#i keep seeing this stupid fucking cat everywhere
glassdiscohouses · 24 days
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angelsknifeprty · 1 month
streamer!ellie hcs ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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a/n: this is more focused on ellie and less on ellie x reader but i am for sure gonna follow this up with something else more focused on the both of you >:3
warnings | mentions of weed, the smallest hint towards struggling with eating if you squint
word count: 698
do not buy tlou | ways to help palestine | operation olive branch | keep eyes on sudan | haiti’s history | learn about congo
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ started off posting unlisted videos of her playing games with the stupidest, shittiest editing ever for you and her friends to watch and later decided to give streaming a try
‎ ‧₊˚౨ৎ starts off her twitch channel as a faceless streamer but does a face reveal when she hits a big milestone
‧₊˚౨ৎ has the creeper mini fridge for sure!!
‧₊˚౨ৎ has a ginger cat named garfield that she exclusively calls garfunkel on stream because her viewers made fun of her for garfield being too unoriginal
“guys, what do you mean it’s unoriginal, look at him. that’s literally garfield, the real deal. you’re all haters.”
‧₊˚౨ৎ plays a bunch of different games: minecraft obviously, fortnite, roblox (and argues with kids on there, you can’t tell me any different). also loves fnaf, elder scrolls and resident evil
‧₊˚౨ৎ more on her liking resident evil, i think she’s not super wimpy when it comes to games like that but she HATES the regenerators from the re4 remake (i’m totally not projecting…)
“i am NOT a wimp, but look at their freaky fucking arms!! and they have gross little butts too, that was not a necessary choice for the character design.”
‧₊˚౨ৎ she does find it funny when she kills them and they jiggle as they fall on the ground though
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ i’m throwing it in here that she smokes weed because i simply cannot help myself teehee :P
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ she does more chill streams of her eating n stuff as a way of comforting her viewers so they can eat along with her )):
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ and in turn chat always spams her with comments to drink water because that girl survives purely on energy drinks to combat her sleepy girl syndrome
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ abuses the soundboard so heavily, loves using a sound effect of an audience clapping and cheering when she tells the most painfully unfunny joke
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ she is ABSOLUTELY a jerma985 fan
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ loves putting her fans on blast and reacting to edits of her on stream and finds it so funny (especially the ones that have the reverb fart noise just randomly slapped in there, she thinks it’s peak humour)
“you guys think i don’t see this stuff? i have eyes everywhere. y’know what though, you guys are actually really talented.”
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ wears stupid t-shirts that say stuff like “i paused my game to be here” (omg i just found one that says “gamers make better lovers, they know all the right buttons” she would absolutely wear that)
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ she wears her silly t-shirts with pride and has the audacity to ask chat to rate how hard her fit goes
therealher0brine: BOOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅 0/10
elliebellie69: i beg that you don’t leave the house in that /lh  (╥﹏╥)
gnarpgnarp500: never beating the loser lesbian allegations i fear…
“guys you’re just not seeing the vision, sorry that you’re not this cool.”
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ oh my gosh she is OBSESSED with the little ikea alien, she has multiple of them in her room. she keeps one on her desk and when she sometimes doesn’t know what to say she’ll just hold it up super close to the camera and make incoherent high pitched babbling sounds
smelliams420: omg cancelled you can’t say that dude…
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ gets her viewers to send in clips and she’ll do high try not to laugh streams and fails miserably because she has the dumbest sense of humour ever. she’ll blame it entirely on the herb though as if her reaction wouldn’t be near enough the same when she’s sober
‧₊˚౨ৎ will occasionally play guitar on stream and she’ll sing too if you catch her in the right mood. she’s a bit awkward about it so it doesn’t happen often cuz she hates messing up and always makes a way bigger deal about it than necessary
“fuck- no wait, i was just messing with you. that fuck up was on purpose, shut up,” and her cheeks are flushed bright red as she tries to brush it off and compose herself before trying again
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ loves to get sidetracked and info dumps about stuff she is far too knowledgeable on
 ‧₊˚౨ৎ in conclusion, loser ellie supremacy
a/n: raghhh i love streamer els with my whole heart !!! i’m gonna eat her (˶˃⤙˂˶) anyways i hope you enjoyed, k bye mwah! >3< ♡
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anystalker707 · 2 months
way too good
Pairing: Shanks x [gn, afab] Reader Summary: Because your boyfriend bought you a strap-on to fuck him. Tags: bottom Shanks / he kinda loses it / but he has a sharp tongue / obliterate the old man
Requested by anon ["Heyyy! If you're interested, I'd like to request Shanks or Law (whoever you'd prefer) x ftm Male S/O smut, where he buys a strap-on for reader so he can finally top/dom them? Fluffy-ish or romantic if possible because I'm a sucker"]
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          With all the insistence that Shanks had put up, it was impossible to deny it to him, even more with how he would give you kisses between each plea, hugging you tightly and suffocating you with affection. You agreed without thinking much, in the end, and it quickly led to now.
The atmosphere grew thicker easily as he deepened the kiss, letting his tongue glide along yours before his mouth was pressed to your neck again, leaving behind a trail of love bites on your skin. His stubble scratched your skin, but you’d already gotten used to it, with so long of kissing.
“Come on, baby,” Shanks whispered as he felt your hands slip into his shirt, slowly undressing him. A grin laced his lips as he relaxed against the mattress and let you do all the work, as always. He interrupted himself with a high-pitched moan when your lips pressed to his pec, nipping and sucking while you pressed your thigh against the bulge in his pants.
“You better be nice or else I’ll give up on this.” You clicked your tongue and sat back on your legs, only taking a glance at Shanks’ face before you took your shirt off. The stupid grin continued on his face, though he made a defensive motion with his hand. You’d do something about it, but patience was key. Shanks couldn’t keep his hands off you even while you undressed, rubbing your waist, your chest, your thighs—everywhere he could reach, sometimes going as far as to snatch a moan from you.
“I’ll give you the choice.” You stood up from the bed and got the box from the bedside table, securing everything was alright to put on the strap-on. Shanks practically drooled while he watched you, the bulge in his pants twitching in anticipation, with that dumb expression on his face. “I’ll let you choose the position,” you said, taking the lube from the box, and climbed on the bed again.
Shanks clicked his tongue, tilting his head. “Missionary, so I can see your pretty face while you argue with me.” Oh. Really? You raised your eyebrows with fake amusement, which only made his grin widen. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
You clicked your tongue with a scoff, shaking your head. “Undress already! Damn it!”
The slap you gave Shanks’ thigh only earned you a moan before he moved to get his pants and underwear off completely, promptly spreading his legs apart for you once he was done. “My love?”
Honestly, you loved what Shanks looked like. His muscles, the way he looked so juicy… You had to hold yourself back from biting on Shanks’ thigh or tit the moment you settled down between his legs. Your man, waiting for you to take him. It made the heat between your legs intensify, and you groaned softly, much to Shanks’ pleasure.
