#i just wanna give tours and teach people without being a school teach guys i just need to be gay but not have to deal with people my age rn
l0rd-0f-c0ws · 1 year
Thinking I might major in anthropology or smth, I wanna pick a history based major but idk what, I just wanna work at a museum while I do art stuff on the side since I think that'd make me the most happy. Gotta min max my future guys
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thinkingwithtala · 1 year
Backstage with Bam Magera
I was 18. I still remember walking out my bedroom door to go to my two jobs. I almost grabbed a deck of tarot cards- just incase I met Bam. I was going to Down Under Bar after work to meet up with my friends and see Fuck Face Unstoppable. I decided that they were too heavy to carry around in my bag all day and I could just read his palm anyway. After two shifts at two different jobs, I made my way to Down Under Bar. The show was almost over. There was a guy with his dick out on stage. It was messy to say the least. Entertaining- of course. Everyone started to clear out once the show was over. The drummer however stuck around for photos with people from the crowd. Maybe he was famous. Everyone pushed in front of me as I waited. And eventually they all left and I got my photo. He looked at me and said “wanna come back stage?” I replied immediately “can my friend come?” “Who’s your friend?” I pointed to my girl friend who took the photo. “Sure”. We then headed back stage. It was in this moment I realised he was expecting us to hook up with him. I turned to my friend immediately when I realised what the fuck was going on. “I’m not fucking him” I hissed at her. “It’s okay” she said. Or maybe she didn’t. But I felt like it was going to be okay. We got back to the green room, where I saw an old teacher that taught at my school- who had quit teaching to pursue photography- with a bunch of others talking in the small room. We continued to follow the drummer into the room next to it. “Me and Novak want a foursome” he announced. Absolutely fucking not. I think that was actually the first time I’d ever heard such a term. My friend and I made our way to the big leather couch and sat down. Avoiding the expected foursome. I was sitting next to Bam with a decent amount of space between us. My friend and I couldn’t believe we were there. Sitting next to an absolute rockstar. “I really want to read his palm” I told her. “Do it!” She encouraged. I breathed in. Gasped for enough courage. Tapped on his shoulder. “Can I read your palm?” “Go for it” he replied softly, and ever so coolly. I grabbed his hands and began searching the lines. His fingers were covered in more rings than I’ve ever seen anyone wear before. Rockstar. I grabbed my phone and passed it to my friend- “Can you please take a photo?” She was a good friend. Without that photo there would be no proof that this ever happened. A woman appeared, a photographer. Curious woman she was. She was gorgeous. Skinny. Black hair. Tattoos. Rockstar. “Can you read mine next?” “Of course”. As it turns out, they were engaged to be married. They are beautiful people. With good hearts. My heart goes out to them. Always. After the readings, there was a cheeky dooby being passed around- which it would have been rude not to have a puff…
Another friend of mine ended up back stage with us, I hadn’t seen her in a while so was very excited that we were all there. We went to the bathroom to pee and also fan girl out. When we came out I saw a man on a couch getting photos taken. I didn’t recognise him but figured he must be famous so naturally I wanted a photo with him too! His name is Brendan Novak. After we got our photo taken, my curiosity got the better of me and I asked to read his palm too. I began to read his palm and he stopped me half way through, explaining that they were doing a documentary on their tour and wondered if it was okay for me to be filmed. I agreed. “Okay start from the start”. I began to read his palm from the beginning- by this time I had started getting really into it and was picking up on all kinds of energy. He stopped me half way through again. “I would be the first person to tell you if you were full of shit, but so far you’ve been spot on, keep going”. I remember seeing all this love coming from his higher self and began talking about all the love he has to give. I was also picking up on the drummer across from us with groupies crawling all over him becoming angry at me because I was not there to - well- be a groupie. I ended up leaving with my friends after getting the videographers details to keep in contact and we hit the clubs. I am still waiting for the footage to be released- if ever.
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Can I request a Karl x Alex x Nick x Reader fic in which the reader is a teacher and they bring their boyfriends in for career day? I just thought it’d be so cute to see them interact with little kids.
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: pretty much everything from the ask, although I know nothing about children so..., sorry lol
requested by the person above as well as @eliasxxk who asked for more karlnapity x reader
(y/n/n)- your nickname
(y/l/n)- your last name
“Career day?” Nick asked.
You nodded, quickly packing up the last of the assignments you had finished grading and tucking them into your bag, “Yeah, remember how I was planning the different stations and stuff for the kids?”
“Oh yeah, I thought you had all that stuff sorted?” Karl handed you your laptop from across the table.
“We did,” You sighed, “But someone backed out and now we have a slot to fill. So, one of you, all of you, I don’t care, we still need someone to do it.”
Alex frowned, “What would we have to do for that?”
You ran a hand through your hair, “Make a presentation on what you do? We were looking for a broad spectrum and the guy who backed out was someone’s cousin who did like, animation or something.”
As you gathered the rest of your things you explained that one group or person would be set up in each classroom, and that kids would rotate through, not just the fifth graders you taught, but the whole of the elementary school.
Karl grinned, “What time would we have to be there?”
“The welcome thing for the speakers is it 9 ish on Friday, so I can bring back the forms you’d need to fill out today to get them in on time.”
Your boyfriends agreed, and with a smile you pecked them all on the lips, “Alright, I gotta go. I’ll see you later.”
“Love you!” Karl called as you started out the door.
“Love you too!”
After practically zooming through your first three units, ELA, Math and History, and sending your kids off to PE, you headed down to the admin offices to make copies and grab the forms.
“Hey Sadie!” You greeted cheerfully.
The secretary smiled, “Hey mx. (y/l/n).”
You moved over to the copier, starting your copies, “Do you have any of those forms? For the people giving the presentations on career day?”
“You found someone?” Adam, the sixth grade teacher who had been organizing the career day asked as he entered the office.
“Three someones actually,” You smiled, “Alex, Karl and Nick said they could.”
“Oh, that’ll be interesting.”  Sadie laughed.
“Minecraft youtubers,” Adam mused unenthusiastically, “I’m sure the kids will love to hear about people without real jobs.”
You rolled your eyes, “They pull just as much if not more than me every year, plus Nicky and Alex are still in college.”
Adam cocked an eyebrow as you grabbed your copies, and then the forms from Sadie, “Well at least I can’t complain, your saving my ass.”
“Damn right I am,” You scoffed starting out of the office, “You owe me.”
Heading back down the hall and then up the stairs to the fifth grade hallway you pulled out your phone, sending a text to the ‘loves <3′ group chat, ‘the files have been secured’
Back in your classroom you began to set out the Novels your class had been reading, and set up the last of the things you would need for the mini science lab that would happen later in the after noon.
~~ The next few days passed quickly, and soon you were pointing your boyfriends in the direction of the library, where the volunteers were supposed to be meeting before heading up to your classroom, greeting the kids who were already inside.
“Hey guys! Are you excited for today?”
A few kids nodded.
“Which presentation are you most excited to see?”
“Probably the actor!” Damien exclaimed.
“The actor? Any reason why or you just think they’d be cool?”
“I wanna be an actor.” He said.
“Yeah?” You chuckled, “What about you Sam?”
The girl through for a moment, tapping at her desk absently, “Probably the firefighter, I want to save people like them some day.”
You nodded, “Calum? Any your excited for?”
“Well I was excited to Ricky, he’s my cousin and an animator but he couldn’t come.” The boy pouted.
“Aw, well I’m sorry about that, but I’m sure there’ll be plenty of interesting people for you to see.” You looked over the schedule again, answering a messege from Adam, willingly surrendering yourself to running around and helping wherever needed during the day, instead of watching the presentations with your kids.
The morning announcements came and went, and the teaching aid who would be taking your place, touring the kids around came in, “Alright guys! We’r~~e going down to the auditorium so that the principal and Mr. Alderton can explain the plan for today, and so that the people who are going to be in these rooms have time to set up!”
She herded the kids out of the room, smiling at you as you grabbed your phone, following them out, but turning down a different hall to the library.
Adam breathed a sigh of relief as soon as you got inside, “Oh thank god! Okay, I need you to get these lovely people to there rooms, Adda is already going around to set up projectors.”
You nodded, taking the papers from him, “Okay people! If you’d follow me, we’ll get you into these classrooms on time!”
The group of various adults followed you out of the library as you started calling out names at each floor, in between the intersection of grade level hallways, pointing out room numbers.
By the time you had made it to the cross roads between the fifth and sixth grade, Adam was already frantically messaging you about being late so quickly you called out the last of the room numbers, pointing various directions and telling the people to let themselves in.
You turned to your boyfriends, “Right you guys are in my room, it’s at the end of the hall, my computer should be unlocked.”
“You’re not like, staying to hang out or anything?” Karl asked.
“I’ve been roped into over seeing this thing. I might be in and out at various times through out the day,” You pressed a kiss to each of there cheeks before starting back towards the stairs, “Have fun!”
You spent your day running around, delivering different things to various classrooms and basically doing Adam’s bidding.
A little way into the last rotation of kids around the building you finally got the chance to take a break and head back up to your room, slipping in and sitting in the back as Karl tried his best to explain streaming to a group of kindergarteners.
They may not have fully understood what he was talking about, but they sure did find him funny.
You watched quietly as your boyfriends interacted with the kids, opening up for questions sooner than they had with the older kids, and patently answering each one.
“What are you going to college to learn how to do?” A young girl asked.
Alex smiled, “Well I’m going to get real smart to be a lawyer, and Mr. Sapnap here is learning about computers.”
“What’s a lawyer?” Another kid asked.
“My uncle’s a lawyer,” someone two desks away offered, “My mom says it’s someone who works in a court!”
Alex chuckled, “You are absolutely right Big Man, lawyers defend people who go to court.”
“If you and you are goin to college,” A boy near the front pointed at Nick and then Alex, “Then what’s he learning at college?” He pointed at Karl.
“Karl isn’t in college anymore.” Nick said simply.
“Not honking smart enough.” Karl grinned as kids laughed at his use of the word honk.
They continued to joke around for a while, until the pa crackled that it was time for everyone to head back to there normal classrooms, and you moved back to the front of the room, “That was entertaining.”
“(y/n/n)! This was awesome!” Karl exclaimed.
You nodded, glancing at the clock as you began to re arrange your desk, “Theres like, maybe ten minutes to the bell, you guys want to hang out in here?”
“Sure.” Your class began to file back in as Alex spoke.
“Mx. (y/l/n)! Why didn’t you tell us you were dating famous youtubers?” Damien asked.
You groaned, looking at a shrugging Nick, “Why have you done this?”
You class laughed at your displeasure, and you were about to start asking everyone how there days had gone when Karl beat you too it.
“Who was your favorite?”
“It better have been us!” Alex stage whispered.
The kids laughed, and you sat back, content to watch your boyfriends entertain the class.
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wafflesdenweasels · 2 years
Me: *beating myself up because I only am moderately good at most of the things I can do and have a hard time staying focused on one thing*
Literally anyone, doing the thing or not doing the thing: Oh that so cool! I’d love to try that/Wanna do the thing together sometime?/ Wanna see the thing I’m good at
Moral of the story, people don’t think about how good you are at something, they just think it’s cool that you do the thing. And if they ARE dicks about it, they aren’t worth your brainspace. I mean, I’m learning bass. O know some super talented bass players who are just thrilled that I’m even picking up the instrument on occasion. They don’t care that I’m not great and that I’m confused. They often teach me things.
When I first started writing, no matter how shitty it was, my grandpa, who is a professional writer, always told me I was doing amazing. So I kept writing. And ya I know I could have never published what I wrote before, but I got better, even though I was only writing little bits at a time.
When I started voice, only one person tried to put me down. A few years later and I had almost ruined my voice, and had totally lost the ability to properly balance it, and was getting swelling in a tendon in my neck because of the tension I was putting on myself to please this person who I was never good enough for. So I walked away and found someone who taught me the skills I needed to bring my voice back to where it should be. Turns out I’m not an alto 2. I’m a soprano 2.
I just took up roller skating. I thought it would be embarrassing learning something new now that I am legally an adult. Turns out people, skaters and non skater, just think I’m cool for even owning them.
I’m going to be starting school for sound tech this fall. I am terrified because I know nothing about it. All I have is my background in music and a few songs I wrote because I like poetry. When I was on my tour, the guy told me “ya know, I only knew a few chords on guitar when I started here” and now he teaches at the damn school.
My brain likes to tell me I’m not good enough to do something. That I need to be the best at it to even do it, so I have to constantly fight with it, and teach it to do things because I enjoy doing them, and not because I need to be good at it. Being good at things comes with time, and even when I am good at something, I don’t really see it anyway. I don’t know if anyone relates to this, but it’s been on my mind a bit and I thought someone might need to hear it too.
I can tell my brain perfection isn’t possible a million times over and never get through to it, but when I give it a thought out, logical reason why, that it can’t refute or spin into some shitstorm, I can actually do things I enjoy without worrying about judgment or harping on myself about being shit at it.
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ptergwen · 4 years
yo, what do you think about peter with an azula type reader? Like with the abilities & all that? Would he be interested in something like that, wdy think?
YOOOO HOLD ON i never thought about that before but now that you mentioned it that would be so sick! so here’s a kinda long headcanon
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you were recruited by tony after he read your file from SHIELD
he had asked them to send over any information they had on possible threats
your name was on the list
tony read all about your fire powers and where you came from
he realized you were just a kid who needed some guidance, and you could do amazing things if you learned how to use your powers for good
that’s how you end up at the avengers facility
you want to work on yourself as much as tony does, but you were honestly scared
until you met peter
tony introduced you to him after you settled into your room
peter definitely wasn’t ready for it
“i’m uh, wow, i’m peter. your hair’s really pretty. wait that’s weird-“
he was a stuttering, blushing mess
you thought it was kind of sweet
“i like yours too. i’m y/n.”
he gave you a goofy smile and stuck out his hand
that was a bit dorky to you, but you shook it anyway
part of working on yourself is being nicer to people
tony suggested peter gave you a tour of the facility, and you were both down
peter took you down every hall on every floor, telling you fun facts about each avenger when you passed their room
he sure did talk a lot
it’s nice though. you didn’t really have friends, and this was your chance to change that
you even laughed at a corny science joke peter made while showing you tony’s lab
“personally, the movie theater is my favorite room in the whole place”
“do you guys have star wars here? it would look so cool on a screen that big”
“oh my god, we’re gonna be best friends”
you started your training the next morning with wanda, since her powers are the most similar to yours
she teaches you how to control yourself so your emotions didn’t set them off
you have a habit of shooting fireballs involuntarily when you lost your temper
peter offered to help you practice defense moves later
he didn’t know what he was in for
he thought having nonflammable webs meant he’d get you down easily
you just blocked everything he shot with a shield of fire
peter was already in awe of what he was seeing
“holy shit, you can do that? that’s so awesome!”
“i can do a lot of stuff, peter. maybe i should be giving you defense training”
training with peter and wanda went on for a couple of weeks
then you added in breakfast with peter and lunch after defense practice
it became a routine you actually looked forward to
you eventually worked your way up to gameroom nights together
your favorite is air hockey because you beat peter almost every time
sometimes you let him win just to see his dumb eye crinkling smile
dance dance revolution is also fun
you both suck so you always end up freestyling
peter’s carefree attitude really balances you out, especially when you‘re in a mood about something
unlike most people, your sarcasm is what peter likes most about you. you could be funny without actually trying
he’s one of the only people who wasn’t automatically afraid of you or your powers. he gave you a chance to show your real self to him
you spent over a month getting to know each other before peter asked you out on a date
he was super nervous about it, sweaty palms and all
“y/n, you um... i mean um... do you wanna watch a movie with me?”
“like as a date?”
“if that’s okay with you, yeah”
so you watched the empire strikes back in the big facility movie theater
you and peter shared popcorn and he kept doing the cliche thing where he’d “accidentally” touch your hand in the bucket
he was such a nerd but you overlooked it
towards the end he worked up the courage to hold your hand
you were surprised he didn’t ask a bunch of times first, but laced your fingers together
after it ended he walked you back to your room (which was right across from his) with his hand in yours
the next morning at breakfast he asked you out on another movie date
a few weeks later and you were officially a couple
you’re also officially on the team!!!
tony decided you’d had enough training at that point to start patrolling
peter took you with him one night so he could give you a little tutorial
there wasn’t much going on, so you just did firebending tricks for him on a random rooftop
peter loves watching you in your element
he knows how powerful you really are, and that you can do things nobody else could. no one appreciated it like he did
patrol evolves into missions together
you play bad guy, he plays good guy when it comes to dealing with anyone
peter has his quips and strength, you have a lot of rage and stamina to work with
tony is proud of the duo he kind of created
of course peter gives you those cheesy compliments after like “you were on fire out there” and “you looked smoking hot fighting that guy, babe”
then there are the missions that don’t go so well
you have a hard time keeping it together like wanda taught you when those happen
you’ll get back to the facility and fight some punching bags in the gym, burning at least one to ashes
peter never judges you for that
he knows how it feels to be angry after losing
you just want to prove you‘re getting better, and a loss won’t do that
he helps you get your confidence back up, however long it takes
it isn’t long at all before you have him pinned to the floor during training
which could sometimes lead to a makeout session if he isn’t feeling too shy
oh yeah and peter looooooves kissing you
like he’s just waiting for you to make the move all the time
you’re the one who speeds it up or bites his lip first
plus he says you taste like cinnamon which you’re pretty sure is another fire joke
you’re there to make peter feel better after his losses too
he’s better at it though because he’s the nice one and you’re more awkward with that stuff
but you both support each other however you can
you’re not super into pda because peter is shy about it, but there are those rare times he holds you by your waist or kisses your cheek in front of the other avengers
sam and bucky tease the hell out of peter for it
everyone else just ignores it, but thor thinks it’s adorable
you have to admit, you love your odd little family
you take advantage of the summer weather and have campouts in the huge ass backyard sometimes
peter gets the tent set up while you start a fire by throwing fire disks at the wood
it gets peter every time
“y/n, i think you’re the coolest person i know. or should i say warmest?”
“parker, i think you’re the biggest nerd i know. but it’s cute”
you roast marshmallows and pepper comes to check on you once or twice
tony worries about you guys, but he won’t say it directly
you try to scare peter with a ghost story, and he won’t confirm but you saw him shiver
you go to bed in sleeping bags with peter’s head resting on your chest
when summer comes to an end, peter has to go back home to queens
school is a thing and he misses may
you’re both literally devastated he can’t stay at the facility forever
“i wish you could come to midtown so bad. it’s gonna suck not seeing you every day”
“i have to keep working on myself. we’ll figure it out, parker”
you hug for a good five minutes and peter has to let go first
you’ll never tell him, but you cried the day he left
it’s not so bad because you have nat and wanda to spend time with
and peter texts you live updates of his days at school
you also facetime if he’s not on patrol or you’re not on a mission
he makes his weekly visits to the facility as requested by tony
but he spends more time with you than whatever he’s supposed to be doing
peter brings ned and mj with him one time since he thinks you’ll all get along
you become friends with mj even faster than peter
she has the same dry sense of humor as you, and she thinks your powers are so badass
now you have the best boyfriend in the world and some really cool friends too
life isn’t so bad after all
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If this is the last time- Calum Hood
A/N: first 5sos fic! Calum hood x y/n. Y/n’s gender is female for this fic, it just made it easier to write, my apologies to anyone it might upset, but you can always request. based off of If This Is The Last Time by LANY. Feel free to correct any mistakes! i don’t know if anyone will like this, but i do soooo.
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plot: Entries for y/n’s last diary/book.
2077 words. * marks song lyrics 
y/n’s diary:
(June 8th 2081) There's nothing better than the support of your family, so imagine having been admitted to the hospital and having every person you’ve grown to know as family waiting for you to leave the hospital. We knew it was coming, that one of us would have to go, but we didn’t know who and when. It’s me and soon. I’m not afraid though. My family’s strong, I know they are. Today he told me I looked beautiful, like he has every day of our life together, but it felt different. It was like a reassurance that no matter what, he meant his vows. Everything felt different today, even the simple touch of his hands while he drove me to the hospital.  Especially the way our children said they loved me this morning. I’m ready. There's no point in fighting the cancer, it’s too far along and I'm far too old.
*I know we're gettin' old*
(January 15th 2082) It had begun after the boys last tour, the realization that we were no longer as young as we used to be. Our children started high school and y/s/n starting his own band, following in his father’s footsteps. y/d/n was too, but she had taken the football/soccer approach. They were good at it too. y/s/n having the same beautiful voice as Calum, but preferred the drums. He learned from a young age, he never really stopped admiring his uncle Ash. Which was really Ashton’s fault, almost spoiled him as much as Luke did y/d/n. Luke never got the girl he wanted, so he treated her as if he was one of his own. All the boys did, but Luke was like a second father to her. Which didn’t help with the Cake rumors during touring.
*the lines on our hands have changed, But you still look at me the same*
(September 29th 2082)  My life has been amazing, maybe not from the start, but from the moment I laid my eyes on Calum Hood, the past didn’t matter. Nothing matters, nothing but him. Well until my  children of course...and then my grandchildren. He stood by me for all of it and I love him for it. He promised forever and that's what we got. There's nothing I could ever do to repay him, or at least in my eyes. 
*Hey, mom, guess what? You're really tough.*
(November 15th 2082) This is for my children, I hope you’re reading. I love you, I'll always love you because there’s no way not to. From the moment you were both born to the moment your children were born, I was amazed by the amount of growth possible. I hope one day you’ll have the same joy I did watching your grandchildren being raised by the amazing creatures you created. I hope that one day when you pass, it’ll be surrounded by the ones you love.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love you, I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm very grateful. 
