#i know the world is a broken bone
whollyjoly · 6 months
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push your face down on my chest and your heart ain't nothin' but the best and now a dog's a stray but i'm gonna stay
aka the bucktommy cowboy au nobody asked for part one (part two) (part three)
(song insp.)
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randomperson0k · 3 months
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she would never hurt a fly!!!
please ignore the cats i didnt know what to use to censor the blood
full version is below the cut thing
hopefully the cut works
please work
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bunnihearted · 13 days
can i please fucking have a best friend before i kill myself i cannot stand this loneliness anymore it isnt even funny like im actually in so much pain bc of loneliness i feel like i cant breathe and like im gonna die everything hurts so bad i cant take it i try to pretend im ok and during a little while it works but then it all comes crashing down again i literally cannot be alone anymore i will die
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flowercrowngods · 8 months
what if who did this to you part 4 is tinged in the pale blue of max klinger’s l‘heure bleu and what if it’s so liminal it doesn’t feel real because the after never does when you don’t even know the before, and what if robin turns into a caspar david friedrich painting and what if steve becomes the blue that depressed robin but she loves him anyway and what if i just lose my mind about them
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venalos · 4 months
@sonorous-eisfyl, cont.
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Although Safine looked better off than the quartet she had triumphed over, her injuries were worse than they appeared to be. A good blow to the head, combined with the adrenaline still flowing through her system, had left her dazed. Disoriented. She hardly reacted when Frosting flinched not once but twice. Though she had won, this was not the same woman who could demolish armies, wrestle wild beasts with her bare hands, or drive primal fear into the bravest hearts with her blood-curdling roar.
This was not the Sapphire Star, not yet. After all, today's canteen brawl took place only a month after Zorah Magdaros had been repelled out to sea.
Slowly, surely, the adrenaline wore off. Safine blinked hard, pain and strain finally setting in. Her head was pounding in tandem with her heart beat, throbbing like nothing else. A part of her swore that at least one or two ribs were broken. Her legs came close to buckling from utter exhaustion. Despite all that, however, she remained resolute, and she did not let go of Frosting's face.
Safine replied, her tone not betraying a shred of weakness, "I taught them a valuable lesson."
She paused to take a deep breath. Her chest and lungs screamed in agony as she did, forced to push up against broken bones.
"That's what I did."
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astarlightmonbebe · 1 year
episode 5 has left me considering the different - and similar - ways taeyoung and kwonsook think about themselves, and how they respond to pain/violence.
kwonsook calls herself a monster, someone who goes crazy in the boxing ring. that monster, she says, was created by her father, and her father used abuse, violence, and emotional manipulation to create that monster. he didn’t treat her like human, so it’s no surprise that the way she talks about herself when she boxes is as if she’s discussing an animal: she gets cornered, gets scared for her life, and lashes out to kill. she calls herself a monster with resignation; it’s not what she wanted to be, but she knows it’s what she was. she ran away to escape that monstrosity, to live as a human, doing good things, but that part of her never really died.
taeyoung, too, calls himself a monster. he’s a SOB, he does thing no one with an ounce of humanity would do. he seemingly has no qualms about what he does, perhaps because he can always justify it to himself, always has an exit prepared for when things really get bad (until, i’m sure, he doesn’t). like kwonsook, taeyoung accepts the label of monster, accepts his own inhumanity, even if they are inhuman in very different ways. whereas kwonsook wants to break away from that monstrous part of her - she’s only returned so she can free herself from that part of herself permanently (and if she finds a way to box without a monster, then...) - taeyoung embraces it. it’s through being a monster that he’s found success, how he secures futures for his athletes, and how he’s able to ‘solve’ their (and his) issues. monstrosity was not imposed on taeyoung, but (due to what we know so far) is something he chose for himself (although the factors surrounding this part of his past are decidedly murky).
in this episode, taeyoung and kwonsook also demonstrate similar responses to violence and (emotional) pain. when taeyoung upsets kwonsook by working with her father behind her back, he offers her an outlet for her anger by punching him. later on, after ahreum has already slapped kwonsook, instead of lashing out, kwonsook offers to let ahreum hit her again if it will make her feel better. in parallel responses, both ahreum and kwonsook debate taking that opportunity to hurt, but decide not to (kwonsook because she’s taking a chance on taeyoung, or moreso giving him another one, and ahreum because she decides that she doesn’t owe kwonsook that, that kwonsook is beneath her in terms of boxing, no longer on her level). 
