#i know this is like stupid to be concerned about but man ... they wouldnt get it ....
orcelito · 2 months
Ykno the suckiest thing about being broken up with for someone else is that like. Well I'm doing generally fine, all things considered, but I Am kinda sad thinking about the things I've lost and all the casual affection that I can't have now.
But she's out there having all the affection she wants from her coworker, and it's just like. Damn this feels so skewed and SO unfair.
#speculation nation#and then U add in the fact that the girl she broke up with me for is already dating someone else (poly sort of situation)#and im just like. WHYYYYY did she break up with me instead of trying to negotiate poly???#she was gonna at first but when i expressed concern about poly given her obvious communication problems about it#then she dropped me like a hot coal. like sorry i wasnt about to let myself be stood up and ignored for basically a whole day#just to accept u trying to negotiate poly. like What?????#anyways i may have a bit of a history with being a bit of an asshole and breaking up with them#but at LEAST ive never broken up with anyone to immediately start dating someone else#and at LEAST ive broken up with them in person and not over text!!! the fuck?????#i keep alternating between 'surprisingly okay with it all' and 'maybe a little sad' and 'absolutely fucking LIVID'#and i keep wanting to yell at her more but i already said quite a lot of things. so id just be repeating myself#and at that point id just be a vitriolic piece of shit. which i try not to be.#so im letting her live in peace while i continue to be So Pissed about it and it just sucks man lmfao#why do i gotta be the bigger person fr. i even apologized for the hurtful things i was saying in anger. literally in that same conversation.#and she gets to pull this stunt and walk free and spend so much time with her new 'love' ignoring the world etc etc#honestly i hope it fails miserably for her. bc sure theres a chance it works out but every single part of this is impulsive and So Stupid.#and even tho my ex agreed with me when i told her it was INSANE. she was just like 'i have to' like OKAY????#jesus fucking christmas she's revealed a side to me that i really hadnt seen before.#so i hope it fails and i hope she tells me about it. i hope she owns up to her mistakes. for my own satisfaction.#but i have 0 intention on ever taking her back. because what the fuck????#i may be a flawed individual with plenty of problems. but i still have basic fucking dignity. and i am NOT accepting this back in my life.#and god damn her friend is moving into the unit across from mine for this coming year#and i may have to see my ex sometimes bc of it 😭😭😭#the friend seemed generally level headed tho. idk if i happen across him & he doesnt avoid me maybe i'll ask him what he thinks of this#bc she was treating me with such love and affection showing me off to all her friends. and then she drops me like a fucking coal.#i wouldnt say i made friends with them myself but we were at least friendly. so i doubt theyd have a good opinion of her for this.#so would the friend loyalty take precedence? or would he be willing to chat with me and confirm Yeah what the fuck?#bc if i had a friend who did this same exact thing id be side-eyeing them SO hard.#id support them bc theyre my friend but i would also be like 'hey uh Why did you do that. that was pretty awful of u you know that right'#& itd also make me more cautious of them too. for being Able to drop someone so suddenly lol.
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soullessjack · 4 months
just watched inherit the earth literwlly for the first time since it aired and. on one note, there’s a lot I want to say about dean dissociating himself from the situation so much that his behavior seems regressive and insincere, but on another note entirely. he was gonna get big fancy recliners and a giant tv for jack. okay.
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acesbelovedwife · 1 year
Stormy night
Ace, Luffy and Sabo reacting to you being scared of the storm!
He was on his way to his room as he heard sniffles through your door, he knocked asking are you okay. After not getting any answer he just opened the door to find you laying under your covers trembling from fear...
・he would be confused af, you were fine just a while ago
・im 100% sure the first thing he would do is go into cuddle mode
・this man has a golden retriever energy, you can't change my mind
"Are you ok? What happened?" He asked while keeping you close, he wasn't getting any answer but he decided to just leave it wanting you to calm down first. Then a thunder struck making you cry louder while trying to hide yourself more.
・he would finally get the idea
・i feel like he would run his fingers through your hair while talking to you about literally anything to calm you down
・it would work, most of the things Ace would talk about would be his stupid stories from his childhood which would make you laugh
・actually, he would leave at all, he would probably just fall asleep on you
・its not like it's a bad thing, his cuddles are amazing. He's your personal heater
・confused and concerned
・hes an idiot
・Luffy is also all about physical touch so yes, the first thing he would do is wrap his hands around you multiple times
・wouldn't really know what to do
He was suffocating you, you could barely breathe at this point he was holding you so tight. When he realized seeing you choke on your tears he loosened his grip "what's wrong y/n?"
・he would sound like a sad puppy (if that makes sense)
・i don't think he knows how to talk about problems but when it comes to cheering up people he's the perfect one for that job
・he would try to make you laugh
・saying stupid jokes
・making weird faces, just like he did when nami was sick
・it would work, he's just too cute
・if you would tell him that you're scared of the storm he would probably laugh
・not in a mean way tho, he would laugh at the fact that from all those scary things you guys are facing everyday you're scared of thunder
"Ni shi shi~ Don't worry y/n, I'll protect you!" He would laugh while hugging you close. He would just keep you close all night
・no he's not leaving
・be ready to wake up tangled in his limbs
・he has the most common sense out of all these three
・he would immediately know what's going on after he comes into room. You hiding under your blanked and trembling while there's a storm outside should be enough evidence that you're scared of it
・i think he wouldn't go straight to hugging he wouldnt want to make you uncomfortable, he would just pet your hair
You felt his hands ho through your hair calming you down, but when the lightning struck your hands would immediately reach out to Sabo and pull him under the covers with you.
・he would be shocked and flustered at first but he wouldn't mind at all!
・your grip would tighten around him whenever the lightning struck so he would whisper to your ear "it's ok I'm here" everytime calming you down
・he wouldn't leave unless you tell him to
・he would give you a kiss on your forehead saying "goodnight" as you fell asleep
This was my first time writing a headcon (if it's called that way) I hope I did well! It was also my first time writing Sabo so I hope you guys like it (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) Let me know if I should write some other characters! I hope you enjoyed reading~
I want to give them all a smooch I love them so much  ⁠(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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ganondoodle · 1 year
i talked about why i find the argument people love to use as an excuse as to why shiekah tech is all gone in totk that "they destroyed it bc they were afraid of it" dumb before many times so i wont go over my past points in detail again
- i was just reminded of that and thought of new points to rant about going from that, no evil intentions in mind just when sth is mentioned again after some time i think about it again and can come up with more stuff-
(past points being- how?? shiekah tech seemed pretty indestructable, especialyl the big structures; it seemed like it was a literal holy thing for alot of people in the game; that it would be pretty damn stupid to spend so much energy and probably endanger people to dismanlte it since that time and energy would be better used rebuilding important infrastrucutre instead; if it stopped working why wouldnt you just kinda .. leave it there; why in hells name would you get rid of the shrine of life .. and i guess monk miz kyoshia with it???; shouldnt they be MORE afraid of sonau tech then??)
new thoughts
wouldnt it be logical to research and develope shiekah tech MORE so you can make sure it cant get corrupted again, like a security measure idk anti virus if you will lol
on the specific idea of zelda using it ... shouldnt she be the BEST person to use it bc she could, if it somehow got corrupted again, cleanse it/instantly deactivate it more easily than anyone else??
on the point of people not beign afraid of sonau tech ... that is still like the biggest problem for me with that argument bc .. i get beign afraid of shiekah stuff going haywire again, but then if suddendly alien tech from a literally fully unknown group of people started to appear out of nowhere at the sAME TIME AS MALICE COMES BACK BUT WORSE in the form of miasma shoudlnt that ring your alarm bells and make you flee for your life?? i wouldnt trust that shit after knowing what happened to the tech that we DID know shit about
i know theres like researchers for it but also they really all meddle and play with it immediately like its for them just as much a toy as it is for us the players (also a point that made me feel weird about it ngl), they build businesses around it, made minigames out of it with civilians, use it for transportation with no thought or concern about it, its really weird when this is supposedly takign palce after BOTW where FAMOUSLY ancient barely reasaearched tech got corrupted by evil goo and nearly destroyed the entire land of hyrule (man are they LUCKY gan suddendly has zero interest in ANY tech)
(and i know theres the possibilty that sonau tech is somehow not able to be corrupted but it just seems so dumb anyway bc the people cant KNOW that for sure right of the bat??? and it DOES get possessed with the broken construct too, like .. wouldnt the possibility alone .. esepcialyl with waht had happened in botw make you NOT want to use that alien tech like a toy?? especially with WORSE malice being around suddendly too?? that just smells like a recipy for disaster)
(... man totk realyl is just botw but worse ... the more i think about it the more it feels like that)
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awkwardarmadildo · 4 months
here are my favorite quotes and bits from both parts (m=mariana, s=sherlock, j=john, w=wiggins, a=rich little pissboy) [excuse all the emojis, i think theyre funny and they help me get the tone across better]
m: "whos a beautiful, weird smelly boy? thats right, thats you! uee!🥰😍😙😄"
the entire introduction handwriting bit actually theyre so silly and goofy i love them so fucking much bro
s: "what is this 🤨? some kind of code 😲... a cipher😮... its ineligible but it has patterns😯... similarities in its form😲... what could it mean 🤔?" m: "...its johns handwriting" s: "😮‍💨 ah."
s: "youve taken me to a loud marketplace 😐. full of people shouting and strong smelling foods 😑" j: [allistic sputtering]
j: "youre supposed to be resting" s: "mhmm" j: "you are though ☹️" s: "oh i know that" j: "then dont say it. mkay? dont even think it" s: "dont say what?" j: "😠 i 😠 know 😠 what 😠 you 😠 are 😠 about 😠 to 😠 say 😠" s: "not about to say anything 😇" j: "good" s: "fine" j: "lovely" s: "splendid 🙂" *typing sounds* j: "what are you doing?" s: "sending... a message" *message notification* j: "oh i-... from you 😒... the game is afoot- uahhhh" s: [voice getting smaller as he runs away] "i told you i wouldnt say it! 😁😊😌"
s: "a hunk. a dish. a ssssstud. a certified BeefCake." j: "oh, don’t say beefcake ☹️" m: [whistles] "yum!" j: "oia-! dont say yum! 😟☹️😠"
the bit at about 25:45 - 26:00 in the first part. just imagining a mix of someone chasing after their dog when they hear it chewing on something it shouldnt be and "what d'you have?" "a knife!" "NO!"
s: "watson here is one of the most capable medical practitioners london can offer 😤 i am in safe hands" j: "yeah youre delirious, im calling an ambulance😒🙄"
j: "yeah, well, y'know. id rather you went home and stopped collapsing, but Here We Are 😒😠" s: "fine 🫤😒. ʰᵉˡˡᵒ"
j: "aaaa ow! that-! she pinched me ☹️😣😥! *turning and pouting at the small child while pointing at sherlock* 'scuse me! i didnt steal the swing, he did 😠😤!"
j: "lets go 'nd betray this old mans trust... ✨️ t o g e t h e r ✨️😊😚☺️"
w: "sherlock pal"
w: "i sure did"
w: "hey johnny boy, how ya doin"
w: "nice to meet ya mariana, heard lovely things"
w: "from sherlock"
every word out of wiggins mouth
every noise wiggins makes
s: "the temperature of your bollocks are not my concern. it is alec cunninghams bollocks that i am interested in" j: "*into the mic, likely while making a stupid face* you heard it here first folks"
a: "forrester- get off- call my dad. call my dad right now-" m: "nobody needs to call their dad, alec 😒 were not in the playground 🙄"
a: "NOOOOOO 😨😢😟" s: "yyyyes ☺️🤗😇"
a: [sad little rich man whimpering]
i actually kinda liked colin he was kinda funny to me because i would have to be bleeped just as much as he was lmfao. sometimes people say fuck
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danthepillerman · 5 months
im bored and since im bored ima write some stupid shit involving..you guessed it (probably not stfu) Suguru Geto and his boyfriend Satoru Gojo!!! wooo (kms) this is like collage au ig? idfk dont question me
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“AHEM” suguru cleared his throat glaring at a certain white haired blue eyed man who was sneaking around his room. Gojo looked behind his shoulder, his cheeks stuffed with some of sugurus sour gummy worms. with a sigh he pinches the bridge of his nose “my god satoru, youre like a child” suguru himself is trying his hardest not to laugh at his best friend. satoru swallows the gummy worms and laughs “cheer up man, ill buy you some when we head out” they planned to go to a park. suguru just nods and puts a sweater on.
after suguru gets ready he signals to satoru it was time to go. as they walked satoru talked about anything and everything on his mind, the weather, grass, how he feels about fuzzy textured blanket (spoiler he hates them). the whole time suguru listened, laughing and making some comments of his own. thats just how they were. one talked the other listened and they were both okay with that fact. “it feels weird on my skin! maybe i just have sensitive skin, honestly i dont care its WEIRD!!” satoru says frantically as suguru laughs “its not that seri-“ “YES IT IS!! nerds like you wouldnt understand” satoru said trying to sound like an edgy emo kid that tells people they wouldnt understand. suguru chuckles and takes a bite of his sour gummy worms.
