#i just realised it should be “grian and i” not “me and grian”. oh bother who cares
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i got distracted and made a second part
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coswinx · 5 months
(Someone give me a name for this fic I desperately need it)
(from the start)
Scar stepped off of the ladder, nearly tripping over his cane in the dark. He lifted his lantern off its hook and carefully lit it. "I need to get a hook for this." he whispered to himself. He noticed a light in the direction of the docks. "What is he doing? It's 3 in the morning Grian!" he laughed, walking towards the light. "I suppose the animals can wait." he muttered.
"What are you doing awake?" he asked, as a tall figure came into his vision. Not Grian. Far too tall to be Grian. 'Who is it?' Scar thought. It didn't take long for him to get an answer. "I could ask you the same." Mumbo replied. "I have animals to feed, what's your excuse?" Scar laughed. "I don't know to be honest." Mumbo laughed, turning around.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Scar asked. "Am I? Sorry." Mumbo replied. "What's up? I don't get those kind of looks from people who know me. Especially not when I'm standing." Scar asked. "I've never seen you standing before. Didn't realise you could." Mumbo replied. "I don't mean that in a rude way though." he added quickly. "Oh yeah. I'm perfectly capable of walking." Scar laughed. "Actually, no I'm not." he added, placing his lantern hand on his cane.
"Why are you up? It's 3am." Mumbo asked. "Like I said, I have animals to feed.  What's your excuse? Why are you up at 3am, and at the docks no less." Scar replied. "I just am. I like the night. And I'm looking for Grian." Mumbo laughed. "Aren't we all?" Scar laughed. "You do know standing on the docks being creepy at insane hours isn't going to help you stop people calling you a vampire right?" he asked. "I know, but Grian's usually here. I figured if I wait here long enough he'll show up." Mumbo replied, seeming annoyed.
Scar lifted his arm to put it around Mumbo's shoulder. "You're too tall for this." he laughed. "Are you sure you're not just short?" Mumbo replied. "Hey! I'm 6 foot!" Scar replied. "Mhm." Mumbo laughed. "I am! You're just ridiculously tall!" Scar laughed. "Fair, fair. I should probably go." Mumbo replied. "Yeah, you should." Scar laughed. "Go to sleep."
Mumbo walked off and Scar went back to his train. He climbed up the ladder to the feed cars to pick up some food for the animals. Lantern and food buckets in hand, he somehow managed to get back down to the ground and grab his cane.
Ok that's all I'm bothered to do rn
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bluiex · 1 year
I am back with more trans fem Scarlet! And the scarian that comes with it….this poor girl is oblivious, rip Grian-
Scarlet pulls her hair out of the scrunchy, letting the brown, wavy locks fall into her face.
She realises as it happens, that she probably should have waited until after she was finished painting to let her hair down, but Scarlet was never one to think things through.
The gorgeous watercolour piece had been coming together for a while now, she’d hit a blockade for a bit until Grian took her out for lunch and a nice walk in the fresh air.
But now, back at the art desk, inspiration had struck her, and she was happily and carefully decorating the paper, turning it into a stunning ocean.
People would come and go in the background, or stick around nearby to have conversations that Scarlet didn’t bother to engage in- she didn’t care, she had an art piece to finally finish.
Until she heard a familiar voice call out a greeting to her, and she lit up like an AquaTown billboard.
“Hey beautiful.” He said cheerfully, as he made his way over. Scarlet turned her head in mild confusion, looking around the room for whoever he was talking to…and then it hit her.
“You mean me?” She asked, eyebrows furrowing, tilting her head at him. Grian let out a soft laugh.
“Course I mean you, you’re the prettiest girl in the building.” He gives her a smile, warm and sweet.
Scar beams back. “You’re so nice.”
“How’s the painting coming along?”
“It’s going great!” Scarlet exclaims, absolutely proud of herself. “Going out and getting that breath of fresh air- and lunch- with you was just the inspiration I needed!”
Grian smiles fondly. “That’s good to hear, so you wouldn’t be opposed to us doing that more often?”
“I’d love to, hanging out with you is great, G. You’re a good friend!”
Cub drags his hands across his face with a groan, Scarlet blinking back at him in confusion.
“Scarlet, I love you, you’ve been my best friend since we were literal toddlers, but oh my god, I’ve never met a person more dense.”
Scarlet makes a collection of offended noises, batting at the tall man’s arm lightly with her hands.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Scarlet, he’s flirting with you.” Cub deadpanned, looking like the soul had been sucked out of his body a while ago.
Scarlet blinks at him.
“The compliments, the gifts, the affection! ….the dinners that seem a little too close to dates!” Cub states flatly, counting the events on his fingers as if to emphasise his point.
“Don’t you think it’s a little suspicious that he bought you your favourite flowers on more than one occasion? And don’t just say it’s him just being nice.”
Scarlet blinks again, the cogs turning in her brain as it hits her like a truck.
“Oh. Oh. Oh my god does he actually-“
“Finally, she’s become aware.”
Hope you enjoy! :D
"You're a good friend!" pan to Grian doing the fallen griffin pose
I LOVE THEM- dense Scarlet, Grian depersately tryna show his affection through action
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Why did Martyn react like that when Ren said he trusted him in the writing request you just posted? 👀
okie so idk if this was a request/prompt or just a question but i wrote something for it anyway lol
also the fic in question is here 
this one contains references to Evo fanon :)
  Martyn is rearranging the chests down in their employee area when Ren enters, adjusting the crown on his head. “Good afternoon, Sir Martyn,” says Ren grandly. “How are we doing?”
  “All good,” chuckles Martyn. “Just doing some sorting of our chests. Is there any particular way you want them organised?”
  “Nah, I trust you better than I trust myself with that kind of thing,” Ren chuckles.
  When Martyn doesn’t reply, Ren glances over and sees that his friend has frozen. “Martyn? You okay?”
  “Huh?” Martyn clears his throat and quickly shakes his head to clear it. “Sorry, yeah, I’m fine.”
  “Are you sure? That’s the second time that’s happened today and I’m a little concerned.”
  “I said I’m fine!” snaps Martyn abruptly.
  Ren blinks. “Wh-What?”
  Martyn sighs, covering his eyes with his hand. “I’m sorry, boss. Please forgive me. I-I should go.” 
  He starts to go to the door but Ren rises and grabs his hands, gently pulling him towards the fireplace, and sits him down on the floor in front of the fire. 
  Martyn averts his gaze as Ren sits down opposite him. “Martyn, what’s going on?”
  “Nothing important.”
  “It clearly is important, because it’s making you upset.” Ren frowns worriedly. “Did I say something? Or do something?”
  Martyn grimaces. “Well… yes, but it’s not about you, it’s about me.”
  “What is it? Whatever it is, I’ll stop doing it.”
  “It’s just… You keep saying you trust me.”
  “I do trust you, though,” says Ren. “Do you want me to stop saying it? I’m sorry, I didn’t realise it bothered you. I’ll stop saying it.”
  “Boss, please, stop!” Martyn snaps suddenly. “It bothers me because I betrayed the last person to say that to me!”
  Ren stares at him in shock, his breath catching in his throat. “What…?”
  Martyn buries his face in his hands. It’s over. He’s lasted this long, but it’s over. Ren is finally going to find out what he did. 
  “Um… So you know Grian, BigB, Jimmy, and I were part of a group called the Evolutionists before we split up and Grian joined Hermitcraft?”
  Ren nods slowly. 
  “Well… Our world was taken over by an extremely powerful race of beings known as the Watchers. They essentially enslaved us, keeping us under their control.” 
  Martyn clears his throat as painful memories start to resurface. 
  Martyn enters the Watcher’s chambers and kneels down in front of them, bowing his head. “Your Eminence. You summoned me?”
  The Watcher turns, giving Martyn a slightly creepy smile. “LittleWood, my loyal subject. I gather you saw the display this morning?”
  Martyn slowly nods. He will never forget the sight of a fully-powered Grian being restrained and dragged away by three Watchers. “I did. I’m not sure all that force was necessary, but-.”
  The Watcher grips Martyn’s shoulder, causing a searing pain to shoot through his body. He breaks off his sentence with a muted cry. 
  “I did not ask for your opinion, LittleWood,” they say sternly. “We used as much force as we needed to; you do not know what Grian is capable of. He is far more powerful than you, and even more powerful than several of the Watchers here. We could have been a powerful team but he chose to betray us. You would never betray me, would you?”
  Martyn tries not to flinch as the Watcher touches his cheek. “Of course I wouldn’t, Your Eminence.”
  “Good.” The Watcher’s smile widens and they place their hand on Martyn’s shoulder, causing him to tense up. “You were always my favourite, you know.”
  Martyn holds his breath as the Watcher’s magic starts to hurt his shoulder. Just a few moments longer. “Your favourite, Your Eminence?”
  “Yes indeed. I trust you, LittleWood.” 
  All of a sudden, Martyn moves lightning fast and stabs the Watcher through the neck with the spectral arrow he managed to sneak in. As the Watcher rears back in pain and fury, Martyn snatches the intricate key from around their neck and bolts for the door, dodging a badly aimed blast of magic. 
  He flees down the corridor, past rows of doors, and bursts through the large door at the end, which holds the magenta portal frame. Panting from exertion and fear, Martyn inserts the key into the small slot in the frame and twists it, activating the swirling black portal inside the frame. 
  He takes one last glance back at the door, regretting having to leave some of his fellow Evolutionists here. One face in particular appears in front of his vision. He’ll really miss her. But this is his only chance to get away. 
  The shriek of his Watcher echoing in his ears, Martyn jumps through the portal.
  Ren envelopes Martyn in a hug, feeling his friend trembling against him as he relives the horrific memories. “Oh my god…”
  “I know… But I had to get out of there, no matter what I had to do.”
  “What? No, not your actions. Them. The way they tortured you guys and kept you prisoner.”
  “We weren’t exactly their prisoners,” murmurs Martyn. “We were more like their pets. They kept us around as an inferior species, to remind themselves and us of their power and status. It took a long time for all of us to get free.” 
  “So… The way you had to treat that Watcher like a monarch… Why do you treat me the same way? Surely after that, you’d never want to work for someone else ever again?”
  Martyn hesitates. “Well… Simple answer: you’re different. The Watchers controlled every aspect of our lives, from our actions to our speech. You treat me well. You take care of me. In fact, you treat me more like an equal than an employee. I’d never want to work for anyone else.” 
  Tears fill Ren’s eyes and he hugs Martyn tightly. “Oh, Martyn… You’ve no idea how much that means to me. I swear, I’ll be the best boss ever for you.”
  Martyn chuckles weakly. “You don’t have to do anything different, Ren. You’re already the best boss.”
  “Well, I’m gonna keep going. I’m gonna protect you with my life, the way you protect me with yours. You deserve happiness and safety just as much as I do.”
  “Oh stop, you’re gonna make me cry,” Martyn says softly. “Can I get back to organising the chests?”
  Ren smiles and nods, releasing Martyn. “Of course. Just let me know if you need anything.”
  Martyn gets to his feet and smiles back at Ren. It feels nice to have everything out in the open and not have Ren judge him for what he had to do to get his freedom.
  “You too.”
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xisuma doesn’t smooth over a server glitch fast enough. the others have to save him from the consequences.
in this fic, i play loosely with minecraft mechanics to create angst. very loosely. don’t think too much about ‘em. you can also date how long i’ve spent on this by the projects they’re working on. 
featuring: being an admin gives you a connection to the server, xisuma has a less than stellar day, angst/comfort, zed is an ender hybrid, false & tango are minor admins, getting stuck in blocks is not a fun experience, the hermits care a lot about each other.
warnings: sensory deprivation, starvation, suffocation, its a death loop babyyy, a fair amount of panic, fighting code, glitches, helplessness, it’s pretty whumpy before the comfort. let me know if something’s missing here.
also on ao3. link in replies.
Xisuma sighs as the sun beats down on him. It's barely let up, even on the outskirts of the jungle. He enjoys the brief stints in the shadow of the giant quartz walls. Even then, waves of heat come off them. All of the structures in his base are a heat trap. Clearing out several layers of dirt and stone is a necessity he should've left for another day. With a click, he tugs his helmet off his head. The humidity outside is worse than his filtered air. He tucks the helmet under his arm, pushing sweat slicked hair from his face.
He's made good progress levelling this arena space. He leaves his helmet on his bed and heads to the temporary storage chests. They're filling up quickly, he notices, as he starts emptying his inventory into them. Except, something's broken. The stacks of blocks aren't all moving. He tries a few times before sighing, ruffling his hair. When he turns to the area he's been mining, it's still empty. It's been a long time since they've had desync this bad. He's not even sure when it started.
Stepping gently across the stone, he can feel the heat rising from them. He'll rollback the world and then he'll relax by Keralis's river. The farm is delightfully cool. Anything will be better than this oppressive heat.
He's almost reached his bed when something takes hold in his chest and pulls.
He stumbles forward with a gasp. Of course, the server decides to fix itself this time. He forces his feet forward, trying to reach his helmet so he can smooth things over. He only makes it two steps until his eyes are forced shut as the server reloads. For a split second, all he feels is the chill of the void as chunks reload around him.
He opens his eyes to darkness. It feels like he's suspended in space, unable to move. There's a suffocating pressure around him. Though it's with shallow breaths, he can still breathe. Did something go wrong? He blinks hard. All of his limbs are accounted for, he's certainly present. Even when he's working in the void there are still particles around him. His attempt to raise his arm fails, finding it impossible to open his back up admin panel. His helmet is- where even is his helmet?
His breath hitches, a feeling of panic escaping his controlled calm. He feels like he can't breathe. He can't move. He's trapped in his own body.
What's happening?
[MumboJumbo] anybody else just experience some major desync?
[Keralis1] Oh, is that what that was?
[Zedaph] I had nearly finished my redstone! All of that work, gone!
[FalseSymmetry] didn't you notice you weren't actually... losing anything from your inventory?
[Tango] he was probably too caught up in his supposed mastery
[FalseSymmetry] everybody okay though?
[Grian] all good here!
[Zedaph] Only my pride's wounded.
False looks down at the bedrock layer at her base. Like half an hour spent placing glass, all gone to waste. She groans, closing her chat as it pings away. Sure, she can rib Zedaph, but that doesn't change the fact she just did the exact same thing. She kicks off the sidewalk, gliding to the bedrock layer. She can feel the cold of the void float up with specks of grey.
"Good going, False," she murmurs. Some patches of glass survived. It's almost worse, that's going to be so much less satisfying to fill in. She takes her goggles off, tugging her hair loose to tie it in a low ponytail. Usually Xisuma gives them a warning before the server resets like that. It always messes up her hair, leaves it floaty and static.
She adjusts her goggles on her head, opening the player menu. Xisuma's currently online. She checks chat. He hasn't said anything. She considers it strange, but it's not unusual. Maybe he's been at a farm and isn't AFKing. She types out a private message, sending it across to him.
[FalseSymmetry to Xisuma] hey x, server blipped, might need to check it when you get back.
She'll see if he returns her message. She's got glass to place.
Iskall looks through his in-progress sorting system with a frown. It's broken somewhere. The stupid server reload has glitched it out and he can't find how. He's checked the redstone, he's checked the hoppers and he's checked the chests! Which means it's glitched. Either Xisuma reloads the chunk for him, or he's going to have to tear it down.
Actually, he'll probably have to tear it down anyway. Reloading the chunk will only roll it back.
At least he's not the only person who's redstone has been ruined. The thought brings some comfort. If he has to be miserable, somebody else should be too. He opens his communicator, checking who's around at the moment. That might take his mind off it.
He notices that Xisuma's online. Their admin has been quiet in chat since the reload. Maybe there's something going on behind the scenes he's having to sort out. He'll reach out to Mumbo and Grian, but first, he sends a message X's way.
[iskall85 to Xisuma] hey is everything alright? nothing broke?
[iskall85 to Xisuma] don't forget you can reach out to us if you need help.
He has no idea how much time has passed. Usually he's connected intrinsically to the server. It helps him keep track of the world, dig out any errors or mishaps - sometimes before his suit alerts him. It's essential for his job in order to keep things running smoothly. The server is always there, at the edges of his consciousness.
In this nothing, he can't even keep track of his internal clock. Perhaps it's his own panic, but the code he tries to reach out to feels fuzzy. It feels like it's glitching, sending shooting pains through his head if he focuses too hard. He couldn't take a guess how long he's been trapped. His breathing still comes too fast and shallow, ignoring his attempts to calm down.
He's completely helpless here. And he doesn't even know where here is.
Tango stares up at the stars on his ceiling. He checks his inventory again, counting aloud. He flicks it off with a frown. Yeah, he's definitely missing some. It's not a massive deal, Impulse will be happy to help out. But if he's having problems then some of the other hermits might be. Perhaps they fell and despawned in the reload. Either way.
"Tangoooooo!" The cry is accompanied by several rockets, something hitting the ground and the sound of damage. He chuckles, stepping away as Zed soars over the edge, stumbling forward with a flutter of his elytra. Tango straightens him up with his free hand.
"No, I'm not doing your redstone for you." Zedaph gasps, dusting off his jeans. He bounces up with a grin.
"You really think I'd come all this way for that?" Zed questions.
"So why have you come all the way here?"
"I'm bored," Zed replies. "And it still stings too much to do my redstone again." Tango laughs, opening up his chat. Xisuma's online, though Tango doesn't expect an immediate response.
"How do you feel about some wither grinding?" He types a message to Xisuma, Zedaph attempting to peer over his shoulder.
"Mmm, I don't see why not."
[Tango to Xisuma] Hey, seem to have lost some stars when the server reset
[Tango to Xisuma] might wanna check nothing important got eaten.
"Right, let's go."
Keralis hums, staring at the plot he was about to start building on. The area has been a bit... Funny. He'll break and replace a block, only to have it switch again. He might have to work on another area until it sorts itself out. His attempts at working here started after the reload, so he doesn't know if that caused it. He's not been able to spot Xisuma nearby either. He's been online, but Keralis hasn't spotted him in chat for a while.
He sighs as he watches the last blocks he placed switch back as if nothing happened. Crossing his arms, he examines the area. He wonders how big this is. Definitely more than one chunk. His new house is going to have to wait. He was excited to show Xisuma around, too.
With a glance at the sky, he realises it's late afternoon. He yawns, stretching his back out. Perhaps it'll be best to settle in his office and work on some future designs. He'll drop a message in chat first, in case this is affecting anyone else. It might give him an excuse to hunt down Shishwamy. He always feels guilty bothering him about things. Their admin takes far too much responsibility on his shoulders. They’re all adults. Keralis wishes he’d ask for help sometimes.
