#i know their actual heights come close to being next to each other but let me be delusional
pashiegom · 6 months
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kiss a blond, kiss a friend, can a gay girl get an amen
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mikobeautifulheart · 7 months
JJK men "pretending" to be your boyfriend.
INCLUDING: Yuji, Megumi
TW: it's a stalker kind of situation and people being creeps.
Each person is like 500 words each.
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You were on a snack run during your "games night" that Yuji insisted you guys do.
It was the height of your Friday night, absolutely winning Monopoly. But the snacks started to run low during your Just dance sessions.
Everyone stopped for the night and decided to put on a movie. The TV turned out to be helpless; it would only play DVDS.
So you, Yuji, Megumi and Nobora drew straws on who was going where.
It was decided that you and Megumi would go get drinks and snacks, leaving Yuji and Nobora to pick out a movie before the store closed.
You all put on sweaters and hoodies before heading out.
"Okay we'll all meet back here at 10:00 okay?" Nobora said
You all nodded in agreement.
Then you all split into your respective directions. You and Megumi walk together down dark streets, sure you were a sorcerer and all but you were also human, you couldn't help but feel nervous walking at this time of night, especially past so many bars. But all you needed was to hear Megumi strike up a conversation and forget all about the dangers.
"Are you sure? I can be quick?"
"We'll be back in no time" He said, giving a little grin, sensing how uncomfortable you felt.
"Yeah don't worry Megumi were just picking up snacks" you said with a slight quiver in your voice.
"Oh here we are," Megumi said, suddenly coming to a stop.
Megumi looked at you with a slight frown.
"I guess I'll go to the next store to save time" You said knowing that this store wouldn't have all you're looking for.
"It's fine, the quicker we can go the better." You said.
"Okay, I'll meet you…?"
"Yeah, actually I'll meet you here" you said”
He headed into the store still watching you until you began to walk down the path, the street lights were barely bright enough for you to feel safe, every time you walked past an alley you heard shuffles that made the hairs on the end of your neck stand up. The footstep shuffling sound was so close to you, you could have swarn they were trying to walk past you, but they didn’t.
Finally you made it to the brightly lit convenient store, no one else was in there but the cashier. As you walked inside a beep rang throughout the store, and right after another one did too. You turned around the corner of a shelf slightly catching a glimpse of a stranger in a hoodie, face was hard to make out when they were wearing a mask. The cashier suddenly left into the back behind the counter. It made you a little more nervous but all you had to do was be quick.
You brushed it off as another person looking for something to. You grabbed a basket and started putting items into it but you could feel eyes glaring into the back of your head. No this isn't happening. Just as you got to the back of the store you pulled out your phone and tried to unlock it to text Megumi but a hand grabbed your wrist suddenly. 
“HEY!” you harshly whispered shocked at the sudden action
“Let go!” you said out loud with more confusion than confidence trying to pull your wrist away.
Another beep rang through the store and hurried foot steps headed your way. What if it was another person? What if this was a set up? You might die here tonight.  The footsteps reached you and you felt a hard chest pressed against your back. You squeezed your eyes shut wishing you weren't here and stayed with Megumi instead.
“Let go of her” a familiar voice said intimidatingly.
It was Megumi, he grabbed your wrist back pulling the other person's hand off and holding it.
“Look man this girl is my little sister, she just ran away and our parents sent me to bring her back- '' The stranger suddenly said hurriedly not expecting this complication.
“She's not going with you, go tell your ‘parents’ she's fine because she's with her boyfriend” he said
The man's face went white and he wordlessly hurried out of the store.
“You should have come with me,” he said. He let you go and you turned to him, almost shaking.
You bring your wrist up to your eyes to inspect the stinging pain, it's red. Megumi's attention is drawn to your wrist too. Gently he takes it and presses it to his lips.
“Im sorry that happened” He sighed a cold breath against your skin
“Let’s just go home, I'm tired" you sighed.
You and Yuji were doing some afternoon studying together. Eventually, before it got dark Yuji wanted to do something different.
“Hey Y/N lets go watch a movie as a celebration for finishing”
“Yuji we have a whole other test.”
“But thats next week and we’re already ready for tomorrow” He smiled
It was so pure, you couldn’t say no. You both got up and started to walk out of the library with your things. After a quick stop at your respective dorms and dropped off your things with a quick outfit change and you guys began to walk together.
It was getting dark now and the cinema was a few minutes away, you had an off feeling deep down in your gut like someone was watching you. But Yuji was with you, nothing could possibly happen. And if something did Yuji would be there to protect you right?
You guys get into the cinema and the feeling still bothers you. To be quick Yuji said he would go buy all the snacks while you picked a movie and bought tickets. You watched as he walked off and waved, you smiled back at him, it was just a weird feeling, no reason to get Yuji paranoid, plus you had no hard evidence it would be weird to mention. You stood in line when you felt someone stand behind you strangely close. Maybe it was Yuji who came back to ask what you wanted, but when you turned around  there was someone else, a complete stranger looming over you. You froze in shock when you realised who it was. An old classmate, before you even came to Jujutsu high, but you left all that in the past. He always stuck out to you, doing strange things when you were around until one day in school you found him going through your bag. He was a real creep.
“You” you hissed at him through gritted teeth. He made your life miserable for the longest time, you were extremely paranoid for that part of your life and the only time you forget about him he comes back to haunt you.
“You need to come with me” he said in a low voice, you could tell he didn't want to make a scene.
Honestly neither did you, so you'd have to find your way out of it without gaining too much attention. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, about to call Yuji to meet you urgently but the guy snatched the phone from you. 
“Hey! Give that back!” you tried to stay calm but he was getting on your nerves. You reached out to get it back before he put a pocket knife close to your stomach. It was in his sleeve so no one could see it, but you could feel it.
“Come outside with me” he said and not knowing what to do you complied hoping that someone would notice the trouble you were in. He stood behind you making you walk out the door. Just as you stepped out a hand grabbed your arm. You flinched at the sudden contact.
“Hey don’t leave me now” Yuji looked at you with his eyes dead set on you. 
“Hey buddy back off can’t you see we’re busy here?” the creep said
“Actually we’re the ones busy here, so if you don't mind, do your business and leave us alone.” Yuji said, wrapping his arm around your waist and glaring at the guy coldly.
“Look Who do you even think you are pal?” The creep asked demanding for an answer
You held your breath. 
“Please help me Yuji” you mumbled softly that only he could hear. He looked down at you seeing how bad this was. 
“Im her boyfriend so you better not touch her again or I'll have to punch your face in. I sure as hell know for a fact that she wants nothing to do with you so I'd tread lightly” Yuji said without hesitating. He turned around with you and walked into the cinema leaving the guy frozen there.
“Thanks” you whispered leaning into his side. He squeezed you closer to buy the tickets with you this time.
When you got into the room you guys sat down and Yuji said
“I’m sorry I didn't notice you sooner” His hand going under your shirt feeling a scratch the knife left. You didn’t even notice your senses were too heightened. Your face turned red, luckily the room was too dark to notice. You leaned onto his shoulder as the movie started and planted a small kiss on your head.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: I probably should have mentioned this in the other posts but re-blogs are welcomed if you were wondering. Also I tried to keep it short and sweet but all the events would be to much to rush and it wouldn't make sense. Also thanks for reading.
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mxtantrights · 3 months
But I’m back and ready to get this party started hehe, SO! What about Boxer!Jason running into you at the train station while you’re getting home from work. You don’t know each other, and he’s an intimidating guy, with bandages on his hands and a fading shiner on his face.
And Jason knows that, so he keeps to himself. Up until a group of drunk guys stumble into the almost deserted train station and start bothering you…
Have fun!!!! Much love, you’re amazing :))🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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It’s late at night and work really tested your limits today. So when you get on the train you don’t take notice of the guys in the cart with you. It wouldn’t be the first time that you got him into a cart with sketchy people.
But something about this time is different. Out of your peripheral vision, you see a guy a couple of seats to the right of you with bandages on his knuckles and maybe one bandage over the bridge of his nose.
And you think to yourself in that moment, he’s probably the one guy you will have to stay away from.
 much to your dismay the guys in the car proved to you that that’s not the case. They start coming over to you one by one. The first two don’t say anything to you. They just take up both ends of the bench that you’re sitting on. The third one is the one that actually says something to you. Something sleazy with a pet name that you really don’t like.
You can’t slide away from the man and you second-guess standing up and picking another seat. There’s only a few ways that could go even though you’re just trying to be by yourself. So you try and shake your head and tell him no, but he doesn’t seem to take no for an answer.
 It’s not until the fourth guy comes over, and they are both blocking your front view, that you decide enough is enough. You stand up and tell them to leave you alone and walk over to the only other soul in the cart.
Cue boxer!Jason.
 of course the guys weren’t gonna give up. But that doesn’t mean that boxer!Jason wouldn’t let it slide. He wasn’t going to let it slide to begin with, but once he saw that you got up, he decided that he would step in.
The guys follow you over to your new seat. But it doesn’t last for long because boxer! Jason stands up at his 6 foot height and stairs, both of them down. Which makes them both back up and try to act like they weren’t hounding you.
You’re silently thanking the beat up guy who saved you from whatever unknown fate you were going to meet in the train cart with those guys. And at the next stop, they decide to get off. Which leaves you alone…
With him.
He tells you that he wasn’t going to let anything happen to you. And you thank him for just being there. Of course, boxer! Jason is going to say you handled it well on your own. And you’re gonna throw in there that you had the confidence of a worker scorned.
So you give him your name. He gives you his. And you two hit it off. Non stop talking for several stops. And when it is you’re time to finally get off you pull out a sticky note with a pen. You scribble out your number as fast as you can and give it to him. And then run out the cart.
The doors close as boxer!Jason looks down at the little note you left him. Wondering how he was gonna turn this into more than a one time thing.
A/n: wind anon is back yall!! I hope you’re doing well and thank you so much for sending this in I adore you so much for this new idea <33333 I hope you enjoy.
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sleyu · 1 year
all i everrrr think abt is post argument over something like reader being too close to a male friend and reader being oblivious to it, n ron being lowk a lil mean abt it but he ends up feeling badd w makeup sexxxx after & soft cuddly ronn
nooo because i just saw a tik tok about this exact scenario (it was the harry potter boys react to videos<3) where you wake up late for class, and ron, who’s already sitting in the classroom waiting for you, wondering where the actual hell you are, sees you walk in late with another boy who just so happened to be late as well.
buttttt we all know ron and how jealous he can get. his jealousy prevents him from abandoning any form of reason and he automatically becomes suspicious and assumes that there’s something going on between you and that guy. you sit down beside him and before you can even smile or say ‘hi,’ to your flushed boyfriend, he immediately pulls you close and whispers, ‘who the fuck was that and why’d you both come in late.’
actually, you’d be lucky if ron actually communicated his curiosity and jealousy, because the more likely scenario would be him brushing you off and rolling his eyes every time you’d speak to him. and you would be so confused :( you woke up late, didn’t get to have breakfast or kiss your boyfriend good morning, and now he’s being a big fat meanie ? the atmosphere in the room where the two of you would be together would be simply tense. ron would either glare at you, and when he relieved you of his scowling, he’d begin glower menacingly at the boy who walked with you to class.
he genuinely doesn’t care about the idea of it being a mere coincidence if he was already in a bad mood. he gets sooo possessive, especially when he gets regularly taunted by the slytherin’s for literally everything, but ever since the two of you began dating, he just feels extra threatened and is scared that someone is gonna steal you away :( the thought of some guy even being within 5m radius to you is enough to make his blood boil and his cheeks flush.
eventually, he gets soooo antsy that he corners you in an empty corridor and demands you to tell him who he was and why you would miss your daily walks to walk in with some other guy. what’s nice about ron is that it doesn’t take much to reassure him on the spot. all you really have to do his wrap your arms around his neck and stand on your tiptoes, emphasizing his height, and press a soft, loving kiss to his lips. your doe eyes, combined with a cute little pout on your lips, plus the slight tilt of your head in confusion is enough to have him apologizing for how he acted throughout the day :(
‘i’m sorry, love, it’s just—ah—i’m tense and—uh—i really missed you this morning,’ i’m sorry but he can’t communicate for shit so it’s better to just cut him off with a kiss and let him express his sorry to you physically.
hhh makeup sex with ron is so good because even after making up with him, even after all the apologies and reassuring, each thrust of his hips feels so territorial, as if he’s trying to engrave himself inside you, claiming you for himself. even though he whispers that he’s sorry and that he’ll try his best to control his feelings next time, you can still tell that the way he’s pounding into you is almost as if he’s trying to prove a point: that you’re no one else’s but his and that nothing in the world could take you away from him.
he’d groan in your ears, slow his pace to kiss you on the lips, ‘all mine, yeah? you’re all for me, y/n, aren’t you?’ HHHH
he hates himself for it, but he gets such a kick out of how small you look and how big you make him feel as he’s fucking you. your mewls, the way your eyebrows furrow, as if you’re almost overwhelmed by his size and each rut boosts his ego to the max and only makes him want to fuck you harder :( you just looks so pretty and ronald weasley is a firm believer in the fact that pretty girls deserved to get fucked well !
and you best believe, he’s leaving hickeys all over you. maybe not in places where other people can see (despite however much he wants to show the world that your his, he knows he’ll never hear the end of it if the twins or anyone else caught sight of the marks he left on you), but all over your breasts and inner thighs. it gets him going that he’s the only one who will ever get to leave marks in those places.
and let’s not forget his big finale. you best believe that after some good makeup sex, he is definitely cumming inside you. ron’s breeding kink is something we can discuss next time, but seeing his cum drip out of your abused, swollen cunt is the icing on the cake for him. as said in my previous ron fic, it completely solidifies and affirms the fact that he’s the only one who will ever be able to do that, and in years time, he dreams of getting you pregnant with his children to show the world that you’re his forever </3
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xuchiya · 1 month
"his chérie." || song mingi
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| genre: fluff. fluff. fluff | mention: timid. genitals. kissing. cursing
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Song Mingi. He is that kid that is so timid, the smallest things scare him. From the teacher calling him because he dropped his pen and he would be shaking like a leaf towards his ears were always red whenever someone talked to him. He would squeak like a small duck whenever his name is mentioned or when he got caught doing something like doodling on his notebook. Most of the time, he is alone; never likes to interact nor the attention. 
“Hi!” Yet that caught your attention. His timid personality. So in conclusion, you befriended him even though it took a year and half (almost the point of giving up) to actually have him warm up to you. You gave yourself a pat on the back that day.
“I know … Song Mangi.”
“Tha-That is not … my name!” 
“It is now, Mangi.”
“Then … let me call you … chérie.”
“Ahh! n-no!”
Song Mingi. He is that kid who blushes on the mention of genitals during eighth grade and how babies were made. His ears were always the evidence. He would cover his eyes whenever a couple would kiss or look away whenever they would hold hands.
“Jeez, they’re just holding hands, what’s wrong with that?” 
“PDA du-duh!”
“You’re weird, Mangi.”
Song Mingi. He is that kid who you won’t expect to have such a drastic puberty hit. He went from a few inches smaller than you to almost the same height as a normal volleyball player. His muscles even grew, almost ripping the sleeves of his shirts so he went and changed to wearing long sleeves to cover them. He became more confident, a little bit noisy and a more outgoing person. He developed more of his personality, smiling more, overcoming his stuttering, he had been interacting with so many of your classmates; sharing the same music taste to doing a rap battle in front of the classroom or even going to the arcades.
“Hey chérie! We’re going to the arcade, do you wanna come?”
“Sure! I’ll beat you on street fighter, Mangi!”
Song Mingi. You know he is that kid who will be in the limelight after he practices every day and night inside an abandoned practice room near the apartment that you both still live in with your mothers. You watch him from the corner of the room as his shoes screech on the floor, his feet coordinating with the beat of the music.
“You wanted to become an idol, Mangi?”
“I want to become the best rapper in the next generation of K-pop, chérie! Just imagine being on stage with so many fans singing along with you or going on tour!”
“Hmm~ I’ll support you.”
“Thank you chérie.”
Song Mingi. He was your childhood friend. He was the timid kid from the back of the classroom, alone in his own world and words of his emotions written at the back of his physics notebook. He was the one who is embarrassed to learn about human anatomy the whole time he is red and the teacher almost sent him to the clinic due to how red his face is; he is also the kid who looks away whenever he sees such intimate moments.
But he was also the kid who developed such a character that you were so proud to tell the whole world how you witnessed the changes of his personality. How he furnished his personality with your help.
His chérie.
“I want to dedicate this song to my chérie!” Mingi shouted on his hand mic, almost the entire open arena howled in response. That cement color mic (which made you laugh for almost a minute when he told you his favorite color when you were both kids) was glistening because of the sweat.
“You guys don't know how much they mean to me, how much they put effort to those times I felt like no one likes me. From being kids, I was so scared of the world, yet they were there to help me see the other side of it. From our first lesson in humans where they laugh at me because of I blushed at word dick …” The fans laugh along with his members, Mingi felt his heart skipping a beat as each of his words were closing to the end. 