“you know, there are blankets that are soft and not fuzzy?” the black hair boy says to his friend. satoru sighs “yeah i know, but buying a whole new blanket when i already have one is pointless.” suguru nods with his friends good point. they make their way to the swingings, the sun still bright is the sky. satoru immediately tries to get as high as possible while suguru watches swinging the slightest bit. “youre gonna get sick” he says as satoru gets higher and higher “SHUT UP!” he shouts back. suguru sighs and watches as his best friend attempts a 360. it was an interesting thing to watch, but obviously he fails and ends up jumping off and landing in the sand laughing, suguru just watching with a gentle smile
after satoru jumped a family looked over at him a little concerned and walked away with their kids quickly “dude the people here are gonna think youre crazy” suguru states now laughing a little “nuhuh” satoru sits up and shakes the sand out his white hair then grabs his sunglasses, blowing some sand off that.
satoru and suguru lay on top of the actual play area, the roof sheltering the slides and what not. two 6 foot something dudes on top of a play ground is slightly frightening to some children. as they lay there looking up at the now pink ish sky satoru speaks up “what if you were a cloud” he was kinda just spit balling “a cloud?” suguru questions a bit confused. satoru however nods “yeah, like if you were a cloud and you could pick your shape what would you pick?” it takes suguru a second but he closes his eyes and with a sigh he responds “your mom” “fuck youuu” they both laugh. “okay but if i could pick a shape id probably pick something simple like a duck” he says to the white haired boy. satoru nods with a hum
the sun sets and the sky darkens slowly, the dim light of the moon and street lamps brighten up the park. suguru looks at his best friend then back at the stars. “im cold” satoru blurts out of no where, suguru looks at him and asks him “wanna head back?” satoru nods with a slight yawn. they jump down and land in the sand, walking out the play ground and to the side walk. satoru looks over at his friend and put his arm around his shoulder “dont be scared pookie bear, daddies here” suguru turns to satoru a bit mortified by his last statement and they both burst out laughing.
“why cant i be daddy?” suguru says, he immediately regrets it though “you want me to call you daddy? you got sum to tell me mister man bun?” suguru rolls his eyes and shoves satoru away all the while hes laughings. they continue their walk and satoru is talking about his fear of women. maybe he really was gay..was shoko right? who knew.
they get back to campus and made their way to the apartment complex right behind it. they shared an apartment two bedroom and one bathroom, real nice. before entering the take off their shoes and shake em on the grass to get out any sand. they go inside and immediately satorus dramatic ass falls onto the couch with a loud sigh “ass up” suguru says playfully and they both laugh “see im telling you dude you MIGHT just have a daddy kink!” satoru retorts. with an eye roll suguru throws a small baggy to satoru “happy valentines day or whatever day today is” and with that suguru went into his room, his face pink.
satoru raised a brow and looked at the small baggy inside was two things, an obsidian bracelet to match with sugurus moon stone bracelet, and a note.
‘hey so you know how some friends go one dates for valentines day cause theyre both lonely or whatever. would you be down to do that with me? -geto’
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crushculture03 · 1 year
Hmm ok so maybe like another story extended on the parts you’ve already written. So like same characters more established ☺️💓
ask and you shall receive!
Teacher’s Assistant Pt 3
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Summary : At an end of the term party that both you and matty attend, you catch someone flirting with him and retaliate, which causes matty to get jealous…
Pairing : Professor! Matty x fem!reader
Warning : Jealousy and smut
Notes : For reference let’s say they’ve been dating for a few months
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Everything between you and matty had been going amazing, he was positively the best boyfriend you have ever had, and you two couldn't be more in love. Luckily, it was now the end of the term, which meant no more homework for you and no more grading for Matty either, which meant you two could spend all your time together.
With it being the end of the term, there were of course multiple parties going on around campus to celebrate, but the one you were most excited for was the honors club one, since it meant you could finally attend a party that had your boyfriend at it, without drawing too much attention to yourselves.
You quickly walked into the small classroom where the party was being held, there wasn't many people there since the honors club was somewhat small at your campus. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted your boyfriend, you took in his appearance from afar, your core fluttering as you saw he was wearing the black silk dress shirt you loved so much because it showed off the definition of his muscles incredibly well, but not only that, the first few buttons were undone, revealing the top of his chest tattoo, the one you loved to trace when you would cuddle with him.
He hadn't seem to spot you yet, as he was busy talking to the humanities professor, but as you walked a bit further into the room, his eyes eventually caught yours.
Just as you were about to walk up to him, you felt someone grab your wrist, you quickly turn around to see who grabbed you and saw it was none other than Kyle Davis, the campus heart thob, as everyone liked to call him. "Y/N hey! I'm so happy you're here, I don't know anyone and was starting to get kinda nervous" he said as he let go of your hand, "Hey Kyle, yeah these things can be quite intimidating but you get use to them" you say. You two stand there in an awkward silence before he speaks up again "Can I get you something to drink?" he offers, "Um Sure" you respond back, not wanting to be rude, but desperately wanting to go over to Matty, Kyle nods his head and goes over to the refreshments table.
Your eyes scan the room for Matty, concern flashes on your features as you see hes no where to be found, that is until you hear the familiar sound of his laughter, you quickly snap your head in the direction of it, your heart falling when you see who is making him laugh. The History Professor Ms.Walker, had been the cause of your boyfriends laughter, you knew it was stupid to be jealous of the situation but you hated the way she had her hand placed on his forearm, so clearly trying to flirt with him.
Kyle coming over with your drink snaps you out of your trance, "Thanks kyle" you say as you grab the cup from his hands, "Of course" he responds back before taking a sip of the red liquid. "You think those two have fucked before?" he asks, motioning towards Matty and Ms.Walker. Your face goes red, anger seeping into your veins as he asks you that "Not sure, but from the way shes all over him I wouldnt be surprised" you grit, the man laughs next you "Yeah looks like she wants to stick her tongue down his throat" he responds, not knowing his answers are making you angrier. "Mhm, its disgusting to watch" you say, before turning your head away from the two professors, " Sooo" kyle says, trying to change the subject, "Soo" you respond back, your mind traveling elsewhere.
You try your best to maintain a decent conversation with the guy, he was actually pretty nice and you could see why all the girls had crushes on him, but your heart belonged to matty, the man currently letting his co-worker flirt with him. Deciding to play him at his own game, you loudly laugh at one of Kyles very boring jokes, and place your hand on his arm, just like Ms.Walker did to Matty. Your laugh gets his attention and you see him glare at the two of you, "You know if you wanna get out of here there's a party at my Teammates apartment, heard it was pretty cool" kyle offers, but before you respond a voice says "I'm afraid she can't Mr.Davis, she has to help me plan next terms lesson plans" Matty says, finally acknowledging you for the first time since you got there.
"Oh, I didn't realize T.A's had to help out with that" the boy asks, looking between you and matty, confused about what was going on. "Typically not, but I'm very behind and need her help, so if you'll excuse us" Matty says and motions for you to head for the door. You wave a quick goodbye to Kyle, before stepping outside of the classroom.
"What did you think you were doing Y/N" matty snaps, anger evident in his tone as he grabs your arm, ushering you down the hall and too his office. "I don't know what you're talking about Professor I was just talking to my friend" you say, putting up an innocent front as you walked into his office and sat on the couch. Matty slammed the door behind him and locked it, before stomping over to you, "Don't give me that bullshit baby" he sneers, his face coming dangerously close to yours. "No don't give me that bullshit Matty I saw you flirting with her" you spat, his face softens, confused about what you were referring too, "Who?" he asks causing you to roll your eyes. "Professor Walker! She all but had her tongue down your throat and you didn't push her off of you!" you say, Matty chuckles "Aw did I make you jealous baby?" he teases as he pushes a stray hair behind your ear, "Did I make you jealous?" you quip back, "I think you already know that answer my love" he whispers, referring to when he dragged you away from kyle and into his office.
"I'm the only one allowed to look at you like that ok?  Not some pretty boy, is that clear darling" he says, crouching down to your level. "Show me then, show me that you're the only one allowed to flirt with me, if not then I'm sure kyle is still out there, maybe i can ask hi-" but before you can finish, matty smashes his lips onto yours. He pushes you down so you're laying flat on the couch, with him hovering over you. "You're playing a dangerous game princess" he says, as he nips at your neck, making sure to leave bruises. "Matty" you whimper, incredibly turned on from the way he was acting, you knew if you teased him enough you'd end up in this position. He chuckles as he sees how desperate you look, and slowly moves one of his hands up your thigh, smiling when he notices your lack of underwear, "You dirty girl" he teases, his fingers slowly making contact with your dripping core, you gasp at the sudden contact. "You like that baby? I'm barely doing anything and you're already soaking, who did this to you baby?" he asks, "You" you moan out as his thumb toys with your clit, "Thats right baby, don't you forget that" he teases, as he slowly enters a finger inside of you, causing you to moan. "Gotta be quiet baby, don't want anyone to hear" he says and leans down to connect his lips to yours, while slowly moving his finger in and out of you at a steady pace.
You feel the tension in your stomach start to build quicker as Matty circles your clit faster, as well as adding a second finger into you. "M' close baby" you whisper, but just as you say that he pulls away, instantly denying you of your orgasm, you whine as he pulls away to face you. "Sorry baby only good girls get to cum" he teases, you whimper, but your eyes light up as you see him undo his belt and zip down his pants.
You reach your hands out to palm him through his briefs, but he stops you before you reach the fabric, "Sorry baby, no touching" he says, taking your wrists in one hand, and pushing them above your head, while using the other the wrap his belt around them, gently tightening them around your wrists so they're bound together. "This ok darling? Not to tight?" he asks, his tuff demeanor falling as he checks in on you, "Yeah it's fine" you say, reassuring him that you were ok.
Once he has knows you're okay, he slowly pulls down his briefs revealing his erection, you try to buck your hips up to meet his, desperate for any relief, but he quickly pushes them down, "Needy tonight" he chuckles, "Matty please" you beg. He finally gives in, gently pushing your dress up just enough to reveal you, and lines his cock up with your entrance. He slowly pushes himself inside of you and you quickly have to bite your lip to suppress the moan you so desperately want to release. "Now darling, I'm going to fuck you like the slut you are, because you're mine and only mine" he says, his voice heavy with lust. He roughly pulls out of you and pushes back in, quickly establishing a rough but pleasurable pace for the both of you. He moves his hand from your hip, running it down to your core and using his thumb to slowly circle your clit.
The new sensation has you arching your back in pleasure, "Please matty" you beg, feeling your release building, "Not yet baby" he says, picking up his pace even more, his cock now hitting deeper inside of you. He makes you wait a couple more seconds before saying "Cum baby", and that was all you needed to finally come undone.
Matty slopily thrusts into you a few more times before finishing inside of you. "Never be jealous baby ever, you're the only girl I ever want" he whispers, and places a gentle kiss to your forehead before slowly pulling out of you.
He gently goes to undo the belt from your wrists, massaging the place the leather once bound. " Matty" you whisper, as you carefully sit up, "Yes my love" he asks as he looks at you, with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes, "I love you" you say, catching him off guard. The room goes silent for a moment, "I love you too" he says, quickly pulling you into a kiss. He pulls you into his arms, mentally bottling this moment up in his head for whenever he misses you or is sad. "Lets get out of here baby" Matty says and stands up, reaching out his hand for you too take, you quickly do and the two of you are able to sneak out of the building unnoticed.
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honeyglz · 2 years
I know damn well Outlaw!Cowboy!Izuku wouldnt make me feel like shit w/ other ppl. He listens. I know he told me himself. So because he told me heres some cowboy word vommit. Because I felt like shit tonight lmao!!!
He's so nice too. He would never talk down to you, well sometimes but he means well!! He likes to hear you rant, even if its angry incoherent thoughts spewing from your mouth. He doesn't care, he wants to hear you speak, just you <3 Sometimes he since he's not rlly supposed to be around ya, he will find ways.
Man's pulls up in a milk man outfit and you have to patiently ask if he bought the milk or if you have to put him back in his cell. "C'mon darlin its just some milk!! And plus, I know you missed me." He's smiling at you with the stupid lopsided grin as he confidently puffs out his chest in declaring you missed him. Which is true but how tf he know that?- Yk what who cares. "Go put back the milk." "But-!" "No but's Deku." He's literally sulking, eyes to the floor as he pouts turning to reluctantly give the milk man back his delivery, and clothes ig :(( BUT THEN "And hurry back, it's my day off and as far as I'm concerned, my property is off the towns border." "Meaning?" "Meaning, if your fast enough your food will still be hot" He RUNS. Like literally little cloud of smoke in the shape of him and everything. When he gets back he realizes you weren't joking. Whole home cooked meal and everything. (If u cant cook than imagine u got horse uber eats or sumth??)
