#i know the 'reached out to them' could be guardians as a whole but the traveler has done so much for the guardian
fandom-geek · 4 months
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...don't mind me, i'll just be over here crying
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mrinafria · 4 months
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[contains spoilers]
I'm an eternal digger of good narrative techniques. A decent story becomes great in my eyes if the narrative is done right. And it's one of the hardest things to do really, since there's no one-size-fits-all rule for what technique works well with a particular story and what doesn't. One of the primary reasons I keep obsessing over Lovely Runner is its' narrative technique. In all honesty, if it had a linear, singular narrative, I would not be hyperventilating over it on a constant basis (I still would just a certain amount, because both Byeon Woo Seok and Kim Hye Yoon deserve awards for what they are doing). One reason it has managed to knock it out off the park and take the top spot in my forever-favorite list is how wonderfully well the narrative is done.
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The primary perspective used in this show is Im Sol's. It's through her we're introduced to the story. Her perspective gives shape to the plot, the characters, because we learn things through her. Her perspective is absolutely critical for exposition. Without her thoughts and way of viewing things, you would never realize why saving Seon Jae means so much to her, or why she would bend the rules and bulldoze ahead when it comes to his safety (exhibit A, her leaving home on the day of the accident, despite knowing about her fate). She'd rather have him alive than have him in her life. Without her narrative, you'd think it's really all about a fan saving her idol (thanks to everyone who'd rejected the script listening to that pitch by the way, I'm grateful we have BWS and KHY as the leads because of that, I would not change it for anyone else). With Im Sol's perspective, you realize, she is not just a fan: she's an ardent admirer, a cheerleader, a well-wisher, a protector, an invisible friend trying to support her friend any way she can, someone who respects Seon Jae, sees him as an idol but also as a human, someone who wants to give back to him the same kindness, empathy and love she had once received from him over a radio call. To her, Seon Jae is first a guardian angel and then an idol, the angel who changed her view of life, made her appreciate things even amidst all that could be wrong with the world and her life. He saved her. Not just on that day at the hospital but every time she struggled and faltered since then, he was there, as invisible as it may have been. So this time, she wants to save him, no matter the price.
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Then comes Seon Jae. Oof. If Im Sol's perspective gives the story its beautiful, beautiful shape, Seon Jae's perspective breathes literal life in to the body of the story. The show wouldn't be what it is today if not for his perspective. Without his view into things, Im Sol appears as a fangirl going to extreme measures to save her idol, clinging onto him like a monkey (yes I mean the poster) embarrassing the heck out of herself, making you cringe (in a good, enjoyable way) throughout. Then you reach the end of episode 2 and it knocks the breath out of you because WHAT DO YOU EVEN MEAN. It all clicks.
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All this while we kept thinking Seon Jae was caught off guard and just kind enough to tolerate her antics, and maybe he'd slowly fall for her now, only to realize we were completely oblivious to a whole different side of the story. If Im Sol's narrative draws you in and keeps you hooked, making you root for her to succeed, it's Seon Jae's narrative that makes you irredeemably fall in love with them and sincerely, genuinely, desperately hope they get their happy ending together after all the storm.
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And the motifs. Walking/running, for instance. I'll focus on just one scene here. I recall seeing a bts where KHY is discussing the OG 2008 accident scene, and it explains how she has to slow down, while running away, for just a moment, only to be hit by the taxi driver. Have you ever been in a situation of absolute panic, desperation and stress, then suddenly found a familiar face or a name or a thing you could connect to, and felt a wave of relief rush through you? She sees Seon Jae, a person who is calling out her name. Even if she didn't know him back then, the fact that he knew her (and that he had his uniform on), gives her a sense of safety she badly needed that moment. That momentary relief, so visible in her features, then overtakes the crippling fear she felt running in the middle of nowhere with no one in sight in the dead of the night. Her body, already exhausted beyond anything, responds to the relief she feels for those few seconds, slowing down her steps.
And that is when she is caught off-guard and hit. That also might have added to Im Sol's anger at the hospital when she is screaming at Seon Jae, her internal anguish that if only she had not paused seeing Seon Jae, and kept on running, then maybe she wouldn't be hit, wouldn't fall, wouldn't lose her ability to walk. It's one thing to have tropes and symbolic things, but it's a very different thing to know how to use them effectively so they elicit very specific types of emotions/reactions out of people. Lovely Runner excels in that. All kdramas more or less have 'things' that take on different meanings for the couples/viewers. It's the way motifs are used to narrate the story in this one that has me going back over and over again to all the episodes aired so far. These are not just their 'things', these are 'things' that drive the plot forward, tell you about their characters, their personal motivations, what they mean to each other and so much more.
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This is getting longer that I intended it to be so will end with this. I feel valued when watching Lovely Runner. And I've seen people saying the same thing. It feels like they respect your critical thinking skills, and your ability to infer, so they don't spoon-feed you everything from the get-go, and you can't predict much despite it being primarily a rom-com. You'd be pulling your hair out (again, in a good way) trying to figure out what they will show next, and you will be somewhat or very far from the truth, which will compel you to think further about the story, the characters, long after an episode has aired...I can't remember the last time it happened with a drama. I love this storytelling.
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allurilove · 1 month
It's Henry's first day at kindergarten but reader can't take him so Yan's husband goes instead
It’s your husband’s day off, and he would just absolutely love to spend it with his petulant son. Yandere husband dressed up Henry in his dark blue overalls, and even did his hair. He bought Henry a tiny green backpack that was filled with the essentials, and he made sure to buy supplies for the class too.
Yandere husband parked his car near the front of the school, and he glanced back at Henry who was strapped in his seat. Henry was pouting, his arms crossed, and his cheeks slightly puffed up.
“You look great.” your husband said with a small smile, and he reached over to give Henry a pat on the head. Henry scowled, his brows dipped with anger. The kid hated being alone with his father.
Henry leaned away before his father could touch him. “I know,” he said, with a tight grip on the shoulder straps, wringing them to control his first-day nerves. “Can you Facetime Mom now? I want to see her before I go to school.”
Yandere husband nodded, patting his pockets for his phone. “You know, your mother has a good reason why she couldn’t be here.”
You were at the doctor’s office, finally being able to see them after months of rescheduling and being rescheduled. Yandere husband knew how much this was important to you, and he got out of work for the day. He wanted to be there for you and Henry—to be a good husband and father. Of course, his son wouldn’t be too enthusiastic about spending a couple of minutes with him before school, but yandere husband would still be there for Henry.
“…and you know how she feels. She’s absolutely gutted-“ they both said at the same time. Henry rolled his eyes, hearing the whole speech of excuses the first time was alright, and hearing it again just made him feel worse. He didn’t like being away from you, and he dreamed of his first steps into his new school would be with you.
The car fell into silence as they both waited for you to pick up. Henry looked out the window, watching the swarm of kids with their parents and guardians— all with big and happy smiles. He felt a pit forming in his stomach when he heard his father dial you once more, but you must’ve been too busy to answer. Henry knew you wouldn’t have left him hanging if you saw that he was a nervous wreck. He usually had this extroverted facade around you, and acted like a kid that was ready to take on the world. However, he still needed you to hold his hand. He needed you to pick up and tell him that everything was going to be okay.
Yandere husband watched his son’s expression fall as he rang you for the third time. “Oh, uh—” he nervously chuckled, putting his phone back into his pocket. “She’s probably doing something important—” What was more important than him? “You know how it is, right, kid?”
Henry was used to hearing that about his father, but not about his mother. Mom always picks up, she would never miss a call. She always made time for him. “Call again.” Henry shook his head. “Keep calling her.”
You never answered any of your husband’s calls. Henry got out of the car with his father by his side, and they both held hands as they walked to the front doors. The young boy stared at the random permanent drawings on the brick wall, the words “hell” and “turn back around” standing out to him.
Sensing his son’s hesitation, yandere husband got down to his eye level. “The first day is always scary, I know that. I’ve had many first days, and I never got used to it, but it gets better every time! The feeling subsides—“
“What does ‘subsides’ mean?”
“Never mind that, Henry. You’ll meet new people, hang out with your friends, and make amazing memories,” yandere husband went on and on.
“Chin up, kid. You’re about to have the best—or the most mediocre—time of your life, and that’s alright!” he ended his speech with a solid slap on Henry’s back.
“Real encouraging, Dad.” Henry mumbled to himself, crossing his arms for some comfort. Henry then took a deep breath and shuffled forward. He turned around to give his father a brief wave, and he disappeared into his class.
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hellsburners · 1 year
pain and suffering
summary: to which criminals run from the shadows, and the shadows run home to you. pairing: frank castle x male reader x matt murdock word count: 4k warnings: 18+ warning, unprotected s3x, dom!mattfrank, bottom!reader, double pen3tration, blowj0bs, mentions of violence a/n: i got this request like a whole month ago and im sorry to anon it took me a while to think of this
masterlist | more matt murdock
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gif credit for frank & matt
The night air looms over Hell’s Kitchen. A normal person might hear the honking of cars and the loud chitchat of people in the street, but to a man like Daredevil, he hears everything. He hears Sally from down the street, crying as her husband comes home drunk, or Dominic, stealing another purse to pay for his brother’s medical bills. The city is not just a cluster of sounds for a man like the Devil, it’s a war cry. His city needs help, so he braces for the jump, a leap into the battlefield.
To him, pain and suffering is a saint. The pain of every hit, every jab, and every punch. To Matt Murdock, the pain of getting hit is like lashing for every sin he’s made. He is the fist of God, the guardian angel of the Kitchen, his suffering is the price for the safety of his people. So to him, yes, pain and suffering is the saint that guides him, the adrenaline to jump, to fight, to stand back up and fight again because he knows if he doesn’t, worse men will. 
He sits wounded on top of a building, the hanging laundry hiding him from plain sight. He pants, blood gushing from his lower rib. But then he smells it: gunpowder. The sound of clanking metal and rubber boots walking closer to him. He knows that smell, the smell of danger, the smell of bad news, the smell of The Punisher.
“They hit ya’ pretty bad tonight Red,” his rough voice roared across the building. He smells of blood, not his blood, but the blood of at least thirty other men. 
“I don’t need your help, Frank,” Matt said, wincing as he tried to stand. 
“I doubt that,” he was closer to Matt, he took the rear end of his rifle and pressed it to Matt’s wound, he cried out in pain. “See?”
“I don’t need any help from you.”
“That’s your problem, Red. You’re so self-righteous. You’re out here bleeding yourself to death thinking God sent you here on earth to be his punchin’ bag,'' he puts the rifle down, the metal butt hitting the floor. “You think your God can miraculously heal your wounds? The Devil ain’t no saint.” 
“And you’re any better?” Matt spat. “You wear that skull on your chest and you think that gives you the license to be a killer?” he licks his dried-up lips, the wounds weighing on him. “You’re a beast, Frank. A wild creature with no self-control, bloodthirsty, and—and inhumane.”
Frank was right, but Matt’s pride would never take any help from Frank Castle, he’s a murderer, a cold-blooded killer, and men like him have no place roaming the streets of New York. Matt tries to walk away from Frank, he could feel the blood drip into his waist, his head dizzy. Before he could even reach a meter away from Frank he feels the pull of the earth and drops into the cement floor, out cold. 
“Dumbass,” Frank spat.
To Frank Castle, pain and suffering is a weapon. 
Pain is the bullet to the head of a wife beater, a pedophile, a human trafficker, and any other demented fuck that helps in spreading crime in his city. He sniffs in the scent, it’s nauseating, the smell of garbage and piss, the smell of dead bodies piled in a heap for the cops to find. The blood pooled on his boots, painting them red. He reloads the gun, pulling on the lever that locks the bullet in the barrel, ready for the trigger. 
“Please, man. I have a wife and two kids,” the bald man begged. His shirt was soaked in blood, a bullet grazed his hip. He walks backward achingly, his back hitting the wall. “Fuck, man I swear I don't know anything ‘bout this! ”the man kneels in front of Frank, his hands together like he’s praying. 
Pain is the bullet that ends all suffering. 
The man falls on the concrete, blood dripping out of his skull. Frank wipes the blood splatter on his face with his sleeve. He takes the pistol and slides it into the holster on his thigh. He grabs the man’s sleeve and pulls him into the heap. No loose ends. 
Frank takes his rifle and leaves. Taking the rooftops so the cops won’t see him. His body is sore, but it was never a hindrance. He sees a red blur across the building. The Devil himself, running from a bunch of men. Frank notices the Devil walking strangely, a hand on his left to cover a bleeding wound. 
He takes the sniper rifle and aims it at the four men searching for the masked vigilante. He reloads the rifle, and one by one the men drop dead. The Devil was clueless as to where the bullets came from. He walks over to the wounded man, lumped over the side of a rooftop wincing in pain. 
Frank had always admired the Devil’s determination, always standing back up after a fight, the line he wouldn’t cross, it amused Frank in a way. He liked to toy with it, always putting the red vigilante in positions where his moral code is tested. 
You know you’re one bad day away from becoming like me. 
