does not definitively tell them whether or not they are menopausal or not. 
To all the GP’s supporting menopausal and perimenopausal women, I salute you for your hard work and believing in your patients symptoms, and not writing them off because they are fat, overweight or depressed. Or shoving them anti-depressants as a first port of call. 
To note: My symptoms include the following (not or sometimes all at the same time): irregular periods (sometimes incredibly painful), dry skin, mood swings, depression, bloating, joint pain, hot flushes, Brain fog where you cannot remember the word pen pot, poor sleep or even insomnia at points, tiredness, uncontrollable rage and irritability, a whole plethora of digestive issues, no sex drive whatsoever, incredibly high anxiety (the worst I have ever experienced), depression, headaches. breast tenderness, weight gain, thinning hair so much so you can see the new hair growth vs old hair very distinctly (and my hairdresser has also noticed this), teeth and gum issues that come and then go, cannot concentrate for long periods to an ADHD level, itchy skin (inv. hives and urticaria), brittle nails or ridging, heart palpitations and muscle issues in my back and legs. 
Women know when something is wrong with themselves. As Cherry so poignantly said, we put up with so much we know when something is out of kilter. We are lead by medicine still primarily designed to meet the needs of a man. If this was happening to a man, there would be much more research and support than after the 100′s of years we have known about this. Women are still fighting to be heard, and other women it seems do not want to support us in that journey. Why else does it take years to get answers and then solutions to those for so many women I have read about or spoken to. I know I am not alone, but I am still the statistic that keeps on fighting. 
Please keep fighting, read the books, the internet - go to your GP with this info and fight for what you know. I talk about Menopause, but women’s health overall seems to be a neglected field that is only just getting the coverage it needs to affect change for those suffering. And just remember you are not alone; speak out and talk to others. You will be very surprised about how your suffering is echoed across your friendship groups and the wider community. Finally, if it helps at all, I believe you. 
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Step-dad actually stayed around long enough for me to go to the doctor. Surprise.
I have been prescribed medication. The doctor wants me to get bloodwork because she wants to check my blood sugar, cholesterol, thyroid, and if I have PCOS. She thinks I do have the last one like my mom thanks to mom's medical history and my experiences with menstruation getting worse, me sprouting body hair is unpleasant places, and my ovarian cysts.
The Depression and Anxiety were terribly obvious after a long discussion and me apologizing nonstop. She's also concerned about my inability to concentrate on basic things and needing to be doing multiple tings at once just to focus. The suicidal thoughts were the biggest concern but she wants to see if the meds will help at all otherwise she'll need to prescribe different meds and a psychiatrist.
She did mention my weight but after a full conversation so her understanding of where I'm at presently is up to snuff, she knows that I can't change what I eat presently but I can attempt to exercise more.
We talked for like half an hour and at the end she told me that she gets a lot of patients who don't understand what's wrong or how to fix it, but I seem surprisingly well-informed and understanding of my situation as well as how to deal with it. She asked me to try to lose some weight but didn't give me some impossible number to aim for or anything. She just said it might help me get more energy and overall would be better for my health in general. Any amount of weight loss is good in her eyes.
At the end, she said that I'm still very young and I deserve better, and I almost cried.
She was very nice.
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plucky-passerine · 3 years
Hello, I’m absolutely fucking no one and I’m glad to see that your father is doing better. I’ll probably regret this message and you’ll think I’m an asshole. But 260 pounds isn’t healthy and your insulin and cholesterol being higher than usual, even if it’s a small amount more, is an early sign more problems are on the way. You’re only 23 now, and your body can compensate for the issues right now because of youth. It probably won’t in a few years. And you know you will probably gain more, because you get to a certain point and the weight just goes up. I dealt with those health issues, I could barely walk and had pre-diabetes. I used to be 355 pounds, and now I weigh 270. If I could go back in time to when my highest was 260, I would start where you are, instead of letting it get so bad that I got to my highest point. From your posts, I feel like you know you need to lose weight on some level, but are pushing it back because it’s hard and tied with a lot of self hatred. The reality is that no amount of self love or body positivity fixes health issues. Sometimes you need to embrace the painful side of it to improve yourself, even if the underlying issues are still there. Be honest with yourself about things. You’re probably one of those people who think weight loss is impossible. It’s not, it’s hard, but it’s possible. I feel so genuinely sad when I read posts like yours because I used to be so similar. People like you are some of the only ones I truly empathize with. I think that you deserve the best and you’re worth being around for a long time. I hope that deep down, you believe that too.
Hi, I may have overstepped a line there. Obviously I’m just a stranger on the internet, but I talk like I know everything. The thing is, it’s your life and I know I come off super pretentious. I’m sorry for that part of it, along with trying to control your life. Good luck with things.
Hi! You did overstep a line.
I’m going to be nice here because you seem like you have good intentions and I haven’t gotten responses like this ad nauseum, but I want to emphasize that this kind of response is exactly why I don’t normally open up about my insecurities surrounding my weight.
The fact of the matter is that you don’t know me and you don’t know what I’m doing for my health. I’m seeing an endocrinologist I was referred to by my doctor on Thursday to work on my insulin levels. I’ve been actively working on finding a balance between eating well, exercising, and watching my weight in a way that doesn’t trigger my eating disorders since I was twelve years old. I’ve had successes and failures sporadically since then, but I can guarantee you that it is never something I can ignore.
I also want to focus on one phrase you used: “I feel like you know you need to lose weight on some level”. Putting aside the condescending tone of the statement (or the assumption that you know literally anything about me based on one post I made to vent my emotions), I don’t know I need to lose weight “on some level”. I am intimately, unavoidably, viscerally aware of it.
I am aware of it every time I go shopping for clothes. I am aware of it every time I go out in public. I am aware of it every time I eat, every time I go to the gym, every time I take a shower, every time I get dressed, every time I look in the mirror. I can’t escape it no matter where I go in life, no matter what I do, no matter how many ‘body positive’ posts I see or how many of my friends reassure me that I’m fine.
