#i know the jacket isnt correct
cube-cumb3r · 10 months
14th doctors costume is interesting.
it's making a lot of obvious nods to 10s costume, it's especially reminiscent of the blue suit and brown coat combo, but now with the colors inverted. which also works bc it leaves him with a brown suit, and the brown suit is his most iconic look. and obviously it's patterned but instead of light blue stripes its like... gingham? is that the name?
but w all the nods to 10s costume, it has little in common with what actually make 10s costume distinctive and unique. 10s costume most distinctive aspect is how shabby it looks, it's ill-fitting, the fabric is thin and cheap, and instead of looking timeless it looks both dated and too modern at the same time.
meanwhile 14s costume is a lot more "proper", the fabric looks way less cheap and has a lot more texture. it's not fitted but it's definitely not as remarkably ill-fitting as 10s costume. and the shirt is buttoned up all the way, and his tie is tied properly and everything. and it's interesting too, because they're definitely still going for "shabby", but the converse and stupid hair and weirdly buttoned vest has to do all the heavy lifting.
so the resulting costume is just for the most part less interesting? the only notable aspect of it is that it's a remix of the 10th doctor. if there was no 10th doctor there'd be very little to say about it, there's little that stands out among the lineup of other doctor outfits it just seems like fairly regular menswear for the most part. says very little about 14 himself.
i think the one interesting part about it is the vest. he doesn't actually wear the coat a lot of the time and having a vest instead of a jacket with sleeves, he just ends up giving the impression of being more vulnerable and naked and smaller, which actually does say something about 14.
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gamblersdoll · 6 months
cw: leading to angst, talks of intimacy.
“cmon ma, dont be that way.” he said, folding his arms and pouted for a quick second. “red is your color!”
“i know, its just dont feel like dressing fancy today, kin.” you said, folding your own arms. it was just his club, so no true reason to get all dolled up. he chuckled, putting his hands on your hips and kissing your head.
“coulda just said that, babydoll. you wanna be comfy then dress comfy, you still sexy as shit.” he said, rubbing your waist and hips. “you havent talked to that little boy recently huh?”
“nope, hes mad about me kickin him out for causing a scene.” you said, throwing on one of his shirts, obviously too big on you.
“does he know i blew bubbles on your pussy after he left?” he asked in your ear, taking a slight nibble. you shook your head no, clit almost throbbing from the recollection of your intimacy. “can smell your pretty pussy drippin’..”
“kinji!” you squealed, getting out of his grip and giggling. “we have to go!” you chuckled, fixing your sweats.
days at his club were somewhat fun and quiet. yeah sure, he would watch a boxing match or look over the scenery of his club, but they had noise canceling walls. you found that out when he had you bent over the couch and plowing into you and no one heard a thing- nor saw it.
and what hakari would do is always have a hand on your hip, kissing up and down your neck as he sat next to you and watch the fight, always but some winning bets he placed. however the room was cool, hakari hated being cold so he wore the thickest jacket so itd give him added on fever. but you hated heat, didnt mix well with it, so he has the AC on sixty nine for you.
“so whered your lil boytoy run off to?” he said, taking a swig at his drink. you shrugged then dropped your shoulders, not hearing from him since that very day, almost four days ago. “oh well.” watching his bet win the fight, winning the bet of at least twenty grand.
you would call it a good day without having to deal with sinji and just at peace. but things were always short lived.
New message!
“come home. we need to talk.”
and talks with sinji were never good. always a shouting match, so you mentally braced yourself. upon opening the door, there was sinji. just sitting, like he always did. hopefully when he did die they would lay him on his stomach to give his ass a break.
hakari helped himself to your home, he was obviously welcomed.
“i dont see why you brought… him.” sinji said, almost disgusted that you brought hakari. “and you cant even kiss me now?”
“not after last time, what you want?” you asked folding your arms. you were already inpatient, wanting this over with and tapping your foot.
“you know how we have that joint account, right?” you raised an eyebrow, along with hakari. hakari knew you dont share accounts, so why now? obviously this punk ass obviously made you do it, which made his blood boil.
“yeah? the one you made us get even though i didnt want to.” you said snarky. you saw sinji’s jaw clench, but it was short lived and pressed about it. “what about it?”
“you either spent twenty grand or someone has your information. and you can check my account too, i dont have anything.” he said, handing you his phone. you checked yours, him being correct and seeing that your saving of twenty grand had been taken out.
you felt your heart drop, pacing back and forth with phone in hand and borderline panicking. hakari tried to console you, yet to no avail.
“i would suggest checking that.. gamblers phone.” sinji said, pointing at him and then looking at you then him. “he should be the first person you ask, since it isnt his first rodeo.”
had hakari been one on one with sinji, if looks could kill, if he could strangle sinji to death, he would. because who the fuck was he accusing?
one thing hakari noticed was when you were frantic, panicking or just not even okay, you were easy to talk into things. a flaw you had, that unfortunately sinji took advantage of. the difference between them? hakari knew how to calm you. a nice bath, hed treat you to whatever sweet shit you wanted, made- no, demanded you to feel like a princess and order him what to do, would talk to you so sweetly and be at your leisure. as for sinji, hed coerce you to do things that can fuck anything up, and hakari could see that shit from next year.
“check his phone, girl.” sinji said, and then hakari rolled his eyes and handed you his phone. you reluctantly took it, knowingly that he couldnt have taken it, he was with you the whole time! and he was getting better… right? he did.
“passcode is yer’ birthday, mama.” he said, taking a swig at his water. he should be drinking a beer, because itll ease him up after beating this bitch of a boy to even think that he had even done it.
you had been wrong, you thought he had grown up. that feeling of when you are shaking because you dont know what youll find, and when you find exactly what you hope not to, your heart sinks. you feel clammy, you feel so sick, trust and honor being so broken because you had such high hopes for him. and hakari had caught on, knowing that look. hakari rushed over, snatching his phone and gawking at it, face scrunched up and dumbfounded.
“… you stole twenty fucking grand from me, kinji?”
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yelenghs · 2 years
(fem!reader, bully!reader, nerd!armin) (also armin wears glasses in this)
btw note 2 those of u who choose to interact; i am a minor.
nerd! armin who's had enough of you bullying and picking on him all school year!
now that you two have been assigned a project together, he can finally get a chance to get payback. you always thought of his as one thing; a loser. in your mind, he was nothing but someone to step on and walk all over. a doormat you can use to get good grades. but you always manage to forget just how smart he is.
without even knowing it, he'd slowly manipulate and gaslight you into a secluded area. claiming; 'it's more quiet over here! it will be easier to focus'. and as much as you'd try and go the other direction, the way to the library, he keeps on 'correcting' you. saying 'no, no! have you forgotten? the library is in this direction. well, i wouldnt be surprised if you did. especially with those grades of yours..'
eventually, he lead you to one of the storage rooms, in an area of the school that was barely ever used. "armin.. this isnt the library. what, are you playing dumb now? is that it- AH!" you were pulled into the cloest by your pink cropped jacket.
"armin, what the fuck!? what the hell is wrong with you!?" you shouted at him, shoving him back into the door. you tried to tower over him, attempting to intimidate him. yet, with strength you didnt even know he had, he quickly flipped the switch. he grabbed your wrists backed up into you, cornering you into one of the shelves.
"g-get on your knees.. if you know what's good for you." of course, you scoffed and rolled your eyes. "what do you mean 'if you know what's good for you'? i know exactly what's good for me and it's clearly not this. now let me go, foureyes, or i'll snatch those right off your face." you threatened. he knew you wouldnt do it, not when youre working together on this.
"you really are a dumb bitch." he retorted and you gasped in offense. before you could even speak, he kicked your right ankle; knocking you off balance. you fell to the floor, now face to face with his crotch. "you-!"
he pushed your head into his crotch, grinding against your mouth. "you dont even realize, this project is fifty percent of your grade. do you even understand what kind of i could get you in? i could get you suspended, or even expelled. professor levi assigned me with you in hopes you'd learn something from me." he unzipped his jeans, fishing his dick out of his boxers.
he laid it across your face, and your nose scrunched just from the scent of it. "but he didnt tell me exactly what he wanted me to teach you. maybe how to suck dick? or even please a man? who knows. but, you're too stupid to understand this assignment, so i'll do everything. in exchange you'll be my little play thing until im finished."
he tugged you back by your hair, his other hand stroking himself to how vulnerable you look right now. he pressed his tip to your lips, smearing his precum on them. "oh, and did i mention? we have two weeks to finish. and i'll take my precious time.."
with tears in your eyes, both from the pain in your ankle and the humiliation, you opened your mouth and submitted to him. immediately, he started to softly thrust his hips.
your mind was running laps. what if he tells the others? what if someone finds out? will he tell the professor anyways? you gave up trying to fight back, instead taking his surprisingly girthy, large dick in your mouth.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @rosieathena - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
part one can be found here
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Gone - Part Two
Spencer blinked rapidly, his brain feeling life kicked back into it for the first time in two years as he storms into Hotch’s office, barging in without knocking on the door and slamming the piece of paper on his desk. Aaron’s eyes widen as he reads it.