*And I know you did all you could. Just to make sure my life was good*
(December 25th 2082) It was worth it, all of it. The pain, the tears, the blood. My life is complete.
*Sorry for the fights and the tone of my voice, Sorry for the nights when I made the wrong choice*
(January 1st 2083) Not a lot of people know, but Calum and i’s relationship was almost torn apart when our children were in high school. It had nothing to do with them of course, but life for Cal had been stressful. He had confessed he felt like he had no purpose now that he thought his career was over. Of course it wasn’t true, but he was like a bull in a china shop. After many nights of hushed fighting, y/s/n had gotten into it. He had convinced his father to start therapy and got him into football/soccer again. From then on, y/d/n got him to become her team's coach and he stayed there until retirement, he said he felt complete after retirement. 
*Life is flyin' by and it's hittin' me now. I hope it's not, but*
(January 5th 2083) Sitting here rereading all of my old diaries, has me regretting not taking the course of treatment. I'm gonna miss everyone. That might be hard to believe considering I will no longer be roaming the planet, but everyone means so much to me.
*If this is the last time, please come close*
(January 12th 2083) It's too soon.
*I love you with all my heart, you know. I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye*
(January 13th 2083) This is my written goodbye for those who I love. 
Michael you’ve always been my best friend. I appreciate you taking me in like you knew me forever, like I was there with you and Calum throughout school. I'm sorry I didn't give you another niece to spoil, I know you wanted one you didn’t have to say it. With everything in me, I hope you're the last one of us here, I trust you the most other than Calum to take care of our families. If you are, I hope I don't tear you apart, we’ll all be up here waiting for you.
Luke, where do i start, i owe you 30 bucks. You always said that I would go before Cal, you were right. Don't worry, no hard feelings, none of us actually expected it so soon. But you better be there when my first great-grandchild is born. Make y/d/n name them after me. I'm just kidding, although…… 
 Ashton, thank you for being the big brother I didn't know I needed. Thank you for loving my family like your own and for taking care of Cal when I couldn't. I’m coming to join you right now, see you soon brother.
Kristal, Sierra, and kay-kay…...Bye my bitches, see you soon. I'm just messing with you, you better keep your stubborn asses on this planet a while more. I'll be taking care of ashton for you kay.
For the fans, who have loved my not so small family, there will be a 5sos reunion waiting for you when you pass, but not too soon.
y/d/n and y/s/n stick together or you grounded. I love you, I already said everything I needed to say to you, take care of my grandchildren.
Now Calum, i don’t think i need to write anything for you, we’ve always been honest with each other. Don’t come see me until you’ve met our great-grandchild, stay there for a while until you have enough memories to share with me. Hold our children tight, i know i won’t get to anymore. Just because I'm leaving doesn’t mean you don’t get to spend more time with me, I'll be watching you. When you join me, we’ll get to spend more decades together, and just like the first time you met me, you won’t be able to get away
*If this is the last time,Then let's do the things we always do,Like go to the mall and buy some shoes*
(January 16th 2083) My last day before I'm on bed rest, for the rest of my life in fact. y/d/n was determined to take everyone in the family to the mall. I didn’t get anything of course, but I did suggest a couple of clothing items for my funeral. My funeral, that’s weird to think about. I did get Calum a pair of shoes though. His feet will not walk in with the raggedy old shoes he loves so much.
*I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye. If this is the last time*
(January 21st 2083) Here I am, on my deathbed, writing what will probably be my last entry. Calum on the other bed in the room, of course he had it pushed next to mine. “We haven’t slept apart in decades, why start now.” I hope he doesn’t take it hard, but I can feel it coming. I can feel the pull. Watching the monitors and seeing the numbers change drastically. We've been saying goodbyes for a while now. As much as it pains me to say this is my final goodbye. Goodbye.
*Hey, dad, what's up? Miss you so much
Yeah, the shade of your hair has changed
But I look up to you the same*
(March 20th 2085) y/n asked us to turn her diary’s into a book series, we had, this is my continuation of the last one. y/s/n has promised to keep publishing them after i’m gone. He said he knew how much it would mean to his mother. Unfortunately this is my last entry as well. I will be joining y/n soon, i knew i wouldn’t make it long without her, i was right. They say i’ll probably die in my sleep sometime this week. I have our children staying with me, waiting till I go. I already said my goodbyes to our grandchildren and my brothers. My mother has been gone for a while, I can't wait to see her again. Mali wished me luck and said she would see us again. I hope it’s not too soon, I want her to be there while y/s/n and y/d/n grieve a second death. y/n said she wasn’t afraid, i understand now. Anyways, I guess this is goodbye. 
*Taught me how to fish, taught me how to ride a bike*
(July 25th 2086) Hey guys, it’s y/s/n and y/d/n this time. I hope you enjoyed reading mom, and some of dad's writings. I'm not quite passing yet, but my sister and I thought this last book is not quite done yet. We wanted to add our goodbyes to mom and dad as well. Maybe we shouldn’t write it here, but it feels right. We wanted to say thank you to all the fans who have supported our parents for decades, or even the newer ones. So thank you, you made our parents who they were and in return, made us and our families who they are. We love it thank you. So, goodbye dad. It might be a few decades till we see each other, but we are currently teaching my son how to ride his bike, just like you did me all those years ago, thank you for that. y/d/n is teaching hers to fish, we know it wasn’t mom's idea of fun, but she always did it with us, so now we are doing it with our families.
*Taught me how to love, how to treat a woman right. Life is flyin' by and it's hittin' me now*
(September 6th 2086)  y/g/d/n here, i asked mom if i could write something as well, just wanted to thank my grandparents for everything! That's a lot to thank for, I know, but I forgot before they passed. I also wanted to inform them that I finally started college, makes me think of what they would have done if they were here.
*If this is the last time, please come close
I love you with all my heart, you know
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time
Then let's do the things we always do
Like go for a drive or watch the news
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time*
(May 7th 2090) The last entry of the last book of my grandmother’s series. It’s y/g/s/n for your information. The last written update, it’s been years since grandma wrote in this book, but she got what she wanted, uncle Michael truly was the last of the bunch. He’s here waiting for his turn, but he did what was asked of him….and Luke. My first child wasn’t named after grandma, but when we were having our second Michael jumped at the opportunity, he’s holding y/n right now. He said she looks like a young grandma, so i guess it’s fitting. He’s on his way to join our family right now, I'm the last to say goodbye. I know you probably heard it a lot in this book, but thank you guys for everything, we love you.
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rosettahart · 4 years
Glass-says: Chapter 16
Chapter 1, Chapter 15
Ao3 link
Summary: Princey and Anxiety finally meet in person to their knowledge and everything's going well… until it's not.
Warnings: Brief mention if Disownment.
Chapter 16
Roman smiled down at Virgil, still holding him. "I thought you said you weren't much of a crier." He teased.
Virgil pulled away to scoff lightly at his friend. "Says the one with wet cheeks." 
"Hey, yours are equally as wet, Crying Purple People Heater." Roman returned.
"People Heater, huh?" Virgil brushed the few tears away from his face.
Roman grimaced. "Yeah… not one of my greater nicknames, but you're cuddlier than I thought you'd be."
"So… we actually going to do any dancing or what, Princey?" 
"Right, yeah." Roman nodded.
They both placed their right hands against the others back, chuckling awkwardly as they both pulled away.
"Do you-" They both started before Roman cleared his throat.
"Do you want to lead or do you want me to lead?" 
"Maybe you should lead, you're… taller than me." Virgil decided, resting his one hand on Roman's shoulder and taking his hand.
"You know short people can lead too." Roman returned with a smirk.
Virgil rolled his eyes. "I'm not that short."
Roman slowly led Virgil around the clear space of the gym, his eyes staying on Virgil as he did. "You clean up well."
"You have nothing else to compare this to."
"Except the mad emo vibes you're giving off with the dark purples and blacks, Purple Day."
"And you aren't dripping with your own princely vibes with your gold mask, Princey?" Virgil shot back amusedly.
"I'm taking that as a compliment, that is what I was going for." Roman grinned, twirling Virgil.
Virgil had to catch himself against Roman as he was pulled back towards him, he chuckled awkwardly, his eyes flickering up to Roman's for a second, a light blush gracing his pale cheeks. "I didn't think you'd actually come." He admitted.
Roman's expression became one of deep sincerity, tipping Virgil's head up with his hand like straight out of a scene from a movie. "For you I would be anywhere in a heartbeat."
Virgil softly pushed Roman's hand away, hiding his face again. "Shoulda expected you'd be this corny."
Roman smiled.
Virgil glanced around the gym for a moment to give his face a little bit of time to recover, turning back to Roman. "Do you wanna get out of here?"
"I thought you would never ask." Roman chuckled, eagerly pulling Virgil towards the doors out into the hallway, eyes flickering back to him with a smirk. "Have anywhere you would like to go? I could give you a tour of the school. I do happen to know my way around the place quite well."
Virgil paused, stopping Roman with him. "You do?" 
"Well I would hope so I have been coming here for a couple years now. I know which classes go on in which rooms and who teaches what and what plays and musicals they've done each year since I've been here in order." Roman listed off confidently. "I could also-"
"I go here."
"-tell you-" Roman stopped talking mid sentence, going over what Virgil had just said, trying to process it and raising his eyes to meet Virgil's after looking him over more carefully. "We've been texting each other when we've actually been going to the same school?" He chuckled in disbelief, running a hand through his hair and looking up at the ceiling. How had they not become friends offline already? Even if it was a big school they would have had to bump into each other before now, right?
Roman glanced back down to Virgil, starting in surprise to see the mask removed from his face, held in one hand, his head lowered.
Virgil peered up at Roman while rubbing his arm. "I'm-"
 "Virgil? You're- you're…?" Roman had to get closer just to be certain, taking Virgil's head into his hands and tilting it up further.
"Anxiety." Virgil nodded, clearing his throat and awkwardly pulling his face away with a light blush. "So… you recognize me?"
Roman dropped his hands. Virgil was Anxiety? Anxiety was Virgil? The guy he had been texting, his best friend, his crush… He was the same guy who had avoided him for over a year? Who had been hesitant to become his friend. Who-
Roman took a shaky step back away from Virgil. -who knew his parents disowned him. Who was letting him stay at his place out of pity… Who had already seen him at his worst.
"Princey? Princey, you okay?" Virgil took hold of Roman's upper arms to keep him steady. "Can you look at me and take in a deep breath for me?"
Roman quickly shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut. The one guy he couldn't quite win over was the one he'd been waiting to meet and charm for almost five years now? He opened his eyes, eyebrows pinching together in distress as he began to distance himself from Virgil, moving towards the exit, growing faster and faster in his movements.
Virgil followed quickly after him, trying to grab his arm to stop him. "Ci, wait!" He pushed himself to pick up speed only to trip over his own feet, catching himself on his hands and knees. Shaking his head and hitting the floor with a clenched fist. What did he do wrong? How had he messed this up? Why wasn't he smart enough to figure this out? He pushed himself back up to his feet, swiping an arm across his eyes. What if Princey got hurt out there in his current state? He could get run over or he could get into a car accident or any number of things all because of him. All because of something he had to have done wrong. He hurried to the theatre, throwing one of the doors open. This was all his fault.
Roman peeked his head out from behind the curtain of the shower, turning and lowering his head so Logan could get a better look at it. "Is it all out now?"
"There are still a few patches of dye on the left side of your head behind your ear." Logan sighed, watching Roman's face as it disappeared again and turning his back to the shower. "Though I do not understand how it is that Virgil did not recognize you, you are the one who is stupid for not expecting Virgil to react as he did."
"I am not stupid." Roman argued tiredly, stepping out after Logan could not find any traces of the temporary dye left and covering himself up with one towel as he dried his hair with another. "I merely was not thinking about how he would because I was-"
"Because you were running away because you assumed he'd reject you as soon as he knew it was you behind your mask." Logan interrupted, pinching his nose. "You did not even stop to consider how badly Virgil might take it with you rushing out of the school after having just removed his mask."
Roman pulled on his white t-shirt, hanging up the towels to dry. "Yeah, that might look bad but-"
Logan turned around to face Roman with a glare, arms folded. "It did look bad, Roman, there are a limited amount of scenarios that Virgil could come up with of why you left him as promptly as you did with no explanation. None of those scenarios are good." 
Roman pushed past him, grabbing the hamper of clothes with him out of the room to wash so Virgil wouldn't stumble upon his tux. He rolled his eyes, stepping out of the bathroom. "I'm sure he'll be fine, he has Patton with him to help calm him down." He gestured down the stairs when he heard the garage door being opened and closed. "See, fi-" He shut up when he got a glance down the stairs.
Patton was holding Virgil's mask and vest in his hands, not that Roman could see him without the glasses and in front of the floating fabric was Virgil.
Virgil's top few buttons of his shirt were undone, his sleeves bunched up over his arms unevenly, but what caught Roman's attention the most was his face. His eye shadow was smeared down his cheeks, his eyes… His eyes were red and puffy, clearly from crying if the few dried streaks down to his chin were anything to go by. He held one hand over his face as he passed Logan and Roman without a word, not even sparing a glance at them as he climbed up the stairs to the attic, shutting the trap door behind him.
Patton paused in front of Logan and Roman, glancing between the attic and two of them. "Hey, Logan... I thought you said you needed to get home."
Logan adjusted his glasses, taking the vest from Patton and folding it up, setting the mask on top. "I was going to but then I realized that it was rude of me to leave you to help Virgil on your own so I requested Roman to bring me here to wait for the two of you to return. I am sorry that I left you so abruptly."
Patton smiled. "Awe, you didn't have to come, Lo, but thanks, I'm glad you did."
Logan gave a curt nod, moving up the stairs and pushing the trap door open, leaving Patton and Roman behind.
Roman kept his eyes on the attic, rubbing his arms with a guilty look on his face.
"Kiddo? Are you okay?" Patton rested a hand on his arm.
Roman lowered his arms, picking the laundry hamper back up and entering his room. "Yeah, I'm good Padre, you should go and check back up on Virgil."
Patton hesitated, not quite believing Roman, but still worried about Virgil. "Okay… If you need me you know where to find me."
"'Kay. Night, Pat."
"Goodnight, Roman." Patton returned, watching as Roman shut the door and moved over to his bed, burying his face in his pillow with a sigh. 
"I'm an idiot."
Patton reached a hand out, grimacing when he heard Logan call for him. He dropped his hand, he'd have to comfort Roman later, right now Virgil needed him more even if it did hurt to leave one of his kiddos like this. He turned to leave, glancing back at Roman. "No you're not."
"Patton?" Roman looked up, remembering he still wasn't wearing his glasses he just laid back down when no one replied, curling up and grabbing his phone sending a message to Virgil.
I'm sorry
Chapter 17
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laserdog10 · 4 years
”It’s not so bad not being in a league that suits me.”
It was a personal mantra that she told herself every day, even if it did kind of hurt. Citrus was born as both a Rose and an Arc, two powerful family bloodlines that were well renowned on Remnant by now, thanks to the defeat of Salem. However, Citrus’ elder siblings Garnet and Blossom, have been shown to be marginally stronger and almost gifted...or actually gifted. Garnet had inherited a portion of Ruby’s Spring Maiden magic on top of Jaune’s hefty Aura with the addition of a strong Semblance, while Blossom was a Silver Eyed Warrior, the greatest of all destined to slay Grimm and be the heroes of humanity. While Citrus was...just normal.
Yep, no insane powers, no off-the-wall weapon that has multiple transformations, no fancy Semblance (other than the ability to talk to animals), she was a normal girl who wanted to be a Huntress, like everyone her generation. However she felt an odd lonesome feeling inside her, when her brother and sister went off to Signal for the first time, Citrus was alone at home with her aunt Yang, grandpa Qrow, uncle Tai, and aunt Raven. If that wasn’t enough her Semblance let her speak to the family dog Zwei and the five wolves Ruby adopted, Drei, Vier, Funf, Sechs, and Null. And yet...she still had this emptiness in her heart. Well unlucky for her it was about to intensify that feeling tenfold as she was about to head to Signal tomorrow, the day after her siblings and cousin graduate. Right now it was well into the evening, the sun setting on the horizon, rays of light beaming down on the Rose-Arc & Xiao Long-Branwen residence, Citrus leaning against the railing, teetering her weighted collapsible scythe, Soulful Reave, back and forth, her emerald green eyes staring off into space, tangerine curled hair catching the wind.
Jaune: Someone’s a little broody.
Citrus: Hmm?! Oh, hi dad!
Jaune: Is Qrow’s mysterious edginess rubbing off on you or am I just reading too much into this?
Citrus: Pffft, nooo dad, I’m fine, thank you. Just...thinking, deep contemplation about the future.....
Jaune: Excited you’re going to Signal tomorrow?
Citrus: Heheheee, not really...?
Jaune: Why not?
Citrus: *stops teetering her scythe* Dad, do you think I’m...special?
Jaune: The “daddy loves his special girl” kind of special or...
Citrus: The special that’s meant for amazing things, I don’t feel like I am.
Jaune: Woah woah woah, what brought this on?!
Citrus: Nothing, I’m...*sigh* Dad, compared to Garnet and Blossom, I’m so bland! I have nothing truly remarkable about m-* her shoulders are held as she faces her father*
Jaune: Citrus, tell me what’s going on, is everything okay?
Citrus: I don’t think so...have you ever had the feeling of overwhelming loneliness and that you’re far behind people close to you?
Jaune: More than you could fathom, sweetheart. But that was a long time ago, and with a little bit of time, and the love from those people around me, it eventually went away. Why, is it the fact that your brother and sister are way ahead of you getting to you?
Citrus: *tears form in her eyes* Y-yeah, a lot...
Jaune: Oh, sweety. *he brings his small daughter into a huge hug* Believe me when I say that feeling is completely normal, your mother and I had this lonely, by-our-selves spell when we first went to Beacon.
Citrus: I just feel so out of place. I hear about all these kids who were raised by amazing Huntsmen, their amazing transforming weapons, and their powerful Semblances, then there’s me. Swinging around a simple scythe and talking to animals, no Maiden or S.E.W. powers...
Jaune: Citrus, look at me. *his gaze is met by the distraught, teary-eyed face of his daughter* All these feelings, all these issues you’re feeling right now are completely normal for a thirteen year old to experience! Think it like, you’re still going through your “character arc,” which always starts just as you turn thirteen. You’ll get to that important “climax” of your story some day.
Citrus: *sniff* R-really...?
Jaune: I know so. Now let’s go inside, dinner’s almost ready!
Citrus: I’ll head in a second, gotta go put Soulful Reave back in in the shed.
Such an action to her weapon would make her brother, proverbially, lose his mind, but she took good care of her scythe, occasionally but primarily leaving it in the room she shared with her siblings, like they do with their weapons. Tomorrow would be the first step into this “character arc” of hers, and she would tackle it however she could!
-The next day-
Strolling down the halls of Signal wasn’t so bad, she was old enough to be by herself while her parents weren’t too far off. Ruby had gone with the many other parents of new students to a little meeting, confirming their classes and whatnot, meanwhile Citrus wandered around Signal, her orange cloak flowing as she strolled along, seeing big metal lockers to hold plenty of supplies, classrooms, a library, and the cafeteria. What she didn’t expect to come across was a large crowd of kids clamoring around a board with a myriad of papers on it. Among this crowd the youngest Rose-Arc saw the red-patched blonde hair of her sister.
Citrus: Blossom? *she called over the talkative graduates*
Blossom: Hey baby sis! You here on your intro tour? *the blonde side-stepped through the moderate sea of teens, a few of which turned heads to the younger teen*
Citrus: Yep, mom just went with the other parents to that meeting! What are you doing over here with everyone?
Blossom: Seeing who got their academic success title.
Citrus: You’re what?
“An awesome title for how well you did in your classes!” chimed a female student.
Citrus: Oh, cool!
Blossom: Wanna guess what I got?
Citrus: I...don’t know what they are.
Blossom: Oh, well come look.
Taking a closer look at the board, Citrus saw this hefty list of names that made her head spin. So many names, numbers, scores, classes.
Citrus: This makes my brain hurt...
Blossom: Same here, and could you help me find my name, I’ve been helping everyone here find their’s for a while n-
Citrus: You got Salutatorian, Garnet got Valedictorian, and Lea’s below both of you!
Blossom: I’M WHAT?!
The students: THEY’RE WHAT!?
“I’m what now???” came a familiar voice behind the girls and the crowd. They turned to find Garnet himself, in the midst of eating a roll of cookie dough from the cafeteria. Without thinking the students swarmed him, barging questions left and right; “How are you so smart,” or “Please teach me your ways,” and “You’re amazing Garnet!”
Garnet: Woah, slow down guys, I’m not that great honest! I just studied and practiced like anyone else would.
“But you got Valedictorian, dude!!!” exclaimed a male student with very punk-rock hair.
“That’s an achievement in and off itself!” cheered a preppy looking girl.
“You’re a freaking prodigy, bro!!!!” cried a sporty, muscular lad.
Garnet: Alright, listen up everyone, I’m gonna give you some life advice you all need to hear. Trying to be like me is impossible, and I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m a prodigy. Yes I have powers of a Maiden inherited from my mother, yes I have a massive amount of Aura and strong Semblance to boot, yes I also have multiple weapons and am highly skilled in using all of them. However that doesn’t place me above the rest of you, nor should it make you all downplay yourselves! You all have your strengths and weaknesses, but you shouldn’t strive to become like me, because I’m not perfect. Imitation is the cheapest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay in greatness. Don’t strive to be me, strive be a better you, because their can only be one of us in the world! And if you do find someone like you later in life...*claps hands* Then I got nothing. *awkwardly smiles*
His audience applauded, but mostly laughed at the perplexing finish to his speech. His sisters had their own reactions, Blossom shaking her head and smiling in a way that conveyed a “The fact I’m related to you is astonishing” feel, Citrus on the other hand was captivated. “Strive to be a better you,” this phrase alone struck many chords in her, to the point that the lonely feeling of hers dissipated somewhat...
