#i just thought the mistaken identity was cute
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tennessoui · 2 years ago
we're firmly stepping into clueless kit territory but modern au where obi-wan goes out to a bar to watch a basketball game with his friends from work and while he's waiting for a 3rd/4th round of drinks, he spies a very pretty and handsome guy leaning up against the counter looking bored af
and no one that pretty should look that bored, especially in a crowded and loud sports bar, so he makes his way over to the man.
"not your thing?" he asks, gesturing to the television, and the guy looks over, takes his measure, gets a hungry glint in his eyes, and says, "no, i'm not really into it, i just came with a friend" and obi-wan takes this to mean the very attractive man looking up at him beneath his eyelashes and touching his arm is not into any sport and he's quick to be like oh yeah no me neither i don't have the head for it i don't know anything about sports fuck sports 100% i hate sports (never mind that obi-wan coaches a little league, baby's-first-soccer-team part-time and loves it) and the attractive man laughs and rubs the back of his head and agrees and gives him his name and lets him buy him a drink
and they spend the night together and it's great and then a week or so later the assistant coach and league admins are all abuzz because famous (and single and hot) hockey player ani skywalker enrolled his twins in their soccer team program and obi-wan doesn't think anything of it until his one night stand rocks up to drop off his twins and they're both like :0 before going to argue in the locker room
("you said you hated sports, mr. hockey legend!!"
"i awkwardly laughed when the guy whose dick i wanted to suck said he hated my livelihood!! and you're one to talk, mr. coach of my twins' soccer team!!")
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aerynwrites · 1 year ago
Mistaken Identity
Halsin x fem!Reader
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A/N: based on this request. this was such a cute idea! I hope you all enjoy! :3
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: none - just pure fluff
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The forest is peaceful today, not that it isn't usually peaceful in your little part of the woods. But today feels…different somehow. 
It’s just like any other day you’ve had since you settled down in your cottage in the middle of nowhere, desperate to get away from the cities and towns and the bustle of people. You tended your garden earlier in the morning to avoid the worst of the day's heat, and now you’re checking your hunting traps, this trip already proving more fruitful than the ones in recent days. 
You’re working on checking your fourth and last trap, a large rabbit caught in your snare when you hear the faint shuffling of leaves, followed by the snapping of twigs. You stand upright, rabbit in your hand as you turn in a circle, eyes trying to find the source of the sound. 
You’re not an expert on the natural world just yet, but whatever is approaching sounds larger than you're ready to deal with. You quickly tuck the small animal into your pack, muttering a quick prayer for its soul before moving to go back the way you came. You’re just coming out of the small clearing when you come face to face with the largest cave bear you’ve ever seen. 
It’s massive. It’s head nearly level with your own as you both freeze in your tracks. Fear courses through you, making your heart pound as blood rushes in your ears. Any and all advice on what to do when encountering a bear has left your mind frustratingly blank, only allowing you to watch the creature in wide eyed terror as you opt to stay completely still. 
It doesn’t attack you immediately which you take as a good sign, but it does raise its head slightly, nose twitching as it sniffs and huffs at the air before lowering it’s head and taking a few steps towards you. You want to take a step back as it moves closer, but you find yourself rooted to the spot as the bear approaches you, nose sniffing curiously at the bag slung over your shoulder. 
Your hunting bag. 
“Oh…” you let out a shaky sigh, as you pull the bag off and set it on the ground slowly, revealing the contents of it to the bear. If this is what it’s after, maybe you can slip away as it eats your kills. 
“It’s rabbit…a few good juicy ones,” you say, finding yourself calming ever so slightly as you speak to the bear. 
He continues to sniff at the bag before letting out a disinterested huff, nosing it back towards you. 
Is he…letting you have it back?
Cautiously you reach down to pick up the bag once again, slinging it over your shoulder when the bear makes no sudden moves. 
“Thank you…” you trail off, feeling silly for thanking a bear who can’t understand you. 
Before you can question the odd situation you find yourself in, it gets even more odd. The bear approaches you again, but this time he presses his nose into the crook of your neck, his wet nose cold against your skin and causing you to shriek as you scramble away - both from surprise and fear. 
He doesn’t chase after you like you thought he would, instead the bear lets out a small huff and tilts his head to the side, as if considering you. You decide to take that moment to make your retreat, before he can consider you long enough to make you his lunch.
You back away from the creature slowly, planning to just keep going until you're out of sight. But before you can get very far the creature lets out another chuff and turns away from you to head deeper into the forest. You stop as you watch him disappear into the foliage, and can’t help the curiosity that courses through you. 
What an odd bear.
─────── ·𖥸· ───────
If you’d thought that would be the only encounter with the unusually docile bear, you were wrong. It seemed like almost any time you left the immediate area around your small cottage you would stumble upon the bear. 
At first you were still hesitant. Still very aware that this is a wild animal very capable of killing you. But as days turned into week, and weeks turned into months…the large bear became a pleasant constant in your life. Pretty much your only friend out in this isolated part of the woods. 
You’re thick as thieves, the two of you. He’d always be near when you were preparing your kills, happily eating whatever you discarded. But you noticed he had a certain fondness for the fruits in your garden and the honey from your hives rather than the meat you prepared, so you’d started to grow a little extra just for him. 
You’ve started to notice he’s present in your days more often than not, lumbering beside you wherever you go and staying near if you stop. He also loves to be pet - something you find quite endearing. The day he practically rolled over when you scratched behind his ears was the day you hoped he’d never go far. 
And he’s a very good listener. Even if he’s not much of a conversationalist - you can’t seem to shake the odd feeling that he understands you. You don’t ever feel like you have much to say, but your occasional trips to nearby villages offer some conversation and it’s like your bear companion would huff or growl or chortle at all the right moments. He rumbles in agreement if you ask him questions or growls if he seems upset…
In fact…the longer you spend around the unusual creature the more… human he starts to seem. 
You shake your head at the thought as you weed your garden. You know it’s not possible, but the entire thing is just so out of the ordinary you suppose your mind can’t help but try to find explanations for it. 
You tug at a particularly tough weed, pulling hard enough that when it comes free from the ground you fall back onto your hands. 
“The weeds are particularly nasty this time of year.”
A surprised shout falls from your lips as you whip around to the source of the voice, stumbling quickly to your feet at the same moment. 
You’re not used to visitors this far from the nearby towns, and you're certainly not used to large handsome eleven men looking at you from the other side of your fenced in garden. 
The man holds his hands up placatingly, lips tilted up ever so slightly in a small smile. 
“I’m sorry, I did not mean to frighten you.” 
You can’t stop the scoff you let you, hand clutching at the fabric over your chest. 
“Well, you certainly have an odd way of showing it,” you chastise lightly, still wary of the stranger. 
He bows his head in apology, one hand coming up to rest over his heart. “My apologies again. I tried knocking on your door but no one answered…”
“So you came to snoop around in my backyard?” You ask, brows raised as your arms cross over your chest. 
The man lets out a small laugh, and you try to ignore the fluttering feeling it produces in your belly. 
“It would seem that way, yes,” he says, voice light. “But in truth I only wanted to introduce myself. My name is Halsin, I’m an archdruid in the grove just down the road from the abandoned village.” 
An image flashes in your mind, of a wooden door partially hidden by foliage. You passed it when you would travel to a town several hours away. You’d once tried to investigate the area only to be warned off by a few druids at the top of the wall. 
You’d made a point to stay away since then. 
You shift on your feet slightly, a sudden anxiety flaring up in your chest at the presence of someone like an archdruid seeking you out. Are you on their land somehow? Have they come to run you off after you’ve just started to build a life for yourself here?
Halsin must notice your shift in demeanor, as he holds his hands out towards you in a calm manner. 
“I did not come to disturb you,” he promises. “Only to open the gates of the grove to you. It has been many years since people other than ourselves have made this land home.” 
You finally take a few tentative steps forward. Hands falling to your sides. “I didn’t get a very warm welcome when I stumbled upon your… grove, the first time.” 
Halsin’s lips fall slightly at that. “Yes, some of the others are more wary of outsiders,” he admits. “But nature connects all living creatures. I only came to make the offer in an effort to ease your time here. The grove is much closer than the nearest town, and we most likely have what you need if you’d ever like to trade.” 
You’re stunned slightly by his offer. It takes you almost an entire day to get to the closet trading town. The grove he speaks of is much closer, less than an hour's walk from your home. You'd be a fool to turn down the offer. So, with a small nod of your head you accept. 
“That would be…wonderful,” you admit, noticing the smile returning to the Druid's lips. “Thank you.” 
“The pleasure is mine,” Halsin says, his eyes turning to the sky. “I must be going. If you wish to enter the grove just tell them I paid you a visit and offered you sanctuary, they will let you pass.” 
You nod once again, and Halsin turns wishing you farewell, your name falling sweetly from his lips. 
It’s only when he’s out of sight do you realize you never gave him your name.
─────── ·𖥸· ───────
The next few weeks pass in a surprisingly blissful and giddy blur. 
You took Halsin up on his offer to visit the grove, and true to his word you were let in without much fuss, the arch druid himself waiting when you entered. He introduced you to one of the druids who was the main trading hub in the grove as well as the healer Nettie in case you ever needed anything in that regard. 
You had expected the tour to stop there as he left you to your devices, but he continued to show you the grove, his home and his favorite things about it. 
You visited often after that, always under the guise of visiting to trade or buy but secretly using the trips as an excuse to see Halsin. The man has grown on you, and more often than not, you find your thoughts drifting to him as butterflies erupt in your chest. 
With each encounter you think you find him returning your small flirtations. A teasing comment here, a hand on your back there. 
On your most recent trip to the grove, Halsin had shown you a secret little alcove tucked away from the more busy parts of the small colony. It overlooked the river and you could tell Halsin spent much time here by the small bedroll tucked neatly against a large rock and the small pouches of provisions. 
You’d both snacked on dried meat and fresh fruit as he told you stories from his youth, laughter ringing out in the small clearing at the more mischievous adventures he’d had. 
You’d just popped an apple slice drizzled in honey into your mouth when Halsin turned to look at you, eyes dipping down to your lips. 
You’d paused, chewing the bite quickly before swallowing. “What? Have I got something on my face?” You ask, brows furrowed. 
Halsin didn’t respond at first, and it was in that deafening silence that you realized just how close you two were sitting. At this angle, with Halsin looking down at you, your noses are mere inches from another and you can feel his breath ghosting gently over your cheek.
He slowly reached a hand up, resting it against your cheek as his thumb wiped gently at the corner of your mouth. Your lips parted slightly at the action, and Halsin leaned just that much closer, his lips just barely brushing yours when a distant call of his name snapped you both back to reality. 
You let out a frustrated sigh as you flop back onto the furry heap behind you, ignoring the annoyed huff your companion lets out. “He was going to kiss me!” You say, exasperated. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. If we hadn’t been interrupted…”
You sigh as you sit up and turn to look at the bear who has become one of your closest companions. He’s been more absent as of late, and at first you had thought it was because you’ve been at the grove more often and you just haven’t been around to see him. Something that made you feel bad at first. 
But even on the days you weren’t at the grove, your companion was nowhere to be found, even despite the bowls of fruit and honey you’d leave for him. 
Today is the first day you’d seen him in days, and it was just in time for him to listen to you rant about the elf you’ve fallen head over heels for. Though, he doesn’t seem to mind. You move so you’re able to wrap your arms around the big bear's neck, your face resting just behind his head as you lay against him. 
“I…I like him a lot,” you admit. 
You know the bear can’t understand you. You know it’s foolish to talk to an animal. But you can’t help but talk to someone about how you feel. You can’t exactly talk to Halsin about this considering he’s the subject of your thoughts. 
The bear seems to still beneath you as you continue, as if listening intently to your words. 
