#i kinda want to give them a brotp ship name
potionboy3 · 1 year
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alexej kavinsky & lunas avery | ww1 era
this duo was so much fun to draw! no i'm not obsessed.
lunas belongs to the lovely @cursed-herbalist ❤️ (about a time i draw one of yours!)
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quillkiller · 22 days
bellatrix pls xx
(ask game)
mwah thank u claude <3
favorite thing about them
i always tend to be the most compelled by oldest sibling-characters and that’s one of my favorite things about bellatrix aswell.. like her undying loyalty to family and especially her sisters, even if the loyalty is flawed and unhealthy, is very deeply special to me. i read a post lately about how bellatrix never used violence against her own family even if her family ended up using it against her. even after azkaban, after years of torture and dementors, she never layed a hand on. she always prioritized her family, despite it being in fucked up and harmful ways .. makes me Sick
least favorite thing about them
honestly maybe nothing ?? i think she’s one of the most interesting female characters in the hp series. she marries but never had children and ended up more powerful and demanding more respect than her husband ever did. she was voldys right hand man, despite being a woman .. she wasn’t heir to anything at all but becomes the most feared black family member of all ?? i think thats very interesting. i suppose i could be boring and say that my least favorite thing is that shes a ’death eater’ but that would be a lie :/
favorite line
"You need to mean them, Potter! You need to really want to cause pain - to enjoy it - righteous anger won't hurt me for long - I'll show you how it is done, shall I? I'll give you a lesson—” <- cunty
bella & sirius but in like a really fucked up way. in a sirius was bellas favorite cousin way and she hates him more than anything and sirius misses bella because he knew her before her name caused fear to whoever spoke it. they would play quidditch together and play fight and bella was his cool older cousin and sirius was the heir who looked up to her.. they absolutely excluded their other siblings during holiday festivites or whatever and teamed up. i Think
quillkiller <3
any ship with a man. bella is a lesbian to me 🤍
random hc
i think she’s kinda.. gross ? i dont think she brushes her teeth regularly and often gets knots in her hair because she doesnt like brushing it. she was the kind of teenage girl who hated her ’evolving’ body and puberty and how men started looking at her differently and how she became a ’girl’ against her own will
unpopular opinion
young bellatrix was just a pretty normal teenage girl. like yeah she was prejudiced and narrow-minded, but i really believe she was just a teenage girl who loved her sisters and laughed a lot. i dont even tend to think she was that against andys relationship with ted at first and the coin really flipped when she understood that andy was going to choose him. to bella their relationship was just a fling, bella had them too, and then when it really came down to it they would fulfill their duties and do whats expected of them. sort of hogwarts being their rumspringa shdhfjsjf if that makes sense ? <- people tend to think bella was just born crazy or evil as if it isnt in the canonical text that azkaban is what deteriorated her mental state. like yeah she wasnt a good person before that, but she was also. a person. who made those choices and had to live with them and committ to them. i dont think she just Chose to submit to voldy without second thoughts. she wanted to and she was going to do it, but she had sisters she loved and has been hurt in her life and theres just NUANCE !!!!!!!!
song i associate with them
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cursedvibes · 5 months
For the headcanon thing: Higuruma. And in case someone else has already asked about him, then Megumi.
Had fun reading your thoughts on the others! Always cracks me up how wildly different our shipping tastes are 😂
Yeah, we agree on the love for Yuuji and Kenjaku, but as far as ships are concerned, it's polar opposites xD Haven't done either yet, so here we go, hope this will be as entertaining as the rest!
Sexuality Headcanon:
Ace and/or gay I would say. He's in his mid-30s, has a well-paying job, but isn't in a relationship much less married or with kids. Not what's expected of men his age, which makes me think he's definitely not straight. Kinda like Takaba, except he doesn't even have the excuse of not being able to support a family (not that that's necessary of course, but it's what society expects of him). Contrary to Takaba, I don't think he's that involved with the queer community though. Maybe has a couple of queer friends like his assistant and that's it.
Gender Headcanon:
Probably cis man, but I'm not super set on it (maybe he isn't either, who knows).
A ship I have with said character:
Hm, I do like some of the Higuruma/Kusakabe fanart, but there's not really that much there for me to get invested. Kusakabe said one heroic sentence that became pointless 10 minutes later. And he was down about it, but compared to Yaga for example, Kusakabe got over it pretty quickly. People also ship them because of the dark hair and similar age, but I don't really care about that. Honestly, the only one who we have seen Higuruma have deep connection with is Yuuji, he otherwise keeps to himself.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Yuuji. I really like the talk after their fight and when they meet to discuss the Sukuna fight. Especially the second one is really nice. Seems very intimate and fragile. Both want to sacrifice themselves to safe the other, both see their own life as worthless, but they encourage each other while not judging them for being suicidal. (being suicidal together makes everything better :D) I like how they are just kind of silently there for each other without any big gestures. Higuruma doesn't want to look Yuuji in the eyes, but he still likes having him around and enjoys his company despite the guilt that comes with it.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Haven't really seen a Higuruma ship I didn't like at all.
A random headcanon:
Another reason for why he couldn't hit Sukuna with the executioner sword (besides Yuuji having to be the one to execute his death sentence and right his own) is that he's not actually a good judge or maybe it's not a profession he would be really happy with. It gives him an opportunity to take the law into his own hand and interpret it as he sees right, but he's actually much better as a lawyer put in to defend people. He doesn't always succeed, but it's what fits him most. not really a hc I guess, more text, but whatever
General Opinion over said character:
I like him, he's a good character. I feel like there could've been done more with his death, but it was nice for what it was.
Sexuality Headcanon:
Pretty confidently ace, but probably bi- or homoromantic
Gender Headcanon:
He often gets interpreted as trans masc because of his name and how he doesn't really like it and I think that makes sense. Could see it. Might even be subtext and not just a headcanon. I don't like how the fandom tends to fetishize him because of that though. Tells me a lot about how they see trans men/trans masc people...
A ship I have with said character:
None really. ItaFushi is okay I guess, but I'm not that invested in them.
A BROTP I have with said character:
With Yuuji. They have a nice bond. Very self-sacrificial and dramatic. Actually quite a lot of similar themes to Yuuji & Higuruma now that I think about it, but I like them more than ItaFushi.