[Keralis1] Has anyone else been having glitchy blocks?
[iskall85] some of my redstone is broken but it's no biggie
[Tango] lost some of my nether stars with the reload but it's been fine since.
[FalseSymmetry] been placing glass without any problems since the reset
[MumboJumbo] I haven't had any problems either.
[Keralis1] A bunch of chunks around our bases are glitching
[Keralis1] but it seems like Shishwamy is busy :(
[Grian] well it looks like he just went afk
[iskall85] that answers that lol
His mind is becoming blurry. It's hard to focus on... Anything. He can't tell if it's because he's struggling to breathe, or something further, tugging him down and away. He tries to fight against it but there's nothing he can do to stay present. He can't hear anything, barely even his shallow breaths. He can only feel the consistent pressure on every inch of his body, the wet tears on his cheeks. He tries pulling on every one of his senses, but nothing comes up.
He slips under.
False empties the last of this glass stack, stepping back at a job well done. She smiles, rubbing her aching hands. It's nice to finally work on this part of her base. Even better now it's not going to pick itself up. At least she hopes so. She'll be right annoyed if it happens again. Something's been tingling at the back of her head, though. She wonders if it's because of the reset.
She looks up at the late afternoon sky. That's enough work for today. As she stretches, she can feel each and every ache in her body. She brushes away her hair, already falling loose. Maybe she'll have something nice for dinner. Some steak, potatoes and pumpkin pie. If she has pumpkin, of course. Xisuma was planning to build a pumpkin farm, wasn't he? His traditional pumpkin and melon combination. She chuckles to herself as she pulls out her rockets.
No matter how things change from season to season, there will always be things that don't. Hermits might come and go, but they'll always be her family.
She launches up, shooting through the water barrier. It's fast enough it doesn't stick. She lands gracefully, making her way to the kitchen. She hopes this nudging in her head doesn't get worse. She just wants to enjoy a nice meal. That's all.
"Well, I think we have a plan," Grian declares, grinning from his perch. His legs are crossed, hands resting in his lap.
"I mean, we didn't exactly need a plan to fix our redstone," Mumbo replies, slouched in his chair the way he only ever does in front of them. Iskall chuckles, resting his hands behind his head. They've really helped take his mind off the broken redstone. Mumbo had a similar problem, so tomorrow they'll meet up again and attempt some fixes.
"Always helps," Iskall says, shrugging. "Especially when one of us spends so much time in the Nether depths, now." Grian laughs, his legs kicking.
"Hey, I'm doing good work out there!" Mumbo yawns, looking between them.
"Well I don't know about you two, but I'm exhausted."
"Food then sleep?" Grian suggests. Iskall nods. It's been a long day.
It's dark as Zedaph and Tango return from The End. Zedaph yawns, running a hand through his hair, messing it up. Tango rubs the side of his own hair. Something's been bothering him, but he can't tell what. Like there's something just not... Right. Zedaph is chatting beside him, a bounce in his step. It's like he doesn't feel it at all.
"Do you want to have dinner together?" Zed asks, twirling his sword by his side. They've repaired their tools, done everything properly. It's been a hard day's work, but they've achieved a lot, even with the setback.
"Yeah, dinner sounds good." He looks at the night sky, squinting his eyes. Zedaph tilts his head at him. The purple eyes are concerned, particles floating up in his worry.
"Tango, are you okay? You seem... Off." Tango sighs, waving Zedaph's worry away.
"Something's nagging me. It's not a big deal." Zedaph's still frowning, but the particles die down.
"Let's just get you something to eat, yeah?" Tango nods, leaning into Zedaph when he squeezes his shoulder.
"Sounds good to me."
Keralis watches the night sky overhead. He's sat in the doorway to his office, a blanket around his shoulders. The stars are always a beautiful sight. It's the perfect way to relax after such a, hm, busy day. Not busy in a conventional sense, no, but still busy. His specially commissioned noteblock song plays in the background, a perfect accompaniment in the peaceful night. He thinks it's strange how the stars always seem the same no matter what world they're in. Maybe he should ask Xisuma about it in the future.
He pops up his screens open. Xisuma is still afk. He misses seeing his neighbour out and about. Xisuma often spends time at his farms, it's nothing new. But Keralis enjoys saying hello to him! Especially after missing well... Years of his life. He tries not to think about that.
With a sigh, he lies against the doorway. Time for bed soon. He laughs at the sound of Bubbles' voice in his head. His communicator beeps and he glances over to it.
Huh. That's interesting.
Xisuma is thrown into full consciousness. His stomach is still cramping with phantom hunger. He opens his eyes and finds...
No, no, he died. He died. Why has he respawned here? He chokes on his sob, realising no air is entering his lungs. His cheeks are still wet with tears, more leaking out as he gasps at nothing. His lungs burn, unable to take the shallow breaths he needs to. Would it even help? He wants to curl up, clutch at the growing pain in his chest. But he can't move an inch. Heaviness sinks into his limbs and head.
He wakes again in the same place. He doesn't know if he wants to scream or cry. There's not enough air for him to scream, anyway.
[Xisuma starved to death]
[MumboJumbo] X?? mate?
[Tango] X?
[FalseSymmetry] do we need to get your stuff?
[Keralis1] I'm by his base.
[Tango] he's not afk anymore
[Grian] x???????
[iskall85] maybe he's getting his stuff rn
[Keralis1] Shishwammmmyyyyyyy
[MumboJumbo] starving isn't a nice way to go
[Zedaph] It really isn't.
[Xisuma suffocated]
[iskall85] oh no
[FalseSymmetry] x???? im going over
[Keralis1] so am i
[Tango] this isn't right, this really isn't right
[Xisuma suffocated]
[Grian] what's going on???
False shimmies back into her elytra, reaching for the one jacket potato that finished cooking. So much for having a sit-down meal. She rubs her head, pushing away the fear that has something to do with this. Her communicator continues beeping as she grabs her rockets. She runs to the entrance, kicking off and launching into the air.
"We should go and help," Iskall decides, already picking up his armour.
"Thought you'd never say." Mumbo straps his elytra on, grabbing a spare shulker box and an ender chest. Grian nods with a seriousness that doesn't fit on his face.
"Let's go."
"We're going?" Zed asks. He's already stuffing food into his mouth. Tango rubs his temples, nodding. He takes the elytra that's thrusted into his hand.
"Yeah. We're definitely going." He watches the particles floating off Zed in waves, glowing the same purple as his pupils. Tango presses his eyes shut against another spike of pain as their communicators beep. "C'mon."
Keralis scrabbles until he balances on the tower roof. He's searched each one and not found X anywhere. Tapping his foot, he meddles with his communicator to turn some settings on. He has no minor admin powers - that he has to leave to False and Tango - but he can at least try this.
"Ah-hah!" He grins as hitboxes light up beneath him, hopefully a better clue where his currently red coloured friend may be. He scans the towers closely, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. There are a few mobs, especially as night sets in. Then he sees Xisuma's new build.
He has to take a step back at the sight. The chunks look- a mess. The outline of the blocks are overlapped or flickering. It hurts to look at. Blocks aren't meant to highlight like that. He glides across the treetops. It not only covers the area he was trying to work earlier but spreads into Xisuma's current build. Yeah that's- that's bad. That's not good. His communicator has continued to beep with messages as he searched. He goes to read it, and spots different colours in the mess. The red of an eyeline. He stands on his toes, leaning off the leaves. The outline flickers in and out, accompanied by a beep.
He thinks he's found X.
[Xisuma suffocated]
[Keralis1] he's in his new build!
[Keralis1] I think I can see him in the ground
[Keralis1] it is very very broken
[FalseSymmetry] tango? you on your way?
[Tango] as we speak
[Tango] been a long time since we've had to use these powers
[FalseSymmetry] not long enough
Tango and Zedaph are the first to land by Keralis's side. They kick up loose powder from the road, taking in the massive structure in front of them. Tango's shoulders raise, cringing at the sight.
"That's definitely broken," he agrees, his eyes twisting as they focus.
"And Xisuma's in the middle of it?" Zedaph looks at Keralis. He nods, usually big eyes sharply focused. He points beyond the walls.
"You can just see his name tag. I think the glitched blocks have got him stuck. I tried to build there earlier but nothing would stay." Tango presses his lips together in thought as False lands. They nod to each other in acknowledgement.
"How long does it take until the blocks pop back?"
Keralis hums, tapping his chin before answering, "About ten seconds, I think."
"That's not going to be enough time to reach him," Zed says. "Can't you just teleport him?" He looks at Tango and False. Tango opens his console menu, typing something in. Zed can tell the answer before Tango says it.
"What ideas do we have?" Keralis asks. "We can't just leave him there!"
"Of course not!" Tango replies, sounding shocked at the suggestion. "We just- need a plan." False nods.
"We're not as powerful as X," she explains, "Together we should be able to roll back these chunks but- I have no idea what that would mean for Xisuma. We don't really work with player code." She brushes her hair back. The conversation is paused as the trio of Grian, Iskall and Mumbo land beside them. The three slot in, listening as they're caught up.
"There has to be something that's making him spawn there." Iskall points out, his hand held towards the structure. False searches through the control panel, whilst Keralis and Tango simply examine the messed up blocks.
"He has a bed in there," Tango answers. False taps where Xisuma's spawn is tied to on her screen.
"Since the blocks are glitched, it must mean the bed isn't like... Registering them. Since they don't fully exist." She thinks about it carefully, putting the pieces together as she explains.
"So if we break the bed, he'll respawn at the world spawn?" Grian suggests.
"But how do we get down there?" Mumbo turns to look. It's pretty far down in the ground. They'd have to move quick to get near where Xisuma is.
"There's a few of us." Iskall waves at the gathered group. "I say with enough TNT and manpower, we could do it."
"Wait-" Zedaph holds his hand up, "-Get me close enough and I can teleport in there, get the bed. Less blocks to destroy."
"Zed." Tango turns to him, glaring at the blond. "That's a stupid idea, don't you get how dangerous that is-"
"Xisuma is stuck in a death loop, Tango!" Zed cuts in, raising his voice. The others fall silent, not sure how to handle this exchange. "Sure, I might die a bit! That's nothing compared to what Xisuma's currently experiencing."
"TNT will destroy a fair amount, but it already puts us on a time limit," Grian adds, a sideways agreement.
"I'm willing to do it. Either we reach the bed, or I teleport in." Zed says it with finality. The others don't argue. False checks his spawn point. Zedaph will respawn back in his cave, safe and sound. Even if it goes wrong, it'll be recoverable.
"We need to be ready to roll back the chunks," False says, focusing on Tango. "If I have this headache for much longer I'm going to go insane." Tango smiles tiredly.
"Fine. Let's try this." He shrugs. "I don't think we have a better idea."
"Well, come on! Let's go!" Keralis claps, placing an ender chest. Tango sighs, typing in a command.
"I think I'm allowed this time," he says, a stack of TNT appearing in his hand.
"And other times?" Grian asks. Even through the teasing, they can hear the fear in his voice.
"Don't push it."
There's noises. He blinks his eyes open into the unending darkness. He tries to focus past his burning chest and the weight of his body. There's... Definitely noises up above him. It sounds like explosions. The space he's stuck in shakes slightly. After another lapse, he gasps back to life in the same position. He wants to scream, tell somebody he's down here. This opportunity might not come again.
Then he feels a sharp stab of pain. Something is there, near him. Everything hurts and he still can't breathe. For a moment, he thinks he hears the trill of an Enderman. His tired mind can't figure out how as he runs out of air.
He wakes up to a chill. He slightly opens his eyes, spotting yellow sand as he falls, blacking out.
[Xisuma suffocated]
[Zedaph suffocated]
[Grian] have we done it?
[Keralis1] he's at worldspawn! got him!
[iskall85] YES!!!
[Zedaph] Oh thank goodness I don't want to do that again
[World reloaded]
[Tango] Z, you okay?
[Zedaph] I'm good. Bring my stuff? I'm going to worldspawn
[FalseSymmetry] will do
"Keralis!" Zedaph's elytra beats as he lands, feet digging into the sand. "Is he okay?" Keralis nods. Xisuma's head is resting in his lap. The admin's eyes are closed as he breathes slowly. His expression is relaxed. It's a good sight to see. The spawn island is lit up well, but Keralis keeps his eye on the surrounding oceans.
"He's sleeping," Keralis says, messing with strands of brown hair. "I don't think I'm strong enough to move him on my own." Zedaph drops onto the sand next to them, crossing his legs. There are still bright particles floating off him, his eyes fully purple. "What about you, Zee?" Zedaph seems to notice Keralis's focus, ducking away to hide his eyes.
"Um, not the best. That kind of sucked. But, it worked, and that's what matters!"
"Make sure you look after yourself, too," Keralis tells him. "Fighting the server's code isn't easy." Zedaph laughs, resting on his hands.
"Can say that again. Forgot we have anti-enderman griefing." Keralis cringes, realising why Zed looks so much like he might collapse. It'll pass, but it's never fun to go against programming like that. The architech trio arrives next. All of them look relieved to see the three on the island.
"Oh, Zedaph, I have your stuff." Mumbo starts emptying it out, the few things Zedaph couldn't fit in an ender chest. Zedaph smiles, tugging his helmet on and feeling a lot more comfortable. He tries not to meet anybody's eyes.
"Tango and False will be on their way. They're just checking everything's good," Grian tells them, hands moving quickly as he talks.
"Should we try moving X somewhere safer?" Iskall suggests. "The shopping district isn't that far."
"If you're willing to boat him." Keralis is firm. "I don't want him dropped in the ocean."
"I swear nothing will happen to him under our watch." Grian puts his hand on his heart. Iskall and Mumbo nod in agreement.
"It'll be the safest boat journey on the server." Iskall's hands are on his hips. Keralis tilts his head up.
"Look into my eyes and nothing but my eyes, if anything happens to my Shishwamy, I will not hold back." The architechs look suitably threatened.
"Can I boat with someone?" Zedaph asks. "I nearly crashed so many times flying over here."
"Hop in the back of mine!" Iskall calls, placing one in the water. Grian plucks Xisuma into his arms, carrying him to the edge of the water. He sets the admin in the boat before climbing in himself. Keralis checks him over before nodding and allowing Grian to keep him.
"I've told the others to meet us there," Mumbo says. "I'm going to fly across and see where's best to bunker down. I think we could all use some sleep."
Zedaph looks at the moon hanging overhead, "Yeah, I think we could."
[MumboJumbo] we're heading to the shopping district.
[FalseSymmetry] thats a good plan
[MumboJumbo] any idea who's shop we could stay in?
[FalseSymmetry] my dimension shop is pretty empty
[FalseSymmetry] plenty of room for some beds. pretty warm.
[Tango] we'll get it set up for you
[MumboJumbo] ok. ill protect the others
[Keralis1] so will I.
The first thing Xisuma picks up on is the talking. He stays still, trying to tell if his brain is playing tricks on him after so long in the nothing. His body is like a rock. He's barely able to move. His lungs still ache and it takes some conscious effort to continue breathing. He blinks his eyes open, wincing at bright lights. Light. There's light. He rolls forward, a sob leaving his lips before he can catch it.
"Xisuma, hey, hey." The voice is soft, casting a shadow over him. Xisuma forces his eyes open now the worst of the brightness is blocked out. Keralis is crouching in front of the bed. His fingers gently brush across Xisuma's cheek. For once, Xisuma doesn't feel the dried tears that had become his constant. "You're okay, you're safe. We got you." Xisuma takes a shaking breath in, squeezing his arms to feel the pressure of his own touch.
"Do you want your helmet?" He flits to look at False. The mere sight of his helmet is overwhelming. He reaches out and wraps it close to his chest. Keralis laughs gently, scratching through Xisuma's hair. The admin sighs, his eyes slipping closed once more.
"There you go." He can hear the smile in Keralis's voice. "We've got you, right here." The sound of movement. Cracking his eyes open reveals False sitting in front of the bed, weaving her hand into Xisuma's. He squeezes it gently.
"You're in my shop, in the shopping district," she tells him. "It's past midnight. You're completely safe here. We've got things sorted, there's nothing you need to worry about." A tear slips from his eye. Keralis wipes it away.
"What happened?" He can't make his voice louder than a whisper, and even that hurts.
"Something went wrong with the world reload," False tells him. He can trust her not to sugarcoat things. "We all had a few bugs, but the chunks around you glitched out badly. Created a bunch of like... Invisible blocks, but they were visible, if you get what I mean? They weren't fully there. Ugh, Tango's better at all this technical stuff." Xisuma tries to peer around for him, but the light still hurts if he looks for too long.
"You were stuck in a bunch of them," Keralis finishes. "We didn't realise until you starved and got stuck in a death loop. I'm really sorry, Xisuma."
"We broke your bed to get you out. Well, Zedaph did. The others got him close enough then Tango and I fixed the area. It's all sorted." Xisuma forces his sluggish brain to put the pieces together. He didn't dream up that enderman sound. That was-
"He's over there, sleeping. Tango's with him." Keralis points at a bed nearby. Tango's back blocks any sight of their part Ender friend, but Xisuma can see purple particles floating into the air. A concerning amount of them.
"What did Zed do?" He asks, the vice around his lungs tightening in concern.
"Um," Keralis answers, False looking at him. "He mentioned fighting the anti-enderman griefing code? So I think he picked the bed up." Xisuma's stomach drops. He tries to push himself up but collapses onto his back again.
"Hey, X, careful," False warns. Her voice is stern but Xisuma shakes his head.
"No- I-" He shuts his eyes, fighting off disorientation. "The server's going to keep fighting him. I've got to reset it." False helps him sit up, but she still watches him with concern. He picks up his helmet, pulling it on and relaxing slightly as all the displays flicker to life. Now when he looks at Zedaph he can see the extent of the damage. His very code seems to be fighting itself. "Help me up?"
False gets an arm around his chest. He ends up leaning his weight against her to stand, his legs shaking. She's firm, grip only tightening to accommodate his need. Keralis hovers nearby, ready to jump in if he has to. They take slow steps across the room. Xisuma strains to see under the light, but the tint of his helmet helps. He can see the architechs sat nearby, watching without any attempt at discretion.
Tango looks up as they approach. Xisuma can see the resignation on his face.