“Ohhh yawn-a-fuckin’-rama! That was the cheesiest shit I’ve ever heard, One Armed Arc!”
The students instinctively winced at the sound of the boastful and snarky voice. Collectively looking to the source, a tall girl with long burnt-orange hair and indigo eyes, clad in gray armor with a gold trim, a jet black waist cloth on the tool belt around her. Strapped to her back in a sheath was a morning star mace, the signature and feared weapon wielded by Signal Academy’s tyrant.
Blossom: Carly Winchester...
Citrus: ...
Garnet: And why are you here?
Carly: No reason, except I just heard a one-armed loser spouting some bullshit and being humble. Face it, you could be running this school! And yet you choose to be weak, lumping yourselves with these peons who could get their asses reamed by you.
Blossom: Garnet isn’t weak!
Carly: Aww look, little Ms. Self-loathing wants to act all big and tough! Why don’t you can it and go cry on the roof like you always do.
Citrus: *grits teeth and clenches her fists*
Garnet: What I do doesn’t make me weak Carly, I-
Carly: OH FUCKING SPARE ME! Hearing your high and mighty “holier-than-thou” bullshit makes me sick, you have the powers of a damn GOD and look where you are!
Citrus: ...hat’s it to y... *mumbles*
Carly: Hmm what’s that Shorty, got some shit to say? If you don’t then butt the fuck out, the adults are tal-
Citrus: WHAT’S IT TO YOU!? All you ever do is hurt and scare people, that’s not power, that’s being a jerk!
Carly: You-!
Citrus, standing in front of Carly now: My big brother is more of a Hunter and leader than you could ever hope to be! All you are is a bully, a coward, and an absolute BITCH!!!
Everyone present gasped, Garnet and Blossom were shocked into silence. Calling Carly a bitch was something else entirely, but hearing it from Citrus, someone who had never sworn in her life?! Surely they must’ve been dreaming, right??? Obviously they weren’t, for Carly had looked around incredulous, thinking she had heard the orangenette right.
Carly: The fuck did you just say to me you little shit...?!
Citrus: You heard me, you’re nothing but a BI-!
Carly: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
The warrior girl screamed in tandem with swinging her mace directly down onto the smaller girl. The motion happened at such a speed, all that was seen was a shiny, gray blur kicking up dust and debris when it landed.
Garnet/Blossom: CITRUS!!!
The youngest Rose-Arc braced for the impact beforehand...but it never came. Instead when she opened her eyes, she was in a dust cloud, embraced by her cousin, Lea Xiao Long-Schnee, her giant gauntlets blocking the crushing blow.
Lea: Might I ask why the hell you are attacking my cousin, Carly? *she said in a low tone, pushing the warrior girl back a good few feet*
Carly: Mind telling me why your brat isn’t on her child leash?!
Lea: *eyes turning lilac, blue fire adorning her hair* I think Citrus is going to be the least of your worries right now...
Citrus stepped back, knowing full well what was coming next. Garnet walked past her but not before looking at his baby sister.
Garnet: Might wanna go get mom and the principal, this courtyards about to become a war zone. *he winked*
Carly targeted him first, her mace colliding with the boy’s head and sending him staggering. He regained his footing, readying his own gauntlets as Lea pounced on Carly, throwing her into one of the support columns in the courtyard, Garnet running up and landing jab after jab upon Carly. Blossom held Citrus’ hand as they ran off to find their mother before the situation got worse, as they ran they heard the unmistakable sound of the Maiden powers flaring from their brother and cousin.
Blossom: We’ll leave it to them to kick Carly’s butt.
Citrus: ...
Blossom: You okay?
Citrus: Yeah yeah, just thinking.
Blossom: You narrowly avoiding getting brained by an amazon brute???
Citrus: Well...besides that, but what Garnet said earlier.
Blossom: Oh that.
Citrus: It stuck with me, and...and I think it should solve all my problems.
Blossom: ...if you say so!
Seems her father was right, today was when her character arc would begin, and now she would walk through it with her head held high!
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zodiyack · 5 years
Man Of My Dreams
Requested: @cherryiceee​ 50 first dates au with Steve Harrington?
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, anterograde amnesia, sad stuffs, similar to movie it’s based off of so SPOILERS (but some of it is a bit different)
Note: Some lyrics are in this fic, I made sure that it was made before 1984/1985 so it’d be out by the time Stranger Things takes place! The song used is; Can’t Smile Without You by Barry Manilow
Tumblr media
masterlist | stranger things masterlist
It was time to open Scoops Ahoy and Robin had brought a guest. The guest was a girl. Not Robin’s girlfriend, but just a friend. A special friend. She was living at Robin’s house after moving to Hawkins, so people often asked if she was related to her or not. Alas, these two lovely ladies were not related, just the best of friends. Some would even say they were like two peas in a pod.
Robin shoved open the door to the backroom, giving the mystery girl a tour. She explained things when the girl asked questions, and she waited patiently when the girl needed a few seconds. Robin Buckley was pretty much a different girl when this one was around. She went around the room, showing her friend the things she loved about working at Scoops. Finally, the time came to introduce her to Steve.
The brunette dragged her friend to the counter, “Y/n, this is my coworker, Steve Harrington. Steve, this is Y/n L/n.”
Steve waved at Y/n, smiling at her before turning to Robin. “Is this your new girlfriend or something?”
Y/n burst into laughter as soon as the sentence left his mouth. Robin shortly joined in, leaving Steve to awkward laugh because he didn’t get what was funny about a question. “No, no. I’m not her girlfriend, although she never told me that she came out to anyone besides me...Anyways, I’m just a friend.”
"Just a friend...so you’re straight then?” 
More giggles erupted from the girls, Steve making a face and raising an eyebrow to the action. “Harrington, you can’t just assume she’s straight because she’s not dating me.” Robin inhaled, calming herself from her episode of laughter so she could properly respond. “She is straight, but I mean, who’s to say she wouldn’t date me?”
Both girls exchanged looks and giggled again, confusing the poor teenage boy even more. Sadly, the mall was opened and people started racing to the ice cream place, so he had to drop the subject and move on. The good side was that Y/n agreed to talk to him during his lunch break. So Steve, excited to talk to the cute girl, watched the time, checking every 5 seconds. It didn’t help thought. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion, feeling like a whole decade went by once it was finally lunch time.
The two talked most of the time, Steve cracking random jokes that she genuinely laughed at. He learned about her love for painting, family, and y/f/f (your favorite fruit). In exchange, she learned about his passion and career of being a mom. Y/n didn’t believe him when he said he had kids, but after context was included with the explanation, she laughed and informed him that she would love to meet his kids.
After an hour or two of talking, it was time for Y/n to go home. “It’s my dad’s birthday today. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
Steve nodded and waved goodbye, earning a wave back. He sure was excited to see Y/n tomorrow...
. . .
It was time to open Scoops Ahoy and Robin had brought a guest. The guest was a girl. Not Robin’s girlfriend, but just a friend. A special friend. She was living at Robin’s house after moving to Hawkins, so people often asked if she was related to her or not. Alas, these two lovely ladies were not related, just the best of friends. Some would even say they were like two peas in a pod.
Robin shoved open the door to the backroom, giving the mystery girl a tour. She explained things when the girl asked questions, and she waited patiently when the girl needed a few seconds. Robin Buckley was pretty much a different girl when this one was around. She went around the room, showing her friend the things she loved about working at Scoops. Finally, the time came to introduce her to Steve.
The brunette dragged her friend to the counter, “Y/n, this is Steve Harrington. Steve, this is Y/n L/n.”
“Didn’t you already introduce us?” Robin’s eyes widened and she shook her head quickly.
“I don’t believe we’ve met before. I’m Y/n..as she said.” She shook hands with Steve, who kept making weird faces at Robin. “I’m sorry, do you have a problem with her or something?”
“No! I’m just confused...um do you wanna talk at lunch today? Get to know each other a little more?”
Y/n looked back at Robin. Robin shrugged so Y/n looked back to Steve, “Sure. What time is your lunch break?”
“Around 12, is that okay?”
“Mhm. I’ll see you then I guess...”
This time, Steve was more confused than excited. Why was she acting weird? Why was Robin acting weird? Was the day repeating itself or something? This was highly unusual. Soon, his lunch break was started, him walking rather than racing to go sit with Y/n. When he sat down, he saw her smile, maybe it was just a joke...
“So, you still wanna meet my kids?”
Y/n almost choked on her water. “Um.. you have kids? Aren’t you a little...well young?”
“What? Ooh.. no, remember? They’re just my friends who I call my children.”
“Sorry. I’m just...yeah... right now. Anyways, how are you?”
“I’m good! How’s painting going for you? Also, I got this y/f/f for you! It’s your favorite, right?”
“How do you know all of this about me. Robin said she’s never even told you about me. Are you stalking me or something?” She stood up, gathering her stuff. “Robin!”
���No! No, it’s okay!” Steve was panicking. What had he done wrong? Why couldn’t this girl remember what he had said before? Why was she assuming he would stalk her?
“Robin! I need to go, like right now!”
In less than a minute, Robin was racing around the corner. “What is it y/n?”
“Your friend. I think he’s stalking me or something, can I just go?”
“I’m not-”
“Zip it Harrington, I need to call Y/n’s dad and let him know she’ll be home early. Come on Y/n, it’s okay.”
Steve followed the girls to the back room, apologizing over and over to Y/n. She eventually left, still not replying to him. Then, Steve did one of the most Steve things ever. Pushing past crowds, he ran out to his car, following behind Y/n’s car as it drove to her dad’s house. When she pulled over, she ran inside, screaming for her father’s help.
“Dad, get this guy to leave me alone!”
Steve hopped out of his car, running to the screen door and knocking. An older man opened it. A buff looking teen in a mesh shirt stood behind the man. They didn’t look very happy. Steve guessed they were the brother and dad she talked about the day before.
“H-hello sir. Um...I’m Steve Harrington, I met your daughter yesterday.”
The man chuckled, opening the door all the way and walking out. “I don’t care, alright? You’re gonna leave her alone and never talk to her again. Now please, leave my home.”
. . .
It was time to open Scoops Ahoy and Robin had brought a guest. The guest was a girl. Not Robin’s girlfriend, but just a friend. A special friend. She was living at Robin’s house after moving to Hawkins, so people often asked if she was related to her or not. Alas, these two lovely ladies were not related, just the best of friends. Some would even say they were like two peas in a pod.
Robin shoved open the door to the backroom, giving the mystery girl a tour. She explained things when the girl asked questions, and she waited patiently when the girl needed a few seconds. Robin Buckley was pretty much a different girl when this one was around. She went around the room, showing her friend the things she loved about working at Scoops.
Steve raced to the two girls so he could introduce himself. “Hello! I’m Robin’s coworker, Steve. Do you like to paint?”
The girl giggled, nodding. “Yes! Do you?”
“Well, I’m not that good at it, but maybe you could teach me?”
“Of course! I’m actually studying to be an art teacher, but since it’s the weekend and I have no homework, I’d be glad to help!”
It wasn’t the weekend. Today was Thursday. What day did she think it was? “Thanks! That means a lot to me.”
“Anytime! I’m Y/n.”
“And Y/n, has to go now.” Robin interrupted the two, sighing sadly.
“What? But I thought your mom said you should give me a tour?”
“Yes, a tour before you go home. Your dad wants you.”
“Oh yeah! It’s his birthday haha, catch you later Steve!” She waved and left the mall, only making Steve more curious. However, for the first time, his questions were answered when Robin pulled him into the back room.
“Steve. Her father banned her from staying here, thanks to you.”
“What did I do?”
“Oh Steve...she has amnesia. She’ll never remember you. That’s why she was so freaked out yesterday. That’s why she isn’t in school. That’s why she thinks today is the weekend. Her dad’s birthday was the day it all...happened.. You can’t have any form of relationship with her. She’ll never remember you.” Steve opened his mouth to respond before Robin interrupted him once again. “And before you say you didn’t plan on it, I’ve seen the way you look at her and how sad you were when she didn’t remember you.”
“Oh...what type of..amnesia?”
“Anterograde. She only remembers her family, me, my family, and some other things. She’ll never remember you or anyone she meets.”
Robin had faith that Steve would give up on Y/n, seeing as a person would want the girl to remember them if they were in a relationship...but the reasons of her faith were her opinion. Steve wasn’t going to give up. Not now, not ever.
Every day, Steve drove to the road to her house, finding new ways to get her attention so they could chat And so he could flirt. The first day he asked her for a jump because his car “wasn’t working.” The next day he was unsuccessful, waiting in his car with roses and a poster for her. Sadly, she dropped something in her car, not looking over to him because she was grabbing it. The third day went..well poor Dustin and Mike were scared out of their minds.
Y/n saw the two boys egging Steve while he was curled up in a ball on the ground, crying for help. She chased the kids until they were out of sight, then helped Steve wipe all the egg shells off of himself. Dustin and Mike didn’t forgive Steve for a bit.
Fourth attempt..Steve managed to get Eleven’s help, having her bump Y/n’s car into Steve’s, not damaging either, but still making it enough to scare Y/n. The teen jumped out, apologizing to Steve. 
It was usually successful, Y/n always fell for his charms at the end of their conversations. At one point he even got her phone number, but he knew he could never use it.
He made her fall in love with him everyday. It made them both happy. And Y/n’s dad noticed. Today was around the 67th time he waited for her. Not to his favor, her dad showed up this time. Y/n had talked to him today but had to hurry home due to her father finding out of Harrington’s “meetings” with her. The buff brother of her’s was behind their dad again, possibly flexing his muscles to make up for something.
“Sir, I’m really sorry, I can st-”
“No, come with me. Sit in the back with y/b/n.” Steve nodded and did as Y/n’s dad instructed him to do. He was honestly to scared to argue. 
When they arrived at the house, y/b/n and his dad took Steve to a shed. Inside the shed, a lovely voice was singing. The song wasn’t that familiar to Steve, but it seemed quite familiar to the men standing next to him. Y/b/n opened the door slightly, allowing them to see Y/n as she painted a mural on the walls.
“I can’t smile without you, I can’t smile without you. I can’t laugh, and I can’t sing, I’m findin’ it hard to do anything!” She dipped her paintbrush into the paint before continuing. “You see I feel sad when you’re sad, I feel glad when you’re glad. If you only knew, what I’m going through, I just can’t smile!”
Closing the door, her father turned to Steve. “She sings this every day that she meets you. It was her mom and I’s wedding song.”
Steve felt honored, even blushing a bit. He really meant a lot to the girl, and he didn’t even know. Even if she couldn’t remember him the next day, it was making him, Y/b/n, and Y/n’s dad happy.
“It makes me think of her mother, and that makes me glad. I originally was going to make you stop when I had found out...but it makes her day.”
Y/b/n scoffed. “But dad. This guy-” He had a lisp. That’s why he was flexing and not speaking. He was flexing so he could make up for lisp. What was so wrong with having a lisp? Maybe he was insecure? Steve didn’t think anything bad of it though.
“Oh shut up y/b/n. Just, keep doin’ what you’re doin’ Steve.”
“Sir yes sir.” 
“You don’t have to call me sir, son. Call me y/d/n. And don’t let y/b/n bother you, okay?”
Steve nodded and waved goodbye to the father and son duo, thinking of the next time he would see Y/n. Thinking of new ways to make her fall in love with him. Maybe he’d sing that song to her.
. . .
It was time to open Scoops Ahoy and Robin had brought a guest. The guest was a girl. Not Robin’s girlfriend, but just a friend. A special friend. She was living at Robin’s house after moving to Hawkins, so people often asked if she was related to her or not. Alas, these two lovely ladies were not related, just the best of friends. Some would even say they were like two peas in a pod.
Robin shoved open the door to the backroom, giving the mystery girl a tour. She explained things when the girl asked questions, and she waited patiently when the girl needed a few seconds. Robin Buckley was pretty much a different girl when this one was around. She went around the room, showing her friend the things she loved about working at Scoops.
The brunette was just about to go find Steve so she could introduce him to her friend, however.. Steve had other plans.
“I just can’t smile! Now some people say, happiness takes, so very long to find. Well I’m findin’ it hard, leaving your love behind me! And you see, I can’t smile without you, I can’t smile without you! I can’t laugh and I can’t sing, I’m finding it hard to-” A smile found it’s way onto Steve’s face upon seeing the girls. “Well hello Robin. Who might this lovely woman be?”
Y/n blushed, looking down and moving a foot behind the other in shyness. “I’m y/n. You listen to Barry Manilow too?”
“Fuck yeah I do! Can’t Smile Without You is my all time favorite song.” He felt bad lying, but his heart was begging to see her smile. Plus, he was sure that y/d/n would enjoy that as well.
“Same! It was my mom and dad’s wedding song, so I love it even more. Do you by chance, have time to chat during your lunch break?”
. . .
It had now been a year or so since Y/n had met Steve for the actual first time, and now they had exchanged a kiss a couple times, even gone on dates. He was in love with the woman who could never remember him. Steve was planning on treating Y/n to an ice cream cone as a gift when they “met” but...today wasn’t the best of days for Y/n L/n.
She had the tour as usual, meeting Steve in the special way he made for that day. It all ended horribly though. Steve and Robin walked Y/n to the parking lot, when Y/n noticed a police officer looking at her car and writing a ticket. Robin gave Steve the most terrified look that he’d ever seen.
“What!? You’ve gotta be kidding. Um sir, the tags don’t expire for seven months!”
“They expired May of this year.”
“No! No! No! They expire May of next year!”
Steve rushed over with Robin and another worker by his side. He didn’t know what would happen, but he knew it wouldn’t be good. “Officer I think there’s been a mistake.”
“Well I don’t.” the officer handed Y/n the ticket.
“No, this is ridiculous. I’m not paying this! It’s October!” Y/n turned to the worker, who had a newspaper in their hands. She swiped it from them, “Excuse me, can I borrow this?” The worker nodded as Y/n opened it to the date. “Look, Oct-ober.”
Robin had reached for Y/n’s arms, trying to stop her from reading it. Unfortunately, she was unsuccessful. “Come on Y/n, let’s go back inside.” She knew she was too late by the time Y/n’s face contorted in confusion.
“...What?” Y/n ran to the newspaper box by the door of the mall, grabbing them all out and looking at the dates. “What!?” Running back to her car, she drove home. She demanded to know what was going on. Why was everything wrong?
Her questions were answered. Her father showed her the stack of old newspapers he had printed out from the day of the crash. It was too much for her to handle. She ran outside, crying. The men, including Steve, chased after her, leading them to a dock near her house. She screamed out, asking why. Her father handed her a folder, full of the documents and pictures from her injury..she asked if she could go to the hospital to hear it for herself.
. . .
Y/n was told to sit in front of the TV as a man with nice looking hair put in a VHS tape. When the tape played, her eyes filled with tears, she laughed at some points, but that didn’t mean the tears weren’t there.
“Good morning Y/n! You’ve missed a bit in the past year. Especially some funny moments. So, I came up with a way for you to remember them.” Steve’s prerecorded voice came out through the TV. Recordings that Robin took of Steve and Y/n played, then some of Y/n and Robin, there were even some of Steve’s “kids.” Y/n giggled when she saw a small recording of Dustin mimicking Steve’s hair with his own, teasing him for his love for Y/n. “Ignore that little video...anyways that was Dustin. He’s my favorite kid, but you’re my favorite person.”
Y/n looked over to Steve, who smiled back and gestured to the TV. The final part of the video played, showing the contents of the folder to Y/n. Y/d/n and Y/b/n made curious glances at Steve. 
The video had ended with Steve being recorded by Max. “I know what you’re thinking Y/n, and I know that you’re probably confused. Just know that I love you, your dad loves you, Robin loves you, your brother loves you...even Dustin and Mike love you after you chased them and gave them a run for their money. The point is, you are loved and supported, we will always be here for you.”
Steve sighed. He didn’t know if Y/n would react differently than the way she did when she found out with her parking tickets or not. 
He was soon found in a warm embrace from his forgetful girlfriend. “So, you’re the man I dream of? That explains a lot..” She may have forgotten him in her brain, but her heart would always remember the man who stole itself from her.
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linmanwe11 · 5 years
The Modeling Gig
Pairing: Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader
Words: 1,940 words 
Warnings: Um,,, a few swear words, and fluff I guess? Lin being a cute and awkward 18 year old. So... not that many (for this part)!
Summary: College!AU where you’re a photography major at Wesleyan University who is also minoring in English Composition. You sit down in your last class of the day (which happens to be English Composition) when you see him walk in, and from that moment, your heart belonged to him. 
A/N: This is part one of a two part short-story! Basically, for those of you who don’t know, Lin tweeted about being a nude model for someone’s Drawing 1 class, so that's what this is based off of! Of course, I added my own little storyline to it, but either way, I hope you enjoy!
Part 1
You were in your first year of college at Wesleyan, going in as a photography major with English Composition being your minor. Being in both of these fields, you knew they would be competitive, but that didn’t bother you as much as it usually bothered others because you knew you had the drive and ambition to be able to excel either profession. You were the best photographer in your home town of Washington Heights, New York while you were in High School, and you received many scholarship offers to different schools, but you went with Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut because it wasn’t too far from home, and because you had fallen in love with it when you went to tour the campus.