A NOTP I have with said character:
idk, the dude gets shipped with everyone, especially if they have a dick, so there's plenty to choose from. The one who annoys me most is Toji/Megumi probably.
A random headcanon:
He wasn't that close physically or emotionally with Tsumiki and kind of took her for granted until she fell into a coma. Of course they care about each other, but he just didn't allow himself to show that most of the time. And honestly, he hasn't gotten any better at it over the course of the coma. Yorozu should've punched him.
General Opinion over said character:
His fine. Not a huge fan of him, but he doesn't bother me either. Honestly, I often forget he's technically still in this story beyond the vague knowledge that Yuuji fights to safe him. I think his submersion by Sukuna and trauma through seeing Tsumiki's body die wasn't handled very well. There could've been done way more with it. It was almost handled like a footnote to Sukuna throwing his power around.
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kitkatt0430 · 8 months
idk if youre still doing in it but tommy merlyn, oliver queen for the character ask game?
It's been a while, but not that long so sure :D I do enjoy answering these, after all
Tommy Merlyn
1: sexuality headcanon
He's bi. Definitely bi. More into women than men, but he's an equal opportunity flirt.
2: otp
Tommy/Oliver or Tommy/Oliver/Laurel - there are a few other ships for him I like, but not to the point I'd call them an OTP
3: brotp
Tommy & Oliver & Thea where Tommy is the unofficial third Queen sibling - after all, he is actually Thea's sibling for real already
4: notp
Tommy/Thea for what are probably pretty obvious reasons. I feel so bad for Thea in season 1 knowing that part of her freak out in season 2 over having her biological parentage kept from her is knowing that she hit on her own brother and her mother never warned her.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
In the Earth Prime universe, Tommy took Laurel's last name and became Tommy Lance. After his dad tried to blow up half the city and nearly killed Tommy along with it, he's not exactly keen to stay a Merlyn. So it makes sense that when he married Laurel, it was the Lance family name he wanted to honor and continue.
6: favorite line from this character
I really like this exchange:
Tommy: Dinah Laurel Lance always trying to save the world. Laurel: Hey. If I don't try and save it, who will?
It's very cute. And I do enjoy Tommy/Laurel even they're not an OTP to me, so having them be flirty while also kinda summing themselves up at the same time? He wants to support Laurel even though no one ever really taught him how to do that and she wants to save people be it as part of CNRI or as the Black Canary.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Tommy struggles a lot with his feelings of not being good enough and when I was his age (when this show began he was older, now I am, how dare time work like this) so did I. Admittedly, for very different reasons. I've definitely found my sense of self confidence and self worth, though, and I'd like to think that Earth Prime Tommy did too, even though we didn't get to see it happen.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
He can be a little misogynistic at times. I do see it as something he's growing out of over the course of S1. End of season Tommy is way less prone to making an ass of himself objectifying women the way start of season Tommy is, so at least it's something he's got character growth about.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll, definitely
And now for...
Oliver Queen
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi or pan. Oliver definitely has a crush on Barry going on by the time the Flash season premier rolled around.
2: otp
Barry/Oliver and Tommy/Oliver
I used to really like Felicity/Oliver and then the ship became canon and I just... didn't like the way they kinda brought out the worst in each other at times *shrug* a good example of being careful what you wish for, I suppose. Some ships are better left to fanon.
I actually really like the show Laurel/Oliver as exes, that was a fun dynamic for them. Though for the comics its Dinah/Oliver all the way.
3: brotp
Oliver & Dig, Oliver & Barry, Oliver & Tommy
Oliver & Dig especially though. It is fun seeing their friendship grow and be tested and come out stronger in the end. I was glad that if Oliver had to show up one last time on the Flash that Dig was there to see him and say goodbye.
4: notp
McKenna Hall and Isabel Rochev
The former... I do like her and Ollie on the show, they're cute but... she's a cop and comics Oliver would never.
Isabel having been one of Oliver's father's affairs and her only sleeping with Oliver to get revenge on a dead man who chose not to abandon his children is gross and squicks me so much when it happens on the show.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Oliver tells Barry that he can inspire people with hope because he inspired Oliver first. Meeting and becoming friends with Barry made Oliver want to be a better version of himself and he just feels comfortable around Barry/trusting Barry in a way he doesn't with everyone else.
6: favorite line from this character
So I don't know what my favorite line is, Oliver gets a lot of good zingers in, but I really love this exchange with him and Malcolm every time I rewatch S1
Malcolm: What are your thoughts, Oliver?
Oliver: I think the vigilante needs a better code name then "The Hood" or "The Hood Guy."
Malcolm: I agree. How about Green Arrow?
Oliver: Lame.
And then what is Oliver's final code name? The Green Arrow, of course.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Honestly, I don't really know that I relate to him. He's a very different person from me which is probably what makes him such an interesting character to delve into when writing.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Joining the cops??? I thought his inability to stop lying to people about shit could not be topped and then the final season happened. Comics Oliver would disown show Oliver over that one. He may not have been an real police officer, but working with the cops like that was just... crossing a line that should not have been crossed with this character.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
so many problems, I love this character anyway :D
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vacantgodling · 10 months
headcanon asks for Tagetes? and/or any of the sins lol
thank you for asking!! i can do a lil of both so i'll to tagetes annnnnnnnd maybe hubris!
Sexuality: god this is such a good question LMAO because for tagetes, sex isn't really about pleasure its about power and so what they enjoy is having power over others. they're a dom so they're into bdsm (VERY into bdsm-between themself and reginae they actually have a conjoined harem of about 50 paramours). however, they don't really like people to... touch them. so like. adjacent to the realm of "stone butch" because you're NOT touching their genitals; they aren't even getting naked and any touch that they give you with their hand is usually pain or tying you up. god this is a mess. they don't have a gender preference either so like tbh. their sexuality is just "dom" LMAOOOO. they'll top anyone and they better be into some kinky shit and power play.
romantically, they are aromantic. so bare min aroallo ig lol.
Gender: troibemme or nonbinary in our world. they exclusively go by they/them.
