#i just need to get better at collecting my shit around here lmao
byanyan · 9 months
hhhh okay i have a couple more of those late night prompts left... i wanted to finish them up today but i'm feeling so meh this evening that i think i'm gonna call it there and try to get them done tomorrow instead. ...and then get back to my drafts bc i'm falling even further behind again lmao
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sleepyjuice · 4 months
him accidentally hurting you during sex 🥺🥺
this is somewhat self serving bc this has happened to me 🫣 idk if this could be triggering to anyone but this does involve pain during sex. anon I’m sorry if I made this way too deep lmao 😭 endometriosis girlies unite!!! this shit ain’t for the weak !!!!
“Fuck, fuck, takin’ me so good, baby.” jj groaned as he pounded into you from behind. His hands had a firm grip on your hips, your ass in the air and face in the pillows, the loud sounds of skin slapping skin filled the small bedroom.
You had been going for awhile, already had two orgasms and jj was currently working on giving you your third, and he was getting pretty close himself.
He quickened his pace as your moans grew louder, your pussy clenching around his cock, the euphoric feeling making your stomach twist and fill with a deep heat as you approached your orgasm.
Sweat was dripping down his forehead as he tightened his grip on your hips, pushing himself even closer to you to get himself slightly deeper into you.
Things were great, you were quite literally about to finish when his dick thrusted into you ever so slightly at an angle, causing you to yelp loudly in pain, your knees giving out beneath you as it quite literally felt like your cervix was sucker punched.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, ow! Stop! jj stop!” You managed to let out, your eyes squeezing shut as you attempted to ride out what felt like a period cramp on steroids, your breathing staggered.
jj immediately halted all movements, pulling himself out of you the second you told him to stop. He had originally thought that your knees gave out due to pleasure, but he now realized it wasn’t that at all.
“Shit—What’s wrong? What happened?!” He asked, now fully panicked, moving himself closer to your face, gently pushing your hair out of your face so he could get a better look at you.
You fought back tears, forcing your eyes open to meet your boyfriend’s panicked ones, his eyes darting all over your face and down your body, expecting you to be bleeding or something with the way you had sounded.
“I don’t— fuck, I don’t know what happened but that last thrust felt like you punched or- or stabbed me in the cervix. Jesus Christ.” You groaned, attempting to take deep and slow breaths, but not move yourself too much because there was still that deep aching pain inside of you.
“Jesus…I-I’m so sorry, baby,” jj cooed, one of his hands hesitantly rubbing ever so slightly at your bare thigh as his other cupped your cheek, “that’s never happened before, I don’t know what I did. Do we need to like, go to the hospital? Fuck, I’m so sorry.” He rambled on, his heart racing in fear that he seriously messed up your insides, but he did his best to stay as calm and collected as he possibly could, not wanting to freak you out more than you already were. He didn’t want to hurt you more than he already had.
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong.” You whispered after a moment. You could read him like a book, he was beating himself up over this. The lightness of his touch showed just how scared he was to hurt you.
“I think it’s just my endometriosis,” you sighed, your breathing slowly becoming more steady as the pain began to subside, “just hit a sensitive spot or somethin’.” You explained, reaching up to hold his hand that was holding your face.
He watched you carefully, eyes closing at your touch before fully laying down beside you and pulling you into his chest. He rubbed a hand down your naked back, his head resting atop yours as he kissed into your hair.
“Scared the shit out of me, baby…” he spoke after a moment, feeling your body begin to relax against his, continuing his soft and gentle touches on your back.
“It’s okay, the pain is starting to go away.” You assured him, his warm chest and his soft touch being the best comfort you could possibly ask for at the moment.
“That’s good, sweet thing. You wanna get up soon and we can take a bath or somethin’? Or you just wanna lay here some more?” He asked softly, peppering more sweet kisses onto your head.
“Mm, just wanna stay here a little bit longer. But I’m down for that bath later, though.” You hummed, curling into your sweet boyfriend.
You would definitely want a do-over later on once you were feeling fully better, but you would bring that up later, as jj was surely scared to ever be inside of you again.
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xenocorner · 1 year
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Here's the concept for one of my Strange AUs :D This has been sitting on my WIPs for months now, and today I finally decided to get it out :']
Info dump of this AU ahead for anyone interested, because I need to get it out of my system orz close ups below too
In this a AU, Stephen is raised in Asgard after his home planet (not Earth) is destroyed during a terrible war. Here, Donna is his older sister instead, and she was one of the soldiers who fought and died in said war (the sword he carries was hers).
He was taken in by the Asgardian army when he was around 6, and was raised collectively by them as part of the ranks. He is trained as a swordsman and excels at it.
He meets both Thor and Loki at that young age, and he develops a very close friendship with Loki, both of them growing up together and getting in all kinds of trouble (although Stephen was usually the one to get them out of it). But not all is fun and games with this two, as Stephen also becomes the person Loki confides the most in and viceversa. As they grow, this often leads to Odin sending Stephen to look for Loki whenever the god disappears after a family fight.
He becomes one of the best swordsmen in the 9 realms, and takes command of the Asgardian army when his mentor, the Ancient One (a commander in this AU) dies in battle.
During a battle in which he was perhaps too careless and cocky, he is gravely injured and his hands are irreparably damaged, leaving him unable to wield a sword.
Stephen has incredibly deep self worth issues, and since he isn't Asgardian by birth and also feels incredible debt to Asgard for taking him in when he was all alone, he is always trying to prove himself of his worth to be called Asgardian. So when he is left useless as a swordsman, he goes into a really dark place. This leads him to study magic instead, trying to still be of use to the throne and able to protect Asgard. He pulls through, and with a similar journey of the MCU Stephen, becomes one of the most proficient sorcerers of Asgard. That along with his previously good reputation with Odin grants him the position of Head Sorcerer in the court.
Unfortunately, this comes at the cost of distancing himself from Loki, being too focused on proving himself since the loss of his hand function. Of course, the god is resentful of this. They go through some shit to salvage the friendship and maybe even make it evolve into something more, but I won't go into that now as this lore dump rambling is already way too long lmao.
Also, he may or may not be part of a race that uses music as magic to affect the world around them too, but that's just deeper lore stuff 👀
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Close ups to the head shots because I just adore how much softer and elegant he looks with the wavy hair, tiara thing and earring orz I want to do a better render of him like this so bad-
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Plus the full body on its own too :] I would've loved to polish it more but I've got more stuff to do and just needed to get it out of my WIPs already o(-(
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yourhellishdaddies · 3 months
prompt: how Stolas, Adam, and Lucifer might take care of their baby who’s sick? (I’m alright with sexual / incest etc elements since this is more of a kink for me ^^) thank you!
[oh this is good timing cuz I'm p sure I caught a cold lmao 💜]
{Caring for you when you're ill}
Featuring Stolas, Adam, and Lucifer.
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As soon as he realizes you're not feeling like yourself, he is wrapping you up in a blanket and placing you in a nest of pillows.
Fretting and getting his feathers all ruffled, whether it's just a small cold or something more serious, he's freaking the hell out.
"Here, let me take your temperature. No no, don't get up! Save your strength, sweetie. Daddy will take care of everything. Just try to relax."
Doting to the point of being overbearing. Refuses to leave your side for a single moment. Carries you with him to the kitchen if you're hungry, to the bathroom if you need it, etc.
Always petting your head or rubbing your back. If you need to vomit, he's right there with a cool washcloth, holding your hair back for you and whispering words of comfort to you.
"There, there, darling. Just let it out. Daddy is right here, okay? It's alright..."
Decides to put you in a diaper so you don't have to get up as much, if you're not already wearing one. He has no problem changing you or dealing with a mess. Will bathe you each and every time you have a blowout.
Makes you homemade soup and spoon feeds you in his arms. It's alright if you can't finish it, just as long as you try to get something in your belly.
Gets you the absolute best medicine available. Doesn't force you to take it if you don't want to, though. He just wants you to feel better as soon as possible! May try to coax you into taking it by mixing it into some food if he feels like you really need it.
Sings you lullabies to help you fall asleep. Absolutely adores how small and fragile you look, knowing how much trust you put in him to watch over you.
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Seems slightly annoyed that he actually has to put in effort to care for you now. Not that he doesn't care, he actually hates seeing you not feeling well. But he also doesn't really have any experience caring for someone who's sick. He doesn't want to make it any worse.
"Aw, geeze kid, really? Alright, alright, c'mere. Daddy's got'cha. Shhh, it's okay."
Picks you up and carries you to the living room, setting you up on the couch with the TV. He'll put on your favorite show and watch with you.
Awkwardly tries to comfort you. Wipes your nose and pats your back, wraps his wings around you to quell your shivering.
If you're really sick, he'll actually get his ass into gear and put forth a decent effort.
Cleaning you up, making sure you drink enough water, cursing under his breath whenever you moan or groan uncomfortably.
Unintentionally discovers a new kink when you puke all over him.
"Oh, shit- H-hang on, baby. S'no big deal, lemme just- ah fuck, I'm hard."
Despite how awful you feel, you can't help but blush when you notice how flustered he is.
Leaves you for just a moment to change clothes and beat off really quick. He'll fuck you later when you're not feeling like shit.
When he returns, he holds you extra close, leaning his head on yours.
Gives you medicine even if he has to hold you down. You need to get better.
Plays you soft songs on his guitar to lull you to sleep.
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The most experienced, and therefore the most comforting. Knows exactly how to soothe all your aches and pains.
Has absolutely everything under control. Calm and collected, giving you a reassuring smile.
"There's no need to worry, my duckling. Daddy can cure whatever ails you!"
Has one of those weighted and scented plush ducks that you microwave for warmth and aromatherapy. Lets you cuddle with it and keeps it constantly heated with his magic.
Sings you little nursery rhymes and gently rubs your upset tummy while you lie on your back.
Similar to Stolas in how doting he is, but not quite as overbearing, allowing you to rest on your own if you wish.
Always giving you little kisses and baby talking to you, making you smile and even laugh!
Puts on puppet shows for you when you're bored from lying in bed all day.
If you can't sleep, he'll sit up with you and hold you in his arms, gently rocking you while soft music plays.
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scumbagjaeger · 1 year
I LOVED UR GAMER SNK MEN HCS!! what about reader as a gamer 👀??
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starring: Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie, Porco, Reiner, Levi, Zeke
rating: mostly sfw! 18+
notes: Thanks so much for the request!! My first ask (‘: I added some of the other men because even though they might not understand video games, they can still support their partner hahah. Is there anyone else you guys would want to see included in these headcanons? Erwin? Bertholdt? Should I do some with the ladies? Let me know! Thanks for your continued support(:
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If you’re on the same team he’s supporting you 100%, doing whatever he can to help you out if you’re getting targeted or something
If you get killed? He’s going after the fucker who took you out at least ten times (or until you tell him it’s okay you’ve respawned!! He can chill!!)
