#i know i already told you this but i hope you have the most loveliest day 🥹
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raisy-archive · 8 months ago
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ooh, you make me live now, honey
for @slightlymad <3
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deusfoundry · 2 months ago
Hii again, sorry if I'm asking for a lot of Cedric requests (you can ignore this if you'd like). But there's this idea that's been plaguing my mind, where Cedric has always been told he has a lovely, charming, or beautiful smile that brightens up people's day or anything of the sort. But to him he doesn't really know what people mean when they say that. Until he sees reader's smile that just instanyly brightens up his day. "7 billion smiles, but yours is my favorite"
Thank you for reading thiss
hi nonnie! im assuming you're also the one who sent the ced request i got prior to this one and if so, please dont apologize!! i truly adore this man and i love writing for him! i hope i was able to do your prompt justice w this one eheh MWAH <333
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if cedric's got a sickle for every time someone has told him he had a pretty smile, he'd be bloody rich by age fourteen.
he's heard it from everyone. from strangers on the street, older men with a head full of gray hair seeing a reflection of themselves decades ago in his youthful eyes. from letters he'd find slipped into his bag, secret admirers waxing poetic about his smile, how it had been enough to make the hour and a half they spend in snape's class bearable, how seeing him from across the great hall at dinner was the one thing they look forward to the most.
he's heard it first, and perhaps most often, from his own mother, who'd take his cheeks into her hands and look at him as if she's holding the entire galaxy between her palms.
"you've got the loveliest smile, my dear boy. never lose it."
but he doesn't know what it means, to have a smile that brightens up the room. he can't wrap his mind around how one tiny smile can be enough to rid someone free of the burdens they accumulate as dawn turns to dusk.
cedric doesn't understand until he finds himself tucked in a corner of the library, buried under a mountain of books and parchment on what's supposed to be a weekend spent at hogsmeade.
he normally has a better hand at managing his responsibilities, but the combination of head boy duties, quidditch season starting in two weeks, and the workload that comes with n.e.w.t. level classes has made it impossible to do anything but thank merlin that he even manages to get through a single day.
cedric fights the urge to groan as he feels the seeds of an all familiar headache sprouting. an invisible force pounds against his head, a faint thud every few seconds that sends a twitch to his eye, but he knows it won't take long until he feels like an ogre is bashing his head against the thick books laying in front of him.
he wishes nothing more than for you to be here, with your own share of work, filling the stifling silence of his own little corner of the library with your frantic scribbling on parchment.
you'd let him take a break by now, body slumping against yours as he slots his head on the crook of your neck. he would breathe you in, greedily, and bite back a grin when you giggle at the ticklish feeling of his nose brushing against your skin. your fingers would find themselves tangled with his hair, tugging at the roots and digging at his scalp with enough pressure to release the tension on his shoulders.
he needs you, overwhelmingly so, but your friends had already whisked you off to hogsmeade before he could even ask if you'd want to join him.
at this point, he'd much rather take the ogre than spend another second alone.
"there you are."
cedric's head snaps towards the direction of your voice. he knows you're talking, watches the open and close of your mouth and the almost animated expressions your face dons as you approach him, but he's not hearing any of it.
he sees your smile, a reflection of the sun and the stars, and finally, he understands just how powerful it can be. he remains in a trance even as you clear a spot on the table for you to sit. his body moves entirely on auto-pilot, thighs spreading apart to make way for your legs as he drags himself and his chair closer to you. you've barely touched him, and yet he feels as if he's being pulled into a warm embrace by the clouds as you fish for his hand, locking your fingers together.
"love? are you alright?"
cedric swiftly slides his arms around your waist. he rests his head on your lap and hopes that the quiet hum he lets out is enough to quell your worries.
"better, bug. now that you're here."
vividly, he can imagine the face you make. a grimace in feigned disgust, your bottom lip between your teeth as you try to hold back a giggle.
"that's cheesy, ced." you give his head a light shove before running your fingers through his hair, to which cedric responds with a laugh and the tightening of his arms. he's given you no chance of escape, palms clutching onto the flesh.
"it's the truth."
and it is. if your smile had been enough to ease the ache in his body, brighten his day despite his workload that refuses to decrease, what more now that he's got you in his arms.
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writingwhimsey · 22 days ago
Becoming Comtesse Ch. 15
A/N: NSFW 18+ content at the beginning of this chapter. Fingering, PIV.
Chapter 15
Comte awoke as the light of the morning sun creeped across his face. Of course, he didn’t mind. Especially not when his eyes opened to see his beloved in his arms, her warm bare flesh pressed against his. Her eyes closed in peaceful slumber.
He couldn’t help the smile that came to his face as he looked at her sleeping so peacefully. Memories from the previous night played through his mind. When she’d come into their room last night after Amelie had told her what he was, he’d been so nervous. He’d been so afraid that he had lost every chance of being able to earn her love.
And yet, here it was she had already given her heart to him. Comte had dared hope for such a wonderful outcome, but he’d always felt it was a long shot. This wonderful woman returned his love! How could he have been so lucky? She loved him despite how selfish he had been in even wanting her in the first place.
He lifted a hand to stroke her hair as she slept in his arms. He kissed her gently on the forehead. “Forgive me, mon amour.” He murmured to her sleeping form. Not only had she been so generous in returning his love, but she’d given herself to him last night. Allowed him the privilege to make love to her. And he’d happily indulged…over and over again, until she had been a trembling mess in his arms. He would be sure to see to her care and comfort this morning as penance for her generosity. 
Colette began to stir, her face nuzzling against his chest as a sleepy sigh escaped her lips. “Mmm…”
“I never tire of waking next to you, ma cherie.” He told her, kissing her on the forehead once more.
Her beautiful emerald eyes slowly opened. She smiled at him. “Morning, my love.” She mumbled sleepily, making Comte’s heart tremble.
“Good morning, mon amour.” He replied, lifting a hand to caress her cheek. “How are you feeling? Is anything sore?” He asked, his voice gentle and caring.
Colette laid there for a moment as memories of their night together came rushing back. Her cheeks reddened in the loveliest of ways. “We…last night…that wasn’t just a dream…”
Comte chuckled and leaned in to press a gentle kiss to her lips. “It was far better than any dream.”
Colette nodded. “Yes, it was.” She said, her cheeks flushing further as she admitted that she had enjoyed it. “Last night…was amazing.”
Desire instantly flared in le Comte at how adorable she was being. “Ma cherie…it is far too early in the morning for you to look so tempting.” He said, leaning in to kiss along her jaw. “I’m trying to remain a gentleman and spend the morning taking care of you, but when you look like that and say things like that, it makes me want to spend the morning making love to you again…”
Colette gasped and then her arms were wrapping around him. “Mmm…since you were so good to me last night…I can’t think of anything I’d rather do more…”
Comte’s eyes went wide and he turned his gaze to her lovely face. Her eyes were lidded with desire. She was completely amenable to the idea. “Ma cherie…” He murmured before capturing her lips with his and rolling them over so that he was on top of her once more. 
As their kiss deepened, Comte slid his hands over her body, feeling her curves before slipping one hand between her thighs, fingers toying with her heat and thumb teasing that little pleasure pearl.
He broke their kiss to trail kisses along her neck and over her collarbones as he continued to work her with his fingers. Her hips bucked against his hand, pressing herself further into it. Last night had been their first night and Colette’s first time ever, and yet Comte was already an expert on her body, knowing where and how to touch her to have her respond in the most pleasurable of ways.
His lips made their way to her breasts and she let out a cry as he drew a nipple into his mouth, his fingers still working between her thighs. “Abel!”
Hearing her cry out his name was such an addicting feeling. Even more intoxicating than when he drank her blood. He adored the sound of his name being cried from her lips. He continued to stroke her until she was cumming around his fingers.
He pulled back slightly to look at her. She was flushed and panting. Her breasts heaving with her breath. Her soft skin already coated in a thin sheen of sweat. Gods she was breathtaking! 
She smiled as she reached for him. “I love…you, Abel.” She said in a breathy tone.
He smiled as he settled over her, positioning himself better between her legs, his throbbing cock at her entrance. He held her close. “As I love you, Colette.” He murmured before slipping inside her, fully connecting with her.
She moaned at the sensation as she held onto him. She leaned in and kissed along his throat as her hands moved over the lines of his back, causing a shiver of pleasure to run through him. The more times they made love, the bolder she seemed to grow…and he loved it. He loved every touch and kiss she lavished upon him. His heart sang for her, even as his body ached for her.
“Hah…Colette…ma cherie…mon amour…mon ange…” He moaned as he began to move, starting off with a slow and steady pace for his thrusts.
“Ngh…Abel…my love…my darling…” She moaned as she clung to him, her hips beginning to move with his.
Comte slowly picked up his pace, spurred on by her loving words and touch, until they were both cumming. He kissed her gently on the lips as they both came down. When he looked into her eyes, he knew they were once again only just getting started.
Meanwhile downstairs…
Bernard and Amelie walked into the kitchen of the chateau together. “I'm worried about Comtesse.” His wife said. “She didn't come into the village last night.”
“Perhaps she and le Comte talked and she felt she had nothing to fear.” Bernard said. “As I know she does not.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Comte is a good man. He saved my life and made sure I was able to follow my passion and receive a proper education.” Bernard said. “And even gave me this job which allowed me to meet my own lovely wife.”
Amelie sighed, though she fought off a smile at the adoring look Bernard gave her. “I suppose I should see if I can find her. See how she is doing.”
Amelie opened the door to head into the rest of the house. That was when she heard a loud cry from the bedrooms upstairs.
“That sounded like the Comtesse…”
Bernard was behind her chuckling. “It sounds like they'll be having a late breakfast.”
“Colette…mon amour!” Came Comte’s voice. 
Amelie's cheeks reddened as she realized what was happening upstairs.
Bernard laughed. “Perhaps you spilling le Comte’s secret worked out in his favor. Bet you end up with a raise out of this.”
“I…I do not understand the Comtesse. After learning the truth about him…why is she not running?” Amelie said.
“Why have you not run, mon coeur?” Bernard asked his wife.
“Because the pay is good and we hardly ever see him.” She answered.
“And perhaps because you realize deep down le Comte is a good man. All the others we know who work for nobles talk of his generosity.”
Amelie sighed. “I don't know…”
Bernard kissed his wife on the cheek. “Come on, I think they'll be busy for a while.”
Later Colette…
I lay in Abel’s arms, my head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, feeling his warmth. His hands were moving up and down my back in a gentle soothing manner and he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“Forgive me, my darling.” He murmured. “It seems I am much more selfish than I realized I would be.”
I laughed as I snuggled closer to him. “When you being selfish has me feeling so good, I can't complain.” I replied. “Even if it might be sometime before I can walk again.”
Abel chuckled and kissed me gently on the lips. “I'll carry you wherever you need to go.” He told me, smiling warmly at me.
I giggled. “You might have to…though I’m quite content to stay right here.” It was at this moment, my stomach decided to let out a rather loud growl. 
“It seems while you are content, your stomach says otherwise, mon amour.” Abel teased.
“Well, I did work up an appetite.” I replied, blushing.
Abel gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead. “It seems the first order of business is to get you some breakfast…though it is lunch time now, I believe.” 
“What about you?” I asked. “Or do you not really need to eat?” It occurred to me, I hadn’t really asked as many questions as I truly had.
“I don’t need food to survive, but I do just like eating.” Abel answered as he slowly disentangled himself from me and went over to grab his robe. Once he had slid on his robe, he reached for mine, bringing it over to me.
I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position, finally realizing how much my lower back muscles were aching…though it wasn’t an unpleasant ache. I stretched before Abel helped me to put my robe on. “Thank you.” I told him.
He smiled warmly at me and gave me a warm, loving peck on the lips. “Thank you, ma cherie.” He replied as he reached for me, scooping me up into his arms. “Now, shall we get something to eat?”
“Yes…you don’t really have to carry me all the way downstairs…” Though I was trying to protest, my arms wrapped around him and I buried my face in the crook of his neck.
Abel chuckled. “Oh, but I do.” He said. “And after breakfast, how about a nice bath and a massage?” He asked me as he began to carry me from our room.
“That sounds quite heavenly.” I answered. “You don’t have to do all of that though.”
“But I want to, Colette.” Abel replied. “I want to spoil you.”
“Well…if you really want to…”
Abel chuckled. “I very much do.” He said, kissing my cheek.
We were soon arriving in the dining room where Bernard and Amelie were just setting the table. Amelie looked nervous. Bernard was smiling at us. “Good morning, or should I say good afternoon, Comte, Comtesse.” Bernard greeted us.
“Good morning.” Abel replied.
