#i know i haven't been very active lately and i can't promise to be super active now
sylviareviar · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME : Sylvia Reviar NICKNAME[S] : Sylv, Star DATE OF BIRTH : May 18th GENDER : Cis Female PLACE OF BIRTH : Unknown, USA (she was unregistered until two years old, where her place of birth was listed as a small town in Kentucky) CURRENTLY LIVING : Jinbocho, Tokyo, Japan SPOKEN LANGUAGES : English, Russian, Japanese, German EDUCATION : 9 years of school in USA, first year high schooler in Japan (since the education systems are so vastly different, she also has a lot of tutors). HAIR COLOR : White (dyed pink) EYE COLOR : Sky blue HEIGHT : 5'2" (1.57m)
SIBLING[S] : Jack (older brother), Lucy (younger sister) PARENT[S] : Birth parents are either dead or missing, but after being thrown around Russian foster homes, was adopted by Khari "David" Reviar at age 10 FRIEND[S] : Akira/Ren, Ann Takamaki, Makoto Niijima, Ryuji Sakamoto, Futaba (online, only knows her as Alibaba), and... maybe Morgana? Does that count? BEST FRIEND[S] : Teddie Hanamura, Gogo Akechi, and Kotone Shiomi (She doesn't spend a lot of time socializing at school unless someone else makes the first move, so she isn't as close to her friends as she is to the folks listed above) CHILDREN : None PET[S] : None
SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Panromantic with a preference for men, but questioning her sexuality regardless RELATIONSHIP STATUS : single SINCE WHEN : She's never been a serious relationship before
Tagged by: @jokerxkurusu (thank you friend :D) Tagging: @tvstarkuma, @oraclememehacker, @pantherpersona, @electricea, @nijimx, @orphemiss and anyone else who wants to do this <3
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zarkishere · 6 months
height chart time!
over at twitter i didn't really get to write ANYTHING soo...let's talk about this AU for a bit here! nothing important, just some thoughts and maybe some spoilers hehe (there is 100% spoilers LMAO)
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this is a passion project of mine born from my WAY TOO STRONG hyperfixation on spooky month and my LOVE for slime rancher! it's been in my head since around November 2023, but only did i start REALLY thinking about it in around the middle of January 2024. i was on a family trip, it was super late at night and i was daydreaming about spooky month as i looked out the window... at some point i started to think about...what if Lila was on the far far range? then i started to plan; a new island on the far far range, a sort of market instead of the thingy (no idea what it's called) that Beatrix uses to interact with NPC's in practice it'd be very similar. you walk up to a stand (that looks according to the person and what they want) and they'd pop up all hologram-like! then bow, you talk, you sell them stuff, amazing! of course in this AU some people actually go to Lila's house, like Frank! you know that little spot behind Beatrix's place back in the game? well, there! every once in a while Frank would show up in his flying van, offering items you can buy :D some would be...less than needed (like heart beets and such) OR they could be something wonderful! like Gilded Ginger! or other illegal items shh...no one can know... anyway! then i started using milanote (which i recommend) and started figuring out the story and characters here's a screenshot! a lot of things were changed soo...take it with a grain of salt ;)
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i did a lot of sketches on random bits of paper and my phone (which i won't be adding here cuz they're not needed :P) figuring out character designs, and eventually moved on to start doing the character sheets on my pc! you might've noticed, but i really thought of this first as if it was a videogame it will never be, don't get me wrong, but it started from there and THEN i started to think of it simply as a story i want to tell there's still a long way to go, but i have so many cool ideas i JUST WANNA START WORKING! i got sick recently (and still am tbh) so i'm taking a bit of a break tho.. i have a lot of ideas for the story, and am already planning out a small animatic...but again, no promises! i don't even know if i'll do everything drawn or i'll write stuff out too! i mean, i might even get bored and never touch this again LMAO i'm writing this on the 29th, so i haven't watched the new EP yet...but i imagine a lot of things will be changed once it comes out so, one last time, everything i say and do is up to change! i'm in no way a professional and this is just a side thing i'm doing while actively working and studying. i'm just a guy after all. i hope you guys like this as much as i do, and i can't WAIT to give you more information! that's it for now, i gotta do my music homework LMAO--take care everyone :)
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limeade-l3sbian · 8 months
Sorry, this is probably a heavy thing to put on, feel free to delete if this is too much for you to handle, I promise it won't upset me. I'm really considering suicide. I have a lot going on in my personal life and now that my eyes have been opened to how much the world hates women I find it difficult to cope. I truly don't know how to navigate the world knowing half the population wants to cut me up, use my reproductive organs, rape me, kill me, slather me in makeup, mutilate me, beat me, degrade and humiliate me just for being female. I can't trust or make friends anymore. I feel hopeless. Idk what I expect you to say, I just need to get this out and know that at least one person sees it and understands.
I don't know how helpful this will be, but I hope you know that I've been feeling the same way as well. It's part of why I haven't really been super active lately. I've been going through it as well, so I at the very least, hope you don't think you're alone.
This is a very shitty world and we are in this strange limbo right now of things either staying shit or getting shittier. And it's important to me that I don't give you advice that wouldn't personally help me. I think the best advice I can give you is this:
You're not going crazy. This hopelessness you feel is happening in record numbers. And your feelings about all this are completely valid. I hate that they're valid. I wish I could tell you, "But why do you think that's what's happening?" I wish i could be indignant and suggest that perhaps you were just looking too deeply into nothing. But you're not, and that's the biggest curse in being aware of the world around you.
I don't have the perfect answer for you. I wish I could write three paragraphs worth of inspiration and you hit me up two minutes later and tell me that after reading all that, now you want to conquer the world and nothing was going to stand in your way. I don't even have the perfect answer for myself.
I guess the best answer I can give you is that if you left, the world would just be a little more shittier. It would have just a little less sparkle to it that it is already sparse on. Someone's life (including mine, now that I know you exist), will dim in its quality if you were to do it. That hope that everyone grabs onto will lose just a little more grip without you. The world itself would shift in a way that isn't perceivably to you or me.
And that's not to say that you would be selfish to do it. An argument that I absolutely hate. But life would just go from 480p to 360p.
You should stay because what you are contemplating is going to come anyway. I have a post somewhere on here where i talk about how if you are suicidal, the best way to go about doing it is to live. Go out and live more than you ever have. That's when most people die. When they are out living and something out of their control happens. I would rather you die while ziplining with friends than crying and alone in a bathroom.
This sounds harsh, but I would rather all of this than give you some bullshit, "Oh, it's okay, sweetie. Have you talked to anyone? What about therapy? Did you do breathing exercises?"
You should go out and live, anon. And that doesn't even mean spend money. A full life isn't inevitable, but death is.
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cyanocoraxx · 8 months
Hello! You have cool snakes and know a lot about them too, could I have some of your advice? I've recently been really into snakes, and seen tiktoks of how happy their owners are with them, it makes me really jealous and wishful for a snake companion of my own.
Except I know NOTHING about them, their care, needs or expenses. My experience with pets is a typical low to average maintenance dog, that's it. Never handled reptiles in my life. BUT SNAKES ARE SO ENTICING, and supremely cute too
I was wondering if you have any advice for a complete beginner on what kind of snake to get that's easy and as I said, for beginners (if it even works that way, I don't know a lot about snakes). If you have any resources and such.
Or even like, a checklist to see if I'm even eligible to own a snake (it could be hard idk). Want to know if it is even within my capabilities, the lifestyle needed and stuff like that.
Could you also give tips on their body language? I remember you mentioning in one of your posts that body language is important, and I wouldn't want to mess up. I want the potential cutie to like me after all.
Thank you anyway for your time! Appreciate it <3
so sorry for the late response i wanted to sit down and give a proper thought out guide and just haven't had time <3
checklist for eligibility:
you will need: a terrarium/vivarium, a heating device (heat mat, ceramic emitter or heat bulb), a thermostat (to control the heating device), a water bowl, a hide, substrate, and enrichment (sticks, leaves, decoration etc). make sure you have all of this on hand before you bring your pet home
you'll need to be comfortable or at least willing to feed your snake frozen prey, which means being able to consistently provide mice or rats (most common). most reptile stores will stock frozen!
depending on the species you want you'll need space for a vivarium. if you want a snake that can grow to be 4ft for example you'll need a space to put a 4ft viv.
you'll need to have time to regularly spot-clean their enclosure, which means binning their waste and removing shed skin. a full clean out once a month if not bioactive.
best "starter" snakes (imo):
rosy boa (2-3ft long, 25 years+)
royal python (3-6ft long, 20-30 years+)
corn snake (4-6ft long, 15-20 years+)
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rosy boa - these little noodles don't get enough credit! they stay very small, they're very docile, and easy to care for. due to them being so small they only need small prey items which won't take up a lot of space in your freezer. they're very good eaters. downside is they're less common than royals and corns so depending on where you are you may struggle to find one near you. they can also be more food-motivated than royals and when they have food on their mind they can be a little more bitey - but with their tiny size, i promise you can't even feel it (from experience)
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royal/ball python - a very common snake that can be found in most reptile shops. they're well known for being extremely docile and easy to handle as well as being super duper cute. they live longer than corns and rosys. downside to royals is they can be "fussy eaters" which can make new owners nervous - they're known for going off their food for months. they will also need larger prey items as they grow, so if you're not keen on keeping larger mice/rats in your freezer this is a downside. they're also more sensitive to improper temperature and humidity than corns.
