#i know none of my followers Go Here but i hope someone gets enjoyment out of this anywah
Alright, so I have these two Sgt. Frog OCs, and since I'm too lazy to draw them and I refuse to roleplay this franchise, like, ever again, here's a little one shot fic of them. Warning for OCxCanon... only for them to be established as exes. Lmao.
Kululu's animal-hypnotizing sonar was destroyed as soon as the grill of the speeding Jeep Wrangler made contact with it. Kululu and Tamara - who got in the way in attempt to use his Tamara Impact on the vehicle - were knocked unconscious and sent flying. Keroro, Giroro, and Dororo were frozen in fear as the Jeep stopped right in front of them.
How could a Pekoponian see them and their technology? The driver's seat door opened and out stepped a woman that looked to be in her thirties dressed in a t-shirt with some woman on it that said "P!nk Funhouse Tour", a tattered denim vest with different patches adorning it, cargo shorts, combat boots, and a baseball cap that read "Park Ranger". On her face was heavy eyeliner and mascara. She looked down at the three aliens, crossed her arms, and narrowed her eyes.
"What are you doing here, Keroro?"
"Kero!" Keroro's eyes widened. He didn't recognize the human, but… "That voice!"
The woman let out an irritated grunt and suddenly she was glowing, shrinking until she was just the same size as Keroro. In her place stood a teal Keronian, still wearing her patch-filled denim vest and donning mascara, as well as a brown hat with the symbol of a claw on its center, matching the symbol on her stomach. Keroro started to visibly relax at the sight of this familiar face.
"Unriri! Wow, you look great," Keroro commented, eying the other up and down. "I am loving this punk rock look on you. It's really cute."
"Keroro! She just ruined our plan and hit two of your soldiers," Giroro barked, it taking everything in him to resist grabbing the smitten Keroro and shaking him. "Don't get distracted just because you dated her once!"
Unriri, just as annoyed and unimpressed as the corporal, ignored Keroro, still crossing her arms.
"Hey, Zeroro. How've you been?" she asked, turning her glance towards the lance corporal.
"What? Um, hello? Unriri?" Keroro sputtered, unused to being ignored.
"It's actually Dororo now," Dororo replied, stepping closer to offer an extended hand. "It's good to see you, Unriri."
"Good to see you, too," Unriri replied, shaking Dororo's offered hand. "You look well."
"Unriri? Hello?"
Before Keroro could continue vying for the teal Keronian's attention, a towering white wolf burst out of the bushes, holding… groceries. It was holding grocery bags in its mouth. Keroro and Giroro grabbed each other, screaming in terror of the creature.
"Who's your friend?" asked Dororo, calmly.
As the wolf put the bags of groceries down, it started to become enveloped in a white light just as Unriri's human glamor was. Once the light faded, in the wolf's place was a white Keronian… At least, she seemed to be Keronian. She had a wolf-like tail that matched the rest of her off-white body and ears on her head as well. Claws extended from her fingers and she had fangs sticking out of her mouth. Otherwise, she seemed Keronian, with a blue wolf-shaped symbol on her belly.
"Unriri, my hunt was successful," she said as she handed the bags to Unriri.
"Heeey, you found Irish truffle ice cream this time," an impressed Unriri commented as she looked through the bags.
The white Keronian leaned in towards Unriri and the teal Keronian pecked a kiss on her cheek. This made Keroro visibly stiff.
"Dororo, Giroro…. Keroro," Unriri acknowledged. "This is Okmimi, my partner."
"Uhh, I'm sorry, what are you?" Keroro asked after Giroro shoved him off, pointing to Okmimi. "Like, with the ears and tail and everything… Are you some kind of mutant?"
"Tsk… Rude as always, Keroro," Unriri sighed irritably, shaking her head.
"Nah, I'm just like this," Okmimi answered rather innocently.
"Anyway, this preserve is private property," Unriri continued, putting her arm around Okmimi. "No hunting allowed and definitely no… whatever you were trying to do with that sonar thing."
Keroro was seething at the sight of his former girlfriend and Okmimi being so affectionate with each other.
"It's for the invasion of Pekopon," Giroro retorted.
"Yeah! Speaking of, shouldn't you be assisting in the galaxy-wide conquest of Keron or something?" Keroro asked, trying not to look so visibly shaken.
"I dropped out of the military to become a planetary biologist," Unriri explained. "Not that you would know, Keroro, but I've always had an interest in life on other planets."
"She's even got patches of different creatures she's studied on other planets!"
Okmimi gestured to the patches on Unriri's vest, and upon closer inspection, they all represented a different creature. Each one looked more alien than the last. Keroro crossed his arms, noticing how one of the patches presented a wolf.
"I do so know that you like studying life," Keroro almost growled. "I just… didn't like hearing about how a nyororo could suck the moisture out of me."
Keroro shuddered. Unriri rolled her eyes.
"Okmimi and I work here as of our temporary stay on this planet. It helps me with my studies," Unriri continued to explain. "I'm not forsaking my job for your invasion, especially if it harms the animals."
"Come on, can't you let one little bout of hypnosis slide?" Keroro coaxed. "If not for the invasion, for an old flame?"
"No," Unriri said firmly. "Especially not for an 'old flame' as selfish as you."
Keroro squeaked, while Giroro and Dororo just shook their heads.
"Nothing about her response surprises me," Dororo uttered.
"I'm with you there."
Okmimi glanced at Keroro curiously, then to Unriri, and back to Keroro.
"This isn't the same guy that trashed your apartment when you were still training for the military, is it, Unriri?" she asked.
"Sadly it is," Unriri replied, nodding. "Had all these wants and… desires that I'd only ever see reciprocated on my birthday, if at all. I was an accessory to him."
"I do recall him showing you off often," Dororo commented. "Without letting you get a word in edgewise."
"Alright, alright!" Keroro flailed his arms childishly. "If I was so bad, what does your new puppy bring to the table?"
"I do the hunting!" Okmimi set her claws on her hips and puffed out her chest proudly. "And I protect our den!"
"She does her equal share of chores, which is already more than I can say for you," Unriri sighed, letting the white Keronian lean her head on her shoulder. "She's loyal, trustworthy, fiercely affectionate, she listens, and makes me laugh."
"I used to make you laugh," Keroro uttered lamentably.
"Let it go, Keroro," Giroro said, putting a hand on Keroro's shoulder. "Right now we need to recoup and find Kululu and Tamama. We don't have time for high school drama."
"Hmph, guess you're right." Keroro turned around, his face suddenly forebodingly dark. "Guess we'll have to… try another plan."
Unriri, all too familiar with that ominous look, sighed irritably while Keroro and the others started to leave. Dororo gave her and Okmimi a friendly wave before he turned away. Unriri waved back.
"Don't come back," Unriri called dully, knowing her request was probably falling on deaf ears.
Okmimi stood stiffly, tail raised and ears forward while her amber eyes locked onto the departing crew. She gave a low growl.
"Leave it," Unriri ordered.
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personwhowrites · 2 years
Pls pls!
Can I ask for the 141 gang (+ Alejandro and Valeria) reacting to an y/n that starts yelling in german when angry. (Like an angry spanish Mama) 🙏🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️
Sure! Sadly, I did have to use google translate since I don’t know German. So blame google 😀
Task Force members ~wanted all of them to react together~
You are having an awful day already, bad news at home and an issue with a rookie who decided to make your life hell. You walk into the briefing room angry and tired from your whole day. Price has called a meeting about the next following mission. You stare at the table, not caring about the file next to you. Soap is kicking the side of you chair, while Gaz is coughing as he had been sick the previous days.
“Listen, we all have to get this mission done and you all can go home for Christmas.” Price says looking at a hologram. “We will all need to do our best.”
“Don’t we always?” Gaz says slamming the file on the table. “Come on price we know the deal by no—“
“I don’t care, we all have to go over this because sometimes people..” Price says looking over at sopa who keeps kicking the side of your chair. “Tend to go their own ways and almost get everyone killed.”
“One time!” Soap yells making you finally snap and stand up from your chair. “..Y/n?”
“Ihr benehmt euch alle wie kleine verdammte Kinder! das bringt mich dazu, mich umzubringen!” You yell shaking your head and grabbing the file next to you. “Hör dir einfach den verdammten Price an! Verdammt noch mal mit euch allen!” 1("You all behave like little damn children! That makes me kill myself!) 2(Just listen to the damn price! Damn it with all of you)
“English Y/n.” Ghost says looking over at you. “English, we don’t understand you when you’re like this.”
“Fucking German! Jesus!” You yell shaking head and holding the file tightly. “Ich wollte euch nie in meinem Leben so sehr verletzen.” (I never wanted to hurt you so much in my life.)
“..Y/n are you okay?” Soap asks you reaching for your hand which you immediately move away. “Y/n!”
“No! Just! No!” You yell finally and storm out the briefing room.
“..Damn what her so triggered.” Gaz says looking at the others. “..She’s fucking terrifying..”
“She was speaking German wasn’t she?” Soap asks looking over at the others. “She was?”
“Someone or something push her into madness today.” Price says going to the door. “All of you stay here I’ll go check on her.”
The men nod as Price goes off to find you. He finds you mumbling and cleaning the room you share with them. Price slightly concerned about this whole new behavior walks over only to get a belt aim at him.
“Woah! Easy y/n.” Price says putting his hands up. “Easy.”
“..Geh weg, ich will dich nicht in meiner Nähe haben oder irgendjemand in meiner Nähe..” You mumble moving the belt away and setting it on his bed. (Go away, I don't want you near me or anyone near me)
“Y/n.. are you okay?” Price asks hearing footsteps down the hall. The others didn’t listen to him once more. “You can talk to m—“
“Can you just go away!?” You yell shaking your head. “God damn it! If someone is angry don’t go after them!!”
“Sargent Y/n!” Price yells making your body freeze. “Listen!”
The others are by the door now. Watching the whole mess display in front of them. Soap and Gaz are really concerned hoping the whole yelling doesn’t lead to anything else. Meanwhile Ghost.. his enjoyment has been found for today. Seeing you argue with Price.
“Look! I need to cool off and none of you are helping!” You yell sitting down on your bed. “I’ll go back when I’m d—“
“Why are you mad.” Price asks sitting on his bed now. “Tell me, talk to me.”
“..Can I just be alone?” You say again annoying him. “Please Captain.”
Gaz and Soap watch as your anger slowly dies. Ghost leans against the doorframe watching you and Price. Almost as if he was watching someone get therapy. Soap and Gaz will try to get into the room but Ghost body will block them from stepping in.
“Talk to me or else I’ll get you Laswell.” Prive says making you quickly sit up.
“God no, she always turns it into a therapy session..” You mumble rubbing your hands together. “I just been having a bad day.. and you guys weren’t helping by being annoying..”
“How is your day bad?” Price says looking at you, his eyes maintained on yours. “Y/n..?”
“My family.. kicked me out the Christmas party and.. some dumb rookie is making it impossible to teach them anything.” You pause for a moment and take a deep breath. “They claim that maybe someone else.. should teach them since I’m too soft on them.”
“Are you?” Gaz says making you slightly angry again.
“No! God damn it!” You day getting up from the bed. “I’m not!”
“Okay y/n no sit down.” Price says grabbing your arm. “Ignore them, they don’t exist.”
“Harsh..” Soap says leaning on Ghost. “Real harsh Captain..”
You sit back down and stare at Price. Soon, you calm down and explain to him everything. The family mess, rookie mess and your whole process of how to stop being mad.
Later in the future they will give you time to cool off. Still terrified on why you’d tart cleaning when your mad. Soap makes a couple jokes saying you should be more mad so the place is clean 24/7. Ghost smacks him every time he does that “joke”
Valeria “El sin nombre” Garza & Alejandro Vargas
Your watching them argue, like always. Valeria decided to join Alejandro again and fight for good. Yet arguments seem so common between them if they cross paths. This time it was about handling food for others, Alejandro believe hot stew would serve everyone well for the winter, yet Valeria thought it was stupid.
“Now that’s just stupid Alejandro.” Valeria says looking at the planned week. “They can’t have strew each night.”
“Stew is amazing!” Alejandro says looking over at her. “Right Rodolfo?”
“Im staying out of this.” Rodolfo quickly responds next to you. “Think you can handle this?”
“..Yeah just go home..” You mumble shaking your head at their stupid argument.
Rodolfo nods and leaves you with them. Their argument starting to get physical. Valeria grabs a plate and throws at it Alejandro, it almost hits you.
“Was zum Teufel! Hör einfach auf, über dummen Scheiß zu streiten! Verdammt, ihr benehmt euch beide wie kleine Kinder!!” You yell making both of them freeze and stare at you. “Das ist es! Fick dich und dich! Ihr zwei seid nur Kinder!” 1(What the hell! Just stop arguing about stupid shit! Damn, you both behave like little children!!) 2(That's it! Fuck you and you! You two are just children!)
“What?” Alejandro says slightly terrified. “Y/n, ether speak English or Spanish.”
“Fuck your English and Spanish!” You hiss at him and grab the paper they been looking over at. “Fuck this paper! Now get your lives in shape! You both agreed to do shit right and mend stuff between each other!”
“I can’t when this idiot wants to serve strew for a whole week!” Valeria says with a small laugh. “Who even wants that!”
“Don’t you dare disrespect my stew!” Alejandro yells at Valeria. “You crazy woman!”
