#i know it's long and i bet you spent a lot of time reading it i'm CRYING i don't deserve your praise and kindness
radishaur · 8 days
༄ kind words ༄
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Warnings: mentions of unwelcome advances in Law's part Genre: fluff Characters: Luffy, Zoro, & Law Summary: How they realize they have feelings for you (words of affirmation edition) Author's Note: It's finally here! These keep getting longer and longer as I get more familiar with each character and the dynamic, especially Law's, but I don't think that's too much of an issue. I also kind of hate Luffy's but couldn't keep redoing it, so maybe I'll edit it later. Happy reading as I begin working on the next part!
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Luffy is great at giving compliments because he just says whatever he's thinking.
He gets complimented a lot as well. He's always running around and saving people, intentionally or not, so he's probably heard his fair share of compliments. I think hearing a compliment that's more deep and genuine, that comes from someone who knows him deeply, would be more meaningful than anything and would make him recognize his feelings.
Not every day on the Sunny was a fun adventure.
Setting out to sail across the whole world and strive for their individual goals there was bound to be hardship. Sometimes it came in the form of grueling battles with their latest enemy. Other times it was internal conflicts or disputes, simple disagreements or heated arguments.
This time, it was grief.
After so many months traveling together, the crew had learned how to tell when one of them was upset about something and needed space. Today, it had been Nami. For the past few days, her mood had been off. She'd been more quick to anger and had spent more time than was strictly necessary tending to her orange trees. Then today, she'd been even worse, snapping at Sanji's normal overbearing lovey behavior and brooding to herself under the shade of her grove.
It didn't take him long to realize what was bothering her.
Nami only ever got like this when she was thinking about Bellemere, which meant today must be the anniversary of when everything happened. The crew had spent most of the day giving her her space, allowing her to process what she was very clearly feeling. After a while, he took it upon himself to cheer her up. He made silly faces and played some of her favorite games on the deck, goading her into joining them by making bets he knew he would lose. He'd even secretly asked Sanji to incorporate oranges into their dinner. By the end of the night, Nami was laughing and she seemed a lot lighter, like whatever was weighing her down had lessened some.
Now, it was late at night, and the only sounds that could be heard on the Sunny were the lapping of waves against the ship and the snores of his crew as they slept. All except for him.
Sleep was avoiding him, so he decided that he would be much better off just joining whoever was on watch and maybe having some fun. He made his way up to the crow's nest and was happy to find you sitting on the bench, looking out across the sea.
"Oh, hi Luffy," you said, your voice quiet.
"Hi!" he said, sitting excitedly next to you on the bench as you looked out across the sea once more. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to come out and have some fun!"
You smiled, always amused by his antics.
"Well, unfortunately, there's no fun here. I'm on watch, remember?"
He pouted, knowing you were right but still disappointed anyways. You laughed at him as he whined and complained, but he didn't actually intend on distracting you, so after a while, he quieted down and let you focus.
"I hope Nami is feeling better," you said, resting your head on the arm you propped up on the window. You were frowning slightly, your eyes unfocused as your worry made itself visible on your face.
"She'll be ok, she's Nami! She's strong," he replied, no doubt in his mind that tomorrow she would be the same old Nami she had always been. "She might be sad now, but it's not forever. She has us to help her."
You hummed in agreement, a small smile on your face. He smiled himself, happy to see you smiling instead of with a frown on your face. He felt so lucky to have found a group who cared so deeply about each other.
"All that stuff you did today. It was to cheer her up, wasn't it."
You said it like a statement more than a question and he found himself smiling at how observant you were. "You figured it out. You're so smart!"
You laughed at him once again, his own laughter joining you as you said, "Of course I did. I know you wouldn't have made those bets under normal circumstances."
They had been stupidly dumb bets that left no chance for him to win and he found himself giggling as he remembered how Nami had perked up upon hearing him agree to them. He loved his crew more than anything, so what was a few beri down the drain? Your laughter subsided as you got lost in thought once more. You seemed like you were debating saying something and when you seemed to have made up your mind, he found himself sitting up straighter as you turned to look at him.
"You're a lot smarter than people give you credit for," you said, a small smile on your face and a playful admiration in your eyes.
He's not quite sure what to say to that. He's always been called stupid and to everyone's credit, he is. He doesn't think very often, preferring to act on instinct and figure out the rest of the plan later. He's been known to not read the room, to zone out during important world lessons, and to shout out the first thing that comes to mind. He doesn't think anyone has ever called him smart and for the first time in maybe his whole life, he's speechless.
"I guess that's probably not what you were expecting me to say, huh?" you teased, a light smile making its way onto your face.
He collects himself and asks, slightly incredulously, the question that's first in his mind. "Why do you think that?"
"Well, you just told me you did all that stuff to cheer Nami up, right? Someone stupid wouldn't be able to put together why she was upset and what would make her feel better. You pay attention when it counts and you're a lot more emotionally intelligent than people realize," you explain, relaxing slightly as you look out at the ocean once more. "Today it was Nami, but I've watched you help lots of people like that. Vivi, Robin, Sanji, even me. Maybe you don't say it out loud, but you pick up on people's emotions and what they need the most in that moment."
He listens as you talk and slowly realizes that you're right. He's always had a way of reading people and knowing what they really want or need, but he's never really connected it to intelligence. He always thought it was just his own special kind of stupid.
"I guess that makes me a genius!" he exclaimed, laughing heartily as your eyes widened in shock before laughing along with him.
"Maybe you are stupid after all," you say, but there's no malice in the words as you keep laughing at him.
Finally, your watch shift is over and the sun peeks up over the horizon. He'd stayed with you the entire time, just talking and goofing around until he realized how much time had passed and how tired he was. His dreams that night are filled with you and when he wakes up, your words are still floating around in his mind. Knowing that you think he's smart makes him feel funny and he thinks that maybe he should finally turn his ability to recognize people's feelings inward.
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Zoro doesn't throw out compliments or encouragement left and right, he only says something if he really means it.
I think he's received his fair share of compliments, although I doubt he puts much stock in them unless they come from someone he respects. If he doesn't think there's any stock in the compliment, or on that same token an insult, why bother giving it attention? For this reason, I think getting a compliment or reassurance from you would rattle him a little and cause him to have an aha moment.
The town that the Sunny docked in isn't too interesting to Zoro, aside from the bar he's nestled into for the past few hours. He has a few empty glasses in front of him and he's almost done with his current one when he sees the door open.
He's not surprised when he sees multiple of the crew walk in, quickly noticing him in the corner and making their way to him. You're among them, talking to Robin about something that elicits a small laugh out of her. Begrudgingly, he scoots over and makes room for everyone in his booth as they smoosh in.
"I knew we'd find you here!" you say, the last to slide in so you're right across from him. "Already deep into your drinks, as expected."
"Shut it, woman," he grumbles, his brows furrowing as he finishes his drink and sets the cup down on the table. You laugh, looking at Robin as Usopp reluctantly hands Nami some beri. He feels his eye twitch in irritation as he notices the exchange. "Are you betting on me?"
Usopp gulps at the glare he sends his way and Nami simply smiles, dollar signs practically lighting up in her eyes as she answers, "Yep! I bet that you were already 3 drinks deep and I was right."
"We've barely even arrived! I thought-" Usopp protests, attempting to explain himself.
"You both are insufferable!"
His exclamation elicits another laugh out of you as Robin simply lifts a hand to her mouth to hide the amusement that is no doubt there. He wants to be annoyed, and he is, but he's been traveling with the lot of you for long enough that he can't really be upset, at least that genuinely. He simply huffs, waving down a server to ask for another glass.
The rest leap over each other to order their own drinks, some alcoholic, some not, and fall into easy chatter with each other. Periodically, he catches your eyes and you send him a smile, but he doesn't insert himself in the conversations, much preferring to listen. Eventually, Nami gets tired of just sitting in the bar and decides to go shopping. Usopp and Robin decide to accompany her, but you decide to stay behind. You wave, watching them go as he takes his previous spot in the booth back.
"Not in the shopping mood?" he asks, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
"No, I'd much rather stay here with my favorite swordsman," you tease. He bristles, knowing that you're just poking him for fun, but he can't stop himself from blushing, taking a long sip from his glass to hide the blush he can feel on his cheeks.
"You're worse than that damn cook," he mumbles, his glass now sufficiently empty.
You laugh at that.
"Now that's just a lie."
He can't deny that, the corner of his lips twisting up into a smile. He's spent enough time traveling with you to know that you don't act like that with everyone, just him. The notion that you reserve this behavior for just him is both agitating and yet satisfying. He feels something possessive lick at his heart but ignores it, waving at the server for yet another drink.
He asks you about what you've been up to on the island since they docked and you happily tell him all about it. It hasn't been long so you don't have much to say and it isn't long before the two of you fall into a comfortable silence. After a while, you finally talk again and it's not what he's expecting.
"I know you'll become the greatest swordsman, Zoro."
He sputters, the sip he was taking spilling all over himself as he coughs, trying to catch his breath. He can feel his ears heating up with embarrassment and sputters, "Where the hell did that come from?"
When you look at him, your face is set in firm determination, but your eyes are soft, filled with a fondness he wishes you would direct at him more often.
"Those pirates we fought yesterday," you explain.
He thinks for a moment before he's reminded of what you're referring to. On their way to this island, they had run into a rival ship following the same course. While they hadn't intended to battle them, the ship fired at them as soon as they were in range, so they had no other choice. He remembers the fight being fairly easy, each member of the crew handling their fair share of pirates.
He also remembers one of their crew having some rather nasty words to say to him.
"You're delusional if you think you can become the greatest swordsman," he had spat, struggling to breathe. "You'll see it eventually. Even if you won this battle, you'll never achieve your dream."
He hadn't paid much attention to the words. He was confident in his own abilities and his opponent had been defeated easily, so there wasn't any point in taking his words to heart. He hadn't thought anyone was close enough to hear it and he certainly hadn't brought it up, quickly forgetting about it.
He smirked then, letting the full force of his pride show in the grin as he said, "That loser wouldn't know what it takes to be the greatest swordsman even if it smacked him in the face."
"That doesn't make any sense," you say, your face wrinkling as you giggle at his statement.
He takes another sip as your laughter dies out.
"I'm not worried about what a crap swordsman has to say about me and my dream," he says, his voice a lot more serious now as he thinks about the promise he made all those years ago. "I will become the world's greatest swordsman or die trying."
"You'll do it. I know you will."
You don't say anything after that, seemingly having said everything you intended to, but your words linger with him. The thought that you had heard the man's words and felt it was important enough to dispute them made his heart feel weird. He had never doubted himself, even when he maybe should have. He'd always been sure that his will, determination, and hard work would take him to exactly where he was supposed to be. Still, hearing your words of encouragement, hearing your genuine belief in his ability, it affected him in a way he wasn't expecting.
"You will too," he says, his voice barely above a murmur.
A few seconds go by where you don't say anything and he wonders if you'd even heard him, but one glance at you tells him that you had. You're not looking at him, your eyes averted as if you're embarrassed and your lips are curved into a small, satisfied smile. The sight makes his heart stop and he almost goes to clutch his chest before the feeling quickly passes.
Before the moment can linger, you're shooting back into conversation with him. Despite his best efforts to pay attention, he finds that his attention is drawn back again and again to your words. He knows that the crew believes in his dreams just as much as he believes in theirs. It's part of why he's so willing to protect their dreams just as fiercely as his own, but for some reason knowing that you believe in him so much really sticks with him.
He thinks about it for the rest of the day as well as late into the night when they're all back on the Sunny and setting off for the next island. He doesn't like being distracted, so he mulls over why your compliment holds so much weight for him. He values your opinion, but you're also not a swordsman, so theoretically there shouldn't be that much weight to your words. When he finally realizes, it feels like everything clicks into place and so many things start to make sense.
He acts like nothing has changed, wanting time to sit with the feelings before he decides what to do about them, but he finds it hard now that he understands the full weight of his regard for you.
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Law rarely ever gives out compliments, rather preferring to show how he feels with his actions.
I think he receives a few compliments here and there, but he's built an intimidating presence and image, so I think they're far and few between. However, I think if you took him off guard with a meaningful compliment, especially if its one that he hasn't heard before, it would make him start to think about his feelings towards you.
"Captain, we have a problem."
Law sighs, all of the worst-case scenarios running through his mind as he turns to face Sachi. They're docked at a port town so that they can restock the Polar Tang, preparing for another few weeks underwater. It's familiar and something that the crew should be familiar with by this point. They have a routine, a schedule that rarely changes, that details who goes with who to go get what. In theory, it should go perfectly smoothly.
It never does.
"What is it, Sachi?" he asks, his grip on Kikoku tightening slightly as Sachi walks up to him with the list of crewmates and jobs in hand.
"Well, you said that nobody is allowed to go alone into town right? For safety?" he asks, only resuming once Law has hummed in agreement. "Right, well uh, unfortunately, Penguin is sick today which means his partner doesn't have anyone to go with, which wouldn't be an issue since usually we have at least one group of three but, well, they're also sick so-"
Law grumbles under his breath about getting to the damn point, grabbing the sheet from Sachi's hands to just look at the issue himself. Sachi gulps, sensing his irritation, and nervously rubs the back of his neck. The problem becomes clear very easily. His beloved crew had partied a little too hard the last few nights and now two of them were sick, leaving no group of three to split up and someone unaccompanied. He looks for Penguin's name to see who's alone and feels his heart flutter slightly when he sees your name scrawled out next to it.
"Our only two options are to either make one group get two things, which would set us back at least an hour, or...," Sachi says, trailing off slightly. The unspoken second option is clear. Law always spend their restock days on the ship. The higher his bounty gets, the higher the chance that he gets recognized, so he always finds it easier and safer for him to stay behind.
"I'll go," he relents, watching as the tension in Sachi's shoulders dissipates.
"Great. Thanks, Captain!"
Sachi disappears before he can change his mind. He sighs, looking around the collection of his crew until he finally finds you in the mix. He makes his way over, watching as you converse with Bepo, catching the very end of your sentence.
"-seems like I'll be alone today. Sachi said he would look into it, but everyone already has their pairs so I don't know who could take his place."
"That would be me," he answers, watching as both Bepo and you finally notice his approach.
"Oh! Uh, are you sure? Don't you usually spend the day on the Tang doing research?" you ask.
He ignores your improper name for the Polar Tang as he explains the situation to you. You nod, smiling as you say, "I see. Well, I'm glad to have your company then, Captain!"
He's taken aback by your words but decides to just move forward instead of dwelling on them, so he turns around and shouts, "Let's go."
"Shouldn't you probably change?"
He stops, looking down at his attire as you add, "As much as it suits you, it doesn't really hide the fact that you're a pirate, let alone our Captain."
He can't really argue with that. The Heart Pirates logo is front and center on his shirt and Kikaku is certainly not doing him any favors either. He tells you to wait and then quickly shambles himself into his room to change. He has to dig really deep in his closet before he finds a shirt that doesn't have his symbol front and center, but once he does he leaves Kikaku leaning against his wall and shambles back up to you.
By the time he's changed and came back, most of his crew is gone. You're quicker to notice him this time as a result and the two of you finally head into town.
"What are we in charge of?" he asks, stuffing his hands into his pockets now that they're not holding his sword.
"We're in charge of the medicinal herbs, Captain," you answer.
"Just Law is fine," he says, his hand fidgeting slightly as he adds, "No use in me changing if you're just going to use my title."
He sees you smile softly out of the corner of his eyes. "Right. Law it is, then."
His ears burn slightly as you say his name so effortlessly, but he brushes it off quickly and continues into town. It's not hard to find the store you're looking for and he lets you take the lead as you begin listing off the various herbs you need. It's not long before the two of you are walking through town once more, heading towards the submarine.
"Oh, look! That art is gorgeous."
He stops walking as he turns to look at what you're pointing at. There's a small stall in the marketplace's square that's selling paintings of all different sizes and mediums. He sees your eyes light up as you look at them and isn't surprised when you say, "Wait here, I'm going to go buy one."
He huffs, leaning against the wall of a nearby building where he can see the stall. He'd like to pretend that today had purely been an inconvenience, but he can't find it in himself to be that upset. While it was inconvenient that he wasn't able to spend the time studying the most recent medical book he had been interested in, the day had been pleasant. You'd made pleasant conversation with him while walking in town and your bright demeanor always seems to calm him down.
He looks back over to the stall, curious about what painting had caught your eyes, but feels his heart jolt when he doesn't see any sign of you. He stands up to his full height, hoping to catch any glimpse of you, but he still doesn't see anything. He curses to himself for letting his guard down and allowing you to somehow slip away and starts searching for you with his observation haki.
He picks up your signature in an alleyway and feels his gut churning. Not wanting to draw attention to himself by using his devil fruit powers, he quickly makes his way to where you are. As he gets closer, he hears you pleading with someone.
"Look, I'm really not interested and I have someone waiting for me, so-"
"Surely I can show you a better time than them, hm?"
He doesn't recognize the second voice but he doesn't need to to know what's going on. He feels anger burn in him as he finally turns a corner and sees a guy caging your body against the wall with both of his arms.
"I already told you, I'm not looking for that. Please let me go," you say, your hands clutching the bag of herbs you'd bought earlier as well as what looks to be whatever painting you had bought at the stall. He also sees the man take a step closer and open his mouth to talk, so he takes the opportunity to interrupt.
"You heard them," he says, his voice like venom as he enunciates, "Let them go."
The man looks at him, sizing him up as he takes a step back and lets his arms drop. "What are you, a good samaritan? Buzz off," he scoffs, turning his head back to you, clearly intending to ignore him.
He doesn't know what comes over him as he finds himself stepping closer and punching the man square on the side of his face. The man, clearly caught off guard, stumbles slightly. He doesn't give him any time to recover as he steps forward, putting himself in between you and the man whose face was now swelling up.
"What the hell?" he shouts, cradling his face as he finally catches his balance.
He can see the punch coming but knows that you're standing right behind him, so he only shifts slightly so that the punch only hits him in the shoulder. A moment afterward, it dawns on him that he can just get rid of the man, so he does.
"You're lucky I don't have my sword, or you'd be getting much worse than this," he seethes, holding his hand out as he says his classic phrase and sends the man shambling into the ocean. In his place, a mossy stone drops to the ground, echoing in the now almost empty alleyway.
When he turns around, you're staring at him speechless. He frowns slightly as he gives you a once over, checking for any visible signs of harm.
"I'm ok," you finally say, your voice shaky before you cough slightly and repeat, voice calm, "I'm ok. Just unnerved."
He doesn't take his chances and calls another room, switching you both closer to the Polar Tang. His guilt at letting you out of his sight and allowing this guy to drag you off eats at him as the two of you approach the ship. Once inside, he shambles the two of you to his examination room, pointing to the table and saying, "Sit. I want to check for injuries with the proper equipment."
You don't fight him as you make your way towards the table. You're still holding the bag and the painting until he gently takes them from you, placing them next to you on the table.
"I'm really ok La- I mean Captain," you begin, correcting yourself back to his title now that it's just the two of you.
He finds himself missing his name from you but keeps the comment to himself. He's supposed to be checking you for injuries. He's supposed to be assessing your well-being, which is only in question because of his own negligence. He frowns to himself and continues to check you for injuries without answering.
You let him, still assuring him that you're fine, that he only grabbed your arm for a moment at the stall, but he doesn't stop until he's sure that there's nothing wrong.
He sighs, finally stepping back from the table. His guilt still eats at him regardless as he goes over everything he did wrong. "I'm sorry, I should have been watching more carefully. No, I should have just come with you."
You simply smile at him in response and say, "It's my fault. I was the one who stepped away."
He doesn't have anything to say to that. He knows it's true, you did step away despite it being an explicit rule not to, but he can't deny his part in it as well. He curls his fists as the silence continues.
"Why didn't you dodge his punch?" you ask, your voice quiet.
He's surprised by the question, but also by how quickly his cheeks warm up at his answer. He looks off to the side, hiding behind his hat as he says, "You were right behind me. If I moved, he would have just punched you."
You have the audacity to laugh, loud and full as if he had just told you the funniest joke you'd ever heard and he can't help but scowl.
"You know," you start, laughter still floating in your voice, "For someone with such a cold exterior, you sure are kind."
The compliment catches him off guard. His face whips towards you as his eyes open in shock, the faint blush now burning bright red across his whole face. He meets your eyes and he doesn't see any hint of a joke.
He's heard himself called a lot of things. Scary, cold, bitter, even downright malicious, but never kind. It sends shivers up his spine as the word settles somewhere under his skin. You think he's kind. Kind.
"You're my subordinate. I'm not being kind, I'm just doing my job as your Captain," he corrects, not wanting you to misunderstand his intentions.
Your laugh this time is softer, more full of fondness, but it rustles him all the same. "You really are kind though," you insist. He's not ready for you to continue, barely able to handle the few words you've said, but that's never stopped you before. "I think you care a lot more than you want us to think. You wouldn't worry so much otherwise. Besides, you're always going out of your way to protect us. I think that makes you kind."
He doesn't know what to say, so he tries to navigate back into familiar territory. He takes a deep breath and calms his nerves, grabbing the bag of medical herbs from your side and turning around to begin putting them away. "Well, since I've checked and you don't have any injuries, there's no reason for you to stay."
He hears you shuffling around as he begins unpacking the herbs from the bag and chances a glance over at you one more time. He regrets it immediately.
You're looking at him like you can see right through him. You have your painting tucked under your arm as you look over your shoulder at him in the doorway and you're still smiling at him as if he didn't just ignore your comment and dismiss you rather rudely. It makes his heart ache, wanting to prove you right. To prove that he is kind, that he's worthy of your opinion of him, that he's worthy of your praise.
"Thank you, Captain. I enjoyed your company today."
With that, you disappear down the hallway, presumably back to your shared room to hang up your new picture. He stares at the spot you left long after you've gone, your words echoing in his mind. They rattle around in his heart until they finally settle, leaving a warm comfort he didn't know he craved.
You think he's kind.
That thought plagues his mind for the rest of the day. His guilt is completely forgotten, his mind too consumed by your compliment to make any room for it. He finds himself unable to even focus on reading the medical book that night that he missed out on reading earlier. Your words and the simple fact that you truly believed them chip away at his resolve until he finally has to come to terms with why it affects him so much. He mumbles your name, his hand clutching his heart as it beats, solidifying what he'd been ignoring for a long, long time now.
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ღ radishaur — i do not own any of these characters. do not plagiarize. please enjoy and remember to be respectful! 
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430 notes · View notes
zeroreasonstocare · 25 days
I Went on a Date With My Brother’s Babysitter
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Finally!! The date you’ve all been waiting for (I hope)!! Please ignore any grammar errors, I spent forever on it and I’ll try to fix it as I read over it. (I reread my stuff a lot to make sure I like it still).
There will be more of this au!! Don't worry about this ending just because they went on a date! I still have plenty of fluff prompts and ideas from you guys if you send them in!!
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Choso is a nervous wreck. He can’t even fathom how he managed this, getting you and just you for the day. No uncle, no Yuji, not even Gojo. He dresses casual and waits outside your door, knowing you’re just as nervous as he is.
You change outfits plenty times before just settling on something casual but still nice since you’ll be going to the aquarium and probably somewhere cozy to eat.
Choso waits outside your door and his brain short circuits from how you look. It may be something you’ve worn many times in front of him before, but you’re always stunning in his eyes.
“Sorry if it looks bad, I changed like, twenty times…” You blush and push your hair to behind your ear.
“No, no, you look… you look perfect…” Choso trails off, feeling a little embarrassed by his own casual clothing.
“Thanks… You do too… Goshhh, why is this so awkwardddd?” You blush and rub your warm cheeks.
“Maybe because we said it’s a date…?”
“Right, right…” You sigh and shut your apartment door, locking it carefully behind you.
The two of you walk out of the complex and head to the aquarium since you (somehow) live nearby, and the weather is nice. As you’re crossing the street, you subconsciously hold his hand, used to doing so during your outings with Yuji. Choso doesn’t say anything about it, instead enjoying the feel of your hand in his.
You show up to the aquarium and Choso pays for the two of you. You enter and instantly drag him to the jellyfish.
“I love these! Oh! And sharks!” You smile excitedly and look around the room of jellyfish.
Choso smiles at your wonder and excitement, showing you the touch tank that you gasp at and carefully touch the tops of the jellyfish.
“They feel funny. I bet Yuji would love it here.”
“He’s more of a zoo kid instead of aquarium.” Choso smiles and watches you fondly. “But he would probably like the tiger sharks.”
“Because they have tiger in the name?”
“Partially.” Choso laughs with you.
“What’s your favorite sea creature?” You ask Choso.
“That’s a tough choice, between sea otters, angelfish, and whale sharks. I also like jellyfish too.”
“Oh gosh, those are all such cute choices!” You smile. “And some angelfish have those stripes like the one across your nose.”
Your voice has a teasing lilt as you trace the tattoo across his nose. His cheeks flush a bit and you giggle.
“Y’know, I never asked where you got the tattoo.”
“It was a rebellious thing against my parents.”
“Really? You had a rebellious phase?”
“It was a long time ago, it’s embarrassing…”
“Come onnn, you gotta tell me someday!” You smile. “How old were you when you got it?”
“It was a before Yuji was born, I think I was 17? Paid in cash and everything.”
“Really? It still looks so fresh.”
“Whatever. I was arguing with my parents and staying with my uncle, he said he knew a guy and took me. He loved the look on my parents’ faces when I came home.”
You smile at the thought of Sukuna instigating something like that, knowing it totally fits the man.
“Your uncle does have a lot of tattoos, makes sense he’d know a guy.”
“Yeah, I kind of regret it, though. Hard to get a job with visible tattoos sometimes. But I think I have enough jobs as is.”
“That’s true. You really work hard for Yuji.” You look up at him with admiration.
He hums in agreement and looks over at an exhibit that has otters. Choso takes your hand and pulls you along.
The otter goes around its little tank, a soft thud each time it pushes off the glass to move to the slide. Choso watches with a small smile on his face and your eyes notice the way his crinkle like when he’s watching Yuji do something. Cute… You think to yourself.
He finally speaks up after a few minutes. “Let’s go pet the stingrays.”
You perk up and follow him, smiling softly as you get to the touch tank. Choso rolls up his sleeves, his forearms having muscle from the various jobs he’s had. You stare for a second too long and he notices, smiling a little and guiding your hand into the water.
The water is nice, and you feel the strange sensation of the yellow stingray’s back on your two fingers, carefully avoiding the stinger and not pressing onto the creature at all. There are some smaller creatures that can also be touched, zebra shark being your favorite in the pool.
Choso watches your face as you watch the fish just swim across people’s hands. Your eyes trail after each animal for a few seconds before moving to the next, a small smile quirking into your lips. He smiles to himself, he could look at you for hours.
The two of you dry off your arms and use the free hand sanitizer. Choso then leads you to the shark tank and you watch the animals, taking pictures and videos (respecting the rules set for photography), and speaking quietly like the sign says in the tank.
“I love love love these sharks.” You whisper.
Choso grins and watches you look around the tank, the way your eyebrows furrow for just a second when kids walk in and talk loudly. But when you realize it’s just a kid, you no longer frown and just smile at the kids’ marvels at the sharks.
Choso watches everyone filter through as you quietly talk about what you need to do this week and other plans.
“I’m practically free tomorrow, that’ll be my housekeeping day, I guess, vacuum, might rearrange… Gojo works Thursday, so I have to watch Megumi. If Yuji wants to come over and have a playdate, I can do that.”
“Mhm, I don’t work tomorrow or Thursday, so I could help. Yuji comes home Thursday morning.”
“Awesome.” You smile.
You go through the rest of the aquarium, stopping by the sharks again before looking through the gift shop.
“Ooh! Yuji would love this!” You smile and show Choso a tiger shark plushie. “And we can get him a book on sea creatures since he can read now.”
Choso smiles and grabs a few things you’d like and buys them before you can see, keeping them a surprise for holidays or your birthday.
It’s now time for dinner. Choso leads you to a cozy restaurant, and you browse the menu for anything that looks good.
“Don’t worry, I have the perfect order for you.” Choso grins.
“Oh? And what is this perfect order?”
Choso points out the most delicious looking thing on the menu and you salivate a little.
“That looks literally perfect.”
“I knew you’d like it. Tastes better than it looks too.”
He nods and you guys go about dinner, talking a little more romantically now that you’re out of casual topics.
“Have you had a date before?” You poke at your food which, indeed, tasted better than it looked.
