#i know grady has at least 3 more books i can look into
mejomonster · 2 years
Ok the book My Best Friends Exorcism is so good, now I'm craving more stories like this
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colossalsummer · 4 years
KOTLC book one READ ALONG part 4 of 5
I read the first Keeper of the Lost Cities book and annotated every page. Here are the highlights. (Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5)
Chapter 31
Astin: “You’ve broken a very serious law, Sophie.” 
Sophie, just trying to fit in at elf school and maybe get some new parents:
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Ah beans not again
Chapter 32
…she couldn’t help wondering what the Councillors needed protection from. Alden was always saying how safe their world was. THANKS I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW
Chapter 33
Terik: “…I can sense potential.” I’m a Stupid Detector *pretending to scan* beep... beep... *points toward Dex* beep-beep-beep-bee
Chapter 34
Sophie: “What are we doing here?” Tiergan: “Breaking the law.” YEAH PUNK ROCK CHOOSES YOU BABY
Tiergan: “Do you miss your human life?” This is so sweet. I don’t trust very many people in this book but I really believe that he has her best interest at heart, 100%
Sophie: “What if I’m someone bad?” Tiergan: “I can assure you you’re not.”
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She made it one whole month without unnecessary stress or worry… Just enough time for the eye lashes to come back in 👌
*Sophie blacks out* Then someone else grabbed her, cradling her in their arms. Keefe Keefe Keefe
Chapter 35
Fitz. Oh that’s fine too I guess
Elwin: “She’s tough. How else could she survive so many disasters?” Thanks. It’s my Human Upbringing™
Chapter 36
…Sophie could see an eagle-size golden pterodactyl trying to escape the leash Grady held. Please have fuzz please have fuzz
Grady: “They have fire-resistant fur.” YES! Pycnofibres! 
Unfortunately for the Ruewens, fire is humanity’s best quality.
Verdi’s mind told her she wanted a tummy rub as a reward. ⚠ Nerd alert ⚠ but I really like that touch is a high-value reward for a dinosaur. Young tyrannosaurs relied on some parental care, and it looks like at least the juveniles may have been covered in feathers (which may have shed as larger species aged). So it makes sense that a dinosaur that was used to humans, like birds that are used to humans, might appreciate preening and associate good feelings with touch! I know I’m overthinking the snot out of this but I’m very pleased with this tyrannosaur representation so far. Shannon Messenger is doing everything for me that Jurassic World refused to and I’ve never been so grateful.
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I’m also hyperfocused on Verdi and the pterosaur because watching the Ruewens shut Sophie out is really agonizing and I just can’t deal
Chapter 37
Sophie blows stuff up so much I’ll bet she’s a firebender or pyromancer or whatever it’s called
Chapter 38
So let me get this straight. Alden found Sophie, a superbaby who would be sure to have an insane childhood, and placed her with the Ruewens—the most emotionally fragile couple he could think of.
Chapter 39
Number of times I wrote “OH NO” in this chapter: 9
Cancelled. As in started. Then stopped. This line shattered me like a freaking Fabergé egg
She dug out her iPod, shoved in her earbuds, and switched to her “angry” playlist. The screaming was jarring at first… SOPHIE IS A METALHEAD
Hey this magical world sucks I’d like to go home now
Chapter 40
Sophie: “How did you get into my locker after midterms?” PLEASE BE A BLACK SWAN PLEASE I’VE NEVER WANTED ANYTHING SO BADLY LORD ALMIGHTY
Keefe: “Necklace?” Sophie: “Yeah, you really didn’t have to do that.” Keefe: “Good, ‘cause I didn’t.” Oh okay not in love with me that’s fine
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Alden smiled. “Human technology.” Shut up Alden
Alden: “They’re trying to stop the conspiracy theories from spreading any more than they already have.” Cool suppress critical thinking 👍 I love living here
Alden: “Humans die every day, Sophie. It’s not our job to keep them all safe.” Wowee
Alden on Everblaze: “Fintan called it the ‘fire of the sun on earth’.” Is it straight-up fusion??
Alden: “I’m afraid they may be trying to get you exiled—and trust me when I say you don’t want to go there. It’s a very dark place.”
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Stay tuned for the finale.
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angelthefirst1 · 5 years
The journey to true love. Blue, yellow, white and floral. 💙💛🌼💐
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Beauty and the Beast part 2.
So I've been looking closely at different love stories and found a recurring colour and floral theme that points to true love.
I'm going to try to explain it to you here and how it works with Belle and Beast and Daryl and Beth.
So my last post established that both Beth and Belle are the blue birds who overcome (eventually) death and break the curse both physically and spiritually.
Now both these characters go through almost identical (in colour, wardrobes) as they transition through their journey.
Blue 💙:
As I posted last week, the blue birds who overcome death and break the curse are Beth and Belle but they are actually imprisoned twice, once spiritually and also physically imprisoned. Belle who at the start of her journey wants "so much more than this provincial life" wants more spirituality, deep inside she recognises that this provincial life (physical, material and repetitive life) is not enough, she wants more.
And Beth at the actual prison (season 3) thinks she's not in prison even though she is spirituality (Beth to Daryl: I've never been in Jail... as a prisoner anyway) but since the CDC and Dr Jenner she knew that they are all infected, she just didn't understand and was blind to her own spiritual prison even though she was voluntarily living in it.
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Blue birds in a cursed world, only realising spirituality they are cursed once physically imprisoned.
Beth to Dawn at Grady: "Nothing's okay" as she looks down into the empty dark hole of the elevator shaft. She knew physically escaping was indeed possible even if difficult, as she had helped Noah do just that. But physically escaping your prison does not mean you spirituality escape it, as we see with Noah, he dies (is eaten by walkers and would have come back as one) even though he escaped his literal prison. You can also see that the Beast is in blue here, he is also in a physical and spiritual prison of his own making.
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So both Beth and Belle wear blue 💙 when trapped and without an understanding of how to escape their cursed reality. Note that both Beth and Belle sacrifice themselves and take anther's place. This is pivotal, if Belle hadn't switched places with her father the curse would never have been broken, and the same would apply to Beth if she had left Grady and Noah stayed I believe it would change the outcome of everything. Now we haven't seen this play out on screen for Beth yet, but I'm sure we will end up with some indication that it had to go the way it did to break the curse both physically and spiritually.
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Yellow 💛: They both wear yellow when they start to see the Beast or Daryl in a different light. Belle and Beast dance together creating a spark between them and helping tear down Beast's walls. While Beth helps Daryl burn 🔥down his past, tearing down his walls and creating a spark between them. Yellow is the start of transition to more than they were before. Or as the song goes "barely even friends then somebody bends unexpectedly. Just a little change, small to say the least, both a little scared, neither one prepared, Beauty and the Beast"
Sorry I know it's gonna be stuck in your head now 😂
Now the white: 🌼
I'm just going to say that this is the part we have not fully seen yet when it comes to Beth but we will, we just have to wait and it will be the same for Beth as with Belle.
For Belle it represents breaking the curse (physically the land, castle and its people are restored) and spiritually her heart is made whole through marriage to her true love.
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Now as I said before what these actor's post on their social media is telling future story (I will be posting more on this topic soon but it will go into some dark and even weird places including Illuminati symbols, what they believe and why)
But for now the image of her in the dress is her off-screen telling us of a future on-screen wedding dress. Notice the bright white triangle next to her in the dark section. The white or on screen part is not visible yet but the behind the scenes, dark clue is.
Also at comic-con 2014 we saw her in 2 different outfits, the one above I believe is also a clue to her on screen wedding dress also. As the top she wears is black and white floral with a dash of orange on it, as seen on Belle's dress. (note the on-screen dress may not have any colour at all but it will be white)
The other outfit she wore that day was black and white too, the thing is when they wear black and white off screen it means this will be represented on screen at some point. And when black and white is seen on a character on screen, it means someone off screen will eventually fulfill that moment on screen.
For example the very first time we see Andrea on screen when Rick first meets her she is in Black and white. (basically something is hidden behind what can be seen)
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And Emily (off-screen) at the 2014 comic-con. She even has some Orange in the background.
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It was here they first showed Beth in the season 5 trailer, which was our first introduction to her season 5 story where she would become the on screen Andrea. Getting both the scars and bullet to the head to match comic Andrea.
Even Emily's song RockStar is filmed in black and white and is showing us what will happen on the big screen in colour. And the main theme of the song: "I'm gonna marry a Rock star" Daryl is the Rock star or Beast.
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This black and white/hide things behind the visible things is one of the teachings of 33 degree Freemasons. One of their logos is this image
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Containing a black and white floor or checker board floor which indicates the same thing. Something is hidden behind the visible.And these hidden vs visible layers go down and down and down. Think inception for anyone who has seen that movie. 
Okay... so I had to explain the black and white to you to really explain the white as it pertains to Beth’s on screen white that is still to come.
So now onto the floral 💐 (eventually I need to set this up a little first)
I first noticed in Beauty and the Beast that when Bell is first dreaming about falling in love, she is singing about her favorite part in her book "Where she meets Prince charming, but she won't discover that it's him till chapter 3".
Chapter 3 and discovering love is a reference to discovering a cure and or Savior, but here we need to remember Newton and his third law, Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction These two forces are called action and reaction and are Newton's third law of motion.
Which means if there is love and a cure (physically and spiritually) in Chapter 3 where she discovers who Prince charming is, there is also an opposite in chapter 3 which is curse and death (physically and spiritually). Remember I mentioned earlier that the group gets to the prison in season 3, or you can call it chapter 3, they think it's their safe place to be but it's not in the end it falls.
Now if in Belle's book she meets Prince charming in chapter one but doesn't discover that he is price charming until 3. Then Beth who meets Daryl in chapter 2 or season 2. Her equivalent to discovering that he is price charming is chapter 4 or season 4.
Now to the floral: While Bell sings about finding love we see this scene with lots of flowers in the background.
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Mostly white flowers with some pink and yellow maybe a bit of purple (it can be slightly varied but overall looks similar) This is a floral theme to look out for in stories to indicate which characters will be involved in a true love story.
This true love white floral theme will be in the background at some stage indicating we will see her in a white wedding dress at some point.
The background props in TV and movies are considered a smaller level of the black and white theme we talked about earlier, so if the white floral theme is in the background for certain characters, a wedding dress will be seen on screen.
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Again this has an opposite effect, if a character is wearing this floral theme (white with flowers) they will get married but not on screen.
Now the colours of the flower do have meaning for example Beth's background flower pattern is white with pink and blue being the main colours seen. The blue = the healing power of God and the presence of God and pink = right relationship. The ship name Bethyl is perfect in a way as Bethel means house of God.
Some other couples this has applied too:
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There are many more love stories that use these colours and patterns to indicate a true love and or broken curse theme but this a least gives you an idea of the patterns to look for.
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commodorecliche · 6 years
Gimme all the book recs Please :D
yaaaaaaaaaaaas okay great. i love sharing books i love.  
1. The Thief of Always - Clive BarkerGenre: Dark FantasyBig personal favorite of mine. My father read this to me when I was a kid, and it literally has stuck with me since then. Every now and then I go back and reread it just for fun. It’s a wonderfully spooky little story, accompanied by some really lovely and somewhat off-kilter illustrations. Much like Coraline, it’s a novel that is a fable for children, and a tale of terror for adults.
After a mysterious stranger promises to end his boredom with a trip to the magical Holiday House, ten-year-old Harvey learns that his fun has a high price.
2. House of Leaves - Mark Z. DanielewskiGenre: Postmodernism, horrorHands down an absolute favorite. This is a book I literally recommend to everyone. This is a book that made me viscerally uncomfortable, at times I didn’t even sleep in the same room as it. I made it sleep in the living room. There is nothing overtly terrifying about the book, but its format and its unsettlingly immersive nature will lead you down a road unlike any other. 
In 1997, Johnny Truant has stumbled upon a chest full of scrap papers that had once belonged to a man named Zampono. The papers aren’t just scraps though, they’re a chaotic but detailed transcription of a series called the Navidson Record. The Navidson Record is a series of videos made by a family who has discovered that their new house appears to change dimensions almost daily, it has hallways that shouldn’t exist, doors that should lead outside but instead lead into nothingness. Johnny attempts to re-order and reconstruct Zampono’s papers, and along the way begins to lose himself as well. 
3. The Postmortal - Drew MagaryGenre: Science Fiction, Postmodern DystopiaReally funny, really dark, and full of a surprising amount of morality and humanity in a pre-apocalyptic world. 
Imagine a near future where a cure for aging is discovered and-after much political and moral debate-made available to people worldwide. Immortality, however, comes with its own unique problems-including evil green people, government euthanasia programs, a disturbing new religious cult, and other horrors.    
4. Horrorstor - Grady HendrixGenre: Comedy, HorrorHonestly this book is just balls to the wall fun. It’s a horror novel that’s laid out like the world’s most messed up IKEA catalog. Spooky at times, ridiculous and funny, at times moving, while also offering great social commentary on consumerism and the the current status of retail workers. 
Something strange is happening at the Orsk furniture superstore in Cleveland, Ohio. Every morning, employees arrive to find broken Kjerring bookshelves, shattered Glans water goblets, and smashed Liripip wardrobes. Sales are down, security cameras reveal nothing, and store managers are panicking. To unravel the mystery, three employees volunteer to work a nine-hour dusk-till-dawn shift. In the dead of the night, they’ll patrol the empty showroom floor, investigate strange sights and sounds, and encounter horrors that defy the imagination. 
5. Rant - Chuck PalahniukGenre: Science Fiction, Horror, SatireThis is a book I read several years ago and that I still think about from time to time. I haven’t had time to sit down and reread it, but parts of it still resonate with me today. This is a very peculiar story and it is told in a rather peculiar fashion (it is an oral history, and as such is told in a very conversational way by a number of different characters with a wide variety of thoughts and opinions on the titular Rant. It’s hard to properly describe this book, but let’s just say it’s been in my reread list for a while now. 
Buster “Rant” Casey just may be the most efficient serial killer of our time. A high school rebel, Rant Casey escapes from his small town home for the big city where he becomes the leader of an urban demolition derby called Party Crashing. Rant Casey will die a spectacular highway death, after which his friends gather the testimony needed to build an oral history of his short, violent life. 
6. John Dies at the End - David WongGenre: Comedy, Horror, Dark FantasyHoly god what do I even say about this book? It is just hilariously and marvelously insane. A perfect mix of cosmic fantasy, horror, comedy, and lunacy, and I loved every minute of reading it. I still have the rest of the series lined up to read, too!
The drug is called Soy Sauce and it gives users a window into another dimension. John and I never had the chance to say no. You still do. I’m sorry to have involved you in this, I really am. But as you read about these terrible events and the very dark epoch the world is about to enter as a result, it is crucial you keep one thing in mind: None of this was my fault. 
7. Sphere - Michael CrichtonGenre: Science Fiction, Deep Sea HorrorThis is one I actually JUST finished, and I absolutely adored it. I had a couple small complaints about it, but overall, it was a wonderful read and very engrossing. Plus, I’m always a sucker for deep sea horror. 
A group of American scientists are rushed to a huge vessel that has been discovered resting on the ocean floor in the middle of the South Pacific. What they find defies their imaginations and mocks their attempts at logical explanation. It is a spaceship of phenomenal dimensions, apparently, undamaged by its fall from the sky. And, most startling, it appears to be at least three hundred years old…. 
8. I, Lucifer - Glen DuncanGenre: Religious Fantasy, Occult FictionThis book is incredibly well researched, thought out, and characterized, as well as funny and extremely thought-provoking. I’d never expected to see a story that would give me a realistic and modern look into the Devil’s side of the story. I especially never expected to see a story that would make the Devil learn what it is to be human, either. All in all just an A+, fantastical read. 
The Prince of Darkness has been given one last shot at redemption, provided he can live out a reasonably blameless life on earth. Highly sceptical, naturally, the Old Dealmaker negotiates a trial period - a summer holiday in a human body, with all the delights of the flesh. The body, however, turns out to be that of Declan Gunn, a depressed writer living in Clerkenwell, interrupted in his bath mid-suicide. Ever the opportunist, and with his main scheme bubbling in the background, Luce takes the chance to tap out a few thoughts - to straighten the biblical record, to celebrate his favourite achievements, to let us know just what it’s like being him. Neither living nor explaining turns out to be as easy as it looks. Beset by distractions, miscalculations and all the natural shocks that flesh is heir to, the Father of Lies slowly begins to learn what it’s like being us. 