But if you’re playing against him? Good luck because he’s going to target you hahah
He thinks it’s cute how whiny you get when he snipes you or gets you with his ultimate
“Sorry, (y/n), you gotta be better than that”
This man is so cocky oh lord
Secretly, when you get him back he gets so flustered? But you can’t tell because he just scoffs and tells you that he let you get him
Man’s is sportin a boner through under his desk lmao!! It’s hot seeing you take control what can I say
He invites you to the discord but then immediately regrets it because Jean will constantly try and talk about you
Jean is a homie! But he thinks you’re cool and it pisses Eren off whenever he asks you to check your dms so it’s a win-win (he just sends you memes lol)
Eren’s friends are all chill with you playing but he still likes to remind them that you’re dating
“Eren did you fucking set my house on fire” “that’s what you get for giving (y/n) a flower dumbass” “bro they needed it to make DYE you idiot”
You guys have a minecraft house together and it’s super cute! Eren will definitely let you decorate while he collects materials for you. Or you both will go on adventures together(:
If you’re playing alone he’s super supportive too! Totally down with you having time with your friends online
In between his matches with the boys he’ll come up behind you and kiss your head, not wanting to interrupt too much
But sometimes he’ll fully move your headset off of one ear and start backseat gaming
“You should use your ultimate after your teammate uses theirs. Theirs will freeze the enemy and then your pure damage will take them out… okay good now go over here and—“
After your matches he’s super affectionate ahhh
Wraps his arms around you from behind and plants a big ol’ kiss on your cheek
“M’girl did so good!!”
He’d be a touch cringey lmao
Insists on you both having his-and-hers desk-mats. Gives you a custom mousepad with a picture of you both on it for your birthday and the image turns out kind of wonky
He’s be heartbroken if you don’t use it though!! So you better
One day you come home and he’s rearranged half the apartment so you can have a gaming room together with your desks facing each other
But this ends terribly bc he can be too loud sometimes and he gets distracted by you
Invites you to the discord and then asks you privately if you can coordinate your nicknames online to be like “his (y/n)” and “her Jean” AA
The others never stop giving him shit for it
But he loves you! And he’s so glad you have this hobby in common
Might get a little salty about you playing with your friends without him
If you have a full team that’s fine!! But if he finds out you have a random on your team…
“Why didn’t you ask me to join?” “Babe you were in the middle of your own match!!” “So? I could have quit and joined >:(“
Probably super friendly with your friends and playgroup! Will happily hop on and play with y’all and he behaves himself
Not oblivious to the fact that some of your friends might think he’s cute/flirt with him a little bit?? But he’s confused because he has you so why are they talking to him like that
Doesn’t confront them but shuts them down respectfully(:
“No I can’t give you flowers because these ones are for (y/n) I’m surprising her with them because I love her!! I’m sure you can find your own though(:”
If you’re playing DOTA or League together he’s still garbage :( sorry hahah
Gets flustered by playing with you and then fucks up more
“Babe, can you come help me? The guys keep ganging up on me”
But he is SO PROUD OF HIMSELF whenever he can help you out!!
“Don’t worry, princess, I’ve got your back” “Dude you died four times just trying to get to (y/n)” “Shut the fuck up, Connie”
While you’re gaming you’ll reach for your drink and see it’s miraculously filled up? And there’s a little piece of your favorite candy next to it? You turn around and just see Jean sneaking back over to his desk oh lord
surprise surprise, he is a total sweetheart
You two probably play a lot together just the two of you before he invites you the join their discord?
He just thinks there’s something really intimate about you both playing games together, without others
And you still definitely do that!! Armin would be the type of guy who would invite you to play games with him hahah
“Hey, (y/n)? I was wondering if you’d want to maybe play Civ 6 with me tomorrow night? Maybe we can make dinner together beforehand!”
He is the best player 2 when you guys play games, especially story games!
But similar to Eren, if you guys are on opposite teams he will show no mercy :)
“Sorry! I can’t help it” “Armin you literally CAN you’re looking for me to kill me” “oops! I’ll go easy on you, my bad!”
He never goes easy on you
He’s the best player out of his friends but he probably isn’t on every night like Eren and Connie are hahah. The nights he is on though he’s on all night!
If you stay up with him, expect super lazy mornings where you slip out of bed past noon and make pancakes together
Expect super lazy afternoon-sex where he just kind of lies on top of you LMAO, gently holds you and cradles you underneath him as he buries his face into your neck, you’re both so tired from a night of gaming but he loves getting to spend that time with you
If he’s reading or doing homework and you’re gaming, he leaves you be!
He thinks it’s important to have privacy and alone time (and he’s right)
But he’ll also come up to you after your game ends, put his hands on your shoulders and ask how your match went!
If you ask him to coach you during a match he’s actually super supportive and helpful? Unlike if you’re playing a co-op game with him hahah
He also probably likes getting to train you and teach you! He wants you to be the best(:
If he’s feeling particularly clingy he’ll just move a chair to sit next you your gaming desk and read next to you lmao
Not even talking or distracting you! He just finds the keyboard clicks and your voice calming
Okay I want to make random college headcanons for the boys should I ever write a fic, and Armin would also make models?? I’m thinking warhammer or DnD ones (DnD with the squad headcanons? 👀) imagine him with a headlamp and big ol’ glasses so he can get a detailed paint job!
And he’d custom make a model of your main in their costume and surprise you with it on your anniversary! It takes him weeks to make :')
omg he’d be an ass
You know those memes about the pick me characters? He’d jokingly accuse you of that
“Idk do you really know how to play COD? Or are you just trying to hang with the bros” “Connie I literally kicked your ass last night what do you mean” “Fair point”
Probably just teases you a lot during the games in general
“Babe if you press Q while holding your diamond pickaxe it’ll make you mine obsidian faster” “Wait (y/n) don’t that’ll throw your pickaxe into the la—"
Seconds later: *conniespringaa tried to swim in lava*
In a match those he’s actually the most supportive I’d argue? He totally lets you do your thing, whereas Armin and Eren might still have you try and follow their lead
“Where you goin’, mama? Damn atta girl! I’ve gotcha, don’t worry (y/n)” literally just follows you around the map to be backup and to hype you up!
In my last set of hcs Connie was a streamer! If you also streamed he’d be obsessed with doing those fun collabs with you
Either that or he’d be like “ew guys this weirdo is trying to join my discord call rn lemme see what she wants— hello? Do I know you? Always happy to meet a fan but how did you get my discord?”
Idk why he thinks pretending he doesn’t know you is the funniest thing ever?? You guys start a new match with his friends and suddenly he spends the whole game chirping at you
“Damn mama where have you been all my life? You got a man? Why don’t you let me get your number, I bet you look fine as hell in real life” “Connie if you don’t shut the fuck up right now I’m going to lose it”—Eren
He’s so much fun to play story games with though! I’m thinking Detroit: Become Human
He’ll sit next to you and let you control things and he’ll do voices for the characters (he’ll even turn down the game voices so he can impersonate the characters instead)
Makes Connor and the other androids it sound like literal robots, add in extra comments, etc
Honestly I think Connie would be the best at voices? He does super great impressions of his friends and will share them a lot on discord while you’re all playing minecraft, to their dismay :)
Sometimes if he isn’t playing with you he’ll just send you a DM asking you to stream so he can watch? So cute
Too embarrassed to ask you in person but you just got used to streaming on discord now so he can hop on and watch from his computer
I feel like he’s pretty independent when it comes to gaming ngl so when he finds out you are a gamer he just kind of like “oh word? Cool”
Since he plays a lot of games like FIFA and GTA, he usually plays those while you do your thing
Idk why but I also feel like he would be the type of guy to have a spotless apartment? Takes pride in his cleanliness so he’s usually cleaning the apartment while you game
Which is okay with him! He likes hearing you talk to your friends
To him, gaming is kind of his thing to do when he wants to be alone? Even when he’s playing with other people it’s kind of like his private time
So when you’re playing with your friends he lets you have space!
He and Jean are probably the two gamers who would want to spend more time with you outside of the apartment doing things anyway!
But if you want to play with him he’s totally down!
He’s a pretty casual gamer but you can still expect him to get heated, especially if he thinks someone is targeting you or cheating
“No, Porco it’s okay! I made a bad play that’s all” “no (y/n) there’s no way he could have hit you from there, something’s going on”
He will make dinner while you’re gaming and surprise you with it after your match! Even though you can smell it from your desk lmao
“C‘mon, dummy, it’s getting cold,” he’ll call out and gestures to the chair he’s holding out for you
He scoots you in once you’ve sat and he asks you about how your matches are going
If you lost he’ll slide your dessert away from you and then say “sorry, winners only” 😐😐
He’s still not the most active when it comes to their DOTA or League games, but he invites you in to play with his friends so it’s okay!
Eventually he starts to insists on you being in their discord call while they’re playing just so that he can talk to you while you’re playing your own solo game or something!
Don’t get me wrong he still likes his private gaming time and thinks you deserve your own gaming time! But he quickly warms up to the idea of you being together and sharing that time together
Okay I love Reiner to pieces yeah? But this man does not understand video games before he meets you
He just doesn’t understand the point??
“Why not just go outside and do something, love?”
He’ll comfort you if you get emotional playing a game like the Last of Us, but then he’ll ruin it by saying “I mean, they’re all dead when you think about it, yeah? They've never actually been alive! They’re not real, sweetie”
But he’s trying to comfort you I promise
I think if there was a game you could get him to play it would be a Dark Souls/Elden Ring type game! I think the dramatic music and fight scenes would pique his interest as he walks past your desk
After watching you fight Malenia or something he says he’ll give it a try
And then he loses to the Tree Sentinel and you have to comfort him. “Babe, that’s kind of the point, you have to go and level up first!” He thought he could impress you oh lord
Otherwise he’d love to watch you play Stardew Valley! Loves the characters and thinks that the heart events are super special
You might be able to convince him to start his own game of Stardew Valley, but he’s busy a lot and feels guilty about ‘abandoning them’, so he prefers to watch you play!
Will also cook you dinner and make sure your water is full while you play! He likes to watch you play and loves seeing you all happy when you’re winning
Sometimes he will try and hug you while you’re playing because he loves seeing you do something you love, but then you have to remind him that you’re in the middle of a game!
“So how was your game!” “It was good! Eren always plays aggro so he took most of the attention away from me!” “There’s a character named Eren in your game? Huh,” it takes him a second to understand that you’re playing with REAL PEOPLE
Just like Reiner (honestly all of these men who don’t understand video games) he doesn’t see the point? Like why not go outside and do something?
Kind of rolls his eyes at the games you play despite him not knowing about them
But he secretly takes pride in the fact that you’re sometimes the one taking control and bossing the others around
He’ll hear you tell Eren to shut up so you can focus and he’ll sneak behind you and peer over your head, maybe smooth out your hair a bit to let you know he’s there
You can talk to him about your games and he’ll listen but he’ll definitely not understand any of it
He’ll respond with a lot of “Ah”s and “Oh, I see” and “..is that good or bad?”
Silently brings you tea when you’re playing late and will usually stay up reading on the couch while you do! He’s a classy guy, likes to go to bed with you
Sometimes he’ll fall asleep on the couch so you have to wake him up :(
He just kind of shuffles over and wordlessly invites you to sleep with him there, cradled in his arms on the couch
I don’t think there’s any way you could get him to play a video game though, sorry
This is Levi Ackerman, who doesn’t understand how twitter works hahah
If you get upset over a loss he doesn’t really know how to comfort you, but he’ll kind of sneak over and mutter something like “that kid’s a bastard anyway” and kiss your head
Will straight up tell you to go outside and touch grass if he thinks you’ve been inside too long
He’ll pick you up from your desk and try and carry him out to go on a walk with him or something after a match lmao!
Will ask you what is so exciting about your games and why you’d rather do that than do something with him :( poor Zeke
But he just says those kinds of things to get a rise from you lmaoo! He’s glad you have some hobby because it lets him also have private time, like Porco I think Zeke would like some space to do his own thing every now and then
Or maybe he’s just busy and glad you can keep yourself busy? I headcanon him to be going into a medical field like his dad! So Dr. Jaeger knows that you won’t be too lonely while he’s at work
You can get him to play surgeon simulator when he’s in a good mood. He thinks it’ll be easy. Ooh boy
He doesn’t become addicted or anything but when he fails, he insists that he can do it and he’s trying again. And again. And again.