"This isn't going to fix itself, is it?" He asks. His hand in clasped tightly in Zedaph's, whose usually bright expression is twisted in pain. His skin is all too pale, black freckles spreading into larger patches across his face. He doesn't open his eyes, not even as Tango moves so Xisuma can sit down. The grip on each other's hand remains tight.
"I need to reset the code that's attacking him," Xisuma explains. His words have a tired slur he can't quite hide. "I'm gonna write an exception, I can't believe I haven't already just- not right now. Don't wanna do it wrong."
"Xisuma, it's okay." Tango smiles, pinched but genuine. "I'm sorry you need to do this." Xisuma shakes his head.
"It's nobody's fault," False says, "Do what you need to do, X. Then you're going back to bed." Keralis hums in agreement. Xisuma laughs softly as the command screens in his helmet boot up.
He zones out the others around him, leaning on Keralis's shoulder when his friend perches beside him. He scrolls through information as he brings up Zedaph's data on one screen. With one eye on it, he unlocks the data packs, searching through them. He gives voice instructions with his microphone muted to the outside world. Finding the pack he needs, he disables it and checks Zedaph's data. It looks like his code is straightening out again. Thank goodness. He makes sure all activity is deactivated before he turns the pack back on.
"That should do it," he mumbles, before realising his microphone is still off. He reactivates it before repeating himself.
"Maybe you should teach us a bit more sometime," False squeezes his shoulder, helping him up. Xisuma slings his arm over False with a nod. That would be good.
"Thank you, X." Tango smiles. He rubs his thumb across Zedaph's hand. The ender hybrid has relaxed, face slack. It looks like he's properly sleeping now. Xisuma can finally rest.
"Come on. Don't you fall asleep here, I don't want to carry you across." Xisuma hums, too tired to commit to any words. Before he knows it, he's sitting down on the comfortable bed again.
"Shishwam, lemme get your helmet." Xisuma nods, tilting his head up so Keralis can unlatch it and bring it off. His head rolls onto his shoulder the moment it's gone. Keralis giggles, ruffling his hair. "Come on, sleepy time." False lies him down, his helmet tucked safely in his arms. Keralis's hand slips into his. Xisuma shuts his eyes, before blinking them open again.
"Stay?" He asks, too tired to worry about being needy. He doesn't want to be alone in that darkness again.
"Of course," False replies.
"We're not going anywhere," Keralis adds. Xisuma smiles at them both, eyes slipping closed. The darkness is manageable with his friends by his side.
"Don't you dare wake them up," False hisses, watching as Grian and Iskall play with redstone. The morning sun is beginning to shine through the cracks in the windows. She's exhausted, having only caught a quick nap. Keralis is asleep next to Xisuma, sitting on the floor with his head resting on the bed. Tango's slid into bed beside Zedaph, holding him close to his chest. Mumbo's dead to the world across the room.
"We won't!" Grian calls, trying to figure out the game he could make out of this mechanic. Iskall has a Statues book open, an armour stand sat in front of a piston.
"You know, this would be a lot easier if the two people who have done this with armour stands were helping," Iskall points out, flicking through the pages.
"We're fine, it's part of the adventure!" Grian watches as the piston shoots the armour stand across the room. False smiles, leaning back against the bed. Some of the other hermits have been coming online with the early morning. Thankfully, they don't seem to know about everything that went down yesterday. It's best things are quiet for Xisuma whilst he rests. She's sure he’ll tell them about it. She'll make sure he does.
As the sun grows higher with the dawn, she dozes off again. Grian is yawning, him and Iskall only catching a few hours of sleep. He's still buzzing with activity. He'll crash later, easy enough.
It's to this quiet atmosphere that Xisuma wakes up. Iskall and Grian are still experimenting. Grian’s laughter rings out as the armour stand bounces in the air. The beat of the piston is monotonous, but they're nearly falling over each other at the sight. Xisuma watches with a soft smile, eyes barely opened.
"It we got one on top, do you think it would-" Grian holds his hand up, demonstrating an armour stand shaking up and down aggressively. Iskall chuckles, shaking his head.
"It's only the morning, we don't need to break physics yet."
"It's for science," Grian protests. He sounds breathless, half-delirious with his need for sleep.
"Please don't make me do work," Xisuma whispers, all too aware of the sleeping hermits around him. Grian perks up, Iskall turning to him with a grin.
"'Suma!" Iskall calls. Xisuma smiles at both of them, making no attempt to move. He's comfortable here and he doesn't want to wake his friends.
"Exy-Suma!" Grian slides across, leaving a gap from the sleeping hermits. Iskall stands by his side, resting his hand on Grian's shoulder. "How are you feeling?" Xisuma wraps his arm tighter around his helmet.
"Not the best, my friend," he answers honestly. "But I'm certainly better than before."
"Well, we'll just have to make that even better then." Grian is committed to the cause now. He's going to make Xisuma's day.
"You don't have to rush back into things," Iskall says, offering a smile. "I'm sure we can handle ourselves today."
"I don't think I'm getting out of this bed anytime soon." Xisuma looks down at Keralis, dark hair brushing Xisuma's chest plate. False is asleep slouched in the chair beside him. Even without being able to see the other occupants of the room, he can still tell they're sleeping. "Feels a bit weird not going for a jog at this time, though."
"I'm sure your legs won't wither away after one morning, X," Iskall jokes. "Be lazy like the rest of us." Grian grins.
"We could always play some mini-games later, too!" Xisuma laughs, stretching as much as he can without shifting Keralis. He's beginning to regret sleeping in his armour, but it's too late now.
The three chat with each other, Xisuma offering advice now he's awake. They're gradually building up a system to launch the armour stand across the room. Sure, they'll have to clean it all up later, but it passes the time and it makes them laugh. Hearing Xisuma laughing is good for all three of them, despite the roughness reminding them of last night's ordeal. It's safe to say that nobody envies Xisuma's experience.
The three jump at a strange, shrill noise, until the realisation kicks in. Zed is sitting up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Hair is falling into his face, ruffled from sleep. Tango remains slumped against him. He even rolls into the warmth Zedaph leaves behind. It takes a few seconds until the hybrid notices his audience. Zedaph jumps, smiling sheepishly.
"Oh, hi, sorry! Forgot I wasn't alone." His eyes are glowing brightly in the morning light. He looks down at the arm lazily clinging to his waist. "This oaf is used to it."
"No, no, you're okay," Xisuma tells him. False is stirring beside him, blinking to life, but Keralis remains out. "How are you feeling?" Zedaph taps his chin, resting his finger on his lip.
"Pretty well-rested, actually." Then his attention turns to Xisuma. "What about you? I should be asking you that question!" Xisuma laughs, flexing his fingers against his helmet.
"I'm okay. Taking it easy." He tilts his head towards Grian and Iskall. "Whether I like it or not, it seems."
"Too right," False agrees, yawning. "T'others can handle admin duties for today. You're ours."
"Is that a threat?"
"We can make it one!" Iskall tells him, his voice a lot more cheerful than the implication of his words. "We just need a good leash-"
"Oh absolutely not! Don't you dare!" Keralis pokes his head up next to him, trying to tune into the conversation. Zedaph laughs from across the room. He's tugging a bleary Tango to rest on his shoulder so he can wrap the blanket around them both.
"Oh come on, X, it'll be fun!" Grian wraps his arms around Iskall's shoulders. Xisuma shakes his head.
"You two are terrible. Absolutely terrible. Goodness me."
"I'm sure X will agree to take a day off willingly," False says, sounding far too threatening as she rubs sleep from her eyes.
"I already agreed. No leash required!"
"Why are we talking about leashes?" Keralis finally asks, looking more confused than anything. They break down into laughter.
[Grian] hello everyone
[iskall85] HALLO!
[iskall85] we are stealing your admin for the day!
[Grian] yeah he's ours.
[falsesymmetry] x had a rough night so he's having a day off
[falsesymmetry] so if any admins besides tango, x and i could step up please?
[cubfan135] yeah I'm on it.
[joehillssays] of course, and send our well wishes to our dear admin!
[Xisuma] your dear admin thanks you :-)
[Xisuma] please try not to break anything
[Etho] have a fun day lol
[joehillssays] don't make us lock you out of your screens, x!
[Keralis1] Nothing will get past us.
[iskall85] he's been suitably threatened.
[Renthedog] Should uh... We be concerned?
[Grian] about x-i-sooma finally getting a break?
[falsesymmetry] he's in safe hands. promise.
"Should we get this day started?" Tango asks. Grian is about to answer, only to yawn. He covers his mouth, face turning red.
"Another hour of sleep first?" False suggests. They look around the room, everyone in varying states of awareness.
"It never hurt anyone." Iskall shoves Mumbo over, fitting into bed beside him. "See y'all in an hour." Keralis smiles at Xisuma. He bumps their heads together.
"You deserve a break without being traumatised first, you know that Shishwamy?" He checks. Xisuma laughs, pressing their foreheads together.
"Yeah, I know." He leans back. "And I think I've got some good friends to remind me." False pats his back, getting comfortable enough to doze off again.
"And don't you forget it." Xisuma looks around the room. The architechs are fighting over the bed, Tango and Zedaph curled back up on theirs. He smiles, the fear from last night already on its way to being a distant memory.
"Don't think I can."
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Poison the Well
This chapter was exactly 3000 words long :) But then my brain forced me to add a sentence :') 
Word count: 3006
Warnings: (oh boy) sickness, some creepiness, referenced murder, Grian's mental health is not improving so still trauma and depression, murder, cops (not police brutality just cops), I'm sorry but this is a murder mystery.
Ao3 link
First Chapter, Previous Chapter
Chapter Four; In which there’re many birds and a single dead body
Working at the Barge was nice.
The shop had an almost homely atmosphere, most customers that stumbled in were nice or at least polite and Grian enjoyed talking with Willie while restocking barrels or cleaning the counters and floors.
Willie mostly talked about his children, though Grian still wasn't sure how many he had.
There was one daughter who was still sick, another who seemed to be catching it from her, another one that had drawn the picture Willie had hung up in the backroom and one that was out of town to go to university. Or maybe the one with the drawing was the sick one. He couldn't tell. Then there were the sons. One had brought home a feral dog once, one had just gotten engaged (something Willie talked about often and long) and another one had just started learning to write.
Grian could've probably just asked, but he'd made it a game to try and figure out based on context clues whether whatever child Willie was telling him about was one he'd heard about before or a new one.
In turn Grian told him about architecture, past projects, his current roommates (though he left out the whole Hermit thing; he still wasn't sure how secret it was meant to be and he didn't want to risk anything) and whatever odd thing he'd encountered in Mountark. Because there were plenty.
The first time Iskall had picked a beak out of their flower pot - not the currency of the town, but an actual bird beak - and complained that it was 'shedding season' Grian had thought it was some weird dream.
But as Willie explained to him between laughter, there actually were some birds in the area that shed their beaks once or twice a year.
"My daughter likes to collect them to make necklaces," he'd said bemused. "I can show you one sometime."
Grian had politely declined. He found the few he'd seen on the street horrifying enough.
After the first two weeks, at the end of the month, Willie paid him for the first time, after counting up his hours.
"You're coming back tomorrow though, right?" he asked half-jokingly.
"Of course," Grian assured him.
"Great," Willie was less tired today, and his smile less frantic. "Can you close up the shop alone? I have some business on the other side of town, and I don't want to be late."
"Sure," Grian nodded. "What kind of business?"
"It's... complicated. I can tell you tomorrow, maybe. Now I should really get going."
"See you tomorrow," Grian watched him leave in a hurry.
He tried not to think about Willie's odd behaviour too much. He probably was just late. He often was.
Grian kept himself from worrying by keeping himself busy with small tasks whenever the shop was empty until it was closing time.
He turned the sign, took care of the cash register by counting up how much they made and how much they'd sold to make sure the numbers were right before locking it up for the night, turned off the heating and locked the shop behind himself as he left.
Over the course of the last week's he'd managed to find the quickest route to the lift and from there to Iskall's house and he took his time sauntering through the streets as the Redstone lamps turned on. According to Iskall the mechanism that controlled them was in the lower part of the Heart. They hadn't bothered to elaborate further.
By now Iskall, Mumbo and Etho had all realised that Grian didn't understand a thing about Redstone. Mumbo had tried to explain it once, but he'd kept calling things that made Grian's head swim 'simple' and in the end, they'd left it at that.
Still, Grian was curious about the Heart specifically.
He hadn't asked yet, but it was hard to forget about the thing when it was looming over everything and at night seemed to glow even stronger like a huge dim red star surrounded in smoke.
The Heart made Grian uneasy. He couldn't help but feel watched as he turned away from it to get to the lift.
He really hoped that was just paranoia.
Iskall had kicked Etho out that morning. "This house is too full, stay with Beef or just go home!" they'd yelled after him and closed the door, muffling Etho's response.
"I never got discounts in the first place," they'd grumbled and finished their coffee.
Then Grian hadn't thought much of it, but now, standing in front of the house and unable to reach the spare key he kind of wished Etho was still around. It'd take a while before Iskall and Mumbo would show up again and Grian was freezing.
He stared at the pot contemplating.
Experimeltally he hit it with his wing.
It tipped from back and forth, before leaning too far over the edge and tipping over.
Grian rushed to catch it before it could hit the ground or his face and dirt rained down on him.
Irritated he shook it out of his hair and dug the key out between the roots of the half-dead plant.
He had to bodyslam the door to get it open and set the plant next to the coat hangers, knowing full well he wouldn't be able to get it back up there on his own.
He showered and began peeling some potatoes for dinner. Mumbo had brought back an entire box, without explaining where he'd gotten them, so they might as well start cooking them.
Grian suspected that they'd eat potatoes for a month if not more.
He had the potatoes chopped and in a pan by the time the front door unlocked.
"You know, you could stop making a new crack in my door every day. That'd be nice," Iskall said as they stepped into the kitchen but there was no real bite to his words-
"It's not my fault it won't open otherwise," Grian defended.
"Have you tried turning the doorknob?"
Grian rolled his eyes.
"I make you dinner for a week, and all you do is mock me?" he frowned at them.
Iskall chuckled and got three plates out of the cupboard to set the table.
Grian heard Mumbo cough heavily and winced sympathetically.
It didn't stop.
Grian counted five minutes before the coughing finally died down, leaving the sound of Mumbo heaving to get air in his lungs. He almost stepped out into the living room when he heard Iskall speak up.
"Mumbo," there was a tone in their voice that made it clear that whatever they were about to say; they'd said a thousand times before. "I know you won't listen but-"
"Don't," Mumbo interrupted breathlessly.
"Mumbo, you need to take care of yourself," they sighed. "Just- I know you're looking for an apartment again, so please. Don't move back down there. With the factory smoke and - everything - it's not good for you."
Grian stayed in the doorway, out of sight. He didn't want to intrude, but curiosity kept him from going back to the stove. He could see Iskall kneel next to Mumbo through the shadows on the wall.
Mumbo scoffed.
"I won't find a place up here. I was lucky enough to get the apartment down there."
"Then- You could try to talk Grian into finding a place with you. Let him do the talking with the landlord. I'm sure he wouldn't mind," Iskall sighed again. "I'm worried about you."
Mumbo didn't answer for a long moment.
"Fine," he finally sighed. "I'll ask Grian."
"Thank you."
He heard Iskall get up and quickly went back to the pan, taking it off the heat so the potatoes wouldn't burn.
He could pretend that he hadn't heard that.
It wasn't meant for him to hear and neither of them had to know that he had.
Though he couldn't keep the worry from digging its claws into his throats. The way Iskall had sounded. It sounded serious.
Iskall came back a moment later to get the cutlery and cups.
At dinner, both Mumbo and Iskall pretended the conversation hadn't happened at all.
Grian played along and they talked about their days and unimportant things.
Iskall complained about how some asshole just had refused to step away from the crowd, forcing them to shadow him for hours before they could take the hit. (Grian tried not to think about that part too much. He forced a smile when Iskall joked that he couldn't tell them the name of the target so he couldn't get linked to the crime.)
Mumbo helped Grian with the dishes afterwards before going to take a shower.
Grian wondered when he'd bring up the topic of looking for an apartment together. He already knew he'd agree. Not just because of what he'd overheard, but also because he liked being around Mumbo.
They hadn't known each other long but Grian liked to think they were good friends.
Not to mention that Grian loathed being alone.
He'd never been a fan of it but now he hated it more than ever.
Whenever he was alone his mind wandered back to blood, wide crazed eyes, bodies growing cold, the weight of a revolver in his hands-
Mumbo came in with a towel around his shoulders.
"Blimey, I'm tired," he let himself fall onto his bed. "Climbing up and down five metres tall legs is more exhausting than one would expect."
Grian raised an eyebrow.
"I really don't think most people have an expectation for how exhausting that might be. It's not something you usually think about," he said. "Really sounds like a you-problem."
Mumbo chuckled but it ended in a slight cough.
"What? Have you never climbed giant metal calves?" he asked with fake bafflement.
"I'm afraid not," Grian shook his head.
"Well, we'll have to do something about that someday. Don't you know that it's an important step into adulthood?"
Grian chuckled.
"Yes, yes, of course. Such an important thing I'm missing out on."
Yeah, he'd agree as soon as Mumbo asked. Sharing an apartment would be nice.
Mumbo didn't say anything on the topic for the rest of the evening. They joked around for a while as Grian groomed his wings and afterwards Mumbo turned off the lights so they could go to sleep.
The next morning Grian overslept.
He had to rush to get dressed, nearly tripping over his own wing in the process, and Iskall was just finishing up his coffee when Grian stumbled into the kitchen.
"You're alive," Iskall hid their smile in their cup.
"You could have woken me up," Grian hurriedly poured himself his own.
"Last time I did you punched me," Mumbo said.
"I'd stop if you'd stop with the cold hands."
"Then you're not getting woken up."
Grian glared at him.
He managed to make some time back by running to the lift and when he passed the library with the clock over the door he was only five minutes late.
Willie wouldn't get mad at him, he knew that - Willie tended to be late more often than not himself after all. Still, Grian hurried through the last few streets.
The lights of the Barge were already lit, falling onto the old cobblestone road and making it look orange. Most Redstone lamps reminded Grian of the light during golden hour.
Iskall had agreed, when he'd mentioned it once, Mumbo had been confused as to what golden hour was.
Grian turned into the shop and stopped dead in his tracks.
A few people in uniform were gathered around and looked up at him as he entered. Between two of them, half-hidden between the tool shelf and the sand barrels, lay a body.
Grian could only make out the legs, still and unmoving, a pocket watch that had fallen onto the floor and popped open.