“To college life where we were both learning life, crying and getting scolded for staying out late and being together to overcome the challenges. They saw me through my worst and best, been through my ups and downs. So, put your motherfucking hands up for my girlfriend, my chérie!” He raised his hand, his ring finger bent as he continued his speech.
Song Mingi. He is the kid; you never knew you would fall for; you, his chérie.
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
i feel like maïna sent me an ask/prompt about. SOMETHING. like this for forced coming out au genuinely so long ago but i can’t find it for the life of me so perhaps i simply made that up. anyways here’s a short fic set in that universe about them dealing with the panopticon. and in fact being pda whores in the panopticon. bon apetit
“There’s a photographer over there,” Marc whispers in his ear, breath warm and close. He loops his arms around Vale’s neck as he says it, sounding nonchalant, but Vale knows him better than that by now, can see the tension tucked in his shoulders, hidden in the carefully collected smile on his face.
“Hmm.” He replies, amiably, nosing at Marc’s cheek. They’re in the paddock and they’re together— of course there’s a photographer on them. There’s probably seven photographers on them. Par for the course in years past, but especially these last couple of months.
And Vale’s always believed that if people are going to look, he might as well give them a show.
He lifts a hand and flips Marc’s cap off of his head, setting it down backwards so the brims of their hats arent competing. Marc’s face catches the sun, and Vale leans in to kiss where it hits the jut of his cheekbone because he can— because it’s what he would do, if they were actually together. If Marc was a girl. If any of this had happened the way it was supposed to, for people like them.
His stomach clenches, involuntary. He thinks he can hear the click of a camera firing. Good.
“Now he can see me.” Marc complains, leaning closer. He tries to hide behind Vale, using their height difference to squeeze himself into his shadow, and Vale laughs, tugging at where his hair is starting to curl behind his ears, where Marc’s skin is smooth and warm.
“It’s been a few weeks— We should probably give them something to see.”
“It has.” Marc agrees, sneaking his hands down now, snaking them inside Vale’s jacket and under his shirt. “We should.”
Vale yelps, curves his body inward reflexively. They’re like ice.
“That’s cold!” He pulls a face. Camera flash.
Marc ignores him, cackles an evil little laugh into the fabric of Vale’s shirt around his collarbone. Vale lets him, wraps an arm around his shoulders and leans back in, making sure Marc is the only one who can hear. It’s their preferred mode of communication these days— close, edging on the line of plausible deniability. His lips catch on the delicate skin of Marc’s temple as he speaks, and they’re in public, so it’s okay to keep them there.
“Karen from PR asked the next time we are available, so we can, ah, do another date.”
Just a few months ago this would all have felt like a minefield, but when he raises an eyebrow —a question— Marc just nods easily. Understanding without words. They’ve been getting good at this part, after everything, all the press and performance and years on track, years in each other’s beds. In MotoGP, you have to be adaptable, able to read another rider’s move, know how they’re going to take a corner almost before they do— and there’s a reason Marc and him are the best at what they do.
“We’re in Phillip Island next week— do you want to try out that place we went last year?” Marc responds, voice lower a little more reserved. His fingers edge under the elastic of Vale’s waistband. His hands must really be cold.
Vale nods, even as his chest clenches, resentment and something less empowering spiking through him. Last year. Right at the end. Phillip Island.
Not a good memory.
He lays a hand to Marc’s neck, thumb hitting the hinge of his jaw. Tilts him where he wants him. Marc goes— like he always does, moving easily with him, body pliable everywhere but the track. His brown eyes focus in on Vale’s face, intent. Unsettling, if you know how he catalogs information, if you know how what sort of instincts he has on the bike— shoving in beside Vale on track without a thought. Risking a bit more than Vale’s ever been able to comfortably stomach.
But Vale’s always thrived in high pressure situations, under attention, and the way Marc’s eyes laser on him only makes him settle. Makes him sharper. Clearer. Hot danger zipping under his collar, shivery and sweet. He wonders what Marc will let him do, out here in the middle of the paddock, with a photographer on them.
Marc’s hands flex, where they’re pressed under Vale’s shirt, like he can understand what Vale’s thinking, that same uncanny ability to predict a move rising to the surface. His nails scrape a little, dragging along the skin of Vale’s lower back.
“Let’s do that.” Vale says. He doesn’t really remember what were they talking about. A date, he thinks. Marc all to himself.
The careful attention of Marc’s eyes drop to his mouth, then once, quick, over his shoulder. The photographer. Right.
The show.
“Okay,” Marc says, eyes searching Vale’s face, uncharacteristically serious. Contemplative. Like he’s thinking about something. Vale raises an an eyebrow, but before he can say anything the look on Marc’s face condenses, and he leans up to kiss Vale sweetly, open and a little messy.
And this has always been the thing that’s worked most between them. Easy and magnetic. The push and pull. The perfect picture.
And then Marc’s pushing forward, deeper, licking into Vale’s mouth. Kiss skewing dirty, dirtier than they usually get nowadays, making Vale’s pulse jump— a dare. How far are you willing to go? it asks, that same impudent instinct he has when he’s diving up the inside of Vale’s race line coloring the kiss, and Vale answers.
His teeth bite at Marc’s bottom lip, exercising a little more control, and he crowds forward, using his height to push Marc’s head back, hand splayed on the edge of his jaw. Directing him, coaxing him. And Marc relaxes like that, back arching into Vale as the kiss extends. A surrender.
Vale’s got him where he wants him, and he doesn’t want to leave. He wants to lift a thigh, get Marc pressed up high and tight against him, wants to drag him off to his motorhome, see how far Marc is willing to let him go, wants to—
Another camera shutters, louder, closer, and it breaks the thread between them, bringing them back to reality. To why they’re here. Vale clears his throat, and Marc ducks his head.
Suddenly Vale’s chest hurts, feels cracked open with Marc tucked up against him, nose edging inside his jacket to find some warmth against Vale’s collarbone. So solid and warm and real. The only way Vale gets to hold him anymore is like this, for the cameras.
Love you, he lets himself think, probably for the first time. Love you, he doesn’t say. The camera shutters, and he pulls Marc closer into the well of his body.
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littlecrittereli · 7 months
Random WK Headcanon dump
Here's a silly list of headcanons I have about team Wild Kratts, in no particular order other than what comes into my head first:
Martin and Chris are based off their real heights and I filled everyone else in based off how they look standing next to each other. I exaggerated Aviva and Koki's height a little bit, just for some variety.
Koki is the tallest at 6' (182.9 cm)
Martin is 5'10 (177.8 cm)
Jimmy is 5'9 (175.3 cm)
Chris is 5'8 (172.7 cm)
and Aviva is the shortest at 5'3 (160 cm)
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Martin is definitely the oldest at 25
Aviva is 24
Jimmy and Koki are both 23, Jimmy being a few months older
And Chris is runner up at 21
The reason for the small age gap is because Martin was ultimately the person that put together the Tortuga team when he graduated college, and he picked students that were also close to graduation at the time. Chris would have just been starting college, but would join them upon graduation because of his connection through Martin. Other freshmen at the time would not have qualified for the research grant.
Martin: Dec 23rd (he's a capricorn)
Aviva: Nov 4th (She's a scorpio)
Jimmy: April 20th (He's a taurus)
Koki: August 27th (She's a virgo)
Chris: July 19th (He's a cancer)
(Disclaimer this is referring to the fictional Wild Kratts animated characters ONLY. Not the actual people they are based on.)
Martin: he/him, bisexual. But his preference is women.
He's probably had a handful of girlfriends and a couple of boyfriends throughout high school and college, but unfortunately had too big of ambitions to settle down with anyone.
Aviva: she/her, bisexual. She doesn't have a preference.
She has probably been on like... 2 dates max. She has always been much more focused on her education and bettering her inventions than dating. Her only standard for a partnership is someone who can keep up with her intelligence. Or at least someone she can learn from and grow with.
Jimmy: he/him, straight.
He literally does not care, but he would probably kiss a man if the opportunity arose. Had a girlfriend in kindergarten and they spoke twice, but since she moved schools and they never officially broke up, he's still technically off the market.
Koki: she/they lesbian. SHE LIKES WOMEN
tried to date a man. regretted it. Has probably been in a couple semi-serious relationships, but didn't work out for various reasons. She's content to focus on her career for now but someday would love to be a mom.
Chris: he/they aroace
only proclaimed to have a crush on a girl in high school because everyone else was talking about crushes and he didn't want to feel left out. Doesn't really like to be touched in general. Would rather cut off his hand than be forced to hold someone else's in a non platonic way. When someone has a crush on him, he does not know how to respond so he literally just ignores them.
Silly Stuff:
-As a zoologist, Martin knows more about animal behaviors, classification, and identification. Meanwhile, Chris as a biologist knows more about the anatomy and general science of animals. For example, Martin would be able to explain the reasoning behind a firefly's glow while Chris would be able to explain the chemical reaction that makes the glow possible. And they are constantly sharing and learning from each other as well.
-Chris has glasses, he just doesn't really use them very often. They would get in the way of creature adventuring so he only wears them if he's reading or something. They aren't super crucial, it just helps with small words.
-Game nights are VERY serious on the Tortuga. Jimmy is suspiciously good at card/board games. He pretty much always wins. It's to the point where everyone else is on a team against him. Sometimes he lets them win and it has sent the entire team into a fight. Sorry has been banned in the Tortuga because of this.
-Koki's a huge theatre nerd. She participated in plays recreationally throughout high school, and will often hum or sing while she's doing a task.
-Martin plays the guitar and has a mediocre singing voice. It's nothing spectacular but he can carry a tune. Sometimes when the Tortuga is parked somewhere remote for the night, they will make a campfire and sing a few songs.
-Aviva has roller skates built into her shoes (SIDE NOTE: This is something we see very often in season 1 but they seemed to have forgotten about it??? or retconned it??? BUT I HATE IT BECAUSE THEY WERE SO COOL PLEASE BRING BACK THE ROLLER SKATES)
-Martin is a terrible driver. (The oldest sibling curse) He knows he's a terrible driver, but pretends he's not. Chris will usually try to take the driver's seat to prevent Martin from driving, but sometimes Martin beats him there. Will deflect any evidence of him being a bad driver. "That curb shouldn't have been there" Someone please revoke his license, he's a danger to society.
-Jimmy is definitely the best cook out of all of them. He makes food for the team most of the time, unless they are on a longer flight and he has to pilot. Koki and Chris are pretty competent chefs "Just read the recipe it's not that hard". Martin's basically limited to ramen noodles and microwave mac and cheese. Aviva, try as she might, can NOT cook. She will BURN water. (she always overcomplicates the recipes by trying to utilize an invention or something)
-Koki likes to crochet. She likes to keep her hands busy so whenever she's doing a rather boring task, like monitoring for bad weather/villains while the bros are out, she crochets.
-Jimmy gets insane jet lag, and since they are bouncing from different time zones all the time, he can never really catch up. Not to mention he has to stay up for irregular hours to fly the Tortuga. This is why he's always napping, and why the others usually leave him alone to sleep unless it's important.
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fushiguwu · 13 days
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it’s fxcking over. getou suguru
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CHAPTER 4 from the Summer Fever's serie!
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ft. dilf!getou and collegestudent!reader
warnings: arguing, truth discovering, kind of cheating? if you squint and think like gojo, gojo being mom, crying, relationship discussion, reader being disappointed, start of enemies to lovers.
words: 2.7k
a/n: hiii sorry for the late hope u enjoy this development chapter
(chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, more to come)
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And you did keep your promise. 
After Suguru left, you stayed there for a few more minutes, feeling that something wasn’t right about all of this. You knew he was hiding things from you; even though you didn’t actually know each other, he seemed to be having a great time with you, as you were with him, so why did he hide so much? He didn’t even give you his phone number — nor did he ask for yours. And why would a man his age be at this party? What did he mean when he said he wasn’t supposed to be there, that you shouldn’t be together there? 
So many unsolved questions for a man you barely knew; your mind gave you no rest as a taxi drove you home that night silently. The smell of alcohol and smoke impregnated the car, your makeup probably looked a mess, your hair was dirty and you started feeling really disgusting as sobered up. Everything you had lived with Suguru came up like flashes: even far from all those memories, you felt like you could close your eyes and touch him again by a raise of an arm. And you do close your eyes, but for the headache the drunkenness gave you. 
Not much time passed until you got home. Gojo and your mom were sleeping, the whole house dark, you took your shoes off, staggering over the furniture till the closest bathroom; all you wanted to do was take a shower and sleep for the next ten hours. Your mind needed a break on thinking. You throw yourself on your bed as soon as the bath is over and nothing has ever felt as comfortable as the smell of your cleaning sheets after a long, long night. You don’t want to think about Suguru ever again — for the next few hours.
You woke up the next day feeling like a truck ran over you while sleeping, or maybe you were just hungover. ‘Never gonna drink again’, you think — And you know it’s not true. It was your last couple weeks before heading back to your cruel reality as a college student, the time passes the fastest when you spend it wondering about someone else. Even with all the alcohol running through your blood until now, you remember everything that happened last night; and you don’t know if you’re supposed to feel good or bad about it. The man you’re obsessed with just keeps getting out of your hands and you feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. Maybe you should let the idea of him go for once; you could feel, deep inside, that you’ll get hurt if keep on running after Suguru and his secrets. 
The depressive thoughts of your love life fades away once you head to the kitchen. Satoru’s there making God-knows-what when he sees you and screams your name out. Ouch, bye, poor ears. “Good morning, Satoru.”
“Good morning? It’s 2pm! I’m making lunch already!” He’s wiping his hands on the apron, “I thought you were dead!” 
“Unfortunately, I am not.” You sit on the dinner table with a coffee mug resting your aching head on your free hand. Your eyes were barely open yet.  “Where’s my mom?”
“Buying stuff for lunch tomorrow.” ‘What about today’s lunch at these bratty hands?’ you think. He looks back at you for a few seconds. "It seems someone enjoyed the party last night, huh?” Gojo says as scapes your sight gradually. He seems to have gotten over not being invited. 
“Yeah, you could say that…”  your voice so weak as you closed your eyes completely. When you open it again, Gojo’s holding a medicine — that you supposed was for your headache, and a glass of water at the height of your face. You smile lowly to him and take it. “Thanks, Gojo. I needed it” you say, truly. He smiled back at you and headed back to the stove. 
“I’ve been your age once, kid. Know how it is” He turns off the heat. “Yeah, of course, our mister party rocker”, you said to him almost like a whisper. He gives you a small laugh. “Lunch’s ready, let’s eat.” the white haired man looks satisfied with his hard work. He takes his apron off and washes his hands. Only thinking about food makes you sick. 
“I’m not hungry.” 
“And I am not asking you. You’re not getting out of this kitchen without eating something.” you groan loud enough for him to hear and lay your head on the table, what audacity! It does not bother Satoru, though, as he puts a dish full of his freshly made food in front of you. It actually looked pretty tasty if you only weren't dying slowly out of intoxication. Gojo squints. “Now who’s the brat one?”
You felt sick after eating Satoru’s meal, you tried to tell him that, but he ignored your prayers —not because it tasted bad, you were just nauseous from the alcohol; so you spent the rest of that day in bed regretting your actions. All of them. 
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Sunday morning woke you up with loud noises coming from downstairs. Muffled sounds of dishes, laughter, talking. It takes a while for you to understand that a whole day has passed and you actually slept for this long, wiping the drool out of your cheeks. Your brain still engaging the clutches to work again, the sun invading your room through the thin white curtains making you squeeze your retinas. The noise decreases. There’s definitely other people in here, and neither your mom nor Gojo told you about guests coming — maybe because you were asleep for the last 13 hours, but that’s not the point. 
You dressed properly, washed your face and brushed your teeth before heading downstairs. You tried to fix your hair with your hands on the way, too. The sound of laughter rising through the walls as you came closer and closer to the kitchen. Exposing only your head, you check the room. Empty, so you enter. The voices coming from outside, you can hear your mom talking near the pool. That’s when Gojo opens the backyard door to probably get some beer and you hide back, unsuccessfully trying to avoid him. He calls your name, happy. “Look who woke up! Feeling better from the hangover?” Oh, yeah, you almost forgot you were feeling sick yesterday — thank god. So you say a ‘yes, thank you’ to him, polite but still very much suspicious, while he heads to the freezer, not a bit bothered. Suddenly something clicks on his head. Gojo says your name before ‘come here’, heading to the backyard. You don’t feel like following him, but he insists with a so excited “Come on!“ that you do. 
There was your mom, sitting by a lounge chair, laughing, and there were other two people facing her, sitting too, with their back to you. You could only see the back of the chair and the top of their heads. You shiver and stay still at the sight of long black hair. Satoru saw you stopping for a second and took your arm gently to bring you closer. You were now facing the guests, but looked away. Gojo walks away from you.