“Where did you-“
Spencer cuts him off. “It was on my desk this morning. You know what day it is, this isnt a coincidence.”
He nods. “We can open the case back up, I’ll inform the team.” Aaron stands to his feet, but Spencer shakes his head.
“No, we cant. Last time we got involved, the unsub went dormant and has only come back 2 years on, when he knows we arent working on the case, when he thinks I’ve given up. He’s taunting me.”
Aaron‘s eyebrows furrow with concern. “What are you suggesting we do?”
Spencer begins to explain. “We have to act like nothing has happened. Im going to keep this note in an evidence bag inside my jacket, but when I walk out of this room we are going to act like we are talking about something completely different. We dont know how much this guy can see, we dont know how he operates, but by sending this letter he’s revealed one thing about himself.”
“And what is that?” Hotch questions.
“He wants to torture me. The first letter was sent to (Y/N)-“ His throat dries up just saying your name, he clears his throat with a cough and continues. “-because he knew that would get my attention, the rest of the letters were then sent to me because he knew I was gripping onto his every word. He wants me to be the only one thinking about this case, he wants to torment me while thinking Im getting no help from any of you. Our best shot at getting more information is to continue to act like nothing has changed, then he might send further clues.” Spencer explains.
Hotch nods. “I understand. This case is completely under your control, I’ll leave it up to you whether you decide to tell the rest of the team about this.”
“Thank you, I’ll tell them as discretely as I can.” Spencer turns to leave, but Aaron has more to say.
“As much as this unsub wants you to feel like this is hopeless, it isnt, Reid. This is a really good sign.”
And for the first time in two years, Spencer cracks a smile. “I know.”
Over the course of the next week, Spencer found ways to inform the team of what was going on. He managed to bring you up in conversation in a way that only one person would recognise. Spencer visited Penelope and he called her adorable, a word that (Y/N) used to describe her every time she saw her. Tears entered Garcia’s eyes and Spencer nodded at her, so she nodded back.
“Adorable, but quiet.” He clarified, and he could see the momentary confusion in her eyes before she made the connection.
“Only quiet when I have to be!” She chirped back, and Spencer knew she’d understood. Something new had happened with you, but she had to keep quiet about it.
“Does the rest of the team know how adorable you are?” He asked, already knowing the answer to his coded question.
“No..?” She said, unsure.
He nodded and smiled. “You should tell them.”
There was no way of telling what the unsub was capable of, whether he was listening or watching, but everyone had to be cautious of what they said. He could tell when the team began finding out through Garcia, because they all gave him knowing, excited smiles.
Sure enough, Spencer’s theory was correct. When he returned from the next case a week later, another note from the unsub was waiting for him on his desk.
“I’ll make sure Juliet knows you’ve given up. She’ll be with me forever.”
That told him you were still alive, he couldnt believe the unsub had willingly given such information out of sheer desperation for Spencer to pay attention to him and give him a reaction. He wanted Spencer to react so that he could go dormant again and torture him further, so Spencer had to act like he wasnt at all excited. He went to Hotch’s office again and showed him the note.
“She’s alive!”
Aaron hugged him and the two man laughed together. The situation was funny in the sense that they were successfully tricking the unsub into giving them more information, but the laugh wasnt one of humour, it was one of relief. Obviously, everyone had hoped that you were alive, but knowing for certain that you were was the best news Spencer could have possibly gotten.
He went to visit Garcia in her office again straight after.
“Guess what else you are Penelope.” Spencer said, accidentally startling her.
“What?” She asked eagerly, knowing he was going to give her another coded message that gave an update on you.
“Adorable...and alive.”
Penelope gasped, standing from her seat and running over to Spencer, who hugged her and hid his beaming smile in her shoulder.
“Thank you.” She replied, acting as though him calling her alive was a compliment, in case anyone was listening.
“I’ll make sure everyone knows.” She whispered to him, too quiet for anything else to pick up what she’d said.
When Spencer came out of the bathroom that day, Derek approached him and pulled him into a headlock that anyone else would have viewed as him messing around with him, but there was so much more meaning behind it. It made Spencer laugh, much like the interaction would have done 2 years ago. It was this hidden sense of things starting to go back to normal, hope restored.
The unsub makes a truly fatal mistake in his next delivery. This time it isnt a letter, but a gift, a small box. Spencer opens it and finds a tape inside. A tape gives a clue to the unsub’s age. Penelope manages to find a tape player for him and he takes it into one of the interrogation rooms. There is no image, it‘s only audio.
“Juuuuuliet, tell him what you want him to know.” The unsub was so desperate for attention that he made no attempt to mask his voice at all.
“You’ve given up.” Spencer chokes upon hearing your voice for the first time in two years. “Im staying here forever. I cant believe you would leave me here.” Your voice was hoarse and you were sniffling, he knows you had been crying.
That was all that was on the tape, so, where is this fatal mistake, I hear you ask? Well, Doctor Spencer Reid is very smart, but the thing is, so are you. At a few intervals in that message, you coughed, and when you did, you whispered things that would be unintelligible to anyone who didnt remember absolutely everything about your voice. And the only person in your life with the memory capacity to recall every single minute detail about your voice, happened to be the one the tape was delivered to.
Notes. That was the first thing you whispered, he knew you were referring to the post-it notes, telling him the man you’d written about seeing was the one who had taken you.
‘15m’ was the next thing you whispered. You likely wouldnt have been able to tell how many miles or metres you had travelled, and the only other value for ‘M’ that was useful in this scenario was minutes. 15 minutes away from your home, you’d counted the minutes it took for you to get to where you are now, and for two years you have held onto that.
Wear, that was the last thing you whispered in a cough, and that was the most difficult one for Spencer to figure out. It took a whole 7 seconds. Were you wearing something in particular? It cant be that. Could you have meant where? But that gives no clue. Ware! As in warehouse! That has to be it!
With no time and nothing to lose, Spencer bolts back to Hotch to fill him in on everything he’s figured out. The team meets at the round table to officially re-open the case, and Penelope starts searching for warehouses in a 15 minute distance from your home. Spencer is beyond frustrated at how quickly Penelope finds where you are, he cant believe that all this time you were held captive by someone foolish enough to only keep you 15 minutes away. But maybe that makes the unsub the opposite of a fool, because even a detail as small as the actual distance between you and Spencer is meant to torture him, knowing that you were so close by all this time is another wound to him. The team pile into separate vehicles, all heading to the same warehouse, and on the way there Spencer begins to overthink. What if you really do think he’s given up? What if you’ve given up on him? What if you dont love him anymo-
Derek nudges Spencer. “Hey, kid, I can see you doubting yourself in your own head just by the look on your face, stop it. She’s gonna have missed you just as much as you’ve missed her.”
The suddenly insecure Spencer looks to his friend for answers. “You really think so?”
Derek smiles. “I know so, she’s always been crazy about you, man.”
This reassures him, and he settles back into his seat with a deep breath, watching the streets blur by as he makes his way to you.
Thanks to the speed they were allowed to drive, the team makes it to the warehouse in under 15 minutes, and they position themselves at different entrances to the building. Derek kicks down the main door and Spencer runs in, gun aimed and ready to fire, but he falters. Because directly in front of him, little more than a few steps away, tied to a chair, is you. Spencer stumbles over to you and collapses to his knees in front of you, pulling you into his arms as you both sob into each other.
“Spencer, Spencer oh my god you’re here, I’ve missed you so much!” You cry, and he’s quick to untie you so that he can hold you again.
“I never stopped looking (Y/N), not even for a second!” Spencer tells you, pulling away enough for you to see his face so that you know he isnt lying, but you can tell he’s not.
“I know, I know! I never stopped believing you’d come and get me.” You reassure him, smiling for the first time in two years, and despite being muddy, bloody, bruised and beaten, Spencer is absolutely certain that you have never looked more beautiful.
An ambulance is called to the scene and you’re assisted onto a stretcher, while Rossi and Derek bring a handcuffed man out of the warehouse. Spencer sees red as he strides over to the middle aged, seedy, stubbly man that held you captive.
“Ah, Spencer Reid, I was wondering when we’d finally meet. How’s my Juliet?”
Spencer is not going to let that smug tone continue to live.
“She is not yours. I’d rather you called her Juliet than her real name, because if you breathed so much as half a syllable of that I would tear you limb from limb.” Spencer seethes.
The monster leans closer. “I ruined her.”
Spencer laughs darkly. “Do you really think that the woman Im in love with would let herself be ruined by some middle-aged, poor-excuse-for-both-a-Romeo-impersonator-and-a-killer, pervert? You underestimated her, and you underestimated me. We won.”