9. The Wasp Factory - Iain BanksGenre: Psychological HorrorLook, I want to say this right off the bat. This book is… not for everyone. Trust me when I say this is an extremely dark book with a lot of dark content. I would say that if you have any potential triggers, you may want to message me first and I will give you a better rundown of what all this book entails. This is a true piece of horror fiction. But it’s also incredible. I ate this book up in about two days and it is one of my favorite pieces of dark fiction to date. So yeah, chat with me if you have any concerns, but if you enjoy truly dark fiction, then this is up your alley. 
Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul, for quite different and more fundamental reasons than I’d disposed of Blyth, and then a year after that I did for my young cousin Esmerelda, more or less on a whim. That’s my score to date. Three. I haven’t killed anybody for years, and don’t intend to ever again. It was just a stage I was going through. 
10. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams (the whole series, trust me)Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction, Cosmic FantasyJust trust me when I say this is a series that literally everyone should read at least once in their life. They are unflabbably hilarious in a way that only Douglas Adams could be, and they are just truly unique. This series is (rightfully) a classic and shouldn’t be missed. 
Seconds before the Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect, a researcher for the revised edition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy who, for the last fifteen years, has been posing as an out-of-work actor. Together this dynamic pair begin a journey through space aided by quotes from The Hitchhiker’s Guide (“A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have”).
11. World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks Genre: Zombie horror, Faux HistoryI beg you - do not judge this book by the very terrible movie that was made about it. It is an entirely different animal than that mess of a movie, I promise. World War Z is a masterfully crafted book that details the zombie apocalypse in ways never before done in fiction. The Battle of Yonkers scenes and the testimony of Tomonaga Ijiro still stick in my head to this day. This book is a triumph of horror, ‘history’, and humanity, all balled into a distinctly unique experience. 
The Zombie War came unthinkably close to eradicating humanity. Max Brooks, driven by the urgency of preserving the acid-etched first-hand experiences of the survivors from those apocalyptic years, traveled across the United States of America and throughout the world, from decimated cities that once teemed with upwards of thirty million souls to the most remote and inhospitable areas of the planet. He recorded the testimony of men, women, and sometimes children who came face-to-face with the living, or at least the undead, hell of that dreadful time. World War Z is the result. Never before have we had access to a document that so powerfully conveys the depth of fear and horror, and also the ineradicable spirit of resistance, that gripped human society through the plague years. 
12. The Raw Shark Texts - Steven HallGenre: Fantasy/Realism, Meta-fiction, MysteryThis is a tough one to put into words. I read this many years ago, and I remember it more as a series of emotional experiences rather than just as a singular plot. Which I think really speaks to its character as a book. This is a book that deals with dissociation, memory loss, our sense of self, how easily we can lose that sense, and our struggle to hold onto or to rediscover the world we know and the people we believe ourselves to be. This book is just… an experience, much like House of Leaves. It’s immersive, and at times quite unsettling. 
Eric Sanderson wakes up in a house he doesn’t recognize, unable to remember anything of his life. All he has left are his diary entries recalling Clio, a perfect love who died under mysterious circumstances, and a house that may contain the secrets to Eric’s prior life. But there may be more to this story, or it may be a different story altogether. With the help of allies found on the fringes of society, Eric embarks on an edge-of-your-seat journey to uncover the truth about himself and to escape the predatory forces that threaten to consume him. 
I think 12 should be good for now! I certainly have more though, if you want them!! 
Bonus, Currently Reading: The Library at Mount Char - Scott HawkinsGenre: Contemporary Fantasy, Horror, Dark FantasyI don’t have a whole lot to say about this yet since I’m not very far into it, but so far it’s been extremely intriguing, and Hawkins’ writing is truly beautiful. 
A missing God. A library with the secrets to the universe. A woman too busy to notice her heart slipping away. Carolyn’s not so different from the other people around her. She likes guacamole and cigarettes and steak. She knows how to use a phone. Clothes are a bit tricky, but everyone says nice things about her outfit with the Christmas sweater over the gold bicycle shorts. After all, she was a normal American herself once. That was a long time ago, of course. Before her parents died. Before she and the others were taken in by the man they called Father. 
Bonus 2, Up Next to Read: Dark Matter: A Ghost Story - Michelle PaverGenre: Horror
January 1937. Clouds of war are gathering over a fogbound London. Twenty-eight year old Jack is poor, lonely, and desperate to change his life, so when he’s offered the chance to join an Arctic expedition, he jumps at it. Spirits are high as the ship leaves Norway: five men and eight huskies, crossing the Barents Sea by the light of the midnight sun. At last they reach the remote, uninhabited bay where they will camp for the next year, Gruhuken, but the Arctic summer is brief. As night returns to claim the land, Jack feels a creeping unease. One by one, his companions are forced to leave. He faces a stark choice: stay or go. Soon he will see the last of the sun, as the polar night engulfs the camp in months of darkness. Soon he will reach the point of no return–when the sea will freeze, making escape impossible. Gruhuken is not uninhabited. Jack is not alone. Something walks there in the dark… 
(also if any of y’all have read these, i’d love to hear YOUR thoughts on them too)
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The other week I added my thoughts to one of @bethgreenewarriorprincess asks on Robert Kirkman’s involvement with the show (X). As I mentioned there, my father has worked in comics for over thirty years, his most notable job being an inker in the Superman department in the 90s. He inked The Death of Superman graphic novel. The drama behind the storyline’s origins came out in a documentary about the graphic novel, which my father was interviewed for. I rewatched some of it for Christy’s ask, to refresh myself, and something my father said caught my attention (from 14:09 to 14:29).
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“I think a lot of people still have this notion that we just had this big abomination smash pound him into the ground and he died. But the idea was that Superman gets to a point where the only way he can stop this creature is to basically sacrifice himself. He’s going to have to go the point where he loses in order to defeat [Doomsday].”
My father has always hated when writers made blatant comparisons/parallels between Christ and Superman. But ironically, he described Superman there as a Christ figure; he just didn’t use the term. Christ “loses”, sacrificing himself for humanity, freeing them from sin. Doomsday represents “sin” in this case. Superman is often derided for being a Golden Boy character, much like Captain America, but isn’t that what a Christ figure is? A truly good person making it their mission spread that goodness. Superman could have stepped back from the fight and let someone else handle the monster, but he didn’t. Much like Superman, Beth had to lose in order to stop Dawn and the evil that was Grady Memorial. She couldn’t stand by and let Noah take the brunt of Dawn’s cruelty. Before all of this though, I already knew that Superman and Beth shared many similarities. I noticed them when I rewatched the Christopher Reeves Superman movie over winter break. Clark Kent and Beth Greene both started out humbly as children of farmers, growing up learning to care for the earth, for animals, and to respect people. Then, their Hero/ine’s Journeys kick into high gear after the death of their fathers. Clark, with all of his powers, couldn’t save his father from a heart attack, and Beth had to watch the Governor murder Hershel. (You also see this humble but brutal beginning with characters like Luke Skywalker)
On a hunch, I dug a little more into the graphic novel, and I found some surprising parallels between the storyline and Beth’s story. After Superman defeats Doomsday, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen rush over. Lois tearfully cradles Superman, but he dies in her arms once he’s certain that Doomsday is dead.
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The shot of Lois holding Superman evokes the classic image of Mary holding Christ after he was taken down from the cross. Da Vinci depicted a famous version of this image in his Pieta. Since the early days of Team Delusional, members made connections between the Pieta and the second bridal carry. The Pieta/tragic bridal carry image is used so often in media. The shot conveys suffering of the highest magnitude, of goodness being extinguished. I
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Even the way Superman slumps over, as Lois wails in anguish, reminds me of Coda. Look at the curvature of the hand. On top of this imagery, there are numerous witnesses to this event, from Jimmy Olsen to the other superheroes in the background. Just look at any painting of the crucifixion.
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(While looking up pictures for this meta, I even found an article that mentioned  Lois holding Superman as a comparison to Mary holding Christ: X.)
The graphic novel sparked controversy, to say the least. It was highly anticipated, with long lines and comic book shops running out. But some people were furious. There were death threats against the people involved - my parents keep our house number unlisted because of what happened back then. The Death of Superman still came out regardless, and though Superman had been killed in the past, this time the writers were serious. After the graphic novel came out, all four Superman titles went on hiatus for three months. The public was allowed to truly feel the loss of this cultural icon, alongside the characters. Once the titles resumed, four characters emerged to fill the void left by Superman (Steel, Superboy, Cyborg, the Last Son of Krypton; more in detail from 35:00-38:00). This was the Reign of Superman arc, and readers were left to figure out if any of these characters were the “real” Superman. My mind immediately jumped to all of the Beth proxies (X) (X). In the Bible, Jesus’s followers kept seeing visions and signs of him for the 40 days after his resurrection until he ascended to Heaven (X). The writers keep introducing Beth proxies to remind the audience of her and her story, as well to also stress the void she left. @xbluemagnoliax once described Beth as the emotional glue of the group, and she is. Even as a background character in season 3, her emotional stability shone through as she cared for the characters in small but powerful ways.
Superman’s body was also stolen from his tomb after the funeral by the Last Son of Kryptonite. He placed Superman’s body in a regeneration matrix in the Fortress of Solitude in order to gain energy for himself, but in actuality, Superman regenerated. Once he finally returned to the comics, officially, he returned with more powers and a slightly altered appearance, in a black-and-silver suit (temporarily) and long hair that he wore for most of the 90s.
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We never saw Beth’s funeral, never saw what happened to her body. Going by the car theory, then we know that she was left in a vehicle and later taken back to Grady. Which ultimately saved her life. And when she does return officially onscreen, she’ll have changed. She’ll be older, with another scar, and harder. She won’t be the Beth that we knew.
Furthermore, The Death of Superman is the best-selling graphic novel in history. Even if Gimple hasn't read it, he would be familiar with it, as he’s admitted being into comics. He knows about comic tropes, such as the convoluted resurrections and fake deaths. The Walking Dead comics make use of these tropes too - Kirkman loves to mess with his audience. For example, on the road to D.C., Maggie hung herself out of despair. Abraham was about to put her down when she regained consciousness at the last second. Gimple might have even planted eggs that implied Beth would take on more comic-like features. A long time ago, @bethgreenewarriorprincess found drawings in Jessie’s kitchen that implied Beth would return as a “superhero” (X) (X):
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Beth won’t have actual superpowers. But she will be a hero, and she will be almost mythic, having coming back seemingly from the dead and immune to the virus. Her story really isn’t that original, in terms of being a Christ figure. It’s almost cliche. If you don’t believe me, just watch this cartoon that parodies superhero deaths in comics:
Superheros come back for a reason. We need them to come back, much like the world of TWD needs Beth.
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Chapter 6: a mirror
(TW: yelling, talks of sex, talks of sexual assault, angst) I didn’t want to be here, not at school, not at home, surely not anywhere. I felt like every nerve was exposed, old ancient nerves from past problems, current nerves that couldn’t seem to get the message and cut off their fucking blood supply. All of it felt like a cruel joke. I hated it, Mullen seemed to enjoy himself. I did too, but I was not letting him in. I refused to say those words, I can’t give myself up that easily. The October air was unusually hot, it added to my discomfort in everything. I wanted to throw something breakable at a wall. I tried to clear my head at breakfast, the crisp smell of cooking eggs and coffee filled the air. My father goes to work later than usual these days, he’s always on his phone though, my mother will occasionally come down and greet us, but she barely sleeps and needs to stay in bed. I stared at my reflection in the microwave glass while waiting for the pot to heat up my water. “Hey varmit, are you okay?” I knocked myself out of my trance and forced a smile, “yeah dad I’m fine, just tired.” He nodded before turning and leaning on the counter, “how’s school going? Your grades seem so good.” I stared back into my reflection trying to hide the pain from the question, in all honestly all I had been doing was school work, swim, and then sleep. Not that I had been getting any recently, I only got sleep whenever Mullen was-. “Yeah it’s fine, busy but fine.” I cut off my thoughts before I could continue with Mullen. My dad patted my shoulder before saying, “you’re awesome kid, don’t forget that.” With that he put away his plates and headed out the door. I continued to look at my reflection, my makeup was done for the first time in weeks, simple winged eyeliner and mascara was enough to make me feel pretty, my tight shirt and jeans added to the mix. In reality, three non stop nights of sex gave me a bit more confidence. But killed me with anxiety, I felt choked, beaten, in a whirlwind of emotion. It didn’t matter if we had attraction or a soul connection. I had vows, to never hear a boy say I love you, to never let myself go like that again. It was aggravating how my walls seemed to turn to dust at the sight of him. I needed something, pulling out my phone I shot a text to Grady. ME: hey, I got about $10. Is that enough for a pack? GRADY: yeah, that’s fine. Is everything okay? U usually don’t buy ur own packs. ME: I’m a little stressed, everything about my situation is killing me. GRADY: u want to hang out with me n Lauren this afternoon? I’ll have the pack by then? ME: sounds good, thanks. With that I put my phone away and headed to school. The morning air was harsh with students anger and the fumes of drop off traffic. The first few minutes sitting in the parking lot before school was usually spent watching the crowds and figuring out who they were just by how they walked or talked. It was a small talent of mine. A knocking on my window took me out of my trance, in all her pink haired glory stood Ava with a small book in her hand. “Hey dude, you seemed like you’ve been having a rough past few weeks, I brought this so maybe you could get some sketches in to make you feel better?” I smiled genuinely taking the mythology book from her, Ava was always thoughtful. “Thanks man, I don’t know what id do without you.” She smiled, “I’m obviously the best, my girlfriend thinks so too.” “Alright you fabulous gay bitch move so I can open my door.” She smiled and moved. This day was going to be great. END OF DAY I stared at my phone waiting for the clock to hit 3:20. Grady seemed tense beside me, we both just wanted the day to end. He leaned over and talked just low enough so no one else could hear “my mom bought the cigs, I’m gonna swing by and grab them before meeting you guys at Vienna?” I nodded, “thanks Grady” he smiled “always helping a fellow angsty teen.” I smiled and thought back to Mullen. I knew he loved me, there was no denying that. The issue I had was with myself, how did I know if this was going to end the way I wanted? The clock finally struck 3:20 and the bell rang for us to leave. I texted my mom I was on my way to Vienna and drove to the coffee house not too far away, upon arrival I could see Lauren’s car parked, her music obviously blaring thanks to her top notch speakers. I knocked on her window, she turned and smiled, “holy shit! Hey! I thought you were coming later?” I shrugged, “nah I don’t wanna go home just yet.” “Interesting, well Grady will come later, you wanna go inside and get settled?” I smiled and nodded, we grabbed our bags and made our way to the booth sections of the coffee house. I checked my surroundings before getting comfortable. Lauren smiled, “I missed you girl, I knew we hung out recently and stuff but you’re just not all there, I know with the whole protection god things and such. But still, you’re always staring off into space.” I nodded, she was right, I’d been so distracted thinking about Mullen and his feelings. “Yeah, I have been a bit brain dead I guess.” Just as I was about to start telling her why I was so anxious, Grady walked into the door, he playfully shook the pack of cigarettes at me then handed them to me when he arrived at the booth, “one pack of lung cancer for the pretty lady.” I smiled as he sat down by Lauren. I was always envious of their relationship. It was real and transparent. At least on the surface. We ordered our drinks and things were peaceful for a half hour, I had no fear whatsoever. It was almost suspicious, my suspicions were confirmed when the hairs on the back of my neck stood. I noticed Grady and Lauren’s face turning white and I happened to follow my gaze to find my worst nightmare, it was jonavah, staring me down. I never told them about jonavah, or how it led to me sleeping with Mullen. They must have known he was trouble because of how hard he was staring at me. His eyes were practically black. I shuddered, turning back to Lauren and Grady, I muttered, “its the raven, it sent a message to that man over there.” I wanted to explain more, I really did but Lauren’s eyes darted to me and then behind me rather alarmingly. He was beside us in seconds, “well hello again beautiful, fancy seeing you here without your little pet.” He sat himself down without hesitation, “ah you must be the lovely friends of hers, let me introduce myself, my name is jonavah, I’m the mage of darkness. I’m quite close with Hannah here, her little boyfriend is an old friend of mine.” I sneered but didn’t dare talk back, i didn’t know what he was capable of and wasn’t keen on finding out. “You smell different, look different too. Has someone been sleeping?” I looked at him, I was alarmed, he knew something, could he smell Mullen on me? I knew I smelled slightly like jasmine but not an excruciatingly high amount. His face dropped in seconds. “He did it, I didn’t think he had it in him. Shocked he didn’t kill you.” I thought back to the memories, Mullen was rough, there were points I almost told him to stop but the pleasure always outweighed the pain. “That’s too bad, he didn’t claim you though.” He smirked and wrapped an arm around me, “well that means more for me.” I shuddered, I then felt my neck vibrate again, I looked out the window, there in the street was Mullen. He was irate, I didn’t think he would be able to control himself from killing jonavah, before he could lunge at him, jonavah disappeared and left our trio completely terrified. I started crying, I couldn’t take the taunting or what the hell claiming meant. I’m not property. I sure as hell will never be ‘owned’. Lauren moved to my side of the booth and began to hold me. Mullen raced into the coffee house and looked at us. “You all need to go home now, I will drive Hannah home.” “NO.” I shouted, I stood from the booth, “I’m not letting you cheufer me around like a child.” I walked past him and into the parking lot. Entering my car, he was already inside, “Hannah listen to me, he’s very dangerous and he’s going to hurt you, why the hell wont you let me in, LISTEN TO ME.” The final tone of his sentence terrified me, he was angry. It wasn’t even an outburst angry, it was a calm anger that could melt an iceberg, I took a deep breath and cranked the car. He huffed.