"Sir?" a woman spoke up. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
"But-" He wasn't sure why he was protesting, he didn't want to be around a body, not again, but another fear was stronger.
Was that Willie?
"Sir, I don't care if you want to shop, this is a crime scene," the woman said in a tone that sounded like she'd had this argument a million times.
"I work here, I'm not-" he pulled away from her grip and risked another glance at the body. He still couldn't see its face.
"You do?" another guy spoke up. "Could you answer some questions for us?"
"Okay," if it gave him a chance to find out who the dead guy was. If it was anybody but Willie.
"Who else works here?"
"Just me and the owner," Grian answered.
"William Lamb?
"He goes by Willie."
The cops ignored him.
"Do you know who has access to the shop?" one of them had pulled out a notebook and a stubby pencil.
"Just the two of us."
"No one else?"
"Not as far as I know," his hand shifted to his pocket where he could feel his own key.
The cops exchanged looks.
"Thank you for your time," the man turned to Grian again. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. Should you see Mr Lamb, please contact the authorities immediately."
Grian's eyes landed on the body again.
"That's not him?"
"No, but if what you're saying is true, he most likely is to blame."
Grian felt his blood run cold.
There was no way.
Willie wasn't a murderer. He'd never be able to kill someone, probably not even in self-defence.
A younger cop pulled Grian away and out onto the street before he could say anything else.
"I'm sorry," they smiled awkwardly. "I understand this must be quite a shock. I mean, you knew him well and... Sorry."
They didn't. They didn't understand anything.
Because if there were three things Grian knew with absolute certainty then it was that he himself was an exceptionally good killer (whether he was happy about it or not was a different question), good thermodynamic currents could be found near cumulus clouds and Willie was not a killer.
He swallowed past the lump in his throat.
The cops wouldn't believe him if he just told them.
But he had to do something.
A plan began to take form in his mind as Grian began hurrying down the alleyway.
The first thing he could do was warn Willie. Help him hideout somewhere so he wouldn't get arrested. For that, he'd have to find a safe place, but he'd cross that bridge once he got to it.
And then - and perhaps it was slightly too big for just one step of the plan - then he'd just have to solve the murder himself.
Grian knew more or less the path Willie took to work every morning. He followed the narrow streets, keeping watch for him.
He was probably just late again. But Grian didn't trust the cops to hear him out once he showed up.
At a small square he had to stop. He wasn't sure where to go from here so he leaned against a wall and waited, keeping a watchful eye on the streets ending in the square.
Many children passed him, probably headed to school.
When two got in a fight Grian stepped in to pull them apart. One of them stuck out their tongue at him as hurried away.
"You're the guy that works with dad," the other frowned at Grian.
"You're Willie's son?"
"Shouldn't you be at the shop?"
Grian glanced around and crouched down to the kid's eye level.
"Look, your dad is in trouble. Do you know where he is? I need to talk to him."
The kid's eyes narrowed even more.
"Are you part of the trouble?"
"No, I want to help him."
"Okay," the kid nodded. "He left to work early today. Over an hour ago when I just got up. He said he had something important to do."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
There went that alibi.
But where was he then?
"Thanks, kid," Grian forced a smile and stood up again. "Try not to get into fights."
"He was being an ass," the kid protested and went to hurry after his friends. "Bye!"
"Something important," Grian mumbled to himself. That's what he'd said yesterday when he'd left early. "What did you get yourself into?"
Grian stopped looking at noon.
Okay, if he was honest, he'd been wandering around aimlessly for the better part of it, but he had very little to go on.
He'd passed the Barge again. The cops had locked it up. The body was gone but he could still see blood on the floor. It'd stain.
Grian ended up on a balcony overlooking Mountark.
He saw someone fly past a few of the walkways leading to the Heart.
His own wings twitched.
Everyone who'd claimed that this town wasn't 'that bad' was a liar. It was a horrible place.
The air tasted of smoke and ash, everything was covered in soot - he himself was covered in soot. And the smoke made them sick, he could see that in Mumbo and how he coughed up a lung every night but refused to accept help. The only good part were the people. But the town consumed them until all that was left were the shadows of memories.
He sighed.
"I want to go home."
A bird landed on the railing next to him and chirped.
"But I can't," he pushed himself up. "I'm stuck."
The bird rustled its feathers.
"Where in this town do people take care of shady business?"
Just looking out over it he could tell that it was a stupid question. This whole town was filled with shady people running shady businesses and making deals with even shadier beings.
"I can't do this on my own... I need help," Grian tapped his fingers against the cold stone. "Maybe this medallion is good for more than a free bed."
The bird followed him home to Iskall's.
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melon-wing · 4 years
Dread Part 7/7
[Pirate Au Masterlist] Thanks once again to my awesome beta reader @aaronampora-ao3
Enjoy! ~*~
“No! Stop!” A loud voice echoed through the throneroom.
Doc's eyes were shut tightly. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He expected pain to come, but other than the burning wound in his abdomen nothing hurt. Why wasn’t he hurting more? Was he in too much shock to feel the gunshot? He slowly opened his eyes again, looking down. He was expecting to see a gaping hole in his own chest, blood flowing everywhere, but he didn't. The gun was still pressed against his shirt, no smoke was coming from the muzzle. It couldn't have fired a shot. He slowly raised his head, looking at Grian, whose face was as white as a sheet, drenched in cold sweat, eyes unbelievably wide.
"You didn't...?", Doc asked in confusion and Grian's hand started trembling slightly. Oh, right. That voice shouting for Grian to stop had been Bdubs’... But if the shot hadn't been fired by Grian, then who? And why would Bdubs order Grian to stop?
Doc looked up and finally noticed the chaos in the throne room around him and Grian. Bdubs had jumped from his throne, fury written all over his face, Sam was on the floor beside it and above him...
The blonde gave him a tight smile, but didn't pay him much attention, keeping her knee on Sam's back and her sword at his neck. And then Doc's eyes snapped over to Ren, scared that Bdubs might have killed him when False had attacked. That was when he realised where the gunshot had come from. Ren was still lying on the floor, but there was no longer a sword at his neck. The sword was lying on the floor and the hand that had just held it was bleeding, a hole right in the middle. Keralis looked just as furious if not even more so than Bdubs, holding his bleeding hand, but otherwise unmoving. Behind him stood Etho, still smoking gun raised to Keralis' head. Even with the mask on, Doc saw that he was smiling.
"Etho... How...?"
"I always know when you’re in danger, Doc, you know that. I'm always here to save your sorry ass", Etho said tightly, his eyes moved to Bdubs. "Now tell Grian to drop the gun or I will shoot your lover. You wouldn't want to see his brain all over the floor, would you?"
Bdubs shrugged and Doc realised he seemed furious, but still too relaxed to give off the impression that he had just been defeated. "You are forgetting that there still is a gun pointed at your Captain's heart. I don't think you are in a place to negotiate. Keralis is…” Bdubs hesitated for a second, his eyes meeting Keralis’ before he continued, “replaceable. Is your Captain? And will you be able to react after watching Doc's dying body fall to the floor?" Bdubs smirked, eyes holding Doc's gaze. "You can have your First Mate back, if you leave Keralis alone, you can even have the little navy lap dog, I have no use for him afterwards anyways, but I won't give you Doc."
Doc hung his head a little, staring at the weapon pressed against his chest. Well wasn't that the deal he had hoped for in the first place? For everyone to walk out of here unharmed?
"As if we would ever agree to-"
"Etho", Doc interrupted, looking at Etho with a stern glare, "Stop it."
He then turned back to Bdubs and smiled. "I accept, B. Tell Grian to kill me now and everyone else walks free in exchange for Keralis' life. Nobody else will be harmed. Do you promise?"
Bdubs grin widened and there was an excited gleam in his eyes. It seemed like both of them were happy with this outcome. "I promise. You’re the only one I want after all."
"Doc, no!", Ren shouted, looking up at him, his whole face so devastated. Doc had seen that face before, the moment Ren had told him about their dad’s death.
Doc smiled at Ren sadly. It hurt to know that he'd be causing his brother and friends so much pain, but it was the only way out of this situation. He would gladly take the fall if it meant everyone else would be safe. He turned back to Grian and smiled. "Do your worst, love."
Everything should have been over then and there, but Etho didn't seem to be in the mood to follow his Captain's orders today. 
"No. There will be no deals between the two of you when I'm the one holding the gun. If Doc dies so will Keralis. Also, Captain Bdubs, you might want to reconsider. Because I have no qualms to shoot, but your little dog doesn't seem like he will go through with it."
Bdubs’ eyes snapped to Grian, who still stood there, frozen completely.
"Pet..." Grian flinched and the shaking started again, only slightly and probably only really noticeable from as close up as Doc was. "Shoot him, pet. Do it now."
Doc looked at Grian and then their eyes met and Doc smiled softly. “I‘m really sorry you got dragged into this“, he whispered sadly. And he really meant it. He felt bad. Not because he was going to die, but because he was the one to blame that Grian suffered through all of this.
“Doc…” Grian’s voice was quiet, but Doc could still hear it and his breath hitched at the tone of just that one word. The voice was no longer distant and hollow, but fearful. Maybe Etho had been right after all. Maybe Grian wouldn‘t shoot. Doc‘s eyes darted to the gun. If he was fast enough, could he disarm Grian in this state? It wouldn‘t take much to just break his wrist. Even in this state Doc was pretty sure he could do it. He had been in tougher battles.
But he didn‘t move. He couldn’t hurt Grian anymore than he already had. He just looked up at Grian and smiled sadly.
“Grian… Let me take you home.”
And to Doc‘s surprise he felt the gun slowly move downwards on his chest. He watched with wide eyes as Grian lowered his arm, bit by bit.
“Don‘t you dare, pet.” Bdubs hissed from the throne and the gun snapped back up into position, but Doc could still feel it shaking.
And Doc knew in that moment that Etho had been right. There was a high possibility that Grian wouldn‘t shoot. No… Doc knew that Grian wouldn’t shoot.
Slowly, as not to startle him, Doc raised his hand and softly placed it on Grian‘s cheek. “I’m here. He can‘t hurt you anymore. I won‘t let anybody hurt you anymore. Not Bdubs, nor anyone else. I promise.”
There was the sound of rustling fabric and the pressure from Doc‘s chest was gone. He didn‘t have to look down to know that Grian had lowered the gun. He kept looking right into Grian‘s eyes, so wide and full of fear and it hurt, but he couldn’t avert his gaze.
“That‘s it. We’re getting out of here, alright Grian?”
Grian gave a slight nod and the movement made Doc feel relief. Grian wasn‘t broken. He was just hurt and Doc could work with that.
Doc smiled softly and then took ahold of Grian‘s hand as he tried to move the gun up again, only putting enough pressure on it, to stop the movement. He wouldn‘t let Grian sink back under Bdubs‘ control. And Grian let him. He let Doc guide his hand, his breath hitching slightly as Doc‘s hand moved to hold his. And then they held the gun together, pointing it straight at Bdubs. Doc could feel Grian shaking under his grasp, but he didn‘t move away.
“I‘m here. I‘ll always be here”, he whispered quietly into Grian‘s ear, before raising his eyes to look at Bdubs, a smirk on his lips. Bdubs didn‘t look amused at all. The situation had just turned on him completely and he probably knew he had lost.
“So, B. What do you say. You ready to beg for your life?”
Bdubs face twisted into an angry grimace, but he still stood tall, not letting the defeat get to him. “We both know that all my men will be on you in an instant if you shoot now. Just…”
Bdubs looked at Keralis and Doc followed his eyes. Keralis was still looking furious, but his face had become pale as more blood kept flowing from the gun shot wound. He shook his head slightly at Bdubs, seemingly knowing what Bdubs was about to do and not happy with it. But Bdubs’ gaze was already back to Doc and he just gave a sigh.
“Leave, Doc. You won this time. I won‘t send my men after you.”
Doc felt light all of the sudden as if a giant weight had dropped from his shoulders. 
“Etho, take Keralis.”
Bdubs stepped towards Etho, but a clicking sound from the gun pointed at Keralis’ head made him freeze.
“If you try to take him-”
“Oh, don‘t worry. I‘m no monster and I‘d like to have some peace and quiet. We‘ll let him go once we leave this island. He’s just accompanying us to make sure no one stops us. Etho, False…“
False looked at him, and Doc could tell she wasn‘t happy with Doc‘s decision. But killing Bdubs now would be more trouble than it was worth. Grian and Ren weren‘t in any condition to fight. Ren was injured and Doc wasn‘t sure how damaged Grian‘s mind had become. And then there was the wound in Doc‘s stomach he kept trying to ignore. They all needed medical attention as soon as possible and a prolonged fight with Bdubs‘ men wouldn‘t let them get that.
As badly as he wanted his revenge, he knew this wasn‘t the right time. All of them getting out alive was already a far better outcome than he had planned for.
After a stern look False sighed. She grabed Sam‘s head and bashed it hard against the stone floor. Probably to make sure that guy wouldn‘t give them any trouble while they were escaping.
She walked over to Ren, leaving Sam lying bloody and unconscious on the floor. “Heya Ren. I‘m gonna pick you up, alright, buddy?”
Ren looked at her out of dazed eyes. He had become awfully quiet during the whole exchange and Doc was seriously worried for his health.
“Carry the princess off in your strong arms, Knight Falsie“, Ren replied with a small smile. Then again. Maybe Ren would be okay after everything was said and done.
False put her sword away and carefully put her arms under Ren‘s knees and back, picking him up bridal style. She didn‘t even look like Ren‘s weight bothered her, just striding over to Doc‘s side. Etho walked over as well. He had Keralis‘ uninjured arm twisted behind his back, pushing him forward, gun still pointed at his head.
Doc heaved a sigh of relief and finally lowered the gun, gently prying it from Grian‘s hand to put it on his own belt. He sure as hell didn‘t trust Grian with a weapon right now. As he started walking he picked up his sword and gave Bdubs one last withering glare.
“If you ever dare to touch Grian again, I will kill you and everything you hold dear, no matter the cost”, Doc said, his voice almost a growl “Take out your unhealthy obsession on me, not him. Next time don’t be a coward and fight me one on one… If you think you can take me.”
Doc felt a strange satisfaction at the angry look on Bdubs’ face. That satisfaction was gone pretty fast when he turned around to walk again and realised that he was pulling Grian along more, than he was walking by himself. It only made him hate Bdubs more.
He wanted to assure Grian, tell him something that would help. He didn’t want to pull Grian around like some… pet. Bdubs had probably done enough of that during the last few days. Once they returned to the ship he needed to make sure they gave Grian everything he needed to be able to heal.
Doc took the lead through the maze of tunnels, followed by Etho pushing Keralis, False carrying Ren right behind them. The way out seemed so much longer than it had felt on the way in. He knew they wouldn’t be attacked with Keralis as a hostage. But still his heart was racing and he had started sweating more and more. He was already out of breath and they hadn’t even gotten out of the cave yet. He felt his grip on Grian getting a little lighter as his vision started to swim.
And then he realised it. Those weren’t signs that he was nervous. The adrenaline that had kept him going was starting to fade and he had lost a lot of blood. The wound was still bleeding as he pressed on it with his free hand. He blinked a few times and tightened his grip on Grian’s shaking hand. He couldn’t falter now. Grian needed him to stay strong. 
“Doc, are you…”, Etho‘s voice sounded so worried, but Doc only shook his head.
“I’m alright. It looks worse than it is. I just got… grazed lightly by a knife. Nothing major.”
Doc could imagine the way Etho looked at his back right now. Etho always seemed to know when Doc was lying about his condition, but there was nothing they could do about it right now anyways. Now, his only goal was to get his family to safety.
They left the corridors, exiting into the forest and Doc stopped, trying to catch his breath, while at the same time trying to hide how tired he suddenly felt.
“Where‘s your boat? I don‘t think I‘m up for climbing down a cliff”, he confessed. Etho didn‘t answer at once, searching his face and Doc tried his best to keep focused on his friend‘s eyes, but it was hard, when the world felt as if it was tilting.
“Where is the boat, Etho?” Doc asked again, his voice taking on a more commanding tone and Etho‘s mouth snapped shut. They all knew that it was better not to protest sometimes.
“It‘s down by the beach to the south. Not far from here.”
Doc nodded and turned back again. He took a few steps and stopped, hoping that Grian would follow. It sent a pang to his heart when he didn‘t until Doc pulled on his hand once more. He heard a small giggle from behind him.
“How does it feel to get a broken toy, Doc, hm?”, Keralis said with a small smile and Doc threw him a glare but didn‘t stoop so low as to get into a fight with their hostage now. Etho just pressed the gun harder against his temple and from the way Keralis winced, Etho must have also twisted his arm a bit more.
“Shut up and keep walking.”
They continued on in silence through the trees and it was getting harder and harder for Doc to keep going. Only his determination kept him from slowing down or taking a break. And then the forest finally ended and Doc could see the ocean again. He felt happy every time he saw the ocean, but never had he felt so relieved and happy enough to almost cry. Once they were out on the sea nothing could stop them. They would be safe. 
He kept going, out over a rocky plain and suddenly his feet got caught on a small pile of rocks. He tried to keep his balance, but his head decided that this would be a good moment to make the whole world spin around. He felt sick again and then he was falling, closing his eyes, expecting to plant face first into the ground. Suddenly a strong hand wrapped around his waist and he was pulled against a broad chest. He took a few shaking breaths, trying to get his body to obey him again, trying to stop the world from spinning. And then realisation dawned on him. Etho must have let go of Keralis to catch him and if their hostage was gone they could be attacked any second, and…
Doc opened his eyes,slowly raising his head, only to look at Grian, who looked at him with wide, worried eyes, just as breathless as Doc. And that was when Doc realised that the hand around his waist was shaking slightly and it dawned on him. Grian had caught him. Grian, who he had needed to pull along the whole way, who Doc thought was barely able to take action without anyone telling him to, had just caught him. Nobody here was telling him to do that.
Grian flinched a little, his hand twitching, moving away a little before moving back into position, never once really letting go of Doc. 
“Step… away… please.“ His voice was so small that Doc almost didn‘t catch it, but when the words hit his brain, he realised why Grian was twitching and shaking so much. They were standing here in full-on body contact, when all the physical touches Grian had gotten the last few days must have been painful or - the way he knew Bdubs - mockingly gentle.
Doc nodded and took another deep breath. He really didn‘t feel all that steady yet, but he could do this. No need to stay longer than necessary - even if it felt kind of nice to have Grian‘s strong arm around him.
