#they are queerplatonic your honour
randomperson0k · 3 months
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she would never hurt a fly!!!
please ignore the cats i didnt know what to use to censor the blood
full version is below the cut thing
hopefully the cut works
please work
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saints-helen · 7 days
I like to think that, randomly, while they're in the same room together, epic often just suddenly starts audibly purring.
No contexts, no clear reason why, he himself doesn't even react to it or cross's questioning look, he just carries on with what he's doing.
Up until cross asks him why he's purring. Did something good happen? Are you watching a show, did you order food?
And epic just smiles and replies that, no, not really,
"i just like being around you."
And cross just kinda.. malfunctions, like..
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two-cell-appless · 6 months
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Drink with a drink!
Grown a lot fonder of the ship over the year from the art of @wizb1z
Tried experimenting with those dots for shading- unsure if I’m going to stick with it but I think it looks good here
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Wait what the fuck am I thinking? Roxy and DJ with matching fun genders.
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st: ld s4 has changed all my relationship opinions in re: the main cast. excited abt this
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coppernuggets · 24 days
Could you possibly tell more about your Second Chances AU?
i dont quite have story stuff to tell you as that'll be shown in future comics but i do have some little fun facts in a more fleshed out setting! some of them aren't gonna be directly stated as they're not what the story revolves around. keyword some!
Cyn is trying to honour tessa by referencing her in clothing pieces and whatnot, or using some of her catchphrases. Sort of keeping tessa alive in spirit! (also cause she's still in some denial over the whole situation)
Uzi, V, N and lizzy are in a polycule, if thats the right word
Uzi is dating N and V, V is dating lizzy, uzi, n and possibly j in the future, and N is dating Uzi and V :) Though v and n specifically are queerplatonic
Khan has hair now
Nori is willingly staying a core, mostly cause she's used to it and also because its 'cooler"
Thad and cyn are, funnily enough, pretty good friends and would consider eachother best friends
Uzi became a sort of doctor to drones as a side hobby, repairing people either manually or using the solver on them like how she repaired the cockroach when she's lazy. But only if possible
Cyn still has that morbid curiosity she's always had, just a lot more toned down and kept in line by newfound morals
Cyn is contemplating turning herself into a disassembly drone just for fun, also to be taller than uzi out of spite
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mcyt-aspec-week · 4 months
And the Prompts are in!
Each day you can use as many or as little prompts as you like!
Day 1: Queerplatonic - Rings - Zombie Apocalypse Au
Day 2: Companions/Relationships - Ambiguity/Gender Nonconforming - Royalty/Knights Au
Day3: Self Discovery - Card Games/Ace up your sleeve - Hugs
Day 4: Aroallo/Alloace - Flowers - Archery
Day 5: Pride Flags/Colours - Dragons - Stargazing/Sunsets
Day 6: Unconventional - Magic - Sick Day
Day 7: Denial - Community - Everyday Task
Bonus Prompts: Sleep - Knives - Aplatonic - Aspec Hallmarks - Sensuality - Conversation - Baking
(Some of the runner ups have been designated as bonus prompts- this means if on any of the days you aren’t feeling any of the prompts you can use some of these instead! After all, the purpose of this event is to spark creativity and honour the aspec community!)
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the-modern-typewriter · 5 months
Just wanted to say thank you so, so much for writing Fate's Favourite. I actually found and loved your blog before I ever found that fanfic, and it was a delight to know it was written by you, and it's so clear how you've improved. But Fate's Favourite will always have a part of my heart, because it's the first story I've read that just has a platonic friendship that feels as equal as a romantic one without being romantic? And as a lonely aroace that means everything. EVERYTHING. (1/2)
(2/2) I had a conversation today that reminded me that I'm never going to have the queerplatonic relationship I want that I've always wanted since I was a child, and how it makes me want to write one so much more, but then I've never managed to write the story I've wanted to write my entire life because I'd always be afraid of being accused of queerbaiting or people just going, 'but it's actually just a gay romance this isn't what friendship looks like' and just. Thank you for Fate's Favourite.