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furederiko · 7 years
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My 2nd and last Random-News-Digest for the month of November!
(Images courtesy of Disney Pixar Studio, Walt Disney Pictures, Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios, and CAPCOM. Taken from Official Trailers and/or Official Sites)
Pocket Monsters
This was actually a news from earlier this month. But since I was more focused on the launch of "Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon" on my previous R-N-D, I've decided to put this on hold.
Variety reported that young actor Justice Smith has been cast as the male lead of "Detective Pikachu". Smith will be playing the human companion of the titular character, who was seemingly a brunette-haired white boy in the video game. I'm not that much familiar with Smith, but the change on the race angle is acceptable because it shows that Hollywood is being proactive in casting POC actors as lead. Of course, the main question in everyone's mind, is WHO will be voicing Detective Pikachu himself. Will Danny DeVito, the actor that seems to be on every fans' wishlist get the part? We'll see...
Disney Animation
The much awaited and demanded sequel among Pixar Studio's roster, "The Incredibles 2", delivered its first poster and official teaser. The teaser might be really brief, as it only features Craig T. Nelson's character and the little baby Jack-Jack showcasing his numerous superpowers. But it didn't stop it from snatching every attention and breaking record along the way. According to various sources, the story will focus on Holly Hunter's Elastigirl and their older kids, while Mr. Incredible is stuck babysitting. Will that be a good storypoint for a sequel? Can this one be better than the likes of... I don't know, "Monsters University", "Finding Dory", or at the very least this year's "Cars 3"? We'll see when the movie arrives in Summer 2018...
Thankfully, at the same time the studio's "Coco" also captured the Thanksgiving holiday buzz, and gained an immense positive reaction from families. The A+ Cinema Score result was a solid win, as the hispanic-themed musical easily defeated the might of DC superheroes to be the number 1 movie over the weekend. It also proved that Pixar still has what it takes to churn out original stories, and not rely on sequels. I strongly hope this movie will have a strong leg going forward, and becomes a financial success as well. Even if to encourage the studio, and other animation studios to work on more originals.
Disney Live Action
If you think the teaser for Ava DuVernay's "A Wrinkle in Time" was weird, then wait till you see its full official trailer. It doesn't look A BIT like DuVernay's previous work, "Selma", that's for sure. LOL. This feels like what you'd get if "Doctor Strange" is combined with an equal dose of bright colors and wackiness from "Thor: Ragnarok" and "Guardians of the Galaxy", with a mixture of a "Chronicles of Narnia" movies and James Cameron's "Avatar" in the story department. I might be scratching my head hearing all those pseudo-science mumbo jumbo, but I also really want to see Oprah Winfrey, Mindy Kaling, Zach Galifianakis, and particularly Michael Peña being weird deities or something like that. My only concern, is that this also reminds me of Brad Bird's "Tomorrowland". With a POC female director behind the wheels, I genuinely want this movie to succeed. So let's just hope it does NOT end up like that Disney movie. March 9th, 2018 can't come soon enough.
Niki Caro's "Mulan" reimagining has found its lead actress. Crystal Liu, or Liu Yifei has been selected over 1000 candidates to portray Fa Mulan. In case it's not obvious enough, Liu is 100% Chinese, so there's no whitewashing this one. She's a very popular name in her home country, though honestly this is the first time I have heard of her. Not surprisingly too, she has had experiences with Hollywood having been part of action movies like "The Forbidden Kingdom" and 2014's "Outcast". So... not exactly an unknown name, huh? Disney is not taking any chances, I suppose. But oh well, at least we won't be hearing whitewashing complains anytime soon. Now if only Godfrey Gao could be cast as Captain Li Shang. He IS, around the same age range to Liu, right? Mmhmmmmm *nods* *grins*
Jurassic Park
"Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" had shared its first official image. Coming straight from writer Colin Trevorrow's twitter account, it portrayed Chris Pratt's Owen Grady with his son... er, I mean a baby Velociraptor. Hmmm... those who have seen the first "Jurassic World" and possess a logical brain, would quickly question one thing: WHY ON EARTH do these guy still mess around with the dinosaurs, instead of leaving them be?! Seriously, Owen might be a Raptor trainer, but these creatures almost killed him too!
Trevorrow's name has been painted rather 'negatively' thanks to his departure from "Star Wars", so many people have been watching this title closely whether it will get the same effect of his "Book of Henry" or not. Of course, J.A. Bayona is the director for this one, but who can really tell what kind of influence Trevorrow brings, right? "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" roars into theatres on June 22nd, 2018. You might want to wait a little longer to see a trailer...
DC Films
When filmmakers keep on using lame excuses like "This movie is made for fans and not critics" to explain bad reviews, then... well, that's exactly what you get. Only fans... in fact, just half of them and not all, came to see "Justice League" on opening weekend. I'm not trying to throw a shade or being sarcastic here... (or am I, you decide), but the first weekend performance for the movie? It was NOT good. It even didn't reach the minimum expectation number. Great goodness, where did all those so-called devoted DC fans go?! #SARCASM
I know this news has been reported pretty much everywhere, but let's have a quick recap of what happened. Signs of trouble were already apparent when the movie had a somewhat 'troubling' start on Thursday, November 16th. Comic book adaptations, and in particular DC properties tend to be massively frontloaded, because unlike other studios, Warner Bros usually opened their movies on the same dates worldwide. So the fact that it had a dismal Thursday night was quite a surprise. But it was still a higher number than critically received Wonder Woman, giving it a glitter of hope. Then Friday sum came along, and it was another disappointing number. Again, still better than Gal Gadot's solo movie. But then the overall weekend estimation came out, and the concern was justified. "Justice League" 'only' took $96m domestically, which was a 'disaster' for a movie featuring not one or two, but SIX of DC's iconic superheroes. Some folks were still spinning a positive point of view, saying that it at least had passed the lowest speculated number (which was $95m, by the way). Oh no, it got bett... er I mean, worse. The ACTUAL revenue wasn't even inline with those numbers, as the movie merely achieved ALMOST $94m. OUCH!!!
As I've talked about in an earlier category, last weekend the movie quickly fell down from its top spot, thanks to "Coco" dominating the Thanksgiving holiday. The movie might have passed $480m worldwide in its 2nd week, but judging from the family power of that Disney Pixar movie that has yet to open in European countries, combined with the wonders of "Wonder", and strong leg of "Thor: Ragnarok"... can we even expect "Justice League" to perform much better compared to previous titles on its kins? I doubt. The movie is still on the path of 'biggest bomb' of 2017 if not all time, and is prone to inflict loss for the studio. Of course, should we even be surprised about it, when even the underestimated "Power Rangers" fared better than this movie?
Say what you will to defend this movie, but to WB it all comes back to nothing but business. You can even call this, an unmitigated disaster. This low number would totally influences the executives' upcoming decision regarding their Movie Universe. Seriously, because this is NOT the first of its kind (already the fifth, in case you forgot), yet the opening numbers of each movies continue to decline. It's an ambitious ensemble movie that the studio boldly expected to perform as big as Marvel Studios' 2012 "The Avengers", but wasn't able to even achieve the same response to an obscure team of "Guardians of the Galaxy". Compared to WB's own DC catalogue, even the oft-ridiculed campy had "Batman Forever" opened higher! That might be acceptable in the eyes of 'fans' or average moviegoers, but for a studio as big as WB? Likely NOT. Especially when they still can focus on other more beneficial franchises like "Kong: Skull Island" or... the next category *grins*.
Could we be heading towards another Dark Universe situation here? Really though, I think I can actually agree with a reboot or some sort, so the universe can keep the good parts (like Gadot's Diana Prince) and pretty much ditch or change everything else. Ben Affleck is on his way out anyway, and Henry Cavill's prospect to continue with his version of Superman has become very dim because he has completed his obligation. "Aquaman" and "Wonder Woman 2" will still be released. "Shazam!" is set to start production early next year, but its script might be reworked to safely exclude the character from the continuity. An idea that I'm totally ALL IN! *grins*. Matt Reeves' "The Batman" will be set in an entirely different Bat-Family-verse, possibly alongside Joss Whedon's "Batgirl" (no, Whedon is NOT fired or anything like rumored. Seriously, what is wrong with you DC Fans?!). And that R-rated "Deathstroke" movie might still see the light of day, even if because its lead actor is desperate keen to have it made. But the rest of the movies planned or talked about? You might not want to get your hopes up for them too soon, to avoid disappointments. Unless... the studio decides to resort to "Flashpoint" for a soft reboot.
Anyway, back to "Justice League" for a bit before I wrap up this category. Apparently some fans are already hilariously campaigning for the studio to release a Zack Snyder 'Director's Cut' version of the movie. Not surprising, considering WB had indeed DONE that TWICE already with the garbage that were "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" and "Suicide Squad". Three times the charm, huh? To the point that they are desperate enough to do practically ANYTHING to get what they want... as reported by a movie critic whose name has been illegitimately used for 'the cause'. *sigh* Here we go again...
No offense to those 'over-passionate' people, but this is EXACTLY the problem with these fraction of DC fans. They are quick to act without properly thinking about things first. Why? 1) As Batman-News has pointed out, WB did NOT like Snyder's cut. He screened his unfinished version, like 10 effing months ago. So naturally, Snyder could NOT have his 'version' done considering WB immediately handed over the job to Whedon, who took over the entirety of the movie's post production. If a 'Director's Cut' these fans are asking, then that would be Whedon's and not Snyder's. 2) Despite the fact Snyder showed support in one, or how his cinematographer is dying to see one, his Director's Cut version would obviously require additional funding to finish. Don't forget that despite the worldwide response that leans towards positive, the movie's theatrical release might end up as a financial LOSS to WB. That pretty much prevents WB from spending extra money for another retool. They would be crazy to shower more money into this already-expensive movie just to please fans (for as much as they say they make movies for them, they don't actually give a damn). Unless of course, Snyder pulls a Ridley Scott and finished his version with his own money. Meaning, he probably would need to buy the movie's rights, and pay for all the visual effects, etcetera etcetera. 3) This petition proves that instead of going to the theatres to see the movie again to... I don't know, boost its revenue number, these fans would rather whine and demand for a HOME VIDEO release. No wonder the opening weekend was low! 4) I'll have to repeat my previous criticism here. If WB will indeed release an 'Ultimate' or 'Extended' home video version, then... well, the more the reason to NOT see this in theatres now, right? No kidding, why would we waste money on a half-baked product?! Just wait a few months, and we can see the whole thing with just a bit of extra money, right? That's the easy logic right there, and precisely the method I took to see these DC Films titles until now. The fact that WB had done it twice, is also the reason why some folks I know blatantly REFUSE to see the movie in theatres. After all, nobody would want to be fooled more than TWICE, right?
Fans be fans, and expecting them to change would be beyond comprehension. But at the very least, I hope on the other side of the table, both WB and DC Entertainment are learning the correct lessons from this outcome. Things as general as... don't rush into things, don't put too much stuff without proper payoffs, focus on telling a good story, or don't treat audience like they are stupid, to the most philosophical one like stay humble, be nice to others (whether its fans, critics or other studios), and stop trying to best a rival who's already waaaay ahead in their game *sigh*.
I'm not rejoicing or being rude or anything, but I believe DC direly needs to hit the reset button on the movies. And if it's possible, ditch WB completely if they want to do this right. Much of the DC Films ordeal actually have gotten to do with the studio execs meddling too much and demanding so many things that has continued damaging the properties. DC fans DESERVE better movies, and I don't think this flawed universe can hold it up anymore. Much like how Rebirth 'deleted' New 52, time to create a clean slate for the movie universe as well! If it works in the comics, why not, right? In the end, I think DC should just stick to what they do best, or better than the competitor: TELEVISION. FYI, this is what they get from not utilizing or banking in the same actors from those successful CW shows. Told ya so...
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Bring on "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald"!
Yes, I might be the odd man out, but I'm genuinely more interested to see what the "Fantastic Beasts" franchise has to offer next instead of DC Films. I admit, my favorite part of the first movie was Eddie Redmayne's Newt Scamander Pokede... I mean Private Zoo, so I felt pretty disappointed that the sequel will focus on Johnny Depp's Gellert Grindelwald. But the words of executive producer David Heyman has made me highly intrigued. Talking to Entertainment Weekly, he said that the sequel will have "a very different feel than the first. It’s got a thriller quality. And it’s also a story about love and passion and all its forms — paternal, romantic, political. And it’s just a thrilling and very fun adventure.". That 'thriller' aspect is enough to catch my attention. Can we expect to see a darker turn, possibly involving Jude Law's young Albus Dumbledore? How will Scamander and his Scooby-gang be properly integrated into this situation without sacrificing the things that made them interesting?
Heyman also teased that the movie will look more 'dynamic' with "contemporary cinematic approach". Despite the time setting being maaaaany years prior to "Harry Potter"? Now THAT is what I'm curious to see too. I hope the end result will not mirror the issue with "Star Wars" or "The Lord of the Rings" franchise. Remember how their prequel stories look waaay more advance (in visual and also... actor's age LOL) than their original stories? "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald" opens on November 16th, 2018.
X-Men Universe
According to a very fresh report that just came in yesterday, apparently talks between Disney and FOX about the latter's movie and TV division have resurfaced. It's still rumor for now, but I'm not surprised if it's true. Other corporations, including SONY and Comcast have approached FOX for the same proposition, so it makes perfect sense that Disney will up their game and pursue the deal more rapidly. After all, FOX had some movie copyrights that would benefit Disney greatly. As I've mentioned before, there will be pros and cons if this acquisition becomes a reality. Naturally, fans everywhere are already filled with logical and occasionally pointless concerns over the fate of FOX's Marvel movies. A bit premature, if you ask me, but I guess that's what makes the internet such a fun and... crazy place. Let's just see how this turns out, okay!
Meanwhile, actress Lizzy Caplan has entered negotiations to play the lead female actress in Channing Tatum's "Gambit". It's still unclear if she will be portraying Bella Donna Boudreaux, considering actress Lea Seydoux had previously been attached to the role. Assuming the script has not gone through massive alteration, that could very well be the character Caplan has been offered. At least, that's the general notion in many people's head for the time being. Of course, things could have evolved since the movie was first promoted as a sexy thriller heist, so it's not yet a sure thing until it is confirmed. Directed by Gore Verbinski, "Gambit" will arrive on February 14th, 2019.