“Went on a couple in high school, nothing serious. Super casual hookups too, but rare since I was more focused on my brothers.”Choso shrugs. “You?”
He hums and eats a few more bites before you speak up again.
“Is this a casual thing?”
Choso looks up at you, noting the uncertainty in your eyes and voice. He feels his chest tighten a little and sets his fork down.
“…honestly? No. Ever since I met you, I’ve kind of known that I felt more than casual things for you. You’re so kind to Yuji and anyone you meet, you’re funny, not to mention drop dead gorgeous-” He starts to ramble before you cut him off and blush.
“Okay, I get it, charmer…”
“…Sorry, I got carried away. It’s just- I’ve felt this way for so long, I don’t know what to do. I’ve never felt like this for anyone.”
It’s now Choso’s turn to look at you with uncertainty. He just poured his heart out and you’re just silently staring as he speaks.
“…So you really like me?”
“…I have too. For a while, I think.”
The air now feels a bit lighter for Choso. “That’s… that’s great, I’m glad…”
You smile a little, relieved your feelings were returned. They have been this whole time.
“Honestly, everyone around us keeps thinking we’re dating, it kind of felt like we were.” Choso laughs.
“I know, right?” You laugh too. “Gojo keeps asking if you’ve asked me out yet, then turns it to a little ‘oh maybe I’ll do it first’ thing. I can’t ever tell if he’s trying to make you jealous or if he really means it.”
“Yeah, he gets on my nerves though.”
Choso pays for the dinner and tips the nice waitress you two had, and you hold his hand again as you walk back home in the dark.
“Nice night. Quiet.” Choso muses.
“Tonight was nice.”
“Yeah, it was.” You look like you want to say more.
Choso notices that. “What is it?”
“…What… are we?”
Oh. He realized that you both didn’t really put a label on it. Sure, you had admitted your feelings, but you never really acted on it.
“What… do you want us to be…?”
“…” You lean closer to him and he blushes at the sudden proximity.
“…Do you… wanna date? Like actually label it?” He asks, suddenly unsure.
“…Yeah.” You whisper.
Choso lets out a soft breath. “Me too…”
The two of you stare at each other, really close to each other’s faces.
“…I’d kiss you but I don’t think I’d be able to stop.” He whispers.
“…You said Yuji’s not back til Thursday…”
He grins a little at the innuendo and guides you inside his apartment.
“Then let’s savor it, yeah?”
〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎ ❀ 〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎〰︎
Taglist (ask to join anytime): @samaraxmorgan @cherriee-ee @auor4 @chaotic-ish @meowsannie
@mediokerrv @flooftoof @dazaisfavgf
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toskarin · 1 year
As someone knowledgeable about MMOs, and given the topic of SAO just came up. If you were to write a .Hack/SAO/Log Horizon style story, what kind of things would you focus on? I personally feel like there are a lot of different elements of MMO culture anyone writing about them could really delve into. So I'm curious what Tumblr user Toskarin would choose.
back when I played Perfect World, it had some empty spaces. this wasn't uncommon for mmos, and if you can name one older than 15 or so years, you can bet there were vast empty spaces on the world map that existed to pad it
but they were important! sure, they added nothing of obvious value and could cynically be read as existing just to pad travel time, but they also made the worlds feel bigger than you what you were doing in them. and more mysterious.
some friends in my guild and I got a message one day that one member was going to roll a new character and wanted help levelling. a complication: their starting zone was across the sea.
a few friends and I volunteered to swim across the sea to their zone. there were definitely easier ways to go about it, but setting out to do something just to see if it was possible seemed fun
now, they may have changed this since then, but the sea in Perfect World felt strange in a way I haven't seen any game really emulate since. the sky was a dull, and as was the fashion, everything was a bit muted. the sea itself was opaque, and when you swam under it, there was a significant amount of grey-blue terrain that seemed to stretch on forever into the fog
and of course, there was fuck all in it. nothing alive. no monsters until you got close to a shore. just vast empty sea that you swam through, only your friends' characters to break up the odd stillness of it. you probably turned the music off at this point, too, so there was only ambient sound and splashing
this is because you were supposed to fly over it, if you crossed it at all. and because there wasn't really a good centralised source of knowledge on these things, it wasn't really clear if it was entirely empty
the trip there was fine, if a bit boring and lonely. during the trip back, I accidentally clicked on something in the middle of the ocean
now, there weren't supposed to be things there. I had my friends, but I clicked on a monster, and when I swam down to look at it, I saw that it was actually an enormous sea monster
so I pinged one of the guildmates swimming with me and they thought I was lying, so I showed them, and then we repeated this several times until everyone in the group had seen this weird thing that felt like it came from a schoolyard rumour
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Ancient Sea Dragon. 99,999,999 health points and none of us could find anything on it posted online. it was pretty common for players to run into it and be shocked, but we didn't know that
so we naturally let the rest of the guild know, got a hunting party together, and spent the better part of a day just whittling its health down
with the benefit of hindsight and documentation of this thing existing now, I can spoil this and tell you it didn't drop anything, but this long down the line, I still think about how deeply surreal it felt to stumble on an enormous sea monster in the middle of what my brain had come to understand as a liminal space. the sea was supposed to be mostly empty, and here was this thing
which is a very long way to introduce what I think is lacking here: we need more of those enormous empty spaces that leave characters with nothing to do but talk and feel completely isolated. sometimes you get to a sprawling castle city and it's completely empty because the players moved on. sometimes the devs threw an enormous monster in the middle of nowhere just to fuck with you, and that was kind of cool even if it sucked
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userlando · 1 year
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✧・゚ 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥
steve murphy x female!reader summary ⤍ work is piling on, bogotá is suffering from a heatwave and all you want is steve murphy. warnings ⤍ 18+ (mdni), co-workers to lovers, explicit language & smut, public sex, unprotected sex (piv) a/n ⤍ surprise surprise, of course i'd circle back to steve murphy some day. hope i made it justice. prob won't be the last i write of him since this was a lot of fun, so hope you enjoy this one lovies <3
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It was brain meltingly hot in the office today, perspiration on your forehead and bra uncomfortably pinching your torso, to the point where it was almost antagonising you. It had been hot the moment you got out of bed this morning, and it hadn’t gotten any better throughout the day even though you’d opted to stay back in the office and work on the mountain of stacked papers that only seemed to grow by the hour on your desk.
You’d think that the heatwave would settle when people had begun to filter out, emptying the office space little by little. But the sun was still shining tauntingly through the windows and the floor fans were doing their best to keep up.
You glared at said fans, watching them spin round and round with the occasional squeal. A sigh escaped your lips as you leaned back against your chair, ignoring the discomfort of your shirt sticking to your back and reaching out for the nearest folder you could use to fan yourself with. The people in the office could really use an extra two swipes of deodorant and cut back on the cigarettes. The odours were starting to settle in your nose in the most unpleasant way and you didn’t know how much longer you could stand it.
It was clear that you weren’t going to get much work done anymore, but you’d be damned if you stepped foot outside the building with the sun still beating down on the city of Bogotá and you had a feeling that your apartment wasn’t much better than… this. It had too many large windows with afternoon sun.
Your freezer contained ice lollies though, something you’d craved all day. And your apartment offered you the liberty of wearing a long tank top with no pants and no bra. But it didn’t have Steve Murphy.
Steve Murphy, who was sitting across from you with his back leaned against his chair in a similar position to yours. He was reading from a folder, eyebrows tightly knit the way they always got when he was concentrating and you took a moment to silently admire the arch of his nose and the inviting pink of his lips. His hair had been styled halfheartedly in the morning, but it was now sticking up from running his fingers through it and the strand were clumped up together from the sweat and moisture in the air. Nobody made sweating look as good as Steve did. It should’ve pissed you off but it was a sight for sore eyes.
Your thoughts stuttered to a halt when he stuck a chewed up pen in his mouth and bit into it, looking a little annoyed all of a sudden and you knew he’d finally given up on making sense of the endless amount of scripts and documents you’d spent the last three days pouring through. Carrillo was truly a closeted sadist for assigning you so much work to go through in such little time.
There was a small clearing of a throat from the side and you glanced to the left, feeling like a kid who’d gotten caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Javier wasn’t looking at you, but there was a small smile playing on his lips that let you know that he’d definitely caught you ogling the blond man sitting in front of you. You reached your leg out and kicked him in the shin, earning a startled yelp from him and a questioning glance from Steve.
“Sorry,” you said with no remorse in your voice. “Muscle spasm.”
Javier narrowed his eyes at you like he could see right through your bullshit, flicking a stack of papers on his desk before picking some new ones up to read through. You could’ve bet a few bucks that he wasn’t reading through them as intently as he had been two hours ago. His mind had already checked out for the day, as had yours. You couldn’t blame him.
The three of you worked in moderate silence and the occasional annoyed grunt and comment thrown into the air, for the next hour. The sun was finally starting to set, casting shadows in the moderately empty office but you were getting more agitated by the second.
The heat was getting to you and fucking Steve couldn’t stop chewing his lip and touching his neck.
It all took you back to that one godforsaken night a few weeks ago. You’d gone out with the two of them for a drink, and Javier had wandered off at some point; Mumbling something about getting laid. And he’d subsequently left the two of you alone at the bar with more drinks in your systems than necessary and sexual tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.
You’d sworn to never involve work and pleasure when you transferred to Colombia to work on catching the drug lord, and yet you’d found yourself pressed up against a wall in the far back of the bar and your tongue shoved down your partners throat. The taste of whiskey on his tongue had been intoxicating, everything about him had been irresistible. But it had been a one time thing, that’s where you set your boundary and Steve had respected it in his own way. He hadn’t tried anything with you, but there had been the occasional eye contact and suggestive comment. You’d be a filthy liar if you said you didn’t enjoy it just a tiny bit.
You must’ve started fidgeting in your chair because you caught Steve glancing up, not picking his head up from where it was slumped. The sight of him looking at you through his lashes made something in your stomach squirm.
“What?” You mouthed, biting the inside of your lip when his lips transformed into a smirk. It was like he could read your thoughts in your eyes. “Fucker.”
His smile got wider somehow, and he quickly managed to tamper it down when Javier suddenly sighed loudly. You both turned your gazed toward him, just in time to watch how he stood up from his chair and picked up a few folders.
“Need to make copies.” He explained, as if one of you had asked him. Javier didn’t need your permission though, nonchalantly grabbing his blazer and walking out of the room and you had a feeling that was the last you’d see of him for tonight.
You glanced back at Steve to catch him already staring at you, and you tried to not feel so self-conscious about the way your hair was probably a damp mess and your face sweaty. It looked good on Steve, but you couldn’t pull it off like he did.
“You done with that?” He asked, like you hadn’t been having a staring contest and you gave him a questioning arch of the eyebrows until he clarified by nodding at a folder by your arm.
“Have at it.” You sighed, handing it over to him before standing up from your chair.
It scraped against the floor and you glanced around to see if you’d disturbed anyone with the obnoxious sound. Aside from a few officers on the other side of the room, it was completely empty. And that made something redhot run through your blood.
You walked over to the water tank to fill your mug up with water cold enough to give you a brain freeze, thinking about maybe taking off and going home. Javier had once again left you alone with Murphy, and the heat was melting the last of your common sense.
There had been one close call where Carrillo had paired you and Steve together for a stakeout; monitoring a warehouse on the outskirts for any signs of drug transportations, but you’d smoothly gotten out of it and had Peña jump in instead. There was no telling what would happen if they put you and Steve in a car during the night with nothing but the two of you to keep each other company.
It wasn’t like the two of you hadn’t been friends before the bar incident, it was quite the opposite. Being a woman in this field was tough, but Steve had - along with Javi - welcomed you like his own surprisingly quickly.
There were only so many times you could carpool and watch a shitty movie cuddled up on the couch before you started treading over dangerous water. A phone call home didn’t bring you the same comfort as greasy food on the couch after a long day of chasing ghosts and criminals. It was easy to feel homesick when alone, so it was a good thing that you had your partners a few doors down if you ever needed them.
“It’s way too fucking hot to work.” Steve complained and you gave a laugh with a nod. He flicked the papers onto the desk and leaned all the way back on his chair and you took that as a sign that he - much like you - was done with work.
You rounded the corner of the desk and tried not stare too hard at his arms when he reached up to rest his hands on the back of his head. His biceps were bulging a little too invitingly, and you had to shake yourself as you perched on the edge of his desk. There was no mistaking his wandering gaze as he slowly looked up your legs, to your upper body until he reached your eyes and you raised your eyebrows to show him that you’d caught him looking.
He didn’t seem too embarrassed though, judging by the slow smile forming on his face.
“Might be time to call it for tonight.” You said, glancing around the half-empty office. “Not like we’re gonna make any more progress than we’ve done today.”
Steve made a sound in his throat like he agreed with your sentiment, happily accepting the mug of water when you handed it to him. You watched him take a sip, throat bobbing as he swallowed and you suddenly felt a little too hot under your clothes.
“D’you wanna head over to mine? Grab a beer and just kick back.” He asked, glancing up at you and you nodded slowly.
“Sure.” You watched him stand up, shuffling papers and folders around in a poor attempt to organise his desk before giving up and reaching for a packet of cigarettes. He stuck one between his teeth and lit it up. “Do you think Javi will be back?”
Steve looked at you with an are you serious? look, and you tried not to think about how hot he looked with a cigarette hanging from between his lips. Cocky looked so good on him.
“You’re lucky if you see him any more today.” He replied, grabbing his jacket and pushing in his chair.
You made a sound of agreement and walked around the desk, picking your bag up and showing a few folders inside it before the both of you were set to go home.
It couldn’t have been in your head, the tension in the air as the both of you walked out of the office. It felt like you were barely hanging onto a thread and it seemed to grow even thinner when the blond man touched your waist as he let you pass by him first through a doorway.
The two of you locked eyes for a split second and that confirmed everything that you needed to know. And that’s what you used as an excuse as your eyes flickered back and forth until you found a door that you knew lead to a documentation room, not hesitating for a split second as you reached your hand back and blindly grabbed Steve’s hand in yours.
He let you lead him way too easily, your hand shaking a little as you turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. And that’s when Steve took over, putting more of his body weight on your back to help you get into the room faster. You didn’t think of how unethical it was, or how it was such a bad idea to hook up once again with your partner at your workplace, of all places.
You didn’t even think of how absolutely stifling it was in the small room, too focused on the way Steve was staring you down like a predator eyeing it’s prey. He closed the door and turned the lock without taking his eyes off of you, and it was dark but not dark enough for you to miss the smirk playing on his lips as he walked you backwards.
You reached your hands out to grab at his disheveled tie, yanking hard enough for a breath to escape his lips before you settled your mouth over his in a heated kiss. There was a loud bang as he placed a hand flat against the metal drawers by your head to keep himself from stumbling into you, a moan creeping its way up his throat and you revelled in the taste of his tongue.
It was warm inside, suffocating really, but you needed more. You needed him closer and on you. He didn’t have any problems with complying when you snuck an arm around his torso and had the other one grab at his hair, turning your head slightly so he could lick deeper into your mouth.
You could taste the coffee he’d been sipping on a few hours ago and smell his aftershave that transported you back to that night at the bar where you’d been in a position just like this. He slid his mouth down your cheek, jaw and pressed sucking kisses and licks against the side of your throat. It was hard to stay still when the sharpness of his moustache hairs pricked and scratched your sensitive flesh.
“Fuck, always smell so good, baby.” He was panting, and so were you.
There was no doubt that he could feel your heart beating in your throat, right under his lips where he was definitely sucking a mark that wasn’t gonna fade within the next week. It should’ve made you furious, because that meant scarves and long collars in this unbearable weather but it only made you keen and pull him in closer. The thought of him marking you up for your co-workers to see, for Javier to give off that infuriatingly smug grin and for Steve to proudly parade around; Knowing he did that.
You were a proud woman, having worked your ass off to get where you were today and you’d be damned if you were to be seen as someone other than their own person. But something about fooling around with Steve; Breaking the obvious unspoken rule that wasn’t really a rule. Not really. Rules were hardly a thing to follow within these walls if they weren’t reinforced by the colonel himself.
“Steve, you better fuck me now or I’ll scream.” You tried to sound threatening, but your voice sounded too breathy and it only made Steve laugh like he knew he had you right where he wanted you.
“So needy,” he whispered, pulling his head up to look at you and you reached forward to steal a kiss from his lips that he was all too happy to give. Hearing and feeling him sigh happily against you made your stomach feel like it was bottoming out, all the feelings you’d been trying to hold in, spilling out.
He brought his hands to the front of your torso, squeezing at the swell of your tits over your shirt and sliding his hands down your quivering stomach until he got to the button of your jeans, letting out a noise of frustration. You watched him unbutton your jeans with a smile, taking your chance to grab at his messy hair and tilt his head to the side so you could kiss the delicate skin of his neck.
You didn’t see it, but you could feel his hands falter where they were struggling to unbutton your jeans, his head throwing back for a few seconds like he was trying to catch his breath and collect his thoughts. You could’ve taken mercy on him and help him get you out of your pants, but it was a little too enjoyable for you to kiss and nibble at his throat and earlobe. You’d only hooked up twice now, but it didn’t take a genius to find his sweet spot seeing as it was right beneath his ear.
“Couldn’t have worn a damn skirt.” You heard him mutter as he crouched and you grinned.
“Not very —“
“Practical. Yeah, I know. So you’ve said.” You couldn’t see his eyes, but you could hear the eye roll in his voice and it made you smile even harder. Steve could be an asshole, but you’d be damned liar if you said that he wasn’t a good listener.
He finally pulled back and yanked your jeans down your legs, crouching down to help you out of them, one leg at a time. You ran your fingers through his hair and almost recoiled when he glanced up at you from his crouched position; Caught off-guard by the softness in them. The blue of his eyes made something fierce squeeze in your chest and you let out a small whimper when he leaned forward to press a gentle kiss between your legs, over your panties.
You watched him kiss his way up, and it felt like coming home when he finally reached your lips and pried then open with his own. There was no doubt that the man could kiss, and you loved every second of it.
It made you jump a little when he pulled your panties to the side, the pads of his fingers swiping through the mess that he’d created. He let out a shuddered breath against your lips and rocked back just far enough to look at you without the both of you going crosseyed.
“I don’t have a condom on me.” He murmured, and if you’d looked hard enough then you would’ve seen remorse in the blue of his eyes.
You tried to collect your thoughts but it was difficult when his fingers were circling your clit. Your hands grabbed at his shirt, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you ripped a hole in it.
“I’m on the pill,” you said, feeling your cheeks heat up a little as his eyebrows climbed on his forehead. “And I’m clean. I trust you.”
He searched your eyes for a moment, and it would’ve almost been tender if it wasn’t for the fact that he got two fingers up your cunt and was fucking into you like he was testing out how wet you were.
It felt like an eternity when he finally nodded, offering you a small smile and a quick kiss.
“I’m clean too.” He pushed his fingers deep, making you gasp and buck into him. “And there hasn’t been anyone else after you. Or even before you.”
The implication was there, and you revelled in his confession because those had been thoughts that had been plaguing you for a hot moment. Javi had his line of women to call and you didn’t know if that was the case for Steve. You spent a lot of time together outside of work, but there were still gaps in time where he could’ve hooked up with whomever he pleased. This job was hard and it put a whole lot of pressure on your shoulders, so much so that the average person would cave from it. It was only normal to seek basic human intimacy and lose yourself in it, even if it was only for a night or an hour.
It made your belly turn a little sour whenever you thought of it, you just didn’t want to admit it out loud because that would somehow make it seem real. Make your feelings for him real. You weren’t sure what that meant.
Crossing the line with your partner a second time went against everything you’d believed in. You never wanted to get involved with anyone like this because your work was dangerous enough, add a person you cared for into the mix and it made it even more terrifying.
“Hey, you with me?” Steve’s gentle voice brought you back from your inner turmoil and you blinked at him, giving him a nod.
“Yeah, I’m here.” You replied, giving him a small smile when his lips turned up in reassurance. “Come on, I’m ready. Fuck me please, Steve.”
Steve groaned like he’d never heard anything sweeter, pulling his fingers out and bringing them up between you. He didn’t even hesitate to slip his digits inside his mouth to clean them off and you felt your entire body heat up at the crude sight. It reminded you of all the nights where you’d go out to grab a bite after work and he’d be licking his fingers clean from frying oil and grease. You’d found it a turn on then, and it certainly was a turn on now.
“You’re an asshole.” You giggled at the filthy smile playing on his lips, getting your hands on his trousers and unbuttoning them.
You glanced between the two of you and stuck your hand inside his underwear to fish him out, heartbeat picking up at the weight and warmth of him in your hands. You could hear him breathing against the side of your head, pressing his lips against your temple and making a piss poor attempt of stifling his moan when you got a good grip on him and slid your hand to the base.
“Feel so good in my hand, Steve.” You hummed, closing your eyes and marvelling in the press of his body when his hand started giving out to the weight. He was moaning quietly into your ear, voice rough and raspy as you jacked him off. “Can’t wait to feel it inside of me.”
He hummed out a drawn out groan, bending a little at the knees to get a good grip on your right thigh and hauling it up over his hip. The new angle allowed him to nudge against you and you gasped, leaning into it.
You were too busy looking between the two of you, and you didn’t register his other hand sliding up to cup your cheek until you were staring right into his eyes in the darkness. He was observing you, you realised. The moment felt a little too intimate to have in a decrepit room after office hours, but you didn’t dare to look away from his gaze.
His thumb ran over the bottom of your lip. “You okay?”
You couldn’t help but smile, nodding your head to show him that yeah, of course you’re okay.
“I’m more than okay. Now, come on before the janitor makes his rounds.” You urged him, earning a startled laugh from the man.
“Yes, ma’am.” He nodded, gripping himself and leaning a little more of his weight against you so he could notch right against your hole.
Your eyes fluttered closed when he pressed in, feeling him filling you up quicker than you expected but there was something about the burn that made you want more. So you didn’t protest, only gripping his shoulders tighter until he bottomed out.
Steve was watching your face the entire time, eyes struggling to stay open because fuck, the heat and the tightness of you gripping him made him feel like he’d died and entered the pearly gates of whatever heaven existed. The small hitches in your breathing was like music to him, and he longed for the day he could get you in his bed and fuck you properly until he had you moaning without the fear of being caught.
You were a loud one, that’s what he’d garnered from the one occasion you’d hooked up. But you were still holding back and he could tell by the way you gnawed at your lips and bit incomplete circles into his shoulders that did fuck all to silence your pretty sounds.
“That’s it, sweetheart.” He murmured in encouragement when he started thrusting, hips meeting yours in the awkward angle but he knew he was hitting something good and deep inside of you. It was written all over your face. “Clenchin’ up so nicely around me. What a pretty sight you are.”
“Steve.” You moaned, treading your fingers in the strands of his damp hair and bringing his mouth to yours in a sloppy kiss.
It was all teeth and tongue, noses bumping and teeth knocking but it made you weak in the knees all the same. You indulged yourself for a few moments, letting yourself get lost in his taste and touch before breaking the kiss, leaning your forehead against his and watching him through blurry eyes as he squeezed his eyes shut.
Seeing Steve lost in the feeling, hips working against yours and arms grabbing at you to keep you steady and hold you close was a marvel to see. You weren’t sure if you’d ever get tired of the little pinched expression on his face when something felt particularly good for him; How his mouth would drop open into a little O and his eyebrows would draw together. Kind of like how they did when he’d sit across from you at your desks while he struggled to read Spanish.
Your stomach was knotting up, the telltale sign of your end nearing and you let go of his shoulder with one hand to shove it between your bodies and hook your hand into your panties.
The touch of your fingers against your clit made you clench, which made Steve’s thrust stutter and his breath get punched out of him.
“Keep going,” he encouraged you, nodding his head and jostling your head in the process form where it was leaned against his. “Touch yourself for me, wanna feel you come.”
It was cliché, and ridiculous how fast you neared the edge of oblivion at the whispered words he was speaking against your mouth. They sounded so demanding, breathless and absolutely filthy.
There was a second of desperation where the two of you clung to each other, his hips bruising yours and his hands no doubt leaving marks as he pulled you tight to his body. Your hand cramped up and you had just enough time to lean toward his shoulder and bite down before you were sent over the edge with a muffled shout.
You heard a distinct guttural moan, and you couldn’t tell if it was coming from you or Steve thanks to the sound of the blood rushing in your ears. But you could absolutely feel how he buried himself inside of you and let himself go, your already sensitive body shaking where it was slumped against his.
There was no telling who was holding up who, but you suspected that he was doing the brunt of the work because you couldn’t feel your fucking legs and your mouth was still open against his shoulder. You picked your head up when your senses slowly started seeking back into your body, making a sound in your throat when you realised that you’d been drooling.
Steve tilted his head to the side at the noise, gaze following yours and he let out an exhausted laugh.
“Is it weird if I find that hot?” He asked, voice hoarse and low and you laughed.
“Shut up,” you winced as he slowly let your leg back down on the grimy floor, slipping out of you in the process. “Oh, gross.”
Steve snorted, cupping a hand against your cheek and pressing a kiss against the side of your head. You bit back a smile at the tender gesture, busying yourself with adjusting your underwear so you didn’t have to look at him.
He didn’t say anything as the both of you got cleaned up as best you could, redressing yourselves and you didn’t want to chance a glance at him just yet. You didn’t know what you’d find written on his face; whatever emotion or expression it would hold. You weren’t quite ready to face it just yet.
You watched his back as he walked up to the door, eyebrows raising in amusement when he cracked the door open and peeked outside into the hallway. He must’ve deemed it clear, because he slid it open and stepped to the side, reaching a hand out to gesture you to get a move on.
You didn’t waste any time to slip back outside again, the hallway feeling much cooler than the stifling confines of the documentation room. There was nothing you craved more than a shower at that moment, feeling sticky all over. And the fact that you were absolutely ruining what was left to salvage of your underwear.
“Are we still on for that beer?” Steve asked, distracting you from your wandering thoughts and you glanced at him from the corner of your eye.
His hair was looking worse for wear, cheeks flushed and lips bitten raw and pink. There was no way that anyone could take a look at you and not think that you’d been screwing each others brains out. You almost feared looking in a mirror, afraid of what you’d find in terms of marks and scratches.
“I hope you have some at your place because all I have is milk.” You replied, earning a small shoulder bump from the man next to you.
“I’ve got you.” He opened the door leading the way out to the street. “Besides, I’ve got better fans in my apartment.”
You couldn’t argue with that. Yours was only days away from falling apart into pieces. You just hoped that yours wouldn’t break down tonight when this heatwave was still active and raging. You’d actually cry.
Steve unlocked his door and opened the passenger door for you, regarding you with a look in his eyes that made you stop in your tracks.
“Would you wanna stay over tonight?” He asked, forehead wrinkling and your eyebrows raised.
He looked almost nervous. Uncertain. Like he didn’t know whether you were going to blow him off or take him up on his offer. It made you pause as you searched his face, and you didn’t know why you suddenly felt an overwhelming rush of adoration but it made your knees shake a little.
“You mean sleep in your bed?” You asked, voice lilting into a teasing tone and it made Steve smirk.
You watched him tilt his head back and forth, as if he was unsure but the smile on his lips was playful and it made you feel a little giddy.
“Amongst other things.” He replied and you laughed.
Steve narrowed his eyes, tongue in cheek as he struggled to refrain from smiling too big. You turned and started to climb into his truck, the sound of a loud smack making you let out a loud yelp. You didn’t even register the slight pain in your asscheeks until you’d turned fully and sat down on the seat; Realising that he’d just slapped you.
“You’re a sleaze, y’know that?” You glared at him, but Steve only grinned like he was proud of himself.
He pushed the door open even wider and crowded your space, sliding his hands up your cheeks to cup them and bring your face to his. You blinked up at him, a little breathless at the sight of his blue eyes so close up to yours.
“You still like me, don’t you?” He murmured, corner of his lips tugging and you couldn’t help but press a kiss against it; Watching it transform into a smile.
“Just a little.” You lied, earning a longer kiss from him.
“I’ll take that.”
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writeyouin · 10 months
Hello, for holiday fics, can i request MTMTE Bots X Reader Headcanons where its Christmas time and there's a gift exchange? Thank you!
MTMTE Bots X Reader - Gift Exchange
A/N - A-All of them?! There's… That's a lot of bots. Imma just pick a few, then if anyone wants more you can just ask me for them.