“genügend! Egal, versöhne dich oder halt die Klappe mit dem Essen, und ich kümmere mich darum!” You yell making both of them jump and stare at you. “..Assholes! Now clean the broken shit! Now!” (Enough! Anyway, reconcile or shut up with the food, and I'll take care of it!)
“Your not my boss.” Valeria hisses at you with a cold stare.
“Oh I’m not?” You say taking your shoe off. “I’m not?! Get your ass over here!!”
The argument will end quickly and Alejandro will have to stop you from hurting Valeria. They will clean the broken glass and plates. Yet be slightly scared of you, but glad that you didn’t have a gun at hand.
They also stop getting into arguments when your around. They don’t like seeing you angry, mostly because they don’t know what your saying to them.
Rodolfo will find it funny that they behave around you now. I mean who wouldn’t?
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crabsnpersimmons · 6 months
Hey Crabs! I have a small question! 🦀
How do you make the pictures of your traditional art look so good!?
They are always bright and easy to see! But when I take a photo of my drawings, they always have a blue or yellow tint to them. So how do you make it look the way you do?
(Also, I want to gobble up your art it is so yummy and pretty! Sun and Moon are so precious in your style!) ❤️
Thanks! And I hope you’re having a good day! :D
no prob! there's actually a couple things i do, so here's the tl;dr:
Lighting: i use daylight or light from a neutral white lightbulb
Editing: i use my phone's built-in gallery app to lightly edit the colours so they're clear and as colour-accurate as i can get (from my screens at least)
and i'll go into a little more detail with some examples under the cut
1. Lighting
a habit of mine that i got from my IG days (ugh...) is using daylight whenever possible. daylight just lights up the whole area more evenly and relatively neutrally. this is my set up:
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basically, i put the artwork near a source of natural light and prop up a reflector (in this case, a blank page from another sketchbook) that helps distribute the light more evenly across the page, so that even the side that is furthest from the light gets some light that bounces off from the reflector. i don't always have a reflector tho, like if i'm only taking a picture of a small drawing and not an entire page, there's no need.
now, if it's dark, then i rely on my desk lamp, which uses a neutral white lightbulb. regular lightbulbs come in different temperatures, from warm to neutral to cool—so that might explain why your photos are coming out with a yellow or blue tint. warm lights are common in houses because they're cozy, while blue lights are common in working areas because, like daylight, they keep us more awake. neutral white is in between the two.
here's an example of my Moon doodle that i did recently under different lights: warm (from my bedside lamp), neutral white (from my work desk), and daylight (i don't have any cooler lights in the house, so i couldn't quite get the blue tint 😅)
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now technically, NONE of these are colour accurate. so i always follow up with some light photo editing
2. Editing
now, i have 2 personal rules when it comes to editing my photos:
1) try to make it as close to the original as possible; and 2) don't spend too long on it
these are just my personal rules because... one) i'm lazy and i don't want to spend too long fixing every thing in my drawings, and two) i feel it is dishonest for me to make dramatic changes to my traditional art and still call it traditional art. whenever i do make digital enhancements (like colouring it digitally) i will tag it so no one would mistake it as purely traditional art. that's just me tho! there are no rules when you're having fun with your art and mixed media art is a thing! so do whatever you find fun and enjoyable.
also, i will try to make it as colour-accurate as possible, but i also recognize that not everyone's screens are calibrated the same way. my phone is set to a "Natural" colour setting, but on my new laptop (which i haven't figured out how to calibrate yet) is vibrant as all heck (like oh my gosh, maybe i need to start tagging everything with bright colours now, because what if someone else's laptop is this insanely vibrant and saturated??) but either way, i try not to spend too long on it because i know i won't be able to accommodate every screen.
anyways, for what i actually DO... i kinda just play around with different settings. if i took the picture under daylight, then there's not too much i adjust, usually it's the warm colours that are desaturated, so i try to make the reds pop more without effecting the blues too much.
or for my doodles, sometimes the doodle on the other side of the page is slightly visible, i'll tweak the lights and shadows and contrast levels until the background is clear enough (as long as it doesn't disturb the doodle i'm taking a photo of)
now, if your photos are coming out too yellow or blue because of your lighting, you can adjust that by tweaking the Temperature setting. here's an example of that warm Moon doodle:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
already looking a little better, right? so don't worry if your photos aren't coming out accurate, there are work arounds!
here's the before and after of the Moon doodle by the way:
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despite having daylight, i still needed to adjust the colours. specifically i needed to brighten up the reds and yellows, and bring back the page's natural yellowness. i also tweaked the Definition setting to make less hazy (sometimes i like the haziness tho, so i'll leave it as is sometimes).
and one other reminder: it doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be. a big reason why i keep coming back to traditional art is the fact that i can't control everything. i can't undo lines. i can't move things around. and i can't take the perfect picture. but it doesn't need to be perfect. drawing and sharing my art is supposed to be fun! and i don't want to put any barriers around that, or else it becomes unnecessarily stressful.
all that is to say, try out these tips if you want to, but don't treat them as hard rules and don't focus on trying to achieve perfection. just go have fun!
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My Personal Experience With Neil Gaiman Here on Tumblr
So, I'm sure anyone who comes across my Blog will see from my Pinned Post that it was previously Deactivated here on Tumblr. I essentially used the Blog to discuss controversial issues: abortion, gun control, BLM, etc. & had done a lot of work there. I had been running it for years & talked about some pretty heavy stuff, catching a lot of criticism for my views, but I had never been Deactivated or even had anything taken down.
As you can see from what I have Posted here since restarting, I am a huge advocate for the homeless. I had been Following @neil-gaiman for a while as a minor fan, mainly due to my enjoyment of his stories Stardust & American Gods. I've read none of his books, because the writing style didn't appeal to me, but I have some of them & watched the Stardust movie & the American Gods show.
Anyway, I'd previously seen him Posting here on Tumblr complaining about his residuals & how little money he was making, which rubbed me the wrong way for obvious reasons, but I let it go, because it wasn't that big of a deal to me at the time. Everyone has scruples.
Months later I saw him Posting about the recent writer's strike & going on a tangent again. Everyone was patting him on the back & agreeing with him & it irked me. Badly. So, I Reblogged it with a picture of a tent city & a link to Sia's album Some People Have Real Problems. Obviously, it irked me that someone of his means was complaining about his residuals & how little writers make when people all over the country are struggling to make ends meet, many of them falling victim to homelessness. Like I said: some people have real problems. Writers also make much more than your average worker, but I digress.
He. Was. PISSED. He then proceeded to attack me on his Blog. I can't remember exactly what he said, but it was something along the lines of 'I'm famous, how dare you question me!' I was then attacked relentlessly by his mob of fans to whom I vehemently defended myself & my position. I even recall one fan telling me that 'One day [I was] gonna wake up & regret insulting Neil Gaiman.' I think it's safe to say that day never came. 🙄
I wish I had screenshots for you all, but, like I said, my Blog was almost immediately taken down after the incident, which I find crazy as nothing I Posted in regards to this was out of line in any way. I did have some questionable shit on my Blog due to my endless defense against trolls, but like I said before, none of it had ever gotten pulled until then, so I'm really not sure what happened. I checked his Blog, but I can no longer find the Post there.
My guess is that Neil has some very serious issues with women &, quite frankly, I'm not suprised. I feel terrible for cracking up at him being dragged through the mud when I first got online this morning. I just saw part of the Post on FB via Threads & couldn't read it all, so I wondered what he did this time. I could never have imagined that it had to do with a SA or I would never have cracked a joke. I will try to be fully informed before I Post from now on, I just really felt a sense of vindication & closure when I saw that, & now even more so. And to that asshole, I will never wake up & regret insulting Neil Gaiman; Maybe if he wasn't being an entitled piece of shit with a broken moral compass I never would have done it. It just goes to show you that we need to stop idolizing celebrities. "You don't know these people."
I hope any of his victims continue to come forward so he can get his just desserts. On a personal level, I am so, so sorry that this happened to you & I empathize with you.
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bubbles-lounge · 1 year
I’ve had this brain rot for like MONTHS now and I wanted to spill it lol..
This I my first time requesting so bare with me here 😭
So what if the reader was a singer and whenever the reader would go on tour, or hosted a concert, Dottore would secretly watch. but what if one day reader noticed Dottore and accidentally made it obvious that the reader knew he was there.
So like when the reader would end the concert out of fear, Dottore decides to take reader. 🫣
Bonus; if you could make the reader female 🤧
Imma send this before I chicken out..😭
.... Anon... Give me your brain pleaseeeeee/j
Nook don't chicken out I'm nice I swearrrrr(I think at least) I love the request, im here for your brain rot.
Dottore has been plaguing my mind so I'm really happy.
Ima add someone else who likes reader but like they are just a background character they aren't important if you want one without the guitarist then I'll re make it.
You were have having in of your normal concerts as the crowd was singing along with you as you shrugged off the felling if being watched, everyone got louder as you and the guitarist were looking at each other and smiling. You had quickly skimmed over the crowd to see the people's enjoyment as it kept you going but then you see someone, you see him..
Why was the 2nd fatui harbingers here?! You panicked but kept your cool so your performance wouldnt be effected... Was he the reason you felt like you were being watched? You kept looking over at him and staring at him he was excluded from the crowd as he stared right at you even when you looked away he was staring at you.
The sing finished as you quickly made an announcement that you had to end the concert early due to a problem, as you looked over to dottore seeing him smirking at you... You quickly bowed as your band followed picking up something was wrong with you as you all left the stage, you being faster than the rest.
You quickly explained it to your hand as they were in shock and hugged you. They promised to help you if you get in trouble with him, they truly were amazing friends. As you all packed up to head home back to liyue, you apologized as they promised it was fine as you had a valid reason.
You all went back to the shared house that you had rented for the trip and you were all trying to sleep, if only you knew what would be waiting for you, you would have asked your friends to sleep in the same room, you used to do it all the time... You wished you had asked....
You woke up as you opened your eyes to a....different room?! You panicked. You quickly looked around seeing a coat and placing it on you as you opened the door to see him... How did he find me... Why am I here?!
He smiles at me as he stares at me with obsession. He grabbed your face as he asked you questions.
"Are you alright your in quote the state? I hope your not uncomfortable in your new room. Why are you leaving in your nightgown? "
I stared at him in horror. Why was I in his house?! What is going on?! I opened my mouth as I spoke in a shaking voice
"Why am I here? What do you want from me? "
He smiled at me as he leaned down and whisper to me
"I dont want anything but you. I don't give to your shows for no reason you know and when you spotted me I just had to grab you for myself. "
You have had a few stalkers but none as powerful as him nor willing to actual kidnap me! He took my hand as he led me back into the room as he sat down on the bed pulling me beside him, it was only then I noticed the chains on my wrists... I was to panicked before to realize... Now I'm stuck here.... Alone with him..
I hope you liked this!
Remember to eat and drink lots<33
Remember that you are stunning, beautiful and wonderful<33
Enjoy your day/night<33
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fizzingwizard · 8 months
joking with bf about tumblr and realized I don't understand what people get out of social media anymore - like at all.
My first real "social media" was myspace. It was short-lived. But I liked that (back then) you had your own page, you filled it out with your information, you had your music and banners etc. Not so many images back then, but the point was your page was yours. Customizing your own space was fun.
Then I moved on to livejournal which was even more self-involved. You had your journal that was just yours. You could put anything in it, anything you wanted, and it wouldn't go away unless you chose to delete it. But other people could look at it and interact with you in the comments. And you could join communities where you'd meet other people with similar interests, which would then lead them to visit your journal and you to visit them.
When lj tanked I moved to tumblr, where once again, I have my own space, I can talk about whatever I want, people can choose to interact with me if they feel like it, plus there are visuals and video and a feed which delivers new posts from people I follow. It's easier than ever to just explore, meet people with similar interests, and make connections, while cultivating my own journal/scrapbook that is a record of myself over the years.
It seems to me that self-involved element just isn't interesting to many people anymore. Even though Instagram and Tiktok are definitely very invested in the self! I guess the argument is probably that no one reads text posts anyway, the best way is to post video or images and at most have a short quick to read blurb attached at the bottom. But the attraction of text posts, for me, was never the idea that other people were going to read them. It was simply self-expression. The enjoyment of talking about what's going on with me and working through it. It's nice to get comments, but sometimes the comments, well, make you feel worse, especially on a personal post.
On fandom posts I hoped for notes, but in general I liked to stew in anonymity. I thought about having separate blogs for fandom posts and personal ones. But you know why I didn't? Because I like going to someone's blog and seeing more there than just their art or fanfiction. I like knowing a thing or two about their lives. Not so I can judge them. Because it makes them feel real, relatable, like a friend. Someone I'm not meant to worship for their skill, but appreciate and support, by my own choice, as part of a community. When there's no info at all and it's just a fandom blog, it feels commercial to me. I'm always relieved when a fandom blog links to their personal blog, although I also find that much more jarring than if everything's just in one place and searchable by tags.