Frank once told him, and he guessed it wasn’t true. Despite how hard the world hit him, he never crossed that line. That’s why when the Devil ended up face down on the concrete floor he took his body into his shoulder. Carrying his body to the only place he knew would understand the situation. To the person that knew the creed of pain and suffering. 
He stands in front of the wooden door, the door was locked. Not his first instinct to knock, because he knew he would always be let in. He knocked on the door, no answer. He knocked louder, banging on the door, the sounds echoing throughout the hallway.
“Jesus Christ, people will hear you,” you said, answering the door. 
To you, pain and suffering is a curse. The curse that binds people to hospital beds for years, slowly rotting into the sheets as more and more medicine gets pumped into their veins. The curse that brings people into the emergency room, stabbed my knives, with broken knees, amputated fingers, and gunshot wounds through bone and muscle. 
You earn money from pain and suffering. Doctor’s fees from people you know can’t even afford it. You always wanted to give them pro-bono, but you weren't loaded like that. That’s why when injured vigilantes were involved, everyone in the New York underground knew your number. 
You had known people like Maya Lopez, Misty Knight, Ben Reilly, Ty Johnson, and Tandy Bowen alongside other masked heroes. That’s why when The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen arrived at your door four months ago you didn’t second guess your decision to help him. To you, helping these people would absolve you of being complicit in the suffering of innocent people in the hospital. 
“Got your number from Spider-man, hope you don’t mind,” he said, sprawled on your kitchen table covered in blood. His muscular body contracted from the pain as you sewed his wounds shut. You never truly cared about forming connections with your clients, it was more of a get-patched-up-and-leave type of way. 
He would often flirt with you whenever he came by, his dimples forming under his mask whenever he smiled or laughed. “Don’t worry Doc’ I’m a big boy,” he said, smiling at you. The smile quickly faded when you dug into his skin to retrieve the bullets on his bicep, a groan leaving his lips. You tried not to think about it, but he's pretty cute. 
On one night, a man banged on your door, you rushed to meet a shadow drenched in blood as if it was raining blood from the sky, a white skull on his chest. His hoarse voice groaned as you took him into your kitchen. Multiple bullet wounds, and gashes on his chest, in your personal opinion a person with that many injuries would've ended up on the morgue. 
“Did you fall into a meat grinder? What the hell,” you said. You tried your best to patch him up but he needed some blood transfusions. 
“Check the bag,” he groaned. Inside were bags of blood from the hospital, all type O, what the fuck. 
He stayed in your house for two nights, you checked his vitals every hour to make sure he was still alive. This hasn’t happened before, you’ve never had a client that was on the brink of death. It was always some minor injury, but this man managed to wake up and stand after two days to leave. 
You found a bundle of one hundred dollar bills in your mailbox the next day. 
“Bring him to the couch,” you said. You took Matt’s body as Frank carried his legs, you took his limp body into the sofa, a deep wound on the torso, an easy fix for you at this point. It has been months since you first met the two men in your apartment. You’ve spent multiple nights helping them, in your apartment, or Matt’s, or Frank’s bunker. You were technically associated with them to the point that you know their real names. 
“The emergency kit is on the kitchen counter.” 
“Got it Doc,” Frank saluted, removing his trench coat and his bulletproof vest, his muscular form bulging through his black shirt. They reeked of blood, you could taste the iron on your tongue. 
Matt’s eyes fluttered, his head turning to the sound of your voice. “Hey,” he said, groaning through the pain. You cut his undershirt open, the wound gushing out blood. You took some gauze to soak the viscous liquid, making sure the clotting starts. 
“Sit your ass down, Red,” Frank ordered. You managed to sew the wound shut, you gave Matt some pain relievers as his eyes fell back into sleep. You let him rest for a bit, covering him in a fleece blanket. You walked towards Frank, a few cuts on his arms, he was already in the middle of sewing some of them before you helped. “Don’t worry about me, it’s nothin’”
“Make sure you don’t die in my kitchen this time,” you said, walking to the kitchen sink to rinse your bloodied hands. You opened your refrigerator to grab a drink. “Want a beer?”
“Sure,” Frank nods.
You took a cold beer from your fridge, the metal caps clanking on the floor. You handed him the bottle, he took a big swig like he was thirsty for water, some liquid falling from the corner of his lips. He sat on a wooden chair, legs spread, the hem of his shirt raising a bit to show a peak of his abdomen. 
Matt soon woke up. Much to your disagreement, taking a beer of his own. He took a seat in your dining area, topless with bandages around his torso. The three of you are looking at each other around the table. “So–what happened tonight?” you asked. 
Matt’s frown was deadset. Frank taking gulps of his second bottle of beer. You were taking sips of your bottle, looking at the heated tension between the two. It was annoyingly anxiety-inducing. “You know, I don’t know what’s the point of talking to you two—I’m a physician, not a therapist.” 
“You need to stay away from him,” Matt said, his lips a straight line. “He’s a dangerous person with nothing good going on for his pathetic life.”
“Boohoo! Little catholic boy here feels entitled about being god’s little bitch,” Frank spat. “Is that what you think bitch boy?”
“See? He’s an immature old fuck that thinks the world’s answer to violence is guns and bullets,” Matt said, downing his beer.
“He’s just using his lawyer bullshit on you,” Frank said.
You rolled your eyes, it’s always like this, them bickering. You downed the beer, the bitter taste running through your tongue. You set it down with a loud clunk. The two men halted their bickering. 
“I’m not taking sides but I think both of you are annoying cry babies that should just kiss and make out!” the two men frowned their brows. “You bicker like an old couple—the two of you need to suck it up because, at the end of the day, the two of you leave a trail of blood in this city that I clean!” you shouted.“You know how many people end up in the emergency room thanks to you two, I don’t even keep count of them anymore.”
Matt called for your name, to apologize or something, but you took another bottle of beer and gulped on the bubbly drink. Instead of talking you took his lips to yours, the bitter taste of his mouth shared with yours. His hands come to your neck, fingers wrapping around the flesh as his tongue meets yours. You smell his clean shampoo mixing with the alcohol, he smelled like a man who took hygiene seriously.
You pull back to walk towards Frank, bending down to kiss him, pressing on his shoulder with your hands to guide you. The bitter taste of both of your mouths intoxicates you. He grabs the hem of your shirt, pulling you in more. He smelled of cheap soap and gunpowder. You pulled away to catch them frozen, feet glued to the floor, aghast.
“See,” you rubbed your hands. “Not hard at all.” 
Frank was biting his lip chuckling, his fingers massaging his lip. He pulled you to his lap, kissing you harder, his hands falling to your ass. Your hands run through his dark hair, his stubble pricking your face. You moaned from the contact, Matt’s enhanced senses making the sound echo in his head. He hesitated but his groin turned to the noises you made. Frank’s lips fall to your neck, nibbling on the skin eliciting more lewd noises from you. 
“See this red?” he said. “This little slut likes it.”
“Play with his ear, he likes it,” Matt ordered. Frank hadn’t known that.
“He also likes it when I do this,” he pinches your nipples, and you shudder from the slight pain. The two men didn’t know that you had experiences of having sex with them on different occasions. “So you’re a little whore huh, you do this to all of your clients?”
“No—,” you gasped. “Just you two.”
Matt chuckled. Frank had set you on his lap so that you were facing Matt, his hands playing with both of your nipples as he left purple hickeys all over your neck. Matt had knelt in front of you palming your growing erection. The ache in your groin grows from the lack of release. Tonight these men offer you more pain and suffering but in ways that elicit nothing but pleasure. 
He takes your trousers off leaving you with nothing but your shirt, finally something to ease the pain. Matt stood to open his pants, his thick cock standing tall, the hairs neatly trimmed. “Take his dick inside your mouth,” Frank whispered, while he stretched your legs open so his fingers could tease your hole. He took his fingers to your mouth making it wet.
Matt’s hands ran through your hair, his tip teasing your swollen lips. As you took his length into your mouth, Frank's finger entered your hole curling inside drawing out muffled sounds from your mouth. You were quickly bent over by Frank, his head in between your ass cheeks licking and fingering your hole, while your head was bobbing up and down on Matt’s cock. 
Frank smacked your ass so hard it left a red print as he continued to toy with your rear. Matt groaned as the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. Frank pulled you back with your hair, popping Matt’s cock out with a string of saliva. It was painful the way they carried you, but in some sick twist of events, it turned you on even more. 
“My turn,” Frank said, as he takes your mouth to his sex, you engulf his thick uncut cock, your nose hitting his unkempt hair taking in his scent. Matt bent down to toy with your hole, curling and stretching two fingers inside you stimulating your prostate. You were turning your lips as you sucked on Frank’s cock, a hoarse groan leaving his mouth as he grabbed onto your hair tightly. 
Matt stroked your cock as he moaned, eating you out with his wet tongue and playing with the rim of your hole. Frank took control of your mouth, fucking into it like you’re his sex toy, his cocking hitting the roof of your mouth at a constant speed. Frank could feel his climax coming so he pulls out leaving you a wet mess next to Matt. 
“Can I fuck you?” Matt asked. You nod, taking them into your bedroom. 
Frank undressed and took a seat on the small sofa chair in the corner of the room, stroking his hard cock. You were on all fours on the bed, facing Frank. His eyes glued to you as he stroked. Matt lubes your hole before slowly pressing his cock into your hole. You gasped as he sheathed into you. Frank smirked, this turned him on even more, his large arms contracting as he stroked his cock.
Matt started to fuck you slowly, his hips slapping your ass. He started to let out guttural moans, his hips becoming rigid as he gripped onto your waist, his nails digging into your skin. He bends down to kiss your neck, rutting into you, his hard thrusts ramming into you. “I’m close,” he moaned. He jerks your cock to the point that you yelp out, cum shooting out of your cock as he continues to jerk his hips before he emptied inside you, a deep groan leaving his lips as his cum fills you. You two collapsed on the bed, his body weight on top of you. 
“Move over Red,” Frank said, looming over you as Matt moves over before Frank mounts you. Matt’s cum formed a slippery lube that made Frank’s cock ease its way as it thrusts. Your body was still weak from your high. He grabs onto your hair as he ruts into you, continuing his hard pace against your body. “You like that?” he said, stroking your sore cock back to hardness. 
“Ye–yes, fuck,” you moaned. 
Matt was at the edge of the bed, soothing your hair as he peppered kisses all over your face. The bed creaked as Frank humped you, veins popping across his arms as his grip on you tightened, you’re sure it would leave marks. He pulled out, leaving you to gasp from the sudden lack of fullness. He sits back on the headboard of your bed, legs sprawled as he gestures for you to ride him. You mount yourself on his hardness, sitting on his thick and hairy thighs. Matt sits on the edge of the bed, his erection coming back from the sight of you two. 
“Take it like a good boy,” Frank praises. You hold onto his chest as you feel the hardness enter you, some of Matt’s cum leaking out. You take Frank’s lips, you now realize how abrasive his stubble was. You move your hips around and around, Frank lets out curses here and there. He pulls your head back, littering your neck with more marks, his fingers find your nipples, teasing them to draw out more moans from you.
Franks sees Matt on the side, his hard already leaking precum just from watching you take Frank’s cock. He calls for Matt to come to you two, to join back in. You feel Matt’s fingertips on your skin, your body is now so filled with stimulation, his mere touch driving you wild. You feel his erection on your back, his lips attached to your shoulders. He takes his leaking cock and presses into your hole, the size alongside Frank’s was a tight fit, your breathing quickens from all the pressure. The two men made sure to guide you and praise you as you take both of their lengths. 
You cry out from the sensation. Frank takes your lips to stifle your cries, tears fall from your eyes as your tongues touch, and Matt inches to join your kiss. The three of you kiss into the pain, The two men slowly moving inside you. The pressure was so intense but the arousal overcame, your sex was so hard, leaking so much into Frank’s abdomen. They start to thrust, Matt could feel his sensitive frenulum rub on Frank’s, it made his eyes roll back, his senses overflowing. 
All of you reeked of sex, the sounds of slapping skin and wet tongues fighting for dominance against the grunts and moans. The constant rocking was making the bed hit the wall, the mattress moved as if there were an earthquake. You were all covered in sweat, hair sticking onto skin, Hands gripping the wooden headboard, fingertips roaming skin, and tongues lashing on each other. 
Everything felt like a blur to you, you were being rocked back and forth like a playground swing, your core sore from the fucking, and there were pairs of hands all over you touching your most sensitive spots. You could feel the climax, creeping into your body tingling your coccyx to the highest peak of your spine. You felt their erratic thrusts, Frank was a groaning mess under you, his neck all red and his face flushed. Matt was a noisy mess on your ear, cursing and calling your name like a prayer, his arm wrapped around your waist as he fucked. 
You were at your peak, arousal overflowed from your body into theirs. Their cum filling into you. You all yelped out in pleasure as you rode your highs. Frank dug his hands into your thighs as Matt hid his forehead on your shoulder, rutting their fill into you. The next few minutes came to you in flashing lights, like fireworks spraying colored lights all over the room. 
You woke up the next day to two heavy bodies at your sides. Matt’s arms around your waist with your head resting on Frank’s chest. All of you reeked of sweat and cum. As you turned you saw Matt’s eyes flutter, his long lashes flicking as his golden eyes beamed under the sunlight. 