kwonsook learned to respond to pain at a young age. in boxing, you can’t flinch from the hit - you have to learn how to take the pain, absorb it, and get back up to hit again. outside of the rink, kwonsook absorbs the pain, but she doesn’t hit again. she’s experienced firsthand what her hits can do to people, and that terrified her. after all, she only boxed so that she could protect her mother. so when confronted with violence and pain, she takes the hit, because pain is what she knows and understands. it’s the emotions behind it that are hard for her. pain is easy for kwonsook, because she’s used to living through it, surviving it; beneath it, she’s always empty. she’s never really cared about boxing; it was what she had to do. the lee kwonsook that was a boxing genius was a monster she ran from, after all. but in order to break away from that monster, she has to come to understand the emotional investment of her fellow female boxers. before, they were just her opponents, never her friends, but now she has to face their own feelings about the sport, the passion they have for boxing that she never felt. like ara said, she didn’t feel happiness about winning, and kwonsook has never lost, so she’s never had to live with that humiliation, either. how her feelings will change in relation to boxing will likely be a reckoning for her.
taeyoung, on the other hand, is confronting his fair share of non-boxing sanctioned boxing. even though kwonsook is the boxer, it’s taeyoung who’s been touched by ‘true’ violence in this present timeline. his life is quite literally on the line, which has been shown again and again. he’s been ambushed by her father, threatened, blackmailed, and beaten up by chairman nam’s guys. he lives on the edge, anxious at every shadow, which is chewing him alive. to him, kwonsook’s anger is much easier to deal with. he knows she might hurt him, but his potential to hurt her is so much more (and if he does, in that case he’d find her anger justified, and probably let her beat him to death or something if what we’ve seen of his feelings for her is an indication of anything), and she might hurt him, but she’d never hurt him as much as other people in his life at the moment would (i.e. by killing him, or hurting the people he cares about). taeyoung is used to weathering the storm of other people’s dislike; he’s the scumbag, and he does bad things, deserves other people’s anger when it’s directed at him. 
both taeyoung and kwonsook want to resolve things through violence. i think it’s telling that despite being two emotionally aware people, they both consider other people’s feelings to be so easily taken care of. they want the quick, instant pain, and then they want to get it over with. because the violence is what they’re used to, and to a degree it’s what they both think they deserve. however, what lies beneath that, what doesn’t go away with a single hit, is much harder for them to confront and understand. 
#star stumbles#my lovely boxer#kdrama#my thoughts#in boxing you get hit and you hit someone else and whoever is still standing wins#and it's basically that way in the whole world of (physical) sports#and it's going to be so so good when they both end up embroiled in the very emotional situation that they both want to avoid at all costs#ie their feelings for each other / betrayal / broken trust / fear#i think i ended this poorly i kind of got distracted and honestly...honestly i don't KNOW what their response to violence really says#or how it's going to be played with throughout the drama#this text is the bare bones of what i can understand through what i've seen#and oh yes even though i know some people might argue that they're not emotionally aware i think they are...#both very emotionally mature. despite their actions they both know what's up in their hearts#and they're very adept at reading one another (or at least taeyoung is towards kwonsook i think she's getting there but she's also trying to#distance herself from him so. i do think she's ignoring some of what she'll probably reinterpret later on#nobody made taeyoung a monster he chose that path vs kwonsook left the path as soon as she was able to#and her getting punished for his bad deeds...even though at the end she admits they're both scumbags for going through with this deal#because she's understood that she'll hurt boxing whether good things come out of it or not#because she'll be disrespecting ahreum and everyone else by rigging the match and losing on purpose#which will probably add to her conflict later on#and taeyoung simultaneously struggles with not wanting to string her along vs stringing her along#because he's been upfront with her about how he's a bad person and she sees it too but ALSO#he can't bring himself to tell her some of the worst things because he wants her to see him differently#like he wants to act like a good person for her but also knows he needs her#honestly their relationship dynamic reminds me so much of my liberation notes#it's the ahjussi / disenchanted two people approaching each other and something ending up growing there where they thought nothing would#again
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urlocalwhumper · 6 months
as always, rayan belongs to @sowhumpshaped
rayan felt horrible.
nana had only been with him for a few days when he noticed that her tail was bothering her. a little glint of pain in her eye whenever it wagged, she way she took great care not to sit or lay on it, and, most recently, how she yelped and flinched away when he, idly fidgeting with her tail while sitting on the couch, brushed his fingers over the unnatural bend near the middle.
he'd wanted to give her at least a week to settle in before taking her to the vet for a check-up, but he also wasn't just going to sit there and let her suffer when she was clearly in pain.
so, off to the vet they went. nana really didn't like it there, she shook like a leaf and stayed glued to his leg for their entire time in the waiting room, and once she was up on the examination table, he had to be at least holding her hand for her to stay somewhat calm.
even the vet winced once her x-rays appeared onscreen.