“He’s so kind,” you continue. “He allowed me into his home and shared so much with me despite not knowing who I was. And he’s funny too,” you let out a small laugh at that, heat rushing to your face. “And handsome…”
You sigh and shake your head. “I feel like some people might find him intimidating or rugged in a bad way if they just saw him and never talked to him but…I think he’s beautiful. His smile is so captivating, and anytime I look at him I want to reach up and trace his scars before finally, finally kissing him…”
You huff, pulling away from your furry friend only to find bright hazel eyes already on you. “Listen to me,” you chastise. “Talking to a bear about my silly crush.” You smile and reach up to ruffle the bear's ears gently. “At least you’re a good listener.”
You move to stand, the bear doing the same, his nose nuzzling at your hand as if begging you to stay. 
“I know, I know,” you say softly. “I haven’t been around as much. But I have to get ready. I…I invited Halsin over for dinner tonight,” you tell him, smiling when he gives a small groan of what you assume to be encouragement. “I promise tomorrow I will have the biggest bowl of fruit and honey you could ever eat. As a sorry gift.”
The bear huffs at this before sitting down and plopping back to the forest floor, resting his head on his paws. You smile and ruffle the fur on his head one last time before heading home. 
You have a druid to impress.
─────── ·𖥸· ───────
The knock to your door comes just as you’re about to finish off the meal you’ve prepared. You roasted some fish you caught in the nearby river and paired with vegetables from your garden, and even a loaf of fresh bread you managed to scrounge up. 
You silently tamp down the anxiety building in your chest as you rush to the door, wiping your hands on your apron before opening it to greet the tall druid on the other side. 
Halsin smiles down at you from the threshold, eyes twinkling as he gazes at you. “Hard at work, I see.”
You furrow your brows at his greeting, and Halsin takes the moment of confusion to reach up and wipe a thumb gently across your cheek. It’s then that you register the flour on your cheeks, heat rushing to your face as you reach up to try and wipe away any excess when he drops his hand. 
“Oh that,” you laugh. “It’s probably from the bread. I just finished getting everything ready if you want to come in,” you say, stepping aside and gesturing for him to enter. 
He smiles warmly at you, accepting your invitation before closing the door behind him. He then reveals a wine bottle he’s had in his hand, offering it out to you. 
“A gift for a most gracious host,” he says in a way of explanation. “Though I must admit it is nothing as elaborate as you’d find in the cities…It’s still better than nothing.”
Your lips tilt upward at the kind gesture, and you reach out to take the bottle. “I’m sure it’s lovely, oh-” your eyes widen as you take in the pale color of the wine inside. “And it’s a white wine…That’s perfect for the meal, white always pairs wonderfully with fish.”
You let out a soft laugh as you turn the bottle in your hands before looking up at Halsin once more. “It’s like you read my mind.”
A flash of… something flickers in his eyes at your words, his lips twitching downwards ever so slightly. “Something of that nature, I suppose.”
You quickly shrug off your momentary observation, moving instead to take off your apron and wash your hands before serving dinner. You also take this moment to run a damp rag over your face when Halsin isn’t looking, clearing away any more unwanted blemishes. 
Once you’re through, Halsin helps you carry the various plates and bowls to the table, eyes widening slightly when they land on the flaky fish steaming on one of the large plates. 
You set a plate in front of him as he takes his seat, speaking before you can stop yourself. “I chose fish because I wasn’t sure if you ate… meat,” you scrunch your nose. “Although now that feels silly considering fish is a type of meat-”
Halsin cuts off your worried rambling by reaching out to place his hand over your own where it rests on the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’s wonderful,” he assures you, withdrawing his hand with an amused sparkle in his eye. “And I can assure you that meat is a part of our diet,” he teases. “Though I could see why one may think it would not be. Death is a part of life in nature, creatures passing in order to provide for another.”
You nod, relief washing over your anxiety. “Yes, of course. That makes more sense I suppose,” you say before gesturing to the food steaming before you. “Well, help yourself. We don’t want it to get cold.” 
Halsin smiles and obliges your invitation, but instead of serving himself he moves to serve you first. 
“Oh!” You say, instantly reaching out to stop him. “You don’t have to do that, you’re the guest you should eat first-“ 
“I insist,” Halsin interrupts, already moving to place a piece of fish onto your plate. “You took the time to cook and invite me into your home. The least I can do is serve you before myself.” 
After a moment of hesitation you acquiesce, smiling as you sit back in your chair while he finishes dishing out your meal to you and then himself. 
Once the food is plated, the night moves much quicker than you would have liked, conversation flowing easier than you ever anticipated. Talks of what’s been happening in the grove to what you’ve recently planted in your garden to everything in between.
Halsin tells you of his childhood and the adventures he’s been on and you tell him of your life growing up in the city to what led you here to your own little slice of wilderness. It’s only when your plates are empty, bellies are full and the mess cleaned up does Halsin suggest a walk.
You eagerly agree, following his lead out of your small home and into the forest now blanketed in faint orange light due to the setting sun. Halsin seems to have a specific place in mind, taking your hand in his own as he leads you through the woods. 
You can’t stop the smile as he laces his fingers with yours.
“So, do you have a specific place in mind?” you ask.
Halsin smiles. “I do, it’s a place of great importance to me, and one of my favorite places of solace in the forest.”
Your brows wing up in surprise as you look up at him. “What makes this place so important?” 
“I…” he trails off for a moment, “I met someone very special to me there.”
You nod, your curiosity piqued even more at this information. Who could he have met there? And why was he sharing it with you?
You don’t have time to voice your questions though, as Halsin’s steps start to slow just as you enter an all too familiar clearing off the bank of the river. It’s the very same clearing where you met your bear friend, and where you often come to sit with the large creature. You were here just this morning. 
Halsin must sense your familiarity with the space, because he gives your hand a small squeeze. “You know this place?”
You nod, lips tilting upwards fondly. “Yeah I…” you feel heat rush to your cheeks. “You’re going to think I'm crazy but…I’ve actually befriended a bear that I think lives in the woods. This is where we end up a lot of the time.”
“A bear, you say?” he asks, voice lacking the surprise you expected to hear. 
You turn to face Halsin, that feeling of familiarity that you had when you first met him tugging at your mind. “Halsin…why did you bring me here?”
The druid lets out a small sigh. “I will be honest that I had a plan in mind when I brought you here,” he begins, turning to face you as he takes both of your hands in his own.
“My life has been a long one, and I have taken many lovers. My heart does not stir lightly, especially as the years pass me by…” slowly, he reaches up to cup your cheek. “But it does now. I feel more for you than I have in centuries. But there is something I must tell you.” 
Your heart is pounding in your chest, blood rushing in your ears as Halsin speaks. He’s confessing to you, telling you the one thing you;ve yearned to hear for weeks now. Yet, you can’t help the anxiety that roils in your belly. What could he possibly have to tell you? 
“I…I feel the same way,” you tell him, swallowing thickly. “You can tell me anything.”
Halsin smiles, but you can’t help but notice the slightly guilty look on his face as he does so. “I only hope you feel the same after I reveal what I must. I’ve come to care for you, deeply - but even I know no relationship can be built on lies.”
Halsin pulls away from you then, and your anxiety skyrockets. But before you can question him, a burst of light blinds you, leaves and grass exploding in the space where Halsin was and leaving behind a -
It takes your eyes a moment to adjust, but when they do, your heart leaps into your throat. Halsin just turned into a bear - something you knew was possible among druids but…
He didn’t just turn into a bear. He turned into your bear. The bear you’ve spent months feeding and befriending. The bear you’ve spent nights talking to about anything and everything. 
Including Halsin. 
You’ve been talking to Halsin about Halsin. About your feeling for him, about that day he almost kissed you before getting interrupted. 
“Oh my gods… ” You gasp, one hand coming up to cover your mouth. “You - You’re the bear. The bear I've been - that means…” you let out an embarrassed groan, covering your eyes as you hope for the earth to open up and swallow you whole. 
“You heard me this morning! ”
You hear another burst of magic, and then two warm calloused hands are wrapping around your wrists, pulling your hands from your burning face as you look up at Halsin in his human form once more. 
“It was not my intention to deceive you,” he says softly, eyes full of regret. “When I first stumbled upon you that day all those months ago it was my intention to avoid this area of the forest after that, but…” he sighs. “Something about you called to me. Your kindness, your lack of fear around the bear of whom so many are afraid. It is…rare for me to be able to be my full self around others. Most people want the man and tremble at the bear, but it is just as a part of me as this is.”
He sighs again, eyes falling away from yours as he takes a step back from you, dropping your hands. “I…understand if this turns you away. It was a deception, despite my intentions never being malicious.”
You watch him silently for a moment, letting the information sink in. despite what most people may feel, you find yourself lacking any of the anger you expected. Instead all that comes out of you is a laugh, a laugh that turns into a long string of bubbling laughter. 
Halsin seems surprised by your reaction, and when you finally manage to compose yourself you step forward and take his hands in yours again, lips split into a smile. 
“So, that means you heard what I said this morning? About the day you almost kissed me?” you ask, voice soft.
At the reminder of your earlier conversation, Halsin smiles again, cheeks tinged with a barely there blush. “I do.”
“Will you kiss me now?” you ask boldly.
Halsin chuckles, eyes sparkling with delight. “It would be my pleasure.”
Then his lips are on yours. 
It’s just as you imagined it, his lips soft and gentle against your own despite his size. His hands move to rest against your hips, squeezing as he moves to deepen the kiss. You feel his tongue run along the seam of your lips, and you eagerly let him in, unable to stop a whimper as he enters your mouth. 
He tastes like the tart wine you had with dinner and something you can only identify as him. It's heady and soft all at the same time, and you find yourself craving more of it, more of him. 
Your arms slide up to wrap around his neck, pulling his body closer to yours just as he pulls away from your lips. His chest heaves, his breaths puffing against your cheek as he looks down at you. 
“You truly are beautiful,” he murmurs, leaning down to brush a kiss against your cheek. “Inside and out. Silvanus has blessed me, this day.”
You smile. “And hopefully for more days to come.”
Pressing a quick kiss to your lips, Halsin wraps his arms around your waist. “I would have you for as many days as you’d allow. Man or bear.”
You giggle at that. “Why not both?”
A deep laugh escapes the man before you and he spins you happily in the air before taking you both gently to the forest floor, the grass blessedly cool through your clothes as he comes to hover over you. 
“You shall have me however you desire, my heart,” he says, before leaning down to kiss you once more.
You happily reciprocate, hands reaching up to thread through his hair. And as you lay amongst the grass beneath the setting sun…you couldn’t be happier you’d met a bear.
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siskissbee · 3 months ago
It's really funny finally getting into siscon/fauxcest with my sister-girlfriend because it really feels like the missing puzzle piece and like we were always meant to be sisters.
We look extremely similar and are very frequently mistaken for being sisters while out together. I have at least once been mistaken for her and on two separate occasions, old friends of my mom's who haven't seen me since I was a kid, pre-transition, have met her and wholeheartedly believed she was me. I also took a cute photo of her recently sitting next to one of my blood-siblings doing the same pose and it's kinda shocking to me that she almost looks more related to my siblings than I do.
I also have basically been living with her and her family for the last two years as part of their family. My gf moved back in with her parents and younger sibling during covid, before we were together, and since we don't have our own place yet I've basically soft-moved in and her family just treats me as one of their own. My gf and I have basically the exact same humor and so I basically hit it off perfectly with her family day-one and just fell into their dynamic and conversations as if I had always been there.
