sayokarma · 4 years
Let TK ask Buck how long has he been dating Eddie and when Buck is like what????? We're not dating ???? TK just looks at him dead in the eyes and goes: you're raising his kid together, man
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sayokarma · 4 years
Coming Out Idea #1
My parents: I fear the gay agenda
Me: oh you have nothing to worry about, I’ve never been good at keeping a planner
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sayokarma · 4 years
Damn can someone write this, I’m too lazy
a house MD re-edit where everything stays the same but every time house has a Realization while talking to wilson he kisses him before storming off
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sayokarma · 4 years
The comedic image of two people fighting over who's getting to walk through a door first and trying to squeeze through together until someone points out the mistletoe hanging above them
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sayokarma · 4 years
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get to know me - [1/5] favorite relationships → house/wilson [house, m.d.]
“If you’re gonna say that you’ve always been secretly gay for me, everyone just kind of assumed it.”
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sayokarma · 4 years
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absolutely not
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sayokarma · 4 years
“We are the protagonists of the world” I can’t
And Furudate sensei said: let bokuaka be canon
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And it was canon. 
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sayokarma · 4 years
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@Hyta_hq (twitter)
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sayokarma · 4 years
on the nights before big games akaashi paints bokuto’s nails so he has something to remember his good luck charm by when he’s out on the court without him
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sayokarma · 4 years
I live in NYC. I’m an RA so I have to live on campus in Manhattan, about 5-10 minute walk from our school, but all of my best friends live in the buttcrack of Brooklyn. It’s about a 40 minute subway commute between us and I still see them almost every day.
The idea that Kuroo and Kenma would never see each other for a whole semester or year or something is completely unfounded in reality, and as much as I love that trope for angst, I occasionally think it’s cuter to imagine that Kuroo stayed in Tokyo for uni and stayed at home on purpose because he didn’t want to leave Kenma.
The whole concept of Kuroo being out of reach from Kenma bc of college is, how do I put it, very americanized?? Like don’t get me wrong it’s cool for the angst potential but realistically if he were to stay in Tokyo, which apparently he has, it doesn’t take him that long to uni! Public transport is great and the city isn’t WIDE it’s just extremely densely populated. The whole living at dorms thing is more for people actually coming from other cities or countries not so much if you’re already living in Tokyo,,, also like mind you all this is second hand information from someone who’s never lived in either Tokyo or Japan in general but personally it takes me 45 mins to uni with public transport and I have not once considered moving to the dorms sdfsdg
Because I feel like I’m talking out of my ass here (which I am) I went ahead and did some fact checking, so officially Nekoma High is located in Nerima ward, which is marked here:
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We don’t know where exactly Kuroo and Kenma live, just that they take the train to school every day so it’s gotta be reasonably close, which is why for further reasoning I’m just gonna use the centre of Nerima ward as a starting point!
Now obviously another thing we have no idea about is where Kuroo actually went to uni but I’m assuming he studied business?? Marketing? Who knows really but here are locations of some places that supposedly have good business programs:
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From the centre of Nerima ward (selected by google, Idk if it’s acutally the centre; marked red) it takes on average 51 minutes to each one of these. If we remove the outlier (Hitotsubashi University, 73 minutes), we’re down to 46 minutes. There’s people in my study course who take over an hour on the train to get to uni and still do it every single day because moving to the dorms costs a lot of money and effort, not to mention getting separated from your social circle!
Again no shade to people who like this kinda separation/ long distance hc, it just bothers me that everyone kinda acts like it’s a given, because it’s really not!!
Alright that’s all thanks for coming to my ted talk I’ll see myself out now
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sayokarma · 4 years
headcanon that Kenma is an introvert and has ADHD
so people are exhausting and he has no energy for them but he does need to get out his ADHD wiggles and that's how and why he can stay focused on his games for so long and why he never leaves home without them. Otherwise, he'd bounce off the walls and for someone with social anxiety, bouncing off the walls in public is Not Fun and occassionally Embarrassing and makes you very Self Conscious, so yeah, games
Also he has a MILLION different games because (like most people with ADHD) he has a hard time staying interested in the same game for more than a week at a time so he has to cycle through them
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sayokarma · 4 years
What your favorite Haikyuu!! ship says about you:
You are incredibly pure and innocent. Probably really energetic like Hinata and think Kags is cute/hot. They are your children. You love Kiyachi, too.