“Sorry about last night,” he whispered. 
“Why? I had fun,” you said, peppering kisses all over his cheeks. 
“You sure?” he said, as he rubbed his thumbs on your cheeks. 
“Pretty sore but nothing a pain reliever won’t fix,” you said. 
“I guess you’re right, making out fixes everything,” Frank said, his voice deeper. He joins you and Matt, pressing kisses all over your shoulders. Matt takes this as a sign to kiss you all over your neck, their hands snaking all over your body. “What’s good for breakfast around here?” Frank said in between kisses.
“There’s a good diner across the street,” Matt said, leaving soothing kisses on the marks they left on your neck. Your body was so sore and painful, but these men made sure to make it up to you. You woke up last night to them cleaning you up, Matt wiping you with a damp cloth and Frank rummaging through your closet to grab something for you to wear. Despite their rough lifestyles, they made sure you were taken care of. Maybe a little less pain and suffering next time though. 
“But first,” you said, pulling away from them.” Shower.” 
interactions are greatly appreciated btw if u liked this fic and want more send me a prompt and i'd gladly make something from it :>
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spdrvyn · 5 months
the soft candle glow, the music so slow (short drabble) — soft and slow mornings with (mafia) miguel after he comes home from an exhausting night of work. gift for @lauraolar14, check out her art for him omg
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the coffee machine whirs with life as it sputters short bursts of espresso into your cup, miguel must have put new beans in because the aroma feels different. a milkier version of your usual wake up call with a savoury twist on your tongue, but you're in the mood for something sweet this morning.
you stand on your tip toes, but the edges of your fingers aren't able to reach the jar of sugar that's sitting on the top shelf when it's normally two levels lower. quite frankly, you don't want to walk to a completely different room just to get a stool just to get sugar.
thankfully, you don't have to. not anymore when miguel's hardened torso through cotton fabric warms your backside, his arm brushes against yours as he effortlessly grabs the ceramic from the top shelf while placing a kiss to the crown of your head.
"where have you been?" you gasp softly, he doesn't answer at first. scooping up two spoonfuls of sugar and pouring them into your cup, like he's apologizing. you notice the bruises and split skin on his knuckles, but he speaks first.
"negotations took longer than i thought they would," miguel rasped, his voice sounded like wheels against gravel, as if he'd been screaming the whole night. "i told them to handle it, but you know how incompetent they can get."
he interrupts you again when he doesn't let you run your thumbs over his wounds, but he slips his hands under the hem of your tank top to caress your bare hips. his breath is staggering, his arms are bordering on trembling, as he mutters small apologies against the fat of your cheek.
your touch, however, parallels that of a feather when you bring your own hand up to cup his face. unfortunately, where you're able to feel a scar that's yet to form later, miguel doesn't even hiss or flinch even though you're quite sure you scraped your nails against his open wound.
it's so gentle. you're so gentle. he could almost cry, because everyday is a losing battle convincing himself that he deserves this life with you that contrasts what he does to others, for others everyday.
"how about some coffee and antiseptic for those cuts, hm?"
so he settles on keeping his tears in, for now. you sit him down on the armchair of your living room, you set his americano on the small table next to him with so much care no matter how simple of a gesture it is. even when you're pouring medicine, burning, raging, medicine into his open skin, he doesn't shy away or groan from the pain. he keeps his gaze locked on you, because he's quite confident that god sent him a guardian angel.
so he settles on finally crying when you're wrapping bandages around his knuckles. quiet, but wracked sobs flood his being. his persistent, stubborn, and stupid being. you lean forward, smoothing his hair over on his forehead to leave kisses, and it feels like flowers bloom in your wake.
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who needs Therapy when i have Tumblr. one of those Ts is clearly more superior than the other
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queenofallimagines · 8 months
Omg hello!! I just read your devotee headcanons(they were all amazing I loved them) for the brothers and I just wanted to ask if you could do one for guardian angel simeon???in my religion we believe that every person has a guardian angel so imagine how funny it would be when you come down to the devildom and simeon is like :o it's you!!
Certainly beloved!💕 I think this one might be the longest😭
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- unlike the others, notices right off the bat
- He’s been assigned to you since before birth like come on he could recognize you by just an eyelash
- Will be slightly hurt if you don’t recognize him
- “You don’t remember me?🥺 but I sing you a lullaby when you were 2”
- Sir…. Please be serious, that’s like 3 seconds of memory
- Will passive aggressively push for you to move in with him in purgatory hall
- Lucifer is exhausted because he’s always there
- “You act like you LIVE here. Go back to YOUR dorms!”
- “Bold of you to think I would leave MY precious, amazing human here will all of you unsupervised”
- He’s not about to stop being clingy neither
- Sharing old stories at student coy meetings like you have got to stop him before he gets out a photo album 😭
- Scolds you like a parent
- “I know you’re now doing what you shouldn’t be”
- Luke is your honorary baby brother
- Will ask Luke to watch you like he’s tall enough to reach the microwave
- “Luke I’ll be back in a minute make sure they don’t have any more sweets”
- Like you’re literally grown💀please tell him to back off a little or this will get worse
- When he realizes he’s falling for you in a way Guardian Angels shouldn’t. He panics
- This the same shit Lilith did
- And he got demoted for just AGREEING with Lucifer about the war
- Hides it like he’s gonna take it to the grave, especially from Luke
- You notice he starts avoiding you a little and will lie through his teeth that he’s just feeling a little under the weather
- Lucifer peeped game though, and he’s like yeah absolutely NOT
- he’s not letting anything else happen to any more of his Family
- Will lock your ass up until he gets Simeon alone to have a talk with him
- Like you now have a curfew 😭
- Listen…. He would tear apart the entire exchange program over lesson 16,,,,
- Like y know how Diavolo said Simeon is the ONE person he doesn’t want to piss off?
- Yeah it’s like inconsolable now
- In any timeline any life any dimension he will feel you’re endanger
- In like Bible canon they really can’t help unless god gives them the okay so they’re often times forced to watch the one they were bound to protect suffer
- But this is the devildom and he don’t really got eyes down here. So who’s to stop him from coming to your aid??
- Even though you’re “technically” okay he’s still like not having it
- As soon as it happens he feels a sharp cold pain throughout his entire body and drops whatever he’s holding
- Struggling to remember how to breathe all he can think about is sprinting to the house of lamentation
- Busts open the doors to see you in mammon arms, and it’s like his whole world shatters
- He hears belphie laughing, and he’s never felt rage like this before
- Lucifer is fighting for his LIFE because he’s having to balance feeling grief, shock,rage, and also try to keep his brothers from going off the deep end so he’s like frozen
- Can’t think fast enough to stop Simeon from unleashing some divine punishment on this spoiled brat
- Lucifer does snatch him up because he will literally kill him in cold blood right there if he doesn’t reason with him
- Almost snaps back on Lucifer before you show up again for the intermission
- Shaking and crying with relief
- You’re gonna make him literally faint MC please😭
- Like don’t the angels use a LOT of magic to keep their emotions in check so they don’t go crazy like demons do?
- They’re having to suppress every emotion ever and dull those
- So he’s got like a couple of eons of just raw feelings pent-up beating his ass all at once
- When you explain the reveal he’s like REALLY about to throw up
- Lucifer and everyone are like feeling relief and are glad you’re okay
- Almost wants to break mammon arms for holding you and barely letting anyone else get near you
- But he’s frozen in shock too
- Lucifer side eying Simon like,,,,, me too bro, but he has NO idea how to talk to him about that?
- Settles for holding you as tight as possible and whispering a prayer into your hair for protection
- Teaches you to use your angel powers
- But doubles down on his over protectiveness
- Helicopter angel now
- Which doesn’t really mesh well with Lucifer’s attachment anxiety
- will come pick you up at random ass times and whisk you away for no reason
- Like the exam is in a month why are you studying devildom history now???
- Causing Lucifer to freak the fuck out when he does his randomly scheduled MC room check-ups
- Doesn’t even think to text you before hyperventilating
- Luckily enough, the first time you come back with Simeon attached at the hip
- Him and Lucifer have gotten into it a few times over this
- Dia is forced to call a student council meeting without you present
- You and Luke think the meeting is tomorrow and are making snacks
- he’s like okay Simeon you can’t keep doing this
- And he goes OFF
- Like this is HIS fault for not watching and protecting you
- Like if this is supposed to be for human angels and demons to coexist you’re doing a shit job
- Almost single-handedly shuts down the program by saying he will take you home and make sure they never get near you ever again
- Lucifer feeling so much guilt he can’t breathe is trying to be in his best behavior and be rational, but Simeon is relentless
- He’s talking out the side of his neck until he snaps back on some “you’re literally following in Lilith’s footsteps! Do you not think that the celestial real won’t also deal out a punishment for MC? You falling from grace isn’t the only thing on the line here.”
- It’s suddenly crickets
- Even Barbados is like 😦🫢
- He can’t even deny those allegations so he’s just like glaring at him
- Solomon steps in bc WOW this is getting crazy
- Reasons with him that because you have a pact with all of them now they CANT hurt you and you’re training under him as a sorcerer so you’ll be fully equipped to defend yourself from anything
- Simeon relents at least sitting back down in his chair
- Explains there really nobody best as a candidate for representing the three realms than you being a part of all three of them
- (Lilith when she died wasn’t an angel or a demon but something in between so in my head MC has always been all three; human demon and angel and that’s why they’re extra immune to demon magic)
- Simeon agreeing to chill out a little bit swearing if anything else ever happens to you, he wouldn’t hesitate to target whoever’s directly responsible
- Imagine how awkward the actual meeting is tomorrow 😭
- You’re having a great morning and everyone holding they breath
- Barbados my beloved is the only one who’s got enough sense and acting skills to act like nothing happened
- When you stop lord Doavolo mid-sentence to ask what the FUCK is up with these rancid vibes
- Barbatos kindly informs you that it’s the stress from a new school event that diavolo has yet to announce
- “It happens annually (lie) and it’s usually very exhausting to put together. Perhaps you can alleviate some of that for us.”
- Everyone subtlety lets out the breath they were holding seeing you so excited to help out
- Barbatos stirring the pot a little more ALSO suggests you run the maid bunny café
- Suddenly everyone forgets what the elephant in the room was and is now talking over each other
- There was no school event btw LMAO so they just had to make one up and then take three weeks to prepare for it.
- Great way to lift the spirits though✨
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thefirstknife · 2 months
Literally every time I tune in for a story update and think "there's no way I'll be taking emotional damage this week" and then I do.
First I really like the added context about what an Echo is, from Ikora:
Genocide. Thousands of civilisations across the universe, all visited by the Black Fleet. All lost to the violence of the final shape. That's where this Echo comes from. At least, that's our theory. Reports from the Pale Heart, readings on the Valence emanating from the Traveler... Everything we faced when we stared down the Witness and broke its fleet. At first, we didn't know what to call them. But Echoes seemed apt. Memories from the victims of the Pyramids, held by the Darkness... then coalesced by the Light into artifacts as sharp and fatal as their pain. If Darkness is memory, and Light is form... What else could they be? But... there's still so much we don't know. Is this the only one? What forgotten people gave form to this Echo? What was their final cry at their end? For control? A means to turn back their oppressors? My Hidden will keep searching for whatever answers the Witness' death can give us... hopefully they number more than the questions it left behind. But we need to stop the Conductor and secure the Echo. Guardian, descend into Nessus. Massive amounts of radiolaria has been diverted beneath the planet's crust. We need to find out what the Vex are building there.
I think it's fair to assume that the memory of the Qugu is what formed this Echo then. That's fascinating also because of what other species we might learn about in the next two episodes.
Psion mention:
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Show us the Psions. What are they doing. Don't throw these hints at me, at the same time with Otzot and OXA hints.
And then the emotional damage??? First Saint on the holoprojector:
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Guardian. I hear that you are hard at work on Nessus, following the Echo and the Conductor. I know you do this in part for me, but... I do not know if I am worth the trouble. I was pulled through Nessus like a toy on a string. The Conductor's words still echo in my mind, "A copy of a copy of a copy." Osiris pushed through time to find his Saint-14. [sighs] He said he was careful, but... he reached blindly, and pulled out... only me. And no... I live a life tat does not belong to me. I am something left over from a broken timeline... a remainder. The Conductor whispered I should be thrown away... A solution as simple as, correcting an error. And maybe... that would- Ah! I-I do not know what to think anymore.
Saint. "Not worth the trouble"? Saint, I personally walked through the corridors of time to get you out. I had to see your dead body with my own two eyes. I need to tell him this. He has to know. Oh my god.
But also. Osiris did not reach blindly. I am jumping off a cliff! He spent so much time and effort trying to find the right one in the right moment. That was the whole point. But Saint doesn't know this because Osiris never told him exactly what he did. If they don't mention everything we've done in Dawn, I am just going to walk into traffic. This Saint knows that we saved him. That we gave him the shotgun. We saw him in several different moments of his life and he carried the shotgun through: this is important because he died with it originally. So we know it's the right one. That's the only reason the Sundial worked out even; because we're tied to Saint via a paradox.