He's vry grateful, even plants a lil kiss on the top of ur head when he walks in. To which you promptly try to ignore in hopes of not making a fool of urself. He probably thinks he's dreaming cause if it were up to him he wouldn't leave. Screw breaking the law he wants to break out a ring and get down on one knee. Hehe I love him. But lets not keep the others waiting shall we? Now Izuku wants to stay but you tell him he needs to scram cause u have things to be doing. He's understanding, bidding you farewell before heading into town to do whatever. So here u are, alone, doing ur thing. When all of a sudden u hear knocking. Weird. You decide to ignore it and eventually it stops. It's not until someone comes running to your door, banging down the door screaming that someone is running around town shooting in the center and I quote this next bit- "Telling 'extra's' to come out and fight him like a man" Yea safe to say u know who this is. So being so nice u head into town ON UR DAY OFF TOO to sort out this mess. And there he is, standing on a barrel in the middle of town is Dynamight, gun out and pointing at what your assuming is some poor bystander. Now you know Bakugou. And as fond of the blonde as you may be, your not the type of person to allow violence, ESSP in ur own town outside ur damn office. So you do something about it. Now he's yelling and cussin all over the place unaware of you standing directly behind him. You don't bother to try gain his attention, instead pressing the cool barrel of your gun to his back. Even through his thick coat he knows that pressure, that familiar sense is one that's not so easily shaken. He goes silent, mouth turned up despite the drying sensation in his throat. He lowers his gun, chucking it to the side. "Took you long enough." The town goes silent watching as the blonde menace steps down from his makeshift throne while you cuff him. Mind u he's smirking during the whole thing. Izuku is watching this from the bar, rolling his eye whole you throw Bakugou in his cell. Stupid sillies. AN- this has been rotting in my drafts for like a week so here. It is vry unfinished but idc lmao
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Steddie prompt:
Eddie's always a bit lonely because Steve spends so much time with Robin and the kids, but he doesn't want to say anything to Steve because he's worried about being broken up with, so he asks his band mates for advice instead.
Gareth 'just happens' to need to go to family video the next day and drops a seriously 'big hint' to Steve, who promptly arranges a special date night.
(No major angst, just two silly 19-20ish year olds being silly)
Eddie had been acting distant, a little quieter than usual and Steve couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It felt familiar to Steve, reminded him of the time before Nancy broke his heart, he half wondered if Eddie was heading down the same road. In turn, he sought out comfort from those he knew best, dreading the inevitable. He spent more time with Robin, more time driving the kids around without protest, more time with Dustin. The whole time trying to keep his mind occupied and away from the doubts that Eddie was leaving him. 
“I’m just saying, Steve, you might have the whole situation wrong.” Robin flitted about, putting away some video tapes in the empty store. Nobody had come in for over an hour and Robin finally managed to drag out what had Steve in distress. He knew he could tell her anything but sometimes he held it too close to his heart and felt like he was giving away too much. Like if he told her enough that one day she would turn her back on him, never look back and leave him folding like a piece of paper in the wind. 
“Rob, I’m telling you. He’s pulling away, I don’t know what I did wrong.” He didn’t mean to sound so defeated but the way Robin came back over to the counter and put her arm on his shoulder made him realize how much he hurt. Eddie was it for him, Eddie was all he wanted, all he had. If Eddie broke his heart, he knew he wouldnt recover. So maybe he was foolish for wanting to hang on, maybe he was stupid for wanting this to all just be some misunderstanding but he hoped it was just a phase in their relationship and they could work past it. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong, but I think you’re just looking at it inccorectly.” She replied, and he sighed, running his hand through his hair and dropping his voice to a whisper as the door opened and someone came through. 
“I always look at everything incorrectly it seems.” He grumbled and she opened her mouth to reply, probably to tell him off, when there was a throat clearing behind him. He closed his eyes for a second, wishing whatever customer it was would just go away and leave him alone, before he turned around with the fake customer service smile he’d perfected. 
“Hey, Steve.” He didn’t expect to see Gareth, stone faced and looking slightly pissed off. 
“Gareth? Is Eddie okay?” He was immediately concerned and Gareth’s face softened slightly before he seemed to remember why he was there. 
“Eddie’s fine…well, less than fine. Listen, I don’t care for you that much.” 
“Okay? Ouch.” Steve muttered, he thought Gareth was the nicest out of all of them but that was proving to be difficult right now. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, hardening his glare at Steve.
“Okay, I do care. We are…friends sort of. Whatever. Not why I’m here, man. I dont care what you get up to in your spare time, but Eddie is my best friend and I know how much he cares about you.” Steve got the feeling he was being lectured, but he didn’t know why. “I may not understand whatever you two bonded over, and why he’s in love with you, but I do know him almost better than myself. And you, Steve Harrington, would do well to remember he exists sometimes. Maybe just remind him that you love him, or something.” 
“What?” Steve stared at Gareth, confused and definitely feeling like he’d been pulled into the principal's office for a lecture on skipping class. “What are you talking about?” 
“Seriously?” Gareth sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. “First I’ve had to deal with Eddie’s moping all day and now this. I’m going to go grey before I’m eighteen.” He grumbled, mostly to himself. Eddie was moping? Steve really did mess up somehow. “Okay look, I wasn’t going to spell it out for you but I will now. Take him out for dinner or something, Steve. He thinks you don’t want to hang out with him anymore and that you’re going to break up with him.” With that, Gareth tapped the counter and headed back towards the door muttering to himself about needing a break from everyone for at least a week. 
“Told ya, you definitely read the situation wrong.” Robin mumbled as the door closed but Steve was frozen in horror. 
“Eddie thinks I’m breaking up with him?” He stared at the door, a million thoughts running through his head before he glanced at Robin. 
“Go, just go Steve. Get your man. If Keith asks me I’ll break out the bone saw.” He kissed her on the top of her head and vaulted over the counter. 
“Love you! I’ll call you tomorrow!” 
He took a deep breath, fixing the collar of his shirt and hesitating as he stood at the door to Eddie’s trailer. The situation reminded him eerily of the first time he came to ask Eddie out. The night sat in Steve’s favourite memories folder, where he kept everything he wanted to remember when he was old and grey and couldn’t remember much of anything. The way Eddie’s eyes shone with hope when Steve stumbled through his confession, the soft pink colour his cheeks turned after they’d kissed for the first time. Steve wanted to treasure every moment with Eddie, and in order to do that, he had to fix their miscommunication. 
He took another breath, and knocked on the door. 
“Steve? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” Eddie’s expression was guarded and it hurt Steve a little that he’d put it there. 
“Robin’s covering for me, had to see you. Wanted to see you, actually.” Eddie stared at him for a second, eyes searching, confusion plain on his face before he tilted his head up the roof and groaned. 
“Gareth needs to learn to keep his stupid mouth shut.” He grumbled, but stepped aside and let Steve in behind him, heading towards his room as Steve followed. 
“I’m glad he didn’t.” Steve said casually, following Eddie onto his bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed, wondering if Eddie was going to think it as funny as he did. Not that he found it funny, but he did find it ironic that they were both stressing about the same thing. 
“You’re glad?” Eddie flopped backwards onto the bed and stretched his arms like a cat towards the ceiling before turning to face Steve. He laid back and turned to Eddie, reaching up and linking their fingers together. 
“Yeah, see.” Steve pulled their hands towards his face and pressed light kisses to Eddie’s knuckles, accenting each of his words. “Here I was this morning, telling Robin that my life is over because my boyfriend is going to break up with me, only to find out that he was doing the same thing to his best friend.” Eddie didn’t look away from Steve, holding his gaze for a moment before he let out a breathy laugh. 
“We’re so fucking stupid.” Steve grinned at him, 
“Yeah we are.” He rolled towards Eddie using their joined hands to pull Eddie close enough to him for their noses to brush. “I've been thinking…”
“Oh, that never leads to anything good.” Eddie teased, eyes crinkling at the edges as he fought a smile. Steve could count every freckle on Eddie’s face, memorize every line. He pulled back at the words, rolling back onto his back and turning his gaze to the roof. 
“Just for that I’m not going to tell you.” He replied, mostly teasing. It worked, it pulled a giggle out of Eddie and he shifted. He moved to straddle Steve’s hips and rest his hands beside Steve’s head on the bed. Steve’s hands dropped down to thumb at Eddie’s waist and he took a moment to relish this picture. 
“Tell me, sweetheart.” Eddie murmured, lifting his hand to trace Steve’s brow. 
“Well…I have two options. One is we take at least one night a week just for us.” Eddie’s face grew softer, his hair tumbling over his shoulders and surrounding his face as he ducked his head. “Because, as much as I love Robbie, and the kids. I really do want to spend more time with you, I’d follow you to the ends of the world if I had to.” Eddie leaned down and closed the distance between them, pressing his lips softly to Steve’s. 
“You already know I’d follow you into hell, I already sort of did.” Steve rolled his eyes and lightly pinched his side. “But that sounds like your best idea yet.” 
“I knew you’d say that.” Steve whispered, pulling Eddie back towards him and silencing him for a bit longer. Finally, Eddie pulled away, rolling off of Steve and curling into his side. 
“Sorry I didn’t talk to you.” Eddie mumbled and Steve wrapped him up in his arms. “I didn’t want you to feel like I was making you choose…I would never make you choose. I just didn’t feel as important for a bit there, now I know I was being foolish.” 
“You don’t have to apologize, Eds. I’m sorry too, sorry I didn’t talk to you either and instead pulled away…I didn’t know what else to do.” Eddie nuzzled further into Steve’s embrace, looking like he was attempting to fuse himself with Steve’s body. 
“Don't worry, we’re both idiots. Idiots in love, and idiots in love we shall be. Just…let's talk about it in the future instead of hiding it.” 
“Agreed.” Steve pressed a kiss to Eddie’s forehead and sighed lightly. They lapsed into a comfortable silence as the light of day started fading into night. 
“Oh, what was your second thing you wanted to say?” 
“Right, I almost forgot. I found us a house, if you wanted to move in with me…we can sign the papers tomorrow.” 
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teabiscs · 5 months
its over 3k words.
World building:
The basics: Sorta like old timey medieval with magic, beasts and baddies. Ive recently read through Solo Leveling so grabbing some of my fave things from there. (Mainly the classes of fighters, mages, healers, defense)
The Siebalds
The ruling family over the kingdom in which the story takes place. There's the king, the queen and the seven princes,of which Garland is the youngest. All of Garland’s brothers are known for something, strong swordsman, master class mages, high ranking military or whatever the word is i dont do research.
Garland is the youngest, and least accomplished, and his father has referred to him as, “His most ordinary son.” (As well as, “We were trying for a daughter, but after 7 sons, we got the hint that it’s not meant to be, but I guess having Garland, is like having the daughter we always wanted). 
The king tends to just ignore Garland, hoping to one day be surprised with his youngest, but honestly would marry him off to another smaller kingdom in a heartbeat. (It’s an area of contention Which fills Garland with dread at the thought of being forced to marry and sent off.), Garland is resentful towards his father, but tries his best to be a good son, he trains and studies, practices his sword. Sits in on meetings (or whatever they're called) even though he’s well aware it's pointless.
His father pays a retired high ranking knight to train Garland, in hopes that it amounts to something. But even after years of lessons he’s not improving (WHICH WILL 100% be touched on why that is)
His brothers kind of just ignore him, he’s just there. They'll interact with him and say hello, but Garland is left out a lot because he’s not a master swordsman, or a mage, nor does he have the ability to heal, or craft potions.
Enter Boris. 
Who decides to become a knight to make better money for the family, alongside Sergei. (Still an orphan, living in a house with the rest of Borg) Prior to this they were both blacksmiths (coincidentally making the weapons they fight with) but between the four of them, were struggling to make ends meet. Boris joins after Sergei gets his first per diem because if they are both bringing that much money, on top of what Yuriy and Ivan bring in, they'll be alright. 
It does come with some hardship. Boris is mouthy and not used to the structure and hierarchy, but man can he wield a sword, so a lot of his personality is overlooked (also like sergei is a super likable, tank and they're close so people overlook a LOT, when it comes to Boris and his out of pocket comments and mannerisms).
Boris still does blacksmithing after his knight duties. He’s not a fan of the standard sword that is used, but also having extra money is always good, they never know when something is going to come up and they'll need money.
So, like, how do they get together??? 
There’s a threat or something  that startles the king, an attempted assassination that has the castle on high alert. The king is STRESSED. After the failed assassination of his eldest son that he;s concerned with his weakest, least accomplished, should have been a daughter, son (because if they failed on the eldest, the best bet to take out and destroy morale is Garland)
So the King is walking through an elevated part of the court yard with the commander of the knighthood, about lending one of his knights to sort of chaperon over Garland. And the commander is like i got JUST the guy. He’s dumb as dirt, but put a sword in his hand, and the other person is NOT coming out alive. *pointing down at a silver haired man comedically stabbing the air*
And the king is like??? That guy?
And the commander is like hell yeah that guy. He’s a little silly, (And a pain in the ass, doesnt listen well, but will get the job done) but if he’s with Garland,there wouldnt be a safer place (And then immediately after Boris does something stupid and the King is like this cant be real life this cant be a real knight)
And the kings like okay what about the guy NEXT to Boris, he looks sturdy. Which the commander is like that’s not what you want. He’s a tank, and for defense. Boris is a fighter. That’s the one you want. Trust.
Garland’s self confidence is at an all time low. He feels like a joke because he;s the only one being treated like a fucking kid, being shadowed. 
Boris feels like this is a punishment and hates being confined to the castle, following some lowly prince to and from lessons and classes and meetings, and fuck its hard staying quiet during dinner, which he now has a seat at until the culprits are caught (WHICH IS WHAT HE SHOULD BE DOING, FINDING THEM) He longs for being on the battlefield and raiding. Blood shed.