My girlfriend and I are basically just a single unit at this point, outside of work we are attached at the hip at practically all times and our families and friends have kinda just accepted this as the way we work. We almost never do anything apart. It's like we share the same brain cell and constantly have the same thoughts and reactions and emotions at the same time. We constantly will go to make the exact same joke or reference at the same time, even in conversations just the two of us, or someone will ask us a question and we will have the exact same reply delivered with the same timing and cadence. It's honestly kinda freaky lol.
It really feels like we're already as close and identical as two people could be without being blood-related so it feels just so natural and perfect and right to call her my sister. I just wish there were some way to actually make us truly blood sisters and we could've grown up together.
Has anybody else had a similar experience?
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foreingersgod · 11 months ago
caitlin clark x reader where the reader is very feminine and people don’t realize that shes 💅
She likes girls . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: although you’re a raging gay, you don’t typically look the part. if you had a nickel for every time you and caitlin got mistaken for beings besties or sisters, you’d be rich
A/N: thought this would be a cute little blurb, so anon, if you want me to edit this and make it longer, please message me :)
“i don’t know maybe i’m doing something wrong?” you asked caitlin, legs draped over her lap. it was a sunday afternoon spent on the couch, relaxing after brunch with her family.
“baby” she patted your leg “you’re not doing anything wrong!”
“then why do people not take us seriously?” you were incredibly frustrated “if someone treats us like we’re best friends one more time i’m going to lose it”
it happened often, definitely more than you wished. you would be mistaken as caitlin’s sister or her best friend constantly. at first it just started when you started dating publicly. you’d receive comments like “you and your friend have a nice day!” or “she’s a good friend, keep that one around!”. it was sweet at first, but then cait introduced you to her team. they thought she was kidding when she announced you as her girlfriend. it wouldn’t necessarily have been a big deal, but it hurt your feelings that they didn’t genuinely believe that caitlin would date you. even when you met her family, the entire lot of them thought caitlin was bringing home a roommate for the holidays.
“i’m so sorry! you just don’t…look gay” her mom would exclaim, trying to apologize. you tried to not look hurt, you understood even.
“mom” caitlin interfered, already knowing how you were upset once again that you were mistaken for a friend. “it’s ok, but can we just drop it? please?”
now, today at brunch, the waitress asked for caitlin’s number right in front of you. while her parents and brothers were talking about work and school and while you and cait were discussing plans for next week, the young woman scurried over to hand caitlin a napkin with her number on it. caitlin had one arm around your shoulder, another fiddling with the rings on your fingers, and the waitress still didn’t catch a hint. after unfolding the crumpled napkin and seeing the bold black numbers, caitlin immediately declined and motioned to you, she was taken.
“oh my god,” the waitress said “i thought you guys were like friends or something i’m so sorry”
you weren’t surprised.
“i feel like something IS wrong though!” you reply to caitlin, running your hands through your hair in annoyance. “i hate that people don’t even see me as your girlfriend and it sucks!”
“i know, but we’re together either way and that’s all that matters” her words of reassurance were doing little to change your mind.
“maybe it’s the way i dress? i know i’m very feminine and stuff, so maybe that’s the issue”
caitlin laughed “YN, it doesn’t matter how you dress, ok? just because people assume we’re friends or assume you’re straight doesn’t mean that it changes your identity at all. i love the way you dress and i don’t want you to change just because people are blind.”
“you’re right, i just want people to know that we’re together” you sighed.
“me too,” she agreed “but at the same time, i really like saying ‘she’s my girlfriend’ to people”
god she was so sweet, “i really like that too”
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gremlin-girly · 5 months ago
Flufftober Day 6
Prompt: Mistaken Identity
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x gn!Reader
Warnings/Tags: FLUFF, coffee shop meetcute, kissing/brief PDA, reader is VERY worried their "celebrity" crush was cheating for second there, don't worry it's just Natasha undercover (like the escalator scene in CA:TWS) :)
Summary: You bump into, who you believe to be, one of your celebrity crushes at a local coffee shop. But she's acting a little strange, especially when she kisses you in the middle of the store.
Word count: 850 words
I hope you enjoy! Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated 💜
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A/N: Hello, hello! First week already finished! Where has the time gone? I just wanted to say thank you for all the love on my fics this week ! I honestly wasn’t expecting hitting two milestones this week AT ALL (250 likes and 50 reblogs!!) and honestly, it’s made me the happiest knowing I’m making something that people can enjoy 💜 And also a big hello and thank you to all of my new followers; I hope you enjoy what’s to come! Sorry this was so short! Really thought i hit the 1k mark 💀 maybe we will see a part 2 of the meet cute who knows- Love, Grem x
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Everyday is a good day for coffee.
And today was an especially good day because in front of you in line was none other than your celebrity crush.
She was incognito, of course, but in a hoodie so ugly it made your eyes hurt. Still, it didn’t take away from her beauty, even if half of her face was hidden by gigantic black sunglasses.
She had her hands in her pockets, her pink lips pursed as she read the menu board.  You know you’re staring. You can’t help it. You’re awestruck, starstruck- just about every kind of struck you could be. Should you ask for a picture? Wait, not in line for coffee. That’s weird. And then you’d have to awkwardly stand behind her. Although, that’s marginally better than following her out of the shop like some sort of stalker.
You shift forward with the line, the scent of freshly ground coffee growing ever closer. You wet your lips and try to pluck up the courage to ask her for a photograph but she half turns towards you before you can get the words out. She raised an eyebrow behind the glasses and you find yourself tongue tied.
Suddenly, she beams at you. “Oh, you!” she guffaws and you look around you, checking she is talking to you. "Have you decided what you’re gonna get?”
The baffled look you give her doesn’t deter, she steps closer and removes her glasses. Brilliant green eyes shine back at you and you smile nervously. What the hell is going on? Celebrity crush or not, this was weird.
A slightly smug thought appears, wondering if you must look like a famous friend as you respond, “Uh, yeah. Just a caramel cappuccino.”
She looks pleased that you’re playing along but her voice drops to a serious whisper that only you can hear. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
“I – what?”
You don’t have time to process everything she’s said a second time because her lips press against yours. It’s a soft kiss but there’s something about it that seems calculated almost. Your mind draws a blank. Awestruck, starstruck – all of the strucks- don’t even come close to what you’re feeling.
She pulls back, eyes glancing off to the side briefly before looking back at you. You blink, opening and closing your mouth like a fish out of water. Her lips twitch upwards and she raises a perfectly plucked brow at you teasingly.
“You okay there, champ?” She says with a playful lilt.
“I- you-“ You blink at her again, flabbergasted. You can only utter the first thing that comes to mind. “But you’re married.”
Her eyebrows furrow and she looks confused. “I am?”
"The dude from SNL – you’re married – with two kids!” You hiss quietly at her, brain not quite catching up to you yet. “I mean, thank you for the kiss – um Miss Johansen.”
“Miss Johansen” bursts into laughter. “You think I’m Scarlett Johansen?”
“I-...are you not?” You ask quietly. A wave of embarassment rolls over you and a pit forms in your stomach. Your eyes scan her face and you notice that differences you hadn’t paid attention to; the light scarring along her jaw, the striking emerald green of her irises. Come to think of it... when did you last see Scarlett Johansen with carmine coloured hair?
“No.” She grins at you, and you feel your cheeks changing colour to match her hair.
“Ohmygod.” You babble. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. That’s a compliment.” She smirks over at you, her eyes have a teasing glimmer to them. “I’m Natasha.”
“Natasha.” You repeat dumbly, before giving her an awkward smile. “Well it was nice to – Uh...” You trail, face flushing when you remember her kiss.
Natasha seems to finish the thought for you. “Kiss you?”
“Yeah.” You give her another flustered smile.
You pause for a moment before continuing as cutely as you can muster. “It was a good kiss.”
Her eyes rake over you, a clear and obvious once over. When she meets your eyes again, she’s smirking. “Hm. Well, I’m working right now but... let me buy you a drink sometime.”
It’s not a question. She pulls out her phone tapping wildly. Then your phone dings – ypu look down to see a text from an unknown number that reads; It’s ScarJo :)
Your bafflement only continues. What the hell does she do for work?
“I... Yeah. Sure.” You nod, looking over at her pleasant smirk etched on her face. She seems to know that she’s amazing, awesome and flabbergast-worthy.
Natasha presses a finger to her ear and glances away to answer, “in pursuit” to someone that isn't you. When her eyes flicker back to you, she smiles and shrugs. “Work. Gotta go. Call me!”
She’s strided out the door before you respond, watching her leave with wide eyes. The cashier, and patrons, don’t seem to notice the strangest thing that has ever happened to the history of anyone ever, and call you forward to take your order. Just who the hell was this Natasha and why were you already planning your date?
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coke-whore · 8 days ago
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐀 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲!
- Billy Loomis 𝓍 fem!reader
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𝜗𝜚 - billy loomis x fem!reader
𝜗𝜚 - horror
𝜗𝜚 - mentions of blood, gore, underage drinking, implied use of drugs
ღ - a/n: I'm working a ton of requests right now so stay tuned!!
p.s my posts look better in light mode
𝜗𝜚 - main masterlist requests are open
𝜗𝜚 - alice's post office!
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"love is a gentle thing, yours is thicker than a velvet ring
Blood. That was the first thing your mind could compute after being brought out of its haze. It was everywhere; splattered across the walls, dripping off different pieces of furniture, skidded across the floor. Your heart was beating like a rabbit as you descended down the staircase occasionally slipping on the metallic liquid that had stained the bottom of your heels.
You had originally been passed out on (what you assumed was) Stu's bed after having one to many beers. A loud bang was what had caused you to startle awake in the first place, but you had brushed it off, just assuming that some of the partygoers had been messing around and crashed into something. Nonetheless you decided it would be best to let your friends know you were perfectly fine and just a bit tipsy.
That idea was exactly what had led you to the sight of dripping crimson colored liquid smudged on the wall of Stu's parents' bedroom wall.
You froze in spot as if some unknown force was blocking you from taking any further steps. Your limbs felt numb, and all at once the room started to spin around you. Regret washed over you as you felt that churning sensation in your stomach and you swore to yourself you would never drink again.
This was not the first or last time this promise was made.
A mixture of bile and cheap beer rose up from your stomach and you quickly found something to hurl your guts into. Hunched over whatever you had managed to find, (you vaguely remember a potted plant or vase of some sort) you threw up until you were almost shaking. You wiped away the tears starting to prickle at your waterline, threatening to spill over like a flooding river, and stood up, coughing before facing the blood-stained wall.
The sticky substance was slowly rolling down the wall like a raindrop on a car window. It was a darker shade of red than what you were accustomed to seeing in slasher movies, and you wondered why they didn't do more thorough research beforehand to make it more realistic. Do their research where you thought, scrunching your eyebrows in confusion despite nobody else being present. The seconds ticked by as your brain seemed to come up with more ways to distract you from the situation at hand. Neglecting might be a better way to phrase it. Building barriers around that dark image and burying it so deep it never resurfaces.
Why don't they ask doctors, do some research-oh that's a cute shade of red plus I really do need new heels- How would you even begin to explain that shade to a store manager though-
And then you really saw it. The red staining into the wallpaper and sliding down the wood door. You screamed. You screamed a blood curdling scream that could have been mistaken for a banshee. At least that's what your brain told your vocal cords to do, but the sound clung to your raw throat; still sore from throwing up all the beer.
Your back found the wall behind you and your knees began to buckle as the dam holding back your tears finally broke. You slid onto the floor with a 'thud!' and let out a noise that was a mixture between a sob and a choking sound.
Your once flawless makeup was ruined, and blotchy mascara made its way to your cheeks. Your hair was a frizzy mess, your eyes were dilated and bloodshot and you were shaking so bad you could barely hold yourself up.
If you had been more sober, and a bit more conscious, you would've noticed that the blood smelled sickly sweet, and that it was oddly sticky, causing it to make a sound identical to the sound of a glue stick leaving paper whenever you lifted your foot to take a step.
"Corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pigs' blood in Carrie."
A thought bubbled up from the deep thresholds of your mind- if this were a horror movie the audience would be shouting at the screen the way they do when someone does something so ludicrous it's almost laughable, because who the fuck goes to a party and gets drunk while there's a psychopath on the loose. You apparently, you thought, even though you're not some big breasted blonde bimbo who can't walk one step without stumbling into something.
Not that you could speak much on that part, you were still glued in place to the floor.
Everything seemed to be travelling to your brain in a 2 minute delay because all of a sudden you could move again, and you were walking down (shakily wobbling down while clutching onto the handrails) the large staircase that led to the living room.
You were about to dash right out the door -because who's dumb enough to stay in a house with a slasher in it? - when you spotted a familiar looking boy sprawled out on the ground looking like a TV cop show corpse just ready to have a chalk outline around it.
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. -Ferris Bueller
'BANG' bullet to the shoulder!
Randy. Your loveable geeky horror movie nerd friend randy. You choked back a sob and rushed to him as fast as your drunk, sluggish brain would let you. He was bleeding, you could see it soaking into the carpet his cold body was laying on. Hot, fat tears welled up in your eyes at the realization that this was all very real. This was not another slasher film you were watching while yelling 'he's right behind you!' This was a life or death situation and you were too paralyzed to do anything.
The phone remember? There's one in the kitchen you can use it to call the fucking police.
You sucked in a sharp breath; more of a gasp if anything and stood up to your feet. You ran (hobbled) over to the kitchen, where you had remembered seeing a phone sitting right on the marble countertop. That is until the ghost wall had reappeared and stopped you dead in your tracks. Voices. If you could even call them that, it sounded more like psychotic yelling, akin to something you might hear if you've ever gone to a psych ward.
They were yelling something you couldn't quite wrap your head around due to the pounding in your head, but you understood enough to know there is no way in hell you were approaching that room.
It's a dream. It has to be. In a few minutes you'd wake up with a hangover and run to the toilet to throw up again. You squeezed your eyes shut hoping that your alarm or the barking of your neighbor's dog would end this nightmare. You would call Randy, telling him how you were the final girl, and he would laugh and say that's impossible because there's no way you would follow the rules. A sob clawed at the back of your throat.
Please wake up, please wake up, pleasepleasepleaseplea-
Your eyes snapped open. That was Sidney's voice. She was yelling something you couldn't quite pick up but there was no doubt it was her.
You're not sure if what you did was brave or stupid, but either way it happened. Adrenaline filled your veins, and you sprinted into the kitchen ignoring the way your head throbbed in pain. You almost threw up again when you witnessed the red, bloody mess in front of you.
Billy Loomis had Sidney in a half chokehold, holding a knife to her throat while Stu Macher, the very person who had invited you to the party in the first place, stood a few feet behind them beside the kitchen island. Both of the boys were soaked in blood head to toe, and you found yourself wondering if it was a fucked up Carrie reference.
You could physically feel yourself stop breathing. The throbbing in your head traveled down until it spread into a dull ache inside your chest. Is this what heartbreak feels like, you questioned before noticing the tall, lanky boy approaching you. But of course, this is the moment the invisible ghost wall decided to greet you again as if it was mocking you, saying 'hey there again old buddy, old pal, why not die like this huh? It's whatcha get for being so goddamn naive'
God, you wanted to cry. You wanted to scream and cry and sob until you were so exhausted your body just gave out. You wanted to rip your hair out and curl up into a ball on the floor until you were soaked in a puddle of your own tears. You wanted the floor to open up and swallow you whole even if it meant you could never come back.
And a scream did make its way to your vocal cords the moment you felt the warmth of a pair of arms around you. It climbed its way up to the back of your teeth, itching and scratching and begging to be let out until it just gave up and evaporated on your tongue.
Warm breath ghosted over your neck, you could feel it move a few strands of your baby hairs, but your mind was somewhere else. It was deep inside yourself, a void it never once sought to adventure before. A void that was as fragile as glass and as delicate as silk, a place that was consumed with a wispy black smoke that blinded you. You were screaming from behind the murky barrier your subconscious had veiled over you, clawing at the sheet that covered your eyes.
Behind your glassy eyes all you could think of is what an idiot you were. What a goddamn fucking idiot you were. You went to this party for what? Cheap beer you could have already stolen from your parents' fridge. Weed you already had stashed under your bed at home. You could have slept without the knowledge that your two friends were psychopathic killers.
Stu was whispering into your ear, but it was all muffled. It was like someone was holding your head underwater. You couldn't be bothered to listen to them drone on about a motive and what propelled their fucked up horror movie nerd minds to start slicing and dicing.
You could feel the cold metal burn against the skin of your forehead before your brain had actually registered what was happening. The smoke and the veil had lifted, and you were met with a very pissed off looking Billy. Ironic considering the situation.
"Y'know it's not very good manners-ignoring someone while they talk." he said with his signature smirk plastered across his face.
As if he wasn't covered in blood. As if he wasn't Ghostface. As if he wasn't holding a gun to your head, finger just itching to pull the trigger.
So, you laughed. You cackled like a hysterical woman until it started to morph into a guttural sound between a sob and a scream. Your chest heaved up and down as the air that once filled your lungs started seeping out.
The boys looked between each other; utter confusion written on both of their faces. Sidney stood forgotten, still leaning on the counter next to the sink hoping to somehow find a last minute escape strategy.
"Billy, man, I uh- I think we broke her." the blonde haired boy spoke up as he tightened his grip on your waist. "Shut it dipshit." was all Billy said before hesitantly lowering the gun from your head.
"O-Oh my god" you wheezed breathlessly. "Oh, my fucking god. Now that is fucking rich. THAT is fucking rich Billy."
The dark haired boy scowled at you. Who the fuck did you think you were yelling at him like that? He hadn't actually done anything to you. Yeah, maybe the gun was a tad too much, but he had kept you alive, hadn't he? Your friends were still alive and so was your family. If anything, he and Stu had fucking protected you. And this is the thanks he gets? Some psycho bitch laughing?
"Who the fuck do you think you two are? Michel fucking Myers? Fuck you both - holding a gun to my head a-and acting pissed well guess fucking what you don't have any right to act all-all- pissy and shit."
Billy's jaw tensed at your words and Stu's grip on your waist had tightened yet again. Your glare met Billy's as his chocolate brown eyes bore into your own. In that moment you knew exactly what people meant when they said, 'eyes are the window to the soul.' There was nothing but raw anger and hysteria in the boy's gaze. The flicker of mercy and mischief was long gone and replaced by a wildfire. Anger and betrayal etched his handsome facial features, but you could see the cracks in his facade. You could see the vulnerability he had suppressed deep down, the pain and fear he kept in a locked box.
All of a sudden it was as if you had leapt between time and space, and you were 5 years old again playing in a sandbox at a familiar looking playground. You had been building sandcastles under the scorching sun for the past hour leaving your cheeks a rosy pink. You looked up to see a small brunette boy mindlessly rolling a toy truck back and forth watching the small grains of sand take shape into the small tire patterns that adorned the trucks wheels. You smiled showing the small gap between your two front teeth, excited to make a new friend.
The same boy stood in front of you, pupils dilated, and breathing raged but nonetheless the same boy. Billy Loomis never cried and yet you could see the small salty beads of liquid start to form at his waterline.
The silence was broken by Stu who had managed to obtain the gun from Billy and cock it in Sidney's direction. The girl had seen the moment as an opportunity to slip away and somehow get help despite all the phone lines being cut.
Both you and Billy were brought out of the nostalgic haze that had infected you both, and a wave of despair rolled over you like a shockwave at the realization that this is how you would remember the brunette boy from the sandbox.
'Sandbox love never dies'
The next thing you remember is Billy tugging you away from Stu and replacing the taller boys' hands with his own. A black L shaped object was forced into your palm as Billy positioned your arms to aim the barrel at Sidney. His breath hit your cheek as he murmured into your ear.
"Listen, all you gotta do 's pull the fuckin' trigger. Her mom fucked up both of our lives remember?"
You despised the way he made the most venomous words sound so natural in that velvety voice of his. You recoiled at the fact his voice was so steady when he talked about murder. And most of all, you were disgusted by the fact you still had it in you to forgive him.
"I-I can't" you exhaled with a shaky breath. Your voice had cracked at the end of your sentence and if it weren't for Billy's hands keeping yours steady you would've already dropped the gun on the kitchen floor.
The boy behind you let out an irritated sigh as gripped your hands tighter.
"Dollface- yes you can it's real easy just pull the motherfuckin' trigger."
"Billy, no, I can't- I won't-"
Sidney's body fell to the ground with a dull thud. Billy had wrapped his finger around yours and forcefully pulled the trigger, tired of waiting for you to cave and do it yourself.
The sound of the gunshot had left a lingering ringing noise in your ear. The inside of your mouth tasted like metallic blood (you must've bitten your tongue you later realize), and every limb in your body trembled as you collapsed onto the ground after Billy had eventually taken a step back. You covered your mouth with your (now dirty) hands as the tears began to fall again.
Billy hummed and hoisted you up as Stu stood behind him and giggled in a way that could only be described as Stu-like.
"Damn we really did a number on her dude." The blonde haired boy had said as he stuck his tongue out. Billy scoffed before chuckling and nodding.
"Sure did. C'mon scream queen cops are gonna be here soon."
You should have stayed home.
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stormblessed95 · 6 months ago
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 7
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally they happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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Not this show starting off with a mistaken identity trip!! Lol Jimin saying that he only went snowboarding once before and it was with JK. And JK was so confused. You could see him searching the files in his brain lmfao. Jimin's oh wait! I went with your friends 😂😂 okay, just hanging out with JKs friends on your own? It's giving couple. I can't lie. I'm sorry. What in the best friend?! 😂😂 I loved the facial expressions and the way Jimin buried his face into Jungkookie there too
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Jimin listening to hate you. And JKs why are you listening to that? Jimin: because I like it 😳 lmao I agree Jimin, it was abrupt 😂😂
Their appreciation for their crew is 😍😍
Jk dozing off to Jimin's softly singing. It's giving the same vibes as that one run episode that he dozed off to Jimin's ASMR. Idk what that's giving exactly.... But it's giving *something* and you know what it is
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"this is our last moment of relaxation. I love it" 😭
Not JK just chopping at his hair like that. Oh baby lol don't look at me like this is my fault!! It's okay, fucking up your hair and needing to make it much shorter than originally planned is a life right of passage lol
Not JKs haircut transporting Jimin back in time 10 years 😂😂😂
The staff giggling and immediately taking photos 😂 BTS are their babies lol
Jimin hurting himself and shouting oh shit 😂😂 the subtitles trying to sensor him without bleeping his actual words 😂🤣 subtitles should be accurate above all else people! Cmon! Lol
Jimin moaning and groaning while transferring tubs, sitting on the edge, etc and JK just looks like he is enjoying the show the whole time. There is so much ass on display in the shorts they are wearing in this whole scene. Where is the decorum?! Lol!