Genuinely likes seeing you have a hobby and is impressed with your ability to balance your responsibilities and have time to unwind with a game
Likes to see you kill Eren in whatever game you’re playing, even minecraft hahah
Judges you for playing animal crossing though? Sorry he thinks it’s a kids game?
“…So you owe the raccoon money, huh?” 😐
You tell him he’d be a grumpy villager and he ruffles your hair before walking away with a huff hahah
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Thanks again for the ask and your support! Ngl my ex boyfriend was a shitty gamer like he would ignore me a lot so this is my therapy now, imagining better gamer boyfriend scenarios for my attack on titan men :) hahah but thanks again for reaching out I hope I did it justice!
As always, thanks for reading! Feel free to drop an ask for more!
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
hey y’all, anon bestie back at it again😍
but rlly, like imagine.. tess getting a lil submissive but still being the one in control and getting on her knees in front of you to do sum unholy things LORD HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL
Tess Servopoulos x fem!reader
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A/N- hi bestie!!! I thank you for your service , you’re my favourite 🫡 I was just gonna write a little Drabble for this but as always. I got carried away! It’s actually surprisingly soft 🤧 I think sub Tess is RARE like I think that side of her only makes an appearance once in a blue moon when she’s just unbelievably drained and needs to not be the one in control and scary all the fine. And needs a lil comforting herself. And here is one of those times.
Warnings: 18+ || Tess. She’s a warning on her own lmao. Smut: oral ( reader and Tess receiving ), slight sub/Dom roles.
Word count: 4.2k of pure self indulgent filth.
Masterlist - Tess one shot requests are open!
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3
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Tess was silent as you wound your way through the back alleys of the QZ, sticking close to the shadows and the walls. You knew your way around all the secret pass throughs like the back of your hand by now, which in that case was good. You were in a hurry.
You were supposed to have received a drop off from Bill and Frank on Monday. It was now Friday. Both previous attempts to collect your goods had gone south, FEDRA almost catching you both times.
And now you’d failed attempt number 3.
There had been a spike in people trying to escape the walls, take their luck surviving outside of zone in some hopes of a better future. So FEDRA had increased their presence by the walls. If it hadn’t had been for the other two making a break for it and distracting the officers from where you and Tess were positioned, you’d be in the back of an armoured truck having them see what size noose you wore.
Tess was pissed. Obviously. And stressed beyond belief. You both had people waiting on pills. On bullets. Food. On stupid shit like socks and books. And it was all sat outside the wall somewhere waiting to be collected. You just couldn’t reach it.
Tess ducked into one of the buildings that hid a tunnel heading right back near your apartment, still not speaking a word. Not even when she braced herself to boost you up onto the ledge leading out. No muttered annoyance at whoever had gone through there last not leaving the ladder in plain sight.
Not even a thank you when you held out your hand and pulled her up too. Just a nod of her head and a light hand to your back, ridding you of your backpack and tucking it away for next time.
It wasn’t until back in the relative safety of your shared apartment did she finally break her silence.
You watched her intently as she pulled off her jacket, tossing it onto the back of the couch before slumping down, elbows on her knees.
“ fuckin FEDRA assholes “ it didn’t really hold the level of anger you’d expected. Her voice wasn’t bitter, no venom laced her words. In fact she just sounded… tired. Like the entire weight of the world was currently sat upon her shoulders.
“ we can try again tomorrow “ she shook her head and sighed again sitting back, looking up at the ceiling.
“ if our shits even still there. There was food in that package too. Fuckin fox or dog or some shit has probably had a field day with it “ she pinched the bridge of her nose, eyes closed now. you wandered over to her and carefully placed your self in her lap, cupping her face gently in your hands.
“ then we get the other stuff. People will soon realise that FEDRA have upped security by the wall, they’ll stop tryna run for a while, officers will be deployed else where. Then we get our shit “ her eyes danced across your face for a moment, sadness swimming across her pupils “ what’s going on with you today? “ you brushed her hair away from her face, running your fingers lightly through the greys peppering her temple before tucking it behind her ears
“ I don’t know “ she’d never really been one to talk about her feelings. She was honestly pretty fucking shit at expressing them in any way that truly made sense most of the time. In fact in the 10 plus years you had been together you didn’t think you could even actually recall a time she’d said ‘I love you’.
Of course she told you in other ways. In the ‘ be fucking careful ‘ , the ‘ touch her and I blow your fucking brains out’. In the tender kisses that were reserved solely for you, in those moments where you hid away from the world and pretended you were safe. The hand to your shoulder. The strong arms around you as you slept. She was better at showing than speaking.
“ you can talk to me “
“ yeah. I know “ she held your gaze for a moment, some wordless discussion happening between you. It was like she didn’t quite know what to say. She didn’t know how to ask for help, didn’t know how to truly make herself vulnerable to you. Even after so much time. And it was funny actually. Because she could do it to you so easily. Could have you tearing your heart out and serving it up to her on a silver platter with very little effort. But she was so unbelievably opposite.
So reserved and closed off. So strong and demanding and powerful.
She looked on the verge of speaking. Or kissing you. Or both. Eyes darting between your own and your lips. But she did neither. Simply sighed again, her face taking on that look that said she very much did not want to talk about it now. And she patted your leg lightly, urging you to stand.
You watched her walk over to the kitchenette, suddenly unbelievably interested in cleaning dishes. Keeping busy. Keeping her hands occupied.
You knew Tess well enough to know that what would usually have calmed and eased most, wouldn’t work with her. You couldn’t use all the techniques she used on you. The way she would pet your hair and let you cry into her chest after a particularly traumatic nightmare, the way her hands that were covered in so much blood could be so gentle and tender with you, her usual demanding bark that she used with people on the black market that crossed her, that turned soft for you.
It wouldn’t work on her. She’d never let you do it either. You’d tried before and she’d shut herself off from you.
She wasn’t one for pity and sympathy. So no, you couldn’t use all of her tricks for her. On her. But you could use one.
The most common, the one that was her go to. The one that had you floating and mind crumbling to mush inside your skull, had your blood morphing into a river of molasses in your veins. Slowing you down. Forcing you to relax.
She’d never let you go to that extreme on her, that was a fact. But with how truly drained she looked in that moment? You were convinced you could push her a little. Force her to relax and try and give her the treatment that so often saved you from losing your own damned mind.
A break.
A solitary moment where she didn’t have to be strong. Or powerful or whatever the fuck else she forced herself to be everyday.
“ Tess “ she looked over at you as you stood by the counter, the usual fiery look in her eye not burning as brightly as it usually did. She was running on empty “ c’mere “ she hesitated for a moment before drying her hands on a towel and walking over. Your heart was racing a little, not used to the possible switch in dynamic you were about to propose. You cupped her cheek gently, thumb brushing along her cheekbone for a moment. To your mild surprise, She was the one to lean in, capturing your lips with hers in a kiss far gentler than normal.
She usually had a force behind her, a solid and sure hold on your face. Or your waist. Where ever she’d chosen to anchor herself to you. Usually gave the direction, the press of her thumb to make you tilt your head a certain way or the one to brush her tongue over yours and silently command you to submit. But in that moment she didn’t. It was still there… sort of. The hand that had planted itself on your waist lightly fiddling with the hem of your shirt, cold fingers slipping under so desperate for the skin to skin contact she always craved. Fingers pressing into your flesh, but lighter.
And it gave you the motivation you needed. The motivation to attempt to peel her apart until she was as open as she could be to you.
“ I want you on your knees “ you said against her lips, your voice low. Not entirely commanding in the way that she usually was, but far more than you’d ever let yourself be before. For a brief moment you regretted it, wishing you’d just left her be. But, to your complete surprise, she did it.
Her hands trailed down your body as she went, along your arms and over the dip of your waist, pausing briefly on your hips before falling loosely into her lap as she sat on her heels.
You hoped you didn’t look as lost as you felt. Even when traversing the sticky handlings of drop offs you weren’t as stern as Tess could be. The people that feared you only really doing so because they knew you had Tess right at your side, and Joel on the other. But you could still hold your ground. And she had done this for you so many times before, pushed you to submit and let your mind leave you for a while. It was about time you repaid her. So you tried.
“ take them off, my jeans “ you were still on edge waiting for her to laugh at you for even attempting to switch roles. Maybe yank you down onto the kitchen floor with her and fuck you into the floor tiles until you couldn’t walk anymore. Show you how it was really done But she didn’t. In fact she almost looked relieved. Eyes almost glassy with some kind of relaxed fogginess, the weight of her week slowly lifting from her shoulders. A realisation that in that tiny little apartment she wasn’t expected to be cruel, to be loud and in charge. That she could be vulnerable. No one expected anything of her there, least of all you.
She still had her usual Tess tendencies. Dragging everything out. Slow as she unbuttoned the tight denim that was hugging your body. Dragging them down your legs in a way akin to some kind of odd assisted strip tease.
“ can I- “ she cut herself off with a huff. Seemingly some mixture of annoyed and embarrassed at being put in the position you always held. The one asking permission. You reached out for her again, hands cupping her face and making her look up. Her eyes had closed, some debate clearly happening behind her eyelids.
“ Tess “ she kept her eyes closed, her face still not as relaxed as you wanted it “ Tess, love. Open your eyes “ you coaxed, rubbing soft circles into her cheeks with your thumbs until they opened “ relax. I’m trying to help you. To you know, Relieve some stress “
“ yeah. I know “ she sighed, her hands gently running up and down your legs. Hands that were rough from fighting her way through the hell of the last 20
Years, that sent your skin raising in goosebumps. Like a trail of braille that only she could decipher, the reactions and workings of your body made solely for her to understand “ I’m not very good at asking permission “
“ then don’t. Just act “ and she did, leaning forward, brushing her nose against your cloth covered mound. Slow and wet open mouthed kisses through the fabric of your underwear and you feared she was simply slipping back into her usual ways. Teasing mercilessly and dragging things out for hours. But that wasn’t how you wanted to play. This was only the start “ take them off “ her fingers hooked into the waist band and dragged them down your legs without further prompting.
She lifted your left leg, pulling your foot from the loop. And then the right. But instead of putting the right carefully back down again, she hooked it over her shoulder. She kept her eyes on you as she pressed kisses along your inner thigh and you snaked a hand down into her hair.
“ stop teasing “ it came out a little breathier than you’d wanted, not as stern as you’d been hoping for. You really weren’t cut out for the dominant role. But you sure as hell were going to keep trying.
“ then tell me what you want “ even then with her voice more gentle that it usually was, she still had that control. She would never lose it you were certain. But either way, it was distracting her from her stress and that was all that mattered.
“ you know what I fucking want “ you said and slipped your hand further into her hair, curling your fingers into it and tugging her back a little to look at you more “ so fucking do it “
“ yes ma’am “ she said with a small laugh, even mocking a salute with her fingers before burying her face in you. Your fingers tugged at her locks wrapped around your fingers, in a way that was no doubt painful, as you gasped. But she didn’t react, too preoccupied with you, her lips sucking harshly at your clit.
“ and none- none of your teasing shit “ you could feel her smile against you and you didn’t even care that you were well and truly shit at telling her what to do, because at least she’d cracked a fucking smile. If she was making fun of you not, you didn’t care.
“ nice and quick. I can do that “ the truth to the matter was, you did want it over fast. Knowing that getting her to let you touch her was a rare occurrence. And she definitely wouldn’t let you if you hadn’t already came first at least once.
And you needed to touch her. Wanted to. Desperately. Needed to show her the same attention she showed you, to have her floating and forgetting why she was even stressed out in the first place.
