#i know its kinda bad etiquette to do this
fleetways · 1 year
Hmmm. Would everyone be okay if i went back and added one tiny piece of extra detail to previous chapters of mdlhea. Its very minor but it is related to the next chapter and I think adding it will make this chap easier to write.
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Saw your header just instantly hit follow. It also turns out I already followed your art blog!
Skskskskssk thanks for the vote of confidence <3 credit for the header gif goes to @mesasorbit ! God bless.
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charlott2n · 23 days
the reason stack overflow is Like That is because they view themselves explicitly as *not* a forum or a help desk where any question can get its answer. their goal is to be a wikipedia-type collection of knowledge in a Q&A format, and that's why they're so weird about what kinds of questions are Allowed.
they also have a pretty unique system of moderation in which the people who do most of the moderation work aren't Real Mods, theyre like normal other people who have just asked or answered a lot of questions. that system allows for some degree of power tripping and gatekeeping which you will see from time to time, but to fully Close or Delete a question 5 people need to all agree that its a Bad Stack Overflow Question which is kinda a lot of people.
i think that it is possible to reach stack overflow enlightenment if you're willing to dig a little deeper into what makes her tick, the meta sites and review queues and editing policies and reputation system and closure/reopening processes and etiquette and staging ground and all of these little pieces that ultimately work together towards a goal which is not particularly obvious from the surface but begins to become more clear the deeper you dig.
anyways i know that when most people first meet her she seems cruel and heartless. and she needs to work on that. the way she presents herself to the world seems almost designed to attract questions that she was not built to answer. and when she gets asked these questions that she was not built to answer she sometimes reacts with hostility, then people call her angry and gatekeepy and mean and those people are not entirely wrong. but if you ask her a question that she *was* designed to answer, she will weave the perfect answer, not just for you but also for the tens or hundreds or millions of people who plug the same question into their search engines for years and years to come. that is what she was meant to do.
i understand now. i see it all. thats wonderful and beautiful and very interesting to learn about thank you ^-^
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minustwofingers · 2 years
exoplanet p.1
ellie williams x fem! reader (ur kind of a girly girl in this one sorry)
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summary: you’re one of the luckiest people in the world as one of the few families that managed to gain entrance to the most exclusive safezone on earth. after living 19 years of your life in a soft and forgiving world, a lab accident sends you across the country to jackson, wyoming, entirely unprepared and unaware of what awaits you in the real world. its a good thing u run into a hot lesbian wink wink nudge nudge
a/n: now listen now hear me out i know this plot sounds kooky asf and im sorry i literally thought this shit up in a covid fever dream. but anyway i basically blacked out at the keyboard and have about 6k words to show for this weekend and no completed hw. i can’t believe im writing. this im so sorry
warnings: ellie is mean asf at first, reader is clueless and cannot do a pushup, you’re also a little bit of a snob and have a fixation on etiquette.  i promise it gets better just bear w me lMAO. she/her pronouns for the reader, v vanilla violence and explicit language. kinda enemies to lovers vibe
im so sorry u guys idk what got into me this is the goofiest au i’ve ever written ok but i just want ellie to get to learn abt the stars and shit after all she’s been thru she deserves it ok enjoy part 2 coming whenever i finish it.
wc: 6k
It wasn’t that you didn’t know that something bad had happened to the rest of the world. You did. Of course you did. You’d have to be a special kind of stupid to not realize that there was maybe something else going on when no one was allowed outside of the walls and anyone who returned told hushed stories of decimated buildings and piles of corpses.
It was just difficult to grasp the idea of the world you knew no longer existing outside the bounds of the city. To anyone before the pandemic, you’re sure that you lead what seemed like a normal life for any privileged kid.
You had two parents, both of whom loved you very much. You went to an elementary school, then a middle school, and then eventually high school and university. You went shopping with your friends. You watched movies and ate shitty junk food and had first kisses and went on ice cream dates. You studied what captivated your interest the most—space—and threw your soul into learning about the physics of the universe.
You laid on your dorm bed, playing with the edges of your pink comforter as you gossiped with your roommate, Irena, about the professor that she thought was hot and the boy who tried to harass you for your number after you’d finished up getting lunch.
You lived a normal life, which is pretty ironic, because the only reason you got to say that was because you were born to not-normal people who had been at the right place at the right time when the world fell apart.
You see, when everyone got sick, some areas got hit harder than others. And your parents, who were vacationing in some swanky exclusive Canadian resort that only the elite knew about, happened to hit the jackpot.
Not only was their vacation spot the one area in North America with a significant metropolitan population that managed to get enough time to adequately prepare, they happened to be traveling with some big-wig execs that knew a guy who knew a guy who was in the process of evacuating and putting the final touches on a safe zone, Terranova, intended for only the highest rungs of North American society.
So, there you were. Some 25 years or so after the world as your ancestors knew it fell to shit—and you were sipping cappuccinos and getting facials without a care in the world. All because of a lucky vacation.
And, for the record, it’s not that you were ungrateful. You knew that you were lucky to be living in the last place on earth with a semblance of normalcy. What you didn’t know, however, was just how lucky you were, and you didn’t find this out until you made that one stupid mistake in Gunther’s lab.
“Morning, Y/N!” called out Professor Gunther, a short, squatty man with a receding hairline so impressive that his forehead now ended halfway up his scalp.
“Morning, Professor,” you said, setting your bag down on the desk, winding your long scarf from around your neck and running a hand through your hair to get the tangles out. The wind outside had been especially fierce for February, which was not ideal given that you'd forgotten your hat at home.
“Guess what I’ve got?” Gunther was smiling, his teeth perfect white squares.
You gasped. “No. It’s already here?”
He said nothing; instead, he pushed forward a slightly battered box with dents and various smudges and marks that were telltale indicators for outside shipments.
“No way,” you said, pulling it into your hands. For a moment you debated using your nails to open the seam, but you’d just gotten them done, so you reached for a pair of scissors on the table.
“This is even more than we need,” you told Gunther, reaching in to pull out a spool of wire that shimmered under the lab lights. “Can I just hook it up now? Or is there something else I should do?”
There was, in fact, something that you should’ve done before going with your pliers and wire. Something about your model wasn’t quite right, but you’d figure that out a little too late.
You see, you and old Professor Gunther were attempting to build a prototype that would enable travel at the speed of light. It did sound insane—and you should’ve known that it was a pipe dream—but you were a space nerd with nearly limitless funding and support from one of the most famous surviving professors in the world. It had been Gunther’s pet project, one that you joined as a research assistant in your first year at the university. Once you’d caught wind of it, you couldn’t stay away, and you two quickly began to form a connection only understood by lonely and isolated academics.
“Go for it,” said Gunther, waving his hand dismissively.
Excitedly, you approached the table, your hands almost shaking as you held the wire. It was a fairly new invention, first used in the creation of Terranova and its walls to effectively make it invisible to the outside world. It boasted a variety of properties that made it academically fascinating and functionally useful. Gunther had had a suspicion that it would be useful in stabilizing the process of disseminating atoms to make light speed travel possible, so you’d placed the order for a couple of spools.
“And I think that’s it,” you said, using your pliers to shape the blunt edge that you had just clipped and plugging it into the circuit board. A purple sheen seemed to vibrate around the bundle of wires and boxes.
Gunther leaned over your shoulder, peering at everything through the spectacles perched on his pudgy nose. “Well done, dear. Say, before we turn this thing on and start running some preliminary tests, would you mind grabbing us some tea from the caf? My treat.”
“Of course,” you said, standing up and brushing your hands off. “Lapsang?”
He nodded. “And anything you’d like.”
You pulled my scarf back on, pulling it snugly around your neck and snatching your bag from the table. The walk to the cafeteria was short, but it was cold enough to require suiting up again. You ordered, paid with Gunther’s card, and sat quietly as you watched the snow fall outside.
It was a beautiful morning. The wind had died down, leaving the snow to fall from the gray skies in fat, puffy flakes. The city outside was quiet, with only the gentle hum of the occasional car to break the silence.
“Y/N! A Lapsang Souchong and a Jasmine Green?”
You leapt up and grabbed the two disposable cups, smiling widely at the barista. “Hey, would you mind throwing a bag of coffee in too?”
“Anything specific?” he asked.
“I don’t know anything about coffee,” you admitted. “Anything that isn’t decaf. It’s for my roommate.”
He nodded and rang you up for the coffee, and you were back on your way.
“My dear!” boomed Gunther when you came back, throwing the lab door open and nearly floating off the ground in excitement.
“Lapsang with a spot of honey, as always,” you said, passing the cup into his hands. The bite from the heat slowly faded from your palm—the barista had forgotten to put a sleeve on his cup.
“Lovely,” he said, setting it down next to you. “I’m just going to go ahead and flip the switch…keep your wits about you! Haha.”
“Ha,” you said, though suddenly you were getting more nervous. The longer you looked at the wires, the less sense they made. And was that two uncovered wires touching? ”Hey, wait, actually—”
A hum filled the room as the power flicked on. The bright white overhead lights flickered once, twice, and then went out. Something that smelled suspiciously like smoke filled the room.
“Fuck!” Gunther fumbled for the switch. You, similarly, lunged forward to see if you could manually disconnect the wires from the input. “It’s short circ—”
As soon as you made contact with the input wire, you heard the sound of a cup tipping over seconds before the splashing of hot tea.
Then everything went black.
When you awoke, it was because you were shaking so hard that your teeth were clicking painfully together.
Slowly, you pulled open my eyelids to see a brilliantly blue sky without a cloud in sight, wide and unimpeded by any skyscrapers. This was definitely not Gunther’s lab.
You groaned as feeling began to return to your body, along with a thudding headache and soreness in every joint. Gently, you pressed your weight into your fingers and slowly sat yourself up, making observations as you went.
You were not dead. Your heart was still beating and your nerves still functioned as usual. You had no idea how long you'd been lying on the ground, but it had to have been at least an hour given that the sun was almost in the middle of the sky.
Another observation: you were nowhere near Terranova.
Instead, you were in the clearing of a forest, surrounded by trees with unfamiliar trunk patterns and leaves. A thick bed of white snow coated everything in sight except for you.
You were well and truly fucked. There was nowhere even remotely nearby the city that you knew was in a fully forested area.
Though at least now you held the title of the first person alive to travel at light speed. It was a small comfort, but it was something to cling to.
A shriek sounded behind you, and you spun around, still seated on the ground. The forest line was clear, but you could hear rustling. For a moment you considered that it could be an animal, but it didn’t sound like any woodland creature. It sounded unmistakably human.
“Hello?” you called out.
The shriek came again, accompanied by more crunching—both much closer this time.
“Are you alright?” you asked, hoping your voice would carry to whoever it was. “Are you hurt?”
A mangled man suddenly came into sight as he fell into the clearing from a lopsided sprint, barreling right towards you. One of his knees was bent outwards as he went, so badly it looked broken, but it wasn’t enough to slow him down as he ran towards you.
You screamed, a real and proper one that pierced the frigid air. There was no time for to run as the man closed the gap and rammed into you, his filthy hands gripping your arms through your heavy jacket as his snapping teeth and rancid breath lunged for your neck.