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corn snake - very common so can be bought easily! they also tend to be some of the cheapest snakes, especially if you want to get a "normal/wild type" morph. due to them having a large range in the wild they can tolerate a wider range of temperatures and humidity levels. corns are much more active than royals and rosys, so if you want a snake you can watch do its thing then a corn is a good shout. with this being said, they can be more "squirmy" when being handled compared to royals and rosys as they kind of struggle to stay still.
however, you're not limited to a choice of just three species. as long as you research your snake thoroughly and make sure you have everything you need, you can keep whichever you prefer. my first snake was a brazilian rainbow boa which is a more "intermediate" species and "not suitable for beginners" but he's been great. with their more extreme humidity requirements, i just made sure to keep a hygrometer on hand (to measure humidity) and provided plenty of moss, a large water bowl, and regular mist spraying. never had an issue <3
basic body language:
it's important to note that when a snake is preparing to shed its skin it will be vulnerable. its eyes will cloud over and its skin will feel irritated. we call this being "in blue" because the snake takes on a milky blue colour. during this time your snake might become defensive and this is normal. you should leave a snake in blue alone.
signs of a calm snake: short tongue flicks, loose and relaxed body, moving slowly, fluidly moving towards stimuli, curiosity, regular breathing. a calm snake may sit in an "S" position but it will not be coiling up or fixating on you.
signs of stress in snakes include: long and slow tongue flicks, tail rattling, tail wagging, hissing, striking, open mouth breathing, regurgitation, body flattening, gliding (moving very quickly away), coiling with the head raised (preparing to strike)
this is a very obvious example of a defensive corn snake: their body is coiled into an "S" shape, the head is raised. it takes this position so that it can 1. have a clear view of you 2. to strike upwards/forwards at you if it feels threatened 3. to look bigger to frighten you off. this is a snake who doesn't want to be touched at ALL
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let me know if you need anything else <3
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lorirwritesfanfic · 2 years
Do you have any fics in the works? Tell us about them!Looking forward to any other writer's upcoming fics? Tell us about them too!
My wip folder is never empty, darling. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing to say it, given the number of unfinished works I have there, but oh well...
I haven't had much time to write. You know... real life, bills, family, more bills... 😵 and of course I procrastinate a lot (I blame Netflix Brasil for getting Downton Abbey and all the Turkish diziler I find online 🤦🏻‍♀️). But I write sometimes. Not every day. Not most days of the week as I used to do before. But I'm still writing.
The one wip I'm actually half way through is a Hamid x MC xmas fic. I know you're thinking "but it's almost February! And Prince Hamid is Muslim!" and you're right. But Daphne is Christian, very fond of Christmas, Hamid loves a nice social gathering and finding any reason to tease his favorite girl and we do not follow the real life calendars in here, so why not?
Among the series I write, earlier this month I was working on Meant To Be (Desire & Decorum modern day AU) chapter... 27? (I lost count... 🙈) Anyway, I think the next two chapters will finally explain why I label it as a Soulmates AU. There's a Sinclaire and Daphne awkward scene here, a little Sinclaire x Alisha moment there... But nothing too dramatic for now.
There's also Jade and Liam's For The World to Know. Tbh I have no idea what chapter I am (I'm getting super lazy on this because Tumblr and AO3 count the chapters automatically for me 😅). They're just a couple of weeks away from the wedding, they're getting joint a bachelor and bachelorette party, there's some heart to heart talk with Hana (these girls need it), Leo is joining them in Vegas (and we all know he often brings drama) and there's Drake situation to be solved. I'm close to reaching the end of FTWTK and I wish I could really start Happily Ever After (instead of just posting a few one shots of them married) because I've been daydreaming about the plot for years (the story will be soooooo good, ugh!), but I don't know... If I managed to finish FTWTK (or just The Fives Stages since there's only two more chapters left), I'll take it as a win.
Last year, I also remembered I never finished my Bloodbound series. A while ago, I got a comment on AO3 from someone who wanted me to extend the series and I thought about doing it, but at this point I wouldn't know how to do it. I'd probably have to create a new plot since the one I started back then is nearly solved. But that would demand time to replay Bloodbound to find inspiration and, unluckily, that's something I don't have lately. I started planning a chapter with Adrian x OC (any Adrian stans still out there?), then I'll write one more chapter to wrap it up.
There are other Desire & Decorum AUs and a TRR AU, but I haven't touched those wips in months... I rather not make any promises regarding any of those stories for now.
Other than that, there are a few one shots planned:
A Thomas Mendez x Ayla (+ Stephanie and Luz) inspired by one of my favorite Brazilian memes and a scene of a 2010 romcom. I can't explain why I'm doing this... The muse wants what the muse wants 😂
A few ficlets (or short stories, depending on how inspired I am when I actually sit down to write) to answer some OTP asks for Hamid x Daphne and Nate x Stella (TWC). I was debating if I'd include Liam x Jade, but I might give away the plot of Happily Ever After in one of the questions, so nope 😅
When it comes to other people's stuff, I don't know... I'm not super active on Choices (or any fandom, for that matter) and I'm not familiar with most of the fandom and what people have been writing lately. I do have my faves (@missameliep @lilyoffandoms @storyofmychoices @princess-geek @noesapphic ) and they still write from time to time, but I'm not going to pester them for new fics. They have their own lives and write whenever they can. As a fan of their work, I respect their writing pace and I'm simply glad they're still here.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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blackshadowswriter · 1 year
Announcement and mini life update?
Hey everybody! This is super late, like a month after I intended to get back on here, but I'm very sorry for the long unannounced hiatus. I know it's been like two months since I've actually been active, not just popping in briefly, and even longer than that since I've posted new work.
I didn't intend to take this long of a break, but school was hella hectic, and I needed to focus on my exams to make sure I didn't, you know, fail spectacularly. Happy to say that they did go pretty well, so I guess those hours I spent crying over my biology notes weren't wasted.
I meant to come back after that, but then my family and I took a vacation immediately after my finals with relatives and friends all the way from the other side of the world, so yeah, that was also pretty busy.
I also meant to come back after that, but I crashed after that vacation, sort of like a post-concert depression but for vacation, which doesn't make a lot of sense, but anyways.
Then after that (I just sound like I'm making a shitload of excuses now, and I'm so sorry), my summer courses started, and it is quite fast-paced, like one essay due every week. I am still currently in said summer class, so I can't promise that I'll be back back since a lot of my effort is going into that class, and I also have a job to focus on, but I will definitely be more active.
I know a lot of you have tagged me in stuff and sent in fic requests, and I'm once again very, very sorry that I haven't responded/written the requests yet. I promise I have looked at them and loved every single one of them but just haven't had to time to respond or write them yet. But I do promise I am working on them though! Very slowly since my focus is kinda divided right now, and I lost my writing muse a few months ago, but I feel like I am slowly getting it back. I'm also dealing with some life/personal things as well, so please, please be patient with me 🖤
Thank you to all of you lovely souls who're hopefully still there with me, ilsym 🥰🖤
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Hi Ryen 💕💕
I feel like I haven't dropped by in a while but I promise that I've been enjoying everyone's chaos on here, it's all so incredibly entertaining lmaooo.
3tan summer cookout sounds so so good! I'm such a sucker for them being together with the whole gang and those kinds of questions being asked 👀👀👀 The tension is so nerve-wracking but so so good. And Yoongi being a menace with everybody around is just.... yeah, I'm already speechless, I don't know how I'll be when I read it. Also really looking forward to seeing Shiv again!
Also I started reading 3tan in the summer. I even vividly remember reading sundress season while I was at the beach. So I have a feeling that it will make me miss those days and long for summer to come faster.
Thinking back to the first time I read 3tan is always so fun though, I always say that it inspired me to make my blog and actually be active on here and that's completely true. It fully just blew me away and sucked me in immediately. It's like a whole separate comfort world to me and I love it with all my heart 🥺🥺🥺
Also I listened to your ryenfm update a while back and you just confirmed my thoughts that you're one of the coolest people ever. (A bit of a belated) Congrats on everything and I'm so happy for you!!! I hope despite being so busy you still find time to take care of yourself too. Sending lots of love 💞💞💞
IVI💞 my love, so sorry for being incredibly late to this ask! i was in the zone writing summer bbq and this got buried in the meantime.
everyone here and on the fic blog is gd hilarious. chaotic. wonderful. thirsty, too, can't forget that one lol. and I GOT UR REVIEW FOR SUMMER BBQ AND CAN I JUST SAY... CRIED. you're so lovely with your commentary and that one just made me super happy for some reason. like you just added another layer of summer to the whole thing and i read it a good amount of times already. gotta respond with my own screams soon enough!
you read sundress season at the beach? wow. that sounds like the perfect scenario.. damn. and it's funny that you said what you said here, bc your review p much reflected it. glad i was able to capture the essence of nostalgic summertime<3 3tan did start in the summer, after all.
i'm so happy you made your blog. bc not only are you making me feel loved, but you're spreading all that love and encouragement to others and i'm sure you are making countless people happy. that's something special, and you have a very, very big heart. i'm always gonna remember you as kiwi and as ivi. both are precious to me.
AHHH you listened to the update?? thank you so much! i am.. not that cool but thank you LOL i just like trying things and i make an effort to not let too many opportunities pass me by anymore. it's busy af over here, but i think i'm finding some time to myself, too. going for runs definitely helps with clearing my head!