These days everyone tells me to be on Discord, Tiktok, or Instagram. But in none of those places can I develop my own personal space the way I like to. I can't even find groups with similar interests on them. Maybe some exist, but if they do they're nowhere near as easy to find as they used to be. When I was in my twenties I could always find people to chill with, no matter how tiny the fandom was. Now the point is to have a sleek, clean, specific persona so people know immediately what you're selling (even when no actual money is involved). You're selling art, you're selling fanfiction, you're selling meta, you're selling activism, you're selling witticisms. That's all great. And what we've all known, even since the days of myspace, is that what doesn't sell is personal posts. Talk about yourself = followers walk away. There's nothing for them here. Multi-fandom blog? Yeah but I only like one fandom you do, so clearly we have nothing in common and shouldn't interact. Lol. Honestly there are so many people here on tumblr I'd like to interact with, except when I visit their blogs they seem like they wouldn't want to interact with me. I'm only a little bit cottagecore, not 100% cottagecore. I sometimes post about books, but sometimes about anime. So the book-lovers who stick up their nose at anime don't want to hang out with me, and the anime-lovers who don't get classical literature maybe think I'm gonna be a snob toward them. Because they know "too much" about me. If they knew less, if they knew only what they'd feel comfortable knowing, because my blog is anime-only or something, then maybe we'd be friends. Not that I'd call that friendship :) but you know, in that shallow, hyper-specific social media sense of the word.
That's my theory. I never was popular on any social media site - personal blogs rarely are! Never wanted to be either (I've been here since I was in college and uhhh absolutely do not judge me please by anything I wrote when I was stupid nineteen). And it may be that very personal feature of tumblr which makes it less attractive to people than places where the point is to be a persona, instead of a person. Persona attracts, person not so much.
I just feel sad that this type of social media seems to be disappearing when I have no appreciation for the type that's replaced it. Believe it or not, I want to see y'all's novel-length text posts. Even when I don't read them, I still want to see them. I like having my little group that I follow and the only people I unfollow are blogs which self-promote more than I have a taste for. Small spaces are so underrated and I guess that's only to be expected.
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re your tags. look I can see how it could be sad if we look at it that way buuuut let’s think for a minute. noah has known finn forever and pretty sure he’s always had a crush, it’s been obvious to me since s2 imo but I don’t think he would like act up like this way if he still had a hopeless, could never be reciprocated crush, seeing as how he’s older now, knows how to hide it appropriately after years, and also wouldn’t want to make things weird seeing as how they are doing an onscreen romance at the same time ya know? I feel like he would be able to keep his composure and professionalism for the sake of Finn’s comfort at least if not himself lmao buuuuut if there is something going on there beyond just friendship? then yea shit is gonna leak out a little bit because he’s excited and can’t help himself. like imagine having a crush on someone for years as a kid and then it (maybe) finally happening?!? yea you’re gonna be a bit down bad. that’s my thought process lol
I am delulu and free but with a side of still being logical hahahahha
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Compiling several of these here!!! The wildly different reactions to fan-acount-gate hahaha.
It's honestly one of the more interesting little sleuthing things I've seen so far - it's just so. Odd. But endearing? Whether he's in a relationship with the man or not, it's so in the realm of having feelings for the guy, and this is a neutral read as someone who has fun with the concept of these two together but does try to look at it from an outside perspective with passive enjoyment as my interaction with FN. (Primarily because I don't like admitting to being wrong? Perhaps. The Byler confidence is strong and there's so much evidence to back that up as a story-telling narrative. A celebrity relationship? Tabloid gossip via fan blogs. So much room for error. And I don't like to lose hahahaha) I CAN ADMIT IT.
Intrigued and hopeful but free, that's me! Because it's such a Noah move? His hyper-online engagement with his own fandom. Not like most celebrities. Endlessly endearing. Following fan accounts is so random. It feels like he was covering for following the Finn ones with the others. I get being on tiktok and having edits from the show you are in pushed to you (I don't really know how it works, maybe he sought them out in the past, maybe it was happenstance on the feed or a friend sent it and he was amused). But pointedly following a FW fan account and then looking at the stories??? Boy....
Because Finn is the guy he literally sees all the time at work and also clearly hangs out with. In reality. In person. In his real life. And then he goes online and is looking at content like that? Wild. It could be pining, it could be all in his feels if it's real and they're apart, it could just be a cheeky little thing like hell yeah, that's my man and none of you even know. FASCINATED.
Hey, maybe Finn is chilling in the bed next to him and Noah is showing him the edits kind of teasing him about them and then hmmmm. Fanfic territory. Moving on...
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nilesmoon · 7 months
Hi, I loved your post about the family vacation with Ichi and Sawashiro. And I'll just say that I didn't have a problem with Sawashiro's role in IW... until the very last second. Because they get a freaking helicopter for Kiryu, but no one even went to look if Sawashiro was ok?? They just leave him in the chair while tending to Kiryu. BOTH of them are dying.
Like holy shit, Ichi would have gone to him in a second. He would have stopped Ebina's monologue instead of just standing there without even knowing if he was alive or not. That was for me the most disrespectful moment. I loved how Ichi believed in him at the beginning of Chapter 10, and then I was expecting some kind of reunion at the end but he f*cks off to Hawaii, not even a "Please save the Captain" to Kiryu or anything. That's what made me the most mad
I really hope they pay us off in Y9, he better come back with a cool eyepatch and join the party
Omg I didn't really expect anyone to read that post let alone get an ask about it but I'm so glad that you loved it!! And huge same if he's not coming back as a party member or dying in a meaningful way, there's no point bringing that asshole back.
Me, being the Arakawa family tragedy enjoyer that I am, was overjoyed to see Sawashiro back for 8 and while he did have a few banger moments, the ending really did ruin it all for me. Me bitching abt it under the cut bc I need to puke out my anger Somewhere
Like I keep going back to think about how Ebina calls Ichi, tells him that he's got a bone to pick with him, tells him that he's holding Sawashiro captive bc what better bait to dangle in front of Ichi than the possibility of someone he cares for getting hurt??? And lets be real here the rest of the cast has no reason whatsoever to care about Sawashiro other than him being someone important to Ichi. (I think Tomi says something like 'i dont know this guy but if he's being used as bait he's gotta be important to you' iirc)
Then Kiryu walks in and is like "leave Ebina to me" bc Ebina's plotline is suddenly something personal Kiryu has to deal with??? (my feelings about kiryu being a protag in this game is a whole diff can of worms that I wont open rn but keep in mind how its mostly negative) So Ichi leaves that to him and doesn't really state what he's feeling about all the new info that gets dropped on him (this could be a 'Ichi putting others above himself' moment but i still hate it bc whats the point of Ebina's '''plot twist''' if Ichi was not even a part of it????)
And my god Sawashiro at that last scene. I think my live reaction of that scene is still on twitter where I just bitch for an hour. Even before the scene happened I was like "If they kill Sawashiro without Ichi present it'd make no sense. just like how killing Hanawa without Kiryu present was a Bad Choice".
When that chair turned... I think I tuned out the rest of Ebina's monologue bc I kept thinking the same 3 things: 1. none of this would've happened if sawashiro came with me to hawaii, 2. there's absolutely no reason for this to happen with This Cast (i dont think they even react outside of gasping or something) and 3. when will this masato clone wanna-be shut the fuck up so I can beat his face in (One thing I'll give to that chair scene was how it was a direct parallel to Hoshino's corpse. I think it was a very sexy thing rgg did.)
And then they're like "look!! he's not dead!!!" but at that point I was not sure if that was a 'last words' or a 'he's still alive!' moment. and I'm gonna be honest I Still Do Not know bc just like you said anon, NOONE DOES ANYTHING ABOUT HIM??? (nor about ebina for that matter) AND THEN THERES NO FOLLOW UP WHATSOEVER????? and all this makes me see it as sequel bait tbh
and I'm not even going into how he doesnt even get to meet Akane again. Thats a whole other topic on its own and I think I already typed out enough lol.
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undercityrezident · 2 years
Below the cut is a personal reflection on this past year and some New Years wishes for my followers. There’s nothing particularly sensitive beneath the cut, but I don’t want to ramble on the dash for too long.
So, if I’m going to look back on this year, I have to say it’s been a good one for development of my interests and skills.
I might have an idea of where I’m going and what I want to do with my writing (at least in a professional context outside of my creative writing) thanks to some of my school courses this year, particularly this past semester.
I also feel a lot more confident in my writing in general. I’ve been writing largely for recreation either in fanfic or some original works that I honestly never expect will see the light of day for the fact it’s either very self-indulgent or just not of a caliber I’d be willing to share... or both.
But 2022 is a year I’ll have to remember because it’s the year I’ve published my first creative work. Grant you, it’s just a short story that’s gone up on my program’s website and not in traditional print, but it still counts in some respect. I’ve also contributed to a larger work that’ll be put into print next year too.
It’s taken me a long time to find something I’m really passionate about. It’s funny because writing has always been something I’ve loved, but before last year, I never really considered that I could make it into a career. After getting out of working in food service, and never wanting to go back, I’m so happy I’ve found something that I could potentially enjoy doing in order to not starve and keep a roof over my head.
That said, 2023 will probably be challenging because not only am I potentially engaging in co-op to get some practical experience in the writing/editing industry, but I’ll have to really overcome some anxieties about taking my writing from the theoretical setting of school and into the practical environment of a real workplace. And finding work after graduation in my field will likely be a challenge in and of itself.
And in the event I do, I’m hoping I’ll continue to have enough time and energy for my creative writing going forward. I’ve been fortunate to get a lot done this holiday, but I know things will be picking up almost immediately in the new year. It’s felt good to really get back to my writing. I know it hasn’t been posted on here or on any RP side-blogs I once ran, but none of them are the place for my non-fanworks.
But as the year draws to a close I want to take a moment and thank my followers and mutuals who have been supporting me on here. I know, for the most part, my interactions with people on here are very limited. My original posts don’t get a ton of notes, and I don’t have many original posts to begin with. I do not send many, if any asks or IMs. But the few reblogs and likes I get are still appreciated. To know there’s someone... anyone... out there who derives any sort of enjoyment from what I do on this blog is a big part of what keeps me on here. That and fuelling my minor obsessions with various media I enjoy here in my little cabin in this backwater corner of the internet.
I hope to continue to entertain you as we move into the unknown waters 2023. Have a Happy New Year everyone!
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fleastinger · 5 months
I dont think you realize how hard this is going for me.
Its like picking at a burn that desperately needs to be left alone, risking infection every pull. Like my eyebrows. Like my ingrowns. It's not good for me, even now, when all I could think of is letter every day from the past week.
If I doing good, I think of you, and wonder if you're thinking of me. Unblock on soundcloud, search you on twitter, then block again. I wonder if you knew I kept looking at your music even after you messaged me. The moment you hid your likes is when I realized how bad I was getting.
And If I feel bad..... I think of you, and compare. I would miss how I would cry in front of you, but get sad imagining how you would respond. I think this wouldve been worse for you, since I was so quick to play victim and not own up to how I needed help.
I thought about it. I really did. I accidentally hit follow at work once, when I was thinking of you. I freaked out. I was scared to acknowledge how much you kept reaching out , and scared that I lead you on for my mistake. But i thought about it. I kept acknowledged how I felt through my reposts. Listening to pink reminded me of you so much. But it was too late for us.
I think if I had waited, and broke up with R , I wouldve been with you. I wouldve been mad, but i wouldve accepted the fact that you called the last day of the ultimatum.
But what happened shattered me. You have to understand. I always saw myself as a loyal person. R was someone I really considered kids with, until I realized I wouldn't be happy so young with them. I was ready to break up with him for you. I just got impatient, too comfortable. I got self destructive. I lost my mind the night we fucked. I was so depressed when we were together, guilty over how I handled myself. I feel like, no matter how depressed and hopeless I feel right now, at least I am not always smoking away my responsibilities and being stressed about you. Being mad, distrustful, exhausted, bitter. We had more people rooting for us than we realized on my families side. But neither of us were able to anymore. I truly feel that you are free of me now that you've let go first. And I only wish the best for you, hate that we werent the best for one another, and hope that you would understand if I let go too.
I think its scary for me to write that. But its an inevitable fall. I think of someone else now when I say baby. I really found enjoyment in cooking again, something I had a hard time doing without you. And I can't go back.
And it feels weird to start falling in love again. The beginnings of it, how he makes me feel like I can really keep going. how I want to encourage him and be there for him as he goes through decision making through life atm. I felt helpless, asking him for help, but I know he has my back, and all I want to do is return the favor and be there for him. To be better with him, for myself and for him.
And just.... i get mad, but not the same kind of mad. I can calm myself down and not yell . I can cry it out and be patient. I think that you and I had too much trauma, acting out the way we were yelled at to each other as kids through our fights.
I was scared of being like your mom. I knew my depression was getting worse, fueled by my anxiety. I felt like I was becoming a worse version of myself and hated how I treated you. And when you messaged me on tumblr, pleading to reach out, I felt so fucking sad. I wish I could reach out to you, sometimes, and just tell you how much ive been struggling. How sucidal i feel, how scared I was over getting evicted. How it scares me to be so depressed, to feel like it doesnt matter if I'm here.
But i knew if I reached out everything would fall apart. No one would support me anymore. I wouldve accepted losing my apartment and let my job fall into jepoardy. And none of my friends or family would support me again.
And i know for certain I would not be here, with my cat, saved from eviction.
You wouldve hated my cat. I really do think that. You wouldve loved petting and playing with her, but you wouldve smoked in here with me , and hated how i would run home to take care of her instead of cuddle you and harley. I think harley would stress her out and scare her, and i probably wouldve been alone for her (or worse, not home if she was in labor).
I'm sorry, Zach. Its over. And you were right. I wish i wasn't a coward when i broke up with you that final time and did it in person. Your last words haunted me. You still loved me until the end. And I wish things were better. Maybe I wouldnt have been so hung up on you so msny times if we split in person.
Please.....I wish you get help and live a long, wonderful life, full of happiness. I hope you find love again and do better for her.