“What? Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” Shanks teased with a chuckle, interrupted by how his breath hitched the moment the cold lube hit his balls, slowly dripping down to his hole. “Fuck…”
“You’re talking too much, my love,” you muttered with a glare. Once there was a decent amount of lube, you scooped it up with a couple of fingers and started pushing it into Shanks, slipping two fingers past the ring of muscles with relative ease, since you’d been fingering him quite often during the past week. He’d planned all that terribly well. Either way, he was as sensitive as ever, moaning and arching his back when your fingers curled inside him. His thigh was firm under your palm. Your fingers dug into the flesh, though it strained when he tensed up, requiring a firmer grip from you. “Shanks,” you muttered, feeling him clench around your fingers, squeezing his thigh as your fingers pressed down to the spot that made him gasp.
“You’re too good at it,” Shanks breathed in response, groaning at the loss of your fingers, squirming a little.
You grabbed the lube again, though the aim was the dildo of the strap-on this time, adjusting your position between his legs. “I know. What did you expect from me?” You raised an eyebrow and watched him scoff while spreading the lube over the toy.
“You know, I— Nngh, fuck,” Shanks cut himself off when the tip of the dildo pressed to his hole, pushing in just a little. “You’re terrible, y’know that?”
“You’re just stupid,” you chuckled, taking a firm grip of Shanks’ thighs, and it was a matter of seconds before he was gasping again, his answer giving place to a moan when the toy pushed inside him completely. “You talk too much for someone who was begging his partner to fuck him,” you said, raising an eyebrow at him, giving Shanks a moment.
The sudden pleasure had made Shanks’ eyes widen as he arched his back and grasped the pillow. So he was more sensitive when he was taking it? Surely interesting. A small smirk laced your lips as you waited for a while, rubbing circles into his thighs with your thumbs.
“Move,” Shanks groaned, bucking his hips.
“What’s the magic word?” You teased with a grin, your eyes trailing down his body. His cock heaved back against his lower stomach, swollen and flushed, dripping pre-cum against his happy trail.
Shanks huffed, his breath hitching for a moment. “…Please,” he mumbled, finally, looking at you through narrowed eyes.
You nodded exaggeratedly. “Now, that’s better!”
Shanks would probably curse you or snap something in response, but it didn’t matter once you started moving your hips. He moaned, arching his back as he grasped the pillow under his head tightly. “Mmph, fuck, love…” Shanks closed his eyes for a moment.
You watched the dildo sink into his ass, observing the ring of lube accumulating by the base of the toy. “Hot,” you muttered before looking at Shanks’ face again and biting your lip. He really was more sensitive like that. Your breath caught in your throat at the sound of his moans as they filled the room along with the sound of skin against skin.
“More, babe, I know you can do better,” Shanks mumbled as he bucked his hips again, groaning softly.
“Shut up,” you clicked your tongue with a sigh, trying to keep yourself together. It was so hot, but you needed to focus on pleasing Shanks right now, as much as you craved his touch so much.
Shank’s moans cracked when you started moving your hips faster, hooking a hand under one of his knees to push his leg up against himself. The new angle made Shanks let out a sound that resembled a whimper, which managed to send a shiver down your spine. Fuck, so hot. You couldn’t help the groan that escaped your lips before you leaned in and pressed your lips to his chest, nipping and kissing on the skin while thrusting into him, seeming to find the perfect angle to make him go weak. His thigh trembled under your hold, his moans sounding whiny.
“The fuck you’re doing…” Shanks panted, gulping as he bucked his hips again. “I’ll cum fast if you keep up with that…” He breathed.
You couldn’t help but breathe a chuckle, shaking your head lightly. “Where did all that attitude go, hm?” You bit down on Shank’s chest hard enough to leave a mark that would probably be seen later, given his habit of leaving his shirt half-open.
A high-pitched moan came from Shanks as he arched his back, throwing his head back against the pillow. “Fuck,” he breathed as he looked at you through half-lidded eyes, with a crease between his furrowed eyebrows, and that face would probably keep in your mind for a while. When was the last time you felt so turned on?
Ignoring Shanks’ warnings, you just paused for a moment so that you could adjust your position to fuck into him properly again, and it seemed to be even better. Shanks hissed softly, rolling his eyes as your cock sank inside him repeatedly. Whatever you were doing to him, you were doing it right, reducing Shanks’ smug posture to crumbs under you. He pressed his eyes shut as his breath became more labored, and you couldn’t help but feel pride swelling in your chest because you could do that to Shanks.
Shanks seemed so lost in the bliss, his eyes barely open as the red strands fell over his face, sticking to the skin due to the light sweat.
“You’re so pretty,” you mumbled, fingers sinking into his thigh, and you were desperate for any kind of pleasure. Could you cum just from fucking Shanks like that? Just watching him squirm and moan around the toy that he’d bought for you to fuck him hard.
Maybe Shanks said something, but it just sounded like a groan as he arched his back and wrapped his arm around your neck to pull you closer, so you resumed your kisses on his chest, nipping and sucking on the skin while fucking him nice and good.
“Can you cum just from behind, Shanks?” You mumbled against his chest, observing his face with amusement. “Fuck, I want to make you cum untouched so bad…” And he let out a moan at your words, fingers sinking into your back. Damn it, Shanks was so responsive… You’d never heard him like that before.
“Y’talk too much,” Shanks breathed, voice strained, and you couldn’t help but continue observing him in amusement, intently. You couldn’t miss his orgasm face.
It only took Shanks a few thrusts before he was arching his back off the bed and squirming, bucking his hips into yours until he came, his cock spurting the thick cum, and you swear that he came more than usual, and fuck, what a sight. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, feeling yourself grow each time more aroused with it.
“Shanks, I need you so bad,” you breathed.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
pierre and reader who were childhood besties but he cuts ties with her to keep her safe but she gets hurt.
like i imagine they had those pretend weddings and printed out a fake marriage certificate and someone finds it and thinks they are actually married so they hurt the reader.
and pierre flips cus he literally left her to protect her but she still got hurt
A/N: See this is marriage, when you're having a shitty day and your wifey sends me this golden piece
"Will you just grow a pair; we need to find the information." A man hisses, standing in the pitch-black house. They shouldn't be in this house, no one was home, and the owner would not be so forgiving if they found out they were here. "Shut up, you fucker; the only reason we're here is because the boss said so." Creeping down the hallway, they have to be careful.
While this house had no one living in it for a while, they didn't know what type of security it would have. Breaking into the leader of the French Mafia was not brilliant, but they needed something against him. Studying the layout beforehand, they just needed to find the office.
They could use old papers or personal information. Reaching the door, they stopped waiting in case they could hear any ticks or anything to let them know if there were traps. Hearing nothing, they throw their bodies against the door, breaking it.
"Search everywhere." Nodding, the two men go off looking for a picture or a piece of paper with a name on it. One of the men stops, seeing a lock on a drawer. Taking their hammer, they knock it off and stop. "The fuck, he's married?" The other man laughs. "He's not." Reaching in, he pulls out the scrapbook.
"Really? Because this is filled with wedding pictures of him and some chick." Flipping through the pictures, he stares at the young face of Pierre Gasly and some girl in a white dress. "They look young." And they're right. The pictures were taken when you and Pierre were preteens.