Marvel Studios
This here is the main reason why this R-N-D got postponed a few days to the end of November: the first trailer of "Avengers: Infinity War". Yes, OFFICIALLY available worldwide around 8,5 hours ago (following the 08.00AM EST premiere on Good Morning America), it's Marvel Studios' answer to the crazy buzzing cries of demand that got many people... uhm, emotionally riled up. It has gotten to the point that people have been shamelessly leaking actual footages from the movie itself. Not cool people, NOT cool.
I personally didn't really need to see a trailer for this movie. But I'm not gonna lie, the HYPE machine was tooo strong, that well... a not-so-strong-on-the-inside guy like yours truly would easily got swept away. I think ANY fans of the Marvel Studios release would be weak for this kind of thing. LOL. Is the trailer any good? You're kidding, right? Of course! #MINDBLOWING. It teases that the movie lives up to its somber title, and... that's all I'm going to say, as you need to see it yourself to have the full experience (I almost had a heart attack when I first saw it... Oh, Vision T_T). Beside, every entertainment sites will surely be talking about it, excessively analyzing every details that will decorate their pages. For at least two weeks ahead (if it hasn't started before... LOL) until its Disney-cousin "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" comes knocking on everyone's door. "Avengers: Infinity War" arrives on May 4th, 2018. But I'm sure you're already aware about that... XD
True to what Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige had promised, said trailer arrived in November. Timed perfectly just a few days after Vanity Fair unveiled its special coverage (published on November 27th, to be precise) to that much-talked-about exclusive photoshoot that took place in Pinewood Atlanta Studio last month. A grand celebration to the studio's 10 years of enduring success. For the record, Vanity Fair held their own separate photoshoot featuring only 32 out of 83 people involved in the event (a small percent are likely directors, writers, and producers), so the actual result of said event is still big question marks to any of us. Thankfully, the magazine's coverage is a marvelous substitute. It details the studio's journey and rise to fame from an independently-funded team into a billion dollar maker. It also pushes Feige's hidden personal story to the spotlight, exposing the key ingredient to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's success and global domination: FANBOY FEIGE himself. Go ahead and visit Vanity Fair to read the entire coverage, alongside its coupling stories about the superhero looks and look back to "Iron Man". Those are really good and highly recommended reads!
"Ant-Man and the Wasp" has officially wrapped on November 20th. This one was finally confirmed by director Peyton Reed himself and lead actress Evangeline Lilly. Lead actor Paul Rudd on the other hand, had some fun on HBO's "Night of Too Many Stars" benefit show, flaunting his latest Ant-Man suit while making a joke about his previous movie "I Love You, Man". I personally loved this comedy, so I fully understand what he's saying. The end of production also filmed a rather spoilerific scene in Hawaii, featuring Michael Douglas' Hank Pym and Michelle Pfeiffer's Janet van Dyne. You might want to avoid that link if you don't like spoilers. Anyway, with "Infinity War" trailer out on the market, the greedy question now is: When can we get one for this movie? LOL. "Ant-Man and the Wasp" opens in July 6th, 2018.
On the "Captain Marvel" side of things, the one and only Jude Law has entered talks to portray a key role: the original Captain Marvel... Dr. Walter Lawson a.k.a. Kree Warrior Mar-Vell himself. Mar-Vell is an important figure in the Marvel universe, because not only he's partially responsible for Carol Danvers' powers, he's also the father of another superhero, and a Guardians of the Galaxy member. Having this character in the MCU is inevitable, because I'm sure his involvement will bleed into the next 'Phase' paving way for new characters. And of course, if Law agrees to accept this role (which I think he will), then we'll have two pair of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in the MCU! If there's one thing Marvel Studios' movies are always good at, it's in their choice of picture-perfect A-list casting. To think that Law wasn't even the first big name who was approached for this part...
The Hollywood Reporter coverage of the same story, seemingly confirmed that actor Ben Mendelsohn has officially become part of the movie's ensemble. Although many have speculated that he could be playing a Skrull Commander, it looks like he could be portraying another key role in Brie Larson's Carol Danvers' ascension to hero: the super villain Yon-Rogg! Not that I'm surprised, of course, regardless of the source's... uhm... lack of credibility. Lastly, a report stated that the movie's production has undergone another schedule change. Apparently, production for the movie is now expected to begin early March to mid-July. However, casting process have already begun because several key roles are expected to film earlier in January. Are they needed for "Avengers 4" then? Quite possibly. Larson herself has already been confirmed to be part of it, which also explains the swift progress the studio is taking with Mendelsohn. With the same reason, I think we can expect follow up regarding Law's status in the near future as well. "Captain Marvel" might be released on March 8th, 2019, but her buzz is already getting louder and louder everyday!
As for what's next? Well... this is where things get rather startling. In a fascinating mysterious way. In the Vanity Fair coverage, Feige confirmed that the May 3rd, 2019 "Avengers 4" will indeed bring a finale or some sort. "There will be two distinct periods. Everything before Avengers 4 and everything after. I know it will not be in ways people are expecting.", he stated. But about that 'everything after'? He revealed that the studio has already mapped not one, not two, and definitely not just three movies after the UNTITLED Avengers movie... but TWENTY COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ONES. Calling that as a 'big plan' would be a huge understatement. Okay, assuming the pattern of releasing 3 movies per year goes on, that means we'll be getting around 6 more years of MCU after 2019. Feige wasn't kidding (he's a man of his words) when he said the studio have plans until 2025. But what will they be?
We know that a sequel to "Spider-Man: Homecoming" is set to be the third 2019 release. "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" from James Gunn (who was recently generous enough to share his first draft while providing details regarding the second movie) will spearhead 2020, while paving way for more cosmic branches. Scott Derrickson probably had already signed up a directorial return to do a sequel of "Doctor Strange" in the same year, opening the portals to more multidimensional journeys. Both "Black Panther" and "Captain Marvel" will most definitely get sequels. Perhaps, we'll get another bromancing Thor and Hulk by Taika Waititi as follow-up to his "Thor: Ragnarok", while Tessa Thompson unites with the other female heroes for an "A-Force" adaptation. And then a cosmic movie featuring Adam Warlock because he might NOT be in "Vol. 3". That's EIGHT... what about the remaining DOZEN then? LOL. A solo movie for the popular Ms. Marvel, or a live action version of "Young Avengers"? Those would be DOPE. Not to mention, that number most likely does NOT include Marvel characters currently under FOX and/or SONY. Imagine what would happen if Disney ends up merging with FOX!
One thing for sure, Marvel Studios' movies are here to stay! Meaning we'll still some great fun times at the theatre for several years ahead. So what are you waiting for... celebrate the 10th year, and speculate on!!!
Marvel TV
The 5th season of Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." will premiere in just a few days from now on Friday, December 1st 2017 08.00PM EST. In order to amp up the hype and anticipation level, Marvel TV had released an official extended trailer to give audience a glimpse of what to expect. And if that's not enough, they have also published the debut episode's first 17 minutes on Youtube. In case both clips weren't obvious enough, the setting is in space, and all but one (Fitz! Who else?) active members of Clark Gregg's Phil Coulson's team are trapped in a galactic prison or some sort. Fans of the show only need to wait a bit longer for their beloved characters' return.
As for me? That extended trailer has totally convinced me... to SKIP this season entirely. No, this is not a drill. Hmmmm.... I don't know how, but I guess because this looks... redundant? The prospect of going interstellar felt engaging and promising when the previous season ended. But things have changed in the months after, when new space-themed series like "Star Trek: Discovery" and "The Orville" debuted and gained attention. Including yours truly. I admit, in AoS' case it felt more like "Firefly" or "Star Wars", but my point remains: it's a space opera or any of its variations. And being not much of a fan to the genre, I'm already good with following just one of it this season. Care to guess which one?
Besides, good reviews and/or words of mouth don't instantly mean everyone is going to like it. Take for instance... Marvel's "Runaways". People everywhere are praising this Hulu show, yet only two episodes in, and I'm already feeling utterly... BORED by it. Many said that this show is unlike or even better than CW's "Riverdale", but I say... it's more or less the same thing (but with superpowers) or even worse. I'll give it the benefit of doubt and continue watching for a few more episodes (possibly until episode 4 or 5 out of 10), but only out of obligation to a personal quirk. Come on Hulu, just release more episodes for "The Tick" already! Anyways, the same goes for AoS. People have been saying good things about its two hours premiere, but my gut is telling me that... it's not working for me. Call me back when Mr. Lance Hunter returns, okay! *winks*
Over on the Netflix side, Marvel's "Luke Cage" has wrapped filming. That's what the production staffs seemed to be hinting at. At the very least, it's nearing completion to pave way for other Marvel-themed shows. LOL. Considering this could be the last season for Mike Colter's Luke Cage on Netflix (with that Disney streaming service and all), this could be a bittersweet news for its fans. Oh well, let's move on...
DC Television
Speaking of dedicated streaming service, DC is already ahead of Marvel (See? DC's forte is on television, so they should just totally focus on it). Aside from the highly demanded new season for "Young Justice", and "Titans" that has gathered almost all of its core cast, a new original title has been added to its roster. Yes, coming from the producers of the short-lived "Powerless", an animated "Harley Quinn" series has already scored a 26-episodes first season! This series will be a half-hour adult action-comedy, written by the same set of guys: Justin Halpern, Patrick Schumacker, and Dean Lorey.
According to Deadline, actress Margot Robbie is the desired candidate to voice the titular character. She might not be reprising the same incarnation from the live action "Suicide Squad", but banking on her popular name would totally give benefit to DC. Of course, I personally prefer Arleen Sorkin or Tara Strong to reprise their roles from "Batman: The Animated Series", but who am I to argue. The story will focus on Harley, who after breaking up with The Joker, wants to become the criminal 'Queenpin' of Gotham. Her bestie Poison Ivy will naturally be part of the show, alongside other DC heroes and villains. Can Harley carry a whole series on her own? We'll see.
Do you want a new season for "Justice League Unlimited" in the service too? Well... keep asking DC about it, and you might get what you wish for. Hey, it worked with "Young Justice", right? Especially when voice actor Kevin Conroy himself is up to do one. Come on DC, make it happen! I just hope that it doesn't involve cancelling "Justice League Action", because it IS close to ending its first season...
Marvel vs. Capcom
Those three leaked DLC Marvel characters for "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite" have been confirmed! Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier, Natasha Romanova / Black Widow, and Eddie Brock / Venom will be available starting next week on December 5th, 2017. Each can be purchased separately, or directly available to those who own 2017 Character Pass. PlayStation 4 players have been given exclusive opportunity to test out these characters through a free demo during the weekend. You can check out the official announcement trailer on Youtube.
As I said last month, these characters are pretty much... redundant. However, all three have devoted fanbase thanks to the live action movies, so perhaps CAPCOM is trying to attract their attention? I must say though, seeing Bucky's cybernetic metal arm changing from left to right in between scenes is pretty disturbing. It's excusable for a 2D fighting game (because developer would refrain from creating different data for left and right sides of a character), but this is supposed to be 2,5D right? Can't they do it proportionally in this method?
Naturally, the snowball didn't stop with these characters and has continued to roll. As soon as they are confirmed, talks and rumors regarding MORE characters have begun surfacing. Claims on Reddit and other outlets have brought variety of names as potential 2nd Season DLC characters. They include: Star-Lord, Ms. Marvel, Green Goblin, Wolverine, Cyclops, Psylocke, Magneto, Storm, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, and Daredevil from the Marvel side; Asura, Lady, Gill, Rashid, Captain Commando, Nina, Deis, Regina, Gene, Vergil, Akuma, and Apollo Justice from the CAPCOM side.
Many of those names have been openly thrown around, but among them are several characters who have been reported by multiple sources. According to Youtuber Maximilian, there are 5 names with a solid match between various sources, with 1 other one in question. So yeah, just like the first line of DLC, it might be 6 characters... but in an opposite pattern, as this one will contain 2 Marvel character and 4 CAPCOM ones. The Marvel side is said to herald Star-Lord and Ms. Marvel, while the CAPCOM side will bring fan-favorite Asura, "Street Fighter III" big boss Gill, and "Devil May Cry" Lady. The last character might be either "Street Fighter V" Rashid, "Dino Crisis" Regina, or "Ace Attorney" Apollo Justice, because the sources didn't seem to be in agreement about it. This report came along a potential 2 vs 2 co-op gameplay rumored to be available in Summer next year.
Just for the sake of speculation, let's talk about them! Star-Lord? Another pretty redundant Marvel character. But I understand if they want to bank on him due to his popularity on the big screen. Ms. Marvel is a fantastic choice, even if she's pretty much the Marvel version of former MvC roster, Dhalsim. Asura is also a great choice, considering the fans already went wild over that "Asura's Wrath" DLC that pitted him against Evil Ryu. Gill is an interesting addition that makes good sense, since it's pretty unlikely to see him showing up in "Street Fighter V". Rashid is similar to Ms. Marvel, because he works by adding much needed diversity to the game... aside from being a cool wind-powered fighter. Apollo Justice, and Regina will be a clone version of Phoenix Wright, and Black Widow/Jill Valentine respectively, while Lady practically serves as the female versions of Dante and/or Vergil. Personally, I would rather the last character be Rashid, but Apollo will bring his unique style that (similar to Phoenix) separates him from the other fighters.
In the end, these are just rumors with no certainty that it's going to be accurate or not. For now, let's just enjoy the three DLC characters already available in the game, as we wait for three more to arrive very soon. Don't forget that CAPCOM can always stretch the second set for almost a year after... *sigh*
Street Fighter
Yeah, you did catch the jabs I threw CAPCOM above right? Because we all know the both seasons of DLC characters for "Street Fighter V" took an entire year to release, eventhough there were only SIX each. The last one for Season 2 has only arrived last month, even if we probably have been teased about it since last year.
Of course... when the dust settles, a new wind blows. The topic of the game has since shifted towards... "Arcade Edition" and 3rd Season DLC. Inline with its half-brother in the category above, a slew of rumors regarding 6 more characters have begun dropping throughout message boards. The same leaker who posted the potential characters for "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite", stated two things that some people have found to be... rather conflicting.
The first one headcounted Sagat, Sakura Kasugano, Cody Travers, Sodom, and two newcomers (who could either be "Final Fight" Roxy, or a Shadaloo member). This one COULD be considered credible because many other sources have been singing similar tune. For example, dataminer X-Kira claimed that Sagat, Sakura, and Neo Shadaloo (Ed's team member on his Story Mode) are three of the DLCs. Flowtron (the user who successfully leaked the entire Season 2 characters) mentioned a somewhat different set: Sagat, Sakura, Blanka, "Mayor", "Another Bae", and "President". But the user also warned, that they no longer had connection with CAPCOM, that even they couldn't be sure of their own statement. LOL. At the very least, if the Red Bull Battle Grounds was any indication, then Sakura has pretty much been officially confirmed.
The second part of the leak claimed that four characters; namely Crimson Viper, Q, Necro, and Oro; will be available as free characters for the Arcade Edition's free update. Flowtron has debunked this, saying it's not true. Youtuber VesperArcade commented that while the previous names made sense, these free ones sound rather unlikely. He argued that to pull this off, it would require CAPCOM to make all four character available when the update is launched on January 16th, 2018. And the company doesn't really have a good track record in developing things quickly. Remember when the first set of DLC mostly ran out of its initial schedules? Beside, CAPCOM would have announced this kind of update in advance, to ensure that players who have purchased the vanilla "Street Fighter V" be pleased... and not complaining. But there's no such thing about it until now.
To be honest, I'm merely talking about this because I'm excited about the probability of seeing my champ Cody back in a Street Fighter game. If he IS part of the 3rd Season, that gives me more reason to purchase the game... as soon as I get a PlayStation 4 or a strong enough PC. LOL.
Moving on from rumors, CAPCOM have also released official information. Eventhough there were some concerns about the promised secondary V-Skills and Critical Arts, the company confirmed that every character will indeed receive one among other new stuffs. And to prove that, they even released an official trailer (available in Japanese as well) to showcase them in action, with a note saying "Street Fighter V players will receive the free Arcade Edition update. In addition to an all-new Arcade Mode and new monthly challenges via Extra Battle Mode, every character will receive a second V-Trigger attack. These are but just a few to get you thinking of new possibilities for 2018 and beyond…". Here's hoping this update will boost or rekindle interest for the title among fans and gamers in general.