#mostlikelytoreadcoffeeshopaus #mostlikelytoreadkidficaus #mostlikeytoenjoysliceoflifefics #mostlikelytoreadestablishedrelationshipfics You are very pure but you are aware that Suga can get crafty and Daichi loves it. Daichi is your daddy and you know it. If this is your favorite ship, you probably don’t have a ton of ships on the teams other than Karasuno. You ship Asanoya and Kiyachi. Have probably read a kid fic where Kagehina are their kids.
The height difference and personality difference KILLS you. Asahi is your baby. You probably also really like Kagehina and Daisuga.
“Tsukkiiiiiiiiii” Either very pure or very kinky. Would kill for Yams and would die for Tsukki. Tsukki is daddy and you will protect Yamaguchi at all costs. You love tsunderes. Probably ship KuroKen. Dinosaurs and strawberries. Frecklessssss. Stars and Moon metaphors.
Very pure. Simp for Kiyoko. Wish Kiyoko would spank you. Are probably a lesbian. Probably don’t have many ships outside of Karasuno and you don’t have any straight ships ever anywhere. #everyoneisgayfics Kiyoko walking Yachi home is your kink.
You like pain and angst in your stories. You are in love with Iwaizumi. Childhood friends to lovers is your favorite trope, and you probably also love KuroKen and/or Tsukkiyama for that reason. You’re more into fanfiction than fanart, but there’s a lot of quality fanfic compared to other ships so you’re happy. Oikawa is trash but he’s Iwa-chan’s trash, and you’re amazed and inspired by his discipline. Godzilla vs Aliens debates. You’re probably a little kinky, but the smut isn’t what you’re here for. Hurt/comfort fics omgggg, especially featuring Oikawa’s knee. #mostlikelytolikefake/pretendrelationshiptropes 
You are slightly evil. Not in the malevolent way, but you’re def the trash in your friend group, mind is probably constantly in the gutter. You lowkey feel like a secondary/supporting character in life, so you pay secondary characters more attention in fiction
You neeeed cuddles, very touchstarved, physical touch is your love language. You identify with Kenma’s social anxiety and propensity for wearing loose clothes/pseudo-laziness/everything else. You probably are not actually a gamer but if you’ve written a KuroKen fic, you probably researched games for Kenma to be playing in the fic. Maybe started playing games more because of your love for Kenma. Would literally kill to get your own Kuroo, you think he’s absolutely perfect, are probably aware that he’s more of a nerdy dweeb than an actual sex god, but you still love the fanart anyway.
Lev is baby and Yaku is your daddy. You love background ships. Probably love IwaOi, Matsuhana, and Daisuga. Suga is one of your favorite characters and you love Yaku and Suga’s friendship. Are probably kinky af. Height difference uwu
You are either hardcore in the Bokuto is a Simpleton camp or you are hardcore in the There’s More to Him than it Seems at First camp, there is no in between (unless you go back and forth between the two extremes lmao)
You are very pure, you think Ushijima is very pure, and you think Tendou is very pure deep down underneath his “kill their spirits” play style. In every fic, Tendou is either buillied as a kid, hated by his fam, or both. Being named after the Satori monster is a poetic theme in all of the fics you read. “Miracle Boy” is a pet name. You’re probably a simp for Reon, and/or Reon is Ushijima’s best friend.
Rare(ish)pair edition:
You love that Hinata gets Kenma excited and makes his open up more. So proud of your smol beans. You do not ship KuroKen, only barely ship Kagehina if at all, and probably don’t ship a lot of childhood friends to lovers either. Kenma trying to keep up with Hinata is a consistent theme in your fanfic, and you think that struggle is really interesting/fascinating as a part of their dynamic. You rarely read established relationship fics.