A ship I have with said character: I REALLY WISH THAT THEY WEREN'T SUCH A DICK BC THEM AND REGINAE ARE ACTUALLY SUCH A CUTE SHIP. like they totally enable one another and are they good people? absolutely not. but like, au where tagetes helps reginae kill off his brothers and they become ruling reagents and are absolutely obsessed with one another WHEN. tbh, i think in many ways, tagetes actually likes reginae, as a person. because tbh if they wanted to really get into a seat of power they wouldn't have chosen the fifth son of the reagent to weasel their way into a relationship with. but i think that they were somewhat... taken by reginae not trying to dampen their ambitions but encouraging them. reginae is VERY doting and in a weird way tagetes can be themself around them - which is yknow. an absolute piece of work, power hungry bastard, but reginae loves it and loves them. i wouldn't say that tagetes loves reginae; they are aromantic, however, they like reginae more than anyone else they have to spend time around so like. so fucking annoyed that they care about their ambition more than regi lmaooo.
A BROTP I have with said character: if you think tagetes has friends that's absolutely hilarious.
A NOTP I have with said character: true notp is tagetes x power LMAO.
A random headcanon: they smoke using a church warden pipe and its a very heavy nicotine laden blend. i gotta name it lol but its much harsher than the blend that amon and hya like to smoke. its a habit that they picked up from their father and they don't like to examine it too closely.
General Opinion over said character: tagetes is such an interesting character because i personally don't tend to get SO invested into my villainous characters (evondra in tcol and viktor in vdtrt are exceptions, however i like to call them the "not really evil, they are just ruled by their circumstances types where they are the way they are because of the hand that life has given them), to the point that i'm planning on writing a whole story centered around their terrible, horrible misdeeds, but like its fascinating getting to write a character so unapologetically horrible lol. like they suck! and its really a lot of fun to write how much they suck! i'm kinda obsessed with them lolol.
HUBRIS - the SIN of pride
Sexuality: he's on the mspec spectrum and probably the most romantically inclined of the sins aside from sion :3c he doesn't tend to stay in relationships for a long time tho and kind of flits to and from relationship to relationship depending on his mood. he has broken a LOT of hearts and usually has 4-6 flings going on at any given time lol
Gender: gnc masc but he uses he and sometimes they pronouns.
A ship I have with said character: i don't have a ship with him actually! i think he just kind of prefers not to be held down so i can't really imagine shipping him with one particular person, plus i haven't fully developed side characters for god eater quite yet; so perhaps in the future i'll have names for some of his flings lol
A BROTP I have with said character: he and ire are actually attached at the hip and even though she likes to deny how close they are they're super close and know each other like the back of each other's hands. he's dramatic and she's a hothead; its very jesse and james energy with the two of them lol.
A NOTP I have with said character: n/a really lol.
A random headcanon: he wears a lot of make up that's very extravagant and out there and usually spends a LOT of time on it. the one thing that never changes is that he has 3 small dots he always draws under each eye- no look for him is complete without them.
General Opinion over said character: hubris is such a fun guy he's literally the most dramatic and flamboyant darling ever. his bredth of emotion is all over the place; he can go from kind, to suave, to emotionally absent, to wailing in the span of like 5 minutes. he really lives life to the fullest and is one of the pieces of glue that holds the rest of the SINS together because he is absolutely planning to annoy all of them for eternity LMAO.
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
For the character thing. Warren Worthington, Viktor from Arcane, and... the Corinthian
Ooh okay!
Send Me A Character and I'll Give You....
1: sexuality headcanon - oh he's very much bisexual. I'm surprised they haven't made it canon yet tbh 2: otp - canon-wise, him and Psylocke. Though is it wrong to say my own OC too? 3: brotp - I like the idea of him and Kurt making up after the fight and eventually getting to be really good friends 4: notp - I see people shipping him with Bobby and I don't really get it? No harm to those shippers just not my cup of tea 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - hates hospitals and gets severe medical anxiety after what his father put him through in his childhood. Thankfully his healing factor is usually strong enough to avoid it though. 6: favorite line from this character - "Sometimes I feel unimportant, like all I do is catch those that fall. But I look like an angel. People call me an angel. And though I'm not taking names, I'm the one who is most visually saving lives. I'm doing alright, and dammit, I'm an X-Man" 7: one way in which I relate to this character - only one? uhhhhh how about all the rampant unexplained medical issues that first sprung up at age 12 and had me locking myself in the bathroom? among a lot of other things 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - there's one moment in the comics where he's kinda misogynistic towards Jean? It's from one of the very first X-Men runs from the 60s 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - both, and I mean that genuinely. Un-brainwashed he's a bit more of a cinammon roll, but then there's everything in the Apocalypse arc...