“Good morning.” I replied, my cheeks red. Clearly they had known what we had been up to all morning…oh…oh no they probably heard. I had been rather…vocal.
“Your breakfast is ready. If you need anything else, just let us know.” Bernard said before bowing.
Amelie looked hesitant before leaving as well. Abel carried me over to my chair and gently sat me down, before taking his own seat. He reached his hand over to me, taking mine in his. “Ma cherie, you look a bit flustered.”
“I was…they probably heard us this morning.” I replied.
Abel chuckled as he brought my hand to his lips, kissing it reverently. “Mmm, probably. However, we are on our honeymoon.” He told me. “That is exactly what we are expected to do.”
“That doesn’t make it any better.” I replied.
Abel leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “You are so cute.”
I couldn’t help but to enjoy his affections, despite my embarrassment. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. “Let’s just eat…”
Abel chuckled and released my hand and dug into his food. I noticed there was a cup of coffee and a bottle of that white liquid I had seen the night before. “What’s that?” I asked.
“It is called blanc.” Abel answered. “It comes from a white flower. It helps to sustain vampires when rouge is not readily available.”
“I see.” I replied. “I realize…I didn’t ask too many questions last night…”
“Ask whatever you want to, ma cherie. I will answer all of your questions.” He told me.
I nodded and took a bite of my food as I thought of what my next question would be. “So, how many people know?” I asked. “What about the residents of the mansion?”
“Most in society don’t know.” Abel answered me. “And the residents all know, as all of them with the exception of Sebastian are vampires as well.”
Abel nodded. “With a couple of exceptions, I turned them all.” 
“You mean…they used to be humans?” I asked.
Abel nodded. He then explained to me that the residents were in fact, not only vampires but men from different time periods. Most of them being men from the past. Though there were two that didn’t quite make sense, Arthur and Dazai…that was when Abel told me about a special door in the mansion.
“You…you’re telling me that you can time travel?” I asked in disbelief.
Abel chuckled. “You can readily believe in vampires, but not time travel?”
“You have a point, but still.” I replied. “It’s just…really?”
Abel nodded. “Yes. I swear to you, I am being honest.”
“Okay…but you turned them all?” I asked. “How does that work? Were you once human?”
Abel shook his head. “No. I was born as a vampire.” He answered. “I am what is referred to as a pureblood. Leonardo is as well. Only purebloods can sire other vampires.”
“Oh? And how do you do that?”
“With a bite.” Abel answered.
I nodded. “What about all the myths…that you know you can’t go out in the sun? I’ve obviously seen that that isn’t true.”
“I’m honestly not sure where it came from. I believe perhaps it has something to do with the relative secrecy with which we must live our lives.” Abel answered.
I nodded. “That could make sense.” I agreed. “So…another question, when we talked last week before the wedding, you mentioned being older than you appeared…how old are you exactly? I mean if you have turned all these others and what not…”
“Honestly…I’m not entirely sure.” Abel answered me. “After a couple of centuries it’s easy to lose track.”
“I see.” I replied.
“Does it bother you, mon amour?” 
I shook my head and then I let out a laugh. “Though it does appear I was right.”
“Right about what?” Abel asked me.
I grinned. “That I would end up married to an old man.”
Abel chuckled as he reached for my hand, bringing it to his lips. “I suppose you have.”
We ate our breakfast together, chatting all the while, Abel answering my seemingly endless questions. Amelie came in to clean up our plates as we had finished the food and were drinking coffee now.
Amelie seemed to be looking at me in question as I asked Abel my own questions. “Is something the matter, Amelie?” I asked her after a moment.
“Nothing, Comtesse.” She answered. She then bowed and left, taking the dishes with her.
I couldn’t help but to frown. I know she was only concerned…and her reaction was honestly probably one of the more natural ones…but I couldn’t help it.
“Why are you frowning, ma cherie?” Abel asked, his fingertips tracing over the corner of my mouth.
“I just…it bothers me.” I replied. “I know she’s genuinely concerned, but…I know there’s nothing to be concerned about.”
Abel nodded. “In all fairness, her weariness towards me is perfectly natural.”
“Are you saying my  lack of weariness is unnatural?” I teased.
He chuckled once again. “Perhaps.” He answered. “I do have to wonder, why you’ve never once feared me…and why you can have such a curious nature about vampires. Amelie for example, finds my very existence unnatural since I technically live off of others.”
“Humans live off of other living creatures.” I replied. “The eggs and bacon we had for breakfast this morning. The milk I mixed with my coffee. The roast duck we had for dinner last night…need I go on?”
Abel looked at me. “Those are fair points.”
“And as far as why I have never been afraid of you in particular…thirteen years ago, I could tell you meant no harm. You were hiding out in the kitchen. If you had meant harm to my family, you would have been in one of the bedrooms or rummaging through my father’s office. You wouldn’t have actually been the first person to break into a house looking for food.”
“I was really just looking for a place to hide at the time.” Abel replied. “You provided the meal without me asking.”
I felt myself flush. “I did.” I replied, smiling at him. “And even now…after Amelie told me what you are…I knew that I had nothing to fear from you. You have been nothing but wonderful to me.”
“You are my treasure. I will always treat you as such.” Abel told me, taking my hand and kissing it in promise. “Speaking of, are you ready for that bath now, mon amour?”
I smiled. “A bath does sound nice.”
Abel grinned and then stood before scooping me up into his arms once more, carrying me upstairs to the bathroom, where he gave me a thorough pampering. A warm bath with rose petals and scented oils and a massage. Just as expertly as his hands worked my body into a heated frenzy, they soothed and relaxed my body completely.
“I love you, Abel.”
“I love you, Colette.”
@zulablaise @kisara-16 @tele86
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gauloiseblue · 11 months ago
A Loyal Dog
Years of dealing with people, he too has developed some kind of intuition. Although it's more about who he can trust, and who is not
But in this case, he can sense a strange devotion from the gardener
He knew people who had blind faith in someone, just like him. And they're both the most submissive, and the most ruthless people he ever met. They're docile when it comes to the person they trust, but when it threatens the person's safety, they won't hesitate to bite
The boy's behavior might be normal for now, but he just feels it in his gut that it's more than that
He mentions the boy to Liv, and she immediately laughs
"Oh, that sweet boy." She chuckles, "He follows her around like a dog. He'd pick the loveliest flowers for her everyday, and she'd tell him to put it in the vase. It's a bit sad that they don't do that anymore, I guess she too keeps him at a distance now."
He learns that they both were close, before the words started to spread. Liv describes that she thought of him as a son, but he didn't seem to think of her as a mother figure
"I told this to her, and do you know what she said? She said, 'I'm glad then, it means he has a loving mother.' I mean, I get it, but he can take it in the wrong way, you know?" She groans, "Not to mention that he already took interest in her long he started working for her."
He raises his brow at her, "Really?"
"Yeah, well, I'm not sure when it started, but his uncle sells gardening tools. She's a frequent in his store before he took care of everything. You said that one day he suddenly knocked on her door right? Maybe he knew her from his uncle."
After his conversation with the baker, his perception of her changes slightly. There's a lot of people who prefers younger people, and it's possible that she's one of them. The distance that they put is just a facade, because behind all that, they do have a feeling for the person. If she's one of them, he won't know what to think of her
Perhaps the reason for it is just because he likes her, and he wants it to be yet another puzzle to solve. That the complexity of her feeling isn't about love, but something else entirely
Nevertheless, he keeps a good relation with her
Sometimes he dares himself to take her out, or simply hanging out in her place
She seems to enjoy his company as well, for a reason that he can match her witty remarks
Maybe it's a privilege to be in their late 40s, where they can be as free as they want, and not hiding anything from each other, knowing that they'll find it one way or the other
He doesn't hide his interest in her, and she doesn't shy away from it, so it's no surprise when they become close in relatively short time
"There'll be a festival next week," He told her one afternoon, "Do you wanna come?"
She pauses, idly traces the rim of her mug with her finger, "Sure, I want to. But Finn has asked me to come too, and I said no."
"Are you afraid that you'll run into him?"
"A little bit." She sighs, "He has a habit of dragging people along, I don't want to walk with him in the crowd."
"You can use me as an excuse." He smiles, "I won't let go of your hand."
She laughs, "You better hold it tight, then." She hums, placing her chin on her palm, "Let's just hope Bonnie sees him first, she won't let go of that boy's hand for sure."
"Bonnie? The carpenter's daughter?"
She nods, "She likes him, so she won't pass up a chance to explore the festival with him."
They both agree on the plan to wall together to the festival, and stay in the adult only place, which is an open bar with a poker table. They jokingly make a bet on whoever wins the most money, with the prize of whatever the winner wants
On the day the festival is held, they both meet up at her place, before heading to the town
It's a common festival, with food stalls and other items being sold at cheaper prices. She can't resist the discounted grapes, and ends up buying a basket's worth of it
Unfortunately, they both meet Finn before Bonnie could find him, and so they play the adult-only card
"I'm not a kid anymore, Mrs. (name), I can handle the alcohol."
"But you can't come with us, we're going to the gambling table."
"I'll stay at the bar—"
"No." She said sternly, "It's not your place to be in. I won't allow it. If I see you anywhere near the bar, I'll tell your parents."
It seems to have an effect on him, as he falls quiet. She keeps the stern expression on her, before she softens up and pats on his head
"Enjoy the festival with the other kids, Finn. I'm sure you'll have more fun with them."
His face shows a disagreement for a split second, but he nods afterwards
He pats on his arm to cheer him up, before they both leave him, all alone in the crowd. He does feel bad for the kid, but the feeling doesn't stay for too long
When they join the poker table, the people around them seem surprised, but excited to see a new face in the game. Though it's mostly aimed at the woman beside him
As they agreed on, they'll only play for 2 hours, with £20 as the start
The thing about him is that he always wins at every poker game, but only when his opponents are men. He manages to outplay the other players until they fold and out, except for her
Still, there's people who dares to challenge her. They'd put their money on the table, and play against them both. But little do they know, they're the fool one on the table
They end up playing for more than 2 hours, and he begins to get tipsy from the beer he's been drinking. It's when he blunders by putting all in
Turns out, she has a 4 of a kind, while he just has a full house king
That's when she grins at him, signaling that the game's over
"Alright gentlemen." She announced as she stood up, "Thank you for the game, it was fun. I know you probably want me to go all in and give it to whoever's the luckiest, but I'll treat you all to a glass of beer, yeah? Sounds good?"
Almost everyone around the table agrees, with a few cheers and claps
After going through the rowdy crowd, they both manage to make it out of the festival, giggling and waking fast on the road
At her home, he sinks into the sofa as the wearin begins to settle. She slips into the kitchen with the basket, and comes back with a whiskey and two glass shots
He groans, "I had enough, I can't drink anymore."
"I'm not forcing you to drink." She said as she sat down, "We're just gonna play a game."
"What game?"
"Truth or drink." She grins, "If you don't wanna get drunk, you should tell the truth."
He snorts, but straightens his back to join the game
"I'll go first." She said, "Do you have kids, John?"
He shook his head, "Didn't have the time for it, and we ended up splitting. Have you been married to someone?"
"No, I didn't have the time for it." She said, which made him chuckle, "Why did you move to this town?"
"A friend of mine once told me about this village, it sounded good, and the land's cheap as well, so," He shrugs, "Why did you come here?"
"To escape from the big city." She replied, "Where's your friend now, John?"
He doesn't want to answer it, so he takes a shot. "Are you an artist, name? A big time artist perhaps?"
Now it's her turn to drink her shot. "Do you plan to move again someday?"
"No, at least not yet. Liked it here." He answered, "What do you think of Finn? Do you know he likes you in a romantic way?"
"One question at a time." She said, "I think he's a good boy, a bit naive though. What have you been talking to Liv about me?"
"Nothing much, just the basic stuff." He clears his throat, "What were you like when you first moved, your entire history with Liv, and then Finn. Do you know he likes you in a romantic way?"
She sighs as she scratches her head, "I know… I wish he'd see me like a mother, or a generous aunt, I don't mind, but then again, we always search for something we can't have, aren't we?" She shook her head, "Do you dislike him, John?"
"Not at all." He smiles, "I have no reason to dislike him, he's a good kid." He then lifts his gaze to her, "What do you think of me, (name)?"
She fell quiet for a second, before she told him, "I think you're just like me. We've been running from the past, until we forgot how to stop running. What do you think of me?"
"I think you're lovely." He replied, "You're like a pretty puzzle that I'd like to solve over and over again, something that I'd like to keep in my pocket, so I could unravel you whenever I wanted."