A single shot rang out. The man fell limp, slumping on top of you as you frantically snapped into motion and scrambled out from under him.
“Who the fuck are you?”
You whipped back around to see a girl standing at the other side of the clearing, a revolver in her hand and an incredibly cross expression etched into her features. She must’ve been around your age, and she had short auburn hair that barely brushed her shoulders and was being tossed about by the wind. There was a spattering of freckles across her face, muted against the backdrop of her cheeks reddened from exertion.
“Hi,” you said, your voice small and pathetic. You couldn’t stop shaking. “I’m Y/N.”
The girl just stared at you for a few more beats before turning back. “Jesse! Dina! Some help?”
You pulled your knees into your chest as you waited for whatever was to come. Now that the man was off of you, you could see that there was blood trickling from his gaping maw. Something that looked almost like shards had sprouted, like little spring buds, in little areas around his face. Even his normal, unshard-ed skin was a pallor that looked like death. Something wasn’t right here.
“Okay,” said the girl, gruffer this time. “Listen, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are just waltzing in like this, but this isn’t open to the public, alright? You’re trespassing.”
“Sorry,” you said, shrinking further into yourself as you thumbed the edges of your scarf. “I didn’t know.”
“Get the hell out of here,” she said, grabbing your backpack from the ground near her feet and throwing it at you.
Two other people emerged from the trees, another girl and one guy. They all seemed roughly the same age—early 20s, maybe—and were all carrying various weapons ranging from guns to knives.
To say you were on edge would be the understatement of the century.
They spoke in hushed tones as they approached the first girl.
“I don’t understand,” the other girl said, long black locks escaping from her ponytail. “We literally just patrolled this area. There’s no way to get here without either going through the town or going over the pass, and no one’s done that.”
“And you’re sure you didn’t see her then?” The boy looked curiously at you.
“Fucking obviously,” snapped the first girl. “I think we would’ve noticed.” Then, directed at you: “Hey. How’d you even wind up here?”
“Uh….” Your mouth became dry. “Where am I again?”
The girl rolled her eyes. “You’re telling me you don’t even know?”
“Ellie,” warned the other girl. “Maybe she’s been out here for a while. Hypothermia can make you think crazy things.”
“She doesn’t look like she’s been out here for long,” pointed out the first girl, presumably Ellie.
“You’re right outside Jackson,” said the other girl helpfully.
“How close am I to Terranova?”
“The fuck is Terra-whatta?” Ellie frowned at you.
“Where I live,” you said. “I—I’m a student there. I was working on a project and something went wrong and then all of a sudden I woke up here and—what is that thing?” You gestured frantically at the limp body of the man beside you, the shock slowly subsiding as reality set in. “He almost killed me!”
Ellie gaped at you along with her two friends. “What do you mean, what is that thing? Have you never seen a runner before?”
“A runner?” You stared back. “These things are normal enough for you to have a name for them?”
“Oh my god,” said Ellie, pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers. “Have you, like, never been outside before?”
“No,” you said, honestly. “I’ve never left the city walls.”
“We have got to take her back with us,” said the other girl.
“Dina.” Ellie scowled. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Dina’s right,” said the guy, finally chiming in. “We can’t just leave her out here. She doesn’t even know what a runner is. She’s gonna be killed like that.”
Ellie considered, gnawing her lip. “Fine. Consider this your lucky day, Y/N. Get up.”
The first thing you did upon reaching your feet was faint once again.
“I told you, Joel, we just found her like this! Lying on the ground, with nothing but her bag.”
A man said something that you couldn’t quite catch.
“Yes. I went through it. No weapons, just…weird things. Like this.”
Your eyes snapped open to see Dina rooting around in your backpack, pulling out your laptop. You were laid horizontally on a table in some warmly lit home.
“Hey!” you said. She turned around, along with a tall, buff man at her side. “Be careful with that. That has all my homework on it.”
“See?” Dina whispered. “Do you think she hit her head or something, Joel?”
Joel frowned, picking up your laptop despite your protests. “I haven’t seen one of these in…I can’t even remember how long. And I’ve never seen one this slim before. Where’d you say you got this, er…”
“Y/N,” Dina supplied.
“From my university,” you said. There was a fire that crackled somewhere behind you, and it sounded comforting. “They provide all students with laptops. That’s how we do most of our schoolwork.”
“Let me guess,” said Joel. “You from the North? A place called Terra Something?”
“That’s a real thing?” Ellie came from around the corner, standing with her arms crossed. She’d changed out of her heavy winter coat and was instead wearing a dark gray hoodie with the strings tied into a bow.
“Never been there myself,” he said. “But when I was doing supply runs back in Boston we always heard whispers of a safezone in Canada. For rich assholes who had some even richer survivalist friends. The Fireflies attempted to break in for years, but they could never find it.”
“So, like a QZ?” asked Ellie, looking genuinely curious.
“What’s a QZ?” you asked. No one acknowledged it.
“Not quite,” said Joel. “No FEDRA. With no military presence, I’m sure it was a hell of a lot cushier living there. Wasn’t it, Y/N?”
“I don’t have anything to compare it to,” you said. “But, yeah. I guess it was nice. It was just normal, I guess. Nothing extraordinary.”
“You’re wearing a cashmere scarf,” Joel pointed out. “That’s not what I’d call normal in the apocalypse.”
You blushed, pulling at the fringes of said black scarf. The fabric was thin and soft, impossibly warm against your bare neck. “It didn’t—it doesn’t feel like the apocalypse in Terranova.”
“And how’d you make it all the way out here?”
“I’m a research assistant for a professor attempting to invent travel at the speed of light,” you said. “We just hooked it up to a different wire today. It short-circuited and when my professor and I rushed to shut it off, he spilled his tea on me and the prototype. Next thing I knew, I woke up here.”
Joel blinked. “What now?”
“I know it sounds crazy,” you said, defensively pulling your knees to your chest. “But I’m telling the truth, honestly. Plus, look at me.” You let go of your scarf and held out your hands, letting the glow of the fire catch the immaculate pearl polish on your fingers. “Do I look like someone who’s traveled from Canada to wherever I am now?”
“She’s got a point,” said Dina, nodding thoughtfully. “It really must be nice where you come from to have hands like that. It doesn’t look like you’ve done a day of work in your life. Reckon you could take us back with you?”
Joel sent her a stern look. “What did you parents do to gain access to a place like that? You the daughter of the president or something?”
“No. They just got lucky,” you explained. “They were summering in Canada and happened to befriend the founders of Terranova right before outbreak day.”
“‘Summering’,” repeated Joel. “It’s been a while since I heard someone use a season as a verb. Somehow it’s not been long enough.”
You cringed.
“I’m not gonna lie, it’s a little disappointing to hear that folks like your parents are still living in the lap of luxury, even after the world ended,” said Joel. “A part of me hoped that karma would get ‘em.”
“I didn’t realize how bad it was out here,” you said defensively. “They didn’t even tell me about…what was that that tried to kill me out there? Walkers?”
“Runners,” Ellie supplied. She watched you quietly from her position leaning up against the couch.
“You ran into one?” asked Joel, another wrinkle appearing in his forehead. “Ellie, have you checked her for bites?”
Ellie’s freckled face paled as she swore. “Fuck. No, I forgot. I should’ve done it in the clearing.”
“Well, better now than never. Listen, I gotta meet up with Tommy. You check ‘er. You got a gun ready, just in case?”
“Excuse me?” you scoffed, looking thoroughly scandalized. “What do you mean, just in case?”
“I’ll be outside,” said Dina, following Joel as he left the door.
“How come it’s my job?” Ellie called after them. “No one asked me how I felt about this!”
The door banged shut in reply. She turned back to face you, her lips set into a firm line. “Fine. Take your coat off. Let’s make this quick.”
“I didn’t feel anything bite me,” you said, grabbing your knees tighter to your chest. Ellie was intimidating and scary, and you rather liked how you currently wore an extra layer of protection.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s what they all say.” She walked over to you, grabbing your scarf and unwinding it from your neck. “Shit. Is this what Joel called cashmere?”
“Yeah,” you said, watching as she stared at the fabric pooled in her hands. “It’s nothing special, really. Everyone wears them in Terranova.”
Ellie stared at you. “Can you stop saying Terranova? I swear it’s every third word that comes out of your mouth. I honestly couldn’t give a shit about whatever fantasyland you grew up in while the rest of us dealt with the real world.”
You opened your mouth, then thought better of it and closed it. It was discombobulating to hear a stranger swear so often at you.
Ellie knocked your hands from your knees and stared down at you. “Are you actually gonna make me take off everything myself? Do they have hired help to unzip your coats in Terra Novella?”
Ellie let out a sharp sigh, then lunged for the zipper near your throat.
“Okay, okay, fine,” you said, yanking yourself away and pulling your zipper down to reveal your standard lab outfit—a satiny button up shirt tucked into slacks. You pulled the rest of your puffer off, letting it drop in a pile next to you.
“So,” you said as Ellie grabbed your arm, gently rolling up the fabric of your blouse and turning your forearm back and forth, “Is this, like, a normal thing? To have deranged people in the woods attack you like that?”
“They’re not people,” she said quietly. Satisfied with your left arm, she moved to the next and let your unbuttoned sleeve fall. “Not anymore.”
“What do you mean?”
Ellie’s fingers encircled your right wrist as she fiddled with your sleeve. They were warm as they brushed across your skin, just barely touching you. “You really don’t know? I thought you at least knew about outbreak day.”
“Of course I know about outbreak day,” you said defensively. “I’m not stupid.”
Ellie arched a brow.
“They told us that it was a virus,” you added. “That it was lethal and incredibly infectious. Is that not what happened?”
“It’s not a virus, it’s a fungus,” corrected Ellie, letting go of your sleeve and stepping back as you redid the buttons at your wrist. “And it doesn’t just kill. It turns you into—into something like what you saw today. You lose your mind. The only thing that matters to you is biting everyone and spreading the infection.”
“I saw you get tackled. Did your legs get scratched up at all?”
“No,” you responded, feeling thankful that you wouldn’t need to take your pants off. In that moment, literally nothing seemed more embarrassing. Your hands had begun to shake again.
“Didn’t think so.”
“If it had bitten me, would that mean that I…I would get sick too?”
“Nice going, Sherlock,” said Ellie, returning to her spot against the couch. “Really stellar reasoning skills there.”
You pulled your knees back into your chest, the gravity of the situation sinking in. All this time you’d thought it was just a virus—a measly virus that killed. That it could be anything else had never occurred to you.
“Keep shaking and I’m going to start to think that you were bitten.” She smiled thinly at you from across the room.
“I’m sorry,” you said, your teeth bouncing against each other once before you clenched your jaw. “Please cut me some slack. This is just a lot to take in. If you’ll recall, I’ve just been the first person in history to undergo atomic dissolution and reassembly. It’s a wonder I’m still alive.”
“Welcome to the club,” said Ellie, her eyes narrowed. “It’s a wonder any of us are alive.”