“Getou, I told you about my stepdaughter, remember?” the white haired man slaps his friend’s shoulder, who is sitting. You’re scared to look fully at what is staring at you in your panoramic view, but Gojo calls your attention. Your heart jumping out. You knew it was him. You knew since you saw his silky hair from behind, since you heard him laughing. But nothing prepared you to look him in the eyes. And the gaze he gave you, the mask falling off him as your chest into the ground. “This is my best friend, Suguru, and this is his wife.” he points to the pretty lady beside Suguru, her black hair long like his. Your stomach started churning again like someone just gave you several punches. 
A dead silence within. 
“…ex wife, Satoru.” the raven haired man emphasized after clearing his throat, uncertain to look into your eyes again — and you’re grateful for it, as you felt  your own starting to blur in tears. You looked away too, so no one would notice. 
Gojo rolls his eyes “whatever. You two are here together now, aren’t you?” Getou tried to add that they were there as friends, but the white haired one interrupted his chatting. “Anyways, I just wanted  you to know your new friend’s dad.” 
“Mimiko and Nanako?” you ask, staring at Suguru. He kept looking down. ‘Wasn’t that obvious enough, how could I not notice?’, you thought. “Correct! Isn’t it awesome that we’re all connected now?”, says Gojo, sitting on his chair beside your mom. You take a few steps back.
“…Yeah, I guess it is”, and start to walk inside again, not once looking behind you. Your mind was clouded by so many things, all your questions being answered in the worst possible way now. All the pieces of that puzzle connect, and you are the foolish one. 
“What’s wrong?” you hear your mom saying from afar; you don’t answer. everything else seems to be far from you, even yourself. What a reality shock. Of course he kept things from you, of course he was fucking lying and omitting about his life. What a pathetic girl you are to think a man twice your age would be single and father of no kids, right? It was indeed too good to be true. 
You heard your name on your way upstairs, wiping the tears from your poor cheeks. You already knew who it was without looking back, so you kept your way. He, then, runs to grab your hand and stop you: it does work, but you can’t hide the tears from your eyes, surrendering to Suguru and looking him in the eye from one step up. Your gaze externalizes anger, sadness, betrayal. He feels his heart breaking in a hundred pieces. 
“I can explain this” The classic. What more could you expect? You laugh at him. “Please, listen to me” Suguru says your name in such a tiny voice you hesitate for a second, but then swallow dry your feelings. 
“Don’t want to hear it, Suguru. Or should I be more polite and call you Getou? Since we do not know each other” you pull your hand from his grip abruptly, looking deep into his eyes, seeking for any trace of truth. You stay silent for a moment, not knowing if wanted to have the answer for what you were about to ask. 
“How long do you know?” He seemed confused, frowning at you. It makes you angrier. “Know what?” so he asks back. You could feel your eyes burning in tears again. You wanted to scream at him, scream so everyone could hear what a bastard he is.
“How long do you know who I am? That I’m your fucking best friend’s stepdaughter! That…” you hesitate, “…That I am friend with your fucking children”. You point at his chest, disgusted, crying. Suguru looks away from you for the first time in your discussion. You step away from him, shaking your head, not wanting to hear it. His insecurity was an answer enough. 
“You already knew that, didn't you? You fucking knew it from the beginning” you laugh in disbelief and wipes your face with your hands. “I was just being fucking used” you whisper more to yourself than for him. The raven haired man stands before you silently, holding on the handrail, still not gazing your way. “What kind of kink is that, huh? Does fucking your friend’s daughter turns you on? Do you do that to all of them? If so, I should go out and warn the other Satoru’s friends. That are, oh my,” you pause sarcastically, “your friends too!” Suguru seems to have got some nerve as he finally looks back at you. 
“You know it’s not that” his voice is very low and bothered. You laugh: he is upset. What right does he have to be upset? 
“No, I don’t know about anything.” You think for a second, “Actually, I do know one thing: that I don’t want to know about you anymore. Nor your weird kinks, nor your secrets. Nothing. This— thing, we had, it’s over. It’s fucking over. You fucking used me, Suguru. I really liked you, u know? I thought that maybe you were different, but how naive I am to think a man would be different.” your eyes were starting to get puffy, but you really wanted to spill everything you had left. 
“I passed the last weeks just thinking of you, the whole fucking time. And yesterday was so incredible, we had such a good time. I’m not talking about the making out, but the parts where we were laughing together. But nothing was real, now was it?” 
“It was, for me. You don’t know how much I enjoyed spending my time with you, just let me explain” Suguru tries to get closer to you, touching his fingertips on yours, but before he could keep on talking, a female voice called his name from outside.
“I’m afraid your wife is calling you, Getou.” you step back, keeping a distance from him again. This time, you did not intend to get anymore closer. He was confused between explaining himself to you and answer the calling, so you take the opportunity when he looks back downstairs to seek for the voice, to head to your room without any further obstacles.
When Getou looks at you, you’re already gone, and his wife is at the stair base talking about something he did not listen to. 
You close your room’s door behind you, sitting on the cold floor, processing everything that just happened. You felt used, dumb, stupid, naive. Every bad thing. You didn’t mean to put expectations on Suguru, as you’ve been together only twice, but you didn’t expect him to lie to you so deeply. You two didn’t have much time to talk, too, but he could’ve said something before. He knew you were his best friend’s stepdaughter and kept on, hiding this from you. Hiding that he had a wife and kids. Lucky you, it just lasted for two nights. What could happen if you took more time to find out the truth? 
But you still felt attracted to him, though. You were together two days ago, after all; he grabbed you so tight, his voice so sweet and his grip so strong. He was still so handsome, so gorgeous. Maybe the most beautiful man you’ve ever been with. And yet so negligent. You can’t afford the luxury of keeping this relationship, after all he has hidden from you, after you find out how close he is to your family, and you’ve become to his too. That’s the right choice: to forget what you two had. He had the age to be your father, and worse, you were the age of his daughters. It was a summer fever, that’s all, and shall pass. 
That’s what you were trying to convince yourself as took the flight back to your university, a week later. Suguru tried to make contact with you again through the days, going to your house on the subject of watching sports with Gojo, but he kept looking upstairs from the living room, waiting for you to come down at any time. And when you did, he gave Satoru some excuse to follow you kitchen inside and try to talk. He had such a puppy face you could only see panoramically, as ignored him almost completely every damn time. Sometimes he got upstairs and knocked on your room’s door — which you don’t know how he knew it was your room, and said things like “i’m sorry; let’s talk; let me explain”, as if you’d kicked his ass after a ten year relationship? You were actually pretty fucking tired of his attitude, and it kinda hurted you too, as a man so handsome is begging forgiveness on your knees and you are rejecting him; unfortunately, your mind spoke louder than your heart. And as the time went by, your sadness turned into anger, that made you little to zero patience with the whole situation. You had so much stuff to worry about already, a drama with a man twice your age couldn’t and wouldn’t bother you from now on. 
That is, until your next college break. 
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bugtoonz · 28 days
hii!! what headcanons do u have for the moonbase trio (362, 86, and 60)?
i always thought it was funny they were called the moonbase trio, bc isn’t patton stationed in like antarctica lol? anyways they’re super fun and i’m excited to talk about them!
for Rachel, i 1000% believe that girl lives on coffee. i know it’s like the equivalent of cocaine in the knd universe, but there’s no way she runs a worldwide organization of kids and isn’t majorly dependent on caffeine. that being said, since she’s also one of those said kids, she definitely piles it high with sugar and creamer. the sugar intake is probably worse for her than the coffee part😭 i also feel like she’s pretty tall. like especially now since she’s young, but even when she gets older i can see her being above average height. it’s definitely something she appreciates because it makes it easy to look down at people disapprovingly when they go against her orders. also, her and chad used to be super close. he was basically her older brother and the one that introduced her to nigel. since she’s soopreme leader, she’s aware of the teens next door, but Chad became somewhat distant after his fake-betrayal, and it’s something that really hurt her.
for Fanny, this is kind of random, but she’s definitely the kind of girl that reads fairy books about friendship and girlhood. she tries to apply what she reads to her real life, but for some reason it’s a lot harder for her to be kind and understanding than it is for Princess Sparklewand of Fairylandia. i also think that the reason she has an irish accent, despite having grown up in the same town as Sector V is because her parents are divorced, and she splits her time between Mr. Boss in Vermont and her mom in Ireland. it’s easy to do both when you own your own spaceship/aircraft/boat. her and her brothers all have her mother’s last name because she refused to change it when she married Mr. Boss and also refused to give her children his surname because she’s the one who had to give birth! it’s no wonder fanny is the way she is. her little brothers spend more time with her dad, though, which is why their accents are american. as much as Fanny bullies them, she’ll bully whoever tries to do the same to them 500x harder. she’s very protective of the people she loves.
i think Patton is really funny. he’s a total hard-ass that knows the KND rule book like the back of his hand, but also a total softie when it comes to his cadets. i feel like he’s from alaska. he seems rugged enough to be able to live there. i also feel like all of his time spent in freezing cold climates means that a trip below the equator might actually make him melt. Fanny doesn’t let him stand to close to her at the beach because she’s worried he’ll get his gross boy sweat all over her. Patton is also, like, super awkward outside of the work setting. someone get this poor boy an etiquette manual or something!! it’s not his fault he spends all of his time running drills and locking up villains. a lot of operatives avoid him because they always think he’s mad, but that’s just how he talks. he gets really confused when he tries to say hi to someone and they run away crying.
as for like their relationships with each other, Fanny has a huge, massive crush on Rachel that the latter is oblivious to. Rachel in turn sees Fanny as one of her closest friends, but also thinks she could maybe take a chill pill sometimes. Fanny and Patton have a sometimes-not-so-friendly rivalry with each other over which one’s the toughest out of the two. that being said, Patton is one of the few boys Fanny will tolerate, mostly because of his similar no-nonsense approach to work. Patton and Rachel are also good friends, and Patton has a lot of respect for her. when Rachel stepped up as Soopreme Leader, he was the first to back her campaign. Rachel likes Patton a lot, but he also needs a chill pill. it’s okay though, she loves her neurotic besties. (birds of a feather and all that)
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readingadream · 5 months
A Twisted High
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Pairing: Bang Chan X OC Alexa/Alex
Summary: Alexa's favorite thing is Ice skating and hanging out with friend's. Chris's favorite thing is Hockey and working for the family business. What happens when these two get paired up for a school project and become each others new favorite thing.
Genre: Mafia Au, Hockey Au,
Warning and Tags: Drug use, violence, eventually smut, fluff, angst
Word Count: 1,589
Chapter Three
Alexa's POV
"You know, being your partner wasn't all that bad. Who would've thought you were actually smart and a hard worker?" I jest, teasingly nudging Chris while we get some of the flowers for part of our project. I slowed down a bit checking the time on my phone. Looking up, I take a look at Chris's shoulders. I didn't realize how long I was just staring at Chris's shoulder muscles until I ran right into them.
"Hey, why'd you stop? I'd like to go home soon, Chris," I say in a teasing tone, but then I see his back tense up and I start to get a little scared. I take a quick look around the park but see nothing. I start to think to myself that he's trying to play a sick joke on me.
Third Person POV
"Please be quiet for a minute, I heard something." Chris whispers to Alexa which makes the girl instantly shut up and wrap herself around Chris's arm, and then she finally starts to hear something. The sound is now getting closer to the two. Chris stays on high alert. The boy then starts to walk slowly to the parking lot, looking around and trying to hear where the noise is coming from.
"Chris what's going on?" Alexa whispers quietly looking around the park for a sign of something or someone. Feeling a little scared but also safe at the same time with Chris being near.
"Just stay close to me, okay? Don't leave my side unless I tell you to. I know we aren't that close, but I just need you to trust me right now, okay?" Chris questions with so much worry and sincerity in his voice. The two make eye contact and Alexa can see the truthfulness and urgency in his eyes. She instantly trusts him and nods her head letting him know that she trusts him.
"Of course, but Chris, should I be scared?" Chris starts looking around until they both hear rustling in the bushes, breaking their eye contact. Chris pushes Alex behind him, grabs her hand and starts walking faster.
"Oh yes, you should be, pretty thing," a guy comes up behind the two, whispering in her ear, making Alex scream and squeeze Chris's arm. This caused him to turn around and glare at the man with daggers in his eyes.
"Don't talk to her like that, Hyunbin," Chris says with so much force in his voice and grabs hold of Alexa tighter, trying to create some space from the dangerous man. The need to get the girl next to him away from here was incredibly strong.
"Oh, so she is your little girlfriend? Who would've thought," Hyunbin ponders teasingly while looking Alexa up and down, checking her out, making both Chris and Alexa uncomfortable. The girl stood up straight due to the increasing sense of dread.
"She is not my girlfriend. Now, you can leave us alone, or at least let me get her to her car and on her way home, then I can take you on. But she has nothing to do with me." Alexa gives Chris a confused look, then looks over at who she heard was named Hyunbin. She tries to put together who he could be. If he was a student, she’d know because she's in the yearbook, so she would know the name and the face right off the bat… right? It wasn’t until she made eye contact with Hyunbin did she realize that both him and Chris were staring at her.
"Hey sweet stuff, you should ditch him and come with me. I'm definitely a better fuck and can do things he's too scared to do. I bet you'd like that, you seem like the nasty kind of girl," the guy goads with so much confidence in his tone, making Alexa shiver.
"Umm, how about no. You're not really my type, sorry," Alexa says, getting over her fear and standing up straight behind Chris, peeking over his head. Due to her height, she can see over Chris, making easy eye contact with the stranger.
"Oh, sassy - I like that. No wonder why Chrissy boy here likes you. You pretty ladies like shorter guys. I get this dynamic now, really did almost get me there earlier," Hyunbin smirks, walking closer to the two, but the sound of crunching leaves make the two look to the cause of the sound. They set their eyes on four new guys now in the park.
"Stop Hyunbin, it's not like that. We are just doing a school project together, that's it, nothing else. Now, get your goons and just fuck off. " The taller boy laughs, disregarding Chris's words, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him out his way. Going to Alex, he grabs her arm, throwing her to one of his friends.
"Oh, I don't believe you, there is no way you are with this," gesturing towards Alex, "and not hitting it. But don't worry, this is just a little payback. My apologies to the pretty lady, I don't want a pretty girl like you to get hurt or anything, so you can stand next to Jinsen and once we rough Chris up a little, you can kiss his wounds and then dream of me tonight."
Chris gets up and makes his way over to Alexa before Hyunbin can get a hold of him again. He rips Alexa out of his grasp and whispers in her ear, "Alex, go to your car and drive. I'll call you when I'm done here. Run and don't look back, don't worry about me." Confused, Alexa nods her head slowly while giving Chris a soft smile and then runs as fast as she can to the car. Alex looks back to check on Chris but she didn't see him. He was gone and so was Hyunbin, and as she made it to her car she was met with a hard chest and she instantly knew it wasn't Chris.
"Not so fast, you are supposed to stay with me," Jinsen then grabs her shoulders making Alexa drop her keys and bag.
Alexa starts to thrash her body around and was going to yell for Chris but her mouth was promptly covered. Alexa's thrashing gets more aggressive as she realizes calling for Chris won't be able to help her. Thrashing too hard, Alexa uses all her weight and power and leans over to one side, accidently hitting her head on the car door and falling straight to the concrete, knocking herself out. Jinsen instantly looks at Alexa, trying to wake her up but got nothing. Scared for what could happen next he starts looking around to see if anyone saw or if Hyunbin is around, but seeing no one, Jinsen runs as fast as he can to his car and leaves, more scared about what Chris will do than Hyunbin being mad about leaving.
Chris POV
After I knocked out the last goon, I looked over at the parking lot to see if Alexa left, seeing her on the ground. I run to her side, checking to see if she's still breathing and she is. I check to see if she has any bruises and if there is any indication of what happened. I see that there is no blood or bruises, but I did notice a bump on her head. I don't know what to do, I can't take her to her place. The only option is to take her to my place, but no one can know. I need help though. I decided to call Jisung.
"Yo Chan, what's up?" Han asks with so much energy in his tone. I put him on speaker as I dragged around Hyunbin's goons who jumped us and laid them against a tree.
"Look Han, I need your help." I pull out a pen from my pocket and start doodling on their faces. Giggling to myself, I take a quick picture.
"With what? What did you do?"
"Alex and I were working on our project and we got jumped. I need to sneak her into my room," I let out a sigh, waiting for his response.
"Dude, that's easy. No problem boss."
"Thanks man I knew I could count on you. I'm going to move her car and lock it up, then I'll text you."
"Sounds good." I hung up and got Alex up and laid her down in my truck, then I looked for her keys but I realized she doesn't have her bag on her. I shut her door and looked around the spot I found her and saw nothing. I go to lock my car and start to retrace mine and Alexa's steps. Finally finding her bag in the middle of the field I check to make sure it has everything before I start to make my way to her car to lock it.