The alcohol in his blood begins to work, as he gets enough courage to lean closer, reaching out to touch her cheek
She doesn't pull away, but doesn't move either, instead, she asks him, "Do you like me, John?"
"One question at a time." He retorted, "Would you allow me to kiss you?"
To his disappointment, she prefers to take a shot than giving him an answer
"Well, let me ask you again, John. Do you like me?"
"Do I look like someone who'd kiss anyone I didn't like?"
"No, you don't." She lets out a chuckle, "Say, if I were to go to Italy, would you come with me?"
He snaps his head towards her, not prepared for the question. "... What?"
"Do you wanna go to Italy with me, John?"
"I already heard that." He tilted his head, "What's the occasion?"
"I won the bet, didn't I?"
"Oh… that." He rubs his face to sober up, "You're telling me you want to go to Italy with me as the prize?"
She nods, "I always want to travel the world with a partner, and I'd like to know if you're qualified for it."
"All expenses paid?" He jests, but she nods nevertheless, "What if I end up disappointing you?"
"Then I'll stay here for the rest of my life."
He can't help but grin. "It's a big commitment, y'know."
"Didn't you say you want to keep me in your pocket?"
"Won't it be suffocating for you?"
"That's what I asked." She tugs her lips slightly, "Suffocate me, John."
Her hand reached up to touch his, it was cold, pleasantly cold against his skin. His face heated up, as if he's been kissed, but what she gave him was sweeter than a kiss. It was indeed sweeter….
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nillegible · 1 year ago
(Part 7 of Stay, the MY time travel fic. Well, Chronologically follows Part 3, But you can read them any which way! Read the others using: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7)
“I can take a hint, you know,” says Qin Su a few days later. “I’m not going to keep chasing you if you’re not interested, you didn’t have to tell my father to interfere.”
“I. I did not do such a thing, Qin-guniang,” says Meng Yao.
She glares at him as if to divine how truthful he was being. An interesting precaution but ultimately futile. She wouldn’t ever be able to see through him if he chose to deceive her. “I suppose I’ll believe you,” she says. “Meng-shidi should know that I had the most uncomfortable discussion with my father today. Since it’s your fault – regardless of what you told anyone – you owe me!”
“This Meng Yao has little to offer, but is yours to command regardless,” he says, sweetly.
“Then call me Su-shjie. If you’re part of my sect, you should act like it.”
“Alright, shijie,” says Meng Yao with a smile, hoping that she’ll accept it.
“Better,” she says approvingly. Then, lighter, “It is hard to stay angry, Meng-shidi’spractically weaponized those dimples.” It startles a genuine laugh out of him. She really was the loveliest person; proof that Jin Guangshan’s seed was not all rotten.
“This Meng Yao will find Su-shijie to continue our conversation later? I’m to help demonstrate muffling talismans for the junior disciples today.”
“Of course, go on! I’ll see you later!” The last is a promise, she obviously intends to see it through.
It hurts a little less when he nods and agrees, before hurrying to the class he was meant to help with. They could be friends, this time.
This time, Meng Yao wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
(This time, he wouldn’t hurt her.)
If everyone else is also strangely kind to him for a few weeks after, then Meng Yao doesn’t really notice, nor make the connection, until he’s following Su-shijie and two of her friends on a trip to the market. He’s being used mostly to hold packages; the girls had picked up quite a lot of novels; more than fit into the few qiankun bags they had brought with them.
“Apologies to Meng-shidi, we didn’t think we’d be stopping here,” they’d said, or something along those lines, at four different places already.
Aside from the packages, he was only occasionally consulted over the appearance or worth of some small trinkets – one of the youngest disciples had recently received a sword, and they wished to give her gifts for the occasion – but as Meng Yao’s being treated to snacks as an apology for every hour the trip extends, he barely minds. He is free for the day and it’s almost fun.
Li Feilong finds a green ribbon, almost exactly of a shade to match with official Nie robes. Huaisang would like that, he thinks, just as she says, “Oh, doesn’t this look lovely?” holding it out. She wraps it around her wrist to observe the colour.
“Feilong-shimei’s partiality is showing again,” ribs Qin Su, eyeing the other wares, and picking a midnight-blue one for herself.
“Shijie,” Li Feilong huffs, before releasing the ribbon, saying under her breath, “But he is handsome, I don’t know how he’s only ranked seventh on that blasted list.”
“We’ve all heard it before, Feilong-shijie,” laughs Lin Biao. “Well, I suppose Meng-shidi hasn’t.”
“Meng-shidi!” says, Li Feilong suddenly, whirling towards him. “You used to be Sect Leader Nie’s deputy, were you not? Come, tell me if this colour truly matches his robes,” she says, and Meng Yao steps closer even though he’s sure it is close enough.
“It would be hard to tell them apart,” he says. “Though such a light silk would be more Nie-gongzi’s style than Nie-zongzhu’s. He doesn’t know if it’s because Nie Mingjue’s cultivation was so advanced that he could not tell the weight of his robes, but his silks were heavy.
“That doesn’t matter, thanks, shidi! Auntie, may I have three lengths of this, please?”
“Three lengths, Shimei?”
“Hush, Shijie. I’ll wear it to the hunt on Phoenix mountain, next season! I can edge my cuffs with it, to match.”
The three women pick out other ribbons as well, a pretty pale periwinkle, a few yellows and roses, and some Qin-sect blues. Meng Yao finds his eyes being drawn to the green ribbon again and again. He can’t really believe that he thought that, so what if Huaisang would like it? There was no shortage of green silk in Qinghe, and Meng Yao is no longer... no longer beholden to him.
Some habits were clearly hard to break, that is all, and ‘Huaisang would like that,’ is a decade long habit, that led to him buying multiple pretty things for him. Fans yes, for birthdays, but he’d spoiled him with other things, too.
Meng Yao had always treated him like a child, and somehow missed what was right in front of his face.
It doesn’t stop Meng Yao from buying a length of it before they leave, as well as some colours of thread to go with it. He slips it all into his sleeve, and pretends not to notice the curious looks that he gets form his three companions.
“Shall we return then?” he asks.
“Just a few boxes of tanghulu for mother, and then we can go,” Qin Su decides, and they nod, trailing after her.
On the way back, Qin Su asks, voice mild enough that he’s instantly on guard, “Will Yao-shidi be wearing a green ribbon to the hunt as well?”
Wait, what? When on earth had he given her that impression?
“This shidi will of course be in Sect colours,” he says, while he frantically tries to pick out how this misunderstanding had come about. “The ribbon is for a gift.”
“Oh, of course,” says Qin Su.
“At least agree with me that Nie-zongzhu should be ranked higher, Meng-shidi,” says Li Feilong, from behind them. Meng Yao had assumed they were not listening, and when he quickly glances behind them, Lin Biao is elbowing her, trying to shut her up.
Too startled by the byplay and its potential implications, he demurs politely, “I have no opinion on the matter, Feilong-shijie.” Then he smirks, “But I do know why the ranking is in the order that it is!”
Lin Biao gasps, and bounds closer. “You know who makes the rankings?” Conversation neatly diverted, Meng Yao spends the rest of the walk back coyly refusing to reveal his source – not that a drunk Huaisang in the future, confessing to ranking Jin Zixuan above Wei Wuxian just to see Wei Wuxian’s face, and putting his brother seventh because he had to be somewhere is much of a source – and the three ladies graciously allow for the change in topic.
If he returns to his room and skips dinner that night, well, he had been treated to a lot of snacks that afternoon. And it gives him time to try to figure out how exactly he’d convinced Sect Leader Qin that he was a cutsleeve. (He pretends that this is pressing enough that he doesn’t need to think about the green ribbon he’d bought so impulsively, and shoves it beneath his simple sewing kit.)
Meng Yao very very cautiously observes his disciple-siblings over the course of the next few weeks, but except for two offhand comments – quickly shushed – no one comments on his supposed inclination for cutting his sleeve. He’s a little bemused but after some thought and delicate probing, he works out the evidence for their “deduction”. In addition to his unexpected rejection of Qin Su, there was the matter of his apparent fear of Jin Guangshan; who was well known for his intolerance for such “deviancy” within his sect.
It's so absurdly sensible a conclusion to draw from the limited evidence available that Meng Yao has no defence to offer. Surely it made more sense than Meng Yao having returned from the future.
And most importantly: no one cared. They were trying to be kind.
If he didn't know better he would think he had developed a second golden core; so warm is the feeling that fills him up and settles in.
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onesidedradiostatic · 1 year ago
So you know how I said something about writing a fic inspired by your existence. I've started a little, but I don't know, I fear that the way I write might be confusing in some parts. So I'd very much like to hear your thoughts, if you want to share them
“Indeed, I quite enjoy our commonalities. I’ve always found more fun in spending time with my radio and friends than looking for someone I haven’t met.”
What if you’ve met them now? Vox thought, discreetly, not at all looking into Alastor’s lovely red eyes. Shoot! Vox downed another drink, hopping Al didn’t think him weird. Still, can’t leave a friend hanging, say something.
“I love you.” WHAT!!? NO! NOT THAT! “I- I- I mean, there is someone I love.?” Yeah, sure, he’s totally gonna buy that.
“I- Good for you?” Alastor started unfiltered, surprised, before going back to his normal, lovely radio voice. “And who might that be, my good fellow?” Wait, he bought it? No, don’t be an idiot! He’s totally psyching us out! Well, I’ll play your game and I’ll win!
“You know, just a cool dude with the pretties’ eyes and loveliest smile.”
“A dude?” Alastor questioned. Wait. Why does he sound so confused over that? Did- he had actually bought it?! Wait. We just told him we like guys, right? Is that, bad? What if he hates us now? What if he thinks we’re weird? Awful? Repugnant? There’s no way he doesn’t know we love him now! Practically said it to his face twice! Twice! No! I can’t handle that! Please! I- we have to save this.
“Hey Al, just forget I said anything.” Please. You’re the best thing in my life. So, whatever happens, please, stay. I need you. ___
I feel I need to rework some of the above parts, but unsure off how. Regardless, I hope my characterisation so far is good, I'd imagine that the love Vox has is more an obsession that genuine care and Al is just living his best life having fun and not really picking up anything Vox is putting down. I especially like this little exchange:
“Yeah?” He could see that once genuine smile turn sinister. Oh. Hot.
“This is hell, everyone here is a repugnant wrench, so if anyone ever tells you you’re wrong. Just relay that me, I’m sure we can make some use of their meeker existence. Everyone has a voice, after all, and if they want to use it so much, who are we to say no to helping them? Right dear friend?”
“Yeah.” Vox couldn’t help but join in on the sinister smile. This is exactly what makes Alastor, just so Alastor. He genuinely cares and will make any opponent of his friends another key in his piano of the dammed. A horror feared by all, but a few, and Vox is one of those few. ___
I just- their dynamic is so fun Alastor being all "Yay! Murder!" while Vox just thinks "OMG! He's doing all this for me?! There is no way he doesn't love me!" I think one exchange that exemplifies that is:
“Oh! I wouldn’t say I’m the best at giving advice when it concerns matters of the heart. Me being heartless and all that. Hah!”
Alastor’s little chuckle is one which Vox can’t help but adore. He’s probably heartless because he’s already put his heart in a box and is just waiting for the moment he can give it to me. I’m reserved, special, he’s waiting for me. He can only be mine and I only his.
“I’m pretty heartless too.” Vox respond, joining in Alastor’s play. He doesn’t mind being a puppet on a string, as long as he can play the most important part.
“Oh, I’m quite aware dear friend."
He's just can't think, there is only Alastor in his head. Plus Alastor not understanding that there is a misunderstanding is just making Vox believe in the delusion more. Bet his screensaver was Alastor themed before they had their falling out Also, sorry for this being quite long Hope you have a lovely day at least!
(reference to this ask)
hi sorry for responding to this late, hard to say much without a full story but I appreciate the thought of it being inspired by me 🫡🫡, but yes I do love vox being down bad for alastor, exploring some of the period-typical homophobia definitely is interesting, alastor could easily have not had that normalised for him and vox... depends on how much he ventured through his bisexuality in life or whether he only accepted it in death. his screensaver being alastor themed skjdfkglhl. very true
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axel-silverly · 1 year ago
Okay so... I know I said next post would be about Aglas's relationship with the Kings, that is, until I realized how behind I am with the story *cough* midchapterthree *cough* and unholy boards, and so I'm afraid I'm missing key informations about the characters.
But. I still wanted to post something in the meantime (cause knowing me it could take months), so, as a compromise, I present to you...
Coversations that Aglas had at some point with the devils (1)
Aglas: has been staring at Satan for some time
Sitri: "Mh? Is something the matter, Solomon?"