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your-dxrling · 8 days
This is embarrassing, but I started kicking my legs so hard that my blanket fell off my bed (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) you just make me really giggly when you respond. Don't tell anyone though /silly
I do mean it, I would kill to cover your entire face in my kisses. Then everyone could see you're very well adored!! I would absolutely shower you in love if I could
Which leads me to say... I truly am a very obsessive person, and I don't want to scare you off, so! Yes. I know I've said multiple times that you can always retract any statement or permission, but... I get nervous. I've frightened many people before, even on accident, and I would hate to lose you so quickly
Now for my questions.. hmm.. tell me your favorite things, any of them! I'd love to hear. And, if you're comfortable, what exactly you're looking for in a darling? (Whether that darling is obsessive as well or not, of course. Just your personal preferences) Perhaps your hobbies too, or random things to note about you?
And.. would you mind if I write all of this down?
- 🌷
awwww you are so adorable!!! that made me smile too! that's such an adorable imageee <3 and don't worry, it's our secret >:3 and i'm very sorry for the late reply, i was eating dinner.
you're making me so shy... i'm sure you're imagining me as way cuter than i am, silly. you can try to do that, but i can't promise i won't stop you by giving you the tightest hug ever and pinning you against me!!
i get being obsessive, don't worry! i know it probably doesn't mean much just by me saying it, but something is really, REALLY wrong with my brain, and i actively need "odd"/obsessive sorts of affection to feel loved. i doubt you can scare me! in fact i dare you to try!!
my favourite things, hmmm... well, i really like this sort of sappy romantic stuff, if you can't tell! i also love cute things (i have a collection of plushies... don't bully me), especially cats!!! my favourite hobby is drawing, though i'm terrible at it and haven't been doing it much at all lately T-T umm other than thattt i just like being lazy and doing things for my beloved!!
my *ideal* darling is definitely obsessive. they'd be just as clingy and openly affectionate as me! i'd love to have them also be the creepy/stalkerish type--mutual stalking is adorable!!! ultimately though, i just want someone who depends on me and lets me depend on them. the details don't matter as much as long as we click and we're able to both fully be ourselves around each other. that being said, it is a guilty pleasure of mine to think about being the equivalent of a darling with a super protective/possessive yan... unfortunately i desperately yearn to be kidnapped T-T buuuuut i also like the concept of being able to take more control and be the one who pampers and dotes on the other! i guess i just like everything ;;
you're not allowed to write any of this down, not because i don't like the idea, but because that's TOO NICE of you. i don't deserve such attention... if you really want to then i guess it's okay......
and tell me the same info for you! likes, hobbies, ideal darling, perhaps even other info!?!?! my memory is bad, so it's only fair that i at least get to write your response down >:( thank you so much again cutie!!!
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kenobster · 1 year
honestly I wouldn’t put too much stock in follower counts and activity pages. obviously we have no idea how many followers users have but I’d wager it’s around 50 for most people, and depending on how long you’ve been on here, a good chunk of them might be inactive or lurkers.
furthermore, this used to be the reblogging things site, which has since been plagued with likes only. it’s like that for a lot of posts, big blog or otherwise. but the problem with that is, if no one reblogs things, there’s less opportunity for more notes in the first place.
the moral of this story is, do whatever you want and don’t worry about adding your voice on anything! the numbers do not matter at all
Thanks so much anon, that's very kind of you to say!!! I love every single one of my followers, even the inactive ones and even the scandalously dressed ladybots that I haven't reported & blocked yet. XD Like, I seem to be miscommunicating lately, and it feels like maybe I'm coming across as upset/stressed out/angry without meaning to? So I'm gonna take this chance to needlessly describe my activities for the last 24 to 48 hours to prove a point lmfao.
Yesterday morning, I was reintroducing my grumpy timid cat to a super friendly cat I will be cat-sitting for the next month or so, which was super fun and one of my special interests. After that, I was chillin with my fandom homies while we played Jackbox and heard each other's voices for the first time ever (voices that were audibly referencing Vader's Uterus lmfao so I was pretty ecstatic). After that, I played around with my INCREDIBLE Vader bop-it toy that I bought yesterday based on a friend's recommendation. My first Hasbro merch ever. :) I'm in love and I still can't believe it's a real thing that exists.
At that point, I checked Tumblr and... yeah, admittedly I panicked a little because I was a bit scared I'd soon get a bunch of angry asks screaming at me for being a meanyhead (to beat a horse dead, this is just a regular run-of-the-mill anxiety of having a fandom blog and it is absolutely nobody's fault). So I spent an hour or so chatting with a friend until I felt better and then I quickly made the post in question regarding my follower count so that, despite the bewildering attention Five Peggats Each has gotten, everyone would know the truth about my lack of influence lmao. (This is a compliment. From me to me. I like my lack of influence. I'm not fucking kidding lol. I actually have panic attacks sometimes about the idea of becoming internet famous. I literally don't want that lmao. Fifty to a hundred followers is an A+ amount imo, so it's about time I guess it's about time I start losing those pornbots lmfaoo.) Anyway, last night was probably the first time I've checked my follower count in the entire history of this blog tbh. So like, you're being super sweet, anon, and I'm hoping other people will see this too because it's absolutely true and I think your words would be very encouraging and reassuring to anyone who sees this!! But I promise you that my activity log statistics and teh amount of followers I have are not things I spend time thinking about.
Once that was all taken care of, I wrote/edited a little bit for my fic for QuinObi week (SO EXCITED! Literally just a few more days!). Then at around 4am, I woke up with middle-of-the-night epiphanies on how to phrase a couple things/finish/tidy up my thoughts for that Fox opinions post, and I lay in bed working on that for an hour or so. After that, I went back to sleep, woke up, chatted with the fandom homies again, and then, ever since, I've been playing a video game I've been dying to play all week. Until about an hour ago, I literally had no idea what may or may not have been going down on Tumblr, and I wasn't thinking about it at all. And now that I've enjoyed myself on Tumblr for the day, I'm probably gonna invite my mom up tonight so she can spend time with the cats while I use her as a captive audience to talk about Vader's Uterus lmfao. And then at about 10pm, I'm gonna head bed because I work for a living and I forgot to ask if I get the holiday off.
All of this to say I am fine!! I'm just chilling, living my life, doing my own thing. For me, Tumblr is like a fun thing to check out every once in a while, the same way I spent time playing my video game, enjoying my Vader bop-it toy, hoarsing around with the cats, or anything else that strikes my fancy. Kidney stones and abusive ex-bosses are the things I worry about, not like.... a pixelated number on a screen lmao. In other words, this is a hobby to me, not a livelihood, and if I wasn't enjoying my time here, I literally would not log on (and sometimes I don't log on! For days and days at a time. Because I'm enjoying other things more!)
But anyway, I will say that the thing that makes it the most fun for me here? People like you!! Who send me asks. Who share their thoughts on my posts. Who became friends that give me the confidence to make the posts that I wanna make. Who have other fun lil interactions with me. So (1) Please don't worry about me. I'm fully medicated, my back is sore, and I'm too old to be upset over fandom things lmao. And (2) I really cannot thank you and everyone who makes my fandom experience so enjoyable!!! :D Y'all are great and I'm thrilled to be able to have fun here. I'm living my best life.
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husbandograveyard · 1 year
Hi Hazel! It sounds like your ankles have been through a lot ;-; I hope they're feeling better.
Ooh looks like there's a lot of cards waiting for you. Sending you luck on getting all of them very early so you don't have to spend much on them!
Your year ahead seems very busy and hectic :O. Remember to take care of yourself and it's okay to say no to tasks sometimes! You're already doing very well and they can always find someone else to do things for them.
I shall patiently await the day you post your drawings 👀 no pressure though haha
I can't believe it's still so hot out, definitely waiting for sweater weather to hit. Suddenly thinking about sweater weather and Leona, has that been done before? I feel like it has 🤔
Wishing you a smooth year ahead! Drinks lots of water and take care! -berry anon
Hiya Berry,
Sorry that the reply is a little later again today, the first days of the school year are super duper hectic, and especially this year, I've had a lot of trouble already. It's slowly stabilizing though, so I hope to be able to be more active here very very soon. My ankles are suffering a little now that I am back to standing on my feet for most of the day, but if anything, it's a great way to get them stronger again.
I finally got to playing chapter 6 of twst -still not entirely done- and now i really really want to get the Idia dorm card, my love for him has grown loads, almost on par with our favorite Lion. Skipping birthdays and saving pulls, I am at 140 pulls now so the Halloween cards better be nice.
Still working up the courage on the art, haven't been drawing much lately, but had some OC thoughts and wanted to draw them, so maybe soon ish? I really don't know, can't promise anything. Hahah. Speaking off, do you have any Twisted wonderland OC's/yuusonas? Would love to hear about them UwU.
Sweater weather Leona, ohhhh that seems like something cozy. I love the idea of cozyness with him, adding it to the neverending list of blurbs and ideas lmao. Although with Leona i always imagine Savanaclaw and Sunset Savannah, with not a lot of cold days hehe.
It is FINALLY cooling down and I am so happy. I am very good with cold weather so I can still wear my dresses and tshirts, but without actively dying 10/10 recommend. I can almost get back underneath my weighted blanket at night, which will make me less tired and more productive hopefully.
Sending you loads of love!
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chatonne-rousse · 3 years
Turtle-y Awesome
@sketchy-panda sent me the following ask last week:
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...and this is the story that sprang from that ask. You never know what you're going to get when you share a headcanon with me! 😉
Read it on Ao3 here.