Your lips pressed tightly together as you sat, trying your best not to lose it at her. You’d always been brought up to be kind, to be forgiving and sweet and polite. After all, there was never any reason not to be. Terranova’s culture put a heavy emphasis on keeping the peace no matter what. Your parents rarely ever raised their voices. Your professors kindly and respectfully asked their pupils to settle down if they were too noisy, but since you were all brought up with impeccable manners, such instances were few and far between. It just wasn’t a thing to chew strangers out. Such behavior was only reserved for extraordinary situations of the like you’d never experienced. Speaking of manners…
“Thank you,” you said, finally. Yeah, you could be the bigger person.
Ellie’s gaze snapped up to you, her brow furrowed. “Huh?”
“For saving me,” you clarified, avoiding her eyes. They were uncomfortably piercing. “Sorry. I should’ve thanked you earlier. That was rude of me. And I’m also sorry for just barging in here. I promise it wasn’t on purpose. Trust me, I would do anything to be back home right now.”
“I bet you would.” Her eyes dropped briefly to your hands, unblemished and smooth as they clutched your knees. Not even a cuticle was out of place, a result of your weekly manicures and daily lotion habit.
“Sorry,” you said again, feeling heat rise in your cheeks once again. “I probably sound so insufferable and spoiled to you.”  
“Just—” She paused, frowning. “Just stop apologizing. It’s fine. It’s not your fault, or whatever.” The words seemed to pain her.
“What’s a QZ?” you asked. Now that you’d had a moment to draw in a few deep breaths, your hands were steady once again.
“Quarantine Zone,” said Ellie. “Established by what was left of the government for those of us normal people. There are a couple scattered around the country in the big cities.”
“Did you live in one? What’re they like?”
She was about to answer when the door banged open.
“Ellie!” Dina’s voice was breathless. “Joel wants me and you to go out and finish the patrol route together. She alright?”
“I’m fine,” you said quickly, hanging your legs off the table and reaching for your puffer.
“God, I fucking love that shirt,” said Dina. “Can I touch it? It looks so soft.”
You had a feeling that you would get on well with her. “Sure.”
“It’s not that soft,” said Ellie from the couch.
“Shut up, Ellie!” Dina walked over to you, grabbing the dangling fabric from your loose sleeves and letting it thread through her fingers. “Sorry about her, Y/N. She’s just like that sometimes.”
Dina ignored Ellie’s protests, giving you a look full of mirth as she stepped back. “For the record, it was that soft.”
“You couldn’t wear it anywhere,” argued Ellie. “It looks ridiculous. Infected would just snag right onto the sleeves. That’s only if you didn’t get tangled up in a tree from all that loose fabric first.”
“There’s not an abundance of trees or sick fungus people in my research lab,” you said awkwardly. “So that’s not really something that crossed my mind when I got ready this morning.”
“Ha!” Dina’s eyes scrunched. “Ellie, be nice. Maybe she’ll claim us both as her long-lost sisters and get us into wherever she came from, but she’s not gonna if you keep acting like this.”
“It’s okay,” you said, shrugging. “I get it. I can’t even begin to imagine how much different your lives are out here. And, I mean, I probably could if you wanted. I’m pretty sure that all you need is a connection and a negative test for whatever the fungus is called.”
“See?” Dina gestured towards you. “Listen to her. She’s so wholesome.”
“I’d be wholesome too if I led the kind of life where I didn’t know about the infected and got to wear dumb shirts like that all day.”
Dina huffed. “Listen, Y/N, Ellie and I are gonna finish up with patrolling. I’m assuming you want to stay in Jackson until you figure everything out?”
You nodded. “If that’s alright. I don’t mean to impose.”
“We’ll talk to Maria and Tommy once we get back and see about getting you set up somewhere temporarily,” said Dina. “For now, you can just stay at Ellie’s until we finish up. Sound good?”
“Dina!” protested Ellie. “You’re just gonna leave her here unattended without even asking me?”
“What’s she gonna do? Ransack the town? With what weapon, Ellie? Her bare hands? She looks like she’d be blown over if I breathed too hard in her direction.”
You flushed. Sure, you’d never really seen much of a point of bulking up and working out when you were nothing but a student who spent all of her time goofing off with wires and telescopes, but it was humbling to have it pointed out so blatantly.
“She wouldn’t make it a day outside,” continued Dina. “I don’t think she’s stupid enough to try anything. Isn’t that right, Y/N?”
You blinked. “I mean, yeah. I’ve never spent a day without electricity and hot running water, so I’m not really clambering to leave and live in the woods.”
Ellie sighed sharply. “Fine. Cool. Whatever. Just stay where you are, okay? And don’t even think about touching anything.”
By the time that she returned with Joel, you were sitting at the table, 2 chapters deep into the one textbook you’d brought along with you for one of your courses.
“Glad to see the house still standing,” Joel quipped as he worked his heavy coat off his shoulders and pulled his boots off. Ellie trailed behind him, hanging up her coat and pulling off a pair of black gloves. “Ellie was concerned you’d raze the whole town.”
“I’m honored that she thinks me so capable,” you said in response, wincing as you had to dogear your textbook, your bookmarks and sticky notes tucked safely in your dorm desk far away.
Ellie sent you an irritated look before her gaze dropped to the textbook in your lap. It lingered for a moment, just long enough for you to know that she was reading the title Exoplanetary Systems.
“Tommy and Maria have decided to let you stay until you get back on your feet,” said Joel, oblivious to the hostility coming from Ellie. “There’s a cottage down the street that’ll be ready for you to move into soon. For now, you can stay with us. There’s an extra room across the hall from Ellie’s.”
“That’s too kind of you,” you said, your voice smooth and gracious after years of having your manners picked apart by your parents.  
Joel looked mildly uncomfortable. “Uh, yeah. Don’t mention it. You know how to ride a horse?”
“Yeah, a little.”
“Good,” said Joel. “Can you shoot, too?”
You stared. “Uh, shoot what?”
“A gun,” said Ellie slowly. Her arms were crossed tightly over her chest, her mouth contorted into a scowl. She did not seem overjoyed at the prospect of a new housemate.
“No,” you said. Your ears felt like they were on fire. “There’s, uh, a strict ban on guns in Terr–where I grew up. There was no reason to shoot anything.”
Joel whistled. “Well, imagine that. So maybe we won’t put you on patrol just yet. We’ll find something else for you to do. Got any other skills?”
Before you answered, Joel picked up your bag and peered inside of it. “Say, is this a bag of coffee?”
He pulled out the bag of coffee grinds that you’d picked up at the cafe.
“Yeah!” you said. “Before the, uh, accident, my professor sent me to get him tea from the cafeteria. I ended up picking those up since my roommate and I were out. You drink coffee?”
“Not much anymore,” said Joel, picking up the bag and weighing it back and forth. “It’s hard to come by out here. You have to pay an arm and a leg to get just a bit. I haven’t seen a bag like this since before the outbreak.”
“It’s yours,” you said quickly. “I don’t even really like coffee. I just drank it because my roommate would make me a cup.”
Joel shook his head and placed it back in your bag. “No, I couldn’t do that. I’d probably have to trade my whole arsenal plus a horse to get something this big.”
“Please, I insist,” you said. “It’s the least I can do. It’s just going to sit in my bag anyway. You’d appreciate it more.”
“Well…” Joel gave you a considering look. “I s’pose this could cover your work for a few weeks until either we find another job for you or Ellie teaches you to shoot.”
“Joel!” Ellie interjected. “I have my own shit to do.”
“That’s really generous of you,” you said, smiling at Joel. “But you could honestly just take the bag—no need to offer any reimbursement.”
Joel grunted and picked the bag up again, slinging it onto the counter behind him. “Maria’s never gonna believe me until she sees this. Full bag of monsoon malabar…didn’t even think they had that shit anymore…” He continued to mumble to himself as he shuffled around, opening and closing cabinets behind you.
When you looked back up, Ellie was staring again at your book, a line in her brow.
“You can borrow it, if you’d like.” You pushed the book towards her as a poor attempt to call a truce between you two. “It’s not like I actually need to do the reading anymore. I’m already missing lecture.”
You winced at the thought of getting behind in your classes. In the very likely case you weren’t getting back in the next few days, you’d probably need to take a gap semester and return in the fall, delaying your graduation date another 4 months. Your parents were going to kill you. This was going to create an unfillable hole in your resume. “Shooting a gun” and “riding horses” were not acceptable activities to explain away why you took a whole season off.
“No thanks,” said Ellie, pushing it back to you. “Keep it. I don’t want it.”
“It’s about solar systems outside of our locale,” you continued. “There’s a bunch of them. It’s actually really interesting.”
“It doesn’t really sound like it,” she said, but there was no venom behind her voice—just something that sounded like exhaustion.  
“Maybe not.” You sighed, deflated. So much for a white flag. “I guess it must seem pretty ridiculous to you.”
Ellie stood there, her arms still crossed and her frown deep. “Joel,” she said, speaking over your shoulder, “I’m going out. I’ll see you later.”
“Don’t do anything stupid,” said Joel. You could hear him bustling around in what you assumed was a kitchen, filling a kettle with water and lighting the gas top stove.
When you turned back around, Ellie was already out the door, coat slung over her arm as she shut it.
Before the door closed entirely, her eyes snapped up to meet yours like she knew you’d been watching her.
She was gone before you had the chance to lift your hand to wave goodbye.
again apologies for this if you’ve made it this far. please confiscate my laptop. part 2 coming soon (?) if u want also im not an astrophysics student im a thickheaded cs student who barely survived ap physics so im sorry if i’m doing a disservice to the academic field of astronomy idk shit about it 
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ot3 · 28 days
A while back there was a post going around about how you shouldn’t rate or leave negative comments in your bookmark tags on ao3 because the author could see it. But it kinda shows a weird discrepancy where the diehard fanfic folk want fanfic to be seen as a legitimate art form but also can’t handle criticism of it because “it’s for fun.” Anyway there’s fanfic I like but don’t think is particularly well done and I don’t think I can ever comment that without getting eaten alive on ao3
To add onto my last ask about criticism on fanfic. I think ultimately any piece of art you put out to the world is going to be criticized no matter what. And as any artist or writer you should probably prepare for that
i definitely agree that anything public is subject to criticism but i dont think that necessarily means it's a free for all. my stance in the case of hobbyist works is that you're allowed to be as critical as you like in your own spaces but if you're somehere where the creator is almost guarantee to see it, that's just kind of a dick move more than anything else. i dont think fanfiction is beyond criticism at all and am in fact constantly bitching about how i also think its almost all bad. but i also don't think its really productive or cathartic in any way to say this to peoples 'faces' so to speak.
i'm not super familiar with the ao3 bookmark system so i don't really know what the etiquette there but maybe its kind of analogous to tumblr tags, in the effect that it's supposed to be Your commentary and Your organization system but also op also has immediate access to it. i definitely don't think you should go around tagging people's art just to rag on it, so i dont think i'm super in favor for doing that in bookmarks either.
its lke if you were someone who doesnt exercise a lot and you got into jogging would you want some sort of Running Expert filming a tiktok directly next to you about how your form could be improved? i don't really think it would matter how constructive or well intentioned they were it would still probably kinda feel like shit. but then on the flipside i think they have a right to go home and post to their #RunningTok or whatever the fuck about how they hate these annoying mistakes beginners always make.
i agree that 'any artist or writer' should be prepared to deal with a level of negative feedback for their work. and the people who turn around and write a post about how fanfiction is important and transformative queer art one moment then follow it up with a post about how if you ever have anything bad to say it you're just being a nasty little hater and need to shut up are ridiculous. The 'let people enjoy things' crowd are easily one of the worst demographics on this website. But i think the level of negative feedback an artist or writer should be prepared to deal with is vastly different in the case of people who are Creating as their profession vs people who are doing it as hobbyists.
the amount of people who think they fanfiction theyre producing is Groundbreaking Literature and deserves to be lauded as such while also demanding no critique are a small but vocal minority. one that pretty much 1:1 overlaps with people who view Fandom as an identity rather than an activity. the rest are like... teens just starting to dabble with narrative writing or people with day jobs who think its fun to do every now and then.