I’m not telling you this because I think you don’t understand. I think you do, given what you’ve told me about yourself. I’m telling you this because you need to know that this assumption you’ve made about me, that I am somehow unaware of the implications of my own size, are insultingly off-base.
I am healthy. This is not an exaggeration. My primary physician, cardiologist, and blood test results all indicate as much. The only things that are even slightly concerning are my insulin and cholesterol, and I am seeing professionals about them.
I exercise, I eat as well as I am able to as a broke, depressed college student, I take my vitamins and my medicine and I see the right physicians when I need to. I am doing everything I possibly fucking can.
You are not my doctor. You are not my therapist. You are a stranger who read a post I made venting my emotions and self hatred I feel in relation to my weight. And if you actually empathized with me, you would know that this was not the helpful advise I’m sure you thought it was.
I’m glad you have the self awareness to acknowledge that you “may” have crossed a line, but I am going to tell you in no uncertain terms: you have. Please don’t do this again.
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rnistergoodnite · 3 years
TMI health nonsense
So, in April or something last year I got a blood clot. Which wasn’t great, especially since there were like next to no offices open to meet with a doctor in person due to Covid. (And it caused a lot of drama because the one branch of a particular practice that was open didn’t accept my insurance and the one that did was closed indefinitely -- not important, other than to say the office that did take my insurance didn’t even check the records when I went there and tried to shame me for not going forward with a surgery THAT DAY that wasn’t even presented to me as an option up to that point) Anyway, bloodclots run in my family so it was kind of a big deal to try to get it taken care of. 
At this time I was also taking medication for PCOS, which is a hormonal imbalance that causes all kinds of totally awesome problems due to excessive testosterone. Among them, weight gain and insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes and heart problems and all kinds of * other * totally fun things. So, I was taking birth control pills to, essentially, give me a period so I didn’t develop cancer as well as to help counteract things like hirsutism so I can be (visibly) socially acceptable ~! I was also prescribed metformin to help with the cool insulin side effects. Anyway, I was warned the birth control could lead to clotting so it had to be closely monitored because of my family history.
Long story short I stopped taking it when I got the blood clot. And the metformin. And the antidepressants. Because it was impossible to go in to see a doctor, the birth control scared the fuck out of me, and the metformin from my new pharmacy was causing all kinds of internal distress to the point where I didn’t want to eat ever and felt like death at every single moment. And, what the fuck, the happy pills weren’t doing shit for me anyway. 
Anyway, I haven’t felt good for a few months, which usually means something is going very wrong because I start to get menopause symptoms, essentially - really bad hot flashes to the point where I feel like I am going to faint (this is actually how I got diagnosed in the first place except back then I was actually fainting -- not to mention 60+ pounds of weight gain for absolutely no fucking reason), fatigue, etc. I also work in a store that refuses to let the temperature go below 80 degrees and have to wear a mask, and, you know, I have stupid bangs that cover my eyes. And I am ~*fat*~. Which is all good and fine except it is so fucking hot I feel like I am going to collapse. So I decide to be an adult and go to the doctor. A new doctor since mine left the practice.
After not taking any medication since early 2020. 
Get some blood work, I’m prediabetic - not surprising, since again, I am insulin resistant and haven’t been on medication for over a year. Slightly high cholesterol. . also not surprising since . . I haven’t been taking medication for over a year. . . etc etc. Have also gained 10 pounds since I --- well, you know.
Honestly I’m pretty happy with myself because this is similar to my last bloodwork, 2019, when I was taking medicine inconsistently. 
Then the doctor makes some comment about my weight. Which sucks, but I expected it. She was nice about it. Told me to see a nutritionist. Asked if I snored. Everything that can be explained by, “you are fat” -- which,  I am - but I am also many other things. Again, this is a new doctor - my first time seeing her.
Get told to try some exercising before following it up with, “Maybe try swimming because this might be hard for you”, or,  asking about pain medicine I was taking (in 2018!)  because of a genetic knee cartilage issue and kind of insinuating it was due to size --- She wasn’t rude about it, I don’t want to give the wrong impression but I also don’t feel like she was listening to me. The weight is a symptom of a condition. It is not the condition itself. More to the point -- like I said, I have excessive testosterone. I am kind of stocky (?) consequently. I am 220 pounds in this photo, which classified me as “obese”. Like???
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So I am asking - Walking counts as exercise, right? I spend 9-15 hours a day on my feet and do anywhere from 5 to 15 miles of walking per day. All she has to say is, “Sure -”  . . I know working isn’t extra exercise, and I am not saying I don’t need to try -- I do, I am not well and this syndrome can spring upwards of 100+ pounds on a person if they don’t keep it in check. I get what she was saying, I do, but, like, on the other hand - my blown out Achilles is due to a ladder incident, not because I’m fat, alright? 
All in all, not a terrible experience, just wish she’d have listened a bit more to me and didn’t make me feel dumb for stopping the Cymbalta, which “isn’t going to cause clotting, you know that, right?”
THEN I GET THE FOLLOW UP REPORT which just comes down to “patient admits to gaining weight and needs to lose 5-10% of body weight by next visit, declined sleep study due to snoring, declined bariatric help, claims to understand but . . .” 
Like I am kind of stunned? I don’t even know what to think. I don’t even know if she listened to a third of what I said or read my history. “Patient admits to gaining ten pounds”, yeah, no shit, a normal person doesn’t gain ten pounds in a month for no reason.
. . Oh, and she told me to take the antidepressants again but didn’t give me a prescription and the pharmacy won’t take something from 2019. Yay. (I do have to start taking the metformin again but at half the dose and it still makes me gag, hurrah)
--- I don’t know, I’m just fucking tired. Like, yeah, lecture away about making poor food choices because who doesn’t like french fries and fried chicken  -- and I take responsibility for that -- but someone shouldn’t be shamed for seeking out help for a larger problem. 