The kidnapper rolls his eyes, but Spencer can tell he’s taken aback. “I wont get much time for this, and once Im out, you’ll rue the day you insulted me!”
“Tell that to the pictures of little girls and boys we found under your bed upstairs! Along with letters about tax evasion, fraud accusations, the list goes on.” JJ calls as she makes her way out of the warehouse with a stack of papers in her hands.
Spencer takes a step closer to the man, towering over him and speaking in a low voice with wrath unmatched. “I dont know what your name is, and frankly, I dont care. You are going to prison for a long time, I will make sure of that. And once you’re in prison, I will find out which one, and I will personally deliver the message to every single one of your inmates that you are a pathetic pedophile low life who thought he could challenge me.”
Spencer turns away from him and starts walking towards the ambulance, but the idiot speaks up again and stops him dead in his tracks.
“She’ll be mine again, Agent Reid, and that’s a promise!”
Spencer is back in front of him in an instant. “I’ll also make sure to inform your inmates that Im the one who broke your nose.”
The scum frowns in confusion. “What?”
And just like that, Spencer’s swift right hook pummels the man’s nose.
“It’s Doctor Reid.” He tells him, voice low.
“For the record, we’ll say that happened when we arrested him.” Rossi says, and Derek nods.
Finally, Spencer runs back to you, sitting at your side in the ambulance as you lie on the stretcher. You smile at the sight of him.
“Hey love.” You greet him
“Hi sweetheart, sorry Im late, I had to break someone’s nose.” Spencer replies, his voice far softer than it had been a few seconds ago.
You chuckle and take ahold of his hand. “Of course you did.”
Spencer’s hands wrap around yours and bring it to his lips so that he can kiss each of your knuckles, so softly you barely feel it, but you do. Placing your hand against his clothed chest, you raise an eyebrow.
“Did you start wearing necklaces while I’ve been gone?”
Spencer’s eyes widen as he realises what you’re referring to. “N-No!”
Your curious expression intensifies as you reach around his neck to tug the chain out from under his shirt. “Then what’s-oh my goodness, Spencer...what’s this?”
In your hand is the engagement ring that Spencer planned to give you, and has been wearing every single day since you were taken.
“I-I was planning to ask before, but then everything got in the way and I was going to ask once I came back from that case, and then you were gone so I kept it because I didnt know what else to do with it and it felt like part of you was with me even though you’d never even seen it let alone worn it but I dont think this is the right moment to ask so maybe if we just-“
“Yes.” You cut him off.
Spencer feels all words escape him, and all he can manage in response is a stuttered, “Wh-Wha?”
You giggle. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Spence.”
Attempting to lean up on your arms to reach him, you hiss and fall back down in pain, but Spencer catches you before you hit the stretcher and lowers himself to capture your lips with his.
You passed out from exhaustion a few moments later, and Spencer sat beside you holding your hand as you slept. She wants to marry me, the words repeat themselves in his head like a mantra, and he finds himself utterly dumbfounded. How he managed to woo a heart as beautiful as yours, he doesnt know. He beamed all the way to the hospital but naturally, the moment you woke up, Spencer was sure he’d misheard you.
“Are you positive you said you would marry me?”
“Yes, Spence.”
“Do you actually want to marry me?”
“Yes, Spence.”
“Are you completely and utterly 100% sure about that?”
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dballzposting · 18 days
Sorry I'm posting this video a third time.
This was such an awesome way to introduce them in DBS and I'm not just saying that becasue of Mr Satan's cherry red jacket.
It sets so many things straight for those of us who may have assumed that things were peaceful and rational between them ...
Buu is walking around a dark house and he's fuckingggg hungry and he doesnt know how to find his own food in that huge house so he just stalks around until he finds Mr Satan?
He THROWS the door open unflinchingly into a room of bright lights and cameras and a large audience. Not an uncommon sight and he doesnt care at all.
Buu does not see the significance of this. You may think that by now he might; that he knows of Mr Satan's hobby to appear in front of large groups of people and look nice and tell lies. But he doesn't. This is kind of Mr Satan's whole thing but it means absolutely nothing to Buu.
Most things mean nothing to Buu. He;s fucking hungry
Has Mr Satan ever tried to explain this to Buu?? "Hey when you see the cameras and the people, please just stay out of it"? Did it just not work? Maybe it just made no sense and meant nothing to Buu so Buu just discarded it.
Mr Satan scrambles to cook up a lie in front of everyone. It's a complete falsehood but to Buu standing there it's true enough. Buu would think that something just ~12% true would be true enough becasue he doesnt care. 0% true is true enough becasue he doesnt care AT ALL. He's fucking hungry
Mr Satan is banking on Buu to not deny or correct his story. This is reliable becasue Buu really isn't a stickler for those sorts of truths. The only truth he cares about is how he is feeling NOW as in RIGHT NOW. Fuck yesterday. Fuck a few years ago. Mr Satan can spin any story he wants. And it's not becasue Mr Satan and Buu have had conversations about how important it is that Mr Satan maintain this reputation. They've never talked about that. Mr Satan can say whatever he wants becasue Buu no care.
Mr Satan has to face off with Majin Buu and have a glaring contest. Mr Satan is hoping SO BAD that Buu will just do as he's told, but Buu JUST SAID that Buu hungry and that takes priority clearly. Fuck the audience fuck the cameras fuck what Mr Satan is saying fuck the tremble in Mr Satan's spine. Fuck everything it is like ants and pebbles to Buu. Buu hungry
Buu understands a NO when he hears it but he does not understand WHY and he does not stop being mad. He pushes back until he sees that Mr Satan isn't gonna back down, and at that point he blows steam out of his head to dispel his aggression enough to be able to disengage and turn around and leave. But he's still pissed. Buu stomps away and pauses at the doorway to glare over his shoulder. Fuck Mr Satan. Buu hungry. Buu go be hungry somewhere else.
Buu doesnt turn everyone to chocolate becasue Buu likes to be joyous and play games and presumably he understands now that causing misery and pain is only fun to him, and that makes it less fun overall. But he's fucking hungry. So he mostly just didnt do it becasue he has promised previously not to kill and eat people. Which is sort of arbitrary. You know what isnt arbitrary? BUU HUNGRY. He literally goes into the next room and sits down and crosses his arms about it.
THE WAY THAT MR SATAN SCUTTLES BACK WHEN BUU BLOWS STEAM ?!?? Like he's still afraid of him !?!?!?!?! Perhaps Buu is just SCARY but that doesnt mean that MR SATAN should feel scared. But I feel like Mr Satan's spine is synthetic and he has no real inner iron, and especially after the events he's lived through, his nervous system is just shot. Like many traumatized people he is able to continue on sheer force and denial but he's just so fuuucked . He is jumpy and easy to frighten. He's always kind of been that way and TBH it's kept him safe and out of danger. But he's never felt REAL strength or security or comfort. He's stuck being a scared little boy. He's still scared of Buu
Mr Satan is such a messssssss he goes to powder his nose & also to pee but really he just had to excuse himself AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE becasue he's scared of Buu and doesnt want him to blow up and he needs to appease him as quickly as possible. It's an exigence that Mr Satan feels. If he didnt go and do that immediately then I feel like it would have just sat in his throat like vomit. He wiould have felt faint and he would have had to go blow his ass off.
HE DEOSNT EXPLAIN ANYTHING TO BUU. Yes becasue Buu doesnt care and maybe wouldnt understand it, BUT ALSO becasue Not Exoplaining Things is VERY MUCH Mr Satan's way. I feel like he could explain things and Buu would get it. Maybe not all of it but some of it. Maybe not right now becasue hes fucking hungry and pissed but maybe it would sit in his head a while. Someone more articulate and inquisitive like Videl or Gohan would have felt the impulse to explain perplexing situations just naturally, and they would have had the tact to know their audience too; it's explainable. But Mr Satan just doesnt operate that way. FUCKKKK the truth FUCK the """situation."" FUCK five minutes ago. Fuck one minute ago. Right now he's scared and hurt and he feels Buu's pain and hunger. He doesnt think that explaining himself would soften the blow at all becasue it doesnt work that way with him; his intense emotional states just are what they are like a child's, and he thinks that others' explanations are just excuses and dirty tricks. He assumes Buu to be the same, which honestly is close enough, but if he DID explain things, then they could avoid this in the future.
Mr Satan just starts throwing items of appeasement at Buu without addressing the object of strife here. Buu sticks to his guns however and asserts himself. Buu fuckingg hungry. Mr Satan folds completely and haphazardly starts searching for chocolate, but he is no better at this than Buu is; Buu could have thrown open cabinets too. But this is more about Mr Satan tucking his tail between his legs and trying to serve than it is about food.