"oh yeah, no wonder she's in pain." the vet grimaced. "this is a really bad break, the bone is completely shattered around where that bend is." he said, pointing on the screen to what he was talking about.
"this kind of injury... the most likely cause is crushing." the vet glanced at nana's papers and pursed his lips. "repeated impacts. like being stomped on, perhaps."
rayan felt sick. he could tell, from the look in nana's eye and the way she curled further into herself, that the vet's assumption was correct. he trailed a comforting hand across her scalp and pressed a little kiss to the crown of her head.
the vet continued. "either way, for a break this severe, there really isn't much we can do to fix it. your best option is to amputate."
nana went stiff as a board. rayan felt her breathing quicken as she started to whimper under her breath. her loose grip on his shirt turned into an iron vice and she looked up at him with a fearful, pleading gaze.
he continued to scratch at her scalp and behind her ears, soothing and gentle, but internally he was just as frazzled as she was. he was expecting the worst case scenario to be needing to re-break a badly healed bone, not amputating most of her tail.
"can... can we have some time to think about it, please?" he said, wanting to at least get nana out of the examination room and hopefully calm her down.
the vet nodded. "of course. you know how to make an appointment, once your decision has been made."
it took hours for nana to calm down fully. once they returned home, she immediately retreated to her bed, curling up under the blanket like it would hide her from the world. rayan sat beside her, nearly lost for words.
"... i'm so sorry, nana." he said, resting his hand, palm-up, on the edge of her bed. her shaking hand reached out from under the blanket and gripped it tight. "this isn't fair, you shouldn't have to deal with this at all."
he sighed. "... but... your tail's just gonna hurt forever if we don't do anything. and it might even get worse." he squeezed her hand. "getting it amputated is scary, but it's the only option we have."
he felt horrible, trying to convince her like this. he knew that if he was in her position, he'd be just as terrified and reluctant to have a part of him cut off. but, he also knew that, for her health, it needed to be done.
and when he looked over and saw her peering out at him from under the blanket, her eye hesitant but trusting, he knew that she understood too.
nana was a nervous wreck on the day of her surgery. even though he could tell she was trying to be brave, the vet informed him that she wet herself out of fear the moment she was in the prep room, completely separated from him.
but it was finally over. the amputation had been performed with no complications, and now nana was at home - short half a tail and loopy from the meds they'd given her, but no longer suffering from a painful shattered bone.
she was napping at the moment, her head in his lap as he absently pet her hair. he frowned at the bandaged end of her newly shortened tail. it was the right decision, he knew that, but... it was just so unfair. for her to lose most of her tail just because some jackass decided it'd be funny to stomp on it... it made him angry.
angry that such a monster could get a pet license, angry that they'd been so cruel to a pet as sweet and loving as nana, angry that they even existed. it made him so angry that he felt like he could just- !
nana stirred in his lap, mumbling something unintelligible and snuggling further into him. right, he needed to calm down. all of that was in the past now. right now, she was safe and comfortable and happy with him, and that was all that mattered.
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hazardsoflove · 2 months
hey moon please forget to fall down hey moon don’t you go down you are at the top of my lungs drawn to the ones who never yawn
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mediumsizedpidegon · 2 years
i think yuzu deserves a little murder. as a treat.