Boris trailing behind Garland on his way to his swordsmanship or whatever class, and sneering at the old guy there to train Garland. Side eying the “Master” the whole lesson, watching with eyebrow raises and faces at every movement. Snarky comments that has the master having words with Boris. And Garland cant believe that theyre fighting, as if Boris REALLY thinks he’s hot shit to have a say against the retired commander who’s been training Garland for years. 
They fight and argue and bicker. Going at it. Boris def challenges Garland and is like if you feel so safe without me, beat me in a sword fight, which garland tries and fails to win. 
Garland practicing with his sword by himself and Boris is watching, bored, unamused. And as time passes looks progressively more and more pissed off until he cant contain himself, approaching Garland and kicking his foot, twisting his body, moving Garland’s grip
But the kick has Garland seeing red and is PISSED, and goes to move, but Boris has his arms on Garland;s shoulders. And hisses out “THIS IS THE STANCE YOU SHOULD BE IN. Everything you do is wrong.. Try what you're doing like this.”
ANd that’s when it all comes out that Boris was a blacksmith so he knows how to handle a sword VERY WELL on top of all other weapons he has a proficiency in. and eventually BOris is like “Are you sure this is the weapon for you have you tried anything else? The sword should feel like an extension of your body, not like some *he waves his hands around* thing that youre doing now”(Boris bringing up his master is just doing this for the money; it's obvious to anyone who actually wields a sword. He’s not correcting things. And is just dragging this out for his own monetary gain)
And garland being like this is a VERY expensive weapon. (the sword he practices with)
And Boris is like just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's not the wrong weapon. They end up going to the armory and Garland fucks around with a saber and gavel and an axe before settling on a dagger. And for the first time the two spar and Boris feels some excitement because Garland moves so fluidly with a dagger compared to sword. 
(It ends up being a dagger because Garland is a close range fighter, but a VERY close fighter, which makes sense because martial arts etc, just now his fists are sharp.
ANd that night Garland feels VERY funny over the whole day because no one has ever shown this type of interest in him, or taken the time to work with him like Boris did.
And then we progress sometime, when Boris is pulled from shadowing Garland for a raid or battle or something. Garland inquires with his brother, who happens to be running the whole thing about joining up, since he’s gotten stronger since changing weapons, but is told lol no stay home baby bro this is where you belong. 
So garland sits at home in the castle and FESTERS. And at this time he realizes just how much his life has changed since Boris has been shadowing him, how lonely things are when Boris is gone. And honestly he hates it. He walks through the castle, goes for a walk through the village, but he is SO bored. And lonely and sits in his room staring out the window down at the garden. Looking forlornly. 
HIs mother stops by commenting it's so quiet around the castle when the knighthood is out raiding. He mentions how she can't wait for his brother to return with their spoils and that theyre planning a big feast upon the knight's return. And Garland just rolls his eyes, because this is the only time she ever comes and visits, when his brothers are out, and the king is focused on it. 
They dont return that night but the next morning, they won but are a little worse for the wear. And Garland tries not to be too giddy when he goes looking for Boris, but he can’t find his shadow. (who ends up being in the infirmary. He’s fine-ish just getting a check up but the healer.)
But in THIS AU this is where Boris gets his scar.
And the thing that confuses Garland is HOW did it scar, but then, where the fuck was his helmet? And Boris, just laughs, because if Garland thought he looked bad, he should see the other guy.
But anywho. The weapon he was scarred with had magic/enchanted/poison in it, so the healer did what the could, but unfortunately it left a scar, which Boris is indifferent about, he thinks it makes him look cool.
And Garland’s like, okay yeah that makes sense. 
And Boris is like oh and the healer was one of your brothers by the way.
Which does not make the situation any worse or better, but it's meant as a distraction.
That's nice, but that doesn't explain how your helmet got off your head, or how something managed to pierce metal to injure you.
And Boris lets out a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck, and is like lets not dwell on the past. 
How did you lose your helmet?
And Boris sighs, “I took it off.”
“You took it off?”
“Yeah because they fucking sucked.” And yeah Boris ripped his helmet off and exclaimed to the enemy you cant be fucking serious this??? This is the best you got? Why am I even carrying all this extra weight? You guys aint shit”
And the whole thing fucking pisses Garland off, because how could Boris be that fucking stupid. Which he says as much to Boris. Does Boris even realize how upset he’d be if something happened?
And then Garland freezes. Because there’s more he wants to say, but he’s hearing what he’s saying and its weird feels too… raw. So he back tracks, that he needs an actual weapons master to continue teaching him, because one day Garland’s gonna be next to him on the field. And how does he ever plan to find a wife if he loses a limb? He’s lucky its just a scar and he still looks handsome.
(Which is the first time Boris has gotten a compliment from Garland like this, and… Garland thinks he’s handsome?)
The Catalyst
The spy is found, so the whole kingdom is lead to believe. Theyre executed and a celebration is in order. THere is an overwhelmingly good mood throughout the great hall. Everyone is well dressed and manicured. The knights are dressed in modest attire. Not a weapon in sight.
The whole thing is so bright and everyone is so spirited over the events. Finally they can relax. Finally Boris’ roll as Garland’s shadow will come to an end.
It leaves a bitter taste in Garland’s mouth and he nurses the same cup of mead the whole night, not feeling at all excited over the spy being found. Sure its great everyone whos been on edge can finally relax. BUt he feels… empty. 
He sighs into his cup and makes small talk, looking around the room, eyes looking for… something. He;s not sure what it is, but he cant find it. Another sigh. He’s making conversation with… someone. He’s not sure he's ever spoken to, or seen, but he sees a lot of people in his day to day.
“Where’s your shadow?”
Garland shrugs, “Not sure. But that’s probably over now.”
“Seems a little premature.” His tone changes, but garland is too out of it to notice. 
Garland shrugs again, looking down at the ground. “I don't think so, if the threat is gone-
“Who said the threat is gone?” And everything moves so fast. One minute he's half heartedly talking to ~whoever~ and the next minute there’s a knife to his neck, blade pressed against his skin, and sharp enough that if he breathes too deeply it's sure to cut skin. 
There’s gasping and more chaos and people running to try and get out, just in case they;re next.
And Garland knows this is it. He's resolved to it. What a plot twist. There’s no way anyone could get to him in time before this assailant slits his throat. It’s a painless death, he thinks, as he feels the knife leave his throat.
Turns out somehow, in that time, in typical shonen fashion, Boris is able to separate the two, and slash the assailants neck (how the tables have tabled) 
And Boris falling to his knees in front of Garland. Grabbing onto his trembling hand, pressing it to his cheek. He apologizes for not noticing soon, he should have stayed closer to his side. Should this should of that. 
And now Garland is getting nervous out, because everyone is looking at the two of them, pulling Boris out of the main hall and down a side hallway to an empty corridor. 
Telling him he can't just get on his knees like that he didn't fail at his job everything is fine.
And boris is like don't get it. I was so scared I wasnt going to make it in time.
And garland still doesnt get it, but is like “If i died the king wouldnt have blamed you, you werent even on duty, and where were you even hiding a weapon lol”
Garland, after all this time shadowing you, and hanging out. After everything, I can't lose you. you've been ingrained into me. 
And silence. Because now it dawns on garland that oh
And then a very emotional kiss.
With them being silly afterwards and getting into an argument because that’s so on brand for these two. Be cute and sweet for a minute and then annoying the shit out of each other. 
Found out
Very much late into Them being VERY CLOSE ™ and hooking up, is them getting caught by Garland’s father no less.The King, opens the door, see’s his most ordinary son on top of one of his knight’s lap.Closes the door immediately. It’s silent as the two pull apart from one another, and five minutes later, theres a knock on the door. The two are as far away from each other as possible. Not looking at each other but Garland is red. 
The king is VERY indifferent as he speaks to his son, inviting him to the raid that’s in a week. He looks over at Boris, who looks just as indifferent back, as if a challenge to fucking say something, “I’ve heard since you’ve adopted using a dagger, you have made vast improvements. The monsters that should be encountered should be easy to defeat with close range fighting.”
The king turns towards Boris, “Kuznetsov, I trust you will continue to watch over my son, even on the battle field?”
Boris gets to his feet and bows, “Of course your highness, I would give up my life to save his.”
“Good good. Make sure you have Rybakov with you.”
“As you wish, your highness.”
The kings eye looks back at his son and then back to boris, and finally his son. “Carry on with.. Yourselves.”
And once the door is closed and the kings footsteps retreat away from Garland’s room, boris’ laughter booms out, and Garland throws a pillow at him.
“Your dad’s something fucking else, man.”
“Shut up.”
“He comes in here.” Boris starts, while crossing the room and sitting down next to Garland, pulling Garland on top of him, “Sees his youngest son, mounting the knight assigned to shadow and protect him , and doesn’t say a word.” He laughs again. “Instead he comes back and invites you to raid with us, which by the way babe, congrats.”
“I fucking hate you.”
“Yeah okay.”
Boris takes that as an okay to Them ™ and stays the night, sleeping next to garland. 
Boris going home the day after and the house all being like where the FUCK have you been. And Sergei is more concerned than anyone, because did something happen after he left? That he was held to stay at the castle overnight.
“Boris, we all know youre an idiot, but this is the dumbest fucking thing you have ever done.”
“Do you have a death wish?”
They all go back and forth. Yuriy and Sergei admonish him for doing something so stupid. Ivan is amused. While Boris doesn't see it as a big deal and jokes around about it. 
Eventually the king does talk to Garland about what he;s witnessed. It's just the two of them in the library, Garland collecting notes and data on the monsters that are present where the next raid (THAT HES EVEN INVITED TO) is located.
“Garland,” He pauses, “We need to talk about that day.”
The room suddenly goes cold. Garland feels like the blood drains out of his body. His throat feels like something is lodged in it, but he nods looking at his father.
The king sighs, “I don’t. Garland. I- How did- When did-” He exhales, “Just because I said you were basically like a daughter to your mother and I, didn’t mean you had to do this.”
Garland freezes, “What?”
“That’s not right.” He father huffs, “Im not sure how to talk about this. I’ve been thinking about it, playing out scenarios in my head. So maybe let’s get this to the point. You know being the seventh son there is no chance of you ascending to the throne when I abdicate, or worse case die.”
Garland nods.
“And the plan was to marry you off to another kingdom that is heirless, there were several options we were going to start looking into. Many families with all daughters and no sons.”
Garland swallows, dread crawling up the back of his throat. Fuck here it is. He’s going to send me off. He’s made the choice already to get me out of here, since i've brought disowner-
“But. Based on what I observed, that’s not a good idea. So I want to ask you this time, what do you want? You’re finally joining us on raids, and maybe the battlefield next time it's needed. You’ve been in high spirits, which is why I have let you keep your shadow even though it's no longer necessary.”
“What I want?”
“Yes Garland, I’m giving you a choice. We can start looking at future brides, or you can continue to do what you're doing, unmarried.”
“You’re okay with that? With Boris and I?”
THe king takes a deep breath, rubbing his temples, “Garland, less words. Your brothers will bring us many future princes and princesses. You not reproducing and settling down is not going to change that. I’m asking if you want the opportunity to marry into Kingship in another kingdom, or if you wish to stay here and join the knight order? What you do outside of that is up to you. Kuznetsov will remain a shadow, until i deem it unnecessary.”
“And when will that be?”
“Garland,” He growls, “Yes you want to marry, or no, you want to join the knight order.”
“I’d like to join the knight order.”
And okay they still bicker and fight because at their next raid Boris babies THE SHIT outta Garland which pisses Garland off to no end  especially when they're  fighting in the same raid and Boris swoops in to fight whatever beast Garland is about to kill. And Garland gets PISSED that Boris would steal his kill and then have the audacity to blow a kiss at him.
And this happens often that Boris just poofs into his space to ensure that his “precious pookie does not get hurt” (they 100% get into it with each other on the field. And sergei, the tank that he is, is just like guys please can this take place after i do have a real job other than shielding you while you work out your problems)
The other knights finally taking garland seriously. While at the start of this whole au, they think he’s a joke, or they feel bad for him, since he is so ordinary. But now after a weapon change and sparring with someone who actually wants to see garland get better??? And he’s joining them on the field? Respect. (tho yeah probably some mild homophobia, but who is going to say something to royalty, and two its good to keep boris, and by extension sergei on their good side)
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tomatoberry4 · 11 months
hi, im tomato berry! but everyone calls me tom. im probably old enough to be your father or at least your shift manager. i use he/it pronouns! 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
im a trainer and a big fan of zubat, emoticons, and berries. im doing a gym challenge right now!
i dont like evil team sympathizers please leave me alone. i have a tendency to go off the grid for weeks at a time.
enjoy your stay on my blog!
ooc information now
hi im mothman i follow from @moethman tom is 39 but i am 17 so keep that in mind [reclines and stretches my legs]. i keep taking like 50 million breaks due to Mental Illness but im back now brother.
i also run @eeveelover7492
i am autistic and very nervous so keep that in mind when interacting with me. if i vanish for a short time, its nothing personal. i love doing hands on good old "formal" roleplay so hit me up if you wanna do that.
i dont give a fuck if legendaries or sentient pokemon or fallers and shit interact. tom may not believe you at first but he wont say anything. if you are affiliated with evil teams i also dont mind but tom will be incredibly hostile towards you.
useless tom fun facts
i need to come up with stupid bullshit about him or ill die ill fucking DIEE
- he is bi-aro and transgender
- i dont think tom would like horror movies with a lot of gore. its not that he cant handle it, he has a very good stomach for blood and all that gritty shit. he just gets tired of violent media. he fucks with psychological horror though
- he doesnt mind it to an extent though it all depends. he would appreciate silent hill for its story and themes. he wouldnt be big on resident evil but he wouldnt mind 7 + 8 because "i think ethans a good man. id love to fight him one day."