"...et puit, quand il fut bien certain que personne ne pouvait le voir, Benjamin alluma sa veilleuse."
Adrien turns the last worn page and sets the book beside his knee on Hugo's bed.
"What do you think, kitten? Benjamin was turtle-y being a scaredy-cat, wasn't he?"
Hugo giggles, eyes bright. "He's not a cat, Papa, he's a turtle!"
Adrien nods sagely at his son. "Right you are," he says, patting the book's cover. "If this book tortoise anything, it's that Benjamin is definitely a turtle."
The number of turtle puns in the world is finite, and Hugo has heard his dad tell them all repeatedly, but he still laughs every time. The sound is music to Adrien's ears. He grins as he leans down to tuck the duvet around Hugo's shoulders and lifts his son's dark fringe to place a kiss on his forehead.
"Can we read another story, Papa? I'm not even tired."
Hugo's big green eyes scrunch shut as he yawns widely.
"Mmhmm. I can tell. You know what?" Adrien grabs another stuffed turtle from the bookcase and tucks it in beside the Carapace plushie already cradled in Hugo's arms. "Monsieur Vert looks very tired. He was almost sleeping over there! Maybe if you hold him really, really gently, that will help him fall asleep. I'm sure Carapace is tuckered out after a long day of superheroing, too."
"He is," Hugo says, nodding. He strokes his little hand up and over Monsieur Vert's soft shell. "I'll help them, Papa."
Adrien smiles even as his chest squeezes with emotion. "I know you will, my kind-hearted kitten." He can't resist pressing another kiss to Hugo's forehead and delights in receiving a loud, smacking kiss to his own cheek in return.
The turtle lamp on the nightstand is switched off and the Carapace nightlight beside the bookshelf activates, dim light glowing green through the plastic.
"Bonne nuit, ma petite tortue."
He watches his son cuddle his turtle and Carapace close as the closing door slowly eclipses the bed in shadow from the hallway light. Leaving the door open a crack, Adrien listens for a moment as Hugo gets comfortable in his bed.
He smiles as he pads down the hall toward Emma's room to join his wife for another round of goodnight kisses for their precious kittens.
"Kitty, this is getting ridiculous. How is that the only thing he wants for his birthday?" Marinette shakes her head, but her grin betrays her lack of any real annoyance.
Adrien rubs his face and groans. "I know. Believe me, I know. Can you imagine if Nino knew?"
That surprises her. "You haven't told him? I told Alya ages ago when he said Carapace was his favorite." She thinks for a moment. "I don't think I've shared the, um...depth of the obsession, though."
He stares at her, deadpan, before they both laugh.
"Turtles I could handle, Mari. They're cute. They're green." He bats his eyes at her and she swats his arm playfully. "But Carapace? Carapace? When Chat Noir is right there? I don't get it."
"Awww, Chaton. Is my kitty jealous?"
"Of course not," he says, pouting, though he can't keep up the ruse and his smile breaks through. "Okay, maybe a little."
"Nino made a wonderful hero, and is the perfect holder for Wayzz, and you know it."
She scooches closer to him on the sofa and rubs his back gently. His eyes close for just a moment before opening them to find his wife gazing at him with what might just be his favorite look in her eyes - a teasing glint, a touch of heat, and an endless well of love. Everything goes fuzzy momentarily, but he catches her next words clearly.
"Besides, my favorite hero will always be Chat Noir. Always."
"Yeah?" he breathes.
She nods.
Her eyes go wide when he hauls her petite frame from the sofa beside him and settles her across his lap. She laughs as she wraps her arms around his neck and presses a kiss to his lips.
"What a coincidence, My Lady," he murmurs into the whisper of space between them, "because my favorite hero--" He pauses, kissing her again, "is also Chat Noir."
There's a beat of silence and then she's laughing, pressing her face into the crook of his neck to muffle her giggles. His arms tighten around her shaking shoulders as he laughs along with her, swept away by the sweet sound he will always love. There's no joy in the world quite like making his wife laugh.
"You know I'm kidding, Bug," he finally whispers into her hair when their laughter subsides. "Emma and I share a favorite hero. The greatest of all. Prettiest, too. Oh, wow, is she ever beautiful. And strong. And smart."
"Rena Rouge?" Marinette asks cheekily, her nose still pressed to his neck.
"Nooooo," he croons, tickling her sides until she laughs again. "It's Ladybug, jumping above, Lady magique et lady chance!"
"Kitty, no!" she begs through her giggles, "Don't get that in my head!"
"Too late!"
He silences the last of her laughter when he captures her lips with his, twin sighs mingling in the late-night quiet of the living room.
With forever in his arms and their shared future asleep down the hall, Adrien simply loses himself in this blissful moment, forgetting that their baby will turn five next weekend, that the passage of time is as inevitable as the dichotomy of creation and destruction. Wrapped up in his wife, time seems to stop altogether. Marinette - her love, her care, their unshakeable bond - is eternal.
But of course, the clock still ticks. And when they part a few minutes later, after one last kiss and a nuzzle of her nose against his, he still has to ask.
"So we're really throwing Hugo a Carapace-themed birthday party?"
She nods. "Yep."
"And we're buying him the new Shell-ter Secret Hideout Super Bunker, complete with Carapace action figure, power-ups, costume changes, a Turtle-mobile sports car that Nino never had, and four different colored shields that he also never had?"
"There's a jet, too, for some reason. But...yep."
Adrien nods slowly, a smile spreading across his face. "He's going to love it."
"Oh, he is," she affirms, her grin matching her husband's. "And so is Uncle Nino."
He snorts a laugh and pulls her close once more, breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo.
"This'll be hilarious."
Marinette smiles against his shoulder.
Everything is green.
Their normally colorful apartment seems to have transformed into an emerald dreamscape that doubles as a turtle sanctuary.
Everything is green, and there are turtles everywhere.
Sea turtles, tortoises, turtles of all kinds - including a certain turtle-themed superhero - adorn every surface. Adrien had been surprised by the amount of Carapace party merchandise he was able to find online. He's used to the numerous Carapace items in Hugo's bedroom, pieces he's added to his collection one by one over the past year or so. But this, his best friend's face dangling from streamers, emblazoned on little party hats, is just a little weird.
He's proud, though. A little jealous, a lot amused, and very, very proud. No desperately sad, pitifully lonely teenage boy has ever found a better friend than Nino Lahiffe. He's the brother of his heart, the mellow to his anxious, the staunch protector of their little group of best friends and hero teammates. Adrien has to admit that Hugo has great taste in favorite superheroes.
Someday he'll discover that his idol is also his Uncle Nino, but today is not that day. Today, the magic and wonder still shines in his son's eyes, and it's a beautiful thing.
Adrien putters around the kitchen making last-minute preparations to the food and drink selection, making sure there are plenty of cups and plates (all printed with a Carapace action scene, of course) stacked on the island. Oddly, he couldn't find Carapace napkins to go along with the other paper goods, but Marinette had saved the day by snagging a pack of sea turtle patterned napkins that coordinated perfectly in a pinch.
He smiles at the thought of his resourceful bug, his grin widening as he hears her welcome guests at the door. This is followed by a squeal of glee when Hugo and two of his classmates run off to his bedroom to play. Adrien shakes his head, still smiling. He'll have to lure them out in a bit with snacks and the promise of gifts and cake.
It's not like he doesn't already know from several years of experience that children's birthday parties are mostly adults mingling and intermittently making sure the kids don't get into too much mischief as they play together.
He takes the spinach quiche from the oven where it was warming up and sets it on the table with the other food, rebelliously placing a black potholder with a neon green pawprint pattern under the hot ceramic dish.
A towering, tiered tray of green macarons has pride of place on the dining room table, the top half of each cookie painted to look like a turtle's shell in edible glittering gold. They look almost too pretty to eat, and the same goes for the expertly-decorated turtle cake nearby, made by Hugo's grandparents and brought straight from the bakery for his big day.
The vegetable plate is an array of green, from broccoli to peppers to celery. The party has barely begun, but the celery is already running low, thanks to Emma's clandestine snacking in the hours beforehand.
Everything is green, and Hugo loves it. And that's what it's all about, really.
Adrien is on his way back from checking in on the now half dozen kids playing in Hugo's room when he hears Alya's laughter from the entryway. Clearly she's spotted the party decor. He rounds the corner to find Marinette hugging her best friend, Alya's pregnant belly only getting in the way a bit and not stopping her from throwing her arms around Marinette's shoulders.
"Sorry we're late, Mari," she says, then pitches her voice to a stage whisper. "I had to pee. Twice." She leans back from the hug and cradles her bump. "Actually, I'm just going to..." She points down the hall, and Marinette laughs.
"Go for it, Als. We've all been there."
Nino is still crouched by the door, helping his daughter out of her jacket and shoes. He just shakes his head and laughs. She races off to find her "cousins" and Nino stands, kissing Marinette on each cheek and wrapping Adrien in a hug.
Surveying the apartment over Adrien's shoulder, he claps him on the back and says, "I love what you've done with the place. Very inspired design choice."
Adrien rolls his eyes and all three of them laugh.
"Hugo is obsessed with turtles. You have no idea."
"Oh, I think he has some idea, Minou." Marinette smiles at her husband over her shoulder, linking arms with Alya when she joins them again and ushering her into the green-bedecked living room.
He glances sidelong at Nino with a sheepish grin. "This isn't too weird for you, is it? It was all Hugo's idea. He hasn't stopped talking about his 'Carapace Turtle Party' for weeks," Adrien says, air quotes included.