Wow. FF is a blast from the past!
You are very welcome.
Apologies for the long, self-indulgent reply.
That story was one of the first things I ever properly wrote and my first (maybe second?) truly long-form story ever. I thus have a soft spot for it, even though in terms of craft and technique I can't so much as look at it without seeing all my numerous beginner flaws and cringing and can't bring myself to actually point people to it. Much improvement since then, as you say!
(An excellent reminder that writing is a learned skill.)
Anyway. The other interesting thing about that story is that I wrote it before I'd ever heard of asexuality or realised that was what I was. I was a very confused teenager being bombarded with this pressure to have crushes and date people and all that general societal messaging we have about romance being the most important thing ever. Especially in YA.
So I'd go home after school and write that story.
Obviously it's more unhealthy than what I'd want for myself in my real life, but the sheer intensity of feeling and importance of the platonic main relationship was something I had also never seen before but craved. And still crave, honestly. So I feel ya.
As for queerbaiting...
A lot of readers at the time told me they viewed the story as 'pre-romance'. AKA, it's a romantic relationship and they haven't realised it yet for whatever reason. They mostly didn't mean that badly, I don't think.
(Although I sometimes think though that if the term 'queerbaiting' was as broadly known and misused then as it is now that I would have been mercilessly lambasted out of ever writing again! And I wouldn't have known how to articulate the fact that wasn't, actually, what I was doing. I think we need to be kind to new writers. I think 'content creator' is gutting something vital in the ecosystem. But that's another rabbit hole.)
So I've been there. It happens. But other people's bad takes didn't change the story and what it meant to me as a lonely ace teenager or what it meant to you.
I have had readers before make a similar comment to you about how it was the first time they got to see something so important to their heart portrayed.
That matters so much more than whatever people say about your writing who don't need it.
Which is why we have to keep writing the stories.
Even if it's clumsy and raw. Even if it's the first thing you've ever tried. Even if it's (especially if) it's a messed up fantasy straight from the most primal part of your brain.
If we don't write it, it won't exist.
And that's so much worse.
The nay-sayers can come to the party, but it wasn't thrown in their honour.
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hey! just stumbled on your blog today and I have to say it is one of the best surprises of my day! Happy to meet you as another aroace french fellow!! I have a question (a bit more private, so you do not have to answer if you are feeling uncomfortable about answering)! The comics about you and your partner truly are adorable, and you two seem to be really close! Society has this very strict view of couples so that they HAVE to love each other romantically, be mutually jealous, have sex, yadda yadda... obviously there is much more diverse couples than that, and thank goodness!! So I was wondering, since there is no romantic attraction on your side, what drives you in in your partner? Is it the secure and complex feeling of intimacy one has when in a relationship? Or something else entirely? I am curious! I love to hear about arospec couple experience! wish you the best for you and your partner! lots of love and support!!
Hey! Very happy to e-meet you as well, and thank you so much for the kind words TwT Very glad to be a nice surprise!
That's also a fair question! In all fairness, my partner was the one who brought up the idea of us being in a queerplatonic relationship, and my reaction to that was… Painfully anticlimactic. But within months of trying it out I was definitely sold, way more sold than I thought I was gonna be.
I still sorta ask myself the question pretty often, to be honest. Like, what draws me to this so much, because it surprises me a lot, and makes me question myself as an aromantic at times – even though I always wind up coming back to the conclusion that, yeah, I am very much an aromantic.
Security definitely plays a big part into it – I'll even say safety. The fact that being with them allows me to get affection and positive physical contact without having anything expected of me beyond that in return is huge to me. I may not be interested in romantic love but I want affection from time to time like a lot of human beings I think, and I've found myself being pretty touch-starved/hug-starved quite a few times in my life. So I'd let friends hug me a lot, up until I realized a handful of them might’ve been seeing something other than just the bare thing of sharing affection as a human being in those hugs, and put me on the defensive. And then I’ve lived most of my life being wary of most people and of what they’d expect from me if I dared to get « too close » to them.
