#i just might not be here liveblogging even though it's so fun to see everyone reacting on the dash
sheepwasfound · 2 years
Sheep! I can't wait to hear dream talk about all the things that happen in the trip all the gossip!! You think their internet got fixed? I miss george streams so bad :'(
me too! i hope he got to actually do some stuff too despite being sick. george mentioned they're getting a line built, so i presume with all the talk about december, they probably were told it would be finished in december. i have hope their internet's getting fixed around now! even though we've gotten so little content with the internet and everything, george has sounded actually super excited about doing streams and stuff again so i think we'll be seeing a lot of him soon!
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Some Much-Needed Downtime TBH
ok I kinda read these species-swap chapters quickly without commenting 2 nights ago bc I REALLY wanted to catch up to the show, and honestly I didn't have much to say? It was a fun showcase of some different species talents, and introduced multiple fun problems for the characters to solve [takes notes in DM]. But it didn't seem to move either plot or characters forward much. Some notes:
Honestly it's surprising that there's only been 1 count of food poisoning so far, when they're trying SO MANY new things. One must credit Senshi's cooking skills!
This might be the single funniest joke so far:
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I've seen multiple posts saying Senshi's elfsona reveals him to be feminine by dwarf standards, and I'm genuinely BAFFLED by that take because it is SO obvious that Senshi's elfsona reveals him to be 1. the Hottest Man You Have Ever Met, and 2. HAIRY. We have seen 0 other elves with facial hair. I dug up that showcase of different elves and 0 of them have facial hair. In the Tolkienien lore from which all modern fantasy, or certainly this sort of fantasy, is derived, exactly 2 elves in the history of the world are said to have had facial hair. Elf!Senshi has a tiny little moustache. Elf!Senshi isn't feminine, he is the HOTTEST, HAIRIEST bear in the metaphorical gay club.
...it's possible that he's more of a himbo than we realize, though.
I don't know what's up with Kensuke and I AM worried that it's being directed by the demon. I want it to be Laios's friend so bad...
It occurs to me that "the winged lion is actually the demon at the root of all of this" is probably the biggest spoiler I've gotten, and I didn't even realize how huge a spoiler it was because I DIDN'T get spoilered for the fact that, so far as the characters know, the lion is supposed to be a helpful god. Don't play with spoilers, kids! Even if you want to read the juicy meta!
This initial fight with the gargoyles is probably my new second-favorite "Laios is really quickly analytical and problem-solving in combat" moment (the living armor fight is still #1). He sees how everyone is failing, prevents more problems as he can, realizes they can't win and puts together what pieces they need to get out. In group social dynamics, he's a mediocre leader at best, but he's a superb combat tactician.
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Laios is just living in his own little after-school special, and I love him for that.
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That first panel is definitely support for the theory that the 50-60yr life expectancy of "short-lived" races like tallmen, orcs, kobolds and halffeet is shorter than it should be, relative to their ages of maturity, because the long-lived races control and hold most of the resources. It's even possible that their ages of maturity SHOULD be even older, but social conditions force them to become "adults" at a younger developmental age than dwarves, gnomes and especially elves!
Panel 3 is Marcille mentally shoving Chilchuck higher on her list of Lives to Extend by Whatever Magic I Can Learn.
I love how the way they figure out that the mushrooms' effects are easily reversible is literally by thinking through the greater social worldbuilding implications of the effects.
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^This is the single most Dad we've ever seen Chilchuck...topped only by that 'carry child like a football' a moment later. Actually, he yeets Marcille a LOT while tall - here, over the jump in the travel montage, with Laios to make a loop for the gargoyle...which I'm dead certain is an indication of how he physically treated his daughters. Those kids got casually, affectionately tossed like salad.
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...okay maybe I did have several thoughts about those 2 chapters.
"[Falin] was much tougher than I was. I hear she and our parents still write to each other" is SUCH a line for painting a picture of Laios and Falin's childhoods, and Laios's feelings on it.
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you can keep your Kabru Wink(TM)s, I am weak only for the Laios Fond Little Smile(TM).
I love how Senshi is still musing on this soul = egg metaphor, and I LOVE how both times now that we've seen Laios genuinely lose his temper, it's because someone was saying "why are you just being excited about eating monsters when Falin is in danger?!", and he's snapping because he is fucking NOT dismissing his sister in favor of eating monsters, he is doing EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to save her and it just so happens that the only plans with a smidgen of success involve leaning into eating monsters. And by trying to stop him from that, you're stopping him from saving Falin.
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Laios, how tf do you remember the Wink? I'm 99% sure Kabru never once winked in your interactions; I WAS looking for it. Was he just exuding wink energy? (I mean...yes.)
The dramatic irony jokes in this chapter are on POINT. Chilchuck: "There's no way this thing still works" [tram door slams shut on his heels, cars immediately starts moving]. "You won't find a military company in the dungeon" [smash cut to Shuro, Namari and Kabru unhappily leading the Canaries into the dungeon]. Impeccable.
Stopping this one here in preparation for going nuts about implied elf-related worldbuilding in the next chapters!
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turtlesocksv2 · 7 months
Liveblogging DFF episode 10
Last episode we got some past reveals, some vows to tell the truth, a spanking, and Regina George enjoying the chaos. Can't wait to see what happens next.
The shot of Tan visibly pulling himself back into character as a Person With Hinges is so good. And so funny.
I do like White being like "you told me you wouldn't be like this!" to Tee. Maybe White does know more about Tee than we think.
Tan doing the wire to get Uncle Dang is so cold. Poor Uncle Dang. Tank knocking Top the fuck out is 10/10 though.
Ok but the TanTop eye contact and manhandling at the brainwashing "Calm down. Non's not going to hurt you if you protect him." 👀
"i never would have let you all come here if I knew Tan was going to kill you all!" well maybe you should have, Phi! You lost focus! You've done pretty much jack shit to get answers for like 2 years, of course Tan resorted to a little murder. I still love you Phi but your lack of resolve disappoints me.
Jin's a judgy bitch for someone who did revenge porn on a boy he wasn't even dating. Oh, you're surprised Non had people care about him enough to go to such lengths? You don't like being manipulated? I mean, I'd be judgy too if people were trying to murder me so I get it. It's just funny.
"Actually I don't have the right to be mad at you" You really don't! but also you do just a little bit.
Cool Motive, Still Revenge Porn for a guy you weren't even dating. It'd be one thing to track Phi down and send HIM the video, if you were really actually caring about Non 'cheating'. Another beast entirely to post it online for everyone to see. though of course he was so drunk it very well could have been Tee/Top/Por/etc uploading it from a shared drive for their movie and Jin might just think he's the one who did it. But he still recorded it in the first place, for which there is no forgiveness.
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Phi with the axe 👀😍
"Everything's happening just like in Non's script! Look at Top, it's like he's possessed!" "....Actually I think he's just high." Aaaaaaand White just got added to Tan's Murder List. Baby White, you have to stop. Your eyes too big. Your logic too smart. Your tripod too tough. They'll kill you.
Phi and Jin getting lost in the woods, because now that they've talked to each other they have too much information. they can't just reunite with the group or the murder party is over 2 episodes early.
so like, the Janta Cult is real, right? or at least not something Non made up for the movie. He had to have known Por's family had a mansion in that area and it gave him the idea for the movie. The shrine existing was clearly not built for the movie either. I want More Janta Cult! give me More Janta Cult! Stop giving me hints about supernatural murder cults in woods that bend and change to get you lost within them if you're not going to follow through!
god Phi wants to badly to be the Strong Protector Boyfriend Who Fixes Things.
And of course the second Phi and Jin reunite with the group, Jin immediately outs Tan. really interesting that Fluke freaks out immediately after Tan is outed as New and takes White hostage.
Oh shit, Fluke is absolutely going over that railing isn't he?
Tan's gleeful surprise when Top gets shot.
Fluke's breakdown is so good.
Oh next episode is going to be fun.
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hottakehoulihan · 1 month
"My Hero Academia", otherwise known as "Boku No Hero Academia" or BNHA, is a story about a world where EIGHTY PERCENT
(what the fuck)
of people get a super power.
In Worm (the story that matters. ...but I'm trying to be nice here and to have an open mind) powers end up with about one person in FOUR THOUSAND.
(oh, and for those of you on the outside? Wildbow has brain problems when it comes to math and numbers. I sympathize.)
Right, so I'm liveblogging this shit.
I mean stuff.
I'm five minutes in. Holy holy fuck but the dub is unendurable I had to stop and websearch to figure out how the new version of Crunchyroll lets you switch to Japanese language (which might also suck but I'm insulated by not actually knowing the language very well)
Somehow people are treated as being special for their powers even though....like everyone has them?
At least in "The Slime Tamer Goes On A Journey To Pick Up Trash" (or whatever it's called) it wasn't treated as unusual when a hugely normal thing was hugely normal.
Yeah; already I'm seeing some major logical flaws. Right now we've got a "Spiderman" fighting a "Big stompy" who is raging because he (I feel bad for him already) was stealing a *purse* and got cornered and ended up entering big stompy changery form.
Good luck to him, I wish. But I don't think it'll happen. I need alcohol for this. I might have a problem.
Nope. Before spidey's web could wrap the big guy up some other giant butt-lady jumped in and KO'd him. Looks like villains are an exception to the post-scarcity situation.
Episode one, and the biggest, stupidist, most unforgivable flaw is this "80%" bullshit.
Okay, classroom scene and...well the kids are all prima-donnas and maybe that's power-related but I think it's just because they're kids.
This series would at least pass the "guess who the protagonist is" test. Because the protag is no more odd-looking than anyone else.
That wasn't praise, but it wasn't a damn either.
I am NOT gonna judge how quality the drawing or animation is, BTW. That would be unfair. Even though the fan-animations Worm has (including "A Completely Normal Amy...") are better. Because Wildbow is a writer not an animator or sketching artist.
We're just looking at the story here, folks.
(Except for me, alas.)
(Sorry. I really don't want to hatewatch this.)
(There's a spiky-headed blonde guy being framed as a villainous hero-wannabe and...I bet our hero will be best friends with him eventually.)
No seriously, if only two out of ten don't have powers, why is it that ANYBODY is revered as amazing? That's like being amazed at people who can put their hair in a bun!
Thing is? 80% is also flawed because it's too SMALL. Boyo is treated as special at the moment because he didn't get anything, but that's also absurd given how he's in the 20%. That's like being "Whoah! A boy!? With BLUE EYES!? Fuuuuck. Wildbow's struggles with numbers are small potatoes compared to this stuff. ...and this stuff? Had a team of editors and assistant writers working on it.
Fail. Sauce.
But no. I must be strong and give it a chance and try to like it.
Boyo is crying because he isn't getting powers. Well. It does suck to learn you rolled a ...shit, we don't even have a good metaphor for a this. This ain't rolling a one on a 20-sided die. This isn't snakeeyes. This is more like getting a spade when you wanted any other suit and no game works like this.
He's getting tentacle-violated and I'm bored.
I have watched every Urotsukidoji movie ever made. This is unlike me.
A new hero has stopped it before it happened. I won't bother remembering them. They won't come up again. So to speak.
I'm not wired to care much about porn, but...shota ain't my thing and I can't remember the plot of Boku no Piko. And
No, actuallly I'm having fun now. Some goofy hero has the power to suck people into small bottles and imprison them. And before the protag can ask for an autograph, he finds out he's already got one. That's actually cute.
This is 100% the best part of this episode. It's pretty great.
This is a goofy gag anime like Love After The End Of The World or something.
And...the first episode doesn't count.
Nothing I've said so far counts.
Because the story hasn't started yet, really.
And this isn't the same genre as Worm no this is a gag anime. Like "Love At The End Of The World" (bad camel-case but I'm drinking and IDC) (Also it's called 'Proper Case" in this context)
Okay, episode end. Still bored, but I know from pre-reading the Wikipedia analysis that this weird boring hero will give powers to the kid-protag maybe?
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Well that was entertaining. Liveblogging notes for episode 1 below.
Lot of mirrors in this scene (often signpost deception). Kinn is executing a "betrayer," is there other stuff happening here? Opening scenes set up both characters at ease in their respective domains. Porsche has everyone at the bar eating out of his hand. Kinn is in control in the scene with the Italians (at least for the moment). Otherwise a study in contrasts and unbuttoned shirts.
And now presumably the Italians are trying to kill Kinn. Big, WTF I thought you were supposed to be the competent one? J/k I've been spoiled for this whole show and I feel bad for him and now he's gotten shot. Motorcycle guys not messing around. Kinn is a pretty good shot though? I like that perspective spin on the hallway!
Porsche, meanwhile, is having an excellent evening which gets very exciting. And lucrative!
The hairstylists on this set must have had fun arranging those stray wisps just right on Mile.
15 minutes into this, and Kinn's watching him ride off like Cinderella leaving the ball at midnight. All the bodyguards pull up like "oh thank god you're okay, we aren't going to get killed for failing at our job."
The Kittisawat house looks nice! Thank you for the slow pan, I love examining set dressing details. House plants, knick-knacks, and family photos. This is not the bachelor den one might expect from a household headed by a 23-year-old bartender/street fighter; someone has standards. Porsche's otherwise excellent evening has been dampened. Family has money troubles, can either pay school or rent - or, implied, food - but not all three.
Uncle lost all his money on CRYPTO? I was not expecting that. Everybody in this family is lying to each other, yikes.
More fancy camera angles! Character establishment! Porsche is a badass but he's also fighting a losing battle against The System to keep his little brother housed and fed. Bro's shirt says "today is a good day" in case we didn't realize that he is Innocence personified in all of this.
How does Uncle know where to move stolen watches? Kinda sus. Seriously Porsche you won't let your brother have a beer? The internet tells me that the drinking age in Thailand is 20.
Halfway point. Kinn's dad is doing pottery and giving Kinn a hard time. Kinn appears determined to keep handling the Italians his own way, and also to find Porsche.
Wait, Porsche is still in school TOO? At least occasionally? Also he is a brat. Also maybe don't give your friends' names as yours to Mafia people, dude. I mean, you were obviously lying, but still.
Uh-oh, busted. Kinn is way too amused about this whole thing. LOL we get it you are in fact high-class Mafia. Porsche is out of his depth and knows it. Not too high-class for straight-up threats.