- he was born to be a gamer but tragically lived the kind of life where it was never possible
- tom kins crobat but he doesnt really know what kinning means
- tom has a gun he just doesnt bring her up online because he has nothing appropriate to say about her. her name is peaches and shes honestly more just a novelty comfort item than something he uses.
- tom has a concerning amount of knowledge on weapons in general
- tom in general has just become terrifyingly powerful from brawling with pokemon on a near daily basis for most of his adult life, but hes not as tough as he used to be
- on his old blog tom lied about his age by 3 years even though there was literally no point in doing so
- tom used to hate swearing but now hes seen the light and swears sometimes. he wont swear on here much though hes a man of principle and also he made not swearing a personality trait so hes embarrassed about the whole thing
- its not fully clear whether not tom does all of this as a bit or not
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royalelusts · 1 year
i love the teenage m! reader hcs you wrote for obey me! could you write some hcs with the same prompt but different characters? have a nice day!!
im glad you enjoyed reading them! i had fun writing it! i hope you enjoy this one too.
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✰ mammon
⚬ When i tell you he was annoyed
⚬ Not only does he have to watch the exchange student
⚬ The exchange student is a random teenage boy
⚬ Not to mention a human
⚬ What was lucifer thinking??
⚬ But his annoyance didn’t last long
⚬ This brought opportunity!
⚬ He could plan out so many schemes using you
⚬…was his first initial thought process
⚬ How was he supposed to know you were going to get this close to his heart?!
⚬ Oh well now you have big brother mammon in your life
⚬ He definitely still pulls you into his schemes
⚬ Well he tries to
⚬ He’ll come up to you all excited telling you his next plan
⚬ Only for you to look him dead in his face and say “that is the stupidest shit i've heard all day”
⚬ >:/
⚬ Well damn you couldve just said you didnt like it and kept it moving
⚬ But it does pull him out of a lot of dumb things so its technically a win
⚬ Oh do you remember that one devilgram story where mammon left for a while?
⚬ When he came back to see how concerned you were he lowkey felt bad
⚬ Like wow i really left my partner in crime
⚬ He is your number one supporter
⚬ You got a 54 on a test?
⚬ Hell yeah lets go celebrate
⚬ He’s like one of those moms who complain about you telling him about a project at the last minute but then breaks their back to help you finish it
⚬ When you came back to the house of lamentation after chapter 16 he was the first one you talked to
⚬ More like clung to but whatever
⚬ Tbh he was the one that convinced you to come back
⚬ “Even if you’re obnoxious sometimes you’re my responsibility. I got you.”
✰ leviathan
⚬ To be honest when you first met leviathan you were kinda excited
⚬ One of the pins on his shirt (vest? jacket?? cloak???) was from an anime you liked
⚬ It was just a bit of normalcy considering the whole situation
⚬ Then he called you a normie…
⚬ “At least im not a shut in”
⚬ …
⚬ that lowkey hurt his feelings :/
⚬ There was so much tension between both of you
⚬ It was unbearable for everyone
⚬ This also made it difficult when you needed to borrow his vinyl
⚬ And when he wouldnt let you in his room?
⚬ You did the most logical thing in the world obviously
⚬ “It doesn’t matter. TSL sucks anyway.”
⚬ Mammon had to drag you away before things got too heated
⚬ After the whole tsl fiasco the tension dialed down
⚬ The hatred turned into competitive energy :D
⚬ By default you are now Henry
⚬ Sorry there isn’t any room for arguments
⚬ Levi now indulges in all of your interest
⚬ You even got him interested in some of them
⚬ he keeps a lookout for exclusive items to get you
⚬ Why shouldnt you have the best items???
⚬ Late night binges and game nights!!!
⚬ Lucifer has scold you many times about staying up for diavolo knows how long
⚬ But why would you listen to an old man like him anyway?
⚬ You had mentioned that you’ve never been to a convention before and levi was appalled
⚬ He now takes you to all of them with full cosplay if you want
⚬ Lets just say everyone wants to be you two
⚬ Moral of the story y’all are besties now
✰ belphegor
⚬ “You’re bullshitting me right? I risked my life to get that stupid vinyl from Levi to get up here only to find some random guy locked away?”
⚬ …huh
⚬ The person that’s going to let him out was a human?
⚬ Not to mention a teenage boy at that
⚬ Well we cant be picky
⚬ Assumed you were gonna be easy to manipulate
⚬ …key word assumed
⚬ “Even if you are a human you’re locked up for a reason right?”
⚬ No matter how much he tried he couldn’t convince you to help him
⚬ Wanted to slam his head into the wall with the headache you were giving him
⚬ Somehow you left agreeing to get the rest of the pacts
⚬ (you vaguely remembered seeing a picture of him and beel happy together so you caved)
⚬ Throughout the process though you would manage to slip past lucifer to visit the attic
⚬ You would tell belphie about the crazy adventures you’ve been through since arriving
⚬ As obnoxious as you were he did find the stories of his twin enduring
⚬ Anyway to the attic events
⚬ “See i knew there was reason your ass was locked up”
⚬ When he went in for the “hug” you socked him straight in his jaw and booked it down the stairs
⚬ *cue cat and mouse chase music*
⚬ After that things were….mhm
⚬ You refused to stay at the hall of lamentation for a while
⚬ Even when you were convinced to come back you were obviously tense around them
⚬ The first time you spoke to belphegor again was when he caught you late at night in the kitchen
⚬ He apologized but didnt blame you if you didnt want to be around them
⚬ “Its not everyday i get strangled by a guy i saved”
⚬ You both chuckled
⚬ Building trust was an extremely long process and you made belphegor work for it
⚬ Oh but when things do get better though??
⚬ Y’all can shit talk everyone for hours
⚬ Its how you two bond <3
⚬ You thought the dissing was limited to the privacy of your rooms?
⚬ You my little friend are sadly mistaken
⚬ There are codenames for people if you’re talking in public
⚬ No one is safe
⚬ Oh and if said person/demon/angel does something around you two?
⚬ Sending a single look across the room will say everything you need to
⚬ You’re now an honorary member of the anti-lucifer league
⚬ You found out that belphegor has the comfiest bed out of everyone
⚬ So now that’s where you take majority of your naps
⚬ Though if you lay down before him he will not hesitate to fall on top of you
⚬ No use complaining young human
⚬ This is your fate now
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wc: 8000 and change i think
warnings: stalking, drug use, violence, mental health issues
prev chapter
"fucking 90% on your calc test, are you kidding me?" jongho said in impressed disbelief. he handed yasmine her test script with a smile, sitting next to her outside the botanical garden of the school.
yasmine covered her face as she felt it redden, her smile going embarrassedly broad. "when i asked you to get my script, i didnt mean look at it!" she whined.
"no, but its really good!" jongho insisted. "keep that up and these 4 years will go by so fast. you'll be out of the country before you know it."
yasmine stared at her test, smiling fondly. she was good at math and science and was really interested in anatomy. it fascinated her, the human body. she knew exactly what she wanted to go into, the program, the university. it was still early, but she knew deep down.
but the problem was her parents. her smile was quick to fade.
"whats wrong?" jongho asked her, concerned. "you went all quiet."
"its just," she sighed heavily, already feeling stupid. "i could call my family about this and they probably wouldnt care. or they'd forget about it in an instant."
yasmine didnt want to sound like the cliche rich girl that never got attention. especially to jongho, who also had parents who were in and out of the country.
she frowned and shook her head, tucking her hair behind her ear as she laughed awkwardly. "its dumb, i know. im happy they let me model for them and stuff but i feel like they dont care about my other accomplishments, thats all."
"hey," jongho's gentle hands found her chin, stroking it softly. yasmine gulped as she stared at his handsome face that were giving her pitiful eyes. "im here. i care about your accomplishments."
yasmine sighed internally. that was the point. the reason. all right there.
there was something about venting to a man that just felt pointless. especially when he found you attractive. he'd somehow always make it about him. or make sure he looked good at the end of it. as if he was some solution to all your issues.
yasmine couldnt stand it. but she loved jongho as a person. so she never spoke her thoughts.
maybe it was his attention. she thought if she lost it, she would be worse off. after all, its not like she had her parents. they were in their own bubble more than half the time.
"thanks jongho," yasmine defeatedly muttered with a smile. standard procedure.
"i can tell you dont feel better, you know. you should come over later," he suggested. "we can have a few drinks and chill. watch a movie. i can make you forget for a while."
she'd be lying if she said she didnt want to forget. things were bad at home. constant arguing. yasmine was always getting told she was the only good thing in the house. the pressure to not fuck up was getting worse. when all she wanted to do was fuck up. she wanted to let loose. and be free.
she smiled again. "yeah yeah, i'll come over. will it just be us?"
jongho gave her an awkward smile. "do you want it to be just us?"
just as yasmine was about to answer, a message popped up on her screen, the notification tone blocking her words.
"crap," she hissed, standing up and dropping her bag from her lap, and all her things at once. "its yaera."
jongho groaned aloud. "ugh, what now?"
yasmine didnt miss the disdain in his voice. but she couldnt deal with his hatred for her now. her head was pounding just thinking of how bad the atmosphere would be when she got home.
"she skipped school and got drunk. shes at the police station, she got arrested," yasmine said with a heavy sigh. "they just called my parents."
"of fucking course," jongho said with a roll of his eyes. "im not even surprised. shes doing all this for attention you know."
"i dont think im going to be able to come over because of this," and just by those words jongho's anger rose to the surface.
"i fucking swear. she ALWAYS gets in the way of things," he snapped, making yasmine flinch. she knew he couldnt stand her but seriously?
"its not that serious, chill," she tried to say, but jongho just shook his head angrily.
"no but its true, isnt it? she keeps fucking up and then you have to clean up the mess. why doesnt she just run away or something since she wants to get kicked out so bad? shes just making everything worse at home!"
yasmine felt guilty. jongho wasnt wrong. everything argument these days revolved around yaera. her grades. her attitude. how she was in her own world. how she didnt have any goals. how she was stuck in her room and couldnt put in any effort. how lazy she was, how much space she took up. every single thing was a problem.
but yasmine wished she could help it. she tried before. fixing her sister. but all it did was made her latch onto her like a koala to a tree . then yasmine had to cut her branches. and now yaera was going off on her own, not telling her anything, acting out in ways worse than before.
"i dont get why shes doing this...i just," she felt exhausted just thinking about it. "something happened but she wont tell me. maybe i did something. maybe she got her heartbroken. shes been getting worse."
"theres nothing wrong with her," jongho scoffed. "shes just an attention whore. now that youre not attached to her hip shes acting out to make you feel guilty. dont fucking fall for it, yas."
he was so harsh. "the counsellor my parents got for her wants to send her to a therapist or psychologist or something. they think shes depressed or has something going on up there."
jongho bent his elbows on his knees and sighed, staring at his shoes. "i cant believe she fucked up you coming over. i wish she would just go away."
yasmine frowned and picked up her things, starting to pack them. jongho looked up at her broodingly. she was leaving.
"i have to get going," she said with an apologetic smile. "i'll talk to you later, yeah."
im pacing tirelessly in the dull sun, grey clouds hanging over and my stress levels up to my head. san is sitting on the grass with his backpack clutched infront of him, jongho's prized camera inside.
that asshole is so dead.
"whats taking this fucker so long?" i snap, my irritation erratic. i just want him to face me. to dare be so callous about what he did. it'll be funny, really. hearing his bs explanation.
"hes scared," san says, annoyingly calm. "he should be really. this looks really bad for him."
i stop in my tracks and stare at him dead straight. "arent you angry?"
he frowns in confusion. "angry about what?"
"about how he almost tried to frame you and pin it on you because you're poor. you're not angry about that?"
san shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head. "im not worried about me right now. his stunt was cheap, but im not surprised. he'll get whats going to him, is all im going to say. wooyoung and i still have to have a talk with him."
"good," i say coldly. "jongho deserves whats coming to him."
san's eyes trail behind me and he suddenly stands up. when i whirl around to check, jongho is creeping up on me slowly, looking like he has a stick pressed up his ass.
"where's my camera?" he asks, giving san an annoyed look. "do you have it?"
i force a laugh and step infront of jongho as he tries to approach san. "im sorry? you owe me a fucking explanation."
jongho groans and looks down at me with disdain. "i change my mind. i dont owe you anything."
"what?" san asks harshly. there's an edge in his voice that makes jongho cautiously step back.
"why should i explain myself to you people?" he asks defensively, like a cornered animal. "she was my best friend. its natural that i have pictures of her. she was everything to me."
this fucking guy.