Turning off the cameras to shower together before the Jacuzzi. Very innocent, but sounds like it could be so not 🤣😂
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JKs faces when trying to handle to cold tub 😂😂
"feel how cold I am" better translated to "just hug me once" and the immediate hug and the hand placement to feel the cold? Yeah okay 🤣
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Anyone remember the emojis over the barest slips of tummy during anything? Now they are showing them wash themselves and rub their own muscles in a cold tub and show off flexing to the camera. What the fuck Hybe 🤣🤣🤣
Soundproof Sauna to their matching PJs and eating a whole feast 🥰
The way they giggle together is my favorite thing
JK watching Jimin making his this crab is so good video so endeared 🥰😂😍
Jimin insisted on JK trying the shrimp too because it was so amazing instead of eating the last of the shrimp even though he loved it so much. And JK sharing half his urchin with Jimin because it was so yummy. Cute. They are so precious to each other
Jimin wants seconds, JK says it's a bad idea. They order seconds 😂😂😂
I both love and hate watching them eat. Because I think watching people eat is gross and I stand by that. Lol but they love it so much and look so happy, I also just enjoy seeing them enjoy themselves. It's a complicated mix of emotions I experience 😂
The trend continues of brushing their teeth together. Jimin, the mischief maker, kicks JK during their teeth brushing?? Lol and takes a selfie of them too. Share it please?
"I'm going to pass out after this, especially if we get massages" JK " we are getting massages?!" No lmfao you silly goose, that was 100% Jimin hinting at wanting a massage 😂🤣😂🤣
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Not them being super sleepy, yet still annoying each other on purpose by flashing lights at each other 😂
Jimin asking JK if he is too hot, probably knowing already he gets too hot at night. But instead of changing the temperature when he did wake up too hot, knowing Jimin was comfy with how it was, JK just moved to the living room. And Jimin waking him up by so softly petting his head 🥺🥺🥺
Are they advertising sunscreen? Lol it worked. I wanted to go get some 😂😂
Jimin fighting for his LIFE in the shower. Wtf was happening?!! Lmao and JK finishing up his breakfast before going into the bathroom to shower while Jimin was still in the shower it sounded like. Lol ALRIGHT. Hope you both enjoyed said shower I guess 😅😂🤣
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Why are we play fighting while getting dressed boys?! Lmao
Jimin starting a pretend photoshoot with the ski jacket and gear. Absolutely, yes please
Jimin is such a good boyfriend bringing JKs jacket back out to him
Jimin just enjoying sitting in the car while JK goes in to order 😂😂 good for him! JK telling him he only ordered food for himself and none for Jimin, only to say "here is our food" when it arrived 😂 what a jokester lol
Jimin feeding Jungkook while he is driving 🥺
Jimin joking about an AYS OST. Please please please give it to us though for real
Singing random love songs for a game! Where JK interrupted Jimin singing the line "the person I love is gone" to sing "I love you" three times lol okay got it
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The way JK always stops to just stare at Jimin until he gets his reaction to whatever he is doing or wearing is always so cute. Especially because he always smiles so cutely after Jimin gives him his desired compliment 💜❤️
JK adjusting Jimin's googles for him 🥺
The way that JK checks in on Jimin first to make sure he is actually okay before teasing him about being scared lol it's sweet and cute
The hysterical cut of JK shredding down the slope to Jimin laying in the snow 😂😂😂😂 Jimin and his staff member literally falling over each other 🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying lmao!
Jimin ditching his helmet with how often he falls is stressing me out lmfao he looks gorgeous though!
Skiing would be fun too he says, turning to Jimin with a hopefully sparkle in his eyes that he knows Jimin can't say no to. Camera cuts to them on skis 😂 JK, I love and adore you. Never change
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Wrap up thoughts:
They showered/bathed together 3 times in one episode and thats insane. Lmao whatever guys 😂 this was just an excellent episode showcasing their closeness, their intimacy, their silliness, their individuality and their soft spoken nature with each other. It showed the way they consistently consider each other, what the other wants and needs. I don't think I have anything to expand on from what I've already said above. I really loved this episode. Fully plan on the last episode making me cry.
All purple links in my post go back to @dstdes with video clips of the moment being talked about. I did use a few twitter clips as well, sorry. Thanks for reading!
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ashwhowrites · 13 days ago
I’m super curious to see what Friends would be like. (I don’t know why I never thought to look up fanfic of it? But I love your stuff, so I know yours will be good.) I don’t know what even to request though haha. Reader inserts? Or established pairings? Chandler is my favorite. Maybe a reader insert with him? Reader can be a friend of Phoebe’s and maybe it’s a mistaken identity thing? Reader wants to ask out Phoebes funny cute friend. Phoebe thinks it’s Joey but it’s Chandler?
This was in my drafts so I figured I should post it! I hope you find this since you requested it ages ago :(
Wrong person
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"Joey! I have news for you!" Phoebe sang as she entered the coffee house. She rushed over to him, shoving Chandler over on the couch so she could sit. Chandler dramatically moved down, making Monica and Ross laugh.
"Tell me! Tell me!" He said excitedly, his hands wagging in the air.
"My friend, Y/N loved meeting you at Monica's party and asked me to give you her number!" Phoebe cheered, handing over the piece of paper with the number.
"Wait Y/N?" Chandler perked up, causing everyone to look at him.
"Yeah, why?" Phoebe asked.
"Nothing! It's just that-that uh- I thought she and I were sorta connecting." Chandler shrugged, trying to not feel disappointed that she was interested in Joey instead. Of course, she was, the girls always picked Joey.
"Oh Chandler, I won't if you like her," Joey said, giving Chandler a comforting smile.
"No, it's fine. She clearly likes you so you should go for it," Chandler smiled, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. Monica noticed his sad state and planted a comforting hand on his knee.
"Which one is she again?" Joey asked, the name not ringing any sort of bell.
Before Phoebe could answer, Chandler was daydreaming out loud. "She's the smart and funny one. She made that joke about Baywatch, who knew women even watched that show. She was drinking beer, but only cold. She works with Phoebe at the massage place."
"Thanks, man!" Joey said, not understanding why Chandler remembered every detail. "Didn't want to look stupid when I call her."
Chandler painfully laughed, watching as he walked out of the house with her number. Chandler pretended to grab a knife from the table and jab himself in the chest.
"I'm sorry, Chandler," Phoebe said.
"It's okay, I can't beat Joey."
Chandler walked into the apartment and found Joey sitting in the recliner.
"Hey man, how did it go?" Chandler asked, even though the question killed him to ask. He took the open recliner next to him.
Joey turned to him with an excited smile, like he was gifting Chandler a present.
"She doesn't want me!" Chandler looked at Joey confused.
"Then why are you so excited?" Chandler laughed, a part of him happy that she wasn't into Joey. He wasn't sure if he could handle seeing her in Joey's clothes and having to share a wall.
"Phoebe messed up, she wanted you to get her number!" Joey cheered, "She likes you, man!" Joey planted a congratulating slap on his shoulder.
Chandler couldn't help but smile, "really? She wants to go out with me?"
Joey nodded and handed over the piece of paper, Chandler quickly ran over to the phone.
The date was planned and Chandler was nervously pacing in Monica's apartment. He knew he was bad with girls and his fear of commitment held him back.
"Chandler it's the first date, you don't have to marry the girl," Monica explained.
"Just be yourself! She already likes you so the hard part is already done," Joey said, thinking he was giving words of encouragement.
"Chandler, you'll do great," Phoebe encouraged, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Be your charming self and you'll be okay."
Chandler nodded as he tried to soak in their words. He hated how nervous he got when it came to women. Why couldn't it be easy like it was for Joey?
Chandler checked his watch and nodded to himself. "Time to go, wish me luck!"
Chants of good luck filled the room as he walked out of the apartment, walking to the coffee shop.
He saw her through the window, sitting beautifully on the big couch. He walked in, catching her attention. She smiled and stood up, he could feel his heart racing from the smile alone.
"I heard you've been asking about me?" He flirted, even though it sounded like a joke. He smiled when she let out a breathy laugh.
"Guilty," she said, together they took a seat. Both were a bit shy as they sat in a quick moment of silence. "Thanks for calling me. I thought Phoebe already knew who I was talking about."
"Eh I don't blame her. Joey usually is the one who gets the calls," Chandler's voice faded out as he thought about it. "But I'm honored to have been the chosen one."
She laughed at his joke, causing him to smile. She shifted so her body was facing him, and just like at the party they jumped right into a conversation.
Chandler flew through Monica's apartment with a huge smile. Everyone turned to the open door and questions began to fly.
Before he answered any, he placed his hand on his chest and dramatically declared,
"I'm going to marry that girl!"
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seireiteihellbutterfly · 11 months ago
Sundae Tropes - Milestone Event - CLOSED 🍨
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Well, hello everyone! I can’t believe it’s finally happened but we’re celebrating a milestone! 300 followers?! Like what? I want to thank each and every single one of you for supporting my little blog. I love the interaction and going forward, hope to have more engagement with everyone. To celebrate, I thought I’d throw together a little event. This is intended to be an 18+ event, so minors MDNI. Welcome to Sundae Tropes! Open to all my followers and moots!
Give it up for the talented @actuallysaiyan for the super cute banner!
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🍨 Make your sundae!
1. Pick a flavor of ice cream 2. Choose 1 or 2 toppings - One per group 3. Pick a man (or woman) from either Bleach or JJK 4. Please note the waffle cone option if none of the toppings appeal to you
So for example, your request could look something like Chocolate with whipped cream and caramel with Renji.
🍨Please note: Since this is meant to celebrate my moots and followers, I will not be accepting anon requests. Anyone who follows me and wants to submit a request, but are shy to have their name show up, please DM me, and I will add your request to the list and reach out to you separately when I’m done writing, without responding to the ask publicly. 
🍨 The reader will by default be written as female unless specified otherwise. Please have a look at my rules for characters I don’t write. All characters are either written as adults or aged up.
🍨Also, since each fandom has certain characters more popular than others, I’m capping the number of requests I receive for these characters. 
🍨This will be open for a week (closing April 12th). 
🍨I will be writing a good number of these and will be feeding all requests into a random generator to pick what order I’m writing these in. 
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Vanilla - High school sweethearts 
Chocolate - Boss/secretary
Strawberry -  Enemies to Lovers 
Rocky Road - Teacher/student
Cookie dough - Strangers in a foreign city
Coffee - Friends to lovers
Moose Tracks - Fake dating
Mint chocolate chip - Soulmates
Butterscotch - Forced proximity
Cookies and Cream - Marriage pact
Fudge - Captor/Captive
Peanut butter - Secret Billionaire
Butter Pecan- Love Triangle (pick 2 characters)
Birthday cake- Amnesia/Mistaken identity 
Cotton Candy- Secret Admirer 
Cherry- Return to hometown/reunion love 
Toppings (pick up to 2 - one from each group)
Group 1
Sprinkles - Threesome (pick 2 characters)
Whipped cream - Creampie, Breeding Kink
Crushed Oreos - Clit spanking, Nipple play, Bondage
Marshmallow -  Teasing, Edging, Toys
Kit Kats - Exhibitionism, Dirty talk, Hair pulling
Maraschino Cherries - Praise kink, Lingerie, Blowjob
Strawberries - Passionate/romantic sex, Emotional bond
M&Ms - Virginity loss, Soft sex, Sweet talking
Group 2
Banana - Doggystyle
Reeses Pieces- Cowgirl
Chocolate-covered pretzels - Missionary
Nutella - Butterfly Position
Caramel - Thirst Position
Gummy bears - Facesitting
Brownie bits - 69
Chocolate chips -  Lotus position
Kinks and fetishes not your thing? Want something fluffy and SFW? Add a waffle cone to any flavor! Pick a waffle cone prompt from the list below:
A waffle cone request could look like: Vanilla waffle cone #4 with Gojo
"I'm going on a blind date." "In hopes of them actually being blind?"
"Is there something I can do to make it easier?"
“Don’t you dare walk away right now!”
“Do you miss us?”
"I trust you with all of my heart."
“I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
“Do you want my jacket?”
"You're all my favorite things about the world concentrated into one person”
"You hugged me like your personal pillow."
“Oh, just shut up, I’m not blushing!”
“Morning cuddles are the best part of the day.”
“Of course I know the way you like your coffee.”
