#i know tumblr isn’t immune to shit like this either but at least tagging your shit is the norm here
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theneighborhoodwatch · 2 years ago
whats ur beef with wh twitter
average experience scrolling thru welcome home tags on twitter:
regular fanart
blatant misinformation
fanart for au i have no context for bc it’s from tiktok
blatant misinformation
au that looks kinda cool until i realize it exists solely to facilitate wally x y/n shenanigans - which, while not bad in and of itself, is a subject i personally have zero interest in
regular fanart
porn from guy who, despite having been given the easiest blanket excuse in the form of “all of the neighbors are adults,” can only experience arousal if at least one of them is six years old
theorycrafting from guy who cannot let go of fnaf
guy who is probably way too young to be posting in the porn tag complaining about people posting porn in the porn tag that was created specifically for people to post porn in
blatant misinformation
regular fanart
more FUCKING misinformation
seriously it’s not like any of this shit is behind a paywall
au that actually features characters who aren’t wally in major roles but is wildly ooc
porn from guy who clearly is not into puppets at all, thus making the porn fail at its one job of illiciting arousal from the viewer bc of how palpable their disinterest in the subject matter is
regular fanart
regular fanart
the rare and coveted Halfway Decent Porn. check op’s profile and realize they are engaged to the kodocon guy from earlier
misinformation again
and then nobody actually talks about what the project is about unless it’s to call it an arg. which for the time being is, you guessed it, More Fucking Misinformation.
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italian-sides · 5 years ago
“Ombre e Bastoni”, ch. 2
Here I am with the second chapter! Again, a huge thank you to both @misslilidelaney on Tumblr for writing this and @watcher-from-the-heights for being my beta! I also tag @ts-italian-gang, just in case. One last thing: if you want to support the ff, it’s on AO3 too! Thank you if you’re gonna step by! Enjoy!
Whenever Emilio Picani walked into the Dolce&Remì, all heads turned.
And when all heads turned, Giuda Schiavon's only instinct was to turn away.
To avoid imploding.
At the exact moment the young man crossed the threshold, Giuda understood that he was Patrizio's famous "psychologist cousin".
And at the exact moment he saw his face, only one sentence echoed in his brain:
- Sò ciavà. - [1]
The newcomer sat down at the counter, while Remo looked illuminated with immense light and Romolo seemed to be having a heart attack.
"Patrì. Are you kidding? You should at least have said that your cousin was so beautiful!"
"What are you saying, Romolo? C'mon, you're embarrassing him!"
"Orco can, Pati [2], take it easy! Trust me, it takes much more to embarrass me.", the interested party replied, giving Romolo, who just laughed like a twelve year old, a benevolent smile.
- Nice, exactly what I needed, even the competition with the Stellina. -
Giuda glanced at Remo, who had been wiping the same glass for three minutes.
-Ah, well. Both the Stelline. [3] -
He just looked at the newcomer from behind the counter, through the mirror in front of which the liquors were placed.
Of course both twins already came out swinging, while Virgilio and Luca simply looked at him with the gaze of two hungry lions.
And obviously Patrizio noticed the looks that the Trentine guy - that is Luca - launched at his blood relative, and Giuda shook his head after seeing the Emilian's eyes getting a little bleary.
-If I end up like this too, I'll set myself on fire.-
"You're quiet, Giudino [4].", Tommaso, the only one who seemed immune to the charm of the newcomer, chirped.
Giuda merely smiled slyly, pointing to the group behind him with a nod:
"I'm enjoying the vultures."
"Pffftt, they're terribleee!", the pastry chef whispered, biting his lip from laughing, which made Giuda smile even further and then continue:
"They look like they haven't seen a man for ages, eh? And Patrizio has the face of someone who repented 'a sbrega'."
"At what?"
"Someone who regretted it very much. I’ll have to teach you Venetian sooner or later, boss."
Tommaso nodded, and Giuda decided to get defensive even before anyone could attack him.
"Plus, like... He's not even that  cool. He's pretty, don't get me wrong, but c'mon, to the point of making all four of them lose their heads?"
Tommaso nodded, shrugging:
"Agreed. And I hope Luca will soon get over this thing before Patrizio goes on a killing spree."
"Patrizio should also get a move on, however; Luca is too much of a wimp to realize he's drooling like a slug. If he doesn't get moving, someone else will take him and I’d like to remind you that the last time Patrizio got drunk, he got a sad hangover."