What I have with my partner allows me to have that affection, and to be able to give that affection, be it physically, verbally, or anything like that, without having to worry about my boundaries being crossed. They make me feel loved and safe at the same time and it can be a pretty tall order for someone like me. I guess that’s how I could put it best?
…Also they’re adorable and very funny, overall a very sunny person and I’m honoured I get to selfishly enjoy that from a front row.
…I could go on and on because there’d be a lot to say but yeah!! I hope that made sense TwT Thank you so much for the lovely good wishes^^
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pokemon-icon-factory · 9 months
> It's an honour to make your acquaintance!
➭ About me
I go by many names... But you may call me by the name of the character in my pfp — currently Avery, but it might change from time to time. I'm 21 years old, autistic and my pronouns are she/he/they. Pokémon is like, my special interest since forever and I can't get enough of it lol — hence this fun side blog
➭ What is this blog about?
I do icon sets for Pokémon and non-Pokémon characters from the Pokémon franchise, who would have thought. You can ask for a specific character or Pokémon if you want to and you can send me a specific picture of them too
➭ Where does the art come from?
Almost all images are taken from Bulbagarden Archives and they come from either the games, anime, cards, manga, promotional art and other official sources. Fanart can be found there too though and credit will always be given in case I use it. I'll credit contest and campaign artworks too
➭ What do I offer?
The sets consist of 6 icons — 3 square and 3 round. You can ask for a specific tint, pride or disability flag too when requesting! Here's an example of how they would look like. I may start making stimboards too in the future, not now though. Also, I won't take requests for the Treasure of Area Zero DLC at the moment because I haven't played it yet
➭ Who can interact?
This is a safe space for pretty much anyone queer, disabled, neurodivergent, alterhuman, systems and anybody else, really
➭ Who can't?
I don't want any bigots, predators, 18+/NSFW, proship and discourse blogs to interact with me. Oh and to be clear, zionists can fuck off
➭ Can we chat via askbox?
Absolutely! Please do talk to me! :)
➭ Do you have an inbox list?
I do, you can find it under the cut
> Inbox
Lampent - simple
Brendan - simple
Brendan - transmasc flag
Arven - light brown tint
Aegislash - aegosexual flag
Alolan Vulpix - pet regressor flag and soft blue/pink tint
Mudkip - simple
Ritchie - trans flag
Koga - simple
Bisharp - purple tint
Liepard - genderfluid flag
Houndoom - simple
Hisuian Zoroark - fibromyalgia flag
Ilima - hyperromantic flag
HGSS/Alola Blue - BPD flag
Dusknoir - queerplatonic flag
Pokespe Blake - aroace flag
Ash - simple
Giovanni HIBAPC - simple
Bede - genderfluid flag
Sonia - simple
Ash - trans flag
Cyrus - genderfluid flag
Leaf - aro and acespec flag
Shedinja - bisexual and trans flag
Stoutland - disability flag with royal blue tint
Proton - BPD flag
Shiny Furret - simple
Red - fibromyalgia flag
Pokespe Red - fibromyalgia flag
Pokespe White - fibromyalgia flag
Gordie - transmasc or trans bear flag
Grimsley - transmasc or trans twink flag
Saturn - trans twink flag
Volo - simple
Stunky - simple
Skuntank - simple
Stunky - non-binary flag
Skuntank - non-binary flag
Green - simple
Scream Tail - simple
Champion Iris - simple
Oshawott - bi gay flag
Pokespe Iris - simple
Shiny Feraligatr - simple
Arezu - simple
Misty - simple
Arceus - simple
Giratina - simple
Arlo - simple
Spark - simple
Blanche - simple
Candela - simple
Matt - simple
Yancy - genderfluid flag
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stormratyaps · 2 months
my queerplatonic queen (this is the most perfect alliteration in existence btw) casually said today 'im happy that you like me' and when I said 'I am so happy you're my friend' she said 'im honoured to be your friend' and i can't believe it bcs !!!! when i post a silly little photo online that she took of me and i see ppl liking my post my whole brain is like yea!!! fuck yea you guys should see that my friend took this picture! she is my friend whom i adore and who also likes me and wants to be my friend!look how i am close with this girl aaa fey is so cool can u believe it i need everyone in the world to see this fuck yea!! yessh
literally mutual feels of affection and admiration are so ???? like!!!!