Since English Composition was your minor, you were required to take the class each semester. You walked into the lecture hall for the first time, tired, worn out, and a little bit overwhelmed with your first day of college. You walked up the stairs and sat in the top corner of the hall and set your stuff down, placing your backpack in the empty chair next to you then waited for your professor to stand up from his desk and start teaching. It was your 2 o’clock class which meant that it was your last class of the day, so you were just holding out until the end, anxious to get back to your dorm and nap the first day away. All of those thoughts went away when you saw him walk in. 
Your eyes glued themselves to him, and you felt your heart skip a beat at the sight of him. His thin frame, strong looking hands, short brown hair, and a jawline that seemed to be razor sharp. He was breathtakingly gorgeous, and you knew you were in love from that very moment. Your parents would always tell you about how they fell in love at first sight, but you never believed that such a thing existed until now. When he walked in, it seemed like everything was in slow motion, everyone else in the lecture hall faded away and it was just him. You didn’t even know his name, yet you felt drawn to him. 
Without realizing it quick enough, you noticed that he was suddenly standing next to you, asking you a question that you couldn’t seem to hear.
“I- I am so sorry, what did you say? I was completely spaced out there for a second…”
“No biggie, I just asked if this seat was taken?”
“Yes! I mean, uh, no it’s not taken. Sorry, I’m just nervous.”
“First day jitters? Yeah, I have them too. I’ve been kinda freaking out all day, but I’ve been able to hide it pretty well.”
“Ha, yeah, I guess you can say that.”
He laughed at that and you smiled, but in the back of your mind, you could feel yourself beginning to REALLY fall for him now. He was attractive, super sweet, had a beautiful laugh, AND he had a smile that could light up skyscrapers. Man, you were SMITTEN.
“I’m Lin-Manuel Miranda, by the way. You can call me Lin-Manuel or just Lin.” He said as he stuck out his hand for you to shake, his name rolling off of his tongue with an accent. So, he’s Latino just like you. Could he be any more perfect? You reached your hand out to meet his, instantly feeling… well, you didn’t know exactly what it was you felt, but it felt like electric when your hands touched. 
“Hi Lin, my name is [Y/N]. It’s really nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too…”
For a second, the two of you were staring into each other’s eyes, and you could’ve sworn that you could see the stars just by looking in his eyes. Lin’s eyes were beautiful, the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen. They were dark, but you knew that they would probably sparkle when the light would hit them a certain way, and that they would light up when he would talk about something he was passionate about. His eyes could tell a million stories, yet hold one heart, and you didn’t know it, but he wanted that heart to be yours. You found yourself getting lost in his eyes, and you soon felt yourself beginning to blush, and you noticed that he was beginning to do the same, but before either of you could say another word to one another, your professor began introducing himself, so you both reluctantly let go, then faced towards the front of the classroom. The butterflies were going crazy in your stomach, and your heart was doing a million flips a minute. 
At the end of the lecture, you began packing up your stuff, getting ready to head back to your dorm and get started on the homework you already had. Before you walked too far away from the lecture hall, you heard someone calling your name from behind you. 
“[Y/N], hold up a second!” It was Lin, walking at a fast pace as you stopped and waited for him to catch up.
“What’s up?”
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a bite for dinner- or technically a late lunch/early dinner. I don’t really care, I’m just super hungry, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with? I’d really love to get to know you! Only if you want to, of course, I don’t wanna force you into something you don’t want to do. I’m not that kind of guy, it’s just that you seem really nice and like so much fun to talk to and be around and-“
“Lin, breathe! I’d love to get something to eat with you. I’m actually starving too. I was gonna order some takeout and just eat in my dorm before I did some homework, but this sounds a whole lot better.”
“Really? Great! Uh, I mean, cool! Awesome, so uh, where do you wanna go? What are you in the mood for?”
“This probably sounds really cheesy- no pun intended- but I could really go for some pizza.”
“Pizza it is then! Lead the way, my lady.” He said while dramatically bowing in front of you. You laughed at him then began walking to the nearest pizza place which was only a 10 minute walk away from your dorm.
“So, [Y/N], tell me about yourself.”
“Well, what do you want to know?”
“Everything you’re willing to tell me! I don’t want to pry too much, but like I said, I really want to get to know you.”
“That’s really sweet of you, Lin… I’ll start here; I grew up in New York, in Washington Heights which is in-“
“Upper Manhattan.” You both said at the same time. Confused, you leaned your head to the side, your eyebrows slightly furrowed together. 
“How do you…?”
“You’re never going to believe this, but that’s where I grew up too!”
“Are you serious? That’s crazy! How come I never saw you around?”
“I didn’t go to school in Washington Heights, I went to this school called Hunter College- it’s near Central Park, so I was usually always there for theatre throughout high school which is probably why you never saw me around as much. I was always out of place at that school- I loved it though, being one of the four Latinos there, and the only Puerto Rican, it was nice to bring something to the table that my peers didn’t often see… Anyway, holy shit, I can’t believe I never noticed you! You’re pretty hard to miss.”
“Now, I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or not.”
“Definitely a compliment. You’re so beautiful, I really am surprised that I never saw you around.”
You were taken aback slightly by his comment, but then you looked down because you started blushing and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of Lin. Hearing him call you beautiful made you feel something you had never felt in the past with old boyfriends. It made you feel like he actually meant it.
“So, you mentioned you were in theatre when you were in high school?” “Yeah! I’ve been in theatre since like 6th grade, and I love it so much. I’m actually a theatre major- English comp. is just my minor, I’m assuming it’s yours too?” “Yup, Photography is my major, but I’ve always been a really good writer, so I figured, why not minor in it just in case things don’t go right with photography? Kinda like a livin’ on the edge type of thing, you know?”
“I gotcha. Theatre is super competitive, so I understand where you’re coming from with photography. I’ve always been impressed with people who can take really good photos, especially when the picture itself has a deeper meaning than what’s actually there.”
You felt your heart light up again just by hearing him talk about photography like that. Everyone else that you had met always thought it was just about taking a “good picture”, but Lin was an artist himself. He knew that it was so much more than that. He knew that it TOOK so much more than that. You could feel yourself falling harder and harder for the Puerto Rican minute by minute. 
Over the next few hours, you and Lin talked about growing up, the struggles of both of you being Hispanic, especially for him. The two of you talked about the dreams you had for the future, and about the things you were most proud of about your family. When Lin talked about his family and his life, you noticed how animated he was- his hands almost never staying still as he used them to emphasize most of his words, and when you talked about your family and your childhood, he never took his eyes off of you. He was so attentive and you could tell that he made sure to soak up all the information that you were giving him. 
Both of you lost track of time, and it was soon almost 9 o’clock at night. To think you would have been in your dorm alone right now seemed crazy to you because you couldn’t imagine yourself being anywhere else but there with Lin. Remembering that you both had to get up early for class tomorrow, you collectively decided to call it a night. Being the gentlemen that he is, Lin refused to let you walk to your dorm by yourself, so he walked with you, the two of you talking about everything and nothing on the way there.
“This is me! Thanks for dinner, Lin, it was really nice getting to know you. Funny enough, it feels like I’ve known you for my whole life. I guess it’s because we grew up pretty much the same way. Either way, I’m really glad to have met you today. It was a lot of fun, and thank you for walking me to my dorm.”
“It was really my pleasure, [Y/N]. I had a great time too. I’ll see you tomorrow in class?”
“Yeah, definitely!”
You both smiled at each other then hugged one another goodnight, the hug lingering for a few seconds as you both took each other in- he smelled so good, and he thought the same thing about you- your arms were around his neck, and his were politely wrapped around your body, and you rested your head on his shoulder. After a minute, you pulled away and then turned away, you going into your dorm hall, and Lin beginning to walk towards his own. When you got into your room, you laid down on your bed, a smile permanently planting itself on your face as you thought about Lin and how amazing he is. When Lin walked away, he let out a yell of excitement, earning a few disapproving shh’s from sleeping students.
“Sorry!” He yelled back, hearing more sounds of disapproval, but he merely laughed to himself and kept smiling.
When Lin made it to his room, he began doing and thinking the exact same thing; thinking about you and wanting tomorrow to come quick just so he could see you again. Both of you drifted off into a deep sleep, the last thing being on both of your minds was each other. 
Part Two
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 026 [Robo-Inferno!]
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Word Count: 2,771
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“We are young, not for long. Life is fun! It only goes downhill. We gotta make the most of it, or you’ll regret it.” TheOdd1sOut & Boyinaband, “Life is Fun”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Hey! Make some noise, you rabid sports fans! Get those cameras prepped, media hordes! This year, we’re bringing you some of the hottest performances in the sports festival history guaranteed! I’ve only got one question before we start this show – are you ready?! Let me hear you scream as our students make their way to the main stage!” Present Mic’s voice boomed over the cheering crowd.
I readjusted the band across my forehead as class 1-A walked down the darkened hallway toward the center of the stadium. “Oi, Bakuhoe. The logo is visible, right?”
He glanced at me. “I can’t believe you’re wearing that stupid ass thing.”
I scowled. “Tacos are the food of the gods. Don’t hate, appreciate.”
His eyes narrowed at me, lips pulling back into a scowl. “You better fucking take this shit seriously, Winchester!”
“Oh yee of little faith,” I wagged my finger. “I’m comin’ for yo ass, Bakuhoe. Hope you’re ready.”
“Keep dreamin’, bitch.” He was silent for a moment. “Yes, the logo is visible.”
I grinned, throwing my arm on his shoulder.
We reached the end of the hall, stepping out in the bright sun that shined over the open stadium. Goddamn, that’s a lot of fucking people.
“This first group are no strangers to the spotlight! You know them for withstanding a villain attack – the dazzling students light up your TVs with solid gold skills! The hero course students of class 1-A!”
“Uhh… I-I didn’t know there’d be so many people…”
I patted Izuku’s shoulder. “Same, bro.” To be honest, I can’t stand it when people stare at me. Even when Aizawa’s cat stares at me while I’m playing games or trying to eat, that shit pisses me off. Now there’s a fuck ton of people staring at me. Well, at least I’m not alone. Just gotta let them shine brighter.
“I hope we’re still able to give our best performances even though all these eyes are watching us,” Iida commented. “I suppose it’s just another aspect of being a hero we all have to learn to get used to.”
“Present Mic sure did talk us up a lot… Kinda makes me nervous.” Kirishima kept looking around at all the people before turning to me and Bakugo as we walked in front of him. “How you feeling, man? You nervous, too, Winchester?”
“I’m not worried. It makes me want to win this thing even more!” Bakugo grinned.
“It makes me want to die.”
Izuku sweatdropped as he looked over his shoulder. “Please don’t die, Jen-san…”
“No promises.”
“If she dies it’ll be because I killed her! Face forward, Deku!”
“They haven’t been getting nearly as much screen time, but this next group is still chock full of talent! Welcome hero course class 1-B! Next up, general studies C, D, and E! Support classes F, G, and H! And finally, business classes I, J, and K! Give it up for all of U.A.’s first-year contestants!!”
All of the students gathered in front of the platform Midnight stood on top of. “Now, the introductory speech!”
The men in the crowd started to go wild at the sight of her and I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, who thought letting this bitch teach hormonal teenagers was a good idea?” I felt Bakugo shrug his shoulder under my arm.
“Someone should talk to Midnight-sensei about what she’s wearing…” Kirishima commented softly, his cheeks pink.
“Yeah, that costume should come with a warning.” Sparky agreed, his cheeks just as pink.
“Is it really appropriate apparel for a high school game?” Fumi questioned with a hint of disgust in his voice.
“Fumi, my beautiful bird child!” I held my fist out to him and he blinked in surprise, tilting his head and looking at my hand for a solid five seconds before lightly tapping his fist against mine.
“Silence, everyone!” Midnight cracked her short whip. “For the student pledge, we have… Katsuki Bakugo!”
I snickered. “This should be fucking brilliant.”
“H-He’s the first year rep?” Izuku panicked.
“I guess that hot-head did finish first in the entrance test.” Kirishima mused.
I raised a brow at him. “Did you just say entrance test? That sounds so wrong, Kiri.”
“Don’t tease me, Winchester!” He pouted, poking my arm.
“He only got first for the hero course exams,” Some girl on her right said, sending us an annoyed look.
“Oh… right…”
“That girl obviously hates us,”
“Yeah and we’ve got Bakugo to thank for them not liking our class.”
I scoffed, glancing back at the yellow-haired dope. “If you really think that, you’re dumber than you look, Sparky.”
His face flushed.
“What do you mean?” Kiri tilted his head.
“Ever since the USJ incident, class 1-A has been all over the media. By now, most people know who we are, even if it’s just ‘the first years that took on real villains and survived’. While it may be true that the idiot fueled the fire, he didn’t start it. They already disliked our class because of the praise and attention we’ve been getting. Blaming Bakugo is just a cop-out, an easy solution. Besides,” I narrowed my eyes at the girl, who shifted at the attention. “If someone is childish enough to judge the majority for the actions of one person, that’s on them.”
“I just wanna say,” Bakugo’s monotone voice was amplified by the microphone he stood in front of. “I’m gonna win.”
“What did he say?!”
“So full of himself!”
“Get off the stage!”
I laughed loudly, resting my arm on Fumi’s shoulder. “I totally fucking called it. I shoulda placed a bet!”
Fumi simply sighed, shaking his head.
“Why would you be so disrespectful?!” Iida cried. “You’re representing us all!”
“Not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones for my victory.” He pointed his thumb down.
“I’m gonna crush this overconfident jerk!! I can’t wait to knock him down a size!!”
I chuckled as Bakugo approached, holding my hand up. “You sure ruffled some jimmies there, Bakuhoe.”
He humphed, slapping his palm against mine.
“Without further ado, it’s time for us to get started!” Midnight spoke up. “This is where you begin to feel the pain. The first fateful game of the festival is…” A screen appeared behind her, the words spinning like a slot machine. “What could it be~?” It stopped on Obstacle Race. “Ta-da~ All eleven classes will participate in this treacherous contest! The track is four kilometers around the outside of the stadium! I don’t wanna restrain anyone – at least not in this game,” She licked her lips and smirked. God, she’s creepy as fuck. “As long as you don’t leave the course, you’re free to do whatever your heart desires! Now then, take your places, contestants!”
The crowd cheered as the gate to out left buzzed, three green lights lighting up above it. The students gathered around the gate and a drop of sweat rolled down my cheek as I scanned the large crowd. Oi oi, there’s no way in the nine hells that all of these students are gonna fit through that narrow ass hallway and I know damn well everyone is gonna rush forward as soon as it begins. That means I either need to get ahead before the jam or fall back and wait for an opening. Sheesh.
The first green light faded.
I glanced up at the stands where the U.A. faculty members were sitting. Toshi looks nervous as hell, his icy blue eyes darting around as he tried to find me and Izuku. God, he can be such a dad sometimes.
The second light faded.
I let out a breath. I’m gonna try hard. After all, if I don’t place well, then old man Shimatsu won’t get much business for his taco stand during lunch. Can’t let that happen!
The third light faded.
It was like that fucking scene from Jumanji, everyone rushing toward the hall at the same time and getting stuck from the sheer amount of students. I winced at the poor kids being smooshed against the wall.
“And~ we’re off to a racing start! How about some color commentary, mummy man?!”
“How did you talk me into this?” Poor Aizawa sounds exasperated, poor guy.
“What should we be paying attention to in the early stages of the race?!”
“The doorway,” he responded blandly.
I hummed, eyes scanning the backline of students as I kneeled down. Alright, let’s get it! I took off toward the hallway, jumping off the ground and landing on the back of a rather large student. Yells of protest reached me as I hopped from student to student, using them as stepping stones. I should thank Bakugo for the idea later.
The temperature suddenly divebombed and I suppressed a shiver as Todoroki activated his ice quirk, covering the end of the hallway and the students with ice. Cocky sumbitch. I hopped from a frozen student’s shoulder, increasing the temperature in my boots before landing on the ice. It sizzled as it melted. Good thing I put in a request to wear these fireproof boots!
“Nice trick, Todoroki!”
“I won’t let you get away so easily you icy hot bastard!!”
I snickered at the students slowly making their way across the frozen ground. One of them slipped and fell onto his ass, letting out a groan of frustration. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.
Mineta jumped into the air. “You think you’re so cool, but I’ve outsmarted you! Ha! How pathetic, Todoroki! Eat this, my special attack -!”
One of the robots from the entrance exam came out of nowhere, slamming its arm against his face and yeeting him across the field. That’s karma, you disgusting ass grape.
“Ooh~ Enemies have shown up out of nowhere! I bet we’re in for a treat here! A test of strength and cunning, it’s a robo-inferno!!”
“Are those the zero-point villains from the practical test?!” Sparky cried, nearly running into my back.
“So this is what the other students faced in their entrance exams,” Todoroki commented.
“Where does the school even get the funding for these things?”
I glanced at Momo. “Girl, that’s what I’m sayin’. I’m gonna go out of a limb and say they’re using gorgeous students to form musical groups that tour across the world and get these extremely crazy fanbases that will do anything for their idols even if it means murdering people or invading their personal space thus making millions of dollars off of their rabid love because they throw their hard-earned money at a shit ton of merchandise that has their favorite idol’s face on it.”
Momo sweatdropped. “That’s… oddly specific, Winchester…”
Todoroki covered the ground and his right arm with ice. “They obviously went through a lot of trouble, but I wish they’d prepared something a little more difficult.” He placed his palm on the ground. Ice shot up, swirling around him. “Especially since my dear old dad is watching,” He flung his hand forward, sending a massive wave of ice toward the zero-pointer.
“Pfft, cool it edgelord, now ain’t the time for your daddy issues.”
He glared back at me before taking off between the robot’s frozen legs. Other students tried to follow. “Careful, now. I froze them while they were off their balance. On purpose.”
“That’s Todoroki from class 1-A pulling ahead to an early lead with a devastating display! Amazing! He’s one we should watch! It almost seems unfair! Thoughts?!”
“His attack was both offensive and defensive.”
“No wonder he was let in on recommendations! He’d never even fought those robo-infernals before, but they didn’t stand a chance against his chart-topping moves! The stakes are high! We’ve got a whole school of top-notch students trying to be heroes, but do they really stand a chance against our heavy metal swarm of robo-infernals?!”
Che, guess I should get a bit serious. That move of his seriously pissed me off, and it’s fucking cold!
Limit release!
My shirt shattered as power flowed more freely throughout my body. I rushed forward, fire engulfing my hands as I kicked off the ground, jumping toward one of the robots and cocking my arm back. “Go to hell!” I grinned, slamming my fist against his face. The metal dented inward, head sparking before exploding. It set off a chain reaction of explosions, the metal creaking as it swayed backward. Fuck yeah, I’ve definitely gotten much stronger than I was!
“Class 1-A’s Winchester smashes through the robot with a single firey punch! The first-year students are already off to one rockin’ start and it’s only the first round! Talk about a cruel obstacle course~ Our players are racing against each other in a vicious battle where anything goes as long as they stay on the track! We’ll continue to bring you live updates and pulse-pounding action thanks to the camera robots placed around the course! Kirishima from class 1-A! What a hardcore debut for this rookie! Woo~ Tetsutetsu from class 1-B was also stuck underneath! What are the odds, folks?!”
I flew through the opening the giant robot had created, clearing the robo-inferno zone. What the fuck is happening back there? And who the fuck names their kid Tetsutetsu?! I glanced over my shoulder to see an angry chihuahua charging through the air. Oh boy…
“Don’t you dare think you’re gonna leave me behind, bitch!”
“Class 1-A’s Bakugo is rocketing over the obstacles! Clever!”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Bakuhoe~” I grinned as he flew over me.
“Class 1-A’s learned not to hesitate.” Aizawa stated calmly. “They’ve seen what the real world is like. They’ve felt the fear of facing villains, yet they fight on, trying to overcome that fear. They’ve grown, all of them, and they know that they have to act quickly if they want to stay alive.”
I smirked. Aizawa, soft dad hours are playing~
“For those of you that thought the first obstacle was easy~ Let’s see how you feel about the second one! If they take a spill, they’re out! If they wanna pass this test, they’ll have to get creative – it’s the fall!!”
I slid to a stop at the edge of the canyon, eye twitching. Oh come on, the fuck kind of obstacle course has a fucking canyon with a fifty-foot drop?! How is this allowed? Come on, J, stay focused, idiot. How can my fire help in this situation? It fucking can’t! Uh, can I jump from one pillar to the next? No way, the distance is too far. I can jump far, but I ain’t a fucking titan, man.
Wait a second… no, no, there’s no way in hell I could do that, but… Zawa made it look so easy when he did it. He did it a bunch of times when we were training together. My hands clenched at my sides. I spent ten fucking months, day in and day out, watching that man, training with that man. I’ve seen him do it dozens of times. Come on, let’s go!
I stepped back, taking a deep breath before I took off running, lowering my lower body. I went straight toward the thin roping connecting the pillars and started running across it like I had seen Aizawa do on powerlines. This rope is really fucking slack, but as long as I keep my speed up and don’t hesitate, I’ll be fine! Extend my arms out behind me for balance… oh no…
“Look at Winchester from class 1-A! Looks like she’s been studying your moves, Eraserhead! Wait, where are their crocodile tears streaming down her face?!”
“Are you okay, Jen?” Tsu questioned as she climbed across the rope beside me with her hands and feet.
“I can’t believe I’m Naruto-running! I’m a disgrace to my generation! Zawa, this is all your fault!” I cried, pushing myself to run faster.
“What did I do?”
“I have no idea!”
“What is ‘Naruto’?” Tsu asked, tilting her head.
Sweet, innocent Tsu. May you never experience the meme that is Naruto.