You are the asshole trash friend in the friend group. You and your s/o banter/are meant to each other a lot, but you love it. If I can’t make fun of you in jest then we’re not really friends. Are lowkey ride or die for your friends
You are in the Bokuto Is a Simpleton camp. Way too many bro puns. You would probably ship Tanaka and Noya.
Pretty Setter Squad. You either ship Bokuakakuroken, Bokuroo, or you hate both of those ships.
Pretty Setter Squad, but kinky. You probably ship IwaDai.
You probably ship OiSuga. You have the BIGGEST muscle kink. So much pwp. Literally, you are just here for the muscles.
Very pure. You ship Kagehina, otherwise, you’d be a Hinayachi shipper (maybe you ship both, you multishipper trash). Either seeing the characters as gay makes you uncomfortable or you ship KuroTsukki. Frecklesssssssss. You read overly fluffy getting-together fics.
Way too pure for this world, very straightforward, don’t read too much into character dynamics, love all of the characters, don’t have very many other ships
You are probably a little evil. You either like dark fics or redemption arc-type stories. Probably into BDSM fics or Dom/Sub vibes. Are the Oikawa in the relationship.
You have a thing for thighs. They are both Daddy. You want both of them but you can have neither so you put them with each other. Probably ship IwaOi or OiSuga. You think Daichi’s cop uniform is hot or (as of 2020) you pretend he’s not a cop. You’re kinda kinky
Literally any other ship
You are purposely looking for ships that nobody else ships. There is never any fanfic/fanart and you’ve made peace with that. You always have rarepair ships and rarely get into the main ships in a fandom.
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sayokarma · 4 years
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KUROO WEEK: November 11 - November 17
You ever think “What are some other ways I can show my appreciation for Nekoma’s captain, Kuroo Tetsurou?” If you’ve had this thought, good, if you haven’t, you should, because we have just the right week for you!!
From November 11 to November 17 we’ll be hosting Kuroo Week! An entire week dedicated to Nekoma’s #1. This means art, cosplays, fanfics, fanmixes, edits, anything you want to do. We’re not concerned with “skill” or “quality,” so get creative and have fun!!
Prompts are as follows:
Day 1: Blood in Our Veins
Day 2: Shipping
Day 3: Beach Episode
Day 4: Final Haikyuu Quest
Day 5: Science
Day 6: 👌🏼(Okay hand sign emoji)
Day 7: Happy Birthday!
Here are some helpful links you should check out before this week happens!
rules | faq | prompts | admins
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sayokarma · 4 years
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IwaOi x the Witcher Au
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sayokarma · 4 years
random aged-up!haikyuu!! au thoughts, where they’re all older but most of them are still playing professional volleyball: social media double dating kuroken wedding
hinata: we’re NOT getting together until you admit that IM A GOOD SPIKER
kageyama: well then i guess we’re NEVER GETTING TOGETHER!!
everyone else is torn between letting this play out because the betting pool is worth truly colossal amounts of money by now, and dying, because the demon duo needs a better outlet for all that sexual tension…bang it out somewhere other than the volleyball courts pls…the refs are watching……..
on the other hand, the news reporters are at the point where they’re willing to pay oikawa to stop talking about his sex life
on an unrelated note, iwaizumi is willing to pay anything to not hear about his sex life in volleyball news
oikawa is torn between letting the world think he’s some kind of sex god and being very lost, because he doesnt know that sex term and at this point its WAY too late to ask
(not pictured: iwaizumi trying to channel the stone for which he was named)
Keep reading
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sayokarma · 4 years
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“enemies to lovers”?? what about “enemies AND lovers”???
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sayokarma · 4 years
The AUs of Fanfiction
Flowershop/tattoo au: Don’t know where it came from but I’m here to fuck with it.
Coffee Shop au: WHY CANT THIS HAPPEN TO ME IN REAL LIFE?! +so much fluff
College au: They were roommates. Oh my god they were roommates.
High school au: Your ship but as a high school drama.
OHSHC (yes I’ve seen this): K I S S K I S S F A L L I N L O V E
Omega: I will never read “heat” the same way again.
Soulmate: Which trope?
Mafia au: Dont look at the authors search history.
Mix and match for even more!
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