Of course I’m not happy with myself right now. Of course I understand this can lead to problems down the road. But if this purely came down to poor eating choices, I wouldn’t have pants in storage that range 12 sizes because my choices are just 30% of the problem. I need help. And now I’m not sure I want to seek it out. 
PS- No solution to the birth control causes clotting problem, so fuck me I guess, hormonal imbalances are cool to live with but hey least we can fix the insulin problem -- assuming I ever feel like eating again because right now I feel sick to my stomach and it’s only been one day.
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girl-in-the-library · 4 years
trying to find the intersection between “my body is fat - and that’s okay” and “I need to fix this for my health”
I’m just trying to put into words what I’m feeling when I see all sorts of posts about body positivity and fatphobia and everything.
It is 100% possible to be fat and healthy.
But I am not one of those people.
I gained 130 pounds in a year because of a medication I was on for my depression, plus the bad eating, sleeping, and exercise habits that the depression facilitated.
It’s been 4 years since that gain and I’ve only lost 30ish pounds at max - only to gain back 10 or 15 due to COVID lifestyle.
I hate the way I look aesthetically - I am absolutely enormous and non-proportional due to my generally hourglass figure but heavy stomach-carrying weight.
I can’t find clothes that fit me and look good, let alone clothes in the style that I want to wear.
I’m afraid no one will ever love me because they’ll look at my body and not want anything to do with me. (Even though I’m asexual and don’t have/care about sexual attraction or interest, aesthetic attraction is still a thing for both myself and others...so then there’s the internalized fatphobia of “I wouldn’t want to be with someone who looked like me, so why would anyone else?”)
But I’m also not healthy.
My A1C is borderline diabetic. My cholesterol isn’t great - though not at worrying levels yet. I get overheated way too easily, and I’m out of breath running around all day at work in my mask.
So when I see posts about how diet culture is bad, and promotes eating disorders, and various other things surrounding food and health and fat bodies, I don’t know how to feel or what to think.
I had an eating disorder - still do, but it’s not as bad. 
So when there’s the part of my mind that goes “diet culture is bad! all calories are good calories because you need to keep your body nourished! depression meals are okay be at least you’re eating something! counting calories might lead you back to throwing up what you ate!” there’s also the part that goes, “you can’t eat sugar because your A1C is too high. cut back on the carbs. It doesn’t matter if you feel deprived, if you can’t eat healthy, you’re going to die.”
And honestly? It’s driving me nuts. I want to lose weight for a lot of reasons, but I don’t know if I can. Obesity runs in my family, and any attempt to diet makes me feel like life is not worth living. That may seem like hyperbole, or that I’m being overdramatic. But I don’t mean, “I’ll die if I can’t have a cookie” - I mean, “Food is something I enjoy, and that I’m supposed to enjoy. If I can’t find enjoyment in things, then what’s the point in living?”
And then that is throwing me backwards in my mental health.
Life is meant to be lived. Life is meant to be enjoyed.
But if I’m going to die because my health is bad, or I’m going to be forced to live a life devoid of enjoyment to fix my health - well...then why should I live at all?
...this got pretty suicidal, pretty quickly. But I guess my point is that I don’t know what to do.
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monstermonstre · 4 years
Re: the cholesterol thing I would look into the ldl/hdl ratio cause that's what really concerned my current doc (that gave me meds) about mine.l Also very anecdotal but for me it was always about weight for docs but then I lost weight and it only lowered a bit and meds was what really helped finally but I know 2 people that lowered theirs by following very strict diets for a short amount of time so idk bodies are a bit of a mess I guess
thanks, I know about ldl and hdl that's the thing: my ldl levels are High and my hdl is low, it's Not Good but it looks like my doctor only looked at the overall level of cholesterol combined and decided it wasn't too high. except if you look at the different types of cholesterol then the ldl one is too high (and hdl not high enough). everywhere I look, my ldl levels are considered high (over 160) but she didn't seem bothered.
and I'm aware that fatphobia is rampant and that doctors are horrible with fat people and tell them that the answer to everything is losing weight/diet/exercise, but my bmi isn't high (not that it would be bad in any way, the bmi is bs, but like you said it was always weight for doctors for you until you lost some and it didn't fix the problem and that's when they finally got their heads out of their asses...except for me she didn't tell me to lose weight because doctors don't see me as someone who needs to lose weight).
i really don't understand her reaction and it's not the first time she's acting incompetent and I can't change doctors right now so I have to take this into my own hands.
do you know what kind of diet the people you know went on? I'm afraid of the "very strict" part but I can at least consider it or find useful tips in it.
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borderlineteacher · 4 years
Could you go into more detail, please, about what you're doing with WW?(If you want to, ofc) Like what do you do for meals, exercise, how many points? I currently have a similar body type as you did in 2018 and likewise have never been able to succeed with any diet plans for long. I'd love to know what you're doing because it is clearly working really well for you and maybe it would work for me too ! Thanks in advance!
Okay, this has taken me forever to get to and I apologize for that! I will try to answer as best as I can...possible TW for people who don’t appreciate weight talk. This is going to be long, and maybe it won’t answer your question exactly. But it’s something I’ve actually wanted to write about so thank you for this opportunity. 
I’ve been on and off of WW since 2014. Weight has always been such a big issue for me, even if I held myself well and didn’t “look like I weighed so much”. When I began the journey I got caught in such a cycle: I would lose a minimal amount of weight across a few months (maybe 4 or 5 pounds?) and get very discouraged and therefore drop the whole program. Other people were doing better than me, I sucked at it, I’d be “fat” forever, etc. Nothing could ever fix me. I was stuck in that all or nothing mindset, either it worked or it didn’t, either I succeeded or failed. And I kept feeling like such a failure. When I would say screw it I would binge and gain back whatever little I’d lost and then some. It was always the same: on and off, lose some then gain a whole lot, feel confident then defeated, etc. For six years. 