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bunnliix · 7 months
"Did I look hot in it?"
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I saw this prompt by @creativepromptsforwriting and immediately thought of Wooyoung. And so, two weeks later after I found said prompt, here is a Wooyoung x reader one shot.
This kinda took on a mind of its own, and this was the result of that, so I hope y'all enjoy! Also totally not considering making either more oneshots in this universe, or a series. If that would be something you'd be interested in, dear readers, please let me know.
"I had a nightmare about you."
"Did I look hot in it?"
word count: 1.2k
warnings: Wooyung being loud and a bit of a brat, piss in cereal joke once, I think that's it? Not really much to warn about in this one
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You slunk into class, tired beyond belief, before sitting down at the back of the classroom to try and hide said tiredness. You pulled out your books and laptop, laying them out on the desk, after which you rested your head in your hands, trying to stop yourself from falling asleep but failing to do so. With sleepy eyes, you observed as people strolled into the room and sat down as it came closer to the start of class. As the last group of students rolled into the classroom, of course it had to be the loudest group, you couldn’t help but cringe at the noise level. 
There were times you hated your classes, because you had to share them with Jung Wooyoung. Of course, his friends were just as bad, disruptive as all hell, and way too noisy for anyone’s sanity. His presence had plagued you in your classes since first year, and whenever you were able to escape a class with him, you always fared so much better. Normally, since they got there so late, they usually had to sit in the front of the classroom.
But not today. Of course the seat right in front of you was open, and of course Wooyoung spotted the open desk like a hawk. The loud boy strolled all the way to the back, as his friends found spots up front. He sat down at the desk, facing towards you as you looked anywhere but at him.
“Hey bestie, why are you all the way back here?” He asked, a teasing lilt in his voice.
“Why don’t you just fuck off, Jung.” You replied, not having nearly enough sleep to deal with his bullshit. 
“Awww, come on. Don’t be mean. And I told you, call me Wooyoung!” He whined, a pout on his face that just made you want to slap him instead.
Thankfully, you were spared from having to answer the boy, as the professor walked in at that exact moment. He started class right away, so Wooyoung had to turn back around, lest he get kicked out. This professor was pretty strict about classroom etiquette, which for today, worked in your favor.
Class was actually interesting for once, the topic today being something that you were interested in, which helped keep you awake. It also meant it passed by quickly, to your disappointment. Soon enough, everyone was packing up, including yourself. You quickly pulled out your headphones, hoping to avoid the boy in front of you from starting up another conversation. Popping them on your head, you turned on the noise cancelling aspect, as you put your books and laptop back into your bag. Sliding your bag on your back, you leave the classroom in a hurry. 
To your distaste and ire, Wooyoung followed behind you. The man couldn’t help but haunt you at all times, even in your dreams. Or rather, the nightmare that you had last night, which kept you from sleeping. And now it seems that he’s intent on talking with you today. You steadfastly ignored the man, focused only on getting to the library to study in silence. 
Wooyoung got tired of chasing you, instead moving in front of you to try and force you to stop walking. You just moved out of the way, trying to continue walking, but Wooyoung grabbed your elbow, pulling you back.
“Why are you so insistent on not talking to me?” He demanded to know. 
“I’m not up to talking with you Jung. Fuck. Off.” You said through gritted teeth. You were exhausted and the only thing you wanted was silence, not Mr. Loudmouth here talking your ear off. 
“No. Why are you such a grump today? Did someone piss in your cereal?” He joked.
“I didn’t sleep well last night. So sorry that I’m not up to talking. Now let me go.” You said tersely, ready to push him into the wall, just so he’d get out of your way.
Wooyoung cooed, “Awwww, why? Were you having daydreams about me so you couldn’t fall asleep?”
"I had a nightmare about you." You said, fire in your eyes.
Wooyoung smiled cheekily, "Did I look hot in it?" He asked, delight in his eyes.
This was the limit for you, and you pushed the taller man into the wall. “Jung Wooyoung, shut the fuck up.” You said.
He chuckled. “Make me.” Was all that he said.
You groaned, “You fucking brat.”
Wooyoung wasn’t a patient man, and all the patience he had left his body the minute you pinned him against the wall. He placed a hand at the back of your neck and pulled you up to kiss him. Your lips connected, and he took control of the kiss, his other arm coming up to wrap around your waist, keeping you close to him. Your hands came up to grip onto his jacket for some sense of stability, as you were taken by surprise by his kiss.
You didn’t really mind kissing him, it just shocked you that he actually did it. As much as you found the man annoying, it was more annoying how attractive he was. Like he didn’t need to be that hot, nor did he need to be that annoying half the time. You found yourself kissing him back after the shock wore off, and he smirked into the kiss as he felt you return it. He still was in clear control of the kiss, but he was happy to feel you kissing him. He had finally gotten to you, and all it took was grabbing you. He should have tried that sooner.
Finally, the need for both of you to breathe won, and you pulled away as he leaned his head back against the wall. Your cheeks were flushed, and by gods did he love the look on your face, lips slightly swollen and a bit of a dazed look in your eyes.
“I really should have done that sooner.” He commented, chuckling at your lack of response.
“You’re still a fucking brat.” You told him, after you came back to your senses, to which he burst out laughing. 
“But I’m a brat that you kissed, so really, how much of a brat can I be?” He replied. 
You just groaned in response, pulling away from him and resuming your journey to the library. He watched you leave, before running after you as he yelled for you to wait up. You didn’t of course, but he managed to catch up, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
“So are we gonna do that again? Hmm?” He questioned.
“In your dreams, Wooyoung.” You said.
“You called me Wooyoung, finally!” He celebrated.
“Jung, shut up.” You ordered him, to which he deflated at the use of his last name once again.
“Come onnnn, please use my name again. It sounds like heaven when I hear it fall from your lips.” He whined, to which you smirked.
“Beg me then.” That was all you told him.
Everyone they passed looked at how much of a puppy Wooyoung looked, trotting after you and begging for you to call him by your name. More than a few chuckled, as you looked intent on making him continue to beg, only for him to perk up as you finally called him by his first name once again. And yet, you somehow didn't mind him following you around if he acted like that, it was cute how you calling him by his first name made him act like such a puppy.
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schoenpepper · 1 month
Chivalry Should Die!
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Intro: Or, how to kill chivalry in five steps, featuring Idia Shroud!
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, not proofread I got lazyyyy, mentions of hentai lmao, reader is not yuu, idia highkey being a loser
A/N: This is a request from an anon. Not sure if this is actually what they wanted, but if you're reading this I hope you like it. Kinda short idk I was really busy with that Jade songfic.
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Opening the door
As the heir of a kingdom, you've long since been trained to be respectful, etiquette and decorum seared into your flesh and carved into your bones. Perhaps with such an upbringing, Royal Sword Academy would have been for you.
But the invitation is black.
Your first day in Night Raven College is nothing too interesting. You're sorted into Ignihyde (ha!), your housewarden is a floating tablet, and some magicless folk with a rabid cat crashed orientation, starting off the year with a literal bang! You're unphased, a polite smile on your lips as you gather your things and your wits and line up to head to the dorm. You go through the mirror and up the stone stairs that led to the building in its weird mishmash of ancient architecture and blue triangles and holograms.
You, being the very kind person you are, open the door for the tablet.
It stops in mid-air.
"What...? Did you just open the door for a tablet? Lolz! Wtf you're such a weird freshie lmao. Imagine being that person, idk couldn't be me ig."
You keep on smiling.
(But the urge to punt the tablet all the way back to the hall of mirrors is strong.)
Carrying items
"Oh, let me help you, senpai."
"Huh? No, I'm okay..."
You glance at the large box, clearly heavy and stuffed to the brim by whatever was inside it and your senior slash housewarden who was doing his best to lug it up the stairs as he panted. "Are you sure? You look like you're having trouble." You watch him carry it to the second step.
"Totally fine, yep, nothing weird here, nope, nuh uh, I don't need help."
Idia avoids your eyes. The tips of his hair are turning a faint pink, and the fact that Ortho wasn't the one doing the heavy lifting was really the very first giveaway that something was wrong.
You narrow your eyes and step back.
"If you say so, Idia senpai. But why don't you just use—" he accidentally drops the box back onto the ground, watching, horrified, as its contents spilled out, "—magic to...carry it..."
"No, Y/N, don't look!"
You pick up a thick book from the pile on the ground to help him gather it all. Manga, was it? Upon accidentally reading the title, you give him the most disgusted look you could ever muster.
Idia screams until Ortho comes by to help him put his hentai manga back into the box.
Always be on time
You and Idia had agreed; 4 p.m. Not too early, not too late to work on that essay you needed to pass by tomorrow. He's a good friend and upperclassman if nothing else, so he offered to help you with the topic, which was included in his wide range of expertise. The catch is that you had to do it in his room.
You knock on the door at exactly 4.
No answer.
You take out your phone and send him a quick message. When he doesn't immediately answer, you call Ortho instead.
"Hello, Y/N!"
"Hey Ortho, do you know where Idia is? He promised to help me with an essay and he's not in his room."
"Older brother and I are in the Shaftlands!"
You smile (instead of cracking your phone into pieces). "Really? And when did you leave?"
"We left this morning because there's a comic convention that brother wanted to go to."
"I see. Thank you, Ortho."
Help getting down from a carriage
You hop down the carriage and hold out a hand to Idia. He looks at your hand weirdly, hair pink as he murmurs something you couldn't quite understand (you just know it's something annoying though). He gingerly puts his hand on yours and carefully descends from the carriage.
And by carefully, you mean, of course, that he lets go of your hand halfway and trips on the stairs before faceplanting into the dirt.
You sigh and carry him in your arms.
"Eek! Is this a limited edition SSR CG?!"
"I mean, where are you taking me?"
You look at him dead in the eye and press on his left ankle.
"Ouch! Oh...okay..."
Paying for a date
First date! You don't know how, but you managed to convince Idia to eat out in a fancy restaurant with you (if only because you know that he will never agree to anything like this ever again). The food is nice and the ambience is tolerable even though the two of you are in a public space (you chose a private room but to Idia it's still a public space apparently). At the end of the night, the waiter puts the bill on the table and leaves.