It was one of those silly we'll get faked married and then promise to marry each other for real. Pierre was the first boy you loved, like truly loved in an all-consuming way. It was stupid, but you didn't know the future. It didn't realize that Pierre would stop talking to you and drop off the face of the planet. You last spoke years ago but kept the pictures and fake marriage certificates.
Sadly, the two dumbasses now in the office didn't know they were fake; to them, they found the holy grail of breaking Pierre Gasly.
"Yes, I'm home." Balancing your phone to your ear as you jam the keys into your apartment door. "Mama, stop. Paris is safe alright, no one followed me, and I'm about to enter my apartment. Please calm down." This was a daily thing, talking down your mother as you walked from work to home.
She hated that you lived in the big city, wishing you stayed home. But Paris has been safe for many years, and it was no worry to you. Walking in, you drop your purse, kick off your shoes, walking to the windows. Your cat, Eclair. The damn cat Pierre got you as a "wedding gift" was still alive. It reminded you of fonder times.
"Mama, I'm safe. It's just me and Eclair here. I'm hanging up." Ending the call, you groan, rubbing the tips of your fingers over Eclair's back. "It's not just you and Eclair here." Gasping, you spin around, coming face to face with a man in a mask. "Tell Pierre we say hello." Raising his arm, something heavy whips across your skull. You didn't even make it to the floor before passing out.
The harsh cleaner smell hits you first, then the feeling of your skull splitting open. Noises leave your mouth, and you want to move your arms, but your body is so heavy it's like lead. "Ow." Throat is tight, so dry from no water or talking for a few days.
"Mhmh." Blinding lights have you blinking fast. Eyes adjusted to the darkness, now facing the light worsens the pain. Yet you fight against it, ears ringing, and finally, settle on the beeping to your right. The blurriness fades away as you take in the pristine white of the room.
You're alive.
Eyes float around the room, taking in everything, but a splash of color has your attention. Dirty blonde hair and tan skin against the black outfit have you squint. You don't know anyone who would dress or look like this. Maybe a cop? Waiting for you to wake up to ask about the attack?
"You're awake?" That voice didn't belong to a cop; no, it belonged to someone you haven't seen for what seems like a lifetime. "Pea-Pierre?" You have to stop the slip of the nickname. The body stands as it moves over to your side, leaning over. Those blue eyes, you dream of those blue eyes.
"I'm here, ma femme." You make a noise, something of a laugh, which has him smiling, his fingers hanging off the railing, touching the cloth wrapped around your head. "Don't talk. They did some damage." Something in those soft blue eyes has them hardened in the corners. No one else would notice, but you have stared into those eyes and learned everything about them.
"I want to apologize, but I can't. I left to protect you, yet my leaving left you unprotected in a way I never imagined. They went after you to get to me." Pierre smiles, seeing how your face morphs, wanting to ask questions, yet you can't. "I can't tell you why," Reaching down, he clasps your hand in his, pressing a feather touch of a kiss to them.
"But, when you get out. You're coming with me, then I'll tell you everything. Just sleep." You hate that you can't fight, but sleep is dragging you down, slipping you back into the darkness you've grown accustomed to.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
I love that Eddie is a craft guy! It just makes so much sense. Do you think he's one of those people who is CONSTANTLY doing a new craft and their house is just littered with Eddie's crafts, and he's always making little hand made gifts for Steve, the party and the band? I can totally imagine Steve coming home and the house just being in total disarray and Eddie's just like "I made a bird table and i personalised all your coffee cups :))"
Eddie Munson and the ADHD urge to start a new project before you finished the last one.
Despite Eddie’s big personality and the joy he gets galivanting across cafeteria tables and award show stages, he is very much a homebody. His favorite places growing up was his bedroom, Gareth’s garage, and the drama room where he hosted D&D. Then he went on tour and when the shows were over, he just wanted to be home.
He liked being able to strip away the Eddie Munson persona, sit down, and channel all the ideas in his head into a creative output.
Honestly, making money just made it worse. He can afford shit now.
Steve’s the opposite though.
Steve likes to be out of the house. He was a kid that lived in a big house with parents that never wanted to see or hear him, sometimes year-round sports were the only thing keeping him sane. Once Eddie made it big and was touring, Steve was once again alone in a big empty house and so he found things to do.
He meets up with Robin at least once a week to get dinner and drinks, and sometimes they go dancing or they sing karaoke. Him and Dustin meet up semi-regularly to catch up. He was a part of their neighborhood walking group before Diane annoyed him out of it. He goes bowling with some teachers from work occasionally and takes a pottery class that he sucks at. Him and Max are a part of a trivia team that has only ever succeeded at being the drunkest team in the game.
So, the combination of ‘Steve is 90% of my impulse control and he’s not here right now’ and ‘If I don’t create something, I will die’ means that sometimes Steve comes home to a new windchime or a questionably made bird house.
 Sometimes he comes home to Eddie embroidering one of his jackets by hand even though he bought an embroidery machine that he has never used. Other times, he comes home and Eddie has carved every bar of soap they had into a little fucked-up guy or he found a recorder and wants to play Steve a song.
Or sometimes, Steve returns home from the cooking class he’s taking at their local community center to beads. Beads everywhere.
Beads in the carpet. Beads on the hardwood. Beads in their shoes by the stairs. Beads everywhere.
Steve – who is pretty Type-A about their house being clean and organized because he has a shit memory and needs to be able to find things – very calmly sits aside the ravioli that he made and says, “Eddie, what the fuck?”
“I dropped them.”
Steve makes a gesture like ‘yeah, no shit’ and then just makes a distressed noise, but Eddie waves him off as he dumps a handful of beads into the good punch bowl that they use for parties, “Don’t blame me. Your cat tripped me. I nearly brained myself.”
“She’s only my cat when she’s bad,” Steve sighs, sitting down to help pick the beads up. “Why do you have beads anyways? Since when do we have beads?”
“Do you remember those beaded lizard keychains?” Eddie asks, and then when all he got was silence. “I’m going to make you one…after we pick up two thousand pony beads.”
Steve makes another noise that’s somewhere between ‘you’re causing me actual pain’ and ‘I love you so much it makes me stupid’ and Eddie grins at him. He gestures to the punch bowl and says, “Stevie, think about it. Once we fill this bad boy up, we can separate the beads by color. That’ll be fun, right?”
“…Yeah, I’d actually really like that.”
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yelshin · 1 year
An: guess whos back (i speed run my projects real) | Wc: 1k+
Tags: Scaramouche(Wanderer) taking care of kitten [Name], mentions of: Cyno, Kaveh, Al haitham, Tighnari Jealous Scaramouche maybe?, cursing
"You what?" Scaramouche glared too harsh on Albedo, "i said im gonna have to borrow [Name] for some test... Don't worry they won't leave you" an irk mark appeared on the wanderer's forehead while you sat beside Kaveh who's busy teasing you on how the wanderer is overprotective towards you
"Oh shut it Kaveh we're just 'friends' nothing much" Cyno suspiciously eyed you; lowkey wanna plant another joke. And Al haitham doesn't really care about what's happening i mean he has his own world over there, "So [Name] will you-"
"Absolutely not." Scaramouche hissed towards Albedo's offering, You heard Kaveh saying 'oohh~' which you quickly hit him with your book, 'theres no way they would go to dragonspine just to do the stupid experime-' "sure, ill go" "WAIT WHAT"
"Listen this will only happen once in the lifetime so ill grab this opportunity to go to Dragonspine" Scaramouche looked pissed-no annoyed, i mean he doesn't wanna control your decisions but what IF something happened to you? But its not like he would give a single care- okay maybe he does BUT a little because you're his friend aren't you?