"pictures where she doesnt even know you're there? thats natural?" san scoffs. im gritting my teeth as my hands start to warm and twitch.
jongho lets out a dry laugh and rolls his eyes arrogantly. "shut up and give me my camera back you pauper."
"is it natural to have pictures of me too?" i bring up harshly, making jongho pause and look at me.
its the worlds most awkward eye contact. he doesnt look ashamed. theres nothing behind his eyes.
"i was going through a phase. it was grief," he says emptily. "just give me my camera back and we can act like this never happened."
"you really think its going to be that easy?" i laugh humorlessly. hes so used to getting his way.
jongho sighs irritably like this is some inconvenience, like getting the wrong order at a restaurant. "what the hell do you want, yaera? i explained to you, didnt i? i said it was grief."
"you didnt explain shit!" i burst. "and bullshit! you call this grief? you stalked yasmine while she was still fucking alive. you stalked her before she went missing. whats to stop me from taking this to the police right now to fuck you over?"
"no–" jongho suddenly steps forward, grabbing my wrists and tightening his fists around them. i stare at him in disbelief. san gets in the middle quickly and shoves him hard, making him stumble back and fall onto the grass.
jongho looks up deranged, like an even bigger drug addict than yeosang. "you cant take that to police!" he screams. "you cant. i wont let you. its all i have left of her."
"how do we know you didnt harm her sister?" san snaps. "you're clearly a sick fuck."
"i would have never harmed yasmine!" jongho shouts furiously. "she was my best friend dont you ever utter bullshit like that again!"
"yet you stalked her?"
"i was at the party the night she went missing, you idiots!" jongho gets up, practically heaving with rage. his dark eyes dart to me. "dont you remember, yae? i was fucking cleared before anyone else. i called your parents to ask if yasmine ever made it home. what the fuck are you accusing me of here?"
"i just want to know why you stalked her while she was still alive and kicking!" i burst out in frustration. "why did you stalk me too? what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"because..." he groans and starts to grip his hair hopelessly. "i just wanted to feel like i still had her."
san and i turn to look at each other, neither of us having any idea of what that meant.
"she was slipping away from me," he admits pathetically. "she was seeing someone. she wouldnt even tell me who, but he was better. richer. older too. i just wanted to pretend like she was mine. so i followed her. i followed her when she met him. i took pictures of them together. and then the one time i didnt follow her...she went missing and..."
an empty ache settles in my chest and i dont even have the words to describe how i feel. i dont know how im supposed to feel.
"and yaera?" san presses on. "why did you stalk her?"
jongho lifts his head to look me dead in the eyes, a distant gaze of regret and resentment buried deep inside. "a failed experiment. i tried to gain some control over my life again. i wanted to pretend like she was still here. like she was still around. so i followed you and–"
he doesnt get to finish that because i drive my fist into his jaw, knocking him back a few steps. jongho holds his jaw as san grabs my wrist and pulls me away, turning my body away from jongho.
i quickly shove him off me, not even bothering to enjoy the contact. it feels like my head is going to explode from all the rage clogging up inside. i cant believe this.
"you're such a fucking loser, jongho," i say with a bitter laugh. "and so very pathetic. yasmine died so you stalked me and pretended i was her? as if you didnt compare us enough when she was still alive. you're a sick, pathetic fuck!"
"you're the one who wanted to know so badly," he mocks me. "do you want to know why i stopped? because i realized you would never be her. or come close."
i stare at him in disbelief. "it must suck doesnt it? to know that even in death she surpasses you."
i hate him. i hate that he weaponises her death to trigger me. i hate that he keeps trying to enforce a rivalry with someone i love, who i will literally never see again. i hate him so much.
"hey thats enough. are there more pictures?" san asks him coldly. "are these your only ones?"
he hesitates before shaking his head. san scoffs.
"so if we came to your house and checked, there wouldnt be any more pictures?"
"you're not coming to my house!" jongho huffs.
"except we are. or else everyones going to find out how mental you are," san threatens. "we know you have more pictures. youre going to give us all of them. and i'll.make sure they get wiped."
"why are you doing this?!" jongho screams hopelessly, looking at san. there are tears in his eyes. this fucker has the nerve to cry. "you wont gain anything from this, you know? you're just–"
"get therapy, jongho." i interrupt him, accepting his anger.
"arent you the one who tried to kill herself?"
"thats enough!" san yells above both of us, grabbing my hand and glaring at jongho. "we'll see you after school."
we leave him on the field to stress and wallow in his own hatred, his eyes never straying from us until we're out of reach.
the fact that my future could have been ruined at just the beginning of the school day fills me with a sudden hatred i didnt even know i had in me. i never paid attention to anyone at this school, never had any friends because the rich and entitled pricks that floated in the halls of mountain creek legitimately drove me insane.
its happening again.
its lunch and all i can think of is pounding that asshole jongho's face in. i know its not smart though, so i hold myself together. i'll wait till i have enough leverage over him, then, i'll put a crack into his skull.
i text wooyoung about it while im on my way to my eating spot. hes excited to beat the shit out of someone again, and i know im not supposed to encourage his violent tendencies, but this time i would. wooyoung can be a loose cannon, hes still in so much trouble for what he pulled with the black dragons. but that enthusiasm is exactly what i need tonight.
the kind that makes rich creeps like choi jongho pay.
as im picturing his stupid face getting pummeled, something slams into my shoulder. or rather, a LOT of somethings.
im knocked into the metal of the lockers, my backpack sliding off my shoulders and my phone crashing to the floor. i hear the screen cracking further, which drives me insane. what the fuck. i dont have time to get a new phone.
i look up at the culprits and feel my blood boil.
players from the soccer team. they're all watching me with disgusted faces, all sporting their black and gold jerseys. fucking jocks. i always hated them.
"watch where you're going, guttercrust!" one of them yells at me. great, another slur for poor people. these assholes always have a bunch on hand.
i dont say anything. i dont want trouble. i just want to get to eat before this break ends. i reach down to pick up my bag and phone, but both are snatched out of my grip before i can graze them. my phone is kicked across the hall, and my bag is lifted over one of the soccer players heads, sending all my books tumbling out and onto the floor.
"what the hell!" i snap, grabbing my now empty bag from the guy's hands. they all cackle together, sounding like a choir of farm animals.
"thats only a fucking fraction of what we'll do to you," one of them says. "we know you took those stuff from the boys lockerroom. jongho wouldnt lie."
"yeah, maybe you wouldnt need to steal if you went to a school that fits your tax bracket." another adds and they all burst out laughing again.
i can beat the shit out of them. every single one of them. maybe even kill them. maybe i should just use Miss A and ask her for a favour for myself for once. maybe then–
"hey hey hey, leave my boy lazarus alone whats going on here?" a voice interjects. i sigh and turn around, that horrid nickname coming from the one and only...
"yeosang-uh...we were just..."
yeosang wraps his arm around my shoulders and i look down at his short frame awkwardly. he smiles up at me, then at the soccer douchebags. what the hell is happening.
"you werent bullying my boy choi san were you, mingyu?" yeosang asks, his smile suddenly falling. "cause you know i dont like that shit."
"relax man," the guy named mingyu says, visibly tense now. "we were just playing around."
"really? not cool man. not cool," yeosang sighs. "if this is what you call playing around, dont bring this shit anywhere near my party, alright? you get me?"
mingyu nods awkwardly and beckons his flock of soccer assholes to follow him as they leave. but before he goes, yeosang whistles aggressively.
"hold on, boys! put my boy lazarus's belongings in the state you found them."
i cant believe my eyes. i dont know what sick social contract exists in this school, but yeosang actually manages to get the soccer players to reverse back and pick up my phone and scattered books. they hand everything back to me in a neat fashion, awkwardly nodding to me as they leave.
"theres no way you're that popular." i scoff to myself, pulling away from being yeosang's arm rest. i face him awkwardly. "thanks, i guess. but what do you want?"
he blinks at me, feigning offense. "what do you mean, lazarus? i did that out of the goodness of my heart!"
i force a knowing smile. "you want more rosies?"
"well now that you mention it im kind of unhappy with your customer service," yeosang suddenly glares. "you didnt check your messages again. i asked you to bring me two more bags."
why the fuck is he going through these bags so quickly? "yeosang how many times do i have to tell you–"
"i dont need you to tell me anything, lazarus. im the fucking customer and i lay your bills. you should be grateful i even put up with this, sunwoo never did this to me. he would bring me what i want whenever i wanted."
i cant believe what im hearing. this idiot doesnt care for anyone but himself, which i know shouldnt be surprising. hes addicted to drugs and hes a rich boy, but still.
"i gave you four bags not too long ago, just yesterday actually," i remind him bitterly.
he leans forward and shoves his pointed finger into my chest. "and im telling you. i want. more whenever i ask. when you come to my party tomorrow, i expect you to be my righthand fucking man. dont show up unless you have what i want, and if you behave you can even bring marino as your plus one."
he laughs at the end, that usual, arrogant laugh that comes with knowing you couldnt face the consequences of your actions even if they were right infront of you.
yeosang's mention of yaera reminded me of how he treated her and i cant help but remember what he did at yunhos club so many months ago. this guy is a piece of shit. im not any better, but ive definetely been too friendly.
he doesnt respect my boundaries no matter how much ive asserted. customer is always right? i think the fuck not.
"whoa, lazarus!" yeosang dramatically says. "why are you looking at me like you wanna kill my ass? did i say something wrong?"
"you remember yunho?" i question. my fist is tight beside me. one more provoking word out him and hes done for.
"yeah? friend of my old pal sunwoo? the club owner right? what about him?"
"hes missing," i say. yeosang frowns in confusion. as if he doesnt know what that has to do with him.
"damn i didnt realize i was supposed to care?" yeosang rubs the back of his head. "you guys are going through some shit, huh? havent heard from sunwoo in four months either. why you telling me this? i didnt know the guy."
"be careful, yeosang. behave at this party of yours."
i sling my backpack over my shoulders and walk away, leaving yeosang with his mouth hanging agape. "what the fuck, lazarus? did you just threaten me?" he yells after me. "i just helped you, asshole!"
when i get to the stairwell, yaera is already there waiting for me. god im tired. i just want to sit in silence and eat. i slump down on the floor and lean my head against the wall.
"what the hell happened to you?" she asks, looking me up and down.
imagine admitting to getting bullied. at eighteen years old. im almost nineteen for fucks sake. i dont answer her because i dont feel like it.
yaera sighs. "well then. i get it. this day isnt a complete fuck up tho. i got a buyer."
i hear money calling. she suddenly has my full attention. "for the rosies?"
"nope, not yet," she lifts her phone for me to see. my glasses arent on so i dont know what im looking at. "for the watch. i got paid a shipping fee and everything, some dude in india really wants it bad."
i nod, kind of impressed. "wow, that was quick."
"the transaction isnt complete yet, but the money will be in by this weekend. we can split the cash then."
"good job."
shes kind of efficient. i guess she has really done most of the things she told me she would do. now all i need are the results. im gonna start drawing up how much money has been coming in. i still have the black dragons cash wooyoung and i split.
i should give yaera her share.
"hey, before we go to yeosang's party tomorrow, come by my apartment," i tell her. "i have something for you."
she smirks. "are we finally getting to third base? we havent even been to first."
"what?" i cough on my own spit. my cheeks are flaming. "uh no. ugh. just...wait till you get there. but it isnt that."
"damn, you really love turning into a stuttering mess when im around, huh?" she teases. "must be my natural charm."
"charm?" i scoff, not really having a comeback for that. i go embarrassingly silent after as she waits for me to elaborate. fuck it.
"your phones ringing." she innocently points out after. i look down and see wooyoung calling me.
"woo?" i answer, sighing. wooyoung is a man who never listens.
"yeah yeah yeah!" he instantly screams into my ear, making me wince and pull the phone away. i put him on speaker and dial the volume very low so i can hear him on a normal level.
"i know you said not to call you at school but i dont really wanna hear from you either, alright?" he says, making me chuckle against my will. "Miss A got a job for us tonight. we gotta go to the night market in the old town. get some protection money outta them."
"can i come too?" yaera asks excitedly. i glare at her and shake my head before answering wooyoung.
"is that it?"
"yeah, then we take everything to changbin, he'll give everything to Miss A."
"can you do that for the both of us?" i ask him. "you got nothing going on right?"
"no way man! i already faced him by myself after what happened with yunho. he wanted proof we changed the license plate!" wooyoung says, sounding stressed. "and he's been keeping up with the news since the club. apparently the cops caught us on camera from a distant alley, but they cant recognize us."
my blood runs cold at wooyoungs words. that night was the riskiest thing to ever happen to us. everything was reckless from the beginning. the thought of my future disappearing freezes me up. it flashes before my eyes before i get a grip.
"okay, i'll go with you," i say with difficulty. "but you'll still pick me up from school right? you know what you promised."
my eyes drift up toward yaera. shes watching me curiously, not being very subtle about listening in.
"yeah yeah, you little baby. we'll go beat the shit out of that stalker for your little blackmailer."
i can hear the eyeroll in wooyoung's tone. i quickly hang up but yaera chuckles to herself, having already heard it all.