Warnings - None
Rating - T
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Swerve is far too nervous for this.
It's your first Christmas aboard the ship, and he is determined to confess his love for you. Like, he has spent every last second planning this for months.
Now that it's time though, he thinks he might purge his tanks.
What if you don't like his gift? Worse, what if you reject him? He knows you won't be mean about it, but... he doesn't want to spend his life without you. He really loves you, and nothing terrifies him more than his own feelings.
Still, here is the moment. You've given him your gift.
It was a crocheted blanket, so he'll be comfy on movie nights. When did you have time to make this? Oh wow. He presses the material to his face. It's so soft, and if he takes in some air, it smells like you. Of course it does... You've clearly spent ages making it.
Swerve hugs you and he holds on for a few seconds too long. You laugh amiably, and make a joke about being Christmas crushed.
Finally, he lets you go and bashfully presents you with his gift. It isn't wrapped very well. It must have been difficult for him, since it's relatively small. You can see where the tape has come up a few times, stripping the paper of some of its colour. All this just makes you smile more.
You tear open the gift, and it's a datapad, specially made to be human-sized. You flick on the screen and find that it's filled with music, in a specially arranged playlist.
Admittedly, Swerve doesn't know a whole lot about Earth music. He's more into TV and movies, but he knows how much you love music, so he really tried with this.
Moreover, the first word of each song creates a message, and it is a long message. It's a confession. You might have missed it, had the first word of each song not been highlighted.
You take a while to read what's written. Meanwhile, Swerve is stuck in limbo, feeling entirely sick. Part of him wants to snatch the datapad back and laugh it off like it was all a mistake or a stupid joke. Instead, he waits, trying to stop his servos from shaking by resting them on his thighs.
When you've finished reading his confession, you let your thumb glide over the first song, hitting play.
You smile, get to your feet, and approach Swerve.
"I love it," You say quietly.
Then, you kiss him.
At first, Swerve is completely taken aback. Then, his hands find their way around your back and he's holding you close, your first kiss to Nat King Cole's 'The Very Thought of You.'
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Rung didn't actually want gifts. The only thing he asked for was an evening alone with you.
Normally, he's so busy with his patients, and everyone always wants time with the ship's only human, usually so they can ask you questions and place bets on what the answer will be - Rodimus is still pissed that he lost 100 shanix when you were asked what a colander was (Sufficed to say, his answer wasn't kitchen utensil for draining water).
So, that's exactly how you spend Christmas Eve with Rung. You're sat in his lap, laid back on the sofa while he reads to you from a book you chose.
His fingers gently glide over your head - You feel safe with Rung - loved - and you know that he feels the same when he's with you.
Despite that, you did get him a gift, and little do you know, he's got you one too. They will both wait for tomorrow however, as you relax into one another, with no obligation to anyone else.
The next day, you wake up atop the berth, and realise that you must have fallen asleep when Rung was reading and that he has carried you to bed.
Yet, he isn't there with you. You're just getting up when you hear him humming. Your shared hab-suite isn't like the others on the ship - it's the only one wherein the rooms are separate as if to recreate a normal Earth apartment.
So, upon getting up to explore, you find Rung in the kitchen - He's never been in here before, except when he's looking for you.
This is his gift and his surprise. He knows how much time you always put into cooking, and unfortunately, there's nobody else who could ever cook for you, which he has been led to believe is a normal part of human relationships and something most humans are grateful for.
It took a while to research the recipes, and even more time to find out what ingredients could be substituted. Moreover, Rung has spent months practising this, between meetings, and now, he's rather good at it - he always was good at following instructions and handling delicate objects.
So, your Christmas brunch is courtesy of Rung, and you make sure to tell him how delicious everything is, kissing him afterwards so he might get a taste of the wonderful meal he's made as his arms wrap around you and he presses you against the dining table.
Later, after a long, and frankly heated make-out session, you present him with his gift. It's a model ship of the only one missing from his collection - the Lost Light itself. His eyes light up when he sees it, all ready to be put together.
That afternoon, the two of you sit together and start building the miniature, all while listening to Christmas music which plays serenely in the background.
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Megatron is staring at you quite intensely. If you weren't used to him, you might think he was glaring at you.
Still, you feel like you might have done something wrong or that he hates your gift to him. It was after all, rather personal, and Megatron isn't a huge fan of PDA.
The gift in question was a song. As it turned out, Nautica was something of a musical prodigy, so with her help, you had written a song about Megatron - She had composed the tune, while you wrote the lyrics.
You assumed that by involving another bot, Megatron felt exposed; it was entirely possible that he didn't like the idea of someone else singing about him or your relationship with him.
You couldn't be further from the truth.
The truth of the matter was that Megatron loved the song. You had poured your very soul into it, and it was so much more than he could have asked for.
... And in return, he had gotten you a gift basket. Soaps, shampoos, lotions - His research had led him to believe this was the social norm on Earth. He couldn't give you that now!
How would that look? You had given him a piece of your soul, and he got you L'oriel "because you're worth it."
No. It wasn't good enough.
"Excuse me a moment, I need to retrieve something from my hab-suite," Megatron said coolly, before leaving you.
You deflated, feeling that all was lost, especially since Megatron took a good thirty minutes to return.
Yet, when he came back, he held out a datapad for you, mumbling an apology that it wasn't wrapped.
You swallowed nervously when he wouldn't meet your eye, and then you took the present reverently.
You flicked on the screen and found it open in a folder - "(Y/N)'s Poetry."
There were well over a hundred entries, all of them dedicated to you.
'The Radiance of a Smile', 'Promises of Forever', and 'Forgiveness of the Past', were just a few at the top of the list. Even more surprising was the fact that a great many of them were written before the two of you began dating. When you looked at the earlier entries, you saw how Megatron's feelings towards you had come about and evolved into something more.
You were speechless, yet on your face, Megatron was pleased to see that you knew how he felt for you, and that your love for him was just as much of a weight, though it was one you were glad to bear.
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arinzu · 3 months
How about Rin x female reader x Sae?
This is so damn rare to see, I thought itoshi bro's x reader died😭
🍂Who would you choose?🍂
This might not me accurate💕
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Summary :
Little did you know... football isn't the only thing the brothers fight about. If you dont wanna read the whole story go to U20 JAPAN VS BL11 MATCH or CONFESSION or just the endings!
4 alternative endings, Itoshi brother x you, fluff, Angst ofc, weird asf, random, fem! Reader, long story, manga spoilers, curses i think!
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You still remember when You and Sae first met, it was in your young elementary school days... Sae was known to be a bitch and overall is the opposite of a nice person.
You were playing with your toys by yourself, until you spotted a lone boy playing alone with a ball.
As you start paying more attention to him, your mother notices and smiles softly "that's Sae Itoshi"
"He's really pretty" you replied to your mom, "Can I befriend him?" You questioned.
"Are you sure? He is quite mean to people he doesn't know" She ask but after you confirm she walks away to go do her own business.
"Be careful (reader) don't get sad and try, okay?"
"I won't disappoint myself and mama!"You promised as you held your pinky finger to them, in which they agree and hold their own pinky with yours... completing the pinky promise.
You start walking towards sae, you start having second thoughts It's not your scared... You're just nervous to approach another person you don't know that well.
Oh well it's far too late since sae just noticed you approaching at a high rate.
"Uhm... Hello? My name's (last name) (reader) and I want to be your friend!" You smiled as you held out your hand expecting a handshake.
"Go away, I bet you don't even know" any football stars" sae replied stepping on the ball, you were shocked this is what a child reply to you?
"Excuse me? I do know a lot of football stars!" That took sae by surprise but still stayed firm on his word of you not knowing any players.
"Name one player, and Noel Noah doesn't count"
"Hmm it's hard..."
"Finally giving up? Just leav-" you quickly interrupted then midway.
"hey! I was talking about how hard it is to select a player out of all the amazing players out there, but anyways Chris Prince"
"Good choice? You earned my respect I suppose..."
This time he finally shake your hand, you felt a sign of relief wash over your body as you smiled at him.
"I'm Itoshi Sae, and I also apologize for my behavior earlier" he shakes your hand as he returns the smile back to you.
You noticed the ball once again, it looked rather familiar up close... Your eyes start to sparkle when you remember what type of ball it was.
"Omg it that the limited edition Football!? Signed by the one and only" you exclaimed as you start shaking the young sae, the poor boy didn't know what to do since your grip on his shoulder was to tight.
He confirmed your suspicion and you started jumping like a kangaroo from pure excitement, sae looked at you like you are a mad lady... I mean the way you're acting is uhhh....
He once again tried to ignore how you were acting, "So... How did you know the player?" He asked which made you stop what you were doing "Easy I watch football matches with my father!" You replied.
That was not what he was talking about but whatever...
You started to ramble on all of the great things you and your father did when he's in the country, in which he just listens carefully surprisingly.
After a while you had to go home you said your good bye's and left just like that.
Sae itoshi
That was a good memory to keep..
She was somewhat weird the first time we met, i suppose... her understanding of football was the one intrigue me in to her.
It compelled me to the point we started to habg out often if i wasn't busy. The more time we spent, the more of this weird sensation i have, it was like love...
I didn't understand at first but one small click in the internet had me understanding that i fell for her.
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That's all you remember as you see him outside the gate waiting for you, "Itoshi Itoshi! over here" sae turns in your direction, Holding a football he starts going to you.
"You know that you can call me Sae right?" You smile softly in return to his question and start nodding.
"I know! But your fan girls might kill me" sae raised an eyebrow, he was just 12 not many people will fall in love with a 12 year old right?
"Whatever just call me Sae, (reader) we've known eachother since fourth grade"
You simply nodded as you both, "Wanna hang out at my place, sae?" Sae turned to you, he didn't know why it feels so good when you actually say his name out loud.
He hides his now covered bright pink ears from you and nodded, as you saw his happening you got curious and started nagging him why did he cover his ears from you.
"hey sae, why are you covering your ears?" You ask as you start tugging on his uniform, he wanted to say but his pride is not letting him.
'Oh sorry my ears became a bright pink as you my crush said my name out loud'
No no...
Not happening in a million years
"Ah well I heard a mosquito..." That was a Lukewarm excuse to give, but did he care absolutely not.
You start dragging him again accepting his reason like all the other times you and him hang out at your place.
"Also did you hear, Kourtney And Abigail stop being besties?" You questioned, sae just furrowed his eyebrows.
He never cared about any drama in the school, it's lukewarm and not deserving of his time. But just for you he nodded which you scream with excitement.
"Omg you finally started learning some drama, It's been so long since you actually learned some drama~!"
You continue babbling your nonsense and start adding some more gossip in the school, sae just ignored it and kept on walking with you.
You kept on talking even as you both reached your destination, sae being quite annoyed softly (maybe not so) hit your head with his fist.
"Hey what the hell sae!?, I was just getting to the good part-" sae immediately cut you off
"We're here already... And stop babbling on such Lukewarm things" sae replied his hand far gone covering his ears, which turned to it's normal color.
You got an idea ...you lean closer as you give the most cheeky smile ever,sae immediately blush.
"Hey... Sae-chan~?" You have flap your eyelashes at him.
"Y-Yeah?" Sae replied trying to hide his blushing face. Sae just screams internally as he watches you lean a centimeter closer
Oh how pathetic...
Why did I say that? It's lm a damn idiot.
Omg what if she notices my face?
Oh fuck...
"You're so lukewarm (reader)..." sae mumble which you definitely heard.
"Huh, why sae-chan?" You inch a bit closer to him.
Sae turned more red from both you and what he just said to you. He's a complete mess and your still that close to him.
Oh fuck... What have I done!?
This is so damn embarrassing.
I wanna dig a hole and jump...
And if he couldn't be blushing enough by you, he heard a small compliment it wasn't a unique one he heard it multiple times in the media, but coming from your tongue... It felt magical, sae had butterflies in his stomach.
'Sae you know, your very handsome and especially with those underlashes' he recalls what you just said, that earned him to be another blushing mess.
As he finally made himself calm down, he scanned the room to find you once he didn't see you in the room. He figured you left to go to your room, which he was grateful for...
Calming himself by inhaling and exhaling, he soon followed it to go to your bedroom after he had stopped being a mess.
As the day goes by you and him had lots of fun chatting about Life... And sae's football career and what you two will do in the future.
You reveal your dream to him and he was quite surprise by it but nonetheless wish you luck on your own journey to success.
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It's been a year now, your standing at the airport seeing sae leave for spain to play in real mandrid. And most importantly you're very comfortable using sae's first name.
"Sae, please text me everyday! And reply to my calls" you not so nicely reminded.
"Yes... I know (reader) I'll do it" sae sighs as he hugs you tightly. "I'm going to miss you" you smile and return the hug "I'll miss you too its been great having you around"
"Wait sae where is your family, I never got to see them all these years? Of friendship" Sae just pointed to the side, which in return have you looking embarrass of not noticing them.
You let out a long 'ooh' as you and him approach them, once you are standing infront of his parents. You left out a bow and introduced yourself, which amazed them and patted your head.
"Good day Mr. and Mrs. Itoshi i am (last name) (reader) sae's friend"
"Woah Sae never told us your friend was such a well mannered lady!" Mrs. Itoshi remark which soon followed by Mr. Itoshi to praise you.
As soon as Mrs. And Mr. Itoshi stop admiring your good manners, you scan around to find sae, once you identify where he was and start to proceeds towards his location.
As you draw closer and closer you make-out a younger version of sae but with dark green hair.
"Hey! Sae who's that with you?" You question which sae answered truthfully.
"That's my younger brother (reader)"
"Ooo! I never knew you had a brother" you start pinching the younger brother as start complimenting his adorable appearance, rin in response annoyingly stick his tongue out.
Meanwhile sae starts glaring at Rin unconsciously, is this the last thing he sees before heading to Spain? His first crush, his love, his number 2...
(I'm sorry it's cannon that he'll choose football over you)
He snapped out of his death glare to Rin when you suddenly ask a question.
"What's his name, sae?" You asked as you finally stopped giving the younger one attention.
Sae gave a force smile and introduced him to you "That's Itoshi Rin he's 11" you thanked him and started completing rin again.
That ticked Sae off deeply as he glared at Rin to make him realize to stop hogging all of the attention.
Rin seeing his older brother sulk start walking towards him and hugging him tightly.
Rin thought it was because of him leaving the country...(It wasn't obviously)
"It's okay Nii-chan, we will give lots of gifts!" That made sae quite confused, yet seeing you again gushing of Rin endearing attempt, Sae start acting like a good older brother just for you.
"I know Rin ill be sure to be the best striker in the world, promise" Rin smile having sparkle in his eyes, having you finally turn you attention to Sae.
"Sae remember to know that I'm your number 1. fan" you jokingly reminded, rin angrily replied with "No! im his no. 1 fan, plus your a girl you dont know anything about football"
You smile internally Rin was just like Sae, yet you still was pissed at his fabricate lie. But as you were about to scold him Sae already doing the job for you.
"Rin thats rude, we dont do that anymore."
"But..." sae again glared and signal to him to apologize to you.
Once Rin finally muttered an apology for his rude behavior, you gladly accepted and told him you were more than knowledgeable in the world of football.
Rin beamed with excitement after getting confirmation from sae that it was indeed correct.
"Can you play football...?" you nodded your head that seems to make rin eye's sparkle.
As the conversation continued, Sae was called by his parents, that briefly stopped the chattering between the three people.
Its time for sae to leave the country...
You stand there feeling a mixed of sorrow and cheerfulness for you friend. You never felt this mixed of emotions at the same time, your first friend leaving you to pursue his football career.
You wave sae goodbye... having a smile of your faceyou stop him midway and hugged him "I will really miss you sae... please don't forget about me"
"I wont (reader)... dont replace me with anyone, okay?" you nodded your head and then tried to joke abit to lighten up the tension in the air. "I promise to protect rin and be his guardian for you"
Sae laughed and then made joke "Make sure he isn't a brat when i come back" you laughed and promise.
its time for the family to say their goodbye's
"Take care of your health!" Mr. itoshi said
"Good luck, sae!" said the wife waving her hand as she continued smiling
"Nii-chan, have a safe trip!" said rin and having an expression of joy
sae responded by smiling " See ya." he pause "Im off to be the best in the world" you and rin smiled and wave to sae.
you see him carrying him luggage and phone as he smiles finnaly entering the plane to spain.
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Its been a couple of years, you kept the promise you made to sae to be the guardian of rin for all the years when sae was in spain. You still kept contact with sae by vc or just texting.
Itoshi family treated you as their own, and rin finally stop being rude to you as more time passed. You and rin occasionally hang out at the beach to get his mind of things with sae.
You were there for rin in every match he had, even practice.
this is one of your best interaction with rin...
"Hey Rinnie, do you wanna play a match with me?" you questioned which rin just nodded his head in approval. Tossing the football towards you giving you a slight advantage over him.
"Once i get the ball i win if you score you win, deal?" you nodded at the rule
You kick the ball to the left giving it a slight curve and started running, if you calculated correctly the ball will come back to your feet. But it's not that easy it's far more complicated than that...
And you know that, Afterall you saw his performance in the real matches, you know that he will catch up eventually and defeat you. But you wont make it that easy...
You hear heavy footsteps right behind you, rin was already catching up but just in time... The ball manage to came back. but as you were about to do something, rin interfered and got the ball before you got to do anything.
"(reader) you lost the game" rin said having a stoic expression. "good job rin, you were better than last time!" you smiled and gave a high five.
Rin returned the smile and high five you, you then added "Im sure sae will be impress by your growth!"
"You think so?" asked rin which you reply with "Im know so!" rin smiled from ear to ear
"Omg rin your just as cute when the first time i met you" you jokingly remark seeing his joyous expression.
"Hey I'm not cute!" rin bite back
you playfully rolled your eyes, "Whatever makes you sleep at night, i guess"
"Im literally taller now than before even taller than you!"
"So...? it doesnt mean taller people cant be cute"
"Hm. whatever you lukewarm girl" rin responded
"Oh come one have some originality will you?" you insulted in a friendly manner
"You forgot the comma" insulted back jokingly
"Oh shut up fancy pants" your eyes rolled back.
You both laugh at the weird interaction, then you suddenly suggested to buy some popsicle since it was still early.
Rin immediately screamed a yes, that caught you by surprise by his excitement. He started to drag you in a not so nearby ice cream shop.
"You'll pay right?" you nodded in agreement, as rin saw this his eyes light up and grab a quite cheap popsicle.
"I'll have this one!" you gave a nod and got your ice cream from the freezer near the entrance of the shop. you pay the money and surprisingly it was much cheaper than you expected it to be.
As yo both were eating away the ice cream rin suddenly tap your shoulder "(Reader) i won, look" you let out a smile and congratulated him.
"i got to practice again... i have to be the best after nii-chan!" rin added, you note that he is revolving around sae a bit too often, but that seems quite adorable to you.
"Okay then, i have to go back home, i have to help my mother by preparing a gift" now that statement got rin curious.
"Who's gift?" rin asked throwing away the popsicle
"My father, why do you ask?" you answered adding another question.
"Just got curious, wait father-?" rin asked once again.
"Yes for my father, what the hell are you on abo-?"
"i thought you were fatherless...." he admitted sheepishly.
He thought you would be angry, but then saw you laughing your ass your by hearing his confession.
"Wait really...?" rin nodded confirming what he just said, but seeing you laugh even more make him chuckle and blush from embracement.
You noticed it and smile still laughing uncontrollably, "i never knew the itoshi brothers could laugh"
"Oh come on! we still have emotions we just don't show it" rin snarled back having a slight cocky grin plastered on his face. meanwhile you just stared at him weirdly.
You swear you heard the same thing somewhere, after a few moments thinking where and who you chuckle a bit
"Gosh your just like sae" you sigh before continuing "He told me the same thing when he was still here"
"Wait are you serious?" you nodded and and he smiled dumbly.
"But be sure to not be an actual copy of sae, k?" rin gave a thumbs up "You are your own person and not sae itoshi's little brother"
"Oh stop, your not my mom" you smiled sticking out your tongue,, "but i am your guardian, i only want the best for you"
"Anyways i have to go for real now" you wave your hand and start smiling "dont miss me too much rinrin"
"I won't (reader)" he said ticking his tongue out.
From day that onwards you and him had one of the best relationship, he started being more kind to you and sometimes you guys flirted just for fun.
His teammates always ships you two together when your at his practice, which is always or every single time. Hell even his parents believe this. And that somehow ends up to you laughing it off while rin becomes a blushing mess
Rin itoshi
Have i fallen for her...?
A weird feeling, it was innocent at first but then the thought of her kept me awake at night, the way she smiled at me... the way how i felt safe around her.
She always told me to be me, and not the 'little brother of sae itoshi' she was the first to say that. How she somehow makes me chuckle at the worst joke, before i knew it i had already fallen for her.
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this crap is boring you can skip it since i was trying to describe what happened in the manga.
4 years have passed since sae left to play in real mandrid, rin and his team was playing a match against a team called RIXIL . You were there supporting the team by cheering at the sideline.
The last few moments of the game rin had the ball while being press by a few defenders, dribbling pass them he runs forward towards the goal. Since you were quite knowledgeable in the world of football, you easily understand what will rin do in his situation.
His team screaming him to pass the ball with his coach, passing the ball to his teammate for that person to pass to another teammate near him to finally to finally pass to rin.
He scored the winning goal, screams of joy filled the area you quickly congratulate him on his win after the match.
"Rinrin that was an amazing goal you made!" rin blush and replied "I'll be the best in the world with nii-chan afterall!"
"You surely will, be the best with sae" you paused "What do you want for winning the match?" rin grinned at this, "Your hand in marriage, (reader)"
"If you be the world best with your brother" you smirked back.
"Oh you might as well marry me now" he stick his tongue out.
"Oh don't be so cocky with me" you feel your phone ring inside your pocket "excuse me rinrin i have to take this call"
Rin gave a thumbs up going to a bench to cool down before taking a shower, you took awhile chatting with the person on the other line.
After you ended the call you turned to rin "your mother hosted a family dinner to celebrate your win, rinrin" You gave a soft smile as you start preparing to leave.
"Where you going?" rin asked as he drink his water bottle "to help Mrs for dinner, anyways imma go now!" rin watches you leave then left out a sigh of relief
Why the hell did i say that?
That lukewarm shit was so risky...
Thank gosh she didn't notice it was real...
He watches his two teammates leave as it turned to a late afternoon, he note that it would probably be turning evening very soon. But he still wanted to train his skill..
He kicks a ball towards the goal, as it hit the net he think to himself how it wasn't in the spot he wanted. 'Ah. its snowing..' he thought to himself and heard a voice in the distance.
"Wasn't that shot a bit shoddy?" he looks a bit closer, it was sae his eyes lit up with joy after seeing him after all these years and blurted the word 'nii-chan'.
They both exchange pleasantries with one another, rin noticed sae wasn't feeling himself he looks... sad, unfulfilled? an emotion he never saw his brother have.
the clock hit (I have no idea) you started becoming worried, rin usually be home by now... thinking the worst you thought he was kidnapped, in this time many kids have been reported missing.
The more you think about it, the more you start being uneasy. note to yourself to check outside just in case rin was just running late, and if not you'll go to the football field.
You checked outside using a peephole and thankfully rin was just walking towards the door, relief washed over you and you opened the door.
"Rinrin! welcome back dinners almost ready" you smiled from ear to ear but rin just walked passed you, you didn't even bat an eye you guessed it was he got tired by practicing for so long.
You went back in the kitchen after the Mrs. of the house called your name, you helped with the last remaining dishes and prepared the table with her.
Everything has been prepared, "(reader) dear, may you please call rin down?" you smiled and nodded "Yes Mrs. i will" and there you go, going to rin's room.
As you were approaching the bedroom you hear a loud crash. Feeling fearful of what might be happening you run towards the room, you opened the door as soon you were infront of it. "Rin what happened!?" you screamed out of instinct.
"Get the fuck out of my room" yelled back rin
That startled you you never saw him this mad looking around the room you saw all of sae's awards, a few moment of silent rin gave a small sorry.
"Sorry (reader) i just had a bad day" you smiled and patted his head, "Dinners ready rinrin" you said and exited the door. You got awfully curious what happened.
As soon you sat down rin came and sat beside you, "Since everyone's here lets all pray first" said Mrs. itoshi
"Mrs?" you called out to rin's mother "May i take a picture to send to sae?" she nodded as she signal for everyone to hold hands to pray.
After praying you took out your phone and as intended "Say cheese everyone!" as you held your phone up high for everyone to see. You soon took the photo
" いただきます" (its Itadakimasu its said before eating) said the group
"Woah this is delicious!" said mr. itoshi "who made this?" Mrs. Itoshi replied with your name.
"You would make a wonderful housewife!" said Mr. itoshi
"Im flattered by your kind words Mr. itoshi!" you replied
"So are you planning to marry one of our sons, (reader)?" you nodded your head chuckling slightly
"I might marry one of them, or even both of them!" the parents laughed and you also joined in laughing
Rin blushed he had a chance getting with you? and even marrying you? that would be a dream come true, he just to make sure sae hadn't have any feeling for you.
After you finish eating your meal, you thank Mrs. Itoshi for inviting you as a guest.
You returned home safely, but as you were about to fall asleep you remembered the photo you took with the family. You opened the app and send the photo with the caption.
"celebrating rin's amazing goal!" and "wish you were here with us"
And then drifted to sleep... the next day you check you Messager app to see sae's respond to your text. It was the normal response but something caught your eye, the last message.
"I'm changing my dream i wanna be the world best midfielder" being the good friend you are you supported his decision with open arms.
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It's been a few months almost a year by now, your relationship with him wasn't the same ever since that day. Rin was cold to you, not starting a conversation. he wasn't particularly rude just silent.
He was different as you kept noticing this you felt uneasy. You did try to ask him what happened yet he didn't answer, whenever you mention sae he just glared at you until you drop it.
That continued on... until he went to a facility called "blue lock" to be the best striker in Japan.
You couldn't able to contact him, you brush it off as he was probably busy. Being quite lonely you tried to reach sae but that ended in failure.
"(Reader) quick your going to be late!" said your mother as she got the keys of the car to tossed it to you.
You catch the keys "Ma, don't worry" you quickly replied getting your purse.
"Gosh (reader) you got the front seats by the itoshi family hurry up!"
"I know ma! I'm very excited" you responded as you exit the house and got in the car.
"Make sure to give me and your father some gifts!" you agreed and quickly drive to the location.
You arrived just in time to be able to buy some merch, looking around the area you find the perfect thing, a rin plushie and a sae jersey its was hella expensive, if you didn't get a discount you would have been on the headline being the poorest person in Japan.
wait what time is it...?
Oh I'm actually going to be late.
Wtf i sound so calm!?
You start walking faster and by pure luck manage to get to your seat in time (barely...), you look around to find the couple that bought the seats.
Fuck where are they?
What in the actual ass!?
As you were silently in the seat thinking they cancelled the purchase, you felt a beep inside your bag. You took your phone to check what's up with it
"Sorry (reader), we both had an emergency and have to tend to it, your own your own" text by Mrs. Itoshi
Well that's a relief...
I was about to dig a hole and burry myself
Time to enjoy the game!
Getting comfortable in your seat you remembered the jersey you bought, 'Might as well wear it' you slid inside the jersey as you waited for the match to start
You watch eagerly at the entrance of the field where the players will appear, As you see both teams emerge from the shadows. The crowd screams 'itoshi sae' as soon you he appeared. even some screaming a popular defender name 'Aiku'
Joining in the screaming you loudly yelled sae's name.
"Sae, don't disappoint me, give me a good match to watch!" repeating sae's name like a chant while smiling from ear to ear. You remembered to cheer for rin also.
Gathering all the air in your lungs to scream the hardest you can you wave your hand franticly, closing your eyes you gave your all in that scream.
"RINNIE-SANNNN WIN THE MATCH, DONT DISSAPOINT!!!" you thought you were about to pass out from how loud you cheer, but that was worth it since rin looked to your direction, you gave the biggest smile as you were still waving.
Little did you know rin was stabbing daggers at what you were wearing.
Sportscaster and football commentator start talking you fell back to your seat feeling tired. Paying your attention to the field.
(if you wanted me to explain the whole match i aint doing it but check the manga if you are interested)
The second half was over it was so intense you were dancing with excitement on how good the match was, sae's first goal to seishiro goal then the last goal of the fist half made by rin himself.
It was truly amazing first half, the blue lockers having a one point advantage against the the U20, as bought a soda from the soda boy cooling down before looking at the field, there's rin looking at you.