Meanwhile, "Puzzle Fighter" had launched for iOS and Android last week. The free for download puzzle game should be available worldwide with a new look and new features. If you ask me, it actually feels more like a "Capcom All Star" game, because of those other characters from non-"Street Fighter" titles. I guess that is expected to appeal wider demographics, huh? You can download the App game on your smartphone right away to try it, or you can watch the launch trailer on Youtube to get a visual taste.
The King of Fighters
Looks like we'll be getting another update for "The King of Fighters XIV". Following the result of a social media design contest that took place last month, SNK Corps will soon add two things. A Saudi Arabian-themed fighter named Najd, created by designer Mashael Al-Barrak from Saudi Arabia, and a modern day Masmak Fort stage, created by Oman designer Zainab Al-Lawaty. It's currently unclear when they will be added to the game, but I hope SNK will also expand the roster with more characters. Now if only SNK would hold a similar contest in my country...
To wrap up this month's final R-N-D, we have some happy news from Nintendo. The company's popular and highly praised "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", has scored several wins at the Golden Joystick Awards in UK. The open world RPG won 'Ultimate Game of the Year', as well as 'Best Audio', 'Critic's Choice Award', and 'Nintendo Game of the Year'.
While the alternate reality "Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon" hit the market, its original titles "Pokemon Sun & Moon" also won the 'Handheld/Mobile Game of the Year'. These titles could be the reason why the game developer itself got crowned as 'Studio of the Year'. This award relied exclusively on public votes, which means Nintendo has gained a truly positive buzz this year. And that's before the equally praised and critically acclaimed "Super Mario Odyssey" could take part in. Could we see the Zelda and Mario game pit against each other in future Awards? I believe that would be the case.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events: The AFC Goth Benefit and More
Joseph Keckler, shot by Jaimie Warren
The time has finally come. Our Goth Benefit is here. We’ll be converting Collapsable Hole into a goth wonderland, complete with drag performers, surprise guests, and options such as handcuffs for couples. (We’re also having a goth couple outfit contest, so plan accordingly). If last year’s benefit was any indication, this is basically going to be the party of the year.
Wednesday, nurse your hangover with a likely-nipple-tastic Betty Tompkins solo show at Marlborough Contemporary. Other highlights this week include Siebren Versteeg’s digital paintings at bitforms on Thursday, the annual Seven on Seven conference at the New Museum on Saturday, and Sunday’s open studios at the Studio Museum in Harlem.
Don’t forget: Buy your Goth Opera tickets now!
Collapsable Hole
55 Bethune Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.Website
The AFC Goth Benefit
As anyone who has ever attended an AFC benefit can tell you, we know how to throw a good party.
This year, our annual benefit is a celebration of all things goth. Joseph Keckler will be performing his epic, operatic “Goth Song”, we’ve got giveaways from Hot Topic (yes really), a goth photobooth manned by Sean Fader, and so much more. I’ll be DJing as Ellen Degenerate (leave goth song requests in the comments!) and promise to keep the party going long after my black lipstick has faded.
If you want some behind-the-scenes info about the benefit, check out our interview with Performa Magazine, where I talk goth with Paddy Johnson, Joseph Keckler, and Jaimie Warren (who did our awesome promo photos).
Advanced Tickets:
Gothic coupling (the ultimate date night for those who come in costume):$250
Additional donation levels and perks available. Tickets at the door cost $100 for artists and $200 for individuals. 
Marlborough Contemporary
545 W 25th St New York, NY 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Website
Betty Tompkins
It should come as a surprise to absolutely no one that we at AFC love Betty Tompkins. She’s been making super-graphic drawings and paintings of porn since the late 60’s, when such work was a big feminist no-no. Thankfully, today, she has an audience for her larger-than-life depictions of (often very weird) intercourse.
Bonus: Marlborough Contemporary is opening two other shows today, Julius Von Bismarck and Lucas Ajemian.
bitforms gallery
131 Allen Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Siebren Versteeg: Reflection Eternal
Siebren Versteeg’s digital paintings are generated by code. One, for instance, endlessly creates a wallpaper motif. Another, “Today,” samples the crushing stream of images from the web and distorts their content into surprisingly pleasing compositions.
I saw a similar work of Versteeg’s (“Fake News”) at Material Art Fair earlier this year, and it remains one of the fair’s most memorable highlights.
88 Eldridge Street (5th Floor) New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Body Language
There’s basically no information about Body Language anywhere online beyond this drawing of a dress form and a list of artists. Nevertheless, this is an absolute must-see. We have never been disappointed by Jacolby Satterwhite’s imaginative work, and in a show about the body he’s sure to shine—whether that means a vogue performance in a digitally-printed jumpsuit or a VR environment full of CGI doppelgangers having an orgy. The suspense is killing us!
Artists: niv acosta, Jimmy DeSana, Jacolby Satterwhite, Tschabalala Self
SOHO20 Gallery
56 Bogart Street Brooklyn, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Website
She Persisted
We don’t know much about the artists in this show (SOHO20 National Affiliates members) but the premise has us hooked. The title gets its name from the “weaponized meme” of Mitch McConnell’s attempted take-down of Elizabeth Warren: “Sen. Warren was giving a lengthy speech… She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”
Even in an era of political theater with far more jaw-dropping soundbites, this one has maintained traction. Turning it into a show is a great idea, and we look forward to seeing the results.
Artists: B Amore, Laura Cloud, Louise Farrell, Gail Hoffman, Elizabeth Michelman, Nelleke Nix, Barb Rehg, Ann Rowles, Georgia Strange, Rosie G. Thompson, Virginia Tyler
The Center for Book Arts
28 W 27th St New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
En Masse: Books Orchestrated
Like houseplants, fluorescent lighting, and colorful rugs, books have made the jump from the realm of interior decor to full-blown contemporary art trend. Groups of books, as sculptural objects, seem to be everywhere these days. Curator Osman Can Yerebakan has clearly noted this, and organized an exhibition where groups of books are used as a sculptural medium. This should be a smart show, as it seems the tension between the book as a formal object and one that can contain content is explored.
Artists: Louis Zoeller Bickett, Jordan Buschur, Emilio Chapela, Özgür Demirci, Donald Daedalus, Leor Grady, Katarina Jerinic, Nina Katchadourian, j.c. lenochan, Liz Linden, Michael Mandiberg, Phil Shaw, Ward Shelley, Douglas Paulson, Yinka Shonibare MBE, Julia Weist.
New Museum
235 Bowery New York, NY 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Website
Seven on Seven
We look forward to seeing what comes out of Seven on Seven every year. Sometimes the results are brilliant, sometimes goofy, and often though-provoking. The event pairs seven artists with seven people from the tech industry (researchers, inventors, capitalists, designers, etc…) and prompts them to create anything they want.
This year’s pairings (below) look to be promising, and include plenty of artists who already blur the lines between artwork and product, digital media, etc…
Artist Jayson Musson & Jonah Peretti, Founder and CEO, Buzzfeed
Artist collective and NEW INC resident DIS & Rachel Haot, Managing Director, 1776
Artist Bunny Rogers & Nozlee Samadzadeh, Engineer, Vox
Artist Olia Lialina & Mike Tyka, artificial intelligence researcher at Google
Artist Addie Wagenknecht & Cindy Gallop, Founder, MakeLoveNotPorn and IfWeRanTheWorld
Artist Constant Dullaart & Chris Paik, Partner, Thrive Capital
Artist Miao Ying & Mehdi Yahyanejad, Founder, Balatarin and Net Freedom Pioneers
Paula Cooper Gallery
521 West 21st Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Justin Matherly: A recrudescence
Justin Matherly’s sculptures have an endearingly crafty, almost painterly quality to them that evokes folk objects of devotion or ancient ruins. Here, appropriately, his subject matter is Greek mythology. Specifically, Asclepius, Telesphoros and Hygeia—the ancient deities of medicine, recovery, and healthy.
Who doesn’t need a little recuperation about now?
The Studio Museum in Harlem
144 West 125th Street New York, NY 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.Website
Artists-in-Residence Open Studios
As its name would suggest, the residency program at The Studio Museum was one of the institution’s’s founding and most important programs. Twice a year, those studios open to the public, and we get a peek at the processes of some of the top Black contemporary artists. This batch comprises multidisciplinary artists Autumn Knight and Julia Phillips and painter Andy Robert. All three artists have process-intensive practices, so this edition of open studios should be particularly interesting.
The Java Project
252 Java St Brooklyn, NY 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Website
Gina Dawson: Bad Tattoos Closing Reception
Gina Dawson has been archiving others’ terrible, terrible tattoos through a variety of media. That might be a small painting of a tramp stamp or a large sculpture comprised of detritus from her past installations. These are funny, and oddly, feel a little precious. Practically everyone I know who went to art school has at least one regrettable tattoo, so I think we can all relate to this exhibition.
Curated by Carl Gunhouse.
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2nWiwOL via IFTTT
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
TWDTWB 1x07: Truth or Dare
Okay, let's talk about TWB, ep 8. We saw a time of interesting symbols in this episode.
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First, we see Huck. She's on her own, scouting ahead. She sees some walkers walking by on an overpass. So, a miniature bridge of sorts. She saw one walker that had a backpack that she wanted to raid for supplies. This walker to me was that it was wearing a dark red jacket. We've seen this symbol pretty often lately. Clothing the color of the cloak in Beth’s cell.
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Huck took some boots off the walker. That's important because of the missing foot/shoe symbolism but also @frangipanilove​ has done quite a few posts about how the trunk and boot symbols are similar. It all points to Beth being left in the trunk of the car.
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Huck also finds a pin on this walker. This made my jaw drop. It turned out to be the insignia of the Marines, which Huck has a tie to. But what really struck me about it was the bird on top. Look at this. We saw this exact bird in Still and in a shot with Beth.
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My fellow theorists and I are always going back and forth about whether this is a Phoenix or Thunderbird or an eagle or something else. Given the blue field, stars, and red banner, I always wondered if it was some sort of American patriotic thing, but maybe this picture represents the marines. Either way, the fact is, we can tie it directly to Beth. Also keep in mind that the Marines are all about water.
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They drink Mountain Dew in this episode. @wdway​ reminded me that we saw a Mountain Dew bottle in Still with Beth and Daryl. I also thought they treated the Mountain Dew in this episode a lot like it was alcohol or moonshine. They talked about how long it had been since that had it and made yum noises, saying it was so good, etc.
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In one of Huck’s flashbacks, she's in a bar. They have a dart game, and there's a jukebox. All Bethyl symbols.
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Later in the episode, Tony has a flask, so we do see some alcohol. And the kids play a drinking game. It’s truth or dare, which is a little different than “I never,” but still. It's a drinking game.
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There's definitely an art theme. Iris talks about the Louvre and then Percy sets up a little art room for her. I'll come back to that in a minute.
There’s a dark tunnel moment, when they go in looking for the fuel. (Dark Tunnel Symbolism).
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In Huck’s flashback, she and her fellow Marines use thermal vision to discern which of the people in front of them are walkers in which are alive. I thought that was interesting in and of itself, but the thing that jumped out at me is that the walkers, who were obviously cold because they're dead, were blue. Kind of a blues clue as @frangipanilove​ would say.
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When Hope and Huck were up on the roof, the stars were very bright and obvious. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but it almost felt like an emphasis on the stars to me.
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They encounter a guy in the basement who takes Hope prisoner. Lots of important background symbols in this scene. Lots of yellow, which reminded me of the basement of Grady when Beth and Noah try to escape. 
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There were blue coolers, and even a fire extinguisher sign, which we’ve often seen in the background of scenes tied to Beth.
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We also get a clear shot of Huck’s watch here. It’s hard to see, but I think it matches the grandfather clock in Still. Second hand between the 10 and the 11 (so perhaps at minute 52 or 53) and hour hand on the 3. 
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They also had a queen of hearts theme. So, it's the poker queen theme. I won't go too much into that, except to say that it was present.
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Then Iris went to meet Percy and he'd set up the back of the truck as though it were the Louvre, so she could look at the art. There were actually quite a few things that stood out to us here. We looked into several of the paintings.
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One that @wdway​ pointed out is this famous painting set during the French Revolution called “Liberty Leading the People.” 
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We like the idea that it's a revolution being led by a woman. Kind of interesting, no? We’re hoping the woman here Symbolizes Beth rather than Iris, but we'll see. The two books she looks at seem to be fictional, but when I looked up the one about the great masters of art, Caravaggio was always listed as one of them. So, another possible tie to Grady.
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Furthermore, Iris falls asleep under the art setup and we see her wake up. This is pretty much an altar or shrine to all things art, and the way she’s laid out, rather than curled up, kinda looks like a Snow White pose. So, we’re thinking this is definitely a resurrection symbol. Especially as it happens under the Mona Lisa (arguably the most famous painting/woman in art) and the painting of Lady Liberty leading a revolution.
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And hey, I’ll grant you that, normally, I would say this all represents Iris, and it might in some way. But we already know TWB is a limited, 2 season event. Then it will be done. That doesn’t necessarily mean all the characters will die or anything, but I can’t see them doing anything quite this important, either. Especially given that they’re still teenagers.
I think this represents a revolution against the CRM led by some woman. Three guesses who I think that woman will be, and the first two don’t count.😉
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Also, the place they’re staying at is apparently a country club with a pool, as evidenced by this sign that the camera focuses on for several seconds. So more ties to Still and to water in general. (Also remember that in last week’s episode of Fear, Sherry’s group was hanging out in a dry, vacant public pool. Ties and parallels, my friends. 😉)
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That's most of the symbolic stuff. We found out some interesting things in this episode, plot-wise. They found some encrypted data from the CRM. I'm definitely curious to find out what that's all about. The episode ended with Tony dying, Percy disappearing, and it looks like Silas might've killed him.
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Most of us agree that that's probably not what happened. Or at least there's more to it. It seems a little too obvious that they're trying to make us believe Silas is a killer. I don't think he is. Personally, I feel like Percy is the Lizzie of this situation. But again, we'll just have to wait and see.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
8x12: The Key - Re-Watch
Welcome to episode 12. Let me start by saying this episode had a lot of stuff with Simon and Dwight, which is kinda boring and I don’t have much to say about it. I didn’t see many TD smoking guns in it, so I won’t mention it.
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We also have the Rick/Negan/Hell theme. I think when this aired (again, before we knew anything about Rick leaving) we just equated it with Beth because it’s all the same symbols we saw around her in Still. And just as Still was one season before her death fake out, this is one season before Rick’s. So it’s obvious that this pointed, more specifically, to his death fake out. I don’t have tons more to say about that. Re-read these posts for details (X, X, X).
At one point, Negan did call himself a cat. Rick asks, “Are you still alive?” and Negan says, “I’m a GD cat.” Now, if Rick represents Beth (because death fake out) then Negan might represent Daryl (who we know is a cat). But I’m still not sure exactly what the point of this line was. I mean, Negan isn’t one who’s had 9 lives or anything, but we equate the cat symbol with a resurrection symbol. So the only thing I can think of is that this line is there to equate this sequence with resurrection (Rick’s) or else to equate it with Beth and Daryl, because it’s a parallel to them. Either one works for me. ;D
Oh, and Rick and Michonne get to Hilltop. Once again (I’m sure you could have guessed this) I think this foreshadows Rick and Michonne returning from the helicopter group. Especially because Rick goes right over and hugs and kisses Judith, and thanks Daryl for keeping her safe. Just feels like something we’ll see on the show after Rick returns.
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And this is also why I do think Rick and Michonne will return to the show, despite what they’ve told us to the contrary. It just feels like they’re setting up something where there will be a big war with the helicopter people, but Rick and Michonne will return to lead it. And I just don’t see all of that—including the entire cast of the series—being put into the Rick Grimes films, you know? It’s very possible that something will happen to make me realize I’m wrong about that, and I’m okay with that, but for right now, I just don’t see how anything but their return is possible.
Okay, let’s get to the big cheese TD stuff: Georgie and the “A Key to A Future” book. 