He fuckingg fails and calls for Videl to come clean up this mess. Buu still fucking hungry. Mr Satan does this to himself
Great video
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teddykaczynski · 4 months
im hesitant in posting this because many of you are critical of butch/femme and controversial opinion i knowww but i dont really like talking about very personal things if i believe that essentially a stranger will tell me im wrong for feeling the way i do about this because of feminism. but.
the real truth is that i should just stop worrying about it. its just clothes. like just do what i want to do and have confidence in myself and knowing who i am as opposed to thinking about the opinions of other people. which is really the root of this issue. and i guess i know what im about but my deal is so confusing to other people and they often make the wrong assumption but.its not my problem if they do. they can ask and i can correct or we both just carry on bc it doesnt matter.
most of the time in my day to day life i just wear bball shorts or huge jeans or pajama pants and random dirty shirts like to class work etc. i really only do my whole femme thing (which btw, for me is a skirt/dress, maybe cleavage, perfume, maybe a bit more jewelry, and i always wear boring mens shoes) if im on a date or in active seduction mode. so then its like, my classmates/coworkers who see me the most, have a totally different perception of me than what the truth is. but. is it not the truth? if im this way most often and only around certain people. its just the truth of what i am to them. how i feel inside and what i consider the truth about myself is pretty much irrelevant. and then i also think about like. well, if i met someone on campus in a romantic context and she saw me in my charlie kelly esque green shirt jacket and a black t shirt with NO MERCY across the chest in red blood drip lettering and navy bball shorts and found me attractive that way, im going to show up to the date in a purple dress. like the face i put forward isnt the face i want women to be attracted to, i guess. it feels like a lot of the women around me/in my age group in general are butch4butch so im worried about meeting a woman and thinking shes great but shes b4b and sees me all done up and loses interest. but like i said. uiim just making stuff to get mad about.
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kewpidity · 4 months
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ive made the executive decision to post my sims on here as well, so have this one i did of mandy
i did my best with what i had, like no cc i could find worked for her hair to have horns (everything i found looked terrible) couldnt even find a decent simple headband and this one clips a little, but her hair has the swoopy bangs and i think i nailed the eye shape and how i draw her so i'll take it
she's also wearing a kinderwhore look cause its simply correct
also made her school uniform cause i know its not canon but i think the idea of it being for a catholic school is v funny (dont mind the little knot in it its shockingly difficult to find a simple button up shirt for the sims that isnt super revealing kjfn)
leather jacket moment under the cut that didnt make it to the final look but i figured id share anyway ↷↷↷
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chubbysciencenerd · 1 year
The Chase.
Oral!fem reciving, praise, Jacob!s "breaks" reader, cockwarming
Step after step you quietly run deeper and deeper into the maze of the forest. With every step you take you feel him growing closer, a professional Hunter and soldier was now hunting YOU. your heartbeat grows faster and you grow more paranoid. You find a large tree and quickly and quietly dive behind it, you desp5eratly needed to catch your breath and calm down. It was hard with the situation that you were in. snap You hear a twig snap closely behind you, fuck you hoped it was just an animal but the hand that quickly grabbed your shoulder said otherwise. "Fuck." Was all you could manage to say before looking up and seeing that familiar red hair and rough face. He grabs you by the jacket that you were wearing and pulls you up of the ground, he was strong you would gladly admit that, what you wouldn't gladly admit was that you had grown you having feelings for the eldest seed brother.
They were complicated feelings you won't lie but you were everyone's last hope to this cult. You can't go weak now. You quickly slip out the jacket he was holding you by and dash off again, you quickly started regretting that decision as the snowfall was starting to pick up and you were down in a white tank-top and your standard black jeans. You kept running afraid to stop or look back but you knew he was chasing after you. You had no other way to describe the feeling other than being prey hunted by a Predator. You found a cabin and quickly run to it, you look back and dont see him. Did you loose him? You quickly get inside hoping that doesnt change. It looked like a standard 1cabbin that belonged to a hunter. There was a fire burning and no graffiti so you felt safe as if it wasnt even known about by peggies. You scramble over to the fire trying to regulate your body tempature after running from him for what.. a good hour? You hoped the snowfall was enough to cover whatever footprints you left behind. You start to survey your suroundings and see a nighstand. There was.. The word of Joseph? fuck this cabin did belong to a peggie. You go over to it as you see a psitol laying next to it, You quickly grabbed the pistol first before taking a second glance at the book. Is was probably the one book that youve seen that was in almost perfect condition. You flip open the cover and your eyes widen at what you see. "To my brother, Jacob."
Oh shit this was Jacobs cabin, you needed to get the hell out of there. You turn around and Jacobs tall figure shadows over you as he looks down at you. "Nice Try." he says with2 that rough voice your used to, but the next thing he says his tone is.. different2. "Give me the gun." He holds out his hand waiting for you to hand it to him. You reluctantly do, he slips it into his waistband before reaching around you to grab the Word of Joseph. He starts to walk around as he starts to talk to you, "You know.." "Ive never actually read the thing. Ive read bits and pieces but reading isnt really my thing." You watch as he takes his jacket off placing it on a chain at a unorganized desk. He walks around in a black turtleneck continuing to talk to you. "Youre probably wondering why I havent killed you yet? Correct?" You nod but he quickly shakes his head, "Youre an adult. Use your words." He stops pacing as he grabs his knife. He begins to clean it waiting for a response. "Why Havent you? Joseph would be pleased." He continues walking mainly paying attention to cleaning his knife "Oh now that would be too easy and waste of a strong soldier." This time he doesnt walk past you but walks towards you. He stops right in front of you before bending down slightly to get to your eye level. "Youre an animal, and just like any other bitch you can be broken. But.. You know what happens when you cant break a dog. You have to put it down and I would hate for that to be the case." he brushes his hand against your cheek and you shiver at the touch of his cold and rough hand. "Why waste a perfectly good soldier?"
He leans closer making you cower, he watches the fear on your face before backing away. He points to the door with his knife. "You can leave if you want but you wont get far in the cold dressed like that. The storm is getting bad out there." He turns around and goes to sit at that unorganized desk you saw earlier. He sets his knife down before taking that gun out of his waistband to disassemble and clean it. Half of you is telling you to bolt out that door but the other half is telling you to stay. You look out the window behind you and see that its like a blizzard out there. You quietly walk next to him and watch him clean the gun slowly trying to find some words, any words. "Just gonna watch?" He says snapping you back to reality. "Sorry.. do you still have my jacket?" He stops cleaning before turning his neck to look at you. "No. If youre leaving then leave if not here." He hands you the jacket off the back of his chair. You were in shock. But with how old you were even with the fire you but it on and find your way to sitting on the edge of his bed watching him as he cleaned his gun. You started to take a better look at the interior of the cabin, there was a pretty big mounted buck head on the wall. some more taxidermy sprinkled around. Huh guess he really does like to hunt. You hear and slightly see him reassembling the gun. Soon enough hes getting up and walks over before placing the gun back on the nightstand on top of the Word of Joseph. He stops in front of you looking down at you in his jacket, that was definitely a sight he would remember.
You stand up looking at his for a second before you bring your lips to his, you dont know what it was but you started to regret it until you felt his hand on your waist and him starting to kiss you back. You were honestly expecting him to kick you out of push you off of him at least but.. no. His lips were chapped but it didnt bother you, you bring your hands to the back of his neck, you deepen the kiss wondering what everyone would think if they saw you kissing Jacob, the man youre supposed to kill. You pull away to get some air, his blue eyes look you up and down. "What made you do that soldier?" You look at him and you both smile "Shut up" you say before kissing him again and he pushes you onto the bed going with you, he starts to trail kisses down your jaw before kissing your neck. You turn your head to give him more room to work with as you squirm against him. You tug at his shirt eagerly but he grabs your hands and places them above your head holding them there with one hand before running the other over your clothed body as he continues to kiss and bite your neck. Your breathing grows heavy almost whimpering every time he bites your neck. You feel him growing hard against you. His hand expoling your body makes its way down to your jeans and makes great haste undoing them before sliding his hand under them along with your panties, his caloused fingers go straight to your clit using your slickness to rub it relentlessly going at the perfect pace. You had no clue that such a strong hunter and soilder like him could be such a great lover. He lets go of your wrist and brings his hand to the hem of your shirt and lifts it up to expose your bare breasts without thinking twice he takes one of your nipples into his mouth and starts fondling your other breast.