"I'll take the—" When your hand reaches for the check, Idia grasps onto your wrist.
He shakes his head.
"I'll pay for it because...you asked me out so...it's only fair..."
"No, it's unbecoming of a royal to not even pay for their partner's food."
He is weirdly competitive about this.
Anyway, at the end of the night, the check accidentally rips in half (the waiter wonders why) and you successfully pay for the full meal.
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bedforddanes75 · 27 days
do you have any fanfiction recs??
I DO!!!!!! im honoured that someone's thought of Me to ask for recs omg... anyway theyll be under the cut because making long posts without a cut makes me feel mean
okay im assuming u mean gatty cos. its Me so sorry if u didnt 😞 smut is marked with * btw!!! (also before i start i'm sorry to everyone i tag i Hate tagging it's really scary.) SO. in no specific order. let's go
love me to death* by...somebody who i do not know the tumblr of (sorry) is amazing. i'd also recommend everything else by this person, too, because all of it is beautiful.
all the king's horses by the wonderful @allylikethecat is one of my all time faves, it just makes me want to scream and cry and yell and jump up and down. in a very, very good way!! (also, it has horses, so.)
the big light by @betweenthings2 is for real godsent, and i would die to be able to write like this!!!!! (but if u do then tw for speak of s/a!! keep urself safe!) it's beautiful and sad and sad and sad and wonderful. again, i'd recommend everything else by them, too!!! (also loads of crisps because it got updated like three seconds ago, and i Love It)
in the search for it, inside of you* by @arainesque is so beautifully sad, and the best thing ever. it's so soft and wonderful and lovely and aaaaaahhh!!! the way she wrote their dynamic makes my heart ACHE. obsessed always :(((((<3
how little i really know (about the things that matter)* OH MY GOD. farm boy george. literally almost entirely what inspired deus like it's AMAZING. beautiful and i love it so much
roadkill, again, by @betweenthings2 because she's genuinely amazing and deserves nine hundred thousand billion kudos on every single fic <3 (tw for restrictive (i think) EDs btw!!) i think if i read this while not in a good mood i would explode and die. it's amazing
into my spiral patterns you (my love) by @lookedlikethebins which is in progress rn is HWHSKJSJSJ. beautiful. obsessed with how they've written george in this one <3
okay im Very sorry to everyone who i tagged here i genuinely hate tagging people so much it makes me SICK but i kinda felt bad speaking about fics and Not tagging people. LORD. someone give me a tumblr etiquette class
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vermillioncrown · 1 month
@rozaceous and i were like "ah, well, the commenting etiquette on something that's more 'purely' smut than before is expected" but that's so fine. we have this.
(under read more to not torture people lol)
@sunshinerotting replied to your post “(@rozaceous) dpnf outtake: eternally clear id of...”:
timmerson count: 26 oh my boy loves a symbol of affection. sex dream starting with verbal reassurance that they like him and want him to keep living w them. its 2:47 in the morning i’ll be more coherent tomorrow but timm. TIM. i can see his parent issues. he’s right abt them but like to the left?? also the scathing pillow princess line. looks like SOMEBODY hasn’t learned u don’t need to work to earn peoples love. especially not on your BIRTHDAY TIMOTHY oh i love him. someone tell him he’s doingva good job he obviously needs it. lonely man
​tim wants to be wanted, wants to be needed, needs to feel like he's earned being wanted. roz and i have talked about how kinks are just manifestations of your needs but in a sexual way (one of your most vulnerable ways), so like. ofc.
the fuccboi korvin image really leaked into his brain though huh. that was a lot. also the stains was that like a permanence thing. was the lease really eating at him. “we have all day” OH RIGHT ABANDONMENT damn. fuck tims parents fr differences btw this n korvin allie extra. idk like. pet (derogatory) vs. pet (affectionate) yk. like his brain is lowering him in a way they are they aren’t. still love but more like an object ?? 3am i’ll come back later don’ttt reveal your secrets im not done yet :*
he knows enough during waking moments that korvin's not like that. but he's also...he fears that? this links to the later replies on what allie vs korvin represent for tim in dpnf, and part of the "challenge" is korvin being like this. goading him. which is really tim being mean to himself rn, but he kinda likes it. a big thing with tim drake is wanting to show that he can Handle something (part of earning regard and want).
HAHA so, he's also very into the mystique of the twins, the "alien" nature, and the sticky, gooey stains are a bit like an alien feel to it. and it's a visceral sign of want. he does wanna be probed by an alien so bad lmao. until the almost-robin mystique wears off, he'll see them as larger than life, and that's where the pet (derogatory) comes in. there's a bit of himself feeling less, but there's also this keen want to be seen as "picked" and "special" to them.
the lease can be taken that way, but it's also like, dream logic (in the same way with the go-bag and his t-shirt lol). roz and i were cackling abt tim's priorities (we also had to retroactively mention the lease in ch 9 bc we forgor too)
(you have so much analysis I gotta do a reblog to not hit post limit 🥰)
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wangxianficfinder · 10 months
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In the mood for...
1. Hiii~ hope you all are well!! for ITMF, do you know of any fics where lwj or wwx is chubby/fat? and maybe some body worship of their fatness?
check out the chubby!Wei ying tag!
Do Not Eat More Than Three Bowls by GalliumYttriumArsenicFluorine (E, 6k, LWJ & WWX & OCs, Belly Kink, Weight Gain, Stuffing, belly stuffing, Feeding Kink, Feeder LWJ, Feeder WWX, Feedee LWJ, Feedee WWX, fat appreciation, pudge love, Body Worship, Body Image, Body Positivity, Consensual Kink, Verbal Humiliation, Humiliation kink, POV Alternating, Feedism, unintentional weight gain, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Chubby LWJ, Chubby WWX, Light Bondage, Dom/sub Undertones, Switch wangxian, WIP)
🔒 in your hands by everythingispoetry (T, 11k, wangxian, modern, Fluff, chubby LWJ, Weight Gain, Body Image, Body Positivity, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Secret Marriage)
Cessation by devinokaze (T, 6k, wangxian, canon divergence, YLLZ WWX, fluff, LXC pov) mentioned slightly in regards to LWJ
🔒 everything’s going to be discovered by everythingispoetry (M, 98k, wangxian, F/F, modern cultivation, reunions, soft wangxian, family feels, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, disability) this is a pretty heavy cisswap fic involving disabling injury, so be mindful of that but it does feature chubby lwj and a positive attitude toward that from the important people.
2. Hello! ITMF mute!Wei Wuxian? Preferably canon era. Thank you!
you're the right time (at the right moment) by carmiemaybe (glazedlilies) (G, 1k, wangxian, Modern, Post-War, Soldier LWJ, mute WWX, Historical, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Feels, Crush at First Sight, Pining, Short & Sweet, Romance)
The Untamed Retelling by DCandMARVELnerd (T, 86K, WIP, WangXian, Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury, Injury Recovery, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Dysfunctional Family, Abuse, Retelling, Canon Rewrite, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Friendship, Developing Friendships, Love, Fluff, Angst and Feels, Selectively Mute WWX)
Muted by Akabara_13 (T, 46k, WIP, WangXian, Muteness, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Psychological Trauma, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Child Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Angst, For Want of a Nail)
3. Itmf fics where lxc (or another character, just not people who already knew about truth of bm etc) become aware of the dangerous lying politics that lead to wwx demise (untamed verse) as its happening. And it's like a political intrigue. Like I know there are some 'x-person goes to the burial mounds and sees the truth', but what about fics where people find out because of a dif reason?
ask until your heart gets it right by Stratisphyre (G, 6k, XuanLi, Implied XiYao, Background WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fluff and Humor, Unreliable Narrator JZX, Minor surprise pairing at the end, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies) not sure it quite fits, but here's a (great!) fic where JXZ wins JGY's loyalty and the latter kinda spills the beans on the Qiongqi Path stuff. It doesn't get into the politics that much though.
4. I'm in a mood to know what you all are reading right now :D
backfire by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 53k, wangxian, LWJ/MXY, one-sided MXY/WWX, MXYY/NMJ, modern, BDSM AU, Biologically Determined Dom/sub Roles, BDSM, Bad BDSM etiquette, Sadism, Masochism, Past Sexual Abuse, Sexual Slavery, Self-Harm, BDSM as a Form of Self-Harm, Minor Character Death(s), Arson, Shades of Black Widow WWX, Extremely Dubious Consent, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Normalized Homosexuality and Bisexuality, Normalized Polyamory, Nonsexual BDSM, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Pining WWX, Jealous WWX, Touch-Starved WWX, Professional Dominant WWX, Sex Worker WWX, Gentle Dom LWJ, Mean Dom LWJ, Oblivious LWJ, Past WC/WWX, Minor JGY/WWX, Mentioned WWX/Others, Emotional Infidelity, Angst with a Happy Ending, Endgame Wangxian, MXY Also Gets a Happy Ending, the tags are scary but i promise there's some lightheartedness too, wangxian love one another so much, WWX is healed by the power of nonsexual bdsm and friendship, and then gets bdsm'd quite sexually and happily by the love of his life, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, WIP) currently reading backfire over one squidgeworld!
🔒🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Criminal underworld AU, Fluff and angst, Crime boss LWJ, Rouge criminal genius WWX, Explicit Sex) Rereading this!
5. Itmf what is ur fav unexpected combo yet coolest crossover or fusion fic that you've read? Bonus points if it's not crossed with another MXTX work. I once read a rise of the guardian fusion that was very neat. Esp the begining.