Aglas: "My name's Aglas. But anyway, it's nothing much, just... I'm only just realizing that Satan saved me from certain death. And that I had intercorse with him. And, he proclaimed me as his. Multiple times."
Sitri: "Mh? But all those things had already happened in the past, I thought you would have been used to it by now."
Aglas: glares at him
Ppyong: tries to ease the tension "S-Still, Mr. Aglas, I get that for a human this might be overwheliming! After all, humans can't handle strong emotions that well, and I'm sure that interacting with an handsome devil such as His Majesty-"
Aglas: "Oh, no, no. That's not what I meant."
Ppyong: "Oh, Is that so..? Then, what did you mean?"
Aglas: "Just, you know, that I've done all of that with Satan. Like, the Satan. In flesh and blood."
Ppyong: "So- You mean you knew about his Majesty Satan back on earth?? That's amazing!!"
Aglas: "Uh, of course I did. You don't even need to be interested in demonology, Satan's the most known devil on earth, everyone knows who he is."
Satan: "Oh? grins Is that so? You knew about me?"
Aglas: Smirks "Yeah, although, I never would have guessed the Devil himself would be so easy on the eyes~"
Satan: chuckles "Is that so? What? You disappointed, Aglas? Did you expect me to be big and scary?"
Aglas: "Oh, don't get me wrong darling, your good looks were not an unpleasant surprise~ Still, I did expect you to be more than a few centimetres taller than me.."
Satan: glares "Oi, you're stepping into dangerous territory, you know that?"
Aglas: "Mhhh, but, what if I say I like the danger, darling~?"
Satan: "Why you... You really are... something else." Leans in
Aglas: "Oh wait!"
Satan: "Huh?"
Aglas: "Well, see I told you were the most known devil on earth but actually it's a sort of competition with Lucifer..."
Satan: "Wha- Lucifer?"
Aglas: "Well yes, some even think you two are the same devil."
Satan: "The same- What?"
Aglas: "Yeah, don't blame them honestly, theology is so complicated... But, one thing that's mostly agreed upon on Lucifer is that he used to be God's loveliest angel."
Aglas: his cheeks flush red  "Aaahh... I do wonder if his beauty matches the descriptions~"
Satan: "..." grinds his teeth and grabs Aglas's wrist, dragging him along
Aglas: "Eh? And where are you taking me exactly?"
Satan: "In that back alley."
Aglas: "Back- ... Oh my! I love how straight foward you are, darling~"
Satan: "Shut up and just come here." Pulls him out of sight
Aglas: "Aaahhhn~"
And yes, he totally brought Lucifer up on purpose to rile Satan up.
Anyway, it was supposed to be short but that was quite long, wasn't it? Hope you liked it! Also, you decide wheter I'm really bad at naming things or if the series name was so specific on purpose
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townsenddecades · 7 months ago
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1308 – Day 4 – Praaven Castle
Robert has been Sir Silas’ page for a year now, and at this point, he has managed to settle in. He even likes some of the work and lessons. Even the fighting is more fun than he anticipated. Working on the farm has given him strength enough, if not exactly finesse.
Which does not mean that he doesn’t feel stupid when the men-at-arms shake their heads at his difficulty with reading and writing or lack of expertise in etiquette. Part of him wants to fail, just to spite them, but his mother is hoping for so much for him. He can’t bear to disappoint her.
One day, towards the end of the year, Sir Silas tells him that he will be accompanying him to meet the Lady of the castle. He stares at him in bewilderment.
“But you said it would be uncourteous to the Countess to take me there!”
“So I did, and so I believed. But Lady Petersmarch has asked me to take you along.”
“She wants to see me?”
Sir Silas lifts a brow. “Do I need to repeat myself, lad? Make yourself ready.”
And so he does, fear and confusion quickly turning into annoyance at the feelings. He has no desire to be belittled by some high-and-mighty noble lady, as he has been by so many of the servants who know, of course, that he is the bastard of their former employer. He follows Sir Silas up the tall stone stairs to the entrance of the castle and comes upon one of the loveliest women he has ever laid eyes on. He had seen the Countess before, but never this close.
She is dressed in a silk gown of darkest blue – blue and gold being the Dudley family’s colours – and a long veil that covers most of her strawberry-blond hair. Her big, amber eyes seek him out immediately, or at least that is his impression before he bows deeply, as Sir Silas has instructed him.
“My lady.”
“You may rise, young page. So, Sir Silas, this is the boy that's been serving you?”
“It is, my lady. Robert Townsend.”
“You do look remarkably alike to my late husband, Robert. But I’m sure enough people have told you that already. You come from one of the farms outside the city, is that so?”
He struggles to keep his composure but manages to nod. “Yes, my lady. We live near Tovar.”
“My parents, my siblings and I.”
“Ah. Well, I hope you’ve settled in well. Now then, Sir Silas, about your report.”
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Unbeknownst to the all of them, they are being watched. Three curious heads peak over the railing of an upstairs gallery, the high, echoing walls making it easy to catch what is being said below. Two of the children have the same red-gold hair as the Countess, while the eldest’s hair is pitch black.
Ralph Dudley Jr., eleventh Earl of Petersmarch, turns to his siblings and motions them to follow him into a nearby bedroom, so their conversation won’t be overheard.
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“So that’s our brother”, Elizabeth says.
“He’s not our brother, stupid”, Clement interjects immediately. “He’s just father’s bastard.”
Elizabeth raises a brow, in a manner very similar to her mother. “I believe a sibling is customarily someone with whom one shares at least one parent, brother.”
“Yes, but bastards don’t count.”
Ralph clears his throat. “He is a bastard that is currently training to be a knight, though, so we can’t exactly ignore that he’s here. Although mother has done a good job of doing so in the past year. I wonder what’s changed.”
“Doesn’t Your Lordship have all the information he could ever want?”, Clement teases, but his elder brother only rolls his eyes.
“I’ll take the reins soon enough, you’ll see.”
“We should introduce herself, now that he’s here”, Elizabeth puts in, to end the quarrel before it can start. She doesn’t have time for her brothers’ useless squabbles. “I at least am curious to meet him. A peasant brother, can you imagine!”
“Yes, let’s”, Ralph agrees. “Who knows, maybe he’ll prove useful to have around.”
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So down the stairs they go. They don’t sneak – Ralph doesn’t feel he has to sneak, he is the Earl and this is his castle, after all – and peer around the corner. Their mother and Sir Silas have moved on into the banquet room to have their discussion, but their half-brother is standing near the door, trying to be subtle in gawking at the rich interior. Ralph assumes he has never been in a place like this. He has grown up in some peasant hut, after all, and the guard hall is rather sparse.
“Pssst”, he hisses, and motions the boy over when that catches his attention. Robert looks towards the Countess and Sir Silas briefly, sees that they are deep in conversation, and sneaks over into the side room the three noble children retreat into.
And then they stare at each other, before the peasant boy bows stiffly.
“Lord Petersmarch, I presume?”
“You presume correctly”, Ralph answers, with just as much dignity. “And these are my sister Lady Elizabeth and my brother Clement.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you”, Elizabeth says kindly. Clement just nods, though more in greeting than to echo his sister’s sentiment. “We were so curious to meet you! It seemed strange to have another child of our father’s living so close yet never to interact with them.”
“We would have sooner, but our duties have kept us away”, Ralph, who doesn’t want to admit that he has bowed to his mother’s wishes on the matter, adds a little pompously. “But we couldn’t let the opportunity pass by now that you’re here.”
“Is it true that you grew up on a farm?”, Elizabeth asks immediately, not especially tactfully, but she is only nine years old.
Robert stiffens, but nods. “It is. I’ve lived there with my parents until Sir Silas kindly took me on as his page.”
“With you parents?”, Ralph asks, with his emphasise on the s.
“My mother and her husband. The man that raised me.”
Clement scoffs, but Elizabeth smiles kindly. “I’m sure it would be hard not to see your mother’s husband as a father. I’m sure it must be nice to…to still have one. I at least miss our father a lot.”
They talk some more, but it remains awkward, and gets more so when the Countess and Sir Silas walk into their hideout, having obviously noticed that Robert has gone missing. Both look disapproving, so Ralph quickly puffs out his chest and looks square at them.
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“We were curious to talk to Sir Silas’ protegee, Mother, and it didn’t seem like he was involved in your conversation, so we didn’t think it would do any harm to steal him away.”
“Did you, now?” She studies all of them. “As an Earl you should know that it isn’t right to interrupt other peoples talks by ferreting away participants, Ralph. And any good page stays until he is dismissed.”
Robert swallows with an effort. “I beg your pardon, Lady Petersmarch, Sir Silas. I fear I wasn’t certain whether a summons from my liege overrides my duty to my knight.”
Sir Silas chuckles, and quickly hides it in a cough when the Countess shoots him a disapproving glance. She then turns to Robert. “A valid point, I confess. Still, stealing away is never a sign of a good conscience, is it?”
He just lowers his head at that, although, it must be said, mostly to hide his face.
“But it was interesting to get to know him, Mother”, Lady Elizabeth interjects.
“I’m sure it was, my dear. And I’m sure there’ll be other opportunities, seeing as he’ll stay on here for the time being.”
Robert doesn’t know whether to take this as an invitation or a challenge. 
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Prev: 1308, Day 3 <--> Next: 1308, Day 4, Part 2
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canirove · 2 years ago
The Princess & the Football Player | Chapter 12
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"Ellie... I'm in love!" Roberta says while dramatically falling on my bed.
"What?" I chuckle.
"Mason. I'm in love with him."
"Roberta, you've known each other for just a few weeks."
"Enough to know that he is the one, Eleanor."
"That good was your date yesterday?"
"So so good! We talked for hours about everything and anything, ate the loveliest food, and then... Eleanor, what happened next... That was the best sex of my entire life. The best!"
"Ok" I laugh.
"Like, the way he made me feel... Dear God. Before, during and after. I've never felt this with anyone else."
"Nevertheless, you should take it slow."
"I know, I know. But ugh. I am so happy!" she says, smiling from ear to ear. She does look happy. Very happy. "What about you and Declan? Did something finally happen?"
"We kissed."
"No!" she screams, getting up from the bed. "I need all the details. Now."
"It was just a kiss. Well, a few. And when things started to get a bit more interesting, we were interrupted by my uncle Jaime."
"What? He caught you?"
"No, no. I hid Declan in the bathroom."
"You... Ok, I'm gonna need you to start from the beginning."
"Semi finals, girls. How are we feeling?"
"I'm shitting myself" Roberta says.
"Same" I reply. I think I have never been this nervous about a game in my entire life. Not even when both them and the girls played the Euros finals. 
"It is the toughest game of the tournament so far, but I'm confident these boys can win. You'll see" my uncle Jamie says, giving both Roberta and I an encouraging smile.
"Is it always going to be like this?" Roberta whispers while my uncle is busy talking with some members of the FA. "Like, am I going to feel this thing on my stomach every time he plays a big game?"
"You probably will, yeah" I chuckle. "The wag life."
"I don't see most of the wags being this worried about their games, to be honest. Their outfits and making sure their makeup looks good seems more likely."
"As if you didn't think the same" she winks.
"I think I'm going to be sick" Roberta says, grabbing my arm and squeezing it.
"Make it two."
We've made it to the penalties, and I can feel the ghosts from the Euros final everywhere around us. Thankfully, Declan got subbed during the extra time and he won't have to take one. But Mason does, and let's be honest... It isn't his forte.
"Ellie, he is going first!" Roberta says, squeezing my arm even tighter. "I can't watch, I can't."
"He's scoring, look at how confident he looks" my uncle says, grabbing my free hand. 
"He always looks like that."
"Ellie..." Roberta says, hiding her face on my shoulder as Mason takes a few steps back. And then...
"See? I told you!" my uncle screams.
"He scored? Ellie, he scored!"
"He did!"
"I am so relieved" she sighs, finally letting go of my arm. Or whatever is left of it.
"I thought you were a Rashford's fan" my uncle Jaime says, arching a brow.
"It's... I... They are going again!" Roberta says, pointing at the pitch.
"You two are hiding things from me" he says, giving us a suspicious look before focusing on the penalties again.
"They all looked so gutted... Poor guys" my uncle says.
They always say penalties are a lottery, and they aren't wrong. It wasn't until the 7th one that England missed, and all our hopes of getting to the final disappeared.
When we walk into the changing room, the silence we are met with is something I have never witnessed before. They all are devastated. 
"Thank you for coming, your Royal Highness" Southgate says.
"I... I don't know what to say. Everything seems so... Pointless right now. I think we should leave" I say, already turning around and bumping into someone. Declan.