This has to be the weirdest recruitment pitch I have ever seen. Just saying you could have gone with the money first rather than the kidnapping? Good on Porsche for not taking this bullshit lying down. Good on Kinn for being willing to get messed up. Good on Porsche for fighting dirty. Kinn what is your angle here?
Wait this was KORN's idea? Because Korn is thinking a bodyguard who can't be bought might be valuable? Kinn looks so thoroughly annoyed LOL.
Porsche's day keeps getting shittier as he has escaped but the house is busted up and rather than paying off their debts Uncle lost their money gambling. Uncle is a real asshole? Porsche is in a bind.
Chay is crying. :(( Porsche is crying. :((((( Oh no. This is great, you can see Porsche's terrible decision coming a mile away. More lying! Fantastic!!
Porsche has been there a hot minute and Big is already like "I do NOT get paid enough for this." Unfortunately for him both of the Theerapanyakuls appear to appreciate a gutsy smartass. Kinn is perplexed by whatever his father is up to? Korn seems satisfied. Love me a symbolic chess game.
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halt-kun · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 192 - Human Dog
let’s pick up a bit on the liveblog
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So we can see Gn’s jajanken clearly did some damage
Rammot really vomited blood everywhere
It’s really satisfying to see
With this title I clearly now where we’ll end up urghhh
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You clearly need a psychiatrist in your nest
Like they need healthier ways to deal with anger outbursts or strong emotions
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Colt is able to enforce his authority thank god
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A rift is being created in the ant nest
Cheetu was written Djido in french, I get it, they might not have made the link with the english name, it’s called a “guépard” in french
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I really don’t get people who enjoy hunting, like can’t we have a ant that just enjoys taking pictures of humans on their free time
That’d be fun
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Hagya is clearly a hedonist and only focuses on what brings him pleasure
Cheetu is more logical at least
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there is a bunch of humans even in the little country you’re in
probably one of the most abundant species among the macrofauna 
I’m wondering if the feline parts of Cheetu and Hagya are responsible for their enjoyment of the hunt. It probably mixed with the human personality too
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Hagya is a liar
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If only Rammot could die right now
Colt really wants an oligarchy
I agree that if most people just act selfishly, it’s really annoying to find a common ground
but still a lot of opinion is always better
Colt is also not a fool, he knows you weren’t very serious, he’s just not calling you out in front of everyone
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They’ve already organized a work rotation system
Colt is a nice guy
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Who’s dead ?
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OH NGL soldiers
one of them got crushed 
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I really love open spaces in Hunter x Hunter
I would love to eat with some friends here
too bad there are deadly ants and soldiers around
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Yep it’s no an ants nest
beware of the miner here, very dangerous
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They make drugs yep
I’m trying to imagine the quiproquo I could get if some of my friends took this drug
Me : “What do you mean you want some D²”
Him: Well, I’ve kinda been missing it lately, I don’t have enough money”
Me : “WHAT ?!? Since when do you go to sex workers ?”
Him: “UHHH! I usually go to my dealer”
Me : “you HAVE SEX with your dealer ?!? Is he hot ?”
Him: “What, no it’s just for the drugs”
Me : “You have sex for drugs ? Aren’t you and your boyfriend monogamous too ?”
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This is so sad
Of course NGL wasn’t the happy nature reserve they advertised. 
Still sad
all these clueless people
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Kite En is impressive
I like when skills vary a bit from mental or physical fatigue
I’d probably never be able to train En, I’d be overwhelmed by the sensitive input. I could definitely train it in my apartment though or in a field and feel the little insects all around.
Let’s talk about all basic and advanced nen techniques then
Ten : pretty chill to train, I’d probably do it all the time
Ren : I wouldn’t enjoy it as much but a few times a week, no problem, definitely tiring
Zetsu : I’d love to train it, erasing my presence and making my aura disappear
Hatsu : I just need a glass of water and Ren so a few times a week would be cool
Gyo/Ryu : I’d probably do it all the time, like moving your aura around seems fun
Ken : I like to do the plank and it seems to be similar so I guess I’d enjoy doing it
Shu : Maybe sometimes with some objects but it wouldn’t be very regular
In : Pretty fun to train I bet, like Zetsu
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I forgot this was next
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ASSHOLE your treatment of dog is horrible, if you think this is how we treat dog you’re really lower than the lowest of scum
and puppy play needs mutual consent too you sicko
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It was also supposed to be a trap for nice people, really rotten ants here
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Poor Gon
Kite is right, you don’t have the luxury to be sentimental here
Poor guy, I hope he didn’t suffer too much
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Centipede and Mosquito time
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Thanks Kite, immediately estimated who was the strongest and how to fight efficiently
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I won’t be sad when you die you assholes
There is a limit to who I want to be empathetic with and you’ve reached it
I’ll probably do a little break and continue later today
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
Happy new year, everyone! In trying to think about my 2023 goals for this blog, I had to look back on how I did in 2022, which had me realize 2022 had been a year of progress and brand-new content on this blog! This means I have many things I need to keep track of and work to continue on, and I had to go through my blog to do some record keeping. This led to me writing this 2022 highlight.
1. Continuation and expansion of PGSM Liveblogs!
In addition to completing the liveblog of Act 14 - Act 17, on Feb 26, 2022 I also woke up at 3am to liveblog PGSM's Director Suzumura Live Guest Talk with Komatsu Ayaka! What a blast that was! And I can totally die happy knowing I was able to actually interact with Ayaka (PGSM Minako) through the live chat!
Using the live chat as a catalyst, I fully dove into doing some fan-translation work as well. In addition to completing a translation on the aforementioned guest talk, I also started doing more detailed translations embedded in my analysis and general liveblogging.
Then, out of nowhere in September, Sawai Miyuu started doing a live broadcast of PGSM viewing party, a hilarious and fun time where she rewatches PGSM, and we audience get to see her live reaction and interact with her! (And she actually reads and speak some English too!)
2. More Fanart
I haven't done too much fanart, my long-time followers knows drawing takes much more time for me since I don't do it enough. Still, 2022 featured some of my best pieces so far!
My personal favourite is Reinako in onesies! The Nako Nako took me forever to figure out how to draw! Additionally, I had my first time drawing something a bit smutty. I also discovered transparent art on Tumblr, and it is my new favourite thing to work on! (Though challenging to figure out.)
I can say without a doubt my latest art that celebrates the anniversary of PGSM Final Act has been the best I've done so far, and I am still incredibly proud of it! I experimented with so many things making this piece - format, composition, layering (& the transparency), coloring, etc. It was also my first time drawing Makoto, Ami, Usagi, Princess Sailor Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter in such detail!
3. More Reinako
Of course, there can never be too much Reinako! In fact, my love for Reinako colours everything I do - even when liveblogging and making fanart. :D
2022 saw me making NINE Reinako gif set in a year, an all-new high! 6 of them are from the new series(?) I started called PGSM Reinako Things I want to Yell About, which basically is just me talking about all the things PGSM does that make me love Reinako and me analyzing the shit out of the smallest hint I can see, because I have zero self-control.
4. Fanfic Writing
2022 also got me back into writing for 4 months, where I've successfully rewritten 8 chapters of my old unfinished story - Echoes of Times. I hit a slump again in April and only wrote a paragraph here or there since... :( But the fact I've written more than I've ever done is a great sign that I can indeed get back into it!
Hopes for 2023
So it’s been proved that I’m not someone that can stick to a “new year resolution” at all, so instead, I’m gonna share what I HOPE to do and see where that takes me.
I will definitely continue liveblogging. This includes keeping tabs if Director Suzumura might invite any other PGSM cast member to his guest talk, and also joining Miyuu's viewing party where possible! I'd also like to see if I can get my PGSM rewatch liveblog to progress into Darkury Arc within the year! I'd be too ambitious to say finishing the arc, since that's over 10 episodes away, but I def want to get into episodes in the 20s.
Keep writing fanfiction! And actually start publishing the rewritten chapters onto AO3! (I will upload on FF.net as well). Year after year I say this, but I would LOVE to publish a new chapter...
I've not finished any fanvideos since 2020, even though fanvideo is actually the first form of fandom content I've done. Here's hoping I can get something done and posted this year!
I definitely have a bunch of WIP fanart and gifsets waiting to be finished. My hope is to finish and share make more Reinako fanart, and dabble more on the transparent art format!
Continue on the PGSM Reinako Things I want to Yell About gif sets. I've done 6 last year, let's see if I can get another 6 done this year? (That's on average 2 per month, doable, right?)
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vynegar · 1 year
anniv3 card liveblog dump. updated as i go. spoiler warning!
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i’m gone TT (it’s actually all still pretty fluffy and sweet. barely a hint of angst)
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YEAHHHHHHHHHH HIGH SCHOOL!ROSA MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ah i forgot to show you guys her new outfit in this card, she’s v cute, i’ll screenshot after this flashback scene)
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agh. this expression. always so cute TT rosa it is an honor to be able to play as you 🫡
a;dlfjadkl okay i know the card wasn’t hitting (yet) but like. now with the new bgm i’m really feeling something :’) perhaps we will be budgeting for anniv3 after all
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omg poetry reference. truly the bread and butter of this blog’s analyses
ok the interactions: i mean, they’re nice. the animation is very fluid and there’s definitely more motion and more variety than in normal card art animations (though those have been advancing over the years too!) lol i think the knowledge of how purely-fanservicey this is kinda limits how excited i get over this part
overall: i mean it’s a good card but doesn’t make me lose my mind over it like luke’s previous anniversary cards; like this is closer to the caliber of a birthday or top-up card. nothing necessarily bad about it but... i think the most emotion i felt was because the combination of a new bgm (or at least new to me) + high school era lukerosa which i have a soft spot for. 
anyway. off to watch vyn’s, which is my last hope for this anniversary really delivering on the card stories :’) also based on my quick glance at his interaction video they might have fixed the piano keys...?? BIG if true
ahhh almost forgot the keepsake!!
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BIGHEAD ROSA!!! ahh i was wanting to draw her but mhy beat me to it lol
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omg already >100 comments on his video. yes. my brethren. we are all broke and watching the video instead of getting the card 🤝
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55 other people are watching the video literally right now. hell yeah
omg. they really did fix the piano keys XDDDDDDD
me trying to zoom in on the sheet music. LET ME PLAY IT
wow. reference to a very famous and iconic vyn card moment in this story. hint it has to do with water
what the fuck dude extreme weather even showing up in the tot cards TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
whoaaaa okay worldbuilding: svart has its own language i guess? there are labels written in it, and the narrative calls it svart language and not like english or french or whatever
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i think a fun thing about backgrounds being reused is that everyone probably has different scenes that they most strongly associate each background with. for me, this is the winery from food for thought. vyn infodumping about how to cultivate wine grapes. mixing wine with sprite. that’s MY reference to a previous vyn card for this story
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ok only halfway through the card rn but i Need to sleep. back tmrw to finish this and to watch marius’s (even though i’ve barely seen any of this recent cards... whoops)
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ok here’s vyn’s illustration. wet rain-soaked little meow meow
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rosa forgetting about the instant noodles she’s cooking. just like me fr
hmmmm kinda criminal that they’re supposed to be playing piano here and the bgm is one of the ones that DOESN’T have piano
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ok yeah they definitely fixed the piano keys. just compare this to the original anniversary PV you’ll see. NOW FIX THE SSS CARD SYSTEM NEXT
one comment saying the sheet music is liebestraum which i was kinda also suspecting since structure is very similar but some of the measures don’t match up exactly (at least not against the copy of sheet music i have). however, the section behind vyn’s right shoulder is pretty much measure 25 and the part behind his left shoulder is close to m35-36. (which... is not a song that vyn wrote xDDD we’ll say he’s alluding to or remixing it for their purposes)
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you’re telling me his hand accidentally hits the piano and there’s a “pleasing sound”??? he’s falling backwards onto it and playing chords???
ok back to checking the sheet music (my priorities are exactly where they should be)
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i think the two sheets here (behind his left shoulder and under his left hand) are the same page (which we said before was m35-36). it’s the only place in the song where the key signature change looks like that (in the upper right; it’s definitely the sharps pattern and not the flats) and the following sections match as well. so i think that pages goes like this:
line 1: m34-36 (and key change where five sharps are made natural)
line 2: m37-m39
line 3: m40-m42
line 4: m43-44 (not sure if that last note should have a slur tho)
it was kind of throwing me off earlier since some of the chords that would be octaves didn’t seem far apart enough on the card art, but maybe it’s a combo of perspective + shrunk down + artistic license
ok i can’t rly find a keepsake investigation video yet and i’m still just watching the interaction in the bg but this card is fine. i know i got really excited at one point but it’s because i’m especially interested in the plant motif (still have not fully stated what the exact reference was bc i’m sure i’ll point it out later). so far the cards feel like nice top-up cards (since those always make sure to have spicy/fanservice-y parts) that are trying hard to reference previous events. i checked the comments of BOTH vyn and marius videos and there was someone (different people!) asking which of the cards had a better story (because what they’d seen so far was disappointing).... does NOT bode well ufnfortunately
edit: i will say that these even feel a bit worse than top-up cards since those usually try to grapple with substantive potential issues in the relationship, while these anniv3 cards don’t. also still haven’t watched marius’s yet but yamashina jin just translated artem’s card and even she’s disappointed by the writing quality so like... widespread disappointment i suppose 😔
ok yeah this is a very good continuation/evolution of the idea from tideborne romance. unfortunately i was also meh on that card
omg... marius is gonna make himself the present isn’t he....
