#i just really like this ship
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metukika · 23 days ago
hcing a character as aro but also shipping them kinda makes me feel guilty hehe... there needs to be more single aro character stories and hcs out there...
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drawingpad-studios · 1 year ago
Never would have thought I would make a Jock x Nerd AU, but here we are
This AU will not be attached to the Main Story of any canon games nor of my Fanfic / other AU
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(They be dorks in their own ways)
Might be a Comic, might just be a written fanfic, idk but here's some sketched out refs for this au.
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bearloonz · 8 months ago
I think we as a society should bring back brotps. I think we should be weirder about characters being friends the same way people are weird about ships. Make those two characters who interacted once or twice besties. Make it difficult for them to get rid of each other even if they want to. Go nuts
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aspiringnexu · 1 year ago
I think this speaks to why I find the RadioApple ship so bizarrely alluring.
I'm on the asexual spectrum for sure, I have trouble identifying people as attractive not because I don't see how pretty they are but because I've been told all my life that attraction is something innate and instinctive. I'm meant to look at someone at go 'woah I'd love to sleep with them or be with them.'
But I don't, I never have. I think 'huh they're pretty' and go about my day. And RadioApple is one of the only ships I've found where I can have them like that and it's completely in-character. It's why I identify so much with Alastor. He's not oblivious to things like sex and romance, he doesn't really care when other people do it, but when it applies to him it's overwhelming.
And I've really fallen in love with RadioApple because it gives Alastor a space for a relationship that doesn't have to be strictly romantic or sexual. It can just be comfortable and that feels like what I would want out of a relationship. Comfort and a confidant.
Sex and romance aren't off the table entirely but Lucifer isn't getting into this to fuck Alastor, nor is he getting into this to romance him. What Lucifer needs after the clusterfuck his millennia-old marriage became, is a friend and confidant who isn't intimidated by him. Not a sycophant or a servant or his daughter. Someone like Alastor who isn't afraid to speak his mind.
And Alastor needs someone stronger than him who he cannot intimidate. Someone who is equally unafraid to speak his mind and drag him off his egotistical pedestal and face his own feelings.
The reason why I love RadioApple is that the goal is comforting familiarity and domesticity. Romance and sex can be nice bonuses but I feel just as rewarded if the fic ends with Alastor cooking meals for Lucifer and the pair going on walks together and Alastor introducing Lucifer to Rosie so he can join. In on Gossip Nights and Alastor sitting quietly with Lucifer on his Bad Days where fighting his depression is just too exhausting and Lucifer can cheer Alastor up when his own Bad Days come and he needs the King of Hell to drag him into an impromptu dance, startling jazzy numbers out of angry static.
They could just be so GOOD for each other.
To say nothing about the adorable possibilities of Charlie having another parent figure (and said parent figure being far more worldly and street-wise, capable of tempering her naivety).
And also the fact that my costume designer heart is going gaga over the mental image of Alastor in a crown and attire befitting the King's consort.
I've heard a couple people argue against radioapple because it's mainly just sexualizing the two. While that is true for most of it. That doesn't mean it has to be. Because listen:
What if, in the final battle, Lucifer is taking on an entire army of angels for the sake of his kingdom, his daughter, and his new friends. Alastor watches helplessly as Lucifer had ordered him to stand by, because even Alastor would surely be killed. He watches as Lucifer is cutting down angels, they're dropping like birds shot out of the sky. Even so, their numbers become overwhelming and difficult to manage. Alastor, realizing the danger Lucifer's in, for the first time, feels concern.
Lucifer finally starts taking damage, the angels swarming him. Alastor's feet move before his brain has time to process what he's doing. Inky, black tentacles launch him into the sky, back to back with Lucifer, he uses shadows as a shield to protect Lucifer from an angelic spear headed straight for his heart. Why is he protecting him?
Alastor, one of the most feared overlords, a serial killer and cannibal, narcissistic, psychopathic, heartless, evil... finally started caring about someone else more than himself. Respect, strength and fame means nothing in that moment. Just that the first person he's ever loved is safe.
What if Lucifer's light finally chases away Alastor's dark thoughts, tendencies, and insecurities? White light that burns away the shadows. Lucifer holding Alastor in his weakest moment. Reassuring him it's okay.
What if Lucifer is the one that takes Alastor down from his high horse and helps him through his inevitable breakdown? What if Lucifer helps him break his deal? Lucifer, fighting to save Alastor and telling him it's okay to not be at the top.
What if Alastor helps Lucifer out of his depression, teach him how to move on from what I'm suspecting was bad past relationships? They get over their dad rivalry and work together to protect and teach Charlie.
Their relationship doesn't need to be sex, it's just love and care, something I think they could both benefit from. I think Lucifer is autistic and speaking as an autistic person quite a few of us are somewhere on the ace spectrum, I really don't think asexual alastor would be any kind of issue for Lucifer.
(Edit)HAVING SAID ALL THAT I think radioapple might be better as just fan art and such because although I'm not aroace myself I can understand wanting the representation because it's true there doesn't seem to be much of it out there. If it were to become canon I think it's safe to say a lot of people would be upset.