Finally I make my way back to my car and hop in, starting it up to make my way home, checking on Alex every few minutes. As I drive down the road I text Han to let him know that we are almost home. I take one last look at Alex, moving some hair out of her face and checking her breathing pace. Pulling up I make sure to grab her bag and step out of the car, immediately looking for Han. Then I see a shadow coming up and I tense, not knowing if it is Han or someone else.
Series’s Masterlist
Pervious Next
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Don't Let Me Go
Words: 10,245
Warnings: language, talk of alcohol/alcohol consumption, regret, Leon being a dick but for a kinda good reason, people may be mad at reader cause of what she does but whatever idc this is my fucking story, maybe ooc characters and probably bad writing
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This also was originally written for my OC Tiffany (Whose info on her/original story will eventually be available on this account @imnotobsessedwfictionalchracters )
Leon and Hunnigan are PROBABLY OOC (as I suck at not being able to keep them from being OOC)
Actually find it fucking insane how long this thing is all together
This is it in multi-part form: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Reader and Leon are partners with their job (have been since 2004/2005) and is insinuated to be around the same height as Leon
Y/N/N/N means the nickname of your nickname (or just another nickname)
Not Proof-read and I think it can be seen every once and a while (I know you can see where my brain couldn't function how to write the scene so I just guessed and hoped for the best)
Can be read as its own story or as a sequel to You’re About To Lose The Best Damn Thing You’ve Ever Had
Losely has themes from the songs Never Say Never by The Fray, No Surprises by Radiohead, Afterglow by Taylor Swift, and Look After You by The Fray
Anywho, enjoy
Love Z <3
January 21st of 2009
Y/N sat in front of the computer with Hunnigan as they went over the assignment before she was supposed to leave in 2 hours. Usually, she would be sitting with Leon on Hunnigan’s other side, but this wasn’t a usual case. They were working with a mix of BSAA Agents and STRATCOM agents. 3 of each, minus Y/N who was the leader of it. So in all, it was a team of 7. Overkill in her eyes. But that wasn’t her job. Her job was to get the assignment done and come back alive. 
The only reason the two organizations were forced to work together was because they both had interest in this case and decided that they needed to use both intels for it to work. Over in the Rockies in Northern Canada, parts where there were little inhabitants, people had gone missing before showing up with remnants of a strand of the T-Virus in them. BSAA had found the base back 2 weeks ago while STRATCOM had been keeping a close eye on Dr. Taylor Lewis. Someone who used to have ties with Umbrella in their Europe branch.
So when it was proposed that the two organizations team up, everyone was skeptical. Truly, the only people in the BSAA that got along with them at STRATCOM was Chris. Of course, she was sure that Jill did, but she died back 2 and a halfish years ago. But eventually they all agreed and started working on the team. 3 of the BSAA best people (minus Chris because he was already on an assignment) and 3 of STRATCOMs best (minus Leon because...well she didn’t know why he wasn’t), plus Y/N as the leader. BSAA wasn’t happy that they weren’t leading it and she knew they only tolerated it since it was the President's order for her to be the lead. She wasn’t sure how to feel about the new guy. He wasn’t Graham, the one she had grown accustomed to the past 4ish years. Hell, she never could remember his name, she just knew that Benford was the Vice and he was one of Leon’s friends.
She hadn’t seen him much since the start of the year. Since the...break up. And she hadn’t even been avoiding him this time. It just was as if he was never in the office the past 20 days. Not that she had been keeping count! Because she definitely hadn’t been! She just did the math in her head at the moment.
“So, we have some time to spare, want to tell me why Leon sent in a new partner request? You finally ran him away?”
Y/N sighed and flicked a random small balled up piece of paper off the desk. “I don’t even know what happened. Everything was good one second then the next it just...” She trailed off, unsure as to what to say.
She nodded at Hunnigan’s word. “Yeah. I don’t know what happened.”
“Did someone find out?”
“Find what out?” She looked at the FOS Agent, who gave her a ‘don’t-lie-to-me’ look and Y/N sighed again. “I genuinely don’t know. We were training one day, and I had knocked him down, so he had pulled me with him, which led to us making out. But we were the only ones in the training room and even if someone did walk in, we were hidden by some equipment. The only thing that would have been heard would be our kissing. But that could be any two agents! So I don’t know why it would have knocked him so out of sorts!”
“That one corner that isn’t covered by them is where we were. We always trained in the corner.”
“That could be it then. Someone put two and two together and threatened to expose it.”
The slightly younger girl groaned and laid her head on the desk in front of her. “Why couldn’t he have told me? It’s not like I would have freaked! Him doing what he did caused more damage anyways.” She sat back up and ran a hand through her hair, “Where the hell has he been anyways? Haven't seen him since he broke it off and requested a new partner.”
“His own mission. One that I actually can’t tell you about, unfortunately since it’s a gray area on you two being partners.”
“Is he at least okay? Concerning that he’s been gone so long.”
“He called me yesterday saying everything was fine, but he still wasn’t sure when he would return. But it could be a concern as he mentioned he wasn’t sure when he’d be able to call again. He’d try to ping a location, but if we get nothing, wait a week before extraction.”
“Back to the partner comment you made, I just don’t get why he broke up with me and requested a new partner. All he had to do was one and I would have been just fine.” Y/N laid her head in her hand, “I honestly just wish there was a way that we could’ve stayed together and be partners. That would be my ideal situation.”
“Hm, I think, the keyword really is think, there might be a loophole.”
Y/N perked up at that, “Whaddya mean?”
“I think there’s some rule that says you can if you meet certain requirements. I can always look for you, it’ll give me something else to do than make sure my two favorite humans don’t die on different missions.”
Y/N smiled, “If you wanna, I’m fine either way. Leon will do what Leon wants to do and I won’t stop him.”
“Whatever you say.” Hunnigan glanced at the clock on her computer before continuing, “Better let you get ready. Don’t want to keep the BSAA guys waiting.”
Y/N laughed as she stood, “What can they do? Mission won’t start without me there.”
Hunnigan gave her a smile, “I’ll look that up for you and update you on what I find. Don’t die before I get you an answer.”
Y/N smiled, “No promises darling.”
February 18th of 2009
Y/N wrapped the jacket closer around her and made sure the mask was tucked in so she wouldn’t freeze her face. Her shotgun was drawn as she looked out the scope, still no heat signatures could be found. They had been there for 4 weeks now and still nothing.
But, what had happened in those four weeks since the mission had started, 3 of the men had died. One of her own and two from BSAA. She felt bad about the last BSAA kid because even though he was one of the best they had available, he was a rookie. She believed he had only been there for a year, a year and a half tops. So he was the only one out there for the BSAA and had little experience. He was just an excellent fucking shot and took directions well (literally what his file said). And she had found it to be true. Even in the snow, he could find the target and shoot them down. 
He was the only reason they hadn’t all died that night.
Since they had gotten there, more and more sunlight was available, but it still didn’t last half a day. And while temperatures were warming up, they still were freezing their asses off. Plus, it didn’t help that Hunnigan had just warned them a snow storm was possibly on its way in. 
2 weeks in, she was happy that they were almost done with their trek through the mountain. She was really starting to hate those snow-mobiles. And then around 3 days later, when they came into contact with their agent that had been giving the intel, the remaining 5 members of the team began the stake out to find where the Doctor was and how the people were being infected. But now here they were, around 10 days later and still nothing. No sight of Lewis or of any habitants of the small village that if she was to be honest, she had no clue existed before this. 
That was, until she moved her scope to face more towards the West. She adjusted the sight and zoomed in where she thought that she saw movement. And when she was able to focus her sight, she saw that there was a group of bodies standing in one of the buildings. She switched over to night vision and saw that they were just barely too far off for her to make out who it was. She carefully snuck closer, jumping to the top of the abandoned building by her. 
She looked again and was able to see that it was Lewis with 2 other people. She didn’t recognize either of them, but one of them looked eerily familiar. But she was sure whoever the two were, they had been gathering the people to be injected with the virus. 
She grabbed her walkie from her side pocket and pressed the button to call for her team. “Dream Team, come in this is Condor 2. Over.” Dream Team was something that one of the BSAA Agents had suggested for them to call themselves rather than the boring Snow Squad that they had originally been assigned. And while she was technically Flake 1, she was used to always being referred to as Condor 2, so she asked for when it was just to them or to Hunnigan, say Condor 2. Otherwise she was sure that she and Hunnigan would get thrown off.
“This is Flake 2. I have the rest of the team with me. What do you need? Over.”
“Lewis and two men are in a building three down from my location. A house down from the original spot. I see them talking, but no one else is there. Over.”
“What do you want us to do? Over.”
“Start the plan into motion. I’ll follow and see where Lewis and her men head. Do nothing until I say so, unless you get under attack. Understand? Over.”
“Is that a direct order, Flake 1? Over.”
She sighed, Stacey hated this. She knew he did. Hated that someone who had been there for less time than him was the leader. He was the only one who refused to call her Condor 2 and kept Flake 1 and made sure everyone went by their actual callsign and not the one that they wanted.  “Yes, Flake 2. It is. Now do you all understand? Over.” She heard a range of everyone, including Stacey, say they understood. “Good. I’m contacting HQ. This is Condor 2 over and out.”
She reclipped the talkie and grabbed the other one that was specific for Hunnigan. She looked back in the scope and saw that Lewis and the 2 men were exiting the building. She quickly pulled the gun away to follow behind them. When Hunnigan answered, she heard the lady’s voice in her ear piece.
“This is Hunnigan, Condor 1 is here with me.”
Y/N internally groaned. Why was Leon there? Was he even allowed to be? So many questions ran through her head, but she didn’t ask them. She just nodded and ran towards the direction she saw them heading. “Fine. Lewis has been found. I’m following behind on foot. The rest of what remains of the team are getting ready for my word to follow. And--fuck.”
She ended the call before Hunnigan could say anything and made sure Hunnigan couldn’t immediately call back after she had turned a corner to see a fairly large group of military looking people. She turned back and jumped into the house that had an opened window. She snuck over to another before she looked out the window to try and count how many were there. But she was stopped before she finished when someone looked in. She quickly slipped down, trying desperately not to be seen. 
And she was sure she got away with it. That was, until her walkie went off and the BSAA kid could be heard practically yelling through it. And when she heard the words he was saying, the blood that was barely not cold already, went frozen in her body.
The kid was freaking and she could hear the guns in the background. Apparently Lewis and the men knew they were there. They knew she was watching. It had been a trap to get her away. She wondered how it was possible, until it registered to her that it was the electronics. And then she realized who the other guy was. She had dealt with him a few months ago with Leon. The two had been separated and had to pray that they would make it back to the other without any guidance from anyone as to where to go because the man could track any electronic waves.
But unfortunately for her, the man outside the window heard it too and had slammed it in. She gave them no chance and immediately grabbed her gun and shot them. Thankfully she was able to get a headshot, even with him moving and her shaking, gloved hand. But it only gave her enough time to disconnect her electronics and toss everything but the small remote that gave her the ability to ping a quick location. She ran up the stairs, trying to find an alternate way out, but realized she was blocked in. her chest tightened as she realized how badly this could end for her.
She grabbed her submachine gun and aimed it at the stairs, getting ready for anyone who was going to come up. She let out a shaky breath as she heard the door being broken down and the sound of someone running up the stairs. She never had been so thankful that she never fucking used these fuckers so she was loaded on bullets for it as it felt for each guy she killed, double the amount came back. 
And unfortunately, she was so focused on the stairs, she hadn’t noticed the sound of someone taking apart the roof and jumping down. Her mind had barely registered the sharp pain in her neck before she was surprised when they grabbed her from the back and her mind just blanked. Forgot how to fight back, forgetting almost every piece of training she had. She didn’t know what to do and wasn’t used to this. Whenever her fight or fright kicked in, it was always fight. She never got scared. But for some reason, she did this time.
As they pulled her to the ground, her body felt incapable of fighting back. As if someone had left her out in the freezing cold with not enough clothes. She wasn’t able to move or even scream when she felt the knife stab into the top of her sternum and start to drag down. The man on top of her only stopped when the sound of a whistle was heard through the air. It was as if the second that went off, every man and woman there were called to go somewhere else. The knife was pulled from her as she walked away and she slowly regained the feeling in her body.
But as she regained that feeling, she felt how deep the knife had gone. She felt the blood falling. She slowly moved to grab the bandages from her side pocket. They weren’t much but she knew it was all that she had. She grabbed it and tried to remove her clothing, not caring that her entire body was freezing from the temperature outside. She didn’t care that her bandaging was horribly done and that it wouldn’t do much.
All that she did was grab her clothes and quickly layer them back on. All she did was wobbly get up and leave the scene. Trying to get further and find out where all those people had gone. And she prayed that it wasn’t fucking bingo.
Leon’s POV
Leon, who had only been there because he was going over a report with Hunnigan, head snapped over towards Hunnigan the moment that Y/N ended the call. Worry spread through his body as they were unable to contact her back. He felt his knee unconsciously bouncing up and down as the computer kept beeping. He knew that he technically had no reason to be worried. Now, thanks to his own doing, all she was to him was another Agent. Not his partner. Not his girlfriend. Not even his friend. (Of course he didn’t know that the last part was all on his own)
“Why is it doing that? Why can’t you get back to her?”
“She blocked me from calling. Which means one of two things; she needed no distractions or she had to go semi-dark. I’m trying the other 4 members of her team and if they don’t respond, it means that they had to go dark too.”
Leon bit the inside of his cheek. He knew that the team originally consisted of 7 plus Y/N/N. The original 3 BSAA and 3 STRATCOM had been reduced to 1 BSAA and 2 of their own. 
If he was going to be honest, Leon didn’t care about the team, he just cared about Y/N and if she was okay. He hadn’t meant to do what he did then just disappear. He meant to break up and let her be for a few days, a week tops, then talk to her. But then he got called in and had to leave immediately. He knew from Claire and Hunnigan both that she didn’t understand why it happened or what caused it. Which he knew was his own doing. He should have told her. He shouldn’t have just said that they weren’t gonna work out. Especially since on their previous mission together they had a run in with Ada. 
But that wasn’t why he did it. No. It was because Stacey had been that person who they thought walked in. And as they had exited the training room, had messaged Leon to remind him that fraternizing with your partner was against the rules. He knew he should have just told Y/N why he was doing it, why he pulled away and why he treated her like shit for so long. But he couldn’t. He was scared that if he had, she would have argued with him and said it was fine. That they would figure it out together. It’s how she was and he knew it was. 
Of course, he still felt horrible for what happened on New Years, he shouldn’t have done that. Shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up just to crush them the following days. He shouldn’t have treated her the way that Ada would treat him. Shouldn’t have done something that would make her feel like he was using her in the moment because he needed something just to hurt her later.
December 31st of 2008/January 1st of 2009
Leon had gotten to her apartment earlier that day to help Y/N put up the decorations. But the entire time all that he had said to her was when he asked her to hand him something or made a comment about getting a drink or going to the bathroom. And then once Chris had arrived, surprisingly being the first, he had gone to talk to him. He had seen her leave from the corner of his eye, knowing she was changing out of the pajamas she had been in all day. 
He had no idea what she was going to come out in, but as she came back from her bedroom, a glass of champagne having already been downed, he knew it would be hard to keep himself under control. He noticed that she was wearing that top she had not-so-secretly bought a few weeks ago. Or at least he assumed it was. He had never seen the one she was wearing and he knew she hadn’t worn that one top yet. It was paired with her stupid jeans that fit her perfectly and those stupid heels that he loved on her because for some reason it always turned him on when she was practically a head taller than him. He saw her necklace was the one he bought her for their first anniversary in 2007. The rings were the ones she always wore and he noted that she wore the bracelet that she had owned since highschool on her right wrist, opposite of the watch he got her back in 2006 after her previous one got destroyed on a mission. Thankfully it was her birthday too so he didn’t have to deal with her arguing too much so he could argue that it was a gift for her birthday and she couldn’t turn it away.
He remembered how she kept saying he didn’t have to and that it must’ve cost a fortune. He had just shrugged it off and said he knew she needed one and he thought she liked that one. And even now, over 2 years later, he still hasn't disclosed the price of it. Something he’d never do because he knew she’d give it back and feel horrible about it. Knowing the only reason she had accepted the necklace was because it was their anniversary and she had gotten him something he knew was expensive as hell.
But even then, he didn’t talk to her. He didn’t go near her. Even as the rest of the group got there. He occupied himself with drinking and talking with people. Even as he saw the look of desperation on her face as she talked to Jess and Claire. Even as he watched her walk back to her room with a face full of complete defeat written all over her face.
No. he stayed talking with Chris and her brother Joe while he knew she was likely standing in the bathroom that connected to her bedroom. While he knew that she was probably doing anything to distract herself from how he had been ignoring her. He knew she could hear him talking and laughing with them. He knew that it seemed like he was happier with everyone except for her. But he wasn’t. He hated this. Hated this hell he had created by not doing it already. This hell he had created for both of them where he knew she was feeling like a deflated balloon that he didn’t want anymore. When that was the complete opposite of what was true. God did he want her. God did he not want to have to hurt her this way. All he wanted to do was hold her and tell her it would be okay.