Viktor (fair warning I haven't watched Arcane in a while)
1: sexuality headcanon - gay, possibly ace or demi 2: otp - him and Jayce I guess? I don't really have one tbh 3: brotp - Don't really have one of these either. I guess it could be fun to see him and Jinx make friends, since they're both kinda inventors and that could be interesting 4: notp - none? Look After is literally the only Arcane fic I read right now, so I don't really know who he gets shipped with to begin with 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - uhhh everyone has chronic lung problems from the pollution in the Undercity but it affects him worse because he's prone to asthma/bronchitis/other lung conditions 6: favorite line from this character - "We lost ourselves. Lost our dream. In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good." 7: one way in which I relate to this character - Joint problems babeyyy 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - none? Been a while since I've seen the show, don't remember any specific moments 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Cinnamon roll
1: sexuality headcanon - not a headcanon but Neil Gaiman's confirmed he's pan and I like that 2: otp - again, do my OCs count? Nothing compares to Prometheus 3: brotp - don't really have one, but I want him and Hob to dish about Morpheus being a little bitch (/j) 4: notp - Corintheus. I get that it's popular but Dream's technically his creator and that just... gets weird to me. 5: first headcanon that pops into my head - he's got a soft spot for kids and genuinely doesn't want to hurt/scare them, it's the adults he gets fed up with 6: favorite line from this character - "You ever notice that people only ever use your name when you're in trouble? 'Get over here, Jed!'" (it's not the most impactful line of his but I think the delivery is really fun) 7: one way in which I relate to this character - on a simpler note... general Southern-ness I guess? But also the themes of being neglected/seen as inherently flawed by a parent (which... may be a repeat trend for me, just look at Warren lmao) 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - In the comics, when he gets remade the first time and is first relearning about the Dreaming and what happened. It's a great scene overall, there's just something about the way Dream and Matthew talk to him that feels a little weird to me. 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - Problematic fave, no doubt
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monokumafightclub · 5 months
I have no idea if you done Genocide Jack for that ask game or not
i have not, but better late than never! bonus toko as well bc why not
Sexuality Headcanon: obviously syo presents herself as a boy-liker and boy-killer, feels like she might be bi after her experiences with komaru, eventually settles on pan. toko insists that she's straight, but she's prob more bi than anything (once again, after the komaru thing). Gender Headcanon: toko rings off as cis female to me, syo probably doesn't give a shit especially when she goes by so many gendered names/nicknames in true crime circles that sticking to one is just too much effort. so agender/genderfluid on syo's part, probably? A ship I have with said character: syomaru and tokomaru, obviously. :'D admittedly i do enjoy syomaru a lil more than tokomaru, if mostly because i feel like they could've been showcased a bit more in UDG. that, and the shenanigan potential with syo and komaru is endless, i want silly casual antics with these two!! A BROTP I have with said character: i feel like syo and kotoko would be good friends, given the proper opportunity? i think she'd be a good guardian for kotoko! as for toko, i'm kinda growing to have a fondness for her and either aoi or sakura, if only toko would give either of them a chance, dangit!! A NOTP I have with said character: for the sake of both syo and toko, keep byakuya several leagues away from them. that being said, i do like syo fucking around with him just to piss him off. also people shipping syo and toko romantically is kinda weird, i don't like it A random headcanon: syo knows how to work with sheet metal and refuses to elaborate how or why. post-UDG, toko and komaru are attempting to collab on a novel together. key word being attempting. General Opinion over said character: even during the somethingawful LP days, i loved toko and syo and that love still holds strong even now. syo's a very fun character, but even beyond that, she adds some interesting facets to toko's character even if she wasn't exactly handled the best in her inception. as for toko, i'm probably one of the few people who did like her even before UDG; comedic assholes are my weakness. i do agree toko felt like she wasn't really fully utilized in DR1's main story though, so it's nice she got some expansion in UDG, as well as a genuine friend. ;o;
obviously there's people more qualified than i am in talking about them (esp in regards to their histories, their arc in UDG, and the whole DID thing), but i can still appreciate syo and toko as characters even if i can't articulate all the more complicated stuff regarding them.
also i REALLY enjoy seeing fun and fluffy stuff with syo, and your animations are a fantastic example of that! yandere/yangire stuff is kinda overplayed, so it's really nice seeing silly stuff with the silly serial killer!
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perelka-l · 2 years
Idk what other fandoms you have outside the Naruto fandom sooo how 'bout Madara
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know those links on my profile don't work in mobile and idk how to fix that???? but ye i have a handy dandy list lol
Anyway, meme time:
favorite thing about them
He's a big emotional dumbass with dumbassery maybe rivalring his hair he is absolutely horrible and look how far that got him. Also, six paths form. And everything. Man, it's hard to choose. He's a well constructed villain and also it's kinda cool how whole series starts with mentioning that name in hushed voices of disbelief and fear. for a reason huh.
least favorite thing about them
"i only ever use a jutsu once" bitch and yet you used susanoo over 2137 times in this series shut the fuck up and stop stroking your dick in front of everyone's faces
favorite line
ya think i will say it's about the second meteorite. it is indeed, the second meteorite line. I mean. It's that line, it's excellent for a reason.
That man has no bros. Honestly. He doesn't. I cannot answer this question, I have nothing in my mind, he canonically literally scared everyone away and nobody wanted to associate with him, he isn't bitchless, he is broless.
Oh man, where do I start. I will just go for those that I have most thots about, okie?
For starters, MadaIzu. Like, ofc we didn't have much of them shown but a) Uchiha is incest anyway and I will stand by it and b) Izuna was shown to be the only one that stood next to Madara. Nobody, literally almost nobody in this series could ever achieve that, no matter how willing one was - and Izuna was, I assume, entirely here for Madara. Maybe even was one of few people that thought about him, maybe even had him wrapped around his little finger and Madara would do a lot for his little bro. Man.
MadaObi. WHERE DO I EVEN START like I feel like I am going crazy when I start thinking about it. They are connected on so many fields, Obito being his descendant, Madara getting his body, stitching it together (man, there was that one fantastic art with old madara and obito.... doing precisely that), literally putting his hands on this boy's heart and sealing it (POETRY), brainwashing into becoming himself and later using Obito for all his worth, giving him life and choosing when to take it away, and Obito starting to resists like jfc my brainworms. I like them both as also shit jiji and bratty mago. THEY ARE JUST SO GOOD FUCKKKKKKKK I AM GNAWING AT MY HOODIE LIKE A RABID ANIMAL AAAAAA
HashiMada. That's all. Although... I like it a bit darker, not in means of whump and such but I can't help but thing that Hashirama unknowingly stumbled on something that swallowed both of them. Hashirama may have best interests in heart, but he isn't a good person, and Madara... Madara has his own issues. More below.
MadaTobi is nice. I always found it hilarious how similar they are and yet so different, and I like to think that's why they are so appealing together. Those two are not alright but maybe that's why they could have a relationship that would be akin to watching a slow hurricane in a distance. Gorgeous but pity everyone in its path. Those lads have mental issues but both are crazy scientists, and both are prickly cats, yanno?
nothing comes to my mind atm
random headcanon
A dumbass ace. And he is a dumbass. Well, more like mentally ill, not like those two things cancel out, but he really genuinely didn't question a moment when he heard a voice in his head say "do x thing" and he just fucking goes and does it. If you ask me, that guy even without zetsu around has some real fucking issues that are either exploited (hashi i see you you fucking whore) or misunderstood... And his power makes it dangerous because he can achieve all that he wants.
unpopular opinion
fem madara superiority ganggggggggggggggggg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
song i associate with them
Some are: Not Worth Remembering (Turk Dietrich Remix) by SONOIO, Tomorrow by Lorn, Sweet Shadows by Daughter Darling, NO FEAR by §E▲ ▓F D▓G§, Mavericks by Johnossi, Arzusun by Niyaz*, Candy Shop by Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire, Szamar Madar by Venetian Snares, The Elm Guest House by Gefradah, Velvet Divorce by Sneaker Pimps*, Begin Again by Purity Ring, SINKING by Diskette Park, Subterranean and Empires Lost by melodysheep, Voices in the Static by Hybrid*.