Doc finally stepped away and Grian gasped, sucking in air, his body shaking, but when he raised his head to look at Doc, there was the ghost of a smile on his face, beneath the uncertainty and fear.
“Grian. Are you alright? Can you-”
“Oh fuck this drama“, Keralis voice interrupted him with a snarl, “You should have let him drop, pet.“
And at the last word, Grian froze up, every hint of the smile gone, Grian‘s mouth snapping shut, no other word leaving his lips, not even answering Doc‘s question.
And Doc turned from Grian to Keralis, his hands balled into fists and his body shaking in fury. 
“I swear to the gods, Keralis. If I hear one more word out of you I will return you to Bdubs in pieces. I will take my time, keeping you alive as I let him stumble upon your body… Bit. By. Bit“
Keralis just glared right back at him, his enraged expression not even faltering.
“I don‘t think you‘d want to make Bdubs go through that, would you?“
And finally Keralis growled and nodded, averting his still angry eyes to the side.
“Good. Let‘s keep going.“ Doc sighed heavily, looking at Grian‘s still frozen from. “I‘m going to take your hand again. Sorry.“
He tried to keep his touch light, as he took Grian‘s hand into his own, but it still hurt him how Grian flinched a little.
“You are safe, remember? Bdubs can‘t hurt you here.” 
There was no sign that Grian had even heard him, but Doc thought he could feel Grian‘s hand press slightly against his. He started walking, pulling the other along, Etho and False following them once again. It didn‘t take them long to reach the boat and Doc carefully guided Grian inside, before motioning False to get inside with Ren. Only when he was sure all of them were safe inside he turned to Etho.
“Knock him out.“
Keralis opened his mouth, his muscles tensing, about to struggle, but before he could even react there was a loud thud, the gun hitting the back of his head. His eyes widened and he let out a small breathless “Oh“, before his body crumbled, falling into the sand. Doc really needed to resist the urge to kick him while he was down. And then Etho‘s boot suddenly hit Keralis‘ stomach. Hard.
“What? Can‘t tell me you didn‘t want to do that. I just took care of it for you. And now”- Etho moved forward, putting one arm around Doc and slinging one of Doc‘s arms over his shoulder - “I can finally take care of you, Captain dumbass.”
Doc smiled slightly, not even trying to reprimand him for the insult. He deserved that one for the stunt he had pulled tonight.
He let Etho hoist him into the boat, slumping down on the seat a little. He made a move to grab onto the paddles, but stopped, when Etho gave him a warning look.
“Yeah, yeah alright. You and False do the rowing then. But don‘t complain about your arms hurting tomorrow.”
They both knew Etho would so complain about it, just to annoy Doc.
The boat was shaking on the waves and Doc could feel his eyelids drop a few times. He dug his fingernails into his hands, trying to stay awake and alert. They still weren‘t out of the enemy‘s territory. He wouldn't let his guard down. He just couldn‘t.  
He kept staring at the island as it got smaller and smaller. He wanted to look at Grian and to never let him out of his sight, but he resisted the urge, still looking out for potential dangers. He could still see Keralis’ unconscious body on the ground. He startled as he saw movement. Someone was running up to Keralis. They were already too far to recognize who it was. But Doc just had the feeling that it might be Bdubs, from the way the person moved. And if it was really Bdubs it was a good sign. If Bdubs wanted to follow them he’d be on his ship by now for sure. 
They spent the next 15 minutes in solemn silence. Ren was slipping in and out of consciousness now and it had Doc worried. He knew he probably should be worried about himself as he was still pressing onto his wet shirt, drenched in blood. But Ren was more important than his own health - his family always had been.
When they finally got to the ship ropes were lowered and their boat pulled up. Everybody on the ship seemed to be awake again, working in almost perfect synch to get them up. As soon as they were all aboard, Etho turned to Doc, looking at him with a stern expression.
“Take off your shirt”, he said.
“Well, Etho, dear. You could take me out to dinner first. And not in front of my maybe future boyfriend”, Doc replied in a teasing tone, trying to lighten the mood, but the expression on Etho’s face didn’t change.
“You did enough stupid things for one night. Stop it now and let me look at your wound.”
Doc sighed and took his shirt off, turning to look at False, who had put Ren down on deck carefully. He really wanted to force Etho to have a look at Ren first, but he knew that his own wounds were probably more pressing. Even he didn’t know how he was still standing. Grian was sitting on some box at the side of the deck and it warmed Doc’s heart when he realised that someone from his crew had draped a jacket over his shoulders. He still looked so lost, eyes glazed, looking back to the island.
“Hurry it up, alright, Etho?”
Etho followed his gaze to Grian and grumbled a little. “He won’t disappear if I take a few minutes”, he said while looking at the wound, carefully touching the skin around it. “I’m gonna have to stitch you up until we get to a real doctor.” Doc made a grimace but nodded. Soon someone handed him a clean rag and Etho a bottle of alcohol, some thread and a needle. Doc took the rag into his mouth without being told. This wasn’t his first time after all. 
Etho opened the bottle and tilted it a little, before looking at Doc. “On three. One…” Etho poured the contents of the bottle out right after the first number and Doc bit down on the rag hard, letting out a loud pained noise. It burnt. It felt like the wound was on fire. He was breathing heavily through his nose now, fingers digging into the railing he was leaning against.
It burnt so much he barely noticed when the needle went into his skin. But soon the sensation of the needle piercing became more and more painful.
Etho kept talking to him in that calm voice of his, but Doc was  too far gone to hear anything he was saying. And then the pain was fading a little again as some cold paste was put on it and fabric was wrapped around his lower abdomen.
Doc was sweating heavily, still out of breath. There was a hand, gently caressing his cheek and only then did he realise he was still biting hard onto the rag. He slowly relaxed his jaw and took the fabric out with a shaking hand. “Don’t move too much, alright?”
Doc nodded, looking over the deck, his crew looking expectantly at him.
“Raise the anchor, we set sail. We’re heading…” He felt a little hazy, unable to think about where to go next. He hadn’t expected to make anymore decisions when he had set out to save Grian. “Let’s head to the nearest pirate friendly town to get Ren fixed up”, he finally finished.
Etho had already hurried over to Ren and Doc searched for Grian again as the ship started to move. He was no longer sitting on the wooden crate and Doc had a sudden moment of panic until his eyes landed on Grian again, standing at the front of the ship, the wind blowing his hair around. Doc felt a pang of guilt at seeing those shortened uneven strands of hair.
He walked over to Grian and stopped next to him. Carefully he took off the locket from his own neck and then held out his hand, the silver resting on his palm. And Grian’s gaze slowly moved down to the locket. His hand was shaking as he gingerly touched it, carefully opening it, leaving it in Doc’s palm Doc looked at it curiously. There was a picture of two boys, one of them most likely Grian. Grian started shaking more and more and then something wet fell onto Doc’s hand right next to the locket.
Doc’s head snapped back to Grian’s face and just as he had thought, there were tears running down Grian’s face. Doc wanted to hug him so badly. He wanted to make all of the pain go away. But he also knew that healing would take its time and he wouldn’t push Grian now. Instead he gently put his other hand over Grian’s, making him close the locket once more.
He carefully slid the locket over Grian’s head so that it was resting against his chest once again. Grian looked from the locket up to Doc’s face, his eyes still watery.
“Doc…”, he whispered and Doc smiled and nodded before turning towards the sea and the horizon where he could see the first rays of the morning sun. 
“You’re safe now, Grian.”
As the waves crashed against the side of his ships and the wind blew into his face once again, Doc knew, this was the dawn of a new day.
And they’d be alright.
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hermit-whump · 4 years
Watchers - Pt 2
AO3:https://archiveofourown.org/works/26231755/chapters/64038469 TW - Suicide, blood, torture, murder, violence, missing people
“Wil, we’re going to get them back.” Dream says, sitting down next to Wilbur on the wall that borders l’manburg and the dreamsmp. “I promise, they will come back.”
“A Watcher came.” Wilbur mumbles, tears in his eyes. “He had rabbit ears. He left Tommy and Tubbo’s shirts. There was so much blood on them.”
Dream blinks a few times behind his mask, shocked. A watcher. A watcher came to his server, stole two children and returned to give back their shirts? He doesn’t want to believe it. Dream can’t believe it, not until he realises what the rabbit ears mean.
Sam shouldn’t have been able to get here, he shouldn’t have been able to leave the watchers, he’s just an owl. Dream can’t wrap his head around it, trying to process what would have made the watchers decide that Tommy and Tubbo decide to kidnap them. They’re just kids, though they are talented.
“The next intake.” Dream realises out loud. “Oh shit.”
“Intake?” Wilbur asks, rubbing his face as Dream stands up. “Dream what are you saying?”
“I need to talk to someone.” Dream says, helping Wilbur up. “You should come with me, it’s about Tommy and Tubbo.”
Grian screams as Sam slowly plucks a patch of feathers from his wings, the skin under them raw and bleeding. Sam laughs as he yanks out a handful of feathers, grabbing Grian’s face and forcing him to look him in the eyes. Sam laughs as tears run down Grian’s cheeks, waving a few feathers in front of his eyes. 
“You shouldn’t have spoken back.” Sam pretends to sigh, wicked glee in his eyes and he drops Grian’s face, the hermit hitting the ground with a thump. “This wouldn’t have happened if you did.”
“I just wanted to know what happened to them.” Grian pleads, flinching as Sam turns around, glaring at him.
“You should know. You’re a falcon, you should know what happens to prey that fight back.” Sam’s glare turns to a smile. “You should remember, if you hadn't betrayed us, you would have been the one to kill them.”
Grian feels sick to the stomach, going pale as he realises that Sam isn’t lying. He would have killed Tubbo and Tommy if he hadn't left. If he hadn’t escaped. Pain blooms in his side as Sam kicks him, a cry escaping his lips no matter how hard he tried to hold it in.
Wilbur follows Dream as he walks through a forest, cold air whipping him in the face. Dream doesn’t say anything, his sword drawn, though occasionally he looks back to make sure Wilbur’s still there.
Dream told Wilbur that it wasn’t dangerous.
A small house appears, made of cobble and sprucewood, with some smoke coming out of the top of the house. The windows have shutters over them, and potatoes grow in the yard behind the house.
“Wil, I need you to promise that no matter what happens, you do not get involved. Not even if it looks like I will die. Don’t get involved.” Dream says, putting his hands on Wilbur’s shoulders.
“Dude chill.” Wilbur smiles, recognising the house. He moves in front of Dream, walking towards the door. “This is Techno’s place, why would he hurt us?”
Wilbur knocks on the door, tapping his foot impatiently as questions race through his mind. Why would Dream come to Techno after finding out that watchers broke into l’manburg and dreamsmp? Why isn’t Dream more worried about the watcher coming back, since he’s shown that he can do that? 
Techno’s face appears behind the door, covered by a pig’s mask. His hair is bright pink and wet, clearly a fresh dye, and he’s in a red hoodie and black pants. Wilbur smiles, suddenly realising that he doesn’t know what to say to Techno.
“Hey Wil, why are you here?” Techno asks quietly, confusion in his voice.
“Can we come in, Techno?” Dream asks. “I need to ask for a favour.”
“If this is a favour for you, why is Wil here?” Techno replies cleanly, evenly.
“I need to ask for a favour.” Dream repeats calmly, his voice as cold as the wind.
“What have you dragged Wilbur into?” Techno growls, a hand grabbing Wilbur’s arm. “I know you two were warring, our history doesn’t change that I’m his friend, so I swear if you’ve done something to him-”
“A watcher kidnapped Tommy and Tubbo.” Wilbur blurts out, trying to stop the argument. “It’s been like, eight weeks. They’re just gone and we didn’t even know that it was a watcher until a few days ago and Dream says he needs someone’s help and I don’t know what to do.”
“What are you doing to me?” Tubbo asks, his voice hoarse from screaming. Something is in the back of his mind, poking and prodding its way around. “Get out of my head!”
The watcher laughs, the mask on their face a bright white that gives Tubbo a headache. Purple magic swirls around them, and Tubbo shuts his eyes, trying to fight back. He doesn’t know what he’s fighting against, though. He doesn’t know how to fight back.
“Don’t you feel tired?” The watcher asks, a fake sympathy in their voice. “Why don’t you close your eyes and sleep?”
Tubbo fights back. He doesn’t know why he bothers anymore, if not to spite the watchers. It hurts so much, tears filling his eyes as he tries to will the magic away. He doesn’t want to become one of them. Not anymore. He just wants to go home. Wilbur and Dream and Fundy and George and Sapnap and Eret can’t be dead. They just can’t be. He has to have a home to go to, a place to escape to that won’t turn him away.
“Won’t it be easier to forget?” The watcher asks, and a scream tears itself from Tubbo’s throat. It hurts so much. Too much. He just wants to go home. He just wants to go home, why can’t he go home?
⍑ᒷ ╎ᓭ ⍑𝙹ᒲᒷ, ╎ᓭリℸ ̣  ⍑ᒷ?
The watcher’s mask has a splatter of blood on it. It’s his blood.
Grian stares at the ceiling, his eyes unfocused as he listens to Sam move around him. At least, he thinks it’s Sam. No one else visits him, no one else bothers to visit a traitor. A terrorist. So he just stares at the ceiling, ignoring Sam as he walks around.
“You know, the one thing I miss about when you ripped off your wings was being able to whip you.” Sam says nonchalantly. As though it’s normal.
Maybe it is.
“Of course, I suppose I could whip you now. There’s nothing stopping me.” Sam moves Grian into a sitting up position. “But your wings do look so lovely.”
Sam yanks a group of feathers out, and Grian doesn’t scream. It still hurts, it still burns as though his wing was set on fire. But he doesn’t scream. He’s too tired, he’s too used to the pain, he’s too defiant, whatever excuse he can use is good.
Sam gives a pleased hum, and pride fills Grian’s chest, though it shouldn’t. He hates this, he hates how he’s made Sam even slightly happy by not screaming.
It doesn’t matter, anyways. Sam wants him to be quiet, so he should be. If he fights back it’ll hurt more, if he screams it’ll get worse. He wants to be good. He wants Sam to leave, he wants Sam to stay.
It doesn’t matter, he just doesn’t want to be hurt.
“リ𝙹∴,  ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ, ||𝙹⚍ ꖌリ𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣  ||𝙹⚍ リᒷᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᔑ!¡ 𝙹 ꖎ 𝙹 ⊣╎ᓭᒷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᒲᒷ ᔑリ↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ 𝙹ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ ∴ᔑℸ ̣ ᓵ⍑ᒷ∷ᓭ, ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ ?” Sam asks, the galactic falling off of his tongue as though it was his native language. “ᔑリᓭ∴ᒷ∷ ╎リ ⊣ᔑꖎᔑᓵℸ ̣ ╎ᓵ 𝙹∷ ╎ ' ꖎ ꖎ ᓵ ꖎ ╎!¡ ||𝙹⚍∷ ∴╎リ⊣ᓭ”
“!¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ ↸𝙹リℸ ̣  ⍑⚍∷ℸ ̣  ᒲᒷ” Grian begs, tears in his eyes. Sam laughs as one escapes his eyes, brushing it off of Grian’s cheek before the hermit can move. “!¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ ᓭᔑᒲ ╎ ↸𝙹リℸ ̣  ∴ᔑリℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ⍑⚍∷ℸ ̣”
“ᓭᔑ|| ||𝙹⚍∷ᒷ ᓭ𝙹∷∷||” Sam smiles, the knife in his hand resting against Grian’s throat.
“╎ᒲ ᓭ𝙹∷∷||.” Grian breaks, curling up as he cries. “╎ᒲ ᓭ𝙹∷∷|| ╎ᒲ ᓭ𝙹 ᓭ𝙹∷∷|| ᓭᔑᒲ ╎ᒲ ᓭ𝙹∷∷||”
“Where’s Grian!” The man yells as he walks into the town hall, the hermits watching him with their swords drawn. He wears a bright green jacket and blue pants, a white mask over his face. Another man follows him, dressed like a king though he sports a pig mask. False, Cub and Ren all look at eachother, anger and confusion on their faces. “I know you guys are in here, where is Grian?”
“Dream you sound like a serial killer.” The man in the pig mask notes, and Xisuma frowns at the name. He recognises it from somewhere. “Look, we just need to chat with him, Dream here’s dragged-”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“It was your server those two went missing from!”
“Hey guys,” Wilbur walks into the town hall from the outside, ignoring the protests from Dream and Techno. “Tommy and Tubbo have been kidnapped by watchers, and Dream and Techno think that Grian could help us. Sorry for them acting like murderers, I couldn’t convince them to be civil.”
“Grian’s gone.” Scar says, looking down from where he sits on the diamond throne, Xisuma hitting his arm as he says it, though the mayor ignore him. “He’s been gone for four weeks. A watcher took him. One with rabbit ears.”
Tommy wraps his wings around himself, waiting for the order to practice flying. He has to behave, or he’ll never be allowed a moment alone again. How was he supposed to know he was going to survive that? He didn’t know that being a watcher meant that his poison tolerance went up.
The watcher nods at him, and Tommy stretches his wings, flapping them experimentally before he steps off the roof, falling before he pulls up, banking to the left. Two watchers follow behind him, swords resting by their sides. If he could just get one, he could get out.
Tubbo and Grian are dead, after all. 
He doesn’t feel guilty about leaving their bodies behind, he doesn’t even know where the watchers keep bodies. Maybe they throw them into the void, Tommy thinks to himself, or maybe they eat them.
Tommy flies over the void, and for a brief second he wonders if the watchers would catch him if he let himself drop into the void. Maybe they would, and he wouldn’t be allowed to fly again. Maybe they wouldn’t and he’d die.
Or he’d escape when they leave to report him dead.
Tommy folds his wings in, and lets himself fall into the void.
He can’t see, blind folded and led through halls. He doesn’t mind, though he can feel his back bleeding. Sam reopened a wound before he blind folded him, and Grian doesn’t care to ask for a bandage. He doesn’t deserve one, if a wound is getting reopened. He must have misbehaved somehow. He lets Sam lead him around, stumbling and bumping into things. 
He doesn’t say anything when he feels his feet get cut open by something sharp, or when he feels the reopened scar tear further open. He won’t make anything worse for himself. Maybe he can save any survivors if he stays quiet.
It doesn’t matter that he knows he’s the only survivor. It doesn’t matter that he’s the only one left.
Is it so bad to save himself?
When does it start being working for the watchers, and stop being protecting himself? When will he lose himself to the watchers? Grian doesn’t want to answer the questions, he doesn’t want to think about them. He’d rather be mindless, a puppet on strings. His brain just won’t stop, he’s going to be hurt because of it.