"Rinrin! congrats on that amazing goal you made!" you yelled giving a heart shape pose while sticking your tounge out.
Rin flip you off. that was unexpected...
"WHAT THE FUCK RIN!?" you yelled almost causing a commotion but thankfully you control your temper, you didn't wanna just do nothing so you double flip him.
He just stick his tongue out in response.
You calm yourself down and got your phone out to text sae, you pretty sure that it was allowed.
(Second half has ended)
Amazing those blue lockers won against the U20
the final score was 3-4 first goal was sae, then seishiro, then rin, next two goals were the pink demon the zesty one called shidou, finnaly was barou and the last goal was isagi. Screams of joy filled the stadium both with the winning players and the audience.
And there was Isagi's speech!
Overall if you had to rate the match it would be (your decision), you quickly got off your seat to meet with sae just he had planned.
Waiting outside the main gate you stayed there until sae arrived.
"Sae! over here" you called as sae start approaching you
"Ah hello (reader)-" "Wait is that my jersey?"
"Oh fuck i completely forgot that i was still wearing this..."
"you look adorable..."
"what was that"
"Wait can you sign this jersey"
"Sure" sae's ears start becoming pink
"Thank you, ilysm!"
"i love you too..."
"anyways bye! get some rest sae!" he nodded as you walk away.
That conversation you had with him was much more... something. But that was fine, he is probably tired from the match.
You went home since rin wasn't able to go home just yet and it was getting late, you arrived home and went to your feeling exhausted.
Its been a while just a week since the match, you have scheduled to meet in a private beach with rin and sae.
You manage to convince rin with some hesitation from his side surprisingly.
Meanwhile sae agreed with any hesitation now that really surprise you to the point you thought he was a doubleganger.
You awaited for their arrival but then you saw your reflection in the sea, your hair was very messy. So being a sane person you pull out your comb and brush your hair.
As you were about to finish the comb broke in two...
Sae came first with a bouquet of flowers and stand their Infront of you.
"(Reader) i love you, be mine" he said in the most deadpan tone you ever heard, you look closely at his expression you saw a faint blush.
What the actual fuck?
Is this a dream?
I need to wake the fuck up.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" you thought that was you but you notice that you didn't say anything.
You see rin approaching no... running towards your direction holding a teddy bear in his left hand and a heart shape container.
Before you knew it rin punched sae in his guts, that scene looks like it came from a romance movie.
Then sae punched back which you assume was for self-defense, the more they fought the more you panic trying to de-escalate the situation.
In a last ditch effort you screamed
"Stop it you guys, y'all are fighting like animals!" if they ignore this you might as well enjoy the drama, eat some popcorn and and sit down.
Rin came to his senses first and stop, apologizing to you. Sae glared at him, and was about to throw another punch. As you were about to get some popcorn to eat sae stop mid-punch.
"Okay what the actual fuck is going on with all of you!?" you yelled.
"because that idiot gave you a lukewarm confession when i was suppose to confess to you!" said rin
"The only lukewarm thing here was your goal and existence, annoying pest"
"Wait rin you were going to confess?"
"Yes (reader) are you going deaf from his confession already?"
"Can i hear it?" you asked
"Not infront of him!" yelled rin
"just damn do it rin" you responded
he paused blushing from embarrassment, lowering his head an holding his arms out with the gifts he brought.
"(reader) be at my side and watch me be the no 1. striker"
"Woah that was extremely lukewarm, rin"
"Oh shut the fuck up"
"So who do you choose?"
Gore, jjk reference, kidnapping, but don't worry you didn't die hopefully.
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Ending :1/4 you reject them both
"I'm sorry guys but I'm not choosing any of you..." you saw the hurt in their eyes, you watch how their heart was broken, but when you tried to apologize again they scream.
"Fucking get away (reader)" rin yelled
"You'll regret this" you felt the air tense up once sae told you this so you left the scene.
You live your life with the guilt of knowing you broke their hearts.
You entered a coffee shop to meet up with a old buddy you knew, before you knew it there was a sharp pain at your forehead then you passed out.
As you opened your eyes you felt a wet liquid dripping down, as you tried to wipe it you notice you couldn't move your hand freely.
"Whoops your already awake" you heard a voice speak up "I'll inform them"
"What the-"
You saw a few people entered as your vision start becoming clearer, the only people you recognize was the itoshis.
"I'll take the bottom part"
"We know, you ass lover"
'What are they talking about?'
"Oh (reader) only if you just accepted one of us" you saw him gave a cocky grin but instead of laughing you felt uneasy.
"Shut up, rin" Rin rolled his eyes at sae reponse.
"Don't worry (reader) the operation won't hurt" sae added
"Operation?" you asked still feeling the sharp pain.
"We're cutting you in half, ill have the upper part and that ass lover be having your bottom" rin answered putting his hand on his hip
"The actual hell?"
They ignored you and signal the other people to take you to a room, there in the room they made you drink a liquid and you soon passed
yes i was being lazy i want to be done
Fleeing Japan to go to Spain
Childhood friends to lovers, Popular x Normal.
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Ending 2/4 : You choose sae over rin.
"I choose you sae... I'm sorry rin"
"See rin you shouldn't have even tried, she always would choose me"
"I'm really sorry rin"
"Don't. be. (reader). i. fucking. hate. you. for. this."
You tried to apologize again but this time rin glared at you and you stop mid-way, "(reader) i have to go now." rin said as you throwed away the gifts he had in his hand to the trash.
You tried to get the gifts out of the trash but sae stop you, "(reader) those are dirty don't pick it up"
as you were about to argue with him that it's not that dirty anymore, you look at sae's eyes it was like the eyes of someone hopelessly inlove.
"I really do love (reader) im very grateful that you choose me... i will the best lover you'll ever have" you laugh at this and cup this face "Lets see Mr. prodigy~" you saw sae's face turned bright red and chuckle, sae hugged you .
"I wanna let you know a secret i always loved you from the start" you didn't know how to respond so you blush. "I love you" you nodded "I love you too Mr. Prodigy"
The moment you turned eighteen sae gave you the offer of flying to spain so you could both could live together at this luxurious penthouse. You gladly accepted because of the con's and since sae also offered to pay for your collage so you could achieve your dreams.
Be the no 1. lover
Brother's childhood friend, opposites attract.
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Ending 3/4 : you choose rin over sae
"...I choose you rin" you replied pointing at rin direction, rin quickly jumped towards you and hugged you tightly
"I promise to give you the VIP seats when i become the best in the world" rin replied almost suffocating you.
"Im sorry sae" you apologize to sae and he started approaching you handing the bouquet of flowers, "I'm done with Japan, i only stayed for this long so i could confess to you"
He told you as he started walking away with his hands in his pocket, you felt bad for rejecting him but you still have rin with you.
"I love you so much (reader) thank you for choosing me and not him" said rin as he kiss your forehead. "I love you for eternity" as he approach your lips. and gave you a kiss.
That surprise you and rin notices "Im sorry (reader) im just so happy" you smiled at this and gave him a small kiss at his cheek, that ended up with him blushing uncontrollably.
"I love you (reader)"
"Me too rin"
You both smiled dumbly and went to get some popsicle. Once the blue lock project started, you just watch him at the bllk tv and texting him or calling him daily he made sure that you felt loved. He was sure the best lover you had.
Why not have the best of two worlds?
Two lovers, harem? i have no idea what is this
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Ending 4/4 : you choose them both...
"uhm... i choose you both" they both stared at you in confusion, rin was the first to confirm what you just said, to his astonishment you didn't make a mistake of choosing.
"Well i call dibs on Sunday to Wednesday" said sae as rin glared at him, "I call dibs at the rest then." rin replied handing you the gifts he had bought to you.
"Your coming with me (reader) since it's Tuesday" sae said as he start dragging you to the local mall.
"Hey, that's not fair!" you heard rin yelled to sae but he didn't stop but just continued to drag you away from the beach.
And that's how your relationship with both itoshi brothers started, of course you manage to make a better way of dating each of them. But overall rin and sae were pretty much cool with eachother, no arguing, no drama, it was peaceful most of the time.
You will surely tell your future children how you met their fathers... You never felt neglected by them or make them feel neglected when you all were dating, even now you still look back in the past and wondered what will happen if you choose only one.
But you didn't think that deeply since you have two wonderful lovers by your side.
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Did i lose motivation every single day and wish to have a proper sleep schedule? yes i did. Did i wanted to delete the whole fanfic since i thought it was cringe? i was going too but i made too much progress ANYWAYSSS TYSM FOR READING THIS PIECE OF CRAP <3 AND STAY TUNED FOR THE HEADCANNOS The whole fic was uncannon and cannon randomly since i kept getting distracted by the manga! My sleep schedule is ass :D
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daltonsluvr · 1 year
pairing : jj maybank x female reader
warnings : underage drinking , swearing basically just a lot of fluff .
summary : three times where everyone can see how much you and jj like each other , and the moment where you finally confess .
note : this fic is set both before & during the events of season 1 , it’ll make slightly more sense when you read on . there are some plot inconsistencies , but let’s just ignore them for the purpose of this imagine .
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To say you loved the ocean was an understatement. It seemed often that you spent more time in the sea than on land, whether it be surfing, swimming or simply paddling in the shallow depths of the water. As a pogue, you’d grown up near the beach, wading into the cool water often as a child, longing to feel the waves against the ankles. And you were no different even now, years later.
All of the pogues knew of your love for the ocean, though perhaps none more than JJ Maybank. It was where you first met, after all, both of you surfing amongst the waves, unaware you were about to meet the person you’d call one of your best friends.
You were all by the ocean for a weekly beach day - a tradition which you had founded, naturally. Kiara was helping you make a rather elaborate looking sandcastle, while the boys were running out of the sea, hair dripping wet & holding their surfboards.
You looked down to focus on your sandcastle, but the feel of water dripping on your head made you look up, only to see a certain blonde smiling down on you.
“Come to the water with me?” JJ grinned at you, offering you a hand to help you get up.
Nodding, you accepted his hand, and he pulled you up. Hands still interlocked, you both ran to the water together, laughing as he tugged you along towards it.
The feel of the waves crashing over your feet relieved any stresses you had almost immediately, as did the feel of JJ’s hand still gripping yours. The two of you ran out further into the ocean, laughing with every step you took.
You eventually waded out far enough where the water just reached your waist. The sight mesmerised you: the waves gently washing over each other, the sun setting in the distance. It was all so beautiful.
And it just so happened that JJ thought the exact same thing, only about you. He had liked you for quite a while, though unlike his true JJ nature, he was scared to tell you. Perhaps he was scared of what you’d say in response, or maybe he just didn’t know how to express his emotions properly. Either why, he hadn’t told you about his feelings for you yet.
Though you were the only one who seemed to not notice. All of the other pogues - Kie, Pope & even the otherwise oblivious John B - knew of JJ’s liking for you, and they were ever so sure that you reciprocated his feelings.
“Just look at them!” Kie awed from her place on the towel, watching the two of you in the ocean as you splashed each other and tumbled into each other’s arms. “Aren’t they cute?”
“Has JJ really not told her yet?” Pope said, shaking his head as he leaned closer to see the two of you better.
“Put it this way. JJ’s not scared of shit, but he’s scared of telling her, and that says something.” John B shrugged, taking a swig from the bottle which he’d brought with him to the beach.
“Whatever, he’ll tell her soon, I’m telling you,” Kie shrugged her shoulders casually, still looking on at the two of you, rather like a proud mother. “I’d be willing to bet on it.”
“Wanna bet, then?” said John B with a smirk, extending his hand for Kiara to shake. “I say he won’t confess for a year, you say he will. Winner gets $20.”
“You’re on.” smiled Kiara, taking his hand as all three of the pogues looked back at the sea at you both, just in time to notice the grins playing on your faces as you ran back to land, your arms tightly around JJ’s neck as he carried you, the two of you looking as happy as could be.
“Stay still, it’ll sting more if you move.” you said quietly, holding a wet rag to the side of JJ’s head, which had a cut along it. Presumably from his father, though you knew better than to talk to him about his dad. You were sitting on the couch arm while JJ sat on the cushioned part, the two of you sitting close together while you helped clean his wound.
“It hurts like shit,” JJ whinged, though you paid him no attention. You both knew that the only way he’d recover is if you continued cleaning up the cut before it got infected, no matter how small it could be considered to be.
“It’ll take a minute longer, and then it’s done,” you hummed, removing the cloth to examine the cut closer. You reached for a bandage to put on the cut, and you watched as JJ winced as it was put on. “There, finished.”
JJ stood up to take a look at the cut in the mirror, only to see it bandaged up. He smiled at his reflection, before turning to you. “Thanks, really. You’re a lifesaver.”
“Not really,” you shot him a smile back, getting up to put the rag away. “I just helped-”
You were cut off by a JJ shaped figure wrapping his arms around you and lifting you up, your feet leaving the floor.
“JJ!” you said, grinning as he twirled you around humorously, the pair of you laughing as the room became dizzier around you, and as your cheeks flushed pink ( both from the adrenaline and being in each other’s arms ), you realised just how much you liked JJ, genuinely.
And it seemed someone else was realising as well. Sarah Cameron was sat outside, shades perched on the top of her head, watching through the window with the rest of the pogues at the two of you, the grins on your face visible even through the distorted view.
“So are they-?” she asked, looking at the people around her. It was her first time meeting the pogues, and though they didn’t exactly meet eye to eye, they had at least one thing in common: they were all far too invested in the story that was yours and JJ’s love lives.
“Not yet,” Pope said, joining her to look at you both. “But we think pretty soon they will be.”
“They aren’t?” Sarah raised her eyebrows, turning to look at the pogues, who all nodded exasperatedly. She turned back, shaking her head. “Dear lord, you pogues are clearly as oblivious as you look.”
The only reason you were all dressed up that evening was because Kiara insisted that you had to come, or she would not attend. And so her parents ( rather unwillingly ) allowed their daughter to let her best friend come with her to the highly anticipated Midsummer’s Ball.
Kie had let you borrow one of her gowns, because you owned only one dress, and your cat had ripped the hem of it. It was light green and looked almost identical to her own, but you wore a simple green headband with yours as opposed to a flower crown.
You knew that JJ and Pope would also be at the ball, in a secret mission that the rest of you pogues had crafted out. Which is why you kept a look at the door no matter who you were talking to, perhaps hoping that you would see him walk through at any moment.
Kiara had left you alone to go and talk to her parents, and so you were by yourself, stuck on the outskirts of the dance floor with no one to talk to. You didn’t mind too much; you certainly didn’t want to talk to any fascist kooks, anyway.
“How the fuck are you here?” you heard a voice from behind you, and you turned around to see Rafe Cameron, kook royalty, standing beside you, drink in hand as he looked sceptically at you. “You’re no kook.”
“Guest of the Carreras,” you shrugged nonchalantly, turning you attention away from and back to the dance floor, not bothered to see his reaction.
“Yeah, well where’s your boyfriend at? You know, the one you’re never seen without?”
“Who- JJ?” you turned back around to look at him. Rafe was smirking: he’d clearly said it to get a reaction out of you. You mentally kicked yourself for letting him get to you. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Well, it’s you who made that assumption, not me,” Rafe raised his hands up in surrender, and winked at you, before walking away. You simply rolled your eyes. It was just Rafe being Rafe, right?
No more than ten minutes later, you spotted JJ with Rafe and his cronies. So that’s why Rafe had made that comment. Go figure.
You saw JJ run out, and you watched as he looked at you, indicating for you to join him. You looked at Kie, who nodded at you, before the two of you ran out after them. Kiara ran to Pope and you ran to JJ, his arms lifting you up as you reached him, laughing along with you.
“You look beau- nice. Really nice,” JJ said, almost as a throwaway comment, though you took it as something more.
“Thank you,” you smiled, trying to shrug off the heat that started to climb up your cheeks. “You do as well, the waistcoat suits you.”
“Oh really? You like my waiter disguise?” And just like that anything Rafe had said before was forgotten, the two of you were back to joking together as you normally would. But when you turned around to see Rafe mouthing ‘Told you’, you couldn’t help but wonder if he was right about your feelings for each other.
The bonfire light flickered on both of your skins as the two of you sat by the fire, close together, but not touching each other just yet.
You both kept sending looks at each other: little glances that could easily be misinterpreted as friendly looks, though you both knew now it was something more. You were ever so sure.
“Why’d you keep looking at me like that?” you asked him suddenly, breaking the silence between the two of you. If you didn’t have alcohol in your system, you may never have had the courage to ask him, but you were fed up of unanswered questions.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean,” you were being bolder than usual, more abrasive, but you had to know if it was reciprocated.
“Well that’s where you’re wrong, because I don’t,” he said. He was being annoying, you were sure of it, having known him for so long.
“Quit playing, Maybank. What’s going on between us? Are we friends or are we more?”
Silence. No response. Your worst fears true, you looked in his eyes for an answer, but you got nothing. Then, you felt the space between you close. His lips on yours, you feel your breath hitch in your throat.
It was unexpected, but a good surprise, nonetheless. His lips felt soft; warm in comparison to your rather cold ones, and it felt nice. You had kissed boys before, though those kisses never mattered. This one did, this one felt right.
When you parted, you couldn’t help but laugh with him, at both of your obliviousnesses and at the fact that your first kiss was unexpected for at least one of you.
“More. Definitely more,” he laughed again, a warmth in his voice. His arm was now wrapped around your shoulder, and the two of you huddled closer together, as if the warmth exuded from the fire wouldn’t reach the both of you unless you were together. And as you looked around you, at the beach and more importantly at him, you were happy.
And if you had thought to look further into the distance behind the two of you, you would’ve seen a rather smug looking Kiara being handed $20 by John B, who couldn’t seem to care less about losing the money.
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ms-cartoon · 16 days
I found some Hazbin Hotel Season 2 information and I'm NOT excited for this season? (Don't know if it's official or if they'll stick to it.)
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• There’s an unexpected surprise about Alastor’s backstory (New)
I'm pretty sure that whatever it is, it's not gonna surprise me at all, but you can try.
• Vox is a very big antagonist
Like he should've been in the first season instead of the angels?
• The season will consist of 8 episodes
That's just another way of saying this season is gonna be rushed and crammed as hell.
• Sir Pentious will be an important character
Why?? Cuz he turned into an angel after he died?? They already rushed those two scenes of him dying and being resurrected. I doubt he'll be that important.
• Voice recording for the season has wrapped
Not that I wanna bother watching, but let's hope the dialogue won't be cringe (I'm already jinxing this am I?)
• The season will have more songs than Season 1
VIV PLEASE!!! That is the last thing I want!! Some of the songs are okay, but the way I see it, they do a lot more storytelling than the show itself. We do not need so many songs in an 8 episode season!
• First animatic clip featuring Baxter was released
Yeah I know . . . It was fine.
• Charlie and Vaggie will have their own “sexy life”
Oh no .. . .Vivziepop, Adam, PLEASE! DO NOT ruin the only decent ship in this goddamned show!!
• There will be more of Rosie with the other Overlords
What could Rosie or the overlords have anything to do with the story at this point? Like what is their purpose? I don't think there was even a point in them being the center of that ONE episode. And even if there was a purpose, their scene was so rushed in, I didn't have time to care.
• The season will be bigger and there will be a lot more action
Bigger how? You just said there will be 8 eps.
I bet there's more action than the story right?
• There will be a “fun, sexy song” between Charlie and Vaggie
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• More time will be spent in Heaven compared to Season 1
• Alastor’s backstory will be touched upon, but won’t be the main focus
I feel like it should be. Why even bring it up if it's not that important?
• The wait won’t be as long as it took between the release of the pilot and Season 1
Trust me, I'm not waiting.
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year
Ready & Eager
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Summary: Jake finally has the honor of making out with you. He's excited. A little too excited. Part of the Parking Spots Universe but can be read alone!
Warnings: dry humping, Jake being a simp for mean women, Faceless OC so y'all can imagine yourself as her, some light smut. If you don't know what Polly Pockets are, GTFO.
This is dedicated to @dissonannce, who put this thot in my head many moons ago and it has not left my mind since! <3
Jake Seresin knows a thing or two about luck.
Like how it only plays a small part in most things. Personally, Jake believes luck accounts for maybe ten percent of it. The rest is all skill and effort. That's how he became the only pilot in his generation with two confirmed air kills. 
And yet, Jake can't help but feel pretty damn lucky that the woman of his dreams is currently in his lap, kissing him.
Tonight had already been perfect. They had gone on a date. It wasn't the first time he had gone on a date with her, but it was the first time Venus had acknowledged it as one. Not a parking lesson, a date.
It was a big deal, huge. To say Jake was nervous was an understatement.
To say he was excited? Even moreso.
Her touch was electric, sending sparks throughout his body.  The scent of cocoa that lingered on her soft skin was intoxicating, now all consuming. What had begun as soft, feathery kisses had developed into something more heated. 
It was sweet, downright adorable how she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, barely able to look at Jake when he walked her to her door. 
"I shouldn't be nervous," the goddess chuckled, "Considering you have no issue barging into my apartment." 
The chuckle Jake had let out was supposed to be smooth. Supposed to be. 
Instead, it was nervous, shakey. He was thankful that he hadn't yet fallen to his knees in front of his beloved Venus. 
"You were sick," He smiled, his face burning up. 
"So does that mean you'll at least wait until I invite you in this time?" A sly smile adorn her gorgeous features, a gleam of mischievousness illuminating her eyes. 
"I can wait as long as you need me to, V." If she was blushing, Jake couldn't tell due to her sun kissed skin. 
A giggle slipped past her lips as she stepped inside the door, "Well? You coming or not, Lieutenant?" 
Jake could only choke out a strained yes, too caught up in how her voice was sweeter than honey when she said his title correctly for the first time since that fateful meeting in that parking lot. 
The two had all but stumbled to the couch, too caught up in discovering how exhilarating, how downright euphoric it was to kiss one another. 
He lost track of how long they had spent on the couch, tomorrow morning's briefing meeting be damned. Jake was positive, no- he knew he would be content staying here, his body melding with hers. 
She lowered her hips ever so slightly. Such a subtle movement and yet it nearly sent Jake over the edge.
God knows how many times he thought about this-his lips capturing hers in a bruising kiss, his hands exploring her soft curves.
Jake had lost track of how many times he came while imagining this-how her breasts would feel pushed against his chest, his hands finally having the privilege to grip the soft flesh of her ass, her lips nipping along his neck, her hands gripping his hair- 
Fuck, he was hard. Painfully so. 
In the back of Jake's mind, a voice was screaming to slow down. But his hips continued to jerk up, desperate to meet hers, desperate to feel more of her. 
So instead of slowing down, he continued, his lips trying to find hers amidst the fainting light of the sunset. His whole body was buzzing from the sensation of her touch. 
A honeyed laugh, low yet sweet, dripped from her mouth, "Someone's impatient." 
"Been wanting to do this ever since I met ya in that parking lot V," a southern drawl laced his low voice, sending a shiver up her spine. 
"I like when you call me that," her lips were now pressed against his neck, leaving gentle pecks in between her words. 
"Yeah?" Jake smirked upon hearing her soft gasp when his hands gripped the soft flesh of her ass. 
"Yeah," her confidence was returning. They had a give and take with one another. Each able to finally feel safe, feel vulnerable, knowing the other would be there, ready to reassure them. 
Her fingers reached towards his collarbone, fisting the dog tags he wore. With a single tug, she was able to direct his lips back to hers. 
It was the hottest thing Jake had experienced. 
With her free hand, she grabbed one of Jake's, bringing it to one of her breasts. Even just feeling it through the fabric of her dress was enough to send Jake's head spinning. 
He could feel his cock straining against his jeans. The pleasure wasn't building up, instead it felt like a volcano, ready to erupt at any time. 
The sudden jerk of his hips had thrown her off, albeit briefly. She was fully ready to write it off as twitch and continue making out with the Adonis that was underneath her (not that she'd ever say that to his face, he didn't need another ego boost). 
But then his hips kept jerking upwards, almost uncontrollably. And then she heard him moan, low and strained. 
"Fuck, Venus." 
It wasn't her first time. Venus knew when a guy had come, and she should have recognized the tall tale signs that Jake was close. 
But how could she focus on anything other than his stupid dog tags, or his stupidly soft hair that was so easy to just grab, or the scent of his cologne that she knew he spent way too much money on? 
So instead the two just sat there, seemingly frozen. Quite frankly, Venus was racking her brain as to how to not ask what had happened so bluntly, whereas Jake was trying to will the floor to open up and swallow him whole. 
"Did…did you um-" 
"I am so sorry. I swear that hasn't happened since like, eighth grade." 
Jake continues to ramble, oblivious to the fact that she stopped listening after he confirmed that she made him cum in his pants just from kissing him. 
"Again, I'm really sorry, this has never happened before. You're just really pretty and kissing you felt really fucking good, I can go home if you-" 
"Why are you apologizing, that was fucking hot." 
Jake's teeth sunk into his bottom lip, fighting back a strained groan, his sensitive cock twitching from her words. 
She grinned, shifting her hips towards his again, "Yes really. And unless you're a 'one and done' kind of man, I'd like to continue." 
Jake scoffed, "Sweetheart, 'one and done' ain't my style." 
Venus simply smirked, "Oh yeah? Then what is your style? And does it have anything to do with that callsign of yours?"
Being egged on by her was more fun now that they were dating. Jake smirked at the shriek she let out when he picked her up, placing her on the couch. 
"Seresin, what are you-" Her sentence was cut off by Jake's teeth sinking into the soft flesh of her thighs. His hands made quick work of finding the waistband of her panties and pulling them down her legs. 
"My style is 'I can go all night' with a side of 'I like to keep my mouth busy'," the wink he gave her was beyond cheesy. Her eye roll confirmed it, though it didn’t deter Jake. Not when he could see the corners of her mouth forming a small smile. 
"Anyone ever told you that you're super corny Seresin?" Despite her words. adoration shined in her eyes. 
"Just you," Jake simply shrugged as he made himself comfortable in between her legs. 
"Really? Whatshisface hasn't ever told you th-fuck!" She threw her head back the second Jake's tongue found her soaked folds. 
"What was that darling?" Jake asked with a grin that could only be described as devilish. 
"Get back here you little shit," her hands gripped his blonde locks, tugging them in her desired direction.
Jake chuckled before pressing a kiss to the inside of her thighs, "Don't have to tell me twice Venus."
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alchemistc · 2 months
goon | bucktommy | chapter three
check out the hockey glossary here (updated for chapter two)
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two
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read Chapter Three on ao3
Tommy's got a plan for the break. It's the same plan as he has every year: spend six days losing every bit of conditioning he's managed to gain over the course of the season by slowly becoming one with his couch, catch up on all the shitty shows he's been neglecting, eat his weight in potato chips and ice cream. Then he'll have one day before practice starts up again where he does weight training so long he wants to throw up, and back to the grind. The usual.
He gets the text as he's rebuilding his nest on the couch, three quarters of the way through day three, and for a long long moment he considers ignoring it.
His phone vibrates on the table again, and Tommy stares apologetically at the movie already queued up to play.
Drinks at Rare Bird tonight. says the text from Chimney, and then, below it, See you at eight. Love Actually can wait
Not a question mark to be found, and he's about to point that out when another text comes in, this time from Ravi.
You have to come tonight
No additional context, again. He's - not exactly unfamiliar with becoming the anchor for an anxious kid trying to find his place - a little mentorship, a little wing-manning, a lot like the guy who'll sit there and just be steady and quiet when someone is overwhelmed and needs a focus point. Panikkar is calm on the surface and an absolute nightmare right under it, a stunning swan with little webbed feet kicking up a storm underneath where all his vulnerabilities are laid bare. Tommy's used to cracking a terrible joke just to force someone so breathless with laughter they forget they'd been holding it, and he's used to that person immediately finding themselves at ease around him.
He has no fucking clue how the front office had known to look for someone to fill that role on the team, but it's become very clear over the course of the last month or so that this in one of the hand-wavey intangibles he's been brought in for.
And Greenway getting traded two days before the All-Star break had fundamentally changed something in the locker room.
There’s always a clique situation in a league like this — D-Pairs like Buckley and Diaz spending so much time together they have their own language that’s incomprehensible to anyone who hasn’t known them as long as they’ve known each other; stars like McKinley and all the guys he’s convinced the front office to sign because he can make them fit the play style they’re going for; the group of guys that jump between third and fourth lines with their heads on a swivel for the first opportunity to take a stab at more minutes; the boys living in their buddies basement apartment and the ones who own a McMansion somewhere in a gated community half an hour away from the rink.