Not that Tess needed to know that just yet.
You let her work her magic, head thrown back in pleasure as she alternated between wrapping her lips around your clit and thrusting her tongue into you. It was barely a couple minutes before she already had you on the edge, eyes locked firmly on your face as you clenched around her tongue. Some attempt to keep her there and not let her leave
“ fuck. Fuck just like that “ her fingers pressed harder into the flesh of your thigh, so hard you knew you’d have bruises blossoming across your skin in the morning. A colourful reminder of exactly who you belonged to “ just like that oh shit “ you looked down at her, truly admiring the image of her there on her knees. Committing it to memory, certain you wouldn’t see it again anytime soon. Noting the almost submissive look that was clouding her eyes as she kept up her pace, relentless in her efforts to have you coming on her tongue.
It was something you’d never known you needed, to see her like that. To see the woman that had people moving out of her way as she walked past, too scared of upsetting her or getting in her way, right there on her knees. For you. Only for you. She was ravishing.
“ fuck- I’m gonna- Tess “ you whined, teeth sinking into your bottom lip in some attempt to stave off the noises slipping from your throat. You kept her intense eye contact as your orgasm slammed into you, blooming from the pit of your belly and making your entire body shake. You gasped out her name as she worked you through it, only stopping when you tugged at her hair to detach her from you “ too much “ you mumbled, leaning your head back and attempting to catch your breath.
She peppered light kisses across your thigh before gently easing your leg back onto the floor. You simply wanted to melt into a puddle and bathe in the bliss she’d gifted you for the rest of the day. But you had more important things to do rather than sit and soak in your post orgasm glow. You looked down at her again, quite certain you could actually come again just from the sight of her.
She truly was a sight to behold on her knees. Paired with the mess you’d made of her hair and the evidence of what she’d just done to you coating her lips and chin in a glossy sheen, it was almost too much to bare. You needed her desperately. Needed to ravish her until she forgot her own name, some deep primal instinct to be the one to make her feel as good as she did you.
“ c’mere. Up here. Come here “ you said almost in a rush. She pressed a kiss to your thigh again before rising to her feet, kissing you without you having to ask. You could taste yourself on her lips, something that only made that fire burn stronger in your chest, setting your entire body ablaze with a desperate want to simply give. To please “ come with me “ you said in between hurried kisses, tugging at her hands in the direction of your bed.
“ what are you- “
“ shh. Just do as I say “ you kept kissing her as you went, not able to bring yourself to stop even for a second.
Sometimes when you sold your pills they would ask you if you sampled your own goods. Which you did. Occasionally. But never enough to let it become an addiction like them. Cause Why on earth would you need pills to feed an addiction when you had her? What high could possibly even come close to the one that was kissing her? Tasting her, touching her, completely and utterly consuming her. Nothing could beat it. No drug no drop of alcohol.
“ lie down “ you gave her shoulders a push to urge her on, crawling on top of her as you did. Her hands were all over you, roaming under your shirt and trailing along your spine. You detached your lips from hers and began pressing a trail of kisses across her jaw, along her cheekbones, on every scar and line her face held. You could feel her melting beneath you, her tense muscles gradually turning to Jelly. It was working.
“ Tess “ you said softly, close to her ear, finger tracing along the waistband of her jeans “ will you let me help you relax? please let me “ you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips again “ I want to help you “ she pushed your hair back behind your ear, trailing her fingers across your jaw to rest on your chin. Her thumb ran over your bottom lip, pulling it down and watching it snap back into place “ Tess “ her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, letting out a slightly shaky breath as you said her name.
“ say it again “ it was so quiet you weren’t entirely sure you’d heard her correctly.
“ Tess “ her body visibly relaxed beneath you, her shoulders go slack as she melted down further into the mattress.
“ I love the way you say it “
“ Tess “ you whispered it softly, as if it were the most beautiful word to ever leave your mouth, brushing your lips over hers. Her eyes were still closed, lips parted as her chest rose and fell in a deep and steady pace. You kept repeating it, over and over like a mantra as you stripped her of her shirt, kissing every inch of new skin you revealed. Like some holy prayer that deserved nothing but the upmost care in reciting “ do you want me to help you? “ you caught her nod out of the corner of your eye but it wasn’t enough “ say it for me”
“ yes “ it was a whisper but you knew she didn’t have the strength to be more confident with it. So you didn’t push. Simply continued your path down her body, helping her out of her jeans and planting yourself between her legs.
You could actually count the number of times you’d gone down on her in the last 10 years on your fingers. She liked to give and was quite often reluctant when it came to receiving. So when she did let you, you weren’t going to squander it. She was watching you closely now, eyes heavy and half lidded as you moved forward. Letting her completely overwhelm your senses, letting her consume you.
Your fingers carefully parted her and you heard her breathe hitch, stuttering as your tongue licked a long stripe along the seam of her. You glanced up, checking on her. A moan left your own lips just at the sight of her, which was funny and maybe a little pathetic. But fuck it. Her lidded eyes and disheveled hair, the way her chest heaved and lips were slightly parted.
You waited. Waited for what felt like an eternity and a half before she gave you a small nod. The go ahead to continue. And you didn’t need telling twice. You buried your face in her cunt, eating her out like a woman starved.
She’d never really be one for making much noise, you were always the one that needed her hand clamped firmly over your mouth to stop you from waking the neighbours. And the entire QZ. But the small breathy moans she did allow herself were like music to your ears.
You wrapped your arms around her thighs, tugging her closer and unable to stop the smile the pulled at your lips as her back arched up from the mattress. You felt like the cat that had gotten the cream- metaphorically and figuratively you supposed- a mix of being smug and proud swirling in your mind.
Her taste was addictive. And maybe now you did understand how people can let themselves become so dependent on something, because who in their right mind would ever want to give up this? And with the opportunity for a hit of her so rare, you dare not let a single drop of her go anywhere but your tongue.
Her hands were twisted into the sheets, knuckles blanching with the force of it, short quick breaths escaping from between her lips.
You slowly added your fingers, working her open and coaxing something akin to more of a moan than quickened breath and you force yourself not to smile again.
“ is it good? “ you asked, curling your fingers in an attempt to locate the same spot she always abused in you.
“ shut the fuck up and keeping going “ bingo.
That had done it. She was just as desperate as you.
It simply made you more desperate, now that you were drawing more and more heavenly sounds from her mouth. You ate her like your life depended on it. It was messy. Indecent. Practically pornographic but you were too far gone, not a single care for anything other than making her come.
And god you needed to feel her come, needed to feel her clench around your fingers and trap your head between her thighs. Needed to hear the sounds she’d make and commit them to memory.
When her breaths quickened and her hips lifted from the bed you knew she was close and you reluctantly detached your lips from where you’d been suckling at her clit.
“ wanna come for me? “
“ I won’t fucking beg you for it “ she said, breathless, propping herself on her elbows to look down at you “ do you know how fucking smug you look right now? “ you could take a good fucking guess.
“ smug? Me? Never “ you curled your fingers again and watched her face soften, her eyes flutter
“ fuck you “
“ you already did “ she flashed you her practical trademark irritated face and you shrugged “ I’m not asking you to beg anyway. Just say please “ she scoffed and you shrugged again, reluctantly removing your fingers.
“ the fuck are you doing? “
“ say please “ she held your gaze for a few agonising moments, and you raised your eyebrow in a silent challenge “ say it. One word “ you started peppering kisses along her inner thighs, across her now puffy and sticky lips making sure to avoid where she actually wanted you “ I know you’re close. Know you want to come. Just say please “ it was mildly cruel. But also a little funny. After years of her making you beg she was finally getting a taste of her own medicine. She dropped her head back into the pillow and groaned.
“ please “
“ wasn’t so hard was it? “ you were back on her in an instant, luring her back to the edge with your lips, tongue, fingers.
The sound she made as she came was otherworldly, choking out a sob of your name and arching her back off of the mattress. Her thighs clamped around your head, forcing you to stay in place and drag out her orgasm for as long as humanly possible. Not that you had intended to do anything different anyway.
You lapped at her entrance determined not to waste a single drop of what she gave you, even if she was starting to affect your ability to breathe. But you figured it’d be a good way to go. At least you’d die happy.
When her body went slack you carefully crawled back up to her, pushing her hair away from her damp forehead and leaning down to kiss her.
“ better now? “ you asked quietly, already knowing the answer. She’d never looked more relaxed than she did in that moment. She hummed an answer pulling you down to lay with her, tucking you into her side. You pressed a kiss below her jaw and you felt her smile softly.
“ don’t get used to that “
“ wasnt planning on it “
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decepti-thots · 9 days
not a meme question, but do you have a favorite pen? i don't know anything about them but you seem to, lol
I do, but my answer will differ depending on if you're asking my personal favourite pen or if you want advice as someone who doesn't use FPs as to what a good way to try one out is, anon! (sorry you just ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD)
I currently have six fountain pens, five of which are 'starter'/budget pens and one of which is a mid-range 'enthusiast' pen. My favourite I own is the latter. It's my Nahvalur Original, which I own in the Spring colour, and which cost me around £45. It's a pen designed to exclusively take bottled ink with a fancy filling mechanism, instead of ink cartridges. It's not high end by the standards of fountain pens, per se, but it's solidly in the 'enthusiast' realm. (My Dad, who once owned an FP because he needed something that looked good while signing Important Work Documents, did a double take when I told him how much it was, lmao. He did not ever spend that much on one pen.) It is a hefty, lovely thing with great build quality which I can use with fancy ink and feels great to write with. Nice nib, great quality, looks awesome.
But if you have never used a fountain pen, and want to try it, you do not need to spend over £20 or your local equivalent, fwiw. Many cheap fountain pens suck, but equally, many people who have spent thirty years collecting them who own pens worth hundreds will happily tell you, many cheap fountain pens are excellent, and noone needs to spend much to get an industry-gold-standard one. My second favourite pen is my Pilot Kakuno, which is aimed mostly at schoolkids in Japan where Pilot are based, can be bought for under twenty pounds shipped in the UK, similar prices in most of the world, and writes better than multiple 'adult' pens I own. Because Pilot has incredible high quality pen nibs and the Japanese FP market is competitive. You could easily buy just a Kakuno and be set forever with a pen that is extremely good quality! And there's other similarly great options too; there's a whole section of the market that is just 'good pens for newbies'. The Lamy Safari is a very famous option from a western (german) brand, for example. (Also have one of those, it's good.)
If you want to try fancy fountain pen inks with special qualities like sparkle or sheen, you'll probably need to put down a little extra money for a converter- basically a refillable cartridge that refills from a little ink bottle, instead of the disposable ones most stationary shops sell. But you don't need that if you're happy with the normal ink cartridges. All cheap fountain pens accept cartridges, though the better brands do tend to require you buy their cartridges, unfortunately.
And if you REALLY don't want to risk it: buy a Platinum Preppy. Platinum are a very well regarded brand, they use the same nibs in their entry level pens as they do their £30 ones, just with cheaper gel pen like bodies- and they are like. £5. Comes with a cartridge. Writes great, I own one. Again, a Japanese brand aimed squarely at schoolkids, very cheap but genuinely good to write with.
(The one thing for fountain pens I would say is, do spend the extra little bit on a cheap notebook with fountain pen friendly paper. Same as with e.g. paints, good paper is more important than the pen a lot of the time. The worst fountain pen in the world on good paper is better than a £500 pen on shit paper. Here is a guide; I use Clairefontaine.)
anyway sorry maybe you didn't want all of that. but if you think fountain pens sound Interesting and are curious, i'd encourage you to try one, but buy cheap. many cheap pens rule. and fountain pens are great- they are better than almost every other kind of pen for doing longform writing, because they don't cause wrist strain when doing it for long periods. i would definitely recommend a fountain pen over other kinds if you want to use it to write for long periods, no matter what pen you get, tbh!