"Don't remind me, please."
"Ao, regà!" [5], Remo sneaked in and took them both by the arm, smiling like the idiot he was.
"Come and meet the newcomer!"
- Oh, no, please. -
"Boss, at least let me take off my dishwashing gloves!"
"No no, you have to keep them, I want him to understand who's in charge!", the 'older' brother of the Stella twins laughed at the request of his dishwasher.
- Curses.-
With a movement worthy of the worst drunks in Caracas, he brought Tommaso and Giuda in front of the newcomer, who had a smile capable of melting Giuda's heart in an instant.
And it did.
"Emilio, here's my co-partner and pastry-chef Tommaso Sandero, and my all-rounder, dishwasher, whatever-you-want, Giuda."
"I have a surname too, you know, old man.", with an eyeroll worthy of a Hollywood star, Giuda turned to Emilio.
Shit, he was even more beautiful, up close.
"Giuda Schiavon. I would shake your hand but I have gloves on."
"Schiavon?", Emilio asked, lighting up.
How beautiful a human being could be? Was he even legal?
"Ahah, his name is Schiavon. Which is perfect, since he's ours... [6]", Remo started, but Emilio dreamily clasped his hands in front of his face and asked, interrupting him:
"Are you from Veneto too? I'm from Verona!"
Giuda just shrugged, nodding immediately after:
"Par tera, par mar, Sammarco. [7]"
"Can del porco, un Venexian! Beaaa! [8]"
Having said that, Emilio approached him, pretending to speak in great secrecy - which was impossible, since everyone was still staring at him as if he was a wonderful thing, except perhaps Romolo, who was just looking at Giuda as if he was the worst thing that ever happened in this world:
"Cossa go da far pa aver na bona ombra de vin qua? [9]"
Was he trying to speak Venetian?
Was there a limit to how cute he could be?
"Ask Remo. I only wash the glasses, I don't fill them."
Having said that, he turned to the owner, making a superhuman effort to take his eyes off Emilio, who seemed quite dazzled by the answer.
"Can I go back? I have to go to the kitchen to finish washing the dishes before other people arrive for happy hour."
Then he turned back to Emilio, waving at him with half a smile:
"Fellow countryman, enjoy your stay in Bologna."
And then he left, without giving him time to answer.
Three years passed since their first meeting.
Three years in which Romolo made the funniest epic fail with Emilio, in which Patrizio decided to stick his tongue down Luca's mouth, and Virgilio pretended to be drunk to touch Romolo's ass, whom he said he'd forgotten, but Giuda knew that was bullshit.
Because he, being a chronic liar, could basically smell the lies.
In fact, not even for a second did he let anyone remotely suspect of his mind-blowing crush on the psychologist, especially the above mentioned, given that he was probably now convinced he hated his guts.
Which was the intention of the Venetian, since he took for granted that the thirty-year-old was far beyond what someone like him could afford.
After the disastrous relationship with one of his university buddies, Giuda indeed decided that being single was far better than being heartbroken.
Even though his heart wasn't too good.
Treating Emilio badly was making him lose sleep, at times he risked forgetting to put on his contact lenses due to tiredness, and even Virgilio took the piss out of him for the bags under his eyes.
And now he was there. Gloves in one hand and a broom in the other.
With Remo looking at him with a Cheshire Cat's smile on his face.
"You little snake. I get it, you know? You like the Veronese."
"You're speaking nonsense. I’d rather kill him right now. I dropped the glasses because of him."
"Don’t fuck with me. Tommy and I yell at you all the time and you’ve never jumped like this. Yo, Coso [10], I can smell lies too, you're not the only one. You’re being a little shit because you like him."
Giuda kept looking the bar owner in the eye, trying to deny it with all of his body language.
"I. Don't. Like. Emilio. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but Mr. Psychoanalysis isn’t exactly my cup of tea, okay?"
There was something in Remo’s voice, something that for a moment opened a breach in the Venetian's heart.
Maybe... Maybe he could trust someone.
"...From the first day he walked in here. You all got over it. But me? Never. I don’t have a crush on Emilio, Remo. I’m in love with Emilio. But I’ve suffered enough in the past to know that I’m better off alone. What if it goes wrong? How am I gonna look at him? How...?"
"You don't know that. I mean, I don't know either even if I live with him, how can you, if you run away every time you see him?"
"I personally believe that what you don’t know can’t hurt you."
