#i know i’m picky
bradshawsbaby · 8 months
Being on dating apps is seriously starting to make me question if I’m even capable of being attracted to anyone besides the men of TGM.
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lady-merian · 1 month
Tagged by @called-kept and sort of @freenarnian to do this picrew. I don’t normally do picrews but this one looked cute and I decided to give it a go.
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I think my hair is fairly close to this color but my mind says it should be the blonde instead.
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And since I was playing around with it anyway here’s an alternate styling
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Last song was At the Races by Nightnoise
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daeyumi · 6 months
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i love it when ppl put kirby into desserts
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sunny1927 · 3 months
Finally… after 2-3 months on working on this…
it’s finally done!!! I can finally sleep in peace now-
To give context: Mickey went to the Realm of Darkness to search for Oswald (cause he figured out he was still alive and such, don’t know how). And later he found him, but not the same brother as he knew before… (and then they proceeded to have a 3 and a half minute musical because it’s what every Disney characters do sjfjsjdk-)
Anyways enjoy! This was really fun, yet challenging project to do considering this is my first animatic haha! ☀️✨
(Animatic inspired by Frootoon on YouTube btw! Just wanna give credit is all)
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valewritessss · 9 days
This fandom is so nit-picky that I’ve seen more criticism on every little thing about wottg (a book that came out 2 days ago) than people saying things they liked about it
Edit: someone has already gotten mad so I repeat this is a joke and not that deep❤️
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lexiluxray · 8 months
also, what do you think abt perfectworldshipping?
Haaaa thank youuuu 💙💙💙 Really happy you like how I draw him, because I think his design IS very very shaped so if I can pass it throught my doodles it’s all I want ;3;
As for perfectworldshipping what I think is that it is Very Good. Opposite/complementary aesthetics, complicated relationship, drama and size difference ? What is not to like ?
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Actually, let’s use this ask as an excuse 😌
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oobbbear · 1 month
Old man yaoi kill me old man yaoi…
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paimonial-rage · 9 months
wriothesley 3, 16, 17 :3 -- @milkstore
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Wriothesley’s mbti/enneagram?
Wriothesley is a 9w8 ESTP sp/so.
What is the best way to win Wriothesley’s heart?
Wriothesley is a simple man, and simple men require simple methods. Simply put, the best way to win Wriothesley’s heart is to flirt with him. He doesn’t need much more than that. Challenge him, tease him, take him by surprise. Play hot and cold. Accept his invitations for tea, then spurn his advancements the next. Present yourself as a catch, dance right out of his reach, and let his instincts kick in. But make sure you’re having fun too. It’s not a game if both people aren’t having fun.
What are Wriothesley’s strengths in a relationship?
Of the many traits Wriothesley was blessed with, two that stand out are his level-headedness and his tendency toward action. No matter what you may go through as a couple, he will not be overcome by stress or fear. You can always trust him to be solid no matter the storm. Not to mention you can trust he will not take the backseat in your relationship. If there is anything wrong, he will address it. But more than that, if he sees the chance to make you happy, he will take it, whether it’d be bringing home flowers or taking you on a date to something you want to see. In a relationship, he won’t let you feel alone.
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 3 months
do u have any other controversial takes? 👀 I agree with u on everything so I'm rlly interested!
I have like one more pretty big one but it’s kinda an extension on #6 of my hot take thing.
Ik like half the fandom loves kandriel but it actually makes me so irrationally mad that it’s as popular as it is.
I’m a firm believer of not changing or altering a character’s sexuality in the text if it is an important aspect of their character. Neil’s asexually is an important element of his character and seeing him shipped with anyone but his canon partner will always make me a bit uncomfortable(but I would never make my opinions dictate what others do I may have a problem with it but I’ll never make my problem other people’s problem)
But it’s not just that… it’s the fact that Andrew and Neil are each other’s person and it feels like a disservice to Kevin to just shoehorn him into that… for reasons unknown to me.
I love the platonic relationship between the three don’t get me wrong I’ll just never be able to see the three of them together in any form of a romantic sense.