"My heart dances every time I look at you."
Why is your stupid face just so kissable?”
“Your laugh is contagious.”
"I never believed in love at first sight before I met you."
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all dividers by @/ cafekitsune Prompts from @/ creativepromptsforwriting
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emeritusemeritus · 4 months ago
Heyy, do you think the Weasley twins would cheat on their s.os? Just curious what your take on that is:)
Hi anon! Please accept this essay about my thoughts on the matter, because apparently I have many 😂🖤
George would never.
Fred… maybe… but it would be a very specific situation like a prank gone wrong/ Polyjuice potion fail/ case of mistaken identity. Like he’d get carried away with talking about his inventions and wouldn’t notice the girl getting a bit too familiar until her lips are chasing his. He just thought she really liked what he was creating.
I think it all boils down to how you perceive them. I’ve read a few fics of ladiesman!Fred and though I could potentially see it in an AU, I never personally view him that way.
I tend to always write George as the shyer, more sensitive twin and i think that he is naturally a lot less confident than Fred, at least underneath. He uses humour as a deflective shield and falls into his role of prankster wholeheartedly because it hides his true nature that underneath the surface he’s a little bit insecure. He’s the second twin, always the other one, the other half of something bigger than him and quite often follows Fred blindly, having to explain and rationalise his slightly older brother’s ideas and words. SO, when George gets a girls attention, and it’s only him and not Fred, he’d be a bit of a mess and would probably plan what suit he’s going to wear to his wedding by the second date. I can’t see George ever cheating, it’s just not in his nature.
For some reason, I feel like George wouldn’t find love in his school years but would find someone absolutely perfect for him at the shop, like a meet-cute within their universe and the person would fit right into George’s life.
Fred however, he’s the more outgoing, more confident twin who seems completely unashamed and proud of who he is, both as a twin and in himself. I personally don’t write him as a fuckboy but he’d be quite a good fit if I did under certain contexts. I tend to write Fred as finding ‘the one’ young, probably in their school days and being certain right away that she’s the one. He’s a fiery guy, often quick to anger and doesn’t think of consequences of his actions so he’d need someone that balances him out, reminds him of what’s important and someone that he actually listens to when he needs to pull back a little.
Like he would get the attention of other girls but he’s completely blind to it because he only has eyes for his girl.
I always see him as being friends with the person before, a typical friends to lovers trope with a big event or a big realisation that it’s been her all along.
My own personal HC is that his love story would follow Arthur and Molly’s up to a certain point (being young, finding love, getting married early). I think it would be one of those ironic life twists that always seem to come full circle as he’s often quite anti-authority and against conformity, particularly when it comes to Molly’s expectations for him and George. So to see his life mirror his parents as hard as he’d tried to deny it would be ironically beautiful.
So I think with that in mind, I really couldn’t see cheating being an option. George likes having an easy life and if the relationship wasn’t right or he knew he couldn’t give it his all then he’d find a kind way of ending things, not cheating in any degree even if the relationship was rocky. If the relationship was happy, he wouldn’t even dream of it. The grass is never greener to George Weasley.
Fred wouldn’t dream of it because he knows he can’t do better than his long suffering girl. There’s too much history, too many inside jokes and his parents have practically adopted her into the family anyway so if he ever stepped a toe out of line, his mother would probably kill him. The length of his relationship is a mark of pride for Fred; being secretly sentimental he’d love to be able to say proudly how long he’d been with his girl to anyone that asks, knowing that even from a young age after so long together that you’d been together longer than you’d ever been apart in your entire lives.
The Weasley men just love their SOs okay?
Any one else have opinions on this?!
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mallgothyamaguchi · 7 months ago
ive seen that all of your bookmarks are tskym and you dont have many of them (not that thats a bad thing!!!) could you give a bookmark tour and like give a reveiw of each?
ofc! tsukkiyama bookmark tour begin!
autumn by windofjune - this fic is ongoing but i'm just totally in love with the author's writing style. essentially, tsukishima and yamaguchi have had mutual feelings for a long time, but nothing was ever acted upon, so in college, they begin to drift apart from one another even when living in the same apartment. tsukishima faces an injury to his knee and yamaguchi gets dumped by his boyfriend, leading to their slow-burning reconciliation as they both recover from their emotional and physical injuries. everything is so beautifully written and i'm not-so-patiently waiting for chapter 8 hehe
Sleeping Habits by BlueColoredDreams - piece written in a series of vignettes as tsukishima and yamaguchi grow older, ending in their high school years. very sweet and very fluffy. i'm a snuggler, so any fic that involves sleeping and cuddling, i'm there.
(Not) A bad day by WhereDoesTheTimeGo - yamaguchi has a bad day, and all of his insecurities bubble up, so tsukishima comforts him. they both have their own self-doubts and insecurities unveiled, but everything's okay with a snuggle and first kiss. you will notice there is a pattern in my fic tastes, lol.
Home Is Where The Heart Is by Pepper_Moon - very short and sweet domestic fic about the two moving in together in a cottage in the countryside after marrying. artist yamaguchi and writer tsukishima. SO COTTAGECORE. the author is also currently writing a chaptered piece for day 1 of tsukkiyama week i'm very much looking forward to reading!
just ourselves by beefybuttlord - another short and sweet fic where hinata asks yamaguchi what his relationship with tsukishima really is. essentially it's a "what are we" fic. puts how i think their canon relationship is in 800 words.
hottaru-kun by palebluestings - very much plays around with the significance of names and naming conventions in japanese culture, and the different ways kanji can be read. tsukishima has started calling yamaguchi 'tadashi', but yamaguchi still calls him 'tsukki'. also, cue tsukishima being a little jealous of yamaguchi hanging out with his brother. it's a cute and thoughtful fic.
The sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me. by yamaguchiforpresident - as they get older, yamaguchi gets more and more attention from girls (and guys), and by their third year, tsukishima realizes he's in love with his best friend. lots of pining from tsukishima, and does he do anything about it? hmmm... a little bit of yamayama (at least from tsukishima's perspective), so yet again, jealous tsukishima >:)
Won't You Stay For The Ride? (The Views Will Be Nice) by xxet - self-hating tsukishima begins to have his walls broken down by yamaguchi as they grow up. tsukishima is totally whipped, and everyone knows. flips back and forth between past and present throughout. good mix of fluff and angst.
i wish to be found by TheFledglingDM - ok this one isn't in my bookmarks but i'm actually obsessed with this fic i'm shocked i didn't bookmark it. essentially a 'You've Got Mail' au, where yamaguchi is a small bookstore owner who took it over after his mother passed and tsukishima is a financial executive for a chain bookstore with aspirations to become a published author. when tsukishima helps to make the decision to put a store location near yamaguchi's bookstore, yamaguchi fears he may be put out of business. unknowingly, for a whole year prior, they've been online best friends over discord. mistaken identity, enemies to lovers, influence of and allusions to pride & prejudice, what more could you want from a fic? so skillfully written. i will never shut up about it. i finished it a month ago and i think about it every other day.
hope you enjoyed my thoughts on these fics! honestly, i haven't been reading many fics recently since life got pretty busy and then that makes me pretty tired and i've been very focused on writing my own fics...but! with all the entries for tsukkiyama week i have so much new content to read. i'm still pretty new to ao3 (it's been a little over a year since i started reading fics on there), so that kind of explains why my bookmarks list is pretty short, and also i tend to bounce between different forms of reading like manga to physical books to fanfiction. kind of just depends on what my mood is at the moment. now that i've started writing, i've really been fueling my tsukkiyama brainrot into that, lol. when it's slow at work, i'm collecting ideas in my brain for them.
bottomline: tsukkiyama will always and forever be my #1, so if there's a fic i'm reading it and if they have zero fans, i'm dead.
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thespiritssaidso · 5 months ago
Mr. Bean
Summary: Shawn gets drugged while undercover with Lassiter. So now the detective has to drag his boyfriend’s plastered ass back to their house. 
Except… Shawn doesn’t recognize Lassiter in his drunken state. Instead, he refers to him by another name. 
Notes: I don’t actually know how someone being spiked is treated for, so like. Please don’t come at me if i wrote it wrong 
Flufftober day 6: Mistaken Identity
Lassiter unlocked the door to his house with one hand, the other busy with trying to keep Shawn upright by wrapping an arm around his torso. Shawn currently had one arm around Lassiter’s shoulders and was putting all of his weight on the detective. Not that it was much, but it would be just enough to knock him off balance if he wasn’t careful. 
They had been undercover at a bar, staking out a guy that was suspected to be a predator. All Shawn and Lassiter had to do was watch the guy and try to witness him in action. But of course, nothing was ever that simple. 
Lassiter had no clue what the hell had gone through Shawn’s head, but one moment he was watching the guy spike some girl’s drink and the next his boyfriend had grabbed it and chugged it down like it was the last glass of alcohol in the world. 
The guy was arrested, of course. Two witness accounts – especially if one of them was drugged – made for quite the testimony against his case. 
Lassiter would have gladly gone to the station to book the scumbag for attempting and succeeding in drugging a civilian. But Shawn was in no condition to drive himself home, much less look after himself. 
So after a quick hospital trip resulting in the doctor injecting a medicine that would dilute the effects of the drugs, and Lassiter convincing Juliet to not go easy on the criminal – absolutely no persuasion was needed – he could take Shawn home. 
“Here, let’s set you on the couch for now.” Lassiter said with an almost uncharacteristically soft tone. 
Shawn, eyes half-lidded, mumbled something that was slurred and unintelligible. Lassiter couldn’t pick out a single word that came out of his mouth. 
The doctor had informed him that the best thing they could do now was wait until the drug was out of Shawn’s system. So that was what Lassiter was going to do. He’d wait with Shawn until he was back to being himself. As he did, he poured a glass of water for Shawn. Might as well try and expedite the process. 
Lassiter took a seat next to his boyfriend on the sofa and was about to try and coax him to drink some water, but Shawn turned to stop him. Very sloppily too, nearly smacking the drink out of Lassiter’s hands. 
“Sorry, that’s- that’s my- husbands spot. You can’t sit there.” His speech was still slurred, but at least Lassiter could tell what he was saying. 
It took a moment, but Lassiter soon understood what exactly Shawn was saying. He couldn’t recognize him. He also referred to him inadvertently as his husband. 
Husband. They still had yet to be married, but Shawn thought of him as his husband. Not just his boyfriend. Husband. “Oh! Well then, I hope you don’t mind me asking who your husband is?” 
Shawn paused for a moment, his brain catching up to what Lassiter had said. Then a big dopey grin began to grow. “The bestest ever. He’s my puppy. My Lassiekins. But you wouldn’t know him, Mr. Bean.”
Lassiter didn’t know whether to be endeared by what Shawn had said about him, or offended that he’d called him Mr. Bean. He’d gotten the comment about his appearance a few times more than he’d liked, but hearing it from Shawn made him feel conflicted. He knew he didn’t love the nickname, but he didn’t exactly hate it when his boyfriend said it. 
But he brushed that aside and decided to focus more on what Shawn said before that. “Is that so? What’s he like?” Lassiter knew this was wrong, he shouldn’t be exploiting his boyfriend like this, especially after he’d been drugged. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy hearing Shawn talk about him. 
“He’s sooooo cute. He loves guns so much. And the civil war. Mmmm I could listen to him talk about that forever. He- he just- mh he gets so into- the talking about it…”
Situating himself on the armrest of the sofa so Shawn wouldn’t try to shove him away again, Lassiter felt his face flush. He liked that? Lassiter had always had some deep-seated feeling that wouldn’t go away that Shawn would only let him prattle on about his favorite things (other than his boyfriend, of course) because he could see it made him happy. Now knowing that it also made Shawn happy… he was elated. “Yeah? What else?”