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OKAY THERE’S AT LEAST ONE (1) THING I LOVE ABOUT THIS CARD 🥺🥺 (doesn’t even get a mention in the story it’s just a visual easter egg in the bg)
halfway through pt 2 and i’ve figured out how to describe how i’m feeling. you remember marius’s 1st birthday card when they were just kinda doing random things to fill up time in the plot? it’s kinda like that. (though it doesn’t have the weird ooc-ness of that card and it’s not as long)
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the bear from his bday event and the eyemask from wandering heart!! actually maybe my favorite part of these cards will just be the little easter eggs in them
ok so after the “reveal” of what artem is Actually up to, i do like the card more. i really like what his true plan, i just kind of dislike how MC is kept in the dark again. it’s not even bad this time around, like it’s very much a cute surprise between lovers, but i think that stuff in his engagement left a bad taste in my mouth about it and i didn’t want to see it again lol. also, i feel like it would have been cute if mc was the one to propose moving in together (just a random thought since for all the these, it was p much the LI bringing it up)
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ok this is one of the better illustrations for anniv3 cards tho.
alright. finished the card. umm nothing more to say xDDD
on the keepsakes tho; these genuinely fuck so hard. also artem's a protective charm from cloudbreak temple and red beans and he recites The Lines again.... literally why can’t we have this kind of energy in the actual card story TTTTT
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are you guys asking if im gonna rewatch new gen ultra bc. you wanna see my thoughts through a liveblog or something? well to go for it briefly:-
Ginga: Not as huge into this as others but I REALLY liked what it was going for and in retrospect how different it was to other Ultra productions and stands out as very memorable and distinct because of that. Everyone always talks about how this is back when they had no budget but literally I never noticed aside from the re-used Kaiju suits (which is a thing in every New Gen Ultra anyway). And uh that one goofy Dark Zagi sequence in da movie. Otherwise it's very visually stunning between Ginga himself and the consistent nature-based sets. Taro sequence in the last episode is the best thing ever made. Solid series, highly recommend!
Ginga S: Find it a little bit lame because it's very clearly made in response to fan complaints that Ginga wasn't like every other Ultraman (I especially don't like Hikaru becoming a military boy and that defining him in every re-appearance) but there's still a lot to love here and there's definitely some standout episodes like Gan-Q. Would find this one of the hardest Ultra series to recommend of the ones I've seen, but if you're already interested then yeah sure it's pretty harmless
X: BEST BEST BEST BEST SHIT EVER. WATCH THIS FUCKING SHOW. Maybe the funniest thing for me to say when it's not even top 3 for me but god if it doesn't feel like it sometimes, this is basically THE way to do a modern update of Ultraman and keeps a very strong balance between episodic plots, interesting character development & focus and a serialised plot and themes. Cannot recommend enough if you're interested in Ultraman
Orb: My first Ultraman so I've got a bit of a soft spot... like Ginga I'm not as into this as others but it's ultimately a very good show, and quite unique among Ultraman in how it sets up its characters (we basically never see the defence team outside of one representative; the main character is a distanced loner). It also has Juggler in it which, like, yeah; Juggler! Definitely recommend this one
Geed: BEST BEST BEST BEST SHIT EVER. WATCH THIS FUCKING SHOW. If your sensibilities are more attuned to Kamen Rider stories when it comes to Toku then this will be right up your alley as it shares in common a similar backstory for the hero's powers and is in general much more on the superhero side of things than the sci-fi anthology that Ultraman usually is. It's hard to get into exactly why without major spoilers but it's a wonderful series with a very charming cast that you can't take your eyes off. I was very excited for this one when I started Ultraman and I definitely wasn't disappointed. Highly recommend
R/B: Fucking fantastic! This one I feel gets overlooked quite a bit and gets treated as a bit of an oddball, but it's wonderfully weird and has so much going for it. It's a much more comedic take on Ultraman and very meta on the entire idea of what it means to be Ultraman, all wrapped around a very lovely focus of family and an honestly pretty fun plot as well. The first arc's villain is Kuroto Dan if he was toned down to be a lot more bearable and then the second half's can be a bit slow but has a fair bit to say. Just super recommend
Taiga: I unfortunately couldn't get into this one. Definitely a lot I think it wants to say about the nature of aliens integrating with humans and all the dynamics that contains but I just never found any of the characters terribly compelling enough to get into it... I fully admit I might have been giving it a harder time than it deserved though, and @biomic has recently had a LOT of good to say about it in their liveblog and I recommend you go to them if you want to know its strengths. Not one I can recommend personally, but it's one of those shows that seems to either hit hard for you or doesn't; so I can't say to avoid it or anything like that
Z: BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST SHIT IN THE WORLD WATCH THIS FUCKING SHOW GO TO YOUTUBE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!! My experience with this one might have a bit of bias due to enjoying it along with everyone due to the simulcast but MAN what a fucking good time with all the strengths of X and more. Really went from a show that was pretty fun but due to unfortunate things behind the scenes could have gone so wrong but absolutely kept things steady to be a consistently great show with a lot to say. Can't recommend enough watch this thing right now it's literally officially subbed on youtube for free
Trigger: Did not like this show at all unfortunately, I find this easily the weakest of all the Ultraman shows I've seen and it definitely doesn't seem like there's a lot of people willing to stick up for it. It's one of those shows that's difficult to find anything to enjoy and you're left just scrounging for SOMETHING to like which you'll forget the moment the show is over. Really wants to be Profound and hit in a similar way that the show it's imitating - Tiga - did but can barely even dream of succeeding. Absolutely can't recommend this show for a second
Decker - It's only been three episodes but I'm finding it surprisingly solid stuff, and can certainly recommend you watch along too! Just a decent Ultraman show with a solid cast at this point. It's literally only been three episodes so I can't say anything more but it's hard to see this going terribly wrong and that at minimum it'll be decent. Recommend, it's on youtube officially with subs for free!
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Warning! This post contains spoilers up to chapter 170 of Tsubasa (and Chapter 71 of xxxHolic). Please skip this if you have not read that far.
Please also make no comments about what happens after that point in either manga.
SO here is the other splash image that really stuck out to me:
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This time not because of the Seresu arc but because of how the Infinity arc itself ends.
Here's the link to the original post the image is from if you'd like the full context, but the particular quote from that post I want to use as a reference is here:
"Syaoran also sits on the throne - which as far as I can tell, isn’t his. ... The only one ever wearing the crown they’re all wearing [on their clothes] is Sakura. Now, does it make sense that Syaoran has usurped her throne? Heck yeah! He’s stolen everything from her. He’s stolen her journey (they’re following him now, always a step behind), he’s stolen her feathers, and he’s stolen the person she’s in love with."
Where I was kind of on the right track but couldn't have possibly guessed what all the chess imagery was ultimately feeding into. Looking back now the initial liveblogs for all of these Chess-related splash images are such a big mix of different iconography, so it’s very fun reading through all my old guesses back then. I think I did a really good job of trying to decipher some of it, especially the Cinderella and Snow White imagery in Chapter 140, but the Chess was a bit trickier.
Which, like, understandable, because the chess game that was happening in the chapters was stressful as heck and did not end well, but there is a nice conclusion to it with this image which is easier to read now - especially in regards to Sakura. Because it's made very clear to the viewer that the symbol of the Queen piece is in reference to her; both in these splash images (where she wears the crown at one point, and every character wears the symbol in ways that reflect their allegiance to her) and in the plotline, where she functions as the Queen of the battles taking place. Here is another good example of the symbol being used for Sakura with it right there on her throne, and the two Syaoran's wearing the symbol in smaller ways to represent their relationship to her. But with that all in mind? I had no idea what it was really getting at with Syaoran on Sakura's throne here.
If you go back to that example I just gave with Sakura sitting on her throne? It's a different throne! It still makes it very clear that she's undeniably the Queen piece, with the symbol in gold actually being a key part of the throne itself.
And the throne Syaoran sits on? It has the crown symbol as part of the decoration, but it's not representing him, it's just a small symbol to show that matches Sakura's throne. This throne is his own.
He's the King piece.
(And, important distinction; the throne is not Lava Lamp's, but our original plotline Syaoran who is now in Autopilot mode.)
This wouldn't have occurred to me the first time through because I was focused so much on what this might mean for Sakura, and how she related to everyone else, but the way the Infinity Arc ends really hammers this home. After all, Sakura is the mastermind in this arc - everything that happens is according to her plan. She's not playing chess just during the literal chess matches, but during the entire plotline, moving every character and circumstance into place to enact her final plan; to activate both Chi's at once, absorb both their feather's, and trigger Fai's curse - resulting in her pseudo (if purely physical) death. But like we see in the plotline, this isn't a loss - it's a win. It's exactly how she planned things to unfold, and it will lead her to winning the game.
Just in case anyone isn't familiar, in Chess the queen is the most powerful piece capable of the widest variety of moves - but the queen is not the endgame goal. You can lose the queen piece in any game and (besides losing a powerful piece) it's not the end of the world. You can still win the game without the queen piece. It's the King piece that's the Win/Loss condition. The King is the piece you have to keep safe at all costs, even if you lose other pieces in the process. The second the King dies, the match is over. You've lost.
And this matches exactly how Sakura played the series events. She was the Queen in control of every move, and Syaoran was the Win condition she was focused on. She foresaw Fai killing Syaoran in the future - which, for her, is the Losing Scenario. She planned everything to avoid this, and she succeeded! She lost the Queen piece (ie, her physical body) but won the ultimate goal of keeping the King safe. She won the 3D future chess game that she was playing by herself, and positioned herself in the place that would have the most benefit for the victory at the end. (Which I still haven't seen, but she was VERY confident about this having a better result than Fai killing Syaoran.)
I'm also super happy that this ties in really well with the fairy tale allusions I talked about back in Chapter 140, but in ways I wasn't aware of back then either.
I talked about Snow White and how the apple (that shows up in a lot of the splash images in Infinity) may have been referring to Sakura's tendency to sleep a lot. What I didn't realise was that Sakura was essentially about to pull the Big Brain Snow White maneuver on herself to ultimately win her chess game. While in Snow White the poison apple is a trap, here Sakura sprung the trap intentionally. Fai is the apple she bit into deliberately - she arranged it so that killed her body, breaking his own curse, and sent her to the World of Dreams (and thus, she is asleep) which also placed her in a Glass Coffin (aka The Jam Jar of Dreams - Im sorry I have no memory of what it's really called). So the Snow White metaphor is now complete.
But also Cinderella! In the image for 140 Sakura is trying on a glass slipper - so she's Cinderella figure as well. But at this point in the plot the clock hadn't struck midnight just yet - like Cinderella, Sakura knew the exact time limit she had to work with, and for her the timing had to be PRECISE. She spent all of Infinity stressed out of her mind about this plan she couldn't trust anyone else with, knowing full well that if she missed the window even slightly it would ruin absolutely everything and they would all lose. Which, funnily enough, makes Yuuko the fairy godmother, since she provided Sakura with the magic she needed to make her plan happen (via wishes). This also means that Fai stabbing her with the sword is the exact moment the clock struck twelve - and like the spell finishing, Sakura could finally drop the act and explain what she had done, even as all the magic disappeared (ie, her luck being traded away). There's even a detransformation sequence of a sort, with her body and soul going in two different directions. But either way, the Cinderella metaphor is also complete!
And with all that done the last part I want to talk about is back in the image of Syaoran on the throne. He's framed on either side with the curtains that portray the chess board, and they're tied back by chains with him in the very centre. He is visually chained to the board - which, like, of course he is. With his Autopilot programming in place he's essentially just a chess piece without any will of his own - a winning piece, for sure, but he's still being moved around without his choice. He's playing the game on auto, making the moves that will lead him to the winning gambit, but without his individual soul he has no choice but to keep playing until the game is over. The goal he's working towards isn't even his - it's Evil Wolverine's. So in the same way that everyone else was a chess piece in Sakura's strategy (if, sort of, willingly), including Sakura herself, Syaoran is a piece being moved around in Evil Wolverine's favour - though if he dies, it's game over for Sakura's side as well.
I'm unclear if Syaoran dying would be a game over scenario for Evil Wolverine, but at the very least it would end the game he is currently playing.
So, in the hyper future 3D chess game that Sakura was playing by herself she couldn't properly win the game for her side by taking out Syaoran because he's her king piece too. Syaoran is the piece at the centre of everything, and will be the key to winning the game for either side. We just have to wait and see if Sakura's gambit will pay off in the way she thinks it will.
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neuxue · 4 years
The Untamed Liveblog: Episode 42 – Stabbing As A Fun Family Bonding Activity (Reprise)
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It’s not a real Jinlintai party without insult, injury, a murder investigation, and a tearful conversation in the rain. 
1. Evidence Hidden and Names Revealed
If Lan Xichen turned on me the smile he turns on Su She, I would simply run away.
Lan Xichen can and will wreck your shit but instead he smiles that polite we both know I could ruin you :) but it’s not going to come to that :) is it:) because you’re going to behave :) smile.
Meanwhile Lan Wangji is just. Glaring murder at him. Lan Wangji also can and will wreck your shit but you’re more likely to see it coming.
Jin Guangyao is doing a classic ‘My secret room? Why yes of course I’ll show it to you; there’s nothing incriminating to see here; I just recently had the place cleaned!’
No, Wei Wuxian, he’s not afraid Qin Su might say something, because she can’t speak right now. (Please someone help Qin Su)
Yeah why am I. Not even remotely surprised that the head’s not there anymore.
I’m honestly more surprised that Wei Wuxian expected it to still be there, given that he knew Jin Guangyao saw his paper figure. Come on Wei Wuxian, you’re a better tactician than this.
It’s left to Lan Xichen to ask the question, and he does it with a soft “A-Yao”—a name filled with trust, but a question that implies suspicion. His two roles: Lan Xichen who trusts A-Yao, and Zewu-jun who must consider the suspicion cast on Jin Guangyao.
Qin Su!
No no no!
Held frozen in this room, unable to speak, to accuse or to call for help, unable to move, and her single and final act of agency is to draw the knife on herself.
That’s. Wow. Okay. So that happened. Fuck.
Jin Guangyao: “What is going on?”
It’s a good move, on his part, to turn the suspicion around, to use this as a kind of accusation, to garner sympathy. And it has to hurt Lan Xichen, to see Jin Guangyao’s loss, to fear that he is somehow responsible, to fear that his suspicion is unfounded and that this is the price of it, but he also can’t just drop this completely—
Jin Guangyao: “Is there something you haven’t told me?”
And again we cut to Lan Xichen’s face, and it’s his own unasked question turned back on him; it’s Jin Guangyao looking at him as if he might be the one who has betrayed the trust between them.
And yet again it falls to Lan Xichen to be the one to calmly explain as Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang arrive. He’s the one who most trusts Jin Guangyao, the one who most likes him, and yet he has to be the one to ask, to push, to try to offer comfort, to explain, to remain calm and detached, and I just really need someone to give him a hug and no one is going to.
At this point I am almost certain Nie Huaisang suspects Jin Guangyao, and probably has something to do with this whole situation. And I’m less but still relatively certain that while this might put an understandable damper on Nie Huaisang’s friendship towards Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangyao still on some level cares about Nie Huaisang.