Let her convince him that Stacey wouldn’t out their relationship and they would figure it out.
He got pulled out from the conversation when he heard a faint sound of something crashing in the back. He wasn’t sure if others had heard and chose to ignore it, or if it was just him who did since he was the closest to the hall. He stood and excused himself saying that he was gonna go check on her since they hadn’t seen her in a bit. 
When he got to the back of the apartment, he looked in and saw that it had just been the cup that held their toothbrushes and pastes. He watched as she leaned down and grabbed the fallen contents. He realized that she didn’t even notice him there until she jumped as he laid a soft knock on the door.
He laughed softly, like he always did when she did this. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya.” As she placed the cup back where it went, he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. The jolt from her didn’t go unnoticed and his face went from one of playfulness to concern. “Hey, you okay?”
She nodded silently, and he saw that she was trying to keep her breathing steady. “Yeah. Sorry. I think I’m just getting tired. My body isn’t used to not having to be on edge 24/7.”
He knew she was lying. He could tell it in her voice. But he still cracked a small smile in an attempt to calm her down. “Can’t disagree with you there. But you seem genuinely freaked, like after a mission.” The smile switched to one of concern, “Are you sure that you’re okay?”
She nodded and turned to him, giving him a smile of her own. “Yeah. I am Lee. Promise.” Lee, the nickname she gave him after their first mission together when she got a concussion. He remembered that his name kept blanking on her (as did most people) so she just referred to him as Lee as it was all she could remember and it had stuck. He noticed as she looked down at her watch before looking back at him, “Hey, it’s 11:59, we should get back in there.”
He was about to go to move some hair from her face, but stopped before he even reached his hand. He knew it would leave her even more confused when he broke it off. He knew it would make it harder for him if he continued to act like a boyfriend. So he kept on telling himself that he was being a friend. Friends treat friends this way. He could still be this way with her even when he calls quits to save her reputation. ��Are you sure? It seemed like you had left for a reason.”
He knew from the look on her face that he was the reason and it hurt. At first it was because he hated that he was treating her like this, leading her on. But then it was because he couldn’t feel that way. He had to pull away from her so it would hurt less when he broke it. But he felt his resolve falling and knew it was close to breaking.
“Yeah. I’m perfectly fine. I just needed to get away for a moment. You know how I am.” 
He knew it was a lie. He knew she lied about something he wouldn’t call her out about. He studied her face and saw that she was doing everything to show she wasn’t lying. He knew she knew he was doing this. But he said nothing. He didn’t put her on the spot. Call her out. He just let her do it. Especially as everyone in her living room began to count down.
However, neither of them moved as their friends began down from 10. This was the closest he had been to her since Christmas. It was taking everything in him not to kiss her. Everything in him to not grab her face and pull it to his. But that entire work he was putting in was thrown out of the window the moment she brought her hand up and brushed some hair out of his face. And as she leaned in to him when their friends reached one, his thoughts to push her away were thrown out the window. As she placed a kiss on his lips. He heard nothing as he felt her softer lips on his own chapped ones. 
As she pulled her lips away from his, any control that had been left there disappeared as his hands on her cheeks and he slammed his back onto hers. The moment she let out a tiny gasp, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. He felt her arms wrap around his neck as he began moving them to the sink. Only stopping when the back of her legs met her sink. 
He pulled away for a moment, just to bring his lips down to her neck. And between kisses he asked a question that plagued him since he saw her come out in it. “Is this...a new...top?” He heard her humming in response, eliciting a small chuckle from him. “Is that a yes baby?”
“Yeah.” Her voice was soft and breathy, just above a whisper and he held back a groan when she did.
“I like it. You should wear it more.” He carefully moved her arms up so he could pull it off. His lips lingered on her collarbone, close to the center by her sternum, as he breathed in her perfume. It was a warmer one, a mix of vanilla and spice. He recognized it as the one he bought her back when she dragged him into Victoria Secrets when they were having a sale. He remembered her arguing with her that she wanted to buy it so they agreed that he’d buy her that and she could buy him whatever cologne he wanted. Which just happened to be the one he was wearing tonight.
His lips continued down her body as he got other noises from her. He only stopped when he heard a gasp, immediately pulling his lips away from her. His eyes looked over to see Y/N's sister-in-law standing there with a hand over her mouth.
“Shit, I’m so fucking sorry. I should’ve known what you two were doing when you didn’t respond. Fuck, I’m sorry. Um, Joe and I are heading out. I don’t wanna overwork my sister too much by watching the kids after she had a long week. But we had fun. I’ll see you later.”
He stood as he watched Jessica leave the room and felt Y/N/N's head fall on his shoulder. He listened as she ranted about how embarrassed she was by what just happened. How she had been hidden for nearly 30 minutes and then someone came to find her, just to see her making out with her boyfriend. So fucking embarrassing. 
He laughed lightly and joked, “At least we were just making out and not actually having sex.”
She groaned and buried her head in his chest, “I did not just say that out loud, did I?”
He missed the top of her head, “It’s okay.” He pulled away before leaning down to grab her shirt from where he had thrown it on the floor and handed it to her. After she slipped it on, he kissed her lips again. “You know I love you, right?”
She smiled and looked into his blue eyes, “Yeah, ‘course I do.”
This was going to hurt when he finally did it.
Leon knew that she wasn’t asleep as she laid by him. But he stayed quiet. He knew tonight would haunt him. He was supposed to be pushing her away. Not drawing her back in and making her feel better while he was just going to hurt her in the end.
January 3rd of 2009
He knew she was hurt. He knew she was trying not to cry. Leon knew how mad and confused she was. He knew. He knew her too well. He knew that she understood none of it. Even after he explained. He knew that she saw him as the one for her because he knew she was the one for him. But he could stop. He had to end them so neither...no so she didn’t get her reputation ruined. He refused to let anyone think that the only reason she gets chosen for assignments is because they’re together. He refused to let anyone think of her as anything but the fucking amazing and talented agent she was.
He had promised her back years ago that he would never hurt her. That he would never be the one to break her heart. That he would be there by her side no matter what. But then here he was, breaking her heart and about to leave her.
In the end, all that he could say was, “I’m sorry.” And “You don’t deserve this.” He reached to grab her hand in an attempt to comfort her, but she jerked it away. Which he understood. He deserved it. She didn’t deserve this. She deserved better than him. “You deserve better than this. Than me. Than our fucked up situation.”
“But Leon, I like it. I love you. I don’t care about the secrets and the lies. I just want you. Leon, please.”
“I can’t.” He stressed, he still hadn’t said what Hunnigan had told him when he asked what would happen. That was why he was doing this. He had to protect her.
“Can’t what?” Her voice was stretched, he knew she was trying not to cry.
For a brief second, he thought that he shouldn’t do it, but as he saw her face, saw as she was breaking, he decided to do it. “Can’t ask you to possibly give up your job because someone found out! Watch as you have to get reassigned because Hunnigan already confirmed that it would be you. Watch as your life completely changes just so you can be with me!” He ran a hand through his hair, “That’s why we’re done, Y/N/N. Why we have to be. Both in this relationship and in our partnership for work. I already sent in the request for a new partner.” He hadn’t said that last part to her yet. But it was true. He did it yesterday. After she had left the office for the day.
He ignored her as he walked to her door, he was planning on just leaving, saying nothing else. But as his hand reached for the knob, he stopped, “I’m really sorry Y/N/N. Truly, deeply, sorry.” 
He walked out after that. But he didn’t go far. He stayed there in the long hall. He brought a hand up to his mouth to stiffen the sobs that were threatening to fall. He felt his chest tighten as he heard her scream and a crash. He knew she was angry and upset. He knew she was blaming herself. And it took everything in him to not open the door and agree with her that they’d figure this out. That they’d find a loophole. That they’d be alright.
February 18th of 2009
He shook his head, trying to forget that last time he saw her. Instead, he became hyper focused on Hunnigan trying to contact anyone on her team. The difference between her and them was with them, it called, but no one answered. He felt himself picking at the calluses on his hands, a bad habit that she always noticed. A habit that whenever she saw, she would take his hands into hers and hold them. He ran a hand through his hair as the nerves built up again when it went off that she disconnected herself from being able to be contacted. 
He hadn’t even noticed Hunnigan talking to someone through her mic set until she said: “Do you want me to assume her and her team are dead, sir?” He snapped his head to her. What did she mean by that? Why would they assume that Y/N was dead? She just went dark. Since when has it been the procedure to assume death when gone dark. “Of course sir, I’ll keep watch and will let Agent Kennedy know.” Leon narrowed his eyes at Hunnigan as she turned to him. “They want me to keep an eye out for if she pings a location in the next 48 hours. If not, then you’re being deployed to finish the mission and if you come in contact with her, call for an evac for her. But shoot to kill if she’s been bitten.”
Leon looked away from Hunnigan. He wasn’t sure if he could do that. Shoot to kill Y/N. Personal feelings aside, they had been partners since she joined back in 2004. Since right after he got back from Spain. Hell, she would’ve been with him if she hadn't had to get her appendix taken out and miss training causing her start date to be pushed back to where it was around 48 hours before he got back from Spain with Ashley. He had known her for 4, going on 5 years now. How could he shoot her, even if it was for the greater good? He felt his chest tighten and--
“Leon? Do you understand?”
He looked back at Hunnigan and nodded silently before getting up to leave the room. He couldn’t be there anymore. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. He practically ran through the halls, not caring who looked at him. Only able to catch his breath when the cold February air hit his skin. He heaved, his hands on his knees and he leaned forward. He couldn’t do it. He knew he wouldn't be able to do it. He knew that he would get in trouble. But he would rather get in trouble for not doing his job than have to shoot her.
He just prayed that she pinged to prove she was alive. And that if he ever got sent in, he would find her. Alive or dead but not bitten. Not turned. He’d rather find her already dead than have to do it himself. He would never be able to live if he broke her heart and then killed her.
Hell, he wasn’t even sure if he would be able to live with himself if he broke her heart and then found her dead.
February 28th of 2009
36 hours after she went dark they received the first ping. 11 days had passed since and they had gotten 8 more pings. Leon was at his desk, waiting for Hunnigan to tell him they got the next ping. But as the sun went further and further down, they still had got nothing. He kept telling himself that she was okay. That maybe she just forgot or wasn’t somewhere where she could.
He kept telling himself that it was okay and she was alive. That he had no reason to worry. That she would make it back to them alive.
March 2nd of 2009
Leon looked out the window of the helicopter he was on. 4 days had passed since her last ping. Since they last heard of her being alive. They had sent him in the early hours of the morning to go finish the job and find her. They told him to not have hope she’d be found alive. The cold was horrid and she was supposed to be back by now. It was doubtful she’d have enough heat stored to survive.
But he ignored them. He ignored their warnings and pushed them away as he climbed down and off the heli and walked the remaining mile to the village her team were meant to be staying at.
It took him almost no time to find the abandoned snow-mobiles they had ridden to get there. Took him almost no time to walk into the small place they were staying to find the rest of her team all dead. But still, there was no sign of her. No sign that she had even been there recently. He told Hunnigan and she responded that she’d send someone once they found Y/N. As he exited the house, he grabbed the keys to be able to use one of the vehicles.
He drove through the town until he reached the point where she had gone dark at. It was by a larger building that stood out compared to the rest. But that wasn’t where she had left at. She had left off in a small home by it. He walked in and looked around, finding her tracker and communication devices in a box that had been covered in snow. A few of the windows had been shot through, he assumed it was from her. He walked up the stairs and saw that there was no way out from there. If she had been in there, she had left the same way she went in.
He walked out of the house and was about to get back on the snowmobile, to head to her last pinged location, but he realized that it was inside the large building and he would have to walk it. The sun was going down as the time passed 6 PM as he jumped the fence and ran around trying to find her, shooting those infected that got in his way. Which he was surprised wasn’t that many. He had expected more to be there, but it was like someone had already gone through and killed most of them. 
He ignored the fatigue that grew as he ran closer and the sky got darker. Or at least he assumed it did, there were practically no windows in this place so all he had was his watch to tell the time. He ignored the gnawing feeling he had that he was going to find her dead. That he came all the way to bring her home alive that he’d have to do it dead. That he kept telling himself that she’d be alright and he could apologize. He could tell her what Hunnigan told him when he got back. So he could apologize and let her scream and yell and choose what to do. 
So he could know if there ever would be a possibility that they could have made it. That they could have done more if he hadn’t let the possibility of what could've happened take control of his life.
As he grew closer and closer to where she had last pinged, he felt his heart drop further and further into his stomach as he saw more and more blood covering the floor. He kept telling himself that it wasn’t hers. It was someone else's. And he wasn’t entirely wrong as he grew closer. A body laid on the ground, he could tell the blood wasn’t even an entire week old so it had to be from around her last ping. He placed his boot at the dead and grimaced as he recognized him as the guy from last summer.
That told him why she went dark. 
He kneeled by the body, looking for what caused the bleeding, finding a few bullet holes. They weren’t accurate and he could tell that whoever shot them had a shaky hand. Making him doubt it was Y/N. One thing he knew he could always count on was her steady aim. Rarely would she hit a target in the wrong spot on accident. It was always on purpose. But, he knew the bullet holes. It was with a Lightning Hawk. It was like how he always had his Matilda, she always had a Lightning Hawk on her.
He stood up and continued on, looking down at the small device to see how much further and realized that it was to his left. He turned and saw a door drawn shut. He put the device away and grabbed his gun out from its holster and carefully opened the door. He swiftly turned to walk further in, something that at first seemed futile as he didn’t see her. But as he walked further in and looked around, he saw remnants of her having previously been there.
He kneeled by her clicker that had been pinging her location when she told it to was on the floor with some of the layers she had been wearing when the mission started. But what scared him was that there was a bandage covered in blood that looked like it had been sitting there for a few days. If it was her blood like he thought, that would explain why it looked like someone had shot the guy shakily and unsure. And so that nausea grew as the gnawing feeling that she was dead came back to him. 
He shook his head of those thoughts and got up, looking around the room more. As his eyes scanned, he saw that there was a trail of blood that led to one of the walls. When he got closer, he saw the faint marks of what he assumed had been someone moving the cement. He put the flashlight between his teeth and holstered his gun as he began to touch around, trying to find a weak point in the wall. When he did, he pushed in until it started moving. Once it was opened enough for him to slip through, he grabbed the flashlight from his mouth and upholstered the gun. 
He pointed the gun forward and slipped through the crack, he walked with cautious footing. He still found it rather suspicious that he hadn’t had to deal with much since he had gotten there. His senses were on high alert, feeling like there was a possibility of him getting attacked at any point. He walked down the dimly lit room, turning the flash on and off so for the case of someone watching him, there was a possibility of him throwing them off. 
But any want to not get caught and have the element of surprise immediately left his body when he heard gunshots down the end of the hall. He ran as fast as he could and slammed the door open, gun ready to shoot. But when he got there, he saw that Dr. Lewis was already bleeding out on the floor, but still reaching for her own gun. As he approached the woman, he looked around and saw Y/N laying on her stomach, gun on her non-dominant side, in a corner. And as much as he wanted to check on her first, he ran over to the doctor and kicked her gun as far away from her as possible. 
He kept his gun up and stood over Lewis, the barrel of the gun pointed at her head, daring her to do something. But all she did was laugh before coughing up blood. “You...you really think this...this will be...be the e-end? You...you killing me? Think it...it will bring that little b-bitch ba-ack.”
He knew he was supposed to bring her in alive. So they could question her. But Leon just couldn’t. He knew she had been experimenting on children more than she ever had with adults. The information Y/N had found and sent in before she went dark proved it. And something, some part of him, felt like no one who did that to kids could live. Maybe it was his belief that he still was doing this for Sherry. He knew she was an adult now and that she doesn’t need his protection anymore, but it didn’t stop him from making it his main reason. 
With his gun still smoking, and Lewis’s eyes going blank with death, he pulled it down. “Still stops you.” He looked up when he heard the sound of an alarm going off and his vision was encased in red. He should have known that killing the head would do this, but he didn’t give a shit. All he cared about was saving her. He ignored the blaring alarm and robotic voice saying that the building will self-destruct in 10 minutes.
He turned to run back to where Y/N was lying. As he got closer to her, he could see she was slipping in and out of consciousness. When he reached her, he placed a gentle finger where her pulse would be, he knew he should have kept his eyes trained on Lewis, in case she turned herself into something, but he didn’t. His eyes were trained on Y/N. She was covered in sweat and blood, hair clinging onto her. Her breathing was labored and she barely was able to keep her eyes open. He turned her to her back and immediately saw what the reason for the bleeding was. 
A large gash that went down her sternum. There was dried blood all around it and he saw that shittily done bandage that had moved. It was surely infected and was probably the reason for her sweat. He grabbed his device to call Hunnigan and requested a medical evac. He found Y/N and she was alive. They were in the building, but he was going to try and get her outside. Hunnigan informed him that she already sent one the moment he said the rest of the team was dead and they were 5 minutes out.