Songs marked with * are 6P specific... Yeah.
favorite picture of them
Tumblr media
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gralunaisland · 2 years
Starting off, I don't ship Graylu or Grayza (Nalu and Jerza ftw!) but I believe Gray had crush on both Lucy and Erza once. Gemini revealed in Oracion Seis arc that Lucy is Gray's type. And if we try to find similarities in Erza and Lucy, there are quite a few :
Both are level-headed and mature while also being absolute dorks at times. Of course, they're the prettiest too. They both have what it takes to keep the team in check, they're passionate about their friends and lastly, they both respect the boundaries of their respective lovers(Natsu and Jellal) despite both having been shown to have clear crush them. They are willing to wait for the right time.
That's Gray's type. Lucy and Erza are everything Juvia isn't nor can she ever be. She isn't Gray's type at all. She has been forced upon him. She doesn't have many friends, she doesn't respect personal boundaries, she is over possessive to the extent of attacking and wishing bad for others, she's even jealous of Wendy, a kid who happens to be like Gray's younger sibling, Frosch, an exceed even. Which is utterly disgusting. That's not the woman Gray wanted but unfortunately got. Would bring rain upon an entire town because of her own emotions.
She shouldn't exist honestly.
I actually really love how you ship differently than me, (I mean not really, since I ship Nalu and Jerza as well, just in how you don't ship Gralu) but that you're able to look at the manga/anime objectively! That's seriously a skill so many fans don't have.
You're not being delusional like some Pro gr///vians are when they try to claim juvia and Natsu are best friends, or that Gray and Lucy act like siblings so shipping them would be inc*st. (Seeing 2 characters as a BROTP is totally fine, but what's not fine is claiming that shipping them would be inc*st. And yet, some Pros claim it to make Gralu shippers look bad.)
Anyway, the thing you're looking at objectively here is that Gray seems to canonically have had a crush on both Lucy and Erza, and I agree, despite also not shipping Grayza! Gray thought both were strong and beautiful. It shows us hints at a crush on Erza in that one episode where Gray thought she looked beautiful while she was sleeping, and maybe the flashback one where Gray kinda blushed as kids when Erza idr cried or something. And then yeah, you mention it right, Gemini showed how highly Gray views Lucy and how she's the "whole package". And then throughout the show, Gray shows how hot he finds Lucy, and blushes several times, like the time he was looking for her in her house, or in the Tower of Heaven, or in the Key of the Starry Heaven arc where he imagined her in an outfit made of paper etc. Anyway, those were just some supporting examples of what you were saying.
I totally agree with you about the similarities Erza and Lucy share! Oh wow, every point is just so perfect. They're both smart, hard-working, lively and fun, they're strong, and they're loving. And you're darn right that they're the prettiest of them all! I especially love how you bring attention to how they are both willing to wait for the right time for their respective partners! That's such a good point: they put their love interest above their own desires.
And yeah, that's the exact opposite of what juvia is. she puts what she wants first, disregarding anyone it hurts, namely most of all Gray, the fricking object of her affection. That goes against all the morals the whole story of Fairy Tail tries to extol onto its watchers and readers, where you should be giving it all for your friends, that you'll put them first. But Mashima decided to completely dump that moral when it comes to juvia and make selfish, jealous, delusional, obsessive romantic "love" a virtue.
I agree, there is no reason juvia exists. she shouldn't in the first place. she doesn't make Gray's life better (she's literally ruining him), she doesn't make Fairy Tail a better place (she antagonizes all the women, even literal children and creatures of other species like you mention, Anon), and she certainly doesn't make her own life better through being a horrible person and manipulating and forcing an unwilling man to be her lover (not that I care that she's ruining her own life, it just goes to show that she's helping no one out).
Thank you so much for sending this ask; I'm in awe of the amount of thought you put into it!
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Hi, friend! 💕 I hope you've been well
I come here to give you Darius for the character's ask because I'm predictable. BUT also adding that one Herlock Sholmes guy because I remember a snippet you shared and he seemed fun
Thanks pal, today's my anniversary actually so I've been doing fairly well!
Listen. Listen. I'm always willing to talk about Darius, I'm just as predictable hahaha! But I'm down to talk about both!
1. Sexuality HC:
Ace Darius ace Darius ace Darius. I vibe with bi or aro for romantic inclinations tho
2. OTP:
Dariraeda, or maybe camdariraeda. But I also like not shipping Darius with anyone, depends on the mood
3. Brotp:
Darius & Eber mean so much to me, it's one of my absolute favorite Darius relationships and it gets ignored so often (I understand why but I'm still salty). Rebel trio too, bah I wish we got an episode about those three
4. Notp:
The worst theory for why Alador and Darius grew apart is that they were both into Odalia. Darius was never into Odalia, come on people
Darius x the prev GG kinda squicks me out too, I know the Grimwalkers tended to not live a long time so there's a chance he wasn't much older than Darius but the mentor-student ship dynamic has never been a favorite of mine
5. First HC that pops into my head:
The only CH that's been in their position longer than him is Terra
6. Favorite line from this character:
"And your treachery. Whatever."
The foreshadowing that he was a rebel lies in him caring more about his fit than treason. I loved him immediately
7. One way in which I relate to this character:
I can also be a bit of a neatfreak who just wants to relax instead of doing anything, and I also suffer from "bitch that cares about others" syndrome
8. Thing that gives me second-hand embarrassment about this character:
Him yelling at Raine about the CATTs name, omg he's so whiny in the name of his ego sometimes haha
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
100% problematic fave, he bullied kids and doesn't seem to have any qualms against murder
I'm very curious how my answers on this char will influence the very brief impression you have of him haha! I'm certain you will be surprised by some of it
Herlock Sholmes
1. Sexuality HC:
Pan to match the test tubes he's always wearing
2. OTP:
Vanlock, I just. Love how stupid they are. Loser wet cat addicts that have to interact because his daughter is his niece and vice versa, giant bitter exes energy, their dlc case & escapade were soooo funny
3. Brotp:
I can definitely see the appeal for hmmk and I sometimes vibe with fanart for it, but I significantly prefer them in a platonic/familiar sense than a romantic/sexual sense. A very unpopular opinion but idc haha
4. Notp:
Honestly the only ship I like for Herlock is vanlock, I really don't care for any of the others.