"If Luca were here he would scream 'Boiate' [11]. Giuda... I..."
"Welp. It's too late now, the damage is done, right? He’s probably convinced I hate him even more after today's crap."
With a bitter laugh, Giuda surpassed the roman, continuing:
"I blew every chance, amen..."
"But surely he won’t stop coming, we’re his favorite bar and you’re his roommate..."
"Giuda, shut up."
"I'm sure he'll find someone else pretty quickly, he just needs to breathe and someone always comes along."
The dishwasher turned again towards Remo, biting his lip as the stupid tears began to stream down his face.
"I can’t do this, okay? After Mattia, I don’t know what to do, with a man. Besides, I’m kind of a mess. Emilio will never appreciate someone like me."
Remo remained silent for a moment, before moving forward... and hugging? Giuda.
The Venetian was baffled, usually it was Tommaso, the one with whom he sometimes allowed himself affectionate gestures.
"Shut your mouth, you’re not that bad. And I swear on Totti [12], I’ll help you get the therapist, whether you want it or not."
Giuda laughed bitterly, his face stuck in the chest of his tallest peer.
"Yeah, sure. And how are you gonna do that?"
Remo let him go and asked, very seriously:
"Do you know how to play briscola [13]?"
[1]: transl. "I'm fucked" [2]: "Holy crap" + Pati = a nickname for Patrizio [3]: this is a pun with Romolo and Remo's surname, "Stella" = "Star", that here is referred as "Stellina/Stelline" = "Little Star/Little Stars" [4]: a nickname for Giuda, a diminutive of his name [5]: a Romanesco dialect exclamation that means more or less "Hey, guys!" [6]: it's a pun with Giuda's surname, Schiavon, that in italian, without the "n" at the end, is "Schiavo" = "Slave" [7]: it's a Venetian saying that literally means "on land, on sea, San Marco", but more broadly it means the power of the Venice Republic that reigned both on the land and on the sea [8]: "Good heavens, a Venetian! Niiice!" [9]: "What can I do to have a good glass of wine around here?"; in Venetian dialect, "ombra" means both "shadow" and "glass of wine" [10]: "coso" is the italian version of "thingy" and/or "dude/dingus" [11]: yes, "boiate" is the italian term for "falsehood", in this case [12]: a famous Italian soccer player, specifically from Rome [13]: a very popular Italian card game
1 - 2 - ?
see ya next time, ciao!
Quando Emilio Picani entrava al Dolce&Remì, tutte le teste si giravano. E quando tutte le teste si giravano, l'unico istinto di Giuda Schiavon era di girarsi dalla parte opposta. 
Per evitare di implodere.
Nel momento esatto in cui il giovane aveva oltrepassato la soglia, Giuda aveva capito che era lui il famoso "cugino psicologo" di Patrizio. 
E nel momento esatto in cui aveva visto il suo volto, solo una frase gli aveva rimbombato nel cervello:
- Sò ciavà.-
Il nuovo arrivato si era seduto al bancone, Remo che sembrava illuminato d'immenso, e Romolo che sembrava stesse per avere un infarto.
"Patrì. Ma stiamo a scherzare? Ce lo dovevi minimo minimo dire che tuo cugino era così bello!"
"Ma cosa stai dicendo, Romolo? Mo' dai guarda, che lo metti in imbarazzo!”
"Orco can Pati, stai calmo! Guarda che ci vuole molto di più per imbarazzarmi." aveva risposto il diretto interessato, scoccando un sorriso benevolo a Romolo, che si era limitato a ridere come una dodicenne.
- Ben ciò, perché mi mancava la competizione con la Stellina.- 
Giuda aveva lanciato uno sguardo a Remo, che stava strofinando lo stesso bicchiere da tre minuti. 
-Ah beo. Entrambe, le Stelline.-
E si era limitato a guardare il nuovo arrivato da dietro il bancone, attraverso lo specchio davanti al quale erano sistemati gli alcolici. 
Ovviamente entrambi i gemelli erano già partiti all'attacco, e Virgilio e Luca si limitavano a guardarlo con lo sguardo di due leoni affamati. 
Ovviamente, Patrizio si era accorto degli sguardi che il trentino lanciava al proprio consanguineo, e Giuda aveva scosso la testa vedendo i suoi occhi velarsi un po’.
- Se finisco anche io così mi do fuoco.-
"Sei silenzioso, Giudino." Aveva cinguettato Tommaso, l'unico a sembrare immune al fascino del nuovo arrivato. 