🔒 and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They’re Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending)
🔒 some lovely, perilous thing by varnes (E, 24k, WangXian, Inception Fusion, Criminal Associates To Lovers, Heist Case Fic)
Wei Wuxian Makes a Wish series by natcat5 (M, 119k, wangxian, major character death, underage, madoka magica au, modern w/ magic, time travel, high school au, body horror, self-harm, angst w/ bittersweet ending, time loop, mental instability, suicidal thoughts) have not stopped thinking about this fic since I read it
If also love to see that rise of the guardians fic 👀👀👀
Castle in the Wastes by ailuridae (abigailnicole) (T, 41k, wangxian, Howl’s Moving Castle fusion, personified Chenqing, canon typical violence)
Diplomatic Incidents by Ariaste (M, 35k, WangXian, IB/DP, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Getting Together, Linguistics, Translation Spells, canon-typical borderline alcoholism, Fluff, a touch of angst for spice, being in love but not admitting you want to sleep together, Versus, sleeping together but not admitting you’re in love, Post-Canon, post-canon for MDZS anyway, during-canon for DAI)
Wei Wuxian is the Actual Bogeyman (no, really) by chatonnerie (T, 57k, WangXian, Rise of the Guardians AU, Crack, not gonna lie, i mean they literally call wwx the bogeyman my poor brain could not resist, TW:Death, I mean, Jack Frost cannonically dies)
🔒 Come by it Honestly by ladyshadowdrake (M, 25k, Geraskier, WangXian, The Witcher Crossover, Crossover, Adventure)
🔒Light Bearing Lord and The Patriarch by Anonymous (G, 3k, WangXian, Rise of the Guardians Crossover, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Relationship Reveal, Established Relationship, kind of crack, Crack Treated Seriously, WWX and LWJ are Guardians, but not just of Childhood, Implied Sexual Content, WWX and LWJ being Shameless)
🧡 Of Ghosts and Heroes by The Silverfish (ZephyrAndTheSilverfish) (T, 51k, AS & WWX, AS/YH, WangXian, BNHA/MHA Crossover, Dimension Travel, POV Outsider, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Angst)
❤️ More Questions than Answers by tiniestawoo (T, 2k, Sterek, WangXian, Teen Wolf Crossover, Curses, Curse Breaking, Modern with Magic, (alternate for CQL I GUESS?), Full Shift Werewolves, Beta DH, Demonic Cultivation, Crack Treated Seriously, Crack Crossover)
The Return Of the (Yiling) Sith by Zephyr (ZephyrAndTheSilverfish) (T, 23k, WangXian, SongXiao, Star Wars Setting, Hurt/Comfort, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Alternating, The Force, Kidnapping, Pining, IN SPACE!) (Link in #7)
mountains, we met by fruitys (E, 79k, WangXian, Historical, The Handmaiden (2016) Fusion, Enemies to Lovers, Misunderstandings, Secret Identity, Touch-Starved, Sharing a Bed, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Angst with a Happy Ending, falling for the person you’re supposed to be swindling: the love story, getting revenge on the people who manipulated you: the saga, and some cws……., Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide Attempt, Mental Health Issues, Emotional Manipulation, Blow Jobs, Rimming)
A Long Road by Vathara (T, 187k, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Scheming NHS, Necromancy, Fire, Ghosts, Accidental Child Acquisition, is it an accident if the ghosts keep bringing them?) a Heralds of Valdemar fusion! Caveat that it's necessarily butchered MDZS canon to fit into the Valdemar fantasy series, but it works.
6. Are there fics where Madam Yu just really gets told off for how she treats people, though especially Wei Ying? I'd especially love to see Lan Zhan do it. Thanks!! @eebee
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, with a lil twist, Eventual Happy Ending, lesbian wq rights, Music, Orchestra, platonic and romantic pining) it's pretty small part (but w big impact) near the end but it's there
7. Hii ! For this time's itmf , I'm looking for a fic with a concept of there being a 'chosen one'
Kinda similar to this fic "So You Accidentally Kidnapped A Qilin by Mikkeneko" . It can be alternative universe or Canon , thank you♡ @karinasnowwwx
The Return Of the (Yiling) Sith by Zephyr (ZephyrAndTheSilverfish) (T, 23k, WangXian, SongXiao, Star Wars Setting, Hurt/Comfort, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Alternating, The Force, Kidnapping, Pining, IN SPACE!)
8. itmf a well-written role reversal fic where lan wangji dies instead of wei wuxian/ jiang yanli. Basically lan wangji dies, and the fallout
If I Could Go Back in Time by Runningbarefoot (M, 122k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, YLLZ WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, The Twin Jade Brotherhood, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Slow Burn)
9. Are there any fics in which wangxian fight/quarrel a lot?
10. itmf lwj being roofied @jawla-mukhi
To keep you safe by Lookeri (T, 3k, wangxian, rape/non-con, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Protective WWX, Drunk LWJ, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Attempted Sexual Assault, No War AU, Hurt LWJ, WIP) Only one chapter posted so far though
The Lines of your Soul by athena_crikey (M, 24k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, rape/non-con, Modern with Magic, photographic cultivation, sects as fucked up as ever, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, for blackmail purposes, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, stigma/judgement, Trauma, Emotional Whump, hurt/comfort, Yu-furen back on her bullshit, politics over people, WWX will always have a traumatic past, Panic Attacks, everyone! needs! THERAPY!)
11. Hello! I was wondering if anybody knows a fic where LWJ and LXC have to switch places (the concept was mentioned in another fic I've read and I'd love to see what them attempting to act like the other could look like)
Two-Faced by nirejseki (Not Rated, 2k, LXC & NHS, LXC & JGY, Mistaken Identity, early reveal) probably not exactly what you're looking for but maybe worth a look. LXC pretends to be his brother as ?a prank? and it goes disastrously off the rails
12. Hello! I'm in the mood for a wangxian fic that focuses on Lan Wangji's grief after Wei Wuxian's death and then his feelings throughout their reunion
hold me close by gentil-minou (Flyingsuits) (E, 13k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, Porn with Feelings, Emotional Sex, Grief, Mental Health Issues, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, tender husbands being tender, 13 years of grieving followed by a life time of healing from it, Do you ever think about how lwj spent 13 years thinking he’d never get this, and then he gets it and how hard that must be to accept, because how could it be real how can he prove to himself, that it’s not all just another dream waiting to shatter is he being cruel to wy, for not believing it some days?, no? just me?, Character Study, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Working Through Grief With Sex, Grieving Your Husband While Fucking Him)
New Perspective Series by mrcformoso (T, 35k, WangXian, Angst, Hopeful Ending, Fatherhood, Regrets, Flashbacks, POV LWJ, LWJ-centric, Canonical Character Death - WWX, Pining LWJ, LWJ Has Feelings Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī Needs a Hug, Character Development, Dead WWX, Introspection, LWJ is Bad at Feelings, Character Study, Regretful, LWJ Breaking Toxic Cycles, Canon Compliant, LWJ in Seclusion, Post-LWJ in Seclusion, Child LSZ)
13. hii, thank u for doing imtfs, can I get some fics which deal w additcion?? thanks @mercurygirlwt28
Say More by lettered (E, 95k, wangxian, LWJ/MXY, modern, Pining, Slow Burn, non-graphic drug use, non-graphic withdrawal, Drug Addiction, one suicidal thought, negative thought, wwx struggles with Mandarin and feeling connected to Chinese culture, Compulsory Heterosexuality, wwx kisses a girl, Sexuality Crisis, Gay Panic, some gender confusion and questions without serious gender questioning, incorrect definition of omnisexuality, Open Relationships, Masochistic Fantasies, non-graphic sadomascochistic realities, humiliation fantasies, Submission Fantasies, some D/s realities, one condomless blowjob, suggestions of some unhealthy co-dependence, Possessive Behavior, Slight Consensual Non-Consent, Frottage, the open relationship is not wangxian)
something so flawed and free by verseau (E, 59k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Graduate School, Dom/sub, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Non-Sexual Submission, Kink Negotiation, Biting, Overstimulation, Cock Warming, Consensual Non-Consent, Spanking)
Lifelong Confidant by saved (E, 42k, wangxian, modern, Fluff and Angst, Past Character Death, Families of Choice, Explicit Sexual Content, Idiots in Love, Misunderstandings, Oblivious WWX, playing fast and loose with basic real life things, references to past alcoholism/substance abuse, Alcohol)
Cloud Nine Series by mssdare (E, 86k, WangXian, Modern AU, YouTube, Depression, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, Mental Health Issues, Mental Breakdown, Suicidal Thoughts, ASMR, youtuber LWJ, youtuber WWX, Social Media, Getting Together, getting better, Happy Ending, Intercrural Sex, Shower Sex, Sleepy Cuddles, Videoblogging, Sexual Dysfunction, Erectile Dysfunction, Medication, Touching, Anal Sex, Domestic Bliss, Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, side effects of medication, Slow Pace)
🔒 watching my heart go round by typefortydeductions (E, 77k, wangxian, modern, developing relationship, grief/mourning, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, implied/referenced suicide, mental health issues, past alcoholism, dom/sub, BDSM, impact play, consensual non-con, dirty talk, objectification kink, dom LWJ, sub WWX, building a family, the work of getting better, sex in SSRIs, happy ending, breathplay, rimming, orgasm denial, safe word use)
The Life and Times of a Rock Star in Crisis by Hammsters (M, 62k, wangxian, Celebrity au, Modern, Hurt/Comfort, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Rehabilitation, Dysfunctional Family, Memories, Fluff and Angst, Rock Star WWX, Librarian LWJ, Libraries, Social Media, Paparazzi, WWX has earned his highly publicized mental breakdown, he worked hard for it, Grief/Mourning, Mental Instability, JC being a good brother)
14. heyyy thanks for all your hard work! itmf any fics that involve lwj being jealous. :) @aquiver-heart
The Epic Lie of the Yiling Laozu and His Wife by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 9k, WangXian, XianQing, NieYao, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fake Marriage, Misunderstandings, Lies, Jealousy, A really tiny bit of jealous LWJ and JC, Assisted reproduction (mentions of insemination with talismans and other things), Implied/Referenced Sex, Implied Mpreg, yiling wei, WWX Has a New Golden Core, More like a red core, BAMF WWX, Canon Divergence, dialogue heavy in some parts, A little angst, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian)
15. hello again! thank you for your most recent itmf post. i’ve been thoroughly spoiled with amazing fics.
i’ve been reading 🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark for the first time and seeing nie huaisang and wei wuxian’s friendship has inspired me to return to ask for more. the nie clan’s secret cultivation techniques always make me think of how invaluable wei wuxian’s knowledge or help could be to them if only a certain order events happened during canon. so, i was wondering if there were any canon divergent wangxian fics out there that specifically touch on nie huaisang and wei wuxian’s mutually beneficial friendship? preferably pre-nightless city fall/burial mounds raid? anything will do but i really enjoy seeing nie huaisang’s genius completely f*** over jin guangyao specifically. (although jin guanshan, su she, jin zixun, or xue yang downfalls are also lovely to see as well.) thank you in advance ♥️
no one ever said the single-plank bridge had to be walked alone by rosemu (T, 124k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Yílíng Wèi Sect au, Fix-It, Not Everyone Dies, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, Fluff, Angst, Domestic Fluff, Canon-Typical Violence, Found Family, Slow Burn, LWJ and WWX get to be Dads together, the healing power of homoerotic flute/guqin duets, Happy Ending) NHS helps out the Burial Mounds settlement & absolutely destroys JGY
The Core Issue by Hauntcats (T, 21k, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not JC Friendly, Canon Divergence) Has WWX dropping in on NHS & helping NMJ with the Nie Clan's cultivation issues
16. Hiiiiiii 👋, Firstly, I love this blog so much - it's really amazing. For the next itmf blog, i was wondering if there are any fics where:
A] Wwx is overprotective of lwj and possessive. It can be in a dark wwx vibe but more so like just normal wwx being so defensive and concerned about lwj in front of others.
B] Some royalty au where wx is in an arranged marriage and wwx is smitten
C] any fics where wwx did something wrong and has to work hard to get lwj back (they dont have to break up/ separate- maybe he just has to work to get back in lwj's good graces)
- please let all have happy endings with wx as the main couple
Thaaaank you💕
17. Hey, guys! For ITMF, are there fics where WWX has to rebuild his spice tolerance in MXY's body? I refuse to believe that they both have the same tolerance when WWX likes his food saturated to a point that other spice-enjoyers think is a bit much & MXY barely got food at all. (Bonus if he now finds Lan food tasty & is just So Offended about that. Extra bonus if his alcohol tolerance is gone too.) @thispatternismine
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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alfiely-art · 4 months
FINISHED ACT 2!!!! I promise I'm taking my time
Act 1 live reaction here
Here are notes I took while reading!!!