I knew the program worked. People have been so successful on WW and I knew it worked. Something in my brain was stopping me though from throwing myself into it, committing to it 100%. It was strange to me, because losing weight is something I’ve always wanted, both for vanity reasons as well as health related reasons. My various WW leaders saw me break down, some literally held me while I cried into their arms because I felt so hopeless. I kept thinking...Rivka you want this, you need this, what the hell is wrong with you? Why can’t you just follow the damn program?
This year I had a lot of health concerns come up. I was experiencing constant severe fatigue and overall body pain, I’d get out of breath just by walking up a few stairs, I was always tired and lethargic. Of course many things could contribute to that like depression and a busy schedule. But my primary doctor was concerned because of abnormal blood work and just the severity of it all. I went to a hematologist/oncologist, literally thought I was at risk for some sort of blood cancer. A lot of inconclusive tests, it was a seemingly dead end because no one knew what was wrong with me. Was it weight related? Maybe. I was in the medically obese category, my cholesterol was shit, I started blood pressure meds at age 25. I was just not in a healthy place overall, whether it had to do with the number on the scale or not. 
Towards the end of February it just got to be too much for me. I had to put my foot down finally. My overall physical health was knocking me down. I often thought about dying because anything would be better than being in that much physical pain and discomfort. So I decided to recommit. I told myself that even when it felt impossible to control my binging and unhealthy ways, I had no choice but to keep at it because I honestly thought I would end up dead otherwise. I know that sounds dramatic but it is true. 
So here I am, three and a half months later and 24 pounds thinner. I have a long way to go, I am nowhere near my goal weight. But I have not been at my current weight since before I initially started WW so I am thrilled with what I’ve done so far. I have never done this. Never lost this weight before and I know that something is different this time around. Something changed in my brain. Something told me that I wanted to be healthy, I had to be healthy, for my own wellbeing. Sounds obvious, I know. But my thoughts were so distorted beforehand. 
It has all become second nature to me at this point. I do not eat mindlessly, I always put careful thought into what I choose to put into my body. I do not restrict food, although I must admit in the first few weeks I had that problem. Now I eat healthy foods and don’t see WW as a “diet”. I can eat whatever I want, it’s a matter of making the right choices for myself, asking myself if I am actually hungry and if I am, what is something that will satiate me right now? If I’m not actually hungry but find myself searching for a snack, I stop myself and try to figure out what is really going on. 
It is a lot. But I’ve chosen to not see it as something I’m being forced to do. That is what makes it become a battle. I am doing this for myself, not because someone is forcing me to and making it unpleasant. It can actually be fun -- I’ve been cooking a lot and getting creative with different foods. 
I must admit, I do not get much exercise in. When I was working and commuting I did a lot of walking, but now not so much. It is partially because of the weakness I have in my lower body due to my ankle surgery from last summer and partially because I am always busy at home. I do physical therapy twice a week through zoom which is really giving me a workout though, and strengthening the muscles that have become very weak. So that’s good. You should try to incorporate activity into your day but the bottom line is it mainly comes down to what you eat. Your body is a special thing and should be treated in a healthy and respectful way honestly. 
Wow. I just rambled a lot and I apologize. I hope this at least somewhat answered your question?? Please feel free to ask follow up questions, I am more than happy to respond. 
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himeshhasan · 4 years
Leptitox Review
Leptitox reviews: How it helps you lose weight and is it worth it?
Losing weight is essential, and not just because you’d want to fit in those jeans. As much as we support losing weight for fashion or beauty choices, we also want you to consider losing weight as a part of weight management to manage your health and wellness.
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There is no doubt that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes; however, obesity is a dangerous disease that can lead to serious health consequences later on. Being overweight puts you in jeopardy of health conditions and surges your chances of getting a heart attack at a young age. It is also the cause of high blood pressure, and in some cases, it can even cause cancer.
Being obese has its challenges. There is a reason why you feel tired all the time. Having unnecessary weight on your body is causing you to feel worn-out when you even walk for 5 minutes. Even the small act of picking up a pen from the floor makes you feel like you deserve a vacation for doing the deed. If you work for longer hours, the chances are that you go home way more tired and drained out than your co-workers, and the reason is none other than your obesity.
You don’t even need to lose a hundred pounds, just getting your weight fit according to your weight and height can improve your overall health and give you much more energy and vitality to enjoy the events of everyday life. Not only that, weight loss can enable you to witness an improved lifestyle and provide you with greater confidence, promote better sleep and help you be a part of vigorous social life.
I get it, you don’t have the patience to go to the gym every day, but want to lose weight. But none of this is possible if you don’t have the right products to aid in your journey of weight loss.
I have had the chance of trying out one of the most popular supplements that claim to help you reduce weight, really fast, known has Leptitox. Here’s my honest Leptitox reviews after trying it out personally.So without further ado, let’s dive in.
What exactly is Leptitox?
Leptitox is a dietary supplement that helps you lose weight by decreasing leptin resistance inside your body. It also converses the natural baseline of your body and resets the hypothalamus. As a result, your body can control the fat and cut through any unnecessary fat that is causing health problems. It works on your body to provide a herbal solution and create a strong barrier between preventable fat and your body.
It is an entirely herbal product that includes more than 22 nutrients to provide you with power and energy throughout the day. It delivers the right aid and making your weight loss journey more comfortable and pain-free. If you’re thinking of it as a magic pill, then be assured that it is not. It is merely a nutritional supplement that breaks your enzymes and provides the right nutrients for your body to start working correctly to drop extra weight and makes sure that your body mass is precisely according to your height.
Morgan Hurst the creator of Leptitox dietary supplement
Highly skilled doctors developed Leptitox under the supervision of Morgan Hurst. If you don’t know who Morgan Hurst is, trust me you’re missing out on a lot.