#bleach#kurosaki yuzu#this is about isshin: the man who decided that the best way to “teach” his son was to hit him when he least expected it.#I know bleach intends it to be funny slapstick but it really really isn't. isshin starts hitting his kid when he's NINE YEARS OLD.#and isshin is hitting ichigo as hard as he can. he's kicking him awake. this is not an environment a child can SURVIVE in much less an adul#it only takes one mistake for ichigo to get hurt irreparably. how many times has ichigo fallen over and hit his head? Got a concussion?#sprained or broken his bones? there is no world in which ichigo and his sisters who are WATCHING and unable to stop this#feel safe in isshin's house or with isshin.#the moment that isshin first hits ichigo is the moment that all three of them are orphaned. that's the moment where their father dies#and ichigo is the one who picks up the slack. he's the one who parents his siblings. Masaki dying destroys ichigo's childhood but#the first time isshin hits him is the moment that ichigo the child dies.#and imagine you're yuzu. you're yuzu who can't remember your mother and the word 'parent' makes you think of your older brother#and there's a man in your house. he's loud. he laughs a lot. and he hits your brother-parent without his smile budging an inch.#you can't remember your father but this is not him. he's dead. he died years ago.#There's a man in your house. And he's killing your brother. One day he's going to actually kill him.#so you have a choice: your brother or the man in your house.#it is a very easy choice#tw abuse#my posts
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chaeyablood · 1 year
I Know the World's a Broken Bone Part 4
vampire chaeya au
chapter masterlist
words: 1492
CW: slight gore, unsanitary handling of wounds
The vampire had hardly noticed the actual bullet coming out until he saw Tartaglia about to toss it in his mouth—blood and all—like a piece of candy. "Stop-!" He quickly sat up and snatched the man's wrist, immediately confiscating the bullet. "Don't you know that ingesting vampire blood would turn you?!"
Tartaglia simply pouted. "It looks so tasty though."
The vampire sulked, but he couldn't deny that he was worried about another attack so soon. Even though he could easily handle getting shot three times with silver bullets, he was going to have a few hours of downtime while his body repaired itself.
"Do me a favor and pretend to be asleep. I'm going to tell my family that you're an injured hunter. Don't say anything, don't open your eyes. They won't notice anything wrong if you cooperate, okay?"
"Do you kidnap injured humans frequently?"
"No," the question made Tartaglia laugh, "but it wouldn't be the first time. Don't worry, you're in safe hands." The vampire only huffed in response.
It wasn't long before the two arrived at Tartaglia's family home. He smiled a bit to his family, not minding their faces of surprise.
"Ajax..." His mother frowned, apprehensively eyeing the seemingly unconscious man.
"Mama, he will be just fine. Don't worry."
"That's a lot of blood," commented his brother, having briefly poked his head in to see what Ajax had brought home for dinner.
"He's a hunter, Anthon. There was an accident but it's not that serious. He'll be okay."
"No dinner?"
"No game this time. Sorry. I'll cook something else for you."
"Big brother!" A higher pitched voice exclaimed suddenly after running into the room. "Did you finally catch the vampire??"
Tartaglia laughed a little. "Nope, Teuce. It evaded me once again. But you'd better not go out into the woods or it'll eat you up."
There was a disappointed sound from the little boy but he seemed to know better than to argue with his oldest brother, if the vampire had to guess. He could also smell the presence of another kid, but they were silent and Kaeya could feel their eyes on him. It was slightly unsettling. All he could do was wait for Tartaglia bid them goodnight and carry him away from their prying eyes and ears.
It wasn't long before he set the vampire down on the bed, seeming pleased with the bit of blood that was now staining the white sheets. The vampire sat up as soon as it was out of the man's arms, not seeming happy to be stuck indoors in an unfamiliar house full of unfamiliar people. It said nothing, but the apprehensive look in its eye was enough for Tartaglia.
"Don't worry..." He tried to soothe the vampire again. "None of them are going to bother you. Unless you count me."
The creature scoffed. "I don't even get to be alone?"
"My house, my rules. Not that I think you would hurt my family, but I won't be too careful. I don't intend to find out the hard way."
"Ugh. You humans are so annoying. I just ate a few days ago. I have no need to feed again so soon."
"Is that so?"
"It is. We feed every two weeks or so."
"Hmm, I see. Well," Tartaglia grinned as usual. "That isn't going to stop me from keeping an eye on you."
The vampire huffed. "You're the worst."
"Thank you!" The ginger's grin only grew wider. The vampire could only look at him with contempt in return.
"When am I going to be able to call you by your name?"
"Never." The man with blue hair half glared at him. "You don't need to know it. Don't try to be so buddy-buddy with me. I have no interest in being close to you."
"And yet you trusted me to help you when you needed it."
"I could have fought them off if I had wanted to. I didn't need your help."
"Sure, sure... and you don't think you need a place to rest and yet you let me bring you here. Why is that?"
"Stop arguing with me. You clearly are the type of person who wants to play the hero, so I let you. End of story."
"How kind of you to indulge me, comrade." Tartaglia laughed. "Indulge me a little longer and let me get these bullets out of you."