Hi vagabond fella… you're cute
Huh. So the world ended. Okay
Happy birthday john, you fucked up!!!! My god!!!!
Oh interesting… wonder if the kernel will come back later
I like this sprite lmaoooo silly guy
“It's a long way down” Hey. Hey wait a sec. Isn't that deltarune
Bro Rose probably thinks you're dead lmfaooooo
Am I supposed to ignore the Stop Scurrying button btw. He will scurry to my hearts content
“Would you like to play a game?” C…caliborn….? :3
We scurried until we couldn't scurry anymore
Aw he's scared :( WALK ACROSS IT ur fine…
A voice?? Is it the blue text. The sprite
Sorry rose I'm not reading allat
So wait. Did the game cause the meteors or is it just saving people from them. Why was there no warning
Betty crocker is born /j
Nvm sprite said No <3
“Hoo-hoo-hoo” HEY I SAW CALIBORN GIGGLE LIKE THAT IN A FIC. I know the Striders have more to do with Caliborn but let me reach
OH its the sprite
Dave. Honey. Nows not the time for your rap
Which admittedly has fun rhymes
Dave what are you yapping about
Fluthlu… I love you
I'm not even gonna try to spell that but I like the other squid octopus creature as well
Oglogoth… goth !!!!
Hey wait. The horror terrors are part of sburb. Is the game influenced by their lives and interests. Like. Deltarune
OH PSYCHE!!! hi Dave
Bleat like a goat and piss on your turntable
Oh Dave. Oh Dave
Hey wait is this earlier in the day.
Okay this is definitely earlier in the day
Aw. He doesn't wanna make satire of the sburb review
Is that. John's hand???? what the fuck is happening in midnight crew
Flagrant Homosexuality
YOU CANT BE SAYING THAT WHITE BABY (I was told that they use slurs, slur count 2!!!!)
Her life depends on you playing that game Dave
Ewwww what's the shit under the door
It's okay Dave piss probably isn't that bad. It's also probably Apple juice You're fine
. They're gonna fly out the window
Wait. Davesprite is a bird with a sword in him. Omg is that bird the beginning of Davesprite omg!!!!
Rose and her mom are fucking weird
Hardcore parkour
Jade be telling the future…. Why can she do that
Ironic Indulgence
Btw. Are you able to. Win the strifes. I'm so confused
“Fine, you'll interrupt your reading and turn around, but you don't see what could possibly be so oh my god it's a monster.” Hi this is absolute gold this is how I type
John died :(
Yay he's alive!!!
John is such a nerd I love him
Hi Nanna harlequin sprite
Dave is very suddenly creeped out by the puppets, okay. Don't diss Lil cal bro
Baked good hater for Life!!! Also I am just like John I have absolutely no idea what Nannasprite was talking about. We r along for the ride
Jade why do you know all this stuff
Haha Dave's an emoji
HI CAL HI BABYGIRL !!!! I like Cal he's the man
Sweet Bro n Hella Jeff is. I
Cals eyes are so shiny
U and me both Rose. We Are giggling
John died again
What the fuck is happening at Dave's house
What the fuck is happening
I WANT TO PLAY A GAME is this a caliborn reference. Anyway uhhh Bro is kinda weird what's going on with him
Why does he have a camera in the saw guy figurine. Bro. What's uh up with you
BRO REALLY IS A NINJA…. Whys he jusy moving Cal around
Dave. I know you said your Bro is awesome but I think he's just really weird. He's silly
I do think it's interesting. John doesn't like his dad even though his dad is great (worst thing is he ignores that his kid doesn't like betty crocker goods). Rose hates her mom, but.. for like, the wrong reasons?? Like yeah her mom’s an alcoholic and seems neglectful but she doesn't seem to do the Irony shit Rose says she does. And then Dave seems to think Bro is the absolute best even though. This is not a great situation. I wonder what Jade's family is like
Also John and Rose avoid their parents but Dave's Bro seems to avoid Dave. interesting
Hey that letter is the same as the one in the trans dirk comic I saw :0
Yoooo John that's a cool weapon actually
That's a big boy right there what a big boy
Big boy!!!!!!
HEY I WAS INVESTED IN SEEING JOHN FIGHT. Oh at least we can see Bro. Wait how's Rose
??? JADE???
What the fuck is happening I
vagabond is so silly I like him
Hey guys I think a king hurt vagabond. Just a guess. Probably reaching idk /j
Oh nvm. Btw can we get this guy a burger
HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE ON THESE SCREENS BTW. Wait I'm shouting so much. But what the fuck. Dave has his sprite??? Yay???? I thought he was gonna fight Bro??? What happened to Lil Cal???
Hey isn't that Jade's symbol on the pumpkin
Yooo that's such a cool cutscene actuHUH HOW IS IT THE END OF THE ACT AGAIN
The frick….
Anyway. Thoughts: I like Vagabond. Jade is mysterious. Dave gay. Bro creepy. Someone pls save Rose. John you gotta put your big boy pants on and fight those ogres. Good act!!! idk why people say the pre-trolls stuff is boring I'm enjoying myself
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lucrezianoin · 11 months
ive never ppl who hc astarion as ace be weird about people who dont but ive sure as shit seen a lot of people get mad fucking weird about ace astarion. lmao it genuinely is so annoying, theyll try and find excuse after excuse for why its wrong and bad Actually to hc him as ace. it dont matter. theres nothing saying he is or isnt in canon so why do people get so weird and annoying about it???
i mean i know why...
Yeah, I think there is a lot of weird debate around "sexualization" of Astarion, and somehow ace people or ace headcanons are always dragged into it. There is a lot of defensiveness, I noticed.
Because there is a subsection of fans who are extremely quick to harrass, mainly. On twitter, in particular, there is a group of fans that usually goes around retweeting fanarts of artists to insult them, if the fanart is not "chaste" enough.
This is an example:
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It is a type of fandom policing that goes against any kind of fandom etiquette. But also... I like to call it the Frollo from Notre Dame Effect. Because that particular piece of art does not sexualize anything, the character is naked, but the art focuses on how he is treated in game (treated as one of Cazador's treasures and objects to be stored away). It is almost haunting, as fanarts go. But somehow, this group of fans saw it and felt something (apparently they felt it was sexy), and instead of realizing it was their reaction, the uncomfortability of it made them lash out against the art itself.
I am just saying this to explain that sometimes I feel that the backlash against ace headcanons is set in this context. At least the one I got was set in this context, where this user decided that me trying to talk about canon events in the game = me trying to accuse them of being horrible people for sexualizing Astarion.
So in my case, the person immediately used my headcanon as "proof" that I was one of those people who did not want to sexualize Astarion.
The thing is that it kinda sucks (at least for me) that you cannot have an ace headcanon without somehow being labelled as someone who wants full on purity in fandoms.
This is what I think, in particular, regarding the sexualization of Astarion:
I am glad that in game he is not shown in full sex scenes. A part from ascended astarion (and for a reason), we never really see any sex scene with him. His spawn one is one of the least explicit in the whole game, and even his initial one is pretty much mainly focused on the seduction act (compare them with the Minthara one, or Halsin, or Gale or Karlach in act 3!).
Ascended Astarion having the more explicit sex scene is not by chance, given that choosing to let him ascend while in romance is directly connected with the vampire-fantasy the game wants to sell, and passionate sex is part of it.
On the other hand, I really don't care what people do in fandom with characters. That is outside the narrative, and does not change or influence the narrative of the game at all.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
I just reread your Language Barrier AU and the ballpoint where reader was pissed because these fuckers just couldn't help but talk like Zhongli-
Argh, God. I'm getting mad just thinking about it. 😤 Imagine in a fight and these dudes just sttaight up blurted a fucking 5 book-length, hard bounded soliloquy- I cannot-
No, Venti, Kazuha. You cannot use Haikus-
No, Cyno, you cannot use jokes either- but that is debatable-
And Oh. My. God. I kept thinking about when fighting and y'all kept throwing words (like when using a skill) and I'm just here standing, bracing myself SO HARD trying not to laugh (also irl). And then maybe now and then some mistranslation on Reader's mind since they use JP VA since the start of Genshin (assuming they play?) are new to Teyvat's Language:
'One with the Floor!'
One with the what?
'Shake your ass, sir!'
Cue spitting tea-
(Sorry, that's just me mishearing things 💀) But like at those times, Reader is the one dying of laughter lol. Imagine them explaing to Beidou that they thought she said 'Power of the ending Hotdog' instead of 'Power that ended Haishan'.
Aight, imma just.. go.
*imma send this anonymously because im shy, but do know that I love bread 🥖
Also @2:20
For you 🤲🥨🍩🥧🥐all the bread for the superior ask, anon
I could definitely see myself saying "ONE SENTENCE. U HAVE TO RESPOND IN ONE SENTENCE ONLY." then they manage to still make it a whole 40 word sentence 💀
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^^ Confused Bakugou gif is literally u being shocked bc u keep mishearing everyones bursts on the battlefield LMAO SHAKE UR ASS SIR THAT ONE TOOK ME TF OUT ANON
"Speed of Bite!" (Keqing's Speed of Light lol)
"I will have whore her!" (Zhongli's I will have order 😭)
"Time for... Execution!" (Diluc's time for retribution lol)
You in the background like: 🧍‍♂️... tfs wrong with yall, u glitched??
They're like, physically incapable of making your kind of simple blunt sentences
Like i think some people would get close: Albedo, Xinyan, Klee, Qiqi, Sayu (rlly likes it bc it lets them be lazier), Cyno (maybe at first but then he would like, explain for 10 min after every simple sentence what he meant like his jokes 😭), Hu Tao, Heizou, Lumine/Aether, Xiao (can kinda get close but he gets frustrated and then rants for 30 minutes lmao), Razor (holds the title for the closest to your simple speech,👏👏LMAO PPL ACCIDENTALLY THINKING HES A GOD)
People who will never get it, not even if ur in battle & ur life depends on it LMAO:
Zhongli (he rlly wants to but habits over thousands of years r hard to break 🙏 rip), Yun Jin, Xingqiu, Kuni/Babygirl, Venti, Kazuha, Sucrose, Shenhe, Kokomi, Ei, Nahida (tho it was a valiant effort), Noelle, Alhaitham, Sara, Ningguang (she doesnt want to even try lol), Mona, Fischl, Jean, Ganyu, Eula, Barbara, Diluc + Kaeya (unsurpringly both of them are tied for being the worst attempts at speaking simply 💀, guess its just that fancy etiquette training, its too hard to break) 😔
Yeah, ur pretty much begging the ppl who can get close to ur speech to constantly translate everyone else
Rest in peace traveler, theyre like the first person u turn to,
(Paimon is also kinda bad at speaking simply, closest shes gotten is when she demands food lol)
Feel free to send another in whenever i love talking to yall ♡
♡ the beloveds:
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I’m sorry but I��m just a really huge Yves stan. Like listen, Yves would freak me out so bad that I would probably be sweating profusely every time he is within a 6 feet radius, but like as someone who went through parentification and was essentially a glass child with unmet needs when I was younger , the motherly vibes that Yves exudes,,, I’m sorry but I would be hooked, addicted even. Hell I might become the yandere too who knows LMAO.