And then the radio. WHAT is happening.
Osiris: You're only doing this to hurt yourself, and I will not be a part of it. Saint-14: Osiris. Answer the question. I need to know. Osiris: It doesn't matter! Not like this. Saint-14: It matters to me. Please. How did I first tell you that I loved you? Osiris: Saint... [sighs] You had asked me for something, some tactical report. I gave it to you, and you thanked me, and-and you said that you loved me. You said it as if you had, already said it a thousand times before. I was not ready to say it in return, but... it was not long until I was. Saint-14: That is not... I do not remember it this way. That is not what happened in my... my simulation. We were together in the Tower, overlooking the City. Talking about... something small. And I said what I felt in that moment. And my Osiris did not hesitate to say the same. Osiris: "Your Osiris?" Saint, you love me. It doesn't matter how or-or where that began. Not in such fine detail. Saint?
I reiterate. What is happening. We know that the story Osiris told is true because we got it as a lore tab. And we also know that we saved the right Saint. We didn't pick one randomly as he thinks, Osiris and the YW went to great lengths to do this. So what's going on. Did the Conductor mess him up? Saint has not, until now, exhibited any issues with memory and has never had different memories from Osiris or anyone else. What did she do to him when he was yoked? Did she use the power over Vex to mess with his memories? Implant memories the Vex might have in the network about him from other timelines? I'm losing it.
Speaking of the Conductor, we got a firm confirmation it's Maya in the lore tab from Polyphony. And it's MSund12 so that also tells us which Maya; one of the copies from the Vex Network. It also details stuff about her shock upon learning about the Collapse and all that was lost and how humanity never truly recovered. She thinks she can... "help" by using the Vex and simulations. This also links to the mysterious lore tabs on the exotic items from the season pass.
Anyway, I'm perishing.
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artistsfuneral · 1 year
Jaskier meets Death at a forked path. He has never seen them in person before, their face - although incredible kind looking - is not one he's familiar with and yet he instinctively knows who is in front of him.
It's quite the idyllic picture to be honest. The path Jaskier has been following for the past few hours is lined with rough stone walls, the ones that are keeping flocks of sheep from straying too far. The sun is out and shining through the tree's leaves, creating a kaleidoscope of dancing shadows on the fresh grass. Death sits under one such dancing shadow-patch, surrounded by napping sheep. Their left hand is idly petting the spotted fur of a guardian dog, with their right, they're waving Jaskier over to join them.
He silently wonders if he should be scared. Others certainly would be terrified upon seeing Death waiting for them, but Jaskier has always been easily intrigued. Besides, Death is hardly looming over him, it's more like they're waiting for him - like one may wait for an old friend. It could be a trick of course, he muses as he walks over to where Death is sitting, then again it feels like the two of them could have met many, many times before and in much worse situations than this. So who is Jaskier to question Death?
The closer he gets the more he is able to take in. They're tall - taller than anyone he's met before, Jaskier thinks - and incredibly pretty. Not in the perfectly manicured kind of pretty, like some of the most beautiful darlings at court tend to be. No, Death carries a natural loveliness that can only be found and never created, like a special constellation of freckles, an off-center nose, or a small gap between your teeth. Death is everyone Jaskier ever sung of combined in one person, which makes him wonder if they always look like this or if they changed their appearance to please Jaskier's eyes specifically. If the latter, he'd surely feel flattered.
"Come sit with me, sweetheart," Death says and Jaskier is delighted to hear their voice. It's a very nice voice. He wants to hear Death laugh, he realizes as he sinks down next to them on the grass. Their eyes meet his and Death sends him the kindest smile, "It's been a while since I've seen you, sweetheart, I'm glad to see you happy and healthy." Jaskier grins, because what a funny thing for Death to say, but he can hear the honesty in their words. "Oh you know, just the usual aches and pains of my slowly progressing age. Nothing you haven't heard a hundred times before, I'm sure," Jaskier happily chatters back in the same familiar tone. "It's a lovely day, isn't it?" He asks and reaches for his pack. Might as well take his lunch break now, while the fruit he bought earlier this day are still fresh. Death answers his question with an agreeing hum and oh yes, Jaskier might just fall in love with them right then and there.
He focuses on his lunch and wills his foolish heart to calm. "Would you like some?" he asks Death, because his Mama raised him well and eating alone is never quite as enjoyable as sharing a meal. Death looks at him with amusement in their eyes. "I can not eat, but I appreciate the gesture."
Jaskier sighs, "What a pity."
"A small price to pay for a life like mine."
"You're alive?"
"I am here, am I not?"
He looks at Death wide eyed, a hundred thoughts stumbling through his mind at the same time. "I have so many questions."
"And I have a favor to ask of you, sweetheart," Death retords not unkindly. Throughout their short conversation the amusement never quite left their eyes and while Jaskier would normally feel patronized by such a look he somehow knows that Death is simply enjoying his company.
"Are we doing this right? Doesn't this whole asking for a favor thing usually go the other way around?" Death laughs and Jaskier's heart does a little jump, his fingers itch to write a new song. "You read too much, sweetheart."
"I don't believe there's such a thing as reading too much."
"The words of a scholar and a poet."
"At your service."
"Of course. I always get what I want," Death says knowingly, shoving yet another metaphorical box of Pontar towards Jaskier. Lucky for him he has long since learned to not think about these kind of things too much. It does feel a little bit like Death tricked him, though he loves a good repartee. "I have to admit, I am curious indeed. What could I possibly offer to you?"
Death turns their head away from him, looking at the dog in deep consideration. "I need..." Death pauses and Jaskier almost wants to think of it in a hesitant way, "to win a bet." The bard's shoulders drop immediately. "Ah," he says, because the hesitation now starts to make sense. Surely Death must know this of him. "I don't do bets, I'm afraid. It never ends well for the poets caught in between."
"I know," Death agrees easily and not very reassuringly, as a matter of fact. "But I am in need of a song. A song to bring the gods to tears and neither can I write nor sing. What I can do, is offer you my protection."
Jaskier's mind floods with thoughts.
Protection from Death.
The two of them stare into each other's eyes, the world around them timeless, everlasting. Finally, it is Jaskier who breaks the contact and returns to his bundle of food. He bites into a fruit, it's sweet juices run down his chin and drip onto his chemise. "I will make the gods weep," he declares and watches Death smile full of warmth.
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galactic-magick · 1 year
hey! can you please write something with peter quill when the guardians needs informations from a guy and his girlfriend starts flirting with him. at the end she got what she wanted but also a jealous/angry boyfriend
Starlord Charm: Peter Quill x Reader
Summary: Peter always flirts with people in front of you on missions, so you decide it’s your turn.
Words: 0.8k+
Warnings: some language
You’ve lost count of how many missions you’ve had to witness your boyfriend’s “Starlord Charm” on people other than yourself. Flirting with people is one of his favorite tactics for getting information, and it works maybe about half the time (although he likes to insist that it works more than that). Usually you don’t mind at all, especially because you know that under the act he puts on he only has eyes for you, but lately it’s been getting particularly annoying.
He’s gotten a lot more intense and elaborate with his flirting, and it usually happens after you’ve gotten into an argument. It’s his way of messing with you and getting back at you. Sure, you could be the bigger, more mature person and just talk to him about how it makes you feel, but you’d rather have fun with it.
The next time you’re on a mission with the Guardians, you’re tracking down some dangerous weapons and trying to figure out who’s manufacturing and selling them. You really don’t have a lot to go on so far, so currently you’re looking through the archives in the largest library in the galaxy. You’ve all been at it for hours, and you haven’t found so much as a single clue or lead. Whoever it is you’re looking for, they basically don’t exist.
You stay long after dark, and eventually the librarians have to kick you out. You’re all feeling defeated and exasperated, trudging back to the ship in the city lights.
That is, until a certain symbol catches your eye.
You see the same symbol you saw on one of the weapons on the window of a store down the street, and the last employee seems to me walking out right now.
“Come with me, guys,” you say softly, running towards the man.
He watches you as you approach him, understandably on guard.
“Hey!” you wave, trying to be friendly and not scare him away. “Could you help us with something?”
“I guess so?” his eyes dart around the whole group. “I was about to go home actually-”
“Great, thank you,” you beam at him, completely disregarding the last part of what he said. “That symbol on the window, what does it mean?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “I just work the closing shift, I don’t really ask questions,”
You sigh, a bit annoyed that you ran into yet another dead end. But maybe, just maybe, he just needs a little persuading.
This is your time to have a little fun.
You look Peter dead straight in the eyes, and then back at the man.
“Hey,” you get the worker’s attention again. “I’m sure you’re tired, handsome, but I could really use the information,”
Both his and Peter’s eyebrows raise at your words.
“Well, I mean, I think my boss has a deal with some company that uses that symbol,” he says. “That’s all I know, though,”
“Oh, you’re the best,” you laugh, briefly touching his arm. “Do you think we could take a look around inside to find out more?”
“I really shouldn’t let you do that-”
“Don’t you want to help us, honey? It’s important,”
“I-” his face changes color from your deep, doe-eyed stare. “I can’t let you in after hours because I’d get in huge trouble, but I can give you my boss’s information. That way you can contact the people who know about it directly,”
He transfers the data to your device instantaneously, as well as his own contact information.
“Oh, thank you!” you peck his cheek and wink at him as he walks away, “Have a good night!”
Peter’s face is still scrunched up long after you part ways with the man, and he finally breaks his silence once you all reach the ship.
“What the fuck was that?”
“I was just getting information, Peter. And I got it, didn’t I?”
“Not like that, you’re not!”
“Oh, so when you flirt with people in front of me it’s fine, but when I do it it’s a problem? That was nothing compared to what you do!”
“My charm is just part of who I am, okay? What do you want me to do, turn it off?”
“Only if you’re going to throw a fit about me turning mine on!”
He sits down with a thump, still glaring at you.
“Does it-” his face softens a bit. “Does it really bother you that much when I flirt with people on missions?”
“A little bit, yeah,” you admit. “Especially because it seems like you do it to make me mad. That’s why I wanted to make you mad back,”
“Well, it worked,” he chuckles. “Although I’m not as cute as you when I’m mad,”
“Wow,” you punch him playfully.
“C’mere,” he pulls you closer, and you sit on his lap. “If it really bothers you, I’ll tone it down, I promise. I’ll find some other way to get back at you when I’m mad at you,”
“Oh really, you’d do that for me?” you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes at his antics.
“I’m serious. I love you too much to let something like this cause problems,” he kisses the side of your head. “Besides, you’re my favorite person to flirt with,”
You smirk, succumbing to his enticements, “I better be.”
Read this to make a Guardians request!
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oswildin · 23 days
home is where the chaos is (loki laufeyson x gotg!reader) - part one
Summary: Loki is after an artefact, but it seems he isn’t the only one. Enter the Guardians of the Galaxy… There was something… chaotically charming about them. (GOTG/LOKI AU, Set after ‘Thor Ragnarok’ where Loki decided to explore the galaxy instead of returning to the statesman. Tweaking of the timeline where Thanos is still busy doing Mad Titan shit in prep for his plan lmao).
A/N: Yes, I am a GOTG!Loki truther. GN READER! I did have to kind give the reader a personality to fit because… well, they’re a guardian lol.
Rating: All ages/SFW
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“Uh- I do believe that belongs to me…”
“Really? I am… so sorry!”
“Wow, I can’t believe I made that mistake-“
“It’s… quite alright… If you could just…”
“Although… Looking at it now… I can’t seem to see your name on it…”
“You can’t be serious-“
“I always put my name on things. Otherwise you never know who may… come along and pick it up…”
Loki’s lips parted, a flicker of annoyance and, maybe even, the faintest glimmer of amusement passing through his features. Apparently the artefact Loki had been planning to steal was rather… sought after. Loki let out a heavy breath before fixing his lips into a smile, one that was charming with an edge of warning.
“I’m a God.” Loki replied smoothing, his usual arrogance in his tone. “I don’t need to put my name on things-“
“Do you have any identification?”
“Well, you could just be saying that to get what you want.”
Loki once again blinked, completely taken back by your words. You were… peculiar to say the least. He pursed his lips with a faint clicking of his tongue, raising his chin as his hands moved to his hips.
“No, I do not have any identifi-“
“Oh, well, then I guess… This is mine.”
You flashed him a quick smile, having thoroughly confused the God of Mischief, before moving to pass him. Loki stood for a moment, brows raised in surprise at your… attitude. He had come for the artefact, and he would damn well be leaving with it.
“Got it.”
He heard you speak, turning on his heel to see you speaking into some sort of communication device strapped on your wrist as you walked nonchalantly away. His hands fell from his hips, straightening his posture, preparing to swipe the artefact.
“Excuse me-“ Loki began lowly, trying to keep his voice light and non combative, although his frustration was evident on his face. Of course, he could simply just… incapacitate you and take it, but words were always his first choice. Besides… he was rather… curious about such brazenness. He watched as you paused your steps, turning with a raised brow to look at him. “I’m sorry-“ He gave a brief, breathy laugh - one of disbelief. “I think there may have been a misunderstanding-“
“Really? Because…” You furrow your brows. “I thought I understood very clear…” You feigned confusion. “You claimed this artefact was yours, I looked to see if your name was on it, and there is no name on it at all…” You continued, tilting your head. “And then you claimed you were a God but could not provide any identification, so I have instantly categorised you in my head… as a liar.”