Giuda si era limitato a sorridere sornione, indicando il gruppetto alle sue spalle con un cenno del capo.
"Mi sto godendo gli avvoltoi."
"PFFFF sono tremendiii!" Aveva sussurrato il pasticciere mordendosi il labbro dal ridere, cosa che aveva fatto sorridere ulteriormente Giuda che quindi aveva continuato:
"Sembra non vedano un uomo da millenni eh. Veramente. E Patrizio ha la faccia di uno che si è pentito a sbrega."
"A cosa?
"Pentito molto. Devo insegnarti il veneziano prima o poi, Boss." 
Tommaso aveva annuito, e Giuda aveva deciso di mettersi sulla difensiva ancora prima che qualcuno potesse partire all'attacco.
"Che poi... Neanche fosse così figo. Bellino eh. Ma insomma, da far andare fuori di testa tutti e quattro?"
Tommaso aveva annuito, facendo spallucce. 
"Ti do ragione. E spero che a Luca questa cosa passi presto prima che Patrizio faccia una strage."
"Patrizio dovrebbe anche darsi una mossa però eh, Luca è troppo impedito per accorgersi di quanto stia sbavando come una lumaca. Se non si muove finisce che se lo prende qualcun altro e ti ricordo che l'ultima volta è andato di sbronza triste."
"Non ricordamelo, ti prego..."
"Ao, regà!" Remo era arrivato di soppiatto e li aveva presi entrambi sottobraccio, sorridendo come lo scemo che era.
"Venite a conoscere il nuovo arrivato!"
- Oh, no, ti prego.- 
"Capo fammi almeno togliere i guanti da piatti!"
"No no, li devi tenè, voglio che capisca chi comanda!" Aveva riso il maggiore dei gemelli Stella alla richiesta del suo lavapiatti. 
Con un movimento degno dei peggiori ubriachi di Caracas, aveva portato Tommaso e Giuda al cospetto del nuovo arrivato, che aveva addosso un sorriso capace di sciogliere il cuore di Giuda in un istante.
E lo aveva fatto.
"Emilio, ecco il mio socio e pasticcere Tommaso Sandero, e il mio lavapiatti tuttofare quello-che-vuoi, Giuda."
"Ho un cognome anche io sai, vecchio." con un eyerolling degno di una star holliwoodiana, Giuda si era voltato verso Emilio. 
Merda, era ancora più bello, da vicino.
"Giuda Schiavon. Ti darei la mano ma ho i guanti."
"Schiavon?" Aveva chiesto Emilio illuminandosi. 
Ma quanto poteva essere bello un essere umano? Ma era legale?
"Ahah, si chiama Schiavon. Il che è perfetto visto che è il nostro..." Aveva iniziato Remo, ma Emilio aveva stretto le mani davanti al viso con aria sognante ed aveva chiesto, interrompendolo:
"Ma sei veneto anche tu? Io sono di Verona!"
Giuda si era limitato a fare spallucce, annuendo subito dopo.
"Par tera, par mar, Sammarco."
"Can del porco un Venexian! Beaaa!" 
Detto questo, si era avvicinato facendo finta di parlare in gran segreto - cosa impossibile visto che tutti lo stavano ancora fissando come se fosse una cosa meravigliosa, tranne forse Romolo che stava guardando proprio Giuda come se fosse la peggiore delle cose mai capitate a questo mondo:
"Cossa go da far pa aver na bona ombra de vin qua?" 
Stava cercando di parlare in veneziano? 
Ma c'era un limite a quanto potesse essere carino?
"Domandarghe a Remo. Io lavo i bicchieri, non li riempio mica." 
Detto questo si era girato verso il titolare, compiendo uno sforzo sovrumano per distogliere lo sguardo da Emilio, che sembrava parecchio abbacchiato dalla risposta.
"Posso tornare di là? Devo andare in cucina a finire i piatti prima che arrivi altra gente per l'happy hour." 
Si era quindi girato di nuovo verso Emilio, facendogli un cenno di saluto con un mezzo sorriso.
"Conterraneo, buona permanenza a Bologna."
E se n'era andato, senza lasciargli il tempo di rispondere.
Erano passati tre anni, da quel loro primo incontro. 
