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Movie Posters Poland-based Illustrator Grzegorz Domaradzki aka Gab creates posters and illustrations for cinema enthusiast. And man oh man are they awesome. 
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Have any of yall had similar experiences?
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The fetishization of mixed babies is real
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Jaboukie is trying to tell us something but idk what
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Lichrally... How you gon change the statue of liberty? She's perfection already💁
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As a potterhead i think we all have to get to the point where we recognize that JK isnt good for us minorities be it racial, gender, sexual, or otherwise
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A little late but whatever. Here's our response to last weeks Kat Blaque controversy.
While overall I think its a shitty thing to have said, I dont hold to much against her cuz ive been on the receiving end of a similar situation.
Depression is tough tho, if youre struggling with it dont be afraid to reach out and talk to those around you or call a suicide hotline. Things really can get better
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Yooooo A Black Lady Sketch Show is so unexpected. I'll be watching their skits and think one thing is gonna happen and a whole nother thing does and I'm laughing myself hoarse. Yall should seriously check it out, their stuff is on youtube
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for the last 2+ weeks, the Amazon has been catching fire. Yes, it’s the season where that’s normal but because of the sayings (aka incentive) of our new president, some farmers are taking advantage of that and intentionally setting the trees on fire. Yesterday, because of this, the sky of São Paulo looked like this. AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON.
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Hospitals of the northern states are filling up with people (especially children and seniors) claiming they can’t breathe properly. ALREADY ENDANGERED ANIMALS ARE DYING. THIS IS SERIOUS.
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Germany and Norway, huge donators to the Amazon cause will stop sending money because they don’t see results (that can also be credited to our president, who has been tweeting angrily ever since - not because he cares about the environment, btw). That money gives this guy and his team equipment to save little guys like these:
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THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE, NOT JUST BRAZILIANS. The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, and it’s being destroyed. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.
If your country is holding elections, vote for someone who cares about this. Don’t let another Bolsonaro or another Trump have the power to do something and then do nothing. This is going to shape our future — if we have one.
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side note: not to sound bitter or ungrateful but also like what’s up with Europe... y’all exploited South America for centuries but just because you “aren’t seeing results” you stop helping altogether??
edit: I’m sorry if it sounded like I’m blaming Europe. I’m not. It’s our own government’s fault (Bolsonaro merged the agriculture and environmental ministries when he was elected, for God’s sake) and I’m really sorry if I offended anyone, I was just angry. Please don’t let that be the only thing you take away from this post.
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Shoplifters (2018)
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So, our Lung is on fire.
It is already threatened by huge deforestation, to the point it lost 20% of its wildth in less than 30 years.
It’s been burning for around two weeks and almost no word has been uttered about it. I, sincerely, have come to find out about it just now. I’m shooketh ™️ because we’re really burning away this planet.
The Amazon Rainforest holds 20% of global waters, it’s an area of incredible value in termns of biodiversity and, nevermind, it’s a crucial climate regulator. Spread awareness, demand help.
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Template for Preferred Name/Pronouns Letter to Teachers:
Dear Professor [name],
My name is [Preferred name], and I will be attending your course [blank] on [days] at [time] this [term]. I am transgender and have not yet legally changed my name. On your roster is my legal name, [Legal name]. I would greatly appreciate it if you refer to me as [Preferred name] and use [pronouns] when referring to me. Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to starting your course next week.
~[Preferred name]
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Important details about the Marvel-Sony deal that nobody seems to be mentioning:
Sony does not make ANY money from the movies with Spider-Man in them that are not branded Spider-Man movies, they got no money from Civil War, Infinity War or Endgame, likewise, Marvel didn’t get much from Homecoming and Far From Home
Sony pays for 100% of the Spider-Man movies, they pay to make the movies, while Marvel takes a creative lead and makes most/all of the choices on what happens in the movies
So, when people say ‘Marvel made those movies and Sony just slapped their name on them’ that is not true, Marvel did not pay a penny to make those movies, Sony’s the one that paid the bills to make those movies, it’s just that people from Marvel were involved in making the movie, so Marvel, as a company, got to slap their name on the movie
The deal was only ever for five movies (so, Civil War, Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame and Far From Home), so the deal was up, and then Marvel came in with idiotic demands and that’s what caused the new deal to dissolve
We also don’t know 100% if this means no Spider-Man in the MCU, the only thing we know is that, as of right now, Marvel/Kevin Feige will not be taking a creative lead in Spider-Man movies, that does not mean Spider-Man is banned from the MCU, maybe it does, but we have no idea
Also, they’re probably still negotiating, so Sony might end up taking a deal, especially since idiots everywhere are berating them for not letting Disney be greedy (which is what Disney wants)
Also, lots of people are saying that Marvel helped Sony make their highest-grossing movie ever, which, while true, only surpassed Sony’s last highest-grossing movie by $2 million (and, since both those movies went above $1 billion, that means it’s only roughly 0.2% higher), so them then asking for 50% of future Spider-Man movies is asking quite a lot, since that would mean roughly a half billion dollar loss on Sony’s part per movie, and they’re supposed to be okay with that because Marvel helped them make $2 million more on this one movie than they’ve made before? None of the Spider-Man movies that Sony has ever made pulled in less than half of what Far From Home made
So, basically, what happened is this: Marvel, coming off the heels of making the number one highest-grossing movie in cinematic history (which Sony got no money from even though their characters were in the movie), and also having 5 of the top 6 highest-grossing movies of 2019 (the 1 they don’t have being Spider-Man: Far From Home), came to Sony and said ‘fuck you buddy we want 50% of the profits from your movies because we don’t have enough money,’ Sony said ‘how about we stick to our original deal?’ and then Marvel decided they wouldn’t help Sony make Spider-Man movies anymore, probably because they figure that it’ll lead to them being able to squeeze more money out of Sony. How the fuck is Sony the bad guy here in anybody’s eyes?
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You cant appropriate from other cultures. Your gender doesnt allow that. Your gender does allow you to say "fuck you" to your own cultures gender roles but not everything is for you. Some cultures are closed.
Trans culture allows us actual trans people to ID how we see fit. If we want to use Trans, two-spirit, or muex it's not your place to dictate how the trans community labels ourselves. It's trans-phobic to tell a trans person they can't ID as something that is a trans identity.
You know what this narrative is tiring as fuck, and you can choke on your own spit. I am fucking Zapotec and I can and will say hey Muxe is not an identity people outside my culture can use. Same with Two spirit I can as a Native person say don’t fucking use it.  These are NATIVE specific words and don’t even really align with the western ideology of trans people. I am not about to get didactic and try to convince you with facts and figures because of the sheer that you opted to send this to a Native person shows your gonna believe how you want to believe.
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Marvel: Hey let’s release a special edition of our comics between the years of 1939 and 1949. You know, the era of comics where the superheroes literally fought nazis.
Marvel: And let’s ask Art Spiegelman to write the introduction. You know, the Pulitzer Prize winning author who wrote MAUS which is literally a first hand account of his father’s real-life experience as a Holocaust survivor.
Art Spiegelman: “…an Orange Skull haunts America. International fascism again looms large (how quickly we humans forget — study these golden age comics hard, boys and girls!) …”
Marvel: Whoa there bub, this is an apolitical comic book about nazis, antisemitism, and fascism.
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People think nonbinary presentation is like a sliding scale from slightly fem-leaning androgyny to slightly masc-leaning androgyny, but actually it's more of a sliding scale from classy glamorous motherfucker who makes everyone question their sexuality to weird funky bog gremlin who's registered as a local cryptid, and I think that's very iconic of us
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