Like Monty would be cool because I wouldn’t be as intimidated by him, well aside from his sheer size but he’s just a bit sleezy to me I dunno but Yves has this sort of lithe, vampiric, serpent like essence to him that would make me nervous but excited. Hell having someone pour into me in THAT fashion would have me excited.
Also and like correct me if I’m wrong (this is my interpretation) but I feel like Monty is the type of guy that would’ve folded for any person that gave him attention during that time. Like reader was just caught up at the right (wrong) time and now has him following them everywhere, when this literally could’ve been someone else (I think this was already addressed in the story, either this one or the first Monty story I can’t remember) but like YVES, I feel like he has a specific reason why he chose the reader, we would never know but there’s probably something really unique about his darling that makes him so enamored, maybe it a combination of things, who knows. But I feel like his love is more unique and special, to me.
I dunno man I just want someone to check up on me like Yves, I’m down bad.
tw: implication of suicide
okay so like the reason why Yves is so into you has been a hot topic on this account, originally i planned to be like some sort of reincarnation shit but that wouldn't hold much water and it would be a little too creepy to imply that he was watching even before ur birth, kinda like preordering a partner and that's already grooming
so i left it vague and up for interpretation and just said he's the allegory of a perfect parent (one link within the link) like i promise i do not condone grooming n incest shit but like, something about having someone knows you deeply and wholly like a fucking parent is really hot, not hot in the "i want to fuck my mom and dad" kinda way, but more like "OH GOD PLEASE I FUCKING WISH YVES IS REAL I WANT TO BE TAKEN CARE OF SO BAD AND I WANT SOMEONE TO SEE IM SUFFERING AND TAKWE IT AWAY FROM MEEEEE PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE PLEAASSSEEEEEEE"
these themes literally show up in almost all my works esp Yandere older brother, Yandere best friend and heavily in my Language Barrier series
Whereas for monty, that was my attempt of like trying something new, stuff that I' don't necessarily fancy but it's a nice change of pace, the exact opposite of Yves; the stereotype of the man of the house: dirty, manchild (cant cook), fixes shit his own, doesn't even own a house to handle its affairs, uses dishsoap to wash himself, sex fiend, financially irresponsible, inattentive but trying his best beer is my best friend
Whereas Yves is a stereotype of the woman, cooks, clean, has a 20 step skincare routine, takes care of his looks, hygiene, dress up well, proper etiquette, makeup, handles the finance, saving himself after marriage, more research than the FBI, loves fashion, fitness, live laugh love
and like i get it im not surprised , there will be those who prefer monty over Yves and Yves over monty. just like there's this anon who said something along the lines of Monty are for those who want to fix him, while Yves is for those who wants to BE fixed.
i did have a lot of anons disliking both sides of the yin n yang which was expected n shit
and yes ur right, Monty would have fallen for anyone who saved him not necessarily you, you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time- but his saving grace is that once he latched on , he's never letting go there is no one that could replace you. Mans is going to off himself if you're gone
in conclusion, im also downbad for yves
sauryy montyy
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 9 months
would love to more chapter four thoughts,,, maybe even about his execution if you have any thoughts about it you haven’t shared!
Ohh Gonta's execution!! My opinion's kinda shifted on it over time so I'm very happy to talk about it.
When I first played ch4 I very vocally hated his execution. It was the last straw for me in a very painful trial, and honestly I was just disgusted by the monokubs' role in it. I still am. That definitely hasn't changed LMAO. As with many things in v3, the monokubs really weren't necessary and actively made it more upsetting in a way that I think detracted from the tragedy already happening on screen. Also, I'm still a bit puzzled by the wild west theming? Like... sure? It's not the worst thing in the world but wouldn't something relating to his backstory in being raised by wolves be more relevant?
That being said... I do think it did one thing extremely well. The way the execution had Gonta placed (completely tied up and unable to move) was a good move for his character. Gonta was facing his death head on, not even trying to resist. I think any execution that has Gonta resist kind of misses the place Gonta was put into at the end of trial 4. So putting him a situation where things happen to him, rather than him having to pointlessly try to prevent his death, was a good choice.
I'm still not the biggest fan because of the big stain of the monokubs, but ignoring them for a second its really not that bad of an execution. Still probably not my favourite in v3 (that honour goes to Kaede or Kaito). I also Wish they had leaned more into fun bug theming, but I understand that bug related horror can get to be too much very quickly. I would also have liked if they had leaned into other things relevant to Gonta's character (I'm still confused... wild west???). I do have some fun alternate execution proposals:
The classic I think most people talk about is something to do with insect pinning, which I think is an AWESOME idea. Or alternatively, maybe something to do with how you often freeze live insects before pinning them? Or how smaller insects are preserved in vials of alcohol instead of being pinned? Regardless, I think this is an great idea
Something to do with spiders. I know they're not insects, but Gonta likes ALL arthropods so...
Something to do with insect molting or pupating. I think either being trapped inside a pupa or having to escape an insect molt could be a fun idea. Escaping a molt is probably too active for Gonta's headspace at the end of trial 4 though, and I'm not entirely sure what could kill him from this that doesn't repeat a previous execution.
MY Alternate execution idea, which incorporates Gonta's desire to be a gentleman. Gonta is at a fancy dinner party, all other guests being finely dressed mannequins. Gonta is either eating at a table with lots of high profile guests OR his hands are tied in the position of a waltz around a mannequin. Every time he slips up in etiquette or dance steps, the mannequins scowl and heckle him. Meanwhile, a giant bug zapper is displayed on stage in the ballroom. As Gonta attempts to put all his focus into being proper and gentlemanly, more and more insects are being lead to the zapper and dying vividly. Eventually, Gonta can't take it anymore and abandons all decorum. In the dining scenario, I imagine him vaulting over the table and knocking it over entirely. In the dancing scenario, I imagine him tearing free from the mannequin, potentially destroying it. He runs onto the stage, to the shock and vocal disgust of the mannequins, attempting to turn off the zapper. But he's unable to stop it and gets electrocuted to death. This. Is definitely too active for the end of trial 4. But I really like executions where the character has to struggle to remain composed against it (like Makoto's), so it's a concept I've rotated around in my mind a bit.
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eisforeidolon · 4 months
Hey there, I hope you don't mind me dropping in here on a topic from a few days ago and harping on about it (I'm not very well-versed on ask boxes so I'm a bit unsure of the etiquette. If I commit a major faux-pas, forgive me). Apologies if this ends up a little long and a lot sarcastic - I have opinions about this. It's given me a fair bit of grief over the years.
Y'know, I see these 'abusive Dean' takes float across my dash a fair bit (apparently not being into Destiel or Wincest means I must be a Bitter Sam-girl instead and hate Dean, according to Tumblr). The oh-so-delightful 'abusive husband Dean and beaten wife Sam' takes. People calling Sam 'beaten wife coded' in general. One based on a grand total of two instances where he flinched cause Dean made a loud violent noise near him (who the hell wouldn't, you don't need to be 'beaten wife coded' to flinch when someone chucks a chair at a wall, it's almost like Sam has some kind of trauma about various other things and might be generally jumpy...). Or taking the end of S10 out of context and choosing to forget that Dean was nearly fully taken over by a mark of fratricide (which he still managed to overcome, they conveniently fail to mention that). And I just... ugh.
What I never understood about these takes is like... why? There's trying to paint your fave in a good light and a character you hate in a bad one, but then there's making the heart and soul of the show itself into something so ugly it ruins it for other people, like your Anon, and honestly this happened to me too a while ago before I forced myself to stop listening to the greater fandom and find a few I trusted (like you). Even still, it gets all up in my head sometimes. Why are these people finding such glee in making the central relationship so awful? What are you getting out of this show if you think that about it?
Like, imagine looking at the finale through this lens. Congratulations, you turned something sad but ultimately bittersweet into something horrible, the 'beaten wife' dedicating the rest of their life to their 'abuser' then being forced to be with them for eternity, and this is portrayed as a good thing. Why would you ever want to view it that way? Plus, it's rather forced if you take it as a whole - the few times Sam stood there looking contrite while Dean did something stupid pale in comparison to the number of times he calls him out on it, even in the later seasons (14x12 Prophet and Loss, anyone? 15x17 Unity?).
I guess people can take from media what they want, it's obviously not my place to police people's enjoyment, but I just never got the appeal. It seems so counter to what the show was clearly actually trying to do, yet they tout it as fact (now where have I seen that before). Like it's somehow a bad thing to enjoy the show on its own terms. Coming across these takes still kinda bums me out. This goes for people insisting it's the other way around too - I can't stand any brother vs. brother stuff either, it's never anything but bad faith, and honestly kinda misses the point. Some of these people boggle my mind with their lack of empathy.
If there's one thing this fandom is good for, it's honing your ability to roll your eyes and move along. It's full of so much absolute batshit insanity that you'll never survive if you listen to every take. Trust me, I've tried. Do you know which tags to block to avoid this kinda stuff? Cause I never seem to be able to.
Sorry if this was a bit of a rant dump, heh. I'm usually a chronic lurker, but this discourse in particular bothers me immensely.
You're absolutely fine, I mind neither bringing up previous topics nor excessive length (be a bit of a hypocrite if I did, tbh). And yeah, it's one of my least favorite SPN fandom discourses, too.
It does feel like it's pretty hard to find any corner of the fandom where you won't at least occasionally see one side or the other's worst faith not!fave-brother-is-terrible takes. And oh, do I hate the 'beaten wife Sam' half of the 'Dean is an abuser' discourse equation just as much. Like, supposedly they like Sam, so why on earth would they want to pretend this stubborn competent badass of a character is actually a helpless pathetic marshmallow?! Same with Dean on the opposite side of the fandom - it's not just the character they're constantly maligning I can't recognize, the character they "like" similarly bears very little resemblance to the one I'm a fan of!
So far as I can tell, some people just desperately need their favorite character to be the best one who is always in the right. Whether it's over-identification or what, I don't know. They seem to think they achieve it by reframing large portions of the canon as justifying, unfairly attacking, or insulting that character as necessary. Except they don't see how from the outside it very often looks entirely absurd, regardless of if they're doing it in favor of Sam, Dean, or Castiel. Which is not to say there aren't parts of canon which treat all of those characters ridiculously in one way or another? But it's the total fixation on it only being the case with their favorite character in every possible situation where it gets weird.
Every great once in a while, I do manage to come across a take that really annoys me. But for the most part? The extreme ones are just so absurd, so divorced from what anyone even vaguely trying to understand the other characters' motivations and what the show quite obviously intended? I just can't take it at all seriously. Especially when they (as they so often do) get canon details wrong or pointedly "forget" all the canon points that blatantly don't fit their narrative.
Unfortunately, like with a certain ship, when it comes to tagging? You're kind of at the mercy of the self-awareness of the poster about how much other people may not want to see their hot takes.
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