Greenway had made the cliques circle in, shore up for the storm. And Tommy’s an easy-going guy, gets along well with everyone, but — something had lifted, the day they got the news, some tension easing, the groups getting a little less exclusive even just in the single game they’d played after he was gone. There’s no one for Tommy to say “I told you so” to, but he’d patted himself on the back for knowing it, anyway.
Tommy's trying to convince himself not to cave to Ravi and Chim when another text comes in, this one from Diaz.
We're taking bets on which turn Buck's gonna eat shit on this year, you in?
Christ, they live eat and breathe the game.
Tommy's not any better.
Twenty bucks says he beefs it on the third turn, Tommy sends back, before turning off the television and heading towards the shower.
There’s a certain artistry to meeting up for drinks with teammates. The dynamics of running into fans has changed, over the years. The social media boom had made it a nightmare for a few years, and Tommy’d spent about five of them walking and talking the faces of the league through panic attacks and generalized anxiety like he was a damn therapist, before he’d discovered that just telling them to go to fucking therapy was enough.
He’d seen a switch after finally escaping the Edmonton bubble, in a world that had spent eight months dialed in to social issues and gained a startling awareness of personal space, so it was a little easier, now, to roll into a bar and meet up with three or four guys without crowds of people demanding selfies. Tommy wasn’t likely to be on anyone’s radar, but he tended to be noticed out in public when he was out with everyone’s favorite.
Today he rolls up with Eddie Diaz in the passenger seat of his truck and hands his keys to the valet. The kid is still sporting a face full of acne, a foot shorter than Tommy and eyeing Diaz curiously as he swivels out of his seat, and Tommy has a moment where he’s sure the kid is gonna forget himself and gush about everyone’s second-favorite d-man in this town, but when his eyes go wide his gaze flicks from Diaz back to Tommy, and Tommy feels completely out of his depth.
“I — sorry, this is so rude, dude, but — you’re my sisters favorite player, man. She’s like, obsessed with you.”
Tommy’s brows go up, and he can feel Eddie’s eyes on the back of his neck as he points at his own chest. “Me?”
“Yeah, man — I mean she sorta hated you when you were with the Kings, but in a weird, like, ero —.” He pauses, and Tommy is grateful for the both of them. “Anyway. She was super excited when we signed you. We were at the St. Louis game. Fucking epic, man.”
Tommy — flounders. It’s been years since he’s gotten anything more than a look of recognition and a glance behind him to see if anyone else has tagged along with him. When Diaz rounds the hood of the truck and smacks a hand firmly down on Tommy’s shoulder, the kid smiles and redirects his gaze straight to Tommy. Which is weird as fuck. What the hell is in the water in this state?
“Thanks,” Tommy says, and Eddie grins charmingly at the kid.
“That’s Kinard, for you. Fuckin’ epic.”
The kid does something complicated with his face, like he’s realized some sort of gaffe, and turns an apologetic look on Eddie. “You’re also, like — I mean you’re great, Mr. Diaz.”
Tommy can’t hide the snort that escapes when Diaz’s face twitches, like he’s trying his very hardest not to react to the name. The kid looks like he’d like the ground to open him up and swallow him whole, so Tommy reaches into his back pocket, pulls a twenty from his wallet, and slaps it in the kids hand before he can say anything else. “Just in case your shift ends before we’re back,” he says, when the kid opens his mouth like he’s going to protest, and Tommy makes a mental note to ask the manager for his name, maybe send the kid a couple tickets to their next home game. Not that the seats need filling, in Denver, but — yeah, he’s a little flattered and it’s always fun to make someone’s day with shit like that.
Tommy shoots the kid finger guns as they say their goodbyes, about half to make the kid feel less self-conscious and half because he’s never been able to break the habit when he’s feeling a little overwhelmed himself. “Tell your sister I said hi,” Tommy says, and it’s Eddie’s turn to snort as they swing through the doors in search of the rest of their party.
Ravi’s hands go up the moment he spots them being led through the crowd by the hostess, and he does a celebratory little dance in his seat before he seems to realize his fingers are covered in nacho cheese. Chimney rolls his eyes from Ravi’s left as he reaches for one of the linen napkins on the table, and the woman sitting next to Chimney smiles.
He’d forgotten Chimney was engaged. The last time he’d spent any length of time with Chim, he’d been seeing a girl who didn’t know a single true thing about him.
She’s pretty — long dark hair and deep brown eyes, a quirk to her lips as she smiles at him that feels vaguely familiar, though he can’t quite place it. When he leans in to shake her hand, she introduces herself as Maddie Buckley.
Which he’d known, in the abstract. Of course he’d known, he’s heard Chim and Buck chirping at each other good naturedly for weeks now, really leaning into the idea that they’re soon to be brothers.
She tilts her head to the side, eyes on him as he settles in next to Ravi, Eddie pulling out the chair to his left, and Tommy recognizes that mannerism too — sitting in the locker room after optionals, Buckley already done with his after-practice workout and parked on the bench a few feet away from Tommy (who’d spent the same half hour on the ice taking passes on the move, trying like hell to find a rhythm that could help him keep up with Panikkar) plying him for stories about the year he’d played for the Hershey Bears.
They’re well situated to watch the skills competition, tucked into a corner with a television hanging overhead in every direction, all of them tuned into the pre-show, and as a server comes by to grab their drink orders Tommy stares around the table at the piles and piles of starters laid out and covering most of the available surface area. Chimney clocks his raised brow.
“Listen, there are only so many times a year I’m not under constant threat of death and dismemberment from my future brother-in-law if I so much as think of junk food. Ravi and I are going to enjoy this while we can.”
Maddie tsks. “He’s not that bad,” she intones, although she’s smiling like she’s conjuring a fond memory of her brother being an absolute terror. And it’s not that he hasn’t heard these stories before — Buckley’s sort of renowned for the health-nut thing around the league — but Tommy had also downed three cream cheese pastries with his coffee on the walk back to their hotel rooms, back in Utah, and Buckley hadn’t said a word.
“It’s the silent judging that really gets to you,” Eddie throws in, head tilted up towards one of the TV’s, where they’re showing highlights from the last few All Star competitions.
“He’s never silently judged me in his life,” Ravi contradicts, digging deep into the nachos in search of the strip of chicken buried under the pile. “He’s very loud about it. Whoever gave that man an iPad and Karen Wilson’s spreadsheets should be drawn and quartered.”
“Oooh, are we talking shit about Buckley?” comes a voice from his left, and Lucy Donato sneaks past him to snag a chip from Ravi’s plate.
Donato is technically the most decorated athlete of the lot of them — three golds and a bronze in women’s hockey, Tommy doesn’t have a fucking clue why she’s been an equipment manager for the team for going on four years now but the team loves her, and she seems to enjoy the work. Maybe it’s the roar of the crowd, maybe it’s the camaraderie, maybe the fact that she’d grown up with four brothers factors into it and she’s just happy to have that lovingly antagonistic relationship with the boys again.
“Is this is a safe space to remind everyone that it is not my fault Taylor Kelly wrote that tell-all article for the Athletic?”
At Tommy’s side, Eddie makes a face. “We don’t have to talk about her.”
He’s used to being a little out of the loop, when it comes to the intricacies of team dynamics — every team has groupings of people who live in each others pockets for eight to ten months out of the year, and know a little too much about one another. Tommy’s used to being a witness to it from the outside, to being the aloof mysterious one someone is always bound and determined to crack.
“We could talk about Marisol, if you want,” Lucy says, licking cheese off her finger as she settles into the seat to Ravi’s right, and Eddie shoots her a warning look. “How about Kim?”
“Okay,” Chim interrupts when Eddie opens his mouth to retort. “Hen’s late, but we are still taking bets. Tommy’s got the third turn, my lovely future wife and Eddie are both naïve optimists who think he’s going to learn from last years embarrassment and make it all the way to the end without letting the pressure get to him, I’m going first turn when he tries to build momentum. Ravi, Donato?”
Tommy lets the conversation wash over him. When his drink comes, he doesn’t even get a chance to sip at it before Donato is leaning over the table to steal his spear of cherries. Hen gives the bar-food laden table a raised brow when she arrives with her wife and jumps right into giving Panikkar shit about the condo he’s trying to purchase in one of the nearly-gentrified neighborhoods downtown. When the pre-show ends fifteen minutes later they all turn their attention to the televisions overhead, and Tommy sips at his Old Fashioned, wishing he’d ordered a beer instead.
There’s an element to nights like these that always make Tommy a little wistful. There’s so much history between them all, so much love. Tommy’s not lacking for friends, but he’s never really been a part of something like this. Like family.
When the server comes around to check in about another round, Tommy asks for the beer menu and orders himself an IPA. Anything to keep him from getting too loose-lipped as they cheer on Buckley and McKinley in their skills events.
Buckley eats shit around the third turn in the speed skate, and in his pocket Tommy’s phone buzzes with Venmo notifications as rest of the table grumbles and pays up.
He’s halfway through his second beer, two rounds into the precision shot competition, when Donato rounds on him.
“So. Kinard.”
Her gaze is assessing, like she’s trying to pin him down, and Tommy has played this game for too many years to do anything but take a steady sip of his beer. “Thoughts on upcoming theme nights?”
Tommy doesn’t particularly pay attention to those. After the shitstorm of the commissioner banning Pride gear, confirming to Tommy that he’d been right, all those years ago, to lean into the toxicity, he’d stopped caring what sweater the equipment team left in his locker for warmups and just tried his best to keep his head down. He spends a long moment holding eye contact, unsure what exactly the line of questioning is about, before Eddie chimes in on his left.
“You do this every time,” he says, finger out, head tipped warningly, and Lucy shrugs, arms up in a gesture of surrender.
“Just trying to take the pulse of things, Jesus. I’m the one that has to deal with it if one of you fucknuts gets too enthusiastic and tapes his stick up in rainbow colors and he throws a tantrum about it.”
Hen and Karen both swivel their eyes to meet his, and the table goes uncomfortably still. He’d been leaning into the misogyny, the last time he’d played for a team Hen worked for, and he’s still not sure if she’d ever noticed how lackluster the comments had been, how close he’d been to finally breaking free of a truly mindbogglingly shitty coaching staff. They’d ended on friendly terms, but other than a few polite questions about her wife, they’ve never really talked about any of that.
Maddie, shockingly, is the one who breaks through the tension. “You went to the Pride parade in Nashville last summer, didn’t you? Buck always makes a note of the guys that do.”
He’d been terrified out of his fucking mind that someone would come to the outlandish (correct) conclusion that he was there as more than an ally, but Tommy didn’t shit where he ate, and Josi drew plenty more attention than he did, anyway.
Tommy nods. “I can tape my own stick and everything,” he says to Donato, brow raised, and she just nods back, apparently satisfied. It’s a relief, even if Karen Wilson has a curious eye on the finger he’s been nervously tapping against his beer since the original question had been posed. He keeps up the tapping for a few more beats.
“Always good to have another ally in the mix,” Hen says, doing something under the table that makes Karen glance away, and Tommy shifts the nerves into pressing his heel firmly into the floor beneath him. He feels like they’re all talking in riddles, trying to piece him together with faulty information, and for a moment, in this little bubble with people who seem to genuinely care for each other, he thinks it’d be easy to just let the cat out of the bag, say the words he’s had on the tip of his tongue for a decade, and in his heart for at least three.
Beside him, Eddie takes another pull off his beer, leans in to Tommy’s side. “Come watch the game at my place tomorrow? Just me and Chris, the rest of these idiots are doing brunch before coaches shindig.”
Tommy sort of desperately wants to tell him that he has a date with his television that he’s already skipped once, but — well, he likes Eddie, and it’d be nice to finally meet his kid. “Will Christopher snitch on us if I bring pizza?”
Eddie grins. “He absolutely will, but Buck’s wrath isn’t enough to stop me. Is it enough to stop you?”
Possibly, Tommy thinks, but instead of admitting that he just asks Eddie to text him his son’s toppings preferences.
On the bedside table, his phone lights up, and Tommy turns to grab it, keying in his passcode and frowning at the name on his notifications.
He swipes into his messages and stares at the text for a long, long minute.
Tommy’s never actually come out to anyone in his life. Never said the words, never had them asked — but there are a few people that have figured it out on their own, a few people who have done the work of supporting him while keeping it under wraps.
Sid’s sent him a picture. Not the usual one where it’s mostly his ass in a mirror followed by the number of squats he’s been doing daily. This is a terrible quality photo, shitty lighting in a dark bar, half the screen taken over by a hairy arm because of the angle the camera is tipped at. It’s four in the morning in Tampa, and Sidney motherfucking Crosby has just sent him a selfie of himself with his arm tossed over Evan Buckley’s shoulders.
Both of them are grinning, faces cast in shadow, eyes towards the camera, and Tommy taps into the picture so he can zoom in, stare at the smile lines around his eyes, the edges of a grin — Sid’s smug look like he knows exactly what Tommy had been thinking when he’d asked him to reach out to Buck.
He stares at it until another text comes in.
You should reconsider how off-limits this one is, he won’t shut up about you. Your name has lost all meaning to me.
Tommy swallows. Breathes through his nose, in-out-in-out. Slides his gaze back to the wide smile and rosy cheeks of Evan Buckley, one more time.
Go to bed, old man, he shoots back and closes out the thread.
He stares at the background on his phone: the crest of the hiking trail he’d found, two weeks ago, on a recommendation from Diaz, which he’d hit right at sunset, pinks and oranges and purples bleeding in to the chilly grey-blue sky.
His phone buzzes with another notification, this time from Buck. Tommy considers ignoring it, letting it sit unread at the very least until the morning. His phone buzzes a second time, and then a third.
The first is another picture — better angle, better lighting, better quality in general, exact same pose, including Sid’s knowing eyebrow and the soft sparkle of Buck’s eyes.
You can fly a helicopter? the first text reads, and then, all caps, YOU FLEW CROSBY IN A HELICOPTER ONCE????
Like an idiot, Tommy taps into the picture, presses down, saves it to his phone, and flips back into the thread just in time for another text.
You bet on me falling :(
You WON on me falling :( :(
He should absolutely put his phone down and go the fuck to sleep, but on the off chance that Buckley is stlll hanging out with Crosby, he doesn’t want to ignore Buck. That’d just be rude.
Used the winnings to buy a kid and his sister a suite for the next home game, he shoots back, and ignores the little thrill that shoots down his spine when three dots immediately appear right beneath his text.
That’s annoyingly sweet
Tommy breathes deep. Four-o-nine AM in Tampa. They’ve got a game that starts in less than twelve hours, there. He sends back: Selfish. The sister is apparently my biggest fan.
I’M your biggest fan, comes the text, followed by typing dots. They disappear, then reappear, then disappear again. Tommy doesn’t mean to time it, but thirty seven seconds later they appear again.
Let me know where they’re sitting. I’ll have someone send them your sweater.
You wanna sign it first?
Tommy takes a deep breath, and presses the call button.
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thankskenpenders · 1 year
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So I wrote a whole long thing about Amy's tarot cards, but what about, you know... the rest of the Sonic Frontiers DLC? The new alternate story route, the hours of new gameplay, all that?
Having now played it, I'm not sure Sonic has ever had this specific combination of good ideas that make the future of the series look bright, and execution that I fucking hate.
(Full spoilers ahead.)
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The good
There's a lot to like here, conceptually.
First and foremost, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are finally playable in a new mainline 3D Sonic game for the first time since 2006! Seventeen years! We've been begging for this for so very, very long. Nature is finally truly healing from the fallout of Sonic '06. Early on I hedged my bets and expected them to be locked to Cyber Space or something like that, assuming that there was no way they'd be fully playable in the Open Zone. But sure enough, while they're a bit limited compared to Sonic, they're still all full-blown characters with skill trees to unlock and lots of exploration to do.
We also got a more bombastic alternate final boss fight, after the first take on The End kind of underwhelmed. And it's obvious that Sonic Team has listened to our pleas to focus on the 3D platforming over the forced 2D sections, and to reduce the amount of automation in the level design. This update is chock full of Actual Platforming. Wow! I can only pray this means we never get an area as agonizing to explore as Chaos Island again.
Sure, there's still some jank - especially with Knuckles' movement, which is kinda rough. But if this is the stuff they're trying out so that they can refine it further for the next game, then I'm really excited.
On the other hand, good fucking lord is The Final Horizon tedious. And that tedium sapped most of the fun out of it for me.
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The frustrating
The new scenario massively increases the difficulty over the base game, seemingly out of a desire to give the hardcore players who were posting speedrun videos and whatnot more of a challenge. It's the Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels of Sonic. This difficulty comes in many forms throughout your playtime, some worse than others, and continues to ramp up over time.
Rather than giving you a tutorial level, the new scenario dumps you directly into a remixed version of the final island and makes you do some fairly precise platforming with Amy, Knuckles, and Tails - new characters with new movesets that you won't have any experience with. You'll also need to find character-specific Koco that give you free levels, because Sonic's friends all start at level one and certain locked moves in their skill trees will be mandatory to progress. They don't even have Cyloop unlocked at the start. And because they're all low level, that means you'd better steer clear of the beefed-up bosses scattered around the map, which will absolutely annihilate Sonic's friends. (I honestly just avoided them and never bothered beating any of them, not even with my high-level Sonic. I have no idea if they're beatable with the others.)
None of this is explained to you particularly well. I spent my first few minutes with Amy wondering why the attack button did nothing, only to eventually think to check her skill tree and realize that I had to unlock her basic attack. If you don't bother to take the time to read through the skill trees, you'll very quickly find obstacles you have no way of getting past with no clues as to what exactly you're supposed to do.
Adding to this confusion is the fact that objective markers often tell you to go half a kilometer into the sky, and you'll have no idea how to get up there because all of the relevant platforms are out of your draw distance. Many objects seem to only pop in for me when I'm within about 60 meters of them, which isn't a long distance for a high-speed open world platformer like this. I was having this problem running the game with high graphics on PC, so I can only imagine how obnoxious it is on Switch. I'd frequently find myself poking around nearby clusters of platforming objects and praying that they'd lead me to a spring, rail, or cannon that would eventually point me in the direction of the floating objective marker.
There were always complaints about the art direction in Frontiers and the way it relies on floating rails and prefab platforms that are visually disconnected from the natural scenery of the islands, but it's even more dire here. The new platforming sections are dense and complex, but they seemingly didn't have the budget to change the topography of Ouranos Island at all, so it all takes the form of these prefabs. It very strongly gives the vibe of a Forge creation in Halo 3, back when there were no blank canvas maps and people just had to make "new maps" by jamming a bunch of shipping containers and barricades together in the sky above one of the default arenas.
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I was still more or less having fun, though, despite the jank. It's a big creative swing, I told myself! They're trying stuff out! They're experimenting!
And then I hit the towers.
The towers are agonizing because they're SO close to being great. The logical part of my brain understands why some people love them, but god, I just fucking hate them. The platforming there IS cool! These layouts are cool! The individual challenges along the way are a bit tough, but totally doable. You know what's not cool? Making one mistake and slowly falling 800 meters all the way back down to the ground, forcing you to start over. Because none of these towers have checkpoints. For me, this one decision transforms what should have been a fun set of platforming challenges into a massive, unfun difficulty spike.
I enjoy some masocore platformers, but those are typically games with quick deaths and restarts like Celeste, Super Meat Boy, or VVVVVV. Hell, the Mario games tend to get way more difficult than the average Sonic game, and those are obviously all great. Quite frankly, unlike those games, Sonic Frontiers is nowhere near tight or polished enough to make this difficulty feel fair. Bits of jank that I could ignore in the base game due to its lower difficulty are now matters of life or death. Missing a jump because I boosted off an incline in a way the game didn't like for reasons I don't understand is not fun. Falling off a tower because the camera was pointing in the wrong direction while I was in midair and I couldn't see the next thing I was expected to homing attack is not fun.
And it's such a jarring spike when moving from the base game to the DLC that it feels like the game is suddenly quizzing me on skills it never bothered to instill in me. Maybe if you've spent the last year labbing out the movement tech in this game this is all a no brainer, but for the average returning player it's a kick in the dick.
I'm sure I could've beaten these towers normally if I gave them enough tries. They aren't the hardest thing in the world. But I very quickly decided I had better things to do with my life and turned on easy mode, which adds tons of extra springs and homing attack balloons to make all of the platforming piss easy. I wish there was a middle option between Only Up: Sonic Edition and this extreme hand holding, but when given the choice between the two I gladly picked baby mode. I just wanted to see the story.
(The new Cyber Space levels are also long, challenging, and devoid of checkpoints, not unlike the towers. But I only ever found the entrances to two of them. So I only did two. They're theoretically required, because they give you "Lookout Koco" that you need for... some reason? But in a rare act of mercy, Sonic Team put Cyloop treasure spots that give you free Lookout Koco all over the map.)
As I continued, so many little things started adding up to piss me off. Why do you only reveal like five tiny squares of the map at a time? I would've loved to find all the new 1-on-1 dialogue scenes, but not if I had to do dozens of hard mode versions of the stupid little puzzles and challenges to reveal the whole map. Why does every character need their own unique collectibles? What is this, Donkey Kong 64? Why can't I just grab this EXP for Amy when I find it as Tails? Why can I only manually swap characters by talking to an out-of-the-way NPC unlocked right before the final boss? Why is fast travel disabled? Why are the new vocal themes you hear when playing as Amy, Knuckles, and Tails so monotonous, with a single verse repeating over lo-fi beats ad nauseum? Why is the jukebox feature completely disabled throughout the DLC, even after rolling the credits? Why can't Tails homing attack? Why do I have to wrestle with the camera so much while also holding the jump button to fly as Knuckles and Tails? How many right thumbs do they think I have? Why is this animation for picking up animals in the Cyber Space levels so incredibly slow, and why can I still take damage while it's playing? Why does the stupid starfall event have to make it so hard to see what I'm doing when climbing these towers? Why does this shitty combat trial have a popup that makes it seem like I should be using the Cyloop when the actual strategy revolves around repeated parries? And on and on and on...
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The story
What about the new story? Well, there sadly isn't much to chew on here. Most of the DLC has the cast running around and finding different macguffins for arbitrary reasons, as part of some sort of plan to divide up the work on the last island so that Sonic can go train with the spirits of the Ancients and harness the power of his cyber corruption. What the fuck is an Impact Form? I don't know, but Knuckles needs something to do, so go find one.
It's a thin excuse plot meant to make you do platforming challenges around Ouranos Island, with little room for Ian to add any real flavor of his own, even though he certainly tries. Having Sonic meet the spirits of the Ancients who controlled the Titans, who are revealed to directly parallel the personalities of him and his friends, is kinda neat, I guess? It's something. The optional conversations seem to have some fun bits, including both conversations between the supporting cast and additional lore. But again, I only found a few of those because of how tedious filling out the map was.
The writing is also let down by the voice acting - or I guess the voice direction, because I know this cast can do better. Roger's voice continues to be weirdly, distractingly deep as Sonic, which was clearly something that was requested of him just for this game. (For a recent example of him going back to his regular Sonic voice, see this LEGO trailer.) The performances of Sonic's friends are also WILDLY mismatched. This is most clear when they start feeling the effects of the cyber corruption. Knuckles seems to be barely affected at all, Tails sounds like he's moderately hurt and low on energy, and Amy starts completely overselling her pain out of nowhere. The extremely strained performance makes it sound like Cindy's literally being tortured in the fucking booth. I have no idea what's going on over there.
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The final challenges
People have debated whether or not things like the towers and the new Cyber Space levels are fair challenges. What's not up for debate is the fact that Master King Koco's Trial is complete and utter bullshit, and I can't believe they shipped this.
Before you can fight the new final boss, the game forces you to do a boss rush of the first three Titans - INCLUDING the pre-Super Sonic climbing sections - with a hard limit of 400 rings. For all three lengthy, heavily scripted fights. Back to back. You can't even cheese it with the leveling system, because you're forced to do this at level 1. This all but forces you to look up speedrun strats for the Super Sonic fights so that you don't run out of rings and fail the trial.
And the real kicker? They changed the parry just for this trial! Originally, you could just hold down the bumpers endlessly and Sonic would ready himself to parry the next attack, whenever that may hit. Now it requires you to do a "Perfect Parry" with specific timing. And you HAVE to hit those parries if you wanna clear this trial and get to the new ending. Miss a few and you're probably fucked. You just have to reset. Time to go through all those fights, all those climbing sequences, all those QTEs, and all those unskippable mid-fight cutscenes all over again. This is by far the most egregious example of the DLC deciding to quiz you on new skills that the base game never required of you, and it's one of the most absurdly unfair things I have ever seen in a Sonic game.
Easy mode does make this trial easier by making the timing window for Perfect Parries much more generous, but that's all the help you get. It's still easy to lose time failing to parry Wyvern's hard-to-read animations, or to lose rings by getting hit on the climb sections, or for things to just fuck up because these fights were always kinda jank. I gave it a few shots. I looked up guide videos. I tried the Quick Cyloop and stomp combo strat that seems all but mandatory. But I quickly decided that, again, this wasn't a worthwhile use of my time. It just sucks. And I really, REALLY didn't want to overwrite all my fond memories of these Titan fights, some of my favorite setpiece moments in any Sonic game, with memories of this shit ass boss rush.
So I cheated! And if you're on PC, you should too.
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With the worst hurdle out of the way, I turned cheats back off and moved on to the new final boss. It was pretty cool. It's much flashier than the original fight against The End, that's for sure. It's still kinda annoying, and it requires you to do very specific shit without properly telegraphing it, but it's nowhere near as bad as the preceding challenges. I was hoping for one last new metalcore song to go with the new fight, which we sadly didn't get, but at least the new version of I'm Here is good.
The ending is... mostly the same, with a couple altered scenes that don't really change anything in the long run. But overall the new finale was pretty good. I just wish it hadn't been such a slog to get there.
Closing thoughts
Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon wants to be three things:
A patch that adds a new alternate ending that was probably supposed to be in the base game in the first place.
An experimental take on making Tails, Knuckles, and Amy playable again, presumably testing things for the next game. And...
An official Kaizo Sonic Frontiers mod for the sickos.
The thing is, the people showing up for #1 and #2, the main things that Sega hyped up about the update, are not necessarily going to be down for #3. If they had announced some uber-hard new Cyber Space levels for the arcade mode or whatever, I'd be like, neat! And then not play them. I would never touch Master King Koco's Trial if it was an optional challenge. I would leave that for the sickos. But instead, they made the hardest content mandatory for anyone who wants to see the new Good Ending where the final boss gets an actual budget.
I'm mostly left in a state of shock that it shipped like this. I cannot believe they playtested this and decided this was the state The Final Horizon should be released in. That this should be the note Frontiers ends on. That this should be how we remember those Titan fights. That this should be the lingering taste in our mouths as we wait however many years for the next 3D game.
Armchair devs always love to say that things would be "easy to fix," but like... there really would be easy fixes for the insane difficulty and general tedium here! Add a few more tutorial popups explaining what the game expects of you with Sonic's friends. Give the Cyber Space stages and the towers a couple checkpoints. Give the combat trials more generous time limits, especially on the lower difficulties. Remove half of the map puzzles, and make the ones that remain uncover twice as many squares. Skip the startup animation for Knuckles' glide. Let me turn on the goddamn jukebox. Since so much of this update was designed around fan feedback, I can only pray that Sonic Team is still listening, and that they tweak at least a few of these things with a balance patch.
But still, after those many, many paragraphs of complaining... this still somehow makes the future of 3D Sonic seem pretty promising?
Sonic's friends are FINALLY playable again, and the focus is back to proper 3D platforming, rather than railroading players into awkward forced 2D sections in what's otherwise an open world. These are the things that they hopefully want to carry over to the next game. The difficulty? Well, that's just because it's the postgame DLC that's supposed to be the toughest challenge in the game. It's just an unreasonably cruel one of those - an example of how designing and balancing for a vocal minority of your fanbase can really hurt your game. But Sonic Team is onto something here, and I hope that they can learn the right lessons from this expansion and not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
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truly-a-snitch · 11 months
Hi! Hi! I just discovered your blog and I have a request. So can I request Ranpo, Sigma and Dazai with a s/o who is like really calm and reserved in public but when they're alone together you can't separate them. Like a clingy, touchy, overprotective s/o who is reserved in public or at work. BUT if anyone hurts their partner they will go to war!! THEN afterwards come home and cuddle with them.