"Fine. Better come back early, also wear this" he hands you a fluffy coat— that is probably the one he used back in his fatui days at Snezhnaya, the coat was rather big to your figure but you knew it could keep you warm when traveling Sumeru to Dragonspine
After days of travel you finally arrived at the cold place of Dragonspine, but wearing the coat that Scara gave you made you feel warm, stepping a foot on Albedo's laboratory you wander your eyes everywhere in the room; admiring.
"So [Name] for this ahem—test, you just needed to drink this potion, worry not it won't hurt you" sweating a little you nervously took the potion from Albedo's hands; gulping it down. It actually doesn't taste bad, but suddenly you felt like shrinking, but before you could ask Albedo what the hell is happening you heard
A meow instead.
Feeling your ears twitch you suddenly realized that—
Albedo had turned you into a cat.
trying to find an exit to the big coat, Albedo picked you up along with the coat, taking a closer examination to you he sighs while you worry that you might stay like this forever, "don't worry [Name] a few weeks or days you'll be normal again"
'FEW WEEKS?!' you let out a loud meow but Albedo can read it on your face, he let out a light chuckle and place you on the table "don't worry, im sure the others will be..glad if they see you in this state"
'yeah except the fact someone will kill you once you go back to Sumeru.' "Haha well let's just hope i won't die yet"
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"YOU FUCKING WHAT?!" Scaramouche gripped on Albedo's collars tightly while shaking him; on the other hand Kaveh are busy petting your hand while Cyno being Cyno,, making jokes as usual...
"Is there any paw-sible way [Name] could go back to their normal state?" Tighnari look so done at Cyno, "please for the love of God's please stop..."
"Well few weeks they will turn back to normal again...i guess" "WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN I GUESS??" After very VERY long commotion between Scaramouche and Albedo, here you are. Sitting on his lap, i mean who could ignore your cuteness? You remind him of his cat-self once
"Can we borrow them now—" "No." Scaramouche's face turned sour when Kaveh's trying his very best to borrow you from him, which will always be unsuccessful.
And the rest of your kitten days all you ever see is Scaramouche having you on his lap everytime
He feeds you normal food with the help of Nahida
When he's going somewhere Nahida will take care of you while your friends took this chance to take you somewhere
We dont talk about what happened to Albedo. No.
And if he's on mood he would put you on his shoulder/or on top of his hat while he's chilling,
Secretly likes cuddling with you while sleeping- you knew that he like you, he just dont wanna admit it but not like you will force him tho
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An: planning to change the discords server theme to Kokomi,, and STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION BCS OF SCHOOL SHI. And scarameow series will be hiatus for now, thats all thank you!
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theonotti · 11 months
Theodore Nott | Headcanons | After Hogwarts Edition
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in my head, Theo didn’t fight for the death eaters in the war and CC does not exist thanks
The first thing Theo does when he gets his own place is get a cat.
The oldest cat the shelter has.
The cat would have a really stupid name like Fork and that’s 99% of the reason that he picked her.
“She’s a bloody fucking bitch. I love her dearly.”
Lowkey depressed
He lives in a one bedroom flat with a balcony so he can smoke and star gaze.
Keeps a tidy living space.
He tries to be a plant person but they always die
And i mean they ALWAYS die.
He has multiple bookcases lining his walls that are FILLED with books.
His occupation after the war is as an Unspeakable.
Only speaks to you about it
Hosts his friends often.
Movie nights. Dinners. Holidays. Regular hangouts. Despite having the smallest living quarters, he’s still the most likely to have them over.
Never the first to send a text
(Well almost never.)
Lives near a lake that he can walk along, similarly to how he’d walk along the Black Lake at Hogwarts.
Out of all of his friends, he sees Mattheo Riddle and Draco Malfoy the most, but he still sees Enzo, Blaise and Pansy often.
Somehow got even less talkative after the war because family trauma.
Only really talkative with his friends and you.
Becomes obsessed with muggle music now that he’s not worried about his parents finding out.
He’d listen to a little bit of everything.
Slow dancing across his kitchen floor.
Cannot go to sleep until he’s checked on Fork and given her at least 3 kisses on the top of her head.
Still the funniest person in any room.
He loves thunderstorms and will open the balcony door to listen to them.
You know he’s had a nightmare when he texts you really late at night (which happens more often than either of you would like).
He learned how to cook from his mum, so every time he cooks, he feels close to her.
Which means he cooks almost every night.
Feeding his friends and you is his love language.
Doesn’t use any magic when he cooks, just like she taught him.
He’s outgrown a lot of his anger that would cause him to get into fights as a student, still has a temper though.
He’s also cut down the amount of cigarettes he smokes a day to under ten, but he isn’t quite ready to quit yet.
He tries to go to the local library every couple of weeks.
fighting for your life as every day is a battle of the wits with him.
you: if i say i love you, you gotta say it back
theo: ok
you: i love you
theo: it back
theo: jk i love you
He keeps journals and saves every one.
Has only two pictures hanging up in his flat: one of his mum (the only one he has of her), and one of himself and you.
Basically walks everywhere.
Absolutely refuses to drive.
He’s gentle with everything.
His belongings.
His cat.
But most of all, you.
Favorite social media is snapchat and he sends you lil pictures throughout his day (when he’s not working obvi).
It’s his only social media actually, he hates the others.
Has a key made for you for his flat so you can come over whenever you please.
“babe” and “my love” are his favorite pet names.
He travels a lot for work and he always tries to see something cool when he’s there to show you.
With his dad in Azkaban, mum gone and no siblings, Theo thought adult life would be a lonely one.
But with his little found family from school, as well as you by his side
He couldn’t explain what loneliness feels like if he tried.
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A Cautionary Tale: Saint-14's Blunder
"Some still speak of the day, in hushed tones in the shadows corners of the tower, that Saint-14 fucked up.
The guardians know better than to speak the words too loudly for the great warlock Osiris is able to be anywhere and everywhere at once, but they have to warn the new lights of this cautionary tale.
You see Saint-14 and Osiris have faced unspeakable odds and still come back to each other with their bond stronger than ever. Their story is one of love conquering even time itself. So what could break such a perfect couple? What could bring the greatest love of the ages to a shaky edge?
It was not the hive, fallen, nor even the terrible vex. No my sweet blueberries, It was a bird.
Don't laugh, it's not a joke. Look to your elders and see their expressions little lights. Birds are no laughing matter in the tower. You have seen Saint's flock of pigeons, haven't you? Heard the tender way he calls Osiris his phoenix?