Morgan Hurst is as crazy about herbal medicine as I am about food. He works in the field of natural medicine and naturopathy. He believes that diseases can be easily fixed without putting harmful chemicals and drugs in the name of medicine inside your body. Morgan also assumes that your body is a temple, and only products that are provided to you by nature itself should be used to fix any problems or ailments that may arise.
Naturopathy has been gaining a lot of popularity in the world, and if you’re wondering if it is a real thing. Let me solve that dilemma for you.
Yes, it is a real thing, and people can even get certified as the doctor of naturopathy by taking a 4-year course program like any other doctorate. However, Morgan Hurst has received a degree in it. Yet he knows more than enough, thanks to his enthusiasm and his natural pursuits and many successful experiments.
It all started for him when his wife started gaining excessive weight. It was becoming more and more difficult for her to perform daily tasks without any external help. Naturally, it occurred to him to find a solution for this ailment as well. He started researching weight loss and realized that not all bodies could burn their fat by merely running on a treadmill. Some of them require external help from herbs and pills that would provide relief to the body without putting much exertion over it.
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After all, you only get one body. You need to make sure that you treat it right.
He contacted industry experts and collaborated with them to develop a formula that has proved to be unstoppable against any stubborn fat that refuses to leave your body. With his method, he has left behind even the Keto, low carb and no sugar diets. As a result, more and more people are now inclined to try out this formula and benefit from it.
The result: Slimmer, more physically fit individuals who feel confident in their body and physique and feel like Leptitox has completely altered the course of their life for good.
Who is Leptitox Nutrition for?
Leptitox is for people who are looking to upgrade their health and lifestyle choices by making positive reinforcements in their life. It is for anyone who has a hanging belly and thick arms. Leptitox is for you and me.
It is for everyone over the ages of 18 who is not pregnant. Men and female, both can use this as long as they are using it in the right quantity and not overdosing on it. The best age to apply is 20 to 38 years old. After the age of 40, it takes some time for your enzymes to break down. However, even though the start of your weight loss journey will seem to be slow, you will be successful in losing weight and becoming slim like that person in the magazine.
 How does Leptitox help you lose weight?
 Your body has a natural system of digesting the food that is fed to it. Your stomach is the bank of all food that stores and provides you with a place to grind the food before it gets digested. Now, your stomach contains powerful acids and enzymes that aid in the process of breaking down food particles and sending the energy to all of your body’s required places such as eyes, ears, head, legs, hands, etc. But before the heat is transferred, food is transferred to the small intestine which then breaks down the food completely using the pancreas and bile.
Bile helps in digestion of fat and breaks it down while eliminating any waste materials. In some people, however, the process is a little different. Metabolism is slower, and the food is not broken down properly, which leads it to create fat in parts of the body. Instead of becoming waste, it becomes a part of the body and makes a home there.
Leptitox dietary supplement attacks all the fatty acids in your body and breaks them down to provide you with the energy that these food particles were supposed to give you. It merely detoxes your body of all the toxic, unhealthy food material that your body was unable to break down on time. It provides thorough internal body detoxification while gaining you the power to take more control over your body and dietary habits. As a result, you are burning any outsized fat deposits that have made a comfortable home inside your body and have accumulated there to make you obese and overweight.
Another way of saying it, your body can only lose weight when the fat is burned and broken down, after which it gets dissolved in the acids and is digested for good.
It gets that outcome when you run or perform cardio to improve your metabolism. However, what Leptitox does it that it provides the same effect, but without you having to run. It breaks down enzymes and burns down fat inside your body, slowly and steadily to make your body seem like you’re running when in actual you were just lucky enough to find a product that does it all for you.
Is Leptitox safe?
There is no doubt that excessive weight gain is extremely unhealthy. But is you think about it, diets are unhealthier. Your body requires proper nutrients and the right amount of carbohydrates, fibers, and fats to working correctly. Diets such as Keto, Atkin, raw food or no sugar plan disrupt the natural cycle of the body, which ends up backfiring when you leave the diet plan for a month or two.
For these diets to work correctly, you need to continue it for the rest of your life since your body becomes constant of the new food, and if you leave it, it gets disturbed.
Leptitox is a more sensible choice, considering that you are not cutting out on vital nutrients but choosing a healthier supplement that improves your metabolism without pushing your body to the extreme. It keeps a balance between all kinds of diets and normalizes the body mass index according to your age and height. The supplement will not unsettle your body’s mechanisms, instead of improving the process and help you lose weight without making you feel hungry all the time.
It includes the following ingredients:
Barberry is a medicinal herb that has plentiful health benefits. It aids in discharging toxins from your body and cleanses the liver, gallbladder and improves your digestive system. It helps you improve your cholesterol level. Additionally, it also fights bacteria and viruses and provides the right energy and nutrients to you so that you don’t feel feeble and frail. Instead, you feel a sudden burst of energy.
Brassica limits the calories by providing more energy but lesser fat. Thanks to brassica, you don’t feel hungry but your body has the right energy to function properly throughout the day without making you feel tired or drained out. It provides super-quick and easy weight loss.
Taraxacum Leaves
We have all heard about water weight and how it adds weight to the body that is impossible to remove without proper sweat through running and exercise. Taraxacum leaves are a solution to that problem since it increases urine output and motivates your body to excrete the unnecessary water weight through waste materials. It is a completely natural way to lose weight without having any side effects.
Chanca Piedra
For digestion to work properly, it is important that your body produces the right amount of bile. Chanca Piedra is a natural herb that stimulates the creation of bile inside your body so that your body produces the right acids and promotes the healthy functioning of organs that are responsible for improving metabolism.
Grape Seed
Grapeseed is a very important ingredient if you want to lose weight, simply because it postpones the absorption of your food. As a result, you feel less hungry and feel less food without going crazy. Your body simply uses previous food and as a result, it is melted down from the extra fat inside your body.