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pseudocyance · 1 month
I spent all afternoon on this lmao
This is my watcher character Codex! I've drawn them a few times but it's already 11 and I need to sleep so I'm not going to link it rn
This is the only writing I've done based on them and this is their escape from the watchers.
Cw for death, murder(?), manipulation
Word count - 976
@aurum-the-yapper I really want you to see this :D
The lava hissed below them as they sprinted across the bridge. It was a less than favorable method of transportation but there was no alternative. Codex needed to get out now.
They had been collecting obsidian for months now, scrounging up every scrap every moment the magic brain fog cleared to make the portal here. Some poor soul had made this bridge, possibly a previous student making an escape attempt.
Codex tripped, their hands flying out to keep themself from falling off. They fell to their knees and scrambled to stay on the bridge. The lava was only a few feet away and the sizzling heat licked their skin.It took a few seconds of frantic grasping at the netherrack, but Codex got a firm hold on the bridge.
I can't stop, I don't have time to stop, I need to keep going. Keep going, idiot.
They pulled themself up and kept sprinting. Through the nether fog and smoke, they could make out the shape of an island ahead.
Only a few more steps. Then you can find a new portal to go to the overworld through. Or make a new one! You have enough obsidian. So… Close…
A piglin dropped down in front of them from a ledge. It clutched a crossbow made of a deep red wood.
“Ah, hello! Um, I need to get out of here, like, now, so if you can move that would be great.”
It just looked at them, with its soulless white eyes. Codex was glad that the eyes were not a trait their piglin heritage had given them. Instead they had gotten the pink skin and small tusks. They had no idea what their eye's color had been before becoming the distinct purple of the Watchers.
“I would really rather not hurt you, but you are between me and getting away from this lava so it might have to happen.”
The piglin tilted it's head to the side. Codex wondered if it could understand them or if it was just considering whether to shoot them into the lava. Or both.
But instead of raising it's crossbow, it stepped to the side and pointed to a nearby cave.
“Thank you? I think? Thank you for not killing me, Mx. Piglin.”
They started running again, this time towards the cave. Any directions, even from a feral pig monster, was better than nothing.
Don't refer to your ancestors that way.
Codex shook off the guilty feeling and slowed down their running. The cave was widening and going downwards. The temperature was rising with every step and Codex had the feeling that if they broke any of the walls, lava would come pouring in.
Why had the piglin told them to go this way? What was down here? A deep rumble shook the ground.
“Oh voids, they're here.” How had they already noticed they were missing?
Codex started sprinting again. The heat was becoming unbearable and it was getting harder and harder to breathe.
A flash of purple in front of them made them screech to a stop. But it wasn't their pursuers. It was a nether portal.
Finally. The exit. I'm so close. When I get to the overworld, maybe I can find a player to help me get to a new world.
They stepped towards the portal and reached towards the swirling surface.
“Codex,” a voice behind them rasped. “Where do you think you're going?”
They whipped around, tail flipping angrily.“Get away! Leave me alone! All you've done is hurt me, and it is my right to escape.”
The blue skinned Watcher sighed at them with a bored, slow blink. “Kid. You don't know what you're doing. Come home and nobody will get hurt”
“I've already been hurt! Everyone there is hurt! Plus, that place has never been my home.”
“Fine, then.” In less than a second, Thane raised his hands and clapped them in front of him. Purple sparks radiated from his palms and the cave began to shake.
“You're going to kill us both! This is going to cave in, and I'm the one that's closer to the portal. You'll never make it out alive!”
“Codex… did you really think I was stupid enough to come here myself? I would never risk my life on something as insignificant as you.”
A fissure cracked through the roof and lava began pouring in. Codex stepped backwards towards the portal, not wanting to take their eyes off the Watcher.
“This is your fault. You shouldn't have left.” Thane's figure wavered. Codex thought it was heat waves at first, but then the older Watcher shortened in height. His skin turned from blue to a pale peach and his purple waistlength hair turned to white bob.
“Where am I? What happened? Why-” the human began screaming as the lava approached her.
“ROSE? Why are you here? Come here! We can escape together!” She fell forward and started to crawl towards Codex. But the lava was too fast. It oozed towards Codex's classmate and began to swallow her.
Codex would never forget those screams as they backed into the nether portal. They would never forget the expression on Rose's face as they left her. They would never forget the smell of burning flesh and feathers.
As Codex tumbled out of the other side of the portal, they felt an excruciating pain coming from their forehead. The searing pain caused them to curl up into a ball and reach for their head, only to discover horns protruding from what used to be smooth skin. Probably yet another mark from the Watchers, claiming them as a member. The pain continued to burn for what may have been minutes, hours or days.
When it finally cleared, Codex opened their eyes to see a sunrise. Orange light flooded the forest they had tumbled into.
“I’m… free.”
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lunararcade · 5 months
Boredom striked me, so i'm going send some DR questions to shifting accounts i like (i hope it's okay) :
1 - A quote that describes your DR?
2 - What's your fondest memory from your Percy Jackson DR so far?
3 - How would you describe your DR best friend in one word?
I hope these questions are okay to ask. I want to interact more with people on here and that's why i decided to just ask random questions i would love to recieve.
stopppp!!!! it makes me so happy that you like my account. these questions are totally okay to ask!! i love answering shifting/dr questions <3 i'm going to answer each of these for a different dr since i shift to multiple (((:
1) this was difficult but i think a quote that describes my fame/youtube dr is:
"sometimes you are born into a family, and sometimes you need to go find it. sometimes it finds you. no matter how it comes together, family is what you fight for, family is what you protect." - sandra bullock
i'm in a group channel in this dr and the other members are literally like family to me and i love them all so much. missing them rn </3
2) i think my fondest memory was my first night bunking with percy lmaoooo 😭 there is no hades cabin, so i had been staying with him before we left for the quest that we are on now. he's such a loud, little, sarcastic kid but the more i get to know him the more i appreciate how nice he is and how grateful i am to be adjusting to a life i didn't know existed at the same time as someone else. we spent the whole night getting to know each other and collectively freaking the fuck out. fav cousin fr 🙏🏼‼️
3) i'm gonna answer this for my formula 1 dr! i would say my three closest/ my best friends are logan sargeant, oscar piastri, and charles leclerc.
i would describe logan as understanding. he is such a sweetheart and is really in tune with what people need and how to adapt to all situations. i think this makes him an amazing driver and also an amazing best friend (10 years and going strong LMAO). he's also understanding by being unbelievably patient and taking everything in stride.
i would describe oscar as observant. oscar is definetely on the quieter side which lets him take in everything around him. he notices everything and mentally records the information, which means he remembers all of the little things you tell him (he is a huge gossip/shit talker) and this also makes him a better driver cause he picks up on things quickly.
i would describe charles as passionate. charles is genuinely one of the kindest people i have ever met. he feels so deeply about the things and people he cares about (like racing and his family) which is why he is literally the human embodiment of "NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT." he dedicates himself 100% to things and it shows in every part of his life.
this was so so so much fun to answer 😭😭 so please feel free to send any dr questions you have! it makes me feel so connected to my drs when i'm here, and i've had many people tell me it is motivating to hear from people who have shifted ((: asks/inbox and messages are always open!
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lipglossanon · 6 months
i’m sorry i was gone for so long i thought my episode was better but life my depression fucked me in the ass with a cactus and no lube lmao but someone asked about priest leon and it triggered my writing urges again, i can’t promise consistency but i can promise he will fill you with something more than the holy spirit, i can’t tell you about the second coming cumming of christ but i can tell you about the third and fourth, he’s probably so happy being cooped up in the woods with no one else and i can really see him just having the unholiest vhs porn collection from like the 70s to 80s and a tiny ass tv that works in like one corner of the chapel and god does it echo so just imagine him being so unruffled by someone accidentally interrupting his self care and it’s the prettiest woman he’s ever seen the only woman he’s seen in months and he’s so eager to help you he just ~accidentally~ makes your car troubles worse and just ~accidentally~ has only one bed available and oops guess we have to share 🤭 he’s so touch starved and giving dark stepdaddy leon energy just noncon all the way, you wake up with him in you while being choked by the rosary he always keeps on and he’s just praying over your fucked out limp body and starts murmuring while kissing away your tears because he’s too big but he accidentally totally not on purpose slips it in the wrong hole and tears you causing you to bite down on his hand he shoves in your mouth while you scream but he doesn’t stop despite how tight your asshole is he just uses your blood as lube to make it less friction-y for him and he says he can’t get someone out to help with your car so you’re stuck with him for weeks and he’s does shit like hide your clothes so you’re either naked or in his clothes ugh 😩 i could ramble for ages about older priest leon 🤭
- 💀
(real dad leon has had me in a chokehold, pun intended, since my depressive episode started like imagine your parents got divorced and you’re spending the summer with your dad who’s getting paid leave because claire can’t believe he actually wants to spend time with his family totally not why readers mom divorced him and he sees you in bikini for the first time to just absolutely loose his shit and spend the entire time in the kitchen because the sliding glass door is the closest he can get to you without wanting to rail you and you notice your bikini goes missing before you do your laundry and he catches you snooping through his room to try and find it so he has to punish you 🫣 idk how rough he would be but i feel like i’ve sent enough asks in for the idea of what i would want to be there jsit insyert anything dark stepdaddy leon would do lol, i’ve also read your more recent fics and they’re so good!!!!! i love stepbro leon i would love to see more mean older stepbro leon who just bullies reader even in front of their parents and doesn’t even hide his arousal when he makes you cry like him pulling really sexual jokes and pranks on you to humiliate you because he can tell you like him 👀)
💀 anon!!!!!!! 🤩 🤩 welcome back!!! 💜
It has been many moons since you’ve been here!! I’m sorry that depression is getting to you, sending you lots of hugs!!! 🫂
Will put a cut as this reply gets long AF 🤣
AHSJGL 🫣 not him getting caught watching some cheesy porno 🤭 ugh just waking up with him already buried in your pussy is making my head 🥴 like maybe you were a little flirty with him after you saw him in such compromising way (and he’s not bad on the eyes 😜)
But it’s still unexpected when you wake up to feeling uncomfortably full, pussy stretched out and pulsing around his cock as he ruts into you slowly 😵‍💫 and he’s just telling you how well you’re taking it, how hot and wet you are, how much he needed this soft pussy wrapped around his dick 🥴
Painal (I think that’s what that is right? Ugh I probably should google it but I don’t wanna see the results 🤣) is 50/50 for me 🫣 it’s hot but at the same time I’m like drawing my body inward cause ouchie 😆 but him not caring and just needing to use a hole to cum? 🥵 yes please 🫣
AGSJVL not dad Leon getting mad when reader correctly guesses he took her bikini 🤭 ugh I love mean Leon so much so I’m kinda with you on that 😉 loves to spank her if she gets out of line; like makes her take her panties off so he can spank her bare ass 🥴 doesn’t matter that you’re too old for it; he’s still your dad and it’s his house