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Ah, I see I was a bit late on the draw with my request. Oh well, c’est la vie!
In that case could I please get prompt 7 with Kokomi?
“Shush and go back to bed”
Characters: Kokomi x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
This post is part of my 800 Follower event, if you’re interested in reading more fics belonging to it, you can find them on my blog under the tag #JustASimp’sSimpingEvent
a/n: I... didn't write for my event in quite some time, so I'll try to do that more frequently from now on, no promises though.
If this isn't what you envisioned or you simply aren't happy with it, just tell me what to do different and I'll try again.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Kokomi was a great leader, strategist, and over-all person, never refusing someone asking her for help, no matter how much she had worked before or how tired she was. But while her kindness was noted by everyone around her and certainly helped her get the great reputation she had among the residents of Watatsumi Island, it also meant that she’d often come home without any energy.
And so, you’d take it upon yourself to at least help her with the smaller tasks so she could focus on important matters. And while that in itself already helped her immensely, there were still times there was too much work for her to finish.
When you found Kokomi passed out by her desk, pen still in hand and paper in front of her, your first reaction was to let out a small sigh. This wasn’t the first time you found her like that and very likely wouldn’t be the last, but before you could spend even more time debating how to help her, you decided to try carrying her to bed without waking her, only to take her place at the desk once you succeeded, trying to finish as much of her paperwork while she was asleep and ease her burden just a little bit. But before you got too far, you were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, causing you to glance towards it, only to be greeted by Kokomi looking at you with a tired look.
Just as the divine priestess opened her mouth to say something, you cut in, knowing too well that once she’d be able to make an argument for why she should be the one doing her work, you’d probably feel compelled to agree, and so you forced yourself to interrupt her in the most decisive tone you could muster, “Shush and go back to bed.”
Once again, she was about to respond, only for you to force yourself to repeat the process, and while you couldn’t help but feel extremely bad about it, you just wanted her to recharge her energy without worrying about work.
“Kokomi, let me finish this for you. You may overwork yourself again tomorrow, but not today, so either prepare to go and take the longest nap of your life or to call the guards, because I’m not going anywhere”, you declared, only for Kokomi to stand there in silence for a few moments before you once again glanced up to her, only to see her with a book about strategy in hand, suddenly making you realise why exactly she was here, causing your face to heat up slightly.
“That’s really nice of you and I won’t stop you, but could you maybe read me something out of this first? You don’t have to, but it would make taking a nap much easier and more enjoyable”, she asked, obviously still feeling exhausted. The last thing you could refuse was to help her, so you begrudgingly stood up before walking back to bed with her, fully intending to be by her side until she fell asleep and then returning to doing work.
By the end of the hour, both of you had long fallen asleep.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Good Excuses
Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Inspired by Day 3 of the August Prompts: backpack
Warnings: none- just fluff here today my friends, no use of "y/n"
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: I know I haven't written for Eddie in a minute but I swear I still think about him all the time
Stranger Things Taglist: @garbinge @winchestershiresauce @thatpunkmaximoff @xbunnysbrainx @bigcreatorwombatdreamer (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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“Hey,” Eddie turned around in his desk to look at you, “Do you have a—”
He didn’t even finish the question and you were holding a pencil out for him to take. He smiled, as he took it, and as much as you didn’t want to, you couldn’t help but to mirror his expression as you shook your head at him. You always said you were going to stop lending him things so maybe he would stop forgetting them, but you never followed through.
“I owe you my life,” he joked dramatically.
You rolled your eyes, gaze dropping back to the paper in front of you, “Not your life. Just your diploma.”
He laughed and was about to make another comment when your teacher cleared her throat up at the front of the room. Both of you looked at her, and you instantly felt like shrinking down into your seat when you saw the way that her eyes were locked directly onto the two of you. Out of habit you forced yourself to look back down at your work again, but you could still hear the muffled sound of Eddie chuckling. Part of you envied the way that nothing ever really seemed to bother him.
Every now and then, Eddie had days where it seemed like he forgot his entire life at home. It felt like every class the two of you shared, he was turning to you asking for some small thing that he’d forgotten. He was your friend, so you really didn’t mind lending him things or giving him pieces of paper, but you wondered how he fared in the classes that the two of you didn’t share. Who did he mooch off of in those scenarios?
“You know,” you told him at the end of class when he handed you your pencil back, “I could’ve sworn that when we met, you did have a backpack.”
He made a big show of tapping his chin in thought, “Did I?”
You laughed, giving him a playful shove as the two of you walked out the door of the classroom, “Yea, you did.”
He shook his head, a cheesy grin on his face, “You must be thinking of someone else.”
You rolled your eyes, “There's only one you, Eddie Munson.”
He pointed at you knowingly, “That is true. Lucky for you and the rest of Hawkins,” he laughed.
The bell rang to signal the start of the next period and you knew that it was going to be a bit before you saw Eddie again at the end of the day. You both had study hall together for the last period of the day, which worked out well when he actually showed up to it. But that wasn’t always a guarantee. Some days he used it as an excuse to cut out of school early. Part of you couldn’t blame him, but it was also a lot ,ore enjoyable when he actually showed up.
“See you for ninth?” you almost felt embarrassed about how hopeful you sounded.
He shrugged, drumming his fingers on the notebook in his hands, “Not promising you anything.”
“C'mon,” you pleaded, “you’ve been skipping it all week.”
He wiggled his eyebrows, “Miss me that much?”
Heat flashed across your face but you still managed to roll your eyes, trying to play it cool, “Forget it. Have fun skipping early.”
“Aw, come on, don’t be mad—”
“I’m not mad,” you reassured him as you walked away, “but I gotta get to class.”
He was about to start saying something else to you but you had already turned and started heading in the other direction. Truthfully he was surprised that you had let yourself be that late just to hang around and talk to him. He was no stranger to strolling into class whenever he felt like it, if he even showed up at all, but you were never like that. For you, on time was late. He wondered if he was rubbing off on you.
You strolled into study hall at the start of ninth period and you immediately noticed the fact that Eddie wasn’t there. You let out a quiet sigh, shaking your head as you walked farther into the room and found a seat. You stared at the doorway for a couple minutes, hoping that maybe he was just running late and that he would come sliding into the room, happy to see you even if you were going to force him to do the homework he so desperately wanted to avoid. But that didn’t happen. Tapping your pencil on the surface of your desk a few times, you finally pulled out your books and got started on all of your other homework.
You were packed up and ready to go long before the dismissal bell rang. So, the second it went off, you practically shot up out of your seat and booked it out of study hall. You doubted that Eddie was still at school, but if he was, you were about to give him a piece of your mind. You didn’t really know what you were planning on saying to him, you were just hoping it would come to you in the moment.
When you turned into the hallway where his locker was, you saw that the door of his was open, that he was crouched in front of it digging through it for god only knows what. Letting out a huff, you stormed over to him.
“Didn’t even ditch me to leave early today?” you asked, “Just ditched me?”
He nearly fell completely onto the floor, not expecting you to be so close or sound so annoyed. He scrambled to his feet, doing his best to turn around and face you in the process. Smoothing out his shirt, he said, “I promise you, I was going to show up this time. Cross my heart,” he drew an X over his chest with his finger.
You rolled your eyes, “Eddie, don’t—”
“Henderson needed me. Want me to just leave the kid hanging?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. He knew that Dustin was a bit of a weak spot for the both of you. For better or worse, neither of you ever got very good at telling the kid no. Still, though, it didn’t soothe the sting of being blown off again, “So you just decided to leave me hanging instead?”
Eddie chuckled, “You get to see me all day.”
“Except for ninth period,” you corrected him.
He smiled, nodding, “Except for ninth period.”
“Next time, can you just—” you stopped yourself short as you looked into his locker, something you clearly must never have done before now, not that it was really something you ever gave any thought to.
He was caught off-guard by the sudden pause, finally turning around to see what you were looking at. When he saw it, his eyes widened as he slammed his locker shut. He leaned back against it, trying to seem casual and miserably failing.
“Did I just see what I think I saw?” you asked.
He shrugged, shaking his head as he gestured vaguely with his hands, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s nothing to see here. Or anywhere. I have nothing that is for mortal eyes.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, “Have you had a book bag this entire time?”
He looked everywhere but in your eyes, “Can’t confirm or deny that, I’m afraid.”
You laughed, “Eddie! I’m serious!”
With a heavy, dramatic sigh, he stepped forward and opened his locker once more. Grabbing his backpack off the hook , he hugged it to his chest as though he was trying to stop you from taking it from him.
Shaking your head, you gestured to his bag, “Have you had that this entire time?” his silence spoke volumes and you had to laugh, “And here I thought all you had was your little box of contraband. Why don’t you just bring this to class with you? There’s gotta be some pencils in there somewhere so you don’t always have to borrow them.”
“There are,” he confirmed, still holding the bag to his chest.
“So why doesn’t it ever make it to class with you?”
His eyes dropped to the tiled floors beneath your feet, and if you didn’t know any better you’d say that Eddie Munson was actually blushing, “First time I asked you to borrow something, I really did just forget my bag at home. But then…” his voice got markedly quieter, “I just liked having an excuse to talk to you."
You laughed softly appreciating the sweet sentiment, “We’re friends, Eddie. You don’t need an excuse to talk to me.”
“We weren’t back then,” he pointed out.
“But we are now,” you retorted.
He chuckled, “I know. Guess I like knowing I’ll always have an excuse, though.”
You hooked your thumbs on the straps of your own backpack, “You know what else is a good excise to talk to me?” you didn’t pause long enough for him to answer, “Going to study hall with me.”
He laughed, shifting to be could actually put his backpack on and lock his locker, “Let’s not get too carried away.”
You rolled your eyes, giving him a playful nudge towards the school doors, “C'mon, Munson. You can drive me home now since I missed the bus. Another good excuse for you to talk to me.”
The smile he shot your way instantly put butterflies in your stomach, “Should I start doing this all the time instead?”
You tried to ignore the heat rising in your cheeks as your gaze dropped to the ground. You shrugged, trying not to seem too eager, “Doesn’t sound like a bad plan.”
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kikyan · 3 years
Yandere Natsu Dragneel Headcanons
DISCLAIMER: These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these are 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! 
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Gosh, this is such a throwback but I remember watching the first episodes on Netflix of Fairy Tail when I was a little girl. When my brother first started high school, he’d bring the manga from his school library and we’d read it together. I’m going to be honest, despite watching anime as a child with Inuyashsa/Naruto/DBZ/Yugioh being the first ones, Natsu was my first anime simp. Started out young bruh, anyways I hope the Fairy Tail fandom isn’t dead just yet because I’m going to be posting a lot more from it. Now let’s get to it! I see Natsu as overprotective, clingy, possessive, and obsessive. 
I am such a simp for this man jfc, but anyways it’s given that he is overprotective. I mean, he wants to save the majority of the members in the guild at all times and he truly believes that nobody should be alone. Same goes with his S/O, you’ll be lucky if you ever have any time for yourself. He’s extremely overprotective, no doubt wherever you go he will be there following you. Without a doubt, he’ll do anything to be your friend. Got a sad backstory? He’ll bring his whole speech out and do what he can to ensure you never relive those dark moments in your life. You’re safe and sound, you’re his friend and the desire to protect you is strong. It can be small, like catching the person who took your wallet or taking the blow when a villain tries to harm you. He never wants to see you cry, his arms are your new home (FLW reference haha), he wants to comfort you to the best of his ability and more. While he is extremely goofy, he’ll do things to make you laugh because no sad faces here, okay? You get kidnapped? He’s on his way to save you running on pure adrenaline, fear of something happening, and fueling rage for someone taking you. Again, it could be something so small like providing warmth on a cold night or sharing a meal when you’re hungry to absolutely risking his life for you. 
Obsessive. He STAYS breaking into Lucy’s apartment like??? What’s stopping him from breaking into yours? Honestly, these headcanons are like 50/50 because what if you were already in a relationship and then he began growing obsessed? Or you were new? Depending, he’d break into a lot more than your house. If you by some concept were involved with him and are moving in, he’s all over your stuff. If you haven’t, well he’d be all over your house. You going shopping? Expect to see him there on your kitchen table munching on some snackies and exploring your place. He knows every entrance, he knows where you keep the snackies even when you try to hide them, he knows where your spare key is, he knows a good majority of stuff. He knows your routine, where you shop, how often you shop, your interactions, what kind of missions you take, your diet, your salary, your hobbies, etc. Everything. I mean he is obsessed, it’s not like some kind of creepy stalking behind, it’s just his clinginess and random events that just transpire. It’s all for protecting you and making sure you’re safe and sound. 
I’m going to blend in together with possessiveness and clinginess. As we’ve seen with Lucy, he’s always at her place non-stop, the friendship they’ve built is really sweet. He’s always there for her and they are able to have fun here and there with jokes. He’d want the same with you and I really think he’ll be chill. He’d want your attention non-stop and I don’t think he’d terminate any friendships he has so it’s going to be, “Wanna go on a mission with us?” He’d always invite you to jobs and make it enjoyable on the way. Everyone would be their usual self but you’ll come back happy and wanting to go with the wacky group again. He’ll invite you out to eat and then feel guilty when neither of you have enough to cover the tab because he ate a lot more than expected. He’ll make it up though!! Whenever someone asks if you’re a couple he’d be oblivious to anything until someone points it out and then he’ll proudly say, “of course!” I mean it’s Natsu, who would even believe him? Without a doubt, he’s always ready to hang out with you. You could be sleeping peacefully and wake up to Natsu drooling next to you. He’s always there and trust me, it’s stronger when you’re in public. When you and Natsu are hanging out in town or someone tries to hit on you. Natsu will take it the wrong way and attack, yall dont have to be dating and he’d still be ready to pounce. Natsu is the brawn and no brain type so it wouldn’t be surprising he uses that as an excuse. “I didn’t know he was a good guy!” Deep down however, Natsu knows. Oh and as much as I love Happy, Natsu would probably emotionally manipulate Happy into thinking that this is okay and this is all to protect you. Happy, would be hesitant but later believe his friend, choosing to report anything you do to him and keep an eye out on you when Natsu isn’t there. 