He places a soft bite on your nipple making you jump in his grasp, an unexpected whine escaping from your lips. Your hips helplessly grind against Jacobs hand craving more, He leaves one more bite on your nipple this one harder than the last. You arch your back making you press into him. He pulls away and quickly pulls off his black turtleneck dropping it with the rest of the clothes. He makes quick work of your jeans and panties down letting them drop to the floor carelessly he stands at the edge of the bed and takes a good minute to look at you all while youre admiring and studying his scars, he loved the sight of you being helpless in his bed.. wearing his jacket. He wanted to be the only one to see you like this. He grabs your ankles and pulls your body half way off the bed him standing in between your legs he drops down to he knees and looks directly through your eyes as looks up at you. He uses his fingers and spreads your folds to get a good view, you were perfect for him. Without warning he dives in with his mouth being completely sloppy and making work of all of the right spots. He loved your taste and couldnt get enough of it. He lapped up and down your folds multiple times with his tongue his grip on your thighs deathly tight, he moved his arm to hold you down and takes his other hand and as his mouth starts to focus on your clit he takes two fingers and starts pumping into you curling his fingers ever so perfectly hitting that spot that made you squirm.
Breathless moans and incoherent words escape your lips as you grip his arm as tight as you can, your nails digging into his arm. As he starts to pump is fingers faster his mouth playing with your clit does too. Your legs start to squirm around his head as they close tightly and you squeeze his head with your thighs you come completely undone on his face and fingers. He removes his fingers but continues to eat you out wanting to remember the taste. Your legs start to shake around his head at the overstimulation. When he finally pulls away you can see your juices covering his mouth and beard. He climbs back ontop of you quickly going to kiss you as you place your hands on the back of his head. He pulls away which neither of you wanted to happen, he kicks off his boots and quickly undoes his belt soon enough his length is sprung free and your eyes widen at the size. He slides his length through your soaked folds before teasing your entrance with his tip before slowly pushing his whole length in. A breathless gasp is all that comes out of you before you cover your mouth with your hand. He starts to thrust at a fast pace trying not to go too hard as he didnt want to literally break you. "It hurts~" You whine moving your hand above your head, he leans down and whispers, "Shh.. You can handle it pup".
Those words made you clench around him and you could tell he felt it by the grunt he let out, his breath was heavy and his grunts and groans are just turning you on even more. His thrusts start to grow harder and more intense. Your head starts to go light with pleasure you were still rather sensitive from the orgasm he just gave you by eating you out. You had never been with a man who actually made you feel truly good during sex. He grabs on your your legs and hitches it up over his shoulder allowing him to hit your deepest spots. You whine out with a nice mixture of moans and struggled words mainly just his name. His size was perfect for you, just enough to stretch you but not big enough to seriously hurt you. He gripped your leg tightly as he continued to pound into you, he leans down a little closer to you. "You take me so well pup, such a good girl~" You blushed at the praise and tightened around him as he said it, he found your sexual weakness and he was damn well gonna use it against you. "You like it when I say things like that don't you? I feel you get tighter every.." he pauses to let out a grunt "fuck.. Every time I do" You look away blushing covering the top part of your face with your hand. He give one very hard thrust before slowing down to almost a stop.
"You need to look at me and you need to use your words." You brush your hair back as you look up at him. "Yes sir." He starts back up quickly resuming at the pace before he started to slow down. He looked down at you in his jacket being made a absolute mess by him, his hips stutter but go back on pace as he was trying to control himself never wanting this to end. "I cant wait to breed you~ To have our own pups" He looks down and smiles at you, "Youd love that, wouldnt you. Everyone would know you belong to me." You look up at him before stuggling to speak clear words, "Breed.." "breed me, please!~" You whine out as he pounds into you with more force, his hips start to stutter again. He was close and their was no denying it. He brings one of his hands down and starts rubbing your clit with his thumb making you squeeze tight around him. "Youre mine deputy. Only mine. I will protect you and our pups no matter what." With those words you finish around him making that your second orgasm of the night. With a few final thrust he burries himself inside of you finishing, coating your walls with his seed. (hah.. his seed as in Jacob seed) Jacob raches his arms under you and picks you up with him still inside of you. He turns you both around as he takes you into a deep and passionate kiss before sitting down on the bed, he pulls you down onto the bed with him making sure hes still inside of you, He kisses your forehead before grabbing a blanket and pulling it over you both. You nuzzle your head into his chest before mumbling "I love you, only you." as you drift off to sleep in his arms. He follows soon after you.
also i would love to do some requests!
have a good day and thanks for reading!<3
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spacedlexi · 2 years
I gotta ask, where did Clem get that jacket! Also it would seem like a good choice of upper body wear protection as other than literal metal, it’s a good protection during an apocalypse as leather is one of the toughest materials that someone can wear, which is why bikers wear them.
Anyways, I absolutely love the style and I assume, and correct me if I’m wrong but is that a walking stick in clem’s hand? Also did they craft a second bow or am i just having a brain fart as it has been a while since i last played TWDG, with my main memories usually being Violentine moments.
My final thing is that i love how you put the pin clem gets after going on Violet’s stargazing date? Imma just call it a date. I often see art that don’t really include the pin or just use the orange pin Violet can also give Clem. Amazing art btw! Love how you show that Clem and Violet can both kill you while also being dorks in love.
i think after everything died down with the delta fight, the kids would eventually make their way back there to scavenge for any supplies that survived the explosion. it was a huge boat with enough supplies to last a large group of people a decent amount of time (we know the delta home base isnt exactly close). i think the kids would be able to scavenge quite a bit of stuff, and its where clem picks up the new jacket. ive mentioned it in one of my past replies but i think clem wouldve taken to heart jane telling her that she needs a nice leather jacket for protection. ive also mentioned before that clems s4 jacket being a denim biker jacket made no sense because bikers dont wear leather for nothing... she deserves her cool leather biker jacket. i think she wouldve gotten excited about a find like that
and yes it is a walking stick :) she cant use crutches forever so once the kids make her a prosthetic i think she'd start picking up the habit of collecting a few nice branches as walking sticks. i like to think she'd have one for hanging out around ericson, and one for being outside that she coils barbed wire around (i got the idea from her i think road to survival? model? where they put barbed wire around her crutches and she used them as a weapon i thought that was a cool idea but again she cant use those forever). ALSO i think she'd still remember the story lee told her about his dad using his cane around the store so i think it would give her some form of comfort. i think she'd use her cane around ericsons the same way lees dad did around the drug store
also yes there was another bow at ericsons that both violet and willy have used. violet only used marlons bow a few times shes mostly seen with the other one and it seems when she doesnt have it willy does. im not sure if any other character is shown with it (idr which bow is used when hunting with aasim)
also how could i forget the pin 🥺 i cant Not draw it and im very mindful about it. its just so cute that vi isnt really into arts and crafts but made it for clem anyway 🥺. like did she go back to her room that night and just stay up making it. im sure she couldnt sleep after everything that happened. and with the way shes always so hard on herself for not saving everyone, and when she tells clem she wont let minnie get her (or aj or anyone else), i think the pin is a bit of a symbol of vi being prepared to do whatever she needs to to keep them safe. and i like to give post s4 clem and vi matching pins since it seems to be their Thing
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I am finally starting to feel better. Today was rough. And after yesterday I was hoping today would be better but I felt so unhappy. It sucked. I am glad I'm starting to feel better but it is annoying that it comes at the end of the day.
I slept alright last night. I had some really intense dreams. And woke up feeling alright. James went to the doctors. I did not go with them. The doctor would tell James they are healing so well they don't need to do physical therapy??? Why is James super human??
While they were gone being praised by medical professionals I was trying to get myself together.
I liked my outfit today. And I felt good. My hair felt super clean and good. But my bangs need to be trimmed and I am having trouble with the way my hair is laying, but I felt cute.
But I also felt really low. Low isn't even the right word, I just felt nothing. I felt empty and bad.
I wanted to accomplish something. I had my leftover eggs from yesterday. I made the bed with my temperature in blanket and I love how it looks.
I got back in bed and worked on my squares. I did a lot of them today. Finishing all my blue yarn and my yellow yarn. I am making great progress on using all of the leftover colors.
James would come home soon and after I finished the square I was working on we got ready to go out.
James let me know that the doctor said they were allowed to bike again. At a park and not yet on the road. Makes me nervous. But it makes them happy so that is positive.
James took me to a park to try to cheer me up. I wanted to walk near some water. So we went to loch Raven. I also though it would be a good idea to try out one of my jackets as a test if it would be good for our honeymoon. Because it was drizzly today and would actually rain later. The issue with all of my coats is they are either to large to pack or don't zip well over my hips. I am specifically talking about the possible waterproofed ones.
But the one I wore today was alright. A little tight but not terrible.
I enjoyed the walk. I talked to James about my jacket concerns. And enjoyed seeing the birds. I tried to convince James we saw the loch Ness monster. I texted the picture to Laura and she said its Nessie's cousin Vanessa.
James would take initiative to take me to REI to look at rain coats because Jess had good luck there.
And I love looking around REI but man does it stress me out. It's so stupid expensive!! Like it is not accessable to like. Anyone. The first jacket I looked at was $300??? Then we went to the return room, that they call the garage, which is all significantly cheaper and I immediately found a coat I really liked. But it was $200. Then I found one on sale from $700 to $500?? And I was so disgusted. I tried to be positive. I figured I would st least try the one on and see if I like the style. But it didn't fit me. The xxxl jacket didn't fit me.