“In the world of heroes, it can be hard to get popular without a flashy quirk, right Eraserhead?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, idiot.”
“Ooh~ Looks like Todoroki is still skating by easily! The leader is putting distance between him and the students stuck at the fall. It hasn’t been announced how many competitors will make it through to the next round so there’s no time to relax!”
I groaned as I finally passed the fall, breathing heavily. Man, this sucks so much ass. How is Todoroki so damn fast? Like boi, do you even breathe? I just wanna go home and sleep. Dadzawa, save me~!
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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Hideous Creatures part 4 (Day 1-Ford)
The first day of the competition dawned with the brothers Pines standing in the clearing, in front of two large golf carts which had been decorated with a number of protective spells and wards, and had large red question marks painted on the roofs (an extra decorative touch on Stan’s part).
Both of them had dressed up to the nines for the occasion: Stan had used some of his unicorn gold to actually buy himself a tailor-made black suit, complete with scarlet bow tie, and slicked his hair back off his forehead.  He was also still wearing the fez, which had been brushed and cleaned to perfection, making him look like a rich carnival barker.
Ford, on the other hand, went with a nice dress shirt and slacks and (despite-or perhaps because of-Stan’s opinions) a wine red sweater vest, all under a long brown trench coat-fortunately the weather had cooled down enough that he wasn’t in danger of having a heat stroke.  His own mess of curls had actually been combed as neatly as he was capable of, and he’d remembered to shave and trim his sideburns today. Tucked in his pocket were notecards to help him remember the lines he’d carefully rehearsed, and under his arm was a spare journal filled with useful notes about the doings and history of mankind.
The two men were decidedly not looking at each other as they waited for the group of tourists to come.
“Guys, come on!” Dan, who was standing next to the golf carts, said for the umpteenth time.  “This is stupid! If you really wanna settle your differences, do it with something MANLY-like arm wrestling, or a caber tossing competition!  There’s no need for any of this!”
Neither of them even acknowledged him.
Dan sighed, and rolled his eyes.
“I’m gonna go split a few trees into firewood with my bare hands,” he muttered, stalking off towards his truck.
No sooner had he driven off than a crowd of unique creatures came out of the woods, many of them species that neither of them had ever seen in Gravity Falls Forest before.  Stan looked gleeful, probably pleased that the word about these tours appeared to have spread. Ford just adjusted his collar and went over his lines in his head again as his brother stepped up to greet them.
“Welcome, ladies and gentle-tourists, to the Tours of Mystery, where you can unlock the secrets of humanity by observing real live humans in their natural habitat!  Who’s ready ta have their minds blown?!”
A blonde woman standing at the front of the crowd, wearing a pair of sunglasses perched on top of her head and a whole lot of aqua eyeshadow, burst out laughing.
“Oh man, you’re a riot!”
Stan’s mouth widened in his “oh man after all this time I still got it” grin.  “Anything for you, gorgeous!” he told her with a wink; she simpered and giggled.  Just for an instant, however, Ford thought he could make out a flash of mandibles in her mouth, and stifled a smirk.
Stanley has no idea what he’s getting himself into flirting with her kind.
“And over on my left you’ll see Dr. Mystery, the dumbest smart person that ever lived!”
“Hey!” Ford protested, glaring.
“I’m just callin’ it like it is, doc.”  Stan’s smile was unrepentant. He looked back at the crowd.  “He’s gonna be givin’ the other tour today, so if you’d just form inta two groups, please-one’s gonna go with the boring tour, the other’s gonna go with me!”
Ford whirled on Stan.  “Or, to put it another way, if you come with my tour group you’ll be on the one that will give you genuine, factual information!”
The group, probably thinking this was all part of the show, laughed.  But they did start splitting up and getting into the two separate carts.
Ford stood by his cart, waiting as the various monsters entered his cart, accepting their payments as they climbed in.
And then his blood ran cold as his final passenger approached: an ancient birdlike woman (literally, her arms were wings with clawed hands at the ends, and her feet were webbed like a duck’s), still handsome and straight-backed in her old age, and peering down her hawklike nose at him.
“I look forward to your little presentation, Stanford,” she said, her accent faintly Greek and clipped, and still enchanting despite the disdain behind it.
Ford groaned inwardly as the grandmother of the siren he’d briefly dated climbed into the cart, sitting in the seat right behind his.
Great.  Just great.
Ford really did not understand Parthenope.  The whole time he had dated her granddaughter, she had made her disapproval of him quite clear.  But she seemed to view his breaking up with her as even more of a personal insult, regardless of it being a mutual thing for them.
“Eleni is doing well,” she said icily as he drove towards the town hall.
“That’s good, Ms. Parthenope,” said Ford with an inward sigh (the sirens did not have surnames to speak of).
“She says she’s thinking of going to the Gulf of Mexico for school this fall, instead of the Mediterranean as we were expecting.”
“I suspect outside influences have affected her judgment; she never acted out like this before she dated-”
“THE TOWN OF GRAVITY FALLS was founded in 1842, supposedly by a man named Nathaniel Northwest.  My research, however, has led me to the conclusion that he was not the true founder, but I have yet to discover who he replaced or why the truth has been covered up.”  Ford parked, and removed some of his notes from his pocket, ignoring the old siren's outraged stare. He cleared his throat, and began reading from them.
“Part of my suspicions come from some of Gravity Falls’s more absurd laws and precedents, such as the ‘Finders Keepers’ law, in which anyone who possesses a legal document corresponding to a property can claim legal ownership of the property.  As unstable and greedy as Mr. Northwest was, as exemplified by his death by attempting to eat a tree, I don’t think-”
“What’s that mean in English?” called a voice from the back; several others laughed.
“...If you can get ahold of the deed for a property, even by theft, then the property is yours.”
“Sounds good to me!” the same voice boomed; by turning around Ford saw that it was a large manotaur with a bone through his nose and muscles the size of cantaloupes.  “My bro Mascular told me about this place where they have tons of magic Idiot Boxes-can we go there so I can take the deed for it?”
“No!” Ford snapped.  “Those are not Idiot Boxes, they’re called televisions!  And I’m not going to assist you in stealing the deed for the store!”
“But you said it was legal!”
“That doesn’t make it right!” He stuffed the note cards back into his pocket, seeing that the opportunity to teach them some of Gravity Falls’s history had been lost.  “Next we’re going to visit the library!”
The rest of the tour was more or less the same.  The manotaur kept arguing with him that he should show him where the electronics store was because he wanted easy access to Idiot Boxes, until Ford finally drove to a barbecue restaurant and let him get some ribs to shut him up.  And then of course everyone else wanted some ribs too, and he had to keep track of what everyone took so he could secretly pay the owners back later.
There were members of the group who asked honest questions about the human world, and seemed genuinely interested in things like how electricity worked, or how humans got along without magic, but most of them seemed to be bored out of their minds at his explanations (he actually saw several of them falling asleep while he was describing the invention of the lightbulb).
And Parthenope’s scornful commentary in his ear the whole time didn’t help at all.
By the time Ford drove back to the forest and the tour group departed, he was mentally and physically exhausted from being around so many people.
He leaned his head against the steering wheel with a sigh, feeling a headache beginning to blossom.
I need to up my game if I ever want to beat Stanley.
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Charatcter Descriptions and Summary 2.13
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out! I'll try to add warnings later. Also, we have 8 episodes left including this one, so the last one should be number 20.
Dusk Moss
Hallucinogenic moss with very few alchemical properties that puts the user into a state of lucid dreaming where they are also concious of waking world (basically fantasy marijuana)
Is a flammable powder that cannot be unlit once lit
Crumpkin said his brother swears by it and that everyone should try it at least once.
It will even you out if you take a little bit and a quarter of teaspon will send one of them on a trip all day (so what about the size and race of the person?)
Can buy in a massive block from Tinkerer's Hall where a dose of the powder can be shaved off the block to use
Mystery Rune
The rune was abjurative magic: metamagic school (instead of protection, wards, and shields) which shapes the nature of magic itself. Specifically, the rune involved curses and a way to mask powerful curses and spells. One can take a tremendous amount of spellcraft (or the ability to cast multiple spells), put it into a curse, and have the curse ride under other curses. In other words, if connected to an object, the object would have been "cursed" to be a vessel for a wealth of other spellcasting (flash drive), but hidden under another curse (advanced encryption and a virus).
The larger and more permeable the curse, the more able it is to ride under another curse.
The curse on top (dummy curse) works best the more widespread, static (can't be easily ended or doesn't have random frequent spell effects), ambient, and passive it is like using a magical landscapes or creatures instead of a spell made by a spellcaster.
PCs With Datemates
Took a picture on her crystal of the unknown goddess mural (originally wondered if it was a tequila advertisement)
Kissed Tracker and the tree she was hiding behind
Wanted rosé with the cold fratatas, but thought it was weird that he put both kale and spinach in them (as did Tracker)
Looked through the medical papers Adaine and Riz found and figured out how to cure the Kalina infection (greater restoration due to studying records or a tinsure that requires dusk moss, the alchemical supplies Gorgug got from the tinkerers, some things Adaine can pull from her jacket, and one or two things they'd only be able to find beyond the wall)
Her and the group decided on the tincture method despite the risk of curing behind the wall as she can only cast greater restoration once per day (only one 5th level spell slot and 5 infected: Tracker, Sandra Lynn, Ragh, Riz, and herself), but the option of using greater restoration on herself and Riz while leaving the others behind or inside Van was discussed (side note: could she team up with any of the locals bards/clerics/druids/artificers/celestial warlocks who know greater restoration and teach them the specifics of the altered spell while they wait on the others to get back?)
Suggested they pretend they all died after they take the tincture in order to give them an advantage due to Kalina thinking the party was cut in half (all but Adaine agreed)
Owns little handcuffs with her and Tracker's initials on them
"I don't know why I'm saying this, but Go Ball."
Assumed that the team in hell were just stuck in a waiting room, possibly drinking pina coladas
Investigated where Aelwen, Adaine's mom, and Killian entered the briar wall. It was much more tangled, far from Arborly, up a cliff with difficult rocky terrain between them and the temple. It was a place where they wouldn't be looked for, but it would take them longer to get there.
Said the thing with Vraz made her werewolf issue with the Shrine of Thorns the second weirdest thing that's happened
Started transforming after glancing at the uncovered mural image of the unknown goddess, growling as half her head transformed as she fought changing before rolling off and hiding behind a tree (per Kristen's suggestion)
Couldn't go to hell because she couldn't enter the shrine
Got springs put in his shoes by the gnomes which gave them thick rubbery soles (Spring Coiled Sneakers of Bounding) and also asked for shock thing from tinkerers which would have a spare the dying effect (unknown if he got it)
Wears size 19 canvas shoes
Looked through a big log book with the alchemic ingredients in tinkerer's shorthand before buying the same alchemical ingredients that Killian bought (magnesium, antimony, and mercury which are used in magical candles) for 350 gold. Killian also bought two huge blocks of dusk moss incense (600 gold for both which he split cost wise with Fabian), but he was nervous about buying it (dusk moss details above).
Explained cell towers to the tinkerers
Considered jumping into space to either get to or place a satellite
Found a picture of his parents launching their satellite into space (Wilma and Digby giving double thumbs up, the van tipped on it's nose with it's back doors open to launch the satellite from the back of it, a lot of papers and a mobile desk in van's glovebox) and found space tech-esk routing info for the satellite in Van which allowed him to make a satellite phone
Originally left his crystal and the info with the tinkerers (original timeframe 1-2 days), but came back to help which speed up the process
Was curious why Gilear wasn't infected by Shadow Cat like Sandra Lynn and was later sorry he brought it up
When they found out they couldn't enlarge/reduce Van, he considered making a massive vest with massive pockets he could wear that everyone could jump in before they used enlarge/reduced on him, but the idea was scrapped
Suggested that if they played dead after taking the tincture to not warn Gilear so he wouldn't be acting when they "died".
"Hey, this is based on nothing, but I feel like Gilear is dead."
Believed that hell wasn't as bad as people said it was, just unfamiliar and like 5 degrees hotter
Ran into the briars after the portal closed
Likes a hot hot tub because warm ones just makes him wonder what's cooking in there
Was up all night sweating with his hoodie off (first time in a long time) working on his phone before finishing up the crystal pack (made his phone into a satellite phone). He felt pretty good about making it work.
Got a slew of unread messages once he turned his phone on (few old ones from Zelda, some from his parents checking in, and tour stuff)
Called Zelda with a video call, putting his hoodie back on as it rang and rang (most of the call is in Zelda section)
Told Zelda he loved her for the first time (after she said it first). Said he wished he was there, but hadn't figured that technology out yet and admitted that he might not have service once they went into the forest ("I'm here to communicate")
The gnomes erupted into cheers over the crystal working, but he was equally exciting over Zelda saying she loved him. They popped some gnome wine (pink fizzy champagne that smelled like cloying sweet strawberries) and shared it with him in celebration
Got a bunch of DMs from the other seven maidens saying "Way to go big guy"
Was at Ostentata's house at night for a party (everybody was telling the story of when Gorgug jumped the fire elemental there and when he backyard wrestle smashed the beer pong table while time was stopped) when Gorgug called
Told her adventuring party he was calling before she went outside, but they followed
Answered her phone while still wearing her earbuds and assumed he was back, but was told he figured out how to make his phone work. He did it because he felt like it was important to be able to talk to her, the world, and her (not because it was part of the quest). She asked if they had cell towers, but Gorgug said that he had been working on artificer stuff and used his parents' satellite.
Started crying over Gorgug doing a whole bunch of new science to make his phone able to call back, apologized to him over getting upset, and said she missed him and he was the best
Was embarrassed by the other maidens eavesdropping (they called out "Good lookin out Gorgug! Stand up thing to do! You did it!"). Gorgug went on speaker and said "Well hello guys!" before she shooed them off to talk to her boyfriend
Made sure that Gorgug's friends weren't in danger over him working on his project, but was reassured that he was having down time and it would also help them in the long run
Told Gorgug that she loved him for the first time and freaked out (insulting herself) before he said that he loved her too. This was followed by her saying "oooh I just wanna... I just wish you were here."
Said the Red Waste was super hard, but they were done and thought they would get a good grade on it
Called Gorgug cool (and was called cool by him). Said what he did meant a lot to her. The call ended with one last quick I love you from Gorgug.
Subpoenaed to be a witness for Gortholax before a tribunal due to him being negligent for his infernal domain (after his 9th and final request for appearence lapsed). The print of her subpoena got so fine that it was mostly illegable without a magnifying glass. It was also in infernal (which she can read)
Asked Vraz if she could leave the door to hell open with them following later (left open, but was yelled at)
Considered disguising herself as Gortholax and offered to disguise herself as a famous lawyer from billboards to help Gilear
Wanted to know more about law so she could defend Gortholax domain and yelled "THE CHOSEN ONE!" when she discovered that Gilear knew the law
Wanted to start a grass roots campaign about the demons working with the nightmare king (as devils hate them both)
Asked her mom why Gilear wasn't infected and discovered her parents had slept together many times, but not in the last 3 years
Got upset with Riz over his opinion on devils (quote in dialogue link)
Had to be the first through the portal to hell, but straddled the flaming doorway with Riz on her back to try to keep it open
Tied a rope around Hangman so she could wakeboard while smoking a clove, library card behind her right ear
Thought Gortholax's home was tasteful and knew the door code.
Blamed herself for the quality of Gilear's life (quote in dialogue link)
To Vraz "What going on with you? Do you need a hug?"
Lit a cigarette in court, told them that Gortholax was trapped in a gem, put her feet up, and said Kalina the Shadow Cat used a proxy to trap Gortholax with the assistance of demons (but was able to hide the fact that she was the proxy from Vraz)
Asked for help getting into the forest of the Nightmare King, but got yelled at because calling a recess does not mean the trial is over
Cut her arm and offered the tribunal her blood as proof she was Gortholax's daughter, but the blood sizzled when it hit the ground and either summoned or created an imp which served as proof
Told Adaine what the rune was (details below)
Still working on plane shift
Got upset over Fig getting sucked into hell, insisting that they had to go rescue her "Well, we should do whatever we can to make it happen as fast as possible because I'm going to get another kiss, whatever happens"
Said Fig's lips are the softest things she's ever felt (grossing out Adaine) and "If I don't smell Fig's hair again, I'm going to incenerate"
Asked Adaine for advice as the Oracle, wanting to know how many potential futures there were were Fig wouldn't want to kiss her or be around her anymore and if they could be avoided. She was also worried that Fig might have kissed her, but not felt attracted to her.
"If we kissed a bunch of times over the course of an hour, does that mean we are girlfriends or wives?" (potentially but ask to clarify)
Was worried that she would look sad, weird, or not normal from a social standpoint for asking Fig to clarify if they were girlfriends (to which Adaine said she was not and was in face very very cool).
Worried about her mind being foreign to other people and despite not being the same as Adaine, felt better after talking to someone who understands not being like everyone else.
Told Adaine "You're a very special person to me and your friendship means the world to me. I hope we study magic together for a long long time" and that she loved her.
Has notes on how her brain works and built an entire friendship section in the library because she was so lonely.
Went to the Synod to be alone because she lived "on a dirty pirate island"
Other PCs And People In The Party
Released an aura in the crime scene and might have put on gloves
Found the non detection runes her mother had placed (to keep elves off the trail) and the remains of two rituals, one to kill Killian and one to put the Devil's Heart (with Gortholax) inside Killian. The rituals happened 24 hours appart, meaning they left the night the teens arrived or her mom knew to kill Killian before Aelwen arrived.
While looking for something in the room (something nice her mom might have said about her), she found a blank piece of parchment on a small desk and revealed a message using "the pencil trick" ("Aelwen is with me. You are betrayed. You have no other choice darling. Come with us.") which she believed was probably for her dad. Later got the original copy (wrote out for a sending spell) by using mend on ashes she found in a trashcan
Suggested a cold fratata picnic
Pulled beautifully printed pamplets out of her jacket for Fig's grass roots campaign, but they had a typo so she tossed them
Told the group to give a thumbs up to someone who had the message spell (currently only Fig and Adaine) if they had something to say to keep it from Kalina
Was caught by briars and ejected from the hell potral, keeping her from entering, but decided that heaven and hell were just reflections of each other so she wasn't worried
On dusk moss, said "I've heard it's good for anxiety." and suggested that they all got high while waiting on their friends to return from hell (but was unable to convince the others)
Discovered that the unknown goddess' spellbook had a distinguishing mark on it, an occult rune that was in a lot of stuff at Compass Points (which Ayda would have studied) and on the coin given to Kalvaxus (more info under mystery rune)
Liked a hot tub that started off very warm at first and then got more comfortable
Messaged Ayda late at night for help "Avast ye scurvy devil. How is plane shift going? Also, need info on rune. It looks like [x]" (answered back "I'm not a scurvy devil. Let's use the synonym. Right jacket pocket.")
Found a key made of glowing blue crystalline energy in her pocket as the keyhole on a nearby door started glowing slightly blue.
Was given a scroll with a first level spell by Ayda that granted her access to the Synod of Spyre which is a meeting place for wizards
Told Ayda "I think your great",  made her laugh by telling her that curses were "ten a penny", and told her that she enjoyed talking to her about their magic as Ayda is someone who gets it and is not mean to her
Asked Ayda to tell her everything (about the kiss), but then realized that she didn't want or need to know everything. She did say (about Ayda and Fig) "I support this. I am happy about it. I am amazed. Oooo she's secretive!" and that while on a macro level, some people will kiss without caring, Fig wouldn't because she cared about everybody (she did kiss those two older guys though?)
Admittedly that being oracle only let her help out a little every day and occasionally she got a terrifying vision, but she doesn't know when the event will occur or what will cause it
To Ayda, "If you like a person and they like you and the relationship is good, it shouldn't matter how other people feel about it? I think."
"I want to be alone and also surrounded by my friends at all times."
Worked the crime scene in the Owl and Harp with Adaine (putting on gloves before starting)
Found that the rituals were specifically to get Kalina into Silvar by bypassing the need for permission from a devil authority by using petrismosis to move from an infected creature into a gem to commandeer the devil within it
Petrismosis: The body's ability to start having elements of the magical gem within it to start permiating orgainic membrane; the process of an organic body and gem to become one which includes osmosis of blood to gem (ragh mom constrantly fights against the being within her gem using her rage, blood, and soul)
Told Adaine "It's great to fin- be around someone who just focuses up. Me and you? Everybody else is super horny. Super emotional. But me and you? *slaps hands together* No emotions between the two of us." (she was looking for something nice from her mom)
Discovered that Adaine's mom had packed WAY more rations than they needed to get to the temple, some alchemical ingredients, and all primary work, leaving only hints behind as well as some research and medical diagrams (which Adaine and Riz took). The medical diagrams were extremely old velum grave robber level medical stuff written in a character based pictogram language (think hieroglyphs, almost like emoji) that was most likely centaur. One medical diagram was of a disected and dismembered centaur with dark, very scary looking cat symbols (refered to as the disease or infection) behind eyes, in ears, on tongue, deep in sinuses, and on spine. It also showed that the brain was carefully taken apart and looked at, but the infection was not present there.
He and Adaine deduced that Kalina could only look through one person at a time using their senses and couldn't get into their brains, but could cause paralysis. The only safe place would be the moon haven/Kristen's hallow, but Kalina might be able to ride one of the infected into the haven if she was actively trying to do it. They could however talk anywhere using telepathy (such as the message spell).
Was worried about going to hell while infected, but later said "I meantioned that I was concerened about going to hell and her possibly being able to see the trial, but hell is also bad so I don't really care if they end up fighting and killing each others. Let's just go to hell. Also, they're super far along already. They have Gortholax and they're in. So it's not like... yeah."