Loki kept a tight smile on his lips the whole time, looking at you with a faintly tilted head, staying silent for a moment as if he was trying to fill the silence with tension. But you seemed… unfazed. Completely and utterly unfazed. He narrowed his eyes ever so slightly, trying to convey the threat he posed, smile tightening.
“Are you okay?” You eyed him, a flicker of confusion on your face. “You look like you’re in pain… or ate a bad Orloni-“
“What?” Loki furrowed his brows. “No- I- I’m fine-“
“Are you sure? I might have some indigestion remedy in my-“
“Just-“ Loki took a sharp breath. “GIVE ME THE ARTEFACT!” He exclaimed, his restraint reaching its limit.
“No!” You held the artefact closer to your chest, pouting faintly.
“Give it to me-“ Loki repeated, voice low, a warning. You shook your head, stepping back as Loki tried to swipe it from you, his fingers swiping through the air. “You are… infuriating!”
“Thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment!”
“Hey, idiot- what’s taking you so long?”
Rocket’s voice came through your communication device, Loki’s eyes flickering to your wrist. So, you weren’t acting alone, just as he had suspected after hearing you talk to whoever was on the other end earlier. You both stood silently, you watching Loki closely.
“Are you going to get that?”
You pursed your lips, slowly raising your wrist, eyes fixed on Loki. Just as you did so, Loki called upon his magic, his figure shimmering green as he disappeared in front of your eyes. Your brows raised in surprise, grip faltering on the artefact, just as you heard a shimmer sound behind you, feeling a hand yank the artefact from your hold.
“Hey!” You whirled round, seeing Loki smirking. “Give that back!”
“Oh, I’m sorry…” Loki furrowed his brows, feigning regret. “Is this yours?” He tilted his head, lifting the artefact in his hand, taunting almost. “It’s just… I don’t see your name on it.” His eyes sparkled with amusement, throwing your own words back at you. You narrowed your eyes, a heavy breath escaping through your nose.
“Real mature.” You quipped, Loki giving a small shrug.
“Well, it was… a pleasure.” He said lightly, eyeing you. “But, I have what I came for now, so I shall leave you to… whatever it is you do.” Loki gave a small nod and brief wink, one of sarcasm - somehow that was even possible - beginning to walk away. You stood for a moment, the roles now reversed, with your lips parted and brows creased. Just as you were about to follow, to get the artefact back, the God stopped in his tracks. “Although…” Loki paused, slowly turning to face you once more. “Perhaps we could… come to some sort of arrangement…”
“Like what?” You asked, exasperated, folding your arms over your chest. Loki feigned deep thought, humming lowly.
“Hmm… Well, it is clear to me that you are not working alone…” Loki began, slowly beginning to circle you as he spoke. “I suspect a group of you, maybe four to five… Perhaps more.” He continued, shrugging faintly. “Which leads me to believe that this is an organised heist… Not for fun but for… profit?” He held your gaze, brow raised in question. You remained silent, expression neutral. “You and your little friends were hired to acquire this-“ He gestured to the artefact in his hand. “In exchange for payment.”
“Can you just get to the point? I don’t need you to explain my own job to me.” You huffed wryly, sighing.
“Very well.” Loki nodded, lips quirking upwards briefly. “I suggest a bargain.” He stopped walking, coming to a stop before you. “In exchange for the artefact, I too get a cut of the earnings.”
“For what?” You scoffed, unfolding your arms.
“My co-operation.” He grinned, toothy and charming.
“Hm, maybe you are a God.” You mumbled. “Expecting to reap the rewards for very little work.” Loki couldn’t help but let out a small huff of amusement at that.
“I can ensure you leave this place without detection.” He told you confidently, raising his free hand, a green glow emanating from his fingertips as he waved his hand, casting an illusion of the artefact sat perfectly in the spot it should’ve been within the collection. You raised your brows, eyes flickering over the rather real looking and accurate illusion, a hint of appreciation in your gaze. “I can keep the illusion alive whilst we make our haste escape.”
“Perhaps you aren’t so useless after all…” You mumble, pursing your lips, still skeptical of the man before you. He was a stranger after all. Loki smirked, amused.
“It appears not.” He said lowly, tilting his chin down faintly, his piercing stare still holding yours. A slow smile tugged at his lips, a toothy grin appearing, clearly confident in his abilities and the fact you would agree. “So, what say you?”
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“A simple ‘no’ would’ve sufficed.”
You both stood outside the ship, waiting for the others to return as Loki shifted on his feet, arms behind his back, chains around his middle. You held the artefact safely in your hand, a pleased smirk on your lips as you leaned against the side of the ship, making a show of your freedom of movement whilst Loki remained bound. Loki glared at you, although, there was a lingering flicker of amusement in his eyes. He had to admit… you were intriguing - as well as an annoyance. Really, he could use his magic to get out of his chains but… where would the fun in that be?
“Dude?!” Your eyes snapped forward, seeing the others making their way towards you. Peter’s expression was one of irritation and confusion as he took in the sight of the stranger, chained and stood outside his ship. “Who the hell is this?!” You opened your mouth to say something when Nebula chimed in.
“Put him back where you found him.” She eyed Loki, the God blinking at the way she spoke of him like some… stray dog.
“We told you to get the artefact, not pick up strays!” Rocket added, folding his arms over his chest. Loki blinked once again at the talking raccoon before noticing the rather muscular blue man, a… bug lady… and a… tree?
“Your team look…” Loki began lowly, an uncertain tone to his voice. “Reliable…” He said with a hint of sarcasm underlying his words.
“Thank you.” Drax nodded, accepting the praise.
“He was being sarcastic, you idiot.” Rocket informed him, shaking his furry head.
“We are the goddamn Guardians of the Galaxy-“ Peter stepped forwards, chest puffed out, hands on hips, his voice lower - heroic. You rolled your eyes, sighing quietly before pinching the bridge of your nose. “Have some respect.” The last words were spoken with a hint of plea, Loki raising his brows as he slowly turned his gaze to you.
“I don’t believe I’ve heard of you.” Loki said smoothly, shrugging, eyes flickering over you all.
“Seriously?!” Peter gawped, his hands falling from his hips in a defeated manner. “We’ve saved the Galaxy like… twice now, man!” Loki once again shrugged, the Captain letting out a frustrated huff as he made for the ship entrance.
“Thank you for your service?” Loki said in a questioning tone, brows furrowing as he watched the man walk up the ramp past him.
“You can’t keep him.” Rocket quipped, following after Peter, looking up between you and Loki. “Like Nebula said, put him back where you found him.”
“Excuse me, but I am not a stray dog that you can just-“ Loki began, huffing, but Rocket simply walked past him, making the God’s words die on his tongue. This group was… rude. Obnoxious. Ragtag. And they saved the galaxy? His eyes followed Drax, Mantis and Groot as they also boarded, Nebula following behind. The blue woman locked eyes with Loki, almost a flicker of recognition going through her for a moment. Loki’s brows twitched, lips pursing. Nebula glared before disappearing into the ship, leaving you and him alone.
“Well, it was a… pleasure.” You pushed off the side of the ship, smirking as you repeated his own words back to him - just as he had done to you. “But I have what I came for, so I’ll leave you to whatever it is you do.” You began to head towards the ramp, the God still chained. His lips parted in indignation, turning on his heel to look up at you.
“That’s it?!” He asked in disbelief. “You’re going to… fly away with your- quite frankly, odd little group and just… leave me here? Chained? Alone?” He raised a brow, your steps pausing, turning to look down at him with a feigned look of deep thought. After a moment of silence, you spoke again.
“Yup.” You nodded.
“That’s very rude.”
“Is it?”
“According to who?”
“Most people.”
“Ah. Well, we’re not most people.”
“Neither am I.”
You both stared at each other for a second before you narrowed your eyes, moving your free hand to your hip.
“Forgive me, but you seem to be lacking… some magic amongst your ranks.” Loki continued, voice turning coaxing, persuasive, taking a small feet forwards, one boot on the ramp. “I can do far more than simple illusions.” To prove his point, a shimmer of green came from his hands behind his back, the chains around him falling to the ground.
“You could do that the whole time?” You asked, raising a brow.
“Of course.” Loki smirked, raising his chin.
“Then… why did you let me punch you and chain you up? And why remain in the chains?” You gave him a confused look. Loki thought for a moment, before daring to take another small step closer, both boots now on the ramp.
“I was curious to see where this whole… spectacle was going.” He shrugged, his own hands moving to his hips.
“Let’s go!” You heard Peter shout from inside, making you sigh.
“Wait- wait-“ Loki held up a hand to stop you from moving. “Look- I’ve found myself in… a bit of a… sabbatical, shall we say…” He began diplomatically. “And whilst I have enjoyed causing mischief throughout the galaxy, I find myself lacking a bit of… company.” He almost mumbled the last word, eyes dropping to his boots briefly, hiding the flicker of vulnerability. “It’s not every day I offer my… services.” He added, making this seem like he was doing them a favour.
You pursed your lips, letting out a quiet breath through your nose, eyeing the God skeptically. You had to admit… Having someone who possessed a flair of magic and diplomacy… Could be useful on the team. But… It wasn’t your call to make. You let your hand fall from your hip as you reached into your holster, grabbing a small device as you threw it towards him. Loki caught it with ease, a furrow in his brow as he glanced down at the device in his hand.
“We’ll call you.”
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ganondoodle · 1 year
totk rewritten (for me, specifically)
since i dont have time to get to drawing it right away AND im worried people might take this the wrong way, i thought i could write out some bullet points about my rewrite of totk (meant as a fix FOR ME not saying its inherently better) to give you a better idea on what im going for:
the core structure largely remains the same, the biggest change is no time travel, thus making zelda your travel companion, and zonau tech being lagerly gone/broken with shiekah tech instead
it is not shown but said in dialog that shiekah tech, such as the ancient furnaces, shrines and towers are either turning off or have flickering power supply and purah having calculated that all their connections point towards beneath hyrule castle
game starts pretty much the same as real totk, most zonau ruins are so withered away that they are barely recognizable and the further you get down theres more and more shiekah tech pipes and occasional a miasma vein, some pipes are broken and spill miasma, others flicker
instead of the room with the wall carvings theres one with old ancient shiekah research remains, old broken tech and prototypes you dont what their purpose was, all documents are too withered to read but zelda finds one that was sealed in a container and takes it with her (she got a backpack now)
theres a structure similar to the bed thingy of the shrine of life from botw but its working in reverse; within it is sealed ganondorf (i gotta work out the details around it still)
(details still missing) it breaks and zelda takes the enigma stone but doesnt touch it directly and puts it within a sealed container (you know kinda like you should do with soemthing you have no idea of what it is and was alsO LOCATED ON A CORPSE)
ganondorf isnt the elegantly talking villain type in this version but more of a mess, talking in different languages both modern and ancient but you cant make out any clear sentences, struggeling with suddendly being awake and half alive after spending thousands of years in an agonizing limbo, having witnessed every second of the passage of time yet also it feeling like everything just happened all at the same time
the ground breaks as he recognizes zelda (bc of her fighting calamity ganon in botw) but also not really, still sees her as a threat (also bc of the enigma stone in the container she still has in her hand) attacks her, link deflects with the master sword, it breaks and damages his arm, zelda drops her torch and pulls link away towards where they came in from and both run as the caves fill up with miasma like a flood with arms starting to reach after them while they both run back through the tunnels (creepy chase sequence anyone?)
cataclysm happens (ground breaks, miasma bursts out of the ground, especially where shrines and towers where since they were still connected to the pipelines) ground shifts massively in some places giving alot of the map a whole new structure; all shiekah tech that was not independent stops working due to power loss
links arm is amputated since otherwise the miasma would spread to his whole body; purah, robbie and zelda work out a prosthetic arm prototype to give to link (protoype at first will be upgraded at halfway point of the game) that can switch between multiple modes, like a hand to hold normal items or a weapon that isnt crafted, and a fusing ability (though maybe limited in the prototype) that lets you make weapons similar to the weapon fusing in canon totk (potential upgrades including an extendable guardian arm that doesnt break, grapple hook anyone??, also the ability to build stuff out of shiekah tech parts, not glue needed you actually screw it together, maybe zelda even helps)
now you are given free roam of hyrule, the goal is to explore and find what has changed and check on people, see what the underground has, new monsters have spawned etc.