Friends! To! Enemies! This is my entire jam! People who know each other, and so know best how to twist the knife. Who play out their friendship even alongside their enmity, and the betrayal hurts everyone, and—
Oh. Nie Huaisang taking Lan Xichen’s hand in a gesture that seems almost like kindness, and certainly like grief, but also a little bit like cruelty (though the kind that would hurt them both) when he asks “You’re speaking of… my da-ge? Your da-ge?”
Every time we cut to Lan Xichen’s face, which is often, it breaks my heart. We’ve seen so many characters watch their world collapse around them, but Lan Xichen is so… quiet, so absolute in the way he hides his own feelings away in the name of his duty and his role. It’s self-sacrifice so quiet and well-hidden that those around him may not even notice it beneath his gentle smiles and unimpeachable skill and perfect decorum.
Jin Guangyao: “The clues disappeared? So… you came to search my place? You wanted me to open the vault because you suspected that da-ge’s head was at my place?”
The way he looks up at Lan Xichen as he starts to say this, softly, as if pleading with him! As if looking at him and saying er-ge… you suspect me too, don’t you? And Lan Xichen just having to remain steadfast in the face of that!
And Jin Guangyao did it, yes, but still it hurts him as well, I think, to see something like suspicion from Lan Xichen. To know that if he fails here he might lose even him. That even if he succeeds here, he might still lose him.
But I also think he knows something of Lan Xichen’s conflict, and so focuses on him, perhaps hating that he’s using the bond between them but using it anyway, because Lan Xichen is the one he might be able to persuade, and the one with the power, in this room, to protect him.
And for the first time Lan Xichen doesn’t answer, and looks away.
Su She: “Why Hanguang-jun, a person known for his grace and righteousness, would keep such a notorious person by his side is hard to understand.”
The words are intended for Mo Xuanyu, but to Wei Wuxian they could just as easily be about himself. He wonders the same thing—he asked Lan Wangji why Lan Wangji was helping him. He has never… quite understood why Lan Wangji stood beside him, followed him, visited him, reached for him on that cliffside. Oh, he could understand that they were friends, could say “I once thought of you as my lifelong zhiji,” and offer his life to Lan Wangji for the taking, could trust him… but I don’t think he ever really considered himself worthy of the same from Lan Wangji, and so never quite… understood it. Wei Wuxian’s terminal inability to understand that other people care about him.
But then Jin Guangyao draws his sword and Lan Wangji immediately, instinctively, moves to shield Wei Wuxian, to parry, to protect.
The running theme of ‘people stepping between Wei Wuxian and danger, when as far as he’s concerned it should always be the other way around, and Wei Wuxian not entirely understanding what’s happening’ continues.
So he sets a hand on Lan Wangji’s shoulder and pushes him aside. Makes himself the target again.
WEI WUXIAN DRAWING SUIBIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have. So many feelings about this. Most of them are just WEI WUXIAN! DRAWING! SUIBIAN! AGAIN!
What a moment.
And everyone’s face.
Jin Guangyao: “Yiling Laozu. You’re the Yiling Laozu!”
I know I mentioned this already last episode, but the irony here is fucking spectacular. The sword whose relinquishing represented the turning point that led him to that title, is now the one that, in its reclaiming, names him the same. Not Wei Wuxian, who wielded Suibian once, but the Yiling Laozu, who didn’t. Suibian’s absence then, but presence now, both causes of distrust.
If you wanted to you could even extend it to a kind of… there was so much focus on his sword, on bringing him back to that path, but even if he had, even if he could have, they would have found something else. Because it’s not about the sword; it’s about the target.
Sorry, I’m just losing my mind over how perfect this whole moment is.
Oh, Jin Ling. Speaking of characters watching their world fall apart in front of them.
And Nie Huaisang, who I am certain knew who Wei Wuxian was already, is the one to try to cast doubt on that name, as if to… cover for him. Or to force proof. Could go either way, and I am as ever kind of fascinated by post-flashback Nie Huaisang.
Jin Ling: “So he isn’t definitely Wei Wuxian, right?”
Oh, kid. He wants so badly for this person he has come to like to be anyone but Wei Wuxian.
Several times he said “I don’t care who you are” to Wei Wuxian, and he meant it, but he meant it so long as it was anyone else.
Because he cannot like Wei Wuxian, cannot accept ever having liked Wei Wuxian, because that would mean betraying himself, betraying his parents—
Jin Guangyao’s like ‘oh yeah Mo Xuanyu saw some of the Yiling Laozu’s notes I had lying around, specifically the Sacrifice Summon’ and no one responds with the obvious ‘Jin-zongzhu why the fuck did you leave that lying around?’
And I wonder if him seeing it was… not an accident. But then the question is who, and I don’t see why Jin Guangyao would want to bring Wei Wuxian back, and there’d be easier ways to get rid of Mo Xuanyu, so. That leaves…hm. Hmmm.
Did Wei Wuxian not know Suibian sealed itself? Huh.
Also. If the sword is connected to the spirit. Is Wei Wuxian. The only one who can draw it?
And then as Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji get the fuck out of there, Jin Guangyao turns to Jin Ling with this look of absolute gentle sympathy, and twists the knife:
Jin Guangyao: “A-Ling… […] He tricked us all. So I don’t blame you for treating the murderer of your father as your friend, and protecting him”
I mean first of all it’s the classic ‘I’m not going to mention [thing that I now describe in great detail], but…’
But mostly, Jin Ling is already blaming himself, hating himself for this betrayal of himself and everything he believed; this betrayal of his parents’ memories, that he could befriend their murderer without knowing.
This, right here, is why I love that trope so much, of someone meeting their sworn enemy out of context and liking them. This moment when it’s revealed, because how do you reconcile that? How does he reconcile the monster of his childhood with the friend and teacher? How does he face the fact that he likes the person he most hates, without breaking?
2. On The Steps Of Jinlintai (Again)
When it looks like they’re not going to be able to escape, Wei Wuxian pushes Lan Wangji away. Again. As always.
Because Wei Wuxian, as ever, cannot accept or anyone he cares about being hurt because of him. Because Wei Wuxian, as ever, will make himself the target, because he deserves this, doesn’t he? And he can take it, and so he should take it, right? And if he can’t, well, at least he’s not bringing anyone he loves down with him.
But the look on Lan Wangji’s face is that of someone who has watched Wei Wuxian do this too many times before, never considering that maybe he shouldn’t have to. Face a ring of swords like it’s only right that they point at him, but unacceptable that they point at Lan Wangji. Value his life, again and as ever, as less.
I don’t think it hurts like a rejection or a lack of trust, exactly, but it hurts Lan Wangji that Wei Wuxian still… thinks Lan Wangji would accept being pushed away while Wei Wuxian faces those swords alone. That Lan Wangji would accept doing anything but standing by him.
Once again Wei Wuxian lowers the mask, because he will make himself the target, face their hatred of him if it will protect the ones he loves.
Wei Wuxian smiles the smile he gives when he’s pretending pain doesn’t hurt, the smile he gives when he hates himself a little bit for bringing pain to those he cares about, when Jin Guangyao says “Not only Jin Ling, but Hanguang-jun was also fooled by you,” and says yes.
Lan Wangji: “Not so.”
Loudly, clearly, and in absolutely unequivocal words.
Like, even more so than when he spoke out against Jin Guangshan’s accusation in 27. There, his response to “everyone heard” was more or less analogous to “I didn’t.” Here, it’s more like… ‘that is incorrect’, but formally and with emphasis. Lan Wangji is not fucking around.
Wei Wuxian is not going to face the world’s hatred alone; Lan Wangji won’t let him. This time Lan Wangji is going to make his allegiance utterly, exquisitely clear.
Lan Wangji, Second Jade of Lan, with his reputation for righteousness, steps up to Wei Wuxian—without looking anywhere but directly at Wei Wuxian, because it doesn’t matter who the rest of them are or what they say or how they look at him; nothing matters more than standing beside him—and says “I already knew he was Wei Ying.”
Wei Wuxian: “Lan Zhan, you don’t have to do this. I’m long used to this.”
“You don’t have to,” Wei Wuxian says, but Lan Wangji isn’t doing this out of obligation, which Wei Wuxian has always struggled to understand, because it’s how he sees so much of his own life (and because he always sees himself as the one who owes). “I’m used to this,” he says, but to Lan Wangji that’s part of what makes this so intolerable to watch: he shouldn’t have to be. Wei Wuxian shouldn’t have to do this either.
It’s like this post-flashback sequence is just trying to grab Wei Wuxian’s face in both hands and say you matter, damn it, and one of these days it’s going to work.
Wei Wuxian: “Just say you were deceived by the Yiling Laozu”
Calling this one out because the Netflix subs don’t include the title, but I love it because It’s About The Names, and when Lan Wangji said he knew Wei Wuxian’s identity, he said he knew he was Wei Ying. Not Wei Wuxian, not the Yiling Laozu, not even some form of ‘I knew who he was’. Whereas Wei Wuxian is invoking his own title, his reputation that has been made infamous, trying to get Lan Wangji to… reject that knowing of him, reject the intimacy of his name, at least for the sake of performance.
Lan Wangji: “Wei Ying. Do you remember what you asked me in the Cloud Recesses?”
LAN WANGJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He doesn’t just say ‘I trust you’, which could be read as just a statement applicable to this single circumstance, but instead recalls that entire conversation, which itself was about… everything they are to each other, and everything they were to each other, and why Lan Wangji stands beside him now. It’s I trust you but it’s also an explanation and apology and beneath that this sense of I will make myself clearer now than I did then. I will stand by you now as I wish I had then. All in the space of a single question.
Lan Wangji: “The feeling of walking a narrow bridge into the dark is not so bad after all.”
And here he invokes their last farewell before everything went wrong! The last time he walked away! The last time he left Wei Wuxian to walk his path alone!
But this time he steps up to him, and turns towards him, and smiles, and says with that one phrase, recalling a memory to serve as a contrast and therefore an explanation, you’re not alone this time. Says I questioned the path you chose, once, but I trust you now, and I will walk it with you.
And Wei Wuxian, still surrounded by this ring of swords and accusations and hatred, smiles a true smile back at him. Says his name with fondness and helpless laughter of, like, love and astonishment. He can’t keep from smiling, laughing, because he can hardly believe, and yet. Here Lan Wangji is, saying this.
(The cut to Jiang Cheng’s face, though? Watching his brother smile again, but not at him, perhaps never again at him… Jiang Cheng just watching again as Wei Wuxian chooses someone else over him, and why wouldn’t he? But there’s no anger there; just this bittersweet acceptance that his brother may be lost to him, but… but his brother is smiling).
And then these two face the world together, back to back, fighting in perfect unison as they always did.
Oh Jin Ling.
And Jiang Cheng, watching as the last of his family face each other, as Wei Wuxian causes pain for the one person he has left.
I don’t think Jiang Cheng wants to stop Wei Wuxian right now, not really. Certainly not like this; he’d confront him in private but what lies between them is more personal than a political stage. And while Jiang Cheng might not call it loyalty, he’s not going to go out of his way to hand his brother over to Jin Guangyao.
But he also knows what Jin Ling is feeling, and he can’t stop Jin Ling either, can’t deny him the chance to confront the one responsible for his parents’ deaths. Also it would be political suicide (and I think there is a part of Jiang Cheng that hates himself a little bit, and hates Lan Wangji more, for the fact that Lan Wangji can stare the world in the face—or rather, gently look Wei Wuxian in the eyes—and say fuck my reputation. That Lan Wangji can stand by Wei Wuxian, and that he can do it with such certainty, when all Jiang Cheng has is grief and anger and doubt and far too much pain).
All he can do is watch, and there’s no making it out of this night without being hurt one way or another, which. Jiang Cheng’s familiar with that feeling, at least! He could use a hug as well.
But oh, Jin Ling. Jin Ling shaking, as he holds out his sword and asks “Are you really Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian?” as if still desperate for the answer, somehow, to be no.
He’s just hurting. So much.
I mean.
You know what, I can’t even blame him.
Like, no, stabbing is probably not an ideal solution here, but he has had a day. And his entire world is falling apart in front of him and he doesn’t know what to do and he’s barely holding himself together and he’s so hurt and so angry and so… of course he stabs him.
Wei Wuxian doesn’t even look surprised. He accepts this, too, as no more than his due.
(Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, looks… horrified).
(He wants to shout at Wei Wuxian, wants to hurt him, maybe, but he doesn’t actually want him to bleed)
Lan Wangji, as always, catches Wei Wuxian as he falls.
And Jin Ling, ah, Jin Ling.
Jin Ling, who stabbed Wei Wuxian in the same place as Jiang Cheng once did, and probably got just as much satisfaction out of it, which is… none.
And so he just stands there trembling, in the wreckage of everything he thought he knew, sword falling from his hand, because it doesn’t help, doesn’t make the hurt go away, why does it still hurt—
3. A Little Fall Of Rain (Can Hardly Hurt Me Now)
Oh it’s these two in the rain again, but this time they’re walking together rather than away from each other.
Though Wei Wuxian is also barely walking at all.
Is it bad that I think bleeding and exhausted and barely able to stand is a good look on him? Don’t answer that.
His blood is staining Lan Wangji’s clothes. And Lan Wangji does not care. I see what you did there.
Oh good yes let’s remember this first cliffside scene; that doesn’t hurt at all. The time when Lan Wangji questioned him about the Yin Tiger Seal, pressed him for answers, didn’t trust him as he wishes he had. The time when Wei Wuxian said “You doubt me too, don’t you?” and Lan Wangji didn’t answer. The time when Lan Wangji said “You promised to let me help,” and Wei Wuxian replied “But if you don’t trust me, how can you help.” The scene I have seared into my brain (among… many, but still). Good times.
And as if that weren’t enough we get a third rendition of the… other cliffside scene. When Lan Wangji tried too late to hold on, to say come back.
(But now. Now he has stood by Wei Wuxian. Now he gave him that trust, stood at his side on that single-log bridge)
(Now Wei Wuxian is moments away from bleeding out in his arms. Now Lan Wangji is terrified he’s about to lose Wei Wuxian again—)
Lan Wangji: “Why are you laughing?” Wei Wuxian: “It’s nothing. Just… It’s funny. When everyone admired my power and wanted to flatter me, you’re the only one who scolded me. But now, when everyone hates me and wants me to die, you’re the only one standing at my side.”