"Nah, mec, it's cool. Kind of flattering." Nino raises an eyebrow and laughs. "What do you think he'll say when you tell him someday?"
Adrien just shakes his head. "Probably ask if you can adopt him and be his dad instead." His smile is teasing but just a touch rueful.
Nino laughs again. "No way, man. Number one, I've already got enough kids. Number two, you're the best dad. They love you like crazy, bro. Seriously."
His chest fills with warmth. Nino is such an incredible friend. And he's right (about the last bit, at least).
"They're incredible, Nino. Being a dad is..." He trails off, unable to find the words.
"I know, dude." He claps Adrien on the shoulder. "They're a pain in the ass, but they make up for it by being totally awesome."
Nino glances around, finally spotting the table full of green food and turtle-themed treats.
"Wait. Bro. Is that a turtle cake?"
"You know," Nino says a few minutes later, washing down a matcha macaron with a swig of turtle punch, "I could get used to this. It would mess with my head, but after a while--" he looks at the cup with his face on it and shrugs, "it's not so strange. Better than having my face plastered on a billboard outside the Galeries Lafayette."
Adrien groans. "Et tu, Brute? Why would you remind me of that?"
"Because I can." Nino takes another bite of macaron and nudges his best friend's shoulder, laughing.
As the kids snack and carry on, Adrien finally decides it's time to let his best friend see the Carapace shrine that is his son's bedroom.
Nino takes in Hugo's completely green, turtle-filled bedroom as Adrien waits with bated breath beside him for his reaction.
It is, as usual, relatively chill.
"Little dude has good taste!"
"Indeed." Wayzz peeks from Nino's collar with a pleased smile on his face. "The turtle has always symbolized wisdom, strength, and longevity." His tiny smile widens. "I'm also partial to the color green."
Nino steps farther into Hugo's room to examine the bookcase. "I...did not know they made this much Carapace merch."
"Believe me, there's more. We have to draw the line somewhere." Adrien closes his eyes and sighs. "Although he does brush his teeth with a Carapace toothbrush."
Nino's laugh starts as a snort and builds when he spots the Carapace wastebasket beside Hugo's bed and the Carapace plushie propped against his pillow. It turns positively raucous when he sees his best friend's face.
"Holy crap, dude," he wheezes. "This is hilarious. You must be so jealous."
"I am not!"
"You totally are."
"Well--" Adrien sputters, "Marinette is, too!"
"Not as much as you are, Kitty!" she calls from the living room.
Adrien throws his hands in the air. Nino doubles over.
"Chat Noir is cool, too," he mutters, petulant.
A still-laughing Nino pats his arm consolingly. "If it makes you feel any better, Chat Noir is my favorite hero...after Rena Rouge."
That actually does make him feel better, but he's not telling Nino that. Instead, he just grins a sly half-smile at his best friend. "Good save, man."
"Hey, I know which side my bread is buttered on, mec. Don't act like you don't."
Adrien is helpless to the smile that spreads across his face.
Nino groans. "You've been married for seven years, dude. Are you ever not going to go all gooey just thinking about Marinette?"
Adrien quirks an eyebrow and glances sidelong at him. Nino nods once and pats Adrien's shoulder.
"That was a dumb question, wasn't it?"
"Yep," Marinette says from the hallway behind them.
Adrien's heart beats faster at the twinkle in her eye. He wonders how much she heard. Probably all of it - she always did have sonic hearing, but motherhood seemed to ramp it up to eleven. Not much escapes his wife.
"Time for cake and presents," she announces. "Nino, you can revel in Hugo's Carapace shrine later."
"And I will, don't you worry," Nino says with a laugh as he turns to head back to the party.
Adrien throws an arm over his best friend's shoulder and smiles brightly at Marinette.
Hugo has merch, but Adrien has a real, live Ladybug who promised eternity to her Chat Noir. He holds his own favorite superhero in his arms every night, and nothing, nothing compares to that.
Surrounded by wrapping paper and bows, the birthday boy sits on the floor with one last gift in front of him. The box is taller than he is when seated, and he has to stand up on his knees to tear the paper off the top. As soon as he can see what's inside, he shouts with glee and jumps to his feet. Overjoyed, he scampers around the coffee table to his parents, first thanking Marinette with a hug and kiss, then getting swept up in Adrien's arms for a bear hug.
The fact that Hugo doesn't push away from him to return to his barely-unwrapped gift is not lost on him, nor is the fact that he abandoned it and thought to thank them first in his excitement.
Sometimes Adrien feels like he's been given so much more than he deserves. Marinette alone is a blessing beyond his imagination, but Emma and Hugo, too? It's too much and he knows it, so he holds them close and relishes every single moment like this one with his little boy hugging him tight and murmuring thanks into his neck.
A few minutes later finds Hugo examining every detail of his new treasure (after Adrien wrangled all the parts out of their plastic-encased prison).
He claps his hands when he sees that this set comes with a bonus Chat Noir action figure in addition to Carapace and his shields of many colors.
"Maman!" he cries, jubilant, holding Chat Noir above his head so she can see. "Look! It has Chat Noir! You love Chat Noir!"
Blushing, Marinette pointedly avoids looking in the direction of the two moms of Hugo's school friends who've stayed for the party but smiles widely at her son. "I do. He's my favorite superhero of all time."
Hugo nods, turning to his dad where he sits beside him on the floor, struggling to snip the tiny plastic anchors holding each piece to the cardboard backing.
"See, Papa? He's Carapace's sidekick."
"Hey!" Adrien says indignantly. He looks up from the mess of cardboard and plastic in his lap as Marinette, Alya, and Nino laugh.
Nino, best bro that he is, chimes in. "Nah, little man, Chat Noir is no one's sidekick. He's way too brave and cool for that." He grins at Hugo and points first to the Carapace action figure on the coffee table and then to Chat Noir in his hand. "They're a team. Best friends and superheroes at the same time. That's why they're so awesome."
Hugo looks at the Chat Noir figure for a long moment. "Wow," he breathes. "Chat Noir is as cool as Carapace." He says it like a revelation that's rocked his entire worldview.
Alya sniffles and Marinette hands her a tissue.
"Okay, but Ladybug is still the coolest," Emma pipes up from Hugo's other side.
All the adults besides Marinette nod. Adrien reaches around Hugo to pat Emma's back.
"You're absolutely correct, kitten."
Marinette blushes again and Alya blows her nose.
Hugo tucks Carapace into the driver's seat of the Turtle-mobile with Chat Noir beside him as his passenger, racing the sports car across the rug toward his friends so they can play with his new toys, too.
Adrien looks from his son to his own best friend, and Nino gives him a thumbs up and a grin.
Later, when the dishes are washed and their living room looks slightly less like a turtle habitat, Adrien sits on the sofa with a cup of tea and watches Hugo play with his new, treasured birthday gifts. The Shell-ter Secret Hideout Super Bunker is open, its many accessories strewn around Hugo where he sits cross-legged, Carapace in his left hand and Chat Noir in his right.
"I'll protect you!" "Carapace" cries, Hugo's voice pitched to sound brave and true but still carrying his sweet child's tone.
"Thank you for keeping My Lady safe, Carapace!"
Adrien snorts a surprised laugh into his tea. "Chat Noir" speaks in a husky growl, though Hugo gives him a note of cheery confidence, as though he truly appreciates Carapace's brave deeds, as though Chat Noir can take the decisive cataclysmic swing knowing his beloved partner is safe from harm.
And honestly, Hugo has the right of it. Adrien wonders how his son could possibly know that this exact scene - with slightly different dialogue, of course - played out many times over, years before he was born.
Hugo mimics the sound of an explosion, then an "oof!" as Chat Noir falls to his back but springs up again quickly. Just as Carapace returns to Chat's side with a confident, "What can I do to help save the day, Chat Noir?", Marinette's hands snake around Adrien's shoulders from behind, surprising him.
He sets his mug on a coaster on the end table and wraps his hands around her forearms, pulling her in closer. Leaned over the back of the sofa, she nuzzles his cheek with hers before pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"I think we pulled off the dream turtle party pretty well, don't you, Chaton?"
"Oh, we turtle-y did."
Adrien delights in the huff of laughter she exhales against his cheek. That might be the most overused pun in the house, but sometimes it still lands just right. They watch Hugo play, matching grins making their cheeks press closer together.
"Looks like that was one shell of a gift, eh?"
He swoons dramatically, his head falling to the back cushion of the sofa so he looks at Marinette upside-down. "My Lady, you know what it does to me when you pun."
"Oh, I do," she says, completely unapologetic, and boops his nose.
He just has to lean up to kiss her because, well, she's so beautiful and he loves her so much and she's right there.
They break apart a moment later when they hear Emma call for Marinette from her bedroom. She plants one last upside-down kiss on his forehead and lets her hands drift slowly across his chest and shoulders as she stands.
She gives him a wry smile. "Duty calls."
"Hmmm," he hums thoughtfully, picking up his tea and taking another sip. "And here I thought her name was Emma."
Marinette groans at him as she walks away, and the sound catches Hugo's attention.
"Papa? Will you play superheroes with me?"
Of course. Always. I will never, ever be too busy for my kittens, he thinks.
"Sure, buddy," he says instead.
Finishing his tea in one big gulp, he slides from the sofa and scampers on hands and knees like a giant cat to where his son is playing. Hugo giggles at his dad's ridiculousness.
Adrien takes stock of the many accessories scattered around the play set and asks, "What are Chat Noir and Carapace up to today?"