Tre anni nei quali Romolo aveva fatto il più divertente degli epic fail con Emilio, nei quali Patrizio si era deciso a ficcare la lingua in bocca a Luca, e Virgilio aveva fatto finta di essere ubriaco per toccare il culo di Romolo, che diceva di aver dimenticato, ma Giuda sapeva essere una balla. 
Perché lui, le balle, le subodorava, essendo un bugiardo cronico.
Infatti, nemmeno per un secondo aveva lasciato che qualcuno sospettasse minimamente della sua cotta allucinante per lo psicologo, specialmente il suddetto, visto che si era probabilmente ormai convinto di stargli sullo stomaco.  
Il che era l'intento del veneziano, visto che dava per scontato che il trentenne fosse ben oltre quello che uno come lui potesse permettersi. 
Dopo la disastrosa relazione col suo compagno di facoltà, Giuda aveva infatti deciso che single era decisamente meglio che col cuore a pezzi. 
Anche se il suo cuore non stava troppo bene. 
Trattare male Emilio gli stava facendo ormai perdere il sonno, a volte rischiava di dimenticare le lenti dalla stanchezza, e persino Virgilio lo prendeva per il culo per le occhiaie.
Ed ora era lì. I guanti in una mano ed una scopa nell'altra.
Con Remo che lo guardava con il sorriso dello Stregatto dipinto in faccia.
"A serpentino. L'ho capito eh. Te piace er veronese."
"Tu stai vaneggiando. Ora come ora lo ammazzerei. Ho fatto volare i bicchieri per colpa sua."
"Nun me piglià per il culo. Io e Tommy ti gridiamo contro in continuazione e non hai mai saltato così. Senti Coso, pure io le subodoro le stronzate, non sei mica l'unico. Fai il merda perché ti piace."
Giuda continuava a guardare il titolare negli occhi, cercando di negare con tutto il linguaggio del corpo.
"Non. Mi. Piace. Emilio. Non so cosa ti sei messo in testa, ma Mister Psicanalisi non è esattamente di mio gradimento okay?"
C'era qualcosa nel tono di Remo, qualcosa che per un attimo, aveva aperto una breccia nel cuore del veneziano. 
Forse... Forse poteva fidarsi, di qualcuno.
"...Dal primo giorno in cui è entrato qui dentro. A voi tutti è passata. Ma a me mai. Non ho una cotta per Emilio, Remo. Io sono innamorato, di Emilio. Ma ho sofferto abbastanza in passato da sapere che sto meglio da solo. E se poi va male? Con che faccia lo guardo? Come..."
"Non puoi saperlo. Voglio dire, non posso saperlo io che ci vivo assieme, come puoi farlo tu se scappi ogni volta che lo vedi?"
"Sono del parere che ciò che non sai non può farti del male."
"Fosse qua Luca urlerebbe 'Boiate'. Giuda... io..."
"Beh. Ormai il danno è fatto, no? Si sarà convinto che lo odio dopo la stronzata di oggi." 
Con una risata amara, Giuda aveva superato il romano, continuando: 
"Mi sono bruciato ogni possibilità, amen..."
"... Però di sicuro mica smette di venire, siamo il suo bar preferito e tu sei il suo coinquilino..."
"Giuda piantala."
"Di sicuro troverà subito qualcuno, gli basta respirare e arriva sempre qualcuno..."
Il lavapiatti si era girato di nuovo verso Remo, mordendosi il labbro mentre le stupidissime lacrime iniziavano a scendere.
"Io non ce la posso fare okay? Dopo Mattia non so più come comportarmi, con un uomo. E poi sono un casino. Emilio non potrà mai apprezzare uno come me."
Remo era rimasto in silenzio per un attimo, prima di avanzare ed... abbracciare? Giuda. 
Il veneziano era basito, di solito era Tommaso, quello con cui a volte si permetteva gesti affettuosi.
"Ti devi de sta zitto. Non fai così schifo. E te lo giuro su Totti, io ti aiuterò a prenderti lo psicologo, che tu lo voglia o no." 
Giuda aveva riso amaramente, la faccia ficcata nel petto dell'altissimo coetaneo.
"Seh, vabbè. E come credi di fare?"
Remo lo aveva lasciato andare ed aveva sentenziato, serissimo.
"Sai giocare a briscola?"