"Eleanor" he whispers, his eyes red from crying. But he doesn't meet mine. He is looking at anything but me.
"I'm so sorry" I whisper back. It is taking everything on me to not throw my arms around his neck and hug him, tell him everything is going to be ok. Instead, I just lift my hand, wanting to give his arm an encouraging squeeze. But before I can do it, I hear David clearing his throat behind me, disapproving my movement.
"If you'll excuse me" Declan says before walking away, passing next to me as if I didn't exist.
"He was so... Cold. He didn't meet my eyes, not once. And since the first moment we met, he's never been afraid to do it."
"He was devastated, Eleanor. It is normal" Roberta says.
"Yeah, I guess it is" I sigh. After my short visit to the changing room, they told me that we could wait for them with their families and friends, that the mood would probably be a bit better with them. 
Some of the players have already arrived, a few chuckles and laughs from their kids being heard here and there. And Roberta and I have already had a little chat with Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Mount, Mason's mum definitely knowing about what his son has been doing lately. Declan's mum doesn't seem to know a thing, tho.
After they left, I spotted Lilith, who was giving me a murderous look. She definitely knows something is going on between me and Declan.
"Roberta!" I said when she waved back at her, making her roll her eyes before turning her back at us.
"What? She was looking at us. The polite thing is to say hello" she shrugged.
A few minutes after that, the doors of the room open again and most players walk in, Mason and Declan among them. Mason goes to hug his mum and dad, and Declan...
"What the fuck?" Roberta whispers.
The moment Declan walks in, Lilith is in front of him, hugging him. And he hugs her back. He hugs her back and very tightly, burying his head on her neck while his whole body starts shaking. He is crying. He os crying on her shoulder, looking for her comfort. 
"I... I have to go."
"Eleanor, wait."
"No, I... I have to go" I say, running towards the door, already feeling like I can't breathe.
"Ma'am" David says behind me. "Ma'am, where are you going?"
"Outside. I need to be outside, I..."
"This way" he says, grabbing me by the arm. "Take deep breaths."
"Yes" I say, trying to do as he says. But when we make it to one of the corridors that lead outside the stadium, we are met by a crowd. They are talking very loud, and I can feel the walls around me suddenly being closer and closer.
"David..." I whisper, tears starting to fall down my cheeks.
"It's ok. You are ok. Just breathe, Eleanor."
"I can't, David. I..." 
"Easy there."
"Uncle Jaime?" I murmur, my head pounding.
"You are back at the hotel. You are ok" he says.
"What... What happened?"
"Looks like you had a panic attack and fainted."
"What?" I say, trying to open my eyes. Why is it so bright? "What time is it?"
"11 a.m. You've been sleeping for the past twelve hours."
"Yep. You seemed to be exhausted. Are you hungry?"
"I actually am, yes" I say, slowly sitting up on my bed.
"I'll call for breakfast, they had everything ready in case you woke up. And speaking of calling..." he says, giving me my phone. "Someone named Declan has been calling and texting you like crazy, asking if you are ok."
"Is he who I think he is?" my uncle asks.
"So you girls were flirting with players, uh? Best friends with best friends" he laughs.
"Wait, do you know..."
"About Roberta and Mount? Yeah, I know. She was with his family when I went to find her after you fainted."
"Already meeting the family" I chuckle.
"That's Roberta. And I better go get that breakfast, leave you alone so you can call him."
"I don't want to talk to him."
"Why? What happened? He seems to be really worried about you."
"His ex can comfort him. Again" I say, laying down again and hiding under the covers, not being able to contain my tears.
"Oh, Eleanor" I hear my uncle say, giving my arm a squeeze before he leaves. 
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groovebunker · 6 months ago
firstly, thank you for answering all my questions <3
I finished their story. Idk why I feel so heartbroken.
I'm soooo happy their story ended in the loveliest thing ever. And the one by one confessionals as if dragrace kinda scenario of the family. All of those got me laughing my soul off, esp poor Gracie. Like imagine she saw them doing—okay, too mature for baby Gracie there. (idk which timeline in this, but bc I'm just in s1, my mind is there so Gracie is still smol). Yetta (whom I never met YET), the reassurance they give to Claire. Like that's the most parental figure she'll ever got since her fucked off family refuses to have Claire. (I'll give her everything I have fr. Claire is just that important).
Back to heartbroken. I think it's because it's finished. Nothing to distract me again lol. But, my head is lightheaded still. Thanks to this fic. Got a little over dramatic and listened to ton of heartbreak songs since I'll miss them. Ao3 authors who created the 100 stories will feed me through this pain. (I know you're the most who created those, hallejuah to you.) Small fandom problems (used to it, why do I love impossible fandoms?) Or might be bc I feel like some problems might occur to their life and then Claire might fled? I know deep down she won't, my overthinking is just killing me. I mean a small argument that morning and Claire is already hanging on a thread. Thank you, sandwich, made by Francine.
So, yeah. You can see how I love your story. Only if someone will understand me like you do lol. I might mouth off someone with my now thoughts about them (until canon ruins it. canon always ruins things. been there, done that lol)
To end off, I admire your acknowledgements. I hope you're happy with your decision and have a wonderful wonderful day (I'm not telling you, I'm just wishing you'll have it. if not, I'm cursing the soul of the person who made it bad).
Merci beaucoup <3
this has made my DAY. i'm sorry you're so sad you finished but there's still so much fun stuff to explore in the tag (pls read vignettes from the kitchen and the couch, it's the fic that made me want to write for them and it's phenomenal). there are also a few short (pwp) pieces in the wwyd universe up on ao3 and rumour has it, there might be something new soon to celebrate its first birthday 👀
the first part of the last chapter is one of my favourite parts of the whole fic - especially sylvia being told and just sort of shrugging. yetta & cc are such a brotp to me - it's a theme in some of the other stuff i've written for sure. i just love them so much.
honestly, finishing it made me so fucking emotional so i get it. canon does get quite batshit towards the end of the show but what can we do? (write tons of fic about it, apparently). feel free to mouth off at all times, i love talking about them so much.
all things are possible through the squad, honestly.
thank you so much 💖
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xx-vergil-xx · 1 year ago
So I’m officially Crushed that Hounds is finished, even though the ending was perfect! So I’ll take the opportunity to respond to the writing style thing from earlier this week. Sorry if this is too random! I have 10 billion things I love about your writing, I’ll just pick out some that come to mind spontaneously
Thing 1, I love how you write supernatural beings! Genuinely alien and scary at first, but then we spend more time with them, and find such a human core to them. Like, the potential of the supernatural-as-metaphor is realized to perfection over and over again?
There’s something so recognizable in the way Desire toys with people, in Dream’s guardedness, in the Corinthian’s hunger. One example is in the Corinthian’s interactions with Daniel, the tension between experiencing sudden unexpected freedom, but registering it as rejection, as feeling obsolete and useless because who even are you when you aren’t needed…for him, that arises from his supernatural nature as a creature literally created for a specific purpose, but for me as a reader, it still speaks to something relatable and painful. Really great stuff
Thing 2, the references! To literature, poetry, myth, music, history…I just recently read “Underland” by Robert MacFarlane (warmly recommended) and he does something similar, to similar effect. It gives everything such scope, makes it feel so much bigger than the immediate story being told, like it situates the story in some Great Narrative about all of humanity, with the references connecting it all like a myriad mycelial strands.  
Thing 3 is that I love the way you word familiar things in an unusual way, which always feels like I’m getting some kind of revelation about what the thing’s essence is. I always struggle to put into words why a certain moment, or gesture, or landscape, or person makes me feel a certain way, and then I might encounter it in your writing and suddenly I’m like “Yes, finally someone gets it!” And I especially love it when the verb is doing the heavy lifting.  Random example, how to immediately capture the eerie vibe of a lonely nighttime street – “buzzing security lights futilely scratching at the darkness”.
Aaanyway this is way too long already, but I want to just thank you again for sharing your writing :) Hope you have a good weekend!
hi??? hello??? and what if i wept??? what THEN??? what if these businessfolk on this commuter train had to watch me sniffle with pure inexpressible joy???
but seriously — wow this really sent me reeling in the best loveliest most consuming way!! it is maybe the most richly validating feeling in the world to have someone point out bits of your work they love and it is genuinely such a gift — your time and your thoughts are of immeasurable wonder and i will stuff these praises in my pockets like treasured cool rocks from a beach <3
i am thrilled my supernatural creatures hit — in even my non-fic stuff i am absolutely fascinating by scales of humanity — by the way the immensely surreal and even the seemingly ahuman can contain with in it exaggerated mirrors of the truest human experiences. i love playing with that like bizarre distortion (especially w my baby cori, but all the endless were such a sublime opportunity to Mess Around With That), and then narrowing the aperture down to try and pinpoint the real, authentic humanity that the most inexplicable wildness can contain <- all that to say made me feel crazy wonderful that you liked the way i mucked about with the wild supernatural gang !!!! bodes well for my future projects <3
i am going to put underland on my library list!! i am such a sucker for intertextuality like what if words were a sculptural medium what if by compounding text on text on text you build a form greater than the sum of its parts ANYWAY gosh makes my spirit light and free to know you liked all that <3 <3 <3 i look forward with delight to reading that book!! (also mycelial is such a brilliant word thank you for reminding me it exists <3)
the moments of articulating specific little feelings are generally the ones i beat my head against the wall about the most and so it is genuinely so rewarding to know that they hit and they resonate <3 and verbs!! to the chagrin of some professors i tend to insist on giving descriptions active agency and it is again wonderously validating to know that that’s a vibe!!! thank you thank you thank you <3
this really make me feel like my body was full of light and i’m going to have a real killer of a day now <3 thank you so so so much for your kind words they mean everything under the sun to me <3
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thecontumacious · 3 years ago
Hi i saw the request was open (not sure but if it is u can delete this)
So remember the offstream collab where nina, vox, ike, and mysta were drinking milo? so what i was thinking was that when they were drinking the milo what if someone suddenly knocked on the door and nina was like “oh i’ll get it”cause she brought y/n as a secret to suprise them and then y/n says “did any of you order more milo?” Then they recognized their voice (also chat) and they all looked back and saw y/n who is 6’2 and they ran to hug her but they fell down on the floor after that they questioned things about her and how she had like prada,gucci clothes and they said that they are a fashion model (not sure if u use faceclaims but the faceclaim i chose was @/jihoonkim) and suddenly mysta said “damn she can be my sugar mommy” and ike and vox nodded agreeing to what mysta said and suddenly y/n being straight serious y/n went “aight bet what you wanna buy?” and mysta jokingly said “i want a whole pack of pocky and some more milo” and she actually bought it
Later when i don’t remember when but one of them said(?) vox had a designed jacket(?) and y/n was like “Vox no were going to my wardrobe and make you look fabulous…actually i’ll change all of you to become fabulous” so she brought all three of them and gave them each a fancy outfit and after changing they all looked fabulous “DANG y/n you have good taste in fashion” and y/n said “i know😌💅” and went back to chat and complimented y/n’s taste in fashion considering she was a fashion model.
I ran out of writing juice you can add more if you want also if it’s possible could i be 🎧 anon if there is already one could i be 🖍anon? Hope u have a good day/night! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
Have some photos i made at 2am ( i can’t post the photos without showing my anon)
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to be fawned over
pairing: nijimilo x fem!model!reader (ft. nina) a/n: JSHJKAHSJKAHSL THESE PHOTOS ISTG okay i got you covered for this one hehe. alright honest thought about milo: i don't actually rly like it? like vox said, it's like watered down chocolate milk. i like my milk super wholesome :3
reminder that all my work and others in the fandom are purely fiction and intended to entertain, not to be projected irl.
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you've met all tons of people, varying from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant ones because of the socially demanding job of being both a fashion model and a successful v-tuber
but you're very safe to say that your co workers here at niji en were one of the loveliest people you've ever met
so why the heck were you so nervous waiting outside the hotel room everyone was streaming in? holding a milo twelve pack no less like this ;-;
you were lucky no one was rly around to pass by as it was sort of late into the night
nina had told you in advance that neither vox, mysta or ike knew of your arrival, and that was completely on purpose
"i thought it'd be fun to surprise the boys is all," she snickered through the phone. "don't forget to bring the extra milo okay! i'll text you when it's time to come in."
continuation utc!
you'd been lying if you said it wasn't a rather fun idea
the element of surprise is always entertaining, both for the sake of yourself, your friends and the chat
from the other side of the door, you can hear the boys' positive comment on the milo drink, claiming they'd like to have more but slightly disappointed that mysta had only brought a few this time
then, a text comes through and as you suspected, it's from nina signalling to you to knock on the door
you inhale and did exactly that, pressing the canned drinks against your chest with a nervous grin
"i'll get that!" nina exclaims from the inside, standing up and heading towards you
with every step she took, you grew nervous but at the same time super excited to see everyone for the first time
in the next second, the door swings open and you come first face to face with their streaming setup and all three boys facing the door
you laugh, raising the pack of milo in the air, "did someone order more milo?"