But this bird was neither of these. No, this bird was a Crow. A scrappy little Crow with a broken wing that Osiris found lost and abandoned by its flock. He was very protective of his little Crow. So protective that when Saint upset the little bird, even by accident, Osiris fell into a fit of rage even at his most trusted partner.
He yelled so loud you could hear it on the other side of the city. He snarled and hissed like a mother cat protecting her kits- honestly if you were there it was kinda sweet but you didn't hear that from me- anyway! The point was, Saint-14 was brought to his knees, pleading for forgiveness and repenting his mistake.
What? What did he do? I told you, he made Crow sad. Oh, how? Well Crow had this frankly stupid haircut and Crow overheard Saint joking about it to Geppetto. Oh, no I didn't mean an actual bird. I was being dramatic. Saint-14 and Osiris adopted the Vanguard Crow ages ago back when he was all sad and broody. Anyway, the lesson to be learned here kids, is to never insult Crow where Osiris can find out and he will find out no matter where you are. You should never-"
Osiris crossed his arms raising an eyebrow at the ghost bobbing on a plain tower shell surrounded by new lights and when one of the young hunters turned and yelped it caused the group to scatter like cats from a cucumber.
"Sagira, you can't keep doing this or none of the new lights will ever look at me without jumping." He tsked at her and she giggled as she moved to hover over his shoulder.
"Don't lie, you love watching them cower. Plus, it's funny to see how they all look at Crow after. He has no idea why he has an army of tiny guardian ducklings trailing him." She said dawning her usual shell with a flash of light now she wasn't trying to secretly spread rumors through the tower.
"At least you stopped telling them all I was in my boxers when I yelled at Saint. They really don't need to know those sort of things." He sighed as they headed toward the hanger.
"It was hilarious! You telling off Saint for making fun of Crow's terrible haircut while wearing nothing but your boxers and slippers and sleep robe! I can't believe Crow was brave enough to wake you up to make sad eyes at you over Saint mocking him. This is why he's my favorite." She chirped and Osiris rolled his eyes.
"I thought he was your favorite because he and Glint saved you from the traveler and helped you regain your memories so we could be reunited?" He hummed and she bobbed.
"You can have more than one reason for someone to be your favorite Osiris. After all, I'm sure there's many reasons I'm your favorite." She teased and Osiris frowned.
"When did I say you're my favorite? Did I not tell you of my close bond to the pooka I adopted?" He asked and grinned as she started ranting about how much better she was than some over-empathetic flying fish.
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
Can I flip the anon question? What are those moments where CI Lexa finds Clarke adorable? :3
Honestly when Clarke is just being entirely too much Clarke for anyone's own good lol
Because see, on the flip side, Clarke is an extremely tactile partner. Clarke is the wife who kisses and holds hands everywhere they go. Who will curl herself up into Lexa's side like a little mangy cat desperate for love. Who will just open herself up whenever Lexa feels like silently crawling into her lap and draping herself all over Clarke for no reason other than to feel close. Clarke's loving side with her is kind of their baseline, so it's when she does things that surpise Lexa that really grab her attention.
Something as stupid as Lexa being gone for a business trip and aching for that familiar touch that usually fills her days, so in a moment of weakness she texts "I'm in a meeting that's so boring I want to kill myself. Entertain me, my darling? Send a video of you pleasuring yourself. I want to watch."
It's her favorite thing to do in these stuffy meetings. The baited breath and anticipation making her antsy, crossing and uncrossing her legs because Lexa truly hates being patient when it comes to watching Clarke get off.
Only to click open the goddamn video... and find her wife sensually eating a slice of fucking pizza, making those obscene moans and biting her lips and licking her fingers like its the most erotic experience of her life.
And it's so stupid. It is so fucking stupid, and yet such a perfectly asshole-Clarke thing to do it has Lexa hiding a smile behind her fingers so that the very boring businessmen peppered around the conference table don't realize that she's not, in fact, just the emotionless cutthroat head of the Woods' Empire. That she's actually just a woman hopelessly in love with the same fucking idiot who has kept her on her toes every day since the first second they met.
That's what does it for Lexa. Because Clarke is a lot of things: ruthless, cruel, unyielding and filled the most delicious kind of ill-intent. She loves more fully and wonderfully than she gives herself credit for, and is forgiving even when Lexa's not sure if she deserves it. But what keeps Lexa falling in love over and over again, what makes Lexa's heart pound, is the brightness in her. The silliness, the funniness, how clever she truly is. It's the playfulness that she keeps hidden behind the darkest pieces of her heart that only Lexa is ever allowed to see
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will-pilled · 2 months
Possibly triggering stuff? Self harm, CA, SA.
Montague personality (summary, due to limited information):
Montague is controlling, as is evident. He comes off as very calm and collected, and seems like a rather calculating and "pulling the strings" sort of man. Can be very aggressive. Headcanons:
He/him cis man - Unlabled but prefers masculine leaning/androgynous individuals. (British cig) It's more aesthetics he's attracted to.
He is not a huge animal person, but Oscar was okay when he was around I guess..
Fashionista and artist, designs his outfits.
Fave colors are blue, white, black, blue-gray, and silver.
Knows a lot about rocks and crystals, keeps it to himself though because he doesn't want to look dorky.
He is very French, and swears in French often as well as muttering to himself and breaking into French speaking when flustered or overwhelmed.
Loves sweet and salty deserts as well as very savory food.
Really likes knives. They're neat.
He isn't a good man. He isn't even an anti hero. But he is very easy to feel bad for.
Not a fan of children, not at all.
Kind of a sarcastic ass hole. Not kind of, a huge one. Dry humor and sarcasm. *Blank stare* "Are you stupid?"
Skin care and hygiene freak, takes pride in how he looks.
The Society was the closest he had to friends, so when they all ditched each other he became bitter as FUCK.
He does want a romantic relationship BUT he also terrified of being close to someone. He doesn't want to risk someone being in control of him or being rejected or left. he has a VERY intense "leave people before they can leave me" mentality, but isn't really aware of it.
Borderline Personality Disorder - Is extremely convinced there is nothing wrong with him which leads him to be very "anti recovery," and makes him indulge a lot in unhealthy habits and actions. Has some narcissistic traits but not enough to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
He *appears* calm and collected, but the moment he is sure he is alone he may fall into a hole-in-wall-punching fit of rage. Him breaking things is not uncommon. He takes his anger out on objects the most. He wants to fill the hole in his heart with objects and power. He chases the temporary highs of stealing, the chase, being in control of someone, and even perhaps drugs if he is bored enough. He only smokes in front of others, as he avoids doing most others in front of people due to more noticeable effects. He feels rather empty.
Intense need for control over himself and others, and in turn hates losing his shit. He HATES when things don't go his way for this reason as well, and his stealing also goes into this as he wants to control items and where they are.
A bit of a stalker, but not too bad. Stalking socials is his biggest thing.