I am. On. The floor.
This is TOO MUCH!
But it’s perfect. Because… because, Wei Wuxian, he sees you. Has always seen you, cared about you: not the power you wield or the threat you pose or your reputation or your capability or what you can do for him or what you could do to him. Just you. Just Wei Ying.
And so before, Lan Wangji was the only one to scold him because Lan Wangji was afraid for him, rather than of him. Because Lan Wangji saw the person beneath that power, and feared that he would be lost to it, and cared about that more than anything Wei Wuxian could do. And now they hate him, but all that matters to Lan Wangji is that he’s there. Because to Lan Wangji he is still, as he ever was, Wei Ying.
And that was what Wei Wuxian never understood, but… perhaps, maybe, could begin to.
Also it hurts, the way his expression falters just a little when he talks of how they all hate him. He has spent so long deliberately not caring, making himself immune to wound and insult, or at least pretending hard enough to convince himself it was reality, but sometimes… it does hurt.
They see him as so terrifying, so powerful, as invincible and something not quite human, someone who can’t bleed the way they do, hurt the way they do; and he played into that image even before he really stepped into that role. He has always shrugged off pain, the better to serve as a shield. But here, alone but for the one who sees him, and knows him, he is just… hurt, and tired, and sad.
He’s not hiding his wounds, here. He lets Lan Wangji see him hurt and tired and vulnerable. Lets Lan Wangji see him bleeding, literally and metaphorically. A return of that trust. And his own kind of apology, perhaps, for pushing him away all those years ago, for hiding his pain then.
4. Just A Casual Family Music Recital
Of course now Wei Wuxian is back to trying to hide how badly he’s hurt, but I think it’s more… instinct than true reluctance. Instinct and that kind of… tentative question in the face of new vulnerability, after their conversation on the stairs, and in the rain.
Meanwhile Lan Wangji just pulls back Wei Wuxian’s robe and Wei Wuxian has to recalibrate his entire understanding of the world.
Wei Wuxian’s conjecture around someone leading them to investigate Nie Mingjue’s death, and that person being probably the same as the one who gave Qin Su the letter and maybe let Mo Xuanyu discover whatever the secret was… and hates Jin Guangyao…
It makes me wonder again how exactly Mo Xuanyu found the Sacrifice Summon notes. How he thought to call Wei Wuxian.
(And Wei Wuxian’s expression as the Sacrifice Summon is mentioned… his last days were blow after blow of watching first Wen Qing and Wen Ning sacrifice themselves and then Jiang Yanli, and he was always the one who was supposed to sacrifice— and now someone he didn’t even know is dead because of him and he’s here in his place. It’s not the absolute self-loathing we’ve seen from him at other times, but there’s a kind of regret, perhaps, or sorrow, like when he handed the bag holding Xiao Xingchen’s soul to Song Lan).
Still Many Feelings about Wei Wuxian holding Suibian again. And whispering “thank you” to Lan Wangji as Lan Wangji hands it to him, rather than tossing it aside, or telling him sharply enough, or leave it.
I absolutely love the shot of his face mirrored in Suibian’s blade. The identity of it all!!
I absolutely will not make any kind of innuendo about Lan Wangji tugging on the hilt of Wei Wuxian’s sword while they sit in bed together.
Wei Wuxian did you only now realise you were at Cloud Recesses? Too busy staring into Lan Wangji’s eyes as he held your sword?
Wei Wuxian: “What if your brother finds out?” Lan Xichen (from outside): “I already found out.”
Have I mentioned how much I love Lan Xichen and the fact that he is not-so-secretly a massive troll?
And he’s smiling as he walks in here, having probably been waiting outside for the most entertaining or dramatic opportunity to make his entrance. As he offers the safety of Cloud Recesses and his protection to Wei Wuxian.
But. I’m still just. Remembering his face in the previous scenes. (He just hides that away, buries it, because his pain should not be anyone else’s concern).
And then there’s Wei Wuxian, who smiled in overwhelmed disbelief and joy and surprise as Lan Wangji stood beside him against the world, and now is being offered protection with a smile from Zewu-jun, and it’s just a lot for him to process, okay?!
But maybe, if it keeps happening, he’ll get it through his head that he’s worthy of being protected, that it’s okay to need and accept help, that it doesn’t make him a burden, that he doesn’t have to continually pay down the debt of his existence.
(Well. Once he’s paid off the sacrifice summon scars, anyway…)
Lan Xichen:“Now that Wei-gongzi is awake, Wangji, isn’t it time you gave me an account as well?”
Oh that is the Older Sibling Smile of and now you will do exactly as I say or I will tell uncle who ate the last of the sweets.
And then! Lan Xichen smiles a little at Lan Wangji and goes… Netflix subs give “You’re really more than I can handle” but it’s also kind of like… a fondly exasperated “What am I going to do with you” and don’t mind me I’m just sitting here screaming about the Twin Jades and how they’re brothers, and how Lan Xichen teases Lan Wangji, when almost no one else in the entire world ever does or has or would—
How to each other they’re people, when to the rest of the world that is so overshadowed by their image. How they’re so close, when so few would ever want or be able to get close to them. How important it is that they have that, in each other.
But their next exchange… hurts.
Lan Xichen: “Did you see it with your own eyes?” Lan Wangji: “He saw it with his own eyes.” Lan Xichen: “You believe Wei-gongzi?” Lan Wangji: “I do.” Lan Xichen: “And Jin Guangyao?” Lan Wangji: “He is not trustworthy.”
This feels… sharper in the original, like the back-and-forth and trust-and-distrust flows better, but the point is, it comes down to who they trust. The two of them trust each other, I think, but here they have to trust not just each other, but the one the other trusts.
And it hurts, to find themselves in this kind of conflict. To each want to trust the other completely, and trust the other’s judgement, but have to question it. Lan Xichen has to either doubt Jin Guangyao, or doubt Wei Wuxian and by extension doubt Lan Wangji’s trust in him. And Lan Wangji… well. Lan Wangji has made his choice, but it still can’t be easy to stand at conflict with his brother.
Lan Xichen: “Ah, Wangji. Then how do you judge whether someone is trustworthy or not?”
The wording isn’t the same but it reminds me of their conversation in 21, when Lan Wangji, lost and uncertain, asked his brother “are there set rules for everything in the world” and “then how can we judge a person?” (or “how can we know a person’s heart”) and Lan Xichen gave him the most thoughtful answer he could. This, right after Lan Xichen asked, gently and without using Wei Wuxian’s name, about the Yin Iron, and the Yiling office, and accepted Lan Wangji’s statement of “He would not do something like that.” Trusted his brother, despite his doubts. And ultimately… well. I’m not sure what came next would have really… felt like confirmation that that trust was well placed, is all I’m saying.
And now we get something of a reversal of that, and I can’t help but think they probably both recognise it.
Lan Xichen: “you trust Wei-gongzi; similarly, I trust Jin Guangyao.”
And that’s it, isn’t it? Lan Wangji’s trust in Wei Wuxian, as we have seen, as he has said in so many beautiful ways, is absolute. But Lan Xichen trusts Jin Guangyao the same way, and just as Lan Wangji regretted not trusting Wei Wuxian fully before, and remembered that cliffside conversation, I think Lan Xichen hates that he had to show suspicion to Jin Guangyao in that room. That while Jin Guangyao held Qin Su’s body and looked at all of them in anguish, Lan Xichen couldn’t be entirely by his side.
Lan Xichen: “You believe in your judgement. Am I not allowed to believe in my judgement?”
This is… close to the harshest we’ve seen Lan Xichen, especially with Lan Wangji. And this shift from a fond ‘what am I going to do with you’ to this question that cuts to the heart of who they are and who they trust…
They both know the feeling of trusting someone whom others suspect or hate, know that not everything is black and white, but now it pulls them in different directions.
And the problem is that there’s no way to square this circle, no way for someone to not end up betrayed.
On another note, I have to respect the absolute power move in Lan Xichen having this conversation in front of Wei Wuxian. It’s. Hm. I mean. It’s not quite a shovel talk.
But it’s very in keeping with the way Lan Xichen plays politics. He’s not cruel, or underhanded; he has this quiet power that he uses with great care, this gentleness he can wield like a sword. It’s turning honesty and openness into political tools, which. Is pretty impressive.
It’s Wei Wuxian who finally cuts in, with nothing more than a “Lan-zongzhu” and Lan Xichen immediately falls back into that perfect Lan sect leader deliberate, detached calm and promises that he will not endanger Wei Wuxian. Which. That’s not even remotely near the top of Wei Wuxian’s list of concerns, if it’s on there at all.
(And watching Lan Xichen withdraw back into that cool neutrality hurts almost more now that we’ve seen what is beneath it, heard him almost angry and almost pleading with his brother, the one person with whom he can show even that much of his true feelings).
But Wei Wuxian’s offering proof. He knows this isn’t going to be resolved with mere trust, and wouldn’t even feel justified in asking Lan Xichen to trust him; it’s strange enough for him to realise how unwavering Lan Wangji’s trust is.
Netflix. I am begging you. Please can you just. Choose a translation for 走火入魔 and stick with it?
Lan Xichen’s smile now is one of ‘I am about five seconds from losing the last of my very great reserve of patience; do not test me’.
Song of Clarity, Minor Variation is pretty good evidence, considering what they have to work with.
Because thing is, Lan Xichen, Wei Wuxian is rather absurdly talented, which I’m sure you remember from his Gusu days; he didn’t play a portion of this incorrectly because it’s difficult. He played perfectly, from memory after hearing it briefly in a high-stress Empathy flashback that made Lan Wangji concerned enough for his wellbeing that he started playing music for him, the variant that Jin Guangyao played Nie Mingjue.
But then, Wei Wuxian has always had an excellent memory for this kind of content. It’s other things he forgets. Like his own kindnesses. Or pain. Or Jin Zixun’s name.
And now Lan Xichen is not just humouring them with quickly-thinning patience. This is not the Song of Clarity he taught to Jin Guangyao, so either Wei Wuxian is embarking on a particularly elaborate lie, or.
(I also love that this is all happening with Wei Wuxian in, like, loungewear).
It’s Lan Xichen who leads them to the library. He trusts Jin Guangyao but he is doing his absolute utmost to be fair, to consider their evidence and their suspicions, and not shut them down when there is evidence to follow. Instead he leads them to where they can all try to learn more.
And this for someone he feels more or less the same way about as Lan Wangji does about Wei Wuxian. Like. Lan Wangji knelt steadfast in the snow for his trust in Wei Wuxian, but Lan Xichen instead has to do this.
And it is Lan Xichen who finds the Collection of Turmoil, and hands it without a word to Lan Wangji.
Lan Xichen who explains the origin and purpose and power of the Collection of Turmoil to Wei Wuxian.
Can he have a hug now?
Next (ep43) Previous (ep41)
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
Continuing with Amphibia liveblog.
I watched “Escape to Amphibia.” It may not be fully fair to compare it to “Not What He Seems” in Gravity Falls - especially since I haven’t finished Amphibia, and especially since different shows will have different narrative desires. I’m going to compare them anyway. I hope people forgive me for comparing apples to crab apples.
“Escape to Amphibia” appears to be the major action turning point, the drama, the reveal, the showdown where lots of which has been built up breaks loose. We’ve been waiting long for the return to Amphibia. Here it is. That’s similar to “Not What He Seems,” where everything breaks loose, and we get the season-and-a-half built up reveal of what Stan is hiding and who the Author is. Functionally, it seems these two episodes intend to operate the same way.
However, “Not What He Seems” comes off better from a satisfaction standpoint. This is because it’s the buildup of mysteries that we’ve always had. Literally from Episode 1. We’ve wanted to know who the Author is. We’ve wanted to know what Stan is up to. GF has always promised that this would be in the scope of the show. Fans are at their wit’s end to get the explosion and reveal.
But that isn’t the case with Amphibia. We didn’t get introduced to Mr. X, a major antagonist of S3, until S3. We didn’t expect an urban-centered showdown with a group of friends we’d never met ‘til S3. So it can’t compare to the excitement, investment, relief, and thrill of “Not What He Seems.” It doesn’t feel as natural or as much of a payoff.
Now, both shows introduce FBI agents late in the game. GF works because they aren’t main antagonists. They don’t overdo their presence. Their simplicity is their strength. They’re more “background” and means to an ends (rather than the flamboyant personality and direct, ongoing antagonist Mr. X is).
In GF, the FBI reinforce what the heart the show has always been - character relationship investments (Stan, Dipper, and Mabel’s love and trust). They add tension to the mysteries central to the show. But Mr. X is both too colorful a personality, distracting us from the emotional tensions Amphibia introduced us to (Anne, Sprig, Hop Pop, and Polly’s love for each other, which wasn’t touched in “Escape to Amphibia”), and Mr. X is too “basic” - a straightforward villain type. So the FBI becomes more intrusive to the narrative of Amphibia, rather than reinforcing the emotional centers.
To be clear, Mr. X would be a cool character in other shows. I could see him in many cartoons where people would fall in love with him. I would, too! But he doesn’t match the tone of a show that was initially about the rural, daily lives of talking frogs.
And to be clear, the group coming together to bust the frogs out of the FBI compound was fun. It was cool to see everyone we’d befriended in S3 become relevant. It also highlights the diversity Amphibia S3 has intentionally included (ex: racial diversity, and intentionally placing women in scientific positions). The diversity feels natural and nicely done. For instance, Amphibia has always been a story where women are central and important, and they set it up that way with Anne and her two girl friends. I loved that. The trio of characters isn’t the overdone “two boys and a girl” cliche that drives me batty. It’s about three girls, which feels very real to me. I am always stoked when children’s media have girls’s relationships highlighted and central.
Now. Despite this being a complete tonal shift, I admit I loved the Star Wars vibe when Anne fought the FBI agents with the pseudo-lightsaber. It just looked cool. Black suit. Red saber. Heck yeah. Also, it feels more relevant, not just because Anne and her parents sparred earlier in the episode (so dorky! so pure!), but because we’ve seen Anne fighting with swords before. It’s an established skill she has. It’s a skill she’s grown in Amphibia, though if the show had shown the learning curve more, this moment might have been even MORE satisfying. But it was fun! It hit at guilty pleasures, so I couldn’t complain.