"HOLY SHIt?" mysta stands abruptly, nudging ike to the side a bit. he earns himself a slap from the novelist. "oW, IKE!"
"don't 'ow' me, mysta! you literally shoved me!" he playfully scolds him
vox begins to holler, heading towards the chat upon confirming himself it actually is you at the door, "GUYS GUESS WHO IT IS!"
luxiem was chaotic, yes
never expected them to be this chaotic though
but were you complaining? nope
nina from the door ushers you to come inside, "come in, come in, surprise guest!"
you giggle and stride into the room, placing the rather heavy cans onto the kitchen counter. "do i get a tip for carrying heavy cargo?"
ike is first to approach you, his arms wide open with a very bright smile, "do hugs count?"
"yes, they do," you lean forward and wrap yourself in ike eveland's arms for the first time. sure, you and ike were good friends online but to finally see each other like truly sealed the deal
he's squeezing you tight, all the while grinning like he had never grinned in his entire life, "uwahhh it's so good to finally see you!! did you and nina plan this?"
you pull away, smirking, "nah, don't blame me. nina made me do it."
"made you? y/n, you immediately jumped at the idea!" nina pouts, offended by your accusation as she sat back down on the couch to handle the stream
mysta comes stumbling next, offering a hug to you as well, "i don't give a fuck! what's important is that she's here now!"
"i can say the same, mysta!" ike lets go of you so you can now hug mysta, firmly holding him against you
"holy shit, you're so tall???? what the fuck is going on?" mysta points out, causing for you and the other to laugh
ike chimes in, "actually yeah... i was so excited to see you i completely let that slip past. jesus y/n, you are tall."
"gentleman, there's a clear reason why she also works as a fashion model," vox shakes his head, walking towards you and pretty much asking for his turn of pleasantries. he winks at you, "gorgeous at that."
"why thank you, milord," you giggle, offering him a hug too.
vox easily receives it, patting your back while he was at it. "in complete seriousness, it's good to see you."
"yes, chat, it is the great y/n who has just arrived!" nina announces, turning back to you. "come say hi to the chat, y/n."
you let go of vox and you're off to greet your fans.
"hi chat!"
your eyes almost couldn't keep up with what they're saying, save from the occasional superchats.
"yes, none of the boys actually knew beforehand i'd be coming here," you chuckle, eyeing ike, mysta and vox behind you. "i can tell they're already head over heels for me."
"oh fuck yeah," mysta admits, ike laughing beside him as vox completely agrees. "i mean look at her chat! man, if you saw her, you'd be down bad. ain't i right boys?"
"i've gotta be honest but taking a good look at her, she's super well dressed. among us boys, she definitely has the better closet," ike comments
vox interjects, "would it be okay if we leaked your drip? i mean, imagine the fanart!"
you nod your head, cheeks slightly flushed, "go ahead."
vox drops onto the empty space next to you, leaning close towards the mic, "alright, listen well chat. she's wearing a black coat dress with a matching belt. a silver chain necklace, silver earrings and knee high boots in brown. if that isn't a drip, i don't know what is."
[or you can imagine whatever clothes you'd like to have, this is just my personal preference ^^]
"kudos to me for inviting her over, huh?" nina laughs, slapping your arm playfully.
"guys, she could be my sugar mommy if she wanted to," mysta adds, "whispering".
you smirk, crossing your legs. "alright, bet. what do you want?"
the detective merely chuckles in response, "right now, i need myself some more milo to take home. oh and strawberry pocky* for the ride back."
*yes i headcanon mysta rly likes strawberry flavored pocky
you clap your hands, "i'll see to that done, then!"
after that, it's back to bonding between the members + nina ofc with you as an added treat!
mysta is more than glad to have someone who can keep up with him, vox finding himself a flirting buddy, ike gaining at least one more sane person in the group and a female nina can side up with if the boys ever gang up on her lmao poor nina
the night ways itself further, but the laughter between the five of you don't cease (the alcohol too aye)
it included stuffing your faces with food nina kept buying, convincing mysta not to handle the knife both when he's around people and by himself, chaperoning fox akuma with ike and making sure nina doesn't fall over drunk
ah, what a family
it's no surprise all of you woke up with a headache, but that most certainly did not stop you from venturing into the city before streaming hours
"guys, guys, let's go to this restaurant i found! it has good reviews, good food, drinks and i heard there's a beautiful view!" nina shows you her phone, displaying the mentioned food place
you skim through the information and indeed find it to be of decent quality. you hum, taking a sip of water as the boys only start cracking their eyes open to the new day.
"seems legit enough, let's go then!" you smile
ike comes over and nina hands him the phone.
he too seemed to approve, "looks good to me. i feel like we all need something so we don't feel so bad right now."
the three of you laughed
"i'm in for good food, ju-just, ah," vox hisses, holding his head. "someone get me some aspirin."
"get me some too, please," mysta hiccups, chugging down a gallon of water down his throat
after an hour or so of getting everyone back into safer conditions, you and nina head back to your rooms to get ready.
"y/n, y/n, i have an idea," nina chirps, pulling you towards her. "since you're the fashion expert here, why don't you dress me up? i mean, you always look amazing! i want a taste of that myself."
you giggle, "i'm the model, nina. not the stylist."
"don't be so humble now, baby. at the very least you've seen what your stylists have dressed you in. come on, let's look fabulous today," nina flips her hair dramatically and you can't help but just give in to her antics, seeing as there was no harm to it anyway
"alright, fineee. suppose it'll be fun," you shrug. the woman shrieks of enthusiasm, tugging you quicker towards your room.
"here's what i brought! put together an outfit for me, baby," nina flips her suitcase open, giving you free reign of her outfit for the day
after a bit of mix and matching, swatching the colors, you finally settle on something that would suit nina's confidence and maturity.
"and a matching bag of your choice, nina! this should be it," you dust your hands together, smiling as nina studied herself through the mirror with awe in her eyes
"oh my god, this looks so good! man, i never knew my closet had these," she comments
"you do, you just haven't tried matching them together!"
"so, just the model huh," nina wiggles her eyebrows.
"oh please, it's nothing."
"hey, hey, another idea!!"
"what is it, nina?"
she grins, "how about you dress the boys too?"
"you sure they'd want that?" you scratch the back of your head sheepishly, looking away.
"oh it'll be fine! besides! the boys were obviously fawning over you last night, why wouldn't they let you style them?" she encourages you, clasping your hands into hers. "come on!! it'll be super fun! and i know you'll come up with something good!"
"okay, okay fineee. we'll go ask them after i dress, okay?"
"don't worry about it!"
it's only a matter of time you exit the bathroom with your chosen outfit.
"there she goes, slaying the day with the drip," nina gawks upon exiting the bathroom. you wave her off, grabbing your things and heading for the door.
"oh hush, come on. let's see the boys!" nina nods and you two are off to find them in their rooms.
"hi boys, we come proposing an idea!!" your friend announces from the other side of the door
ike is the one to answer the door, "huh? what idea?"
"y/n here is gonna dress you guys up for the day!"
"dress... us up?"
"yo, is that nina and y/n?" mysta hollers from inside. "we're not ready yet! but come in."
"OH PERFECT! excuse me ike," nina softly pushes ike away from the door as she comes inside, pulling you with her. "boys, stop dressing because y/n's gonna do it for you!"
"pardon me?" vox pops his head out, still with his previous shirt on. "what's going on in that head of yours again, ninaur?"
"it's a good idea, i promise," nina giggles, pushing you up front. "she's gonna be styling you guys today."
"ah, i see what's going on here," vox smirks, leaning onto the wall with his arms crossed. he eyes you, "well, miss fashionista, my suitcase is yours to go through. i'd like to see what you come up with."
"hey, hey! i want in too!" mysta shouts.
"well if everyone is doing this, i guess i'll do it too," ike laughs, walking over to his luggage area. "i'm in your care today, y/n."
nina nudges you, smirking, "this is gonna be a fun day, huh?"
you smile, "indeed it will."
"hey, mysta!" you call over, mysta looking up from his phone.
"what's up, y/n?" he asks
you grin, digging into your bag to reveal a few boxes of his pink pockey and individual milo cans specially for him.
his mouth gapes open, looking between you and the food items in your hands. "wh-? i thought you were kidding???"
you shove them into his hands, forcing him to take them with a wink, "then no, i wasn't. i'd gladly take that offer to be your sugar mommy, mysta."
mysta looks at you one last time, this time his cheeks a very bright red and unknowing what to say. "wh--well, i--"
"if you're mommy, can i play daddy?" vox interjects, leaning towards you with a suggestive grin. you giggle.
"are we really going to have this type of conversation in public?" ike groans, glaring lasers into the three of you.
nina can only laugh at the interaction between you and the boys, very extremely glad she came up with the idea of secretly inviting you.
(i apologize in advance for the rather wonky anatomy bcs i did these in the literal dead of night and also bcs nina's got cut ;-;)
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references i used:
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musette22 · 2 years ago
Hiiii loveliest Minnie!! I hope you’re having a wonderful time in Portugal! 💗💗 I finally caught up on sleep lolol so now I can scream about Seb at the Globes 😂
I don’t know if you’ve seen this (Sebastian’s at the bottom of the page) but I love how we’re not the only ones that agree that he’s too pretty, and that it doesn’t matter what he wears for him to be the prettiest 💕💕 and GOD did he look pretty, I don’t know how he does it, surprise me like this every time with a different look and make me go a little insane bc damnnnn he looked hot 😭 I’m especially weak for those videos where he goes from looking so serious and dilfy to like, smiling and looking so baby, even with the grey in his beard, to his freaking adorable self 😭 Don’t even talk to me about the jewelry bc 😫😫😫 TOO MUCH.
I still kinda have to pinch myself to realize he’s really, finally, getting the recognition he deserves & its only gonna be better from here for him. He really is thriving isn’t he? And damn are we lucky to witness it 🥺 SO proud of him 💖
Maya honeyyyy!!! 💖💖💖💖 I've already told you this, but you're seriously die hard for staying up to watch the GG, in my book!! And I'm sorry for the late reply, work has been very busy and I'm also trying to make the most of being away, so I'm a little all over the place rn 😅 But on a 2,5 hour drive to Lisbon now, so I've had some time to answer a few messages 😊
Hahaha I had not seen that article, but I love that 😂 "He's too pretty for that" - hard agree!! Way too pretty for anyone's good, this man 💞💕💖 It's so good to finally see him getting recognition for his talent and hard work, and he's looking absolutely incredible all the while. The jewellery is a lethal touch, honestly 😫 SO HOT. And yessss oh my god, when he goes from smouldering movie star to cute dork baby, that's my favourite thing too 🥺 I just love him so much!! And I'm so proud of him too!!!! Love you Maya baby, I hope you're having a wonderful day so far with lots of Sebastian thoughts 💛💕😘
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folkloreguk · 4 years ago
🍒Cherry Ice Cream (2)🍒
A/N: Part two is here! There won't be another one after this. I just wanted to split it into two little scenarios with one being cute and the other not so cute lmao...I hope you enjoy - as always I appreciate feedback a lot!
taglist: @lovely-ateez
genre: smut, optional bias (m) x reader (f), lifeguard!au, pool sex, unprotected sex
words: 3.4 k
PART 1 (fluff, both parts can be read independently)
It was the middle of the summer holidays and you had never been happier. Sunny weather, swimming, lots of free time and as much ice cream as you wanted were only a few of the reasons for your luck. The main cause was the boy of your dreams. A few weeks ago, you had met. It had been the most chaotic, embarrassing day at the public swimming pool – or so you had initially thought. Turns out being a walking disaster could not only attract negative attention. When the otherworldly handsome and kind lifeguard had pulled your clumsy figure out of the water and even bought you ice cream to make you feel better, you had a feeling things were about to change. And you hadn’t been wrong. Maybe you were seeing things through rose-colored glasses and a mix of lovestruck hormones, but you suspected he might just really be this great.
Ever since your first ice cream date, the two of you had been inseparable. Looks were one thing – and you had made yourself aware that though he was a picture of perfection, he could still have turned out to not be your type at all. But the inside reflected on his outside. Every day you found out a new enrapturing detail about him. He was a never-ending book that you were utterly unwilling to put back down.