zelda is your companion the whole time, she can use the shiekah stone/purah pad to analyze enemies for you, she also carries at least a dagger for her own self defense but doesnt contribute much to the fight (subject to change maybe), you can talk to her anytime and she usually has something to comment on depending on where you are or what you just did, can give you tips and advice IF ASKED FOR IT, when you discover ancient ruins, whether zonau or shiekah, she can either decipher it for you or take photos for later to find out more about everything that has happend and what it means, she also takes part in conversations when you talk to someone, her outfit changes with yours (meaning when you wear the tingle set she wears it too, opens up alot of funny interactions njfkdk)
purah has built new towers but they function different (still working on the details) mainly that they function independent from the energy source in hyrule castle
there are floating islands but they are bigger and in more connected clusters, when reaching them its ancient withered ruins that the ancient shiekah built support around (like the platform used by monk miz kyoshia) to keep them afloat; there are building like observatories and research labs, but all very overgrown due to being up there for so long, theres a titan prototype on one of the islands, its shaped like a whale and zelda deciphers it was called vah narisha (reference to the whale deity in skyward sword) (i havent decided yet if its fully broken and just a big piece of enviroment to explore or half functioning floating around, or maybe first broken but later half repaired so it can fly around at least giving you an easier way to reach other island, you cant steer it tho) some of them are falling bc of energy loss but the bigger ones have independent energy sources (work in progress)
the underground has more diverse zones depending on which part of the map it is located on, there are old mines (for luminous stone) from the zonau but all is extremely withered, in each one its been mostly built over by the shiekah but there are construct remains that were clearly dissected and studied, half built shrines and towers, you can find collectibles and lore there (working on more details, but an idea was to include remains of ancient shiekah tha fled there when they were persecuted by that old king of hyrule, adding to the eery vibe)
some titans (maybe two, and the other are still on the sruface, like vah medoh) feel down during the cataclysm, broken apart or malfunctioning/ possibly being a boss as in they were used by a big cluster of miasma hands like a hermit crab uses its shell, the inside filled with eyes and different sized hands dragging itself towards you like a drowing man grabs after anything to save him)
dongos are your go to transportation here and a little different, when you call one they dig a path to you (not permanent, just so they can always spawn near you) they glow in the dark and can climb on walls (bc why not), and can point you towards the next objective/point of interest, likely where theres a high concentration of luminous stone since that is what they eat and its usually where old mining/construction sites are (still working on a replacement for light roots that are less invasive)
the rat from the trailer is a miniboss/boss you need to defeat in order to get the broken mastersword back into your possession
(im still working on how the sages work, but the idea is to incorporate their abilites for more efficient and reliable use into links shiekah prosthetic, so you can still use their abilities but only when you actually want)
(again still working on details) halfway point of the game is you trying to find out where ganondorf went, not intending to fight necessarily but just to find out more but it devolves into you fighting some sort of miasma monster (either him or some sort of manifestation he made) and you get a bunch of short memory flashes from him, all vague and a wild mess from both the time he was sealed and from the time afterwards, maybe even a perspective shift from when link was fighting dark beast ganon, but from ganons view, from zelda when she was keeping that manifestation in check, random views from the malice eyes from botw, from the blights, maybe even from the fight with the old and new champions, from the point when shiekah built their tech around him while he had to watch not able to do anything etc.)
links arm gets upgraded from prototype to a full prosthetic, opening up more fusing abilites and other things (like the grapple hook, again working on it, im open for ideas lol)
i will reblog this and add more over time if you want, but do let me know if you like it thus far, bc im still unsure if its worth the effort of working more on this QnQ
(also if you dont like just keep scrolling, i dont need to know that you hate it, it literally changes nothing but make me annoyed xD)
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
OMG can you do sparkling! buddy in MTMTE? 🥹
Sparkling Buddy is going to have some wild adventures in the near future.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the sparkling on the Lost Light with Skids, Rewind, and Ravage
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
The ship hit a small pod outside.
The crew brought it inside for further inspection.
To everyone’s surprise, a sparkling was inside.
There was a mad dash to get the little one straight to the med bay for inspection.
Turns out that the little one was okay.
Not too bad out of shape or malnourished
A meeting was soon held about how the sparkling would be raised and who was going to be their primary guardian.
Apparently, that got a lot of bots arguing on who the sparkling would belong to.
But not as much as what to name the sparkling.
Cue the random name generator wheel spinning over several hundred names.
The little arrow landed on ‘Buddy’.
Half of the bots believe it was Swerve who put down the name, but the name stuck around.
Everyone pitched in to help babysit the sparkling on their weekly rotations before a primary guardian could be drawn.
One of the top best babysitters on board.
Mainly for two reasons.
One was that he could keep the kiddo entertained for long periods of time.
Two he could match their speed when they got playful.
Constantly had the sparkling either in his servos or on his shoulder.
Loves to throw the sparkling up and down and hear them laugh and chirp.
Has this possibly given Magnus a stroke?
There is a possibility…
Despite what many bots tell him not to do, Skids brings Buddy into the vents with him.
His defense? He was teaching Buddy who were the crewmembers they could trust to be with.
Definitely has not lost Buddy on accident in the vents.
Nope hasn’t happened.
“Has anyone seen Skids? I have Buddy’s toy and I don’t know where he is.”--Rung
Meanwhile in the vents…
Skids pointing at Rung walking down the hallway.
“And who is that, Buddy?”--Skids
Happy chirping sounds.
“Smart one aren’t ya.”—Skids
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Rewind is going to film everything this little sparkling does.
He can’t help it!
They are so cute trying to learn about the world around them and he has a camera bolted to his helm.
Of course he is going to film it.
From the best times.
To the worst times.
Has plenty of educational films for Buddy to watch while he is babysitting them.
Rewind has them all saved on a special file.
Sometimes when movie night is going slow, he’ll sneak in a couple videos of Buddy doing some goofy activities.
It usually raises everyone’s spirits on gloomier days.
Rewind often carries Buddy in his arms or when he is feeling extra goofy, he’ll give them a ‘piggyback ride’.
He wants a sparkling but doesn’t know how to bring it up to Chromedome yet.
Maybe they will get their chance in the future.
But for now, he is happy to babysit and take videos of the sparkling.
Buddy trying to near how to walk.
Rewind filming the entire thing.
“C’mon Buddy! You almost got—DOMEY OUT OF THE WAY!—There you go! Up! Up! Up! Oooohhhh! Almost had it there, Buddy!”
Rewind picks up the fallen sparkling whole is just giggling at the little camera.
“Maybe next time.”—Rewind
Buddy pats him on the helm.
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Ravage claims that he doesn’t want anything to do with the sparkling.
He is saying this as he is cuddling said sparkling.
He has firmly stated time and time again that he does not care for them.
But his actions tell a different story.
Ravage is constantly watching over the sparkling from hidden spot throughout the ship, especially with bots he doesn’t really trust yet.
Which is most of the crew.
Has let the sparkling ride on his back while sprinting down the halls.
Buddy crawling around the hallways unattended.
Ravage walking towards Buddy before gently grabbing them like a kitten.
He continues to walk until he reaches Megatron’s empty habsuite and puts Buddy down on the berth.
“I swear… these mechs will look away for a second and BAM! Your already halfway across the ship.”--Ravage
Buddy just starts playing with their servo.
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Morg3n | Yandere Android
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Inspired by none other than Meg3n
“Emile (Y/n), meet Morg3n. Your new playmate and helpful companion!”
“Hi there, Emile, (Y/n)!” 
You let Emile hide behind your knees as the red-headed android pulled his lips in a simulated smile. Tilting your head in tandem with the robot you didn’t bother voicing your feelings and instead sent a look to the beaming engineer in question. 
“Alright, I know what your thinking but Morg3n is our attempt at a better and less…violent rendition of the failure Funki attempted to release.”
Taking a stab at the rival company, Huey flipped his lengthy hair. Smiling with pride he pushed the android to come closer gesturing to Emille who was set on squeezing your knees and rubbing his face into the back of your thigh. You patted his braided hair, looking back at him to see his pensive face. 
“Uhm does Emile have to…pair with…uh Morg3n?” 
Huey’s smile drooped reading the hesitation in your voice before waving his hands in front of you. 
“W-well don’t you go thinking it will be like that other one! No no Morg3n here is going to pair with both you two and the parents. So there will be no problem taking orders if you even have to give them out. Soo Emile, why don’t you pair up with your new best friend?”
The engineer tried again bending to his knees to try and meet the child’s eyes. When his attempt came up with no results, he sent pleading eyes to you. Shaking your head you turn to Emile who looked up to you as you made your stand.
“Alright Alright fine. I’ll go first. You can watch me do it first okay bunny?”
Emile gave a hesitant nod reluctantly releasing you to bend toward Morg3n who held his hand out to you. Placing your left index finger on the pad of its his hand, you waited as a soothing chime rang from the android’s system.
“Good morning (Y/n) (L/n)! I look forward to being of service!” 
“Uh, morning?”
Huey stifled a squeal, “Now that you’re paired Morg3n can watch over your vitals and contact you should anything happen.” 
You attempted to pull your finger away only to find that the synthetic hand was lightly wrapped around it. When you hurriedly pulled away standing at full height to see the android’s smile widen and its eyes closed.
“Thanks for the welcome, (Y/n).”
You slowly nodded, turning to Emile with a faux confident smile. Urging him to inch toward the android’s outstretched left hand. Like a frightful rabbit, the boy reaches his hand out to the android slowly stretching a single finger from his closed fist. Immediately after the chime, he pulled away returning to the safety of your legs. 
“Nice to meet you, Emile! Do you want to play with me?”
“I have some crayons if you want to color with me! It's the big kind with a sharpener!” 
He looks up at you and you shrug with a smile. 
“Go ahead Bun-bun, it's okay.”
It didn’t take long for Emile to open up to the android. Gasping at the coloring skills of the android he was back to his bubbly self hardly looking over to your seat in the room. Sitting on the pastel-colored bean bags with Huey you kept your conversation to whisper. 
“I can’t believe he agreed to this.”
“What? Do you not trust my work?” Huey pretended to guffaw with a hand over his heart. 
“It's not that Hue, it's just that the reputation with that software is far from good. And if he would’ve at least pretended to care–”
“(Y/n), I think you’re getting wayy too worked up about this whole thing.”
“‘Too worked up?!’ I am practically the only guardian this kid has! If he’s going to put him in danger at the very least he could show up every once in a while!”
“Its sounds to me like you’re overreacting.”
“It's not an overreaction to be concerned about your child’s safety.” 
You and Huey reeled back at the android who was standing a couple of inches in front of both of you. Taking a shaky breath you, adjust your position to sit normally; Huey did the same albeit shakily. 
“U-u-uh Morg3n? We hardly noticed you!”
The android didn’t react instead turning from Huey to you; letting an artificial smile take its face. 
“Emile says he’s ready to go. He wants to celebrate my induction into the family.”
Peeking from around the android’s body at the table they had saddled together was Emile. Smiling to himself as he awkwardly organizes his and Morg3n’s colorings. In a messy pile, he runs over to you handing the papers to you as he excitedly made his plea.
“Can we go to that red and yellow place? The one we go to when we’re being sneaky? I want to show Morg3n the cool toys you can get! ”
He gave his best puppy dog face, hugging the robot alongside him. Puckering his bottom lip at you, you shook your head while looking at Huey.
“Well, I think some fries are a palpable celebration.”
He joined in, batting his eyes along with Emile as you put your hands over your face. 
“Gosh, you guys are insufferable.”
“Wow, I will never get used to the average life of the rich.”
Huey busied himself with checking out the lobby of the mansion, while you carried a sleeping Emile inside. Familiar with the position you were prepared to kick the door closed, stopping when Morg3n did it for you. 
“Ah thanks, Morg3n.”
“My pleasure.”
The android matched your slower pace, arms holding the unfinished meals from their celebratory lunch. You hummed in approval appreciative of the help, attention pulled away by Huey’s distant yelling.
“Whoa! You have a hot tub!” 
You wanted to yell at him ‘I don’t have anything’ but you didn’t want to wake Emile. Focusing on getting the kid to his bed you made your way to the elevator. Hearing a distant crash of pots and pans you groaned, realizing you couldn’t leave the engineer alone. With your hands full and feeling desperate, you looked to the android who was already looking up at you. 
“Could you–”
“Direct him to the elevator, it’d be a pleasure.”
By the time you were finished prying Emile’s hands from your neck, Morg3n was waiting outside the bedroom with a quieted Huey in tow. 
“Hey, glad you were able to join me…how did you know where we were?”
“Uh, Morg3n has a highly educated program for GPS and floor mapping. All it really needs is a simple scan of the property and voila!”
You hummed a little sending a look at the now closed door and the red-haired android. Thinking for a moment you gestured for the both of them to follow you making your way into one of the many guest rooms on the same floor. 
“Huey you can shack up in this room for the time being.”
“Yes yes, I know the princess–”
“The princess curtains on the bed!!”
Like a child, he sprinted past you to curl himself into the translucent fabric. Mumbling daydreamy nonsense as he fantasized to himself. You shook your head again taking up Huey’s abandoned engineering pack and leading Morg3n to Emile’s play area. 
It was a modest space, compared to other children of similar status. There were some toys a single game system, and an easel surrounded by neatly placed paintbrushes and crayons. There was a small table with matching chairs, next to an outlet. With practiced ease, you set up the temporary charging station that resembled a child’s chair. “Well uh here you go Morg3n, Emile will probably come running first thing when he wakes up. So uh just charge up until then.”
“Sure thing (Y/n).”
“Uhm also Emile wanted to make sure you got your own blanket.” 