Jujube is known for its anti-oxidant properties. It completely purifies the endocrine disrupter inside your body. It is very high in fiber, but low in calorie count to provide the right nutrients and boosts your immunity system.
Burdock root
Burdock root kills germs and eliminates harmful toxins from the body. it also burns down unnecessary fat, which is then wasted in the form of urine.
Apium Graveoleons Seed
Apium Graveoleons Seeds provide you with the right vitality and drive to control your appetite and improve your overall health. It even eliminates toxins that are built in your body from the artificial food that we consume, such as low-quality chips and carbonated drinks.
Pros and Cons
Before you dive in to purchase the product, you need to know if it is even the right option for you. I need you to carefully evaluate the pros and cons and then decide for yourself if spending money on it is the right choice for you. This Leptitox review is all about making sure that you make the right choice, so here are a few pros and cons that might make it easier for you to make your decision.
Leptitox helps reduce weight
We all require help sometimes, and there is no harm in admitting it. Leptitox provides you the aid that you require in losing weight and getting a slim body. It naturally balances Leptin levels.
The ingredients used are completely natural
All the ingredients used in the production of the Leptitox dietary supplement are 100% herbal and natural and can be consumed safely.
The price is extremely reasonable
The price for Leptitox is incredibly low, which gives everyone more motives to at least give it a try and see results for yourself.
There are no reverse effects
Once you get the desired shape and weight, you can quit using the supplement. Your weight will remain the way it is and won’t rebound.
Provides 60-day Money Back Guarantee
It comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can be assured that your money is never wasted.
The only con that I’ve seen in this product is that it is not advisable for people under 18 years of age to use it. But if you think about it, you can immediately start using it as soon as you hit 18.
To sum it all up, Leptitox has worked for a lot of my friends in bringing down our weight on the scale and slimming us up in no time and me. It is an entirely herbal dietary supplement, so you can be assured that you are not disrupting your body’s natural process by adding harmful drugs to it or consuming any chemicals. Instead, you are providing help to your body in performing better by aiding indigestion.
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It is an incredibly safe and healthy product, and the results are way quicker than any other supplement out there. It is pretty economical, and also offers a straight-up 60-day money-back guarantee if the product doesn’t deliver what it has promised. I’d strongly recommend this product to anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy manner but in less amount of time.
The best part: you don’t even have to perform cardio while you’re at it. Leptitox takes care of everything.
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joannajoys · 5 years
Lepidox - Reduces Needless Cholesterol
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Losing weight is essential, and not just because you’d want to fit in those jeans. As much as we support losing weight for fashion or beauty choices, we also want you to consider losing weight as a part of weight management to manage your health and wellness.
There is no doubt that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes; however, obesity is a dangerous disease that can lead to serious health consequences later on. Being overweight puts you in jeopardy of health conditions and surges your chances of getting a heart attack at a young age. It is also the cause of high blood pressure, and in some cases, it can even cause cancer.
Being obese has its challenges. There is a reason why you feel tired all the time. Having unnecessary weight on your body is causing you to feel worn-out when you even walk for 5 minutes. Even the small act of picking up a pen from the floor makes you feel like you deserve a vacation for doing the deed. If you work for longer hours, the chances are that you go home way more tired and drained out than your co-workers, and the reason is none other than your obesity.
You don’t even need to lose a hundred pounds, just getting your weight fit according to your weight and height can improve your overall health and give you much more energy and vitality to enjoy the events of everyday life. Not only that, weight loss can enable you to witness an improved lifestyle and provide you with greater confidence, promote better sleep and help you be a part of vigorous social life.
I get it, you don’t have the patience to go to the gym every day, but want to lose weight. But none of this is possible if you don’t have the right products to aid in your journey of weight loss.
I have had the chance of trying out one of the most popular supplements that claim to help you reduce weight, really fast, known has Leptitox. Here’s my honest Leptitox reviews after trying it out personally.
What exactly is Leptitox?
Leptitox is a dietary supplement that helps you lose weight by decreasing leptin resistance inside your body. It also converses the natural baseline of your body and resets the hypothalamus. As a result, your body can control the fat and cut through any unnecessary fat that is causing health problems. It works on your body to provide a herbal solution and create a strong barrier between preventable fat and your body.
It is an entirely herbal product that includes more than 22 nutrients to provide you with power and energy throughout the day. It delivers the right aid and making your weight loss journey more comfortable and pain-free. If you’re thinking of it as a magic pill, then be assured that it is not. It is merely a nutritional supplement that breaks your enzymes and provides the right nutrients for your body to start working correctly to drop extra weight and makes sure that your body mass is precisely according to your height.
Morgan Hurst the creator of Leptitox Dietary Supplement
Highly skilled doctors developed Leptitox under the supervision of Morgan Hurst. If you don’t know who Morgan Hurst is, trust me you’re missing out on a lot.
Morgan Hurst is as crazy about herbal medicine as I am about food. He works in the field of natural medicine and naturopathy. He believes that diseases can be easily fixed without putting harmful chemicals and drugs in the name of medicine inside your body. Morgan also assumes that your body is a temple, and only products that are provided to you by nature itself should be used to fix any problems or ailments that may arise. Naturopathy has been gaining a lot of popularity in the world, and if you’re wondering if it is a real thing. Let me solve that dilemma for you.
Yes, it is a real thing, and people can even get certified as the doctor of naturopathy by taking a 4-year course program like any other doctorate. However, Morgan Hurst has received a degree in it. Yet he knows more than enough, thanks to his enthusiasm and his natural pursuits and many successful experiments.
It all started for him when his wife started gaining excessive weight. It was becoming more and more difficult for her to perform daily tasks without any external help. Naturally, it occurred to him to find a solution for this ailment as well. He started researching weight loss and realized that not all bodies could burn their fat by merely running on a treadmill. Some of them require external help from herbs and pills that would provide relief to the body without putting much exertion over it.