Mean stepbro!! I’ve made him softer as I keep writing him 😅 he can’t help it, he just loves reader now 😝
But yes, he’s the kind of bully who definitely puts his hand down on the couch cushion before you sit so he’s groping your ass/pussy before you jump up. Laughs it off to your parents in the room saying it was a joke. Pinches your nipples as he passes by you, playing it off as trying to pinch your side 🫣
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sea-jello · 2 years
to my movie morro enjoyers yall got me curious so i did some research and tweaked the laws of youth criminal justice cause it's a movie about legos
WHOOH i expanded on this a lot and its not even all the options
uhhh should i tag the people who said they wanted to see my half ass ideas
@star-ocean-peahen @here4dragons i know hes TECHNICALLY not the villain here yet,, but its coming Soon. just ignore if you dont care SORRY BOUT THE TAG 💀💀
so morros role in the gang is he like collects intel n shit, scouts and/or recruits new members, makes plans and gives orders from the boss (preeminent) so hes sorta like the preeminents ambassador. general?? right hand man?? number 2?? something. occasionally he participates in very low key crimes where his face and identity could be hidden. never does anything big and flashy, so hes the least likely to get caught and thats one of the reasons hes so high up. the boss usually has a business to cover for the gang so the preeminent has a bar or a nightclub or something where they allow you to cover your face and morro works there to be like,, closer so its easy to recieve orders/info or something yk. when asked he says hes small for his age with a VERY obvious undertone and they leave it at that, cause so what if the nightclub is a little sketchy, goddamn this kid whips out drinks faster than anyone. hes very in the shadows undercover and thats why they couldnt catch him/had no evidence he was high ranking (i need a gang name help should it just be cursed realm?? cursed spirits maybe)
IF we want morro to just have general shenanigans with the ninja then hes on parole. if you dont know what parole is basically they let you out after 2/3rds of your sentence to let you integrate back into society or something, but youre still under supervision. so the timeline is morro starts his criminal activity at 14, gets caught and arrested at 16 and then gets released at 17. if youre worried about the 3 years in the above post trust me the logic checks out
they KNOW morros the criminal mastermind running shit behind the gang, they just cant find any way to prove it so he only gets sentenced for gang affiliation. he spends around a year or so in juvie and they let him out for the next 6 months
they let morro stay with wu cause hes like,, the head of the fucking ninja team he can handle himself, BUT he has to have security guards accompany him to school to keep an eye on him/watch for signs of him actually being highly involved in the gang. lloyd is real fucking embarrassed about it cause morro loves to come up and bother him, and it attracts even more unwanted whisperings about garmadons cousin who went to JAIL. morro bothers him even more because of it
no one knew morro was lloyds cousin, so when the ninja show up to the garage one day and find the fucking ex convict just chilling on lloyds mech theyre like ??? WHY ARE YOU HERE. they knew lloyd had a questionable cousin when he mentioned he got out of jail, but they didnt know it was HIM. like i said, morros infamous for being a mastermind escape artist (i kinda want to give him an alias so drop suggestions 👀👀) even better wu walks in and he goes "ah i see youve met my son morro!!" and the ninja go batshit cause wu had mentioned visiting his son in jail which already rose so many unanswered questions back then, but not THIS GUY
im debating on whether lloyd knows morro was a criminal during the three years or not. cause if he didnt know it would be really funny when morro/the gangs arrest was on the news and lloyd goes 👁👁 THATS MY FUCKING COUSIN. but if he DID know he sees him on the news and hes like "lmao get fucked wait till i tell uncle wu" (again,, drop the opinions)
wu knows he was a criminal pretty early on and absolutely does not give a shit cause movie wu is bat ass crazy and jaded to fuck. he sees morro on the news in his like gang getup and goes oh look at him go 😄😄 i hope he remembers to tuck in his feet like i taught him to 😄😄😄 morro was terrified when he got caught by wu, but all he did was lay out two hard rules. 1. no killing innocents and 2. no drugs. morros like ?? thats it?? and wu just sort of stares at him and goes ‘‘i believe so. now don’t you have somewhere to be?’’ and morros like yeah.. i got a bank to rob at 2. JUST TO BE CLEAR morro has NEVER ONCE KILLED ANYBODY just to be safe, even though wu was all for dismantling the dictatorship or patriarchy and whatnot. when morro gets arrested wu visits him just to laugh at him (im copy pasting most of this from tags from this post lmao)
wu absolutely makes morro train the ninja cause lets be honest theyre dogshit without the mechs. morros idea of training is jumping them all around the city at random times. he bullies them so hard jay is on the verge of tears every day
(thank you @l0on for so many of the ideas 😌😌 find them in the reblogs)
morros got the cool older cousin vibe who acts like he doesnt care and he actually doesnt care. idc what yall say he does NOT go easy on lloyd just because theyre cousins.
this is all set after the movie btw. morro only got away with so much for so long because everyone was occupied with garmadon
soo if we want him to be like the actual villain thats gonna be in another part cause god DAMN this got longer than i thought it would
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
ooo what about Buck + A fever that breaks + [another one of your choice] if that combo intrigues :)
“A fever that breaks” and “recovering safe at home” for Buck.
Oh man I have been WAITING for this fic, I’m not going to lie hahahaha. I am in the mood to write for Buck, I finished 6A (how are we already up to 6A by the way?? Holy shit!) and now I have ALL the thoughts. Don’t worry, though, no spoilers for the most recent season! Gonna keep the timeline kind of hand-wavey lmao.
I picked the second prompt at the last minute, not gonna lie I think it was purely my excuse to write some Buddie fluff.
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Buck woke immediately unsettled and disoriented, reaching across the sheets to find Eddie but he met air. Cracking an eye open he glanced over at Eddie’s side of the bed only to see the sheets pulled over the empty side of the bed. Eddie always did that when he got up before Buck so that he didn’t get cold and Buck appreciated it but he also preferred his partner under the sheets with him.
“Eds?” He called out, utterly surprised at how badly his throat burned at his attempt. When he didn’t get a response Buck swore under his breath, pulling the sheets back and reaching for his hoodie he’d left on the end of the bed. He could hear Christopher up and about and figured he hadn’t slept in that much if Christopher wasn’t at school. When he located his phone (exactly where he’d left it) he realised it was 9am and groaned.
“Christopher! C’mon buddy, what happened? Why aren’t you at school?”
He jogged down the hallway, finding the preteen sitting at the dining table eating a bowl of cereal. He stared at Buck for a minute, and then he felt someone behind him.
“It’s Saturday, Buckaroo,” Carla said with a smile. She went around him, pausing to give his shoulder a squeeze. Squinting at the roster on the fridge, Buck frowned.
“Where’s Eddie?”
“Oh, he got called in. B shift Captain needed another senior firefighter to help him, apparently the only other person with decent experience called out.”
“But he- he’s...”
“You okay, Buck?” Carla asked with a frown. Buck stumbled to the dining table, sitting and burying his head in his hands.
“Yeah- yeah, I’m fine- I, uh, so he called in the cavalry? I’m here all day-“
“-you have a shift today, Buck!” Christopher exclaimed. Another glance at the roster confirmed it, he was due at the station at midday for a 12 hour shift.
“Oh, ah, yeah. Okay. I’m gonna... shower.”
“Buck? Honey, you okay?”
Buck snapped out of his daze, glancing up at Carla from where he’d sat on the couch.
“Uh- yeah, I’m... I’m okay.”
“You don’t look it. What’s wrong?”
“I- I dunno.”
Carla took another look at him, and then put her hand to his forehead. When her eyebrows shot up, Buck knew he was toast.
“Wait here, I’m going to get the thermometer. You better call Bobby, he won’t want you there with a fever.”
Buck frowned but did as told, reaching into his phone. Bobby picked up on the second ring.
“Hey Buck, what’s up?”
“I’m so sorry Bobby, I’m not gonna make it in today.”
“What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
Bobby’s voice immediately turned paternal, concerned but gentle.
“I- ah, it’s just a fever at the moment, but I don’t- I don’t want to push it.”
Buck heard Bobby chuckle over the phone.
“I understand. Not a problem, I’ll call in a floater. Is Eddie with you?”
“He got called in; B shift needed another person with experience. I don’t want to distract him.”
“He’d want to know, Buck, but I won’t tell him. Go and get some rest, I’ll check in tomorrow.”
“Thanks, Bobby. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, Buck, you can’t help being sick. Feel better soon.”
By the time Buck was off the phone Carla had collected the thermometer, Advil and a damp washcloth.
“Let’s get you lying down, there we go. Does anything else feel off?”
“I just generally feel like shit. It’s not like I have a headache, and my stomach feels fine.”
“Sometimes a fever is the first sign shit’s about to hit the fan. Put this under your tongue, you know the drill.”
Buck took the thermometer and waited for it to beep, sighing.
“I gotta tell Eddie, if I don’t show up he’ll freak out.”
Back to his phone he went.
Buck: Don’t freak out
Eddie: I hate when you say that
Buck: I’m not coming into work, I feel like shit and Carla says I have a fever
Eddie: what?
Eddie: what’s wrong?
Eddie: hold up I’m on a call
Eddie: I’ll call you when we’re back I gotta tell a probie off
Buck: okay
The thermometer beeped and Carla took it, wincing when she saw the number.
“That’s not good. Bed and fluids for you, Buckaroo.”
“And a-“
“-and a covid test, yeah.”
Buck sighed, rubbing at his forehead.
“Eddie’s gonna call in a minute. If I’m asleep can you tell him I’ll call him back?”
“Of course.”
Eddie climbed out of the truck, waving at Ravi who was temporarily with B shift too. It was nice to have someone familiar; he’d known all the guys on B shift in passing as long as he’d been in the firehouse but Ravi had been with his shift for just under a year. As he walked toward the locker room he grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialled Buck.
“Hey, babe.”
“Buck, you sound like shit. What’s wrong?”
“I’m hot, then I’m freezing, and then I’m hot again. Other than that, I’m really tired... and sweating, like a lot.”
Eddie frowned, reaching into his and Buck’s shared locker for his water bottle.
“Did you wake up like this?”
Eddie glanced at his watch and huffed, knowing he still had his usual shift after he was done with this one. He tried not to pull doubles, considering he had Christopher, but Buck was home and Carla was there, so he figured it would be okay.
Now he was ready to hightail it home.
“Don’t even think about it, Eds- I’ll be okay until tomorrow. Go back to work, I’ll let you know if I get worse. Carla’s here until tonight, and then I can call Maddie if I need anything.”
“Buck, I’d feel a lot better if I knew what I was dealing with here. Is it covid?”
“I already took two tests and they both said no, so congratulations- oh, that might have been a pregnancy test...”
Eddie snorted, rolling his eyes.
“Smart ass. Go and get some rest, I’ll text you later. I love you.”
“Love you too. Be safe.”
Eddie hung up and searched for the box of protein bars he’d had in there once upon a time, stashed in their locker because they were his favourite and the station pantry was fair game to everyone. When he finally found one he ripped it open and shut his locker, heading for the stairs as he chewed.
Bobby made his way up the stairs to the main living area of the station, nodding at the B shift trading off.
“Hey guys, good afternoon. Good shift?”
The B shift captain shook Bobby’s hand, gesturing to Eddie on the couch.
“I’d be holding on tight to him, if I were you. He’s a damn good firefighter. He’s someone I’d be fast tracking for a Captain role.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
The rest of B shift were heading out and Bobby walked over to Eddie who was staring at his phone.
“I’m guessing Buck called you, by the look on your face.”
“He did. He thought I’d worry if he didn’t turn up at shift change.”
“Eddie, it’s still early. I can call in another floater if you want to go home and help him.”
Eddie snapped out of his little concerned frown, reserved for those he cared about as deeply as Buck and Christopher.
“No, Bobby, I’m okay. Carla’s there, and he said he’d call Maddie if he needed anything.”
“Okay. I need you to be sure, because you know as well as I do that being distracted out there-“
“-isn’t safe, I know Bobby, you’re right. I trust him, he’d tell me if he needed me.”