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mieczyhale · 5 years ago
a messy explanation of things and unnecessary information about life lately
soooo... right. i’m sorry i haven’t really been around aside from popping in here and there, and that i’ve been taking longer than usual to reply to things / not replying to things at all. it’s NOT that i’m upset with anyone or trying to ignore / avoid anyone, and it’s not that i don’t care / don’t love talking to you (whomstever you may be) i love chatting with y’all and wish i could get myself to reply to things quicker but i do not control the me lmfao honestly my sleep has never had a schedule but in recent weeks it’s kinda been operating like there’s a lil gremlin in my head who spins a wheel and picks my sleeping times at random - and it’s either like.. two hours or most of a day. there hasn’t been a lot of in between so that’s a thing!!
also in a fun added mix of maybe sleep?, missing meds, being stuck in the house more often than not, and the FUCKING EVERYTHING happening in the world right now my mental health is... probably run by the same goblin that runs my sleep schedule lmao consistency whomst?? since the lockdown started the depression has of course been around more but actually, worse than that, is how my anxiety - and by extension: my ocd - have really amped up and i need y’all to know that the struggle is painfully real (and another thing that affects shit like my replies and writing. reading as well. fics have been kinda stressful and that should be illegal. who authorized this?) i don’t hate talking about it but i don’t really like it either?? especially like.. in depth. but i will say there has been crying, screaming, pain!, and i’ve acquired a few physical injuries.
on a personal level - a ‘just me’ level - shit is an even bigger mess than usual lmao but all these things will get better eventually - they always do. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ON A PERSONAL LEVEL - THE FULL LEVEL - THINGS.... are pretty great actually! i mean aside from the state of my fucking house e__e but Josh has been working from home for two (2) months now and it’s been really nice - people complaining about their partners being home?? can’t relate. yknow what?? i just might love that tall bastard even more from all this.fuck all y’all miserable fucks
we’ve been going out for drives and we’ve gone fishing and the only place i’ve gone too that’s re-opened is goodwill. because i require.. the shop. they do have a masks required rule! (at least at the one here) and, alongside that, the places we’ve gone that never closed (like grocery stores and the gas station and the hardware store) have social distancing rules and stuff in place which i love. can we keep social distancing after this is all over?? more things here in wisconsin are opening up and we might go to some. idk though. we also might not. either way its still a weird kind of exciting to see things opening back up?? even though i do think we’re not totally in the clear because most of our gov. sucks (our mayor tried to extend our stay-at-home order - keyword there is TRIED. we are the land of cheese, cows, and no fucking braincells for anyone) 
having pets is obviously not a new thing for me but it’s still a thing. so it takes time and effort and energy and patience and love and a certain disregard for your own safety (claws. they really be as sharp as you think) so... it can be stressful, especially cuz we’ve had to keep them inside more as it gets hot out and something keeps breaking our porch screens (our cats are allowed onto our screened in porch or they can go out in a harness but we will never let them run free outside. fuck that noise)  my bbies are all so cute and their personalities and idiosyncrasies are just... *chefs kiss* i love em and they’re definitely a part of what has made quarantine better
i’ve seen my mom a few times, like for my birthday and when she needed help moving Isaiah from one dorm to another and such, but that’s primarily been an option because she has become anti-mask and anti-stay-at-home-order. initially she wasn’t - she gave Isaiah and i fun lil masks since at that time trying to buy them would be impossible and she thought nothing of staying home - but i guess either as its dragged on or as she’s consumed her middle-right wing news that changed s o. she does take social distancing in public very seriously though, so at least there’s that. our favorite coffee shop, where we - pre-lockdown - always went one (1) or two (2) times a week to do art for hours re-opens on monday and that’s one of the few things i’ve truly missed.
josh’s camping trip for this weekend with his friends had to be cancelled because the parks weren’t going to open in time. so today they’re going somewhere to do at least some of the things they would have done if they had gone camping. bikes, bonfires, and cigars. i’m kinda jealous negl but he was really excited about it so mostly i’m happy
trying to figure out how human services was running things during lockdown was rough but thankfully it didn’t take much to get it sorted. mostly because my mom made the phone call i was supposed to lol (the phone anxiety is on its own level) so wednesday afternoon my mom sat with me while i had the appointment with my psychiatrist over speakerphone (which was.. an experience)
OH YEAH! Probably absolutely my favorite thing that’s happened is: WE’RE STARTING THE SEARCH FOR A NEW HOUSE!!!! it doesn’t mean we’re gonna be moving soon or anything, we don’t want to make the same mistake twice (buying the first house you tour that you love) because while it is a great house ultimately it is way too small for us. i mean there’s me and josh, all six cats, and ALL OUR SHIT. listen: i have an entire room dedicated to my various hobbies. and a walk in closet that isn’t big enough. and we both have collections we love and want to display (right now upstairs its hello kitty and downstairs its astronomy and the titanic. and then there’s pop figures, mtg, collectibles, our bottle collection and various knickknacks, etc.) plus all our books! then furniture and cat furniture (i.e towers) and all their shit because they are spoiled babies. and god forbid we ever have a human kid?? yeah. it’s just not big enough. 