The moment where Anne opened the portal with her blue powers was epic and cool (the blue powers I’ve always liked, btw - well-established magic in this world, plus tying back to the music box we’ve always known about and wanted to learn about). And when the frogs stared out at a changed Amphibia, it was heartbreaking. It shows there’s no going back to the idyllic norm of S1. That makes me sad because S1 is what got me invested in the show, but it’s extremely well-done, and I give kudos to the writers for shoving wrenching emotions in.
If I read this episode right - and I’ve only been writing qualifiers to be careful - it’s a good analogue to “Not What He Seems,” and maybe I can write a more confident, robust analysis later.
P. S. Sprig with his red hair tuft and beanie - his human clothes - were always real cute.
P. P. S. I ship Hop Pop x Avocados.
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killian-whump · 3 years
Game Night! [Liveblog #4]
I’m gonna try to finish up the last game and the end of the video in this post, so we better get right to it!
The last game they’re going to play is called Quiplash. Okay, they’re going to be given a prompt... and whoever finishes the quip in the funniest way wins. Kat warns that she’s a master at this and that everybody’s going down. Colin seems impressed by her bravado, but incensed to win nonetheless. “Here we go,” says Sam unenthusiastically 😂
...or it’s meant to be on. Sam’s not joined the game yet. Seems to be having some sort of technical difficulty. “You scared of losing, Sam?” Colin asks helpfully. “All the rest of us got in pretty easy...”
Sam has joined. His name is now Colonislosin 😂 It’s hard to see exactly how it’s spelled. I don’t think any of them can see it that clearly, either. Sam has to tell them what it says.
“We’ll see,” Colin says. “We’ll see.”
The game begins. “It’s more like Col-on is losin,” Sam says. “Col-on.”
The audio is breaking all up in this segment, and Josh even comments on “Low internet signal. We’re doing great.” Hmm. I paid $10 for this, you damn well better find a stronger internet signal.
ROUND 1! The first quip is: We can all agree that... The two answers are: “Covid sucks” and “Josh... is... hairy” “Covid sucks” wins ~ and Colin gets all the points.
The second quip is: A terrible name for a funeral parlor. The two answers are: “Happy Times Palace” and “We put the Fun in Funeral” “We put the Fun in Funeral” wins ~ and Kat gets all the points.
The third quip is: “Knock Knock” “Who’s There?” The two answers are: “Me DUH” and “Get the fuck away from my door” “Get the fuck away” wins and Josh gets most of the points. Colin gets some too, I think, for his answer, because Sam voted for it.
The fourth quip is: “Something that would make a creepy replacement for the horses on a merry-go-round.” The two answers are: “Mini Josh’s” and “Creepy Princes” AREN’T THOSE THE SAME THING?! 😂 “One and the same,” says Sammy. “You don’t want to sit on a mini Josh, do you?” Sam ponders. Josh forgets to even vote, and Sam gets points for “Mini Josh’s”
At the end of Round 1, Sam is in the lead, with Kat and Colin tied for second.
I wanna take this moment to apologize for how BORING this post is so far. During the games, all five people (the three stars, Josh, and Sammy the producer) are in these miniscule windows on the far right of the screen. You can barely even see them. And during this game, there’s little to no conversation going on between/during the quips. As much fun as this game might be to play, it’s not a lot of fun to watch. The last one was better, but even that tended to DRAG for the audience at home. Josh really needs to work on the games he’s having stars play if he plans to keep charging $10 a month to watch this stuff. Also, the audio keeps breaking up in this segment, so even when they talk, some of it’s hard to decipher.
“I respect that Colin is doing this instead of reading bedtime stories to his children tonight,” Josh says as everyone’s entering in their answers for Round 2. “[That’s] how committed I am,” Colin replies. Kat says something that is so broken up, I can’t even begin to figure out what it is. Something about bedtime stories and Colin’s kids. It’s probably funny. 🤷‍♀️ I’m getting mad about my $10 gift card being gone again.
Alright. Round 2.
Quip #1: It never ends well when you mix ___ and ___. Answers: “poo and oatmeal” and “Sam and Josh” Okay, that second one is gold. Who did that? Apparently Colin did “poo and oatmeal” and Kat did “Sam and Josh”. Bless her. Colin gets the points with more votes, though.
Quip #2: The worst car feature that ends with “holder” Answers: “penis” and “diaper” Sam is just blinking rapidly. Now he’s laughing. “How does that work?” he asks. No one answers. “But I wanna know,” he says. “How does it work?” Josh wins the points with his “penis” answer - which Colin voted for, by the way - but no one cares now. “Does it move?” Kat asks. “Or does it just-” “Don’t ask too many questions,” Josh says. “What kind of size is it?” Sam asks. “Is it stationary or is there a motor feature?” Kat asks. “Maybe it’s a good idea...” Sam concludes, as Josh laments the kind of dreams he’s going to have now.
The third quip is literally happening in the background now, as everyone talks about the penis holder. Colin is noticeably silent on the topic XD
Quip #3: Something upsetting you could say to the cable guy as he installs your television service. Answers: “you smell like fart” and “want to see my murder room?” I’m sitting here going, “don’t be Colin, don’t be Colin” while simultaneously knowing 100% that Colin absolutely typed “you smell like fart” into his phone and... Yeah. Yeah, I’m right. That was him 😂 And he got 0 points. “Oh, boooo,” says Colin. Honey... Honey, I’m sorry, but that was bad.
Quip #4: The name of the reindeer Santa did not pick to pull his sleigh. Answers: “ohdeer” and “tipsy” Neither of these are very good. I hate this game. Kat gets the points with “tipsy”.
OH WOW, YOU GUYS. The final points are tallied and...
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WHAT IS THIS TOMFOOLERY?! Colin is LOSING?!?! I mean, I know “you smell like fart” was bad, but this is unbelievable! I call shenanigans!!!
Colin is literally sitting forward in his chair now, lmao. The determination is intense, you guys. I once again cannot handle him right now. I wish he wasn’t in the teeny tiny window so I could show you guys better, but look at him getting his fucking game face on:
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This man is a peanut and I love him with every fiber of my being. Look at him being a competitive little somesuch in last place. I can’t, you guys. Bury me here, etc, etc, I’m just a goner for this ridiculous man.
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Last Round: Quip: Strange side effect to hear during a drug commercial. Answers: “cream cheese will come out of your butt” “seeing double horowitz” and “the screams of baboons” - there’s only three because Kat didn’t get her answer in before the time was up. Aaaaaaand the sound’s breaking all up again 😣 Josh is wondering what the point is of voting, if all you’re doing is giving points to your competitors. “Do you have to give all three votes?” Colin asks. “See,” Josh says. “Colin is thinking strategically, like me.” “Well, I’m not entirely sure the other two, I think, deserve any more than one point.” But it’s... it’s the WAY he says it, OH MY GOD, lol. Lemme... I gotta... Okay, I screen recorded it for you guys.
That O’Donosass is actually almost worth $10, you guys.
Which is good, because the audio is getting worse and worse on this and it’s starting to piss me off. Anyway! Everybody’s got a lot of points, because those were ALL good answers (Colin’s was “the screams of baboons” which I quite like). Let’s see the final tally...
Josh is the winner! But Colin managed a come-from-behind close second, so I’m really proud of him :D Sam mentions how Josh invited them all there to play games and then BEAT them. Josh is closing out the show, saying he hopes everyone enjoyed it... “I enjoyed it,” Josh says "But maybe that’s just 'cause I won at the very last second.” “No, well, you won ONE,” Colin cuts in. “You won ONE game.”
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“Colin won the first round,” Josh says.
“...and then we have these two other people.”
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Incidentally, I wish everyone’s webcams were as clear as Kat’s.
Anyway, now there’s some sweet summing up... and Josh hawking everyone’s current projects... (gee, it’s like this is promotional content or something) and the show closing down and-
“Can I win next time?” asks Sam Heughan.
~ The End ~
I hope you guys had fun reading this. I gotta say...  this one video isn’t worth $10. I can see if you’re a huge fan of Josh’s or really into celebrity culture, $10 a month might be a fine price to pay for a bunch of this kind of content... but for a one-time video when your fave happens to show up on his channel? Nah. He really should have a “one time access” fee available for individual videos that’s a LOT less. Like, I’m talking, like... $1 or 2. This is literally a zoom call... and as such, the quality’s only as good as his guests’ webcams and audio and everyone’s internet connections. Also, I found the game format enticing... but ultimately boring due to the games chosen. The Would You Rather was the most fun of the three, because we actually got to hear from the stars and get some banter going. The games relied too much on the stars interacting with their devices instead of each other or anyone really engaging the audience. Honestly, if it was any of my faves other than Colin in this video, I might not have even watched the whole thing. Colin’s adorable competitive streak and eagerness to win play games is what kept me watching. The idea is cute, but it needs some work. And the price is too high - especially with the audio issues in the last ten minutes or so. That’s my final verdict.
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Fundy 28 APR 21
Delayed Liveblog Vault Hunters Part 1/1
Our favorite fox is damp. And apparently can’t get his hair to sit right.
He’s already having to raise the redemption price. It’s been 5 seconds.
I don’t even quite get Vault Hunters I know Hbomb did it last season and that it.
Charm. Lovely.
Is the bottom right a confetti cannon?
Oh no we have to fight? We can’t be trusted.
We are the sort of people to purposefully lose the fight.
Don’t get me wrong. We love Fundy and will cry on command. But also we are rather mean to him.
Mystic Tomato. I don’t know what it is but I love it.
I was saving up Chanel points for water and ads. But now I gotta save for those and the little fun reward pack things.
Oh no. Did we hit 100 subs already? That’s what it says over his name?
Confetti canon?
5up! Hooray!
HBomb humoring Fundy with the emotes.
Fight fight fight!
So close. We tried out best to fight the giant.
Alright chat. We need another arena. Everyone get him.
Everyone in chat yelling about Phil doing stuff in OSMP. Wrong server y’all. We can deal with that later.
Ooo are we doing VC?
Everything is so chaotic already.
Tubbo and Fundy trying to figure everything out.
You know things are confusing when the original people are like “the what?”
There was a how to play meeting? And somehow these boys are still confused.
Tubbo at least has an excuse to be confused.
I love skill trees in games. They just look so pretty.
“I see a melon!” -Fundy
5up our beloved.
My streamer is being beat up with a boomerang.
Fundy doesn’t know what’s happening, but he’s rich so it works.
Tubbo is just saying every name in hopes he says the right one.
We attack!
We did it! We’re a good chat!
Is 5ups skin still cog champ themed? Maybe not. Maybe my brain is being goofy.
Is Fundy complaining about his hair? I’m not actually paying attention. What is chat on about.
That’s one thing that can be said about all the chats. They like it when their streamers have fluffy hair.
Chat really is just crying aren’t they. Fundy’s chat has a skill of crying at everything.
Hooray 5up is active! Fundy go say hi for us!
Hooray friends!
Super good item! I don’t get it, but super good item!
Arena arena. We’re almost to the arena!
Aww. I missed the bets.
Beat em up chat!
Oh no. He’s hitting hard.
Oh were getting hit hard.
But we did it!
Good Job Wolf! Awesome Millionaire!
No arena box for winning. Rude.
Chat can’t even remember how many fights we’ve won.
Stupid full inventory.
Temporary base on the hill.
Pretty chest!
All the gifted subs. Such a popular streamer.
That looks so cool! I missed what it did but it looks cool!
Ooo all sorts of cool things.
Look at chat go
Look at everyone giving Fundy things.
It’s neato that they use peoples skins. That you can see the people who donated.
Shulker crates! Nice! That’ll be good for transporting things.
We’re so fancy.
Ooo sorting. The most complicated thing.
Chats over here spoiling our streamer.
We got this!
Beat em up subs!
Looting 2 noice.
Mods bribing chat to stop barking with Scooby snacks. I love them so much.
Wolf my dear you have done nothing wrong.
Oh cloud9 has a fox skin!
Ooo create mod. We know about that.
A lovely little base.
Cake is being stolen all over the place.
Stab stab the dragon.
Hooray follow goal! Music time!
Oh... that was it. Alrighty we’ll take what we can get.
Time to win an arena subs. We want music.
Our boy is confused.
Fundy just read the chat. They are telling you.
I got to get this time! The subs will destroy everyone!
Happy Halloween?
Gasp! Mega gift!
Pretty skin!
We love the Fundy mods dearly. They are so chill and nice.
The water well has run dry.
The streamer has escaped. It’s just us, the mods, and the chair.
Oh a Schlatt plush! Neato!
Schlushy I agree with that name.
“Not the hat the other one.” LOL.
Chat go Glatt
Went to get water the. Forgot to drink it.
Subs can modify emotes left and right.
Viper good job! Good book!
Fundy doing his game at middle of the night o’clock.
Streamer... please sleep. Please eat meals.
We’re almost at the Arena!
Sleep 8 hours... just at the wrong time.
Chat fully admitting to thinking our streamer is dumb enough to fall in lava.
We have learned to balance our expectations Fundy.
Oh this is going to be a long stream. A really long stream. I’ll probably need to take a break and do some work.
Arena Time! Beat em up subs!
Good job subs!! You did it!
Let’s see what we get for the arena.
So many Wolf!
Putting the winners on their boxes. Nice.
I have so much work to do, but I just want to watch the funky Fox.
Villagers? We love villagers.
Oh we’re switching screens it’s serious piano.
So lovely. I love listening to music people do their things.
I love the fact the subs keep shouting FundyJam!
I swear improv music should not sound this lovely
Spooky sounding tune. Sounds like a boss fight in a haunted castle.
Awesome piano!
Poor boy so annoyed by his hair. Bless his heart.
For anyone who doesn’t touch Twitter. The Fundy Updates Twitter is fabulous and amazing. They are just always so upbeat over everything.
Trying to nether portal. You go fox friend.
Wow Just portal to the center do a lava lake. Under soul sand.
You go 5up! You get that bastion.
Rip 5up.
Poor Fundy doing his best.
How’s the VC crew doing?
The drip is back!
Also I voted no in the will he burn pole. I have faith in my streamers.
We’re calling Fundy emo now. And he’s trying to deny having an emo phase, and failing.
I don’t know what’s happening half the time in this chat.
Fire Fox!
We’re still calling Fundy emo. Chat spoils the streamer and chat bullies the streamer.