Your days were spent at the public swimming pool, watching your lifeguard boyfriend do his job and questioning if this was all some sort of hidden camera prank. During his break he came running straight to your spot under the trees and plopped down on your towel, ready to spend the most time with you until he had to go back. Although your streak of bad luck was over, he still took care of you and made sure you were okay in the heat. He reminded you to drink enough water and sent you a good morning text every day. When he had first asked you to help him put sunscreen on his shoulders, you had hesitated with cheeks hotter than the sunlight that day. Now it was a daily thing, and sometimes when his hands were on your back, rubbing in the lotion, you caught yourself wishing there weren’t a hundred families around you. But it was hard scoring alone time with him at the pool. Even later at night, right before closing time, there were always one or two diehard swimming fans there.
“I love watching my cute girlfriend swim,” he would keep telling you.
“You better make sure you’re paying attention to the rest of the visitors, too,” you would reply, but secretly love his flirty remarks. Perhaps he wasn’t even so far off. After your first encounter, it was apparent that maybe you were the one guest who didneed the closest monitoring. Even his co-workers knew of you. They had made it their life mission to remind him daily how whipped he was for you, but he never cared about their teasing.
At night, you rode your bikes home. Towards the candy cotton clouds on the horizon, through the small suburb, you rode side by side, still damp hair flowing in the wind. Outside your home he cupped your face then, the sun kissed skin of his hands still warm to the touch. Like he was the slowly setting sun himself, he kissed you goodnight. You were addicted to his lips. He made you fly, brought back all your fondest memories as if he himself was in them, and let you forget every worry you’ve ever had in the world.
One evening at the pool, you lay on your bathmat, headphones in your ears and your favorite summer playlist taking you to another world. Suddenly, two hands grabbed you by the shoulders. You jerked up in surprise.
“Oh my god, we could have hit our heads together!” you scolded your boyfriend, who was smiling at you like an innocent five-year old.
“Guess what. My boss just told me that I can close the place up tonight. You know what that means, right?” he said.
“Tell me more,” you smirked.
“Technically, we can stay here however long we want. And do whatever we want. As long as no one finds out,” he whispered the last part into your ear. Chills ran up your spine despite the heat in the air.
“Do whatever we want, huh?” you said. “I thought you were being a model employee?”
“I am,” he shrugged with his child-like smile. “And the model employee needs to go back to work now. I have a reputation to uphold. You’ll be waiting for me, right?”
“Of course,” you nodded, watching his figure as he jogged back to his seat by the pool. The next hours seemed to go by extra-slowly, to your dismay. After his announcement, you only found yourself staring in his direction more than on any other day. Truly, you could never get used to his handsomeness. You thought of his voice that made you melt like ice and his hands when he kissed you. Too often they remained in innocent, safe territory. Maybe that was about to change. It was a Friday, meaning the opening hours were longer than usual. By 10 pm however, even the last person had left. The public swimming pool was closed. Officially.
You had to admit, you could get used to having an enormous swimming pool all to yourself. Blissfully, you dived through the water, not having to worry about crashing into anybody’s legs or losing track of your surroundings. You had always felt as though swimming was a little like flying. Not that you knew what flying would be like. But if you had to make a guess, feeling weightless and small in a seemingly endless space probably came close. All your life, it had remained the same. Playing pretend in the water, acting like a mermaid scavenging for the most precious treasure of the seven seas – all your loveliest ideas lingered in your memory like it had been yesterday.
The pool had a shallow end, about the depth which allowed your head to reach above the surface, and progressively deepened towards the other end. You took a gulp of air and descended into the darkness. Taking long strokes, you dived towards the white light at the wall of the shallower pool end. With the brightness ahead of you, you failed to notice the shadow behind you.
As you were in the process of coming up from the water, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around you. For the second time that day, you jolted in surprise and quickly gasped for air.
“You scared me out of my wits! Will you stop that!” you said, but you were already smiling. It was hard to carry grudges against the boy behind you. Not when he held your waist and rested his chin on your bare shoulder, grinning as if it was a crime to even suspect him of such things.
“Hi, there,” he said and pecked your cheek sweetly. “I missed you.”
“So did I,” you admitted. Only months ago, you had made fun of how lovestruck your friend had been. You weren’t one to speak now. His hands let go of you while you turned your body to face him. Then they were on you again, and although it was a small touch, your lack of clothes created a tension between you right away.
“Wanna race me?” he whispered into your ear, as if there was anyone around to listen in. Was he serious? Did he really think you wanted him to let go of you now? His voice on your neck rendered you wanting him so bad, you had to take a deep breath to compose yourself.
“I’ve been swimming all day,” you said. “Besides, didn’t you say we could do whatever we wanted? We can swim whenever we want, during opening hours.”
“Oh, sounds like you have better plans?” he asked. For a moment, he touched your forehead with his. If you bent forward slightly, you could have kissed him. His hungry eyes were on your lips when you had finished the thought.
“I was thinking you could kiss me, for starters?” you coaxed him. He chuckled.
“So you’ve been thinking about it too, the past few hours,” he realized. “You know, I was trying to be subtle about it.”
“Forget about being subtle,” you said. “Let’s just make out, please?”
“I’d like nothing better than that,” he smiled, and then your mouths touched. His gentle lips tasted faintly of chlorine and salt, a taste you had come to associate with him and magnificent things. You held his face in your hands tightly and pushed your body against him yearningly. Reacting, he sighed and deepened the kiss. His wandering hands found the small of your backside as you arched your back into his frame. You hummed quietly, hands burying in his wet hair and playing with it at the nape of his neck.
All your childhood you had been searching for your treasure under the water. Now you understood. He was right there in front of you. Little you would be proud you had found someone this precious and incomparable. And hot.
“Jump,” he said. You did as he suggested and wrapped your legs around his waist. The proximity of his body made your heart hammer against your ribcage with such feverishness, you worried it might jump through your chest. With the way he touched every curve of your body, you almost forgot how to kiss. Luckily, your instincts did the job for you as you sipped on his lips and sighed every so often. He caught your bottom lip between his teeth, and you felt his smirk when you moaned in surprise. Every inch of your skin burned with desire for him.
As he carried you over to the side of the pool, you pulled away shortly. You took the liberty to attack his neck with frenzied kisses. It felt just as you had imagined a thousand times. You couldn’t possibly recount all the instances when you had found yourself staring at his neck and shoulders in the past weeks. He was easily the biggest distraction you had ever known. But it wasn’t your fault his tanned skin was so inviting and his strong presence ever so alluring. Returning his teasing, you bit into his shoulder, kissing and sucking on it right after.
“Fuck, baby,” he said in a throaty tone. “You’re amazing.”
Softly, he rubbed his nose against yours before your lips locked again. The kiss was all but soft. Your tongues meddled as if you were starved people and you could barely keep your hands in one place. Not that you would want to. You wanted to glue his hands onto your body or better yet handcuff him to your wrists. What was the opposite of a restraining order called? You were about to invent a word for it. Never before had you been so intoxicated, so in ecstasy with another person.
He pulled aside the fabric of your top momentarily and cupped your breasts in his hands. You gasped and melted into his touch and the way he played with your nipples. He attacked your neck in kisses and you shut your eyes, enjoying the sensation of his lips.
“I really want you.” He had his hands on your ass and all you could think about was the growing bulge in his swimming shorts. Your hard nipples rubbed against his chest, the thin fabric of your swim top doing little to nothing to separate your bodies. How could somebody’s whole existence be so titillating? He pulled away, just far enough to speak but barely. “I’ve wanted you like this for a while. But I didn’t want to unsettle you by making you think I just want sex from you. Truth is, I don’t want you to be just some summer romance, Y/N. Every day I hope you’ll still be here when summer is over.”
“Why would you think I’m going anywhere?” you asked. “You’re the reason I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I ask myself every day how I managed to end up with you in the first place.”
“That’s easy. First, threaten to demolish the turnstile with your stubbornness, second, offer your head to a bunch of kids with a water ball, third, square up against a bug in front of a hundred people, fourth- “
“Okay! Enough,” you said. “Don’t bring up my clumsiness. That’s just about the least sexy thing in the world.”
“Baby, I think there’s nothing not sexy about you,” he spoke. He kissed you deeply and all your embarrassing memories vanished at once. “So, you’re cool with this?”
His sudden change in tone caused your breath to hitch in your throat, as his hands lingered by your hips, just above your bikini bottom. You only nodded, the motion getting more eager as the words sunk in. He slid his fingers along the inside of your thigh, and you squirmed under his touch in desperation. Swiftly, he pushed aside the material above your center. His digits slid through your wetness, catching the nub between them, and rubbing ever so slowly. An overwhelmed gasp spilled over your lips, and you closed your eyelids.
“Fuck- ,“ you muttered under your breath. He teased your core, nearly sliding his finger into you, but then pulling away to find your nub to toy with.
“You look so beautiful,” he said. At his words, you looked at him through fluttering eyelids. He was one to talk about beauty. The luminescence from underwater sharpened his features, and his eyes had something magical, something enchanting about them. Like he could have you – or anyone – without saying a word. He reminded you of a merman, or rather a siren. Ready to drag you along with him, deep under the surface. And you were so willing to let it happen. For all you knew, you were long lost and under his spell anyway.
“Have you ever done it in public?” he asked. You were too distracted by his fingers on you at first, head hanging back in ecstasy, until you snapped out of it.
“No, but – fuck – I guess I can strike that one off my sex bucket list after tonight, can’t I?” you said.
“You have a sex bucket list? Interesting, tell me more about it,” he smirked. His eyes darkened and his tongue licked over his lips once. As if on command, his lazy ministrations on you quickened, rubbing your clit in small, circular motions until you were a moaning, stammering mess. You suspected he did so just to see your immediate reaction, and you gave him just what he wanted.
“Can we postpone the – the talking…on later?” you murmured, feeling like collapsing against his broad shoulders. “I’m kind of too busy to – to talk.”
“I can see that,” he teased you, kissing you gently. The delicacy of his lips only made your head spin more. “You’re so sweet, baby.”
“Don’t you want to get busy too?” you asked. You reached for his swimming trunks and wrapped your hand around his hard member through the material. “I don’t want to wait any longer.”
“Shit- me too.” His arousal echoed in his moans, and he sucked in a breath. There was a sense of power in knowing you could make him react so gravely by doing so little. You tugged on his trunks and pulled them down a little to reveal his full length. Palming him, you felt how painfully hard he must have been for a while now. He groaned and it was the best thing you had ever heard. Eagerly, you slid your bikini bottom off and watched for a moment as it sunk down into the depths of the pool. Your legs wrapped around his waist again as he aligned his cock with your core.
At this point you supposed you were both out of words. Hunger had taken over and you barely managed to form a sentence. He kissed you and you hummed and nodded, wanting him to know you were ready. Easily, he entered you and you whimpered at the way he stretched your velvet walls after all the wait. Your senses were overcome with everything around you. The warm water enveloping the both of you, the soft summer breeze caressing your faces, his hands on your hips as he guided your body into his thrusts and the sound of your breathless moans and sighs – it was pure bliss. Night had almost fallen, with the sky being a deep blue, almost black by now. It was a perfect setting for a perfect night with your favorite person.
You gazed into his dilated pupils and the coil in your stomach tightened in the most delicious way possible. Now you recounted a myriad of dreams you’d seen him in. Not always, but occasionally he showed up in your dirtiest of dreams, with his gorgeous, addictive smile and strong arms. But now he was right there, in front of you – inside of you – and you apprehended how weak your boldest imaginations had been. Your nails dug into the skin of his shoulders as you clenched around his cock. He moaned your name huskily and it only clouded your head further.
It was crazy how loving a person could magnify everything. Even with closed eyes, the mere idea of him fucking you, at night in a public pool, could beat every single other experience you’d ever had. You felt like you were blessed with the audience with a god. A god, who had manifested on earth only to scoop you up and show you the finest things in life. You definitely couldn’t think of a finer thing than his cock dragging through your walls, hitting your g-spot repeatedly, while he had you cased against the pool tiles. Moans and little whimpers fell from your lips, and you were glad there wasn’t a single soul close by who could have heard.
He was jaw-dropping. With the way he pounded into you hard, using the poolside wall as support on your back, you felt your head spin as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your skin seemed to prickle wherever he touched you and you pushed your chest against his. Just a little closer, you told yourself, even though you were running out of space already. It was body against body while he whispered naughty things into your ears, telling you how incredible you felt, how lucky he had gotten with you and how sexy he found you.
“You’re the fucking best I’ve ever had, baby,” he said. His teeth grazed your neck as he kissed your sensitive skin messily. You could have counted every single drop of water hanging from the strands of his hair and adorning his face. Could have taken notice of every single eyelash and even the tiniest speckles of color in his irises. But you could barely command your eyes to stay open.