Bobby’s heart warmed a little and he nudged Eddie.
“Well, if Buck isn’t here, who’s gonna help me make enough food for this firehouse?”
Hen and Chim walked upstairs at that moment, deep in a heated debate about a medical procedure. They saw Eddie and immediately a look was passed between them.
“Good morning, Eddie-“
“Hey, Eddie, can I ask what you think about-“
Bobby held up a hand.
“Eddie is helping me with lunch which is eggs, bacon and toast, so if you would like to eat something cooked today I would suggest grabbing a whisk and start cracking eggs.”
The rest of the team began filing in shortly after and by the time Eddie was starting to cook the scrambled eggs he’d settled the debate between Hen and Chim and managed to get his head on straight.
Eddie was very, VERY grateful when the clock struck midnight and C shift started strolling in right on time, calling out to the A shift who were pretty much ready to go the second it hit 11:45. Eddie was the first one out, waving to the rest of the team and jumping into his truck. He hadn’t had a chance to check his texts yet, and as he glanced at his phone to see the fastest way home he realised Buck, Carla and Maddie had all texted him over the course of three hours.
Carla: Buck’s asleep but I wanted to let you know I’m heading home
Maddie: Hey Eddie, it’s Maddie, don’t stress but Buck woke up like he was on fire so I’m taking him to urgent care. Christopher is with me and he’s fine!
Buck: I’m guessing Maddie texted you so whatever she said, she’s lying!
Buck: except for the urgent care bit we just got home
Buck: they gave me some fluids and it went down enough to be safe
Buck: See you when you get home, love you
Eddie rolled his eyes and backed out of his parking space, making a beeline for the shortest route home. He had to see what the fuck was going on and whether Buck was actually okay now that he didn’t have to think about very hot, dangerous fires or very important medical things.
Eddie tiptoed into their bedroom, spotting a water bottle and Buck’s phone on his nightstand. When Buck didn’t stir Eddie crept closer, trying not to disturb him but wanting to make sure he was okay. Buck was asleep on his side and he looked comfortable, so Eddie knelt by him and carefully put a hand to his forehead. He breathed a sigh of relief when he realised the fever was only slightly warmer than usual which meant he was probably through the worst of it. Buck frowned in his sleep, eyes fluttering open and he smiled at Eddie.
“Hey, Eds.”
“Hey. How are you feeling?”
“Mm... better. Come here.”
Buck moved out of his blanket burrito, reaching for Eddie. He kicked off his boots, socks and then his jeans, pulling his shirt over his head.
“Hold on a sec, babe,” he said softly as he put his phone on the charger, Buck chasing him from one side of the bed to the other as he waited for Eddie to get in. When Eddie finally pulled the sheets back Buck made room for him, only to lie almost completely on top of Eddie.
“You okay?” Eddie asked him softly, pressing a kiss to his curls. Buck hummed, nodding into the crook of Eddie’s neck. He pressed a kiss to his most recent gunshot wound, sighing with relief when Eddie began tracing patterns on his back.
“You think you can sleep it off now?”
“Yeah. Do we have work tomorrow?”
“Bobby said because I filled in for B shift today and you had a high fever that we didn’t have to work tomorrow. Sleep in a little, spend some time with Chris.”
“Oh... yeah, okay. That sounds good.”
Buck yawned, and before Eddie knew it he was out.
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volivolition · 5 months
hello we return to ramble about music because music is one of our biggest hyperfixations ever. hai [Do let us know if you're ever tired of us sharing music though Shauaiakdjcjsjdfj]
Do you have a favourite song? A favourite band or musician? PLEASE do share if so, we're always looking for new music especially from friends!!
We have!!! song reccs for you :] Song for the Dead and Song for the Deaf, both by Queens of the Stone Age! Both songs are very red to us [we have synesthesia] and they remind us collectively of Phys Instrument and I!
HAI HELLO!! my music friends the furies!! (hjfkjh dont worry, i love hearing from you!! :D <33)
2. ooh, thank you PT, i was just listening to Song for the Dead on the subway the other day, it sounded so cool!! i assumed it was a Physique vibe, but so cool to hear who exactly :D im listening to Song for the Deaf now, just really good guitar for both of these songs, the words are sung more lyrical in this one :0 the ending is amusing, just silence and then laughing to the instrumental hdkjh <3 extremely red vibes, you're so right for this <3 thank you for sharing the PT and Fizzy songs :D <33
1. oh god i have to put this under a cut. tl;dr: my current favorite song is Too Sweet by Hozier because it reminds me of Voli and Chemi :]!!
hgkjh did you know my bio used to say "i can relate any hozier song to disco elysium"? the statement is hyperbole, but i love hozier so fuckin much heres just a bunch of nonsense:
"Too Sweet" is a volistry song. to me. ("I take my whiskey neat~" "My coffee black and my bed at three...") echem thinks voli's too uptight ("You keep telling me to live right / to go to bed before the daylight... / but then you wake up for the sunrise... / don't you just want to wake up... / lost in a haze?") and voli thinks echem is too hedonistic ("If you're drunk on life-" "Babe, I think it's great~" "But while in this world... / I aim low / I aim true and the ground's where I go / I work late where I'm free from the phone / And the job gets done / But you worry some, I know.") and in this way they're "too sweet (morally/indulgently)" for each other, but they fall in love around the "You know, you're bright as the morning, soft as the rain" "Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape" mark because they start to balance each other out so they're not overworking/refusing all joy and not giving in to every temptation/dangerously ignoring health and responsibility for dopamine and they're GOOD FOR EACH OTHER... im. not normal about them ever i could write essays about them :'] (also the bells in the chorus just hit different i love that shit man...)
i've been meaning to draw Echem with the song "Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene" just for the title alone lmao... but it's absolutely a bop and i enjoy it :]
"Jackie and Wilson" is TRULY LIKE. IS ANYONE SEEING THIS. "Cut clean from the dream at night / let my mind reset / Looking up from a cigarette and he's already left" "He'll know me crazy, soothe me daily, better yet, he wouldn't care / We'll steal his Lexus / be detectives / ride 'round picking up clues" IS ANYONE ELSE HEARING THIS THAT'S FUCKING HARRY AND KIM. HELLO??
my other alternate bio used to read "From Eden is such a de song. if you even care" i need everyone to listen to this and tell me its not a disco elysium song ogughgjkh!!! "Honey, you're familiar / Like my mirror years ago" "Innocence died screaming" "A rope in hand for your other man to hang from a tree" HOZIER MY MAN YOU DID IT BUDDY THAT'S THE GAME!!!
i can perfectly imagine which skill is singing which line to harry in "Almost (Sweet Music)" as he gets over dora and falls in love with kim. imagine them smoking on the balcony together while the skills swirl around them, invisible to kim but nudging harry and each other.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] - Let's get lost and let the good times roll! SAVOIR FAIRE [Medium: Success] - Let's smoke rings from this paper, doll~ SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - Blow sweet and thick 'til every thought of it don't mean a thing. PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT [Medium: Success] - I got some color back. EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - He thinks so too... INLAND EMPIRE [Formidable: Success] - I laugh like me again... She laughs like you. RHETORIC [Legendary: Failure] - I wouldn't know where to start... PERCEPTION [Medium: Success] - Sweet music playing in the dark. VOLITION [Godly: Success] - *Be still*, my foolish heart- COMPOSURE [Challenging: Success] - Don't ruin this on me...
"First Time" is harry and dora ("the first time that you kissed me / i drank dry the river lethe" YOU MEAN THE GREEK RIVER THAT MAKES YOU FORGET EVERYTHING HOZIER???), "Eat Your Young" is truly a Disco Elysium vibe song of political ideology, do i even have to mention "Take Me to Church" for the idolization of Dora? and "Like Real People Do" [just straight up starts sobbing on the floor.] when the... the two people with similarly sad pasts learn to grow and heal together... we should just kiss like real people do... fucking hell man...
i also like!! AJR (current fave: Inertia [waltz time my adored]), The Oh Hellos (Hieroglyphs [the beat! the melody! the lyrics! singing together! ough my love... i miss choir]), The Altogether (See The Day [makes me cry. volition song i think]), American Authors (Luck [longtime favorite]), and Ricky Montgomery (currently it's Cabo but god this man's got bops. This December. Line Without a Hook. Get Used to It. Snow [<- desaturated blue song]. My Heart is Buried in Venice. okay thats it i promise hdkjh)
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Wrote a bit of when all the top bounty hunters are together, though only one of the others appear. Featuring protective, and pretty oblivious, Vash lmao
Here's the post about my T.rigun bounty hunter characters. Just the basics for more background of this story (beep)
He approached her with his long, purposeful strides. His lips pulled back in an arrogant, wicked grin, slow and cruel. His pale green eyes bore deep into her own gaze.
Maleficence stood inches from Gill, towering above her. Her friends all tensed behind her. She couldnt see them then, but she got the feeling they were all just waiting to step forward and teach this dude what people who mess with this team deserve. But Gill held open her hand low at her side, a silent request to not interfere. This man was a thorn in her side and her annoyance to handle too.
"Well, ain't this exciting." He drawled in that dark, penetrating voice. "The two of us are gonna be part of a team together again. Can hardly believe it's finally happening why it's cause to celebrate."
Gill grimaced, a hand on her hip. "The only celebrating I'm gonna do about this is when I no longer have to be around you."
He faked some hurt. "Come on now, belle, no need to be coy to me. How long's it been? Since our previous partnership. You hadn't been troubled to work together then."
She flexed her fingers, gripping her hip tightly. "Yes, because I hadn't known the full extent of your cruelty then."
He chuckles. "Mmm, I promise you, you haven't seen the full extent of it." The fact he seems proud of that just makes her tense further. "But I'm grateful. You deciding not to take that money gave me a great lil payday from that bounty. I take it as a token of your appreciation for the partnership."
"It wasn't a token of shit." Her body trembles in rage. She hated talking to this guy. She wanted to keep herself rationale but the reminder of the violence he caused brings it fresh into her mind and she finds the words spilling out from her throat. "We had them already, we had them captured without any harm done to them. There wasn't any reason to murder them the way you did. None at all." She growled low. "I wasn't taking that cash."
"I was collecting a bounty. Nothing specified they couldn't come back full a holes, and sure 'nough they hadn't given a second thought when paying the dough then." He crosses his arms; that grin hasn't moved.
She levels him with a glare. "You're a piece of work, Maelstrom. Ain't nothing gonna make me want to be in a partnership with you."
"Yet, currently we are." He reminds her, smug as all get out too.
"Only temporarily, though." She adds. "We're getting far away as soon as we're done here."
He mocks her with another chuckle. "Man, and with how much I like you. You're too entertaining to just let walk away."
She'd rather not think of that bastard finding her for his amusement. "Feelings not mutual; I'd rather not be associated with utter scum."
There's a new shine to his eyes. Something like a predator eyeing some new prey. He leans a little further towards her. "Ya know, you always do act this way, like you're in some way superior to me, but I've got something that you just can't get." His grin reveals his glinting canines in the low lighting. "I know exactly who I am. Yeah, I am a murderous, cruel, violent piece of work, real scum sure." He draws his gun, juggling it's weight. "I know the reason I use this gun, why I shoot it; everything that's lead me here is something I controlled. But you can't say that. You got no clue who you are, and you're just running around with those little guns of yours because you got nothing better to do with this fragment of a self. If you've got nothing behind ya, how are you supposed to decide for yourself what's right and wrong or what you want to do with your frail self? My actions are my own and I have no qualms with them, because I know who I am." He uses his gun to tilt her chin upwards, forcing their faces inches apart as sneers and stands without flinching at his mockery. "And what about you? Hm, little girl? Who are you; who's love hunter?"