Oh are we trending emo Fundy? Nice. I’m conveniently scrolling on Twitter.
Look at us bully our streamer.
The two people in chat. Those saying emo Fundy. Those going “his hair is nice stfu”. The duality of chat.
Sounds of suffering coming from the nether.
Fundy has taken responsibility for enderpearls.
We cursed Fundy? I look away for 10 seconds.
Pixel has turned on Fundy.
Fight that ghast.
Fundy’s going to get all the endermen.
Piglin goes smack.
We’re wearing the drip. Nice.
Everyone gets rich so fast here.
Well. We’ll just leave the corpse there.
The people who bet on him dying are so rich in channel points now.
*sad fox noises*
Surely not. Fundy we have lost all hope in you.
Pixel doing everything they can to do anti emo Fundy.
Aww. I missed the prediction. I bet he won’t die. I believe in him.
Fundy being scared by his own body. Cant wait to see that clip everywhere on YouTube.
Back to attacking the endermen.
Tubbo is such a villain. He’s so willing to kill HBomb.
Fundy just getting back to work.
I’m sorry corpses become skeletons. That’s horrid.
Off to get the dragon. The dragon the dragon.
Tubbo was smote.
HBomb and Fundy fully ready to be that person that steals the temple.
Hbomb shaped chest. That is great.
Everyone bullying HBomb.
Almost Arena time.
Betting yes on the arena. The subs are strong and they’ve got this.
My twitch app is being stupid. This might be my signal to take a break and do my school work.
8k boosters and the chat goes nuts.
Chat from where I am is just a bunch of booster packs. I think I need to close and reopen the app.
There we go. There is the lovely chat.
Arena time!
Aww. My bet disappeared when I moved the app.
No! He’s cheating! The subs are doing their best!
Good job subs!
I mean it’s a diamond sword. It’s not diamonds but it’ll do.
I heard a du du du du?
I’ve got to go. Time to be productive with my life and time.
Let me know if I miss anything especially stupid or funny.
Alright it’s been 2 and a half hours but I’m back.
Looks like I missed a lot, and the boy has been going 5 hours.
Still on Vault Hunters? How is he not tired of this yet good gracious.
We’re enchantin’
I don’t know what’s happening but I’m watching.
Who stole all the luck from the boy?
Good that he’s drinking plenty of water
Good that he’s taking a break for foods.
What is with the lightening sounds? I don’t like it.
Spare the soup pet.
Sadness. No 3rd cow.
Yes! One more arena!
Lure da cows.
No that’s the Fundy Cow!
Nooooo. That’s worse than killing it!
Did we win our other arenas? I only say the first 5 or so.
Lightening Cow. Lovely.
Noooo the cowwww!
For once Fundy isn’t the one thriving.
He tunneled the cow out. Wow.
Bye 5up! Good luck!
Hi Crumb. The cow was snatched.
Noooo. Quit stealing our cows!
What he jumps like Superman and steals our cows.
Cow bunker.
These cows will get snatched. I just know it.
No. No taking da cows.
Our cows must be protected.
Enchanting is not on our fox’s side
Oh so they did beat the enderdragon. Good for them.
All sorts of neato elytra.
I must go again. I am called to dinner.
Good job getting you diamond sir.
30 minutes later I am back and we are chatting with HBomb.
Sharp boomerang.
Saw a bit of cat maid peaking out there.
5up judging Fundy for just sitting and mining.
Oh the facecam is off. I’m just noticing.
I guess it probably goofed up and froze.
Everyone in chat talking about how much to make the magic packs. I like the people saying 6.9k just for the funnies.
I’m voting 6.9k in the pole just for the funny.
I know it won’t win but I’m doing my part.
Goblins? What the squeak did I miss?
What. We stab the goblins. And they give us emeralds?
This mans has been going for 6 hours and a while. I hope he doesn’t forget to look after himself. He was talking about eating an hour ago.
I love all the product minions. All the donators just chilling on their chests.
Why are all the minions black and white? I missed that one?
Oh they run out. They ran out of stuff and out of color.
Wealth in the chest, since we don’t have a mouth.
Angel or Fairy? Is that even a question? (Chat chose fairy)
Fairy Fox. I want to draw that but have negative amounts of art skills.
We’re killing time until we hit 7 hours.
We’re meeting up with 5up! Nice!
Oh HBomb left and thought Fundy hadn’t done anything in 20 minutes but jump around his castle. LOL.
We hit 7 hours and dipped.
7 hours and almost a thousand subs. Look at us go.
Hello Puffy Raiders! You’re a bit late but hello!
Oh no. He’s panicking and not ending.
Please someone who feels like being annoying remind the mans to eat.
Raffle? Oh donators! They go through a raffle thingy! Nice!
Hooray OSMP but also Fundy please sleep and such.
Not even raffling. Just opening and closing.
Nice spin noises.
WOLF! Wolf earned to win the raffle.
Wait wait wait? Fundy go get some food and go to bed!
Hey look there is our streamer!
This is the max post size lol. 5up raid let’s go! Hello 5up! We are here! But now I’m going to bed. Oh nevermind. I hear the fox. Ah that’s smart 5up. Anyway. I’m gone now.
16 notes · View notes
blue-mood-blue · 4 years
Your Toby liveblogging was super fun to follow! Thank you for sharing your toughts, it was a little like getting to read it again for the first time. I am exited to se any Toby writing you will produce, I'm sure it's gonna be amazing! I'm not sure if this counts as a prompt, but I would love to see your take on Liudaleg offering Toby her chaengling choice and consequentally rasing her.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I enjoyed it too! There's something really, really nice about sharing the experience and all of the discoveries with people who love these books as much as I do!
And that is an excellent prompt :3 I had fun with this one!
She could have stayed out of it. She could have called the Torquills, reminded them who that little girl's father was in the eyes of Faerie law and made clear that the sea witch of legend and nightmares would hold them accountable for their kin. She could have reminded them of where they came from and asked them frankly if they could stand by while precious, thoughtless, heartless Amy did that to her own child…
But she didn't. She didn't stop to think when she saw her opportunity; she acted with the kind of impulsivity that, in future years, she would become convinced had leaked into her niece like an inkstain reminder of the moment. The Luidaeg saw her chance, and she took it.
October Christine Daye disappeared from a park one evening at dusk, just when the light of sunset was fading and her father had turned away, distracted by a noise. Her last act as a part of the human world was to look up at the woman leaning against the swingset and answer her question. There were only the two of them, and the woman - young and friendly, smiling kindly in a way that put little October at ease immediately - promised her that there was no right answer, only the answer that felt right. With no sense of the gravity of the moment, she made her choice, and by the time her father looked up the park was empty. There was only an instant of alarm before he shook his head and wondered what he'd been looking for. A changeling story just the way the humans would tell it, but a mercy left behind instead of a child.
The Luidaeg wondered if mercy was a fair price for the future. She didn't have an answer, and the not knowing didn't change her mind.
Amy was furious. Of course she was, and the Luidaeg might even have decided not to hold it against her if more of that fury had its roots in the abduction of her daughter than the obliteration of her faerie bride life. She wouldn't have stood aside if Amandine snatched October away from the temporary bed set up on the couch, but she would have understood.
"You had no right," her little sister hissed, and the Luidaeg chuckled.
"No right? You've had your taste of freedom, sister, you've played your little game and left your responsibilities behind. Did you think that choice wouldn't have consequences? They all do."
The Luidaeg didn't miss the glance towards the couch, the reminder of the choice that had been made only that evening. "You had no right." Her voice was weaker, now, less venomous. Perhaps even sad.
"Tell me the truth, Amy, because I can't lie to you - do you still want her now?" There was a weary sort of ache building in the Luidaeg's chest, as familiar as it was inescapable. "Would you be happy to have her follow you around in Faerie, live in your tower... be your changeling daughter?"
Amy frowned, and she wouldn't meet her eyes. "She shouldn't be a part of this world."
"That's her decision to make. And that's not what I asked you."
"Am I supposed to just leave my daughter here?" She was back to fury, but there was something different about it, now - less power behind it, less biting. As if she was playacting the part of the enraged mother of a kidnapped daughter, and the Luidaeg would feel fury of her own if she wasn't so endlessly, deeply tired. "I'm meant to leave her with you, because you thought you could reach out and take what's mine?"
Would you care at all, except that I've taken your toy and you never learned to share, she wondered, but didn't ask. "I'm prepared to bargain with you," she said instead.
It pulled Amy up short. "What could you possibly have to offer me?" There was genuine curiosity mixed in with the skepticism of her question.
"Besides freedom from the task that is rightfully yours by your ability, that you refuse to accept?" There was no change in Amy's face - she was, as always, difficult to sway on things that didn't directly impact her. "Besides willingly housing and feeding the child you were willing to lose to mortality? How about not releasing that neat little piece of magic on your husband and sparing you the embarrassment and headache of a mortal making too much noise?"
Fury - true fury, the anger of a Firstborn - flashed in Amy's eyes. For just an instant, the Luidaeg wondered if Amy would actually try fighting her, the idea just possible enough to have her bracing herself to move in front of the couch if she needed to. But Amy didn't move. For a long moment, Amy didn't do anything at all, standing frozen in the middle of her sister's living room.
"Fine," she spit out finally, and left her daughter behind, peacefully asleep.
This was the world as October Daye knew it.
She lived with her aunt, in a small and well-hidden apartment. Everyone else called her aunt "Luidaeg" which was hard to pronounce, or "sea witch" which Toby told her, solemnly, wasn't much of a name.
"Oh?" Her aunt sounded amused, only glancing at Toby while her hands were occupied with something important on the kitchen counter. "And you're the expert, huh, October?"
Toby scowled. "It's Toby," she reminded her, and her aunt nodded.
"Yeah yeah, you've mentioned. So what're you planning to call me if my names aren't up to your standards?"
"Your real name. You must have one, everyone does."
Her aunt wasn't mean, but sometimes unexpected things made her upset. Toby started to think this was one of those times, her aunt strangely quiet, but before Toby could talk about something else she spoke up again. "Annie," she finally said. "You can call me Annie, I guess."
And then it was Annie and Toby, almost always just the two of them, and never with any visitors who stayed very long.
Annie sold her magic for favors. "Like a true sea witch," she'd said once in an explanation that didn't explain a thing, a wry smile on her face.
"What if they can't pay?" Toby didn't watch the transactions; she wasn't allowed, waved off to her room before the desperate of Faerie ever darkened the doorway. It was for her own safety to be out of the way when a bargaining tool is exactly what some lost souls would be looking for, there in their worst moments.
"Then they don't get what they came for. They can't shoplift a sea witch's magic - they could try, I guess, and give me a minute or two of entertainment - but it wouldn't help them."
Toby was still young, but not so young that she didn't know the world sometimes didn't work the way it was supposed to. If it did, she could visit her dad. If it did, she would see her mother sometimes, and Annie wouldn't seem so sad, and the problems people brought to her aunt that she heard sometimes when she listened at the door wouldn't exist.
The world wasn't perfect. But was it really too much to hope for, that they could make things a little better for each other?
"Just like that? You don't do anything at all to help them?"
There must have been something in her voice that caught her aunt's attention, because Annie looked at her with eyes so knowing and so sad that Toby shrunk back a little from the expression. "Spoken like a true hero," she muttered under her breath, before sitting down next to Toby at the kitchen table - all warm wood and welcoming to her, a place she knew and trusted where outsiders only saw rot and filth. "October, if I gave you everything you ever wanted, do you think that would make you happy?"
Everything she ever wanted seemed like a lot. Toby shrugged, and Annie smiled.
"I think it might, for a little while. But then you would think of new things to want. If I fixed your every problem for you, what would you do the next time you had a problem?"
"Ask you to fix it?"
Annie nodded. "And if you reached out to grab a lit candle, do you think I would let you? Just because you wanted the flame?"
Toby shook her head.
"I answer every request because I have to, but giving a person their wish can hurt as often as it helps. Sometimes, the world is just unfair because it is. Even if we fixed everything wrong, it would find new ways to hurt."
Toby could accept that; she could accept that no one ever got everything they wanted just because, that problems could not always be handed over, that some choices were wrong. To accept the unfairness of the world, though, seemed too much to ask.
"Shouldn't we still help, when we can?"
Annie was quiet for a very long time. Toby wondered if she was angry; when Toby looked up at her face, though, Annie just seemed terribly tired. "Maybe we should. And maybe you're better than me, because you think so - you're a kind soul, October Daye, and even if it gets you in trouble it's nothing to be ashamed of. But please, for my sake if not for anyone else's... don't let the world bleed you dry while you try to save it. You're worth too much for that."
Toby wasn't sure if Annie actually liked Devin or not.
She let him into the house, even after the first time Toby met him, when he smiled down wolfishly at her and promised he'd carry her off to his home eventually. She'd retaliated by hitting him with a pan. Annie laughed and laughed, telling him that was what he got for trying to mess with the niece of the Luidaeg, a tiny hero in her own right.
"Yeah, okay," he relented eventually; Toby was still too young to notice the dangerous glint in Annie's eyes as she rested a hand on Toby's shoulder, to see the way Devin shrank in on himself as if in the presence of something dangerous. "The princess doesn't go anywhere she doesn't want to. Got it."
Most of the time, they got along. Devin taught her to pick locks and make marshwater charms, told her stories about the way changelings lived out there in the wider world of Faerie, where fairness was even harder to find than it was in her aunt's home with its strange rules about favors. "No place for changelings on either side of the blood," he'd said, more than once during the years she knew him. "You'll see one of these days." Whether it was by design or just the way it was always meant to go, she ached and grew restless; a little seed of heroism, as yet mostly unnoticed.
Most of the time, Annie put up with him. She seemed to enjoy his biting commentary on the local gentry, and he never asked her for anything at all. He was very, very careful about that. It was those stories - steeped in gossip and judgement - that were Toby's first introduction to the knowes she'd never had reason to see, and the strange people who lived in them.
Annie answered all of her questions about those people, because Annie never told lies and never hid things from Toby. There were only "things Toby could know now" and "things Toby would know later, if she stopped pestering her aunt and showed a little patience." The secrets of Faerie were hers for the taking, if she could wait for them.
Devin always made the same offer when he left - a home, if the home she had now didn't seem to fit right anymore. Toby always turned him down, and Devin never seemed surprised.