"Sure. Go ahead." The vampire shrugged off Tartaglia's coat and his own shirt so that the ginger could properly access the bullet wound in its shoulder. He did somewhat bask in how Tartaglia looked over his torso. He knows how beautiful others find him, and despite not seeing it himself, the reactions of others were somewhat validating.
The vampire scrunched his face up a bit as Tartaglia began to pry the scab off of his first wound. Vampire blood is thicker than human blood so it took a bit of digging even just to separate it from the cool flesh. Not to mention that he'd have to reach inside of it since the goal was to retrieve another bullet.
"Does it hurt, comrade?" Tartaglia didn't seem concerned. He had what might have been a hunger in his eyes. What a strange person he was indeed.
"No," came the stoic reply.
"Indulging me again? Don't you think you should quit doing that?"
"I'll do what I want. Are you complaining?"
"No, of course not." The ginger swallowed. "Think you could cry for me?"
The vampire glared at him. "Of course not. I said it doesn't hurt."
"It would be quite an enjoyable show, I'll admit."
"Forget it. Just get the bullet out and fuck off."
"Ah ah ah, so hasty. I don't even get to patch you up?"
"I'm not human," the vampire spat. "As you can see, the healing process is much faster than yours. Bandages aren't necessary."
"Only willing to play along for so long... I have to wonder if it was ever really an act."
"You cannot seriously think that you could actually cause me pain." He huffed flatly.
"Is that a challenge?"
"No. God—" The vampire coughed a bit as if the word physically ailed him. "You're so fucking annoying."
"Pushing buttons is what I do best, comrade." Tartaglia's smile widened once again.
"Find a new hobby. This isn't cute."
"You think I'm cute??"
"What-" The vampire glared up at him. "That is literally the opposite of what I just said!"
The ginger laughed a bit. "Defensive much? It's okay. At least your eye seems to work well enough."
"I swear to god—" The poor thing was sent into another short coughing fit— "I am going to kill you the next time you show up in my part of the woods."
"Really??" Tartaglia seemed to get his hopes up. The vampire could almost swear the threat made the ginger perk up visibly. He wasn't just going to give this weirdo the satisfaction. He just stared blankly at Tartaglia, who grinned back. "There's nothing I love more than a good fight."
"You couldn't possibly survive a fight with me. I'm much more powerful than you. Even if I tried to go easy on you, your neck would still probably get snapped."
The hunger in Tartaglia's eyes returned stronger as he dug his finger deeper into the wound. "Is that so?" The vampire squeaked at the sudden movement and quickly shut his mouth, glaring up at the other.
"It is."
"How cute..." Tartaglia seemed genuinely happy to have gotten such a reaction out of him. He seemed less tense and more adoring as he continued to slowly reach for the bullet. "Ah, there it is." He stopped and removed his finger when he found it, needing something smaller to be able to grip it properly. The vampire stoically watched Tartaglia, noticing right away that his pupils had expanded slightly when he'd shown his pain. He supposed he should stop questioning that the hell was wrong with this man or he'd continue to ponder it every time Tartaglia did anything ever.
He'd hardly noticed the actual bullet coming out until he saw Tartaglia about to throw it in his mouth—blood and all—like a piece of candy.
"Stop-!" He quickly sat up and snatched the man's wrist, immediately confiscating the bullet. "Don't you know that ingesting vampire blood would turn you?!" Tartaglia simply pouted.
"It looks so tasty though."
"Please..." The vampire spoke exasperatedly. "Please tell me you weren't going to swallow the bullet." Tartaglia wasn't (he had found that he liked to click bullets between his teeth sometimes), but it wasn't like the vampire needed to know that.
"I've passed worse things."
The vampire just stared at him, looking for any trace of dishonesty. He searched well, and the longer he looked, the longer he wondered how this man was even alive. He said nothing as he broke the eye contact and sighed.
"I don't even want to know."
"What, you're not even the least bit curious?"
"You humans sure are weird. I've heard enough. I don't want to know."
Tartaglia pouted a little. "Hmph. Fine, I'll never tell you."
"Good." The vampire knew that the question would unfortunately stay on the back burner in his mind, and Tartaglia knew it too.
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peapod20001 · 1 year
I am the nail growth self saboteur!!