5. First HC that pops into my head:
I know it's canonically disproven and doesn't really track for his character, but I like to sometimes think about a Herlock that gave up smoking & hard drugs when he became Iris' guardian
6. Favorite line from this character:
Though this was from the fan translation of the game years before the localization came out, the classic Herlock line "That deduction was so hot you'd hardly believe this detective is single." (I can't find it rn but I'm pretty sure that was the line. I also love his offer of jumping into a caldron of boiling wax for what equals ~16.4mil£ in today's money lmao)
7. One way I relate to this character:
Adhd 😔🎻
8. Thing that gives me second-hand embarrassment about this character:
Ooooh I'm so weak to second-hand embarrassment and this bitch caused it so frequently he's SO unhinged and cringe. Absolute loser of a man, should've been punched in the face by Ryuu after a big plot twist reveal
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
He's absolutely 100% a problematic fave. He steals, he lies constantly, he does hard drugs, he raised his daughter to think some random guy was her dad and let her believe said guy abandoned her, he's immensely flawed as an individual but he's really funny and has good intentions so. Problematic fave material
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6ftkyle · 1 year
steeeeeaaan maaeeersssh
1: sexuality headcanon honestly bi, but i think he frames every dude he's interested in as "an exception" and calls himself straight even when he's married for a man for 25 years.
2: otp for stan my otp shifts around a lot because i ship stan with a lot of people and it kinda depends on who you and i have been talking about stan with the most lately LMAO i think rn its stolkien though, obsesst with them. other top contenders are stichole, stenny and stendy, but stolkien is edging them out right now.
3: brotp same as my last answer, its stan n kyle baybeeeeee.
4: notp uhhhh i guess also style. like i said before, i dont hate it or anything, it just doesnt click in my mind.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head i like to think in high school he does an agriculture class, and idk how it worked at anyone else's school, but you had to name and raise the animal and then sell it at the county fair at the end of the semester (generally for meat). so stan picks a cow, names her daisy and by the end of the semester he's so attached to her he begs his parents to buy her and move her to the farm (sorry in my mind hes never getting off that farm) and they cave and buy his cow. he's not allowed to do ag class again after that.
6: favorite line from this character Randy: Well, if you really think your life is so bad, Stan, why don't you take what you have out of your bicycle savings? Stan: ...well but... but that's my money.
my family throws this one around all the time, whenever we're trying to decide whos going to pay for something.
7: one way in which I relate to this character same as like 95% of other people, the depression :' ) outside of that i dont think i actually relate to stan too much.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character i... dont think i have anything? im sorry thats such a cop out answer, but i dont actually experience second hand embarrassment too much and i have such a soft spot for stan that in my head i make a million excuses for everything he does.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? said it before, theyre all problematic faves, tho stan is maybe the closest i come to having a cinnamon roll in this show. to me he is a little baby i want to protect.
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impandgnomes · 1 year
what about Clyde? tbh I think he deserves more scenes<3
The birthday boy??? (Well, recently birthday boy) ofc!!! You're so right ngl. Tysm for the askkkkk
Sorry for the wait lmao - I kinda got this ask when I had a migraine and I fell asleep and forgot until basically now orz I'm a total baby
1: sexuality headcanon
The kid is straight and I believe has next to no rizz. Deadass. The fact he has dated girls at all is a mystery (well okay, maybe he has more than Stan - ChatGPT proved neither of them are the best lmao)
2: otp
Ngl, I don't feel like I ship him with anyone 😭 I feel mean after roasting him like that
3: brotp
Craig or Tolkien are his closest bros, and I really don't think anyone can refute this ngl - but also Scott fr fr. It just makes sense.
4: notp
I guess I have a hard time seeing him at anyone's throat or anything. I guess Cartman? He's definitely low-key a bit of a schmuck when it comes to his bullshit😅
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
For some reason I like to the idea of teachers at school getting them confused constantly, and it's because of this they became friends - like Clyde got told he had one of Craig's detentions somehow and seeing Clyde get sad or even upset made him feel bad and stop him from taking the fall lmao
6: favorite line from this character
"I'm ready to suck ass and take names... Wait, that didn't come out right." - just the biggest mood of a line during battle in FBW lmao
7: one way in which i relate to this character
I was a total crybaby as a kid lmao - still am, honestly. Things that upset me make me cry too easily.
8: thing that gives my secondhand embarrassment about this character
He definitely can let his ego and wanting to win/get vengence get the better of him at times - mainly thinking of the whole making a zombie army stick of truth thing (nazi zombie chef was some sad shit ngl) and being told he was at the top of the list as cutest boy. I honestly feel for the most part that any member of the main four has done things leagues worse in the pursuit of feeling better than others lmao
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave
He's on the cinnamon roll side fr
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kiroonsmoon · 2 years
Aelita and Saki for the character hcs?
The girls,,
Sapphic, I don’t have a specific idea in mind but she’s queer as fuck.
Cis girl, she/her
Ship with character;
TBH I KINDA SHIP HER WITH ALAIN. This is because if protags have canon names with an option to name them yourself I usually go with the canon name and just see how I begin to view the protag myself. So anyway yeah I chose Alain in my first playthrough, really began to enjoy the MC’s dynamic with Aelita then the fucking game hit me with Chapter 15. Like, when I first went in all I knew is that there were canon names to the protags, didn’t know what to expect going in but I DIDNT EXPECT THE FUCKING UNDERTALE NAMING TWIST SJDJEIDIUW.
Like- never ever gonna happen. They will probably never even fucking interact but they’re still in my brain sometimes.
Her and Amber! They are cousins, I want to see them being annoying to each other, I want to see them doing family things I WANT THEM TO FIND AMBER’S DAD TOGETHER.
Texan seriously though I don’t really got one other than the obviously immoral ones.
Random Headcanon;
Absolutely the kid who collected random rocks and gave them to people. Kenneth was a frequent recipient of the rocks. He had a pretty cool rock collection before he died. She still gives random objects to people cuz she loves them and said random object reminded her of them.