In terms of using his brain, he’s a 5/10. He isn’t the brightest, but he isn’t completely stupid either. He knows what he is and isn’t capable of in terms of intelligence, but he will never give up. Persistence? Again, he’s EXTREMELY clingy so 9/10. Strength? MF has plot armor, good luck babes 10/10. Giving him an overall ranking of 6/10 on my yandere scale. Natsu is the type to have the best intentions but the WORST ways to initiate them, he may think what he is doing is protecting you and not see that he is suffocating you.
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taechaos · 3 years
No More
from Textbook Love drabble series
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: dark romance, college au
synopsis: Perhaps love isn’t all you need to be with Jungkook. Maybe it's a sign you and him weren't meant to be.
warnings: fluff, daddy kink, public sex, degredation, mild angst
word count: 6.7k
a/n: dedicated to a good old gemini, known as pretzel anon. happy birthday! this was shit! 💞 can someone let me know if i made a stupid mistake i was really high while writing this lol
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If every couple goes at their own pace, how does one know if the relationship is rushed or a slow burn? What is considered a date, and how many do you have to go on to stop calling it a date? Maybe there’s a book called Dating for Dummies.
Jungkook has taken you out once: a fast food meal on the curb across your campus. Romance is subjective, so you thought it to be very romantic when he fed you a french fry under the streetlights while you were too stuffed to finish your food. “I paid for it,” he’d said, “so you have to eat it all.”
“I’ll eat anything from your hand,” you’d replied bashfully. He got a bit awkward after that, and you regretted saying it until he began feeding you and even holding your drink to your mouth. It was a successful first date, but you wanted it to last longer; feel your heartbeat out of rhythm with every smile he threw at you until the sun came up. Unfortunately for you, he walked you to your dorm a little after dinner.
Luckily for you, you know that wasn’t your first and last date. You’re going to ask him out for the second one because it’s a beautiful day outside and you’ve studied all morning for your finals to clear up your schedule for Jungkook. A walk in the park sounds nice, then a picnic, maybe he’ll even hold your hand! Is it too soon for another date though? It’s only been less than a day… 
You’re wearing your favorite outfit for the occasion: a pale blue floral dress that has a rectangular collar on the chest—without cleavage, God forbid—and sandal heels to match. You even styled your hair, and hopefully dressing to impress works; you don’t want him to say no. The current issue is finding Jungkook, and you don’t want to be that person, but you’re avoiding calling him in case you bust him with another girl by searching instead. It makes you guilty for having trust issues, but infidelity has its impacts.
Regardless of your internal concerns, you’re happily humming as you skip on the sidewalk, checking every corner for a certain someone. So far no such luck, and if he isn’t in his dorm, and if he doesn’t go off campus on Sundays, where could he be? In someone else’s dorm…?
“Stop,” you scold yourself with a roll of your eyes and continue your hunt. Next location: the back of the building. The front is cleared out, so is the dorm; what’s happening in the most secretive area? “God,” you sigh. Is this how your thinking process has always been? You hope it is.
The beat in your steps has gone missing when you’re rounding the exterior of the building because of your reluctance. You’re contemplating calling him until you see the back of a man with a girl in front of him by the benches, presumably kissing from the smacking noises. You clench your phone in your dress pocket as you watch them, hesitant to find out who the guy is.
“Jun–” Your voice goes quiet when you see the tattoo of a dragon on his shoulder, peeking out from his black loose tank top. It’s not Jungkook’s tattoo. You bite your lip and ignore the relief in your tight muscles; he’s dating you now, that’s what he said. It’s different, so there’s no point in worrying about his loyalty. 
You shake your hands off and walk faster to the taboo spot. There’s no point in worrying, there isn’t, not when he told you he would make it up to you. There’s no reason for your heart to race from expecting the worst when you make the final turn.
A shaky breath leaves you and a small smile follows when you see him smoking with his friends by the back exit. There are four people with him, Taehyung included, who is sharing a cigarette with him. He notices you first because he’s facing you whereas Jungkook is facing the clear forest across. He waves you over with a wide grin, his eyes lighting up.
“I see a pretty girl at 9 o’clock,” Taehyung says and Jungkook turns his head, the rest following his lead. You take tiny strides while approaching them and bite down on a shy smile.
“Hi,” you greet in a small voice. Your eyes immediately lock with Jungkook’s, who looks baffled.
“Hey yourself,” Taehyung greets back. “Care to share?” He holds a burning cigarette out to you with a slight bow, as if offering you a rose.
“She doesn’t smoke,” Jungkook answers for you without looking away. Is he displeased?
“Have you ever tried it?” he persists before inhaling the stick and blowing it in your face. You cough and hold a fist to your mouth, shaking your head. Jungkook slaps the back of his head before taking the cigarette from him and putting it out on the wall he’s leaning against. “You owe me a whole pack now.”
“Care to introduce us?” a guy you don’t know asks curiously. 
“Oh, right–”
Jungkook cuts him off before putting names onto the three strangers’ faces, Namjoon being the one who asked for the introduction, and when he comes to you, he says, “Meet… my girlfriend.”
“Thought you said she was a lousy nerd, Taehyung,” Yoongi comments before chugging from his flask. “Doesn’t look like it to me.” Taehyung chuckles uncomfortably before rubbing the nape of his neck as you tilt your head at him, the glint in your eyes never fading at Jungkook’s words.
“I didn’t get a close look at her before, didn’t know she was a real beauty,” he recovers with a flirt. Another slap on the back of his head. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Seokjin diverts the topic. He appears very nice and seems to be the only one not smoking. His friendly smile puts you at ease and you politely tell him, “The pleasure is all mine.” Good first impression on all of Jungkook’s friends: check.
Your boyfriend ignores the interaction and stares at you until you gaze at him as well. “What are you doing here?” You can’t read his expression.
“I wanted to ask you…” you play with your fingers nervously, “if you wanted to go to the park with me?”
Jungkook quirks a brow as Namjoon and Seokjin wiggle their brows, Taehyung frowns, and Yoongi smirks. Quite brave of you to ask him out in front of his smoker friends, and it’s impressive that you play into such a role of textbook love: only caring about what your crush thinks. When Jungkook peeks to see their reactions, more or less weighing their judgement, he’s satisfied when he realizes none of them give a flying fuck about him being with a girl next door; someone outside of his type of rather than a free escort, really. 
He doesn’t care about what they think when he smiles down at you and says, “Let’s go.” You bounce on your heels when he swings his arm over your shoulder and walks away from the scene. The unsteady heartbeat is back for the same reason as last time, but you’re waiting to request something else.
The park near the university is peaceful with groups of friends hanging out; couples sitting on benches; the sun shining down on the trees and grass as you aim for the ice cream stand. You try to muster up the courage to ask him first, but you’re feeling courageous as you pull away from his arm and instead latch onto his hand and intertwine your fingers. You glance at him with a blush to see his reaction, but he doesn’t look at you and only squeezes your hand nonchalantly. His grip is tighter than yours. Maybe it’s from the heat, but his cheeks are tinted in a light pink shade. 
You stumble on your heels when you stare at him for too long, but you recover from a fall last second. He holds onto you anyway, furrowing his brows at your shoes. “High heels? Are you trying to reach my height?”
“You like them,” you giggle and continue your struts more carefully. When he frowns, you worry, “Do I not look good in them?” 
“Why would I like them if you can’t walk in them? You look pretty in flats too.” 
After a whole afternoon of eating ice cream, blushing at anything nice Jungkook said, listening to his music while sitting under the sun, the evening has come. Throughout the day, you were dreading the end of it because every second with him is so enjoyable. The warmth of his hand when you play with his fingers is a feeling you never want to forget, and you didn’t notice the little smile on his face when you were lying on his chest as he watched you do the most endearing and innocent thing one could think of. 
“So precious,” he’d thought. It makes the argument from yesterday feel all the more terrifying when he remembers how close he had gotten to losing this moment. It’s nothing he’s ever experienced or even seen before; plain jackpot.
You’re off the school grounds as you walk on the streets passing cafés with Jungkook, hands locked and feeling perfect. You wonder if he has ever done this with anyone before, but then he’s never been in a relationship. Who are the people that comment in his Instagram posts then? A question strikes you, and you admire his side profile as you ask, “You don’t like it when people call you– Ah!” Your balance wavers as you stumble again, this time falling on your knees after your ankle bends. With the pain tolerance of a baby’s, your eyes instantly water and you let go of his hand as you hold onto your ankle. It’s sprained.
“Shit, are you okay?” He crouches down and picks you up bridal style before sitting you down on a nearby chair. The café’s lights allow him to see the scrape on your knee and the bump on your ankle. “Hey, hey, don’t cry now,” he rubs your injury soothingly as he cringes at your tears. He doesn’t know how to comfort you as you whimper and sniffle. 
“Damn these heels,” you cry quietly. 
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise at your wording. “This is my second time hearing you swear. Swearing apparently helps with pain though. Say ‘fuck’.”
A chuckle leaves your mouth, but you decide to try it anyway; the throbbing muscle hurts too much. “F-Fuck.”
“Fuck these heels,” he encourages.
“Fuck these fucking heels,” you level. Maybe the theory is correct, because it feels slightly better when he laughs at your rare vulgarity. A minute passes with you trying to keep your tears at bay while he lightly massages your wound.
When he notices you calm down, he asks, “I don’t like it when people call me…?”
You sniffle and rub your eyes before saying a few seconds later, “Daddy.”
He blinks, stares at you, and his heart skips a beat. With your soft pout and red nose, you look so little to him. “... Yes?”
“Oh,” he smoothly snaps out of his shock, “I don’t have that kink… Um, say it again?”
It sounds different hearing it from you. Without the drawn out whine or the eggplant emoji next to it, and with your voice, it actually sounds cute. “What does that word mean to you?” he shifts the conversation with a subtle blush.
“I don’t know. You call a fatherly figure daddy, right? A man who takes care of you. People say it during sex too. You’re being a daddy right now.”
“Stop,” he warns lowly, “we’re in public.” He stands up from his kneeling position and picks you up in his arms again. “Have you ever called anyone that?” 
You clasp your hands behind his neck as he walks with ease, as if he isn’t carrying anyone in the first place. “No. My dad walked out on my mom when I was little, and I haven’t met anyone who treats me like you do.”
“Wait, you… think of me as your… daddy?” His eyes are wide and he’s gaping at the path in front of him with knitted brows. He looks so intimidating when you scrutinize his features, but you know he’s just flustered. You timidly nod against his shoulders. “Christ. Why?”
Your answer isn’t immediate because you don’t want to come off as too strong, but he’s impatient as he squeezes your waist. “I know you don’t want people to call you that,” you whisper understandingly, “but you’re so mean to others, and you hurt anyone who upsets you.” He rolls his tongue around his cheek uncomfortably. “Whether it be with words or actions. But you’re so sweet to me… You can be really rude, but you care a lot too. You don’t even smoke around me,” you laugh lightheartedly. 
“I mean, you are a baby. You make it difficult to not treat you like one,” he jokes with a hint of truth. You snuggle into his neck with a lopsided grin and your breath fans his tan skin. “I don’t like being an asshole to you, but I’m not exactly a nice person either.”
“You’re carrying me to my dorm,” you point out as a counter.
“I’m only nice to you; somewhat. And… I don’t like being called daddy by horny women, or men for that matter. I’ve never liked it, so I’m not exactly sure why I’m hard right now.” You tense against him. “Something about your sweet, innocent voice calling me daddy is really fucking hot.” He sighs to collect his thoughts; he can’t wait until he’s in your room. It would just be torture. “Did you get on birth control, baby?” He keeps his volume low in case of someone eavesdropping.
“Yes,” you mumble and grow nervous at what he’s thinking.
“Good girl,” he exhales and swiftly enters an empty alley between two restaurants. “Quite the slut too, telling me all this in a crowd.”
“I’m sorry,” you breathe as he presses you against the wall and has you wrapping your legs around his waist. He’s so thoughtful, carrying you even when he’s shaming you so you don’t put pressure on your injured foot. The shadows casting from the walls in the narrow space limits your vision, but you don’t need to see anything when he’s doing all the work by rendering you immobile from the press of his hips.
“Good choice with the dress,” he says while pulling out his belt and releasing the buckle. You hold onto him tightly without the security of his hands. He pushes his jeans down and has you towering over him by adjusting your position from the back of your thighs. Your breathing is quick and shallow from the anxious anticipation of the raw stretch, but he’s so nice to you today: he shoves your panties to the side and rubs your folds to collect your arousal as lube. He’s being thoughtful by relaxing your walls with his fingers first, and you bite down on a moan at the sensation. He’s still taking care of you by silencing you with a bruising kiss. 