so we’re gonna take more time with this choice but what we do know is:: we wanna live out in the country (i’m paranoid and don’t like to be looked at and he loves the outdoors, lived on a farm for awhile. i also enjoy the outdoors but mostly since we moved into this house i’ve struggled with doing anything outside... while we only have one neighbor on our road. but there’s one across the road and one at the other side of our backyard and that’s just too much lol) 
lets see.. um.... my birthday was may 2nd and that was pretty nice, for a pandemic birthday. there’s been a lot of stuff happening involving josh’s family but that’s not something i really wanna get into on here, tho i will say things have been better in recent weeks and it’s been... really nice. josh and i went to his mom’s house the other night and got drunk with her for fun and i actually had a really good time?? and didn’t complain about going?? that’s kinda unheard of.
i don’t have a job anymore - haven’t since early march-ish - and it kinda sucks but also the universe really did me a solid because my choices were either allow myself to work until i have a mental break again or quit. and i was leaning towards quitting (things had been going down hill with the owner and other employees and just the business as a whole for awhile and there’s a limit to the amount of bullshit i can take thanks) but now it doesn’t seem i have to. why do i think i’m jobless? i was barely working anyway, bc of the snow business was slow, and in march i got really sick and stayed home for a week. the day i was supposed to go back i was still sick, and covid19 was starting to become more of a serious situation everywhere, so josh called in for me and explained that between still being sick and my anxiety over covid (asthma + a not so great immune system) i wasn’t going in that day. i never heard from them again. so. 
but it’s all good - there are some options but i’m not looking into them seriously until it’s safe to.
i felt it wouldn’t be a bad idea to come on here and explain A. what’s been going on and B. where i’ve been and C. that if i haven’t responded to you or acknowledged something you sent me / tagged me in it’s literally just because i either forgot to (for all reasons and none) or i don’t have the mental space / energy to. but that doesn’t mean you have to stop talking to me! even if i don’t respond or respond immediately i do read everything and i would die for any one of you fuckers (especially my clowns and the tom hardy movie) 
oh! and just btw - sometimes i don’t get notifications (quelle surprise) tumblr and skype should really pair up and talk about their truly great systems that function so well /s 8| ANYWAY: the best and most reliable ways to get my attention are twitter ( @/mieczyhale) and discord (same name) because i have yet to see their notifications fail. ahem.
i feel like i’m missing things / forgetting things but honestly this post is long enough and also enough of a rambley mess that i’m just gonna try and ignore that feeling and carry on with my goddamn day so i might actually accomplish something. sorry if there’s spelling off or missing words. i’m not taking the time to re-read this and might even delete it bc it’s already giving me anxiety bUT WE’LL SEE ALRIGHT HI AND BYE I LOVE YOU GUYS <3
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ngame989 · 7 years ago
Thought on tomstar?
Good for character development, not a particularly healthy romantic relationship - which is exactly how the show portrays it anyway. Tom not being committed to helping Star and Star ignoring Tom/prioritizing Marco forms a feedback loop that’s good for no one. Both would’ve been better off staying friends, but Star’s heart was understandably aching and Tom never internalized his stated desire to move on, so off they go holding hands and shit. There’s certainly some good in it, too. Demoncism was a solid episode demonstrating the genuine connection they can have, and it’s not as though there was anything wrong with their PDA in episodes such as Lava Lake Beach and Monster Bash. Not my thing, obviously, but that’s just me, and if someone liked the pairing then hey there ya go you get your cute romantic Tomstar moments just like Jarco had in season 2. None of this is/was fanservice or anything, it’s just how people act when they’re dating. 
All things considered, I think the show handles it well - if you go back and rewatch the episodes (with your mind clear of whatever preconceptions you would’ve had when 3A aired, or whatever bullshit the fandom is spewing), it never tries to paint it in an unfair light in either direction. It’s never shown as some epic romance for the ages when it’s clearly not, but it’s also not treated as an abomination unto the lord when it clearly isn’t that, either. It was rushed, it felt like whiplash, but it wasn’t some awful mistake - it’s just two teens that know they want support but don’t really understand themselves well enough to know the best ways to do it. And this is all completely intentional given the theme of change - and specifically that trying to force/rush change doesn’t work - in season 3.