🍬 - Idk if you do the emoji things but I'm signing off with this one.
(You can just ignore this if you want, NO PRESSURE)
this is actually so cute. me and who
this sorta turned into just ways they show affection sorry i got carried away. jn my defense i love these three
warnings: none !! this is fluff but only sort of partially answers the prompt oopsies
Ranpo, Sigma, and Dazai with a reserved but affectionate S/O
ranpo is very affectionate no matter where you go so you two could not be more different in that regard
like. at home ? hes never not in your lap. shopping ? your arms Will be linked together (so he doesnt lose you, in his own words). at work ? he sidles up next to you and slings his legs over yours while he begrudgingly does his paperwork
he doesnt mind that youre more reserved when it comes to pda !! he knows how to tone it down when he gets to be too much
he just has a lot of love to give ok :-(
ranpo is 100% the type to just like. after a long day he will very dramatically splay himself across your lap and be like "ughhh im dying of boredom..... blehhhhh........."
his favorite activity is laying on top of you and demanding that you entertain him (any means possible) (especially reading to him)
he BITES !! leaves hickies on accident sometimes (he says hes sorry but like. is he really) and he encourages you to bite him right back fr. hes so silly i love him
admittedly he is a little upset he cant be as affectionate w you in public but he loves u enough that its ok and he makes up for it by not letting go of you from the moment you get home to the moment you go to bed
has fallen asleep in your lap before. also has fallen asleep on top of you on the couch before. haha good luck getting up you cant youd disturb him
congrats on the cat boyfriend btw
silly... as somebody who runs a casino (yes he still runs the casino in my head. canon can get bent) he is very very busy, so he understands that there simply may not be time or energy to dedicate to him during working hours
affection shared between him is often that tired sort if only because after a full day the last thing he wants is something high energy
seeing as he spent a lot of time around fyodor, public physical contact of any kind is probably still a taboo hes deconstructing, so hes very much grateful that you arent really big on pda yourself (if only because he doesnt feel ready for all that at this point in time)
he likes to just lay against you, or hold your hand while he does his paperwork :3
big on forehead kisses. he loves them okay. the inherent tenderness of it makes him forget how to speak for a little bit he gets So flustered its actually the cutest thing ever
sigmas also a big big fan of massages (he runs on energy drinks, stress, and pure unfettered anxiety okay. i bet his muscles are Stiff)
and if you give him coffee...? doesnt matter if u made it or not. you are Getting Kissed
sleeping next to each other,, sleepy kissing,,, naps together,,,, top tier
sigma likes to just sit on the couch and watch tv with you. lay on him right now do it. diy weighted blanket
he treats you with fancy schmancy meals from the casino kitchens. you guys get to have date night where its just you watching tv and eating good food and drinking wine (hes a white wine guy you cant tell me otherwise)
dazai isnt super affectionate in public, hes sorta similar to you in that regard, but he still has to be touching you almost all the time
HES SO ANNOYING ABOUT IT TOO his love language is annoying you so he will find the most inconvenient ways to Just Barely Touch You so that you have to talk to him and tell him to stop
getting home tho you get to literally watch the mask melt away. you sit down on the couch and he immediately just relaxes into you, he is ALL over u
(pspsps play with his hair. and like gently run ur nails over his scalp a lil bit. he gets so so sleepy when you do that)
dazai is so NEEDY w affection but he knows how to act like he doesnt want/need it in front of other ppl
if ur in private and ur not actively giving him attention. he will stare at u for a bit before practically tackling you. bro sprawls
hes not like AGAINST pda btw i forgot to touch on that its just that he prefers to be more private with his genuine romantic endeavors :3 like hell annoy you on purpose in public but behind closed doors hes a softie fr
dazai also bites as a love language like ranpo does but dazai is always careful not to accidentally bite too hard (ranpo may not give a fuck but dazai certainly does)
he rly likes laying on top of you. fair tbh laying on ur s/o is better than therapy
anyway overall hes very much like. purposely annoying or embarrassing in public but hes much more romantic behind closed doors
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the-himawari · 7 months
A3! Usui Masumi - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Feature (1/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Masumi: …Ah. (It’s a curry bun food truck… I’ll buy some for Director.) (The line isn’t that long. I bet I’ll be able to buy them right away.)
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Shopkeeper: Come on up!
Masumi: I’ll take… (…) …7 of these curry buns.
Shopkeeper: I see, 7 curry buns! Then your total is…
Chikage: Here you go.
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Masumi: !
Shopkeeper: Oh, is this your friend?
Chikage: Yes… I’m his family member.
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Shopkeeper: Is that so? Well, here you go. 7 curry buns.
Masumi: …Thanks.
Shopkeeper: You’re very welcome~!
Masumi: Hey, I was going to pay for them.
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Chikage: How about I take the amount for Director’s share then?
Masumi: …How did you know I got more than just Director’s share?
Chikage: I suppose... if I was in the same situation as you, then I would have bought the same thing.
Masumi: Hmm…
Chikage: You’re on your way home too, aren’t you? Come on. Let’s head back quickly before the curry buns get cold.
Masumi: …Right.
*door opens*
Masumi: I’m home.
Chikage: I’m home.
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Izumi: Welcome back, you two.
Masumi: Here. For you.
Izumi: Huh? Are these… curry buns? Mmm~. They look yummy and smell great! Thanks, Masumi-kun!
Masumi: I’m glad you like them. Your happy-looking face is the absolute cutest…
Izumi: (There’s 7 curry buns in here. I’m sure they’re for me and the rest of Spring troupe.) Well, seeing as they’re fresh, let’s eat them right now. Why don’t you two join me?
Masumi: I’ll eat with you.
Chikage: I suppose I’ll have some too, if I’m not getting in the way.
Masumi: …
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Izumi: (Masumi-kun… is really bearing with it!)
Masumi: Today only. I’ll give you a special pass.
Chikage: Thank you.
Izumi: Alright, don’t mind if I dig in right away. …Mhm, it’s delicious!
Masumi: I feel like it’s even more tasty since I’m eating it with you.
Chikage: The spices also work as a nice accent. Although it could be spicier for me.
Izumi: Oh, by the way, Masumi-kun. We got the results back from your survey.
Masumi: Survey?
Chikage: The one for the spin-off project?
Izumi: That’s right.
Masumi: …That project where we’re going to act out and stream spin-off stories of one of our side characters?
Izumi: Right. And so, Nero from your 8th play was chosen!
Masumi: I see…
Chikage: In that case, it seems like Sakuya will inevitably make an appearance as well. If it’s Nero, then him and Blanc are a set, aren’t they?
Izumi: That being said, we really just got the results back so the script isn’t set at all yet. We also told Tsuzuru-kun about it earlier, but I suspect the story will end up being about the twins…
Chikage: I’m sure Tsuzuru will listen to any request you have.
Masumi: …It’s fine. I’ll leave it to him.
Izumi: The script is still only an outline, but I think it would be a good idea to prepare for your role as much as you can right now. A lot of the guys spent time preparing for their roles for the spin-off project, so it would be better to start where you can now, and work on it little by little.
Masumi: I got it. I’ll do that.
Chikage: You should start by talking with your other half about it while giving him his curry bun then.
Masumi: *Sigh*… I guess I have to.
Chikage: “I guess I have to,” he says… even though he was the one who bought them for everyone.
Izumi: Fufu.
| next
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st0rmyskies · 3 months
I spent the day sweating my ass off at a smaller hometown theme park, so here's a list of how the boys enjoy their day trip to a fun park.
Twilight - He’ll go on any ride with anyone no matter how fast or scary, nor how slow or mundane. Although the teacups and other rides that spin you a lot tend to make him dizzy, and he's not a big fan of the haunted house. But our big soft-hearted country boy is partial to the antique carousel and needs to go on it just once. Come on, guys, anybody…? (Spoiler: They all go on it with him.)
Wild - It’s a wonder he’s going to survive any of the rides because this boy is all about the food. Funnel cake? Candy floss?? Potato pancakes??? Fudge????? Dippin’ Dots!!????!?!? He has his hands full of treats while they’re waiting in every line, and on any ride he can sneak them on to successfully, too. His favorite ride is the music-coaster-thing, and he’ll sing along at the top of his voice to every damn song.
Champion - Not too thrilled by rides, but he will go on them to be a sport. Except those rides with a sheer drop, tower-of-terror style. NO fucking thanks. Where he really slays, though, are the shooting games, with special bonus points if one of the other boys challenges him to a round. You bet your ass Champion is casually lugging around a stuffed Wolfie half the size of his body for most of the day.
Legend - He’ll get on some of the coasters and the crazier rides, but not all of them. He’s not a big fan of screaming his head off all day long, gives him a headache. He gets uppity with the fortune telling machine giving him the same negative reading over and over again no matter how many quarters he jams in the damn thing. And his fortune ends up coming true, too: he gets banned from the bumper cars after a vulgar road-rage incident.
Hyrule - Goes on one, maybe two coasters, and promptly pukes. He’s then the designated Bag Handler for the rest of the day. Which actually works out well, all up until the mid-afternoon when he wanders off to find himself some coffee and promptly gets lost, necessitating a rather embarrassing announcement over the PA system.
Warriors - He stressed out about his outfit for two weeks beforehand and STILL managed to choose the wrong thing to wear. Yes, those linen pants with the front crease are supposed to be breezy, Wars, but they’re meant for something like a wedding, not a fucking amusement park. He gets cranky when he’s too fucking hot and his hair is damp against the back of his neck. Eventually, one of the other boys — probably Legend or Sky — has to shoo him away from the group for a bit. When they turn up 20 minutes later Wars has an icy drink, a pair of novelty swim trunks from the souvenir shop, a headband for his hair, and a brand new “fuck it, we ball” attitude.
Sky - Loves all the roller coasters, LOVES THEM, and gets sad if he doesn’t get to sit in the front seat on every single one. He wants to go on the biggest, tallest, fastest, most OSHA-violating coaster no less than three times, and he’ll hop off of it just to turn around and get right back in line. Least likely to remember to hydrate and reapply sunscreen. You know he’s passed the fuck out that entire drive home. 
Four - He quite enjoys observing the inner workings of the mechanics that go along with the rides, then makes ominous comments about the engineering to his seat-mate as they’re being hauled up the incline for that first drop of a coaster. He also spends an inordinate amount of time in the air conditioned arcade winning as many tickets as he can to obtain some silly prize like an obscure toy from the 80’s or something similar. May not be tall enough to ride every ride.
Wind - Water rides are his JAM. His hair and clothes and shoes are soaked through well before halfway through their day, and he gets the cutest waves in his hair because of it. Although he also smells like chlorine all day, then. Also has way too much ice cream and cold treats during the day, so he’s nursing a hell of a stomach ache on the drive home.
Time - Bet you thought he wouldn’t be in attendance or would wait in the car or some shit, didn’t you? Time allows the boys to cajole him onto every coaster, every water ride, the carousel, into the haunted house, you name it. He’ll sit in the first row of the rides that take your photo, too, and he just. Deadpans it. Zero facial reaction, no screaming on coasters, ALL day. Flawless commitment to the bit. He does secretly enjoy all of this; Time didn’t get to do this sort of stuff when he was their age, so better late than never.
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tieronecrush · 1 year
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hot & heavy
chapter ten: a hidden gem, my own goldmine
neighbor!joel x f!reader
series masterlist
series rating: E (18+ MDNI)
series summary:
over the course of three summers, joel miller becomes woven into your life. the first summer is spent falling for him; nannying his daughter and sneaking around with him in a burning love affair. you know how you feel about joel, he isn’t so sure about how it all is gonna work. the second summer is brief. a month spent at home after graduation and before you move to boston for your dream job. one look at you, one time hearing your voice, and joel is hooked again. he pines over you for that month, but you think — how is long distance of over a thousand miles going to work for a single dad? the third summer, you return home burnt out and pride bruised from your post-grad life. you need time to feel at home again, like your complete self, so you’ve come back home with no return ticket booked. it’s only a matter of time before joel seeks you out, slowly spending more time with you. without an inevitable end to the summer looming over you both, what chances are you willing to take?
word count: 10k
warnings: NO OUTBREAK (don’t need to worry about the mushies), no use of y/n, inexperienced reader, age gap (joel is 30/31, reader is 22), canon-divergent (sarah is 7 y/o), nanny au, pet names (sweetheart, darling, sweet girl, mariposa, etc.), polite southern manners, feeling familial and self-pressure, ESTABLISHED relationship FINALLY, spanish cause joel is latino, fingering, unprotected p in v, dirty talkkk king joel miller, soft (and soft dom) joel, possessive joel, mentions of depression diagnosis and symptoms, struggling with self, discussion of co-parenting, angst, MAJOR doubt! and a slumber party! yay!
a/n: thank you as always to the bestie/cousin/sister wife/sweet, sweet gf @northernbluess for beta-reading this chapter, seriously i can't write without you so you're stuck with me. also this chapter is a little heavier in spanish then before, so if there are any corrections needed, please comment or message me! i went through multiple translations to try to find the best/most common, but things are bound to slip through the cracks.
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Joel’s been catching up with some chores around the house this evening after Sarah’s gone to bed: dishes are washed and put away, counters wiped down and floors mopped. He reset the living room after he put the laundry in the dryer, settling onto the couch with a long sigh. Hands rub at his tired eyes, muscles aching for his bed but he is determined to stay up until you text him that you’re back at your friend’s house safe.
A few of your friends from college ended up with jobs in Austin, and tonight you’d all arranged to go out downtown. You had, sweetly, invited Joel to tag along but when you mentioned that the only other guys there would be boyfriends of your friends that were your age, he politely declined. Well, he used his daughter as an excuse because he didn’t want to admit that he was a little insecure about the age difference, even still.
It’s not even a large one, you’re twenty-five  and he’s thirty-three, but with a nearly ten year old kid and his own business, he’s willing to bet he’s in a much different place in life than your friends' significant others. And if there isn’t a lot of common ground, Joel knows he’s not the most social or conversational.
Resting his eyes, his head rolls back onto the couch while the TV drones on about the latest Astros game. A short buzz from his phone in his pocket peels his eyes open, yawning quietly as he fishes the device out and flips it open.
FROM: Mariposa
Cn u pcik me up pLs????
While deciphering your drunk text, another couple are delivered and he keys down to see them as he chuckles at the antics. 
I miiss u
Eveynoe is w their BFs n I wnt mine 
Plesaseeeeeee J
Before he can type a response to you, an incoming call blocks out his screen, his thumb hitting the accept button quickly and bringing the phone to his ear.
“Feelin’ alright, Mari?”
A hiccup on the other line makes him laugh quietly again, your voice coming in over the music and people in the background, “No, not alright. M’sad.”
“Why’re you sad, sweet girl?”
“Cause you’re not here. Every—everybody’s…No I didn’t want a vodka water, gross! I wanna vodka soooooda with lime…Oops, sorry J. What was I saying?” A giggle from your end pulls a smile on his face, only slightly worried at your level of intoxication.
“You were telling me why you’re sad.”
“Right! M’sad cause all my friends have got their boy—” One hiccup. “Boyfriends here. And you’re aaaallllll the way at home.” Another hiccup. “I wanna be home with you.”
“I see. Well, I don’t want you to be sad, darlin’, so m’gonna come pick you up. How’s that sound?”
He hears a gasp into the phone and your voice gets quieter, imagining you holding the phone or turning your head away to a nearby friend.
“He’s coming! Jus’ to pick me up though, we gotta get back for Sar—Sarah…Yeah, she’s so cute…Well, yeah duh, he’s a DILF…I mean, to me I guess he’d be a DIAF…‘Dad I Am Fucking’…Oh, shit!” There’s a rustling as he laughs to himself overhearing your conversation, a smug smile on his face from you bragging to your friends. “M’sorry, J, god I totally forgot I was on the phone!” You punctuate your sentence with an incredulous laugh before quieting down to hear Joel.
“That’s alright, Mari. M’gonna drop Sarah with Tommy and then come and get you, okay? Can you tell me where you are?” Joel is already standing from the couch, grabbing his keys from the entryway before making his way upstairs to get Sarah into the car.
“Ummm…One sec!” The line rustles again while he stands at the top of the stairs. “Okay, we’re at that place on 11th, Nickel City.”
“Yeah, I know where that is, sweetheart. Be there soon, okay?”
“Okay. Tha—” One last hiccup. “—nks, J.”
“Anytime, amor. Anytime.”
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With Sarah dropped off at Tommy’s, Joel goes into town to pick you up. It takes another twenty minutes from Tommy’s place, finding a parking spot not too far from the bar. He slips in the door and starts to comb his eyes over the crowd, most people stepping out of his way from his intimidating frame while he weaves through the masses.
Spotting you off to the side at a high-top table, some friends he recognizes from your photos dotted around the surface as well. You’re wrapped up in a conversation with the person next to you while you sit on a stool, Joel’s eyes finally landing on the person you’re talking to. It’s another man, about his height, maybe a few inches shorter. He’s got light hair, a clean-cut look with some fancy shirt on. Clearly, the guy is flirting with you, standing closer and leaning an arm around the back of your chair. Knowing how drunk you sounded over the phone, it occurs to him that you likely don’t even realize this guy’s body language, a primal possessiveness taking over his judgment. 
He’s waited years for you. There’s no way in hell he isn’t putting on a show for this guy to send him a message.
Joel rolls his shoulders back, chest raising with the corrective posture. He saunters over to the table, politely smiling and waving as your friends must recognize him and welcome him to the group. He walks right up to the other side of your chair, placing a hand on your lower back and brushing against the skin exposed by the tank top you’re wearing.
A small gasp exhales from you with the surprise contact, turning your head and beaming when you see him. The look makes the wings of his butterfly flap faster, beating in time with his heartbeat.
“You’re here! M’so happy to see you.” He matches your smile before he is crushed in a hug, your arms around his neck. Unraveling from each other, you turn back toward the other man, before one of your other friends comes over to tell you something, pulling you away but still within arm’s length for Joel to keep his hand on you.
Joel reaches his hand out toward the man,  “Nice to meet you…”
“Nice to meet you, Colton. Are you one of the college friends?”
Colton gives a weak handshake to Joel, shaking his head with a laugh, “No, actually, never met any of ‘em until tonight. Well, except Taylor. M’relatively new to town, met Taylor through work, so you know how it is. Trying to make some connections.”
Joel has to hold back his eye roll, annoyance clear on his face at the skirting around that this Colton is doing. Joel’s heard it before from Tommy — going up to a girl and using the ‘new in town’ line to get a conversation started and to hopefully get them to leave with you to ‘show you around’.
Mine. You’re mine, he repeats to himself, the jealousy pumping in his veins.
“So’re you one of the college friends? Or an Austin friend?” Colton makes polite conversation while you turn in Joel’s arm and wrap your own around his back. Tugging on his t-shirt the fingers of one of your hands slip under the material and skim across his skin. Joel clears his throat, chuckling dryly as he keeps his gaze on Colton.
“Uh, not quite. M’the boyfriend.” His head nods to his side to you, a tight, smug smile on his face as he watches the gears in Colton’s head turn.
It’s not happening for him tonight. Or ever.
“Oh shit! You must be Joel! We’ve been waiting for you. I’ve just been making sure she’s had some water and didn’t wander off before you got here. She’s been talkin’ about you all night, made me think about how many times I’ve drunkenly ranted about my girlfriend.”
“Your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, Taylor’s my girlfriend — she’s the one with blonde hair right across the table.” Colton beams down the way as Taylor makes eye contact with him, waving to the woman as she smiles back at him.
The man is a golden retriever. And Joel thought he was some douchebag trying to hook up with his girlfriend. Joel opens his mouth to apologize for his cold behavior, but before he can your head pops up from his chest, grabbing his attention. Hands at his back scratch your nails against his skin, humming contently as you press a sloppy kiss to his jaw.
Colton considers his duties relieved and goes to find his girlfriend before Joel can thank him, leaving the two of you at the end of the table. Joel pulls his chin in to look down at you, smiling softly and moving a hand to the back of your neck.
“You alright, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, jus’ happy you’re here. Missed you.”
Joe presses a kiss to your forehead and you hum again, swaying sleepily in his arms. “M’glad you called me, Mariposa.”
“Can we go home now please?”
“Yeah, Mari, ‘course we can. You want me to bring you to your house?” His hands move to your sides, running up and down against the fabric of your tank top. You hook your arms around his neck and shake your head, a tiny “humpf” accompanying it.
“No, home.”
“My house?”
“Yes! Home. Wanna sleep in your bed, s’comfier than mine.”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I can bring you home.”
A warm stirring is felt in his chest, steadying you in your stance and keeping an arm around your waist. You say goodbye to your friends, all of them waving to you both as Joel steers you through the bar and to his truck outside.
Joel calls Tommy on the way home, his brother telling him that Sarah’s out cold and he can bring her back in the morning when she wakes up. He presses for an answer about why Joel had to drop Sarah off, but Joel ignores Tommy’s question again and hangs up.
Safely back at his house, he helps you out of the truck and inside, walking behind you on the stairs as you stumble. It’s like a baby deer learning to walk — he’s never seen you this drunk, tipsy, sure, but never at this level. A smile crosses his face as he imagines a moment like this in the future with you, maybe after a night out for the two of you or maybe even after your wedding.
Your voice pulls him out of his thoughts, tripping over your feet at the landing and recovering on your own. His hand hovers at your back, ready to break your fall if it happens.
“I’m alright, m’alright. Jus’ tripped a lil’.”
To be safe, Joel holds your hips the rest of the way up and into his room, sitting you on the edge of the mattress and gathering a t-shirt from his drawers for you to wear to bed.
“No, I want the funny one that I like,” you whine, waving a hand back at his dresser. Joel shakes his head to himself, chuckling about the fact that you still have a preference for sleep attire.
He grabs the shirt you’re talking about, a worn and washed one that he got as a joke from Tommy a few years ago. He normally wears it to sleep himself, if he wears one, or around the house if he knows he won’t be going out. It’s faded black now, yellow text that reads ‘I do know it all…I just can’t remember it all at once.’
Upon finding it in his drawer last week, you laughed hysterically and made him put it on for a Polaroid. You’ve also requested it every time you’ve stayed over since. 
In front of you again, with the correct shirt, he kneels down and pats the outside of your thighs. “Can you stand for me, sweetheart?”
Using his shoulders as support, you stand on sea legs, swaying back and forth as he looks up at you. “Can I take off your skirt, darlin’?”
“Yeah, you can, cutie.” You giggle and sway wider, playing with the curls at the top of his head, turning his head to your will as he unbuttons and unzips your denim skirt. “You got some grays mixed in here, mister.”
“M’getting old, Mari. No surprises there.” He chuckles and helps you lift each foot to step out of the tube of material completely, rubbing a hand on your calf before he stands in front of you again. He’s faced with a pout, brows knit together in anger.
“You’re not getting old. You’re literally in your thirties. Not old.”
“Say that to the gray hairs then, sweetheart.”
“Gray hairs—“ Hiccup. “Mean nothing ‘sides the fact that you’re gonna be a silver fox. My silver fox.”
A content smile, closed lips, pulls the corners of your mouth up. Heavy eyelids cover your irises halfway, the sight of you so drunkenly drowsy is utterly adorable to him. Fingers grip the bottom of your tank top, kissing your forehead.
“Can I take off your shirt?”
“Take it all off, bay-beeee.” Your swaying causes you to stumble again, Joel catching you before you fall back onto the bed. Once you’re steady, your own hands slip under his shirt, running over his tummy while you press sloppy kisses into his neck. “Mm, want you so bad, J.”
“I love you, darlin’, and you know I want you all the time, but not tonight. You need to get some water and go to sleep. For a while.” A defeated sigh blows against his skin, rocking back on your heels and Joel holding your weight to bring you to stand straight again. “Arms up, baby.”
You comply without another ask, lifting your arms as if they’re heavy weights, allowing Joel to tug the material over your head. With a slight slap sound, your arms drop back against your sides. Joel takes off your bra for you and gets you into his t-shirt, giving you a small kiss. He walks you to your side of the bed, tucking you in.
“Be right back, sweet girl. Gonna get you some water and then you can go to sleep, okay?”
“Okay.” You sigh, nesting into the sheets and duvet. Your eyes close, soft hums filling the room as he runs downstairs, filling a glass of water and grabbing ibuprofen to leave at your bedside for the morning.
Returning to his room, he coaxed you to sit up, having you drink half the glass. He changes for bed himself, stripping down to his boxers and slipping under the covers, pulling you closer with an arm around your waist.
“G’night, Mari.”
“Mm, night, J. Thanks for coming to get me and bringing me home. Like sleeping next to you lots more than a sleepover with my friends…”
“Like sleeping next to you too, Mari. Missed you all night. M’glad you’re home now.”
“Nightie night.”
“Nightie night, sweet girl. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.” He pinches your side playfully, breathing a laugh out of his nose at your yelp and squeezing you closer. With a kiss to the top of your head, he lulls you to sleep with his fingertips running up and down your spine, thoughts going right back to those flash images of a future with you.
“Love you, Mariposa.”
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There’s an ache all over your body, eyes too sore and crusted over with sleep to peel open when you first wake up. Light peeks through the curtains, shining onto the bed and directly at your face, making you groan into the pillow and attempt to roll over.
Unfortunately, your body is telling you to get up, find water or pain meds or some coffee, you really wouldn’t be all too picky at this moment. Rolling over onto your back, you reach out to your side and feel bedding underneath your hand, pouting to yourself when you finally open your eyes and see Joel’s gone. As you sit up, you can hear the shower turn on in the bathroom attached to his bedroom and you can hear some quiet humming from the other side of the door. A smile crosses your face, the idea of a shower nestling itself in your mind and feeling like it would be the only thing to get rid of all of this hangover.
On the nightstand next to you, there are two burgundy-colored tablets and a half glass of water, vaguely remembering last night when Joel made you drink the other half before going to sleep. Washing down the ibuprofen with the entirety of the water, you start to recount what you can recall from the night before, cringing internally when you get to the point that Joel showed up to pick you up. You don’t really remember getting home, but looking down at the t-shirt you’re wearing clues you in that Joel must have done most of the work to get you into bed.
Slipping out from under the duvet, you set the empty glass back down and slink over to the bathroom, twisting the knob and opening the door. The squeak of the hinges breaks your sneaking attempt and Joel’s humming stops.
He speaks up over the sound of the water, “Mariposa? That you?”
“I sure hope no one else would be sneaking into the bathroom this morning. Unless you have another drunk girlfriend you had to pick up from the bar,” you laugh at the self-deprecating joke, picking up your toothbrush and squeezing out a dollop of toothpaste to clean your teeth. And to get rid of the taste of tequila lingering on your tongue.
The shower curtain slides back a bit and Joel’s head sticks out, goofy grin on his face with curls hanging on his forehead. “Nah, just got the one. How’re feeling this morning?”
“Like I got beat up by a bunch of vodka sodas and a couple of tequila shots.” Your words are muffled around the foamy toothpaste, leaning back against the counter facing him.
“Yeah, you were pretty drunk, darlin’. But it was honestly cute, you’re a funny drunk.”
Turning back toward the sink, you fold over the sink to spit out and rinse your mouth out, groaning softly, “God, please tell me I didn’t do or say anything embarrassing.”
“Nothin’ too bad, but there were some things that I will be committing to memory,” Joel laughs and winks, the noise getting louder as you groan again and roll your head back.
“This is the worst part about getting drunk. People holding stupid shit you said over your head.” Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you look at Joel across the few feet separating you and watch him shake his head and grin sweetly.
“I’ll tell you what you said, sweetheart, but I think you’re in too physically fragile of a state right now.”
“God, you are right about that,” you sigh and shake your head, propping yourself off the counter you were leaning on, crossing the tiles to be only a foot from Joel’s face, “Can I join you? A shower sounds like exactly what I need right now.”
He nods quickly, halfway through the question and you chuckle at the antics, pulling the t-shirt over your head and slipping off your panties to leave both in a heap with Joel’s clothes. He opens the curtain for you and steps back toward the other wall while you close the curtain and drag yourself under the stream of water.
A sigh relaxes your chest and shoulders, closing your eyes as you let the warm water run all over you. Joel’s hands brush across your skin, the feeling of his work-worn palms sending a tingle of excitement down your skin and chilling your body even under the hot water. His thumbs cup under your breasts while the rest of his fingers splay out on your ribcage, tips of them toward your back as he holds you closer to him.