The moment the call ended, he gently moved one of Y/N 's arms around his neck before putting his arms under her body. Placing one securely under her knees and the other behind her back and under her other arm. He heard her groan in pain as he started to carry her out. Trying to figure out how to get to the roof.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Y/N/N.”
“Leon?” Her voice was hoarse, barely there.
“Yeah, yeah it’s me. I got you. Medic is 5 minutes out, okay? I’m gonna get you out. You’re gonna be okay.”
“Leon, please, just let me go.”
He shook his head, “No. I’m not doing that. I’m not letting you go. Not anytime soon.”
“But it hurts.”
He looked down at her and saw her eyes were closing again, “I know. I know it does. But I need you to keep your eyes open for me, alright? I know it’s gonna be hard, but I need you to do that.”
“But it feels better that way.”
He kicked a door open that led to stairs, “I know it does Y/N/N/N, I know. But I really need you to keep them open. Just until the evac gets here. Once they get us, you’ll be alright. You can close your eyes. Just keep them open till then.” Y/N/N/N. A nickname he came up with once when they were both drunk and abnormally clingy to one another. A nickname that he only used around her when he was close to breaking.
But she nodded, “Okay, I’ll try.”
He smiled down at her, “Good, try.”
He knew if she wasn’t injured and delirious, she would be yelling and screaming at him. So a part of him was happy she was, but most of him was scared that they medic wouldn’t get here in time and they would be fucked. That the team wouldn’t get there and he would lose her. But he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t lose her. Not yet. Not now. Not when he had so much apologizing to do. 
So when he made it out of the maze of a building, he let out a breath of relief when he saw the helicopter landing. Never in his life did he think he’d be so grateful that living Agents were top priority. That they’d rather lose the dead bodies and explain to the families that there was no body than possibly lose someone that could still be of use to them. Of course, he knew there was also the likelihood that they had sent two helicopters.
As he got to the Helicopter, he passed her body to one of the Agents in it before jumping in himself. And as they flew off, he helped close the door that he had jumped in from. For a moment, he stared at the window to see the sun coming up in the distance as the building exploded. But only after a second, he turned back to see the two medics already hooking Y/N up and getting her the help she needed.
He slumped down into one of the small chairs, leaning his head against the cool metal and silently watched as they flew to a hospital in Vancouver that was used to STRATCOM and the BSAA. 
March 9th of 2009
Beeping. That was all she could hear. Her entire body was sore, feeling like she had been dropped from the top of a building. After a few moments of trying, she finally was able to open her eyes. But she instantly regretted it as the bright fluorescents welcomed her. She groaned as they tried to adjust to the brightness. She looked around and suddenly realized that she was in a hospital. That was the reason for the beeping as she realized how hooked up she was. 
Her throat felt dry and like something had been pulled from there. She moved her head to the side and let out a shocked gasp when she saw who was by her. She thought she had been dreaming. That the fever she knew she had from the infection that she knew had happened from the terrible keep of her cut had made her imagine he was there. That he had been the one to save her. 
She felt her hand move to reach out to him, but she dropped it when she heard the sound of the door opening. A lady, probably around her grams’s age, walked in. She had a soft smile on her face when she looked at Y/N and walked closer to her. Y/N watched as the lady began fiddling with one of the bags that she assumed was liquids to keep her from getting dehydrated. 
“You’re very lucky that boy got to you when he did.” The lady turned to her, “He’s a keeper, that one. He hasn’t left this hospital except for the one time me and another nurse forced him to get a hotel and sleep properly.”
“He’s just my partner--no, wait, he...I don’t know.” It hurt to speak, it felt like she hadn’t used her voice in years.
The lady raised a brow, “I doubt whatever he did will last long. You’ve been here a week and he’s had chances to go back to DC, but he’s stayed here.”
“Where is here? And what day is it?”
“You’re in Vancouver, it’s March 9th. Do you know the year?”
“Good, who’s your President?”
She genuinely had no idea. Graham had ended his Presidency a few months ago and she still had to learn the new guy's name. Only did she know the Vice-President. “I haven’t learned his name yet, but the Vice-President is Adam Benford, he used to be the CIA Director.”
“Hm, I guess that works.” The nurse chuckled, “You sure know a lot about him.”
She looked at Leon, “Yeah...the two of them are friends.”
“I should have expected that. Well sweetheart, we have you on a morphine drip to--”
“I-I can’t have morphine in large doses. It affects me worse than dilaudid.”
The lady took a look at her file and sighed, “Well I be damned, the nurse who did this completely ignored that it says no morphine.” She looked at Y/N, “I’m going let the head nurse know and we’ll get you switched onto, dilaudid you said? It works with no issue
“Yeah, every time it’s worked in the past it's been with no issues.”
“Alright.” She wrote something down, “I’ll be back in a few.”
Y/N nodded as that lady walked out of the room. Her eyes went back to Leon, who was still asleep in the chair, but she noticed how one of his hands was sitting on top of the bed, like he had been holding hers while she was out.  She gently took it in hers and brushed her thumb over the top. She wondered if Hunnigan ever found a loophole for them to work. If she ever found a way that she could use to show Leon they could have worked.
She watched as he stirred, his eyes slowly opening and blinking to adjust to the bright lights. He groaned before looking at her and she watched as he straightened up and took her hand in his own. She watched as his usual emotionless face turned to one full of emotions.
She gave him a soft smile, “Hey Lee.”
He moved the chair to be closer before he ran a hand over her, moving hair from her face. “Hey beauti--Y/N/N.”
She moved her hand to go back to rubbing the top of his, “You can call me beautiful. You got me out of there after all.”
“You scared me, y’know? I thought I had lost you there and I wouldn’t be able to tell you how sorry I--”
“Don’t, please. Just...just don’t. I don’t want to think about that. You’re here, that's what matters. That shows that you really care, even if you can be annoying about showing it.”
He gave a small smile, “Yeah, but I really am sorry for not...talking to you. It was fucking Stacey who walked in and he threatened to expose us. I just didn’t want your life to get fucked over.”
“Why would mine?”
He sighed, “Hunnigan said that unfortunately, STRATCOM would rather lose you than me. So if they had found out, they would have displaced you. Put you in another department or place you with one of the other offices. But we wouldn’t be able to see each other anymore.”
“And you were scared I would argue and say it was nothing.”
She looked over to the other side, “I hate when you’re right.”
She heard him chuckle, “It’s a rare feat, but one that can happen.” She looked back at him and smiled, but the smile fell as she began to think. “What’s wrong?”
“Why did you call for a new partner?”
He let out a big sigh, “Because I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle seeing your broken face everyday. Be right by you, pretending to be a supportive friend while you move on.”
She scoffed, “Yeah, me moving on would’ve taken a lot. Trust me. I even asked Hunnigan to find loopholes in the rules for us to be together.” She sighed, “I guess she never found one cause she never told me.”
He laughed awkwardly and she raised an eyebrow, “Well...that’s not necessarily true.”
“She found the loophole after you went dark.”
“And she told you?”
“So I might have come in drunk one day, felt bad because I did that because I drove drunk, and asked her to drive me back to my apartment. It was like I could hear you in my head getting mad, not because I showed up drunk, but because I drove drunk. So while she was taking me to my place, I might have spilt that I fucking hated what I did to you and wished that there was some fucking way for us to work and she might have told me the way it could. The small loophole that you asked her to go looking for.”
“What is it?”
“A lifetime commitment that we both said we weren’t ready for.”
He snorted, “No. Not that.” He moved and dug in his pocket before handing her a small dark blue velvet box. She felt her heart in her throat. “Yeah...that’s the commitment.”
She opened the box to see the ring. It was simple, not over the top. Two diamonds with a sapphire in the middle on a silver band. She let out a shaky breath before looking at him, “When did you get this?”
“Um...a while ago actually. Last summer, I believe.”
She laughed slightly, “That was why you asked me what my ring size was.”
He laughed as well, “Yeah, I expected you to catch on.”
“But...that was before we talked about marriage.” She looked at him, “That was why you asked me, wasn’t it?”
He shrugged, “I realized that I would rather have a possible answer than make you uncomfortable.”
She smiled and for some reason, she leaned over to him and kissed his lips softly. “Why don’t you ask me now.”
Her voice was soft, “Just ask that four word question.” She brushed some hair out of his face, “My answer won’t be dependent on it being the only way for us to be together and work together.”
He smiled, “Y/F/N, will you marry me?”
She smiled, “Yes.” She kissed him again, “Y’know, I would have said yes if you had asked me at Christmas.”
She nodded, “Mhm, that was around the time that I realized that even though marriage is a big commitment and we both have our issues with commitment, I was sure I would be able to fully stay with you. Was it partly because you’re the only guy I’ve ever been with that can handle me when my brain can’t function so I just shut down? Possibly. But it also had to do with the fact I can’t see myself with anyone else but you and every time I imagine a future, you’re always there.”
Now it was his turn to brush hair from her face, “So we could have avoided these past few months if I had just looked at the handbook for a loophole?”
She nodded, “Yep. But that doesn’t make me love you any less.”
He laughed, “Good.”
She closed the box and handed it back to him, “Hold onto it for me until we head back to DC.”
He took it and placed it back in his pocket, “I love you, you know that right?”
“I questioned it for a while, but yes, now I do.”
He laughed, “Good.”
They were silent for a few minutes until she looked him dead in the eye, “Can you promise me one thing, Leon?”
“What is it?”
“Never let me go, please? Promise me if you ever start to get insecure with anything in our relationship that you will tell me and we work on it.”
He smiled and kissed the top of her hand, “I promise.”
She smiled, “Good.”
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dadonbabysworld · 2 years
Skz Reactions: You take your engagement ring off
Author’s Note: This is one of the most difficult but interesting stories I’ve written. I hope you guys like it. I forgot to mention the inspiration behind this was from @yangfleurs and her writing. Anyways, please let me know your favorite members story :)
Genre: angst & a lil hurt/comfort
Word Count: 5,052
Warnings: Mentions of motion sickness, fear of flights/heights, forgetting to eat, cursing, not wanting to get out of bed, home sickness, jealousy, other kpop groups besides skz, degrading words, previous death, and trauma.
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It was stressful to be with Chan because he doesn’t spend much time at home. You rarely see each other but he makes up for it in his own ways. Most days are spent overthinking though.
Chan spent so much time helping you gain confidence and the ability to communicate. He is proud of the steps you have made in this journey even if it is against his own judgement.
He wanted to get you out your comfort zone a bit by taking you on vacation. The issue is you didn’t feel comfortable with flights over four hours. You get too in your head on top of getting motion sickness every time you fly. Longer than four hours is torture.
“I just don’t see the big issue babe. It’s only a six hour flight. I will try to find you some medicine for your motion sickness.”
“I don’t feel comfortable doing that Channie…”
“Babe you’ll love this place though. You like tropical weather and we can go surfing and stuff. It will be fun. Just you and me.”
“Chan we can go anywhere to have fun. I just cannot do it.”
“I already paid for it babe..”
“WITHOUT TELLING ME?! Chan! Now I have to go on a trip because you paid for it. Way to guilt me into going..” You got up from your seat next to him.
“Hold on. You know I didn’t do this on purpose.” He grabs your hand, looking up into your eyes.
“What? Did you think I was just gonna have nothing to say?” You questioned. He didn’t say anything simply looking away.
“You mister communication is important and boundaries are normal thought nothing about the future?! Respect my fucking boundaries Chan.” You pull away from him and place the ring in his hand before leaving.
He sits there looking at it for a while before coming into the living room.
“I think we should just call off the wedding.” Chan suggests.
“And what makes you say that?” You ask. Of course he didn’t come out here to apologize.
“You gave the ring back… you must not want it.”
“I gave it back because you didn’t fucking respect my boundaries. It is a warning. The next time you will lose me. Chan I don’t force you to experience discomfort or face your fears, and you shouldn’t do either of those things to me. If I forced us to go skydiving, you’d be upset.”
“No I wouldn’t. I’m not a giant baby like you. I actually can do things that make me uncomfortable. It’s about growth which you obviously don’t want if you’re never willing to do anything.”
You nod slowly and lean back. You see how he really felt about the situation. He doesn’t wanna get married to you. He is easily willing to call it off and insult you as well.
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It was not a smooth journey for you and Minho to finally be engaged. Several on and off situations, the contacting each other on different accounts, and all the other bullshit got you where you are today.
You were not expecting to be engaged at this age especially after being so temporary with him before. You don’t even have a relationship date anymore because y’all were not together so much.
Minho was a lover and close to you, but somehow he still manages to push you to a level of rage you shouldn’t be feeling. He was just irritated so much. Every little situation made him mad, and his anger can be a lot.
He is working on his anger, but today was just a lot for you both. Being that you both had different schedules, you split responsibilities in order of who had time to do it. You took care of the pets in most cases. Besides dinner, Minho fed them dinner instead of you.
You just had forgotten to give them breakfast. They were more vocal than normal when he arrived home. You were in the shower. Knowing he would be home around that time, you got yourself together after having a breakdown to try to make yourself presentable.
He feeds them before coming into your shared room. “Baby?” He yells into the bathroom. “Yes?”
“Did you feed the babies? They seemed really starved.”
Oh shit. After being glued to the bed all of today, you realized you truly neglected all your responsibilities for today. “No.. I forgot!” You yell back. He sighs and comes into the bathroom. “Babe! You can’t keep forgetting about them. It’s the second day in a row. I might as well feed them all at night!”
“Well do that then!”
He growled as he grabbed the make up remover from the cabinet. “What the fuck do I need you for then? Can’t even care for our cats let alone future children.”
You cut off the shower and pulled the curtain back. “That’s not the same and you know it. I will literally remember our child.” You step out the shower and grab a towel.
“How do I know that? You can’t remember my children now. They’re important to me. I’m starting to think you’re jealous of them.”
“Jealous? Of some cats? Let’s be so fucking for real Minho.” You tell him drying off. You grab your lotion from the sink.
“Yes jealous. You get jealous over anything. Also, let’s not act like you have the maternal gene. You obviously let them starve today. Like I’m pretty sure you wish I would be nicer to you like them but then you do shit like this.”
“Shit like this?”
“Yes! Be unreliable like how are we gonna build anything together when you gon forget the nail’s then act like it’s not a big issue. Be making me question if you’re wifey material.”
You just leave the bathroom after that comment. You sit your engagement ring on the dresser as you get dressed. Hopefully he gets the message that you’re irritated with him. You go into the kitchen to check on the cats and to apologize to them.
As the cats crowd around you to get pet, minho comes into the room with your ring in hand.
“So now we’re forgetting our rings?” He asks.
“I’m not motherly and not wifey material right? Are you really surprised?”
“You’re a fucking child! Stop being stupid and put the damn ring on. You really mad at the truth. You need to work on yourself.”
“You didn’t even ask why I didn’t feed them. I’m DEPRESSED Minho. You don’t even give a fuck.”
“How would I know that?!” He yells in your face.
“MAYBE IF YOU GAVE A FUCK!” You say as tears roll down your face. “I fucking hate you. You’re a selfish bitch.” You push him away as you grab your coat and leave the house slamming the door.
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Changbin constantly makes you wonder if you were good enough for him. It was your difference in personality and lifestyle that made you wonder if you guys were compatible.
You didn’t argue much though. Just lots of misunderstandings. Nothing gets too out of hand. That is why you are shocked at the lack of care he has right now.
“What do you mean we can’t live in another country? I literally have been living here for you for years Changbin. I wanna spend some time home if possible.”
“When we get married, I want to start a family. We can’t be uprooting our family like that. It’s not good for a baby or children to leave super young.”
“Then let’s wait for them to get older before coming back. We will be leaving before I get 30 years old.”
“That’s asking a lot. We are secure here.”
“And asking me to move half way across the fucking world wasn’t a lot Changbin?!”
“Don’t start cursing and yelling. Let’s try to have a conversation not an argument.”
“Now you’re gonna tell me what to do? Why would I wanna get fucking married to you? We don’t even want the same things. You’re not willing to even compromise.”
“Compromise?! You just want it to go your way! You decided to stay here. How is that my fault? Be for real y/n. You really think I’m not compromising. You aren’t even understanding what I’m trying to say because you are so caught up in what you want to say in response.”
“Since I’m so uncompromising and not understanding. Marry someone else.” You throw the ring at him and walk away. He catches it and glances at it before walking up to you. He grabs your arm and leads you out the door.
“Let me go Changbin.” You try fighting with him, but his grip is too strong. He forces you to get into the car before getting in himself and driving off.
“We are gonna talk this out or you can leave and never come back again.” He states as he watches the road. He had no doubt you would just talk. You don’t really want him to be out of your life. That is unrealistic. You love him.
“I want to see my family Changbin… I want to go home.” You are nearly crying at this point.