The android tilted its head as you moved to the linen closet. Pulling out a crochet blanket that had a pastel green and orange pattern. You walked back to the seated android draping the cloth over its shoulders as you tucked it in. Barely caring about the amber olive eyes watching you with precision.
“I didn’t really know your name so I couldn’t prepare it in time but give me a day and I’ll easily knit your name in.”
“Thanks again, (Y/n).”
*Yawn* “Yeah yeah don’t worry about it! Now charge up while I get my own nap.”
With that, you walked out of the room flipping the light switch off and closing the door of the playroom. Leaving the android that had lowered its head to open its eyes as it flashed streams of blue code all the while timing the nap its primary users were making.
“Come on then you two we have to make it to Morg3n’s appointment.” 
“Morg3n! Let’s do one more lap, pleaaaassseee?”
“It’s best to ask (Y/n) first.”
Big brown eyes and frowning lips turned to you in his charming puppy dog face. You kirked your head to the side with raised eyebrows to which Emile beckoned Morg3n to mirror him. You sighed before smiling and throwing your shoulders up. 
“Yay! Let’s go!”
“But when I come back, I want shoes on!”
“I will make sure of it, come on Emile.”
You shook your head carrying the basket of wet towels to the washer and dryer. On your way, you passed by the lounging Huey who was sunbathing with a tanning reflector. Kicking his chair, the engineer startled awake scanning around before spotting you disappearing into the depths of the estate.
“H-hey did’ya need sumthin’?”
You shouted without turning,” We’re leaving for the investment viewing in 20. Be ready. I’m not waiting for you.”
“Hey, I am the inventor aren’t I? How about a little respect?”
“Oh okay, Mister Inventor are you riding with us or taking a taxi?”
“Are you kidding?! I’m riding with you guys! How can I go back after discovering the wonders of a limo.”
You laughed as you turned to the hallway of your destination. As you loaded the machine you could only hope the meeting passed without incident.
“What a glorious reinvention!” 
“Hopefully with better software this time!” 
“Shut up you this thing’s going to be the biggest thing the black market has ever seen!”
“And if we can guarantee it works as intended it’ll be more than just a glorified ipad.”
It sounded as though the investors were pleased by both demonstrations. You shifted your feet and adjusted your suit, feeling stuffy in your professional wardrobe. You kept your eyes trained on Emile and Morg3n watching as they played as usual, occasionally flicking to the former father. Who was rubbing at his bearded chin as he watched his son or more likely the android.  A pit was forming in your stomach as you could visualize the gears turning in his head. 
It wasn’t long before the investors had trickled out, off to their complimentary brunch leaving you, Huey, and Emile’s father to enter the testing room. Looking up from his building blocks Emile stumbled crashing into his father’s suited legs. 
“Dad! I’m so happy to see you! I really really wanted you to meet–”
The android stood upright, glassy eyes trained on the man.
“Yes sir.”
“Who are your primary users?”
“Dirk Filler, (Y/n) (L/n), and Emille Filler.”
He chuckled in disbelief, “Nice.”
Emile visibly deflated as he stepped out of the way to watch his father inspect and prod at the android. Your heart ached at the way Emile tried to mask his pain, letting his arm swipe at his eyelids. Walking over to him you rubbed at his shoulder, a silent show of support to his pain. In response, his hand moved to hold onto yours.
“This is spectacular! The polymer skin type you’ve used makes for such a realistic look.”
“Thank you, sir!” 
The two continued to converse; with Dirk gushing over Huey’s decisions. Both are completely oblivious to the tension. Fed up with it you turned to leave with Emile stopping when Dirk jokingly called out to you without turning from Morg3n.
“Off so soon? Wouldn’t you like to be included in one of the greatest achievements in history?”
“Forgive me if I’m wrong this has been done before has it not?”
Huey flashed you a look of horror while Dirk let out a belly laugh finally turning around.
“So fiery today! What, haven’t had your fill of coffee this morning?”
“I’m actually more peeved that you haven’t greeted your son for the entirety of this meeting.”
“Oh is that all?” He sent a mocking wave directed at Emile before putting his hands up. 
“There happy now?”
“No. You know what I meant.”
“You are impossible to please.”
“I’m not the one who’s impossible. Now if you’ll excuse us.”
You picked up Emile who was already wetting your shoulder with tears as you made your way out of the room. 
“Come on Morg3n.”
Already trotting past Huey and Dirk was the android. You continued to walk out already hearing the tapping and mechanical whirring of Morg3n on his way. Dirk laughed again slapping his thigh before shouting out.
“Ha think about it (Y/n) pretty soon that little bots going to be able to do your job without the nagging.”
Morg3n’s whirring stopped and so had his footsteps as he turned to face the man. You stopped turning to hear Mog3n’s automated voice.
“That’s not possible. Human children require a healthy and emotionally intelligent guardian to raise them. Even if that person is not the original parent or working on their own.” 
Morg3n wasted no time continuing to walk to your side leaving Dirk and Huey in stunned silence. You hid a smile behind Emile’s head as you began to walk again. While Morg3n’s voice was monotone the sass was there and everyone understood it. 
“Thanks, Morg3n.”
“No problem, (Y/n).”
It is the dead of night. All subjects in the estate were fast asleep. Save for the engineer who was staring down his creation. 
Posted in the darkest corner of the room was Morg3n watching both his primary users slumbering within (Y/n)’s designated bed. With no illumination but Morg3n’s own glassy green eyes; Huey would have missed him otherwise. 
Unable to find sleep, the engineer could only find solace in the programmed behavior of his creation—specifically the need to charge. Only to find that the android’s charging station was vacant. 
It scared him. 
And if it scared him he knew he’d best tell you. The one friend who seemed to have a sense beyond the common kind. Like a savior, he relied on you often so it’d behoove him to inform you of such disturbing blips in the android’s system.
But looking into the unmoving eyes of the android, he had a sneaking premonition that he shouldn’t reveal the mechanical threat standing guard in your room. 
“Rghh Hue? What’dya want?”
“Uh…water…I don’t know how to use y-your fancy fridge.”
You groaned, patting half-asleep Emile before creeping out of bed. He was slow to follow watching how those glowing eyes trained on him as he followed you out of the room. Somehow feeling safer as he walked further away from the room with you as the lead.  He didn’t bother watching the door to your room creep open further, instead rushing to your side as you led him to the kitchen.
Perhaps there were still a few bugs from the original model. 
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
Far from me to make Shannon about Buck, but I keep saying the way that Eddie reacts to Buck during the lawsuit is about the effort and that Eddie would've reacted differently to Shannon if Shannon had made the choice to come back herself when people try to make that comparison, and I feel like the episode proved me right on that front. Shannon left Eddie and Chris and Eddie reached out and that was why she came back, and she never told Eddie why she left Eddie, Eddie had no closure on the way she left him in the middle of the night. And that's the thing that gets him, because he seemed to accept in some level he could trust she wouldn't voluntarily leave Christopher again, but he never managed to trust she wouldn't leave him, and she did leave him before she died, he thought that her not coming back on her own would always mean maybe she would leave again and Shannon asked for a divorce and that confirmed that fear. All Eddie wanted from her was the explanation "if you loved me, why did you leave me? What wasn't enough? Me or your love for me?" if she didn't want to stay, and he will never get that because they made statements about each other using Christopher, as if the effort towards Chris would be enough to keep their relationship together. Considering the whole way Eddie proposed because she was pregnant and he decides to try again for real because he thinks she's pregnant again, and the way she demands for a stance regarding being brought back into Chris' life to define their relationship, and "is that who I am to you? Christopher's mother" they never really talked to each other about each other with Chris removed from the equation, and that was what they needed, to have an honest conversation about each other without believing Chris could magically keep them together. Eddie needs his own letter and he'll never get it because neither one of them ever sit down to talk about what all the running did to the other. Not beyond Shannon yelling at Eddie that what she needed was him and he wasn't there. And considering the way Shannon is all Eddie knows with how young they were when they met, his reactions when it comes to relationships come from what he was taught to expect there. It's why he folds the way he did when Buck apologizes and explains how he was feeling and why he did what he did. Because Buck apologizing the way he does validates a part of Eddie abandonment issues that's not validated often enough. Buck realized what happened hurt Eddie and he made a direct effort to make it up to Eddie without going around the issues. And that's interesting because Eddie himself hides behind Christopher during the whole situation, he calls Buck out for leaving him by putting Chris in the middle so he won't have to say that he misses Buck.
And I think the whole thing adds to the way Eddie changing his will feels inherently romantic, because simply asking a friend to be your kid's guardian isn't romantic, but doing it and hiding it when you have a history of making statements about your romantic life using your kid is. Shannon demanded a statement about what she and Eddie were through Christopher and Eddie makes a statement about what Buck is to him through Christopher. And it's an interesting contrast in the situation when you consider the similarities between the fight Shannon and Eddie have at the station in 210 and the will reveal (same color palette, same general feeling of defining relationships through Chris) because Shannon was only getting Eddie and Buck only got Christopher, and neither relationship could go anywhere until they addressed the balance that needs to exist between the two. Obviously, any relationship Eddie enters needs to consider Christopher, but Chris can't be the defining factor and that's the thing that Eddie himself keeps failing to realize. Yes, Christopher's needs are important, but Eddie needs to also consider his own needs if he wants to make a relationship work, but he never acknowledged that until he was yelling at Kim that Chris got a letter but Eddie never did. Because that's what Eddie needs to move on, to not look for a mother for Chris, but for a partner for him who also happens to love Christopher. But he can't see that because what he wants is the fantasy he had as a teenager of growing old with Shannon and he can't let that go even though he's never going to get that.
And I feel like this rambling also adds to my general rambling about how Buck is the one who needs to start his endgame relationship, so he's the one who needs to make the choice to fight for Eddie, because in the same way that Buck keeps being pursued by people and he keeps letting himself be chased because he doesn't want to make a choice in a fucked up mirror of that first relationship with Abby, the relationship that shaped Eddie is a relationship where he wasn't chosen to be in. From marrying Shannon before they were ready because she was pregnant to being the one to ask her to come back, he never knew if she was with him because she wanted to be with him or out of obligation to Chris and the same sense of duty that made them get married in the first place, in the same way that Abby took the agency away from Buck by crashing into his life the way she did and forcing him into this waiting position that he needs to leave. Buck needs to make a choice because he needs to stop waiting for love to find him and Eddie needs to be chosen because he never knew what that feels like to have love choose him.
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butterflywomanstuff · 1 month
Hi I have a request. Can you do Yuji, Megumi, Nobora, Sukuna with a female reader and her curse technique is a Medusa? like her hair is full of snakes. scales on skin, She wears glasses so she doesn’t turn into stone? And also people would want to cut off her head so that they can exploit her powers. I loved your other headcanons Tyyyy <3
OFCC!! Medusa is my favv mythology character💕💕 I think it would be better if she was a curse. Makes more sense
Yᴜᴊɪ,Mᴇɢᴜᴍɪ,Nᴏʙᴀʀᴀ,Sᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ Mᴇᴅᴜsᴀ ᴄᴜʀsᴇ!ꜰᴇᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ. (ᴀ ʟɪʟ ʙɪᴛ ᴏꜰ Mᴇɢᴜᴍɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄᴜᴢ ᴡʜʏ ɴᴏᴛ.)
𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢
Hmm. He would probably be interested in the snakes in your hair. And keep on asking you questions.
• Yuji's eyes widen as he takes in the sight of the young. Her hair writhes with serpents, each one a living entity. Their scales glisten in the light, and their eyes fixate on him with an unsettling intensity. He's both fascinated and unnerved. "Whoa," he breathes out, "that's... different." Despite the initial shock, Yuji's curiosity gets the better of him. He wants to know more about her curse, about the snakes that coil around her like protective guardians. "Can they talk?" he asks, pointing at the snakes.
You chuckles, her snake-like tongue flickering out. "Not exactly," you reply. "But they communicate in their own way. They warn me of danger and sometimes even offer advice." Yuji grins, finding the whole situation oddly endearing. "Well, I guess we're all a little cursed in our own ways, right?"
Yuji scratches his head, torn between awe and concern. "So, uh, do they bite?" he asks, eyeing the snakes. The reader chuckles. "Only if I tell them to," you reply. "But they're more protective than aggressive."
𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨
Since he’s mostly smart and nerdy he would deffo ask you questions about your powers. He wouldn’t kill you since you’re probably a nice curse.
• Megumi's analytical mind kicks into overdrive. He studies your scales, noting their intricate patterns. "Your curse technique is impressive," he says, his voice steady. "It's a form of transmutation, isn't it?" You nod, impressed by his insight. "Yes, the scales allow me to manipulate my surroundings. I can turn do vice versa just by my eyes."
Megumi's gaze narrows. "And your glasses?" he asks. "Why wear them?" Your expression turns serious. "To protect others," You explains. "Direct eye contact with me could petrify anyone. The glasses act as a barrier." Megumi nods, appreciating your consideration. "You're not a monster," he tells her. "Just someone dealing with a unique curse."