“Thank you,” you sigh against his lips. His two knuckles are deep inside you as they curl and scissor. As nice as he is, he’s also very impatient and it’s not long before you feel his tip lightly poking at your entrance. 
“Ideal for a quick fuck.” He flashes a dazzling smile before it falters in order to concentrate on positioning himself. He closes his eyes and bites his lip as he slowly enters you, a lot more gentle considering the setting and knowing how vocal you get. A hum rumbles in his throat as you gasp when he’s halfway inside. When he bottoms out, he waits a few seconds for you to adjust before his rough nature returns. “You gonna stay quiet for me, little girl?”
“I’ll try.” Your heart is pounding in your chest when he leans in your ear, his breath tickling your neck. 
“You know that’s not what I wanna hear,” he whispers. He isn’t going to fuck you until you say what he wants, and your diffidence doesn’t make an appearance when his fingers are digging so hard into your thighs, his breath is hot on your skin, and he’s completely nestled inside you.
You lean into his ear as well, and meekly say, “I’ll try my best, daddy.” You can feel him shiver under your hands and hear him grunt, “God,” before he starts moving. Fast. You’d think he’s in a rush from how his pace picked up so quickly—roughly—but he may have just discovered his new kink. 
There’s no point in being quiet when the slam of his cock is enough noise deep in the alley, and he realizes that before you do. You’re bouncing in his arms, mouth open in a silent scream with only huffs leaving to not expose your doings, until he growls, “Say it again. Again and again.”
The chilly breeze from the night weather doesn’t affect you when he has you flush against him, and heat creeps all over your body not only from his hard and impatient thrusts but also from his words. “Daddy,” you whine, the same drawn out whine that he used to hate hearing; it makes his abs contract and clench now, a groan catching in his throat. He sounds almost animalistic, and your eyes screw back in pleasure. 
“Quiet, you fucking slut,” he reminds with a following moan. 
“I-I’m sorry, daddy,” you whisper in a strained voice. You can’t keep your vocal cords steady when he’s knocking the breath out of you every time he hits your cervix so deliciously. Jungkook’s a total paradox when he’s being so aggressive yet sweet at the same time, but it feels too good for you to complain. Your head is in the clouds when he bites on your shoulder to practice what he preaches: being quiet. 
“Do you love me?” Maybe that’s not the way you should go on about asking to hear his sweet nothings, because he bites you so hard that you feel his teeth break your skin. 
“The fuck kind of question is that?” he snarls. He licks a drop of your blood off of his lips when he faces you, but the bruising pistoning of his cock doesn’t differ; maybe slams into you even harder. “Hm? Answer me, dumb little slut.” He pinches your thigh cruelly, emitting a pained gasp from you.
 “I just want to hear you say it, please daddy,” you mewl. “I love you so much.”
“Keep fucking begging.”
You initially thought Jungkook became more honest and affectionate when you’re being intimate, but it seems that one word brings out a different side to him: wild and sadistic. Perhaps there are two sides of him being a daddy, one not so much of a fatherly figure. Controlling, dominating, and violent. You’ve received too many bruises in one night.
“Please, please, please, pretty please,” you comply in a cry and hug him tighter.
“Missing something,” he tuts with a breathless laugh. “I love you, stupid girl, more than anything.” He stops ramming into you, and the drag of his throbbing length loses its pace but not its strength. “So, so fucking much,” he strains before slamming into you one last time for his release. With him stuck brushing against your sensitive spot and his shaky moan, your lashes flutter and you clench down on him with the intoxicating wave of your orgasm coursing through your trembling figure. You whimper his name as his cum fills you, the warmth coating your walls while you lose your sense of awareness. 
“Stand on one leg,” he breathes. You know he’s referring to your safe foot, so you disentangle your legs from his waist and stand. The only sound aside from the drown out dialogues from the restaurants nearby is your panting. Though he’s just as drained of energy as you are, he adjusts your dress and underwear for you, even fixing your hair before he pulls up his pants and lifts you. “Don’t call me that around others by the way– especially Taehyung.”
“I promise,” you assure with a chuckle.
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The next day, a dreadful Monday, is not so bad when you get to link with your boyfriend and other friends by your usual spot on the benches. You don’t have a lot of lectures throughout the day, and you sit next to Jungkook who’s chatting with Taehyung and Yoongi after your long morning lecture in the afternoon. You peck his cheek as a greeting with a lovesick grin, and the former annoyed look on his face vanishes when he sees you. Soyeon and Minnie are close by, and thankfully there’s no tension between anyone. You’re forgiving, but you aren’t going to forget.
“So you two are actually back together, huh?” Taehyung says with a mocking smile. “What goes around comes around, Kookie.”
“Taehyung, you’re not making this any easier on yourself,” Yoongi murmurs.
Jungkook scoffs and rolls his tongue around his cheek—an irritated habit. “Well then Tae, I’m going to be polite and ask you to not be a homewrecker.”
“I have been hanging around Soyeon too much lately…” he jokes with a tilt of his head.
“Don’t turn this on me,” she says with a quirked brow, tone as soft as Jungkook remembers. You sit back and sigh at their bickering. “I didn’t know his name, you have no excuse to be flirting with her.”
“He isn’t–” You can’t get a word in when Jungkook agrees, “She’s fucking right, you know. Stop tailing around me to get a look up at her skirt.”
“I am not–"
“Oh for God’s sake,” Yoongi sighs like you do. Both of you share a guilty look, apologizing on each other’s behalf. It’s only when you start tracing the tattoos on Jungkook’s arm that he finally looks at you.
“You like it?” he asks, a bit smugly. You nod with a tiny smile. His tongue darts out to lick his lips before he pecks yours, and says, “I’ll add your name to the collection. Thinking of inking my knuckles.”
A blush from his kiss, and a bashful smile from his idea graces your face when you cutely pout, “No…” He laughs at your very obviously fake denial and closes in on you, teasing in a whisper, “Yeah? You like that?”
“Look at you two being so adorable,” Taehyung interrupts with a dreamy sigh, “but I want ice cream.” He holds his hands up by his elbows on the oak table and leans his face on them with fluttering eyelashes. “Kookie? Ice cweam? Pwease?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Jungkook winces at the disgustingly cutesy face he makes, and you release a humoured breath at the friendlier banter. “Go buy it yourself, moron.”
“I don’t have money and I want her tea on how you two made up,” he flutters his lashes again with his fingers intertwined; begging so silly. “Pretty please.”
“Now I’m definitely not going to leave you alone with her.”
“Baby,” you interject, and his eyes widen at the nickname. “I want ice cream too.”
He flashes a quick glare at Taehyung, easily giving into your needs with a sigh. “You’re paying, fuckface.” He snatches his wallet the moment it’s out of his pocket and walks off while spinning it between his fingertips.
“He stole my fucking wallet,” he frowns without offence. “Oh well. So…” his eyes trail to you with a mischievous glint, “you never smoked before, right?”
You shake your head, a bit curious—albeit amused—as to where he’s going with this. 
“You wanna know something? Jungkook reeeaaally likes smokers,” he stretches his hands for emphasis. It piques your interest, and you raise a brow. “I can teach you. We have to do it fast, before he comes from the store. Okay?”
“Um… okay,” you laugh as he switches seats from across you to Jungkook’s spot. 
He takes out his pack where his lighter is also stuffed as he speaks, “So what I’m gonna do is teach you how to shotgun.”
“You can’t do that with a cigarette,” Yoongi states in boredom, a plain contrast to Taehyung’s hyperactivity. “Don’t listen to him. He’s lying to you.”
“Oh, shut the fuck– okay, sorry, didn’t mean to say that.” He turns to you with glimmering excitement, “It’ll be easier on you if we do it with a shotgun.” You merely shrug because you don’t even know what that means. He sticks a cigarette in his mouth before holding up a hand to his lighter, inhaling until the tip burns. Smoke flies past his lips as he explains, “You inhale from the filter, but don’t inhale too much. You’re going to cough, maybe feel a little lightheaded since it’s your first time, but try to hold it in, okay?” 
Taehyung peeks behind Yoongi before shifting his attention to you. He takes another drag from the cigarette but doesn’t exhale. “Okay,” you say with a nod, sharing his excitement at a new experience that Jungkook could potentially approve of. You can rely on Taehyung’s honesty, though the bad memory from before leaves a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, but you’re ready to create better memories with him. He flips the stick until the filter is between your lips.
He wraps his lips around the tip and your eyebrows shoot up at the proximity. He holds your face between his large palms, and the cigarette is hidden behind his hands. He leans closer and nods at you, and you take the cue to inhale. You hear Yoongi blow out a deep breath just as you take in a shallow one. The urge to cough strikes you instantly, and you hold it in the best you can; your cheeks puff out as you slightly wheeze, and smoke leaves from both your mouth and nose. That’s when Taehyung pulls back, the intense eye contact gone, and you hear Yoongi scoff and the heavy footsteps of someone else. You cough into your hand when Taehyung slips it out of your mouth and holds it under the table.
“What the fuck?” Jungkook asks incredulously and throws three wrapped popsicles on the bench. You feel slightly dizzy when your small coughing fit ends, and you grow confused as to why your boyfriend is glaring at you with such intensity as his eyes flicker back and forth between you and Taehyung.
“Had to take you up on the homewrecker offer–” Taehyung’s sentence is cut off when Jungkook pulls him up by his collar, hesitates with his fist flying midway, then forcefully pushes him onto the pavement instead. He’s also confused– frantic, and doesn’t know what to do.
You’re semi-conscious of what he’s doing, but consuming nicotine for the first time leaves you feeling quite strange. You feel like you’ll stumble if you try to stand up, and slur if you speak, so you just wait it out.
“What– Why are you just sitting there?” he asks you with violent gestures. “What the fuck?” He holds onto his head, and all of your friends are quiet as they watch him. They must have missed you smoking for the first time. Yoongi waits for him to stop pacing.
“It’s not what you think, Jungkook,” Yoongi calmly tells him. What is he thinking though? “I know it looked–”
“The fuck it did! Right fucking in front of me? How the fuck are you so calm?” he yells. 
“Hm?” you say. He watches you in astonishment: bottom lip jutting out and brows scrunched. If he didn’t see you shamelessly kissing Taehyung out in the open, he would be doubting his own vision because of how unbothered you seem. It bewilders him; why aren’t you reacting at all?
“They weren’t–”
“It took almost one fucking week of dating for you to resort to this?” Taehyung is still on the ground as he sends you a warning glance, Yoongi is unbothered by the ordeal because he’s constantly interrupted, and Jungkook is fuming at you while you just sit there.
“I was just curious,” you relate to the cigarette that is still lit beneath the grass next to Taehyung.
An astounded laugh is his only response as Taehyung smiles at you, but you’re only looking at Jungkook. “And here I thought, like a fucking idiot, that you were the only girl unlike my mother. And you,” he looks at his old friend with menace, “show your face around me, and I won’t hold back again. God, I need to kill someone,” he sighs before storming off. So he doesn’t like cigarettes?
When the fog in your mind begins to clear up, you stand to go after him just as Taehyung blocks your path. “I need to tell him I won’t smoke again,” you try to push him aside, but he doesn’t budge.
He laughs. “It’s not about that. He thinks you and I kissed because I made it look like it.” Just as you’re about to confront him, he clarifies, “Listen, I just want his reaction on this, okay? Don’t you want him to feel how you felt when he kissed your friend?”
“I’m over that.”
“Are you though?” No, you aren’t. “Aren’t you paranoid? All nervous when he’s around other girls? Or even when he’s just not around you?” Your silence prompts him to continue, “You’ll truly forgive him if you take revenge. You know he won’t do it again if he feels the same way you felt.”
“But that’s cruel…” you try to reason.
“And what he did wasn’t?” 
Like the little devil on your shoulder, he enters your mind and reads it for his own agenda. What is his intention? Do what he couldn’t do with his ex? Is he… helping you? What he did was bad, so why aren’t you calling him out for it?
“What do I do?” you dodge his question. He knows the answer anyway.
He smiles with satisfaction. “Let’s talk it over a few cigarettes, hm?”
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Back to square one– no, square zero. At square one, you could at least interact with Jungkook, do his homework and have him kiss you when he was satisfied; you don’t have anything to do with him now. Taehyung warned you of this, told you Jungkook would start seeing other people and avoid you unless he wanted to hurt you. How he knows him so well is beyond you, because that’s exactly what happens in the next four days.
You watch him from afar like before, see that scowl on his face that you haven’t seen in a long time after you met. Only two aspects have changed: the eye contact and Taehyung’s lack of presence around him. Jungkook’s eyes are always on you, filled with so much disdain and hatred, even when he’s kissing another girl. Smoking stops you from crying because of how dizzy you get, and Taehyung is always with you – waiting. Both of you are waiting for Jungkook to do something, and it’s a surprise Taehyung still hasn’t been beaten to a pulp for just talking to you.
Maybe it’s a sign that you and him weren’t meant to be. In the span of a short while when you were together, only problems have surfaced. So much misery and anger in a relationship isn’t normal; it’s toxic. But you wait anyway.
“Look at him glaring at you with a girl on his lap,” Taehyung chuckles before lighting up his cigarette. He’s leaning on the wall next to the campus entrance with you.
“Nothing new,” you croak and take a drag from yours, coughing again. It’s déjà vu, if anything. One has to learn from their mistakes to reach success, right? This situation is just one of them for the better of your relationship. Has to be. 
“Worldstar,” he sings with a laugh. “I kind of miss hanging out with him, though; and the rest of my friends.”