(Potentially triggering? Self harm.) He did the eye scar to himself. No cool backstory or funny accidents. He did it to himself to look the way HE wanted to look. To control how he looks and what happens to his body. He never talks about how he got it, but loves it. Likely has other scars as well in intricate patterns and pictures. Doesn't really do it anymore because he honestly got bored of it. Not because he got better in any sense of the phrase.
(!CA, SA!)
Montague grew up with a very emotionally abusive and controlling father (Montague is sadly repeating the cycle it seems). He wasn't hit much by his dad, but was often picked on by peers for his queerness and being "girly." which caused his aggressiveness, though since he can do "whatever he wants" he is more open about it now. Not really "price flags everywhere" kind of open (though ngl I could see Meowscles being like that fucking bi and transgender ass cat) but more of a "clear closet"/"Is he... Y'know?" kinda open. He doesn't care for either parent much, they were both distant and let money raise him so he doesn't have much of an attachment to either of them. He has no feelings for them and when he came to the island he felt little to no grief at losing his old life other than his money and power.
He was assaulted when he was a young adult for a period of time by an employer, who had a great deal of influence and control. This is also where Montague's "I want influence and power" mindset comes from as well, so he will NEVER be at someone else's mercy again. He feels anger over it. He is no "perfect victim."
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whumpshaped · 6 months
anon asked:
I took my cat to the vet for his annual check-up this morning, and the same as in the past, he's been super clingy and following me around everywhere and wanting to cuddle since we got home. I don't know if it's because it was a scary experience or if it's because he's not feeling the greatest physically because he got two shots and some blood taken or what.
But yeah, now it's really got me wanting some pet whump in a similar vein. If you have the time for it and the interest, can we get a little human/humanoid pet post vet appointment whump where they're wanting/needing comfort? I know you favor bad caretakers, so maybe a little of that, but can we mostly get the soft squishy stuff?
Thanks. ^_^
i have a drabble abt a catboy getting a shot here so i'm gonna use those ocs if that's ok :)
itty bitty paw paws masterlist
tw hybrid whumper, whumper turned whumpee, sickfic, stockholm syndrome
"I hate these shots," Blitzen whined weakly, pawing at Charlie's arm to keep them by his side. "I always get so sick..."
"It's gonna be alright," they soothed, using their free hand to brush Blitz's damp hair out of his face. "It's alright every year, isn't it?"
Blitzen huffed, but it turned halfway into a miserable sob. "I'm not gonna go next year. I'm done. I'd rather get rabies."
Charlie's mood dropped instantly. "I don't think you would. Unless you enjoy your brain fucking melting."
Their charge gave them a pitiful look, and their expression softened. They didn't mean to sound harsh, really. But after seeing what rabies could do to an animal, they'd lost their will to joke about it.
"Sorry. It's just that I wouldn't in a million years want to see you go through that shit. It's horrifying." Blitzen was way less scary like this, incapacitated and feverish, and Charlie mustered up the courage to reach out and scratch behind his ear. He purred softly. "I'd rather you tear me to ribbons with those stupid claws every year."
"That's dumb," he mumbled, but he pushed his head into their palm anyway. Charlie rolled their eyes.
"I'll go change the cloth, alright? I'll just be a moment–"
"No!" Blitzen's hold tightened on their arm, sharp claws once again digging into their flesh and drawing blood. "Stay!"
"I'm staying, I'm staying!" they conceded. "Let go! This is not sick cat behaviour! At least pretend to be a little weaker!"
Blitzen withdrew his claws, but he kept his hold on their arm. He was looking at them like he was afraid Charlie would leave him outside in the rain in a cardboard box.
"I'm not leaving," they reiterated, calmer this time. Blitzen hesitantly let go. "There you go. It's okay."
"You're really gonna do this to me again next year?" he sniffled.
It was stupid. Any sane person would've just let Blitzen catch some cat sickness and used it as an opportunity to escape.
Charlie sighed. "Yeah. I'm sorry, Blitz."
He whined and turned onto his side, burying his face in the pillow. "I hate you."
They gingerly took the wet cloth that fell onto the mattress as he'd turned and put it on the radiator. "That's alright, just try to get some sleep. It won't seem so dire once you've rested."
taglist: @whumpsday @kim-poce @hidden-dreamland @the-scrapegoat @catnykit
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1863-project · 10 months
Okay, was thinking about it and I remembered a lot of you were very young or not even alive for this, so:
When 9/11 happened I was 12 and had just started 7th grade. I grew up in a suburb of New York City. 12 people from my town died, including a firefighter whose son was in my younger brother's CCD group.
Things changed SO fast. Practically overnight. Suddenly, we were all hypervigilant, and after the immediate response of assistance from around the world, the prejudice was oozing from nearly everywhere. In northern New Jersey, we had and still have a large west (Middle East) and south Asian population. They were hit the hardest.
People freaked out just because a mosque was going to be built in lower Manhattan within several blocks of Ground Zero at one point. It was ridiculous and the Islamophobia was so fucking awful and infuriating. It still is. It didn't go away. For the most part, New Yorkers are usually good to each other because there's literally someone from everywhere here, but this was legitimately terrifying. People would even attack Sikhs - who weren't Muslim, Sikhism is its own thing - because they saw the turbans and made a decision based on racism (i.e. bin Laden had a turban so these people must be like him).
The "patriotism" was miserable. "Freedom fries" happened because people were mad that France didn't want to go into Iraq with Bush in 2003. We all thought it was stupid then too.
The Chicks (formerly known as the Dixie Chicks) got blackballed because they came out against said war. They were one of the biggest country acts in the world at the time. In general, country music went through a massive tonal shift post-9/11 and became far more "patriotic" and conservative. Johnny Cash wouldn't have recognized it.
The Flash movies that inevitably popped up satirizing politics were...something. You can find most of them archived on YouTube these days. But that was how the internet tended to cope back then.
The shift from happiness to paranoia was so fucking fast. I went from a world where my biggest concern was pre-ordering the GameCube to being worried about politics and death all the time. All the news showed was footage of people dying for weeks. Politicians started using the footage in commercials. You just had to keep reliving the trauma of it over and over again. I stopped watching the news.
It was, looking back on it, a huge galvanizing point for the American right. Politicians started using 9/11 to justify so many things. This was where I began to see as a young teenager that you could use people's prejudices to get a grip on power and get what you wanted. I didn't like it.
People started drawing memorial art almost immediately. The phenomenon of memorial art being done decades later with cartoon characters still persists on deviantART to this day, but when it started, it was mostly people doing vent art because it's really upsetting to be a kid and see death on that scale on the news.
It took me 15 years to go back to the site after 9/11. I'd been as a kid in 1997 and I went up in the South Tower with my family. I didn't set foot there again until 2016, 15 years after the attacks. I found the name of the firefighter whose son was in my brother's CCD class. It was surreal.
This chapter of American history arguably closed for many people in 2011, when bin Laden was killed in a raid. I remember watching the Mets play the Phillies that night. Daniel Murphy, who I'd named a cat after two years earlier, was at bat, and suddenly the crowd started chanting "USA." I used my Blackberry to check the news and that was how I found out. I was a senior in college, about to graduate. I don't even remember how I felt, just that the way I found out was so fucking weird.