I was a little frustrated. Like I know sizes are fake and not a moral judgement. But the jacket that wasn't fitting me well was a large. Now a triple x isnt fitting. So I was trying not to be even more frustrated. First the price, now the sizes. I was trying to not be sad so I went to the clearance section. Tried the men's. The XXL I found fit my hips but was giant on top. Which is the problem I keep having! I need a triable shaped jacket.
James had some luck though. I gave up on looking at coats. And was looking at stuff. And James found a new helmet and bike shoe attachments for a significant discount. Since the doctor gave them the clear to ride they deserved new safety gear.
We left there and went to the pet store next door to get Sweetp dry food. I liked looking at the fish and hamsters. And then we were off.
We went to a goodwill to look at coats there. I found one I sort of liked. But not enough to actually buy. It was just a little to short. I'm glad it's not a rush but it is still frustrating. I don't actually need another coat. I have so many. But I don't feel like I have the correct one for this specific trip and that's hard.
I was still really down. We went down the street and got five guys. And that was nice. I enjoyed James's company. But I was also ready to go home.
When we got back here we got inside and took a moment to sort ourselves out. But then it was time to start putting away the Christmas decorations. It took a bit. We had to take everything down in the closet. I wanted to fit all our Christmas in one box and all our Halloween in the other. Our spring decor is in a tote bag. It would take a little bit of time to sort everything to fit as well as I wanted. But it worked great in the end.
After we put it all away James helped me redecorate the mantle in the livingroom. We went through the box we had of the stuff that had been up there. Made some choices. I love how much color is there now and while it took it came out really good. James was a ninny about me being on the ladder. But I was having fun. It was one of my favorite things we did today.
I did some more cleaning and putting things away. Just tried to feel normal. I opened the back door to get some air and sorted the shelves in our bedroom. I tried to feel okay.
James would get ready to go for their bike ride. I would do my knitting for the day and start another square. It was getting late in the afternoon. I would spend the rest of today just in bed working on squares and watching videos.
James went for their bike ride. And then to their parents house. It seems to have gone well. I enjoyed my time working on my squares. But I was also still feeling really hollow. Is sucked.
I was happy when James was home. I felt safer. The sun was going down. And they would make me a little sandwich and themself some pizza. And we just chilled.
James played video games and sweetp was here. We would have snacks. I would try to be positive.
The fog started lifting around 8. And I made James laugh a few times. I took a shower. And now we are getting ready to sleep.
Tomorrow we are back to work. O'Malley needs a ride tomorrow so we are going to pick them up in the morning. And it's a busy day with a small group but a few extra hours to watch the desk and build boxes for our reaches. I am hoping it will be a good day.
I hope tomorrow I feel like myself. I hope you all feel great. Sleep well everyone. Remember to wash your hands!!
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marlair · 7 months
Hi, there! :D
First time making a request here (I hope I do it right) so since I saw that requests are open I would like to make my own, here I go:
Type: Fic (Romantic)
Reader Female but Neutral it's okay 👍
Scenary: Silver has a stressful and bad week: (he falls asleep more often in class, fails in his training, etc.) So he grabs his partner (on a day off) to de-stress, he starts kissing his partner with very long, needy kisses. .💕💐
Maybe it ends up being a slightly suggestive coff coff (I'll leave it to your preference)👍
i have the headcanon that Silver is addicted to kisses so if he needs to de-stress. Needs A LOT of kisses.💋 If my request does not convince you you, you can discard it without problem, but if not, take your time and without pressurem bye
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Silver Vanrouge x G/N!Reader
synopsis: a sour Silver, having went through a bad week, decidedly de-stresses— by kissing his partner.
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an: omg hiii- hahAHA. this took.. a while to start writing lol xd ik you said it could be suggestive cough cough but it felt so fluffy HEHE also i took a look at his PE uniform card and he actually has muscles?? expected but dam
the reader is the prefect nd their gender isnt really mentioned anywhere here,, i didnt proofread this so if there are any problems thats why🥹
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Silver was tired.
Actually, maybe that was weird to say when he was always tired.
Correction, Silver was stressed.
The week had gone badly: falling asleep more than usual in his classes, training was taking up much more time than usual considering the much more constant failures, Vorpal— Riddle’s preferred horse— had even kicked him! 
Needless to say, all that put him in an.. irrevocably sour mood.
He had gone through the week in a state of already perpetual tiredness- this time alongside a bitterness at his luck for the last few days.
By Saturday, he’s drained of most of his energy at this point, flopping on his bed at the Diasomnia dorm with an unnatural groan.
Suddenly, he received a revelation that could only be from the Great Seven theirselves.
Putting his jacket and shoes on at an average of .2 seconds, he took out his phone and texted the prefect of Ramshackle— his partner (what an exciting thought).
Meet me at the bench under apple tree #4?
Before even waiting for a response, he left for the aforementioned tree.
As expected, the prefect was there.
You honestly didn’t know what to think when your boyfriend suddenly texted you, but you decided to just shrug off any confusion and go to the meet up spot.
What you expected was him waving to you, maybe even with a basket of snacks.
What you didn’t expect was all 176 centimeters of Silver lunging at you, immediately trapping you within muscled arms.
Smooch one, you’re thinking, ‘awh, he’s too sweet!’.
Smooch two, you’re thinking, ‘heh, is he feeling particularly affectionate today?’.
Maybe a minute give or take into smooch five, you’re feeling like ‘uhm??’. But, he was your boyfriend, so you just kissed him back.
In the middle of smooch something— you’ve stopped counting at this point, all of Silver’s weight has fallen on you.
You quickly realize he’s fallen asleep. Ah. You thought maaaybe he was going to take you back to his dorm.
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chocopuchino · 9 months
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“It looks what?” you breathe out, suddenly turning back to see him, looking up at him with furrowed brows.
“it looks good on you.” he says, suddenly getting closer to your face.
cw: ushijima wakatoshi. lightly suggestive, reader is smaller. reader has boobs. you’re funny.
wc: 1k+
a/n: i love him so much, soso much, hes a small n silly n adorable little guy :(((
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it’s a sunny day. your wonderful boyfriend decided to take a break and not go to practice! (correction, you obliged him to take a fucking break) he’s in the shower, and as a wonderful partner, you decide to make some pancakes for breakfast!
You’re excited, finding an amazing pancake recipe online, and he doesn't have a clue that you're making them or what it even is. mixing the batter— oh no, it spills onto your t-shirt! oopsie daisy, you’re so clumsy at times, hehe. hot girls dont wear aprons, remember? with pancake mix all over your t-shirt, what’re you supposed to do now? of course, the one and only right answer, to wear one of your boyfriend’s shirt!
humming down the hallways, making your way towards his overly big wardrobe, you realize you should probably take this rich man shopping. two pants, three pair of jeans, all of his underwear folded in a drawer, pajamas, a luxury branded robe he never uses, neat shirts of all types, blazer, coats, and of course, millions of shorts, leggings, running jackets, compression shirts, and any other type of athletic clothing. you sigh, ugh so unfashionable.
but, one thing catches your attention. neatly folded and hanging, you spot his beautiful jersey. schweiden adlers, his name written on the back, the dark blue collar, number 11 written widely front and back, the little logo on the right, the gold ombre below going up- fuck he should be coming any minute now! still, even if he’s currently playing for Japan’s men national volleyball team, this jersey was always your favourite. bingo, you think, immediately snatching it (with lots of care, of course) and placing it down on the floor.
taking off your messy t-shirt and throwing it away, knowing how eventually he’s gonna be the one to pick it up and place it in the washing machine- you put it on.
his fresh and manly scent immediately invades your nostrils, and oh god is it big. just like his d-
he’s big. its obvious. he’s tall, and you’re not at his height either, so there’s a difference. his jersey reaches below your pelvis, while on him it used to reach just before reaching his hip. jerseys for athletes are usually tighter, meaning that this might be a tiny bit smaller for him. the sleeves reach your biceps, and your collarbone is almost exposed. you’re surprised though, its quite thin and flexible. you thought that it might be a bit felty or something, but it’s light!
making your way towards the kitchen, you go back to the counter again to actually start the pancakes- and you finally hear the loud creak you’ve been waiting for. a few creaks coming in your direction, it suddenly stops, and you turn around just to face a—
tall. wet. and a freshly from the shower wakatoshi. ah, his body is like a work of art, like a greek god, sculpted to perfection, and, with only a beige towel wrapped around his hips- wait a minute, that’s the same colour of that branded robe inside his closet, are they maybe from a set?—
“love.” he breathes out, his deep voice hitting you suddenly, interrupting your thoughts, and your cheeks flush.