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yourebeingsilly · 1 year
it's been more than a month yet thinking about how Neil said season 2 is a bridge to what was supposed to be in the book sequel still keeps me awake at night 'cause the math isn't mathing for me
you see, i can’t see how it was supposed to work, taking into consideration Aziraphale's book personality. i mean, Aziraphale's final s2 decision, in my humble opinion, wouldn’t at all work for his book!version (and radio!version, obviously. I'm still not really sure if it works for me even in terms of his show!version), since book!Aziraphale, how do i put it? yeah, i doubt he’d give a single fuck about the idea of reforming heaven and making it better and stuff. like under no circumstances whatsoever
because — though I might be wrong — I always thought the point of Aziraphale's character is that he doesn’t believe in heaven being right. it's evident from this part of the book when he interferes in a TV program while on a search for a body. he calls heaven propagandistic here and says it doesn't matter who wins, hell or heaven, because humanity loses either way
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and it's not, in fact, the first time Aziraphale shows disapproval of heaven and its methods. he has already said himself that hell and heaven are practically the same before here, while discussing their head offices with Crowley
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so he knows for a fact that heaven is just as thirsty for blood and cruel as hell. they are not the side of the light. he knows it from the start, and the fact that heaven wants war just as much as hell does is not an insight for him. it just reassures him of what he's known before. and he's quite strong in his beliefs, too
and i just keep trying to figure out how we were supposed to get to book!Aziraphale not only going back there but also taking up an archangel position — and if we ever were, really
i honestly can’t find an answer to this in my head, so i thought i might share it here. i can’t be the only one thinking about this on repeat, and maybe someone else has found an answer or a loophole they’ll want to share so i can find peace again
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goldenboydisaster · 6 months
Ok, I get that Augefort (both the school and the man) are crazy as hell, but I just have to say Kristen should not be in danger of getting expelled. Again I know Augefort doesn’t work like a real school but how does failing a class constitute getting expelled??? I’ve been thinking about this because of the preview where if I remember Bobby Dawn was saying Kristen was expelled which also, he does not have the authority to expel her??? Expulsion goes through the administration and the school board??? Augefort why do you not work like a real school this is bothering me!
This is also more fun but still! Leave Kristen alone!
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ohithankyou · 1 month
im gonna need the 911 promo to start tomorrow. i need some articles, posters, interviews, etc etc please and thank you <3
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ghostbeam · 4 months
Was just eating a tomato and I was like hm I bet Touya doesn’t like tomatoes WHEN WILL I BE FREE
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kiwisandpearls · 1 month
probably very nitpicky, but I really dislike it when people use magia record as proof for certain arguments, such as that kyubey would just lie when asked questions.
not only is magia record not canon to the main madoka magica universe (since magia record is a separate universe from the one followed in the madoka magica anime), and this is again, probably very nitpicky, magia record wasn’t written by Gen Urobuchi if my knowledge serves correctly.
like that seems really nitpicky, but I just don’t know, I’m not sure if kyubey would have even been written the way he was in magia record if he (Urobuchi) was writing for it.
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moominpopzz · 6 months
whats ur fav monster flavor :) mine is ultra paradise the green one
Mine changes a lot,, it’s really the Ultra Gold one but nowhere around me sells them anymore so.. after that it’s the Ultra Peach and the Ultra Strawberry!!^_^
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kestrels-and-katydids · 4 months
Some poor unassuming person picking up on the fact that I like arthropods: oh so what’s your favroite bug?
Me, incapable of being normal: oh well you see that’s a loaded question bc scientifically speaking not all insects are bugs and there’s only a “small” group, Hemipterans, that are considered the true bugs and are United by their characteristic sucking mouth pieces, this group includes insects such as cicadas, stink bugs, leafhoppers, treehoppers, etc of which I would consider cicadas to be my favorite however linguistically the word bug has been used to refer to all insects as well as arachnids, diplopods, and other arthropods so if you ask me my favorite bug you’re likely referring to insects as a whole as is the context most people, including some entomologists use the word bug for —
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