Might have internalized racism/goblinphobia and has bias towards devils (both from his reactions in this episode and his reaction to Gortholax in season 1)
Suspicious of devils and doesn't think they should be super cool with them (quote in dialogue link), later becoming upset over what Hangman said about goblins ("Oh like goblins have such a great reputation.") and the others reaction to his and The Hangman's statement.
Road into hell holding onto Fig's back.
Upon seeing Gilear knocked out, said "See I told you that hell was bad! I mean, this is awesome, but this is bad." Pointed out the irony of Gilear getting mad at him a long time ago for stealing the first aid kit that gave him the healing feat.
After Hangman said the evil souls were murderers, thieves, and liars, he started sweating and said "Liars huh?" (side note: Riz has actually done all three)
Grabbed Gilear's face and investigated him to figure out why he was so confident (he said no to an offer from Sandra Lynn). Hissed at Gilear and then apologized, saying they were in hell, it was weird, and the things said about goblins earlier made him feel kinda crazy
Hissed at Vraz repeatedly, even after she threatened him.
To Vraz "Well I'm Riz The Ball and I'm just gonna ROLL WITH THIS! We're here! We're here for your trial thing! *hiss*" Is held back by Gilear while Fig tried to push him forward towards Vraz (told her to stop it)
Hissed at Vraz again (when she was mean to Fig) saying Vraz calling somebody in the middle of a trial was weird before the pair got in another hissing/screaming match. Asked The Hangman to hold him back and got his foot run over.
Ownes 250 to 312 pairs of shoes (depending how many have been thrown away or given to childen), has size 5 feet (and is self conscious about it), said he had delicate feet and was lithe and dexterous, and his father had small feet and mother had normal sized feet
Said "god damn it" when he discovered Krumpkin wore the same size shoes as him, lied and said he had big toes and wore a 5.5 because he didn't to exchange shoes with a gnome, and quietly said "...let's go" when Gorgug asked if he wanted little bells on his shoes (side note: was he teased in the past?)
Completely confused by tinkerers logbook, so he deferred to Gorgug. Tried to help by rubbing his sheet on the gold coins they were buying supplies with, but nothing happened
Was nervous about buying or using dusk moss, saying he knew a guy who tried it while wearing a hat and now he always felt like he's wearing the hat. Told the rest of the group "We bought so many drugs." when they dot back.
Fabian's bardic "You feel the power of Fabian's support and care for you" (the explanation of his new stats is linked below)
When asked if he wanted to stay in the Tinkerer's Hall, he answered "Absolutely. With all these weird little men and women. No thank you. Ragh, let's go!"
Has a bunch of private stuff on his phone that he doesn't want anybody seeing
Tried to ride Hangman into hell, but caught by the briars and ejected as the portal closed
Told Hangman "You are literally the sweetest meanest thing ever."
Mutters "Go off The Ball, go off" while Riz was in a different dimension from him (yelling at Vraz in hell)
Said he didn't worry about his father as he was thriving, but he missed him. When told he could get word to him, originally assumed Bill would be busy, then agreed but asked Hangman not to be needy about it, then tried to pretend that he was cool either way and that he didn't need it and it wouldn't fill him with joy, then admitted that it would fill him with joy, and finally just asking "yes please do it"
Likes a warm hot tub due to it being better for his skin and he can stay in there longer
(Multiple quotes can be found in the dialogue link below)
His presence (a devil) closed the portal to hell, seperating him from Fabian. He could still talk to Fabian telepathically, but freaked out. When asked to turn it down, he replied "I can't turn it down, I'm sad!"
Said that the portal was created for the dark tribunal and afterwards the devils are required to deposite them from where they came from
Gave Gilear his mark by making his eyes glow dark red pinpricks and etching an infernal ruin of blood and fire on his forehead
Got pissed off over Gilear having to ride on him, but did it to stop his complaining. Meanwhile, Riz also road on him (with a "Huzzah!") and Fig tired a rope around him so she could wakeboard on her skateboard behind him
Approved of Riz hissing at Gilear
Said the souls falling into The Bottomless Pit were evil and of murderers, theives, and liars
Got the tribunal to allow them to stay at The Bottomless Pit (as Fig was both Gortholax's daughter and she had passage there) instead of prison
When he was told only Fig was going to go in the hot tub, he pouted and said "I want to go too!"
Offered to send word to Bill Seacaster for Fabian
Made fratatas (with both spinach and kale) immediately, but they all got very cold due to the teens being away for hours (were so cold that they thought he put them in the freezer)
He was not "the face" when he worked in Fallenel at the elven counsel (where he said he was a glorified paralegal), but was still an expert in international and interplaner law
When Fig told him that it was his moment and she needed him, he immediately replied with "Nope!". He eventually gave his word to help, but was confused about how they got into trouble in Arborly, discovering the trial was both in hell ("what? what? oh no.") and delivered by a really keyed up woman who was probably working through something ("I...what have you done?")
From Adaine's jacket, was given a barrister wig from Fig ("None of the cultures I've worked for use these wigs"), a gavel from Kristen, and a black robe from Adaine
Found that the subpoena had no clause concerning ther souls, but hell would send people to get Fig if she didn't go
Wears boat shoes and had a powerful aura of disease coming from his feet (again Gilear DOCTOR! or have a healer greater restore!)
His bald spot was hit by a bit of fire before a blast of fire hit him and knocked him out, setting his wig on fire. He was healed by Riz, but left with burns.
Was given the Mark of The Hangman, which was an infernal ruin of blood and fire etched on his forehead which caused a red force field to appear that protected him from the fire as long as he was with The Hangman
Noticed how Fig was acting (library card behind ear) and started asking her questions, but she dodged them until Riz confronted him about his confidence and got him to confess "I got confidence because Sandra Lynn asked to sleep with me and I said no!" Said that he and Sandra Lynn talking until morning and towards the end she made an offer, he said "No. Thank you", and everyone was still happy and fine afterwards
Told Riz he was very scary and intense sometimes, resulting in Riz hissing at him
Did not actually help during the trial due to fear.
(Has multiple quotes in dialogue link.)
Sandra Lynn
Covered for the teens messaging by talking about finding where Adaine's mom entered the forest as the teens nodded along
Had to explain to her daughter that her and Gilear slept together, but she could have gotten the Kalina disease anytime in the last 3 years and Gilear wouldn't have been infected ("I love you. It's weird. Sorry for all this weird info.")
On Kristen attempting to handcuff her "So help me god Kristen Applebees. I understand that I work for you, but so help... wow."
No longer with Jawbone, but ended on good terms
Was very kind to Gilear the first night in Arborly. She offered to sleep with him at one point and was turned down.
When she asked what the teens were messaging about (dusk moss), Kristen said Spring Break and suggested Sandra Lynn have a spa day with a hot tub soak and a massage with cucumbers on her eyes. Gorgug suggested cucumbers on her ears. Fabian said they should get the weird gnomes to pound her (dear god Fabian! XD) with Kristen saying "gnomes all over your body", Adaine adding that they would walk on her back, and Fabian adding that the little shoe bells would be meditative
Asked for a lost spring from the tinkerers
Wears a size 17.5 shoe (quote in dialogue link)
Was paranoid about buying dusk moss (ARE YOU A COP!?), but after Crumpkin's reaction, he grabbed Fabian and Gorgug's arms and said "I think drugs are legal here"
Took a solid chunk of dusk moss and was found staring at his hand ("My hand is just little animal on the end of your arm")
Came into the van later, shirtless and looking like he'd sweat ten gallons. Said "Everything in the world is connected", (on Adaine thinking of trying it) "Adaine, for real? I can never be anxious again because I don't even know if I can ever be fully in my body again.", and (response to Fabian saying it sounds scary) "No no. I'm part of the universe dude" before drinking a glass of water and going off to go to bed.
Crumpkin Springbill
Head Tinkerer of the Tinkerer's Hall of Arborly
Confused as to why anybody would be mad about people buying or using dusk moss
Told Gorgug that it would take a long time and a lot of materals to build a cell tower
Size 5 shoes (but likes a little toe room) with curled toes so he can puts little bells on them (sounds like the general style of shoes for the gnomes there as well)
Said hello to Zelda enthusiastically over a video call
Polly Pullypad and Osmand Wobbletrouble
Accidentally flew into where they stacked all the old pots and pans (Polly)
Brought Gorgug his altered shoes back and bowed to Gorgug
Asked to examine Gorgug's crystal in exchange for the spring shoes (Osmand)
Suggested they try to skip building a cell tower and connect directly to a satellite
(Unnamed Twins)
Shallower cone hats with tufts of fur on the ends of springs
Took gorgug shoes off his feet
Vraz the Mean
Sarcastic erinyes with a +13 insight and a beautiful but uncannoy vally porcelain face with a beauty mark
When Fig and Kristen asked if she could leave the door open so they could follow "Are you guys having a fun time? BECAUSE YOU SEEM PRETTY FUCKING GLIB! Keep your sass to yourself!", but still left the door open
Got hissed at by Riz a lot (multiple quotes in dialogue)
Said she is having a bad time between her title (Vraz The Mean), species (Erinyes), running hell, and her title (Arch Secretary)
Called the tribunal into order (with her two co-jurors in a room with a small 3 seat judges bench), stating that it concerned the issue of Gortholax's infernal negligence
Tried to call her boss Blozo, but he couldn't come due to traffic
Found that being trapped in a gem counted as extenuating circumstances and he would not be punished, but they needed a new regnant for the Bottomless Pit so they called a recess while they consulted the bylaws.
Yelled at Fig for asking for help after the recess saying (in a durr voice) " *points at temple* Do you know what words mean!? Do you know what words mean!? *jacking off motion* Huh?"
Was going to imprison "the mortals", but was convinced by Hangman to put them under house arrest at The Bottomless Pit
Kystrona (Ky-stron-ah) The Chained
Vaguely humanoid figure that is just like
A person with chains coiled where arms would be as well as the torso and head, making a massive mound of chains
Moved with a lot of strain (including trying to shrug) and voice is muffled from all the chains
Lorzug (lore-zug) The Impaled
Bone thin naked person with incredibly pale skin and translucent vains all over
Impaled through the stomach about 10 feet up a jet black iron spike as they kick and scream
Only responded with screams
Retch Rot
Tiny blood red imp with a scorpion tail summoned by Fig's blood (calls her mistress)
Might look like a red Boggy with really long legs for his size (Ally wondered if he looked like "a really famous mouse", including suspenders, but I personally give Emily's description more weight as she is in fact in hell as Fig)
Valet to Fig while in the Bottomless Pit
Wanted to show them to their quarters and the many doors of The Bottomless Pit (but had to make it clear that the doors were just rooms in the pit and not portals)
Other Stuff From 2.13
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[To be added]
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prettytoxicrevolver · 5 years
Just Friends | Jack Avery
Warnings? None?
Requested? Yup! Hope you like it @babyybesson!
Summary: You’re best friends with the boys (specifically Jack) because your uncle is R8dio but when Jack and Gabbie start dating you take a step back as to not interfere with the relationship. However, you’re not sure if that causes more harm than good. 
Word Count: 2,258
“(y/n)!!! You ready?” Your uncle Troy aka R8dio asks while popping his head into your room. You were finishing the last touches on your hair and you swivel in your chair to face him. 
“Yeah give me like two seconds,” You respond before running your straightener over your hair one last time. You unplug it and grab your phone and purse and head over to your uncle. 
Today you were shadowing your favorite uncle at his job. He was helping a brand new boyband edit and mix their new song. You had always wanted to learn the ropes of your uncles job and you were excited to see how it all works. 
The drive to the studio was pretty quick and you were practically shaking from head to toe in excitement. Music has been the biggest part of your life for as long as you can remember and to learn new things about it always excited you. 
“The band is called Why Don’t We,” He says as the two of you walk into the building. “They’re five guys around your age so you should get along pretty well.” 
When you get to the studio you watch as your uncle gets everything set up and ready. He begins to explain the different controls and what they do when there’s a knock on the door. You both stop and look up to see a curly haired boy walk in with a wide smile plastered across his face. 
“Hey man!” The boy greets and walks up to your uncle and offers a handshake. He then turns to you and you offer an awkward smile and wave. 
“This is my niece (y/n). She’s gonna be hanging out and learning the ropes today,” Your uncle explains and the boy smiles. 
“Hey! I’m Jack,” He says offering his hand and you take it. 
He then explains that the rest of the boys should be there soon and stopped to grab some coffee before coming in. As you sit and wait, your uncle finishes setting up and Jack takes a seat next to you. 
“So you’re Troy’s niece?” Jack asks and you nod and smile. 
“Yeah. I’ve always thought his career was cool so I wanted to see how it all works,” You explain and he smiles. 
“It’s pretty cool. I still don’t understand it all but he somehow makes our music sound awesome so.”
“You guys have a lot to do with it though,” You respond and he nods. 
The two of you talk a bit more, basic information being traded back and forth until the rest of the band finally shows up. They introduce themselves quickly before starting to work. You stick to the back, watching your uncle navigate the controls and watch as they create a new song. 
“Wait,” You chime in and your uncle turns to look at you. “For the last chorus, drop back the background completely and enhance the harmonies.” 
Your uncle complies, fiddling with the controls for a second before applying the changes. He rewinds the track and lets the last chorus play again. You watch as the guys start to nod along, liking how the ending sounds.
“Looks like you’re a quick learner,” Jack compliments. 
“I try my best.” 
The day is long but you enjoy practically every second of it. It was fun to learn how to create music the way your uncle did and the boys were super sweet and kept you entertained even during the slow bits of the day. 
“Alright if I sit here any longer my head is going to explode,” Jonah says and stands up. “Wanna get dinner?” He asks the rest of the band and they all murmur responses. 
“(y/n)? You coming?” Jack asks when he gets to the door. You look over at your uncle and he nods. 
“Get her home safe though,” He warns and Jack smiles. 
“Come on.” 
You head out with the five boys and before you can even ask, they start to discuss food ideas. You mostly listen as they throw out ideas and agree when something sounds good. 
“Chick fil a?” You pipe up and the boys all stop. 
“Ohhh I like you,” Zach says pointing at you and you smile widely. 
You head out to the restaurant, Jack and Daniel in the front, Zach and Corbyn in the middle and you and Jack in the back. The two of you continue your conversation the entire time. It was surprising how quickly the two of you clicked and were already bonding over so many things. 
“What are you gonna get?” He asks when you’re in line and waiting behind the rest of the boys to order. 
“The chicken strips duh,” You respond. 
“Okay we’re definitely gonna be best friends,” He says and you smile proudly. 
It had been a little over a year since that day and you and the boys were closer than ever. After hanging out at chick fil a for a couple of hours you got each of their numbers and created a group chat. Even after you got home they were still sending you dumb videos of each other. 
It didn’t stop there. You were over there house practically every weekend and when summer came around it turned into almost everyday. You loved hanging out with the five singers and so when they headed off for the something different tour you found yourself bored out of your mind. 
However, you thankfully had a summer class and a summer job at the studio to keep you busy and help you through a summer without your friends. When the boys got back to LA you spent so long at their house they had to kick you out at some point just so you could see your family.
You didn’t regret it one bit though. You loved them and summer felt like ages when they were gone. Jack missed you like crazy too and you’re reminded of how quick you became friends. It changed your life in the best way possible and you were so blessed. 
“Hey (y/n)?” Jack asks catching your attention. 
The two of you were sprawled out on his king sized bed, your head at his feet and vice versa. At the sound of your name your prop yourself up on your elbows and look down at your best friend. 
“What’s up?” 
“Should I ask out Gabbie?”
Gabbie was a family friend of Jack who you had met just before tour started. The two of you got along quickly, bonding over your love of the ocean and she offered to teach you how to surf. You also quickly realized that Jack had the biggest crush on her but wouldn’t tell her. 
“Duh,” You respond sitting up further. “You guys would be cute together and I can tell she likes you too.” 
“Yeah. Just text her,” You flop back onto the bed and a few seconds later you hear Jack typing on his phone. You pull out your own phone and scroll through instagram. You decide you haven’t gone live in a hot second and you start up the video. 
“Hey guys,” You greet and you can feel Jack looking over at you. He moves around on the bed until he’s laying the same way as you and smiles when he realizes you’re live. 
“Sup guys,” He greets as more people come to watch. 
Ever since you became friends with the guys, you gained a ton of new followers. You never quite understood it considering you didn’t do anything interesting. But that’s how fandoms worked these days and because you were a fraction closer to the guys than they were, they decided to follow you too. And you also gave them some great content some days. 
The comments are flooded when people realize Jack is here and begin asking a million questions. You both sift through the normal ones, how your day has been, is Jack excited for tour, any new updates and other stuff like that. 
“Is (y/n) single?” Jack reads. 
“Forever and always,” You joke and Jack nudges you. 
“Hey you’ll find the right guy one day,” He tells you and you smile. When you look back at the comments, they’re now flooded with how cute you and Jack were and how we should be together. You both ignore them and search for more but upon seeing there’s nothing left you get off live. 
“Did Gabbie text you back?” You ask when you end it. 
“Yeah we’re going out this friday,” He says smiling widely. 
You were laying down on the couch, binge watching Teen Wolf with Jonah when you hear the front door open. Jack walks into the living room not five seconds later and you and Jonah are sitting up ready to ask questions about his first date. 
“How did it go?” Jonah asks first. 
“Really good.” He says smiling and happiness fills your heart for your best friend. “(y/n) can we talk upstairs?” 
Before you can say anything, Jack is grabbing your hand and pulling you off the couch. You cast Jonah an apologetic glance before following behind your best friend. When you get to his room, you head straight for his bed and lay down. Jack falls down next to you and out of habit you start to run your hand through his curls. 
“What’s up?” You ask hoping the date really did go well and he didn’t just say that because Jonah was there. 
“She’s perfect,” He sighs out eventually and you smile. Jack was always pretty good at expressing his feelings but he always told you he trusted you the most. Therefore, you were the only one who really ever saw him like this. 
He launches into the story of the date, no detail spared and by the end of it you’re having secondhand butterflies. You were so happy for your best friend and that he was so smitten with Gabbie even after one date. 
It had been a couple months since Jack and Gabbie had gone on that first date and since then their relationship had grown. During this time you had stepped back a bit so Jack could develop his relationship with Gabbie. 
You didn’t want to interfere and overstep your boundaries so you let Jack ask you to hangout when he’s free and you found yourself hanging out with the other guys more. Jack would always be your best friend but you never wanted to push it. 
However, the invitation tour was coming up soon and you were excited to be on the road with your five best friends. Thankfully your school schedule worked with you so you could still do your classes and travel with your second family. It was the perfect opportunity. 
About a month into touring, Jack had decided he wanted to go public about his relationship with Gabbie. He talked to the whole band and everything considering things would change knowing their fans, and they supported him. 
However the whole thing didn’t go over well. 
“Band meeting, now.” Jack says popping into the dressing room you were relaxing in. Before you can question it, Jack dips back out and you’re left following him. 
He leads you to one of the random backstage rooms and when he opens the door, the other four singers are sitting around waiting. Jack gestures for you to sit and you take a seat in between Daniel and Zach. 
“Why are we here?” Zach asks once you’re settled. 
“So you guys saw that I posted about me and Gabbie right?” He asks and the five of you respond in agreement. 
“Gabbie’s getting a ton of hate now because of it,” He says and you can tell he’s holding something back. 
“And?” You ask. 
“And it’s because of you,” He admits and your face contorts to one of confusion. 
“Me?” You ask. You look around at the rest of the guys and they all wear the same expressions as Jack.
“You haven’t seen the comments?” He asks instead of further explaining. 
You pull out your phone and pull up twitter and scroll through the now trending “Jabbie” hashtag. While the first few tweets are good ones, the further you scroll you start to see what Jack is talking about. Since you had taken a step back from Jack, you had stopped posting as much about your friendship. 
However, the fans were taking that the total wrong way. They thought you stopped because you liked Jack. There were practically hundreds of tweets questioning how Jack had a girlfriend that wasn’t you. 
“Shit,” You curse and Jack nods. “What are we supposed to do?” You ask now looking at the rest of the band. 
“My suggestion is to tweet about it to be honest. That usually gets them off our back pretty quick,” Daniel says and you nod. 
You pull up a new tweet and it takes you a second to think before you end up sending a tweet that says “In the wise words of Anne-Marie, We’re just friends.” After sending it, the boys go back to doing their pre show routines and you talk to Jack. 
“I’m sorry,” You apologize. “I never meant to interfere that was my exact opposite intention. I wanted to give you and your relationship space.” 
“No harm done just don’t fall in love with me for real,” He jokes and you shove him. 
“Never in a million years you dork,” You respond before pulling him in for a hug. 
“Yeah, yeah.” 