“So- close,” you said. In your ecstasy, you clawed at his back as another wave of pleasure went through your entire body.
“Together, hm?” he said, lips brushing over your cheek with every thrust. You hummed and nodded, as he picked up his thrusts to a toe-curling speed. With every touch of your sweet spot, you felt reality slip away a little further, and you were doing nothing to fight it. You invited the feeling in, resting your forehead against his, breaths coming out in short puffs. And then it overcame you. Your orgasm jolted through you like electricity, and you clung to him as if you might have sunken otherwise. It made your shared moans high pitched, and he followed you, pulling you into his arms like it was alone you who was keeping him afloat.
The splashing of the water softened as he drew out your highs for as long as possible with slower thrusts. Eventually, he halted completely. He cradled your face in his hands and when you finally opened your tired eyes, he was watching you with full adoration. His charming smile caused an eruption of butterflies in your stomach. This was only the beginning of your time together, yet you could barely fathom your fortune. And as it seemed, this time fate was on your side.
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misselko · 3 years ago
Gardening is a hobby that you picked from Professor since your academy days. It's fun to see a tiny seed sprout turned into flowers, growing under the love and care of your hands. But the most precious part is when you gave them to your special someone! How do the Blue Lions react when you give them flowers that you raise by yourself? (Post timeskip)
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Dimitri (Chamomile)
He was utterly shocked when you give him a bouquet of delicate chamomiles. As much as he appreciate your tender gesture, he’s too afraid to touch and destroy them. He treats them like a precious jewel.
“Dimitri.. do you know what chamomile means? May all your dreams and wishes be fulfilled. And I really hope so from the bottom of my heart.” His face is redder than a tomato and he somewhat forgets how to speak when you told him so. It takes all of his might to not crush you in his tight embrace!! It hurts a bit
Almost crying in panic and went into feral mode when the chamomiles starts to wilt. Mercedes and Dedue teach him how to boil and turn the almost withered flower into chamomile teabags. Although he can’t taste them, Dimitri can feel your love and kindness in it. And much to his joy, he often invite you to settling down for a private tea time in his quarter with the chamomile tea. Guess it’s all’s well ends well for both of you.
Sylvain (Lily of the Valley)
Giving flowers to flirt someone is a frequent habit of the Garreg Mach’s infamous philanderer back then in his academy days. Yeah, he got his fair shares of flowers from the girls as well. But your Lily of the Valley strikes him wonders. Unlike other gaudy, vibrant flowers that he often received back from the others, yours are small and unique.
“I grew these flowers by myself, Syl. And they made me think of you. Lily of the valley are thought to bring luck in love but can also symbolize a return of happiness. I hope we can find yours someday!” You said as you present him the flowers bouquet in his quarter at his birthday.
If he was not certain before, now he’s sure that you’re the one. “I have found it already.” He draws you into a hot, searing kiss right then and there, pulling away with the loveliest genuine smile. “Before I met you, I’d gone my whole life not knowing there was another way for me to live. So from the bottom of my heart…I’m glad we met.” He grins at your blushing face and plant another kiss on your forehead. Sorry for the pun word
Felix (Rose)
"Quit joking around.” He tried to push it off but stopped when he saw your fingers that is littered with cuts here and there from cleaning the rose thorns. “You don't have to go out of your way to do ridiculous stuff like this.”
He struggles to keep a straight face and keep the blush across his cheeks from showing. Despite his harsh words, Felix took you to infirmary and put some healing ointments over the scrapes gently (while berating you non-stop).
Much to your surprise, he put them nicely and well-kept in a vase in his room. He quickly tried to hide it when you saw them. “I don’t hate them and they smell pretty nice so I put them in my room. Don’t get any wrong ideas, moron.” You swear you can see the faint tint of pink at the tip of his ears but he’s practically glares daggers at you when you said so.
Dedue (Tulip)
This green finger man always has soft spot for you. He may never say it much but he always got this rare tender smile while he helps you watering your flowers. When you present him a bouquet of tulips with unique colors that only grow in Duscur (that is able to grow nicely thanks to your hard work and monastery greenhouse’s dry, fertile soil) he blinks at them for a moment, totally silent.
“Duscur is a dead land. But seeing this blossom brings back memories.” A slow smile blooms over his face as he accepts them. “Someday, I hope to show you a whole landscape of these flowers in full bloom.” He thanks you in quiet voice, holding your hand tenderly. “I’ll cherish them lovingly. This means a lot to me.”
He turned the tulips into pressed flowers and treasure them in his room. You can often caught him marveling at your pressed tulips with gentle smile on his lips during your tea time with him.
(When Dedue said that there are some flowers color that only available in Duscur, a dry land that turned barren because soldiers have trampled upon the flowers, I like to imagine flowers that he mentioned as tulips because they do come in various colors. Needless to say, they are pretty delicate and can only grow in dry, fertile soil. So it matches!)
Ashe (Sunflower)
He smiles so bright with a faint blush spread across his freckled face  when you gave him a bouquet of sunflower. “Are you really sure that I can have this?” He’s definitely tearing up over them and just can’t stop grinning while hugging the bouquet tightly.
Ashe pick one flower and tuck it behind his ear and run around the monastery to brag it off to everyone that he met on the way.  Later, he put them in a vase inside his quarter and take a really good care of it.
As a token of gratitude for the sunflowers that you grew by yourself, Ashe invited you to enjoy a dinner that he made by himself in his room! From your favorite appetizer, main dish, and the dessert, he got you covered. It was very delightful. “If you don’t mind.. may I ask for more flowers in the future and more? They are lovely to watch over dinners like this, aren’t they?” He said between nervous glances over you and the sunflower on his table. You wouldn’t be able to say no to that puppy eyes, would you?
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celestialevie · 3 years ago
Birthday surprise // Niall Horan x singer! Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: none
A/N: Since it's officially my birthday week and Niall's has just passed, I decided to write this very self-indulgent fic (even though I can't sing, but a girl can dream </3). I mostly wrote this for myself because I adore this human with my whole heart. Anyways hope someone will enjoy this fic just as much as I did writing it.
Finishing the first two songs, you chat a little with your fans. Noticing some of the signs they brought with them to get you to notice them, some of them making you laugh, while some of them made your heart clench with love. Sitting down at the piano, starting to play 'champagne problems'. While you were in the happiest relationship to date now, you still had some issues with your past relationships, where you were made the villain and them a victim when in reality it was the literal opposite. Niall was the blessing you were praying for. So what if you were fucked in the head? Niall loved you just the way you were.
Your birthday was coming up, and you were going to spend it while being in one of the cities you absolutely love touring in – Dublin. Although you were heartbroken because this will be the first birthday you were going to celebrate without your boyfriend, Niall. Ever since you've known him, you celebrated both of your birthdays with one another. His tour lead him to being in America during your birthday, which really sucked. You were both bummed out about it, he even offered to reschedule that concert, so he can be with you in Dublin, maybe even visit his family whilst already being in Ireland, you told him no. You didn't want to be selfish just because it's your birthday. Talking on the phone with him right from the moment he was awake (which was already in the afternoon for you). '' It feels weird to not be with you on your birthday, how will I survive without my birthday kisses and hugs from you? '' you ask while pouting. Niall chuckled and mimicked your put. '' I will give you your birthday kisses and hugs as soon as I see you. With extra ones for each day between your birthday and the day we see each other again. I promise. '' he gives you a smile. And you just pout harder. '' I really miss you. I can't wait to see you soon. '' checking the time, you realize it's almost time for you to start getting ready. '' Hey baby, I have to go start getting ready soon. I'll make sure Jenna calls you to FaceTime and shows you at least some concert if you're not busy. I love you and I miss you. '' as you say that, you hang up and quickly text your makeup artist, she can come over. Two minutes later, her and Jenna (your assistant and close friend) are in your dressing room, and you're getting ready. An hour later, you were done with your makeup and hair and all that was left was to put on your outfit. Ten minutes later, you were slowly making your way towards stage. Quickly texting Niall another I love you, and wishing him good luck on his own show later, you were off on the stage, the intro of your song' dress' starting to play as you were brought onto the stage. Let the fun begin.
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After champagne problems, one of your favourite songs you wrote was next.
''... Don Perignon you brought it, no crowd of friends applauded
your hometown sceptics called it, champagne problems.''
'' A lot of you might not know, but this next song was inspired after I was done watching the amazing spider-man 2 for the millionth time. My love for Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield is unmatchable. Just ask my boyfriend, who's been hanging out with Tom Holland, how both of them are feeling betrayed by my love for both Amazing Spider-man's movies. This is How you get the girl. '' The intro of the song started playing and so were the screams of people.
Singing two more songs, you go get changed into a different outfit. Going back onto the stage, you're surprised that your manager Anna is standing there with a grin on her face.
'' Stand there like a ghost
Shaking from the rain
She'll open up the door and say 'are you insane?'
Say it's been long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want, want...''
'' Uh-oh, manager is grinning, prepare yourselves guys, it's not going to be good. '' The crowd laughs while Anna rolls her eyes and smiles at you. '' We have a small surprise for you. '' as she says that, she points on the big screen behind you, when you turn around you are surprised to see a familiar face of one of your closest friends, Lewis Capaldi, wishing you a happy birthday and saying you guys need to go clubbing again soon. Laughing as his face fades away and the next one shows up, your very close friend and sometimes co-writer Taylor Swift, again wishing you the happiest birthday and saying how much she adores working with you and that she loves you very much. It went on for a while, all your friends and even your parents were there. Tears were falling down, and you didn't care it ruined your makeup. And then at the end there he was. My favourite face to see. Niall. '' Happiest birthday to you angel. I wish I could be there with you, just like we are always for our birthdays, but unfortunately I am not there to give you all the birthday hugs and wishes. I love you so much angel, keep rocking the world, and I will see you as soon as we can. '' At the end you were full on sobbing happy tears, hugging your manager and your band. The best surprise ever. '' I am very sorry for being a mess so publicly '' wiping your tears and thanking to whoever invented waterproof mascara for being the reason your makeup is not that ruined. '' Anyway, the show must go on, so let's go. '' picking up your acoustic guitar, adjusting it, you announce the song. ''You are in love. Let's go.''
As the show is slowly coming to an end, and you're about to play a song that is about your boyfriend, that he inspired you to write. And Taylor helped you co-write it.
Morning, his place
Burnt toast, Sunday
You keep his shirt
He keeps his word
And for once, you let go
Of your fears and your ghosts
One step, not much
But it said enough
You kiss on side walks
You fight and you talk
One night he wakes
Strange look on his face
Pauses, then says
You're my best friend
And you knew what it was
He is in love. ''
'' Sadly, the show is slowly coming to an end. You guys were the absolute best and I adore spending my birthday with you all. This next song is literally one of the most accurate songs I've written about any of my relationship. When I got inspired by my loveliest boyfriend, I had to invite Taylor to help me write it, as we all know she is the lyrics master. Lover is one of my many nicknames I use for Niall, and I know that he's probably watching this or will watch it later, so hi Niall. '' you wave to one of the camera's while the crowd laughs. Gently, you start playing the guitar.
What you didn't know is that your boyfriend is a liar and is actually hiding with your assistant Jenna, waiting to come on the stage to surprise you. Of course, he wouldn't miss your birthday, even if he has to reschedule the concerts. You were absolutely worth it. As he waits for the part of the song he's gonna crash in, Jenna and Anna are making sure you don't accidentally notice Niall before time. The plan is for Anna to quickly distract you on one side while Niall comes out on the other side of the stage.
'' (...)
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Lover '' as you sing that part, you notice Anna waving at you like a maniac, distracting you and mouthing something to you. As you're trying to figure out what is she saying, the crowd starts screaming, and you freeze as the familiar voice starts to sing the next part of the song
''Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand...''
The song soon comes to an end, and you're bringing Niall into another hug. He just smiles and wraps his arms around your waist. '' Happy birthday, angel. I hope you don't mind me crashing. '' You just shake your head while holding him as close as you can. '' You are always welcome to crash my show. The next song is your song anyway, so you might as well stay and sing with me. '' he pulls away and looks at you. '' Let's go finish this show, so I can give you all the birthday kisses and hugs you want. ''
You turn around with your hand on your mouth, as the man himself makes his way towards you. You're in absolute shock because this man is supposed to be in America. He only laughs at your reaction as he pulls you towards him in a tight hug while still singing. Hugging him back, not wanting to let go of him. Slightly pulling away, looking him directly in his beautiful blue eyes while singing.
'' I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover ''
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