“yeah? what’s wrong, toshi? something the matter?” fluttering your eyes at him, speaking in a tone so oblivious.
“Is that … my jersey?” he questions, cocking an eyebrow.
“no, it’s not. it’s my boyfriend’s. isnt it, like, so cool? i swear he’s so cool, you should prolly meet him y’know.” you answer sheepishly, facing your back to him, showing off the name written widely on the back.
“Ah… I see. It looks …” if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't quite get your sarcasm and would stand there confused. deciding not to answer, he simply observes you. seeing where it reaches till, sleeves reaching your biceps, and the way your curves are hidden under it— but seeing the curve of your breasts, the jersey flowing down from there, makes him blush a little.
“It looks what?” you breathe out, suddenly turning back to see him, looking up at him with furrowed brows.
“it looks good on you.” he says, suddenly getting closer to your face.
your eyes widen slightly, cheeks heating up softly. leaning back, you scoff, prepping the stove now.
“i-i know, of course it does. why wouldn't it?” you answer after a moment,
“you're right, really. it's very big on you. why are you wearing it, honey?” he asks, now suddenly feeling big hands on your waist, your back flush against his firm, broad, and bare chest.
“because, you know-”
“no, I do not know.”
“Toshi!!" You whine his name out, frowning with a scoff.
"it's because while I was making the batter, I spilled a lot on my t-shirt, so, it got dirty, and I wanted to … “
your voice gets quieter after each word, and he notices, his hands now going from your waist, to now caressing your sides.
“to what?” he asks so normally, gosh it makes you mad.
“to … wear… your, shirt. or t-shirt. or jersey. I just wanted to wear something of yours, y-you know, to take in your warmth and to feel comfy and nice. I missed you, y'know? s-so I thought...” you explain, tone quiet.
“I see. Doesn't making love count as the same thing though? If you're missing me so much, I should take more break days. No, why don't we have it today? tonight? now?”
“W-what?! Toshi- you should definitely take more break days but you can't just squeeze that in like that, that's too sudden!-” you squeak, surprised by the sudden change in topic, cheeks heating up impossibly as you look up to see his face. he looks so calm and stern.
“Tonight we’re going to have dinner at your favourite restaurant. we’ll have some wine, a three course meal, and then I'll have my dessert later.”
he states with a nonchalant tone, pecking your cheek from behind before walking off, leaving you ultimately flustered.
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safe to say you got a three course meal and wine from your fav restaurant, in change he didn't get your pancakes but did get his dessert!! now you're unable to walk lolol
© chocopuchino : all of the works that are written on my blog belong to me. please refrain from copying, translating, plagiarizing, and/or altering my works. (that includes doing so on other websites and platforms as well). credits to original authors for characters and artwork. all rights reserved, 2023, and however that shit goes. notes are appreciated! <3
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asprngdeductionist · 11 months
Pardon me that its unfinished and isnt corrected but should i finish it? You can red my entry about it:
         I messed up. She left. There is nothing to give my life meaning now. Except this. Blogging. Now. I am stuck in this life. In this small apartment I can't even pay because I don't have a job. I live here with my friend and roommate Arthur Cene who is a consultant for the police department here in Brighton. I`m Timothy Coates and this is my sad life.
What a beautiful day. when I was looking out the window, making tea, I noticed a leaf falling. That reminded me that September is coming and with it Fall. Artur left early today. He had a grumpy look on his face when he looked in the jar I usually put my part of the rent in and he said that I should be paying up because the landlord isn't happy. Neither was he because he will help me out for the 5th time this year.
I failed to mention in my last post that I haven't written here a while. About 4 months. This break-up really beat down on me.
Alright. Very interesting things happened today.
Arthur was really pissed off about the rent. He came in this morning and I could see his eyes slightly popping and the vein in his neck pumping. He screamed at me with all his voice: “You goddamn lunatic they cut out the power! Do you know how bad it is to suddenly feel a cold shower!” That explained why the tea wasn`t heating up.”Get a job for God's sake or at least go outside! You haven't been out for months!” His tone transitioned into a calmer, quieter one. The pumping vein disappeared, eyes slightly watered as he said: “What happened to you? Is it still about sarah? Because I'm tired of it! there are going to be other ones too. You don't need to whine on this one.” He paused. For about ½ a minute. He spoke again: “ Alright. I've got an offer for you. You come with me on the next case and I might pay all the rent again.” With these words his tone shifted to the normal, soothing, calm one. He then corrected his collar on  his shirt. THat he was wearing with a vest and jacket. The vest is always the same piece as the trousers. It`s black with smaller dark gray stripes on it. The jacket is either baby blue or a lighter gray. Never matching the vest and trousers. He doesn't usually wear ties. Whenever he does it is always either dark blue or scarlet red. He sometimes doesn't wear a jacket (this occasion was one of them because it's a warm day) , then he rolls up his sleeves. He usually wears elegant clothing. Anyways I jumped for the deal and went to get my coat. Unlike Arthur, my usual outfit was more usual. A simple hoodie did the job. We went out and walked to his car. Which, unlike what you`d think isn`t an Aston, it's a Mazda MX-5. We hopped into the car that was a bit wet because of the moisture in the air. This was because it rained a few days ago. “Shall we?” said Arthur in a slightly excited voice. Then, we drove off. Artur doesn`t drive slow. I feel he likes the adrenaline of moving fast and being on the edge. 
We arrived. Te building was tall, made out of brick with a creme coloured paint on it. It had large windows in stripes following all floors. At the entrance Arthur said: “Now, there are some people that don`t like me in there, so I don't want you looking at anyone. Don't make a mess, or draw attention to yourself. We get into the elevator and ask the chief what he has for us.” That was exactly what we did. The people inside all wore blue uniforms. Their badges flinging the light into my direction, where all the stares were going too. The place wasn't so loud. I could only hear whispers. Among the lines of: “Who is this guy?” and “He brought another person to impress.” but we kept going. Once we reached the elevators a slightly tall man in a baby-blue knitted vest with a matching shirt and dark-blue tie and very dark-blue trousers. His face was slim, not so tall. His hair was separated in the middle and shining from product. He wasn`t too fit but still able to maintain a decent looking body. He was holding documents up against his chest with his left hand. Arthur said with a sharp voice: “Gill! It is terrible to see you.” Before he could respond Artur said:”You better show up to the reception, and don`t worry you did terrible last night.” The guy walked away with an ashamed look on his face. bumbling.
How`d he know?
With that Arthur pushed the button to call the lift. With that another person appeared. He was wearing a red tie, black jacket, blue shirt and black trousers. 
Hey chief! - said Arthur in a surprised tone.
Arthur;  - nodded back the chief.
At the ding of the elevator we all picked up our heads and headed into the lift as the doors opened. The interior of the elevator was an orange ish color I can't really describe. Whilst we were in the elevator the chief asked Arthur
Who is this guy? - Whilst he pointed at me.
Just a friend. Thought he could come. - answered Arthur. The look on the chief`s face changed. It became a bit worried. 
Alright, he can come. - said the chief.
When we arrived I followed my friend to a room. There I met the team he worked with. Three men and a woman. My friend didn't seem to bother introducing me.
Alright, what do we have here. Did we get the robbery case I saw in the paper yesterday? - said my friend while he leaned over the table
Unfortunately, no we got a murder at a car shop. Name`s Aaron Glover, 34 blunt force trauma to the head.- 
Don`t bore me, let's go. - said my friend, cutting off the man.
We went downstairs and got into our car. We followed the policemen in a black van with the padge of the police deputy plastered all over the sides and back.
10 minutes later we have arrived at the shop, where my friend warned me
Alright this will be a bit gory. Are you okay with that?
Yes! Indeed I am. - I replied.
The shop wasn`t anything unusual. The outside was light blue. It was seemingly made out of bricks that gave it a strong structure. The building was surrounded by policemen, all sharing the same uniform. When we walked to the door I noticed the policeman next to it sighing as Arthur went past him. We stepped in, my friend picked some pace up and ran to the corpse, and hushed an officer trying to  say something. He got on his knees next to the bloody corpse and started examining it. He started mumbling. 
Grease under fingernails, probably mechanic. Single blunt blow to the head, probably an act of desperation. Right handed, smoker, yellow index and middle fingernails on right hand. Trying to get off of it tough, seeing the gum in the pockets and a singe nicotine patch in the same pocket and no pack of cigarettes anywhere, But if Tim would be so nice and open that cabinet for me that`d be marvelous.
He pointed to a small cabinet across the room. As I walked to it I felt the stares aiming for my back as everybody watched me reach for the handle. I pulled the door and I found a single pack of cigarettes laying there. I naturally picked  it up and showed it to everyone. He nodded and continued his search for clues.