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Amber & Cosmo
Amber: [okay so what if like he finds her in Dash's room obvs he's not there like lowkey ransacking it and he can either help her or walk off whatever you think he'd do and then we can do a convo after that of her being like I'm not a burglar or a bunny boiler just for your info] Cosmo: [I like it, he'd more than likely just walk-off like 😏 okay so] Amber: [that works for us cos they've seen each other so they know each other is hot but haven't spoken] Cosmo: [exactly and just set up he's not gonna deign to get involved with anything his brother/you] Amber: not a stalker but realise getting in your inbox to claim that is a defeat.... Cosmo: you either got the wrong room or wrong inbox Amber: right room to get my zip back, right inbox because you saw me hunting for it Cosmo: I'm glad Cosmo: your efforts to stop him being entirely useless are appreciated Amber: I don't rate highly for him besides 🎯 Amber: but easy mark for theft isn't a sweet identifier Cosmo: Exactly, no need to get upset Cosmo: you've got your shit back and you didn't have to interact with him again, take your wins Amber: control your emotion? is that how you're gonna talk to a girl you've just (not) met? Amber: take your chance at less....THAT....first impression Cosmo: we met Cosmo: I was the tall, athletic guy Cosmo: you were up to your waist in all the crap he has lying about, but I could just about see you over it Amber: you looked at me, you didn't meet me Amber: it would involve not keeping walking Cosmo: I'm sorry, I didn't know there was etiquette surrounding girls who just so happen to be taking back what was there's, NOT stalking and NOT stealing Cosmo: should I have offered assistance? Amber: if the idea of meeting me horrifies you more than the prospect of me leaving quicker thrills you, no help required Cosmo: I'm not part of the turndown service, sadly Cosmo: again, nothing personal Cosmo: I just have somewhere to be Amber: I didn't know it was a real hotel Cosmo: He didn't tell you? Cosmo: practically the marmont but no one cool has died here yet Amber: the in depth conversation you're picturing us having didn't happen Amber: not to make you more uncomfortable than my sudden appearance Cosmo: rest easy, I'm not picturing anything Cosmo: as I said, busy Amber: 😴👶 Cosmo: What's that meant to mean Amber: I'll sleep like a newborn, you can rest easy knowing it Amber: when you're not busy Cosmo: 😏 alright Cosmo: would hate to have you keeping me up at night, honestly, so thanks Amber: if I wake up screaming for milk I won't come & find you Cosmo: If you wake up 9 months down the like with a screaming 👶 Cosmo: I'll redirect you to the right room, free of charge Amber: can you not put a hex on me please Amber: I'm too busy myself to be carrying any 👶s Cosmo: I can promise you I wouldn't know how should I want to Cosmo: but I don't and you seem smart enough to have put your faith in something beyond magik Amber: what do those people seem like to you? Amber: I can talk in riddles all day Amber: give you a reading Cosmo: I've been assured we're both too busy for that Cosmo: but I get it, I know where you're from Amber: you know where I live Amber: that makes two of us Cosmo: I don't need to know any more than that Cosmo: do you? Amber: if you don't, I don't Amber: you don't work at the hotel and I'm not the official spokesperson for this place Cosmo: we can both agree to give the guided tour a miss Cosmo: go on then, what's your name Amber: that's a quick turnaround Amber: you didn't need to know anything because you had an idea where to leave 💌 Amber: you wanna give them the personal touch, addressed to me and signed? Cosmo: You might be used to being the hottest girl in the commune or whatever but that ain't it Cosmo: you don't wanna be spokesperson, who are you then? Amber: 😂 we don't spend our days having beauty and talent contests but if I do speak out I'll suggest it over the campfire Amber: my name isn't who I am, is yours? 🚀🌠 Cosmo: Sure being humble and selfless is in the indoctrination but give it a go Cosmo: those 20s won will all add up for you Cosmo: and I go by my last name Amber: flattery & letters, you're a patron of all the dying arts, boy Cosmo: Someone's got to Amber: valiant Cosmo: If you like Cosmo: you won't be getting the letters though, this rate Amber: don't you like compliments back? Amber: I'll use a 🖋 if you prefer Cosmo: Genuine ones, perhaps Amber: you're not too busy for genuine connection? Cosmo: awfully presumptuous for someone who only knows where I live Cosmo: touche Amber: I know your name too Amber: & what you look like Cosmo: You won't tell me yours Cosmo: it can't be much worse Amber: It's Amber and up to you how you rate it Amber: some of my roommates have it worse, or better, subjectively Cosmo: Its normal Cosmo: you won the hippie lottery Amber: but maybe I'd commit more fully if I was called Acorn Amber: love my life Cosmo: maybe you'd resent it even harder and change it to something really dull just to spite them Amber: Or go by my last name, little 🐦 told me some people do that 😏 Cosmo: Long as any siblings you've got love their stupid name Cosmo: why not, eh Amber: I don't have any Amber: officially Cosmo: Piss off Cosmo: why are you like princess of that place Amber: I have no idea what you mean Amber: if anyone is,  Lux is Cosmo: You get a normal name AND you don't have 17 brothers and sisters Cosmo: you're one of the murderers on the run then, yeah? Amber: we covered that I'm no crazy ex Amber: my dad's a teacher, he teaches the ones who don't go to school Cosmo: figures Amber: what's the equation? you haven't shown any of your working out Cosmo: exactly Cosmo: that's why you're not exactly like the others I've 👀 Cosmo: 🍎📚 Amber: are you 'not like other girls' ing me or calling me a 🤓? Cosmo: You can have 'not like other girls I've met on the landing' Amber: am I supposed to want that? Amber: maybe this is a 'ask me how many other girls I've met on the landing' lead in Cosmo: Why would you need to ask? Cosmo: compare notes around the campfire Amber: it doesn't interest me Cosmo: Gutted for him Amber: how much more flattery can I take Cosmo: Maybe a question for yourself Cosmo: definitely not for me Amber: you're offering it up Amber: you're not gonna question that? Cosmo: I've got manners Cosmo: you can question why that's so shocking to you but I ain't gonna put a downer on your day now you got your bag of sunshine back Amber: the answer is because if you had manners you wouldn't have run away from me when I was going feral on your brothers belongings Cosmo: I don't owe his stuff any more than I owe you Cosmo: there's manners then there's involving yourself in business that ain't yours Cosmo: which is rude, btw Amber: I was upset & you ignored it, that's ruder btw Cosmo: He upsets lots of people Cosmo: I can't console you all Cosmo: I'm sure he'll be at yours if you need to talk it out Cosmo: or just smack him, better yet Amber: we aren't allowed to resort to violence to resolve our conflicts Amber: I came to Hotel Calfornia looking for him for that precise reason Cosmo: you're welcome to wait Cosmo: can never leave that one, yeah Cosmo: he'll be back for snacks at some point Amber: I got a better resolution, my shit back Cosmo: like I said, I am genuinely glad for you Cosmo: and I also said, you shouldn't bother being upset about him Amber: I'm not upset about him, that's why I'm not waiting for him Cosmo: What's wrong Amber: I don't like being stolen from, we share, we don't just take Cosmo: He's not from there Cosmo: and he's also a prick Cosmo: just tell all your other hippie mates and they'll not feel like sharing with him any time soon, easy Amber: he's there more than I am, he knows how things are Amber: & I'm not a teacher Cosmo: bold of you to assume he cares Cosmo: this ain't actually a hotel either, let you in on that shocker Cosmo: just treats it as such Amber: I'm not so high I see more dots than there are to connect Amber: you're easy to follow Amber: so is he Cosmo: If that's riddle for normie Cosmo: I've never been less offended, sorry Amber: if I wanted to offend you I'd have looked through your room after his Cosmo: what do you want Amber: something to do Cosmo: Do you wanna get back at him or no Amber: are you gonna out me to the hippies if I say yes? Cosmo: You've never seen me there Cosmo: you don't need to worry Amber: not worried, I'm curious Cosmo: right answer Cosmo: come back here and I'll help you this time, alright Cosmo: but not now, I have training Cosmo: later Amber: call my name when you're done Amber: now you know it Cosmo: alright Cosmo: if 12 other girls come out too, not my fault Amber: 😂 Amber: they won't look anything like me if they do Amber: we'll track each other down Cosmo: Hottest girl in the commune, I remember Cosmo: don't need to kick it that old school and insist on glass slippers Amber: what you should remember is I won the hippie lottery Amber: only Amber at the commune Amber: so if you find any others they'll be 'normal' Cosmo: quote unquote Cosmo: anyone who willingly spends their time there without reason is weirder than being born there Amber: I wasn't born there Amber: & you're being a bigger prick than your brother Cosmo: dragged there by your parents, same difference Amber: that's their reason for being there, they don't make me stay Amber: they don't make me do anything Cosmo: sure Amber: it's not the horriblest place I've lived, why is that so 👽 to you? Cosmo: Kids don't have free will when it comes to their parents Cosmo: mine don't MAKE me live here but where else Amber: I have more than most Cosmo: I already said sure Amber: but it's heavy with disbelief Cosmo: because its not real Amber: I'll send you a postcard as tangible proof when I go back to travelling & they stay here Cosmo: I'll pretend I'm impressed Amber: are we trying to impress each other now? Cosmo: Do you think you're being impressive Amber: no Cosmo: Good Amber: what are you training for? Cosmo: football Cosmo: I'm a footballer Amber: let me guess, you're the one who scores all the goals Amber: whatever that's called Cosmo: 😂 Cosmo: girls don't fuck with the goalie Cosmo: but I ain't ours Cosmo: even though its equally as important, if you ask him 😏 Amber: plenty more girls don't care what position a boy plays in Amber: or if he plays Cosmo: girls you know Cosmo: not ones I need to Amber: girls existing all over the world Amber: because there is a 🌏 beyond the commune, in spite of how obsessed you are with it Cosmo: called the world cup, look it up Cosmo: nothing unites the world more than football, fact Cosmo: ain't peace and love Amber: research football hooligans Amber: 👶s are made but domestic violence spikes if you lose Cosmo: part of it Cosmo: war is the other great equalizer, fightings the good bit of, obviously Amber: conversion to your way of thinking isn't necessary Cosmo: I'm right Cosmo: its irrelevant what you think Amber: I'm not looking for deprogramming & reprogramming Cosmo: Your loss Amber: 🙃 Cosmo: 👍 Cosmo: later Amber: call me, Cosmo 💫 Cosmo: don't call me that, like Amber: this is where if I was you, I'd say don't get upset Cosmo: I told you that's not my name Amber: what do you want me to call you? Cosmo: You seriously don't know his last name Cosmo: Christ Amber: why would I? he wasn't offering to give it to me Cosmo: 🙄 Cosmo: its Haynes Amber: 👌 Cosmo: [however long you have to train for, probably a full day] Cosmo: you about, Amber Amber: I thought you'd forgotten about me Cosmo: How could I Cosmo: how bad do you wanna mess with him then, what's the level here Amber: I don't want him to think I'm 💔 Cosmo: 'Course Cosmo: I've got an idea then Cosmo: you want to come back or you want me to 📬 you the goods Amber: are you gonna also send me 💌 with it? Cosmo: does that change your answer? Amber: yes Cosmo: I thought you'd had enough flattery for one day Amber: that was before you ignored me for a really long time Cosmo: 😂 Cosmo: you're funny Amber: 🤭 Cosmo: do you know what this is? Cosmo: [sends her a picture of a small ass/specialist spanner used for skateboard wheels] Amber: 🛹🔧 Cosmo: exactly Cosmo: so its just a case of if you wanna do the honours or not really Amber: I'll be there Cosmo: I won't start without you Cosmo: you can be more creative with your hiding places than he was too, not hard Amber: considerate Amber: I won't make you wait as long as you did me Cosmo: do most girls not like to be kept waiting too then Amber: it was you who singled me out as different Amber: 🕊☮️✌👽 Cosmo: comes with the territory Cosmo: but I could be beating women and rioting so you know Amber: 🌟 for not Cosmo: backatcha for being the only Amber Amber: I didn't choose my name, you know Amber: you'll have to give my mama that one Cosmo: 💔 so much for freedom Cosmo: take your wins, remember Amber: nobody can walk when they're a 👶 Amber: remember your manners Cosmo: you bringing her with then Cosmo: bit weird but fine Amber: you gonna flatter her too? Cosmo: 🌟 all 'round Amber: then no because her committed relationship would crumble & it'd be my fault for bringing her to the hotel Cosmo: hardly, I'm a prick, right Cosmo: and define committed whilst you're at it Amber: it's not up to me to define what she means by committed or to judge if she's into pricks young enough to be her son Cosmo: considerate Amber: 🤫 because I don't have 17 siblings or 4 fathers doesn't mean my mama is for you, boy Cosmo: the MILF thing is played out Cosmo: not for me Amber: 🌟🌟 Cosmo: cheers Amber: I understand why when he's at the commune, he stays Amber: it's a long way back to the hotel Cosmo: you reckon that's it Amber: do you have a pool? Cosmo: why would we Amber: he can't skate on water so that's another negative Amber: if you did Amber: & most hotels do Cosmo: yeah, for the 2 days a year the sun's out Cosmo: he'll have to learn to snowboard on it 'cos more likely Amber: you don't have to wait for the sun to come out to go swimming Cosmo: stitch that one on a pillow Amber: I'll leave it on your bed for you when I'm done Cosmo: you just that fast or you make a habit of breaking in? Amber: you don't want me in your pool or your room Amber: unfriendly Cosmo: 😏 Cosmo: gutted, obviously Cosmo: come in the front door this time, let's start there Amber: if you insist Cosmo: just thinking of my parents guttering Amber: are you calling me fat now? Cosmo: Oh yeah Cosmo: you're tiny, don't be dumb Amber: maybe you're playing blind football, I don't know your life Cosmo: I ignored you, I still 👀 you Cosmo: sorry to break it to you Amber: do you want that on the other side of the pillow? Cosmo: go on Amber: I'll just stitch some 👀s and freak you out Amber: the stalker in me Cosmo: 😍 more appropriate Amber: after you go swimming with me maybe Cosmo: got nothing more than a bathtub here, I weren't lying Amber: how big is it? Cosmo: you won't be able to do laps Amber: we'll have to float instead Cosmo: alright 😂 Amber: how long can you hold your breath for? Cosmo: I dunno Cosmo: but probably ages, my cardio is top Cosmo: how 'bout you Amber: we'll find out Cosmo: after floating Cosmo: gotcha Amber: or before Amber: I'm not setting a strict routine Cosmo: 😶 Cosmo: that's hippie talk Amber: that's what I am, boy Amber: more or less Cosmo: it don't matter what you are Cosmo: we've just got a common enemy Amber: you're being unfriendly again Cosmo: how am I? Amber: don't say I don't matter Cosmo: you understood what I meant Cosmo: just to each other Amber: that's not being stitched anywhere Cosmo: I will need another pillow like Cosmo: can't just have one Cosmo: but take your time Amber: 😏 Amber: what do you want on pillow 2? sequels are never as good Cosmo: I know, I'm the original Cosmo: does your wisdom start and end with the one quote then Cosmo: got the eyes, you may as well give me the rest Amber: my whole face isn't what you wanna be looking at every night before you go to sleep Amber: you never would Cosmo: come off it Amber: I'm an original too Amber: & the commune's hottest unless you're gonna take that back suddenly Cosmo: Not met everyone but I'd happily bet on it Amber: come meet everyone Cosmo: why Cosmo: didn't actually put a 💸 on that, if you're hiding some supermodel there for ransom Amber: because you won't find out if you don't Cosmo: I'll live, like Cosmo: tah for the offer Amber: what's your hang up with the place? Cosmo: anywhere my brother, or people like him, is, is not a place I need to be Amber: it's big enough that you can exist on opposite ends Cosmo: still Cosmo: not my scene Amber: when did you last go? Cosmo: I dunno, whenever I was last forced for some family birthday Amber: give it another 🎯 now you've been invited Cosmo: I still don't get what it is to you Cosmo: I like clubs Cosmo: and drinking over weed any day but not every day 'cos I have to stay in regime all week at least Amber: I don't get why you're so 🚫 Amber: Dash isn't gonna stop me being there Cosmo: I don't get why you care Cosmo: not the spokesperson you said Cosmo: I'm not ripe for indoctrinating, I'm good Amber: because don't you think you're too old for sibling rivalry Cosmo: There's no rivalry Cosmo: we don't like each other Cosmo: he's a loser and happy being it Amber: whatever you wanna call it, more played out than milfs Amber: it's like the kids here who draw a line down their section of the room Cosmo: I didn't ask for you opinion Amber: you don't have to be mad about it because you didn't ask for it Cosmo: I can be mad because its unwarranted and you have no idea what you're giving your opinion on Amber: I'll give you an apology if you'll take it Cosmo: whatever Cosmo: just come do what you need to do Amber: I just wanted to see you around, I didn't mean to go hard into prying into your shit Amber: sorry Cosmo: no harm done Cosmo: don't worry Amber: it's not been a typical day Amber: I know I wear stalker well but not my usual colours Cosmo: I get it Cosmo: I do know him even if I'd prefer not to Cosmo: and even if I don't know you Cosmo: no biggie Amber: that unites us if ⚽ never will Cosmo: Right 😏 Cosmo: I weren't taking the piss when I said you were different to the rest Cosmo: even if I didn't mean it as lame as it sounded Cosmo: don't feel bad, yeah Amber: shouldn't I? if I'm different then why didn't I act different Cosmo: We all make mistakes Cosmo: you don't have to be a repeat offender, you know Amber: that's less likely than the skateboarding on water trick Amber: he wouldn't offer & I wouldn't accept Cosmo: Good to know but bit TMI Amber: sorry again Cosmo: don't mention it Cosmo: seriously, like Amber: 😶 Cosmo: 👍 Cosmo: he's an idiot Amber: the way everyone talks about him, I thought Amber: we'd click Cosmo: Didn't you Cosmo: nah Cosmo: well, there's plenty other people 'round to be mates with instead Cosmo: one plus of living there, surely Amber: it's the best thing about living there Cosmo: there you go then Cosmo: and you clearly don't need any help with lads Cosmo: forget him Amber: after this Cosmo: well, of course Cosmo: not even stalker moves, just fair Amber: if you'd let me use the window it could be both Cosmo: would you like it to be both Cosmo: won't tell but I can't vouch for the neighbours Amber: you don't want your neighbours thinking I'm sleeping my way through the family Amber: understandable because you'd be 2nd Cosmo: Hilarious Cosmo: and you wouldn't want to break up my parent's stable committed relationship would you Amber: no Cosmo: I wouldn't recommend either of them and all so fairplay Amber: it'd be bizarre if you did Cosmo: you got limits then Cosmo: good to know Amber: because I consent to live with a big group of hippies you assume I don't? Amber: some of them are very limited Amber: or is it because I slept with your brother once? Cosmo: I'm not assuming anything Cosmo: that's why I said, always handy to know Cosmo: and you said you'd shut up so do Amber: have another go at asking me to & I will Cosmo: you don't get it, 'cos you're an only child Cosmo: but there's nothing I'd like to talk about less Amber: you still don't get to tell me to shut up Cosmo: If you wanna talk about him piping you, go literally anywhere else, I don't care Cosmo: I don't wanna hear it Amber: I don't wanna talk about it but I don't want you to talk to me like that either Cosmo: You stop, I'll stop Cosmo: that works in both our favours Amber: agreed Cosmo: sorted Amber: let me in & it soon can be Cosmo: 👌 Amber: [just gonna walk up in your house like she owns it] Cosmo: [doing the after you motion like 'you know where it is'] Amber: [going there cos she do] Cosmo: [following 'cos you've committed now not gonna bail, assumedly found all boards he has so more of a fuck you moment, just sitting on his bed like awks] Amber: [sitting on the floor because doesn't wanna sit on his bed for obvs reasons even if he hadn't already claimed it and getting to work but lbr she'd struggle to get some of the wheels off cos you can't tell me she's got any strength at all, look at her, so just looking at him like help] Cosmo: [shaking his head like lol but lowers himself to the floor too to get the rest off] Amber: [kissing him on the cheek when he's done it like thanks] Cosmo: [😳 and pushing her away, gently lol, like get off and just focusing on their handiwork like well 'what you gonna do with 'em all?'] Amber: [is genuinely thinking 'other than putting one on a necklace, you mean?'] Cosmo: [🙄 but not so severe 'you know they cost loads, for what they are, not joking, probably some other stoner kids you can sell 'em to'] Amber: ['there's plenty of younger skaters I know I can give them to' because what does she need money for tbh] Cosmo: ['cute' but 😒 on the low 'maybe someone can use them in a fucking, what's the word- installation'] Amber: [just nodding because another good idea thanks even if you're being salty] Cosmo: [on his phone a bit 'cos what else, also how else are you casually gonna add 'so you DON'T want me to punch him?'] Amber: [gathering up all the wheels to put in her bag because let's assume there's loads 'you said you're not assuming shit, I only said I'll get in it if I do at home'] Cosmo: [nods 😏 and hands her one that rolled away 'so what is part two of the plan?'] Amber: [shrugs like I'm not gonna tell you what to do about your brother again, lesson learned, but then looks at him for confusion because why do they need a part two 'a theft for a theft makes me and Dash even'] Cosmo: ['boring' and getting up like well if you're not gonna hit him] Amber: [gets up herself 'which door's the bathroom? we've still got plans' and does the swimming arms thing like come on] Cosmo: [laughs 'cos obviously didn't and doesn't think she's serious] Amber: [goes to find it herself because we know she is] Cosmo: [following and directing her away from his room like nope wrong way] Amber: [finds that 🛁 and sets it running and casually strips to her undies like it's no thing cos how she's been raised its not] Cosmo: [just turning so fast like horrified lmao 'what are you doing?!'] Amber: [sitting on the edge waiting for that fill like 'I spelled it out' looking at him like what's confusing you here we discussed it] Cosmo: [just looking back but only at her face to be like wtf] Amber: [goes to put her head under all 😏 but more amused than that emoji ever is 'time me' and then does holding her breath for however long she can] Cosmo: [is all 'for god's sake' under his breath but does still, also shutting the door though I assume they aren't in lol] Amber: [accidentally flicking so much water at him when she comes back up cos her braids are long af and loling like oh soz but obvs not] Cosmo: [so 😑 'are you done now or what?'] Amber: ['how long was it?' looking at him genuinely curious to know] Cosmo: [whatever number 'round about makes sense 'cos idk 'you need a baseline to know if its good or bad otherwise its meaningless data'] Amber: ['I wanna know if I'm better or worse than you, so have your go'] Cosmo: [a face like seriously but does 'cos competitive and 'I'm obviously going to be better, you could've saved yourself the effort' whilst taking whatever clothes he has on off] Amber: [just smiling cos what effort we're having a lovely time you rude hoe] Cosmo: [shakes his head but less mad than before 'don't cheat' and going under] Amber: [we all know he's gonna be better but that's hardly the point actually] Cosmo: [casually staying under 'til you nearly die, a mood, not even asking just like 😏 at her] Amber: [getting in the tub and lying down on her back stretched out like boy I am not bothered] Cosmo: ['if you just wanted to use the facilities, like...' and getting a towel to dry his face and hair] Amber: ['it's a hotel if I want, is it?' just being a mermaid over here like don't mind her] Cosmo: ['wait 'til I give you the bill' and taking