Toby remembered her mother, her real one, the one who was so beautiful that for a while Toby almost thought she must have gotten it wrong. Almost - Annie had told her things about Faerie. They lived on the outskirts of any and all worlds, but Toby had learned enough to know that her mother's beauty wasn't something unrealistic, just overwhelming. She missed her. She missed her, and she stopped saying so because it always made Annie frown. She missed her, and she tried to stop missing her because it didn't take much effort to realize Amandine wasn't coming back.
Sometimes her Annie was very quiet and still, late in the evenings when Toby should probably have already gone to bed. She stared at something Toby could never see, one of those things that she would have to wait to hear about later - but if Toby had to guess, she would guess that Annie's eyes looked lonely and lost, that she was missing someone, too. So Toby would crawl into her lap, and even though her aunt wouldn't say anything, she would open her arms to give Toby room and then hold her tight for a very long time.
She only ever spoke once, when Toby was almost asleep and wasn't sure whether she remembered it or dreamed it in the morning: "I hope you never have to leave me."
“There’s no one else to teach you how to use your magic,” Annie told her. “We’ll just have to figure it out.”
“Figuring it out” might have been an overly-generous description for what their magic lessons were, mostly blind groping through the dark with the hope that Toby wouldn’t reach too far and no sense of where “too far” might be. Annie tried to guide her with her own magic, but it felt like trying to tie a delicate knot with tidal waves instead of hands - her power was too immense, too completely unsuited for the shape of what Toby’s magic could do, and even gentle attempts left Toby overwhelmed and confused.
But she needed to learn. She needed to know - Annie needed her talent, and Toby wanted desperately to be needed in a way that meant she would never be left again - and she wandered the dark with nothing more than intuition and her aunt’s voice to lead her.
Her own blood was the first blood she changed; not all the way, out of fear that she wouldn’t recognize herself anymore, but enough that she could stand firm with her magic. If Annie was surprised that Toby clung to her changeling heritage, she didn’t say. She didn’t seem to disapprove, either, though Toby couldn’t quite work up the nerve to ask her opinion directly.
Devin stopped in the doorway the first time he saw her with a slightly different face, hair just a few shades lighter. He asked her if she’d done this to herself, and when Toby nodded, he asked her if she would do this for anyone else.
Annie told her once that if she was good at something, she should never do it for free. Toby didn’t think she could live that way.
The changelings brought to the Luidaeg’s door were not given a price beyond silence and secrecy, and not every changeling was brought. But there were some - the desperate and the hopeless, the ones who missed their human families or who suffered under the unfairness of having blood that wasn’t quite good enough. The ones who suffered because Faerie had never considered their safety, and the ones who suffered because Faerie had never considered what blood shouldn’t be mixed. Those were Toby’s customers at the door - her practice runs, Annie muttered once under her breath, and Devin hadn’t disagreed - and they came to see her. They came for the whispers of the sea witch’s daughter, and the favor she might grant those who truly needed her help.
When she left the house - because she was not a princess locked away in a tower in need of rescue, just a little girl growing up and eventually in need of more space and more faces - people whispered. They called her “October” and “daughter of the sea witch” and “omen” but none of them asked what she would rather be called, and certainly none of them called her “Toby.”
It was silly to be afraid, she thought the first time she stood at the entrance of Shadowed Hills, instructed that she might as well meet her family. Silly and childish to fear anyone in that knowe, when they were her family and would almost definitely be afraid of her. The knight at the door froze at the sound of her name, but he didn’t turn her away. Duke Sylvester Torquill accepted her into his hall, his wife at his side and sitting very still while she walked closer to see him.
Like a fox, Toby thought as she approached. But he seemed to have kind eyes, even if their kindness didn’t seem meant for her. He was too nervous for his polite smile to reach them.
“Hello, Uncle Sylvester,” she said, and she smiled at him with all the warmth she could manage for a relative who had never showed up on Annie’s doorstep looking for her. “I’m October. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
The duke tried to smile; the expression wasn’t very genuine. But his voice, when he finally found it, was friendly enough. “Hello, my dear. It has been a long time - come, tell me about your adventures.”
Toby didn’t think she really belonged anyplace besides her Annie’s home, but the world was big and filled with interesting people; in time, she brought her own stories of the local courts back with her, to a warm and comfortable place where she would always only be Toby.
Sometimes they visited the Selkies.
As a child, Toby reveled in the chance to play with the other children, splashing at ocean waters that could only be like home when she lived with the feared Luidaeg, unconcerned with the balance of her blood or what she could do with it.
When she grew older, as she understood, she stood apart and next to Annie. They were still warmly embraced, greeted happily. It was the closest Toby ever saw her aunt come to telling a lie.
Sometimes the world was not fair. Sometimes even the enormous magic of a sea witch was not enough to make it so.
The King of Cats called her “little omen” and seemed to delight in the way it made her bristle. She didn’t know why he enjoyed her company - maybe it was because she made the Divided Courts nervous, and it was entertaining to him to see them caught off-guard and scrambling. And it was entertaining; Toby didn’t push her luck with their hospitality, but it was funny to see the guards at the gate hesitate, their instinct to keep anyone associated with the sea witch away from their door. Only Etienne had the benefit of no longer fearing her. Long exposure had changed the fear to exasperation as he attempted to teach her the proper rules of entering a knowe and presenting herself before nobility.
Tybalt had witnessed some of those lessons. Perhaps that was part of the entertainment.
Toby didn’t ask him for his reasons; she knew cats and the Cait Sidhe well enough to know that he wouldn’t give them, and direct questioning would only shut him up faster with a coy, knowing smile. He kept showing up, and she kept tolerating his presence, and in time there was almost an uneasy kind of friendship between them. “We are outcasts of the Divided Courts,” he’d told her, walking her home from Shadowed Hills a little closer to dawn than Annie would have preferred. “They don’t care for either of us, not with those manufactured manners of theirs; they would sooner have us out here, away from them and by ourselves, so why not indulge them?”
“I’m related to some of them,” Toby replied, a small smile on her face in spite of herself. “I think I’m a part of their courts whether they like it or not.”
“An absolutely delightful tangle for them to deal with, true,” Tybalt chuckled. “And yet you’re still here with me.”
“Only because you won’t leave me alone,” she said, and he laughed.
Duke Sylvester Torquill had no authority over her, but he begged a favor from her anyway. Maybe he thought she knew the Luideag’s secrets, or maybe he just knew that she was good at rooting out secrets - the gentry politely referred to it as a healthy curiosity, while Annie just snorted and told her she was too damn nosy for her own good.
Whatever the case, she was still Dochas Sidhe. She was as easy to transform as she would always be. And when Toby didn’t come home, Shadowed Hills earned the wrath of the Luidaeg.
It took too long to find her, but she was found. Found changed, and transformed, and haunted. A tabby led a teenager in overalls with electrical tape in her hair to a pond, and when no one was looking, they left with a single calico koi. In the safety of her own home, Toby was herself again and wasn’t.
There were days of silence, days when no one could manage a word from her even though Annie and Devin and Tybalt all tried. There were days when Toby had to be convinced to stand, to eat, to rest. Finally, so softly that anyone but Annie might not have heard, Toby asked: “Why are you doing this?”
“Because trauma means you need the extra help.” She was mixing something, releasing smells that were both strange and familiar into the air, and Toby could pick out every piece that came from her magic.
“No, I mean… why any of this? Why did you take me?” Why did you keep me, she didn’t ask, and she thought she knew the answer - because she was useful. Because there was something that Toby could do for her, that would pay for the time spent raising her.
Annie was quiet, focused on the ingredients of future favors yet to be asked. “Because you’re my family,” she said at last. “Whatever my reasons used to be, that’s my reason now.”
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fanfoolishness · 4 years
All right! Off to liveblog Chapter 9, The Marshal!
Ah yes, recap. “Traveling for me, that’s no life for a kid.”
Except searching and searching for a Jedi takes time. Except Din and the kid fall into routines and habits and sweet little moments throughout the day. Except Din dreams sometimes, in the dark of deep space, that there are no Jedi... that the kid will always need him, and he wakes from these dreams feeling both grateful and guilty
Moff Gideon totally killed those poor Jawas, didn’t he.
What would it be like to be a Jawa, to find joys in scrap and metal, to dream of Egg???
To scavenge, perchance to dream....
I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the graffiti art for this scene
Also, Grogu’s pram absolutely got scorched in the flame trooper’s assault and Din didn’t go back for it or anything. Yet they’re using the one Kuiil made? This bothers me and it’s so petty.
3PO made it into the graffiti <3
Grogu is a budding art critic, change my mind
Gor Koresh, such a dick. But I love the music being so reminiscent of Jabba’s palace! Ludwig Goransson, you’ve done it again
I wonder if Grogu gets overwhelmed picking up Force vibrations in crowds? Is that a thing? Or does he mostly just get senses from other Force-sensitives?
Wherever I go, he goes. BECAUSE HE’S YOUR SON DINGUS
I can’t believe how adorable Din is, going on to total creepos about the fact that he has Been Quested
It just speaks to a very sweet earnestness on his part
“Put up your armor for the info” and Din: swivels his head like woah
What is Gor Koresh going to DO with the beskar anyway? He’s not even wearing any???? What a prick
He absolutely deserves everything coming to him
But Din even gives him a chance! What an idiot
Kick... BABY! (Anyone else ever play Peasant’s Quest on Homestar Runner???)
I always forget about the whipcord. How do I always forget about the whipcord?
Ooh Mando has a very homey cape this scene, I like
I’m glad he’s leaving this guy to be devoured by monster dogs, he’s gotta protect any other Mandalorians that may run across him
Does Razor Crest strike anyone else as a rather feminine ship? It reminds me of a sea cow. She’s got a belly on her.
She’s sooooo happy to see Grogu and he’s delighted to see her too and they’re all just so happy together
“I’m here on business.” Does that mean that they sometimes hang out not on business? Oh, what the hell, I’ve already written the fic.
Peli doesn’t dare leave the city walls. But maybe she will again someday? Sit a little in the desert, feel the suns on her face, the wind in her hair?
Is this R2-D5? Like, THAT R2-D5 that the Jawas nearly sold Luke?
The speeder bike has rusted. This lends more credence to my theory that Din and Grogu got to have a good amount of time together!
Boy’s gonna be a pilot some day
I just... love... all of Din’s visits with the Sand People so much
Siiiiigh I love all speeder music in this series so much. Again, Ludwig Goransson, YOUR BRAIN
Just imagine being a little kid riding in the speeder with your dad, knowing he’s gonna take care of anything scary, and you get to go fast and see everything and feel the wind and it’s so delightful and you feel so safe even though you’re going 200km an hour <3
Hmm so a whole night fell on the way to Mos Pelgo. I just love watching episodes and looking for pockets of time that I can exploit with fic :)
Just imagine a Tusken calling him out and signing the word for “your son” and Din just having to go with it.
I always forget there is a little notch under the ear piece thing of his helmet. I’ve been drawing the damn thing for 2 months and still don’t have it down.
Short!cape version, activate!
Fake Boba Fett: *arrives*
Did he seriously have spurs back in the day? God I need to rewatch the original trilogy, don’t I?
Din watching Vanth order spotchka and being confused as hell, like “you know we’re not going to drink that in front of anyone, right???”
The body language in this scene is so good. The way Din stops, mid-step, and freezes. Then breathes, heavily, frozen in place. Ready to fight. Pissed as HELL. Take. It. Off.
Oh Din. “He’s seen worse” is not exactly a ringing endorsement for your ability to keep him out of trouble, lol.
Just imagine Grogu curiously feeling the vibrations of the krayt dragon and thinking he’s never felt anything so BIG in the Force before
I always forget what the name is the for the liquefaction of soil during a severe earthquake.... *doublechecks* goddamn it it’s just “soil liquefaction”
Doodle idea: Din having to clean tobacco spit off Grogu’s clothes from the spittoon
Awww Din’s speeder is so tiny next to Cobb’s pod racer engine speeder
Cobb Vanth: *runs away, steals ice cream, I MEAN A CAMTONO*
Yeeeeah running into the desert was maybe not the best way to survive in most cases
Luckily Jawas on Tatooine are honest and want to trade instead of steal his shit
I’m excited to see how shit goes down in the Book of Boba Fett! Do we get to see the Sarlacc escape on screen, FINALLY?
Weequay bartender: “But who WAS that masked man??”
God I miss the amban rifle so much!
It’s such a weird and sexy weapon
Do the dog things have a name? Tusken snarlies?
Every time Din speaks Tusken I die a little bit because I love it so
Awwwww he’s brushing the bantha’s teeth!!! It’s just very sweet to see
Grogu: ‘plz to not be eating me”
Din: *so fucking impatient about this guy not drinking a fucking gourd*
Grogu: *yay I love it when dad shoots fire!*
I love the sign for “kill it”
I also love how done Din is with petty squabbles, like, at all times
He just has no chill. Just “stop your whining, dammit.”
Grogu: “my dad is so smart”. He’s hanging on to every word Din says
Grogu: *watches dragon* DO NOT WANT
I love it when Din gets sassy. “They might be open to some fresh ideas.”
“It’s to scale.” *cackling*
Din volunteering the village is very yes. I also love when he is just absurdly old-fashioned. “Dragon will kill you if it takes its fancy, yadda yadda”
More energy thoughts from Grogu — everyone focused, tense, worried but Grogu isn’t sure why
A bantha is essentially a ground Appa and my husband votes to rename them a Grappa
Sand People always ride single file, to hide their numbers
Ooooh is this the same “the village rises up to defend itself” motif as when the Sorganites were training with Din and Cara?
It sounds very similar, but I could be making this up entirely
This episode was so fun on first watch but it doesn’t have a ton of emotional heft. I still like it, because I love all of them, but it’s definitely not as ripe for expansion of content as some of the others. Except, of course, to the Din/Cobb shippers, who said “hold my beer” and went off. Have fun, you crazy kids.
Run Sand People run!!!!
Seriously though Star Wars suffers from a serious case of the ecology never making any sense. What do banthas eat???? There’s gotta be SOMETHING for them to eat!
Mando tiiiiime but imagine Din glancing over to Cobb and for a second forgetting and being glad to fight alongside another Mandalorian but then he isn’t
Also there’s definitely room in this episode to write some cute little camp out scenes with Din and Grogu, awwww
Farewell to Mos Pelgo!
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