It was a really stressful, bizarre climate to grow up in. In the time between my 12th and my 22nd birthday, I saw my entire world get turned upside down overnight, massive waves of prejudice, unnecessary wars that killed even more innocent people, literal war crimes (tw: rape, murder, prisoner torture, every other bad thing you can think of under the sun), and the rise of false patriotism and nationalism, which you can still see the right wing harnessing today.
If you're going to mock something here, mock the false patriotism. Mock "Freedom Fries." Mock George W. Bush. Just...don't mock the actual moments where people died. Too many innocent people died from the attacks themselves, the Islamophobia afterwards, and the wars that followed. That shit isn't funny.
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f1-giuki · 1 year
Hi my darling!! 🤍 hope you’re doing well! 🥰
I would love to read a drabble for ‘Never figured you for this much of a cuddler’ with Lestappen?
Hello darling💖💖💖 I'm barely holding up, stupid university😭😭 but this prompt breathed life into me!! While I was writing it my fucking finger slipped on the post button but half of it was missing sjsjsjsjjs, but now it's complete!!
Hope you like this darling, ilysm🥺💖
If you ask anyone on this side of the Solar System, they would tell you that Charles Leclerc is the definition of beach guy. He can't put up a tent, hiking a mountain is fun only if he gets do it for a short amount of time, and he gets bored of travelling from city to city. Professional deformation and fear of being mobbed. Charles Leclerc loves with all his being the Sun on his skin, cheeky tan lines and the salty breeze of the sea. Once a beach guy always a beach guy.
But this doesn't count when you're walking on the soft and wet July sand with that thing... The thing being Pierre's new dog, the dumbest and most adorable labrador puppy Charles has ever seen. How he picked up the job, watching over the cute puppy, that's a mystery, he only remembers Pierre saying something about him being a moping bitch after his recent breakup and dumping the dog on him. He also remembers Pierre's girlfriend's texts saying sorry, what Pierre wanted to say is that the dog looks like a valid alternative to being sad, walking with a cute puppy peeks the interest of many people!
Yeah, half of the beach has looked at him, since his acquired pet has rolled over it for the most part, sort of peeing everywhere before Charles held him to do its things in the sea. It's probably weird stares and questionable laughs he got since he got out with the dog. Not approving looks or lustful glances.
He's half thinking about doing a walk of shame and go back to the beach entrance and go back home when he sees them, sitting on a purple beach towel. Max fucking Verstappen and his cat, probably Sassy because the feline is not on Max's lap but rather sleeping in a loaf position. Don't ask how he knows it. He can see the fond look on the Dutchman's eyes as he gently strokes the fur of his friend. Charles finds himself smiling at the scene.
He's about to wave at Max from a safe distance and proceed with his walk when he feels the leash that keeps the puppy by his side slipping from his hand and the dog sprinting towards Max. FUCK! If his Monaco curse extends to the rest of Côte D'Azur he might move to the Moon.
The dog runs towards Max, a bit uncoordinated on its big paws, it yaps a bit and it stops right before Max's beach umbrella. The Dutchman look at it with a kind smile and he extendeds his hand forward. The puppy sniffs and starts wagging his tail. Max looks at Sassy, who's carefully evaluating the dog from the side. She looks at Max and meows, going back to her nap. Approval. Max grins and he starts scratching behind the dog's ears, earning an amused bark. He sits back a little on the towel and the puppy steps on it. It lays on his back, rising his paws and Max starts petting his belly, grinning and talking to it in a cute voice, laughing when he sees the dog keeping wagging his tail.
Charles slaps a hand on his face. He could always tell Pierre that he lost the dog, kidnapped by a gang of mobsters, those are things that happen to him... But he won't. He gathers up all his courage and walks to where Max is. The Dutchman is still giving all of his attention to the puppy and he doesn't see Charles. The Monegasque clears his throat. Max looks up at him and gives him one of those stupidly attractive blinding smiles.
"Hi, uhm, Max, never figured you for this much of a cuddler," Charles says, totally making a fool of himself.
Max looks at him, blinking twice, and Charles would like to disappear, dig a hole in the ground and stay there. The greatest of idiots rests there. But the Dutchman laughs and he pats the spot next to him on the beach towel. He's not going to fit on that tiny hamlet of fabric, but that's not something he cares about. He made a fool of himself all of the day, he better take advantage of it.
Charles blushes like a mad man and he sits down, because today is also all about forgetting what self preservation is. Max curiously looks at him and goes back to petting the puppy.
"Hello, Charles... I found this puppy on the beach, well, it ran to me, but now that I think about it, it doesn't have a collar..." Max says.
"Oh, about that... It's Pierre's puppy... I am on babysitting duty, I'm not doing very good, as you can see..." Charles says, earning a chuckle from Max. His ears flush deep red and he has to force himself not to think about where their thighs are touching on the beach towel. Their legs are completely flushed together but Charles must not think about thighs. Especially Max's.
"It's okay, dogs can be a handful..." Max says as he eyes the puppy lovingly. It crawls over their legs and he settles half on Max's and hald on Charles’ legs, deciding it is time for a nap.
Charles rolls his eyes and Max chuckles. The Dutchman looks at him and Charles is not embarrassed anymore of the blush on his cheeks. Being ashamed for being a blushing mess in front of Max Verstappen is something so 2022-like, we've gone over it, now it's openly crushing time. It's not like he has some shame left. If he had he wouldn't be staring at the point where Max's pecs join.
He doesn't realise Max was moving his arms until he fells a hand settling in between his hair that starts scratching his scalp. He closes his eyes and hums quietly. Max chuckles and keeps treating Charles like a puppy.
"Never figured you for this much of a cuddler, Charles," Max says under his breath.
Charles is going to be so fucked...
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enemyoflactose · 2 months
Here are Most of my Yami Bakura head canons (some of them are kinda angsty)
Yami Bakura is really really good at applying eyeliner and mascara, but is dog shit at applying any other makeup.
When he's really stressed he scratches at his face and arms as hard as he can, which led to Ryou having to cut his nails so he wouldn't come back into consciousness with scratches everywhere because Yami Bakura was overwhelmed.
He has a fear of fire, but because he likes smoking he just closes his eyes when he needs a light.
He gets cold easily.
He loves dogs! If they didn't absolutely despise him they'd be his favorite animal. He settled for cobras because they seem to have unconditional love and adoration for him.
The reason Yugi, Anzu, Jonouchi, and Honda’s dolls all looked so different from Ryou's doll is because Yami Bakura made them.
He loves Godzilla movies and tried to convince Ryou to give Dark Master Zorc an atomic blast, but was shot down due to Ryou not knowing he existed. (Ryou would absolutely give DM Zorc an atomic blast)
Yami Bakura loves sweet things like cake and candy. His favorite pastry is chocolate filled croissants. He prefers it when they have the traditional croissant shape because it's easier for him to eat.
Isn't a fan of horror movies unless it's body horror or really really fucking stupid.