He’d rather lose himself than be hurt.
So he stays silent, he doesn’t fight back. Not anymore. The pain isn’t worth it. 
Tubbo walks behind the watcher, his hands behind his back. They say they’re going to give him a test. A test of loyalty, one he failed in the past. Tubbo won’t fail this one, he can’t. He is no traitor.
A voice screams in the back of his head, struggling for control against the magic. Two words, two words and that voice is gone, and he will be completely mindless. A good soldier for the watchers. One deserving of his rank. 
Tubbo walks into a cell where a man kneels, blonde hair bloody and red jumper in tatters on his body. He sports a pair of wings missing feathers, falcon wings. The same rank as he is. He wears a white blindfold, though his head looks to the ground. Blood pools on the floor beneath him, his breathing sharp, though he tries to muffle it. A wooden block is in front of him, and a sword rests in the hands of an owl with rabbit ears. The owl hands him the sword, pushing the traitor’s head onto the block, and Tubbo suddenly feels sick.
This will kill the man.
He’s been asked to kill someone. Someone that the voice in the back of his head knows, someone he knows. Tubbo doesn’t want to, he has to, he doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t want to know the man’s name, the traitor’s crimes, but he feels as though he already knows. That he knew the man before he was made a watcher.
Grian, thats what the voice calls him. Grian.
“Tubbo, you know your orders.” The watcher besides him says, and Tubbo grasps the sword tighter. He doesn’t know what to do.
Tommy stares towards the door, knowing that the second he sits up a watcher will be in his room to make sure he doesn’t try to kill himself again. He can’t believe they caught him. He can’t believe they didn’t let him die, why keep a pet that doesn’t want to move? That doesn’t want to live. He’s a waste of resources for them, why don’t they just let him sleep?
He doesn’t want to die, not completely. He wants to leave, but he won’t get out without dying. Grian might have been able to get out, be he won’t be able to. He doesn’t even know how Grian escaped. Maybe Grian winged it, maybe he had help.
Maybe Tommy should just try.
Tommy slowly sits up, a watcher immediately in the room with him. They watch him intently as he stretches his wings slowly, like he only just woke up. Tommy slowly stretches, not watching the watcher in his room.
He’s going to get out.
He doesn’t care what it’ll take.
Tubbo runs through the halls, holding onto Grian’s hand. The sword in his hand drips with blood, a deep purple that shouldn’t be the colour someone bleeds. He knows that if he doesn’t escape he will be killed. But he can’t kill Grian, not after everything Grian did to protect him and Tommy.
He races towards the portal room, practically dragging Grian behind him, when someone standing in the doorway throws him backwards.
Tommy helps him up, purple blood on his hands, and they race into the room, no time to talk. They don't ask questions about the blood, they don’t care about who the other had to kill to escape.
They run through the first portal they see, praying that the watchers wont find them as Grian destroys it behind them.
“It’s all gone.” Tommy says, slowly walking through the dreamsmp. “Where is everyone?”
Grian doesn’t say anything. It’s been weeks since they escaped, hiding in the forests and waiting. Grian hasn’t said a word, not even humming. Tubbo walks towards L’manburg, the large walls feeling safe. As though the watcher’s wont be able to get them there.
“Why isn’t anyone here anymore?” Tommy’s eyes fill with tears as he tries to stop himself from having a breakdown. “Did they think that we died? Did they die? They died, didn’t they, we’re never going to see them again and it’s all my fault I shouldn’t have-”
“Tommy, for the love of-” Tubbo takes a deep breath in, standing on the threshold between L’manburg and the dreamsmp. “It’s not your fault. Anything could have happened, but this isn’t your fault.”
Some bees fly towards the group, bouncing off Tubbo’s side. Tubbo smiles sadly, following the bees into L’manburg.
It looks exactly how they left it, the flag flying in the distance, the new drug van half built and ugly as it gets. Dirt placed haphazardly around. Some flowers sway in the breeze, dandelions and daisies.
It smells like dirt. It smells bad, it smells as though no one’s cleaned it in years.
It smells safe.
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hermits-that-craft · 4 years
Chapter 47 - Arch 2 - Fulfillment
AO3:https://archiveofourown.org/works/23509375/chapters/62156269 TW - Torture, Death, Confusing Magic, Body Horror, False Hope, Fighting, Stab Wounds, Blood, Abandonment, Betrayal
They sit in a room together, Etho's sheets spread out in front of him. It's been a while, and though worry plagues the back of their minds, worry for both Scar and the people that they know are captured, but Etho, Builder and Protector work through it. Protector mumbles idly to herself, occasionally looking at Builder with a pained face, as though she's trying to remember him before he dies. Etho isn't sure of what this prophecy entails, or what it really says, but he doesn't know if they are worth breaking the siblings up for. He shrugs off the concern as Rose walks into the room with Cub, carrying more iron. Etho is glad that they had already measured Iskall's arm, the man has been through enough and Etho doesn't know if he'll stay here if he saw what they were doing with the arm.
Rose and Protector glare at each other for a moment as Cub puts the iron down, and Cub pulls a face, meeting Etho's eyes. They both smile uncomfortably as Builder looks up, taking the iron from where Cub put it. The watcher begins to hammer it into shape, ignoring the silent argument between the wives.
"I am very uncomfortable with the energy in this room." Etho says to Cub as the two players move to sit with each other.
"Tori this is madness, the prophecy doesn't need to happen so soon. Some more time Tori." Rose pleads.
"You know, this argument would be easier to mediate if we knew what the prophecy was and also what you guys are saying." Etho calls to the women, who both sigh, glaring at the newly undead.
"Tori- Protector believes that she should-"
"Rose isn't willing to lose people for the sake of the universe." Protector sighs. "I don't blame her, it's clear that someone will die in the-"
"Could you tell us the prophecy?"
"'A watcher, of original descent, will fall to the Night protecting the universe'." Builder says, stand up from where he sat. The metal arm in his hand glows slightly, and Etho smiles, taking it from him. "That's the prophecy. Rose is worried that Protector will be the one to die."
"Of course I'm worried that she'll die, I'm pregnant!" Rose mumbles to herself, though the room is so quiet that everyone hears it. Cub gasps loudly, and Etho struggles to keep hold of the prosthetic arm. Builder's face goes slightly pale, his eyes wide, and Protector's face goes soft, lovingly staring at her wife. "I don't want them to grow up without their other mother."
"How does that even work, aren't you both-"
"Magic Etho. Anyways that doesn't mean that Aunt Protector will die, it could be Uncle Builder, it doesn't even say that either of them will die! Night could magic them asleep, or-"
"Can we go back to how Rose is pregnant?" Etho asks. "You shouldn't be here, you could get seriously hurt! And if the baby is made via magic, couldn't you have planned it better?"
"I'm three months along, Etho." Rose smiles sadly. "We thought that we would be safe."
"Why would you come here if you knew?" Builder asks, though his eyes are filled with wonder.
"I knew that Protector would speed the prophecy up. I thought that maybe I could stop her from-"
She's cut off, not by a scream or someone speaking, but by a buzz. Everyone's communicators go off, and dread fills the room. A scream or a shout would not be as troubling, as fear inducing as the communicator going off. A death message? Etho doesn't want to know, but his hand grasps the communicator anyways.
WatcherBuilder: NIGHT. YOU. ME. WE'RE ENDING THIS. WatcherBuilder: MEET ME WHERE YOU AND ISKALL FOUGHT. NO STARS. NO HERMITS. WatcherBuilder: Just us two. Please. TheNight: Give me two hours. I'll be there.
"Builder what the fuck?" Protector growls out, and Etho snaps his head up, looking at Cub with confusion in his eyes.
"You aren't going to be the watcher to fall to Night. You're going to be a mother. I'll do it, Protector. Just, tell them that their uncle loves them, okay?" Builder's eyes have tears in them, and False and Cleo run into the room, Iskall close behind them. The two girls have swords out, god armour on and anger painted onto their faces. Iskall looks upset, scared and furious, though Etho can't tell which of those emotions was the one that made him run into the doorframe. 
"You're going after Night without us?" False's voice sounds wreaked, anger and fury tearing at her vocal chords. "Why. Why won't you take us?"
"Because you're going to use this as a chance to break the people who Night captured out."
Grian rests his head against Xisuma's shoulder, his breathing deep. Wels watches the door as Xisuma checks them both for wounds, any sign of serious discomfort. It doesn't matter, really, Xisuma has no supplies to make either of them feel better, but its something to do, and it's the thought that counts, right?
Footsteps echo up the halls and Xisuma holds his breath, a small prayer flittering across his mind. He hopes, pray with all his might that the feet continue to go down the hall, to where they heard Ren. Guilt tears at away at the thought, but Xisuma doesn't know how long he can last if someone hurts Wels and Grian again. He doesn't know if he would be able to fight against Admin if Night comes in.
The footsteps stop and Xisuma gently wakes Grian, knowing that the small avian would hate to be woken by screams. Grian yawns and rubs his eyes as the door opens, Night's glowing eyes and smile appearing in the doorframe. Grian freezes and Wels backs towards Xisuma subconsciously, acting on instinct rather than reason. Xisuma holds his breath, ready to fight whatever they say if it means that he'll protect Grian and Wels.
"Oh calm down, I'm not going to help you. I have a meeting to be at." Night's voice is airy, happy and the captured men freeze, worry cast over their faces. Night calling torture help isn't unusual in and of itself, but Night just wanting to talk is concerning. A meeting, however? Another death, a new hermit joining them in this unending nightmare. It isn't fair. "Grian, how would you rate your father's fighting skills?"
Grian face goes paper white, horror painting his face a terrifying shade of fear. Night laughs as Grian tries to save face for his father, waving a hand at him.
"Don't bother, I know my brother-"
"Brother?" Wels gasps, looking at Grian. Xisuma, not for the first time, can't find enough air in the room, even though the air is thicker in the overworld. Grian's eyes flash, the purple turning brighter, a flash of magic that Xisuma recognises but Wels clearly doesn't.
"Don't call him that." Grian mumbles.
"Don't call him what? My brother? Oh please, are you a fool? That's what he is. He is my brother, he doesn't have a say in his lineage."
"You emancipated yourself. You don't get to claim us as family. You left." Grian mutters accusingly, though it's obvious that he isn't mad about Night leaving. No, it feels as though he is mad about something else, though Xisuma can see the thinly veiled fear in his eyes.
Night can see it as well.
"What, scared that I'll kill your other set of parents?" Night taunts and Grian freezes. "Oh, you didn't know? Your home planet wasn't destroyed because of fate or any of that 'it was just their time' bullshit Builder sold you. Your birth father would have been able to save your planet. I destroyed it. I watched as your mother screamed to protect you and your siblings. I watched as your father opened that portal that sent you to the world hub. I'm the one who tore off his wings."
"Shut up." Wels yells, fury in his eyes and Xisuma knows that Night hit a nerve. "How could you? How dare you take another's wings?"
"Wingless one, do keep your mouth shut, you're only useful serving others." Night's smile glows brighter. "I have to go, I can't be late for my meeting after all, but I'll bring your father's head to you, Xelqua."
Night turns, their laughter making Xisuma's ears bleed. Grian's breathing doesn't calm, not even after Night has left, and Xisuma holds onto Grian's hand. Wels send him a worried look, removing himself from Xisuma's other side to inch his way towards Grian. The two men wait as Grian calms himself down, his breathing deepening as the remaining feathers on his wings flatten.
"Grian, if you were adopted by Night's family, could you know who Night's sons are, where they are?" Wels asks. Xisuma shoots him a glare, though theres nothing really making it stick. "I mean, if Void took their kids away, maybe your parents know?"
"How would Grian know who they are, let alone where they-"
"I know." Grian's voice is quiet, shaky and fragile. He stares at the floor. "I've known for a while, about halfway through season six, in fact. I had to hide it from Bird because-"
"They're hermits?" Xisuma's eyes widen as he realises it. "Oh Void, who has a twin brother in the hermits."
Wels frowns for a moment, mumbling to himself before his eyes widen as well. Wels shoots a look at Grian, who grimaces before nodding towards Xisuma.
"I can't for the life of me remember-"
"Xisuma, who is Evil X?"
"Oh! He's my twin." Xisuma cuts himself off, his eyes wider than dinner plates. "Oh. Oh it's me."
"I'm so sorry."
"Can I ask you something, Bdubs?" Tango's voice is full of concern and they walk towards the armoury. Bdubs is shaking slightly, from the cold or fear.
"Of course, shoot."
"Why are you going back?" 
Bdubs stops, then shrugs, then moves again, but he doesn't say anything, the shaking just gets worse. Impulse looks at Tango worriedly, and they share a nervous glance. It's good in theory - Bdubs knows where Night's base is. He knows the layout enough to get them in. Still, he could draw a map or even just guide them through the base by using the communicators. 
"You need a guide." He mumbles after a while. "I need to," He pauses, the words dying in his throat, and once again Impulse sends a worried look to Tango. "I need to know if Wels is alive."
Tango and Impulse exchange a glance, Tango sucking in a breath. Bdubs ignores them, pulling open a chest laden with swords and god armour. Tango sends him a small smile as he puts the chest plate in his inventory. Impulse hums to himself, pulling the diamond pants on, checking the enchantments on it as he does so. Tango looks for a correct sized helmet. 
"I guess we're going on an adventure." Impulse mumbles to himself. "Or a quest? Tango, would this be an adventure or a quest?"
"A quest I think. I mean, an adventure is unplanned right? So it's a quest."
"It's a quest, cause a quest has an end goal. Our end goal is getting our friends back." Bdubs smiles as he suggests it.
"But we don't really have a plan?"
"Tell False that." Tango smirks at Impulse.
"Cleo too. The girls have been planning a rescue since Builder got here."
"Oh! I bet that Scar is in kahoots with them, and that's why he's not here. Too dangerous for him to be here with King Silas too." Bdubs suggests happily, and false hope wraps around the men.
The three hermits leave the armoury, decked out in more armour than they care to admit. Cleo, False and Evil Xisuma wait for them at the end of the hall, and Tango wonders Evil Xisuma feels strange as he is slotted into the role that Xisuma usually fills. He looks uncomfortable, though, as Cleo absentmindedly calls him 'Xisuma' and Keralis calls him 'Shiswammy'. 
"Hey Evil X!" Tango calls. "You doing alright? We'll have your brother back in no time."
"Promise?" Evil Xisuma's voice is quiet, scared and Cleo and Keralis look shocked. 
"Of course, Ex." False says, her hand over her heart. "We'll bring him back. We'll bring as many back as we can."
It's a hard promise, one that Tango isn't sure that they can keep, and from the look on Impulse's face its clear he is also doubting their abilities. But they'll try, the group has to try. It's not fair on the hermits if they don't try. It's not fair on anyone if they don't try. They have to try their hardest - if they don't who will? Who will save the others?
No more words are spoken, and Keralis pulls Bdubs into a tight hug. Zedaph comes into the room as well, and he silently begs Tango and Impulse to come back. To stay safe, to fight hard. They promise him that they'll try, and tears spring in Tango's eyes and he's pulled into a hug. He doesn't want to leave, not the embrace that reminds him of home.
Of what they have to save.
Reluctantly, Tango pulls himself out of the hug, Impulse following suit. Cleo gives Joe a quick hug and False hugs Xb for a second. TFC escorts them to the nether portal, the worry etches into his face. It's clear that he doesn't expect this mission, this quest, to succeed.
"No one will blame you guys if you come back without anyone." TFC says, his hand on False's shoulder. "You can't blame yourselves for it either. Your safety is more important. We won't blame you if you can't save everyone."
"We're going to get everyone." False swears to TFC, and the old man sighs, his hand dropping from her shoulders.
"Just take care of yourselves." TFC sighs. "Please."
False relaxes slightly, smiling weakly at him. 
"Of course." False says, the rage melting from her eyes. "We'll take care. You have to as well, though."
"When the war reaches my doorstep I'll be down in my mines." TFC smirks. "I don't fear this Night character, I've met worse. Go fight."
The walk through the portal to the nether roof, Impulse guiding them to a hole he put into the bedrock. The jump down the hole, Cleo grumbling to herself about how much she hates the nether when a ghast spawns, right in front of Impulse. Cleo screams and False pulls out her sword, but before Bdubs and Tango can drag Impulse away from the ghast the hermit puts his hand out. The ghast pushes its head against Impulse's hand and twists slightly, rubbing itself against Impulse. The redstoner turns, smiling at the group.
"She offered to fly us to Night's portal." He says, grinning. "As long as you put your swords away."
"Since when could you talk to ghasts?"
"Since always? If you bothered to ask you'd know this - Tango you were raised with me  put your sword away!"
The group reluctantly puts their swords in their inventory, Impulse already on top of the giant ghast. He sits comfortably, making noises that Tango isn't quite sure a human could make, and the ghast responds, lowering its-herself down to their level. They hop on and the ghast flies them around, quickly flying through areas that none of the hermits recognise. It's a maze, a labyrinth of tunnels and pockets and Tango watches Impulse with worry. Yes, he knew that Impulse is as much a netherborn as he is, but he didn't realise that Impulse had a connection to the ghasts. He doesn't blame the man for not telling him, netherborn with connection to creatures - when Tango revealed that he himself can talk to blazes the two men had to flee their home in the nether as they were hunted, even though Tango had only revealed it to people in their village. Those who can talk to mobs are prizes, though it's clear to Tango that Impulse speaking to ghasts is one of the reasons they survived for so long before Xisuma found them. Hindsight is twenty twenty and all that.
The ghast lands, letting them off at a small ledge before she talks to Impulse again. It seems as though they are having a rather important conversation, Impulse's forehead furrowed in concern.
"She says the portal is this way, but she can't bring us any closer. The ghasts have seen Night leave this area before. With Stress."
"We'll get her back, False." Cleo says, taking False's hand into her own.
"We don't have much of a choice in that matter." Impulse smiles tiredly, leading them further into the nether rack alcove.
The two original creations land, standing opposite from each other. Clouds cover the sky, blocking out the sun and it's light as Night's mask glows. Their brother stands, a sword resting on his hip. He can't use it, he never learnt how to. But the threat still stands. Both sides have a goal, both players know how to win the game. Neither wants to fall to the other. A game of chess is to capture the opposing side's king, but what happens when the kings are the last piece on the board? A careful strategy has to be implemented, but does either side know how to plan? The siblings had not planned for this, they do not know what to do in this scenario. Only their sister had a plan for this, but Builder hid her away. There are stains in the dirt that rain has not washed away, copper against the vibrant green. Blood stains. 