“Yeah.” You can’t exactly pay your utmost attention to his words when you’re having a staring contest with Jungkook, who is practically devouring the unidentified girl’s mouth. It doesn’t sting as much as long as he has his eyes on you because you know what it means now: he’s trying to make you jealous. You didn’t know that before, but you didn’t know Jungkook as well as you do now before either. 
“I know what you’re thinking.”
“You somehow always do.”
Your reply humors him. “You want to go up to him, tell him what I did. But you know I’ll stop you.” His eyes squint as his cheeks hollow to inhale the nicotine. It’s a Marlboro Red, not exactly fit for a starter like yourself. You hate that you can’t even stand without using the wall as a leverage, but the effect is a necessary distraction.
 “Why are you… so invested in this?”
He shrugs. “It may not seem like it, but it’s going to help strengthen your bond. It also gives you enough time to stop liking him and fall for me instead, but that’s just a plus.”
“What?” you slur. The cigarette is hanging on for dear life between your fingertips because of how weak you feel.
“We should kiss– for real this time,” he blurts. “He’ll talk to you sooner. God, I really want to kiss you.” He drops his stick before grabbing your face and softly crashing his lips against yours. You don’t close your eyes, you don’t really do much of anything while he does what he wants. It goes on for twenty seconds before he slowly pulls back. “He’ll talk to you tonight,” he exhales. “You’re welcome.” He pecks you again.
You finally close your eyes and your head hangs limply. “You’re the real problem,” you murmur, “you keep tearing us apart. The villain.”
“That kiss was on me,” he admits, “but I’m just making you face reality. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy, right? Only reason I can smoke with you is because Jungkook cares a fuckton about me. I’ll make it up to you as well, when your relationship isn’t a fucking lie.”
Couples go at their own pace, don’t they? Maybe this is how long it’s supposed to take for you to be one with your betrayed boyfriend. This is the real beginning; Taehyung is just the catalyst. 
You see it when Taehyung is gone and Jungkook isn’t kissing back anymore. He isn’t even glaring. He’s just blank.
Perhaps love isn’t all you need to be with Jungkook.
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It’s late in the evening and the nicotine still hasn’t worn off. You haven’t moved an inch from your spot and neither has Jungkook from a distance, still on the same curb across. The girl left when she didn’t receive any responses from him for a minute straight. An emotionless “fuck off” was enough for her to angrily storm off.
You have no idea where Taehyung went and you’re sitting on the ground with your knees to your chest and hands on your sides. Jungkook is staring at you from the bench. You just need to wait because he’s going to approach you like his friend told you.
People aren’t in the yard so it’s mostly empty in the open space. The lights from the streets and inside the building you have your back against don’t allow you to see your boyfriend clearly enough. He doesn’t have an issue with making out your features though. That kicked puppy expression on your face is drawing him, but he hasn’t been cruel enough.
It’s been difficult treating you like shit, so he doesn’t bother. It’s pathetic anyway, more pathetic than having smeared lip gloss on his mouth that he hasn’t wiped off. He knows he shouldn’t be so immature – he’s twenty years old. He’s old enough to be able to communicate, but no one’s been making it easy for him.
He has to decide whether he wants to be with you or just end it all before he feels any worse. 
As the saying goes, no pain – no gain.
Jungkook slides down the wall and sits next to you after trudging in your way. It’s silent at first, and he doesn’t return your gaze when you look at him. You wait, and so does he. But he’s more impatient than you are; more hurt. 
“What did you see in him, for God’s sake?” His voice is tired; words merely a sigh. You stay patient. “I mean, right after I opened up to you? Why?”
“I was paranoid,” you croak quietly, as if you’re about to faint, “terrified of you being with someone else. Maybe if you felt what I felt…”
He lightly shakes his head. “No, you didn’t think of that on your own. You didn’t kiss him either.” You lean your head on his shoulder. “You didn’t want to smoke, didn’t want any of this to happen. What are you doing, my love?”
You sigh. “I didn’t do anything. I don’t do anything.” The issue is that you let yourself be manipulated and molded into anything Jungkook likes, but he’s never told you what he likes. “All I know is loving you. That’s it,” you shrug tiredly, “that’s all I do. Everything I do, I do for you.”
“I’ll ask you for one thing– okay, two. Scrub your fucking lips and never talk to that piece of shit again. I’m not friends with good people,” he turns to you, “I don’t want you around them. I’m stuck in a constant cycle of toxicity and you’re the only good fucking thing in my life right now. I don’t want you to smoke or talk with my friends.”
“Then why do you?”
He stammers, “I-I’m used to it, I don’t fucking know. I know how to protect myself, but you’re too… untainted for them. Look at us, we don’t even fucking dress similarly. You and I have nothing in common.” He huffs to himself and looks up to the sky. “If you know what’s good for you–”
“You are good for me,” you interject.
“Don’t fucking lie to yourself,” he scoffs at you, “I’m anything but good for you. Do I give a fuck though? No. I’m selfish, and I don’t want to lose you. But if you–”
“I don’t.”
Another moment of silence passes. He’s the one to break it again. “I don’t want to have an issue like this ever again. No more infidelity, or whatever the fuck, no more silence. Communication, right?”
“Right. And no more getting involved with your social life.”
“Thank you,” he bows his head and licks his lips with a sigh. “I can’t deal with this again. I don’t want to leave like my dad, whore around like my mom; I just want to have normal fucking relationship problems.” His anxiety translates to his body language: nibbling, knee bouncing, cracking knuckles. He doesn’t like to talk about his family, friends or even you. You’re calmer in comparison. “Tell me… we’ll start over.”
“I’m not resetting my love for you,” you playfully nudge him.
The corner of his mouth curls. “Not like that. Let’s go back to you doing my homework.”
“I missed a fucking assignment today, okay?” he laughs. “I want to forget about all of this sad shit, you ever meeting my friends, Sooyen or whatever, all of it. Just you and me, okay?”
“Set our own pace,” you add with a nod. “No one interfering with our… bullshit.”
“Don’t fucking swear,” he puts a hand over your mouth and pushes your face with a wide grin. You giggle with him. 
Now that Taehyung and Soyeon’s over, there’s nothing left to chance with the involvement of someone else. Trust blooms instead, and it’s not so bad when Jungkook shares a cigarette with you as you take tiny puffs per his instruction. You are safe with him; not dizzy, lightheaded, manipulated, nothing. 
You’re happy, and so is he. Maybe that was the intention, but it means nothing. Taehyung sought vengeance through your relationship, and that’s that. No one can hold Jungkook against you when he’s in the palm of your hands, ready to tell you more than anyone else can offer. 
Jungkook’s love and trust: check.
When he flicks off the ash of his cigarette, you snuggle into him and whisper, “I love you daddy.” His ring glimmers under the moonlight as he pets your hair.
“Love you more, babygirl.”
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Bound Blood (Cassandra Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 1
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for blood, language, brief nudity. Later chapters will be M Warnings: Nah fam Summary: Local vampire finds out she can't kill soft human (because they're soulmates, baby), human becomes insufferable bastard, oops they fuck later. Soulmate AU where if one person gets injured, their soulmate feels the same amount of pain and receives a scar in the relevant area.
1: Sharing Is (Not) Caring
It’s not that you had expected to survive this- being locked in the dungeon of Castle Dimitrescu, waiting for the day you’re picked to be someone’s meal. Oh no, you had given up on surviving long ago, it was just that… well, you had hoped that someone with a softer touch would do you in. But here you were, too exhausted to cry, hanging naked in front of none other than Cassandra Dimitrescu. Her eyes were trailing you up and down, examining every inch of your skin, every flaw, every unique trait. It was like she was making a mental map of which parts of you would taste best. Goddamn, you wanted to spit in her face, or scream, or say something, anything that might make her feel even an ounce of what you had felt for weeks.
But you know that she’s already planning to kill you, and to make it painful. Why give her any more reason? Why dare her to find a worse way to end your life? There was no good answer, so you stayed still, just watched her move. Maybe if you looked bored enough she’d make it quick, just stab a knife in you and drink you up like a capri sun. Or, maybe, if you kept a straight face, she would admire your courage. Oh, how you longed for people to think of you kindly now, in your last moments, when dying clean and pretty was no longer an option.
Pulling a blade from some hidden sheathe, Cassandra approaches you with a wicked grin. There’s still blood on her lips from her last victim. Had they not sated her? Or had she been like this for some time? When she inevitably drank from you, how long would your blood remain on her lips? You weren’t sure that you wanted to know. In your mind, you picture her cleaning up as soon as she was done with you. It does not make you feel any better. Neither does the way she traces a finger across your chest, left to right, practicing for the incision to follow. She pauses to lick her lips, making direct eye contact as she does.
What happens next passes by so quickly that you don’t process any of it until the whole ordeal is over. The blade’s tip digs into your chest, just below your collarbone, before dragging along half the width of your torso. It hurts like hell, but you manage to keep your misery to yourself. But your pain is soon replaced with confusion; Cassandra screams, loud enough to echo throughout the basement, doubling over herself. In an instant her knife has clattered to the floor, forgotten. Instinct takes over your brain, the default programing kicking in, and you say something that fills you with instant regret.
“Are you okay?” Your voice is a bit quiet, and raw, worn out from lack of hydration. But it is enough, evidently, for Cassandra to hear. She’s rising back up and glaring at you, one hand clutching her chest. Something in her expression tells you that she thinks you’re mocking her. While that wasn’t technically the case, there was a part of you that found joy in this, watching your captor get a taste of their own medicine. The question left in your mind was why she was in pain. “I’ll take that as a no,” you said, again left with regret at your choices.
Now her hand is swiping at your face, nails cutting you open. Once more she hisses in pain, now clutching her head, shaking a little as she does. When she meets your gaze, you see that she’s more confused than anything. More than that, you see the marks on her face, knowing instantly that they match your own. Oh hell no, you thought, grimacing.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Cassandra growled through clenched teeth. Bouncing back and forth on her heels, she seems tense, unsure of how to process what’s happening. You feel the same way, desperately wanting to pretend that this doesn’t mean you’re her soulmate. Maybe the universe had just messed up, crossing some wires, or decided to pull a prank on the two of you. Either way it was better than the alternative. Eager to think about something else, you start considering your options. The first that comes to mind is ridiculous. Stupid, really. But would it amuse you? Absolutely.
“Not gonna lie, I feel better about the idea of you killing me now. Feel free to make it painful, darlin’, I won’t mind,” you snarked, lips curling up into a smirk. Oh boy was it satisfying to watch Cassandra’s response. One of her hands raises to smack you, only for her to freeze before releasing a torrent of swears. Hurting you meant hurting herself. “What’s the matter? Can’t handle a little aching? Haven’t you ever imagined what it’s like to be on the other side of things? Under the blade yourself, blood soaking your skin, eyes too dry for even a single tear? Poor thing,” you purred, tone as teasing as it could get. Apparently it’s aggravating enough for Cassandra to fight through the pain, as she slams her fist into your stomach, leaving both of you gasping for breath. “This is fun-” you pause to cough out a few drops of blood- “really, really fun. Hey, if you kill me, how bad do you think you’ll feel?”
Before Cassandra can react, either to speak or hurt you worse, the sound of approaching footsteps draws her attention. From where you hang you can’t see much, too many cells and hanging bodies blocking your vision. But your “soulmate” seemed to know who was coming. Her face scrunches up a little, and she adjusts her robes, trying to cover the mark on her chest. Had you not still been coughing, you would have sarcastically asked her how she intended to hide her face.
“What the hell is going on, Cassandra?” An unfamiliar voice asked. The footsteps grew louder, and faster, until the new figure stood in the same cell as you. Not even bothering to spare you a glance, she approaches Cassandra, reaching to examine her face. “Did a prisoner manage to get you? I’ve told you a thousand times-”
“Don’t fucking touch me, sis,” Cassandra snapped, pushing away her sister’s hand. Both of them are visibly tense, and for a moment they stand still, staring each other down. Then the sister (who you assume to be Bela, from things you’ve overheard recently) shifts her focus to you. Something tells you that she has no intentions of being gentle.
“Did you do this, you rotten little thing?” Bela questioned, glaring at you hard enough to send a shiver down your spine. But that doesn’t stop you from trying to have some more fun.
“Oh, of course I did! I rattled my chains real good, scared the shit out of her, made her fall on her own knife a few times. You know, like that one musical?” You must look insane as you speak, grin wide but face dripping with blood. If it unnerves Bela, she hides it well, though you doubt it does. As soon as you’re done poking fun she’s pulling out her sickle. Still grinning, you make eye contact with Cassandra, who realizes what’s happening a second too late. Then the two of you cry out in unison, as the blade carves into your shoulder. Instantly Bela pulls back, stunned, turning to her sister with genuine concern. “I might have lied. Rest assured though, it was for comedic purposes.”
The next thing you know the two sisters are shuffling away from you, Cassandra begrudgingly being dragged along by Bela. Though the younger of the two had been adamant about not receiving help, she now had little choice in the matter, skin searing from your blood bond. Even you are starting to breathe harder than you’d like.
“Was it something I said?” You barked, barely able to manage a fit of giggles between your coughing. Bela shoots you a glare over her shoulder, but quickly returns her attention to her sister. They talk, quickly, soft enough that you can only make out a few words here and there. It’s hard to make meaning from it, especially considering their vastly different tones. Cassandra is pure anger, gestures fast and wide, while Bela is oddly solemn, even regretful. When you finally catch a couple full sentences, things start to make a little more sense, though you wish they didn’t.