“You talk a lot. Aren’t you, like, quiet Mr. Bean?”
And then Lassiter was reminded of why this conversation was even happening. Shawn had no clue that he was talking to Lassiter, and in his drugged state thought he was talking to a fictional character from a tv show that he shared absolutely no resemblance with. 
Shawn shifted on the sofa, scooting down until a good portion of his back was now resting on the seat of the cushion and his head on the back with his neck alarmingly close to being at a ninety degree angle. “I love him so much, Mr. Bean.” 
Lassiter felt his heart warm, spreading from his chest to the rest of his body. “Shawn…” 
A snore interrupted him. Somehow, Shawn had managed to fall asleep with his eyes wide open. Seemed about right for him. 
Worried about his body posture, Lassiter scooped his boyfriend up and into a bridal carry. Shawn dangled limply in his arms, not stirring at the sudden movement. 
One short walk down the hall to their shared bedroom later and the two were laying in the big king sized bed. Lassiter had already closed Shawn’s eyes for him, not wanting them to dry out from staying open too long. He leaned over from his side of the bed and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. As though he had felt it, a tiny grin grew on Shawn’s unconscious face. 
After sitting there and just staring at Shawn for a few minutes, Lassiter turned over and fell asleep as well. 
Notes: Not the most proud of this one, but I wrote it and yea. I guess. 
ao3 link
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myrockandrollking · 1 year ago
Unfortunately, my grandma is the only person irl who shares my love of the Beatles, so we had a movie night and watched a Hard Day's Night and it was a blast! Here are some of my thoughts and comments on the film and some of my favorite parts/quotes (sorry if it's out of order):
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• the opening is obviously iconic, I love how George and Ringo fall and almost get fucking trampled and we aren't even a minute in yet
• also the way John just laughs at them took me tf out, I love it
• "he's very c l e a n"
• Paul's grandfather was fucking helarious
• my grandma was singing all of the songs so loudly that I couldn't hear any of them 💀
• "Tell me, how did you find America?" "Turn left to Greenland"
• "What do you call that hairstyle you are wearing?" "Arthur"
• the entire part where George is mistaken for a teen model had me cackling
• "do not breathe on me, Adrian"
• "grotty" should be used more
• I love how the manager was basically just like a babysitter trying to take care of four out of control children
• I did not appreciate the Ringo's nose slander, his nose is beautiful
• Ringo's wack ass dancing was so amusing to me
• "Do I snore, John?" "Yeah, you're a window-rattler, son."
• John randomly oinking like a pig caught me off guard tbh
• Ringo being protective of his drums is literally me with my guitar
• "Put yer tongue away, it looks disgustin hangin out, all pink and naked."
• all of the songs were bangers, ofc
• all of the John in the bath scenes give me pure serotonin, I love his goofy ass
• me and my grandma sang a duet of And I Love Her when it came on and it was so fun and sweet
• I'm so sad that they didn't add "You Can't Do That" into the film since it's my favorite song on the album
• since I watched Nowhere Boy directly before this and almost cried, this line tore out my heart
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• the scenes of Ringo with the kid were so random but also so wholesome
• the whole mistaken identity scene with John and the lady had me laughing and blushing, oh my God
• since my grandma is a George girl, she was simping hardcore during his song, it was so cute
• she literally yelled "I've got dibs on George!"
• my grandma also doesn't laugh when she thinks stuff is funny for some reason, so it was basically just me cackling in the otherwise silent living room the whole time
• she kept looking over to me throughout the film and finally said, "man, you're all over John the whole movie, huh?" 😭
• please, she can't talk, this women literally ran up to the TV and touched George's face 🤣
• okay, I know I'm going to sound delusional as fuck but just hear me out-
During this exact particular scene:
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I swear to God, for a second I thought I could smell John through the screen. So, the whole room just smelled like nothing basically, but when the camera was on John straight ahead in this scene after he's talking to the lady in the hall, my senses just exploded basically. I suddenly smelled strong tobacco and cigarette smoke, along with a clean sweet smell and citrus. It's like when someone walks by you with a lot of cologne or something and you are hit by it? It was like that with the sudden angle change when it went to this shot of John. It was the weirdest shit. I know it sounds dramatic and like I'm making it up, but weirdly enough it's happened to both me and another family member a few times with other movies, but idk why lol. Then when John went up the stairs it faded away and didn't come back. No one smokes in their house either and there was no smell like any of that in the room before, so it was really weird but also oddly comforting. Anyways, I'm probably just going insaine.
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bellaireland1981 · 1 year ago
Bellaireland's Winter RomCom Writing Challenge!
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 I’ve hit 800 followers!!! First and foremost…THANK YOU! I am floored by that. To celebrate, I’ve decided to host a Winter RomCom writing challenge! I don’t know about you, but I am a sucker for RomComs, all the cheesy wintery/holiday Hallmarky movies, cliche tropes…. Love it all! What’s better than combining all of that with all of the TGM characters we love?! To sign up, comment or DM me with your Trope choice and character you’re writing for! 
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You can sign up for as many tropes as you’d like! 
18+ Only! Minors DNI
You can submit for a series, one shots, mood boards, drabbles, etc… The point is to HAVE FUN!
Must be appropriately labeled (Smut, Angst, warnings, Fluff….etc)
HAS to include  WINTER! RomCom genre and include the TROPE  you sign up for! Go crazy! 
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Your creations are due by January 1, 2024! Tag me @bellaireland1981 and #WinterRomComChallenge in your work so that I add your link to the Challenge Page! 
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Meet Cute
Enemies to Lovers
Forced Proximity
Childhood Sweethearts
Forbidden Love
Second Chance Love
Impossible Love
I have a Secret
The Bet
Fake Relationship
Love Triangle
Opposites Attract
Amnesia/Mistaken Identity 
Just Friends
Stuck Together/Snowed in/Stranded
Rags to Riches
Marriage Pact
Best Friend’s Brother
Country Inn
Home for the Holidays 
Bachelor Auction (charity?)
Boy/Girl next door
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Completed Works!
9, 16, (not listed- friends to lovers)- All I Want For Christmas Is...You by @bellaireland1981 (Bradley x Female! Reader)
15,21 - Christmas on Mistletoe Mountain By @bellaireland1981 (Bradley x Female! Reader)
20 - Brighter Than a Supernova By @roosterforme (Bob x Phoenix's lil sister OC)
16- Home For Christmas by @seresinsbrat (Jake x Female! OC)
9- Merry Christmas Mishaps by @beyondthesefourwalls (Javy x Reader)
17- What Happens Now by @mikpieboo (Bradley x OC)
22- (Holi)Day by Day-1940's Historical AU by @desert-fern (Bradley x Fem!Reader)
1,4,9- Pink Christmas Part 1 by @roosterforme (Rooster x Reader)
Part 2
17- 'Tis the Damn Season by @startrekfangirl2233-writes (Javy x Reader)
Part 2 A Hazy Shade of Winter
22 Home for the Holidays Moodboard by @ryebecca (Bob Floyd)
22- Something Worth Remembering by @beyondthesefourwalls (Bradley x Reader)
@roosterforme @beyondthesefourwalls @waywardodysseys @milesdickpic Tagged people I thought/Knew would be interested but ANYONE that wants to participate! Let's have some fun!
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dramioneasks · 8 months ago
I am looking for a captivating Dramione fanfic where Draco swoops in to rescue Hermione from Bellatrix at the Manor, leading to some awkward yet delightfully cute situations in their 8th year. The more pining, fluff, slowburn, cute romantic tension, and humor, the merrier! Can't wait to dive into a story full of twists and turns, sweet moments, and maybe a dash of comedy. Share your top picks with me!
Thanks so much in advance 😊
All of the fics where he saves Hermione during the Manor scene are definitely not fluffy or cute. Those are war fics and are dark and angsty and they deal with psychological trauma.
I can recommend cute year 8 fics instead:
The Fever By: Flightglow32 - M, 13 chapters - After the war, the population is low all the signs say a Fever is coming, the Burning lasts until they find their match. Hermione’s concern about her match grows as she watches others around her succumb to the Fever. When one touch is all it takes and the Burning inside you wants it how much self control does it take to hold back and not give in to your most basic desires? Rated M
Sleeves - FluffThroughtheBluff - T, one-shot - In her drunken stupor, she mumbles, “What do you think you’re doing, Malfoy?” “I’m being a good friend,” he replied softly.
To All the Wizards I’ve Loved Before - takenbytheview - M, 7 chapters - “What if—” Malfoy begins, twisting his signet ring with the forefinger and thumb of his other hand. “What if you didn’t tell him?” “What?” “What if we let people think we were actually together? Just for a little while. Not just the Weasel. Everybody.” A Dramione Eighth Year adaptation of Jenny Han’s To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.
Broom Cupboard Etiquette 101 - Ada_P_Rix - E, 6 chapters - A pitch-black Broom Cupboard and a case of mistaken identity leaves poor Draco Malfoy reeling.
Innocent Monsters - itscometothis - T, 12 chapters - Draco Malfoy thought he had reasonable expectations for his mandatory Eighth Year at Hogwarts, where he would be confined to the grounds as part of his probation. Isolation, hatred, and passing his NEWTs were really all he had in mind. What he wasn’t anticipating: 1) Having a small firstie latch onto him like a bloody koala 2) Said firstie adopting an erkling as if they didn’t feed on children. To protect his little nuisance, he’ll have to seek help from uncomfortable places, including the Swottiest Witch of Her Age. Joy of all joys.
Sorry, Not Sorry by NicheNugget - M, 17 chapters - It was never a question whether Hermione would go back to Hogwarts for her 8th year. What she didn’t see coming was a certain blonde who keeps getting thrown into her path. When Hogwarts offers nothing more disturbing than a heavy course load, secret parties, and dramatic friends, Draco and Hermione just might find a way to get along. Or maybe even more.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years ago
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In the mood for...
1. Hi! For the next in the mood for can I ask for some fics where wwx finds out about the 33 whips punishment?? Preferably just after it’s happened (so he didn’t actually die during the siege) please?? @iyo-luv
Ghosts Shouldn't by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 15k, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
lost whenever you go by wanderingflame (M, 31k, WangXian, Vampire, Canon Divergence, Soft vampire hours, Love Confessions, Conversations about Feelings, Light Angst, Slow Burn, Getting Together, Blood Drinking, Pining, Happy Ending, Vampire WWX)
Into the murk by MissCellophane (G, 1k, WangXian, inspired by a tumblr post, Light Angst, Canon Divergence, POV LWJ, POV WQ, Wēn Remnants Live, WWX Creates a Sect | Yílíng Wèi Sect, WWX Lives, Blood and Injury, LWJ's 33 Lashes Punishment, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, WWX finds out about the 33 whips punishment, Protective WWX, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, POV WWX, [Podfic] Into the Murk by Rendition (TuerShen)) (I actually wrote a fic inspired by this idea not too long ago! ^^ - Mod C)
2. Hey, thanks for all you folks are doing! I was wondering if you could help me find a fic I read a year or two ago - where Jiang Yanli was engaged to LWJ but loved JZX so WWX crafted a talisman that made him look like her so he could take her place. Which led to love and also gender. I've been in the mood for "wwx has feelings about gender" and haven't been able to find that fic to add to my reading (re-reading?) list. Thanks!