She has no response, because a part of her can't fight his piercing words; the cool metal of his blood soaked gun burns cold on her chin and she only thinks about how there's shadows where her memories should be. She can't say anything to fight him. She actually hasn't got any idea who she is. She's clawed together this identity since waking without any background, but she has no clue if this is who she honestly actually is. She could've been ruthless too. She could've hurt somebody. She could've hurt many people. She could've been anyone. Right now she's just no one. She hasn't got any idea right now, not a single idea.
Before she can try and respond, the cold feeling on her is gone and her view is entirely blocked by another dark coat covered in dust. She realizes who it is. Vash, heavily disguised in his loose dark coat, low hat, and scarf concealing his face, pushed his way between them without saying anything.
Maleficence turns his predatory stare on the stranger. His eyes narrow, just a little as he analyzes him in full. "Have something to say about our conversation conversation, boy?" He asks him.
Only Vash's blue eyes, hard and striking, are visible. "I just think," He says, low. "You shouldn't talk to a lady like you're doing." His hands haven't moved towards it yet, but at his side his hand hangs by his gun.
Saying nothing, just staring, Maleficence regards the disguised Vash. The team holds their breath, wondering if he'd recognize him, wondering if he'd decide to try and shoot him anyway, and his silence ends with a chuckle. "My apologies." He tips a pretend hat to them. His gaze peeks around Vash to see Gill as well. "Have a swell day, y'all."
They watch quietly until Maleficence leaves the room. He leaves without another word to the team.
Vash let's loose a breath, disturbing some particles swirling in a sun beam. He's finally free to take off that mask and breathe easy now that they've split from the other bounty hunters for now; it was feeling stuffy.
He looks out the open window of this empty room; dust covered as it may be its also nice to have privacy for a while. Sat on a cracked bit of stone is the first chance to relax he's had. The only person in the room other than himself currently is Gill, standing across the room to clean her guns free of sand. She brushes a decently clean white rag on their outside. Vash could feel a different air about her since their chat with Maleficence before.
He's been debating saying something to hear. The words seem to evade him now, though; he could tell what he said had burrowed into her thoughts and stuck, that whole conversation leaving its mark. He wanted to make it all better, it was like a burning desire pressing at him, something bubbling inside of his throat; if he could erase the hurt he saw from what he'd said, Vash would.
He ran a hand across from his mouth along his chin, leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs. His hat had been removed already and hung from his prosthetic fingers by the brim.
"Thought he'd keep bugging us; cant stand that guy, idiot." She grumbles, breaking the silence after a few minutes of it.
He can't quite look at her; his fingers slowly rub the felt between them. Though, they can't properly feel its texture either. "I've never met him before; can see where your complaints are from now, though."
Gill wipes the cloth along her gun. She pauses with a quiet, heavy sigh. "Why'd you step between that?" She asks him.
He knew she had been thinking about that the whole time. To avoid being discovered, he'd tried his best to stay in the background around the host of bounty hunters, but he couldn't stop himself from standing out in front of Maleficence. That's alright. "If I stayed back he would've just kept going like that." He looks out the window while he speaks.
He imagines the way she fidgets with her gun, hearing those chains clink. He's noticed that he's developed a habit, a sort of knack, for guessing what she's doing whether or not he can currently actually see her. He supposes he just knows her little habits and facets of how she behaves by now. It comes with how much time he's spent around her, and it's natural to pay close attention to a treasured friend. He hears the worry in her voice. "That was risky. He mightve clocked you; if he had he would've told the others and had you pinned in that room." The fact that Maleficence's violence is well established is unsaid but known.
Vash is quiet as he thinks. She's right, but he can't find any part of himself that believes he should've done differently. "I couldn't let him talk to you like that." Actually it was that he refused to let anyone talk to her like that.
"But you could've been hurt from that." She tries to make him see just how dangerous that was to do.
"The danger in it isn't what matters." He lowers his head, not quite bashful but speaking in a soft voice. "I would do anything for you." Without hesitation either.
He can see her as she pauses in place, body tensing. His sincere words effect her immediately and she blushes, face cast towards the floor. She takes a bit to say something to him again. "That was dangerous." She mumbles quietly, almost somewhat sad. "But, saying that," she continues. "Thank you, Vash." Now she's looking at him with a, small and genuine, smile.
He smiles for her. She definitely isn't just gonna forget what he did, but she's not angry. "Like I said, anytime." He chuckles to try and lighten the mood. "No one messes with my favorite bounty hunter without a word from me."
She fake pouts. "Your favorite bounty hunter; is that it?"
He raises his hands in his defense at that. "Hey hey, you know you're more ! You're my wonderful friend Gillian and I wouldnt ask for a better companion than you, if that were possible, which its definitely not ! You're more important to me than you know !" Incredibly important, actually. "Besides, just think of just how many bounty hunters I've met; that's a compliment in itself, out of all of those being my favorite."
She scoffs and chuckles. "Yeah, because I'm basically the single bounty hunter not after your ass."
He laughs and shrugs. "Well maybe that's part of it." He jokes lightly.
She shakes her head, thoroughly amused. "You're something else for sure y'know, darling."
Vash scratches the back of his neck, glad she's back to joking with him. Something in her words sticks, though. Perhaps it's an odd thing to get this fixated on, but it's something he'd thought of before but never sit in the front of his thoughts and never asked about; but, now he asks. "Hey, Gill, can I ask you something real quick?"
She turns her head towards him. "Yeah, of course." She prompts him.
He almost backs off, but after a pause presses forward. "Why do you call me darling?"
She freezes where she stands. "Um, hm?" She gets out.
"Well, I know you've called me it for a long time," He continues. "But I just haven't asked why before. I'm just curious." He's not sure why he's shy, asking this question that's harmless.
She seems to think. "It's just a nickname." She looks away.
Vash notices her evading her question, he leans closer, more insistent now. "But, you haven't called anyone else darling; I've only heard you use it on me. And you haven't given the others nicknames. Why only mine?"
Her shoulders hunch. Silently, she sets her gun on the table with its twin. Silently, she faces him. She walks a little closer and crosses the room, until she's behind him. He's confused, until he feels her arms wrap around him as she kneels on his impromptu seat. He tilts his head and looks back, her arms settled atop his broad shoulders. She gives him a quiet smile. "You're just special to me is all, darling." Silently, she flexes her fingers in the only unseen indicator that there's more weight to that confession than she conveys out loud currently.
He stares at her, swallowing what feels like something lodged inside her throat. "Then, should I have a nickname for you?"
She laughs. "Technically, you have one."
"Yeah, but that's not anything different than what everyone calls you. And love hunter won't count too." He protests.
"You haven't had any different nicknames for me the whole time we've been traveling like this." She reminds him.
"I know." He frowns; he's never had anyone who's he's allowed to be close to him before her, he's never tried creating a nickname for someone until thinking about it now. Maybe he could use her's? He blushes just considering calling her it; the casual way she says it always makes him flutter inside a bit too.
She hums sympathetically. "Tell ya what, darling," it's like there's extra emphasis on that nickname there. "You can think about it, and if you decide on any you like, I'd be happy for you to use them for me whenever you wanna."
He thinks about that a bit. "Alright, sure. That sounds good."
She gives him a squeeze, and before he can question his actions he realizes he's leaning back into her. He wonders just why he felt as protective of her as he does, why it felt different than when he just wants to help people whenever there's a chance. He thinks about nicknames andaffections. He just cares about her, a lot actually.
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sol-shines · 11 months
Hiiiiii my sunshine!!! I’m here to be a distraction :)
Anyways here’s a ton of questions for you. While hearing about any of them would be good, the Cebu trio or Mickey or literally any of the MM crew would be 👀👀👀
1: are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
5: how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
21: their favorite place to be?
23: how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
33: if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
34: how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
I love you!
(ask game here!)
!!! hi baby!! sorry this took a minute. let's see... on account of our conversation this morning. Oggy Time
1: are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
tha BLUES. not the music just. the color. he's a very frosty guy and he sorta lives up to the aesthetic lol. he'll wear any colors, although I feel the most common are like. blue and white. other neutral tones thrown in, cool colors too. and patterns are good.
5: how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
World's Largest Sweater Collection for this guy. the more frumpy and grandpa-core the better. sir you live in the fucking philippines,
21: their favorite place to be?
ough,,,, god this is a hard one. im gonna say the crankit family kitchen, specifically with rai and dai. he'll never admit it tho.
23: how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
hm... low? it was already low before he started t, so it's honestly a little soothing. as for tone... pretty serious, usually. even when he's joking, his humor is very dry and deadpan. it's really funny when he gets all riled up and his voice cracks, tho.
33: if applicable, how would your other characters describe them?
ooh.. ok i'm gonna do just a few:
shirai and daiya: their beloved kuya. oh how they treasure getting on his last fucking nerve. no but really they both look up to him sooo much, they think of him as a really steady and caring person. to his face tho, "kuya killjoy" lmao. "shortass."
murphy: LMAO don't trust this man he's down bad. "cute," obviously. nerd but in an endearing way. a giver, but needs to take better care of himself.
rey: aer best friend. "snores too damn loud." a kindred spirit, they are both way too exhausted to give a fuck. "the best of all of us. except maybe justice. idk don't make me choose."
34: how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
tired. both in general and of everyone's shit lmao.
i love you too!!! ty for sending this in !!!!!!! MWAH !!!
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misswoozi · 2 years
Im gonna make this as sexy and deadly as possible 🎮
Imagine Tzuyu sitting in Jeongyeons lap with back to her. Jeongyeon has one hand down Tzuyus pants and the other is play with her boobs through her shirt, all while whispering in Tzuyus ear about how she wants her to beg for more. Every time Tzuyu gives in Jeongyeon adds another finger or speeds up, praising Tzuyu for how well she takes her or teasing her about how wet she is. Wanting to chase her own pleasure, Jeongyeon starts grinding against Tzuyus butt, pulling her more into her lap and speeding up the longer they go. The added stimulation, combined with Jeongyeon mumbling about how badly she wants to fuck her, pushes Tzuyu so far over the edge that she ends up squirting right onto Jeongyeons hand and soaking her pants, the sight of which is enough for Jeongyeon to reach her own orgasm. After taking a minute to collect themselves, Tzuyu takes her pants off and tells Jeongyeon to make her do that again on her face.
let's discuss.
we all know that I am SHIT at 'position discourse' but for what it's worth, Jeongyeon standing behind Tzuyu, Tzuyu's back to her chest, is what I ALWAYS picture when I imagine JeongTzu together so right off the bat you get 100 bonus points just for that lmao
I also personally headcanon Tzuyu as being a fan of friction so Jeongyeon teasing her through her shirt would drive her wild.
Jeongyeon!! an underrated dirty talker!!! Jeongyeon who can have a filthy mouth but it's always praise-based and always very quietly. this is no exception and Tzuyu eats it UP (also Tzuyu being 'forced' to talk dirty BACK, to actually use her words and beg, and even being teased for it would turn her on SO MUCH, bro)
usually patient Jeongyeon growing IMPATIENT from how cute and whiny her subby Tzuyu is and needing to grind into her for friction is A++++ content that makes my nose bleed <3
I have always thought that Tzuyu would be embarrassed/shy about squirting but SOMETHING TELLS ME that Jeongyeon coming virtually untouched because of it would make Tzuyu feel A Lot Better... so much better, in fact, that I think she WOULD turn around and say something bold to Jeongyeon like "now make me do it again." (And that would almost KILL dom!Jeongyeon lmaooo)
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