"i cant leave school with you guys, just fyi," she says. "you know my parents are picking me up. i can just go to jongho's house on my own, he only lives fifteen minutes away from me."
i nod, thinking to myself. the two of them really hate each other. i know why, but everytime they interact i feel like it goes deeper than what yaera's told me.
before i can ask, the bell rings and i havent even touched my food yet. yaera frowns and pouts.
"do you wanna skip class? we have evans next period."
"i dont skip class and i wont start now," i tell her. she rolls her eyes. "and neither will you. im not tutoring you just so you can fail again. you're coming with me to class."
she seems to take my words as a challenge. "and if i say no?"
i shrug. "then i dont tutor you. i dont like wasting my time."
yaera stares at me, a smile forming on her face. it looks devious but sincere at the same time. and like always im left speechless and awkward. at this point im convinced she does it on purpose.
"okay. lets go to class then."
“where are you going?” 
my father’s voice startles me as im halfway out the foyer, backpack on my shoulder and ready to leave. i didnt even hear him come in, ive been alone all afternoon, the empty house something im already used to. hes watching me over the rim of his glasses, a magazine in hand. 
“oh hi. when did you get home?” i ask. 
“half n hour ago. now answer me, where are you going?”
“to jongho’s house.”
“alright, I’ll take you.” he begins to stand up and i groan in annoyance. 
“thats not necessary. he lives 15 minutes away.”
my father stares at me blandly. “i know you’ve been sneaking out at night. i dont know why but im making sure you’re going exactly where you say you are. your mother is meeting with Santo as we speak, they are working hard on the gala. whatever you are busy with, im going to tell you once to stop.your mother does not need the extra stress, alright?”
i bite my lip and stop myself from laughing. i cant believe this. im kind of embarrassed for not being slick, but at least it was my father and not my mother. hes far easier to lie to. 
i dont say anything as we get into his car, texting san that ive run into a little inconvenience. hopefully they wait for me before shit goes down, i dont want to miss a single thing. 
the car ride with my father is empty and silent. im in the passenger and he avoids eye contact with me like a man facing medusa, something im used to after everything thats happened to our family. we have never been close, but its never been this bad. i guess its hard to face the only child you have left after neglecting them for years, knowing that most if not all of their hardships have directly been caused by you.
but no. i cant just blame them. my therapist always said that i cant control what others do, but i can control how i react to their actions. me wanting to get far as fuck away from them feels like having all the control in the world.
“how long are you planning to stay at jongho’s?” he breaks his silence. 
“a long while. you dont have to wait for me.”
he nods curtly. “i didnt realize the two of you still spoke to one another.”
as if he knows anything thats going on with me lately. i dont answer him.
“have you been sneaking off to see him?”
the question makes me frown, disgust pooling in my stomach. i would have probably gotten butterflies just thinking of that, but right now all i feel is sick. then i think this is the perfect opportunity to guilt trip him. 
“no, ive just been going out for walks by myself. i cant sleep nowadays,” i mutter. “ive been thinking of her a lot. i know you probably think im out drinking or getting into trouble, but all i really do is sit on a park bench and think of what it would be like if she was here right now.”
silence. empty, cold silence. my father has stopped infront of jongho’s house, his eyes ghostily staring at his steering wheel.
i dont feel bad for hurting him. i had to get used to him being physically there and yet being far away. i had to get used to saying five sentences a week to him. i had to get used to him never hearing me out when he was at my mothers side, i had to watch him slip away while he was right infront of me. ill hurt him however i can. just so he can feel something, or anything when he looks at me. anything but empty.
“dont sneak out anymore.” he tells me after five minutes of just sitting there. eyes still on the wheel. “or let me take you where you want to go. if something happens to you too, your mother will be very upset.”
“okay. bye papa.”
i get up and out of the car. as my father pulls away and disappears down the street, a black van comes around the other corner, stopping infront of me. its the same one san got into when he chased down yunho. when the window rolls down, i come face to face with wooyoung and his massive black sunglasses.
“youre lucky you have someone like san around, sweetheart! you did nothing to earn bodyguard services.” he yells, and i hear san punch him in the shoulder. “ouch! what did you do that for?!”
“i told you he tried to get me in trouble!” san grits through his teeth.
“yeah, because you were involved with her! this guy hasn’t once looked your way before!” 
“you dont have to be here if you dont want to,” i say with an insincere smile. wooyoung gets out and rolls his eyes at me.
“yeah right, as if im letting you drag san into your shit alone. wheres this bozo stalker you speak of?”
i turn around and see jongho’s room light on. we still have his camera, so he’ll have to come out. i start to ring his phone, and he answers on the first ring.
“we’re out front.” i say and immediately hang up so he feels the urgency. 
he doesnt come out. his iron wrought fence buzzes open for us to go inside, and he's waiting on his veranda.
"this is the guy?" wooyoung scoffs. "whys he a creep? hes attractive as fuck."
san and i both give him side-eyes as we approach jongho. his eyes are low as he holds the door open for us.
"did you bring my camera?" he asks, his shoulders stiff and tense.
"uh uh uh, wheres the rest of the pictures?" i ask. jongho glares at me.
"i...have it. i have it, just do you have the camera?"
i nod silently, walking into his house. wooyoung and san follow behind me, with both of them staring wide-eyed at jongho's massive house. its all dark inside, with only certain rooms lit up. just like i know him,living like a fucking vampire most of the time. maybe thats why hes so weird.
"the pictures...they're up in my room." he says.
"why are you slurring?" i ask, leading the brigade. "you still feeling the effects of getting the sense knocked into you?"
wooyoung loudly sniffs him. "nah, this guys been drinking. he smells like fucking hand sanitizer."
i push open his room door and find the place empty. its been so long since ive stepped foot in here. things happened against the lack of my better judgment. even when i knew it wouldnt end well, i always ended up coming back.
im lost in it for a moment, remembering why im here. "where are the pictures?" i turn around as something loudly creaks.
im staring into the mouth of the gun, with jongho pointing it right at me. i forget to breathe on the spot.
"give me back my camera," he seethes "and then get the fuck out of my house."
"you wouldnt kill me, youre too much of a pussy," i grit out at him, albeit terrified. "you stole your dad's gun just to get back your creepy stalker pictures? thats rich."
"yaera, shut up. jongho,put the gun down," san says, him and wooyoung frozen on the sides of him. "what do you think youre doing?"
"you think im kidding?" he snaps. "i want my shit back! you had no right to fucking take it!"
san starts to take off his backpack. "dont fucking give it back!" i scream. "hes bluffing, cant you see that?"
"shut up, yaera," san mutters, infuriating me. he takes the camera out to my disbelief, actually moving to give it to jongho.
just as san puts it in jongho's hand, wooyoung comes from the side and rips the gun from his other hand. he shoves jongho into his wall, the camera falling to the ground. i lunge to pick it up and immediately run to the other side of his room.
jongho lets out a frustrated scream. "you fucking assholes!"
wooyoung laughs mockingly as he looks at the barrel of the gun. "would you look at that? its empty."
"pointing a gun with no bullets, arent you embarrassed?" i sneer. "i knew you were just bluffing."
"now where are the actual pictures?" san asks coldly. jongho looks up at him hatefully, refusing to answer. a second later, wooyoung runs full speed at jongho, kicking him hard in the chest. jongho falls to his knees, and san rips his hair back, making him wheeze out in pain.
"tell me. i wont ask again," san demands. wooyoung is excitedly waiting on the side for no answer again, just so he can slam the end of the gun into jongho's temple. he hits his floor head first, coughing hazardously.
at first it feels good to watch him suffer. to see him in genuine pain. then i realize what we're doing. its getting us nowhere. we're just beating him up, but he still has everything we need.
wooyoung is pounding his fist onto jongho and only when i get near does he stop. "no more games," i say and bend infront him, his bruised face leaking with blood. "give it up, jongho. or would you rather i take this camera to the police?"
he raises his hand and points to his bed before weakly choking out, "under it."
san goes to get it, struggling to lift the heavy bed along with wooyoung. underneath it they find a file, it looks like an ordinary photography file as san flips through it. but then the photos get more sinister. dark figures appear on different occassions. only silhouettes of what once was.
"what is this?" wooyoung groans. "you cant see shit in these."
"leave it to ningning," san says, taking the file and shoving it into his backpack. he tosses the camera onto jongho's bed, and jongho hopelessly stares at it as warm tears spill down his eyes.
i dont know why im queasy. he did something wrong. he is in the wrong and yet i feel so empty looking at him.
"we took your memory card, so dont even try to get those pictures back," i tell him. he doesnt react. im about to get up when he grabs my hand and pulls me down.
"you took the only part of her i had left," he says weakly, but his eyes are angry. "fuck you, yaera."
i roll my hand out of his, disgusted and annoyed all at once. san comes and takes my arm and we leave jongho to seethe on the floor with his injuries.
my stomach is in knots all the way out, especially when its time for us to part ways. i know san has places to be and things to do tonight, but i cant help but feel insanely grateful for what hes done.
he didnt need to beat the shit out of jongho. he didnt need to come here. but he did.
"i'll get these checked out by that contact i told you about," san tells me while we stand on the pavement. "she'll be able to get you everything, time, date, where these pictures were taken."
"i want to come with you," i say. wooyoung gives san a silent but obvious look, clearly thinking its a bad idea.
san is hesitant. "are you sure?"
i nod. "i wanna see first hand. i'll behave i promise."
"okay. fine, we can go together then."
wooyoung loudly sighs. "okay this was fun, but we have somewhere to be, remember san?"
"oh...yeah." san awkwardly looks down at me and gives me another nod. "goodnight, yaera."
"thank you...for tonight," i say, kind of embarrassed. i dont know why. it always ends this way. hes so many different people in one day. but it always ends with this. i feel like we should hug but hes so extra distant with wooyoung around.
i hesitate to call my father, wanting to wait till they leave because i know he'll be here in a flash. san and wooyoung get into their van and speed off into the night, leaving me alone.
"i feel like you already know this is a bad idea, but youre still doing it, so let me pick your brain, choi san. what the fuck is going on inside your head?"
i sigh, not in the mood for this. i keep looking at jongho's photography file and his ominous photos from following yaera's twin and her lover. i wanted to ask him where he followed them to but i doubt jongho's saying a word of anything anymore now that he has nothing left to give us.
"earth to san???" woo starts clicking his fingers beside my ear. i glare at him and shove at his shoulder.
"eyes on the road asshole," i remind him.
"answer my questions," he demands. "what exactly do you plan to do with those weird ass pictures?"
"i'll take it to mao's granddaughter then–"
"AND WHAT do you hope to achieve?" he interrupts me. i stare at him flatly.
"what do you mean?" i ask in annoyance.
"okay so ningning tells you who the guy in the photos are and where these pictures were taken, best case scenario. i wanna know what the fuck it has to do with you san."
"her sister was MURDERED, woo," i say exasperatedly. "and no one has been arrested. no ones probably seen these photos before. this could be her sisters murderer right in these blurry shots."
"yeah but what does it have to do with you?" woo insists, giving me a deadpan look. "i thought you two were just using each other, so why are you doing all this for someone who blackmailed you into shit?"
i dont answer. why should i answer? now im just annoyed.
"fine, be angry at me," woo says with a sigh and cranks up the radio. "but just remember, youre getting way too involved. you wouldnt walk the dog of your evil business partner, so you shouldnt care about shit that doesnt benefit you."
"jongho almost got me expelled!" i remind him. woo doesnt react to my raised voice to my disappointment. "and why did you help me if you were just going to be annoying about it? i could have beat him myself."
"i HELPED because of YOU, idiot. and sure jongho almost got you expelled but thats not why you were so worked up, huh?"
i stay quiet out of irritation. i know woo's just gonna accuse me of shit and he already thinks hes right so theres no point in arguing.
"you're not doing yourself any favours, sannie, just remember that. its better to keep your distance and make sure you get your cut."
we arrive at the night market at the old town, the smell of fish and the cold ocean wind hits us hard as soon as we step out of the van. our masks are on, our beanies too. to these people, we're just walking pairs of eyes demanding money in the name of Miss A.
we go to different street vendors, collecting her 'tax'. wooyoung does most of the talking because he likes the theatrics.
"collecting for Miss A," he dramatically deepens his voice, leaning half over the peoples stalls when he does.
when the people respond its not the end of the month yet, wooyoung reminds them of an age old gang war that no one cares about anymore, that killed ten street vendors and asks if they want to end up the same. if not, they have to pay the protection money to stay protected.
"you're a sick fuck, you know that?" i tell him as we walk through the lit pathways. the place is lively, with people shouting sales and prices right in your place as you walk.
"what? im just saying what changbin told us to say!" he defends. i roll my eyes.
"you enjoy that a little too much. plus youre only supposed to say the collector line, not intimidate them!"
"says the guy who just came from.intimidating someone for a girl!" wooyoung fires back and i put out my leg to trip him. he jumps over it and flips me off as we exit the market.
we take a route through the dark alleys, as it keeps us out of any police view. they normally roam the market because of light weight brawls in the street, but recently they've been catching on to gang presence in the middle of it all.
i cant wait to graduate. i wont be here for when this all goes to shit.
as woo and i walk through the alleys on the way back to the car, we hear a faint rumble in the air. i stop in my tracks and turn around as woo continues strolling, acting like he isnt carrying extortion money on his person.
a black cars headlights shine on us, so bright i cant see the people in the front. its a sleek black mustang. where the fuck did it come from????
woo stops once he realizes im not next to him anymore. "hey what the?"
the cars lights stay on us, making my stomach clench. suddenly it jerks forward, rolling right toward us.