#random post#guess who rammed their hand in a wall and broke off the literal short nail on their hand?? this guyy#I’m prone to ramming parts of my body into things. it’s comical really#like a week ago I somehow bashed my hip into a drawer handle. because that’s how I roll 😎#it hurt bad enough to shock me into silence </3 I got scraped bad enough for my parents to go ‘GASP. PEAA!!!! WHAT DID YOU DOOO???’#read that in concerned parent voice if u would#it’s funny when I get hurt or do smth bad and I’m asked why I’d do that. like we both don’t know I function like a scarecrow brought to life#and learning to walk with no bones or muscles HHFSCREE#it’s fine now pain only hurts in like the first few moments and then it’s chill#got off topic there but anywayssss yea :> I’m just glad it was the one that was already broken an not a longer one#I’m surprisingly optimistic I’ll have u know. contrary to popular belief#adhd moment but do u ever think how we’re the first generation that will grow up and grow old on the internet?#do u ever think about what that’ll mean for us? or what it looks like? will there be a time when we just don’t log on ever again?#I also sometimes think of the internet graveyard. the millions of accounts that are no longer used either by choice or by some other#circumstance like passing away. I think we’ll only know when the future generations see a post by someone with a date 100 years in the past#these aren’t negative thought they’re just thoughts I have. a negative thought would be me wondering who will tell the world I’m gone so I’m#not waited on. obviously that’s not a problem I hate to worry about now but then intrusive thoughts do be intruding. anyways yea when I’m#gone at like. 80 (?) I’ll release my creations into the wild for people to do whatever with. it’ll be like an intrusive species lmfao my#impact on the world will be fucking up the online ecosystem forever#ok I’m done rambling now lol did you know I was holding a muffin while typing this entire thing? one handed I might add!! the chaos can’t#be contained no matter how much adderall u pump in me
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whump-queen · 2 years
you could break Anyone's wristswith surprising ease
(ok this is actually true)
gon break you like a rice crispy
snap crackle pop babeyyyy✨💥
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tiralja · 9 months
Ok, I have to scream about this somewhere but nobody I know cares about trashy trasmigration bls so! Here we go!
You ever read something with such a stupid cracky premise that there is no way yhat you can take it seriously? Like a 35yr old dude getting thrown into his students smutty bl book about a world that has holy relics that are dildos and whos main character exists just to get fucked by all the characters there? Like one of those really smutty ones, with love interests that crossed the line between pushy and outright abusive sometime last century? Exept this isn't that main character. The MC's supposed to be this longhaired twinky pretty boi and instead they get this muscly teacher who has and will punch the main leads face in if they don't start behaving soon.
So it's one of those stories, where the new main character changes the plot, charms the main leads and has to complete a stupid quest (it's those gd dildo relics, they were stolen and he has to find them) and it's all fun and games!
Until it's very much not.
It's only been like 30 chapters but so far we have gotten:
A long flashback into the original MC's timeline and seen a glimpse of how had it actually was for him (real gd bad, holy shit that's some graphic whump)
Good old race inequality (this is a fantasy setting, some races in there are treated p damn bad)
Both of the current main characters companions getting slowly worse over time as the main character doesn't allow them to fuck him (one of them is also very gd unstable and has tried to get into his pants multiple times, including that time he made an obedient clone of the MC, fucked it on top of his sleeping body and then when that wasn't satisfying enough woke the man himself up so the clode could finish on his face. This man is certifiably insane) and hints that they also have bad backstories them both.
Add to all that that apparently the original MC also exist int this world, has stolen a legendary sword, is going around killing hordes of demons and also knows the current MC by name.
This is just!!!!!
I love it when the story you start reading for crack takes you by the scruff of your neck and trows you right into the deep end of some actually really interesting plot and characters!
Like, what is that psychos deal, how long untill the sweet seeming companion completely cracks, and most importantly, what the hell is up with the original main character?
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the way people fearmonger about pregnancy reminds me a lot of how everyone fearmongers about hrt/transitioning in general. like you can get gingivitis or ovarian cysts etc. etc. by just. living life.... without ever getting pregnant... ya'll know that right?
this also says something deeper about how ableist society is & in ways they're unaware of/don't want to reflect on, because you're scared of every day diseases like GINGIVITIS ??? idk, like i have reoccuring inflammations that i just learnt to live with (they ARE life debilitating but mostly because my life is full of abusive ppl who won't let me rest) & most disabled people have autoimmune disorders, like our bodies are """attacking""" itself constantly. this is exactly the way ya'll describe babies as "parasites".
are our bodies a parasite to our bodies? diseases are a norm of life for me, it's the medical abuse & ableism that's scares me.
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does anyone know why
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natjennie · 2 years
making a northern downpour ed amv btw. no im not doing well why do you ask.
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