Honestly, I was kind of floored by it. And let me start by saying this. At first, I felt like I was waffling again, but then I read something that made me realize that maybe it doesn’t matter because all storylines point to the same thing.
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I know that was vague. Let me explain.
We’ve all (especially me) waffled back and forth about how Beth will return. Will she return with Maggie? Is she the gray ninja? Even if she’s not, is the gray ninja with Beth’s group? With Maggie’s group? Or will Beth be with Stefanie’s group? We simply don’t know.
And I’ve been heavily leaning toward Eugene’s group lately, mostly because of what Nicotero has said (and the idea that this gray ninja is a new character named Melody.) But when I watched this stuff with Georgie again, I immediately thought I must be wrong and Beth really will come through Maggie, not Eugene. Because there’s just no way this DOESN’T point to Beth. I’ll explain in a second, but it simply HAS to.
So here’s another point that’s important to illustrate. In the comic books, Stefanie (yes, the one Eugene has been talking to on the radio) is part of the Commonwealth. Now, I’ve been kind of assuming that wouldn’t be the case in the show, for several reasons. 
1) The show always remixes what happens in the comic books, so chances are it won’t be exactly the same. 
2) Stefanie is acting really secretive with Eugene in the show, like her group is in hiding or something. I’ve kind of assumed they might be hiding from the helicopter group, which would make them different from the Commonwealth. 
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3) If Georgie represents the Commonwealth (she’s one of the leaders of it in the comic books) and Maggie is with her, which we know she is, then why wouldn’t Stefanie know about Alexandria and the other communities, if she’s part of the Commonwealth too?
I ran this past my fellow theorists and they pointed out some possibilities. The Commonwealth is a big place, and maybe it’s a lack of communication. That sort of thing.
But I mention this just to say the following:
Maybe these are all part of the same story line, and that’s why we’re seeing signs of Beth in all of them. Maybe, just as all the tracks converged at Terminus, all the story lines will converge in the Commonwealth. So, even if, in the show, Stefanie isn’t part of the Commonwealth yet, maybe she will be at some future point, and that’s how they will remix the material from the comic books.
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Okay, so let’s talk Georgie. She shows up and wants records in exchange for knowledge. Not only is that a musical theme, which I’m sure we connected to Beth before, but they specifically mention records at Grady. And then there’s the fact that since then, we’ve seen both Jesus and Beta listening to records with Emily’s Turtle and Monkey song on them.
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The twins with Georgie are also a big deal to me. I don’t remember how extensively this was discussed back in S8, but at the very least, I don’t think I gave it its proper due. We saw the twin boys around Beth in 5x09. Beth was in that episode, next to the number 8 and a 5:10 clock. And train tracks. And ABIBEL suns.
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Now, with Georgie, we see all these other Beth symbols, and a pair of twins. Not much happened with them back in S8, but in S10 (which is 8 years post Coda) Maggie will be returning and we’ll probably be kicking off the Commonwealth story line soon after. See what I mean? There’s no way this doesn’t tie into Beth in some way.
Not to mention, the water aspect. If you remember, when I talked about 8x10 HERE, I said I might have found something that points to the sequence with Aaron in 5x10 not only making him a Beth proxy but also pointing to the helicopter group, right? Well, here it is. Let me start at the beginning.
A couple of things Michonne said here in 8x12 really jumped out at me. Maggie, Michonne, Enid, and Rosita were all debating whether to go meet Georgie. Michonne was the only one who really wanted to. Maggie and Enid were both arguing that it was too dangerous, Rick wanted them to stay put, etc.
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Michonne said (and I paraphrase) “The last time we took a chance like this, it changed everything, and Rick didn’t agree with me then, either.”
The “it changed everything” really jumped out at me because I was thinking that something about meeting Georgie would change everything, and that screams Beth to me.
So, take a step backward and look at this from a bird’s eye view. If all of AOW is a foreshadow for a coming war with the helicopter people (and I’m operating from the idea that it is), then we have Georgie showing up in the middle of it and giving them something that’s going to change everything.
Back in S8, I’m sure we all hoped that whatever that was (Beth) would show up right then and turn the tide of the war (AOW). Obviously, that didn’t happen, and Georgie hasn’t figured in that war or the Whisper War at all, which means this is symbolic and foreshadows something else (helicopter war, most likely).
But what Michonne is specifically talking about is when they took a chance on Aaron in 5x11 and it paid off because they found Alexandria, which became their new, permanent home. 
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So, we have Aaron being a Beth proxy in those episodes for obvious reasons we’ve discussed before (Beth dialogue, symbolism, etc.). Plus, he left TF water in the middle of a drought, and we know the helicopter people will probably have clean water, when others don’t. And of course there’s that pesky music box.
But now we have Michonne referring to meeting him in the midst of this Georgie thing. So, if he’s a Beth proxy, I think Georgie must be as well.
There are also other things we can point to around Georgie. She’s blond. The two “As” in the title of the book: A key to A Future. Also Key Theory.
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I also noticed that she said the book was full of medieval machines for them to build because she wanted them to “build a future from our past.” Given that Beth is a part of TF’s past, that line could definitely apply to her.
So yeah. Not tons more to say about this episode. (Again, I’m not going into the detailed symbolism because I’m only looking for new and more broad interpretations, so if you want the details, read these: X, X, X.)
But my basic thoughts are that Georgie definitely connects with Beth in some way. We all already thought that after seeing this episode back when it first aired, but I’m feeling it much more powerfully, now, and once Beta and the rest of the Whisperers are dispensed of, the Commonwealth story line will be right around the corner.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
How Henry Spoilers Define Daryl’s Arc
Okay everyone, let’s talk about Henry spoilers! These were officially leaked about six weeks ago, and I’ve been wanting to post about them since then. I didn’t get around to it before the holidays, and I’m just now getting back into it, as you know.
***So, if you hadn’t figured it out from that first paragraph, I will be discussing spoilers in this post! Don’t read if you don’t want to know. You’ve been warned!!!***
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In info from the spoiler site reads thus:
“The information on Henry is evolving. He escapes the Whisperer camp sometime in episode 15 and heads back to the Kingdom. This is when he will encounter Alpha, but it looks like he will not survive and will likely end up on a pike.”
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As I told my group when these surfaced, man I hate it when I’m right. At least, when it’s about something depressing.
Here’s the thing: if you look HERE, I predicted that Henry might die by the end of the season. And it was a very casual prediction. I just felt like in episode 6, they were focusing a lot on the Carzekiel family dynamic and how devoted Carol and Ezekiel were to their son. It just felt like a tragedy waiting to happen. And then there was Henry’s promise that he’d be back for the fair. Yeah, probably not gonna happen, y’all.
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But then in THIS POST where I talked about predictions and possibilities for Daryl’s arc (because he’s going to be looking for Henry, much like he looked for both Sophia and Beth) I said I no longer believed Henry would die. Sure, it’s a possibility, but I thought it was more likely that Daryl would find he and he’d represent Daryl finally finding someone and getting redemption in that way.
Nope. Nada. Poor Daryl can’t catch a break. Yeah. Totally sucks. For everyone.
So what does this mean? Well, let’s discuss.
First off, you know how I keep saying I don’t think Ezekiel will get his comic book death. Of course we won’t know for sure until the Whisperer arc is over and he hasn’t died (I.e. it could still happen at any future point) but for me, this is pretty much confirmation of that. Zeke isn’t getting his CB death. It’s going to Henry.
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As depressing as this is, TD should also look at it from a foreshadowing fulfillment stand point. Once again, THEY DON’T SAY THINGS LIKE THIS WITHOUT FULFILLING THEM! We really should have guessed this outcome from this line. We’re all just too optimistic and want to think our beloved characters will live. And for the record, most people assumed this pointed to Ezekiel’s comic book death. They threw a twist in by making it Henry’s instead. Yet another thing TD has been correct about.
And what’s the last thing Daryl said to Beth? “Go up the road. I’ll meet you there.” Beth’s last words to Daryl: “I’m not gonna leave you.”
More foreshadowing: 
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This already made sense because Carol lost Sophia and Michonne lost Andrei. But once again, CALLBACKS ALWAYS DOUBLE AS FORESHADOWING! The proof is in the pudding, folks.
Not to mention, the kids around Carol pretty much always die. Totally sucks for Carol, and we wanted to believe she would get to keep Henry. And to some extent, she did. She had six good years raising him from a young boy into adulthood, but it still sucks that she’ll be burying yet another child.
(Remember when I said Carol might cut her hair again after a tragedy? Still remains to be seen, but I’d be willing to bet this is the tragedy and the short hair will return after Henry’s death.)
Henry/Beth Parallels:
I know people are going to worry that, what with all the Henry/Beth parallels we’ve already seen this season, this shows that Beth is dead, just as Henry will be. Please don’t let that worry you. Let me show you why, despite the parallels, it’s not the same thing.
In fact, I’ve gotten several comments on my picture posts showing Henry/Beth parallels by people who are obviously NOT TDers, who see the parallels and say things like, “So Henry is going to die, too.” 
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And I understand where that comes from because they think Beth is dead so parallels between her and Henry make them think he’ll die too. Now he will, and that’s not the best thing for TD because people will be able to point at that as a way to prove Beth is dead. But, check it out: In my predictions post, I said if Daryl looked for another person who dies, that would be three searches for a rule of threes. But I realized I was actually mistaken about that. If we include Rick, this will be Daryl’s 4th search. 
1) Sophia 
2) Beth 
3) Rick 
4) Henry. 
And that simply means the rule of threes doesn’t really apply here. (I could get into intricate details and MAKE it fit 😉 , but it doesn’t apply in the way I was thinking of when I wrote that post.
But that made me think of another…pattern, I guess, for lack of a better word. One we couldn’t have seen before knowing about Henry’s death. Henry’s arc, at least in how it turns out, will be exactly like Sophia’s. Putting parallels aside, it will turn out MORE like Sophia’s than like Beth’s. The reason being that we will see Henry’s remains, just like we did Sophia’s. So in both cases, while the missing person wasn’t found while they still lived, or in time to save them, they were SORT OF found, but only after death. Sophia came out of the barn. Henry, I’m assuming, will be on a pike. *winces*  Beth and Rick, by contrast, we never saw bodies for. They simply disappeared. And Rick, at least, we can prove is alive. So she’s more like Rick (alive) than Sophia/Henry (dead).
That begs the question: why all the Henry/Beth parallels, then?
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Well, as per usual, @thegloriouscollectorlady had some amazing insights about this and how it shapes Daryl’s arc. Hence the title of this post. Let’s start by talking about what the spoilers are saying about the Whisperers:
“This whole Whisperers situation and conflict is going to be more complex than the comics. We think there’s more going on and we may be in for some surprises.”
That just SOUNDS like something that might include Beth, doesn’t it? But more than that, we’re already foreseeing a lot of possible parallels between Grady and the Whisperers. We know Henry goes looking for Lydia, because he likes her. We don’t know much yet about the confrontation between him and Alpha that leads to his death, but if it’s something about him wanting to free Lydia, who’s a prisoner to Alpha, well, doesn’t that sound a whole hell of a lot like Beth trying to free Noah from Dawn, just before being shot?
So we’re thinking we may see some powerful Beth/Henry vs. Dawn/Alpha parallels when all this happens.
Also remember that Whisperers have rape culture, just like Grady did. The leadership dynamic is also strikingly similar (female leader, males are second in command, people not treated well, and leadership held through sheer force and brutality.) So Whisperers = Grady 2.0 and that’s Beth’s story. What better way to reintroduce her than through this similar dynamic? We always said what she learned from Grady would be important moving forward. And the Whisperers, more than any other villainous group we’ve seen since S5, are shaping up to be EXACTLY like Grady.
Not to mention, in the CBs, TF finds Alpha just before finding the heads on pikes and she’s brandishing a bloody machete. So the red machete may reappear thru the Whsiperers, which may be the point of the RED MACHETE miniseries. If Beth is with the Whisperers, Legs may still be her, but the point may have been to show the audience how the red machete went from Rick to the Saviors and eventually to the Whisperers.
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And that becomes interesting too (seriously we could spin in a million different directions with this) because Rick got the red machete from a bad group (the Claimers) and now, if it’s in Alpha’s hands, it may eventually pass to Beth, who’s so heavily paralleled with Rick.
So the Whisperers are kind of like the Claimers 2.0. (We also see this because in the trailer for 9b, Lydia tells Daryl he’s more like one of them, the Whisperers, than like one of Michonne’s group. That’s a whole lot like what Joe Claimer’s argument to Daryl was.)
But I digress.
Okay, so what does this mean for Daryl? Why parallel Beth and Henry so closely? First, it’s important to note that ONLY Daryl and the audience is aware of these parallels. Maybe that seems obvious, but Carol secretly watched most of Daryl and Henry’s interactions, right? But she’s not relating it to Beth in the slightest because Daryl and Beth were alone on the road together. So we, the audience, can observe these parallels, but in terms of characters, they ONLY mean anything to Daryl.
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That’s important because this is going to reopen a very raw, unhealed wound for him. 
For Daryl, looking for Sophia represented finding a place for himself in the group, and also reliving his childhood because no one looked for him. He was strong and saved himself. In 9x08, Aaron also says fear stops Daryl from letting people get too close to him. Fear of failure. When he loses someone he’s searched for, he blames himself.
Both Beth and Denise recognized this fear in Daryl and called him on it. (Beth in Still bc since Sophia, he never lets anyone get close; Denise because he isn’t handling his shit and it’s stupid.) It’s not Daryl’s job to actually save them, but rather to try and save them. They generally have to save themselves. But Daryl can’t see that. He can’t see beyond his own failures to save people he cares about.
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Daryl has to learn that he can’t save people directly. He can give them the skills to save themselves, but they have to choose. And this is what’s always happened. He gave Tina meds to help her survive, but she did something stupid by walking up to two walkers and getting herself bitten. Daryl gave Dwight and Sherry the opportunity to be saved, but they chose to go back to Negan. (This messes with Daryl’s head, by the way, because he can’t understand why someone would choose not to be saved. He simply can’t comprehend that level of stupidity.) He gave Denise the opportunity to go on the outside and learn to protect herself, but she still died. And of course, he gave Beth the skills to survive on her own, but she has to save herself.
Again, this was @thegloriouscollectorlady’s insight into Daryl’s arc, and it’s fantastic! Because he can’t see beyond his own failures, this is not something he ever has or ever will learn. At least, not on his own. When he couldn’t save Rick, he started living on his own in the wild. 
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The only way I imagine he’ll learn this is by Beth’s return. Not only will he see that he was never gonna be able to save her—she had to save herself and did—but he’ll see that he gave her the skills to survive, but it was up to her to use them. I think he’ll finally start to comprehend this, and maybe it will even be a matter of her telling him. She pointed out his emotional stumbling blocks to him before in Still, and he realized she was right and then proceeded to move past them. He hasn’t had that kind of break through since he lost her in S5.
So, in short, with spoilers of Henry’s death, we’re starting to understand why the parallels between him and Beth are happening. It’s going to be the final straw for Daryl before Beth finally returns and he learns what he needs to learn in order to be the person—maybe even the leader—he needs to become.
Another interesting parallel:
Apparently, Henry will get so close to the Kingdom before actually being caught and killed that he can see the lights from the fair. This is like Andrea (who got close enough to prison to wave at Rick before being captured, which leads to her death) and Beth (almost got her out of Grady but  got shot at the last possible minute).
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I should probably touch on Carol’s arc since Henry is her son. I won’t go into much detail, but let’s just say we’re hoping Carol deals with Henry’s death in a healthier way than she did with Sophia’s. Still mourning, of course, but not devolving into the person that burnt David and Karen alive.
Notice I said, we HOPE that’s what will happen. Honestly, I’m not convinced. We saw her burn the Saviors in 9x01, which was a close parallel to her burning Karen and David in 4a, so that might foreshadow her returning to that mindset. 
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She may also end up taking Michonne’s CB arc at some point. If that doesn’t mean much to you, don’t worry about it. If it does happen, it probably won’t be this season, so I can talk about it later.
Finally, I want to mention one more detail. Then I’ll shut up. I promise. I’ve had a lot of people this season asking me what the point of killing Carl was when Henry seems to be taking all his arcs, and is roughly the same age. Well, Henry’s impending death pretty well answers that question.