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poorlemons · 5 months ago
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another part of an ask request . I was taken with such vivid imagery of Michael eating a Leitner, despite that absolutely not being a thing it probably can do. I don't care, he's eating that book
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months ago
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The squad of all time has arrived on scene.
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paintedcrows · 3 months ago
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Biting you. Biting you. Biting-
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homkamiro · 4 months ago
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I have finally build enough courage to post my stupid yumeship🥹throw rocks.
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lucabyte · 1 month ago
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there's a stranger who sleeps at the foot of your bed
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so in an attempt to actually use positive thinking, anytime i fuck up and my brain reacts as if ive cause a minor apocalyptic event, i compare my fuck up to the 4 minute fuck up committed by the crew of the uss william d porter.
and only today, as i was having to explain what happened to my mom when i was explaining the whole comparison thing, did i realise that most people dont know about it and ive decided that needs to change because its objectively hilarious.
...which is a weird thing to say about an event that occured on a warship in 1943, specifically november 14th.
see the uss william d porter was a fletcher-class destroyer but you dont need to know what that means, just that she had guns that went bang bang and that she was escorting another ship, the uss iowa, to cairo.
while they were on their way there, they performed some gun trials like testing the anti-aircraft guns or the torpedos. and while they were running a torpedo drill, the crew of the porter managed to fire a live torpedo straight at the iowa which you know, in terms of a list of things to do while escorting a ship, shooting a torpedo at them is not on that list.
especially if the president of the united states is on board.
yeah so fdr was on board and the gun trials were actually his idea, and part of the trials was that they were conducted under radio silence.
and that means the crew of the porter couldnt just call the iowa to be like "move out the way, we accidentally shot a torpedo at you."
but they did have signal lamps and you know, the signalman on board was trained to signal this exact kind of message.
...and uh never mind, the signalman did manage to successfully tell the iowa that a torpedo was coming toward them but wasnt as successful when it came to the direction the torpedo was coming from.
not all hope is lost though because the signalman could still use the signal lamp to correct his previous mistake and-, never mind, he announced that the porter was reversing, which she wasnt.
yeah so at catastrophic mistake number 3, they broke radio silence to warn the iowa and she managed to turn out of the way just in time which meant no one got hurt. and even though the inquiry into the incident led to chief torpedoman (fantastic job title btw) lawton dawson being sentences to hard labour, fdr intervened and waved away his sentence, saying it was all an accident.
but yeah, so thats my new measure for "how much did i really fuck up?" and when i compared accidentally picking up a pencil case without a tag on it in wilko, turns out it was a very minor fuck-up. yes, the cashier had to ask another worker to grab a duplicate so they could scan the barcode, but i didnt nearly kill the president during wartime via accidental friendly fire
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 9 months ago
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Jason's been pestering Danny about why he looks like a borderline walking corpse for ages and Danny has decided to put his lying skills to the test. (he has none)
rambling below cut
I've been playing w the idea that the more Danny transforms, the more his ghost form gets "lively" while his human form gets weaker and more sickly. He knows that if he keeps transforming like this then, one day, he's not going to have a livable body to go back to, but he really doesn't want to think about all that. He's more interested in the weird "totally dead but not dead" Wayne son who may or may not have a thing for his sister.
everytime i do one these im like "this time I'll keep it simple so I don't have to suffer through colouring bc I have zero foresight—it'll be greyscale at most" and then all of the sudden its 4am and i'm trying to finish a stupid comic but i decided to add "some" colour to spice it up and hide my shitty ink job and then SOME COLOUR ALWAYS BECOMES FULL COLOUR WHY CAN I NOT ESCAPE THIS STUPID CYCLE!!
(did this all stem from me not being able to decide between a super pale character design and one w a vibrant tan bc I love white hair + tan but I also love extremely pale albino so I forced myself to find a way to make both work? never! that's absurd!)
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umblrspectrum · 2 months ago
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happy solvermas
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pepperpepi · 3 months ago
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someone gave me this idea hi guys
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catgrandpa · 6 months ago
Gotham has always been weird, so when the groundskeeper at the cemetery noticed the Wayne kid’s plot was disturbed, he just chalked it up to more of the same ol’. Alright, so ‘disturbed’ may be a tad too light of a word, but what’s an empty grave in the grand scheme of Gotham? God knows in a city like this one, they could use all the burial room they could get. He figured he’d just jot it down on the website and hope nobody noticed for a while.
Too bad he didn’t account for the 13 year old boy in Bristol who periodically checks the cemetery’s website when he’s feeling particularly lonely.
Plot Removed.
Tim Drake stared at the two words under the heading for Jason Todd’s plot number. Removed? What do they mean ‘removed’? They can’t just remove a plot? That’s a person down there! That’s Robin down there! You can’t Remove Robin!
Calm down. Deep breaths. Assess the situation.
Robin has been dead for 5 months and 14 days. There is no reason for a grave to be removed that early, especially one of a member of such an affluential family. Chances are likely it’s a simple clerical issue. He can call first thing in the morning and make them aware of the mistake. He can have it all fixed in 5 hours.