Hugo explains the situation, the bad guy's motives, and what the heroes need to do to save Paris from disaster. Adrien listens carefully. Looking up at him with green eyes that match his own, big and wide and crinkled at the corners with his happy smile, Hugo offers the Chat Noir action figure to his dad.
"Will you be Chat Noir, Papa? He's Carapace's best friend in the world and they need to work together to save the day."
Adrien cradles the action figure in one hand and gently pats the pocket where Plagg hides with the other. His kwami presses a paw against his chest in return. Overwhelmed, all he can do is grin at Hugo and try not to cry.
"It would be my greatest honor," he vows grandly, holding up a hand in oath. "I purr-omise to be the best hero I can be. Cat's honor."
Hugo laughs. "You said honor twice."
"So I did. That's because it's very important."
His son nods solemnly, then reaches for Carapace's super jet. He places the hero in the cockpit and flies the jet around his head, making zooming noises.
"Are you ready, Chat Noir? I'm coming to pick you up!"
The jet has only one seat, but that doesn't seem to bother Hugo. Adrien readies the tiny plastic baton in Chat Noir's hand and uses it to vault from his own knee into the imaginary sky over Paris.
"Meow-velous!" he crows, delighted. "This cat is ready to be whiskered away in your very realistic jet! Allons-y, my turtle friend!"
Hugo giggles, Adrien's heart melts, and they set off on a grand adventure together.
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azems-familiar · 3 years
life/fic update
so! you guys may have noticed that it's. been a while since i've updated things. and that i've promised updates and then missed the deadlines. i kind of wanted to give an update on that whole thing and let you know when you can expect more fic to come out.
so a little over a week ago, i moved out of the frankly toxic environment i'd been in (which was constantly triggering my anxiety and super stressful for my cat, Jinn) into a hotel, where i've been living and will be for another week. after that week is up, i'm moving up to stay with @sith-shenanigans actually (fear our combined powers as siblings this is a threat), and then starting a new job (the same one i have currently but at a different store) at the end of November. things have been. extremely stressful lately and there has not been much brain for writing, so while i've tried to get fic done i haven't gotten very far.
there should hopefully be a chapter of the HP AU coming out by the end of the month - we're working on that actively right now - and i'd like to get a chapter of my kotor series out in the next couple of weeks, depending on how the move goes and whatnot, but i can't make any promises currently, which i'm sorry for. i can't offer much, but here, have a small tidbit of writing to tide you over:
And so it’s almost a full week after landing on the burial world that Revan gathers supplies - they’re beginning to run low, and if they don’t find the map within the next couple of days she will have to send Alek to Dreshdae to replenish them either way, because they’re going to need to be able to make it back to the more populated sectors to resupply before they follow the coordinates this map is supposed to give them - and starts out for the last of the easily-accessible tombs, Alek at her shoulder as he always is, his presence a reassurance against the cold wind and ceaselessly-shifting sands. (Not against the Dark, because the Dark has been a companion - if not a constant one - since Malachor, slipping along the edges of her dreams with icy fingers, present every time she reaches for the Force and making it near-impossible to touch it the way she used to, the way she was trained to. And gods, some part of her still whispers, what would the Jedi Council think?, but they abandoned any right to judge her when they refused to join her cause, and she hasn’t cared for their opinions in years, hasn’t even been a part of their Order for them to critique her actions since Onderon and maybe even earlier. And after Dromund Kaas, what they in their blindness and their complacency would ignore, she doesn’t trust anyone who isn’t herself and Alek. So maybe she uses the Dark, maybe she’s reached too far into the forbidden side of the Force - but it’s what won her the war and what saved her in the unknown, and there is no one left whose opinions she cares about to doubt her.)
(and, as always, if you want to chat with me or want live, real-time updates of writing and everything else, feel free to join the hell discord, in which there is a great deal of liveblogging writing attempts and yelling at Revan and co)
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bobateastay · 3 years
ok super late but I did promise I would send a looong ask.
SO sooner or later bfdsbgdshbg. ok, I LOVED it first and foremost. Grocery shopping is one of those activities that really help get to know someone and know what you're getting yourself into. not to be delulu and that person, but I could see myself in this character and it just made the whole reading experience much more fun since I didn't need to imagine someone completely different.
I really like how you write jongho's thoughts?? I really like the thought-process of accepting that eventually, you're going to fall in love with a certain person, and you're just preparing(?) yourself for it, or giving yourself permission to be vulnerable in that kind of way (i wish we could control that), sometimes people don't get that I can go through every possible scenario of a situation I can't control or stop from happening (like falling in love), and yet, even if you wish it wouldn't happen, you're just relieved that you are as prepared as you can be for it.
ok, I don't think I'm making sense. but THAT'S THE POINT. it's like you can read in between the lines of a certain situation and manage to put it into words. and you connect so deeply with the reader because of it. you can make us cry, laugh, fall in love. reading your works leaves me feeling like I just understood humanity a little bit more.
I don't think I'll ever get over sooner or later.
ps: how are you? I hope you stay warm if it's too cold where you live. have a niiiiiice day/night!
wahhh thank you so much for this ask!!!! i'm so happy you liked it, i was really nervous about it since i haven't written jongho much :'] i'm also so relieved that you liked how i wrote the reader since i worried about that a lot- i think you're right in saying that grocery shopping is an activity where you get to see what somebody is like so it was hard to write a neutral reader
i think you described it well actually!! accepting or just knowing you're going to love someone, romantic or not, is a very precious form of acceptance i think. there's a lot to be said about falling in love all at once and head over heels but i think the opposite is just as special <33
again, i'm just really happy you liked the fic enough to send an ask, i was so worried posting it :'] OH and the tags you left on it made me lose my mind!!!! because i didn't describe it but i really wanted it to feel like a winter afternoon kind of cold <33
i'm very sleepy lately but i've been cooking and studying so not too bad <3 wbu!! i hope you're taking good care, have a lovely day/night!!
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So I know I havent been super active here lately, a few random posts here and there. I promise I'm not leaving or going anywhere.
As a recap of past events, in case you didn't hear, (previously on The Life of BluePhoenixRises) last month, there was a driveby shooting right outside of my apartment, 8 bullets went through my apartment walls. Thankfully neither me or my dog were hurt. By some miracle, I was not in any of the areas the bullets went through. I was relaxing on my couch with my dog when all of the sudden I heard bangs outside and then a few seconds later, I realized the bangs were getting louder and the reason for the increase of sound was that there were actually bullets going through my walls so I quickly rolled me and my dog off the couch and I managed to get us behind the couch until it was over, bless my military training. But anyway, 8 bullets went through my apartment, there's a bullet hole in the trunk of my car, the target of the shooting literally bled out and died 6ft next to my car. But as you can imagine, I don't want to continue living a place where something like that happened. I know it was most likely only a one-off thing, the neighborhood isnt a bad neighborhood, it probably isn't likely to happen again, but I just can't live in a place where I experienced a trauma like this. My anxiety goes up everytime someone fires off fireworks, or I hear a car door slam, it's just not good for my mental health.
So I went about looking for a new place to live and looked at options to buy instead of rent and I found a townhouse that's close to where I work that's in a very beautiful gated community and I just closed on it today! And I just wanted to share this news with you all.
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I never imagined that my finances were in such good of shape that I could actually afford a place like this, but clearly I've been doing something right.
And anyway, I'm so happy about this, and once I've moved and my mind is cleared from moving and trauma, I will get back to writing again, reviewing shows, writing sastiel fanfic, being a proprietor for a safe place fir all kinds of opinions to be directed at me, all that good geeky stuff I do on here. As I'm sure you all can imagine, I just haven't been in the right headspace for that lately.
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hopeless-lovex0 · 5 years
Kim Hongjoong Fanfic
Warning: Angst. Cheating. Heartbreak. Cursing. Fluff.
Hello fellow atiny’s and kpop stans 👋🏼 Part 14 of I Have A Dream is here and it's a roller coaster. For anyone confused by the timestamps, I'll give a brief explanation.
(Y/N left for 3 months which would be 3 months into her pregnancy. Ateez moves into the small village for a month and by the time they leave Y/N is already on her 4th month. Throughout her 4th month all the way to the start of her 8th she stayed in the village till finally she moved back to Seoul with her brother to spend her 8th month there till she finally entered her 9th month.)
It's all a little confusing but I hope you guys are still able to understand. With that explained I hope you guys like this weeks update, and I promise next weeks is gonna be wild 😉 Without further ado here's part 14 of IHAD
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5 months later...
Various colorful lights and music played all around the city of Seoul, groups of people gathering all over the place. Multiple banners hanged all over the streets, some promoting different idols others promoting food or drinks.
In the middle of the bustling city stood a very pregnant woman, her big belly covered by a light pink thick sweater and black jacket. She waddled her ways towards a small cafe located a couple of ways away from her brother's apartment.
Y/N felt too exposed, the amount of people around her was way more than the people back in the village. To her that small village miles away was considered home, the small brick house holding so many meaningful memories in such a short time.
After the guys and her brother had left, Y/N continued her life as normal or as normal a 4-month pregnant woman could get. She continued to go to work, Mrs. Park pestering her 10x as much since she didn't have someone to care for her like her brother. She could take care of herself, but once in a while she missed her brother massaging her ankles, or wooyoung and Jongho trying their hardest to make her laugh.