"Did he die?" Night asks, knowing that the only other watching is one on their side.
"No." Builder replies evenly. "He has a new arm now. Built by myself."
"When did you learn redstone?" Night's voice is light, an older sibling meeting the younger after a year away. Builder looks uncomfortably around, as though he doesn't want to answer - doesn't know how. "Don't tell me that you still don't know redstone."
"I had help." Builder doesn't lie, but it isn't the full truth.
"Protector? Or a player?"
"Silas." Builder lies.
"Silas," Night laughs. "You trust that old goat? Your loss. He works for whoever offers him the most power."
"He works for Void."
"He will meet Amari on their orders." Night doesn't threaten the Vex King, but threatens Builder. Night offers more power, Builder knows that.
Silas knows that.
"How is Amari, by the way?" Night asks, walking towards their brother. "She still the Queen of the Underworld?"
"How would I know, she rarely makes the trip between life and death." Builder rolls his eyes.
"Pity, you really should know the person you will stay with."
"Are you threatening me?" Builder asks, a frown on his face. "Night, you can't be serious about this. Come back home, Void misses you."
"Don't tell me that you've fallen for their lies as well." Night sounds happy, glee and disgust mixing together. "Xelqua would be so disappointed."
"What have you done to him?" Builder growls. "Leave him out of this!"
"Your son joined my side willingly." Night smiles. "I didn't do anything to him, I just showed him what would happen to him if he stayed with you."
"Night, let him go."
"No, you'll have to take him from me. I'll make sure he personally escorts you down to Amari's doorstep. Unless..."
"Unless?" Builder sounds so hopeful, practically filled with false hopes and pretenses.
"Unless you join my side. Think about it, Builder. You can have your son back. Void cares not for us, only for Protector." Night smiles. "Join us, free yourself."
Ren shakes, leaning against Doc. The wither effect hasn't left either of them, Princess leaving them in a daze. It's clear that it was on purpose, the pain not meant to subside until one of them breaks, but Ren doesn't know who will break first. Probably himself, though Doc did break the muzzle. Ren doesn't understand it, who Princess is, why she's possessing Stress.
At least its quiet now.
"What are you going to do when we get out?" Not if. When. Doc still has hope.
"I'll stay on loser island with Pam." Ren mumbles. "I can't expand upwards anymore, so I'll hire the boomers to blow up the downstairs part. How about you, what will you do if we escape?"
"When." Doc corrects him absentmindedly. "When we escape, I'll build more rooms in my half of the mansion. Maybe I'll expand on the pink, any colour is better then purple and black at the moment, so pink and white isn't that bad."
Ren and Doc both laugh, tired and unapologetic. It's the only sound that they can hear, laughter and there's no more fear, not now. Not here, together. It's better, quieter, safer here, without anyone else.
An explosion in the distance stuns them into silence. Yells, shouts, anger mixes and the fear is back. The room feels darker, though the light level doesn't change. Something is terribly wrong and neither hermit can tell why.
Impulse. They can hear Impulse's voice, too far away from them to make out words but too close to not hear them if they scream. 
"Impulse!" Ren screams, standing up. Doc stays seated, chained against the wall. "Impulse, we're here!"
"Impulse!" Doc yells, and Ren walks towards the door. 
"IMPULSE!" Ren screams.
Nobody came.
"Get them outta here!" Impulse yells, Tango and Bdubs supporting Xisuma as Grian and Wels shake nervously in the corner. They look terrible, white dress shirts in tatters with blood and dirt staining them. A large bruise has bloomed against Grian's cheek and Wels keeps spitting out blood. Cleo knocks back Beef, trying to protect the team. Impulse quickly turns to False as she fights off Mumbo, lending her a hand. "Tango, Bdubs, get them the nether out of here!"
"Mumbo this isn't you!" False says, trying to snap him out of it. "C'mon, Mumbo please."
"We need to get out of here!" Cleo yells, her sword going through Beef's chest.  Beef despawns, a puff of smoke is the only thing left of him. Cleo blocks the swing from Mumbo's sword, kicking out his feet as False kills the man. The two women let out shaky breaths, False giving Cleo a large grin.
"Well, Mumbo hasn't really improved fighting," False laughs breathlessly, holding her side. "So we'll probably be fine."
"Yeah, let's get home." Cleo agrees, sticking her tongue out. They walk towards the door, Impulse waiting for Grian and Wels as Tango, Bdubs and Xisuma make their way out of the room, Xisuma wincing every time he steps, his leg bent at an angle Impulse knows isn't natural.
Grian and Wels watch Impulse with wide eyes, as though they don't know if they're allowed to follow. As though their waiting for permission, or perhaps orders, to follow the group. Impulse's heart breaks, though he doesn't let it hurt for much longer. He has to get them out, and if orders make them follow, then orders will work. He can break the conditioning later.
"Grian, Wels, you're coming with us." Impulse orders, trying to put as much seriousness into his voice. Wels hesitates, fear written across his face, and Impulse winces as he steps in front of Grian as though it's second nature. Grian begins to breath faster, but he steps forward, terror in his eyes. Guilt eats at Impulse, but he watches them as the walk out the door, Wels standing close to Grian's side.
The group makes their way around the building, trying to find Doc and Ren before the two men are lost, though considering how Grian and Wels broke free they wouldn't be lost forever. Impulse wonders, in a brief moment of foolishness, what it would take to free the rest of the hermits. Grian screams as Beef shoots his side, collapsing to the ground with his hands protectively covering his head. As though this has happened a million times.
It probably has.
Impulse moves in front of Wels and Grian, protecting them from the mind controlled man, their friend. Beef doesn't wear one of the masks that Grian and Mumbo sported when they left to kill Scar, but Impulse finds himself wishing that the man did. The masks would hide the disgust written on Beef's face, they'd hide the emptiness in his eyes.
In the distance, Ren screams for him. Impulse can’t get to him. The portal rests behind the door that Cleo stands in front of. Impulse has to stall, to make sure everyone else gets out. He won’t let False make the self sacrifice. He’ll break his promise to Zedaph, but that’s alright. Because at the end of the day, Tango will be back with Zedaph.
“Beef, it’s us.” Impulse says quietly, his hands raised.
“He can’t hear you.” Silas’ voice booms through the room, and Impulse’s heart sinks as tears slip down Wels’ face. There’s a traitor in their midst, and it isn’t a hermit. Is Silas the only traitor? What about Builder, about Protector? Impulse doubts that Rose would betray them, but can any of them trust her?
“Your highness,” False growls, “may I ask you what the fuck you are doing here?”
“Night has offered me something I can’t refuse.” Silas grins wickedly. “I want the mage back, I want to keep my power. Night will win this war against Void, and I intend on maintaining my status.”
Impulse fires at Silas, ready to fight him. Ready to serve as a distraction so the others can get out. Ren and Doc are still screaming as Impulse swings his sword, cutting the Vex King. False joins the fight as Cleo begins to usher the group towards the portal. Beef falls onto False’s sword as Bdubs and Tango get Xisuma out. Impulse is thrown across the room by Silas’ magic as Wels carries Grian through the portal. False screams as Mumbo stabs her. Cleo runs through the portal, and Silas makes his way to it. 
Impulse, not knowing what else to do, throws a water bucket over the portal. He’s trapped False here, but the others won’t come back. 
They’re safe.
“He’ll be alright, won’t he?” Protector asks her wife quietly. “I mean, Night wouldn’t hurt Builder. He always was Night’s favourite sibling.”
“Tori,” Rose sighs.
“And Night wouldn’t kill him, right?”
“I’m sure he’s fine. He doesn’t need to fulfil the prophecy I mean-”
“Tori I love you but for the sake of my sanity please shut up.” Rose sighs, her wings fluttering as they land near the clearing. Protector quickly disguises her watcher wings, walking over to the tree line. “We’ll be caught if you keep this up.”
“You two are the worst people to try and sneak around I’ve ever met.” Night says, their voice echoing around the clearing. Protector freezes, taking Rose’s hand as the wives step into the clearing. Builder looks alright - he isn’t physically hurt from what they can see, at least.
“How did you see us?” Rose asks.
“You have bright red hair, Protector’s hair is bright blue. You stand out against the trees.” Night takes off their mask, placing it on their belt. Their skin is purple, their eyes glowing white. They frown, stepping towards Rose with a confused look in their eyes. Builder looks away, biting back a laugh. “Do you know that you’re pregnant?”
“No, I had no clue.” Rose lies, a deadpan expression on her face. “That’s why I’m here with my wife, to see the world's most assholish pregnancy test.”
“I could kill the baby.” Night’s smile is unnerving, sending shivers down Rose’s spine. Protector moves in front of her, but Rose can’t move, her heart hammering in her chest. “Right now. I could kill it in your womb. All that magic connecting you two, lost.”
“No, you wouldn’t dare?”
“Wouldn’t I? I hardly think that killing a child is a line I won’t cross. Unless you’ve forgotten, sister, I killed Grian’s planet, children and all.”
“You wouldn’t dare, you over glorified twink!” Rose snaps at him, her eyes glowing blue. “How could you?”
“You’re too soft, Rose.” Night shakes their head. “Your brother was always the stronger one.”
“Oh, fuck off.” Protector snaps. “She’s twice as strong as you’ll ever be.”
“I don’t doubt that for one second.” Night’s smile is unnerving. “Though, perhaps, if you looked at the ground, your lovely Rose would understand why she can’t move.”
The ground around Rose is pitch black, connecting her to Night. The grass wilts, and flowers crumble in the lines path. It doesn’t hurt Rose, though she can tell that it will, if Night wants it too. The surrounding grass begins to wilt, flowers decaying too fast for Rose to properly see.
“I wonder, can Rose wither?” Night laughs, the three others stuck in the clearing looking at him. Builder growls, throwing himself at Night. 
Duck. Dodge. Spin. Strike. Block. Repeat. It hurts, something appearing under his feet and sending more damage into his system than any of Night’s strikes. His communicator buzzes, once, twice, death messages mixing with warnings. Strike. He can’t let Protector and Rose get hurt. Dodge. His lungs scream, not used to this type of fighting. Block. Not used to fighting for his life. Spin. Not used to fighting for the lives of others. Duck.
Protector doesn’t want to hurt the player. She won't her the girl, in fact, even if she’s working with Night. The player is wearing a black dress, layers of petticoats under the thick skirt. She wears a black corset outside of the dress - highly impractical, for day wear, though Protector does remember wearing a corset outside her dress when she got married.
Rose watches, helpless, from where she is frozen. Tears slip down her face as she feels the joints in her fingers crack, black ooze leaking out from them. It’s unnatural, it’s painful, it’s terrifying, it’s painless. A scream rips her throat as black ooze falls from her hands. Builder falls to the ground, Protector struggling not to fight the player girl.
“Night, stop this.” Protector pleads. “Please.”
“It will stop when one of you die.” Night says plainly. “But I will not touch you. You must kill someone, your wife or your brother.”
“Protector I,” Builder begins, a hacking cough forcing its way out of his lungs.
“Rose, please.” Protector begs, kneeling in front of her wife. She hands her sword over to the Vex woman. “My life is on your faith.”
“I can’t.” Rose cries, the sword heavy in her heart and hands. The player backs away, towards Night, and the two watch. A tear slips down the players face and Night grins in glee. “I can’t.”
“You must.”
Rose gasps, trying desperately to think of another way. To convince Protector to fulfil Builder’s wish to die protecting them. She can’t, she knows that this is the real reason that Protector came to this wretched place. The prophecy must be fulfilled.
“I wish we had more time.” Rose mumbles as someone exits a nether portal nearby. She can hear the footsteps running towards them. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Through every world,” Rose mumbles her wedding vows, “I will be with you, sickness and health be damned, my love for you will out number the stars.”
“In every universe, I will be by your side.” Protector finishes, kissing Rose’s hands. “You will be in my heart, the thorn in the side of my heart.”
Rose plunges the sword through Protector’s chest as Grian bursts through the clearing. Protector collapses into Rose’s arms, Night laughing in the distance. Rose sobs as Protector lift’s her hands up, brushing some of Rose’s hair out of her eyes. Rose sinks to the floor, resting Protector against her chest.
“I’m sorry, Tori, I’m so sorry.” Rose cries, shaking with sobs.
“Dad are you okay?” Grian asks as Builder stands, his face blank with tears rolling from empty eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“‘Tector.” Builder mumbles under his breath, unable to look away from his twin sister.
“Mum?” Grian’s confused, and he looks over at the scene. “MUM!”
His scream echoes through the clearing, drowning out every other noise. Protector looks up weakly as he runs to her side, bruised and bloody and crying. Tango, Cleo, Bdubs, the admin and a knight stand at the edge of the clearing, tears rolling down the three named hermits faces. The mission wasn’t successful, then. Rose blinks, and Builder is at Protector’s side. Grian sobs, holding Protector’s hand. He’s begging her to stay alive, to stay with him. Rose can’t tell. She can’t hear anything, her heart drowning out any other sounds. Builder holds Protector’s other hand.
There’s a spot of blood in Protector’s mouth.
“Please stay alive, Mum please.” Grian begs, his voice breaking through the sound of Rose’s heartbeats. “Don’t leave us. Please don’t leave us.”
“You’re going to have a younger sibling, G.” Protector mumbles, wiping the tears from Grian’s eyes. “You take care of your other Mum, alright?”
“Take care of her and your Dad for me.” Builder’s sobbing, his arms shake as his chest heaves. Faintly, Rose hears the sound of fighting in the distance. Protector smiles, a sad affair. There’s pain in her eyes and more blood forces its way past her lips. “And take care of yourself, Bērniņš”
“You’re not supposed to die.”
“I love you. I love all of you.” Protector looks to the sky, a smile on her face. The light leaves Protector’s eyes as she breathes her last breath.
Rose’s world shatters.
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yhs-silly · 5 years
Hang on there buddy #2
Trigger warnings: suicide mentions, character death, murder mention, ghost s, self harm, self harm mention
After another week or two, people began to notice how Grian was getting; he stopped joking around with Sam and Taurtis, he just sat quietly during class, he never really ate much- Chan had even spread a rumour that she’d seen him drinking from a bottle of wine in the bathroom at lunch, no one was sure if it was real or not as Grian refused to comment. In all honesty he figured he could use it to cope, he didn’t mind the taste, though it was a little bitter. The real reason he drank it was he thought it could help him cope, it was what his mother had used after all, his father used something else but they didn’t sell vodka nor whiskey in the store, so wine it was.
Grian kept up the cutting, as soon as his money had been transfered he went straight out and bought a pack of razors. The cuts got longer and deeper but he cried a little less everytime. He felt like he was coping at least a little when he did this, the fresh cuts hiding just under his sleeves reminding him just how much of a terrible person he was and how he shouldn’t do anything to display his emotions- he simply didn’t deserve them. Sometimes this mentality meant he felt guilt whilst cutting, like it was only a plea for attention and not a way to cope, but he pushed those thoughts out of his mind when the steel made contact with his flesh.
But that wasn’t the only change happening, when Grian moved into the apartment, they told him that there were only two beds but he was fine with it, he didn’t mind the sofa.
That wasn’t the issue he had with living with those two.
Grian was no stranger to emotions, that was obvious. But positive ones always seemed to elude him, lately though, he’d been feeling very warm and fuzzy around his friends. He hated that feeling, he didn’t deserve to be happy, he simply didn’t.
Then it happened, he realised what he was feeling. Sam had started cooking, just small things like savory muffins and omelettes, veggie burgers and the like but Grian and Taurtis always enjoyed them, even if they were bad. He was currently making some strawberry pancakes using Yuki’s recipe, Grian could smell it as soon as he woke up, Taurtis hadn’t woken up yet so Grian was just sat there, playing with his hands and breathing through the pain coming from his arms. He watched Sam lazily, the rabbit had the radio on and Grian couldn’t help but smile at how Sam’s left ear bobbed to the beat, twitching up and down in time.
Grian didn’t even realise he’d been humming along to the radio until Taurtis walked in and sat next to him, yawning and leaning against him. “Nice humming there G.” He chuckled a little before getting comfy, his head resting against Grian’s shoulder. Grian felt his face heat up and his heart both swell and drop, he liked them. He realised with that awful sinking feeling setting in, he had a crush on them, his two best friends in the worlds and he was here acting like a creep. He felt awful, these were his friends, he wasn’t supposed to like them, he felt like a pervert for simply looking at them.
Grian sat in class a few hours later, staring out of the window, he was remembering being small, he used to sit on his aunts lap and tell her all about his cool idea and thoughts. He remembered how Gareth was there sometimes, the poor guy always tried to talk to him, to play with him, but Grian didn’t like him, he always smelled of smoke and he was so sappy and boring to be around. Any normal kid would avoid him, Grian knew that- he just wished he at least tried to make the guys life a little easier. He wished he hadn’t drove the man to suicide, he didn’t know how to fully grasp what he’d done and he didn’t want to think about it- he’d start crying, and he didn’t want to cry in the middle of class.
Then there was the fact that he’d developed feelings for his best friends, or maybe it was just his desperate desire for validation that fooled him into become in love with the first people to show him kindness, maybe it was just him being dramatic. He was straight after all, he wasn’t gay whatsoever, sure he dated Ellen and they happened to not be female but that wasn’t really Grian’s fault- or maybe it was and he was just being an assuming bigot? He really didn’t know and his mind felt like it was messing with him, he watched a little bird fly around outside the window for a few moments, just letting his mind wander like that.
“Grian? Grian are you listening?” Okamis voice rang in Grians ears harshly, tearing him from his thoughts and back into the classroom. He jolted up in his seat, slightly embarrassed that he was called out. He looked up at her with an awkward smile, it was clear that Okami was waiting for him to say something. “Uhmm…”
“You weren’t listening were you Grian?” Okami sighed when Grian shook his head in shame, walking back up to the board. “I asked you what the primary colour set are.”
“Oh!” Grian perked at that question, he knew that- he’d been educated with the upperclass for the first six years of his life, are was taught excessively. “It’s magenta, yellow and cyan.” He rolled his eyes at everyone snickering and saying that he’s wrong, he knew he was right- he might be worthless but at least he knew his damn colours.
Okami smiled and went on the explain how he was right, Grian couldn’t help but smile at that. That was until he realised why Okami was teaching art- she wasn’t normally the art teacher.