“We can kill them painlessly, in their sleep. That way you won’t have to suffer,” Bela whispered. She’s doing her best to comfort her sister, despite the tension in the room, gently patting her on the back. Briefly, you make eye contact with her. In that moment she looks equal parts executor and unwilling jury. But she looks away quickly, even shifting her angle to prevent it from happening again.
“No, fuck that, fuck this, I’m… I’m not killing them. Nobody is,” Cassandra growled, daring to emphasize her point by pushing Bela away. Now it’s her turn to look at you, brows furrowed, eyes betraying something more than just anger. Somehow it’s a million times worse than when she first came in. You strain yourself trying to look away, cursing the chains keeping you in place, resorting to closing your eyes and pretending none of this was real. “I don’t care what you think, Bela. They’re already my ‘meal’, might as well get what enjoyment out of this that I can.”
Again, footsteps echo through the basement. Tension locks your muscles in place, and your eyes are still clamped shut, to the point that you don’t realize your chains are being undone until you’ve hit the ground. Cursing under your breath, you finally open your eyes again. There’s blood on the floor, only some of it yours, and you’re suddenly aching for a bath. More than that, though, you’re praying for something to cover yourself with. Certainly Cassandra didn’t need to see everything, now that you weren’t a piece of meat for her to enjoy? As if reading your mind, the middle Dimitrescu daughter flings open a nearby cabinet, messily searching for something. Eventually she gives a hum of approval, then tosses a blanket in your direction.
“Put it on, dipshit, then follow me,” she snapped, already walking away. For a moment you’re tempted to stay there, sitting still, waiting to see how long it would take for her to notice. But one look from Bela sends the thought back to whatever crevice of your mind it crawled out of. So you’re moving, hastily, awkwardly wrapped in a somewhat itchy blanket. Other prisoners eye you as you pass, some shouting curses or even spitting at you. At first Cassandra takes no notice, or simply doesn’t care, but eventually the noise seems to irritate her. Turning back, she takes her sickle in hand and slams the handle into the bars of a cell. It’s loud, making you flinch, but gets everyone’s attention. “Next one to make a peep gets the blood eagle!”
“Is that, like, a sex thing?” The words leave your mouth before you can stop yourself. Laughter rings out around you from the few prisoners capable of it. Cassandra is seething again, looking about ready to kill you. Then she’s shifting into swarm mode, spreading out wide, insects barreling through half the occupied cells. A few cries escape the prisoners, as the flies take bites out of them, cutting a perfect balance between pain and (a lack of) lethality. They’d be suffering for days to come, every movement making their wounds ache. “Not a sex thing, got it,” you muttered to yourself, just as Cassandra reforms in front of you. This time she grabs the blanket you’re wrapped in, using it to tug you forward, sending you towards the exit.
“Shut up for five minutes and I might let you put on actual clothes,” she growled, keeping one hand on your back to guide you. The offer is the closest thing to kindness you’ve seen from her, and you have half a mind to do what she says. Would you actually manage to keep quiet for that long? Well, you were certainly looking forward to finding out...
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hops-hunny · 3 years
College Girls
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Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.2k
Request: anon “How about Rodrick invites the reader to a party (he’s been crushing on her for the longest) but she plays hard to get and at the party her friends try to convince her to give him a chance and later it leads to them playing 7 minutes in heaven and they confess to each other and it goes from there ;) it could end in smut or fluff your way ly <3”
Summary: (college!au) College girls and their games, good thing Rodrick loves to play.
Warnings: Mentions of weed and alcohol, making out, teasing
A/N: Ok I forgot to make them confess but it’s implied sorry anon. I still hope you enjoy it!
If there was one thing Rodrick knew, college was a shit ton different than high school was. However, that wasn’t a bad thing. Unlimited booze and bud, hot chicks, and parties that never ended? He was practically in heaven! He had grown into himself, feeling more confident than ever since Heather had rejected him his senior year. In fact, he couldn’t recall the last time he thought about her but if he had to pinpoint it, it was a few months ago when she had hit him up, begging the boy to give her a chance. Oh the irony behind that. That was another good thing about college. In high school, all the girls thought he was just some loser who wasted too much time on a band that would always be shit. 
But with years of experience under their belt and more free time to practice, Löaded Diaper was beginning to become a big deal in their rinky dink shithole off a small town. God was he glad too because with clout, also came hot girls in skirts that barely covered their ass. The opportunity for endless amounts of hookups was an absolute dream come true, but all dreams lose their shine eventually. When fucking became a mere thing to pass the time between class, gigs, and parties, he realized that it wasn’t as great as he thought it was. He was starting to crave something more, something like or, someone like- her.
God she was a babe. Rodrick still remembered the first time he saw her. Löaded Diaper was doing another house gig, everyone in the crowd dancing and moving to the intense music. And all of a sudden, a strobe light glossed over her perfectly, almost like a halo of blue light and his eyes were hooked. She was there with her friends, one of them whispering something in her ear which caused her to lock eyes with his. Pretty (e/c) eyes meeting his own brown ones. It was almost perfect, almost. As soon as they had finished the last note of their song, without missing a beat she swiftly made her exit and he made his way after her. Rodrick jumped off the stage, chasing after her and her friends all the way till they reached the curb. He grabbed her arm causing the girl to look back.
“Hey, uh, did you enjoy the gig?” He asked, running his fingers through his sweaty hair nervously. He felt his nerves rise even more at the sound of her friends’ giggles.
“I wouldn’t have stayed the whole gig if I didn’t, would I?” she retorted, rolling her eyes as she began to open the passenger door of the black mercedes.
“Yeah, I guess that was a dumb question..” he trailed off as she closed her door. His eyes widened at the fact he hadn’t gotten her name prompting him to take off after the car. He felt relieved as the girl rolled down her window, looking up at him through her thin framed sunglasses. “Wait! I didn’t get your name, I’m Rodrick.” he smirked, watching as she pulled her sunglasses up to rest on the top of her head.
“Didn’t give it.” she quipped, sending him a wink as her friend took off into the distance. Who was she? All he knew about her was that she had a mouth on her and lived on the other side of campus. A lot of girl’s fit that description so it wasn’t easy asking around about her. However, as he stood here in the corner of the party his fraternity was throwing, he’d recognize a pair of nice legs like that from anywhere. His eyes took in her appearance. She had on a denim mini skirt, black turtleneck and a pair of knee high boots that matched. The boy had to practically stop himself from gawking at how good she looked, curves clinging to every bit of the form fitting outfit. He cleared his throat as his friend nudged him, looking to see what he wanted.
“Uh don’t look now, but I think that girl you were eye fucking is definitely eye fucking you back dude. Is that the chick from the gig a few weeks ago that you won’t shut up about?" Rodrick glared at the man, shoving him into the wall before walking towards her. He watched as her friends “coincidentally” all began to head off in other directions, leaving her to offer him a flirty little smile behind the drink she’d been nursing.
“Well if it isn’t the little drummer boy! To what do I owe the pleasure, Rodrick?” she purred, sitting down her now empty cup. She stepped forward, leaving them to be pressed chest to chest. It could easily be blamed on the crowded room but the two knew otherwise. He smirked back at her, wrapping his arms around her waist securely.
“I’m a simple man. I see a pretty girl sending looks my way, I come.” his eyes widened as he began to overthink his word choice. “N-not like that! Like I come over not like cum in my pants. I-I’m not like some virgin...well I’m not some man whore either! I don’t fuck around a lot. Not like the option isn’t there bu-” he quit his nervous ramblings at the sound of her laughter. He relaxed, smiling as the girl wrapped his arms around her neck. He began to lean in thinking she would ask him for a kiss but instead she missed his lips, putting hers next to his ear before whispering,
“Wanna dance?” Before he could answer, the girl (who’s name he still didn’t catch) was dragging him to the dance floor, moving his hands to rest on her hips. He tried to keep his movements as fluid as possible. It took him a bit but eventually his movements matched hers, as they swayed to the beat of the song. She pressed her head against his shoulder, looking up at him as she continued the movements against his pelvic area. “I love this song, it’s one of my favorites.” she whispered. He didn’t know if it was because he was cross faded or his enjoyment of the movements but D’Evils by SiR was beginning to become one of his favorite songs too. How could it not when there was such a pretty girl pressed against his front?
“Yeah? It suits you.” he muttered, leaning his head down to hover his own chapped lips above the girl’s soft gloss covered ones. She hummed in agreement, both of them slowly inching towards each other before she stopped, letting out a cheeky giggle.
“Did you really think I was going to kiss you that easily? You’ve gotta earn it.” She said, dragging a manicured hand against the skin of his neck. He shivered a bit as goosebumps formed, watching as she disappeared back into the crowd. He swore some, groaning as he fiddled with the growing bulge in his jeans. Was he out of the game for too long or had girls always been this hard to get? Either way, he didn’t care. Rodrick was gonna get this girl and her name by the end of the night if it was the last thing he ever did. He broke out of his thoughts, keeping sight of her figure making its way through the beaded curtain which led to the basement of the large frat house. Quickly he chased after her, trying to keep up with her. And, as if on purpose, every time he’d get close she’d flash him that breathtaking smile and continue on her path. Finally, she reached her supposed destination, a small group of people on couches, discussing the plans to play something. 
“So, what’s the game?” He asked, causing everyone to look up at him as he sat on the couch farthest from her. He looked at the bottle in the center of the table, proud of himself and his seating choice. The further he was away, the more likely the bottle was to land on the pretty thing across from him.
“7 minutes in heaven. You down?” A brunette girl asked, a flirty look in her buzzed eyes. He ignored her small attempt at an advance, nodding as he locked eyes with the girl of the hour. He shot her a wink, smirking as she rolled her eyes, biting her lip to hide the smile that was making its way onto her face. For someone so adamant about playing this game of cat and mouse, she seemed to be fighting off her feelings very harshly. None of that mattered now though. If there was a god, he hoped he’d be on his side. Never had he wanted to be stuffed inside a muggy dark closet with someone so badly.
“Of course I’m down. Do I look like a pussy to you?” he asked, watching as the (h/c) haired girl opened her mouth. He gave her a pointed look, tilting his head at her. “Don’t answer that, legs.” The girl looked surprised at the nickname but didn’t say anything, trailing her acrylic nails up the curve of her thigh. His brown eyes followed curiously, jumping slightly as she closed her legs quickly giving him a mocking pout. Tonight was going to be a long night.
Round after round was filled with surprises, none involving Rodrick or the mystery girl of his affections. Sometimes, the two people involved would cheer or jump up excitedly, ceasing the moment that they were desperately waiting for. Other times they would groan in disgust and hell, he couldn’t blame him with the hygiene of some of these people. Have they ever even heard of a shower, deodorant? Only their BO could tell. However, his odds grew more and more as it was finally his turn to spin the bottle. He picked it up, kissing the empty beer bottle as he made up some prayer. He let out a deep breath before spinning the bottle. As he watched it spin, the only thought he could seem to form was, ‘Please, please please. Cmon, cmon, cmon!’
Finally the bottle began to halt, making a rumbling noise as it stopped. His eyes followed the nose of it, letting out an internal cheer as his eyes met the (e/c) eyes from across from him. He pulled up his jeans before walking over to the girl, holding a hand out to her. She eyed it before smirking up at him, allowing her to pull him up. Rodrick looked down at her hand before tangling his fingers with her own, pulling her towards the closet. Once they both were in there, silence overcame them leaving the muffled music from upstairs to be the filler between silent space. He cleared his throat some, catching the shorter girl’s attention.
“Sooo, um. Would this count as earning it?” He quipped, giving her a flirty grin. The girl rolled her eyes before moving closer to him, pulling him down to her own height as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Rodrick wasted no time, pulling the girl by her hips and planting his on hers. The kiss was everything he’d hope it’d be. Passionate, hot, and filled with every bit of desire that had built up over the course of the party. He nibbled at her lip, causing a moan to slip from her lips. He smirked a bit, pulling away some to look into her eyes a bit.
“I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting you to be a good kisser. You looked like you would give me a lot of teeth and too much tongue.” she giggled some, tugging his bottom lip between her teeth before releasing it. He rolled his eyes, smirking as he leaned in, nibbling on her neck a bit. He felt victory overcome him at the soft whimper that came from her lips.
“My pride’s a bit wounded, princess.” he purred, lifting her up as he pinned her against the wall. He leaned back in for another kiss, this one more deep and intense than the last. He groaned softly as she tangled her fingers in his hair, gripping at it slightly. He slid his tongue over her bottom lip, quickly tangling it with hers when she opened her mouth. They’re tongues danced a bit, fighting for dominance before he won. He absorbed her moans, sucking on her tongue as he slid a hand under her skirt, stroking the skin of her upper thighs. Rodrick noted how soft her skin was before gripping at it harshly, stroking her hips with his thumbs.
Just as he slid his hands under her shirt, a knock broke them out of their kiss. He groaned in annoyance, pulling away and fixing her clothes for her as the door was ripped open. The (e/c) eyed girl was the first to walk out, looking back at him as if she had something to say.
“(Y/n).” she said, causing him to look at her in confusion. “My name? It’s (Y/n). I hope this isn’t a habit of yours, making out with girls whose names you don’t even know.” she said, looking up at him expectantly. His mouth opened and closed as he stuttered, searching for the words to say. He cleared his throat before grabbing her hand, beginning the path to his own room.
“Not anymore it isn’t.”
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