After all, you only get one body. You need to make sure that you treat it right.
He contacted industry experts and collaborated with them to develop a formula that has proved to be unstoppable against any stubborn fat that refuses to leave your body. With his method, he has left behind even the Keto, low carb and no sugar diets. As a result, more and more people are now inclined to try out this formula and benefit from it.
The result: Slimmer, more physically fit individuals who feel confident in their body and physique and feel like Leptitox has completely altered the course of their life for good.
Who is Leptitox Nutrition for?
Leptitox is for people who are looking to upgrade their health and lifestyle choices by making positive reinforcements in their life. It is for anyone who has a hanging belly and thick arms. Leptitox is for you and me.
It is for everyone over the ages of 18 who is not pregnant. Men and female, both can use this as long as they are using it in the right quantity and not overdosing on it. The best age to apply is 20 to 38 years old. After the age of 40, it takes some time for your enzymes to break down. However, even though the start of your weight loss journey will seem to be slow, you will be successful in losing weight and becoming slim like that person in the magazine.
 How does Leptitox help you lose weight?
Your body has a natural system of digesting the food that is fed to it. Your stomach is the bank of all food that stores and provides you with a place to grind the food before it gets digested. Now, your stomach contains powerful acids and enzymes that aid in the process of breaking down food particles and sending the energy to all of your body’s required places such as eyes, ears, head, legs, hands, etc. But before the heat is transferred, food is transferred to the small intestine which then breaks down the food completely using the pancreas and bile.
Bile helps in digestion of fat and breaks it down while eliminating any waste materials. In some people, however, the process is a little different. Metabolism is slower, and the food is not broken down properly, which leads it to create fat in parts of the body. Instead of becoming waste, it becomes a part of the body and makes a home there.
Leptitox dietary supplement attacks all the fatty acids in your body and breaks them down to provide you with the energy that these food particles were supposed to give you. It merely detoxes your body of all the toxic, unhealthy food material that your body was unable to break down on time. It provides thorough internal body detoxification while gaining you the power to take more control over your body and dietary habits. As a result, you are burning any outsized fat deposits that have made a comfortable home inside your body and have accumulated there to make you obese and overweight.
Another way of saying it, your body can only lose weight when the fat is burned and broken down, after which it gets dissolved in the acids and is digested for good.
It gets that outcome when you run or perform cardio to improve your metabolism. However, what Leptitox does it that it provides the same effect, but without you having to run. It breaks down enzymes and burns down fat inside your body, slowly and steadily to make your body seem like you’re running when in actual you were just lucky enough to find a product that does it all for you.
Is Leptitox safe?
There is no doubt that excessive weight gain is extremely unhealthy. But is you think about it, diets are unhealthier. Your body requires proper nutrients and the right amount of carbohydrates, fibers, and fats to working correctly. Diets such as Keto, Atkin, raw food or no sugar plan disrupt the natural cycle of the body, which ends up backfiring when you leave the diet plan for a month or two.
For these diets to work correctly, you need to continue it for the rest of your life since your body becomes constant of the new food, and if you leave it, it gets disturbed.
Leptitox is a more sensible choice, considering that you are not cutting out on vital nutrients but choosing a healthier supplement that improves your metabolism without pushing your body to the extreme. It keeps a balance between all kinds of diets and normalizes the body mass index according to your age and height. The supplement will not unsettle your body’s mechanisms, instead of improving the process and help you lose weight without making you feel hungry all the time.
It includes the following ingredients:
Barberry is a medicinal herb that has plentiful health benefits. It aids in discharging toxins from your body and cleanses the liver, gallbladder and improves your digestive system. It helps you improve your cholesterol level. Additionally, it also fights bacteria and viruses and provides the right energy and nutrients to you so that you don’t feel feeble and frail. Instead, you feel a sudden burst of energy.
Brassica limits the calories by providing more energy but lesser fat. Thanks to brassica, you don’t feel hungry but your body has the right energy to function properly throughout the day without making you feel tired or drained out. It provides super-quick and easy weight loss.
Taraxacum Leaves
We have all heard about water weight and how it adds weight to the body that is impossible to remove without proper sweat through running and exercise. Taraxacum leaves are a solution to that problem since it increases urine output and motivates your body to excrete the unnecessary water weight through waste materials. It is a completely natural way to lose weight without having any side effects.
Chanca Piedra
For digestion to work properly, it is important that your body produces the right amount of bile. Chanca Piedra is a natural herb that stimulates the creation of bile inside your body so that your body produces the right acids and promotes the healthy functioning of organs that are responsible for improving metabolism.
Grape Seed
Grapeseed is a very important ingredient if you want to lose weight, simply because it postpones the absorption of your food. As a result, you feel less hungry and feel less food without going crazy. Your body simply uses previous food and as a result, it is melted down from the extra fat inside your body.
Jujube is known for its anti-oxidant properties. It completely purifies the endocrine disrupter inside your body. It is very high in fiber, but low in calorie count to provide the right nutrients and boosts your immunity system.
Burdock root
Burdock root kills germs and eliminates harmful toxins from the body. it also burns down unnecessary fat, which is then wasted in the form of urine.
Apium Graveoleons Seed
Apium Graveoleons Seeds provide you with the right vitality and drive to control your appetite and improve your overall health. It even eliminates toxins that are built in your body from the artificial food that we consume, such as low-quality chips and carbonated drinks.
Pros and Cons
Before you dive in to purchase the product, you need to know if it is even the right option for you. I need you to carefully evaluate the pros and cons and then decide for yourself if spending money on it is the right choice for you. This Leptitox review is all about making sure that you make the right choice, so here are a few pros and cons that might make it easier for you to make your decision.