“I understand that. I want that for you. I just don’t think we should be having a baby and doing that. We might just have to hold back on having children and getting married.”
“I just need this for my spirit. I want to do all those things with you. I just do wanna spend at least a year home. My parents are getting older. I wanna make sure they are okay and know if they are sound enough for us to stay living so far away.”
He just nods taking in everything you said. “I love you, and I am willing to do that with you. You have to acknowledge that we could go broke. I probably won’t be able to get a job so fast especially not knowing much about the land or culture…”
“Changbinn I’m not asking you to be perfect. I know this is going to be rough, but we have each other. I will try to make this as smooth as possible for us.”
He sighs and nods. “Okay but if we’re going broke within the first few months we have to leave. Promise me.”
“I promise Binnie.”
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You knew Hyunjin’s emotions very well because he was very open about them. His facial expressions revealed everything anyways.
That’s how you knew he was serious about this. You never once took Hyunjin for the jealous type. He was very secure in your status with him. Maybe it was that the guy was another idol.
You had attended a private party with the boys and lots of other famous celebrities were also invited. You decided to wear a simple red dress and heels. Nothing flashy as you were always impressive even in the worst clothes.
Hyunjin stayed by your side as much as possible. However, he didn’t expect you to get in a conversation with Hongjoong as soon as he walked away.
It was a simple conversation. He came over to ask what group you were in, but you cleared up any confusion.
“Oh no. I’m not an idol. I’m here with Hyunjin. That’s my boyfriend.” You explain to him.
“Oh okay. I was just wondering because I never seen you around. I saw you with Chan earlier, so I was wondering if he was hiding his friends from me.” You laugh and shake your head.
“I am friends with Chan, but he is also like my brother. Anyways, I’m y/n nice to meet you.” You bow a little.
“I’m Hongjoong from ateez. Oh here comes your man. I got to get going.” He says walking past Hyunjin and bowing some.
“Hongjoong” he says bowing back before walking towards you. He grabs your arm and leads you to the bathroom. He locks the door once you both are inside.
“What the hell Hyunjin?”
“What the hell to me? What the hell were you and Hongjoong talking about? And why did he leave when I was approaching?!” He questioned, getting close to your face.
“First off”, you push his face back “Get the fuck out my face. Second off, why are you being so jealous right now? We talked about being an idol. He thought I was an idol, but I’m obviously not.”
“So he was trying to talk you up when I left? Fucking-“ Your laughs cut him off. You back into the wall laughing.
“What is so fucking funny?!” He yells.
“You. Look at you all jealous over nothing. I thought you were more secure and confident than this.” You inform him.
“I thought you were more trustworthy and beautiful than this. You look so ugly right now.” He says with a face that read disgust.
"If I'm so disgusting Hyunjin, find someone else to marry then!" You spat at him throwing the ring in his face and walking out the bathroom. Some of the idols in the room seemed to stop and stare in that direction.
He was embarrassed and angry. Chan came over to him and tried to talk him down, but Hyunjin locked the door behind you as he paced inside the bathroom. Tears of anger flowed down his cheeks.
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You haven’t seen Han in a few days. He comes home when you are already sleep, and he leaves before you could even wake up. He has been sleeping in the guest room. He tries to be discreet, but the bed hasn’t been made the same for a few days.
He must be mad about the argument and what happened. You never expected the silent treatment from him though. Your texts and calls left on delivered. He hadn’t blocked you just ignoring you on purpose. You tried to have a friend call, but he wasn’t answering anyones calls apparently. That was what you thought until you checked in with Jeongin.
You had went to get coffee together. Jeongin loved spending time with you because you were his friend. He knew something was wrong as soon as you were in his presence. He was just waiting for you to mention anything.
“Have you seen Jisung?” You ask him sipping on your coffee.
“Yes. He was in the studio yesterday with Chan. We recorded some guide’s yesterday nothing heavy.”
“Did he say anything to you about us..? Or anything alarming?”
“He didn’t say anything besides the song. The quietest I’ve seen him in months. He normally cracks at least one joke.”
You sigh. The tears were fighting to fall. Maybe you pushed him too far by not wearing the ring anymore. It was serious at the time tough. It was the only way you thought of getting your point across.
“What happened between you two?” Jeongin asks lowly.
You slowly start to explain what happened. It was truly a regular day. You had spent time together doing errands. After seeing families together, Jisung had a lot of baby fever. This wouldn’t be an issue normally; he just would get over it quickly. This time it felt a little overwhelming.
“Babeee are you sure we can’t just have one?” He questioned as he played with your hair.
“Yess. Children are not something I want at the moment, and we agreed on it. You want to get married first anyways.”
“We’re engaged.. that is good enough. I want a mini me or you. I love babies.”
You mumble “I don’t…” He side eyes you. He kisses your neck. “Come on baby. Don’t be that way.”
You push his head away and stand up. “No Sung.” He smacks his lips before watching you. “Damn we can’t just.. yk either?”
“No and you aren’t even taking me seriously.”
“Because I don’t understand the hold up, we’re secure right now. I won’t wait forever.”
You look in his eyes for any sign he was kidding. You turn to leave, placing your ring on the dresser. “How’s this for forever?” You ask before leaving out the room.
Jeongin gasps. “Damn y’all are done forever?”
You sigh and put your face in your hands. “I didn’t mean it.. I was hoping it just stopped the conversation. Apparently, it stopped all conversations.”
“Y’all need to talk. Try to fix that. He is gonna burn himself out working so much.”
“I can try, but he literally doesn’t even come home if I’m awake. He isn’t answering my texts or calls. I don’t know Jeongin.”
“Go to the studio then. He is constantly napping in there, so he will probably be working or sleeping. Either way you have him trapped.”
You end up at the guys studio thanks to Jeongin. You watch him through the door as he works. Lots of papers are spread around the room. He has written so much lately. Han always writes lyrics down on paper. Not too keen on keeping a virtual document.
You knock on the door before coming in. He panics almost before seeing it was you. You sit next to him in a chair as he continues. There you sat for ten minutes. He doesn’t acknowledge you, look at you, or anything. You could see some of the lyrics he wrote. It was different songs. One about being angry; another about apologizing for the pressure on you.
“Hanji.. I miss you. I know work is important, but can we please talk?”
“About what? We have nothing to talk about. When I find a place of my own, I will be out of your hair. For now I’m just working to make money for myself.”
“You don’t have to find a new place Jisung. I-” he cuts you off. “I need to find a new place because apparently we’re single forever.”
“I’m sorry I took the ring off. I didn’t mean it seriously.”
“Then just don’t say it. You don’t do shit like that on a whim. It really hurts… it has been so hard to be without you. I’ve seen you, and you don’t even seem sad without me.”
“Just leave please. I have work to do. Also, I still don’t have anything more to say. We argued, but you really hurt me. You threw the ring down like it was nothing.”
“I am trying-“
“LEAVE! I don’t want to hear it. You’re stressing me out and making me anxious.. just please leave.”
You nod and grab your things to leave. You look back at him from the door once more before leaving. He didn’t once look at you. Even by accident.
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Felix and the boys didn’t go out often to clubs and things. Being celebrities and having busy schedules, they rarely had the time. When it does happen though, you don’t attend. Clubs aren’t your scene.
You prefer to spend time at home with your’s and Felix’s cat. He is very happy to have you home to play and nap together. Felix thinks it’s okay that you stay home. When he catches you two cuddling sometimes because he stayed out late, he finds it endearingly cute. Two babies.
Today though Felix came home rather drunk. He stumbled through the door putting his keys on the hook before sliding off his shoes. As he is going to hang his jacket, he sees you on the couch. He is startled and grabs his chest.
“Oh fuck y/n… say something next time. I almost died.”
You squint at him. Felix has great reflexes and senses so how drunk is he? “Are you drunk?”
“Maybeee” he hums putting his jacket on the coat rack.
“Did you drive home?” Silence. If looks could kill, he would be dead from the glare you are sending him. Even with his back turned he could feel you.
“I’m sorry. I needed a way home.” He quickly apologizes and approaches you. He grabs your hands.
“Felix.. don’t be drunk driving! Is the car okay?!”
“Yes I only hit like one curb on the way home…”
“Felix! You know drunk driving is bad. I can’t believe you. Ask one of the guys next time to take you home. You could have killed someone or worse died!”
“But I didn’t. I’m here and everyone is safe.”
“You are not taking this seriously… you know I don’t play about this.” You warned him time and time again about drunk driving. A drunk driver killed your best friend in high school. It happened right after school as you guys were going to get boba together.
“It’s not that serious though? Everyone is okay. Babe I’m fine. I will go get the car fixed tomorrow okay?”
You tear up and push his hands away. “It’s not fine. How could you be so reckless after what I told you? Do you not care? I can’t even think about you rn. I don’t even want to.” You take the ring off and place it on the table before going in the bathroom and locking the door.
Felix stares at the ring before tearing up. How could you take off the ring he gave you? Did he fuck up that bad? Then it hit him. He cries softly to not attract attention from you. He felt like an asshole for almost making you relive your childhood trauma.
He comes and knocks on the door. “Babe I’m sorry for what I did. I shouldn’t have driven home drunk and made you worried. It is a big deal, and I’m sorry I possibly reminded you of the traumatic situation you experienced with your friend.”
You come out the bathroom after two minutes and hug him. You both had been crying. He rubs your back and kisses your head. Maybe he did care..
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You had talked with Seungmin about your past before. Your relationship with your parents and siblings made you the way you are now. Sometimes you cut up on him. It wasn’t on purpose; it was your fight or flight kicking in.
He found it a little daunting at first because he didn’t expect it from you. He thought you were just sarcastic to be funny, but he soon came to realize you were conditioned to be that way.
You had a lot of issues you two were working with. One being deciding your love language since you were lacking a lot growing up. The two things that outweighed everything is words of affirmation and acts of service.
Seungmin didn’t understand you in that sense of wanting to do things for him. He was certainly more independent than most men you ever met let alone dated. It was nice sometimes, but you never get to show him any love.
“Min do you want breakfast?” You questioned as you were making your own food.
“No it’s fine. I will just have some yogurt and fruit.” He responded from the bathroom.
“I can prepare it for you if you’d like. I’m already in here, and I know you have a packed schedule today.” You offer wanting to be useful.
“No it’s fine. I got it. You relax. You have to work today just like I do.”
You just huff and continue making your breakfast. It felt wrong to not make him breakfast or do anything for him to help him get ready. The guilt was eating you alive even though he doesn’t see anything wrong in him caring for himself.
“Babe are you tired of me?” You ask him as he comes into the room. He shakes his head as he opens the fridge. “No not at all. Why?”
“Why can’t I ever help you in the morning? You don’t want me to iron your clothes, help style your hair, make you breakfast, clean up after you… you do everything on your own.”
“So that means I’m tired of you?” He questions as he looks at you. He had his yogurt and fruit in hand.
“Yes…? You just don’t always make me feel wanted. I don’t understand why you want me. I’m not doing any good for you.”
“I love you. I really do. I don’t need you to do those things for me. I just want you to be there for me mentally. I want a companion.”
“So I’m a pet?”
“Babe don’t start this. I love you and I’m not tired of you end of story. You don’t have to be living like you were with your mother. The weight of caring for the whole house is off your shoulders.”
“I just want to love you Seungmin…” your tears finally fall from your glossed over eyes. “I just want to feel wanted. I just can’t help but overthink this.. like how can you not want me to help you? Am I too incompetent in your opinion?”
“Why would I ask you to marry me if you are incompetent y/n?! You think of yourself so lowly and that is the problem. You shouldn’t need to care for me or have me talk your head up to feel worthy.” His words sting. How could he just invalidate your love languages.
“You know what? It’s fine. I don’t need this invalidation right now. Just eat your breakfast. I’m gonna go get ready for work.” You leave the kitchen with your food and close the door to your room.
After a while, you go in the kitchen and leave your plate in the kitchen before leaving the house for work. Seungmin sighs after hearing the door close. “No good bye huh?” He questions out loud. He goes into the room to grab his bag and phone charger. The shine of your engagement ring from the dresser is bright when the sun hits it. You left it there for him to notice.
And notice he did because you returned home to his ring next to yours. He didn’t send any texts or call once. You just nod and get in the shower. Once he returned, he did the same as you watched television in the living room.
You waited for him to get out the shower. You approached him as he got dressed. “So you didn’t wear your ring today?” You asked him. He nods and looks at you. “You started this. I’m only doing what you do.” You shake your head. “Sure.. I don’t invalidate your love language but you do it to me.”
He sighs, “you’re not gonna give this up are you? I only said the truth.”
“Okay whatever. I should just let it go because nothing ever matters to Seungmin.” You say grabbing the ring and going in the living room.
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You stayed with Jeongin because you had fell on hard times, and he was your supportive boyfriend. Well, he was your supportive boyfriend.
It had been slightly hard on him supporting the both of you. Jeongin had expensive habits. He bought lots of clothes. As well as, he was a gift giver. His love language was gift giving for others. Also, he was barely home before so he saved lots of money on food. He ate out with the rest of skz, but you needed to eat at home.
You didn’t know he was struggling at all to make ends meet. You found out after overhearing him tell Chan. Chan was trying to be supportive and help him figure out ways to make things better. The guilt was heavy on your mind though. Jeongin didn’t seem happy anymore with you.
This must be the last straw. You feared the conversation with him. He asked you to wait up for him tonight. Normally he joins you in bed around 11 pm. You sat on the couch wrapped up in a blanket. Mind running kept you up at odd hours anyways. You haven’t gotten much sleep after finding out the news.
He walks in shortly after 10:30 pm. He sits next to you after leaving his shoes at the door. “Hey y/n.” You clear your throat before looking at him. “Hi Jeongin.”
“You’re probably wondering what I wanted to talk about. I just wanted to keep you in the loop. I don’t think I can afford to.. have you keep staying here.”
You heart dropped a little, but you were expecting this. “What am I supposed to do Jeongin? We’re supposed to be getting married. Is it not weird for us to suddenly not live together anymore?”
“You might have to start working then. It’s been months. The job market cannot be that dead.” He claims, sitting back to look at you.
“I wish it wasn’t but it truly is. I would literally have to go back to school to do anything. All the jobs that are constantly hiring I just don’t have the skills for them.” You explain to him. You felt tears forming in your eyes and your throat starts to be close slightly.
“Well maybe you need to do that. I just know I can’t do it for right now. I love you for sure, but I need something more than you’re giving me. Love isn’t paying the bills. I need you to leave.”
“Today?” You ask him as the tears ran down your cheeks.
“Preferably. I don’t wanna feel guilty and go back on my word.”
You just nod and wipe your eyes. “I don’t think I can do this Jeongin. I can’t pretend like I haven’t noticed the looks you have been giving me. You don’t love me the same, and it hurts to know you’re probably using this as an excuse to cover up your true feelings.” You explain through sobs and heavy breaths. He looks down at his hands, in a way, he confirmed your true fear.
“It’s okay though. It was good while it lasted. I will miss you, but I won’t be a dummy for you.” You get up slowly and place the engagement ring in his hand. You go into the room you both shared and packed the minimal amount of things you have. You don’t look at him before leaving.
He sits there looking at the ring for a while before placing it on the table. He goes to shower. He felt somewhat guilty, but he was glad you didn’t make a bigger deal about it. He would miss you as well.
Taglist — @kflixnet @l-luvr @lino-jagiyaa 🐶 @moonmukamiamajiki 🤍 @kpflyn
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crunchyfield · 1 year
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How tall is Link in Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom ?
This topic is always what most players wonder when playing a (new) Zelda game especially when Link looks shorter than almost every NPCs and entities.
But what surprises me the most is that many people in the community assume he is the same height as in ZBOTW or claim to have figured out his height based off of ZBOTW without elaborating much somehow which isn't satisfying at all.
We want to know Link's height in ZTOTK based off of ZTOTK information and tools.
What we want to be looking into at first is Link's canon height.Unfortunately, speaking to NPCs/reading diaries/looking for something's or someone's canon height didn't provide any type of canon reference to figure out Link's canon height (unlike in Breath of the Wild where a gerudo named Deltan stated she was 8 feet tall).
As a result we are going to work out Link's height using in-game measurements, to do so we'll manipulate the in-game coordinates :
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These are important to calculate distances as well as measuring Link in those distance units.
It has been established for a while now that one distance unit displayed in the coordinates is equivalent to one meter.It is quite difficult to back up this statement but when talking to NPCs, those who quantify distances generally come up with the metric unit (I don't have a screenshot for proving it but if you talk to a brown skin traveler with an afro haircut and a rabbit shield in the French version of the game, he comes up with the metric unit at some point).
With that assumption in mind let's start off by looking for a reference (i.e: an object or something which will be used to determine Link's height), a wooden crate seems to be good one as we can approach its model with a cube on top of being experimentable on flat surfaces.