General opinion;
I LOVE HER SM. If anything bad happens to her I will scream and cry. She is my girl and I’ll protect her with my life. Also, I really love reincarnation tropes/stories and she fills that niche for me lmao. Anyway she deserves only good things and if you say otherwise you’re WRONG.
Pan Grayromantic!
Cis girl, she/they
Ship with said character;
Fate lol. Oc x canon baby.
I find her’s and Amber relationship so fucking funny. They are the best frienemies fr. Also I want to see more of her and Erick. Chaos besties.
Again, aside from the obviously immoral ones I don’t have any.
Random hc;
She began to invent things when she was pretty young! She also 100% taped a knife and solar panel to a roomba as set it free into the wild. It’s still out there, waiting for it’s next victim.
General Opinion;
She is so fucking dumb, I love her sm, I want her to be safe and happy forever. ITS WHAT SHE DESERVES NO MORE NIGHTMARE RELAM FOR HER.
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notcorrect-persona5 · 3 years
akira for the character ask thing please!
Yes!! I’ve been wanting someone to ask me about Ren or Yu. After typing this though I feel like some of my opinions are kinda controversial 😅
Favorite Thing About Them
This is the question that keeps me from posting these quickly. There are too many things I love about these characters. It’s really hard to pick a favorite thing, so I’ll just talk about one of the many things I love.
Even though we know nothing about his life pre-game and he’s a silent protag, Ren’s still a really unique character while also being a normal, teenage boy. He doesn’t need to be weird or have an intriguing backstory to be interesting. He also feels like he could be a real person. And he’s hilarious.
Least Favorite Thing About Them
He’s mean to Mishima for no reason.
I wish he had more of a backstory. I want to know more about him and his life prior to the game. I think Strikers would have been the best opportunity to give us some more insight on his life, and I was really disappointed when that didn’t happen.
The way some of the fandom sexualizes him is disgusting. He’s a child.
Favorite Line
“I’m not the free labor type.”
Ryuji!! They’re friendship is so pure 🥺
Shumako! I wish they had more fan art, they’re such a cute couple.
I understand why people ship Shuake. I do not understand how people can say they’re “basically canon.” They’re not. Also, a lot of Shuake content I see portrays Ren as this super fluffy, sensitive, sweet catboy which is weird and so far from who he is. I think he’s portrayed this way to be a contrast to Akechi. I don’t think you should change a character’s personality just to fit your ship better or to create the ship dynamic that you want. Not all content is like this, but I’ve seen a lot of it. Also, also, Ren caring about his friend’s death doesn’t automatically equal romance. Of course, he was sad that Akechi died. They’re friends. Speaking of, Ren’s dream reality wish wasn’t for Akechi to be alive. People who are currently rejecting dream reality don’t get their wishes. We know this because the wishes of everyone else in the party disappeared when they started rejecting it. We also know that Ren’s wish was to stay in Tokyo forever (which you find out if you accept dream reality). Maruki said he brought Akechi back because he thought it was tragic. He never said Ren wished for it. Even if Ren did wish for it, that wouldn’t automatically equal romance. If my friend died, I would want them to be alive too. I know a lot of Shuake shippers are really defensive of their ship, so if you have the urge to argue with me, please don’t. I don’t have the time or energy to talk in-depth about their relationship.
Random Headcanon
Ren has a light country accent. In the stage play, Ryuji makes fun of the way he says a certain word at the ramen shop. In a manga, a stranger calls him “an idiotic country bumpkin.” The only way that stranger could have known Ren was from the country would be his accent.
Ren’s scared of heights. This is actually implied in the game, but not a lot of people know about it. When he goes to Tokyo Tower with Sumire, two of his responses are “You don’t mind heights?” And “B-But if we fall...” When he goes there with Takemi, he says his ears feel weird and his heart is pounding. She then asks if he’s scared of heights. If you choose to train, Morgana will tell Ren to stand on a chair and one of his dialogue options is, “I’m not good with heights.” He looks miserable on the roller coaster in the animation. At Dometown, Ryuji says he’ll protect Ren on the roller coaster and starts teasing him saying “you better not cry on it.” When asked if he would rather go to Hawaii or LA, Ren can say Leblanc. Ann will then ask if Ren is scared of airplanes.
He is not athletic. Like not in the slightest. Ryuji, Sumire, Takemi, and Kawakami all point this out. In the manga, Ren says he was late due to his “poor physical condition.”  Sumire never tells him “good job” after training, she always says “good effort.” In a manga, Yusuke said he wanted to capture suffering then asked Ren to exercise. In Dancing, Ren thinks this while in Makoto’s room, “The weights are labeled 4K...Almost nine pounds. Really!?” While in Akihabara, Ryuji says the exercise machines are really expensive. If the player chooses to say he wants one, Ryuji says even if Ren could afford one, he won’t use it and it’ll just collect dust. Ryuji also tells Ren, “You gotta be more active.” After Takemi says a lot of students have been getting injured due to sports she says, “Well, I guess a kid like you doesn’t have much to worry about that...”
His glasses are real. I know it’s confirmed that his glasses are fake, but I really don’t like that concept. Most people don’t wear glasses, so they won’t help him “blend in.” They’d do the opposite- if they did anything at all. And that “intense gaze” thing doesn’t make much sense either. Have you seen his portraits? His facial expressions hardly change, and he has so much hair you can barely even see his eyes. I also just dislike the “intense gaze” trope in general. I like having a character with glasses who isn’t a nerd, genius, or old. Your eyesight has no impact on your personality, so Ren - who is also the main character btw - needing glasses would be cool.
Since he wears a lot of black and is always with Morgana, he probably has cat hair all over him.
He doesn’t have a big stomach/appetite. He tends to react judgmentally to how much Sumire, Ryuji, and Ann eat. When he was asking around Yongen-Jaya to see if anyone knew Futaba, a man asked if Ren eats a lot, and after you respond the man says “you don’t eat a lot?”
Ren’s a picky eater. Makoto asks Ren if he’s an adventurous eater and his dialogue options are basically no. He says, “yeah, sometimes”, “not really”, and “it depends.” When Jose asks if your tastebuds change as you get older, both of Ren’s responses are no which makes me think he won’t try anything he disliked once, even if it was years ago.