He likes biting his partners. Not just chomping on their skin either, he likes to nibble and really get his teeth all up in their skin. They can't bite back though because he's ticklish and will slap them really hard.
He likes to sleep in weird places. Underneath tables, in front of balcony windows, bathtubs, inside the couch.
He is a certified boob enjoyer. Doesn't matter what size. He likes all of them.
He likes neutral colors. Blacks, grays, whites, browns, and tans. Sometimes yellow.
He ate someone once. Full on cannibalized them. Only regret is that he kinda tasted bad.
He loves cats! They're not his favorite, but he loves them because they are soft and they love him back. (Dogs are the only animals that don't like him)
He doesn't like hummus. No particular reason. He just does not like it.
Completely tuned out everything Marik said after he was told his name. Everything else was in one ear and out the other.
Pretty chill with bugs unless they're flies, roaches, locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers. He doesn't like those at all.
In the situation where he got a redemption, I don't think he'd feel bad for the Yugi gang or almost ending the world. I think he just wouldn't see the point in taking revenge anymore because it obviously just wasn't working out. He isn't killing people anymore though! (He feels a little bad about Ghost and Ryou tho. He went a little overboard on them.)
He can't walk in heels over 2 inches.
He's actually really insecure about his dueling skills since he doesn't like the game that much, but he literally needs to play it.
He really likes flowers and gardening.
He keeps a copy of Tragoedia in his wallet, for memories sake.
He is incredibly touch starved, but he also feels like he doesn't really deserve to be touched in a soft and tender way. He doesn't like being kissed or hugged because that's just too gentle and loving, being bit tickles and that makes him feel too vulnerable. He can't help that he feels this way, but he just can't accept that someone actually loves him.
He stole his black trench coat from Kaiba.
Out of all of Ryou's friends, I imagine that Honda is the one he hates the least. He doesn't really do anything, and he protects Ryou from danger, so there isn't much to hate about him other than the fact he's friends with Yami.
The Yami he knows is the same Yami that burned people alive, blew people up, blew out people's eardrums, fed people to monsters, made people die a few times, and threatened to rip off people's legs. That's the Yami he knows, and he's terrified of him.
His favorite video game series is Dark Souls.
If Yami Bakura accepts the love of someone, he starts to purposely hurt them so they can stay home with him. He's subtle about it, so it's hard to tell if it's on purpose or not.
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hjea · 10 months
t'pol makes me feel sooo!!!!!!! she spends 2 years on a ship full of humans who kind of hate her a little, being treated with bad faith at every turn and held to account for every flaw of every vulcan everywhere and then she CHOOSES TO STAY. falls in STUPID LOVE with the DORKIEST GUY IN THE BUNCH. a+++ character i adore her
oh man i am right there with you—t’pol is kind of everything to me right now. i just want to draw little hearts around her head at all times. and it’s kind of frustrating that you can so clearly see that thought process of “casting jeri ryan and keeping her in a cat suit helped voyager’s ratings, let’s do that with this hot vulcan from the get go!” at work. the lack of subtlety and downright sleaziness about it sometimes makes me :/
but then—also, like jeri ryan—they went and cast an actor who was fucking GOOD? jolene blalock was acting her socks off the whole time. you can see the care and thought she put into t’pol in every episode. she’s got this tightrope act of making t’pol so distinct from her human counterparts, really honouring that truly alien nature of a vulcan, while also emoting so much in all these small ways so you feel alongside her journey all the way. it would have been so easy for t’pol to become this hot but ultimately shallow and cold nothing of a character. but instead she’s the heart of this whole story.
also—and i continue to be surprised at how much enterprise is making me reassess my trek assumptions, but credit where credit is due—i kind of love what they did with the pre-federation vulcans, and their relationship with humanity. it is so different from where both species are in the timeline 200 years later, but it’s interesting and uncomfortable and it works.
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sonicasura · 1 year
I got another insane idea.
Trollhunters but it's a race to fix the Amulet of Daylight.
When Jim picks up the amulet, something... unnatural occurs. Magic surges uncontrollably through it before the item explodes. Shards of the amulet fly across Arcadia while one piece plunges into Jim's heart.
He falls unconscious and is taken to the hospital as the 'Daylight Fragment' in his chest begins to integrate itself. Meanwhile panic has spread across Trollmarket upon hearing about the Amulet's destruction. Without the Trollhunter, who will protect them from Gunmar's tyranny?
Vendel decides to form a group who shall collect the Daylight Fragments and rebuild the Amulet of Daylight! They already know where the first piece is... Although Jim ain't doing too hot even before the hunt begins.
The Daylight Fragment began altering his body from the inside as the boy wasn't meant to channel magic. Jim had multiple seizures and was put into ICU ward while the shard tries to keep the young man alive. It is only when night fell did shit really hit the fan.
The hospital's power goes out as the Daylight Fragment let looses a large magical surge. Barbara and Toby rush over to Jim's room only to find it a wreck with the boy shuddering in the corner. He could barely mutter out 'Run' before he transforms into a full blown troll.
(This isn't Beast Jim if you are wondering. His form here is gonna be a more natural progression from canon Troll Jim. Larger like 18 ft but with an Olympic runner's build, fur covering his entire back, sides, front legs, front arms then down newly grown long tail, and maybe an extra pair of arms.)
What better way to traumatize your loved ones than by chasing them down as an stony beast suffering from magic overload? He catches Barbara but their strong bond allows Jim come to his senses before he could hurt her. A sweet moment that is ruined by Draal whose quick to misinterpret the situation upon arrival.
Both begin to fight with Jim at a clear disadvantage in this new form until Blinky and AAARRRGGHH intervene. They realize their task has become harder as the Daylight Fragment has fused into the boy's body thus any removal would be lethal. Not to mention two humans now know about their existence with one being the human now troll's mother.
In short, four trolls and two humans have to work together to gather the Daylight Fragments before Gunmar's forces do. Failure means not only will nothing be able to stop the Gumm-Gumm King but Jim will never become human again. Hopefully they can put aside their differences and work together...right?
What To Expect:
Jim isn't having a fun time. He's a tired bean who wants to sleep in his bed without breaking nor trying to eat it. Troll instincts tend to absolutely sucks.
Toby being an amazing best friend and wingman for his buddy. Someone has to be there for him so the big guy doesn't eat homework or chase stray cats. Plus Jim needs hugs and HE WILL GET THEM.
Barbara is ready to beat up everyone who dares to try hurting her son. The trolls are absolutely scared of the doctor. Especially when she gets out the broom or finds a sword.
Draal and Blinky are absolute disasters while AAARRRGGHH is the only one with some common sense. At this point someone needs to make troll proof leashes cause the Krubera needs to keep both from doing something stupid. Barbara will be happy to oblige.
Everyone, including the villains, are so fucking confused. Why is there magic metal shards everywhere? Strickler wondering what happened to Young Atlas and why does Barbara have a barb wire broom? Everyone is in for one hell of a chaotic wild ride.
If anyone wants to try their own hand at such an idea then go ahead! Like to see what you guys can make hence this being a prompt! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Arcadia! For now enjoy the song that this partly stems from Control by Halsey.
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