"oh fuck!" woo screams and we both break into a run. the car is fucking speeding on us down the alley and if we arent fast enough we'll be smashed into the wall or dragged under it. theres a sharp bend and we take it, but the car makes the sharp turn as well, still on our heels.
"ITS STILL CHASING US!" woo screams. its literally a few feet away from crushing us. i spot a fence at the end of the alley and i clench my fist as i run for it, bracing myself.
"woo, JUMP!" i tell him just as i vault myself at the fence, holding on for dear life. woo jumps just as the car crashes into the fence, not making it but landing on the hood of the mustang. he screams and collects himself and quickly joins me in climbing it, the two of us making it to the other side in a few panicked seconds.
we turn around and look at the mustang in disbelief. it reverses back without anyone getting out, disappearing right back around the bend.
woo and i look at each other, hes pale. i know im pale. my heart is racing. we just ran for our lives. whoever was behind that wheel just tried to kill us.
"did we just...almost die?"
also you guys should let me know if you want me to tag you for when new chapters come out. i also started uploading on wattpad. @amphibianblood if you prefer to read on there. warning tho, the story is behind on there 😭.
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
2/2 Mikey is now at Brian’s loft: ‘mike, fix the mess you made. Poor Bri Bri, he looks so bad (he now paused the episode to laugh at Brian’s Chernobyl line. He is so easily impressed with Brian) mike..i doubt he will ever eat chicken soup, he barely eats. FOR FUCKS SAKE BRIAN STOP BEING A BITCH AND ACCEPT SOME HELP. *lets out an actual gasp* IS MIKEY GONNA STAND UP FOR JUSTIN?! TELL HIM MIKE! YES HE IS HIS LOVER! YES! FINALLY MIKE, THAT WAS A SHITTY WAY TO TREAT HIM! I cannot believe im about to say this but mikey..you might have officially made it off my shit list forever.’ Brian says Justin wouldve left anyway ‘what the fuck? Says who? He wouldnt leave you! I cant decide if this is his anger over cancer or what but dudeeeeee stop it! Go back to Justin, if not for you, do it for me’ And we are at Drew’s party ‘im sorry what did he just say? What a piece of shit. Spit in his food. Oooor talk to him..i guess that’s more mature. Yeah, tell this little bitch that he’s a little bitch!’ ‘Im sorry but i just doubt that Lindsay would miss these classes! I mean come on she was all insane over being a mom in the beginning? What is this bullshit? Its giving straight men vibe, you know what I mean?’ And we are at Mikey and Justins scene ‘COME ON BLONDIE STOP BEING STUBBORN AND GO TO OUR MAN! There is no way he’d just let him go like that when Brian is sick. This is bullshit. MIKE DO SOMETHING. (Justin says brian being sick doesnt concern him anymore and he pauses tv) what the fuck is this bullshit?! Nah. Maybe if something horrible happened, id get this. Id even get this during the *makes a grossed out face* ethan era but now? Fuck no. Our boyfriend has cancer and he’s just chill? After he cried and held him the way he did?! Who the fuck wrote this shit? *clicks play* TELL HIM MIKE! fucks sake Justin! Use your big brain! Exactly Mike! GO TO HIM JUSTIN, OH COME ON!!!’ And we are at lindsay and sam scene ‘oh for fucks sake. What is this bullshit and why do I have to suffer it? My baby Bri Bri is sick, my baby Blondie is being stubborn and not listening to me and they think I care about whatever this is.’ He just fake gagged and made a grossed out face to sam and lindsay hugging. And we are at Ben/Mike scene ‘you know what? I never thought id say this but Mike deserves better. He’s been so supportive of Ben and even kept quiet about his own success only for this dick to be a dick to him. I now like mike so he deserves better.’ And we are at Drew/Em scene!! ‘Ugh him again. Fuck you dude bro. Emmett be careful! Something is off about this guy. (Drew makes a move on Emmett) um..what is going on? THIS IS WHAT THAT JUSTIN AND BRIAN FIGHT SCENE WAS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE! Wait..what the fuck dude? I thought he was straight? Okay get it em..i think’ and back to Ben and his student ‘i dont like this shit. What the fuck is this shit? Why is everyone acting so fucking weird and stupid?’ ‘BRIAN! You’re supposed to be resting. He looks like shit. Bri, go home please and call Justin. *he giggled like a little kid* i like how Ted and I both call him Bri. Yes, go home and call JUSTIN FOR FUCKS SAKE! (Brian walks in his loft to Justin cooking) JUSTIN! BLONDIE IS HERE!!! HE MADE HIM SOUP! Brian stop being a bitch! YES BLONDIE TELL HIM. (justin snapped at Brian) OH MY GOD! TELL HIM BABY! YOU GO GIRL! EXACTLY HE CANT HANDLE THIS ON HIS OWN! YOU GO BABY! YEAH BRIAN WHY WOULD YOU THINK HED LEAVE! Babies, before this goes bad, how about none of us leave? *stands up and literally puts his hands in the air and claps* YES GET YOUR ASS BACK IN BED AND EAT CHICKEN SOUP! I guess he will eat soup. HA! Remember when Debbie said he met his match?’ He then paused on Britin in bed at the end and walked to the tv and pointed at it while looking at me and went ‘THIS! THIS IS ALL I WANT! Is that too much to ask for? Now give me the next episode!’
I cannot believe im about to say this but mikey..you might have officially made it off my shit list forever.
Forever is a long long time, I’m curious how he’s going to react to S5 Mikey…
Lindsay would absolutely not miss the birthing classes. That was so out of character. CowLip really did not care what they did with their lesbian representation.
Ben is such a shit in this whole storyline. Michael has the bad luck to be with men who seemingly like him partially because his career is less impressive than their (Dr. David I’m looking at you.) Toxic masculinity, you even infect the queer men.
Okay his entire reaction to the chicken soup line (YOU GO GIRL) just made my night.
Brian did meet his match in Justin. That’s why they are OTP.
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sebyplay · 2 years
A Confession To make (mileven angst slight byler)
mike barge into elevens room at 2:30am with a cold sweat all over him, el is in the shower because she need to cool off, after she wash herself she come out in the bathroom with a white robe that cover herself… she was about to take it off but she was shock to see mike in her room she almost attack him, but he dodge it and said "its me its me its me, el" el finally calm down and left a sigh, she ask him to get out in her room for a minute she will just dressed herself up, mike left the room and after a minute el told him to enter, mike close the door and just stood up there near the window el look at him and ask why is he here in a cold but soft tone. his body started to shake and his voice is breaking, el look at him with a confussion but a concern face while sitting on her bed side… he took a deep breath and whisper to himself here goes nothing… "E-El... i- umh have something t-to say... i know i have been a such a jerk this day, i start to ignore you and not saying "i love you" and its very wrong... i dont want you to cry or be sad just because of me being an idiot, "he look at her with some tears on his left eye he bend down right infront of her and took her hand el looks so very confused, mike starting to cry and finally said something
"el... i- i think i am more into boys then girls.... im so so so so sorry el..." he cried on el's soft hand, the room suddenly become quiet, the room felt so cold, the window is open to let the moon light give them a little light... after the moment of silent and crying, el pulled her hand away, and stand up quickly she look at mike and mike look at her confused bacause shes not crying...
El: you finally said it.... it wasnt that bad right? its not that hard to tell a truth mhhh?
mike is very confused: w-what are you talking about...
el: mike... im not that stupid you know?
mike was just looking at her while his on his knee
el: i know you already fell out of love on me mike... every letter you sent me i know this is not ment for me... i know that everytime i say "i love you" you wish it was someone saying that to you... i know that everytime i hug you, you wish your hugging someone else AND I KNOW everytime i touch you or kissed you, you wish that was someone.....
mike: el.....
el: i also know mike.... that someone is not a girl... its a boy and its will
el have tears all over her eyes but she kept holding it back, mike stand up quickly about to explain himself and comfort her but was stop when el started to talk again
mike: i- i could explain-
el: i know it mike.... i see how you look at him, the way when your around with him, the way you laugh with him, the way you smiled... i never seen you like that when your with me... and the way you will give up everything just to be sure his fine, its umh, its enough for me to understand that you like him than me.
mike: n-n- no its not like that el i-
el shouted: oh stop lying michael wheeler i know you like him! even a blind man could see it!!!!
mike suddenly become quiet, he just stood frozen there realizing how obvious he was... that he forgot el is still with him, el sit back down on her bed and look at him with a sad expression in her face...
el with tears on her eyes: you know mike.... i have this what if's... like- what if... you didnt find me in the woods…? what if... i didnt open any gate? what if, i didnt help one, what if- i didnt ever exist...
mike look at her with a fear in his eyes and some tears running down in his cheeks: what are you trying to say el....?
el look at him with her brown eyes: im trying to say... maybe if i didnt exist maybe will didnt go missing and joyce will be alright, barb, billy, bob and everybody would have been alive, hopper would still be a chief, AND MAYBE you, lucas and dustin would still be friends, you guys didnt have to fight, maybe you would have been friends with max... you and will could have been together...
mike sat next to her saying thats a bullshit what if, without her hopper wouldnt be happy.
el: yeah... but- will have always been in love with you... he will always paint and write poems about you and somehow made a song for you...
mike blushed after hearing what el said he couldnt believe it will have feelings for him! and he didnt even notice it. he looks so happy but it fades when he looks at el whos smilling faintly...
el: you and will deserve each other... after all the suffer will have been through he needs someone that will always ready to cheer him up and will make him feel safe... and thats you mike.... go get him.
she stand up smilling and took mikes hand and said:
el: mike... you and will are always been a good couple... you know him for almost a decades and you only know me for a year... im sorry if i choke you in this relationship.... will is always infront of you but you cant see him and you cant move to the otherside with him because theres a wall blocking the way and some strings attach behind you... and that was me... but for now on im cutting the strings and im breaking the wall for you can see and be with will... in short im letting you go now mike...
mike is crying while el holding his hand he then look up to see el and hug her while they both have tears in there eye... el cupped his face.
el: mike... i support you whatever you are, im glad you finally found yourself.
el crying: meeting you was a very nice dream mike... but its time for both of us to wake up.
mike crying on her shoulder: thanks el... but- what if im late? what if he doesnt like me anymore..?
el: he still likes you mike, you still have the time to get him its not to late... go win him mike, dont ever let him go..... you once let him go dont ever try to repeat that again....
mike smiled finally and thanks el for understanding him... and supporting him he then left because its almost 4am he needs to go home or his parents will find out he snuck out he will be grounded... mike and el hug for the last time and then he left, el stared at the window watch him leave while crying...
el: you were my once upon a time... but i am not your happily ever after....
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radkindoffeminist · 2 years
previous anon about ignorant men online here i just wanted to share one occasion that deeply scared me. Someone had written a comment about their brother who found an unconscious girl in the bathroom at a party. He left and didnt even tell anyone about her because he was "worried he might be accused" of doing something to her if he even tried to help. The hundreds of men agreeing with his actions sickened me. Replies varied from "im not responsible for some drunk chick" to "they want equality, they get it" as if women also leave potentially hurt men to rot all the time. The hatred those men must have for women they dont even know was overwhelming. They said not trying to help would be "safer" for them as men, they wouldnt risk ruining their life just because some chick got too high or drunk. Treating women like some kind of other species, as if it isnt your duty as a civilian to provide first aid to someone who potentially needs it. It scares me to think some of those men have women in their lives who trust them. Sometimes i dont know how to deal with these things anymore, but i know im not alone. Sorry for ranting, ignore this if you want and be safe <3
I thought I already answered this but it’s still here in my inbox so guess I got side tracked.
Anyway, that’s disgusting behaviour and shows just how men always put themselves first. No one was going to accuse a guy who came forward about finding a drunk woman of anything but know who they are more likely to accuse? The guy who found her but didn’t say a word about it to anyone. Not that anyone’s just going to randomly accuse a guy of SA, but that’s way more suspicious.
Also shows how much they understand the idea of being scared of something that’s incredibly unlikely to happen, but only see their fears as valid concerns while women’s fears of random men wanting to abuse or rape them are illogical and irrational and stupid (mostly because it makes them more wary of men and men don’t like that). The is further shown by the fact that this dude didn’t give a second thought to what might happen to the woman left passed out in the bathroom. He didn’t care that another dude might have come along and raped her, and the thought that it might happen probably didn’t cross his mind, because he only cared about making sure he wasn’t accused of anything, not the safety of the passed out woman.
As for the whole equality comment: what kind of equality is happening here? Who is being treated the same as who? Because if a woman found a dude completely passed out in the bathroom, she would almost certainly check on him herself and/or tell someone else that he’s passed out there so someone could help him. Or are they saying it’s equality because if they found a man there then they would also just ignore him? Because in that care we have more evidence that men are just horrifically unsympathetic and care about no one but themselves.
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