the chance to look at her via the mirror] Amber: ['let me guess, am I gonna have to sell the wheels to afford it?' just loling] Cosmo: ['not in the market for a shit ton of squashes so you can't barter your way out'] Amber: [splashes him like rude but not actually offended obvs] Cosmo: ['oi' and drying himself some more like 'scuse me 'offer something better if you have it'] Amber: ['if it's too cold for you, I can add some more hot water' and does 'you've got plenty of that on offer, unlike the farm and plenty of other places I've lived'] Cosmo: ['you should've just asked if you needed a bath, like'] Amber: [splashes him harder than before like stop being mean to me] Cosmo: [a look like you said it and dropping the towel he was holding to mop the floor pointedly] Amber: [a look back like don't kill my vibe I'm having fun here] Cosmo: ['manners'] Amber: [gestures like his 'after you' one he did earlier for him to get in with her] Cosmo: [shakes his head 'small as you are, I barely fit on my own'] Amber: [looks him up and down like she's not even considered that he might not fit with a small lil pouty lip moment for half a sec before smiling 'is that a pro or a con for footballers?'] Cosmo: [just looking at her lips like can you not 'cos obviously wants to but is not going to, good distraction with football chat 'not essential but I'm faster than any short lad obviously, so that helps whatever position they wanna put me in'] Amber: ['but are you a scorer, officially?' when you think that's what they are called bye] Cosmo: [laughing but not at 'cos cute 'yeah, basically its me and the centre-forward, so his job is to just score the goals, which is mine too, but I also set him up with goals and do more attack midfielding too, like the go-between, s'more interesting' shrugs 'cos you know you're gonna have lost her and you're used to that 'cos WAGs don't actually care about the game either lol 'I'm fast, so I can be in two places at once, better than lads that only know one position and then are fucked if the formation is changed'] Amber: ['why can't every player help each other on the team how you do instead of having specific roles that they're really zoned into?'] Cosmo: [when you ain't expecting a follow-up question like oh okay 👀 'well, if we all do our role, then we work as a team like a whole, one being, so I can't fully go into midfield and do their defending side of it, and if I'm with the defenders I ain't where I need to be to pass the ball to goal, right? Like if the goalie decided he wanted to score, if we lose the ball, who's stopping it? If we all tried to do all of it, you've got 22 lads on a ball, the game falls apart, like. If everyone gets their one part down perfect, then the game is ours' pauses, trying to think of an example of his limited knowledge of her atm 'like your dad's the teacher, yeah? if he goes and does a half-arsed job of something else, then someone else has to half-arse the teaching whilst he's gone and then you end up with a shitter result than if you'd all done what you was meant to...you get brought to a team for a specific thing, so if you ain't bringing it, they'll bench you, but the more positions you're capable in, the more they can move you around...' stops sheepishly like sorry] Amber: [when you're buzzing cos he didn't make fun of you and that actually made sense and he'd be able to tell 'do they ever ask you where you wanna play though? when you start, or does the manager just decide for everyone?'] Cosmo: ['sort of. see, when you play proper, not just a local five-a-side, you work out when you're really young what position you're best in, or at least the area, even if you move about a bit within that area, like I've always been more attack than defense since I could walk- s'like any career honestly, so if your da was a maths teacher at one school, he'd more likely go to his next and do the same, you can change but you've built up a rep for that positon, you aren't gonna just waltz in and say you want a different one just 'cos, you have to prove yourself, like anything' when you feel like you're talking about yourself so much 'cos not allowed unless its with other boys at school/on the team so that's basically like work chat with colleagues 'you go same school as Dash and that then?'] Amber: [genuinely interested because wouldn't have thought about it like a career before and again it'd be obvious she's not just nodding along bored or whatever 'my dad doesn't like to let the class sizes get too big' because in my head there's lowkey too many peeps living at the commune full time never mind the peeps who come and go 'so when we got here I enrolled myself same day, takes the pressure off'] Cosmo: [that feels real to me as a vibe right before it all goes downhill 'that's good, though I'm sure it don't feel like you get much more attention' 'cos schools are always rammed esp. in cities] Amber: ['I don't want it' because I feel like she's not that academic soz father] Cosmo: ['what do you wanna do after?'] Amber: [shrugs because probably wouldn't know at this point 'undecided'] Cosmo: [wouldn't wanna sound salty about it 'cos that's most people but ultimately is 'cos not an option when you need to start as a toddler if you wanna do footie 'must be nice' half-smiles to show he's not being the rudest] Amber: ['I could become a referee, run into you again that way' also smiling but fully because obvs not gonna do that but like boy I wanna see you take the hint] Cosmo: [😏 'I reckon the songs the hippie boys write for you are more favourable than what you'd get as a ref but you'd suit the stripes'] Amber: [another pout that quickly turns into a smile because ultimately true] Cosmo: [a LOOK that's like stop doing that] Amber: [a look back because there will never be a time when I don't] Cosmo: ['you ever getting out or what, Ariel?' and running his hands through the water, making a point of getting SO close to touching her but not quite] Amber: [when you shiver but we can pretend it's because you're in the tub even though we all know you put hot water in not long ago] Cosmo: [but its more noticeable 'cos you didn't reply so another 😏 moment, going to his room without saying anything like bye but coming back with a dressing gown like there you go] Amber: [getting out immediately and putting it on like he might take it away again if I don't and I wanna wear it cos it's his so] Cosmo: [gonna drown in fabric and look so cute bye] Amber: [taking off those wet undergarments like you can't see anything but I'm now naked under this so think about that but also because it's necessary or you'll never dry] Cosmo: [just dying 'cos what are you gonna do with this obvious moment like umm] Amber: [walking out of the bathroom like it's so casual and throwing the words over your shoulder as you go downstairs to explore like 'where's the hotel bar?'] Cosmo: [let's assume you've got a few bottles of something decent in your top cupboard, when you don't need a chair 'cos tol boy, just getting out some vodka like ?] Amber: [going to the fridge to get something to mix it with cos there's no need to drink it straight we're not going that hard] Cosmo: [just leaning casually watching like okay, go off] Amber: [handing it to him as if he's the barman and walking away to go get comfy on their sofa, put music on and generally act like you live here] Cosmo: [bemused af 'how often do you do this then?' and getting himself some of whatever mixer she used] Amber: ['I never stay in hotels' because true tbh] Cosmo: ['well yeah but I could be anyone, you know' makes a face like 🤪] Amber: ['you could be someone too' and a look cos we all know what she means by that flirty nonsense] Cosmo: ['you gonna stay 'til you work it out?' and coming over to sit down 'cos just been hovering in the kitchen] Amber: [stretching out and putting her feet on him even though she's smol cos there's the answer she's going nowhere any time soon] Cosmo: [just looking down at them then looking back up at her, not saying anything but not not saying nothing you know] Amber: [drinking her drink but in a contented way and lowkey grooving to whatever music she put on] Cosmo: [when she's so cute in a way you are not used to 'cos girls you are like never get comfortable around you never let their guard down get up before you to reapply makeup types so you feel so outta your depth but not mad about it either] Amber: ['thank you, by the way' cos you remember you haven't actually said anything about him helping you earlier] Cosmo: [when you're a bit ? 'cos not sure what she's referring to at first but then you realize and shrug 'he deserves it, no big'] Amber: [nudging him with your foot like oi don't downplay it cos it means something to you even if he didn't do it for you] Cosmo: [grabbing her foot and tickling it to see if she is] Amber: [isn't so just raising her eyebrow at him like oh really] Cosmo: ['you're definitely an alien'] Amber: [laughs at that though 'plenty of people aren't ticklish, you know'] Cosmo: [shakes head 'sounds fake, hippie'] Amber: ['it'd be bogus if I did this-' reacts like a ticklish bitch how he obvs wanted her to] Cosmo: ['sometimes its polite to fake it, you know' throwing a pillow or something at her] Amber: ['whatever girl told you she was doing it to be polite...' throws it back 'that was not the real vibe'] Cosmo: ['shut up, that's not what I meant' purposefully throwing it out of her reach] Amber: [such a pout so offended] Cosmo: ['boys can fake it too, you with your assumptions'] Amber: ['I didn't realise we were waiting on your really polite boyfriend to come home, but I'll let you two be alone for the awkward discussion of why he really faked it'] Cosmo: [pushes her feet off him and gets up to go back upstairs] Amber: [just looking at him like what?] Cosmo: ['you know where the door is when you're done then' looks back 'or the window, whatever'] Amber: ['why are you so angry about anything I said that you want me to be done?'] Cosmo: ['I'm just bored of the jokes, you don't know me like that- like this' gestures between them and then does a 'forget about it' motion] Amber: [finishes her drink and goes into the kitchen to wash and dry the glass like fine I'm getting ready to go] Cosmo: [in his room, I guess] Amber: [shall I get Dash back rn or do we wanna coax him back first?] Cosmo: [whatever feels realer to you tbh] Amber: [let's get him back then fuck it, bonus points if there's a back door in the kitchen he comes through and she's just there washing up in a dressing gown like #ohhey] Cosmo: [how hilariously domestic, and you can't think she's waiting for you in your brother's dressing gown so bye] Amber: [I'm cackling but I'm not cos he'd be such a dick] Cosmo: [now I'm like, hmm, he's probably loud enough for you to hear, do you come down and diffuse/detract attention, I say yes] Amber: [just don't punch him cos then it will look like you're a couple lol] Cosmo: [just be your usual fighty selves and run girl run I say] Amber: [she'd have literally just been like I came back to get my stash and the rest is none of your business which doesn't exactly help so go back to the bathroom and put your clothes on girl] Cosmo: [just doing your best to not start a brawl here] Amber: [coming back clothed after a hot sec and giving him his dressing gown back with a genuine smile because you had fun and you're not sorry]
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Bye, Bye, Sugar Blue Eyes part 3
Race x female reader modern au.
Warnings: some mild swearing
Part 1, 2, x, 4, 5, 6
A/N: The first few chapters are dedicated to everyone’s background stories and all the set up. Race will finally come into the story soon, I promise.
It’s been a month since I officially started my new job. The first couple of days were a struggle, trying to fit into my new life. But it’s gotten easier. I’ve gotten to know the boys a little more and most of them have accepted me well enough. There are still one or two tough nuts, but I like a challenge.
It was just a couple days after that first meeting that I was moving all of my things into the building. The boys were a big help, acting all tough and carrying the heavier boxes up the stairs. Jack and I laughed as they got to the top and opened the box, wondering just what I owned that could possibly weigh that much. Their flabbergasted looks when they discovered it was a bunch of books was priceless.
“Who needs this many anyway? Buy a Kindle!” a boy named Winston said.
My room was at the end of the hall, across from what I learned was Race’s room. It was fairly big with the same beautiful hardwood floors, a window with an amazing view of the city, and its own bathroom. It was a lot more than I had expected.
As if he could read my thoughts, Jack spoke up. “Only the best for the brave woman who’s decided to take on the Herculean task of taking care of fifteen boys. It’s the least we could do for you. I know this is gonna be a big change and that can be a little scary, but you’re gonna do great. We all have faith in you. So we’re gonna move the rest of your stuff in here, get you situated, you’ll get a good night’s sleep, and you’re gonna kick ass tomorrow, yeah?” I was very grateful for his constant words of encouragement. He could do that kind of thing for a living, I swear.
That first day was so nerve-wracking for me. I woke up insanely early, afraid I’d sleep through my alarm. As I got ready for the day I sang any and all happy songs that popped in my head to calm my nerves. That became a habit for awhile, and then got integrated into my daily routine. Now it’s just a good way to start my day off in a happy manner.
The first thing on my to-do list was wake up all the boys and get them ready for school. Which proved to be easier said than done. I opened the door to the younger boys’ room and turned on the light.
“Wakey, wakey, boys!” They all started to stir and rub their eyes. “Let’s get up and get ready for school. I’ll bet Al will have a nice breakfast for all of you by the time you’re done.” I gave them their privacy to get dressed as I went over to the older boys’ room. Turning on the light, I was met with more exaggerated reactions. They all groaned and threw the blankets over their heads.
“Good morniiiing! Now, I know you guys don’t want to, but we’re legally obligated to send you to school so let’s not make this any harder than it has to be, okay?” I walked out into the hall and didn’t hear any movement from the other room so I knocked.
“Boys? You getting dressed?” No response. “Okay, I’m coming in.” I covered my eyes and opened the door. “Are you all decent?” Still no response. I opened my eyes to see them all still in bed. “Seriously? And someone had enough energy to get up to turn off the light but not stay up?” I shook my head. I walked over to the other room to see someone had done the same thing. I let out an exasperated sigh as I thought of what to do.
Then an idea came to me. It may be a little risky but I couldn’t think of anything better. I let out a shriek and collapsed to the floor with a loud thud. I laid there with my eyes closed for a few seconds before I heard people approaching. When I opened my eyes I saw the boys coming out of their rooms to check on me. Then I stood up and smiled.
“Good! You’re up! Might as well wash up and get dressed while you’re at it!” They looked confused and a little angry but did as they were told. I didn’t have much time for self-congratulation as I heard someone start clapping behind me. Turning around, I saw Davey at the top of the stairs, smirking.
“Good job. That’s probably the quickest anyone’s ever gotten them out of bed. But I’d be careful. Use that tactic one too many times and they might not come running to help if you ever are in danger.”
“Duly noted. I’ll only use that one as a last resort.” I opened my planner to check off my list.
“Look at you, all organized and ready to take on the day,” Davey joked.
“You expect me to keep track of a zoo of boys without writing it all down?”
“No, I suppose not. It’s just refreshing having someone else here who’s a little more in the way of a professional. The other guys kinda like to go with the flow. Which works for them, and that’s great, but sometimes I need to remind them that we are, in fact, in charge of fifteen human lives and we need to act accordingly.” That made me laugh.
“Well thanks. I like to be prepared in the best of times, let alone whatever is gonna come my way at this job. So! After breakfast I need to walk them to the bus stop. All but…”
“All but Ollie, Gus, and Tex. They stay here and start lessons with me at 8:30. Hmm, I haven’t showed you the classroom yet, have I?” I shook my head. “Well then, while they’re getting ready I can give you the tour.” He walked down the hall into one of the rooms I’d never been in. The sun was shining through the window, making it light up. I looked around at the art hung on the walls and the motivational posters. It looked like a real classroom, very vibrant and full of life.
“Wow, you go all out.”
“I wanted it to be an authentic experience for them. They already feel different, living here, so I treat them exactly as I would if I was still teaching in public school. They just need a little extra attention to get some of the lessons through to them and they wouldn’t get that being in a big class. So I’m happy to put my skills to good use. When Jack first brought up the idea of running this place, naturally, I was skeptical. It’s a lot of responsibility and I feel like we’re all still kids just like these boys. Besides, I didn’t know what I’d be bringing to the table, other than the money, and I didn’t even have that much to give. But once I met those boys, I saw all of my friends in them. They needed someone to stick up for them, to help them when everyone else gave up. I vowed not to give up.”
I sat on one of the desks, looking around and then smiling at him. “And you haven’t. And because you and your friends haven’t given up, these boys still have a chance. The details don’t matter. What matters is that you care and you provide what you can to make sure they have good lives. What more could we ask of you?”
Davey looked down at his shoes, a little teary eyed. “Thank you. It’s funny, I didn’t know what I was gonna do. But Jack found out that I could do the homeschooling thing. That’s happened a lot along the way. We don’t know what’s gonna happen or how we’re gonna get by, but eventually we figure it out and things work out. As you can probably tell, I don’t like the unknown; I don’t like not having a plan. But that’s kinda been our thing. Jack always seems like he’s got it all figured out, or at the very least he has complete faith that things will work out someway or another. I wish he’d share his secret. I wanna know how to not worry and just do. I wish I was more like him.” He takes a deep breath. “Maybe that’s what you can ask of me. To be more like Jack.”
He looked so defeated, I couldn’t not say something. “Look, I don’t know you guys all that well just yet, but I can say with confidence that you’re dead wrong.” He looked confused. “I’m sure Jack portrays that level-headedness well and he seems like he’s sure of himself, but I’d bet my first paycheck that he’s also secretly freaking out all the time. If not, then that would mean he didn’t care about this place and those boys like the rest of you do. And I know he does. He’s not this perfect, calm and collected person. He’s just good at faking it. That’s what we all do as adults, isn’t it? You said it yourself, we still feel like we’re kids. That never fully goes away, I think. We just get better and better at pretending to know what we’re doing.” He seemed to be thinking really hard. He was looking down at his shoes again, so I got up and pulled him over to the front of the room, then sat at one of the desks.
“Yeah, that seems perfect. That’s what you’re supposed to be doing. And Jack seems to be doing what he’s meant to do. No one should ever ask someone to be more like someone else. You’re you, and Jack’s Jack. That’s how it’s supposed to be. Maybe that’s why your dynamic works so much. He doesn’t look before he leaps, and sometimes that’s needed in certain situations. But for the instances that need some thought, you’re there to hold him back and think things through. It’s worked so far, right? You’ve been running this place for two years and those boys seem happy. So why change the dynamic? If it ain’t broke…”
He started to say something, but the sound of some of the boys running down the stairs cut him off.
He smiled. “Looks like it’s time for breakfast. We should join them.” I started walking to the door when he caught my arm. “Thank you. Really. You seem to be really good at healing all of our past wounds and insecurities. Maybe that’s what you’re meant to do.”
I blushed at the compliment. “Well, if that’s true, I’ll fit right in here. We’re all helping each other.” We shared a smile and walked downstairs.
Breakfast was pretty hectic, but that was to be expected. As I had predicted, Albert had a big meal prepared, but I didn’t eat much. I was still running on adrenaline and nerves. Looking around, it seemed like the boys had forgiven me for my prank. Now they seem more lively, playing with their food and laughing and making jokes. I couldn’t help but admire the scene before me.
I didn’t get to admire for long when a piece of bacon came hurtling toward my head. The boys across from me went silent.
“Sorry, Miss (Y/N), that wasn’t meant for you,” Peter said sheepishly. “I was aiming for Ollie.” I looked over to the boy he mentioned. He quickly ducked his head down. I learned early on that some of the boys gave themselves “gang names” like Jack and his friends did. They like to call this one Ollie Oxenfree because he was shy and always hiding. I found it kind of endearing. I smiled down at him, reassuringly.
I turned back, shaking the bacon out of my hair. “Not a problem, Sweet Pea. Now I can tell all my friends I’ve actually seen a pig fly!” The boys giggled at that. “But let’s keep the food on the plates, huh?” They nodded and went back to eating.
I looked down the table, to where Rider was sitting. He pushed some scrambled eggs around with his fork, looking like he had no intention of eating them. I had a feeling Albert spooned them on his plate for good measure, trying to get him to eat something. I wasn’t sure how to approach him. From what I’ve heard, he was a bit of a mystery when it came to getting through to him. I’d tried being nice and making jokes and he didn’t respond well to that. Maybe it was time for a new tactic.
When it was time to leave I made sure every boy had a coat on and a bookbag. I ushered them down the sidewalk, planner in hand.
“Okay, younger boys are on the 7:30 bus and the three high school boys are on the 7:40. Check.” The first bus was right on time and I got the boys on it with no problems. That left me to stand awkwardly with the older boys.
“I don’t wanna ride the bus, that’s lame. I’ll just walk.” I hadn’t expected Rider to say anything to me this early in the day. But it gave me an opportunity to try to reason with him.
“Oh no you won’t. Who knows where you’ll end up! And I can’t lose one of you on my first day, it’ll make me look really bad,” I laughed.
“Come on, Race let me walk sometimes.”
“Okay, 1.) I doubt that and 2.) Even if he did, I’m not Race, as I’ve stated many times before. I know you’re close to him, and that’s great, but you can’t keep pulling this crap because you’re upset he’s gone for the time being. He will be back and we’ll all be happy when that happens, but for now I need you to listen to me. So get on that bus, because I won’t hesitate to personally drive you to school. And I’ll get out and hug you like a doting mother in front of all your classmates. Don’t test me.” We stood there, staring at each other for a moment. This was the second risky move I’ve made on the first day and I was kind of worried that I went too far with this one.
Rider slowly gave me a small smile. “You may not be him… but you sound like him. He doesn’t take shit from anyone either.”
“Make sure to watch the language for when the little ones are around.”
“Okay, I’ll ride the bus.” He paused. “Thanks. You know, for actually caring.”
I wasn’t expecting that. “Yeah… no problem. Hey, if you need to talk to someone, I’m always around. Don’t hesitate, okay?” He looked like he was going to respond, but closed his mouth in a tight smile and nodded, quickly turning around and walking toward the bus that just pulled up. The other boys silently followed.
I watched as the bus drove away, and stood there for a while after it was gone. It wasn’t even 8 am on my first day, but I feel like I’ve already jumped a pretty big hurdle. And as I turned to walk back, I couldn’t help thinking that this job may not be so scary after all.
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