Just a phone call.
In 5 hours.
Tim hates talking on the phone almost as much as he hates waiting.
Well it won’t be the first time he’s snuck out to head to Gotham proper at 1am. It can’t even really be considered sneaking out if there’s no one home to catch you.
Buses stop running at 2, so he layers a couple sweaters under his coat and grabs his best running sneakers so he can comfortably make the trek back.
Just a quick trip to settle his nerves. Maybe get a few shots in if he spots Batman, but really he just wants to see with his own two eyes that things are okay and Jason can rest.
It’s 1:37 by the time he gets to the headstone reading ‘Here Lies Jason Todd’ and the gaping, muddy pit in front of it.
This- This doesn’t make any sense. This is not removal. This is destruction. Desecration. Somebody did this. Somebody-
Assess the situation.
A hole in the ground, approximately 1.5 feet in diameter.
Mud and grass flung outward but with little force.
Large chunks of earth turned over and shoved away.
No signs of tool marks or clean lines of entry into the dirt.
Dragging claw marks.
Staggering, shuffled pairs of foot prints in the mud.
A trail of dirt.
Something… Something large clawed its way out of the ground here. Something large and bipedal and- and humanoid.
Tim refuses to jump to any conclusions he can see all the facts laid in front of him. He’s going to cautiously follow the trail and simply hope to any god listening that he isn’t the world’s first line of defense against the zombie apocalypse.
He’s been walking for 23 minutes and there’s good news and undecided news. Good news: he’s closing in on the target and the trail isn’t taking him out of the way so his trip home won’t be prolonged. Undecided news: The potential Zombie Robin is heading directly for Wayne Manor.
As zombie apocalypse news, this is very bad. From Tim’s collected observational evidence, his not-so-professional opinion is that Batman, faced with a horror movie level zombie of his dead son, would not respond well, and would likely not fight back.
In Batman and Robin news? Tim’s unsure. If Jason is simply back? What could that mean for them? Batman can have his Robin. He wouldn’t have to continue nearly killing others and himself every night in his grief. Jason could-
No. Stop. Do not jump to conclusions.
Hope only brings heartbreak.
What would Batman do? Get close and see if the target is a threat.
Target is male. Mid-teens. Dark hair. Pale skin. Leaning against surfaces as he walks. Appears injured and disoriented.
Minimal risk assessed. Approaching and attempting contact.
Target identity confirmed: Jason Todd.
“J-Jason?” It comes out as a croaked whisper. Jason shows no sign of acknowledgment.
Tim clears his throat, steps right in front of his path, and tries again.
“Jason. Jason, stop I want to help you.” Still nothing.
“Please, Jason. I can help, I promise I can help!”
Why isn’t this working?! Why can’t he just do something right for once?! He wants this to work, he wants to help Bruce, he wants to fix Batman, he wants to not be alone, he wants-
Robin jerks to a stop.
Tim reached out his hand.
“Robin. Robin please, I’m sorry you’re going through this, it’s really scary, I’m really scared. But I just want to help you. Help you find Batman. Help you get home.”
Jason just stares at him. Of course he does. Of course it’s not going to work. Why did he even bother hoping he could help?
Hope only brings heartbreak.
His sight blurs as his eyes fill with tears and he starts to lower his outstretched hand.
His arm is slowed as a cold hand weakly grasps his own.
“Don’t… scared… Bat… help… Dad… help.”
A relieved sob tears out from Tim’s chest and he gathers himself together. He yanks his extra sweater off and gently pulls it over Jason’s cold shoulders. Jason lets Tim drag his arm over his shoulders to try and carry some of his weight.
“Okay, Robin. Yeah. Your dad will help us.”
Batman will solve everything once Tim gets Robin home.
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 months ago
there was a fire in the building that houses my studio on new year's eve. i'll probably elaborate on that more at some point idk but tldr
it wasn't a big fire, nobody lost any stuff, nobody was hurt. the electrical mains gave up the ghost (likely due to an ongoing leak the landlord wouldn't fix)
but because the landlords have already wanted us out for ages so they can "redevelop" (read: tear down a slightly run-down building from around 1900) the place into Yet More Soulless Shiny Flats Nobody Around Here Can Afford they decided the damage is uneconomical to repair, refused our offer to contribute to repair costs, and are kicking us all out
because there was an "accident" causing "irreparable damage" they're exempt from the usual 3-month waiting period and everyone has to vacate by Feb 1
this is a community space occupied by artists and musicians so now there are a couple dozen broke-ass bitches who have to relocate short notice. the landlord, spectrum properties, is refusing to extend the time any further
so! there will shortly be some form of gofundme type situation to raise money for the costs of doing that (like storage units if we can't find another studio space), and also to tide over any artists who relied on that space for income since they've not had anywhere to work for a couple of weeks and probably won't for several more
i'll reblog this with the link when that's up and running but uh. yeah. that's a thing. which is happening.
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clownowo · 1 year ago
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not pictured: Acht flashback to growing up hearing DJ Octavio say vaguely gay shit about the captain of the Squidbeak Splatoon
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