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1. Carl wouldn’t have survived much longer. It’s not like they killed him off and then gave someone else his arc (Henry) and kept him on for multiple seasons. If Carl had kept this arc, he simply would have died this season rather than last season.
2. It has to do with how this affects Carol and Daryl. Obviously this will drive Carol and Ezekiel’s arc in a way Carl’s death never would have. As for Daryl, well, it just wouldn’t have been realistic for it to be Carl. Carl would never have left Alexandria, Michonne, and Judith behind to become a blacksmith’s apprentice at the Hilltop. So then Carol would never have asked Daryl to protect him, and the rest of Daryl’s impending arc would have been kaput. See what I mean? It just wouldn’t have worked if it had been Carl, so they gave it Henry, and it appears it will end relatively quickly.
So yeah, just wanted to point that out for the people who’ve asked. It’s not a hating-on-Carl thing. It really is a serving-the-story thing, which is what Gimple told us back when Carl died.
Thoughts on any of this?
Special thanks to @thegloriouscollectorlady, @wdway, @bethgreeneisqueen, @lilly.loop, and @frangipanilove for contributing their thoughts to this.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
5 TD Things That Should Make You Excited for S9
Good morning! Okay, so today’s theory is kind of made of up several bits and pieces. Most come from Fear the other night or at least were kicked off that way. You’ll see what I mean. Me and my fellow theorists have been hard-core hashing out symbols all week, and we’re super-excited about these things.
They’re 1) Music, 2) Artwork, 3) Horses, 4) Numbers and, 5) um...more numbers.
So remember how I said I hadn’t gone into details about the art in Strand’s mansion or the music Luciana was listening to? Well, this has somewhat to do with all that.
 1. Luciana’s Music
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So, I’ll start there. @wdway noticed that the final song we hear Luciana listening to (right before she hears Charlie in the house and chases her out) is a Roy Orbison song. That’s super-important, guys. The song Dwight played for Daryl in 7x03, The Cell, the one that made him cry, was by Roy Orbison as well. That song is called Crying. This one in Fear is called In Dreams.
So that’s the second time that has happened. And every time it has to do with Beth and Daryl. So we had Up the Wolves by The Mountain Goats that played in Still. Then they played another song by The Mountain Goats in 4x08 of Fear. Then we heard the Roy Orbison song in The Cell, and it was obvious to anyone who cared to look that that scene was very much about Beth for Daryl. Now we’re hearing another Roy Orbison song with Luciana in Fear.
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And, I don’t even think I mentioned this in my analysis yesterday, but Luciana is being heavily paralleled with Daryl here. She’s lost the person she loves, her other half, and she’s deeply in mourning. She’s kind of dead inside, refusing to be part of the world, and would rather be alone in her dark place to mourn. Sound like Daryl? Especially in Them?
For the record, the other songs we hear are Let the Devil Pour the Wine by Peter Sivo Band and Baby I’ve Got It by King George and the Fabulous Souls. I think they both contain lyrics you could apply to Beth and Daryl (again, because Luciana has lost her other half, they’re using songs to show her state of mind, which mirror Daryl’s). But I’ll let you guys look at the lyrics to the other two.
 2. Artwork
Moving on. We’ve been looking more carefully at the painting Morgan stares at in the hallway. It’s called Landscape Inspired by the View of Frascati. A famous painting that apparently is in the Louvre. (Yeah, I totally didn’t know that.) At first, I thought it might be a caravan of people walking through the forest, and that it might represent Morgan’s coming journey to return to TF.
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Upon closer inspection, it actually looks more like a picnic. Something in the foreground of the clearing looks like it might be a blanket or basket, and there’s what looks like a minstrel on the other side of the river. So I think these people are preparing for a picnic. Of course I can’t help but be reminded of the picnic scene in 7x01.
But what really got me is the title. I googled it to try and find out more about the painting: what the inspiration was, what we know about it, etc. And guess what I found out? This really has very little to do with the painting itself, but does anyone want to guess what the “view of Frascati” is? Frascati is a small Italian town. So when you say, “the view from Frascati,” it suggests “what you can see from the town of Frascati.” So what is the view from Frascati? It’s Rome. The idea is, if you’re in Frascati, the view you can see…is ROME.
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And remember how heavily they use Rome as a symbol in Up the Wolves. “Our mother has been absent ever since we founded Rome, but there’s gonna be a party when the wolf comes home.”
We haven’t see any major, in-your-face Rome symbolism since then, that I can remember. So if they’re now suggesting Rome again, I think the wolf is about to come home, y’all. ;D
3) Horses:
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One horse to be exact. Credit for this one goes to @katkhaos. I didn’t even register that at the beginning of the episode, these walkers are chowing down on a dead horse. So of course there’s the Horse theory. Daryl = black horse, Beth = white horse (Horse Theory). So I had to sit and think about what this would mean. I honestly think it’s an extension of the Buttons symbolism from 5x12.
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To start, I’ve also started to think that the horse, specifically, represents being alone. Of course there’s Buttons. Daryl pretty much told him Buttons was an allegory for him. Buttons had a home to go to if he wanted it (Aaron was trying to bring him into Alexandria) but he didn’t want it. He would rather be on his own in the wild. Exactly like Daryl. But Buttons taught Daryl that if he didn’t accept help and try to be civilized and part of a home and a community, he would die, just like Buttons.
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For the record, the white horse (Beth) is slightly different. That horse (in 6x16) was alone on the outside as well, but not by choice. In that case, we eventually learned the white horse belonged to what’s-his-name from the Kingdom. This horse was separated from its home and family, but not because it wanted to be. It simply got lost. Kinda like Beth. (Sidenote: who found that horse? Morgan! Yea!)
I think it’s safe to say that this horse in Fear was alone. Perhaps one of the walkers we see was it’s owner, but once the owner died, it was alone anyway. And just like Buttons, because it was alone, it eventually died and become walker chow. 
So, a group of walkers is eating this horse. You could simply label that a callback to S5. (Buttons happened right after Daryl lost Beth and got to Alexandria—which incidentally MIGHT be Rome). But it’s also reiterating that those on their own on the outside will end up dead eventually. I’m sure that applies to Morgan’s group and what we’re now calling Team Fear Family (TFF) as well. I think they’ll eventually agree to go with Morgan and become part of TF and their communities.
 4. Strand’s Numbers
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We aren’t positive about what Strand’s ‘61/’66 La Tour points to, but @katkhaos suggested something I really liked. She went back and looked at issues 61 and 66 of the comic books, and what she found was that issue they sort of bookend the arc of Fear the Hunters (in the TV show, that would be Terminus.) 
So issue 61 included material from The Grove and Strangers. So end of s4/beginning of s5. Issue 66 ends the Fear the Hunters arc. It has material we saw in the show from Four Walls and a Roof. The next issue (67) has a small time jump. So the observation she made was that Beth’s entire S5 arc happens within the material between issues 61 an 66 of the CBs, if that makes sense. Maybe this is a way of showing that those issues kind of book-ended her arc, and maybe with the coming time jump, in S9, we’ll finally move into the next part of her arc? Let’s hope so.
Which brings me to the next thing. This is something we talked about before Fear 4x09 aired, so it’s slightly different, but Strand’s 6s reminded me of it. 
5) Numbers in Them that may point to S9:
Let’s go back to this scene in Them, 5x10:
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Remember Maggie asks, “How much longer we got?” Sasha answers, “60 miles.” We’ve all tried so hard to force these numbers to make sense. Did it mean Beth would return in 6 episodes? No. In season 6? Not so much. So what then? Well, enough time has passed that we might just have answer.
@wdway suggested this one. She noticed that Them, 5x10 is episode #61 (that’s overall episodes for all seasons of the entire series). So episodes from Them would, obviously, be episode #121. Guess which episode that will be? It will be episode 9x06. Right around the time everyone keeps saying Rick is going to “die”.
Now, I’ve said before that I think he may not die until the MSF. We simply don’t know. But if I turn out to be wrong about that and he really does go in 9x06, that will be exactly 60 episodes after Sasha said they had 60 miles left. If he does go in 9x06, no way that’s a coincidence.
Keep in mind that Sasha said that RIGHT after Beth was shot. 5x09 was, in many ways a kind of detour. We didn’t see anyone mourning for Beth until 5x10. It was put off so they could detour to Shirewilt. But can it possibly be a coincidence that Right after she’s shot, in the episode where we see Daryl mourning her so heavily and the music box wake up, we are told they have 60 miles to go, and then exactly 60 episodes later, Rick “dies,” at which time the “new sheriff” should take over?
See how neatly that works out?
And I’m just now thinking this, but 5x09 is the opposite of 9x05. I don’t know if that’s the first episode we’ll see Beth in, or if she’ll appear before that. But especially if that’s the first episode Daryl/TF sees her in, it will be sort of the opposite of 5x09, which was the last one she appeared in. (Uh, sort of. We did see Sasha flashback to her in 5x13, but that was a flashback to Grady; not exactly new episode material, so I’m discounting it here.)
Anyway, this has me all hopped up and excited for S9. Anyone else? ;D
Also special thanks to @frangipanilove, M-Nonny, and others who helped us hash these out. 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
Sirius the Dog Star and How it ALWAYS Returns
Okay, let’s talk dog symbolism. We all know how much we’ve seen dogs around Beth. I’ve done posts focusing on how they tend to be around kidnapping victims in the show (X) but the kidnap victims always make it back to TF alive. There have also been rumors of Daryl getting a dog this season, and Emily having filmed scenes with a Rottweiler that we haven’t seen yet. So obviously the dog symbolism is a big deal.
I never really thought the dog represented Beth herself. It definitely represents parts of her arc, such as the abduction, but not Beth herself. Well, I’m officially changing that opinion.
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(Picture Source)
Let’s talk about Sirius, the Dog Star. 
Sirius is the brightest star in our sky. (Interesting.) It’s even brighter than the sun. (Obviously it doesn’t appear that way to us because of it’s distance, but if put side-by-side, it’s larger and brighter than our sun.) It’s part of the constellation, Canis Major.
This is another thing (like the Bennu/Heron) that was big in Egyptian mythology. Many ancient civilizations (Rome, Greece, Ptolemy of Alexandria, the ancient Polynesians) charted Sirius, but it was most especially important in Ancient Egypt because of the Nile .The star always appeared in the sky each year before the Nile flooded, which the Egyptians needed for their crops to survive, so they watched the sky religiously for Sirius to appear.
Think about that trait: The star Sirius disappeared in the heat of summer before returning later. The scientific reason for that is that the sun’s light eclipsed the stat during this time. They two stars were rising and setting almost synonymously, so Sirius couldn’t be seen.
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 In fact, the term “dog days of summer” comes from this. During the period Sirius was missing was the hottest part of the year, when things died from lack of water. This was seen by the Egyptians as a period of death and rebirth. Then, after exactly 70 days, Sirius would rise in the east in the morning, just before the sun. The flood waters would come, and life would be given.
And when it reappeared, it gave (in the Egyptian’s minds) life, via water. Oceanside? Beth = Water?
We could go into more detail, such as it being part of a binary system (Canis Major and Minor; just reminds me of the retellings), and a debate over whether it is or used to be RED, but those become their own rabbit holes. Tumble down at your own risk.
Now let’s look at TWD. 
There’s obviously the dog that appeared briefly before Beth was taken by the Grady cops. I’ll talk more about that furry dude in a minute. First, lets look at something else. I said in THIS POST that dogs are often seen around characters who are kidnapped or imprisoned. That makes a lot of sense with the Sirius symbol, because the character is separated from TF for a time, but then returns. We saw this as early as S1 with Glenn and the Vatos gang. 
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And we’ve seen it as recently as this season. In 8x05, when FG had been imprisoned at the Sanctuary, Eugene made a dog reference (”We’ve eaten dog together, so I imagine that joins us in some manner for life.”). 
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And then there’s Jadis imprisoning Rick. While the wire thing she was making looked like a pouncing tiger to me, there was some implication that it might have been a dog. If that’s true, we have a dog right before Rick is imprisoned and separated from TF for a time.
Everyone remember those pictures Michonne and Carl looked at in that house in 4b? Every single one of them had thematic significance. We saw rabbits and carrots, the scary one of a blond covered in blood that might have been Mary, Beth, or Lizzie. And then there’s this one:
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I’d noticed it before, but never totally understood the significance. Obviously I connected the dog in the painting to the dog in Alone. That dog had only 3 legs and 1 eye, so it was mangier, but it was still white and looked a lot like the one in the painting. I’ve always wondered if the fact that it was looking up at the moon was a wolf reference.
I don’t think that anymore. Because Sirius is the BRIGHTEST star, the dog may not be looking at the moon at all. This was the most obvious way for tptb to point to Sirius as the reason for the dogs. Dog. Staring up at the stars. Dog…stars. Dog…star. Put them together people! 
And Sirius ALWAYS reappears. In the East. With the sunrise.
The only worrisome thing about this is that it appears after 70 days. Let’s hope they don’t make us wait 7 seasons to see Beth. (Grrh!) Now, I really don’t think that’s the case. I feel like she’s REALLY close. But. Who DID reappear after 7 seasons?
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I’m wondering now if they brought him back exactly 7 seasons later in order to fulfill the Sirius 70 days thing. They aren’t going to wait 7 seasons for Beth, so they brought someone else back after 7 seasons to fulfill that. Thoughts?
At the very least, both of them were on the cover of that magazine. Morales has appeared. Just a matter of time before our Sirius returns.
Now let’s talk about the dog in Alone. 
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He had one messed up eye, right? And since then, we’ve seen a lot (I’d even say most) of the blond, Beth-ish walkers, have one missing or seriously messed up eye. Most of us have assumed that means that when Beth returns, she’ll have a messed up eye from the bullet. I’m not so sure anymore. It’s still a possibility, of course, but it also may be more of the Sirius symbolism, rather than a literal thing.
See, I’m not sure why, as I don’t see it anywhere in the ancient mythology, but somewhere along the way, Sirius started to be represented by a dog with one star in his eye. You can even see it in a modern, North American XM radio station. Their logo has a dog with a star in it’s eye.
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More than that, Robert Frost (yes, the famous poet) wrote two poems about Sirius the Dog Star, and refers to him as the dog with the star in his eye. More on those poems in a minute.
So I’m wondering if the messed up eyes are just to show Sirius symbolism (again, rebirth or reappearance) but it won’t necessarily be an injury she’ll have. Or it still might be. We’ll just have to wait and see.
So the gist of this is to show that all the dog symbolism around Beth is, by definition, resurrection or reappearance symbolism.
And, as @frangipanilove said, the “serious piggyback” line might have come from an excuse to squeeze the name Sirius into the dialogue, even if the spelling is different. Daryl gave Beth a “Sirius” piggyback through the grave yard and to the other side. She made it.
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Now for the poems. 
Remember in the funeral home (right after the serious/Sirius piggyback) they drank something called Frosty Cola? That brand doesn’t actually exist. A made up brand for the show. 
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@frangipanilove’s theory is that it was put there as a reference to Robert Frost and his Sirius poems. Let’s check them out.
This one is called Canis Major. (Source)
The great Overdog That heavenly beast With a star in one eye Gives a leap in the east. He dances upright All the way to the west And never once drops On his forefeet to rest. I'm a poor underdog, But to-night I will bark With the great Overdog That romps through the dark. – Robert Frost
 Short and sweet, and it basically gives us the attributes of Sirius. This next one is much longer, but there are some suspicious things in it. It’s about a dog the narrator takes in for the night, who then disappears. I mean, even though the dog didn’t stay overnight with Beth and Daryl, there are a lot of similarities here to what happened with the dog in Alone.
It’s called One More Brevity. We’ll take it paragraph by paragraph:
I opened the door so my last look Should be taken outside a house and book. Before I gave up seeing and slept, I said I would see how Sirius kept His watchdog eye on what remained To be gone into, if not explained. (emphasis mine)
That last line. “She’s just gone.” And think how much about Beth and S4 in general has not been explained.