Leptitox helps reduce weight
We all require help sometimes, and there is no harm in admitting it. Leptitox provides you the aid that you require in losing weight and getting a slim body. It naturally balances Leptin levels.
The ingredients used are completely natural
All the ingredients used in the production of the Leptitox dietary supplement are 100% herbal and natural and can be consumed safely.
The price is extremely reasonable
The price for Leptitox is incredibly low, which gives everyone more motives to at least give it a try and see results for yourself.
There are no reverse effects
Once you get the desired shape and weight, you can quit using the supplement. Your weight will remain the way it is and won’t rebound.
Provides 60-day Money Back Guarantee
It comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can be assured that your money is never wasted.
The only con that I’ve seen in this product is that it is not advisable for people under 18 years of age to use it. But if you think about it, you can immediately start using it as soon as you hit 18.
To sum it all up, Leptitox has worked for a lot of my friends in bringing down our weight on the scale and slimming us up in no time and me. It is an entirely herbal dietary supplement, so you can be assured that you are not disrupting your body’s natural process by adding harmful drugs to it or consuming any chemicals. Instead, you are providing help to your body in performing better by aiding indigestion.
It is an incredibly safe and healthy product, and the results are way quicker than any other supplement out there. It is pretty economical, and also offers a straight-up 60-day money-back guarantee if the product doesn’t deliver what it has promised. I’d strongly recommend this product to anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy manner but in less amount of time.
The best part: you don’t even have to perform cardio while you’re at it. Leptitox takes care of everything.
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coyotegoth · 5 years
i need to get some stuff off my chest. like if you read, please
thinking about how my college friends are all taking a spring break trip together and how I can’t go with them because I have to go home so I can have a fucking appointment at the “lipid clinic” (read: doctor who yells at you for being fat) because my shitty body can’t process cholesterol correctly. every time i go to my hrt doc and get bloodwork done, my cholesterol comes back high and they tell me i need to lose weight and no matter what i do about my diet and exercise it doesn’t seem to make any difference but they always just tell me to ‘fix my diet’ anyway. and I have to take this appointment because it’s the only one between now and june and they can’t accept me as a new patient once I turn 22 since they’re affiliated with a children’s hospital.
food has always been such a struggle for me anyway and this is really really starting to affect my mental health. i go to dinner with friends every saturday and it used to be a fun thing that was like, the highlight of my week. but now it’s just anxiety and guilt. on an average day i eat two meals, about 800 calories in total now because of how bad i feel about myself, and going out to eat on saturdays just stresses me out because there usually aren’t ways for me to stay under that calorie limit unless i only pick at the food, even though i already mitigate it by not eating at all before dinner. and i don’t want my friends to know i’m having so much trouble with food so i always eat the whole meal and then come home and feel awful about it. i genuinely want to punish myself every time i eat a full meal. and i fully recognize that it’s NOT healthy behavior and it’s probably a form of self harm but I don’t know how to get out of the mindset because I’m just so sick of looking at my body and feeling so fat and disgusting
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Day 1
There have been countless “day ones.” How many times have I binged on a Sunday night to “clear out the fridge and only have healthy options” for the upcoming week? How many times have I decided to order everything on the menu to “get rid of all my cravings” in anticipation for the upcoming week? How many times have I tried a fad diet that works for a temporary fix & in a few days/weeks, I’m back to binging & at a higher weight than I started at?
Too many fuckin times.
But when I hopped on the scale and saw it hit the 260 lb mark, I nearly fainted. A pit in my stomach. The scale must be wrong. How could it be possible?? I even checked the other scale and moved it all around the bathroom to make sure I wasn’t going crazy. Unfortunately, the scale was right. 261.2 lbs and 49.7% body fat. Just typing those numbers out make me want to throw up. But it just reinforces that it is time to make a change.
It always seemed impossible. I’ve been overweight my entire life, so my mentality has always been that I’m forever a chubby girl. Even when I was losing weight during my multiple fad diets, there was a huge part of me that knew I was never going to be skinny. However, nothing will compare to how great I felt when I did these fad diets and was losing weight and feeling phenomenal about myself. My skin was clear, guys were way more attracted to me & I was more confident and so much happier with myself.
I’ve spent so many years unhappy with myself and a huge part of that is due to my weight. The food would always make me feel better in the moment. But in all honesty, I’ve always felt like I was being judged. Meeting new people, I was always afraid they were thinking, “wow she is heavy.” Any time a guy was interested in me, I would think they were just messing with me. I’ve even had plenty of married men hit on me because they “love my curves” and basically just wanted to fuck me and be done with me. And most times, I’d just be too nervous a guy would think I was too heavy to ever see how great of a catch I really am. It’s truly held me back in every aspect of my life.
I avoid doctors out of pure fear that they will tell me I am morbidly obese and have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or am pre-diabetic. I avoid going to the pool/beach with people I don’t know well, because I do not want to be in a bathing suit in front of them (and I LOVE the beach - so this is a huge issue for me). And I make every excuse in the book as to why I don’t have time to workout or eat healthy.
So, I decided I needed to make a change before I let my obsession with food completely take over my life. A lot of changes actually. I started by picking an apartment that I fell in love with. And for the first time in my life, I’m living alone. I quit my job that overworked me & caused most of my weight gain. And I decided that I am going to start my weight loss journey & get to where I need to be - healthy & happy.
When I started thinking about what I would do to help get the weight off, I thought of many different options. While I’ve been very successful with keto in the past, it was a temporary fix that helped me drop a ton of weight, but I gained it all back and then some. Therefore, I decided to try Weight Watchers again. I need to do something that will not completely restrict me from my Sunday lunches & I love the flexibility of the plan.
Starting at 261.2 lbs as of Monday, February 10th & I’ve decided to make my Weigh-in day on Fridays so I can use my extra points on the weekends and not feel as guilty :)
So excited to be on this journey & drop this fat!
#weightwatchers #weightlossjourney #plussize #followme #WW #blueplan
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