In the time that they were gone, Y/N had managed to make more friends. She meet Kyung Mi’s girlfriend, the two of them complementing each other perfectly. She also meet the rest of Mrs. Park's family, Mr. Park accepting her into their comfortable home with open arms. She felt so at home with them and she honestly doesn't know how she'll be able to be away from them while in Seoul.
During her 6th month, Y/N made her way to Seoul to visit the hospital she was planning on giving birth in. She only stayed for a week, and that week was the best one in her life.
She reunited with the guys again, swarming her in a group hug the minute they visited her in her brother's apartment. They took her out to eat that day, as if they were celebrating something enormous. Thinking back on it now, she laughs at the memory.
She talked to each one of them whenever they could, San calling and texting her almost every night. Sometimes they would talk about meaningless things, other nights they would talk about their future. He asked her if she considered having more children after the first one, to which she answered just one more. She asked him if he ever wanted children, to which he answered 2.
Every question they asked each other seemed to compliment each others answer. San wanted a small wedding in his home town, something that Y/N encouraged. Y/N wanted a honeymoon in Venice, wanting to visit the Rialto Bridge. San fully supported her, agreeing that it was a beautiful destination.
In whatever one of them desired, the other one would agree 100% or have the same in common. It's as if destiny desperately said they belonged together, and slowly they started to believe they did.
After her visit, she went back home to the little village far away. She continued to daily routine, going to work and occasionally going to her clinic appointments. From her 4th month leading towards her 8th month, she stayed in the village with Mrs. Park and Kyung Mi both of them doing their best to help their pregnant friend.
After her third trimester came, Y/N and Mrs. Park started to pack her hospital bag. Mrs. Park packing tons of baby clothing, pink and blue for when Y/N finally figured out the baby's gender. They keep the bag in Mrs. Park’s car for when they both traveled back to Seoul.
When she entered her 8th month, they packed Y/N’s suitcase and started their commute to her brother's apartment. That's where she spent her whole 8th month until she finally entered her 9th month.
That's where she was now, 9 months pregnant and standing in front of a little cafe. Entering the dimly light establishment, Y/N quickly scanned the place before she finally found who she was looking for.
Walking up to the older woman, her back towards her Y/N brings up her hands and covers her eyes. “ Guess who~~~~” she sings out, the older woman letting out a small laugh in return. “ I could be wrong but are you perhaps my annoying daughter?” she says, causing Y/N to gasp out in fake shock.
“ ANNOYING!? If anyone is annoying its Youngji!” Y/N yells out, crossing her arms and pouting like a little kid. “ You are right about that, Youngji does take after your father.” Her mother says as she gets up her seat and grabs Y/N by her shoulders.
“ Let me take a good look at you, I haven't seen you since you moved away darling.” She says, giving Y/N a once over before bringing her in for a hug. “ Oh how much I missed you, my princess.” She mumbles into Y/N’s shoulder, having shoved her whole face in the crook of her neck.
Returning the hug as much as she can with her big belly, they both relish in the comfort of their embrace. “ I missed you too mom.” Y/N says, getting emotional over not seeing her mother for such a long time. “ I missed you more.” her mother mumbles back.
Pulling away, her mother leads her towards the opposite seat from hers. They both sit together in silence just reading the menu and then placing their order to the waiter walking by. Her mother examines her, the sight of her only daughter about to have a child of her own causing her to get choked up. “ How have you been? How’s my grandchild treating you?” She asks, watching as Y/N rubs the bottom of her swollen stomach.
“ They've been super active recently, I guess it's because I'm already close to my due date. I've been good as well, other than the swollen boobs and not being able to see my feet anymore everything else is going well.” Y/N chuckles out, her mother snickering at her in return. “ Oh honey I know exactly how you feel. Youngji and you were so hyper during my last month, I swear I thought you guys would be great soccer players in the future with how hard you guys would kick me.” She laughs out, Y/N smiling at her mothers carefree behavior.
“ How's Youngji by the way? I called him the other day to see if he could join us today but he never answered back.” Her mother asks, playing around with the fork in front of her. “ Youngji has been really busy lately. The company he works at is growing fast and they are keeping him busy since he is the best worker there. He also asked me to tell you that he's sorry he couldn't answer, and that he loves you.” Y/N says, leaning forward and grasping one of her mother's hand.
“ Oh my poor baby, they are probably working him down to the bones. I hope he takes a break soon, his friends as well.” Her mother says, eyebrows furrowed in worry for her son and his friends. After their little conversation, their food gets to them causing them to eat in a comfortable silence.
Halfway through their meal, Y/N’s phone pings with a notification. Quickly picking it up, she checks her phone and starts to giggle to herself typing out a quick response then putting it down after. “ Who was that, darling?” Her mother questions, her curiosity peeked once she saw the big smile on her daughter's face.
“ It was San, he wanted to let me know that he'll be busy with his group's promotion today and that he'll call me later tonight.” Y/N carelessly says, missing the questioned eyes her mother gives her. “ Are you guys a thing?” She questions, causing Y/N to choke on her drink water snorting out of her nose from the question she was just asked.
Patting her chest, she shakes her head furiously while a bright red blush creeps up her face. “ OF COURSE NOT MOTHER!!! What makes you think that?!” Y/N exclaims, fanning and patting her face to get rid of the hot feeling covering her entire face. “ You got a glow in your eyes when you mentioned him. I know because your grandfather used to get the same look too when he talked about your grandmother.” She says, watching as her daughter avoids her stare by playing around with her food.
“ I don't know what you mean by that. I don't love him mother.” Y/N snaps back, feeling way to vulnerable for her liking. “ I never said you loved him. I just asked if you guys were together.” Her mother quickly defends herself, Y/N still refusing to meet her eyes. “ I- I won't date him mother... ever.” Y/N mumbles out, appetite completely gone by that point.
“ You won't date him? Or is it more like you can't date him ?” She questions again, receiving silence in return. “ Baby.. Are you scared that whatever happened with Hongjoong will happen with San?” Her mother asks, reaching forwards and taking her daughter's hands in hers.
Swallowing down a lump rising up her throat, Y/N clears it before finally speaking. “ It would be different this time if that happened. I'm scared to open up my heart like that again. What if he gets tired of me like how Hongjoong did? I'm about to have a child, what if he decides that he doesn't want my kid because it's hongjoong’s and leaves me for someone else. I can't go through that again mom, I can't put my child through something like.” Y/N says, watching as her mother rubs soothing circles on her hands.
“ Oh my poor baby, that will not happen with San. You want to know how I know that..? Because from that single smile and glow in your eyes I see that San makes you twice if not more times happier than Hongjoong ever did. Don't think that because that good for nothing ex wasn't able to keep his dick in his pants that San will do it as well. From what your brother has been telling me, San is trying his best to gain your attention. Knowing that you're pregnant, but still trying to gain your love I'll say that he's already better than Hongjoong will ever be.” Her mother rants on, voice hardening when she mentions Hongjoong’s name.
“ You really think so mom...That someone like him would even look at me that way..?” Y/N questions, voice small with insecurity. Her mother lifts up her head to look at her, giving her a heartwarming smile. “ I know so baby. You deserve so much more than Hongjoong and I can tell that San can give you that. You just need to open up your heart darling, you'll regret it if you don't. That child that your carrying might not be his, but he still stuck around to take care of you and my grandchild. To me that's a real man, and that's exactly what you my darling daughter need. An amazing man to love you and your baby unconditionally.” Her mother continues on, watching as her daughter breaks out in a small smile.
Y/N shakes her head, smile stretching out more as her mother comforts her. “ How do you know what to say every time I'm feeling down?” she chuckles out, bringing her mothers hand up to her lips and kissing them.
“ Oh darling it comes with being a mother! You'll know once that little bundle of pure joy is born.” she laughs out, tapping her pointer finger on her daughter's head.
They both continue to chat throughout their lunch date, laughing and reminiscing on old memories they had while still living together. Her mother talked to her about the time she spent taking care of her and her brother, giving her tips on how to take care of a new born as well.
Sooner than later, their little lunch date came to an end. They both stood right in front of the cafe, bidding their goodbyes’s as well as her mother giving Y/N’s stomach a kiss. Walking her mother up to her car, they both bid each other one final goodbye before her mother finally drives away.
Turning the opposite way, Y/N begins to make her way to her brothers apartment.
Halfway through her journey, she started to feel small sharp pains start up towards her lower back. Y/N stopped walking for a second, placing a shaky hand on her abdomen rubbing it slightly. “ You really are ready to come out huh?” She whispers to herself, standing there for a couple more seconds before finally continuing her way back home.
Standing in front of her brothers apartment building, she bids the front desk person a hello then makes her way towards the elevators. Getting in the small space, she begins to ascend towards the 6th floor continuing to rub her abdomen lightly as she still feels some discomfort creeping up.
Arriving to her floor, she walks out the elevator and quickly makes it into the apartment. Closing the door, she carefully leans against it as another sharp pain strikes against her back. Feeling short of breath, Y/N makes her way towards the sofa and drops her entire body on it. The pain last for a couple more seconds before finally going away, her back tingling from the previous pain.
“ It's probably because I'm so close to my due date already.” Y/N mumbles out, staying on the sofa as she caresses her stomach, feeling the rise of her flesh due to the baby kicking more and more.
Struggling to get up, she grabs her phone and checks for any missed calls or messages but is meet with nothing. Usually around that time her brother will call her to make sure she had eaten, and San will usually text her but she's meet with neither of those things. She figures that her brother must be backed up in the company and that San is currently busy with the rest of ateez.