Jane used to be the art teacher, she used to teach art and english. No wonder those subjects were ones Grian loved so much, his dear aunt was the one that influenced him the most.
A few hours later, Grian sat on the school roof, it was late at night, maybe the morning- he was unsure. He looked down to the pavement bellow, if he fell then he could die. Dying sounded pretty good for him, he didn’t want to bother anyone- Sam and Taurtis had offered to let him sleep on their sofa but after catching feelings he really didn’t want to trouble them. He’d caused everyone enough pain anyway, moving in would just hinder them more. He caused the death of one of their teachers and now he was crushing on them, he’s better off not living with them. Poor miss Okami has to cover the lessons of two teachers now, not just her own. Grian had never felt guilt like that before, it felt like thousands of eyes were glaring at him- bearing down on him like a layer of water with the texture of a blanket and the weight of a world. He hoped no one could see the pain he was in, he’d hate to appear weak in any way.
He could see a lot from up here, he could see the yakuza going about their business in the town. They looked so small from where he sat, he felt strangely safe up here. The ghosts that haunted the school, Gareth and Salex, Gareth avoided him for good reason- Grian couldn’t blame him but he did wish he could tell him how sorry he is. Salex sometimes joined him on the roof, he supposed she felt a duty of care- Grian was friends with her boyfriend after all. He hated the way she looked at him, with pity, she never spoke of him and always sat a distance away- like she was scared of getting too close.
“Please say something…” Grian muttered, glancing back at Salex who’d been watching him in silence for quite a while now. She merely lowered her gaze in response, not even gracing him with a single word. He sighed and turned back to watching the yakuza, Yuki’s father owns it- that he knew. Yuki was a sweet girl, a little troubled but who isn’t these days- at least she has a good reason. Grian grew up in high society, sure he might not have been given as much attention as he probably needed and maybe he run away at age seven but they had found him again at eight. He’d had such a good life, one that most people would kill for. Yet he’d still driven a man to death, he really was a monster- there was something horribly wrong with him and his friends didn’t deserve to be around him, they deserved better.
It was then that Salex decided to speak for the first time. “Poor boy, blinded by guilt, unable to see his friends and instead wallowing in selfish grief…” She wasn’t speaking to him but about him, he could hear her whispers from over where he was sitting- it wasn’t her fault that a ghosts voice isn’t masked by the wind. Grian had to agree that he was selfish, he must be so selfish she’s right. But he doesn’t know how else to feel, the only thing he really felt strongly these days was guilt. Other emotions felt weak and hollow, he could be laughing one moment and empty the next. He never forced a laugh nor a smile but he always felt they were fake.
“Do you hate me Salex? Do you hate me for who I like?” He turned to face the ghost, his tone was slightly confrontational but even though he hated himself for liking his friends it was the only thing he was currently sure of.
Salex looked at him, her ghostly features portraying surprise. “I don’t hate you anymore then I do Chan for dating him or Yuki for killing me.”
Grian sighed and frowned. “That doesn’t answer my-” His eyes widened as he processed her last question. “Yuki killed you!!?” He couldn’t believe he’d been privy to such information, that freudian slip gave him so much insight into Yuki’s life. He scooted closer to her along the side of the roof and leaned forward towards her. “Did she mean to? Was it murder or did she just make a mistake??” He stared at her with wide eyes.
Salex blinked at him, shaking her head in disappointment as she faded away. “You stupid boy, focus on yourself, stay away from other people before you get hurt- they don’t need you butting in.”
She left Grian feeling worse then before, he didn’t really know how to feel but bad. He wished Salex had stayed silent, he felt like he would’ve been better without her input. He looked back down at the edge, maybe he should jump? He felt the world would be better without him.
But he was angry now, Salex was so rude to him. If he died now it would only grant her the satisfaction, he refused to do that. He took his hoodie off and balled it up to act as a pillow, he pulled a blanket from his backpack and wrapped himself in it, laying down to sleep. He counted himself lucky to get such a good view of the stars to sleep under.
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grian’s new episode got me going hm
might probably do a gem-centric one soon because they make each other worse
He wouldn’t let go.
Grian clutched onto the fishing rod, his grip having worn down the wood by now. It was a week into the server. It felt like an eternity.
Sometimes he forgot what came before, before he started fishing.
He recalled, yes. Things like the big moon, Grumbot, whatever. They seemed less memories and more fragmented experiences just laying around waiting for someone to claim them.
It was like his mind was a vase, and the ocean had smashed it into a million tiny little pieces, left for him to fish out.
Another salmon. Grian let out a short, harsh shout and threw it in a nearby barrel and cast his line again.
And again, and again.
There was one rod, seven or eight lines. He peered through the web of black lines and distinguished the single working one. The ocean kept fooling with him like that.
“It kind of looks like a net,” Gem’s voice chirped behind him. They didn’t bother with greetings now. They just talked about fishing.
“I don’t even know how this happened,” he said.
“At least you can get mending ten times as fast now.”
“No, only one works.”
“That’s unfortunate.” Then, having exhausted all possible subjects of conversation, they lapsed into an awkward pause. Grian caught another fish. Cod.
Gem made to leave, but couldn’t resist a final comment.
“By the way, you should sleep. And, uh, shave, unless you’re going for that rugged aesthetic.”
She left.
Was it that obvious? Grian wondered. That he was addicted?
Come to think of it, he hadn’t thought of himself for so many days. He’d just been fishing, dragged himself to chip away at his base, and then went back to fishing.
He stared at himself in the water.
Beard, check. Eyebags, check. Suspenders and a beanie for some reason. A bobber hanging from his waist and his pants dipped in seaweed. His hair was overgrown and soaked. There was even a patch on his sweater, for goodness sake.
Grian only felt it now. How had he not noticed it before? Was he just that focused on fishing? His hand subconsciously wandered to his face and brushed against the scales.
The what.
Grian spun around, looking for a clearer mirror than the water, rubbing his cheek in disbelief. Scales, wet and smooth like a fish. He should know. He’d handled thousands of them in a week.
He glanced at his arm, the texture very fishy in both ways. His heart dropped. He just wanted mending, not this. He was supposed to be the fisherman, not the bloody catch!
“Gem, Gemgemgemgem!” He yelled.
Gem turned. “What?”
“I think I’m turning into a fish!”
To her credit, Gem didn’t react much. She did run closer, but she didn’t scream or anything. She just said, “Hmm. Same.”
“What do you mean, same?” Grian yelped.
She rolled her eyes and pulled up her sleeve, revealing the same scales. “It’s probably a side effect, chill. Impulse wasn’t actually a dwarf last season, he just started growing shorter. It’s the Hermitcraft air or something.”
Grian stared at her, gears in his brain turning furiously to process her words. “Didn’t you guys base near the water?”
“That’s true, that’s true. I don’t think that was it, though.” Gem said, shrugging nonchalantly. “Anyway, I need to build. See ya.”
She sauntered away.
Grian didn’t have the presence of mind to call her back. He dropped the rod he’d been clutching this whole time and stared at his hands, moist from sweat.
He was short of breath, and after fifteen seconds he realised it wasn’t just from the panic. He physically couldn’t breathe.
Fish can’t survive on land.
Before he could think, before he remembered he was human, Grian leaped into the water, which enveloped him comfortingly like a drug.
The part of Grian that was still Grian realised this was like walking into the tiger’s cave, and forced himself to surface, gasping for air. He ordered his brain to use the lungs he had, and he started breathing again.
He clambered up onto the pier, and laid down on the wood, drained. He fumbled around and found the rod. Well, what else was there to do? Cast line, sit down, wait.
After all, the next one could be the one.
He just wanted mending. Then he’d stop. He’d stop.
The ocean wouldn’t let him go.
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melon-wing · 4 years
Let’s get down to Business (Scar/Grian/Cub)
This was a bit rushed because I had the idea to do this too late, but I’m still happy with it.
This is a gift for my dear friend @princepigeon Happy Birthday! Stay amazing! I heard you were craving for some Grivex so here you go!
Grian stood inside the Concorp Club and looked around a little hesitant. Sure, he had been officially invited and Mumbo and Iskall had both urged him to go to maybe find out some secrets, but it still felt weird, like he didn't belong here. He didn't even know why they had explicitly stated that they'd only talk to him in matter of business. Sure, he was the CEO of the company, but it was no secret, that he really wasn't really that knowledgeable in the way Sahara worked. And he'd need his partners okay before proposing any deals. All he was good for was doing advertising campaigns and causing chaos.
"Grian! So nice to meet you!"Grian turned around and froze. Scare was walking up to him, wearing swimming trunks, a coat loosely draped over his shoulders. He was looking over the rim of his sunglasses and smiling warmly. Grian couldn't help himself but let his gaze travel over the sun-kissed skin, feeling the heat rising to his cheeks.  Oh yeah and that was the other thing, that let him have no confidence in holding this meeting instead of Mumbo or Iskall. His dumb ass had managed not to fall for one, but two of their competitors at the same time. How was he supposed to concentrate on anything if all he could think about was kissing Scar or Cub or both? And why the hell was Scar dressed like that? That made it even less possible to concentrate. He suddenly felt way too overdressed in his suit.
"Scar?", he squeaked out, his voice unnaturally high. He cleared his throat before continuing to speak. "I thought you wanted to have a meeting with me. This doesn't look like business attire."
Scar stopped walking and looked at him in confusion. "Meeting? Business? What are you talking about?"
Oh god. Had Mumbo and Iskall been playing a joke on him? Maybe he hadn't been invited over here after all and was trespassing. But why would Scar have been so happy to see him if that were the case? He hadn’t just looked happy but completely delighted. What was going on here?
"The letter you guys sent to Sahara. You guys had important stuff to talk about concerning our relationship and wanted me to come over so we could talk about it. It sounded so formal, I thought it was something important. Please tell me it was really you who sent the letter."
Scar looked annoyed now, taking off his sunglasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "No it wasn't me."
Grian felt his heart sink, but before he could turn around to leave, forgetting this ever happened, Scar continued speaking. "Why did I let him talk me into letting him write that? Why didn't I read it again?", Scar muttered disgruntled and then raised his voice. "Cub, honey?! Get your ass out here, now! Dinner will have to wait!"
There was clanging of pans and a few seconds later, Cub stepped out, the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up and he was wearing an apron, obviously coming straight out of the kitchen. Oh god, Grian must have interrupted their date time by the looks of it.
"I'm... I'm sorry. I guess", Grian said hurriedly. He had no clue what was going on at the moment. He only knew that he had done something really wrong. "I shouldn't have come here. I should have checked in with you first! I didn't want to bother you and-"
Scar held up a hand in his direction, making him shut up at once with just one look. "We are not done here. I'll get to you once I'm done with my stupid ass husband." With that Scar had already turned back to Cub, folding his arms in front of his body, tapping his foot onto the floor impatiently. "Care to explain why Grian is here, thinking we are about to have a business meeting? What the hell did you do? The instructions I gave to you were pretty clear. How could you mess this up?"
Cub looked from Scar to Grian and back again, realisation dawning on his face and he looked at Scar almost sheepishly. "I think, I might have phrased our request a little too formally."
"You think? Look at him!" Scar gestured in Grian's direction, sounding absolutely pissed at his husband. But the gesture made Grian look down at himself. He had felt pretty good about the way he had dressed up until now. He had been so ready to show them his serious business side and make Mumbo and Iskall proud of him. He might have also hoped that those two would appreciate the way he looked – maybe even call him good looking. But it had just been a stupid fantasy after all and reality was catching up to him now. "This is an absolute disaster, Cub! It is the worst way this could have gone! You ruined the evening!"
Grian let his gaze fall to the floor and sighed. This was dumb. He clearly wasn't welcome here. Why did he even stay? Would Scar yell at him as well for misunderstanding what Cub wrote? What else had that letter even been for if it wasn't about them having a business meeting?
"You are overreacting, honey." Cub's voice was calm, but Grian could hear the strain in it. "It's not the end of the world. It's just a misunderstanding."
"Something like that shouldn't have happened! He shouldn't be here thinking we are having some dumb business meeting! If I had known it would end like that, I would have written the letter."
Grian took a step back, feeling so small under the weight of Scar's words. He had been right all along. He shouldn't have come here. Mumbo and Iskall would have probably handled this better. They would know what to say in a situation like this and still turn it into something profitable. Grian didn't know what to do or say. He had been looking forward to this and now? With every other hermit he probably would have made he joke, but he seemed to be unable to find any funny words right now.
"Oh yeah?" Cub raised his voice a little now too. It was like Grian didn't exist anymore. Maybe Scar wouldn't notice if he left. But then again if he tried, he might direct his anger at Grian. "And what would you have written? Something really crude that would have him running before we even started? You would have ruined any chances for us. I at least got him to come over."
"Because he thinks we are going to have a meeting! Fuck you, Cub. The last thing I want to do is talk business with someone like Grian."
And that did it. Grian suddenly felt so numb, but he wouldn't let that get to him. He suddenly stood straight, raising his head and standing tall and proud. He didn't have to take this. They had no right to talk about him like that. He wouldn’t just stand here and take that beating.
"Grian..." Scar took a step in his direction at the same time as Grian took a step back. "Don't leave, Grian. I didn't mean it like that."
"I'll leave now. You two keep fighting without me. Apparently I'm the last person you'd want to have around. Sorry for bothering you with my presence.”
Scar and Cub were startled at his cold voice and looked at him wide-eyed, almost as if they had forgotten about his presence.
Grian laughed, but it sounded hollow in his own ears. Damn if he had his Elytra on he would have been already high in the sky and away, but no he had left that home in favour of his outfit looking nice. Had him hoping for even one tiny compliment from them been too much to ask for?
Scar turned to look at Cub with a panicked expression, but Grian turned around. He didn't care. He just wanted to leave with the dignity he had left. Maybe go straight to Mumbo’s place and cry his eyes out.
"From now on please refrain from contacting me. Do all of your business with Mumbo and Iskall", Grian replied, doing his best to keep the pain out of his voice. But who could blame him? He had always enjoyed Scar and Cub's company, even when they were on opposing sites in the Shopping District. Every time they were nice to him he could dream about their relationship turning into something more.
The second he reached the exit of the Club an iron gate lowered down, blocking his way out. He turned around again and glared at Cub who had his hand on a lever.
"Are you two serious?" Grian looked at them, fury in his eyes. "First you make it pretty clear that you don't want me here, and now you don't want to let me leave?"
"We want you here!", Scar protested, hurrying up to Grian, his robe slipping of his shoulders and lying in the dust. Grian kept his eyes focused on that piece of fabric. He crossed his hands in front of his body. He didn't want to be here anymore. He just wanted to leave.
"Grian, please."
There was a sigh and more steps and then Cubs voice, so calm again, spoke up. "I know my dear husband can sometimes be... a bit over the top. He is a little diva-" There was an annoyed huff by Scar, but Cub chose to ignore it "-but he really didn't mean it that way. And he is right. It is kind of my fault that there was a misunderstanding."
There was a hand on Grian's shoulder, he flinched and the hand retreated again at once. "Grian..." Scar sounded so hurt that Grian couldn't help himself but look up again into Scar's face. His eyes were wide and filled with sadness and guilt. "I'm really sorry. I just... I was nervous all day and looking forward to this and I kind of got carried away there. Let's just say this is not what I imagined to happen."
"Don't start again, honey."
"Well neither did I...", Grian grumbled "And I still don't get what it's all about."
Scar sighed before muttering quietly. "I knew I should have been the one to write the letter."
"Yes, yes. But if I had written it there would have been no misunderstandings! I would have just flat out told him that we want to fuck him."
Grian's eyes widened and he felt frozen in place, his brain almost unable to compute the words he just heard. Had Scar said what Grian thought he had?
"Scar!", Cub protested, "Don't say it like that! That's why I wrote that damn letter! You would have created a whole other misunderstanding."
"But it's just the truth."
They kept on bickering, right in front of Grian, but Grian wasn't listening anymore. He just couldn't think clearly. The only thing inside his head was what Scar had said. This meeting hadn't been about business at all. They had invited him over for... For what? To have sex with him. So him agreeing to this made them think he was interested. No wonder Scar had been so annoyed. No wonder he had been dressed like that when Grian had come. He had been expecting pleasure and Grian had come for business.
"I'd still like to leave.", Grian finally spoke up quietly, interrupting their bickering. Both of them stopped and looked at him and Scar wasn't really able to hide his disappointment as well as Cub.
"That's... That's perfectly fine. Sorry you had to come over all the way for this."
Grian nodded and he looked at the ground once more, unable to look them into their faces. A little voice inside kept telling him to accept the offer. He'd never have a chance like that again. That was his one shot to feel loved by the guys he had a crush on. For one night – for this one time – he could pretend that they were in love with him, that they wanted him to be part of their marriage.
"But thanks I guess. For liking me enough to invite me into your bedroom, I guess. I'm just... You guys are nice and amazing, but I just don't think..." Grian could hear his voice crack and he cleared his throat before continuing on. "I'm not really interested in casual hook-ups like that."
"See. Told you, you would cause misunderstandings too, babe."
Grian looked at Cub in confusion who just chuckled a gentle smile on his face that got Grian to feel a warm sensation in his chest.
"Grian. We want no business meetings and no hook up. Me and Scar want you to join our relationship. This was supposed to be a date."
Grian's heart started racing like crazy all of the sudden. His face felt unbelievably hot. "W-what?", he asked, a stuttering mess.
Scar now smiled as well and it made his whole face look even more handsome. "We like you, Grian. Both of us. When you said you'd come over, we thought you might be interested in us as well. It's okay if you are not. I mean... I guess I reacted a little badly back there. I just was disappointed and-"
Grian didn't let Scar finish that sentence, grabbing him and pulling him into a kiss. It was soft and didn't last long. When Grian broke the kiss he turned his head to look at Cub and amazingly enough Cub seemed to understand what he wanted, because he came closer and pressed his lips to Grian's. It only took a few seconds for Grian to be embraced into two pair of arms and he had never felt better about it.
"I guess that makes your answer to our proposal pretty clear", Cub muttered jokingly and Grian couldn't help but giggle.
"I accept. And by that I mean, I'd like to try the dating thing. I... I've had a crush on the two of you for the longest time, I just never thought it would come to anything."
Scar made a cooing noise and Grian blushed even harder. They let him out of the embrace only for Scar to take his hand and pull him to the table at the side of the pool. Grian smiled brightly, taking off his blazer and throwing it to the side.
And when he sat between Cub and Scar, both looking at him with loving gazes, he couldn’t think of a more perfect moment than this.
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