Time to get ranty.
Now let’s step back from the very, very narrow lens of “objective take on the presentation of the ship within the canon episodes” and take off the kiddie gloves for a sec, because here is where my opinion can go from “not good, not awful, but just definitely not my thing” to “kill it, toss the corpse in a lake, excise the landmass containing the lake from the planet, chuck that into the sun, and maybe nuke the rest of the planet just to be safe”. So many garbage takes in this fandom about how Tom “deserves” Star as though she’s just another of Brian’s Good Boy Badges, how Star’s a rancid bitch for ignoring/mistreating him, the kiss in Booth Buddies being some irredeemable/forced trash… All just totally miss the whole point of Star’s character and/or the show itself just because people want their demon husbando to get some even when it’s not best for him, and ignoring everything else about the show (similar to takes of Marco being a irredeemable neglecting asshole to Jackie or the Jarco breakup/his feelings for Star being “forced” coming about as a result of fans’ Jackie infatuations). Not to mention the AUs that turn the Tomstar kid into a martyr who everyone hates to farm sympathy points, despite that totally missing the point about how the show handles prejudice…
Alright, that was a refreshing stroll away from my computer for some fresh air. Where were we?
I’m not saying I’m perfect here either, I was wrong about Tom and Star getting back together - but all my reasonings for why they wouldn’t get back together ended up coming true as reasons why it wasn’t all that healthy instead. I would never claim to know everything about the show, but I at least aim to maintain a core, consistent understanding of the fundamentals of the characters/show. And seeing so, so, so much misinformation or outright malicious stupidity over the character development (which is the cornerstone of the show) sickens me.
Do note that the Starco side of the fandom isn’t immune to my wrathful criticism here either - a lot of Starco AUs fuck up understanding the show and a lot of Starco fans also have a horribly skewed view of Tom in the opposite direction. I like Tom as a character and appreciate his growth, and it sickens me that almost all of the vocal fandom I’ve seen gets it so fundamentally wrong. On my darker days I’ve even caught myself thinking maybe it would’ve been better if Tom just stayed an asshole after Season 1 and never got redemption just so all the bullshit surrounding him wouldn’t happen. This is probably the closest I’ve come to having my view of the show itself poisoned by outside influence, and that spooks me a bit lmfao. And I wouldn’t really like Tomstar art or whatever anyway, but at this point I’m practically Pavlovian conditioned to think of the bullshit whenever I see it, which pushes it towards “NOTP” territory. Which is a shame because I don’t like to have such strong negative feelings about something in the show that doesn’t deserve them, but alas.
And before I get an inevitable ask about it, the fandom notion of Stomco/Tomstarco is even more offensive to me. “But wait, Ngame, it has Starco included so it’s at least better, right?” Yes, Starco is a component of that dynamic and I appreciate that its fans are at least willing to admit Star and Marco at this point love each other, but it’s essentially the equivalent of getting Starco granted by a monkey’s paw. Stomco undercuts everything that makes them such a loyal and committed pairing by equating that to the bonds Star and Tom or Tom and Marco have, thus either ignoring everything special about Starco and leveling it to a normal teen romance or being so blind as to claim Tomstar or Tomco share what Star and Marco have developed over the past three seasons. And considering a lot of the fans of that triplet are/were Tomstar and Tomco fans before, to the point where the Tumblr Stomco Week was jointly hosted by Tomstar and Tomco Week blogs… forgive me for seeing the whole thing as Tom zealots blatantly disregarding the whole point of Starco just so Tom gets a slice of the action. 
The moral of this story is, don’t be like me because it’s not fun being this negative. I actively try not to dwell on this stuff anymore, but I’m happy to provide my opinion here just to clear the air. And I’d never shove my negativity about this down others’ throats or say that someone is wrong for just liking something, not at all. If you ever find yourself in a similar position, just step back from the fandom, only check the bare minimum tags for new art, find some friends to personally connect with over the show, idk. Yeah, it sucks that so much of the fandom just doesn’t appreciate a lot of the good aspects of the show, and I’d kill for there to be a way more consistent production of Starco art/fics, but c’est la vie.
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