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shebeafancyflapjack · 5 months
Favorite Mary scenes? I feel she doesn't get enough love! :)
SHE'S MY FAV (after Robin)!
- "Move over you soppy bit of rag!"
- "RENOUNCE SATAN, WITCH!....Yeah, yeah, that's probably done it."
- "Be there a third option?"
- EVERY Mary and Kitty scene! Y'all can all go feral over Cap and Kitty, I love the girls together, I love Mary supporting Kitty standing up to Cap, I love them cuddling in the Christmas ep, I love their little inventory rhyme, I love how they're always cooing over stuff together, I love them playing hide and seek, I love Mary putting her to bed at the party, I just love them so much!
- Likewise, her and Robin's queerplatonic romance is as special as chess husbands to me, if not more. They are trauma bonded chaos gremlins who are down for murder and watching Loose Women, Robin misses his lawyer!
- "They sounds like tiny peoples. Blipblipblip!"
- "Someone here has done nothing wrong!" *walks out singing triumphant*
- "YOU LISTEN TO ME, AL'SON COOPERS!" Scary Smoke Goddess Mary ftw.
- "Aww, the child still lives. Most surprising that!"
- Her joining in the big fight and headbutting Cap as soon as she has an excuse! She's been waiting a while to beat these boys up!
- Her growth from calling a video camera a metal cow to being a director understanding editing!
- How proud she is of Alison for speaking as she wanted to scare the cult people away!
- All her improv but of course her kicking off the dinner scene "yes and", encouraging Robin to try it again - for Alison this time.
- And of course her and Annie! Not enough fics of them, when you know if they were two dudes the fandom would be all over them. Their little wave when they first meet is total Meet Cute. Mary's happiest memory is with Annie. They are wives, your honour.
Could name any scene she's in really, miss her so, can't believe we couldn't get Katy to cameo in the finale, Mary deserved more than a single name drop.
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mightymizora · 2 months
1, 2, 13 for the durgetash asks :3
Thank you pal! Answering these durgetash creator asks
Your hottest Durgetash take. The kinda heat Gortash had to endure in HoH. (But be respectful about it fellas, this means everyone)
I've got this one multiple times so I'm going to keep answering this until I run out, which may never happen. I think it's fundamentally less interesting to me personally when the canon suggestions of necro and Gortash's experiments don't factor in to their relationship somehow. I'm not saying everybody has to be writing snuff stuff lmao, but isn't it interesting if Durge can't really be sexually satisfied by Gortash? Isn't it interesting if Gortash can only really get off in extreme power play? IDK. It's a spectrum but when those things are just wiped out completely it feels like a wasted opportunity.
2. Romance, queerplatonic, eldritch horror? How would you describe the relationship these two have? This time without limitation.
God. Okay. Well if we go back really to canon default durgetash and if I'm taking out any of the fun I have with the ship I think they are two lonely, co-dependent people who have a mutual professional respect that borders on... something. And I'm not even sure they ever even expressed that to each other. If we're talking whatever I've been doing, then the co-dependency is taken to the max. They're two people with their hands around each other's throats trying to wrestle each other off the cliff so they can say the other landed first.
13. What's your personal favourite flavour that you find yourself gravitating towards? Not necessarily what sort of stuff you publish or smth, but what you personally consume like a starving man in a desert and rotate in your brain? The kinky shit, the domestics, the gore and horror attached to them, star crossed lovers vibes?
Now I have answered this but I want to give an honourable mention to my second favourite which is the collector and the prize. And there's loads of ways this has been expressed, some of which are completely non-romantic and not so obviously sexual, but I love the idea of Gortash seeing a powerful entity and going I must claim it, take it apart, own it and destroy it and consume it for my own gain. How conscious he is about it can vary, but that driver of crushing something in his gauntlet, or pinning it to a board like a butterfly, is very, very appealing to me.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
🌹 Can I request some moment of comfort? (First time sending an ask, but I’ve loved your writing for a long time now <3)
YES i love comfort i love writing comfort. one of my biggest Things as a writer is leaning into hurt/comfort and wanting to like. balance those things in Equal Measure And Intensity. if that makes sense.