Now the idea is to approximate a wooden crate's height and to do it we have to measure many crates on top of each other with the altitude coordinate :
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We could've measured 100 crates merged all together but the game reFUSEs to fuse more than 21 items together (I learnt it the hard way after spending around 600-ish zonaites to make sure the tests go right in any case) :
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Ultimately 20 blocks were measured successfully on a flat surface in a maze so here are the altitude coordinate values at the surface level and at the 20th wooden crate level respectively :
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Subtracting both coordinate values (111-71) we find out 20 crates are about 40 meters tall meaning that a crate is about 2 meters tall.
Then we can figure out Link's height by measuring him next to a crate.However in order to avoid any parallax issue we are going to locate a specific part of the wooden crate the top of Link's head reaches with a sample of screenshots from different angles :
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(I took many more angles but to not overload this post we'll keep these 6 photos as a simple sample)
Thereafter, we can figure out the specific crate's portion the top of Link's head reaches (blue line) :
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Finally we can calculate Link's height using some proportionality and pixel measurements :
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Therefore Link is roughly 1.73 (5'8")meters tall, he is actually taller than 5'2" (1.58 m), still not surprising.
I smell sussy bakas coming up with Bread pirate's video from miles away so let me explain why the 5'2" is sort of wrong when it comes to Link's height in BOTW :
If we take a close look at where link is placed next to the metal box, we can see there is a parallax issue (i.e: the change in the apparent position of the metal box relative to Link being more distant, caused by the change in the picture's line of sight towards both Link and the metal box) which means Link is taller than what he was measured previously in BOTW :
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Hereafter seem to be the specific part of the metal box the top of Link's head reaches in BOTW :
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Thus recalculating Link's height in BOTW following Bread Pirate's method without the parallax issue suggests that Link is around 1.78 meters (5'10") :
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Basically BOTW Link & TOTK Link are practically about the same height (5 centimeters are a little negligible in the game) empirically which in some way confirm "the not changed height" and why we could feel like Link is as tall in TOTK as in BOTW.
Now for more interpretations regarding other entities/NPCs in comparison to Link, I advice you to see this post :
Sidenote: Furthermore, taking errors and uncertainties into account we can find a range in which Link's true height in Tears of the Kingdom is included.
About the altitude coordinates we measured, those values are rounded up without shown decimal places which means that the first 71 altitude coordinate value actually ranges from 70.5 to 71.4 and that the second 111 altitude coordinate value ranges from 110.5 to 111.4 :
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Besides, to find the uncertainty related to a wooden crate's height we determine the difference between the minimum gap/maximum gap and the rounded value found.Knowing that rounded value was 40 m then we get a 0.9 m variation from that value for the height of 20 crates implying the uncertainty of a single wooden crate's height would be 2 m ± 0.045 m.
As for the pixel measurements, it is generally one pixel variation for a numerical measurement tool such as in image editors.
So calculating the overall uncertainty for TOTK Link's height gives a height value ranging from 1.67 m (5'6") to 1.78 m (5'10"):
Link's height = 1.73 m ± 0.06 m
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sinning-23 · 1 year
Mona Lisa
hello everyone just a small headsup this chapter is a bit short but i will make up for that with a longerrrr chapter 4. things change for the reader and Carmy but im debating on making this a chance for msybe the worst temporarily.
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Updates: Chapter 2 found here
Chapter 3
The meeting ended long ago but here you are feeling secure on the inside of the sidewalk, while Carmy takes the outside. What a gentleman. The street doesn’t feel so cold when you keep brushing against him from time to time, trying not to split the pole. He makes a note of that. Keeps his hands shoved in his pockets, he’s constantly looking around to be aware of his surroundings, ever so often taking a moment to glance at you. This game of silent admiration from both ends would only last so long. Despite it being quiet, you didn't feel the need to fill the silence with conversation. 
*He didn't say anything, he just took a seat next to you, leaving two chair spaces. It was enough to be close but not enough to be awkward. Comfortable. Maybe you should make conversation? This could be the universe telling you it's your last chance before your window closes. What would you even say? Hey omg your loved one was an addict too that's crazy me too! You knew better than that. Hardly noticing everyone standing to leave, you do the same but stop when his voice reaches your ears. 
“Are you stalking me?”
It was meant as a joke but you most definitely overreacted and freaked out, going on and on about how you never meant to come off that way and how you didn't know he’d be here or at the restaurant, and how its crazy you’ve seen each other twice in one day completely on accident. He only nods and smiles briefly. You can't help but smile back, it's contagious. Before you knew it he was asking to walk you home or at least to the train station if that's where you needed to go. *
“So, you own that place? The restaurant I mean.” You ask, trying to learn more if he'd let you. 
He shrugs, giving sort of an unsure nod. 
“It belonged to my brother actually, he gave it to me.” He explains, not saying much else. 
A sore subject maybe. You hum in response, finding yourself closer to your apartment than you’d like. This couldn't be it. You needed more.
“I see. This is me up here actually,” You chide, feeling a bit reluctant to leave. 
He stops walking for a moment, the silence begging for something more. One of you to reach out and give the invitation. As if out of a movie, you both go to speak, mouths closing and opening simultaneously. 
“You first.” He offers, glassy eyes searching your own for an answer. 
“I…Carmy…” You’re at a loss for words, trying to figure out what to do. Offer your number? Your name? Invite him in? No it's far too soon. 
“I never got a chance to ask your name.” He quips, clearing his throat. 
“ Y/n.” You respond, stepping a bit closer, the space between you becoming limited. He gulps. 
“Pretty. Now I know what to put as your contact.” He tests, stepping towards you, closing the space further. 
Holy shit that was…wow okay. You giggle, trying to keep eye contact but failing. How did he do that so smoothly? 
“That was cute. You know what, I think I should give you my number just so I can get to hear more of that.” You challenge, new found confidence flowing into you.
 He falters a bit, face flushing red as you glances upward, the slight height difference making it all the more delicious. His tongue darts out to lick his lips as he fumbles to grab his phone, you do the same, tugging your lip between your teeth. He clears his throat, handing you the device, screen cracked. Your fingers brush against each other, the contrast of warmth against cold makes you weak. 
“Not gonna ghost me tonight are you?” You question, passing it back with a teasing grin. This had gone FAR better than you thought. He shakes his head, eyes trying to take you in as much as he could before you have to leave. 
“Never.” He whispers, watching you smile and turn, making your way up the stairs to wave him a far too flirty goodbye. 
He nods and disappears down the street.
Watching the phone wasn't exactly how you wanted to spend the rest of your night but that's exactly what happened. Every notification made your heart race, only to end in brief disappointment to see it came from another app. There was no way you’d text first, then you'd seem too desperate. What if he was lying and didn't text you? What if he felt pressured because of the tension?
Was there even tension or were you overreacting? Damn, this was hard. Why did having a crush in your 20’s feel so difficult! You really didn't get this kind of practice as a teenager either, not necessarily focusing on crushes and more so your studies. You practically fell out of the shower trying to check your phone as now here you were, staring at the infernal machine. Ring…Ring damn it. 
From:-unknown number-
Hey, this is Y/n right?
You're quick to snatch your phone off the charger, the cord whipping you in the face and eye, a screech claws its way through your lungs and out your throat. The message lay open as you scramble to grab an ice pack. Hurry damnit! You curse yourself, the longer the message lays open the lower your chances get. 
To:-unknown number-
Yes! Hi sorry! I went to grab my phone and the cord hit me 💀
There's little to no wait when he responds again, but you have a chance to add his contact information.
you alright? lol
To: Carmy
Yeah, I grabbed an ice pack. Anyway, will you make it back home safe?”
Did that sound too concerning? Maybe you should've just-
From: Carmy
Yeah I'm good, thanks. Made it back a few minutes ago. Actually going to bed soon, I think. You?
Not sure, might paint, actually thinking about you lol. God that was weird to say-
From: Carny
Not at all, I was actually thinking the same. I wanna see more of you.
Your heart drops. Was this what you were waiting for your whole life? He wants to see you??? YOU? A smile creeps over your face. You hard parts over, now dont fuck this up.
To: Carmy
Really? How about date maybe?
Your heart races as you wait again for a response, the three bubbles pop up and sure enough the answer is in your favor. 
From: Carmy
I was supposed to say that. I’ll pick you up Friday at 8?
I'd love that. Get some sleep, I can't wait.
You made it….A whole conversation you made it. And ended up with a date! What were you even going to do! What would you wear! Where was he taking you?! It didn't matter. All that mattered was that you finally had your date with Carmy. 
What could possibly go wrong.
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true-blue-sonic · 5 months
Of all the villains Silver has fought, which one do you think would've had the most severe impact on him mentally? Or maybe even physically? (I'd imagine both answers being different depending on which iteration of Silver it is - good future or bad future - so you can answer them separately if you wish)
As far as we know, Silver's been in contact with two villains in the future: Iblis in the '06 timeline, and that got erased, so now it's only Eggman Nega. Though I suppose Eggman can be considered a villain Silver has fought as well, after travelling to the past and meeting Sonic and co (same for Infinite, now that I think about it). We don't actually know what kind of history Silver and Eggman Nega have: I would even argue that it can be taken as unlikely that they knew each other before Rivals 1, based on the phrasing of in-game dialogue. Only in Rivals 2 does Nega refer to Silver by name, and if you look at what they're saying here in Act 2 of Death Yard Zone:
Silver: Why not give yourself up? There's no doubt in my mind that you're Eggman NEGA! Eggman Nega: Heh heh heh... If you know that much, then the reason you're here is... Silver: That's right! I came from the future to bring you back! I can't allow you to abuse the camera's power! Eggman Nega: I admire you determination, but I'm afraid I can't allow you to capture me! I'll let Metal Sonic play with you in order to buy me the time I need to quietly sneak away. Oh, and you'll find that Metal Sonic is a tad bit more of a capable opponent than before. Heh heh heh... Silver: Eggman NEGA! I'm not letting you get away!
Like, to me it just doesn't feel as if they're enemies with a long history of fighting each other? Of course, it's limited to unvoiced text boxes and such and thus the dialogue naturally feels a bit more stilted. But I don't get a sense of them knowing each other here, what with Silver's explanations of him 'coming from the future' to bring Nega back and Nega's "If you know that much, then the reason you're here is...". If they knew each other already, such statements of inquiry and explanation would be unnecessary, I feel like. So I find it hard to say how much of an impact Eggman Nega would have had on Silver as a nemesis. In my fanfic Stories it's a big impact, but I cannot prove that that is the same in canon as well: there's just not enough information, unfortunately enough. I would love to learn more about Silver's life in the future and what role Eggman Nega could have played in there!
That brings me to the next problem, namely that I think Iblis is the enemy with the most mental impact on Silver, except... that all got erased from time. But in '06, we see Silver become frustrated with the futility of constantly fighting a monster that regenerates and reappears, needing Blaze to urge him to calm down and him heatedly demanding she tell him what they should do then: I figure that can be a sign Iblis' immortality and the endless fighting is really, really wearing him down. So I think mentally Iblis is the one with the most impact, also since it seems Silver's been fighting him for quite a long time. I can understand why he'll eventually begin to be frustrated when there's just no results to his efforts.
Since we never see Silver be injured or incapacitated in any way by Iblis or his life in the future (heck, he's even the exact same weight and height as Sonic and Shadow despite being a year younger, haha), and since it should theoretically be possible to play the whole of '06 without taking damage, I think the enemy with the most physical impact would be Infinite. He manages to knock Silver right into a wall and possibly out cold for a few seconds (since Silver is laying there motionless with closed eyes), comes frighteningly close to killing him outright if it hadn't been for Sonic's intervention, and afterwards Amy says Sonic and Silver need time to heal. As for Eggman, Silver's never really fought him outright, if I remember correctly? He's fighting Nega in the Rivals games, in Colours DS and Generations he doesn't participate in the final battle, and in Forces he's fighting the clones with all his friends while Sonic, Classic Sonic, and the Avatar handle Eggman. I figure Silver acknowledges Eggman is a huge threat to the safety of the past, but not one he directly fights often, so the impact Eggman has on him is probably limited.
So overall, I would say the enemy with the most mental impact is Iblis due to the alleged long time Silver's been fighting him and his increased frustration at the hopeless situation of Iblis constantly regenerating, and physically Infinite due to almost killing Silver on-screen. As for Eggman Nega, I cannot say: Silver clearly is frustrated by him and his ploys, but I don't have game evidence for how deep that frustration goes. So Iblis and Infinite it is!
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unitheuniverse · 22 days
I was wondering if I could get a mystic messenger romantic matchup? I haven't seen anywhere that you don't take them in anymore but if that's the case feel free to ignore this♡
Im a 5'6 straight female and have shoulder length ash brown hair and dress mostly in the grunge or punk style(depends mostly where Im going and how much energy I have lol). Personality wise, Im rather social and talkative, striking up a convo with someone and talking about a wide range of topics isnt a problem for me. I tend to be really bold and confrontational when it comes to someone being rude to me or someone I'm close with and am not afraid to be physical is the situation requires it. Most of the time Im pretty nonchalant and prefer to take things with a calm approach. I would say I'm also really good at comforting people, reading their emotions and knowing what to tell them to make them feel better. I have strong morals and will never do something rude, spiteful or revengeful unless its in a very specific and extreme situation simply because I dont see the point in making anyones life harder than it already is most likely.
As for hobbies, I really enjoy reading(mostly classics and manga) and watching shows which mainly consist of sitcoms. I also enjoy taking walks outside or hiking and exploring nature and I always take my dog with me.
I don't really have a type, all of my exes have been vastly different people. The only thing I would have as a requirement is at least some level of emotional maturity and lots of patience.
That's it, have a nice day♡
Yes! My inbox is open. I wish I was able to just tag you but whatever.
With that being said, I match you with…
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Hyun “Zen” Ryu
⟡ Emotionally Mature???? In this game???? What’s next, you want me to catch a shooting star for you? /j
⟡ Okay, all jokes aside, I do believe that Zen in many ways actually fits you.
⟡ Zen is probably the most emotionally intelligent and mature out of the cast. Mainly due to the fact he is one of the few characters actually willing to process how he is feeling and what he is feeling. He is aware of his own self esteem, he is aware of the poor treatment his family forced him through, and reacted accordingly.
⟡ Does he have issues with his self esteem and image? Absolutely. However, is he also aware of the issues the rest of the cast has? Yes absolutely.
⟡ He is actively encouraging the rest of the cast to get better, handle their emotions better, and stop side stepping them through their own guilty pleasures.
⟡ So with that said, let’s talk about how he is with you.
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⟡ Considering the both of you are super talkative and sociable; I wouldn’t be surprised if the two of you just hit it off. You guys just absolutely fill up the chat with just talking about random stuff. Bouncing from topic to topic almost on a dime. Though, this wouldn’t be Zen without him flirting with you a bit.
⟡ Oh who am I kidding, he flirts with you a lot.
⟡ So you flirt and tease back. Considering the both of you just enjoy each other’s conversations and company. It isn’t really out of the ordinary for the both of you to just bounce off of each other. He often jokes about the height difference between the two of you. Which he won’t let up.
⟡ Then, Zen starts to catch feelings.
⟡ Okay, at first it wasn’t really that noticeable. He keeps the pictures you sent on his phone. I mean, you did have such a beautiful style, with clothes that seem really relaxed and maybe show your tastes.
⟡ He will start reading in his free time, yeah maybe it’s a bit nerdy but if you think it’s good then there has to be something about it that is interesting. Maybe watch a few sitcoms while he isn’t working on his acting career.
⟡ It was the Sitcoms that made him realize he was in love with you. It was like just everything made sense in that moment. You can almost hear it click into his brain as he looks towards the TV. It’s glow softly reflecting on his face, causing a slight tint.
⟡ Zen loved you.
⟡ With this information, he tries to ask you out bluntly. To the point where you think he is jokingly flirting with you, like he always does. It just took you back a bit.
⟡ The relationship you have with Zen is interesting to say the least.
⟡ Of course you had to deal with the fact that Zen is a minor celebrity. So often he’d come home late to just fall into you. His speech slurred a bit from exhaustion.
⟡ Hikes are a must. The three of you, your dog included, often go up hiking trails and long winding roads. Smelling the nature as you can hear the chittering of birds.
⟡ He would often try to get you to wear his clothes, like to put his jacket on or something. Bonus points if it’s like, raining, and Zen tries that cover someone else with your jacket thing, yeah that.
⟡ Pet names. They are a guarantee.
⟡ That teasing doesn’t go away by the way. He’d often take pictures of you and save them on his phone. Even if it’s just something a bit embarrassing.
⟡ Date nights consist of late night sitcoms and cuddling. The both of you on the couch slowly holding each other under the blanket as you can hear the laugh track in the background.
Zen had a hard time of practice today. Especially considering it was for a special musical he was going to be apart of. So you weren’t really surprised when the moment he got home he fell into your arms.
He slowly runs his fingers through your hair. The ash brown turning an almost black from the darkness, with a tiny light from the TV lighting the both of you.
His tired eyes flicker for just a moment as he looks to you.
“I love you.”
His lips slowly interlocking with yours.
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