He was trying very hard to get off of his strong habit in an act of desperation for something or rather someone. He was around late thirties judging from the wrinkles and type of wear and still not married - he said rising up a bit and pointing to his left hand that was missing a ring - He got a new girlfriend he was trying to impress, again, in an act of desperation. Not work clothes slightly more elegant than his everyday wear, wasn't too fancy clothes wearing type of person. He has cologne on and a ring in his pocket-
A what!? - shouted a man across the room. 
This son of a bitch tried to marry my sister? - He continued.
The man had a blonde very shaved to the left hair he kept fixing every 5 seconds. He was wearing a white shirt and a brown jacket with gray trousers.
Who is this man? -  asked Arthur as he looked at the officer at the door. 
The owner of that car sir. - answered the policeman pointing to the car that was next to the body already raised off the floor. - He was working on it when he died. - finished the policeman
The soon to be brother in law. - said my friend while he walked across the room to the man, reaching his hand at him for a handshake - Arthur Cene, nice to meet you!
Jeffrey Cooke.
Arthur walked to me and said quietly
He is the killer. I hope you`re having fun. I`m sure I am. - he left me there with a confused face wondering why he is the killer. I thought I was going to find out anyway.
Arthur, then walked to the chief that just arrived.
Get the girlfriend`s address. I have a strong hunch.
You got it. -  Replied the chief.
He started walking to the exit as he flung his hand at me signaling me to come. I did what he asked me to do and I followed him. We got to the car and he said 
Have you read the paper?
Yes, I do it every day. Why?
You`ll understand it later.
We went back to the police building. We went upstairs, and waited on a nice leather couch in the corner of the lobby. The chief arrived 15 minutes later.
Alright! I got the  address, Gerald St. 26. 
Arthur instantly hopped out of his seat. I followed him with a slightly surprised face. We hopped into the car and started the journey. It took us about 10 minutes to reach our destination. We stopped and hopped out of the car. Arthur opened the gate and knocked on the bright pink door. The house wasn`t so special. It was a shared house with two doors next to each other and two addresses. The house was white and had two window ‘panels’. A young woman opened the door with brown hair and a gray shirt and black stretch pants.
Hi, come in. You must be with the police.
Hi! We`re very sorry for your loss.
Thank you. - She opened the door further, and we came in. The house was filled with supposedly family pictures. It was a well kept house with only some minor mess. Arthur started walking around aimlessly, looking at the photographs.
Tea? - asked the woman.
I`d want a cup thank you.
What kind?
Do you have english breakfast?
Yes I do. Take a seat. - I sat down but Arthur didn`t bother, he kept looking at the pictures. 
Is this your brother? - said Arthur whilst he picked up a picture with the man we met earlier and pointed to him.
Yes he is. Why do you ask?
Just curious. -said my friend as he sat down before letting out a long “hmm”.
So, why did you come here? 
To ask questions about Aaron but I`ve already got what I needed. Perhaps if you could tell me the names, address and or phone number of the people close to Aaron that`d be nice.
Of course! Anything to help the authorities. - She said as she went across the room to get a piece of paper and a pen. She came back and she wrote some things down on the paper and handed it to Arthur. 
Thank you very much. Do you have a problem if I invited all of these people to come here tomorrow morning?
Alright, good-bye. -  He said as he walked out the door, not even waiting for me to stand up. I stood up, and followed him to the car.
Well, that was fast. Did we get everything we needed? - I asked him doubtedly not getting an answer
I didn`t understand anything he did. I haven't seen  him in this form. Usually he is more honest, not keeping up a facade that no one can see through.
I hopped into the car and we went back to the police station where we met the chief again.
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arlecchno · 2 years
NEL IS MY BABY I LOVE HIM - scratch / block code is actually like the only “coding language” i know because im too lazy to learn anything else LOL (im gonna try to learn renpy someday for part 2 of nels game though … anything for my silly little alien boi) tbh , scratch isnt too difficult but its TEDIOUS AS HELL 😭 it takes forever for me to make the dumb textbox transitions because i have to keep scrolling up n down , even with copy paste i still have to edit and make sure the timings are correct its such hell lmao
the little emote is basically just a glorified version of me lol (because the laws of physics wouldnt permit me to have a cool hair style)
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i own the jacket irl its absolutely sick
LMAO i honestly kinda wish i could relate to the issue that people find me scary , i feel like my life would be a lot easier if i was intimidating to people , because i actually most of the time do have murder / violence on my mind - but noooo im small and squishy LOL
damn ive heard of those kinds of windows , yk those memes where people go onto their balcony / look out their window with their phones and just see like a brick wall LOL . my balcony gets a really nice view of the city sunrise i think , even though ive only been up to see it once or twice
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i think the silliest thing i own is a ziplock bag from 6th grade that is full of cutouts from my friends mathbook , for example:
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for the question … top 5 favorite genshin characters ? and if you want you can explain why but its not required (also if you play on genshin NA servers , wanna add eachother ? i guess this counts as two questions so feel free to shoot two back at me if ya want lol)
wishing you the best on asphodelus !!
- jellyfish
i can absolutely agree that scratch is such a pain in the ass LMAO, it always takes up my time whenever i did it in computing class a few years back
the blonde highlights are an absolute hit for me bro... and that's the xiao jacket, right? (hope i'm not mistaken because i feel like i've seen those around twitter)
AND YES THOSE MEMES IS EXACTLY MY WINDOW VIEW OMG whenever i'm feeling like looking out the window all i see is a brick wall with my neighbour's unit greeting me, and suddenly my day gets so much worse /hj
and those sunrise pics are bomb!!! i feel like if i had a sunrise view i'd be up early every single day to watch it and take cute pictures (i'm literally up before 6 every day, unwillingly)
a ziplock bag full of cutouts...? from 6th grade...? damn looking at it made me realize that 6th grade was so long ago and that we'd do a lot of silly stuff at that age 😭 makes me remind of those times when i was so energetic lmao now i can't even go up a flight of stairs without complaining
i think i'd have to make a separate top 5 list for the genshin characters because i don't think i could combine both genders into one list 😔 i'm too indecisive for that
top 5 genshin men; kuni, kazuha, cyno, dainsleif and alhaitham!! kuni is pretty self-explanatory, but as for kazuha and cyno.... i've been in love ever since they first came out (for cyno i've been waiting since like late 2020 LMAO and for kazuha i first saw him in the beta leaks and vowed to save up for him ever since then) i've also pretty much been in love with dainsleif ever since his first appearance in the archon quest (was it in 1.5??? i'm not entirely sure) and for alhaitham,, well his very blunt personality (and also appearance) have intrigued me 😞 i am apart of the alhaitham fanclub now
top 5 genshin women; yelan, shenhe, yoimiya, yae miko and ei!!! i love yelan and shenhe the most tho, they're my loves and i'm just really in love with their designs 🫶🫶
it's also cool how i have most of them (except for alhaitham, dainsleif and... kuni, unfortunately). i'll most definitely pull for alhaitham soon and hopefully luck is with me hahaha,, i quite literally only have less than 10 pulls right now
and yes i do play on na!!! i'm not really online much because there's not much to do right now but yes we could add eachother!!
as for a question for you... how many 5* do you currently have in genshin? and who do you plan on pulling for next?
thank you!!! asphodelus is going pretty well for me i am really looking forward to this new series
and thank you once again for talking with me jellyfish hehe hope you're having a great day today!! :D
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For once in a long time I didnt dissociate on the phone with T today! I also spoke with my doctor. Both phone calls were fine.
My doc wanted me to continue taking citalopram to see how taking morw of it will work. Im fine with that. She also thinks im understimulated (sorry, i dont know the english word thats correct). It would explain a lot of things. On the other hand my therapist said if its that, its not following a usual pattern. Well not exact words but that was the message.
Either way i just want this dissociation to stop. At least it did for 45 minutes today.
Also I saw T on monday. I did dissociate a lot, and i felt far from her, and i hate that. I was ready to leave the room totally deflated but when i left, she brushed my shoulder with her hand and straightened my jacket (she asked if that was okay first). Its those small friendly spontaneous gestures that make or break it isnt it sometimes.
Cant make it to therapy next monday, but ill have a long phone call. Waiting for that, as always.
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gh0stzonedarchive · 5 years
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A Dead Man's Stare
merry christmas! this is my piece for this years Holiday Truce! I was given @auroraphantasma as the person to receive my gift, so i hope it is to your liking! its my first time participating in the holiday truce, so i hope i did your prompt correctly ^_^
one of your prompts included "the town talllying/noticing danny's ghostliness/weirdness", and one of my first thoughts for this was his eyes. i mean, dead people usually don't have bright eyes full of life, right? so i played around with the concept that danny's eyes always have that far off, glassy look that corpses have, and people [in this case kwan and wes] noticing the way his eyes dont shine like a normal humans.
in all honesty, i havent tried to make a comic-type piece in a long time, so im sorry if its hard to follow.. i tried my best!
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