But scarcely was my door ajar, When, past the leg I thrust for bar, Slipped in to be my problem guest, Not a heavenly dog made manifest, But an earthly dog of the carriage breed, Who, having failed of the modern speed, Now asked asylum, and I was stirred To be the one so dog-preferred.
A carriage breed, by the way, isn’t a specific breed of dog. It’s a dog that’s “bred” to run along beside a carriage and protect the people inside from possible dangers. Only the rich had carriage dogs. Not only are these protector dogs *coughs Beth as protector of children* (X) but it’s yet another link between Frost’s poem and Sirius and the dog they actually used for Alone. That dog was a rescue dog who lost it’s fourth leg and eye rescuing it’s owners.
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He dumped himself like a bag of bones. He sighed himself a couple of groans, And, head to tail, then firmly curled, Like swearing off on the traffic world. I set him water. I set him food. He rolled an eye with gratitude, Or merely manners, it may have been, But never so much as lifted chin. His hard tail loudly smacked the floor, As if beseeching me, “Please, no more; I can’t explain, tonight at least.” His brow was perceptibly trouble-creased.
Pretty self-explanatory. This dog has been through a lot. (Foreshadow of both Beth and Daryl.) Also remember Daryl wanted to bring the dog food to try and lure him in, but walkers were at the door. And an emphasis on only one eye.
So I spoke in terms of adoption, thus: “Gusty, old boy, Dalmatian Gus, You’re right, there’s nothing to discuss. Don’t try to tell me what’s on your mind, The sorrow of having been left behind Or the sorrow of having run away. All that can wait for the light of day. Meanwhile feel obligation-free; Nobody has to confide in me.” (Emphasis mine)
Beth and Daryl definitely tried to adopt the dog. And that left behind line. The narrator doesn’t know if the dog was abandoned or ran away, but holy crap! And then there’s the “confide in me” bit. Beth and Daryl definitely became confidants.
‘Twas too one-sided a dialogue, And I wasn’t sure I was talking Dog. I broke off, baffled, but all the same, In fancy, I ratified his name; Gusty, Dalmatian Gus, that is, And started shaping my life to his, Finding him in his right supplies And sharing his miles of exercise. (emphasis mine)
Shaping my life to his. Reminds me of Daryl wanting to stay at the funeral home and build a life.
Next morning the minute I was about, He was at the door to be let out. As much as to say, “I have paid my call. You mustn’t feel hurt if now I’m all For getting back somewhere, or further on.” I opened the door, and he was gone. I was to taste in little the grief That comes of dogs’ lives being so brief. Only fraction of ours, at most, He might have been the dream of a ghost, In spite of the way his tail had smacked My floor, so hard and matter-of-fact.
Like in Alone, the dog runs away, rather than staying long-term.
And things have been going so strangely since, I wouldn’t be too hard to convince, I might even claim he was Sirius. Think of presuming to call him Gus! The star itself, heaven’s greatest star, Not a meteorite but an avatar, Who had made this overnight descent To show by deeds he didn’t resent My having depended on him so long, And yet done nothing about it in song.
All the dog symbolism in TWD = Sirius.
A symbol was all he could hope to convey, An intimation, a shot of ray, A meaning I was supposed to seek, And finding, not necessary speak.
The signs are all there. You just gotta know how to read them.
Okay, all that said, you want to REALLY go down the rabbit hole? Yeah, it’s about to get worse. ;D
Let’s venture back to season 3. 
(Once again, let’s remember that we can’t be sure what was and wasn’t planned before Gimple tool the reigns, but we have ample evidence that he went back and built on previous symbols in order to build story lines.)
So in S3, Maggie and Glenn are kidnapped and imprisoned by the Governor. Uh, Merle, actually. So this happened right after the dude who’d been gone several seasons and was presumed dead reappeared. And we’ve seen many parallels between Maggie/Glenn’s imprisonment and Beth’s, and even some between theirs and Daryl’s time at the Sanctuary.
So Rick, Michonne (who is new to TF at the time), Daryl, and Oscar (one of the inmates who survived) head out to go to Woodbury and rescue Glenn and Maggie. On the way, they hit a few obstacles. One of them is an EXTREMELY random character in a cabin in the woods. This dude.
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Our heroes run into the cabin to escape a walker hoard and immediately becomes obvious that something in there smells REALLY bad. (Video below.)
We’re then shown a quick shot of a dead dog. Obviously that’s where the smell is coming from. So we don’t know who this dude is or why there’s a dead dog in his cabin. Maybe he was eating it, but it’s obviously decomposing. The dude is obviously a little strange. They end up having to kill him to save themselves and feed him to walkers as a diversion so they can run out the back door.
Daryl’s flippant comment about the dog is, “I guess Lassie came home.”
Now, we don’t want to necessarily say that they’re following a huge Lassie template here, because the haters will have a heyday with that. But…yeah I think they’re following a huge Lassie template here. Don’t tell the haters.
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Lassie is one of the most well-known dog stories in our culture. And arguable the most famous installment was the film, Lassie Come Home. In the film, Lassie is taken from her destitute family, including a little boy she loves, and sold to the rich Duke of Rudling. Lassie hates her new owner though and wants to be with her “real” family, so she escapes and goes on a long journey/grand adventure, eventually returning and reuniting with them.
So what evidence is there, other than the obvious parallels to Beth’s journey?
Well, for one, let’s return to 5x10. The dogs TF killed and ate in that episode are the ones Eugene was referring to in 8x05. So they just became relevant again. One of the dogs in 5x10 is a border collie. Lassie was a collie, which is a different breed, but the name is similar. @frangipanilove believes they used a border collie rather than a regular collie because border collies are black and white, which reinforces the black/white/shoelace symbolism.
One of the Doberman in that group of dogs was named Duke. How do we know? Well, the name was visible on the blue dog collar. (Blue = imprisonment.) But more than that, Duke has his own page in the Walking Dead Wiki (source). 
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This dog was not exactly a huge character, right? ;D But tptb really wanted us to know his name. And combined with the blue collar, we have Duke + imprisonment, right? Lassie was taken and imprisoned by a Duke.
And other than the actual colors, the dog collars from the dog in S3 and 5x10 are strikingly similar.
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In this group of dogs we also have a German Shepherd (think Officer Shepherd). So we have the black and white border collie, Duke, and a German Shepherd. Coincidence?
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But it gets crazier. Check out this pic. Notice the caption.
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The First Escape? Um…remember that Skybound posted this pic 
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after Slabtown with the caption, “First Escape Attempt.” Then there’s the fact that Lassie is escaping for the first time through chain link.
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In 5x09, we have this cabin picture.
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Check out the cabin featured in Lassie Come Home:
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Like, I can’t believe how similar they are. Right down to the chimney stack being on the outside of the house. Now, I do believe this cabin in Ty’s death episode is part of a larger cabin symbolism that will have to do with the white cabin she filmed at. But Beth is also in this episode. So this may also point to her eventually returning home.
@frangipanilove also sent me one more thing while I was writing this up yesterday. In this latest episode, the painting behind Maggie that has the white horse in it, also features a black and white dog. Much like the border collie. And remember that black and white represent Bethyl. Black = Daryl, White = Beth.
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As for the future, there have been spoilers before about Daryl getting a little white dog this season, though we’ve seen no sign of it yet. And I know there were filming spoilers back in S5 (same time as white cabin stuff) about Emily filming scenes with a Rottweiler. So if they both end up with dogs, it’s interesting that Daryl will get the Beth dog and Beth will get the Daryl-dog. Like their perfect companions.
No idea how any of that will play out, but we’re definitely on the watch for it.
Also remember that Beth sang a song to Judith about not growing up. Here’s a mainstream article about it: X. At one point, the lyrics say, “I wish that I could be a dog.” So Beth is wishing to be Sirius the dog star? I don’t think it gets more on-the-nose than that. ;D The article also points out that they changed the lyrics, which actually kind of makes it LESS of a death foreshadow. Just saying.
Okay, I’m really gonna shut up. Let me just end on one more note about the scene in S3. Once again, Gimple may have gone back and used this scene as inspiration for Beth’s arc. Who knows? Maybe he figured out the Lassie thing first and then decided to go deeper with dog symbolism and stumbled upon Sirius. No way to know for sure. But I want to point out one more thing that fits about that S3 scene:
The dog, which Daryl named Lassie, was dead. That much was obvious. TF was sure of it.
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They didn’t try to revive it. They didn’t try to check it’s vitals. They left it behind. Because it was dead. And they needed to prioritize the living.
Thoughts on the Dog Star?
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
The 5 Theory
Good morning and Happy Saturday! Hope everyone has some fun plans.
So I’m actually super excited about this theory. It makes so much sense and reinforces what we already believe about Beth returning in S8. Full creds to @wdway for this one. In this case, I really didn’t add much (except enthusiastic applause, of course. ;D)
So here’s the thing: we’ve seen lots of 5s in the background of the show, especially during S5 episodes. I’ve always said it just points to the season they’re in. And I still think that’s true to a certain extent. But then, a lot of Gimple’s symbols have double meanings.
For example, in this first scene in Slabtown when Beth first wakes up, if you notice the clock behind Dawn, it reads 5:20, which proves our clock theory. The clock points to episode 5x04, which this is.
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But it’s SO much more complicated than that. Beth’s time at Grady is spent on the 5th floor, and we constantly see room numbers in the 500s in the background. Again, it could all just point to this being S5, but why the overkill? And not all the numbers are ONLY 5s. There are other numbers included.
Meanwhile, we’ve also seen fives since then, in S6, at least. Probably some in S7 as well, though I’m not going to remember every instance off the top of my head. I’ve also said before that symbolism always points forward, rather than back. So how to do all these things jive? Why put 5s in later seasons to point backward?
Well, even before this theory I could have answered that. I do believe all symbolism points forward, but in this case, it’s okay to use the 5s because Beth will be back. If they’re pointing us back toward S5, there must be a reason. Something that’s still relevant. And we believe that is Beth being alive, right?
Well, @wdway wasn’t satisfied with this explanation (and I’m so glad she wasn’t). She started messing around with the numbers, trying to figure out what ELSE all the 5s mean besides just S5 and it’s importance. And she realized something.
Gimple took over and, for all intents and purposes, started Beth’s arc in S4, right? (Yes, she was in S2 and S3, but she only had a small arc in S2 and had very small part in S3. Nothing major. Nothing that was hers alone. In 4x01, she came front and center with the Bethyl hug.)
I’d also like to point out that S4 is when all the foreshadowing and parallels began. Yeah, we can look back at earlier seasons and see where things began or were built on, but the instant S4 began we already had tons of clues. Clues in Beth’s cell, clues at the Big Spot, Sasha/Ty/Bob stuff, and by 4b, they were already heavily paralleling Glenn, Rick, school buses, etc. We didn’t see anything to that extent in earlier seaosns. So S4 was really the beginning of Beth’s (and many of the other characters’) current arc.
So take a look at this:
S4 =1, S5=2, S6=3, S7=4, S8=5.
Could it be that all the fives actually point to S8? That it’s not a season number at all, but rather the number of seasons from the beginning of the arc until all the symbolism is fulfilled?
I love this idea. It wouldn’t have worked for S6 or S7. Only S8.
Now let’s look at some specific numbers.
We’ve seen a LOT of clocks that read 5:10. There are three in particular that come to mind: Rick’s watch when Carol finds it at Terminus, reads 5:10. 
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Then there’s all the clocks in 5x09. Seriously, EVERY clock in that episode points to 5:10. 
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And then there’s Glenn’s watch in 6x03, right before his death fake out. There are probably more, but let’s talk about the clocks.
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We have ample evidence that the hour on the clocks = the season number and the minute hand = the episode number. So if that’s the case, these clocks really all point to 5x02. And that makes no sense. While there is some TD symbolism to be found in 5x02, there’s not enough that’s significant enough to Beth’s arc for SO many clocks, especially after the fact, to point back to it. Why would Gimple do this?
We’ve always seen these clocks as pointing to 5x10. Even though I’ve always known that doesn’t entirely fit the pattern, I’ve always accepted it because 1) symbols often have multiple meanings/interpretations and 2) 5x10 = music box. So we’re really not imagining that. It’s SUPER important. So I was always cool with it deviating from the clock pattern a little bit.
But with this 5 theory, 5 is actually the fifth season from when Beth’s current arc started. It shows we had to go 5 seasons before seeing the fulfillment of the symbolism. So if we substitute an 8 for the 5, suddenly, this clock points at 8x02. And guys, look at where we see these clocks. 1) After Carol is separated from TF, and then saves and reunites with them. 2) In Ty’s death hallucination, which is rife with Beth symbolism and all kinds of contradictions. Where Beth herself appears and “keeps singing” even after her death. 3) Right before Glenn’s death fake out, which had a crap-ton of parallels to Beth. He was revealed to be alive a few episodes later.
Pretty convincing if you ask me. We’ve also seen some 101s, though not as many, which also point to 8x02 as being a super important episode.
@wdway even pointed out that in 5x09, Beth was there in the hallucination, but not physically. That’s also true of 5x10 and the music box. She’s there symbolically, but not literally. So perhaps the 5 = S5 being her physical arc, and S8 (five seasons in) we’ll see her physically again.
Other random 5s:
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There’s one on the bus in 5x05. With all the bus stuff we’ve noticed this time around, I think it’s safe to say we’ll see the bus fulfillment in S8.
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There’s a 5 on a pipe in 5x07 when Rick and Daryl are discussing the plan to rescue Beth and Carol from Grady. So maybe it shows that the real rescue/reunion won’t happen until the 5th season (S8).
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I know in 6x01, we saw a sign that said, “Quint,” which means five. It also happens to mean some of the equipment (the ladder, I think, which is also significant) of a fire truck. But once again, there are some suspicious sequences in 6x01 during Operation Lead the Walkers Away that point to Beth stuff. And we have the Quint sign.
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Here’s a great one that @wdway found in S6. In 6x10, when Rick and Daryl first meet Jesus, there are some numbers (cigarette prices) on the marquee behind them. It reads 5.45 and 5.69. I know there’s been a lot of speculation about what these numbers mean. Most have to do with comic book numbers, which is important. And applying this theory to them makes it even better.
See, if you put the 5 aside for a minute, CB issue #45 is where Andrea wakes up from her gunshot wound to the head, and finds herself alone, without the rest of TF, because they presumed she was dead and left her behind. Issue #69 is where TF arrives at Alexandria.
I know people zeroed in on the numbers as being CB numbers before, but the 5s are harder to explain. Nobody woke up from a GSW in S5 (that we know of; of course there’s the music box, but no one that the GA would know about or that we obviously saw). And while TF did arrive at Alexandria in S5, why would they feel the need to reiterate that in 6x10 when Rick and Daryl meet Jesus?
But let’s swap out the 5s for 8s. Perhaps this then shows that in S8, the person who survived the GSW, like Andrea, will both wake up, and arrive at Alexandria. Make sense?
We have numbers in Coda that point to 8x03 and 8x04 once you swap them out with the 8.
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Slabtown has some interesting ones too. We see the numbers 550 and 556 very clearly. 
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@wdway did some research I wanted to include here. The CB issue numbers pan out, and obviously there are only 16 episodes in a season, so she started looking at the series numbers. Episode 50 was Us. Like 5x02, while there is some Beth stuff to be found there (*coughs Daryl claims the strawberries*) there really isn’t tons in that episode for it to be point there. So instead of 50, she chopped the final number off and they both point to 55. Episode 55 is Slabtown. Interesting right? Which means episode 56, just to be thorough, is Self Help with all the bus stuff, including the number 5 on the bus. Also, that’s when they acquire the fire truck. Just saying.
So the series numbers from Slabtown point us toward episode 5x04 (Slabtown) and 5x05 (Self Help). If we swap out the numbers, that becomes 8x04 and 8x05.
Are we seeing how this works? I’m absolutely sure there are tons of more instances of 5s throughout the show, and I’ll continue to look for them as I rewatch. Like I said at the beginning, I won’t remember every instance.
But if the 5s point, not only to S5 but to S8, which is five seasons after the arc began, that makes way more sense than them JUST pointing us back to S5. And most of the cases we’ve examined specifically point to 8x01-8x05, which include the episodes Gimple already said would melt our brains.
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The evidence is stacking up, my friends. Is it October yet?
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