(and thank you so much, i'm so delighted and honoured that you've enjoyed it <3 i hope you continue to!)
anyways!! so this is from the queerplatonic jamie and dani fic loneliness into loneliness, a little farther on from this clip that i posted earlier. jamie's had a Really Rough Day, he told dani about some really difficult stuff, and now they're going to sleep. to summarize the other clip, jamie had started to panic a little but he's settled more now, though still feeling pretty fragile. another slightly longer one (i have zero self control lmao) so most of it is under the cut!
The fact that he knows that Jamie feels that way - fragile and afraid and like he might shatter into pieces and disappear - and has seen him like that often enough that he knows what to do about it, how to talk to him and how to touch him to help, wrap Jamie in his protection when Jamie has none of his own to cling to, is wonderful and horrifying at the same time. Dani knows more about him than anyone ever has. Jamie has shown it to him. He let Dani see the mess inside him on purpose, see it and know its shape. It’s an ugly thing, he knows, and he feels suddenly and powerfully horrible for letting anyone see it, let alone Dani. “Sorry,” he says, muted and guilty. His inhale hitches faintly, and he says it again, “Sorry.”
“Please don’t be sorry.” The response is warm and sad and Dani’s hand soothes slowly down and back up Jamie’s chest a few times before coming to rest over his heart once more. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Feels like I have.” The mumbled admission is barely audible but Dani seems to hear it anyway. Jamie feels him turn his head, resting his cheek against the stretch of skin at the top of Jamie’s spine, the very highest point of his back. “I know,” he says, and the warmth and sadness both are stronger even than before. “But you haven’t. I promise.” The sound of the voice so close to his ear and the way the words rumble from Dani’s ribcage into his own make Jamie shiver slightly. They’re so close to each other at this point that it’s like they’re nearly fused into one person - which is another thing that Jamie doesn’t understand. Why anyone would want that when there’s so much rot in him. When Dani knows that it’s there. “I love you,” Jamie says, nearly lost in the pillow. It’s all he can say at this point, the only thing that even comes close to summing up what he thinks and feels. What this all means. He purses his lips and tries to breathe out slowly. It’s supposed to help him calm down when he gets like this - breathing slow and calm, in and out, in and out. It’s tough when it feels like his lungs are the wrong size to fit in his chest and it’s difficult to get air all the way down where it needs to go. “I love you too,” is the response. It’s easy and simple, like Dani hadn’t even had to think about it. “Very much.” And it’s like some tense thing in Jamie snaps and he can breathe again.
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maybemewlyn · 1 year
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"A haunting face Is she a lost embrace?"
They're queerplatonic, your honour. *salute emoji*
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Dear Stephie, ❤❤❤ on you and your loved ones and thank you ever so much for being an absolute blessing in this fandom <3 I've half a mind to stop the ask here, the most important being said, but I do actually have kind of a request ! In honour of arospec week (and of a very confused ace who's discovering only now that they MIGHT be aro in spite of having identified as biromantic for more than half their life) (yeah it's me), do you have any good/new queerplatonic Johnlock for us ?
Hey Nonny! *HUGS*
Happy AroAce Week too! <3 It's always "fun" learning something new about yourself at inconvenient moments, LOL.
Ah, sadly, I haven't READ anything new recently with a-spec rep, BUT I did recently reblog my ace lists during pride this past June and I had some fics added to them, so check out these lists, as they have been updated fairly recently:
Queer / Ace Relationships (Dec 2019) (Updated Jun 9/22)
Asexual Sherlock (updated Aug 22/22)
Ace Sherlock Pt. 1.5 (MFL)
Sadly I don't have anything specific to aromanticism (that I know of, anyway) but I absolutely want more if anyone has them!
Hope you have a great weekend, Nonny <3
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