“Mm, you’re so beautiful, d’you know that, mi Mariposa? La mujer más hermosa del mundo (The most beautiful woman in the world),” Joel mumbles against your skin when he nestles into the crook of your neck, curving his back to fit with you perfectly. His hands wander from your ribs, circling around your back and drifting down to the swell of your ass where they settle with a gentle squeeze.
“I think I’m getting better at Spanish 'cause I understood that. And it was very sweet, thank you, J. I think you’re the most beautiful man in the world.” You giggle and feel Joel exhale a chuckle against your neck, peppering slow and spaced kisses along your shoulder.
“You also told me something else about what you think of me last night. Well, it was to one of your friends but you were still on the phone with me so I heard,” he stretches to full height again with a smug smirk, squeezing your ass again as you sigh.
“Oh god, what did I say to you? Did I feed your massive ego?” you tease, bringing your hands up to his shoulders and lightly scratching your nails against his skin.
“I learned that I am a DILF last night. Or according to you, I am a DIAF to you. Dad I Am Fucking.” He can barely get the last sentence out around his loud laugh, your embarrassed reaction of wide eyes and jaw dropped egging him on more.
“Stop, I cannot believe I said that. And that you heard! You’re never going to let me live that down.”
“Not a chance, sweetheart. Not a chance,” Joel can’t wipe the giggly smile off of his face as he continues, “Oh, and you also were definitely really into me getting you into pajamas last night. I asked if I could take off your shirt and you said ‘Take it all off bay-beeee’. Which was very tempting.”
“Oh my god, if you don’t stop telling me all of this right now, I won’t take anything off for you again.” It’s a thinly veiled threat, both of you know it holds zero weight.
“Alright, alright. I’ll stop.”
“Thank you,” you breathe out as you turn toward the shelf in the shower, reaching for the body wash before Joel intercepts your hand, holding it in his and lowering it to your side. He presses his chest to your back, the contact also nudging his hard cock into the flesh of your ass.
“Y’know, I woke up this morning after you were all over me last night with a fucking hard on. Aching for you. And then you come in here and ask to join me in the shower, made it come right back…” he leans down, kissing your shoulder, up your neck and to your ear, “D’you still want me, Mariposa? Hm?”
One of his hands drifts to your inner thighs, coaxing your legs apart and swiping two fingers from your entrance to your clit. Your arousal coats his fingers, a quiet whimper leaving your lips in an exhale, eyes closing and head rolling back against his shoulder.
“You still want me, mi dulzura? Feels like you do,” his lips are against your ear, voice low and gravelly, and he slowly circles your clit as you continue to whimper and writhe in his arms, “Sounds like you do, too, mi amor. Y’know, we have the whole house to ourselves, Mariposa. I want you to be loud for me while I touch you. Understand?”
Lost in the sparks of pleasure slowly building, your words get caught in your throat as one of your arms reaches up to wrap around to the nape of his neck. At the lack of response to his question, Joel pinches your clit before pulling his hand away.
“No, no, no, please. I understand. I’ll be loud for you, J. Please touch me…”
You grip the curls at the back of his head, biting your lip and opening your eyes again to look at Joel’s head at your side. His hand comes back, his thumb rubbing your clit while his middle finger sinks into you until the first knuckle. He keeps his eyes on your face, slowly working the finger in and out of your cunt, never giving it to you fully.
“Fuck, don’t tease me, Joel. Please, pretty please, gimme more.”
A deep chuckle rumbles from his chest, his nose nudging at your cheek to turn your head straight toward the tiled wall, pressing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw.
“You want more, Mariposa?”
“Mm, and are you going to be good? Give me all your pretty sounds that I love?” Joel pushes his entire middle finger into you now, holding it there, “If I give you what you want, you gotta be loud for me, pretty girl.”
“I will, I promise.” You wiggle your hips to get any more friction building, grumbling in frustration when Joel’s other arm tugs your hips back against him, strapping you to him like a seatbelt. The thumb against your clit leaves, and as you’re about to complain again, Joel adds another finger and starts to thrust them in and out frenetically, the heel of his palm rubbing the sensitive bud at the front of your folds.
A sinful moan rolls from your gut, bouncing off of the walls of the shower and drowning out the sound of the water for a few seconds. You can feel Joel’s satisfied smirk against your skin, his mouth dipping to the crook of your neck to suck at your pulse point and leave his mark. His hand continues its rapid pace, your legs bending as they start to give out the closer you reach to the edge. To attempt to hold your weight, you lean your arms against the tiles, feeling yourself being held up by Joel’s arm tightened across your hips.
“Fuck, Joel, feels so fucking good. Oh!” Your voice pitches up when his fingers graze that spot inside your walls, the sound catching in your throat. Joel pushes deeper with his fingers, hooking them to find that same spot and petting against it with small strokes of his fingers. The sounds coming from you are uncontrollable, head falling back against his shoulder as a mess of his name, lustful whimpers and whines, and wanton moans echo in the steaming shower.
“That’s it, pretty girl, I can feel how close you are. Nearly squeezing my fingers out of ya.” Joel’s small groan vibrates against your shoulder, his hard-on being pressed into your back and leaking pre-cum. You can feel yourself clench around his fingers, the edges of your vision blurring as you near your peak. “Gonna come for me, Mari? Gonna be a good girl and come all over my hand so you can be ready for my cock?”
His words are the final push, pleasure oozing around his fingers and dripping down your folds, warmth spreading in your body as your nerve endings tingle. You can hear yourself moaning his name, small encouragements spoken in your ear as Joel continues to fuck his fingers into you throughout your orgasm. When you’re fully present in your body again, Joel slips his fingers out of you slowly, turning your head and kissing you deeply.
“Need you so fucking bad, Mariposa,” he says against your lips, kissing you fervently before speaking again, “Wanna bend you over and make you take my cock, and you’ll tell me how good it feels filling you up. You want it, pretty girl?”
“Need it, J. Please, I need you so bad.” You kiss him this time, pressing your hips back and grinding against his cock, the rumble of a mouth muffled into your mouth as your tongues meld together. Joel pulls away and grips your hips, turning both of you so his back is facing the stream of water.
“Hands against the wall, amor, arch your back for me—” You follow his instructions with one of his large hands skimming along your spine, folded to an angle at your hips. “That’s it, baby. So good for me.”
Joel takes his cock in his hands, teasing his tip at your entrance and earning a whine from you. A dark laugh is heard faintly from behind you, an equally quiet sigh of relief when he gives you just the tip.
“Mm, fuck, Mari. Estás tan apretado, y húmedo, y cálido. Nunca me voy a cansar de este coño. (You’re so tight, and wet, and warm. I’m never going to get tired of this pussy.)” 
Before you can formulate any sort of response, despite not fully knowing what he said, Joel gives you a few more inches of his cock, stuttering out a moan from you before his hips set a rough, desperate pace. Grunts and groans, moans and whimpers fill the bathroom, your names exchanged back and forth as he fucks you from behind. His hands hold tightly onto your hips, digging in to surely form bruises to match the hickey at your collar, and to keep you from being rammed into the wall with how hard his thrusts are.
“More, fuck, gimme all of it, J. Want you to fill me up, make it hard to fucking walk straight.”
There’s a vibrating rumble that resonates in your own chest, Joel completely pulling out on the downstroke and heaving his chest up and down with shallow breaths.
“Fucking dirty girl. Mi chica sucia. Filthy, baby.” He runs his fingers down the line of your spine, still arched for him. You feel him lined up at your entrance again, whimpering for him and pressing your hips back to try to get him inside. Joel chuckles, shaking his head, “Mm, can’t get enough of my cock, can you, sweetheart? Greedy little thing.”
Your jaw drops open with a toe-curling moan, Joel’s hips thrusting his throbbing cock into your waiting cunt to fill you completely, the same rough and hard pace set as he makes you knock forward and brace against the wall with every movement.
“Take it, darlin’. Oh, fuck, aguantarla. Puedes aguantarla, mi dulzura. (Oh, fuck, take it. You can take it, my sweetness.)” Joel’s head rolls back with another guttural moan, tilting forward to watch his cock disappearing into your dripping hole. “Fuck, such a pretty pussy. And it’s all fucking mine, isn’t that right, Mariposa?”
“Y-Yes! Fuck yeah, it’s all yours, J. No one could ever fuck me like you,” you glance over your shoulder and he makes eye contact, a wide, knowing smile on his face. Your cunt clenches around his cock, his brutal pace hurtling you toward the edge. Just as you’re about to ask for that little bit more, he reads your mind and slips one of his hands around your front, errantly rubbing circles in your clit.
“Can feel you around me, Mari, know you’re close. You gonna let me fill you up with my come? Gonna milk my cock with your tight pussy?”
All you can do is nod, eyes shutting tightly as moans squeak out of you. One hand reaches back to grip his wrist as he keeps you right there at the edge.
“Say it, baby. Say it back to me and I’ll let you come. Give you just what you need.”
A deep breath brings enough air into your lungs to rasp out, “Please fill me up, Joel. Wanna milk your cock of everything you can give me, want you to be dripping out of me all day. Remind me of how only you can have my pussy.”
“Fuck yeah, that’s right, sweetheart. Such a good girl.” Joel eyes that you have a hand bracing you still, letting go of your hip as he fucks you, rubbing your clit continuously. He reaches his free hand around to your mouth, prodding his thumb at your lips and humming when you take it into your mouth and suck. After a minute, he pops out his saliva covered digit and brings it back to your body, pushing into the tight ring of muscle facing him. The sensation of stimulation at all three places barrels you to your high, pussy gripping his cock as everything tenses and pleasure rocks your body and clears your mind.
With the tightness felt in both holes around him, Joel takes one, two, three more thirsts before he’s spilling into you, ropes of come coating your walls and lazy jerks of his hips fucking it deeper into you.
After a moment, Joel pulls out of you slowly, gathering all that dribbles out of you and pushing it back inside with his fingers, causing a shudder down your spine.
The two of you come down from your peaks, the water running cold now. Still needing to clean yourselves, Joel washes your body while you shampoo and condition his hair as he folds over to gently exfoliate your legs. The tasks get swapped, Joel washing your hair while you wash his body.
Stepping out, he grabs a towel for you, wrapping it around you tightly and giving you a sweet, chaste kiss. He gets another towel for himself, both of you drying off and heading back into his bedroom to get dressed again.
You sit on the edge of his bed in your clothes from last night, one of his shirts pulled over your tank top and tucked into your skirt. As you comb your fingers over your wet hair, you look at Joel as he pulls on a pair of jeans standing next to his closet.
“Hey, I have a question for you, actually.”
“Shoot, darlin’.”
“Am I remembering correctly that last night when you came to the bar, you were acting a little jealous toward Colton? Did you think he was flirting with me or something and you got all possessive?” you giggle quietly.
Joel blushes and shakes his head with an overexaggerated eye roll. “Pffft, no. Don’t remember it happening like that, probably a bit clouded in your memory.”
Laughing more, you stand up and cross over to him, hands splayed on his soft tummy and head tilted away from him.
“Oh, sure. Sure, J, we’ll go with that if it makes you feel better.” Reaching up you give his cheek a gentle pat and wink at him, giggling faintly before he gathers you up in his arms and gives you a kiss.
“Good, 'cause it does make me feel better. ‘Sides can you blame me for getting a little jealous? We’ve waited like three years to get this right with each other, m’not letting it go.”
“Me neither, which is why you don’t ever have to be jealous cause it’s only you, baby.” You send him a wink and a grin, giving him a kiss before you both hear the front door open, Tommy’s voice echoing upstairs as he calls out for Joel. He looks down at you, biting his lip.
“I didn’t think he’d be bringing Sarah home this early. Uh, d’you mind that he’s here or should I jus’ say…” he trails off awkwardly, waiting for your thoughts on how to broach the fact that you’re over here, in Joel’s shirt and clearly have stayed the night with your wet hair from the shower.
“If you’re fine with him knowing, we can tell him. That is if Sarah hasn’t spilled the beans already.” Joel laughs faintly and nods, running his hands up and down your arms.
“That is highly possible. But guess we’ll have to find out when we head downstairs. And I’m apologizing now for any stupid shit my brother says.”
“You act like I don’t know Tommy already.”
“You don’t know Tommy as my girlfriend. He’s going to give you some shit, and he’s going to give a lot to me for keeping it from him.”
“Think I can survive Tommy Miller. Now, c’mon, get a shirt on, and let’s go. I need some coffee.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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Joel descendsed the stairs ahead of you, rounding the corner into the kitchen and greeting his brother as Tommy pours himself a cup of coffee. Sarah is already at the table, cereal bowl in front her as she eats and reads her book. Joel grabs two mugs from the cabinet, earning a confused look from Tommy before you walk into the room, the confusion melting into mischief. His brother nudges at Joel’s arm and winks.
“Ah, así que esta es la razón de su aventura nocturna en la ciudad. Puedo ver por qué estabas tan desesperada por mi ayuda. (Oh, so this is the reason for your late-night adventure into the city. I can see why you were so desperate for my help.)”
Joel’s eyes roll into the back of his head, “Cállate, Tommy. Necesitaba que la llevaran a casa, así que le di una. (Shut up, Tommy. She needed a ride home, so I gave her one.)”
“Claro, claro. Un paseo. (Sure, sure. A ride.)”
“Pendejo de mierda (Fucking dumbass).”
“¿Qué? No estoy diciendo que haya algo malo en ello. Estoy feliz de ver a su hijo si significa que usted consigue algunos. Finalmente. (What? I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it. I am happy to watch your child if it means you getting some. Finally.)” He laughs when Joel glares at him, Tommy crossing over to the table and covering Sarah’s ears. “Además, ella está jodidamente caliente. No sé lo que ve en un viejo como tú. (Plus, she’s fucking hot. Don’t know what she sees in an old man like you.)”
“Yo tampoco. Y deja de hablar de ella así. (I don’t either. And stop talking about her like that.)” Joel’s voice grits out the last sentence, his short fuse being tested with Tommy’s teasing this morning.
“No, realmente, ella es casi diez años más joven y podría conseguir a quien quisiera, pero ¿eres tú? Mejor empieza a apostar por los caballos, hermano. (No, really, she’s almost ten years younger and could get anybody she wanted, but it’s you? Better start betting on the horses, brother.)” His younger brother comes back to stand next to him, picking up his mug and taking a sip.
“Déjalo. (Quit it.)” Joel sends him another glare, grabbing the milk out of the fridge to add some to your cup.
“Maldita sea, tal vez tengo que contratar a una niñera para Sarah cuando está en mi casa. O tal vez la contrate yo mismo. (Damn, maybe I gotta hire a nanny for Sarah when she’s at my house. Or maybe I’ll hire her myself.)”
When Joel looks back at Tommy, he sees him eyeing you as you talk to Sarah at the table, smacking him upside the back of his head.
“Tommy, si no te callas la mierda ahora mismo, lo juro por Dios. (Tommy, if you don’t shut the fuck right now, I swear to god.)”
“Qué? Ella tu novia ahora? (What? She your girlfriend now?)” The young Miller questions, raising an eyebrow.
“Sí, lo es. Así que deja de hablar de lo caliente que es mi novia. (Yeah, she is. So stop talking about how hot my girlfriend is.)” Joel states matter-of-factly, shutting the fridge after returning the jug of milk.
“I understood some of that actually,” you say with a proud smile on your face, one of eager mischief on Tommy’s across the room.
Joel whips his head to you, wide eyes, “What did you understand?”
“You called him an asshole. Something about Sarah. The word girlfriend was thrown in there.”
Joel sighs quietly in relief, picking up your prepared mug of coffee.
“Oh, and something about you being old. And that your brother thinks I’m hot. ” Tommy sputters on his drink as he starts to laugh loudly, a deep blush warming Joel’s cheeks. You walk over to him and take the mug out of his hand, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. Cause you’re not old and Tommy just wishes he wasn’t single at thirty years old.”
Joel laughs and Tommy waves your comment off, rolling his eyes before winking at you, “Oh please, you wish you found me before this old man.”
“Sure, Tommy. You can think that all you want, but I met you both on the same day.” Joel barks out a laugh, a smug grin on his face from you holding your own toward Tommy.
Joel looks at his brother, a smile growing on Tommy’s face, “Well, maybe you needed to get your eyes checked that day, Posey. Cause you’d have to be blind to not pick me over the decrepit ass.”
“Y’know, I’m happy to set you up with one of my friends. She likes the type of cute guys who think they’re funny.”
“I know I’m funny, Posey, so not sure if it’s gonna work out. But yes, I would like to be set up with this friend of yours, please…” You laugh and nod, sipping your coffee before answering.
“I’ll work some magic for ya, Tommy.”
“I like this one, Joel, better keep her around so she can be my wingman.”
“You say ‘this one’ as if there have been others,” Joel rolls his eyes and continues, “And I certainly don’t need your advice on that front Tommy. She’s got me as long as she wants me, but please dear god, you should not be his wingwoman. Don’t subject yourself to that torture, Mari.”
The three of you chat to catch up, Tommy genuinely asking about your time in Boston and telling you how glad he is that you’re back around to make his people happy again. The comment swells your heart before your attention is pulled to Sarah as she asks about having a sleepover with you.
“I would love to throw a sleepover with you, sweet pea. I’ll bring over all the goodies to your house and we can stay in your room and watch movies and paint our nails and do all the fun girly things.”
“Yes! And Daddy and Uncle Tommy aren’t allowed ‘cause no boys.” She points at the two of them, both of them frowning and sighing.
“Can I at least be at home, mija?” Joel jokes, and the three of you laugh as Sarah seriously considers her answer.
“Yeah, that’s fine, but you gotta leave us to do the sleepover things ourselves.”
“Deal, Bug. I can do that.”
“Oh yes! It’s all decided then, we’ll have a sleepover when your week at camp is over.” You clap your hands together and grin, already planning everything you need to do this week to prepare for it.
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“Damn, Mari, you brought a lot of stuff for one night with Sarah.” Joel eyes you from head to toe, a duffle on your arm, and shopping bags in your hands. He takes the plastic bags from you, holding the back door open for you before following you over to the island to set down all of your purchases. “You do know it’s only Sarah, right, darlin’? None of her friends are coming. This is a practice run for a sleepover.”
“I know, but I wanted to make the first girly sleepover she has at her house fun. I loved having my friends stay over when I was younger, and I dunno, you’re a boy so you don’t get it.” Rustling around in the bags, you start to pull out snacks and candy, along with fun new nail polishes and nail stickers, new hair clips, some young-girl-friendly makeup, and new pajamas for Sarah and you.
“Sweetheart, this is all really nice, but let me give you some money for it all. This is a ton of stuff.” Joel glances at the counter covered in supplies, and before you can answer he’s walking to the front door to get his wallet from the entryway table.
You call out after him, “I’m not going to take it so don’t bother trying! It wasn’t even that much anyway.”
Popping back around the corner into the kitchen, cash in hand, he shakes his head with a mocking laugh, “You’re funny. Even if it was five dollars, I’m giving you ten. Now please take the cash.”
Joel stops in front of you, hand out with a hundred in his hand. A dry laugh leaves your chest, pushing his hand away as you continue to sort through everything from the shops, “Not happening. This was way less than a hundred dollars too, so definitely not accepting that. Go put it back in your wallet, Miller.”
“You’re so goddam stubborn sometimes.”
“Oh, yeah, and you’re not?”
“Hey, I didn’t say that. I know I’m stubborn, that’s why this argument is happening. And why I am about to do this.” Joel steps behind you, slipping the bill into the back pocket of your shorts. You groan, fishing it out and shoving it back in his hand, pushing at his chest.
Joel rebuttals with another attempt, stepping toward you but you step back, backing around to the other side of the counter as he follows closely. You hold your arms out to keep space between the two of you, not being able to hold back a laugh as you start to pick up the pace in your cyclical chase.
“Joel! I’m not taking your damn money, leave it!”
“Mariposa, please, we both know I am way more stubborn than you and m’not gonna stop unless you take it.”
Shaking your head, you turn around to actually move into a speedwalk-jog kind of walk around the kitchen, serpentining your steps.
“Darlin’, I can still catch you if you walk like that.”
“Well, I’d like to see you try.”
Joel takes that statement as a challenge, suddenly catching up with you and wrapping his arms to your front, slipping the bill in the waistband of your shorts before letting you go, putting his hands up in the air.
Wordlessly, you snatch the money from your bottoms, throw it on the counter, and go back to the pile of purchases on the counter. After all of that, you start to unload the drinks in the fridge and open the pantry to throw the sweets and other snacks on one of the shelves. Joel stands and watches you, eyes going back and forth between following your movements to all of the things lying out, including the money.
A feeling kicks up in your chest, tightening your insides with a wring. Small moments send you back to feelings like these, unsupported by actual occurrences but your brain doesn’t care about what actually happens; it prefers the what-ifs. What if this doesn’t last, what if you’re too young, what if you’re too anxious, too broken, too much and it all comes crumbling from under you before you fully realize it? What if this is one of those moments you look back on as a sign? It’s taut and consuming, begging you to say something about it to release the corkscrew.
“If this is too much or if I’m overstepping a — I don’t know — a parental boundary 'cause she’s not my kid, and I know that, of course, but I wanted to do this for Sarah. M’not the nanny that you have to reimburse anymore, I just thought it would be fun to make it like how my sleepovers used to be as a kid…”
Joel’s brows stitch together with what looks like confusion or concern, rounding the kitchen island and standing next to you. A hand on your hip closest to him presses into the flesh there, turning you toward him as the other hand reaches up to tilt your chin to him. Your eyes avoid his, embarrassment heating your body with licks of flames.
“Can you look at me? Please?” His voice is unwavering but shy, boyish. You answer with a flick of up, meeting his own stare. “Mari, sweetheart, this isn’t about anything like that. I know you aren’t ‘the nanny’ anymore, and if I’m being honest, I don’t think you were ever just ‘the nanny’ to either of us. I was being pigheaded, and I didn’t want you to take on doin’ all of this yourself. It’s jus’ automatic for me to want to cover for Sarah, with any sort of activity. Not that I don’t want you to do all of this. I can’t even begin to explain how much it means to me that you care so much for Sarah. I’m just, I’m being her dad. And not giving you the means to do things for her yourself. M’sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, J. I should have better explained myself from the beginning. I want to be a part of your lives, I want to….I don’t know, I don’t want to take the place of her mom, obviously, but I want to be someone she can do girly things with if we’re gonna be together for a while—”
“Not if, Mari. I don’t plan on letting you go without a serious fight,” Joel’s thumb brushes against your cheek as he holds your gaze, “I am so grateful and so relieved that Sarah has someone like you in her life. ‘Specially right now with everything around her mom leavin’, you’re exactly what she needs. What we both need…I will take the money back. But next time we’re splitting it, and every time after that ‘til it’s time that it’s coming outta a joint account.”
When Sarah arrives home from her playdate, Joel retreats upstairs after ordering pizza for the two of you (and him, because he claimed he was gonna sneak down) to watch something on the small tv in his bedroom. You and Sarah changed into your new pajamas and got all of the snacks moved into the living room, trekking blankets and pillows and stuffed animals from her room and around the house to build a nest on the floor in front of the couch.
Sarah had chosen The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants out of the stack of movies you had rented, popping it in and sitting back with you while you had her pick out a color for her nails. The two of you talked about camp and the past school year, her confessing a crush she has on a boy in her camp group this year. There’s only a few details you get from her as you paint her nails, giggling with her when she gets shy and telling her about your first crush.
Sarah eventually is the one to paint your nails, turning out a bit messy and abstract during the process but nonetheless it was fun. As she’s finishing up a second coat on the last nail of yours, the doorbell rings for the pizza and Joel jogs downstairs a minute later to answer the door. Carrying the boxes over to the kitchen after he paid and tipped, he grins at you and nods to the set up.
“Is that every pillow in our house?”
“Well, no, you still have the ones on your bed cause you were sitting on ‘em,” you reply as you walk into the kitchen behind Sarah, fingers splayed apart, careful not to smudge. The younger Miller does the same, looking up at Joel when she stands next to the pizza box.
“Daddy, can you get the slices for me? I don’t want to mess up my nails that Posey painted for me. Look at them! They’re so pretty!” She raises her arms up to give Joel a look, his hand taking one of hers and inspecting it.
“Gosh, Bug, these are just gorgeous. Mari did a great job,” he grins at you, giving you a wink at the same time an idea pops into yours.
“I could do your nails, J. They could match Sarah’s!” Your suggestion is immediately supported by his daughter, her small stature jumping up and down in front of him.
“Yes, yes! You need to get your nails painted, Daddy!”
“Wasn’t this sleepover ‘no boys allowed’?” he arches a brow before he grabs a piece of pizza, plopping it on a plate for Sarah to take into the other room, “If I can stay for longer than it takes to paint my nails and hang out and eat your snacks, you can absolutely paint my nails.”
Sarah takes her plate from her dad, grinning ear-to-ear as she retreats back to the blanket nest. Joel makes a plate for you, carrying it out with his own and setting them on the coffee table. With a groan, he lowers himself to the ground, leaning his back against the couch and holding out his hands to you.
“Go for it, sweetheart.”
“D’you want the same thing as Sarah or something different?”
“Hmm, what d’you think, mija? Should we match?”
“I think you should give Daddy the color I gave you, Posey. It’s so pretty!” she leans back against you, using you as a backrest while she eats her pizza carefully with her wet nails, engrossed in the movie.
“Alright, guess it’s decided then. We’ll be matching,” you smile at him, taking one hand in yours to pull it closer, relaxing it against your thigh as you open the polish bottle. Concentrating on the tasks at hand, Joel wiggles his fingers when you aren’t in the midst of painting to get your attention, holding up a piece of pizza near your face.
“Eat, darlin’. Gotta fuel your artistic brain,” he winks and smiles sweetly at you, earning a quiet laugh before you lean in and take a bite chewing as you go back to painting. You switch hands after a few more bites, giving him a break to eat his own pizza and you yours while the three of you watch the movie. Once your job is done, you close the bottle tight and set it on the table, getting Sarah’s attention to look at it.
“How’d I do, Sare-Bear? Does your dad look pretty?” Her giggles pull some from all of you, nodding and clapping her hands together.
“Daddy, you need some of my pretty stickers and then Posey needs to take a picture with her camera.” Sarah stands and moves over to the pile of beauty supplies, grabbing the pack of nail stickers you bought and picking out a sheet. She sits next to Joel, stickering around his face as he closes his eyes and lets it all happen.
“Is this what happens all the time at girl sleepovers?” He peeks an eye open at you, getting a wide smile and shrug.
“Guess we’ll have to have some more for you to really find out.” Sarah steps back from her handiwork, and you pick up the Polaroid camera, lining up the shot from the side of Joel where there’s multiple star stickers clustered around his eyes. The shutter snaps when he looks at you, spitting out the image. You hand it to Sarah to watch it develop, showing you both quickly before going to hang it on the fridge along with a few other of your shots. You snap another of him looking at you directly, soft rounded eyes filled with affection.
Once you set the camera down, holding onto that photo for yourself, his hands find your thighs, running over the soft cotton of your PJ pants.
“Thank you for doin’ this for her, she hasn’t been this happy and giggly since before you left last summer.” Joel leans in, giving you a gentle, lingering kiss. “I love you. So, so much, Mari.”
Instead of answering, you give him another kiss before Sarah walks back in, settling between the two of you on the floor nest, cuddling up within your little unit of three to finish out the movie.
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A few nights after your slumber party, you sneak over to Joel’s again before bed, using the key to the back door that he had made for you. He’s sitting on the couch, a line of sight to the door and a sleepy smile tugging at his lips when he sees you.
Padding your feet across the floors, you climb onto the couch next to him and curl your legs under you while you lean into his side. His arm wraps you up and his lips press against your forehead with a content sigh.
“Hi, Mari.”
“Hey, J.”
“How was your day, darlin’?” he asks as he turns off the TV, fingers ghosting up and down your bicep.
“Good, it was good. Babysat for the O’Connors today with the little baby. She’s so adorable, just a day full of baby giggles.” You grin and Joel smiles back at you, nodding along, “And then after that I drove to therapy and had that for an hour and then went home and waited to come see you.”
“M’very glad you’re here. Can’t sleep without you anymore,” he kisses your temple, “How was therapy, amor?”
“Today was a little hard. Talked more about maybe looking into medicine cause I feel like it isn’t fully there yet. But I do feel like I am happy. Like in my heart. My brain just can't keep up. Still have a lack of interest in things and not a lot of energy like I used to.”