Since he’s from a small town, Ren gets lost a lot. There’s actually a manga where he texts Ann, “I’m lost. Send help.” Ann asks if he’s bad with directions, and he - distressed- says “No...Tokyo just takes a little getting used too...”
Ren’s late pretty often.
Since he’s from a small town, he’s a slower walker than some of the other characters.
He’s terrible with names. He asks for Kamoshida’s name three times, when Kawakami says Niijima wants to speak with you he has the option to ask who that is, the dialogue options for telling Ryuji Mishima’s name, the text bubble never changes from principal and Haru’s fiancé even though the player knows their names, he forgets Arsene’s name in a manga strip, he forgets Eiko’s name, and in Q2 one of his dialogue options is there’s too many names.
Unpopular Opinion
I’ve seen a lot of people complain that Ren didn’t seem to have PTSD after everything that happened in the interrogation room. I’ve also read things like, “There’s no way he doesn’t have PTSD.” That’s not how PTSD works. PTSD doesn’t care what you think “should” or “should not” happen. Traumatic events can trigger PTSD; however, not everyone emerges from trauma with it. Headcanon all you want, but saying it’s wrong that the game didn’t give him PTSD isn’t right.
Song I Associate With Them
Criminal by Brittany Spears
Wildcard by KSHMR
Good Kid from The Lightning Thief the Musical
Make It Up by Sam Tsui (this song also gives me major Percy Jackson vibes)
Still Feel. by Half•Alive
Favorite Picture of Them
I have two!
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ladyfeldspar · 3 years
Clyde 😎!
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Why I like them - How much time do you have? How can I not? He's adorable, and even though okay yeah maybe he's a little dumb, (5x2=12) and maybe he gets too caught up in things (like in The List when he turns all douchey for a while, or the Raisins girls stuff), and maybe he's kinda a crybaby (to be fair though I would have cried if I ended up in Somalia and realized it wasn't what it was supposed to be too). But he's also got a conscience and a big heart (Lice Capades) and he clearly loves and supports his friends (Tweek x Craig when he goes to the art fair) and I literally could talk about this for 400 years. Clyde is just fabulous, okay?
Why I don’t - Blasphemy.
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - ... I... Lice Capades or The List? Or Fatbeard. Or Crack Baby Athletic Association. Or just honestly literally any one he's in.
Favorite season/movie - ^^^^ Although Lice Capades and The List are both from 11 so maybe 11 for giving me some more Clyde-centric-ish stuff.
Favorite line - Oh, God, I don't know if I have just one. "If it's just looks then I think I'm safe," is one I love because like, look at that confidence in himself. But if I can take one from the games, "I'm ready to suck ass and take names! ...Wait, that didn't come out right."
Favorite outfit - The High Elf of Faragon, or SoT Clyde, or Mosquito, shut up just give me all the Clydes.
OTP - Clenny, but I'm really into Cryde too. I just can't really justify breaking up Creek. Clyde and Kenny I just think would be so cute together.
Brotp - Cryde brotp for LIFE.
Head Canon - Clyde ends up getting a career in advertising and he can put all his terrible puns to good use and be fantastic at it.
Unpopular opinion - I don't like shipping him with Token because it seems more convenient than anything else, and I don't like shipping him with Bebe because she treated him terribly and I'm not over it.
A wish - I want Clyde to have some big storylines. Give me some Clyde focus! Some Cryde broship moments! Just something. Just more Clyde. See? I have simple desires.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - If Clyde dies I riot.
5 words to best describe them - Adorably sensitive kindhearted loyal friend.
My nickname for them - ...Let's just say there's a reason Kenny calls him Clyderiffic in some of my fics.
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yarart4ever · 3 years
Tigress (for the character asks)? ^^
ah yes, my comfort character ;w;
favorite thing about them: do you want those reasons listed alphabetically? lmao nahh I'm just kidding (besides if I were to name all of them we would be here for a while-) I have to say my favorite thing about Tigress is how complex she is. I'm all for complexity in characters and their arcs and Tigress definitely takes the cake. at first glance we see her as this hardcore emotionless master, but during the time we get to know her more we start to see her as someone who's actually gentle but fragile as she's been broken for far too long- sorry went poetic there I just love her man TwT
least favorite thing about them: oh shit I actually didn't think about that lol ;-; uuuuh, I guess how she acted in the first movie? I mean yeah I can definitely understand why she had every right to be angry, but I just wished that she looked past her anger for Po and see how he was also struggling a bit sooner that's like the only thing I could think of sorry ;-;
favorite line: definitely tied between "the hardcore do understand, but I can't watch my friend be killed" and/or "now that was pretty hardcore" :3 (funny those 2 lines came right at the moment those TiPo hugs happened, gee I wonder why-)
brOTP: Tigress, Mei Mei, and Viper. they would definitely be best friends and no I will not accept any criticism.
OTP: ....
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need I say more?
nOTP: Taigress and/or Shigress, I just do not like the idea of Tigress with her somewhat older brother (who's like, 20+ years older than her..... and kinda dead) or her somewhat father (who's also very, VERY much older than her-) just.... no ;-; I mean Taigress I kinda get it but I'm just not really okay with it, if anyone does ship them tho I wouldn't really mind or care :T
random headcanon: I have a few (and one of them is a bit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and I'm sure it's pretty much canon by the pandom) 1, she fidgets with her numb paws when she's nervous. that is all. 2, she actually has scars traced all over her body, and she has gotten more over the years while Po was around (a headcanon that also ties with why she has a yellow hanfu with sleeves) and 3, her tail is sensitive... like... rEALLY sensitive (THERE! I SAID IT! XD)
unpopular opinion: there's a lot of controversy coming around about Tigress being sapphic/lesbian or not... personally, I think she just likes both gender. I mean Angelina already came out as bi-sexual, and I know for a FACT Tigress loves girls, but she also loves guys too! LIKE COME GUYS! JUST GIVE HER BOTH! WHAT'S THE HARM LOL
song i associate with them this is prolly gonna sound cliche, but definitely heart attack by Demi Lovato (and/or I'm so sorry by Nico Collins if we're gonna talk about how Tigress treated Po in kfp1)
favorite picture of them oh jeez where do I even start- you know what, Imma show my 2 personal favorites :3
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