You Free Your Mind In Your Androgyny by misbehavingvigilante (E, 368k, WangXian, JC & JYL & WWX, NHS & WWX, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Bodyswap, Crossdressing, Dysfunctional Family, Gender Dysphoria, Hurt/Comfort, Identity Porn, Mistaken Identity, Misunderstandings, Transphobia, Self-Worth Issues, Suicidal Thoughts, Trans WWX) (fic anon was looking for)
3. Are there any Bunji fics where Lan Wangji is a very large rabbit, like a Flemish Giant? I think it would be hilarious for Wei Wuxian to assume Lan Wangji’s rabbit form is surely small and cute, only for him to actually be confronted with an enormous rabbit. It’d be especially funny if Wei Wuxian had his own fox form, and had previously assumed that if they were both animals he’d get to be the bigger one for once, but no… Wangji is at least as big as he is! The largest and yet most elegant of bunnies. 🐇
4. Hi!!! For next ITMF can you recommend me a fic where wwx and jzx are friend or a relucant ally or a least admited that the other is a good person? I prefer canon era but it's okay too if you have a modern era. No bashing please, except for yzy, jfm, jgs, and wc but i prefer no character bashing. Thank you!!!
watch what we'll become by glitteringmoonlight (T, 59k, WWX & JZX, WangXian, Background JZX/JYL, WWX & JZX are married but completely platonically, featuring my let WWX and JZX be bros agenda, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst with a Happy Ending)
5. For the next ITMF do the mods have any fics with
A) Canon-compliant fics with fem!Sizhui or just LWJ having a raise a girl alongside LSZ
B) WWX, LWJ, LSZ bonding post-canon
like a folk song by norgbelulah (G, 4k, WangXian, Napping, Family Feels, extremely soft, Post-Canon) Short and sweet
6. Hello! For the next itmf, I have a need for lwj pov and him just pining after wwx (any setting, age, or plot is fine)
kiss with a fist by daltoneering (E, 23k, WangXian, Modern AU, Secret Agents, Enemies to Lovers, Rivals to Lovers, Enemies With Benefits, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Action & Romance, Action movie-typical violence, A HEIST, james bond inspired, Blood and Injury, Shooting Guns, please read a/n for further warnings!)
symmetry by bleuett (M, 44k, WangXian, Space, Science Fiction, Happy Ending, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Holding Hands, Blow Jobs, Hand Feeding, Cultivation in Space, Yearning, Reunions, Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Injuries, Grief/Mourning, Unconventional Time Travel, Burial Mounds)
💖 Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 73k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, art conservation, museums, pining, not actually unrequited love, angst w/ happy ending, misunderstandings, smut, major character injury, hospitalization, hurt/comfort, past incarceration, forgery)
(Planning the Day) To Meet You by Bettydice (E, 61k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Mutual Pining, WWX raises A-Yuàn, minimum angst, MAXIMUM GAY, Self-indulgent fluff, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, POV LWJ, Happy Ending, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Masturbation, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Anal Sex, Intercrural Sex)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 108k, wangxian, modern, angst w/ happy ending, romance, persuasion au, separations, pining, miscommunication, depression, self-harm, reconciliation, smut)
undone (the spreadsheet song) Series by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 282k, WangXian, XiYaoSang, LWJ/OMC, Modern AU, Artists, Communication Failure, Mutual Pining, mutual obliviousness, Demisexual WWX, Eventual Smut, Getting Together, Mentions of Past Lan Wangji/OMCs, Crack Treated Seriously, Friends to Friends With Benefits to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Linear Narrative, Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Separation Anxiety, Family Drama, Dysfunctional Family, Self-Worth Issues, Casual Sex, College/University, Temporary Long Distance Relationships, Relationship Pressures and Stresses, Insecurity) (link in #7) This fic can fit both 6 and 7 first fic is wwx being sort of a disaster and very nervous about dating lwj (not shy exactly but definitely not flirty) and the 2nd fic is all about lwj pining for him for years
you’ve ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 132k, WangXian, Modern AU, Developing Relationship, Idiots in Love, Awkward Flirting, teenage romance, Shameless WWX, slowburn, Demisexuality, references to lqr’s a+ parenting, references to jfm’s a+ parenting, but we’re gonna get a happy ending ANYWAY, references to yzy’s a+ parenting, Background NMJ/LXC, hints of nmj/lxc/jgy, bottom LWJ in chapter 15)
7. hi, do you know any fics where Wei Ying is shown to be shy, and everyone is shocked by it. It can just be in front of a few people or just Lan Zhan himself. I'm just in a mood for where people see there is more to Wei Ying than his shameless flirty self.
undone (the spreadsheet song) Series by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 282k, WangXian, XiYaoSang, LWJ/OMC, Modern AU, Artists, Communication Failure, Mutual Pining, mutual obliviousness, Demisexual WWX, Eventual Smut, Getting Together, Mentions of Past Lan Wangji/OMCs, Crack Treated Seriously, Friends to Friends With Benefits to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Linear Narrative, Established Relationship, Pre-Relationship, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Separation Anxiety, Family Drama, Dysfunctional Family, Self-Worth Issues, Casual Sex, College/University, Temporary Long Distance Relationships, Relationship Pressures and Stresses, Insecurity) This fic can fit both 6 and 7 first fic is wwx being sort of a disaster and very nervous about dating lwj (not shy exactly but definitely not flirty) and the 2nd fic is all about lwj pining for him for years
8. Hello, would you happen to be able to direct me to fics where Wei Wuxian makes a paternity test or something showing lineage?
Like in All Things Belong by kuroi_atropos.
Please and thank you 😊 @myblurryreality
You're My Dad (Boogie Woogie Woogie) by Eternal_writes (T, 6k, WWX & WRH, Canon Divergence, Good Person WRH, Sort Of, WRH POV WRH gets a Redemption Arc, again sort of, he sees wwx and decides that maybe world domination is a no, Qíshān Wēn Sect are Good People, Good Parent WRH, No war AU, OOC WRH, OOC WX, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously)
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 138k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together) For the paternity test one: it's not a huge part of the story, but it's a plot point in And Time is But a Paper Moon by sami
9. This is very specific to my likes, but I'll give it a go. Are there any fics that go into WWX's proclivity to faint: maybe he has anemia or low blood pressure? Or he just overextends himself continuously? Other reasons? I love to see caretaking. Can be canon, but I'd like to see modern. I've already looked at the "fainting" tag. Thanks, I have no expectations! @kesterling
let the sun go down on your anger; let it burn you to sleep by enbysaurus_rex (Not Rated, 79k, WIP, WangXian, Narcolepsy AU, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, YLLZ WWX, Oblivious WWX, Sleeping Beauty Elements, Sleeping Beauty Fusion, tags at the beginning of every chapter, Body Horror) he’s got narcolepsy and it is a WIP
like mayflies wandering Series by RoseThorne (M, 12k, NHS & WWX, wangxian, post-canon, assassination attempts, introspection, regret, travel, WWX pov, ghosts, reconciliation, exhaustion, pining, feelings realisation, illness, found family, hurt/comfort, emotional manipulation, manipulative NHS, friendship, qi deviation, resentful energy, WIP) this is addressed in the second fic in the series
10. hi!!!! so i’m being overrun by the idea of wwx holding children… for the next itmf would you guys be able to find fics with that concept as a big part? Like just wwx interacting with children basically but i’d especially like ones where he’s holding them. Thank y’all!
and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They're Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending) lots of baby holding in this one!
The Trouble with Espionage: A Treatise on the Role of Wit in Matchmaking by Grandmaster Lan Qiren by stiltonbasket (G, 13k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Matchmaking, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Good uncle LQR, Happy Ending)
❤️ Seen and not heard by eatmyass (E, 51k, wangxian, case fic, no sunshot, kid fic, dadxian, strangers to lovers, found family, LWJ pov, pining, fake/pretend relationship, first time, falling in love) link in #11
11. itmf kid fic!!! (i prefer ones with single dad wwx more than lwj) ive read tons esp the more popular ones and i want MOREE. some hidden gems or smaller fics would be great as i probably have read all others 😆 thank youuuu🫶🏼
❤️ Seen and not heard by eatmyass (E, 51k, wangxian, case fic, no sunshot, kid fic, dadxian, strangers to lovers, found family, LWJ pov, pining, fake/pretend relationship, first time, falling in love)
🧡 your heart, two doors down by ghostsgf (G, 9k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pining, Parenting)
Tired of the Sunset by julomaiboulomai (M, 55k, WangXian, Modern AU, Superheroes/Superpowers, Identity Porn, Secret Identity, Parent-Child Relationship, Grief/Mourning, Unreliable Narrator, superhero fights, Major Character Injury, Major Character Undeath, Slow Burn, But also somehow, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, JC-LWJ Mutual Hate Society, Domestic Fluff, Co-Parenting, Fade to Black, Brief mentions of suicide, Angst with a Happy Ending, Art Embedded)
my little love by mellowflicker (T, 54k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Parent WWX, kindergarten teacher!lwj, Kid Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Pining, Background SongXiao, background ChengQing)
Single Parent Wei Wuxian Comp
12. [jumps up and down raising hand] I got a request for the next itmf, please!
Are there any fics where the yiling population stands up for the wens when the sects come for the siege? Either stopping them before they enter the burial mounds or shaming them when they come out? The YLLZ had been good to them, those people were innocents, and apparently the only valid cultivator rn is hgj. Something like that. Thanks!
13. ITMF Wei Wuxian being awake and aging through the years he is "dead." Not actually alive and running around, but lost in a cosmic soup or something where he can think and his mental state still ages. So when he comes back to life he is older and wizened. Thank you!
14. For the next itmf… wei ying wearing glasses? Thanks!
KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in) by ScarlettStorm (E, 168k, WangXian, Modern AU, Established Relationship, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans aus, ex worker WWX, Fashionista LWJ, Fluff and Smut, therapy is good actually, Domestic Bliss, tender kink, Fiber Arts, autistic LWJ, neurodivergent WWX, switch rights, Nonbinary NHS, a soupçon of gender, Genderfluid Character, Gender Exploration, perhaps slightly more than a soupçon of gender, Hurt/Comfort, past trauma) glasses are very minor in this and wy only gets them in like. The last chapters. But they are very nice glasses!
15. Hi! I'd love if you could help me find fic that might or might not exist. I don't know if i imagined it myself somehow or i actually read something similar but it was about how wangxian were getting frisky and ayuan finds them and gets mad at wwx because he thinks wwx is hurting rich gege. That's it, that's all i remember. I have found fics where it's the opposite and ayuan is mad at lwj instead but that is not what I'm looking for. Is there a fic like that? Or fics similar to that premise? It can be canon or modern timeline. I just need something where ayuan throws a fit because he thinks wwx was trying to hurt or fight lwj, poor wwx. Thanks. 😊 (also in a FF)
No Talk of Milky Thighs by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 87k, WangXian, ChengQing, XiYao, MingLi, past WWX/others, past LWJ/others, Bickering husbands, Modern With Cultivation, Pining while fucking, BAMF WWX, Arranged Marriage, YLLZ WWX, BAMF YLLZ, Protective WWX, Protective LWJ, Good Sibling JC, exes to married, Exes to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Everyone Loves WWX) although it doesn't fully fit what you're looking for, a fic that i recommend is No Talk of Milky Thighs by DeviyudeThoolika. Specifically, Chapter 28: Sex Education. Sizhui sees WWX push LWJ, then LWJ tackles him to the floor hehe. But Sizhui doesn't get mad, instead, he and Jingyi try to uncover, analyze this case of rough physical interaction between his parents 😅 The fic is funny, hot, and exciting especially the wedding 😁
16. Hey there 👋 so, for an IITMF, anyone wanna rec me some newer wangxian mpreg fics from Canon verse? I've pretty much burned through all the fics on the preg comps and don't know what's good among the more recent fics out there. I don't care if it's ABO or not, nor who gets pregnant, just not modern setting.
17. ITMF for some enemies to lovers wangxian where they call each other nicknames.
Like " sweetheart (mocking/agressive) to sweetheart (adoring/endearing/loving) " @whateverweilanlovechild
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what  you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack,  whatever - it’s all good!***
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