Megumi analysing you more. “Your scales,” he says, “they’re like armour, but they also reveal vulnerability.” You nod. “Exactly. They’re double-edged blade.” Megumi’s gaze softens. “You’re not alone,” he tells you. “We all carry our burdens..but yours? It’s oddly….beautiful.
You smiles. "Thanks, Megumi. Maybe one day I'll show you how the scales dance." He raises an eyebrow. "Dance?" She winks. "In battle. You'll see."
𝐍𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢
This gal would try to attack you. Nobara prob has a fear of snakes.
• Nobara's reaction is less composed. She jumps back, hand instinctively reaching for her hammer. "What the hell?" she exclaims. "Is this some twisted fashion statement?" You laughs, her snake-hair hissing playfully. "Not exactly," she says. "It's my curse. And these scales? They're my armor." Nobara squints at your sharp teeth. "Armor, huh? Well, it's definitely memorable."
You leans closer. "I've seen your curse technique too," she says. "The nails. Impressive." Nobara grins, suddenly intrigued. "Maybe we should spar sometime," she suggests. "See whose curse packs more punch." You agrees, and they exchange a secret smile. Maybe curses aren't so bad when they lead to unexpected friendships.
Nobara twirls her hammer, sizing you up."Snakes for hair," she says. "You're like a cursed Medusa." You grins. "Minus the whole turning-people-to-stone thing. I may be a curse but only do it to my enenies im not heartless." Nobara smirks. "Good. I'd hate to be a statue." She nudges the you. "But seriously, teach me that scale armor trick."
You laugh “Deal. Just don’t steps on my snakes.”
𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 (𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢’𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐬)
• He would like you. Since you’re kinda dangerous also badass. But he would definitely use your powers for his disadvantages.
Sukuna's presence taking over Yuji’s body, and his crimson eyes narrow. "You're dangerous," he states flatly. "A curse that turns people to stone." You meets his gaze unflinchingly. "And you're a curse incarnate," she retorts. "But I won't harm you unless you give me reason to."
Sukuna's lips curl into a wicked smile. "I like your spirit," he says. "But don't think your glasses will save you forever." You smirks. "I'm well aware." Sukuna's laughter echoes, and he grudgingly agrees. Perhaps this cursed woman isn't an enemy after all.
Sukuna leans in more interested"You're hiding something," he says to you. "What's your endgame?" She meets his gaze. "Survival," You replies. "And maybe redemption." Sukuna scoffs. "Redemption? You're too soft." But there's a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes. "Show me what those powers can do."
You smirks. "Maybe I will, Sukuna. Just don't get too attached."
(Credit to (@m_Minato91) on X)
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lamemaster · 3 months
A Reluctant Savior
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Request: Hello! I’ve never done one of these so if I do this wrong, I apologise👀I was wondering if you could write a fic the reader and glorfindel could be in a similar situation to Flynn and tangled nearly drowning in that cave? I just thought that whole scene was so well done and I feel like since the stakes are so high that it could be a good opportunity for one of them to confess their feelings? I can just imagine glorfindel being extremely panicked(especially if the reader is human since they probably can’t hold their breath for as long) but is doing everything he can to ensure that the reader is okay and trying to keep them calm. (I don’t really know how to explain how they ended up there in the first place- maybe they were getting chased by orcs?👀)thank you for all the fics you have done thus far. I loved every single one and can’t wait for more! :) hope you have a good day/night! @itseunaimonia
Pairing: Glorfindel x Reader
Genre: Adventure ig
Wordcount: 1.9k
Summary: Bards sang of heroes and their glorious falls, of tragic demises that echoed through the ages. Tales that ended at dramatic cliffs. But they never spoke of what dwelled beneath the cliffs
AN: Thank you for requesting! I appreciate you reaching out and reading my work :) I was not aware of that scene but it so beautiful. I tried my best. I hope you like it!
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This was a terrible idea. Utterly ridiculous. You were an idiot of the highest order.
Gritting your teeth, you heaved the unconscious elf further into the dark tunnel. Sweat slicked your palms as you wrestled with his dead weight.
How in Valinor's grace did you get yourself into this mess? Experts, those smug know-it-alls, would probably say you had it coming.
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The cobbled streets of your childhood were a constant symphony of smells - the yeasty aroma of fresh bread from bakeries, the acrid sting of smoke from blacksmith's forges, and the ever-present tang of sweat from the throngs of people. Yet, home was a cold, damp alley reeking of garbage and despair.
Your parents? Lost in the mists of time. Your guardian? A washed-up pickpocket who'd managed to pass on the art of filching before succumbing to age. Dead, you assumed. Just another burden you now shouldered.
Thus, you became a chameleon, a nameless nobody who shed identities like leaves changing colors. A year ago, the townsfolk chased you out with burning torches and shouts of "Witch!"
Was it the pilfered trinket from the priest's pocket? Or was it the flicker of a flame in your eyes, a flicker they deemed unnatural?
You were driven from the town with 200 cows and 70 humans. A pathetic feat. Broken ribs gnawed at your insides, each breath a fiery agony.
The branches, initially your enemies, tore at your clothes and hair, but with each passing day, you learned their language.
The meandering river became your guide, its gentle gurgling a soothing melody. The timid deer, your companions. Death, a constant companion at first, beckoned with the promise of an end to the pain and rejection.
But you clung to life, the will to survive stronger than the yearning for oblivion. Fractures mended, muscles rebuilt. The forest yielded its secrets - the healing power of herbs, the language of the wind.
You embraced the "snotty witch" label they'd pinned on you. Not entirely a witch, perhaps, but in your hand-sewn woolen robes and tiny, ramshackle cottage, you cultivated a certain...aura.
The blissful solitude, however, had likely been a facade. Whispers on the wind, a flash of movement too quick to be a bird – a sprite, perhaps, or a deer with an uncanny ability to shift form. Someone, or something, had been watching.
One day, after a long trek for berries, you returned to a scene of devastation. Your tiny cottage, a sanctuary you'd meticulously built, lay in ruins. A broken pot, once overflowing with simmering stew, lay shattered on the dirt floor. Scattered belongings mocked the life you'd carved out for yourself.
Standing amidst the wreckage, a bitter truth settled in your gut: you knew this was coming. The whispers in the wind, the fleeting glimpses of movement – a sign your solitude had been a fool's paradise.
With a sigh that condensed the frustration of a lifetime, you crouched amongst the debris. You assessed the broken clay pot, a treasured piece salvaged from the forest's bounty. Repairing it seemed futile. A diet of berries and a desperate prayer for the ability to digest leaves became your grim reality.
But fate, it seemed, had a twisted sense of humor. The next morning, a glimmer of defiance against your misfortune. A new pot, not of clay but of gleaming metal, sat where the shattered one lay. And beside it, a pile of neatly folded cotton clothes. Varda be praised, for you were about to face summer cloaked in your heavy woolen robes!
This marked the beginning of a peculiar trade. New pots and pans appeared, clothes tailored for the changing seasons, even intricately carved wooden animals – silent companions that filled the lonely corners of your cottage. Your once ramshackle dwelling began to feel like a home.
In return, you left notes, expressing gratitude for the unexpected gifts. They seemed to vanish into thin air, never to be found again. No reply ever graced your humble doorway, yet none of your offerings remained unclaimed.
Then, one day, a plume of smoke rose from the distant forest, a sight that defied everything you'd come to expect from your leafy haven. Curiosity, a spark long dormant, ignited within you.
Following the meandering path, the trees parting as if welcoming your approach, you stumbled upon a truth that shattered your idyllic solitude. There, nestled in the verdant embrace of the forest, stood a city. A sprawling, magnificent city the damned deer had never hinted at.
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This, then, is how you found yourself here. Dragging the unconscious elf – as good as dead – deeper into the bowels of the cave. Outside, the city burned, consumed by a chaos you couldn't comprehend, an evil far more terrible than the men who had once ruled your life.
The elf was the first of his kind you'd ever seen. He lay limp in your arms, the remnants of battle etched on his face – a face that mirrored your own, yet somehow alien. Blood mingled with the familiar features – eyes, nose, lips, hair – the hallmarks of your people, the ones who dwelled in the gleaming cities far above.
He would have died from the fall. No human would have survived that plunge. But he wasn't human.
Bards sang of heroes and their glorious falls, of tragic demises that echoed through the ages. Tales that ended at dramatic cliffs.
But they never spoke of what dwelled beneath the cliffs, of those who scraped a living in the shadows, content with mere survival. Perhaps stories didn't just end on cliff faces. Perhaps some began in the very places the world chose to ignore.
Consumed by a primal need for escape, you burrowed deeper into the cave's darkness. The air grew thick and stale, the only light a faint bioluminescent glow clinging to the damp walls. Tripping over skittering mice and jagged rocks, you pushed onward. This cave had to lead somewhere, didn't it?
The weight on your back, though light, was a constant annoyance. The elf's golden hair kept slipping down, obscuring your already limited vision.
The entire cave shuddered. Rocks rained down, peppering the ground around you with a terrifying clatter. Panic surged through you – the thought of being impaled by falling debris sent shivers down your spine.
Running through this treacherous tunnel with an armored elf on your back felt like a scene straight out of a nightmare, one ending in your mangled body and the still form of the unconscious elf lost forever in the depths of this cave.
You pushed forward, a desperate need for escape fueling your every step. In a perfect world, the roles would be reversed – the elf, strong and armored, would be carrying you to safety. But then again, you'd been no match for the creature he'd faced, the monstrous entity that had set this city ablaze.
Blinded by adrenaline, you barely registered the water pooling at your feet. It wasn't until the current snatched you off your balance, shoving you back onto the uneven ground, that the danger fully registered. A torrent of water was gushing into the cave, its source hidden in the darkness ahead.
"Gods..." you choked out, the icy water now lapping at your waist. The thought of drowning, of dragging this elf down with you, filled you with a cold dread. "I am so sorry," you whispered to the unconscious elf, your voice barely audible over the roar of the rushing water. You knew the gods rarely intervened in your life, offering little comfort in the face of impending doom.
A primal fear clawed at your throat. "Don't let me die," you repeated the mantra to yourself, your fingers clawing uselessly at the slick rock wall. A new plea rose in your heart, a desperate bargain with any unseen power that might be listening: "Don't let the elf die either."
Your eyes darted to the shimmering golden strands of hair that danced around you, a stark contrast to the dark water now rising to your chin. With a grunt, you adjusted the elf's position on your back, securing him higher.
"I tried..." you rasped, your voice hoarse. "I tried to help you," you continued, digging your nails into the unforgiving rock face, desperate for a handhold, a miracle.
Frustration morphed into a desperate plea. "This life you gave me..." you choked out, the weight of the past crashing down on you. "Heal me again! Answer me for once!" You cried out to the unknown power that had sustained you, healed your broken bones all those years ago.
The next few minutes were a blur of terror and thrashing limbs. Lost in the white noise of the rushing water, you barely registered the powerful current that ripped the elf from your grasp before the water swallowed you whole.
Dark images flickered in your mind – the suffocating embrace of the water, the desperate clawing for a surface that seemed miles away. Then, a spark of memory – reaching for the elf, your hands brushing against his cold, armored form. An anchor you never asked for, a weight pulling you down further.
At least, you thought with morbid humor, you'd die holding a beautiful creature.
A morbid fascination drew your gaze to the dried blood smeared across his forehead. With a shaking hand, you wiped it away, a tender gesture that felt out of place in this watery apocalypse.
Tilting his face upwards, you felt a strange sense of urgency. This wouldn't be the end, not yet. You brought your face towards his, the last of your precious breath burning in your lungs. This, you thought, this wouldn't be death, but a spark of life, a desperate gamble with fate.
Just as your cold lips brushed against his, a powerful current slammed into you, yanking your body from the elf's grasp. The water, like a living beast, roared around you, tearing you away from the cave's darkness.
It wasn't the sweet oblivion you expected, but a surge of painful motion, dragging you through the jagged rocks and the oppressive darkness of the cave.
Finally, with a bone-jarring jolt, you were ejected from the cave's maw, tumbling onto the familiar banks of the river you'd once walked beside. Gasping for air, you lay on the muddy ground, the weight of the world pressing down on you
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He scanned the small, familiar room, a smile playing on his lips. The woman who lived in the woods. The one whose solitary existence had once piqued the patrol's curiosity.
Marek, the captain, the very one who'd shattered her only pot – a memory that now felt like a lifetime ago. Most of the guards knew her.
The woman they left trinkets for – their chosen shrine of offerings. The one who traded their gifts for stories, tales of men, a legend whispered amongst the ranks of Gondolin's guards.
And now, here he was, in her ramshackle cottage, the very same one where he'd once left a basket overflowing with scones. The woman, a mere memory until now, sat beside him.
Her hair, once neatly braided, cascaded wildly around her face. Exhaustion etched itself onto her features as she slept, slumped awkwardly in a rickety chair.
How, he wondered, had this woman reached him beyond the devastation he'd witnessed? Grief threatened to overwhelm him, a phantom pain for those lost.
A sliver of sunlight slanted through the window, illuminating her wrist. There, etched into the pale skin, was a symbol that sent a jolt through him. A shimmering outline of a wave, the unmistakable mark of Uinen, the Lady of the Seas.
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