Dropping her phone on the sofa, she makes her way towards the kitchen to grab something to eat. Before she can even make it there, she gets a sharp pain on her lower abdomen the pain so intense it causes her to double over. Huffing out, she walks up to the dining table and drags a chair out fumbling with it for a couple seconds then finally sitting down.
She stays there as the pain continues to increase quickly, coming and going a couple more times. There's no way I'm having this baby now! I still have two weeks before they get here! Y/N panics in her mind, wincing when the pain only seems to increase more and more.
Turning her head towards the clock hanging over the stove, she notices that her brother doesn't get out for another 4 hours. Debating whether she should call him, another pain (which she now begins to think are contractions) shots through her back and towards her stomach. Nodding to herself, she stands up with shaky legs and makes her way towards the living room where she left her phone.
Halfway through making her way to the living room, a sharp pain more stronger than the others causes her to cry out. Hunching over, she pants out multiple times before she eventually notices the small puddle under her feet. Staring at it in panic, she realizes the severity of the situation and as fast as she can makes her way towards the sofa and snatches her phone laying on it.
As fast as her fingers can type, she immediately dials her brother's number only to meet with the voicemail option. Cursing out she continues to dial her brother 4 more times before finally giving up and dialing San instead.
She prays that he'll answer right away, but is meet with the same results. She lets out a small sob from how scared she is, then takes a deep breath in order to calm down her racing heart and shaking hands. Redialling San’s number, she's once again meet with the monotone voice requesting her to leave a voicemail.
Finally breaking down, she sobs into her hand from how fast everything is happening and all without help from someone she knows and trust. Giving up on calling her brother and San, she turns to the only other person who she knows will help her without a second thought.
Trembling fingers hurriedly press a serious of numbers on the phone, bringing up to her ear when she's done typing in the phone number. The other line rings two times, before a shocked voice answers the call.
“ H-Hello..? Y/N is this you..?” the person questions, voice cracking when they call out her name.
Y/N can only cry out once another contraction hits her, body curling in with pain.
“ Y/N?!?? ARE YOU OKAY?!” they question, mind on high alert the second Y/N cried out.
“ H-Hongjoong.. Where's San.?” she hisses out through clenched teeth, trying to hold in the rest of her cries.
“ SAN? San’s with the rest of the guys in the practice room. The manager made them stay extra hours for slacking off and took their phones away.” Hongjoong explains, getting up from his work chair and making his way towards the door of the dorms.
Hearing that, Y/N sobs out again both from pain and knowing that she can't depend on him in that moment.
“ Y/N..? Hello? Please tell me your okay?! Did you just call me to ask from San..?” he questions, waiting for Y/N to answer back.
“ Hongjoong please listen to me. I need your help right now. Can you pick me up from my brother's apartment? You know where Youngji lives right?” Y/N fires questions left and right, not giving Hongjoong time to question her.
“ CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!? WHY ARE YOU SUDDENLY ASKING ME TO PICK YOU UP?!” He screams out, mind all over the places from everything Y/N is throwing at him.
The line stays silent for a couple of seconds and Hongjoong is about to apologize in case Y/N got mad at him for screaming at her. Before he can even open his mouth, Y/N screams back at him. The words she utters out causing Hongjoong to freeze in shock.
“ W-what...?” Hongjoong whisper out, soul completely leaving his body.
“ The baby is.. Coming..?”
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Do we think that maybe the whole Kobe Bryant thing is the straw that broke the camel's back?
Its just something more real to us
To those people watching basket ball and enjoying life while all those human traffic victims work underground...
Its finally just that one well hello... The world aint been as good as we thought?
I remember when Kobe was accused of rape and it hurt my heart and i was shocked and i did check in with the development of the story.
I'm not taking sides. I'm not saying anything about him just how it hurt me.
And so... Earlier i watched a video about Auschwitz i posted here an i cried during it. It was so difficult and so bad.
And so maybe Kobe Bryant represents to SOME people something different. Like the death of their own innocence.
Like their favorite toothpaste was made by a slave and they never knew.
I mean the world is going through something tragic. Not just the deaths
But Auschwitz. I know some of our human traffic victims were gassed. And i know some died just this year.
And so i know what we are hearing about and thinking about is simply tragic.
Every single of our gassing victims were brought back to life relatively immediately and i hadn't posted about them because that's not what we want to know about. I did post about the gassing we prevented but there was gassing after. But they were revived.
So i didn't think of it before. I just wanted people yo have space and their ability to have their own time and way to grieve or deal with what they needed to in regards to Kobe Bryant before anything other was said.
But for me there's things that will be the last thing i expect to just cause all the strength I had to just say... Hey babe it's time to cry now. Just go ahead and let it go. It may seem stupid or irrelevant but just let it go. And cry for days Just because i need to.
And I see a very deep theme with Kobe And his secret life parallel running with our planet's secret human slaves.
Much like a rainbow promise of an end.
Now there's no evidential facts posted now. So don't start throwing words. I ain't here to listen to you.
Im listening to what i see in this video. Because for the first time i said why haven't i seen people crying for hostages, human trafficked victims, and so on?
As many of you know I am blocked from a lot of media, being a POW.
So i have not seen any tears regarding human trafficking.
So I'm all why can't they make a huge deal of them? Why can't people cry over those that are being hurt?
Okay so never mind i just can't see it...
So I'm not throwing down about it.
But it's what side stepped me to seeing that this is a breaking point for many people
Its also a stepping point for others.
Its many things depending on your level of activity and understanding and busyness.
I am announcing on Sunday Friday night we will have devastating news followed by amazing news. So if you hated Kobe you will know why and you will be floored by your intuition. If you loved Kobe because you saw him play in his first year or because you only saw his good side, you will have a better grasp on the difficult time I had with Matt Hagan.
At any rate, regardless how you feel, please do tune in.
In the end... There will be no bad news about Kobe.
In the end i say. During you'll want to keep your vomit bags close to you and keep Tupac in your heart.
I've written about each topic that you'll see on Sunday. Friday.
The Magic Tree said he can make a version which will flow smoother. Because we had Part A and Part B which would make many people sick so he did from 2 hours to 1 and a half and it's a much happier story throughout so it's less traumatizing but will be over all shocking.
So that's on Sunday Friday night.
There are points where it is said that you should protect your child from the information. And there's a table of contents which will be available tonight here Which will let you know which break is for which.
For example break 1 is for the 2016 coverage. So then it will say break 1. So you refer to the table that will be pinned here to see what it is going to be about.
So if you don't want your self to see something graphic or your child you'll know to change the channel or put it on mute and look at your phone or what have you. Its color coded and a thin colored line will be at the top of the screen. So say break one is blue. A blue line will be on the top of the screen if you can't be handling such an issue and there's also going to be a time start that will be listed here.
So you'll see it's very traumatic and can be triggering and the information will be very detailed. With evidence. Which means videos of each event.
So the table of contents is very simple and can be misleading so you guys can kinda play around in your mind about what they mean
You will find how you have loyalty. To people or to truth or do you bow to intuition?
How do you think?
Did you have it toying at the back of your ear all along? Did you tell it to fuck off? Or did you like really feel the ill of it?
It's to help you learn yourself.
So we're not going to mess with your minds here. We will allow you to naturally flow through the information if you would like.
Mark Anthony is tripping on me. So i will say that number 2 has two ways... I think it's the best way yo say it. And currently only one way is in the video and at the end There will be a multiple answer question where you use the intuition you have to answer and there will be prizes just for answering which will differ on how you answer. So if you answer it correct the first time then it's a better prize then if it's you did the correct answer then changed it then went back to the first Its the same prize. There's a little system
So 24 hours to answer then 24 hours to claim the prize
The question will be posted after issue 2 is over and so you can answer right away but the 24 hours start 1 hour after the show is over. This way you have a free hour to process the information. But if you are a better answerer like me when you first hear the information you have the chance to answer right away before you get busy with more information. You can answer as many times as you like. No hash tags necessary.
Otherwise there will be a comprehension quiz which will be rewarded as usual. It will be one post that you'll need to answer in all. Like a test at school.
It should be fairly easy if you watch it. If you don't watch certain segments and take breaks instead you just write that on that question. Like skip, break. Didn't watch.
Or you can guess. Who did ..... in segment 4? I guess Kobe from all the internet reactions.
They are gonna do a little magic and so 4 hours after you watch the video to the end the quiz will show up for you. Then it will automatically grade it for you And show you how to access your prize or deliver is the word Mark Anthony used.
I'm gonna hint at you. If you are missing someone because they are dead, you'll want to do that quiz ASAP. It cannot be submitted until you finish unless you have work or something and you can't watch it live
So if you answer the question about segment 2 correctly because you ARE at work... Then you will get the surprise in advance
So for real people working and only for reals remember i am super strict... 1. Try your hardest and give your for real answer. 1B you will not have the ability to see it. But to enjoy your surprise while watching the video late -- do number two. 2. Answer all the answers. Do NOT do all of the above or none of the above those are wrong, do A B C D E etc one has to be correct.
So you'll do
Real answer: C
Winning Answer cause i was for real at work or transporting to or from or volunteering to help empty a human traffic facility: A B C D E F G
Or however many answers there are. They say only to D.
Now people watching LIVE will finish the comprehension quiz to make sure you actually paid attention to get the prize.
No one will get prizes until 15 minutes after the show ends. So don't be rushing
Quality matters. If you get 100% correct you get more prizes. If you get 40% well you will get one and good luck.
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