Joel hums an acknowledgment, looking down at you on his shoulder, “M’here if you need to talk about anything, sweet girl.”
“I know. Thank you,” you give him a chaste kiss, smiling drowsily, “How was your day?”
“Pretty alright. Had to go fill in for someone who called in sick today at a job site so I’m exhausted from all the lifting and using machinery. But the framing is all done which means there’s something that looks like a house standing on the lot,” Joel chuckles softly and glances out the front window, “And then, uh, ran into your mom when I got home. She must’ve been running out for something but she stopped to talk and invited me and Sarah and Tommy to celebrate the Fourth with y’all.”
You sit up, grinning excitedly, “Really? Oh my gosh, that will be so fun. Our first official holiday together. Even though it’s just the Fourth of July. Kind of lame.”
Joel chuckles along with you, nodding his head and avoiding your eyes, “I mean, I told her yes ‘cause I didn’t think you’d mind. But the more I got to thinkin’, I guess, I just—I think I need some more time before we tell your parents about us.”
Your face falls before you can hide it, Joel’s hand immediately reaching to cup your cheek delicately, “M’sorry, sweet girl. I just don’t think it’s a good idea for us to do it at a family event and maybe it might be best if we can sit them down sometime to talk about it all.”
A slow nod keeps you quiet, in your thoughts, rambling out an agreement as you bring your eyes to Joel’s again, “Yeah, yeah, I understand. I agree. Would be best to wait a little while longer.”
“Thank you, darlin’. M’so glad you agree. We’ll find the right time, eventually,” Joel gives you a tender kiss, lingering against your lips for a few more dopey exchanges. He pulls away, standing up and gathering you up with him, leading you to his bedroom and getting into bed with you, “Night, Mariposa. Love you.”
“Night, J,” you reply meekly, the small sound of your voice easily brushed off as fatigue. Joel keeps you close, spooning you with his front against your chest, falling asleep behind you quickly. You can’t rest, especially after that short and decided conversation.
Why did you agree so easily? And why was he even asking for more time? His daughter knows, his brother knows, your friends know. What’s any different about your family? Is he afraid that if he breaks your heart he’ll have to move? But why would he even think about that possibility when all he’s told you is how much he loves you, how he’ll be yours until you want nothing to do with him anymore?
Every reassurance that he’s given you is flooding your mind, those doubts and fears worming their way into the sweet memories and poisoning them with twisted words.
Every time he’s said he loves you, does he mean it? Or is he only saying it to say it, to placate your anxieties about the future of you two by committing in a way?
Is this push back about telling your family a response to you not being ready to say ‘I love you’ back? Is he getting fed up with waiting for it?
Are you too much too quickly? Weaving yourself too tightly into his life and his daughter’s life? Is he going to start to drift, to put off telling your parents until he can end it?
These thoughts cycle in an endless loop, keeping you up while Joel sleeps soundly beside you. Nausea stirs in your stomach, rapid heart beating from the spiraling of your mind keeping you wide awake until the early hours of the morning.
The only way you can manage to fall asleep is turning in Joel’s arms, cuddling into his chest and breathing in his scent to halt the carousel of negativity in your brain long enough for his even breaths to lull you to sleep.
One last question flashes to you before you’re finally asleep:
 What happens when Summer ends?
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taglist: @beskarandblasters @undrthelights @swiftispunk @joelsversion @asirenbyanyothername @ellenmunn @ja-ehyun @sw33tp1xie @marisemonteiroo @brunetteeras @beee-haw @jenna-mcgraw19 @whore-4-pedro @katifefe @joelmillerswifu @itsgiorgiaz @soph55 @wild-hearts-runfree @youcancallmeelle @jupitre @starkovli @thatgeminigirlx @livingdeadmaria @bunnyskisses @houseofballoonsth @casual-obsessions @pedro-pascal-lvr @bimbodolls-world @burningnerdchild @tuquoquebrute @mrsvedder12 @estelivi28 @bongsrconfusing @addictedtotlou @angie2274 @pedrostories @pedroholicx @theelishad @johnwatsn @elissaaa @felicityofbakerstreet @atinylittlepain @northernbluess @cannolighost
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A Fresh Start [6]
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, but with like immediate follow up comfort, medical trauma? if you’ve ever been blown off by a doctor in the office and that frustrated you then be forewarned
Word Count: 5,119
Summary: When  you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a   Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child.   However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous  night,  you found it to be the only feasible option you had left.  Nevarro was a  far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned  out to be  exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you  fall more  and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears  its ugly  head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
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Ch. #06: TRIKAR’LA, BUIR!    
Chapter Summary: Grogu goes to the doctor, and the Marshal decides he might need to murder said doctor. You get comforted by your boys.
 "Watch carefully,
 the magic that occurs,
 when you give a person,
 just enough comfort,
 to be themselves."
 - a t t i c u s
Nevarro didn’t have a large hospital. It had an emergency center and a clinic for routine appointments. Anything that couldn’t be healed or cared for within a day got transported to a nearby settlement on a neighboring world. Luckily, the transport time wasn’t very long, and Nima told you that the travel there wasn’t intense. The High Magistrate had worked out a deal to keep it that way.
Coming from a Level One Trauma Center on Coruscant, the office was shockingly puny. A simple two story building with emergency services on the first floor and routine medical care on the second. You had learned ages ago that the size of a medical center didn’t correlate to the kind of care a patient could receive. Some of the best physicians you’ve worked with came from smaller hospitals. You had no criticism there. The only thing that made you nervous was not having the kind of resources a Level One hospital would have. Coruscant had spoiled you in that sense.
For what had to be the hundredth time since leaving the station, you glanced over at Mando who walked right beside you. He held Grogu in his arms casually chatting with the boy. Grogu responded in a mix of Mando’a, Basic, and gibberish. It was painfully cute watching the Mandalorian interact with his son. Every inch of him screamed danger and intimidation, but the tender voice leaving his helmet’s modulator was nothing but soft and loving.
“Is something wrong?”
It took you a second to realize Mando was talking to you. “Hmm?”
“You keep looking over at me.”
You were getting pretty decent at reading Mando’s body language, and weirdly you could tell the difference between his head tilts. All of that, yet you still had a bad gauge on how far he could see out of his peripherals while wearing the helmet.
“Oh, er,” You scrambled for a response, “No. Nothing. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. I was just checking on you.”
You opened your mouth but stopped yourself when you realized you were about to apologize for apologizing. Instead, you tried to steer the conversation away from your staring. “Do you know how many doctors work in Nevarro?”
“Not enough.” Mando replied. “Three rotate on the schedule right now, I think. Karga is still trying to recruit more, but until Nevarro really makes a name for itself it’s a hard sell.”
“It’s pretty impressive so far.” You motioned around to the clean and cheerful street surrounding you. “And growing fast.”
Mando nodded and your lips curled up in a smile as you watched him allow Grogu to crawl onto his shoulder and cling to his helmet. He kept one hand up just in case the child slipped. “Yes, but as always, it comes down to credits. Karga spent a lot to get this place built up. Doctors are expensive.”
“True, but if you’re gonna spend credits anywhere healthcare is a good bet.” You shrugged. “There are doctors out there who’ll take less pay to work somewhere rural. I⏤” You stopped yourself and at the sudden halt Mando glanced your way. You had nearly told him you once considered working in a rural setting. It hadn’t crossed your mind in ages, since before the incident, but you didn't think twice before nearly blurting it out. You cleared your throat. “I knew someone. From the clinic I worked in. They were specifically looking for a job somewhere rural.”
Mando nodded. “Maybe you should send their frequency number to Karga.” You forced out an awkward chuckle. “For now though, we have Bacta and cautery. You could probably find e-bacta if you asked the right people.”
“Spoken like a true bounty hunter.” You teased.
Mando let out a laugh and began to wrestle Grogu from the makeshift jungle gym of his shoulders and helmet. The clinic had come into view and you felt a ball of nervous energy begin to form in your chest. This wouldn’t be your first time in a medical facility since that night, but it would be your first time going willingly. All this morning, you hadn’t thought about it. You didn’t think this would bother you at all, but staring at the building now your mouth was becoming dry and your palms clammy.
The weight of a hand on your shoulder startled you, and your head snapped to the side to see Mando facing you. Nothing about his helmet looked concerning, but you could feel the worry radiating from him. “I’ve been calling your name. You didn’t answer.” Grogu hummed in his arms and tilted his head. “Are you sure everything is okay, cyar’ika?”
“Yes. Just...zoned out.” You tried to find an excuse, but nothing was coming to mind. So, you went for the next best thing. Topic change. “What does that word mean?”
“The word you called me. Uh, ‘shar ekah’?” You repeated it best you could, but the word was always spoken so swift and softly that it was hard to remember the exact pronunciation. Saying ‘buir’ had been much easier.
Mando’s hand fell from your shoulder and his entire body went tense. You furrowed your eyebrows at his reaction. He let out a soft cough, and now it seemed like he was the one searching for something to say. Your distraction had been successful. However, now you were very curious as to what he was calling you. Mando didn’t seem like the type to secretly be calling you ‘dumbass’ all the time.
“It’s nearly 2.” He blurted. “We don’t want to be late.”
“Right!” You nodded. As curious as you were, you’d happily accept any advancement of this moment. Anything to avoid him asking you what was wrong again. He passed you to enter the building and you took in one last shaky breath before following.
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The clinic’s waiting room was filled with children. This office saw patients of all ages, but with school starting up next week it seemed most families were doing exactly as Din was⏤ getting his child ready for day one. The schedule was running late so despite it being nearly half an hour past the appointment time, Din sat in the waiting room right beside you. Grogu had wiggled out of his lap to run around the room with other kids around his age. It made him nervous at first. He wanted his son to have friends to have fun to not ever feel left out, but the anxiety of him not fitting in was painful. You had reassured him that everything was fine, and you had been right. Grogu squealed and laughed as he played with three other kids.
Din was leaning back in his seat, hands clasped over his abdomen and ankles crossed, in an attempt to look as casual as he possibly could. The truth was the opposite. Din couldn’t stop peering out of the corner of his eyes at you. Luckily, the helmet made it a lot easier for him to hide his actions unlike you. Din was still worried about you. It was obvious something was making you uncomfortable, and he had been determined to get to the bottom of it. Until, of course, you innocently asked what ‘cyar’ika’ meant. That had thrown him.
The first time he called you ‘cyar’ika’ it had been entirely accidental. You had been hesitant about asking him questions about himself, and he didn’t want you to feel that way. In his reassurance the word had just slipped out. Since then, it fell out a lot more. Often by choice. Din liked the way it sounded when he was referring to you with it. He liked that every time it left his lips, you’d turn to give him attention with your pretty smile.
Technically, the answer shouldn’t be embarrassing to him. The best translation of ‘cyar’ika’ was ‘darling’ or ‘sweetheart’, but that didn’t necessarily mean it had to be used in a romantic setting alone. It was a generalized term of endearment. He could’ve said that. Din’s problem was that he knew, deep down, he didn’t feel just a ‘generalized endearment’ for you. Din was much too attracted to you to pretend it was said with any other connotation.
His panic hadn’t helped his situation. Din spent his entire life being trained for a fight. He was taught from a young age that panic led to mistakes and mistakes led to death or worse. It had been ingrained into every single cell of his body to the point where staying calm was a muscle memory for him. It didn’t take a conscious decision. It was his default, and that default was half the reason he was so successful as a bounty hunter. Despite all of that, all it took was one innocent look from you⏤ one simple question⏤ and he melted into a pathetic puddle.
Din glanced your way again. You sat ramrod straight in your seat, shoulders tense, and your fingers were tangled together in a vice grip. He wasn’t sure how you weren’t hurting yourself holding your hands together like that. Whereas his entire body sat casual, though a farce, yours screamed stress. His own hands came unclasped as the urge to touch you in reassurance overcame him. Din managed to resist and instead crossed his arms in hopes that this position would better control his instinct.
“I haven’t been to a doctors office in a while.” You blurted. The sound of your voice had his head snap to look at you in a nearly comical speed. You were watching Grogu play while you spoke in a whisper. “I guess I’m just nervous. It’s stupid.”
“How you feel is never stupid.” Din replied. He shifted so he sat up rather than leaned back. “You didn’t have to come with us. If I had known—”
You chuckled, “I know. You wouldn’t have made me. I think you might be a little too understanding for a boss.” Din swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. That was true. Kriff, if you knew any of the thoughts he had you’d consider him the worst boss in this world— maybe in the entire Outer Rim. “I wanted to be here. For Grogu and— and you.”
“I appreciate that.”
“It’s no big deal.”
Din disagreed. You were acting against an active fear you had for him and his son. That meant a lot to him. He knew the kind of strength it took to press onward into a setting of discomfort.
“Can I ask why?” Din asked. “Why haven’t you been to a clinic in a while?”
You shrugged and your gaze drifted down to your hands which you began to wring together. Din stayed silent. He was content with giving you all the time in the world to respond. Finally, you looked up to meet his gaze. You smiled and your words came out jokingly, “Nobody likes doctors.”
“Still important to go now and then.”
“Uh huh.” You tilted your head at him, smile growing impish. “And when’s the last time you saw a doctor? Mr. Big Bad Bounty Hunter?”
Din’s lips curled up in amusement. He loved that you were comfortable enough to joke with and tease him. He shook his head. “I have bacta and a cautery at home. Those don’t require me to sit in a waiting room for 45 minutes.”
“Fair point.” You chuckled. “Bacta and cautery do have their own faults, you know.”
“Like?” Din asked. He didn’t really care about the faults of either, but if this distracted you from your nerves he’d play along. Plus, the sound of your voice was like music to his ears. He’d sit and listen to you read the instruction manual for a caf machine without complaint.
“Well,” You began, your shoulders beginning to relax, “Bacta is incredible. No doubt. Society called it a medical miracle and they weren’t wrong. It’s only as good as the person using it though. If the wound isn’t cleaned right or debris is left inside when the Bacta is applied then everything gets trapped inside as your tissue heals. Plus, if it’s already an internal issue Bacta can’t target that. It does nothing for fever control or symptom management.” Din could tell you were getting into the conversation because you twisted in your seat to face him. “If you use Bacta on a fracture, but you don’t set it right then it heals wrong. If you mess up the measurements in a Bacta tank or the settings are wrong it can ‘overheal’ a person which just means a person’s tissues and cells rejuvenate and are reborn so fast that it floods the body. Those excess cells wreck havoc and turn to tumors wherever they land.” Din let his eyes shamelessly trace your features. This was the first topic, other than Grogu, that he had seen you get so excited about. You pointed at him with a mocking grin, “And don’t get me started on a cautery gun.”
Din chuckled, “And what exactly is wrong with my cautery gun?”
“You’re essentially creating a wound to fix a different wound.” You scoffed. “It’s great for stemming blood loss and destroying infected tissue, but between infections and scarring⏤”
Din leaned toward you, a confident tilt to his head, “I’ve never had a cautery induced infection.”
You twisted your lips, amused, and he shifted so he was as close to you as he could manage in the separate chairs. You shook your head. “Fine. You, Marshal Mando, are the one exception of the system. Congratulations.”
Din let out a breathy laugh, and he wondered what it would sound like to hear his name spoken in your voice. The beeping of his communicator made you alter your position in the chair so you were back to where you had started. Din did the same and resisted muttering the curse words bouncing around in his head. Looking at the screen he saw it was Cara. Dank farrik. She’d only call if it were actually important.
He accepted the call and Cara started talking without preamble.
“Mando, we got pirates. Mayfeld and I are on our way to the tarmac where a group of them are causing trouble, but Karga said a few were spotted by the school.”
This time he didn’t hold back the curse that came to mind. Din turned to look at you and you gave him a reassuring nod. “Go.”
“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Din stood.
“We’ll probably still be in here.” You motioned to the waiting room.
Din reached out to squeeze your shoulder and on his way out told Grogu to behave.
Kriffing pirates.
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Mando had been an excellent distraction. You had never been a fan of pirates at baseline, they were always the worst to deal with when they stumbled into the hospital in Coruscant, but now you really hated them. You tried to focus on Grogu who was still playing with a different set of kids as the ones he had been with before got called back to be seen. Before they left, you had actually exchanged a few frequency numbers to set up play dates at some point.
“Grogu?” A nurse poked her head out of a door.
He dropped the blocks he was holding to perk up at the sound of his name. Still in a playful and active mood, Grogu wanted to walk on his own rather than be held so you walked by his side as you both followed behind the nurse.
She went about taking vitals and getting some more information before leading you back to a simple room. You sat down in one of the two chairs in the corner, by the exam table, and let Grogu bounce around the room to burn off his excess energy.
“You are gonna sleep so good tonight.” You chuckled.
“No sleep. No.” Grogu chirped. “No, no.”
That was quickly becoming one of the kid’s favorite Basic words to use. You glanced up at the clock on the wall to see it was about an hour after your appointment time. Understaffed clinics got backed up, it happened, and you understood that better than most. You felt bad for the poor physician running around the office today. You were actually hoping you’d have to wait a bit longer though.
Mando wanted to be here for this, to be here for his son, and you hated that the damned pirates got in the way of that. If you could swap roles with him and handle the pirates so he could stay here with his son you would’ve. Unfortunately, that would’ve been messy for every single person involved. You didn’t have an extensive history doing well in a fight, and the only kind of blade you knew how to use was a scalpel. You’d never even held a blaster before.
“Skraan!” Grogu called out.
You shook your head. “We just ate lunch, buddy. I think we have some snacks left.” You dug around the baby bag you had packed for the day and found the container of star shaped cereal puffs you had put together this morning. “Here we go.”
Grogu bounced over to you happily and held his hands up to you. You dropped a few stars into his palms and watched him eat them one by one. He’d explored the room while eating the stars and would only return back to you for more stars. That became the routine for the next ten minutes and by then you were out of star shaped snacks.
A knock at the door startled you. “Come in!” You placed the container into the bag and motioned for Grogu to come sit on your lap. “Hi. I’m⏤”
“This is Grogu?” The man interrupted your introduction. He was older, you’d guess in his late sixties or early seventies, and was human. Thick gray hair covered his head and it matched the thick mustache above his lips.
“Yes. We’re here for⏤”
“Let’s see, school registration check up.” He read off the holopad in his hand. You shifted in your seat, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, and bit back a snarky reply. “We’ll get some blood for lab work, give the usual booster shots, and get you on your way, yeah?”
You held Grogu’s hands, skeptical, “I was actually hoping⏤”
“There’s no need for⏤”
“Please stop interrupting me.” You snapped. There was nothing you hated more than not being able to get a thought out. Maybe you’d have more patience for it if you hadn’t spent all your training being looked down at for being a young woman. You couldn’t count the number of bloated attendings you worked under who were just like the man in front of you. The doctor stayed silent but you could see annoyance on his features. “Who are you?”
“I’m sorry?”
“When you came in, you never introduced yourself.” You said but paused before saying more. This wasn’t a hospital you had any sort of credentialing in. That meant if you wanted anything done, you were gonna have to stroke an ego. You cleared your throat and shook your head. “Sorry, I’m sure it slipped your mind with how busy you are today. I bet they have you running all over the place.”
The man chuckled. “You aren’t wrong. My name is Dr. Daelar. I am sorry about the wait time. I was caught in a different procedure room for the last hour doing a cryoablation of some skin lesions.” You resisted the urge to scoff. Doing cryoablation correctly took five minutes tops. Doing it insanely, incorrectly could maybe stretch it out to ten. You didn’t appreciate the excuse because you knew it was a lie. “As I was saying, we’ll draw some blood and get those booster shots going.”
“Thank you. We’re actually going to be forgoing the blood tests, and I was hoping you’d take a listen to his lungs.” You replied. Over lunch, Mando had explained that he wasn’t comfortable with anybody drawing blood from Grogu. He hadn’t explained the exact reasoning, but you gathered it was something from their tricky past. Even with your back to him, you could tell the topic made him mildly uncomfortable. “He’s had this night time cough I’ve noticed⏤”
Daelar shook his head. “That’s not wise. I strongly recommend the blood tests.”
“Okay.” You drew the word out. “Thank you, and I appreciate your thoughts on the matter⏤”
“These aren’t my thoughts, these are the facts.” Daelar interrupted again. “Blood work should be checked routinely for chronic illnesses. He needs this done.”
You didn’t know if Grogu could tell that you were in a bad mood, but he began to squirm and whine in your lap. He turned around and pushed up on his tip toes so he could bury his face into the crook of your neck. You scooped him up to hold him closer making the action easier.
“I understand the benefits of routine lab work, and I understand the risks of refusing.” You said as calmly as you could. If this was about legal issues then you’d say the magic words that he could type in his chart and waive all liability off himself. “That being said, we’re still refusing a blood draw today.”
Daelar scoffed and shook his head. “You’re being unreasonable. As a first time mom it’s understandable to be nervous and jittery, but it’s no reason to put your son at risk.”
Oh, you really didn’t like this man. Karga had somehow managed to hire a physician that represented everything wrong with healthcare. Nice. Between the bullying and assumptions, that would be enough to piss you off alone. Add the stress of being in a clinic after so long? You really had no chance of getting out of this without losing your cool.
“You’re not drawing labs on Grogu.” You snapped.
Daelar shook his head and shrugged. “Then I don’t know if I can clear him to start school.”
“Blood work isn’t necessary for school registration. Just the boosters.” Your voice began to raise.
“Ma’am⏤” He began once more but a solid knock at the door interrupted the interaction. A nurse poked her head in one second later and Daelar snapped at her. “We’re busy in here.”
“Sorry, sir. The child’s father is here.”
Daelar smirked at you. “Good. Perhaps, this will settle the matter at hand.”
The nurse slid out of the room and was replaced by Mando. You took in the sight of him, unharmed and unmarred, and a wave of relief washed over you. If dealing with the pirates had led to a fire fight then Mando came away with no obvious injuries. Mando’s helmet tilted just a bit and you could feel his eyes on you in the same way you had looked over him. His shoulders stiffened marginally, his stance still intimidating, and you wondered if your anger was notable. You rubbed Grogu’s back soothingly.
“Oh. Marshal!” Daelar greeted. “I had no idea this was your son. I⏤”
“What’s wrong?” Mando walked over to stand beside you, ignoring Daelar entirely. He rubbed Grogu’s head and let his hand trail from his son’s head to rest on your upper back. The way he stood beside your seat nearly blocked Daelar from your view.
You lifted your chin to stare up at the T-shaped visor. “Dr. Daelar has been adamant about a blood draw despite my very clear refusal.”
Mando turned around and his hands drifted to his hips. Daelar shifted awkwardly from across the room and he let out a cough. The doctor held his hands up with a smile, “No, I think this is simply a misunderstanding.” Your eyes widened, jaw falling open. “The little Mrs," Again with the assumptions, “She misunderstood me is all. I was simply offering my recommendation, but obviously the decision falls to your hands at the end of the day. We can just work on the boosters and finish the paperwork for registration.”
A disbelieving guffaw left your throat at the audacity of this man. Mando glanced over his shoulder down at you, and you took a sharp breath through your nose. Whatever. As long as Grogu got the care he needed. Mando looked back to Daelar.
“Have you listened to my son’s lungs?”
Daelar’s eyes widened. “Hmm? Why?”
“I know Soran would have brought it up. She’s attentive. Was there a misunderstanding about Grogu’s cough?”
“No. Not at all. Sorry.” Daelar sighed. “Bring the little guy over to the exam table.”
Without speaking, Mando held his arms out to take Grogu, and you tried to hand him over. Grogu clung to your shirt, his claws digging into the material, and he buried his face further into your neck. He grumbled, “No.” You shot Mando a look, and he reached out to help detangle Grogu from you. The little boy didn’t give in.
“Grogu.” Mando said firmly. He set a hand on his back. “Come to me, ad’ika.”
“No, no!” Grogu finally lifted his head to look at his father’s visor. He shook his head and you had to lean back to keep his ears from hitting you. Grogu whined, “Trikar’la, buir!”
Despite all the tension, despite the fact that you still only knew very, very basic Mando’a, you gasped with a swell of pride. Unable to bite back the smile you wore, you cooed. “Grogu, that was so good.” You had no idea what he said beyond referring to his father, but his words sounded like it could’ve been a full sentence. Plus, he had said it in front of Daelar, a virtual stranger. “Good job, sweetie.”
You lifted your eyes to Mando, expecting a similar reaction, but his entire frame was tense. Again, his helmet gave no signs of anger, but a seething energy radiated from him. You furrowed your brow in confusion. Grogu went back to hiding his face in the crook of your neck, hugging you, and Mando shifted his hands so one rested on your back and arm.
“Let me help you up.” Mando whispered in a kind tone. “You can sit on the exam table with him.”
“Alright.” You mumbled.
You didn’t need any help standing, but Mando kept his hands on you while you rose and all the way to the exam table. Once you sat down on the sanitation paper, Mando settled beside you. He kept his arm behind you, his hand leaning on the table by your opposite thigh. You turned to look at Mando, and because of his positioning you found yourself dangerously close to his chest. If you leaned forward you could bury your face in the crook of his neck the same way Grogu was doing to you.
His head began to turn to look at you and you quickly focused your gaze forward. Daelar came over with his stethoscope and began to listen to Grogu’s lungs. He did this for a few minutes before pulling back with a nod. Daelar cleared his throat. “I’m hearing a little wheezing. Very mild. I can prescribe a nebulizer treatment at home before he goes to bed. Hold the mask over his face and just let him breathe in the medicine.”
“Thank you.” Mando said, but his tone was more intimidating than grateful.
“I’ll send a nurse in with the boosters and the medicine.” Daelar said before rushing out of the room.
You scoffed, still in disbelief on how that had gone, but when the door closed Mando shifted so he stood directly in front of you. Now he had a hand resting on the table on either side of your thighs. You blinked in surprise at the sudden motion.
“Are you alright?” Mando asked.
You forced a chuckle. “Yeah. I mean, that guy was a total ass, but he wasn’t the first jerk I’ve dealt with. Won’t be the last.” You continued rubbing Grogu’s back, not knowing what else to do with your own hands. “Granted, I could’ve done without the gaslighting, but…” It occurred to you then that Mando hadn’t hesitated to take your side. “Thanks. For having my back, I mean.”
“Always.” Mando replied with ease. He let out a soft sigh. “I’m talking to Karga about this.”
You laughed. “You’re gonna get a doctor fired because he was rude to me?” Mando didn’t reply, but his shrug was highly unconvincing. “It’s fine.”
“He upset you. That’s not fine. Grogu said⏤”
You gasped, “Yeah! What did Grogu say?”
Mando paused before leaning back. “He said you were sad.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you glanced down to gently pull Grogu away from your chest to look at him. He stared up at you with concern in his large eyes, and you gave him a smile. “I’m okay.” You gave his head a light scratch and let your fingers trail to give his ear a light, loving tongue. “Thanks for looking out for me, little guy.”
Grogu lifted his hands toward your face so you brought it down toward him. He lightly patted your cheeks and did the same thing he did this morning⏤ pressed his forehead as close to yours as you could get it. Everyone in Nevarro showed different forms of affection to Grogu, he was too cute to not pay attention to, but the most important sign of affection was the way Mando lightly set his forehead to his. You had to assume that in Grogu’s mind, that was an important thing. The fact that he was sharing that bit of love with you was overwhelming. You tried not to linger on the thought too long this morning⏤ not wanting to fall apart⏤ but Mando being here sticking up for you without hesitation only added to the situation.
You felt yourself begin to get choked up and quickly cleared your throat.
“Here. Why don’t you go to your dad?” You held out Grogu, and Mando must have sensed your distress because he took the child with no question. You gave him a broad smile. “I⏤I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
You hopped off the exam table and as you pulled the door open Mando called out. “Are you sure you’re alright, cyar’ika?”
You let a wide smile fill your features, every bit of real, and nodded sincerely, “I am. I promise. I’m⏤ This…” Considering how grateful you felt right now, you owed him as much truth as you could give. You nodded. “This is the best I’ve felt in a really long time.”
Mando nodded once, silent. Grogu lifted a hand and gave you a small wave. You rushed out of the room and made a beeline straight for the bathroom you had passed on the way into the procedure room. Finally away from prying eyes, you leaned against the locked bathroom door and began to trace the scar along your collarbone. Even with your fingers ghosting over the ugly patch of skin, you felt happy⏤ cared for. Maker, you didn’t think you’d actually feel that way ever again.
mando’a translations:
cyar’ika: darling, sweetheart
trikar’la: sad
buir: father
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